Final Fantasy 16 All Cutscenes Game Movie 4K
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Taqs:Final Fantasy 16,Final Fantasy 16 Game Movie,Final Fantasy 16 All Cutscenes,Final Fantasy 16 The Movie,Final Fantasy 16 The Movie 4K,Final Fantasy 16 Game Movie 4K
コメント (193)
Time stamps
0:00 – 2:39 Intro (Peonix and Ifrit fight remembered by Clive)
2:39 – 6:13 Clive in mission Year 873
6:13 – 8:59 Dhalmeks discuss in stronghold
8:59 – 10:04 Benedikta and Kupka relationship
10:07 – 10:56 Back to Clive’s mission
10:56 – 14:42 Eikon tranforms and fight Titan and Shiva
14:42 – 24:20 Year 860 remembered by Clive
**** 24:21 – 24:31 So Cuteeeeewewwwee****
24:31 – 27:46 Clive and Dad are talking about The danger in coming
27:46 – 30:25 Dad Mom little talk (This part is about the data to tell player about Clive’s mom vision in him and Joshua)
30:25 – 33:34 Clive and his Lady (awww so sweeettt)
33:34 – 36:14 Next day with Rosaria’s move and Clive going to prove him self for The shield of Joshua
36:14 – 38:47 Go Go PUNCH the GOBLINS!!!
38:47 – 40:46 Clive defeated a Morbol
I will Keeps It changing and increasing as I watch it.
It was so many event and im not good at English sorry about the name of topic for each part
Ill update later gotta sleep now pause at 41:00
Why the ending always like this 🥲
Why clive should die in the end, still cant move on from ff15 and now this game 🤣
My Initial FFXVI Story Idea:
1. Cid creates a faction and gains Dion’s alliance and friendship.
2. Dion helps Clive realize that he is Ifrit and sympathizes with Clive because he lost many friends after losing control of Bahamut during his first try.
3. Dion plans with Clive and Jill to smuggle themselves to Cid in a rendevous location following Shiva’s battle with Titan.
4. Cid tells Clive and Jill of Anabelle’s schemes and King Barnabas of Waloed’s crusade (Barnabas is a descendant of the Fallen’s Royal Family).
5. Cid explains that Waloed and Dhalmekia became allies after Benedikta convinced Hugo that “saving the world” is better than retaining wealth and power.
5. Here are the events that follow.
– Destroy Drake’s Head (Mothercrystal) in Sanbreque using Clive and Jill’s knowledge of the mothercrystal thanks to Dion’s help.
– Anabelle (Lucifer) will respond by claiming the Crystalline Dominion for the Empire and using its mothercrystal to harvest Valisthea’s aether faster.
– Waloed and Dhalmekia won’t respond to the Empire’s claim of the Dominion well and will fight.
– Clive and Jill reunite with Joshua who becomes a Phoenix aether ghost and guides the two on their journeys.
– The distraction will allow Clive, Jill, and Cid to destroy Drake’s Breathe (Mothercrystal) in Rosaria.
– Waloed uses Fallen Technology and the Ultima Weapon to fight the Empire which injures Anabelle (Lucifer) as a result.
– Due to her injuries, Dion takes over the Empire and removes Anabelle’s influence on his father, the Emperor.
– However, Anabelle makes a quick attempt to regain control by controlling Bahamut’s mind which resulted in the Emperor’s death.
– Clive destroys Drake’s Tail (Mothercrystal) but unknowingly destroys a fake Mothercrystal Heart as the real one is in Anabelle’s literal heart.
– Clive saves Dion and imprisons Anabelle in the Crystalline Dominion’s magical prison.
– Dion frees Rosaria from the Empire’s grasp and this was not a problem as the Empire’s past betrayal of Rosaria was really unpopular.
6. After a five-year time skip.
– Rosaria and the Empire go to war against Dhalmekia.
– The Dhalmekian General that was mocked by Benedikta and Hugo by smoke breathes in the intro is an ally to Clive and Cid.
– The General informs Clive that the Dhalmekian Republic has fallen into corruption due to Hugo’s influence because of his secret loyalty to Waloed.
– Cid confronts Benedikta and convinces her to join him and return to the light while Clive fights and kills Hugo (Titan).
– Clive destroys Drake’s Fang (Mothercrystal).
– The Dhalmekian Republic is defeated and left in shambles and needs time to rebuild.
– Benedikta tells Cid of Waloed’s plans which leads Rosaria and the Empire to invade Waloed.
– Clive fights and kills Leviathan’s Dominant in a sea battle and the sea battle ends with Odin dividing the sea with his blade.
– Odin destroys Drake’s Spine (Mothercrystal)
– At Waloed’s capital and royal castle (Rebuilt Fallen architecture), Clive fights Barnabas (Odin) and ends with Odin escaping to a rebuilt Fallen Sky City.
– In the Crystalline Dominion, Anabelle (Lucifer) escapes, takes her Lucifer to form again, and raises the Crystalline Dominion in the sky.
– The Crystalline Dominion transforms into a UFO ark ship called Origin.
– Origin heads to Barnabas’ Fallen Sky City and all hell breaks loose with a sky war between two floating cities.
– Lucifer kills Barnabas by crucifying him on a small Mothercrystal tree she created (based off of Odin hanging on a tree).
– Lucifer then battles Clive as the latter fight to kill the entity that is now destroying Valisthea to create a powerful rift portal to Heaven.
– Clive wins with the help of the Heaven Eikons and their blessing.
– A blinded Lucifer dies helplessly and cries for her desire to return home and how she misses her family in Heaven.
– Clive destroys Drake’s Tail which led to the gradual ending of the Dominants and Magic, freeing the Bearers from their curse.
7. Ending
– The final war led to Cid, Dion, and Benedikta’s deaths.
– Valisthea is terribly ruined and the governments have no chance to regain their powers at all.
– Clive and Jill start a new life and the people of Valisthea celebrate the end of tyranny.
– The world rebuilds with happy and peaceful communities, villages, and towns. (ex. https://youtu.be/GlCFPo6YYbU?t=1)
– Jill Rosfield becomes the author of the Final Fantasy historical book with Clive and other witnesses as the primary source material.
– Later, ghost Joshua warns Clive he senses a disturbance and feels it coming from a world in another universe called Etheirys (Hydaelyn).
6:25:15 is the Eren From AoT. And that first huge titan against Shiva looked just like that one other titan dude. With the blonde hair and armor. Armor titan? Lol i don’t know. But a lot of the baddies are borrowed seemingly from many sources they look so SO much like other things.
Just completed the game i loved it for the most part but the last quarter of the game felt a bit lacklustre if im being honest and i’m a bit disappointed in how it ended
The game was great but the ending was sad, I don’t like this kinda of games
14:36:10 When Joshua noticed the full mural and he starts saying the names of the Eikons (including Leviathan the lost) if you hear ir with care, you can hear Final Fantasy 1 Main Theme in the background. Well done square enix, well done.
4:38:11 – please someone, find me this soundtrack, so I can ascend…. ITS SO GOOD. <3
They need to make this a movie instead of a game lmfao
I appreciate that Cid alludes to Leviathan, mentioning there are eight eikons which means Ifrit is the 9th
I am happy for Cluve to see his brother again
Wait hold on… 10:05:04 though damn
I had a feeling Barnabas was evil but Odin is normally a good character
Mixed feelings about this game. The story falls trap to the same old tired FF tropes, but the delivery is quite good. The gameplay is certainly a bold departure from previous instalments, both for better and for worse.
The battle with Dion (Bahamut) made me cry! I don’t want to hurt him when I get to this point of sixteen (also why did Dion have to risk his life to protect Joshua and Clive at the end of the game?!)
I still dont understand why there are 2 Eikons of Fire, and why we never meet the 8th Eikon (Leviathan?).
That and a few other things make this game from being perfect to, semi so.
16:13:00 FFXII theme?! My god, this scene hit 10x harder. Finished the game two hours ago and I’m stuck in such a horrible game hangover 😭😭 I really hope we get a Leviathan DLC with Clive coming back. Sure his hand is stone, but he’s just having a snooze, pls Square 😭👏
I think they should have went in more that torgal might be a dominant. maybe a side quesr heavly hiniting leviathan is in the world. Amd i know it’s “not planned” but a afterstory dlc would be shmoney maybe an alt ending
Dropped the game around 70% of the way through. This would have made a good movie or tv show but as a game it was not for me. Nothing about this game stands out at all besides the story, this was definitely the main focus during the development of this game. Personally I like the story but not enough to push through with this boring combat. I’d rather just skim through the rest of the cutscenes here. Maybe I’ll come back to it one day but it is unlikely, there’s no point of playing a game that I’m not enjoying.
When Clive said, “Finally, it’s fantasizing time”, that’s when I knew we had a classic on our hands.
How did Clive get strong enough to fight and beat Odin/Barnabas when every single time he faced him prior he got 1 shotted by the sword? Did he get a powerup i missed before their final encounter?
The child who ignited the fire was Jill’s. You can see he has her hairs color and eyes.
17 hours of cutscenes in a 40 hours game am impressed.
17 hours
Wow.. over half the game is cut scenes
I am happy for Clive and Jill making out they r awesome couple
They should put all the Final fantasy Characters into Final Fantasy 16
I want to know what happen to Rodney
Why is Ultima obsessed with Clive Rosfield
This game looks like so much fun. Too bad I’m never gonna play cause of some console exclusivity BS.
Damn this blows 11 to 15 out of the damn water!
They nailed it this time!
love how u skipped every boss fight except titan hahah
05:00 – 05:30 파판 7 전설적인 메인테마 변주해서 쓴거는 진짜 팬들 입장에서는 감동 포인트. I really like the way they’ve adapted the main theme from FF7.
8:27:30 “Just this very morn, I found him with his nose buried in my nuts” 💀
How much is the PS5 THAT CAN READ DISC
They Might make part 2 of Final Fantasy 16 and then Another Final Fantasy 17 games
The ending of this game was sad when Joshua died then Clive
The mother of Clive and Dion and Joshua is such a bitch to her own 3 kids
17 hours??? This game will be fun.
Bro, Clive reminds me of Geralt of Rivria.
17 hours? Jesus Christ 😂😂
so clive lift the bonfire to delete all magic around world , and made the world back to medival time ?
Am I missing something – how do you get the ‘ara’ spells.
I did the whole game with level 1 spells – Fire, Blizzard etc
too many cutscenes for this to be called a game, I’m sorry but its true.
I’m fine with 80/90% of the story… but the ending? Way too many clichés. The brother who dies for 10 minutes giving a speech while Ultima does nothing? Seriously?
Once AGAIN a SQ hero who died? What about everyone else? What about the uncle’s reaction? No, the ending is too much for me. A good game overall, but the story is just a huge copy of GOT.
Anabelle, she died as she lived a pathetic stereotype
How can you upload 12h+ video duration? 😮 Nice movie
Ultimately,😑 this game and looks as well as behavior of the conceptual make of the online FF11 to me.
Alright… but still, i’m left with more questions than answers:
– Who is Logos?
– What is Ultima?
– Were Mothercrystals created to give magic or let Ultima’s pals slumber?
– If they were a single entity to begin with, why divide and sleep in different Mothercrystals?
– Were Mothercrystals sucking up aether to begin with? And if they did, what was the purpose?
– If Ultima needed the Mothercrystals destroyed… couldn’t he just send Barnabas to cut them all down?
– In the tapestry was the one on the top Ultima or Ifrit and Phoenix combined?
– Why was Ifrit supposed to combine with Phoenix but just feed on the other dominants?
– Was Mythos bound to be incomplete since he could not feed on Leviathan or was all the feeding inconsequential to begin with?
– Why was Leviathan lost in the first place?
– Where there other Eikons?
– What happened to the Fallen?
– What is the Blight and where does it come from?
– Did the Blight stop or kept spreading after Ultima’s death? ‘Cause, you know, if it kept spreading and everyone eventually died THIS IS NOT A HAPPY ENDING.
– Or, if they could grow apples in the Hideaway, does it mean things still can grow in the blighted lands? Then where exactly is the point of all this struggle?
– Did Twinside/Origin just fall down on Valisthea after its Mothercrystal cocoon vanished?
I feel cheated somehow and i don’t wanna believe that this great game came out with a lazy and incoherent worldlorebuilding.
Help💀 Why is every male character so hot?
Final Fantasy 16+ hours of cutscenes
The further Final Fantasy strays from the classic JRPG style and into a Western RPG style, the less I like it.
I’m here because too poor to have a ps5 meanwhile dying waiting for pc platform T_T
Thanks, now I don’t have to worry about someone spoiling it for me in the next 12 months and I get to keep my $100. Exclusives on a game where it is just a movie, so stupid.
13:02:40 – Joshua be giving Mid the Bedroom Eyes. 😂
Oh, joy, another dead FF protagonist… It’s two games in a row now, and I don’t like that path.
Ultima and his kind, the Fallen’s, goal was to create a new world where the Blight will not attack them again even if magic was constantly used on that world. To create the new world, they created the mother crystals to harvest Valisthea’s rich aether and created humanity to find the perfect vessel to use the harvested aether to build their new home. For the mother crystals to operate, Ultima and his kind left their physical forms and transferred their spirits into the mothercrystals’ hearts. The dominants and the bearers became champions for Ultima and acted as his enforcers. However, Ultima and his kind’s absence to charge the mothercrystals led to humanity becoming more reliant on themselves and their selfish desires grew to the point of starting wars until there were only a few major factions left: Duchy of Rosaria, Holy Empire of Sanbreque, Dhalmekian Republic, Iron Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Waloed. The constant use and reliance on magic allowed the Blight to enter Valisthea and start destroying the land.
Following Clive’s awakening as Ifrit and the destruction of Drake’s Head (Mothercrystal), Ultima awoke. Ultima saw that the mothercrystals managed to harvest enough aether and knows Clive is the Mythos vessel he and his kind were waiting to use. Thus, Ultima allowed Clive to destroy the mothercrystals in order to free his kind who was slumbering while harvesting aether as mothercrystals but were too trapped to be freed. The mothercrystals did not cause the Blight. In other words, Cid’s theory was wrong. Humanity’s constant reliance on magic caused the Blight. Sometime later, Ultima influenced the Emperor of Sanbreque (Dion’s Father) and King Barnabas of Waloed. The manipulations happened after Clive destroyed Drake’s Head not before. Manipulating the Emperor of Sanbreque and King Barnabas was easy as both Sanbreque and Waloed worshipped Ultima and the Fallen as gods as seen with the god idols and statues in their capitals and occupied territories. Once Clive took all Eikon’s powers, except Leviathan, Ultima tried to possess Clive and later Joshua but failed. Ultima did not abandon humanity. He abandoned them from day one. He only cares about his kind (the Fallen) and a chance to build a better home.
If we created robots to be used and later discarded to save humanity, we would do the same even though robots gain sentience and consciousness. That is what Ultima did. Humanity was once Akashic, though not possessed before humans became more human over time. Nevertheless, Ultima and the Fallen failed following Clive’s victory. Clive saved Valisthea by using Ultima’s Crystal Fortress Origin powers to end magic in his world. Thus, dominants, bearers, and magic gradually ceased to exist.
The story of FFXVI is like the Bible’s Book of Revelation (The Apocalypse). The story was about God destroying humanity, the devils of Hell, and Earth and God recreating Heaven on Earth. However, this time, the devil (Clive as Ifrit) and humanity overthrew God and ended the Apocalypse. In the end, Clive and Ultima are one and the same. Both tried to defend and save their own kind from disaster. However, Clive saved humanity while Ultima and his species became extinct.
I have a theory that Leviathan’s dominant saved both Clive and Joshua. It gives reason as to how Clive ended up on a beach rather than drowning in the sea following a tiring battle. I believe the DLC will cover Leviathan’s dominant, Clive (with only one arm after amputating the stoned one), and the rest of the gang traveling to Fallen ruins under the sea, discovering Leviathan’s dominant’s home as an underwater Atlantis-like city. It will be more intriguing to learn more about Ultima’s race, the Fallen, in that possible DLC.
11:59:12 is the best part of the game 🙏
kupka is a fkin braindead
Thank goodness this has subtitles, I cannot understand shit about what Mid is saying. She’s great though.
This is so very FEA lmao
Clive’s hair must of been inspired by Astro boy
bruh thank you, u ONLY included cutscenes instead of other channels which include gameplay and useless side quest scenes too !
The ending broke me🥲💔
Ahhh… SquareEinx and their bs endings again.
Unfortunately I got about 1/3rd of the way through the game and then I set it down. I see some people are enjoying the story, I loved the first part of it but I started losing interest a couple hours in, tried pushing through, and it just keeps going in a direction I don’t really care for. Thanks for posting the cutscenes. Now at least I’m able to see where they decide to go without slogging through everything. I will say, amazing boss fights/spectacle. I may not care for the story but the Eikon fights are incredible.
Not me watching specific scenes here to see if they are parent friendly and not r18 because my ps5 is in the living room 💀👍
A rather mediocre game no doubt. Of all the characters only the villain is real!
reminds a bit of the awesomeness that is asura’s wrath, especially the end
Enjoy! The horny Titans 😂
I love how Gav is “just a dude”, no special powers or anything, and he’s the total MVP.
the ending is fucking depressing, the last hour of these cutscenes just ruined me man
Ifrit vs ramuh
Godzilla vs Zeus
Wish theyd releases this on ps4
Benedikta kinda looks like fran if fran was human
Can I just say, Micheal-Christopher Koji Fox (badass name) should do the localisation for all SQEX titles, put him on the third FF7 Remake title (Rebirth is already done) & Kingdom Hearts 4, cause my god the presentation, dialogue, voice work etc is top notch in this game.
thank you
the real brotherhood compared to FFXV Q_Q burst in tears awwwwww…..
oh hell nah bro some gay scene
fak this sheet im out
im not interested in playing a mash x attack game and doing mindless chores in a dumbed down rpg but i was interested in the story. thanks for the upload saved me money and the story was good.
The G’raha Tia strat must be common knowledge in FFXVI.
8:27:32 eyo *PAUSE*
11:53:48 you must understand: it’s capitalism)))
Is it just me, but Jill looks a lot like Taylor Swift? 😂
Actually Nero’s gameplay riped-off 9:39:00 ,
just needs Super Sexy Style SFX
F**k you square enix for thinking that a good story should always end on the mc dying
But where one journey ends…
I want this game for PS4 TOO
my 300 ticket DRAWS in FFBE is READY. HAHAHAA
Wow I’m only a little over 3 hours into the cutscenes in my game. I thought I was pretty far in, but I guess not lol
Seventeen fucking hours? Holy shit. Death Stranding, God of War, The Last of Us and even MGS4, none of them were 17 hours of friggin cutscenes. Why not just make an HBO series instead?
Ill buy it went it goes on sale
I notice some of the Triangle strategy element in FF16, like the name(roselle) and setting (They light the street with crystal.)
17 hours?! They would have to be the ones paying me $70 to play this elaborated fanfiction.
Is anyone gonna tell Square that having the MC die at the end is no longer a suprise with their games anymore? I never get attached because it’s become expected. Like the real word does have happy endings every now and then
Man kinda feel bad for jill losing clive
I was wondering why the story didn’t seem new to me, then I remembered Solo Leveling… it’s quite similar.
Where is the happy end, those comments were misleading.
Am I the only one who feels bad for Clive’s mother? Had she played her cards right, she would’ve been the most powerful because her sons are OP, not to mention she also had a future daughter in law Shiva
Cid always smokin a blunt i love it
17 hours of not playing a game?!?! JFC on Ice.
Game of Thrones Similarities
1. House Rosfield = House Stark.
2. House Lesage = House Lannister.
3. Barnabas Tharmr = Euron Greyjoy (Books).
4. Ultima = Night King.
5. Akashic = White Walkers.
6. Clive Rosfield = Jon Snow (Prince that was Promised).
7. Joshua Rosfield = Bran Stark (Three-Eyed Raven).
6. Dion Lesage = Jaime Lannister’s honor and status as Kingslayer.
Great game, but the final did felt a bit underwhelming
I like how this is the actual Final Fantasy like how they lost all magic at the end free from fantasy gods.
3:44:20 is where I’m currently at.. Seeing that I’m 21% through the game already shows how short this game really is.
Anyways I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t mind spoilers and checks the ending all the time LOL. I guess it’s a pretty happy ending to me still even though it may seem to be bitter sweet.
17 hours of cutscenes OMG🤒 when are GAMING companies understand that we want to play the game instead of watching a movie😢 i can watch some cutscene but this is to much😮
holy shit, this is like attack on titan, full metal alchemist, ff14, witcher and everything come to gether
I don’t like the ending 😤
This game is about revenge.. I’m about 1/3 in and the plot just took a 360 and walked away
It’s like a super long movie. Love it
So there’s more then one gods and not just Ultima because that’s what Ultima sounded like he said. Also they never showed Leviathan so he’s 100% going to be DLC
Clive’s chick is so much the same as Lunafreya in FFXV
it took almost 40 years, 15 games, various spin offs, movies, books, comics, and hentai…but we finally have a Final Fantasy game where humans act and talk like humans…and it only took those who worked on Devil May Cry to finally see it through.
the ending reminds you that it is a final fantasy game, can’t have a real happy ending.
I don’t think Olivier was real. It may have been Ultima as an illusion. Notice how Dion saw Ultima standing next to her and everyone else saw Olivier. It was because Olivier(Ultima) already showed himself to Dion after he killed his father. He took the form of her “son” and was seen as an weak and clingy child. Yet when in the thrown room he suddenly gain confidence in taunting Dion. Even after the Emperor was impaled and blood splatter on his face. He was unfazed and continues to taunt Dion. Revealing his true nature as Ultima. Ultima was always there. Watching and waiting for a perfect vessel. If you are wondering how? Each Mother Crystal was a piece of Ultima. Very much like how every Eichon was a part of Ultima. It’s most likely the Mother Crystal for the Empire awoke and took the form of Olivier to manipulate the Emperor and getting rid of the first prince. He may have granted Dion the power of Bahamuet to become a vessel later on but Dion was to steadfast for his morals and love for the Empire. By removing Dion or getting the Emperor to control Dion it was a win win. Since he can have Dion fight for him later on.
Another evidence to back me up is the toy which Olivier is always holding. It holds a piece of the Mother Crystal. As seen at 7:38:39 and at 11:53:00 when he begins to taunt Dion. Notice how the toy is different because he is closer to the Mother Crystal. The toy allows him to keep the illusion up even if he left the Empires capital. Dion doesn’t throw his spear at Olivier but at the “toy” destroying it. Breaking the illusion that is Olivier. That’s why he doesn’t die. He fades away breaking into aether.
Even the next scene shows how Ultima uses illusions to manipulate the Dominant of Oden. Taking the form of his Mother.
Thank you. I want to play this game so bad, but not gonna spend $600 for PS5 and will wait for it to be released on PC. This is 17 hours of pure Awesomeness and while I usually don’t spoil games like this, This story is just to absurdly amazing to wait 6-12 months to play it to experience the story.
All the final fantasies are starting to meld together and it’s so beautiful.
Wtf bro i wanted Clive and Jill to be married and then this
Love the Godzilla team up with Mothra to fight King Ghidorah part ! Thank you for uploading
I am so disappointed that it is not a happy ending for Jill and Clive. Why can’t they have a happily ever after? I was going to buy the game when the PC version come out, but now I will not.
with what did u record that?
Did Clive survive at the end?
Yhosi P stirkes Again i see XD
So basicly the game is an movie, and only some parts u play and then u grab ur popcorn and watch long cutscenes..😑
Its really annoying that this video is 17 hours, contains all the side content, but couldn’t show the major boss fights
17 hours of cutscenes… wth?!
Disappointing. Thanks for your work in uploading this, I just wish it was a real FF and not a degenerate GoT story with DMC gameplay.
yo tyvm <3
“The only Fantasy here is yours. And we shall be its Final witness!” – Clive Rosfield FFXVI
9:30:58 Come to me, Ifrit!
i hated the ending of FINAL FANTASY XV square-enix doesn’t learn the same plot😥
Thank you for making this so quick, i watch it is it like a movie
The game n story itself is much better than the trailer. But as a whole, ff16 story is not attractive to me, far less well made than ff15
Imagine having a gay dragon and not queens and female soldiers in armies LOOOL
Easiest $600 I’ve ever saved. ^_^
Final Fantasy: Gurren Lagann. Fucking love it.
Dion is gay poggers
This is soo awesome. I did not expect this game to be a future classic. So mature, dark, heavy, betrayal, gory. None of the scenes seem cringy to me. The actors did a hell of a job. I’m happy for the future of this series after seeing this.
A mother who has 3 eikons in front of her who loves her. Yet she didn’t have the same love for them. Sad and tragic. A woman who lost to madness.
God i need this game and Ragnarok on PC
Thank you! Saved me money! Back to COD and Witcher 3.
thanks man. i have something to watch this weekend
13:55:27 🐧Youtube unable to jump past 12 hour timestamps 😭
Hoping for DLC to Include new Eikon
Ehhhh already!? That’s so fast. Thankyou
Yes thank you square giving this kind soul early access so he can post all the cutscenes day 1, saved me some money. Thanks once again Square, you’re the best
10:05:32 tell the games jorno that we have lgbt+ to stop they rage hahahHA
Clive is unbelievably handsome. Would do anything to please him 🥵🥵 Husband material for sure
It has all the elements of final fantasy in various editions
Welp this explains the game time lol
Im seeing too many BERSERK parallels
Great job man
Square Emil Can’t we have a modern ff with a happy end.
emotional -999999 damage at climax punch
Money well saved. Thanks for doing god’s work.
I like the story from what i have seen HOWEVER i rather not have each iteration after 16 to be dark medieval fantasy it can get repetitive.
Also the combat please dont be a trend where every FF has to action oriented like FF7R basically uses crisis core gameplay as a basis but it would be nice to have a FF that is back to basic aka Turn based combat because it nice to have flashy combat style but the series started as Turn based rpg and it feels like Square are doing the action combat just to appease the westerners gamers.
Finally! Engaging gameplay!
Square Enix: Here’s 17 hours of cutscenes
16:58:50 _Roll credits_
14:36:23 “Leviathan the lost” could it be for the DLC ? 🤔
just released yesterday and this guy spoiled everything with “all cutscene and all endings scene”
finally someone uploads cutscenes only u never disappoint 🐐❤️
I assume Platinum Games made the Titan boss fight. It screams Bayonetta.
Am I retarded? Wtf was that Anabella plotline? lmao
Which part when the bitch queen died?
Thank you for putting all the cutscenes out so soon, i only wanted to see the the story so seeing someone put something like this out so soon is a godsend
Yikes. So what there’s 12 or 13 hours of gameplay?
hell, even xiii and xv were better than this. glad I chose to wait and see before buying. won’t be buying this entry.
Can someone tell me the timecode for the scene of Clive and Jill in the flower field , where she gives him a gift and they kiss ?
why even bother buying games anymore when the whole cutscenes are on youtube the day of release, I’ll just watch this and save myself $70, thanks media shill, doing square’s work because they clearly don’t want me to buy it
heard this game can be finished in 30 hours, 17 hours are cut scenes, lul, just lul
really bad game
i just want a good ending with clive marrying jill and move to a place far away from all this shit …and live happily ever after
“The only fantasy here is yours. And we shall be its final witness”
DMG 99,999
the akashic sound like zombies from cod lmao
That is , it turns out Yoshi P deceived us when he said that they dont know how to write love stories , WTF
holy shit.. Bahamut is gay..
Best final fantasy story ever.
great work, may this story be forever be remembered
4K is still processing, should be good soon. Enjoy the video yall!
how though?
the first one to finish the game, great work