Final Fantasy 16 Xbox Rumors Provoke Salt and Fanboy Rage


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Taqs:final fantasy 16 xbox,ff16 xbox,final fantasy xvi xbox,ffxi xbox,ps5 fanboys,playstation fanboys,sony ponies,joefromseattle,console fanboys


  • コメント (90)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @KlR0V
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    What would be the reason to bring a game to a plataform in which almost nobody buy games and is mostly composed by a weak machine like the series S? If the game runs awful in the ps5, the series S is out of the question.

    Porting the game to xbox would be just a big waste of money, unless microsoft is willing to pay them a hefty amount.

    • @thunderflare59
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    The poor performance of FF16 after Sony helped optimize it is the perfect example of why I never buy Sony electronics.

    • @francistein8409
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    “other platforms” is literally xbox. what other platform is yoshida supposed to be talking about? smartphones?? 💀

    • @francistein8409
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    The FF7 remake trilogy will also come to xbox in the future. Sony keeps paying Square enix to make it playstation exclusive.

    • @MrHeretrix
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    My favorite E3 of all time was the PS3 launch. It was a disaster.
    Calling people poor because of their console of choice is
    something I’ve seen a lot of Playstation fanboys do because of Gamepass.

    • @MiguelRodriguez-lp9et
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    The Xbox and Sweet Baby situation is a much bigger problem than anything going on in Playstation at the moment.

    You should be talking about THAT above anything else, or is brand loyalty more important than gaming as a hole?

    Fanboys like you that try so hard to hide it piss me off the most.

    • @AikanaroSauron
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Holy shit that Ana took her sweet fucking time with that sleeping dart. As a Mercy main back when I still played this crap, I felt that.

    • @joseijosei
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Playstation fanboys need to experience having a best friend who plays on Xbox. I feel like only then they’ll understand how good it feels to know that others can play the games you were talking about for so long.

    • @joshuaknox2724
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    i want tp play ff16 so bad 🙁 hey i wanted ff14 and look we got that 🙂

    • @arkkrogue3870
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Why not make games i buy on one system just cross over to abother while you at it

    • @arcangelus6008
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    You came up on my recommendations was not disappointed thanks for the news☺ It would be interesting if it did come to another platform😮 I don’t get why people get mad about this a game should be on any platform they decide to debut on it’s just business they got to make money too and I’m glad you said this first you’re right Final Fantasy did start off on the Nintendo I was wondering when somebody was ever going to say that 😮I wanted to try when it first came out but I don’t have PC or PlayStation 5 it would be nice if it ends up on Xbox😣 and the one thing I definitely don’t get about these people who do console Wars or platform wars in my book games for everybody just try to enjoy the games that’s the way it should be🤔 and I can definitely confirm what you said is true about us the Xbox players anyway normally I start off on Game Pass or a demo and if I like the game then I end up buying the game plain and simple🤦

    • @ghosttrain5588
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Playstation fans use to be awesome years ago but now they are a embarrassment to the gaming community lol honestly mobile gamers are better then them

    • @arcadius3257
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I personally don’t really care

    Wish it was FF7 Remake instead.

    • @Warmaker01
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’m a PC gamer now, but I used to be a Console gamer in the 1990s and before. I was not fond of exclusivity of games. Screw all that. Freedom to the gamer.

    • @polmoro
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Time to change your poopy diapers ponies 😂

    • @noobsaibot8844
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I don’t have a PS5 but I’ll gladly play FF16 on my Series S.

    • @momocblack
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Square is like one of the worst companies with exclusivity deals they will sign the most contracts that they can you cash in. Like both FF7 and FF16, PS first then PC on epic for a year then finally steam. They always try to get the most money and know that people who wanna wait will just wait

    • @oukeith
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    16 is not coming to xbox this is nothing but pure speculation.

    • @mynameismud-qd9vu
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I don’t get the console warrior logic that wanting a game on another platform equates to “getting said game for free”. Free as in we didn’t have pay an extra $500 for a console in order to play a few extra games? The irony is they don’t even want to spend the extra money to play games not available on PlayStation, yet they believe everyone else should shell out the money for a PS5 in order to play the PlayStation exclusives.

    • @lolo27234
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Also between 14 and 16 yoshi p is the only one keeping modern final fantasy from turning the sonic franchise of rpgs

    • @lolo27234
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Damn almost like a year exclusivity contract only last a year or something crazy right

    • @TalkingWithBob
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Joe what is that game your playing it looks like a fun Zelda classic type game

    • @sharmone5711
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’ll never understand the mentality of the ps fan boys

    • @MizzahTee
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I love it when Joe’s voice goes up an octave when he becomes frustrated by goober fanboy stupidity and he’s struggling to make sense of their stupid takes😂😂 😂

    • @Nerd_Gamer_Buddy
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    switch 2 on par with the other consoles go brrr

    • @m0ejo324
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I know this isn’t the point of the video but seeing you not shoot at the red walking enemy at the beginning and knowing that you could damaged them just hurt me.

    • @badmoose01
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’m so glad I quit Twitter. Your videos are enough exposure to Twitter nonsense as it is.

    • @matjakobs8612
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Playstation can keep this 720p stuttering piece of shit

    • @midibenni
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I using Game-Pass to trying out Games as long i want and if i like them, i buy them.
    But that’s only true for games where I’m not sure how good they are.
    But there are a lot of game series that I buy Day 1.

    • @0fficialdregs
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    i still have my xbox 360 elite variant after the base model i had stopped working

    • @NeekyChando
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Yoshi P is the director of FF14, so maybe that’s what got you confused

    • @CMcS-xk3hb
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I don’t remember the ponies freaking out when FFXV went multiplatform. So why XVI is when they freaking out?

    • @Rivvy250
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    As a final fantasy fan, I do not claim these people. I want people to enjoy the series in whatever way they prefer.

    • @DreamerSouls
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I can see this entire situation be related to two children one sharing their toys with another but when the I can see this entire situation be related to two children. One child shares his toy with another out of generosity but as soon as that same child reaches for the others toy the other freaks out while still playing with the generous child’s toy

    • @tylermaccallum3529
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    That nose LOL

    • @CNTconnoisseur
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    FF XVI looks like such a generic fantasy world. I’d rather go back and play the old games that I never played.

    • @ittylink
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Square must have thought every single ps5 sold was gonna buy FF also.

    • @117N7_
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Honestly wont buy it on full price if it come out on Xbox not worth buying it on full price after knowing most of the game plot plus good way to make Square Enix stop this stupid PlayStation exclusives rather than being multiplat

    • @tencents6
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    They might as well put it on Xbox. Besides, Xbox gave PlayStation some of IT’S exclusives. PlayStation can do the same for Xbox.

    • @tokiwartuthe
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    They put it on ps exclusively so why do they keep doing it? The sales are so bad when they do so I don’t understand why they keep doing that to themselves

    • @BloodyZoul
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I think it would have been pretty funny if you just voiced over director with a mic blown out saying “PRODUCER”

    • @itsmelenx
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    While the PS5 did have performance problems with 16, it was not that bad at all, combat itself would not drop below 60 and other times when it did drop it would be in the low 50s if I remember

    • @cky0444
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    If this game comes to the xbox, I’ll crap my pants

    • @itsmelenx
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I love Final Fantasy 16, it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played and the game going to PC and Xbox would be great

    • @TheSlanderousTruth
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I used to think that the best salt was Himalayan pink salt or sea salt, but ponies have proved me wrong again because it will always be 100% unadulterated Pony salt

    • @noodle6092
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    As a big finale fantasy fan, this is really good. I want more people to play FF16 regardless of platform and experience a great story. Keep gaming and don’t console war.

    • @amytprincessamygaming6022
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Sony Ponies: How dare games go to Xbox & PC! All games should only be exclusive to PlayStation! All other platforms MUST cease to exist immediately because PlayStation is superior!

    Everyone else: 🤦‍♀️

    • @cleberfiliu1640
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    These little fights about who gets what don’t make any sense. What really matters is playing a fun game that runs smoothly.

    • @GloriousKev
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Funny thing about that guy calling people shit Americans for wanting FF16 on Xbox is that Jamie is British iirc lol

    • @ro4le234
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    “they beg and are delusional” said after whole comunity was begging for months for HALO MCC, STARFIELD, GEARS, INDIANA JOHNES… you name it

    • @NightEnder
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    ponys are mad they can’t gate keep any more

    • @Capt_Dango
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    That first idiot that called Yoshi P incompetent, the man that not only brought back FF14 from the dead, but skyrocketed it to probably the most popular MMO in the world, that pony is funny.

    • @dragkigamer7944
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Really loved ff16(coming from someone that plays ff14)and while the game absolutely has its issues i love it nonetheless and more people getting to play it is pretty great if ask me

    • @elgeniomaestro
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    And the most ironic part of all of this is…the first Final Fantasy got a PC port, not IBM/MS-DOS, but rather to the MSX2, where many japanese games started, like Metal Gear and Aleste

    • @raymcdougal420
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    All Ponies is just miserable 😂

    • @megaman37456
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Funny how Ponies call Xbox fans out for assuming rumors are facts when they were ALL caught red handed doing exactly that about a month or two ago. Remember the “Xbox is going full 3rd party” rumor? Yeah they don’t want you to remember that’s for damn sure.

    • @alipaydar370
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Square pennis admitted multiple times that ff16 and ff7 rebirth sales were disappointing so I don’t think we get another ff exclusive again

    • @chrisn3819
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Game is ass. Literally the reason I gave my ps5 to my 8 year old.

    • @fillerbunnyninjashark271
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    360 would hari-kari itself so you’d wind up buying 1-2 of them a year… I was working at GameStop during this time period so it’s only half a joke

    • @rickmiles2955
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’m an XBox player, and I loved the old FF games (pre FF7). I just wish they’d give us the option to buy the Pixel Remasters….

    • @fillerbunnyninjashark271
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’d much rather console exclusives over another one going MMO… Single player games should never go MMO.

    • @ironaikau8236
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    being square enix i don’t even know what to expect, porting to PC but making it Epic exclusive?
    Kingdom Hearts is still only there, or doing a Forspoken and selling it at 80€ the regular version?

    • @fillerbunnyninjashark271
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I mean… Ff16 isn’t a sequel to any game in the FF series

    • @igornikolovski511
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Given how FF14 just recently came out on the Xbox after being on PS3, 4 and 5 as well on the PC, on top of it it’s the same team that did FF16 with the same producer/director, 100 percent this is coming to Xbox, no questions about it.

    • @mylittledarkworldjohn4289
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm


    Money, if you can sell another load of copies on other systems, why not?

    I can also imagine him being a dude who buys the same game on other systems as well and then complains, why it isn’t having cross saves

    • @iprodigy6723
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Yea ok the ps3 was more expensive out the box right true no denying it was a more powerful console too that devs didn’t utilize til much later in its life cycle. All fair, but that cost offset within the first couple years when xbox players were paying for xbox live while Sony players played online for free still. So I’d say xbox was still the more expensive over time. Plus xbox locked free to play offline content behind xbox live where you could play those modes offline and free on the playstation. So with that I’d say long term the xbox would be considered the “rich man” console. That’s what turned me off the xbox completely then next gen when sony decided to take that same route because people will pay for that bs that’s when I switched to pc. If yall going the pc route I might as well do a new build. I hadn’t had a gaming pc or a pc that could play games since around the time Diablo 2 and half life 2 first came out. Switching to pc back when ps4 and xbone first launched best fkin decision I made. Never looked back

    • @Rs-pb9qd
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Im a playstaion gamer and like the exclusisves but given the insane budgets of games i think they should be on every. platform for maximum sales …

    • @Carl-gj4ed
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    FF will sell better on Xbox once FF shows Xbox some love. As an Xbox and PS gamer watching FF skip Xbox each release was heart-breaking. I’m sure there are a tonne of jilted Xbox gamers that won’t support the game simply because it hasn’t supported Xbox gamers for 20+ years. A sign of good will would be to release all the older PS exclusives on Xbox and release FF multiplat from day one.

    • @sirsonic1832
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I just wish the FF7 remakes would be on other platforms but no unfortunately it will not happen 😔

    • @The_crippled_gamer
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    yo! i know its not related to this video.. but brotato is amazing 😀 thanks for showing!

    • @mylittledarkworldjohn4289
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    They wanted to get the mmo version on the xbox, so why not also make a version of 16 for it

    • @EndThusIAm
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Frankly I just don’t see the appeal of porting it anywhere else. It’s a boring, dull game that clearly wants to be a movie instead of a game. I tried several times to finish it and ended up dropping it. Sold to a game store for like ten bucks, which honestly didn’t bother me. It covered the dlc I wasted money on getting.

    • @mylittledarkworldjohn4289
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    The only reason why they claim is good is because its on playstation and thats it

    • @BanishedSilentShadow3318
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I don’t see where else the game will go besides Xbox, the switch 2 we aren’t sure when that’ll be but really square has ported their games onto Xbox before, doubt square enix cares what the fanboys say, they’ll get money either way

    • @visoroverwatch3247
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I hope it works on SteamDeck. Been playing FF12 on my Steamdeck while trying to get to sleep and it’s been awesome.

    • @SgtTankDempsey
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Fun Fact it was never a Sony exclusive because it was coming to PC. Also, Sony is now 3rd party like Microsoft, both releasing games on different platforms. Now, Atlus noticed how much better their games do much better when they do the same multiplat release the games sell better with Persona 3 Reload being there best selling game Square Enix should follow in Atlus steps

    • @cassthenerd6023
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    to be fair to the launch PS3, it was cheap for a blu ray player

    • @mylittledarkworldjohn4289
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    The best example is and will forever be Warframe.

    Started as a pc exclusive title, went to xbox and playstation.

    Also got it on switch

    made a test crossplay run with only being pc being able to crossplay with xbox/playstation and switch.

    Then made it work for everyone.

    And also made the same fuxking game now for ios and is planning to do the same for android.

    Like people can say what they want about DE, but the fact they did all this despite could have been a pure pc game they went this route.

    Then also to be true and honest, the tencent money did help a lot probably, but its still the same game as it was years ago.

    And now they make also soulframe.

    • @CaptainB1994
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    What other platforms COULD FFXVI come to other than Xbox once the PC port comes???

    • @unknownsoldier6731
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I hate the PlayStation community

    • @HyJyncks
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    My favorite part of these wierdos is how they talk like “it won’t make money” or insert whatever sales jargon into their tweet with 5 likes. But they’re never going to be investors. They never made these games. Absolutely ZERO part of the games’ profit margins affect them in any way. You could even argue it’s a negative value since they’re just paying to play it, if they actually played the games.

    The most used phrase I hear from the ponies especially is “We INVESTED into this console.” Like, no… You didn’t. You bought a children’s toy that makes flashing lights. Chill, bro.

    • @FalloutStealth
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I love FF16 I’m happy Everyone can now play it

    • @suripto746
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Ponies only good at crying 😂

    • @matthewhardwick8208
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Yeah the whole PS5 exclusivity with this game back fired big time. Not everyone wants to buy a PS5 and be locked down on that platform to experience FF 16. Especially if the game runs infinitely better on PC and marginally better on Xbox.

    • @nc630
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Watching Final Fantasy sales bomb harder with each game due to exclusivity deals warms my heart

    • @daviddesrosiers1946
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    At best the Switch 2 will be on par with a Steam Deck.

    • @bentairyukiba
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    Final fantasy 16 should have been put on xbox and PC the same day it came to PlayStation

    • @emarskineel
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I’d definitely buy ff16 for my xbox. Its one of two playstation exclusives I’m remotely interested in.

    • @raidenakajacktheripper5988
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm

    I really liked Final Fantasy 16 so the fact that more people can play it when it comes to different consoles makes me happy

    • @Aqzw
    • 2024年 4月 01日 11:25pm
