Diablo IV Campfire Chat | 2.2.0 PTR | March 2025


Preview our upcoming 2.2.0 Public Test Realm (PTR) for our next Season. Join members of the development team as they reveal how to access, and what to expect in this next Public Test Realm available to PC Battle.net users.

Tune in to learn more about the PTR, balance updates, and more.



Taqs:Diablo,Diablo III,D3,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment


  • コメント (172)

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    • @devn6568
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    So you legit copy pastet the fourth time again the same league mechanic with other “powers”… thats the league mechanic? and instead of adding content to the coregame u just make it more worse.. AGAIN, nerfed groupplay, we have to do more bossing AGAIN in a Diablo? You are legit joking, right? I really had hopes, but they are gone. Go play ur game alone with those hundred left hardcore casuals that are left. What are u even doin in those months? I could nearly do 90 percent of this stuff ALONE as a dev in 4-5 Months.

    • @DANTonYoutube
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Boss powers look and sound good! The changes and weakening to classes is a wrong move!
    The overall power is LOW if Pit 150 is the ceiling and things need to be raised up not lowered and capped.
    The 50% get to T4 stat is sad and now you are trying to lower that ? So many casual players are going to be totally turned off my your changes and the blasters too with the classes feeling so weak across the board. Its just not fun not being able to even farm t4 comfortably with some classes…
    The answer to this could be allowing the blasters to make the difficulty harder for themselves which increases rewards. There is no need to stop even more people getting to and enjoying the T4 experience?
    Also masterworing really needs help! please allow us to reset just the last step and roll it again rather than needing to reset back to 0 if you already had the 1 or 2 hits you wanted.

    Thanks and lets see how s8 feels! I hope its fun 😉

    • @wearloga
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I’m keen to experience the changes to the Torment system. One small worry, though: will completing the season journey still be possible for all players? The last chapter had us do a lot of things in T4, but if T4 is intended for a smaller percentage of players, fewer players will be able to complete the season journey.
    Other than that, I’m really hyped for the new season 😁😁

    • @fatalradius
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Def agree with this campfire. D4 is laughably easy. Even as a casual I blast through most of the content in a week or two. Making it more difficult will be more rewarding, as long as you give the casuals enough time to get through the content…Might have to push out seasons every 3.5 – 4 months.

    • @domnicneo3891
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    very mid level unique for a new minion necromancer… but its not relevant at end game. especially for pit 80 n above

    • @DiablozStyx
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    This is really really cool and the right direction! Make multis more rare so you dont have to balance up and down all the time! Multi should be fairly rare and almost like a “mythic” stat that players are seeking out. On the flipside the damage would not scale so insanely out of hand. I see the barb unique that has 600% multi on it and i think why we need that?

    • @markreiser-p2t
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    the goblin event is a joke, all gifts are normal runes (no bac or some needed ) tributes same give just the normal. the lvl gifts from event.. just normal no horse set , no goblin as pet or some transmogs, and purple goblin is not in the game 5 days farming and not only 1 found.. other players say all the same. when will blizzard make the teleportsystem to other players easy how in diablo 3 ? direct teleport not 2times and over city ? that is in d4 not nice.

    • @asum7786
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    You guys really need to figure out the moment to moment gameplay speed you want D4 to be at, and then adjust game design accordingly to that.

    Especially for Necromancer, Diablo 4 kind of just feels like a worse Diablo 3. The game as it is now asks for the same hyper speed blaster gameplay that D3 had, but the class and skill design, such as slow setup skills like Corpse Tendrils and Bone Prison, Passives like setting up Flesh-Eater for bursts or having cast and aftercast times on Curses feel incredibly clunky in this gameplay pace, as they were clearly designed for the game vision at launch where everything was slower, more deliberate and tactical – tackling individual mob packs and especially Elites.

    Imo the gameplay was more fun and unique at (pre-)launch, while just being held back by missing and broken systems (gearing, resistances, endgame, etc.) – but if you want to return to D3 blasting, you need to adjust and rework skills, passives, paragons, etc. accordingly so the game doesn’t feel like stop and go traffic – with skills and mechanics interrupting this fast gameplay flow, rather than weaving into it.

    • @erikbanduric7033
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    what if…damage output in every build will be same, lts say 100M per sec (doesnt include crits, overpower)…example: for caped armor stat, u need to focus a little bit in that, and anything beyond that doesnt help….so damage would be the same…so every build would have caped with dmg output, which means all builds would be equal…. small twist would be in visual side of skills with uniques, skill size, homing missiles, split adn so on…(not sure how bad it would be for competitive players, only option what i have would be disable caps in pit)

    • @Thejmktmgaming
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Would be cool to have the ability to combine items together if they’re the same item to upgrade the quality or to repair your gear instead of just scrapping it all the time. A crafting skill and required crafting levels to combine items or scrap items to get Exp points in the skill to improve it over time.

    A collectors stash for the players that like to collect items and gear. Or more space in our storage chest.

    • @XilliGaming
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    So you are going to say that Torment 4 is going to be made for the top 10% of players and most likely lock the last chapters of the season journey to that..What type of elitist bullshit are you going to try and make this game?

    • @NeCoNLive
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Thanks for adding more boss fights!

    • @Koraksis
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Great….so no loot filter and now on top I will have to sift through yellows as well while lvl up…..Thanks Blizz…

    • @adrianD4
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    imagine having a system where the older the season the harder and stronger the bosses get….. imagine having a cretive person in the whole F blizzard company to innovate on existing game content and adding a new “way” of challenging players

    • @noscop3thepope5
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm


    • @adrianD4
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    ever since S2 I NEVER look at what items do until lvl 100/ now lvl 60 – they are useless, I just equip whatever green number is higher, I don’t even care about legendary powers.
    Your itemization system is screwd up by whatever intention you had to make this game brainless friendly

    • @TunechiBangz
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    And as allways adding nothing, just “changing” numbers, recycling stuff… the “add then remove” to make it seem new isnt working. You can experience 80% of the game in the first 20 levels.. how is it possible.

    Then you can re-run the 80% just in a harder difficulty, in an old “stairs system” so trash… d4 still in beta, and expansions will be pay to win and a paywall to new content. First put all gear sets behind paywall/shop and now new content so trash… blizzard should play eternal to see how weak their base game really is… coz that is pretty much the game we play 80,% of the time. Zero fun builds, zero sets, zero progression… one of the big bricks in a zero to hero game is a linear progression and additions to spell, sets etc. This game has zero at all. Been playing all seasons allways been let down and end up with same build eeeeverytime. Its doesent matter what class u play its all the same “dmg in circle then move repeat” lol

    Eng is not my 1 language please overlook spelling, grammar etc

    • @Mr.CaglarOzel
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    PvP system plz, stop ruin your game be better BLIZZARD

    • @RobxNxHood
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I can’t wait to play with these new powers and bosses next week! I’ll miss my bats and frog though these powers plus great boss fights should definitely keep me captivated and striving even harder for that torment 4 loot so no worries. Looks great❤‍🔥

    • @Juklax
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Sounds like we are gonna hear from them less..

    • @KwisatzHaderachZa
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I don’t know… I’m skeptical of investing another 300 hours of playing an underpowered sorc. Everything the Blizzard devs do contradicts what they tell fans. Will the sorc and spiritborn even be able to level their glyphs? Sad to see the game has been adjusted to appease diablo youtube content creators and not the larger casual player base, the pit has become the focus again…Meh. Cheers. Not looking forward to another season where 3 classes rule and the remaining 3 underperform. Maybe it’s time to take a summer break away from the game. Don’t think I’ll be joining next season. Have fun though.

    • @gabriel-rileydrouin8669
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Anyone else hate that we finally get a new minion unique for necro and its a sword? I’ve never liked sword on necromancers, prefer scythes or wands. The new minion unique should be a wand and bring back the arm of king leoric. Also hate that instead of making warriors better they’re giving us an aspect that sacrifices them. Minion necro has been my favorite in ever Diablo game its been possible so this is really upsetting.

    • @reaper1er423
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    9hrs to get to level 60 and start the game isn’t too fast when you don’t have alot of time to play. D3 and wow both have leveling gear that increases exp gain, easy to make that going forward and not have to punish those that dont have enough time to play to get to 60. But lets level an alt in 10 mins….. Streamers that get paid to play complaining its too fast just need a different server. Catering to the streamers yet again…. let’s increase the difficultly and decrease the drop rate. So much potential to be the best game yet drop the ball recycling old stuff. If you play eternal your gear becomes trash and legacy after putting all the time in to Masterwork and temper it. Give us a scroll to still brick a 3 GA item and make it useless after taking 200hrs to find because you keep nerfing the drop rates. You are destroying the fun of the game for casual players. 1-60 in 9 hrs or 24 hrs streamers are still going to stay up and hit 60 in 1 day while others have to endure the grind longer just to enjoy where the game starts which it doesnt start till level 60. Took 7 seasons to get an Armory. The community is telling you how to make a great game and devs aren’t listening. Game is too easy? Stop copying builds and do your own. Its literally became a job and not a fun game.

    • @KatapultGaming
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Massive L if you try to nerf all the other classes to become as pathetic as season 7 sorc instead of raising sorc’s power to match season 7 necro. I hope you mess up again as you did with every season to date and leave 1 or 2 builds that actually feel powerful in end game content. But even better would be if you made the game fun on purpose instead of accidentally.

    • @behran
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    D4 doesnt have a proper crafting mechanism or set items. I dont understand why D4 team wasting time with same season 2 copy paste themes.Waste of time.

    • @seluhir8820
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I just hope these new bosses don’t have one-shots. True one-shots have no place in these types of games.

    • @rafaeldias3874
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    nice, was waiting for more jaguar builds. just watching this belial drop’s we can see that it will terrible hahaha .. please help us to get perfect or good itens in late game, as we have today, it’s impossible even with countless hours.. 99,9999% of the drops are terrible and a waste of time

    • @rontooley7161
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Nerf’s are Bad. Pit 130 & up is to hard now. need got passed 130

    • @quetzelmichaels1637
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I just finished the main campaign at max difficulty level using (blue) Magic Equipment. I had 138 unused Paragon points. No tempering of equipment. No Aspects used. At level one, this game is for toddlers. There are 218 side quests, 115 dungeons, and 15 strongholds. That makes the whole map interesting. I took down Lilith in one round.

    Why would I play seasons and repeat the same areas over and over? The open world is far too easy. The select difficult areas become repetitive. The tons of loot to sort through and constant crafting is like having a commercial every five minutes.

    Crafting should apply to the slots. Cosmetics should apply to the equipment type of choice. Get rid of the loot and equipment. Drop crafting materials. Give us a cosmetics creator app.

    It is more interesting to fight my way to collect herbs and ore now that they are on the map. I was sold the game on the basis of an engaging campaign.

    • @CarloDimacali
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I only have 3 days to play a week, I hope I can still make different characters to a viable end game build. If the difficulty of ascending will be close to PoE2, I might as well do PoE2, which is more polished, more features. Blizzard really need to decide whether to cater to blasters or casuals. I think I’m ready to follow my clanmates to PoE2 after this season.

    • @DarkepyonX
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    All the haters need to realize D4 has the numbers regardless of your opinions , honestly how many games give this much info each season and at least act like they actually care or actually do, it’s perfectly fine to enjoy Diablo games and other games , success is based on numbers and numbers alone , opinions are invalid as a metric .

    • @collinocsc
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I check back every season after season 3 because I stopped playing. I scrub thru these videos and hear stuff like “missed the mark”, “we realized that wasn’t fun”, and “going to rethink our philosophy”. I then know this team still isn’t up to par and I should just skip the season again. Same mistakes over and over it seems like,

    • @tonycarpenter-Makzimia
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I’m so happy to hear people will actually have to play initially in PTR. The boost instantly did not show how the game flow is, chad player or not :).

    • @Honzjan22
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I dont get that part about crowd control. Thats just stupid. And you literally just killed fists of fate

    • @mman6859
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Not a big fan of this update. Making the game much slower and harder, while also nerfing drops on items. I’ll probably skip out on this season

    • @damienkrawczuk1435
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Solo’d the entire Diablo franchise for decades, and ill continue to solo the franchise for another decade, sorry but thats not going to change, i am a fan of the series most definitely, im just a very busy man that just casually solo’s this franchise at the end of my working day, great stream tho! Good to know the goings on 🤘

    • @yunoduke
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    D4で最も足りないのが Item Filter と倉庫タブの追加(有料でも構わない)だと、ギルメンは口を揃えて言う。発売当初からその感覚はまったく改善されていない。だからギルメンがPoE2の方に移っている(ユーザが自由にItem Filterをカスタマイズできる。倉庫も無限に増やせる)。D4のエンドコンテンツが虚無作業の集合体でつまらない、というのもあるが ⇒ PIT周回、Uber BOSS瞬殺周回、NMDで石集め

    • @spiritdiana5004
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    1:20:55 No FoF is used because it is x50 multipler not because it has a freeze. No one would use it even if it perma freeze on hit…

    • @johngohchuanheng3417
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I wonder why release belial so soon , why not keep him for the next expansion ?

    • @blackjoker272
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Stupid mighty throw coming back.

    • @onyxcitadel9759
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    i hope these lair keys stack high man. Please don’t limit us so low. Also.. do you guys ever consider to help the community craft builds via items.. and NOT just class skills?.. like I have an awesome 4 GA Butchers Carver.. which i initially used on my barb s7.. it was super fun.. but there’s no way to scale dmg around it. You have some very nice items that are under utilized… Also.. please srsly consider giving us a way to farm premium currency… (at restricted amounts.. like for example.. 600 premium currency max.. every season.. or something like that).. give us a reason to grind and enjoy the rewards.. so we can save up for 1awesome cash shop premium cosmetic.. why not?..

    • @BlackStarASMR
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I remember there was a survey with the question if next season shall be about bosses. I took part in the survey and said it would be a very bad idea. But it felt like at that point Blizzard had already decided that the season will be about bosses. But then I don’t know why they ask this question then if it was already decided and underway. In addition they asked if players want unexpected „surprise“ boss fights. This seems to have been decided as well at the point of time of the survey, so I do not understand why they are asking this.

    • @kholio4377
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Seasonal uniques. Instead of adding ever increasing loot bloat – considering only a couple of builds float to the top each season snyway- why not have 5-6 uniques per class rotate in and out each season. That cycle through a bunch of skill/passive combos and can shift focus away from just WW or Lightning Spear. Add some more seasonal spice by fresh uniques every season instead of just Yens Blessing and Winterglass.

    • @whereswaldo6396
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    So the whole way whispers worked in season 7 is gone after season 7 is over? Who tf is gonna wanna do whispers the old way again? Lol. Why not keep the green whisper zones and the raven and all that

    • @Grimmii69
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Maybe you dev should play d2 and understand way it’s better still

    • @lambeauoriginal9062
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Weekend game? The only people i know that are “crushing content” as you said, are streamers. Making the game more difficult for 90% of the player base is a bad move.

    • @Perempt_
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    JUST MAKE THINGS WORK ON DAY 1. stupid minion ring didn’t work after i tried like 6 other builds so i already stopped playing by the time its fixed lmao

    • @coldfire22
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Also for Seasonal Journey.. if T4 is something only 10% of the players can do, does that mean only those 10% will be able to complete the Seasonal Journey?

    Oh and STOP forced group stuff. In Season 7 there were a couple that required us being groups. I don’t play D4 with other people. I like to play solo.

    • @joeontherun
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    i’m a casual player. I want to get to torment four. you guys wanting that to be around 10% just killed that idea 25% please

    • @andrewp979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Agreed, please do not add resilience to bosses. Make EVERYTHING, bosses, dungeons and open world, sufficiently hard

    • @andrewp979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    These A or B skill designs are really cool! Why are they not baked into the skill tree which already has an A/B design baked in. Putting them on uniques means we can’t get a build online while leveling and also makes it basically impossible to scale 2 abilities at once because we’d need the corresponding uniques and legendaries and tempers. It’s too much

    • @ener11454
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    My favorite part of this is when they talk about finding ways to reduce friction because only fighting something when you know you can win is boring. This is where PoE2 completely flops, their entire philosophy is creating friction and making sure you are punished if you aren’t overtuned for the fight. It is one of the biggest problems with that game.

    • @lubomiriliev7135
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    What is the point of making things harder when you can just cut down the absurd scaling…… Numbers should scale in the style of 1->2->5->10->20->40->80, not in the style of 1->100->1 million -> 100 trillion… You WILL get and feel powerful if you’re doing 25% more dmg, no need to temper 2 items, do 4000% more damage and then you inflate the system by adding 10 more torment levels like D3. How hard is it, honestly……

    • @DarknessHowl
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Don’t make items legacy. DO YOUR PART and convert them to portray the same changes for any futures patches. I may be speaking for the people of Eternal, but not all of us want to do the dance over and over. Please don’t make the d4 experience bad

    • @Tjbarnes-d2x
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Add more torment bosses!!!!.. Diablo immortal has 20 bosses!!!!

    • @TheJaqqour
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I just can’t even anymore.. luckily there is no shortage of other fantastic ARPGs at the moment.

    • @Tjbarnes-d2x
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Bring back opening cutscenes for seasons!!!!

    • @ericwuplay
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    What will happen to the current boss mats transfer into eternal until s8?

    • @gaulron2010
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    TLDR; The sorc sucks, and thats kinda where we want them to be. So, we really aren’t gonna do much with that class.

    • @hamakakun
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Looking forward for season of bosses

    • @TTVsleepykitsunegaming
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    What u need to do instead is make the bosses harder to kill and make another world tier

    • @PizzaTime727
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Stop making build defining unique helms! You neuter builds (like Meteor Sorc/storm Druids) from using Shako or Perdition.

    • @ON_1_Jon
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    No better endgame and no new classes 💀🫠💀

    • @baconoverlord7982
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    So, just add up to T10 then so people can use that as a gauge for difficulty instead of just using it as a stepping stone for completing the season.

    • @badbaLity
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    game needs new classes not season powers again and again 🤦💥

    • @baconoverlord7982
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I don’t mind making the seasons harder as long as the payoff is still “godlike” by the end. And don’t add exp penalties… ever. This is a fun game that respects our time. Other games with exp penalties do not.

    • @TheSirChasman
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Glad to see you back Adam Fletcher! Missed you last time!

    • @ManhasNoName1-v9v
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I guess forget about the sorc blizzard skill again smh.

    • @rapptture
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    wtf you spent time on 1-25, nobody there plays their own game

    • @arjayfernandez3064
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Rushing claw should also tie with distance travel. The more bounce even in circle ⭕️ it travel. And burst more damage or to hit crit damage per cast. Like exploding poison per rushing claw hit. (Just suggesting…)

    • @jaxrebel007
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I like the focus for this season

    • @andrewp979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Im sad to say but these boss changes are pointless if bossses are still going to be trivial to kill.

    They are boring. Because they die in second/s.

    • @JerBuster77
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    They really need to stop listening to just the streamers.

    • @flintlockgaming3683
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm


    • @Iamyourgodbro
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    The boss powers look ridiculous. You guys are transforming this game from a dark Gothic fantasy into a gaudy nightmare.

    • @jonbee5782
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I am done. I done with this game, and with args in general. From what I can see this is a dead and dying genre. Once again they have whip lashed between seasons and all of these devs sound more like they are trying to SELL this “game” over making a game that is fun. Yeah yeah I don’t need to announce my exit but I’ve wasted over 700 hours for them to give me metaphorical whip lashed enough. I’m uninstalling you guys have fun with these “games” *drops mic*

    • @arjayfernandez3064
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    IgniZan Cataclysm cause the continuously inherited the first cast capability.

    • @skootershroomgaming9629
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Lmfao, I got called crazy and was told that my complaint in earlier seasons about the boss mat sharing bullshit that people pulled didn’t exist. It’s so crazy to watch these devs lag so far behind what is actually happening in their own game. They do not have a single clue on what people want. Just throw shinies at us and hope we come back.

    • @andrewp979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    How is current pit tier 76 aspirational lol. Builds are clearing pit 150…

    • @sidney4753
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Omg I’m so excited for boss powers

    • @jeffrix_ogs
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Everyone here, they Literally had a survey a couple weeks ago asking all these same questions. Apparently either no one is doing them, or only the people who aren’t the majority.
    I did it and Literally Nothing i put in the survey is on new updates

    • @jeffrix_ogs
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm


    • @justinnewton2779
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Mid stream. Y’all need to listen to players more!!!! Class buffs seem lame and boring. We need END GAME PLZ

    • @ujaku_
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Reducing legendary drops in the leveling is okay, but one annoyance I’ve found can be drop-only aspects acquisition. I’ve made it all the way to 60 without finding aspects that my build needs to function. If we reduce the legendary drops, what are we doing to help with aspect acquisition for aspects that cant be targeted in dungeons?

    • @slottsbacken-x5j
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    2 steps forward 6 steps back, wy are you al still hired thata great 3 bosses it takes me 45 min to rig in maya, a day in Zbrush , what th f are you dudes doing realy

    • @Sephiroth8080
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I don’t believe implementing the keys to be used on the caches after killing a boss is a good idea. It works for the infernal hordes, but I think it only works cuz of the format. Anytime you ever kill any enemy with even a moderate amount of difficulty, you want to see loot immediately. Breaking that function up causes 2 downfalls, A, you’re wasting the dying animation that many people worked on. No, we all don’t need to see it a 200th time, but it’s part of the whole thing. Imagine when you delivered the last blow to a boss, it just disappeared and loot appeared. I can’t imagine a person that would enjoy that. And B, you’re interrupting the momentum of the moment. With infernal hordes, you’re slashing through wave after wave after wave. Pits even does this in a similar fashion. At the end, BOOM, the big payoff AFTER you kill the big bad. In the Pit, there is a chest, but it’s immediately opened with a click and is just obols. In the Infernal Hordes, it’s a short channel to make sure you don’t accidentally click and burn your currency, but you’re spending that currency from a long grind that’s all confined to this event. So it still feels like a part of it. Your suggestion: gathering keys elsewhere, traveling to the designated boss you want loot from, killing said boss, then clicking a chest and potentially having either a channel or a pop-up box, similar to what summons bosses now, to confirm. It’s just breaking up too many actions and interrupting the moment, as well as breaking down a core aspect of ARPGs: kill thing and get loot. The bigger the thing, the bigger the lootsplosion.

    I would scrap this idea. It’s probably too late for S7, but scrap it going forward. The community isn’t harmed by the very small % of people that are coordinating their materials to get 4 people the loot instead of 1. Especially cuz it can’t be traded unless by those in the party, but still, it’s a small % and really doesn’t need to be the reason this overhaul is introduced. If you want to rehaul, try this: instead of letting you teleport straight there, make the entrance something grand, something horrific, something “exalted”. When an RPG group meanders upon a cave where a bear is nesting, it’s small and quaint. And what’s inside matches that. When an RPG group happens upon a dragon and their horde, it’s some massive cave, or derelict castle, or magic portal into their realm. Entering that place should feel epic. And then, here’s what you do with the keys, YOU MAKE A DOOR. Yeah, I know, I lost some people, BUT BARE WITH ME. If you decide to keep the short trek inside, through a handful of flies before you meet the bosses arena, put a door there. A big, massive, intense, and daunting door. Make it match the aesthetics of the boss and/or the arena. And then, ultimately, keep the altar that reappears to quickly reset the boss. It’s honestly a simple, but effective solution. You guys nailed it with that, don’t fix what isn’t broken.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. We have shirts and merch at our table in the mezzanine.

    • @weathermanx2005
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    The Pit changes will deter any of the sub tier classes from even trying, when you got like 2 or 3 classes *(barb, SB, necro)* that can blast their way thru, it’s not fair to the rogue, sorc, and druid, they will be “stuck” at the lower Pit tiers unless they have a friend or can social party with one of those top 3 classes that can carry them. This has been going on for way too long and I’m done even trying to compete with my rogue.

    • @badbilly208
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Season of nerfs

    • @mohamadfadhil7971
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Guys, just fix the backpack! It makes no sense that I have to stop fighting the boss because of the items cluttering the ground and blocking my vision, especially when I only need them for salvaging. Most of the time, I just leave them there because I don’t want to keep going back and forth every five minutes!

    • @badbilly208
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Druid dead, clueless team

    • @arjayfernandez3064
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Deadriser glyphs seem not working for minion build of necro

    • @wowolema
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    If these bosses are getting re-worked and be more challanging, i hope with all my heart, you have done MASSIVE visablility changed to the Ice Beast in the cave, with fromst, boss, in frost arena, with frost attack, and frist adds, with mechanics that almost 1 shot you eaven with 70% resistances, and minimal time to adapt and move. it`s a coloreblind nightmare, and the hardest boss for me in Season 7 until i can 1 shot him and skip the fight entierly. ( exclude Lillith ).

    • @DeathstarsEG
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    haven’t played since season 3 because you guys neglected PVP, made it look like D3, introduced “wings” LOL!!! you turned a promised game into D3 reskinned.

    • @NemesistheBoss
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    generally farming same boss over and over absurdly idiotic. put the most valuable items some end game dungeonish activities.
    mixture of destroying adds and killing the last boss may feel us better

    • @andrewp979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    If you nerf the over performing builds such that they are still the best builds, but they’re closer to parity, then nobody has wasted any resources since the build is still the best build. it’s just more balanced. please don’t let things be SO out of whack.

    • @BigHouse979
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    So out of touch with what the game actually needs. There’s literally no endgame content. Kill bosses and run pits to get 300 paragon. So disappointing every season now.

    • @teapea8184
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Start out good with everyone having to have keys to get loot, only to shoot yourself in your foot and give parties bonus loot. Why do you do this? Parties are already more efficient play to play ARPGs. They don’t need any bonus, it’s a deficit to play alone. Guess PoE 2 and LE will be my choices to grind still and just have a throwaway weekend with D4.

    • @siavashenayati538
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    what’s the point of a boss rotation when you need a key to loot?

    • @irritated_bg
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Season 8 appear to be great in terms of added value to the game long term, because bosses where one of the aspects in which D4 really lacked.
    However, I have found a reason to be mad and now it is because we got revealed that Belial is back in some form … for the people that enjoy the lore and the mystery of the game is not fun for you to casually reveal that while waiting for smoothies :/

    • @Neuron_Thunder
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I was going to watch this, but then I read the comment section and decided not to.

    • @jejejemac
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    D4 devs scamming casual players since 1845

    • @wowolema
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I am mixed on this livestream…

    So, torment 4 is abou 20% harder, they think only 10% should get to torment 4, but put all the best Seasonal Jurney rewards at Torment 4 is kinda dumb, we dont want you to get her, but, all the good rewarding stuff for your time is here, eaven if 90% you should not be here…
    I dont mind T4 being the peak and are only suppose to asperational, then dont lock things like season jurney cosmetic reward like pets behind it and complain too many people played broken builds and got to T4 to unlock it.

    I dont like slower leveling, there is no meaningful Skill point choices for the skills themself, so the faster i get to max level and actually get uniques and legendary powers that makes my class intresting the better, or they should re-vam the entire skill tree.
    This season (7) is the most fun ive had and played the most since season 4.

    Boss materials should just stack to 999, i dont know why blizzard is hellbent on making everything so inconviniant, runes and gems goes is same slots, but there are more runes in the game then space for them, same goes i feel for consumables, they should just have windows with slots dedicated for eveything type and they stack there, i dont feel acomplished filling my stash tabs with runes and potions and boss materials.

    Legendaries becomes Useless after t2 since they are 50 Ilvls lower then Ancestrals, might as well auto salvge Legendaries at T3+ since you refuse to add a loot filter.

    And either increase drops of Ancesterals or let you re-roll the good *stat without it dissapearing, for finding a usable anscesteral takes ages for your specific character.

    • @SebastianSivera
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Pls give us cool stuff like the D2 30+ permanent Minion armee for the necro.

    • @curtrowland6432
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Hey Blizzard dummies! Just becasue streamers spend 15 hours a day at season launch with thier followeres just blasting thu as fast as they possibly can doesnt mean leveling was too fast. It’s thier freaking choice to level that fast. Most of us more casual solo self found grinders thought the progression was just fine. But you are going to cater to the streamers and make my journey more difficult. I was just getting back into this game last 2 seasons after giving up on it in the middle of season 1. Looks like my enthusiasm is diminishing once again for this game.

    Also NOBODY freakin asked for this massive change to boss mats! There are so many other things people want addressed yet you decide to rework boss mats when NOBODY asked for it!!!

    Another thing, are you just planning on rehashing “whatever” powers every season? What joke! So lazy and unoriginal!

    • @blue-vz5xx
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Great work guys, Im not someone who enjoys bossing in games so will probably skip this season. But looks like the game is constantly improving!

    • @MightyGreedo
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    53:49 “Since there are no longer any summoning materials…”
    59.30 “We also display the required items you need to access the bosses hoard…”

    This whole portion of the video regarding dungeon keys was so confusing to me. That chart isn’t helping me to understand.

    1. Are there going to be summoning mats or not?
    2. If there are mats, do they get converted into keys? By whom? Why not just have the game drop keys?
    3. If they are not getting converted into keys, what do the summoning mats do? How do we spend them?
    4. If summoning mats are needed to fight the boss, then what did “since there are no longer any summoning materials” mean?
    5. I was going to ask questions about that flow chart thing, but I’m too annoyed.

    Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the campfire chat. I look forward to season 8.

    • @ddenozor
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    One huge problem with Gathlen’s Birtright is that it’s very hard to trigger it in boss fights. So maybe bosses should grant more stacks?

    • @mikes8549
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    how about you invest your time into something that can benefit everyone. tweek the RNG system. its a big gray area and after playing over 200hrs, im tired of seeing many other players get 3 and 4 GA gear that is actually useable for you. but this is just fantasy, you will never do this. and thus it will make players like me just stop playing

    • @Arthur-we1zt
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    That is not enough.

    • @stephenoliveau
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I’m so tired of this back and forth BS.

    You had a good foundation to build on… but you didn’t actually listen to feedback. You took the extremely arrogant BlizzardTM approach… YOU THINK YOU WANT IT, BUT YOU DON’T. HOW WELL DID THAT WORK OUR FOR YOU LAST TIME?!?!

    You focused on garbage nobody asked for, and just kept repeating “we’re discussing it” for nearly everything the player base ACTUALLY ASKS for. It took almost two years to add a group finder to this mmo-lite FFS. How long is it going to take for you to add a loot filter to this atrocious approach to gear? When are you going to add co-op content that isn’t co-op just because you designed it to need two people to open doors?!?! WE NEED GROUP METAS FOR ACTUALLY ASPIRATIONAL CONTENT. Difficulty levels shouldn’t be aspirational and Diablo 3 figured that out in the first few months. Diablo 3 actually had co-op meta content WELL BEFORE the first expansion.

    The design philosophy of this game is trash. “We can’t/won’t make engaging content, so let’s just make the existing stuff worse so it SEEMS like this game is good because people play for more hours… Oh and let’s keep recycling the same season powers just with new colors and themes.” I’ve happily played every Diablo game until well after no new actual content was expected… but you’ve screwed this up SO BAD, that I’m actively wishing for the failure of this game, with YEARS of “new” “content” “updates” promised. There is no real road map for players because there is no vision for this game other than getting people to WASTE AS MUCH OF THEIR TIME AS POSSIBLE.

    I resisted for a long time hoping you’d come to your senses, and remove Rod Fergusson and get someone to lead the game with actual creativity and a vision for this game that isn’t such dreck. His approach has made you pretty good money so far… but it wasn’t because of him… it was IN SPITE of him.

    I’m done. F this game. F its defenders. F the team. F the team’s descendants. That’s how incredibly upset I am with this game… I hope devs lose their jobs and their families suffer.

    Aspirational content… How about you aspire to make a GOOD game?! 10%… I hope that’s the percentage of the dev team keep their jobs at Blizzard.

    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Just give up already

    • @bipolarexpress9827
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    A literal mythic boss season without even one new mythic unique?


    • @TheDragon07
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Speaking as a casual to moderate player, this is sounding like everything will get much more time consuming. If I can’t get a tune to a super powerful place to be able to accomplish all the content and clear the seasonal journey in a reasonable time, then there just won’t be a reason to purchase the season pass at all. Leveling is harder, bosses are harder, etc etc.. but many players like the power fantasy of being able to decimate every bit of content.

    I get to play maybe 5 hours a week, no way with these changes does it sound like I’d get to the end game (torment 4) or complete the season journey now. They are catering to the streamers for sure.

    • @DarknessHowl
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Give us the dancing demon as an emote.

    • @BlackStarASMR
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I wish developers would be willing to fulfill longtime wishes by the players community such as a loot filter, unlimited deterministic tempering of items, deterministic masterworking and deterministic enchanting and give players much more inventory space, much more stash space and higher number of items that you can stack in one slot of inventory

    • @PwnzMD
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    They still didn’t fix stackable materials dupe since lunch, great job

    • @Ghost19_
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    “loyal” players: Blizz, what is this? I’m a super extremely casual player, make leveling ez peezy.
    Blizz: Got it.
    “loyal” players: Blizz, what is this?? I’m a super extremely casual player that leveled up way too fast I’m bored doing anything on the end game.

    • @KING_TITAN.
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Whatever happened to sleepy joe

    • @FailedPixel
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    It’s wild to me that they put all the work in to the witch powers and just remove them. Why don’t you keep adding systems to make the game more deep? I just don’t get why you use development time on these systems and then throw it away.

    • @zofia077
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I really hope *Diablo 5* doesn’t go the seasonal theme route like Diablo 4. Bring back all the classic classes—we miss the originals! Each class should have deeper skill trees that don’t rely entirely on aspects or items. A *Diablo 2* -style leveling system would be great since it creates a stronger bond with our characters. I feel so attached to my characters in Diablo 2, far more than Diablo 4. Also, we need more monster variety in every faction, more bosses, more creative world atmospheres, and truly creative boss fights!

    • @mechris4u
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I don’t want to be in a party god damnit

    • @roshunepp
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Isn’t power based on rng gear? So to make it harder to get to t4, you’re going to make rng rates lower?

    • @jonathanvaldovinos485
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Influencers not game developers 🤦🏻‍♂️

    • @robroy-b8s
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Your product will either fail or not. What you are ‘going to do’ doesn’t matter. If it sucks… you are going to be right where you were a year ago… no one playing. Games released SIX YEARS AGO were better made than D4. FYI… the laundry list of fail is enormous and core things like pushing ‘seasonal’ for cash grabs (along with that CASH GRAB SKIN SHOP) are turning people COMPLETELY OFF. You just don’t get it. GREED and BAD DEVELOPMENT = CLOSED STUDIO. And to mr. dipsht… finding a UNIQUE and FINISHING a character means I MAKE A NEW ONE but what’s the point??? You THROW THE CHARACTER AWAY AFTER 3 MONTHS… paragon, levels and gear.

    • @brunorocha7587
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    What a desert of ideas… This team is so weak, they can’t innovate, bring new ideas to the table. That’s so sad, Diablo is a franchise with infinite potential being destroyed by a such incompetent team. They can’t design cool items/powers (it’s all +X% dmg with a condition), they can’t create a fun season theme, they can’t balance the game, they can’t even make the game work properly. What are these guys doing, for real?

    • @coldfire22
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Making us take more time to get to T4 is NOT a good idea. It just isn’t. Most people will probably just quit sooner now. “Top 10% of players”… means you will only have those 10% playing.

    • @MichaelGroff-zh3fm
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Add better build diversity that has power! Tired of playing only one bugged build as the sorc and every other skill is useless. I want to play a strong forzen orb build. I want to play strong fireball build. Every season is the same architecture with no real change to build diversity. I want to theory craft and build! Not go oh lighting spear is the only thing that has power, all my master and core skills are useless and a waste of time. I really could care less about my journey to level 60. I find that a general waste of time and a hindrance to where I can really start building up a build.

    • @sokaiba
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    next up, increase loading time to make the progressesion feel better. what a dumpster fire.

    • @TalionX22
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Ok where is the paladin?

    • @coldfire22
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Glyphs need to be account bound and not character bound. I would still be playing on an 3rd or 4th alt if that were the case. Now I get on a new tune and realize I need to get glyphs and level them and I just groan and quit.

    Also.. can we get a redo on the druid models. Give them some muscle definition at least. As they are now, man they look horrible. Just saying.

    • @omadonx1
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Paladin when?

    • @DHT96
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    they say they dont want to trash builds after updates but every season they kill previous builds to the points they do tiny damage three difficulties under

    • @whiskhot
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Each update,the game turns more and more complicated.
    The more complicated the game becomes the less i feel like returning to it.
    They are doing the opposite of what they should do for me to return to the game.

    • @matthewmay8572
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Lmfao the brand new unique helm for the Druid has the same transmog as other Druid helms. Come on blizz, you can’t get a single dev to spend a couple hours doing some graphic design. How pathetic

    • @kevinsims5791
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    It never fails lol, everytime i make a build the very next season always comes out with new upgrades for the build i just did.

    • @rossroyce2258
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Update pit bosses. Update nightmare dungeons. Update raids to do solo…

    • @TheMountainman14
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    People complain about the game being too easy. Yet, these same people are following online builds and not crafting their own.

    • @brokenbracket
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I don’t even know how many hours I’ve dumped into this season and I’m still not in Torment IV. But I personally haven’t had a problem with leveling. I also don’t sit at my PC for 20hrs a day. You’ll never satisfy everyone. Just leave leveling alone.

    • @iffybadboy
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    This season was the first time I was able to get to t4. I do have a job and family guess it will be just for the hardcore gamer now. It was fun while it lasted.

    • @jimmer411
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Meh, ladder. I dont want to have to do ladder for the new bosses.

    • @matthewmay8572
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    TLDR: belial is the new pinnacle boss
    Added the lair boss ladder (same endgame boss system they have now just with belial added and urulvar as a sub boss)
    You can collect powers from bosses (identical to the witchcraft powers from season whatever)

    • @deansong
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    No new runewords?

    • @dfillio8993
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Listening to these guys talk I’m convinced not a single one of them has ever played this game in any season

    • @gilot19
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I appreciate the QOLs all around that come to both eternal and seasonal. I disagree with 4 things from this video.. (1) Ultimates should not get nerfed. Maybe fix the interactions or add interactions to the other ultimates but don’t cap anything. It feels like a bandaid then actually tackling the problem and I have a feeling that it will be a huge mistake. (2) Zero to Hero journey, the problem is that Magic and Rare items should be more rewarding. Players are still not going to look at them. You are just delaying what players are going to do. Maybe drop them with random tempers, the possibility of 4 affixes, make our own item. They can be “stronger” than legendary just not have the legendary power/aspect. Maybe corrupt or curse the items. (3) While the boss QOLs sound good, just put all of the bosses throughout the seasons. (4) Not addressing the game issues and what you are going to do about them.. No proper endgame, Lack of build variety, Itemization isn’t good and bad gear customization, and Issues with the Stash. I’m hoping I like how the team is making the game better but it just feels like the focus is not on the right stuff at the moment.

    • @Conflict125
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    These new seasonal abilities, same as those from s7 look terrible visually. Did their graphic developer leave them as well? It hurts my eyes how they contrast with enviroment. It’s like they took them out of d3. D4 really becoming d3 even graphically. Sinking ship

    • @frankenmizer828
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Not feeling the Torment difficulty increase.

    • @zacwong5058
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    😢so sad we don’t have more creative endgame modes.

    • @FeelMyBicepp
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Looking forward to seeing more of what s8 has 🎉

    • @simonmaduxx6777
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    ETERNAL NEEDS MORE UPDATES. Many of us play both. Also there needs to be new builds or more new powers or something because we’re going to season 8 and we’ve exhausted thr amount of builds we want to play in seasons. That’s a huge problem. I already have two spirit borns I don’t need any more. I have three sorcerers I don’t need anymore. I’ve already changed over my barbarian with the armory so I don’t want another one. Rogue is pretty boring. I already switched my druid also.

    So wtf to do next season? MORE CLASSES AND MORE DEFAULT POWERS faster. Only 3 elements for sorcerers. No fire or ice melee. Electric ball still stinks, not worth using. 😢

    • @bentong4121
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    TLDR: Neon Green Helltides

    • @Not____Applicable
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Rod Ferguson has to be the reason why they keep simplifying new systems that have so much potential for replayability. This new boss lair system could’ve been so good for endgame if they just went all the way and made the boss powers like items you can apply to your gear. Why not add items to the game like essences of lillith for example that add unique modifiers to our gear, on top of the aspect? Like this boss power system looks exactly like the witchcraft powers and the vampire powers. Does blizzard really think I’m always going to be a stupid player forever and not notice things? Have y’all learned nothing from Overwatch????

    • @dfillio8993
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Game is trash and you guys nerf and kill anything even remotely fun

    • @flowqi212
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Very good Campfire chat. Focus on bosses and balancing around the power level of Sorc and Spiritborn instead of outlier builds of other classes (like Bloodwave etc.) is exactly what I was hoping for!

    • @leoct1985
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Are you Diablo 4 developers ever going to give some ptr love to console players I miss the beta testing days when we where included more🥲

    • @Not____Applicable
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    I get that Rod Ferguson is breathing down all yalls neck constantly forcing his perspective of arpg players on the game but does he really think casuals will never get more familiar with the game? Or is it that they will cater to casuals firstly forever because even if old casuals convert to games like PoE or Last Epoch, there will always be a plethora of players to replace them…..

    • @Not____Applicable
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Blizzard y’all need to realize the casuals who defended you from the get go and supported the journey D4 has been have now experienced the entire game, including me. As a casual, I am asking for a more in depth endgame. Even with just off time from work, I’m able to level a character to p200 before a week is out. That is not the type of progression that will motivate me to keep grinding to 300, push pit, farm tormented, etc. I feel so bored now after reaching P150 I don’t even want to make another build, im just playing a different game.

    • @AlexandreBackes
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    D4 bad

    • @Icy233
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Can someone please help me: I just purchased the Vessel of Hatred expansion earlier this week, but I’ve already leveled up a few characters this season. I progressed through the story with one of the chars to the point where the runes finally get unlocked, but to my surprise, the other characters still have them locked out… Please don’t tell me that I have to complete the Vessel of Hatred on EVERY character I played this season just to unlock the runes on them. That would be a huge waste of time. Is there a workaround for this?

    • @jeffmatychak2096
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Loving when new items and new content like Belial are permanently added to the game. Sounds like the talks about more end game are happening too. Win win

    • @SebastianSivera
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Sad what you do with the Diablo franchise :/ I think the good developers have run away from you. Again so sad. From the benchmark to a no-name developer 🙁

    • @kaderickrandolph385
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Wish devs work on endgame things to do. Leave leveling and other things alone. Most of the people complaining about fast leveling is streamers that play 24/7.

    • @JudyQ411
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    As a player, I don’t like this design philosophy. Legendary aspects, from my perspective, are just part of ones build and shouldn’t have meager drop rates. You’ve made them an absolute necessary in the Diablo meta. Having early and quick access to legendaries helps with build composition and fun. That payoff you get when you get a rare item should come from mythic uniques, not legendaries. I like how bountiful they are.

    • @Pfffffffffffff
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Done with DIV, I have tasted PoE 2 and will never look back.

    • @z0ttel89
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    The new boss stuff looks sweet.

    Would still love a complete itemization overhaul because, sadly, items are still kinda boring compared to other competing ARPGs, in my humble opinion.

    D2 had a lot of awesome ideas already, like blue items have less affixes but those can be higher (+6 to skill xy instead of +4 on a rare, for example).

    It’s kinda boring that 99% of loot is irrelevant in the endgame of D4.

    The most crucial aspect of ARPGs is that the item chase is fun and exciting, but in D4 it’s just not exciting right now.

    In PoE 2, getting a rare bow with flat phys, % phys increased and attack speed is so exciting, while in D4 you get … an ancestral with the same affixes as always, but they are artificially higher through the GA system.

    Doesn’t feel very exciting at all.

    • @petervanschaik4889
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    When leveling from 1-60, I actually update my gear like every 10-15 levels. And I don’t pick gear up if it isn’t orange. None of these changes are going to change that.

    • @tobsterg177
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    yeah, make it worst every time. how about adding more content – instead of making things extra extra long to achieve. Every season they make it intentionally slower – so the gamers dont see the lag of content.

    You talk so lot about “Itemizsation” – for now 7 season… and really i dont care what woudijo says or the content creator (if they want something hard – make something for them)… AND PIT is not the answer

    • @zkitzor
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Tbh kinda lazy, the power system has been been for like 5 seasons already

    • @kumaSOevl
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Not trying to be negative but why is snap shot still in the game?

    • @enthusiasticgamer88
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Every single thing they changed just artificially extends the grind. The talk about the leveling this season was so distorted too as they didn’t even seem to realize that was largely because of how powerful the seasonal theme was. Way more grinding, way less drops for bosses, more time spent to farm bosses, ultimates are dead….none of the new skill powers look fun at all and the powers looked lame since none of them they showed seemed to do any signifigant damage or add any multipliers. Wow I have never been so disappointed with a campfire.

    • @murray821
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Return to darkness when

    • @kiris6590
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Dear developers, you have huge holes in your game. Dupes, bugs and glitches, you don’t have an endgame, and in general there’s nothing to do in the game when you’re strong enough. I thought that after you have a competitor (poe2), you will start doing at least something. But this Campfire Chat showed me that you are doing everything to distract attention from the real problems. You just decided to recycle the bosses, it looks like you’re trying to show your bosses that you’re working and getting paid for a reason, I disagree with that. Your game is half dead, think about it.

    • @Lipimaniac
    • 2025年 3月 08日 8:24pm

    Dear development team, are there any future plans regarding the tempered attempts?

    It’s a bit frustrating when you can’t further refine a 3GA item because you don’t have enough attempts, including scroll. Unfortunately, such a nice item then lies in the chest and collects dust, although you could have fun with it.
