Final Fantasy 16 PC – This One’s Heavy – Tech Review + Optimised Settings


Final Fantasy 16 has arrived on PC – and let’s just say that it’s a demanding game. Built with dynamic resolution scaling in mind on PS5-class hardware, it’s a port that pushes PC hard if you stick to fixed resolutions. Alex and Oliver share notes on the game, then move onto the optimised settings and PS5 equivalents put together by contributor Mohammed Rayan.

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00:00 Introduction
00:43 Midrange PC impressions
06:48 High-end PC impressions
12:44 Other issues
15:29 Optimised settings and PS5 settings
20:59 How could FF16 be updated for PS5 Pro?
24:02 Conclusion



  • コメント (71)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @BrotherO4
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    i would love a DOF, chroma, and any other visural effects to have an off switch.

    • @kaylee42900
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    The VRS stuff I always find interesting. You assume there is a reason for it. Or that some test at some point would have shown it impacting performance. But then I remembered Kaze’s video on SM64 where he found a bunch of algorithms they used to “improve” performance that were net 0 / worse because doing the optimization itself costs some amount of processing power (nothing is free). It really makes me wonder if there are some similar cases in modern rendering pipelines (especially tools like UE4/5)

    • @panopsata3038
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    This game heats up my GPU a lot even with the side panel removed lol and with AC cranked up in my room.

    • @IuriFiedoruk
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    As a software engineer, it really bothers me how BADLY optimized Square-Enix games use to be. C’mon, forget about characters for a moment and look at those PS3-era-like scenarios!
    I know they add a lot of effects light light and shadow over it, but still, a game that has not that impactful visuals should never run that bad, you are just using the times in the wrong places/effects. It is just shameful. The sole reason PS5 Pro exists is because FF7 rebirth is bad optimized.
    I remember an era, when PC gaming was dying, before Steam, that one of the reasons was that developers put zero effort in optimization and just told users to upgrade to current year hardware. Because yeah, right, everyone will just change their PCs once in a year, like burning dollar bills to smoke it. Square might be in that cycle, and if they do not move away from it before going bankrupt.

    • @kevinsecrets
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    thank you digital foundry 🙏

    • @76_SPZL
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Dang, all this talk about FFXVI makes me want to play it again. I flew through it when it came out on PS5. Super fun.

    • @prototype_-
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Lookin good Ollie!

    • @alphaomega154
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    PC gamers again comparing some 500 bucks console to 2000 dollars PC. you cant expect humans be appropriate.
    is germans still funding genocide?
    oh you would say “but no 550 dollars PC can make good comparison”. well there you go. then why make it sound like PS5 is awful? if your 550 dollars PC cant even hold a candle against it?

    • @KidFrom106
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    If you are playing this game download the mod fix it is a must

    • @Saieden
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I do wonder if there is some asset JIT asset loading shenagins, it is a homebrew engine and I suspect they may have relied a bit too much on the PS5 direct storage.

    • @OwtDaftUK
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I finished it on PS5 when it came out but wanted to see what it was like on my PC and it’s unplayable on mine. My PC is too old.

    • @kaylee42900
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Literally LOLed at the 360p prerendered cutscene. Amazing.

    • @turtletaub-f9t
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Really poor PC ports from Japanese studios, why are we surprised anymore? They shouldn’t even bother. For battle effects to cause such drops they must be so large or badly programmed.

    • @FaizYousuf-r1b
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Digital foundary has ruined gaming low key

    • @zenfamilydental6228
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    5:00 I am pretty sure it’s actually a SSD vs NVMe issue. I lost those frame spikes when I was able to cache the game data in to RAM. So maybe those spikes could be removed in the midrange if you were to upgrade the drive that the game is installed on.

    • @jeffreysmith7377
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Played this a year ago on PS5. Who cares at this point..

    • @PatrickJanz
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Love the game obviously good performance on my rig and using the mod.

    • @SlayerSeraph
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I played the Entire game on PS5 on Quality Mode with: Motion Blur 3, No Auto Tracking on Movement – and both Camera Speed increased: This resulted in dramatically smoother and much better motion handling and image clarity in exploration and combat. However, PS5 (or Pro at least) should have 40 FPS Mode running in 120Hz Container set on Quality Mode graphics settings. Hopefully PS5 Pro can provide that at least – but Japanese Devs seem unaware of 40 FPS in 120H Container option

    • @JaiArah
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I was waiting for this one!

    • @royconestoga7326
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Stable performance. Y’all must’ve had that ps5 pro cause that game’s performance was unplayable.

    • @marcincudo5116
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    It’s not working on my old good RX580 ;(

    • @f.9344
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    YES; i have neen waiting for this

    • @Die-Coughman
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Anyone else getting audio stutters in combat? Im running Ryzen 7 5700x, 4070 12gb Gddr6x and running the game off of a sata SSD. I would like to try to run it off my nvme SSD to test if storage speed is the issue but i literally just don’t have the space.

    • @PAIN007NAGATO
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    did bro compare 4090 to a ps5 damn my braincellss are gone

    • @snarlynx1
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Thank God I was struggling with max settings with a 3080 ti

    • @desmond3245
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I think it’s time to up that ‘mid-range’ ryzen 3600 to something like a 5600. 3600 was mid range when it came out FIVE years ago. In 2024, it’s minimum spec for most games.

    • @Chasm9
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    This game is too soft even at 4K DLAA. It needs a sharpening slider or something 🤔

    • @liaminwales
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    13:28 I want chunky sharp pixels over a blur filter!

    • @regularguy3879
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Am I the only one who had an ok experience (except for minor stuttering) on 1080p Rx 6600 and Ryzen 2600 (yeah, terrible, I know) ?

    Okay experience except the game itself because it’s boring as hell xd

    • @tyo101
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Shader-compilation stutter?

    • @Vincornelis
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    FF16 is the most accessible Final Fantasy ever. It’s feature complete unlike 15 and a real spectacle. This is a game where creators had a vision and stuck to it. Most people who have issues with it are older fans and while I can see why and may even agree with some points this really is a great game and well worth checking out for yourself. Perhaps especially if you weren’t the biggest fan of previous entries or perceive FF games as being somewhat convoluted. This is just a great action game with an interesting story and world.

    • @antont4974
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Game looks interesting, but I would probably wait for a hardware update myself

    • @Raidxn96
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I’m getting 150-180 fps with max settings and frame generation on a 4080 super. Though I’m only a few hours in so that may change

    • @gavinderulo12
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Those stutters might be due to the game saving.

    • @flimermithrandir
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Biggest Issue is still their Engine they use from back then. White Engine or Crystal Tools that got eaten by Luminous Engine later on. I will assume that all this Engine Work on all those Games simultaneously too was not the best Call.

    You can already see it when comparing to Rebirths UE4 Engine they used. Thats an completely different Engine which i love… dont get me wrong there… but they did not have much actual practice with and it also does have Issues at Times… and that one STILL did better regardless.

    Imo that is the biggest Problem SE has. They would need to Re re redo their Engine and actually fix it. Or switch to UE or Decima maybe. Something like that might be an Option they might have to actually consider. Because yes, FF16 at Times is rough. The Game is arguably one of the Best Games ever made. But the Performance is not.

    • @warpath2273
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Performance is absolute garbage on Steam Deck, but playable if it’s your only way to play like it is for me. Weirdly, combat tends to be able to hold close to 30 FPS better than exploration/hub activities, which are often in the low 20s. Cutscenes drop into the teens. I’m running everything on low with FSR3 set to Performance, so not sure how much more juice we can squeeze out of this one, but maybe there’s possibility for a black magic update or mod to make it more palatable. It’s a testament to the quality of the game that I’m still enjoying myself even with the abysmal performance.

    • @Trai1b1aze
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    LyallFFXVIFix mod on github fixed the 30fps cutscene limit issue for me in demo and full release as well. Also gives lot of other options like adding ultrawide, fov options, DOF on/on and framegen on/off in cutscenes etc.

    • @Necromass-v1o
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Probably tied with Red Dead Redemption 2 as the most boring game I’ve ever played.

    • @mehe
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    These problems look like they could be cause by DENUVO anti tamper

    • @ltManifesto
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    The ultrawide mod and unlocked framerate cutscenes mod are game changers. Please download them

    • @CaptainBlaine
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Did yall inject horse tranquilizer into Alex for this one? He’s surprisingly calm. After playing for quite some time myself, I’ve noticed a lot of issues. I expected a rant from Alex lol.
    I have pretty much the best hardware you can get, and I feel like the performance is very much lacking. It’s juddery as hell, especially after it runs for a while, it seems. The cutscenes are the most egregious. And oddly, it seems to run worse than the demo did.

    • @evolancer211
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Nice i can apply whatever settings you use to maximize my gameplay lol thanks
    I cannot for the life of me get my controller working with this game. I tried wireless and wired, uninstalled and reinstalled the xbox controller drivers and still nothing! I have never played a FF game with a keyboard and mouse, it’s weird ha

    • @monkfishy6348
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Yeah I think I’ll wait. No surprises there. Seems like there’s never any reason to play a game at launch anymore.

    • @Jo21
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    it runs much better ps5… than with 2070 super

    • @RodimusPrime29
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    So I “should” fair a lil better at the midrange with a 5600 & 7800xt 32gb Ram then?

    • @TechGamesAU
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Are we praising games for only hitting 60fps on the highest end PC hardware now?

    • @lucbauer
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    waiting for mods to include elemental damage and negative status that Square-Anus had forgotten to implement in the game…

    • @beardalaxy
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Love it when a video comes out just as I search for it lol. Performance is definitely heavy. With the help of setting the game’s process to high priority and a mod that unlocks the cutscene fps though, I’m having a great time! 2080ti and a 10600k at stock, 4k max settings with dynamic res dlss. Running very close to 60fps. Only issue I really have is some weird foliage pop-in. Great game so far!

    • @hitsukora
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Im beyond disappointed in todays PC games. Running a 7900 GRE and while I usually get more than 60fps on 1440p XeSS quality, In some areas I dont even reach that.
    The game looks good, nothing groundbreaking, so not even getting 60fps on native 1440p is more than insulting.
    Besides that, FSR3 looks extremely artifacted in this game. Im not happy.

    • @bloodgodalucard4769
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    I’m looking forward to replaying this on PC. It ran so terribly on console. Especially launch week with that horrendous motion blur. Felt like Someone rubbed a whole jar of Vaseline in my eyes. Thankfully Sony’s filthy under the table money ran out now. So we can get a proper version of this game at last. I wish 3rd party companies wouldn’t do timed console exclusives. Just let it be on everything day one so everyone can play how they want.

    • @fritzneumann1714
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm


    • @TheIndulgers
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    “We at DF had a lot of praise for FF16 when it arrived last year on the ps5…” the game’s performance was trash tier. It couldn’t even maintain 60fps while dipping to 720p.

    What years is it? 2003!? I literally was playing at better framerate and resolution on release of HL2.

    And let’s not even bring up the gameplay 🤢

    • @MadManTnT
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Great lighting on you, Alex. 😀

    • @luism8130
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    This game runs amazing on my rig. I’ve only tried the demo because I’ve already beat the PS5 version. I really wish Sony would stop gatekeeping 3rd party titles.

    • @87crimson
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Can you compare PS5 vs 2070 super as you did previously? 4070ti seems overkill to compare.

    • @deathtrooper2048
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Still no damn Xbox port.

    • @Morden97
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    With my 4070ti thia game looks incredibly gorgeous and i almost want to buy it again on steam.. the ps5 version was absolutely TERRIBLE in comparison

    • @markdavenportjr5129
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Ya my cpu ram etc needs to have some upgrading. 🙂

    • @twocityfoodies8476
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    This was my goty last year. The first FF game that I felt matched the level of the Sakaguchi FF games from FFX and before. Something had been missing in the single player games after he was forced out of Square because of The Spirits Within. The story was epic along with the music and graphics to match. I finished it 3 times along with both DLCs. Loved it all! Glad Alex mentioned the game was designed to run at 30fps. I’ve always felt that and they wanted that “cinema” feel to it. I think the 60fps mode was added on at the end of development forced by Sony and Square just gave an option with nothing changing much.

    • @nappingbronco279
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    this will be the top comment for no reason

    • @Iopipimps
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Scratching my head how lossless scaling frame gen can get less visual issues than the ingame fsr gen

    • @GeniusEliteZ
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    played the demo on my 4070Ti Super, it was a decent experience.
    glad i switched to PC masterrace this year, consoles are dying.

    • @mattmanley7118
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Thinking about getting this, but before I do, I will definitely watch the video. I ran the demo quite well, but those 30 FPS locked cut scenes are very noticeable obviously.

    No wonder on console it’s so demanding. I will see what patches inevitably arrive but it seems like a solid port

    • @FSAPOJake
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    The game’s extremely heavy and unoptimized on PS5, so it’s no surprise it’s the same case on PC.

    If anything, the performance is right in line with the PS5 version (if you consider performance improvements and how it scales with hardware stronger than PS5) so at least it didn’t get any less efficient.

    • @HorseheadNebula85
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Between this and the new Ragnarok port, should be a great weekend.

    • @Mitch93636
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm


    • @GordonGordon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    hehehe. oh yeah. that shadow setting on PS5 performance was AWFUL.

    • @GordonGordon
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    This game was done on Square’s internal Crystal engine, right? I think Square’s stuff is so utterly bespoke to their target hardware (here, in this case, PS5), that I bet the porting process is a lot of connecting wires from random boxes only enough to make sure they work–and very little else. I wonder if the base game was made with very few toggles or options coded in, and that to make any PC-levels of customization would require dissecting into spaghetti code, which would just be an engineering nightmare.

    Glad they took feedback from the demo to optimize code at the last second though. Kind of wish they had the opportunity to release the demo even sooner and had it clearly labeled as a guinea pig for community testing and optimization. I bet the community would’ve liked participating in the feedback toward optimization on all the different rig configs out in the wild. Seems like they were able to do a lot from the demo feedback in the weeks leading up to the release–imaging what a few months might have done in helping the internal team.

    • @brendanconaway
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Alexxxxxxxxx don’t spin so fast I literally got sick twice during this video and your jedi survivor video haha

    • @shadow6899
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Could the spikes you’re seeing be because of direct storage?

    • @MetsukiR
    • 2024年 9月 20日 11:25pm

    Seems like a pretty decent port.