For a free $2 use my code FRIDUWULF
Intro: (0:00)
Day 1: (3:08)
Day 2: (35:04)
Day 3: (1:09:11)
Outro: (1:23:29)
Tweets by FriduwulfTV
Business Inquiries:
OBIE: https://www.youtube.com/@OBIE / https://www.twitch.tv/obiemj
Zypic: https://www.youtube.com/@Zypic
iGxCarnage: https://twitch.tv/igxcarnage / https://www.youtube.com/@iGxCarnage
Omega: https://www.twitch.tv/xomegaa
Faunter: https://www.twitch.tv/ifaunter
Tappin: https://www.twitch.tv/itztappin
I’m partnered with Ironside Computers! Click here to customize your own PC.
Code “Fridu” for free shipping on all PC orders: https://ironsidecomputers.com/ref/Friduwulf/
Case: Fractal Torrent – White
Sleeving: White and red
Fans: 10 x 120mm RGB Fans
Lighting: 1 x RGB Strip
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7800X3D
RAM: Kingston Fury Beast RGB White 64GB (2x32GB) DDR5 6000
Storage: 3 x 4TB Kingston KC3000 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2
PSU: 1300 Watt 80 Plus Gold
Networking: Built into motherboard
OS: Win 11 Pro
RottingJackal (Logo/Branding)
Tatten (Emotes)
ZynpYzgnKara (Thumbnails/Banner)
Arai (Thumbnails)
Alpakich (Cinematics/Animations)
Sven (Cinematics/Shorts)
MrGOOSE (Thumbnails/Twitch Panels)
Riot (Emotes)
Matthew Stovall (Animations)
Nicolas Dorey (Animations)
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
Other Music by Andrew Applepie:
Streamline Servers sponsors me. Get 30% off your first month of Game & Voice Servers using code “friduwulf30”. Shop Today: https://bit.ly/3G9LrTv
AJ Kuykendall
Aaron Fox
Donavin Chapa
x Javv
Brian Kowalski
Sean Hungerford
Mason Houghton
Přemysl Trachta
Joshua Dilley
Zach Achille
Zeb Ak
Nathan Starliper
Trace Camp
Joseph Pleinis
Cyrus Alcoser
Mateo Figueroa
Tyler Mitchell
caden kyle
William Sutherland
The Invisiblist
Hunter Brandt
Colton Gebhardt
tyler rigoll
Chad Wipperman
Katie Whelan
Adam Malone
Anthony DeHart
jacob tompkins
When I upload Rust gameplay videos and Rust movies, you will tune into me having a good time with my team, trolling and raiding clans, griefing toxic groups, funny moments in our Rust survival and much more!
The only aim in Rust is to survive. Everything wants you to die – the island’s wildlife and other inhabitants, the environment, other survivors. Do whatever it takes to last another night.
Taqs:rust,friduwulf rust,friduwulf,rust pvp,rust base,rust survival,rust montage,rust raid,rust raiding,rust online raid,rust counter raid,rust cinematic,rust rocket raid,rust insane,rust insane wipe,rust insane start,rust profit,rust gameplay,rust jackpot raid,rust raid defense,rust toxic,fridowolf,rust movie,rust film,rust movie friduwulf,friduwulf rust movie,rust gameplay 2023,rust 2023,rust game 2023,rust obie,rust the rise of a phoenix
コメント (145)
Yoooo I had a blast joining you guys for my first pc wipe! Thanks for the invite brotha 🙌
Intro is insane btw 🔥
Love the opening cinematic animation, just a little note for the animator, might want to speed up the pistol gun fire animation as it’s quite slow compared to the person movement speed, other than that, it’s fantastic
Starting to get to Frosts intros!!!!! Almost there keep it up. I love your videos that can have me watch you for hours and hours!!!
Two of the best content creators make one of the best apices of content I’ve ever seen
javvy pops off 🔥
That Intro earned yourself another Subscriber
Much Love and Respect
The immediate second I saw a shill gambling add I closed it. Sucks that the sponsor greed is making people promote gambling
Damn great vid fridu, what’s that base build I want to play a wipe in that
17:18 bro predicted the future and said we going home with aks😯 btw great vid so far
Need a big group wipe man with the buds like the good old days!
bro u killed me at 39:25 i was doin scouting first time and some farming 2 time and the base you guys saw after that was mine
Can we appreciate Omega’s peek on the compound at the last raid? He actually made that raid successful.
That ” Axe hit @49:55 ” was the cherry on top lol
My teammate had to swim back from large one time because I sucked so bad at the mini…. He wasnt happy. LOL. Now its just another natural part of the game. Took a lot of practice and minis though.
Mousepad fingers crossed soon x, side note loving the videos keep it up fridwulf
this obie collab is insane, love both off you!
I was one in the raid thanks for the raid i have been watching u for a while
Good video, I didn’t see that base you raided roof camp though. It looked like it was that 4×4 stone base.
Are you going to do a wipe on console rust they aren’t meant to be adding desiel next wipe so quarry can actually be used let’s go
U should do a collab with stevie you’re editing/cinematic skills plus stevie’s story telling would be a banger
No way this is gonna be crazy
that boy obie had a day in his pc debut
1000th like <3
u gotta play console haha
Like the naked said i def watch and look forward to watching
Yeah I miss the xp system and that’s coming from a solo
these intros just keep getting better and better
Again another awesome movie and it was good to see a console players opinion. Thanks Bro
Ove ur vids keep up the amazing uploads g
Good stuff bro
Honestly I’d love to see you do a video with him on console that would be a dope and probably funny af video even if your used to pc rust other than that keep up the good work enjoy your videos
4:56 … thats me 😂
❤❤ nice vod bro loved it
Awesome video! Was super fun to be a part of the wipe 🙂
NGL….i did watch the intro twice <3 LOVE THE CONTENT !!
Thanks for the sick videos all the time Fridu!
What server is this??
can’t wait to have my personal computer and play rust one day!
Impressive video as always fridu❤❤❤
You need to play live some time again it’s been 4 years sense you have done it on yt
Crazy how this man went from console to joining a legendary pc player
Such a good guy W from obie.
@friduwulf what rust bot do you use?
I like all your content and your videos
An I’ll put a😊on your face. Fridu 🐺 your a legendary always in my book.
I had a terrible day today, this is a good distraction. Love it.
47:50 fridu trying to shoot through airfield tower window is comedy 😅
That cinematic at the beginning was so damn cool and well put together
Bro this is such a W collab
Every time i see a vid from you it just makes me want to drop everything and watch it.
Good to see OBIE on PC
love your videos man!
applying med and walk into a gap, with suppressing fire in bound, so fun to watch.
Fridu couldn’t make a solo wipe happen even if he tried to dependent on his farmer friends to do the hard work till rockets then he puts on a kit and starts the cam
You better play another wipe with obie
me frid and the boys needs to make another YT channel and post the unedited version and i would watch that even if it’s 10 hours
wait he has a pc?!
When two of my favorite rust youtubers collab it makes me happy 😊
yessssss friduuuuuuu
I’m sorry, but I can’t take the intro seriously with that goofy ass gun shot fx
You should play a wipe with Obie on console rust please do friduwulf
Wait consol players can now play with pc players
Thanks for both the onlines Fridu, although we couldnt finish base during the first online cause we had no externals lol.
hey, love the vid. keep it up. also thanks for both the onlines i wish i was online for all of them.
Glad to be able to catch another great movie as always, appreciate the wonderful content. Much love to you and the group man
I love the graphics
when two W rust yts make a banger video
Can’t wait to see his pov lol
Another certified banger!
Intro is fire
this video was truly enjoyable seeing a rust player new to pc joining the pack on a adventure and how newbie he was and the wow factor of his reactions was one to remember
Best rust content creator out here. How you don’t have 1 million yet confuses me.
Fiiduwulf should group up with kimchi and him team for a wipe that will be a good video to see
I love how your Chanel is a wolf and most of your video titles are based off of mythical creatures is such a cool feature and a true main part of your Chanel at this point love the videos keep up the great work man
So much laughs and fun, great vid!!
I love both of your content. I play console rust
bro the start🔥🔥
Love your vids man cep up the good work
it was a good wipe, and I told you, they fucked up because didn’t raid my farm base and I save our base killing the raider before he finished the offline!! 🙂
You stepped up the intro’s I love it.
W video
Good video brah👍
i love ur videos
you movies are the only i can watch without getting bored
Peas, beans and broccoli is our names and crazy that we met you 💙
the intro is fire
W movie ending
Let’s go another epic video! love the videos keep it up.
This man’s going to start making absolute masterpieces of cinematography
Sup Dawwggsss
As a person who’s pc broke a while ago and now plays console rust Insted of pc since I’m saving for a expensive setup I have no clue why obie would choose to play c rust instead of pc
Blooprint h June wally1k disfigure coma fridwolf Obie taunted and Tesla kings of rust
Funny i play console and watch obie and dont play pc and watch you😊
i know its gonna be good
Let’s go
Is it me or did you forget to add your famous Quotes in the beginning of the vid. Nevertheless i know its going to be a good movie keep up the good work fridu❤
Friduwulf never fails to impress💙
Only if you are going to play rust console
Yo fridu when you coming to play rust console let me play please I’ve been asking for a while now
Letss gooo
Let’s go my fav YT
I am a little confused your videos run with more lag at 1440p then other videos do. Would this be a youtube problem of just sucking?
omg early
These cinematic’s are AMAZING so cool and good
This is awesomesauce
ft obie like the rust ce yt???? yo that’s crazy
Ayyy another blockbuster has hit the airways ! Love it
The fact that you posted a vid today made my day.
Intro is insane!
It’s finally time to waste 1h of my life for this masterpiece,
Good vid
Friduwulf video let’s gooo
Love the cinematics!
Would you play console rust in the future?
I am waiting for rust to go on discount for so long on steam
The intros are a movie in itself
Its not a Gameplay Video . its a Cinematic Masterpiece!!! love your energy
Love your videos keep them up
The colabe of the year
I always love these movies appreciate it man
I was not expecting Obie this is already a w bro
I like this.
letssss gooo! luv to see the notification pop up. cant wait to see it. luv the new intros. much luv from texas
Always a good day when fridu posts
Love your vids man keep it up ❤
Love the vid creep up the work ❤
Hey man love to content always have keep up the good work. Much love from texas❤
Sup guys! Enjoy this new Rust gameplay with OBIE. Love you all. 💙
For a free $2 use my code FRIDUWULF
Just smoked a fatty n now watchin fridu let’s go
W Time to watch a friduwulf video
The intro keeps improving. 😊
Play with MclovinCaleb nexttt
ok but would u ever play crust with obie?
I was like #24 let’s gooooo. Lunch and new fridge video
Hell yeaaa, got home from a long day of work, and a new banger from Fridu is waiting … Gonna be a good night
Rebirth of a phoenix is what I’m here for
Favorite Crust YT with Favorite PC YT, what a treat!
mfw: uploaded 44 seconds ago
Always great when fridu uploads this is gonna be great ❤
Was not expecting OBIE
Can u say hi to OBIE for my pls
Yoooo wsggggg can’t wait to watch
Yoooo no way
1st to comment hahaha
Lets fucking go🥳❤️