Final Fantasy 16 – Review After 100%


Talking about my experiences with Final Fantasy 16, after doing all of the things!

00:00 Intro 
01:07 Overview
02:07 Technical State
03:28 Difficulty
05:30 Story Set Up & Thoughts
10:50 Progression Systems
13:50 Gameplay & World
19:20 Combat
23:15 DLC
25:09 Steam Deck
25:33 Positives/Negatives
28:18 Conclusion
30:24 Wrap Up

Intro Music By Juan Andrés Matos,

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#gaming #gamereviews #ff16 #finalfantasy

Taqs:Mortym,Mortismal Gaming,ff16,ff16 review,ff16 gameplay,ff16 pc,final fantasy 16 review,final fantasy 16 pc review,final fantasy 16 gameplay,final fantasy 16 pc,final fantasy release date,final fantasy 16 release date,final fantasy 16 pc release date


  • コメント (111)

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    • @MortismalGaming
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Ive seen some people mention at 4:40 the time says 22 hours on the save I’m bringing to NG+ so I wanted to clarify, that time is the time of day the save was made in military time, not time played. 2203 means 10:03 PM. My first playthrough was like 40 something hours.

    • @Ellebeeby
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Great ideas, occasionally piss-poor execution. Ended up checking out and deleting the game because it was eating up a MASSIVE amount of space on my PS5’s storage, and I had other games i was enjoying more (RDR2, Rogue Trader)

    • @Muncheiy
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    While it’s a lot to ask people already tired of the gameplay to try a THIRD playthrough, I can say that I didn’t fully appreciate how deep and intricate this combat system is until I tried ultimaniac. That mode will KICK YOUR ASS if you don’t learn to use everything in your kit extremely well.

    • @Maxbeedo2
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Pretty much exactly my thoughts on the game, too simple for how long they made it. As a completionist this game was incredibly boring, as the combat is way too simple for how many hunts and sidequests they stuffed in it, and that’s all there is to do. FF mode makes it even worse as very little changes. It also was disappointingly derivative, with a lot of DMCV moves copied over, and the story is basically FFXV+Game of Thrones. It’s still a very competent game with some great spectacle boss fights and incredible VA, but it clearly wasn’t for me.

    • @ManiacMonkboon
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    There is something that is just so soothing about hearing your intro music, that I know a quality video is upcoming. What game is your intro music from? 👀

    • @BeardGrizzly
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Best part of this game was having Warframe pick up Ben Starr for the 1999 update.

    • @Bigbluedragon9
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    now that you finished it 100% I can talk without poisoning the well. 😀
    My major issue and I played it without the dlcs was, the higher difficuty just lengthend how long a fight was and didn’t add a lot more. The enemies just have to much health and it dosn’t do anything to improve the combat from beeing very button mashy with the addition of the abilities beeing unlocked. I thought half of the side content and the main story where great and I also enjoyed half of the field bosses.
    As an Action rpg I would rate this a solid 7/10 (it’s good but not really exceptional), If they would have romoved the siide quest that bring nothing to the table 8/10 and if they made the progression of equipment better (so you have side grade weapons, improving for example specific moves of the espers for example) than a 9/10 and If they improved the combat and the dificulty not beeing only a health, damage and Armor slider (adding some moves) it would than be a 10/10.

    • @IppikiWoolf
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    For a second there i thought i was listening to someone else…

    • @curelord
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I said this before FF16 is a great game, but a mediocre final fantasy game

    • @HazardGoat
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I found this game boring. I stopped after 8 hours or so when i fell asleep playing it.

    • @captainziggy82
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I really wanted to love ff16, especially coming from creative business unit 3 and ff14 being my most played game of all time. But man, the combat becomes so redundant, and progression is such a joke, I found myself forcing myself to play it by the 20h mark just to see the ending. The game has its highs for sure (performances, story, the bahamut fight oh my god) but the lows stand out just as much, like why even have an item shop when all you buy is a weapon upgrade for +1 atk? Why am I rewarded for exploration with…. 5 gil?? Also, the lack of difficulty at launch really shows. I’m not replaying the game just to finally play the game at a nice difficulty. Just so many odd decisions, then the lack of a party so the gameplay loop becomes repetitive.

    • @jesseberg3271
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    So I played this on PS5 last year, and I really enjoyed it. Now I care much more deeply about story than about mechanics, but I can see the issues you raised. Frankly, the inability to play as other characters is one of my biggest complaints about the game. That said, i really did enjoy it, and it’s my favorite mainline single player entry since 10. That said, when it comes to mechanics, I am really looking forward to hearing your take on FFVII Rebirth when it comes to PC.

    • @draculax13
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Played the demo and while I liked the story I didn’t quite enjoy the combat which I felt was more flash than substance. Too many button presses to kill most enemies, too many encounters that look like some world ending cataclysmic event, which felt silly for a more adult themed story. It was actually quite disappointing for me when I realized I haven’t played a new FF game since 12 and playing 6-12 + tactics and some of the other squaresoft games of the snes/psx era were some of my fondest moments playing video games as a youth. Oh well. I might pick it up on a steeper discount but right now there’s way too many new games coming out or games releasing out of early access that I have in my backlog.

    • @MrEDET
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I really enjoyed the first couple of hours but then it became so, so boring. Walk 10 steps, 10 minute boring cutscene with endless dialogue about nothing, after that is finally over.. next 10 minute cutscene. Finally, able to play again – 10 seconds later: Endless boring cutscene. The first FF in which the amount of cutscenes is too much and too boring.
    I did a sidequest or 10 but they were almost a parody of the standard fetchquests cliche’s.
    I liked the combat although the game is way to easy, haven’t died so far.
    I’m about 17 hours in but this will be the first FF that I won’t even bother to finish.
    I thought FF13 was the most boring one to play so far but we’ve got a new champion.

    • @fikusuave3983
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    When you play these re-released games, do you do the first playthrough blind to experience or jump in with 100% guides off the rip for interest of time?

    • @LuckbeaSladey
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I burnt out on this game about 75% of the way through. Not what I want from a FF game. Maybe if the is game didn’t carry the FF brand they would’ve felt more free to right-size the game. That’s what I thought until I finally got around to FF7 remake. It was so well paced with a similar action forward approach. Made XVI feel like even more of a disappointment.

    • @Enes1967
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The story and eikon fights were great but the rest is mid. Side quests are incredible boring and the gameplay is just spamming special attacks. There is no depth in any mechanic. It felt plain most of the times.

    • @lens_hunter
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Glad you liked it! It’s certainly not perfect but I definitely felt like it’s a game that’ll be in my heart forever. The game has high highs and low lows, BUT I think the lows actually work in benefit of the highs, making them shine more brightly.

    • @eziowayne
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Really appreciate your videos!

    • @Mhantrax
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    While I see all of the flaws and especially the gear shallowness, this game may have saved the Fi al Fantasy main line for me. Final Fantasy 15 was so horrifyingly bad that I figured I may be done with mainline FF.

    And while this game is pretty much a story and amazing combat with a few other systems Scotch taped on, the story and characterization were fantastic. For me, that’s what I would choose as easily the highest priority for me.

    • @garrick3727
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I was really looking forward to FF16, but then the games director said they went action oriented because it sells better. Unfortunately he said this around the time of Baldurs Gate 3, which proved him totally wrong. Had this been a traditional FF turn based it would have sold like hot cakes due to people looking for more party RPG after BG3.

    • @HeWhoShams
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    When compared to ff15, what does it rank? I quite enjoyed ff15, personally

    • @johnhuddleston1986
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Game was way to easy and boring. I didn’t even finish it because I got bored.

    • @ArnaudJauffret
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    At first I thought you had just bought a new mic… but the outro that doesn’t mention the Youtube Jazz? There’s a new Mort out there.

    • @myst3752
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    One word moves this from “buy” to “skip”…Denuvo

    • @anthonylittle666
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Yeah, I think I’ll wait for a steep sale first then.

    • @Orinmaxden
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Final fantasy used to be my favorite games but I haven’t picked one up and played for awhile. 10 was the last one I enjoyed. I tried to play 12 but couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like any of the characters so I didn’t care to resolve their story. 13 didn’t look good when I watched people playing and I’ve tried to watch let’s plays and just can’t get into it to want to play it myself. 15 looked like a boy band driving Sim. And I’m still not sure about this one. 4 and 7 are my favorites but I’m not gonna play the remake until it’s complete. I already know the story and that’s typically the main draw for me.

    • @Acidknights
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    See I messed up because I decided to do every side quest during my first playthrough. Man by the time I finished the game I couldn’t even tell you what the plot was about.

    • @grandlancer
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    May the algorithm be pleased with this offering.

    • @Wrathaholic0588
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    kinda surprised you didn’t cover the hunts.

    • @Deviljho5
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I hate commenting on videos but to give this reviewer props, he is definitely the most detailed reviewer I have ever had the had the opportunity to listen to! One of the best in the industry!😊

    • @christopher_loren
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    First playthrough: 7.5/10.
    Second playthrough: 9.5/10.

    The combat once everything is unlocked is honestly incredible. I love this game regardless of what the critics say, though I understand it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

    • @Mako2401
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Square Enix is such a mismanaged company and this game proves it. They took a team from the MMO FFXIV and told them to make a single player game. And what you got was a Game of Thrones ripoff with DMC fighting and the worst side quests I’ve ever seen . I’d only get this game if I’m a massive FF fan and simply have to play it, or it’s free/ cheap. Otherwise it’s a miss.

    • @gamingeagle19
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I woul push back on the abilities tree beimg pointless
    The easiness of respec is entirely the point. There are so many combos and synnergies that it encourages a TON of experimentation and I really love how its handled.

    • @always14csharp
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    FF12 was the first game I played for more than 40 hours and didn’t finish.

    • @mikeg5039
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    i applaud you doing 100% on this. those side quests were so boring and MMO-like i am skipping all of them and im still 75% thru the main story. i am only finishing it cuz i paid full price but this one goes down by the 13 entries in my list of bad ff titles. good story, horrible questing

    • @OldyAlbert
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I’ll probably play it the same way i did FF7R – with a high difficulty mod, but you usually need to wait for a decent one. I enjoy this kinds of games but usually the default is too easy tbh.

    Now i just need to find 200gb for that God of War Ragnarok PC port – that series doesn’t need difficulty mods, 4th difficulty slapped me around more then enough in the first one.

    • @matosz23
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    My problem with FF16 came after the timeskip. It went the way of GOT where the sense of distance and time disappeared.
    The worst examples are the battle in the dessert and the ocean rescue.

    • @slimeloe
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    my most anticipated review, i’ll probably pick this up on a sale, all the boring side quest bloat i think is gonna detract from my experience personally

    • @Walamonga1313
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Stranger of Paradise review soon?

    • @shamelessplace11
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Hope you feel better. Or if this was prerecorded before sickness. WATCHOUT you’re gonna get sick!!!

    The amount if bullet sponge really turns me off , I do want to play it but. Game pass???

    • @capablanc
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I found this game incredibly boring. Bad pacing, boring combat, endless dialogue. Repeatedly waiting 7 hours just to get to the next bombastic eikon fight that lasts 10 minutes.

    • @levitastic
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I dont like action games, they just bore me, like devil may cry, started, quit the same day. That’s why i feel this is not for me.

    • @jumarob
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I’ve been playing this every chance I get since release and I have been enjoying it a lot. 30+ hours later I am still enjoying combat and love its story. For me it has been good buy but I must say that if I had not upgraded my GPU it would probably not been the case. I had a 8gb rtx 3070 and the game did not run well enough in the demo but with an rtx 4070 ti super it runs very well. I do not know if it would run well on 1080p but for my 1440p monitor even with upscaling the 8 gb VRAM was not enough.

    • @JustFeral
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Ultrawide has a community fix as does the 30FPS limit on cutscene in the same mod.

    • @rounakmanna5916
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I was so excited for this game. Then i got to know they are using goddamn Denuvo nowadays

    • @Wimpiethe3
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Been thinking for days to get this. This should decide it. Thanks Mort!

    • @ninjason57
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I played the demo. It was fine. I assumed I would eventually try it once it goes on sale.

    • @Telebkarna
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    quote: “if you’re bringing a game to PC, the default control scheme there keyboard and mouse should be up to snuff”
    Man, all devs and studios should keep your point in the top 5 priorities when they are working on such projects! along with designing UX NOT based on scrolling down infinite list of items with a stick. Thanks for the 100% review!

    • @dynamiczero
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I think it was a good experiment and a great way to give new life to the franchise, mostly as a palate cleanser after XV’s mess. I enjoyed it but it’s a very flawed game. The characters are good but they don’t reach any of the highs that we’ve seen in past games, and the main plot is sometimes weirdly written. However, I must say that the eikon battles, despite being very spectacle-based and not really deep in terms of gameplay, were a very high point for me. I love FF summons and their depiction here was just excellent imo

    • @philosopherperv
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Sounds like an easy skip. Thanks for the in-depth review!

    • @mojophonic
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    another calm, thoughtful, no hype or drama review by the best RPG reviewer on the platform!

    • @abysskun9518
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    One thing I don’t understand is people complaining about side quests, for me they are the exact same as every other sidequest in other games, just a chore task to get some reward. At least here we gave some world building.

    • @siamesegiant
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    It’s a great 15 hour game stretched over 50. There was zero challenge, I think I died once through pure laziness.

    • @hellonation33
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    My graphics card can’t play the FF16 😢. Amd 580

    • @lunatic447
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    i feel like the progression system is a symptom of CBU3’s MMO resume. FFXIV streamlined the progression where its easy to get into hardcore content, ultimate being the exception. this is really nice for people who dont make the MMo their second job but also feels unrewarding to people who dont usually raid. Also i think having final fantasy mode from the get go whould be nice. i like 15 but for some reason i usually dont resonate that much with the Nomura style games, 16 turned out to be one of my favs, but i think story wise shadowbringers till 6.0 endwalker is CBU3s peak narrativwise. compared to matsuno, maehiros aproach to writing is good but feels less focused. if they ever going todo another single player game with the fftactics world vibe, then i hope thed use matsuno for worldbuilding and ishikawa for fleshing out characters

    • @Monostane
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Love your content, keep it up man!

    • @jakardvalentine3377
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Good review for a mediocre game but a little late don’t you think ? The game got out like two years ago

    • @GoalOrientedLifting
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    leaving comment for the algorithm, cause your reviews are the best

    • @Behemothius
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The game is 6/10 at most.

    • @38MBH
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Biggest challenge for me would be the main character being called Clive. . .

    • @ShuraBeem
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    After playing Wu kong well It leaves much to be desire…. after Cid died it falls off for me, generic and boring. Combats aren’t that deep either. HP sponge enemies, stagger mechanics, combo’s spam and that’s about it. Eikons fight and boss fight are great but that is about it for me, before you get there, it takes the magic away. Just plain boring

    • @PiiskaJesusFreak
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I’m looking forward to God of war: Ragnarok review. I just finished 2018 GoW, and it was significantly better than I expected. Pretty much the only issue was that basic enemies had too much HP for immersion especially on higher difficulties.

    • @ChannelRaznoff
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Played this at launch on PS5. I really enjoyed the revenge arc in the beginning, but after the time skip, the story fell off for me. It just sort of devolved into misery porn and I had no motivation to save the world. The ending kind of killed the game for me. I don’t like open endings. I think they’re cheap, pretentious, and unfulfilling. I haven’t had any urge to go back to the game after finishing it. The only other FF I’ve never played a second time is FFXV.

    • @joepeglegmorgan3015
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Can you do a Throne and Liberty review or first impressions?its a korean MMO but its relesing on 1st October on the west and its free.

    • @eytbits
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I played this game after wukong and boy it didn’t even come close. I shoud’ve waited for a sale

    • @earlyonsettinnitus
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    if you want to play a proper jrpg this ain’t it, if you’re a fan of DMC and platinum games’ work than you might like this.

    • @laddjuuzo4998
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I guess I’m going to get it on PC and give it a replay especially since I didn’t even know it even had DLC. But man by the end of the game I was wanting to bash my head against the wall with some of the side quests. Hands down some of the most beautiful boss fights in gaming though, and a really good story.

    • @clifcorcoran9917
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    This Sixteenth Final Fantasy YouTube Jazz 🎶

    • @lucystoole4355
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I think you gave a very fair and honest review of this game. Love your stuff man keep it up and thanks for the video 👍🏽

    • @DL-cs2cj
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I love seeing Square try new systems and bringing in the DMC combat director was awesome.

    The FF community is as bad as Star Wars. All these whiners that it wasn’t another ATB auto battler game, It’s okay that sometimes a game isn’t for you but when people pretend that different equates to bad they just seem salty.

    The side quest bloat and how it ruins the pacing is real though.

    • @Aliens1337
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    FF16 is both a 10/10 and a 6/10 game at the same time. Insane highs (the kaiju battles and the music) but also very low lows (a ton of boring outdated MMO-style fetch quests).

    Im a huge fan of action games like DMC, Bayo and GoW, so Im biased and say the combat was great. Story was fine. I wish they stick with the more mature GOT style medieval fantasy in the first half. The second half just turns into a generic snd convoluted “kill gods” type of JRPG. Overall, an 8.5/10 for me. One of the better FF entries with very noticeable flaws.

    • @Demonling
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    My 2 cents ; great FF, bad RPG.

    • @Karanagi
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The game had it’s highs and lows. My favorite parts were anytime Cid was involved. I thought Ralph Ineson did a tremendous job of voicing him, and his chemistry with Clive (Ben Starr, also great voice acting) always had my attention.

    • @1ben99
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Everyone should download the mod for this game which unlocks the FPS during cutscenes so theyre not stuck at 30fps. The mod also adds wide-screen support.

    • @ArtOfDyingWell
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The best way I can describe the flaws of this game is you can tell it’s an MMO team’s first try at single player.

    • @klnz1107
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Love ff thought this game was terrible. Couldn’t wait to finish story and it was not good

    • @Yaboi-cs4je
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    heck yeah I was just wondering about this one haha

    • @ataridc
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Its nuts how much more in depth 2006s Ff12 is compared to this mess. Better world. Way way more monster variety. Deeper systems. Bummer.

    • @SkyFellowship
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Absolutely hated the story

    Got it at launch on PS5 and was so bored was skipping every cut scene.

    After 90 mins of play realised that this just isn’t FF to me

    Prefer the sci fi ones by a mile than the knock off GOT ones

    • @armelior4610
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    It’s a detail, but I can’t get over the fact that the protagonist of a Final fantasy game is called “Clive”. Next time Bob in FF17 ? 😀

    • @andyreichert499
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I feel like they got a lot of the big things right, but really fell down on the small details. They should have done more to encourage mixing up your build as you got new powers, better paced the side quests, added a little depth to the crafting, etc… But I enjoyed the story and the world, and the gameplay.

    • @godword99
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I disagree on respec I like experiment so it’s a godsend to me. lol

    • @CvntForceDrama
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I hope they at least realize that they have lost a lot of long time fans by trivializing the role playing aspects of the series. No one was asking for an action based final fantasy game. I hope they go back to turn based next. Fingers crossed.

    • @rejectxz
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Cool game but super shitty performance

    • @takezomiyamoto1390
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Have you considered dividing your videos into ´chapters´ so people can quickly navigate to the content they´re interested in ??

    • @AlwaysOnA3Bar
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Great review. Pretty much if you like God of War, DBZ and Game of Thrones then you’ll probably like this game lol. I think it was a good one off game. I would like to see a more party based rpg for 17 though.

    • @drguga07
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    another great video- i agree with your review for all you said. Clean audio too, satisfying to listen to ahha

    • @Brian0wns
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The gums flapping during side quests was also hilarious in Visions of Mana.

    • @nc630
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    One of the most overrated games in recent memory.

    • @Suikojunkie
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    This is a very underwhelming jrpg. Good character action game though. Stranger Of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin has way more rpg mechanics than this.

    • @Abken.
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I wonder how it compares to the 1 year older God of War Ragnarok since both seem to fit into the action genre. GOWR looks a bit more refined than FF16 (just from observing the FF16 gameplay), but it might be as refined. I will probably try the demo. I didn’t even know about it!

    • @connormatthews522
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    man there is so much going on on the screen, can it be toned down? my eyes hate it hahaha as beautiful as it looks

    • @djtoxicdhg
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I gota edmit outside of the badass cutseens and story being kinda good the game was really really boring

    • @Duckman8213
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Have you played FF7 Remake on PC? Will you play FF7 Rebirth on PC when that comes out?

    • @ronuss
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    yeah i think the game tried to do action and rpg and didn’t do either one very well. It’s held up still by its story and characters which were great. For me though it was a good action game but a disappointing FF game as FF games to me are party based rpgs, and this game is not that at all. The party is an illusion and half the time you forget there even there.

    • @joevincent5408
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm


    • @walterheisenberg4625
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    This game certainly has its good moments, but the bloat is BAD. I just rushed through the final 20% or so as fast as possible because I was so over the bloat.

    • @OtaldeMaciel
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Queria que Final Fantasy voltasse a ser linear igual ao X, isso sim era jogo

    • @Flyzoola
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    Honey, come quick! I got a Mortis upload right when it dropped!

    • @gondalasatvarsh5892
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I always get shocked by how quickly you put these out! New mic is great too.

    • @Duckman8213
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    It’s a fun game to play. If I have nothing else to play or i just don’t want to focus on anything very much I just replay mobs fights with Stage Replay and that enough for me.

    Also as someone who play all FF games within one year I do prefer the party system. Thankfully FF7 Rebirth gave me the party system for the 180 hours it took me to 100% it.
    So gameplay wise FF7 Rebirth is much better but story wise I would prefer FF16 simply because it a full game story and not just 2/3 of discs 1 of 3 disks of the original FF7 game.

    • @renendell
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I played this game for three days straight and I haven’t even finished the story.

    Mortym is a machine.

    • @VincentAmadeus
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I just started, on my 6th hours now!

    • @shortshins
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm


    • @snorkman2
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    The new mic sounds great!

    • @bozeal100
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm


    • @WalkerBest5624
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm


    • @elvenking9922
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    11 seconds ago is wild.

    • @exiledcowboy298
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm

    I just started playing this game on PS5, nice to see your review is already done

    • @bortobor7
    • 2024年 9月 26日 11:25pm