The Problem with Yoshi-P | An Honest Critique


Everybody loves Yoshi-P. Everybody loves Final Fantasy XIV. Hey, people even love Final Fantasy XVI. Creative Studio 3 is the best game developer in the industry. They have never made a bad product. Please continue to provide them with your hard-earned money in exchange for their products. I love Yoshi-P! I love Dawntrail! I love Wuk Lamat!

#finalfantasyxiv #mmorpg #gaming


I make all of the music you hear on the channel.

Taqs:ffxiv,ff14,dawntrail,dawntrail reaction,dawntrail zepla,dawntrail problem,dawntrail smile,dawntrail review,ffxiv reaction,ffxiv zepla,ffxiv asmongold,where ffxiv dawntrail’s story went wrong,new player ffxiv,final fantasy xiv,dawntrail sucked,dawntrail story,dawntrail wuk lamat,wuk lamat voice,wuk lamat sphene,wuk lamat cutscene,hates wuk lamat,the problem with ffxiv’s dawntrail expansion,ffxiv asmongold reaction,preach ffxiv,zeal reaction


  • コメント (903)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @embersarcade
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    9:43 Shoutout to my wife for holding my phone up against my forehead to get this POV shot.

    • @zyphreiumv4529
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    So correct me if I’m wrong because I’m just basing this off of videos I saw in the past. Didn’t we have more customization like setting stats for characters and stuff like a lot more types of materia you could slot on different roles. But then if you didn’t have strength materia on tanks, or put all your stats into w/e made you do more damage, that wasn’t considered ok by people?

    • @GoufinAround_
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You make a lot of good points, however I feel the same way about FF7 Rebirth. I think Square Enix should avoid open worlds in their games, 14 being the exception. I would argue that the limited open worlds from Yoshi P’s team are actually much better executed than the more unfettered open world areas from Rebirth. Essentially I think it’s more of a Square Enix problem

    • @Shestolemyhoodie
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You failed to rub two brain cells together in this video. Nothing but self-inserts and projections.

    • @adamblyth9972
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yeah there is a reason I quit so quickly. I started 14 during the dark times (shadowlands) and enjoyed the story. But once I got to the end game and saw what was actually there… i think I lasted about 2 weeks at max level. Long enough to clear savage, but that was it.

    • @Tooznoze
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    FFXI had way more customization that FFXIV.

    • @Guy811
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    How is gearing in FFXIV any worse than every other MMO? The biggest MMO (WoW) has the exact same type of gearing. Also the FFXVI ship cutscene thing is pretty standard. Most games don’t create some combat system for a random one off scene that is completely different than everything else. Some do, and that’s cool but it’s not the norm. I agree that these games have issues but I don’t find that any of the examples you provided were that compelling.

    • @soliduswasright678
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve watched this video 3 times in a row to make sure I wasn’t being unfair or maybe I missed something?
    This is just another slop ragebait FFXIV video, it’s full of completely baseless assertions and conspiracy theories about how Yoshi-P is some sort of secret tyrant.
    Just admit you’re burnt out on FFXIV and stop playing, this is just culture war grift tier shit.

    • @adrianvictorv
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshi P is creatively spent and burnt out. He was one fire back in the day but now he’s so overworked he can’t do anything but tow the line.

    • @browniez500
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Mmm I understand where you are coming from but I don’t think the blame falls entirely on Yoshi P. I think the current MMO player base is more of an issue. The problem with easy gearing and boring game design doesn’t just happen in ffxiv it’s in wow and most MMO that have released lately because gamers complain when shit is too difficult for them to do. It’s the same thing with those endwalker quests you talked about a portion of the ffxiv community threw a fit about them and said they were too difficult and they didn’t like them. The studio is obviously making decisions based on these reactions which is probably not a good thing and they should worry more about innovation and good gameplay but I imagine it’s difficult when your community acts like children and throws a tantrum the second something is to difficult. Yoshi P should do a better job filtering out the loud minority but I don’t think the current direction is his fault solely and is more the community as a wholes fault with the devs and played base.

    • @emmy4691
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I didn’t really care for Shadowbringers. Too much asking me to care about people I don’t really know in a world disconnected from the usual one we play in. Felt too side-story-ish. And defining the WoL’s backstory (but not really) kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

    • @Shinstrikex
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    i just want to add that ff has been too safe not just since DT, but since ShB. the story was alright, but everything else just felt like it took a quality hit, or at least so after the expansion that was stormblood. which was packed full of new ideas and content, maybe the story wasnt all that but im not playing mmos for a story. Yoshi p definitely needs to be critiqued though.

    • @lucienlachance08
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    So when he mentioned a “Good MMO” and went to WoW is when I stopped watching. His IQ is completely shown from that still alone. Nah.

    • @SuperSledgePsycho
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Funny, I don’t like Yoshi P, nor do I care for FF14 these days, but I LOVED FF16. In fact, its my second favourite FF game behind VI.

    I have my criticisms, but I adored it.

    • @gLobbZ
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I refuse to come back to xiv because of the shitty model Yoshi p pushes. I want a game I have enough to do that I don’t need a filler game.

    • @Nastara
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Anytime someone asks why I don’t like FF14 I’m just going to send them this video. Shallow, easy gameplay for tens of hours on end with a boring story (until you get to the good part we swear). Sounds awful.

    • @Keiji_Kun
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    In before the “mAyBe ThiS gaMe isNT foR yOu” people appear, well said.

    • @raptorking3678
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “They hated him because he spoke the truth.”

    Awesome video man

    • @blackomen367
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Man, couldn’t agree more. Especially the world…it’s why I loved FF11, the world was dangerous AF, and you’d de-level dying….it put some weight into the game world.

    • @jeannecaelum5167
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Pretty good, levelheaded video. I just recently went on a break from the game and will go play FF11 maybe. I want something fresh and new stories, Dawntrail was sadly very Yawntrail. And not to speak about them making the patch cycles even longer, with no casual content to enjoy.
    I dont even want to raise another chara, ARR is too sloggy…
    They justed reported falling numbers too yesterday. Good to read:) vote with your wallets guys.

    • @3xchrisx3
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I quit playing way back in the day when they took movement in combat away from Bard. Then they started to ban players on the forums criticizing them over the changes even if they weren’t being hostile so I decided I was out. After Endwalker I had some friends ask me to play it again so I thought fine it had been long enough, so I hopped back on only to find out that not only was my house sold (fair enough I guess I wasn’t using it but still annoying that I wasn’t compensated) but all of my furnishings had also been sold instead of just being put into my storage. Like why? That’s such a dick move. But if you try to voice any complaints about the game you’re just greeted with the most toxic positivity and worshiping of Yoshi P it’s beyond awful. Him and the player base are super fragile and do the Warframe strat of hiding behind their one go to move. For Warframe it’s trading plat and that’s their end all be all for shielding criticism and for FF14 it’s their copy-pasta free trial

    • @Rexyer1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I fell out of love with FF14 too. In Dawntrail after completing the main story, I have no drive or care of wanting to continue playing.
    I basically play anything else right now and just wait for FF7part 3 or the next FF that hopefully learns from FF16’s mistakes. (even tho I liked 16, I still had so much lost potential in terms of gameplay/RPG system and quests)

    • @TKMezo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I see this guy like I see Keiji Inafune: credited for reviving something yet is actually inept and just a business man. Just like Business Unit 3

    • @DarkSpyro707
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I got out of 14 at the end of Endwalker’s story at launch. I felt like things reached their nature conclusion and to keep going would just be for money reasons. Its like Endgame for the MCU, everything else after is just… well why?

    Story aside, the gameplay of 14 was never one i was fond of. I came up from games like Phantasy Star Online and Star War Galaxies, so to go from those kinds of games to a game where there’s only vertical progression and all anyone cares about is line go up and dungeons are a locked in instance (you cant just run in and start and have more people join during the dungeon, you need a full party to start and they have to be of certain class roles). Between the stale GCD combat and completely and purposeful avoidance of emergent gameplay eventually turned me off and I was just coasting along for the story, which, to me, eventually finished.

    • @10XSeiga
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Mmos are 👎. Because the gameplay is stripped down. They make canned animations and layer math over it. Movement isnt fluid. Combat is stale. Without friends and community the games would be too boring to play. On other hand, the characters and worlds are usually very interesting.

    • @crusaddy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I have had way less fun after Shadowbringers, but I think you totally missed the mark on the assertion of FF16. The way I see it, the game is ABOUT the super cool dominant fights with the best animation, visuals, and music in the industry. The rest is filler padding. They deliberately make the cutscenes take forever, and make the sidequests boring and plentiful to just make the game take longer. They were afraid of getting pushback if the game was only 20 hours long. Some of the S-Rank hunts are a little hard but that’s about it. The real challenge comes from getting S rank on all Arcade missions. If you think the combat is just spamming the same combination of moves over and over you are straight up just wrong. I will say that one of the reasons why you did not feel anything getting BiS in FF14, is probably that gear doesnt actually do anything, especially for DPS. The only thing you get to do with better gear is PARSE better, which is against ToS and not an actual game mechanic

    • @rocketbilly
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    All difficulties should be available at the start. It’s something I’ve hated in video games for ages. Let me make it hard from the outset if I so choose, dammit all. I honestly gave up on playing XVI for the moment, especially coming off of playing Judgment. It’s just too easy at points that feel like it should be better. The music and voicework was beautifully done as expected but, a lot like XIV, there’s so very little that keeps pulling me to continue playing.

    • @kwa_999
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve played FFXIV for a long time since ARR and a tiny bit in 1.0. My character has always been maxed out with every expansion. However, I stopped playing one day shortly before Endwalker came out and couldn’t explain why. Your video sums up how I felt about the game. It was just a huge time sink with minimal variability in rewards. The game forces you to follow a specific mold, expansion after expansion.

    • @aiv9188
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    oversimplification and overlobotomizing the game to appeal for “everyone’ , the truth is you cannot appeal for everyone.
    I get it that XIV is more about the MSQ/Story but we cant forget that XIV is a video game at it’s core and MMO, Gameplay as the game is really important to keep the game running.
    Me personally like Stormblood gameplay alot, i feel i have choices on what i can do and decide what next move or role skill i can bring, its a simple one but it feels great to make myself going. Ember’s pointing things out about it, they want to push the narrative going, they simplified the access, they put less hurdle in “the way” which could become a big flaw when the story is at lowest, thats the reason many people feels “bored” when doing MSQ, i get that it’s “the story time !” but you are paying to play MMO a video game, not watching a movie, those are icing on the top.
    The flaw become problematic when the pattern repeats without anyone able to criticize it, many dont want the game to fail me included, thats why i hope they can learn from this.

    • @MeltyVampire
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Its probably not his entire fault but it always sucks that those who become the faces of these when things are positive also have to be the face when things are negative.

    • @BadaBadger
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “It insists upon itself.”
    “What does that even mean?”
    “It insists upon itself.”
    “It has a valid story to tell. That’s why it’s insisting!”

    “I liked Final Fantasy 11. I will leave it at that.”

    • @joelance5672
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Understand that I don’t know much of anything how the team and creative planning actually functions.

    Your argument seems very short-sighted, I believe. You made it sound that quests, dungeons, and the open world are all that ff14 has to offer. But people enjoy ff14 for various other reasons; the story, the gameplay, the social aspect, role playing, crafting, and even housing and glamour, to name a few. The fact that FF14 has so many options doesn’t really make it lacking in novel and differing experiences, it’s just that you’ve either exhausted the content you enjoyed or all of them to its fullest extent. Which, at that point, it’s more suited to say, “take a break”. And they DO “Introduce new kinds of content”; Island sanctuary, chaotic alliance raids, occult crescent, and cosmic exploration are some of the recent or soon-to-be released content.

    As a game design standpoint, there definitely should be mix-ups to the formula, to keep the flow of gameplay engaging. The suggestion of adding in dramatic set pieces that introduces new radically different gameplay, I kind of somewhat of disagree. Your example of creating a massive boat chase scene in FF16 would have been amazing and surely fun. But the team would have to create a whole new system for controlling the boat, camera, environment, & it’s combat system, for just one section of the game. It’d definitely would’ve steeped into the allotted time and production costs they had to work with, when it’s better to just put their time and resources creating a good & optimized final product. And we all know how incomplete and unoptimized AAA game releases has been for almost the past decade. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t add features and gimmicks to mix up things up, but they have priorities.

    Each game has their strengths and weaknesses, and each player have their own tastes. Fair point that the open world and Jrpg elements of 14 & 16 are severely lacking; but the combat, bosses, and end game are well crafted and engaging, which, at least for me, makes up for those particular shortcomings. I imagine there is a lot of effort creating a good combat system for 14 & 16; Like how important it is to ensure that each of Clive’s moves are well-balanced and flow well with each other to create a combat system that might be on par with games like DmC and Bayonetta; Or having to create new moves for 21 playable jobs and trying to keep them relatively balance must be immensely consuming; Not to mention having to create normal, extreme, savage, ultimate, and now chaotic content; and one more thing, they literally spent the past 2 years updating 14’s graphics and are still doing it.

    Plus, it’s more of a AAA games problem that making combat too easy is linked to making them more accessible for a wider audience. But when points like, ‘the story is too long’ and ‘it takes forever to get to the engaging late-game content,’ making the beginning and middle parts, where new players are adjusting to new mechanics and systems, accessibility is practically essential for them to stay playing. Just don’t pretend high-end content dumb things down; planning, preparation, and team-coordination is a whole sub-system in itself. But I agree, the biggest problem is that it takes too long to get to the good stuff.

    And the ratio of too much story over gameplay has always been an issue with the FF series, not mutual to 14 & 16. Which makes me further question whether this blame should solely be placed on Yoshi-P, or on some executive, or just the status-quo. To be fair too, FF and Square Enix success is rooted in extravagant stories, it is its whole identity after all. Doesn’t mean it’s wholly right or wrong, it’s certainly a contentious debate with modern games feeling more like overpriced movies. But this has always been the main focus of the series since FF4, and people value story more than gameplay and vice versa.

    We should still be critical, though. The developers do listen and improve. I just think targeting the headpiece of the project and treating him like all the game’s flaws are made in malice and calling the varying amount of content offered, “slop,” is in poor taste. Yes, he is a part of an organization to sell games and make profit, but he also put years of passion, effort, and feedback-based refinements into these games, and to belittle him for lack of hindsight isn’t fair. Nor does making dehumanizing remarks like, “Not your friends”, really support your “critique”.

    According to your points, I believe the real things to blame are the formulaic nature of the games being far too repetitive and not mixing things up (at least for quests and msq), certain elements are lacking or not suited for everyone, and FF 14 & 16 are plagued with some of the same problems as many other AAA games on the market.

    • @Midasmistake
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Final fantasy is not a game for you and thats ok. A lot of your complaints on gamplay second ans story first ties directly to the franchise itself. Blaming this on a specific studio and director is flawed. These are Final Fantasy games, not TES or The Witcher. They are made using a different philosophy than orher current rpgs. Its ok if you dont like it and there are other games that explore different things in the rpg experience. They can coexist and does not diminish the way Final fantasy games are made and have been made since their inception. They are not perfect and there are things that can be improved especially the weapon and crafting system, but it just seems that stroy driven jrpgs are not your cup of tea.

    • @Bunnyheyman
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Guess im the odd sheep in the fandom.
    I hated shadowbringers so much it took years for me to come back and beat endwalker. I hated shadowbringers that much.
    I loved FF16’s story and world and themes. The combat is good. Not amazing. Not ground breaking. Just good… and thats honestly ok. Not every game can be some god tier “X”.

    • @ericstaples7220
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Your opinion would be very popular if FF14 wasn’t

    • @Creslin321
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You know what’s really ironic, I think it’s actually the technical limitations of the time that made the early final fantasies so great. I’m pretty sure that Square actually wanted to have way more cutscene in Ff7, 8, and 9, but back then they were prohibitively expensive. So what that meant was that these games had very few cutscenes by modern standards, and you would spend the vast majority of your time in the game exploring, fighting monsters, talking to NPCs, playing mini games etc. And when you did get a cutscene, it would feel really special.

    And I mean, this is kind of what made those games great. Some of my best memories of those classic final fantasies was all about fighting a really hard boss, or nervously trying to get to that next save point when I was almost out of MP.

    The newer FF’s seem to have completely forgotten that gameplay is important.

    • @albun9877
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Japanese RPGs have always been cut scene heavy, especially for ff franchises known for their cutting edge cut scenes going back to the 90s. Its not really a problem specific to ff14/16, but thats what Japanese games/gamers are familiar with.

    • @derekcabral1170
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I spacebar all msq and only do savage and ultmates, game is boring imo. My friends only play still because of “mods”

    • @Marinterre
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yeah, I agree with your points. I feel like DT was a pretty package but wasn’t FUN. I’m tired of running from one spot to another, clicking piles of dirt, talking to npcs, and watching cutscenes. I adore 14 but I pay monthly to play a game. If the gameplay and story aren’t up to par, then I’m just paying to play old content. I’ve been getting back into GW2 lately and finding the horizontal progression a breath of fresh air. Every little bit of progress feels meaningful because it won’t become obsolete in a few months, I can build a unique class + gearset, etc. I really want 14 to improve but it feels like robbery just paying my sub to keep my house from getting demolished..

    • @samuffert
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Too based, one of my favorite memories in FFXIV is sneaking around in kugane with Lyse and that asshole namazu who tried to scam us, the reason it stuck with me is because i was a ninja at the time and when i read the description of the item you are given to dodge the guards i was like “hol’ up will this work?” And i used NIN’s hide to completely trivialize the duty, it was the only moment in the game i experienced emergent gameplay, where my choice of bringing one job over another actually mattered

    • @qephire2691
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Pretty much spot on at least with 14, I wont’ touch 16 due to it being a rehash of 14. Played 14 since 1.0, and your completely right about the gear, hence I have 0 motivation to raid in also the fact all the “fights” boil down to DDR-with friends & guitar hero. In the age of AI and self driving cars it feels kinda old. I haven’t even tried dawntrails MSQ due to flat out boredom with the job design and system as a whole. Yoshi had good ideas but also he gets extreme tunnel vision design-wise and now that FF14 is a “success” he will never admit something in the game failed. Just look at how many times he tried to shove Diadem down our throats *shivers* or the current housing situation. They are so scared of “failure” or upending “balance” that nothing ever changes.

    • @ThatManCarryingSand
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    FF14 went from shit to playable but then stopped there. Final Fantasy in its entirety pretty much died with X-2, anyway.

    • @rammy4671
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Such a based take. I unsubbed last week for pretty similar reasons. Gonna lose my house and I don’t even give a fuck. All you missed imo were the massive 4 month gaps between content updates.

    • @gourmand3
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    So he became another Kojima, where they’re releasing interactive movies lol

    • @gt3racer2187
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I just want classic turn-based combat back. I hate modern Final Fantasy games which are Final Fantasy in name only.

    • @lukapitkanen3333
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You really said it all with this one, so I don’t have much to add. I’ve always liked FF14 despite its flaws, but now that the MSQ sucked, it’s harder for me to forgive those flaws (I still haven’t been able to bring myself to finish Dawntrail). I feel like CBU3’s biggest problem is that they are too afraid to offend any part of their playerbase. Everything they make is frictionless. Any challenge or excitement is caged away in their higher difficulty raid content that more casual players don’t have to worry about. And I myself am a fairly casual player, but I too want something exciting even if I don’t bother with raiding. I want to discover something in the game’s world. I want to progress my character in meaningful ways outside of just the looks of my outfits. I want the game world to feel alive and not just a set piece for the MSQ. I want to have some choice (what about a talent tree of some kind? What about making side quests with player choice altering the narrative? Anything that isn’t just “click a highlighted object” or “speak to this npc”?). But they don’t want to “force” anything on their playerbase. So yeah, the base game is just predictable and boring gameplay-wise, and I don’t see it changing any time soon.

    • @JamieBonnett
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Maybe you should try playing the game

    • @shades2all
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    i feel this boils down to why can’t set pieces be like darksouls. While that is nice it is also a bit silly. wanting to do more with less is a hallmark of the video game space. I personally hate it when they have extra set pieces but don’t do much with them. however, i did enjoy the story of FF16. the game’s lack of difficulty felt less like the game being bad and more the game just being in the modern setting. I do understand that wanting to pilot the boat to avoid slashes would be cool but also understand why it was not done. some of the game play enhancements would be nice albeit generally square enix is spreading their people thin on projects at times so i also understand not implementing that one section of the game.

    however, i do have beef is the 1 hour play session complaint. RPGs take time. Japanese ones especially like persona, final fantasy, and many more. those games have such a focus one story that it would be disingenuous to say that you devoting one hour didn’t have gameplay when you are at a story beat. the point of those games is for there to be a story to engage and when it asks you to engage, then yeah it is something to sit down and watch/read. complaining that a game that’s genre usually recommend more than 1 hour play sessions and only playing 1 hour would be unsatisfying is a not great.

    i feel mixed on this. on one hand yeah i do want more from these games. i do want more difficulty and area exploration. however, on the other hand i feel this video also shows a lack of wanting to play RPGs in general and wanting to play more action games as you don’t ahve to worry as much or devote as much time. this partially comes from the long work day comment. at that point while it would be nice maybe long game genre’s might not work for you or games with daily bonuses to work to would be more your speed.

    • @tintinthomas1674
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    As a fan of CBU3, I agree with most of these points. If they work on these points and provide a story on the level of Heavensward, Shadowbringers, or Endwalker the sky is the limit. Great vid.

    • @samadams2203
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshi P saved the game with ARR. He built it up through the expansions, culminating in the excellent Endwalker MSQ. Unfortunately, he got a huge amount of plaudits and then split his attention to work on XVI. This was too much and XIV suffered for it with EW post-MSQ and now DT. He needs to understand that he can’t grasp all the responsibilities he has been given and to go back to basics. Find good writers and put them in key positions, NOW!

    • @hardgay7537
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I never made it more than 20 levels into 14. For 16, me and my roommate had a conversation about game design while he mashed one button and periodically tilted a stick or let a cutscene with naked people not having sex play.
    The level design also struck me as archaic. Those are NES Final Fantasy rooms in 3d with pretty texture work. I’d love combat rooms that pretty in a DMC sequel, but holy hell, Squeenix has been bad at level design for years and they aren’t getting better in a hurry. Remember when Final Fantasy games started off letting you roam a little and go fight that optional overpowered dinosaur near the starting area?

    • @Darklighter75
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I went from being stunned at how great FFXIV was pre Dawntrail…
    …to being stunned at how bad Dawntrail was, and requesting a refund.

    What a massive fall from grace imo…

    • @Icycrits
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    While Yoshi-P deserves praise for what he did for XIV in ARR, I truly do not know how he is still considered the patron saint of game development in the eyes of the playerbase. XIV has quickly become one of the safest, most neglected cash cows in the history of gaming and a lot of that is attributed to Yoshi-P’s corporate minded nature, where he develops “packages” of content that has worked in the past and just repeats them ad nauseum with close to zero innovation.

    I actually truly believe it’s not the “spaghetti code” that causes a lot of the problems we see in XIV. It’s bizarre creative choices, lack of funds from SE, and corner cutting. FF16 proved that. If a small mobile game studio can rebuild the entirety of the game to be more responsive and have QoL players have been asking for for half a decade, I don’t see how the great Square Enix can’t do the same. I really don’t.

    • @0xPRIMEgs
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Bro, you could have everything you want by just playing Guilty Gear Strive instead of Final Fantasy. So why complain about FF being baby mode, or DMC, or any PVE game. They should allow hard modes at the start the same way they should allow easy mode and skip cutscene, but there are so many more jrpgs that aren’t easy just play one of those. tl;dr go play GGST and a real SMT game.

    • @zYiVIDS
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The worst part about comparing 14 to 16 is with 14 you pay 20 dollars a month to watch cutscenes

    • @tenfive6
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Th issue you have isn’t with ff games, almost every one of those points can be any rpg game. Gear is a means to an end, any story game will push the player through to get the major story points. With most with the choice aspect of gear you either get forced down a rabbit hole to progress a specific way for the current raid due to players making it so, or you have simplistic general bis to not exclude anyone not playing the meta. In any story game the scenery is just a set dressing especially in ff games. In almost ever ff game it’s either barren ground to fight mobs or is a hallway

    • @MrMittenshasatophat
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Xenoblade as a series is the original FF devs. They understand emergent gameplay and world threatening better than Square. FF14 is the literal ppposite of Xenoblade. Xenoblade has items, chests, rare monsters, high level monsters in low level areas to constantly keep you aware of everything. Square Enix qnd their design philosophy has left a sour taste in my mouth. It is kind of sad that the best RPG they have made in years is Dragon Quest 3. Square should take a good hard look at DQ and see why people loved those games and what they do differently than FF. Ff14 doesnt even feel like an rpg where your gear matters all the way through normal raiding at the final level.

    • @KakiharaNao
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Honestly that stock footage of the dev floor, if that is cbu3 then I hope the lady with the Jack frost figure takes inspiration from atlus and passes it on to yoship for ff17, sega have been killing it in the jrpg space, and square is lagging. Its a shame too, octopath traveller has an amazing turn based system and does a great Job innovating the ff5 Job system and the brave system. I would love if they had the courage to do an atlus and stick to there guns innovating the same system over and over until it feels great, like the smt press turn system, rather then either playing it safe or trend chasing.

    • @gnuwaves743
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    If the next protagonist is yet another edgelord/lady (looking at Lightning, noctis, clide) I just might become one.

    Gimme another carefree blondie with no ties to a monarchy.

    • @nannerhannah3268
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I only play for my friends now, after ew i expected dt to be so much better. To actually let the wol relax and unpack the tramas of the shbr and ew. I mean we literally had our soul ripped out and shoved into some random dead imperial soldier and we gonna unpack that?
    I didn’t want another ‘save the world’ plot, i wanted to see more of the wol’s personality??? Ff14 has really made me hate silent protagonists. In making an everyman he appeals to no man

    • @GHzS
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    First things first, I’m ESL so sorry about any English grammar errors!

    I agree that FFXIV is at a crisis point (and contrary to what many say, form e this point has already started in Endwalker, especially the post-patches, who plays the endgame as I do know what I’m talking about, but I disagree with many points addressed in this video.

    It’s not Naoki Yoshida’s fault – it’s the fault of the Final Fantasy franchise and the Square Enix company as a whole.

    This problem of invisible walls already happened before FFXVI. One of the biggest criticisms of XV is the amount of it and the map being unexploreable in a whole, and considering the last FF games released (XII, XIII, XV and XVI, XIV being the exception because it is an MMORPG), XVI is probably the best one. XV per example needed DLCs to solve its narrative problems and had a large amount of contente removed in the final version of the game (like Insomnia).

    You were also unfair in some things – compared the map design of ARR (which yourself mentioned in the video to be from the PS3 era), when we have amazing map design in later expansions, and then I would only agree with the lack of interactions on these maps (although understandable for being na MMORPG, I already think this game, especially after Dawntrail launch, is poorly optimized, let alone what it would be like if it had more map interactions).

    You also said that the hunts don’t offer difficulty, but compared it to low level hunts, which to me makes sense it doens’t offer harder fights, because we are max level, so it needs to be easier. Even so, most S rank hunts can hithill you with the mechanics and aoes offered by them, even at lower levels, and in general I don’t want an Absolute Virtue 2.0 fight. Hunts are farmable contente, it is made to be easy, people make hunt trains, no one wants to got through an “extreme fight” every single time. Also, rare FATEs (like Chi on Endwalker) are still harder fights, mainly due to the level sync, and only suffer some kind of “cheese” against Blue Mages on level 80 and below.

    Even with criticism involving the ease of the current contente, in fact the opposite effect is happening – many people, in forums and outside, complained about the higher difficulty spike in Dawntrail’s dungeons and raids (harder aliance, harder normal raids, harder dungeons, the expert one Strayborough Deadwalk with the first boss being one of the most “stupid” bosses in the game).

    About progression, imo it’s a matter of perspective. I had a lot of advantage with DRG BiS (ex I solo farm SB EX, especially Tsukuyomi, making profit with the materials, selling the shiny weapons). I’m also a player who likes to optimize my gameplay (yes I care about shiny numbers from a site), but clearly the gear helps in killing faster even in Dawntrail (faster kills = faster farming = faster items = faster profit).

    I agree that the game is not immersive, but that’s a problem in the entire game, not Dawntrail. Even HW and SHB (best exp imo) have many quests where you help a person X with Y problems that has no relation to the bigger problem, Endwalker being the worst in this regard when in the middle of the end of the world you have to talk to Loporrits or look for 6 scients in an area of Labyrinthos in a very boring and time-consuming quest.

    Overall, I believe Chaotic is a good step, also we will have Beastmaster that will expand the contente horizon, the return of Field Ops that is something excelente (Endwalker have the WORST relic imo), so Dawntrail (atleast for me) is on a positive path, better than the path that Endwalker was taking. Dawntrail is, umtil now, being an exp focusing more on QoL and things like that. I don’t think it’s wrong to criticize, regardless of wether we agree witch each other or not, because everyone desserves to have a good time with this game, because both you, me and everyone else pays the same montly fee, so we desserve to have our good experience.

    The problem is, as I mentioned before and used several examples, it is not something exclusive to Yoshida, but to the company itself, and unfortunately I fear that if they fires Yoshida and put another guy on his place, this game would probably go bankrupt, because given the situation of several life servisse games in recente years, Yoshida is probably the best diretor among them. I’m not a fan of Yoshida myself, I’ve made several criticisms of him in the past (especially in the Endwalker period), but I admit that he tries a lot, and a lot is also not in his control, especially Square Enix being a company with a negative reputation in ecent years.

    Anyways, good video in general! New sub!

    • @jamesfahlund2291
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    13:38 I don’t inherently disagree with your take on gear. However, in a majority of games, most gear is trivialized to stat stick or a piece of equipment that buffs a certain skill or ability. For you to feel nothing from achieving that BiS is understandable, but since ARR that’s what the game has been like so maybe you just don’t like the game?
    As for XVI it feels like you chose to not invest into the system and try different things other than “your combo that you have been doing since the beginning of the game.”
    You can try by taking away will-O-wykes and inputting different primal to do snazzy combo strings.

    End all be all its your choice and your opinion is your own! Hope you have a good day!

    • @098Xzibit
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Someone asked yoshi p during the dawntrail interviews an interesting question, it went something like this
    “Are you planning to spice up the dungeons? Experiment with the template, because now we have 3 bosses, and between each one of those we have 2 pack of trash mobs..”

    And then I realised, yea? It is like that, it’s literally down to the formula. Why can’t we have dungeons with 4 bosses? Alli raids with 6? or 2? Just do whatever, something different. Nowadays you enter a dungeon and it’s the same sht…

    And he replied that
    “They don’t want to do that, because it allows them to make the dungeons really quick, the artists/designers know how many bosses there will be and how the dungeon will flow, with it being formulaic like that they can design a dungeon really quick. Same about the amount of alli raids, expansion content etc. Their workflow can be easily planned out, that’s the reason”
    Wish I had a link to that, because it’s a really rough recollection.

    At that point i understood the issue with this game, and that this will probably not change. Back in ARR they had to have this strict workflow to fix the game. You mentioned a bit about in the video. Seems like they’re still stuck in ARR mindset and are afraid to go out of their comfort zone. That’s why with every expansion we basically get the same game over and over again, LITERALLY down to the formula, you can predict the amount of content and what kind will be released throughout the expansion. It’s fkin boring.

    Dawntrail is a wakeup call for many, there’s absolutely no gameplay in this game, at least when it comes to the long af story.
    Speaking of the story, what sort of strategy is this? They make a critically acclaimed expansion, Shadowbringers, that literally shines a spotlight on their game, they get a huuuge wave of new players and WoW refugees. Everyone absolutely loves the story, everyone is hooked on the universe and the writing.
    So what do they do? They end the saga that got everyone interested. Move their great writer Ishikawa away from a writing position to an overseeing position. And replace everything with the dumpster fire we got. Whoever was behind dawntrail should get fired, at least moved away to a lower position. How can the writing go to such a dog sht level in one expansion is baffling.

    • @IgnimortisTC
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think the most valid critique is how the world is made. Not even the lack of danger, but the lack of exploration and incentives to do so. Everything else (with both 16 and 14) is likely due to “lessons” CBU3 learned with FFXIV (TL;DR: the players were a major part of why things got this way, any difficulty in the non-raiding content got a lot of outcry from the vocal minority), but the zones in FFXIV were always kind of…just there. I don’t think they’ve ever purposefully tried to make them differently, even Eureka was only slightly different because of how dangerous the enemies are. In fact, I think they just don’t know a different way, because for the last 15 years, they’ve made their zones that way.

    • @cindervile
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    this whole thing read like a long therapy session for me. there isnt a single point i disagree with.

    this type of game design is what works today. many people are fooled into thinking theyre gamers, and you can find them all on platforms like twitter, bearing arms against anyone who critiques either 14 or 16, never knowing that this medium used to have a soul.

    • @solaire951
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Sad reality is that casuals complained about Dawntrail dungeons being too hard lol

    • @darrellbruh1335
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    hit the nail on the head.
    The community won’t accept it though, they’re absolutely blind to ANY flaws this game has – however, a louder and louder crowd is being heard about just how stale and safe this game has become.

    • @MarcelloCaruso-pf3zu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Can we just say his titles totally miss the mark on the only thing they want to do, tell a good story? Both FFXIV (looking at Dawntrail and parts of Endwalker) and FFXVI kinda drop the ball when it comes to story and storytelling.
    Sooooo… Stories are meh, storytelling is meh, VAs are meh, gameplay is meh, characterization is meh, world building is meh.
    Tbh I’m just sad ’cause I used to love XIV and, as a lot of people, purchased 16 in preorder just because. But I now realize ARR-ShB was just a lucky shot, a perfect storm gone long ago

    • @elsdodo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Dawntrail is the first expansion I refused to buy, and I haven’t logged in or subbed since it’s release. I started playing during Heavensward’s patch “Revenge of the Horde” and started raiding in “Soul Surrender” (yes I even remember the names of the patches, because I had so damn much fun with the game back then); and I noticed the downfall in quality as soon as 3.0 (Stormblood) hit – not with the story, but with literally everything else. I still did some raiding with friends, but ultimately got more and more frustrated with the game and the direction it was going – that direction being the watering down or straight up removal of all the deep systems I enjoyed in Heavensward. And it only got worse with Shadowbringer and Endwalker. I am not planning to go back.

    • @notaplasticexistence
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Erping transvestites have become the face of this game, for some reason.

    • @sofies392
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think FFXIV’s endgame is the worst i’ve seen in an mmo. Grind weekly each week in savage raids to increase your gear stats just for you to do it all over again and again until the last tier, making the gear you farmed pointless (except for glam). Majority of content at endgame is catered toward raiders, locking out and imo neglecting the players who are more casual or do not have the time or flexibility to be in statics. We havent had a field operation since ShB. Meanwhile they add a plethora of hardcore content to satisfy a portion of their players. I’m not hating on the harder content but if majority of endgame is focused toward a portion of players that applies to and nothing for the rest then that’s bad game design.

    • @vibongo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    3 Visual Novels in an MMORPG trench coat.

    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Worst 60 euros i spent last year on ff16 wouldve been more worth to buy 60 euros of weed tbh

    • @zzzzzz-zn1yw
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The man saved Squeenix
    Worry about your business and dogs bruh

    • @fallbranch
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    A lot of people are downvoting, but where’s the lie? I agree with most of this. I couldn’t catch up with my friends in Dawntrail, because I had a mental break running from one unvoiced cutscene to another across a map with nothing in it, for 7h in a row. I completely gave up trying to watch the cutscenes at some point, and now struggle to get through them in any game. FF14 completely drained my patience.
    I’ve had a lot of fun returning to GW2. It’s not a difficult game, but it has a lot of midcore content. I am happy when a boar attacks me in the open world, because it might have usable loot. Every piece of content is still relevant, and not arbitrarily tiered into obsolescence.

    • @f.9344
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    FFXVI was the best game I have ever played. I liked it so much more than anything else. Yeah, it is surely not perfect, but the presentation, graphics and music was insanely good

    • @MrLoWings
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am


    Also what’s become really obnoxious for me, is that Shadowbringers & EW (since they share one story arc), FFXVI and Dawntrail basically have the same “twist”? An ancient civilization that has one leader figure remaining, who wants to prevail their heritage. Like, it was really great with Emet Selch and the Ascians, then when I saw Ultima in FFXVI and heard his backstory I thought I was back in Shadowbringers again. It’s not a bad motive, but I’m kinda tired of it at this point, I already get it, we need to move along with our culture as time flows, but we shouldn’t forget our past. I hope they’ll come up with something new next expansion.

    And don’t get me started on FFXVI writing which is, frankly, so ass. Jill is probably the worst written female character I’ve seen in a long time, as she needs to be constantly rescued by us and can’t handle any situation herself (which is a gameplay issue, since we’re only controlling Clive. If we’d have Jill and others as playable characters, there could be any significant moments for them. But as we can only control Clive, he needs to get every important battle). The whole world is 101 fantasy worldbuilding basics without any interesting bits(the only way this story was different from the baseline fantasy world was the inclusion of gay people, which is based, but come on, it’s 2024, not 1990, for it to be brave or innovative), Barnabas could have been such a interesting character, and he became just a support for Ultima, who was cool, but underwhelming… This game was just such a big letdown, both narratively and gameplay wise

    • @youdontknowmegigna
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Meanwhile, I remember XI’s story having missions that were actually fairly difficult and required proper preparation and decent gear and strategy and you still might not overcome the fight for a few days.

    • @The4thHorsemanIT
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    As a player of 14 since the beginning I can confirm that not only the crafting system is an accessory but it was made on purpose like that. It used to be a challenging and useful experience since Shadow Bringers but then was oversimplified to a level that you can find macros online to just paste in the in game macro system and press a button, and even the crafted gear is provided for free in some side quests so no reason to craft anything.
    Also the story was always a visual novel where there are no choices, each chosable sentence gets a generic answer that fits any of the inputs we choose, but at least it was an amotional story until this childish last expansion where you can skip all the cutscenes and still miss nothing.
    I keep playing becasue i have my friends to talk with on Discord in the evenings but the game has almost nothing to do anymore. And even the frinds now come for the quickly weekly things, repeated over and over and over again and they jump to other games, which is what I am starting to do as well.

    • @LordNecron
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Those large, massive maps from FF14’s 1.x Version were never on PS3, just so you know. And the segmented stuff is a legacy of the overblown detail that was way past what systems could viably handle back then, you needed rooms with occlusion walls to make the game only render the stuff you have right now. Even more seen in the Shroud, when you are in the Sylph Lands (and the lowlevel ‘segments’ of that), with rooms and zigzagging paths connecting those.

    • @k4nighthotmail
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    No matter how many times I come back to Final Fantasy XIV I always get the feeling of how bland, boring, hollow and almost straight up silent the overall game feels.
    The cutscenes and story on the hundreds of times are to me what Bilbo Baggins described in Lord of the Rings as “too little butter spread over too much bread”.
    The expansions feel like a roller coaster in terms of overall quality, and the disparity between each of them is too plain to see and feel, and impossible to ignore.
    One of the many reasons why I stopped playing the game is the terrible server tick that creates this in-built lag/delay to every single action to which a lot of the players defend it as a purpose “turn base feel”… when a League of Legends in-game problem isn’t a problem, but a feature!…

    • @MandosSez
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    So, let me get this straight:

    Naoki Yoshida, who helmed Shadowbringers, peak FFXIV, is also responsible for Dawntrail, shitty FFIXV, based on:

    -A baseless assertion that he’s been micro-managing the team down to the minute for over a decade that you never follow up on. I dunno man, maybe he is a tyrant, powerful men get away with more using less, but maybe provide some evidence for this instead of using it as a weak umbrella to cover:

    -FF16 being too easy, which isn’t relevant unless you’re trying to tie it all to Naoki Yoshida being Bad (TM)
    -FF14’s mainline content being too easy, except for all the hard content, which doesn’t count because you have to play a story to get to it
    -A flat-out stupid assertion that a studio that spends a significant % of its assets and time on making extremely punishing content for a tiny section of its player base is, actually, “afraid of failure” and people not seeing their narrative, which is why they don’t let you skip cutscenes, or give you options for how you want to skip/speed-up cutscenes.

    Earnestness is not honesty. This critique is an incoherent mess of vibes, and it was a waste of my time to sit through to give you the benefit of the doubt. You didn’t even try to argue why Dawntrail is slop. You just cowardly implied everyone who likes it is in some sort of sheeple cult and threw up clips of Wuk Lamat, as if that means fucking anything. No one cares your tastes have changed and life has shifted what you prefer to do with your spare time. That’s not a “critique,” that’s just you. You know what’s slop? Turning that into stupid filler rage-bait content. Bitches leave.

    • @jormeno1982
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I enjoyed the new expansion it’s the wannabe hardcore raiders that ruin the game in pf. They think it’s cute to leave after 1 pull and talk like they are good but def on the worst end of players. Players need to look in the mirror first and stop trying to be like the good streamers cause they are good and you are not and it’s causing griefing. For example, healers not healing and tanks not using cooldowns and dps not meeting dps checks but act like they are a somebody in fflogs. Get good rookies.

    • @heyjoshplays
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve watched a few videos so far and I’m just convinced this guy doesn’t like Final Fantasy lol

    • @vinny4765
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You’re wrong and you should feel bad. Never disliked a video this fast before.

    • @Soyboythoughts
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I love the game, but yea it has been very boring after endwalker finished. I really think thancred should have died and became ultima thule itself. The patches just need too come out sooner. I want to play more but i have nothing to work for

    • @mje1984x
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    ff14 kind of sucks as an mmo and always has. you can’t even really build your character. there are no talent trees, every class is one role, period, there aren’t interesting sets, the items are literally all just stat sticks, etc. When the game blew up a few years ago while WoW was flailing, I saw it as a competent alternative to the obviously superior game at its worst point in its history, but beyond that, it obviously sucked in comparison to WoW’s best times.

    • @dpmoore99
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I understand that story takes precedence in Final Fantasy games, and that’s exactly why I buy and play them. The narratives are second to none. When it comes to world-building, lore, and storytelling, very few franchises can rise to the level that Final Fantasy consistently does.

    As for gameplay, yes, it can be difficult if you’re not familiar with how a basic JRPG works. But honestly? It’s not that bad. I tend to overlook this aspect because I play these games for their rich stories and the nostalgia they bring from my childhood.

    That said, I still believe these games are fantastic—whether the gameplay is fast-paced and action-packed or more methodical. The narrative and overall experience are what truly make these games unforgettable, not just quick combat with a rushed story that’s beaten in five hours.

    When you break down the price per hour, a $70 game that lasts only five hours means you’re paying $14 an hour. Compare that to a game with hundreds of hours of content, and you’re looking at mere pennies on the dollar in terms of time value. I’d rather spend my money on something that will engage me for longer periods, rather than a quick fix.

    Today, we’re seeing too many poorly-made games that don’t respect the value of our time. You mentioned yourself that we’re all busy, and sometimes we just want to unwind with a game for an hour or two after a long day at work. But with beloved titles, we know what we’re getting into. I enjoy being told stories, and the gameplay needs to be at least somewhat decent. I can overlook clunky controls for a great story (looking at you, Gears of War 1). Likewise, I can overlook repetitive gameplay if the narrative is strong (Final Fantasy). What I can’t forgive, however, is lazy writing like in Dawntrail or completely destroying years of established lore and world-building (Dragon Age: Veilgaard).

    Ultimately, as consumers, we support the IPs we love, much like we do with anime, movies, and books. By supporting these forms of media financially, we back the ideas, creativity, and direction they pursue. If you don’t like something, don’t buy it. If you tried it and it wasn’t for you—good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone. I can empathize with the time you feel was wasted, but at least you gave it a shot.

    That being said, I think Final Fantasy stands head and shoulders above titles like Throne and Liberty. I’ve played many MMOs in my lifetime and watched plenty of them die off. From my experience, the story in Throne and Liberty is uninspired, the pacing is slow, and the areas feel restrictive given the narrative they’re trying to build. Maybe I need to revisit it, but when it launched, I was thoroughly unimpressed.

    When it comes to work environments in Japan, we, as Westerners, should be careful not to impose our cultural values. While we can express our opinions on practices we perceive as unfair, it’s important to recognize that workers in Japan often have a strong sense of pride and belonging in their respective workplaces. For us to judge another culture’s work environment without truly experiencing it firsthand is both ostentatious and narcissistic.

    Yes, there are instances of verbal and mental abuse, and yes, many workers endure long hours. But no one is forcing them to stay in these jobs indefinitely—they still have a choice. We shouldn’t position ourselves as superior or attempt to enforce our values onto a culture that has consistently given the world so much in terms of media, entertainment, and innovation.

    • @MagiusNecros
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Game is in Maintenance Mode IMO. If I ever play again it’ll only be during Free Login periods.

    • @TdotFunk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Switch to FFXI ❤

    • @basilnottheherb
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Completely disagree on how much a lot of these things that overlap into 14 are actually something that’s hurting the game but at the same time can’t deny that your criticisms are completely valid.

    The open world being set dressing compared to the main focus of the game The hardcore content being pushed to the back for optional play and letting the story be something easier to get through while still having something in Dawn trail with some of the challenges.

    This is all stuff that I really like about 14 but can completely understand why it’s the aspects of the game that just you do not care for

    • @AdmiralAlfredo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Man discovers that not all video games cater to his interests. More at 11.

    • @phantomlotus1323
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Your critiques are exactly why I’ve avoided these games for awhile despite being interested in the series.

    • @Bacon-egg-cheese
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    As someone who mostly plays wow as my main mmo and dips my toe into ff14 for the story every few years, I feel like they’re making the game their community wants and you just took a while to realize that that game isn’t the one you want.

    Since ARR I’ve been saying that FF14 is a better game for casuals than wow, what wow does well is high end competitive content… but wow historically hasn’t served your more casual players very well. They’ve started to try doing that as we can tell by them taking things like the MSQ or pushing delves this xpac… but its still not going to be as friendly as a game like ff14 for those players.

    • @jacobhorrocks2686
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I love ffxiv and I want to keep on loving and playing it but its definitely becoming harder to stay an active player. Im at the point where I really only log on to do stuff with my fc or to do the recent patch quests. I hope that in the future it can maybe go back to the ShB days but it might be too late if that ever comes along. Anyways love you Ember! Looking forward to more <3

    • @kikukat8780
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Do I love this game? Yes. Do I still want to play it? Yes. Do I think it has a crapton of issues? Also yes. I agree with you but I’m still (semi) playing this game. I work alot and I have an active social and family life. 14 fits fine in the timeframe and attention span that I have with the minimal work I have to do in-game. I do hope Yoshi.P and the team wise up and do better with future expansions. If worst comes to worst, I’m planning to do as some friends do and only re-up my sub before an expansion.

    • @valence686
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    ShB story was good. ShB gameplay however is when the butchering truly unleashed so I’ll not say I completely agree with the take that it was “that good”.

    • @FlameHazeVT
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I have not played FF16 so I cannot say anything about that but the absolute lack of danger in the open World, and it’s eventual obsoleteness once you reach endgame in FF14 makes it feel hollow.
    There is nothing left other than gathering, grinding FATEs, hunt marks. Being able to teleport and fly everywhere makes the world feel even smaller than it already is.

    While FF11 was by no means flawless the world felt dangerous, and moving around the world was an adventure and could take a long time to get somewhere with how it was built. Quests were kind of more involved what was asked of the player but honestly without a guide on the side quests were almost impossible to figure out. However no matter how much I loved FF11 I don’t think I would enjoy it how it was nowadays simply because of how much time you needed to put in to get anything done with how little I have no compared to back then.
    FF14 is a good story game to me but a terrible Online Multiplayer Game. It trying to be an MMORPG limits what the game could be.

    Having absolutely no choice to modify your character other than stats makes gear progression feel pointless.

    • @zyoeru
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I don’t know why they can’t put in random spawning treasure chests to FFXIV which contain random level appropriate crafting supplies.

    • @QuiteSpiffing
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I could tolerate the mediocre gameplay if the story wasn’t so awful. Ever since Endwalker, the quality of the writing has been declining, and now in Dawntrail, I don’t think I’ve heard that level of bad voice acting since A Realm Reborn. To be fair, I blame the direction these actors have been given (or lack thereof) because they’ve got really good VA’s, and in DT even the really good VA’s sounded awful.

    I’m a Roleplaying Game guy at heart, I love story driven games. Heavensward was what got me hooked and Shadowbringers was absolute peak for this game. Dawntrail was such a letdown that my love for the game’s just crashed completely, and I don’t think they’ll be able to get it back.

    • @dr.alicesmith9245
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I really do not disagree with this. This has been my thought for a few year now.
    Funny the other day I was speaking about how bad DT (Dawntrail) and how rocky EW (Endwalker) was. Saying it feels likes Shadowbrings if FF14 Wrath of the lich king. The best of the best. I do not mind having a bit of a easy approach due to my work and its convinet to me but game play alone been taken away from the million of cutsceans and it does annoy me. I do love a challenge and i do like the long cutsencs but I do feel they forgot the gameplay aspeshely in DT but then again DT was even a terrible story one of the worse since I started and so far with only a few bits i liked and it was not even part of the main Woke Lamet story line… but so far its only really the one I have had such a issue.

    • @MemeCow.
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I fell off of love with xiv after endwalker. Never felt the same after that expansion

    • @packoNewportonrs
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    taking some things such as the gearing and build customization and the champion system from ESO would improve FF14 a lot though we do still need actually challenging combat in 14 still.

    • @danielw3380
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This game was the most fun to play in the heavensward/arr era. Dungeons even had dangerous moments, unlike now.. I kinda blame players a little on this. After that, everything became bland gameplay wise. The story still held up well until the end of endwalker but had peaked in shadowbringes. Dawntrails story was terrible. I hope things turn around, but the only thing keeping me invested now is the savage/ultimate content.

    • @cruel_destiny
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    While I can not comment on ff16, I have played ff14 between heavensward to endwalker.

    I adored the game during this period, the excellent story beats, the characters, the fights! All great, even have several boss and dungeon tracks in my music lists.

    However, I truly believe that ff14 story had come to a complete end with endwalker (ironically). Yes I understand being a mmo, it must go on, but that expansion was the end for me. Everything came to a head, our sacrifices, our blood, sweat, and tears. Cumulated in that expansion, and while I enjoyed the experience and all the friends both npc and company I partied with along the way.. it was a good time to stop the game.

    When dawntrail was announced I legit thought “What more is there? What else can we, the warrior of light, even do at this point?” Guess.. just watch and observe

    • @AndyMcKeeFanForLife
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Dawntrail was the perfect opportunity for Square to make changes to the MSQ experience. Instead, we got the same formulaic experience with even less solo combat instances than any previous expansion on top of the last 1/3 of Dawntrail being just a repeat of Shadowbringers. I’d honestly be okay with Square delaying the next expansion by 1-2 additional years if it means a drastic overhaul of the MSQ gameplay experience.

    • @draculathevampire934
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This guy needs a break he’s overthinking this shyt

    • @S_Hyde
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I agree with most or all of the criticism towards 16 but to call it slop seems a tad too much.
    Granted, that you need to complete the game to be able to enjoy it with all the skills, some actual difficulty and by making a beeline from story segment to story segment is not something that should be.

    • @spunkin49
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Hey man, interesting video to listen to.

    Im not an FF14 player, so I cant really get into the nitty gritty of your points, but there are 2 things I agree with because its how I felt about FF14 during a period of time where I tried it out, and gave it a good try too (159 hours)(also a 3rd optional hot take)

    First disclaimer is that as a gamer, im heavily gameplay motivated. story is secondary to me, as it should just serve to give fun scenarios for gameplay, rather than being the entire point of the game. I think if story is the main primary focus, then it should be made into a movie, show, or book.

    The gear is BORING AF. seriously, in an mmo, let alone RPG to not have interesting gear AT ALL is kinda crazy, and I didn’t realize how bad this was until recently when I got back into WoW.

    The gear in WoW (and other rpgs like baldurs gate 3) are interesting, dynamic, and change your gameplay. sometimes in big ways (like giving you a new ability, often seen with trinkets in WoW’s case) and other times its small (like a passive resource generation buff). The gear being interesting leads to me looking forward to different gear, or being intrigued when a piece of loot drops, you can almost always count on a piece of gear being unique and making you think about how your class would interact with it. basically, it gets the gears in your head turning from a gameplay PoV. This doesnt exist in FF14, and maybe it was part of why I couldnt get into it too deeply.

    The other issue is lack of customization, specifically related to classes. No talent tree, no speccing, no nothing. The class is just 1 thing. This might not be the worst thing in the world, but for me, coming from WoW where every class and spec has a skill tree that will somewhat alter the gameplay depending on how you spec, I found this to be a pretty big downgrade cause I have less control over my experience in a way. Sure, there will always be a meta, but for leveling meta doesnt matter, and even in endgame it sometimes doesnt matter (unless you are a highest level raider or dungeon or pvp player), so you basically still get lots of choice. But in FF14, this does not exist.

    My final issue was with the story. Now, I understand that this is the most hot take thing I have to say, but i wasn’t “wow’d” by the story. To me, it was just fine (I finished heavensward but never started stormblood). I did not really enjoy the fact that I was forced to engage with the story. As a WoW player, i love instanced content and world content, and I wanna do stuff. This applies to leveling too, I wanna be busy with content and do stuff. What’s key here though, is that WoW doesn’t generally FORCE you to engage with the story, outside of an “intro” which takes place during the leveling of the current expansion, and its generally not that long of a thing to do. To me, having to sit through hours and hours of cutscenes was just boring. I dont pay a sub fee to watch cutscenes lol, I do it to play the game and engage with the game, and engage with players. There could be an easy fix to this, to allow a “story focused” or “gameplay focused” way of leveling, but idk if that currently exists for “new” players (basically anyone who never reached the current expansion). However, I understand that FF is RENOWNED for its storytelling, so I don’t necessarily hate on this too hard, because i recognize that FF14 is probably just NOT FOR ME in this regard.

    Again, interesting video, I never thought the ff14 hate was for more than story, but im glad that im not the only one who has an issue with the gameplay.

    • @ReyReina-mr2rb
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think what saves 14 is the customization of your character. Creating a character and then customizing its style then watching that character go through the story makes it personal enough that you can go easy on all the shortcomings the game may have. Another thing is the world 16s world is a bit bland at times 14 has so many races colors it’s just more to look at and discover.

    • @rehmaanroadhouse
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    God I love these walk and talk alongs… makes me forget I bought a bloody game

    • @MrShinyPaladin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You know what, this is totally true.
    XI was so different. Anything would’ve killed you on the way to do stuff.

    • @ElainaMaruyama
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I personally think people put far too much stock into XIV’s story, it’s never been that good and people cope too hard. Dawntrail is basically ARR which people universally agree is bad, it’s the start of a new arc and Endwalker was the end of a decade long arc. To compare the two is moronic. I personally enjoy the dungeons in Dawntrail and I didn’t stop playing XVI because it was boring, I stopped playing it because it runs like shit on a goddamn 4080. XIV’s decline in quality has likely come from them having to shift resources to XVI instead and they’re unable to do both. Get 2 games being developed at once and they’ll both give you half the quality and they should’ve never agreed to make XVI.

    • @Guigasdm
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I find this “Veteran player is tired of the game” videos pretty boring, if not ragebaiting.

    Do you invalidate the fun you had when you first started playing?

    The biggest point of the video being “There should be more gameplay over CS”. That is not a rule, the game is a successful product being what it is.
    Dude is good at that, let that be what dude does.

    Understand that if you drastically change it the game today, it will no longer be the game you initially enjoyed.

    • @Voexuss
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You make a lot of valid points in this video. I just started a new character after not playing for years. I wanted to get a friend excited about playing to so I said ” you know what? Let’s do the story together” this is his first mmorpg and we started playing about two months ago and we have just started Stormblood after almost 200hrs of gameplay and we have barely done any additional content other than extreme primals cause I wanted to get him excited about the ponies. We’ve played for so long now and we have done anything but the story cause we have a life and responsibilities outside of video games and when we play we only do a couple of hours but still…. the fact we have played so many hours and have only experienced de story and nothing else is a little down putting. At this point I have been trying to get him to try new classes and show him different things here and there because I am worried he will get tired of the repetitive content of the story. Though One thing we both agree on is that we love the community and interacting with the other players and even making some friends on the way. I hope they can offer new things in the future and innovate what in my opinion is a great game with and awesome community. It would be a shame to see all the potential that game has go to waste. PS fishing could very well more entertaining 😂

    • @d0k0night
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yup. I didn’t like FF16 either and regret that I bought it. I kinda felt similarly towards FF15 as well. I bought them on recommendation from a friend and well – they were bad recos.

    FF14 I wouldn’t classify as an MMO at all actually. Not when coming from WoW Classic, which has more freedom of movement, more emergent gameplay when questing from 1-60, and something FF14’s fans refuse to admit – more responsive combat engine(yes that’s right). The way the raids work in FF14, particularly the savage content I really dislike. You’re not fighting a boss anymore, you’re really just memorizing and learning how the flashing lights and dangerous stuff on the floor work. FF14’s raids feel like a flashbang of triangles, squares and of course full-screen blinding lights.

    I burned out from FF14, and Dawntrail while it did have its narrative issues, the formula as a whole didn’t age well. The game itself needs an overhaul.

    • @zapper454
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This design philosphy seems to go to all of square enix, not just cs3. FF7R games can also be played by literal babies.

    • @kip_c
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    XIV was never good and players were simply blinded by the visual novel story until it suddenly dropped in quality to match the rest of the game

    • @TheMightyNovac
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I don’t like this video. I think it’s right to blame the creative director for the results of his work, but it’s filled with so much vague presumption that really misses the wider context of what actually influences an MMO’s direction.

    I think understanding the origins of these decisions as issues of feedback is important; Yoshi-P is producing one of the most popular games on the market. He is personally responsible for maintaining that service–not directing an artistically sound video game. In an MMO, the highlighted, headlining feature is *other people*, so any decision that poses risk to that feature is negligible compared to the potential for sunk player counts. This, more than any fears of repeating the past, is the issue at the core of FFXIV, and all MMOs (past their early launch.)
    MMOs fail because they’re often democratically designed. It’s easy to blame Yoshi-P for having a weak spine, but it’s also totally understandable to choose a path of least resistance, when it comes to these things, simply because the costs of failure are so astronomically high compared to other business models.

    And this bleeds into XVI–boneless gameplay for the masses, mandated by yet another insane Final Fantasy budget. It’s easy to suggest that they should’ve made it more difficult, but for a development cycle occuring long-before the smash hit popularity of games like Elden Ring, why should they have guessed that a more difficult game was what audiences expected, let alone desired?

    Both games simply fail at pacing–There is 100% a fun, stylish, and incredible version of XVI in there somewhere that cuts the chaff, and creates a great middle-ground between Final Fantasy 6 and Asura’s Wrath. But that’s the issue–MMOs (and other big AAA titles) have to be badly paced, because they have to stretch out the run-time of what you get within a given expac. cycle. What’s released *now* is just barely enough to tide most players over, and that’s with a growing budget and astronomical amounts of story cutscene bloat, and needless gameplay busywork.

    Final Fantasy XIV is designed to waste your time specifically because there is simply no consistent way to release what is essentially 6 full-length, 40-60 hour JRPGs in 10 years–that’s more than one game every 2 years + additional free content updates. The MMO business model simply isn’t built for making art–it’s barely built for entertainment. It’s the same problem as the Marvel treadmill, and if you have any problems with the *core design* of these games, then you better be ready for it to be ignored, because there simply isn’t any time.
    If you want better games, give the developers more time to think, and produce the content you want. It’s the Destiny problem–deliver the bare minimum by-necessity, because anything else would probably crash the already sinking ship. Is it good? No. Is it entirely Yoshi-P’s fault that MMO players are insane, ravenous, and demanding? No. Should the genre as a whole back away from the unrealistic themepark design that causes these issues? Yes. Should you stop playing it? Probably–I dunno, I’m not your dad. I’m just tired of this stupid idea that every issue in game development can be solved, regardless of crunch, with a “better staff.”

    • @weirdestbudday5353
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I don’t play FFXIV anymore, I now pay for a social 3d chat to meet up with friends while playing with the mods and take pictures.
    I don’t play FFXVI after I beat bahamut because it got super boring. It was really cool at first but the fun dried out really fast before I could beat the game.

    • @omegakious
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Among the many things i would agree with you in this video, what made me raise an eyebrow is the fact that you complain about the “grind” you need to endure on FFXIV, in terms of story and whatnot, to reach raiding content (even if Coils can still pose as a BIG challenge synced while also being ARR content). On the other hand you compare that grind to Throne and Liberty. While T&L is a really impressive MMO, the absurdity of the grind you need to go through with to craft even medium pve gear, is out of this world. Nonetheless i applaud of videos that put a critical POV at the Dev team of any game so as for it and them to get better at their craft.

    • @sinom
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    6:40 the mobile game is NOT made by CS3 and isn’t even made by square enix. It is made by a chinese company called “lightspeed studios”

    • @absolutetruth2481
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    as someone that hasnt even beaten ARR yet stuff like this kinda makes me not even want to keep playing if its all going towards stuff ive seen no ppl say good things about lol

    • @TheDragonshunter
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I just finished 16… Its a movie, the “game” is brain dead easy… And I’m not replaying the game on the recently unlocked harder difficulty, a difficulty that should be its default

    • @VaniG91
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’m a game developer and while I agree with some of the criticism in this video, I think it fails to mention that players have asked for this (even if it is to their detriment). Yoship has mentioned time and time how if it was up to him he would make the game harder and different, but he doesn’t believe that’s what people want.

    The very same quest you are praising in endwalker, people complained about it. ARR dungeons with multiple paths? people don’t engage with them or complain, cross class skills? people complained about them, Addional actions in stormblood? just take BiS abilities, Being slowed down while hit when running around in your mount? people complained about it. Exploration? people just google stuff.

    The fanbase has shown yoship their unwillingless to engage with the content in the game, often trying to optimize the fun out of it or just complain about it. Currently there are players that keep asking for savage BIS to be even easier and faster to get, when it’s already one of the easiest BIS gear to obtain in any mmo. Variant dungeons in my opinion are pretty fun puzzles to do, and yet the community just looks up a guide for 12 routes and then complain the content is dead.

    I truly believe YoshiP really thinks he’s doing what people want but as I said, I think it has become a bad things even to those very same players, so even if it is what people ask for, it’s not what they need. However, him going in this direction, even with 16 “makes sense”. FFXIV has seen only increase in popularity even since stormblood up to endwalker, and each of those expansions have reduced the barrier of entry of the game and they have met increasingly sucess, so I can totally believe them believing that going in that same direciton would be the besta and I can see if he thought the same principles would also benefit FFXVI

    • @chrisb7105
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    12:55 BIS gear isn’t a 730 weapon. It is bold to call this game lacking in difficulty when you cleared what is easily the easiest savage raid tier in this game’s history, 5 months after the raids release, seeing as you have been raiding since at least August. Go ram this game’s truly hard content and tell us about difficulty. There are so many things with this video, some valid, and several more out of touch. I think we need a review of the review.

    • @FredericckPesetas
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Attencion! This guy ember’s arcade is a complete phobic. He has been harassing the voice actor of wuk lamat and any who show any comment of posivity towards the game. Look for his social media. He agreeded with toxic comments who wish the va dead and fired. Arcade confirmed to be an anti t catolic

    • @HayaneHayaokimasu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    FF14 has become so sterile, corporate and formulaic I just couldn’t be bothered with it anymore. I sort of understand their terror of trying anything new since Square Enix depends so hard on it financially to fund their other projects but tedium will only take them so far. Stubbornness and refusal to innovate is a big problem in Japanese culture as a whole.

    • @jackdrakaris8583
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I won’t buy games with a severe lack of player agency anymore. As much as I like to be part of a grand storyline, I really want to play in the midst of it and not only stand on the sideline to watch. Most AAA studios do that these days as if they want to control every little step of the player beforehand to minimize bad reviews by the parts of the community not able to advance without putting effort into it. There is a reason why difficulties exist in games but companies seem to think player choices don’t matter as much as long as we can clear the game. If the game is satisfying to play is not the selling point anymore. Game companies seem to be too afraid of taking a hit and rather produce one boring title after another under the mask of awesome-looking trailers and marketing. The bad reviews are manageable and can be downplayed to be only trivial opinions of individuals or groups of haters/puritans who won’t acknowledge “innovation”. And when they put political (woke) driven issues into their games… We all know how bad that influences gaming space… or any media. It’s a crippling disease plaguing creativity and freedom and I hope this nightmare will be over in a few years when the world finally wakes up and puts an end to this bullshit holding us back from enjoying media.

    • @fredy2041
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Attencion! This guy is a complete phobic. He has been harassing the voice actor of wuk lamat and any who show any comment of posivity towards the game. Look for his social media. He agreeded with toxic comments who wish the va dead and fired

    • @TheOwlverlord
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Thanks for the Video. It reflects my own thoughts I had from Endwalker on till now.

    • @wolfrain8898
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Final fantasy 16 has its problems weather its the one ending or not giving you the choice as to weather benedicta lived or died that one choice alone could have changed the story line from one where magic ended. to one where magic is saved and the world is saved and Ultima is defeated. why? because benedicta was the one character that could have brought hugo kupka and Barnabus Tharmr to your side after stopping ultima’s plan in its tracks the story would have went very differently and it also needs DLC that explained how the bearers got enslaved and how they stay slaves being how in theory they should be able to wipe out the non-magic users. all and all it needs one big DLC on the level of the game and one small one on the level of the Echoes of the Fallen yes they would reuse a lot of the assets for the alternate storyline but that is not a problem as long as they add in a area as big as the rising tide DLC that is original instead of going along with ultimas plan they could have gone Captain Planet at the end and brought the planet Back to Life by giving up their dominant powers while using the energy that ultima collected and to top it off making everyone magic users instead of making no one magic users at the end of the story seeing the magic civilization restored instead of a well the world was either saved by the skin of its teeth or was kids tail all along in a world that never had magic in it to start with. if this was the case in new game plus hands down one of the best final fantasy games I have ever played because if you want a dark ending you get it. if you want a light ending you get it.

    • @AdventStrife
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Problem with yoshi p and the 14 dev team is that they listen to the players knee jerk reactions too much, players often dont know what they actually want and so when theyve complained about certain things like difficulty and jobs not having certain abilities that others do the devs have done something about it but in doing so theyve made it extremely braindead and the jobs have lost all identity barring some jobs, ironically the most unique job pictomancer is again the one that players are complaining about because its fun and the strongest job right now.
    Im unsubbed from 14 but i basically am gonna resub because my friends still play, its a shame because this raid tier is very fun to go through and i can see the improvements to fight designs and such but the wait between hardish content is just too long now, it used to be 3 months per patch now its 4 and a half which makes things very stale as a raider.
    FF16 yoshi p was producer but although i did enjoy the game i agree i mainly enjoyed it for the story, my thoughts on it was they should have gone all in on making it dmc combat it just feels so basic and watered down, but again youd have players complaining about difficulty. Tbh i mainly blame the 14 community for how its got like this, after playing 14 from arr ive never been so uninterested in playing it and even when im reclearing my weeklies in pf with friends im longing to play something else lol

    • @Hugmaster1986
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I feel out of love with FFXIV in Dawntrail, but not because of the story. I loved the story. I hate how much harder the dungeons and trials are now compared to Shadowbringers and Endwalker. Shadowbringers and Endwalker were so much fun. Dawntrail I feel like I’m stressed in every piece of content, regardless of if its a regular duty, a 100 duty, or a trial/raid. I straight up just refuse to do savage or EX content. The new araid is ok except for the last boss. I absolutely hate it.

    • @Zeithri
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    7:00 – PS I had that moment in Stranger of Paradise, doing the Dicaprio point on screen going ” _That’s Sastasha! They reused FFXIV assets in this game! That’s kinda neat, I wonder if I can mod in my Elezen into this!_ “

    • @Kita15190
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    There are lots of things happening right now imo. FF14 had a recent difficulty dive in EW patches and in DT. ShB duties are still one of the most challenging ones among the regular ones. It is not rare to see TPK in The Dying Gasp and Seat of Sacrifice and even abandoning midgame. The devs clearly fell to the playerbase demands to lessen difficulty and simplify job rotations and skill, so right now the gameplay doesn’t feel as rewarding as it was in EW/ShB.
    From what I’ve read, CBU3 was assigned to the FF16 mainly because CBU 1 had their hands in FF7R. From a corporate PoV, the exectuvies probably thought if CBU3 made a miracle FF14, they will definitely make FF16 into a major success.
    At the end of the day, CBU3 was tasked with a major new title while being expected to keep FF14 success. They probably simplifed processes and mechanics to fit time constraints and demands, and there we have. One title and one expansion that both seem to fall behind the franchise and series.

    • @ch1slu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    shadowbringers was chef’s kiss, endwalker made me cry a lot… but the new expansion feels so “empty”, i didnt enjoy or got attached to any of the new characters… so many quests felt repetitive that it felt like an anime filler (expensive one).
    But what has been making me fall out of love with the Final Fantasy saga as a whole is it not being as much “fantasy” as it was before, like in X ou XII (my favorites), there were so many COLORS, the clothing was not practical but it made it look like a fantasy, collecting weapons, aeons, espers… you couldn’t wait to see them in battle, every character that was relevant somehow had such a distinct hairstyle and clothes that it just made me more and more curious to get to know them… it feels too realistic nowadays, so much that feels boring as any day to day after work

    • @seraphatori
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Okay when you said “good mmorpg” and used WoW *Retail* (not Classic) as the example- Im out bro. Lol FFXIV isn’t perfect but I lost it when you showed that XD

    I’m an MMO junkie, have been for a long time, I’ve played both of them extensively so I do know what I mean when I say that today’s WoW is just as bad if not worse than Dawntrail fr. WoW Classic though-

    • @natebookout811
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “I’m a normal guy, I have a normal job, and my own small business”.

    That’s a pretty funny definition of normal, considering the unemployment rate these days.

    In my opinion, this entire video is kinda completely out of touch. Maybe play some more final fantasy games, and maybe something else that’s older than 10 years old, for some perspective? Literally anything will do. It doesn’t matter. Wizardry, f’n hard, will give you perspective. Ultima, has a lot of emergent gameplay, will give you perspective. And Final Fantasy 1, the one everyone sh*ts on because it barely has a story? Perspective.

    Maybe there’s more to games than your limited point of view as a “modern gamer”. Final Fantasy has a long history of development in the direction you’re describing, with the likes of Tetsuya Nomura and Hinorobu Sakaguchi directly involved in said direction (ever played FFX?). Maybe there’s more to the design limitations Yoshi P is working with than you are aware of. It’s cool you acknowledge the issues with game development, and abuse, when you discussed FF14’s development, but I think it’s bullsh*t to assume that doesn’t also apply everywhere else in Square Enix too.

    • @N0rainu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I agree with everything you said. I’ve been playing FF14 for three years now, and while I’ve enjoyed certain aspects like the story, customizing my character, and side content like Eureka and deep dungeons but I can’t help but feel disappointed in the overall experience.

    Eureka was the only time I truly felt like I was playing an MMO rather than a JRPG with MMO features tacked on. Its emphasis on exploration, group coordination, and progression created a sense of community and adventure that’s otherwise missing from the game. The deep dungeons were another highlight for me, they provided a satisfying solo challenge, but solo content like that isn’t the reason I play MMOs.

    Unfortunately, much of the core gameplay feels hollow. The overworld is devoid of anything meaningful, the dungeons are linear and uninspired, and the gear progression is lackluster. Instead of working toward meaningful upgrades, you’re essentially handed near-BiS gear just for hitting milestones. On top of that, stats barely matter, there’s no real customization, and everything feels homogenized. Tanks and healers play too similarly, and even many DPS roles play closely the same.

    The game’s difficulty is another letdown. It’s entirely dependent on knowledge the mechanics and the job you are playing. While teamwork is important, the fights are so predictable that they leave no room for individual creativity or improvisation. Once you’ve learned the mechanics, success boils down to repetition rather than adaptability or raw skill.

    And then there’s the community. While it’s often praised for being welcoming, I’ve found it to be just as toxic as any other online game if not worse. The ‘we are nice here’ attitude often feels like a facade. Many players can’t handle criticism of the game; for example, any video pointing out flaws is bombarded with dislikes, and the game’s subreddit is one of the worst places for discussion. Unless the topic is fan art or praise for the game and Yoshi-P, any contradictory opinion gets buried under downvotes.

    At this point, I’ve come to accept that FF14 just isn’t the game for me. Instead of continuing to complain or hope for changes, I’d rather move on and play something else. It’s time to let go of the sunk cost fallacy and acknowledge that not every game is for everyone.

    • @Pale_ghost
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    thats the problem with ff14. The moment u mention lack of difficulty, the dissabled, elderly, house wifes, dads, come out of the wood work to complain that they wouldnt play othervise, or complain that they would be abused (in raids) by all the pro gamers for being slow to react and low dps and so on.

    • @Snowshill
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    my bigest braking point of ff14 dawtrail (outside the constant power of friend ship speaches that just invalidat any and all character growth) was when we get to the lower forest of Yak T’el
    I was so hyped as we entered it was like it had been taken from Macalania Woods in ff10 and the dnesity of the small town as you arive in that blue forest fulled me with hope …. and then you leave that samll town and the rest of the zone is just empty beyond belief, there is compelalty nothing anywhere woth looking at or exploting beyind the aither curents -.-

    I had been forcing myself to keep playing at that point I love wuk lamat and her joyous character keeped me playing beyond this point but maaaaan did seeing such an empty purely nostalgia bait zone kill every bit of hope for the game, and …. then things got worse -.-

    • @CineGoodog
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This video summarizes 95 % of how I feel about FFXIV. It doesn’t feel like an RPG anymore because all RPG systems were removed from the game or they were never in it. (elemental resistance, accuracy, gear with different abilities, etc…). Gear progression is just more HP and more damage, I feel nothing getting a new weapon.

    The only thing that keeps me playing the game is the encounter design of savage/ultimate fights, which I still find fun.

    • @dividion8102
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You raise a lot of valid points. I agree with most of them. Dawntrail’s story especially has significant flaws, which is frustrating after how amazing Shadowbringers and Endwalker were. The world is still beautiful and I’ve been enjoying the end-game raids, but yeah, way too many “take 5 steps and watch another cutscene” in the MSQ and not enough player agency.

    • @blubblurb
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yes, gameplay is really lacking in FF XIV. You get all the weapons you need by just following the MSQ, there’s no real challenge. Though people hate grinding in old JRPGs at least it makes things a bit challenging and rewarding. I just finished Endwalker and decided to stop playing FF XIV. This is the best critique video I’ve seen so far.

    • @AndreasRObius
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Think the biggest issue with FF14s gear is as you say. They are just stat increases. But no gear in the game from what I know of changes anything about your current combat job. Like older MMOs used to have this old school stat increases ( I am an old wow player) but even in those days you had items here and there (usually rare items) which in some form altered how you play your class just a little. Why can’t I have an item which changes what my job does mechanically?

    But even if that was added so you had more choice and build variety… as you say… where besides end game raiding do I get a chance to utilize such choices (or more where would they matter)?

    • @danissary
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Their game design is very formulaic, for all the good and bad it does. But I disagree that the fear of difficulty/challenge is a problem with CS3 specifically. It is something that can be seen in FF games in general. FF7 Remake and Rebirth do the exact same thing, where the base game is easy as hell and any semblance of challenging content is locked behind NG+. Both games even offer modes where the CPU takes care of the real-time combat for you. FF15 switched to real time combat but made it so you can just hold buttons while the game almost plays itself and it’s near impossible to and get a game over. FF7 Remake also had very boring MMO-like side quests and not much in the way of exploration. 

    They are clearly worried about potentially gatekeeping existing FF fans, who they seem to view as hyper casuals who are not very mechanically skilled and shun any sort of challenge. And to some extent I don’t think they’re wrong in that. Just look at how people apparently complained that the Rebirth Platinum trophy was too hard and the director had to come out and apologize for it. I’m confident a lot of these people probably got through the older games just by grinding and overpowering content rather than getting good at the game (I know because that’s exactly what I did as a kid who barely spoke English when I first played those games).

    I think a significant chunk of sales for FF games still comes from those long-time fans, because these games always sell very well on launch but then have terrible legs (lack of WOM and it doesn’t help that the fanbase loves to shit on the current game until the next entry comes out).

    I know a lot of people like to comfort themselves that they “don’t like button mashing” and prefer “strategy” but let’s face it, the strategic elements of 99% of turn-based combat in FF is basically Pokemon for young teens. FF16 actually has a relatively high skill ceiling, higher than any of the other singleplayer FF games bar Stranger of Paradise, but the game doesn’t push you in any way to even get 10% of the way and you basically have to motivate yourself to get there for the heck of it. I hope they get rid of the guard rails in the future and don’t require you to first play through 50-100h worth of MSQ to access challenging gameplay but I don’t see them ever raising the bar in terms of difficulty for the MSQ content of their games because they’re too scared to lock out existing fans and are not going to take a $100m+ risk on a game in the hopes of completely rebuilding the fanbase to one that is more into challenge.

    • @wolfrain8898
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Well this is dumb about final fantasy 14 its really hard to top the story after end walker. yes Dawntrail is a mess. its because it felt like a DLC to end walker instead of the start of a new story with just as much depth as when a realm reborn when it launched. that is really hard to do what they need is a big villain to keep you coming back to expansions like what they had with the ascian it feels more like doing the homework the ascian left you. the patch’s they did in endwalker was way better then Dawntrail witch was an expansion and it was mostly because it did not set up a good place for the story to go next it left it a open question where as in the past it was an open question but at least you new that an ascian was behind it somehow. they really need to innovate when it comes to the storyline now. look the fact is are character has beat every big villain in the universe and that is a big problem for final fantasy 14 they even down played the void witch could have been a shot at doing an overarching storyline all over again it could have been without hydaelyn to Empower our hero the best we could do is seal the void temporarily but we did not go in that Direction and that was a big mistake but there is still time and in anime its typical to have a beach episode after a arc conclusion so what the did so far was not that bad at all it was just what we needed. a palate cleanser. now time to start a new story with a long narrative.

    • @teeswaga
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I was fortunate enough to beat Shinryu before they nerfed the fight, but once they adjusted the difficulty I realized that XIV was going to have a huge problem going forward. If you make your encounters easy for players so they can complete the story, you’ll take more away from the gaming experience.

    This was confirmed after I got my girlfriend into the game. She loved it at first but then came the glaring problems. Traveling in the world felt so boring to her, so we normalized teleporting. The story experience began to feel like a drag (with only certain moments truly gripping us), so she would only want to play PVP on most days. Don’t even get me started on PVP in this game…

    I just feel like there were so many missed opportunities in this game and they only wanted to double down on everything they already did.

    After beating 7.0, I feel sad about the state of this game I played for almost 10 years. I understand making decisions to prevent people from getting addicted but, as an adult with few moments to game, I want to actually feel engaged with the games I choose to play. I don’t need XIV to turn into a casual experience. I want the casual elements to remain, but they’re great when I’m SITTING STILL and want to do something casual. I need FAR less casual engagement when I’m out in the world though. I need danger and discovery but unfortunately XIV is a shell. I felt far more engaged when I was playing FFXI and I wasn’t even a huge fan of the combat system.

    (sigh) Here’s to hoping Yoshi P’s experience playing Elden Ring will influence him to make bolder decisions for version 8.0.

    • @Aldebaran65
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Agreed! MSQ should be harder and challenging. YoshiP should have given the player a chance to fail and grow more often.

    To player who complains that it’s too hard. You’ve played through 6 expansions. Hundreds even thousands of hours.

    You should have grown like your WoL.
    WoL has gone to the edge of the world and come back. Saved it countless times.

    • @spthetoker
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The community cried when endwalker quests were harder, hense why ALOT of shit has been dumb downed.

    Its not the devs fault, its ours.

    We complained, and they made shit easier.

    Thats the problem, not the dev team, not the inner workings. Its what happens when a dev listens to the fans. THEY MADE SHIT EASIER SO PPL WOULD STOP CRYING.

    If things were as hard as they were in heavesnward/stormblood, this video would be the complete opposite, instead complaining why things are to hard.

    Remember, we did this, not the devs.

    THIS IS ENTIRELY THE COMMUNIITIES FAULT AND WE SHOULD BE BLAMED. Just seriously, the community, get good at gaming.

    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    There is something to be said about the average skill level of the average player – I don’t think this video lacks a point, but I would argue against the assumption that everyone is equally as good at FFXIV-style games as you are.

    • @sold0ut210
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshi-P has said it best himself when discussing the lack of Viera hats, which translated to: ‘Even if we hired 100 more people, Viera would still not have hats due to my leadership style.’

    Maybe we should take him at his word.

    • @Rabfour
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This video made me question myself and my joy for FFXIV, but no! I still enjoy it as I’m playing at the same time I’m watching this video. Very good video and opinion regardless! 👍🏽

    • @TheBunfather
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshi-P needs to be able to take criticism. Him doubling down on poor storytelling for Dawntrail’s post-MSQ was really a big slap in the face. The MSQ sucked and Wuk Lamat had a suffocating presence which really made other characters as well as the story as a whole suffer greatly just in service of trying to prop up that character and shove her down our throats. So what does he do? Doubles down and says we just didn’t see what makes the character so great, so the plan is to push her more so we can learn to appreciate her. I’ve had more than enough of that character. Please no.

    • @crescent_moons
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    part of the problem is the player base complains incessantly whenever they step outside of the box and try something new. they complained about in from the cold being too hard, they complained about the thancred stealth mission being too hard, they complained about the npc escort portions being overdone, they complained about the stealth portions where you follow npcs being too hard. you can’t do anything new for this community without a vocal portion of them throwing a fit, and it seems they are the ones the team listens to because they will do something new, get backlash from *some* people, then get scared and overcorrect by just not doing those things as much or even at all anymore.

    more than anything, i am baffled that for a final fantasy game that references other final fantasy games for easy fanservice points, they don’t actually implement some of the really amazing things from the older games. the reference to the thunder plains challenge but not implementing it as a minigame felt like a slap in the face. for a final fantasy game, it really doesn’t feel like one. and i think that’s part of the problem with xvi as well. the stories are incredible.. but the gameplay and systems are getting further and further from the final fantasy style that people have come to adore, such as ffxvi not having a proper party system, and ffxiv msq being yapcity with so little actual gameplay (let alone ENGAGING gameplay) to be had.

    there HAS to be some better system than “talk to this npc, listen to 4 minutes of dialog, go to this other npc, listen to 5 minutes of dialog” over and over and over again…

    • @divinesoul1987
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshi-P has a disdain for RPGs, probably because of all the mechanics they involve, and would clearly prefer to focus on Action-Adventure games, however, he is being assigned to an RPG franchise so…

    I really think he would shine to direct a new IP at Square Enix.

    • @MoreLimitless_
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Great video! As someone who really respects CS3/CBU3 as a game developer and thoroughly enjoyed both FFXIV and FFXVI, I can comfortably agree with these critiques. I think for too long CS3 has gone the safe route of developing games for everyone and removing any semblance of incentive or challenge to their games, which completely removes any extrinsic fun. This is something that worked for a while for them, but only because the stories that they told were just THAT interesting to play through. And with the release of Dawntrail being a massive dip in writing quality from previous expansions -their main selling point, there isn’t much reason for people to stay playing at the moment. Granted, Yoshi-P has previously come out in interviews stressing that they do regret some of those design choices and want to switch things up going forward. Of course now in DT, we see much more engaging regular dungeon/boss encounters than ever before. As much as I respect CS3 and Yoshi-P, there is no denying that their game design philosophy is extremely flawed, and I’m interested to see how they improve and take the feedback from DT and even FFXVI for their future projects and new games.

    • @Dekaar
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’m currently on a semi-hiatus in FF. Still actively playing however turning it off more than often to do other stuff. However I have to disagree with a lot of the points said here in the video because they kinda feel…. one-sided and not properly researched.

    so I agree with the game being too easy. Currently MSQ is very easy and has been for a while. However that is not a concern in my book because it’s primarily driving the story. DT for example has upped the ante quite a bit with its leveling dungeons. That is something that someone who raids savage will only mildly see or notice if not specifically taking the pace in. Savage itself got also easier for players that have played savage, but compared to older tiers, this tier has had some brutal entry points for new players. While yes, the damage requirements were not existent (apart from 2 and 3), the general design of the fights have shifted from “Kill it with damage” to “play it properly” which is something where a lot of people had big issues with when they started. Overall, teaching players “Play it proper” is a good thing long term.

    “DT story is bad” – One of the few people here brave enough to openly disagree. Most of the main issues with DTs story come, boiled down, to us being only a bystander that does trivial jobs while it pretty much always has been that way. Most of our MSQ we’ve been “just there” while events around unfolded. In fact, this time we were arguably the first time actually requested to help out and not just stumble into something. Before, we were the maincharacter that just stumbled into the scene, looking forward what comes around, this time in DT we’re not the main character, instead we were actively hired to help out with stuff.

    “The devs don’t play” – Good thing that Yoshi-P is a 90-99 parse BLM that actively raids savage and remember P8 where the devs actually were performing too well so that the final product was too hard, even for most of the highend raiders.

    Keep in mind, that you (the writer and reader) most likely are engaged players that can wield that description “gamer”. However there are plenty of people in this game, that use it as a social feature, that spend like x00h in the first 30 levels of ARR just by crafting, socializing and so on. Also check out the forums of the game in various different languages. It’s not a single day, when people plea for help, that the content itself is too hard for them to beat alone or without other players. We’ve seen that with the solo zenos fight in SB which was, even up until today, a massive issue for a lot of players.

    I like to see FF14 currently in a situation similar to Pokemon. The playerbase is angry, that nothing happens, however if you’re really invested in the game and give it a fair chance, you’ll see that plenty of stuff is changing for the better. not on a makro scale what people actually want. YoshiP has announced that they will, in future content, will dial it down a bit to go on the “make everything more accessible”-branch.

    Keep in mind, thatt ff14 HAS TO BE safe at this point in time. it’s one of SEs running franchises that is still performing well and actually making money compared to other franchises. Currently the game has to perform financially (and this is by catering primarily to casual players)

    Not on the “but yoshi p did nothing wrong” – in fact I think that he drastically needs to change things. e.g. the patchcycles need to be much shorter. Either they reduce them back to 3 – 3 1/2 months or raise them to 5 months but do give us content worth fo 2 patches like they currently do

    • @sansotandrea4063
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This makes me think of how Yoshi P praised the Monster Hunter team for creating a Behemoth fight better than he could even do it, after watching this video I can see why, it doesn’t seem like he’s well versed in difficult enemy encounter

    • @Soul-uc9mu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    • @bd_bandkanon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I never cared for Yoshi-P as a director. FFXIV was a disappointment and a waste of my hard earned money. FFXV was no different in quality, not only because of the gameplay but also because the story was bleak and lacking in memorability. Yoshi-P’s defenders can suck it. Their opinions won’t change my experience. In fact it just makes it worse when they try to persuade me that it’s “good”.

    • @mystic865
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve been playing FF 14 for 2 years and while the story was amazing I hated how they made healers in this game. Stupid DPS machine with 2-3 dmg skills…

    • @Siythawr4ith
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This is all true.
    Ff14 gear and damage systems is my biggest gripe. all it does it increases your stats. I remember during a realm reborn and killing primals thinking the weapons would do elemental DMG and was disappointed. Then I realized that there are really no elemental differences in this game it’s just magic damage and physical damage ff16 is the same with gear I didn’t even bother to get the ultimate weapon because I noticed there is really no reason to I was capable of beating everything with the sword I had nothing ever felt worth it.

    • @HellGatyr
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I love XVI tbh, the character is charming and the background world lore is amazing
    Clive gameplay is the issue indeed i agree and exploration is lacking
    But the peak is Ifrit gameplay combined with cinematic work and god tier music, i can forgot the clive combat and excited what comes next after dominant to another dominant fight

    • @Aminiryku
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    ff14 kept me occupied only because i was so hyped to buy 6 months of subscription ahead of time… then cruel realization came that this game is just for single playthrough, and the only holding point was zodiark and crystal mommy ark finishing. Sooo… after you see whole MSQ and do side quests and does not live with huge dementia its over for you. And yes, there are those weirdos that read the book over and over again, sometimes people call them religic fanatic too, this sort of person that fanaticaly devour single line of text over and over to the point they become live incarnation of things they were exposed to. I find it pretty similar with ff14 and everything that happens in the game development, and dont let me rant about this copius cap about how everything is the bestest and cutestest including community and every single update that give exacly same thing every. single. time.
    Anyway i cheris time i spent in final fantasta, yet it was the time when i met the craziest mentaly unstable and most harmful people in my life of using interwebs… :’)

    • @4SkippyRoo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    hate farming is the lowest form of content

    • @greenjoe21
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Dawntrail was the first time I started skipping cutscenes because I wanted to do something.

    There’s no player agency at all, no danger, no ….. game. It’s just folks talking.

    Dawntrail was the worst offender. I maybe log on once or twice every two weeks just cause I like my character.

    We’re not playing a game, we in a quasi interactive movie.

    • @darkmage102
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The fact that jobs received actual nuance and interesting changes but only in pvp during endwalker says a lot.

    They CAN do interesting job identity. They just choose not to because it might rock the boat of balance too much.

    • @XT91
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Missing the 3 minute intro of cassette tapes for your generic video essay of the same talking points of every “Problem with insert thing”. Shoulda started with Capitalism just saying that’s how you make a true video essay. Like you can swap the name FF14 with like Fallout and Yoship with Todd Howard and that’s how generic the video essay talking points have become that you can almost just have a format for them its hilarious.

    • @GameMusingsWithRaziel
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yeah Ive been saying this about FFXIVs gear system for years. Good vid man.

    • @Skadus1114
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Sadly, the game reached its peak during Shadowbringers and then it tried to repeat the same formula, but people are not stupid. The game got to a comfy spot where it releases small content because they have a loyal people already paying and buying things from the online store. But it’s not fair. The players are just funding Square’s projects, things like XVI, that kept the developers busy and EW patches were bad because of it. The devs seemed to stop playing their game and disconnected from the real player base.

    • @Deram1Axres
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I wasn’t sure what Dawntrail was going to give us for a story, and it was far worse than anything I could of imagined. And as I’ve said since the end of Endwalker, we really just need 14 to die and for them to work on the next MMO, our characters are too powerful, have done too much, and the entire structure/combat/flow needs a rework and to be updated. The problems with the way the MSQ flows has been apparent for awhile, I’ve said it on other people’s FFXIV videos, but the MSQ (and leveling the first class in general) lacks combat, kill 500 enemies or collect 100 of X isn’t the best gameplay, but your at least doing something and the story can exist along side combat. Plus there is almost no real threat of failure as long as you don’t agro multiple higher level mobs (minus tanks) and even then a chocobo can let most classes fight 3 similar leveled mobs at once, mobs are also so spread out that it isn’t an issue. Gear has always been an issue, there are some good things like not having to worry about stupid levels of rng on gear like current WoW, but with overmeld and material in general, you can modify the gear to the stats you want instead of going after weapon x because it has more of the sub stat you want than just a linear upgrade. And honestly I haven’t enjoyed a single player FF game since 10, I know a lot of people liked 12 (minus the MC) but it just wasn’t for me. 13 was horrible and it just felt like you were watching your characters fight with you cheering on the sidelines, 15 the combat was just not fun as all weapons existed as stat sticks and magic was broken and hidden behind a crafting mini-game (also no real challenge just some high-hp enemies), and 16 I didn’t even play, was talking about buying it and a friend sent me some links of clips of him playing it to show just how bad it was and that you could even fail all the QTEs in boss fights and win without issue.

    Edit: Thought of it after, but going back to 15, look at how many additional sources beside just playing the game you needed to view in order for the story to make sense. I feel like SE regardless of who is working on it, just wants to make movies and they were told to make a game instead so they play down the “game” part of video game.

    • @Shuraena
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I would rather have 10 games with FFXIV’s gear progression than have 1 game with GW2/WoW gear progression
    I hate free builds. They’re often imbalanced and developers don’t know how to balance them. They don’t know how to make every class playable and have the same impact.

    You got your BiS but behind the BiS there’s a lot of calculations done, so you kind of do have a choice. If you want to have more Piety as a WHM then you might as well pick another set made for you.

    • @Murphgoat
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I don’t disagree that the ‘RPG’ mechanics of FF16 are there to convince the player that this IS DEFINITELY A FF title. That being said, while I think it takes a tad too long to get to the point of being a bit deeper, I personally really enjoy 16’s combat. When you get to the point of having multiple eikon’s, it really opens up and empowers the player. Plus the spectacle of the game was something I haven’t forgotten about after playing. I think 16 is a more enjoyable game to play than 15 personally speaking.

    • @ganonman8
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This succinctly describes a feeling that I’ve had for a while but refused to acknowledge. I began playing FFXIV because a few friends of mine wanted a healer in savage raids, and I didn’t mind helping out. The plot (minus ARR) was good but I felt bored and didn’t understand why the game was so intent on making traversal as slow and tedious as possible unless I bothered to waste time scouring empty parts of the maps to let my mounts get a speed increase through flight. Once I beat Stormblood however, a friend of mine told me to watch the Shadowbringers trailer before I continued the MSQ and…I was COMPLETELY hooked. It felt like all of the negative feelings that were building toward the game washed away as I was entranced by the (subjectively) best content the game had to offer, and by the time I got to Endwalker and started raiding, I was satisfied. I had a falling out with my raid group however, and told my friends that I would cancel my sub and hop back on once Dawntrail came out, but I found myself surprisingly not caring once the expansion ACTUALLY released. I wanted to resub out of obligation, but I guess on some level I felt that aside from raiding and minor diversions, I was going to be bored again until I got to postgame content where the (subjectively) difficult and fun content remained, since Endwalker felt like two steps back from the narrative grip that Shadowbringers had on me.

    Seems I was correct. Thank you very much for making me confront the fact that I put aside my grievances with the game just for the sake of engaging in content with friends that frustrated me to no end. I’d say that overall I enjoyed my experiences with the game, but now I’m able to move past that and play things that genuinely make me happy.

    • @blake112x
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The conclusion(s) in video are valid, but all the reasoning is conjecture. Example: the noclip section, you randomly pluck this idea out of a 2 hour documentary and made up a whole scenario of how strict Yoshi-P has been running this team for years (with ZERO proof). There are a lot of examples with these kind of made up scenarios throughout the video. FF14 is formulaic by designee now, they are going to give you a consistent experience moving forward. They want FF14 to be a theme-park MMO – where you leave and comeback, because they know MMOs cannot provide you consent content. And FF16 was designed to be “safe,” because the FF main series has not been popular in years. They have never really recovered snice they made FF13 back 2009 (sales wise). It’s really not any deeper than that.

    • @Goldenskittlee
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    the divide between shadowbringers and dawntrial is too large! I look back on shadowbringers and how I was excited to find out the next part of the story, or learn about the new world we was thrown into. The people were suffering and their stories were a heavy weight. Dawntrial was a slog of ‘just get through this to finish it’ and a main character screaming for peace every 2 seconds

    • @EternalQuestion
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I love ff14, but there is a major issue with the new player experience. I persuaded a good friend of mine to give it a try, and while he loved it initially, he got burned out by the post-ARR patch slog. He made it to the very beginning of HW then got fed up and never came back. He quit right before the story gets good…. But that’s the problem. You shouldn’t have to play a game for 50+ hours before you get to the good part.

    They really should be taking notes from BG3 and Elden Ring, two of the greatest RPGs ever, that have both released in the past 2 years. Neither pull any punches with gameplay difficulty and are super engaging right from the beginning. Also Larian is basically a masterclass in how to run a game studio.

    • @31Rexitron57
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think a lot of your criticism with both of these games stem from them being JRPG games. Which is funny because Yoshi P himself doesnt like his games being called JRPGs.

    • @logan-zf2wr
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve played this game pretty consistently since 1.0, and through all the ups and downs, tens of thousands of hours, what pushed me over the edge to finally quit was……Katien, lol. I know it sounds ridiculous, but, it was more just a final straw type of situation. They really ruined the class design, feel, rotation for damn near every character. Everything feels basically the same now, there’s next to no nuance or freedom in a rotation. It’s a whole bunch of little things adding up into a bland, non engaging combat system. Remember when aggro in dungeons used to be a bit harder to hold, so having a ninja with shadewalker and smokescreen was always a comfy dungeon pick. Or remember when samurai had two fully optimal separate rotations in stormblood? When you could ‘freestyle’ your kenki dumps/shinten and it was just as strong as the actual rotation? Every class had their own unique niche perks, yes balance was worse back then and some classes were very hamstrung in certain environments, but at least it had charm and character… combat now is so insanely boring and bland. If it weren’t for the banger soundtracks I’d never raid in this game because it just so tedious and boring.
    I will not speak to the quality of the writing or the story because I sped through a lot of msq especially during endwalker and dawntrail, so I’m not a good person to talk about that stuff.
    Homogenized rotations between all melee ruined the combat in this game, having to maintain perfect boring rotations with zero variance for hours on end isn’t remotely engaging.

    • @Ennasalin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    If there is something that I find very annoying in this community, it is the baseless assumptions or people acting as if they work for the company they criticize, and are part of the team, knowing all the ins and outs of it.

    Regarding the video, perhaps it is his fault, perhaps not. I doubt it’s the fault of a single person, considering an entire team and upper management calls the shots (mostly investors + some upper management).

    I personally think SE slowly devolved into what made FF14 a disaster when it initially launched. No clear vision, lack of innovation, and fear of going outside the box while getting stuck in the same destructive strategies. JPs are in general very conservative and rigid and this is felt acutely more than ever.

    Also, I think FF14 is in maintenance mode and everything that was done in the past 5-6 years was for the Mobile they are currently pushing. (simple, formulated, standard, easy to play)

    • @Lore_XiV69
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Final Fantasy as the behemoth franchise it was… died on 12.

    • @justsomeguy4422
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    my problem with XIV has always been my problem with FF games in general. and thats SE doesnt know how to make a game, that isnt a glorified hallway. even the big wide maps are just a closed instance with only one way to go, to the quest. i think their tech is to far behind to create a seamless transition from place to place. making the world feel open. every FF game plays the same and that goes for XIV even though its a MMO. i had a LOT of fun starting in shadowbringers and finishing endwalker. i was hoping dawntrail would keep me, but i already knew it was a flop from the trailer alone. ironically ARR and havensward still some of the best parts of the game, the growing pains of learning it. but after you hit shadowbringers its totally different vibe, endwalker hits or misses depending who you are and connection to the story, dawntrail to me showed the devs undercooked heavily, and even a lot of drama around it felt forced just for engagement to keep the games name alive.

    the whole race to world first stuff also feels like its coming to a crawling halt in interest even with echo trying to widen the audience.

    • @GamingDualities
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    He is like a Miyazaki of Elden Ring. He thinks he is being innovative, but in reality just outdated. They have one of the best franchises in the world, they know how to make good games, but not how to make complete games. all these guys need to watch The King’s Avatar animation (the best gaming animation out there) and learn how to make a complete MMORPG or MOBA style game. Final fantasy 14 doesn’t even have chat bubbles. that games 20 years ago had. Monster Hutner franchise. u cant even tame monsters. they think multplyaer is a bad thing when it actually gives life and replayability to their games.

    • @Razma39
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Shoot you forgot the main issue with ff16. Is that even the story the thing that excuses all of the gameplay shortcomings falls absolutely flat on its face in the later half of the game. 16s story failures made me realize that 14 is really only good when the story actually motivates you to play it. Which is why so many people complain about Dawntrail, because when you take away the good story and replace it with the garbage that dawntrail gave us people start to look at the rest of the game and realize that there wasnt that much there to begin with.

    • @Taikomo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I remember when I found the Masamune, one of the most famous swords in the series, in a treasure chest in a random ditch in FFXVI. And because FFXVI’s gear is what it is and Masamune wasn’t better than the sword I already had it was essentially worthless to me. THE Masamune, lowered to random vendor trash. It’s wild how they just didn’t pay attention to some things in XVI at all.

    • @oatmealftw
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I agree with some points, but not others. All of this criticism is at least fair though, even if I do disagree with some of it.
    Firstly, I want to talk about the FF14/FF16 thing because as we know, CS3 was responsible for both. I’ve said lots that FF16 was the worst thing to happen to FF14 as it gave us the biggest content drought in the game’s history. Stuff was repetitive, and much of this happened in FF16 too. Having them work on both the live service FF14 and a main title game stretched them thin.
    I also agree with your criticism of Dawntrail and general lack of player choice in general — it sometimes feels like reading a book; things are set in stone well before you interact with anything. And the world design is often beautiful, but equally barren and you aren’t encouraged to explore it beyond a few things like Aether currents.
    Jobs in FF14 have also become dumbed down, many of them feeling soulless or similar to each other.

    However, there’s a lot that I disagree with too.
    Yes, FF14 is not difficult. It is designed to be incredibly easy so any player can get through the story. Is that such a bad thing? Final Fantasy games have never been challenging, and there are many other franchises that pick a similar route. Not every single game has to be difficult, and in FF14’s case, there are plenty of difficulty options for those seeking more challenging combat. Maybe it is more noticeable since the story isn’t very engaging in Dawntrail, but again, lack of difficulty is not new or inherently bad.
    Also, while FF14 and FF16 have failed to innovate in some areas, they both have in others. Using FF14 as an example, we’ve seen Criterion Dungeons, Island Sanctuary, and Chaotic Alliance raids as new forms of content to enjoy. There are also plenty of ways players can customize their experience with the use of a very deep glamor system, player housing, their aforementioned island sanctuary. It’s fair if it doesn’t interest you or other people, but it does appeal to a lot of people and brings a certain audience into FF14 that wouldn’t be interested in other MMOs.
    Furthermore, a lot of things you’ve mentioned are intrinsic to the genre they are tied to, and are not specific to CS3 or Yoshi P. That doesn’t mean they aren’t fair criticisms, but stuff like lack of gear choices, no excitement in the overlord, and linear progression are not unique to FF14 in any regard; and in some cases, they are done for a very specific reason. Why do we need 5 different gear sets for each class? Farming for a bunch of different types of gear at different content levels would be extremely time consuming and the open world isn’t designed to be points of conflict beyond hunt trains because that would be distracting. Open world MMOs are very different and there are pros and cons to both. A good example in T&L is that if you’re so worried about how much time you have, often times you might miss a world event that’s going on, and will get completely outpaced by those around you.

    I thank you for putting in the time to make the video, I think feedback is so crucial to what is going wrong in FF14, and I really do hope they turn things around now that they can focus entirely on FF14 now.

    • @renanfarias9230
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    It’s a good thing that more people are voicing their dissatisfaction with the game. The game desperately needs to shake things up

    • @alwaysfrothy5601
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I do appreciate that you mention danger and tension. FFXIV was always my “casual” game, and I don’t mind the lack of difficulty, during quest or story dungeons.
    I don’t login to play a Dark Souls style challenge, never liked those games, but I’d appreciate some danger here or there. I appreciate feeling like I’m more than a babysitter in both story and gameplay.
    Furthermore, everything in Dawtrail just had me thinking, “Damn, if I could just play my character, I’d take you all out at once.” I’ve saved the universe; this is trivial.

    Add the homogenized class design, over reliance on nostalgia/ easter eggs, mediocre and lengthy story, and, for me, lack of interesting setting/ bosses, I didn’t even want to hang out in the world anymore.
    This expansion is the first time I login just to hangout with friends on patch days and leave.

    Questing and story is so forced that I couldn’t even get my mom to play the game to max level. “It’s just walking and talking to people,” she said. I have dragged her through MMOs for over a decade, and this is one of the only ones she couldn’t make to max level.

    I also don’t mind simplified systems in terms of gearing. A lot of people compare to WoW or other MMOs, but, if I wanted to play their game, I would.
    However, one choice? If you are tank, pick fending.
    I love some simplicity and balance, but balance at the absolute death of building my character is too far.

    Also…as a summoner main….
    My fun rotation 😢

    Sorry, that’s my rant. XD

    • @Willjoestar
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    China is coming , Japanese games are kinda meh at the moment maybe next DMC may shine

    • @aishisufuyu5961
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I absolutely hated FF16 and felt like both my time and money were seriously wasted. Glad to finally see someone calling it out.

    • @Storl
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Nice video. I hope ff14 starts to experiment more

    • @meakimon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Good video, thank you for your point of view!
    As someone who appreciates the final fantasy games for their story and sometimes struggle with the combat, I feel like even I can look at this and nod.

    I will have to admit that I am biased. I’ve been playing FFXI since it came out. I played the closed beta for FFXIV. It melted my laptop, but I was still excited. I was having a rough time in XI, since the Abyssea add-ons where making people abandon the more community driven open world exp camps, for sitting around opening chests from lv 30 to lv 75, then just run around and cheese the weaker enemies until you hit lv 80.
    So I wanted FFXIV to be a fresh start. I enjoyed ARR, I was okay with HW, I enjoyed SB, ShB, and EW. I have not played Dawntrail yet. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it once I do.

    But at the end of EW, I noticed that my more casual and explorative playstyle wasn’t really working out. FC only ever wanted to do savage and raids. They didn’t really connect with me since they only logged in to do weeklies and raids. Then they started to take longer and longer breaks, leaving me to be completely alone. And playing a single player game is fine. But playing a mmorpg alone, that feels a bit rougher.

    So I went back to FFXI. If I was gonna play alone, then I wanted to at least be in the game that always brought me comfort. We have had trusts in FFXI for a long time, and they helped me out in the different storylines. Another recent change was that you could now choose NOT not start a new storyline, even if you met all requirements. FFXI is not linear at all, and you can play almost any expansion storyline whenever you want to. I was surprised that after Rhapsodies of Vana’diel, that the devs decided to learn new cutscene programs, and gave us even more story.

    A lot of FFXIV mechanics/models/ is taken from FFXI, given a shiny new coat and maybe some updated mechanics. I call FFXIV lovechild of FFXI and WoW. It just makes sense. FF story tropes, and WoW gameplay and UI.

    So I am concerned about Yoshi-P.
    Right now, FFXI is run by a skeleton crew. They don’t want young devs to stay there even, because FFXI is so old now. They want the young devs to move on to bigger projects.
    But even then, the devs that did stick around gave us some amazing things. It’s sad that the dev behind the monstrosity and monster rearing game play was let go before they could fully flesh it out. I see monstrosity as a great new pvp that’s waiting for someone to understand it. So yeah I’m currently leveling my monipulators towards unlocking Cerberus, so I can take on anyone who wants to try and fight an actual human inside a HNM.

    Woops, sorry about the tangent.
    Yoshi-P is now in charge of FFXI’s business side.
    FFXI was the highest grossing mainline game until 14 finally dug itself out of the grave (a grave that the FFXI team dug, I’m not ignoring that fact). FFXI kept the lights on at HQ while 14 was bleeding money. And today, FFXI still has a good enough subscriber base that it’s still keeping it’s own servers afloat, and getting new content.

    But I’m worried that any extra money FFXI does make, will be funneled into FFXIV, because the latter is seen as the real star now. Yoshi-P, before this whole FFXI collab, was often saying in interviews that he didn’t like FFXI. He played WoW. Which is fine. But he would also get sensitive or defensive when players sent in questions or comparisons with FFXI. Or when players asked for jobs that FFXI made iconic, such as blue mage and beastmaster.
    I really hope the higher ups don’t mess things up for FFXI. There is, finally, a NA livestream team, so the western player base in NA and EU can chime in. Normally it would all have been in Japanese only.

    There was recently an adventurer survey for FFXI. In it, the devs noticed quite a lot of players wanted a classic server. A server locked in the 75 era. Before Abyssea. Because the game used to be tough. You had to work hard, have patience, be prepared, and be careful when moving around in FFXI. People miss it. (Honestly if they had locked Aby behind a lv75 min requirement, it wouldnt have messed stuff up so badly…)

    I have no idea if the devs will listen. If they do, I hope they reach out, because there are a few lv75 private servers out there, so turning back the time isn’t impossible. And scaling it so that we can still have the expansions, could be possible. I’d love a 75 era server, but I don’t know if the devs have the money for it-
    *Because* I’m worried that Yoshi-P, *who is not the biggest fan of FFXI and wants players to fully migrate to FFXIV*, will not be willing to fund such a server. He would rather players to sub to FFXIV instead. Maybe get “his” game another award…

    So yeah, I am a bit biased while watching your video.

    • @emerelle3535
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    At least you play Alliance.

    • @yosephrezahe2534
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    3:55 Japanese generally work harder, are stricter and are more deferrent to authority than Westerners are. Its a cultural difference

    • @BigLesbian
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This video is a bit disconnected.
    Its clear you wanted to talk about 16 and how realising the errors of 16 led to you recognising the errors of 14.
    But you do not link it al together, you spent alot of time giving your opinons but estsblishing it as fact.
    and you do not link it to the problem Yoshi-p. You just say “its his fault”. And you do not link your complaints of 14 and 16 well, you just gesture vaguely saying “its similar” and “it is because I say it is” without consideration of other thoughts other than what you have come together.

    Saying your opninion as fact is still an error, even if you say it very suave…

    But the game doesn have problems. The content style is reptitive and too template. The expansions have become a package that is the same structure each time.
    The game needs to half the level cap, reduce msq mission bloat and bring the more engaging style of dungeons and trials from later expansions backwards whilst having new forms of quests.

    They simply are on this path of needing to fund the enitrety of Square Enix whilst needing to overhaul the entire game.
    Dawntrail is just the writing dipping heavily, which then stretches the gameplay to the already passed breaking point. Its exposed how lacking the variety and interactability of content in the msq is and how important it is to have a good writer on the helm

    • @mdoule
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    While I think author points are valid, some I feel are bit a miss. I have many thoughts, but that would be a light novel if I wrote them all here 🙂

    One point where I disagree is on emergent events. FF XIV is theme park mmo, not open world with random events. To expect things like in Throne and Liberty is not realistic. Though at least during chain FATEs I often group up with strangers during that. Maybe that counts?

    Regarding player agency on story – FF XIV and XVI are primarily JRPG. These games usually have static story line, at best modifed by choice to defeat or not some optional boss (and even that is usualy extra ending). Primary focus is on telling story – taking it to extreme, they are another form of Visual Novel. Which also means if you fail at story delivery, game sucks (Looking at you DT). For me, XVI was blast and XIV failed in latest expansion.

    Where player agency comes in these games is gearing and stats. Better games have various stats and you are usualy choosing withing spectrum of glass canon – blunt tank, with various resistances etc. FF XIV was never strong in that side and they streamed even more (not happy with it but understandable), but FF XVI was a big failure there. XVI felt like they focused on action combat, spectacle and story, and everything else was kinda just glued in because it was expected from that game. If they removed that, maybe just keep accessories for various resistances against debuffs, it would be better. It would be nice to have info about design process, did they added crafting/gearing because someone insisted it has to be there? Maybe that’s why difficulty feels so low, because it was not fine tuned to crafted gear?

    Difficulty is subjective. For XVI I agree there should be harder difficulty from start, but that might be cultural thing – look at Capcoms Dragons Dogma 2. Player were asking for harder difficulty, for better ng+ and instead we got easy difficulty. Why? Dunno. Probably based on japanese audience? Wish games went at least with FF7Rebirth route, where dynamic difficulty made game not difficult, but also not sleepfest.
    XIV though – XIV is mmo that aims to sell to largest possible audience. And that means people with various skills. Sure I get annoyed when as healer i’m paired with WAR, who basicaly doesn’t need healing. But then I also remember encounters like with 2 german boys in Amourot, where we spend about hour progressing trough dungeon. Every time we wiped they did better next time, but it was clear game was hard for them. How do you balance that? But latest msq dungeon was more fun, with last boss had much easier to fail mechanics. Hopefully they keep that up.

    Overall solid video, I mostly agree with stuff about FF XVI (except for story, personaly loved it), but I feel like you are looking for wrong things in FF XIV. Other games will probably give you more enjoyment in that regard.

    As for YoshiP – FF XIV devs in general should be applauded for their communication and approach to fans. They are not gods, but god wish more developers were like them or Larian.

    • @DerioTheArtist
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    They gave up on quest design when too many players said the quest “This is Thancred” was too hard even on easy mode. That was the nail in the coffin

    • @yosephrezahe2534
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    YoshiP was not the director for FF16 by the way, he was merely the producer. The director of FF16 was Hiroshi Takai, who directed The Last Remnant, Square’s infamously bland Xbox 360 era JRPG. Longtime Square fans could see 16 was going to be meh long before it came out, and it has little to do with YoshiP. A lot of people were fooled by Square’s marketing stapling YoshiP onto 16

    • @yosephrezahe2534
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    This sounds fairly melodramatic. Really the only bad parts of FF14 are the PvP (not a major focus) the post ARR MSQ and the MSQ of the new expac Dawntrail. Everything else is fine. “Not innovative enough” means nothing whatsoever, its a meaningless buzzword. Do you want FF14 to deviate from its core gameplay? For what purpose? It works.

    • @averagesoul8256
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    i knew 16 was going to suck when literally the first side quest was to bring food to people that are 2 meters away

    • @demin789
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The problem with Yoshi-P is that he reskinned WoW and people made him believe he made a good FF. Now he tried to reskin DMC and failed, again. XI is a trillion times better than XIV.

    • @newyorknole2225
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Damn im over here saying FF16 is in my top 2 final fantasy games, while you’re saying it’s one of the worst game you ever played…

    • @KumoKumiko
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I hope the game can improve on these aspects, if only to satisfy other players.

    I play this game extremely casually, only just started Endwalker a couple weeks ago after having played this game for about 6 years, chipping away at MSQ with my besties every couple of months or so. I dread to hit the era of narrative everyone seems to be complaining about, but also struggle to imagine it.

    • @AB-cr1cu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    really dude, FF16 “waste your time and boring !!!”, this is coming from MMO player like you, GIVE ME A BREAK !!!
    i can tell you as a casual gamer, i don’t spend my time in the game trying to play side quests and “mini games”.
    I play a single player games FOR THE NARRATIVE AND THE STORY and almost never play a game more than once, FF16 is great game for the casual gamer.
    as for the rest of your video i don’t know who is Yoshi-P and i don’t care ☹☹☹

    • @DarynLuna
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Your first argument is like ‘hmm maybe they are still doing crunch??idk lol’

    • @vallinae9352
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Your FF16 complaints kinda sucked and reveal your poor take throughout the video – complained about the open world in a non-open world game, and then about the combat whilst showing basic abilities and no stylish combos in a stylish character action game. Complaints about that game were valid with the sidequests and the gearing, but for combat and game design imo it would be better to say that you don’t like action games and wanted FF16 to be a proper, old school RPG. It was not – it was a stylish character action game.

    FF14 is clearly no longer what you are looking for in an MMO the same way that FF16 is not what you were looking for in an RPG. With the latter, it sounds like you wanted Final Fantasy: The Witcher. With 14 it sounds like you wanted Final Fantasy: World of Warcraft.

    You even mention Devil May Cry, assuming you have played it, the game is very easy, and can be cleared literally mashing auto attacks, rarely dodging and very few abilities (maybe with the exception of the Vergil fight). In fact, your first playthrough you aren’t even meant to have all the abilities. What makes the combat system in these games fun and challenging is you – the player. You need to theorycraft and brainstorm possible combos, things that might look cool, feel cool, or add extra challenge. For example, you can find hundreds of amazing FF16 boss counter builds where they go no hit – it literally looks like a different game, or a super stylish juggle combo with perfectly timed combinations I couldn’t even think of. DMC is even more famous for these no hit stylish boss videos and juggle combos.

    In FF14 the combat is prima facie easy yes, but high level savage on content and ultimates are undeniably the hardest and most creative fights in any MMO. They build these games by giving you the tools and choice to grow and make your own fun and challenge. I agree that quest design is not the best, but I have never hated the simple way the story is delivered in FF14. In fact, I find some of the quests in other MMOs frustrating, sometimes acting as a barrier to the story and slowing me down.

    I also somewhat agree with your gearing complaint, though I am sceptical that it was an actual issue for you given the limited time you gave to it. I somehow feel FF14 has struck a good balance for gearing in terms of progression early in the tier. Being able to go into the raid with a full set of crafted gear is perfect – no RNG, no annoying side content to do, just get a set and start raiding. I do believe that they are far too slow to unlock the raids however, and that it can be hard to gear alt jobs as the patch goes on. Nevertheless, the gearing in 14 mostly respects the players time. Your complaint for gearing in FF16 is a joke however – again, it is an action game, not an old school RPG. In fact, my complaint for FF16 gearing is that it existed at all – imo the abilities themselves were enough of a progression to feel like Clive was growing with power.

    I think overall SE and CS3 made the games they wanted to make, and then you are upset that its not the game you were expecting or wanted. Thats okay – but complaining that a game is one thing when it was designed as another feels like aimlessly shadowboxing. I am not minimising complaints completely – gearing is not perfect in either game, the DT story was not the best and I can understand some people getting bored with the quest design. But the combat is exactly what they designed it to be and its not Yoshi P’s fault you don’t want to engage with it.

    • @phuse99
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    There’s nothing most 14 players fear more than having to have a spec and a build. They’re terrified of it. I’ve brought this up multiple times only to be shot down.

    • @somnolence5339
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Releasing FFXVI with the side quests like that considering Witcher 3 came out in 2015 is insane.

    • @bolt6572
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    teleporting everywhere and invisible walls make wow look great. wow has fun open world

    • @JanembaJanemba
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Good vid mate, subbed

    • @aceface3333
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    FFXVI Profits from being as low friction as possible- it’s s sub based game,. and if the core gameplay was all of a sudden a soulslike they would lose 75% of their players who wouldn’t be able to progress the main story (which everything is locked behind). There is harder content but you have to opt into it. This seems like a sensible way to build a profitable mmo.

    For FF16, well if you didn’t like it you didn’t like it. MMO conceits don’t often translate well to single player games, and the sales numbers weren’t great.

    • @clarinet800149
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The rings can also be viewed as an accessibility feature. I don’t view them as negative because they are optional. Yes they help expand the audience of the game and that is not a bad thing.

    • @hentainin87
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “Safe” i think thats the main phylosophy of Yoshi P at this point, if it aint broke why change it? but man, thats kinda the reason i havent been subbed for almost a year now…

    • @notsterbenscix1224
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I understand your critique and as someone who’s been playing since ARR I do understand, but a big reason to do the endgame content is to be able to clear it, and have fun.

    If you wanna go for BIS more power to you but BIS is honestly only for ultimate, you dont need bis anywhere else in the game.

    If you think 14 is boring I’d highly recommend doing all the ultimates before quitting because almost all of them are fun and extremely rewarding to experience

    • @excellusultimus4952
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The difficulty issue is ubiquitous in gaming. The modern generation does not want to work for anything. (Or at least this is the opinion of game studios.) If a difficult challenge can’t be overcome almost immediately then people become frustrated and quit. This leads to a bland open-world with no threats in the main campaign. And you must keep in mind, this is true for a wide variety of games, including the Resident Evil remakes which are far easier on their baseline difficulty than their predecessors. Basically, Normal = story mode, Hard=normal.

    FFXIV has some of the most challenging content ever created in an MMO. The Omega Protocol on release eclipses any encounter in any MMO in difficulty. How does the player base respond to such challenges you ask? I’ll explain!

    1.) Above all players want clout. They want to clear ultimates and get the title so they can feel warm and fuzzy inside and like they’re good players.

    2.) They’ll do anything for this dopamine and that includes using third party tools to cheat to an extreme manner, oftentimes completely removing all difficulty from the encounter. There are addons that will perform your rotation for you, display aoes on the ground players can’t otherwise see, and calculate the optimal solutions to complex mechanics instantly.

    So yes, challenging and engaging content does exist. The player base just refuses to approach it legitimately because they care more about unearned status than the actual challenge. (Probably because most of these players are unemployed and want to get back to their catgirl Instagram account.) Is it any wonder all of this content seems phoned-in now? Not only do the casual players want things to be casual, the hardcore players want things to be casual too.

    • @zhijun9550
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    The interviews that came out leading up to FFXVI’s release started my disillusionment with YoshiP. In particular, when he talked about how he would be happy even if players didn’t think too deeply about what the story as long as they made it to the end credits thinking “Wow, Clive was cool.” And also when he mentioned that they didn’t make any secret hidden content for the game because it would be a waste of dev resources to make something that very few players stumble upon. He seems to have an incessant need to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

    I’m very curious to see a game with Ishikawa in the creative directorial seat, divorced from YoshiP. I suspect that a bulk of the most memorable creative decisions from Shadowbringers to Endwalker including stuff like In From the Cold can be attributed to her vision.

    • @mewimi
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    They also have terrible taste in attire, you can tell how Yoshi P’s “style” infests FF14. Expect to have your glamour completely destroyed by too many folds, buttons, belts, collars and leather. As a result, 99% of the glamour in FF14 is unusable, especially for female chars. Also, they still insist on pointless class only glamour restrictions.

    • @Raansu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    There is no problem. Bye.

    • @ruinerdown1614
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Been a sub starting in 2019… last night a canceled my sub. So yea its not just youtubeers farming vids its a real thing

    • @beeforbacon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    yoshi-p is the most overrated directors/producers of all time. he is a man who takes NO RISKS and makes mid tier slop over and over again. Yes this includes FF16 which was objectively not a good game. It was flashy, but the gameplay was dull, characters boring, story predictable, and honestly I can’t think of anything that was actually mind blowing about ff16 other than the spectacle sprinkled in for 30 mins in between 10 hour stretches of boredom.

    • @terransky
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I was worried that i am alone in this, thank you for this video. I have thousands of hours in ffxiv, bought ps5 so i can play ff16 and i feel exactly like you. Yoshi-p just hate gameplay and gear and kinda everything that makes RPG RPG. And dont worry, i am voting with my wallet, unsubed from ffxiv but i cant refund ff16 sadly, never even finished it.

    • @CheatingZubat
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’m level 99 and still haven’t even gotten through half of Dawntrail. I’ve never done that before. I’m actively avoiding the story. The open world is a set piece, it serves little to no purpose in FFXIV. I realized this when I was playing Lord of The Rings Online. There’s story, titles, unique gear, furniture, all out in the world to discover. Rare mobs that drop cool stuff. And FFXIV has nothing. There’s literally ZERO reason for me to explore an area OUTSIDE of being forced to if I want to fly in the zone. Something that is really only ever useful if you craft.

    It’s remarkably shallow.

    • @ExceedSC2
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I completely agree with your criticisms, for me, I found FF16 enjoyable to play through because I self-imposed restrictions that I felt the game should have in order to make it an engaging experience. I never used healing items, since the fact that you could use them with zero action cost (they can be used while the game is pause, or your character is stunned, and have no animation, just instant healing), I just ignored them entirely for the playthrough. This made the boss fights far more engaging since my health bar and capacity for healing were much more narrow (really just the limit break), additionally, I would always reload from save if I died on a boss, since boss checkpoints felt cheap, just a way to push the player to the finish line. This allowed for a fight like Odin to be very intense and let me actually learn his attack patterns and need to avoid practically all the damage. I would highly recommend these restrictions since they do help sell the boss fights as being worthy gameplay climaxes. The issues with side-quests being mundane with just good story isn’t something a player can fix on their end, and I just sorta dealt with it. It will eternally annoy me that games seem very modular in how to lower the difficulty, but not to raise it. I completely understand someone, may not want to spend 2+ hours on a boss fight, but I do, that’s what I find fun, that’s how I feel involved and engaged with the game.

    As for FF14, I tried it after 16, I played for roughly 20 hours but it was just so incredibly boring and there was no way for me to make it more engaging, so I quit. Just to add, I have played a ton of WoW, and typically get Keystone Master for M+ early in the first few weeks of a season, but I actually don’t dislike questing, so the promise of a better story than WoW’s sometimes throwaway ones seemed cool. I just found FF14’s gameplay for questing to be so disconnected from the story. The way I would put it, in Classic WoW, it’s easy to get spend hours upon hours at a time questing, since nothing interrupts it, you can just spend time in the world and there is a bit of danger so you’re focused on the game, it’s not very hard, but you’re engaged, and no cutscene is pulling you out. When watching an anime or something, you can watch episodes back to back because you’re engaged in the story, it’s easy to be absorbed in what you’re watching, because all your focus is in that world, you’re not being forced to solve 5-10 captchas every 10 mins to watch the next part. When playing FF14, it was so jarring going back and forth, I could never get into a flow state, there was no way to be engaged in how I was questing, no way to form or keep a mental checklist, optimizing how I’m going to tackle my quest log, since I was watching a 10 cutscene,. Then there was no way to engage with the cutscenes, because between them I need to go kill 5 sheep or pick up boxes. It all lacks cohesion.

    • @AngRyGohan
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “I really struggle to think of another studio in the AAA space that demonstrates as much disdain for player agency as creative studio 3” – Was with you until this comment because its literally no different for other games. Crafting systems are shoved in mindlessly into every AAA game, open worlds are done uninterestingly and putting some lame collectible behind waterfall is no better than nothing behind it. Normal difficulties pose no challenge either and we get loads of cutscenes all the time. Hell a game like RDR2 doesnt let you do anything different than it says where to park your horse or you fail the mission.

    Reality is: They pander to some casual audience just like almost every AAA does and with Dawntrail they killed off the one good thing the game had going for it: the story.

    • @Kurainuz
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoship is great and one of the reasons the game became a great game, BUT he has lied to us for years saying that the patch delays were needed for the devs to not have too much work and the patch to have quality content. Turns out said devs were not resting more but working on 3 more proyects (one ff16) and the patches have been longer with less content since endwalker. And after being asked why the content is taking so much time and why not invest more money to get more workers in the project he said that “its not a matter of money only they need to get people experienced in the game engine and that takes time” after taking a big part of the senior devs from 14 to ff16 (by his own admision).

    i loved 16 but i felt all the time that the game would have been a lot better with more world exploration like rebirth or full combat like a devil may cry, also while the last secondary quest were good in story, most were generic mmo quest without interaction with the party.

    I still like 14, thats why i want optional repeteable content to do between patches that i can just login, play for a bit and progress it and stop the fall in players that the game is having.

    If you dont do “hard” content, wich honestly doesnt last much neither if you only do it for the glamour and not the BiS, you have no casual content to do in a group in a repeated for unless you have not done euroka and bozja, wich now are empty af.

    FF14 has been a big part of my live but i get the feeling that square, even knowing that 14 its their golden egg goose, do not give the a F about the game compared to entries like the FF7 Remake trilogy in terms of effort specially since endwalker.

    • @tcg2717
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You’ve just said everything I’ve felt about FF14’s developers and Yoshi-P ever since Shadowbringers. The game is just going almost vertically downhill and is showing no signs of stopping. Dawntrail was the final straw that broke my 2.0 player’s back, and it will take a Goliath’s effort to win players like me back. There’s just no game anymore. It’s a bad visual novel with bad gameplay, bad gearing system, bad cosmetic system, and a bad JRPG. Rofl.

    • @arctorusmedia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Some advice: stop bragging about your life. we’re not here to hear about how enslaved by your job you are or how you own a business. Don’t care. As for the games, I think part of the problem is you’re too young to really remember themepark mmos starting out. This is how they operate. SWTOR and FF14 are both like this. They’re meant to deliver bare minimum MMO gameplay. yeah it sucks but it’s hardly all YP’s fault since the standard for themepark MMOs has existed for over a decade. If Squareenix tells the team to work on the game, they can’t go in and just change every single thing about it including the genre, which is what would be the case if they veered away from the themepark design SE wants. they can only do what they’re allowed to by corporate. this video paints YP like it’s entirely his fault. you should rename this video from “An Honest Critique” to “an opinionated and uninformed rant”.

    • @LordDarkBahamut
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Iam been saying for years that Yoshi p is becoming the problem of Ff14.

    • @TheTiodan
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think youre missing an important point with this whole “there are no threats in the game”-argument: Most people suck at videogames.

    Also: No new types of content? Kriterion dungeons? Chaotic alliance raid? Island sanctuary?

    I agree that the gear and character progression is extremely basic but I actually prefer it over something like WoW where you cant even play the game if you made wrong talent choices or if you dont have enough gear.

    • @OvrlordEtna
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I feel his games lack character customization in favor of ease of use and ease of production.

    • @Kiobao
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve felt pretty similar to this, but one thing that slowly had me drifting away was the lack of interest with battle content for me. As a midcore player. For awhile, I would just come back at intervals, then I’d only come back at the start and at the end of an expansion, now I don’t even know if I care even that much. I may at least watch some on youtube to get an idea of what happened and what I miss, but then I’d imagine my next step is to just not even care. I never subscribed to the mentality of “well, endwalker finished, so that means the story is done and it’s normal for people to leave” I would still stick around for the story if the story was good, but it’s slowly growing less interesting for me with DT just being maybe only 30% or so enjoyable. It’s frustrating since I really want to enjoy the game, and tried to even go a hyper casual approach to have no expectations from the game, but I end up just not caring about anything. I don’t even have a job in the game that I like anymore, as a SMN main/caster main. I don’t care about the dialogue, pacing, writing, or a lot of the stuff going on and the FF9 references, with FF9 being my favorite FF game, being sort of hit and miss as I cant even enjoy the final zone without it just being turned off. The gear progression is lame so I don’t care to do anything involving it, but on top of that, a lot of it doesn’t look good to me. I play male characters and you either get rather edgy gear, which is cool sometimes, or rather feminine looking gear that doesn’t appeal to me, half jackets, showing my belly, weird stuff like that to me. So gear that I actually like on me is few and far between. A lot of the cool/edgy stuff doesn’t have a lot of personality to it too.

    • @MrWowchaos
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    That’s a well put out video buddy. Certainly hits the sweet spot of where I stand for FF games.

    They need to bring the focus back to the core base again and make the gameplay fun again with more interesting content be it solo or coop, though I personally like some solo challenges in an mmo lol.

    Whatever sort of casual players they have been fishing, they don’t last very long, and that makes their feedback useless. and it seems Yoshi just takes that and then applies it to the next patch, further making the game less fun to play with classes, dungeons, side quests and the list goes on.

    • @Aukaisihir
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Every point you made hit the nail on the head. I was a WoW player that left during SL and came over during SHB but the look of DT didn’t…excite me like SHB or EW did but gave it a go anyway. I actually timed my friend and I playing and it took us nearly 2 hours (hour and 35 mins) to reach our first combat chance. We played for 4 hours the first day and just…needed a break. It was fatigue of cutscene after cutscene. I wanted to play a game. I wanted to fight. Use my class. We finished DT and just sat there feeling unaccomplished. Its sad because there is still a soft spot for the game in my heart but after work, I want to play a game, not watch a movie and if I wanted to, there are so many better options out there. I went back to WoW and have been loving TWW for respecting my time, giving me different avenues for gear. Heck even the story has jumped in my opinion from the past.

    People need to see that every game is not perfect. Nothing is. It’s human but everything needs critique and sadly positive toxicity will end this game. I recall once I offered on FFXIV’s page that it’d be nice if they brought back old holiday event items for new players or those who missed out. Take it down from the cash shop for that timeframe and then you can put it back up. What did I get in return? I wasn’t rude, nothing. I stated it how I stated it here but I was treated like I might as well had disrespected someone’s deceased parent. It was an outrage that I dare suggest something small to their game. I was flabbergasted and just unfollowed. A lot of players are silenced due to hostility and sadly, the game won’t change because of that. It’s okay to love a game…but even the most die hard fan HAS to see that after all these years, something needs to change or else other MMO’s are just going to outrun them and leave them behind.

    • @michaelz7528
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You should have called this video ” I discover what a final fantasy game is”.
    Every final fantasy game is a story based game and the fights are always easy it is why superbosses became a thing over time for people who wanted more of a challenge, you’ve basically said nothing if value here.

    • @SatellaEnvy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    it’s not fair to compare ffxiv to a visual novel, in visual novels you actually make decisions that influence things lol

    • @Valentyn-19
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Excellent video that I wholeheartedly agree with. Following getting BiS and the mount from the savage raids, I felt no urge to return and catchup with the new story/raid content. After I lost my ingame estate due to games like PoE2 and Marvel Rivals holding 100% of my attention span, I can finally unsub without any worry 😭

    Maybe I will return in the weeks leading up to the launch of the next expansion, but at this point, I genuinely cannot see myself continuously engaging actively with the Dawntrail patch content.
    Especially when Monster Hunter Wilds is coming out soon.

    • @_aPaladin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    hmm @1:57 you do know there is a combat mode in 16 that doesn’t hold your hand? Sounds like you should’ve chose that instead. Go play FF11… without Trusts… You did say you don’t have time? Not sure what you’re complaining about lol…

    • @HeroMysticLYX
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Anyone brave enough to say Yoshi-P is “not your friend” deserves a like. Unfortunately, anyone who was actually there and played the game Day 1 would know these issues have been there since the very beginning. XIV is an example of what happens when you try to be as accessible as possible. It causes you to remove every single interesting thing about your combat system and just rely heavily on flashy lights and loud noises. They’ve recognized this as a problem too, because it’s how we got Eureka and it’s successors.

    The unfortunate part is players asked for this. So I can’t even say it’s their fault.

    • @Xport9
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Square Enix funds this game on a shoestring budget. This game needs to evolve or it’ll die.

    • @KingKrazy520
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Normally I would actually agree with this, but the one counter argument that I is the fact Yoshi-p did an interview where he said that he thinks 14 has become too easy and too boring, he wants to increase difficulty but has to do it slowly so they don’t risk losing the more casual audience

    • @ehko9989
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    My experience with XVI was almost the same. I trusted Creative business unit 3, I truly thought XVI was going to be an amazing game.
    Turns out I never managed to finish the game because after 50-60 hours in, doing every piece of content on offer I had access to, nothing pulled me in. The combat system was bland, the characters mostly uninteresting, the world empty and the story too safe for its initial setting.

    Now I’m just scared for the future of the FF franchise with Yoshi-P probably leading the main series moving forward. When I hear him talking about his vision for the series and what XVI turned out to be, I’m not sure another golden age of the FF franchise will come anytime soon.

    Meanwhile the VII remake games are doing something special, something that embraces the series roots while modernizing its systems.
    I don’t particularly like Tetsuya Nomura because of his involvement in exteemely convoluted storylines, I have to admit what his team accomplished with the VII remake games under his leadership is astonishing. That’s what I’d want for the future of the FF franchise.

    • @dizzydorothy9570
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I hate dawntrail and want to rip this game apart on how it wasted my time and break my trust in dawntrail msq .

    But I think gearing you should try present alternative to problem cause what happen now is what work on the framework of new age end game content mmo . On the theory of that even when you have freedom on stat or mixing build 90% of players will just copy that top 1% player anyway . The more you try complex it the more system have to be implement to guard rail someone who not prepare to enter the endgame content or it just scare away someone who want to try . And what value on freedom if it not made a direct satisfied experience or play moment . The more you can chose is the more you can chose wrong and people will ask that top 1% to guide them for not wasting time and precious resource anyway

    I hate DT with passion but on this point . Maybe the root of problem is lie deeper on how thier want a easier time to control on item stat and player satisfaction in random environment .

    • @adeli9331
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Thank you for validating my conflicted feelings about FF16. I went into that game with zero FF14 experience and only the endless praise I hear my friends give Yoshi-P.

    While I mostly enjoyed 16, it certainly disappointed in so many aspects. I simply could not believe some design flaws in that game were things that older games like FF7 Remake or even KH2 solved ages ago.

    • @GodOfWar187
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Only a small point in the video, but those specific accessories in FF16 are meant for people with disabilities, and I remember seeing several people speak positive about having the choice to use them. So I think it’s pretty unfair to list those as a negative.

    • @Rhonndel
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I was in love with FFXIV for so long, but after Dawntrail the rose tinted glasses finally disappeared. Waiting for the expansion was much more exciting than actually playing it. After doing exactly the same things, with the same amount of dungeons, with the same amount of bosses and mob packs, with the exactly same itemization as few expansions before – what is there to be excited for? It’s just sad when new expanions feel stale from the beginning, instead of being something fresh and exciting.

    • @MisteRRYouTuby
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    You’re a little late to reaching this point, but welcome all the same.

    • @thelonleypancake
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I would not say it’s disrespectful for games to be long when you have little time rpg are long they do take time, it’s just part of the game genre. Anyway great video, valid point, i stopped playing around endwalker,

    • @XionicAihara
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve been finding it hard to play through 16. I play for a few hours and then don’t pick it up for a week. It’s feels tedious to play and, while the story imo is good, it’s too much cutscene and narrative over gameplay. It’s also a resource hog on PC, so I can’t multitask the game. Feel like I should’ve finished the game already, having started it over a month ago.

    • @felisrising7160
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    They have strived to make a game for everybody but in doing so they have made a game for nobody. They have dumbed down every aspect to make it accessible to everyone. Sadly I’ve been playing since 2.4 and will continue to play to raid with friends.

    • @12431265
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    So I’ve got some thoughts about things here so I’ll provide some engagement and although I’ve left a dislike I can recognize a video that had work put into it and I think at the end of the day as far as youtube’s concerned any interaction is good for the algorithm so that’s that and this is this.

    1) *Why are we talking about micromanagement in a video about stagnant game design?*
    While I agree that creative business unit 3 (CBU3) has been pretty stagnant in their work flow I do believe the speculations that Yoshi P is still micromanaging the staff doesn’t really have a place within this critique of the studio and director. Although you have said they are speculations and you can’t know what is true and what isn’t, it is still baseless speculation that places a level of incendiary ideas within the reader or viewer in this case which leads to them overall being primed to see things in a negative light. When making an argument and especially a critique it is best to avoid unsubstantiated comment when there truly is no evidence of what I would say is workplace abuse. Japan has a very negative work culture already which just means that this sort of statement within the eyes of a casual viewer can paint their opinions in a way that yes is technically affirming to your argument is not conducive with getting people to see the correct point of your argument but rather find the emotional fault within the person and company you’re talking about. This moves it from being about the games they develop and how they come to those decisions to an ethical argument that the workers of CBU3 are being given unfair working conditions.

    2) *These would have been really good points if it wasn’t for what’s currently happening…*
    You argue that the gameplay currently in ffxiv (as of the dawntrail expansion) has become very by the numbers, safe, stagnant. The fact of the matter is this expansion and it’s patch have been the first time since stormblood i’ve heard players cheering and crying about the dungeon difficulty and overall fight designs. Dawntrail from what i’ve seen in a sizeable amount of the community while disliked for its story (which is overblown and I feel looked at far too negatively) it has actually been celebrated for its fight designs overall with the dungeons in particular feeling a lot more fun to run through due to interesting boss fights being spread throughout.

    The argument that gear in FFXIV is bland would have been correct if it weren’t for the fact that they have now released the Chaotic Alliance Raid which gives us more max ilvl gear options. the bigger argument here that you touched on but did not give enough focus is that the overall way the stats are assigned in the game and how they work lead to boring gearing experiences because almost every class likes Crit Rate for some reason or other and don’t like Skill/Spell Speed that much unless you’re playing Monk or Black Mage. As far as my personal experiences with MMOs most of the games i’ve played had 1 gear set that needed a super ridiculous grind that lead to the very best gear in the game at least until the next patch or expansion. In most of those games once achieved the only thing left to do was continue playing the game and enjoying the power spike it gave you but otherwise there wasn’t actually any other benefit. As far as FF16 is concerned your argument here was correct it very much wasn’t worthwhile overall up until the questlines to get the very best gear because it required more effort and wasn’t handed out like a piece of candy.

    3) *I truly don’t know what you want from this*
    The section about emergent gameplay i’m not going to lie kind of hurts your argument here for me. I firmly believe you can’t expect emergent gameplay from a tab target based MMO though I will admit my ignorance on Throne & Liberty’s gameplay style but from footage i’ve seen I was under the impression that it’d be an action based MMO meaning it has combos that are player defined to some extent, something along the lines of a Black Desert or Blade and Soul. This argument does come up for FF16 depending on how you played it. for me I found a few times where I walked into a fight woefully underlevelled and had to engage with the systems of the game in a much more in depth manner (it was a few hunts that had come up) the overall fun of the Notorious Monsters helped keep the minute to minute gameplay fresh and fun for me until I got to the next big story fight where I believe FF16 really shines.

    cont. below

    • @aftertone3146
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    i dont agree with the vertical progression criticism of xiv cause after playing WoW for so long seeing its playerbase criticize others for playing the ‘wrong’ spec with the wrong points lateral MMO progression can go to hell

    • @kellevichy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I mean, coming from someone that doesn’t even like the story of XIV – a lot of people play it for that and want all the cutscenes. Do I? No. But I don’t play it for that. Some games are meant to be cutscene heavy and thankfully a button exists to skip them.

    • @Anteatereatingants
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think FF14 is a perfect example of the damage that can come from too much positively from the community and not being critical enough. FF14 can’t keeping using it rebirth as a defence. I don’t think I’ll touch this game again I’ll just watch the story on Youtube at most. Dawntrail was the last straw after Endwalker felt rushed to me should’ve been 2 dlc in my opinion and the gameplay is very boring for me as every class feels the same

    • @AniGaAG
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I only boot the game up to socialize at this point. Still haven’t touched any of 7.1 out of a complete lack of interest. When story is all your game really has (and let’s not pretend even Savage qualifies as “deep gameplay”; it’s memorization and gear checks), then the moment that story isn’t awesome, the entire thing falls apart.

    • @roberts7873
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’m glad others see how mid FF16 is. It was way too easy and the story fell off once you beat Bahamut.

    • @albertofuzzi7200
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Thank god. I thought i was crazy! I tried for so long to explain the blatant problems in ffxiv base design choices but the community constantly lashes against any criticism.

    • @MeraBun-rg2uq
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think FF 14 has the problem that too many people listen to these one-day-fly content creators. And they do nothing but move from game to game with their swarm of locusts. The game was great long before you and is still a lot of fun :).
    If you don’t like it, there’s the door :).

    • @4mb127
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Pretty mindless filler video tbh. Clickbait title, few surface level arguments.

    • @TheRealJonster
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Yoshida I think is losing his touch. I felt it with FF16, which was such a farcry from what I expect from a traditional FF RPG game (no party, no real RPG endgame progression), and Dawn Trail I gave up on completely before it had even launched. I could sense it miles away what this expansion would turn into, with no real direction after Endwalker. I watched the MSQ on YouTube, and I couldn’t stomach Wuk Lamat. She nearly made me punch my wall at times. FF14’s appeal is wearing thin on me, because it is not a true open world experience, just like with FF16, and that’s what an MMO should be in my eyes — highly interconnected areas which in turn makes the world seem like an organic living space. Everything is isolated and consolidated, it feels barren. FF14 is also NOT pushing its boundaries on content anymore, it’s a repeat of releases and people know what to expect with each patch. Dungeons are an absolute joke with wall to wall pulling, gearing is ATROCIOUS and purposeless outside of glamour with no skills trees and no ability to customize one own’s talents and skills which cater to a playstyle within a job (why am I forced to always tank as a paladin? Why can I not spec into a healer, tank or dps as I see fit?), materia melding is pointless and doesn’t allow one to create unique builds, add to that the cookie cutter PvP loadouts that again allow for NO personal touch and playstyle. The raids are not inherently designed by Yoshida, but his staff, and they remain the highlight of FF14 for sure. I was in love with FF14, I adored it for several years, but the veil has been lifted and I see right through the paper thin foundation upon which it rests at the moment

    • @Aion-raido
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I lost all faith in FF16’s combat when I started defeating fire monsters with fire attacks. That never happened in previous FFs.

    • @KushiXIV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    1:12 « Final Fantasy 16 kinda sucked » aye you lost me there

    • @tokki8282
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Good job grinding the current ff14 hate brother. See you in a few years when the meta changes back to glazing ff and hating wow 😀

    • @ImagineXAdventures
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    As a massive ff fan I agree with you. 16 was boring. Everything you said was correct. I’m the type of person who plays a ff game from start to finish especially my first time. But I haven’t even actually fully beat 16 yet. Not because it’s hard because it’s not. All I heard when it came out was people complaining how hard it is but it just wasn’t. You can literally wear rings that doges for you and auto uses your moves. It’s silly because did people really struggle in this game? The bosses are easy. There is barely any actual enemies in the wilds. The hardest thing I haven’t yet beaten in my unfinished game is the trial you need to only uses garudas attack for. I suck at apparently hers only.

    • @dandandan8686
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I don’t know if you will like the story, but FFVII remake-rebirth are much better in some aspects, like world, exploration, combat, mechanics in general. I recommend.

    • @LegendsOfSushi
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I started playing FFXIV during 5.4 due to everyone harping on about how amazing Shadowbringers is. Even though I didn’t like the gameplay much, I did go into the mindset of treating it like a visual novel with some multiplayer aspects, and getting to Shadowbringers was so worth it and made me fall in love with the game.

    Endwalker wasn’t as close to being as good as Shadowbringers, but still had its moments. But when Dawntrail released and I had to trudge through the MSQ, I felt like Final Fantasy XIV lost one of the key components that kept people coming back to the game. For the first time I felt my attachment to it was severed.

    On a gameplay standpoint, FFXIV and FFXVI are incredibly shallow due to how simple they are. FFXIV felt like a retired gamer’s game, and FFXVI should have not even felt like that since it’s a character action game.

    If I wasn’t for me being a part of multiple communities I’ve been fond of, as well as enjoying house design, I would of left without hesitation. But from a casual players perspective, this is the point where they’re done with the game and we’re expected to see FFXIV slowly dwindle in numbers. I think a lot of people lost their attachment to the game.

    • @nixiedreamstar
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Too late already disliked on the point of calling WoW a ‘Good MMO’ even tho it has the exact same problems you described at the start of the video.

    • @b.heaven9234
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    What the video said in the first 5 minutes… IMO rather than this being a Yoshi-P problem, I’d say this is a Final Fantasy problem in general. (Also Kingdom Hearts) I can only speak for my experience from FF7 onwards, but it’s sort of an FF tradition at this point to provide an incredibly easy main game so the players can focus on the story up until the 90% part near the end where you unlock the actual challenges. By then the difficulty spikes way up. From the Omega weapons to Organization XIII, you need to double your already long playtime to prepare your characters for the real fight because the main game does a poor job at ramping you up.

    The game does have a point with putting the good parts in the end though, but again that could be an FF issue. One example of this is Lightning Returns FFXIII. I finished the entire main game, and only then they explained the game has Weapon and Armor upgrades on NEW GAME +. Locking an entire feature to NG+ is quite a questionable decision for me, and no way I’m going to repeat the entire game just to check out the new system so I missed out on that completely.

    Another example would probably be FFX’s similar weapon and armor upgrades. While they are indeed available in your main game, most of the stuff you need to fill up empty slots do require grinding endgame materials so you similarly have to wait until the end to maximize everyone’s potential.

    • @sowmyi
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am


    • @TheAkashicTraveller
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    XIV had interesting customisation options see ARR relic weapons and back when scholar pixies had different machanics etc. but they remove a bit more every single update.

    • @lan600000
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    if the fan base would recognize and address the issues which plagued ff14 since heavensward, the mmorpg would not be what it is today where it’s longevity is hanging solely by how well the story is received. it is no coincidence that the second dawntrail’s story didn’t live up to ff14 standards, everything else became glaringly problematic because all those issues were once able to hide under the narrative of ff14 having such a good story that they can compensate to have other flaws and still be considered a good “game”.

    • @alexeyilves7613
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’d like to use Eden ark as an example of a problem about “players aren’t involved in the story” – Eden story is basically about Ryne and Gaia (a homage to FFVIII, which I hate for being too straightforward and uncreative homage, but that’s another story), it revolves around one person getting another from her shell. And what’s MC’s role in all this? Beat this ass one time to restore the world, beat that ass so that pretty girls can be together. Am I the only one who feels that we’re just a hollow function and not really BEING in this story? With how’s it’s been told, it would make sense if we controlled Ryne and watched through her perspective, that would be fair, at least. But no, we have no real presence in the story, and Ryne also doesn’t fight on her own, since Gaia’s important only for her – we’ve never been given a meaningful time with Gaia so we could fight for her as well. We fight in Ryne’s place and then just disappear in terms of continued story.
    And I see this approach to storytelling as a problem for a long time – it’s like Yoshida believes that all players are playing MMOs just for the sake of fighting and nothing else. But they DO have a rich world, they DO have a rich story, so I’d like very much to BE A PART OF this world, and not just a fighting function. Let us either fully interact with our surroundings like a true RPG, or at least write a story in a manner where our presence means something more that just “fight – congratulations, you’re so cool and important – now fuck off” cycle.

    • @Titanxzero1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I still liked FFXVI…

    • @Natheroc
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    “To be honest, the game needs an add- on like this. The story gotto the highest point and was at its best in endwalker. Making the add on like that is the easiest option to calm down player expectation and open the way for a new engaging story.” – Wuk Lamat

    • @Ursoc91
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    me hearing you out left the building the second you said 16 sucked.

    • @arturiaarthus8367
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    i’m coming up on 11 years of playing FF XIV, and i also played XVI, and i agree with all of those points.
    DT cranked all of the bad aspects of XIV up to 11, and i had stopped caring about progression 6 years ago.

    • @anteprs7908
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think yoship is hardcore player who just cant understand casuals.

    • @LunaRosalie
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    bro thinking JRPGS arent movies is the wild thing FFX has entered the chat (this is all mostly directed to the complaints about XVI MMO’s are different)

    Here is something that people straight up do not understand , these games beside XIV are short, people have nostaliga and rose tinted goggles are just bad at RPGS because people think defensively over just raw DPS. FFX is a prime example of a game that is 3 hours of actual game play when you speedrun the game and 6 hours of cutscenes a lot of gameplay is straight up just padded into your mind because lots of people did something called “Grinding” cause they were bad, You never have to grind in an RPG a lot of playtime is just padded because people are bad so they remember these games have BUSSIN gameplay, They were always movies, Via text or via cutscene with very little gameplay in general. At the end of the day Skill issue.

    • @ArioDragon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Well…I certaintly ended by sub for now…At the very least, until the next expansion. And it’d better be at the very least at the level of Heavensward, or better yet, Shadowbringers. And after Dawntrail, i will be very cautious around FF14. A shame, considering this is probably one of the few MMO’s that captivated me. Tough i must admit, i still to this day have this feeling, that mby FF14 would be better if it was a standart SOLO FF expirience. Or atleast Square could make a version of FF14 like that, with story from ARR up to Endwalker, with better combat and touching up on problems with story and stuff. Would sell pretty good i think.

    • @rewplaypark
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    It’s as if everyone has different tastes. idk I’m still enjoying ffxiv

    • @ralphso5567
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    When I play ff16 especially during the boss battle made me feel like im playing ff14 and it never left especially when I fought the last boss

    • @Ekolas66
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I think you missed the point here. I don’t wanna sound negative or offensive but think about it, maybe FF14 is not the game type your looking for, at this point of your life. Let me explain.
    For starters, i really didn’t like DT and i have spend hardly 2-3 months on the expansion. The stary wasn’t good and there was no content i could grind and have fun like Bozja for example. So if i not having fun at the current state of the game i jump on another game, like you said SQ and Yoshi-p are not my friends so why should i spend time on a content i don’t really care.
    And sure all this time since DT i played other games like wow for my MMO itch, playing Poe2 right now for my need for action. What i trying to explain here is that you don’t need to stuck on a single game all the time, play w.e. you feel like, and i know having to pay sub and missing event can be a great way to stuck on your MMORPG, but think for a moment, does a single game fills all your gaming needs? Like you on the video, you where playing BG3, an AMAZING game and i don’t know you but i think you might have fun with it in order to show it to us. Your video making is good, keep it up expand your view and don’t narrow your vision on a single game or genre. Some people say video games are art, and other say it’s a great way to escape from your daily life, i don’t know what you think about it, but let me tell you when you see a video game as a chore, it’s time to go 😉

    • @YawleyG
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Imo, they struck gold with A Realm Reborn, Heavensward added depth, and then after that, they stripped away mechanics that made the game challenging to make it more marketable and accessible.

    I was obsessed with XIV during HW, but none of my friends wanted to play it. Now that it’s marketed well and everyone’s playing it, it’s not fun. Ironic.

    • @Archie274
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    It was when they were explaining a patch i was watching a MrHappy react to it. And he got all the dates right he knew exactly what was coming and when. And it was kinda frustrating cause it means even to new players like that this game is on such a predictable outcome. He doesnt do anything outside of the box and its really starting to kill the game.

    • @Moffattt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    the “stagger” system was the WORST thing they could have implemented. it drags out combat and makes the player feel weak, you hit enemies with a pool noodle until the game allows you to use an actual weapon for a few seconds.

    • @lofipiggy7718
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    honestly so many people watching this because so many people feeling the same. I am going to share the video as well

    • @jerimiahhunt9349
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Your mistake was believing anyone that said 14 is the best narrative in gaming. Its quite hands down the worst narrative in FF history. Ive not played 16 yet despite having bought it and its my experience with 14 that is giving me my hesitation even though i bought the collectors exition because well, i like shiny things.

    • @Stonehenge-Man
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    unfortunately for me, it was blu mage that broke the magic.
    I fell out of love with xiv, and it never came back.

    • @SqualidsargeStudios
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Keep in mind “creative studio 3” might have that name but it’s still business unit 3 emphasis on the business part.
    Next to that if that director wants people to not mess with his story by taking away control most of the time, then why doesn’t that guy not make movies instead. Clearly thats what he is more interested in.

    • @sorri3939
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Good video. Also I think you should give old school runescape a try. There was a wonderful video about the game by TheoryWiseOS called “I quit WoW and spent a year addicted to Oldschool Runescape”

    • @yakdeculture9761
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am


    • @benhavis2474
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Ive been having issues with FFXIV’s difficulty since Endwalker. The fact that with every expansion the story just continues but the gameplay stays the same and it takes longer for a new player to reach endgame is in my opinion a flaw. Because the game doesnt teach you core raiding mechanics or your job except for the tooltips of your new skills. So players are going through a 200hr story without having to literally do anything except pressing 123 combos and getting through the game. When you have a 200hr MSQ where you dont have to basically do anything, players will get used to doing nothing and you can see that in the endgame where people have max level characters but still dont understand the cores of their jobs or how their gear works. You can see that as soon as you go to partyfinder extremes and savages. Its almost impossible to find a good random group because most of the times you have people who dont even know what a debuff is. While there is enough content for the people who dont want to engage in their rotation or battle content, the only next thing in difficulty is already savage and extreme which is too hard for the majority of the playerbase. There definetly needs to be more midcore content which requires you to utilize your skills to a degree where people can learn about their class without instantly wiping their raidgroup if making one minor mistake.

    • @baanfrey
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    What bugs me is that the developers KNOW how to elevate the story using gameplay.

    The solo duty as Thancred in ShB vs Ran’jit or the one in EW where you played as the random Imperial soldier communicated to the player the emotions of the scene in a way that ONLY gameplay could have done.

    And the open world being so bland that they need to make brand new zones just for exploration is really the biggest example of what’s wrong with CS3’s design decisions: Everything is streamlined to the point of there literally being no player input.

    • @b4rqe586
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I started playing in mid shadowbringers and the game felt really good. And the game was good, at least for me, encounters felt fresh a lot of jobs had unique features. It’s just nothing changed since then.
    -Classes get dumbed down for 2 expansions in a row and now we are just playing lobotomized shb jobs.
    -Encounter design started to feel old after a couple of raid tiers as most encounters are just a remix of old mechanics with nothing unique going on for them.
    -Gear feels pointless as the entire purpose of gear is just to get into the instance with no gameplay alterations, like tiersets in every other mmo or stats having meaningful impact on rotation.
    -EW post .0 and DT were just boring as hell with mediocre writing and mostly awful gameplay segments.
    I was a BLM main going into DT and I was just so disappointed with the way they handled the job. And their promise of making jobs unique in 8.0 is just ridiculous as now we are stuck playing the same old jobs for 2-3 more years.
    And the fact that they can’t balance the game when they homogenized everything to this extend is just funny to me

    • @ralaphal
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I’ve started playing FF14 during 2024 for real. I had heard some good about the story, and genuinely wanted to try it out.
    That mostly was after some talk with some ex-player of said game that I finally got convinced.
    I’ve beared with me the horrid web-sites and launcher, ARR’s generally really horrid intro along with its mind numbing gameplay loop, while still giving some appreciation that boss fights it already got.
    But the biggest issue remained the same : the mind numbing gameplay loop… and the progression. Both of which ruined the appreciation I could’ve had during the following story.
    Yes, even for Shadowbringer, which is where i’ve stopped by the end of November. It was above average to my experience, but clearly didn’t carry aways those issues that kept building up over the path i’ve had to go through.
    Why does progression also mattered in the story ? Because the same story during Heavensward and Bloodstorm puts a fairly heavy emphasis on the “fact” that the WoL gets “stronger” over the encounters, while that was never felt for me.
    And it’s not just the gearing that is an issue for me, but also the general class designs, that is extremely slow at the start, picks up at 60~70, and then I felt like i was getting duplicates of the same spells (I played Healer and Tank). And while I understand that the purpose is to juggle through the CDs, it really felt like it didn’t matter to use em until some extreme lategame content, and thus unlocking newer spells felt bad when i was getting another AoE heal spell that didn’t really interact with the rest of the kit.

    I’m saying that this ruined it, but that’s not even the main issue : It’s also the fact that, during the “climax” of ARR, Ultima Weapon and Larabreah (with the Blessing of Light bullshit), and ARR Patches, the Banquet, these moments really just felt like the protag was a walking plot device that the story would use or discard whenever it pleases more so than an actual actor. And this is something that kept happened here and there onward, specially during Stormblood that had missed opportunities of character development because of this approach.
    There’s also the fact that “glow-up/power up” moments during story generally didn’t make sense, mostly because they NEVER translated into gameplay (with the only exception of Shadowbringer at the end). That was most obvious from ARR patches to end ot Heavensward Patches, which Dragonsong’s final fight being the prime example of that : You receive the blessing of a dragon to fight another dragon… and nothing special happens except the fight itself, with no mechanical thing related to that moment whatsoever, which… simply feels disconnected. And yet the story insists that this “glow up” moment mattered ???

    Also, as the video mentionned, FF14 commits a huge sin of not respecting the “Show, don’t tell”, with the prime example of that being the moment that results in Papalimo to sacrifices himself. Cuz sure, it ties all of the plots elements that SAYS that it would result into something powerful, but at NO moment does it SHOW that it would actually go out of control, even for the protagonist. The story only TELLS you afterwards that it would be too much for the WoL, because assumingly as powerful as Bahamuth, but it only felt like some randomly thrown bullshit.

    With all of those reasons, I never got attached to anyone in the cast, which I’ve found boring for most, and it wasn’t even an enjoyable journey to go through, even during Shadowbringer, despite its higher in number good moments, but only results for me for an above average story.

    Maybe I did the mistake to go full steam ahead with the story, barely going for the side stories that results into some raid content (which i would say is the ONE THING that the game does well), but that doesn’t remove the fact that there’s an issue with FF14’s team at handling gameplay loops, specially since it effectively never has changed since the very start.
    The reason I did this however, is because of the weird restriction of the game on which you NEED to go through a questline before unlocking a dongeon or a boss encounter, with harder versions not even included in one package. Instead of, you know, just doing said interesting content.

    And while i dislike being this guy, to this day, I still question how in the world one would find characters like Aurchefant endearing, and my general poor experience with the story has genuinely ruined my appreciation for FF14 fanart.

    • @oblonghas
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    even with its flaws, 14 is still an amazing game and I’d rather play it than most other games

    • @oldtype45234
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    Idk bro, seems like a you problem

    • @GoranSton
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:26am

    I wish YOUTUBERS WITH INFLUENCE STOP creating thse types of videos MAGICALY/COINCIDENTLY right after some BIG DRAMA is going on..
    It litetraly happened with Asmon FF14 drama when and even before.
    Im more inmterested in WHY they do that instead of just making teh videos like these when nothing is happening….

    • @mendics
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    while ff14 plays too safe and formulaic, I do think some of what people want is what others dont want. Class, gear etc expression for example is debatable. Some prefer being able to play one class and be able to jump from one to another, while another wants the changes to be real differences. I prefer the current one only because they’re able to maintain the balancing, from my experience with games that have vast class differences, the balancing tends to be shitty, we’ve had that already before where certain classes get gatekept from parties because their fave class is low tier in the meta.

    • @GoranSton
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Also how magicaly interesting you make this sort of video right after the Narc drama stuf……
    Interesting how youtubers with influence ALWAYS do these types of videos ONLY AFETR SOME BIG BAT S*T crazy dama happens…..

    • @SimonAeberhard
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree to a substantial amount of your critique, thanks for your video. Personally, I do not agree with the difficulty one because I think the casual dungeons, trials and raids got a bit harder (I still see groups wipe from time to time) and I still enjoy that kind of content (especially the Dawntrail raids). So, difficulty is a fine line: There were games like Cyberpunk 2077 where I almost never died in my entire game (and still had fun), but games like Lies Of P, Another Crab’s Treasure or Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown were all kind of tough and sometimes annoyingly hard (thus not always fun to play).

    However what all these games I mentioned have in common is that they are so fun to explore! I really feel like in FFXIV there are no hidden secrets. There is no reason to go off the path to discover something. I remember discoverin the new worlds in Heavensward or A Realm Reborn when I just started playing FFXIV during covid because this was all new to me and I liked the vibe and the atmosphere of the world. But after some time, they kind of look alike (parts of Dawntrail looked like Endwalker areas).

    As you said: The gameplay is monotonous or sometimes almost nonexistent. Especially in Dawntrail where I just got so annoyed by all the cutscenes and I just wanted to fight and bash some enemies. ^^

    So the metaphor that came to my mind when watching your video is the one of a father-child-relationship: Yoshi-P is like the father of grown up son/daughter that wants to break free and he and his studio is scared of letting it go. I really wish they would rethink a lot of their gameplay choices so that the next expansion will differ a lot from the ones before. More platforming, more diverse quests, more secret loot and yes, maybe more difficulty, too.

    I am currently on a FFXIV hiatus but will definitely planning to tune in when there is a major (!) new update/patch.

    • @GoranSton
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    4:50 What you purposly fail to mention is that COMMUNITY/PLAYERS THEMSELF ASKED/SCREECHED for that.The moment they implemented dungeons,bosses,mini boses that are a bit chalanging ,community immedietly screeched their lungs out and b*ched about it and after a patch or two dungeons,some story tied fights got way more easier than what they were originaly.
    Heck some good story/additional lore dump quests or story got basicaly cut/removed just for the sake of over simplicity and some storyand dungeon fights got extremely watered down.

    • @oblonghas
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Eureka is great emergent gameplay in ffxiv.

    • @nixexiv
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think the points this video focuses on are very important points of critique for the playerbase to think about. It goes beyond people going “WelL ThE CaSUalS ComPLAing RuIN MaH GaME!!!” sentiment that alot of player seem to have. I do agree that CS3 seems to be afraid to take any risks lest it upset the playerbase at large, yet they need to understand that it is impossible to please casual, midcore & hardcore players alike, yet its clear that the casual playerbase is who CS3 caters to for all non-raid (ex, savage, ultimate) content due to fear of people being unable to complete content. As touched on in the video, satisfaction in games comes with overcoming something difficult. Every time I’ve felt any true excitement in this game has been after completing something difficult. This game doesn’t need to be POE2 hard or anything, but like Dawntrail’s MSQ was genuinely miserable to sit through, story points completely aside. I found myself in previous expansion MSQ’s often being glued to my computer wanting to see what happens next in the story, but with Dawntrail the only motivation I had to finish the MSQ was to get to the endgame. I’ll never forget those damn stealth missions. They’re not challenging, they’re not fun, and really the only thing they manage to do well is make me want to take a break everytime I see one pop up.

    I also really agree with the point being made with gear. The playerbase often jokes about “The true endgame is Glam!” without realizing how literal they’re being. Never once in over 4000 hours of gameplay have i acquired best in slot gear, because never once have I felt the need to do so. Gear feels so meaningless outside of letting you take that raidwide a little bit better than before and letting your numbers get a little bit bigger than before. The chore of even obtaining gear at endgame with no alternative (Cloud of darkness chaotic is a good start!) makes me not want to even bother. I don’t want to feel forced to run savage every week just so that I can in 8 weeks get 1 (one) job up to BiS to for literally no reason other than to either run ultimate or to continue farming savage but a teeny tiny bit faster than before. CS3 has completely locked any gear identity with a poor design choice of making everything numbers based, and can’t add any unique stats to gear that actually makes it interesting lest it upset game balance. When you look at Eureka or moreso Bozja, one of the most fun things in the game is to run into Bozja instances with haste gear and play on 2x speed. It’s such a simple change but it’s enough to make me rethink how I actually see gear outside of “i wonder how much direct hit materia i need” every single patch.

    tl;dr i agree with the points being made in the video, but simultaneously people need to stop being cringe and blaming casuals for “ruining” the game by complaining, and rather hold CS3 accountable for neglecting portions of their playerbase. It’s impossible to make every side happy yet you can still find a relative middle ground without putting everyone to sleep.

    • @seedywriter
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Completely agree, fell off FFXIV after Shadowbringers. Every character has the same rotation and the same optimal gear. No theorycrafting, no options to play around with. Also, FFXIV’s story is severely overrated. Fans shout to the heavens about how the story was basically high art. It was good, by MMO standards, but not as great as everyone thinks. Mute player character, endless fake deaths, stilted canned animations, long pauses between lines of dialogue, and horrendous pacing of the story severely hamper it.

    Overall, it was a good run between ARR and SH, but I got tired of the same old thing eventually.

    • @hatelovesmisery5488
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It is the same for me. I fell out of it as well.

    • @maschooseplay
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 is so boring they give QTE to open every door in the game.

    • @jvstice56
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I feel this. Ever since I hit cap with Dawntrail, I felt like I was just going through the motions. Log on, do dailies, hit weekly cap, do M4, do Jueno. Last week I logged on and came to the realization: I burned out. My oldest FFXIV friend stopped chatting with me (last time we actively talked was July), another friend had suffered FC drama right before Christmas. All of it boiled down to one question for me: Is it worth logging in? The answer that popped into my head was *_NO!_* The fun and enjoyment was gone. Playing FFXIV reminded me of my days playing WoW: nonstop grinding just to keep up. By the time it hit January 1st, I realized that I didn’t need to keep up with everyone else, just the story. So when 7.2 hits, that’s pretty much what I’ll be doing; logging on Day 1, do the MSQ, unlock the raid, do it once, run M8 for 7 weeks, then just log on to keep my FC and personal from being demoed.

    Prior to Dawntrail, I would’ve wholeheartedly recommended FFXIV to new players. Now….I’d tell them “stay away”. I bought FFXVI, never installed. The game is so boring that the disconnection is too much to ignore.

    • @aziki001
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I tried getting into the game on several occasions, but playing it felt more like a chore than anything. I didn’t care about the story at all, so when game told me to run across two zones to speak with a NPC, only for me to skip the cutscene and then be sent back to talk to the previous NPC, I just dropped it. Combat is boring and crafting is repetitive. I tried couple of dungeons, but they felt super easy. The game is supposed to have lot of content, but all of it seems boring.

    • @rockmanfan5104
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    16 was great. You suck

    • @h.g.buddne7327
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Are you kidding me? You work for 12 hours and after that you really play games? Jesus is what you need lol

    • @IronBrutzler
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As a MMORPG Player i can not stand FF14 because it wants to tell a story that is good (?) but i just want power and be the best in a MMO. As a Singleplayer / Coop game it would one of the best FF ever made.

    I mean Phantasy Star Online showed that you can do both and make a good Singleplayer RPG and a really good MMORPG.

    • @thethunderspirt87
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I like how ff7 remake and rebirth is like, the antithesis to 16 and 14. 14 and 16 have the most boring quest design of just running around doing the same bullshit over and over again. Talk to this person, kill this thing, interact with this object for 5 seeconds, watch a 20 minute cut scene. remake and rebirth having some of that, but it also has you solving a mystery, dressing up as a lady, doing a dance minigame, playing leap frog, riding a dolphin at mac 3, Chocobo racing, but actually fun, going on a date with your favorite character, fort condor, and the best card game since triple triad, queen’s blood.

    remake and rebirth you need to think about your party make-up, as well as what abilities you want/need. Should I bring aerith to spam magic and have strong heals, or should I bring yuffie to use more physical attacks and zip around avoiding damage. in 14 your classes don’t matter, so long as you have a tank, healer, and dps, you can do anything in this game. it doesn’t matter what those tanks, dps’s or healers are, you can do it all the same. The only difference is that the fight/dungeon will be longer/shorter. and in 16 you only play as clive and while you do get to customize what moves and dominants you have, you basically just choose what you like and ignore everything else because there’s no elemental weaknesses or resistances. there’s no status effects, there’s no variety or worry about any of the foes your fighting. It’s…boring.

    Remake and rebirth is where I hope ff17 will lean into. Say what you will about the plot of the games, There fun as fuck to play.

    • @demored3017
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    lol tldr “i came to ffxiv to spite wow, i loved the ONE expansion with the good story, and final fantasy xvi sucked because it wasnt turned based? any more?

    • @BlazeBuds
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    14 went right downhill when Yoshi did 16, in turn both are failing big time. The story on 14 is poor at best. The part that attracted most of its player base

    • @meowspark9
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Been playing 14 since 2013, got tired of the formula around ShB, but stayed around for the story and dressing up my wol until first post patch of EW. At that point I had completely fallen out of love with the game, I knew what I wanted out of 14 was never going to happen so I stopped raiding and doing most content that wasn’t hunts/fishing eventually I stopped doing that too and just played other games completely forgetting about 14. I played DT on release as an excuse to hang out with friends, but I really didn’t care about what was happening and I just wanted to make jokes with the homies. I played for like a week then let my sub run and I haven’t looked back can’t say I feel like I’m missing anything anymore.

    • @JAIGH83
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I saw xiv up to endwalker to finish off the story. I’d started so I finished. After the endwalker story finished I left. I was already kind of where you are now but for other reasons.
    “Raids” stand on a geometric shape that a boss will inevitably try to knock you off. Press exact same buttons in same order at all times.
    Dead world. Nothing happens in that world unless the WoL makes it happen. I’m not a person. I’m a weapon people point me at problems to solve.
    There’s no reason to even go out into the world once MSQ is completed.
    Every new “feature” is a gimmick designed to put as many unnecessary steps between me and an arbitrary goal/reward.

    • @Sarutys999
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly, very fair critique, but you did not stick the landing at the end there. Belittling the people who disagree with you was completely unnecessary.

    • @kukukachu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I gave up on Squenix after they lied about wanting to fix FFXV, but they kept putting out half-assed DLC…They lost my trust when they showed their true colors through their actions, not to mention the absolutely unacceptable real life advertisements in the game.

    • @DrinkingMidget
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yoshi-P was pulled to thin making 2 games. He needs to get back to FF14. He needs only make 1 game.

    • @nonanimeprofilepic
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    >good mmo
    >posts retail wow and not classic wow

    • @JacketCK
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FFXIV started falling off when it started shifting away from it’s older brother FFXI, the more and more they trivialized everything, the more it lost it’s identity as a Final Fantasy MMO, where is the difficulty? where is the challenge? where is the dangerous open world? the open dungeons? the complex fighting mechanics, skillchains, magic bursts?

    when I remember FFXIV, I remember the Story, not to say that it’s bad that I do, but when I remember FFXI, I remember the time I got a Valkurm emperor pull from a Japanese player, or when I save my party from wiping in a BCNM by pulling aggro, using gravity on the mob and spinning the arena till they got mana, or when I first got to 75, and all the parties I’ve done to make that happen, I remember running away from a goblin that hit a little too hard.

    ON TOP OF THAT FFXI story is still one of the greatest narratives the FF franchise has to offer

    • @Cidolfus1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I left after endwalker and I’m glad I did because the game felt complete in my eyes. There was no way they would top Shadowbringers or Endwalker either.
    Also playing for years since ARR with Raids after Raids and Dungeons after Dungeons barely anything changed and when they introduced new modes like the Criterion Dungeons they added worthless rewards for doing it, so what was the point. I love the game too I just wish it would change after 10 years.

    • @dimitriosgladio059
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Unfortunately I agree, after being hyped for FFXVI I was disappointed to say the least, the game was ok but felt lacking to me and you explained it perfectly. Dawntrail also had this same feeling despite the dungeons being really good. Crossing my fingers that the next expansion is better because Heavensward-Endwalker made FFXIV my favorite game of all time.

    • @paulsmith950
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Went through the exact same trajectory. XVI is a genuine failing of the FF franchise and shows how XIV isn’t truly a product of technical limitation but is the result of a design philosophy, the same that made XVI. I just can’t understand how anyone would want that in a game.

    • @alexander3283
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I do agree that player agency being taken away and that progression is a illusion in XIV. Dawntrail has improved in the difficulty aspect when you look at the trials and dungeons, and while the savage and ultimate is not that hard it is pretty fun and interesting. Improved world design will be fun to have. And I do agree Dawntrail has shown that quest design should be improved upon, but in all honesty I don’t believe its Yoshi’s fault more the people behind him.

    • @GenericThrowaway
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I mostly agree, but you didn’t go far enough. Yoshi-P plays it safe because FF14 is the only thing that makes money in SE. Rather than iterate and risk losing subs with big changes, he plays it safe in order to keep as many players as possible. And since the belief is that Final Fantasy games are about story, that is the part that gets focused on the most.

    • @combatgeek
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    For me, it was a strange move when they announced that they were dissatisfied with the sales, and then shortly after, even before Rebirth launched on PC, they suddenly stated they were satisfied with the sales of both 16 and 7. So, within a short period, we have two contradictory statements from them.

    • @jsmith434w
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    world of warcraft a good MMO? LOL okay, disregarding everything you have to say about mmos

    • @icedemon555
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Solid video. I stopped playing early on in dawntrail when I had to follow an npc for what felt like an hour. After coming out of a 10 hour shift I legit almost fell asleep on my chair and decided I just wasn’t loving the game anymore.

    • @samwilkinson9309
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    TLDR: I feel the game used to have a better early game and they removed a lot of things that fleshed that out which was probably right because they weren’t even good difficulty but they need some good difficulty or gameplay variety.

    You know what, I’ve been playing POE2 lately and I did wonder recently if the new player experience now is even as interesting as it was when I started in HW. Back then you had to put skill points in stats, though you’d put in in attack related stats of course, Diadem had gear that was actually rng which people didn’t like with the rates of getting it being low because it was a limited amount randomly going to someone in the big fight and stuff so even that was done bad and also back then they had the system that made you level other classes to get a job unlocked or to get skills for other jobs, not the best but more than just hit guys and level up. They did also have stats like accuracy, not well implemented but made people have to build more than crit and DH.

    All of these things removed because they didn’t feel good, and though difficulty sometimes doesn’t feel good, I understand some of these things being removed but it would be nice if they added something to make things more interesting, a proper gearing system or stat system or something, the main problem being there that they’re aiming for all jobs to be playable and that’d also mean probably making other changes to the job’s gameplay and all games face the problem of meta gaming, good jobs vs bad jobs and with Picto and the new ultimate that’s becoming more apparent in FF14 despite the jobs being made like this.

    • @yuina88
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…

    • @ghost-in-the-ciel
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve always found it weird that a random product manager from Enix who had the most baseline competence necessary to reorganize a trainwreck MMO production into a very faint mechanical shadow of World of Warcraft became some worshipped genius comparable to and even exceeding the guy who actually created Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi.

    The class designs and rotations have never been anything but mediocre, same of the boss encounter design, the world, the art design, the quest pacing, the “exploration”, and every other component of the gameplay itself. I can understand how people might appreciate Natsuko Ishikawa for writing some nice material, but that’s not Yoshi-P’s work, and we can see what happens to the story outside of her contributions. Even then, a lot of the story concepts in 14 are recycled amalgams of big ideas from the stories of 5, 6, 9, 10, and 12.

    Very little of notable quality has been created here, and the exceptions had nothing to do with the guy who always gets the credit. And finally, his banal producer mentality asserted itself more powerfully than ever in the conception of XVI, a cynical mishmash of popular trending market successes like Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan. This is how your average boardroom executive thinks, not a visionary creator. He’s done nothing but regurgitate other stuff in lesser form, and he started from the lowest bar possible.

    He seems like a nice guy, and I like how he’s shielded his products from NFT garbage being pushed by his cohorts on the board, but let’s be honest about what he his and what his obvious limitations are. This isn’t even close to being the creative heir to Final Fantasy. The weird parasocial adoration people have developed for this corporate middle manager is not ultimately to anyone’s benefit.

    • @lauracapper3807
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Tbh you aren’t wrong. With that said, I do not like DT at all but I do enjoy the more laid back approach to an mmo as a whole. I migrated from Retail WoW to FFXIV. So I’m sure that’s where most of this stems. But as someone who also works and does a bunch of other things which limit me to only a few hours in the evenings most days to actually play, I don’t want an hour of a half of it to be spent figuring out what to do. I’d just like to play. This is obviously not indicative of how I feel about most games and I agree that SHB was the best xpac, but for an mmo, I like not having to spend a lot of my free time trying to figure out what to do.

    • @marine606
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I started playing GW 2 again and really enjoyed being challenged I wish ff 14 did the same thing.. Also I forgot how much voice acting is in GW 2 story wise, why dose 14 have so many story parts zero voice acting in it, hell even ESO has full story voice acting even for side quests.

    • @Edsaurus01
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Agree with everything you said, and those reasons are why I have fallen out of love with FFXIV after many years of playing.
    Yoshi-P is an amazing micro-manager, but is so obsessed with pleasing everybody, that he listens to every single bit of criticism, even the one that doesn’t make sense. Example: XIV’s story is EXTREMELY simple, like you could finish it while blindfolded, and yet if you look at online forums, it’s full of people that complained about stuff like Ran’Jit’s encounter in SHB or the two amazing moments (Thancred’s MSG quest and when you are a soldier) in EW. Yoshi-P is dumbing down the game to cater to these people that can’t even push a button, because of fear of losing possible players and so possible people paying for a subscription. It’s honestly insulting, and I really wish that some change can come to CBU3, because in this moment I have completely fallen out of love with them and with their games.

    • @Jamazed
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The sad thing about Creative Studio 3 prioritizing the story of FF16 over everything else is that the story wasn’t even good. It was way too derivative of the Game of Thrones show – to the point that they even copied the bad parts of it.

    At least the game had some sick Kaiju fights though.

    • @DrAlberts
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The only thing i’d disagree with 10 minutes in is your complain about the “guy who crunched the team to death still being the leader of the team”.

    Wasn’t Yoshi also crunching? Also, why the fuck would you want the guy who rose a game from the ashes out just because “perhaps he was mean to someone in the team”? The problem with him still being in is the clear signs of stagnancy. Complaining about the crunch when it’s the reason you have a game to talk about to this day is stupid.

    • @peacechan4500
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Nowadays its not a good day to be a Japanese game developer. Like currently the good anime game, even gacha is either korean, or chinese.

    • @OldManDoom
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s funny, how much I loved Heavensward and Stormblood is what got me through the meaningless slog of Shadowbringers. I told myself “Just get through this crap and get the hell out of this boring world, they won’t make 2 stinkers in a row.”

    While Endwalker was brilliant and I loved it, Dawntrail was DOA for me. I can’t believe they shipped this thing with so few of the major issues even addressed

    • @fruitloops224
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Players. Players happened.
    The pre nerf In from the Cold was the best 14 had to offer quest design wise and players HATED it. So now we’re stuck with speak to Wuk Lamat for the hundredth time.
    Same goes for the dungeons. CB3 wants as many players to ‘enjoy’ their game as possible so they get rid of everything even remotely challenging.

    • @RandomCollection04
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    i never played either XIV or XVI (cuz im not a PS5 shrill) but the attitude already peeves me off here

    • @Archeia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    We have a joke where we’re logging in to pay digital rent

    • @Ushiwakamaru_BAU_BAU
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF was one of my favorite franchises but they haven’t drop a good game in a while, yeah haven’t played FF XVI myself but I didn’t like what I saw, it kinda is like DmC but without the soul it has to me it felt more like a button masher.
    I know we hate numbers but when the game was released I was working at videogame store and we barely sold copies of the game in months, we only sold one FF XVI PS5 tbh those were pretty expensive for the time.

    And lastly for Final Fantasy XIV I think the game has overstayed it’s welcome this latest expan is very boring and the characters are boring and uninteresting.

    • @Vangoh32
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I could not agree more with what was said. Though Yoshida did saved the game, I don’t think people gave enough credit to Tanaka. It really does feel like we’re playing a visual novel where we watch more cutscenes than actual gameplay. The part where gear does not give you any satisfaction or feels meaningful truly resonates with me. I hate to always compare FFXIV to XI, but it can’t be helped as its successor where in FFXI a piece of gear can absolutely make your class/job significantly more efficient versus upgrading your gear after a patch. All of what was said in the video is the reason why I stopped playing FFXIV.

    • @stu5415
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Ff 16 was a massive disappointment for me especially the combat it was repetitive and dull, exploration was boring, gearing was uninteresting.

    • @Hyphu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    14’s item sync is lame… no sense of progression, no sense of impact.

    • @megasoniczxx
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I haven’t played the full game, I get the sense that where FF16 really shines at is in its Arcade mode since a lot of the mechanics (like the cooldowns) make a little more sense when you realize they are that way because of that modes scoring system and how it wants you to weave all your moves together, from what i’ve watched anyway.

    • @Zetheek
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I struggled to finish 16 and ended up skipping the DLC, just wanted it to end. Also why is the DLC that gives you new abilities only available right before the end of the game.

    • @SonictheNinja
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Let me first say I do agree that I feel like SE doesn’t play their own games, and players DO deserve better.
    That said, I think the way you presented your case here just doesnt stand up or make sense. At 10:10 you mention how you “sat down and watched cutscene after cutscene before going to bed doing nothing”. I feel like your complaints of not having world danger, or seeing trinkets over a river you cant grab are a difference in genre. FF games are NOT that and have never been..Even ps1 ff7, you would have to walk a designated path and go around a mountain or river.
    I honestly feel that gameplay and exploration for you are more valuable than narrative, and that’s ok- but you should probably look into things like elden ring,dark souls, and breath of the wild for that.
    At 13:10 You mention” getting BiS and feeling nothing”… I would argue that if you truly felt “nothing” you wouldnt have BiS. You would have cleared the tier and went on your merry way. You beat it multiple times for SOME reason and kept coming back.
    SE and Yoshi do need o do better, and I’m sad to watch ff14 be treated as a side project these days, but I honestly feel that your reasoning is just not logical for what this game is inherently built as.

    • @tinyblackmage
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Thank you for finally speaking out. I was sick of seeing people worshiping YoshiP, he’s just a one trick pony

    • @123456789tube100
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    almost all final fantasy games r like this, they just use cutscenes to show the story….

    • @Daniikar
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Look i don’t care that the game is not hard! I care that 14 dawntail story is lacking and terrible.

    • @cablefeed3738
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    6:40 they’re not making final fantasy mobile. Someone is giving them money to make final fantasy fourteen mobile

    • @DarkRenegade95
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    i get that being rude being bannable is fine but the amount of god awful people in high end content also just sucks ass its either get a static or perish

    • @KonstandinosZarkadas
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You make some really valid points, its sad but ff14 is the quintessential form of a theme park mmo to a T. Its a looping ride with its ups and downs but the truth is that for the most part, you are just along for the ride. they follow their templates to the letter and recycle everything. To the point where you probably know which upcoming gear is just going to be a reskin and which will be new designs. I played that game for years and tbh, i probably will for several to come but i do feel the urge to jump on less and less every time i get back.

    • @Professor_Butt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I disagree with your take about the rings in 16, they specifically said they were the answer for a “Difficulty Slider” in the game. They didn’t wanna balance the game for multiple difficulties so they used the rings to allow players the choice of things that make the game easier for them. I honestly prefer this style of difficulty over just selecting Easy, Normal, or Hard because at least with this it gives the player agency to take the rings off if they feel like they’ve learned enough to do it on their own. Most everything else you touched on you hit the nail on the head about. CU3 has one of the worst pacing problems in the industry.

    • @saliuibrahim9345
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    How about playing dark souls? You’ll get everything you want

    • @Aoi-mirror
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s not just CS3. Am the FF games have got worse actually. Last great FF Game was XII. I dint think anyone would pay any attention to the new VII if it hasn’t been for the original.
    Each new FF is just a ‘little’ but more disappointing than the last, it is ‘always’ because its less open than in hoped for. And you wild have thought we’d learned to hope for lorries by now. Suddrnly SQX well turn sound and find they have killed their biggest franchise.

    • @GiovanniOP
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Currently going through storm blood on free trial, kinda mid but that’s due to the constant run to and from and less the story

    • @Sillhid
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this. But the story in the FFXIV isn’t that good.

    It’s just that the average story in this genre is so bad that anything “average” is already applauded.

    MMORPG fans aren’t spoiled by even just “okay” stories, that’s the whole point.

    • @Xariann
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The sentence where you said the story is interrupted by obligatory gameplay sums up for me why I quit this game years ago.

    I like a good story, but in the context of games and gameplay mechanics, they don’t know how to tell them, and the story themselves have a lot of filler content I don’t care for.

    • @Bigalinbklyn83
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    16 is good if you want harder games there are plenty. I don’t need every game I play to be hard

    • @SignificantOwl
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Still can’t help but slip in that “BEST GAME EVER BTW.” FF14 fanboys never change.

    • @sagacity1071
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Realm Reborn is terrible. Fight me.

    • @Brocknoth
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The problem you’re seeing isn’t unique to CBU III or Square. It’s a problem that is currently plaguing most, if not all, of AAA game design. It’s a problem fueled by two things. Greed and fear of taking risks. Gen Z is possibly one of the most “checked out” generations I’ve ever seen. Some of the trends that took hold of them started with the Millennials originally but I feel like as the years went on they just got worse and worse.

    Entertainment is no longer being designed as an interactive experience. It has slowly and surely morphed into what I’m going to call a “distraction” Something you put on in the background and only give like 25% of your attention, if that. And to be a distraction requires the level of engagement to be as low as humanely possible so that anyone can engage with it. Content creators like Netflix don’t care about the quality of their programs they just care about how long you’ve had the tv on. Square doesn’t care about the quality of it’s live services it just wants to know how long you’re logged in, how much money you’ve spent in the cash shop, and that you keep paying your sub every month for as long as possible.

    Frustration leads to dissatisfaction, which leads to the wallet closing. So the bar has to stay on the ground. Complaints that something is “too hard”? “fix it” Complaints that something is too mechanically dense or complicated? “simplify it” What little the game “let’s” you the player do is designed to make you feel good with as little effort as humanely possible. The world is your oyster, the game your cheer leader, you should feel really good about yourself even though all you’re doing is tapping X over and over again.

    In closing please use the cash shop while you’re at it, and don’t forget to roll the waifu gacha when you have to leave for the night, you are coming back though right, RIGHT?! We love your mon— I mean having you here with us!

    • @Zijkrial
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Falling asleep in an expert dungeon is a result of combat being something you memorize rather than something you react to in the moment. This is what stopped me from pursuing savage raiding, as not only does it take me awhile to remember, but once I do remember what to do it’s no longer fun. That’s the essence of memory-based difficulty.

    I’m by no means a pro otherwise, but I at least enjoy reaction-based gameplay more. A mix is ideal, but FF14 with its intrinsic combat delay makes that almost impossible. The first time through the easier content is the only enjoyment I actually have, because it’s easy enough to allow for me to get through it with limited memorization, but also enough time to be a bit reactive. Savage raiding doesn’t allow that freedom whatsoever from my observations.

    Dawntrail’s biggest issue wasn’t the lack of innovation to me, it was the lack of going back to basics in terms of what videogames are meant to be. I can absolutely see why you’re talking about their fear to innovate, though…it’s like they don’t want to fix what isn’t broken, but their ability to identify things that are only half-broken doesn’t appear to be there.

    The sparse combat in Dawntrail was pretty bad, but I think the lack of intriguing story inbetween simply made it that much more apparent. None of it was interesting, and it sucked to realize that about a game I had previously thought to be one of the best ones I ever played. Endwalker was amazing. The post-MSQ was not. Dawntrail got kinda cool near the end, but the first 50% was…painful.

    Gearing up in FF14 indeed felt like nothing to me after the first time. Getting my first savage piece felt great, but after working towards my next one I couldn’t help but ask myself if I really cared about a stat-stick that is more valuable as a transmog/glamour in the long run.

    Quest innovation stopped after Endwalker, and this is what bothers me the most I think: Yoshi P has said over and over that “we wrapped up a big story-line, so it makes sense that people aren’t as excited about it.” Not quoting verbatim, but that was the gist. Essentially, I can only see his attitude towards Dawntrail criticism as dismissive. My guess? They knew starting a new epic storyline would be difficult, so they half-heartedly threw some post-MSQ characters together to maybe use later, and then…gave us Dawntrail and Wuk’Lamat.

    Basically, I personally think they gave up.

    Anyways, I’ve been tempted to just move on and consider Endwalker’s MSQ as the end of the game for me. If it ends there, I can be happy about my experience…and Dawntrail is the Dragon Ball GT for Square Enix. I’m not set on this, but outside of seeing videos like this, I’m absolutely in no rush to return to FF14.

    • @SuperRamos619
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I wish the quest team, would simply reduce the amount of quest. And use that time to creative well crafted quests.

    • @Jonymago
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 was completely fine for me, hell, I actually enjoyed it. Dawntrail? Yeah… FFXIV’s dead for me.

    • @toma.7065
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree. I stopped after Endwalker. I liked the journey but after a while 14 gets crazily boring and predictable. The game is good – they just never evolved that much from Heavensward (that exp really tried something at least).

    • @notsobright7482
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with the message but I wanna put in a few cents of my own along the way:

    I’d argue the content of dawntrail has improved gameplay wise (in dungeon and early raid content)– it’s a lot more snappy, and on some level, requires you to use most of your abilities you gained from the past 90 or so levels. Mind you this will become less true as we get access to better crafted gear. The only content that is obnoxiously easy is the savage stuff– which is really bad to say and I would agree it’s worrying there, though.

    To my understanding while Squenix is footing the bill for the mobile game it’s mostly done under tencent/some other company under them. With assets from Squenix that already exist. The mobile game market is even bigger than it is anywhere else so tencent stepping in to wanna do it makes a lot of sense. Though Yoshi P seems ambivalent on it since he was always super big on proper PC MMOs more than anything.

    FF16s story was great. But yeah, the world and combat werent. I think the boss fights were wonderful when I got to do them but they tended to be hours apart between monotonous side quests of varying quality– some sidequests were awesome and I loved what I got out of it story wise. But most were kinda lame and snoozefesty.

    You can tell there is like, a few hidden fun things in 14 but they aren’t major rewards as much as they are ‘you took the time to see that and now you get a minion’ with that wind up sun and moon thing in one expansion. I still ultimately agree 14’s mentality on the matter is kinda weird of not letting you feel like you’re discovering anything.

    The rule of ‘show don’t tell’ is far from absolute– But I agree 14 and 16 almost do nothing but. The real rule is more akin to ‘know when to show and know when to tell.’ Ideally some crucial worldbuilding has to be done through telling as opposed to showing, too.

    Honestly I dont mind 14s desire to only numerically enhance the player– I think the real problem is less ‘do more than numbers’ and more of a ‘please give us other options to gear up to similar power levels’. Though that bottles down to preference as I don’t mind that 14 jobs play one singular way and that I’m not locked out of playing it better just because I didn’t unlock the chest piece that would give paladin 15% damage up when I use rampart, or something like that.

    Though an interesting thing about the ‘equip best item’ is funny in that if you do certain tiers of raiding you find out that BiS can be super finnicky– I was in shadowbringers doing raiding for the first tier or so and my best in slot wasnt the highest Ilevel thing– It was the lower Ilevel relic headpiece. But these are fringe cases and still give a lot of credence to your point.

    Overall I agree with you but I would say this is less Yoshi P’s fault and more of a lesson (at least in 14) of ‘listen to your playerbase but don’t OVERLISTEN to them–‘. Jobs became less interesting over time over and over because of player input. Content becomes more monotonous because of player input. Again, one should listen to the audience. But It’s never easy.

    You made a wonderful video. Thank you for such an open and honest critique.

    • @esten_varlineau_cobain
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    If I had a life I would not be paying for my sub still until the next patch comes out.

    • @MaikeruXD13
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    XIV used to be more difficult and the gameolay more engaging back in the first few expansions. Now it feels like a hollow shell of its past unfortunately.

    • @619Shippo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    “FFXVI kinda sucked” is crazy

    • @voidox
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    wonder if the fanboys of this game that make up the insane toxic positivity will be able to watch this without losing their minds and ignoring what is being said. Truly one of the worst communities out there for toxic positivity and treating Yoshi-P like a god or something who can do no wrong and CBU3 as if they are the greatest devs in the history of gaming :/

    FF14 has had a lot issues that fanboys loved to ignore and attack anyone for daring to ever bring up, heck they’d go after anyone daring to have a different opinion on the game. Then FF16 released and has soooo many issues, many stemming from CBU3 thinking some of the awful MMO design of 14 are good and they built 16 like that. Turns out it didn’t work and the game did poorly for a reason, fancy graphics don’t make a good game and yoshida is not the god the fanboys think he is and him working on any game will not mean it’ll be perfect.

    • @queenmarsia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    my god this is the best video on 14 i ever listenes to🎉

    • @The_Lesser_Evil
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Give our queen Ishikawa back on the story, Mr. Director. Stop the woke lamat, it’s not too late.

    • @apomk2
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Maybe a bit of a pet peeve, but always struck me how dead the world felt in FFXIV and FFXVI.

    There’s just something about how item pickups and interactivity and navigation works that puts a meter thick layer of artifice over the whole thing, making it feel wholly fake.

    Which I think is somewhat emblematic of their design approach: it’s overdesigned, overcurated and way too tidy.

    For a world to feel real it needs to be a bit messy, because the real world is messy. And for a game to be fun it needs to let go a little and just let people have fun without meticulously prescribing every single second of it.

    • @naruciak24
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I hit dislike, why ? Because it seems to me like you missed few crucial points – Current state of XIV isn’t the effect of micromanagement, it’s the effect of constant whining of players about it being “too complex” or taking “too long”.
    So by the end, you get the “formula”.
    As for XVI honestly I think that this team spent too much time doing one thing. I don’t see XVI that badly, because it is what Final Fantasy was for a while, a vehicle for story. And honestly the problems run on a few more levels, corporate Sqenix being also one of them.

    So to sum up, I dislike your video because it is oversimplification and jumps to conclusions.

    • @JustCommonPlain
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve stopped playing during Shadowbringers for that exact reason. The story was being delayed by doing chores for tribes and getting through boring hurdles, just to extend game time. With that being said, I don’t think Ffxiv’s design ethos is that bad despite my grievances. There’s a reason why it’s been super easy for all these years it’s meant for the common denominator. Those who want to play MMOs or games, but aren’t exactly gamers or just good at it. I’ve come to accept, that most people suck at video games and it makes sense to appeal to them if you want to keep your game afloat. With that being said, you’re right, it doesn’t have to be boring. My whole issue is the quest design, there should be more than just kill enemy or talk to someone. One game live service game that does that very well is Genshin impact. Most of the time, youll be killing enemies. But theyre not afraid to steer away from what they usually do in side quest and archon quest. Some quest have their own unique gameplay mechanics. For instance, one quest have you control time to figure out who’s the culprit of a crime. One other quest let you be a lawyer, weighing the evidence, and choosing which evidence would be good for a rebuttal. Is it easy? Yes, you can totally not fail these for the most part unless youre not paying attention. But its engaging, despite how some of the story beats dont hit at times. For the most part, i never left a Genshin quest feeling totally bored. With FFXIV, i felt frustrated with the quest design to be “talk to random people.” It doesnt need to be hard, it just needs something to break the monotony.

    • @TheAregadon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly most of the gripes I’ve heard in this video are completely subjective, which is fine if you dont enjoy something it is your right to state your opinions openly, but to be honest I dont think any of these things can be “fixed” without alienating an even larger amount of players, customization would be cool but frankly it would be a nightmare to balance since casual players and high end raiders are just so different in content and playstyle, patch cadence is something I personally prefer, I always know which patch will have something Im personally interested in, and each expansion they release new innovative content like eureka or the upcoming gathering/crafting content or the fishing voyages all of that stuff is super cool to have as a casual player so I really am in favour of the current patch cycles just like most players and to be more in the nose, just like most japanese players which are to be fair the ones whos voice is the loudest simply due to proximity to SE. Dawntrails story is the weakest part of the current expansion but to be fair to CBU3 they warned us about that, we were repeatedly told that Dawntrail will set up the next part of the story and as such wont be as high energy as endwalker, a
    Season opening being as high strung as the season finale would be to be honest really stupid, they need to set everything up, build new stakes for us to invest in, create a new direction, lore etc. I already wrote Dawntrail off as ARR 2.0 which alreafy had a to be frank extremely boring story but thanks to it we ended up with Endwalker and Shadowbringer. So Im giving Yoshi-P and CBU3 the benefit of the doubt cause to be honest, there isnt really any mmo on the market that can satisfy my craving for multiplayer content aswell as an evolving narrative thats worth telling, gw2 lost me 2 expansions ago and wow already lost me back in WoD

    • @alucard-gj9wh
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Ah, yawntrail.. I skipped every cs except the ending… It’s almost as bad as stormblood..

    • @TheRealMovieHero
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My gameplay of final fantasy XVI was pretty short. Because I understood everything the game was trying to teach us. But they keep holding my hand I got sick of it. So I stopt playing.

    • @queenmarsia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    yoshi pee’s games feel like they were made from an AI

    • @alunalalune8691
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    All points made are valid- so much so that I skipped nearly every cutscene in Dawntrail until you get to -that final place-
    I very much am over the back and forth, the go talk here and go touch shiny icon there, rinse repeat. I didn’t miss very much in Dawntrail, just trucked on through just to get to the roulettes and raids.

    • @fredy2041
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Did you say you left the game and you never coming back? talk about being an hipocrite

    • @hypnotic13371337
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    DT feels like a new studios take on ff14.

    Not to say that it wasant well put together as a game, you dont have things like gear not dropping from chests or not getting roulette bonuses or anything. But that sure, its a game, but it doesent feel like the dev team had been working off of 10 years of experience on the same product

    • @Brou15O
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Thats just how jrpgs are. usually…

    • @BloodCat2142
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    For me it was FF XV where i noticed the extreme downfall in quest quality. The only exciting sidequest i can remember was helping the Chocobo farm. Sneaking around the Behemoth was awesome. But thats pretty much all i can remember of 15 besides “Take a Photo here” and “Mine some Ore there”

    • @fredy2041
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Embers: “I unsubscribed and I have no desire to return” Your a complete hypocrite

    • @EgoSlayer-jg9wn
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You actually had the balls to say “Merry Christmas”, instead of “happy holidays” and “God bless you all” to an overwhelmingly Leftist audience. Impressive, very based. Liked and subbed.

    • @laxus7172
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree that ff14 and ff16 can be improved upon however the majority of your complaints are about how little time you have and how you didn’t feel like those games respected your time. Perhaps it’s not an issue with the games, but instead with you. Perhaps those types of games just don’t do it for you anymore. Idk. Idk you.

    The biggest concern I have is with yoshi-p’s management. That’s actually horrific. I never knew that and I’m glad I do now.

    Regarding instanced zones in 14, I love them. I’m a strict console player and if I lagged as often as I did in other mmos (eso, tera, black desert) when I played them, I’d have quit 14 like i did them. Also, the majority of travel is done via teleportation so instanced zones don’t mean much to me. Like, im not inconvenienced because the world is instanced.

    I’ve had this debate too many times now, but to those that don’t like DT story, yall just didn’t understand it and that’s okay.

    I would prefer more fleshed out exploration and better crafting systems. The way I look at 14 tho is its a super casual mmo that’s meant to be picked up and dropped repeatedly allowing the player to catch up pretty quickly. If you want a more competitive mmo, I’d honestly not ever recommend 14.

    • @Somebody374-bv8cd
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I was someone who played the game since 14 was rebranded and relaunched as ARR, over a decade ago.. I gave up a private large house plot (let’s not get into the housing mess) that I’ve kept for a decade – if you want an example of how someone is totally willing to cut ties with a game, it is that. You did a very good job summarizing my feels about why I quit the game mid endwalker and never looked back. It would take an extremely drastic change for me to even consider returning to 14 right now.

    • @Ocean5ix
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    16 is a nightmare because they wanted to make a Devil May Cry game but never actually knew how to make one. So they solved this problem by hiring one of the guys behind the combat system of DMC5 and slapped it on a decent JRPG bogged down by terrible pacing like you said in the video.

    The end result is a fun combat system with terrible balance in a mediocre open world map and a crazy amount of interruptions.

    • @Erock1985x
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Haha 14 is disrespecting tf out of your time, its just a gimmicky game now. Same stuff different backgrounds

    • @bekomon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    A pretty disappointing part of both Dawntrail and 16 to me, is the story. Even though ARR is a bit of a stain, everything up to Endwalker had me so hooked from beginning to end, but post endwalker was just insanely boring and convinced me to not buy Dawntrail (looks like it’s not getting any better, so thank god). FF16 is the first single player FF game I’ve ever decided to get into because the trailers and general vibe had me interested. Unfortunately it ended up being a pretty basic shonen fantasy type story with a mature tag on it because it had a little bit of nudity, not to mention how characters were pretty bland and one dimensional personality wise. I’m down for watching cutscenes and play a pseudo movie game, but the movie has to be pretty damn good, something that creative studio has not been really good at recently on top of the lackluster content both games have to offer.

    • @1000feathers
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with all your points, but that’s exactly why I love FFXVI.
    I’m really really bad at active time battle system. The last game I finished by myself (not by watching someone’s play through on twitch) is FFX. I get disoriented and killed by monsters in the first area in FFXII; my reaction and pacing is always too slow to get me through battles in FFXIII; I can’t even get pass the tutorial in FFXV; I died so much to the mechanic spider boss under easy story mode for FFVII remake; and I can’t get through the teaser boss in FFVII rebirth. I love FF games but because of so much frustration with the battle system, I really lost hope that there will never be a game for my skill level to play. So when I finished FFXVI with the help of all the accessories, I’m literally in tears.
    I also work 12-14hr day and 5-6 days a week. When I come home, there’s a game that I can enjoy the story and play through stress free is a wonderful feeling. I don’t need to worry about a difficult mob jumps on me when I try to get from point A to point B or a boss that’s too hard to beat that I have to finish latter half of the game on twitch. I have to say that FFXVI bosses are challenging enough for me to take a few tries each (with the help of accessories) to beat. So I’m grateful that there’s a company can make games for players like me.

    • @penguin7588
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am


    • @silverancient7840
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with most of the statements here. I have always had a theory about XIV and how the dev percieve it…

    Yoshi P and/or the higher ups in SE don’t really view XIV as an MMO but more as an “online FF”. Meaning it’s an MMO on the service but very much just a FF that can be easily played with others online. This is so that casuals and casual FF fans who want to play it don’t really have to do a lot of “hard” mmo interactions to progress the story.

    I also believe SE regrets making a mainline FF title an mmo so they treat it as such. Which overall is good and bad for the game. Accessible but never really innovative.

    • @treebush
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    you should give Wuthering Waves a shot. There dev and story paths are pretty similar to ff14s team as well as how much they care but Kuro Games has that fire and money backing as well as cataring and listening to multiple and feel like, scratch that they are listening. They are currently having their ARR moment their soft reboot and i see them soaring further. They even working with the same voice actor production studio.

    • @thelaughingdragon32
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s interesting that videos like yours are coming out in unison

    • @jamesfitzsimmons2054
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree that ff14 and ff16 are not hard and the open world are barren but final fantasy have always put the story 1st and that’s ok. You want have a more challenging game play like elden ring but 16 was all ways all about the Ekon battles and set pieces and it is refreshing.
    every thing right now is trying to be a souls like we just had black myth wukong stellar blade and an elden ring dlc I’m not saying ff16 perfect but it feels nice to have something different. calling it slop because you don’t like is rude to a team that try something different.
    Honestly the slop company’s are making games like cod over and over and assassin creed or uninspired hero shooters like concord.

    • @kazwyrm
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Only reason i log in now is just to keep my house, but even that is now becoming not a reason to do so. i used to raid, but even that feels hard to do when on my servers (OCE) it can take 30 min to 3 hours to even get a party together and i dont want to switch cause the low ping makes the game feel good. i would have tried chaotic when it released however it was on CHRISTMAS EVE of all times, like noone is playing the game at that time just to burn 2-3 hours wiping to a boss. I had logged in on that patch day not looking at the patch notes thinking, oh this would be a nice thing to do however it wasnt even there, looked at the notes and it wasnt coming out till the 24th, which is also possibly on the 25th depending on time zones. another dissapointment was the current tribe quests, i dont consider just a hat as a good final reward for it, the moment i found out that was the case i basically was just like, why on earth am i playing this, its not worth my time and the sub in australia atm is like $25 on standard ( i had a 6 month sub before hand ). It also gets harder when all my favourite jobs that i love to play (DRK, VPR, SMN, SAM) get flatter gameplay wise or become just 1 2 3 bots with very simple rotations and remove ALL double weaves like they make the game hard or something. idk if i will get my sub back for a while, maybe the cheap one just to keep housing but even that is now starting to become not worth it.

    • @treebush
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    endwalker solo quest design was reversed because dumb ass casual couldnt handle the stress and were having mental break down because they couldnt figure out how to beat or do them. Everything catered to the wrong demographic that tit ruined so many parts of the game.

    • @WildArmsV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think the problem is everyone idolizing one person

    • @zephyr7552
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    15:10 What happened you ask? THE PLAYERS HAPPENED: they complained both those quests were too hard. Like it our not 14’s current situation is just as much as the community’s fault as it is the devs. This is a two-way street

    • @DuoMaxwellDS
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The toxic positivity is FF14’s biggest problem. Every time you criticize something people would jump on you for being a haters. The community thought they are being nice by shutting down “haters” but all they are doing is just censoring the opinion they don’t like.

    • @Caatiua
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As a player or both games, I absolutely agree with everything you said.

    • @ulibarriL
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The MSQ has its own issues, but because progressing the MSQ makes up such a small amount of overall playtime within an expansion and its patches, what I find to be the most pressing issue is the inability to keep players engaged because Yoshi is obsessed with playing things safe. Everything is designed so that the only way to truly play the game is at the highest level, this is even more true if you main a tank or a healer. But even as a DPS, only the high-end duties incentivize you to push your skillset to the limit.

    The newest 24-man raid was praised for improving upon the lack of difficulty from the EW alliance raids. However, the most interesting mechanics are already being skipped and this is within the same damn patch it was released in. Imagine how steamrolled it will be in a latter patch that increases the ilv further.

    This schite is killing this game. Victory has defeated Yoshi-P.

    • @kasando
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly thank you for this video. It was very well done and even though I don’t agree with most of your criticisms I can agree that for our dollar we should be expecting better products. I personally think FFXVI was a fantastic game through and through and the main weakside were crafting and side quests and some non fully realized features but besides that I think the rest was an absolutely amazing experience.

    I also want to highlight that this idea of fear is less fear and more player retention. Listening to Yoshi P’s interviews a lot and they specifically made the initial playthrough of the game easier to not make players that weren’t good at action games feel unable to play the game. Hence why they included the accessories. I won’t say much about 14 since I never made it to end game but that’s just because I don’t like tab target games. But I do think they delivered on a truly incredible experience with FFXVI and I think there should definitely be improvements with the next final fantasy entry but I don’t think all the cutscenes are new to the franchise. Either way man great video.

    • @riddert4966
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Here i am subbed to 2 MMOs in a poor state (FFXIV and WoW). Oh well atleast more time for other things

    • @VorpalVixen
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Even though I’m sad about it, I agree. I think there’s a lot to love and enjoy in FFXIV still even in its current state, but I’m concerned.

    I left WoW in Shadowlands like everyone else, but they’ve made huge strides and taken risks to try to get their customers back. I’ve never truly returned to WoW and played it the way I used to, but I can see and appreciate the effort.

    I’m not sure that Square Enix will be willing to allow the team to take risks like WoW did.

    But who knows. I’ll still stubbornly hold onto hope and see what comes next.

    • @idowhatiwant3557
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I have said for a while I think Yoshida is not a very good director. He may have saved them game, but he has also slowly ruined the game. The idea of story first is not a bad thing for a video game, how ever if you put story above having interactive game play, you may as well just make a movie or write a book. Video games, need game play and interactive systems to be a video game, and CBU3 consistently fails on this aspect of their games. Look at the Yakuza series, it makes the story a prominent feature, but keeps engaging gameplay and systems to interact with. Hell the Infinite wealth, literally had an entire animal crossing game built into it, that was actually better than animal crossing.

    I am not sure if Yoshida truly lacks passion, is just a corporate goon, or believes what he is doing is the best possible course for his games, but he just kinda sucks if I had to be honest.

    • @IIXairII
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The impossibility of failure destroys the mask the game has at a fundamental point. If I as a player know there is zero stakes to a challenge I tackle then why should I even bother? It’s my opinion this has bled into all other aspects of the game causing the team to be terrified to make any innovations and risks to shake up a game that has been running for nearly 15 years now. My biggest gripe is class mechanics as well as an empty world. I come from old school games like FF11, Ragnarok and Secret of the Solstice where traveling through maps had purpose and could force you spawning back at town if you came unprepared.

    • @jackthomas9103
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    bro just ruined both these games for me

    • @chucklesmcbuckles8407
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Dude i read the title and gasped. I figured the whole comment section would decapitate you for this glad to see the community actually acknowledging things

    • @tobialsaif3721
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Just as they played WoW as reference for remaking FF14 (not purely for recreation), I hope they do the same with other games going forward.

    • @mossphlox2094
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I mean, can we blame him? ARR dungeons were more fun in terms of level design, but players complained about how complicated they were for new players. On a positive note, though, the dungeons in DT were refreshing despite both DT and FF16 were developed within the same timeline.

    • @WolfCoder
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Maybe FFXIV is a boring easy game for a hardcore WoW raider or other kind of MMO junkie, but your average person is going to find the later parts challenge enough. A good narrative and one of the few non-toxic playerbases make this a go-to for me. I wasn’t bored at all in DT dungeons and trials some of them were downright frantic. That’s not the part about DT your average person finds boring..

    • @JuliusKingsleyXIII
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I had some concerns about Yoshi P when Skill Up was talking about him during his FF16 review. How Yoshi P apparently thought turn based combat was boring and, more or less ,the remake trilogy wasn’t the path forward for the series. When he delivered 16 instead, which is inferior in every possible way gameplay mechanics wise, I grew doubtful he knew what he was talking about. The combat system in the remake trilogy is literally perfect, the ultimate culmination of Final Fantasy we’ve been heading toward forever. It’s complex, challenging, exciting, dynamic, and allows for like a dozen playable characters alongside deep RPG mechanics. FF16 delivered half-ass DMC combat dragged down by big health bars and long cooldowns, and literally no RPG to speak of.

    • @cerb4414
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Talk about the story being a dogshit GOT clone pls

    • @TheMealton
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I remember watching the devs play FF16 the game and seeing how cool the ‘gameplay’ looked but when I played it myself I dropped it after 6 hours as I got burned out like in FF14 ARR and HW. If I could skip straight to this NG+ mode with minimal story or better yet ‘Dark Souls’ kind of story telling in which if I don’t care I can just move on without a care. I would also love to play those endgame encounters in FF14 but having to spend money to skip or just sit there for the 200 hours you mentioned will just make me quit befor even reaching the fun part. I do not recall ever getting burned out befor finishing a game like in FF14 as I usually play a game so much until there is nothing left to experience but in this case the story was like ‘mud’ slowing me down to a crawl.

    Right now PoE 2 is like drugs to me having spent 160 hours already grinding away without being forced to understand some story I don’t care about in the first place. Sure if you played it there are some bad parts (mainly act 3) but it’s in ‘Early Access’ unlike FF16.

    • @geetargato
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This video seems like pure rage bait

    • @Senshi00
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Screw Wuk Lamat man

    • @Revelationz87
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    playing WOW. I didn’t get super into it until Wrath of the Lich King. Final Fantasy 14 on the other hand. I’ve tried to listen to my friends and kept pushing forward and got to Endwalker and still just cant get into the game and realized its not for me.

    • @azalli
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Really long winded way to say you don’t enjoy narrative games anymore

    • @gadsanchez4929
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    TBH I feel if the cutscenes were reduced to 30% the game could be more enjoyable, I stopped playing FF7 remake because of it, but finished FF16 after 35 hours (15 hours cutscenes)

    • @jackn.offdonkeys477
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You saved me 19 minutes by saying you didn’t like ff16 in the first 20 seconds 👍

    • @dekaynine6347
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yoshi is too casual he needs to take more risks

    • @ozmintheobserver
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The map problem is an interesting one, because they could easily implement secret ruins in some of these maps, where you can discover them an explore them with friends. It could work like criterion dungeons, depending on how many people you have will determine how hard the secret dungeon will be. And these dungeons can hold, mounts, glamour, or hidden weapons. The only thing would be you’d have to find them. The Fate system as well could introduce new encounters to the field, such as changing the weather like Ixion did.

    Shoot it doesn’t even have to be a full dungeon, it could be trash mobs from the map, just a bit stronger, and it could have one special boss monster at the end. These could be peppered throughout the game worlds. Also, yeah, the maps being disconnected is a thing that probably needs to be done away with for a few maps, such as the earlier towns, seeing as how later towns in the game are much larger. There could be invasion events on towns such as Ul’dah when it comes to beast tribes, depending if people can defend would determine certain buff for dungeons and so on. It’s a FF game, you should be able to explore and discover new monsters, dungeons and so on.

    The problem with 14 its lacking in exploration wonder since everything is in service to the story. Sure there are cool moments where you are like “Yeah, that’s pretty cool.” There’s a lot of lore in 14 and some of the background stuff should be explored or made by a back up team.

    • @AlyssonCorreiaX7
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    On my point of view, it is a culmination of:

    – giving leadership to people that are not yet leaders;
    – moving people from sectors that should not be moved;
    – firing people that should not be fired.
    -hiring people that should not have been hired.

    I mean..

    I’ve never seen a visual bug on main scenario cs since Endwalker.
    In Dawntrail I’ve seen it twice.

    And how could they approve that story? It was not a good story.

    How could anyone not have foreseen the trap Wuk Lamat was preparing for them?

    Also Yoshida being promoted may have impacted the development of FFXIV since he may have other attributions to look for. Then just the FFXIV development.

    For me this is all management and leadership failure.

    Your point is correct 👍

    It just feels that they are secretly dropping the game for a new MMO project right now.

    • @StabYourBrain
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I share many of those gripes with how XIV is as an MMO currently. I’ve been dreading the extremely samey and linear gear progression and content pipeline for a while now. If it wasn’t for my friends i spend a lot of time with in-game, i probably wouldn’t be logging in at all. It’s a shame really.

    • @dragumkirisute1998
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    At least this is criticism, unlike some people making up bad things about Yoshi P… and saying “Fire Yoshi P” while giving no reason lmao

    • @regi5594
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    as someone who has story skipped, but decided to go back and play through heavensward, the story is so great (i really liked the ending of ARR)but man i wish that it was more condensed it just feels like so much filler

    if i hadn’t seen that the combat does get good (80+) no chance i’d have a sub rn

    • @ralphthemagician
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FFXIV suffers from the same “accessibility optimization” that many (every?) other MMORPGs have suffered from. Eventually the player base peaks, old players start to retire, and there is no mechanism or incentive to draw in new players, so they start making everything more accessible to help funnel new people into the game. It’s the nature of the business model.

    Wow only survived by rebooting the original version with the original version ruleset. FFXIV could actually do something similar, simply by making a server with a new ruleset that makes everything harder and removes probably half the skills so that each class is once again unique. No DPS for tanks. DPS become spongey AF. Only healers can heal. It would force characters to group. Give big buffs to crafted gear, but add RNG to materials such that good gear is naturally more rare.

    • @lukebargodao
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I dont rly care about story in mmos, but i’v been playing XIV since 2.0 (a lil of 1.0) and the game is the same and getting even more simple. Dungeons are boring, raids are just arenas (coil wasnt), builds are nonexistent… so sad.

    Thanks for the video btw, and I agree XVI sucks

    • @Miguel85NYC
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Good video, I completely agree

    • @MLink23
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Couldn’t agree more, they’re afraid to do anything new/innovative and it shows in their recent Ultimate and Savage raids in FFXIV.

    • @venenders170
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    lol I don’t play FF14 or 16 so what I say isn’t coming from some fanboy perspective, it’s hilarious that near the beginning of your “criticism piece” you drop and highlight Yoshi P Micro managing work flow for ARR to infer that this is a reason you don’t like what he’s done in FF14 or 16 and that he is at least in part a bad director or creative but than never touch on or bring further evidence or support that anywhere else in the vid. Also you leave out that in that same interview he says it’s a draconian method he dislikes and highly advises against any others doing for both managers and employees sakes but was the way he chose to tackle it because of time,finances and scope of both building up a brand new game while updating an old one. The entire argument is just “he said he did this once”… and that’s the foundation of this argument which you then simply infer he’s never stopped doing thus FF16 and 14 are bad. Also as others have said you’re talking about difficulty but not mentioning showing or interacting with the end game content. Idk what the FF14 term for it is but the fights that people spend days to weeks trying to beat, is nowhere in your vid but you say you seek difficulty in the MMO while playing the story which has never in any MMO been meant to be hard or difficult. The story is meant to be the most accessible part to give all casual an entertaining story and world for their money and every hardcore knows their meat and bones of content is after that in raids,dungeons (insert applicable term here). Other than say the world feel hollow and empty which is more a subjective criticism (I think 16 is still an improvement on 15,13) the rest of this criticism feels like a nothing burger.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Its like i 100% agree, but i love 14 and will stay.

    • @texanjoecoffeehouse8141
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I will die on the hill that 6.x content should have been the expansion. Much better connected to the story we had through 6.0 and actually cared about it, and the fights were much cooler imo than anything sans arcadia in DT

    • @evacody1249
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Nah I’m enjoying FF16.

    • @Zaikofortem
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Wow. Great analysis. I hadn’t focused on the fear of failure from the studio. Shadowbringers gameplay was one of the worse as reported by players but the expansion is still one of the most acclaimed for the story alone. In DT, although they are making little efforts to come up with new game modes and improve the difficulty on dungeons in order to start creating a plausible bridge between causal and hardcore play, theycompletely dropped the ball on the MSQ and by not having their strongest trait outshining everything else that is not peak, then all the flaws the game has had for a while are now standing out glearingly.

    I think Yoshi-P plateau’d after Shadowbringers and got tired of fighting for the game to be the best and decided to lay back and just “add content” with less and less effort, taking for granted the approval of the community to the point where Endwalker was a complete ripoff for existing players because the expansion had less content, the story in the patches was written just as horribly as in Dawntrail.

    Another factor is SE relying on ESG loans which require them to abide by DEI narrative quotas. As a consequence, in EW they heavily relied on fanservicing for the expansion to shine, they completely undermined all their established main villains just o to end up propping a stereotypical anime emo girl they just pulled out of nowhere because either yoshi P or the entire studio culture hate masculinity or they just bent the knee which is why they constantly sideline and oversimplify masculine characters as one-dimensional mindless grunts repeating the same line over and over to turn them into memes of themselves to intentionally make the community disregard them while forcing completely unlikeable and poorly written “diverse” characters” intended to be liked. So they don’t even like for the player to have their own preferences, it is their intention to force the player to like what they want and who they want. In Dawntrail they even queue speciffic music to guide the player into feeling something specific at certain points that are that the story, dialogue and context don’t inspire because it is so completely bland, shallow, and patronizing.

    • @XeroJin84
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You don’t seem to know the work culture in Japan. Also, FFXIV is really old with older MMO mechanics. They can’t suddenly modernize it unless they do a retail of the game like they did for ARR.

    • @derisgaming9773
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I actually recently went to an Audience with Yoshi-P event where he spoke at length about how Games including his own can often fall flat due to trying to appease a part of a community that seems loud that actually isn’t.

    Dawntrail feels like it came from them trying to “win” over the newer more western players that had only joined in recent years, but in turn fell flat on its face for the players that had been with them all along.

    • @thefinalskarm1754
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve not felt that Final Fantasy has been itself since 15, arguably you can see this shift with 13 > but at the same time 13 still felt like I was playing an ATB final fantasy.
    trying to buy FF14 is a nightmare and if your account isn’t made with the free trial in mind it’s not eligible for it, their site to buy their own product is a joke.
    i’m yet to play ff16, I’m yet to even play the FF7 “remakes”, these aren’t the games they were in the remakes sense and FF16 just looked to be more of what I wasn’t interested in with 15.

    furthermore it doesn’t help they’re having sony put their hands down their pants for temporary exclusivity in an age where consoles are interchangeable and barely an upgrade from the previous system.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The gear you could argue doesnt need to have any uniqueness since the jobs them self are diffrent. Not saying they couldnt be more interesting but not really sure what you could add to the gear.

    • @JaybeeAU
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    0:02 talk about jump scares

    • @themisheika
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Finally someone who’s sane about CBU3. To listen to their whiteknights you’d be gaslit into thinking you’re the only one who realizes how awful FF16 is.

    • @Polarbrear
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly this kind of game design where the story is priority over the gameplay isn’t something I inherently have a problem with. I more have a problem with 14 due to its combat, running around and dodging bubbles isn’t something I hate, but basically having to press the exact same order of buttons every two minutes and next to no thinking on the fly is something I take issue with. Furthermore nearly every new dungeon in 14 follows the exact same formula, which again, is something I take issue with. Stopped paying for a subscription a month or two after DT came out and I haven’t looked back.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think its very interesting that dark souls, my other favorite series, is more or less the exaxt oppasite from 14.

    • @PunkFiddler
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The jobs. It’s so bad right now.

    • @TheShadowForgeStudio
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s an interactive movie. I believe both games are designed this way to be accessible and appealing to the lowest common denominator in skill. MMOs should appeal to their midcore audience over the casual and Hardcore as the former tends to flock away the moment another equally casual game comes out and the latter are usually small population wise.
    Personally Endwalker killed it for me. Did stick through till Dawntrail but after that I just gave up. They need to redo their level sync system so 90% of my rotation doesn’t disappear in the majority of repeatable content.
    As for exploration, have you tried the sightseeing log? I haven’t and frankly traversing 14 is not fun. The movement and jumping just does not spark joy.
    Unfortunately the gal who wrote Shadowbringers story was promoted to a supervisory role so I doubt we’ll see the likes of Shadowbringers again.
    Good critiques hopefully feedback will eventually reach management. Would love to step back in.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    14 is one if my favorite games. But not becouse of the game part. Its all vibes and story. So end of the day 14 is my favorite anime basicly.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    5:12 did you just say dmc has toothless combat?????????

    • @Vincent_63
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly gear has meant nothing since I started playing but gameplay actually began going downhill in shadowbringers. No threat, no tp and no dark arts spam… idk what or who enjoys the game anymore but I will not be supporting ffxiv anymore

    • @shadowkras
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Extremelly clickbait image thumbnail for the video.
    As of 07/jan/2025, FF14 is Very Positive (87%) on Steam.

    • @zombie_dinosaur96
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As i do agree that the gearing in 16 is bad i dont personally hate it in 14. Mainly cuz of glaming.

    • @BCrouse.
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I just started playing all the FF games. And just now made it to ff14 and tbh I’m having a blast but I do see the glaring issues with it. Regardless I don’t think I’ll be falling out of love with it anytime soon

    • @actionbastard86
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Currently working on my own critique script and I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed the thing about the super linear quests. Quests dont have to be the shovelware of “turn X to Y so they can tell you to go to Z” but they can be something unique like the MGS style missions you showed, but one thing to note about dawntrail was that the task of writing and making the expansion was given to the D-Tier team who’ve done nothing but sidequests, so it’s no wonder it turned out the way it did.

    • @CloakofAuron
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Criticism that leads to a healthier state for FF14 is all well and good…

    But what is your alternative for Squeenix in the short to mid term, if you feel Yoshi-P’s current approach isn’t working (especially for single player games)?

    Nomura’s and Kitase’s style? Don’t make me laugh, they’re worse off than Yoshi-P is right now.

    Also, your criticisms of 16 apply to 15, save for when you encounter enemies 20 levels higher than you that are meant to gatekeep. Where were you when that clusterfuck dropped? Besides, the combat had some complexity if you put in the effort to master individual skills and mix them up between forms. It’s not DMC levels, but a lot of people like you gloss over that and only focus on how things operate as they’re handed to you. You don’t experiment, which is something character action games expect of you.

    And “enemies haven’t swung their weapons in six or seven seconds”? Some humanoid enemies, maybe, but there’s plenty of enemies who are quite aggressive.

    “Illusion of progressive and customization “. It’s not an illusion, but it is shallow compared to other CRPGs on the market. Weapon creation and upgrades are also consistent with every other mainline FF title. You fail to bring this up, and it shows a streak of disingenuousness in your criticisms.

    I can already tell that your video is simply criticism without proper context and comparison, and no real solutions. That’s your prerogative, but it’s also mine to call you out for trying to tap the lackluster and simple-minded “FF16 and FF14 aren’t as good as you think!” narrative that’s gotten popular among half the fanbase.

    Said half worships Nomura, despite his MANY egregious issues with writing, and how ridiculous his approach to some projects has gotten.

    The “culture of fear” is there due to how heavily Square-Enix relies on CBU3, and the history of bad executive decisions that lead to safe releases and stagnation. FF7 Remake games are indicative of this.

    “Push the good stuff as far away as possible.” So a focus on accessibility towards audiences who have never played a character action game, or technical ones like the DMC series, to acclimate players for the harder difficultt mode is…”pushing away the good stuff”? Also, I find it funny that the assist rings that were there purely to poke fun at games journalists are being used by you as ammo against 16.

    The disdain you’re ascribing to CBU3 comes off as an attempt to justify a change in your preferences. It’s fine to fall out of love with a game series or studio and its direction, but you’re making the fallacy that it has to be something fundamentally wrong with the series/studio. It’s not them. It’s you having run the course of your interest with 14, since Endwalker was such a great endpoint for ARR’s story. As for 16, you show a lack of understanding regarding character action gameplay, and don’t compare to the same or similar issues that arise throughout Final Fantasy as a franchise with your criticisms of 16.

    You got my dislike in the first three minutes because your approach is flawed and lacking, and you earned the dislike. Do better. Dawntrail is a major stumble, but your channel has been quick to exploit frustration with 14 and 16 that only got momentum with the expac’s vanilla release. So far, you’re nothing more than clickbait.

    • @migi188
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Amazing video. Ive been one to be saying this kind of thing for years but the FF14 community is filled with people that want to be in a vacuum chamber of nothing but positive feedback so the game never gets any major changes because those that wish the game was better are drowned out by those that want their time to be validated by others instead. FF14 could be such a good game if they only expanded on the systems they had in the past rather than outright remove them because player choice doesn’t matter to them other than cosmetical changes.

    • @LarkyLuna
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 would have benefited from going full action
    The crafting and equipment upgrade does nothing, doesn’t mater for the vast majority of combat and feels like it’s just there so they can throw rewards around the world and quests
    The side quests also feel either completely uninspired or come at the weirdest moments that don’t fit the urgency of the story, it they feel like MMO bloat that you do to fill time while watching something, not part of a cohesive whole
    I can excuse a lot of the MMOness of it all in 14 because a lot of the content is there for when I have 30 min free and can just immerse myself, but for a full single player game it just keeps you from watching more cool kaiju battles, which at least have cool setpieces to offset how simplistic it is

    The fights in DT give me some hope at least things will play better if they don’t get scared
    I actually enjoyed DT’s story because i felt like I was being pampered and acknowledged at every step of EW. It felt weird having every character stop to tell me how cool and smart and strong and sexy I was. Going to the sidelines and mentoring someone actually felt like a good change?

    • @standheaykic66
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Honestly, I don’t mind if CBU3 make a new single player game based on XIV, just like XII was based on XI.
    FF need to go back to its root with multiple job and character to control. It doesn’t have to be turn base but Xenoblade-like combat might work.

    • @SkyLightKey
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I meant i fell like ther let the lh 4 team do the combat, eich is fun in 16, for them mostly ehy pretending toowotk on it

    • @KissoneKinoma
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Who would have thought that MMOs weren’t designed to be played in 2 hour intervals. If I only had 2 hours to play a video game, an MMO is the last genre I would consider. MMOs are a commitment. They are designed for longevity, not short bursts of dopamine like tik tok and YouTube shorts. If you want that, go play an indie game instead.

    • @SkyLightKey
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This aculy wüexplaines shy ther asked the kjüh team zo help with gameplay

    • @zawarudoz
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Man who barely parses above “burden on the team” on the job that practically plays itself in the tiny amount of challenging content he’s actually tried complains game is too easy, also shocked to discover that RPGs have cutscenes. Truly one of the videos of all time, how will Yoshida ever recover?!

    • @Omegafighter
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with most of your criticism about XIV but it applies to the whole game, not just Dawntrail. It’s always been like that. You just liked the story in previous expansions.

    I disagree with your stance on XVI’s combat system. XVI has one of the most creative combat systems since DMC5 and is actually a breath of fresh air from all the soulslike games. You kept saying that you ‘do the same combo over and over again’. There’s so many difficult and cool combo routes in XVI. Have you seen what’s possible with the system? It’s not flawless obviously, but it’s much better than your essay made it seem.

    Enemies definitely aren’t threatening on the first playthrough but that’s the same as in DMC games. The variety comes from your own creativity within XVI’s combat system. I can still spend hours in the training room just fighting a dummy (especially with all the cool combat mods now).

    • @wumpratt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Actually none of the FFs I’ve ever played had any real difficulty in it.

    Any “difficulty” are just bigger HP pools or bosses hitting harder(turn based modes basically just drags out the fight once u get the counter skills/spells right.)

    I think folks are just so used to souls like games that anything that goes a little away from it is considered too easy 😂

    • @FlameKing91
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Dawntrail was trash, a total slog, terrible character, and storytelling, especially the “main character” of Dawntrail. The game has slowly become dumber and dumber in difficulty. It’s literally targeting the lowest common denominator of demographic, the normies with low IQ and Degen/Furries coming from IMVU.

    • @finalfantasymax7
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I mean ffxiv became boring the moment when all event items became purchasable, all new hardcore items became useless as soon as next patch came out, and basically theres no achievement that last in this game

    • @bobaneko
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This remind me of a time i was in a dungeon and brought up the idea, that they should do something with the classes like since we are in dungeon more team base attack to bring up the spirit of final fantasy in to the game an example that i gave was ” as a black mage i cast foul then the datk knight can use the darkness particles to unleashe more aoe combos or more powerful attack or the white mage when use holy the paladin can do enchancement” i remember a reply i got back was like ” that limit the amount of role and classes to be in a dungeon”

    • @SkyLightKey
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Show dont tell tbf doesnt always work. Ther needs to be balance

    • @spookyhours1139
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think you made good points overall, but to claim there’s no difficulty when ultimates exist is crazy, the difficulty in the game is just optional, the story is extremely easy, but to contrast, TOP is honestly the hardest fight I’ve ever seen in not just an mmo, but any game x10, and the feeling from clearing an ultimate or a savage is unlike anything else in gaming for me, even better than hitting higher ranks in comp games. A different discussion can be had on square enix not pushing the playerbase to venture out and pursue the harder content though, as I believe savage is only done by 10-15% of players, and ultimates done by like 2-5% lmao

    • @Hijikata-T7
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    he match square goals, square thinks players should just watch their games instead of playing them, it started way2 back in
    ff12 (party member auto battle)
    ff13 (all auto battle)
    ff15 (idk i stopped playing FF)

    • @TheDarkbogiTV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I quit FFXIV simply because I didn’t wanna play a sub to a raid game that I log in twice a week to do some log runs in, I went to Lost Ark and quit that as well due to them not changing issues the game got plauged by for years now.
    Same thing will happen to Throne and Liberty btw which I played on Korea, it is a PvP focused game and simply wont fix the main issues the game will have.
    It’s not a game issue, it’s a general mmo issue.

    The Issue in all MMOS lies in the community and simply how we humans function, maximizing the time we spend in games.

    This is the reason why I disagree with anyone talking about Gear being an issue in FFXIV, having variety in Gear doesn’t change a single thing because you simply will take the best gear possible anyways.
    People take Guild Wars 2 as an example who does Gear right, it has multiple choices to build out your character, but in reality the only gear that matters are specific sets catered to specific content, nothing else, we still take the best gear possible for what we need, there might as well just be 4 sets in total in guild wars 2 and no other sets because those are the sets used in the game.

    The only games who genuinly address this issue are Single Player games were the player is able to not care at all what is best in slot and certain games like Gacha games who give you RNG gear pieces so it’s out of your hands what stats you obtain on your gear, but people will still strive for the best.

    • @residentevil2928
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I disagree. FFXVI was great. The only gripe i really have is the lack of a concrete ending. Ambiguity is overdone in far too many games, especially final fantasy games.

    • @chelsthegameruiner8669
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Is Throne & Liberty actually good? I have it installed on my PS5 but I genuinely despise open world PvP in MMOs

    • @reluttr2
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I honestly feel like Yoshi P being an active player is actually a detriment to the game. Because you can see a stark level of favoritism towards aspects of the game he personally uses, while the rest just sorta gets the bare minimum based on how loudly Japanese players yell at him on stream.

    I really do feel like if he personally started playing as Hrothgar or Viera, you’d see them having 100% headgear comparability within the next patch, and that’s what really burns my biscuits about the game.

    Then fact that casual content is devoid of anything unique and the seasonal events have gotten stale has just made it difficult to justify throwing down the cash to stay subbed even on the starter tier.

    • @alyssamurakami8558
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Here’s my honest critique of you. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yeah FUCK XIV- MID. ASS. GAME! Yeah just lemme get a few more ERP sessions in Balmung and I’ll be right out the door with ya’ buddy!

    • @Ephremjlm1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 blew my mind at how bad it was when it came out considering FF7R came out years earlier. Furthermore FF7 Rebirth is an absolutely incredible game. Yoshi P. is as I’ve said before. he’s a top tier manager, but a creative visionary he is not.

    • @mannym2124
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve been hearing this exact same complaint since FF7. This is definitely not a problem unique to FF14/FF16 or Yoshi-P.

    • @jonesygrets6029
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yeah yoshi p ya big jerk
    Where’s my ff 16 pro patch? 😂

    • @Naven251
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Oh yeah, it’s you I remember watching your videos long before DT how the game was dead bad and stuff, just before Dawntrail broke player record. Keep seetnig I guess.

    • @FlyingHamTaco
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    most of the critics are just the standard JRPG fomula, JRPGs are known for having loads of cutscenes and for the entire game taking like 40+ hours to finish. Some even go for like 80+ like the Trails of series. I do agree with all the FF14 stuff though, Im hoping the next few patches change this because dawntrail has been just boring and patches take too dang long

    • @oXDestroXo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I feel like I played a completely different game than a lot of you people lol. 16 had a great narrative, voice cast, solid combat, and beat the pants off of 15 and the lifeless 7 “remakes”. Dawntrail is definitely the result of too much focus being on 16 though. People point to poor sales as a metric for “proving” 16 wasn’t received well, but the reality is that putting games exclusively on one console is something that only nintendo can pull off these days for non 1st party devs — it’s just not a good idea.

    As for the Dawntrail “drama”, it sucks. Narratively it’s by far the worst they have ever done. If you’ve been playing for a while, you know that it has it’s years where it doesn’t do so hot. It’s kinda crazy to me that a few years ago people were calling it the best MMO ever made, and now have completely turned on it because of a bad expansion. Unsub, try it again later, they literally have told players this before.

    • @TacoLex
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I wonder what’s the like to dislike ratio 😂

    • @SenpaiXcore
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    To be brutally honest about the take on Shadowbringer MSQ it was the best narrative for an MMO. For videogames in general it was barely passable, because of its incredibly limited delivery. Characters just walk into the scene, take pose and talk. There’s hardly any more going on. When the team was divided for FF16 You could feel the decline in quality overall and in the end Yoshi P is the head honcho of them so he has to take the blow. FFXIV still is quite good but if you can spent a long time in gaming like me, you can feel the lack of what makes an MMO an MMO. Everything “worth doing” in terms of current gameplay rather than old content, there is just barely enough to fill a couple of hours. Do a few dailies or even a couple of hunts and the average casual is done with collecting tomes. Going into normal raid serves no more purpose once craftable gear and the tomestone gear is released as well as the alliance raid which you can only do once a week but are on a weekly lockout for low level catch up gear.

    I could ramble on what my gripe is and I am sure there are lots who see it differently but in essence the two biggest issues are that the MSQ didn’t deliver (taking overall global response into account) and the lack of repeatable content to fill a week if you have done old content already (4 months for a larger patch.) With half a year since DTs release we barely had anything new to do. One savage raid with 4 bosses. One Ultimate, One Extreme, An alliance Raid and the chaotic alliance raid. The pattern there is that most of this is content a lot of people will never even enter or clear in the first place.

    You narrowed FF16 down perfectly. The story is quite good but the pacing killed its own narrative and the gnarling, endless cutscenes rip out any actual agenda of the player outside of listening.

    • @larrywoolfolk8224
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    SE is just washed up at this point, if Yoshi is the best they got then yeah it’s the end of an era.

    • @cordrac
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    When I recently went back and decided to do an ARR relic to the end, I found myself weirdly enamored with the mindless tasks. It was the most action-based story I’d experienced in all of the game, in the barren hub world where your hotbar is 20 greyed out buttons existing only for instanced parsing. I had this fever dream where I was actually experiencing a write-your-own-adventure story becoming a hero doing these overworld hunts and fates and leves. Anyway that’s over back to logging into my hub world for a weekly and then logging off.
    Jokes(?) aside, I appreciate how much effort they put into the lore, but the impression i got of 16 was they really wanted you to see how deep their lore was and give you lore books in game to read more, and I got kind of worried and decided not to buy it. I’ve gotten so busy with real life in recent years, I hope I can still find something to enjoy by 8.0. But 8.0 feels so far away. Anyway, thanks for the video. Really resonated with me.

    • @gvenelran6116
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Gear systen in XIV is honestly pathetic. I feel 0 difference as I gear up. Neither in how my class plays, neither in how fast something dies.
    WoW is complete opposite of that. You actually got solo world content where you fight stuff, so better stats actually make a difference. You simply feel yourself getting stronger with how faster everything dies. Stats may alter your rotation, different trinkets can add new effects and etc.
    In WoW I felt an incentive to gear up, in FF I can’t bebothered, it serves 0 purpose.

    • @hyamcacerez2538
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    What blows my mind about XVI’s cutscenes is that most of them have the same amount of limited animation as XIV, on a PS5, in 2023. So for the bulk of the game, you are just watching stonefaced characters speaking about dull nonsense until you have to put up with the equally dull combat system.

    • @trawll8659
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The gear being bland is not necessarily Yoshi-P’s fault as much as it is the MMO communities as a whole, he knows people will optimize the fun out of whatever cool and fun things they put in if the boring option equals more dps. Instead of dealing with this hassle they just don’t bother to make gear exciting beyond the visuals which honestly gives them less excuses for the rest of the issues.

    • @WilliamPatten-y3f
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with a lot of your criticisms. My biggest gripe with both games is that beyond switching eikons or jobs there is no gameplay customization. There are no choices. Personally I don’t think the story being pervasive is a problem the issue is that combat has no bite behind it, the gameplay isnt engaging. Besides the story the game has no draw for me anymore which really sucks. I’ve been playing wow and ffxiv for about seven years now. I’m definitely not saying WoW is superior it has its problems, but at least when I login there is a game to play. Personally I think wows combat isn’t structured enough for my liking and is just too chaotic at high end play, whereas ffxiv’s combat is so structured it feels like the gameplay isnt engaging almost plays itself. I think they both need to start seriously taking notes from each other because frankly being controversial is better for a game than being boring. It’s better to be a flop and learn something then slowly sink into mediocrity.

    • @caliburny
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    comparing 16 to 14 is pretty important to not just focus on flaws inherent to the MMO genre like many criticisms of 14 do, but focus on flaws inherent to the work of CBU3, which is the bigger issue.

    • @ZzVirus
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The people who live and breathe FF14 only are gonna have a hard time coming to terms that every mmo eventually declines. With the new changes being made to FF11, for those of you who have not played – I urge you to. It’s much more enjoyable than what 14 is atm.

    • @KioskaraTTV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My problem with both of the games is the game part is monotonous and boring. FFXIV has some of the most stale, boring combat and rotations I’ve ever seen in any mmo ever. My rotation never, ever ever changes once I figure it out and hardly any of the classes have received anything substantial in the past two expansions. Just “Button turn into another button” once every minute or two. Wow.

    XVI was button mash central, and everyone who said it wasn’t is referring to NG+, which is kind of a shitty way to make something engaging. Especially when NG+ doesn’t really add anything of substance either.

    • @NotsagF
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Fair enough

    • @TheTundraTerror
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    First off, telling someone to give up FF14 for WoW is like telling someone to give up heroin for fentanyl.
    Second, I’m about 12 minutes into the video and I’ll I’ve heard so far is “the games hold your hand too much and there’s to many cutscenes” which… yeah, I agree, but did this need to be a 20 minutes video? Not to mention that there’s barely any actual criticism of what Yoshi-P has personally said/done isolated.

    • @reviewbear6924
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    big props. Took a lot of balls to make this vid.

    • @3pivotmasters
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    love me a good MMO. 15,000+ hours of playtime in Old School Runescape. 300hrs on XIV.

    I play on the free trial. total i have about 300hrs and i would never pay monthly for this game. its fun but its just shallow aswell. like you said, the gear is just stat sticks super bland with no effects.
    one thing i didn’t see montioned was the classes. they also fall into the super safe braindead zone. all the classes play so similar most of them feel like mario vs doctor mario in terms of gameplay difference. dargoon and monk, bard and machinst, white mage and astro, warrior and paladin… they are identical until super high levels. so if you get a daily roullette dungeon thats lvl 60 or below its a snooze fest pray you dont get such a low level dungeon you have no AOE…

    • @toastedchoom4347
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My issue with Square Enix is they spread their Talents way too thin over too many projects. The same thing happened with Nomura where the guy was working on FF13/FF13 Versus(FF15) and KH 3 all at the same time as and as a result we got three mediocre games. They did the same to Yoshi-P here working on an MMO & A full feature length single player game is too damn much for someone to handle and thus we ended up with a Pathetic excuse of an Expansion and Imo a Final Fantasy game that’s one of the worst entries in the series.

    • @Locaneo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Thanks for the vid, very informative. I hated FF16. The first 3-5 hours were promising. Then not till Dion’s chapter I progressively lost interest. Then only found the DLC moderately enjoyable because of the new weapon and the story being decently composed. But every minute I hated how little I as a player mattered, the enemies were damage sponges who were otherwise easy, the characters were superfluous save a few side ones, the villain made Bhunivelze look interesting by comparison, and the worse thing of them all were the quests as every one was designed to stab time in the kidneys. I started to count the micro-seconds of the menu transitions. Ever noticed how slow those were?

    As for 14, I just want to experience the story with my own hands up till Endwalker and then stop. I’m at the end of ARR and I have felt the story progressively getting better, but yes it’s basically a visual novel. A very interesting, well written and meaningful one, but that doesn’t create agency. Also I feel the constant push for balancing stabs the fun of the game. At least that’s the feeling I get when I’m nowhere near level 70 on any class.

    • @Zazymandias
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    14:20 Jack Frost spotted. Hee Ho

    • @txgoldrush
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I am seeing player numbers absolutely plummet in FFXIV on tracker sites. Is this true?

    • @PokeUFO
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Shadowbringers was really that good

    • @Wezt334
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I don’t disagree, 16 felt like a non numbered side story or a sequel to a game like Strangers in Paradise gameplay wise and 14 doesn’t have its hooks in me like it once did.

    • @Verglace
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I have no problem with narrative driven games in fact I love them and prefer them to gameplay driven games. Where xiv went wrong is that the narrative for endwalker and dawn trail was not very good.

    • @nkozi
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Real talk man, it kinda sounds like you want something out of XIV that it’s never offered or been designed to offer. It’s a casual-focused narrative tab-target MMO with a ton of optional content, not a hardcore world-progression exploration game focused on endgame raiding. Those games also exist and can be played, but that’s not what XIV is and it probably never will be, and looking at this history of the MMO format since the early 00’s it’d probably be a financial disaster that’d spell the end of the game if it was. Especially when we talk about progression/customization (being entirely unable to do even normal content in WoW due to lacking BiS gear haunts me) XIV’s modeled after early WoW, some parts of GW1… Every 3D Final Fantasy game up to that point in term of Combat, Content Design, and Story Framing/Pacing respectively. Emergent gameplay has never been on the table.

    Also ngl that bit about quest design doesn’t really hold water when you’re highlighting two moments leading into the climax of a story act, itself a story that is the climax of a larger narrative with already established stakes, that were themselves preceded and followed by the exact same quest designs you’re complaining about on a zone-by-zone basis. Those themselves -are- set pieces. I don’t disagree with a desire for more varied quests, solo duties et al, but please keep your points straight when attempting to draw comparisons, or you’ll only muddy your own argument. Especially when you consider that every attempt by the studio to vary gameplay in story segments since Stormblood has been met with massive waves of player complaints, it doesn’t help to confuse the matter.

    There’s no need to be hyperbolic about workplace cultures or design acumen when what you’re noticing are in-house style and development priorities. I get how video scripts work, but there doesn’t need to be a grand narrative or conspiracy here. It’s okay to not be the audience of something, or to have just gotten bored of it. Like you said – You’re a busy guy. You should probably pick up MonHun, or DOS:II, or PoE II to get the kind of gaming experience you outlined in the negative. Those are some great games that’d probably give you what you’re looking for, instead of frustrating you.

    • @gameoverhell
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Well constructed and edited video! This sums up some of the issues I had with XVI nicely. I wasn’t happy with Endwalker tbh, but I always assumed Yoshida had potential to produce a decent offline Final Fantasy game if he had the chance. After completing XVI to platinum… It really felt like Creative Studio 3 only knew how to design games one way. Maybe their next non MMO project will be different…? Who knows.

    • @Centrioless
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF14 players are spoiled. If you think dawntrail is bad, wait until you play gw2

    • @AngryMothNoises
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    ‘good mmo’ shows WoW, a game that condensed levels and doesn’t let you fully experience its own story like it was first presented. Anyway 16 really did flop, but you also have to take into account that games are not made by one single person. The teams for ff14 and 16 are different. The failings of success of a game can’t rely on one person. It is a collective of people who make games, and those collectives also have to bend the knee to whatever their company also wants. I don’t know what happened with dawntrail, but its obvious that they didn’t have the same writers from SHB. Yoshi-P did make some really weird and interesting choices for 16 that really made me side eye him. Dawntrail was very corprate and tried to play safe, too safe tot he point none of the characters are even characters.

    • @NyomeNyom
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The design mythology used for ARR was Scrum. Sadly, it’s become all too common. It’s sold as a team driven approach to development in which requirements are broken down into 1-2 week increments. In reality it’s a rigorous management driven approach with little opportunity to go back and improve systems.

    This could explain some of the incomplete and repetitive features by CS3 since everything needs to be timeboxed within 1-2 weeks. As well, why more formulaic features like story, cutscenes, and graphics may be a higher quality since there is less variability in the time needed. DT’s story may have also suffered as a result of new writers adjust to the project while adhering to a strict schedule.

    • @QuentinofVirginia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    10k hours in FFXIV here, alot of what you what you said really resonated with me and I find myself leaving the game I called home for completely different games like Turtle WoW

    • @thedarkderp2520
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Eh don’t know why yt recommended me this i haven’t played ff14 and 16 was my first ever ff experience and it was alright soundtrack was great but here for the algorithm

    • @NxaxtxhxaxN
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think making it easy is more in service of sales and future sales than storytelling. The most successful (read: predatory and boring) modern MMOs are like this, at least in the leveling journey if not beyond.

    • @utafumi_s3244
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    DT had a massive issue with disrespecting the player’s time. I felt absolutely nothing for the first 40-50 hours, and the rest was quite obviously the newish writers’ attempts to hit on emotions from prior expansions. Ishikawa is gone, and it shows. The hollow caricatures, the poor dialogue, the overall grave misunderstanding of the characters themselves. It all felt hollow and empty with even less emotional stakes than Stormblood. I know Yoshi-P said he knew it would get mixed reviews, but I’m pretty sure he didn’t know that the expansion itself was shit. As someone else said, let them create a character and play through, and they’ll realize how nonsensical and empty DT really is.

    • @ricky_pigeon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Problem with Yoshi P the last expansion is he was working on FF16 and now we’re all hoping for better story.. but hes now over seeing a mobile game.
    Some people forget hes a businessman and he is not your friend. Square, whos stock is down and sales of other games are “lower than expected” they said themselves. They are clearly having him work on other stuff and perhaps other developers, which is a detriment to FF14.

    I’ve played FF14 since late 2010. I’ve done all the story through the game multiple times with multiple characters.
    This last expansion is some of the worst story i have ever seen. 1.0 story was way better written.

    • @2CrowStudios
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve just unsubbed to FF14 two days ago. Dawntrail was lower than the low bar I had set for a start of a new story. It was okay overall and has some good music and locations. But I don’t see a future with the game of any meaning. Maybe I’ll try again when the next expansion drops.

    The section about gear I think provides a great point. Other than some job specific gear you can do the game is all about getting the next set with higher numbers at a higher level. I love games like Monster Hunter where you work towards a gear set and it has unique properties to it. Feels very rewarding in those games.

    • @SuperCocoKiller
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Only reason why I ever got invested into ff14 is literaly cause I got bored of playing all other mmorpgs and there are no new ones in sight, if there were, I would had gladly skipped ff14, never liked story driven games than lock content behind hundreds of hours, was a pain to skip thousands of cutscenes just to unlock the game content, had to take multiple breaks to unwind in between before finaly catching up with the story.

    I play MMORPGs to play with PEOPLE not to watch cutscenes with npcs, if I wanted a story I would play a singleplayer game which more often than not has a better story and a better gameplay.

    Honestly it’s surprising to me how so many people buy ff14 just to play the story and then drop off to play something else, it’s so commun than it makes no sense than people buy a MMORPG to play with NPCs rather than play with people.

    • @Galaxy_123
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Nah ff16 is good

    • @makisbizarreadventure4669
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    He’s afraid to take risks. He’s too safe. The moment I noticed this is getting the man who made the DMC combat for 16 and seeing how brain dead 16’s combat came out. I def can feel that he was like ” dont go too crazy, we want this easy to play for everyone” and it becomes super shallow.

    • @2inverse469
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You’re wrong though. You aren’t BiS just because you pushed the reccomended button and it equiped all your ilvl 730 gear. BiS is a combination of Tomestone gear AND raid gear, with specific materia.

    • @danblan8700
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    saying 16 sucked is a hot take for sure

    • @kuronanestimare
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As a current Subscriber to WoW… *DON’T.* I do like TWW more than previous expansions in terms of story, but after the story shine wore off, all that was left was Delves, Mythic+, and Raids. The Gear Treadmill just never ends with this game, and especially with the Underwater Delves, the balance between classes has never been more egregiously apparent. ‘Oh, but WoW is explorable-‘ No, it is not. All of the content before TWW is old and outdated anything barring raids being easily soloable and serving only to give you some form of account unlock, transmogs, or mounts. All of the open-world content in TWW is only worth it until ilvl 600, at which point you only do it for Bountiful Chest Keys or Reputation.

    As for voting with my wallet… yeah, I quit after a few months of Dawntrail realizing I hadn’t even logged in the past few weeks because I had so little interest in the game. I hope that CS3 can manage to pick themselves up with 7.2 and beyond, or, barring that, I hope FFXIV can be ported into an offline format because I loved everything up to Dawntrail and it’d be a shame for all of the incredible storytelling before that point to just be lost to eternity.

    • @2inverse469
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Please stop playing this game in English Voices. It’s insulting.

    • @ouromov2895
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Lack of honest communication, I have a feeling they dont have their FULL heart in this anymore. That was the problem with Dawntrails story, it DISRESPECTED my intelligence, after respecting it in other expansions (less in Endwalker, but still). Gameplay is.. nhhh, never reaaaally been my thing in FFXIV. Until it evolves.

    • @NodeHF
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The current state of questing is pretty much why I haven’t bothered with Dawntrail. There’s plenty of games out there that have great stories to tell, and they’ll serve you chunks of their gameplay far sooner and far more frequently. Why sit through the cutscenes at all?

    • @jamesrustle7536
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I loved 14 a lot and am sitting the rest of dawntrail out but the new player experience problem is just getting worse and worse. And the only reason that its still towards the top atm is because the mmo market is in the gutter right now. I could never convince a single person to play the 400 hour MSQ on face value. Esp ending with that fucking dogshit dawntrail expansion. In the future that MSQ just needs to be completely skippable. Could you imagine having to slog through dawntrail and the EW post patches after already being fatigued by playing the rest of MSQ? It was a slog when we were excited to play that shit.

    • @TheAnimatedGamer
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Lets not use sales figures to add to the issues of 16. 7 Rebirth sold around the same as well and wasn’t to expectations

    • @4zureSapphire
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I keep being told the game gets better at this expansion or this boss or this part, when it feels like there hasn’t been any good parts whatsoever to play with other than the story. Going through the game is a slog with easy quests and hours of my life wasted by so many cut scenes and fetch quests or defeat this easy encounter. FF14 is just way too easy and I was sleeping through half the story and skipped Shadowbringers just to find some meaning or excitement in Endwalker and there was hardly any meaningful content that mesmerized me or kept me awake. If there was an auto pathing system, guaranteed this game wouldn’t last because the content is so easy the game could play itself. Endgame content is locked so far behind story where you’re just left empty trying to get the content that is supposed to be exciting when it never does and it turns into an annoyance.

    • @VashimuXIV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This is a very fair and well made video, even if I don’t necessarily agree with calling XVI and XIV slop. I acknowledge that it deserves to be better, and the players always deserve better, but I want to stick with it. But that’s a matter of opinion and I’m not going to besmirch anyone who are disappointed with its current state, and I don’t want to force anyone to change their minds, that’s just pretentious and deflecting the criticisms leveled against XIV and XVI. Ultimately it’s a choice made with one’s wallet more than their opinions, and even I’ve been finding myself taking more breaks from the game for other hobbies, or because I fear the prospect of burnout. What I know keeps me invested is still the intrigue of where we are going from now until the end of Dawntrail, and I will defend XVI any day of the week given how much I adored the narrative and the fun I still have with the game and it’s combat. But I know risk being a fanboy if I refuse to hear other opinions, even when they’re a bit painful to hear something you love being under heat by people who are just tired of things being too samey. Just the nature of having opinions.

    Yoshida-san and the team aren’t my friends, they’ll probably never know who I am, but Im still willing to place my faith in them. Just because things may not be great now, doesn’t mean they’ll never be good again. And if I’m wrong and it all comes crashing down, then I’d want to at least believe I held true to my beliefs. This was a good video, thank you for your thoughts, Ember.

    • @mannifinalsummer4544
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My biggest issues with the games after like 8 years of playing is that it’s not aging. At all. 10 years ago those empty but pretty maps and static lip moving character cut scenes were normal. Now, that’s totally old school. And still standard to the current day. I had such high hopes after all the money and popularity Shb and Ew brought, DT would not only start a new era but also improve in terms of eliminating those old-school features. Instead the voice acted scenes got even less, we read more msq than ever, (like fully voiced main quests are minimum standard in current games now, right? Real good games even va side quests), the trailer has absolutely nothing to do with the game anymore as it feels like purposely wrong advertisement and we didn’t get any new “map exploring” features since Heavensward with those stupid eather currents. And don’t get me started on the crap with grind walled glams and stuff.
    Shb was awesome. Ew was great. DT feels like a scam. I didn’t really see until DT how much the game gets carried by the MSQ. And even if I didn’t expect much story wise when starting DT, all my hopes for a more contemporary development were crushed by a whole mountain of old-school-ness.
    The game is old and it’s impossible up unsee it anywhere. I’m only logging in every now and then for the few cheap specks of MSQ, hoping for some more quality finding its way back to us. Nothing else. This game has absolutely no content anymore that makes me excited to log in. I loved playing FFXI for a few years but even the new Junon Raid series is boring after finishing it 2 times.

    I fear it’s time for me to move on. But I dunno where to go now 😢

    • @meyatetana2973
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I got a feeling he was outvoted on Dawntrail shit honestly.

    • @petree
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You hit the nail on the hit 100%

    Unfortunately, while I feel the same way you do, there are sooooooooo many people who prolly like how the game is be cause lots of people who play 14 don’t wanna work hard. And you don’t wanna scare off your gamers cause then that’s a loss in revenue.

    Let’s face it the newer gen of gamers at least in ff14 value different things in gaming

    • @l-dog
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Agreed. I wouldn’t call it slop… yet.
    What happens next will make or break XIV

    • @FloripesTavares
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You should try Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, for me it exactly fixes everything you complained about FFXVI

    • @TheBrazilRules
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The problem is that Yoshi P wants to please people by copying another successful game and slapping the Final Fantasy name on it. FF14 is only WoW and FF16 is only tries to be DMC5. Final Fantasy used to be the trendsetter, but now it should be renamed Final Graphics.

    • @TheJezryk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I agree with your overall opinion, one point struck me as odd. At 6:29 you claimed that they have been refusing to introduce new kinds of content, which is quite frankly patently absurd to claim. You might be dissatisfied with the frequency that they introduce new kinds of content at, but they delivered at least one completely new type of content per expansion, usually multiple. And they have been reworking dated and unpopular systems. heck, diadem is in its third iteration. All of which were so drastically different that it’s difficult to believe what Diadem used to be.

    Small edit: in regerds to show, don’t tell: I’ve learned that the media literacy of the average person is so egregiously bad that “show, don’t tell” simply doesn’t work. Heck, even with the obnoxious amount of telling that Dawntrail did, most people still vastly misunderstand the entire point of the expansions final zone. Most People have forgotten how to perceive subtlety and digest everything at surface level.

    • @imtired927
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Absolutely cooked with this one

    • @voidahl1667
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I really do like 14 and what CBU3 has crafted but I genuinely don’t think they can make a good Final Fantasy. Their best Final Fantasy story comes from shadowbringers + endwalker and is the writing work of more of a singular person (I hope she returns to write for future games).
    From everything I’ve played, the FF7 remake team is where all the chips are being placed and I hope they go on to develop ff17

    • @LoneWolfLegendOfficial
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    yopi p has ruined final fantasy, action combat is the wrong direction for the franchise

    • @saucepapi6741
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I am a former FF11 player and a FF14 player and I want to say thank you for making this video. This perfectly sums up my current feelings of this game. After all these years November of 2024 I un subbed to FFXIV.

    • @grygaming5519
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I wouldn’t just say this is isolated to just Yoshi P. This is a far rampant argument that can be made to any franchise and director in the last 10-15 years. There has been no game that can fully stand out (other then games that can be considered horni bait) that make you go “wow that was…something” with the physical feeling of your hands shaking after you come off a high. The only games that get close are probably BG3 and Helldivers 2. What would normally have passed for Average/Standard back in 2009 we are celebrating as exceptional in 2025.

    Final Fantasy XIV, WoW and many MMO’s in general have settled into two distinct camps. Amusement Park systems or Second Job simulators. We either choose to go into an MMO to have our fun with the bits that interest us and then leave…or we end up dedicating far too much time because if we do not we’re behind the gear curve.

    I would honestly call it the Sterilization and standardization of the Gaming Industry as a whole. A lot of this revolves around when investors started to see the potential of profits to be pulled from gamers and these IPs themselves.

    Squresoft made a name for itself by taking a risk knowing that the game it produced would be its last one. In taking these risks it saved itself from closing and created a franchise beloved. Then somewhere down the road the company forgot its roots, was put on a financial drip of investment money that saw the full on sterilizing of what made the company Unique. I would say Nintendo probably escaped this fate because of the shrewdness of its financial planning, but I would be lying that its also fell into this trap for a few years. Pokémon Co is now using lawfare to remove a competitor because it does not want to innovate. We are stuck in some weird paradigm of “consume product and move on” where these companies that imagined words are more comfortable with rehashing the same concepts and ideas repetitively…all with a fresh coat of paint.

    Its far worse then disconnection, its playing safe. These companies are told to play safe because some big bank on Wall St or Tokyo Stock Exchange says that they need to return a 3% profit on the game. Any deviation that may lead to consumers (because we are no longer looked at as gamers) being upset is frowned upon by these money holders.

    If we focus on Square-Enix….that company is highly mismanaged even if we compare it to Nintendo, Namco-Bandai, Capcom and Konami. Taking money from a game that’s generating revenue and shifting it to projects that are no where near completion due to sonority. Hamstringing the talent and creativity of Producers, writers, and developers. I am not sitting here and stating that XIV would be in a better position had BSU3 been given more control of its finances. Using the money it generates to expand the production team, keep quality talent, hire quality talent and pay voice actors for more lines. However if we look at their direct competitor in WoW where the team that maintains WoW keeps roughly 60-70% of the money generated…. there is a distinct issue at play here. Again money does not equate to quality but it does help in the grand scope of things.

    Again then we look at the previous flagships of Final Fantasy Games….Outside of remakes what FF game stands out as a international hit? We have to go back to FF X and FF XII. FF XIII, XV and XVI were all mix bags to varying degrees. I remember all the Lightning memes (that were not as flattering) but overall these games were just….generic. Nothing really stood out and if we put XIII vs Namco-Bandai’s Tales of Vesperia. Vesperia was just the better game in 2009 and this is when the Tales of Series that has been in the shadows of Final Fantasy started to overtake in some sense the RPG scene.

    In all it boils down to Square Enix as a company that is in need of outside injection of talent and management. Yoshi P has gone on record he’d never want to be CEO of Square Enix and that his Passion is to direct games. Except the biggest Issue I have with this line of though is Yoshi P has to still do the bidding of what the Board of Directors and investors state. His name is not even at the same level of Shigeru Miyamoto where if he speaks even Shuntaro Furukawa the current CEO of Nintendo will sit down and listen. Would Yoshi P do well as the CEO of Square Enix, possibly but given his track record with how safe XIV and XVI have been most likely not. They just need someone that understands how integral Final Fantasy is to the gaming genre as a whole and who is willing to put the foot down. Square showed how badly it was mismanaged by how long it took KH3 to exit out of development and how safe it plays itself with the sanitized games its been putting out. On top of all of that, its overall unwillingness to work with western studios after purchasing them and if the head of EDOS studio word is to go by Square constantly cut their budget as they were working on Dues Ex: Mankind Divided leading to a sub-par product they were not happy with.

    • @DaveGreco
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Finally someone saying what I’ve felt for awhile now. Beautifully crafted video, consider me now subbed.

    • @LizzieTheRose
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As someone who plays games for their stories over their gameplay, I don’t see an issue with a focus on story and giving me an easy path to experience that story. However, I completely understand and agree for the point of view of gamers who are the opposite of me. I’ve only played XIV, not XVI yet, but I make new characters and reexperience the story often and I notice how blatantly easy things are and how often story pops in when I’m focused on it. I don’t personally hate it because I’m a story-type of gamer, but I can for sure understand your frustration in your point of view. Not to mention, even I, as a player for story, have my own gripes and critiques of Yoshi-P’s and the studio at large’s decisions for the story itself, so I do not view the devs as some holier than thou, uncritiquable entity. They are my favorite dev company because they act like people when on the livestreams and not robots or asshats, but their game, story and gameplay wise, does not make them gods among men. FFXIV can be better and more innovative in both gameplay and story and I hope one day they try and do better, but I’m never one to cling to hope tbh. I’d rather keep expectations low and be surprised than have them high only to be continually disappointed, saves my remaining mental health that way, lol.

    • @demongodkrismo853
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I would have quit ff14 after Endwalker but i just dont wana lose my house 😅

    • @Elc22
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF14 gameplay is extremely dated and bland, and anyone that has played even a handful of good action or even RPG games in the last decade knows this. The only thing they had going for them was the story, which was hovering around decent to actually quite good starting from HW to EW. DT was a massive pile of boiled cardboard with a turd sandwich wrapped in RGB lights as a desert, so they kind of destroyed one of the final good things about the game.

    I really do think they need to have a sit-down and do some serious soul searching. I dont think theres much room to keep disappointing players before they just stop coming back.

    • @baaron4thewin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 was the most disappointing game Ive ever played from SE. But it was made up when I played FF7R. Its almost like they made a game showing off everything you shouldn’t develop a game into vs everything you should.

    • @jayyh_01
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    11:37 one of the firmament quests lets you perform in an actual concert, giving you rythm type minigame. this was (and still is having completed the trial outside of pure grinding for relics, doing the non blue quests and levelling jobs) the only side quest that gives you any refreshing content outside of whats already been fed to you. having yet to play ShB, HW will for sure be the best expansion of the trial. the story was incredible, there was instantly more exciting main quests and things just felt like they had more impact, especially with the firmanent being a thing. its sad to hear that it will just be slowly going downhill from there

    • @Ashidomus
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As much as I agree with most of the single points in the video, as a total I still enjoy both 14 and 16. Every game has flaws and they always did. No game is perfect, so some people will learn to enjoy or live with some flaws while others will not. Why not fix the flaws? Well, for some people flaws are the good parts. Some people enjoy not worrying about combat or gearing in their experience. I am not one of them, but I get that it all depends on point of view, so noone can craft a perfect game because we all enjoy different things.

    FF16 had a lot of problems that you touched on, but the story and world being well crafted, music being amazing and the major bossfights being an amazing show (I agree that they were far from difficult) it was all enough to balance the game for me to be a very enjoyable experience.
    Could that experience been better? Yes. At the same time every game ever had its flaws and the FF16 flaws were mostly just things that I could ignore rather than engage with them at all times. I prefer to have problems like non-interesting gearing system, than grinding the same enemies for 10 hours to get some material drops for an interesting item, cause in both cases I would probably never see the cool item anyway.

    In any case you need to remember that players are not good at games. We here in the comments or people that watched even a part of this video are most likely in top 20% if not top 10%. Many of those players also don’t want to be stressed by games.
    How to make it work so people like us would be happy while keeping the average player happy? Solo duties should instantly have the Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty to pick from. Either don’t give a reward or consider some title/minion for completing all expansion duties on hard difficulty that currently does not exist. For hard, tune everything perfectly and make it engaging. In From The Cold should be considered ‘normal’ with its difficulty on release (I dont know if they ended up nerfing it). Tune it up to 11. I would do the hard versions without any reward just for the sake of having fun, while others could just keep to easy or normal. I don’t care about them, let them play the way they want if they are here for visual novel. Also some option to repeat old solo duties for fun if they would be challenging. Maybe just scaled to max level for the expansion so we have all buttons to practice jobs? Dunno. I would be happy to do hard difficulty solo bosses with multiple jobs for fun and practice.

    Just last point on the items making FF16 easy, those accessories. I did not use any, but I think those are an amazing way to make the game easier for people who are bad at games or have any disability, but still want to experience it in some way. One of the best accessibility implementations I have seen in games in my opinion.

    • @versoooo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I found your channel through your Dawntrail videos. I was having trouble pinning down my thoughts after having played the MSQ. I had a good time overall, mostly because of the world, music (I loved your discussion about the music by the way) and duties, but I was left feeling really unsatisfied despite this. Your reviews of Dawntrail really helped me understand why and that I was far from alone in feeling this way. I still play the game and I’m enjoying it, but mostly because of the friends and communities I’m a part of. The state of the game itself is looking really grim.

    I haven’t played FF16 beyond the demo yet so I can’t speak to that, but the most obvious sign to me that CB3 is holding the game back is FFXIV Mobile. It looks fantastic, to the point that I jokingly said to my friends that they should just port the mobile version back to PC (and I’m starting to think of it as less than a joke). We unironically need another Dalamud. Pick a patch, give us some quick to develop repeatable content to tide us over, and rip the guts out of the game and improve it’s underlying systems. It’s a cope I know, convincing Square to budget for this is unlikely.

    Story and MSQ gameplay is a whole other problem which you’ve critiqued well here. I just don’t know. I just hope they can snap out of it and realize that there’s still so much potential but the game is slowly stagnating. Player sub counts are trending down now so maybe they’ll get a grip when the execs see “small number”.

    • @wackantheduck6883
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am


    • @WaterLockser
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    MMOs do have this issue in general when it comes to content. Once you’ve run a dungeon once or even a few times and know exactly what you’re doing the challenge isn’t present. For example they said DTs dungeons would be more punishing and they were… the first time i ran them because i wasn’t sure on boss mechanics however every other run after is just how it was in every other expansion for me. That’s why they tend to focus more on the overall story because it’s the majority of what you’ll be doing. I don’t hate DT but its also nowhere near the same kind as written of even Stormblood (previously considered the weakest expansion for story) and when the story isn’t as good the other things that were once either just not minded or ignored get brought into the light of scrutiny more.
    However at least FF puts the dungeons IN your MSQ whereas WoW gives you dungeons but you literally don’t even have to do them at all. Back when i played when Legion was the most recent expansion I got from lvl 1 all the way to max level without touching a single dungeon because they don’t really insert them into their main story.
    ESO is even worse for this because IMO the main story is just not interesting and the dungeons don’t even sync you down so you can just go in and nuke everything.

    • @AnjJan-n7q
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This video is right in many cases but he is forgetting that most people who are playing this game are low based andies. The game is like that difficulty wise because of how much complaining there was for that. I play with a fam and I beat mostly everything first time in the story but my friend is the type of casual players that play this type of game and I still am surprised how he died more than 20 times to Venat in Endwalker and how he hated changing characters and solo missions because he would literally spend 2 hours trying to beat each one. To me the difficulty is okay I don’t mind it. Now the side quests and open ended exploration needs to change to something more interesting. Gear, i am geek for numbers so I was always reading and looking at the gear and deciding with one I wanted based on the stats of the gear and class that I had. I created my own rpg gear world.🤷‍♂️

    • @TheCuteBucket
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This style of frictionless MSQ gameplay with all of the harder elements locked away to only the “hardcore” players also really exacerbates the problem we’ve been seeing with the rift between the so-called “casual” and “hardcore” crowd. And as someone who got into this game because of the story but stuck around because I discovered I really like the harder battles and raids too, I feel almost…extra alienated? Job design keeps getting sanded down and homogenized. Dungeons and MSQ quests ask absolutely nothing of me beyond the barest minimum and so they don’t feel fun or rewarding.

    I think I’ve been under FFXIV’s spell for a long time, and it’s both jarring and sad to have the illusion broken. I’d known that FFXIV’s map design and quest system had flaws from when I began playing, but like you said, I mostly excused it as an older game and went in expecting a little clunkiness, so it didn’t bother me all that much…for a time. Truth is, I really was sucked in by just how much I loved the world and story. People give ARR crap, and there were some bad moments, but honestly? By level 30 and the attack on the Waking Sands, I was pretty intrigued and willing to subscribe to see more, and I only got more invested and more connected to the world from there. I could forgive some boring quest designs and bland combat for a long time, because the story was honestly compelling enough that getting more quest dialogue and more cutscenes was a reward for me. I ate up every single lore crumb! I loved learning every little detail I could! The characters and their stories and world mattered to me and it was such a joy every moment I got to learn more about it! Even as boring as I found the Endwalker patch stories, I thought “well, it’s kind of a filler episode, right? We’ll get back on track soon, they haven’t really disappointed me yet.”

    And then Dawntrail came out.

    Suddenly, the MSQ and the lore wasn’t a “reward” for me anymore. If anything, it felt like the characters, world, and dialogue were actively wasting my time, or even worse, talking down to me and disrespecting the lore that came before. Hell, by the time I got to the last two zones, advancing the story started to feel more like a punishment, and I got myself to push through and finish it by telling myself I needed to do it to unlock the raids. I had to stop and talk myself into doing it, like trying to start cleaning a load of dirty dishes, because the task was so unpleasant! Once the beautiful world and story were gone, the underlying flaws with the game became glaringly obvious to me in a way they never had to me previously or I had excused before. And while I’m still subbed for the friendship and community I’ve made in the game that I can’t find anywhere else, yeah, I think us players do deserve better for what we pay every month. I’ve been playing some other games in the meantime now, and I keep being struck by how much actual gameplay there is. It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but I really had become accustomed to playing almost entirely FFXIV as my main video game and forgot what other games felt like to play. And now that I’ve branched out again…yikes, this game’s problems become all the more highlighted when I log back in.

    • @lukeromero8907
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with everything you said but the claim that WoW is a “good mmo” is crazy work lol. And this is coming from someone who has played wow since the original beta over 20 years ago.

    • @Skyverb
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I fell out of love in Endwalker. Still play, but not nearly as hardcore as before.
    For me it was the story first- was disappointed in how the MSQ ended on E.W release; too safe and they took back the impact of what the cast was doing.

    Then it wasn’t really winning me over with changes to things(mainly lack-there-of) / how we can grind for things. My team and I cleared Savage, but afterwards I kinda wanted other things to grind that wasn’t raids that just feel like dances at this point. And once ur used to Savage (and Ultimate) raids the rest of the game feels ‘meh’ for difficulty.
    Ended up having fun in the deep dungeons trying to get the solo achievement in game for that, but then there are only two, lol.

    Would love for this game to be my home game again someday; but everytime I go back it feels like I’m chasing what I used to feel have instead of creating new memories. Hard to describe passed that.

    On the bright side, setting the game down let me cross off so many games from my backlog.

    • @vergil5566
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I honestly didn’t mind Dawntrail so much, I understand the somewhat hate againts Wuk Lamat cause it seems like the story is all on her and not really us, the player.

    I would say the biggest chritizism I would apply to Dawntrail story goes by this:

    1- The first part of the game is boring
    A good story is meant to hook you into it in the first second to keep engagement. But, it seems like Dawntrail first part of the story was poorly taken, cause why you ask? Well think about it WE are doing 6 feat trials for a Random giant cat woman who we’ve only met breifly and only travel there cause some EX ascian told us so. When you put it that way it all seems like a chore and really destroys the whole “Make your own adventure/Holiday retreat. Idk I just feel like they could of done better with that in my opinion…

    2- The biggest argument, Wuk Lamat.
    Listen I for one actually didn’t mine Wuk Lamat, I personally thought she was pretty funny and quirky compared to the rest of the group.
    I feel she is more relatable cause of how scared she is in some situations, all and all I feel she has a lot of personality and I like it.
    But… I also understand the issue with people getting upset with her being the most IN YOUR FACE person in the story, like c’mon man we paid $40-$60 bucks just to see our character kinda be a well… side character compared to her. Now I am not trying to be all like I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER AND I ALWAYS NEED THE SPOTLIGHT!!! But like… I feel our WoL didn’t get much of it this expansion, compared to others. Again I don’t mind seeing other peoples stories and I liked Wuk Lamat. But c’mon give us some suger man! (especially at the last fight of the expansion… yeesh…)

    That’s all I can really think about (I know I have been yapping so sorry LOL) but yeah I generally think they did a decent job at it. Let’s be real, the dawntrail theme is VERY iconic and I get all excited hearing it in the story sometimes and some of the trials weren’t all bad especially the Pelu Pelu and the later trials. All and all Dawntrail is a mixed bag of seeds and it really depends on YOUR opinion on how you feel about it really, I am just some random stranger afterall.

    • @seymour_
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I love Final Fantasy 14. It is my favorite MMO — video game — ever. 1.x-EW has some of the best narrative storytelling I’ve experienced, and I’ll always remember so many quotes from it.

    But god, has the game mechanically gotten *boring* since Shadowbringers. I don’t really want to delve too deep into my disappointment with Dawntrail narratively because, oh boy, could I rant; but the game just doesn’t really feel like an MMO anymore. Every so often I go back and play WoW or SWTOR and it always makes me really wish CS3 was less petrified of rocking the boat, and trying new things. I hate that every job in a sub-division kind of just feels the same, with a different coat of paint. It’s all become this homogenized mess of accessibility over enjoyment and job fantasy. I have many, many complaints about WoW but man is the class identity real. Healing as an Evoker feels wildly different than healing as a Disc Priest, which feels different than a Shaman. I think CS3 has become obsessed with “Balance” to it’s detriment and has created the self-fulfilling prophecy in regards to homogeneity. FFXIV’s combat design (for high level content) is genuinely good, and interesting. It’s just a shame that it’s bundled with the worst gameplay mechanics and job design I’ve played. ARR-SBs job design was far from perfect but jobs really did have a strong identity for what they brought to a party. Progging Chaotic raids recently one of the Scholars in /alliance chat said “man, I wish we had an AoE Esuna” and I had to chuckle — you used to! Before they made both of the fairies do the same thing, Selene had an AoE Esuna and you were the only job who had it! I won’t even get into the two minute meta and how so many jobs having buffs makes it a little silly for support jobs to have a niche.

    I like YoshiP. He’s a good man — and a good developer. He is a phenomenal steward of the game. But I wonder if, maybe, he should pass on one — or both — of his hats to someone else.

    In regards to FF16: I had never been so disappointed with a game. Perhaps my expectations were too high, but like you given that I loved FFXIV I trusted them to make an incredible game free of the technological constraints of a game built on recycled FF11 parts from nearly 15+ years ago. That was stupid of me. I think the only thing I can genuinely compare it to is how I feel about The Last Jedi: the first time I had an experience with the franchise that really left a sour taste in my mouth. Narratively FF16 is… fine, I guess? It’s not awful, but it’s not particularly memorable. The boss fights are cinematic but you don’t *do* much in them. The combat is certainly flashy, but it’s shallow and repetitive. It really has *no* hallmarks of what I consider to be part of the mechanics of an FF game. Getting hit by a Malboro’s Bad Breath didn’t apply any status debuffs. Clive couldn’t really actually use any magic. It just felt like an uninspired action game with a Final Fantasy narrative thrown on top of it because wanted to make Kaiju battles in 4k.

    • @Yokai_Yuri
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I don’t mind a lot of cutscenes. I love them because no one can take away from them the fact these are gorgeous and well made. The problem is what we do in between: Fetch quest x4, kill a random monster that poses no threat whatsoever, and talk to Wuk Lamat(or any other npc). There were two instances in Dawntrail where they step up a little bit and changed things; the first one is the mini trial against Bakool Ja Ja, and the second one against the fake Dawnservant Gulool Ja Ja. Both fights were well design and you had an actual chance to fail at them if you didn’t pay enough attention. The problem is that these fights should be something normal and not something that happens every 300 years when doing main storyline quest.

    The map problem: I agree many maps seems limited and devoid of life. I have played throne and liberty and one thing I have notice there is the massive amount of enemies you see on the field. It makes the world feel alive, on top of them having voiceovers like the goblins or human enemies. In FF14 you see a giant frog, the next enemy you see like 20 meters away is a random big monster, then farther away another monster, and so on. The fear of being ganged on by enemies is non existent. What’s funny is that contents such as deep dungeon have more of an MMO feeling that the game itself. In deep dungeon you have to RESPECT some enemies; otherwise, they’ll kill you regardless if you are a tank or not. Anyway, I can believe with all the money this games generates, they haven’t fixed these issues.

    • @ArtandApoc
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Whats crazy is how well you get to the bottom of an issue I have been struggling to give word to for years now. All I could think to say is that the game felt too easy or dumbed down. You take this basic sentiment and really deep dive into why it feels that way and what could be done about it. Unfortunetly there is a flip side to this which you have not mentioned. The fact that ALOT of the dumbing down of gameplay in recent years rests at the feet of players who complained too much about difficulty level.

    When I first started playing this game I remember when wall to wall pulls in ARR were the norm and whipes were something that happened regularly even in dungeon content if you were not on your A Game. It was in that era where people took the time to teach each other how to play better and it often felt like we were all overcoming the games challanges as a community. Some of my best memories during that time are from running even basic dungeon content. Now it feels like the game has been built to the lowest common denominator and it takes alot of the joy of playing the game out if it.

    I think this is likely a large contributing factor to why I have transitioned to being more of an RP player than anything else. With the games main value being narrative I feel the best way to get enjoyment from it is to write my own story along with my friends which takes place in that narrative space.

    I do hope that the dev team takes everything you have said to heart and the number of articles coming out now with high level members of the dev team coming out and saying they think they over corrected too far gives me hope. I hope to see this game get back to something which at least in some small way recaptures the glory and challange of Heavensward when it was on content while keeping the fantastic story telling of Shadow Bringers… and as you said… some actually meaninful choices when it comes to gear would be nice too. I think the trade off of materia slots vs raw stat points of the wand and shield vs staff was a major missed oppertunity, and as a crafter I would love to see crafting have more practical use than as simple filler gear between dungeon runs.

    • @TheFalazure
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    yeah i have to agree, i have always found the gear in ffxiv very boring and uninspired, relics that you bust your ass with over a long term have nothing interesting going for them which is a largely missed opportunity that was actually highly exploited in ffxi, its predecessor, relics were a labor of love with a huge payoff, they had interesting hidden effects and granted exclusive weapons kills.

    • @Forrest477
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Look man, that’s cool and all, but to me it seems like you’re mostly complaining about games being easy and games not letting you make a stupid choice. I hate to tell you that virtually all games from virtually all publishers are easy and repetitive and insults to your intelligence. It’s a valid criticism but it’s a criticism you’d basically be leveraging at everyone. Nothing is hard, everything is optimized for the vision of the producer. I’m too old to give a crap anymore, I just enjoy things for what they are–and if I don’t, I just play something old.

    • @aequila_carbuncle
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I am a deep die hard FFXIV fan and this video has opened my eyes on many things. This constructive criticism is valid and I hope they’ll adress some issue forward.

    • @enpi-me
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Technical debt that is nearly impossible to fix, visual novel style which is loved by the japanese audience… you’ve pretty much explained yourself the issues you’re talking about.
    Now for the illusion of choice you’re wrong though.
    It is not the devs choice but the player’s fault.
    And those kind of issues date back from games like WoW.
    Even if the devs wanted to give you choice, ultimately the players will only choose the most optimal build/playstyle.
    It is the players that pushed mmorpgs to follow that path.
    And I am pretty sure that if the devs gave you the opportunity to choose it would only satisfy a very niche category : most of the players would see the non-optimal gears/gameplay as wasted resources, and you would most probably end up with more players complaining than now.

    • @WreckTheSphere
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Pretty much spot on.

    • @lordgarrey7593
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’ve been saying most of this to friends for years, not as well as yourself.
    but every time my opinion was met with “You are wrong” I wanted to like the game but it puts too much faith in its story to distract me from why I am there in the first place, to play a game.

    • @travisgeorge1553
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    One thing, we should all easily agree upon:

    Don’t play modern WoW. I wouldn’t even play, so called Classic, at this point.

    • @lunyiea
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I really liked 6.0 but everything that came beyond lost me. It’s just boring, and still nothing interesting or longlasting to do.
    Problems already begun during ShB. Continued in EW patch content und now are very visible in DW msq and just everywhere else.

    The same problems people ask for solutions over many years are still not solved, and content becomes more and more boring, less and less, and just more of the same.
    I am so tired of the ‘arena-with-boss’ styled fights, no matter how different they name them (Trial, Ex Trial, Raid, Savage Raid, Unreal, Ultimate, Chaotic, …). It’s all the same style.
    CBU 3 needs fresh air.

    • @risunapple105
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    cant trust anyone who looks 50 and has a 14 year old anime protagonist hairstyle tbh

    • @AsuraAnimosity
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    They add options to 14 and 16 to make it impossible to lose because of accessibility. Some people want to play the game, but are incapable of performing certain things because they have some comdition that prevents them from reacting in time. I deem the rings from 16 are a QoL for people who need accessibility.

    • @fireon3339
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I left, when they castrated samurais two years ago. Now all classess looks like crap.

    • @AC3handle
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You know the best “savage” content that’s come out since dawntrail?
    No, not CoD, but when they fucked up and removed the ice blocks for Amon in CT.
    People ENJOYED dealing with that, having to either spike him down fast enough,
    or cheating the system, and having people hold rezzes until right as casts his nuke.

    • @GlorpShakey
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    An MMORPG with no gear or character progression is so boring. Yay! Next patch, in 4 months, I will get +10 strength so I can access the higher item level content

    • @Azeur
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Stagnation has been in FFXIV for a while now. I stopped subscribing back when my subscription ran out in October 2023, and yet to see anything to convince me to return as a paying customer.
    Which is saying something, because I’ve been obsessed with the game for 10~ years, and I’m so upset that I’m still commenting on videos in 2025 about it.

    The final straw for me was when I had to face the truth after doing Thaleia, that they had completely lied about Myths of the Realm alliance raids being similar to the Ivalice raids.
    Nothing was difficult, people were just fooling around and the bosses were dying so fast that they couldn’t do most of their “rotation”.

    The latter is extremely emblematic of the entire game as a whole. The player power is way too high in every content except maybe Savage/Extreme.
    Doing older content synced doesn’t work, because it’s not even remotely the same playing field as it was when it was new content. So it just leads to a boring experience where the bosses, and trash mobs for that matter, just turn into animated training dummies. Doing it minimum item level is also scuffed, because your abilities are completely different to before.

    That’s like the entire game, fighting training dummies that don’t react to your actions and lose their actions as their HP burn away like crazy.
    You can probably count on 1 hand the amount of expansion dungeons that have encounters that require interject/head graze, or using esuna to remove debuffs (Imagine if The Warden’s Paean was actually useful more than once a blue moon). Trash mobs don’t need to be respected at all, and the bosses deal less damage than the trash mobs.
    It feels only worse in Alliance raids, fates and hunts.

    The only remaining place where I feel combat is engaging is Eureka, and Deep Dungeons. The Former gets less scary the more experienced/levelled you get, the latter is because nothing is set in stone. If you do a solo run in deep dungeons, the entire game dynamic changes. Suddenly things are a threat, you have to be careful of traps and the different threat types are finally relevant.
    Did you know that some enemies don’t aggro if you RP walk, some enemies only aggro if you are visible to them meaning that ninjas can sneak past them just fine, some enemies will aggro on proximity to you, or that some enemies aggro if you are wounded… These are things you only realise from doing Eureka/Bozja or deep dungeons. Nowhere else is that relevant, because the game is a joke.

    Raiding can be fun, but it’s hard to stay motivated when the only reason to do raids more than once, is so you can raid better. Gear is meaningless once you have the bare minimum.
    Once I stopped raiding during EW for health reasons, I truly realised how little engaging content there was for me to do. The game was failing to give me any reason to want to log on, because what would I even do?

    The way they’ve streamlined the entire world, the lore, jobs, combat (2min rotation is just awful) just leads to completely disengagement as a player. I’m not into RP so I don’t have that to lean on.
    I like doing things together with others, and working towards meaningful goals. But when the only goal is suddenly “get mounts”, or something similarly inane, it just feels meaningless. Even more so when the story completely lost me, and the writing just felt subpar to previously.

    Doesn’t help that the replay value on the things they release is zero. Variant Dungeon died the day it released. Criterion is too punishing, especially when it has a savage version.
    Island Sanctuary is a travesty that never should have been released as a single player torture device with the part-time excel work.
    Eureka Orthos has barely any rewards, and goes from boring, extremely punishing to boring as a constant whiplash depending on what floors and bosses you are on. There’s no middle ground, because the mobs hit like a wet noodle and are only scary if they have the right abilities (that almost always will 1-shot you).
    Treasure hunts suffer so badly from player power that you are gonna have a bad time if you come as a caster who dares to have a casting bar.

    It’s so frustrating how blind the devs are to the game’s state. I keep wishing I could directly talk some sense into them.

    • @MatticusFinch1820
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Final fantasy 16 from the very beginning looked what I called beautifully bland. Everything was gray and white and brown and looked boring and bland. And I was right. All the characters sucked nobody was cool. And it came out right around the same time as final fantasy 7 rebirth which shit all over this games face. It also exposed just how trash modern final fantasy is compared to the amazing battle system in rebirth.

    • @Romangelo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s not just CBS3’s issue. It’s mostly a problem with Japanese video games in general. They’re way too strict to the rail instead of letting the player actually “play” the game, giving them freedom.
    Like in western games, if there’s a quest that you need to rebuild a bridge to progress the story, I can just say F it, and then swim across the river instead. I may have to fight more enemies by doing so but I can do it.
    Or if there’s a gate with security guards, in Japanese games it’s “No means no” and I can’t get pass. In western games I can choose to kill the guards and go inside.
    Or if I don’t like an NPC in a western game who’s being cocky and insult me in a cutscene, after the cutscene finish I can bring out a hand grenade and throw it at him, killing him. I may get a game over and has to start over, but that’s fine. It’s just fun to do so. Japanese games don’t let me do that.
    Or if I want to drive Noctis’ car off cliffs in FF15, or killing NPCs in town in FF7 Rebirth with Omnislash, I should be allowed to. Japanese games just don’t give me anything to play with and just want to put me in a leash and walk straight through where they programmed the game for.
    Dragon’s Dogma is probably the only exception, but that’s a Japanese game that was inspired by western game designs.

    • @fireon3339
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My problem with Yoshi P is that when he stole Kaiten from us, he promised he will listen if we will not like sam gameplay without it. And there was 100 posts from people suffering, but mf just pretend that we don’t exist.
    Yoshi P is a liar.

    • @MewsDabest
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    so cutscene bad and game not hard enough?

    • @markm9548
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Agree with 100% of what you talked about. I’ve not touched FF14 seriously for 2 years now because I don’t feel any love for the game anymore, I’ve played WoW since DF and I don’t regret going back at all.

    Came back to DT for 3 weeks and got bored right after, and 7.1 doesn’t have anything I would wanna resub for realistically. All the content cycle is rinse and repeat.

    I stopped WoW in 2017 during Legion for FF, but it feels like the problems WoW had, FF now has and much worse in my opinion. Most of your playtime on FF is taking place in older content if you’re doing roulettes, unlike WoW which is more focused on the newer content. The more expansions FF14 gets, the less likely you’ll be playing newer content.

    • @lovillela
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Well, we can’t say for certain how much the management is to blame (which includes the higher ups that outranks the director).

    But I do get the feeling that they need more people. Can’t get really put my finger on why exactly tho.

    • @FernandoSanchez-gp9qf
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yoshi-P refuses to take any risk. He is lazy, and his approach to games is very boring. XIV had a great story which held up its lacking core systems. Gear in XIV is never truly unique. Even relic weapons are just for looks. Jobs are homogenized. Rotations are static. This is all because Yoshi-P is a safe-guy. He brought XIV back from the dead, but the price was a bland formula that would show its limits when the story falls apart, like it did with DT.

    • @Silverias
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s really seemed strange. There was a clear, tangible change in 14 once Endwalker development wrapped. EW post, Dawntrail, and now DT post have all been shaky, and in some very obvious, almost amateurish ways. Simple, glaring problems like the state of alliance raid balance, or half of the final battle of EW getting _skipped_ because they didn’t put a sync on it, went unaddressed for weeks…or just permanently. It really feels to me like when EW shipped, the game got handed off to the B team, and they have not been up to the task.

    • @FloDaddelt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Great video, putting into words that which I did not care to ponder over too much. But yes, the things you mention are exactly things bothering me with both games, 16 and also 14.

    And it is not that they do not receive any feedback on these issues. They do. They just decide to change nothing. FFXIV is STALE and it has been noticably STALE since after Endwalker MSQ.

    Also it had more difficulty in the earlier days, although some of that probably came down to the very bad connection for most players. Also you had to manage TP and MP well,. Today there is no TP anymore, they might as well remove MP for the healers as it’s nearly impossible to run out / recover when you die. I remember when you would use Mana Potions during progression…

    I think 8.0 will be like Mists of Pandaria for me, if it sucks I’m goign to dip.

    • @ultimagaming6035
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I guess a more engaging way of inputing your battle actions would be kind of kool, Just not sure how they would do that.

    • @thingsforotaku8082
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I have quit FF14 because they seem to fail to care about anything anymore. The 7.0 update ruined everything for me, broken models, flat disgusting looking characters, removal of unique looking faces for important characters, broken lighting system, forced TAA making the whole game blurry, homologation of all jobs, homologation of all character models. Vast open spaces without anything to do or interesting and a nonsense story.

    There is no risk taken at all, the game is getting more and more bland and smoothed into a colorless, tasteless and odorless paste. The only thing that kept me there was the modding scene, and with the current broken graphics it’s not even worth it for me.

    FF16 had very similar issues, no risks at all, no player choice that mattered and boring combat.

    • @Kyle81290
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    We need to stop using “Show don’t tell” for these games and use “Less is more” The amount and lenght of cutscenes is ridiculous.

    • @8erlyk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    solid vid, felt like how ff16 was going to be structurally wise and even visually wise (environment design) was predictable before it even came out. i’ve always felt a certain bitterness towards ff14 since I realised so much potential was going down the drain and concepts with better potential simply don’t have the funding to succeed like ff14 does.

    we’re stuck in a shitty mmo market at this point, no wonder gachas are creeping up top slowly for a specific type of player.

    • @ginjabr3ad330
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    My problem with 14, as much as I enjoy it, boils down to the question: “How often did I feel the urge to skip an important cutscene in order to get back to the parts of the game I actually enjoy?”.

    • @bigtatsu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Final Fantasy XVI made me appreciate XIII that’s how bad XVI was to me.

    • @lightsnow123
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    14 lost me this expac.

    It was egregious in its “tell, dont show” approach.

    There’s nothing long-lasting about playing the game, and the linear gear progression is a dull goal. What makes one BLM different from the next? Knowing how to use your spells in the right order and gear. That’s it. No real skill. No real difference. No “talent tree” system to at least diversify to an extent.

    Ive been playing WoW season of discovery, and it feels so much more fun going through it all with a friend. It’s made me realize I miss the level of teamwork needed and the diversity in classes to balance out each other.

    Until major changes happen (especially to healers and healing. It’s one of the most un-fun, counter-intuitive healing gameplay I’ve ever experienced in a game), I don’t really see myself going back.

    Also, 16 was definitely a game to play only for the story. Not the gameplay. Toward the end, I just equipped the rings to breeze through it all. Battles got boring really quick.

    • @iwasakikoji6969
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While you can criticize XIV for its complete lack of meaningful customization, it’s a deliberate and understandable design choice. XIV has carved out its niche as a narrative-driven casual MMO where every job and every team composition is viable in nigh all content. While it may seem bland, it achieves a particular aim.
    However, the “stat stick” gearing and simplistic core combos propped up by flashy cooldowns is pointless and a major drag on a single player game with a finite experience. It does not need to be balanced nor does it need to prolong my time with it indefinitely, so their fear of letting the player experiment, break free and become OP is nothing but a hindrance. I thought XVI was great but its laundry list of flaws are almost entirely due to bad habits being brought over from XIV.

    • @Tenryou23
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I agree with everything you’ve said in the video (especially the voting with your wallet when SE does not produce a product worth your money), but word of warning for Throne and Liberty. It shares similar issues with XIV, but to a lesser degree because it’s not as recognized for its story and more for it being F2P and PVP centric. It’s just as railroaded as XIV, except that it has open world PVP. The dungeons are just as linear, to the point where you pretty much tackle them the same way (big pull/skip mobs – boss, big pull/skip mobs – boss, big pull/skip mobs – boss). The quests are just as mundane (although, they do less cutscenes but the cutscenes are often times janky since people just skip them anyway). The “endgame” consists mostly of PVP, world bosses that are rarely fun due to the amount of lag or are dead in a matter of seconds or grinding the same dungeons like in XIV for gear. The gearing/class system was interesting at first, until you realize that it being a PVP centric game, your choice narrows as you choose to do more things in game. I will say, healing in TnL feels better and more engaging.

    The grass always seems greener on the other side. But you could argue that the other side’s grass is free, so it doesn’t matter if it’s just astroturf.

    • @Stammer6
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I really appreciate how many people I’ve seen recently be brave enough to criticize X|V. The game has been in a bad loop of toxic positivity for the last few years: everyone reinforcing one another’s belief that it’s somehow a perfect game, and completely ostracizing anyone who criticizes it.

    Good stuff!

    • @skybuilder23
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yoshi-P had vastly different levels of involvement in either game. Blaming him entirely feels convenient.

    • @georgef6573
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Shadowbringers was the last expansion i liked been slowly dropping off since then. The game is too hyped up. You just do the same stuff every 2 years with a little bit of new paint. Dunno why folk still play

    • @elvininfante307
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    A couple of things:

    So you mentioned how you can bring down the difficulty of XVI “as if it wasn’t easy enough already.” As a middle aged dad with 2 young boys who like to play video games I find this feature fantastic. It allows me to pop the rings on and let my 6 year old go to town. Sure, the narrative of XVI isn’t something I want my kids watching, but killing a Republican War Panther is something they love doing. Don’t you remember being a 6 year old barely able to beat a level that as an adult, you fall asleep playing through?

    The point is, these games are meant for a WIDE audience to enjoy. And that might be what the purists hate the most. They either want one end of the spectrum or the other. A game that blends ease and fun seems to be a sure fire way to make no one happy.

    • @epicretard1680
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 was expectable and boring

    • @T3hBadger
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I will defend FF16 here where a lot of people say that the combat is simple and has shallow systems but it couldn’t be further from the truth, there’s a ton of depth to what you can do to absolutely decimate and style on the enemies (admittedly i do wish there was a higher difficulty like DMC where enemies becomes a ton more resistant to stagger, they attack about as often in those games anyway, there just tends to be a lot)

    However despite the combat director being no other than the man behind Devil May Cry’s combat, you can get away with using very little in 16, the floor for its combat is low but the ceiling that so many players seem to ignore or not realise is insanely high, the stuff you, just look up some of the duels players have with A Nine of Knives.

    • @John_Dun
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    reducing all the overly flashy moves and magic effect would be a good start

    • @dopaminetrigger
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You hit the nail on the head. I bought Final Fantasy 16 on day one, and returned it three days later because everything outside the combat just felt like Final Fantasy 14. I’ve played an embarrassing amount of FF14, but seeing the format just copypasted onto FF16 was an absolute vibe killer.

    • @Ruzgfpegk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The strength of Yoshida is that he’s a great planner.
    The weakness of Yoshida is also that he’s a great planner.

    FFXIV is planned so much in advance that there’s not much room left for surprises or improvements upon feedback.
    When something is badly received in the game, then the response will either be “okay, we’ll do better next time” or “okay, maybe we’ll fix it in 5 years”, outside of exceptions like the Diadem that got fixed very fast.
    And sometimes the response leads to a worse situation than the initial issue.
    Some people didn’t like Bozja in Shadowbringers? Fine, we got Island Sanctuary instead and the easiest relic weapons ever, which meant that players weren’t invested to farm a zone as groups, and many felt bored in the Endwalker lifecycle as a result.

    I don’t know what happened behind the scenes with Dawntrail as, if I remember correctly from the interviews, Yoshida didn’t think it would be well-received: did SE ask him to let the new writers do as they wish and not intervene?
    Don’t forget that he played MMOs since he was young, so he knows what works or not and he probably saw that coming, and if my theory is correct I hope that he’s using our feedbacks to prove to his boss that he was right and should take back full control.
    During the media tour and FanFests, outside of the technical side where he was really proud of his team backporting some effects and shaders from XVI into XIV (they’re the same engine at their core) like the grass shader, I felt like he was prouder of what has been done until now than of what was about to come, but maybe that’s just me.

    Story-wise, I knew it would be rather dull compared to the two previous expansions, but by being a mentoring third wheel to a failure of a heir the sentiment of adventure has been greatly reduced.
    The overall Dawntrail theme seemed to be the passing of the torch to new generations: in the storyline (going from an adventurer to a mentor), in the music (if you look at the OST, Soken left a lot of tracks to other musicians), in the scenario (Ishikawa is probably working on FFXVII right now), in the approach (when it looks like hard themes are about to get talked about, the story skips to something else as if sensitivity readers censored every zone and asked to double down on Wuk Lamat instead), and maybe with players too with Xbox (so, mostly Americans who the Japanese know to be sensitive) and soon mobile gamers joining?

    I’m waiting on the Eureka/Bozja-like group content that’s supposed to arrive in the next patches, and I feel like it’s gonna be a decisive moment for many players.
    It’s still an incredible game deserving to be played for hundreds of hours, especially for new players, but those who are at endgame right now have been bored for way too long, and most Xbox players who joined my FC have since left to enjoy what their Game Pass offers instead.
    During the Endwalker lifecycle I could forgive them the lack of content, because they were working on “the next new cycle”.
    And then the next new cycle arrived and it got worse.
    Sure, I’ll wait/pay a few more months, doing older side-content because there’s almost no end to it.
    But many players feel like their money has been used to pay for SE’s failures like Forspoken instead of improving the game, and it cannot continue like this.

    • @Jade_Nova
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Why did you bought a story game to complain there is too much cutscene.

    Maybe you are buying the wrong kind of game expecting something else. When I bought ff 16, I knew It was going to be a roller coaster of cutscene. My expectation were based on that. Which is why, I liked it.

    Don’t go in a franchise expecting the dev to change it to you PERSONAL and INDIVIDUAL liking. FF 14 was a cutscene/dialog heavy game since forever. It’s like buying Tetris and expecting a revolutionary story.

    But, I will say the dawntrail story was horseshit.

    • @Bootheater1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    0:33 LMAO

    • @AbyssWalker0
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with everything you said. I was exicted to play ff16 at first but the game is so easy. The only time i came close to dying was the dragon S rank hunt and thats only because i took my eyes off the tv because i was bored

    • @Legacies15
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The only thing worse than witnessing a developer ruin your favorite MMO, is having to watch hit happen multiple times. It happened with WoW, it happened with 14.

    With all of the changes that 14 had gone through, slowly eroding away any sign of the truly interesting MMO it once was in its peak of ARR and Heavensward, the game had continued to offer me less and less enjoyment over the years. The core function I wanted from it, the gameplay loop, progressively turned into a sloppy amalgamation of “Pick your flavor of Tank/Healer/MagDPS/PhysDPS”, followed by “Learn the dance routine and do everything perfectly, or you raid wipe”. The unique class identity I loved was stripped and replaced with barebones versions of the class architypes, and whether it was the better or worse version of each (example being Paladin over Dark Knight, or Warrior over Gunbreaker), where the core kit of classes performed relatively similarly and you’re just picking the flavor you like better. Content development shifted towards class favoritism that was even admitted by development, leading to other classes becoming shells of their former selves, or even unplayable without extraordinary knowledge of the content and mechanics.

    The story of Endwalker was the final straw. After 8 long years of having it built up, we were to finally face the deadliest entity known to existence, Zodiark, only to have the rug pulled out completely under him in favor of presenting FF14’s version of Necron (Meteon); a final boss shoved into our faces seemingly out of nowhere, with little to no build up other than in the last droll few hours of the 6.0 storyline. But what was even more egregious than this, is the fact that 8 years worth of story development and character growth, 8 years of choices you’ve made in your progression, meant absolutely NOTHING. This is all thanks to the storyline of having gone back in time, meeting with Venat (Hydaelyn), telling her about ALL of your grand adventures, and then watching as the cutscenes show Venat as Hydaelyn pushing you into making every decision you’ve made leading to you the point of fighting Necron. A cardinal sin in story-telling, leading to me feeling as if I’ve been slapped in the face, to be told that every single decision I made in my character’s adventure was already pre-determined through this abysmal time travel story element. 8 years, made meaningless.

    I uninstalled the game after completing the base 6.0 story line, and I will never play it again.

    • @whatneutral
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    my biggest gripe with ff14 isnt dawntrails story, ill let it cook fully and get it an honest shot. but its deff in the job balance and design of dawntrail. its an absolute joke, and classes feel more homogenous than ever. what they did to black mage, astro and even gunbreaker are huge steps in the wrong direction, and it feels like a lie when square says “please look forward to 8.0 job/class identity” when 7.0 looks like it does

    • @gathaspar2831
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I took a break to try out GW2 and when I came back to FF14 it struck me very hard how empty the zones feel, how bad the open world design is. And the mounts. They are just so ugly and lifeless in FF14. I love my bros Estinien and Urianger, love the story, but it’s more like a book than a video game, especially an MMORPG where the open world and character building should be the main pillars.

    • @bloo_dergn
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Listening to you talk about how empty 16 is makes me reflect on why I spend so much time gaming. It constantly feels like i haven’t done anything.

    • @Navhkrin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This is something I noticed with YoshiP games as well! Everytime I state it I get bashed down by hardcore FFXIV fans but IMO YoshiP does a bad job and making world building interesting and focuses most of his energy onto “Epilogue” sections. This isn’t simply a matter of world building itself not being as active. It is a matter of Yoshi not knowing how to do those sections fun. Many games make them fun and interesting, either through carefully tunes challenging combat, by factoring player choice on side quests that affect outcomes, or filling them with fun side activities to break the boring loop.

    – Worlds themselves in YoshiP games have good narrative and are well established.
    – World building and informing player about this world is handled poorly in uninteresting and bland methods and mostly revolves around just telling the player instead of showing them.
    – YoshiP games are lackluster when it comes to RPG mechanics and difficulty tuning is extremely horrible. You can as matter of fact literally faceroll and you will still beat 80% of the content.
    – Epilogues are some of the bests I have experienced in among hundreds of games I have played.

    • @Kyle81290
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    For me, FF14 ended with Shadowbringers. Endwalker and Dawntrail are just spin off or fanmade stuff. Shadowbringers was the peak of FF14, just like how Lich King was the peak of WoW, they will never get there again.

    • @Tom-Pendragon
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    If I were to quit playing ff14, it wouldn’t to be to play world of fucking warcraft lol. Anyway I agree with all of your points aside from “gear is boring”. The reason why gear is boring is because of players will always remove the fun out of the game. Good example of wow perks. Like everyone somehow picks the 95% of the same perks

    • @hatertime
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    SquareEnix is basically Tetsuya Nomura and the games he works on. I liked FF16, and I liked that combat system very much, I know that a lot of people didn’t. I think the accessories were a perfect idea also. It was basically a way to have “easy” mode.

    • @Clavitz1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think one thing that didnt help XIV regarding rebooting the initial game was that Yoshi P only had WoW MoP to really “replicate” and sadly MoP was in the area of reducing the choice of players for their character such as scrapping the Talent Tree system and Gems.

    I think it’d be nice if XIV had a Trait tree so we can choose what we wanted or something. Might help players deal with button bloat in their own fashion.

    btw I think the jab at the XVI accessories is a bad take. Those actually helped a lot of people who arent action orientated or have disabilities. Accessibility is a huge plus for games to have. The Final Fantasy Mode comment though is solid as it should have been available from the beginning. This is something I felt Yoshi P was a hypocrite about in regards to not wasting player time. Locking the hardest difficulty behind beating the game is a terrible choice.

    • @Fredo0593
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I personally enjoyed XVI I do agree with your criticisms, the game is way to easy and it feels like it’s holding your hand all the way through. The crafting system is a joke, you literally can’t make mistakes lol.
    The characters got me through, though.

    As for 14, I finished Endwalker, but the MSQ after that were so boring and bland I just stopped altogether. I tried REALLY hard to enjoy it but I just couldn’t. I hate that I can’t enjoy it anymore, lol. The never-ending cutscenes, fetch quests, repetitive dialogue, etc… was just too much.

    • @Otapad
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Vehemently disagree.

    Great video 👍

    • @joseluisdossantoscruz1102
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I super get what you said about 16 and Yoshida. I couldn’t agree more, but I can’t miss the opportunity (and a super ironic one), specially because you’re from a base that has history of certain “ways” when it comes to “criticism”…

    “Now get a copy of a good MMORPG”, from a company that doesn’t respect players time, sells a renowed franchise full of BS at full price, milk their player base to the fullest, disrespect competitors as “not real competitors” and full of questionable work ethics, sexual harassment and the best they can do to show how much they are improving as a company is to hire a bunch of woke untalented developers and change naked woman pictures for bows of fruits. Not only that, only one of the 2 most successful MMORPG is actually being played and getting new players each new expansion.

    But again, I totally agree with you. I did enjoy 16 for all that I’ve played, it was fun, but it’s one of those games I would not play again. After all, there isn’t much to revisit. I also think that Yoshida attending to the development of both games at the same time surely harmed both games under his direction. I can just imagine how much overwork BU3 had to do.

    Nice video.

    PS: just got to the end of the video and now I know what got into you: you want novelty. Sure, 10 years of the same thing, in both WoW and FF14 gets boring, but to say you’ll go to TL… Yeah holy f, man. Go back to WoW, D4 or go to BDO or Lost Ark. 😅

    • @memecita
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’m as casual as can be, even after playing for a long time. Back in Heavensward I used to run fights for the fun of it, the combat system was demanding enough to keep a scrub like me engaged and make it feel rewarding. Jobs have lost their flair that used to make them unique for the sake of meta balance (that I personally never care for but I’m a scrub who plays for fun), when disrespancies still happen like the current Pictosupremancy. Healers died to me in Stormblood and I didn’t bother playing them after, I miss shield AST. This may be an unpopular opinion but I think all old AST cards had their uses, Bole wasn’t useless when you spread it to the party for raidwides. I miss giving TP/MP to someone who was running low, the resource management is all gone now. I think Heavensward era Bard aka Bow Mage was a great thing and fun to play after the initial shock of getting used to the cast times, I think their mistake was making MCH follow the exact same formula when it would’ve make sense to have a fast pew pewer and cast times for bow as you draw it.

    Heavensward was a long time ago and times have changed and I have too. The parts I remember struggling with as a new player are gone now, everything is so gutted now that the sense of any risk or extra effort has simply been removed. And I don’t mean they should keep it as difficult because there is so much more of the game now, catching up should be made easy for new players and god knows sometimes making things easier has been the right thing to do with QoL changes especially. I just think the focus of it has been wrong. If they want to even out the playing field, at least make it in a way that makes sense like making the levelling experience more enjoyable by making sure each class has and AoE skill when they enter the first dungeon at level 15. I find it quite disheartening that nowadays if you choose Arcanist because it’s a pet class, the pet doesn’t even attack with you like it used to. What’s the point of a companion if it just stands there like a some sort of ghost of a support animal? I’m not a lore/RP person but I used to greatly appreciate how everything was tied to the lore and the lore stayed true to the game, the sense of immersion that used to mean something feels very hollow now (make all that Dark Knight angst relevant again).

    Even with the graphic updates, FFXIV is starting to show it’s age. It has coasted along with a stable formula for so long that I feel they’ve gotten complacent. Now if ever they should be breathing new life into the game and innovate or they will get left behind. The PvP revamp was a perfect example how jobs can have their signature flair and be fun to play. I don’t doubt such talent or ideas exist in the team, I just think they’re not allowed to execute them. I think they’ve gotten so used to the high numbers, that they are now terrified to push away any casuals and would rather avoid ANY sort of risk taking.

    The only attachment I have left is to my digital house, nostalgia of memories made and the comfort of familiarity, but each time my breaks get longer and longer as I enjoy less and less aspects of the game.

    • @36luki36
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    i mean the entire gear thing is exactly why i play 14, i don’t have the time to grind a new system that will get invalidated on the next patch and gear in wow anymore. i just want to hop on and raid instead of preparing to raid. Does gear mean nothing and is just a stat stick that acts as a barrier for entry for harder content? yes, but that’s basically every game I’ve played in the last 20 years except runescape and old wow.

    While all of the points are factually correct, i wouldn’t play an mmo if those are the criteria i wanted the game im playing to fulfil. For choices id go play Baldur’s gate 3, something like subnautica for exploring, elden ring if the world was suppose to be dangerous. of course the perfect game could combine all of those aspects but that would result in one hell of a scope creep.

    • @shredwerd009
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Played ARR, came back for shadow bringer launch, endwalker, left, dawntrail cane out, i basically got to the new big city and not only couldnt get invested, got bored very quick. I went back to wow classic doe the anniversary realms. Classic Wow has its problems but at least it feels like a world. No longer interested in a heavily instanced theme park. Emergent gameplay is an absolute must for a game to be interesting to me, and sadly devs want to control way too much in retail wow and FFXIV. Plus the PVP is simply awful in XIV. Gear does jack all and its essentially “whoever has the bigger group for the encounter wins”. At least wow pvp is fun. All your points stand.

    • @FinalDragoon63
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    As someone who was playing FFXIV since Tanaka was in charge, I feel like this video was made for me. (Its still early, so we’ll seE)

    • @XxXVideoVeiwerXxX
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Lol theres a character really named mid?

    • @jgrif7891
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FFXIV died with Emet-Selch.

    • @3zzzTyle
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    idk man I like the game. Maybe it’s just not for you.

    • @Greatsharkbite
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    creative business unit iii** Also, while I think ffxvi is a massive disappointment (although not as bad as XV) weird to state the obvious that they aren’t our friends. Neither are people pushing out youtube videos like this. That said, I AGREE with the video other than that. They got my money when I felt compelled to play the game. Honestly I quit at shadowbringers the absolute best i thought the game was for me. If I bought dawntrail like any other game i’d stop giving it my attention and like any other subscription (netflix, hulu, amazon) they’d stop getting my money if it wasn’t worth the value.

    • @SomeGuyFromUtah
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think Yoshi-P is still great and amazing, but he could probably benefit from a fresh set of eyes to help revitalize the game.
    Guess what? This is exactly what happened to WoW (big picture)
    WoW thought they had it all figured out… that they could keep releasing new expansions using different variations of “borrowed power” mechanics but the playerbase got tired of the whole repeating system and the playerbase took a massive hit.

    (Borrowed Power is where there’s some new mechanic introduced for a specific expansion that is only used for progression in that expansion, and then it totally goes away for the next expansion and something new is introduce – the most straightforward examples are Legion where every character had a special weapon that totally changed the player power as you progressed, and BFA where there were armor slots you could add expansion specific buffs to in order to gain power)

    IMO the fact that he concluded the Endwalker Saga probably should have led to an expansion that was more friendly to incoming new players. If Dawntrail could have been developed to provide a new 1-Max level experience without having to do the entire ARR-Endwalker MSQ it would have completely revitalized the playerbase. Instead, he’s so invested on this long storyline with this big cast of characters that he was unwilling to make an expansion that didn’t rely on them.

    • @Spika94
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yea, the lack of fun and meaningful content is why I can never stick around and play FF14 outside of the story. Every time I finish the story, I play it for a few weeks and then stop entirely till the last expansion patch comes out, and then the next expansion story, so and so on. In Dawntrail I said I was gonna become an Omnicrafter finally, but after full week of grinding, I stopped and questioned myself why I am even doing it, what is this grind even for? I then didn’t log back in, and I still haven’t.

    • @pedromoreira6218
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    the saddest part is that the FF14 defense force will soon show up to dismiss all of the really well done points you made in this video, yet they dont realise that they are the ones contributing to the games slow descent into what it is today.
    alot of people overtime got tired of the “please wait and be patient” and they just left some of them might not even come back again, with the decline in player numbers they desperately need to go back to the drawing board and make a huge course correction wich i dont think will happen unless the player count fall bellow 1 mil maybe even less than that.
    they see the devs and yoshi-p as their next door buddy and forget that at the end of the day, they dont care about you they only care about your money

    • @Lydeck
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Throne and Liberty lmao

    Dawntrail sucks ass tho

    • @Benisbucker
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This’ll trigger Reddit but it’s so true. Yoshi P honestly seems to have gotten really egotistical and can’t handle criticism.

    • @saiky4686
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    So I agree with the fact that FF14 has a lot of cutscenes and sometimes you feel like you are watching an anime rather then player yourself. I also agree with the fact that FF14 is rather easy when it comes to the MSQ and open-world. But you yourself just complained about that you couldnt play the game after work before going to bed and I think this is one reason why the game is farely easy and I think this is valid. You work 8 hrs a day to come home start FF14 to be stuck on one boss, thats no fun. Especially in an MMO where you want to catch up to your guild or friends to run content with them. People need to realize one thing about MMORPGs, its not a second job nor a soulslike game. MMORPGs are these to do whatever you wanna do in the game. Wanna do PvP? do it. Wanna farm cosmetics? Do it. Wanna farm mounts? Do it. Wanna slap some mobs? Do it. And in terms of Gear – any, like ANY, MMORPG is the same on that. Also FF14s difficulty in the game comes also with the jobs. Viper is one of the most easy jobs.

    • @danielesquivel8469
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    the only person at fault for you not liking ff16 is you. ff16 is a dmc story action game that is linear and not focused on its world (rather its lead char) and if you didnt know that going in that’s on you. it has incredible music, a fun but dumb plot, and is a good solid 30 hours of gameplay just like MGR and just like DMC5(if you do sidequests in a game with bad sidequests that is on you) and is not for people who like “worlds.” regularly, ff games change. ff12 is an offline mmo for people who like worldbuilding, ffx is a linear narrative who ff16 would prob appeal, ff9 has a great story but terrible slow combat. every ff has flaws and if those flaws are something that you value you wont like the game.

    yoshi p is a singular dude who-while probably very influential- cannot be responsible for the everything involving ff14 and ff16. you connecting dots about early ff14 and ff16 is a borderline self-made conspiracy theory. these are games made by hundreds of people. almost every fucking complaint you have about ff16 (linear, choices dont matter) is like eveyr ff game ever since ff1. these are linear story based rpgs what teh fuck are you expecting? not every game should be choice based adventure

    also whinging about ’emergent gameplay.’ you said it yourself, the environment is a set dressing for the narrative. if you dont liek this type of anime-story game stop fucking playing those games

    you having not enough time to sit down and play a video game has literally nothing to do with anything. no one cares. im sorry you decided to try to run a business. there are actual professions (like nursing) that contribute to humanity and give you free time

    also whining about the ‘illusion of choice’
    this is clive’s journey. not yours shut up and enjoy the music and plot or turn it off. go play an normie open world game

    • @MichaelSwart-xv3il
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I can’t stand people who say the story is so good, no it’s not, it’s 99% fuller and if you don’t read it all, all you’re doing is clicking text boxes for hours on end, and yeah 14 only has challenge at the highest level, other than that it’s braindead

    • @abman136
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The hive mind is changing now for ff14.

    • @avgjoegeek71
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I 100% agree with what you have said about FFXIV 😞 I miss playing WoW for everything that you mentioned. Mainly being the questing, dungeon, raid systems being a lot better than FFXIV’s. But even they have turned more into just a grind just to be a grind type of system, rather than tell a great story and offer an interesting way to get there. This expansion seemed to turn more into a visual novel – that although a decent story at times. I never felt invested in it. I wasn’t immersed into the story but rather a bystander watching the screen.

    I’m a casual and will play just for the fun of it. But… I can see from the drop in sub counts we may not be able to enjoy it for much longer.

    • @kossemoore3342
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I really enjoyed my time in 14, i was always more casual, and i never played post endwalker. I think my time with 14 was great. These days I’m more interested in monster hunter, As for 16. I really like the game., but i t has alot of problems(iand you addressed all of them). My friend and i have been talking about the yoshi p problem for at least year now. I cant bring myself to resub to 14 as of now.

    • @OizenX
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I think the steep player count loss that XIV is currently experiencing definitely highlights the weakness of the “Story above all” approach CS3 goes for. If they flub the story, there are no safeguards to keep people arround. According to Lucky Bancho, XIV has already fallen back to Stormblood levels of players only 6 months into dawntrail, I truly do not know if the damage can be repaired.

    • @Gubbykahn
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    even Strangers of Paradise had a more entertaining combat than ff16…
    Ff14 has too many Story Blockers in its game…i had to wait several Months trying to get into those 10 Player Content that blocked me as a casual Player with less time for playing and it destroyed my fun playing the Game at all because every expansion had this nonsense and it was always annoying and almost undoable for me to enjoy the story past that point because i never got to those points mostly

    • @AruLily
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Almost as if the entirety of the game is a mirage simply to carry the story. A waste of technology and the point of a game. I wish the cutscenes were shorter, they could still add voice acted lines mid combat, you’d battle an engaging foe and the characters would say the lines they waste saying in cutscenes. FF14 always felt hollow, there’s just no new mmos to move to that i would like, i prefer anime type mmos, currently waiting for Mabinogi to update their graphics, as that game has a place in my heart, at least what it used to be when i was younger, the combat was always strategic, the first things you learn are what to do when a mob is in a specific stance and reading what it is about to do and what you can do and what you shouldn’t do during certain moments, sadly they added ff14 aoes, i liked when i couldn’t see them, it removed the danger, by allowing you to see the ”aoe” which i always saw as a thing that’s on the programming side, something you shouldn’t see to begin with.
    As someone who likes housing and decorating though, i dislike what they do with it, they give us a few random items that do not match when trying to create a set, only people who uhh use certain program can use these items to their full potential, or create a potential use for them, us regular decorators that do not use programs, don’t end up with these designer homes, the layouts don’t make sense either.

    • @tidusdream12
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    They need to do loan CB III talent over to CB I and vice versa. They need to cross pollinate the teams. FF7 Rebirth narrative and gameplay was top notch. FF 16 world and lore was top notch. They just need to move some around to round out the teams imo.

    • @Lyu-Phy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    It’s clear that Yoshi P has fallen out of love for the game. Either that or his innate japanese working spirit keeps him from just focusing on FFXIV and instead overworks himself to the grave on various other projects, while trying to hold it alltogether by himself it seems – all for the sake of the company. That just aint it. His honesty is also quite striking at times, bit too much sugar couting and PR speach but things do be like that – I guess. When major feedback is given, Yoshi P and team dismiss it or just focus on very small aspects (or even do what they want anyway and spin the feedback in a completely false direction). FFXIV is not given the proper focus and it shows, either due to SE fumbling or the lead people on FFXIV wanting to move on and work on something else, which is understandable but bizarre how they handle the situation. I have a few other points as to why things dont improve as good as they could, but it would be too theoretical tbh. Leaving FFXIV forever in a stagnant state to just make the most money with the least effort will not work out as they think it does.

    • @jamesdiato
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Youre absolutely correct. It took a lot out of me to actually complete shadowbringers years ago cause questing and open world gameplay is insanely BLAND, no danger in combat whatsoever. Found myself falling asleep.

    In FF16 i dont know what to call them, the cutscenes in the game like when you get quests. Anything that isnt MAIN STORY i had zero interest in because i started to see the formula. Very similar to FF14 cutscenes.

    • @solitonmedic
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The “In from the Cold” instance from Endwalker was one of the most intense moments of the MSQ for me, having our character be forced through that must had been traumatic

    I was hoping Dawntrail would have these moments

    • @MrGnuh
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    they even took the xp out of the dungeon mobs…. they are doing everything make dungeons feel like a chore
    while the people playing the game are why things are now the way they are.
    any form of challenge, people bitch and whine about.
    the mentioned “puzzly instanced quests” are the ones people hated the most.
    it’s little wonder that the game goes more braindead with every subsequent patch when the players only ever cry about the slightest amount of challenge or time commitment etc. dungeons used to be a 30 minute adventure with wipes not uncommon. now they’re 10 minute wall to wall pulls with mechanics you don’t even need to dodge anymore most of the time. i keep just standing in shit as i main healers. it just doesn’t matter. almost everything is trivial.
    and a big part of the responsibility for this dilemma rests on the players.
    it’s the age of me me me me me me faster faster faster now now now that ruins the game.
    the devs merely just reacted to player feedback…
    mimimimimi i died. mimimimimimi rage quit. mimimimimi someone else made a mistake. mimimimimimi rage quit.
    it’s always the same shit. sure the game is boring af by now.
    so even if i’d like to blame yoshi for this crapshoot because woke lamat is the worst, i just can’t…

    • @recjr7685
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Disagree completely on what you said about the timely rings

    Because people get old and their hands can’t execute the complicated combos necessary to get the high DPS outputs that some of these fights require

    I myself have pretty bad carpel tunnel, and I straight up can’t play 16 without the rings equipped

    Which is a shame, because there are other accessories I’d rather use, and I really do not like button mashing as a concept, but I can’t get around it because of numbness and crippling pain in my hands

    • @Reporin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Good points and representation

    • @MinecraftMartin
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FFXIV is just so bland. They went full homogenization, no consequences.

    It was already kinda dissapointing that everyone can be everything, ok so nobody is special and everyone is replaceable.


    But it just gets worse and worse. Classes have been gradually losing their identity. Anything difficult in learning a class gets “reworked” to play more similar to other classes.

    Scholar fairies used to have strategic value beyond positioning and resource bars.

    Teleport or fly anywhere any time. Gear means nothing.

    It’s more and more a fancy, glorified chat room.

    • @HayGurHayyy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Your integrity completely crumbles when your next adventure is Throne and Liberty, while your biggest complain about ff14 was weak gameplay………… Other than that, I do think you had some good points, and it was very well written and nice voice. Good luck with your channel! <3

    • @MasterOssy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I do understand what you are getting at. Yet I ask these questions that ppl kept bringing up and I wonder if they are following the trend or it is from the heart. It doesn’t really matter in the end though. I do like what Yoshi-P did in reviving FF14, keeping the company afloat all this time. Yet, I cannot blame him for everything that has happened. Things change within those 10 years and a lot of parts were moved. Plus, the events that occurred overtime which questioned SE’s decisions and it all falls back on the money or which region influenced SE to make these changes and their goals which is going to make them scratch their heads onto why they thought that was a good idea. I know that this game is hitting them really hard with the current feedback, especially the story, yet they are trying to go back into bringing back difficulty. It’ll have to be a slow introduction. Taking risks into the mind of the companies will come back….once they hit a major slump in their profits first, when they see their competition doing the risk taking themselves and siphoning their money off. I don’t see any changes happening until 8.0 or when all the slop-diarrhea is out of the system in gaming.

    • @BradleyMcCloud
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    15:15 Casuals complained. That’s what happened. Edit: And unfortunately, the Devs listened.

    • @SpecLeader101
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I have tons of respect for Yoshi P, but his projects are too formulaic, too “safe”. Ff16 was exactly that.
    Respite (do side quests)
    Even more Respite
    Even more Exploring
    even more Action

    I started being able to guess what happens next. “Whenever you arrived somewhere shit would hit the fan out of our characters control, then we fight a boss. Happened everytime, from ifrit vs pheonix to Clive vs Ultima. The game was good, i got the platinum, but i have no intention of replaying it.

    Ff14 is a solved formula they arent going to change until they absolutely need too. Same layout every expansion. A Story with no major twists or overall consequence. Then raids, then more story, then more raids, then more story, then more raids, then finally more story to lead up until the next expansion.

    • @liamlilabello6306
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    While I agree with most points made in the video but i don’t agree with the framing or interpretation on few of them. They feel misinterpreted and framed in a disingenuous way.
    As for the video itself, it feels like a ragebait.

    • @ryanrichko
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Final fantasy just doesn’t hit it anymore these days. XVI is one of the worst games I’ve ever played, and that’s coming from a FF fanboy who’s played every title many many times. Even FF7R is mid at best. Nothing lasts forever though, time to move on.

    • @scubarubanzaii
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This and a lot of (rightful) critiques of BU3 games just kinda leads me to say that people really need to stop playing games that don’t suit their gameplay loop wants. I have done this a ton. Elite:Dangerous was one of those games for me— the gameplay loop I was getting to, Engineering, was TOO MUCH grinding so I stopped playing altogether. Love the game otherwise. Just stop interacting with things that don’t give you the effect you want.

    • @OizenX
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I havent felt like Yoshida has wanted anything to do with xiv outside of being a celebrity for its community. Its been like this for a very long time.

    • @AaronthePedantic
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The visual novel is exactly what the casuals want, along with glams, housing, and nightclubs. The rest of us do Savage raiding and we’re pretty happy with it.

    An MMO that’s purposely made to be challenging just isn’t going to hold big numbers. Casual appeal is what feeds the whales. I get why you’re losing love for it, but I don’t see these as bad choices on Yoshi P’s part.

    • @ZeptoZeno
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I hate what SquareEnix has become since this guy became their mascot.

    • @Amp5150
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    yoshi pee made a final fantasy colored wow clone and people s his d like he’s a genius.

    • @donmarelio
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I’m still currently enjoying my time playing FF14, but I won’t deny that I was severly let down by Dawntrail’s MSQ in both writing and gameplay, especially after having only recently finished Endwalker a couple months prior.

    I don’t know what other MMOs you’ve played in the past, but if it is emergent gameplay, meaningful open world exploration and complex gear choices and character building, I would wholeheartedly recommend you try out Guild Wars 2. Contrary to popular belief that game is still very much alive, actively being developed, and delivers those experiences in spades.

    • @madgainz7871
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Pretty far fetched for a lot of points…. personaly loved ff16. Peak gaming. And pretty selective memory for a lot of points that have big counters.

    Aaaaa a toutuber with barely any subscribers trying to bait engagement and here I am engaging.

    • @odindarkll3706
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I was a hardcore FF fan during the franchises earlier beginnings with OG FFlV and OG FFVl. The whimsical yet darker moments in those games were well done and made me look forward to the next titles until FFXlll trilogy. Ever since those titles dropped, I knew that the franchise was on its way to inevitably decline.

    The flavors of the story beats and rewarding players with proper items for putting in the time and effort was all but gone. I was right to turn away from the franchise completely when FFXV reared its ugly head. After playing a bit of FFlX for the first time, (I got to the part where I get a personal airship) I was blown away from what the standard was during the 90s to early 2000s compared to what we get nowadays.

    • @numenume3079
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Seems like yoship doesnt know how to design an RPG. He’s just making interactive visual novels. T&L has its own problem though, especially with the KMMO grind.

    • @Kenshin6321
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Imagine playing a Final Fantasy game and complaining that there are too many cutscenes. That’s like going swimming and complaining about getting wet.

    • @Raionhardt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Yoshi is out of touch. He’s in charge of FFXIV and on the board of directors for SE but they keep complaining that they don’t have the budget to make the changes the game needs. He’s no better than the 1.0 devs now

    • @7F0X7
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    And all of that is *before* one considers how woke the game and the company as become. I unsubbed many moons ago and never looked back.

    • @Pulptenks
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    final fantasy sucks since 2012

    • @GhostKankitsu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    if anything im glad players are now being vocal about these issues with Creative Studio 3. if people continue to be vocal about it and don’t brush it under the rug or cave into the “if you don’t like it then don’t play it” comments then maybe… just maybe our voices will be heard and change will happen. because I love XIV but i also know the flaws and i don’t want to drop it like everyone suggests but i want the game to change. but sometimes unsubbing from the game is the better choice. because they see the drop in players not wanting to return

    • @RagebreakGaming
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Very valid Critique Ember. Dawntrail definitely was lacking. While I did enjoy the MSQ in my own way it feel…off. I wish Yoshi-P would change up the formula. It’s so damn repetitive and stale and its unchanging nature is so damn dumb. I’m still hopefully things will change with time, but at this point, unless he changes SOMETHING I doubt FFXIV has another 10 years in it. It might end up hitting Maintenance mode before the 10 years.

    • @hamahakki1132
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    engagement bait slop

    • @lylianx4209
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Eastern linear storytelling vs Western open customization. There. I saved 19 minutes of your time.

    • @Zyantastic
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    And to add insult to injury, this is the only game where shit players think griefing is “haha funny” and the community being so full of enablers that it is almost actively encourage to grief others all as a result of the lack of challenge throughout the MSQ. Every normal content you can be absolute deadweight and get carried, and even most of the harder content, if not all of it, you can get carried.

    Paypal Legend Ultimates is all im gonna say.

    When I finished EW in January 2024, i was wearing rose tinted glasses, thinking SE and Yoshi-P can do no wrong. I really thought this was the best MMO I’ve ever played. And to an extend it still is, but the longer Dawntrail has been out, and the more critiques you come across on it, it just becomes more and more apparent that either they completely stopped caring about their cash cow that has been funding all failed recent releases, or they just completely lost control and it is now being managed by corporate greed, which is often made of people that havent ever touched a game in their life, thinking they can make important decisions.

    • @pandamonium9255
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I just want more things to do in the game as far as exploring the world. I miss games where wandering around a world map could mean stumbling into a random-ass, environmental story with some kind of lore treasure at the end or discovering a super hard dungeon early on and getting whipped for my curiosity, but giving me something to look forward to. Games are just garbage nowadays. Another means to waste your time and take your money. Some are good but maaaaannnn the majority…

    • @Caediae
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Good video but Dawntrail is Yawntrail

    • @Mr.Amov1991
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You know after beating Endwalker’s main msq three times (I was an RPer I had alts …) I did feel that the control was yanked out of my hands or worse I play another character even though that was a trope in FF but all of those duties really did slow things to a crawl for me

    • @vwayls4892
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Agreed. I miss FFXIV, but there is nothing pulling me back anymore.

    • @8BitOctorock
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I have played XIV for only a bit over 2 years, started in late Endwalker, and loved the story and what it had to offer. But then I was really shocked to see how little progression or player agency there is, for a so called MMO. I played a lot of MMOs in my time, started out with Maple Story when I was really young and while I didn’t enjoy it that much even back then, I would just think back to the ways you could grow stronger in that game while trying to keep my interest in XIV.

    I’m glad you brought this conversation to light! I just found your channel because this got recommended to me and I couldn’t agree more with your points. Creative Studio 3 suffers greatly from their design philosophy and I think Dawntrail and FFXVI show that more than anything. Sadly, I also know nothing will ever change but I am glad more people are “breaking the veil” so to speak

    • @Kairax
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Imagine thinking people adore yoshipee studio after DT release…
    Game made by “Small indie company” that is being milked by squareenix.
    And EW had hints of it, but DT bared the flaws.

    • @SavvyToli
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Great vid up! As ive played this game and keep doing so since 2.0. Your critique is not unfounded at all.

    • @lengskeng3831
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I agree with you for 14 but you missed the mark with 16

    • @2312593
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I can’t leave the game, simply because of the house. Their disgusting lottery system. I would leave if, having lost the house that I got so hard, I could buy it again from someone, and not wait until one house becomes available and win it from 500 people. about the “choice”, when they added the islands I thought that finally everyone would have a place that they could arrange and it wasn’t necessary to have a house. But no. You can’t put furniture, you can’t decide what to put where, you can’t go out onto a small line, you can’t decide anything, even the interior of the houses was decided for you and all the other buildings weren’t for you at all but for stupid dolls.

    • @KawaiiFive_O
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I don’t want to diminish Yoshi-P’s achievements and what he’s done for the game. I think there are very few people in the entire industry that could have achieved what he did with the transition to ARR. However, I think that speaks to where his true strengths are–project planning and team management rather than game design. FFXIV has had several longstanding critical issues that Yoshi-P and co. have never really seemed to figure out such as healers. Another big issue is that I feel that he’s become far too complacent with leaving many of the games systems and progression untouched while repeating the exact same iterative cycle for years, because it’s worked well enough in the past.

    I’ve said since the advent of Shadowbringers that I think it’s high time that Yoshi-P hand over the reigns to someone else. By all means, stay on as producer, but I think FFXIV would benefit immensely from having a fresh perspective in the director seat.

    • @pedrogoncalves4585
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Ff xvi has an amazing combat, its one of the few action games that comes close to dmc v, the only problem is that it is too easy. I also dont understand when people complain about the rings, they are literally an option to enable disabled people to enjoy the game. People ask for acessibility and then complain when it is implemented.

    • @TotalScrubbery
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I quit 14 a few months into Dawntrail. Theres really no innovation in the game, im bored of the same thing every patch or 2 and also annoyed they refuse to improve certain systems thats been there for many expansions

    • @Luna-Starfrost
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF XIV is my absolute comfort game. I think if you look for something with hard gameplay, then FF14 is really not a game for you. Final Fantasy 14 is mostly carried by it’s story. Sadly, Dawntrail lacked a little in that, which then of course is problematic. But I still love going back to the Expansions before. Heck, I played trough Endwalker’s second half already 4 times now.

    • @ExceedProduction
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Valid critiques in here. Just consider that some people want exactly the kind of game you condemn here. Some people do indeed want minimal combat between their cutscenes or to have some shallow systems to engage with in their downtime. Not everyone wants to crunch numbers and run sims. Square provides that experience on demand for those looking for it. I find no fault in that line of thinking – instead of forcing it on everyone, make it able to be sought out.
    That said, I do wish for more innovation, for more boldness, for more pizzaz… without leaving the lane they have found for themselves in regards to what works and what doesn’t for them. However, clearly, some things aren’t working right now and need course correction. Desperately.

    • @lemontonk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    another lame ass hate vid zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • @Noah-Hunt
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    The biggest problem is that they stretch Yoshi-P too thin. That guy does not sleep and also over seeing so many part of business now. Thats just now how you make a good product.

    • @raoinshishiza152
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I just realized that FFXIV is the perfect “cozy” game for going around and gathering stuff and making relationships with npc’s but they combat isent dogwater.
    If i want gear to mean something ill go play (and id reccemend you do to ) FFXI where I need 20 sets of equipment for my endgame BLU mage. Its amazing.

    • @MaximoRaider
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    You ask if Creative Studio 3 even play the FFXIV, I would rather ask if they even play games these days, YoshiP in particular.
    This goes back to noClip doc, where Yoshi states that “1.0 team” not playing games as one of the reasons behind early FFXIV failure.

    • @The_Ability_Army
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I wish the MSQ had more fun mini games in it to make the story fun. Then I would be more exited to progress through the MSQ.

    • @TheRichman42
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    FF16 is fun, I just beat it. Did you do all the hunts? Those were the most fun part, fighting the dragon as soon as it popped up was a blast. Going into new game plus now and that seems to be where the good action is.

    • @NeffyXIV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    This is a hard watch… not because you’re wrong or something but because you hit the nail on the head at least for me. A lot of these points admittedly are problems. Even though I don’t see myself quitting anytime soon, this hopefully will help get those people who blindly say these things aren’t big problems to wake up 💯

    • @Hexyuko
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I recently started playing GW2 again and did story missions in which I died like 20times and when I beat the mission, I felt great! In ff14 I never ever feel challenged in story mode or felt like I accomplished anything substantial. But with the story being bad in Dawntrail it made me realized I really only play the game for story.

    • @GutsOfRivia
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    I played XIV since launch on and off and I always kinda thought it was a bit overhyped as an MMO. The world was empty the MSQ was walking from cutscene to cutscene with almost no gameplay even when you reach end game gear is meaningless there are no builds for classes and overall the RPG mechancis are barren.

    I know WoW is currently a joke atm but the old expansions had gameplay first and a world that was fun to traverse and classes with build diversity. Even XIVs story is about a mid level final fantasy story if you want a good final fantasy story play final fantasy tactics.

    • @oskartu12
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:27am

    Thank god im not the only one with these issue (although i didn’t pass ARR since its legit slop). I’ve tried googling the issue I’m having and all I found is SE fans arguing with anybody negative about the game.

    • @bojangler9685
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Theres a reason he got the nick name Yosheep and trust me… theres many old FFXI fans and 1.0/2,x players who have felt this way since as early as 2.4 or 3.x. Ive said it many times during Shadowbringers(supposedly a good expansion) that i couldnt wait for FF16 to come out so people can realize Yosheep is a terrible producer doesnt make good “games” and business unit 3 hasnt made a good mmorpg since XI. and most of the good stuff about ffxiv was set in place from the OG team and director Tenaka. he rode off the back of others and still riding the success over the ARR remake/transition from 1.x of the game even today. Also babys first mmorpg players and newcomers are the only thing keeping it alive and thinking its still “good”‘

    Also the lack of tension, forcing the players to interact, world danger, open world content and creating stressful situations(Doesnt have to be encounters/raids) isntead of focusing on ease and QoL is a major problem.

    • @iknothatukno
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    There was once a time where the idea of letting my FFXIV sub expire was unthinkable to me. Now, I’m weighing if I even wanna play this expansion.

    • @SlinkyRock
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    There are so many things I wish you talked about. Oh well, here’s an upvote exclusively because you dared to criticize the man,

    • @Xan1988OG
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    It’s weird you uploaded this during the last month of my FF14 sub. I’ve invested in at least half a year’s worth of subscription payments and my character is still only level 82 or 83. Needless to say, I now realize (like many others) that I’ve been wasting my money because I STILL can’t play the game. “More cutscenes than gameplay.”

    • @khmatrix
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I only done half way of Dawntrail story and just stopped. And not because I didn’t like it, I just stopped playing. Been distracted by other games now like Marvel Rivals and Palworld.

    I only hope that Yoshi takes the criticism we have of the game seriously and make needed changes, otherwise I’m usually a “go with the flow” kind of guy with 14

    • @LuniMoony-RPG
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Overall for an MMO FFXIV is very sessional and with dead open world. (Not to mention the ability to clear almost any battle encounter with bots)
    For an RPG there’s no much of choice neither in story nor in character class/gear customization.

    Only thing that was holding all this was a story pillar. And a second this pillar was shaked (which was unavoidable after arc completion) – people start seeing game for what it was for all those 10 years

    • @salty3451
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    good vid, i only have real issue with your comment about the rings, designed for those who have less time and want to enjoy the story, its the point of them, dont shame people for using them. ff16 isnt the first to have this either, i remember people praising even nier for it. i havent played 16 so i cant speak to the difficulty of it, but dont shame those who want an easier time enjoying a story. its the same idea as shitting on people who play easy mode haha

    • @tiersei
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Why did you have to mention the train scene and trigger my ptsd….god that freaking disney sing along song they chose for the moment leading up to that…

    • @daetros1626
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    40 hours of traveling, reading dialogue, and watching cutscenes with as much as 3 hours of actual gameplay?! What’s not to love about FFXIV these days.

    I loved Shadowbringers, but I just couldn’t force myself through the next one.

    • @ReidusQuitzed
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    i’m a fan of Yoshi-P, I voted with my wallet and unsubbed right after 7.0, unsubbed at least until the next expac comes out.

    • @Zoltri
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Its important to meet a game where it is, and not get mad that its something its not. FF14 & 16 are trying to provide a specific experience and style of play. Just because that doesn’t align with what you want them to be doesn’t mean they’re bad or need to change. You either need to reframe how you view them, or just accept maybe they’re not for you. Every game will be unique with the experience its trying to provide.

    FFXIV is, and always was a casual, social driven MMO aimed to be completable by everyone.

    Is it perfect? No, there’s a lot of room to critique it for sure. I personally really wish they’d have more development effort towards flushing out things like the Saucer, Racing, Verminion, Triple Triad, Treasure maps, etc, because I feel there’s so much untapped potential, but I think that’s different then getting mad at something like, the MSQ isn’t hard enough, and you want more random open world encounters. FF14 Isn’t trying and never has been trying to provide that experience, so why would you expect that just because other games do? That comes off as the same energy as getting mad that Animal Crossing is lacking meaningful character progression systems.

    Meet a game where its at, don’t get mad because you want it to be something it isn’t. Perception is everything.

    • @tical2399
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    See ya

    • @taysa_plays
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You’ve succinctly summarized what exactly is wrong with the game and the philosophy of Yoshi P. It was a good video. (Also good luck in dealing with the absolute toxic fanbase with the para social relationship with YoshiP should they ever realize this video exists.)

    • @c_huvaknunh9138
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Thank you.

    • @Serenaya
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXIV’s core problem, the issue at its very centre, is that the philosophy doesn’t work anymore. It’s all spectacle, no substance. There is plenty of breadth, but no depth. The content is reskinned and re-released under the guise of it being new, and released increasingly slowly on a strict cycle that depending on what kind of player you are, leaves you bored for many months at a time. It’s been homogenised to a point of being completely flat. Systems are not iterated on or changed for a very long time, if at all, nor is specific feedback really acknowledged during any sadly rare communication. They’re playing far too safe, any experimentation falls prey to the issues listed already. As you’ve said though, it’s not just an FFXIV problem. It’s a design philosophy problem. It goes far beyond one game at this point. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of someone realising this after playing FF16.

    The game runs on good faith alone, and it’s quite shocking to me that it’s taken the story of all things dropping in quality, which is overall a small part of the games offering, for people to snap out of the trance. It’s like a good story kept people in a hypnotic state, blind to the games issues until suddenly the penny dropped and people are realising that the problems are far deeper. There’s still plenty of apologists of course but that’s par for the course with any dev studio, but now more than ever, people are starting to understand why players are so fed up. It’s a slow burn and 7.2x will revive it for a bit since big field exploration etc. gets released (finally), but I can’t see it being much different to the others. FFXIV’s leadership find success in particular content, then rehash it over and over because they think it will work forever. Complacency at its finest.

    If it weren’t for players ability to grind particular content (raid for example) ad nauseum, mod the hell out of the game and use it as a social platform for better or worse, it’d be in a far worse state numbers-wise. Double-edged sword really. It gives people a reason to keep playing, but in SE’s eyes, obfuscates the problem since this keeps the money flowing in.

    I could go on for hours,but I think the solution starts at the root of the issue – CS3’s need to change how it approaches the game. A lot of things will get better if they can do that.

    • @TK_TK811
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You said nothing wrong here, i agree with everything you said, i regret preordering 16 because i like ff14 shadowbringers and endwalker so much that it blinded me to the game play issues i had going through the story of endwalker and then through 16.
    I wish they would do more show than tell because I’m burnt out on all the yapping.

    • @XarianTheElf
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Nitpick, huntrains kill A ranks. S ranks are killed by waiting for the ppl to gather after the communication relays give the notification that it spawned.

    • @tsubiuru
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Ffxiv isn’t dying cuz of dawntrail or being woke – it’s dying because We’ve all been playing the same game for 10 years with hardly any game play changes because SE wants to be safe. Say what you will about FFXI but that game gave me the greatest feeling of rewards and fun from any mmo I’ve ever played – great vid !

    • @drayman101
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    This point of view is something I’ve heard in numerous videos, and read on several forum posts; and i.m.o. it can be summed up as simply being the end of the honeymoon phase for you. The game was always the way you described it, but it was so novel/charming/new/whatever while you were making your way through it in the early days, that you paid its shortcomings no mind. And a large portion of the Japanese audience likes it the way it is; it’s made that way intentionally because the main audience that they listen to are from the studio’s own country (and lots of Japanese media and particularly JRPGs get similar criticism from westerners). And although there have been steps along the way in the decade that the game has been in development to evolve the game’s core features and introduce new things, it’s always going to be a years’ long process by virtue of the nature of game development and audience feedback timeframes.

    Things that you critisise (or at least make note of specifically, like the gearing system) are even preferable to sizable groups of people: I don’t give a dang about gearing, I don’t wanna have to think about it beyond ‘make number bigger’. I want to play the game and experience the story, gearing is just something I deal with because I have to. Other people don’t want the frustration and struggle of getting through required content that is too difficult for them after an attempt or two (like my parents, who played through till EW before leaving the game for multiple and differing reasons between them both). People who want to fight stuff along the way while doing story can do so; there are FATEs in every zone, that’s what I did when I wanted a break from cutscenes during DT. And now I’m at endgame and wanted something a bit more challenging, I did Extremes and the Savage tier, and had a blast doing so.

    My point being: the entire game is like how I consider gearing; it is the way it is, and you deal with it to get to the stuff you actually care about. The game was always this way, and likely will always be this way, you just didn’t fully notice and/or care until now.

    • @Nanashinoshi
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You know, the one thing I’d like to see in FF14 is gearset items that actually give you damage bonuses or something.

    • @SarignCleric
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You make some excellent points that many, even its most prominent supporters have been critical of. Hell, I recall Zepla, an FFXIV streamer, talk about how she was not a fan of post-EW content and she was flamed for it.

    I do believe that with the Blizzard scandal that made FFXIV explode made the content stay the same with a few graphics updates here and there.

    I do agree with some of the comments on here that the community itself that has whined in the past about a lot of the challenges being too hard, even though the devs make it as challenging as possible and even playtest it themselves before releasing it.

    The other things people are demanding from Yoshi P are the Mythic and M+ Dungeons from WoW to convert to 14. The other is making the zones level synced the same way Guild Wars 2 does it, along with keeping all abilities and moves/spells, even doing it for all the duties.

    Again, you are echoing a lot of what the various supporters have been saying, even if they get “rakes through the coals”. I have slowly stopped playing 14, with the only exception of helping others out in dungeons and slowly leveling up my character jobs.

    Excellent video and points all around.

    • @lapinal3067
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The way Yoshi-P reacted to japanese critics of FFXVI shows that he’s not used to bad reviews.

    • @markpotts7186
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I don’t have a problem with yoshida. He cares about feedback from the fans and tries to make the playerbase happy. However, he’s not perfect and DT definitely could’ve been better but im sure they’ll address things and hopefully the game will improve.

    • @gramdlafabuly
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    To be honest, the only thing that keeps me from unsubbing is the fact that I still have to catch up with older content—Eureka, Bozja, and leveling up other jobs. This, and losing my house would be painful. Dawntrail is the first expansion where I’m caught up with the story, and I’m actually amazed that people are okay with the “content” that was released in 7.1. Hildi quests? Doable in an hour. Daily Peulupelu BATTLE quests? Skippable fetch quests. I was amazed by Endwalker’s storytelling, but Dawntrail is a flop. I’ll probably wait until 7.2 – if nothing changes, I’ll probably unsub. Anyway, that was a really good take on SE problems. I really hope their approach will change.

    • @BlackFool0
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Thank you for the video. I totally agree about the maps/overworld. They have become way too big for the small mobs inbetween to be interesting. Once you have flight, there is no reason to look at anything any further. I would love some things to discover and challenge there. but there is nothing. So it just takes time to go from A to B, nothing to make it fun.
    Same for the story beats. Dawntrail has become the pinacle of “Tell, do not show”. But I am playing a game. So I want Play > Show > Tell. Yes. FF14 is story driven, but it still is a game. Having to sit through hours of cutscene before my first battle in the new expansion is boring. This should not be a VN.
    I would love to have more inbetween events with alternative gameplay(!) that are not moogle stones to help the patch cycle. E.g. a simple cardgame to get some temporary currency to help an NPC.
    And more than anything I would wish for more communication from Yoshi-P right now. Not the LL every 4,5 months. The community is not happy with the story. Hrothgar/Viera still lack hats. Midcore/casual players are bored. To just name a few current problems that FF14 has. Like….tell us that we are being heard and tell us how and when you want to adress it. The current silence is deafening :/

    • @Kakusandan
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    14 is great, same with 16. Bro just needs views and knows negativity gets it.

    Oops I gave him a comment for the algorithm…

    • @gamermaster16508
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You’re about to get alot of angry trans people in your comment section

    • @Larkinsmithx
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    the linearity of xvi is just the way the game is designed. ffx and ffxiii are both the same, not every game needs to be open world

    • @Zetos
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Bruh, Yoshi is our frienddd. 😂

    • @ofcatarina
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Ffxvi is an awesome game. 14 is feeling slumped a bit.

    Edit: i agree about the gear stuff in xvi. Doesnt even need to be there. Amazing game though

    • @danabell2709
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ll probably catch hell for saying it because I haven’t played FF14 but the map at 7:45 reminds me of Lost Ark the way it seems designed to funnel a player for one objective to another.

    • @Aeon373
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ve been playing 14 since the 1.0 days. On and off of course. I agree with everything said in here. But I’m still hopeful for the next expansion

    • @YuubiTimberwolf
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I have stopped playing FFXIV for about 1.5 years now, moved to Guild Wars 2.

    Honestly, with the End of Endwalker, the game started to become…. different, it might be because after the end of a 10 year long arc i fellowed with passion, it left me with a sense of acomplishment and reaching a goal.
    Not to mention i have less time to play and a subscription based game really does not fit my lifestyle atm XD

    • @TyX25
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    So, more clever field mobs, just don’t go too far in the other direction (aka old school FFXI, with death and de-leveling is one goblin away and 16hr boss fights)

    • @capwnzor9342
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I only clicked on this video just to Dislike for the stupid thumbnail with the ‘Mostly Negative’ Steam reviews photoshopped screenshot. Don’t use thumbnails to mislead people.

    • @smw1193
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I feel this video isn’t for me. I love FF14. It’s the game I’ve played with my wife and cousins for years. It’s not complicated and that’s part of what I like. It’s relaxing and rewards time investment rather than skill demonstrated. If I want skill rewarded I boot up Monster Hunter or Elden Ring. I also loved FF16. I liked the story and the gameplay was enjoyable if a bit shallow after a while. To each their own I guess. Criticisms are valid tho

    • @LuniMoony-RPG
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXIV game with story mod, separated by load screen locations, with some amount of jump puzzles and casual oriented toward gear meaning.
    it couldn’t be better than it already is right?

    So… let me introduced you to MMO with a story mod (that makes you PLAY trough it not read), separated by load screen locations (which allowed to patch game without downtimes since any map is own instance), with huge amount of jump puzzles (that actually have a meaningful reward on the end) and casual oriented (achieved gear would be actual forever and wouldn’t be rendered useless upon release of new crafting set!) and on top of that? Every class have intuitive talent tree with 3 different approach to every chosen class.

    If you wonder what 2nd game is – it’s Guild Wars 2. Came out same year as ARR btw.

    (Like man Yoshi could’ve “borrow” so much ideas from them)

    • @H4zardWarning
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I get this to an extent, I got into ff14 for the story and that’s what really kept me coming back and making friends to keep playing, innovative gameplay never really seemed to be their thing. I would love an action based mmo with 14’s story but I don’t see that happening until they build a whole new mmo. But yea the overall story content after the end of 6.0 was pretty meh so a lot of the cracks started to show, or people became more away of them

    • @DaftGlassAlice
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I appreciate this video and perspective. The moment the story sucked I realized how bare and useless the gameplay was later game instanced are a cake walk and gear upgrade mean nothing

    • @KumaBearOso
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXIV is supposed to be a game that caters to people with little time.

    But it fails at even that. The idea is that if you take all fun/challenge out of the game, make every class braindead and homogenous, make it impossible to fail non-savage content, you’ll appeal to these kinds of players.

    But these people only have so much time to play. A lot of them want to squeeze as much enjoyment as they can out of those few hours. Why would they choose something bland, safe, and uninteresting over something more… fun?

    Gw2 has been my go to game for the things I’ve been craving from FFXIV.

    • @Keizril
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I go by body language, yoshi p has gone from serious, to happy to endwalker, where he looks like hes wrestling with pulling the trigger on a gun in his mouth every morning and only clocked in today because the Russian roulette failed.

    I have no quotable evidence or interviews but Square suck besides the mmo so the higher ups must lean on the guy all the time. Every moment must be met with them trying to carry it the way they carry all things, turning into flashy tedious nothing with no actual gameplay but things to give you the illusion of gameplay. That’s why every class is getting sameier, thats why the writing went from conspiracy and murder and religion of KIDNAP BAD? KIDNAP BAD, PEACE GOOD blues clues crap. nothing, truly nothing can be hard, challenging, demand interaction, cost too much, be it a gameplay loop, a dungeon, an event, a side quest like beast tribes, or the story writing.

    Maybe Yoshi P is caught in the storm and thinks this too, maybe he’s just unable to tell his bosses no just trust me again I know what I’m doing, or maybe he is just a well presented publicaly guy whos actually an ass and drove resistance and quality out of the company, but I think its a rot that started in endwalker, just Endwalker still had enough momentum to still be good, but the moment the hydalin and zodiark plot ends, we get two plots at the same time about supernatural extradimensional outsiders (the gods in one the demons in the other) both wanting to pick a fight with us to commit suicide becuase long life sucks. neither were well done and being at the same time makes that terrible no one who cares about the writing quality with any sway could have been left.

    • @Onebie
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You Video reflects my experience very well. I stopped in the middle of Endwalker, because doing daily roulettes got boring.
    Then i played 16 and finally understood, what made me quit 14.

    • @deathsia250
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am


    • @eW91dHViZSBpcyBjZW5zb3JzaGlw
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    the problem with yoshida is he is indunated with kojima-swell-headed-syndrome.
    micromanaging his employees, boring games, over-cinematic gameplay with very easy gameplay.
    notice the similarities between Final Fantasy 16 and Death Stranding. both boring games trying to be movies that overstay their welcome.
    i say axe the guy and get a new director.

    • @Catlady29
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Koana is the real protagonist in DT. Way better than Wuk

    • @mhiggs8001
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    XVI was the most disappointing game I’ve played in a long time. Everything I couldn’t stand about XIV was there on display. I’ve played quite a lot of XIV, I used to enjoy it quite a lot. I had been concerned about XIV and XVI having too many similarities and I ended up being right. Hopefully xvii will be better provided it gets made… something that made me start to dislike XIV is that there’s no room for players to come up with their own style of play, all jobs are played optimally instead of how the player would like. It gets stale and old, quick. The same thing happens with XVI. The crafting system was a slap in the face and the sheer lack of opportunity for engagement in the open world was so damn monotonous, the same gameplay loop for about 70 hours—-> boring

    • @Catlady29
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I think the community killed XIV. It went from final fantasy fans and ex-wow players to a bunch of hoes and fuckbois playing like it’s a dress up dating game. Too much to do that you get overwhelmed, yet the good elements were discontinued (ex: Bozja). The game is harder imo and filled with toxic raiders. After ShB they couldn’t deliver any story as good. I’m rambling, sorry. But it seems the change in playerbase has caused them to make the game more, for lack of a better word, woke. Long gone is the passion for the series. They want money and to appeal to the masses instead of welcoming their loyal fanbase.

    About 16, I agree somewhat, but I play for story so I don’t mind it being easy. I really loved the game in general.

    • @ctrlsoul
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Constructive criticism for the studio is long overdue. This type of discussions is definitely healthy for future state of XIV❤

    • @dakotagraves3139
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I have played so much ff14, haven’t touched since finishing endwalker. I didn’t get why I disliked 16 so much but after watching this you nailed it

    • @Famitrack
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Shadowbringers was the worst thing that happened to 14. It showed them they can get away with less gameplay content and get rewarded for it. I do think Dawntrail is 100% the best in terms of gameplay since Stormblood.
    Also I urge any lasped FF fan to actually try WoW rn. It’s doing so much that 14 should be doing.

    • @ursamajoronearth
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’m in a very similar boat. Loved, still love even, the story, including Dawntrail as much as thats an unpopular opinion. But *god* the actual game around this story feels so fucking dry and pallid

    • @Labbish1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Problem really is that they don’t give enough content for casual players. I’m not doing same dailies again and again. I don’t understand why they can’t start relic quests now. And speaking if relucs. We don’t want lazy relics like Endwalker had. But I guess it’s Fate/Eureka/Bozja all over again then, but it’s still better than nothing.

    FF14 really needs to change. Players are bored already.

    • @RuruLaRuru
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Im not a fan of the mid evil art style he does that made me skip ff16 and 14

    • @infernal216
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    So your issue is it’s an RPGMMO rather than mmorpg

    • @DrakGamestein
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I love Yoshi-P, but that doesn’t mean constructive criticism is never valid. Your points are critical, yes, but they’re constructive; they have purpose. It’s not blind hate. If I didn’t have my friends to raid with, FFXIV wouldn’t have my sub as it is now. The thing that stood out to me lately is the latest beast tribe/society questline where you have to deliver something from point A to point B. But there are maybe 1 or 2 monsters on the way making it trivial. Compare that to 2.0 Sylph transport or stealth quests and it’s such a stark contrast. Not that beast tribes were ever really “hard” but you at least had to pay attention.

    With XVI my biggest gripe was how linear things were. No risks, no diversity of playstyle aside from which eikon you decided to use. Even then, combat can’t even compare to DMC levels of combos. But most of all, the “legendary” weapon you get at the end is just…there. Nothin is out of the way to find, no challenge is attached to it, you just kinda get it.

    I understand them wanting to cast a huge net to keep as many players as possible which I worry has created a culture of players that only want to log in, collect rewards in the easiest way possible and log off (the Endwalker relic quests were a joke). Not sure why they use an MMO for that when idle games exist, but they’re here and I think a lot of backlash will happen if SE tries to correct course. It’d be worth it in my opinion, but it depends on what the corporate heads say, which is the only area I’d slightly push back. Yoshi-P is at the helm of this, but I wonder how much pressure is kept on him to keep the game as simple as possible because XIV IS the game keeping SE afloat right now. I’d guess that they think taking risks means risking the financial wellbeing of the company. Purely speculation, though.

    As a closing thought, I’ve been playing POE2 here and there and, oh my goodness, it’s hard. The first awakening or whatever questline where you have to make it through a gauntlet of challenging rooms with “no healing” took me several tries (especially as a melee). It was so refreshing. I got to unlock something and feel like I earned it. I have to properly avoid enemies or get wrecked. I have to use my abilities with proper timing and spacing or I get swarmed. It has power fantasy moments which feel good but you also get punished hard if you let your guard down.

    FFXIV can only do that now in the raids (which have been bangin’ this expac). The rest of the game, though? A shadow of what was, unfortunately.

    • @MisterZimbabwe
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Me before this video: “Haha Yoshi P goofy nerd mam black mage main!”


    • @jakeliujakeliu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    So true latest two yoship manage title suck, he should just focus on one and make sure it good. Or next time the whole mothership is going down!

    • @arknightsboi2050
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I like your points overall especially the ending where you point out that Yoshi P is not your friend and is clearly trying to sell you his game. Memes aside I do feel that people like that man a biiiiiiiit too much sometimes.

    On the flip side I disagree quite a bit with multiple points in the video. Towards the end you mention if we are okay with the “slop” that we have been served but that is kinda shoving words in the mouths of people who do enjoy the game and whats been delivered. I have my critiques of DT absolutely but to call it all slop is honestly just misleading. Gearing has almost never been interesting in any video game I play outside of “getting the overpowered item” so in FFXIV yes it is boring but thats just kinda how every game is. You find your playstyle and you increase numbers. The emergent gameplay is an interesting point, and honestly even 10k hours in I find myself every once in awhile getting in a new group and having a silly side adventure. However I feel emergent gameplay only really comes when you are new to a game and are unfamiliar with its systems yet. You cant have new exciting experiences when you know the game back and front as easily as when you were in your honeymoon period. Thats the main refutes I personally had but Ill leave the nitpicks aside to save reading space.

    • @jonamar3965
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You got me thinking my static is a cult of people who love paying $13 a month just so we can get mad at each other every week and try to grow as people. I guess sometimes, you gotta pay the price to learn the lesson.

    • @Xenos_hive
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Honestly I have been feeling this even in endwalker, gone is bozja and the sky-builder, a lot of things felt a bit sanded down but also had other systems that tried to compensate for it (but imo failed) and even back in shadowbringers a lot of us where complaining how easy jobs where astrologian’s old card system was flawed but could have been a good way for the design team to try and embrace a form of adapting well into the game even if at the highest level it doesn’t work as well, and BLUE MAGE the ultimate chance to throw everything at the wall and tell the current combat system to leave us alone is ignored and neglected in the corner and ends up feeling similar to the other jobs

    • @Coltiwaka
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Its ok guys, xiv will make 5 new outfits to make people happy… oh they are mogstation? And unique collab AND ingame sets sold for money and not account bound? Yeah…

    • @dach829
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    similar to george lucas id imagine. ultimate control no one to tell you that might be a bad idea. both are genius imo

    • @SilentOcalypz
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Man, talk about click bait and conjecture holy shit. 👎

    • @dach829
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    there was like minimal advertising for ff16

    • @venahtmusic
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yeah, I’m pretty disappointed in FFXIV too. Probably the most fun I’ve had in the game was the Bozja/Zadnor content as you worked your way up to being able to participate in the raid. And it was all tied to your ultimate weapon, so it felt like you were working towards something and having a good time throughout the process. I wanted more of that stuff going forward but it was totally absent during Endwalker’s post-game content, and then when Dawntrail dropped and there was no change in gameplay WHILE ALSO having the worst story since ARR, I just unsubbed after dabbling in the endgame content at the time. I played WoW again, a game I hated for a long time due to Blizzard’s predatory and greedy practices, but have to admit that it’s currently the better game. Even though it’s story is better than usual, it still doesn’t come close to the last few FFXIV expansion but, whatever. At least it’s fun.

    • @nohbdyz3
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I took a 5 month break from WoW (20 year player here) during Shadowlands and dove right in to FFXIV. I was craving a good story and man did I get it. No regrets, in fact I’d recommend that experience to anyone; such a great narrative. But you really hit the nail on the head with the actual gameplay issues. Or, anecdotally, as my wife would say, “Oh are you watching your new game again?”

    • @feeblemind
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    While I agree with lot of points you also lost me when you said throne and liberty was a good game 😂😂

    • @silverwill-x7v
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    It’s hard to say where FF14 went wrong. Every roadblock they remove from the game feels good in a vacuum, but as look back at it as a whole I can’t help but feel like the baby was thrown out with the bathwater. But the fact that I remain subscribed it a testament to how badly the rest of the gaming industry is failing right now. I can’t remember the last AAA game that I enjoyed and I’m lucky to find two or three indie games a year that really hit home.

    • @gojinryong5351
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    you got time to make a 19 min hate video on someone better than you at life

    • @gojinryong5351
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    must be gettin hard to pay the rent

    • @Koyu_Ruh
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Pray return to the Wuking Lysemat.

    • @kalremist4898
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Uncreative Unit 3, hehe.

    • @mattdzeph7985
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    If you think FF does too much “telling and not showing”….boy you wouldn’t last a second trying to understand the WoW story

    ***edit*** nvm, I see you have a video saying TWW story is better than DT. All I have to say is I want what you’re smoking

    • @hallo-mt5tx
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    the ff14 msq has literally no redeeming quality other than the story, it entirely lives and dies with the writing
    i think this has become glaringly obvious now that the story has turned into a childrens cartoon teaching you about the importance of peace and happiness

    • @lagtastic7511
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yoshi is a spreadsheet jockey, and it’s what was required to save the game. It is now an enormous handicap. Yes you need time tables/spreadsheets for feature/scope creep in game design so you can ship the project. But you can not innovate if you do nothing but follow the same script every time. I’m sure the repeated failures of new features to land with the playerbase is not helping. Causing what feels like a double down on bland game design

    • @LexiconPrime7
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    This is a MASSIVE jrpg thing I’ve noticed. Cutscene/Dialogue—>Walk a few feet—>Interact with NPC—>Cutscene/Dialogue. Over and over. Little to no gameplay or combat in between. And then gear. Gear is purely stat increases, it rarely or never has cantrip effects, and the set bonuses (If they exist) are more passive stat buffs. Dragon’s Dogma 2 was almost exactly this, with gear.

    • @1337penguinman
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I love 14. I honestly play it to relax and not have to think too much. The problem with Dawntrail is that the story sucked. The one thing 14 does better than all other MMOs, and its main selling point, HAS to be good. I quit WoW years ago because I got bored of it, and I don’t plan on ever going back. If difficult gameplay is what you’re looking for, and the primary focus of what you want, 14 probably isn’t the game for you. And that’s fine. MMOs, and games in general, fail when they try to be all things to all people. What 14 needs to do is lean in to its strengths, and that’s storytelling.

    • @ChannelRaznoff
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I bought a PS5 and the CE edition for FFXVI because, at the time, I thought that it was going to be the greatest FF of all time. It ended up being THE most disappointing game of all time instead. FFXV is the only other FF I never played again after finishing it at launch.I have no motivation to experience that misery porn again…..

    • @jeankirchstein2552
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I played ff14 from heavensward up until a few months before endwalker played 16 at launch and while i did like the gritty and darker tone of the game that i would love to see more of in FF i couldn’t stand everything else cutscenes were way too long boss fights were a visual spectacle but thats it (and they took too long) enemies felt spongy as hell the pacing was just awful i liked the characters just fine especially cid he was my personal favorite its just everything else took so freaking long i was literally just bomb rushing the game nearly halfway cause i was over it i dreaded fighting enemies and tried to avoid them i rolled my eyes at the boss fights (especially Titan and the final boss holy hell they took forever to finish) i was just done with it and then i remembered about FF14 how slow ARR was i remember when they removed the ability to skip cutscenes in the MSQ roulette daily (dumbest decision they made before dawntrail) even the stories and quests in FF14 felt like a slog at times i took a break before endwalker launched and i was planning coming back once it dropped but i just never did FF14 was fun back in the HW to shadobringers days but that times long since been over and I’ve heard nothing good about its current state yoshi p has done a great job at reviving FF14 but he probably should’ve retired after endwalker

    • @BloodVixen
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I had a similar feeling through my playthrough. The world didn’t feel dangerous. It didn’t feel like Tural was as intimidating as it is beautiful because I’m too busy talking to Wuk Lamat.

    • @burtwonk
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yeah, I sadly do agree with this video. I had the same disappointing experience with 16 and then with Dawntrail. It all hit me like a porxie to the face and broke the spell that had me tempered. I’m sure it’ll all improve, but right now it’s like watching water boil

    • @occiderisaethiopissa3702
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    A lot of the points in this video needed to be said, and for a lot of people in the community to hear it, toxic positivity is what is killing this game. The devs see that and think the community is happy with stale content, a boring sub par story so they see no reason to change. If you truly love FFXIV then you’d see that this toxic positive attitude a lot of the community has is hurting not helping the health of the game.

    • @Dabedidabe
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Finally someone said it. FF16 is boring as hell. If the story was at least good I would be kinda fine with it, but even the story is simply wrong.

    • @TheAngryCleric
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I can’t vote with my wallet because I’m trapped in multiple mortgages. 😭 If the next expansion is ass I will let my fc and private houses go. It just sucks when you put so much time into a game like this.

    • @midnightnavigator
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    And Yoshi wonders why modding is so insanely popular, both for quality of life, challenge, and most of all, customization.

    (I know some use it to cheat, but they are a different breed)

    I see tons of modded screenshots in a lot of my ff14 discords and I just look at my vanilla character and think…damn, if modders can make all that as a hobby..why are we just getting reskins of old gear and basic lvl one outfits ever 6 months? It’s boring and the stats are fine, but nothing salivating. Heck i didn’t even need the full B.I.S set to beat EW.

    It’s also nice that it’s getting more acceptable to point out flaws. I’ve had similar feelings for a while, and it flaired a lot in EW, but it seems DT is the breaking point that you won’t get bombarded for hating the story, gameplay, or characters.

    • @ArcabuzStrife
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    ill just say that ff16 runs horrible on pc. Was about to buy the ff7 remake aswell but hell na

    • @thatonegeeksite5251
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Sorry man. I tried to watch the whole thing but you lost me after the whole “fear of making their game too hard”. My wife got into games a few years ago and accessibility is so important. I don’t think she would have ever picked up a Dragon Age game but she decided to play the new one absolutely loves it and plays on the lowest difficulty setting. There’s still a challenge there for those that seek it but gate keeping needs to be a thing of the past. I think it’s great that companies are finding ways to make it so everyone can experience video games and it should be encouraged, not looked at so negatively. I played FFXVI without using the accessories, but if someone needs those in order to play, all the power to them.

    • @ReyCardo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I will die defending ff16, specially as a massive character action fan, but I will agree that having to wait until your second playthrough for a difficulty setting above toddler friendly shouldn’t be a thing. I adore the game and Clive is my new favorite ff protag, but my favorite run was my second and when I used weaker weapons to combo for longer than 5 seconds.

    • @DeathTheManiac
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXVI was a good spectacle fighter but that’s it. It wasn’t a good RPG, it wasn’t a good FF game and it wasn’t a good action game. The story is run-of-the-mill with some interesting aspects here and there.

    • @zemperish
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’m tired of jobs sucking ass and being so easy in XIV

    • @mitsudafanni7978
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXVI is the worst numbered entry in the series and I’m willing to die in that hill.

    I’ve been a Final Fantasy fan for over 30 years and have purchased and played through all of them. While there have been some weaker entries in the franchise, in my opinion 2, 8, 13 and especially 15, each still had something that captured my attention enough to play through them to completion.

    I still have not finished 16. The story has far too many long segments of boring non-events that only exist to pad out the game’s run time. The RPG elements are almost non-existent and gear is reduced to a very simple “make number go up” system with very few avenues to do so. The lack of playable characters or party members both limits the gameplay options to the player and reduced the options for the writers to create memorable scenes and narratives (I can’t remember any characters outside of Clive, Jill, Cid and Torgal). The combat is far too simple at its highest (initial) difficulty. Even the boss fights have mid-battle checkpoints to restart at if you manage to game over like I did multiple times by falling asleep.

    XVI is designed to funnel you from cutscene to cutscene with as little challenge as possible as if they believe that was the only thing that the player’s had any vested interest in experiencing. XIV’s Dawntrail expansion is very similar. It’s obvious that the dungeon and trial/raid design team knew what they were doing, but the narrative team completely dropped the ball. There were far too many long boring cut scenes with almost no gameplay between them, as if they were expecting most of the player base to be fully happy with that. This would have been fine if the story was actually in a decent but it wasn’t. Not nearly enough to carry the entire expansion on shoulders.

    I’ve been subscribed since the beta of ARR and this is the first time (outside of the release of Pagos) that I thought about canceling my subscription. I probably would have if roped me into the scam of buying a house. The longer this drought of interesting experiences continue will further make me question if my $180 a year is actually worth keeping a piece of digital real estate.

    • @Shadow_Dragon2453
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ve had no desire to return to FFXIV because of Dawntrail. Dawntrail was so painful to go through, that it really killed motivation to play it again. I did finish DT, and I felt hollow.

    • @Dharengo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    No, no, I can see what you’re saying. I’m not as disillusioned as you are, but I’m also not as invested.

    Already during Stormblood, I would frequently unsub, only to come back later to catch up on new content.

    For me it’s simple. The game will get better, or it will die. Either way, nobody will get hurt.

    All the things that gave the game its popularity in the first place are still there.

    Those never left.

    We also never really got anything new.

    But also the move away from grind has been a plus for me. I refuse to believe that grind is how MMOs should be. That’s just people who are stuck in tradition for the sake of tradition.

    But for me the game has never been my forever game, and the concept of a forever game is completely alien to me. So yeah none of this hubbub really affects me all that much.

    • @Amocoru
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXIV has been the exact same game with no changes for so damn long. Same boring repetitious patterns of story, dungeon, raid, etc release. Same boring, limited tomes. It never changes.

    • @SenkaZver
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    TBH I think how they’re handling FF14 is fine, they do a lot of the things they do for good reasons. FF14 2.X was great but it was really, really rough and some of your complaints were changes they made over the decade for an explicit reason; to make the game a more friendly, collaborative co-op PvE over a try-hard hardcore grindfest that was WoW (though FF14 has a lot of grind, with the way each patch’s cycle and tome-equipment cycle works).

    The tome-grind was what made me quit FF14 long ago, mainly. But I think those issues are fine within FF14. But within FF16, I think they are a problem. They work far less in a single-player experience and was disappointing. It doesn’t help that FF16 was basically FF14 story-wise, or at least had a lot of similar beats and design philosophies.

    Yoshi-P is a better MMO leader than a single-player leader.

    • @Xcyper33
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Okay I see your points but are we really gonna pretend SE in the past had emergent gameplay or non-basic level design? We’re acting like old SE was Larian or something. They’ve always relied heavily on cutscenes, and the gameplay has always been the vessel to get to the cutscenes. If anything, Yoshi P is being consistent to what SE has always done.

    The few exceptions to this are games like Final Fantasy XII, Tactics and Vagrant Story all of which had a very heavy focus on its systems.

    • @macxozzy1503
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Listen man do yourself a favor play Monster hunter world for 1 month
    Then play Mh wilds next month
    Best deal ever

    • @ethershroud
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I don’t think XIV or FF are for people like you.

    • @DoXuanQ
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I agree, hoping for better futures in ffxiv :))

    • @kairesu5847
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I become a skipper of cutszenes, i NEVER did skip any before EW but this is just… no i want to play the game not WATCH the game

    • @Beldhan
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    the trouble is more complex, yoshi p is the director yes, he have almost every decision making right, sadly, SE still holding most of the power . stuff people tend to forget that until shadowbringer the team of dev was extremely small, mostly because a lot of the cash earned by FF14 was diverted in other project like FF15 or KH3. that did lead to the creation of the mog shop…. that yoship have asked that every cash earn from it, will be reinvest into the game.

    the situation is like this, you have yoshi p that try to make sure the game advance…. and at the same time they have SE behind that is draining cash, forcing often to make decision on what they can added or not…. or force SBI on them…. because it’s clear that DT was not written by the main team, it was written by someone that never did really understand the game and don’t care of the story soo far. you have a lot of plothole and many trouble of pacing and more important we have a world of warcraft expansion, more than FF14 expansion. in every expansion we are the main protagonist, exept in DT we are not present we are barely important to the story…. like in world of warcraft expansion, where our character is a soldier lambda not important.

    yoshida is in position to be the one that will be praise or accused to kill the game. but in reality it’s more complex and SE have a looot to be responsible for it. i don’t want to be in the position of yoshida…. mostly because he is the middle man, if SE order something he have no choice. that why we did get DT SBI edition.

    • @idiosyncraticRyugu
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    With the steam sale i went and checked out FF16 (after not touching FF14 in a few years now) and i gotta say, wonderful movie.. to bad it keeps getting interrupted with little fights.

    That aside, really nice video.

    • @SiriusPharos
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I can see your point but on the other hand having played a lot of other MMOs and experienced the alternative in Guild Wars 2 for example it has a lot of sections where you the player participate in the mundane such as cooking and it is only remembered as that annoying thing you have to do to progress. Guild Wars 2 is actually a great game to play if you want to see the alternative of what if they made these storied cutscene sections into gameplay but because of the unique instance design and objectives sometimes you will find a instance here or there that bugs out but you do not find out until you have wasted 10 minutes fighting a invulnerable boss because the special gameplay hook that is only in that instance bugged out. But to be fair in its prime Guild Wars 2 had nearly double the content as a FFXIV expansion before the downsize so I get the feeling they bit off more than they could chew. Guild Wars 2 : Path of Fire and Living World 4 have yet to be topped as expansions in my opinion.

    • @cinnamonofficial8762
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Pretty glad I listened to the end, I was skeptical at first but I found myself agreeing with a lot of your points as you explained them, and they are very well argued and articulated. Props for that.

    • @mrdantebloodwolfe5979
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The formula does not work anymore and this game needs a better formula, this game needs content and a whole lot of it to keep the players busy with it so they feel they got their sub money worth. The content is not there…. You put too much high end stuff then it is the mid-core, only so many people are willing to go though the 3-4 year month focus unto doing ultimate difficulties, and that extends even more on PF when there too many people screwing up and wasting people’s time.

    • @dizadaza
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    TLDR: this video sounds like you’re mad because the chocolate shake you ordered doesn’t taste like strawberries

    While your criticisms are valid, a lot of things are matters of personal taste, not true flaws. The simplicity of the progression system, for example, is something I really like, because I don’t like spreadsheet gameplay and just wanna get geared up properly for the next encounter. Cutscenes are my favorite form of reward (though I agree DT was a let-down in story quality)
    I appreciate how threatless the overworld is because then I can focus on things like gathering or questing without being distracted by some random mob.

    A lot of these issues are deliberate design decisions made with a different audience in mind that’s just not you. Yes, FFXIV has skewed its difficulty to be too easy, and that’s been acknowledged and is being worked on. But that happened because the dev team was focus on trying to uplift traditional FF players into an MMO and pull in new players into a genre they might not otherwise be comfortable with.

    Even as someone who played lots of MMOs, FFXIV’s gentle learning curve is what finally made me confident playing with other people – in this game and beyond. I think that’s partially because the game is so damn easy, and that’s what I think the dev team’s goal actually was.

    So yeah, the game is too easy, there are too many cutscenes, and the progression system is hella simple. But if you want to play Dark Souls, then just play Dark Souls. (Or heck – based on your complaints, an MMO like Guild Wars 2 might be right up your alley!)

    Don’t call on strangers to cancel their sub because you’re convinced that if you don’t like something, then no one must like it.

    • @Armoterra
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    He doesn’t know how to make a FF game. Other than some of the lore (like Chocobos and Ifrit), there’s nothing recognizable from FF in XVI.

    Forget playing their own games; they haven’t played Final Fantasy.

    • @MrSpiderspider12
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Idk if it was an FFXIV video or another game, but what i heard was something like
    “If the selling point of the game doesn’t sell to its audience, the existing flaws become more visible”

    • @kingkaga898
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    13:40 to be fair, when you introduce customization in a co-op PVE game, what often happens is that players will harass or flame each other for not using whatever the optimal or meta build is.

    • @ElShogoso
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    If I were to put it simply, the only issue I have with XIV is that it’s formulaic to a fault. I don’t mind a casual game that doesn’t particularly have challenge in the story stuff, as long as they at least try to keep it novel and engaging. My favorite parts of XIV are usually the stuff that breaks the mold a bit. Deep Dungeons, Eureka and Bozja, criterion dungeons, that sorta stuff. Because the entire rest of the game has been identical since heavensward. Dungeons shouldn’t even be called that, there’s nothing dungeon-like about those corridors.

    • @faroukleonhart4678
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Hats off to say what’s wrong with ff14 and if Yoshi simps don’t like it they can go play sims 4 or a Barbie game .

    • @machinaexcarne
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Telling me what to do: hold on till the end (what I already was to do) before disliking the video. So, disliking the video, before getting till the end. (edit: even though I agree with it a lot)
    (another edit: Yep, telling me what to do at the end of the video once AGAIN, even though I know that voting with my wallet is a thing. Dislike. Fight me.)

    • @kegosan7622
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Big parts of the Video could be copy/pasted to all currently running MMOs.
    I can only rise two issues with FF14.

    1. To less gameplay in the MSQ. It is 90-91 cutszenes, play one Dungeon, 91-93 cutzszenes, play one Dungeon, 93-95 cutszenes, play one Dungeon and Trail, and so on until 100.

    2. This game needs more Midcore Content. All hoped for Criterion Dungeons but they went with Savage difficulty again. Now the 24 Chaotic which is again Savage difficulty. Currently Midcore Gamer have 1 new Trial Boss and 1 Refreshed Trial for 4 month to play…

    • @PolluxStrike
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I dunno man I think the game has taken a nose dive since he quit micromanaging the team.

    • @tekenagakun
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ll say what I’ve been saying since Endwalker. FFXIV has been stuck in a repetitive cycle for a while and it’s not likely to change anytime soon. What we need is class identity, specializations/subclasses, casual content, a fun and interactive open world, reworks on dungeon mechanics, etc. There are so many opportunities, the game has huge potential, but sadly the producers know the players and know they’ll swallow any repetitive crap they release. On top of that, the endgame has become super focused on raids, and if you’re not doing raids… well, there’s really no option but to ERP or quit.

    • @somethang9264
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Showing a shot of wow while saying, “an actual good mmo” is wild. You can’t ignore all the micro transactions that activision blizzard put in place, man.

    Edit: also, bring back leveling down😂

    • @jovian02
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I remember before XVI came out, there were interviews of Yoshi-P talking up the game before it came out. Of course thats what hes supposed to do but there was something odd. He would only ever talk about us enjoying the story. Like that was the only part of the game that mattered. You hit the nail on the head man. They just want you to get to the next cutscene and what you do up until the next one they dont give a shit about. Its sad.

    • @amnofish
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I dunno how familiar you are with creating videogames. But, to pin point the exact amount of time it takes to create a game is not unusual or an unfair work model.
    There are games that if they weren’t cut down with all the ideas would literally have taken 50+ years to develop, so to get a grip on what takes how much time and then divide them into what’s most important to what’s least important is a must, especially in AAA industry.

    • @USMC49er
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    To be fair, initially ARR had explorable segments in the dungeons but the subscriber base were more interested in speedrunning the dungeons than actual explorations. Sometimes you have to give the fans what they want.

    Example: Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak had explorable areas, along with Dzemael Darkhold. But the treasure wasn’t worth it considering they weren’t end game dungeons and the rewards became obsolete.

    • @Grimbonez
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The fact that you call wow a “good MMO” tells me all i need to know. The real issue isnt with the game, its you. Youve either become disillusioned after a long time, or just prefer a different style of game now(or have always).
    14 has problems, but wow is made of problems lol. Not that wow doesnt have strengths, its has stuff it does better than 14 for sure. Its just a different kind of game.

    And sure 6.1 to 7.x has been a bit of a rough patch, but wow has been in a rough patch in one way or another since 2013(cata), hit the all time low with SL, and is now trying to take the road to recovery.
    So if wow is “good” at all, then 14 should get at least 8 more years of rough patch XD

    • @ohcharlie428
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Thanks for saying this <3

    • @chaoswolf2903
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFxvi’s combat is far too barebones to be a DMC successor. The base sword combat is absolute trash and CD based resources do not belong in an action game about style and skill. They just dont work well in it. FFXVI was play once and forget. ill go back to nioh 2 for my stylish action combat.

    • @HZAres
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    new classes didn’t really feel new so I played the xpand for like a week

    • @IRCannonFodder
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Sorry for the upcoming ramble.

    Resting on the laurels of narrative is also a terrible design aspect. They could have improved so many story beats like you said with 16 in 14, instead we stood there like a tree. We could have had a minigame of capturing the alpaca or taking control of Bakool Ja Ja during the siege. Instead we got about an hour or more of cutscenes between running across a map talking to NPCs. As someone that has been playing since ARR, the quantity of cutscenes increased and the quality of the moment to moment has wavered. I don’t think the narrative is as strong anymore, I get that we are starting over and characters will grow, but why bother bring in some of the older characters other than “We need them for Trust Dungeons”. Most of the Scions could have been not included in this expansion and the narrative wouldn’t have changed.

    Gear is useless and doesn’t even make me want to collect it most of the time. I used to cap my tomes weekly, now… why bother. I admit I don’t do savage or Ultimates, I don’t have the time or patience for those time investments. I’m sure the % of an increase is great for those that enjoy the content.

    As for the balance… that is out the window with how old some of the classes feel. BLM my usual well loved job feels like they just went “F this job” for the past couple expansions with how much movement is needed, and then they give all the tools that could improve it to Picto. Fans make a big deal that YoshiP mains BLM… well it feels like his design team wants his head for half the fights.

    Combat encounters in raids and dungeons can be fun, but some of them feel very elastic with difficulty spikes for DT. Endwalker had a pretty consistent and increasing scale in dungeons, the dips weren’t horrible and only a couple bosses make someone groan with “Oh this boss”. DT has had more than a couple of those with me. The dungeons almost all have at least 1 that I just sigh at, be they just boring or they just throw random aoe markers everywhere and gods forbid you have any latency. First boss of the first dungeon (can’t spell that name for the life of me), First Boss of Skydeep with the bubbles that don’t seem to follow normal pathing (for me at least), Second boss of Vanguard, Strayborough the first boss, Second boss of the field station, the final trial itself just throws random shit at you at one point.

    • @ludekcortex
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I am voting with my wallet since Heavensward.
    Near the end of the expansion I just buy the sub and next expansion – I finish all the post-expansion MSQ and the new thing under a month, and just stop till next “cycle” happens – even with Dawntrail (+post-Endwalker MSQ) I got decent and affordable gaming experience.

    Same with XVI – bought it on a 50% sale, the PC version, it has flaws, but for that price it’s perfectly fine game.

    • @Sasavicz
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    In some ways, I think FF11’s world was better. With all the “hidden” NM’s you could discover for some cool items.

    • @Kamarlex
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I really hope for Final Fantasy 17 they go back to roots of the franchise and return to turn based combat. Octopath Traveler and Dragon Quest 11 were extremely well received proving that turned based combat is in fact not dated. Turning Final Fantasy into Devil May Cry was probably not the best decision. I played 16 but didnt get very far. However, I really enjoyed FF7 Rebirth, even though that was real time it still felt like a final fantasy game because you could swap between characters mid combat, instead of only playing as cloud.

    • @TKMezo
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    finally. I really hate yoshiP

    • @cheesemuffin8129
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Scottzone got death threats for criticizing the raid formula.

    You’re a brave man to make this video. Stay safe.

    • @Sagefire121
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Nice video, and totally agree!

    • @Roninway4
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Dawntrail? More like dogtrail

    • @yep8058
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    “Disconnected” is the one word that describes SE perfectly.

    • @moowilliams731
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    the lack of content and how simple a lot of the jobs/classes it feels weird to play at times

    • @GXtera
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    too many people suck off Yoshi P and make out like FF14 is perfect, when its actually very flawed with boring dated gameplay, obnoxious writing and piss poor presentation. The only member of the team whos contribution is flawless is Masayoshi Soken that guy doesn’t miss.

    • @MrBee-qd3ri
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’m with you on this one. I unsubscribed as soon as they released the job actions showcase, new skills felt so boring, lackluster and uninspired. I main Red Mage and when I learned that at lv. 98 you get ‘Enhanced Addle’ I completely lost interest in the game. Why not give me a new mechanic that involves generating resources when using Verflare and Verholy or something else white/black mana related? Also Solar Bahamut, really? There are no other summons you could come up with? People might laugh and think that this is an overreaction, but for me this is a symptom of a bigger problem – complete lack of creativity.

    • @CrimSolitude
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Very much agree.
    I started playing FF14 when Shadowbringers was out. When playing ARR I felt that 14 was a really interesting MMO with some flaws from its roots. And I thought that later on in the expansions things would get better and better.
    Well, that was true in some ways. Story got better and certain aspects of gameplay and gear outlook. But I also noticed a regression.
    ARR for example has a really high density of enemies due to all those hunt logs that you can do. But this went away.
    Also the map areas in ARR are more diverse in shape, elevation and visibility. Now almost all maps are square, divided by story progression and not by enemy difficulty (level), you see most of what the map offers immediately and there are barely any enemies outside of Fate spawns. There is no sense of discovery and killing mobs has almost no meaning as they only drop a material for crafting at best.
    The Fates also have regressed or have not improved. There are a few Fate chains in the game, where a Fate moves to the next and the next etc. in a natural way (by seeing the npc move in real time). This system has not been expanded at all or even utilized properly even though it is a reslly good one to have in a MMO.
    Gear and build crafting is not a thing anymore even though there was a few choises to be made before me joining the game.
    And the choises in cutscenes in Dawntrail msq were so useless that you question why they where there at all.
    The lack of agency and possibility of making mistakes, of having any challenge and of danger in the world is eroding the fun of playing a game out of FF14.
    And it is sad as I love the world and the characters in FF14.
    We need more agency and the feel of presense in the games world. Otherwise people will drift even more out from it. And if the story stays on the level of DT so far, well people wont come back to even play that as they can just watch a video about it.

    • @Hemestal
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The awful pacing structure is the thing I instatly noticed 16 inherited from 14.

    I was able to kind of forgive it in 14 cuz once you were out of the MSQ, that was it, but in 16, the awful pacing of going through 7 different cutscenes and cinematics back to back in a single player game with a finite gameplay loop is simply jarring.

    That alone obliterated the replayability of 16 for me, thats why I didnt even bother with the DLC or NG because even tho I didnt hate the game, the pacing just wasnt it.

    • @Ch3rzli
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    so ok i am still playing ff14 mainly for raiding with my friends. maybe even i only still play bc i have a static and we have fun while plaing.
    that FF14 was story heavy was the main reason i started it back in 2015. and i even got to meet Yoshi-P this summer at GamesCom in Germany.
    Still i am at the moment very disapointed in the Team of FF14 and how they approach Class design and Battle design and difficulty .
    The Story is a whole other thing that i just think could have been written way better if they splitted dawntrail in half and made the crowning ceremony the end of the expension. Then maybe the Player could have had more interactions in the world where we actually could have done something instead of watching a cutscene.

    But I am especially frustrated with how easy the game got. But it is also the fault of the consumers, when they keep screaming bc “the game too hard” a company that wants to make money will obviously listen.
    i miss some of the class design back in Heavensward where you had to juggle your aggro as a dps and had to decide as a healer if you wanted to heal or do more dmg. They steamlined the game so much and it makes me sad.

    • @sonnenblume4
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Don’t worry even when playing the game in 15 hours sessions for 3 full days DT was an excruciating experience. I genuinely don’t know if it was worse or not though.

    • @NinesIng
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    THIS! This is how I felt up until I finished Endwalker and couldn’t handle it anymore. I felt like I’m watching an Anime that is just an big filler with only a few moments of fun story.

    World felt like a fancy box filled with Foam peanuts. Dungeon back drops looked so good that I wished I could go there instead of exploring another open world with invisible wall and nothing to find, devoid of any kind of challenge or interesting side content. I feel like Golden Saucer shouldn’t exist, the world needs to be a golden saucer.

    Also for the love of god, separate damage numbers per animated hit on skills or make it uptick or something, would make combat feel much better.

    • @Jkend199
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    If you think 14 is the Pinnacle of storytelling in the game-space, play FF10… The boy living in the shadow of his famous father, trying to follow in his footsteps, to earn his respect, his love, a love he wants desperately because his mother denies him her love, so consumed is she with his father… Denied the love of both mother and father Tidus lives for the adulation, the love of the crowd, he becomes a great Blitzer because he needs someone to love him, to validate his existence… Then one day his father disappears… his mother is so distraught that she withers away and dies, and Tidus is left with no one but the people who come to watch him play, and so he pours his life into the game, for the love of the crowd and to give him something to take his mind off the pain. A few years pass this way and suddenly his father’s friend appears out of nowhere as a monster attacks his home of Zanarkand… this monster and Auron, his father’s friend whisk him away to another world… That is the first 20 minutes of FF10, if that isn’t for you to fathom the depth of characterization FF10 offers I don’t know what would be. FF10 is the best final fantasy ever made, and maybe the best story ever told in any game I’ve ever played. I like ff14, I thought Heavensward was good, but it PALES in comparison to FF10, or FF Tactics, or 7, 8, or 12 for that matter… Final Fantasy used to be known for the writing, the stories, the characters… come for the cutscenes… stay for story…

    • @vox7441
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    i buyed ff14 but made a registration region mistake and SQ support told no refund or new key to fix this, played 1 day and instally dropped ff14, so sad and expensive sub price in post-soviet countries.

    • @lyndina8492
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    After i finished Dawntrail i actually bought myself FF16…and yeah. Dawntrail sucked and when i saw FF16 and played through it…i lost all hope for FF14. Yoshi P just talks bullshit…we get less and less content. Waiting half a year for some couple “click and read” quests. We have the same boring open world systems for 10 years…boring fates, boring Hunt-mobs. The Treasure dungeons are always the same 2 with some different background.
    Played some wow for the last 2 months…i did more “killing” and exploring in the first 2 hours then the whole of Dawntrail combined.

    • @Sefearion
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You raise some pretty interesting points. I’m on the cusp of getting to Endwalker so I was curious as to why Dawntrail was so polarizing to the player base. I do agree that many times the game does have a tendency to place you on rails, almost scared to have you venture off road or fail at a task. When the game warns you that you’re about to experience a long series of cutscenes and that you should make time for that it did make me raise an eyebrow. Since I stream for a living time is something which I had in abundance. If on the other hand you come back from an 8-12 hour shift and then fire up FF14 only to be locked into cutscenes for what little time you have left before you need to clock into work again…well things can feel a little uninspired.

    I haven’t experienced Dawntrail yet, but using that cooking scene as an example. It would have been interesting if you could participate directly as the player, maybe even going so far as to using your Culinarian job. The outcome depending on whether or not you leveled that job up, how well you did a potential mini-game and playing a different scene in the aftermath based on the outcome. The end result could by in large still lead to a relatively similar outcome, but the key difference here is you as the PLAYER get to participate in the events rather than letting the on rails scene dictate what transpires.

    Also, your editing is immaculate!

    • @nonamiyazomo8907
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yes for the most part ffxiv has been two sides of the same coin.
    Oneside is msq. To put it simply a story book and no one sugar coats it
    but on the other side is the mmo.
    You bairly touched on raiding in the video.
    Eureka, bozja, any of the 3 deep dungeons.
    actually glossing over the fact that dungeons were made significantly harder in dawntrail that while still on the easier side for people capable of raiding.
    Will and has absolutely walled players and their refusal to change the dungeons even with the outcry from casuals that they are choosing a direction to make story required content harder and more engaging.
    and basically throw ffxiv under the bus by framing valid flaw as if it encompassed the whole game.
    The fact of the matter is, the people that like the story are there. We’ve been here with our game being told a story in a manner we enjoy. Getting to enjoy a story before grinding away at the mmo we pay a sub to play.
    if you’re not having fun. take yoship’s advice. and unsub.
    as for xvi, they set out to make a devil may cry like game. and they got it spot on.
    That includes the horrible choice not to let you make the game harder from the get go.
    If you’re gonna get mad at peanut butter containing peanuts. idk what to tell ya.

    • @Medbread
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I think it’s really funny because there was a vocal like 10% of the playerbase who thought Dawntrail was too difficult and they gave up the game because they kept wiping in dungeons and solo instances.

    • @MrScottishDEMON
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Watched this and all that’s being complained about is “wah, cutscenes in the story content being too easy, waaaah”

    Honestly no real criticism here, literally complaining that the story to the game is more cutscenes than gameplay when it’s an mmo game where all the gameplay is meant for stuff like the level grind and endgame.

    Plus an honorable mention to the same tired cry of not being the main character In a story where its stated clear as day in both the set up and beginning mission that we aren’t the main character of the story but rather a side character.

    • @ozenky
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I like objective critique, but this is a problem present in all gaming industry. Everything is slop, plain, non-challenging.

    • @datriaxsondor590
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    13:25 This is nothing new with this game. It’s been this way for over 10 years, and people are just complaining about it, now?

    I’ve never understood the appeal of this game to the embarrassingly low ~1M people who play it, but it’s about time others start seeing what most of us saw over a decade ago.

    1M players, for a franchise as long, and praised, as Final Fantasy. WoW would shove its head up its own a** in shame, if it peaked at 1M players, and that peaked about 15 years ago, when active game players on this planet, was nearly half of what it is today.

    • @starbog1
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ve only recently got to play XVI as an active XIV player and this is spot on. As I play both of those nowadays I ask myself “Why do I not love this if I enjoy story games with lots of cutscenes?”. Everything is pretty and on paper should be something I enjoy, but yet I’m bored. People say “gear and loot isn’t the focus”. Yeah… but they are there and it feels like an excuse for it to be boring. Same applicable to other weirdly static features. Shadowbringers role quests that added a lot to the story in Dawntrail feel completely like a giant check mark to fulfill to dye job gear.

    I would argue during Endwalker the out cry about no proper relics and Bozja at it’s core was that. Game was lacking the few bits of the gameplay where you earned something flashy outside of an Ultimate. Instead we got relics for tomes and Islands who for the most part work by themselves. Well designed 4-man content that gives rewards same as tribal quests would. Suddenly there’s a bigger pattern forming.

    • @張智詠-u9v
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I believe that working with 14 and 16 at the same time let the quality of 6.1~7.0 and FF16 drop
    which made 6.1~7.0 less content and the end of FF16 less good and made the dev take the easy way( RPG element/side mission etc.)

    • @XirlioTLLXHR
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I hate FFXIV, I don’t understand how anyone can play that game extensively and not hate it. I understand that the game gets better after you’ve played through more than 75% of the first expansion but that means you’re basically way past the entirety of the base game and 75% through the first expansion… who in their right mind loves to waste time being bored for that many hours just to eventually play a “decent raids game” ? I was bored out of my mind trying to play FFXIV. I gave it about 12 solid tries with multiple subscription purchases and multiple “free accounts”, only to eventually give up on the game and any Final Fantasy game entirely. I’ve tried multiple Final Fantasy games, and I honestly don’t understand what’s to like, other than cutscenes and pretty visuals.

    • @F1rstp3rson
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I quit in Endwalker. Went back to Guild Wars 2.

    • @GlitterMagician
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I haven’t gotten very far in the video, and this is the first video of yours that I’ve watched but the part where you said a “good copy of an mmo” and then showed World of Warcraft made me laugh. I played WoW religiously for 12 years and stopped at the midway point of Shadowlands and recently tried to pick it back up and it is just not the same game. It has fallen off too.

    • @Sheepdog_Alpha
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I quit after I finished DT… The new story beat left me completely deflated and uninterested. Maybe I will hop back on when the new field operation comes along.

    • @danielfenton9742
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    As a WoW vet with over 10+ years under my belt, after having played portions of the FF series over the years, and having started FFXIV two weeks ago, I could not feel more of a stark contrast to your words in this video. Perhaps I’ll feel differently once I’ve made it to Dawntrail, but I just finished ARR… and literally everything, including side-story/area-quests, after it has been nothing short of PEAK. WoW’s story just isn’t there (One of the main reasons I ever liked WoW was its story and rich setting, even made a D&D Campaign set in the same world), the story delivery is infinitely weaker than ARR which is XIV’s weakest point but is also its STARTING point (again, I’m speaking from recent experience)

    WoW classic was WoW’s peak, it has only devolved since while trying to desperately grasp at its golden days only managing to peak for brief moments in its expansions, namely TBC, WotLK and Legion (All of which are continuations & resolutions of storylines that began in the older Warcraft games, before WoW was even a thing) The devolution is especially present in its gameplay loops, so much so that its infected XIV with the same exact “consume next highest difficulty raid to get next highest number on piece of gear so that i can consume next highest tier of same exact raid.” <----- That mentality has got to die off, it is not what an MMO is. You're better off chasing the fucking dragon than infinitely scaling numbers in a video game. lmao. RP will forever be the true endgame and lifeblood of MMOs. That both includes and requires the game to tell a good story to begin with, but it is clear as day who is left playing these types of games when the dust settles and the story is all wrapped up or no more expansions are coming. HINT HINT, its not the people grinding out BiS gear as the only purpose for BiS gear in modern MMOs is to allow you to consume the next hardest piece of raid content, which is most likely something you have already done or its in a set piece you've already seen but the numbers are slightly higher and there's some random new untold mechanic for you to figure out with really no tell what to look for until the boss is DOING the mechanic which leaves you with an impossible window of reaction time, not to factor in any sort of server-side issues with receiving your inputs. If Dawntrail truly is that bad, then I've got some regret to look forward to, but for now I'm having a blast and I'm the MF WARRIOR OF LIGHT My outlook on MMOs has never been brighter since I started my XIV journey, but the idea of savage and chaotic or whatever the hell else kind of raid/trial exists is something I'm not entirely looking forward to.

    • @misterwoods4630
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Making this video just 3 years ago would have put you on an electric chair, but now it is most needed.

    • @arkboi2145
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Funny how since 2010, NO ONE cares about Quality anymore. In fact, businesses treat creating quality experiences or products like a plague that is best to either ignore or get rid of.

    • @dolcebeat6759
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    This is what we are thinking, but no one dares to say. Great video with solid examples and explanations.

    • @Xerostarry
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I have a strong feeling that yoshi-p has stopped making ffxiv his main focus probably after endwalker’s launch. There’s someone else in charge of ffxiv now, they won’t announce yoshi-p’s shift in priorities because he’s been idolized way too much as a savior of the game

    • @xhephergaming
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Personally, I’m a story skipper in FFXIV. I’ve tried to enjoy the story and have given it multiple chances. However, I think their storytelling is not very good, and the lack of interesting questing makes it not worthwhile to sit through hours of cutscenes. When you skip the story, you really see how terrible their questing truly is. Everything is just a fetch quest. Literally.

    FFXVI’s story was also not very interesting to me. They could have expanded on the story by showing strong examples of the racism in the world they were trying to convey. There were only like 2 side quests in the entire game that really delved into this. The rest of the story was shallow, and it has been told better in other pieces of media.

    Just my opinion. Wish they would just allow me to just skip all story in FFXIV without having to do any questing. It’s just so boring. The endgame combat is way more fun than anything else the game has to offer.

    • @balcanoy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You know he wasnt 16s director, right?

    • @Crimzenresolve
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Great video and I think most points were spot on honestly. I’ve played FFXIV since 1.0 and very similar feelings became a bit too hard to ignore for me around the 2nd tier of Endwalker, so I eventually unsubbed. While I don’t hate XIV as a game and glad it exists, I just realized it’s not the MMORPG for me anymore, though I’m open to returning if they decide to make some significant changes. Both Warcraft and FF as IPs have held a special place for me, but I think it’s crazy if people think XIV shouldn’t still learn from its competitors. WoW definitely being one of those, but even just other rpgs. It can make those improvements while still holding onto the core things that set it apart and make it feel like a Final Fantasy game.

    • @ponder3020
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yoship’s strength is in marketing and public relations, not creative game design. That’s why he is beloved while producing games that are uninteresting to play.

    • @kazaream
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I fear 10 more years of Yoshi-P since the game has been on decline since the EW-patches and his consistent ostrich “put head in the sand” behavior when he’s given any feedback.

    Japanese game dev culture in general is pretty conservative and refuses to make big changes or taking important decisions. Unlike Korea and China, who take a lot more initiative in changing things based on user feedback because they fear backlash way more. Yoshi-P is adamant to clinging on to the same boring formula over and over again.

    I don’t get the praise towards him either. He was responsible for assigning Hiroi, the weakest writer on the entire team, to lead position. DT was the endresult. How can anyone have faith in him at that point and his future decisions?

    • @ponder3020
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Please Square don’t let CBU3 work on FF17.

    • @tarisukone6914
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    same its not how it use to be

    • @continuallyblessed44
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I’ve never been disappointed more in a game in my life than I was with XVI as I hated everything about that game. Now with Dawntrail being the worst of XIV since 1.0 I’ve lost faith in Yoshi-P and his studio. I’ll be much more careful in the future with any project from them.

    • @kohlicoide2258
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    That with the formularic gameplay i notice that hard when i play Dawntrail and i can almost predict when we have to do a dungeon or a trial etc. And i often notice in DT a feeling like “Can they pls shut up and let me play a dungeon or something?” I mean the Trials are nice the dungeons.. kinda.. but the rest? Meh

    • @neh1234
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FF XIV only became the game it is today because devs at the time were able to understand that something wasn’t working and they fixed it. I do hope they can do that again. But Yoshida has clearly been blinded by years of mindless worshipping.

    Ultimately it’s Japan the one that has the final say here. The Japanese are more receptive to dull gameplay, and for better or for worse, their reception matters more than ours. Nothing will change unless they start rejecting the product. Then again, considering all the mess with Wuk Lamat, I am no longer sure the customerbase is a part of the equation nowadays.

    • @dancingwholeness
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    This was an interesting watch as someone who wants to play an MMO with his mother and actually have fun doing it.

    • @Elivanse
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I agree 100% on what you say. As some criticism it personally feels like you are repeating the point a little too much.

    • @kita6502
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    There are definitely massive issues with the game that needs to be looked into. Mobile game definitely shows that more. Theree definitely both good and bad with the way things are. With playing safe and unwilling to take risks you definitely make the game more open to casuals. But people who want more from said game will end up getting bored. How does 1 balance the 2 when casuals are so used to not being pushed more. DT is not some boogeyman, the game was always like this and people just really enjoyed the story. And now that people aren’t enjoying the story, they are noticing more issues. My thing personally is that people dont understand that you can add all of these options to games but it wont matter if the meta pushes you to use specific stuff. Which happens in every game. Dont have this specific set/build? Well no one wants to play with you because they see you as bad.. i personally would prefer yoshi p take more risks while also not changing the core design of keeping it casual friendly and approachable. I played with people on both sides. And the experience of everyone is different. 2 min meta exists for example because of the player base.

    I do agree with a lot of points, but so many will point out issues without actually finding meaningful ways to solve these problems.

    But one big problem i think people will all agree with is how slow the patch schedule is. Even for a casual player theres like nothing to chew on actually for a casual player they have had nothing really to do in post dt because so much hardcore content releases.

    • @MichaelWane-s9f
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Honestly, it sounds like you are not into the story, and that’s fine, but it also means, you are choosing the wrong games to play. I personally know a few people, that struggle with the solo content in FFXIV, where some of the “duties” take them multiple attempts on very easy mode to get thru. Your stance would have them add more challenge for you, which would have the undesirable effect, of telling others that if they can’t get thru it, tough “get gud” or give up. I know more than a few people that walked away, frustrated over some of the duties. But, hey let’s make it harder for the sake of the elitists, that think “filthy casuals” are the problem.

    • @BalthasarAlighieri
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    As someone that played XI for 25+ Years and XIV since first Closed Alpha in 1.0 i agree with all your Points. Gear means nothing to me anymore and i dont Care about it anymore. But nothing is going to be changing. Only we as players can chose to play Other Games. Very simple

    • @Mysterious_XIV
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Ah the illusion of choice. I like how when dialogue prompts in XIV outside of cutscenes let you simply press escape (not even choosing a line of dialogue) and your character still speaks, advancing the conversation.

    I also want to add that the EW quest In From the Cold is by far my favorite quest ever added to the game. The timer counting down mixed with the area that has no established path to follow makes you feel a sense of helplessness and urgency even though nobody is actually in any danger. Very disappointed in how many people gave negative feedback about it at release because it was honestly the right step forward for the game.

    • @boxingrealtor86
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    who wants to buy a game to watch a hunch of cut scenes?

    • @OriginalRockCandy
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I mostly agree with what’s said. I thought 16 was quite enjoyable for what it was. A good action rpg. Side quests left a lot to be desired, though.

    The critisism for the 200 hours of content to reach higher end of content is a bit strange though. Since theres 10 years of content, i would assume that would make sense. The solution they brought forward was the story skip from the shop. (Which isnt the best solution either imo)
    I do agree however that the content is very easy but i also understand why they would do something like that. The challenge isnt in that type of content and is meant to be done by anyone no matter the skill level for the most part. The game does provide challenges in other areas though like Savage, Ultimates or other types of content.

    Difficulty is rather subjective and not all games have to be a nailbiter to be a good game. Theres plenty of options for that type of gameplay experience and to expect every game to be able to be perfectly balanced isnt possible. I would say the majority of FF games have been a rather easy romp through with no real difficulty select or anything. So this problem isnt really just a 14 or 16 issue imo.

    Other than those points i fully agree. Especially the point od not reinventing systems. But ngl when i say that i dont necessarily dislike it either. Knowing whats coming helps with planning around content and such for someone who dont have too much time to play games lol. Great video and your voice is quite soothing 😊 👍

    • @DonutSwordsman
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I wish devs would start a new character and see how bad it is

    • @slimfastsubaru2043
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    il take ffs gearing over wow’s any day. as with most classes the sacbrood was my bis. i ran that m+ over 300 times and never got it. in fact in those 300 runs i only got 15 pieces of loot. imagine if you did a savage run and got 5k gil and nothing else for it 7/10 times. that’s wow.
    i also like how in ff skill is greater than gear. you can outdamage people on your same class with way better gear than you if you are better. in wow, if you get unlucky and don’t get hsit forr gear, a drooling monkey hitting 1 key will outdamage you, its stupid.

    • @ShikiRyougi05
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    FFXVI’s combat is not shallow…i’m so fucking tired of hearing people say this. It’s ENTIRELY the fault of the easy difficulty. When you put in the time to actually learn the intricacies it becomes damn amazing, just a shame the game itself discourages it.

    • @Ratix24
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Makes sense. Difficulties easy as s*** or hard as f***

    • @StraifuLove
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    W video Ember and great point brought up
    We all wish that 14 would’ve evolved into the best mmo ever after all the content drought in EW, but it didn’t, and Yoshida been lying to us the whole year with promises of innovation and fun which is a big shame.

    • @xsteelersx6
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I agree but I think the feedback during EW showed him and the studio they have to revert some-what.

    DT was already in the pipeline at the time he and (probably) the team realized how milque-toast boring it was starting to get.
    You can see how the higher end content in DT is actually very engaging. They just need to keep bridging that gap. Shame they can’t turn their ship faster than this, easily my biggest gripe with CBU3 is how unresponsive they look when it comes to player feedback.

    • @dragonmangames2523
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    If I see myself abandoning FFXIV for anything, it wouldn’t be going back to WoW. My time would go to Minecraft, Monster Hunter, and PSO/PSU private servers.

    • @Tylendel_
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    say what u want , but calling wow a “good mmo” is wild XD

    • @Mercy-Selch
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Well said.

    • @Theihe
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    This game has devolved into asking for my money while offering nothing in return.
    When I started back in Stormblood it felt like a genuine privilege to waste my time in FFXIV.
    Every expansion since has made it feel more and more like Square Enix telling me that it should be a privilege for me to give them money.

    I went ahead and downloaded Menmas TERA. I’ve given up on FFXIV.

    • @Zoeila
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    goodbye wow refugee you wont be missed yet i find myself playing honkai starrail more lately than FFXIV. fixing these issues would require a Warlords of Draenor level drought and thats never happening

    • @TrekkieBrie
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Great video as always friend, very well written. While controversial to some, it does show why so many of us have slowly found ourselves stepping away from the Final Fantasy franchise. I want so badly to have fun with XIV again, but when compared to the fun I have in WoW there’s no comparison at the moment.

    • @nestor-martinez
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Great video, you have such a great radio/podcast voice!

    • @steakdriven
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The boss Encounters in Final Fantasy 16 were also damage sponges that took forever to die

    • @mahrze
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    My dude, you won me over with your review of dawntrtail after 100 hrs because you are very to the point of the matter. And I a glad you made a video like this and I assure you, you’re not alone in this view. I had the same realization while paying 16. How it felt like ARR all over again. And I know people will jump in and try toi defend CS3 and I don’t blame them for that feeling since many became like that after shadowbringers.

    But, like you said, time to vote with our wallets. While the memes of “SE being a small indie dev” exist, it’s not entirely inaccurate how CS3 themselves “pretend” to be one. I found it odd how CS3 keeps “content limited” in patches, spreading content thin and pushing the FOMO around things and not letting content organically grow. And at the same time, in a sort of unrelated matter, they collab with another game to make “end game” content for it (Eternal Strands).

    I know you have a life, but hopefully this video does blow up in a positive way and a wake up call for the community and you get your rewards for it. You respect the viewers time and that in turn earned my respect in your content.


    • @thattallmexican6900
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    The fact that they’re so unwilling to experiment with something new or change up the schedule is what feels the worst.

    The new Chaotic Raid could have been something similiar to Delubrum or Dalriada but it turns out it’s just another boss fight but even worse to pug in PF. The fight is cool but something different would’ve been a breath of fresh air.

    I love this game but it feels like they aren’t giving players a reason to pay a monthly sub. Their content drops last maybe a week or two and then you have to wait 4-5 months for something else. It doesn’t help that the story has been so lackluster that it’s not even a good reason to keep playing either.

    I unsubbed for the first time in 4 years since I started playing and I’ve also lost a lot of interest in returning.

    I enjoy your content so I’ll keep checking out your other MMO vids. This is a great write up with well thought out criticism 👌

    • @danmarshall4812
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Really well made video as always, cheers

    • @Fade2BlackSS
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I agree with everything said here. I’ve been going back and playing a lot of Skyrim lately and although it can be a buggy mess, it blows my mind at what devs were able to do with an ARPG from 14 years ago compared to now. You got me thinking when I got to the part wherr you spoke about these games taking so much control away from the player. There’s a part in Skyrim where you have to participate in a civil war. What makes that part so epic is being able to engage with hundreds of enemies. You’re in the middle of screaming angry soldiers, killing and trying to survive this thing.

    In a game like FF14 and FF16, that would just be a cutscene. Lol. And that’s the sad part. Yoshi and the devs need to understand that things make more of an impact when the player is actually participating. The lack of player control and actual meaningful decision making choices that affect your playthrough has always been the problem.

    Edit: Oh and on a side note, FF16 has 20 hours of cutscenes…the game is only about 30-40 hours. Maybe more if you do the side quests and stuff. Seriously, look it up. It’s more an interactive movie than an actual game.

    • @kdraws123
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You explained in words what I couldn’t describe, the feeling that Final 14 has left me in these 3 years that I have been playing. I have seen so many wasted opportunities in the game, where the player could have been more involved and had better experiences that it is painful. The only thing that invites me to continue playing Final 14 is my taste for glamour and housing, beyond that there is nothing that really drives me to continue

    • @thorn_lekoh
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    At the end of the day, taking a terrible video game and making it into an “all around good” video game is not the legendary feat of a genius but just the work of a relatively competent designer, and most of the qualities of 14 have nothing to do with its game design, which is predictable, unrewarding, imprisoned in rigid formulas that never change, inside gameplay embryos that are stems of a good idea that never get developed further, with systems that are completely separate from each other and never interact to create an interesting gameplay loop.

    I’m keeping my sub just because i don’t want to lose my house, and to do one or two gposes every so often. As a former WoW refugee, it feels like we all arrived at the end of the party, the precise point where everything great we’ve been told about the game would start not being true anymore. Maybe the success went to their heads.

    • @PKDeviluke25
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Yoshi-P apologists would nail you to a wall for having such a title.

    • @Dwayneff
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    You are insane for making that title. There are yoship worshippers… you know that right? As soon as they see that video title. All hell is gonna break loose.

    • @PerdroLuvas
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    looks like you’ve played other mmos
    the amazing and/or intriguing story sort of masked all of these issues, now that Dawntrail is a weak expansion it became VERY clear that the problems were ALWAYS there.
    i played some of classic WoW and damn, the “open world” in ffxiv is a joke, you got almost nothing to do in a zone after doing quests and fates, meanwhile WoW has tons of details and stories in each zone and you don’t have a flying mount to trivialize all of it.
    i swear if the next expansion follows the same old formula i will be dropping the game for good and wait for the riot MMO

    • @nny156
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Besides the story the best part of FF14 was the community. I’ve been in the same FC since ARR because the people are amazing. Best guild i’ve ever been in, in any mmo. The problem is after Endwalker, Dawntrail released and with how little there is to do, people started leaving. Long time members who have also been around since ARR started quitting the game because if you weren’t pushing savage content you were just logging in to sit AFK in Limsa. Thats what happened to me. Logging into the game every night after work, to sit on a street corner in Limsa on my bard and play music until i realized im just paying $15 a month to do this…

    I get that Yoshi P saved the game with his micromanaging, but that same micromanaging led to Dawntrail, so maybe it’s time for Yoshi to retire, because the game has felt the same for several expansions now, and the devs thought process of “if you dont like it play something else” isn’t going to keep people playing when they put out little to no content.

    • @marcusmckenna7842
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    I feel like Living Memory was an intentional “fk you” to fans who complained about Ultima Thule. “Oh, you thought that was bad?” kinda thing. As a former WoW player, 14 has been pretty disappointing all round. I keep hearing about “the story” but the story has been pretty weak throughout.

    • @herebejamz
    • 2025年 1月 08日 11:28am

    Japanese work culture and a penchant for reserved constant concern definitely hinders things. The fact that Mobile is being developed by another team all together actually has me interested in it. I mean, I’m probably going to play 14 until the servers die, but it would definitely be nice if they could try and take a few more risks someday.

    I do have some hope, DT did get a decent amount of lackluster response, so maybe? As someone who enjoyed DT even I can see the pacing and stake issues. I don’t think they’ll ever really make a decent amount of “customization” but they have at least suggested having more difficulty.