Make sure to check out NAKWON: LAST PARADISE using https://ggcont.me/3ulJiTC. Thanks to NAKWON for sponsoring the video!
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Part 1: https://youtu.be/niM_YybfgRc
” Hitting back at THE LARGEST ZERG on the Server in Rust!!! ”
We just finished the last video having taken over a gate to their island…what will happen next? Will they retaliate?
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Taqs:rust,sebbyk,rust movie,rust gameplay,rust sebbyk,sebby k,rust console,blooprint,eco raiding rust,code raiding rust,sebby,rust trap base,rust eco raid,wally1k,willjum,sebbyk rust,rust wipe,spoonkid,rust base,rust hardcore,rust base design,rust tutorial,hjune,rust solo base,rust update,facepunch,rust trio base,rust bunker base,rust duo base,rust legacy,rust gambling,rust hard mode,rust pvp,base build,best start,eco raid,infiltration
コメント (199)
Use https://ggcont.me/3ulJiTC to add NAKWON: LAST PARADISE to your wishlist on Steam #ad
The sign says show mercy
Played through a week/wipe. I have to admire you actually get anything done, the constant PVP, “flying pig” actually watched one spawn in to terminate a loaded player, best advice I heard from someone- don’t carry too heavy. I am working on the electrical details, Turrets interest me.
I did something different covered the area outside of entrance with satchels full of trash and while the grubs are looking down- well they end face first into the ground.
Sebby please could you tell me what the name of the song thats started playing at 8:25 please and thank you
We can make a zerg! You have enough followers!
Love that they put you in prison 😂
SebbyK should do a 20-30 man zerg and pick put the best 20-30 subscribers to zerg the japanese people 😂😂
12:39 kinda looked like you snapped on to your target 😳
Rather than expanding that base and KNOWING it was going to be raided and they would recover their stuff, I would have suggested either of 2:
1- Transfer the loot out of their compound if possible, to another random base away from them.
2- Spend all the sulfur in to as many rockets as you can and just shoot them out a window to their base
Part 3 ? 😂
Its so Hard to understand sora sometimes😢
Hi! water boy
You should do a video building your own zerg base!
Why did you didnt call enardo and his boys
13k hours here and I play all the time. You might need another zerger? I am pretty good. Not Posty good but close.
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWu66I3DdoADk_gEFB0Ub9QIutAZ1eM2T?feature=shared Sebb i cliped your video they were hacking! @17:23
It’s a faster time to kill when you shoot heavy metal in the chest than the head
SoRa is the goat
The last bit when you woke up, that’s good sportsmanship in my opinion.
i edge to ur voice
I Mean 6 years now
I have watcht sebbyk for like 4 Years he got me in 2 rust
You da man Sebb, Sora is the best duo because he’s from Belfast W
Sebbyk your my favourite rustyoutuber and i hope you reach 1 million subs ❤ we fans all love your content!
You should do a cave base fortified it up and do clan raids or zerg raids and have a few of your friends with you, you are my favorite channel for rust and I love your content and big fan
love the vids of you and sora. you guys make a great team. keep having fun!
Raiding naked with Ak the confidence in these guys😂
People sure got some big balls saying theyre good running that freaking deep.
First of all I love how Yakov and Sora have your back on these pretty much impossible missions, I’ve been watching your channel since late 2021 and it never ceases to amaze me…second 3v20 and still taking down 3 bases and stealing roughly 20-30 full kits…that’s a big W right there…I would love to see your own Zerg doing the same..I bet they will leave a few hours in 😂
They r such trash that’s why they need so many to win that’s typical zergs im a solo and and made a 6 man despawn and get off server till it wipes in a few days cause i was fucking with them I broke turrets and beds and took 5k gun powder from them
Not sure if ur going to read this love ya vids sebby but they need to get off there roof damn
It’s a typical China, quantity over quality. They aren’t good individually but will just overrun you with too many people in the clan while there’s always at least 1 cheater in the group to make sure they don’t lose the number superiority.
Honestly let me hit 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
love ur vids when u mess with big clans and zergs. really enjoy watching despite me not playing rust
16:45 agnes obvious cheat
Came home from school and see this let’s goooo
Sebby the chinese word at the tc mean have mercy
I just saw your heart 🙂 You’re up early! And you really do read every comment. I’m currently enjoying the video now. They just raided your fake base with the external turret. I’m looking forward to seeing how it ends
Villages like this are a stain on rust… Friendly villages amazing. But hostile ones that only win by surging and nuking every base in sight need purging. No skill to them
The sign @26:51 says “Show mercy”
that ending was hilarious 😂
Sebby you should make a zerg
It would be fun to watch you gather a large group of friends/streamers and try to completely wipe out/chase off a toxic zurg.
SebbyK got me playing rust on console because I can’t afford a PC 😅 I’m kinda bad, but I know how to have a semi comfortable solo life
Love you and vids I’m wearing socks it’s not weird
Amazing video
Debby I think I have watched almost all of your videos and I need to show you the rust console life!!!!
#SebbyK at 17:20 the naked shot midair with the m2
I’m very late to the party as I’m at work, but I’ll watch this later 🙂
@25:23 you see an Asian saying on the sign. The irony of it is….the saying says, “Show Mercy”… They tend to say the exact opposite of what they actually do.
Next episode you should move all there kits and good loot into tugboats subs cars and boats for the funzys.Lonve the content keep it coming
Best trio in Rust 😶🌫
Sebby is that psycho player who pisses off the biggest clan and that clan starts nukeing everyone around them lol your the worst neighbor ever hahahaa
did i miss the part where they quit the server?
Sebby is a animal! Why would you mess with a 9 plus group!? Lol awesome work bro awesome work lol
Kids who zerg are usually terrible at the game
they only come out when they bag there cheater in
Should’ve called Enardos Zerg over lol
Great vid bro.
Your a right ole champion Sebby.😂
Its so funny dude was like. You off line me? And acted like there was something wrong with that. 😂
Its like. Oh its okay to 20v3 but its not okay to offline?
Plus, we all know if they will 20v3 and raid a little 2×2 with the sheer amount of loot they had.
They would def de-spawn their loot if you would of online’d them.
Every time a clan/village/group act like something is so horrible when they get off lined raided. I laugh so hard. They have nothing to be mad, or dislike.
They roll 20 deep to raid 2×2’s and 1×2’s 😂.
But the way those kind of people play, we all know how they are.
Its fine for them to roll 15-20 deep to raid a starter 2×2. But as soon as the fight is taken to them. When they can have almost 10 times the amount of people. They act like there is something un -sportsman like about it 😂.
The end was totally unexpected and awesome 👏 🎉🎉🎉
They can raid every hour and you’ll still be like a fly on shit getting revenge at every cost 👏🎉 unreal video
I wish I had a pc so I can play with u I love you videos I do eco raids on Xbox rust
the only times they started to win was when the one full on cheated all the time.
our favourite song!! CHAYNEEES 👏👏👏 CHEATERS 👏👏👏 CHAYNEEES 👏👏👏 CHEATERS 👏👏👏
🎉😂 Soooi Fun Watching that continuation from the last 🎥 !!! Was a Gr8 watch before bed. Tks. for the Awesomeness as always Sebby ! From across the Pond here in Haverhill Massachusetts it’s Biggiedeor6887
Got Seby locked up.( and they won’t let him out )!
Background music is sometimes annoying. Especially at sneaking moments.
Asian writing says “show mercy”? Ok, nope!
Keep up the good work. Love your content
I was interested in Nakwong, until you sais it was MP.
this game need a team limit.. whats the point in 30 to 40 players. also a build limit.. so 40 man group can hide in there monument they build… imagine if they had to share a 2×2 box to live in.
You one of the greatest out there, man.❤
Nakwon is trash even the pre-rendered footage they gave you looks trash
Are you copying teslas titles 😂
I think you had a great idea… LETS ZERG!!!!! FOR SEEEBBBBYYYYYY. LETS DO IT. Just say when
go back with the “boys” 😛 and show them what a real big team can do! XD
they deserve it if you think they actually playing with hackers XD
ill happily come and join the fun too
Love you seb, my favorite rust content creator! Keep up the good work dude and keep on punishing those Zerg’s.
Im glad you didnt despawn stuff i have more respect for you now, but you should zerg them…….😂 whats the point of streaming if you cant zerg once going up against people like this who think they are the top when in reality they suck theu only win cos of numbers haha
been waiting for this 🙂
story telling is lacking, you have done way better before sebby in terms of story telling and a red line i do think.
Spoon and blazed are affecting you…..😁😎😈
Continuously blessing with the Sunday uploads. Good stuff Sebby super hyped to watch this continuation 🙂
Love you sebby
Your videos are amazing I watch all your videos you are the gote
9 vs 3 sad to see how rust is going only online raids i see is zergs not a good fun game anymore
You can ecoraid faster by switching between the spears back and fourth instead of just using one at a time
Wanna play on console one time to see the difference?
Couple year fan here could i get a hi? I love ya sebby your amazing i will always support your vids 👍
Great video loved it keep it up
Literally the best YouTuber of all time
Can’t lie sebby I have 5k hours in rust console and never get time to play rust anymore due to working and getting a girl but nothing stops me from continuing to watch your content, much love
I think despawning on a +50 zerg is excusable
Love the content, keep it up! Likes&Subs for sebby!!!
I need more videos ive watched all your rust videos on this channel and starting to run out of ecoking videos
Sebby my dude! ❤🔥
I love you sebby
Can i smell a possible sebby zerg video coming in the future some time ? 😂 brilliant video
For the sequel: Bring in the Patreons.
Is this a continuation?
Love all your vids trying to watch as many as possible but you keep uploading hard to keep up with you 😂
Totally weird and unrelated, but I had a dream last night that I met sebbyk in person and he came back to my place and we played rust together lol
Yo after week finally
A seb and willjum duo would be crazy
I watched the adds fully just for you hopefully it helps out more!!
Sebby your one of my favourite rust youtuber can u post tip video ones pls thank you
Should patreon zerg wipe them … Full foundation wipe
Love watching your vids keep up the work sebby
Honestly your videos have the best vibe when im trying to go to bed watching you on my tv it really cant be beat!
Streamer logic….. we are all ready to raid them as there just landing in snow to mine there first sulfur… juat need to mine then cook and then craft gp then craft explosives then craft boom 💥 lol
I mean you live stream the game… you could easily get a zerg for shits and giggles lol. Just have like 20 or 30 people in a discord ready to swarm them
Nobody’s talking about how wells sebby played today
❤u are the best rust yt
You’re definitely better than me Seb, I would have despawned and made them waste hella boom lmao. Great video non the less
Man.. I know there is a lot of them, but the shooting was clearly cheating. Pre-fire, shooting through bushes at distance, no recoil.
would personally have loved to see them get foundation wiped. forget going through doors and walls just blow out every foundation so the whole base collapses would have been a far more efficient way to damage them because then you could run massive amounts of resources back to main even when they got back on it would not have mattered because they would have to rebuild everything and reacquire all that gear
Such a good video from one of the best rust youtubers out their hope you have a good day
Certified sebbyk classic after 34 watches
I’d like to see a video from the zerg POV, where they’re all just going about their zerg business, planning to raid another zergs compound or somthing, then they all suddenly drop everything and shit their pants because of “that one guy” on their home island.
Another Day, Another Post From SebbyK!
“Their mad, their bad” you needa say and they definitely have no dad” after
funny the wood sign at 25:26 says “show mercy”
Wow, 3 videos in a week? Im buying merch!
Yes new sebby video
Just screwing with them ok but like to see some actual damage done to these big clans need to put together your own cerg
I would say you did enough! Wow unreal how you can take on these big ass clans. You really shouldn’t be able to live near them. You take them down! Wow fun stuff guys!
Iv been waiting for this fr
Love the video’s keep it up🎉
W vids
you beauty
Where are the admins on this server, Agnes was cheating hard
Hi sebby u are my fav rust creator keep up the good work❤
Lmao any normal person fk im done sebbyk out number out manned and out match “imma fk with these kids” love the decation 😂
“That was all head” -Sebby K
I think its safe to say that Sebby’s head game is strong 💪
Thank you 😊
W vid
You could have done more damage by immediately moving all unneeded resources to your main base. Build the big base on their island and only keep some gearsets in there. That would set them back the explosives you stole plus the explosives they use to raid the base. Hit and run + deception is really the only way to mess with a zerg that size.
whenever im depressed you upload this needs to be reaserched
Loved the two parter. I think you did very well given they had a significant numbers advantage. Thank you once again for another great video!
love da vids
SIYANARA B#$%H!!!!!!! oh bro that was GOLD. ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!! G FRGGN G BRO!!!!!!!!
What did the sign say stop meat riding
They won that, woulda been fair to call patreon crew 😂
Bro bring your zerg and fuck them plzzzz❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hey sebby! You are my favorite rust YouTuber and your content inspires many others just like me! Keep it going!!!
I think its time for a sebbyk zerg for these moment
no ggs for village cuz they are so many but sebby you made it raiding three of there base is so hard you done it so thats the proof your the best good job
They kept saying you suck you suck yet when their numbers were closer to yours and they had the advantage, all they could do was slow you down untik all their guys came online 😂
France, Army, Sebbyphine
Nice video sebby, keep up the good work with sora and yakov, your trio is THE best!
Before my content goes to shit please try console rust everybody would watch it since one of the best pc players try’s mastering console
I love when a new sebby video comes out keep up the gd work
W Sebbyk
great vid as always
I will always love sebbyk
You should keep doing arc
is was so good
Imagine saying that somebody sucks when you’re playing as a Zerg. What a looser.
Sebby could you buy rust for me I really want it
You make my Sundays better thanks seb ❤
Yay new video lets goo 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
More ark ols
Keep up the good work man love your content
Hi seb thank you!
er du dansk
Damn I’m early asf
Sebby here every Sunday just like church
YES PART 2 baby 😄
Hey SebbyK, can you play on console as a due with willyJ
ooh no i was almost first my device ran out of charging
I just wanted to tell you before this gets buried that you are one of my favorite Rust content creators. I’ve watched so many different rust channels but yours feels like a breath of fresh air. Thank you so much for what you do.
Can’t wait to watch
Yeaheeeee rust
Can u gift me rust on Steam?
Keep it up 👍
Love your videos
Let’s goooo I’m excited for this vid
I can honestly say I have watched this 72 times and this is sebbys best one yet 😊
Sick vibes man keep up the work
LESSSGOOOO I was just wondering what to watch
Dang I wish I could play rust
1st ?