7 Creepiest Enemies That Will Haunt Your Nightmares Forever


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Final Fantasy has featured countless enemies over the year, but some of them have ended up being quite creepy and terrifying, it’s those enemies that will be covered in this video.

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Taqs:creepy enemies,creepiest video games,scariest video games,scariest video game enemies,creepiest video game enemies,final fantasy,scary final fantasy,haunted final fantasy,creepy final fantasy,final fantasy scary,final fantasy creepy,final fantasy weird


  • コメント (100)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @lukedodson3441
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    C’eith were in type 0?

    • @kitsunearcfire
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    My suggestion’s are both from type-0 the freak enemies and the dracobaltians

    • @BewareTheLilyOfTheValley
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Anything akashic in Final Fantasy XVI. Especially poor Theodore.

    • @BewareTheLilyOfTheValley
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Spoiler for FF7 Rebirth (not sure what amount of time is appropriate before these warnings don’t really need to be given, but I’ll just be safe for now).

    While certainly not an enemy in the traditional sense, I think the creepiest thing in Rebirth was Cloud when he was being possessed by Jenova, turning him into an enemy, in a sense. Having him chase after Aerith while giggling and saying her name in that sing-song voice…holy hell, that was so off-brand from Cloud that it actually was scary. Worst yet, if you try to fight back in that segment, which I kept doing, Cloud grotesquely twists his body in a zombie-like way, but still stumbles forward. His head twists back and it’s…just awful. You literally cannot fight the progression in that moment and the more you fight it, the more disturbing it becomes.

    If you stop fighting and move forward, his arms dangle and swing, like the puppet Sephiroth keeps calling him and his head lolls on his shoulders. He runs in a very unnatural way, like a zombie with a speed boost, pulled along like a puppet on strings. The whole moment as he chases Aerith for the black materia is haunting and very well done, cementing it as actually one of my favorite moments in the game.

    • @jackycheung2781
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    The vermin enemies from FFX2 scared the living daylights when I first saw their silhouettes onscreen. The way they move and how they look like spiders scares me.

    • @gejamugamlatsoomanam7716
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Hope we get a zombie aerith in next ff7 remake part 3

    • @gavyncarter9461
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I forgot exactly who it was. But that zombie like boss in ff8 on the train kinda gave me the creeps when i first played a few years back. I really have to replay it.

    • @bardinblue9830
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Indeed, those creatures were creepy… However, there have really only been two Final Fantasy enemies that appeared in my nightmares when I was around middle-school to teenage: The Behemoth from Final Fantasy II (SNES, which is actually Final Fantasy 4), and the Atma Weapon from Final Fantasy III (SNES, which is actually the Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy 6).

    • @sinom
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I only have an emotional support chocobo. Sadly no emotional support moogle.

    • @felipefgoliveira
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Diabos is one of my favorite summons of all time, along with Anima
    Both not very pleasant visually

    • @MoniqueBoulangerMSG
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    If you want to know about the Tonberry lore in FF14, do the Scholar job quests.

    • @10hawell
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Ardyn Izunia being Jesus stand in and Noxis a descendant of Judas was so cool.

    • @NytLegend
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Diablos scared no one

    • @brianmcknight1267
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Hey how come in not mentioned as a supporter?

    • @AnthonyIsToeKnee
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Finally, FFX and FFXV get some love.

    • @drewtheunspoken3988
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I think the Tonberries in XVI were the closest I’ve ever gotten to getting genuinely creeped out by anything in Final Fantasy.

    The Marlboros in VIII startled me the first couple of times due to them announcing their presence with “Hah!” as it changed to the battle screen.

    And, while benign, I found the automated Tonberry in Rebirth to be slightly creepy.

    • @michaelthomas6108
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Hope you are taking plenty of remedies and get well soon.

    • @wastelanddrifter7685
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I hope Gerogero from FF8 is here…..seriously that thing was an abomination

    • @TheWallFly
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    – Mindflayers need love too.

    • @TheChocorider
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Don’t know if this is intentional or not on the game developers but the flying malboros from FFIX. It always freaked me out when one tentacle rises in the air and thrn the whole body follows….pretty creepy.

    • @pichugirl6
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    It may not fully reach the creepy spectrum, but id almost say the Sin Spawns that you fight specifically in Operation Mi’ihem. At this point of the journey you’re told about the importance of killing any nearby Sin Spawn because if left unchecked, Sin comes back for them. During your war to Mushroom Rock, you see the Crusaders gathering to do an operation, while holding cargo of Sin Spawns. It’s not uncommon for monsters in FF to gather together and fuse into something, but this Sin Spawn, that we never get to see them be fully separated or fight them separated.

    • @ericmainez8773
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    FF7 was my first rpg all those years ago so on my third playthrough of the game I was genuinely surprised when I encountered the yin and yang monster in the mansion basement

    • @Cloud971
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    This is an unpopular opinion but i always loved Diablos since the first time, especially when i noticed it was Gravity based. Chadarnook on the other hand always scared me the first time with the lore of game and especially with the music playing in Owzer’s House at this time…

    • @sinjull2256
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Some transformations in the game of bosses just are some what creepy. I am looking at you Jenova!
    But I also wonder, are you up on taking suggestions for videos even if they could be theories or not?

    • @SakuraSamael
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Interesting…. I hadn’t really considered it until the topic came up, but I’ve never found anything creepy in a Final Fantasy game. I suppose if I had to choose, I would say enemies from Final Fantasy X in general. Not their design so much, but when you consider that fiends are the angry souls of people’s loved ones, it’s half unsettling and half heartbreaking. It’s extra messed up when you think about how some lonely widow or orphaned child probably tried to track down their loved one’s fiend in a fit of desperation and sorrow, believing they could tame it or reason with it, and instead got taken out themselves.

    • @brandonwejkszner1733
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Diablos is not creepy like I’m sorry

    • @brasstonberry3266
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Do anyone of alpha predators that hunt in FF worlds? I would put Behemoth high on that food pyramid.

    • @sacb0y
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    The first time seeing the summon Anima in FFX, i think Seymour summoned it.

    • @reaperx7164
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    i was hoping to see Hephaistos savage transformation from ffxiv, that whole scene is disturbing

    • @Athlynne
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Personally, nothing skeeved me more than Helletic Hojo. Except Adel. Screw Adel.

    • @stenpod9368
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Excellent video, as always. I hope you keep introverting, your main Final Fantasy so-called themes, into your luxurious and extravagent videos.

    • @wally4golly
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Honestly, I think you could do full lists from individual games

    • @D33zNutzOnyaChin
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Seriously, just imagine the fake president’s transformation sequence from ff8, in modern graphics

    • @arkthompson9869
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    In my opinion, the scariest monsters in Final Fantasy were the unknowns in Final Fantasy 7. What the hell were those things?

    • @LongTran-kp3kz
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I dunno. Maybe it’s cuz I’m used to Souls and other FromSoft games, but nothing in any FF game ever struck me as all that creepy..

    • @rg7122
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    The president transforming into a zombie in VIII is imo the creepiest thing in FF

    • @akibarea4044
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    There are lots mentioning in FFXIV. For me, the one with Edda’s story. That one really creep me out and didn’t sleep without lights on for weeks lol. after you finished one of the dungeons, you’ll get a cutscene that really came from a horror movie or something

    • @emiyaunlimitedbladeworks5292
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Hojo’s second form in FF7 is probably the creepiest monster for me.

    • @LadyBrightcynder
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    My scariest:

    Death Mask – FFIV
    Unknowns – FFV
    Yingyang – FFVII
    Pretty much anything from VIII, everything was frigging WEIRD there
    Gog/Magog – FF13-2

    • @seguuro
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    In Final Fantasy there are not many monster designs I can actually consider creepy. The most unsettling creatures I can think of are the abominations that populate the sunken Gelnika in FF7 and the Propagators encountered in space in FF8

    • @jaynajuly2140
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    My friend and I played FF8 when we were maybe 8-9 years old. Diabolos absolutely scared the pants off us!

    • @sinsung4159
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    No going to lying. This was a very boring video.

    • @Avatar_of_Chairness
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    No honourable mention of the Donberry from Rebirth…not only does it possess it’s species bloodlust for murder, but is a creepy perv, too

    • @ban3tt3
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    There are definitely some strong picks here, but one strong mention I feel like is missing is the enemies from the Great Sea Trench in Final Fantasy V. It doesn’t help that they’re all named ” Unknown ” and there is no real mention of what these nightmarish undead abominations are and why they are there in an otherwise pretty regular looking dwarven underwater cave. It just catches you offguard!

    From VI I’d also mention the giant smirking monk heads with the stretched earlobes. Something about them is just way unsettling and they are even worse in XIV with their animations.

    • @choupetto85
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Ying Yang from FF7

    • @Forever_Zero
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I would vote for the bosses in the Via Infinito from FFX-2, the whole place has an unsettling atmosphere, the music is creepy and the bosses are basically ghosts from the past

    • @deden77720
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    yunalesca’s final form is the scariest..ngl

    • @lordsnia2152
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    take care and dont rush, just focus on getting well🤗

    • @Calvados656
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Not sure if I would say I ever found Yunalesca all that creepy but she definitely gave me nightmares.

    • @Firestar1992
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Terminus Beasts/Blasphemies from FFXIV are at the top of my list. >.< Even if some of them have familiar rigs, their overall designs are unsettling, and after playing Endwalker, I'm still kind of traumatized. Endwalker is the only expansion of the game I genuinely do not enjoy replaying because of the halfway point.

    • @dimitriosgladio059
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    These are good picks, I personally find Sand Bear and Sand Crawler from FFV to look downright unsettling as well though

    • @LizzyLoves91
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    When we were kids, my younger brother and I were absolutely terrified of Anima from FFX. We dreaded fighting Seymour for the first time knowing he would inevitably summon her. We would even run out of the room if she ever did her overdrive because it scared us so much lol Even now, she’s still really creepy and unsettling to me.

    • @Degnique
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Vagrant Soul and Luxollid in Pharos at Ridorana Subterra scared me shidless when I was a teenager. That entire room is dark af and suddenly these orbs of light show up, especially Vagrant Soul in goddang Abyssal. They weren’t particularly tough but man, I never forgot them to this day, it also helps FF12 is my all-time favourite FF so yea lmao

    • @cchaves95
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Gergero from Final Fantasy 8 looked like an unused enemy from Parasite Eve. Just the fake President’s transformation felt like it was from another game.

    • @moonwolfv671
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I’d say VI has a fair few on offer. Overlords on the phantom train come to mind. The unknowns from V also.

    • @rus.t
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Enemies in the Shinra Mansion. When I was younger, I remember being creeped out by a segment in Crisis Core where you have to peak through key holes.

    • @Hazielangelo
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Anima could easily be in a next video.

    • @gamingtheologian8515
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I have no idea how Yang and Ying from the original Final Fantasy VII didn’t make the list. The way they even moved is still creepy.

    • @theyinyang1103
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    First boss of Amaurot in FfXIV, that thing creeps me out.

    • @SVPortfolio
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I nominate Jenova from FF7 Remake/Rebirth

    • @jennyf-eg5gl
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Demon wall made me scream like a girl when that thing was chasing me. Nearly gave me another scream when i saw it in ff15.

    • @Vayne_Solidor
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Cuchulainn, an optional 12 Zodiac Age Esper is both hilariously funny looking and nightmare material.

    • @GuyDandy
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I’d say that the terminus beasts/abominations from FFXIV are absolutely horrifying in lore and design. The body horror alone is nightmarish.

    • @yourtrubers1728
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Over half the monsters in ff12 could be on this list, HOW did MARLBOROS NOT MAKE THE LIST!?!?!?

    • @mweathers79
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm


    • @perfecttalkz4259
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    tbh i didn’t even notice anything with your voice your completely fine dude another great deliver video as usual

    • @darthkamen6564
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Hecteyes in any game, but specifically XII are nightmare inducing.

    • @TheJaegersHunt
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Def Jenova and even Hojo.

    • @valkyrionstormguard6133
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    FFVII, everything in the Sunken Gelnika. Then the jump scare you’d get if Emerald Wespon was waiting for you outside of it.

    • @AdamBrewster
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    For me, the creepiest of all enemies in all the games HAS to be Queklain/Cuchulainn from FF Tactics.

    The way he rips open his belly is truly macabre. I think it’s compounded by the fact that it’s coming at the point in the plot where Ramza and crew really start to understand the depths of corruption in the church.

    Truly, he’s a masterpiece of horror monster design.

    Shoutouts to Marquis Elmdore and Velias/Belias for being creepy creeps too.

    Would love a video on cutest monsters too btw!

    • @alcandorhan2918
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Marlboro in FF7Rebirth😢 so disgusting

    • @stormstrider
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Spoon reference!

    • @moogleboy
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    FFIV Calcabrina
    FFV Unknown
    FFVI Pipsqueak/Onion Knight
    Pipsqueak is especially terrifying because of the implications. The Empire is taking war orphans and infusing them with magic, but only enough for them to cast Self-Destruct.

    • @ansemthetrueseekerofdarkne2730
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Fabula Nova Crystalis might actually come back albeit through KH as Sora literally crystalizes in the bad ending of the KH3 secret boss.

    • @kitbct1444
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I wish they’d make another FF that pays homage to its roots, like they did with FF9.

    And make it turn based. I always enjoyed the strategy involved with turn based RPGs. The newer action style is fun, But I do think a return to the old school style with modern graphics would be great.

    Like if FF3/6 and FF9 had a child. Lol

    • @neezduts69420
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    “For Cie’th, there is no salvation” – The chills when I first read that line!

    • @ArenJohnston
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Diabolos never scared me in FF8. My vote would have gone to Adel. Her trying to merge with Rinoa was just messed up to me. Still is, years later.

    • @PetarBladeStrok
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Surprised you didn’t mention Sin Eaters and Tesleen or Blasphemies from FFXIV and Jenova from FFVII. Those are EASILY the scariest and creepiest things I’ve seen in all of Final Fantasy. Downright unsettling and trauma-inducing. When it comes to Jenova, the first time you see it in Shinra HQ in the OG, it’s straight up RE grotesque monstrosity of flesh.

    • @socialanarchy081
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Huh, I kind of expected Edge’s parents (FF4) to be near the top of the list.

    • @permafrostyx
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Final fantasy onion union

    • @anthonycowden3493
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    How can we have a list like this and Anima not be on it? One of the creepiest characters in any final fantasy game.

    • @luisribeiro6140
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Ozma from FF9. Like… you can’t even fully comprehend what the hell it is.

    All one knows is that it’s such a bizarre design it’s creepy

    • @ZachTheZip
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Tesleen’s transformation in XIV Shadowbringers. I was NOT expecting to see that.

    • @cdunlap0008
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Monster design in FF15 was pretty good, and there was some good creep factor in all those demons

    • @kaitokei
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    ok ngl i was expecting some FFXIV moments, esp the start of Shadowbringers with Tesleen’s transformation bc that caught me so off guard and was so impactful to the story. Crazy start to how dangerous and corrupted the world is.

    Or the 2nd boss of Endwalker’s Vanaspati dungeon where it looked to be a scorpion but has an elephant head at the back. And if you relate it to the family that just escaped right before you reach that boss, that is spooky.

    Otherwise Edda’s story from ARR’s start, to Tam Tara Hard mode’s entire dungeon lore and story, to it being one of the, or actually the first jump scare in the game within the cutscene, and the fact Edda’s ghost can be seen around all 3 towns until Palace of the Dead was released… I think that can count as spooky.

    • @mreclectic700
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    The Demonolith in FFX was pretty creepy

    • @7StringBlazer
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    From the moment Cloud laid eyes on her in the pod, Jenova used to absolutely terrify me as a child playing the OG VII. It was a combination of the music in the pod scene (and the heartbeat sound), her boss theme, and not knowing what I was looking at. It used to stress me out so bad I’d puke shortly after!

    As an adult I’ve found that it’s greatly informed my interest in the body horror subgenre. I’ve been very satisfied with her designs for Remake and Rebirth, it’s been a highlight for me now and I’m looking forward to seeing how messed up Hojo and any other forms of Jenova will get in part 3!

    • @callumburrows8619
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Finally final fantasy xiii has some love ❤

    • @ZanSuken-pv1rn
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    If you didn’t find these enemies scary
    Remember FFX-2s Mega tonberry
    Remember the victims who tried to get the Still of the Night Blue Bullet without any preparation

    • @arisrayden
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    as a kid i had jenova cause me some sleepless nights

    • @cao-manhnguyen5904
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    When I was 4 years old I played Final Fantasy XII and the Demon Wall was a nightmare itself. Everytime when I was nearly dead I just closed the game, because I found the death animation too gruesome. This was some nightmare material. I even had a nightmare where the walls would crush me for months…

    • @mattsully2238
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    I always found demonwall unsettling

    • @mreclectic700
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    5:09 😄

    • @shieldwalker
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    We need scarier stuff in the Final Fantasy series. This list was so tame!

    • @winterpooljrpgpodcast
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Crazy Nightmares)

    • @StormVII
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Want to support, waiting until XVI is on sale. Can someone let me know where I’d need to skip for spoilers?

    • @FirithPanda
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Zombie Whale is not on this list. A shame

    • @madambutterfly1997
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Too many moons ago

    • @LucienYT
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    To all who read this : You’re awesome. Much love. 🙏🏻❤️

    • @FirithPanda
    • 2024年 5月 27日 11:25pm

    Malboros. Always them.