Legacy Furnace, Benelli, Frontier skin | Rust Update 24th November 2023
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Thanks to Carbon for sponsoring this vid!
This week in Rust a new Legacy furnace, Benelli M4, Frontier building skin, Twitch rivals stuff and much more!
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System specs:
CPU – AMD Threadripper 3970X
GPU – TUF Gaming Geforce RTX 3080
Mobo – ROG Zenith II Extreme
RAM – 64GB D60G RGB 3600
Drives – Firecuda 1TB/Ironwolf 14TB
PSU – EVGA Supernova 1000G+
CPU block – Cooler Master ML360
Case – Lian Li 011 Dynamic special edition
Mic – RØDE NT1
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Games within games: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCquKn8PnQd7_-fxAHPR8vZ5
Rust update: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCq_BKRLmqhyHEZvAvVuffAl
Concept limbo: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCpr1D_neFp0eYG6ggsZyUuM
The Rust back-story: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJvStp_WGqCrS0HMYaS_Js00nPECOu3Rq
Gameplay footage from Rust PC 2023
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Rust font created by and used with kind permission of Ben Kohan
#rust #facepunch #shadowfrax #2023
Taqs:rust update,shadowfrax,rust,concept limbo,rust pc,rust pc update,rust 2021,subject to change,rust review,rust 2022,rust recap,rust console,rust patch,rust dlc,rust parachute,rust parachutes,new rust update,rust console update,rust raiding,hackweek,rust legacy,rust shelter,rust latest,rust latest update,rust latest news,rust benelli,rust m4,rust frontier,legacy furnace,rust carbon,carbon mod
コメント (319)
Check out the Carbon Modding Framework for Rust at https://carbonmod.gg/ and join their Discord at https://discord.com/invite/carbonmod
Thanks to Carbon for sponsoring this vid!
Mm….. recipes would be great for food .. or working on things that actually need it .. or how about improving Harbour??? Junk yard maybe …. we don’t need more dlc we need the actual game worked on.
please if you put m3 in to crates drop make us craft spas ._. we demand lvl 3 shotgun craft
I was there!
I didnt play legacy rust, but i remember wating videos of blurred crotches running around and even zombies way back when
last month after update the loading time take too much time
I miss the zombies in the game lmao
Nice to see the ol reliable legacy hobo shack back in the game, great memories of sitting inside near small rad trying to stay quiet and hoping that the passing full kev players didn’t hear you turn off your furnace.
im so glad that rust is “listening” to their community, its not like their community has been asking for old recoil and less DLCs
always loved watching your videos but that lower than 20 fps comment and laughing cut deep man.
It would be awesome if they made a rifle brace for the prototype so it could be made into a 3rd burst rifle like the SAR but prototype as the main body
daddy doesn’t listen to you anymore. :I
Radiation on Oil Rig ????
still waiting for the armored skin
At this point i only watch update videos i rarely play anymore because of cheats and scripts ppl use
Great vid as always mate 😊😊
Time for steam to register with ur passport id-card. So once a cheater trying to cheat it will be banned for life!!! @Shadowfrax should be a solution to keep all the cheaters banned from rust. Time for that subject to change..
@4:18 – This might be the best line from any ShadowFrax video…ever.
More savage than a caveman on steroids.
Don’t play much anymore due to time constraints but love hearing how the game is progressing. Much love to you all.
is new shotgun op or bad in turrets? someone run the numbers
It’d be cool if they added a battering ram craftable through high quality tier 3 that one shots a wood door. You could have a swat server
good quality video cards are expensive.
Really cool to see the shacks make a reappearance. Wonder how long they will last with upkeep being a thing, how much it would contribute to upkeep if within a compound, and if this being re-added will result in an uptick of villages/rp towns on servers since you can wall these in and they have a door with potentially much lower upkeep cost than a 1×1.
We dont need more shots guns. They need to focus on more tier 1 things or and uncraftable SMG like an MP7 or something. These devs never fail to miss the nail!
You literally ruined DLC for this game. Don’t sing like its exciting for us idiots to waste money on skins 😂
Why do we need these ?
Surely more pressing issues are
1. The cheater epidemic
2. Non skill based recoil
3. Remove the stupid turret limit
4. Remove mlrs
5. Remove attack helis
whos garry ?
I wonder if facepunch will ever add another item that you don’t have to pay for
Would be nice to see them add the Original M4 rifle along side the already added Benelli shotgun with there original sounds reworked.
How is nobody talking about 2:31-3:20? I don’t understand the Minecraft hype but what about that other server!? It’s crazy! Can we get any info, hints, or maybe how long we have to wait for clarification as to what it’s about?
sick !!
It’s turning into GTA V, Keep adding dlc, dlc dlc, dlc.. dont care about performence! as long as they can make that extra buck
why is he roasting my mom
Legacy was the best
Am I blind or do we still not have a skin for HQM. Who stays in wood or stone? Metal or HQM is where people gravitate their base to. Unless they love being Eco raided. I hope they start coming out with HQM build skins soon.
Optimization? Cheating? Nahhh DLC‼️‼️
never forget the distorted “womp womp” of the rad dogs and the ear bleed sound of the shotgun from legacy.
they should really make some of these skins for free :/ it’s about time. they should add different clothing items too.
YEAHHHHHHHHH LEGACYYYYYYYY (there are still some servers up)
Actually fire skins
I have my wellies
I see this skin on server moded, really cool
I would like to see different building options. Not just square or triangle foundations. Or different ways of building, attaching builds to each other
Honestly, shame on the team if they also make something special as this a dlc. Hope they really do appreciate the players and aren’t going for the money this time.
lets nerf slug shells and then add a new shotgun with better range instead of just buffing the spas which already has a low use rate
the first joke 0:13 was so cringy man. embarassing
I Purchased Rust 1st March 2014.. only just broke 1k hours in October though, played once a year for a few weeks until the OTV shitfest, and it’s slowly became my main game!
how about hqm skin? :/
10 years already, still remember playing Rust in 2013
Good Old Days Gang
saloon doors was my idea but i wont be getting paid for it :c
A nearly minute long commercial in a video of 5-20 long? What a greedy p h ack.
fix faking balloons
I feel like us alpha and legacy players deserve another exclusive item skin or craftable cosmetic other than frog boots, they took away recoil and I feel like we need something extra to make us feel like we still belong and are cared about!
ive been playing this god forsaken game since legacy its an addiction I cant kick lol
# legacy joined right after zombies were removed
Flexing my frog boots
Playing Rust since 2016 🎉
Should just remove being able to craft any weapon above T1. Game would be so much more fun.
they are bringing back wooden shelter!!!!!
Private servers for console?
Oh thank god! I thought for one sec I’d have to deal with new free items I’d actually use and spend my money on the worthless crap id never place down so glad it’s the other way around!
i have the frog boots 😀
I really wish us legacy players would get an exclusive skin. Frog boots don’t cut it since that was anyone before 2018
They should add a tier 2 sniper like a kar 98 or mosin
I hope the nexus update will never come in my opinion it will destroy the game. Farm up on a dead but connected server then switch to the over server with 200 rockets and wipe everyone of the map wow
Legacy was sick
rust legacy was wild thinking back to zombie animals and rad towns is wild
I twas one when rust came out
GTA Vice City Rust?
bought two weeks after the game came out, legacy enjoying
I think it would be cool if they gave the legacy players something special
Oh good just what rust needs more skins
That shotgun is going to cause a problem.
Old recoil plz
So would it be too much to ask for the Legacy M4 with the same firing sound effect?
Its funny some of the modded server plugins have better ANTICHEAT than Rust.
And the Cheaters? kkkk
bring back the old recoil. it was easier to catch cheaters with it and it created a skill gap
i need that purple hazmat
Purple hazzy looks awesome
Update after update stop the cheating
Id love to know when the “network” stuffs that allow bases to load in much MUCH earlier than they normally do (so you don’t fly directly into towers, or into SAM sites) will be usable without tanking performance.
Doesn’t appear like anyone is using it, due to that drawback. Then again, I’m a watcher, not a player, so my thoughts, opinions, and questions are certainly second-class next to those of actually players. 🤷🤷🤷
Dead game
Shotty looking spicy
and still no new building formats or new shapes to build with. but hey, at least we got saloon doors.
I mean, I watched people play legacy but I was like 9 when legacy came out so not like I was going to play it myself
gingerbread skin should be for HQM. Raiding a building then finding the gingerbread walls signifying sweet loot inside. Wood skin is so useless no one ever stays wood on 1st day of wipe.
# legacy
When will I be able to get this wooden building skin?
Moving into a retirement home now…and still waiting for the ‘Armoured’ ladder hatches to make their way into RUST. ….maybe on the 25th anniversary????
Frontier skill is the same than DLC in Conan Exiles
# legacy
I have frog boots but I didn’t play back then
give me the nexus yesterday
i just want a rework version and server for rust legacy without the bugs, would be fun. been playing since npc’s could kill you through your own buildings and before that lmao
legacy! I wish they bring it back for the 10 years! be so fun. I think it was 750 wood for that shack?
back in the days…. when the focus wasn’t to push out dlcs for melking the playerbase even more. pathetic.
Benelli slugs are gonna be a fun time
the frontier skin is probably the best one they have done yet
comment just because
I’m grateful that instead of fixing the game, They added a DLC.
F the good old days. lol. That structure is what made me stop playing for like 3 years. 😛
legacy was always so fun to go back to and play in the early days of the blueprint system. It almost seemed like an entirely different game
I put a good 700 hours into legacy and I was like 9 years old lol. Such a fun game and I do miss the option to play it on an older branch.
that streamer computer station goes hard.
Hash Tag Legacy.
didnt play legacy played a year after sad Im didn’t experience it
I’ve been using Carbon for a while now, over a year, it’s a lot better and easier to use but not all the plugin’s from umod works
i played legacy as long as possible because my computer couldnt run experimental
loved that game
players: we want old rust back
devs: hold my beer
Might just me be, but would be fun to have the kick as a general thing? so if someones running at you with a knife you can kick them away potentially knock them down for a moment, would make for some fun fights.
YAY MORE PAID CONTENT!! – Said no one ever.
Sad times indeed
Yeah mate, absolutely played legacy, and honestly still would prefer some of the old features 😉
4:43, skinned TC??
god forbid they dont put something behind a pay wall
make new mats with new craftables
Alpha (Frog Boots) Player
i played just after legacy
Rust turning 10 years old, making it older than most of its players.. 😂
yo What’s happening with my good old favourite game?
Nice, another spas. Why though?
Why isnt the ginger bread skin sheet metal…
ive play Legacy 600h lol
👇🏼 Like button for all the legacy players.
1000 HP for a crap shack throw down might seem like a lot, but I think that’s a fair amount of HP for a quick throw down. I can see beaches literally swamped with dozens of these placed everywhere. Perhaps someone will use one as a quick raid base, small and discreet, plenty room for at least 4 boxes, or 5 barrels. Obviously they don’t have TC, so there’s no upkeep but it will decay over time.
00:20 “Rust has its 10th anniversary next month, making it older than most of the player base”
I spit some of my coffee out at this haha
# December 2013 legacy rust.
who even made a 1×1 in legacy, we didnt ahve stability issues back then
We need air planes in this game
Bro, Vice City Rust?!
I wish they actually made Rust Legacy available on Steam with a couple official servers
I remember seeing little shacks as far as the eye could see. Good old days
First time I played rust was on my mates pc in like 2019 and it was before the udrp update or something
I played a little legacy and just quit because I had no idea what was going on 😂😂
All problems were solved down at split rad
That shotgun with slugs is going to be the new meta
# legcey
nah bro u don’t k’now how much i wish the rust legacy back.
I miss the good old legacy days 🙁
might quit the game if they only care about adding dlcs and not fixing bugs and stuff
Why Facepunch is so greedy…
legacy made me so much money by selling in-game items lol
looks like ive stopped playing rust at the right time, ive got 10k hour since Alpha. Used to get an update every week and they were good. All this year its been DLCs and a tugboat?
# notlegacy
was thinking what could be good skin for HQM. how about space theme? something looking bit more advanced. prehabs we could change colors like we can do with shipping container skin.
Great content and updates from you as always, left a like and a sub.
I hope they add kevlar armor skin
If they want to bring back some legacy things they need to bring back zombies!!!!!
“Older than most the player-base” LOL
vice city in rust ???
I want them to add the rabbits from legacy that no one remembers.
The new furnace skin looks so sweet! Apart from the looks, is the actual hitbox the same as the original furnace?
Can you still put the legacy furnace over you and use it as a shield? If not then it’s not legacy enough. Also where the rad animals at. They were in concept limbo years ago.
Fix Anticheat instead
My dad played Legacy Rust when I was a child. I do remember him and his brothers playing together at family meetings.Rust is lowkey a very old game, I now play it too and enjoy the actual gameplay.
# legacy
2014 yes yes
was enjoying the video until you started with the sponsor how can you support such an evil system
I played alpha on my toshiba laptop at 5fps
Am I alone to just not play Rust during December due to the horrible Winter event?
Thanks Rust Daddy <3
Thank you <3
I got the game in legacy and stopped playing in like 2020, but I still watch your videos because following the development is kinda fun
I miss the good ol days when you could throw loot over the edge of the map in legacy. I remember one day back in 2014 me and my buddy got into a big argument and he started chucking all our stuff off the edge of the map😂😂
Oh wow.
A game plagued by cheaters that has lost an incredible amount of players due to nothing being done about it.
But we got a new furnace skin so I guess i’ll keep playing. /s
I got my frog boots!
Who remembers when Facepunch held a Dutch Auction for early access on Steam?
was really worried they’d start doing actual work and fixing the game but thank god we got more DLC
We should have more options for the music. I miss a lot of the older main menu music. There should be a setting to change the music to Legacy style, New Rust style, or how it is now. I don’t know if there were any other really big deviations but if so add them to my proposed setting.
Legacy rust made me build a pc lol
If I had to guess, the Benelli M4 is probably going to be obtainable similarly to the SPAS-12 but might be more useful outside of Tier 1 due to the focus on range. I’d like to see it as an Elite crate drop since it’d make more sense to see a manufactured weapon inside of an Elite crate than an SMG made out of scrap metal.
Rust Vice City when?
rust seems to be going downhill just adding useless items instead of fixing what the game really needs like recoil and things that are actually ruining the game
Legacy had way better rock mountains, you could build a whole settlement there and it would be invisible from the outside.
PSA: the legacy furnace is the best trap base item in the game. If you know, you know.
Hashtag legacy
10 years and I still can’t afford to buy rust 😂😂😂
raiding the small shacks in rust was a fun go too
We need is a research kit 😍
good old legacy
What was that vice city map in Rust??!
Legacy was great, met some good friends for life on there
Mann. I need to get on that vice city map
They really want that labor of love award
Man, I played legacy when i was like 8 years old, cant remember anything but I know i had a blast
super cool!
I actually played Legacy back when it still was a browser game BEFORE THE KEY AUCTIONS BEFORE STEAM
They also broke God bunkers trying to fix the triangle floor bug
Wonder how Microsoft feels about all those Minecraft textures and assets being used for a Rust mod. Cool af tho.
best update yet bring back the nostalgia
now they gotta add a mossberg
3:30 I like having a shotgun that’s good enough to fight SMGS and Rifles close range
2014 Alpha Player, do you have the frog boots skin? 8k+ hours player.
Random non Rust specific question: Where do you get your updates/news regarding Rust?
Do you have access to early/unannounced stuff or do you simply learn about it and then take the time to make a good video on it?
Older than most of the player base 😂 i love this guy
Legacy wood building skins when
Quickly change the automatic turret settings back!!
nexus gonna kill rust
The Fuckshack!
Legacy was such fun. also all those people that camped the rad towns lol.
Thumbs up if you bought the frontier pack thinking it would contain this skin 😂
is it a dlc ?
I’ve thought for years now that a metal version of the legacy hut that looks like a shipping container would be cool.
“Making it older than the playing base.” you funneh!
R.I.P Rust, updates nowadays only brings bad changes and or unnecessary stuff (aka bag limiting, auto turret limiting, new recoil system, etc…). Meanwhile hackers that use ESP and offline raiders are still a problem for solos and small teams. It looks like they are trying to compete with very different games such PubG, Fortnite, Call of Duty, Battlefield.
# legacy bring back Kevlar armour
Omg the old wood shed that brings back some memories
Rust legacy. the days when people would be getting chassed by a pack of wolves while blaring Death Grips – Takyon through the mic
Oh yeah I can’t wait to roof camp with 16x shotgun slugs 😅
Legacy can we shove the furnaces threw the walls and transfer threw them like the old days also hahah.
I can’t wait for the anti cheat DLC, just $11.99 for no more cheaters!
really wish they would make the gingerbread a stone tier building skin. wood is borderline useless for protection so we wont ever see it being used.
slug benelli sounds like a way to finally use some shells
cant wait for them to add legacy DLC for $12.99 🙂
I was like 7 or 8 when Rust legacy came out, I played it lmao
in legacy shelter. me and my irl friend was playing rust legacy decided to brake in that shelter and there was a guy. when we was braking doors started to chat with him so at the end he joined our clan. so now we know him and play every day or just chat in ds over 9y.
I’m so old school I still build bases with more than one floor in fear of bears still being able to clip through the first.
That was a good one about he game being older than most the player base… 🙂
I’m all for a long-range shotgun. No, seriously, I want a shotgun sniper to mix up the current meta. Buff slugs over distance again, bring back the solo weapon of choice!
You are the most informative Rust commentator on YT! Thank you and Happy holidays!!
Man I miss the chaos that was Legacy lmao
# legacy
all this but no legacy fishbowl hazmat?? missed opportunity smh
I want a rare item for playing since december 2013
Wait so oil rig will now have lethal radiation?
5:16 دهنت سرویس 😂
Okay I do like the fact that they didn’t turn all the legacy items into a DLC
was that vice city?
“rust has its 10th anniversary and makes it older than most of the playerbase”
truly a horse of wisdom because he described rust in every language
I do not see anything related to the hazmat suit on the site is it a drop maybe?
Legacy was the best game of my life :’)
When’s the gender changes?
I love the beneli m4 irl so glad it’s in rust
cant wait for door camping season next month
Thanks for reminding me why I don’t play this game anymore.
Looks like they’ve started to target legacy players for their money now.
No way rust is already 10 year old. It feels more like 5 years. The pain of growing up.
Oh, and i actually enjoyed legacy more lol. Maybe its because rust became garbage game for like 3 years after the switch.
1:32 “long range hits” slug meta revival?
Fscepunch not adding old recoil as an option for modded or as an optional server setting is so bad on their part. Lost tens of thousands of committed players if not hundreds of thousands from recoil update. Genuinely don’t understand why it can’t be an option for certain servers. Huge loss of og loyal players because they can only see the money aspect and not what the game truly was in its prime
played Legacy then they updated to the new game Pc couldn’t run it for years until I had to get a new computer!
I miss legacy, always wished they had official legacy servers
bring back the useless lock pick
I would pay hundreds of dollars for 2017 rust servers with old recoil
legacy was epic tbh
Tutorial island would be a very nice addition. I tried getting my friend into rust, didn’t end well
Facepunch dropping so many dlcs to not go bankrupt from unity LMAO
Why would my mum be flying over launch Mr Frax?
Ive been playing rust since legacy its been a crazy 10 years.
Started off at like 10😅
Wood skin is P2W, there are no little cracks in the ceiling you can look through….
I used to play alpha/beta Rust, can’t remember which. It was a terrible, but very fun game. IIRC there were even zombies in the game
i wish they would bring back survey charges and personal mining rigs. back when rust was fun
What I would like to see from back in the day return?
and the original sunset graphics (which were way better than they are now)
shooting stars, and rainbows after a rainfall.
The chuckle in finding chicken meat inside a horse.
Things I do not miss…
Rain or snow inside your base.
Horrid blinding glare coming off the snow when a light is used at night
Having to have your bed on a upper base story cause bears could walk through into your base and kill you when you were offline.
Impossibly fast or flying animals.
Legacy was amazing, bring back Radbears
Carbon Old Recoil Mod HM HM ?
Didn’t join until 2019, wish I could have tried legacy
@facepunch FIX THE LAG server and performance
I checked the twitch drop and apparently you’re going to need to donate this time to actually receive the items? if true then I don’t like this, why do I have to donate this time and not any of the previous rounds
hold on a minute…. was that GTA vice city’s map? You have my interest now lol
I am so relieved that they will add a new DLC next month. I was getting worried that I would not have a new DLC to spend my money on.
I can still see the prancing Rad Bears running along the roads near radtowns, such a beautifl sight
I wish they would fix problems with the game instead of pushing put skins every month
Can you convince the company to develop a part on mobile, but do not make it like similar games?
I would pay for Rust Legacy if they offered it.
Remember when it was actual zombies 😅
What is the deal with rads on oil rig now?
i just wish they would set up legacy servers even for a short amount of time
I played a LOT of legacy back in the day, it’s very nice to see the devs pay homage to the old school days of gaming.
Rust Legacy was wild. It was quite a shock to see it getting upgraded.
All us legacy players still rock the froge boots
I got my frogboots as part of my standard prim kit.
Played Rust in closed Beta with limited keys before the game was public, and my god the game has come a long way since then! Sometimes I forget that Rust used to be an extremely small indie style work project with limited scope and unclear vision.
i haven’t stopped complaining about the state of rust since 2016. I played since january of 2015.
I did not play legacy rust but I did discover it on youtube at the time. When I got a pc about a year later rust was the first game I bought on steam.
Back in my day the only tutorial we had was getting yelled at by our friends
Bring back Rad Bears please Facepunch.
Legacy! its crazy how long i played this game all this pain xdd
Playing since winter 2013, still alive and playing. Good they added ol’ staff!
Are we at $100 “worth” of DLC then? Talk about overpriced…
God, legacy is but a foggy memory by now. I remember the old rad town and the old bow 😂
Hashtag Legacy, F my Eye
Legacy was so much fun who remembers the funny wolf valley
I really just want furnitures like more tables, closets, more quality of life items. …. And that’s mean I’ve been playing rust for 10 years now? … fk me….
Do you know anything about the current bugs of items falling into world and invisible scientists on cargo?
By shack, I believe you meant the grave you hid in while Bchillz was running around killing anything that moved next to rad town.
I’ve died to that guy more than any npc in the game.
With the Carbon mod plugin. If they make a 1:1 Chenarus map then Rust will have finally fulfilled it’s original goal of destroying DayZ.
legacy building skin looking cozy
I don’t think I ever played legacy, but I do remember refunding the game after dying to a massive pack of wolves way back when
The frontier skin was released for November’s forced update
Bring back the bubble bowl rad suit helmet
I would have liked old hazmat suit for dlc for ten year lol
wheres the rad bears?
They should READD All Legacy weapons Also they should ADD more Guns/firearm s from 1800s 1900s ww1 ww2 cold war etc Like mp40 stg44 etc
why another military shotgun when we have the spas 12 lmao
This 😢
When are they going to do an update to finally fix all the cheating?
👇 I like you.
m1014 les gi
love your vids man. Keep up!