I Survived Solo Rust for a Week Building a Tea Farm
Rust is a very difficult game to play. Especially as a solo friendly Tea Farmer. Yet somehow I managed to Survive one of the Hardest games building the best Tea Farm in Rust for an entire week and documented the whole thing. Hope you enjoy. Tea Is Life! ☕
Thanks to all the really cool people that shared their time with me on the server. Was really nice meeting you all.
TeaGuyTom Info:
Twitter : https://twitter.com/teaguytom
Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/teaguytom
Discord : https://discord.gg/TXWzSW85w4
#rust #rustmovie #gaming
0:00 Day 1
14:57 Day 2
36:46 Day 3
40:43 Day 4
51:21 Day 5
1:00:26 Last Day
Taqs:rust,rust movie,rust farm
コメント (144)
Lol wish everyone was that friendly
I need more of this.
You play rust in such a fun way. I love to see people like you bringing positivity to an otherwise toxic game. Keep up the amazing work Tom! Keep being you.
i played on that server and lived like 3 grids away from u
There is indeed a quicker way down from dome. It’s pretty easy – just find the two big pipes that run down the side, and you can slide down in between them, as long as you’re pushing against the side you won’t take any fall damage
Made myself an Earl Grey, hunkered down on the couch with a cozy blanket an my tiny dog, and enjoyed a chill Rust wipe. Thanks Tom. Happy Thanksgiving from Canada.
Side note: if you’re not Canadian already, I can get you an application form. Your apologies are spot on.
most wholesome rust player
what he managed to build and do on one day i wouldnt manage to do in weeks
can you give any tips on how to get a god clone?
Dude I got killed by a dude while berry gathering so I know what you saying about rust. He even nicked my berries just to be annoying
Love the video hope you make more ❤
This was a really great video!! What a great wipe!
Love u
ill need a tutorial on that base lol
thought on coffee beans and speed buffs coming in the next update?
Nice thumbnail
No funny comment no rust related comment, just love what u do so keep it up 👍🏻
this fella made tea that one time
Proper tea guy. Love the play style and approach to the game. gg
Keep up the work
Wish i had a teammate who wanted to farm because i love the calmness of it. All my guys just wanna pvp
I like how surprised people are when you are nice. They almost always reciprocate. This… maybe… a life lesson? #TEAisLife
I’ve been playing with different layouts for the 5×2, it always makes such a weird farm 🙂
TeaGuyTom colab with Spoon is my dream wipe video!!!
More please
This was a great video Tom! I love you way of playing rust 😊
That was fun! Thank you.
hey Tom! i really love your playstyle and i am very keen to play a wipe with you sometime
I loved the video! The music was a great choice and a few times found myself bombing my head along. It’s great to see someone genuinely being nice.
Keep up the great content Tom
i always make a floor just for tea and cloth it really helps and is so cheap to make
Very nice
i’m the guy from twitter !
and i do confirm to u ! i do watch the whoooole video till the last second 🙂
keep it up
Would this work on rust console 🤔
This comment is algorithm food because Tom deserves it
Hey tom! People are interested in your vending machines when they raid you right? I think with some simple industrial you can just move the loot you’ve acquired to your bunkered core without worrying about them getting it, you should try it out 🙂
I’m here for the journey of your success Tom
Nice Tea Guy
I will absolutely give a like to any video with an NBA Jam reference in it. Boomshakalaka.
I’m glad I’m not the only player out there treating this game like I’m strolling across the world care free. Tbh I didn’t think you pvpd at all. Was a good add in. My farm still isn’t as proficient but I’m getting there
waiting for you to run a group content out of spinkys farm base design 😀
been waiting for this! lovely video 😀
how dose this man not get toxic
21:46 I didn’t know that was there either thanks for the info Tom😂😂
You probably know this but if you struggle with some part of rust Jfarr got you covered
He also has a video for all diesel spawns xD
Liked and Subbed
Great video tom! i love tea farming and know one ever does one properly, enjoy some pvp but the tea farming specialist is top content imo
i got to met you at outpost teatom, good to meet you 😉 my name was steve larson in-game, you gave me my FIRST max hp tea lol cool channel man
Tom, because of you I am now a tea farmer in my pve server I play. Tea is Life! <3
Loved this Tom
I tried doing a teaguytom wipe on console edition and these kids raided me day one saying I’m not Teaguytom and I was called countless slurs
Planting the seed during the counter….. then stopping to see genetics 😂 Loved the video Tom!
Did you know recycling hazmat gives you like 3 tarp.
honestly love your videos as a proud English man who drinks too much tea
Hey man, have a great day. Love ya ❤
Could you make a video on how to make the base?
you are too nice for this game tom
Great video!
I love how nice you are 🙂 I’m only 6 minutes in and I can say this video’s made me really happy
flamingos can drink boiling hot water.
Made my day to see a TeaGuyTom vid pop up on the feed today. Working on a cool tea base idea and can’t wait to try it out soon
Wombats make their burrows on hills/sloped areas. They also mark their territory with their poo, and to stop it rolling down said hills, their poo is cube-shaped.
Wombats literally shit bricks.
Tea guy Tom is the definition of good things happen to good people. Like wiljum is a monster in game compared to this guy.
Stop hipfiring, it gets u killed (54:45)
Why use windows?
Dude, you’re the nicest rust player. I enjoyed watching your video. I decided to subscribe. GGs
Nice video mate, fun watch. 21:45 was hilarious
Lets go tea guy
Hello there, to the only rust content creator that listens to NPR.
hey tom.. is it possible to have tea farm in the cave?
Tom is so unbelievably chill. The positivity the rust community needs.
Yep you got a new sub, this was great content
Some YouTube videos allow picture in picture. Yours or at least this one does not. Uncool lol.
This server seems quite wholesome…which is it?
TeaGuyTom is living proof that you can play Rust while still being a genuinely nice guy. You keep being you bro.
Love your vids TeaGuyTom, keep them coming. 🎉
i never comment but holy shit you are the nicest guy i’ve ever seen, so refreshing , ggs
As a casual rust player my best times are when I go to oil and kill someone with a compound bow and mace steal there stuff and just go murder everyone I lay eyes on until I perish. It’s great for like a once a week thing highly recommended. Same for cargo. 😂😂😂. Is anyone else groovin to my guys tunes with me?
Appreciate the relaxing and wholesome content man. Tea is life brother
Yo! Just discovered your channel. Have you ever played on wilsonators solo only vanilla?
willjums wholesome vibe is scared of this man
Did you ever figure out what that was all about with the player and the horse?
Good Job on the Defense of your Base!
Tea is Life !!
Omg Tea Guy Tom!!? Just started this video and so glad to see a full length video from you…. Love your personality man and looking forward your next project…. GG 👍👍👍
Great video! Will save my comments for the discord 😊
This is a cool monument. Split second later your down a hole and dead. Such is Rust.
i love the vibe of the video and it reminded me of willjum, i would love to see a collab between u and him, it would be just a really cozy wipe and overall vibe
bro upload more solo tea farm adventures this stuff is lit.
hell yeah the gamelightz shoutout. love both of your content
Haha, got more than a few minis stuck up there on dome
Honestly this might be the best Rust content to me. Chill, class, positive, genuine, unique.
Just keep doing what you are doing.
Also, what is that Bonobo like track at the start of day 2 ? I need it !
Tom is such a good vibe, I like it.
Great video Tom thanks for posting. No matter how much I try I just can’t get my head around this god clone creating. Thanks again ☕☕☕☕
Your amazing…show compelete crossbreed
This guy is too pure for rust
Need more of these videos
we need more tea content ASAP. im talkin crossovers, extended cinematic universe, plushies, homoerotic novels, action figures, clothing line, tea brand deals, etc
That was an awesome video dude
really enjoy your videos man, love from sydney
brros just relaxing to watch
Average chad video
amazing video, ur so nice to other people, no one else does that
Drank a calming cup of camomile tea with a splash of honey while watching this marvellous video on tea production in rust
I never seen a guy so hipe for getting planter boxes
also, you would think me being a farmer and piping and stuff i would have patience. to actually do that type of farming
Oh man I love farms in Rust ♥
doap video
i started laughing when you fell and how you reacted to falling
Most underated rust youtuber!
Love it, not only me, you inspire others to be nice too! keep it up Tom
7000+ h multilanguage TeaFarmer looking for a job
We need a job market for some freelancer teafarmer
Loved your video! Curious as to how you conjur up the motivation to farm that much stone especially solo!
One hour of tealicious content? Sign me up!
that was some top notch content brother. cant wait for the next one
Awesome video my man, I’m sure it took a long ass time and a lot of effort to produce. Keep up the amazing work. God speed Tom. ☕️
will there be a new tea base design video releasing?
That’s my legend tea guy Tom!
wow that really inspires me to do that some times, and make an even cool’er farm then yours
this is incredible. most underated rust creator by far.
This was absolutely amazing. Thank you TeaGuyTom!
@TeaGuyTom, dude this is the first time in a long time I’ve been invested in watching a rust wipe from someone, you made it wholesome and fun again, please please please upload more videos like this, it’s amazing to see and your one of the best rust YouTubers out here right now
Haunting my sleep schedule man 😭
Wow this has got to be the most relaxing and wholesome content ever made!! You are doing an amazing job and keep up the great work!
Vibing the videos brother keep it up 😁
so many other rust youtubers have their editing so close together where like a random cut to running across a field is like them just getting jumped and dying, everytime it puts me on edge
Had just stumbled across your channel the other day, watched a couple of your tea related Rust videos from a few months ago, then was like damn, this guy is a pretty damn good watch, went to look for some recent stuff and was like, damn again, I wish this Tommy the Tea Man would upload some more videos, these are great…. and BAM 💥
More Tea. 👌🍵 (That’s green tea BTW, drinking some matcha as I watch 😅)
Edit: dude the old NBA Jam clip 🤣 really took me back there lol (I’ll be 41 next month).
Also, dude you and WillyJ, cough, Willjum, should do a duo team up…. you’d guys would flow so well together playing Rust 😂
Love the content dude. Always nice to watch you before bed and just chill with funnily enough a cup of tea (massively addicted tea drinker btw). Hope your content takes off. 😊
Dude good for you for staying so calm after dying. After I die I wanna rip my freaking ears off lol
Can you make the most inefficient tea base and still do well with it?”
love it
The best tea guy in the town
TGT the 🐐🐐
I love tea farming but its a hard lifestyle
Thank you for giving me your base, Tom.
Here to drop a like and a comment for the algorithm, at work rn but as soon as I’m home this is a must watch. 👀
I wasn’t lying my man, I still think you’re going to be one of the bigger Rust content creators and I wish you the best of luck my friend.
oh my god, i’m gonna pee my pants.