Rust: The Last Americans
Korea 1: Outpost 15, Part One.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?ty=h&u=3360824
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BedBanana
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bedbanana
In the video:
Buck: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSGo5rqplxK98nabjmkc2yA
Charborg: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNM3W16DLgPc6NR1xHs5xbw
Lawlman: https://www.twitch.tv/mrlawlman1
Patreon list, thank you for the support!
Ionized Odds
Alexander Khoury
AF FireFly
Humanity part 2: https://soundcloud.com/d_a_medina/humanity-part-ii-ennio
ES_Disharmonic Drums-Martin-Mellström
Ending Song: https://soundcloud.com/mohamed-shibo/brian-tyler-ft-serena-mckinney
Outro: ES_Tranquil’s-Bliss-August-Wilhelmsson
Part 1/3
Taqs:Rust,Gaming,BedBananas,Rust Update,Rust Gameplay,Rust Raiding,Funny,Rust Survival
コメント (2890)
I’m here for the beginning
It’s all so beautifully tragic.
i frequently come back to this video, dont know why but by the time the sun rises my tears fall.
I always come back and share this with my friends who don’t play rust. Oh my god this is just a certified classic and probably this best document of rust.
I’ve seen (and even enjoyed) whole feature films and TV shows that didn’t make me feel as strong of emotions as this. I mean it sincerely when I say this video is art.
Probably the most disappointing part of my life is when part two and three never came out 😭😭😭
There was no ant
Hey 👋 warching this in 2023
“Join the channel”. For ads? No.
one of the best videos ever
What’s the song played at 25:19
the things theme fits well
what is the song at 7:00
I don’t blame you for being terrified, rust is a scary place
Proud of my people
9:20 had me dead!!!
I like how the beginning music sounds like the theme from The Thing
Edit: It is the theme lmao
It’s amazing how someone as unhinged and funny as bed can make these artistic masterpieces
Dude it’s genuinely beautiful that someone overseas started a bit in place of bedbananas and he went along with it
props to Hwang
“part 1/3” blue fucking balled
5 years ago!
This video should win an Oscar for “Best War Film”
11:17 I think I hear this guy’s voice before……
I have over 8,000 hours in Rust and in my opinion this video is 100% certified classic.
The last Airbender. Kind of like that huh
Getting ready to watch this again… timeless entertainment and the 2017 era was best Rust era. SImpler times.
5 years later. That bit in the end is still the most cinematic thing ive seen in a Rust video. And the scream at the end of that part as he’s rocketed into oblivion just might be the funniest. A work of art, truly.
this is just amazing.
song name at 7:30?
Almost 5 years later and I still come back to this masterpiece of a video. The ending still gives me goosebumps even though I’ve seen it so many times. Thank you Bed
I bet somewhere within the war, hwang was fighting for freedoms and ant.
seriously tho that’s beautiful
all these years later it makes it even more hilarious
The ending/apex terminus is just grand in so many levels. But one thing I can’t put into words is how immersive the feeling of being someone not supposed to be there in an active war. This feels real hard too, some people are having this right now.
So he experienced a containment breach, then a roller coaster of a relationship, then witnessed world war 3? Wow, this guy is gonna have some amazing stories when he is a grandpa.
this was truly kino. hwangs betrayal was saddening.
Why did this make me cry?
Still one of the most beautiful rust videos I’ve seen.
whats the song at 18:24? I looked up the disharmonic drums but couldnt find anything
I’m still rewatching this. Help
Before I watched the whole video, I was wondering why everyone was praising the last 3 minutes so much. Now I know why. This is the definition of how Open World Roleplaying Games should be. Watching rockets flying across the sky like meteors, especially in the first person perspective of a human, is terrifying. The sounds of the bullets cracking make the atmosphere of the battle even better. I could go on all day about how good things like this are perfect for video games, but when you feel that small and insignificant during a huge battle, like what happened in this video, that’s really an amazing moment to experience.
this made me cry wow just a masterpice
This is probably my fifth time watching this video lmao
What kinda graphics settings is he using?
The Thing ost playing in the beginning is the cherry on top
Everything about this video was beautiful ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“Ok see you again. Bye!”
I’m losing it right now. lmao
It was good
Sad ending,, semangat terus ngonten nya
“bye sorry bana, sorry…” Truly heartbreaking.
This is an Oscar worthy short film
You need one Russian in team?
“You know I thought we were friends once”
“Okay see ya bye”
rewatched this after 2 years passed. still, this is the best video on youtube. I’m crying in the end
Nice movie 🍿
Whenever I’m watching a Bedbanana video I actually feel like I’m watching a movie.
this is god tier editing
I love the use of The Thing soundtrack.
It really creates that spooky ambience.
Loved the end
It’s already been 4 years…
hwang scares me
1:10 his name says “Biggest Daddy Big” in korean
im afraid im not a asian i am a german! sent me rolling
No matter the conflict on this planet, the sun rises all the same.
I can’t count how many times I’ve revisited this video.
Best war movie rn
War never changes
Everywhere you go is just a new place to watch new friends die, welcome to Rust
Hwang is a legend
This is hilarious, and kinda scary.
you know what….2021 starting to look a lot like this
I hear drakengard OST in 2017? a man of culture the editor is.
Is that an Explosions in the Sky song at the war part? Whatever it is, it’s very appropriate.
We learned from the Koreans! The most frightening statement to hear in a video game
At the end, the way the open sky lighting up with missiles and bullets in contrast to the dark pit he found himself in by that point. How even though this cacophony of death was exploding around him, he still wanted to jump and get a view even if it could mean he catches a stray bullet. The morbid curiosity and isolating dehumanization of war captured perfectly.
This was pretty damn amazing my man, even though it’s just a fun, silly, video game, machinima thing, it actually resonated with me for some reason. You’re a hell of a film maker.
This man makes works of art
22:40 The last marine in Kabul defending the McDonalds.
why has there not been a part two? why does he only interest in our suffering
*immediately explodes*
This is what should be taught in history classes instead of the other stuff.
“Where is he!”
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my children may have peace.
-Thomas Paine
러스트를 이렇게 플레이하넼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The final battle was the best thing I’ve seen in a long time. Worth rewatching
Jesus, the editing and sound choices are perfect. I love it so much. I’m feeling so many different emotions !
A boy wandered into a building and a man came out of the ashes
So that’s what a POW feels like…
The final last 3 minutes is a work of art
I keep coming back to this video… it’s one of the few things that still to this day give me goosebumps.
bear bull bear bull
What a ending
BedBananas is the Pink Floyd of gaming.
This is a masterpiece
I think the fact that this video is still as amazing of an experience as it was on release, even though it’s going turn four years old in a few weeks, is a testament to the quality of Bed’s videos.
Those last three minutes are still some of the most emotional a video has made me feel in a LONG ass time.
Good choice in music 🙂 The thing is outside and it’s not wearing any pants.
Clair de lune was perfect for hwang locking bed out, you are a cinematic genius
What the fuck
the most intimidating video ive ever watched
Holy shit the ending dude
Legend says hwang is still searching for ants
Yo is there a movie / anime or show that has the last minutes’s war at 23:00 like feel. PLEASE RESPOND
Criminally underrated video
The thing music
24:14 when you live in society
Still the best YouTube video ever
To this day, this is still a masterpiece.
we can learn so much from them….
I legitimately think about the ending of this video at least once a month.
I think there are 2 other movies, at most, that I think about that often.
God those last few minutes were so beautiful
I felt actual goosebumps
What’s the music at 20 min?
War….war never changes
I love HWANG’s cry its so funny
23:27 Just mind blowing it really hit me.
13:29 Song?
WoW ;-;
This is what Marvel’s Logan wished it could be.
This brings back so many good memories of my first days playing this game
Damn … 3 years later and just got recommended . Al class work banana
It’s people like bed bananas that maximize the potential of youtube. Beautiful work.
She played the thing theme tune lol
so that’s what Korea 2nd war would look like
Hjoly shit the ants were real??
Honestly… I’ve never seen such fucking beauty in rust st the end.
holy shit 1917 was inspired by a bedbananas video
This is honestly a beautiful masterpiece
Rust world is like what borderlands should have been
That was like a movie🍿
i like the part where we all thought hwang was mad… but truly he was searching for something. Something you couldnt see, therefore nobody believed in him, but bedbanana. He believed in him and so hwang found, what to him was a mere insect, hidden to the naked eye in the grass. Hwang found his ant
This is the Beauty of war
I like subtitles
Cool best care
When he says, “So you are a killer?” And then shoots him, that was terrifying hahaha
20:55 American solider captured by North korean soldiers is tortured for days with only the sound of a old radio to cover his screams
HWANG is a god
in the description it says korea 1: Outpost 15 part one i dont know what it means but it sounds like this may of been a series but bed didnt continue it
After 22:25 , just such a horrifying situation with a beautiful ending. 👌😶👍
Every year I find myself returning to this masterpiece… and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.
i finally found this video after 3 years! Feels gud watching BedBananas again
what on gods green earth just happened towards the end?
2:15 I like how bad banana goes he’s adapting
I finally realized after all this time the real ants were the friends we made along the way
I love how the second we get attached to Mr. Turnip and learn his goal and how he wants to change, he immediately gets shot in the fucking face.
So I’m assuming Charborg perished in the beginning when all of the Koreans raided them?
I guess we all want to be the person we want to be.
That ending was Astonishing
wtf was is happening it @23:00 LOL some kind of holy war between two groups
This is perfect
the last 3 minutes could be a trailer for rust
A story about god creating man and watching them get having more and more power over him until eventually they fall into total war and destroy themselves
This was what the Bombing of Dresden was like
This is masterpiece i’m glad that i find this
Holy shit, that was intense
“I”M AN AMERICANNNNNNN!!” – Screaming it off an mountain
9:14 has to be the best part of the video😂😂
22:19 the epic part.
The Last Americans (2017)
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Action
Synopsis: After his comrades are attacked by the local populace, Bedbananas escapes certain death and puts his training to the ultimate test in Korea-1.
Review: The Last Americans is a wonderful tale of a boy escaping his comfort zone, avoiding death at every cost. Every time the viewer believes Bed is finally safe, he is betrayed or left for dead. Hwang and his ants, the psychopaths on the river, and every hostile human Bed faces down is depicted beautifully and respectfully. (Spoiler) The ending battle scene is the most beautiful sequence in the film, to be remembered in all of cinema. The film kills the boy that is Bedbananas, leaving him to grow and turn into a man. 10/10.
i like how they used the alien isolation alarms
The ending was a whole war movie my god
What the FOCK is even wrong with humans??
Wait… which korea?
I love the fact that the videos that banana makes are Soo cinematic
24:14 when you wake up in the ditch after a crazy night out
I still come back to this lolol kills me everytime.
God this is not a videos, it’s a masterpiece movie
The HWANG storyline is probably the most emotional thing I have seen on YouTube. BedBananas, thank you!
a cinematic masterpiece.
Your fucking videos are ART
22:19 i’m going to be fully honest. This is the coolest unscripted scene i’ve ever seen in any video game, ever. The way the gunfire patters in the distance, the way the rockets arc over and clammed the base to the left, than to when bedbanannas takes shelter in the midst of the war, the rockets flying over as he traces them and watches in awe, but also horror. And the way the heli comes to dominate all, roaring over his roofless shelter. it is literally a perfect scene of a night battle
Edit: The scene after the fight, the peacefulness and the sunrise and the sounds of nature genuinely brought a tear to my eye. This is a cinematic fucking masterpiece
Wish I could like this twice
the far cry 3 music lol… hits every time
Such a strange little virtual world.
cinematic masterpeice
your skill to make cinematic movie like vidoes is amazing
Old rust atmosphere looks far better than now.
Thanks, this video stay in my recommendation. Nice!
That scene starting at 17mins kills me. How he delivered those lines while on the ground is hysterical.
The Rust of Us
Hwang will remain in our hearts
The last few minutes of the video gave me mixed emotions
The hwang arc really got me
This video feels like when a seemingly normal person is catapulted in a bioshock universe
“Oh, bedbanana…. You’re dick is very small, bitch!” 🤣🤣💀 9:20
저거 한국인이자너 ㅋㅋㅋ
this video looks like a short film, I loved it
Korean Manhunt.
It’s like red dead redemption but not
I love the drakegard music randomly put in
That last part is so well edited, somehow it becomes an incredibly powerful moment that rivals even Hollywood in terms of suspense.
If I’m ever creating a war film, I’m ripping this off, I swear.
this is like being a POW in vietnam
The beggining music sounds like the movie “the thing” but idk…i could be wrong
I like to imagine that they actually trapped someone who doesn’t speak english.
22:54 In war not everyone is a soldier.
This is actuallly really creative you need to make more like this man! I love it
If you do a collab with stimpy that would be godly funny
the last one was beautiful…
this is what i call entertainment man, you fucking nailed it
Just, wow
the war scene is cinematic as SHIT. 10/10 made me feel the american within, he was like a goddamn civilian caught in the crossfire between two nations.
I want a sequel and a true story on what the hell happened.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아니
Nightmare fuel
i guess you call it The Last of Rust
this is the video that made me buy the game. Well done
HWANG was a great man, we will miss you ❤️
the germans studying the effects of element 115.
The thing theme fits so well this video i’m amazed of this guy for so many years he has brought with him much wonder and joy to us all.
Let’s be honest, bedbananas in the little house in the end are people in Minecraft survival sleeping in 1×1 dirt houses for the night
7:30 hurt to watch 😖😖
If that ending was all a 1-shot that faded into the aftermath shot, it would be the perfect cinematic masterpiece.
I never expected to see it in a youtube video, so it blew me away regardless.
this is so fucked up
Art house video game movies are impossible
BedBannanas: hold my narrative
This video was beautiful and the best thing my eyes have ever witnessed
The music in the background is Nocturne Op.9 No.2 for those who were wondering
22:57 An usual day in middle east.
Some footages from post third world war.
The video is going to be 3 years old in a few days… Good times.
what is this soundtrack? 22:47
There was no ant
The fact that I came back to watch the last few minutes discovering the excellent use of the song ‘further’ from Far Cry 3 made me tear up.
The last three minutes distill the fear you would feel in the middle of a battle. Great job bed.
“The Death of a man is nothing compared to the death of a man who has seen everything”
The last fight is probably the best thing I’ve seen in Rust’s history
The Koreans has lead an all-out offensive against the compound, the last remaining Americans tried to defend the last compound. And when the mortars stopped, the Helicopter crashed, and the Sun rise from the horizon, both side has been wiped completely. All of the small, remaining resourses were spent on bullets, rockets and weapons. In that glorious moment, the last American, hide himselves in a small 1×1 cabin, he waits, he witness the true nature of humanity, the nature that he, the last American, witnessed in the final hours of human’s history.
It’s a very moving movie.
I’m sorry as a Korean. And please know, not all Koreans are like that. They’re crazy. LOL But in Rust, we’re all crazy, aren’t we?
17:50 this is horrific
At the end my mind was blown that was the best shit I have ever seen in rust
German Buck is ze greatest thing I’ve ever heard.
i swear that ending is spectacular
20:09 Obviously very trustable people!
His name says biggest dad big in korean
America! FK YEAH!!!
Those last few minutes always brings tears to my eyes.. never would I think to find such beauty in a situation like that.
the last 3 minutes belong in a gaming museum
That Sex building hit me unexpected
this is a fever dream
23:00 it was so wonderful. It made me cry. Love ❤❤❤❤❤❤.
22:18 you’re welcome
That ending… That ending was incredible.
HWANG is my soul mate. I wish I was the ant he was long for 😭
I’m waiting for the day you get to 1,000,000 subscribers
Very beautiful, i had a great time, thanks dude!
You really have a talent for editing and cinematic making XD did you learned it somewhere?
Holy smokes, I lost it near the start when he said “he scratched me!” No idea why it was so funny, but I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.
Thanks BedBananas
Rust is an amazing game if you look at it the right way. Great job.
Well done guy, this is a great video.
Most intense shit ever experience in a video
This was such an amazing video
Btw for anyone wondering the music playing when Hwang left him is Clair de Lune.
I think in this korea sever is very dangerous sever
22:25 just beautiful
Great video. Love that ending.
I’m really mad that this guy isn’t at a million subscribers already
I see you with that Farcry 3 theme ,I see you……..😢😔 22:52
I commented asking for the first song before checking the description, lol.
I knew it sounded like something john carpenter would make but didn’t realize it was literally from “The Thing.”
Who else. The last couple minutes of the video was really beautiful
Даже после самой тёмной ночи…
Приходит рассвет.
Legendary as usual! Thank u, BadBanana!
This is how a siege happens lol
That fucking scene in the end is so amazing, is it from somewhere or this guy is a fucking genius?
Your dig is bery small bish
Kuroi Uta – The Black Song.
Mr turnip was on a spiritual quest.
There are no words to describe the beauty, very beautiful.
Masterpiece 🔥
i like how theyre supposed to be in korea, but buck keeps doing a german accent
This is the greatest thing I’ve seen
Anyone else concerned about this actually happening now?
I read this as Rust: The Latin Americans
The ending song is equivalent to the wolfenstein partisans song
I was not expecting the ending to hit me as hard as it did. Phenomenal work Bed
The last bit is just beautiful.
this video aged incredibly well
I want a happier ending to Squidfest’s story so here is my own ending, most of the story was pasted from Squidfest, I just added a (somewhat) happier ending
The year is 2035. World War Weeb has been raging for thirteen long years. Desperate to end the war, Dr. Ivan “Buck” Shrievheldink and a small convoy of guards is dispatched to the Korean peninsula, to study the Chino-Korean people, who seem to have lived primitively for centuries.
The year is 2037. Dr. Buck and his team lose contact with the United States entirely. Unbeknownst to them, World War Weeb has gone nuclear, resulting in the end of the world. The isolated Korean peninsula, however, is sheltered this fate.
The natives begin to take an interest in the crew, and besiege their bunker. Panicked, and without backup, Dr. Buck orders the evacuation of the compound. Private Bednamin “Bananas” Ridley is separated from the pack. He discovers the city of China, where the natives coexist peacefully. Outside the city, Bed meets a colorful native medicine man named Hwang, who searches for ants. Despite building a friendship, Hwang abandons Bed in the cold.
All is not well, however. The remainder of the Weeb forces invade Chino-Korea, traveling in primitive hunting packs, bent on eliminating the last Americans.
Bed is captured by a pair of natives, who are amused by his songs and dances. They send him on his way with meager provisions.
Eventually, he takes shelter in a small shack; just in time, for the Weebs mount a final assault against the Americans and their sympathizers in the native population. What’s left of the United States military tries to extract these last few Americans, but fall victim to the Weeb artillery.
An Artillery Strike hits the shack and Bed is knocked out from the blast.
He wakes up to see a small squad of US Soldiers on a small field radio attempting to communicate to larger groups of US soldiers, bed realizes that not the entire force was wiped out, but the Weebs attack effectively and can no longer fight, Bed walks towards the Soldiers but collapses due to exhaustion, the last thing he sees is a US medic rushing towards him
What happens next is up to your imagination, but one thing is for sure, although weakened by that night, and crippled compared to the Pre-war army, they will survive, and no enemy but nature itself
What dogs see when they have something in their mouth 8:19
This video is amazing, it’s just like the movie Apocalypse Now. I get chills watching this
Why did the ending make me cry.
Its been so long watching the boom boom scene 😨
all thanks to Bedbanana , Buck , Lawman , Hwang , and others
Wow what a touching and beautiful story 😭
I’m all my years of playing Rudy I’ve never seen a battle come close to that ending scene…. amazing
just 1 thing, how the FUCK do you find servers like this with just all out war in them
This video deserves an Oscar, I can’t explain how funny and tragic this video is all together so many mixed emotions all you can do is watch with watery eyes 😢✊🏽❌🧢
And the cycle repeats
I have never seen the last bit until now that was so sick
what a fucking rollercoaster
Every time this gets into my recommended I’m forced to watch it
Just discovered this channel by mistake , your content is so enjoyable and hilarious .
I love this new Signs remake
22:34 American reporter takes shelter in abandoned hut in the middle of firefight colorized
The Korean War in a nut shell
Thank you, thank you so much for the truly spectacular video. You put a ton of effort into your videos and it really shows man!
Worms. Never. Forget. Those words. They go for every memory either good or bad. It makes a man age before the time he is supposed to.
7:25 Thank me later.. 🙂
“Hey! Hey guy, hey!”
“Bed – bananah”
“Yeah, BedBananas”
“Oh, your dick is – dick is bery small, bitch!”
Bed: wth???
Reminds me of nam
22:56 wooow …angry fireworks.
Атака азиатов
“5 years ago, i lost 30,000 men in a blink of an eye. And the world just fucken watched.” Input that when the final war happens lol.
The year is 2021, Coronavirus testing has ceased and the small island off the coast of Korea was deemed in-habitable. The island had signs of life but all the known building were covered, in Rust. The island nicknamed “Rust” was a last stand for american life after the Chinese invasion of The United States. Americans fled to Rust but many of the planes and boats were shot down or taken and all life on board would be placed into Prisoner of war camps. After the coronavirus was contained and cured from all life, it was re-released under a new strain in the island of Rust. The strain would affect the mind more than the body this time, it turned the in-habitants insane, which they then forogt everything, except for names that they could inscribe into their memories. Now, The Korean army airdrops supplies and controls many CCTV cameras on the island showing the true nature of what goes on in Rust, and broadcasts it for Television Entertainment. The show shared a name of a common saying that the survivors for some reasons would spout when stealing, murdering, or dying, “Welcome to Rust”.
“The horror……The horror”-Walter E. Kurtz.
Go go move in
Captain bacon: Go with out me
We can’t you will be vaporized
Captain bacon: goodbye
You probably thought I wouldn’t recognize John carpenters “The thing” music playing in the beginning.
This video shows the danger, fear, and most importantly the beauty of war in foreign lands… Sometimes the places we don’t belong are the most breathtaking.
I miss these videos.
this moment when you just want to sleep but there’s WWIII next door
This is my favorite rust youtuber to watch during an epidemic
Jesus Christ that ending was beautiful. Actually the whole thing was beautiful!
funny, I’ve never seen this Far Cry game.
This made me think about war.
I love your editing.
“Immigrant escapes from house during war and ended up near shore of Asia”
I like how they are the last Americans, yet Buck and Lawlman are rocking German accents
Lol the war was so beautiful
This was so well made knowing the real rust at 23:00 min its it’s also sad of how pleasant the world can be but so violent and brutal it can be its heart broken 😥 but its just what we get love hate and all in between not much we can do except ruin the world but make it so well
this isn’t your regulare youtube video. It’s art
When you log on and it’s late and all the Spanish people are flooding in
this was a rollercoaster of emotion. exactly what i subbed for
World war Rust
I thought this was just some elaborate skit, but it became clear it was something far more
Hwang is the funniest part of the vid holy shit
Aahhh man 13:28 is like one of my favorite piano songs. Clair de lune
Omg 9:40 is literally mess up and kinda funny 😄. Don’t mean to be rude but the randomness of this video makes it so that many things in this video is funny.
Well, now we know which video did 1917 copied
Does he have his own server or something?
I love the Far Cry 3 music towards the battle at the end
friend says outloud “FUCK WE NEED TO GET TO THE MAIN BASE” while being raided, then frantically b-lines it to his main loot stash ……. 10/10
The Last American
I’m legit not joking, this video is a masterpiece
What’s the name of the song that starts around the 18min mark
Maybe the real ants are the friends we meat along the way
9:21 “Oh! Your dick is very small.”
The last minutes are a cinematic majesty
13:27 what is that music called?
Hello recommended 🙂
this felt like a legit novel
I legit choked up when Hwang left you
There were so many amazing moments in this. The part with the British boy was sad. Bed comes over the rock just to find them executing the boy with a bow and arrow. Bed ran away coming back later to see the boy with arrows in his body only to collect them. Then bed by chance had been pinned inside a war zone of a night raid seemingly involving many members of both party’s. He locks himself in a box as rockets and bullets go over his head. Soon a helicopter comes to further cause hell. He is knocked out later to wake up on the morning only to see outside his little room were body’s or people close to his box. He makes a slow escape from the forgotten battlegrounds as a man comes from the woods to collect from the dead. He runs away into the forest where he came from. Only to see the sunrise as he realizes his story has only begun.
out of al the rust videos on youtube this is my favorite
Hahaha The Thing.
That ending gave me shivers, what the fuck? Why was it so good?
some say HWANG is still looking for ant til this day
Came back just to see the Micheal Bay ending scene.
Bro he got kidnapped and hazed into a korean raider gang
Does everyone who plays rust succumb to mental illness
The Scorsese of Rust.
Everyone’s talking about the ending, but man, it starts off so spectacularly
Did anyone realized the music came from a movie called “A Thing”?
I loved it x3
War….war never changes
* — *
The ending was beautiful like a movie even
An american trap on Korea and has to survive in this far land without knowing anything about it
It’s like your watching a foreign movie
Feels like if hiroshima got revenge
That pitch-shifted version of Kuroi Uta from Drakengard 3 was just perfect!
I wished all of you uploaded your own the side of the story since the incident
This video could technically be turned into a game or movie, and maybe even other videos(to) and also the name came be changed wich is what I recommend
And this is now WW3 with Asia and America fighting, and or also it could be the Corona virus making people do this or both together,(and,)ECT….
Damn even though this video is long ago im still hoping to see more scene like this
This actually happened to some extent:
“And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there”
Fuck me, this is a masterpiece.
this reminded me of 1917 a bit.
Stealth 100 10:10
The thing vibes
한국인들 엄청 악랄하게 묘사되네 ㅋ
In a way, we’re all searching for ants.
The Last Americans after the Corona Virus xD
holy shit, this is some very serious and beautiful storytelling
The best horror movie ever the music is nice
okay but the part where he was in the base with the eerie ass music playing is so good
I love the fucking beginning with the thing soundtrack made it so creepy
That ending… Was beautiful
This videos truly encapsulates the war and brutalistic side of rust and make me want to play this game non stop
I lost my shit at 24:09 when he screamed like that xD
As I sat in that hut, staring at the evidence of a war completely and utterly unconnected to me, I thought of the life that led me to this point. I was an individual, unconnected to this world, the people in it. I realized, as men unfamiliar died mere feet from me, I understoon I had never felt love. I had never held another in my arms, wishing to one day grow old with them. I abandoned that the moment I came here, the moment I abandoned them. I hardly remember their names now, but the only thought that permeates within is one I had encountered many times before. I had not known love.
“We learn from the Koreans, we learn from the Koreans!”
Moments before the guy gets shot.
“I play with the Koreans so I can learn from them because they are the best killers.”
Captions on pls
the ending was oddly grace full
is this based on the korean movie outpost is a spooky cool movie, would recomend
24:10 hahahahahhahah I fucking died
‘The Last Americans’ is a timeless commentary on the senselessness of war. This highly impressionistic film follows a scientist lost in a foreign country and separated from his team. It begins when the scientist and his team come under attack by a heavily armed but unknown force. After narrowly escaping with his life, the scientist wanders from place to place, seeking to find just one human connection, but never succeeding. He is instead attacked, insulted, tricked and exploited by the inhabitants of a land driven mad by war.
The scientist’s wanderings eventually lead him to a battlefield where he witnesses firsthand the unreserved terror of war. Here the symbol of the fire-spitting tower is emphasised to demonstrate the inhuman and industrial nature of war. After a seemingly endless midnight of horrific violence, the scientist emerges from his shelter onto the empty battlefield just as dawn breaks over the smoking wreckage and piled-up corpses. The two armies have abandoned this place and gone searching for another place to fight over.
The scientist now wanders through the forest, seemingly at peace with the impossibility of escape. Who are these two warring armies? What are they fighting for? These questions become meaningless now. The only solace nature can offer him is the promise of a sunrise after every terrible night…
“War, war never changes”
a true masterpiece
PLEASE i need someone to tell me what the music is at 6:52 PLEASE
Holy shit that guy’s name is 가장 큰 아빠박=biggest dabald(dad + bald = 아빠박)
23:15 even when gone Buck’s presence is still felt
So THIS is what happens at the Norwegian Arctic site..
Reminder that even after nearly three years, this is still the single best story-driven youtube video ever made.
Potato Potato
The sad thing is people don’t build very big bases in Rust rigth now.
22:22 is this 1917?
1917 wants what this has
what a nightmare
I wish to make art as beautiful as Bed’s
how the fuck did you make an artistic short film from playing rust
Gundam style
Your dig is small
The part where he’s in the pit watching the war deserves an Academy award
Coming back to this 6 years later, god damn this was incredible, I’m re-watching all of beds video’s now.
News: Naked man stalks American dudes house at night.
After watching that ending battle for the hundredth time, please come back to YouTube! You have so much talent
22:32 welcome to Afghanistan bois
Guys, please send the links to the music that was playing in that video cuz I can’t find by the names from the description. Sry for bad English
I find myself thinking alot about this video strangely. There’s just something about the ending where he is cramped inside a tiny shack with no roof, staring up at the starry sky above with shots and explosions going on above that’s just so… Memorable. For awhile, I forgot even who uploaded this video and I could’ve sworn it was actually just something I had seen from a movie. I searched and searched and couldn’t find where it was from… Until today. And rewatching it… The nostalgia hits hard.
*Thank you BedBananas.*
_I truly believe this is your best video._
Dude your videos are amazing
Still the single greatest 3 minutes of rust gameplay I’ve ever seen
Most of the time rust is a cancerous peice of crap but once in a blue moon stuff like this can happen
This is kinda artistic 22:56 as the bombs get closer and louder
Beautiful ending god dam it
Is that Drakengard 3 i hear?
Still to this day I have to say that is the most epic battle I have ever seen in my 4 years of playing rust.
Who did the subtitles for this video
came for bedbananas
stayed for the intense plot
came back for the comment section
War. War never changes.
Still waiting for part 2 and 3
The horror…the horror…
Starting in claustrophobic horror amongst the researcher’s base, deep in enemy territory, forced into the wilds until eventually seeing the war firsthand in the climax of his survival, in its ashes waking to a new world in nature untouched
23:02 epic
When creepy music started playing and suddenly my name was being displayed in the subtitles, I began to freak out.
Then I realized it was some *other* potato.
the most epic gameplay ever. ending is beautiful.
The whole ending is amazing just a entire battle sequence from a movie honestly great work!! Just sad to think of the American boys getting killed 💔
Ant-Hwangs mission.
ㅋㅋ 가장 큰 아빠벅 ㅋㅋ
Yo man, it’s a fucking best movie
“The people here be careful, they’re crazy.
They’re human like us, but sometimes humans can be the worst monsters of them all.”
A Korean server is like a completely diffrent version of Rust, people blowing themselves up, tribal hunters, people looking for ants, innocent people almost getting killed by their captors then just getting let go for no reason and with no problem, and literal war going on as a scared man hides in between the conflict.
Leslie Chow escapes again.
Discovered by Dr. [REDACTED], this new found SCP has been slowly adapting over time to craft more powerful weapons and is classed as Elucid. Clearance level 3 is required for interaction. Further testing will result in ways how to recontain the threat if ever needed and reactions to opposing forces.
The ant guy <3
This is what our forefathers had to endure…
In the bunkers… the trenches… the prison camps…
So much destruction… it would be deemed torture for one to endure this… and their fate even worse
Though, after the battle. After all the bloodshed and violence one can finally be at peace.
Yes, peace…
At last…
The Farcry 3 music at the end gave me chills
It’s 2019 and the last 3 minutes of the video still gives me goosebumps
good shit
The ending was a legit war
An amazing true story seen through the eyes of a true hero.
I.. I have no words for.. for how beautiful this was
The last 3-4 minutes of this video was beautiful and awe-inspiring. Bed is a master at these short film type videos and he knocked it out of the park with this gem.
Im to high to b watching this💀💀
A heart wrenching story about several American troops in Korea, trying to survive for the next day, while facing starvation and death. Better than Roma, citizen Kane, once upon a time in the west, and breathless. 10/10
Isn’t this a true piece of art?(by the way, still no ants)
I just realized the China dude looking for “ant” is actually looking for hidden stashes with loot
This is literally the best rust video ive ever seen
Fucking masterpiece. Had to rewatch it again.
Peace east Asia korea, china, japan 😁 there better than midle asia
Where’s rusty?
My god……..
Sometimes a war is a war but a touching story can be more than anything we can be anything you can do this to be a American
어눌한 말투하고 하는 행동더해져서 ㄹㅇ 존나 무섭네 ㅋㅋ
Hwang … You betrayed one and only Banana, you monster!
Bedbananas will go down as one of the best unsung youtubers.
does anyone know where I can find the exact version of Zero-Memories that Bed used in this video? I’ve been looking for it everywhere but I can’t seem to find it
Omfg r u using the soundtrack from the thing? Jesus man ur fucking awesome
“I want to be, the person i want to be” – some american dude
So I’m watching this at 1am at my kitchen table while eating pizza and laughing my butt off. The house is dead silent and I get to 8:10 in the video. The suspenseful music has been building up so I’m not super scared but still do a fake scared scream when he winds back and hits him and at that exact moment I see a roach come out of nowhere and crawl across my kitchen table straight towards me and I flip out and do a real scream. I jump out of my chair and throw my phone and earbuds on the counter. It crawls under the table and I eventually find and kill it but that’s never happened and the timing was wayyy too spot on
9:26 he says bitch like he’s American.
18:45 United States soldier gets interrogated and tortured by NVA officers. Circa 1969
*Hwang walks out of his house and goes over to the crate and opens it while hearing the explosions and gunshots in the distance*
*He reads it twice over*
“Goodbye Hwang, But I guess you never truly know someone until they leave you in the cold without a home. I hope you have an amazing day Hwang, weird name, it’s called a stash by the way but ant is a cute name for them..
Your Friend,
He looks up as the sun sets as more explosions occur in the distance
“Goodbye, BedBananas..”
That was beautiful
this is one of the best videos on this god forsaken platform. bed bananas, you are a mastermind of social games.
That ending
Thank you for The thing soundtrack
That was amazing at the end
This felt like a movie to me
I hope the sequel comes out at some point
I think he just discovered history for the rust community, good job man
imagine looking at the end part with being drugged with acid
9:40 best part XD
did anybody else get footage of the raid at the end?
omg i love this comedy/horror so much XD
23:49 mother of god it’s beautiful
i would watch this movie
the music from the thing right off the bat 😂
If bed banana doesnt become a director cause goddamn
Real men cry at the last scene
21:07 Kim jungun very very stupid guy sub 멍청한 한국어 자막 영어자막 둘다 고쳐 주세요. 영어자막에 learn them인데
North Korea is scary
20 years after a nuclear war in korea The US marines send out a research team to find out how most of the population survived
They found the answer after getting raided
Ironic, I got an advertisement for adventure communist while watching this
The year is 1979. A deadly virus that attack’s the brain and makes its victims go insane had spread across Asia. The government in an act to try and stop the disease has begun to exterminate the infected populous which has lead to a bloody civil war.
America does not intervene after its failed attempts in Korea and Vietnam but sends over secret research’s to try and study the disease.
The outpost we see here gets attached by Korean insurgents mistaking it for a government outpost which leads to the men getting lost in the Korean wilderness struggling for survival. He meets up with other research’s before being attached by infected which leads to them being separated again.
At the final scene we see government forces attacking an insurgent stronghold with our main character getting caught in the cross fire and dying from his wounds the next day.
Only in Korean Serves…
is this what its like in korea irl? scary
If only i can like this video a thousand times over
I love John Carpenters the things music in the beginning
Amazing end
Whats with this 320 dislikes
the ending is just pure art
This is RUST
He became what he was once afraid of.
Bruh moment
Is that the soundtrack from “The Thing”
한국인이였네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
A weirdly beautiful ending, like genuinely touching.
This video has the best ending among the all Youtube videos. Way to go man.
I like how the title is “the last Americans” yet Buck and Lawlman are sporting German accents
Someone should write a book about this
Do you know Korea?
12:26 They hated Bed because he told them the truth.
I love how you use some bioshock infinite soundtracks on the vids
I’m glad i subscribed to this channel you make every moment feel like a movie scene! the best moment is this one 22:33
This should win the academy awards
Ok, that was really freaking epic at the end. Good job. 👍
i’m crying 23:00 to 24:12 was the best fight i’ve seen Truly get’s epic at 23:27
Im stoned and this storry is so great :DDD
Anyone else occasionally come back here just to watch the last 3 minutes of the video?
In my 70 hours of Rust I’ve never seen anything like this
Omg this was the best rust vid I have ever watch
Banana, your roleplays are amazing
Is that “the thing” music?
also what the FUCK they killing that little kid and he went “ree” right as he ate shit and died
god this is so fun and nice I wish there were more videos like this like he stays with him through this whole “ant” debocale and then lo and behold the dude actually fucking FINDS something, and suddenly they just have this bond. The way they whisper “where are we going??” and he whispers back “my home” was like so fucking great and oddly cute like, my lord.
“I don’t think there’s ants here…”
“ya, I find ants!”
“where aaaaaaare you ants??”
“..Hwang it’s been half a day.”
“nooo, I find ants!”
*sighs* “okay.”
OMG that rockets at the skies are really amazing. It really captures the feeling that you’re in a war.
I cried at the end…
That ending was so emotional for some reason 😂
If this had a more in depth story and longer screen time it would be a good movie
Saving private Rusty
Next video will be a street race war
“You may have learned to kill from the Koreans but all I learned was love” -bed prolly
Anybody knows the music in that epic final fight??
seeing this 3 years later and knowing nothing has been more gourgeous is amazing.
Bed makes his vids so good with the music he uses
You aren’t on Earth, your in hell
Why was that so emotional…. WHY DO I FEEL SO EMOTIONAL!?
Part 1/3?
Dude that last battle made me feel like Mathew Mcconaughey in Interstellar when he sees his kids when they’re 30. This whole video is just god tier with the editing and content.
Thank you BedBananas from YouTube, very cool
That ending was beautiful
A new netflix series
song name at 6:52? lol
Hwang was a true legend.
This was interesting to watch
This…. this was beautiful….
The ending was so beautiful
holy shit, thought this would be just fun antics like a lot of your vids, this was great made me cry. I do think that your musical d boys vid made me cry more, but hot damn was this good.
Came for america watched for rust stayed for chardvark
This right here is some stuff if u asked me u should have made a movie amd made this an hour long and that being and ending and i have to say that scream towards the end had me laughing it was a really good video
when we getting parts 2 and 3
damn bro this is piece of art right here… lt was like watching a film. subscribed man keep doing your thing!
lmao we learn from Koreans haha. Love from Korea!
Fucking. Ants.
This is how World War III look like.
The boy died during the orchestra of gunfire, that night, in that little box. The man emerged the next morning, hardened and enlightened to the world.
𝓭𝓪𝓶𝓷 𝓲 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓰𝓾𝔂
22:30 American journalist caught in the crossfire of two rival factions in one of the bloodiest battles to ever grace New Korea.
It’s been half a day Hwang!!
Damn… I actually serious’d the fuck up when 22:50 came around. How interesting to be caught in a scenario like that in a game. But at the same time, imagine the people who’ve lived through something like that. One night their village begins to glow red with gunfire, explosions and flames. All they can do is stay inside and pray they don’t get hit. Wouldn’t have thought a Rust video would make me think. Thanks BedBananas.
The last part where there was a war going on…holy shit…now that was epic
Bed banana i just got an ad for some weird anime on this video I thought this was what you were suppose to be fighting
i find ant
I swear BedBananas should be a movie director or something this was well thought out and executed very well.
Whats the songs name that starts at 18:08?
I cried at the end
I find ant.
Rust was even more stressful when it had the screaming after you downed someone. When I first played rust and was a bit new to it downing someone in the middle of a fight and listening to them screaming as you fight off the rest of his buddies made it just that more stressfull. The bullet snapping by your head always gave me shivers down my spine. Rust is one of those very few games to where you can be fully immersed and terrified at times. I have a huge love hate relationship with rust.
Thanks for The Thing theme man
A man comes at you at 40 mph with a hatchet saying Gangnam style, what do you do
The story of bed and hwang.
There once to be many friends of bed, soon they scattered like bees searching for pollen. They had known they needed to go back to their beehive to reunite with their friends. In the journey of bed, he soon met hwang who was constantly searching for ants. Bed soon started saying “Hwang! There are no ants.” Hwang didn’t want to believe it but it was true. Hwang tried committing suicide by drowning himself like a lion going in water. Bed yelled to hwang, “Okay okay! There are ants!” Hwang came out of the water like a fish reaching for dry land. Hwang found some “ants” as he calls it. They both hear gunshots and ran like the cheetahs that they are. Bed whispered, “where are we going?” Hwang replied, “my home.” As soon as Hwang goes in, willing to betray his friend which they had spent time together. All Hwang left him is a crossbow. Bed written him a letter saying goodbye to his only friend that he has in that time.
13:35 lmao
That ending was so dramatic it actually gave me goose bumps
Where’s part two
Gotta love that far cry 3 soundtrack.
that ending though…… actually beautiful
Is this like vr cause can’t🤣
America is an idea. America is about evolving the human race. But when we can’t, the world around us burns and turns into rust.
6:54 What’s the name of this song?
I cried little bit.
This is why I subscribed to you, every moment is pure gold.
Hey Sir, whats the music played during the war scene?
I just couldn’t not translate this video! My people need to see this huge piece of art!
Where’s part 2!!!
Bioshock infinite 😀
Yesterday was my first time watching your videos it’s soo fucking funny
Ur best vid so far
Is that an Apocalypse Now remake?
John Carpenter’s: The Rust
Damn that ending was crazy
But you gotta admit, that’s one badass tower.
End: where are u guys 🙁
The young soldier and researcher looked among the combat, as men with scrap and cloth armor charged an old building full of japanese soldiers, the captain hid in a bombed out shelter,he watched as hundreds of shells pounded over, smaller ones with gunshots from the trees, and large ones, sent back into the trees by japanese forces, he watches as an S.A.T. assault chopper flys over head and opens fire on his building, he heard the horrified korean screams, he heard one in broken english, a tear dripped down his eye as he remembered his old friend, and deceiver Hwang, as he heard his last friend die, plagued by the death of innocents and friends, he is on the edge, he is suddenly awoken by another barrage, his frail shack is git by a 75mm canon, he is knocked out for 6 hours.
as he awakes, he notices a thirst for blood, he unlocks his door, and sees the corpses but, their faces are featureless to him, he picks up a backpack and begins to walk off, instead of searching the battlefield, he returns to the hillside where this started
as seen in “Planet Rust”
using the entire forest, and his old lab, he constructs a tower, a great one, and at the bottom? those who wondered deeper into madness then him. he kept dozens, he would lead sane travelers to there and lock them away with the rest, to add, or to eat.
A sole survivor…
It’s funny this literally shows rust it’s just people endlessly being dicks to eachother newbies get it the worst spend 40 hours on a base well guess what if you have a life that shit is fucked consider your work wasted.
What an odyssey. Damn terrifying and beautiful too.
i think this is my favourite gameplay video , that’s the one who made me start to play rust .
I instantly recognised the music at the start… nice.
World War 4 footage circa. 2069.
All of Bed’s videos feel like a fever dream.
One of the songs in this video is a midi cover of a song from The Thing. I’d recognize that movie’s soundtrack anywhere.
imagine if helk saw this would he be impressed?
ww 3
then it trund into a sad movie
it trind into a horre movei.
Hwang = Tommy Wiseau?
probably better then The loot world
wtf lol
This video is the best YouTube video I have ever watched. You added everything that a movie should have. Bravo man bravo. I hope you have more to come and with it more people and subs to see your glorious videos you make. Awesome job and remember quality over quantity but I’m sure you already know that😃
In your each video the music feels like i am in a stanley cubrick movie and this is amazing.
Damn, this is so well made
of course “the thing” soundtrack is used. incredible.
Damn this dude could start a film making courier if he wanted too…
EPIC 10/10. A must watch
How does the chopper come in in the best timeing
>The last americans
>Speaking in german accents
Korea or Gaza?
youre my favourite now
Damn, that ending tho
The base raid looked beautiful, it seemed like actual warfare and everything, the rockets almost looked like a meteor, amazing story and graphics.
Omg, that war scene was beautyful.
The ending… Glorious
The violin made it hard, but I’d recognize FarCry 3’s Insanity song anywhere
(it’s the one during the night battle)
This doesn’t have the views it deserves, pure gold!
I’m pretty late, but I’m still saying it. Someone should make a short animation of that war scene in the end.
Those Koreans sure were crazy oh my goodness.
*Apocalypse Banna*
Awww it was emotional mostly because of the music…😭
this is fuckin amazing
Make a part 2
A amazing tale about survival, friendship, betrayal and insanity. It proves that the strongest characters can go insane after so much betrayal trauma and depriving behavior of the cruel world. From one studying savages to becoming nothing but a savage. The American researcher truly becomes what he studied. I give this documentary a 10/10 best movie made since saw shank redemptions.
When he reached korea and the music started playing I thought I was seeing some NieR: Automata shit XD
JCs , ” The Thing” soundtrack 😎
By the way , I know JC didn’t compose the soundtrack for it !
Holy fuck this was amazing
God i love bed so much
23:44 That is probably the most aesthetic helicopter flyover I have ever seen.
14:13 lmao
how tf do all of his videos end off in a beautiful way ever time
This is art…
Hwang story almost made me cry
i find antu
That bit at the the end was amazing
(O_O) ho no ;-; 24:12
BedBananas: The one person who can turn any game into a good enjoyable movie. I think he should make a movie
The ending of this video is the most beautiful thing ever
Music at 23:00?
Holy Goddamn. This was absofuckinglutely amazing. Seriously, your editing skills and music choices were on point.
Work of art
Can we get a sequel I’m being serious
that fight in the end :O
Holy shit the amount of characters that buck has from a german scientist to fucking garfield the cat thus guy is AMAZING!
*Rust, Rust never changes*
“Hwang it’s been half a day”
My god it’s … It’s beautiful
This film tells the tale of a brilliant researcher in deep foreign territorry, and his friends who share the same occupation. They are ambushed by the enemy and split apart. He slowly reforms trust with others only to be betrayed and ripped apart once again, until the cycle repeats itself. Truly amazing 11/10
I ruined the perfect 3k comments.
Holy shit that was beautiful.
part one….
22:50 Bomb Shelter During battle of manila in philipines (1944-1945 Colorized)
When part 2 coming
War never changes at the end
Saw this video maybe a year ago, and was thinking about the ending today. Just spent like an hour looking for it
editing on this kicks ass
a sMAll GRrUp OF SictES GET Fucvk uP By kOrryen BoIS
So when’s part 2?
war never ends
War… War never changes…
The fight that broke between china and americans has caused heavy casualties, mostly americans. 3 Americans was on a hideout post when they have heard of their comrades getting beaten by the china troops. Suddenly they were ambushed by the china and was surrounded around. Three americans escape from the hideout barely but got seperated and no one knows what happens to them… An hour later has passed and china has took over the american territory and populated the land. Americans were being discriminated, Beaten, tortured by the china policemen even raped. After three months has passed and they decided to rebel against the china and take a stand for their beloved nation. Bedbananas was one of them. He faced many great dangers confronting them but met alot of china people feel sympathetic. That was hwang but he feared of being killed for the law says to never ally any american fellow or the consequences would be death. Bedbananas getting discriminated, bullied, tortured and worst. But he kept fighting as a result of the ending of the video, the biggest history that mankind would ever remember, The American-China war period. Bedbanana decided to retreat to the shed where he watch the night sky exploded within the stars in his eyes…
Goodbye, Hwang.
Hell ya it started with thing music
Is that the music from the thing lol?
Yo wtf kinda server is this xD
The game has changed a lot since I last played it. I remember when it still had zombies and all animals only gave chicken breast for meat.
Came for fun,got back with ptsd.
A true cinematic master piece, damn shame it lost the grammy’s to Friday the 13th
damn I was not expecting that…
Tha best video on youtube
Best AMV I’ve ever seen .
Poor Hwuang, he never found a ants
War never changes.. :fallout 4 music starts
23:30 and the rockets red glareeeeeeeeeee
13:29 song name?
Oh shit I I must’ve clicked on RUST: the movie
I’m so sad when u and that guy split
Hi ant 😀
The unkown parts of the rust community are being found. we only have a video of what horror lies behind those join buttons
22:20 24:14 Vietnam vibes with that Huey gunship flying over xD
A film about American researchers (with a paltry Korean vocabulary) caught in the advent of the Korean War, stranded in NK territory could possibly work.
That massive raid scenes was so beautiful it made me re-install rust
They Had choppers too…
its funny and deep at the same time that what makes it epic
poetic cinema
What the fuuuuuuuuu
I’m starting to get scared of myself
The battle at close to the end was my favorite part.
22:25 holy shit that war looked so beautiful
Absolutely amazing. I’ve only recently found your channel and I love every video.
One year anniversary of this masterpiece
OK what’s the song called that plays during the war at the end it’s beautiful
reminded me of Come and See and Apocalypse Now
There’s so many emotions in this video, truly a modern masterpiece
With how Cinematic his outros are, he should be making movies not YT videos
Holy fucking shit they gets you emotionally
I just got Vietnam flash backs
This can’t be all of it 😫 more
This is so fucking cinematic. It’s like an entire goddamn movie. I am actually amazed at this. Like, the horror movie at the beginning. The buddy drama with Hwang. The SAW style prison escape with the gangnam style guys. And that fucking war sequence at the end. I left this one like i left The Socially Interactive of Rust: feeling very bittersweet. This is easily one of the top 5 gameplay videos on youtube.
7:24 Oh… this is my home… 1year ago…
Someone send me the song at 18:10
There’s helicopters in rust?
Have a sub and like for best RUST film of all time a truly heart wrenching and beautiful film. AND WHEN THE FUCK WERE THERE HELICOPTERS IN GAME
The choice of music in this video is amazing and well thought out.
That firefight is best thing i saw in entire youtube( if u can call it a firefight it was a full scale war)
keep up the good work banana
They said it’s going to be Ok….our base…attacked…razed! Gone. All gone.
holy shit that fight at the end tho
this was so creepy
I still find myself rewatching this.
The ending was lit af
Where is part 2
14:40 Top ten saddest anime moments
Old…but so fucking GOLD!
all his friends died he’s is all lone
this is like a man or girl went to war
A Cinematic Masterpiece, a Classic for the ages.
14:58 that scene was good for a movie
Oh he fucking said stash
The ending was the best world war 3 shit ever
North Korea vs south Korea
that ending battle was beautiful
I honestly thought this was just gonna be another gameplay video, but…..this was seriously impressive. Your editing skills are epic.
That was the absolute best YouTube video I’ve ever seen in my life, I cried👍👍👏👏
Does anyone know the name of the piano music from 18:15 onward?
Best video ever
Korean War Mk. 2
This seems like something straight out the movie theater
Really good video
14:43 wow…that actually made me sad…
Donate to BedBananas so we can get an actual movie from him!
What’s the song in the ending
Every player you met can as well be an NPC in some Borderlands game
It’s funny to see as the one who can actually understand what they’re saying 🙂
22:55 is one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen.
What a beautiful ending.
song @ 22:44 ?
never in my life have i ever been more afraid of a naked man.
9:39 holy fuck
WOW just wow
_The addition of the music from The Thing was a nice touch._
That war near the end was legit amazing
Can someone send me a link if the war at the end had a video send it to me at splawbry@gmail.com
What a fucking video. Movie style pretense with a somewhat sad, somewhat happen ending when Banana survives the firefight just to see the light of a new day. The “torture” scene and “betrayal” hit me hard.
I’m So Glad I Subscribed To BedBanana.
Creating Such Wonderful Stuff Such As This.
amazing. just… amazing. could actually be a movie.
This historical fiction follows the terrifying journey of an American ambassador sent to a Chinese research center in an effort to ease global tensions. During his visit, China erupts into a sudden civil war following unrest from communist leaders.
Over the past year, players in rust have been running into me thinking I was a man called Bed bananas. Ya see I worship the great banana! I LIVE THE BANANA! And then….I find your channel! Your content is GREAT!
Funny thing is, we sound SO much alike, that I swear at times I hear myself talking. WE MUST PLAY TOGETHER!!!
Add me on steam on hit me up here on youtube. WE need to talk! It would be a dream come true, to meet a fellow banana loving man!!!!
Hope to speak with you soon my friend =]
-Bad Banana aka Drewskii
This video is a year old but still, those final minutes were EPIC with the legitimate war that happened.
*zey are bootiful, aren’t zey? …we can learn zo much frum zem…*
What’s the song at 7:50 ish. (The battle music)
This is something beyond of what we call commentary…
_’He’s covered in bones!’_
That ending war bit genuinely sent shivers down my spine
holy fucking shit
that was cool the fight at night
it reminds me when i played rust
wtf is this XD!!
that beginning song is the theme from The Thing
I watch the final battle every night before bed. It relaxes me, and reminds me of the beauty we have in life, of simulated battlefields, of fear and glory. It keeps me living. You won’t see this, but I just wanted you to know that you truly inspire me, and I wish to someday have the resolve, determination and creativity you do to create such amazing, awe inspiring videos. I hope that some day I will be able to feel as much pride in my work as you do in yours.
Thanks again banana, for all you do for me.
I would pay to see this in theaters..
> tfw never be a better storyteller than bedbanana
10 out of 10
The ending tho
A small band of American researchers are sent into the jungles of Asia to investigate a rising pandemic that turns its host into blood-craving psychopaths. After what feels like months in the hell hole known as Korea 1 the Americans small research facility is attacked by the local psychopaths. Only few escape as the monsters tear the facility apart. One of the scientists gets separated from the others and finds himself alone in no mans land.
He experiences every possible horror as he roams the wastes searching for his lost team. The virus has spread rapidly as it infects more and more of the locals every day. Groups of psychotic militias roam around hunting for anyone not indoors or in a safe zone. After meeting many interesting people, some not yet infected by the virus, our protagonist meets back up with some Americans who escaped Korea 1 and the surrounding research centers. Their feeling of safety is torn away from them as a group of psychos finds them and murders the lead scientist and many others, few escape.
Once again on his own, our protagonist searches for the last safe compound where the Chinese government has constructed a mighty fortress to protect themselves from the infected. Soon after arriving our hero is fired upon narrowly escaping into the remains of a war torn building. Hordes of infected show up, armed to the teeth with rocket launchers and assault weaponry as they seek to destroy the last compound. Through the broken ceiling our hero watches in fear and awe as bullets, rockets and helicopters fly overhead, the two armies fighting with everything they have. After getting knocked out by a nearby explosion our hero awakens to find the carnage outside, both armies destroyed each other in an attempt to control the land, only blood stained land and rubble remain.
Wandering back into the jungles our hero is left with nothing but the horrifying images of death, children being slaughtered, families pit against each other and his closest friends and allies brutally murdered. All that is left is to let the wastelands eventually claim him as well as he watches on to the sun steadily rising over the mountains.
The ending though
SCP: Containment Breach for the first few minutes
Top ten anime betrayal
I think of the helicopter as the Americans evac
why is this like really good?????
i dont know how bed bananas is not at 1mill subs 23:52 hes got really good taste in music for any scene that happens!
I want more
Mr. Turnip: I want to be the person I want to be. Not the person I am
BedBananas: ….Do you watch anime?
22:03 tense moment
holy shit, this man has brought meaning to rust.
The Ending was literaly the most epic raid i have ever seen
This Rust video is one of the best things I’ve ever seen on YouTube, and I heckin’ hate watching YouTubers usually. 100/10, easy.
This video is like a movie. I love it!
I love these RP videos they’re hilarious
War never changes
This is actually art… I love it!
I swear to fucking god you need to direct a movie or something
Bed goes insane by the end
That felt like a fucking movie
What the hell is this editing? its amazing
You should do this again, it was really good
this is amazing
9:23 “Your dick is very small, BITCH!” bahahahah I died.
Only one word for last 5 minutes of the video CONTENT
Well done
The last part of this video is so sad and beautiful in a deep way. I come back every now and then just to watch it and find myself almost crying every time.
This is the best rust video I’ve ever seen in my life. It was like a horror movie at the beginning and the end I can’t discribe the feeling it gave to me but it was beautiful
Bedbananas, I sincerely believe you are the best channel on YouTube
One hell of a outro
That battlefield was beautiful.
So when does this come out in theaters?
A rollercoaster of emotions.
This video made a blind man see.
I’m an American put your weapons down!!! Lmao
It different and I like that
Dude… that was beautiful
the last Americans have German accents? Don’t make much sense
This was so beautiful
This whole thing was adorable
You only ate one thing in this video. mushrooms. Three times. I feel like you kept showing us them because they were a metaphor for your game-play in this life. A quiet, subtle life-form that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how hard it is hit. Just like fungus. This was an amazing video
The cold, unforgiving aftermath of war
War….war never changes
Felt like a far cry esque story
bedbanana can make anything pts inducing jesus christ
Is that song in the end from Far Cry 3?
That last scene with the scream gets me everytime, truly a masterpiece
9:25 funniest shit ever
kidnapped by Koreans and forced to sing gangnam style
When he pulled those arrows from the dead british kid it hit pretty hard.
What’s the song at 6:53
The Editing on this video is primo, BedBananas. I don’t really comment on these sort of things, but I want you to understand what a visual and audio marvel you’ve made, show it to Criken (respect to him) that it irritates him and forces step it up. All the power to you, I look forward to your next work of art.
18:07 what is the name of that song? i know is called nocturne by chopin but i want to know where i can find the distorded version .w.
Rust is a game where men go to lose their minds.
omfg at the end was amazing stunning
That ending battle was beautiful.
You are such a talent ❤️
all of your vids are amazing holy giggidy god damn
When Clair de lune started playing i knew tears would be shed. BRAVO BedBanana !
funny as hell and cinematic 😂😂
Stunning Bed, absolutely stunning
Videos like this make me want to play Rust again. Thank you.
I fucken love this
I love how at the end when he wanders into the bombed out building it’s like he’s just weary from it all and decides to lock himself in a room to rest before moving on.
wtf that ending
This makes me wanna play Rust… also.. I hate you.. that gave me unexpected feels.
22:56 that’s still fucking beautiful
To every one who died R.I.P.👼🇺🇸😞
23:00, about the war scene, that was simply artistic and amazing. Well done, you should be a film maker.
Fucking masterpiece. Best rust video I’ve ever seen.
What an epic tail about friendship, love, betrayal, loss and the horrors of war
“I thought horses were only in America”
Horses are Asian.
Honestly felt really sad at the end. It signifies a new world, one after the conflict..and grants us all time to recover
Sir why is Outpost 15’s troops screaming…? *is watching from the darkness* don’t be scared…we only want in fellas…..^-^
I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
God damn… that was amazing
Nice Vid!
I keep coming back to 9:22 and 19:06
The ending was truly beautiful.
This is now my favorite movie
Sad and bootulfull
This was an emotional journey.
Idk why but this video feels like an anime
Better than most movies out there
What’s the music that plays during the fighting at the end?
War nerver changes
7 Months have gone by and yet YouTube always find a way to bring this masterpiece to my eyes… truly envisioning and real eye opener to try new things and get out in the world accept help when it’s needed… and reject it when it’s not. This Short Film will forever be in my heart and I will constantly look back at this for a reminder of what the human race is…. thank you
One of the best Rust videos I’ve watched in a long while.
Lol everyone in Rust is insane.. Guess that what apocalypse does to people
Holy carp that battle at the end was insane! Ive never seen a battle that intense in rust before.
24:04 got me so bad 🤣😂
I haven’t seen it mentioned yet so I’d thought I’d state that the song that plays at 6:52 is a slowed down version of The Black Song / Kuroi Uta by Emi Evans from Drakengard 3
That helicopter at the end was PERFECTLY timed. Fucking love this documentary
Your videos are actually amazing, that war at the end❤ though and hwang 😣
What exactly are these games he plays I don’t understand
someone tells me what is the sound of the minute 6:23 ?
I loved the war
PART 1/3…
no one makes better rust videos and scp videos. and i just got here
The link to the music at 19:00 please ? I don’t find it
That last part that battle made me ask if that was rust or not.Was it?
The dudes in the torture chamber were horrifying
Thank you so much for this bed thank you
Man that ending raid was beautiful
this is actually sad i almost cried /:
forever my favorite video
That ending was beautiful
that was awesome
Permission to try and make this into an amazing movie, starting you as the main character pls jfc
I love how you used music from The Thing in the beginning. Bless You!
That had to be the single best ending ever.
One of the, if not fucking best videos I have ever seen on Youtube. Truly amazing.
That was a cinamatic experience
Anyone else think that BedBanana will eventually become a killer, because he was flashing back to the line, “We learn from them” during the end? Maybe going primal?
What this could also mean is the man before, during when they all meet, he could have experienced such a hell aswell.
Movie potential, seriously.
You study the inhabitants, only to become one.
Best rust video wtf
Your biggie’s very small bitch.
Best film ever.
Best rust channel
I really don’t know anything about Rust, but that ending sequence was really beautiful. The camera work and music selection was great, and the game really seems to shine when it comes to aesthetics. Just wow. I came here to laugh, but now I’m just in awe. Well done!
And people say games aren’t art.
Cardboard is in this video yay
22:19 What it’s like to be in a war
I’m your average gamer, I used to play rust every now and then thinking oh this is a ok game. I remember the day my whole perception changed of the game…I had just finished building my little shack and getting ready to take a nap in my freshly made bedroll. I heard a knock on my door. Thinking it was my friend I opened the door expecting another naked like myself, I opened the door to two fully geared people…They pointed guns at me and threatened to blow my brains out if I didn’t give them everything. They barged in stealing everything. My heart was pounding so I bolted out the door and ran to a nearby huge base, I knocked on the door frantically yelling and asking to let me in. A man holding a flamethrower opened the door and said step aside, I stepped aside and he ran up to them and killed both of them with no remorse just burned them alive. Petrified I thanked him when he came back. He asked if I needed anything, my shack destroyed and my friend dead I said yes and he invited me in. He walked me into a room full of beds and said that I’m his slave now. At first I said no so he pulled out a gun and said with more force… YOU’RE MY SLAVE. YOU OWE ME I SAVED YOU. I thought about it and realised I had no other option. He stripped me and gave me clothes and a pickaxe and sent me off to gather materials. After a long day of work I came home to food and water. He takes care of me. He is my *Master* . After dinner he took me to his room and asked me to strip. I of course did it for him because he is my *Master* . He bent me over his bed and I gave him pleasure because he is my *Master* . He gives me life so I give him pleasure and materials. *Master* loves me. He keeps me safe…provides me with food and water. *I love Master*
1:09 is the best bit
Near the ending it looked like World War 1
War is terrible but so beautiful
I love your choice of song in your videos, specially at the begining with the Thing song which is feat pretty well with the situation.
Still one of the best videos I’ve ever seen. Thank you, Bed.
Damn, this movie was good, i need a sequel!
i liked and subscribed ty
‘The Thing’ music really adds to the overall effect. 😛
Just for this they should add ants
That was fucking great
the ending of this was more intense then most war movies. wtf lol
This is actually fucking amazing, like dayz with Frankie but with a sense of humor and just incredibly well done. After seeing some of your stuff and seeing this I have to subscribe dude, fucking amazing.
I usually don’t comment, but my God was this powerful, it spoke in so many ways… beautiful cinematography excellent dialogue, in depth character progression, all with a single video… 25 minutes of absolute brilliance! The Last American, truth measured in action. Lessons demonstrated throughout really touch you, a warm kindled like feeling surges throughout the corpse. Amazing… truly a work of art.
“Naked’s fight back coming in 2018”
The last 3 minutes were Truly inspiring
War, War never changes.
😂😂😂love the dramatic scenes z😂👌👍
LOl, love the Thing theme song at the beginning <3
You should make movies. I think you would be a better director than most out there.
Diggis berry smol bintch :DDDD
love how after the battle ends the scavengers move in and thus the cycle restarts
The war scene at the end was beautiful!
Amazing 😍😭😱😂👏👍
9:40 lol
22:23 yes i know ther are alot of comments about. Also the Comady in this is funny and the end comes out of left feild. Dude knows how to impovise and tell a story with it.
the far cry 3 music in the end got me like… Damn… Feel ya later
Damn, that last part seriously reminds me of the bridge scene from Apocalypse Now, fuckin powerful
Holy shit, that was beautiful
Is this Homefront 3?
stranded american soldier attempts to survive in the wilderness of Korea (colorized, copyright 1954)
I liked the end that was amazing
15:22 This is like something out of Goya’s Disasters of War series.
bad banners gooed vido babby
13:28 Love this song. Clair De Lune
Found footage of an American POW struggling to survive the war-torn wilderness of Korea after being converted and assisted by local mercs (circa, 2017)
New frankyonpcin1080p any one?
I will be honest here. This is by far the best Video I’ve ever watched. This is beyond Hollywood movie quality, Because this video has impacted me more than anything other moving ive ever seen. This, THIS is pure gold, and there needs to be more of this!!
that fight looked so pretty!
HEY HEY BEDBANANNA! *Music intensifies* GaNgNaM sTyLe *Intensity through through roof*
there’re screaming at a naked dude… I love it.
what’s the song name 23:30 ?
22:18 is actually really cool
This is Frankieonpcin1080p levels of cinematography! great work man
Okay, until now, i never wrote a comment under any youtube video, but god damn that was a fucking masterpiece! Just beautifull!
I wonder how long the battle actually lasted. Cuz it sounded like it was just a few people trying to invade that fortress. Seems like either the people defending sucked or the people attacking were a lot better at combat cuz they took out the fucking helicopter.
Ending made me weep
that’s a big ant
This whole video was brilliant. It completely shows the amazingly human interactions that would otherwise never exist without video games and the diverse people that play them. There was emotional investment with each batch of characters who were so unique and genuine. It managed to be extremely cinematic with musical and smart editing. To top it all off, there was just the right amount of loose storyline to tie it all together. Seriously, consider filmmaking as a career man.
This is beautiful
Holy shit, pink guy was on that server
Wheres part 2?
i can see why leo decaprio got an oscar for the revenant, this part of the movie was so good, the moment when the korean guy called his dick small moved me to tears 😢😢
This video was absolutely perfect in every way
Holy shit, the battle at the end with the sun rising the morning after was amazing. Like, the whole spectacle of it couldn’t have been done better.
Holy fuck that was really deep.
Perfect video tbh
7:16 wow this is what my country looks like now 🙁
Holy shit, this video is my favorite YouTube video
I dont even need to watch Saving Private Ryan after this shit. It’s essentially on the same level. Beautiful.
13:28 i almost cried watching the second time
does rust realy looks like that ? 😮 Looks awesome xd The ending was epic <3
I think I cried a little at the end
Those koreans sure know how to throwdown!
23:08 Yugoslavia 1999
Love that PTSD moment
this is a really long meme
War can only be so beautiful when put from a different perspective, this is what bed banana can do with just a simple turn of events.
Best video ever to rust
Korean Hospitality, we beat the shait out of you and we bandage you.
17:28 American Solider watches his German volunteer comrade shot dead in front of him mid-sentence by NKC (Cira. 1951)
An American army of 3 stuck in Korea 1 narrowly escape death after an attack by the Korean military. Our hero BedBananas, after being separated from his brothers in arms, sets out on his own to find them once again. Along the way is unspeakable horrors, hostile savages, newfound friendships, tragedy, and heartbreak. A harrowing start that will enchant all… The Last Americans
That clean headshot with a bow on a running enemy was fucking amazing holy shit.
Bedbanana is such a genius director.
should be a director it was so beautiful.
This was so much like a real war and when they got out of the outpost to the main base it was destroyed, BedBannana i give you a award do another like this
Isnt he majestic, we can learn so much from them
My research: They are cold blooded murders
This was so beautiful only if he didn’t go in the base would have been better but still beautiful someone should make a movie like that i should play on a server like that next time, it also made me kind of cry it was amazing
I fucking love charborg I’m so glad I found this channel
holy shit, that’s pretty incredible story telling.
Sinister shit man awesome job
When he came with the axe I thought he was going to kill you xD
I’m so jealous that his videos are so cinematic while my videos are just early average maybe even less
I never knew nakeds could be so scary.
Think I just found my favorite video on Youtube !
Greats from France ❤
Lol at 17:04 they fucking stab him cause hes black
Dude this video was better then every movie I’ve seen in 2017 and I’ve seen a ton, you deserve more then 400k subscribers.
Also happy New Years 2018 starts in 14 minutes for me.
Yor DIG is berry smol BITCH.
“Dis some spoopy ass shit bruh” -NY Times
“Alien isolation aint got shit on this” -Side Ho Derek #4
“What the fuck is this?” -Gordon Ramsay
“9/11, needs more koreans” -IGN
That ending was amazing 10/10 would watch again.
18:52 “My Name is Jake Paul”
These videos are so good and are so entertaining thank you bedbanana
Thumbs up for “The Thing” music XD this was fantastic!
22:24 thats is so epic
Those last few minutes were beautiful
What is the server ?
You are an inspiration.
Fuck just make a movie about this
Does anyone know the music of the disorted classical music?
these videos are fucking poetry
one of the best youtube videos ive seen in a while, i dont even play rust
I cried from how funny this is and also how beautiful this is. You’re amazing.
This was… I- I cried.
God I hate your voice but this video is fucking amazing
This is truly one of my favourite videos on YouTube. It’s full of emotions, drama and much more, never have I expected a channel play a video game make me so emotional. Thank you Bed for making this masterpiece of a video.
You are a great person. Never stop being you, because god damn, you are the best.
This went straight to my favorites.
The end was dope af
the ending tho
“omg he’s adapting” lmao
By far my favorite movie of 2017, five stars, 10/10
This is so heartwarming just like last of us…😢😭😩
Best Rust video ever made
Make part 2 pls
song name at 7:00
Loved it.
That fire-fight at 22:57 made me feel emotional for some reason….
i think you should bring The Worms to Rust
I need part two!!!
Bedbanana is literally a breath of fresh air
This was such a great video.
I’m crying and laughing at the same time only the best creators can make u do that
I really liked this video, the firefight was so beautiful in a way. I was so at awe, but still couldn’t help but laugh when the explostions hit around you. The soundtracks were so on point. I totally wanna play with you if I could haha.
We need a game that is through a citizens view of warfare and inside a firefight
22:20 Best part of the vid
That final part tho
Even though Bed has it listed, I can’t seem to find the outro music, does anyone know where to find it?
This was incredible.
(And I think I I like you more than Criken. Shh, don’t tell him.)
Does anyone know what the outro song was? I can’t find it under “ES_Tranquil’s-Bliss-August-Wilhelmsson” as the description puts it.
please what is this music that starts at 18:05, or someone that knows can tell me
We Live We Die Sometimes You Lose What You Love And We Feel Guilty Of It…..but we have to move on and leave the past behind
this is the best gaming video on youtube.
The ending gave me chills, but not just that, the whole god damn video gave me chills. So good. Laughed through most of it, was in awe all the way through.
Everybody in rust sounds like they’ve lived as a hermit in the woods all their life.
fucking christ that was beautiful
How can you like a video twice on youtube?
Dude you got some serious skill man. Truly a pleasure watching most of your vids 🙂
the ending was good with the music theme
Amazing video
ok the most dramatic scene i ever see in youtube 13:29 so funny lol
When is the sequel coming?
this is art
A small team of four American and German cultural anthropologists on a mission in Vietnam are caught in the middle of a vicious proxy war between two opposing rebel groups backed by major world powers. The lead researcher, doctor Bed Bananas, is separated from his colleagues after his compound is ambushed by a rebel strike force that suspected the compound to be a listening post. Bed wanders through the forest for days, encountering dozens of displaced villagers struggling to survive in the wilderness. He meets a kindly villager named Hwang, and together they narrowly escape while searching for food. Hwang leads Bed to an abandoned bunker, but forbids him to come inside out of paranoia, bidding Bed a tearful goodbye and providing him with a handful of supplies. A dejected Bed leaves Hwang a note before heading back into the wilderness to find his friends. He witnesses the murder of a British researcher on a similar assignment by more armed rebels, but Bed once again manages to survive. Bed encounters an American tourist who came to Vietnam in search of love, and is soon reunited with the rest of his team. Their reunion is short lived, however, and all of his comrades are killed by rebels. Bed takes refuge in a seemingly abandoned house, only to discover he wasn’t alone-the House was inhabited by another rebel group. The rebels capture Bed and torture him for days, locking him in a cell with only an old radio for company. The rebels ultimately take pity on Bed and release him, and he leaves in search of food and shelter. During the night he is drawn to a burning building, the stronghold of one of the rebel groups, and finds himself in the middle of a fierce firefight. Bed watches in a mix of wonder and terror as an attacking helicopter is shot down by the rebels before a nearby explosion knocks him unconscious. In the morning Bed wakes up to discover that the rebels have wiped themselves out and he is the only survivor. A shell shocked Bed wanders through the wilderness, pausing only to watch the sunrise.
bedbananas is an expert on making rust raids look like the apocalypse, the beautiful apocalypse.
Every video ends in a moment I don’t experience in 1 thousand hours of playing. I love your videos all of them. That’s maybe why you don’t post that much just to get the perfect moments. EDIT: was that the house from when he traped that guy.
I love you
You should’ve formed an American clan to seek revenge on Hwang
that was epic
Protecting the Führerbunker was very tough I see.
i cant stop watching the last part
Please! For the love of god make a sequel!
I don’t play Rust OR watch anyone until this so I’m going to ask some questions for 22:30:
What are the flying “cannonballs” at the end?
How did they get into a firefight?
Who were they fighting?
Why did Bed lock himself in a room?
How can anyone make better cinematography than at 22:30?
This isn’t a YouTube video it’s a masterpiece
Korean players r fucking weird man
Please tell me this is all improv <3
What server is this
This is the most autistic and the most beautiful thing ive seen in my life, and i love every second of it
This is quality
(1950 Korea) united states military assaulting a North Korean fort. (colourised)
why the fuck this made me cry???
that was actually amazing towards the end
So this is what China looks like
At charborgs there
Rust is a strange place
The art of war
What’s that shelter background song?
(Songsnsang’s shelter)
18:05 im begging what’s the old school music being played! Please anyone! Let me know!
When North Korea gets invaded one day, and it will, I have a feeling a lot of North Koreans will experience shit like what we witnessed.
That ending tho
what an epic ending the soundtrack, the helicopter shot them, it even seemed arma 3
This felt like a movie!
Bed bananas, this is a great video, awesome cinematic, awesome story, idk how you managed to do this but i felt like i was watching. A movie, a seriously fucked up crazy one filled with naked dudes… p.s. charborg is the reason i started following you
last 3 mins should have been the new ww2 trailer…not gonna lie…that part hit me in the heart
Is this Apocalypse Now?
Rust: a psychological thriller
Mmmm… the thing, music
Oh my God..it’s so beautiful…I’ve never seen anything like it.
dude watch your videos high everyday in a week make my month way better, thank you! hahahahaha
damn koreans rlly know how to make wars lmao
This video was so good, everything just went so well together. Good job man.
The last 4 minutes made me realise what rust really is its just a beautiful game with a artistic side to it that cinematic ending you showed was sooo beautiful and yet the rest part of the video was soo funny dude thankyou for making this video and keep it up.
Bedbanana you deserve so many more subs. The videos you post are awesome!
A small group of Government personnel find themselves trapped in a small, low budget research center following the spread of an unstoppable virus which turns its victims into animalistic psychopaths. The facility falls under siege and the main character gets separated from the rest of his group during the escape. He wanders the wilderness alone for days, meeting the infected populace. Most are feral, but few prove to be helpful, keeping him alive just a while longer.
In act two, he finds himself alone again, but eventually meets up with his former co-workers being aided by another group of survivors they met on the run. They reunite, and our survivors try to make it to the last uninfected base left standing. Along the journey, they are attacked by a roving gang of infected, and everyone is either slaughtered or captured – the latter being the case for our main character.
In act three, he finds himself trapped inside of the psycho’s home, but after a while he is able to escape. Finally free, but alone once more, he closes the distance on the last base… As he approaches, he finds himself fired upon. He takes cover, only to realize he showed up mere seconds before a massive horde of infected are leading a full-fledged assault on the compound. It’s an all out war, and he can do nothing but hide and wait. He is caught in a barrage of mortars and is knocked unconscious. He awakens the next morning, severely wounded, and finds that both sides have wiped each other out. He wanders off into the woods, but soon collapses from blood loss. He watches the sun rise as he bleeds out.
this is fucking art dude, damn
Hwang. What a beautiful soul
Nice use of “THE THING” soundtrack, love that movie.
Omg it’s Charborg!!!
Epic legenda in português pls man pls
What song do those koreans play at about 19:00?
China numbah 1
This is surreal.
Humanity is such a bizarre thing to behold.
Feels like if Apocalypse Now was directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky.
You make some of the purest videos I’ve ever scene of taking such games that we are all used to just rushing through and playing it how it goes and taking it and just putting a whole different perspective on it. It makes me think about the games we play. The sound design, cinematics, everything is just beautiful. Keep up the good work my friend.
20:10 I think we’ve all been there..wondered off and met some scary people you can get away from..
You have a real fucking talent man
“I’m afraid I’m not an Asian, I’m a German.” Speaks in a robotic tone, lol
Lol 9:40 best part
Cant wait for more of this.
God we need a raud cam of that
Lmao I just found your channel your content is hilarious 😆
Can y’all make more videos like this i really like these videos! I just discovered your channel and your friends so keep up the good work 🙂
That was beautiful in so many ways. God bless bedbannanas
21:55 Holy shit that scared me so much, “just when you thought you were making it out alive, you hear a now familiar korean voice calling you…”
Hahahhahahahhahahah the ant part…
still the best rust video ever
Like an alien planet or something
Favorite rust video ever!
This Video was amazing especially the rockets and tracers in the night
hes covered in B O N E S
“We can learn so much from them”
This beautiful narrative follows the heartwrenching story of a young American researcher in his trials and tribulations deep in foreign territory. As an ambush attack relocates his team from their base of operations, this tale follows the journey of one man through the dangerous and unfamiliar jungle. The score of this film is absolutely phenomenal, keeping the viewer on the edge of their seat while they clutch those around them in an intense love inspired by this coming of age tale of freedom, regression, and true love. 10/10
hwang x bedbananas fanfic on its way
whers part 2?
damn that battle part. its just so… emotional,
This shit is equivalent to top tier movies
i love BedBanana’s vids. he can make any situation into a horror situation
It was on that night I watch the sky fill with fire, tracers like shooting stars and rockets like a meteor shower. Helicopters soared and burned as I held my knees to my chest and watched like a curious child, silently praying I’d make it through unharmed. It was one of the most terrifying and awe-inspiring things I had ever seen, and left me with a feeling I’d never truly be able to describe as long as I live.
Ive been a criken fan for years and never thought tp look up bed and now im glad i finally have. Best shit ive ever seen. Im addicted
I am a simple man, I like simple things.
I don’t know what I just watched but god….I loved it.
Dude this was amazing
The Last American sounds like the title of a movie Steven Segal would be in.
Best vids ever
Hwang, it’s been half a day!
The ending deserves to be in a movie
Beautiful, just, beautiful
fat subscribe right there
War never changes
Im digging the theme song from The Thing!
Wait what was that at the end, is that all online people?
Bedbananas: best YouTuber of all time…
This is the best rust video ever, and by a long shot.
that ending was amazing
What a dramatic ending
This is the best video ever 10/10 so sad 1 like= 1 prayer
the ending to this video was sick dude
Whats the ending raid scene song called?
the Korean war
I think about this video a lot
Holy shit, that last scene was incredible.
just like chihiro journeying through a strange, magic, dangerous land /bravo!
What is the song for the last three minutes I’m going nuts
The ending was beautiful with the rockets flying
this is the second video I’ve watched of BedBananas, and all I can say is: Wow. I’m subscribing.
The ending was amazing to watch. Great editing!
I always felt with the right backing, bed could make a full length feature film
great video ♥
What are you doing here little British boy?
I hardly ever comment on videos… but god damn this is some quality content. I appreciate the hard work you put into this video. You have earned a like and a follow. May your channel prosper man👍
wtf I did not expect this from a rust video, wow!
This is the best rust video ive ever seen hands down amazing omg your awesome
As a Korean, I feel like I’m being mocked by this video, but I don’t care if anyone else feels strange about someone else. Simply touched, I was touched by the sheer shock of the game.
Korea 1: Outpost 15, *Part One.*
Fuck man is that Charborg? Helllllk yeahhhhh
진짜 러스트하는 한국 유저들 즐겜 뒤지네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Holy shit
I love you for using ‘The Thing’ theme
Are you some kind of god finding these situations in rust so beautiful its scary.
The Thing theme song is litty
i almost teared up
Whats was the music the asians where playing in the house around 20:00
Most big dad big
This is beautiful
Based in a true story
ch… char…. Daddy.
Dude wtf.. did you really just stumble on that raid at the end? That shit was epic… fuckin helicopter and everything.
“Part 1/3”
Hwang is my father
23:37 whats the name of the music? Pls teal me
0:14 this is hell
That ending
Shuch a beautyfull video 😩
Holy baby that was….art (the war scene)
I’m so confused between crying because these videos are emotional gold, or laugh because of the mouth movements
The ending holy shit…. 10/10
22:17 Tearjerker…
(insane laugh) “Yeah, China number one!” *BLOWS UP*
this is some red dawn shit
Each video has it’s own characters who are very complex individuals. Hwang for instance was a multimillionaire yet he wanted to experience life in every aspect. That even included abandoning friends like Bedbanana, a truly riveting story that really pulls at the heart.
9:55 -10:35 reminded me of Indiana Jones and the raiders of the lost ark
Those last three minutes were beautiful
it was a pleasure working with you at the gas station <3 - wewo
What the heck, this is like if LISA was an mmo, jeez, its so terrifying yet funny all at once XD
Hwang found his ants. ;-; he will not be forgotten.
that is wierd
Damn, so emotional I cried
This was the most intense gameplay I have ever seen.
Rust: The last Americans (and German medic)
Finish meth rp please
This shit right here is some shirt film quality shit. Props to you Bed for thinking outside the box and actually making original content instead of rehashing the same shit over and over again *cough cough Vanoss cough cough*
soundtrack details pls? particularly the piano piece at the end
so anime is the first order…And china is the purge 24/7…!?!
17:01 best Moment LMAO
Out of all the Rust youtubers and Rust videos i have watch intentionlly and on accident, this is purelly just the most fanoninal Rust video i have seen in a long time. It has me captured with all the feelings any sentiant being can feel because it is so real and shows such litteral human features. i am so emotional about the last seen. well done my man ;-;
Absolutely fucking beautiful bed bannana, keep it the fuck up man!
i love the thing soundtrack at the beginning
More please
Nothing like being in the vicinity of a korean zerg group
it’s the most terrifying thing in rust. They are a dedicated bunch ready to snuff life out in the name of minerals
Where there are koreans there is death.
In 25:36 he should of put in a flash back when he was in the same place and the war was going on THAT ILL BE SOO COOL
Korean DMZ after President Donald Trump calls Kim Jong Un stupid
That shit was the best rust video ever you got a sub my friend
Is this leaked north korea footage?
What’s the song at 6:50? It’s so beautiful
i fucking lost it at 9:40 XD
This is fucking wack
So hard to watch but so addicting at the same time
I enjoy “The Thing” music
I watched this on my phone and had to watch it on Gear VR afterwards. The ending almost brought me to tears. Such a great video, BedBanana.
Holy shit this is amazing
This was honestly gorgeous
This movie went from horror to survival to heartache to drama and all while masking as a comedic compilation of clips with a bunch of weirdos on a server and obviously some are cancerous or retarded. The story is amazing and that ending was captivating. What a journey
Like always bedbananas makes a little movie that I will always enjoy. Great work bed!
War never changes.
Most cinematic hidie hole ever
gotta love it <3
keep it up
this is a cinematic masterpiece
Looked like god damn world war 1or 2 civilian perpective at the near end
I first watched your Rainbow Six Siege video, don’t know how it ended up in my recommendations, as I never played the game or watched videos… BUT I’M SO GLAD I FOUND YOU!
After watching this video to check if you have more videos like it, and this one was just as good!
Holly shi* that was the best thing I have ever seen in my life : 0
You and Mr.Moon 👌🏾
I didn’t know you were Frankieonpcin1080p with these editing skills.
Awesome video! Should visit the Korean servers more oftern.
this was the best one yet holy shit
The thing music was hawt
wow a place where kuroi uta works
I new it was a farcry 3 song.
the end looks cool
Ik someone’s already commented this, but FUCKING HELL THIS COULD BE SUCH A GOOD MOVIE!!!!!!!
Was that Clair de Lune on the part Hwang left you? Anybody who listens to that type of music deserves a sub.
Some say he is still looking for ants to this day.
War… War never changes.
Play it with the fallout 4 intro music and be amazed.
Whats the song at 13:28 ?
Dude, can I make spanish subtitles? please, this is just perfect….. everyone should watch this
this is so fucking beautiful
oh man the last minutes crashed my heart. Keep it up, You are doing great job.
When in china remember trust no one
War…war never changes….
Music at 18:10 please… Can’t find it
I knew I heard Charbaby
Top ten saddest anime stories
Very good
Master Piece. It like the movie lone survivor
When the guys killed the little British boy I laughed so hard
The last moments looked better than the whole Dunkirk movie
This is so well made and perfect in every way
The obscurity of Asia servers will never cease to amaze me
is that the drakengard soundtrack?
This is a truly amazing video tho, it was really well done, and pretty funny XD so great job, and that server was kinda crazy ._.
Don’t worry, your banana is normal 🙁
that ending gave me feels hard
oh shit charborg is in this!!
this is the best horror movie I have ever seen
“Yo diggy’s very smol bitch” – Naruto
Absolutely incredible, and only part one too? This is gonna be a great series
BedBanna could you try rising storm 2: Vietnam? also could you revisit dead rising?
Rest in a nutshell-
>Be confused
>Gunfire everywhere
Jesus this is one of the best videos i’ve seen on YouTube
best movie i have ever seen
Far Cry 3 soundtrack was lit
I had a dream about bedbanana and a bunch of other YouTubers put me in a video. I now exist in my dreams
World war anime in real
9:38 I was not expecting that at all
What a cinematic experience. I will never not force my friends to watch this
North korea rp rust server?
You really lucky
I fear for beds sanity in this strange land. . .
This shit can be made into a literal movie like I would find this shit this was so fucking amazing
What is the name of Buck’s channel
This video had me weak the entire time keep up the good work man
I hope there was that one guy who sat on the hill and recorded that whole raid at the end, would’ve loved to hear and see that from a distance
this was amazing
Wow, was expecting comedy the whole way through. But the later half was film quality, well done.
The Rust War’s circa 2017-????.
Pure Kino
You should have played roblox with zuthar and cheif
Wrong game but….
War…. War never changes.
dont u ever leave buck bed, dont u ever leave him
Ending was legit full scale war
You rock Bed.
This made me.cry at the last few minutes
War war never th
What the actual hell. All these videos start off innocent and entertaining but slowly become dark and horrifying.
Somebody needs to give this guy a film budget. The music you pick for each video always seems to fit perfectly
I love Chopin
One of the guys sounded like kunfu pandas goose dad
I can’t stop watching this masterpiece. I love the “German” Buck.
what song is this at 18:10
Hwangs quest for ant
Please do more Hitman videos bro, they are the best and fucking funny, beautiful as hell😢😁
there should of been a fallout slideshow at the end.
It should be “the last German-Americans”
insta subscribed.
I want to comment but no words can describe the feelings of euphoria that I felt watching this. Just as fucking good… no brilliant as your ark series.
First song was “Desolation” or “End Title Music” by John Carpenter from John Carpenter’s The Thing. HAHAHAHAHA
And the most underrated youtuber award goes to…
Nazi officers at auchswitz containing a small jewish child (1943 colorized)
This. This is art.
Part 1/3
This was legendary
Korean war documentary
Beautiful……. Fucking…. Beautiful…… Legit though like some other comments say, I know it’s supposed to be a joke but that last part has a deeper meaning to it.
What’s the song at 25:25 ?
This is frankieonpc level shit
that was such a good video enjoyed it 😀
Holy fuck, 3 minutes in the vid are an absolute kino. I wish I could experience a battle like that in Rust.
18:05 Chopin- Nocturne op.9. 02
its like the thing
Jonathan Pizzas return
The second Korean War has just begun.
Those last few minutes
*War…war never changes*
Question is: Anyone else been able to play Rust even? I tried, servers don’t pop up. None at all. Part could be my crappy laptop, but that only explains poor graphics and the inability to try and load servers, not the inability to find them.
I cry every time
The question is who won though? 22:28
we need part two I need to know what happens and if you go see hwang again
I see in the description it says part one, so I’m fucking hyped for a part two.
That was an excellent movie
I was literally gasping in awe as that fight scene was happening
You deserve a short film animation price, cause dayum!
PS: What’s the name of the music at war scene?
That’s the theme from “The Thing” in the beginning.
Why does he have a German accent? xD
Bro I’ve watched that battle scene like 10 times
I know i’m late but 9:22 was actually a compliment
I don’t know what this is but I like it.
Next episode plz
This is great
I love this
This is the most poetic thing I’ve ever seen.
Why does the end of this video put me in my feels?
My manager at work told me about this. Best manager ever.
That was a fucking masterpiece of film making. Keep up the good work bed
dude those last 2 scenes were cinematic AF. liked
9:15 a random savage guy
This is good
Dude, I’ve never seen anyone take a game that I couldn’t care less about if you paid me, and turn it into a video that was so incredible in every aspect that I want nothing more than for someone to make an series from it.
This is an actual 10/10.
I can literally smell that the first sequence was heavily inspired by The Thing.
This is the best video I’ve ever seen on YouTube
I loved it man keep up the good work and I’m checking my notifications everyday for more 🙂
The ending had to be some traumatic shit!
I’ve never seen or played Rust before. I hope you guys (aka the internet) don’t mind me asking, is all this stuff actually in the base game? Are there huge battles between players and crazy friends and seemingly psychotic people running at you with hatchets, or is this all scripted?
Coolest video make a series out of this really cool and funny and I love this video so much like all the splosions all that that’s so cool try to get that stuff please
I would pay money to see this movie
where be ark?
ive never even seen this game before but this video is good as fuck
Only BedBananas can turn rust into an unnecessary cinematic…. AND I LOVE IT!
best rust gameplay I’ve ever seen, just wow.
Very well made mate
(in the end) is that ww2? O.o ?… scury stuff… 😖
Bedbananas will not ever see this comment
Easily the best video of 2017
23:42 My god its Jonathan Pizza
War is hell.
After watching a few videos I have to subscribe
That end was so beautiful. Hell this entire video was a blast. Great job BedBanana!
American trade post in Japanese occupied Korea goes downhill after rebel insurgents find the location of their captured commander and begin a bombing run. The surviving Americans flee into the countryside where they see the horrors of the civil war. Villagers armed with farming equipment prowl the countryside hunting down travelers and men alike. The gates of civilization can no longer bound the men of insanity as they prowl the land looking for the obscure that their cold cells lacked. It all comes to a climax where the American soldier (main character) sees a young British teen horrifically killed by Korean Partisans as the last words of his chipped, scurvy filled mouth slowly say “Fookin’ ‘ell” in a cold, dank tone.
Eventually he reaches the American safe zone where he meets a civilian who lost his wife in the enduring civil war. The civilian, so tortured by the war attacks nearly kills an American scientist who is tormented by his inability to protect his experiments. A German POV guides the men on a gathering expedition so they can get out the country when suddenly a local warband attacks. In the ensuring chaos their group is either mortally wounded or killed. Crawling through the Ki’ti river he finds a local village and crawls into the house… Realizing too late he is in the belly of the beast… The Korean partisans torture him for what seem like days… Playing on his sensual, morale and intellectual abilities.
They slowly play an American Symphony while the POV slowly looses his sanity. The Korean Partisans, spotting a chance propagandise the individual about the great Gangnum and his socialist bounties.
Damn he makes better stories and videos than movie directors
Subbed. That ending was amazing. i lol ed the whole way through.
this video was put together so well
fuck man I loved farcry 3
22:29 rare footage of ww3 filmed by a civilian in a battle between usa and pepoles republic of china 2021
This was great! I’m curious to how you made this.
“Part 1/3” oh boy more to come
It’s amazing how you take regular gameplay and turn it into a story. LOVE these videos!
there was never an ant
Chaos, Distraction, And complete disorder some only see the evil in this but some see it as something else. What is war and death without after math. For everyday is another day where we all move on
That ending was actually beautiful.
Bed… will y..will you m…m..mary me?
buck’s my favorite
Just shut up and make a horror movie already
best looking war in game i ever saw after squad
My god in the finale minutes in his little 1by1 and he gets rocketed that was the best thing I have ever herd.
Красиво, блять, душевно.
I am really impressed, subbed and keep that good work up
now, i havent seen saving private ryan
but i definitely feel like i just watched saving private ryan
Is this staged?! It’s so good. It’s like a movie. 🎥
That ending was… Stunning, I thought it truly caught the experience of being a civilian during war. The constant shelling of missiles,bullets,and helicopters along with the ak47 rounds whistling by as the citizen witnesses true war and hears the sounds of hell. This is better than some movies, and how the hell were you able to see that in rust? Usually I just get killed and struggle to create a farm as nakeds with Spears try to kill me. The ending was gorgeous and heart pounding. And that end scene where the civilian leaves the death grounds calmly, yet damaged, truly a art piece of cinema.
At the last few seconds I was just thinking “such is life in the zone”
…Hey, hey badbanana!..
…gangnam style…
(drops hatchet)
This is why you’re still and always will be, my favorite YouTuber.
A true heartfelt story.
At 19:00 what version of Chopin Nocturne is that
Holy shit, that was the best rust content I’ve seen yet.
The last few moments were something you would see in fucking arma 3
“Hey bedbanana… gangnam style” *unsheathes hachet*
new ww2 zombies trailer?
damn, so epic story
I haven’t seen something this funny in a long while! Gave me good laughs!
a descent into madness
Every bit of this video was absolutely amazing, and seems to capture what is to love about how people interact in Rust when it’s not just KOS. Not only was the the editing and choice of music absolutely amazing, but as a result of that, I felt a strong emotional connection in every scene, from comedic to tragic. Not to mention that the ending scene was wholly breathtaking, and pulled a tear from my eye even.
Beautiful and genius. Liked and subscribed.
Take my fkn sub omg.
can you do more hitman videos. they were hilarious.
Bed bananas fits well into rust, it’s just the mentality and the community around the game is great for someone like bed, he can be someone who runs an arena where the losers die and get cannibalized or an American soldier tasked with observing the Koreans and learning their culture in one of the many outposts around The demilitarized zone, only for war to break out and having to escape deep into Korea and survive the endless amount of North Korean soldiers trying to kill him. He goes on to see South Korean troops attacking a fortified position, and after all goes quiet he walks away slowly pondering in the silence, coming to great conclusions that he will never disclose.
This is quite possibly the best YouTube video I’ve ever seen
That was some sort of version of Vaas’s death music in the last 3 minutes
The ending was movie level dude holy smokes!
holy shit. that ending. its fucking nam dude
lmao I hope char makes a vid on this
The ending was fucking beautiful, Good job man
That ending tho I don’t think I’ll ever see something like that in rust
That fucking ending
Why is it that no matter what game he plays, he always ends up getting the most perfect cinematic at the end of his videos, always so beautifully captured in a public game and fitted with fantastic music to fit the scene.
It’s nice to hear The Thing soundtrack get some love, great video. Keep up the great work.
why n upload more
I kinda want a rust movie, anyone else?
This is nothing short of a masterpiece
“… the very next day, it was as if the battle had never occurred. Although there was the lingering smell of gunpowder and smouldering wreck of the downed helicopter.”
I love you.
That ending though it was glorious
This was so amazing. I loved every part of this, great job and thank you.
I’ve lost track of how many times I have seen this and it is still just as beautiful as the first time
that ending
awesome video and the war at the end ! Just wow
From title I thought his was like border control but no it’s like Jurassic Park
Make a sequel, I mean… For you’re not tired…
the ending reminds me of platoon lol
22:56 look mom its a shooting star!!
13:41 only sad reacts
i love the music, for anyone who doesn’t know, its the theme to john carpenters “the thing”
honestly, beautiful ending
Best video ever! Couldn’t stop laughing!
i literally watched this vid 7 times thats how good it is
Ever think of doing a video with General Sam?
that ending was beutiful
I Love this part ! 22:46
Best advertisment for Rust. I bought it and got my friends to play it because of Bed’s and Broteam’s videos
“How do I get you up?”
“Hold me… hold me!..”
*pistol sounds*
Perfect drama.
The ending.. possibly the best scene i’ve ever seen!
can i like this a thousand times plz?!
I love your vids. They are damn good! The best Rust video i´ve even seen
Can u make another one of these
nice edit ! got me as a sub!
Dude that was perfect you earned a sub from me!
War… War never changes.
How do capture such beautiful war footage
What’s the song that starts at 6:50 ?
this was like a emosional movie about war so goood this is my favorite video
What’s the song from 6:50? Great vid btw! xD
bed. tell me theres gonna be more. don’t tell me this is the end. please…don’t….
wtf hwang 🙁
I’m late what’s happening here.
What a rollercoaster of a single emotion
love your content
Top Ten Anime Betrayals
Bedbananas? I haven’t heard that name in months
dam this shit was wild. great vid
Americans trapped in weeaboo Japanese occupied Korea *2019 colorized*
This shit fucking killed me 😂😂😂
I subbed and binged your channel after this.
what the shit has this game become?!
Still waiting for the Bingo plush
Love how you used the music from “The Thing”.
Holy fucking shit. this whole entire video was spectacular. All of the editing and added sound made this so good. Since when can rust gameplay give chills?? I was speechless watching the last 3 minutes of the video. Then the morning after was the perfect ending. Instant sub from me. This is so good.
Does anyone know the song that plays from 6:15 to 6:30? It isn’t listed in the description. By the way great video bed
that war cinematic was fuckin insane holy shit really shows a different perspective in war tbh lol good job mah mans
I might start playing on more asian servers because of that ending…. Americans like me f*ck around too much…
This whole video was just emotional like. The way americans died as soon as you meet them or as soon as you find your fellow comrade you are seperated again. And the war was amazing.
fuck you… at the end i almost shed a tear…
wtf did I jsut watch?
I had to watch this again. 10/10
>New Video
>Rust Gameplay
>Music from the thing
>Part 1/3
*I came*
Literally better than porn
at the end, we can clearly see the world as we know it ending irl
Captain’s here! The song at the end is called ”Further (feat. Serena Mckinney)” From the OST of Far Cry 3
Not gonna lie when that Far Cry 3 OST hit I got chills and teared up a bit.
This is proof that just showing a small window into the sky can tell a powerful and emotional story.. I feel like I just watched a hollywood WW2 movie.. This is GODLIKE!!
Sat with this in my recommended videos for days. Don’t care for rust gameplay, but this was pretty incredible. Subscribed and looking forward to part 2!
this was so fucking good
Whats the song at 25:22
It’s so beautiful!
The greatest ending to a *movie* I have ever seen.
From what I can gather rust is bsically a maniac’s solution to the absence of The Purge.
Man this is something special right here
there will never be a BB vid i dont like
That battle scene was beautiful
War… War never changes.
Why are your videos so amazing?
19:05 what song?
Rust looks like a bad acid trip
Sub for that edit
I’m holding back tears, this video is so powerful
The most interesting and dramatic video i have seen in my life,and it was a video about an American joining a Korean Rust server…who knew that BedBananas could show the terrors of war…
I Wonder how you manage to create such unique videos wich looks like a movie every time ! Pure art here !
I think buck would do a good Chris impression from family guy
“Kien, why don’t you like playing on American servers?”
They are plagued with a disease called *autism*.
Is this Homefront 3?
Best gaming related video I’ve seen this year.
Amazing work you put into editing these videos.
what is the song at 7:00? already checked the description
shoutout to charborg
You guys should consider collaborating with Blunt Force Trauma
Best Movie I have ever seen 67/30!
7:30-7:44 was flawless
wow, what a crazy video, good job man
The far cry 3 soundtrack makes the last minutes of the video perfect.
American servers: uncomposed and in small groups, rarely any big fights going on because they are killing eachother
Asian servers: literally ww3 and conposed organisations taking down eachother with giant buildings, helicopters, machine guns and explosives.
How’d you guys trap a korean in your base I heard they’re hard to capture
The ending scene is oscar worthy.
Last time I was this late, china had already conquered 50 planets
That last part was fucking amazing!
This is by far the best Rust video I have ever watched. Keep up the great work, loved it.
Outlast 3 teaser trailer
I wish YouTube had its own Emmy awards system. I would push to have this guy get the at least 3 YouTube emmys
Bedbananas I came here expecting a funny video…
I really did not think I would question war.
Where the hell can you find that outro song?
This video just made me cry
the end was so amazing jesus
I kept watching and rewatching the ending, it felt so amazing
the end of this video was the most amazing thing i ever seen in rust
Far Cry 3 Ending music!! Nice!!
Anyone know the song at 23:00 ?
Damn that nocturne, though. good shit
War…. War Never Changes…
Do a American invasion of the Korean servers XD
21:58 The SUSPENSE monkaS
So cool can you do more Korean server? Subscribed
Sequel please?
I wonder why BedBanana likes capturing naked men so much
the ending of the war part got me XD
whats with the “The Thing” music at the beginning? It’s fucking cool!
Bed wtf are you a cinematographer?
I have this feeling similar to when I wake up from a disturbing dream and what I saw and felt in it merge together to create a general “feeling” of the dream, which lingers on during the day and whenever I recall it. Congratulations, that’s exactly what your video did to me, and that says enough regarding the quality of you as a youtuber.
Oh my bad, bannan you’re amazing
That nighttime firefight Mmmmmmmmmmm
This was such a piece of art
Am I having a fever dream
I thought I was hearing Jerma
Still waiting for North Korea RP
This Game is What it is like in Africa
I’m not afraid to say this, but this video is one of the best mini movies I have ever seen. Almost cried. Seriously, I give this a 10/10. Absolutely beautiful.
this may sound weird but when bed bannana walked out of the building after seeing the huge raid and him seeing all of the dead body’s scattered around I just kept on remembering a quote from the movie full metal jacket “war is hell”
the last minutes of war looked like the fall of Rome jesus
“what are you doin here little British boi? *sees kid get an arrow to the face 😂
@ 7:36 legitimate creepy
Where can I find these unscripted events
lmg mounted and loaded 🙂
That was a legitimate theatrical fucking masterpiece. I think this is the best thing I’ve seen on this God-forsaken website. Thank you.
Please tell me that last part wasn’t scripted… even if it was, A+
Dude that video was amazing! Keep up the good work
The beginning has a Jurassic Park vibe to it.
Lawl bioshock music, gg
This was actually amazing
i can’t express enough how perfect this video is. the ending had me speechless.
ㅋㅋㅋ 침대바나나 i sub you 2 yrs ago ㅎㅅㅎ
That would be a great movie
This was a beautiful film.
war… war never changes…
Can we get subtitles?
beautiful usage of the The Thing’s OST, I love it
Maybe one day BedBananas will finally reunite us with those trapped in the soup camps
that fucking hatchet tradeoff killed me
14:00 I Crie evry time 🙁
Where is that 1 mil at ?
I feel like I’ve just watched something profound.
What do you use to record your gameplay & audio?
you make the best gaming videos on YouTube. I wish you posted them more often.
This is fucking halarious xd
that fucking huge fight scene at the end is epic you and frankie have such cool fucking scenes XD
I cried when Wang said goodbye
2:00 he’s Adapting! lol
he’s evolving
from 22:57 and the end was soso cool and sadysfaing and what was the music
also a masterpiece
The ending is probably the best and funniest thing about the videi
Why is it whenever I watch a bedbannas video, I just feel completely honoured to be able to see it?
Then the more important question arises
*Why don’t you have more subs!?*
9:40 I was not expecting him to become red soup.
“Good God what was happening to him?”
“If it had more time to finish, it would have looked and sounded and acted just like BedBanana!”
“I don’t know what you’re saying!”
“That was one of those Korean’s out there… Trying to imitate him”
You should be a director
When youtubers have to censor the male nipple, you know the adpocalypse is real.
An everyday life of rust
The final raid was what Francis Scott Key saw when he wrote the star spangled banner
This is art. Thank you for this!
OH MY GOD BEDBANANAS!!?????? I used to watch your bf3 funny moments like 3 years ago!!!! Wow you’re doing rust now, it’s my favorite game
What the fuck?!!
A bedbanana video, what is this sorcery
I’m assuming he just went on a Asian server
He used the intro music from the john carpenters The Thing and it worked really well.
I found myself saluting all the way through this.
Good use of carpenter
I cried
No joke, I had one tear in my eye.
Every video that Bed makes, isn’t a video, instead it is a short film. pretty fucking good 🙂
This is the most well constructed masterpiece since interstellar. My god thank you.
Bed, who hurt you?
When you have a master’s in cinematography but no studios will accept you
I dont like rust but these are just very well directed videos. I like it.
He should do episodes like this for rust
Our Koreans… too much familiar
hey bananas mad a rust video
7:33 What is the music here?
Best video yet my guy
that last part made me shake inside like that how war really is dang
more rust
this is like an scary movie
This was one of the saddest videos I had ever seen. In a good way
Your videos are always so funny, but always so dark and fucked up.
actually stick this shit on HBO.
가장 큰 아빠…?
That was the best video i’ve ever seen.
Why do I feel like a better, more fulfilled man by watching these? The stories of BedBananas and his companions are so rich with adventure and chaos and sadness, enough to feel like you are standing alongside them as their lives unfolds around us, the viewers. It is deep, and dare I say, more powerful and emotional than most of what Hollywood has to offer. We grow with these characters, no, these men, through their diversities, pain, love and loss, and their happiness. I know why I watch these videos…
My question is now to you all. Why do you watch these videos?
Buck’s acting deserves him an Oscar.
Any chance of the music list getting more links? I couldnt find a lot of the songs listed here.
13:28 Top 10 anime betrayals
I just realized Rust is like FPS multiplayer LISA
crazy china boys chase down yankees 1960 colorized
Someone needs recreate that song 7:00 cause that’s fucking magical i know it’s Drakengard 3 OST The Black Song but there is no version like it, someone with talent remake it!
That little squeal at 24:12 kills me
That part where you were captive by the koreans with Nocturne playing in the background sort of reminded me of when Elizabeth was working a bit for Suchong in Bioshock Infinite.
that awesome!
The Thing soundtrack was a devilish touch. Thanks for the giddy terrorgasms 🙂
Oh what putain xD
I have never seen this Channel. You have a great mind, hella creative. Respect the effort and time into the music placement and themes set. Awesome.
This reminds me of lost
fuck man I wasn’t expecting that ending…
I loved this, the ending was like some Korean War PTSD causing shit
“A cinematic masterpiece” -IGN
Play more
As an American im solely dissapointed this didint begin with rocket raiding AHEM i mean “liberating” all your neighbors
The ending was so beautiful. amazing work.
I guess it wasn’t just me who got rust at the summer sale
this is the most amazing thing i have ever seen. I’m speechless.
That ending…
Turns out, homoerotic threats from players in PvP survival games, is a world wide thing apparently. Who knew.
The ending was beautiful please do more of rust…
A surreal and wild ride.
Way to turn Nocturne 2 into nightmare fuel.
That shot of the helicopter flying over bed was fucking perfect.
*Congratulations you just triggered a Vietnam Flashback*
I love the theme from the thing
the music at the beginning sounds like the thing theme
i think buck was in the chopper but he survived the crash
Hope you take your time to create two more beautiful masterpieces to finish the three parter up,best of luck
For this video, this beautiful masterpiece that should be a YouTube classic, I will love you forever, and be a lifelong subscriber, thank you
A lot of American lives were lost….
May God bless their souls, Amen.
Best editing and music choice I’ve seen in a video in a long time… it really watches like a movie lol.
The cinematography jesus christ 100% rotten potatos score.
That German man will always be in my heart
The End Was So Fucking Bad Ass, I Teared Up.
22:17 wow is that a normal day in rust? thats awesome
The beginning was funny but the end had me contemplating if this is what the world is heading to
That siege scene was beautiful. Straight outta something like Children of Men!
This video is LITERALLY movie-tier. subscribed.
Are you trying to be a movie producer in the future or something? Because that last few minutes was amazingly well done. The cinematic scene where a man is in the middle of a war hiding inside a roofless rock building and just watching the bullets, rockets and a helicopter fly by on top of him and little by little peeking as to what is going on outside and sees the building that is getting raided caught on fire and bullets hitting the side of the building. While hiding, rockets suddenly hits the side of his wall. As night passes by, the sun finally rises and the war ended, he gets out of the house and sees dead bodies, flies and a man looting all the corpses. Bedbananas escape the area and survives on his own. You earn yourself a subscriber.
Omg that raid was so sick
Can someone tell me what’s going on? It looks so interesting, especially the end part but it also looks random
War, War never changes.
That ending brought a tear to my eye.
This was beautiful really.
That guy that wanted an Ant looked very similar to a god damn quest
Quest got: Find the “Ant”
1: Find Ant
Ant Found!
1 Crossbow and Arrows
Please make a part two because this was executed beautifully and was a masterpiece.
Absolutely stunning editing! Love it you earned my sub sir
Fuck America
That was absolutely stunning! I didn’t even know Rust had a beautiful and artistic side to it. You completely brought it out and made me feel. Youtube usually doesn’t do that for me, especially in the video games section, but you… You are amazing my sir, and you deserve a sub, and many more. Good luck with more videos like this one my friend.
They made a kidnapped guy scary
This was actually a little scary
The thing sound track👍
Wow, Outlast 2 looks great!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 꿀잼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It is epic
I love how they pronounce “banana”
What are your pc specs?
“my reproductive organs are hurting me”
Holy fuck..
“Gritting Emotional Story, filled with horrifying moments of reality, and certain doom.” The New York Times
I now have ptsd from this thank you
Yo bed, love your content keep it up
Give this man an oscar
Goddamn, I… there are no words.
Best load movie ever!!!
Best fking ending holy shit i got goosebumps all over my body ! Good job bed
That ending looks like one of FrankieOnPc’s videos
that was awesome!
Holy shit a rust video
I’m going to be honest, I envy the creativity and entertainment genius you bring to youtube from rust. Watching this allowed me to self reflect a little, I aspire to reach this level of quality. Thank you for you hard work 🙂
9:13 An Asian with a bigger dick… IMPOSSIBLE!
I want to know, at the ending the people in the tower were The last Americans or the chinese?
it was actually kind of sad when the whole fight was going on while he was hiding
What a hellhole, god help those poor ‘Mericans
because he chose to play the far cry 3 theme i actually started to tear up
LOL great video
Nice The Thing remix, and you forgot to put Claire de Lune in the music list.
That was awesome!
This story is just like Vietnam.. But with Koreans instead..
22:56 is this what war is like
also holy shit i havent seen base/clan wars like that in forever
At first, I thought “What the f**k am I watching?” And you know what? It never started to make any more sense. I can’t wait for part 2 ❤️
At the last 4 mins, the chopper flying across the sky made me NUT so hard, i was speechless
we have to learn from them
This could be the best thriller movie, if it was full length
some SCP shit
Fucking Legend!
That Thing music, though!
the fucking scream makes me laugh so hard at 24:13
18:52 – My naem is jayke paur
first 12 secs were like good ol’ x-files stuff, last 3mins were fsr more realistic war experience than any hollywood movie has ever produced, and everything in between was solid bedbananas entertainment 👌👌 6/5
The last like 3 minutes is basically the end of school for most people your trying to survive the wave of people and hey fight each other to get out of school
Holy shit please do more of these. Also the sound design is even better
Those last 3 minutes made me tear up, no joke, it was so cinematic, painful, and yet, so very beautiful :’)
I have PTSD now thx
dont worry guys this is only part one
Anyone else get bioshock vibes 90% of the video?
Holy shit, those last five minutes. Consider yourself this year’s winner of the oscars.
The thing background music lol
This is why I love videos by BedBananas. The story just comes in with zero context.
You lost the anime world war. The aftermath is a brutal mad max world
VEE LEARN FROM ZA KOREANS – naked german man
That ending was an artistic masterpiece..
must have rust, kekekekeke
This is by far without a doubt the single best Rust video I have ever seen. Thank you for this! -Subscribed
this is why i subscribed to bed
Hello, I am Morgan Freeman. What you are about to see is the true story of a survivor of a group known as l ARTK15 or American Research Team of Korea, stationed at Outpost 15 on an Island in the Pacific Ocean. This man’s name is Robert “BedBanana” Montario, a soldier tasked with guarding the scientists. This man went through so much. As you near the end of this documentary you will see some scenes that will horrify you. A group known as Weebs of Japan has annexed the island and has been at war with the remaining natives. WoJ is attacking the native main base of the island. Bed was caught in the crossfire and saw artillery and small arms fire fly overhead. The United States military attempted to rescue the ARTK team but was shot down. In the early hours of the morning after the battle, Bed finds many bodies of WoJ foot soldiers. Bed runs away from this sight. The US military launches an invasion of the island and Bed is rescued along with the few survivors of outposts 7, 12, and 16.
Found footage of American soldier lost in the Korean jungles.-1952 (colorized)
Wow this is really good editing. Nice video
Why are we here…..just to suffer.
Is that the thing soundtrack
This was a beautiful story
I didn’t know helicopters were possible on rust
Truly a Beautiful time in history
Bad acting
Maaaaaaateeeeee,the end was daaaarn beautiful. And this soundtrack. Just a masterpiece.Nothing to say.
I haven’t had such a crazy trip since the last time I did heroin
but is there going to be a part 2
this is…fucking horror. #FINDTHEAMERICANS
Bed with the new video? holy shit, this world is gonna end soon. xD
I find ant
This was art.
now that’s a frankieonpc style ending
Song at 18:26?
I know its Nocturne Op 9 No 2, but anyone have the link to the distorted one in the video?
Hey ma-….. good vide-
my name is charferg
That song is from Bioshock Infinite… So many memories
i feel like this is a professional grade short film but its really just regular business on korean servers. beds editing makes it so much better though.
How can watching someone plays videogame make me feel so sad :'(
statistically koreans are the top killers of the korean servers
honestly the end was beautiful and then the last shot showing the beauty of the game with the sun and the trees was the cherry on top. great video
this is the best war movie
Bout fucking time
this man never fails to deliver
I love the use of the music from The Thing
Those last 3 minutes were so cinematic, it felt like it came from a movie. Did he really just discover that on accident, cause Jesus Christ, it was like experiencing a war from the eyes of a normal citizen.
Dude, that was awesome. The storyfication of the gameplay was very cool.
Thank you so much for the amazing video. I wait and wait for you to post and it’s all worth it. Thank you for being my inspiration, making me laugh, and making me cry. Thank you
I love your videos, amazing work as always. no rush just always taking your time to make the best damn good video you can. and I respect that.
*G a n g n a m S t y l e*
The first part is like something out of The Thing omg
what was the piano song at 13:37 ? ;-;
At the end, I kinda wish it was the star spangled banner cause of all the rockets in the air. And he is an American in a foreign server (at least I think)
Thats a rare video. Nowadays you raid on day1. Bring back blueprints!
I must say that a lot of them are good at speaking and reading english compared to me speaking korean and reading it.
name of song that start at 6:50
Asians try to hunt westerners for sport on Asian servers. But I always end up hunting them….all of them
13:26 Top 10 Saddest Moments in Anime
I cried a little, beautifull vid.
Great video 🙂
15:09 fucking executed
Holy shit the ending was amazing
truly, a rollercoaster of emotions
Everything you make is a special blessing unto humanity.
14:02 I cried
That music when they left the outpost, it reminds me of nier automata.
That war sequence along with the background music was the most majestic shit I’ve ever seen.
Ending siege got me cryin like a bitch
BedBananas doesn’t make videos he makes art!
Bed that was amazing video
This whole video is a work of art
This was a wonderful documentary. Made me cry at the end
18:02 song?
Please what was that song in the middle of the video when Hwang left Bed? I’ve been looking for it for so long.
i dont know what to say…this came out really well , a movie i would pay to watch
Top 10 Anime War Stories
25:37 no wonder the video ends.
This is fukin amazing holy shit.
Naughty Dog, hire this man, now! Not many people can turn something so simple into an incredible masterpiece with screenplay of an Oscar-worthy work of art.
Bed dude please keep making videos!
10/10 better than Dunkirk. Absolutely beautiful
god this was good
The firefight must have been extremely intense for you there, all the way through the night
this is amazing 😀
The helicopters flying over bed at the end was so freaking good
War never changes
The new Homefront looks great
Sorwy bahnahna guudbai.
he creates cinematic art from shit
What classical song is playing in the background at 18:07?
Edit 4 years later: It’s Chopin’s Nocturne Vol. 2, also this is still one of my favorite (if not my favorite) BedBanana’s videos.
Honestly Bed, I have been watching your content for years and you never fail to disappoint, but this video might be the best thing you’ve ever put out. Your editing and music choice are phenomenal. I can’t wait to see the next part(s)!!!
damn this was good
Can’t wait for part 2!!! I love the way you edit as a movie!
You can not understand this. You can only feel this. Great job Bed for making us feel.
this is golf
What since when did rust have artillery and attack helicopters?
the ending was so damn beautiful, I only wish we could have seen more of the battle.
Do you know what this reminds me of? The golden age of Machinima. THIS is what Machinimas are and should be. Bed, never stop doing this. Never stop burrowing into our hearts like a xenomorph child. Never give up your dreams.
Is it bad that I actually got kind of emotional near the end?
that was some far cry 3 tier insanity, even you used the music for it at the end . Great vid.
This video was too much I had rewatch the ending just to cry again bed make a real movie like this you’re amazing
Bed i still remember when you shot me in the head when i asked to slap your hand ill never forgive you
Is that a slowed down version of Zero Memories cause I can’t find it anywhere.
Why do the asian rust players seem unhinged
the Bioshock Infinite music when he was trapped in that house with those crazy two dudes was great
This better be a series mang.
Bro is this the music from Carpenters The Thing? Thats fucking awesome selection
that was absolutely amazing, its kind of sad that guy never got the better life he hoped for though
I kinda want to make a comic out of this
The scene at 22:05 was like the scene in flapjack when barbers like NOW HAND OVER THE BOY SO I CAN… Give him a haircut!
한국인 미친놈들앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 외국인들한테 변태짓 하지 맠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It’s a shame that final battle was only witnessed from inside the 1×1. Perhaps it is a metaphor for the conflict that is presented throughout the video. On both sides of the struggle, there is a box mentality in which minds are limited to focus on the never-ending conflict of Korea 1. When instead, all parties of the fight should turn their gazes to the real fight, the fight for Humanity.
What the fuck am I even saying? Great work Bed, nothing short of a masterpiece.
“American soldiers lost in north korean territory during the 2nd korean war of 2019”
War. War never changes.
This… this is art at its purest.
LOL creepy Korean
We gotta play rust sometime
holy shit was that ending scene real? that was crazy!
The fucking part where you were in the room and in the distance a fucking giant castle was under siege… that was the coolest looking shit, jesus fuck
This is absolutely your best video yet, holy shit man. The effort that must’ve gone into this is absurd, and it really shows. Top job Bed.
That ending was honestly amazing. The horrors of war contrast with the break of dawn after the battle, with a looming suspense from the ambience and music of whether the fighting is done or something worse is coming from the war’s aftermath is incredible and it’s all fit into a comedy video.
This video gave me PTSD, then the ending triggered. I ended my viewing experience with shivers through out my body and in an extreme sweat.
Do a nuclear odessey 2 please
6:55 “Da da da daaaaaaaaaa ciiityyyyyy”
A musical masterpiece.~.
What has this world come to
LOL!! Probably the best RUST video I’ve ever seen.
Dude, The last scene was Beautiful. Just Beautiful
another piece of art from Bed… this movie was amezing and made me cry 10/10
*Follow BedBananas as he goes on an adventure through an apocalyptic wasteland in the future and where danger is seemingly around every tree and rock that he comes across. Watch as he meets friends, strangers, and hostile natives on his quest to find safety in world hellbent on destroying itself…*
Directed by M.Light Schumacher
Really loved the ending man, good job
Here, in Barcelona, 4 A.M., laughing without control. Thanks.
This is genuinely the best Rust video I’ve ever seen. Good fucking shit.
No one going to mention the fact that Charborg is in this video?
Send in the heaviest armor we have.
This is some Vietnam shit right here
I would have watched the raid from a distance.
This is the quality shit I need when I’m baked
love it how hwang doesnt really give a shit when bed doesnt want to leave him, always like okay sorry bye
this is the best video about rust i’ve ever seen
When Mr. Turnip died my jaw dropped. Good ass video, Bed.
This is art.
wtf since when did rust became so epic
This is some of the most hilarious shit I’ve ever seen! Great job, Bedbanana, and thank you for exploring these savage waters! 😀
This was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in years…
I have no idea what’s going on and I love it.
Can’t find the song that plays at 18:29
I believe its Nocturne Op 9 No 2 but it isn’t listed in the description.
dude the ending was awesome
Bed and his research team were stationed along the 38th Parallel, as the US had formed a truce with North Korea in order to stop the spread of Al-Weeaboo, which had swiftly taken South Korea. They had captured an Al-Weeaboo informant which sent an invasion force to their embassy, burning it to the ground. Bed was forced to flee as they were scattered, Bed going into Weeaboo-controlled China, and his friends deeper into North Korea. Bed witnessed the abuse and terror as Al-Weeaboo death squads carried out assassinations and executions in broad daylight. After wandering for several days, he met Hwang, a schizophrenic bipolar man who took liking to Bed. After Hwang abandoned Bed, he was able to meet up with the former researchers not far from the last remaining U.S. outpost in Asia. However, they would be ambushed by an Al-Weeaboo death squad who would kill all but Bed. Then he fled to a bandit outpost, there they forced him to commit cruel and unusual tasks before letting him go. Bed then traveled to the embassy, but was too late. The Al-Weeaboo forces were launching a full assault, raining artillery and gunfire down. Bed locked himself in a shelter being used by Al-Weeaboo insurgents, witnessing the clashes and US helicopter attacking the position. He was knocked out and woke up several hours later, discovering the outpost destroyed. He was left alone, the last American in Asia.
22:29 that looks fucking awesome
Oh shit part 1 of 3
Mad max : Asia
That was an amazing video
You’re a really good filmmaker BedBananas
That was honestly better than most movies.
Excellent use of the Far Cry 3 soundtrack, and a beautifully done video.
the end raid was so beautiful
is Rust still popular? I’ve been trying to get it for so long but I’ve heard it’s not very noob-friendly
This was the best rust video I’ve ever seen, nice job dude
So we can all agree that BedBananas could be a movie director right guys?
From 22:30 to the end was probably the most intense and one of the best videos of Rust i have seen on this whole website. That was really fucking amazing, props to you, BedBananas.
Ahhh Bedu Bahnahnahh
Charborg better make a video about this
Oh god, that FC3 ost at the end…
filthy roleplayers
Bedbanana is a cinematic master
The things he sees and the things he’s done truly makes him a force to be reckon with and saint of innocence at the same time
what the hell is this nightmare
You can make a religion out of this
i love this, you have a new subscriber now…
How in the fuck do you manage to be so damn artsy with these?
Yeeeeeaaaaah! China, number one!
*Fucking explodes*
the last couple of minutes of the video are amazing : like a poetry
Hows is this video only at 85k? it’s the first time i ever see your channel but ammount of efort and the footage you manage to get into this video is insane.
This is a top notch movie, had a great time watching it 🙂
i saw this a lot on my recommendation list, and thought “not into rust anymore”, not until now i look at who uploaded it, my jaw fucking drops. never expected another rust upload lol!
This was Amazing!!!
watched this because of frosts live stream
Let it be known, that ant, was found on this day,
And that the love that was shared will never be forgotten.
That ending…
I dunno how you do it bed, but every fucking video you make, has a heart of it’s own. It feels like each video is living, and tells it’s own story. not many videos on YouTube have been able to capture my mind, and make me feel real human emotions, but you have truly figured out how to do so, and express emotions in insane ways. I applaud you BedBanana.
22:28 In war, not everyone’s a soldier
Hi is korean…so…fuckin RUN
The people in rust are like primitive humans from prehistoric times except they prey on the weaker humans instead of animals
Make a sequel or better yet make a trilogy
China #1
Ashes to Ashes, Dirt to Dirt… A Worm… Never Forgets. But sometimes they need a long Vacation LOL. In that time… THIS is what I need for my crazy mind.
The Last Americans wouldn’t be hunkered down. They would be out there killing shit.
This was actually a fucking masterpiece of cinematography. I would love to see more.
Honestly Bed, your more cinematic/dramatic videos are pure gold. They don’t follow the standard of just trying to scoop up views from most played games. I honestly can’t find videos that make me smirk at the stupid comedic situations and then smirk at the cinematic cheesiness.
Keep it up my man.
I love your videos , that was amazing
There is an odd beauty to bed’s videos
Oh wow this was incredible, enjoyed the helicopter scene a lot!
1 Like = 1 Prayer for the Americans. ;_;
The ending was so beautiful
Holy shit this spoke to me on another level.
You’ve made another masterpiece tanner
Bed didn’t look deep enough. There was no ant. He was the ant.
very good nice video
I hear bioshock infinite music, i press like, i press love, i love you bed please dont ever leave me
So the whole of North Korea is the thing…makes sense.
Lmao I was sure they were gonna kill you
Is that first song a cover of a track from The Thing? it worked great
what’s the song at 6:50
This is ain’t a video but a movie.
nice Drakengard music
For some reason, my dumbass read the title as
Russians: The Last Americans
This video was awespme
why isnt this on xbox
This was awesome!!!! It was very engaging and interesting. Keep making this kind of movies on ur channel BadBannana, becaus u are simply genius in editing.
Holy shit. What a fucking finale…
Bed: what are you doing here little British boy?!
Me: yeah, what am I doing here…
Hwang oddly reminds me of Tommy Wiseau
why does everything that bed makes turn into art
That ending was beautiful.
Simply kino.
Damn that last battle was amazing those Asian’s have great big wars on Rust.
Freakin awesome video
This was fantastic.
The editing for the last part was just so amazing.
That was fucking incredible.
22:18 and till the end makes me want to play Rust again so much.
War hasn’t changed a bit
This is a masterpiece.
The Thing soundtrack gave me goosebumps, way to entrench me in a story…
22:20 onward is a movie scene, i refuse to believe that this isn’t a proper movie
What song @13:28?
Dude that ending WAS FUCKING AMAZING.
What the fuck happened to my country
Best thing ever make more of these videos please
the most beautiful Rust video i have ever watched. :’)
This is the greatest rust video I’ve ever seen…. wow…. pure art.
Is this that movie spirited away?
This video deserves an Emmy
My favorite YouTuber found my favorite game to watch YouTube videos of!!! The rust content and community is amazing please make more!!!
Very good video
This is exactly why i love bed lol. in my head right before hwang befriended him i was thinking how people do that, thinking you are their friend and them giving the same vibe back and then when its convenient for them they leave. Its a very cold feeling.
When Hwang left you in the cold I cried a little.
This need to be a stream idea at some point.
The most beautiful video I’ve ever seen
It has:
And Survival
13:27 Top 10 anime betrayals
omfg that Ending is amazing i loved that light show
This itself should be the storymode of rust
Awesome video dude, never heard of you before but this was fenomenal!! Keep it up!
“my name is jake paur, taiwan numbah wan”
That ending made me cry
Mongoloids. Mongoloids never change.
This video was a goddamn masterpiece. as always
Bed’s content is gold every time
Love this
Finally love you bed banana but you need to post more
22:22 … War… War Never Changes
rust the most cancerous game.
Does anybody have a link for the song “Martin Mellström – Disharmonic Drums”
Frikin Koreans man
“I want to be the man I want to be, not the man I am…”-Mr Turnip 2017
Beautiful, I almost never wanted it to end. I hope you’ll do more of this. You made the game look great.
the most beautiful ending to a video ever
Very very good video bed, do more of this shit
CHINA NUMBER ONE! No but seriously what a comback video. jeez BedBanana. Im gonna miss Hwang
best 25 minutes of my life
last part is so sad, made me cry(
Shit, this video was a masterpiece. You set such a high standard on your videos and other could learn from it.
Christ that was dark.
뭐지ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 공포스럽네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
This is some kind of beautiful nightmare.
That raid sequence during the night was a cinematic masterpiece.
what song in 23:59
I wish to thank you all for this video. I believe this is very good story-telling, (which is just my humble opinion), and so is the dedication of being in-character (even if it’s scripted) is very respectable. One of a kind for the youtube Rust community, at least as far as I know. Thank you once more!
I love this oh my god bed, you outdid yourself
cheers man made my whole week, at least
sad and beautiful
the part where you hid in that 1X1 was beuitiful
Bed should make a 1 hour long movie of any game with his friends because by Gods this editing is movie quality. I’d watch it. Twice. Every year.
Great vid as always , but can you tell me the name of the track soundtrack you used from 6.50 onwards ? can’t find it in description
I was emotionally moved by this beautiful presentation 11/10
fuck that was a good rust video
This needs an oscar nomination.
Spec Ops: The Meme
Ya I find 🐜 where are yous 🐜 😂
Am I the only one that everytime a new bedbanana video comes out i try to connect it whit his older videos trying to make and put toghether the reason why he is lke this and what past events lead him to reach this status?
War is hell.
dude I just found this video, and I think I’m in love and if all your videos are like this I just found my favorite youtuber, the music was so good, the content was hilarious and great interactions, your editing is amazing and that final battle scene was sooo cool! And dude I can tell heaps of time, so much time went into this video and I appreciate it, this right here is a gem of a video. P.s new sub! 😉 x
Welcome to East North Asia, World of Conflict and Crazy Warriors
Your cinematography, is godlike.
C’est… parfait
the last scene with the rickets and the gunfire and heli is so heart wrenching
Life (2017)
I don’t even like bananas
13:08 he sounds like zoidberg from futurama.
You knew when you watch a masterpice by bedbanana when you don’t even know WTF is even happend in the video.
i cri
Honestly, such a great video, keep up the good work Bed.
The ending better than Dunkirk
Your videos are always edited and scored so well. Look into filmmaking, ya melon fudge.
Whether this was scripted or not it was hella funny and I enjoyed it
that was beutiful
Cao ni ma!
This was fucking awesome
one of the best vids ive seen in a while
The Thing intro works so well!
I love u bed
The part when he was stuck in the battlezone was very….beautiful.
that ending sequence was beautiful
This is fucking brilliant
I really love your videos they are so well made and they make me cry everytime 😉 Like if you agree!!
so good i love this video
i give 10000000 like
Such a movie like experience. So suspenseful, holy shit.
That ending was some magical shit. Straight out of a damn war movie. Almost got PTSD watching it.
I fucking love every single video you pump out, please do more rust i was laughing the whole way through.
wow great video lol 10 out of 10
Why when I play rust I here a man screaming in my ear
This is creepy
Jesus these Korean servers are merciless
“The Thing” background music… I like your taste 😉
Hwang is the fucking shit.
Do you watch anime? xD
stranger things season 3 is coming
Who knew if you got immersed enough rust could give you ptsd
Masterpiece yet again.
more rust:D
“What are you doing here little British boy?”
9:50 literally could not stop laughing for a good 5 minutes
This is why I love Bed, Bed I love you so much
Please make more videos with Charborg
The music from The Thing goes incredibly well with this!
Video was so fucking superbly well done, the raid scene was exceptional, the Far Cry 3 music accentuated the feels, quality of this level is a rare thing
I have never clicked on a video faster then on this one
The thing music is perfect.
I’m more invested in this, than in movies nowadays!
You sir … are great. You moved my heart! *Holding back my tears*
now this was an epic video
Yay, been waiting for a new rust video for over a year now, it was so worth it. 🙂 Love YOU BED
I’ve been subscribed for 4 years now and I still get equally as excited when you upload.
Thanks for the laughs and the goosebumps!
Korean zergs in a nutshell
Is that… Drakengard music?
God damn Bed you have good taste.
Also, those last few minutes. Words cannot describe it. It’s seriously that good. You can imagine how the entire thing goes down perfectly, with as much detail as being inside a roofless building. The building being raided is literally on fire during the entire raid, but men still rush to the machine guns. Helicopters try to pick off the remaining men, but can’t withstand the heavy fire. However, they do distract it long enough for the raiders to infiltrate. The night goes on. Dawn breaks, and nothing is left. That is true cinema in a video game, and it’s not even scripted.
This was fucking AMAZING!! I can’t give you enough props for this.
how can something so funny make me feel so lonely. this was wonderful to experience
man has it been a while since bed has made a rust video
Garry’s Mod Battle Royale was fun 😀
This is fucking amazing what the fuck
War has changed.
Your videos are always a goldmine of inspiration for making stories based on what you captured in games. So good!
Playing rust for a long time I can see you’ve put great effort many sounds and effects in get subbed nerd
this shit get’s pretty real man, holy shit!
Very emotional :(((
what a dystopia
That ending. Was fucking beautiful.
omg the use of drakengard music was fantastic
whats the song at 18:30 ?
The end scene was fantastic bed great job!
Man, this is art
This was a cinematic experience 10/10
dat fucking the thing ost
every time i watch one of his videos its art
When is the next part to this
This might be the greatest thing ever
Your work is truly art
amazing video.
How did a rust video make me feel so much suspense and horror? This was extremely well done
*_I Like commenting_*
dude. is this real??? :DD
What’s the music at 18:05-20:59?Please tell me.
i really liked the ending it was really good.
North Korean troops surround hopeless American squad – 2046 (Colorized)
Probably One of the best story lines ever on Rust!!!
I love the scenes with the North Korean rebels. Shows you that even after the devestation of the third anime war there was still good people
Wtf. 4 minutes in and I thought that this was a General Sam video… Waa
Thought this was a general sam video
You destroyed Hwangs dreams.
Where there is no more room in Asian servers,the Asian will conquer all the servers
The only reason I watch Bedbanana’s videos is because he uploads one every blue moon.
That ending tho
Don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, and by God BedBananas, this was genius work, but it seems some people can’t help but immediately separate people into groups, even if it is just for fun.
This was, especially the ending, almost pure Koreans, Chinese, and some Japanese vs more Koreans, Chinese, and some Japanese. Everyone vs Everyone. There is no Americans vs Asians, the Americans were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That final battle would best be represented by North Korea vs South Korea, so Koreans vs Koreans. It isn’t always America vs something, we aren’t the center of the world, no matter how much we try to be. War will continue between other countries, we may get involved but that’s all we are: getting involved. We aren’t the ones who started it and we aren’t the ones who believe in either sides’ cause, we just got involved in another conflict. Unfortunately, it seems that these Americans may not make out, and if they do… they won’t have much sanity left. They are playing by different rules now… They aren’t in America anymore…
How are all of your videos works of art?
Holy shit this is so good.
Your best work yet, absolutely incredible.
Holy fuck, that ending.
Please start streaming so we can see more shit like this
Every one of your videos is a work of art
the end was cool as shit
Is there a way to find that theme from 25:20 to the end? I’ve looked up the one listed in the description to no avail.
Every video you post is a cinematic masterpiece, and I am always excited to press that like button when I see great content like this. You are amazin bed
This was truly beautiful. Especially the gunfight at the end, all the lights and the fires. I loved all of this, keep up the wonderful work. I’ve been watching your videos for a long time even before I had a YouTube account. I can’t remember exactly when I started watching but I know it was around mid 2011. Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought me.
This is incredibly well done!
After Bed escaped Korea, he went to a remote island with his friends to hide.
The Koreans developed a highly trained squad of nude survivalists to track him down and bring him back. Dead or alive.
this is my experience whenever I join a server
Far cry 3 ost, nice fucking touch
as soon as I saw this video my house i flooded my house
Didn’t feature Pewdiepie *0/10*
We can only imagine how Bed felt, I would’ve had a fucking stroke.
This is a cinematic masterpiece.
8:14 top 10 most shocking anime betrayels
I feel like Hwang is the korean BedBananas and somewhere on youtube his channel has identical content to this one.
It is truly a masterpiece, epecially the last few minutes.
Part 1 huh? You gonna end up meeting a bald guy who runs his own cult of malaria infected followers in part 2 or 3?
Runnin around in the fields with Hwang from GTA: Chinatown Wars lookin for fuckin ants.
*I couldn’t imagine a better day.*
Holy shit dude, this is art. Like, this is on par with fantastic war movies and such. g fuckin g
nice ending song
“i want to be the person i want to be, not who i am.” – Mr. Turnip
YES! Rust Is Back! 😀
That night raid part where you sheltered in a box was beautiful
this is what I love about bed he makes vids that at some moments got me on the edge of my seat and other moments that make me really feel you know? like the ending it was an amazing ending with the battle field looking really kinda Beautiful and then he just looks at the aftermath and looks at the sunset then there are other moments were I laugh my ass off it’s really good Quality content and I think he don’t get enough credit
Ok you and Rcham need to do a collab
That last part in the box was like really cool
Legit this is the only thing ive wanted ;-;
lol race war on asian servers fucking classic
Make Part 2.
fuckin excellent work with the music. really created a narrative. GG GG
the ending was beautiful
that whole ending sequence is quite possibly the best 4 minutes of rust ever captured on video
This is fucking great
Wow this made me cry
thats fucken pretty
not gunna lie that shit was pretty damn entertaining, kept me glued the screen the entire time!
This, like all your videos, is art in its purest form.
22:18 was pretty fucking cool.
Another masterpiece
What was that piano song when he was leaving hwang?
That night raid sequence was beautiful
“yayyy china number 1!!”
gets blown up*
Fuck, a scripted video.
I love how you’re playing the theme from The Thing at the start, that’s one of my favorite horror movie of all time.
I’ve always loved your videos, no matter how long it takes for one to come out it always seems to be done professionally.
I have to say, the shot at 22:24 looks really fucking cool.
I don’t care if I’ll have to wait for months for new Bed Bananas videos. It will ALWAYS be worth it.
War… War never Burrito’s
Bed you are literally one of the most talented video editors I’ve ever seen, great work man 🙂
yoor dig is berry smol bich
That was some War of the Worlds Shit at the end
Watching videos of BedBanana playing gives a whole new perspective at games.. The end of the video proves so!
Please new series
😂 “The Thing” movie theme at the beginning!
It’s Chardaddy
One day, one day Hwang will find ant
Wow this was almost as good as Frankie’s videos. It was similar to how he makes his but with a twist of comedy and I loved it, keep up the great work!
how the fuck does he have that many rocks
I have never felt intimidated by rust until u did this I genuinely am scared of a Newman stalking me at night
what server is this?
I fucking love your rust ones
Beautiful ending
This was so epic!!!!
this should be #1 on trending
Everything that you produce is an absolute masterpiece. God speed.
So happy you’re playing with Cardboard now
22:30 – 24:56 changed my life
that ending though
but most of all I need more of this or other rust stuff
Oh my god, that firefight in the end was amazing.
Is it just me or is bedbannana (and some times criken) really good at traumatizing people me included
This documentary on the Korean war is fantastic.
holy shit that was amazing
Oh… my… fucking…. god. What the actual fuck dude. That…. that was beautiful.
“I find ant. HIIii AANt!”
Ma nameuh TINKY?
yourr dig is verry smol beeyitch
this was sick
1010100 1101001 1101101 1100101 1101100 1101001 1101110 1100101 100000
100111 1011000 100111
7/19/32 – After humanity’s inevitable fall to anime, it took several
years for the Al-Weeaboo machine, now known as the United Waifu League
(UWL), to finally begin to deteriorate. They had used war to conquer the
world, and now, without much more than a few uprisings, their ‘perfect
Anime society’ (Miukku Niawaa’s plan for government reform) has nearly
completely faded, reverting humanity to only a few tribes spread
9/23/33 – A group of soldiers claiming to be the ‘Anti Anime Marine
Brigade’ appears near Korea, claiming to have been sent back in time to
stop Anime before it took over the world. They were apparently unaware
that the UWL already won the war.
9/24/33 – The AAMB is recruited by a local tribe to guard and study
prisoners that they have collected. At least one was a known member of
the original Al-Weeaboo resistance, known as [][][][][][][][][]. No
matter what, they were always violent, attempting to escape from day
9/25/33 – During a night shift, the prisoner managed to trick a guard
into entering their cell, where they began violently hitting the guard
with a rock. He suffered moderate flesh damage, and might have even had
internal bleeding (due to the lack of medical personnel in this new
society, the severity of the situation is unknown). Shortly thereafter,
the prisoner was found to be more powerful than the guards had
anticipated; they began guessing the lock he was trapped by, which
requires intelligence formerly thought to be unavailable to members of
Al-Weeaboo. One guard described it as follows; “He’s Adapting!”
9/26/33 – After 5 hours of attempting to guess the combo for the lock,
the prisoner gives up and begins looking for other means of escape.
Apparently they find it, due to lighting equipment malfunctioning.
9/28/33 – Please help! There are people on the roff and i odnt knwo waht
to od pleas eh esend people to help us pelease theyre coming for us
nthey have guns plaese f u hear thsi ehlsp yus
10/1/33 – They’re continuing to mortar, as well as shoot at our base.
Team morale low. Only few rations.
10/1/33 – Team decides to abandon research data being collected about
subject in order to escape to the {WITHHELD LOCATION}.
10/2/33 – Bedbananas later told of having fallen off course, and have
been moved into ‘Neo’ China. Uncontrolled, no law or order. It is not
surprising that he received wounds, likely the work of locals. He
refused to discuss the events that had unfolded, other than that he
found a local friendly to Americans, a rare oddity.
10/3/33 – ‘Timestamper’ OverworldLord arrives at the designated meeting
place. Shortly thereafter, a siege begins.
10/4/33 – I’ll admit, I shouldn’t have pressured him to tell more. The
stories about seeing straight up murders in cold blood as well as the
betrayal… They… They would have happened around here.
10/5/33 – Bedbananas and Buck both report having reunited on the fifth
of Weebtober. Quickly, they bring others under their order. Almost
instantly, a betrayal occurs, but the original instigator is unknown.
Bedbanana finds himself in an old military base, now controlled by…
‘slavers.’ They let him go for… unknown reasons.
10/7/33 – Bedbananas returns to the designated location, which continues
to be under siege. Had he not written down what he had done, and had he
not trusted me with his more worrisome information about the events he
had went through, it would be difficult to get the information later. A
particularly fierce hour of mortar, shooting, and even helicopter
involvement forced me to search for safer ground.
10/8/33 – Buck takes me in. No word from anyone else.
10/10/33 – I’ve searched the area after the bombing ceased, but I never
found his body… He’s still out there somewhere.
10/16/33 – We’ve found him.
You can make a religion out of this
these are great to watch while high, i have no clue whats happening
I fucking love the norweigan accents like the guys who had the helicopter in the thing, small details man.
where the fuck is meth rp 8
My prayers have been answered
Fucking brilliant
Jesus. the Far cry 3 music at the end… too emotional
I like the use of an alarm from Alien Isolation, very nice.
i didn’t know bed was a fan of drakengard
Man that was a beautiful ending
How Fallout 3 really ended.
I like the “The Thing” theme of this
just a documentary of the Vietnam War?
no ant :'(
hope to see part two with tomato in it
The end was beautiful
would of been nice to see tomato in this vid but other than that i loved it
This Journey was such an emotional masterpiece! Much Love
Holy shit that ending was epic and beautiful in like 5 different ways
R.I.P my lungs
It’s been so long since you last posted!!!
That ending was cinematic as fuck holy ass
This is like a movie about an american citizen trap in Korea during Korean War.
– 😦😦😦😦😦
I think I heard farcry 3
The most Beautiful video I have ever seen in my whole life.
That last scene was amazing, if only you were able to watch the whole thing and shit, but it was still really good.
Man, Asia is weird.
Fuckin far cry 3’s further and the rockets fly in the sky really hit the feels…
Im playing on this server. Haha nice vid bedbananas
When Bed came to it was dawn, and the pink clouds shone down of his battered dust covered body, He stood and walked out of the sturdy little shelter, pausing at the sight of several burnt bodies, He could’ve sworn he saw the faces of his friends in the pile, but shook the image away. Bed headed into the to scavenge for food, this was his life now, simple, basic, alone, the sun broached over the horizon, and Bed forgot why they were even there in the first place.
claire de lune is giving me car boys flashbacks
add a bit of radio chatter and shouting making even better would make it even better
This is adequate.
n that helicopter at the end. PILOT: positive Id on bedbanana going in for rescue sh** we’ve got into the battle maday maday. one day bed will be saved
You sir are an artist!
Plz make series this was awesome
plz upload more
what video editing program does this god use
that battle in the end was awesome
Wow Bed, this was amazing.
What the hell is wrong with everybody! @__@
This was absolutely one of the best videos I’ve watched in a long time, from the editing and music you used, to the on the fly delivery and dialogue, this is my favorite video of 2017 so far on YouTube.
BedBanana x Hwang, still a better love story than Twilight
What was the war about??
The editing and pacing on this is top notch, that ending scene was the perfect grand finale. You’re videos are always a joy to watch and well worth the wait. I hope you keep making videos for a long time.
now this is the meaning roplay.
*as The weeaboo war escalted, the USA Where forced to use nucelear intervention, leading to The near complete aniolation of Japan, and the countries surrounding it. Many years later, The USA is trying to rebuild the world they once destroyed, a small task force is dispatched to investigate The behavior of The natives, this is their story…..*
The Far Cry theme was amazing
Damnation if that wasn’t beautiful.
See you in 3 months…
are asian servers a new thing now like General Sam and Bed is doing these asian servers memes
HOLY shitteroonie
damn good endning.
instaliked cuz mans know this shits gonna be funny as fuck
Just saw “part one” in the desc, got 150% more happy
He can make a game into a piece of art
Nice job using music from john carpenter’s the thing
I need so much closure after this..
Incredible as always Bed.
I can’t watch this video before severe thunderstorms blow my power lines down. Can anyone tell me what happens?
I feel weird now
Asians are weird…
dude I love Asian servers there so hectic
I think I cried a little
You outdid yourself with this 1 bedbanaanana
This feels like Outlast 2 and its great
Outlast 3: korea
United States Special Forces wonders through enemy territory after being separated from his original squad. (1952, Colorized)
Top 10 Anime betrayal
You are not bad at making these chaotic servers into real stories. Bravo.
oddly enough when I played the video again at around 22:19 with low volume, I played the Ending song in soundcloud and it went well with it, but I prefers Bed’s version, love you bed hugs and kisses
Bravo! Bravo!!
I feel the need to stand up and clap because that was beautiful.
Korean Death Squads
3 Germans and charborg
That last scene was absolutely fucking amazing. Great work as usual, Bed.
I love THE THING great sounds
This is masterful.
That ending battle was awesome can u please do some parts just like that 💦💦
I’m literally in tears at the end of every one of these videos. Goddammit Bedbananas! Stop playing with our emotions!!!!
this was like the movie 13 hours in bengazi
why the hell was this better than every movie that has ever been made. Beautiful 👏👏👏 beautiful
holyfuck the ending is so intense
Real shit bed you should be a movie director or som
Will this tell us why everyone was forced to make soup?
I just spent two weeks in Vietnam learning about the war, this is way to coincidental.
My god, the horror.
there was so much shit going on in the last scene that it almost looked fake lmao
2 clans firing rockets and then a heli comes out of no where that was amazing
Now I really want to see an actual, full on movie directed by Bedbanana
very nice cinematography <3
omg bednanas recording Omg im like bedbanana pls upload hitman
That last 2-3 minutes was so fucking beautiful
This is like uncharted 2 with Tenzin
Fucking awesome, more Rust please!
loved the use of the rust soundtrack
This is some like MGSV story
I cried.
You need to make a movies or something. You’re so good at this shit.
those last shots at night and the ending just beautiful loved the video.
Art. This is the word that describes Bedbananas.
BedBananas and Hwang was the most beautiful, emotional thing I’ve ever seen…*Never Forget*
What a beautiful Hwang
holy shit a rust clip?
I’m a simple man. When I see a BedBananas vid, I watch and like it.
Is this the Sequel to the Pizza brothers???
I started laughing the moment I heard “The Thing” music playing in the background lol.
Whil yoo playe j mode aggen??.?
9:24 I mean that guy really shouldn’t be saying that beds dick is small hes an asian!
Holy shit, I felt more feelings in this than schindlers list
the ending scene is fucking beautiful. your magnum opus.
Honestly your videos are like fucking fully funded movies but shorter, great job on this one Bed, it was fucking amazing.
now thats some quality content
The quality of your videos are definitely worth the wait
that ending was amazing
One of the most poetic videos I have ever seen.
Bed ur content is so amazing please upload more frequently
The year is 2035. World War Weeb has been raging for thirteen long years. Desperate to end the war, Dr. Ivan “Buck” Shrievheldink and a small convoy of guards is dispatched to the Korean peninsula, to study the Chino-Korean people, who seem to have lived primitively for centuries.
The year is 2037. Dr. Buck and his team lose contact with the United States entirely. Unbeknownst to them, World War Weeb has gone nuclear, resulting in the end of the world. The isolated Korean peninsula, however, is sheltered this fate.
The natives begin to take an interest in the crew, and besiege their bunker. Panicked, and without backup, Dr. Buck orders the evacuation of the compound. Private Bednamin “Bananas” Ridley is separated from the pack. He discovers the city of China, where the natives coexist peacefully. Outside the city, Bed meets a colorful native medicine man named Hwang, who searches for ants. Despite building a friendship, Hwang abandons Bed in the cold.
All is not well, however. The remainder of the Weeb forces invade Chino-Korea, traveling in primitive hunting packs, bent on eliminating the last Americans.
Bed is captured by a pair of natives, who are amused by his songs and dances. They send him on his way with meager provisions.
Eventually, he takes shelter in a small shack; just in time, for the Weebs mount a final assault against the Americans and their sympathisers in the native population. What’s left of the United States military tries to extract these last few Americans, but fall victim to the Weeb artillery.
The next morning, Bed emerges alone. It seems the natives managed to somehow overpower the Weebs, leaving the war and the old world to rot.
Except for one man. One last survivor. Bednamin “Bananas” Ridley.
The Last American.
Edit: Holy shit. The reception on this was great. And, since so many of you asked for it, I’m writing an actual screenplay for it. Naturally, it’ll be a bit longer and have a slightly more realistic (but equally twisted) antagonist. When I’m done, I’ll publish it.
The legend is back
24:09 The death of Johnathan Pizza 9
Please make more of these for different servers bed. This is one of my favorites of your videos, also, amazing editing btw
Oh hell yes. This was dope
For goodness sakes Bed, you’ve done it again.
the broken english makes this 5 times better
such a beautiful documentary, winner of 6 grammys i see
Im a simple man… i see a new bedbanana video… i click
Looks like fucking Vietnam, flashbacks is real!)
why are they americans with a german accent?
Why do you take ages to up load
like in a horror movie :$
More emotionally disturbed than 911
that firefight scene looked beautiful
Does anyone have the link to the creepy version of chopin nocturne op. 9 no. 2 he used at 18:32
Bed buddy, what the fuck was this whole video after the incident?
Playing Rust looks like it would give you actual PTSD
Wow this was amazing!
I love this guy but I wish he uploaded daily as he’s content is amazing
Simply mesmerizing.
Captures the very essence of survival.
“EEEEY BEDBANANA! Gangnam style!”
Cool video <3
sound design/music use in on point bed
Whats the music at 22:29?
18:50 Jake Paul?
Wow. Your videos are the best, really loved the tense parts of this video and the music was perfect.
Horror movies won’t faze me, but this had me like genuinely scared
Yes. Yes. And again YES
Holy shit, this video is art 😀
Sometimes I come back to beds videos just t watch my favourite scenes again.
“Part 1/3” God Yes!!
The end part was so fucking beautiful!
I’m spook
oh fuck me right up i love that thing music
Thought the beginning said IKEA Outpost 35
Thought this was gonna be a funny video, didnt realize id be contemplating war and the horrors of humanity.
This is the magnum opus of human creation
People think that bedbananas work is crazy………..
Bedbananas is the funniest youtuber/streamer along with Buck, tomato and cricken
damn you have to make a film this is so awesome
Please more stuff like this, it’s so fucking good <3
PART 1 OF 3…
When is ARk Coming back
The fucking sheath sound effect at 22:03 had me dying
very good very handsome
This is truly art.
What a roller coaster of emotions … beautiful.
Great video very good
This is one of the best videos I’ve seen in easily over a year.
fuck this was so good
I think the US Won
gotta compliment your editing.
bedbananas should be a movie producer
god dammit bed stop creating cinematic masterpieces out of fucking meme games
Poor Hwang. All he wanted was to find ants.
i liked The Thing reference near the beginning
22:44 that battle should’ve been viewed from a distance instead of from a cubby hole.. Always loved a star wars battle at night
dat ennio morricone
the ending confused me . who was fighting? there was a huge base and then there was a chopper and their was nothing but explosions and tracers
When I used to play H1Z1, the most terrifying thing as an Australian was at 3am, when the Asians swept across our servers for about 4 hours leaving complete destruction in their wake.
My favorite closet psychopath has put out another beautiful video, a glorious day indeed
just wow
thing intro ost good pick
Hands down the best BedBanana video in a LONG time.
holy shit what an experience
Funny and beautiful? How?
21:55 XD
Fever dream
When you notice bedbananas used the drakengard 3 ost in the vid 😀
This has taken me on a emotional roller-coaster….
This reminds me of the movie Argo
Not gonna lie though, that jack-o-lantern head guy gave me shivers. Spooky.
New World Art
That ending was so beautiful…
Looks like Bed gained some ptsd after all that
Jesus I love charborg
It should be a crime that I have to wait so long for one of your videos.
Keep up the good work!
I love that you make a short stories with video games it’s really entertaining
Holy shit man,that ending,nothing but constant goosebumps,fuck man,made me think about life,thats how good it was.
that ending was beautiful.
Authentic footage from the Vietnam war.
The Ending Battle was amazing.
Definitely Christopher Nolan’s best work so far.
Idk how you do it man, but every video you release is just a piece of art. I hope I can enjoy your videos until I’m on my deathbed and then rewatch everything one more time
Do large scale battles like the one at 23:00 actually happen in the game?
I’m emotionally cringing with happiness. That was the most beautiful masterpiece I’ve ever been alive to witness.
Thy God is back!
This has to be the most beautiful one yet
Why is it that when BedBananas makes a video, it acts like a movie?
The reality stops being so virtual…
Borders are getting washed away..
9:40 What the fuck…
A documentary of asians
I seriously think you’re a genius
We should have dropped more nukes. Who knows what effect it would have on the entire Asian region?
the ending was beatiful
that was legendary
The abandonment was heartbreaking.
Buck’s pretty hot for a hamster
This is actually great tail of friendship in a strange foreign lands
Best fucking video EVER!
what happened to the worms saga?
Fucking majestic
The Revenant 2 looks pretty good.
It’s Red Dawn all over again.
Damn I actually laughed. Nice earned my sub.
The last 3 minutes has me speechless.
I’m honored I got to witness something so amazing, even if only second hand.
great video I liked the end
Servers are full of EU and ASIAN players
And The Oscar for Best Film goes to………….The Last Americans directed by BedBanna. Staring: BedBanna and Buck. Supporting Cast: Hwang, Creepy Gangnamstyle people and Horny American in Korean Server
This is some Oats Studios shit right here. Firebase Volume 2.
Does anyone know what the music at 18:11 call ?
What a beautiful Duwang
I want this played at my wedding and funeral
It’s been a while……..
It was ponies and now asians
The amount of effort and skill that goes into the making of these videos is amazing, i’m not being sarcastic i really mean it, just the editing and everything
the description says part one… am I reading it wrong or does it mean what I think it means?
wow the fight seen at the end…
almost just almost makes me want to buy this cancerous game…
In all seriousness bed, god damn that was a well made video. Great job!
He’s……. Adapted. It’s getting smarter.
the end scene with the heli was a rescue operation for you but it the Asian servers were to strong…who knew they had this kind of power
That was like watching The Road or something
that ending was fucking beatiful man keep up the great work
The best part was the use of John Carpenter’s The Thing soundtrack. It fit well.
Well made
Why didn’t this go up on the 4th of July?
per gli amanti della fava
This video was an absolute rollercoaster
This is so fucking awesome
No Frankie video can match such quality.
that ending man holy FUCK, it was like i was watching a war documentary
These are the events that lead to the AI-Weeaboo war
I instantly knew that was the FC3 ending song. Huh.
you cant be a anime fan if you dont know this anime
Song at 6:51?
Man, the end got me X3
Gag nam sstttyyyylll
*runs at you with a hatchet*
god i love bedbananas so much
I come for memes, not this emotional roller coaster!
a cinematic masterpiece.
well done
Amazing quality content as always
*After the fall of the large remnants of al-weaboo, (formally known as Weebmacht) a American recon team was sent into Korea in order to gain Intel on still surviving al-weaboo. The video you see here is declassified bodycam footage used to train US forces on clearing the reemerging threat. The humanoid you see in the beginning of the footage is an Al-Weaboo android used to adapt to the environment and kill non weaboos or their allies*
Docu. No. 26648104
Edit: The lack of weapons you see on the recon team is due to them being attacked by scavengers upon paradropping near the Outpost 15 perimeter
_Classified docu._ Combat against a South Korean al-weaboo outpost failed miserably after heavy rocket fire from defending weaboo forces a hostile gunship piloted by them shot down the ground teams transport helo which was providing cover as well as the American troops on the ground.
R.I.P Little British (probably Australian though) Boy 14:55 – 15:12
Your little rabbit squeal will be remembered.
War, war never changes
Based on the name, thumbnail, and intro, I thought this was a General Sam video at first.
Very surprised to hear Bed’s voice.
ever since the beginning with your 45min dayz videos, you never cease to amaze me and have me love your videos!!
That shootout at the end was great.
Kinda reminded me of your Pony RP forest cabin shootout.
holy shit that raid scene in the end was fucking amazing
19:05 I can’t seem to find the track here. Anyone got a link?
What the fuck? This is insanely dark for a game
best rust video in a long time :DDD
The Thing-esque music made this great lmao
That was actually beautiful, please do more <3
Dang that legendary battle at the end.
The ending was a cinematic masterpiece. I really felt like I had a front row seat to the horrors of war.
fuck that night battle must have been insane.
Damn. I kinda thought this would be any ol’ commentary gameplay. But goddamn, you essentially made an entire Mad Max film complete with love, laughs, betrayal, and full scale war. Bravo BB, bravo. Easily one of my favorite YouTube videos.
Sad I didn’t find this channel sooner. Subbed!!
this is like a horror movie that dosent involve jump scares but its really unsettling
True art work
I’m actually speechless. Didn’t think a rust video could do that.
shed a tear
21:57 Actually made me tense up. This video is the work of a god.
Why are these asians so BANANAS for BANANAS
That ending sequence had my jaw dropped. Fucking masterful
25 minutes well spent, as with all your videos.
tfw daddy uses music from my favorite ost
Some of your best work right here.
part 2????
So glad Charborg is getting popular
The last part hory shet
Can we have links to all the songs instead of the title? Cant find most of them…
Holy shit that was scary
Deadly gangnam style
Make more videos like this plz
BedBananas when will you return to the colosseum
that last part was light a city on fire
it’s alive
A cinematic masterpiece.
The ending….cotdamn
So ready for part 2
21:56 is easily the most suspenseful part of this video
Bedbanana creates masterpieces
will badbanana find his friends and will he be able to find a way out of korea find out in rust 2: the north rises
war, war never changes
Can someone please tell me the name of the piano song played when the Korean guy closes the door on bed?
finally new video 😛
The old distorted music fits the terror of being kidnapped by those koreans so well holy hell
that was awesome
If it had 20 minutes more it would technically be a film.
I love this
Ill gladly wait 2-4 months for more of this and I know others will too, keep up the great stuff!
One of your best videos so far if you ask me.
You are the youtuber I anticipate the most for a reason
Oppa Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
Najeneun ttasaroun inganjeogin yeoja
Keopi hanjanui yeoyureul aneun pumgyeok inneun yeoja
Bami omyeon simjangi tteugeowojineun yeoja
Geureon banjeon inneun yeoja
Naneun sanai
Najeneun neomankeum ttasaroun geureon sanai
Keopi sikgido jeone wonsyat ttaerineun sanai
Bami omyeon simjangi teojyeobeorineun sanai
Geureon sanai
Areumdawo sarangseureowo
Geurae neo hey geurae baro neo hey
Areumdawo sarangseureowo
Geurae neo hey geurae baro neo hey
Jigeumbuteo gal dekkaji gabolkka
Oppa Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh
Jeongsukhae boijiman nol ttaen noneun yeoja
Ittaeda sipeumyeon mukkeotdeon meori puneun yeoja
Garyeotjiman wenmanhan nochulboda yahan yeoja
Geureon gamgakjeogin yeoja
Naneun sanai
Jeomjanha boijiman nol ttaen noneun sanai
Ttaega doemyeon wanjeon michyeobeorineun sanai
Geunyukboda sasangi ultungbultunghan sanai
Geureon sanai
Areumdawo sarangseureowo
Geurae neo, hey, geurae baro neo, hey
Areumdawo sarangseureowo
Geurae neo, hey, geurae baro neo, hey
Jigeumbuteo gal dekkaji gabolkka
Oppa Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Gangnam Style
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh
Ttwineun nom geu wie naneun nom
Baby, baby
Naneun mwol jom aneun nom
Ttwineun nom geu wie naneun nom
Baby, baby
Naneun mwol jom aneun nom
You know what I’m saying
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Oppa Gangnam Style
Eh, sexy lady
Op, op, op, op
Eh-eh-eh, eh-eh-eh
Oppa Gangnam Style
Holy shit the music made this ten times better
Your best video
why this is so epic 😮
jizzed in my pants a bit when I heard the soundtrack from The Thing
They never learn from Jurassic Park…. If you don’t see the subject, don’t send anyone into the cage.
Hwang throwing you a crosssbow and arrows and abandoning you killed me
9:40 – “Yeah, China number one!” **Explosion**
everything comes full circle
Wow that ending was beautiful, nice job bed!
Now this is quality entertainment.
this was truly a great movie of war, death, survival, friendship and betrayal i like this version but the book was better in my opinion
Loving that “The thing” theme at beginning
These are the smartest people Rust has to offer
13:26 Top 10 Anime Betrayals
Hrmmm, people are much less KoS-y here. At least they try to torture and rape you first.
Go yankees
Footage of North Korean Demoralization Spies attacking American outpost in Canadian border (2017, colorized)
That ending <3
Never hit the sub button that hard!
It seems like everyone playing is somewhat mentally unstable.
This is amazing(im crying))
I want Christopher Nolan to make a live remake of this, frame for frame and see how people react to it.
This frightened me
This is amazing. I love your content, it legitimately feels like a movie. You know that feeling you get during the credits of a movie? It’s like a pit in your stomach, you’re sad that it’s over. The same thing I get from your videos! Keep going, buddy 🙂
This was amazing
Every single one of your videos is a fucking piece of art, seriously, EVERY SINGLE ONE!
FUCKING wot 7:00 Kuroi Hana by Emi Evans from the Drakengard 3 soundtrack,
I make a second account so that i can sub again, you can do me in the ass anyday!
This is so fucking scary
what the hecken frick! that’s that charborg guy~!
This is so fucking good wth, Marry me bedbananas
Another alien documentary
This, by far, is now my absolute favourite rust video.
I forgot you existed
Holy moly wtf was that battle at the end
The distorted classical music made me loose my shit
ive been waiting
really like The Thing music you used.
Fuck yeah new video
OMG remake the ending scene with the new Bradley and helecopter
You are an artist when it comes to editing.
The fucking Drakengaurd music. ;-;
Hwang nooo!!!!!!
you never disappoint
Veery sad I Bork for you
the great hwang betrayal
“China numba one”
“You know I can’t say that!!!”
Ur content is only good when u play alone
That moment when hwang just closed the door on banana and left him out genuinely broke my heart.
*HOOOM-HAAAM-KUMBAYAAAA* we’ve occupied all your Rust services, but this is only begin
*HOOOM-HAAAM-KUMBAYAAAA*later we will begin to raid your commentaries, oh, sorry i’m already doing this
*HOOOM-HAAAM-KUMBAYAAAA*after that we’ll start to spam cute kittys photos in comments of your twits
*HOOOM-HAAAM-KUMBAYAAAA*at the end we’ll become to put likes under your videos and write comments like: “BAdBenena you’r ze best”
HUZZAH!Russian’s will capture your channel!(ta-da-da-daam-da-daaam-dam-dam-dam-da-da-da-daaaa-dam-dam-pau-pau)
That was the best ending ever.
Beautiful as always
The ending put a tear in my eye.
Song name is Far Cry 3 – Further
This reminds me of Life the movie
dat ending tho epic
that ending was really good
I wonder if Hwang ever found the ant
Ending 10/10
Jesus I’m surprised that base stood up in the middle of a base raid XD you were right in the middle of it. That was a badass video. Lol did you guys hire that capture or was it really a random Korean on the server??
I thought the tumbnail was a modded Fallout 4
Nolan is absolute genius
I didn’t really expect Koreans to even attempt communication with an American, let alone have them sing Gangnam Style for their amusement.
When you wake up. Find me
I love Buck’s constant tone of confusion during this video. Lol
nazis and their experiments on the asians
War never changes.
That part at the end was honestly so strangely beautiful.
That night-time raid in the end was actually amazing to watch.
Bedbananas isn’t a content creator, he’s an artist. Propably the best in the world.
Sup Everyone
Your work is art
I fap to buck’s screams. That’s normal right?
Haha ‘the thing’ music really creates this!
Hwang’s story was one of love and heartbreak, gain and loss, euphoria and depression.
All he wanted was to find a damn ant.
Come on bed, you gotta stop this. I have to get a new set of kidneys every single time you upload and that shit’s expensive.
That ending was so beautiful
I hope we’ll get Time Bird Saga one day.
Great use of the drakengard 3 theme 10/10
I feel like bed is the best YouTube ever he puts quality over quantity and this is a masterpiece
17:37 that sounds oddly a lot like Joel from Vine
He lives!
22:29 – 24:13 Did he really just come across that. Fucking amazing.
Psychological thriller
You are so fucking talented in making these kind of vids, i really hope that you will be able to be a full-time youtuber, or maybe a new streaming website that cares more for the content creators like you, making shortfilms and really expressing yourself in your work. Excited to see what the future will bring for you and your videos.
I guess we finally got Surviving North Korea RP Episode 2…
2:58 I shit my pants laughing. It’s just a naked omg.
Was that Sovietwomble’s base at 13:05?
Will gravvy come to save the lost bed of bananas?
This video started with a few friends going onto a korean server an ended with an entire war epic. Fucking incredible job BedBananas
“Bred Banana? Do you hate bred Banana?” >>>>Banana Bread
That battle a t the end is straight out of a movie god damn
1:32 Who else thought the chair was the guy? xD
ur dig iz very smol beach
Not understanding someone from another country is always scary, but this was downright terrifying.
You guy dont join to korea server
Everyone is fucking crazy Everyone want kill you just run you have gun? Korea people not care korea people just want your Blood
I got the feels
that base raid and the helicopters was amazing
Bed, you are probably one of the strangest YouTube’s I’ve ever watched. You create a stupid plot of the episode, then you some how manage to make interesting scenic views out of some chaotic scene. It’s truly amazing and is probably the reason your videos feel so original. Keep up the good work.
I liked the guy that was just crawling around looking for ants that weren’t there
oh god i’m so ready for more of this
truly a tragic tale
the legend is back
Do you know…GANGNAM STYLE?
This… Was… Fucking… AWESOME
absolutely amazing
Is this comedic or serious?
#rip Hwang
This was so good I felt like I was watching a movie it was that was good if u can try and make more stuff like this
The ending, holy shit
15:10 the last thing we heard from the child was a blood curdling scream before he was shot in the head with an arrow…brutal
What server?
That ending was a work of art.
These videos are amazing
“I am afraid I am not asian… I am german.”
Hwang had the best RP.
a 25 minute long vedio????? my C O C K is hard
Yessss charborg
the ending was 10/10
You can make a religion out of this
This is like a movie
god bless you BedBananas stay safe
I think the ending would’ve been better if Bed starts to adapt like the Asians and lose his humanity and goes up to a random friendly guy, kills him and proceeds to eat his body.
yesss all of the yessssssssssssss
koreans amirite?
Epic for the Ages!
I, for one, welcome our new Asian internet overlords
that ending was cool as hell
What song is being played at 6:11?
The Far Cry 3 music during the battle at the end.
so beufiul ;’]
God I love bedbananas soooo much
This was an emotional roller coaster in every way, shape, and form. I feel like I’ve drastically changed from this experience. Thank you Bed Bananas, thank you, you beautiful banana.
a masterpiece….
Almost as excited to see this as tanner was when he took a pic with those furries at Pax ’15
Haha how long did this take to make
A Bedbananas video, thank fuck
Oh hell yessssssss
i don’t know how to feel about this
Killers as always
it’s been a while, glad you finally made another amazing video!!!
Whats the song at 17:35
united state americah? wow vary gud
“Hopeless man watches as his Anti-Weeaboo squad makes a final stand” – 2045 (Colorized) 23:10
The ending was so beautiful it brought a tear to my eye.
This was a fucking beautiful trip
Beautiful. A masterpiece. 10/10
Very well done
So you went from having a few american friends hanging out to being nearly killed in a south korean sex dungeon. Damn.
*flashbacks intensifies* They’ve taken the mainland, there’s no way out. It’s all just China number one.
No joke why are your videos so dam good and cinematic to the music to the way its shot everything
Great video, but i have a few questions:
Was this scripted?
Was this a roleplayer server?
Why you guys didn’t shoot the naked throwing rocks at you? You guys had armor, crossbows and pump action shotguns.
Why you guys didn’t try to protect the base when it was getting raided?
Why you guys didn’t have an airlock in your base?
Why your base only had one floor?
Why you had a window that anybody can access in the first floor?
Was this before the rust twig update or after?
When the huge raid at the end to that clan base was happening why didn’t you try to get some of the loot of dead raiders in the floor? You had nothing to loose; only a map, a rock and a torch.
Why you guys didn’t decide where all of you would go to regroup? (When your base was getting raided)
Why you guys didn’t have a discord to be able to communicate each other when you were separated? (After your base was raided)
Beside all off that I really liked the video and hope you make more.
There’s a cinematic vision here.
I respect that.
Bed what about that Ark project
this is art
this was really well made!
oh finally a new video
This is poetic
Another masterpiece as always bed
yes bed, koreans are INDEED scary.
Does the music remind anyone of nier automata?
20:43 *flashbacks to LBP3*
You fucking nailed it Bed! You created suspense, fear, heartbreak and beauty into a fucking comedy video!
God that ending was amazing, the contrast from the explosions to the aftermath. The story ends on a bittersweet tone. It’s beautiful; wonderful job!
Starts clapping*
Rust: Apocalypse Now
lest hope bed finds his group again if there not dead
Dad, you’re back!
Some people look forward to a new season of game of thrones, I look forward to the next BedBanana video
a fucking masterpiece, please have my babies.
This video documentary covers the first contact with the indigenous Anime-lover population that would give rise to World War Anime and the ensuing Al-Weaboo conflict
I don’t know what i watched i only know it was beautiful and i didn’t want it to stop.
Emotional rollercoaster
I’d been watching war documentaries today, I thought I had steeled my mind to the horrors of war… But this… is unlike anything I’d seen before. This video, this masterpiece truly captures the struggle of a displaced soldier in enemy territory. Evading capture, cheating death, and finding hope in an unknown land, this film is truly representative of what an American hero can be, even when there’s nothing he can do.
This video is a cinematic masterpiece holy shit . I could watch this 3 times in a row and still like it and enjoy it .
Listening to metal music then bed uploads
The last few minutes were incredible.
That was so deep and so touching
Is everything you make now a masterpiece?
Because it sure seems like it. Good shit.
Everyday I check YouTube to see if Bedbananas has uploaded, and almost everyday I’m left with a grain of disappointment. But not on this day, on these days, when Bed releases a video from his anarchist mind, I rejoice, and am reminded why I wait so patiently for such great content. Thank you Bed, keep doing what you’re doing.
England is my spirit animal
That ending was AMAZING!
This is why i love u bed keep up the great work
Bedbananas always there to please, just from the title the last Americans he makes the biggest political point in the world. America is a toxic as rusts community and will die like all living things within this perilous game
Also Korea number one
Perfect example of Quality over Quantity
You make me horny baby.
Good video as always.
that last thing millions of Americans heard before they were slaughtered, “ᵍᵃᶰᵍᶰᵃᵐ ˢᵗʸᶫᵉ”
this video depicts america’s fall from grace as the war with korea grows
That fucking The Thing cover. So gud
I was here when this came out.
The ending was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen on youtube
Good Fucking Lord Bed. You are so fucking good man. I fucking love you and all your fantastic work. x
amazing like always
*S U C C*
Great Video. Pretty nice beginning
Always looking forward to your new content Bed 🙂
“There are no ants. There’s never been ant.”
I was just thinking I needed more BedBananas…
never forgetti Hwang
Bed why don’t you upload more often?
*33 years after the third weeaboo world war, the world as we know it ended and people went back to the dark ages of technology. With only anarchy and chaos life has become a constant struggle for survival. those sane left battle to keep their humanity and sanity, or risk losing themselves…*
9:38 what the hell was that
very nice
Music from Drakengard 3 nice!
Buck is such a funny fuck
Bro his tight at editing. he makes it seem like movie. and its funny as hell. the acting and stuff yall say is on fleek. Nicee job
Bed’s videos either are very cinematic, poetic, insane, or a conglomeration of all of those things.
Bed = next Buddha.
BedBananas: the first psychopath we actually long for
My heroine thx
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you’re back daddy
Oh hey you’re not dead
fuck man, Hwang got my heart twisted. You beautifully strange person.
Fuckkkk yesssss my penis is weren’t as fuck
Any Car Boys fans also get triggered when Clair de Lune played?
You can make a movie out of this
The betrayel of Hwang… That got to me bad
Buck is my city.
More like : asian servers the documentary
I hope there will be other perspectives of the story
when bedbananas uploads my small pee pee does the *big pee pee*
There’s never been ant!
Actually 25 minutes
The worm god has returned
You hear of Korea?
For 12 minutes
bedbanna boner lord
The new nazi zombies looks pretty good
Could I get a pin
Have to hide in comments
Finally I’m early asf to a BedBannana video and not 2 weeks late 😀
Hai 😛
Bed don’t ever leave…..
Much scare
Why did everyone you talk to have a a foreign accent
So spoopy
Bed uploaded holy shit
Bed played NieR?
char and buck legendary combo
god bless
You can never trust Koreans in rust their fucking everywhere.
The censors
who more fucked up bed or robbaz
first 1000
I knew it ! My dick was so hard this morning, I knew it was a sign that BedBananas would upload
A new Rust video? Last time it ended in cannibal prison gladiators
*west korea*
I never click something so fast
Top 10 special ops squadrons
i love charborg btw
Great Video
Pls dont make us wait more months
No0 im cool cause i clicked like soo fast
Hi mom
Fuck you
Post more we want more posts!
Didn’t even get a notification and I’m here early… nice
25 minutes!! YES BOY
i stopped playing roblox to click this
I never clicked so fast.
Populace ? dont you mean Population ?
3rd comment
Came so haarrddd