Final Fantasy 16 – No Open World And 9 Other Details You Need To Know


Final Fantasy 16 had a pretty good showing during this month’s PlayStation State of Play with new gameplay and a Summer 2023 release window. Development-wise, it was confirmed to be almost finished back in May so it’s very much on track. Let’s take a look at 10 new things you should know about the game right now.

Taqs:final fantasy 16 new details,final fantasy 16 no open world,final fantasy 16 gameplay details


  • コメント (49)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @nimzgaz7049
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Looks good. My only issue is the hack and slash. Just doesn’t feel tactical like FF7 remake.

    • @7thChimera
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    I’m considering cancelling my Collectors pre-order– this reveal video has been way, way helpful in that I can probably just rent it off Gamefly and probably experience the entire game in a day or two if it’s just an interactive movie.

    Was hoping for something that didn’t feel like ‘press x to win’ or ‘hold the auto-dodge button to dodge everything’… but the key info here is ‘the game plays like a movie, a wrestling game, and a 3D shooter during the Eikon battles– all of your allies are AI controlled, can respec Summons unlimited times– linear world with few easter eggs/few mini games/puzzles/secrets…’

    I don’t want spoon-fed automated game experiences out of role playing games. If they have Kingdom Hearts team involved in combat design its going to be a special effects nuke-fest where you just spam X to do lots of burst damage to everything on the screen.

    Will there be scripted losses in the plotline battles? 13 was very linear with slow pacing and no character-to-world involvement. 15 was plotline robbery once you reached Altissia and defeated Leviathan– 10 year time skip? That’s garbage! We had four really great ORIGINAL games with complete storylines that you could play through/multiple towns to explore and quest.

    This franchise is having a identity crisis that has spanned nearly two decades, you hate to see it. Hironobu Sakaguchi was really something else… we’ll chalk it up to trend adaptation and onboarding. Bro, I don’t want a FPS or a movie… I want a Final Fantasy.

    • @marcusfreire7349
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Never been a huge fan of ff due to the voice acting and overly fluffy nature of the dialogue. But to my knowledge this was given british voice actors to immerse In the world…now we get to play as these amazingly designed gods (Eikons). This may be the first ff title to pique my interest….bring it on

    • @Ryknex
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    can we take the word RPG out of this BS cinematic based fighting game?

    • @itsChanandler
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Ugh I’m nervous that you’ll only be able to control Clive. Final Fantasy has been always about group adventure.

    • @youngmelo3717
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Ive never liked any final fantasy game except FF15. It was my favorite game of last gen. Hated ff7 and def won’t be buying ff16. I hope they make more games like FF15 in the future.

    • @letsfets8021
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    I hate open world games for the 10 year old kids running hours and hours and doing useless quests finally no open world anymore, yes

    • @martianswag1000
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Torgal will evoke into Fenrir or carbuncle

    • @2cents4u
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    This new Devil May Cry looks like the story of Sparda back in the Knights days.

    • @734games6
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Weak, no open world garbage.

    • @Krondon-SSR
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Never been interested in any Final Fantasy games, but this… this looks like something i miiight think about getting C;

    • @dusttodust915
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    so it’s going to a very limited linear game style. well that’s very disappointing.

    • @Bronwyn031
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Sorry, but I’m more hyped for Remake Pt 2. 15 didn’t exactly leave a good taste in my mouth. Just couldn’t connect with the boring characters.

    • @Deathscythe333
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    First ever FF title with no tie-ins from previous ff huh? I’ll bet you $2.50 Biggs, Wedge and Cid returns

    • @Egeslean
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Except for the ‘no open world’, everything else here is just reinforcing this is a game to skip.

    • @leonard9624
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Gonna be trash i tell yah

    • @dobbyisfree7870
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    co-op party members

    • @kjh4496
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Ff16 only being built for PS5 is a lie. There’s nothing special about the PS5 that PC or Xbox can’t also do. The magic PS5 SSD was a complete lie and I can’t believe developers and fanboys still believe that marketing bullshit. It’s just thanking Sony for the money and nothing more.

    • @iKnowYourWay
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Top 1 summons is money monster

    • @kountrackula7242
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    They could be referring to tales of arise open world areas

    • @iwantanxbox8765
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    No open world is good, open worlds are stale and final fantasy is at it’s best when it’s showing you new crazy cool things. Open world games are so fricking tired at this point.

    • @tr3v98
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    What I want from a FF, no open world (so a linear experience) and turn base combat (like the good ol days of FF).

    • @ifstatementifstatement2704
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    This all sounds really good. Can’t wait to play it on pc.

    • @ifstatementifstatement2704
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    So that’s one detail a minute.

    • @markbreskvar8025
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Similar to tales of arise because that would be sweet

    • @DeloriaOnline
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    2022. Chapter yo

    • @chibdib7227
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    The lord listened to my prayers, games designed like control, god if war, returnal etc are my favourite types of games mostly greatly designed linear levels with a decent amount of very good quality side content but not too much where it gets boring just enough to fill in the gaps.
    So excited for this game ffxv was a joy but looking back it wasn’t as good as I thought it was when I was 11. So please square deliver a good linear game with cool combat, great story and simple and straightforward side content that doesn’t bloat the game for no reason

    • @Caucasian60
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    All that’s fine but give me all the boob physics the game’s engine can handle please.

    • @tkp98
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    What if I already know all this? Should I still watch and comment?……….Yes I should and yes I did. 🤯

    • @archez5125
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    this is the first final fantasy im actually hyped for before release just from the trailer and the fact that u only use the one character and its not open world im excited about that. just started ff7 remaKE too and i love it. i like the more linear approach with games

    • @ensabahnur7657
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    No open World, WTF???????????????????????

    • @simplewatcher9366
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Glad it’s not open world but I absolutely hope it wouldn’t have sections that drag on for too long because of the exposition the Shinra museum in the remake was awful on the third time

    • @gejamugamlatsoomanam7716
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    The best part it that xbox and switch won’t get this on launch

    • @reizak8966
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    I’m so happy it won’t be open world! Not every game needs to be a sandbox. I’m perfectly happy with solid and creative level design.

    • @ImarBenIsrael
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    The party being entirely ai control sounds like a bad idea . I think I speak for all FF fans especially the hardcore that you want complete control over your team and not just the MC . Like that’s for any rpg game . It’s fine to have ai teammates but hopefully you can manually set your team up before and during the battle to adapt to the situation. I still shake my head that no game seems to have learned from dragon age origins and make scripts as advanced as they did decades ago so you can finely tune your team for mostly any situation. Well let’s see how this works out

    • @brichan1851
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    I’m tired of Final Fantasy going the “Dark Souls” route. It’s looking like it’s more “Devil May Cry” than Final Fantasy. And what about the story? Is it going to be deep and compelling?

    I look at what was done with “Stranger of Paradise” and wonder if Final Fantasy is headed in the right direction. I’m looking for substance over style and this looks to be style over substance.

    I hope I’m wrong. Only time will tell.

    • @nyckelhypa
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    “There was a point around 1999 or so, when I assumed I’d be buying every Final Fantasy game released from then till the end of time. Now, Final Fantasy games are released and I barely even notice. Even, if they’re reviewed well, I don’t buy them.” – MrBtongue, 2012 in his video “A Tale Of Two Companies.”

    • @onehitsword6800
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    we never had a open word Final Fantasy since 15

    • @CatJuiceSays
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Most of ff series are all open world but this is utterly gibberish from squareenix
    Probably will be like soul game like nioh sekiro elden ring etc

    • @jman2542
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    I don’t know why folks are absolutely infatuated with open world. There’s plenty of good and bad open world and non-open world games. Either way, video games absolutely do NOT need to be open world to be good!

    • @nattobaby
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    as long as its not ffx, ff12 & ff13 linear im good

    • @PeanutButterAndJellyBros
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    Looks a lot like Devil May Cry.

    • @saiwaqa2573
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    finally gone away from the wrpg OpenWorld crap. This is great for old-school ff fans like myself. FF has never been open world, and when they tried it, it absolutely sucked.

    • @haruhisuzumiya6650
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    This isn’t that impressive, if you’ve played bayonetta and astral chain

    • @SSJ2Phenom
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    No open world? I absolutely loved the open world in XV. The camping and cooking mechanic and the car were absolutely awesome. It made the main character and companions feel like really close friends and was absolutely awesome to explore.

    • @soultiger267
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    No Open World? *Insert Megamind Meme*

    • @haruhisuzumiya6650
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    11. Clive is Ifrit

    • @maidenless3273
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am

    My day is ruined and my disappointment is immeasurable

    • @stevensantiago9316
    • 2024年 6月 03日 11:26am
