The Uncertain Road Ahead for Final Fantasy
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As we head into 2025, there’s perhaps more question marks about the future of Final Fantasy than at any point in the franchise’s illustrious history.
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Taqs:final fantasy,final fantasy 7 rebirth,final fantasy 7 remake part 3,final fantasy xiv,final fantasy 14,final fantasy 14 dawntrail,final fantasy xiv dawntrail,brave exvius,war of the visions
コメント (603)
I’m quite literally the target audience for the new strategy. I played every final fantasy released until the PS3 era, than I quit consoles and became an exclusive PC gamer. This happened after I played FF7 Remake on the original PS4 and couldn’t play more than 3 hours a day because the horrendous FPS gave me a headache. Meanwhile, 144 fps on PC felt amazing, so I just sold my PS4 and I’ll never buy consoles again. I was quite literally cut off from my favorite franchise up until this new strategy of release, and if there are more people like me, I believe it’ll be very successful.
final fantasy has traditionally and very successfully embedded itself in the cultural identity of the West and projected its story from there. there was no uncertainty or wavering about Good and evil from this creative vantage point
however, the more people that have been introduced into the creative team thanks to the piper emphasis on graphics and shock and awe, the greater the uncertainty in speaking to that part of the western demographic that’s still subscribe to any kind of a traditional Western culture
there is a direct correlation in the lack of a firm and direct narrative speaking to a fan base and lowered sales. unfortunately for square, culturally driven narratives of good versus evil are not ever going to be something that you can sell to everyone since everyone has a wildly different take on what is good and evil today and if square tried to be relevant in speaking on Good and evil today, they would be canceled and accused of being a state-sponsored subversive organization
Rebirth is the best ff game in 20 years. So im happy with where there going.
final fantasy sux from ff 12…..
they stoped the old battle system, for geay noob mainstream battle chieldren system.
Waiting on Harvestella 2
It’s better to have quality over quantity.
They might as well make a souls like final fantasy game at this point….
Its like SquareEnix have a self imposed rule that they MUST move away from traditional mechanics towards 3rd person action…
Problem is,
There’s already devs that dominate that corner of the market, like multiple goty winners…
So in trying to force this move,
They’ve just alienated swath of their core fan base,
whilst making games that obviously weren’t going to compete…
I mean they publish Persona,
So they know the score and have the blueprints for modern day Jrpg success…
At this point it’s just willfull ignorance and pride destroying their legacy 😅
“When making a near perfect Jrpg,
story and gameplay/mechanics are king!
Everything else is just a bonus…”
‘Me – 2025’
But that’s just like,
My opinion man 😎
Longtime fan here. So 16 was the first FF I’ve enjoyed (aside from 7r) in many years. It wasn’t perfect. It got the same incomplete story treatment as the Matsuno games, but it’s more of what I want to see in future square games. I’m 35 years old. I would love more mature story lines and different styles of play. I don’t really understand the vitriol for that game. It was so much fun and the darkness was a breath of fresh air.
7 is my fave of all time but I am tired of the retconning, the over stretching of the plot for money… I have a hard time with rebirth because it clearly wasn’t made for OG fans. But this is the only thing that sells for square atm.
I feel like I may need to accept that the story focused Squaresoft days are not coming back. I am terrified of the next mainline FF. IMO more of the last several have been shitty than have been good. I just want them to do like what they did with 16 and make a game THEY want to make without caring about consumer trends but yeah that won’t happen either. 😢
Beating rebirth and then 16 has me FEENING for re(union?) and 17. Bad.
I think they will say something about not enough sales after they have all the multiplatform releases.
I was so hyped for FF16 and I ended up enjoying it alright, but then BG3 came out, and I’m still playing it to the point I forgot FF supposed to be my favorite video game franchise.
Man, I wish they could produce games again that can suck me in like the good old days. Not just one random controversial one once a decade, but a new one every other year.
There was some developer that said “Our goal is to make this Final Fantasy the best RPG of its generation” and that is what Final Fantasy and Square means to me. The random side-games, that’s not what we think of when we think of FF. We think of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Also, for those longing for turn based combat and character stories, try the Trails of series. A lot of what people are asking for in the comments (for Square to focus less on graphics and action combat) the Trails games are already doing
square is cooked
A company that owns Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story and does absolutely nothing with those IPs. I’m currently replaying FF VIII and having way more fun than with Rebirth
one of the reasons i cant really get into ever crisis is I’m still pretty salty Square shut down Dissidia Opera Omnia it was one of the only mobile games Square or otherwise that I was really able to get into and it really made me sad they killed it off.
Final fantasy hasn’t been good since X.
the games have looked great, but had almost zero substance. ff15 at least SORTA had open world, but it felt super small. i want continent airshipping open world barely there linear gameplay. final fantasy 16 was 100% linear and no open world. just a series of loaded stages that the main map gave you travel points to to make you think you had options.
final fantasy 3 (6) is still the best one. vast open map to at least travel on your own that CHANGED because originally you FAIL and the world map becomes a different post apocalyptic version. so ahead of its time. characters had emotion. kefka killing espers was the first time i remember feeling actual hate. game was a masterpiece.
the best final fantasy game to come out in recent years oddly is dragon quest 11. just play that instead.
I just started playing 16. Its great 👍🏾
Turn based modern FF is that too much to ask ?
It must survive
DAMN! Give Square a chance to cook!
I’m most interested in the Tactics remaster, but I would really like to see a new Ivalice series game, that or a new Crystal Chronicles game.
All I want is for SE to stop funneling FFXIV cash into trash IP’s that fail instantly and put that money back into ffxiv. Dawntrail is in a really bad spot right now and many including myself have jumped ship. There just isn’t enough content currently (though what’s been given has been good at least). Also the story just isn’t up to par with the rest of FFXIV. It’s objectively not a good story and not well written. I didn’t hate it like most but I recognize the huge flaws in it. We need a well paid and well motivated writing team that can give us better patch msq leading into 8.0.
What happened to that Final Fantasy 9 remake / remaster that they were working on? Or was that still in the realm of rumor?
What shocks me most is also Square sold Crytstal Dyanmics, Tomb Raider and Deus Ex for 300 Mi. Guess Square’s vision “Is not augmented! What a shame!””
Final fantasy has lost its way 😞
I would love for them to release another Dissidia title but one that is similar to the PSP classics. Or like Opera Omnia but for consoles and no gacha elements, just a solid turn based RPG crossover
Rebirth was open world shlop made to waste your time. Change my mind.
Unless they stop doing the Mortal Kombat play style of Final Fantasy games I will never play again . I was so excited when they announced FF& remake but they just reskinned 16 and used FF7 story then turned it in 3 different non connected games like what’s the point pay 70 bucks to finish a story then start over people would have paid 200 USD for a updated/upgrade FF7 game if they left everything the same
Make a Power Rangers Final Fantasy game and itll make a hundred million billion dollars trust
Bring back squaresoft .. 16 sucks bigtime weres my remastered of ff13 series??
I’ve got an idea how about we remake FF6 like they were planning to do 25 years ago before they slapped us with the gloomy drama that is FF7 …. No one has even played the 3rd chapter of FF7 remake and I already know how it’s going to end, Aerith is going to be hooked up with Zack and Cloud is going to go coocoo for coconuts over it and all the gamers are going to rage about how there’s no alternative choices in the game.
16 kinda sucked
All I want is a FF8 remake. But that will probably never happen…
FFXI still going strong for those sick of 14.
FF7 is the bane of FF now imo. They milked it so much I don’t even like FF7 anymore. If I see Cloud or Sephiroth again I am going to gauge my forking eyes out. With a fork. LOL But seriously, the bias for their cash cows is insane and annoying af. I just want a GOOD new FF game. N E W. and G O O D. All we see in the RPG scene lately is REMAKES and RERELEASES and everyone is so hype and I am just: But I already played this…. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Never thought I would hear about Mini Ninjas again. Was a good game.
One idea I have: Stop keeping your games trapped on playstation and optimize your games on PC
they may not have many final fantasy games on the horizon (ports are in the works for pc and hopefully switch 2) but there’s plenty of other ip’s coming out, kingdom hearts and dragon quest games to name a few
In my personal opinion the future is not uncertain with regards to FF. Other FF games will be released with good to mixed quality and reviews, FFXIV will slowly come to an end after one or two more expansions. In truth, what other future could there be?
Square also closed Romancing saga RE in Oct.
Enix really needs to go the capcom model and work on their popular ip when a ff game is getting worked on a og or nier game should be getting ready to be released
Sorry, not sorry but even the 2010-13 are really low numbers. Up to 2000 we got 10 (TEN) main games and even titles like Chrono Trigger. In the last 25 years we got 5 single player Final Fantasy main titles. I don’t care about remakes, chocobo racing farming, mobile games and other bs projects. I don’t care that much about graphics. Just give me a regular FF game with beautiful story. And sorry, but the last 25 years are just bland in comparison to the time when they were making 6 and 7 and 10 and even less popular titles were still great.
Just do not repeat anything that has to do with ff16 that game is fucking slow boring depressing and all around shit. Fucking hate it
Bring back actual old school FF back, not this Devil May Cry nonsense or Social media generation garbage!
The older games are so much better!! Go back to ur roots and stop selling out to ur actual fanbase….🤡
I wish they could do a remake of Parasite Eve. I don’t know how popular it would be today but I loved it.
Remake Chrono Trigger, the plot, the characters, the music – masterpiece
They fucked it up themselves with the remake project
am FF8 Remake would be better than people would think..
I’m mostly looking for FF7R-3, and I’m intrigued to find out which team will make FF17.
I loved 7 but I refuse to participate in the grubby shit the remake is. Corporate dummies are out of touch. Also Im not paying for phone pixels that i dont actually own.
Going Playstation-exclusive really hurt the hype and sales for the new FF games.
and yet he can’t have a normal press conference on how he will lower grocery store prices lmaoooo
It’s not like I want this company to fail. I have a lot of time and emotion invested into the games produced by Squaresoft/Square Enix. It’s the same with Disney.
The problem is I cannot support the direction these companies are going and it is heartbreaking to witness them destroy themselves in order to appease a nearly non-existent audience who does not have anywhere near the same amount of investment into these franchises and IPs.
At this point, do we really want a re-release of IX knowing who is at the helm? I suffer the thought of what they would do to Princess Garnet, who is arguably the most well-written female protagonist in all of Final Fantasy. It’s best to leave it where it is as to not throw paint on a masterpiece.
After how much I hate rebirth makes me move back to older type rpgs
I discovered this channel last year on January 2024 while I was stuck at my house cuz had covid. That made me replay again FF7 from my last time probably on 2003 and also played again FF4 with the pixel remaster from my last time probably on 2001 or 2002.
A bit controversial.. but as a last resort they could *quit making fucking Sony exclusives and realize PC is not only the largest, but the FUTURE of gaming.* Haha.. just a thought.
I prefer higher quality games, ff16 and ff7 remake satisfied that for me and showed a return to form I was sceptical on following from FF13 onwards
Just create some cohesive and easy to understand no bullshit.
This last FFXIV expansion was the only time I wasn’t sitting on the edge of my seat to see the next part of the story. I almost skipped the cutscenes. So so bad, hard to believe the same people worked on it.
I bought almost every version of every Final Fantasy since Nintendo and I’ve never played one of the phone games, they don’t exist to me
Eh, for a poor PC lad like me, I’m just fine.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth comes out in just a couple of weeks on PC. Kingdom Hearts Master Collection came out on PC last year, as did FF16, and next year I have FF14’s next expansion to look forward to (Each expansion typically comes out every 2 years. The one exception to that norm was Endwalker, and it’s completely understandable since the pandemic slowed down everything to a crawl).
Plus I get to look forward to that from this point on, there’s not going to be any more console-exclusivity bullshit from Square-Enix. Nor (I hope) any more Epic Games Store exclusivity idiocy (which is why I had to wait FOUR extra years to play the PC version of the Kingdom Hearts Master Collection).
When FF17 is finally announced, I’ll have the certainty that it will be released on PC at the same time as the console versions.
akira torimaggot’s “dRagOn bAlL”: “cRoNo tRiGeR” is what killed Final Fantasy.
Hell, akira torimaggot himself and it’s neo-satanic cult made very sure to kill the entire entertainment industry.
Stop letting Sony pay you to keep your games locked behind a terrible console.
Whatever the next mainline game is, it needs to have a balance of playable and well written male AND female characters. Final Fantasy was formative for me as a little girl because I saw characters I could see myself in when I played. It’s like after XIII they just decided the games did poorly because women aren’t people and we need to stop including them, instead of actually listening to the fans complaints about the games.
is that john oeth in the background?
Every new FF game is a magical experience that i will never miss ~ so many masterpieces within one franchise, any new FF game will be lifechanging ❤
It feels like FF7 part 3 is going to be the defining game of what they do forward with the series.
Theatrhythm final bar line was a really fun spin-off but I wish it fixed it’s issues: not enough final fantasy track, having multiplayer locked behind a subscription service (PS+), and an endless mode that focuses to much on a boring mechanic (should have just implemented adveture mode from the previous game).
Wish they would have kept updating the game with more tracks. Could just release it on PC and get the playerbase to do it, if nothing else.
I’m old, I’m no longer their key demographic. I’ve had fun with some of the recent titles but I don’t expect another experience on par with FF7. Hopefully FF19 or FF20 is a life-changing experience for some kid in 15 years. Honestly.
This is kinda spoiler of the last few titles we got, but can SE just make an ending that doesn’t kinda drop the ball in its final moments? Why does everyone have to die or seemingly die to a kinda 1 dimensional final boss without much development to them. I love 13, 15, and 16 for their own reasons but this trend is the annoying for me, personally.
I am kinda disapointed in Yoshi-P’s latest work. He seem to only know how to do one thing and just keeps repeating that. FFXIV has being using the same formula for over a decade and I was board of it only 2 year into it. XVI carries over a bunch of it with the only differences being stuff done new people brought from other companies. He keeps conflating accessablility with difficulty. Yes you want more people to play the game but it underminds any fun the combat has and bring in ludonarrative dissonance. Either he needs to change or I hope he never does anything outside of XIV ever again.
Saw your post on Patreon – wanted to send well wishes
Square-Enix always does something new with each FF game since X which prevents them being able to iterate upon themselves. So instead of solving the issues the previous game had, they just replace it with different ones. (same philosophy behind job design in FFXIV)
The next final fantasy game needs to be smaller in scale. FFX is on of the best in the series and was capable of doing way more with far less compared to XVI’s big budget graphics, environments, and setpieces.
Just wanna see another epic traditional square rpg like FFVI and Xenogears
Final fantasy needs to go back to its roots. The classic knight and black wizards, thief’s ninjas and red mage. I would love to see a modern version of final fantasy 1 on the PS5
I think they should continue with the remakes! 9, 6 & 8 would be great 😁We can hope lol
every ff game after 12 is trash.
my problem with ffxiv was how woke it went
Would be nice if FF would just alternate numbering.
Odd – Turn base and atb.
Even – Devil May Cry rip offs.
FF14:AAR and ending with MSQ Endwalker, I really loved ff14, but they really had a mediocre content post msq in Endwalker and in Dawntrail.
Personally hated ff chao, 15 and 16.
Plenty of room for tactics, turn and atb.
Dawntrail destroyed my enthusiasm for FFXIV
Video starts at 2:28
If Square fumbles to the point of bankruptcy that’s pathetic. There’s no excuse with their older catalogue as the blueprint for what their fans will pay for.
A Vagrant Story remake is deserved and needed to expose new generations to such a rpg. A Xenogears remake as well. Two of em actually; one using the engine from the Star Ocean II remake, and one using modern graphics (ideally the Fox Engine from Metal Gear Solid V).
Final Fantasies VI and VIII also deserve the treatment FFVII is getting.
I really hope we get another mainline FF set in Ivalice. I love XII and the fact it’s set in the same world as Tactics and Vagrant Story is so cool.
The series needs a couple mainline entries that are space operas. Xenosaga, Star Ocean, and Phantasy Star need some direct competition from the FF series.
Hey guys, I got into FF last year when I played FF7 remake and rebirth and am wondering what’s the next one I should play
I haven’t been able to enjoy any Final Fantasy game that’s come out in the past ten years, so it won’t really affect me at all either way.
I grew up on Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, I love turn-based JRPGs, when they went action RPG, I lost a lot of my love for the series, I’m glad DQ hasn’t gone the same way yet, like with DQ, I wish FF had kept the action RPGs for their spinoffs, action RPGs are a dime a dozen, making FF no different than the others like it, I know its just my opinion, but I miss the old turn based systems.
They banked on going woke and went broke
All I care about is Seeing a Better ending for FFVII(Everyone Lives)
Square lost my business when the first trailer for ff7 remake was shown. Not even close to what i was hoping for. The last ff game i enjoyed was 12 not zodiac age.
I’d they don’t start styling the graphics and continue down these god of war/horizon zero dawn ultra super epic graphics, 2/3 year development just for graphics then final fantasy is doomed
Final Fantasy doesn’t need to pander to new audiences. If they stuck to what the core fans want. They wouldn’t have to worry about sales numbers.
I’ve always said that I would not play FF7 until a remake was done. I last played FF7 when it came out in 1997 and did everything in it.
Later, when FF7 remake was at last annonced, I was ecstatic until I learned it would be in parts. I then decided to not play it until every part was released and I would play it all in one go. I have already bought the 2 first parts, really hope the 3rd one is the last one. So, maybe I’ll finaly have played it before 2030!
If Yoshida wants to see FF Tactics and Vagrant Story come back, I truly hope they can do both to the same high level of quality as Tactics Ogre. I do not agree with the consensus about Rebirth, it was a massive disappointment for me. While enjoyable, FF16 wasn’t excellent like I think SE hoped it would be. Though, for me, its flaws were things that I could deal with as opposed to Rebirth which ended up making me quit that game. I loved my time in FF14, but I genuinely have no interest in the current expansion and have no plans on going back any time soon.
I’m personally feeling like I’ve been eating good with Final Fantasy the last ten years with the mainline titles. Once all the naysayers cleared out, I enjoyed my time with XV and XVI, but also had fun with Remake and Rebirth. I think they could still make something for the old school people who like turn-based, but…I’m not likely going to touch it. FF7 got a pass because I got into the franchise when more content had been released, so I knew if I rushed through it, I’d have more interesting things to play (at the time, the original Crisis Core had just come out and I watched Advent Children Complete). I’ll wait until all the other titles have had remakes of their own to delve into their stories.
I’m happy with waiting for content as the quality, for me at least, has mostly been worth it (a few qualms with XV and XVI not withstanding).
My wild hope is that XVII is announced and is not a full action game like XVI. I’d also love it if they iterated on XII’s combat system, doesn’t have to be Final Fantasy though. And speaking of non-FF stuff, anything to do with Vagrant Story would be an absolute dream come true.
Dang I remember when they announced the FFIX anime…didn’t know it was in limbo 😅 and yeah the remake rumors suddenly just died down.
If they plan to stick with ARPG style for FFXVII, at least make all party members playable…
The road forward is pretty simple from where I sit actually. It’s a three prong approach that I think stands to make them a lot of money.
The mainline: Continued numbered entries in the mainline that expand on the concept of Final Fantasy and tell unique stories that stand on their own. In this mainline, they’re free to explore styles of game, whether it’s action/adventure or turn based.
The sub-series: remakes or original entries that take advantage of their HD-2D technology and provide a classic, turn-based Final Fantasy experience. The recent DQ remake being a proof of concept for this model. Also included: 3D remakes in the style of FF7R.
The spin-off: More titles like Stranger Of Paradise, that offer a unique spin on Final Fantasy gameplay, mythos, and designs. A proper Dissidia remaster/remake would also fall into this category. The much wanted Dirge Of Cerberus remaster/remake would also fall here.
There are plenty of ways to cash in on Final Fantasy and where it currently stands. It’s just whether or not Square is willing to invest in themselves and the brand this way.
Final Fantasy X. Thats all. Square, do something with that game
FF16 was, for me, the death knell of the series. I’m not even sure I’ll be interested enough to pay attention when they actually announce 17. Like others have said, the pixel remasters really served to remind me just how far the series has fallen away from what used to make it great.
Is that acoustic honey bee… omfg yes it is
*Final Fantasy XXX must be made*
I wonder how will Final fantasy 17 look like
Ima be honest guys, I don’t see Square going back to any sort of traditional rpg battle system.
They’re clearly trying to push away from that stagnant type of play style, Kingdom hearts and the recent FF’s are examples of this.
Even 13 was really fast paced when you got down to pulse and you actually have to use the mechanics.
Even ff7remake keeps it action oriented.
I think maybe- this was always the idea? It was always supposed to be cinematic and grand but they probably didn’t have the technology at the time.
I think any of the older FF’s could work as remakes simply because their story and characters because I think that’s what really carried them- the stories and characters and not necessarily the gameplay.
I mean everyone knows Squall is awesome- but do most people even like that game?
It’s because they alienated their fan base they don’t do turn-based fighting no more they took away any exploration and treasure finding…. the fact of the matter is they turned away from their old fan base to try and attract a younger audience and the younger audience doesn’t have an attention span so it doesn’t work for Final Fantasy they screwed themselves and now they only want to do mobile games.
I wished they re-release Final Fantasy Record Keeper, but instead of in-app purchases or gacha, make it a full game where you pay upfront.
I’m currently playing Fantasian Neo Dimension, so my 42 year old Final Fantasy lifer is eating well currently.
xbox series x, when ;-;
An original non-Episodic Final Fantasy title, with gameplay like FF7R, kingdom hearts or the OG turn based, controllable party members, an amazing story that doesn’t falter, an incredible world design and no Hollywood writers. That’s the game Square needs to win.
All I want is a game like FF7,8,9 or 10. Turn based and with good characters and a few mini games. But we’re not allowed that anymore it seems.
I think all these changes in gaming and Square Enix’s approach to it, particularly who they align with and who they don’t, already paint a very clear picture of what we can expect in the coming decades.
Final Fantasy lost it’s identity. The turn based gameplay and soundtrack were iconic. Now, they are just subpar action games with generic music.
Just make everything the same quality as Rebirth, and I’ll be happy.
As soon as I saw Square Enix on that list of SBI clients, I had an awful feeling.
Thus explaining their Ethics Department.
I have suffered through Video Game Censorship back in the 80s and 90s.
I knew I was sick of this rearing it’s ugly head again.
Comment for the algorithm
remake chrono trigger damn it
I guess this gives me time to catch up, though I do wish there was something new to look forward to…
I haven’t enjoyed a new Final Fantasy game since 12. The franchise has been kinda dead to me for a while. I’ve enjoyed the pixel remastere, and reissues of games 1 through 10, and 12, on the modern consoles. I’m halpy to reolay those til the cows ckme home. But I haven’t put more than an hour into 13, 15, and 16. They’re soulless snore festivals. I miss the days of FF4 (or as I played it, FF2)
Abandon uncanny realism and action combat
Return to art style and substance
I know Final Fantasy XIII is a bit of an outlier, but I honestly enjoyed the gameplay mechanics, I feel as though the world building and character development was it’s ultimate downfall for a lot of people, and it absolutely would have benefited from a more ‘Open-World’ concept rather than a linier story driven narrative world with so many points of no return. XIII-2 semi fixed the concept of the game with being able to travel to other locations and timelines, but it could have done so much more.
They traded the charm in their games for EXPO demo presentations. Fans literally giving them ideas, making remakes of their games. See Final Fantasy Echos mods. They are literally just bleeding money for the sake of it I swear. I have no idea who is in charge of ideas over there. But they are clearly dry and need a replacement.
As someone who just replayed Vagrant Story in the last month, it would do great but it definitely would need some quality of life upgrades. People would fall in love with characters like Ashley and Sydney all over again. The character design makes it feel timeless and unique and gives it an edge over the other dark fantasy games at the time that went for a more traditional route.
As long as FF doesn’t have DEI, I’m good with it
final fantasy used to be fun, funny and exciting
i dream of an original FF game with FF7R fighting style
Whoever has control over FF single player experiences now is running it into the dirt.
Thanks for the information..
FF died with 13… its a garbage franchises since then
They need to finish their games before releasing them. FFXV and FFXVI both were functional games that were lacking because they put a polished unfinished game out the door without needed features to take them to the level they needed.
FFXV: never figured out how to populate its world to feel organic.
FFXVI: organic feeling world and great story, hindered by a combat system that fails to put in strengths and weaknesses to add depth to gameplay.
It’s weird that only FFVII Remake has gotten the understanding on how to make combat and world deep and involved.
If they start remaking FF6 now, they’ll be done before we get GTA6.
I really want XVII to use Amano’s artwork throughout. I would love for it to look like a moving painting. I also want XVII to use a new type of setting not seen in the series before.
Id like to see an offline release of FFXI
FF14 and FFTactics have my interest. I would love to see SE produce a new tactics game akin to Unicorn Overlord.
The recent change in playstyle for the past decade has been a huge turnoff for me. FFXV looked amazing and played ok, but when they did FFVII Remake in the same action playstyle I just couldn’t enjoy it anymore. I did not buy FFXVI or Rebirth and won’t purchase anymore unless I see a clear gameplay shift again.
they need to reebot the versus , reintroduce type series, or continunation of series XVII and so on
Still not going to play the FF7 remake (lol) until they get all the parts out
No FF9Remake or Anime would be sad. Though maybe theyre just waiting til its all close to being finished before announcing & releasing. I suppose only time will tell
What they really need to do is roll it way back and go back to their roots. But no. Gotta always change things dramatically alienating fans giving new ones priority.
Hope FF stays like 16. Maybe add party members you can switch out to, but it’s nice to see a game that plays like a real action game instead of that souls nonsense.
Thank you for making this account. Nothing but final fantasy. I’m a big ff8 fan. Love it. Been playing it for 25 years. Thank u. And I will be on death bed playing this game.
Sadly Square brought this themselves it’s a damaged brand
Let’s be real here, the last actual game in the series was X-2. The mmo’s were a nice series of treats but especially after Dawntrail the ride is basically over.
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-FF13 trilogy (or maybe just a twin pack of the first two) for PS5… they’ll probably find a way to lazy port it over. It’s kind of their thing…
-FFT on PS5, maybe assuming they’ll want to build off The War of the Lions version, hopefully with the slowdowns that plagued the PSP version finally addressed.
-Even more investment in FF14… because why not.
-Something(?!) with FF9, eventually. We can hope…
I wished rebirth was on PC on day 1, preorder mine. It’s hard to stay away from spoilers. FFXVI would have more sales from PC if we did not have to wait, I bet many gave up or bought other things.
I would love for Ever Crisis to get a console release, because that is the remake I wanted to see, I just can’t play on mobile, and get through the gacha clutter
I think I speak for many when i say that FF9 remake would be sick and is at the top of my list.
Inb4 ff9 remake comes out this year
We need the full completion of FF7 regardless if the studio ends up on fire. That game MUST be completed for the sake of humanity.
I’d rather play the original FF7 any day of the week. I loved this franchise before they changed it.
final fantasy for me died when they stepped away from turn based combat
They lost me when the serie became more action oriented. Still playing the old one to this day.
If they don’t make a sequel to type 0 or 16 then they should just let the franchise die. They really dropped the ball.
FFX was the last good entry (and the best in the series imo). They understood rpg’s from 6-10 and then randomly and completely abandoned/forgot what made rpg stories and characters good lol. I really don’t care if it dies out, because it’s been half dead for over 2 decades
After opera omnia getting the chop I gave up on the other mobile games just a waste of time
Ever since the switch to pure action the games been just shit
Not enough twinks or rabbit girls
Gotta remember, Squenix is still probably recovering from going hard on some NFT nonsense a while back. I think their approach is right: focus on quality instead of quantity.
This Year – Final Fantasy x Magic the Gathering is a thing !! 🙂
I don’t like counting MMO games as main FF entries, just make it into it’s own thing.
Sony really needs to loosen its stranglehold on the series. Exclusivity has objectively damaged the franchise’s notoriety.
Honestly SE is failing because they move away from what they where good at, which was turn based rpgs with good graphics, since they move to action games only I have not bought a square game aside from FF16 which I had to just because I always get the mainline gf games but even then I was not too much of the action combat
i sure would love a non-monetized brave exvius
10:20 That is rough for the hired studios. Sounds like what happened with AlphaDream with Nintendo. That is my closest example. While I would suggest Mistwalker, their staff had some history with struggling finances since FF Spirits Within. They have stayed afloat, but I assume Square Enix wants guarantees. It makes sense considering the projects involving Nomura and FF7 being their cashcow. Today, we would include Yoko Taro as a consistent creator and writer. Even if their IPs last beyond the original creator.
Final fantasy 16 and rebirth are two absolute masterpieces, I’d say they have a bright future
Talking about time-line here. I’m waiting for fft,ff9, ff7-r3 and then ff17. I think this will be the order of release
Personally I’ve liked the direction that they went working on FFVII remake/rebirth and FFXVI concurrently. I would be ecstatic if they were to do a FFVI remake and FFXVII tandem project.
I’m personally looking forward to whatever Yoko Taro has been working on and Dragon Quest 12.
In regards to Final Fantasy I’d say let’s be a little patient, its barely been 2 weeks into 2025.
There have been hints at SE doing more with 16, potentially more DLC. So lets just wait and see what happens
Square should not have abandoned ff16, royal edition for ff15 jumped sales to 10 million
I just have apathy towards this franchise now. All it does is flash, and no gameplay substance
You forgot about the infamous FF13 remaster/remake rumor. With Square even responding with the idea of a remake on Twitter 😭💀
I really don’t like the direction SE has gone in recent years. I just want turn-based Final Fantasy back. Recent releases are not Final Fantasy. I also really hope that if SE gives Tactics the HD-2D treatment they don’t pull that body Type A/Type B BS they did with DQ3, gender is really important in Tactics team building.
Had no idea Brave Exvius shut down, I used to be a massive whale of that game. Shame they couldn’t make it an offline version instead as it had a decent story and gameplay.
It’s an uncomfirmed leak, but FF7Remake is being hinted for that Switch 2 launch and lines up with the plan to spread out releases to be multiplatform
The problem with the franchise at the moment is that its doesnt appeal to a younger audience. FF14 is basically a retirement home for gamers. I really think the whole franchise needs a reboot if its going to survive in the long run.
Like i asked my nephew awhile back if he wanted to try FF16 and the reply i got was that “its a game for old people” lol
I wish they would surprise us all and give us a super slick modern turned based game.
FFXIV will be getting content updates throughout 2025 so people will have that to look forward too. We will be soon coming to 7.2 which will be a major patch and the first major patch to actually be releasing a lot of the content people have been looking forward to the most. Including the Relics/Exploration zone. Cosmic Exploration/Lifestyle content. The next raid tier.
The mention of brave exvius still hurts 😢
Other than Rebirth (I thought Remake was drab and full of filler), I haven’t enjoyed a FF game released after IX. IX was the peak of the franchise and it fell off a cliff right afterwards. SE doesn’t understand FF, and has almost completely and successfully torn to shreds what magic it had to catch audiences FF cannot and should not try to catch.
Edit: I want to emphasize Rebirth’s exclusion from this. Outside of the multiverse shenanigans, nauseating traversal, and pace-straining forced minigames, I found Rebirth to be absolutely outstanding. The way Barret’s arch was told and shown in Rebirth left a lasting impression on me, and it’s a prime example of exceptional narrative design in games. I also want to congratulate the combat since it’s incredibly engaging and a wonderful evolution of Remake’s. It will never replacing turn-based combat, but it’s something I do and will continue to greatly enjoy going forward so long as it’s included in future entries and *_slowly_* iterated on with *_meaningful_* changes over time.
Werent fan of ff15 and 16. i MUCH prefer ff7r type of battle system and party synergy. I hate playing noctis and noctis 2.0. I find it dumb they get the most «flashy» abilities cuse they r MC.
Still praying for that Final Fantasy 9 remake.
Cmon guys it died years ago, it’s crazy how people have only just seem to have noticed, final fantasy is a soulless husk of what it once was as much as that saddens me. Even the FF7 reboot is just a big bloated 3 part convoluted cash grab.
We can make 5000 more of these essays. But we ultimately have to face the barren truth: Final Fantasy isn’t a prestige series anymore and quality does not matter in this case. They have an image problem.
FFVII Remake and Rebirth are one of the best games ever made and yet people don’t buy them. Same would happen if they were turn based
That turn-base mechanics is what made the FF. Commanding each characters for the play or strategy.
This is how we used to play FF before.
Hopefully the FF tactics remake doesn’t play as sluggishly like Tactics ogre reborn.
I feel like the bravest thing SE could do right now would be to make the next mainline FF be a throwback to the roots of FF – airships, world maps, deep party customization, multiple/merged worlds, and most of all a sense of adventure and fun – kind of like what FF9 did.
I’m not saying it has to be 2D, but I’m personally burnt out with the super glitzy action extravaganzas. I feel like even the fans who like that sort of thing are a bit bored with the latest FFs.
It’s good to bring things back to the heart of FF every so often
2025 and Tactics still can only be purchased on mobile……that’s absurd
I’m tired of FF7 MF’S not realizing remake is a secret sequel disguised as a remake. The story cannot happen if the OG didn’t happen, it’s a direct reference when they show you the old 2007 cgi in the ending.
I’m sick of MF’S saying “Sephiroth is in it too much” THATS THE FUCKING POINT
Nomura at some point played Metal Gear Solid 2 and went: “I WANNA DO THAT!!!”
Bring Yoshinori Kitase back as head role for FFXVII. He’s been the key person for all of my favorite games; VIII, X, X-2, and XIII
I haven’t touched anything final fantasy past 12. I’ve been told to give 13 a shot someday. It’s hard feeling like a relic from a prior time when I’m only 30. I fell in love with FF and Square for the story telling and worlds they created, but I just enjoy turn based rpgs. I don’t know why companies decided that format of gameplay was not worth pursuing anymore, but it certainly makes me feel left out. It’s like if Pokemon decided the next game was going to be exclusively a hack and slash. It might look cooler, but that’s not what the game is about to me.
Even if they went the route of Zelda and had alternating releases with more cartoonish style, lower budget games and high def new style ones, I just hope someday they return to form.
Straight up embarrassing square is unwilling to make a new triple a turn based rpg and lies saying would look stupid mean while many other companies are making triple a turn based rpgs and breaking records for their companies
16 is the future, there I said it
Please give us a Final Fantasy XI remake!
I just want Kingdom Hearts to come back and also be properly ported to Nintendo’s systems.
Turn-based and party-based or bust. I’ve been a diehard fan of FF since OG NES FF1. I love everything up through FF12 (12 was amazing but imperfect). 13 had flaws but OK moments. 15 is where they completely lost me. Then the abortion that is FF7R. Then the DMC wannabe 16. Squenix has lost a LONG-TIME fan that spent a lot of hard-earned cash on its products. Until they return to what made the franchise so beloved in the first place (it was never story alone, like some argue), then I’ll be happy playing my backlog and other turn-based franchises (Larian, Atlus, Yakuza, etc).
Tactics! Tactics! Tactics! Tactics! Tactics!
I feel like the final fantasy series is reaching a point similar to where they first started. Sure hope they can continue to thrive and keep the IP alive.
ff16 and ff7r meet expetaction its bc of game like forspoke that they didnt meet them
Well i just finished Bozja and Eureka… so bring on the new field operation content!
FFVI HD2.5 remake with the GBA content and some new extras please.
The only thing SE can do to get me back on board is the FFT Remaster or Remake and even then I’m very wary.
Final Fantasy just hasn’t been the same since the merger. The games have expanded but lost their souls. They released too many games of subpar standard. Their best games are just milking the first 10. I played 7 remake and I wasn’t impressed despite it’s “glowing reviews”. I’m scared to touch rebirth. Final Fantasy used to be my favorite RPGs now I’m more excited about the level of storytelling the west has to offer.
The more final fantasy i play, the more i want to try 14. But I’ve never been an MMO guy, and i literally can’t afford the monthly sub 😂
The thing that keeps me iff is just how much content there is and how long it would actually take me to play it all 😂
Maybe one day when i can get it all in one and solo it
Im the biggest FF fan. I grew up on these games. My uncles worked at Square. One was part of the team for GPs. The other was just at the company, he didnt really said what he did. Maybe just fot people tea I dont know. These games suck now. The old FFs were something you wanted to see and experience. The new FF, i just wanna see how its gonna crash and burn and see how people are gonna ezperience garbage. Sorry for my English, it is my second language
If I’m totally honest I’d love to see a final fantasy go back to its roots that made the games popular and make a new turn based final fantasy game 🎮 please 🙏
Instead of full on remakes, as beautiful as they are, they take forever, for obvious reasons, but if they did Tactics style remakes for other games, a Tactics style 1-6 would be awesome for the settings among other reasons, but 7-10 would be really cool to see those settings in a Tactics style game.
The Memoria project that remade the beginning of FF9 is something I can get behind 100% I know its fan made, but the details and care that went into it are seriously top notch!
I still look forward to a FF9 remake, but not like how 7 is being treated; a cash grab!
I have absolutely no desire to buy into FF7 until the final product is released and bundled, much like how Kingdom Hearts was compiled but at 1/10 the price of buying each game separately.
Man, a massive part of square enix’s press releases recently has been all about ‘not enough profit’. In almost every comment section you can see people saying ‘please give us a turn based game like the good old days’, and still we get arpg after arpg
They should make ff 18 a high quality pixelated game. Not these high budget multimillion dollar animated monsters it’s unnecessary
Dont forget that Square Enix has its own internal D.I.E. department…
Remember Forsaken ??!
Hopefully this series is not actually going to be final… see what I did there?
Square Enix is missmanaging its own property for at least 10 years….
Just trying to catch up to trends and no originality as of the old days….
Management is uterly useless -.-“” CEOs are worst and worst each time….
Naoki Yoshida is the ONLY face of SE that players like and is the only reason they are not bankrupt already -.-“””
But this state…well…its a bad state and something must change or it will end badly…
Remakes, rewrites, remasters….. where is the new stuff ??!!!
There hasn’t been a truly extraordinary FF game since the Enix merger.
Dissidia needs to comeback with the Smash Ultimate/Sparking Zero mindset when it comes to the roster. Have like 100+ characters, everyone is here! Give it some good gameplay based on the principles of the psp games, market it like there is no tomorrow and voila.
Didnt like 16. It also had bad performance. Not getting ff rebirth, bit too expensive even with sale and I hear its bloated with minigames.
Either they bring back the turn based system that IS final fantasy, or they go bust after a few more games. Mark my words.
They NEVER needed to change the game formula – they had PERFECTION.
Go back before its too late, Square.
P.S. GRAPHCS dont matter. AT ALL. Give us FF7 Ps1 graphics with an incredible story, rather than ff13/15 graphics with a complete trash linear story.
Just dipping my toes into Dawntrail (finances delayed me a lot) – and it’s not a story anything like what we’ve done these past expansions. My brother keeps exclaiming that we are babysitters, haha – and he’s not entirely wrong. BUT, to me at least, it feels very good to have that dialing back of expectation and tension. Endwalker just about broke me, it was glorious but so intense that I seriously had to shepherd my mental health. So intense that I haven’t yet played it the second time (I have two characters and for someone who used to have twenty alts on WoW that’s a pretty big change, ha). So I’m very glad of Dawntrail’s slower pace, lesser goals, quieter overall vibe. There is no blade that will not break under enough stress and our Warrior of Light needs a damn vacation. I’m happy enough with Trail of Tacos! [Less on topic, I think Yoshi-P needed a vacation too, does that man EVER SLEEP, my gods]
WOULD like to see Tactics get some love, not least because my husband would be over the moon about it. I am no good at that game style but Ogre Tactics and FF Tactics were some of his very favorite titles of all time.
They have abandoned the RPG part of the series. XV and XVI were good games, and while the stories were FF level stories, they didn’t have FF gameplay.
I just got a PS5 last week, I’ve only been able to play the demo of 16 but the gameplay, especially in Eikonic Challange, made it soot up for mildly interesting to my most wanted game, and this is coming from soemone who also devoured Metaphor ReFantazio.
I’m sorry but highest quality? Up until 13 what brought us all to this franchise? The unique characters exciting worlds, and epic storylines. Can you even say 15,and 16 did any of that? They felt so bland and watered down of anything related to FF and what you’d expect. Yea are the graphics shiny? Sure but 15 you could literally have the game essentially battle for you and 16 honestly felt so devoid of individuality I’d be hard pressed to even consider it an FF aside from the random chocobo or occasional eidolon
Remakes of 1-6 made similar to Bravely Default
Love to hear so many of John Oeth’s renditions throughout this video, lovely stuff.
There’s a lot to like about FF 16 but square hasn’t had a cohesive vision for FF since the unfairly maligned 13. I didn’t like 13 when it released either. After giving it a chance again last year, it’s in if my favorite. It’s the side content mainly: it is awful in Rebirth and 16. It’s meaningless, boring filler.
its time for a return to form. no more action game stuff. return to turnbased gameplay.
We dont need the most epic graphics. Hell make Final Fantasy 17 throwback to PS1/PS2 era with graphics from that age idc. Give us a good story and fun battle/level up system.
I will always, and I mean *ALWAYS*, take a single quality final fantasy game over 12 FF schlock releases that die in 6 months.
I think it was too much… lots of slop with 50 someodd releases… really took down some of the “brand value” if you will… however, i feel they’ve overcorrected with the lack of brand momentum.
That said, if they do release a new quality game in 2 – 4 years… i won’t really be that disappointed. There are other things to play in the interim.
I just want a remake of 8 and a FFT2. Not a remake, a new FFT game with noses!
I feel like, unfortunately, it needs to be said. people don’t like final fantasy. they might like final fantasy vi or vii or ix or whatever they grew up with, but as a series, they really don’t like or understand the long history of experimentation and iteration. square enix’s barometer for what people want in RPGs is stuff like octopath or bravely default, very mechanics driven and gameplay heavy, and when that consistently loses out to Anime High School With Light RPG Elements put out in 200 hour portions, they don’t want to put all their eggs in one basket and bet everything on now being the right time to “return to the formula” and make a game that the God of War Resident Evil Remake Yellow Paint mass market really genuinely does not want.
Square-Enix needs to recapture the magic and have a team working on sprite based games for nostalgic turn-around.
I dont next gen graphics and would settle for PS2 Graphics if the game were decent.
Simple has its place and they keep going to large a scale for their productions.
So sad nothing yet for IX 😢
imho they should show more love for PC people. In the west there’s an entire generation of people who grew up on old FF games and now these people are young adults or even reaching their middle age. Such people are not very likely to keep buying the latest consoles, but they’re very likely to have a decent to good PC and fall into the casual gamer category. Not to mention they have enough disposable income to buy a few square games for nostalgia sake.
For the love of god, give me a FF7 remake treatement for FF8. I would LOVE that game getting remade.
As much as I think Yoshi-P deserves credit, I hope they keep him away from Final Fantasy 17. I completely disagree with his ideology on forcing action-focused gameplay into FF because he thinks that’s what “younger” gamers want. Final Fantasy needs to double down on it’s roots and do a main line high production C-J-RPG bringing back classic final fantasy with modern elements (Like Buldar’s gate 3 did for CRPGS).
Bring back full party control, large cast of characters, in-depth character progression, lots of interesting side content and brutal optional boss fights.
i want a turn-based FF VII/VIII/IX remake. that’s all i want.
The problem with FF is that they doubled down Tetsuya Nomura. The dude is a terrible storyteller with an obsession with belt buckles.
I just wish they’ll go back to making jrpgs and stop producing these shallow action rpgs, 15/16 were so disappointing, although 16 looked amazing graphically.
I hope this isnt a sign they’re gonna push harder into mmos… 11 was great
14 was disappointing because in less than a month you could finish and gear every job.. and then they just released cosmetics and no new content for soo long.
Then suddenly so much content you wouldn’t be able to keep up being a casual player. They just can’t decide how to schedule updates lol
Then again, we may just be spoiled from the flood of everything lately
Where do you get this? This is the stupidest title ever. The future is set for FF, unlike most IP’s FF always sells well. There is not a single FF that doesn’t sell more than 90% of all other IP in the same releases year. The fact that sqaure enix as more share holders then they used to in the past and they want more $ and more $ evry year even if the releases doesn’t sell as fast or well they want to, to gwt their $$ bonuses. News flash!!! Gamers don’t give a sh**t about shareholders, and the FF ges will always sell well. See FFXVI by example. A new and brand new gamellay thar I hated, still bought the game and played it.
Switch 2 and PC dayone. If these things happens they will solve their problems with sells.
Needs to be a major reset. I’ve actually though accepted the Final Fantasy i loved and identify with, is dead and buried now.
Still much to go back to and enjoy so can’t complain.
I would like a FF8 Remake after 7, and a 9 and 10 remake would be nice too. And I hope we get FF 17 before 2030
No idea about the bottom line of SQEX but the quality certainly is much better recently than early 2010s. I hope they continue with HD pixel remakes like DQ3 and more in this direction to complement those AAA blockbusters.
I wanted to say how much i want to see ff9 remake like in that fan made video with Vivi in Alexandria, or ff8 remake having same treatment as ff7 but with better story writing (and no bs with Squall being dead, though, don’t like that plot twist). But then i remembered that i won’t be able to play them anyway, bc Sony doesn’t work with my country and my pc is a potato (i could afford only that much), so it’s all pointless for me anyway…. 😢 But i’ll be happy for people who will experience these things one day. It’s a good dream to have ^^
I never buy from square enix again. GO WOKE GO BROKE
Dissidia Opera Omnia also had EOS last yeah in febuary :c
Everywhere I go, I hear that damn bee.
Maybe it’s time for final fantasy.
As much as I like most of the recent Final Fantasy games (I enjoyed playing Opera Omnia when it was available, and I just got back to playing Final Bar Line), I think the issue with the recent Final Fantasy games is just that they’re not that fun or interesting to play. If anything, they’re the complete opposite of that.
I was interested to play Final Fantasy XVI, but I got bored at playing the game because the story & lore became unnoticeably uninteresting.
Then there’s games like Stranger of Paradise or the Final Fantasy VII Remakes, where they just changed the plot & characters for the worse, rather then trying to make them as memorable as the originals. Though, this is only towards my issues with the FF7 Remakes, (and Stranger of Paradise), as a lot of fans love playing those games.
Honestly, I think the best way to keep the Final Fantasy series alive is for SquEnix to expand on what they already do. They’ve already published novels and mangas based on the Final Fantasy series, so why not make comic books based on the series (I mean it’s not like it’s gonna be impossible to translate a video game series made in Japan to a comic book series, just look at SEGA & Capcom with their Sonic & Street Fighter comics.). They could make some original FF shorts on their YouTube channel similar to what Valve & Blizzard used to do. Heck, instead of making an anime based on Final Fantasy IX like they were rumored to do, they could make another Final Fantasy anime similar to what they did with Unlimited.
The possibilities are endless. But really though… those are just secondary ideas. In terms for what media that helped started the Final Fantasy series, the games… I think all the executives at SquEnix has to do is just, find a solution. There’s already a crutch in the team behind the FFVII Remakes, and same goes to Creative Business Unit III… so I think they should split the teams of each into 4 separate teams, so they could work on their own passion project or even another Final Fantasy game. Heck, why not hire more designers to work at SquEnix. They must think of something. But who am I kidding… there’s just no way they could do this. I’m just some internet user on a internet site where I’m just trying to explain what I think a major corporation like Square Enix should do. There’s just nothing we can do other then making a post or comment, that Square’s HR or PR team would read.
I miss endgame content like in FFX, now the end game content is do the same thing over again on a harder difficulty. Its boring and lazy as fuck.
At this rate, FF17 is just going to be a Dynasty Warriors game but one where you can spam firaga while some British lady berates you. But it’ll be pretty so goty.
I miss Squaresoft.
I can give them a certainty and perspective.
FF8 Remake
FF9 Remake
FF10 Remake
I recently played FF 16 and it was missing soul.
Was the same thing I’d played before in FF15.
Square are becoming like Ubisoft just the same game with different skins.
Waiting for 7 part 3 and I am done with FF.
Who cares about Final Fantasy when we have Octopath Traveler, Triangle Strategy and the Live A Live remake?
I miss the time based mechanics in battle and dislike what combat has become in the last 2 installments…
i will take quality over quantity but yeah seems like a bit of a FF drought for some time
Looks like no new final fantasy games this year
Square needs to make 17 turn based. Go back to the roots of the series.
Square learned the hard way that keeping your most beloved franchise to 1 platform is detrimental to the game’s financial wellbeing. In the past exclusives made sense but Square needs to move with the times and release simultaneously on ALL available platforms! Keeping it off Xbox and having it come to PC more than a year later is not good business sense anymore. Companies underestimate the patience we as PC gamers have, if you had me wait 2-3 years to get a game on my preferred platform then I don’t mind waiting another 6-12 months for that game to go on massive sale which means companies lose more money than they would have gained if everyone bought at 60 or 70 dollars at launch.🤦♂
Do you think FF17 will be another online game? 11 and 14 had 2 Final Fantasies between them, does this mean FF17 will follow the same formula since we already got 15 and 16?
Final Fantasy has been losing its way since FF12.
Yeah way to present the thumbnail and title in a way that suggests there’s going to be no more Final Fantasy *slow clap*.
honestly? i havent played since 15, the drastic change in playstyle that only got worse in 16. 16 isjust Devil May Cry in all but name. If i wanted to play DMC i would have bought DMC
Mini Ninjas is actually still owned by Square Enix, same with Kane & Lynch lol. Creative Studio 2 which is helmed by Kitase and Toriyama has nothing announced right now with just SaGa Frontier 2 Remastered and Final Fantasy IX Remake expected to be in the works
I really miss the 90s to early 2000s with all of the releases we were getting. Main series games. We were so spoiled.
I feel like I am in the minority, but I loved 16 (warts and all, and boy it had some warts), so I want more of that world. Don’t care how, I just want a little bit more.
I wish octopath traveler cotc would be on stream so I could play it on a bigger screen 😂 6:32
Final Fantasy 7 Remake project are going to bankrupt Square, and the lack of sales show how FF7 are overrated.
Square Enix is just making a mess of everything these days.
I’m very greatful for the years of joy and I very much enjoyed FF16 enough to play it twice and i’m very invested in the outcome of the FF7 remake trilogy.
But they are doing awful, somehow having these amazing games with a near invincible foundation of trust and yet they still apparently manage to lose money or “not meet expectations”
These materials in the hands of a business more competent would be a golden goose, but square has rested on the laurels of their past staff members too long.
You are completely mental if you say that we were spoiled with releases during the 2010 – 2020 decade. We got:
1) hallway simulator (FF13 – yeh, i liked it, but it wasn’t extraordinary)
3) low budget side games
Woooooow i feel so spoiled!!!! A whole whopping two mainline games and one of them is almost decent!!!!
Too many people claim turn based is dead. It scares the directors/producers.
I LOVE turn based and often find more twitch based games hard to play…
Public opinion is not on my side.
It’s not a happy time.
X was the last high quality FF. 12 started showing signs. 13 afterwards started to show signs 🫤
Perhaps they need to fire 90% of their staff and go back to making good and creative fun games instead of cinematic “masterpieces” that cost more to produce than a small island.
It’s the second spirits within
Still hoping for a 13 remaster or at least a port to current systems. Love that game. Graphics are still amaze
Final Fantasy needs to take a step back from large cinematics for starters . How about taking a page from Dragon Quest and have an open world with a primary Baddie but give the player the ability to explore the world / worlds available . Helping or solving smaller quest in towns / villages and such and getting items to help get access to battle the big baddie .
The difference here is that there will be no guidance to go a certain direction, if you accidentally run into a level 99 Dragon then you probably know this area might be better to try later. FF has always had a type of open world but parts were blocked by either terrain or other types of nature boundaries. If you start off with a hero that has a mount or vehicle that can traverse those terrains then it is up to you on where you go and how you want to do your adventure.
Now all that is left is a story that makes you want to venture out and see how it ends . That’s the hard part good luck FF
Final fantasy doesn’t know what it is, or why it’s first final fantasy saved the company, and why the slop they’re turning out the last 20 years isn’t working
go back to turn based and tactics again please
Is that the honey bee raid song from FFXIV. I love it
I wish they put more attention towards the Final Fantasy TCG. Its a really fun game with gorgeous cards but there is 0 advertising and its barely sold anywhere. I feel like if they put it out there more it could get as big as MTG, YuGiOh, and the likes. The fan base is already there.
ff rebirth was unfun after the first 8 hrs … i’m also sick of the unreal engine look and feel.
the first part was fun most of the way through though
On Naoki Yoshida, as much faith and as much of a fan I am of Yoshi-P–I dont know if its an issue between him and the other CBU heads or corporate, but the choices for his game direction can come off as really conservative.
Like FF14 cant change so much in its gameplay anymore due to their refusal to upend the game’s 10 year old code cus there’d be too much to fix. So QoL issues that couldve been addressed ages ago just wont get any attention anymore. Or they just refuse to do any really complex mechanics anymore. Thinking about how theur new developers worked on Endwalkers Myths of the Realm raid series and there were just a lot of missed potential.
With FF16 they wanted to cram so much story into it but not in a way that diverges from how you usually get it in FF. So a lot of the quests feel like FF14 which is just go to point A-D and back. Though there was the Active Time storytelling thing, that just did not feel immersive like FFTs Tavern Rumors–which were essentially the sane thing. They could’ve expanded upon that. It plays more like a movie rather than make anything meaningful of the reaction buttons on screen like Kingdom Hearts does with its attack menu.
I just hope he gets the heart/gets allowed to innovate and take risks.
His storytelling teams already got it pretty well, but like with Dawntrail where they said they refuse to age characters or commit to a death is because things would get messy, its just like the current MCU, thats bound to get stale and boring down the line.
Its funny because my gut reaction is to say “omg the last 8ish years have just been so slow for the brand” but then you look at the sheer volume of releases and realize that just is not true at all. We were just so spoiled for the 2000s and a bulk of the 2010s that even a release cadence of 2-3 FF games a year feels like nothin.
8:26 Dawntrail was so boring. After spending a dozen or hours on the story, I canceled my sub to FFXIV and I haven’t been able to muster enough desire to go back to it.
The comments section reveals a huge problem for Square.
No matter they release, people will not be happy. Attempts to change the formula is met with derision and Turn Based – while that is what everyone thinks they want – is too risky in their current business model.
Some of the criticisms of the newer games comes from a place of older fans hating change. Some of the criticisms are legitimate. I have loved every mainline game released – I played XIII for the first time last year and enjoyed my time, XV was a bit of a shift but I had fun and XVI’s story was absolutely fantastic. Rebirth reignited my love of games. But all flawed, like EVERY GAME.
However, the bad blood that Square themselves have created is 99% of the problem. I would guarantee that Square would not be criticised near as much if their PR was much better.
Oh as a fan of War of the Visions, thinking its one of the coolest twists in Final Fantasy’s storytelling in a long time — I do worry for its health considering they bumrushed Global to catch up with JP with little incentive. Following that they also phased out the EN voice acting of the game. Ive seen YouTube channels have recordings of the story cutscenes, I do hope that game gets to be archived since its a good font for FF story inspiration.
You know you are doing something very wrong, when your two of your best selling titles don’t make enough.
Final Fantasy is an amazing series with so much potential for great games and stories. Its unfortunately under the whims of Square Enix’s corporate heads that are desperate to break into AI, mobile, and sacrificing every goid thing about a game for the pinnacle of graphics.
Its truly sad that one of its greatest praised games in its history is Final Fantasy Tactics. Something that goes against most of what its corporate hungers for.
I truly loathe their desperation to be the best graphics in media that sacrifices overall style and other aspects of a good game. They should take a page out of Atlus.
Square always making the worst decisions out come or chasing the trend that players don’t really care
They should make a more traditional turn-based FF but with a modern AAA budget and see how it fares.
I’d bet it would dominate sales.
I grew up when the latest Final Fantasy was the standard bearer for what the current console could do. Now great looking games are a dime a dozen and it’s hard for anything to stand out.
As I grow older and as I played FF7 Rebirth and FF16. I kind of realised I dont really recognise the series anymore. The graphics are as stunning as FF7 stunned me when I was 13 years old when it first came out on PSone…however as the years go by, I think about the series less and less. As we move further into the action space we are beginning to lose more of the RPG elements that I enjoyed so much. I know everyone will go “go play the old games then” but I’d really love to see a true JRPG rather than a fast paced action game with kind of RPG elements. But if this is the direction that appeals to the next generation then I guess old fans like me will become extinct xD.
Without Sakaguchi and Uematsu, there is no future. Square-Enix is a cursed company
Never asked for every game they make to turn into final kingdom fantasy hearts 😂😂😂 what a bunch of simp trash. Bravely default and octopath are the only IPs they have that I give a rats ass about, and don’t get me started on the DEI disgrace that the FF6 pixel remaster is…let’s remove configuration settings, actual stats and the whole relic page said no one ever except these new age clowns 😂 final fantasy is basically dead to me and has been for years
Ff9 remake and kingdom hearts 4 that’s it that’s all they have to do
Final Fantasy hardcore fan here. I still to this day love FF XVI and i think it’s the road that Square should take in terms of story, tone and characters. Gameplay wise, the systems and core game design of FF7 RE Trilogy is their masterpiece. I would love to see FF XVII to mix these elements from both games and boom. Tactical Action Masterclass RPG. I love this franchise so much and i wish nothing but an amazing future.
It’s time to face facts. Final Fantasy doesn’t have the brand power that it had in the golden age anymore. FF7R3 is likely to sell fewer copies than Rebirth given that there is typically a sequel sales drop. Square needs to find a way to wow the fans again. The market has spoken, and rpg fans are buying soulslikes these days.
After 16 and Rebirth, i don’t think it’s that surprising that we end up with a bit of a quiet year. Those were both massive undertakings and those devs aren’t likely to be putting anything new out for a few years if we expect a modicum of quality to it.
Dawntrail was far from bad in it’s initial release. It’s just Endwalker set an impossible standard with it being a magnificent culmination of literally the entire game leading up to it. No one expected Dawntrail to somehow top all that by itself but it still did well enough that i’m not worried about the future of 14. They’ll keep with the patch cycle we got and i’m sure this time next year the playerbase is gonna be in full hype mode for whatever the next expansion ends up being.
I personally expect 2025 to be a year of announcements. The final part of the FF7 Remake trilogy and the next 14 expansion feel pretty likely to get announced later in the year. I wouldn’t expect anything tangible on a 17 yet but we might get an off-hand remark that it’s being worked on or something. For a wishlist pick, i’d like some kind of remaster treatment for the 13 trilogy. It’s been plenty long enough since they were released and the closest we got were some very shoddy PC ports.
Honestly, with how many FF games there are, and how successful they are, we MIGHT be able to push for other Final Fantasy games to get a remake as well. FFVIII, FFX, and FFXII which have their pitfalls, but would actually be INSANE if remade with the same care as FF7 (Series).
Turn based.
I wish they’d tap into whatever formula atlus has cracked to get SMT games out nice and frequently. I suppose they are usually less ambitious projects, but they seem to do well with critics and sales
I’ve been playing Final Fantasy since the original nintendo. Seen all the changes and updates to the series. This series is constantly trying to draw in new players while drowning out what made the series special, imo.
I can’t quite put my finger on it but the series doesn’t hit home for me like it used too.
I will always have my favorites like 4, 6, Tactics, 9, 12 and 13, which I replay from time to time. I have such wonderful memories and feelings attatched to the series. For that I’m forever grateful to the people that put in the work to bring my favorites to life.
I still hold out hope for the series to “return to greatness” and want them to succeed. Time will tell.
Make an MMORPG using the Franchise’ characters FF1-16, this is the way to go
FFT3 ?!?!?!?????
What I want for the future is that FF17 would go back to the roots of battle with ATB.
FFXIV has been carrying SE for years already and still up to this day. SE needs to focus more to their existing both active and dormant IPs to be revived. Am also aware how this studio has been reconstructed after selling of their Western Studios back in 2023 iirc to focus more in their internal structure and that was a good call.
I almost feel like they should either let the franchise die (or at least be put on a moratorium for several years) after the final installment of the FF7 remake series or license the IP out to another studio and see what breath of fresh air and life other creators can bring to the franchise. Quite frankly, I think they should be courting Larian after the success of BG3. Or turn the franchise over to the fans and create a formalized TTRPG in the style of D&D or Pathfinder and let the community create their own stories and characters set in the various settings of the franchise.
I don’t really have any expectations for Final Fantasy anymore. I tend to be more interested in AA smaller games now. Most RPG’s I’m looking forward to are all remasters, besides Clair Obscur and Monster Hunter. Which I guess isn’t exactly optimistic, now that I think about it. When I think about a possible big AAA RPG, now I think Atlus, not Square Enix. More stuff like Fantasian, Triangle Strategy, and Octopath Traveler would make me happy though.
SE needs to go back to basics on why people liked Final Fantasy and why games like Baldur’s Gate 3 and Metaphor kicked their ass. I feel there’s a lack of critical thinking and not understanding what RPG players want. Like nearly all AAA, Square got too big and don’t really know what they’re doing. At least they’re making one positive change with stopping Sony exclusivity. Not enough PS5 owners to pay for your company. When you find yourself disappointed, just go find your fun elsewhere. Square either adapts, figures out their shit and survives, or they don’t. It is what it is.
Maybe they should sack the teams that spend hundreds of millions of dollars to produce a game and get a handful of people to make a game for the ps1 which will be more enjoyable.
TBH as a life long fan. The past few have been good. But They should give their Golden age the remake to win back everyone. While giving us a new FF IP. and a better expansion for 14. Like Remake 6,8,and 9. 10 maybe later. but X HD remaster still holds up and is amazing. Finish FF7 with Revive/Reborn. Pixel remaster also helped.
They really should go back to turn based, seeing games such as Baldur’s Gate 3, Metaphor and Claire Obscure Expedition 33. It made me realize SE needs to go back to it’s roots and I ain’t trying to be elitist or whatever but those games I mentioned above are great examples of how they can still hook both older and newer audiences. FF has always been inconsistent with its identity such as changing gameplay from different series and they always try to reinvent and I wouldn’t be surprised if FFXVII is nothing about both FFVIIR or FFXVI.
The merger with enix was the end
Final fantasy 12 was the mainline entry i thought was any good 13 15 and 16 didnt do much for me couldnt finish 13 and didnt care enough to play 15 or 6
not only that but we have went minus in many sides.. i miss opera omnia
It’s so weird to hear FF/SE isn’t doing well when personally I think FF7 Rebirth and FF16 are two of the best games in the series.
But I also liked XIII, and I find it more memorable than XV, so
My hopes are:
– Offline FFXI, non-mmo single player game so I can experience the story
– Tactics Remaster
– A non-MMO FF game that uses the job system, imagine a single player FF game with FF14 mechanics, where you can pick a job. This is what I was expecting for FF16 but instead Yoshi-p gave us an action game 😅.
– A BG3-like combat system Ff game with a rich combat and class system. Choices can have less weight, but with a rich story, even if it is linear.
What I want is a classic turn based Final Fantasy with Octopath Traveler’s HD 2D art style and FF16’s darker tone and high fantasy setting. Bing bang boom. Game of the year.
I hope they remaster the XIII trilogy but I doubt it because of Toriyama working on 7remake series.
My next biggest hope is seeing FFT and especially Vagrant Story being remastered. Matsuno is a genius and Tactics Ogre Reborn became one of my favorite games
I too think that Final Fantasy may have gone into an uncertain road. But that doesn’t mean that Final Fantasy got lost or hit the wall. I think Square Enix need to step back to it’s roots. We have been invited to to experience glorious worlds with more and more graphic advancement throughout the years. Sadly (to me) the stories has more and more lost it touch, compared to the older games.
I hope Square Enix goes back to the graphic they used in “Secret of Mana Remake” and “Trials of Mana Remake” and start working on larger and longer stories again. Why not build a few Mana-games when their at it. When their story-telling in the games start to expand to the level that the original Final Fantasy 7 had, I think they could go back to working with the advanced graphics we see in their games today. I believe that the graphic engine they use right now eat to much of their funds for the games.
Trying to make a game to suit all gamers usually don’t end well
Final fantasy is dying
I just want KH4
Final Fantasy 17
And The last part of Final Fantasy 7 remake.
I’ll be good if we can at least get those.
Ffviii’s story deserves a re-imagining.
Square Enix is relying too much on FFXIV’s revenue to fund disaster projects like Foamstars, that one NFT game, FF7 first solider, FF7 Rebirth being exclusive on one platform
So many misses and FFXIV had to mitigate, but how long is that gonna last with the player base diminishing?
WOTV seems to be doing a lot better than FFBE as even though it did start off rough it is now managed better than FFBE as GUMI knows they cant pull the same stunts they did with FFBE in WOTV since everyone mainly finds what team comp and elect they like and mainly build their accounts around that and they have been shown to be very generous with the older units collabs like FF14 and FFT cuz units like Agrias and Thancred have now been brought up to the current meta thanks to their enhancements.
Rumor is ff7 remake coming on Xbox
So they’re focusing on quality rather than quantity? And that’s a bad thing WHY?!
Mobile games are mostly successful in the Asia and not really in NA and EU. They can get a minimum of a yr of success. But after that, it’s up in the air. It also doesn’t help that square doesn’t release the mobile games on consoles, steam, or epic games. In which it would have a longer life span than the mobile life span in the NA and EU.
Exclusive to one console used to be the way to go back then. But now no one cares(except nintendo) and everyone want those exclusive games to be on everything. Even sony is finally giving up and putting their games on PC.
I blame the brainless drones that are too uncultured to play a good rpg. They rather play dead game like cod.
They still work with sweet baby inc so they are doomed
Considering that Squeenix is going whole hog on AI and NFTs, I feel uneasy about Final Fantasy’s future…
I think we want something like FF1-6 or 9 but with modern graphics. Just a normal old school jrpg but with modern graphics and cinematic storytelling. Customizable party members, not afraid to be somewhat grindey in some parts, TURN BASED COMBAT, and some comedic relief here and there. Back to old school, no action combat, less sci-fi more fantasy, bosses, lots of good party dialogue and character development, and classic job/class system.
I am honestly hoping we don’t get a remake of FF9.
Of all the games in the series, I found it the most unenjoyable, with characters that it was incredibly hard to form a connection with.
If they were to re-make any game, I’d suggest FFX/X-2, or even FF8.
Am I crazy to think it could behoove Square to try toning it down a bit with development of the next few FFs? Budget wise, shrinking it down a lot. Doesn’t have to look exactly like a SNES game, but maybe not throw the wealth of a small nation into graphics and effects and then being surprised Pikachu when it “doesn’t meet sales expectations.”
If you try throwing some smaller budget entries at the wall, focusing on good writing and gameplay without the expensive bells and whistles, you never know what could become a massive hit, giving them exponential ROI like Shovel Knight or Stardew Valley. And if it doesn’t, well at least you didn’t spend $10 billion on one game.
As uncertain if Cloud will turn out into a boy or a girl 🤡
We find ourselves in a good situation. Let Final Fantasy rest and breath a damn moment.
I’m still waiting for FF xgagsgsei17373859595 vagabond story.
Just reduce their production budget, that’s all. Theyll comain about not being able to pay their unrealistialy sized teams, scale back their staff size, and _ideally_ roll their graphics back to the point of ffxiii, make more traditional jrpg games while having 1 or so action spinoffs and problem fuckin solved. They’re so fucking bloated that its killing them and the ip, production fees alone make it hard to break even or hit revenue goals.
That somber Honey B. Lovely song version in the background lol
They need to find new devs to work on FF games instead of handing the director’s chair to the same old retread hacks.
Off topic, but can we please just let Kingdom Hearts die once and for all?
better be compatible with the steamdeck oled at least to get with the times.
Final Fantasy is in so much trouble that SquareEnix should lead more with Dragon Quest from now on.
FFXVI and FFVII rebirth failed to meet expectations and FFXIV player numbers are plummeting.
120fps sounds like butter
Unless they release FF6 as a remake (not a pixel remaster but a full 3D version like the PlayStation tech demo but with modern graphics) I’m not really interested. Final Fantasy is an action RPG or adventure series, which is fine, but they’ve had Mana (which started as the spinoff Final Fantasy Adventure) already as their action RPG franchise. I’d definitely play a new Ogre Battle or Final Fantasy Tactics game, but the fixation on 7, and the refusal to have any mainline FF RPGs is why people have gone onto Atlus, Nintendo and indies for a genre Square perfected. Even Dragon Quest is showing more life in the West than it has in decades.
Devil May Cry, God of War, etc. aren’t games I hate but they’ve aren’t RPGs. Until SE moves back to its roots I will mostly be playing titles by other developers, so perhaps a break in their release schedule can help their leadership hear what millions of fans have been saying for more than a decade: bring turn-based combat back.
I am 47 now and have been a huge ff fan since the original. This however is starting to sway. After 15’s botched release, 16’s pacing, and dawntrails complete miss I am just not super happy with the franchise anymore. I won’t consider buying a ff game on release now until I see a few reviews. I think for me that says a lot, because I have loved FF so much.
Idk why but I feel like ff 17 will be an mmo
HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN SAYING THIS FOR? Who cares about graphics. GIVE ME GOOD GAMEPLAY WITH A GOOD STORY. I dont give a shit how many pixels im looking at. I still play Everquest for God’s sake
FF7 Remake Trilogy not having DLC is fine by me. They just need to update and finish its story and lore, then move on to creating new titles. Or perhaps remake Chrono Trigger already… PLEASE! 🙏
SE completely dimished the immense reputation of FF partially through baffling design decisions, partially through isolating their main titles on playstation years after this industry trend stopped being profitable.
I would love a Bravely Default collection. Free Bravely Default 1 and 2nd off the 3ds and on to at least the Switch.
Square Enix:
“We’ll ban you from purchasing our Future Products if you dare criticize Us, Sweet Baby Inc, Black Girl Gamers, the ESRB, or any other Woke Far-Left Neo-Marxists we’ve partnered with”
“We will define any Criticism from Gamers as a threat to our business and we will revoke access to previously purchased Games, and we will threaten to Sue you for not bowing down to your New Masters”
“You will consume the Woke DEI Slop, or else.”
“Not buying our Products, or threatening to Boycott our Products is considered Socially Unacceptable Behavior”
“We are entitled to your Wallet, and Boycotts will be met with extreme Aggression and Hostility”
Me: “With Great Woke Authoritarianist Neo-Marxism, comes great Bankruptcy.”
Also Me: “Congratulations, you played yourself.”
Also Me again: “I won’t be giving you any more Money. Get Bankrupted.”
My hope for the franchise is a return to it’s real RPG roots. Not this action button smashing crap we saw with 7 remakes and 16. Don’t get me wrong, I know they’re considered good games, but in my mind, they’re not Final Fantasy games.
FFXVII needs to be a GOTY caliber RPG, that embraces all of what Final Fantasy is and has been. Rebirth fits this but it’s got many barriers. It’s a tall task but that’s the expectation for FF, do that and I think it’ll sell 10+ million easy.
Hopefully their collaboration with Sweet baby Inc and the move away from turn based, tactical combat towards button mashing combat with quick time events can revive the franchise.
I think people forget that Square Enix is still trying to recoup the losses of the last 15 years of kind of frankly bad decisions, lukewarm releases, and not thought out cooperate imperialism that they had to walk back.
Final Fantasy isn’t the life line of SE that it used to be, and it was dumb to run a company off one title in the first place while trying to keep up THAT level of content. People get bored, and want something new, meanwhile they’ve just been catching up.
Nostalgia can also only get you so far as well, remasters and remakes will only sell for so long.
i just really hope the next mainline final fantasy goes for a sci-fi or modern setting, a lot like ffxv, ffxiii or type-0
Fft remaster/remake/ sequel plz
If you preorder rebirth on PC, you can get 30% off the retail price.
.Yes, but if you wait, you can get it for 50% off a few months later.
I recently started playing FF15. If the story doesn’t hook me in the next 3-5 hours (about 2 hours in now) I won’t bother, with how terrible the combat is.
I love Final Fantasy VII, but with the bullshit they’re pulling with the “remake” trilogy, I bought part 1, but I’m hard passing on 2 and 3.
16, I know the combat will be better, because of the people they brought on to design it, but I don’t really want to play Devil May Cry to begin with, so…
Maybe I’m just done with Final Fantasy. I have the pixel remasters, and 7 and 8, maybe I’ll be happy just replaying them every once in a while.
Most importantly, no more YoshiP please. One trick pony producer/director 🤮
There’s been an uncertain road since sakaguchi left square
I wish they would just go back to making cheaper faster pixel games with a charming story and engaging battle systems, but with 2.5d HD backgrounds. They’re too busy trying to chase graphical power that they trip on the heart and soul of these games in the process.
There will likley be Fan Festivals for FF XIV in which the expansion will be revealed. The actual release will than be likely summer/Q3 2026
Persona 5, boulders gate 3, and sea of stars have shown that good turn based games can sell and be amazing. All I want from final fantasy is a great story, a good cast of characters, and classic Jrpg vibes. Hopefully a future final fantasy will have that.
I need that FF Tactics remaster, and then Vagrant Story remastered. How cool would it be if they released them together (or close together) as a kind of Ivalice HD collection. Heck.. throw in port of the FF Tactics Advance games as well and I’d be in heaven!
Just give us a brand new, high fantasy, innovative, turn-based entry with a whole lot of characters and customization.
Like the good ol’ days.
Square enix has lost the magic
If they would return to a turn based system they would likely regain what they lost. Third person action-adventure type crap is boring and over done after FF XV. If they would hurry up and bring FFT to PC, it would likely solve many of their problems for a while.
Tactics is what im most looking forward to. I’d love a new FFT game though. But I’d want it to be more like the original one. I don’t like how divergent the handheld sequel series were.
As someone who yes did love XV I wish SE would drop their “we need to make our worlds extremely realistic” (graphics) thing and start caring about the story and long term survival of their games even if they are offline cause honestly lately I’m just fatigued with the amount of FF
Cause honestly over the last few years and even since the release 13 it feels like FF games are scared to be themselves because they need to appeal to either adults (nothing wrong with it) or to the west I just want SE to realize that what makes FF great is what it makes people feel like I teared up playing FFX for the first time and I honestly haven’t felt that with any games from them since (I do like 12 tho)
SE needs to take a break and focus on what made their games successful in the first place I don’t care about graphics I just want an impactful story from a final fantasy game again.
I mean…If they want quick buck…just remastered/re release the dissdia games on psp and put in on switch or any other console and pc..
Enough with remakes – I don’t trust they would do justice to the originals. Remasters of the classic FF games and the FFXIII trilogy would be fantastic cuz it’s just taking great games and adding a little polish to make them shiny again. That’s all they need. Final Fantasy series needs to get back to its roots like in the great days of the grand JRPG era of gaming.
May Final Fantasy like all video game series, have many long and successful years ahead!
FF9 should have been the last Final Fantasy, imo. All these other games have just confused and threw out the identity of the IP.
Not saying the games shouldn’t have been made, just make a new IP.
I’m not against making ARPG’s with super fancy graphics, but honestly, I would’ve preferred if they had made a spin off series while keeping the main one more traditional.
I’m excited for FF7 part 3. Just make half less mini games tho lol. I love the side quests in FF7 Rebirth. Honestly I want more of FF16 tbh cuz it just doesn’t feel enough. It seems to be moving on so quickly already. Wishful hopeful thinking but I want to see FFX-3 too.
The only Final Fantasy/Square Enix event I can think of occurring this year is their collaboration with Magic the Gathering
I really wish they’d go back to making turn based FFs
if there is no expantion in the mmo maybe its for the best cause lets be honest Dawntrail wasnt exacly well received
I don’t see the point of even mentioning review scores considering how frequent the don’t line up with reality. Isn’t it pretty well established now that nobody actually cares about videogame reviewers opinions, especially considering how much money Squenix has lost in spite of “glowing reviews”
Which one am I most looking forward to? Without question it’s FF Tactics remaster or remake.
Hopefully the remaster of tactics drops this year. Something new from team Asano would be welcome as well
hasn’t it been like this for more than two decades now? the last time FF had a clear roadmap was when IX, X, and XI was announced
If the pixel remasters taught me anything its that square isnt qualified ot make good final fantasy games. The talent is long gone.
With their most recent “harassment” policy, in all its vague glory, it really seems as though Square is *_trying_* to get to the point where nobody wants to give them money anymore. No future for any of their IP’s in that scenario.
Final fantasy 16 combat is fun, but the story isn’t great.
I just hope we can get a Final Fantasy next time.
How can I possibly pay attention to this video when I hear Bee My Honey in the background… all I can do is sing along.
13+ was determined to get rid of quality gameplay
all the mobiles got rid of any descrimination
15 and 7 remake got them up their own ass thinking their terrible ideas are amazing
and now 14 shows they cant write anymore either
Boy I wonder why I don’t have hope.
I was a kid when I played FFT, hopefully I’ll get to play the remake before I die an old man…
The FF7 Remake and FF16 we’re not it.
FF7 is just a filthy piecemeal cash grab, and FF16 was just a boring, cookie citter DMC clone.
Its been 20 years and i still feel like i havent gotten a proper FF
4:20 for those who still haven’t played Re:Birth (because getting a PS5 is impossible in certain areas if not expensive)
A full FF 7 game using ever crisis graphics should sell more.
I’m tired of the blockbuster AAA baggage of the series. Make lower budget games, I don’t care, FF16 has the depth of a puddle, literally SF6 has more RPG depth than FF16 does, and that’s NOT hyperbole.
Go back to your roots.
Final Fantasy is not going anywhere. I was just at the New York Carnegie Hall show for FF7 rebirth. It was sold out.
XVI could be the last. The rest will be just remakes of the classics, cause they can’t think of anything as gold as the classics.
The main problem isn’t with the final fantasy series itself but all the other projects in their HD lineups they keep making games like Forspoken and Avengers and expect FF games to help them cover the losses, and when they don’t, and the HD sector is bleeding money, they think the game failed as they don’t cover the loses of other failures.
Sure wish they would’ve made a jrpg instead of Devil May Cry…
Sadly… The idea is maximizing profits. Not customer enjoyment. It’s internal groups pushing and forcing to happen. But Square wants nothing more then gatcha. Wannabe Konami and it’s very profitable pachinko games.
The crazy thing is rebirth was soo good and the fact it didn’t sell like they needed it to makes me sad.
why is it so hard to replicate the success from ff6-ff10?
I would love to see a throwback FF spin off game in the HD 2D style
The series needs to go back to its roots. Atb combat, world maps and flyable airships.
What was the guitar song in the outro?
Still holding out for a remake of FFIX 😮💨
I need another turn based RPG, or the ATB system from FF 4-9, or w/e the system from FF10 was called. I’m not playing an action RPG or an MMORPG. I could very much get behind something like Fantasian Neo Dimension, or maybe a throwback to something like Chrono Tirgger/Cross, or something like SMRPG, give me timed hits again!
Here is the thing. By the time FFX released, people were kinda bored of classic JRPG’s. Sure there were games like Persona and SMT but they weren’t as strong as FF so it was easy to see the genre falling down. That’s the moment Square tried to give the series some fresh air that didn’t work until the FF7Remake and sadly at the same time, ATLUS kept brute forcing the genre with awesome games and FF kinda fell into obscurity trying to avoid the fate they ended putting themselves into. Sure, they released games like Octopath that were pretty succesful but it isn’t enough to support all the failures. Gladly they are not making the mistake of giving exclusivity to Playstation that at this moment is a more westernized market than even Xbox.
I would say that right now Square’s future is more hopeful. They already got both 2D and 3D’s formulas right. Now they just have to focus little by little on making cheaper games so they can afford big projects.
My interest in the brand is also in question, unfortunately. 16 was disappointing in the end, and my interest in 7’s remake is fading; as much as I love the game it feels like when they squeezed 3 movies out of the Hobbit. Not enough substance. Been playing the old ps1&2 titles and have a blast with those.
I would add one more project to the video for the near future of the franchise. A remaster of the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, which has also been rumored a few times, for actual consoles and PC. Besides Final Fantasy XI, this trilogy is the only one, in the main series, that can’t be played on modern consoles, except Xbox.
I wish those games would come true and another one that has never been spoken about. Another remaster for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years (and the Interlude from the PSP version) in the style of the Pixel Remasters.
P.D.: There are other remasters that would be cool to see in the future like Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. Even remasters of other media like Final Fantasy V: Legend of the Crystals.
its kind of there fault only releasing games on playstation I bought an ps5 to play final fantasy remake, rebirth and 16 why do I need to do all that to play a game if it was multi console it wold of made money n more
I hope that Square cuts its US branch and takes the translations internally. The western localization team made Dragon Quest III HD 2D far less successful than it could have been if they did not force politics into the localization of the game.
Still pissed about FFBE and DFFOO going away. Storylines deleted. Make offline versions of these titles!!!
I never finished FF16. I lost steam with it about halfway through. Unthinkable, in decades past.
Final Fantasy. It’s in my blood.
Stop with the devil may cry shit! Make a game with a good story. Stories have been horrible since X.
I’m torn: on one hand FF is losing it’s industry relevance at an alarming rate that would make share-holders wince, but on the other that same uncertainty has forced squenix to dedicate resources to the HD-2D initiative, revive the Mana and SaGa series, and put serious effort into making Dragon Quest a western staple.
Food for thought on Final Fantasy XVII. I do kinda hope they go back to turned based again. Between FFXV, the VII remakes and XVI, I think the action RPG can take a break. Turned based RPGs are still killer. Look at the Atlus, Dragon Quest and even the Yakuza games. Make it fun and fast paced with an amazing story and characters for a winning formula.
I wish I understood their lack of enthusiasm towards anything FFVI, and to a lesser extent FFV.
I would have bought a 3D remake in the vein of FFIII or FFIV day one.
Literally no one talks about or cares about 16 and it’s because they lost their way.
I love this channel.
Final Fantasy 17 Ivalice World 🙏
FFIX on pc with mods is already pretty much the remake I’d like to see.
i wish the tcg was better
I get the feeling that Square never recovered from the 2000’s media blitz from western media that “japanese games were over” that also lead to companies like capcom changing everything for “western appeal” to the death of multiple franchises. Only difference is the leadership at Capcom going “the resident evil audience is too old, now we want the minecraft and call of duty audience for RE6” was very politely convinced to resign and Capcom got back on track. Outside of CB3 saving FFXIV i feel square is still largely stuck in that “we need to make western style games” mindset. I remember a past CEO expressing surprise that Bravely Default was popular in the west “because we designed it for our domestic market” never realising that was what their unique appeal was. FF7 was made for its domestic market which made it stand out in the west. If they keep chasing action combat games imitating the west at best they will always feel like imitations and not what made FF appeal to begin with. Sure things change over time and you can’t expect stuff like FFVI to ever show up again but when stuff like Metaphor and their own Dragon Quest XI prove turn based jrpgs not aping western designs can still do very well, to say nothing of the positive buzz for Expedition 33 on the horizon, it makes you wonder how many action combat FF games in a row “not meeting sales expectations” need to occur before we finally see them try something different.
At this rate i honestly expect FF17 is going to be something like another attempt at a Monster Hunter clone or some other quasi live service always online thing with a cash shop. Not doomposting i just look at modern Square and it feels like anything more traditional is always going to be a lower budget title with a lest prestigious IP. But all i know is i liked Fantasian a lot more than dozens of hours of open world ubisoft clone slop they padded Rebirth with and id love to see more of that kind of game but honestly i just don’t see it happening any time soon.
Two things IMO:
As a lifelong fan who consumed every piece of ff media I could, Since FF7 remake, I fell off and lost interest. I skipped Dawntrail and probably any expansions going forward even before the polarized opinions came out, skipped Rebirth with no interest after reading some plot points, skipped FF16.
Im sure I fit into a pretty sizeable chunk of the fanbase (as the sales data shows). It doesnt help that they license out almost any title they come out with to become mobile slop that cant help their brand reputation either. It may go the way of the dinosaur as the older fans that came of age during FF7 pick other things to do with their time then play videogames.
The second thing is when I was in school, my ‘first’ final fantasy was 7. A friend let me borrow it and I played the first 2 discs. The 3rd was missing so I finished it about a year later after I convinced my mom to buy it. Nowadays, I dont see any entry that can be considered the equivalent for the modern day audience. FF was timeless and appropriate for the most part, for nearly all ages, like a more mature Pixar. FF16 had no shot at being that for the Fortnite/Apex crowd because Yoshida was trying to pull in the adults who barely play videogames anymore to begin with. The remake decided to go with their weird, cringe, multiverse storyline that I couldnt imagine would interest a new player. For example, I have a daughter that was getting fan art tiktoks of Cloud and Sephiroth, but the remake/notremake nature of the game was just too off putting and confusing to onboard new players.
IMO FF will just chug along the next few years more and more into obscurity and maybe pivot exclusively to mobile depending on how FF14 mobile goes as a cash grab.
I wonder what TV show the directors will force the writers to watch for FF17.
You didn’t mention Kingdom Hearts IV. Not exactly FF related, but who knows what connections they’ll use
people: “we dont need AAA graphics! we want the old squaresoft vibe back!”
also people when squareenix releases a non-aaa graphics: “eew, whats that crap? we dont care about that”
or: “pixel graphics! cool! now what? want me to pay? naah”
people: “we want a 1:1 remake of games with pixel graphics!”
also people when 1:1 pixel remakes are released: “cool.. now what? want me to pay for that? nah, its for the younger generations to appreciate what we had growing up”
people: “we want sakaguchi back! he is the father of final fantasy!”
people when sakaguchi releases a game that is more final fantasy than recent final fantasies: “surprise pikachu face”
also those people: “not buying. the controls are… the battles are…. the graphics are….”
people: “we want to know more about sephiroth!”
people when square releases games that tells more about how sephi came to be: “nah, that aint it… it humanizes him much”
(also applies to other ff7 related things like)
people: “we want aerith alive!”
also people with ff7rebirth ending thats literally made for squareenix to wait and weight what people want to do with aerith: “fdnaikfh8i1749018rhehfnjkahfgkdsa1f5a6df54”
and with zack: “fd4asf1dsa56f4d89a1fda2s4g87dsf1ds85f71dsa5f4dsa8f4a1fdas”
but also people: “ff7 remake! cool! now what? want me to pay? naah, its not even the full game, its not even… its not… its not… ”
people: “we want new final fantasy!”
people when ff15, ff7r, ff16 were released: “nah!!! this not it!! riot!!!!! fights against each other!! this is not our final fantasy!!! this one is better than the other!!! no this one!!!”
other people: “new final fantasy game!! now what? want me to pay? naah”
people: “this is not our final fantasy!”
also people: “fights amongst themselves what final fantasy is”
also people no matter what square release: “new game? cool. what now? want me to pay? naah”
people when news outlets reveal that squareenix is struggling financially: “surprise pikachu face”
also people when square is trying to gain some money: “cool. now what? want me to pay? naah.. do this and that and this, then maybe, just maybe i would spend money.. but i would nitpick every little detail and try not to enjoy things because heck no matter what you do YOU ARE A DISSAPOINTMENT!”
……. you hear what you guys sound like? my non-existing nagging wife ……… or some random stereotype asian parent….. or typical spoiled brats causing a scene on a mall…..
40 hours , FORTY hours into FF16 and its ASS. The characters are bland and boring, the writing and dialogue is cringe inducing at best. Who really made this game?
Japan must keep the West out of its game design and production.
I’m really enjoying FF16 right now, don’t get me wrong.
But I really, really hope Final Fantasy goes back to turn based in 17 whenever that will be.
Games like Metaphor ReFantazio and Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth last year showed that turn based rpgs still have a massive market!
And unfortunately, it usually feels like action rpg systems are just… Lazy… Like they didn’t wanna deal with making a unique, fun, customizable, and open tuen based rpg like they did back and the day and prefer focusing on a story that… While usually good, sometimes bad, doesn’t make me as engaged as previous games did.
I’m not a old FF fan. I got into the series a couple months ago when I randomly decided to play through 1-6 through the Pixel Remasters. I knew nothing about these games but… I fell in love with not just the stories but also the gameplay.
I just hope FF17 is more like Rebirth and less like FF16. FF16 was beautiful visually but that was about all it had going for it for me.
A franchise collaborating with Magic the Gathering is a sign of something much more dire for it
I stopped playing the series after 10..
Lets hope ff 17 will be something more fun not crazy and bombastic
It’s not going to be a video game, but hopefully the channel can cover the upcoming Magic: The Gathering crossover (Universes Beyond in MtG lingo) expansion dedicated to the series, which is very likely to be Magic’s best selling set of the year.
the rumor that Remake could be headed for Switch 2
I’ll be honest and as an FFXIV frequent subscriber, it does feel like the demographic of the Final Fantasy series is starting to run out of steam. Dawntrail, FF14’s recent expansion for example, is kind of lackluster but I’m optimistic that Yoshi P and his crew took that as a, “Hmm okay that didn’t work so we’ll try something else.” As for the rest of the IP though that still has a lot of muscle backing it but it does seem like they’re kind of running out of ideas. Personally if I was them I would start reemphasizing on the use of shards. FF14 for example doesn’t have just one Eorzea, nope there’s hundreds, if not thousands of variants ranging from different shards in different realities. Very similar to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity that is not just one base reality but hundreds, perhaps even millions of variations. What about a shard where the Dragonsong War in FF14 never ended? Theories are infinite.
Me on a personal level would love it if Square Enix would remaster one of my favorite JRPG’s, Xenogears. That game alone actually trumped my love for Final Fantasy. Sadly I don’t view Xenosaga as a remaster, more like its own standalone game/plot.
I really just want a FFVIII remake. If done well, it would be top tier for sure.
1) They oversaturated the market with FF titles. Quite frankly, I’m exhausted with it, and I think a lot of people are, too. I dont like the Evangelion Rebuild-ing they’re doing with FF7 remakes and…
2) The hardcore gamers that made FF the global phenomenon it is don’t like the Devil May Cry gameplay Square seems to be dead set on normalizing. Square, in their infinite wisdom, thinks American players don’t like turn based, which CLEARLY is a crock of shit.
Final Fantasy can reclaim its former glory if they go back to basics. Make mainline turn based again, limit the number of spin offs, bring back direct sequels (ex FFX2 and FF13-2), and stop trying to make mobile FF games a thing.
Unfortunately, the FF series lost me years ago. I still love the older games (mainly 1-6 & 9), and there’s some good spinoffs still, but I just have zero interest in the modern mainline series. Right around the time I first started losing interest in the series, I discovered the Dragon Quest series, which has done a much better job at scratching that classic jrpg itch for me.
I hope we never get a FF Tactics Remaster if SE makes it similar to Dragon Quest 3 Remake, eliminating gender and put bodytype.
I think a large combination of this is two separate problems:
1. Every final fantasy is different and you are never gonna get the same answer of what people like best about “Final Fantasy” as an IP. I think this is the franchise’s greatest strength and its greatest weakness. You are going to have wildly different opinions on each game, and every game that comes out in this series seems to get labeled as “bad” or “the worst one since xyz” until about a decade later when people like it. But most importantly I think is
2. Triple A games take too long to come out. You only get two maybe three Final Fantasy’s per gen at this point. We used to get a Final Fantasy game every year. Between 1990 to 1997, we had 5 mainline final fantasy games. In the last 7 years currently, we have had 3. Now it is very likely you could play almost all of Final Fantasy III to Final Fantasy VII (og) in the length of time you would need to play Rebirth alone, but going back to point one… what if you don’t like Rebirth? If you don’t like any of the last couple Final Fantasy games to come out, you’re not waiting just a year or two for the next entry to try instead, you’re waiting nearly an entire console generation.
I just hope thw next FF main title is a rpg again, not a action game, and free of wokeism.
I would love for them to bring back Dissidia the way it used to be or just generally any of their spinoffs, I want AA games…
I liked ff VI and IX
XII, XV and XVI not so much
FFX remake is going to be amazing, wish we could skip 8 and 9 for it
I see what you did there shows lightning from final fantasy 13 while the video is 13:13
for me the biggest problem is that the FF7 remake will not be completed on one console, I don’t have a PS5 only PS4 and only can play remake but not rebirth and after starting playing OG FF7 I noticed that the remake has to much useless fluff only to stretch the playtime and not the story
I didn’t even realize they halted FFBE Global. Well, guess I should uninstall it then.
FFT on PC is my dream. The FFT remake on PSP struggled with the HW. A lot of slowdown and unlike Disgaea, it didn’t let you turn off attack animations.
Ff11 remake incoming
Dawntrail was a huge flop and probably screwed them financially pretty bad everyone I know who played quit. User scores should be factored alongside metacritic. SE should probably do something with the Spira setting if they want to keep doing revamps of past games, and the next mainline ff game needs to be on par with rebirth with quality and density of content. FF16 had a lot of good going for it but side and end game content are very important to nail in an FF game.
I had no idea that Sakaguchi wanted to see a Vagrant Story re-release. Maybe my pipe dream isn’t so farfetched….i shall temper my extreme glee……!!!
None of their live service gambles really paid off, so I’d assume (hope) they’ll move onto more stable genres
I’ll update when I get to the end but I highly doubt FF’s future is “uncertain”
I loved Remake and Rebirth, for the most part. I want them to keep Kingdom Hearts bullshit in Kingdom Hearts. Final Fantasy is at its best when it focuses on making developed characters and their human interaction. That’s where FFXV failed for me – they didn’t feel like people, they felt like anime tropes. And Clive from XVI felt like Final Fantasy does Solid Snake. For me to buy another Final Fantasy game, Square need to really focus on the characters as real human beings. The worlds should be fantastical, but the characters themselves should feel human.
Feels like we haven’t had a true FF since X.
An intimate yet expansive story with scope and stakes that we experience alongside the characters (aka not reading lore drops)
Not convoluted yet still somehow shallow (16) or brushed past without depth or explanation (15) with a world full of secrets and shit to explore.
I have to be honest, playing through the Pixel Remasters again has really made me realise how much I prefer the older games. The graphics now are insane but I feel like it’s lost something that made me fall in love with them.
I’d love to see them create a new game in that old style.
they need to stop making new ones until the older ones are finished and taken care of. like nobody asked for 16.
Just make another turn/atb based ff bro its not that hard
better yet make another octopath and bravely default
It would be nice if they could easily port over the 13 trilogy to modern consoles like they did with 10/10-2 and 12’s Zodiac Age
I hope ff keeps going.. even if they finish part 3 of ff7 take time and get back to making good quality games!
While we wait for a new Final Fantasy title, we have many FF games to play 😉
FF 9 remake
Square is the Ubisoft of Japan, it’s not that won’t make new games, it’s just that they’ll probably suck, and nobody cares at this point
Also, I kinda resent the aura of pessimsm around Rebirth… I think it’s “failure” (or underoerformance rather) was highly exagerated, and even target of some bad faith coverage.
EDIT: Reading some of these comments shows that this fandom almost equals Star Wars’ levels of whining and of being an unpleasable fanbase… Hell even going from VI to VII was considered back in the say as the end of FF’s quality by purists, and that is only not mentioned as much due to the Interner being in it infancy and VII being many people’s introduction to the franchise and genre!
I just want that announcement for the FF IX Remake, man
If it continues, like 16 being dumb action then they might as well not bother. Making FF, FF by name only is just a big middle finger to fans.
For the people asking about KH4 or new FF games for 2025, Square has publicly stated that **No new games in POPULAR series will be released for a few years. The next years will be focused on RE-releases and multi-platform releases.**
So no new FF, KH, Dragon Quest, etc. (Yes, DQ 3 is getting a smaller remake treatment.) but NOT for bigger games.
It’s wild to even think about a Final Fantasy XVII but I hope to live long enough to see FF 30, I need to know if they’re changing to arabic numbers or if they’re calling it FFXXX…
Remake 8 and 9 and Bring all games over to the Xbox please Square Enix
I was very, very tempted by the FF7 Remake stuff…. but ultimately got turned off by the steadily-growing divergences from the original canon, and in a way that felt particularly over-the-top and ruined any sense of ‘grounded-ness’ that the original had. I didn’t buy Rebirth and after having seen online how some of it how it plays out, I don’t care to.
FFXIV is in a bad place right now, with the gameplay become _painfully_ formulaic with its utter refusal to innovate, and its most recent story being almost universally panned as badly written in nearly every regard.
16 I had no interest in because I am a PC-only player and refuse to buy a console…. and by the time it finally came out on PC, I simply no longer cared, in large part because of lukewarm general fan reception.
Dont think i didnt notice that Queen Bee acoustic background music.
It’s just a matter of people being very impatient so they become more hungry for more and that’s the whole problem with the final fantasy franchise the fans always want more they’re never satisfied shoot that goes for every fanbase sure but to always want more and never be satisfied that ends up being the fans being the problem come at me guys I know someone will comment and say that I’m absolutely wrong at least I know I’m right
I guess it’s a milestone or success when a creator makes a video that says absolutely nothing during its duration. Congratulations.
I think many of the rumored games like FF9 Remake and FF Tactics remaster will be announce this year. Considering Square Enix is now focusing on aggressive multi-platform releases, I could see them waiting until the Nintendo switch 2 gets fully announce this year and then making those game announcements because the Japanese audience are now fully shifted towards Nintendo and this is one way of getting square enix to get their core audience back. Also I don’t expect FF7 remake part 3 to get announce until the end of 2025 or early 2026 since the 2 year gap between the announcement and release of FF7 rebirth was due to square enix wanting to announce something big for the original game’s 25th anniversary at the time
Literally all Square Enix has to do with the last entry in the Final Fantasy VII Remake series is make it as good as Rebirth and stick the landing with a great ending.
You can imagine how badly things are when the only FF stuff is more crap from 7, 14 [which has a pretty bad expansion] and a mobile game that is very close to going down.
So sick of having to worry about the financial success or internal development/developer mental stability of every project.
I don’t care about phone games.
I don’t care about 8k resolution.
I wish nothing but the best to the developers, and don’t want them to have a bad time at work. I really wish these studios would quit chasing call of duty numbers when they don’t have those kind of audiences.
Rebuild your brands, make solid games and gamers will come and find your games.
I just want square to make fun games and I don’t want to have to be emotionally manipulated to care about internal sales demographics. It’s exhausting.
Do not speak to me of the past. I was there when the Histories were written.
-some future Final Fantasy Tactics Antagonist.
Frankly, the fans had it so good in the 2010s. The series had peaked, and there was something for everyone to play. Then Matsudo came in and turned off the faucet to barely a trickle. He miscalculated the brand, and now te series is in serious decline, having the throne usurped by hungrier studios like Fromsoft. I miss those days, and don’t think I’ll ever see a return to form like yesteryear.
Glad I got FFVII – Rebirth on a sale, cause I will not be going back to it mostly due to one section (Cait Sith) and combat. I have put 100+ hours in it but it is not the FFVII I will go back to.
Looking forward to FF9, FFT, and few SNES RPGs that never left Japan.
I REALLY want to know how the FFIX Remake is going.
Square really needs to have a think about what they are trying to do with the series.
Culturally, the game was most significant and ubiquitous, ‘special events’ in gaming between vii and x. And they’ve never got back there, although XIII did very well.
The systems in these games were completely different, obviously, but the closest we have to those systems is now in presentations like Octopath Traveler for example.
I don’t understand why they are so hell bent on making the series more and more action based. I enjoyed XVI until the last continent, but it never felt like a FF game, just one set in an FF universe.
Surely, it is time to have a rethink, and consider whether actually, a non action combat based main entry is now well past overdue. X, which was the last time the game felt huge, in the smaller market then we currently have, was the most explicitly turn based of any FF. I hated the story, characters and linearity of that game but loved the systems, and throughly enjoyed the game.
If Square themselves view XVI as a failure then the time has come for them to acknowledge at least internally that the series has been in steady decline since X.
Still kinda hoping Brave Fencer Musashi and Threads of Fate get the HD port treatment someday too.
As long as it’s a PlayStation exclusive future, that’s all that matters
I say this as someone who really enjoyed both FFXV and FFXVI, but I’d really love to see Square take a step back, give themselves a moment to take a breath, and make a Final Fantasy game for the long time fans of the series. Despite Square putting “For the fans” type taglines in their recent games, it’s pretty obvious that for the past 10-15 years their goal has been trend-chasing and trying to find a way to grow FF beyond the JRPG powerhouse it once was into something bigger. They wanted to find a way to be that next big Witcher 3 type breakthrough game.
And clearly, it’s not worked. The larger FF community was never asking for crazy projects like a battle royale or some of the other weird spinoffs they’ve done. The push to focus on action titles has not brought in the bigger crowd they’ve wanted (also hurt, of course, by their bad practices with exclusives, often bad PC ports, etc).
I’d love to see Square make a passion FF project where the “passion” is around the story, the music, art design (but NOT ‘graphics’), and gameplay. Scale the budget back, don’t put yourself in this “15 million sales or bust” mentality. Hell, do HD-2D if you want. Just give me a compelling game with a rich world, beautiful music, and some classic FF goodness like a job system entry. Not every single FF game has to be a $300mil production behemoth. Leapfrog between the new age style and the classic style, or make it a spin-off series if you absolutely have to. But in general, I want to see Square make something that shows their love for the longtime fans, rather than constantly giving off this attitude that the fans they have “aren’t enough” and that they want to break into a newer, bigger crowd.
It’s not just FF, The only confirmed Squeenix games for this year are the DQ 1&2 remasters and Romancing Saga 1 remaster.
I’m looking forward to the final part of the FFVII Remake Trilogy and I’m always excited about the next main series game, FFXVII in this case. I also wouldn’t mind another DLC for FFXVI or at least additional updates. Finally, I really want to see a FFXIII Trilogy Remaster for the PS5 to include QOL improvements, New Game Plus, etc.
Hopefully square goes under
Still hoping for a ff tactics game its been way to long
Destiny 2 has more plays currently :X
Thanks for the report!
just played fantasian, mistwalker has huge potential to take the final fantasy throne if they wanted to, the god of war final fantasy isnt the rpg, its looks pretty but strategy is gone
Itd be nice if the ported 16 and the 7 remakes come to Xbox. Square needs to fix their reputation with other platforms outside of Sony
Clive in Tekken 8 was this year, and probably (hopefully) Tifa is in the future as well
The biggest problem is that Square Enix collected an incredible amount of bad blood with the regular players… mostly because of their press releases, blockchain shenanigans and currently trying to sue fans…
The lack of games tells me that they are completely unorganized, reminds me of Capcom around 2011-2016…
Not sure what they mean “multiplat startegy”, almost all games come to all consoles + PC. With Switch being the console with most exclusives.
The Xbox case is weird, because the games that get released there very often seems to sell less than the share of the market that this console has.
Take the opportunity to highlight final fantasy fan projects like the FFVIII Project: Cinema-RF, which is a hand crafted upscale of every FMV scene in the game frame-by-frame and looks magnificent.
Here’s an idea Square Enix…..remake all the old FF games starting from 1. Be busy for years, make people happy for years, make lots of money for years…..fkin morons!
Square Enix had a terrible recent response to player criticism ……..
I will not let myself die until I’ve played Final Fantasy X-3
Gimme dat. I’ve been waiting 20 years.
listen, if you’re gonna front load that $50mi dollars operating loss at least try to give context to avoid the misinformation / fake news. SQEX said that “had to” dispose of content in the amount of $ 140 million dollars. If I’m not mistaken that is kind of Hollywood accounting for tax purpose. From what I remember the HD segment was the only one with a operating loss. Does not take a math genius to put 2 and 2 together.
And, even “throwing away” $140mi dollars SQEX itself had a profit of almost $100mi dollars.
Would love for a vagrant story rerelease ❤
Most looking forward to FF7 x Beyonce: Renaissance pt3
I would love it if they stopped releasing all these small side games that are just spin offs and just focused on main FF games. Stop with the spin offs in my opinion. 7, 8, 9, and 10 came out like rapid fire. Now it takes 7 or 8 years to get the next title. If you’re a kid and you played 15 say when you were 13, the next game wouldn’t have come out til you were in college… it’s hard to make life long fans of a series when they don’t have any games to play.
they have to be working on 17 by now
7:31 I wish they’d give us FFXI mobile instead. Or give us FFXI solo edition. Lol
5:43 unfortunately, the more I learn about Sephiroth’s backstory and history, the less impactful I find him as an antagonist in the original and remake trilogy. Part of what made him so damn effective is we only got snippets.
So I quit playing FFVIIEC because I didn’t care to continue ruining the character for me, or participating in the time suck that the game is if you’re F2P.
Final Fantasy needs to eat a Snickers, because it hasn’t been itself in quite a while.
Can we go back to turn based please?
I’m stuck in the past with FFX challenges lmfao
I think it was FF13 that killed the franchise for me. Give me FF tactics remaster & an FF6 remake & I’ll call it good.
Honestly, I’m just tired of SE’s incompetence in handling the franchise. They sink the IP’s reputation by flooding the market with low tier gacha cashgrabs; whenever a new spin-off with great potential comes along they squander them with pitiful execution; and even when they release a good product they still abide by questionable design decisions that would otherwise be unthinkable in the current market.
In the interest of fairness, I will empathize with their plight of running a JRPG franchise. JRPGs have been having a hard time adapting into the current AAA scene.
Don’t forget about the Final Fantasy Trading Card Game that sees 3 new sets released each year!
the astro bot awards are fake news
I just want a remastered version of FFXIII trilogy on PS5
The only certainty in FF is DEI.
One thing I really want to see is a Final Fantasy game, especially for 9 remake is the gameplay going back to a TBRPG. Don’t get me wrong. I like ARPGs. But Final Fantasy doesn’t really work with it as exploration has long since suffered in going in to action over turn based.
Final fantasy hasnt been good for a long time anyway. Maybe ffxiv is the best out of them
I would love a 3d modern graphics remake of ff4. One that is still turnbased, but it looks like that ff4 ds opening cutscene all the way through.
Here’s hoping that SE are done with their little experiment and stop trying to turn FF into a braindead hack-n-slash.
Yeah, all of the known projects sound like they’ll be more flops. 14 needs to get their ish together because its solo carrying all of Square Enix and 16 will probably never get updated since they’re both from CS3.
I’d love to see more remakes but the 7 remakes are financial flops and making remakes of less popular FF games seems like a disaster. A cheaper Tactics remake could work but they’ve shown no interest in reviving that branch of the franchise.
Square needs to start looking outward for FF17 ideas. People want turn based combat so give it to them but update it away from the old NES or PS2 models and copy Larian’s Baldur’s Gate format. They’ve been doing Final Fantasy better than Square Enix has for decades now. They could even license the game to Larian so they can make 17 for them. The news of that would send ripples throughout the gaming industry.
I know its unlikely, i know its maybe not what most people want… buy my personal dream is for (even if it is just a side thing) a new final fantasy game in the gameplay style of the ps1 era (9 especially) but with a story more similar to something like 3 where its another semi “warrior of light, crystal chose you” kind of deal… honestly the 3d remake of FF3 is essentially what I’m looking for, it doesn’t need to be massive and it doesn’t need to even be mainline… even just as a random release to pad the schedule for FF releases id be happy… maybe something like bravely default even? Perhaps just straight up a bravely default game (preferably on all platforms) i doubt it will happen but i would 100% love it
Why can’t they just do à final fantasy 8 remake? 🤷
About the final part of FFVII Remake i believe they said on an interview that they aren’t goign to take as much as they did with Rebirth so if it’s announced this yer with an early 2026 release i wouldn’t be surprised.
Square Enix has been on downward trend as of late. I didn’t finish 16, I didn’t like dawntrail nor did I like rebirth.
I have 0 hopes and expectations for the future, frankly.
Ivalice 🥹🥹
Give me FFXIII trilogy remaster you cowards! 😀
I’ved played remake all the way through before and got about 30% of the way done with rebirth before I stopped on ps5. I can’t game in my living room, I always fall asleep. So I bought it for PC as I find it much easier to stay awake on my PC. My mind gets relaxed, I sleep. Its easier to keep mentally stimulated when i’m on my computer.
I feel like every internal “Creative Studio” should have a mainline game in development at all times. So even if they’re in the background for the majority of it’s development and take a long time. We’ll receive a decently steady cadence on our end.
If you can, just play Theatrhythm Final Bar to death… I mean, until the new release…
Triple A production takes a very long time now and its only taking longer. Studios need to start pivoting to Double AA to increase the number of titles they are releasing. Aim to give us one Triple A per year and 3-5 Double AA games a year. Sure it would require more studios to pull that off but it would result in a faster turn around time and if Double A is the goal no reason why 1-3 years is enough time for Double A.
As someone who liked XVI and the remake trilogy, they have to buckle down and decide what they want to be going forward. The combat system of Rebirth is a good template to build upon
The next mainline needs to be turn-based. I’d love to see it.
I hope that a Final Fantasy Taticts and Vagrant Story re-release arrive soon, late 2025 or early 2026 at least.
FF9 Remake, I don’t know if I trust the rumours, since there’ve been talks about this game for quite some time and not even single image has been teased yet, and if we take the remake of FF7 as an example, there were lots of talking for a long time and it only happened because Playstation pushed for it.Maybe with the release of the Nintendo “Swtich 2”, some news about this game comes up.
For the next main entry of the franchise, I just hope SE brings something with jobs and a charismatic group, Clive was a fine protagonist for FF16 in my opinion, but it doesn’t feel much as a FF game if can only control one character.
They need to focus on the FF14 cash cow. After the failures of Dawntrail, it should be all hands on deck now that they are bleeding subscribers.
I think this year, it could be a little calmer around Final Fantasy. Especially since Kiryu is at the helm of SE, he had to clean up a lot of mess Matsuda made. The road can even be a little rocky, I think. At least for the developers themselves, they kinda see Final Fantasy in sort of an identity crisis. Also, the next and final installment will probably have it even harder when it comes to commercial performance. I really think if they regret how they approached the whole Final Fantasy VII Remake project which was announced in 2015. Almost 10 years have passed. There was no clear vision back then. I’m hopeful and worried at the same time for big upcoming projects. What will Final Fantasy XVII be like? What happened to all these Final Fantasy IX rumors? My personal wish would be if they create something completely new in the world of Spira. Let’s hope for the best. Currently, there are no Final Fantasy projects I’m looking forward to since there isn’t anything worthwhile announced. Hope for the PC-Fans that the Rebirth-Port will turn out great this time.
Hopefully they stop making mid tier hack n slash games like XVI with gutted rpg elements and go back to making actual RPGs
The next couple of years for Square will probably be focusing on Kingdom Hearts 4. With the inevitable FF7 Part 3 and FF17 to follow. Also hoping for 13 remasters and that rumoured 9 remake.
I’m ready for Final Fantasy XIII- Trilogy proper remasters and not just ports.
Has there been a good FF in the last two decades?
For anyone missing an original FF experience, you should definitely try Fantasian Neo Dimension. Such a nice game
Theyd get more sales if they followed through with the release of the ff7 remakes on xbox like they were going to
Honestly, it’ll be nice to have a break for a while, considering I haven’t had nearly enough time to go through all the games that have just had PC ports released. I haven’t even bought Remake, Rebirth, 15, or 16 yet. Give me time to catch up. Please. At least give us PC guys time enough to absorb FFVII Rebirth before the third part comes out.
Ever Crisis is gross, even more padded gacha cancer.
Avoid it like the plague. Make it fail like it deserves. I’m serious.
🤞 fingers crossed for a turn based mainline game
I just want mainline FF games to be JRPGs again. They should scale back FF17 and refocus on what makes FF great.
Heres what i want:
Medieval fantasy. High/epic.
Remake style defensive combat mechnics with gradual atb build and gambits for npcs
A real party
A proper job system
No more quest markers
Actual missables
Achievementsand narrative choices tied to in game stakes
Strategic combat elements
Linear narrative game design
A decent story
I want fairly linear experiences with steep challenge. Open world is a cancer. FF16 was good but too much yapping. I could go turn based or ‘action/rts’ style. Ditch the MMO style stuff.
Only thing on my mind right now :
Square Enix don’t fuck up go out of business before you release FF7R3 and the FF9 TV show kthx!
Edit : And the FF9 remake. Don’t fuck up the best one of the lot >.< Burn that Tactics trash, reassign money to FF9R and maybe a Vagrant Story remaster?
When it comes to FF17, I know one uncertain thing is if it’ll be another MMO or a single player title considering since 11 every 3rd number is a MMO so 11 being a MMO then 12 and the 13 Trilogy being single player then 14 was another MMO then we got 15 and 16 for single player so by that logic 17 would be another MMO but only time will tell if that will be the case or not.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper staff hasn’t updated anything with Tactics in a long while and they stated it’s because the Tactics team has been “busy”… so a remaster would be logical.
As long as Square is loosening the reins on the exclusivities, lets get Xbox ports of FF16, Remake and Rebirth
FF7 rebirth was such a delight. It wasn’t perfect, but with some improvements to the open world design, I think it should be a rough template for the next mainline game. FF16 did not scratch the FF itch for me at all, and while I adored FF7 rebirth and am looking forward to Part 3, ultimately the series really needs a mainline entry to be a banger, because aside from the MMOs, FF hasn’t had a mainline entry truly set the world on fire since FF10. So FF17 needs to be a big win.
They could milk final fantasy 7. Universe alone and just expand upon that story and just go anime mini games on the mobile PC or expansions on what they already have. Just really delve into final fantasy 7 Universe and just milk it and focus on it and give it quality released content. Then move on to the next final fantasy 8, 9 and so on using the same formula
16 is already a butchered mess. After the last part of Remake comes out, the series is dead to me.
God, I hate 16.
I have been waiting for Rebirth to hit PC.
The trouble with modern Final Fantasy is that it’s lost the magic that made earlier entries so special. Games like FFVI (or FF3 in the U.S.) left room for imagination, community-driven storytelling, and deep connections to the characters and world. Back in the day, playground rumors like finding Mew under the truck in Pokémon or figuring out hidden FF lore sparked endless excitement. Now, with games like FFXVI, everything feels too polished and linear, like a glorified movie made to hit sales targets rather than inspire players to dream about its world.
A big part of the issue is that the wow factor of new graphics and tech isn’t enough anymore. The 8-bit to 16-bit leap felt revolutionary, but now those technical advances aren’t as impactful. What really sticks with players is gameplay and storytelling. Developers like FromSoftware get it—they focus on gameplay-driven narratives that respect the player’s intelligence, rather than overloading them with cutscenes.
I’m currently playing FFVI for the first time, and it’s incredible. The humor (Ultros!), the dark themes (Kefka!), and the way it balances charm with seriousness make it unforgettable. Kefka’s madness and larger-than-life villainy feel impossible to replicate in today’s FF titles, which lean toward grounded or overly cinematic antagonists.
Final Fantasy needs to remember what made it great: characters, mystery, and player-driven discovery. Instead of chasing bigger and flashier, it’s time to embrace the creativity, heart, and charm that made fans fall in love with the series in the first place
FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is the best FF game we’ve gotten in years.
The last FF game i played on release was FFX-2. I wasn’t a fan. Never bought a new game again. It’s no longer for me, but I’m glad the newer games have their fans. Hopefully, there will always be a new final fantasy.
should have never signed deal with Sony. They were never going to push the number needed. I have both the Xbox and the PS5. I got the PS5 later, and I only use it for PS exclusive games. Which there arent many, I play everything else on my Xbox. I have the same size storage for both. I can fit more games on my Xbox, it just so much easier. I play my PS maybe 2-3 times a month. Im on my xbox every day.
With Square able to release games on the Switch 2, they’ll be fine
I’m hoping the lack of major releases for FF this year means we’ll finally get some solid updates for KH this year tbh. We only got some scant closed beta testing for Missing Link and delays on said mobile game’s release, not to mention complete radio silence on KH4.
FFXIV’s steady releases will keep me busy, but I’m also honestly working on some gaming backlog between major goals there being met. Hopefully, Square has some cool surprises cooking. I’d love a new Dissidia entry after DFFOO shut down last year, for example. An FFT remaster for current systems would be cool too.
All I need is the 13 trilogy remastered and I’d be set for life
They should go back to FFX type worlds. Everything forward has been FF12 upgraded.
If they’re gonna keep fucking with the formula like 15 and 16 did, I don’t even want a new one. 7 remakes gameplay is the balance between live action and menus, just stick in that ball park pleeeease.
tbh I don’t mind less Final fantasy games since most of them happens to be just garbage and dirty the name of the franchise.
They also alienated me with FF7 remake.. I bought that game at release and got spat in the face when they released the “full” game on PS5 with yuffie and all of that.. I felt cheated and hanging with my stupid PS4 version.
Thus I never bought the integral version whatever they named it and didn’t buy rebirth either since I didn’t want to be had twice in a row. I’m waiting for the PC version and probably get it when they’ll discount it at this point.
Square Enix need to be a lot more cautious with their star franchise because it lost a lot of its prestige already.
FF16 might be a good game but it sure felt even less than FFXV as a final fantasy, at least at first sight.
I also actually hated FF7 remake to be fair, it was a very sub par experience of a game, even more so if you consider it a final fantasy game. one of the worst in the whole franchise in my book despite the pretty good graphics (though uneven between main characters and secondaries)
And as much as I’d love a FF6 remake or FF9 (just not à la FF7 please, or FF6 will have to be made into a dekalog over the course of 20 years), I think Square need to focus on making an actually great FF17, an original game that keep the essence of FF instead of just diving deeper and deeper into some random action rpg.
As an FF fan since 2001, the PlayStation platform (timed) exclusivity needs to be dropped, no matter how nice the agreement is. They need to have on release day the next game on Nintendo, PC AND PlayStation platforms.
What does Final Fantasy 17 look like? If we go by previous mainline entries, something resembling 16/15 but who knows, they may change course but it’s so hard to say with Square-Enix.
In all honesty, the last few mainline Final Fantasy games have been disappointing, not including FF7R, those are fantastic
Well, I do hope the rumors of FF7 Remake and Rebirth coming to Switch 2 are true, because I might get a Switch 2 in maybe 2 years if I’m lucky, so I might FINALLY be able to play them (even if I would have liked to play them on a PlayStation).
That said, hopefully more Final Fantasy games are made with the Switch 2 in mind, as in let there be more akin to the new Dragon Quest 2D remakes.
By the way tencent is under review might get banned like tiktok. So there goes ff14 mobile
im so burnt out on FFVII
I think NieR and Kingdom Hearts will take Squares spotlight for a bit before they are ready to show anymore FF stuff. I would love a FFX remake trilogy and finally getting X-3.
M2S flashbacks from that intro music 🙂
Starts watching video. Realises the song. Cannot escape her. She is EVERYWHERE.
Series been dead since 13 and 14. They were the last decent games.
15,16,remake and rebirth all sucked.
Finished 15 before the additional content.
Couldn’t finish 16. Stopped after the 5 year gap after fighting Joshua.
Remake was a joke, way too long and a mess of a story.
Rebirth was boring and a parody of final fantasy in general.
Think I’m done with the franchise.
I need fftactics remake/remaster.
I loved rebirth but is really weird how negative people have been about it. I want them to take their time and not rush it but the asap talk makes me worry they are going to rush it.
16 lost a lot of my trust both from cutting the combat to a single character as well as how the game treats hits female characters.
I want to see the series move back toward its traditionally positive view and treatment of female characters. Another game with a female protagonist would be ideal. Honestly, even more diversity would be preferred. But thats likely a risk they won’t be willing to take.
I would love a final fantasy 13/13-2/ lightning returns remake
It’s possible to estimate 8.0’s release. SE said they’ve moved onto a 4 month patch cycle, except 6.5 to 7.0 was 8 months.
July, Aug, Sep, Oct, November 7.1
November, Dec, Jan, Feb, March ’25 7.2
July 7.3
November 7.4
March ’26 7.5
November ’26 (based roughly on 6.5 to 7.0 time), with maybe an extra month or two, so Nov26-Jan27, depending on how development goes.
And any delay will have a domino effect pushing future patches back.
I’m sure Part 3 of FF7 Remake is aiming for the release date of 7/7/2027
Final Fantasy should focus on being Final Fantasy and not Generic AAA Console Release
It doesn’t matter if they port their games on PC if they are not willing to fix them.
FF16 is still in horrible state and they havent been saying anything about fixing it
I think this might finally be the year Square Enix gets bought
I feel like Final Fantasy lost it’s identity over the last few years
Please remake VIII
The FF 9 remake would be very nice!
The whispers are really just Harambe.
I would love to see an FFVIII remake become part of the discussion, but that seems so unlikely. What I really hope is that FFXVII inspires some real shock and awe across the culture like VII did, something really groundbreaking, honestly a mainline title has not impressed me since XII. Would be cool to see more spinoffs, there are so many aspects of the FF universe that could be expanded upon, they’re spoiled for choice, it just takes some want and will, and responsible budgeting.
SquarEnix tries to speedrun bankruptcy every few years, they’ll be fine.
After the message and direction of the company square sent out recently they can release remake part 3 and then dissapear for me because they clearly dont care what fans think
I know what they need to do. A remake of FF6 and the world will shed tears of joy.
There’s not enough Final Fantasy. All these courses over the past 37 years and I’m still bloody hungry
I just wish they’d give us something weather it be xiii trilogy remaster, tactics remaster or a new dissidia game just something. They can’t rely on xiv, xvi and rebirth forever
I really really hope for a FFIX remake. Like Project Memoria. I even dreamt I was playing it. 😂
Definitely feels like we are a few years off the next mainline entry and the third FF7 Remake game. In the short term, a definitive version of Tactics with a remaster or remake seems like it would be next, maybe as soon as a showcase of the Switch 2, especially as that would be the best fit for a multiplatform game release near the launch of the next Nintendo system.
The casual open comments from Square developers about FF13 trilogy, does feel like that has to happen. Kind of feels like they seem more open to a remake rather than remaster but feels like a similar approach to 12 would make the most sense. It is polarising but that hasn’t stopped 15 and 16 selling well and having their fans, even a classic like 8 with minimal enhancements was worth it enough for Square to remaster, so don’t see why they wouldn’t do this, especially with the appeal of Lightning as a protagonist. It’s a gap in Final Fantasy that feels like it needs to be filled, especially since the PC version without mods is broken by default, they never have come to a Nintendo console like most newer Final Fantasy games, and this isn’t easily available on PlayStation like it is on Xbox.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a port of 15 Royal Edition or 16 could appear on the next Nintendo system as they only released the pocket version on Switch.
Final Fantasy 9 Remake seems like a very appealing idea across the fanbase, so it might not be close, but I think next year following some time into the Switch 2, a multiplatform release seems likely if this isn’t as large of a project as the 7 Remake trilogy.
New game wise, we might see something more like Strangers of Paradise, like a Warriors style game or some other spinoff.
If that is what we have to look forward to for the next few years and more FF14/mobile support, that seems like a good steady release schedule. It almost feels like too much all at once to rerelease most of the remaining back catalogue of Final Fantasy titles, but after 16 and Rebirth launched close to each other and have PC releases out already/soon, they have to keep making money after all the losses recently and steady the ship with gearing up to multiplatform development, so these type of releases work well for that and hopefully will be popular with fans.
From there, we could be seeing the reveal and release of the third FF7 Remake game as many have assumed in 2027 with the 30 year anniversary.
Lovely. Hoping of course for FFTR most. With FNac having 5 SKU from SE for games on Switch 2, I’m hoping one would be FFTR. Considering the Tactics Ogre: Reborn sales numbers on Switch, I’m hoping this is a likely scenario.