The Sulfur Splurge – Rust Console Edition
Download Last Island of Survival mobile game using my link https://clcr.me/OBIE
Purchase in-game items from the developer’s online store https://mall.herogame.com/.
Use my promo code ‘OBIE’ and get a lot of rewards and bonuses in the game until September 1 inclusive #LIOS #howwouldyousurvive #openworldsurvivalgame #lios4years
The Sulfur Splurge – Rust Console Edition
#Rust #RustConsole
OBIE MERCH STORE: https://obiemerch.store/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@obie_yt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Obie_YT
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/obiemj
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmCDlPtOv9RsAQM4aSC83A
Background music by Epidemic Sound ⇨ https://www.epidemicsound.com
Taqs:rust,rust console,rust console edition,console rust,rust xbox,rust console xbox gameplay,rust console gameplay,rust pvp,rust console pvp,rust console movie,rust survival,rust base,rust base design,rust gameplay,rust duo wipe,rust console wipe,OBIE,rust obie,rust console solo,rust console solo base,rust console solo raid,rust console solo pvp,rust solo,rust solo base design,rust solo berry farm,rust console berry farm,rust console tea guide
コメント (184)
Download Last Island of Survival mobile game using my link https://clcr.me/OBIE
Purchase in-game items from the developer’s online store https://mall.herogame.com/.
Use my promo code ‘OBIE’ and get a lot of rewards and bonuses in the game until September 1 inclusive
Only chads watch his sponsors fully
banshee mini remastered W base
I wish I was like obit he’s so good at everything
I have watched it 0 times and confirmed it is an Obie classic
how do you make such good videos on console? i can barley even get good 15 second clips lol
At around 5 mins u slammed tm8s quietoslams and harndenfog lmao
I just love it when obie squirts out new videos for us every once in a while
Ruse u6 use to be like 30 pop
Wat is nam base pls
I prolly speak for everyone here when I say THANK YOU. Thank you for taking the time to make these well edited high action twisting rust adventures/films. If no ones told you already your certainly one of a kind. Take care bud
What is that kid doing at 41:12 I wish the ppl i countered on cargo were that brain dead 💀
Obie you should play cross play servers a good one is snake c5 or gladius zj there supposed to be comp crossplay servers
Keep up the great work love the vids❤
I’ve watched this 1029475 times and can confirm this is a spoonkid classic
Obie do you want to do a vid with my friend he is a YouTuber to ?
U raided my base:(
Yo whe. Are you gonna play with a Subscriber
back to back bangers ❤
I’ve watched 1:43 minutes and I can tell this is an Obie classic
11:48 bro got that Afghanistan vibes fr fr
as always, he comes out with the best video
@OBIE good video I have been watching for a while and would love to play with you
Watched this ッ times and it’s an Obie classic
Bro plays against ai’s
The glazin is crazy this vid
W obie video like usual
obie you are the best console player ive ever watched. When i first got rust i learned so much from you. You really inspire me and i hope one day to play and make videos like you. Thank you❤
Does the goat reply
Obie star uploading like every 2 to 3 days pls I’m mean if you can’t then just do you then
Y’all just don’t know how happy I be when he uploads it got me fillin 😮💨😮💨😮💨
that sponser is basically rust mobile 😂😂
W Video W Wipe
yooo oWWWWW
I got better
you should do a video with mclovincaleb
Love the video’s bro!!
This made me splurge!
Yessir a weekly upload
What monitor do u have ?
Obie man what a vid a journey you’ve been through happy to say I’ve been here since first Rust console YouTuber I enjoyed hope you continue to grow🎉🎉
Obie is the G
Every video you drop is crazy fire to the flame was my by far favorite movie
Can we duo in rust
I remember 2 years ago me and my brother was watching YouTube and seen your rust movies and we never stopped watching ever since I remembered when u first started YouTube
Yooo I not sure you can see me I’m good of game rust I have Xbox s/x you really good but problem I’m deaf of hearing but luckily i still heard. So I can play with you?
the mp play at the start
this man is the best console player ever
2 vids in a week?!?! Lets go obie
For anyone who dousnt have a computer i highly recommend trying last island of survivor its the closest you will get to rust without playing rust. And im not just some random person who spent a few hours in the game. I have 2000 hours in the game and have been apart of sevral of the top clans in the game so i have seen the good and the bad. It may be hard to learn but give it a chance.
I played on that server for phew months
Another W Obie vid
You should try Wave UT for next wipe. It’s also has the same map but it will change
Let’s go my day got better
Obie what’s the base design
Bro your crazy. i wont be playing console rust cause im getting a pc now
What are your settings ? Just wondering, love the vid ❤
Hey do you want to do a wipe with me sometime im decent
i hate that i’m at work i can’t watch this masterpiece rn😣
Obie is just casually wiping 3 mans 👏👏
Obie can I do a weekly wipe with you please as I need a team that I can trust for a week and ive watched you for a year but on another acount that you didnt respond to. 🙁
Whats the base design
I don’t need talk to much about Obie because everyone know the Obie is the best console YouTuber (we all love you Obie 😊)
Love your videos
Let’s goo new vid
Won’t lie, the meat riding off these guys is crazy
I was bored then saw obie uploaded so now im happy
Obie gets carried so hard
You should do a oil farm vid
I was just watching one of your old videos and u uploaded this one. it’s a good day 💯
Obie could I play with you sometime I never have a solid team and always am getting insided I got like 100 days and I’m legit and an absolute chad.
What’s the name of the base that he build
Keep comment at 112
Bro not even 10 minutes in to vid and I can already tell it’s a banger
Let me playyyyyy with yoy obie
Sup OBIE i got a question,
Do you maybe wanna play a wipe
I was just saying when is Obie gonna post a new vid and I checked I stopped playing my wipe just to watch this
You already know if obies title has something to do with sulfer or shows it, it will be good.
I can confirm this is a obie classic
Thanks for the videos, really helped me improve my rust skills ❤😁
Obie Good
u have gotten so better at pvp
Bro please play with akchange again
I’ve watched every video like 5000 times just waiting for more videos my favourite the legendary duo
great vid for a rainy day
Crazy how it’s been 2 years since the solo assassin first video I watched of yours, video quality really has improved since then.
Bro Insane Ur aim so good
I love u
You know it’s a good day when Obie uploads a banger video keep up the rust grind 🔥❤️
I give all when i can play one wipe with you
Go for it
OBIE can i please help for 1 wipe i will not inside i just want tho have fun and learn from you because i am not very good at the game and my tm8 stopped playing but i want to play but i dont want solo wipe plsss❤❤❤
w day to watch obie i wanna play with u fr fr
Love the vids
Will the I’m video is fire (I am 20 sec in)
what do you edit on
Yo what’s up obie
consistent ass uploads w obie
I used to play last island of survival before I played rust but it’s a good game if you don’t have rust
Hi papa obie
love the videos man keep it up
Allready know it going to be a w video i Had fun obie hope we can play again
you know its a good day when obie drops another banger
You know it’s a good day when OBIE posts.
Average obie W
An Obie classic
Love you obie
The bangers keep coming
W vid as always
keep up the good job and the uploads 💪
ive watched this 3000 times i can confirm that this is a obie classic
OBIE MY GUY ITS BEEN A BIT GOOD VID u Fr destroying everyone
Love the vids keep them going
obie love you man
Yo ruse u6 is the server me and my friends play on
Watched 1794927 and I know it’s going to be a classic
W vid
This is about to be a banger🔥
hey obie👋
Obie your the best console rust YouTuber do you play with PlayStation player?
Certified Obie classic
First gang
obieeee run on summer r2.
Steady on da grind ❤
First one here
I fucking love u OBIE
Lovely Sunday video gotta love it ❤😂
Love you Obie
Let’s go obie posted
Niceee new viddd
LETS GOOOO obie vid
Love you obieeeee
Certified hood classic
Watched 7000 times and can confirm it is a obie classic🎉
You to good
Keep up the uploads man
Gonna be another w video
Good day when daddy uploads ❤❤❤
Watched this already 45 times and it’s a certified banger
Love you obie
Have you Been trying to uplode more btw keep up the good work? ❤
Yk it’s a banger when obie uploads
Obieee bebeee
W vid Obie
I’m better then u
You know it’s a good day when Obie updates
Lets good new Video 🎉🎉🎉
Yo I’m so glad that you posted
Does the king respond??
Im the first😝😝
First ❤
Wanna team up for a wipe?