discord w/ all my settings in it – https://discord.gg/jDTc8fF6C6
Citizen Kane – Elements Of Mind (Black Rain Remix)
Da Henchmen – Stressfield Days
Big Tabb – Laid Back (1994)
OC, Pharoahe Monch & Street Smartz – Metal Thangz (Remix)
コメント (151)
What are those quadheatshot calls tho but crazy video ngl
u better than 90% of the population idgaf
Really, enjoy the content fast you should post more often other then that w video hope you’ve been well nice to see a return
The way you play and the freestyle goest fantastic but it will be better without talking no offense btw great play 💪
love the content! good value, genuine, much respect
My team got crapped on at excav gg
fire video bro
w content and that zip line bow shot was actually crazy LMAO
ur insane but some of those people are worse than scientist ai wtf
Holy your insane fast and I love your longer videos bro keep this up man!
w vid fr
fast turning up fr!
insane vid
better then blue 😀
resolution ?
why ur screen looks so low resolution bro?
thats a flippen dub of a video mr fast!
luv you i love glazing my king
U don’t have to jitter around and flick everywhere to make people think ur better then what u are😂
Did you upload a short from this video? Or did I already watch it
half these guys smokin’ crack
sens cm?
need more video like this , ok mr fast?
Bro ur rust kd would be crazy❤
Whats the sens?
Bro why does rust look dogshit when you use a flashlight at night but as soon as somebody points a flashlight at you in the dark the game looks 8K hyperrealistic
Can i play with fast group? 😳
the way u move ur mouse makes me sick bruhhhhh
Yooo fire vid icl one of the best vids out there what’s the rap song in the vid if anyone knows keep slamming😈🔥
idk if i have precognition but i swear i saw the clip of you killing the guy at 1:10 already. maybe it was on tiktok, or maybe im just a psychic.
Res ??
Автор скажи разрешение экрана пожалуйста видио топ😊
calm luh vid
look at this dirty cheater ( btw this is my way of sying your good without trying to admit it)
Hi why dont you stream. Are you shy?
a macroooooooo ?
back at it with another hood classic
Dma hacker
i love u
“I’m dead to bolt” dies to p2😭😭
It’s always a good day when this man uploads
Slickest beast with the sickest beats
How do all the tree graphics load in for u but u have tree quality to 0 ?
this was crazy, ngl i was part of the group at evac not a good look, gg tho
20 min video🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
should stream on kick fr
“no dead no dead”
me talking in the whole video : omg
Can you share your graphics settings as well?
no1 dead
Bro got scammed paying full price for the game when it looks like that
Can you share with us what is your resolution?
so good bro
What servir is
yooo hamburger
Um fast what server do these drones happen to be playing on?
so the shorts are a bit of a spoiler of whats in the next video?? good idea ngl
Big respect for this guy playing with rheumatism!
Discord link expired bro
i need his graphics and resolution plsss
what crosshair u use
this is the guy blooprint dies too
Tutorial on your base
the adderall and cocaine lovechild
I wonder how many people you’ve made rage uninstall
poof got carried
Я твой главный фанат из России
Your components pc please? 😮😮180 fps
Bro want to be banned from another server.
Sar Aimbot? Jk you are just sick. Keep up the content man. Makes me wanna grub excav more.
gives me old warrior video vibes but better, keep it up man
this man is banned on toria
play old rust
immaculate taste in music fr
the crack on smoil is insane
Bro on gfuel adderal and what tf else 😳
Heck yeah new fast vid
but fr how much steoroids u fucking stabb in your head ?
I love you
WHO is this guy
bro that was a w vid
Bros favorite vocabulary word is dead
best rust players hands down
Whats your pc specs
Best rust aim I’ve ever seen
didn’t you used to have a yellow crosshair?
you monster
Yoooo fast wit another banger keep it up man
new fast rust vid alr know its abt to make me feel like i can roll the whole server, ngl tho ur my fav player to watch rn bro keep it up
Yo bro what res, dpi sens asking for a friend
best rust player 2023
I waited… now fast makes long videos.
very good video ❤
beast mode
fast my motivation for play this shit game 🙂
nice video keep it up
Man you gotta fix the aspect ratio in your recordings.. it’s hard to watch bro..
Sick vid
what is your game resolution?
This is the first time heard your voice
why the base never make it till wide gap stage?
yo fast what servers do you play? they always look fun
Typical na rust afking on rig, not shooting back.
This guy has to be the best no ? All the way from africa your international congrats
Preliking bc Ik this vid will go by too quick
U got a playlist with all the rap u been using in the videos?
Loving the vids
How do you make your game look so clear even when on stretch res
What’s your presets and sound config Bro?? It’s insane
My favorite big boy😍
that stormss guy was only on for 30 seconds L teammate
I’m on the older side of fast fans. I’m 43 years old, I worked as an Electrician all my life and I retired ahead of schedule to pursue my new passion sipping codeine and swearvin my brand new 2021 Hellcat Redeye Charger. I jus want to say amazing video and from the bottom of my heart i would like thank Master fast for changing my life❤
Playlist ?
crunching my toes rn watching this
good video
Oh sht he dropped it
has to be the best player in rust atm
This is exactly what I needed rn, keep it up!
im tryna be like you
that guy on smoil holding rat ladder must have been AFK
the quality is horrible but all i hear is headshot headshot headshot
Wake up boys fast posted
you are the goat man
good vid
Pretty positive your the current best rust player tbh keep cranking these bangers out ❤❤
ur so good. how???
W vid already
I love You ballsin 🙂