Listen to my music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/74PM32h3nJtLqDDxnnt9xs?si=5e9b8eb9552f43d2
Business email: inquiry@podo.gg
Music inquiry/Fan email: contactaloneintokyo@gmail.com
Taqs:Rust,Rust Solo,Online Raid,Offline Raid,Rust PVP,aloneintokyo,Alone In Tokyo,Rust Cinematic,Rust Solo Survival,Solo Raid,Solo Snowball,Solo Snowball Rust,Solo PVP,Solo PVP Rust,Base Building,Rust Base Building,Solo Base,Zerg,Rust Zerg,Roof Camper,Raid Defense,Rust Snowball,Rust Going Deep,Rust Raid Defense,Rust Online Raid,Rust Offline Raid,the solo life
コメント (220)
what a menacing base design, if i saw that ide run
I don’t think I’ve seen the dude get attacked once when building his main.
16:07 bro what
Imagine shooting at the wrong mf
Thanks for listening and trying something new 🙂
bro drop base tutorials….
This new song sucks ass
The thing that mad me thinking the most was how when you were upgrading the triangles on the lower parts of the pyramid how they dethatched and gave openings. Like imagine you try to raid the solid metal pyramid and it starts doing some megazord shit after the first rocket dude 💀
Neeed longer vidsss
only solo having fun & winning rust
what is the sound at 7m15 ?
crazy how you can come up with these builds fr
3.05 se hizo invisible, pasn 2 y tmp lo ven jajajaj . Muy armado
cant wait for the raid defense
this base deign is one of the coolest so far! great vid as always.
Song name? that starts at 7:05 lmk it’s fire
What server do you play on?
Сразу видно чел уважает деревянные яйца
Bro woke up and said im going to make the most monstrous base ever
please drop the build 😭
Has aloneintokyo publicly admitted to scripting yet? I refuse to believe that every wipe he manages to get so lucky. Especially since he never plays live. That clip at the end with the inventory of sulphur is an example of what I’m talking about. He takes on all these 30+ zergs of noobs with not a single decent player. I’ve played 6k hours and never experienced anything like it but he gets it every week. It’s not exactly like aloneintokyo is a crazy good pvper you don’t see him tripleing anyone. I enjoy his videos but like frost he should come clean.
Video de la base?
That was a massive load of sulfur on that clan dudes body, amazing you got to bank it!
Tokyo is a cheat code everyone wishes they had!
The best always
That cheese ❤!
Whats the name of the music playing at 9 mins mark?
Ngl his builds are insaneee, wish I could build like him.
marvel have the best transactions meanwhile tokyo 4:00
server almost dead
Why’d bro leave on horseback with an inventory of sulfur
bro has the best skill/luck ratio of any rust player i have seen
you’re actually kind of amazing
We need longer vids please!!!
transition @ 4:06 tho?
Build an unreasonably strong base then steal an inventory of sulfur from a big clan. Noone fishes the ocean of sweat like tokyo.
Why do these clans all seem to use the exact same base design?
When ever tokyo does something they sure as hell does it with their whole damn heart.
The way you absolutely embarrassed that clan at their own doorstep…TWICE
I love your vids, been watching for a long time now. What got me, is that even that you dont talk, have a storytelling going. Its not just pvp like a lot of other, less interesting rust tubers. You build, you are creative, you have tons of skill. I love your content. And as always you have that tune in your vids that says, this is my story.
Geez I wonder whose raiding you next video 😂😂😂
Double floorstacked pyramid, nbd. Lmao. Love you tokyo 1️⃣
wish you woulda checked that body in external at 15:00 . Was thinking might be a bunch of loot they’re hiding
Can we get a base tutorial pls
Chadintokyo ✌🦘
8:05 fastest 4 satchels I’ve ever seen all 4 thrown and blown in 9 seconds feels like a world record
where can I find the buidl?
6:05 I knew you would pick that flashlight up again lmaooo
@aloneintokyo whats the outro song that starts at 16:48?
@aloneintokyo when are you going to make a skin
When will you show us ur china wall pyramid build. I needz it so bad!
Duuude, that sulfur play at the end… bravo! 👏👏
Also, maybe someone can help me understand… when/where was the floor stacking for the pyramid?
And I’m also really curious how dropping a TC down on the little starter frame next to their base, then extending it’s priv to compete with the bases priv, helped at all…?
Like, you didn’t have to place a TC in the base once you finished raiding it…but… you could have just as easily placed a TC in the base once you’d finished raiding it…. 😛
So, why was it really helpful??
dude you are so talented in so many things in rust and out of it. Love the videos always look forward to them. Thanks
I literally said holy shit out loud when you got that guys body of sulfur lol
another banger tokyo upload as always
I have trouble sleeping, due standard struggles. There’s Something about your videos that both impress me and simultaneously relax me to sleep.
people in 4000 wipes are going to find that base
That base design looks aids as all hell to raid
I like that you showed the shotgun trap blasting you on the first drop in.
The first 5 minutes ar always the hardest snowball you will ever see 😂😂
All these bases with external TCS are so flawed yet everyone keeps using them… like if a naked can jump in and rob you you’re doing it wrong. Build a new base lol
3:05 “Hello, are u blind?”
Your neighbors hearing building going on for 30+ min: “The hell goin on over there?”
Insane! I’m excited to see the pyramid get stress tested!
Yo Tokyo I love your videos man keep it up! Quick question, how long do you normally brainstorm and invent on build servers? Your bases always amaze me with the creativity
I just wacht to the point with the AKs
And then u killing him with a inventory of sulfur 😅🎉❤❤❤
Wow gg
U Got ure and one more AK back this was really good ❤
The yoinkage is real, lol that box of sulfur heist was epic
Could you maybe mix up your video formula a bit?
First video: You jump into compounds and build a starter
Second video: You pvp and make main base
Third video: You successfully defend your base
Fourth video: You repair your base, raid and pvp
Fifth video: You get raided again and either lose or win. Either way the series ends there.
Same formula every goddamn time
Pleeeeeeeeease make a base build Video eventually! This looks soooooo good!
Tokyo is THAT guy.
we need a duo with lucky llama
This is a valuable lesson for solo raiders. When you know theres a shotty trap, put on a prim kit and bring bandages. If he had done that then that sar kit killed by the shotgun trap woulda been his and he could have held and fought the counters.
Last bit with inventory full of sulfar… damm a piece of art
10:21 what is this song? it’s amazing
I do not like nor comment often, but this video was a masterpiece and im waiting for the part 2 and the lore comming with it 🙂
lets goooo always a good day when tokyo uploads! new music soon!?!?!?!? love the work man cant say it enough
I don’t play this game, so I’m a little bit confused. Why did he build a whole pyramid? Is that his base or was it only for the pixel gap that he was storing loot in?
when are you gonna collab with lucky llama? the silent duo would be awesome
i open up youtube and this thumbnail pops up i had to check if it was 1st of april i love when you do vids like this xD
When u killed the kid for all that sulf what ak skin were u using u really like it
alone in egypt 😆
what😂, from having a dB then the video cut and showed a different clip of him throwing c4
How much your you have?
It never gets old watching AIT bully clans and rob them blind 🤣
im getting whimsical vibes from this pyramid base
i need to see this raid defense
What a messed up base, lmao. Imagine someone going like “this’ll be an easy raid”. Lmao.
Some of you are here for the PVP, but a lot of us a here for the thefts 😈 AOT still the only rustuber I can see that consistently makes content off of goombas not securing their compounds, love it.
Insane plays, and insanely good base design. Mad respect
Used to love these videos, now i just catorgize them with stuff rust academy makes. Always the same and stail
Best solo player on Rust
Average Egyptian
You gotta do some build videos for these bases
Now, i know it’s asking a lot for a solo player. But could we see you online a duo or trio? i’m sure most of us would love to see how you play it through. Anyway great video once again!
Love the option to use subtitles when bro doesn’t say a word.
I would love to see that base made of shipping containers and bricks
I want to play solo as well as you. Right now I’m practicing solo x2 only.
tokyo you fw clams casino?
I raided a pyramid base once in SEA Main, it was loaded.
that endiiiing ahhh <3 crazy as always, keep it up
AloneInCairo more like it.
Haven’t finished the video yet, I’m just high, but maybe an idea is at the top of the pyramid is a hole in the center big enough that you can lower a tiny heli all the way down it and thats how you get in and out or smth so its hard for raiders and if they jump down its somehow a trap.
i love ur base designs
we need more of your videos longer videos like who thinks the same as me
Dude, are you actually making a meta pyramid base ? like wtf ?
8:53 “You’re balls are looooose!” wtf did I just hear?
The greatest heist pulled off by just hiding in the corner 😂😂😂😂
this is the coolest basedesign ive seen in a long time. How do you come up with this stuff?
Your bases are just something else, man! ❤
And I like how you just went back to that clan and got your kit back, +taxes! 😆
Bro gets killed by a 5 man in the snow pulls back up on em like wut haha Tokyo build different
this video is sponsored by freemason.
You can actually get 3 large boxes into a pixel gap, place two far left and far right, and the other one so, that the corner of the box crosses the ‘pixel gap line’ between them ❤
nice pyramid lol i wonder how the raid defense went!
Yooo the grenade to headshot combo was sick. You were beaming with the crossbow!!!
100% Hjune
Was the guy on the horse with sulfur some other 3rd party? cause if that was a clan member of mine they would be removed after that lmao
Tokyo finally decided to take after his boy willyj and use I built an op in the title for a video 😂
I built something similar with only triangle roofs/foundations, which had a double layer of roofs like yours,
but during testing I noticed that rockets splashed both layers at once.
Is it the case for your design?
Ive never seen Tokyo shake lol. That full inventory of Sulfur got you excited
looooooooooool that was the most disrespectful “sit down, scrub XD” ive ever seen
@aloneintokyo you and lucky lama should play a wipe together that no talking vibes or are you lucky lama?!?!?
Tokyo video on a Friday. This is the best Friday ever
after watching him build this… its just insane dude.. you are officially the solo GOAT. And i dont mean goat like ppl say it to everything i mean you are the greatest solo player of all time. That’s just my opinion anyway.. hJune who ?
EDIT: WOW, just noticed you have doubled your subscriber count the last 8 months cause i subbed 8 months ago! GREAT work! Fucking deserved
AiT must have been a boy scout when he was younger because he sure is prepared for anything.
Building the Bass Pro Headquarters in Rust.
Man that clan was out for your blood 😂
hey tokyo, any chance of another willjum duo soon?
Existential titles😥
Idk why but these be way too short for me
What’s this AloneinTokyo doing some crazy shit only he could pull off again? Dope.
The goat doing goat stuff. Loving the look of this new base. Can’t wait to see it stress tested 🙂
Thank you!
Whats the minimum amount of rockets to raid that base?
The music is so fitting always
That pyramid base is absolutely devious i really like those pixel gap bunker
Was there cheater loot being transfered to the clan at 16:07?
I love the moment, when Tokyo is startled by the gunfire at 15:52, thinking he is getting shot at 😀
Ur 4:06 transition was insane. love that edit
tokyo, i have the bell notifications on for you and everything but it doesnt tell me until like a hour and a half later
interesting base
Where did you get the 4 c4 for the raid ? These videos are too short
It’s about time you start talking boii
how the hell did u avoid the shotgun trap…
OK, paused at 00.2 and I have wanted to build a pyramid base myself in the past, now now lets see how you do yours 😉
casually stomping a group right at their door step lmao
Filthy base design damn.
*BRO* u running up that hill after catching the one dude with that ENTIRE inventory of sulfur had me CLENCHING my arm rests. there was at LEAST 2 of em spraying at you. they did NOT want you to get away with THAT. GG BRO!!!!!!!
Whats next an Hour Glass Base XD
I would give my left nut to become Aloneintokyo’s farmer for a day so that he can just purely focus on ratting clans.
We need the aerial pov of that pyramid, I gotta see what it looks like from the mini
Can you please play on a trio server for one wipe? I would like to see how you would do against trios. Maybe rusticated trio…
Once again an incredible display of skill!
I know they were hella mad 😡 after you rolled their member for his entire inventory of sulphur
Could we get a guide on how to create pixel gaps ?
Imagine being another player watching Tokyo build.
There’s a whole lot of wtf? Until you see the end result.
aloneintokyo upload…it’s going to be a great day.
That design will absolutely surprise the raiders
One of the builders I follow just posted a pyramid build video 3 days ago if anyone wants to emulate this for themselves
Remember when your first arrow wouldn’t shoot out of a just crafted bow (what feels like years ago) thats when I started watching you. You qlways were a torch and rock goblin back then lmao. I played maybe 100 hours in rust but It feels like I have watched over 10k hours of your videos. Great job with the channel and the content. Keep doing you buddy. I said this when I first started watching and I’ll say it again ,you’re one of the top solo creators out there. Sorry ,you’re fighting my boy willy j for 1st! 😂
do you think you’ll ever do a voice reveal?
Tokyo doesn’t think about the Roman Empire, I see.
Nice AIT. I don’t even need to travel to visit pyramids in Giza. Homie built one for the community.
Didn’t go to school just so I can watch this
ait on my day off bet
Can I get a survey boys, who here eats ass?
Babyyyy girl what’s yo name?
i love you tokyo
This guy gotta be playing on some noob friendly low pop server cuz no way these people are real
Base build video of last base pls godyo
With aim like that they deserved losing an inventory of sulfur.
One suggestion, you make it clear when it’s a BP wipe, and show the grind you go through to get BP’s?? Greatest YT rust player of all time IMHO, thanks for all the entertainment over the years. xoxox
Pretty sure Tokyo is playing some different version of rust. This is far less miserable than the normal game I don’t understand.
nice job , fun watch
Did you EQ the song when you were hiding in that clans compound? 3:07
Love the video. Surely a tutorial on the strategy you use for wipe?❤
Lets go i was waiting for your video i cant wait to see what shenanigans you get up to
bro woke up one day and decided to build a menacing pyramid in rust, respect
Today is the great day! A new video and a new song? Really?) What a happy evening! Many thanks to the greatest Rust Player – AIT❤❤❤❤
Love it
i can approve u got raided by a small group of friends, Great vid man keep it up!
Nothing better than watching an AIT video before the weekend.
Its a classic guys
Hey man no rush just genuinely curious if you ever plan on doing a voice/face reveal? I like the mysterious mess of it all lol, but I have also been curious as to if this is it or not?
Ps love the vids man 🫶🏼
I wanna see their faces when they open that front door
nice vid tokyo, anychance of a tokyo/lama collab?
keep up the good work.
pre W series
a good day when AIT drops a new vid
I love the part where you started talking
1 minute in AND its a banger already
Absolute perfect timing for a tokyo post to cure my boredom
awesome vid man, keep up the good work
tokyo= best solo player on rust
1 min ndam
I’ve watched this video 69420 times and I can confirm this is a certified hjune classic
With love from Russia
1 minute in and i can already tell this is a AIT classic
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, great things happen today. New song release and your vid, lesgo man
the best😍
second + first day of asking for a blazed and luckylama colab
Pyramid going crazy tho
burgendi sauce
Not first but not last
Leggo to the great cobalt pyramid
called off work, alone in tokyo delivers
Great Vid! Can’t wait to see this pyramid get raided by a small group of friends!