Diablo 4 NEW EVENT Special Goblins Gameplay : And Best Farming Locations : Necro Buff / Rogue Bugged


#diablo4 #diabloiv #diablopartner

0:00 Intro
0:37 Rewards
3:16 Gelatinous Goblin
7:09 Murl Goblin
7:43 Ector Goblin
9:04 PVP BAD
14:59 Best Spot
15:45 Ector Goblin
16:06 Prym Goblin

Balance UPDATE notes here

Build Guide for Leap Quake Barb

This video will help you choose the correct mythic

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  • コメント (49)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @Slaydra
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    0:00 Intro
    0:37 Rewards
    3:16 Gelatinous Goblin
    7:09 Murl Goblin
    7:43 Ector Goblin
    9:04 PVP BAD
    14:59 Best Spot
    15:45 Ector Goblin
    16:06 Prym Goblin

    Balance UPDATE notes here

    Build Guide for Leap Quake Barb

    Also Credit/sources


    • @tubfrance8859
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Just go to the southeast of kurast bazaar area. You get all the goblin and get the event done within 1hr. I just completed mine with in one hour.

    • @SimonSharp-w2w
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    This game seems like it’s making a comback

    • @n3d_ludd379
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Good event , fun

    • @maidenmoar
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Video could have been 4min long with the same information….

    • @llolipoplizard3604
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    In the Season zones, best to go down every little cranny. That is where I found most of the goblins, hidden away in places you would never go because its just a dead end. I just go around the edges of the zones, then circle outward, But the zones, that are not season zoned, I found 4 to 5 goblins.

    • @KarmicKredit
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I think any Sorc build with a .5 second teleport would be the best farming character. Especially Lightning Spear because it kills everything even stuff that’s off screen.

    • @bradb7010
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    2580 max Obels after Nahantu is done.

    • @dodgydruid
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Hehe u got that bugged alchemist quest as well, have asked them to fix it but hey ho…

    • @bloedekuh
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Just pick a map where there are no other people. These touristy spots won’t work lol.

    • @kobeetj
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I have to fight a second world boss to see if this is a standard or just lucky, but after I beat a world boss, 5 goblins spawned last night

    • @chrisbamo6400
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    id rather play with dog shit tbh

    • @maxkaddell
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I found a legendary goblin in a cellar.

    • @MenessHaTT
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I got 2 purple 1 in a million rare goblins on eternal realm 😛😛😛

    • @aaronrich4848
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Completed in T3 hardcore EQ/WW barb in 2 hours. Just goto the witch hunt zones run around the whole zone killing random goblins watch for and click greed shrines, rinse and repeat, like 4 zones going all the time. Spend like 10 mins in each zone goto another. Easy

    • @mattywork4174
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Be nice if Blizz would have fixed the phasing issues before adding this event. I’ve encountered at least 6 now that I couldn’t hurt and another 2 that I hit once and they just disappeared.

    • @DirtyAtheist
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I hit 2 world bosses yesterday and at the end of the kill 3 goblins popped. 2 of the Ector (I think is the name) and 1 regular goblin all just popped out after I killed the boss. I was in T3 at the time leveling an alt. Don’t know if that’s repeatable though. I plan on checking tonight but it was near the end of my day so I just made a mental note and went to bed.

    • @botdimi4932
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    These “Farming” spots are just copuim. Goblin spawns are random it doesn’t matter where you farm them. The best way to farm goblins is a greed shrine and proccing a cleansing spire in head hunts

    • @SlamDance87
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Goblins are dumb as fuck and don’t belong in Diablo ffs someone tell blizzard to stop with the goblin horshit

    • @aaronmiller6043
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Hit all those greed shrines as well.. You can usually get 3 or 4 goblins to pop while it’s active..

    • @baldis12
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    They need to balance rune drops,. cant craft ubers this season :/
    Forget about doign this in the rot zones. Wont see any, as they get deleted.
    Masterworking mats is a big thing that is annoying this season,. should dropt from any activity. as masterworking takes insane amount of it to get the bis ornage triple proc.. the reason it takes so much mats is that it seems its not random rng, but tied in with how rare the affix is thjat you want to triple proc. ive consistantly had problems hittign the rare affixses when mw’ing.

    • @mragamer
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    also greed shrines super spawn goblins

    • @mragamer
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Any one wanna play mind “goblin”

    • @reneschmidt1902
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    the season areas are trash for goblins. Too many other players hunting there so if there is one it gets kinda deleted instantly without you being able to loot it or getting progress on the board. Best option by pure testing for 12 Hours now were Hell Tide Zones just riding along with the horses you see one like every 25 seconds or so. Also you get some chests to open along the way while killing the goblins.

    • @MarksFutureGains
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    waste of time globin event my arse…

    • @WissenstattGlauben
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    got in 2 hours over 120 gobs now, event done.

    • @pinetree7068
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    10:55 you missed the bag 🙁

    • @Emac000
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Cataclysm Druid is going to bake this event

    • @jasonadams4504
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Like that Goblins are back but don’t like that my game uses 12gb of memory now

    • @tpola3648
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I called it. I knew they’d fuck up the rogue the ALWAYS do. done with this bad season.

    • @dragon_dyce
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I heard that if you have Subo as your main mercenary, u get to see goblins further away on map. Shred druid seems really nice to farm Goblins because u can follow and stay on them by just holding down left click once u get your curson on them.

    • @jarnold420ja
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Dude you rode past all the shrines? Gotta hit greed shrines

    • @jarnold420ja
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    The devs are complete garbage!

    • @davidholzwarth2127
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Monster hunter is out no one cares about this event. D4 is boring

    • @AnnointedGamer
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Not a good sign. 7 day event and after 4 hours not one goblin

    • @irmanmalekful
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    why is this event not at the start of the season? i dont need all these mats now. season is ded. done.

    • @MMOEXP_Aventurine
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Can’t wait to see it

    • @CyclopsHavok
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    U need to make a 17 minute video to say hey go to the helltides and farm goblins?? Good lord

    • @Broverse1
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    poe2 restored my spark for playing arpgs and since market is dead over there I played diablo 4 again, and holy shit this game feels good to play ! I dont know why people hate it … Its a more casual game YES but when casual become bad? Such a great experience and the expansion is great as well.

    • @zoolzoo4434
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    another bad event

    • @orbalicious20
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I got three from a nmd, then 0 from the next one

    • @katboyt
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Talking of bugs, partners barb was capped resistance and I was 2% off so popped a storm of the wilds and his % went down! So something to watch in town if someone pops one and it goes on you.

    • @robroy-b8s
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Go farm more mats and useless gear. This is a gimmick and it’s a VERY poorly implemented one. This isn’t a F2P game. You pay for it up front. If you want access to seasons.. you pay for that. The skins in the game are all trash so you pay (almost as much as the BASE GAME … TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS) for those too. This isn’t blizzard. It’s MS/activision blizzard. Blizzard is LONG GONE. This game is a fool’s paradise.

    • @NecroViolator
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I have ONLY found 2 Goblins !… Sucks this crap really !

    • @koeboss343
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    I’ve noticed more goblins on that beach on West side of map before these events but meh who knows

    • @russelljackson8153
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Open world, ugh.

    • @Stratega1982
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    Can’t wait to kill 10 goblins in 5min and get a bag full with shitty non-ascentral legendary items

    • @gabriel-k4y8g
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    closest to a private messahe with a ytber

    • @gabriel-k4y8g
    • 2025年 3月 06日 8:23pm

    nice video i watched all of it in the span of a minute