Final Fantasy 17 FORCED Back to Turn Based Combat After This…


Will Final Fantasy 17 go back to turn-based combat and exactly how would it be done if they did?

0:00 Intro
1:52 Why Final Fantasy Action in the First Place
4:56 Explaining Final Fantasy 16 & 7 Rebirth
7:12 What’s Final Fantasy’s Future

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Taqs:nintendo switch,switch,nintendo,nintendo news,playeressence,player essence,new nintendo,nintendo switch news,final fantasy,expedition 33,clair obscur expedition 33,final fantasy 17,final fantasy xvii


  • コメント (73)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @kennethyoung7457
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Square won’t go back to turn based if they happily put millions upon millions of dollars into flops like Forspoken and Foamstars, seeing Final Fantasy sales going down since FF15 and still say they need to chase after the Gta and Cod fans than there is deeper issues going on in that company. They seem to have grown a penchant for making bad financial decisions plain and simple just like Sony as this point cancelled Factions that actually had high chance of being finanically successful and greenlit Concord that will flop day one.

    • @King_Jab
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I thought Octopath, Bravely Default, etc was SquareEnix branching out to have traditional turnbased games alongside the new action mainline FF. Anyway I liked FF16 combat only thing it needed were better combos for the basic attack like a mix of a heavy and light attack (nothing crazy like DMC).

    • @gabrielsuarez6556
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Sooo they want to make a final fantasy whit the gameplay of star ocean 3…

    • @tunperak1256
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Can’t wait to play Expedition 33. A turn based rpg with realistic graphic instead of anime/cartoony style. It looks unique.

    • @TheBeholderist
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Fans are so obnoxiously annoying. SE had NO freaking obligation to force a turn-based mainline game just for the sake or some mumbo-jumbos out there. If another company wants to make a turn base game, thats not problem for SE, due to the same company can still do whatever they want to do. Stop pandering FF games with only freaking combat feature.

    • @astreakaito5625
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    looks like garbage

    • @tomupmeier8299
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think console exclusivity hurt Square more than anything else.

    • @illahall4054
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    They will never make another mainline FF game turned base, that time is over especially after the success off ff16 and ff7 rebirth battle system. They might go back to turn based for a none ff game or a none mainline ff but never for a mainline like the next FF17

    • @mujiha
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I really don’t know about FF going back to turn based without sakaguchi

    • @NefariousLoto
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Other Square games ASIDE(Don’t wanna hear you guys say they did this, thank you) I think Square should return to turn base and spice things up and be more experimental, could be stressful yes I mean Expedition 33 proves they can, but thats just me.

    • @insomniaddictesp
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I don’t know if they should move away from turn based, but I did not enjoy the combat as much in Rebirth this time around.

    Primarily I found that they added too many elements, many combatants felt more obnoxious than challenging, and it feels like I have to invest tons of materia just to get good feeling ATB. I did not love that in Remake, it feels worse in Rebirth.

    I platinumed Remake, I do not even want to try hard mode in Rebirth. Seems super unenjoyable. I have played through remake at least 8 times just because I enjoyed it. I have quit replaying Rebirth.

    • @SuperBunnyman1
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I prefer action RPGs to turn-based I just like to be in direct control of my character throughout the fight and I don’t personally like to have to run from encounters because it slows down when you enter a fight scene it’s terrible so I hope that Square Enix stays with with action

    • @infamousincubus2888
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Should they? Yes. Will they? No

    • @sebastianguerrero6617
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Lol no oj, this is poor copium. There’s no way square is paying attention to this game and won’t feel any pressure from it especiallysince how lackluster 33 looks, don’t be ridiculous

    • @ectogamut
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Last summer when BG3 came out there was a not insignificant amount of people complaining that a D&D game was turn-based…. like…. ??? You can’t make this stuff up!

    • @bujkaizack
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Turn based?

    I’d play… I would also miss there being any challenge🤷‍♂️

    • @zickarjay
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Interesting if they would make a new Xenoblade game like that.

    • @jamestheproexpat
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    No. I want Final Fantasy to be action and Dragon Quest to be Turn Based.

    • @badboy-gn8fu
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    FF17 to me itsn’t even an RPG it’s just an action game. square really dropped the ball imo and they really need to go back to their turn based roots

    • @AndersonTenecela
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    “the Final Fantasy I remember was constantly seeking new challenges and never sitting comfortably in any given place.” Sakaguchi in 2016

    I’m using this quote because I think it reflects why Final Fantasy isn’t turn based and while OJ does brings good points about the best selling games on PS4 at the time, fans have to remember that in FF12, it wasn’t the classic turn based combat and that quote from the main creator shows that they want to challenge themselves with every new entry. Some may or may not like the newer actions, but the main goal is to try something different which I can respect that.

    • @adamtideman4953
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Good lord, this franchise is still going through its identity crisis…

    • @wounduppenguin
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think FF should go back to turn-based. I think FF can have 2 lines, action-based and turn-based, just like how Yakuza/Like A Dragon does their games now.

    • @EPS5000
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    At 3:28 you say “turn based” and then mention the FF 13 series, but those games aren’t turn based. The only FF games that are turn based are 1, 2, 3, and 10. The other games in the FF franchise aren’t turn based.

    • @killiandw
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    As a long time square FF fan I’m not mad at what they have done. I may not like it, but I’m not mad. Fans need to remember the essence of FF games. The essence of FF is taking a risk. The first FF took a risk that could have been their final fantasy. That risk paid off. I’m ok with square taking a risk and trying new things. I learned a long time ago not every FF is for me and it’s ok. They may come back to what I love or they may never doesn’t matter I had a good time either way

    • @islandboy7271
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Yes. A well blended mix 💪🏽

    • @dangelojohnson1744
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I can’t lie I’m getting this game it looks dope tbh

    • @DogHairDontCare
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I actually enjoyed both ff7r and ff16 combat system. Just didn’t like 1) how we obtained materia, namely summons, in ff7r, and 2) the lack of equipment depth in ff16. Still had fun with both games… They just need to stop blowing the budget on dumb things that alienate its own fans. For instance, Ff7rebirth will burn you out for doing all the side content. Ff16 will punish your interpretation of the story for skipping side content. How do they screw that up back to back?

    • @gamekiller64
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I’m not too concerned with FF having turn based since Square offers so many good turn based games already. Especially since 16 and Rebrith were amazing. Now if they do make a turn based FF I sure hope all these fan begging for it actually speak with their wallet

    • @theovonskeletor3709
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    i just want dragon quest but in the final fantasy style with all the final fantasy music

    • @rollfizzlebeef1779
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I love turn based but FF16 was perfect for me

    • @juniorcorporan3399
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I wouldn’t say they’re forced to go turn based because of this game… We all know about ff9 remake and the rumors are that it’s going to be turn based. I know this video was made just for the views lol. Smart OJ.

    • @darkshao51
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Well, let’s not hype it too much either.
    Don’t expect a massive triple A here, it’s still a small team of developers. It’ll be AA at best. The game is clearly appealing, but I’m a bit worried that people will mistake it for the equivalent of a FF game in terms of ambition.

    • @alexpadilla9993
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Why not both? Ff7 re Is a great example.

    • @SimaosKitchen
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think SE mainline series should be as real-time as FF7R. FF16 leaned too far into action.

    I think SE should create a new Final Fantasy with a sub title that resembles the older turn based games though.

    • @akumous
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    This is a testament that turn based can be done and modernized to appeal today’s market.

    • @JWBR84
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think it’s because we’re a little older OJ. “JRPG” means a different thing to us. I had a much younger person tell me that they were concerned because they thought it was derogatory and I was confused because I was just talking about the type of game. P. S. I LOVE JRPGs and WRPGs. I also really like ARPGs and have a few SRPGs that I like. Who else likes Rocket-Propelled-Grenades?!

    • @daquenking5261
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    This how you make a turn based game.

    • @bluntzy0414
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I love the legend of Dragoon 💪

    • @Puntonghua
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Something like FF12 would be perfect. FF7 is also acceptable.

    • @fineva8291
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think maybe the FF9 Remake if it is a 1:1 remake like rumored, it will be a market test for the series in terms of what direction it should go in game mechanics and platform. I would be pretty happy if it ends up selling more than FF16 or FF7R games.

    • @DankMemeCenterX
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Final Fantasy isn’t the trendsetter anymore. Shifting what the ip was has lost fans of the old and didn’t necessarily build a newer audience to a substantial degree. There’s a place for both turn based and action oriented in the market but Square gotta figure out what moves to make to regain marketshare like stop taking deals with Sony or bullet fire titles without room to breathe.

    • @ryanunknown4181
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Good video

    • @michelletackett9489
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Turn-based is too heavy on thinking for the Witcher and Skyrim bros. 😂😂

    I wish FF would go more turn-based. Sure, add some new elements in, but the turn base is awesome as well as a good ARPG.

    • @threeswordssama
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I don’t have much experience with the newer Final Fantasy games but I’m a fan of the old school turn based style. There’s a ton of variety within the “turn based” battle mechanic that can be applied in a variety of ways.

    • @KatanaRikku
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I really would rather they build on FF7 Rebirth’s combat or 16 for the next mainline title. If anything, I’d prefer they create a spinoff series of turn-based titles. I genuinely think 7 remakes has the best combat of any final fantasy game I’ve played.

    • @barcster2003
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I dont know but im defintely into clair obscure expedition 33.

    • @1988M.
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Alright well, they gave it a nice run. Two FF games have had A combat. Now it’s time to please real RPG fans and not casual players.

    • @theonlymattthatmatters
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Following the market is what got them in this mess to begin with. They should make the games the creators want to make.

    • @NoctLightCloud
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I’d love to see the ff7 Rebirth combat system for ff17, with maybe a few ff12-esque gambits.

    • @alexi111
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I didn’t LOVE FFXVI and sure its not the best but it’s not a bad game at all. 7.5/10 for me. I gave it an extra .5 due to the cinematics. Now if they went turned based, automatic 9 for me. Turn based is and always will be my favorite style of game. If the FFIX remaster is real (and acknowledging this is my favorite game in the series), I am certain that FFIX will be a 10/10 for me personally and that’s mainly due to the turned based fighting.

    • @zaythleon5847
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I think it depends on who they get to head ff17. I personally would love to see it go back to a more turn based rpg but I think the bigger problem is that the franchise itself has an identity problem. Other rpgs grew because they knew what they wanted to be and where they wanted to go within their area but ff lost it’s core vision and now has to either rediscover it or create a new one

    • @habibk.2423
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Naw man, the FFVIIR combat system is higly acclaimed by soo many FF fans – old and new. Out of all the things the FFVIIRe games did right, the combat is the most acclaimed

    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    If FF7Remake system is used for the next installment, they will get better sells for the next title. This whole action only notion is not the best way to go. FF7R had the best of action and turn base from the start. The party system in FF7R was way better than ff16 also… have a better story and world also. It doesnt have to be open world like Zelda TOTK but at least have it like FF12. Big zones… side quest with decent character building… populate the world with npcs that arent copy and paste…. its just sad SE lost who they are after going full 3D and trying to please the western audience. We loved them more when they created stories as a JRPG influenced world and story. All this western nonsense is what has destroyed their series…. i hope they go back to being a company that honors what made them great.

    • @BranSmith101
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Yes, they should return to Turn based combat for FF. Make action orientated FF games but keep the mainline games. That way you’re giving everyone something to play whether you like TBRPG or ARPG’s. Expedition 33 proves that when Yoshi P said TB is too slow, he was full of foolishness.

    The other option is to ask JAPAN what kind of Genre they want FF to be and work from that.

    • @tommymacklin6641
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I hope not. I became a big fan of Final Fantasy after it ditched the turn based gameplay. I’d like future games to lean into the type of combat found in the Final Fantasy VII Remake series, where it’s action based, but there are turn based elements and you have playable party members. Even Final Fantasy XV, which just had Noctis being playable, at least initially, still had that party that was with you for almost the whole game.

    • @wiseguy240Winston
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    They need to go back to ATB turn based combat. Build off what they did in 13-3’s battle system, which was the series last non action before FF15. It was one of the best and underrated while offering something i see as a middle ground for turn based and action combat fans that worked.

    • @AceYamagucci
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    They did a fantastic job w 16 and Rebirth imo. So whatever combat they go with, I’m confident it’ll be solid.

    • @aerolord
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    That’s why I love Octopath Traveller 2.

    • @mikeehrmantraut1899
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    What funny is that the Tales of Series got so much right with Action Combat while FF change it to Action combat managed to screw it up

    • @BrainWasherAttendent
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    JRPG is a term. It’s been 100% clear what it meant for decades. Suddenly people have a problem with it. So annoying.

    • @sinchman1
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Expedition 33 is going to create a new era in turn base RPG

    • @patron7906
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I’d go back to FF, if this were the case. Not into action/realtime stuff.

    • @KikBlava
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    If Expedition 33 becomes a competitor to Final Fantasy that would be incredible to see Square’s reaction. 😁

    • @JeannieLove
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Tales are still RPGs. It’s a style, not specifically turn based

    • @Maxrepfitgm
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I’ll return to Final Fantasy if they do and not the new Devil may cry action oriented bs FF has devolved to.

    • @Official_RetroMania
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I hope Square goes back to their turn based games and that we get a full party again and that FF becomes a RPG again!

    • @kinh0t
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Yes please, stop this action bullshiet

    • @AnthonySmith-bj9mo
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    hi OJ

    • @KH-nk8ry
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    No. Improve the Action Combat, bring it up to par with modern Action Combat games, and make it more rewarding. I don’t want a UI clicker.

    • @johanblomquist8705
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Let’s hope so. FF doesn’t feel like FF without party/turn based gameplay.

    • @kenrulei09
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Excited for this game so much

    • @KnightSoulsG
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    Turn base is so lame

    • @connergaskell1909
    • 2024年 6月 12日 11:25am

    I fricking hope ff goes back to it’s roots loved playing 16 but wouldn’t mind 17 going Turn based