stealing paddlers loot is all that gives me peace anymore 😂 – RUST SOLO #11 S123
Discord: https://discord.gg/shotsRUST
With how much our base spot has been AMAZING for killing all the paddlers, I’m thinking that this will be the last day on the server.. It’s been a combination of things that’s made me wanna switch — such as bad raids, lack of pvp when roaming, fighting viewers 50% of the time and having to rely on the grubby outpost area to get consistent pvp. Usually I can ride it out on a server but I feel like these past couple days have been a bit too dull and I don’t wanna continue that throughout the wipe.
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コメント (103)
Ocean water base
Dylan do giveaways. Small ones to help gain subs. Not that you don’t know that but hey man it can’t hurt.
Yo Dylan what P2 skin do you use that only has the one little bit in the middle? for the sight
at 25:30 you didnt get the loong timer cus you shot him while he already made it into the safezone, you got it cus you got shot at by outpost which gives you 5 minutes. I feel like youve mentioned this before im surprised you werent aware of that this time
Hi shots just wanted to say thank you for all the videos im a daily watcher. Oh and goose. Thought for where to live maybe change it up and put a basenup in the water by the shore. Maybe put up a new design that incorporates water pumps and build a small farm inside to grow some berries and show us how to make different teas? Just a thought but love your daily content
🦆🦆🦆 Goose 🦆🦆🦆
Yea I feel your pain that’s exactly how I felt about today’s video so your not by your self with what you were saying… Hopefully this next season will be one of the best 🤞🏻
Water treatment or sewer PLEASE
You aint even grind out the garage doors man not even one of em
For the new season go on a high pop server with a goal in mind and let’s see if you can accomplish it with all them people, should be interesting unless your scared 😰😂
Love your vids but it has been the same for a long time go oil go underwater rigs on high pop you don’t always have to be solo too
Seems like lately your wipes are more just about crying about paddlers and viewers it’d be good to see you get back to the grind and maybe start doing a few videos with a goal in mind or maybe even try playing on a server that has more people instead of low POP servers try a 500 or a 1000 pop server it’d be nice to see you actually try to play on one of them once been watching you for a long time and it’d be nice if you would mix it up a little instead of every video just being about paddlers and raiding little bases . It would be nice to see you have a challenge… Keep up the awesome videos and try to switch it up a little bro! Don’t get me wrong bro forever a viewer !!! ❤
Hey bro, you say the people that go to outpost to buy things like guns and stuff like that are bad but yet you go to outpost to buy wood too don’t you find that to be a little ironic lol you shouldn’t go to outpost to buy wood be a real rust player and cut your wood down lol much love
Lol 😂 love your videos, bro
gooseeeeeee 🪿
I’d like to see you avoid outpost for an entire wipe. Hardcore would be awesome but servers are dead
You next season can you do more base stuff, farm for bigger raids and oil please!
Dude I’d like to see you try out the new observer island official custom map. It’s low pop in the am but mid pop in the evenings.
Live on top of a snowy mountain.
Dang… gets the m249 first day and didn’t bring it out once. Was hoping you’d roll with it on at least one roam during the wipe. Unfortunate that viewers have to try and get your attention every chance they can get.
Going from hour long videos to within the first ten minutes talking about what there isnt time for is a big change to get used to.
Base near a quarry Dylan
My God the nade throws are filthy 😂
I really like your content but the bitching about viewers is getting annoying. Just switch servers if it bothers you.
Such a goose move to sleep on electric furnaces with a oil refinery for charcoal combo.
Goose. Log cabin with pump shotty PLEASE 🙏
I’m very happy a 10k hr player with a Tommy kills naked players with paddles. Good content. Day after day farming low hr players is really good for building rust up.
why not play the 2 week servers instead of the monthly servers if you only gonna play for two week
why not give yourself a goal like build a farm base and sell for the full month just to get raided by a group so you cant build a farm and sell the full month
and that was a weak raid attempt one garage door stops you after two sheet doors i mean a 3 by 1 and tc behind one wall
and cars are over rated and are weak to one rocket or one grenade no point grinding for the car
everything about the game is bad promoting groups over single players and people that just roam and pvp and raid and geff and bully other players even bases are weak you could build a fortress with no loot inside and it will still get raided.
I think a “Duo with viewer” series would be interesting and it would always change due to the constant change in people… but ofc could be difficult too do
Day 44 asking Dylan to try burst p2
Day nine of asking for a trio wipe
Cabin on the water like a beach house and go back to oil, but.. only in Kayaks.. Silly Goose
Let’s get Dylan back to oil. Been a minute
Comiendome los anuncios desde 2019, quédese con el cambio. La siguiente cerveza a tu salud
New beginning Goose 🙂 would love to see some oil rig runs take care.
Do a cabin season with the new dlc stuff and have some fun with slugs. A beautiful ocean cliff in the forest should do.
Living at Military Tunnel Sounds fun
I have to say it’s sad to see the amount of negative comments on this vid but it’s 100% true. Something’s definitely gotta be changed up, the focus on paddlers I feel like is a big thing that consistent viewers are probably tired of seeing. I know there’s some people that enjoy it but to me it’s just run its course and I feel like with Dylan having the amount of experience in this game he could put his focus into achieving much better things than just killing people who use paddles episode after episode after episode. Either way ima keep watching because I just enjoy Dylan’s vids but I do agree with what a lot of people are saying with him changing it up and putting energy into something else less repetitive/predictable.
Need start doing your workouts again
you should do a wipe living by missile silo and oil rig
You should live on top of a ICEBERG! Live that Iceberg life! Iceberg sir shots! Iceberg!!!! Yes I’m yelling! Goose!!
Water wipe! Time to reestablish your oil rig dominance
at 22:40ish you have a timer because you got shot by outpost as soon as you shot at the hazy, not because he was in safe zone when you went to finish him. So if you waited out your timer he’d be lootable. Also, Goose.
Cave season! itll be amazing, I believe in you! <3
4:15 shots puts paddle away 😢😮
And stop looking for the cheapest possible raids you can do yes sometimes a 2×1 can be loaded moat of the time they actually are but you go for raids that are just ridiculous sometimes you even miss walls gone and doors down a lot lol. Raid something at least 2×1 honey combed when your this far into end game with 2 full sheeted bases filled with t3 and t2 everything…
Day 95 of asking for spoonkid collab
SHOTS what are you doing out there with a revolver seriously you literally are at end game and are running around with a revolver hazy! This is exactly what you complain about when everyone else deos it having a base filled with guns and meds and armor bullets etc and leave hazy and revolver whats even crazier is you have 2 full metal bases filled with loot I’m just saying can you see the irony And the confusion from from a fan seeing this and this has been happening a lot today I had to say something go out with at least tier 2 and start using actual boom becuase you always can but choose satchels and molotov and someone tell me I’m wrong of I am but I know I’m right
I’m thinking a wipe between giant excav and oil would be pretty wild
In blooprints new movie he gave himself a list of what to accomplish, even things he’s never done before and I think you should give that a try, it’d be very interesting
goose always a pleasure to watch. I always laugh when i see all the silly goosiery! I also wish they would make it possible to place land mines on the road how fun would that be to catch some one in a car.
live near artic next wipe sounds fun and different
Between Ranch and outpost but far enough away from outpost so you don’t get all the silly gooses but can still hunt your sworn enemy.
Day 17 of asking for cozy cabin wipe derrr
Goose. To my knowledge, that timer bumps from 1:00 minute to 5:00 minutes when security shoots at you. Next wipe, I think you should live near Ranch and try out this trap I thought up: Leave horses around that are loaded down with saddle bags. When people jump on them to steal them and ride away, they’re slow as shit. Combine this with the paddler safe zone thing, could be a good time. Also, been a minute since we’ve seen a cabin. Cabin near the Ranch farming paddlers and baiting with saddle bag horses that are slow as shit. There’s my vote.
Would these viewers just F off? Please tell me they are all 8 years old and younger
I wanna see a wipe where you build a base out of recycled paddles
whats a online raid?
You havent played a Launch wipe recently, that I can remember. Try living there and seeing if there is any good action there.
I’ve been watching for like 2.5 years now and never seen you base near launch and farm Bradley for boom
bro its my birthday today can you greet me on the next vid? i would be so much for me. my name is ian and yeah thanks!
P.S. you asking for where to live on next server? hmm near arctic research?? thanks!
Goose. I think it’s time to base by Oil Rig. As always keep it 💯
Day 27 of asking for a heart from shots
Use m2 kit before leaving server
Goose. This was an interesting day, thank you for the content. I agree with you, this server has felt weird. It was decent in the beginning but the storyline never really went anywhere, plus there are too many viewers. I think it’s time for a new server as well. Maybe base close to oil, it’s been a while. I look forward to the next one shots, have a great night. 🌙
what goose isn’t silly?
Dylan does not really notice, how cheap the paddle is to craft. Throwing it away every fu**ing day and talking about it every day is 100% senseless.
I wish it wouldn’t annoy me so much, I’m just staying patient hoping this shit is coming to an end at some point … I just wanna see nice rust gameplay, not the same idiotic empty-sucked meme
dw too much, Dylan. Last season you delivered high quality content, mixing up between funny moments and tryhard ones. This season we had our laughs, now shake it off and get back on the grind the way you love to do it: RIG TIME BABEEE!!! u are the king in there
Yeah time to switch man. Fresh start new vibe
Instant dislike for idiotic title lol 😛
How often a day you wanna say the word “paddler” like a retard? Wierd 11k hour players sometimes. Not being in peace with the game so you just hunt people with the cheapest to afford tool. What a hero you are. 😉 Amazing player, amazing personal development your talking about so much. ^^
I think we deserve a less predictable content soonish. Step out of the comfortzone and give us something exciting.
Would love to see you play/base either around launch/powerplant or somewhere in the desert! ❤
Hey try out observer island – it’s a face punch custom and there is a lot of cool stuff and it’s different. I was hitting rust fatigue and it helps. Give it a try.
Goose 🪿
im fully convinced admins are following you around invisible spawning in animals and bots to getcha
Dylan it seems you are trying to turn your life around these past couple months ever thought about turning to god
please base next to HQM quarry and wall it in.
Goose derrer
I feel like viewers haven’t been approaching you this much since Abel and his boy. Hopefully you’ll get a bit of peace with that shit soon. I understand its a blessing in a way because you’re fortunate enough to be able to be a content creator for a living but it is nonetheless an inconvenience as well as a hindrance on your ability to play the game in your style.
Let’s have a winter wipe. Near an underground railroad maybe?
DID YOU JUST DISAGREE WITH YOURSELF HAHAHAHAHA killing pandler is never a waste of time my friend lol
Does anyone wonder why Dylan waits to start recoding to go to the bathroom?
I’ve been watching since before 30k subs and the vids are entertaining as ever. Keep up the good work Dylan 🖤 derr
Dylan not being able to handle the other People talking to him 🤣 such a silly goose🤣
Get sauced on!
Edit: How do you know this Josephine guy is a viewer? Did he talk to you?
Love the vids big dawg
Big fan bro
love the vids
Woah woah 15 mins early ?? Let’s go babyyy