Final Fantasy 16 Gameplay RX 6600 Ryzen 5 5600 (Denuvo removed)
#drvisagenguyen #rx6600 #ryzen55600
My PC:
Main:B450m msi
CPU :Ryzen 5 5600
VGA :RX 6600 asus
Ram :32gb 3200mhz (16×2)
PSU :600w 80+
Taqs:Final Fantasy 16 crack,Final Fantasy 16 xvi crack,Final Fantasy 16 rx 6600,Final Fantasy 16 rx 6600xt,Final Fantasy 16 r5 5600,Final Fantasy 16 ryzen 55600,Final Fantasy 3200 mhz,Final Fantasy 16 16gb ram,Final Fantasy 16 32gb ram,FINAL FANTASY XVI rx 6600,FINAL FANTASY XVI ryzen 5 5600,FINAL FANTASY XVI rx 6600xt,FINAL FANTASY XVI 3200 mhz,FINAL FANTASY XVI 16gb ram,FINAL FANTASY XVI 32gb ram,FINAL FANTASY XVI crack,FINAL FANTASY XVI trainer
コメント (6)
Did they Fix the Massive FPs drops that needs a Restart to Fix?
Have you been able to finish the game without any significant problems with your kit? I want to buld a pc to play this game, but I’m afraid of stability issues. I’m fine with 1080p low +upscaling as long as it runs well, was your experience fine when playing it from begining to end?
6600 is approximately the base PS5. How does it run with no upscale and frame gen?
Did you notice any improvement on the game’s performance?
the intro is not a good showcase of performance you have to show actual towns and the overworld gameplay
I think the performance is the same tbh! i truly wish they just fix the memory leak thing cause it makes the game crashes a lot for me idk