Final Fantasy 16 (PC) – Before You Buy


Final Fantasy XVII is now on PC! How is it? Let’s talk.
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Taqs:ff16,final fantasy 16 PC,ff16 pc review,ff16 pc port,final fantasy 16 pc port,FF16 PC graphics,before you buy final fantasy 16,before you buy final fantasy 16 pc,ff16 pc gameplay,ff16 PC before you buy,ff16 game review,final fantasy 16 pc game review,gameranx,falcon,before you buy,final fantasy,final fantasy pc


  • コメント (459)

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    • @benerio1664
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s one of the best Final Fantasy ever made with great story. With actually likeable characters. I’m a long time FF fans, XVI has been the best experience with FF for me.

    • @abraxis59
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    If I had the option to buy it day one when it was first released I definitely would have bought it immediately. Now that I know what it is and it has already been so long, I will just wait for it to be on discount. It looks like fun, but it is not must play fun for me.

    • @Kingdom_of_Basil
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Haters gonna hate. But I’d be surprised if FF 17, 18, 19 don’t live up to this. I thoroughly enjoyed XVI for what it is, highly recommend.

    • @cmherg98
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    In my honest opinion, this is one of the best games I have ever played. I understand why some Final Fantasy fans aren’t used to this type of game but the quality is EXTREMELY high and the story is incredible. It continues to ramp up from start to finish and for me the combat is endlessly fun. It manages to balance challenge while still making you feel like a god. excited to play this on PC soon

    • @brandondunn6061
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Do you EVER use your keyboard and mouse? You know, half the reason for having a pc….

    • @sharksocks8130
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Even as an action game, is mid at best

    • @FlurOchi
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s funny is that Square Enix just put out something how they aren’t happy with the sales of FF7 rebirth and FF16 but they are locked to ps5 which isn’t even a thing about xbox but rather the massive PC community which made no sense to lock the game away from

    • @angieraye6273
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Lot of people having trouble running the game. It runs great if your PC can handle it. DLSS and Frame gen work well and don’t make the game look bad. It’s a good PC port!

    And people that don’t like the gameplay should give it a chance, the start is pretty bare when it comes to combat but unlocking new Ekons, once you have three in your arsenal the combat get’s so much better! (Though it get’s better after unlocking the second ekon in my opinion)

    • @HeavenlySaviour
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This looks good. I can only enjoy action games where you can actually do the fighting and not a turn based combat

    • @MathewGreen-lf4mp
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s a great game just not Final Fantasy.

    • @jessechristensen1074
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The scripted losses in this game make me mad. I wreck in a fight then boom, cut scene of me getting tossed around like a redheaded step child.

    • @seiji_senpai
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    dragons Dogma 2 is on sale right now so im torn between the 2, which one should i go for guys? what do you suggest is a better experience

    • @josephgamble2230
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Final Fantasy has to have the most remakes than Resident Evil. No Wonder they manage to have high sales and high prices

    • @samanderson5215
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Funko Fusion before you buy?

    • @osto1964
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This just kinda looks boring, I can’t explain it. It just looks like mediveal devil may cry.

    • @WibisonoDanu
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Square enix tryna become western.

    • @lufeikun4385
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am


    • @DanteMasaru
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Gee…It’s almost as if developing for one platform, which is not only easier, but cost-effective, the developers are able to bring out the most potential of said platform. As opposed to if FFXVI was a simultaneous multiplatform release, it would’ve likely resulted in a less than optimal one, which is putting it lightly in most cases. Exclusivity has its benefits.

    • @jaivang4793
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The problem with PC is ripping files, so more rule34…

    • @JasonTheOneAndOnly
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Tbh i dont mind it but there going to far away from final fantasy, if you want an action game, make a new ip. What i wouldnt give to have my turn based battles back.

    • @TheZoenGaming
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The game has a demo. Just try that before you buy.

    • @uncleclaps44
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    something i noticed in the ps5 and pc demo is the dragoon you fight in pheonix gate pops in which breaks immersion for that scene, also that dragoon is voiced by the same azure dragoon in 14 Estinien

    • @scotts9691
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF16 kind of blows

    • @Phoenix142
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Finally a full FF release worth playing. Been a while.

    • @andrex1456
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Expectations are so crucial for this game. For a lot of older final fantasy fans, it’s pretty different. I would argue that final fantasy has always been a franchise that switches things up, but that’s a different conversation. If you don’t really like what you see or are on the fence, I don’t blame anyone for not wanting to gouge $70 out of their wallet
    That being said, being a pretty new final fantasy fan having really hit my stride with 14 and 7R, then going back in time to play others; This game truly felt like everything they promised, and everything I wanted it to be and more. I honestly can’t think of anything about the game that straight out contradicts what was promised to us during interviews, trailers, panels, ect. Some may not love the story, it’s not my favorite but I think it’s good, but really, you have to know what you’re getting into. Because personally, it was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. I won’t say which ones, but three big boss fights in a row kept being my new favorite boss fight in any game ever

    • @TheJaBuLs
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Love the game but the PC port is NOT great, it’s actually one of the worst square has made, I’m guessing you’re much more of a console gamer to have not noticed all the major issues with the port. Settings are missing, resolutions are all over the place, upscaling and frame gen barely works, horrible stutter that square has been working on fixing for months now and to no avail which also causes dropped inputs, fps locked cutscenes which also fuck with the fps of the game itself once the cutscene is over, horrible use of the gpu as the charts will show 100% usage but the gpu will barely be pulling any power, massive fps drops all over the place, lighting is horrible with near constant flickering, texture pop in is constant on every setting, and this is all on a 4090 with a 7800x3d and 64gb ddr5 and running off a samsung 990 pro nvme. Honestly it’s one of the worst ports in recent years. The initial 2-3 hours of the game run flawlessly but as soon as you get out of the demo area it immediately goes to shit. Wait for patches and a sale.

    • @fgytred8915
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Battle theme are god tier level

    • @mauricesewell2531
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    As someone who knows nothing about the final fantasy universe. This game is amazing. !!!

    • @AKSBSU
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The settings on the demo went haywire and kept defaulting back to Low and FSR1 when I messed around with a few settings. I think VRS toggle caused this to happen. It also does not display ultrawide correctly, displaying black bars like Elden Ring. Maybe the PS5 Pro will finally be able to run this correctly. I the base PS5 version that I own had a horrendously ugly performance mode and I stopped playing hoping that would be improved via update or a better version that runs and displays properly was released. The search continues…

    • @BlakeCDMedia
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I also really enjoyed FFXVI. Much better than Dawnfail. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean. 😉

    • @Erlaxis
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Awesome game. Hope people who have not played it really enjoy it. There’s no way I would have waited to play it for so long. Life’s too short.

    • @spooner7637
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Honestly my only complaint with this game is it’s almost too easy…but loving it. Anyone who says “oh this isn’t like the old final fantasy’s” well no shit. Square has been going away from TB combat since 15 and they have been extremely upfront about it. If you want this game but in turn based combat go play triangle strategy (also a great game)

    • @AJay-lp2bo
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    As a PC player, being able to adjust settings before the game kicks off is HUGE. Especially audio, because the audio settings are usually not mixed to my liking (i.e. music way too loud).

    • @EMSTechs
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    A falcons wingspan is not actually that big compared to other birds of prey. Just saying

    • @ninja226
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Disagree a lot on performance. Not sure what your build is, but I run a 14900K, 4090 and on my 240hz Oled it is blurry AF and has a lot of frame issues.

    • @Omygames
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    People that hate on the game for what it isn’t, but what they wish it was…is stupid. Judge a game for what it is, not what you want it to be & isn’t.

    • @brandonn161
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    For me, the game is a stutter feast. Even in the 30fps locked cutscene, there are still stutter. Quite jarring and unfortunate. Esp when I played this right after Wukong, which, for me, was buttery smooth.

    • @NOTnightowl
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I’m just waiting for GTA VI. Honestly, even if you don’t care for it, it’s undeniable what it’ll do for gaming. Publishers won’t be able to be as lazy and we might actually get some quality again in AAA gaming.

    • @joshuacharette993
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I also enjoyed this game. Understanding that it’s a action game; I enjoyed the combat & I really liked the main character.

    • @redhat7730
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Thank you for addressing the elephant! I have thought about it “barely being an RPG” since I’ve played through it twice. I’m afraid I will piss off my community alone saying this, but in my heart it’s always been there. That being said, it holds a hard 2nd place as my favorite ff game. Might be cliche but vii, vii rebirth/remake is always going to be #1

    • @gatewayrealtor664
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Oh man! You know who I just realized Falcon sounds like? The Stoner from Cabin in the Woods; just slightly deeper. Actor was also n the show Dollhouse. They have matching speech mannerisms and cadence lol.

    • @dadkwashere
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    What if FFXIV was a single player game?

    • @VergilFermin
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Not a big FF but having a DMC dev work on the combat system really lures me into getting this.

    • @earlbond2929
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I cant wait for the repack! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Well, Dodi will definitely let me know if I should buy.

    • @yareyarebankai6841
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    My Gaurda nude mod is working quite nicely 😏

    • @thehorsefromhorsinabout
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    the battle system wasn’t my favorite but I thought the story was great.

    • @kidistight
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I haven’t played a FFX game since 12 so I went in with one idea in mind. I played the demo and love how the demo progress can be transferred over. However I was expecting more involved party members. The combat was real meh to me, very repetitive with very subpar side quests. I like the rates to fight but repetitive monsters to grind out in the world was meh. Not much variety. Kind of underwhelming game IMO. A lot of open space with not a lot going on. Gives me the impression everyone is just waiting for me to show up on the map to start moving.

    • @JayRacer
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    If you want to uncap the 30 FPS Cutscenes and/or mod the ultrawide into it, UltrawideNexus has a video posted that links to the github download.

    • @Da_Shrooms
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s honestly an incredibly good game, when you aren’t at home base. The pacing is absolutely mind boggling. Every chapter they amp up the stakes, bigger monsters and battles, better music, bigger fights, more effects, but in between each chapter you’re forced to do garbage side quest level stuff like pick flowers. It’s usually pretty quick and you’re back to the action, but all side content is frankly ass. Can recommend if you like action games and are ok with some weird pacing.

    • @sephirothjc
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I’m playing it on PS5 for the first time and loving it, combat reminds me a bit of God of War 2018 which is also one of my favorite games. The game is lacking in terms of exploration, being a lot more like FFVII Remake than Rebirth, but I can live with that. All in all, this might become my second favorite FF after VII.

    • @GaryThompson-d8t
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Walker Susan Moore Laura White George

    • @SJSharkByte
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    constant audio issues, had to refund in under an hour. Maybe I’ll get back to it if it gets fixed….

    • @Frostwache
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    As much i like all FF parts till now idk if i gonna buy this one . Action Combat isnt quite what i want from a FF game even if its well made i prefer turn based or at like stuff like they did in FF XII with the gambit system so i can at least autorun the action fights after i setup the perfect gambit strategy…

    • @Joshii_Kawashii
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF fans are annoying, their favorite FF is the “Best” FF and I’m sick of hearing that shit. I would imagine if this game was at the low quality of FF15 but come on yall. I like the opening of this game, It gave the motivation time to cook and has that fun Dragoon fight with the iconic FF4 posed. Played the demo and can’t wait to experience the rest of the game.

    • @aza1479
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Great game dlc good too

    • @dedantisocial3315
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Final fantasy 16 and still no ultrawide support for 32×9. There’s a flawless widescreen fix for it though.

    • @clyde24skywalker
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    can my 10 year old pc with gtx1650 play this 🥲

    • @rsmith8113
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF16 was amazing! Especially the soundtrack and boss fights

    • @acidtux
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I already played the base game on PS5 and wasn’t too sure about the dlc content so I didn’t buy it back when it released. But now that I know that they have the decency of selling the base game on PC for 50 and not 70 I’ll probably get it with dlc on sale, I’ll give the dlc a try since they are somewhat honest about it. And replaying the base game with better performance over a year later with less vivid memories is not going to be a bad time I guess

    • @Ypervoliko
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    you can literally feel how much falcon loved to make this before you buy clip

    • @acamacho023
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I think they missed an opportunity with this story, Clive’s mom should’ve gotten a lot more screen time than she did, so should the villains. In the end though, the only problem with this game is that it ends. I will end my 2 cents with 2 words that should tell you how good this game was.

    Puppy Torgal.

    • @HannahPen-e2n
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    ..the only dislike about it is the elemental weakness and resistance has been removed when that’s one of the staple combat mechanics of the FF. Apart from that I love it. Of course, I cant hide the fact that the eikon battles brought back the thrill and excitement I felt from FFXV. God I still remember the Titan and Leviathan fights. Epic!

    • @jairozamora608
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Thanks for acknowledging that the recent PS5 update broke the game, I did a lot of digging since I thought my PS5 had a hardware issue, just to find out other players had graphical issues and crashes over at reddit. Love the game, recently completed all Fantasy games but this one is special to me since it is a mix between Devil May Cry and final fantasy more like an ARPG.

    • @nickdibiase3152
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    your description is EXCTLY what I was looking for in a game today! getting this tomorrow

    • @nicholaslim878
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Pls do enotria next!

    • @swagcannon8847
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I have played every Final Fantasy game to date and none of them has disappointed me.

    • @suiyan6297
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    For me, it was a good game… and disappointing at the same time. It was not a Final Fantasy game. Absolutely no secrets whatsoever for you to go after. Truly sad… but the game is not bad, just not Final Fantasy, which was the reason for me to buy it.

    • @PlayinWithGhosts
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The mod to unlock the cutscene frame rate on launch day was the icing on the top. Runs like absolute butter on my setup. 🤌🏻

    • @jier9904
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF has always been their “experimental” series, while Dragon Quest is their staple, more consistent franchise that still have turn-based combat even now.

    • @JJGateway01
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I’m surprised you say the opening is your least favorite. I thought the opening was the best part and was disappointed that the best part of the game was the first two hours in terms of story. The side quests were fucking dog shit most of the time too. The worst part about the game was that every new town had you repeat the same badge quest thing, which thematically makes no sense as well. A single badge is not going to eliminate all issues. In terms of the characters, all the good ones died too early. It left the more mellow characters survive which led to no contrast in the cast, and that was a significant flaw in the story as well.

    • @ThwipThwipBoom
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I’m torn with FF16, it’s highs are very high but it’s lows are also very low.

    • @CheckmateWithPawn
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Turn based combat is so boring. This is the best FF by far

    • @plastikloser
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s devil may cry final fantasy. If you don’t like dmc, you won’t like this

    • @janwatkins5523
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I loved ff16 when I played it back when it came out almost beat Spiderman 2 for my goty

    • @JamesBrown-xb7yi
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Chefs kiss on this port with 30fps cutscenes….

    • @kyrolazioko4783
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I want to support buying this on PC as I’ve already 100%d it on PS5, but I also want to wait to see how easy it is to actually mod before I purchase. I have a feeling this game will be near impossible to mod what people usually like modding; and it’ll only open itself up to basic texture pallets and shaders.
    The kind of mods I’d LIKE to see are:
    1. Character swaps without animation and rigging issues.
    2. Script mods to allow custom Hunts, enemy layouts and AI behavior.
    3. Complete model exporting, editing, and importing without the executable blocking whatever isn’t “ingrained” into its desired “DNA.”

    • @NeuroTheory
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    @ 2:19 No, it hasn’t, you silly goose!
    FFX isn’t even that old! It came out in 2001, and you should know that… That…

    Oh, God….

    • @helinsebastian
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This game is a pretty mediocre Final Fantasy game. It’s definetly one of the better modern Final Fantasy -games. But it was very repetative. Most of the sidequests were meh… The last two bosses actually gave me some challenge. But after getting the platinum trophy, I got so tired of this game that I have no intrest of even trying the DLC’s 😢

    • @danielgilvalenzuela6129
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This was my first FF ever (currently playing Remake), banger music, characters, and boss battles. It would’ve been nice to at least directly control Joshua and Torgal, and the many many side missions can be exhausting given how many of them are fetch quests, but all in all my favorite game of 2023. I’ll play it on PC after I finish platinuming it and wrap up Remake/Rebirth.

    • @ForeverMasterless
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I loved this game. It was actually the first final fantasy game I managed to finish. I’ve since beaten FF7 Remake as well. Nice to hear it runs well, but no ultrawide support feelsbadman. There’s a mod already though so I may pick it up.

    • @MadDragonify
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Unfortunately while they pushed the PC release they completely broke the game on PS5. It is unplayable right now with black void graphical glitches and even worse it’s been forcibly shutting down consoles.

    This is inexcusable and I wish there would be more attention to this.

    • @rolfathan
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I love love love action games. So seeing Final Fantasy explore another genre is great.

    • @Ligma_2024
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I haven’t liked or loved a final fantasy since 9. All these years and they have yet to make one again that I even remotely like. Its like every iteration that comes out they just don’t get it.

    • @Dex-of7ri
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Why does the audio cut so fast????!?!?!

    • @anthonygamer
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I had 4 chaptera left and gave up. This game is awful.

    • @jaredavila8142
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Before I watch- I already bought it 😅

    • @Nahthanksyouserious
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Left field I know. But I’m watching Invisible, and just realised how happy I’d be with, even just a Red Dead Redemption animated Series, in the artistic style of Invisible. It could be either like, The Animatrix, multiple stories of the settlers of the camp during the Arthur Morgan era. Prequel for Dutch, stories of side quest characters. It’s endless. Putting it here might get some notice and likes to move up the algorithm, might get Rockstar and animators interested? You could even do 10 ideas for stories to make the series. Questions answered, things explained and dug deeper.

    Worth a shot. A fecking long shot but man would it be dope af if it actually happened because of the fans.

    Don’t know if you don’t try 😅

    • @Blake-f7l
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Surprise you guys haven’t done funko fusion???

    • @Rajivrocks-Ltd.
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Next time just do multi-platform releases so that people can experience the game as it should be, with the best graphics possible! They surely learned their lessons with them saying months ago that they were dissapointed with sales.

    • @곰바지
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I tell everyone around me to expect this game to be an excellent DMC entry with FF elements

    • @evantoobrazy7604
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Finished my first play through yesterday on ps5 , such a beautiful game

    • @zInsanityy
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Just wish my pc Could handle it, the demo in the canyon ran at like 14 fps man

    • @welshmouse
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It just seems so weird to me that Final Fantasy has basically given up on RPG’s because ‘gamers don’t want them any more’, while sales continue declining and more and more traditional RPGs from smaller studios are becoming more and more popular.

    Studios seem to be letting marketing departments decide what games should be made.

    • @stevenzh7379
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Someone’s in a good mood😉

    • @MikeWeathers-fo1vs
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    “The combat system is the best part of this game.” It’s basically the ONLY part of the game. FF in name only.

    • @Fonzzz002
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Maybe too niché of a topic, but I’d love a video about “Trophies / achievements that reference real life events”.

    For example, in Uncharted 4 there is a trophy called “Stage fright”. In order to get it, you must stand still for 2 minutes at a certain part in the game. This references a real life event where Naughty Doug tried demonstrating this level, only for Nathan to do nothing due to technical issues.

    • @Kleed44
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Wow $50 for a better version of the game than what’s currently on the PS5 – I hope they get around to making PS5 performance better but I doubt it at this point 🙁

    • @raulrojas9253
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Is not even a good action game. Action games need challenge and variety, which 16 doesn’t have not even on FF mode which you unlock after your 1st playthrough, nothing changes really. Having skills on Cooldowns and pressing Square 4 times for a basic combo is not what an Action game is like.

    God, is like people have never really played DMC, Bayonetta, Old God of war or Ninja gaiden on xbox.

    What will you get from 16? A boring sloth fest impressive looking cinematic experience. Visually speaking it looks great but one problem I played Asuras wrath first so nothing 16 did blew me away or if you want an action game Black Myth Wukong is right there.

    • @jens1639
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Based on the video, it sounds like a great game that would have been near perfect with some editing to cut out the parts that tried to be jrpg as well as cut it short when the story took a turn for the generic. I haven’t played the game, so that might be an ignorant take of mine.

    • @ZeroEscape2074
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    if the combat feels familiar to anyone, because the combat director for this game is Ryota Suzuki, he was the combat director for DMC 5, arguably the best DMC to date

    • @nicholasnajibi3082
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s not a Final Fantasy game in any sense that you’ve grown to love. And the main character, Clive…. Cries like a little bitch like three times.

    • @davidmuller6011
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This is the most enthusiastic I’ve seen you about a review in quite some time Falcon 😂

    • @faradmuqtadab
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am



    • @ThePatriotDragon
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I love it!

    • @DemonKnight94
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Game of Thrones + DMC5 + FF = Final Fantasy XVI

    • @ThisMusician586
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Wonderful review Mr. Flacon!

    • @bakadera443
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I played the demo. It’s beautiful but man it’s boooooooooooooring. The lore is going up and down, we don’t understand who is who, who’s fighting against who, to the side of who, and we don’t understand on what side we are. Plus the gameplay get an infinite time to appear and rings we can equip during the gameplay make the game playing alone without you.

    I would like to be reassured that a balance is really set later and that the game entertain well. The demo leaved a horribly bad impression.

    • @raf686
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Loved FF16 and yes i have been a final fantasy fanboy since day one. Now a days others define who is a fan or not if they did not like the game. Gladly it was game of the year for me last year personally.

    • @lookatmeiknowwhatimdoing6384
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Guys am I the only one who thinks this game is little bit infected by DEI syndrome? Look at every women in this game their faces are good but it feels they have reduced their boobs significantly

    • @acerimmer8338
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Before You Buy: realize this isn’t a Final Fantasy. It’s a hackneyed DMC w/ a drawn out story. There are practically no RPG elements and this game does not resemble *ANY* FF before 15. SE has abandoned long-time fans of the franchise in greedy desire. And guess what??? Both this, and the abortion that is FF7R ‘trilogy’, have become flops! Maybe don’t abandon what made people love the franchise in the first place, mmkay Squenix?

    • @apostleswarning8575
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Where is final fantasy 8 remake

    • @samhawkes6597
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s a beautiful looking but dreadfully boring and extremely linear game

    • @hanauzaki6264
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    God i hate turb based rpg Finally i can get into final fantasy and experience the story without the bs turn based slowness

    • @gabezilla275
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It’s my favorite Final Fantasy. It’s extremely fun. I’m so happy they got rid of the turn based combat.

    • @michaelmyers1281
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I guess that tells me all I need to know. I absolutely hate the FF7 Remake battle system. Guess I can cross this off the list.

    • @Crazakun
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I was holding out for the PS5 Pro announcement since I was expecting another poor quality port to PC for this game. But with the insane price of the Pro, few games actually exclusive to PS5, and the games I want to play most having good PC versions… whelp…PC it is.

    • @fredsorre6605
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Wait did he just call the stutter filled PC port great.

    • @robozot
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I loved FFXVI for the first ten hours, but then it just got so boring. Never got past halfway.

    • @BrotherKnowledge.
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I was *so ready* to pull the trigger on this game a frw weeks ago… only to learn that there *MAY be a chance* that this will be announced for Xbox at the Tokyo Games Showcase at the end of this month. 😩

    Going to waot and see if that turns out to be true. If it doesn’t then I will just get it for Steam instead.

    Fingers 🤞🏾🤞🏾

    • @dogoo5867
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Love this game

    • @OfficerKD4-4.4
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I played the demo and the only thing that I found enjoyable were the cinematics, gameplay is very flat and boring, also, having played recently games like Wukong and Shadow of the Erdtree this felt like a kids game but I don’t think it is due to the tone of the cinematics, anyway I think I’ll pass this time.

    • @SerSeanIII
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I played old games and yes the side content in the game needs work. Most of the games I remember is not the combat system but the story, music and rpg elements the turn base is the last thing I think about

    • @grizzlywhisker
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It would be cool if Square Enix made a new side FF series that was turn based for the old school fans. Sort of like how Zelda has the main series games and the sort of side games like Link’s Awakening Remake and the new Zelda Echoes of Wisdom which are both in a pseudo-retro style. I really liked FF in the SNES and PS1/2 days and it would be cool if they made games in the old style as well. I think Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 were pretty popular, so they should do more stuff like that too.

    • @chriswr-hr9bm
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    im i the only one who hated the quests? like i love this game but God i hate the whole quests where you have to talk to this person then to this person then get into this small fight for no reason and then go back to the original person to finally get what you need

    • @SerSeanIII
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    overtime people will love this game it’s just in the ff13 hate dislike phase

    • @wanealy1
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I almost skipped this because of the mediocre reviews. Turned out to be one of my favorite games of the year and maybe one of my favorite all time. Loved the story and combat. To be clear, I’m not a core FF fan so I don’t have the issues a lot of these folks have. What was said about treating this game for what it is is great advice.

    • @Telekine5i5
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    i give it a 8/10 its a good game!

    • @AmericanRoads
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Still waiting for Bloodborne on PC…

    • @SerSeanIII
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The controversy of this game was unjustified and should never be a thing. The diversity controversy in this game is a joke.

    • @michaelrgnipon
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Not enough DEI 😅

    • @ysnyldrm73
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Runs well? Sure it runs well with an Rtx 4090 / RX 7900XTX etc. Performance is not great, stutters are not the only problem with PC gaming.

    • @pinkmist
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Did no one tell him no ultrawide support and 30 fps capped cut scenes?

    • @anthonybarrett687
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I gotta say… I’m excited to give this game a shot tonight! I’ve played since 7 and as far as the latter games in the series, 13 was linear and 15 was half-cooked. 15 was probably the biggest disappointment to me given its decade development. I like the hybrid combat though. But this… 16 has got that devil may cry blood in there. And with the insane storytelling that final fantasy has? 🤌

    • @swede7581
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am


    • @fifofuko1864
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Does it have chocobo

    • @fifofuko1864
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Im excited to play this game

    • @Nukezillla
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Good to know about the firmware update breaking the game. I couldn’t find info on it. I started playing before the update and it was working great now it constantly turns my ps off

    • @magnumd-pad5138
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Good luck with performance.

    • @DarkBloodEagles
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF16 is GREAT im enjoying it so much

    • @althyk
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I can only play this on GeForce NOW, the game is so heavy…

    • @archangel2015
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Honestly this isn’t a final fantasy game anymore than DMC was a resident evil game, even if DMC was the original idea for resident evil 4, final fantasy is a story driven turned based combat game series, not a full on action game or the hybrid combat system of the final fantasy VII remake.

    • @DeviIInADress
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    No review on Lollipop Chainsaw remaster?! 🤨

    • @tanklike4413
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    One of the best FF games of all time and best soundtracks, and definitely best voice acting. If you enjoy FF, you will love this game. (if you’re a salty boomer that thinks rock-paper-scissors level turn-based strategy from old games defines the ff series, then maybe skip because you don’t like FF)

    • @aborda0987
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    At 6:14 Falcon Says “Is a game that I overall like, quite a bit actually”, just in case it was not very clear that Falcon liked the game, during the previous 6m and 13s of praise that he gave to the game, that he actually liked a lot.

    • @Camilo316
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Only buying this game if they add ULTRA WIDE support.

    • @pwnd1138
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Final Fantasy XVI has more in common with Devil May Cry and Bayonetta than it does with previous Final Fantasy games.

    • @lastHERO22
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    My god damn GOAT

    • @playin4k611
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I loathe the hybrid system of the recent games. I really like this one.

    • @DanielsGarage224
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Amazing game

    • @XSpiderXxx
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Best final fantasy made in a long time

    • @Tenken77
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Yoshi-p believed in his own myth and lost his touch. He’s still chasing after the mOdErN gAmEr. Shame.

    • @Gameboynitro
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Games like this are way better off with mods, which is why i waited for this to come to PC.

    • @arszene4129
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    on a quicknote if you’re getting less than 50 fps on the demo, you’re cooked

    • @wayne0320
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Lazy port and quick cash-grab.

    • @williamlofton4750
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Is it worth a second playthrough on PC even though I have it on PS5?

    • @MachuPicchu95
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Dear PC Gamers, as someone who platinumed this game skip it. It’s a horrendously boring entry into the series and pales in comparison to some of the more recent entries. Most notably the two remakes of 7.

    • @pepino–
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Can you turn the visible damage of ?

    • @jdeleon5816
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    One of my favorite games evert without a doubt

    • @Menleah
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This game is plagued by a “… can I play now” issue. Fight one brief fight (mash the same 2-3 buttons for several minutes), on to a long cut scene. Cut scene ends. New cut scene. Walk down a linear tunnel. New cut scene. Fight a brief fight. I only made it 3 hours in – maybe it gets better but it left a bad impression. Amazing soundtrack, I’ll give it that.

    • @luigymendoza
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Man, FF16 is great. Along with Zelda TOTK and bg3, the best thing I played last year.

    Hopefully anyone thinking on playing this game, does play it.

    Easy recommendation.

    • @GTR72
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The game was unplayable on ps5 with constant frame rate drops and stuttering, gave me motion sickness. I’m really hoping they fixed the cut scenes and unlocked the frame rates! Does it perform consistently at 60FPS?

    • @DigitalIP
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I Would have bought it, had it not been for the AVX2 Requirement.

    • @scottconley4194
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I love this game my favorite game of last year

    • @d_shuffles
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    FF16 was my GOTY last year! The characters, story and world building are amazing. The only downside with the combat is that its not difficult and raising the difficulty seems to only give more HP to the enemies without making the combat encounters more challenging (kinda just waste more of your time).

    • @user-fh8bt4pj5t
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Finally, the real Falcon is back! 😆

    • @mellistotheMAX
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I was excited until you said that it was $50 for the base game. I saw the trailer and it said nothing about selling content separately. $70 for a 2 year old game prices me out.

    • @yourrandomshorts4906
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    if its not our favorite falcon

    • @xeroxzero1
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I love this game.

    • @gandalainsley6467
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I am just trying to figure out where to start with final fantasy because I have never played any of the games.

    • @nomondedondolo4578
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    still my favourite i pay this game to date I love it

    • @heretic0014
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    When yall type “Square Enix”……..
    WHO TF are you referring to EXACTLY?

    This is why you idiots are excited for GTA6. Because yall dont know THE NAMES OF THE PEOPLE behind these games.

    You excited for Black Ops 6?
    A game SHOOTING game made by people who HATE GUNS????

    YOU are the reason why you bitch about games now.

    • @DanielJamesShirley
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    This game was so bland and boring.

    I only had to do ng plus for the platinum and just couldn’t be bothered (also cos the ending was crap).

    • @Ryan-tn4gk
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    So are the cutscenes still locked to 30 fps?

    • @Finnishmanni
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I love the game, BUT the performance on launch is a bit sluggish. The demo ran fine, but for some reason i’m getting less fps, so had to set DLSS to performance to get a good fps.
    I’ve got 3080 and 7 8700x3D so should be running fine, but some places gets 45-55 fps no matter what settings i have. Might be because i haven’t downloaded the recent drivers tho. Gotta try that next.

    • @mekud
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The most bizarre thing is that Falcon does not use pre-recorded outro and says it every time from scratch.

    • @TonyTyga90
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    What is a video game anyway?

    • @Lukeormaybenath
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    It`s a great game, but definitely not a great Final Fantasy.
    As someone who obsessed over this game back when it launched, having no elemental weaknesses in a game where you control eight of them should be considered a crime.
    Also, gameranx is commenting about the pacing on the first hours of the game, but the worst pacing issues show up from the second part of the game onwards.

    Even though I love the fights and the missions in the game, they`re mostly linear, to a point where you enjoy them a lot, and then you keep on playing, waiting and waiting through cutscenes and fetch quests and myriads of dialogues that don’t really build anything, until you finally reach for the moment where you`ll have those experiences again, and even though they absolutely deliver on it, I couldn’t really bring myself to play this game more than once.

    If you’re curious and wanna give it a shot, by all means go for it and have a blast!

    • @Joe-ti7qd
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Too expensive. Conolete edition is like 70 bucks. 70 bucks for a game, id have to REALLY REALLY be waiting for it to pay that anymore. Maybe ill grab this someday on a deep deep sale.

    • @OhDuNhiOi
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I watched the PS release of your video like 2 days ago!

    • @corruptedpoison1
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I loved this game but was brutal to play on PS5, rarely ran at 60fps.

    The PC port is perfect.

    • @VasishthaSookraj
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Absolute masterpiece of a game personally! The story is fantastic (puns!), the characters are so well-written (Clive’s story feels so complete by the end of the game), the combat system is so incredibly well-done, and the game is super pretty (it nails the darker theme that it’s going for)! I’m not really big on turn-based gameplay so I had no issue with it not being in the game, and the combat system they designed is legitimately one of the best action-based combat systems around (right up there with DMC and Bayonetta). Oh, and the boss fights are just insane. Like they’re that perfect cherry on top of everything else in this game. I’d say it’s one of the best games of last year easily and it’s great to hear the PC port is just that plus better performance (tho the PS5 version ran pretty well back when I played it in performance mode)!

    • @darrells4159
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Its more the angles than the distance…..thats what she said….

    • @XDantevsVergilX
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Most people on Pc aren’t playing it because they have weak builds lol.

    • @Sisyphus_Must_Game.-tf3bq
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    1:27 *He smacks

    • @uruchimasan
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Super bummed there’s no ultra wide support for. Definitely would have bought it right away but for now I wait.

    • @BSweetVideos
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Gameplay was okay albeit too easy. Pretty sure I can get through all of normal mode and not get hit once. Story was fine but my god does Yoshi P love his cutscenes. The characters are among the best/most memorable in the series. The music and graphics are incredible, especially the eikon fights. Some people might go into this game expecting a souls-like game and that aint happening. I did platinum and I did enjoy it.

    • @calvinmatthews1527
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Insane to think that we went this long for a modern FF game to be on PC. Also, when are you guys gonna cover Visions of Mana?

    • @Cheeks730
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    this game is basically what god of war ragnarok should of been in terms of scale and spectacle. it’s a better gow lmao, wait till you do the Rock titan battle holy shit

    • @Killer-ne7cm
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Just bought the game on steam it’s great and run good on a rtx 3060 with 12gb and on a rtx 3080. The only thing I don’t like is that the cutscenes are at 30frames probably cinematic. The game feels like action with game of thrones. At least the story is more cohesive than FF7 remake which I did not like (story wise)

    • @garmfilf2789
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I quite liked what I have played so far. To be fair though, I don’t really enjoy JRPG turn-based mechanics much. They sometimes feel to basic imo (even in games like SMT. it’s fun, but nothing really to crazy imo). The combat is pretty standard, but it’s pretty to look at and while it is pretty easy, I enjoyed performing the combos and all.

    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Dudes like… Story’s shit. Level design shit. Side missions shit. Open world elements shit… Great game though! 😂

    • @BrandydocMeriabuck
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    I’m having some massive issues with the game. The fps unlocker mod doesn’t really work for me, for some reason. It does sometimes, then the angle of the cutscene changes and I go down to 15fps, then when the cutscene finishes the whole area runs at 20-25fps. There’s a lotttt of cutscenes, I can’t restart after every one lol. My specs should run the game in general just fine, it doesn’t seem like it should be any more intensive than ffvii remake, yet my performance is way worse

    • @dantealighieri850
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Buy this game. I didnt care to even try this one. I did though tried the demo beat it in 2 hours, i went out and bought the game that day. Its worth it.

    • @Etheral101
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Starts out slow, but this turned into my fave Final Fantasy ever

    • @redbeardgaming3034
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Loved it on ps5. It was my goty and only justifiable reason I have for owning my ps5 but can’t wait to see it on a 4080.

    • @georgepapo9771
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    The character design is also good, but my god does Garuda look a lot better here than in FFXV

    • @Gibbarrito
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    If i remember correctly wasnt it the dmc combat director not the platinum games dev?

    • @DcuoMagcian
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    Should I play or read about the previous final fantasy games to follow the story?

    • @jackn.offdonkeys477
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:25am

    As someone who played most (except for 11) of the ff games, 16 is easily top 3 for me

    The game is almost perfect but the only thing that sucks ass is the sidequests

    • @TheFi1thyCasual
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Pfft, I’m loading all 152gb!

    • @maxisoulcaliber8941
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This isn’t final fantasy. BORING! Playing “1” character, zero strategy, mindless button mashing non-sense. All the NPC’s including this reviewer, loving this abomination. 🤡

    • @BlastingZone
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    At the age of 23, I was sooo off the grid of the gaming world.. 5-7 years passed with me just watching gaming news and not playing anything, then Corona came.. and I came back to gaming with vengeance. Then I noticed, it is not how bad life is.. nor the amount of responsibilities, it turned to be our “mental health” just needs a little bit more care. About time, right? Vaporization of joy is one of the prominent signs that you need to take care of your mental health. Stress, anxiety and depression are like cancer, it eats the joy out of your life without you noticing. Now, I’m 37 years old, not only I still enjoy video games, I also enjoy so much playing video games with my kids! You lived your life taking care of your body, now.. give your psych a chance. Best – Meshari (Kuwait here)

    • @MrXsquigsx
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Man you can’t say something like ff10 came out twenty years ago, feel so old now

    • @mrcheesemunch
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Amazing game hope y’all enjoy, the combat may be something of DMC-lite but it’s plenty fun and a classic Final Fantasy story with all the spectacle that comes with it, I felt like a kid playing it again seeing so much cool stuff happen. The final boss fight is hype as fuuuck.

    • @VioletElite4
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    For someone who grew up playing games like DMC and FF I’m okay with this blend 👌

    • @WinB-cw8ws
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Pre ordered it, and it took 14 hours to download. I’m down for just about any new final fantasy game but I wish they would have let us pre download it.

    • @yodoleheehoo90
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Soundtrack is great, the boss themes are epic but the story and choices the characters make is so stupid and frustrating.

    It’s Bayonetta with a Dude. Or Devil May Clive. Wasn’t for me🤷‍♀️

    • @BlakeAustin2011
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game is a graphics hog on PC. The “recommended” requirements states i7-10700 and GeForce RTC 2080. I have a 13k i7 and a 3050 and it’s a PowerPoint presentation at “mid” graphics.

    • @tobiewolfen01
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I have the personality where I bought the game on PS5 at release and beat it to only never go back and revisit it with the DLCs. Now that it’s on PC, I bought it again but this time with the DLC. The game is worth buying twice, I have no regrets. I do love games when they initially release on the PS5, but there’s something that PC can do that much better. For me, it’s having sharper graphics without having to sacrifice the frame rate that badly. Sony’s marketing of the PS5 at launch was misleading, but that’s a different story to be told.

    • @richardjm8092
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    There is mod out that uncaps the 30 FPS in the cutscenes. This is a highly recommended mod.

    • @panyat
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    square prob will go back to animelike version of final fantasy again.

    • @BeautifulModelBarbaraHutch-v4e
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    As a very long time Final Fantasy fan, someone who has beat every mainline FF game, this game has cemented to me that the Final Fantasy era is over. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very good action RPG. If you want a very good, even great, action RPG, play this game. It’s even good world building in the FF universe. However, if you want a good, non MMO, Final Fantasy RPG, the last one of those ended (arguably) with XII.

    • @temjin0014
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    While I liked it on PS5 overall, I thought the redundant combat and formulaic stage progression became pretty mindless.

    • @alipaydar370
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The game has denuvo so its no for me the stuttering is crazy even on higher end pcs fkc that

    • @abdalla8558
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It is a very great action game, I love it so far ( just recently gotten into it)

    But it is not a FF game.

    • @Squallyboo
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Everyone here praising how good the game runs and here I am in the Longwing city during the night, watching a slideshow. Especially confusing when Wukong ran at 60 on high.

    • @jokulhaups309
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Dude must not of played it on handhelds(steam deck ROG Ally X) getting massive frame drops on cutscenes and seems to be a common issue among the steam negative complaints

    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I personally never liked final fantasy because of the way they did. The combat, but I can get behind the way they did this one.I’m probably gonna try it for the first time ever

    • @LoDown295
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    As a game FFXVI is a lot of fun and looks great, the sound track is awesome too. The story to me was very lackluster all around. As a Final Fantasy game, this game sucks. It doesn’t feel like FF what so ever. My friend walked in my room when I first got it and said “woah dude did they come out with a new Devil May Cry?!” It feel way more like DMC than FF and that comes down to more than just game play. Action game play is fine even though not traditional with FF. The lack of RPG elements, no party system and what little they did with magic is just sad for trying to play this off as a FF game. It gets 7/10 for me. I would rate it higher but by nature it has to be compared to other FF games and it just doesn’t work for me.

    • @JonathanPerez-ts7uj
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game ran like ass on ps5 to the point were the choppyness was giving me headaches after 2 hrs of playing. Performance aside i give this game a hard 7 outta 10. IMO it is not a final fantasy game its something else with the final fantasy label slapped on it. The gameplay is fun but can definitely get boring after 15 to 20 hrs in. Starts to feel stale and repetitive a bit. No minigames was a bad idea as they would have helped break things up a bit and maybe add a bit of levity. The story is very mature and has good pacing and twists overall however i hated the ending. Im tired of bittersweet/bad endings. Like jeez why cant we have a happy ending where the heroes get everything they deserve after going through hell? I 100% the base game and will probably never play it again.

    • @SpiffidyKeen
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Can we just get a proper turn-based FF? I mean, I don’t need Final Fantasy to be an action game. I already *have* action rpgs to play. Give me these graphics, make it turn-based and tactical and I’m down. This? I don’t have time for it.

    • @theod9548
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    people like FF because it is FF. but you are saying it’s not FF … I was worried about that after FF VII remake…

    • @sirhcLtv
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    so hard to run the game im on low everything but still stuttering 24/7

    • @mr.c9382
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Most boring ff ever, pc players you aren’t missing much

    • @fedbia2003
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @pogoacct8611
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Put 300 hours into this game


    • @nicholasjackson8709
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Now I know nothing of this game outside of a few things…to me this always looked like “Devil May Fantasy”. I can’t wait to get into this.

    • @TerryXcel
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Played the demo on PC I really enjoyed it but the demo was kind of a disaster. Maybe the full game is better in my experience demos and full games are not created equal.

    • @nathanreddy3199
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    There are issues with this game:

    Variety of resources and weapon/armor upgrades are very limited
    Variety of fighting moves very limited
    A jump button for absolutely nothing
    Exploration not really needed because any resources are rather basic so quite linear.

    • @josiahjwhitfield
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    i’ve had high hopes for this port since playing the demo and being surprised that my GPU didn’t sound like a jet turbine

    • @MrSupersonic2012
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Definitely get the FFXVI fix mod to deal with the locked 30 fps cutscenes. That is unacceptable.

    • @kglegacy4763
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Are you guys going to do the BYB for the Lollipop Chainsaw remake?

    • @CatDaddyLurk
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Sometimes I think my love for gaming is dwindling, but then a baldurs gate 3 or elden ring releases and I realize its not me.
    Its the industry that has lost it passion…at least in the AAA space. Ive played more indies than ever this gen.

    • @Jonas-ej7id
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    They chose a BAD time to launch this
    It’s gonna get overshadowed by the GOW Ragnarok release on pc

    Having Denuvo enables won’t help either.

    • @LuminusObscurum
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It looks flashy and boring imo. Not sure why but it doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever, and I used to be a huge FF fan at least until square merged with enix. Ever since then their games have been mediocre at best.

    • @josetomascamposrobledano4618
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    A great game. Dare I say a secret masterpiece that sticks in the mind!

    But don’t buy it PC people. I want to laugh at Square Enix some more 😂.

    • @MBOmnis
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The video description says “XVII is now on PC”. 😛

    • @yulianurannisanugroho9808
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    To be honest, for me, who doesn’t really like turn-based RPGs, FF16 is INSANE. I even cried after defeating Titan and Bahamut because those are the best game fights I’ve ever experienced. It was breathtaking, and I still don’t understand how Square Enix could come up with this kind of idea—super genius!!!!

    • @catty3364
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Wait for a sale

    • @bobbypogresso2041
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    awful game bad frame fdropps and un playable bro ‘

    • @sasankv9919
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game is amazing! The highs in the game are so damn high

    • @comedianvip
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ff16 is a fantastic action rpg, definitely more of an action game than rpg but it absolutely kills it. Great gameplay and fantastic story

    • @Yilue
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The game was running really well for me. About 100fps on average on max setting 3070. Until I got to eastpool. That has to be the worst performance I’ve ever experienced from a game. Massive stuttering and fps as low as 10. I’ve tried many things. I’ve changed settings, restarted the game and tried some mods. None of them seem to work. I’ve seen other people have similar issues.

    • @tahmid4785
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I have horrible experience with the cut scenes. There’s so much screen tearing even though I have Vsync turned on. I’m not sure why it happens, just that it happens too often

    • @jakesmith5278
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This will be my first FF, thank the Gods of video game. Turn-based or menu playing games put me to sleep.

    • @MidgarNinja
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Played FF III on SNES in the 90s and have bought and played everyone since going through each system I sat out and waited for this to come to PC I am not spending money on a system I don’t need to play a game that I can play on a system the created said game. With that said I’m loving the game so far for those that played the originals when they came out can see nods to the classics and instant nostalgia was hit so coming off the FF XV and FFVII Remake (NOT REBIRTH STILL WAITING) having to adapt to the fast past action wasn’t a problem from me Also being a seasoned gamer I don’t want to keep playing the same kind of mechanics in a game in my late 30s that I did as a kid I do want to be challenged but still be immersed in the game/story/ and characters in the game and this has done exactly that which is a rare to find in games these days and for that I say thank you SE from an Old School original Nintendo loving Final Fantasy fan I’m more then happy to pay full price for a game like this. Just sad I had to wait a whole year to be able to enjoy a game that could have been played promoted and shared by a fans like me when it original came out

    • @rashido_grey
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Got about 20 hours into the game and couldn’t care anymore about anything in the story. Very lack luster, flavorless combat, and a story so self important that it begs you to care about it.

    • @aleksejsmiscuks4138
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is the second FF game i played and 10 hours in it’s pretty awesome. Don’t understand the hate.

    • @sahandg.vahdat2224
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Guys can someone help me can my rtx 4050 run this game?

    • @RangerofNE
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I feel like its a ps4 game with some extras when its boss time, then it looks really good

    • @BobbyK33
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I miss turnbased ff

    • @Pillowfight448
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Shocking that Falcon uses his wings on the keyboard instead of his talons

    • @harrison1671
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I don’t care what genre it is, I only care if I enjoy it. I did NOT enjoy this for so many reasons, including, but not limited to, the horrible writing and directing.

    • @chrisblackstock9213
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Terrible review man.. did they pay you? .. “boss fights are long and drawn out, combat gets repetitive, towns are mostly empty, colors aren’t amazing.. best bosses in dlc.”. but I liked it !! Haha smh

    • @Sight-Beyond-Sight
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I used to be SO into FF back in the SNES/PSX era. I just can’t get into them anymore…
    I will wait for the first Steam sale of it.

    • @xdeathknight72x
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game is just original God of War for PS2 but if you replaced the GoW puzzles with fetch quests of handing soup out to 4 people in the hideout.

    • @Rift2123
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Handful of hours in an it’s been fun an bombastic but it’s a far cry from a traditional FF

    • @OhShunz
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It’s the 18th and I can’t wait to wrap up work and get home to play this probably all night. I watched a demo playthrough when it released on PS and was so impressed that I bought a PS5 just to play it on PS. But I truly am a PC gamer so I’m super stoked to replay on PC. I saved all the dlcs for PC release. Also as an extra bonus I just bought God of War Ragnarök on PC so this is going to be a great ass month of gaming for me!

    • @NoName-hj6cs
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ignored these fools the game is amazing and takes a very mature approach to the material, folks get axed and slamed. Combat is very close to a kingdom hearts feeling, but ultimately is a more relaxed tone than KH

    • @TriangleSmooth
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I would love to see somebody create a coop mod or a mod that allows you to play as Jill or Cid. That was the biggest blah moment for me in 16. Not being able to switch, equip, or make your party characters “useful.”

    • @StrelokBogard
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It has some GPU issues and cut scenes are lock at 30 fps or so my peeps say. I’ll get when it’s under $20

    • @Chuck-Morris
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    You have the wrong roman numeral set to the fame title in the videos description, It’s supposed to be XVI 😬😂 I wish FFXVII was already out and on PC at launch! 😂

    • @Gentlemenpickleesq.
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m annoyed it has Denuvo. It’s a single player game….. Definitely waiting for a GOOD sale mark down.

    • @MrMucera
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The game is overall a good to very good experience. A lot of misses keep it from being great. If you are on the fence i would absolutely wait for a sale.
    Combat unfortunately starts very slow and takes a while to really pick up but ends up being very enjoyable.

    • @SeniorCharry
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m glad I can finally play this game. I still think this game looks like a downgrade from FF15. I could be wrong since my opinion is based on what I’ve seen and not played.

    • @DiamondDoggie
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    holy shit I cannot stand falcon. He starts off every video stating that he’s extremely biased and continues by saying all the fans are just as biased and that the bias is basically fact at this point. Nobody is watching these videos to have their biases confirmed I want to learn about a new release without feeling like I’m drinking condensed nerd-rage juice, dude. You legitimately ruin a channel meant to promote impartial and honest reviews.

    • @RangerofNE
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is now 6 FF that are more action like…this is what FF is now

    • @0OnSoul0
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Can’t wait for PC players to have just as much fun as us PlayStation players had fr

    • @adarshmohanty9074
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I have a rtx 3060 + ryzen 7 .. and it barely manages to maintain 60 fps on medium settings.. i dunno how you say ita well optimized

    • @AlecFortescue
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    already did before the video bring a soken and yoshi p fan 😐

    • @jjsavior
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Wait the game is now broken on ps5?

    • @Kytetiger
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game has strong and weak points, but i support SE this time for what they did, the direction, the quality

    • @LocWolf
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Devil May Cry with a Final Fantasy Skin. Is the only accurate way to describe the game.

    • @leonkenedy4616
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    FF May Cry.

    • @lexiconprime7211
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I hope mods can add weapons/movesets and spells to make this more of a modern “rpg”.

    • @alster06
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Games amazing …. The Side Quests however… Jesus christ they are shocking

    They only become good after like half way through

    • @grimblade888
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Running this with 7900xtx on lg c1. 4K fsrQ fgON, locked in at 120fps. Fantastic experience 👌

    • @Fintastrophe21
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    After the insult they inflicted on ff7 with its remake, this demo was a refreshing change. Oooking forward to full game.

    • @Logan-fr6uw
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I keep getting crashes on PC during in-game cinematics.

    • @sueiko8169
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    You guys are too late, i already bought it. 😉 But i played 20 hrs on PS5 already, so i know what i get. It runs smooth on max. settings. Much better than Star Wars Outlaws, i uninstalled that game because of too many crashes.

    • @dutchboe
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I will never get tired of Falcon, the Youtube bird. He’s just the BIRD, get it

    • @TonyXLXL
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    What are your PC specs?

    • @Enes1967
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m playing it on my laptop and it’s awesome. I love the story and characters. Gameplay is repetitive but the boss fights are awesome. Music is fantastic. Solid 8.

    • @bkillinm
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Really hope that this comes to Xbox, I would buy day one.

    • @Pebbles2639
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    FF16 is the best final fantasy it dethroned 8 as my fave as all time. ff16 is a pure masterpiece

    • @Boss_Fight_Index_muki
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The Good: Great graphics, easy to get into, dives into the greater lore of the FF universe

    The Bad: Combat’s kinda shallow, mustache twirling antagonists

    Verdict: Played this last year, it’s not great tho it’s okay. The combat is kinda thin, which is a problem for a DMC like. You can do the entire campaign with essentially 1 strategy, even on Final Fantasy mode (hard mode).

    • @chencho3041
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The game sucked and the ending just killed it

    • @jarde1989
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m not buying a full priced port of a game that was released well over a year ago

    • @jamiestar5844
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It still amazes me how far we’ve come. Started playing FF in 92 playing FF5 with my dad when it was released on the SNES. I was 14 then and now 46.

    Really looking forward to playing this an hour at a time once the kids are asleep. My kids only interest gaming wise is fortnight and vbucks RPG’s are boring so they tell me

    • @HideousKojimbob
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    For FF16 you’re buying the soundtrack the game just happens to come with it. Best soundtrack ever!

    • @Panscrank999
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @Valimar11
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I think the biggest issue with having an action game be mostly spectacle is that there is no real challenge in the game. There needs to be push back or else it’s just button mashing and using skills on cool down.

    Every enemy is just a punching bag with an occasional super telegraphed move. Where’s the mix ups, the adaptation, the game design?

    It feels like they poured all their attention into how to make it look stunning, but not enough into how to make the game systems interesting and engaging. They eschewed the actual role playing game concept in favor of flash to attract new fans. While that’s fine, it’s just going to rub the core audience the wrong way.

    • @dragutintodosijevic4195
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It’s a great game that deserves a large following .I would love this formula to get expanded on .Perhaps a giant expansion or a sequel with tweaks .It would be a shame to scrap all of these assets and start from scratch like they do in Square Enix.

    • @TheShawnMower
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game is so mid. Walking simulator

    • @YA-vs5wu
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade ALL TIME PEAK ON STEAM 13,803,
    i played FF7R on pc, around 10 hours and never touched it again, the game was so boring 😒😒😒
    now just one day and i’m already out 12 hours in FF16 and i’m having a blast 😁😁😁

    • @gmorgcyborg
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Liked it when i played the ps5 version.. when it comes to the demo .. i felt the game was optimized horribly tho.. especially with the cutscenes at 30 etc .. and i have a decent pc

    • @WeirdThingsGames
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Haven’t played ff games in a looooooong time, because of how long they are and abundant time is something I nolonger have..but this looks cool and will def play it. Am one who takes years to play n finish games I like, finished ds3 last year 😂, and am still playing elden ring, not even the dlc just the base 😂😂

    • @clivematthews95
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is my favorite game of 2023 🔥

    • @NekoWinters
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m going to be really honest if you’re looking for open world it’s kind of worthless now if you want epic fights and a good story holy s*** it’s going to stun you wait until you get to the first big boss battle put some Skull Crushers or something else that has a bass booster in the headphone and you will fall in love

    • @killval849
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    wow you can tell they got the DMC guy in on this project with the lock on and whatnot.

    • @c3rberus04
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I have so many amazing memorys on this game and even though I finished it only a year ago. When I boot this Game up and hear the music from the hideout. It feels like coming back to a game from my childhood. I’ve gone through every emotion with this game. I enjoyed every character (not mommy I hate her!!! But she’s made to be this way it’s an amazing character nonetheless), I felt anger, joy, Adrenalin pumped through my body and I was blown away by every eikon fight. The music was incredible!!! And it’s now available on spotify too. And yes I cried ugly at the end. It seems like im glazing here but more often then not when I think back on games, I always tend to have them as a bad to mild memory. But this is definitly not one of them.

    One of my favorite games only topped by the Kingdom Hearts series and NieR 9.8/10. If you’re thinking on buying it. Even if you don’t like it or have nothing to do with final fantasy. This is an experience you won’t look back and regret having played it ❤

    Tldr. Sorry for my bad english, im not native 😢

    • @CheeseburgerRandy17
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ff 16 is without a doubt my favorite in the series. My game of the year and easily top 20 favorite games of all time

    • @phillipcollins1103
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Spoiler alert! don’t waste your money..sold my copy in record ain’t final fantasy……7 remake and rebirth are where it’s at

    • @ignaciochacon882
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Great news that FFXVI is now available! Hopefully Stellar Blade comes soon as well

    • @blaket81
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I actually LOVE this game. I would dare say it is my 2nd favorite after FF7. Before this X and VIII were tied for 2nd. I installed it on my PC last night but didn’t get much time to play it. Looking forward to tonight.

    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Rebirths better

    • @The_NitDawg
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    if we can get pc releases of tactics and vagrant story that would be excellent

    • @lukeg3714
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ok i dont want people to be massively disappointed in this game so i’m going to just put this put there.

    Do you like any of the older FF games? This isn’t that.

    Do you hate fetch quests? Then this ones gunna sour you.

    Do you like pretty graphics and anime fight scenes with crap QTES? Well then maybe you’ll like this.

    • @RvkKJ
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Falcon, a BIRD, is an Attack on Titan fan, well well well, who wouldn’t have thought!

    • @Tacitus_kilgore_1903
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I think rebirth is an awful game and the most unnecessarily padded game I’ve played in years… if I found out ubisoft made it, I wouldn’t be shocked at all

    • @bhoqeem1975
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    A bit of warning, this game is LONG. Like, VERY LONG. Feels even like a stretch of FFVI of yore. It’s incredibly epic, but–you know, long.

    • @thecharacterartisan
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I think it’s amazing and the only time I’ve played FF before was the original FF7 on PS1

    • @MrDavidMoyer
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is the first review I’ve seen of FF XVI. After watching this, I have to say this game looks A LOT SIMILAR to an older game that was on the Wii with some sequels on Wii-U several years ago. Anyone here ever played “Xenoblade Chronicles”? This game seems to be basically THAT, but with a different story behind it. I’m not complaining really, I LOVED the Xenoblade Chronicles series.

    But this absolutely feels NOTHING LIKE FINAL FANTASY and, as a long-time fan who was 6 years old when the original “Final Fantasy” game was released, I feel like it should have been released under a different name. I felt the same way about Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. But the overlords at Square Enix get to name their games, not me. Still, the gameplay and genre are too far removed from the original series to rightfully bear the “Final Fantasy” name. At least that’s my opinion.
    It’s also my opinion that I will LOVE FF XVI when I get around to playing it… but I’m NOT paying $60 for it because it does NOTHING NEW compared to Xenoblade Chronicles 2. So I’ll wait for it to go on sale for less than $20.

    • @nungsa5124
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Why are the requirements so high evdn though it looks mediocre?

    • @archaichobo6969
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I love turn based Final Fantasy. This was a big disappointment for me. If I want to play an action game, I’ll play Dark Souls and Black Myth Wukong.

    • @darktyrantkingsonicofhell8117
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    the problem with this port is simple: it needs a too OP pc to run it.

    • @myserinity4779
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I have been waiting for this pc release! 🥰 been playing alot of big open world games, and honestly, I kinda want something more linear. I know its not a popular opinion, but the ff7 remake wasnt my favorite, so im glad the combat didn’t copy it, and since nier automata is a fav, it makes me more excited platinum had some input. After im done with my current game, this is next for sure!

    • @LandonDalis1984
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    So 7 is the ony FF masterpiece; Got it👌

    • @MrFloryn88
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Can’t wait to play this game. I didn’t play it on PS5, and when I heard it would be on PC, I decided to wait, and it seemed it was worth it! Does it work with Xbox controller?

    • @BartanTirix
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I only played through the demo so far, but that whole “Access to Settings” thing right from boot-up is a freaking Must Have for all PC games now! 100% agree

    Also, dear Falcon: I always love your “I’m a bird” comments/add-ons when it comes to things like controls (‘Wingspan’) x3 I find them amusing <3

    • @jordane813
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game looks so unremarkable. Like Mr. Video McGame. Generic fantasy action game. Yawn.

    • @NeoNinjaX87
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @bhupinder28
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’ve played and loved a lot of FF games and I really liked this one especially with the fun battle mechanics and huge boss fights. I haven’t played the DLC yet as elden ring has taken most of my time but it’s on my list!

    • @Titanic_II
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I remember when FF7 came out on playstation. What a game that was. More than 2 decades later and all the graphical enhancements, this looks absolutely boring and soulless .

    • @silvrcrow8931
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Thank god I was looking for more pc reviews on this game, I wanted to get it on ps but I felt like a game like this would look better on widescreen

    • @ricardop2983
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I can’t understand how people trash talk this game and praise FF rebirth. This game has one of the best plots and cinematic stories of any game I’ve ever played while the much beloved rebirth felt like it had no substance or purpose other than being a fever dream for weebs.

    • @Chimpdonger
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Man i’m still only half way through FF14

    • @travelerluke5748
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Regardless I still want to get this one 😊 as long as it’s fun.

    • @erickmundak9591
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I played it on ps5. What a game. Absolutely worth the money. I bet it’s even better on pc.

    • @lefebvrexavier1404
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m not sure why there was a controversy about FFXVI not being a JRPG. JRPG was never only turn combat system, a lot of old games considered JRPG are not, Tales of, Mana series, Y’s, etc.
    So yes it is not your “typical” FF (and even there, with FF15, FF14, what really defines a FF nowadays ?) but it still have chocobos, ifrit, etc.

    Square Enix should have call it FF: Action like the FF: Tactics, I’m sure the feedback would have been different.

    • @fusionnm
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    As a very long time Final Fantasy fan, someone who has beat every mainline FF game, this game has cemented to me that the Final Fantasy era is over. Don’t get me wrong, this is a very good action RPG. If you want a very good, even great, action RPG, play this game. It’s even good world building in the FF universe. However, if you want a good, non MMO, Final Fantasy RPG, the last one of those ended (arguably) with XII.

    • @elgodric
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    If its DEI free; I am buying

    • @SalKhayer
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is one of those games that seems off-putting to FF fans initially, myself included. But also as a Game of Thrones fan, this game is like a lovechild between FF and GoT with some Devil May Cry blended in. It’s actually really awesome, and I’m glad it exists.

    • @GuerreiroAventureiro
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I would buy it but now is not the time. My priority is getting sparking zero deluxe 1st then maybe i buy XVI later. Its been months i am planning buying it so its better later than never

    • @randynubz9688
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Super excited to get home and play this today, especially after this review! Although I could have done without the reminder that ffx is TWENTY years old 😭

    • @felipebusnardo8023
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This was my first FF game… absolutely AWESOME. And the soundtrack… WOW.

    • @GimpySoupCreations
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I absolutely loathed the battle mechanics of this one. Did genuinely like the characters and some of the story though.

    • @solutionxero
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    fk ff16 this shit sucks. series is dead

    • @Sargassian
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    is this the first FF game that has difficulty settings in the beginning?

    • @joshuaash3149
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I actually really enjoyed the gameplay, but that could be because I have a deep dislike of turn-based combat. My biggest problem with this game was that I thought the story was lackluster. It was good at first, but it very quickly started getting boring. By the time I finished the story, it had long overstayed its welcome, and I was really looking forward to being finished with it. And then the end happened, and I thought it was completely anti-climactic and disappointing. This is purely subjective, so I am not arguing with anyone who enjoyed the story, but I really disliked where this one went (though it is still heads and tails better than FF15, which I really hated).

    • @wadewatts8313
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    heya falcon, thanks for the review its very helpful, however small side note, in the write up under the video, you put the game as FF17 (XVII)

    • @AscendantStoic
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Not buying it for the same reason I skipped it on consoles, it’s not a mainline fantasy game in any way, it’s a spin-off disguised as a mainline game, and I have no interest in that, hopefully in the next game they correct course or I’m done with this franchise for good.

    • @iiTzPkTime
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Gameranx is the only reliable true to customers video games publication left.

    • @Rontastik
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I was today’s years old when I learned that birds do suffer carpal tunnel syndrome… lol

    • @murphyebass7837
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    PS5 soon to be PC players

    Sony fucked up. 😂

    • @DarkForce2024
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Before you buy, just know that it DOES have Denuvo Anti Tamper.

    • @RRP801
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Damn hearing how well the performance is, is awesome. Can’t wait to get this

    • @namelessfaceinthecrowd2459
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The boss fights were fantastic and I love the story and characters…..but the fetch quests are painful.

    • @untethered24
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I really don’t understand why developers are so fascinated by the ctrl and alt keys. Those keys are awful to reach for in the middle of combat.

    • @alirezaeftekhary9980
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    im half way through the game my problem with it is that its just too easy, not that I’m a great gamer or enjoy difficult games or anything but I’m just mashing attack button and nothing else without any actual challenge its just kinda boring

    • @donnyboi1990
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I just upgraded my brothers PC with a 3070ti (2700x) and the demo seemed to run alright although the cutscenes were dropping a lot of frames for some reason but I’m sure they patched stuff up since the first demo. Game ran smooth on my 12900k and 3090.

    • @williamhayes26
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    FF with the lots of swearing seems kinda wrong.

    • @NautiusMaximus
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Oh it’s the other guy 🙁

    • @willie9859
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This is definitely getting added to my backlog … Then going to the top of the list!

    • @MIKSikano
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    you know what i don’t think about ff16 pc port?

    not available to my country

    • @SirMRLazy
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I couldn’t get into the game. I didn’t like it was all fast travel.

    • @thex8625
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Sometimes we forget that Falcon is a birb

    • @PelterGun
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The unlock FPS mod by Lyall is a requirement in this game due to the amount of cutscenes.

    • @vivekkparashar
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It’s final fantasy dmc lite…

    • @TianLong72k
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ff7 remake is good… this one is pretty shallow and everything is a meat shield. But the story is pretty good

    • @hillandfox3215
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Sure u said ff7… but its not

    • @bolverk4355
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Give final fantasy x the 7 treatment but keep the turn based combat please. Hell even the combat in 12 was good and better than standard turn based combat.

    • @ILickPanda
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The way he’s doing combat really doesnt do it any justice. It’s terrible the way he shows it off. Any way it’s definitely worth buying and if it’s your first Final Fantasy then this should be the one in my opinion. If the first chapter doesnt suck you in then just drop the game but it’s going to get soooo much better. At least look up ”FFXVI combo mad” online unless you dont wanna get spoiled with all the powers in this game.

    • @7orotv3
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    If you haven’t played FF16. Please do it 😭. It’s very cutscene and story driven. But it’s fantastic as an action game like Falcon said. One of my standouts last year.

    • @SaintMecha
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    They should’ve let the developers of Dragon Quest XI make the bext Final Fantasy game. At least it’ll be real jrpg again.

    • @hayderhussein6791
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Can’t wait for final fantasy 7 rebirth on pc😊

    • @rvfiasco
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I say if you enjoy Devil May Cry or Bayonetta this is a must play. I still haven’t finished it but hopefully It’ll run on Steam Deck and I can rectify that. I’d rate it as a 7.5 to 8 and it’s a great time to be had. It’s barely a Final Fantasy game but don’t let that stop ya…😅 Great vid, Falcon!

    • @theBRANDOProductions
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Honestly everyone should play FF16

    • @Forever_Zero
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Square has released some awful PC ports in the past so I’m happy to hear this is a good port

    • @skye_l3
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    No open world, no party member, no thank you.

    • @xen._
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    One of my favorite stories when I played last year. Go in expecting a powerful hero tale in a desolate world, and you’ll have a blast with the highs

    Skip the unimportant side quests when you start getting fatigued by them. You’re not gonna miss out on much

    • @dannyherbert4482
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    People complaining about the games costing 70 when they used to be 50 seem to forget about inflation. 50 back then was about the same as 70 is now. You could also buy a house for 30 grand.

    • @jakeheape8349
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I hate these videos it’s got game journalist vibes and u can’t trust those folks anymore 😅

    • @mattdani2915
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    “it’s an action game” so… like ffxv… just saying it looks like a polished ffxv with a hint of dark souls or maybe dragon’s dogma 2 in the controls. (or at least in UI it looks like it’s a bit like dragon’s dogma 2 or dark souls controls)

    • @SilentWarrior88
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I love FF16. All the haters gone hate. It’s good to try different things with the franchise. As someone whose fav FF was 8 until 16, I’m okay without the turn base.

    • @Musiclover6404
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Combat is amazing, have nor played the story yet

    • @vhol93
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m a bord after all. Hahahaha

    • @BryaPull
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    *Who love TRUMP ?? 💖*

    • @thewebhead6977
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I totally understand mods and tweaks to get ultrawide support, but I’m starting to regret buying an oled ultrawide given so many releases not natively supporting anything 21:9 or larger. My next monitor will be a 16:9. Installing the tweak and gunning for a hard mode playthrough.

    • @dallonavery1482
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    FF15’s combat felt better to me.

    • @Ride-Drive
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I won’t. I’ve bought it for PS5, played for two hours and totally forgot about it. Maybe on deep sale.

    • @isaacso
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    i’m sold. i’ve never played any final fantasy games because of turn base action. i like to control my own fighting. not wait for my turn.

    • @YashimaZuke1791
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Damm im watching this after i bought it

    • @Sehajmeet-fq9rm
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Already bought it lol

    • @Ar1AnX1x
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I really like the setting where it asks “Action Mode or Story Mode” and which to focus on even as someone who will definitely choose the story mode, I like that it respects dumbasses who can’t focus on the story or care

    • @SojiRo23
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    The game is 75% cutscenes.

    Only buy if you really really love cutscenes. Seriously.

    • @ralf72004
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Long time ff fan since og ff7, I knew it was gonna be more action oriented the summon battles incredible it was fun for me even got the platinum, my only complaint it wasn’t too hard but im a souls veteran so…yeah

    • @IllicitGoose
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    nothing special! Nostalgia has been the downfall of our current generation. Same IPs with little to whatsoever changes as new games. I got the game, and returned it within the first hour and half. Graphically it looks great. But we don’t need 20 different final fantasy we need new games and less games from Ubisoft! I feel like Microsoft should buy Ubisoft just so they can shut them down! lol

    • @Notic.
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Game good

    • @HawkknightXC88
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’ll wait until the steam sale drops down to low discount and then I’ll finally play it. Also to see best female character ever Jill Warrick.

    • @Kianlewis445
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Love this game !!! 😊 especially the music, its so good

    • @travisvaught
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m excited to see the mods.

    • @erosennin4444
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Awesome, i was waiting for a PC release. Now i know I’ll get it

    • @travisspazz1624
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It’s a bit of a slow start in terms of story and the gameplay opening up, but by the second half of the game I was completely locked in!!


    • @Jeffdangit
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    So thankful for your BYB’s! So enjoyable, as all your videos are!!

    • @theInfra-Recon
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Not buying because it has Denuvo, and the Demo showed its a bit heavy to run right now.

    • @MasterJangleLeg
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Too late played the opening 4 hours last night as a complete newbie and WOW! 4k Maxed its a spectacle so many jaw dropping moments. Liked the video anyway because Falcon ❤

    • @ThePyroRob
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    A game of high highs and low lows

    • @KingOfhearts72
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    2nd worst FF. Only 15 is worse. Really wanted to love this game since it was the team from 14. What the HELL happened.

    • @SqueekyKleenYT
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Best final fantasy ever made!!

    • @Rose-ng2zp
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Waited for this game to come on PC only to see that its region locked and not available in my region, which makes no sense since my country doesnt even give a nut about LGBTQ stuff.

    • @atrusraine3661
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It’s an amazing story, sadly boring to play.

    • @Jermaine2099
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I liked FF16, but I just play way more Persona now that Square seems to hate traditional turn based RPGs now lol

    • @ry2950
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    3:06 I can relate to so much. So many games have volume blazing high and force you through a tutorial before you can even go on a main menu to change it.

    • @RedNecron17
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Wait so is the game performing well or not ?? Some people seem to be complaining about optimization issues

    • @CGASteel
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Too bad the cutscenes are only in 30 FPS.

    • @steven-i6j
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Game of thrones meets DMC a tagline Square Enix should have attached to it.

    • @mdanao
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Jill warrick skin mods

    • @JinkiSaladin
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Demo is great, full version is bad optimized, Denovo’s fault

    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Falcon, thanks for just acknowledging that 16 is an action game more than an JRPG. It’s why it didn’t do it for me.

    • @jasandipsingh235
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @BuildinWings
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I know things change, but MAN I’d like to see Square-Enix give OG fans a little service.

    • @iAmmarHoK1
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I cant feel games anymore , buying them playing them , 1 hour and leaving them to dust collecting

    • @TheBazzterd
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    call me boring, but i think the more realistic it looks, the worse it gets…

    • @fenixloder
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Best game of 2023

    • @lowqualityyy
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Have a 3080 and it’s still chugging hard in some areas. Hitting 165fps in like every area except ONE which cuts down to like 10fps. They need to optimize this shit.

    • @Lord_Deimos
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Haven’t seen how the game looks on ps5 and played the steam demo… I was expecting the graphics to be better and that 30 fps cap on the cutscenes is rough

    • @YoYoYzkieGTV
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    🤘 Let’s Go!

    • @ttabood7462
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I just want Final Fantasy Tactics to be released to Steam ffs.

    • @BigCowProductions
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Yeah… I’ll pass on Devil May Fantasy 16: Featuring AI Potato Followers.

    • @ibapreppie
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Ill just download it off bit torrents

    • @Y.B.A
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    No ultrawide support. Classic Square Enix…

    • @DrVenture45
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I haven’t played a FF game in a minute, but never say never I suppose. I’d try it.

    • @krishrocko9332
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    If this wasn’t called a final fantasy main title I think most people would love it

    • @HelicopterRidesForCommunists
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I like it a lot. Try the demo.

    • @WanessaHarris
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Watching your channel is like an inspiring adventure that never ends. Keep leading us into the wonderful world of your creativity!⚡️🐮‍⬛

    • @dabnotic
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Get the ffxvifix mod for uncapped fps in cutscenes and UW support.

    • @CinematicTactics
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    finally it might be worth buying, cant wait to see what the modders cook up

    • @SuperlexPlays
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Thanks for 65k subscribers.. 😒

    • @ghostlightinthegreenroom
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Honestly, I never finished it.. Got really really bored with it.

    • @DoomsdayMayBeOkay
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    It has DENUVO 🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂🤦🏼‍♂
    I wanna see how this runs on a PC that is not not an uber I9/4090 blistering fast rig…

    • @uzumakinaruto07
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m a simple man, I see gameranx, I click.

    • @Shadow_Play3r
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    great game if you keep your expectations in check. Combat and music is peak 😀

    • @sbrocman9424
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I’m sorry this game was ass

    • @zenoafro
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Tbh, I got bored due to cutscenes from the demo. It looked interesting in the videos, at least it’s not for me

    • @Bill-xv2pd
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I preorder it and it is sooo good

    • @moh802
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    DAMMIT couldn’t get first

    • @JuliaPerez-w7x
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Your channel is one of the best sources of quality content. Keep on making us happy with your creations!📹🛰🎰

    • @alexowens7032
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Is this worth it if I have never played a final fantasy game before

    • @mattmanley7118
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Hoping it’s further optimized down the line but those 30 fps cutscenes are … noticeable

    • @ticcirodgers1111
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Bro youre late i already bought it lol

    • @OliviaHarris-s2z2z
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Thanks for this content; it really adds color to my everyday life!🤎🤎 & 🛸,

    • @Funnylittleman
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I waited over a year for this. I couldn’t handle the 30fps on console and the 60fps mode was unplayable lol

    • @abhi.dx2345
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    This game is horribly optimised with denuvo slapped on it

    • @johnwellbelmes8469
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    wow, never been so early in my life, i feel like im a changed person

    • @sebastienminard5777
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    For once I haven’t bought the game beforehand ! Let’s see !

    • @Azizos2
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    Where is rebirth

    • @fourthevill4in393
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @enricosinaga2072
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @XxChristmanXx04
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    I fucking love you

    • @ryanlogan1453
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @MarleeTepn-c8h
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    *gameranx REAL FANS ARE YOU HERE ?!! 💖✨*

    • @kyleeckhoff7115
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @kingshadow8782
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @Mitch93636
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @kingshadow8782
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am


    • @Starrfortythree
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am

    • @kingshadow8782
    • 2024年 9月 19日 11:26am
