I Built an Ice lake Bunker on Survival Rust…
#Rust #RustSoloSurvival #chilledvibes
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Welcome to the first chapter of this epic Rust adventure, in which i attempt to take over an ice lake, solo, on 500 player rust. I hope you enjoy!
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Business email (for non business stuff just message me on discord) willjum@afkcreators.com
Fantastic Music From
Velvet: https://www.youtube.com/@prodvelvet
SouthHarborMusic: https://www.youtube.com/@SouthHarborMusic
Miercoles: https://www.youtube.com/@prodmiercoles
Heydium : https://www.youtube.com/@heydium
DanDarmawan: https://www.youtube.com/@DanDarmawan
Chkody: https://www.youtube.com/@chkodybeats
AloneinTokyo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnAKuzfWjjWQoGJS4ORJXag
Sugadaisy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8yyVor4BCh4zXtAMdHY8oA
Taqs:Willjum,Rust,Rust Solo Survival,Rust Movie,Twitch highlights,Rust Chilled,Willyum,Rust Solo Story,Solo,Rust Solo Base,Spoonkid,blooprint,rust raids,rust huge loot,rust jackpot,rust treasures,rust solo infiltration,rust best start ever,rust plays,rust 10000 hours,#explore,Rust Gameplay,Rust Funny Moments,Gaming funny moments,#youtubegaming,#gaming,tiktok,rust survival,survival games,rust admin,#explorepage,#youtube,#youtubevideo,Rust movie,Blooprint,Frost
コメント (1689)
This series ends up being one of my most epic adventures to date, in true honor of the classic solo survival series where it all began. Thanks again to warthunder for sponsoring the video! Use the link https://playwt.link/willjum_ to download and get your free bonuses!
My favorite Saturday obsession 🎉
RUG! 8:41
46:11 as a german this was german
What is the intro song I can find it anywhere
How do you get that crosshair?
I smile every time i see Willjum has a new video 😊
willjum do you accept a challenge?
Hey what app did you use to make your logo
Hey Willjum
Been a Fan for a while now and just wanted to ask if you would consider a challenge
You play as sneaky as possible and after prim gear only play with the M39 Rifle with a 4x or 8x scope, silencer and whatever else you wanna slap on there
think that would make for a cool video since the M39 isnt getting any love from anyone else i feel like
keep up the great work
love ya <3
Willjum: “Seeing as I built on the only ice lake”
G11: “Am I a joke to you?”
Did you declare war against the bears years ago and forget about it? seems like it’s still on for them loved the vid by the way
Finally a sponsor from a game I frequent
So we not talkin about when upgrading the base we hit a barrel randomly! Nah but frl willyj I love ur vids keep it up and mistakes is how we learn and grow
Lmao 32:10 that lil jump from building to barrel farming
nearly 1.2m subs come on boys
I Love youre new vid
The OG mincraft music warms my heart
love it that u finely have your own server man
how do you just tank bear hits like i get hit once and im almost dead
Another gorliac video? I’LL TAKE IT❤ btw did you ever realize you could not pickup the SAM because it had ammo in it? 😂
bro the minecraft music at the end lmao
I see you’re branching out your music choices. Sounding nice man. Probably a lot of old standards that would appropriate for you as well.
absolutely excellent video dude!!!!!!!!!!
just get rid of the safezone aspect of it and it will be fine
Im still wondering what happened to part 4 of 100 hours against solos 😢
I also hear a polar bear… which im gonna murder… haha genuine laughs
Mate I think he put a 1 second clip in at 32:10
In this Willjum video: local man menaces neighborhood bear population
why he has Garage door Bluprint everytime?
Imagine a Solo Triangle Footprint base in 2023 without a pixel gap lol lol lol
Don Cheadle
I need the song at 44:55 😢 i been looking for it in all vids
Please colab with Tokyo again. I dont play rust, and that colab was the most ent ive seen in any game
If only playing this toxic game was half as fun as watching these videos.
I love all your videos Wiljum, but I did catch you saying in the last video that because you built a fortress you didn’t have a clickbait thumbnail but your thumbnail was you and Blueprint so it still kind of was lol. Keep making these amazing videos much love. ❤
i love how he packs all his hours of gameplay into one hour. i mean it still makes me stay up wayy longer than healthy and probly humanly possible but i don’t care Willjum is worth every minute of it XD
Wow im proud of you, im here at 7k . Now its 1m +. Congrats . Just a visit from me hope you notice me. From philippines here !
Love when you put sugardaisy in ur videos, such a vibe ❤
Did you say the campaign for war thunder?
Day 55 of asking Willjum to use my music in his videos!
I titled my head thinking it’ll help you turn left to not miss the roof🤣🤣💀
Hi willjum I play rust console because I’m broke and can’t afford pc I know very sad but I thought this was funny how when I get on and play there is a guy named willcum and I think it’s really funny it’s the crazy the names people make on here
the song at 59:32 has got to be my favorite song from the willjum soundtrack
Im a new rust player, can someone explain how you find cloth so easly on ground?? I find max 1 or 2 cloth plants in 1h, only way i get a bow is if i recycle a tarp
love the vids man. every single video just keeps getting better and better! keep it up. 2 MILLION FOLLWERS COMING SOON!!!!
Omg. A part 2 from willjum!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for posting as much as you do willjum I love you and your videos. The more I watch you play the more it makes me wanna try solo rust but I’m still somewhat new to pc gaming and aim is trash but your videos still make me wanna try. On another note the symmetry in your bases gives me unlimited serotonin 💚 thank you for being the way you are.
Are bears scared of wood foundations I’m confused
pls someone know what’s the first song used in the video ? 🙏
Anyone else’s favorite song from WillyJ’s videos ‘Space Cadet’ by Sugadaisy? or just me?
I don’t even play Rust anymore but I enjoy so much watching your videos, keep it up man, wish you the best of the best.
Can someone tell me where willjum is from cuz i just LOVE willjums voice
8:41 RUG
I always love watching willj doing his solo runs cheers me up ❤❤
What is the song playing at the beginning of the video? I loved the jam and getting crazy to find it 🙂
War Thunder video when?
Remember? This is my go to base every wipe im a solo and i get raided alot but i almost never lose the tc cuz i make the entire tc room hqm as well as the bunker square 😂 💪🏼
is it Saturday yet? 🤔 😢
26:38 what is that bruh
I keep falling asleep watching this qnd have had to watch probably 5 different times already Hes probably enjoying the amount of views i put into every video bc i can’t stay awake
Do you need a new editor, this video was not watched over 4 mistakes within the first 11 minutes
Aloneintokyo is that dude
Quick tip willjum when putting ore in furnaces if you split the amount in 2, it smelts 2x quicker
Why is the ice lake so desirable? Is it just because it’s so flat and open?
“you know whats more more important than a door?!?” …… “A f*****G bear rug…”
Bro at 8:41 this „Rug“ made me laugh
Your server bro for Asia ?
I think if you use the parachute it has to be repaired to use it again without taking damage. You can still use it, but you’ll take damage and unless your full health, you will die like you did.
your videos just keep getting better… you’re even leaving us on cliff hangers now! 😂
If you’re a solo, I think bandit camp is basically acting the same as having a teammate.
Always use this base design as a solo
Willjum getting lazy at Rust, video was majority dull and you can tell he’s squeezing two days of playing rust for two videos when in fact it should of been in one video, don’t get me wrong I’m a HUGE willjum fan. But this is a honest opinion
Seriously WillyJ how tf do you release CONSTANT BANGERS, like I’m here for it, but sheesh
29:20 when you 1v2 i hear a good music can’t find it can you tell me please?!
We need a Willjum Rug.
A rug with your YouTube profile picture maybe
watching willy j at 3 am with a strawberry shake is the best
At 32:10 in the video there was scene that happens later in the videos I thought I was just tired but no it’s the video😂
always enjoy yr content, builds, and strategy!
The tale of willjym got killed by one Bear vs the tale of willjym killed entire bear community 45:43
Love your vids
@Willjum soundtracks go so hard
You are the reason i started playing Rust again after 2 years , keep it going man ✌️
1:01:22 Minecraft music
When you add the follow up video, can you edit the description here to link to it? I’ve found it tough to match series videos in order with your previous ones.
👎 can’t wait till your videos be 10 parts
i need help guys i try to connect in wiljum [NA] solo server but it comes with this ( unable to connect to server. app id specified by server is invalid) i need your help btw im new on this game so pls help me guys thanks
what’s up with the grid pattern in the shadows?
Watching you has definitely helped me be a more relaxed player, and has gotten me to have fun. But I admit, on high pop servers, it is tough to get started on wipe day. I can’t seem to go 10 feet without running into someone with a bow. Not to mention the people camping outside outpost. I don’t know how you have such good luck!
Appreciated the clip of you organizing your base.
*Me commenting on Sleths YouTube channel -> “Your pvp has sky rocketed. Hmm you & Blazed would make a very deadly duo. Hmm You, Blazed, & Spoonkid would be server dominate. Haha add Willjum & we have a builder. Also if we bring on spoonkid, I want him to invite Steviee. Hahah “Craaaig? Craig do you have any scrap Craig?!” xD*
anyone else hear Minecraft music at 1:02:00
What’s the song @52:10 please
only con of wiljim is any group aboce 3 is a clan
Yes another multi episode series, I love my Wiljum content but I missed the longer series type format
Gotta be honest about this one. I feel like this one got cut short? I know this is willjums typical laid back solo style but this video in particular felt empty somehow. The title never said it would be anything crazy. He never said in the beginning that some crazy thing happened. But I felt like I just expected more. The base was cool and all but nothing happened to it. The video was literally just “I built this base and here it is”. WHICH IS FINE BUUUUT…. idk I guess I just expected a little more? Ily willjum lol I hope there’s a follow up video 😭
The guys literally named “Obergruppenfuhrer” (Over group leader/Commandant) and “Сталин” (Stalin) are incredibly good with bows and can land some insane shots. After seeing their names, I’d have 100% called them out for cheaters. Troll names and incredible aim? I’d have opened a ticket to get them looked at, props to you Willjum for not assuming they’re cheaters.
Get off modded 1.5x
I wish there was a willy j video to watch every day after work! Thanks Willy for the awesome content
The sheer amount of polar bears in this video is pure insanity.
10:09 what is this editing lmao.
Why don’t you run monuments?
There’s a part 2 YAAAS ❤
Another great part 1. Wont be a part 2 as usual.
Holy shit lol. I’ll pay you to join my console server and honeycomb my base! Awesome job. I’m usually lazy as hell, like eh, they can have my stuff if they want it bad enough 😐. Love ice lake bases, but contested heavily.
What I don’t understand is how there is so many cheaters in the game and you not getting mad
So we not gonna talk about his random machete swing clip in the middle of his base upgrade
Scrapper bow is my jam. Intro song was fire btw.
I do remember
Hey Willjum ! Always a pleasure
Love your videos. Can you add a in game timer ? Thx
Круто ❤
It’s actually insane that every Wiljum video makes more than half a million views every time
You should join or create a rust hardcore server (only 1 life the whole wipe)
No offense Willjum but ur editing has been all fucked up lately..?
-brendy/ yes
-pepsi/ yes
-willjum rust (or any other) video / yes
-11p.m/ yes
Everything saying me: “good night” and im know its gona be the best night 😅❤️
Mans accidentally insulted war thunder at the end of the video calling it world of tanks
No safe zones at out post 💀 bro what😭
I)over ur vids
In 10 hours you laid a foundation that I usually get at the end of a wipe as a solo 😀 😀
Man I really wanna know the name for the song that was played at 52:08 till 54:58
I love your playthrough videos. Will you please do more build design videos where you show how you’re building your base?
Please more long wipes! ❤
Mincraft music REALLY
I think the world will end when willjum finally rages on stream.
That sneaky 32:12 ish road farm bit 😀
can someone put the names of the songs that he plays in the background?
I got vac banned on rust from getting hacked by some Russian because my mobile guard wasn’t working after not playing rusts for months now that I’m super into it I’m forced to play Xbox rust 💀 I did email FacePunch & Valve and they told me too bad so sad
I enjoy this morre relaxed narrating style – classic willjum style vs some of the more recent uploads <3
Minecraft music?
Get yourself a man that loves you like how willjum loves his nodes
ooooooooooooo cant wait willjum
Man seeing the base design made me realise how quick 3 years went 😢
I have an idea for a new video.
Build the tallest tower you can and jump off the top using your parachute to get to places or raid people.
At the end of the video, the raid cost is 27 rockets. What happens to the cost if you get hit by MLRS? How do you protect from that? MLRS seems like a much easier way to raid than crafting rockets.
I would love for Willjum just to release a playlist of all the songs he uses
Willy J! Thanks for continuing with these amazing videos
Lifes been crazy recently, dropped out of college, same i did that my niece got diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer. She passed recently, your videos serves my video game needs.
Also the beat you used, my brother and I recorded a song recently which was crazy to hear the beat in the background.
Cheers mate
32:09 whats going on there
Bravo sir
Perfect Vid homie! You did everything how I been wanting to see it lol the building the horse house lol great pvp great job Willy J
PVP CHAD?!?!?!
They should make the recyclers in safe areas take a tax from your total resources recycled. Like 20%
now that’s a cliffhanger, good on ya fam, keep up the good work!
I was just thinking when Willjum can make a new episode of one wipe and finally. I love your videos Willjum❤
I wonder how❤
2023 an willjum still doesn’t know to build a proper base, common man learn to build a base all this bases you build are abominations they can eco raid you eazy
Please part two brother .
Hey willljum do you think I can play with you on a wipe ? I’ve been practicing my PvP skills training to be better I’d like to test them out with you guys
hard disagree on the bandit camp and other camp opinion not everyone has time to farm scrap for every single blueprint let alone die when trying to recycle and have to reset i get it for you since rust is your job but it helps casual players actually have time to progress.
Looking forward to Pt2!
Hi can you make a video about trap base.😁😁😁
So I literally think your bunker base video is where I first met you…. and honestly I’ve been using that base design since I saw that video over a year ago 😂 I also love the simple bunker base! And as I’ve said in recent pervious videos, I love your rust videos the most and I’ll continue watching your adventures as long as you have them! Keep up the great work! Much love ❤
bro love ur vidos but there is less acction
The brick skin is so clean
the minecraft music when u were building 😻😻😻😻…
Willy, I don’t want to sound annoying and I love your videos, this included, but you have 2 strange editing misses, one in the sound at like min 8 where there’s a rogue “RUG” that should’ve been a little while before, and now in min 32 you cut a few seconds of you building to you hitting a crude barrel. Are these easter eggs for somethin? Are you checking up to see if people watch untill what min? Or do you need a new editor? xD ahah
Superb track choice for this. 🤜🏻
thanks to willyj for showing me the details of the skins I’ve had for years (bad pc andy)
You could’ve killed those mini guys if you would’ve instantly f1 killed. Just saying
8:20 good memories
Willjum, The Primlocked King
You can see the Tokyo tips coming in use
Solar panels, last i knew, should face north if you are in the bottom half of the map, and face south if you are in the top half of the map. The Rust sun in the sky does not match where the energy is directed from (which is an imaginary horizontal line across the middle of the map). If you build near the middle then the best way is to test the output of both a North facing and a south facing panel.
That all said, i don’t know if it’s changed lately. I haven’t played in about a year!
What was the song he played during the war thunder sponsor
Hey willjum you love rust but here recently started up so I can’t spend as much time as I need. also I have a ps4, rust is hard enough let alone on a old gen console. I did start play dayz and so far it’s fun I just miss rust. But it’s painful lonely, could you make a playlist of some of your music to listen to
Not sure what yall believe in not trying to force my believes on yall just wanted yall to know Jesus loves yall if yall didint already know that come to Christ repent non denominational
i actually remember the base cause i copied it from you and used it for at least 3 months haha
what happened at 10:09 in the editing?
Was playing yesterday i got 3 bear rugs just in your honor Willjum. Love the content man your one of the main reasons I started playing rust.😎
I don’t know why but I never usually see editing errors but in this video I’ve seen like 4 or 5 I don’t know if willjum noticed but there’s a bit of random clips and voice cutouts in the video. Great vid though
What’s with the 32:11?? That’s so messed up, it bamboozled my whole day.
man, your bases so fucks. i like it. congrats for the videos 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Willjum what’s up with da bears? Are you leaving dear meat outside of your base?
Go to starter base bc of you
if you ever joined a clan u would be a farmer or prim pvper
And his name was shadow. lol
Again great video.. Good job Willyjum👍 Who sining this song on 59.35.. thanks🍻
Can’t wait for part 2
did this same starting design, but made it into a double suicide bunker, with quadruple honeycomb surrounding and race track design upper with 17 garage doors to drop boxes for bunkers. Let’s see how long this survives
Haha that edit made it look like fuses scrap into cloth 😀
Lol the Minecraft music in the background
That was the first video I watched from your channel. And I’ve been subbed ever since. Love you Willjum❤
This type of format is my favorite)
Wtf at @32:11 ? 😀
I have to wait a whole nother saturday!!¿¿¿
G10 and G11 Left the chat
Average Rush player: what are you doing we need to get a door down!
Willjum: polar bear rug
Willjum casually builds his own skyscraper just to BASE jump into someone else’s base. Like the world’s funniest Para.
This is the video where @Willjum finally gets revenge on polar bears
plz make part 2
A wise man once said “RUG!”
What are the best servers to play 2x?
hey willyj, it’s my birthday today. I wanted to let you know that ever since I started watching your content over a year ago, I really enjoyed it and I’m glad to have stuck around this long to watch all of your videos, keep being awesome dude
8:10 If you leave that one main triangle for the bunker without a foundation ( and the core sits just high enough ) you can even close the bunker from inside, making suicides and a bag inside a thing of the past
WJ finally raiding??? hell yeah
32:11 has a second long clip of will farming a barrel
AT 32:11 yall see the cut in n out
how can i get the organized box skins i really want them
Wasnt the OG video with Evilwors ?
You have another weird editing artifact at 32:12… I would check your software.
41:30 music?
When the minecraft music kicked in, the nostalgia hit hard, thinking about the days when I played miencraft, and how it has progressed to rust.
is it just me or is his editing better? No offence to willjum but his edits are on point bro Keep up the grind please! I love your video’s and i think others can say the same thank you willjum keep up the good edits
You probably get tired of hearing this suggestion, but I like your cave bases, with one of those i think you can handle the highest pop dangerous servers, with the caveat that you are able to get there first of course, and build it up. Then again, the ocean ones are fun as well.
Get rid of bandit camp, or limit the use of it to players without access to level 1 workbenches?
Damn I AM FUCKIN HYPED to see the rest!!! Hell yes I can’t wait!! 😁😁😁😁
Lmao. Roam with a couple of bandages!
What’s the name of the song at 19:37 ?
I’d love to see you live out of the “love shack” for a wipe. It’s an extremely efficient solo/duo base. Easy to put up and pretty dang strong.
I remember when you had around 30 k subs or something like that, I think you built on an ice lake, I remember you making a massive play buy wiping a trio after waiting were the perfect chance to strike. The good old times!!!
u should play with sebbyk
1:01:46 about to fall asleep
Pls make a Wilkins au server
I recently watched an older base of yours and saw this bunker and I have been using it a lot recently
Nothing like some willjum content before bed awesome ❤
Lol you messed up your edit at 32:11
Feels like so long ago. Been here since 50k subscribers. Keep up the good work
cant wait for pt2 have a good week
The editing has been all over the place this time
ty for showming me how to set up more then one thing with a solar panel
Wish I was this good at rust 😭
What are your pc specs bro!
22:56 i actualyl pooped in my pants what the hell oml that was bad
Plays with AIT once, becomes solo chad. Rocket raiding and M2ing clans.
I enjoy the foreshadowing! What a fun channel, thanks again
4:34 so far im loving it this base i use the 3 triagles every wipe as a starter because i saw your vidieos
Can someone tell me why he doesn’t continue his other videos ?
keep up the good work willjum i will watch every vidieo after this and i will comment on every vidieo i watch
(im saying the before watching) willjum this gonna be a good ass vidieo i cant wait for more i was ust with my 6man on crust and we just got 2 m249 cant wait to see what you have as a solo
Almost feels like you daily upload
32:11 barrel🎉
Was that 2k sulfur on the train ? Why not take it? (Right in the beginning)
that outro teaser was actually hype af
22:54 come on i had my eyes closed that made me shit myself lmao
just trying to fall asleep to some ‘peaceful’ rust gameplay
F wiljum! This is the actual game he is promoting: https://youtu.be/jiJeZa5MKPc?feature=shared
Fire Video!
willjum ive been a subscriber since early 2021 i belive this is the most W key Chad gameplay i have ever seen you deserv so mu ch more credit for the videos you put out i love you man keep it up
Favourite YouTuber name my yt after him cozy cuz his videos are so cozy and storm because I like storms. Keep up the great work can’t wait to see the next video
Editing on this (queues/story beats synced with the music) is soooooo hype! Some of the timing is slightly off but even without being perfect is still super super super engaging
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west so its optimal to make the panels face north or south that way throughout the day the panels are exposed to the sun all day long. If they faced east or west they only be exposed to the sun for half of daylight.
Alright the minecraft music at the end completes it.
the minecraft music makes the video so much better
The Minecraft music in the background 💀💀
I agree, the important thing is a rg
Floating snow on top
I love the vids keep it up but you should play with Cali
I do remember man I remember when you upgraded to your first gaming pc ❤ loved your content then and love your content now, keep it up man
I always play solo, gonna try your server beast! Love your videos
I love you willjum
When’s the new bud William
can you use the green pickaxe in a video plz?
Thank you Willijum for such great consistant content.
bro at 32 32:10 you can see him hit a barrel and then get back to building 😅 why 🤷♂️
you accidentally made an editing mistake at 32:09-32:11
*walks in a continuous straight line* OMG these guys are gods! lmao
33:40 “I was able to secure myself a horse. Undeniably one of the strongest tools a solo can have at their hand”. I fully agree but that has me wondering why bikes aren’t in the game. Probably balance tbh I mean, a craftable horse you don’t have to buy, feed, protect, etc. But like, if we can build cars and helicopters and fucking submarines,,,, surly we could build a bike or 2, right?
anyone love watching willjum high its a whole new experience
It always surprises me when you don’t switch to hunting knife after you get 30 bones. The difference in gathering between it and the stone tools is outrageous.
Who wants to see a raid defense to wrap it up?
no way you a metal tree door thats crazy
started waching at like 70 k so glad to see you become so popular
26:40 the difference in voice between “save” and “time” had me thinkin i had a stroke
Rust is dying
How is this game for a noob solo?
The ending of that was new
Within 30 secs in just noticing that train line thing going on with the grass shadows.. that always been a thing? / just looks distracting.
Build upgrade build upgrade hitting barrel build upgrade build upgrade 😂
32:11 lmao edit master lmao jk Willy j
Could you use another skin garage door in your next video? Feel like the graffiti skin is killin’ the cosy Willjum vibes!
Willjum, how did you get the crosshair?
32:10 huh?
The same footprint you can make a triangle God bunker. Very easy to make and gives more space
Amazing video willjum 😁🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
“Horse barn” as a description for a stable is hilarious to me
Can’t wait for the Chadjum video
the mc music goes hard
i love your videos but its kinda choppy in some parts of the video and there is just a random frame of your farming road with a spear lol
the mc music to
I think safe zones are about the only reason any casual solo/duo can actually play the game otherwise every monument is controlled by a clan, i get the idea with wanting them gone but not everyone is a solo chad like you.
I love your videos! You are the reason I started playing Rust! I’ll be joining one of your servers today, solo’s only of course🎉
Aye Willy J is Top 40 Trending on gaming let’s goooo
How is your horse hungry right after you kill a polar bear? Lol
missed opportunity to have a compound with a bunch of “guard” polar bears trapped inside. 😖
At 10:08 I’m assuming the barrel clip wasn’t supposed to make it LOL but great video
cant even watch willj to escape war thunder 🙁
In the end off the video he used the OG Minecraft music.
Brings back memories
for the that ladder into the train tunnels you had those fights at with that group, there is a camera station in a room there and they can see people around the top of that ladder with it. that is probably how they knew you were there
Can u take out the background music???
I love the videos btw
I started watching you at 80k subs. Those were the days
What is the song at 59:21?
This is better back to solo basics. Not that interested in the other content
53:40 justcraft tc?? XDD
34:34 – 34:40 Nice touch
How do you have already all this bps like for the sar or the revolver?
lmao you’re building then it just cuts to you farming 32:00
Damn man.. this video is so nostalgic to me last year around the same period as today when i restarted highschool from summer break I watched one of your videos with the exact same vibe and the exact same song “Space Cadet”..
You really are the best Willjum!!! Keep it up man
the minecraft music at the end of the video goes hard
I knew there would be next. I’m excited willyJ I can’t wait to see the next chapter hahahaha❤❤👍👍
I havent played rust in years, can anyone tell me why ice lakes are big base building targets?
How do you get the cross hair?
10:09 random jumpscare of barrel in a car lmao
32:09 b a r r e l
So willjum goes from being merked by yogis to farming them? Did we all just get farmed by aliens and chucked into the matrix?
Can you please make one of your servers U.S it would be amazing
Amazing 🦾👌 and you know what, Willjum mouse pad already here❤️
does anyone know the song in this video with the electric guitar..i think? it plays during 31:39 while he’s upgrading base or honeycombing, please help me out lmao this is killing me
9:20 gooood gave me old Vertiigo vibes
I used your design and it work well 😅
the minecraft music at the end made the base seem so cozy 😌
Mannn I remember this base from the second you did the foundation, you’ve came a long way bro keep it up🙏
Bro I’ve been grinding war thunder all day
I got an idea while watching this video. “From Solo to Zerg”. You start on wipe day as a solo, 2nd day another player joins you and play duo etc utill getting a full group/zerg. I know you dont play that deep into wipes but i think it would be an interesting idea
Can we have the starter blueprint for the base, please? @Willjum
Ok soooo i want see on the end of this run the box of ak you mentioned, and that peaks i use last 2 years so its not new concept …
I am thankful for finding your videos as it has gotten me back into rust!
bro when that minecraft music came on i almost shed a tear
Always up to some crazy builds
anyone know how wil gets that cursor in the middle of his screen to improve aim while playing rust
i hope no polar bear were harmed during the making of this video
32:10 what was that
despite being a Rust creator, the first 3 seconds of of Wiljum video lowers my bloodpressure ❤
I would argue that safe zones are necessary for solos. Without them the zergs and clans would just camp recyclers. I mean they already camp safezones😂
I always watch your videos while I’m working, makes me more productive and relax at the same time. Keep it up!
@Willjum what´s the song @ min56?
I think you should see if the new tug boat would work as a base when it’s sunk, because the storage containers and lockers don’t break. Not sure if you can put stuff in the boxes after it sinks, but all the doors stay locked as well.
43:40 Y MONKEY,
just played war thunder today with my 5 year old acc
where i can find a tuto for build this base plzzz
why the polar bears hitting like babies
Oh man the MC song at the end of the video
8:41 RUG
You have to appreciate the farming montages
Definitely hope ya make some videos of the new game “The Front” that comes out in October, gives Rust on steroids lol
Very sad I didn’t get the bone helm mouse bad
We see the Alone in Tokyo references here and there. Keep it coming <3
8:35 i think you forgot to move the audio clip after moving the footage around.
I hate waiting a week for each episode but I do appreciate the work you put into it. Great job Willjum.
Merch store is down, or link is broken… dont make me get spoonkids stuff 😉
Nice video Williej. A bunch of us were talking to Nezar about if he ever played Rust and he mentioned that he learned all his base building techniques from watching your videos and he would love to play with you one day, Williej show the brother some love and shoot him a invite would love to see you guys ruin some big group’s day. 😈
What caused your death on the second parachute raid at 52:03?
NOO cliff hanger
man brings back memories of the old OG days hehe thank you for this nostalgic video
Heh, I love the “I will stay focussed” quote. I tell myself that everytime I load up Skyrim and go on a quest. It lasts about 30 seconds…. damn it.
finally a big adventure
His voice brings comfort, lucky girl his gf/wife.🙂
are ur videos pre-recorded couse u say stuff late
im confused did he say there is only one ice lake to get more comments or did he not see the one in g10?
Can someone tell me the name of the song at the 1hr mark please
Can u maybe mak a build vid for this base?❤️ love the content mate
Another willjum classic😊
Bears love you😂
If you do your honeycomb with half walls and floors. It will add 50% to raid cost. The splash will hit but be expensive by splitting dammage even more. The cost to maintain and build is hier.
Love ur Videos ❤
If Polar bears are now extinct we know who did it….
I say willjum out in the last 5 seconds 😢
sorry willjum ain’t that og but i started watching you since you had 600k. Respect Willjum <3
No way nobody mention the “RRRRUUUUUGGGG” 🥴
32:11 ???
You should give the horse a bear rug, too.
Its been a while sense I’ve watched you Willjum, but as expected good as always.
Wiljum, let’s gooooo!
As far as I know, the sun travels across the middle of the map E to W. If you live in S hemisphere you face the solar panels N but if you live in the N you face them S. I don’t think this has changed.
Will this has been one of my favourite videos from you thanks for the content ❤
I thought Willjum was going to be excited for the solar panel only because of the weapon rack.
For some reason it always feels wrong when you actally farm wood instead of trading stone in 😀
Bothered me that you didn’t kill every single bear you saw. Could have had 1k low grade easy
I can always turn to a willjum video to relax and ease my nerves.
How do you rotate things in weapon rack
great video, terrible take on safe zones though
hey willjum i love the base design Iwould love for you to do a base tutorial that would be very helpful for the new rust players!
anyone noticed the miss cut at 10:09 ?
What is the pro of having a base on the frozen lake? It seems like an ordinary flat surface?
Bro said stopp in german
If rust game in game name titles. willjums would 100% probably be bear hunter. i dont know if there is a video ive seen where mans hasnt almost made them go extinct within a day. the grind never stops!
Watched 3 vids yesterday and then one pops up today. Heaven shines upon me.
I fricking love your Videos because of u I bought Rust
Love your stuff willyj, if i could ask, what was the 2nd last song playing, just before the outro? Thanks
You should do try not to die for a wipe
bro what happend at 32:11 LOL jk love the vid
I’ve noticed a firm change in your play style ever since you played the wipe with aloneintokyo. You definitely hunt for PvP more and are getting really good at it…not that you were bad at it before cause you weren’t…lol
where the box of aks at??????????????????????????????????????
Bro why homie that pulled up in the mini at 43:00 snatch your hammer and build plan 😭😂
What is the song at 46:00 ?
This video you did top notch….
Hey Willjum I noticed on your other channel that you have a video shorts video that was done 2 years ago when there’s only recently came out on YouTube couple of months ago its the channel you did your face reveal….
When you getting chased by that guy with the bow …
And you said you had a narrow escape.
Was it an arrow escape or a narrow escape
I remembrer that first series! That when a I subscribed to you❤
is there a tutorial of how to build this base.. i love this base design so much
Does anyone know the name of the song at 1:00:00?
Next vid you should try to take oil rig solo
Wouldn’t be a legit Willjum video with out lots of bears.
Willjum we want one only on your server❤️
What’s better then a door a———- (1minute later in the middle of the video) Rug very deeply
Still need Sea Willjum Server😅😅😅
Part 2?
@10:08 what was that
I’ve been playing Starfield for a little bit, but, no matter what game it is that’s kept me away a Willjum banger gets me so hyped and I end up forsaking everything for some solo grindage. Thanks Willjum, for always bringing me home. Love you my dude!
gg! This one’s great <3
Does Willjum have a Spotify playlist for the music in his videos?! These tracks are always bangin
Ive seen this video did this dude repost a video
“Let’s fuckin goooooo” while you were riding the train was so satisfying. LOVE your content man, you have an impact on other people’s lives, hope that makes you feel good.
No AK challenge complete ☑️
Keep growing 🎉, i watched all of your videos even from years ago and i don’t even have a pc and never played rust befor lol, i like your personality
as per usual greed is real 37:57 🤣
Havent watched even 5 minutes and i already love it with the “pop” sound at the start.
Finally! A horse barn! I don’t undestand why players don’t build those, like, always
8:50 that rug really surprised me
14:10 freaking Legolas was chasing you lmao
8:40 RUG.
How many times Willjum got attacked by a bear on this video ?
Answer correctly and win a 50$ amazon gift card 😂
yo, the last of us music be hitting different
Wanna see Willjum and Cali duo together.. please let it happen
part TWO :O
40:00 I face it North when Im below the middle of the map and South when Im above the middle of the map, the Sun passes through the centre of the map so its like northern and southern hemisphere
Back from work and a willjum movie thanks for your cosy chilled content ❤
Apparently for the solar panel there is an actual Luna cycle which determines the direction of your placement
old willjum was going head to head with warrior
you gotta come up with a new intro. stop beginning your vids with, “Welcome to….” That’s Blooprint’s. Think of your own.
Its been so long since you last used that song it gave me so much nostalgia❤
The editing between the montages and music is sublime sir @Willjum
Is it just me or was the “RUG” at 8:40 supposed to be placed earlier in the video when he placed it. Might this be a rare editing mistake by willyJ? Tho the rug being in his face and that sound being played is also kinda funny to me.
im so hyped for the second part
your the best
Im sure other ppl must be asking this but why not automate your e-furnaces, would probably save u quite a bit of time over the wipe.
Love the constant uploads man, thanks
Is there possibly a base build video pls (:
Ice lizzzzzzzzakeeeeee
minute 32:11 has a “glitch” ahahahahahah
Train base next 😮😮
datz a bo fit for an ork!
Idk if anyone else noticed but when he is in the middle of making his second floor there is a frame or two where it cuts to him hitting a barrel with a sword and then cuts back to him building.
what is the significance of an ice lake?
i tried joining wilijums new server but the game wont download the map 🙁
Looks like you found a bear spawn point..can you not build around the spawn point to trap each bear for yourself
yo warthunder sponsor willjum more. he made me download the game
1:02:35 is that Sweden from Minecraft
why your title picture always lie
I’m annoyed that I have to wait a week to see how this plays out.
Will we ever get the 4 solos finally?
Watching your RUST videos make we wanna play RUST only till I hear the minecraft theme song in your video thats when I start minecraft.
Love every time you use Space Cadet in a video, such an amazing song <3
Apparentl the middle line is where the sun passby so when your bases south its sun facing north and if your north side of map the sun facing on south side
39:55 Rust’s sun and moon actually follows a seasonal ingame place in the sky. Rust’s skybox (outside of the clouds) is actually really realistic. The further it is into wipe, the different location it will be in the sky. basically you need to see where it rises, where it is at noon, and where it sets. Then place your solar panel in where it will be in direct sunlight the longest. HOWEVER, generally north will do fine in most cases.
Bye byeeeee 🚂
Do you have a list with your music? its so chill!
Man i cried a little. look at where you are right now. You still have a long way to go, but you are now far from where you started. keep it up man.
Did you feed a horse.. horse meat…?
You gotta love the chill Minecraft music at the end of these videos
Bro I remember
7:38 “more important than a door…. a r-” 😂
why dont u mention that u play on blooprint servers ?
hmm I wonder what crosshair he uses. looks good
i like how this is the first vid in weeks that he actually is farming wood
When you’re having so much fun waching but you start to hear minecraft music 😢
what a great video!
who edited this so badly
43:34 He was looking at me funny😂😂
The Minecraft music at the end 😢
What is the opening song?
What’s the song in the intro
I watch this video from 2x speed until I got bored with same farming scraps > recycle > Occasional pvp > go home > upgrade base / if not then expanding. Until I reached 16x where the last part he did parachute to a base after building twig garage frames then tried to went deep.
Just a raw commentary while playing typical rust game. Nothing special.
It is like watching recorded twitch stream.
The title fits the whole video, that’s a positive. I somewhat enjoyed watching wiljum progress but would have appreciated time stamps as an extra (not really required since the whole video is balanced and nothing happend more significant than the other).
I’m glad to hear that you’re continuing this series. I only recently found your channel, and I absolutely love your videos. As someone who hasn’t played Rust, it does feel a little jarring watching them sometimes, as they seem like a collection of “episode 1’s” where the rest of the story is never really told, so I’m excited to watch a more complete series.
da fug 32:09
Nice WillyJ
Love watching your adventures 🙂
dont play war thunder plss im warning yall its a pain after 10k hours
Yees i remember hehhe
0:39 isn’t there 2? 2nd one at G10/G11?
My boy never disappoints 🍿🔥🔥
My heart cryed a lil bit when he siad next Saturday bc ima forget most of num 1 episode
Willjum will u tray to do a cave base with auto torrents??
Is it next Saturday yet ..
Man your subs are growing so fast. Congrats!
how do u rotate weapons on rack i tried but dont know
Please upload twice a week lol
Been a while since you released something that doesn’t feel rushed. This one’s great! Just like your earlier videos
that minecraft music at the end hit different
I miss this base Ty for bringing it back I been using it for a bit now. with a little twist I added on to it. keep her going the grind never stops
the minecraft music at the end made me cry
you are the best youtuber
32.23 around then im not the onlyy one who saw the video lag to him farming one barrel right
i missing the next video so i want to see from begins till the end
Why do you like to play as a solo in Rust❤❤
Dose anyone know the intro song name
Damn i am so hyped for part 2
8:41 sound affect was supposed to be at 7:41. I’m an editor and thought I noticed a cutoff at 7:41.
That yogi got what was coming to him
Nostalgic man, I remember that first ice lake vid. Way back when.
Bro though he could sneak in the minecraft theme song without us knowing lol
I really wasn’t feeling up to par Tn but willjum helps me through always
I cant wait untill the next part it looks epic!
This video makes me feel old XD
Okay but like, drop part 2 today instead because you love us 🙂
I like his chill voice
32:10 lil barrel jumpscare 😀
Tuning back into watching Willjum is relaxing been a while 😅
Wiljum i love your content and officially today is my birthday.
I wonder if you would build on iceberg again
Face solar panels to the “equator”
I have never in all the time I have been watching you, ever hear you so excited to farm wood.
13 k viewer’s in 13 hrs bro your getting greater mate loved you vids from when you in school few years ago and still loving them you lord off the bears
noobs keep fiting everything in one building instead of having different for farm, refinery, horse
1:02:53 willjum rocket raiding,
Me what the this ain’t no Willjum video.
I remember commenting I’m so quick on clicking the vid the comments didn’t even load
Your first series, and the chilled out nature of it is what got me into Rust.
Thanks for all the good times along the way
what a navie kid building on an ice lake
How often do you listen to your music you put in your videos? Like Space Cadet. It’s a classic for your videos, which I love and can appreciate the top tier placement of the song. Im just curious.
Why do bears do like 7 damage on console they do atleast 40 per Hit
Not the 2 part😢
The polar bear spawn is kinda helpful to defend your base from those prims chasing you
iceberg next
Not the Minecraft music!!! 😊😊
Bro I loved this base is there a how to make it video
Lots of goofy editing on this video – plz fix
The amount this man farmed on Wipe Day might be more than me! And I nothing more than a farmer!
i always love the way you mentioned the sponsor.
dude i genuionely dont know what it is but when im off the cart you are the best youtyuber to exist ever
This feels like classic willy video after a long long time
Ey wiljum i love youre vids im enjoiying every vid i watch from you keep the good work up btw (im german and i never played rust but enyoing da vids 😅)
Honestly, having the polar bear spawn like that is like an extra layer of security. Harder for people to sneak up for door camping.
nah that peak with the triangle roof is pretty ass ngl haha…just use a furnace there
In all your videos when you create a compound you always use wood high walls even with a box full of stone surely stone compound far superior???
32:11 the video bugged from building to farming the road and then building again?
Love the video as always, Random clip of you hitting a barrel seems to have made it into editing while upgrading the base at 32:11
What are the advantages of living on an ICE LAKE?
Is that minecraft music I heard at the end😂 beautiful❤
I am absolutely astonished that he never once even mentioned the floating snow in the middle of his base, lol.
I remember the first series where you built this, because I remember clicking into your videos to look if you had other solo content and it was all base building. If I recall, you had ~4k subs.
You should daily upload like shots
“Solo” All I hear are lies, clearly the polar bears are your teammates 😉
Why donu always say rockets. When referring to being raided. Most say 4 satchels or it’s a 12 satchel but u say rockets.
I don’t even play Rust. Never was, never will. But I absolutely love those videos.
My Teammates and I (4 Ppl) consider ourself as PC (Pick Clan). If there is anything we can softside in a raid, we pick! Hqm stability bunker or softsiding 2 metal walls for the perfect splash, we dont care 😅😅
Got raided as I was watching this 😂
Bro you ask if I remember the base… I mean. I’ve watched it. But for the hours and hours of your content that I’ve watched I don’t *actually* have any idea what you’re doing :).
i need wills playlist for rust
why is watching Willjum farming so satisfying
I think, Willjum attracts bears…not ICE lake 🤣. Great video od course 🙂
Now im gonna place a ….. 4 mins later *RUG*
32:10 was kinda jumpscare those place switches 😂❤
it’s amazing that you have been building your channel for so many years and giving childhood to many people, people like me, thank you for that willjum
did a girl get on your mic Will? https://youtu.be/OmA19E9L8PM?si=-GrdvHk4706-pTRk
Good build video and Saturday will be the pvp Keep up the good work, Bubba.
yogi loves you
>a Willjum vid that has a furnace less than 10 minutes in
What is this sorcery
I love watching and listening your grind 😅
Could we get a base tutorial please?
Can’t wait for part 2😊
Yeah as soon as I saw how much that silencer reduced my damage I never re-attached it.
Blooprint v2
What is the song you play at 44:50 ish. you use it in so many videos and I need to know who in the description makes it and what it is called. love it!
When I finish work on a Sunday morning I look forward to an hour long Willjum Rust video. Perfect!
ah yes RUG 8:40
Nice intro 10/10 please keep those up
I was there. Been here since. Thank you for making one of my favorite games exponential better.
r u g
I have no clue when they added this, but am I the only one who finds immense satisfaction with the new(?) noises and animation it makes when upgrading to stone or metal? It’s beautiful
Damn wiljium having ak an raiding is something you dont see often im hyped for the next episode
I love WillJum with all my heart but I do cringe seeing everyone fighting for top comment.
Part two looking nuts
“Rug” WillJum Editing-9/30/2023
Even in the worst of days, if willjum uploads y’all know it’s gonna be a heck of a day😅❤❤❤ love ur vids bro ❤
59:33 the cracks of headshot after headshot was just pure bliss
Willjum could make music for him farming nodes and roads😂
I remember the first Ice base because I watched it only like 2 weeks ago as I’ve been binge watching all of Willjum’s videos from the beginning.
Gotta respect the spoon build up. 🍻
Bro… I remember watching this back in high school and I just graduated college, that first series was what really introduced me to Rust content tbh
Can’t wait for next one
Love this minecraft music ❤😂
@willjum at 10:10 there’s a single frame of you farming barrels that isn’t supposed to be there (ur just in ur base till that single frame is there)
that not willjum video if you aint attacked by bears tiny tiny bit too much building for me
I always appreciate the 64 rocket base builds, to protect 2 sars and 25 bows.
just got offlined after 200+ hours on a server so now i’m watching willjum to know the game is still worth playing 😂
Bro I started watching during the evil wurst duo when your uploads were like a week and half apart and short as fuck
I remember that video all those years ago as well. Its amazing how far you have come in just 3 short years. Much love Will and keep up the great work.
32:11 got me dead 😂
what is the name of the song in 59:52 i like it
pt2 yay, can’t wait! 3,4,5,6 maybe 🙂
Use spacebar to cut your parachute just before you land then you wont die.
The most random mortal Kombat sounding “RUG” made me question if it was the video game or the video
so nice ..the last song at this video befor the endsong sounds like the “minecraft song” and u use it at the right time .. buildingtime ^^ calm and strait like every willjum episode 😉 and ur biggest enemy returns JOGI XD
32:11 not sure how that little clip got in there? Just thought youd wanna know!
RUG ..
“I can craft salvaged tools”
**Uses a dumb steel pick to farm**
Come on bro your better than that <3
I remember that first solo vid it’s what got me interested in rust
I have slept like crap tonight, so glad to wake up to a new Willjum video… Time to relax and wind down
bro no shot willjum owns metal tree door
36:39 sounds like Willjum is gonna play a hardcore playthrough
Tf is up with desert grass shadow tho?? 🤔
Love you will, you make me so happy watching ur videos, we make famous to the right dude ❤❤❤❤
I actually use this base design when I play rust so thanks
1,17 million? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
The strong authoritative “RUG!” at 8:45 actually almost assassinated me by means of asphyxiation from excessive laughter
Content getting repetitive
**RUG** lol
we will never forget the laptop days WJ.
First time watching never again no hate but bro just building a base his whole wipe
To counter willjum, I feel that the devs should release official servers that have no safe zones, as in they just aren’t there and run them as they do official servers so that people can play them like it was before the outpost and bandit camp were added
W willy😊
And now it will feel like a month b4 next episode 😢
Last wipe on console I lived on a ice lake (the 28- cold)
I think rust as it is is a good place to leave it, leaving it on unity, and go for rust 2 where they can pick and choose what the community wants
Hay willjum how many episodes in this series?
the minecraft music at the end 😩
what is with you and the bears ?
This honestly, is the best video to date well done willyjay
minecraft music lol
Transitions to sponsorships still clean as ever 😁
holy shit what pc does this guy have
Can you please make a Au willjum server
Base tutt plsss
32:10 lol what happened there
soon !
I can’t believe I have been watching your videos for over three years. I am going to play a wipe on your server soon, keep ‘em coming Willjum!
What was the song
Saying oh and 3 years ago in the same breath is crazy it don’t feel like that long ago
The opening music is just muwah!
I play console rust and im confused about what he was looting at 3:27
I knew it, I fkn knew it.
Since your last two videos I’ve been feeling it.
You’ve been transitioning to an Aloneintokyo video and playing style.
I just can’t wait to see it come to fruition <3.
i feel like you, along with a fair few other rust youtubers deserve more fame. Rust is such a good game and you make such good enjoyable content.
Amazing video! I can’t wait for you to make another one.
Buddy hard core farmer in this video
Love the “feel goods” your content inspires! thank you sir.
I swear these videos are just masterpieces, they’ve evolved from being videos to stories and tails you tell around a fire, going through a pretty dark spot right now but I’m grateful for these ❤️
We need more merch willy j
With Uni being over you going to start uploading more videos?
Yo i think you should honeycomb one more time just to be safe😐😂
I highly disagree with your banditcamp take. I feel that’d just kill so much of the ability for newer players to get started, to the point that it’d do more harm than good, especially to the community as a whole cause no new players would wanna waste their time.
Doesn’t feel like a true Willjum video. Not a single death to bears despite there being so many of them.
Intro music was a vibe!
what kind of witch craftery is going on here. you changed your thumbnail yet again. call me stalkerish. but c’mon Will. Jum.
I thought i was getting crazy at 32:10
Willjum, I’ve been watching you and subscribing at 30k subs, and seeing you grow has been inspirational. im glad you found your groove
This video is amazing you’re my favorite Rust YouTuber of all time
AboQuasim 100% was cheating
Every singles Video must have Willjum chased by a Bear 😂😂😂
32:11 lol
how can i get the willjum poncho & bandana skins?
Hey Willjum
I have seen you put the last of us intro in some of your videos so…
Will you play the last of us?
That Minecraft music at the end hits hard.
Always love your videos, @Willjum.
i use this base all the time to this day
So glad that you are making more content. I don’t even play the game nor own it, but I do enjoy watching your videos on it.
Thank you
why my electric furnace not working like that? i must plug in POWER and ON for proper working, not just POWER like Willjum
WillyJ another awesome video I remember that originally series of that base.
Ps there’s some editing issues
the RUG
That minecraft music at the end … perfect
I watched that video 3 weeks ago and have been building that base ever since!
you should do another competition with blue print(i think thats his name) and others where you see who can progress the furthest
man the Minecraft music brings back memories 1:01:21
why dont you name these? even if it was just “i built and ice lake bunker pt 2” its really hard to keep track of alot of your series and i miss the endings alot of the time 🙁
32:11 fire the editor!!!
Na awesome videos bro
This is a W Willjum Video or a WWV
That was right around when I first started watching you. Right before the pandemic late 2019!
Willjum what would you think about a one life advanture ? If you die, you die. Would be fun to watch
*Surrounded by polar bears* “The ice lake attracts them” No you do @willjum 😂
45:36 I always smile when I hear this song. I don’t know why, but something about it just rounds out the vibes of watching a Willjum video. I remember watching the first video of yours I watched and I was hooked the second this song started.
Fuck ya get back from Dropkick Murphy’s concert and now a Willjum video to watch, fucking great night!
we are ready for more ice lake. ICE LAKE ICE LAKE ICE LAKD
ken car$on acolyte is so crazy
Loved that he is doing a pt2
Nothing better than waking up and seeing willjum new video
At 32:11, lol, editing glitch?
That little editing goof at 32:10 made me unreasonably happy. It actually made video better!
Arent u puttimg the embrassers on back words the hard side is supposed to be faced outside not inside
You have a nice voice to sleep to. You’re healing my insomnia
An hour of Willjum while I grind BPs on a server that never wipes them. Glorious.
Can you PLEASE split your furnaces.
Instead of putting 1000 to one side can you PLEASE split it into 500 on both side
Rug 8:40
I can always relax when I turn on a willjum video. Thanks for the great content can’t wait to watch the next vid.
War Thunder turned into World of Tanks at the end lol
What a great video!
32:11 Weird glitch in recording
Does anyone have a video break down of this base design? I would like to try it but trying to see how it’s built is kinda hard.
I can’t wait!
Yh boi
Yogi made a comeback yeah
how do people barely speak to you? i feel like everyone you encounter on an au server just bags you out
This episode should have been named as a joke since there’s so many bears around that base, Yogi’s Revenge
Willjum you have to jump right b4 you land 51:58
On which server is he playing ?
whats with the lighting? its like a fenced shadow.
I love how those shards of snow where in front of your base
8:00, a funace, airlock and bear rug😮
love the Minecraft music 1:01:30
They day I die is the day he won’t click bait lol😊
I started playing Rust because of you
I’m so happy this has a part 2
I just notice, you feed horse with meat? non rust player, here. 😁
Does anyone feel like the game would be better if the animals weren’t completely harmless to anyone with a few articles of clothing on? Being able to stand there and tank a polar bear while you shoot it with arrows is just so lame for a survival game… if it’s even trying to be that anymore.
willjum, you said thanks to world of tanks at the end, wrong sponsor mate 😛
i never played rust just heard of it from others but your so dam entertaining i cant resist 😀
Base design plsss
Hey Willjum love your videos man been a fan since the beginning can’t believe it’s been 3 years since you built that initial based design time flies. Keep up the videos man. I don’t play much anymore myself. Friends I had played with for over 3 years. Decided to inside and betray me and then block me after one wipe they got raided and lost a lot of loot on PS4. I mostly just watched the videos of others now and you’re one of my favorite Rust YouTubers You, I’m Bernie, Blooprint, Stevie, Hjune are my top five Rust YouTubers and in my opinion insanely skilled players and builders. I did try playing again over the years but it’s so hard to trust people in rust anymore I played with a new group in a monthly server only for them kill me then kick me from the group after finishing the base and destroying my bag in the starter base and I had to farm a lot. I did a really fortified base one I actually got from your videos that you did from someone else’s design One of the pixel gap designs with a salvage shelf on the side in the honeycomb and a tool cupboard hidden in the other side but I actually double honeycombed it all. But all good. Maybe I’ll play Rust again someday if I find a friendly trustworthy group who’s down to play and just have a good time no matter what happens because that’s what matters in the end is just having fun. It is a game after all. Keep up the videos man. Love you, you’re awesome and you bring so much joy to me and so many others.❤👍
8:40 broke lmao
Man just like an old days really tryhard the entire wipe
I gotta ask, why not build a stable to secure your horse?
What is the song in the beginning????
Willjum’s rug addiction is slowly becoming self aware.
Make sure your parachute is full health before you use it. Otherwise, you can take damage on landing (or the workaround, jump off before touching down) Great vid, Thanks!
Love your videos willjum
Waited all day to get home from work so I can watch this 💙
You should get a small group server like quad max I would play the hell out of that.
I’d rewatch this video just for more of those classic OG Willjum farming montages.
59:15 I haven’t heard you use this song in ages 😊
Great content as always, but it pains me whenever you seal in a stonewall in the honeycomb
hey just wanted to give you a tip bro, you can put triangle floor frames and like the metal floor grate things in them to make it easier to use those peaks with the half wall and low wall on top
For Solar Panels: If you on the north side of map you place it S if you are on the south side u place it N – Sun goes from E – W
That Minecraft music at the end
at 32 mins he was hiting a red barrel with a sword then back into building mode xD a bit of the video was cut i guess lol
My best wipe was i had a full trio size base down and complete for me and my buddy and took brad twice on wipe day
Willjum, 32:10 and earlier in the vid it cuts off when you say you’re going to recycle at bandit
“If they push me I’m dead!” – Shoots again.
Hard boiled egg
Mid to north side of the map, looking south, mid to south, looking north. Its what I saw on a video xD for solar panels i mean
I am so happy that he posts so much 😁😁😁
@Willjum I feel like this is a valid question..
Which came first.. you getting jumped by every bear in rust.. or being the single biggest advocate for covering a base with bear-skin-rugs ?
Did you thank the wrong sponsor at the end of this video? @willjum
The ‘rug’ really caught me off guard lol
At the end bro said thanks to WORLD OF TANKS for sponsoring instead of War Thunder Lmao
You make it look so easy
Another banger!!! Pt 2 looks nuts!
Your content helps me unwind after a stressful day, thank you for being willing to share a piece of yourself with the world.
i wonder what was up with the weird snow clump texture on the side of his base
Wow this content is amazing keep it up @Willjum😊😊
I’m confused how the bunker at 25min works. Why does that steel not stay there after the wall is broken? It’s attached to the sides still
There was some weird random sounds sometimes
Everyone gets the solar panel thing wrong due to bad and/or outdated information, but it’s easy: to get power all day long, just look whether the sun is north or south of the east-west line and point your panels due north or south accordingly. You will likely have to turn them around if you play more than a few days on a server as well.
This video makes me wet
“Most importantly.. a R-“
If ykyk but I got a tattoo of will_OB_01
I’m 35 YO my son got me into rust, and your content is top notch, keep up the amazing work 🤘🏾
dude you are just so chill to watch
Watching Willjum in a hotel is a different vibe
Man I just ran up to the store and got me some candy popcorn and a drink There’s nothing better in the world than watching a movie at late night.
@willjum it’s my first time today playing pc edition rust any tips?
All was 10 10!!!
I’ve been watching for 3 years been getting banned on YouTube but u and spoonkid and blazed I love y’all 💖
Did you got gangbanged the whole videos by Yogis or was it just me?
If there wasn’t safe zones I’d be out! Ha ha. I’m trash.
Wiljum your my inspiration you got me in to rust thax
anyone knows the soundtrack of 32:39?
I literally just made a bunker base on a ice lake last wipe
wait… so no bow nailgun p2 ? <3
As soon as Wiljun arrives on a server, every Yogi makes a beeline to his location lol.
Can you speed run
Although the editing software messed up still going to be a banger.
love the video but i noticed you still left twig for the core shelves early on, if you removed it early on the chance of raiders knowing exactly where your core would be a little lower
Only thing that would be better then watch a weekly video is if there were 2 vids a week. 🙂
Finally something with ‘ Part ‘ again.
Good old days. I’m remember you more focus on testing base design and their strong point.
Those days usually you start and ended the series on force wipe.
Anyone can give me steam account with RUST giveaway
The Minecraft music so nostalgic 🥲 love the vid
anyone else have the video jumping around?
While I do not remember the video where you first built the three triangle base, I have seen the other videos where you built them in other places, one being in the forest
I can’t believe how fast that episode went by. Thats how you know its good.
You said World of Tanks instead of War Thunder at the end 🤣
Watched the video several times
And loved your hidden comfy indestructible ice lake bunker base
Keep it up lad 👍
I never played Rust, so how did I become addicted to these vids?
BRO 40:40 💀💀💀
willjums music choice is always vibey neeb a spotify playlist
Gotta love it when Space Cadet comes on
Willy J. The goat! Love your work man. One comment if I may – your music selection is always so tasteful. It always fits the theme of the moment- cozy, adventure, victory, defeat. Sometimes when you use songs with vocals, it clashes with when you’re talking to us. Might consider sidechaining the music to your voice in editing, so it ducks out a bit when you talk. I’ve found that always helps us focus on what you’re saying. And you know I always wanna hear your silky voice, even over the great tunes. 99% of the time it doesn’t matter, since I can hear you clearly through the instrumental tracks, but that one with the vocals threw me for a loop! Love you man, thank you for your ever-impressive contributions to the rust youtube scene
Just thought I’d point this out. Your video was sponsored by War Thunder, yet at the end of the vid you thanked World of Tanks.
Otherwise, another great video that never failed to entertain ;). Thanks for the games.
I think you got mixed up between the tank games because in the beginning you said war thunder sponsored but in the end you thanked for world of tanks
Just realizing the micecraft tunes
Thank you willjum you and alone in Tokyo are the best rust youtubers
Willjum can you make a tutorial on how to build this base ?
Rust is such a good game I have like 300 hours once I met someone online and we duoed. We got deeped by a 4 man we ended up becoming friends such a amazing game
can’t wait for part 2
Another amazing day to watch willjum video❤
Ummm, was the sponsor War Thunder or World of Tanks because in the beginning it was War Thunder. But at the end you said World of Tanks. I don’t think the sponsor is going to like that.
Ummm at 26:53 why was there a kid screaming in the background 😅
willyum if i dont see a second episode
Hi! Is there a tutorial for this bunker?
i think you have a lot of great ideas for rust and what the devs could do but the safezone one feels off, its one of my favorite parts of the game and not even because of being able to recycle there but because of the amazing interactions with other people you get. Some of my fav memories on rust have been messing around there joking with other people. I think because of how popular and how much you mean to the community, you prob dont get to use voip like the average rust player does which takes away from the outpost experience
noooo you’re making us wait a week for the next video I guess I’ll rewatch all your videos again.
willjum i like your server do you play on your server wipes to?
This has to be one of my favorite videos, can’t wait to see the rest of series. 🔥🔥
when u get electrical…put a wall light over the weapon rack….u know…to show off ur rack
i think you are right about the safe zones, there are just so many nowadays . 1 safezone per map would be perfect!! good video WillJ keep it up ❤️
im not sure if someone told u already but at the end of the video u say “thanks to world of tanks” but in the beginning u said the video is sponsored by war thunder
There were no tree branches growing inside this base, but you managed to find some floating snow.😆
why is no one talking about what he said at 8:41
I can’t wait for part two
8:39 that fucking *RUGG!* killed me lmfao
At the very end of the video u said thank you to world of tanks for sponsoring the video😂😂
farm simulator with some pvp survival rust
get rid of bandit camp and outpost? WTF? of course great players would say this stupid sh!t. Wouldn’t lower the amount of people Willjum grub his supplies off? GFYS, it seems Will is out of touch.
Eyyy a multi-video series of a wipe! Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve had one of these.
32:11 wtf ?
Oh shit I remember this base I’m pretty sure
So uh… was the sponsor for the video War Thunder or World of Tanks?
@Willjum what song is playing 59:56 it’s 🔥
Great vid
great video man
34:50 i think the way they fix safe zones like bandit camp is make it so they’re closer 3/4s of the day. that way most of the time people only have the option of recycling at more dangerous options.
My favourite pat of willjum bases is it has honeycombing for honeycombing
Polar bears love willjum. When you were playing with tokyo i couldnt stop laughing. Everytime you left the base a bear would kill you or try to. 😂😂
Now that you’re built up as a solo, as a final to the series, you should bag in 6 players in reserve as your secret defense force and when someone raids the solo, “SURPRISE- MFr!” Lmao😂😊
Seems like your in your inventory when you are running. A lot of times you get jumped while in your inventory screen for no reason. Gotta keep that head on a swivel. Cheers!
Willjum killed three generations of bears lol
Why is everyone embrasures on backwards now? Is there some meta I don’t know about? 😂
i have only just got into rust back in june. and ive already watched majority of your videos in the past year. keep it up brother
YES!!! Willjum time 👀
Pt 2 !!
i don’t think i’ve ever seen you place a square foundation, still great video
Hey @Willjum just thought id let you know you thanked world of tanks at the end of the video instead of War Thunder, we totally understand the mix up but they might not like that.
Willjum and bears, a classic duo
3min in ,and i can confirm that its a polar bear classic ❤
Willjum you should make a base with the broken roof peaks that look around the base
WJ vids have the best soundtracks always a banger or two
32:09 there’s another bug😂
give yogi a raze!!!!!
I was not there for the very first solo video but I do recall the ones short there after, was my comfort videos when you uploaded, got me through harder times in life. I could give more than a like sub and comment I would but I am not stable financially for that at the moment.
day 2 of asking willyum for conrolls
willyj, I hate the british, but you get a pass. Love your vids bro
Rust has way more cheaters than most people realize.
So at first I thought “hey, a Willjun Teddy Bear would be a great merch idea” but now I’m afraid they’d all attack Willjun before he could sell them. I’d buy one though for sure!
I just wish the solo inly server wouldn’t be sk sweaty
“This video is sponsored by Warthunder!” 1:03:03 “Thank you to World of Tanks for sponsoring this video!” lmao wut
YES A NEW VIDEO. I really really mean this, your videos are the most cozy videos on the internet, please never stop making them LMAO
I had an idea for a base with doors for the honey comb but the doors lead no where to confuse raiders
13:10 “I swapped out metal ore and started smelting sulfur” *proceeds to fill the furnace with more metal then put the sulfur in Tc*😂😂
Our butt cheeks clenching the chair and you… no big deal I’ll beef up the base. Awesome stuff.
10:10 a glitch in the matrix?
You remember this video exactly and I realised that I found something great and now I still watch every video keep up man great to hear that you can do this more now.😊
“RUG! 👹👹”
33:00 “… and with the horse I found… next to this corpse. Completely unrelated of course. No I don’t know why he’s naked or why you keep asking me about this clearly unrelated corpse next to this horse I found and I will hear no more questions, good day.”
The “RUG” made it sound like the bear rug you jumped past was sentient and i thought it was intentional lmao
Retro Willyjum, hope after the part 2 do some tea bases or ice cliff bases again with the view of course!
But you left Pickles No !! 😂
I am glad you are coming back with having a series because the one-offs though nice, the series are more capturing in my opinion, Thanks for another good video though.
i cant wait for part 2
Can’t wait for the next episode
I remember will j you the man keep up the great vids
The whole deep voice “rug” voiceover had me thinking I was hearing voices. I’m driving down the road watchin WillyJ and I heard that in the background. I was like WTF was that? I had to rewind it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
19:06 hey at least he has bear protection
theres another icelake at g10
32:11 little barrel hit while building
Ive got an idea i dont think anyones done if u want to try if u make electrician company in rust:do electric for sulfur scrap so on or supply people with electric🤷♂️
Ever since I’ve been watching you.
This was actually the way I found your channel was when you made the base 3 Years ago
Another adventure !
When the minecraft music started playing at the end I got in my feels
Willjum posts. im here for it.
It’s not the icelake that attracts the polar bears, it is YOU! Willjum <3
You know WillyJ is serious when he actually FARMS wood…
Would be really cool to see you and welyn sail in sea of thieves one time in the future 🎉 but love your content bro
I wont lie when i heard RUG out of nowhere i shit myself 😂
Are OP and Bandit “Safe Zone” in Hardcore?
RUG 8:40
my favorite youtuber keep rocking it buddy proud of you!
Very well made video, good job but I can’t stop laughing “THX WORLD OF TANKS FOR SPONSOR” at the end of video while your sponsor was War Thunder 😂😂
I like both games but bruh
You better fix it quick before they notice
26:40 my guy slightly glitched
Love the video. Been watching for years silently!! Wrong edit at 32:10. 1st ever seen. Keep the vids up
Well I wasn’t sub when u first started yt but I was sub for like 2 years
I always place my solar panels facing toward the center of the map.
hi Willjum “The Rust True Sun” runs across the middle of the map, so if you live in the North Face the Solar panel South, and if you live in the South Face the Solar panel North, hope this helps
Yo im a small content creator and im saving up for a pc to play pc rust but i play on xbox new gen
The way you load your furnaces gives me major anxiety
my brain went into happiness mode when i heard “And if you think this story is over you’d be wrong”!!!
NOOOO its wasnt world of tanks. Thats a DIRECT competitor with war thunder. You should change that man in case they dont like that.
14:33 interesting seeing willjum playing deep southern dirt 3 here, does he like Kaiserreich? (and hoi4 by extension) or did someone tell him about that song?
I love when I take a nap and come Back Willjum Has posted another solo adventure 🙂
yes! another willjum vid 😀 cant wait to see yet ANOTHER triangle base………………………………….70 rockets tho!
If you want change in the game, host your own modded servers and test out the changes with your viewer base
was gna sleep until i saw a willjum vid pop up 😭
Hi ❤ your vid i aprecaite you so much your my fav youtubet
Aloneintokyo twin
RUG 😂❤ Love your vids, started to play rust because of you. Keep being fabulous 😊
I really prefer solo videos fr
Make the biggest base ever but you can only use wood
I really love series more, over single videos 🙂
Keep it up man, really love the content!
There’s like a texture grid around him
just about to turn in for the night. Uhm a Wiljum video has been posted. What to do 😅
Every single rust player: I hope they don’t see me.
Also every single rust player: *moves frantically from side to side as they crouch*
XD I love you guys though. Great vid Willjum :>
I have a question. Using the same bunker idea of having the wig wall hold the opening. Is it possible to make it like double? Like, using a wig wall to hold another floor and then have that floor hold another wall. Making it so that you can seal using 2 HQM structures and still be able to open instead of just 1.
Plz don’t get warthunder because it is pay to gain and you’ll waste all ur money on it and then u r broke don’t get it trust meb
Willjum would probably drop a gun for a bear rug
Now this is memories 😢
Warthunder is gonna be mad that you called it world of tanks at the end
I am 47 minutes in and you are 5 hours into wipe, that is a lot of great content for that short of play time! As always, thanks for the great vids!
what’s the name of this song at 1:02:48 ?
please if you know let me know aswell
“I also hear a polar bear, which im going to murder”
Daddy willjum
why did you say “thanks to world of tanks” instead of war thunder lol
Which song was the opening? I don’t want to search through the 8 tagged pages to find it
Glad you are not offline the same day
32:10 clip in accidentally
Never get notified for your uploads, but I’m excited when I discover a new video on your channel. Every. Single. Time.
tunnel = toss grenades!!
Love your videos watch them when I do dishes when I shower and wash clothes 💪🏻💪🏻
“Honeycomb it with sheet metal *r u g*
My only problem with your videos is that they are every Sat hahaha wish there was more like on a Tues/Wed as well, but in all honestly you are my fave rust YouTuber
Great video.
RUG made me laugh so much out loud
The next vid looks like to will be another banger, from my favorite solo
52:00 I’ve posted my very own bunker design over 12 hours give or take on YouTube with that very same idea! 😅😮
Bear traps?? (8th time asked, first time useful possibilities )
why bear do only 7 hp dmg?
The plop in the beginning. Nice.
No way bro said thanks to world of tanks for sponsoring at the end wrong one pal
Whenever willjum uploads a new video it’s auto played at work
I remember watching your videos when you were 2k subs. Time passed bro
It slightly bothers me that you didn’t craft a bone knife with those bone fragments from the polar bear 🙁
haven’t watched yet but im betting when the first garage door gets placed he says “thats the best feeling ever”
Ah, another hour of greatness love u willjum. ❤
you know its gonna be a good day when you see this man drops another rust journey
Thank you for the joy of watching you play in another solo series🙏
You called out Word of Tanks instead of War Thunder at the end 😅
Oh goodie, i’m even early
Bro just hits you with the cliffhanger like that
@willjum, might need to change the audio on the outro card… Your sponsor was War thunder.
Anyone else notice the weird clip of him farming barrels then cuts back to him finishing roof of his base, 13:10-13:12ish?
I love your clips and follow you from Algeria I hope there are clips translated into Arabic. Thank you for your wonderful videos 🧡🧡
hey willjum at 1:03:03 you should say warthunder instead world of tank haha thats funny tho nice video cant wait the next episode
i love willjum
wait why did u have to put c418 at the end🙁
This video makes me feel some typa way😇
I’m def. giving Wiljums 4 neighbors a stink side-eye. Especially 30:35 felt sus af. Even though he spotted Wiljum, he didn’t look around to find out *WHERE* behind the rock Wiljum was sitting. He was already aiming at Wiljum when he came into view. It sure felt like some members of that clan might have been looking at little red or green boxes, if you know what I mean.
W wiljum love ya mate keep it up dawg 🙂
Gotta love @willjum but i wish i could watch more but the cancer is getting worse
Just as I was looking for a video to eat to, cheers
Nothing better than watching wiljum after crashing my motorcycle 😂
Okay… not a single view. Remember to take the view in Wil
love the barrel jump scare 10:08
Does anyone know the first what the first song at the start is called? I was really digging it
8:41 *RUG*
I loved the music towards the end it brings me back
Hello Willjam, I don’t know how to read or write, but I had to leave a comment. I’ve never played Rust, in fact, I do not even know what Rust is. Nevertheless, I just want to say that I watch every one of your videos at least twice a month. Clearly, playing this game would drive the average person to the point of insanity, but somehow your videos are so calming that I instantly lose all motor function. Thank you for 30 consecutive years of Rust <3
Love the video. I want to try building on ice lake: a compound with polar bears inside seems like a great defense!
How many nails y’all think would kill a bear irl?
Realistically they should face south….. depending on where you live 😂. Northern hemisphere would point to equator, so south. Southern hemisphere would point north to equator for most sun. Lol come on dude.
U should change the audio in the end, ur thanking world of tanks instead of war thunder for sponsoring.
I had almost forgotten it was saturday until i saw the WillyJ notification ❤
Hey willjum
willjum: what i like about this base design is that it’s very simple
me who struggles to build a 2 by 1: are you sure about that
i love your vids a lot- greetings from germany.
Willjum and the polar bear army
Did you guys notice that will said world of tanks instead of warthunder on the ending
Can’t wait for part 2. 😎👍
IS THERE a vid on this base build?
Does rust not have tons of cheating like most online games seem to? If it does arnt these amazing bow shots just people using aimbot hacks etc?
That first death made me jump not gonna lie lol
Byutifoll video 😂❤
Man i wish i could place doors like that thumbnail
I’m at work on a break right now so I can’t watch the vid, but the thumbnail has me super interested and will definitely be watching it later! ❤❤Keep up the awesome work Willy J
Love the musically timed farming montages :D:D:D
holy farm simulator video lol
You know you thanked world of tanks at the end? Instead of war thunder 😂 loved the vid can’t wait for next week ❤
Willjum u cute little BOY!
Im confused… You said “Thank you again to “World of Tanks” for sponsoring today’s video” in the ending of your video, but in the description, it says “Play War Thunder for FREE”
damn a willjum video and just got food, tn gonna be good
nEED pARt 2 aSaP!!!!!
at the end u said thx to world of tanks but it was war thunder who sponsored u 🥲
why is it 1.5x gather?
great day for a willjum upload!
I love your videos man. I’ve just started rust myself but in console and your videos are what teach me. As a solo player as no friends have rust you have been the biggest help…. keep up the amazing videos and I look forward to seeing more. Thanks mate
Games need to redo suppressor irl they actually help with range and bullet velocity.. it shouldn’t make a gun weaker
Oh yeah I remember
I love your vids they never disappoint ❤
Love the videos but world of tanks 1:03:03 ???🤣🤣🤣
Bro, thanks, I’m going with your voice to sleep, I’ll rewatch the video tomorrow ❤️
I would prefer a complete video every 2 weeks over parts every week
Willjum=goat of all solos
I’ve got a challenge for you Willjum.
The ultimate snowball.
You must put a bag on an iceberg and that’s your start.
Whenever you die, you must spawn on that iceberg and snowball from there.
You can have a base but if you die that base is gone!
Can you survive a wipe without quitting and complete the ultimate snowball by surviving the harshest conditions possible?
Willjum explaining the base a random back ground voice rug!!!!!
Um Willjum? Raiding? With rockets? As a solo?
22:40 if im gonna make it home im good… How do i know what happened??? Deja Vu!!! ^^
Gotta keep saying this…Wiljumintokyo
Great vid willyjum just insane how much time you put in for us 🙂
Part 2! Part 2!
WILLJUM BROTHER, WAR THUNDER SPONSORED YOU, NOT WORLD OF TANKS WHOM YOU THANKED AT THE END T.T I don’t know about sponsors but I think this may be an expensive oopsie moment
The only Think Taking me back to old times is wiljum getting chased by a bear.😂😂
Idk why but
You a legend buddy!
He said world of tanks at the end instead of war thunder
Very nice video, im pretty sure youre being sponsored by war thunder, not world of tanks tho HMM (You said its world of tanks in the end of video)
I love uuuuu
GGs Willjum, ur pretty good
Willjum runs in a straight line and wonders how he gets hit by an Crosbow. LOL
Your videos are great! I was wondering on what servers are you playing official, community, or modded?
Hey willjum how come you said it was sponsored by war thunder but at the end you said it was world of tanks
POV: they put the Willjum rug in rust!
32:11 its not that important but there was a glitch right there
isn’t soulfer at 3:28?
the minecraft music at the end💪
This is one of you best videos to date, the reason why I subbed all those years ago! a proper Willjum classic…! Looking forward to the next one
Why u farm the whole video when u can steal it
Bro i seriously love your videos they are intense but also relaxing. Don’t change. Also can you make more part 2’s just like the good old. Great video.
Getting rid of bandit that would make me sad ,might be ok for you but i like the safe zones
Very entertaining, great storytelling. You sir have me hooked for episode two. Great video.
Minute 10:10 whats that??😂😂
something i found out today is that when building on an ice lake is that you can remove the foundations in the middle to get the bleu ice as a ground inside your base instead…
gives a unique look and you can also still put most items
We need more cave bases in our life! Wink wink
never have played this game and never plan to but ur vids are so addicting
Great video willjum ur videos never get old
willjum will forever be my fav rust player.
That RUG was a jumpscare
One of my fav streamers advertising one of my fav games war thunder = wet dream 😂😂
Um willjum, i don’t think you saw the G11 ice lake 😅. Its a way bigger icelake. I noticed it immediately
Saved my day at work Ty good stuff
@Willjum when are you gonna make a ocean base video
Yes another video!!! 🎉
thank you again for world of tanks sponsoring this video xd its war thunder they must be pisssed
Next saturday bro thats a whole week of waiting
8:41 RUG
My memory is bad, but isn’t this base from a Swifty base design?
@willjum have you ever thought of making a PVE server?
does none care about the floating snow??
does anyone know the name of the song that plays in the intro of the video??
Definitely had a throwback feel this week.
Sponsored by War Thunder —> Thx to my Sponsor World of Tanks 😂😂😂
kwite predicted willjum!? 🤯🤯
32:09 red barrel jumpscare
1:03:03 World of Tanks? Or War Thunder? 🤣
Why did it go to him farming the road then cutting back to the base
I like how at the beginning you thank Warthunder for sponsoring and at the end World of Tanks. 😀
I’m sorry wiljum I was late to the vid
@32:11 there’s a jump to farming on the road or something then jumps back. solid vid either way tho
Its not a vanilla Is it?
8:40 rug
@willjum I hope you read your comments.. rewatch the end of your video and which sponsor you are thanking.. dont know if this will a problem for you.
W willjum😊
Babe, wake up. Willjum posted a video
as allways nice vid 🙂 allready excited for next week <3
“Thanks again World of Tanks for sponsoring this video”
I like how we never said anything about the magic floating snow hovering around the base.
Looking forward to that “box of AK’s” in the next one….
@Willjum – have you ever found out later that a group that was in your area/beating you up repeatedly were some fellow streamers that happened to be on the same server at the same time? Just cuz you run solo so much is what made me curious.
Also – maybe ask devs for some “Willjum” labled cans of bear spray?? Recyclable item with a separate useful ability like a fuse. Sometimes u need it and some times u recycle u know?
love the content bro im always waiting for your posts keep up the good work my man we are here to support your amazing content i wish you nothing but the best sending love from Califonia❤️
avideo from you make my day
Will How about 2upload’s a week 😅 love your video’s ❤❤
Omgggg i need parrtttt 2 nowwwww❤❤❤
1:03:00 World Of Tanks 😀 But very good video Willi thx for you to uploading this videos
Hope tomorrow is saturday again
eagerly awaiting Pt 2!
cant wait for pt2
Warthunder the game where you WILL spend 700 hours to get to a modern plane or tank
Love it, bringing back the og willjum music
1:03:04 world of tanks?
Willjum – Your opinion about the safe zones – Feel free to set a server up without them. You could call it something like Willy J’s World Of Unceasing, Inescapable Hell. No safe zone would be fine for You, Mr Primly Chaderson Himself. Ruin the game for an awful lot of people without Your level of skills though.
hey I’ve only been playing rust for about a month because of you and it is now my favorite game so I just want to say props to u man that’s a sub earned
I love your videos, but I hate the thumbnail bait every single time
So was this vid sponsored by War Thunder or World of Tanks? Willjum better be careful about your sponsorship! 😛
u did blooper the last callout to warthunder (u missnamed them)
willjum i love you
Bro in PC the bear is 5domage and at console us 25😭😭
Great start, cheers.
The first three minutes and it’s already a banger video
I do wonder if you don’t like safe zones why don’t you play hardcore servers?
I have never (and probably never will) played Rust…..
And yet, i just love watching your videos 😁😁😁
Willjum ur Videos are too good, its Like watching a movie keep making these Work of arts. Greetings from Germany
32:08 haha miss cut
the crosshair looks so good
garage door with windows in it….very dumb idea
I never spawned right side of map, every time i am on the left side
برادر شما بازی warpath را نصب کرده اید یا خیر؟؟❤❤❤❤
1:03:05 World of.. what?
It was war thunder
Thanks to world of tanks ?
The og triangle roofs are missing tho 😔
Gotta love new Willjum day and a bit of sugadaisy is always a good day 🤘🏴
“The WEASELS, man” 😂😂
OMG thank goodness…. I was watching blooprint waiting for this to drop.. 😅😂😂.
This is a cinematic masterpiece🎉
part1 out like 1 hour ago weher is part 2 send it now love your vidos so hard it is so good to chill and wacht this happend
you said thanks to world of tanks for sponsering the video but it was War Thunder HAHAHA
PS: keep it up ❤
willjum you are one amazing youtuber
Thanks I needed this when it came, you have such a calm voice and game play. Love what you do. ❤
These thumbnails getting out of hand bruh😭😭😭😭
This is probably one of the most infuriating games to play, I could see myself hating playing it.
But the chill music, relaxed wiljum and interesting goals. This content be some therapy.
Just what I’ve been waiting for all day too!
Awesome gameplay and video mate. It was a true pleasure to watch.
Have you played Dayz
bro when tf did wiljum get 1m subs ive been gone like a year…
My god i remember that series. it was with that 8 man team hanging out at nightine around s campfire. And that duo that was Willjums enemies for couple episodes. I miss that rust man i was a noob then just had bought the game and looked at base videos. So i found willjum. AND from willjum i found AloneInTokyo. He mentioned his name in base builds and i was like “Who is that he has a cool name” and BOOM grubing arc began. MAN those were the days. We made a clans wipe a nightmare. Their name was END 20+ on rustopia Eu main. I stole from their shops sho much they were searching for me in chat to raid me all wipe. And though all that i was watching willjums videos back in his 23ķ subs days.
Wilsonator had the most epic montages
My day gets better when I see your videos🎉🎉😁😁
Roll on Saturrrrrday 😀
Everyday is a good day when willjum posts
Sponsored by warthunder, says world of tanks at the end of the video LUL
world of tanks….? or war thunder? xD
You should cover a base in the snow environment with polarbear skins 😂
I mean… its white… fulllllllyyyyyy cover it in polarbear skins
1.5 mil special make a video with aloneintokyo? Just a suggestion, also does my profile pic go hard or nah?
53.38 couldn’t you stack toolcupboards in ur crafting queue to make space?
We love you Willy J
Anyone know the songs name starting around 34:00 ?
It’s willy jum.. love a good content brah 👌
1 hour gang 👎
the sponsor was WarThunder (4:48) or World of Tank(1:03:02)?¿? XD
32:11 am I hallucinating
Thanked World of Tanks for sponsor on Warthunder sponsor lol
I love wiljum vids, I especially like how the sponsored segment are interesting but at the same time only like 30 seconds if you do feel like skipping past real quick
White rights in rust go crazy
8:40 “RUG👹”
Willjum being doorcamped by polar bears really does remind me of earlier solo adventures
I remember this same on that day
Rest in Life, pickles.
I love your videos ❤
I can’t wait for part 2
Scuze me mr willjum if i may ask how much gigs of ram do i need if i want to play rust on pc cuz i am looking to buy one amd want to play it but i dont want to buy one and not have enogh ram or to have just enogh and it lags the hole time
The real solution to safe zones is to give recyclers bonuses at higher tier monuments. Why choose Outpost when you can get more frags and scrap at mining outpost or even launch site?
missed your solo shenanigans Willy ma boi, shot for making my day with your video, much love : one of your viewers
Been a big fan since 100k subs or less
Willjum please notice me im a huge fan
1:03:03 thanks to world of tanks …😂
Lots of Love with the weekly uploads
I havent watch this yet but i Can say its a Willy J classic
love your vids Willum, keep up the hard work!
There’s a change in this video, sometimes the way you’re saying things, you sound like Bear Grylls. Anyone hear it?
For the solar panel, you want to face it in the opposite direction of where your base is, like if you are in the north you face it south, and vice versa. This will optimize how much sun you get, it’s not too vital especially if you only have a small battery, but for large scale things like farms it’s pretty useful
Good stuff! Don’t forget that you can cut the parachute early!
A advertisement that not raid thank God.
World of tanks ?? 1:03:03
I need the playlist. Some great songs I can’t find
Even though I’m older than you willjum, I still can’t wait to grow up and be a super solo like you. You kill it everytime!
wooo lets go
Over 500 hundred comments… First
I am so glad Yogi made a return in the video. Clearly you have not been giving him enough air time and for this video he made sure he was going to be a co-star.
Your videos just genuinely make me smile
Hey the shadow guy was with the clan he was in the firing sqaud earlier in the vid cuz he did kill you
If you are on the south side of the map you face your panel north and south if you are on the north side of the map.
I was playing rust console yesterday and we saw a ice lake base that had a bunker and I said who does he think he is he isnt willjum and then I see this 💀
Absolutely love your stuff. I dont usually comment, but just to let you know, you mentioned World of Tanks at the end as your sponsor not War Thunder
Thanked the wrong sponsor at the end. Never miss your content man. Top shelf.
I love Willjum… and I love Warthunder hell yeah
Brother you had more editing mishaps in this video than ever
Willjum video to lift my spirits, maybe todays not such a bad day after all.
00:32:11 ??
You should uploud like 3 times per a week maaaaaan 😴😢 not only once….
well done WJ <3
This was the first base I ever built since watching your vids back then :))
I just made nachos and smoked a joint, only to come up and see a willjum video waiting for me. Im near tears man istg
I’ve been re watching all your videos from a year ago, I’m so happy that you blew up
“no gimmicks” I need to build on that ice lake 😀 love you willjum! always enjoy new content.
Finally. Another Willjum video. I needed some chill vibes. Thanks for delivering on my only day off ! Flawless
Probably not the only one but when that parachute needed to turn, i was turning my body as if that would help. I guess i was emerged in the story.
Thank you, watching your videos gives me comfort and just makes my day better 🙂 G.O.A.T – Willjum
alright can’t wait till Saturday.
I love you willy
love the content bro keep up the good work!
Side note maybe try a small video or 2 the includes the community, like….. have a subscriber join you for a friendly wipe teach em the wiljum way! XD
Hi willjium 😌
well Mr Wheelie-j just uploaded a video
fuck studies and chores here goes my 1 hour straight into pipes
Love you willjum
Part 2 ? 😮 i actually cant wait, what a epic start on this wipe WJ !! Kudos 😊
Yes! How better can a Saturday night can be with a Ne WJ Video. Sit down and Enjoy the Journey. let`s goooo
I dont even play rust lol
<3 wj
Love the ending “thanks world of Tanks” for sponsoring, when it is war thunder who is sponsoring 😅😂
Got over 1000 hours on war thunder lol, can’t get away from it, great vids and keep up the amazing work!!!! 😂😂
hey great videos! love these!
46:10 See, many players could have come back to the base and grabbed a SAR or some other gun. Willjum, being the prim God, just runs back out with a crossbow. That way his advantage isn’t insurmountable.
Dam this is nice and chill
I remember that base from back then, its the chapters your defended a couple of raids, youre were almost just startet back then when i startet following you
Willjum vids hit different ngl
(Pin maybe 🙃)
8:41 RUG
Nice video, but is it sponsored by war thunder or world of tanks i dont understand XD
war thunder is publishing by stupid russian company gaijin entertainment, who is a sponsor of russian invasion of Ukraine, f*ck u WJ, geting money from advertising u supporting terrorists who kill civilians
Daddy Willjum posteeeddd!
this beat is a yt beat i found like 2 months ago (from the beginning)
Willjum rocket raiding? Is that really you ?
@Willjum you need to jump before landing with the parachute so you don’t die.
Gotta give it to ya, the click bait thumbnails just keep getting better 😅😂
We all love your videos, man! What a insane one!
It’s good to see WillyJ spawn camping the bears. After all they have done to him… He deserves this win.
*R U G*
At this point all I can say is wow ❤
ahh yes.. ‘taking over ice ice lake! i’m realising a lot of mistakes in this video lmao i think there might be a reupload on our hands
all jokes aside, excited for this video!
42:45 Yo what’s up with Seal Team 6 coming out of nowhere? 🤣
Hey WIlljum, I don’t comment on YouTube much. I also don’t even and haven’t ever played rust. Just wanted to say that I watch all of your videos. Your editing and story telling skills are top notch! Keep up the hard work. We the watchers appreciate the time and effort you put in.
To this day I use your OG solo design when I play by myself
No lie. I’m liking the new music selections and the volumes.
War thunder is not free, you pay a bit of your sanity everytime
Willjum at the end said: Ty world of tanks for sponsoring this vid. Im done done xd
I love your vids Willjum, you never seem to fail on making my day so much better, keep being your awesome and creatively decorative, rust playing self ❤
id rather play Wart Hunter
Epic episode Willjum, really spiffy!
Bro the best day in the week Saturday is one of the reasons im looking forward every school week. You are the best and funniest Rust Youtuber I have ever seen in my entite life. Keep on doing vids and I will always watch them.
I hope there is gonna be a pt 2
Willjum can you do a another Video with the group pls
The video you based ur build off of is the first vid i found you
A narrow escape
An arrow escape
This base brings back memories. Good old rust days 🙂
You mentioned in a previous video that art is not your forte. Who does your thumbnail? Is it AI?
By the way that mountain fortress vid with your friends was one of my faves 😎
Did they just nerf the bears or they was always that weak? 43% animal protection and does only 6 dmg lol
Bruh werhe box of aks 😂😂 lol you bad withe sar 😂😂
8:41 RUG
19:33 bro had no right making that clean of a transition😭
When the music volume will go a bit down?:))
It’s crazy how fast you can do all this. When I play I die before getting anywhere to build and then might get a node or 2 before dying.
@Willjum bro when can we see a teamup with Blooprint and AloneInTokyo? looking forward too see the different play styles make a wonderful smoothie
hey man, it’s important that you take some for yourself and not stay in ur room for 10 hours straight. I like your content and i’d rather you stay sane 🙂
I like how you montage the farming with the music 🎶
I need that song on the intro
Yooo I played on this map US 1.5x Bloo Lagoon right?
god i wish i had time to play vanilla rust, in navy-a school and hardly have time to play on a 3x but at least i can watch wiljum on lunch breaks
cringe. sponsored by warthunder
I love your vid man, wish i got the money to buy this game,i really wanne learn to play this game
Random continuity errors throughout the video… Don’t rush it Willy Man. We’ll wait a couple days longer, just make sure the content is up to par
solar panel oriented toward the center of the map
YESSSSSSS this is what i needed today! So stressed and getting my willjum ASMR to make the day better. Thank you willy!🤩
the mindcraft music throws me back
Will the goat of RUST 🎉🎉🎉
If Rust only Solo for the best
Damn he really did it in RUST again!
Would love to see them add a electric stove.
Willjum never disipoints
I’m ready for that box of AKs next Saturday!!
W video
Good day when Willjum uploades
Come for the Rust, stay for the life lessons in resilience and not taking things too seriously
What are your Rust graphics settings?
After watching this 12 times, I’d call this a certified Willjum classic.
Lvl 2 workbench stop saying it wrong lol keep making vids lad
every time you upload I’m about to eat 🤣🤣 thank you for the amazing content as always!
Time hased pasted I’ve appreciated every one of your vids n the work u put in to them thank you Willjum
Willjum is the reason polar bears are going extingt😂
God damn, the low tier bow gods at the start
is it possible to build a base under the zipline so that gun turrets shoot users of it? or even a base that is built around the line and people zip through the base itself? sounds fun to me
Crosshair APP??
Did a 2 mile cross country race, got on YouTube to see this absolute banger!❤️
So for the Solar panel do any one know what is the correct way of placing it? facing what north or?
LFGGGG highlight of the week when Willjum uploads🥳
32:10 to 32:12 wat was that edit Willy mate
buy me rust plzzz
base design?
8:41 R U G
That surprised me XD.
Remove the custom outpost from your solo server 😔
the minecraft music came out of nowhere
Average W Willjum upload?
Perfect saturday Eve’ with a wiljum Vid 😀
bear attack out of nowhere thats a classic willy j thing lol
Will and bloo and frost the same day I must be dreaming
so early
im so excited!
Dammm willjum I’m just lost for words these videos are so entertaining and engaging
Keep the up willjum
Another great video! Willjum never lets me down! I have yet to play Rust, I am late to gaming, but I am looking forward to getting a copy of Rust and jumping in. Willjum videos will be my guide 🙂
Ice lake 💜💜💜💜
RUG!! 8:41
The music is on point!!
I love you
Willjum i fu$@!ng love you
I highly recommend this base dude it’s so nice and cozy and safe lol, you can make the bunker part of the room big as you want long as you do the bunker part the same and make sure it’s your entrance!! Great video like always!!
Finally the video is here ❤
solo chill vibes (still haven’t played this game) cheers my brother!
Your base looks like the dungeon I was locked in
“Let’s go” the bear rug 😁😍😁 Love you Willjum 💕💕You’re an amazing Rust player
Willjum I couldn’t wait for one of your videos thanks for posting
Thank you for not continuing the group video😂 back to prime Willy J
finaly a rust video
This gotta be the best one yet
Another Willjum video?! It’s gonna be a great day! Also I love how you brought back the design from that first series!
What happened to the audio between 9:00 and 9:07? 🤣
FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAA, WEEKEND UPLOAD! Perfect timing for me to enjoy some willjum content on my day off
Love the vid lmao what happnened at 32:11 doe
when you mention recycling, why would you go anywhere but bandit, as you live right next to it?
Im bouta busssss
Ahh I appreciate your content so much man! Love from South Africa
Zzzzz ur vids is more like a talk show nowadays bro….
Mom cancel the dentist, new Willjum just dropped!!!
yes new video let’s go🤣🤣
Hi willjum. This is an absolutely amazing video. I love keeping up with your channel, and you are so fun to watch. Keep it up.❤❤❤
Post 15 k
What is the titles of the music you use
9 min
you really made me love rust your the best rust youter ever i can never stop watching you wiljum thats for making my days better
I love your content
bro u missd 3k sulfur on the train xd
Love Ur Videos man
Just commenting before watching
havent seen it, already loving it
man i would love to get a teamate like you
your such a good person
Chilliest man in rust back at it again
Love you WIlljum:)
always so cool to see a notification of one of your videos. much love from France
Oh let’s gooooo. Willjum uploaded? Today, is a good day.
Been waiting for another Willjum video to drop! Lets go!
24 min gang
Love the videos willjum every time I play a wipe I try to play in your Style.
Idk if somebody can help me with that or has done it: I only have rust on ps4 and I love the game but the performance is terrible. I’d already played with either getting a ps5 or a gaming pc. I could afford a good gaming pc but I wann know if it is actually worth it. The console edition doesn’t have half of the stuff and modes pc has. Idk if they make updates for it… Basically is it worth getting a godd pc to play rust? Has somebody maybe done the change from console to pc and if so was it worth it? (Reddit couldn’t really help me with that)
Good n8 stories love it❤
Rug from the beyond
W channel
The random RUG at 8:45 😂
Hi Willjum 🙂 I love watching your escapades on Rust, I’ve become a massive fan 😊 Although I don’t play Rust (I’d be poop at it 😆) I’ve had to sub to your channel. Thanks for your cool and steady self taking us on your journey 💐
WillyJ on a Saturday >
8:40 rug
Playing on a willjum’s solo server and watching Willjum <3
I don’t think i’ve ever been this early to a Willjum video lmao, but it’s a welcome change. Can’t wait to see another banger!
1 hour gang here
Love the great content 🔥
Will, your newest fan is my 5 yo niece. She doesn’t speak English but she loves your videos. When she visits me, she always asks “Can we watch willjump?” She’ll spend long minutes choosing from one of your colourful thumbnails and so I put on one of your older videos.
We’re a Willjum-friendly household here in Denmark.
Been with your rust journey since the last 2 years ❤ look at where u r now. Big fan
Only 1k likes?
My day gets way better when you release a video! I love your content bro. Thx
Been following for about a year. Never seen the older laptop videos. Might have to boil the kettle and get on with that at some point 😉
Your mouse pad is still soo good ❤❤❤
You can’t imagine the joy i had when i saw the notification pop up on my phone although i’m a big noob on rust and my computer can’t stand the game your gameplay and just your content makes me have a good time and you’re just such a chill and nice guy hope you grow even more because you deserve it ❤❤
Hey man I’m trying to get myself a pc bit rn im playing rust console but I got the game because of u so thanks and I can’t wait to see u on steam rust
What is it about life lakes that make them so coveted? Is it just the flatness and far visibility?
Finished a 5k race and came home to see this, Today has been amazing
After watching this back I can confirm this is a Willjum classic 🥵
Willjum AND blooprint upload in the same day? I already know todays gonna be legendary
“I built the coziest house in rust”
Feels like forever since u posted willy
I remember was nice vid too 😀
Love u Willjum
I’m always so excited when I see that you uploaded a new video
Are ❤️ and 👍 from foreign subscribers accepted here?)))))) Just 10 minutes of video and I should say: you are a great story teller, a great video maker and a producer🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I would like to wish you good luck from far away and from my side – i will watch all your videos and enjoy ❤❤❤❤
Wiljium: I’m gonna upgrade the honeycomb to sheet metal
Some celestial voice: *ROCK*
Ice lake bunker, 1 hour video? Say less, what could be better to watch as I cook my lunch
saturadys are the best day
I remember the video. I didnt watch it when it cane out but have watched it since
Love the vid keep the grind up and can you please live in a cave for a wipe again
What s the song for sponsor pls tell me???!!!!!!!
8:40 𝐑𝐔𝐆
The journey very fun and insane but in the same time your voice make it very relaxing
the reverb rug sfx was a solid 3 minutes late, like how did that happen
Yay new video
Are ice lakes just good because of the flat clear land around them?
Hi Willy (pin?)
Bout time willjum I been waiting
buy me rust
lol the rug was off sync by like a full minute
whare is cloth farm you said it would be 100 hours
I don’t even play games and never have owned any console, 36 years old and Ive been watching Rust content for years. 🤯
plz make a video witth gloriac
he destroys zergs hes insane at the game
Willy J back with another bangerrrrr!
Watching Willjum build on an ice lake while you have his new ice lake deskmatt out. A good day.
I love coming back every Saturday and watching theese vids you always make my day better Willjum keep it up
absolute throw back
WIlljum never fails to stay primlocked for almost the whole video all bro does is build and place bear rugs 💀
how does he have the crosshair?
best thing is when willijum uplodes makes my day🥵
The “rug” was scary 😂
Lets gooo willy j vid!!!
Feels illegal to be this early
i love your videos i love you
Always gotta be early!
Babe wake up new clickbait thumbnail willjum vid just dropped
Use this comment as a « bro your content is insane » button.
Lets hope you don’t get door camped and have your twig jump-up destroyed like in the original series. 🤣
watched it all, at x10 speed, didnt understand anything. 10/10 would watch at x10 again.
top 1 rust YouTuber
8:40 RUG
I don’t even play rust yet, I always wait for will’s uploads. LOL
Still top of Rust YouTube. Wishing you all the best ❤️
I love your videos it always makes me happy when you post because my rust stoped working
10 min gang like if u came before it hit 10 minutes 😊
Watching it back, i have no clue what happend with the ‘rug’ LMAO editing software be wack sometimes
Certified Banger
Another willy video peace at last.
Here 🎉🎉❤
I know this vid is going to be epic willyj!
Haven’t played rust since the recoil update, would yall say its worth getting back into?
Im on toilet
A Sunday evening classic
7 minutes ago that’s pretty cool
Sup WillyJ dope intro
Thats actually hard one
What a wonderful way to spend my Saturday. Watching Willjum <3
Please make a 5 hour video🙏🏿
W vid
W Willjum
wiljum is just the perfect way to end a day
Another W vid💯
lets gooooooooooo the ice lake base
Cant wait to watch thisss🎉🎉
I saw the og base
Love Willjum best rust youtube by far
new vid AND its my birthday? ty willjum and keep up the amazing work!
I love Wiljum literally he is my favorite YouTuber
its been out for 4 minutes, yet there are already 200 comments and 400 likes, whats going on here
I waited the whole week just for this! Thank you Willjum! ❤
Every week, i Wait on video likes this, And this Is my night movie 😅
You know its gonna be a good day when Willjum uploads
I might marry willyjim
hello willjum im here in 4 minutes only for your videos
lets goooo
20 minute club tickets here
Ah, just what I needed today. A Willy J video always hits the spot. Thanks for the upload!
Hello on this fine evening gentlemen
banger vid
Love you and your vids keep it up👍👍👍
Video’s only been out for 4 minutes and I’m already triggered that he doesn’t have an airlock yet
W wiljum
Nothing better than waking up to wiljium!
Love the vids
Love it keep this up
watched 20 seconds and i can already tell this going to be another banger ❤🔥
Love the vid just watched it i was waiting on a vid like this one u get a like for that.
Willy J is one of the reasons PC Rust is still alive. W creator
you should play rust but to where you only can use loot you find from crates or from other players u kill and u cant hit trees or rocks
Thank god for willjum
Do you have any advice on being so please tell me I keep getting raided
should do a iceberg wipe would be fun to watch
Another Willjum video and I’m already enjoying it although it was just uploaded.
Yooooooooo our boy willyj! ❤❤❤❤
I ate bread today.
Waking up to a rainy day and a Willjum vid….nothing better 🙂
When you happen to see the video out a minute after upload and there are already so much comments you need to scroll down and down hah.
Willjum and chill while im sick no better days
We got another Willy J hanger of a video! My day has literally made better just by seeing this exist!
Willjum l love your videos
I’m first yay
LOVE THE VIDS WILLYJ! Keep up the great work
I am a comment
Hello ya ol’ stink pot! Glad to see another video up!
Watched it 12 times already. Great video!
Keep up the good work
Love your videos <3
I’m gonna play rust, all in, no more regrets, thank you
Amazing video (I haven’t watched it yet but I know it’s good)
Let’s go another video I love you WJ I hope you make more videos ❤❤❤
I haven’t watched this 69737 times so I have no clue if this is a Willijum classic
new vid and I love it.
Love ur vids
1 min ago
Willy J is the man
Everyone who watches this video like my comment if you want more video like this
Willjum you need to collaborate with Cali
I have missed your videos
let’s go another wiljum video
Love the solo grind willjum
Love you’re vids willjum!
My comment will viral one day😢😢
55 seconds i love ur content
Another great willjum production🔥
Another Willjum w
Great video loved it 🙂
I love your solo wipes
I’m the second one to like !!!!
Yes sirrrrrrr
Great video i love the content keep it up bro you make me smile every time i watch you
Za za
I love relaxing and watching wiljum
I love your vids man been waiting ❤ keep up the good work man
First willy
Yas, another cozy willjum video😳
Loving your videos recently willijum keep it up
Keep it up man
Ohh willy j I love ur rust I wish I could play with u
Keep the good work up
Willjum i fucking love you
average willy j W
Love ur videos
Love the vids
welcome W
I love your videos
Im a big fan
This actually sounds kinda interesting
1st comment love your vids willjum
I’m the first again oh my days
Willjum back at it again with his BANGER content
I already know it’s about to be a banger video
The second person like you video
Love your content so much keep it up
63rd like 🎉
New willjum vid 😀
Hi Will
First one to comment
Lets goo new vid
1st comment 🎉
omg new willjum vid 2 seconds after relsese
Hey willjum!
Love you willjum I am the second like
Today is the perfect day for Willjum and chill.
Hi Willjum!!!!
Woah I’m early
willjum tha goat
Finaly my love
Such good content
Willjum I’m first
Hi willy j
First comment
Willy jay!!!!!!
First like and reaction😂
Let’s gooo another video!
I am first
Ur the best willjum
Happy Willy happy me
First Willjum viewer 🥱
Let’s go
Yooo 1st
First comment
First, also i love you’re vids you helped me get through a lot and yes i remember the bace😊
Wiljumm yeah i am crying😢🎉🎉🎉
10/10 and first
50s gang
Love the vids bro
W vid
Womp womp
You know it’s gonna be a good day with a wiljum upload and Minecraft music with another series
17 second gang
Love wj