Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/ser-winter
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/serwinterofficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/serwinter
Business Enquiries: SerWinterBusiness@gmail.com
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/SerWinterGaming
Outro by Surge: https://www.youtube.com/user/SurgedEdits
Next On Rust Voice by Rycon: https://www.youtube.com/user/ryconroleplays
Music: https://www.youtube.com/user/WeAreEpidemicSound
My Microphone setup is by RODE Mics:
I use an Elgato Stream Deck with my streams:
I use an Elgato HD 60 S for recording on my console: https://www.elgato.com/en/gaming/game-capture-hd60-s
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7 7700K
CPU Cooler: Be Quiet! Silent Loop 280mm Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix Z270F Gaming Motherboard
Graphics: ASUS ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1080 Ti OC 11GB
Memory: G.Skill Trident Z RGB F4-3000C15Q-32GTZR 32GB (4x8GB) DDR4
Solid State Drive: Intel 600P Series 512GB M.2 SSD
Hard Drive: Seagate Barracuda 4TB ST4000DM005
Case: In Win 805 Infinity RGB Mid Tower Case Black
Additional Fan: Cooler Master MasterFan Pro 120 Air Balance RGB Fan
Power Supply: Corsair RM650x Modular 80 Plus Gold Power Supply
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home USB Flash Drive
Taqs:ser winter,ser winter survival,MEETING Rust’s LAST REMOTE TRIBE (Part 1),rust,rust game,ser winter rust,rust survival,survival game,rust solo survival,rust co op survival,rust duo survival
コメント (399)
I miss the old bow model
You srs? Me and the bois hunt animals and sleep at a secret spot at bandit town.
why is this video so garbage compared to all your other old vids wtf
thr best ending ever
I have one of the best soundtracks just so you kno
You bastard, you made me want a cheeseburger.
Still a better love story than twilight..
This is probably the most wholesome moment I’ve ever seen in Rust
This is what rust is meant to be not a game to meant for killing, but for the community and loved the video good work! And now I wanna play this game with friends and not be solo cause everyone is so dang hostile and doesn’t wanna a newbie in there group.
What’s that song at the start
500k!!!! your a legend
a wonderful tale, i miss the days of fighting your future friends
Right when you died from the naked I left
So heart warming
Ser why no healing and asap armor??
this is the story of how a Australian became a new zealander
Seems legit
Poor elwood
This reminds you that all hope for rust is not lost and it can be a beautiful thing🙂
“Oh is a youtuber, take all ur shit back and lets be friends now after we try to fuck u several times.. ” underdeveloped adult players..
Ooga Booga
Sir winter can u play squad
Love the farming montage at the start hahahahha
i love how you snuck in that kiss in the end. classic move, love youre vids man.
Best rustypot intro so far
Hacker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4:15
Singularity if you’re watching this i used to play with u and toxic and h00li 😉 good to see u in a winter video
how do u get such high fps, i have gtx 2016 and i only get like 40 lmao
dis shit sad doe
Haha that ritual had me out. Great vid.
Where’s part 2?
Holdacious sounds similar to ser winter
What was that song in that beginning farming edit?
Thought this was going to be a multi part series. Did the title not used to say “part 1”?
This people are fucking amazing !
Lmao why did you kill the downed guy instead of shooting at his alive friend in the bow fight before you went to the Roma raiders
6:40 that was a “shotgun_waterpipe entity”
Can you idk turn up your live streams? They always super quiet
I want that rock
Real nice of you to admin abuse the clan ‘Clutch’, fuckwit.
Am I the only one who misses Capitan Grommit and Holdfast?
wtf is this music, its so shit 00:57 – 1:48
Ser winter, as much as i like to role play and be nice to nakeds, im never in a hospitable mood when i have an inventory full of shit, im only nice when i wont care to lose my stuff, you can’t blame him for taking your shit, that was your bad.
HolmzyToday at 9:07 PM
this is not a game
this is a discord which is words on the internet
if you get upset by this then you should probably leave huh
semiToday at 9:07 PM
so if i say personal shit about them its ok ?
HolmzyToday at 9:07 PM
its words on the internet
semiToday at 9:09 PM
suicide is no joke but i guess it is huh
if its on the internet
SirWinter I would suggest stop talking to Holmzy He started shit talking about suicide
Seems scripted but still a good video.
Hey Ser Winter, awesome vids that you produce. I’ve been hooked on watching Rust vids because my birthday is on the 11th of April, so in 2 days. I will be excited to finish building by computer and hop on to join friends and have fun. Thanks for making awesome vids as they continue to be different every single time. Peace.
the wolf armor has good melee def, which is what a chainsaw would be
Getting a Welyn vibe from that first bit
Watching Her Winter is like watching a Nature documentary .
Hey Winter I hope you anser this!!!! Are you ever gonna make Conan vids again?
Never call your self major death then lose out to a spear guy when you have a revo 😂😂 nice play Ser. 👍👍
Ser Winter: let me shoot the guy already down instead of the guy aiming a bow at my face.
That ser is why i watch every video you put on here keep it up 🙂
that video should be 1 month old or smth.Because I saw that chatlogs on a very old video
Great video. I miss the hitting node editing and building house. And also games r beautiful
Texus chainsaw ass
Campfires remind me minecraft😂😂
Fuck you, Winter, I fell asleep at my desk because of the peaceful music at the beginning!
Lol we killed all the Asians on the island last night got ez sar kits
EU SERVER Rusty nugget [EU Server] monthly wipe low upkeep
join for good admin support and very helpful advice 100 player server
whats that song in the beginning
i have a feeling this will be my favourite series ever you have done hahaha
lol that revo guy on recycler. haha
JIMMY LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, I look forward to your videos. You’re entertaining as fuck. Cheers, mate!
fuck the kids of rust. kill all nakeds
that burgerrock is making me hungry
Cringy rpppppppp
12:52 i started screaming when that dude started hitting you hahaha
I love the ritual so good and wholesome <3
Ah poor noob at the start, why didn’t he use the stone to upgrade the roof 🙁
oh you live in canberra? man I never knew that
Part 2 pls
What is the name of the opening track in the video?
Does anyone know the name of the songs used in this video
Why do you kiss him bro
Legit had to make sure this wasn’t a Welyn video after the first 10 seconds
Loved this one Winter! You da ish.
Great ending..
nice vid 😛 sometimes being a youtuber benefits
Lol, when Winter forgets he’s playing Rust xD
thanks to winter , each one of them guys will always have a great story to tell. This is gonna be a good series. they always are though.
LOVED IT! Look fwd to the whole wipe!
That ending <3
keep up thhe good content bro 😀
We’re not gonna stab Ser Winter bro you serious made me lol so hard
You are dumb fucķ* number one rule and rust don’t trust anyone
Rip borger rock
Christ I’m glad I don’t play rust anymore. If that guy with the pickaxe had have done that to me I would have been furious.
Guess that’s proof why Rust has become a shit KOS FPS.
I’ve not watched winter in a while,dies he still play witcher game music like a alpha chad?
Now you are one of the deliverence people and you catchfrase is “scream like pig”
This music is gay.change it back to the other music
This sounds like the story for Avatar
Ser winter you should do a collaboration with HOD gaming it would be amazing to see you teach him the ways of rust
Best rust content on YouTube keep killing it dude
The film work that you do in your videos with the cool cuts, lining shots up with the music, etc. is not necessary at all but it just goes to show how much you truly care about the quality of your videos. Awesome work, keep it up my man.
you suck lol
12:50 fuck this m
When dealing with chinese players just type “june 1984 tianamen square massacre” into the chat box and they will DC.
love the videos but damn you move like a role player, slow and careless lol
What’s that rust server can anyone tell me?
Interesting… A Winter Tribesman.
So fucking bad delete the game and never come back
vid is beaut
Why would you choose a slow song for the montage @0:59… XD No one likes farming, then you even slow down the animation to fit. Nearly had a fit myself.
The legend the myth the man with a bow ser winter!
You are dog poop
chat at 1:38
love your story videos the most dude xx
I accidentally clicked space during the ritual and was on my spotify, turning on Last Man Standing w Hammerfall and i thought it was part of the vid and waited for Winter to smash everyone down.. I must say, im a bit disappointed.
DUDE! those guys gonna eat you bro run….
another episode of surviving because he has youtube powers
Getting pretty slick with that Choppa, boi
I miss people like this in Rust. They playing like they are on legacy.
I heard that they updated the compound bow…
-the compound bow now deals the same damage as the wooden bow (if not charged)
13:04 taste the salt
craft a nail gun already.
Fer Da BOIS!!!
Rip Elwood
The ending made me smile so god damn hard
For some reason your video didn’t pop up in my subscription but great video!!
Winter in my hometown? 👌 how long for?
Are you turning into welyn? Haha thats a good thing btw
13:20 神=God
That was awesome
I hope this is the kind of content i’ll be able to make when I start Rust. This is more fun to me than pvp
Her: do you want to go for a romantic meal
me: do i f**k ser winters just uploaded!?!
Ser winter can u please try to collab with vertiigo please cause i miss the old duo gameplays of u and vertiigo and love to see you both together as i love both your videos allot
Felt so bad for that guy who didn’t upgrade his roof
New skin hype! M249 and M39 skins comfirmed
LMFAOOOOO @ Elwood. If that was me I’d rage like a mad man.
This will forever be the best moment in rust history the islander ritual boys
I swear if you don’t craft that nailgun at 500k, imma be pissed <3
That pretty good to see how they have come together in common defence of the island. I reckon they are playing it as it is supposed to played. Fun to watch. Cheers for sharing.
*offline raided by islanders*
@serwinter I’ve just realised… only 10k more until a bizz face reveal.
Damn.. You’re much better in a group… 🙂 Your priority when you finished that guy instead of killing the mate. God damn that hurt me.
Song choices are fire
why did you build 3 of the same bases?
Got a real stevie vibe start there with the music and farming, looks good winter 🙂
You always make such great videos <3
why is the audio so quiet
i need to make videos so people are nice to me on rust.
hey ser winter i liked the new song at the start of the video i hope you inclode his in the next video
Ey you’ve gotten pretty good with them choppers eh?
Nice, also you meet the weirdest fucking people xD
Can u plz explin to me
How doen’t hit u with a copyright
Call Vertigo to mess with these people. That would be fcken terrific.
YES more content !
no one:
literally no one:
ser winter shit music: 10:15
This was very enjoyable to watch, much prefer this over the 5 man zerg you normally do, raiding and that type of pvp is just super stale and boring imo
I love how he takes the time out of his day just to make the rock hitting sound to Match up with the song
Why do all rust youtubers almost always find decayed bases and random chests/bodies with loot at the start?
i naerly broke a tear at the end when thay all stand in the fire
Please craft a nail gun
those two minites in the end i think you really not need to put it in the video… i hate it. anyway bro cheers lets have a new series 🙂
Wow such a wholesome ending.
winter is comming, i bet u never heard that one before
Great video, too much music for my taste.
DUDE. So Elwood is a mate from work who just got the game, HE told me a story how he was raided cause some dude built in from the rock and took his stuff.. 2 days later i see this.
That intro 😂😂😂
Saturday’s are for the Winter
-Bob rushes at door with rock-
Me: Why do I hear boss music?
stopped following due i dont like you supporting gambling sites you make good content i just dont like you supporting gambling keep up the good work.
So god damn wholesome
the edits is good for this one man
you put a lot of time putting some relaxing music(i like the music)
and i like the tribe people they were very nice
(Final Part) revenge of the discarded burger rock
your burger rock made me hungry
first Australians I have ever watched play rust that don’t end every sentence with the C word.
That petrified hamburger must be McDonalds…
i clicked join
Hurt to watch him kill the new guy so many times
You are so bad with the bow
I’m begging you to keep playing w them after this wipe
The music is lit
Weyln x ser winter crossover when?
Sry but when I last say you, we’re fking good but now ur prob worse then me a little kid with 900h please try to come in to the play, and practice
usually I hate roleplay in videos bcs it takes away from the gameplay wich is why I watch in the first place. But this, was just pure gold, soooo much fun to watch. Keep up the great work!
Road to 500k subs
Rust lag is the worst, even when you pick specific servers that have the lowest ping possible.
omg that was adorbs especially on a game where it’s renowned to be full of toxic players
Oh the days of leg are coming back
The chainsaw comeback would have been epic
Is this a welyn video
really like your vids they resently game me the motivation to start in a official server again than i kept loosing my nervs i was searching for 1 pipe for 6 HOURES 1 PIPE after i got killed agon my motivatition was gone but the guy revived me and said come on dude im going to protect you then i got like hella motivation and found pipe
Are they bots?
You have the best most epic rust content. Your choice of music for the battles you get into is what makes me feel the full immersion. Best rust content creator on YouTube.
This the type of shit I miss from ser winter
If only winter played like vertigo and betrayed them
You have a knack for picking the right music for each situation.
should I be embarrassed that I laughed super hard at the cheeseburger rock?
Lol singularity…
I dont find that funny anymore… Poor Elwood… the noob life is not a easy road, but it is most traveled by.
At least they weren’t cannibals.
Enjoy the content but not the Christian rock in the beginning
Ser u my idol
LOL I live for the goofy stuff like what happened near the end of the video. Probably my favorite part of this game is the weird things that happen in it XD
Fuck it’s Monday tomorrow, REEEEEE
I like your videos
Your my first YouTuber i subscribed to
i hav been watching since the beginning
Dem tunes tho
now THAT was epic
THE ISLANDERS!!! those cats are pretty funny haha
proof that there is good in this community
insert “i am proud of this community”
The music is on point in this video
Beginning when you get resources at the tune of the music, was dope
Those chopper piloting skills though
he just joined the KKK
Them Isle Boi’s though seem like a good batch.
That was beautiful<3
best vid in a min tbh
Just finished watching this masterpiece. Can’t wait to see some more adventures!!! ❤
I hope that works out to be honest. Block off all of the island
Ser winter you are 10k Away from finally making the NailGun!
13:14 vertz rage engaged
Soul of the frozen north islanders
Love your videos but the music this time sounds like I’m watching a lifetime christmas movie
At Penn State, you have to put a cherry between both cheeks and crawl to the top of a tall tower on your knees. If you drop it you must eat it and crawl back down and start all over.
Is that almost the first time jimmy didn’t die
Fuckin rocks are cheeseburgers? maaan
that hamburger rock skin is fucking great lol
It just me or did Ninjas sneak in and start chopping Onions when Winter was finally one of them? :’)
Wheres Jake of the Blues Brothers
HHAHAHA I know Mr. Wei place! Me and the missus have eaten there before! We lived out in Jerrabomberra NSW for awhile…
Strip the flesh, take the skull, honor Khorne with bloodshed.
back in the day rust was a game for sociopaths. now its for gambling addicted sociopaths. damned good game.
In my gameplay, it seems like the chainsaw has the highest hit invalid number and I really don’t understand why or how its mechanics work like that
17:48 I’m getting flashbacks from Survivor (Y’know, the show). Anyone else?
Gold fucking gold
Every video I’m more and more convinced you play on RP servers.
That was heartfelt I love the longer videos that tell a complex comete story . Mayne I donr6even play RUST I fawking play Destiny 2. But I fawk with your videos!
Anyone remember the name of the really old rust role play YouTuber? The one that used to be a slave like the videos were obviously scripted yet really entertaining. He would do like pit fights and shit like that. I wanna rewatch that it’s been years
Gotta love the Youtuber perks.
That video was way cool
Outstanding video, love ya S.W.
I don’t even play this game and yet somehow you make me love it
I swear felt like I was reading Lord of the Flies for the last 5 minutes of the video
You should make a series with this group.
The only thing that would’ve made this video better would be bizzlesnaff
Judging from the title, I knew it was going to be a good one. Please make more videos like this!!
That rock making me hungry
Winter is now a lost boy….when is the bad haircut?lol
Who the fuck leaves there base roof twig…. c’mon man that’s too fishy.
mic on mic off
Mr Wei is the bomb Ser Winter.
NT on the Mike Myers
NEVER be nice in rust anymore… There is no one nice on rust anymore.. Toxic shitgame imo(fun to watch on YT tho).. I miss the old days where you built right next to a clan and instead of insta killing and raiding you, they actually reached out to you and helped you, and asked if you want to be an ally since you lived close.
The thumbnail make me feel nostalgia
He’s got some real nice edits in this video i like it
Glad to see Jimmy is taking the sinking of the ship well
I love the start of the video
Lool poor guy doesn’t get to say his last words 😂😂😂
That was legit the most wholesome video of rust I’ve ever seen. Your videos are some of the best. Just proves the servers aren’t always a toxic dumpster fire
Wholesome doesn’t begin to explain!!
Videos of this type are the ones I love to see, interacting with the strange and hilarious community in the butt naked world of rust lol
The sentiment of the sacrifice was epic from random the beauty of rust 👌
Friendliest people I’ve ever seen in Rust man lol.
lord of the fly’s flashback 17:42 is priceless
I enjoyed watching the primitive start 🙂
I’d feel bad about the noob you robbed in the beginning of the video – but there is no lesson learned than a lesson learned the hard way. He had more than enough stone and wood to make his roof out of stone, but choose to keep them thatch. It’s his own fault.
Love your vids
One of us
I love your videos bro but that song at the beginning was super super super super super super super super 90s era meaning of the word gay. The rest though, dank meme. 👌
Sir Welyn 😉
And just like that your in a cult. 🤣
Very nice
Did he call you “quick finger veggie”? Lol love the new members of Ser Springs army
It’s always good when ser winter uploads
That cheeseburger rock is so majestic in your hands
Just love what you do and I have just got my full dead T.
Good beginning
*#SirWinter** love all ur video’s man. When I’m in a bad mood I just watch your videos and they cheer me up. If I didn’t work 12 to 16 hours a day everyday I’d love to play this game but I can’t because there’s no way I could put the time and to get actually good. But that’s besides the point I just wanted to say I love your videos, you are one of the best rust video content makers out there if not **#TheBest**….*
I cannot wait for the next one, this was such a good video.
Bro….I……I know what happiness is…..
This episode seems quiet compared to others. Is there volume issues?
They definitely chopped up your body and ate you.
I was so mad when that guy killed you. Happy it ended well made my night much better. Thanks dude.
Love you Winter ❤️
Don’t even play Rust anymore but still love ya vids
Best rustypot ad ever.
So wait now your gonna have 3 bases..??? 2 on the island and one in the snowy biome….video good tho but confused
“A C#@t hair from death” LOL
Ser Winter = King of Roleplayers XD
Great video brotha .. one of us !
great vid
Great video! loved it!
Another lit video please keep it up winter.
The weird shit you get into when you’re a youtuber.
Damm i acc wish i could play rust, but my pc is broke atm cause its a pile of shit 😥
This video makes me really happy for some reason, thank you Ser Winter
what is this gay as fuck music
That was awesome. And that’s why I play rust. One of the few games you can have amazing moments with people like that.
Hello ,that the story starts (random music in the background) the best intro ever in 2019👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
What is my contrys hotline and do they serve 2 topping?
love u <3
Why is Muselks and Ser Winters Profile ICons almost the same???? IVe noticed this for a long time…
Jimmies back I wonder if he’s going to find his valentine
were is rust survival like daily grind and stuff with node faming speed run
Keep the vids coming love them all been watching a long time cheers mate
This guy has amazing love for the game and the subscribers.. 100% legit… Grace and dignity ❤️
I love this video first video i havent seen toxic rust
Winter you mad lad! Til Valhalla!
oooof, another one of your finest videos
this is what i play rust for
Season 8 hype!!!
great vid
Lord of the Flies… lol
U know the thing u do while your farming with the music next time u have to farm a lot you should do rap god
Welyn would be proud of that intro
That intro was so majestic
I can tell that Ser Winter was in a good mood when making this video.
Hey winter you use some sad but happy music in your vids, it’s like when a movie ends happy but your sad that it’s over
Sir winter now member of the Islanders Clan singed butt hairs
“A simple act of attempted kindness had backfired on me” You broke into a guys base and stole everything in it and killed him, You got exactly the karma reward you deserved.
I want to win an ass
Honestly if I could afford to buy a pc and rust I would just make a base near you, and just farm for you
Only Winter can make farming mats Beautiful.
This the most slickest, beautifully edited video intro I’ve seen. Good work!
narration is missing it would dramatically improve the content..everyone loves a story
So proud of how you have progressed winter. Your story telling, editing skills and your overall inability not to make a bad video.
Really cool farming edit, sets the pace. Great Video
Praise the eye and sub to pewdiepie
imagine getting up and your dad was turn into a woman and you see bill cosby kissing him then they say they are getting married
Lord of the flies
Great video winter! Can’t wait for more
oh man those chopper skills
18 min
Are you really like the end part is sold the best
Yep… rusty pot ads are still getting worse
Ser Winter sucks at pvp.mp4
I feel bad for elwood
I never thought you would ever do that i think hes still noob cuz he didnt even place his tc properly and upgrade the floor even elwood have the recourses
I legit thought your intro sounded like an ad for a new Disney movie from across the room. No disrespect, it just caught my attention very well lol
Hi peoples
Nice vid
Hello there.
am i the only one who feels bad for elwood
notif gang
Notification squad! 🙋💪
Why now mess timing
Work ended up being super busy, it was me with the one symbol Asian name my dude and catch you in a bit on the island
For a second I was going to say why does he have a cheesburger then I said cheese ball 🤯
That music while swimming to the island for the first time haha
I love how I doubt every decision you make because the music is so good and loud 😍😍
Jimmy scared me, but Less than 1000 views club, esketit
Hey winter, might rethink about eating that burger….getting kinda old…ya knooow….
I love your uploads!
Anyone else get frankie vibs at the start?
You, Ser Winter, are lucky they didn’t put your head on a spike!
Just about to go to sleep when my phone pings at me ‘New ser winter video’ Guess i wont fall asleep just yet. Notification squad
I’m early as fuck
love the new farming edit! I was also like, when is there gonna be another friggin ser winter vid lol.
This fucking lit keep it up ser winter
Hey thats weird the top says a date nah jk
Its been a while since I last watches yer vids and now I regret it after watching this thanks for all of your hard work and our entertainment
2 views 34 likes 😂
Wow what a strange upload time…. Missed your videos service winter
2 views and 27 likes EXPOSED 😡😡😡
luv ur vids m8
Winter when I saw this title I knew it was going to be a good video. You never disappoint.
woohoo another ser winter video, what’s it gonna be, Chinese zergs or chinese zergs with hackers?
I’m 1sttttttttt
Oh boie
oh shit here we go again *unzips*
Hello, I am the one who watches!
First comment 🔥
hey winter
early gang