I wonder why Blizzard made it Free to Play..
Asmongold Reacts: Diablo 4 goes FREE TO PLAY over Christmas As Path of Exile 2 DOMINATES
by @AccolonnTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2WENRDHo3g
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コメント (2776)
8k players a time? geez… pretty sure most runescape versions have that beat…. diablo4 sold like hot cakes at a prison. but it sucks. take the money, create the next project. poe2 is so successful because it took 2 of the greatest games of all time. diablo 2 and dark souls and made something insanely great. blizzard has lost all credibility in making new good games. diablo 4 undoubtedly has made more money than poe2 but thats just for now… poe2 will be generating money for the next 25 years, where diablo4 was a sell, and lose most your audience in 6 months.
Blizzard cant make good games with management on top only caring about $$ and not about the quality and welfare of its people. Thats the difference between nvidia and blizzard. Blizzard at its current treats its employees like dirt, how can you expect them to reciprocate with good contents
The issue with Blizzard is how Disney-fied they’ve become. Imagine how popular Overwatch would be if it had sexy skins and jiggle physics like its competitors, or if WoW was M for mature, or if Diablo was truly dark and horror and held nothing back. We would be in golden age of IPs again
Lilith 1 is a dead franchise. Blizzard is a dying dev at the hands of their own making. Why would anyone want to support them, even if they cut the cost to zero to play?
When you realise a ton of people also play poe with standalone client and not through steam. Steam charts only half the story :’D
So is diablo 4 only bad after 80 hours of gameplay? Im completely lost with all the backlash. Its been a fun game for me though i havent had the time to complete the campaign but im just hearing that its bad when it comes to veteran players that have that time to play a game 24/7. Where as to me, anything over 8 hours of entertainment from a game is worth it to me. Currently at a little over 20 hours…
world of warcraft has no new mechanics visual up grades from games in the 90s man. same thing over and over. diablo 4 same way but worse since you got to start over in ever season? thats dumb to alot of people. warframe is like the only game that keeps updating itself and adding mechanics… like bethesda putting out starfield but its the same stuff from their games years ago. same thing over and over no new mechanics or anything from skyrim. but just more loading screens and they took out executions…. .. gta5 next game is rdr 2. night and day diffence in upgrades and mechanics. thats how it should be dont. u gotta do both….
Best thing to come from d4 was getting me into other arpgs
Buying every expansion for destiny 2 is my biggest mistake, even after they made my favorite titan a cover for an agenda that didn’t need to be part of the universe like dude is a robot Chad killing aliens and stepping on their children and all of the sudden dude is fruity
I enjoyed PoE2 for the content that is in the early access so far. I did pick up Vessel of Hatred and I’ve been enjoying it. I appreciate the fact that the first thing D4 did when I fired it up was offer accessibility options to make mobs more identifiable, the cursor bigger and different colors, and the text bigger. It’s also a nice palate cleanser to not be constantly 1 shot because I mis timed a dodge roll or didn’t notice a bad effect on the ground. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy PoE2, but it isn’t a perfect game.
You’ll see that they will have to make the bosses of the campaign much easier if they want to keep players… Loosing 30% of players over 2 week ends isn’t that good imo. And that’s probably because it’s too complex and builds are totally unbalanced. Why bother with so many builds when 90% are not working and you need to stick to metas to finish the game?
D4 is definitely bottom on my list of arpgs you can play right now. PoE2, PoE, LE, Grim Dawn, hell even D3 is better. Apparently Torchlight is getting better (I’ve never played) and D2 remake too
I’m the popular character this season, grinned gear and still can’t kill Uber Lilith. I’m done with Diablo 4 from sheer disappointments. 😢
I was downloaded it…but I don’t saw first how the game is free just untill 2024 dec 31…all my hours what I put this game went in the trash…I thought maybe I buy it but when I saw the price…nope this game absolute not worth the price!!!
Watching asmongold video for my dopamine hit. Oh. Wait.. damn…
Would you recommend PoE2 to new players?
Well its so f booring to grind same f dungeon to get more power …
Sorry but it’s not free to play. It’s free to try. But still have to buy game if you want it. And not the first time it’s been free to try.
bought the 30$ pack then bought another 30$ upgrade because i have more hours in POE”2 than in D3 and D4 together, even wolcen wich i loved has lover hours by now.
here is the thing po2 is 15$ for my region
D4 is so bad I rather play immortal
Poe focuses on the game, Diablo 4 Focuses on the whales and the crap they can sell you.
D4 doesn’t look worth investing time into. I blame blizzard clowns who shit on gamers
F, shit i paid over 100 bucks for this shit and now its free, i want a refund
So give back our money then !
if i could only put 5,10,15 or 20 hours into a season….
Why would i bother wasting time on D4 when i can enjoy PoE 2? Weird take
Even if they pay me im not comming back
D4 is living rent free in your brain
When the beta release of a game obliterates a full fledged Triple A finished product 😂
Blizz hates their fanbase. It’s so apparent
I don’t agree about new players. I couldn’t finish 2 act with my first char and had to start again. My brother did the same. So no, the game is very hard.
This is the truth people will pay for a good game regardless. I just played stick of truth. It cost me 3 pounds that’s like 4 dollars… Then I found out they had released fractured but hole. But it was 25 pounds for a game from 2018 I didn’t hesitate to pay that for it that’s how much faith I have I will at least get my 25 pounds back in enjoyment of it.
WoW has always been shit as far as I am concerned. Played it when it first released, got a 6 month sub, then let it run out. Checked it out again when they made it F2P to lvl 20, and it was the same trash that it was a decade prior.
Just make it free to play and charge dollars for cosmetics
Buck flizzard, playing hs since 2012 it has always been a bugged af game
POE2 its to much complex and Diablo4 is to much simple.
-To much complexity;
-There are alot of Bugs;
-If this not a pay to win or pay for confort i dont know what is;
-Quallity of story is very confused;
-No suspense in the game;
-Wtf is that skill treeXD
To be honest, I would pay much more to play POE2, and a game I really want to play have to cost over R$ 150,00 to put me off of playing it, at least for a while.
worst 90 euros I’ve ever spent
I really wanted it to be awesome. I paid money in good faith and hoped against the prevailing sentiment. It’s just a huge shame.
D4 player here and I agree. It’s gotten to a point where you have to play HC mode in order to feel a sense of challenge. Softcore feels like a clown fiesta tailored for people who never touched a videogame before. Feels like they have forgotten about their fanbase and are trying to appeal to new players, then try to make it a game for everyone which in the end won’t appeal to noone in long term…
So is ftc gonna sue them like fortnite? Cause I’d love my 100$ back for the pre order. Especially since nothing was exclusive.
Regarding 6:00 and the Renown. It’s not redoing Renown that’s bad, it’s that Renown is such a pain the ass and boring system, but is required for player power.
PoE both 1/2 have players redo *the entire campaign* and it’s both faster and better than Renown. If Renown were a better system, with reputations and proper tools ingame to help, it wouldn’t have been so hated.
The overall point is still true, Blizzard didn’t read the room.
You’re pushing out so much low quality content it’s getting to the point where i have to ignore your upload notifications. Fyi
поувольняли стариков близов в результате засрали франшизы всех игр .
If you cant sell your game anymore, your reputation is down the drain, then you go free2play and try to sell microtransactions, because the guys that payed to play dont play anymore to pay for skins. so they try to go free, to get fresh blood to buy the 60$ Horse. i regret even get the normal version of the game at release, i wish i coud go back in time, and buy some PoE stashes instead.
I was having fun until they released the dlc for a game that did not feel complete already paying 40 more for content is not nice
sorry blizz im going to spend my money for a new stash at poe2
Diablo 4 has no end-game. The difficulty is just scaling ratios up. The game is completely broken and spiritborn can be played by a person with no hands. Citadels are stupid. It requires 2 people to unlock gates and certain boss mechanics, but it can otherwise be soloed.
Diablo 4 did a decent job of the skill tree, but the paragon tree is convoluted. There are no sets, and little item variety. An ideal gearset for a build might have one optional piece
It’s not really F2P its a Free trial….
i just played diablo4 for the first time a month ago with discords gamepass trial promo… knowing that its been out for over a year and has an expansion and has supposedly been fixing it… its not diablo. it plays fine responsiveness wise which is something diablo3 always had over path of exile1 but their advertising of diablo4 as “a return to darkness” its like they thought peoples only problem with diablo3 was that it was colorful. diablo3 items were terrible. the foundation of the game was terrible. the only way to make d3 play well was to boost damage by 80,000% (thats a real thing, not a made up number)
so the items and stat system was flawed but those were the foundation of the game you would have to remake the whole game to fix. so diablo4 decided to reinvent the item system and somehow make items even worse than diablo3. everythings based off these new BS stats. so again the flaw with the game is baked into the foundation so also not an easy fix. you can see the new class is a flawed attempt to fix the issues. You pick an aspect it turns all your spells in the whole spell book into that affinity type so that when you get an item that boosts your damage it boosts EVERYTHING. instead of all the other classes i find so many items that boost 1 singular spell in a tree i dont use? or it will buff every spell in one section of the tree showing that rather than working down the tree toward where the powerful spells would be in every game the games telling me i should be dumping all my points in basic skills? or core skills? nonsense.
i will say opening a chest and having a pile of gold fall out….. feels very satisfying but then you remember gold means nothing lol
Of course there is player retention , NOTHING DROPS! And when it drops its for monk… fk !
does making d4 free to play, make it more POE-like? asking for a friend
I will continue saying it, I regret buying D4 so much, I regretted it when I saw the PoE2 trailer and now that I have many hours in PoE2 I confirm it, D4 is very expensive and I got bored too quickly, PoE2 is just an EA and I am having a lot of fun
I got scammed by Blizzard into buying D4… Its just bad…
Older diablo games was a complete experience. Blizzard made a series games to suck money out of you.
Blizzard should have just made an endgame for D2R with new rune words Uniques and increased difficulty.
30 to 40 hours most people are lucky enough to get 8 hours in per week because they’re busy with their lives live streamers and YouTubers can easily do it
Poe2 vs D4 ?
Not even paying for the Anthem Ultimate Edition felt so awful than it felt buying Diablo IV…
Free ? Still 60$ here
POE 2 lost around 40% of players till this day, even till the day you posted this video, whata are you talkign about? Cannot use filters properly?
It’s not free to play.
It’s a free to try for a couple of weeks.
Even I, who play diablo 4 wouldn’t try the dlc for a couple of weeks only to have the character deleted.
Great player retention! Game is still in early access, imagine when it fully release to f2p players.
I would play PoE2 if they didn’t scam me out of early access and actually responded to my E-Mails.
you think PoE is an indi game? lol. plz, check your informations.
Have to thank all the folks making videos about D4… Considered buying it the last time it was on sale but missed it, and it’s on sale for me again now… but YouTube conveniently put a bunch of these videos on my recommended list. I essentially almost bought D4 out of pure nostalgia knowing full well I would likely not have time/energy to actually play it (or any game outside of iPad puzzle games), so the YouTube Gods have saved me some money.
I regret spending 33 euros on D4 expansion. Finished the campaign and then forced myself to spend another 15-20 hours on it after that which was just pain to play as it was the same rinse and repeat gameplay using “the skill twig”. Hate to see that the game has fallen so hard after D2.
Dopamine hits in D4 is so flaccid compared to slamming a +170% phys on a rare with flat and hybrid already on it. That shit is amazing.
I played the “new” diablo season over the last couple weeks after not having played in over a year and I had a lot of fun. Way more fun than I originally had. The changes to gear and upgrades is so fucking nice, the options of what you can grind isnt bad at all, I actually want to try to get to paragon 300 next season. They’re definitely in need of legit raid like lairs, which I think they’re kind of stepping into with that new dark citadel of Khazra. Or some form of boss rush, or more game modes like infernal hoards. At this point they need to start stealing shit from all the other MMO’s and just sell out and drops tons of shit people can actually grind. The thing is, for true grinders all you have is the never ending grind to make your build better so you can hit a higher pit tier quicker. Like that’s a sad endgame man. I get why people would hate this game if they’re hardcore, but for me as someone who can appreciate a game with such good artstyle and cool characters, I truly don’t think this game is as bad as they’re making it out to be. It’s by far and away better than a year ago.
Blizzard I ain’t playing Diablo4 even if you paid me to play.
Are you kidding me i spent 60 or 70 at launch and now its free like what 2 years later. I will never play thisgame again simply out of spite. Its trash anyway
Nah, I already uninstalled D4.
Half those steam numbers are bots anyway in poe2 hate to tell you ive been botting easy money, never look at steam numbers so many fake acc or 10s of thousands of bots
Poe is trash its a new game everyone excited common numbers, wait months and see. Elder scrolls online way better, blizzard needs to just make a d2r expansion will be number 1 game
My GF asked me while playing with 2 friends “whats the point of this game?” And yet im trying to find that answer, i paid full price on release btw 🤡
Imagine you bought Diablo as a Christmas present. And on Christmas Eve little Timmy finds out, that you gave him a game he can get for free. “Hey, they call me discount daddy for a reason.”
WTF – Why i paid 100$ ? Now im really pissed off – Paid collosal money for F2P game ? scam – REFUND or it should be Class Action Lawsuit….
Blizzard acting like they still release the best games in the world.
blizzard listened to the “player base” while spirit born still gets buffed while all other classes underperforming in non existent end game while you need to pay 50$ more for overperformance in endgame lmao
Blizzard as a company blows!! And their games are less about making a fun and good product and more about being money hungry! Blizzard is just a money hungry company. Trash af.
Bought Diablo 4 huge regret. Last game I’m buying from them. The last Ubisoft game I bought was watchdog two and the last cod game I bought was mw3. Let’s stop investing money on shitty company.
D4 was alright, but that end game was straight booty cheeks. So glad I didn’t buy the dlc too, same price as SOTE with way less to offer. It’s wild how lazy Blizzard is, yet expect to be praised.
Bro it’s just so sad that they threw it away. Like blizzard you had everything. And it’s sad to see them falling apart… Diablo, and StarCraft- some of the best games ever created.
I bought D4 then refunded it the next day
WTF I want my money back
I honestly had fun playing d4 for a couple weeks at launch then it was excruciatingly boring, again had fun for a couple weeks on the dlc, now playing POE 2 and I may never touch diablo again
I’m so glad I stopped supporting actiblizzard years ago. Not a cent from my wallet to them.
Melt like diarrhea in the hot sun, Blizzard. You fucked around, and now you’re finding out.
Cmon man, and they didint even let you play to max level to check out the game. Its free till level 25 and then you got kicked to the main menu. At this point Blizzard is speedrunning its downfall. I guess noone is saying anything about that, because they didint even want to check the game out for free. Way to go Blizzard.
I’ve kinda had enough of people saying how “different” POE2 is from POE1. “Oh it’s a totally different game omg”. Like no, no it’s not.
It’s the same passive tree, same skill gems, same supports, same activities, same trade, just a bunch of shit is named differently. And no move speed lol. Just to be clear I’m not knocking it, I’m still playing poe2 and enjoying it, although almost done with it.
But just remember who’s ur daddy, aight? Lol it’s only Been 2 weeks EA.
I stopped playing and uninstalled the game the second they released the expansion. I’ve given it enough last chances, played the game every freaking season. D4 is complete trash. D3, while not perfect, is way better and is more fun to play, has more blood and gore during combat as well.
New Poe player here. Completed D4 campaign and a little endgame. Took me ages, mainly because i had to talk myself into playing it through to completion.
With PoE 2 I have to talk myself out of playing it so my Mrs can get a look-in with the TV 😂.
Finding it more challenging than D4 but mostly it feels fair, when i die, it’s usually cause I fucked up.
I only got D4 just to say I beat it and then I quit at season 2 just got repetitive and boring
the act one boss of poe2 really made me fall in love with this game its so good and its really polished which is crazy for an early acces
please ggg, buy blizzard
I never had a pc growing up. Never played computer games at all until I bought one myself when I was 22. But I always remembered hearing about Blizzard and how gigantic they were and how influential their games were. They seemed liked such a titan in the gaming world. And now I don’t think I’ve seen anything positive about blizzard and their product since I was legit in middle school. And somehow they’re still here, still relevant. It’s absolutely insane
So uhm.. I played most Diablo games. I REALLY enjoyed every game. I played 2-3 characters. Not to a BiS kinda situation but it was good enough. Then I went on played something else to wait for another similar game. I will see myself playing PoE2 for like couple hundred hours. Its not much in comparison to other players playing for thousands of hours, but I will drop it once I finish grinding and gearing up 2-3 characters to a point where I don’t enjoy the grind anymore. People will drop PoE2 too. Just like many dropped Diablo 4. Or like singleplayer campaign games are losing 99% of their playerbase within a few days or weeks. Thats normal. No one plays the Call of Duty campaign for 500 hours. Well, no one … there might be a few haha.
I quit D4 because I just bought and the expansion was anunce a week after at the same price lol
Gaming is one of the cheapest long term hobbies you can get. If we can look at games as 40 hours of gameplay on average, a 60$ game is a dollar fitty an hour. Cost was never the issue.
payed 90$ for diablo. should have cost only 20 $. there was literally NOTHING to do in this game
The Queen of Filth from act 3 could make a better diablo ^^
PoE 2 is a better game in my opinion.
But people on here are so delusional. Diablo 4 cracked almost a 700,000,000 dollars in sales in a week after launch… not counting expansion sales, and other seasonal contents, battle passes, or cosmetics in the last 18 months….
I’d be hard pressed not to believe this game is in the 1.25-1.5 BILLION DOLLARS in sales.
So no it isn’t a failure, blizzard didn’t release a franchise ending dud. They made probably a billion dollars + on the game.
I hope they do better for future content, but if they dropped support for the game today they did just fine.
I want a refund, I bought the ultimate edition. $130.
I have xbox gamepass and d4 is free but I tried 1 and half season and just it’s not the same over again no progress just constant grind to max level look up what it’s overpowered delete everything and start again. Waited 2 days after pov2 came out, and I just straight bought it bo regrets the first 2 hours I had more fun than 1 and half season of d4.
Diablo IV for free? Nah, hard pass.
Paying for soon-to-be-free PoE2? Absolutely.
9:38 I mean, I see vulnerable all over the screen, so clearly I see the important stuff. Very important word.
8:50 yes, and annoying, so annoying. Imagine going through the campaign having to deal with neyrelle All The Time. I tried to do it a second time, but couldn’t.
5:41 maybe they were thinking that people love to grind quests in wow classic 😛
I think renown grind might have been ok, if the rewards from the side quests would have been good
What is funny is that all the nerds that played POE1 are now playing POE2 and are acting like it is the best ARPG of all time, and nothing can tumble it down. Most people dont care for a math exam to play a stupid game, just wanna chill.
Feels like blizzard should invite a bunch of hardcore diablo players to be part developers for diablo 5
Oh ma gawd! Free! I should pla–No.
can i get my money back then ? xD
Blizz went cheap = D4. I believe none of any original Diablo 1,2 devs are around. No one from the think tank from, days past, exist within Blizz nowadays, I heavily suspect.
I remember in Classic, when there was a bug, people would meme and say, ‘Can’t expect much from a small indie company.’ But now, I feel like Blizzard is probably the size of a small indie company with even lower revenue. I seriously wonder how they will rise from the ashes.
Hi, im on PC, on launcher.
Everyone who says d4 is good are delusional who wasted money and want there money worth so they say d4 is not bad.
I was lucky that i played only the beta and on a friends account so i dont needed to buy it. Even that wasn’t worth…
Edit: Blizzard make every time so much promises on all there games and every time they ram there fists in our aaaes and then they say “oh we are so sorry we do better” and do the same again to us xD
D4 bad btw
Blizzard is kinda fucked, media-wise. Most people already know that they can’t create enjoyable games anymore. I hope that Blizzard will keep up whatever they’re doing until they run out of money. Also, this video just made me want to play PoE 2 more. GGWP 😂
Diablo 4 is a good game my first arpg but POE2 is another level of good I paid the money and have played non stop you’re right if the game is good no one cares about the money what we want is good games BG3 POE2 bonkers
they have diablo immortal making billions , thats where they focus
I won’t play this game even if they paid me to do so!
Really like your reactions to videos! Can’t stop laughing everytime i see you!
Poe has dated map transitions. Load a map to load a map to load a map.
Camera is too close.
i started playing arpg with diablo 2 and aways use that as reference, poe 2 is like a sequel to d2 but with improvmentes in every front
Azmond, weve disagreed on many things but HOW DARE YOU shizz on Pixar? x’D
Bought d4 at launch def got my moneys worth of play time and fun out of it but it’s clear the path of decline the game was in from the rip.
Lol it is limited f2p as always that we get every 3 months.Why we are looking for cheap sensation.COme back when season will start xD
after playing D3 my expectations for D4 was so low that I didn’t bother buying it and waited for reviews first just to confirm if it’s good or not, and thank God I did!
Blizzard is physically incapable of making a true D2 successor in today’s market. Microsoft has too many policies in place that stifle and limit creativity.
I am in the same boat with WOW (it went downhill after Legion). You can only do the same exact thing so many times before it gets boring (I stopped playing both WOW & D4 for the same issues). True, you could play it for the rush of gambling/looting, but you can do that in better games as well. Going free is a good plan for D4, but if they go free permanently, they should reward people who paid for it (give them a free skin or something). Otherwise, you end up making a bunch of people who already paid for it feel cheated (not a good plan if you want them to use your products in the future). Especially since the competition is a better and cheaper game. Making it free will only help for so long, (GGG are releasing POE2 free once it’s out of early access). So if they plan to do it, they should jump at the chance while they still can.
didn’t played when it costed 79$, not gonna play when its free, gonna play when Blizzard pay me for this
It hit me when you said it should have been more like Lost Ark. I didn’t even think about that. Oh well, too late.
Hello the ingame money give (gold) cost more if you buy 300 too buy the pack support. that good people play a lot go pay some little gold anytime for stash?? sorry bad english french quebec
Can’t worship Satan and think Diablo 4 was gonna prosper. They don’t respect their consumers. Hollywood got a hold of the gaming industry and 💩 s on the “fans” everything is $$$ grab now…
Right now as I’m watching this video d4 has 300 viewers in twitch while poe2 has 38k
Fact that anyone thinks is cuz POE2 is nuts , they do this every year, they did it last year too. Also all discounts are a yearly thing that Blizz does. Also looking up D4 on steam is dumb af, when most ppl play it threw Blizz app. Now all that said I do think POE2 is better atm.
To this day you still cant change resolution without changing it to the whole system. Triple aaa
I totally say what Diabló4 is now. A bunch of greedy businessmen copy and paste things into the game without any professional talent or creative idea of how games work. They just live from the legacy of Diablo2 but they even have no idea what is D2 or ARPG They just bought the license like a sports car and don’t know how to drive, use it, or fix it… They don’t know how to build a sports car!!!! They can’t build a good ARPG like Diablo….
if diablo 4 gets free to play i will want my money back
~19:00 1) Who even reads these articles/ads?
2) Who is captivated by such soulless texts and goes to try out the product due to it?
POE2 has 350k peak now. After 65 hrs its just like D4….out of withc its all classes the same…dodge 1-2-3 repeat.
4:20 He’s describing that the substance is gone and all that’s left is the skin.
I dont play a game to pay 50 euro for one dlc. And poe2 is free if you dont want early acces
Even free i wouldnt go back to it. First diablo was diablo 4 and first PoE is PoE 2. PoE 2 is leagues above
I’d play D4 if it was on 800% discount.
“We do not Preorder”
—House of Biscuit
Only reason I’m not currently playing Poe 2 is because I’m at my in-laws with just a steam deck. I tried it on it and it runs but it’s not the same as my desktop
I wonder if D4 VoH would have gone better if they gave players the Paladin they wanted instead of Jungle Monk that no one asked for.
I never even got a chance to play D3. I bought the game, and every time I tried to download it it would stop at 97%… It didn’t matter whose internet I put my laptop up to. It would stop at 97% every time. I had my money refunded, then when D4 came out, I never even thought about it. I didn’t even get the chance to grow further than D2 resurrected.
Poe 2 comes out, I had it downloaded within 30 minutes and playing just as fast. I’ll gladly send money to these guys. This game is insane so far. And, I have a hell of a lot of catching up to do. Because, I suck. LOL
Yes, poe 2 is good
Da fuq I just bought it
Blizzard should go all-in and make 1 final Diablo game. Hire the best game developers in the country (pay your developers). No number, just Diablo: Flame’s End.
Click to move? Hard pass. Even free is not a reason for me to try it out. I am so glad PoE2 has normal movement.
They can afford giving it for free, actually I would say the bulk of their revenue comes from micro transactions across all their games and the only reason they “charge” for games and dlcs is because they failed to create any new solid franchises like wow, Diablo, sc and on their mind that could prove to the players how much they invested on development and how much love they put on their main (and only) franchises. For companies like blizzard, after such “lineage”, going f2p from the start on one of their remaining “big names” makes them look “cheap” for the player base they think they still have. Thats the only reason I can think since eons ago they discovered the celestial stead that could have been made by an intern, delivered more money than the sales of their dlcs. Also if you think developers have “any say”… you are mistaken, everything comes from the business side of the company, limiting the budgets for each part and what can or cannot be added to the game and these people, the ones deciding, for sure never played shit.
Baldurs gate 3 is gay garbage why million players… diablo 4 garbage, marvel heroes total copy of overwatch garbage with cartoon graphics… every game that comes out these days are garbage dei woke agennda crap not worth playing or the money
they could have made more money if they make warcraft 4 and starcraft 3 but nope
2 week is free
If u play D4 u can’t play class Mother of the Sanctuary
But u play poe2 u can choose witch and choose Ascendancy Infernalist
Learning Demonic Form u can transfer to Mother of the Sanctuary and say D4 bad ever
I paid monthly to play a good dame for years and i have zero regrets it aint about the money
Ah hell nah man lol. I pre ordered for the 80$ one and they pull this sh*t
poe2 is better, i cant wait for the future of it
im just hoping GGG doesnt get inflated after the success of POE2 and end up like Blizzard/Activision. im currently on a Blizzard/Activision/Microsoft boycott due to poor game development and permanent banning casual players that are just trying to enjoy the dogshit they produce.
Blizzard has been dogshit since the Activision acquision when 95% of the talent that made Blizzard what it was, left the company.
You sheeps keep buying their games. Despite flop after flop, after flop. Jokes on you. 😂
They should pay ME for playing it.
Who would have thought that making a game good would keep people playing it. I thought people needed characters to look like them and know that buying the game makes them superior to people who don’t.
Blizzard has always tried to curbstomp their competition whenever they can. Whenever there is a game that they see as competition being released they always try to time their expansions or big patches to beat them. This most definitely is a direct response to POE 2’s early access.
just want the poe 2 to come free
It’s simple Diablo 4 is boring, slow and it’s just game to help you sleep
Well my rogue had 12k AP, with buffs arounds 36k, now I have level 50 gear and 512 AP. Wtf waste of time!
They’ve literally been giving us free play days and weekends on and off since the game came out
People botting in poe2 BIG time.
I looked at some of the bot/hacker sites. There’s two or three major bots and map hacks easily accessible to the public.
That’s why the numbers don’t go down. Mass of bots farming to sell the tradeable goods. The real money sites popping off for poe2. It’s not an open shared world so no one realizes poe2 is one of the most popular platforms for selling in game items. Poe1 is also big for botters and real money sales on third party websites.
17:35 asmongold is completely right, i’ve never played an ARPG and POE2 has me completely hooked. I’ve dumped 80 hours into it since release and it has been so so so much fun. I was actually thinking of buying D4 a couple days ago and I’m VERY glad i didn’t lol.
“underpowered boss that you can pop open like a pinata” …. if its an ad, why do i wanna play it less after reading that?
I can’t imagine ever going back to d4 after Poe 2. Yea Poe 2 has some issues at endgame but it’s already 10x better than d4 and we know they going to continue making it much better
This game is so bad. If you a fan from day one of the franchise, do not waste your money or time on it.
Eh. It was still worth it to play it. Even if I could have tried it for free I would have most likely bought it.
D4 is still a solid game as the story line, average player like me only buy it for the story line. People expect too much as it has a Blizzard tag on it, lets be honest blizzard is long gone.
All blizzard products in the past 10 years or so seem rushed out, while POE 2 took years of development and feedback
only thing i remember from diablo 4 is that loriath (?) had a really good voice actor
All they’ve done is given everyone a chance to compare a good game and D4 themselves.
They didn’t. You get to level 25band that’s it
Can’t fight path of exile 2
Warriors go hard
When poe2 came… can’t imagine going back to D4… no way.
Developing a good game costs money. Spending money on developing a game can end up up with a game ultimately … but most of all it ends up with the money being spend.
Most people aren’t you, or your peers like World Of T-Shirts, and can’t afford to always pay $70 for every game. Of course its a barrier to entry, you’re just so homestuck and 4chan delusional at this point from grasstrophe that can’t fathom 1 million people is a very small fraction of the 9 _billion_ on Earth. 9 billion that have no idea some hipster garbage RPG even exists… I envy them…
makes me a bit sad. it feels like there is no more magic in this world. everyone seem to be chasing pleasure and power instead of meaning. this feeling i have is the same as when i play clsassic compared to retail. in classic i dont know how to explain it but you can feel the love and the passion, when i play retail it feels like its all artifices
….I had no idea poe2 was also on their own launcher
I’ve got 500+hr in poe1 and I still didn’t know that😂😂😂
I will never get my money back from buying this game
I honestly think the only way to fix the entire diablo situation ( it will never happen ), would be for them to beg brevik to put together his own team as a contractor / third-party to create diablo 3, and pretend 3 and 4 never existed / erase all the lore, everything, and let them continue from diablo 2 LoD. they would also need to give brevik complete control and we would need him to receive a bunch of unconditional money so that he can confirm for us that no one at blizzard is allowed to do anything with diablo whatsoever. something like them co-owning the rights to everything diablo but with blizzard only being allowed to get a cut and their name in the credits. not even them allowed to show the name ” blizzard ” in the opening / intro of the starting screen. it would have to say like, breviks created name, and then it could say, ” in honor of the original / true blizzard ” and then show a gravestone with the birth and death dates of blizzard prior to activision, etc. one can dream.
BUT ITS NOT….. its 30 quid still you lie
D3 and D4 is horrible. Not worth the money. Boring after 30-40 hours. The game is dohs***.
im glad i sold my d4 account for 80 dollars
Are you stupid? It was free to play limited time in the summer.
Also a free trial (limited level) has existed on blizzard and consoles for a long time.
D4 was and still is just Diablo Immortal with out the BS P2W stuff. They used a trash mobile game as the base for D4 and it really showed in the “beta” they did before the game launched. I can’t speak on if its gotten better, my opinion here is purely based on the time i put into it during that weekend. It left a sour taste the same as Diablo Immortal did
It’s hilariously sad we can determine how well a game is actually going based on how many ftp sessions it has. When a game is doing good we barely ever get ftp days, or dbl xp, or sales on the game. Sadly hilarious
I payed $70 for this and played only 3 hours. I feel so stupid
farming content of Blizz = bad. More people play diablo 4 than poe. Poe is a better game for complexity, but sometimes I just want to blast and not think. I play both games and my identity isn’t completely shitting on a game. If I don’t like something I don’t play it like a normal fucking person.
I agree D4 isnt the greatest thing to grace the earth as far as arpgs go…perhaps people needed it to be a titan of the genre and in that sense it dropped the ball. But if you paid 70$ for base d4 played through the campaign and at least 1 season you got your money’s worth. I will agree however that the expansion was absolutely not worth the money they charged for it.
The fact that I bought the original game AND the expansion … and then they make it free to play, feels like a kick in the nuts, FU blizzard… glad POE2 is out
Buying D4 has been a great win for me. Love to play it every oportunity i get.
I don’t understand the hatred of Diablo 4. Ive put many many many hrs into poe2 and I can say that Diablo is definitely more fun, less brutal, and gear acquisition is way more satisfying than path of exile will ever be. Gear actually does something in your build tends to feel more complete a little bit quicker.
Path of exile 2 looks great and it is a good game but it’s too hard for a game that has a cruel difficulty and then difficulty in maps for the base difficulty. Acquiring gear that actually helps your build Is a big pain in the ass and it’s a long long haul for no reason. There’s a lot of unbalances issues with POE2.
Balder’s Gate 3 and Path of Exile 2 are so much better and the reason Diablo 4 even had success is because it came out first.
There is space for both. Absolutely nothing wrong with D4. To be honest I found PoE not as good in re to setting and mechanics and it was as equally repetitive. D4 is definitely more polished. If PoE and D4 are going head to head, D4 will be victorious.
Poe2 was worth more than $90 in early access than the fully released Diablo4. Doesn’t this happen to all the “great” companies of the past that we have admired for so long? They all fall because they lost their passion for making great video games and traded that passion for greed and capitalism.
They have been stuffed full of our money for too long, enjoyed our trust and rested on it.
Blizzard, Ubisoft and all the other we read so much bad news these days it made me cynical
marvel is sucks..😂😂 that game is damn rip off in any level just make the avatar a marvel characters 😂😂 this kind of shet only last for 1week or a month and prayers move to other game until they find unique game offer new..not a fcking cycle of rip off games
Yeah, I love one company make a game that you had to pay for and you had to pay more for extra material to be able to play which that came out to be like I don’t know what $200 maybe a little over and that’s not even including cosmetics And now you’re gonna have the game be free what are you gonna do to give those people that paid for the game unit give them anything special with all the money that they gave you blizzard. No, I don’t think so. Plus why would I wanna play a game where I only got two choices to choose on what I wanna do with my character you don’t fucked up blizzard. I’ll see you where Ubisoft is right now I don’t know in the next 5 to 10 years because you gonna fuck up and you gonna fuck up hard ain’t no if answers or butts about ityou can’t change greed
well the enveloppe of active players is now decreasing. I guess its the endgame that is not very appealing
I didnt watch any information on D4 when it came to beta.
I just had 1000 hours in D3 and liked the rifting and the gameplay, it felt smooth.
So i bought D4 and played the beta. I opened the skill tree and said to myselfe:”nice that is a good amount of skills for a beat to feel the waters, i wonder how many we get when the game comes out”.
Oh boy was i mad when the game came out and i played it.
Funny thing about PoE2 right now is people are screaming at the devs for making things too hard and insinuating that they never play the game. Then someone links to 3 separate instances where one of the dev reached top of the ladder and they had to move the prizes to the top 2-6 instead.
Yeah, they know the game, they play the game, it’s why they understand it better than anyone but maybe why they don’t see the same problems as others who are complaining.
Diablo 4 need the final fantasy XIV treatment, just remake the game and throw away 99% of the game to the trashcan and bring us what they promised, because right now it’s just a pile of shit with lots of copy pasta environments and bosses where every area and boss feels exactly the same.
Worst part of christmas is that time when you get a present that is… just bad and/or useless. And diablo 4 goes with that tradition. A bad present that some people use puting fake smile to not make someone sad.
PoE2 is fun grind. Why will I want to play Diablo?
Bye bye diablo
If a game has its own launcher and goes to Steam, it’s dying.
If a game has several “free” periods and is a paid game, it’s dying.
Diablo 4 has been on the rocks since its release.
Although it sold a lot, it’s not 30% as successful as its predecessor.
I played it last night, i’ll finish the campaing, but only this.
“you cant see whats happening in D4” yeah cause you clearly can see whats happening in PoE2 :))))))))))))))))))
Basesd on my experience I was able to see much better whats happening in D4 than in PoE2 at least with the builds I’ve played so far.
To play Path of Exile 2 and feel so happy that I’m playing a good Diablo game must be such a slap in the face to Blizzard whose actual Diablo game doesn’t have the same feeling at all.
It seems like in general we are still thinking about Diablo, as if it would be a top tier game in this cathegory, however it may be just opinion based on old games. For me even diablo 3 was not really that good.
A free trial for a season that you’re going to have to end up paying for.. blows my mind :’)
Hopefully with blizzard taking so many back shots right now, they will FINALLY return to the company they used to be.
They should listen to the Riot guy. Stop looking at everything as a transaction. Make us good games, and we will buy them. And play them, and buy skins, and support the game.
Imagine that there are some people out there whos first time playing halo was with halo infinite. How sad
I´m not even trying this out for free. I´ve seen some gameplay footage, it looks absolute shit. I have other games to play right now, i´m waiting for POE2, looks way better than this.
To be fair I actually liked the campaign of Diablo but the rest of the game including still charging for DLC is atrocious
I think it’s the opposite, making it free on Christmasit’s a smart move…like who tf would want D4 for a Christmas gift? no one lol
Im going to have to delete Poe2 it wont let me sleep. It keeps calling me. My favorite game since Socom 2 on ps2. Facts
And to think i wanted to preorder 😂😂
If they just release a free DLC. Some people might come back. But nah,
Still rather pay for Poe 2 which I did 😂
D2R is better, change my mind
blizzard games are like bacon with too much fat, sure it looks good and you cook it. but it isnt as good as it can be.
Done hoping for blizzard to be somewhat good. They’ve been a disappointment for so many years. D3 was bad but if you compare d4 even d3 was better. Overall the whole blizzard franchise is a shithole 👎 d4 dead d4 bad
i dont use steam for poe, steam is trash i played bo6 on steam and i went to battlenet i got 50% more fps with same exact settings
There is a reason why I and most players I know are rather playing D2, W3, WOW till Wrath… it’s about quality of the game and time I spent playing. I am a grown up now. Dont have the time I had when I was a kid. I now choose quality game and time over everything. And mostly it leads me to good oldschool games, maybe except POE2 which exactly met my expectations, which surprised me and I spent money on it.
if diablo 4 free to play , i will play.
Awe yes Diablo 4; the one without Diablo.
should i buy diablo 2 resurrected instead? since its on sale
I think what it comes down to is this – PoE2 is the result of a dev team listening to players and giving them what they want. Diablo 4 is the result of a dev team analyzing data from player activities, drawing poor conclusions and giving players what the devs think players want. Two contrasting approaches, two contrasting results.
also, why is he checking steam charts for diablo iv, when the free trial is not available on steam?
uh its not free to play
The amount of people saying poe is good because it is f2p unlike Diablo 4 forget that they are already playing a paid game the fact that they came out with a early access for 30$ and have a tun of people playing it it’s no longer a f2p game very few people will play the free version most people that will play this game has already bought bye the time it is free don’t believe the lies this is a paid game estimated 6 months but way more then likely longer then that so either pay the money or miss out for about a year and fomo fear of missing out what the devs are hoping for has you pay them money cause right not act 1-3 plus 1-3 cruel mode and then the maps systems which is essentially the mindless nightmare signals that Diablo was having us do is no were near enough for 30$ it’s pointless after campaign this game is ass it’s boring definitely better then Diablo but end game it’s still to new with no new upgrades that I’ve personally heard of in site to Amp it
They make it free to play because of d5 is coming
Blizzard is like that sad kid at school, who thinks bad attention is better than no attention.
I guess it’s how they make some money.
you can only try it to level 25.. LOOSER BLIZZARD
How about they send back out money. No fucking way they are making it F2P. What kind of bullshit
i wonder if i can ask for a refund?
POE2 is the EXPANSION we needed from DIABLO 2
The funny thing is that GGG copied what Diablo 2 did when they made Path of Exile 1. Then Diablo grew away from D2 when they made D3. Then they became even further from Diablo 2 when they release diablo 4. Now PoE2 is a better representation of what D2 was…. Now…. If Blizzard fixes D4 or makes D5 and tries to go back to the way of D2… They’ll just be called a PoE Copycat. How painful lmao
Hate to say it but Diablo Immortal is better than Diablo IV…
I just bought this yesterday 😭
free? its not even a demo, you hit 25 and instantly get disconnected in the middle of whatever you where doing, its not even like wow when you hit a certain level you just don’t gain any more exp but you can still play, move your toon to a safe place and shit, this Diablo free shit was like it really hurts them and they really didn’t wanna do it, you hit level 25 just 10 minutes after starting act 1, so in total you play 20 mins cause the rest is just videos and cinematics. I uninstalled it as soon as I got dced, and you know whos gonna buy that shit? tarzans mom!!!!
thanks for addressing the dopamine hit bullshit
If they make the game and expansion register on steam without an additional purchase ill pick up the expansion. They let all your cosmetics carry over but force you to rebuy the core releases. I just want to use it on steam deck natively but they are wildly greedy
Bait, to hook new fishes
i warn everybody to not go 100% praising POE2 like it’s the best game ever, they are still improving the game and the most important factor is that this type of game that initially gets a lot of praise is usually targeted by consultant studios so they can convince the studio to add some modern audience social identity aspects in exchange of positive marketing campaigns by mainstream journalists. In fact, there are rumors that they are already working with one consultant company right now. So you can expect some pandering in the storyline, in future chapters.
I’m happy that players are enjoying poe2 but imo there’s a big difference between the last three seasons of diablo 4 and what poe2 is. Poe 2 is a great game if you want to think and have to focus on what they are doing but after a long shift I will personally choose over powered speed blasting of d4 over the the exercise in frustration of Poe 2
They need to make Diablo 5 just like ultima online and will be best game ever created
I never played path of exile, but I have to say I’m really loving POE2. It’s like the modern version of Diablo two.
never buy Blizzard game anymore
To be fair, D4 goes free to play all the time to try and get new players. They have always been hurting
Price of the game is absolutely a barrier to entry. Because you tell me I gotta spend $70 up front to play your game? I’m going to make damn sure it’s good, and that I will enjoy it.
Free to play? Who cares, download it. They drag you on and then hope that a quarter of them drop money weekly and it works.
GGG, FromSoftware and Larian the new top dogs of gaming.
Diablo iv is awesome! I just didnt like the Infernal Hordes season.
This is what you get when kids 2020 making games 😂😂
idk what everyones talking about tbh, i bought diablo 4 full price and have loved every second of it. probably going to buy the dlc very soon aswell.
Hold on a second! D4 is free to play With the frigging Spiritborn class? Are you kidding me? I paid for the Ultimate version, 140$ Canadian! What the hell! ? Not cool.
Is it the full base game or just a portion thats free?
thats me i tried POE 1 and it was just to much for me, i gave up after 10 hrs, just got POE 2, and it is actuallt my favorite ARPG atm. its super nice for new players.
Just to be fair, PoE2 is also a soup of effects rn, especially in end game.
Most of the world doesn’t even have food.
The cost of a game is a barrier to entry.
it is like dev at blizzard got hired then think “Yes, i’ve made it” and then forget how to innovate games, that complacency is what killed the franchise along with inability to release a playable game on release.
hell it was so laggy during the weekends till at times it was not playable but the game is so good that no one wanted to log out and rather toil through the lag.
I love POE 2 but the support has me wanting to quit, I’ll never be buying anything for this game again, I’ve bought coins several times to get cosmetics. And NONE of those cosmetics have appeared in game for me to use. The fckn cosmetics menu doesn’t even exist on PlayStation 5.
It’s not just comparing apples and cantaloupes. Marvel rivals is an arena shooter. It will play retention for a long time. Overwatch has player retention. High number of people play overwatch too. I mean, not overwatch overwatch two a fair number of people playing, especially on consoles and they will continue to play it Even though it’s not that good in my opinion it’s just not that good but it’s polished. It might not be that good. It might not be balanced, but it’s a polished game with some fun to play characters and people will continue to play it on and on and on forever but now you’re comparing story, you know narrative driven games with arena shooters they’re not comparable in anyway not on player retention. Driven games are meant to be played through the story And then again maybe you do it again but how many times you’re gonna do it before it gets boring and OK eventually they’re gonna drop a DLC so you come back and you play through that with each of your established characters or maybe they designed a DLC in such a way that it encourages to start over with a new character whatever but you’re not intend that you’re not gonna play it nonstop arena shooters are meant to be played nonstop with season passes, and new costumes andother cosmetics each season they’re meant to keep you playing forever. Nobody’s gonna play Diablo any version of it forever nobody’s gonna play fat exile forever.
We launch two weeks ago there’s no level of retention. Tell us been out for a month and a half two months you can’t start looking at retention level. I mean when your game takes you 10 hours to complete you can start looking at retention. I will a lot earlier when it takes 30 hours to complete. You gotta wait a little longer. I’m not sure what the campaign case in that game For many people they’re gonna play through the campaign then maybe they’re gonna create a new character through a game then they’re gonna walk away just like they do with the Diablo franchise meant to be a game your wife I mean certainly they would like you to keep playing it forever and spending money buying shit But it’s not that kind of game. I just downloaded Diablo four even with Patrick exiles launching free to play soon I downloaded the trial. I expect that I would never get the try Diablo for but I’m gonna give it a go whether or not their 2000 or 100,000 people playing it in any concurrent hour doesn’t matter in the lease to me because I’m going to play through the campaign by myself. Enjoy the story cause blizzard still I mean they have three story was good well voice actor, but the cinematography was good. It was quality polished. Everything had a voice acted situation. It was fun to fight through the campaign. Do I want to sit there and build up my character beyond getting through the campaign fuck nowmaybe like I say maybe another class one time thing but in a long-term no I don’t wanna do the same thing with the for in fact that I expect that I would never play it but I’ll play the trial free as far as it let me and you know what it won’t matter to me if there are 100,000 people playing it at the same time I am or 10 because I won’t be interacting with any of them.
d4 skill tree is the biggest dissapointment for me
You guys don’t have cell phones?
Let’s talk Asmondg, you been making a fool of yourself over poe2 for last year, really badly though these last few weeks.
Poe2 is not better than DOABLO 4.. no friggin way. Poe2 is a knockoff of diablo4.. poe2 created by copycat cheap devs who took so long to make poe2, yiu know why they took so long, they waited for D4 to see what they had to do to get to the next level to copy Blizzars hard work.
This crap about poe2 free to play.. where? I been looking.. where is the free poe2 to download this 6mth betta?
I watched video after video of poe2 players and ppl newcto arpg games as well, I watched and watched.. glad I chose to be patient and watch.. numerous nerds hating on D4 everytime they talk about poe2.. its like they’re paid to hate, are you paid to make a fool of yourself over poe2 and make sure to bash D4 while you’re at it??? Are you? It’s like insecurity over poe2 standing on its own, so common nerds, let’s hate on D4…???
I look at path of Exile 2 I see a wanna be DIABLO GAME… that’s the truth.
Dialbo 4 has way more polish better sounded (poe.. common they so copy blizzard’s soundfx, make me sick how they copy.. DIABLO been around SINCE THE 90S! SO IT IS POE COPYING.. OWN THAT FACT.. U CLAIM TO BE ABOUT TRUTH.. SO OWN IT!
I been playing the Diablo 4 expansion and I see more polished work, I love the graphics the soundfx the menus… don’t get me started on BLIZZARDS HARD WORK TO CREAT TTHHEIR DIABLO MENU UI AND SOME FKG NERDS LIKE POE DEVS COME ALONG AND COPY IT.. WTF!!!???? AND YOU ASMOND ACT LIKE POE IS THE FIRST TO DISCOVER SLICED BREAD.. making a fool of yourself over a knockoff diablo game poe2 (and one).
If alls you ever did was l9ve poe2 play the poe2 game and praise it.. I would not be saying any of this here.. but manalive guy wtf?
base game is $30 now but boss fight still stucks.
story though is epic
Blizzard is approach to making games lately, is can be summed up to SAFE. no risk taking is allowed. mythic plus when legion released was wild it scratched the 5 man playstyle itch. diablo 4 felt like the barebones and very generic
Diablo 4 is actually top 4 mmo. 68 million players reached. Path of exile 2 14 mil.
Path of exile 1 – 40 mil
Path of exile 2 – avg player daily 500 k
Diablo 4 avg daily player 120 k.
Diablo 4 ain’t that shit I guess but then again.
Development cost d4 = 100-150 mil $
Dev cost poe2 = 10-20 mil $
D4 core dev people – 300-500 people
Path of exile 2 = 100-150 people.
Everything is relative
POE II crushing D4 and Rivals crushing Overwatch were two great gifts this season.
The expansion is free because they know people would rather buy another storage tab for POE 2 than the expansion for Diablo 4.
In general, there are far more game designers who don’t have much understanding of game design or the genre they’re developing a game for. I’d say 90% of game designers follow the wrong principles.
I play Path of Exile 2 on Steam, and it’s an absolutely fantastic game—no Diablo required!
One of the things I love most about PoE2 is how it keeps me constantly engaged. Every 2-3 new areas or bosses, I find myself adjusting my spells, passive skills, and equipment to adapt to the challenges ahead. It’s not just about improving my character; it’s also about refining my gameplay and click routines to conquer tougher bosses.
This constant need to strategize and adapt keeps the experience fresh and rewarding—not just for my hands, but also for my brain. It’s the perfect blend of challenge and fun!
Let’s just say the Spirit of Blizzard has left them years ago and whats left with the was Greed. It Transferred to Path Of Exile Creators, and they are now the gatekeeper of ARPG… Diablo has it’s Glory but like all others, Greed takes over and the creators lost all passion, especially for the fans.
As a non ARGP fan-boy it looks like this: D4 storytelling is much better than whatever POE2 has now (still alpha, maybe it will improve). Blizzard still rules at cinematics and player interaction story telling (although expansion was kinda shit). Gameplay, progression, loot, endgame etc is better in POE2. It’s that simple, you want a story campaign well told and presented, go D4. You want a very good ARPG gameplay experience (although hard) go POE2. And yes, I have 100+ hours in both games.
Blizzard is gonna be on assault on all fronts Poe is beating diablo Marvel rivals is better then overwatch, and wow is now in a week position and with the riot mmo coming i reckon they’ll get beat there too
its not disgusting its peak arpg
I bought the game and left it after a month. F2P aint doing anything. I bought early access, sorry!
Its almost like people are just hopping on the newest thing.
i remember they did a free weekend some time ago. i installed it… have about an hour on it. deleted it and they would have to pay ME for me to play it.
Endgame needs to get better. It’s a bit dry. It probably will.
Getting Diablo 4 on launch was worth it for seasonal content but nobody would ever buy the DLC lol, making it free is logical
The issues for Diablo 4 is 1) too many developers, too many ideas, too many cooks, and 2) the people who want to work for Blizzard aren’t “creatives” they are nostalgists or people looking for easy money, security, and recognition. The game could be amazing… But it’s not.
Diablo 2 w/ expansion pack.. such fond memories
Diablo 2 & 3 .. complete garbage
I will never ever buy a Blizzard product again.
Huge Diablo fan here,after the free Beta 6 hours in i decided not to buy,,so fuking disapointig was so highped,im still sad….D4BAD.
diablo 4 was my first arpg and it made me think maby i just dont like arpgs and now i have a 1000hours on poe1 and 220hours on poe2.
Soft blz 😂
I want to try PoE. But i also want to see Obsidian reduced to a pile of ash and shit stains
Why is the video glitching here and there
when giga-chad rob (D4 Barb) streaming poe2 for hours each day and Elon also spending hours playing poe2 you know there’s a problem for diablo.
I tried it and it was a was scam or felt like it. You can play it to level 25 , but at the end i leveled me up 11 levels after the first mini quest boss and locks you out of the game. I never saw any game to push so much ingame items to buy in your face.
The trial don’t even let you feel how is the game vs strong enemies or boss.
one video of you I watched is about how adds evolve when we use addblock and here we have the example 😀
This is a wake up call for blizzard
Start listening to your customer base and make games that they wantnot what you want
stop saying a game isn’t out. early access is just a marketing ploy. the game is out and they charged you 30 to buy the game. NOOBS
tbh I prefer D3 way more than D4
Bought the expansion when it was released and honestly haven’t played a single minute of it yet. I felt so jaded after all gutting of gear and things that made the pre expansion season so fun and then learned how they were planning on fucking it all up again, I just said fuck it. I’ll see where it’s at in a year.
D4 copied a bunch of last epoch and still bad
0:22 500k just on steam itself. But Johnathan himself confirmed over 1 million key redemption.
There are marketing teams that would give their firstborn for that level or player retention! PoE 2 is killing it!
It’s all about steam.
My buddy who played a little D4 with me then quit ( I played until the expansion) we played POE2 together he asked me what I thought of D4 compared to POE2 and I just laughed we were an hour in
it’s “when”, not “whenever”. you’re making people stupid
Who wants to play a game where Elon musk spends all his fucking time in lmfao
Here is my main problem with Diablo4: there was no Diablo. You make a game without the main protagonist whose name is literally what the game is called.
I would rather pay for poe early access then play Diablo 4 for free.
Game so ass when repeat dev dumb as fk
Good, blizzard is a company that just wants to include everyone to have a good time even the shitty players, and it makes it boring as F and way too easy no ssense of achievment game is dog shit. so is WoW same shit. everything is easy everything is free
Its only 2 weeks in, give it 6 months.
I quit d4 at like level 30. The stats made no sense to me. I didn’t want to get damage increases on a sunday if your enemy was standing in water while the wind is blowing south. I just wanted to do a fireball. Also not single player and the open world was too big filled with nothing
All yall actin like the government is forcing you to play blizzard games lol. they are just video games. We don’t need to analyze this so much. If you like the game, play it. If you don’t, don’t. It’s pretty much that simple. Also, POE2 will become super fast like POE1. Also Also, if Asmon thinks that 90% of players play Bnet, then using those steam numbers, D4 has 550,000 concurrent players.
I stoped playing diablo 4 after runing thru the game in under 4 hours and doing that over and over again exactly the same just harder is lame we have diablo 3 for that….
I bought the game at launch for my wife and I and it was pretty rough. However now that we returned after all the updates it feels pretty good and it’s fun. – mind you the method I’m enjoying it would understandably make it more fun.
I’m aware poe 2 is out. Waiting for it to ripen a bit more. Buying day one is a cautionary tale for me and I prefer waiting till the hype dies down before I jump in. Did the same thing with elden ring and it was sick!
9:09 no, the cinematics are the one thing about D4 you can’t say are bad
Just dumb people would buy D4 when there is POE 2 now.
Blizzard wanted some more ppl t get hooked on this. I personally gave up playing the game, I spent hundred of hours playing this never-ending sad grind of a game. The chance to get any useful items is too low.
Chinese upgrade the phrase Chinese are better than American to a oter level
lol I did not buy it, so if its free I might consider playing it, after I finish POE 2
Activision sucks. That’s why. CoD is next.
I was saving up enough money to buy vessel of hatred to continue the story but from the reviews and state that they’re in right now I think I’m gonna go for POE 2 instead. I even keep going back to Last Epoch rather than Diablo 4. Plus Darth Microtransaction is enjoying it so i think i will as well.
Refund me
The dollar walks, i will happily support a developer if they make a product that is worth my time. paid 100$ for poe2 when i could have played it for free and i still feel like i got a good deal.
Yup. It was their last chance. You know how woke people try to virtual signal others to cancel brands and games? Welp, we as the gaming community don’t give a fuck about that and all the Bliz drama, as long as we get a good value game to play. Like Romans and their colosseum. We know, we just don’t care as long as we’re entertained. Instead, we had to pay to get insulted. I mean, that’s a niche in itself, but still….
An AI could have made a far better story and dialogues than what D4 has
So can I get my money back?
When I watch, people keep pressing same buttons. You can’t even see mobs among all those fires. Mindless grinding
What is diablo?
I hope someone make a Game with the Lost Ark Combat but without the force to Group for Content played over 1k Hours but stopped because my friends cant keep up and quit and i hate randoms PoE2 is at least now a big letdown the combat feels so boring the only good thing is the Bossdesign but endgame and itemhunt is total dogshit
eh i havent played exile 2 due to it costing money lol
Money isn’t a barrier – asmonGOLD
D4 was never actually free, it is free trial. you still have to buy it if you want it after the free trial period.
i wonder what the love child of a hobo and a howlermonkey looks like. enter spazmongold
Im just glad other companies have picked up the torch at least a little bit. PoE 2 is the Diablo 3 we never got. I just wish we could’ve had more years of Starcraft and Warcraft success, those 2 IPs went so hard.
All I wanted from Diablo 4 was Diablo 2 rebuilt as a modern game and expanded. These new arpgs are so boring. I’ll just stick with d2r lol
Lmao i would play Raid shadow legends over Diablo 4 anyday.
Try for free…
every time i try to play it, i slowly fall asleep. I haven’t even completed ACT fucking one yet, and i already maxed skills on my elementalist. it’s just. so. boring.
All right. So I tried the game. I am not hating it. It seems to be okay arpg. But it feels like most effort was put to how to make female and male character undiscernable from each other. I play fire mage and it’s boring as hell.
Poe2 numbers prove it never needed to be free to play
Did they refund the people who bought the game?
so i paid 90$ for early access to a free game….
0:37 a game costing money, is a barrier to entry up to a certain point. If a game is big enough, or good enough, there is no reasonable amount of a price tag that will scare any player away, especially if that target audience is people who work, who already spend an outrageous amount on entertainment to begin with. A one time payment of even 100 USD, is really only about 10 months of any given subscription that has the low low price of 10 usd xD.
Player count says otherwise. People can keep repeating this rhetoric, but that ain’t reality. Even Overwatch 2 has over 35k people playing just on Steam, and people don’t primarily use Steam to play Blizzard games. Fact is, Blizzard has a massive loyal fan base, and people can’t help themselves but keep paying Blizzard. We’re talking about WoW, a game where people are paying a monthly subscription to play Classic, a 20 year old game that has already been cleared countless times. Bash them all you want, but you know you’re buying the next D4 expansion. And more importantly, Blizzard knows you are going to buy it
I bought poe2 and Diablo 4 on steam at the same time. They are similar but completely different. If I want to chill and coast with console irl friends Diablo is it. For the challenge and solo fun I play poe2.
Edit: I also just bought the games 4 days ago from the time I posted.
i paid 90 usd for a dlc. They discounted it 25% and now it is free. Lol like there is no respect for their paying customer at all. Why should i pay full price for their game again
I refuse to give blizzard any money after they came out with d3 and went the whole microtransaction route. Not to mention the convoluted direction of wow
I can’t wait for the better version of WOW to quit blizzard games forever
can I get my refund??
paid $90 for the base game and battlepass. wtf! so now it’s free to play now?? such as slap in the face of everybody that purchased that game.
Steam only because you could pre install easily 😂
In comparison to POE2, 0$ for Diablo 4 is too expensive
iagree with most d4 is a major dumpster fire but poe2 is far worse omg DO NOT BUY EARLY ACESS TO POE2 WAIT TIL ITS FREE YOUL THANK ME FOR IT
I still have played D4 yet, still stuck on D2R… I will rock me some POE2 though.
Poe2 are dead and dying to f game
i was one of the lucky one who got in the close beta of D4 that only for player dedicate to diablo franchise or something, but 1 hour into the beta, i uninstall it and return to D2R. Damn it’s bad
Game is dope doesn’t matter what you think
I paid Blizzard for over 9 years and they stagnated instead of innovated, suddenly, two games in the same month comes out and absolutely stomps their “best games” – through innovation.
This is why I paid Blizzard, so they could keep the game going through innovations and expanding their game, alas, they decided to pay their managers and CEO more instead, now they are going to shit and they have none of the improvements to show for it.
Meanwhile, GGG figured out what the market wanted and the customers came to them when they delivered, well done lads, fucking mad props.
A free trial isn’t making it free to play. This is really a part of the problem with the internet. Free trials are very common in the gaming world. Black ops 6 is the best selling CoD in years and it just did a free trial. Could you know, just be a holiday promotion (which it is). you don’t need a 30 minute video on why a business runs a promotion.
The only people who complain about box price and claim it hurts player numbers is just the vocal poor minority. The vast, vast majority of gamers, the working class silent majority shell out $40, $60, or $100 for games weekly. Will play for 5 to 8 hours and feel like they got their money worth and will do it again the next weekend. It’s why almost every game is releasing with 3 or 4 different special editions, people with jobs don’t bat an eye at dropping $100 on a game.
Is everyone still mad it was $60? I will never understand why people think that’s a lot. Games were $60 15 years ago and they had like 80 hours of gameplay. $60 isn’t that much anymore
D4 Bad
assuming that people that are getting it for free would pay for it anyway , but now they can try the game and if they like it they may buy dlc…
Even if they make it free I still won’t play it.
Listen up. If someone gives you trash for free would you still take it just because it’s free? Hell nah.
I stopped playing Diablo 4 before season 1….when you vant complete the main boss alone as ranged is fucking wild ….
Imma be honest with you chief, Diablo 3 is better than 4, by the sole fact it was fun enough despite it’s flaws for me to try out all classes, D4 I played 2 and was done
Explain to what cost millions to make a game in unreal 5 lol
If you wait a year renown was fixed lol. There was also a lot of improvements.
Ill never buy a new game lol they cant make good games they gotta spend millions to make a game that could of been made for 30$ in someone moms basement
D4 story was legit written by people who never played a diablo game, they got a few names and thought they could build the story around that
Im super casul, have kids and what not, prefer poe over d4 and now prefer poe2 over d4
PoE was what I wanted Diablo 3 to be.
PoE2 is what people wanted Diablo 4 to be.
D4 Bad
No one cares about d4 , now that ggg has TWO power houses on their hands
PoE2 feels like it should be the actual D2 successor
I just feel Blizzard doesn’t care about games nor updates them enough to keep me. Updates/changes take way too long.
They had many golden goose eggs and didnt care to nuture them. Too busy making a 100$ mount for WoW.
I love the Diablo universe and I wanted Diablo 4 to succeed! I stocked with it every season but once I had completed a season pass I was done with that season. Grinding Ubers again and again was just boring.
Diablo 4 looks nice and feels nice, but everything is worthless.
I don’t like the look of my character in PoE2 (don’t know why) but I’ll take that any day over Diablo 4 😢
i saved myself a $100 😂
poe2 has/had over 1 million players over all platforms
time to clear out the registry , login to poe 2
d4 doesnt reward for effort and skill, lilith too hard for shit drops, citidel big maps n effort for nothing but cosmetics. No diablo or mephisto fight or amazing loot. Mythics are junk, there needs to be better content n loot n builds that makes you want to play n crush pit 150 not annoy and depress
As we say in Brasil, GGG they have a knife and cheese in their hands =)
Fed up of all this poe2 over diablo shit, who cares, they are 2 completely different games, but ive went back to d4, i enjoy diablo more, so what, 🤣
Rip d4 , arise Exiles we r going to War Rawrrrrr😊
When you realise that after level 25 you cant go higher and then you get booted (They put a cap on 😂) L
The only thing I hate about D4 is the seasonal and Eternal concept. The game may become too easy when you are very geared too.
And Diablo Immortal! Beyond the fact that it’s developed in partnership with NetEase, it’s the same crap: it feels like from management to the developer, they don’t play/don’t know the game itself :S
Diablo isn’t even in it… Not the base game, not the expansion (which they left open-ended for more DLC they’ll try charging $50 dollars for with no bells or whistles, or $100 for a pair of cosmetic wings and a mount), so fuck Blizzard.
playthrough before purchase
what is diblo 4 ? its some new game ?
Diablo 4 gonna get the same treatment Overwatch 1 got very soon
Should’ve done that out the gate with all the microtransactions
d4 – no trade, no fun builds, no loot filter
Asmongold is just all hate bait nowadays
I dont know what you say, but blizz stock price is 10$ behind of its ATH. So – sadly – gamers are wrong and holders are right
We didnt know how good we had it with D3 at this point
The shift to woke concepts and making sure your brand is ticking certain boxes instead of a focus on making the best damn product you can is killing everything. I don’t understand how the message hasn’t been sent at this point. All these company’s who shun these garbage ideals and build a good product are continually applauded and on the other side, you have things like the garbage fire burning over at Disney.
I’m trying to understand the main complaints behind D4, because for me, these dungeon crawlers.all feel the same, just with different looks.
It’s not really a very impressive e genre nowadays.
Like D1 and D2 were smash hits cause there was nothing like that before.
Now it’s just same old same old.
PoE is a good game, but it doesn’t really impress me in any significant way.
Also want to add me and a bunch of my friends are playing poe2 on ps5 so even more love from console players
I like d3 after reaper of souls. I know im kinda alone 🤣
Unless D4 is under 20 bucks, around 10-15 dollars, then it’s not worth it. Its core is worse than D3.
diablo 4 exists?
This game had soo much hype when it launched but it was 80$ then add tax I’m at 85$ I’m poor that’s almost a month of food so I knew I needed to wait for a sale after a month of the game being out I had no interest left.
This is why you play Marvel Rivals
I hope people that pre-order those type of titles have fun in them… 🙂
I will pay $100 aus for battlefield 6 if its good
I sent a D4 devs how to fix a game, when it launche, what players want to see and I got banned for that. I sent a GGG some tips how to fix a game. Respond was “we are looking for that” and try to fix it
POE2 endgame is the same super fast, blow up he whole screen like POE. Only the campaign is different.
Dude each time I watch a video about Poe 2 I have to watch Diablo Immortal advertise.
I had regrets about buying d4 expansion, before I even bought it
Ur a tool D4 is a sensational game for better then POE in my opinion lol blizzard ain’t a multi billion$ company for know reason
13:24 while I think making it free is kinda weird/crazy you also have to think about all the kids who are on Christmas break right now who can’t get the game until after the holidays when they get money. They play it now see if they like it and will buy it once it’s not free anymore
Balders gate is better then anything out now
imagine selling a 70-120$ game, selling a paid addon with content that should have been in the base game, only to slap all the people in the face that gavethem money by going free to play.. and people told me i’m crazy for turning my back on blizzard years ago. Its ridiculus how blind people are when it comes to things they used to love. I dont even shame them for it tho. Its just sad.
fckin end game is kill uber duriel for 1000x lmao
“They are bringing the diablo 2 style back guys” literally every single one of you idiots fell for it 😂 i knew theres no way in hell they will make a good game again
PoE2 better
While I agree with most of your points, I cant stand behind the cinematic comment, did you not watch the Lillith vs Inarius cutscene? that shit was amazing, legit one of the best cutscenes ive seen in gaming.
I just wish they had put even half of the budget they did in making cutscenes into making the actual game.
Elon needs to buy blizzard
Minecraft started of with a price of 15$ while in beta, people still bought it
Desperate times desperate moves.. no one is playin that crap after poe2. poe2 is just starting wait until they release the kraken… all class and full release nail in the coffin for this foools wish they release paladin class before them hahahahah
So will Blizzard refund us? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Diablo has been dead since 3 and it has never been great ever since. 👎
So I’ll defend one aspect of d4. And that goes to the devs that created the environments. Generally I like the way the world feels. I think in that aspect it’s better than PoE2. That being said one of the bigger problems that I have is that they made it an “open world” map. It’s OK TO HAVE LOADING SCREENS IN AN AARPG. It gives depth and a feeling of time traveled. The “open world” concept completely failed and I feel like I’m running around in a BFA zone. Even WoW has improved upon this. Diablo4 feels like a cash grab to support Diablo Immortal.
D4 should have been free to play to begin with. Those mtx are expensive enough to fund them. And also the expansion should have been a free content update. I bought the ultimate edition from VOH and regret it. Full price for not even a quarter of the base map. Disappointing story, they likely want to spread it out over many years to come. Well by the time we finally get to fight Diablo it will be 2028 and nobody cares anymore.
Oh on a side note, steam numbers for D4 are really not representative. Most players are on Bnet and console.
I wouldn’t play that game if they paid me.
Not to mention the amount of Diablo 4 adds ive been getting looking up guides on POE2. lmao
D4 bad
One thing I don’t like about POE 1 is that the game is just way too easy which make it boring. I hope POE 2 is alot harder and not only for casuals.
It’s so sad to see this.
How hard can it be to hire people who know what a good ARPG is.
You need build diversity, you need good loot + filters, you need challenging content, you need accessable crafting and you need endgame
Meanwhile in D4 I can click one button and not move at all to kill any boss during the campaign.
Loot upgrades are like 5% more DMG, or I cannot tell if the item is better because DMG depends on criteria that isn’t even explained.
No loot filter, backtracking, walking 5 minutes through “open world” and ignoring all enemies to get to next quest objective.
yeh and when the trial ends they’ll hope people will buy it and continue to play but im so stuck into poe2 i clocked up too many hours its killing me XD
With how egregious the battle pass and “microtransactions” are, one might rightly believe diablo 4 had always been free to play.
is it free to play on ps5 ?
quality > quantity
Honestly, it’s very hard for me to justify purchasing any game for any reason.
I like them both diablo 4 and path of exile 2. Been diablo the more arcade/casual one. 5:58
Sad thing is I’d rather play Diablo 3 than 4. That really tells you the state of the game…
The end game of poe2 is garbage lmao
Its funny the people saying d4 is dead are coping. The player count didnt get touched when poe2 beta launched. The people playing poe2 stopped playing d4 at launch or never played d4 to begin with.
Diablo 4 sucks. I wont play it even for free.
Diablo 3 is better than Diablo 4… Do I get my money back now that Diablo 4 is free to play?
We all know Diablo series went from a grinding gears arpg to a grinding cuasals arpg tbh
Server testing to turn the game into a pass-paid live service game
I love how game company’s let people buy games then turn around and make them free to play. Great way to show your custo.ers they and their money don’t mean shit to you. I’m about done buying games. The free o is are better 75% of the time anyways
Wait so I have to pay to buy POE2 but Diablo 4 is free to play?
They probably just make the base D4 edition go f2p and future DLC will cost more then 50€ / $
Loved d4 intill end game, and then I was out…poe2 oh my god, I’m loving it… Everything I wanted in d4..
ITS ISNT FREE. shit, i come to see news on youtube and get asmon lying or being misinformed? what a tardip
PoE2 barely runs on my garbage pc, and i still would rather burn my cpu on PoE2 then download this (and i fucking loved diablo2 btw, and played diablo 1 on ps1)
Im steam
The fact that Diablo IV has no random generated tiles is insane.
Every single playthrough I’ve done on Diablo 2 has felt different from each other.
Heck even my multiple playthroughs with my ex-girlfriend through Diablo 3 they were always different experiences due to the random tiles.
Diablo IV literally has the same dungeon painted a hundred times over. Never a different experience. Always the same.
Diablo IV is just an insult
Its going to be the same with monster hunter wilds, they made support players obsolete, they made trappers obsolete they made it into a speed runing monster mash, its not monster hunter. It needs a different title.
Monster Hunter was slow, it was about prepping, getting geared, and learning a fight like demons souls
Now its a rush rush rush rush. No skills no strategy and no planning required. Thats doo doo
You only have to listen Rod Ferguson to know why they didn’t want to transfer renown. He kept boasting: “Minutes played, minutes played, oh 100 million minutes played!” See, corporations work off stuff they can measure to define success. Dollars are best, but in some projects, before the money comes in, they need other stuff as a proxy. Here, it is clear corporations making live service games have defined “minutes played” as a success metric. I do not doubt that the statistics a person comes back for the next season or buys skins goes up once they have sunk x hours into the game. They want to make it a habit, because it works on many people. So obviously… with no content to do… he wanted people redoing renown to boost minutes played. Metric up, decision good!
For a little more detail, consider how hacked in the renown transfer was once implemented. No, the programmers didn’t just stink. Their boss gave them a goal: We want a seasonal system where each season, everyone does renown. (Yes, it was an ask from business, because they sure as shit knew they had little way to boost the crucial minutes played other than have people redo renown.) Once business realized that was a no go, they were in a panic, and they asked the teams to get a transfer system patched on top of the codebase ASAP. They did it… about as well as any team of programmers can when bolting on top of a system that doesn’t transfer renown a chunk of code that does transfer it. Remember how buggy it was? “Make your character, log out, load into your old character, log out, log back into your character. You should have your renown now (maybe) :)!
And yes, for those that watched the fireside chats, that is why good o’ Rob said, while transferring renown was a back-and-forth conversation between the business division of Blizzard and gamers, “OK, we’ll transfer these things, but you’ll have to redo the side quests. I think they’re fun!” (aka holy moly, we need to pump up minutes played to get people hooked. With how little content we have, please customers, accept this middle of the road. PLEASE! WE NEED YOU TO PLAY X HOURS ON AVERAGE PER CUSTOMER.)
End of rant: Blizzard is operated by non-gaming suits with hobbies like visiting Paris with the fam, going to expensive steakhouses and dining with fine win (US$250 a bottle at least. Oh, and don’t worry about drinking and driving. He likely has a private driver… or at least can dish out US$40 for an Uber) and golfing with his buds at the clubhouse. Old Robby boy makes decisions by reading piles of reports given to him from whatever source. Experts in this, experts in that. One might be a psychologist studying how to make a live service game addictive based on a sunken cost fallacy. Another might be an alleged design expert of games of a particular genre. Other reports are more on the technical side about what features can be completed by what time. He had made a roadmap with milestones tracking the game likely for the next 3+ years (which did NOT include “devote programmer resources to removing our minutes-played generator – the redo of renown each season.”)
And YES, if you haven’t figured it out, that horrifically boring trek to get the Lilith statues was also all about minutes played. No sane game designer would put that into the game to improve it. They likely put new statues in the expansion just because the code was already there. Nice and easy, make it seem like Lilith statues had nothing to do with early adoption with high minutes played… make it seem like it was a fun design of each world we add!
Oh, and yes, the director for PoE2… is a gamer or actually was one at some point. He constantly played poe1, constantly plays poe2, and in an interview, mentioned he loaded up his PS5 recently to play that new Prince of Persia. Imagine that… a smart gamer with experience directing video game development made hundreds of better decisions than a golfer. What would you have expected?
Well, i just checked the blizzard launcher, and D4 is NOT free actually, its just a play to level 25 for a limited time DEMO ??
is that a regional thing or is the article too unspecific on purpose?
anyway, looking at the prices for game + DLC, that’s already more than i spent on PoE 1 and blizzard asks for that upfront. On top there is cosmetics shop, which i feel like I would never use, as i already paid plenty the moment I start the game.
i think blizzard is really out of touch, not just with gamers but common sense as well. I kinda start to see where D4 bad comes from now. Regardless of what the game plays like, everything around it really seem pretty bad and i don’t want to be involved with that.
😅 poe destroyed Diablo befor the full release.
D4 has made a lot of money holy shit what is this copium about it failing?
Vsauce dis a bean in a jar video. And in a short, they talked about wisdom of the crowd. The two extremes in gaming it would be woke people and developers and higher ups. Then it would be fans and industry specialist who know their shit. And in the middle and most accurate are the average people who like what they like and don’t care about either extremes. They proved that when people interact with others, they become more biased and inacurate.
D4 was boring as soon as i beat the game. I tried to play some of the end game stuff, but it was just repeating the same boring gameplay over and over. Sleep inducing even.
Came back to try that second season, and it didn’t add anything fun to do. Too many games to play the same boring “rinse/repeat” gameplay. This gameplay has been stale since beating games like titan quest, and champions back in the day. Not to mention diablo use to scare me, had a creepy feeling to it, and D3 & 4 just don’t have that in the slightest. It’s cartoonish, repetitive, and somehow they are gaslighting the players for pointing out mechanics that use to somehow be better in other similar games, including their prior games, Yet is somehow “built into the game” in a way they can’t change it? They pretty much admitted to not being good at making games, with that whole inventory issue, but tried to cast blame on the players for pointing it out.
Get fuqed blizzard. Don’t you have some mild pictures to go cencor for petty reasons, to cover up the internal conflict within your own offices?
Find the courage to delete battlenet any blizz games let em know hope they learn
Ironically it”s the same issue with Overwatch and World of Warcraft. Blizzard does not have talent in house anymore, the actual talent left and all that’s why there’s no actual innovation, no actual improvements, no actual communication. The WoW content creators are in super denial and are hate banning anyone that criticizes the game. Nothing to do with the person, the game. They are completely delusional..
Warcraft, Starcraft, and Diablo lore IMO are the best in the industry, they still somehow managed to fumble. They had so many options, maybe a brand new Warcraft mmorpg, maybe a star citizen like game in starcraft universe, or a decent D4 game. Like, dear god, how did they manage to mess up a juggernaut in the industry.
The real wow killer is Blizzard.
Heck, Blizzard is the Blizzard killer.
In my opinion, Diablo 4 has been extremely disrespectful towards consumers.
First, it released with a great number of issues that Diablo 3 had, which were eventually fixed, and should have NEVER found their way into Diablo 4… A lack of end game content, bad itemization, and not enough stash space… None of these should have been issues if the devs had actually learnt their lesson from Diablo 3.
Then the game, which is incomplete and has lots of issues costs $10 more than every other game just because.
Then they have a battle pass AND paid items, all of which take away fun things to earn and grind for within the game itself. On top of the increased price tag.
Every other season is half assed or bad.
And meanwhile, while the game was released in the state it was, instead of actually fixing it, they instead were spending dev time to create the next expansion, for their half finished game, so that they can release it just one year later, again for $10 more.
And it’s like, yeah NOW we fixed the game, just buy the expansion bro.
No. You should have fixed the game FIRST.
8:50 well poe’s story is even worse no? The game is good without the story. A lot of players skip all the story in PoE anyways.
it’s just a computer game
I have never touched this genre ever before. As soon as I saw your PoE2 gameplay a few weeks ago, I could instantly tell the gameplay was amazing.
I instantly bought it and have been having a great time so far.
This is seriously a great game. I also found a new genre to enjoy.
Diablo 4 is free for Christmas because Santa needs more coal to give out.
Blizzard cant stop taking Ls lol Rivals and PoE 2 are killing them.
Tbh I want a modern Exile like game and I would play Diablo 4 if it was free 2 play. Atleast until poe 2 comes out
I can spend 60$ on a few drinks out at the bars or 60$ on a hundred+ hours of entertainment hmmm
D4 is pretty trash compared to D3. Poe always lacked the end game that D3 had but that is my opinion.
I had to use my steam account to get my free copy i got on a stream. But you still can just download the launcher and dont need steam for launching. Steam gives you card and items for your account you can sell for cash and buy more games
does steam also show console numbers ?
Yeah, Diablo 4’s gameplay is soo slow… I would rather play Diablo 1,2 or 3 before ever touching that mess again.
—> *_Well, D:IV is not free on Battlenet in Europe._*
Yea I felt scammed buying D4, the price was absurd, actual joke getting sick of corporate greed a couple million profit isn’t enough anymore pathetic.
No wonder elon musk is a top diablo player, he’s the only one still playing.
For the first time ever, i have removed all the Diablo games icons after POE 2….
$104 games are a very real barrier Australia rip
Never paying Blizzard another dime. Ever only was buying Diablo products anyway.
Wonder if Blizzard looks at this and said “they dont know what they’re talking about”
19:18 that is me! I feel seen! yea! 🙂 except the hair losing part.
Poe2 is so badly optimized on ps5. Ps5 can easily run 2x poe2 on 1 console if they optimized it properly. At the moment its so laggy
wtf is he talking about “methodical” and not blow the screen up in poe2? yeah maybe for like 10% of your play time in campaign just like D4 had in the start…..a slower pace. in maps you blast away just like D4 ffs so idk what people are smoking. I like both, I wont be doing D4 for a while since the xpac was kinda weak and they messed up on spirtbourn and I will be playing Poe for a while until Monster hunter comes out but its not like its even done yet.
they must pay to me to play this sheet
Diablo 4 is just trash game like D3 sad story
the most i waste my money on video game is pre purchase that garbage 4
Am i the only one that doesn’t feel a deep sense of dread/regret when I buy a game that doesn’t immediately meet my expectations?
Everybody gets so dramatic like “worst decision of my life!” Or “whew, THANK GOD I DODGED THAT BULLET!!!”
How many of these dudes are middle-aged alcoholics that smoke a pack a day, lmao?! I dunno, i just don’t really give a fuck…
Seasons are the reason d4 is dead that formula is for streamers only even they get bored
This isn’t that much of a surprise though, the moment I heard Raxx say he was going over to POE2, I KNEW there’d be a flock, because of how much cred he has.
Blizzard’s folks have a massive collective case of hubris syndrome. They’re not as good as they think they are and we have the receipts to prove it. The current staff remind me of the children that inherit their dad’s business and then run it straight into the ground.
Diablo 4/10 lmao
dudes D2 was broken on so many levels…wth are you talking about? Compared to it, D3 or D4 are way better…
Here’s the kicker: even after all of this, the Blizzard devs _STILL_ think their game is better than POE2. They _STILL_ think *gamers* don’t know what they’re talking about. They resent the people they make the game for. All they had to do was come out and say, hey, tell us what you want and we’ll do it.
I hope yall read the fine print with POE 2. This “early access” is actually a beta test they tricked you to buy. All of your progress and purchases disappear when the full game releases.
I deserve a refund for D4 for sure lol
someone get asmon to play league of legneds
I actually had a really good experience with Diablo 4, my problem with Diablo is that the balance of the game is all over the place, and I know they will get it right, eventually.
After I testet Diablo 4 again after i played PoE 2 for about 10 days, I enjoyed Diablo 4 more, and looking forward to play the new season next year.
D4 isn’t dead this is so silly. People are just excited about POE2 right now. They did this exact same thing with Last Epoch. Look how many people are playing LE right now. POE2 won’t be dead, but people will definitely be back for more seasons of D4.
I bought the base game and dlc for 45 bucks and having a blast. I would never have paid 100 though.
Its so crazy that blizzard drove all their franchises in to the ground. TWW is trash, Starcraft is dead, D4 is rotten trash, overwatch somehow was killed by bliz too! Its like they try to make every game a mobile game its CRAZY what they did.
the saddest part is we all know that blizzard will learn nothing and diablo 5 will be absolute dogshit
when d4 was released my whole friend group was excited to play we spent a lot of time grinding out the first couple weeks of release. We got all PVP rewards the mount and skins got to max level. Then blizzard decided to scrap everyonrs first character and start on seasonal realms. So my barb was pretty much useless. I quit then and never looked back.
When butcher spawns in d4 I go oh no… because I don’t want to fight him.
When I find any boss in poe 2 I’m OH NO better get my shit together haha
It’s gone free to play several times this year already; so def not a POE2 thing.
My stepdad helped develop Diablo II, and I’ve never played any Diablo games. I saw it being made, so, I just didn’t have any interest.
This idea that a game developer can make a game better than their previous one is very strange to me. It’s not as if the Diablo 2 team is still working with blizzard, and they planned to challenge them selves when making D3 and now D4. All of that expertise is gone and all you have is a few people making decisions on the project, and clearly the outcome isn’t what people wanted.
I stopped playing Wow nearly 15years ago. I was looking forward to Diablo 4. But I guess I should have known better.
I buy Xbox gamepass more cheap to try it and i not impressed 😂
My lord i don’t get why you guys keep saying D3 was a failure. No it wasn’t. D3 is one of my favorite games of all time, Reaper of Souls dlc made the game amazing. Game sold like hot cakes on the switch also.
I’m so glad I never got Diablo 4
Elon reached the top of the leaderboard IRL. Why would I want to escape reality into a video game where Elon is still the top of the leaderboard?
Elon Musk killed Diablo IV.
This is why I wont buy live service games.
I don’t think that them moving the games to Steam had anything to do with fear of monopoly backlash. If they had moved all of their games to Steam you may have had a point. However, they only moved OW2 and D4 to Steam. Their last two games that they were hoping to make a lot of money from but were so poorly received that they needed to boost the player numbers. You can’t have a successful multiplayer game without players.
You spend many days playing shitty games and always come here to blame blizzard. Wow is the best game ever. Period. Amd you r what u r because of wow. I dont really get whats your hate about.
Can’t believe I bought this.
another Tencent W
It’s in general a thing I see inside studios as well. You have people that just don’t play games at all as well or don’t like or care about the type of game they work on now and directors just push their own thing and don’t want to listen at all so people check out because it’s a one man show and you are a meaningless wheel in the machine.
The last part with the director I have now as well the most where I am. It’s so controlled by one guy who also keeps changing shit around so the game takes foreeeever to make, motivation is low, gameplay is still basic if it even works but cutscenes are far…xD oh and he throws tantrums and talks down peoples work
I started doing more on my own at home to maybe make some small game on my own at some point…
Wtf i paid full price to bee free to play wtf like overwatch holly shit
Blizzard listen….. The cow level will save the game just release it now gogogogo
Imgine working in diablo 4 office right now.. must be awkward af
Diablo for still made them tons of money
They think they write deep characters but they are just boring and pathetic. Look at the characters in D4. The 2 dudes are as usual depressed and weak, the young strong girl boss that keeps the old guys in check, The villain who has a soft spot, the angel who is actually evil I guess… man so weak, like WoW I guess. Written by millenials that keep their lights on while sleeping, get scared of the door bell and probably still refuse to shake someones hand but love lecturing others and speak from a perceived higher position down.
Look at PoE2 the bosses and the sounds, attacks and difficulty and their visuals.
They are putting diabo back on the map again!
*Logs on D2 freeserver called “SlashDiablo”*
I so look forward to the full release of POE2. I know it’s about Diablo here, but… at least I’m refering to another Exile-like, right? 🙂
Hot take… I only liked Diablo 1. Never got into 2 really, although I do think it’s the best in the series. 3 and 4? Weeeeeeell….
The Main Issue with Diabo 4 is it’s not Diablo, it’s just another dumb ARPG wearing a Diablo Skin that has no actual depth, Its also Like Diablo 3 Goldenaxe with a Diablo Skin with just a bunch of MMO elements attached, clearly made by People that have zero clue what Diablo is or why it was good, let alone listening to a bunch of WoW kids too afraid to actually make a decision with consequences and just wanting something low level dumb to do between raids, and these are not the actual fans of the franchise or its genre. Also Diablo Has to be Adult, it needs Demons buckets of blood and dark gothic horror elements, you also need nudity and grotesque imagery similar to Dante’s Inferno where Sins are personified in perverse ways, like Succubus being nude and sexy but dangerous and deadly AF, because that is what they are, a thirst trap that leads to your death. Blizzard just cannot take anything seriously and it shows completely, the RPG in Diablo 4 is absolutely non-existent, the grind afterwards is stupid and meaningless and just tacked on to give a sense of RPG elements that don’t actually exist in the game, everyone is the same with no differentiation, you define nothing in the game and thus it really doesn’t even have RPG elements.
Diablo 4 was terrible from the jump. Feels like a game from the mid 2000s.
liar d4 its not free!
Path of Exile 2 is like Diablo game but without Diablo himself, it should have been the sequel that we wanted from Blizzard
PoE’s bosses are insanely well designed and they all feel so unique, if I don’t succeed first or second time I can literally get good and beat them through better play which is amazing.
I’m still waiting on DB4 refund😂
I feel bad for the people still stuck in the black hole of WoW addiction. The game hasn’t been anywhere near good for quite a while now. Not even close to how good it used to be. I’m not a genderqueer ponykin furry leftist, so Blizzard isn’t interested in me playing their game anymore. It’s fine, my decision to never give them another dollar has been working great for years now.
It’s sad that Blizzard’s only selling feature for Diablo 4 right now is that you can play with a horribly OP buggy class that they are refusing to patch between seasons (it’s also the only class that you can complete all endgame content with, which says something about how shitty the balancing in the game is right now). Meanwhile in PoE2 we have new balance and bugfix patches coming out every other day. Not having to wait an entire season for bugs to be fixed, what a concept.
I think people just love to complain I’ve played them both and they are both just fine… Diablo 4 isn’t that bad and POE is good!
Man I wish I could get a refund
Lmao y am I playing 3, fudge my life
Plus there’s the constant YT adds (w/Rhykker) promoting D4 i see.. they are promoting it hard right now
Last time i buy a blizzard game i will just wait for F2P
Is the dlc free as well or just the base game?
Unpopular opinion: Chicks with beards were the death of current iteration WoW, and Neyrielle was the death of D4. At least for me.
Can’t pirate games, but they can make games that I paid for end up “free to play”.
What even is this video Asmongold is watching. It’s stupid. It’s some guy throwing out theories based on nothing. No, Blizzard did not move Diablo 4 to Steam because Diablo 4 wasn’t selling. It was very clear at the time that it got moved to Steam because of the Microsoft buyout, and because Sony was trying to do little underhanded things to stop it. They released player numbers before the game was even on Steam, and it had 12 million players, so, it likely it alright on release. And the thing about Diablo 4 being the last change to revive Diablo after Diablo 3? Diablo 3 is one of the best selling games of all time. Diablo 3 sold 12 million the first year it was out and 30 million in three years, the game was a massive hit, likely a bigger hit than Blizzard thought it’d be given how much better Diablo 3 sold than Diablo 2. I can get not liking many of the choices Blizzard made with Diablo 3, but it’s stupid to argue it wasn’t a success give the known numbers. Diablo 3 was so wildly successful it’s honestly shocking we don’t see more action games with an isometric view, especially since that view means you can get away with not having the most impressive graphics while still having a good looking game.
Blizzard is a stain on humanity.
To actually save Diablo they need to be completely dismantled and reassembled from the ground up and then reboot the franchise imo. They should still keep a lot of the written lore and D1 / D2 lore and a lot of the books like the Sin War Trilogy. D3 power creep makes existing lore make no sense. D4 unofficially retcons characters.
They need to not have 6,000 people working on it, no dei adding their bullshit in, just literally a medium size team of employees who are passionate about both Diablo and ARPG’s to remake the series. Probably don’t even call it Diablo this time, just call it Nephalem or Sanctuary or something so you don’t have people bitching when you don’t include a specific character.
They can’t though, they are too big to succeed.
When asmon played POE 2, that was my reaction, “This looks more Diablo than Diablo. This feels like Diablo 2 but better”
Bc it’s the holidays. Not the first time they’ve done this
Id like blizzard to refund me for every dollar i spent on their shitty game
Is this real? Did Blizz really do that? Funny if true for sure.
I actually enjoy playing Diablo 4 with my brother.
I mean the d4 story was meh, but Lilith was lit tho
Big western publishers seem to be turning to shit everything they touch.
Well they still haven’t fix or doing anything about the sexual harassment and rape allegations only erasing evidence. Kinda sad that cod still sell well even though Activision is cancer of gaming
Paid games with paywalls content months before launch, mtx and battle pass should be banned. Laws must be harder and protect consumers like gambling for kids in fifa and they bribe esrb give them 3 age rating but balatro 19+
Diablo 4 is a PoE type game right?
D5 better be free to play
There is any way to get a refund from ultimate edition?
I feel bad for myself
No way
I don’t even think they even look at the poe1
Maybe tiny bit 😅
Ya’ll ever play Heroes on the original Xbox? I was hoping to find a game that good but have yet to find one. PoE is the closest to it
PoE2 got 500k players. Sick of Asmon HATING D4.
Sick of it. If you don’t like D4 then fucking stop hating it and just go to what you want to play.
No one is playing this 888% garbage
These publishers have to believe that the cost is a barrier to entry when they release 5 triple ass games every year and 4/5 flop.
They have no objective metric they believe in besides lesbian journalists to evaluate the quality of their games so it has to be that people just can’t afford their incredible games.
The fact the Diablo series strayed so far away from all the mechanics of Diablo 2 needs to be studied.
Can I have my money back blizzard. Bought the early release😢
I really want to see D4 be a better game in the future. I have really enjoyed playing it. That said, I’ve been enjoying the hell out of POE2. One can only hope that Blizzard will learn from GGG’s success and improve D4. At this point, all ARPG’s are various copies of D2, and that’s ok.
I honestly think that Diablo 4 would do better if they just adopted the Path of Exile method and go free to play, but add more microtransactions for cosmetics and sht. They wouldn’t do better than PoE 2 but they would at least boost their player numbers.
CoD, WoW, Diablo the new CoD is a buggy mess you’re lucky if you can get a game without the servers crashing (or at least stalling out making you unable to move for like 5 mins) …and the cheaters good lord all of their splash art is AI generated ( the people all have 6 fingers in the art lol)
It’s free but only to lvl 25
i gave up about 20 minutes into path of exile 1. i’ve already put a troubling amount of hours into poe 2. this might be a game i play for years.
I was enjoying D4 briefly as a casual but the “welcome back booster” completely wrecked a first time play through experience.. They don’t even want you to try the game at a base level
yall gotta remember ow2 has tons of players using the battle net launcher. It still has 130,548 current players as of writing this comment.
It has lost a significant amount tho
Diablo Dev:”dont you guys have phone”; Us: “Do you guys even have a brain”
D4 Season 1, i played sorc and when I was told it would take until Season 3, until intelligence scales all resistances as intended, I literally thought it was a joke, just bashing Blizzard… after realizing they stated this, I still refused to believe it, basically saying yea sorc/necro will really just become available for valid endgame in half a year. Vessel of hatred… I still refuse to believe or accept that the one-time insignificant demon dog fight is all we got for Mephisto… bro how and why…. it’s not even the stacking number of these no-goes but its sh.. you just can’t get your head around.
D4 is a scammed..they just milking the diablo IP
I told you again, Legion was the best expa in wow atm, for me, better than WOTLK. WoW can only be saved with Legion classic
90% of players are on bnet for d4 so looking at steam numbers isnt the best.
I bought D4 day one and leveled one character to 51.
No one plays blizz games on steam, those numbers really dont matter. D4 is worse than PoE 2 imo. but itll be fine, dad gamers will play it for years. Rivals is in the honeymoon period, OW will continue to be the biggest hero shooter.
18:30: That text seems to have been written by AI.
By the way, it’s a real shock—how on earth is Diablo 4 behind Destiny 2? D2 is just a light version of an RPG, after all. They must have really messed up…
i uninstalled battlenet and call of duty to make more disk space for poe2.
Diablo game without Diablo. Mephisto xpac without Mephisto.
Diablo 4 is dogshit. Found out in beta, so I never bought it.
We don’t need to ever go back to Diablo 4 if POE2 is still out during my life 🙂 I put the latest season of d4 down after 2 weeks as I had nothing else to do and upgrades were not possible, with nothing to fight when I got something try new items on. After pit 150 you put the controller down
The idea of making an Overworld Map in D4 over proceduraly generated areas was so dumb
Lol. Made the game weird
Blizzard and stash space, tell me a bigger joke than that.
D4 cost almost 95$ Australian and blizzard entertainment are trash
Blizz is done. RIP.
Calvin Candie: What about my $100 dollars?
Asmon is the only man on the planet that wants more of something like Lost Ark.
I wouldn’t play Diablo 4 even if you gave me $80. RIP BOZO.
Diablo 5 will be Blizzard’s last chance!
D2 circa 2025 = PoE2 .. THANK YOU GGG
im hooked ngl
*PS: I only play Blizzzard games on launcher cuzz old thabbits. Steam for all other titles
I remember first seeing PoE1 and thinking “eh, just a Diablo clone.” Even the health and mana orbs looked the same. Well, thank god it was because Blizzard has dropped the ball massively with Diablo over the years
POE2 for life!…..
Geonor the putrid wolf > ALL D4 bosses
So does this game have like raids? Or dungeons if so how many people are in the party also are there healing classes?
Diablo 4s issue was endgame honestly. Other than that diablo 2 is probably my favourite still
Blizzard should stop making games and start a animation company
Make good game people play it, now sell full price game, devs why people not spending money??
Thats the problem with alot of games.
Game Devs used to be gamers they know what the market wants and needs with passion even the game trailers, now? I don’t know these game devs do they just make games thinking its the next big thing feeling entitled to immediate success
Diablo 4 is just a Baby Rattle .
I was all good with the ups and downs of D4 until a fully priced expac not having Mephisto
It isn’t a barrier to gamers that want to play a good game. It is a barrier to a mediocre game that people are on the fence about
I dont think diablo 4 is on the ropes. If I had to guess its been fairly successful for them so far. With the amount of casuals there are D4 will always have an audience. The two POEs are both not really casual friendly with one being more hardcore then 2 but even 2 the amount of time you have to sink to see all said content is vast and split that out to a few hours a night and a solid 8/weekend day and you don’t really have a game that many have time to sink their teeth into. Now D4 you can sink your teeth into it and for those that have other things to do the content doesn’t get as stale as fast. I think both games will have healthy audiences though those audiences will be vastly different.
Whoa, it’s free to play? Cool!
I don’t care i still won’t get it
If blizzard crashes, itll build a new path for other companies (GGG) to take over and lead the way. You can’t be top dawg your whole life.
Cash grab and dip. They know there’s a fan base. But they don’t care, they just want money.
bought d4 on release , played 1 week got bored beat the game in every way .. came back season 5 when everyone said game is now awesome , played 1 week again beat the whole game was BiS geared got bored … started PoE ( for free ) played over 2k hours cant stop spent over 1k bucks on supporter packs cause i just felt they deserve it and i wanted to buy skins , never regretted any purchase in poe , poe2 came out and i will never buy any blizzard game again .
After they reworked the paragon board and ruined all my hard work to make my neckermann better I lost interest in it because I felt I had just wasted a perfect time
I boycotted Blizzard back when they openly started sucking PRC/CCP dik because money was more than morals.
I haven’t played Diablo IV or Path Of Exile.
I purchased Diablo 3 and tried to play with my best friend and also my girlfriend (now wife) but I kept falling asleep the game felt boring to me and didn’t scratch the same itch as Diablo 2. Would Path of Exile 2 be more similar to Diablo 2? Wondering if I should buy it (assuming they have physical copies).
Its because Path of Exile is destroying it,
When I used to play wow I remember people saying “X game is the wow killer or “Y game is the wow killer”
And you had those people saying “nah blizzard will kill wow one day”
It’s all coming true it’s just a downward spiral right now with all their games
BUT they still have their delusional fanbase rallying the flag for what ever reason
Just sad man
(I also don’t like Poe before you label me as a Poe fan boy)
I can’t believe there were actually people defending having to redo renown
Where do you even go from here if you are d4? what must they be talking about in the decision making room im sososo curious. How do they recover from this disaster and blowout by POE2?
yeah i did play today for free
i was wondering when it stops
I saw NetEase wiped themselves too?
steam for life
All this makes me realize, is that COD is literally the only thing keeping ActiBlizzard alive. That and CoD Mobile & Diablo Immortal through whales lol
Since POE is way better than Diablo in many diff ways and the creators of POE even said D2 is what really influenced us to make this ARPG this way. I’d say we should stop calling d3 and d4 by the Diablo title and just called Lilith 1(d3) and Lilith 2 (d4). Plain and simple Diablo IP/dev time died after D2.
Asmongold still using dedicated launchers just realises he became the boomer. 😂
Devs used to make games and experiences that they would want to play and have. That is gone. Now it’s just a corporate cash grab and checking off boxes.
it is 100% legal for blizzard to own gold selling companies in wow and dupe and botfarm with those companies. they also don’t have to disclose that they own those companies. if you play modern RPGs you are nothing but a little piggy
Few classes and slow releases, crap grind, not rewarding enough, what more?
If they didn’t came for free with my 4070, I’d never had played D4. Game was dog shit. Felt supper lame and hollow.
I’ve mentioned to many people that ABK under Bobby did not recruit gamers. There recruiting tag line for talent was “you don’t have to be a gamer to work here!” and their products show that mentality.
Not buying D4 after playing the beta was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I play both POE2 poops on d4
I still feel POE2 is overhyped. If it is not your type of game you will still get bored of it. I decided to try it and dont get me wrong it is not a bad game but it can get boring. There are things I like more in diablo 4 for sure. Some abilities look really cool in Diablo 4 compared to POE2, the last chapter in D4 in my opinion was really cool and well done. I would say for more casual players D4 is actually a good option. If I compared D4 to D3 and I would say they did make good changes. To me it is not that D4 is such a bad game it is some of the decisions Blizzard made angered many of the players so now the D4 hate and PoE2 “overhype” is like a pay back to blizzard. At least that is how it seems to me haha.
early access poe2 has more classes and better gameplay, mechanics and combat then d4… I feel like I needed this game to start loving gaming again..
Can someone from Star forge please go to asmons house and fix the double audio. It’s been happening for months. I can hear an echo of every video he reacts to
Game is cool but don’t have end game content
Playing D2 Ressurected right now
Who here is impressed with me having 30k hours in online gaming being the best in the world at multiple 2d online rpgs and having enough experience to know that shit DEI hires make shit games and I knew d4 would be bad inherently. If you insult me in your response too bad it won’t work cuz I have a chatgpt bot that filters everything I see for YouTube comments to only gas me up.
D4 was the best poe advertisement
I hesitate to buy Diablo 4 on discount yet I bought POE 2 for $100 😂
If I’m being harsh poe2 is a 8.5/10
POE2 is new and everyone playing right now had to pay for it. Of course it will have almost 100% retention. It’s common sense.
14:08 steam
I’ve believed for the longest time that Bobby Kotick wasn’t the core problem with Blizzard, it’s the developers themselves. People were defending the devs like hell before he left the company and told themselves that everything would be fine with him gone but the devs are still as clueless as ever and now Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2 continue floundering
I wonder now that POE2 got a lot of people that was hoping to try POE1 and was “scared” to try before. Maybe now that huge skill tree isn’t so scary anymore lol
It seems Blizzard was not prepared…heh
I’d be super pissed if I paid full price for it to become f2p after a year. Mismanaged, skimming off the top, beholden to the woke audience that doesn’t exist… No wonder this publisher is shit.
When they say Diablo is a family friendly game during immortal reveal, I knew executive have killed Diablo.
I think poe was soo good and the barrier being so tough for new players, that this is all the players that wanted to play poe, but didn’t want the struggle lolz.
What a slap in the face to anyone that did pay.
This is why having a free market is so important. We get better products to replace the crap ones. The crap ones either get better or just go away
D4 was my 1st and last regret paying 100$ for. PoE 2 EA was free from PoE 1 support. GGG devs are transparent also keeping their players informed of any setbacks they have and not keep them in the dark like D4.
The best game is free to play, for 2 weeks. WE will be there. 😇
for the ppl still asking when poe2 becomes free just get the minimum 30 starter pack spend all your shop money on tabs and your going to be in the same position as when it goes free…your going to want those tabs.
D4 is boring
Literally everything about PoE2 vs D4 can be said about Warframe vs Destiny 2
I played 5 seasons of D4, now I’m playing POE2 and I see no reason to go back to D4. The gap is too large between those two games.
Anything that is multi player has little depth high cost I ignore all multi player titles off the gate.
haha i buy and sell this after 1 day playinng
WoW is a lot of fun, it just sounds like Asmon was burnt out but tbh this expansion has been excellent on class design and QoL.
Imagine thinking anyone plays WoW for the story.
I believe as well even when employees play the game they play with their own circle of people they just pat themselves on their back.
all I gotta say to blizzard is…. BYE FELICIA!
WoW will never be good again because they’ve reduced the solution space they’re able to design to down to nothing. Can’t do this because sexism, can’t do that because racism, can’t do that because patriarchy, can’t do this because offensive to somebody. All that’s left is the power of friendship, crying, and disney looking graphics for children.
Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction was the last true DIablo game. Path of Exile is the true successor. D3 and D4 are just cries of a dying company
I also remember when pizza hut was good….. things change….. time to give up on blizzard guys
All the towns in Diablo 4 felt the same, the story was boring and it just didn’t feel like a complete experience. I’ve never been a fan of the whole “monsters are the same level as you” scaling because it made it feel as though it didn’t matter where you went at any given moment. This is especially bad when so many locations feel the same. I know it works in some games, but it kinda ruined it for me. And everything just has this muted, sepia-tone aesthetic to it.
Imagine the people that spent 70$ to play before and now its free
PoE 2 has been in development for 6+ years and the endgame is underwhelming to say the least.
This is coming from someone with 3,600 hours in PoE.
PoE 2 has potential to be one of the best ARPGs but we have to stop this socially awkward dialogue of comparing everything against Diablo 4. D4 is not for lovers of ARPGs.
PoE 2 is probably two years away from even competing with original PoE in terms of perfect game design and complex systems / endgame.
No matter how you hate Diablo, POE is still a clone of it, get over it already lol
POE 2 is everything I wish Diablo was.
I will try to play D4 again when they add Paladin/Crusader. I really do not like the classes in D4
I rlly feel dumb for buying a blizzard game man GGG is like the mercy meme fr
I’m playing on steam
Diablo IV is just trash lol
no one wants it
What the graph doesn’t shows is that 80% of those people are currency farmers
ffs free to play? sigh
because POE2 is not a GOTY
I’m just going to say it Diablo 3 is better right now then Diablo 4.
They keep hiring weirdos instead of fans of the original work. No wonder none of the new generation of devs there understand how to make their games fun. Compare them to Falcom where they hired people that are actually fans and knowledgeable of their games.
I played recently through Diablo 1, 2 and even 3 (Diablo 3 was easily the fastest to play through the story. Only 6 hours and I did not skip things.)
I could write more, but no one likely reads this message. I could write my thoughts if people do want those though.
guys guys! its almost worth the cost to play now!
Still too expensive
Just make it free, Microvision!!!!
Also wheres diablo??????
Now make classic wow free to play.
Blizzard still hasn’t made their games F2P? Lmao.
They didn’t learn this with SC2, OW, and now D4 ?
Diablo 4 Bad
jonathan Rogers already explained the different set of outcomes from both companies based on their organization and objectives and it’s pretty obvious, it’s all based on how they coheisevly make the board understand that a game that ambitious takes time and objectively understands that the game itself takes time from the player, but if you have a board of investors, with no patience and then they’re sitting scratching their heads asking themselves why is PoE/PoE 2 more successful in the long run, in contrast to the franchise power that Diablo has…or used to have, then you know that investors and managers in general over at Blizzard don’t have the balls or leadership capacity to convince them not expect a front payment from customers, specially when the market is already dominated by a SUPERIOR product.
The only road they had, was to make it more adhd indusive and simpler, because it was the only way to make it standout, meaning, they’re still lestening to some moron at marketing instead of listening to the developer, which, imho, is the only one that ask himself the question; Why is this fun?
Games crap 100% crap, boring nothing to do, no chase, no grind, point less pit, u do the uber bosses, 150 pit then ur done.
“POE2 is free, it’s in early access, the game’s not even out yet.” I’m sorry but this is getting ridiculous. It’s not free, it’s $30 minimum, and we’re playing it right now. The game is out. Doesn’t matter if they plan on adding more content later, or going F2P later. Most games do that. This is just a normal game with a price tag, RMT, and microtranscations.
over 9000 developers worked on D4 btw…let that sink in
it’s a trial not “free” this is a huge difference. Some people place trials and paid games in the same bucket
the expansion was a complete rip off and I regret paying for it, I’m done with diablo and blizzard at this point
Well they do need to break the ice in some way and make people try that tight niche genre of diablo-like games, where else are people gonna try it out?
If you took Drew Carey and Tom Hardy & smashed them together.
“Why would they make D4 free during the holidays?”
They’re trying to undercut PoE 2. They’re hoping that people who are home for the holidays will sit down and choose to play D4 for free instead of paying $30 to play PoE 2.
Diablo 4 was dead the day it came out 😂
Pretty much the only thing going free to play does is let in that “revolving door” crowd that every F2P game has. The people that come and go, bouncing between various games, but never staying in one place for too long. This can create a noticeable bump in overall player numbers. But the problem is, those players don’t spend any money. That’s why they didn’t play before it was free to get in, and they aren’t going to pay now, either.
Sure, maybe a few will spend a couple bucks on something, and a few may even stick around and become new whales. But its never the glorious resurrection the publishers think its going to be. For that to happen, they’d actually have to improve the game. And if they knew how to do that, they would have done it already, then charged us for the privilege.
Comments section wants an American company to fail and worshiping Chinese copy cat games. Lolz. Pathetic.
Why so much hate with Diablo? Regardless how it is or what it become, it paved the way for other games to do better. Diablo is still one of the best. Its not perfect but its fun. Not to mention its an American Company that you people trying to bring down.
0:17 I wonder about that, I completely skipped that cashgrab not for having a battle pass, being filled with fomo, for having 50$ microtransactions or a 200$ collector’s edition, or for ABK dev’s delusional takes and hypocrisy. I skipped it for having all that on top of a base 70$ price… and my perspectives about blizzard after diablo immoral, overwatch “2” and lameflight weren’t exactly big.
Blizzard is a garbage company full of broken promises
On ps5 POE performance isn’t very good when a lot is going on compared to D4
PoE2 was 1.2M players just FYI 🤗 Also currently as of writing this and checking Steam, it’s still $29.99.
I wouldn’t play it anyway, ever since 5 years ago when I went on their forum to give feedback about their limited personal inventory,
I got scrutinized and belittled on the forums just for making that suggestion. So I said to myself, why bother playing this game, if I am going to be treated like that.
I left and never went back. Hopped right into PoE1 and haven’t looked back. Blizzard aka Diablo forums are toxic af.
I wonder why nobody is talking about the stupid honor mechanic for ascension. Been trying for three days died 0 times and have to reset and relog every time I get hit more than 6-9 times
Need to refund me for spending the $ on release of the game + expansion. How ridiculous 😂
Diablo 4 core is broke and never was fixxed. Just band aided on top regurgatated crap and littered with bugs. Just sad
What an insult to all the people that bought it. F corrupt and desperate Blizzard.
got 10k hrs across D2LOD D3 D2R and only 50 hrs in d4 already have 138hrs in poe
I like how diablo 4 is right now. I might be the only one here, but, I super like it.
Because CEO has to ensure shareholders get paid early and fast, they simply can’t wait for a game be finished properly, as only when shareholders got fat returns, CEO will get a good share. Professional CEOs have quick turnovers, they need to grab and run, so do the shareholders. Same reason that so many rubbish movies are made, even the companies know it will be rubbish.
A game costing money is not the issue, the issue is crap games, period. The part that’s funny to comment on, is when you have garbage games like Star Wars Outlaws, and they have a straight face while asking you to pay $110 for the deluxe version.
so people who paid 70 bucks got FKed LMAO
As someone who has played every Diablo game since the very beginning, my complaint about Diablo IV was always that it didn’t feel like a Diablo game. While that usually isn’t a fair comparison to use against music/games/shows – to always expect something to remain the same and never change is foolish and naïve in the extreme – if you are going to change something, you need to at least make what comes after different in some positive way. Diablo IV, in my opinion, did not do anything different BETTER than its predecessors, it did everything worse. So, not only did I not have ANY nostalgia while playing the fourth installment – because, again, it didn’t FEEL like Diablo – but, because that feeling was absent, there wasn’t even anything there to soften the blow of just how monumentally disappointing I found the rest of it to be. One of only a very few games I wish I’d never spent the money to buy.
Pretty sure D4 had a free trial last year too, before POE2, but whatever I won’t argue about the timing now, don’t really care that much. After around 100 hours of POE2 on XboxSeriesX, I decided to go back to D4 a few days ago because on console POE2 is terrible overall, sluggish & glitchy…also, it is quite different overall compared to D4 so I can see myself playing both together once POE2 is in a more acceptable state on console, I will check back after more patches.
i have already spent $300+ on PoE2’s shop and i refunded the D4 Expansion the same day i bought it, i have nothing but crash’s just trying to load the game up.
the moment when i heard d4 dev team kill 3 good characters from the lore and i as a d2 player myself for years decided to dont give a fk about this game. thank god i didnt buy it
All the talent left Blizzard and it’s just a pack of woke idiots. Yes, the story of Blizzards old games was simple, but it was also entertaining, as was the game play. Now the stories are lame, boring and the game play is overly complicated and uninteresting. Being woke is the death of creativity…
I tried with my one dollar Game pass i havent finished since then, that was last year I got bored, Poe2 it’s like a drug can’t stop playing.😂
8:42 AGREE!!!
I downloaded it because it’s on game pass, I had no clue wtf to do there was no tutorial , how do they expect someone to get into this?
I’m still confused in D4 how the bald lady who was *in front* of the shield/spear line in the Inarius vs Lilith fight. Firstly, the dumbass is in front of the soldiers, praying on volcanic magma (ok, faith is strong, whatever), then she turns out to be alive in a later season story, like wtf? She would’ve been the first dead, whether by demons, friendly fire, and/or demon corpses piling on her.
F2p hmm might play diablo 4…. oh just for Christmas nvm
Should’ve done that before poe2 ea came out.
Blizzard is desperate Bois, Let’s go!
Blizzard’s biggest mistake one the Diablo franchise was not using what was good in previous games.
They must have backups of their old games code. They don’t even need to reverse engineer them. They could have kept the runeword system, kept the previous classes, improved the assets and the tone of the first games, kept how itemisation worked.
And people would have kept playing Diablo.
Trying to reinvent the wheel and dump the great ancient mecanics is fucking dumb
everyone buying path of exile 2 on steam and not on launcher, LITERALY STEAL 30% of money from developers, disgusting !
Blizzard and Bioware used to be my top 2 devs growing up(38 years old now) with Diablo, Diablo 2, Starcraft, Warcraft, Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect… Crazy where we are now. I knew as soon as Activision bought Blizzard It was a wrap for me. Bioware died when Mass Effect Andromeda came out for me, only to add all the woke garbage on top of everything…
Blizzard is dead stop buying from this Milk company
the amount of promotion for d4, when d2 and other older games for years didnt have any promotions unless some black friday and best there was like 10-30% its ridiculus with d4. They had wow expansion few weeks before relase of new one previous costing 100% of the price people paid on release.
path of exile release girthy content packs all the time free! thats why people have no problem paying money
First expansion I haven’t bought for wow, didn’t even bother getting the d4 expansion.
I was going to give D4 a try, then a buddy said I should play Elden ring, never had the urge to get D4 again after that. 😅
Blizzard is ass now, they lost their “magic”. I’m glad they are getting their teeth pushed in by POE2 and Marvel Rivals.
Imagine a game forces you to do the campaign EVERY FUCKING TIME
I hate that I didn’t play a minute of d4 and don’t feel the want to play it even when it’s free
Diablo 4 could be ftp and I still wouldn’t play this trash.
GGG literrally went, fine i’ll do it myself
Paid wai too much for early access to play with friends.
Gooold liluck blizzard getting me to spend any money on you product’s. Buhbuye!!!!!
I bought it, installed it, but didn’t bother to even create a character for about 8 months. I finally played it and after 2 hours…I want a refund.
At this point all diablo games look like trash compared to poe and poe2.
i mean, i can’t say i won’t play it now, cause… well, it’s freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
what i can say is… i have no urge to play it cause… well, it’s free and i would rather pay for PoE early access atm than playing D4
they will make it non free again after christmas? oh well, that’s my loss, i will survive
if at some point in the future there’s a coincidence of D4 becoming free and i have nothing better to do, i will try it, i will be fine meanwhile
a step in the right direction.
its still not enough to make me play tho.
maybe if you payed me 10$ an hour i would.
dont buy blizzard game, be happy
diablo 4 was a joke to me in the previews before it released because of the way the weapons for barb disappear and reappear in his hands while using different abilities
0:25 The amount of money a game costs definitely is a barrier to entry and has a big impact. Not everyone is a streamer or from the USA and not everyone can spend money without hesitating. Silent Hill 2 Remake is currently on Steam Sale for 55,99€ (-20%) here. Regular price is 70€. I can’t even buy it on sale because I have to work multiple hours to make those 55,99€, food and energy prices are high here and additionally I bought some Christmas presents (nothing expensive like streamers buy in their live streams).
I just bought d4 for PlayStation 5 for whole 3.57$ for used game at GameStop. So I got ripped off or not ? 😂 and it does not feel like Diablo I treat it as different game.
22:00 I want to emphasise this since I regularly tell people I quit the game during Legion because I thought it was boring, when in reality I subconsciously recognised where exactly the game was headed… and I was correct. Every single expansion afterwards is just a reskinned Legion in terms of gameplay, with little to no changes, maybe a new gimmick or two. Frankly I’m amazed they kept dynamic flying, which was arguably the best thing to come out of Dragonflight.
The act 1 boss in POE2… I still hear his theme and I’m not even playing the game. That boss was freaking incredible
Diablo 4’s story was not bad, but the build up in each act had 0 weight, fighting Andariel in Diablo 2 act 1 made you shit your self being lvl 17 and loosing all your health to the first cone of Poison… I remember 0 boss fights from the Diablo 4 campaign.
There are consoles as well))) Im playing on ps5! Online is about 1kk)
GOOD, I will not be happy until blizz*rd and their peers shutter the doors, and are bankrupt.
I haven’t been this into a game since elden ring was released and never played poe 1. This is such a good game
In PoE1/2 people will make multiple characters every season, the majority of people wouldn’t even gear out 1 character in D4
I bet D2R has more players than D4 at this point
Diablo is so bad people run to poe, poe2, last epoch etc. But continue to cry and complain. How about find a game you like or put out the money, design your own and lets see what trash you produce. Tired of Blizzard changing the game because creeps like darthmicrotransaction boo hoo’s. @blizzard needs Stop catering to the ones who play cry and leave and listen to the ones who love the storyline and enjoy Diablo regardless.
21:51 no one wants to see heroes cry. They are heroes. They are mythological archetypes. They should never show weakness within their archetype.
Poe 2 had over 500mil on steam, they sols much more than that
I’m hanging for the POE2 Druid. We may finally get a proper inheritor of the D2 Druid. D4 isn’t it.
That’s what I say in Path of exile 2. If I slap on and say it’s Diablo you wouldn’t even know. And I got ridiculed for it.
5:30 – “we fixed the things we broke, please praise us.”
pixar movies are peak bruh tf is he on
I would be willing to pay more for games just haven’t seen a game that is worth the higher price
Certain elements are obviously written by AI and that has caused development issues… they outline challenges in interviews and those issues are very much associated with AI written code…
I never played path of exile , but I biughr early access and even though I suck and die all the time it reminds me mor3 of Diablo then Diablo 4 haha
I really wanted to like D4, even gave it another chance with the expansion but it still couldn’t hold me. Things just felt repetitive in a new environment. Plus nobody asked for a spiritborn class.
I gave up on D4 after 2 months. So disappointing. D3 is better. The foundations of D4 are fundamentally broken. Poor design. Bad bones. Diablo Immortal is BETTER game.
However, D4 was a commercial success. It made blizzard money. Can it sustain that? I don’t think so and because of D4 being so bad D5 won’t do well.
I bought the gold edition on PS5 because my buddy who passed away was super into diablo and I wanted to try getting in on the ground floor for one of their games because he loved them SO MUCH. But in a way, I’m almost glad he didn’t have to see this garbage excuse of a sequel.
Even after playing Diablo for free, I have played Uno on my phone while taking a crap with more passion and enjoyment
POE2 is better in almost every way, but there are a few conveniences that D4 has that i wish POE would add. Being able to transmog any piece of gear you’ve dismantled to be able to wear its appearance in the future is great. Being able to auto-sort your gear. Bigger gear storage, and gear you missed going to your stash. I think there’s a lot of things that are a call back to Diablo 2 that POE keeps. Most of them are great. But a lot of them are just inconvenience and time wasters that would improve the game if they got rid of them.
ngl D4 made me miss D3
they do this every year, “is blizzard panicking?”
I spent 100 for this game…. 😅and I’ll never do that again. It felt recycled and repetitive. And then with the seasonal shit, I was just so disinterested after a month of playing. Now I moved from my computer to make space for other things and I have no desire but I lost $100.
It’s had free trial weekends since diablo 3 lol REACH
Activision doing limited free to play periods is not unusual. They’ve done it with several past games. You can even play WOW for free up to level 20.
I do not buy games unles they cost like 3 euro
Blizzard is fucked. Diablo and OW have lost relevance with the public. They only have WoW which isn’t doing that well either.
D4…. Bad
What….F2P diablo game…your joking?
Oh this guy is a freak, accorn or something.
Can’t really check D4 on Steam charts. Most players are probably fans of series that bought the game day one on the Blizzard launcher and those who waited for Steam release don’t care as much. Having said that, as a day one owner of D4, PoE2 is so much more fun.
I wish GGG made Diablo.
where the fuck do you see diablo being free ive looked everywhere and it not !
D4 really went from being worth 1 weeks of groceries (in Australia) for one to free is crazy and i stil have zero interest to play it. Isnt it odd that we live in a time were even blizzard forgot how to make a good game ?
I miss D3. D4 is cool but couldn’t hold my attention. There is so much meta to learn. I also know I will not enjoy POE2.
Watching the video while playing POE2😎
He’s got peanut butter stuck in his mouth
It is only free to play until the new year. Fix the title brother.
Diablo 4 has the best story so immersive the quality is so much superior compared to poe2.
Not on playstation 😂😂😂
Diablo 2 was the last good game in the series
Not sure what the appeal of POE2 is, tried it and it’s overly difficult, completely sucked any enjoyment I could have had out of the room; D4 meanwhile is a great game if you don’t have the ability to hyper focus 24/7 while having a script for a heavy dose of Adderall.
Last time i tried D4 on f2p it was to level 20.. how is it this time?
My first exposure to Diablo 4’s plot was in Diablo 3, where I witnessed some background lore snippets in one specific level that exposed the fate of one of the main characters of Diablo 4
For me POE2 feels alot like POE. Ofcourse it different game. But it clearly is POE.
For me pay to win completely pushed me out of the MMO genre. Our whole friend group played lost ark until one person started paying to win which caused everyone to quit. It completely diminishes any sort of accomplishment for not only the buyer but everyone around them.
AAA game in NZ are about $100 to $125 +
If blizzard fixed there game id play. But ita so bad
In POE2, you can’t see enemies under the Arc Storm. The enemy visibility is total garbage, because they don’t have strong outlines or HP bars that you could see under the spell effects.
German Youtuber “Jules” actually made a GREAT video about Blizzard. Very entertaining. Everyone should check it out, even if you don’t understand German, you’ll get a lot out of it, it’s highly edited.
I felt the same way like i was playing a diablo game i been calling it path of diablo remastered
PoE 2 is going that well? I’m still debating between PoE 2 and Last Epoch
The main boss in act 1 of POE2 is the ice wolf. Badass.
I gaslit myself into getting back on Diablo 4 so I could take a break from POE 2 and not get burned out on the current early access content. After playing through D4’s current expansion story, I am going right back to POE 2. D4 is so damn boring, the writing is so lazy, the mechanics and combat feel fragmented and bad in comparison to POE 2. Finally, for a game charging 30$ for cosmetics, they sure have a very limited selection. They’ve been rotating the same armor sets since launch, which is a nice metaphor for the game as a whole.
Blizzard and Activision Merge is the most genius business decision ever, 1000 IQ move
Dota2 is the only game that comes to mind that went F2P and survived against their already F2P competition
If I’m going to play a Diablo game it’s going to be Diablo 2.
While I acknowledge D4 is in a sucky state at the moment, can people STOP using steam player counts as a metric for games that were out long before they released on the platform? D4 was on battle net for A YEAR+ before releasing on steam. Most of the players already own it on bnet and are not going to buy it again…
Blizzard is no longer Blizzard people from Day 1 are all gone
Games like D4 are what come out when the people who worked on it have to go through x layers of bureaucracy in a large corporation to get anything done
D4’s upcoming season in January will be Blizzards last chance.
No thank you. You have to play me to play this VOH expansion with the current features. But this F2P just shows how badly Blizzard did with the expansion. And the “selling point” is sooo sad. Play Spiritborn before it is nerfed… Just shows that this Blizzard team is not caring about core of good gaming. Almost as stupid as the co-op only dungeon that not a single person wanted to see.
Diablo 4 is just Diablo 3 clone with little more knick knacks.
I did not like diablo at all , i played for a while , but i cant commit to it like did with path of exile 2
Kids, blizzard is Microsoft. ,,, they have no clue
16:21 I bought a Xbox series x diablo addition for diablo 4, I was so excited for a return to the diablo universe….that I bought into it. after 20 hours of d4 I lost interest, at least my xbox can play path of exile 2. Over 100 hours and still slaying in poe2 with no stop in sight.
Poe2 is what diablo wishes it could be.
i payed for this garbage and now its free? Insulting
people also forget that ggg gave you 30 bucks worth of ingame currency, it’s not like you payed 30 bucks just to get EA
What the hell… It’s only a limited FREE TO PLAY and gamers freak out!
There’s nothing to talk about here! Still all these Gamer Youtubers always find a way to make a video but 90 % say the same thing and never contributes to anything except spam Internet.
“Haven’t I seen this before?” Damn Deja Vu…
Still can’t play it without Wi-Fi so diablo 2 remaster it is.
Blizzard = managers are all in marketing
GGG = managers are all developers
i would like a refund please (product received for free)
Damn, they actually turned D4 into an Exile-like.
“Blizzard return to form” pahahahah what Blizzard you mean the company that got acquisition by Activation what 15 years ago that company naa man they aren’t running the Diablo IP how can they return to form its Actiblizz now for D4 for WoW for all there old ass IPs xD
Diablo 4 feels like a mobile game
You cant return to from if the people who made the company good are GONE
Diablo 4 had
Diablo 2😊
Grim dawn
No rest for the wicked
Lost ark and heck I’ll even throw in hades
to look for inspiration and idea of what it should have been or certain features idea
It almost seems like it’s a concerted effort to. Snuff them out
Which I think’s good but I have a reluctance due to the other games reverting right back to what blizzard was doing because they were just printing money AI creating the games and extras that are micro transactions
its not free on steam
I have yet to pay 60 or more for any game except Elden Ring. I wait to play almost everything until it’s 30 or less. Am I alone here?
D4 is trash. Been uninstalled before the expansion.
21:25 never forget what they did to thrall.
Ow2 lies… diablo 4 was generic Trash with ZERO ENDGAME… I’m done with blizzard forever
To be honest, Diablo 4’s expansion was really much the same bullshit they had before. They charged everybody basically the same price for a full fledged game for an expansion and didn’t even had the decency to give you what you really wanted : Mephisto. Now you can see that they will try to stretch that godamn game for years to come. I’m 100% done with Blizzard.
That game is Over. It is dead. PoEII is way way better than any of Blizzards hot shit they claim are games.
Good riddance
Buying Diablo 4 has been a big regret. What’s worse is that I knew I wouldn’t like it, I just wanted to play a game with my friends.
This reminds me of when Ultima ix ascension released just almost 30 years later!
D4 was done as incorrect mix d3 and D2 with the try of mmo. They are supposed to do it as an MMO and go this way let say world of warcraft way but strictly following so called diablo series lore.
I can’t even play the game on my p.c.
I paid a 100€ at release and I’m not even mad. I’m just happy to see them fail.
8:50 I couldn’t disagree more. That cutscene between Inarius and lilith alone has shamed 95% of what came out of Hollywood this year.
Many POE1 players are probably using the GGG launcher since they got POE2 for free there.
WoW peaked in TotLK.
And here I am over here still leveling my HC on diablo trying to get 300 paragon. Currently at 258 =D (already hit paragon 300 on normal season =D ) EDIT- and I have never played POE 1 or 2
Maybe blizzard can just make cinematic movies instead of games.
You’re welcome blizzard. Just threw you a floatie
Why did people not like Diablo 4?
Jeder Tag mit dir wäre ein Happy end. Es geht um die besondere stimmung,die du mir gibst😊
Ppl making hours of content over some company’s business choices. It’s really easy to just play your preferred game and stfu but no, you’re frothing at the mouth at how “bad Diablo is”, ppl dropping their mandatory “LoL diAbLo iS dOnE” comments, can you just chill? it’s literally christmas
I only play free games
Didn’t the people who made the good Warcraft stuff leave Blizzard and open their own new dev studio Frostgiant?
I paid 90+ for Diablo 4 on release day. Now free?? I felt scammed by Blizzard.
WoW has lost the rpg in mmorpg and Diablo has lost the Action in arpg
free alpha testers
I am totally comfortable with not owning an Ubisoft game. 😂
Price does have an impact too. In particular i know allot of people who refuse to buy these 70$ base price games just on principle. Cause it’s true. The industries attempt to push 70$ base price tags is pure nonsense.
Well I’m so happy that D4 is on free trial … now I’m sure I will never buy it. Poe2 is all I need!
They need to refund me 80 bucks then
The $30 for POE2 early access also give you $30 worth of gold for stash tabs so it’s more than fair to me
Bro the amount of people that I see saying OW2 is a disaster, numbers says otherwise just saying, this guy showed steam chart of ow2, bro… No shot you’re serious rn, 99% of players use battlenet and u know it
last last last last last last chance
Diablo IV has less players than Poe 1. Poe 2 isn’t even in same dimension as Diablo.
after a year D4 still had NO endgame… the current “endgame” is nothing… lvl60 and you have everything, there is simply nothing to farm for
D4 bad, D4 dead
d4 needs to free to play even if i spent the 70$ to play it. they need to give me a 2 full sets of cosmetics atleast
14:00 there’s a reason steam hit all. Time high user counts
i think this is more because anyone who wanted to get Diablo 4 already has it at this point
i mean, it’s even on Gamepass
16:43 Me with marvel rivals and not playing overwatch
Blizz wants me to play the VoH expansion for free. Nah, they can keep it. Waste my time again? Foff.
I’ve been replaying Grim Dawn on the steam deck and it’s a better experience than D4.
Ya, I never buy games, and I’m considering poe 2.
So many Millenials grew up on “shonen anime” and they didn’t realize these were anime made for literally young boys. That’s why these tropes of friendship and shit show up everywhere. These losers grew up thinking anime that are just a pixar tier story with violence and boobs is the same writing quality as something actually made for adults who know how the world is and how people are.
Idk if im tripping, but i remember people glazing D4 on release it wasn’t until the end game and Nerfs did people start hating on it
I got a wild hare up my butt a couple of months ago and wanted to play through Diablo… So I started on 1, then 2, then 3… now I’m on 4. Holy crap, I can see why they’re panicking. I see MAYBE a dozen other people a day… maybe. I fully regret buying it. The story sucked, they managed to mess up the gameplay itself, the drops are INSANELY low… I mean, REALLY low. I’ve been playing for 2 weeks… several hours a day (on average… maybe 1 or 2 on weeknights, and then most of the weekend) I’ve seen ONE mythic drop… ONE. Mount selection sucks, pet selection sucks, cosmetics are a joke… even if you’re not turned off by the ruined controls, story, and <0.01% drops... the lack of extras isn't going to keep you around. Add in trying to force you to buy everything else that should be drops/unlocks... bleh.
I agree, this game feels like it was made by someone that saw someone play Diablo once. 1&2, iconic as usual. 3 was pretty good... 4 is a flaming bucket of monkey spunk.
I’m playing this if it goes offline.
Come on guys people are smashing poe2 with game breaking builds just like D4.
Big bang theory
I’m not playing D4 again I’m done.
Still not going to play Diablo4 for free. And Im old and had fun with friends with Diablo 1 and 2. Not 3 that was shit.
Have to add in this low point of gaming difficulty I just started Kingdom Come Deliverance. I put in about 10 hours yesterday and my face is still twitching. No joke I’m having facial spasms. Love the game though!
At this exact moment that I’m watching this, D4 has 540 viewers and POE2 has 84K viewers. Mind you Heroes of the storm, the abandoned game by blizz, has 957 viewers! “OOF” doesn’t quite cut it 😀
I’ll have to agree with the new player thing, for context I have never played a ARPG like Diablo or poe 2 before always hated it never been my style. But as a Xbox user I tried Diablo 4 on gamepass cuz “free” u know us Xbox ppl don’t pay for games, am I right? Anyways 1 hour later I just couldn’t get into it didn’t enjoy it was having no fun couldn’t understand it. My roommate encouraged me to try POE and I am hooked, I’m at the end of Cruel act 3 now for context over 60 hours in probably, but my 1 hour of Diablo vs POE as someone completely new to this genre isn’t even comparable. If another game like this comes out I’m all aboard
Can’t believe I bought the ultimate edition like the sucker that I am
Also I feel like blizzards campaign doesn’t have a lot of replay value in the same way poe or poe 2 does
I wouldn’t play Diablo 4 even for free.
WHy desperation… but it just will piss off all us idiots who fell for the “going back to diablos roots…” and false promises.. that turned into diablo 3 verison 2…. F blizzard they are dead to me
We now live in a reality where beta testers pay full price, while the complete game is free…
D4 was closer to D2 in the Server slam. The gameplay was tactical and world bosses took a long time. The stronghold was cool. But the itemization failed. The endgame was bad. They failed to make it compelling and chose to pivot back into D3 and that just feels bad now.
POE2 is closer to D2 than Diablo 3 or 4
I feel like the open world was good for Diablo at first, but as a seasonal ARPG, i feel it was a huge waste of time, and a lot of development time probably went in to making the open world, just for it to not be important when you start playing the game seasonally.
Blizzard had their time bro, it’s over now move on fanboys
really don’t see having to download a 100gig plus game to play a short trial period being worth it.
d2/d3 are both awesome. anyone who says negative stuff about d3 have never played it. d4 is a huge disappointment though. they making it worse with every update.
I grew up with Blizzard, playing WarCraft 1, 2+expac, 3+expac. StarCraft 1+expac, SC2+expacs.
I tried Diablo 2 a dozen times over the years. It was so boring. Gosh it was so boring.
I tried every class. I would do the first dungeon. I’d get lost in the overworld, have no clue where to go, eventually get to the next area, and just be completely fed up at how slow it was to do anything, get anywhere, or progress my character. But don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t necessarily a genre thing. I loved console ARPGs like Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 1&2, and Champions of Norrath. I played Dungeon Siege. But Diablo 2 was just too dadgum slow and dull and I just couldn’t get past the initial hump of “60 hours until it gets good.” Not when all these other games were vying for attention.
So along comes Diablo 3. I played its beta. I played a bit at launch at my uncle’s house. I got my own copy a year later, and would go on to put hundreds of hours into it, playing in 20 of its seasons, 1 of every single character type (M/F * 7 classes), collecting every set, getting dang near 100% achievements. This was the sort of game I wish Diablo 2 had been originally. It was faster, more frenetic, more mechanically satisfying and visually appealing in its more dynamic character and class animations. It had straightforward but fun ways to mix and match skills and item powers to create super satisfying “blow up the universe” builds. I didn’t even mind the sets because every set was effectively like a new subclass, so with 7 classes, there were 4 and then 5 sets apiece, that meant there were at least like 35 visually and mechanically distinct playstyles to explore and enjoy.
I had friends try and tell me about Path of Exile. I’d heard about the skill tree. I’d heard about how seasons had you replaying the campaing, which as a Diablo 3 enjoyer wasn’t something I was opposed to. I downloaded it. I played it for about 20 minutes, got to the first town and said, you know what. Not for me. I even tried looking up all of the ascendencies or whatever they’re called, all the different endgame builds and advanced classes you could get to, and not a single one sounded fun or cool at all. I watched gameplay, from high level and I just. Didn’t care. Nothing about it could grab my attention at all. It was ugly, visually hard to parse, with unsatisfying mechanics that had nowhere near the level of visual polish Diablo had. And it was just so BLOATED. There was so much random complicated garbage. Layers upon layers upon layers of ridiculous and unnecessary systems. All for what? A game with ugly characters (unless you pay) and buttons that weren’t even that fun to press. Yeah. No thanks.
Diablo 4? It’s a sequel to Diablo 3. Good for me.
Path of Exile 2? It’s a sequel to Path of Exile. Good for them.
Let’s just leave it at that, yeah? They can coexist the way WoW Classic and OSRS can coexist. Competitors in the same genre that offer different experiences for different audiences. This “giga chad uber tryhard skill issue lmao sweaty neckbeard” type can have their POE2 and suck on it for all I care. Diablo 4 is exactly what me and my friends wanted, and its only gotten better.
i have more fun playibg dungeon siege 2 over diablo 4. Diablo 4 the game itself is the problem
they made diablo 4 just for make ez money cause everyones was “angry” about diablo immortal on blizzcon they didn’t do it for passion or cause they want to do it…
Diablo 4 is most fun it’s ever been
Bro shows Rivals, show that its not nearly as consistent, and say “yeah, basically the same” LMFAO
not even a fan of ARPG bought diablo played for a few hours never played again. Bought POE2 never played pOE1 and havent been able to put it down
Didnt they do this before? To get people to try the game
Diablo needs to go back to their 1 and 2 roots, stop dropping legendaries and uniques like they are white and blue items.
I dont play anything blizzard ever again. The invest to fun is simply not there anymore. Every genre someone did better and the etablished universes are not that good anymore.
You can tell Diablo 4 is the teams first arpg. It’s so shallow and uncreative. If you don’t retain your talent this is what you get.
Some people just want to play 2-3 weeks every season and then play other games and… life.
I am a casual dad and I can only afford that much.
So, I choose D4 even though PoE2 is better, because I do not want to spend so much time and effort for just one game.
Do you know who else knows about my type of people? Blizzard.
Downvote me to oblivion, I don’t care, you know I have a point.
It’s a free trial, that only lets you play til level 25
Brings up redoing renown is a bad thing for d4 but forgets to tell people that every poe league you must re-do the campaign. At least renown carries over in seasons now.
I loved D1 and D2. D3 was so streamlined, mindless and easy that I had zero interest in D4 because I knew more streamlining was coming.
“Return to form”… it’s hard to return to the original form if the foundation is gone. It’s more like a bunch of shapes trying to balance on top the leftover gravel.
To be fair steam is what a TINY percentage of D4 player uses, rest are on battle net and console.
Nope I was a big dumba** I had faith they wouldn’t mess it up I got the $100 one beat it forced myself to do so and nah even if they gave me the entire game free for good with the expansion I still don’t know if I’d play it again
they’re going poe like
I actually got on Diablo 4 last night for my first time in over a month.
Just wanted to see , if there were players.
I played for about 20 minutes…not ONE single person on my entire server that I found. No one at the hubs that I could find.
Diablo truly felt lonely like the old days LOL
BO6 is free with gamepass and I won’t waste the memory for a pos game.
Look at World of Warships or World of Tanks.
D4 coulhave ben the most amazin single player game ever, dragon age style… but they didnt know what to do
The most difficult boss in Diablo 4 is the login button.
POE 1 had lots of foreshadowing for POE 2 like the water goddess etc, then you have D3 and D4 story it’s like wtf happened. There’s no twist or flow.
at 7:45 he lost me.
poe2 endgame legit feels like poe1.
GGG need to rewrite poe2’s endgame to match the campaign.
Blizzard fans have low retention gamer memory, say blizzard is bad absolutely terrible and are making their games worse than ever before but then these fans are buying new expansion and giving them money for the things they seem to hate so much.
They don’t even know why POE2 is doing so well that’s hilarious.
Ironically diablo 4 is better than ever because the town isn’t full of 100 ugly characters with $30 skins
I’ve been playing D4 a lot, got bored pretty quick though. But POE2 is honestly just sooooooo much better
YEA VREI BAD … THSI SI A mmo fart itn tha univers .. a real game si 100% ofline playbal adntha mutltiplier si ir a adate thing .for thso ho want to toretce tehem sleles this lsl tha chiters o tha warld etc !
There’s been a D4 ad by Rhykker on damn near every PoE 2 video I’ve seen. I’d say they’re panicking.
Rivals and POE 2 dropping at the same time would have been personal 911 for blizzard lmak
Hatred Rising is correct. Our Hatred for Blizzard continues to rise with everything they do.
7:55 No it doesn’t.
D4’s EA had all of its skills, gear, campaign and content completed and released less than a week later. In addition to NMDs, which can be compered loosely to Poe2’s maps, it had world bosses, Legions, Whispers Helltides, Strongholds and almost 200 side-quests.
This guy’s claim is a straight lie.
D4 bad
Diablo 4 panicking hard af feeling poe2 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Oh come on after the don’t you have phones debacle they rushed D4 because it probably wasn’t even in the pipeline and you got half arsed game released on the quick too early
Is Megan Fox still playing D4 ?
Your take on why you quit wow was super based – yep thats how i feel and stopped
Didn’t buy the expansion, regret getting the game itself (peer pressured by old friends wanting to hook up and relive the d2 good ol days).
Never giving blizzard a cent ever again. Gave PoE2 500 bucks though. Already got my hoodie, my shirt, and my art book. Loving the first 3 acts. Some work is needed but man I love it.
I’d call poe2 diablo3 because 3 and 4 don’t exist to me.
It’s not free to play? It’s temp free to play are people not getting this?
DEI hiring killed D4. Those dev women who didn’t even know how to play their own game at a basic level. They have no idea what an ARPG is. They are in those positions for the sake of “diversity”.
D4 was on Game Pass, I played it for “free”. D4 Bad, especially when competition like Last Epoch exists. Then Poe 2 came out LMAO
Try out Grim Dawn, it’s a bit dated but still better than D4 or D3
Last Epoch is my fav. I won’t bother with D4 ever again.
I started with D3. I liked it back then. Then I got into PoE, and I’ve never really turned back. I’ve played PoE for a while now, and to think that PoE 2’s early access has more content than D4 right now…
They made all the money they ever wanted
i also have like 6+ casual gamer friends who are waiting for it to be free so they can play it free on ps5 so well see how that goes on release
If you are charging $$ for your game but still have micro-transactions.. I’m not touching your garbage.
Isn’t D4 just a POE-like game? Makes sense for it to go F2P.
If they want Diablo to be good make it play like WOW.
Time to start making fun games again instead of focusing on making money.
D4 gets too much hate. I’ve played ARPGs since D1. Been playing PoE2 and it’s good, but I just don’t see the greatness others see so far. I am in Act3, each boss took about 1-3 tries, using no guides, solo self found, sorceress.
I don’t consider the encounter to encounter gameplay to be all that great. It boils down to dodge/cast, and if enemies are super rush down you sometimes can’t cast without taking damage. The leveling system is wide open which is probably the best thing. Itemization is pretty bad, gear doesn’t matter much, it’s more about skill levels and supports.
One thing that shows me people are just glazing for PoE is how big of a thing it was in D4 about “attacks that one shot that you can’t see” or “attacks that are hard to see” or “attacks hitting when not in damage area”. Yet in PoE2 no mention of how bad this stuff is. There are so many attacks that 1) one shot without really looking like it is 1shot type kill. 2) hit you even though the attack graphic isn’t near you. 3) attacks that just blend in with everything. And, not sure if just me but there’s no weight to attacks on me so hard to know when hit.
That’s just one example of a double standard, because the hit mechanics and aoe attacks and all that are much worse in PoE2, yet these were among the same issues that began the whole D4 bad thing.
I just started playing this game like 3 weeks ago and im enjoying it….BUT….im coming off of just mainly playing fps and racing games. It seems i feel the same about fps as you veteran players of this genre are of diablo 4.
It’s self-inflicted. This is what happens when you quit hiring based on ability and hire based on ideology.
Does anyone play HoTS? I like that game.
“woman and children first” I respect a man willing to go down with the “ship” hope there core values and ideas remain intact, or can embrace new ideology. Long live arpg King
Lost 150k players in 2 weeks. “Crazy high retention”. Hahaha.
Took them 8 years to scrape 150k league launches together and their new lemon lost it in 2 weeks.
It’s wild how transparent these payrollers are.
I quit after the vessel of hatred campaign. It was one of the worst campaigns/stories i have ever played through.
This is a stupid decision by Blizzard.
They should’ve gone F2P prior to the release of its latest expansion, which is what….. two months old as of this post?
Now, they could still offer a “Collector’s Edition” of the game, and charge money for it. Same with charging those ridiculous prices for the xmogs, which the pricing is comparable to POE’s xmogs. But the timing of this is absolutely terrible.
What are you talking about in regards to the story? POE2 is a better game but D4 is literally all story, movie-quality cinematics, and epic character interactions…POE2’s story is literally a scrolling text box and amounts to “you prisoner, you escape, you save world”—-real original
Playing on Steam lets me use my Duel Sense Edge controller so that’s where I’m at.
To me it’s the same as Toriyama with Dragonball. He rarely let anyone touch it, and when he did he instantly regretted it. That’s why it remained great. He had the passion that made it great, you can’t duplicate or synthesize that. As soon as any of the Blizzard IPs lost the original staff that made it great, the franchise was doomed.
I can’t stop Diablo 4 from crashing after an hour or so. Never fails to fail.
So does this mean that enough people aren’t clogging the servers so I can finally finish my playthgrough of Diablo 4 without having to face the same boss for the fiftieth time because I get lagged out fighting it?
The D4 A1 cinematics were pretty cool. I also liked the intro to Lilith when she got summoned. It was all very demonic and evil.
Elon Musk gotta buy Diablo 4 before it dies
I play it on steam I didn’t even know PoE2 had a launcher. WoW is made for feminists and fem boys. It’s lame AF, Legion was peak.
I just bought Methaphor (tho in 25% sale) and its still better value than free to play D4 😂
Price is not barrier to entry but some games it can prevent from even trying. My example of this was code vein i didint heard good thing about that game but it was on game pass so i tried it and i love the game, when it was deleted from game pass i bought it.
“I am tired from the week, making videos” Try working a real job, it would floor you after a single shift.
Path of exile videos are in the reccomended section of this video. enough said 🙂
what a giant spit in the face to the people who spend 90 dollars on release never buying a game from this company again
Blizzard lost me when “You guys all have phones right?”
Oh whats that? Public company loses again? Hmm
Path of Exille is so good.
Diablo 2 Resurrected did a good job of mapping controls to a game controller.
D4’s controller mapping is very limiting.
POE2 is using the Diablo 2 Resurrected controller mapping.
I’ve never played POE but I feel they are more in tune with Diablo games
I’ve never played a diablo game before so I might give D4 a try just to see how it is
Wow I’m apparently I’m not the only one that stopped playing. I stopped though because I did everything in the season and I wanted to play something else.
The expansion sucked, and it didn’t even cost me anything
I think blizzard don’t have to worry much about poe 2; if it stays like is it right now.
I played D1, D2, D3, D4 (with expansion from day 1 as well). Hundreds and hundreds of hours. Now I play PoE2 and I am absolutely happy.
Thing is, it got in the game pass this year and i and a lot of other people apparently started to play it, it was fun, good community i know people say it was bad at the beginning but i didn’t play it at the beginning so it was fine when i started i think in April or June. Then the vessel of hatred came out and it kinda killed it for everyone who didn’t have it. The new areas were the main thing and you couldn’t access it without the dlc, so the rest of the map was empty all the time, it was hard to make teams because everyone with dlc was in dlc area, everyone was playing the new character as it was completely op, which made the game not fun as you didn’t need a team so i and a lot of other people stopped playing it.
Add: “Diablo 4 has reached its final form!”
Me: “Good, that means we can *finally* kill it!”
I haven’t played Diablo 4 since the first season, but I’m enjoying it right now. The expansion Story is cool. I like POE 2 also, but Still have to many bugs, and issues. I’ll come back to that when it’s running a bit better.
honestly, i would say poe 2 is more of a sequel to diablo 2 than diablo 3 is
I mean dlc costs same as a game.
It’s plainly obvious mainstream gaming media is beyond bought and paid for. They’re literally on the payroll
Steam is dead, GOG is king
Having free to play weekends has been a thing in the industry for decades, can we stop with the drama?
LOL This guy is South African (afrikaans) trying to sound American but instead sounds irish
D4, bad 4 health.
POE2, healthy.
When the woke will go and the money woll go to talent then games will be good
D2 way better
I got the game for free,when I purchased my 4090 😂
Blizzard is more DEI focused…..not talent or skill focused. Blizzard = special olympic games GGG=Professional games.
Until January. So, free for a week? No thanks!
Is it worth playing for the story at least?
The butcher in D1 is better then D4
So glad I paid you $100 dollars for this trash! Never buying another Blizzard product! 😡🤬
Not gonna play diablo because they want me to make a third party account and I’ve grown tired of doing that, and got burned by PD3 that any time a game tells me I need a separate account to play, and the game isn’t that interesting even if it’s free, I’m gonna pass. I wanted to try D4 BUT they wanted me to make an account, so that game is dog shit
Ugh, I’m getting like 3-5 minute ads now on all your content Asmon -_-
I love video games. Play daily but once I beat a game’s main story I’m done with it. This trend of live service games isn’t for me.
In PoE2 you can make unique builds that can succeed and fail based on your ability to build it. In Diablo, it didn’t matter because everything was so unbalanced that you had to follow exact templates to succeed.
Free During Christmas Season…RIP
Blizzard lost its touch a long time ago
Blizzard is dead move on
Blizzard could make WOW free to play and I still wouldn’t download the battlenet launcher and expose myself to possible daily d*ath threats.
Blizzard is cringe af now. Have been for awhile its just that they’ve reached new heights of cringe recently. They ruined diablo. They ruined warcraft. They abandoned starcraft it seems… they made a lame counter strike type game and tried to rip people off. They lie about features in games… they suck
Then I want my money back then….
0:31 Not true… It’s just oy a barrier to entry when you expect every game of that genre to be priced that way. But now in 2024 (hell, even when the game came out) ARPGs were getting serious Free To Play competition. So yes, Diablo 4 being a full priced game is a barrier. People tend to just spend money they shouldn’t on games that are popular and of which has no F2P competition. If PoE or Lost Ark didn’t exist, I’m sure more people would be playing Diablo 4 right now. But people have learned to expect certain genres to just be F2P. And Diablo 4/Blizzard really screwed up by just not making their game a Freemium model. They 100% should have and I won’t be surprised if that will be their next step. At the very least, the base game. But regardless, there are a lot of people not paying simply out of principle. Me being one. I’ll download it-126 GB?!?!?!?! Wtf? I’m downloading it right now and just noticed that. Why is it so big… I have the space but damn. Anyway, I’ll only play D4 if its free. They are letting me try out this new class for free, cool. I’ll give it a shot than uninstall when they stop allowing me access. Just like I did for the beta.
The company of Blizzard is long dead and you are scammed by a puppeteer (Activision) maneuvering its corpse. How long will people let this happen by buying their trashy products just because their name is attached to it?
I played Diablo 2 back in 2002 for years
Never played Diablo 3
Never played Diablo 4
End of the discussion, life is good.
microsoft is deathly afraid of being called a monopoly same as google, sony does not give a shit they are evil
The game is free for 2 weeks and you can only play until level 25, absolutly no point of playing their free trial
I actually liked diablo 4. I thought it lacked content and got repetitive at end game but it was a fun for a bit. I thought there was a lot of minor things that can be done to easily make diablo more enjoyable and easy to invest time
There is no reason, ZEROOOOO reason for me to play Diablo. I player it beat the main story and the rest of the game is so damn boring. Its basic, the grind is boring and they majorly force dumb crap in you. I just personally dont want to play it anymore
Where can i watch asmongold live stream
Is the expansion free too? Otherwise don’t care.
Still don’t get the Poe hype everyone I knew quit in act 2. The game has no respect for the player and their time.
Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4 should be called Sanctuary.. because where the fuck is Diablo
Maybe Diablo 4 should try to become a Path-like. :p
Wait.. didn’t they do it last year? So it’s nothing new. People fishing for likes and drama again on YouTube 🤣
They are turning video games into soap operas and dudes are not feeling it
To think that PoE2 is getting these kinds of numbers for player activity in EARLY ACCESS. That is insane.
I never understood the rational behind making D3 and D4, never played them. I would rather buy a D1 remaster.
Honestly if you look at the price of the ‘micro’ transactions that far outweighs the price of the game. The price of the standard game is £41.99 which is 5700 platinum. Most if not all mounts and armour sets are 2500 platinum. So at most you can only buy one mount and a set of cosmetic armour for the price of the game, and this is a never ending drip feed of new stuff to buy. If the person gets hooked into the game (somehow) they’ll spend far more than they would just buying the game. Blizzard is definitely covered, especially with the WoW crowd who’s trained to spend up to $90 on a single mount like it’s normal.
It would have been great if diablo could make a diablo game…. ty poe 2!!!
I tried to get the free trial to work on PS4 but it says can’t find application and when i click try to find application in store button it redirects to micro transactions
wow its just bullshit. raid its wipe 1000 times in mytic get smal progress. m+ its a fucking shitshow.
Don’t you guys have phones!? 🤣
I left diablo 4 because of their refusal to fix spiritborn. Players are bullying non spiritborn classes n i get it, its kids trying to picl the best n yada yada. I might go back AFTER they fix that royal F up with spiritborn.
Legion 🔥
Overwatch 1 🔥
Sc2 🔥 but no more Sc for 100 more years
Diablo bad
Heroes of the storm 💩 n never getting remade
Do we count classic wow? As a “new” blizzard title and they didn’t wanna make it. Blizzard is cooked it’s ok though I got my memories 🫡
I payed for it and I still can’t force my self to play it, I wanted to finish the campaign but that ain’t happening anytime soon.
I rather play old games then even care for D4s endgame.
Just say it, they stopped hiring based on merit and are too busy virtue signaling to make a good game.
Im confused..at launch asmon said D4 story was pretty decent..now its bad? make up your mind lmao
13:55, PoE 2 is only on Steam and Epic rn, no current launcher for it like PoE 1, which is why steam is where most players are at rn. I dont care for epic lmfao
well the joke about this is that you only get to play it for free till 5.01.2025 and only till lv 20 so… yeah i think its a very late April fools joke
Will PS+ still be required to play online?
I agree with this entire video. HOWEVER. The skins in Diablo 4 are EPIC and they are hinging on kids using their Xmas money to buy skins in the new free game they have. Game is trash though
Lol i noticed how diablo keeps putting ads in poe 2 videos before they start 😂
I didn’t play diablo IV and I won’t play it. POE 2 is amazing, last time I played that much a game was 15 years ago.
D4’S story is like the popular girl saying i’m going goth and dark. im going to wear dark makeup and clothes and rebel against my parents and day frick and darn it.
Blizzard is diablo it elf by today’s gaming standards, not even for free i would play this garbage
Is what d3 should of been.
That first update made me leave D4.
“Hey we hear you guys and we have taken your complaints into consideration.
Were nerfing everything into the ground doing nothing to fix the bloated affix systems and still no extra storage space maybe next season???”
Yeah….. ima head out lol
D4 bad
Ionno why people gaslighting as if Diabnlo 4 wasn’t a succesful launch. It definitely was. Servers couldn’t handle the amount of player retention it had for the first month or so. it was all sunshine and rainbows. Eveerybody seemed to have been having a good time, including myself. it wasn’t until a month or so aftrer when players reached endgame and the honey phase disapeared that complaints and reduced player counts became the norm. I understand hating on Blizzard and D4, but to say Diablo 4 flopped at launch is extremely disingenuous.
Diablo is dead! I swear I killed him in Diablo 3…
(And I didn’t see him in 4…so….)
I rather get arrested for life than play Diablo 4
Today Diablo 4 should not be more than 7$
Imagine trying the free weekend before release… and then still buying d4. I mean a couple hours into the game your character is getting wheelbarrowed into the town from Deliverance with a tavern full of toothless hicks and you guys still bought the game? lol
Better start laying people off like almost every other gaming company is doing at the moment. CEOs and their boardroom of execs still need their fat checks and Christmas bonus this season!!! For their hasty, greed ridden decision making that they make you follow through on then blame you for doing your job!!! The way they wanted it….🙄 Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Stay safe!!
Diablo 4 is just trash. Everything about the game is boring.
I have never played a game like PoE2 before, Skyrim for sure, but nothing quite like that. I’m spending 40 bucks because it looks good. Lately with video games, I’d pay 100 for a genuinely good video game that isn’t going to die tomorrow. Standards are slipping, but as always- the cream will rise to the top
Poe2 is beautiful
I want blizzard to fail. They have spent the last 10 years or so ignoring their players. This is why I want them to fail. You don’t get to be a game company without making games for players. Not their wallets. Sorry.
I hope they can do a 180 and completely turn things around but at this point I do believe the greed should be punished.
D2R is so far and above D4… despite being the old game you’ve played before
Lmaaaaaaaaaooooo D4 could be free and I’d still choose POE2 and over it. XD
I would not doubt if Blizzards next attempt is to sue POE2 devs like how Nintendo sued Palworld.
Doesn’t Asmon constantly talk about price being a barrier to entry though? I get that he’s saying there are exceptions when they game is good, but I have heard him say that free to play is super important for a lot of games. Marvel Rivals being ftp is a big part of its success.
Charge premium prices, set premium expectations. Blizzard over promising and under delivering is just tradition at this point.
“I wonder why Blizzard made it Free to Play..” .. Zack, it’s because no one wants to play it, that’s why
“IGN rated Diablo 4’s expansion below Path of Exile 2” I guess that means Blizzard’s check didn’t clear.
diablo 4 was unfinished with no endgame, cry baby made it even closer to d3 so now its as crap as d3. Diablo died after LoD. They legit probably make more money if they paid GGG to make a 2nd expansion on d2 lol
Am I the only one that liked the Diablo 3 story? It was good
Diablo IP is dead since Diablo 3.
Blizzard started by being inspired by warhammer and their universe, now they are overrun by activists and corpos
I wonder when people will stop believing every release is “Blizzard returning to form”. It’s arguably impossible given that the current corporate structure is completely different from the one that created the classics. Even the much hated Diablo III with its real money auction house benefited from a comparatively more developer-friendly environment.
this just in, new game is being played more then old game… lol yawn
just more “d4 bad” bandwagon shit
Man I bought a physical copy for 70$ when it first came out, only thing it did was help my wife and I sleep
Damn I just bought it a month ago. That sucks
I just bought Diablo 4 two days ago cause its on sale in ps strore i never played Diablo before so far the game is vary good. whats wrong with the game?
Heck I’m a complete noob to these games but that POE2 has been pretty darn fun as of late. On it everyday.
Triple A companies probably attract talented devs just to destroy them so that they can’t become competitors like the early generations did.
buy diablo > click refund > text why?: poe2 better
i wonder why WoW hasn’t turned free2play to stay competitive instead of losing more and more players and having no new players come in, cause they have so many decent, free2play alternatives to give a shot
Mentions not liking wow then all the wow nerds come out omg he just hates wow now….. news flash its not a good game anymore
Haha quality of game play being better in poe2. No way boozo. That crazy mobile game like 1000 currencies. And souls like game play. No ty I think D4 wins in the end.
Not gonna play D4 even if it’s F2P but I bought the 100$ pack for POE2 early access even though I won’t play it until the 1.0 launch when it’ll be F2P. Have fun figuring out the reason for that behaviour my dear mass corporations.
D4 and “new” blizzard sucks so hard
There is also a tonne of g2g bots on poe 2. That also helps. We”ve all seen this type of sinusoid in lost ark. No drop offs at night.
Was it so hard for the D4 devs to look at D2 and ask themselves why people liked that game so much? Why not just take what that game did good and make it better? They had the money to do it!
I’ve never heard of Diablo 4, but it seems like a decent attempt at trying to be an Exile-like game.
It’s a free limited trial, not the first one either.
maybe they should put … you know Diablo .. into the Diablo game.
Only bought that dumb game to play with a friend lets say we aren’t friends anymore (not going into detail, but yeah)👌
Yeah I tried it on Game Pass… it’s not good, even now. Gets boring quick and seems really unfocused.
Let’s get real for a second. First, if you’re not willing to put in the effort to research and understand something beyond surface level, that’s on you. And lastly, let’s be honest, you’re a goofy goober 😂
1:15 poe players don’t sleep
We got D4 going free to play before GTA6
Going from D4 to Poe2 is like going from Dark Souls 2 to Elden Ring
I am playing the shit out of POE 2. I only take breaks from POE 2 when server kicks me out. Then I remember I have to eat and go to the bathroom.
Players get happy about their game. That’s good. Players get angry and argue about their game, that’s also good. Apathy comes in and that’s really really bad.
Worst thing that can happen is when players dont give a shit anymore. This seem to be common mood towards blizzard these days.
They just made us apathetic towards them.
its just free trial XD not even worth downloading
D4 is Diet Coke
Idk I was fine with the story for the most part, after that, uninstalled and never went back. Heard the dlc stories is worst so not even tried it
Free weekends mean nothing to me, absolutely nothing. What a waste of time. Why would I play something for a week only to have its access taken away from me? How dumb do they think we are
Not playing PoE on steam. Their launcher is just so much better. If you crash or alt-f4, steam will always require that little bit of time before it lets you start the game back up in the best of circumstances. Sometimes, if you crash on steam, you actually have to go in an manually end the game process in task manager and then wait a while before starting back up. Patching has always been way smoother with the GGG launcher as well. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love steam (praise Gaben), but in this particular very rare case the stand alone launcer is simply better in every single aspect. It sucks that I don’t contribute to those insane public graphs on steam, but I find solace in knowing that GGG knows.
Blizzard games always used to get me excited to play, now i’m always just meh about all the titles.
Every single blizzard game of the 2 I have bought, has gone free to play. I guess I know what I’m doing next time they release a game.
This is bull shit. I was made to pay full price and they wouldn’t let me refund it literally 1minute after the purchase. And now it’s free?!
19:58 Who cares what IGN thinks?
If/It went F2P, It would not drag me away from my attention on POE2. As someone who grew up playing Diablo 1 and Diablo 2, even as a teen who could play games CONSTANTLY I doubt I’d ever ‘Play 2 separate Diablo-games’ at the same time. It’s one or the other due to how much of a time sink these games try to be.
Diablo 2 was a Time Sink because it was addicting and great, it wasn’t even designed to be a ‘Time Sink’, but it became one because of how beloved it was and the Core gameplay was just that great. Also, the classic rule of thumb with Paid Games becoming F2P is that it’s a sign of desperation whenever that happens with MMOs. The only case I’d say this wasn’t true per se was TF2 going F2P (And its not an ARPG or MMO, course).
There’s a reason why people are still playing Diablo 2 after almost 20 years. It was the best ARPG ever made.
“Dopamine hit.” That kind of wording is how you know that isn’t game media reviews. It is a paid advertisement and the script was made by the clueless advertisers at the game’s marketing office.
I mean diablo 4 was nowhere close to as good as diablo 3. And 2 was way far ahead of 3. What did they expect?
i tried Diablo 4 for 20 minutes, the second i was disconnected from a single-player game i uninstalled and continued playing Diablo 3.
Why was everyone so afraid to say diablo 4 is bad? It was and is. Maybe just sweaty diablo 2 nostalgia slaves having existential crises.
Just wait for League of legends MMORPG and warcraft will be free to play as well
poe2 feels bad to play, d4 is way better game.
Just beat that Act-I first boss after 8.2 hrs. Forget that boss, even the side bosses are better than D4 Act final bosses
It is actually the opposite for me. Free to play makes it very unlikely I’ll give a game a chance. Because all I hear when I hear “free to play” is “Pay to win”. I hear that because very very few free to play games aren’t absolutely chock full of microtransactions and crap that turns it into a “he who spends the most money wins”. I played D4 during beta and early access and ended up cancelling my pre-order. My number one reason wasn’t the game itself, it wasn’t terrible it just wasn’t amazing. For me the deal breaker was the forced public lobbies. I don’t do public lobbies. If I want to play with people, I’ll connect up with certain friends. 99% of the time though, Diablo is a completely solo game for me and I do not want and nor will I deal willingly with random pugs.
Thay need to get player numbers up befor. Befor year ends that’s prob why it’s free.
D4 is not F2P, big difference between that and “Limited Trial”
They have had that “Try for Free” button there for many months, long before POE2 launched.
so im getting my money back right ?
I love how Asmon shits on D4 now even though he was a huge D4 handwaver. It took way to long for him to finally accept that the reason people that people were saying “D4 bad” was due to, ya know, D4 being actual dogshit. Idk why anything with Blizzard Asmon (like Overwatch 2) suffers from major amounts of copium.
22:25 “they made the game weird”
Yup. Every new race is either a furry race or a woke DEI race (fat human? new dwarfs that have bearded women?)
EVERY single plot point is now lead by a female character now.
The game feel like its been written by and for women in its narration.
Even the graphics look softer now.
When the new raid is about goblin casino, you are starting to wonder why WoW has become Hearstone.
This is just peak cringe.
I played D2LOD for 20+ years
didn’t even consider buying D3 or D4
I ain’t playing that shit even if it was free.
I think they really put the nail in the coffin by charging for their newest dlc. I think as a token of goodwill it shouldve been free. I understand they need to make money, but i think that was what did the final division of players.I played d4 for a bit got it for like 30 bucks. I had my fun with it, but i refuse to buy their dlc. Since that locks me out from part of the game i just stopped playing. I much enjoy grim dawn and poe2 now, i dont feel locked out of anything.
This might be a hot take, but i just picked up Vessel of Hatred on the sale and im actually having fun.
Its crazy how people hate D4 for nothing. PoE 2 Its a Buy to play game exactly like D4, with a promise to go free soon.
The only difference is PoE2 is 3 times better and cheaper, but still…
Diablo 4’s Season of Hatred for PoE Rising 😂
D4 might not have the staying power they hoped for, but I got my money’s worth. It is what it is.
If Blizzard want Diabo 4 want to succeed, why don’t they just take player feedback seriously and make it better?
Money is a barier? for who? for kids that do not have money? ok
but the first reason why people do not play games is not because they are expensive
ELDEN RING was expensive cyberpunk is expensive god of war is expesive
people buy them and play them. 😀 the reason no one care to buy a diablo 4 is that games is trash it’s not bad like it’s unplayable it totally can be played. but fundamental core of the game is just bad
it’s literally just Diablo 3 with better graphic that’s all
f2p warframe still has well over 50k active players over 10 years later
Diablo 4 is bland and boring.
I’d rather spend $60 to be a crab in PoE2 than buy the D4 DLC, lol
You know how diablo 3 failed because it was too “bright and colourful”? Well they screwed diablo 4 up by turning the knob to the other side and made it too “dark and bland”. The screen is constantly all grey or all brown, there’s none of that magical [refreshing and clean] contrast that made it feel like your screen is encrusted in fine ancient masonry full of mystery and items were unlimited but also limited to some degree so it didn’t feel like a headache much like what they did in diablo 3 where the drops basically became WoW drops with extra steps.
path-like, exile-like
My buddy and I tried to play couch coop and it lagged. Yes. It LAGGED by playing COUCH coop
of course, money is never a bar to entry, either through an upfront cost or sub fee, if you want to play a game you will play the game. which is why I always laugh at people crying about 15 dollars a month. also Accolonn, hell darkness my old friend, will you spend half a video crying about a comment I made, again. XD
00:30 no, people won’t spend money on a good game. They will spend that money on what they expect is a good game. They have no way of knowing if the game is good, even if they watch videos of it and read reviews. And because psychology is magic it’s actually more likely they’ll overlook negatives to avoid dissatisfaction (there’s also the flipside, a minority of people will go bonkers and hate themselves, the product and the company because they’ll feel scammed)
I played d4 with zero expectations, and got bored. I was just standing in place pressing a button while the enemies fell around me.
I had zero agency and zero challenge.
It was extremely one note, and other than the aesthetic it offered nothing.
Yes, D4 the PoE-like game is going free to play, i may not have purchased it but i still feel robbed.
Diablo Cinematics from D2 went from Triple A to Temu with D4!
D4 is not really free if it still wastes your time. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
21:00 … I stopped playing WoW when they introduced pandas as a playable race.
this is a thing now. blizzard release Diablo 3, was a Meh game. Grinding Gear Games release Path of Exile to closed Beta, it was very good and there was only 3 ACTs available. Now ten years later i can copy the previous statement and just change the numbers
People want to play a Diablo like game but they don’t want the disgusting behaviors of blizzard
Free to play? Can I have my $100 back 😅
Passion is what’s missing out of game development now. Poe 2 you see it and baulders gate 3 you see it. I don’t even like baulders gate 3 but can recognize that it’s a good CRPG.
You can even go back to older games like Mortal Kombat 2. There’s a good documentary out there about the development of the game dudes were literally passing out at their desk and I really don’t think it was because they were forced to like these days is because they wanted to. They love the game so much they wanted to be done so they could play it.
The vibe that I get from current developers in the language that they use is that they don’t play the game and I know that’s not really true but I can tell there’s no passion in it anymore.
Every time I read that a game is going to “return to form “. I just assume it is going to be the form of a dog turd.
made 8 hours into vessel of hatred, quit. its vessel of spirit born “the game”. broken/bugged class & 100% nerfed/crushed builds of other classes ruined it for me. wont ever play it again.
D4 needs this.
-Rework all Boss fights and add more attack patterns. Add to base game 2 new Bosses in the end of season / 3 months.
– Adds all the goblin types from diablo 3
– give players the option, to build up more your Npc buddy to play it total solo if you want.
– add dungeons or grp finder in every mode, even Hell tide or other things.
– Add Raids with 5 players with zoom out camera for 50% out. Raids start with 1 month chance to a new one.
-Stop adding season crap, build up your base game first and fix the stupid bugs.
– stop skins for 20-30$ make it for 5 bucks a complete skin to not feel people to get rip off.
and add more skins, than a creator have something to do, to add new stuff for the store.
– Advance the skill tree and give players the option to switch skill elements to make new build possible.
– Stop make battlepass for seasons… delete seasons complete from game… and add new things to base game first. Because this game feels, like it not finished.
– Rework Legends and add new legends with set effects, like in diablo 3 for a optional play style.
– test and look at balance builds and not make some spirit born makes 10x the dmg in total and more like a mage … do you even test you own games?
– Add new types of modes and maybe add a PvP castle for attackers and defense positions
– The focus must be fun and low shop price, if you game is not good enough players dont want to spend a cent for your game.
– Why players have better ideas than some rich CEO … because he live in a total different greedy world, that dont care about fun and fair things. If you kill your own image … than i dont waste my time to play a bad game. Even for 50€ per month to play your game… if it sucks it sucks.
Diablo 4 has sucked ass since before release. All of the maps and dungeons are radiant, there was 0 effort put into this game’s development by a human being. The only thing they did was the skill tree, which sucks, and they have nothing else to offer. Diablo 4 sucked so bad I stopped playing Diablo 3
Banking on micro transactions, maybe!
Diablo is the gateway drug. PoE is the crack/meth/heroin.
The real problem is that Blizzard went from stunning industry leaders to having Ubisoft level of quality 75% of the time starting with Diablo 3. It’s not that they lost trust–it’s that they fell in love with Elvis but now we only have Fat Elvis.
Poe2 has massive flaws, but i love playing still!!
Legacy news is dying. Legacy gaming is dying. Legacy auto is dying. Damn, it’s like a new age and the old folks just can’t keep up anymore. Adapt or die happening in real time.
This ad in PC game is horrendous.
It’s like blizzard want to not to take themselves to seriously in spite of real deal game for pros like poe.
They try to ridicule themselves and aim that to older gamers that have not so much time and have life and so on…
U can just read between the lines how they try to differentiate themselves from poe2 with shiny loot everyone, underpowered bosses etc.
And to be honest, there is really big audience that will going to play d4. I’ll play new season for a week then go back to poe2 but there will be many that will play d4, because it easy to play and to understand. Maybe with this o overwhelmingly good poe2 early access and more to come there will be change and they put some more resources and able people to make d4 to have a place in aprg community.. But I doubt it
Might as well refund the people who bought the game😂😂😂😂
7:09 I feel more like it’s Diablo 2-2
To the idiots, who paid: lol
Season of failure. Blizzard got owned by rivals and poe2 within the same month …Bad. Love to see it.
I re-downloaded it because i had an itch to scratch where i wanted to lvl up from 1 and enjoy it…spoke to some random dude in town and clicked too fast and BOOM I was lvl 50…killed my spirit to play and uninstalled it again.
Palworld wasn’t even a great famous game. It was goofy pokemon with guns which turned out fun and it had like 2 mil peak. So that’s 2 mil copies sold atthe very minimum
Asmon, give EverQuest a try. Old school, hard-core difficulty, and on their 31st expansion.
Brings back the old days.
so i lost $30 for buying d4 last week, thats just great, i played poe2 instead anyways so i still have less than an hour in d4
It’s only a free trial up to level 25 and act 1 of campaign. So you can now play D4 for free to see how bad it is.
imagine ….. poe 2 steam player count are like half of it lol
…and we’re still in early access
Diablo 3 forever
yeah big deal wow its free for a few days.
nobody cares about diablo after what they did with the pricing of their dlc
the fact i need to download another launcher to even try the game is a huge turn off
reason they began selling their games on steam, is really just to be able to sell them on China, after they broke realationship with netease
Dont forget poe is on console
D4 boring af the expansion should’ve been free
It’s almost like Blizzard doesn’t understand that a f2p trial will not help them reclaim customers lost to competitor offering a far superior game. Weird.
I made the mistake of purchasing the game and the expansion pack. I was done leas than a week after vessel of hatred came out. I was bored. I regret buying this game. And like 2 months later it’s free to play. Like come on blizz, thats a HUGE slap to the face for anyone who bought it. No respect. Im done
Anyone else noticing D4 add breaks while watching POE2 vids lol?
How awesome would it be if Blizz actually would pay folks to play it.
I would play diablo 4 more if the skill sheet was a lot more in depth with customization options and if the paragon board wasnt about how many glyphs you can fit in but more inline with how ascendancy works in Poe 1and 2
Diablo 4 is just way to simple to play each season, POE 1 and 2 makes you have to think a bit, and Last Epoch is a dumbed down version of Poe 1 just lacking a well flushed out end game worth spending hundreds of hours in game
I want my fucking $70 back then
I will play IF and only if they pay me.
Loss of retail sales is not what they are scared of it’s the embarrassment of the comparison of active players thus they make it free to temporarily fluff the numbers until the media gets bored. It’s all about perception. Blizz hid the player numbers for WoW as soon as they started to tank as the perception of a dying game can be enough to start a snowballing effect that makes it true as players start abandoning ship anticipating it shutting down and you don’t buy micro transactions for a dead game now do you? And that’s where the money is not in the game sales.
All they had to do was make it play like d3 in a different place and improve the class mechanics
D4 dev “its about darkness”
And D4 is the most “we win cause of friendship”
Path is okay for me but i really dislike the looting there. I rarely find something helpful while leveling. The craftable affixes are so stupidly random, it’s annoying.
Blizzard is dead, i hope they survive this, but…
I want my 70 back then Diablo. Shit ass game
I regred buying D4 extension which doesn’t even have meph boss inside. That’s why I bought PoE2 twice – one for pc and other for ps5.
I was a big d4 fan. After i played poe 2 .. man.. wow.. what a waste of time i had on d4. Its so bad that its better they work on d5.
Playing PoE2 on PS5 but I’d be on Steam if I was playing on PC
The reason POE2 got hammered with EA players is because of the hype. If Blizzard started selling EA Diablo 5 keys tomorrow for the same price, I don’t think they would get the same response. Hell if Blizzard did this with any of their IPs they wouldn’t get the same response. To me, it’s about the reputation of the production company at the time. Not the IP itself.
D4 was the biggest let down to me. I had stopped gaming for years and randomly stopped at a buddies while he played DS3. I jumped in and was hooked. And then I waited for 4 and logged so many hrs into 3 and then other games came into play and 4 comes out and it’s worse than 3. It was crazy. Cut scenes were cool and that was about it. Blizzard was lazy and had all the resources.
This gives me hopes for more D2 Content! lol
It’s just boring. Just because an IP has a following doesn’t mean you have to re-iterate the same game over and over. Some people say they want “the next …. game” but i think people would rather see studios be creative and try new things again. Each time you play a game that has basicly the same gameplay, it becomes less exciting, no?
I want to see Blizzard come up with something new. Not another version of a game we’ve already seen a douzen times. A new type of game.
Grim Dawn was better than Diablo 4, which is crazy.
To be fair though they do the same thing with all the COD titles, even when they’re doing extremely well. Minus the part that it’s during Christmas 😂
Why are we all pretending that modern women didn’t kill gaming? Like every time Blizzard had a press release, it looked like a modern women’s seminar.
22:30 you know whats worse than hating a game? Not giving a damn.
“Is this an early April Fools joke” hits Blizzard again.
I REALLY find that Melee in POE 2 is SO much harder than POE 1. Not by a little bit either, by an absolute landslide (Based on bash and board). But, in all fairness, the Diablo 4 story became unbearable halfway through the DLC for me. Not to say I enjoyed it before, but it became awful..
I did buy diablo 4 against my better judgment because my friend wanted us to play an aaa arpg title and i figured it was blizzard, it cant be that bad and if it is, surely they’ll fix it. If i ever kill myself, blizzard and that 60 dollar game purchase will be in my note.
D4 is NOT f2p… it’s just a limited free trial. It ends in 11 days.
I’m not even gonna try it. I bought the 1st version and I’ve seen the broken af builds for the new class. It is tbh a big turn off, nothing about it gives me any desire to play. Plus I’ve been enjoying poe2 ea so much I’ve even taken a break from WoW (sub suspended till February )….😶💀
Diablo 4 was dead before diablo 3 died…
I have 96 minutes into Diablo IV, 14.6 hours into POE2. I am sure others have similar playtime differences.
So Bobby Kotick totally won. He got all the money and then a nice severance and won’t be present for the fallout. What a Chad.
I bought Diablo 4 after it went on sale for like 40….. and I quit before the expansion came out . I’m not buying the expansion unless the game gets a lot better
Everyone who paid for that trash: You all officially played yourselves.
It’s a trial and no one is playing just shows
Steam is the GOAT. If I have the choice between steam or a third party, I will choose steam every time.
After playing POE2 I’m like damnnmnn I wasted so much time in D4 😂 D4 is an empty shell and likely doomed
D4 has a level 50 booster now too…Why did I pay them over $200 and throw in hundreds of hours to cap my characters only for them to squish them back down and now give it all away for free. POE 2 was the best $30 I’ve spent on an dungeon crawler since D2 LOD
As someone who cannot stand isometric combat games:
I installed the game with my friend, we play to the first boss and got bored and uninstalled lol
you can tell both of them don’t play Diablo 4. played Poe2 and it has been trash just like Diablo 4 seasons.
But guys, what about those wacky tReAsUrE gObLiNs??…
Personally POE 2 being paid for Beta actually is a barrier to entry for me…..especially because it will prob be free on release and half the abilitiys wont be blocked or “coming soon:
Ironically this is the only way I’d try D4 but I know there’s more purchases hidden behind the initial DL. Blizzard really feels like my toxic ex.
Blizzard is truly done
They originally marketed the game as an MMO ARPG which is what people wanted when they bought it and failed on both ends. Only the sweats and d2hopefuls stayed behind after the first dropoff.
They really should just made themepark World of Diablo (during the 10year development time) probably would have been more successful by now.
Lmao it’s kind funny how Microsoft bought blizzard at the worst possible time
Does this mean i get my money back 😅
I wonder if people are going to be pissed when Battlenet is merged into the Xbox PC app. It is inevitably going to happen. There’s no point in having both ecosystems.
Free trial won’t work, Blizz. BUT maybe if you pay us to come back, we might change our minds. Just a thought.
This shit is funny, because you are just looking at steam charts. That’s just steam. Overall player count reader maybe?
DarthMicro first kid to say dopamine hit and he keeps saying it. Just stop
You can point out all the many problems D4 has but the main one, and Accolon points it out and I’ve been saying it from day 0 is that these devs OBVIOUSLY do not know anything about ARPGs, nor they play them, nor they love them. They are quite obviously MMO fans, they are mobile game fans. It was evident in the game’s design before release and things like massive, MASSIVE red flags like having a restrictive stash in a looter ARPG. Every time I’ve heard them talk in one of their presentations all I can hear them say, besides “we have no clue what we’re doing” and “ARPG systems? what is that?” is “We LOVE MMOs”. You can see it in the way they think players play the game because they aren’t ARPG players, they don’t understand ARPG player needs.
All that setting the evident incompetence and lack of true vision and leadership aside.
d4 is the most mindless and boring game out there never got the max lvl i just couldn’t grind
Nunca en mi vida me sentí tan bien comprando un juego y fue POE2, lo valió totalmente.
Nooooow I want my money back. I was willing to accept my losses because it is what it is. Going free to play after marketing at full price should legit be illegal.
Not a f2p issue, i like poe2 so much i upgraded early sup pack to give keys to friends xD this game feels so great, d3,d4 was just fast dopamine, empty game 😀
I wanted Diablo 3 but better. I got Diablo 3 but worse. Worse fraction of the cube system, legendary affxes are strange, no set gear, and insultingly slow leveling for nonstop play, ergo making casual play leveling glacial. Plus the skill trees are literally just the rune system from 3 with 2 or sometimes a single option instead of 6.
OooOoOOooOoh new D4 bad video??
Is it because I’m from a poor country or what, I paid $15 for the early access with 300 coins. Or he doesn’t take count of that option?
So i spent $130 couple years ago on D4 just for it to come free after a couple years.. fuck
Pricing may not matter that much conpared to the game’s quality, but proper regional pricing does matter a lot. PoE2 EA is not $30 in places where $30 is a week+’s salary.
Ahh diablo 4. A reskin of diablo 3 with darker lighting and grungie looking models. All created after the backlash that the Diablo Immortal reveal got.
As of 12:05 pm EST, according to steam – Diablo 4 – 8,253 in-game
Path of exile – 10,280 in-game
not poe 2, poe ONE……. do what you want with that information
Its free to try for months now. And if you have a game pass, you can play it non-stop. Nothing to do with the pay 2 play of PoE 2.
Blizzard killed warcraft, world of warcraft, Diablo, StarCraft. They’ve literally destroyed their franchises.
Most certainly right about the developer at blizzard. Did you guys forget about the DEI “game designers” failing at WT2 gameplay?
I wish POE2 had supers and the maps were smaller. I expect D4 will take back a bunch of POE2 players for those reasons alone.
Diablo 4 was a slow, eroding, painful disappointment.
I tried to play it on game pass. Played maybe 2 hours. It was really sad. I’ve played Diablo 2 for 100 of hours. It was challenging and rewarding and story was great. On Diablo 4 it’s not challenging and rare gear gets dropped way too often. Therefore not very rewarding. Music isn’t great either.
oh ya most ppl play on blizzard
And I’m not even playing every day at the moment.
For people saying its dead i think a 12k plus player base is far from dead not to mention whomever is playing it through gamepass. But the state that diablo 4 is in is completely embarrassing for a company like Activision/Blizzard especially when they are now owned by Microsoft.
Edit: I think at this point Microsoft needs to start taking a more hands on approach wirh their studios so they can be pumping out more worthy content to its players because at this point it almost feels like they are deliberately trying to sabotage Diablo 4 so they can move on to the next project lmao how sad. All they need to do is just listen to the playerbase and add what they want and they’ll have a successful gsme but it seems they are not doing so.
The devs on diablo 4 went on a live stream when the game launched its terrible season 1 and they didnt even know there own controls or how to play it so yeh Blizzard have no idea how to play there own games.
I want my money back
Asmongold looking at Diablo 4: “Son: I’m not angry, just disappointed”
Dev lack something important: Passion for their work
Base game and new class….played again for about 15 mins then then re un-installed.
Blizzard survived so long with bad products due to not having good competition. That’s not the case anymore with FF14 and PoE. They can’t keep pumping out poorly designed games and get away with it. A great example of D4 bad design is shields. Almost no class uses them, I think warlocks might because they have a free hand, but a barb/sorc/druid/rogue never will.
I play diablo 4 for the story, but it does not go anywhere. I already paid 100$ for unfinish game, OMG. So not again anymore.
Are casual players on console ever going to be given a little consideration, not every player is a professional gamer. Every now and then look from the lens of a casual player.
You know what the real f issue is. That we tried to go back to the old D2 roots and now were suffering the consequences of it. Not because the only people whining wanted D4 to be like D2 that thats what everyone wanted
11:39 the chad on the reddit post, August 19th 2023. “How far off from free-to-play are we?” Just over a year it seems lol.
Rod Furgeson was the creator of the Retro Lancer in the gears of war series (Gears 3) and now that he’s gone gears is back on an up trend. Actually excited about the next one
A big problem with Diablo IV… like most games nowadays = Xbox corporate game development. Big name sells game. Sheep will buy.
Hate open world for diablo, should have stuck woth acts
“I don’t play D4. Well, if an expansion comes out, I’ll play through it once.” That’s what keeps Blizzard afloat: Players still buy their games/expansions even when expecting to be disappointed. The power of their corporate tramp stamp compels them.
I would say d3 is better than d4 but d3 had a lot of bs that made me stop playing getting mobs with affixes that are pure counters, and super high health regen, and you get punished for having stronger builds cause of reflect damage and have to create very specific builds so you cannot have fun with crazy builds
The funnest moment I had with d4 was in the beta when we’re level cap to 20 fighting the level 25 world boss Ashva
D4 is dead, Blizzard is dead, well, great news we got better product now !!! Ashes of Creation will also kill WoW which is their last game standing. GG Blizzard you tried to fool us for so long but we woke up.
I’m down to jump on the d4 hate train but why are we pretending the majority of Diablo players are not on Blizzard client, if WoW where to release on steam if would have way lower player count than it realistically has.
the thing his blizzard has probably half of his staff that are activist have 15days of sickness and work no more then 6hours a day oooo yes and 6000employe
grinding gear has a smaller team of fan of the arpg so they know what to create
and are actual worker
Ideally Blizzard will seek redemption by giving D4 an overhaul
Its funny, i hated Lost Ark. I dont like Diablo 4 soundtrack. Go back to the first style
Diablo 4 still doesn’t have Diablo as an end game boss.. think about that.. 1st Diablo game with no Diablo 🤡
Free to play, pay to win 😂
What is Diablo 4?
I loaded d4 back up a few weeks ago, played for 10 minutes and was like “meh” and logged off. Just has zero appeal to me now
instead making D4 free to play blizzard asked for 60 euros to buy this game when PoE2 are getting half a million players every day ON EARLY ACCESS,imagine when the game comes out F2P, it is then when diablo 4 its gonna totally die and i am gonna be happy with that.
Blizzard should not be allowed to make games anymore,cause they stay with the prices of the past with a shit gameplay.
This is blizzards last chance
and you even get shop currency with that, so itts only really 15 bucks or so
I bought PoE2, I’ve never played the genre. I liked so much that I also bought D4, and D4 is amazing too. I am glad I liked both.
Saw an ad for it the other day and just chuckled and clicked skip
Doablo 4 is not free
Just smash Diablo and Skyrim Together bam new hit game. With all sandbox sweetness, abilities, attacking styles, gear, ECT. If done well first AAAA game.
Microsoft actually quietly removed the full version out the Game Pass, leaving only the 10 hour test version in xD
It should be free to play to begin with
Diablo 4 is not only the biggest gaming disappointment of my whole 32 years but also one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Glad it’s dying, glad they’re panicking. It’s the only way whatever is going on over there might actually change. Fuckin atrocious piece of shit game.
I think one of the big Diablo problems is the Diablo divide. Like, I HATE Diablo 2. It’s hot trash to me. Diablo 3, peak. So good. I wanted Diablo 3, but MORE juiced. 1000 mobs a second juiced. You wanted, like, 1 skeleton that you have to hit with a stick, then back step, then hit with a stick, then back up. I think in order for them to make everyone happy, they ended up making no one happy. I would never play a game like this without massive density mobs to blow up, and high rates of drops. Big numbers, big bling. Where others want the slow methodical gameplay.
Im not playing that garbage even if its free, dont waist ur time
I bought this game day 1, played it twice. deleted it off my system….
I grew up on diablo and diablo 2. They were incredible, as we all know. The grit and ‘adult’ side of it was what appealed so much to so many of us. I waited for so long for diablo 3. I happily paid full price day 1 for diablo 3…and almost immediately regretted it. I could not believe what I was playing. Absolute trash.
I refused to support diablo 4 until they had proven that they had in fact returned to form…they didn’t. Now it’s just dark shadows and micro transactions on top of a $60 game…no fucking way.
So many game companies need to die at this point. I’ve said it for years and a lot of others are saying it – you can only be mad at people still supporting these companies and complaining at the same time. If you’re upset with these companies and still supporting them (COD for example) then you’re the problem not the game dev.
I’ve put 50+hrs on POE2 and love it. It’s been frustrating and incredibly enjoyable as well. It is the best diablo game I’ve ever played. I’m about to go log in and play some more now.
I will forgive Blizzard if they make Starcraft Ghost.
I paid for the bundle and that was the biggest mistake of my life I coulda bought McDonald’s instead
All downhill since d2
i thought diablo was only on mobile now
Never played a game like poe before and I’ve been enjoying the heck out of it just reached act 2 last night and I’m just over 20 hours played
Well, after this video I went to Blizzard launcher, spent a while looking and couldn’t find the free trial, so i went to the PC gamer article and yup its supposed to be there.
I went back, had another look, and low and behold, a small banner you had to scroll down for, saying “Diablo 4 Class trial ends in” with a count down clock. Not even a “Try the game free for 2 weeks”. The wankers cannot even advertise it as a free game trial, they call it “Class trial” making you think you have to buy the game to try the class.
I noped out, and didn’t want to waste the HDD space.
WoW was never good 😂
The best thing about diablo 4 wa the cinematic trailers… I was super hyped for it… played about 2 hrs and just didn’t finish the game
i just checked out the free trial , saw the 137 gig download an went meh its not worth the harddrive space
Go woke go broke!
This Accolonn guy has no idea what he’s talking about. I know Asmon memed on him when he said, “Last chance.” But this guy essentially makes the same video every couple weeks. The moment I hear those words come out of a content creator, I pretty much click away.
Jokes on you, i’ve had it free on gamepass the whole time!
Blizzard bad!
Makes me think, if Blizzard banned the use of all addons for WoW. Would that game last.. nope. Maybe Diablo 4 needs addons….
Lol the early access of path of exile 2 is NOT better than D4. The ONLY thing that PoE2 has over D4 is their boss fights. That’s it.
I’ll wait for POE2.
Why? I Don’t want to play a watered down version of POE.
The same was with Diablo 3, game was playable after 3 years after release
cant wait to see where POE2 goes, the quality of the sound and gfx is so good, but the UI could be better I want to see tooltip info when hovering over something and what upgrades, but you can see DPS change for a skill when clicking arrow on skillgem, but it should be easier to see
Never played diablo but bought poe2 I might get addicted 😢
The Lilith trailer was so good too, it got me hyped. It’s a shame how it turned out.
I got super hyped when I saw announcement of Diablo4, however I played beta then decided not to buy it😅
Why should I try Diablo 4 when I having so much fun in POE2. I am still in mapping and haven’t tried all the classes.
Diablo 4 forces you to only invest 30-40 hours a season, thats the problem… theres nothing to do!
Free or not I ain’t playing Diablo 4.
Ugly, cringe characters and a boring game, no thanks.
1-2 weeks isnt enough time for games of this scale.
Free to play will get the most downloads but not the most long term players. As someone on low income I often pirate games to try them first and most games i pirate for free i only play for a few hours but whenever i find a game i actually enjoy and spend money on i put in hundreds of thousands of hours.
I have tried diablo 4 on game pass for free and have 3-5 hours play time however I paid for poe2 and have 200 hours already.
Diablo 4 is better than poe2
it ain’t hard to say i dropped 100 bucks on path of exile 2 just cos it’s too good
If you want to do some mental gymnastics Early Access is free since your paying for $30 of coins and EA.
they’ve made Diablo games free to play all the time like this, it has nothing to do with PoE. this is pretty cringe tbh lol
Diablo 4 is better than po2 by a mile . You guys use the “its beta/ early release “excuse to justify its short comings any game that you spend money to play is not beta its full release period.
Blizzard should straight up give GGG the IP.
He is farting through his mouth. Back when he played d4, he said it was a very good game, now he says it’s pathetic…
Wait it’s Free!!!!! I paid 70 bucks and now it’s free!!! I’m done. Never again will I buy a blizzard game full price. They did the same for StarCraft 2 on me. Nope.
I beat the campaign and quit the game before Diablo 4 was even fully released… lmao… I was so hyped for D4… I thought it was going to be as good and meaningful as Diablo 2 was for me, which I played for many decades…… But then POE2 came along, now I’ve got that feeling back again.
Path of exile 2 to Diablo 4 is pal world to Pokémon
Heck I’ll try it if it’s free. Get me some research stims and I’ll binge it 🎉
At least Blizzard got the name right, “Hatred Rising”.
It’s baffling to me, Vessel for Hatred wasn’t free and the Spirtiborn cost like $15.
You can’t even get runes as a base game player…wtf.
Next year VoH will go core 100% at the same time a new Expac comes out.
D4 fangays in shambles
13:55 i play on console cuz im a scrub
I struggle a lot in POE2. like I died A LOT of time to Geonor and still cant beat Jamana (i suck and my lightning resist is 10%) , but I still enjoy the game a lot.
I don’t think Diablo 4 appeals to the new generation anymore. Same goes for WoW, POE and other games.
IF its free now I want my MONEY BACK
That PCgamer D4 article is PEAK gaming journalism, no irony intended (ok maybe a little)
Spirit born being so broken on launch just proves that they don’t care about balance or player experience.
Soup of effects = poe2
I’d go back to play Diablo 4 if they made the expansion free. I’m so pissed I paid 100$ for the game and not even a year later they release a paid for expansion.
Money isn’t even the issue. It’s the principal at this point.
a friedn on mine said to me recently “1 more map is the biggest lie i have ever told myself” and hes a new poe player lol……..they do the same in wow they release some trash and fix it afterwards and all the coping wow players like “wow they made it decent” and completely forgot how crap it was and it goes round and around like that every xpac for wow so why wouldnt they do that in diablo too
What Asmondgold is trying to not say is “they made WoW gay”
One of the rare times I went out on a limb and bought the game for like $50 or $60… ended up playing like 10 hours and never touched it again.
Wont be repeating that mistake anytime soon.
Maybe blizzard paid them to make this article?
If Blizzard didn’t have the money to make Diablo 4 as shiny as it is, nobody would care. It’s just an empty brand to make a quick buck.
I’d only play d4 again if it goes f2p. I’ve bought the base game and played s1 and haven’t been back till they fixed most of their shit. Now it seems like a complete game and there is an expansion price I have to pay and that is gatekeeping me from even considering redownloading the game….
The pros from D4 that I wish POE2 has (not sure if they will add) are mainly the character customization and armor customization. Currently you cant customize your body type or face and I thought I heard that you wont be able to, but idk. D4’s customization is decent, would like more detail though like in Lost Ark. Also the armor in D4 that you normally get from drops actually looks good and bad ass, unlike in POE2. You can also customize what armor you’re wearing from what you unlocked in D4 and still have your main stat gear on, I really liked that. What I’m hoping doesnt happen is that all good looking armor can only be bought. I know it will be free and that’s probs the reason why, but I still hate it, sorry I don’t want to pay an overpriced skin for 20 plus dollars, such a rip off in games these days; skins/armor should be $10 at the max.
Its crazy how poe2 earned 200 dollars from me because it’s a fuuuuunnnn game simple
Nowadays, the story in games is not very important, most players just skip everything. The problem with Diablo is not the story, as 80% of players must skip everything. the problem is that the gameplay and builds are easy, boring and monotonous and the endgame is ridiculously poorly thought out, it’s as if you took 5 to 10 gameplay scenarios and made a pathetic adjustment to induce players to repeat these 5 scenarios 10000000 times , playing 20h of d4 I already felt cheated. Even though POE 2 has the same concept of infinite grind, the Atlas and its passives are a much deeper and more progressive form of questline, and builds in poe 2 are waaay more interesting… d4 is a game made without passion and gamer vision, a product made by people who failed miserably at GUESSING what real action RPG players like
When markets crash, they raise prices until its absurd, and suddenly from one day to another is free…
I would buy and Play Diablo 4 but not if I have to make an account on a different side just to play the game.
It has been free for more than a week on Xbox. I will still not even try it, and I think Diablo 2 is top tier
Gf and I are playing through it and we are having loads of fun, but I told her we are not spending a dime on it only expansion if we like the game after the original content but we refuse to buy skins
Got to play d4 base game for free a few months ago, hit level 20 and a game breaking bug.
It was too boring to start over.
The bug had been reported on multiple times, months before.
Even with my very limited knowledge i could have temporarily hotfixed the bug.
GGG gets my money, actiblizz gets nothing.
Media and Diablo 4 isnt glazing. It has turned into a bukkake party.
I have already spend more money on PoE2, that did not even release yet, than D4 which is out for over a year and already has an expansion out. Now I still have more play time in D4 (obviously) but that will surely change. I think it kinda proves the point, Blizzard.
You can only ask people to pay for your game in a subscription model if the game has quality content that you know has lots of value behind it.
Few games are able to maintain such a model today, FF14 is one of the only ones.
its on the game pass.
My brother and I bought the Ultimate Edition when this first released. Till this day we regret it ever since. Together we spent over $300, what a waste.
Duuude D4 was my most regretted video game purchase ever. I paid $100 for that garbage. Never again Blizzard
blizzard is finished its gone from gaming centric to money centric and now desperate.
D4 launch I paid full price. Even got the collectors box cuz d2 was my childhood. I’ve absolutely never felt more ripped off in my life. It completely destroyed my trust in blizzard that had already been eroded down to almost nothing. Instantly uninstalled the blizzard launcher and never looked back. Fuck em.
You literally did an add a month ago saying Diablo 4 is in a good state
Personally I generally enjoyed D4 gameplay and cinematic for the most part but once i got through the story thats when things started to fall apart for me and got repetitive. I have at least 50+ hours and met some new friends and enjoyed playing with other people but it become to much a grind for uber gear… for what.
I gave up on Diablo after that trash Diablo immortal
D4 is a good game. POE is a great game. All we need is a different company pushing our favorite titles. Blizzard is living off legacy. Those legacy employees that created this, was unfortunately laid off, undermined or who knows.
Season of loot was great. This is crap, unplayable.
they made it free to play last year also, calm down they always do it around christmas is a good idea
Bloons TD 6 has average 12k steam players since launch over 3.8 years ago. There are days where it has 6.9k players but it retains players and I doubt it cost more than $10 million to make.
I just beat the campaign for d4 and I uninstall immediately after, did this last week, campaign was ok story was good but all the bosses sucked accept for 1 of them all of them were boring to beat
They are sweating! lol
There’s no Diablo boss that’s as good as the Miller at the end of “the Beach”, much less end of Act 1.
why care about diablo franchise anymore. poe it is now
It’s the lost potential that’s the biggest tragedy with Diablo.
D4 and Overwatch are simply examples in a much bigger issue. People stopped treating money as a barrier, time has become a currency for the common folk after 2019. That’s partially why their games are flopping, in addition, better games exist elsewhere so if a game is bad enough, it will not make it over the bar for what worked back in 2018. There’s simply better games elsewhere, and our time is not worth spending on sub-par games. The market has shifted and anyone who is not capable to move with the flow and the desires of the gamers are going to die out.
In the beginning of the video, that’s players playing the game through the Steam program. I bet the player count is higher if you combine all platforms.
Such a bs thing to do when so many people paid for this damn game!
thankfully i was never tarded enough to buy any blizzard game after diablo 2 lod
I knew Diablo 4 was gonna be shit when it came out and I didn’t buy it or play it and I’m so glad I loved d3
It’s not free though. It’s a free trial up to level 25 for the most compelling class (Spiritborn). And then the same sales pitch to buy the expansion.
Anyone getting Rhykkers Diablo 4 ad on youtube. Saddest thing I’ve seen in awhile!
I think blizz is making it free around xmas because people have time off, so they are more likely to just download it, maybe get addicted and buy some microtransactions if they like the game. Its a better idea than just not getting new players into the game. Microtransactions are where these live service games make the money, the initial sale is meaningless when there’s skins in the game worth way more than the sale price of the game.
98% of my time is on launcher lol
i never ever ever wanted D4 to be like POE or lost ark Diablo needs to stay as basic as possible for the largest base of casuals. POE 1/2 is insanely far from casual and it’s a good balance we need to respect and not just be OMG SAME GENRE GAME BAD. we need things for people who are bad at gaming too.
It’s like comparing wow to runescape, runescape is 100x better but wow is more popular and everyone called wow the runescape killer.
Diablo 4 is the worst POE-Like
A game many times is repetitive. Go do whatever, get whatever. A story game it is always a story and that’s it. Very deep realisation. It is stupid to say that about WoW. The reality is that you do not play WoW anymore so you do not have any positive experiences in the game so you see it from an outside perspective. The same way someone who never plays games can see it too. You can get the same conclusion over many other things in life. I can look at your YouTube channel after having watched many of your videos and without watching new videos I know what your content is going to be mainly. A few good jokes, a few bad takes, a few controversial takes and whatever else u want to add. After a while your videos can also be boring. I am fcking boring too. Everything after a while gets boring and predictable. You have to accepted and move on like you did.
I never liked their idea of seasonal content. I don’t know if my take on how it works is 100% accurate, but the feeling I got when I found out about it was that all your work on a character, the grind for both level and equipment, becomes irrelevent once the season ends. I don’t want all that work to end up being useless and being forced to start all over again with a new character.
Again, I’m not 100% sure that’s how it actually works, but that was the sense the game gave me about how it works, and I don’t think players are going to be willing to invest if they beileve all their work will be made meaningless when the new season rolls around. That’s to say nothing of perceived* quality of content, gameplay, inbalance etc.
Diablo 4 has an image problem.
Went back to D4, the Poe2 honeymoon phase is over for me
I mean… other games do free to play weeks….
I want my money back then
Blizzard should’ve called Diablo 4 Lilith instead because it’s not a Diablo game if Diablo isn’t the main games last boss.
Oh lol I called it that they would put the game for free before the end of 2024 😆I can’t believe I guessed it right, dayum
As soon as activision bought blizzard it went downhill
Its almost like people dont give a shit a bout HBQTLMSKG
I played some of the trial again, it’s there, have yet to buy the new expansion.
I expected a reaction video about this. Regardless if D4 is free to play, I wouldn’t play it. It’s just not good. With 6 classes in POE2 (More to come) you have more build variety than anything D4 has. That’s my pet peeve about D4. Lack of build variety. The skill tree(Twig) isn’t good at all. The cooldowns on all the skills is garbage. I don’t recall D2 having cooldown on skills.
I digress. Blizzard mentioned that D4 would go back to D2’s roots. When?! I also despise Blizzards slogan ‘PLAY YOUR WAY!’. You really can’t.
When it fully releases, hopefully POE wipes the servers.
I still like playing D3 not sure why people have beef with it.
I learnd from diabolo immortal 😂but exel was best game long time 😂
Free to play? I just bought it a freakin week ago
Even if it is for free. even having game pass… I am simply not interested… 😀
18:34 That article is 💯 ChatGPT.
The only way they would get me to play D4 while POE 2 exists is they would have to pay me an hourly wage.
I still havent done renown xD
Bye D4 time to shut down.
14:00 i prefer playing PoE with its own launcher. Its just how i started playing it before they put it on steam.
Take Warhammer and put it in Warcraft again, like they did at the very beginning. At least the story and world-building will get good again.
Guess what game i un-installed
The biggest problem with Diablo 4 is the people that made and work on the game.
Put everything aside, they released a game where the main defensive mechanic “resistances” weren’t working.
I would like D4 but can’t get into seasonal resets. Lazy way of adding content.
I’m not a broke boi if I want a different experience I’ll play a different game, not a slightly modified version of a current game.
I just got path of exhale 2 and I gotta say I love the game
Super addicted.
Poe 2 is only on early access and I can definitely say it’s way better than Diablo 4 is already and there’s only 3 acts out so far
What is the news here? Same shoddy level 25 cap, limit to act 1 play (despite the expansion suggesting skipping altogether), only new thing is access to the expansion-based new class. This isn’t their first free trial, at least the third I know of. I could understand D4 responding to PoE 2, but this is Christmas trials, this isn’t even a response. Blizz/Microsoft don’t know how to respond that quick, don’t give them credit.
Blizzard will always be trash now. It’s over for them.
D4 just forces you into a corsett of playing this build, and 100% like anyone other because rares are useless, and the Legendary Bonus defines everything. Thats why POE good, D4 bad.
In Poe i can decide to play Evasion or Armor, or to Blind on hit to push an Evasionbuild and so on. D4 is just generic Stats with 0 IQ.
If D4 can fix this, then you can call it an RPG. Killing Mobs is fun in the game, but building your char is not.
Calling it now, next expansion might not happen for D4, since first cost too much, and wasn’t even complete as a Expans..oh sorry, a DLC patch thing.
oh, it is going to be free!? Am I eligible for refunding?
aaaaand I’m still not playing it
Am I doing it right google?
I completely regret buying this game and the expansion both at full revenue. After a few months of not playing I blindly bought the expansion. Played expansion for only 20 minutes and called myself a fucking retard for forgetting why I quit playing in the first place.
Play another D4 £50 expansion………… or PoE2 free to play model? Not a really difficult decision
I can feel the player drop off from ow2. Console is just filled with MnK widows now 😂 and there are no players to help dilute the pool of them.
My decision not to buy games on release has paid off yet again.
never played an arpg before but when i first played poe2 i was lost in the sauce for 3 days i got home and played it till late at night. that was the first time in 5 years i ever had a game like that
Diablo Immortal’s announcement was foreshadowing for decision making on Diablo 4. We felt it but we didn’t really know it at the time.
It funny how Marvel Rivals and PoE2 look more like AAA title than Blizzard games
Being Non buy-nary has its perks. Saving money for good games is king. Thank DEI for ruining Fandoms(shit-eaters).
if they put wow on unreal engine 5 I might try it again…
I’m ready to get downvoted but here it is.
I think Diablo 3 was a bad game, but I think it was bad due to lack of random map generation.
I think the combat, classes, music and sound were on point and that the skeleton of the game could have grown to be something truly special.
But they quit. They stopped.
D4 feels like they just watched what other games were doing and just copied them. No heart no soul nothing. Just feels like pieces of stuff put together
I’m gonna be able to play Elon Musk’s favorite game.
I bought early access to POE2 when I haven’t bought games for years outside of kingdom come deliverance due to its uniqueness. I’ve never played an ARPG. I have like 45 hours into POE2 already and I don’t really “have that time.” I’ve lost sleep playing it.
I couldn’t imagine paying anything for Diablo and wouldn’t even play it if I were payed to do so. I’d rather play POE2. My time is more valuable than what they would pay me to play it.
D4 was in trouble since it released.
70$ ABSOLUTELY IS a barrier to entry, idk how detached you have to be to think otherwise. Let me remind you, not everyone lives in USA and earns their salary in $, most countries value 70$ much higher in comparison to their cost of living and salary.
Losing the grit; seems to be the fall of all of Blizzard titles. I’ll never forgive Blizzard for betraying every single D2 die hard with the arcade blaster D3. All of that money in pre-orders for D3 on the backs of what D2 players were expecting a Diablo game to be. D3 was a knife to the back of every single one of us that was their Diablo fan base. Regular consumers came in; people who have never played a Diablo game in their life to boost the D3 stock and twist the knife. This action was 100x worse than Diablo Immortal but it seems to be forgotten in time, this was the moment my eyes opened and the Blizzard I once knew was dead.
Ive made 3 comments now but i just thought of something…the difference to me is blizzard in all their announcements and events feel like a big fake corporate event. Like your job trying to generate fake enthusiasm. “Whos excited to be here?” -corpo
“woo…alright..when is this over?” -us
Accolonn is the man 💙
I made it F2P by complaining to Amex for them not refunding me.
To be fair D4 is a soothing game to play, you can play it even your brain is dead
I played Diablo on gamespass for free and I was annoyed playing it.
I bought PoE2 early access just to support them for making proper competition. I hope Blizzard/Acti learn a lesson from PoE2 and Sven’s speech because Blizzard has soooo much potential being suppressed by the pursuit of maximized profits.
Diablo 4 was a bad game. It was poorly designed, optimized, and ugly. The character models were PITIFUL. I still play Diablo 1-3 from time to time. I doubt I’ll ever reinstall D4 for comparison.
Love the poe2 vids
Now i really want poe mobile and see how all of a sudden Diablo immortal gives players a free way to progress resonance lol
Activision Blizzard hired mediocre and poor talented developers. The end result actually shows. Diablo 4 is free and still not worth playing.
If Concord was F2P, it would’ve still died. It might have stayed on life support longer, but after Rivals, it would’ve fell off completely.
I wish the rift system from D3 carried forward in D4. Most experienced arpg players that grind and pushed knew D4 had nothing to offer in beta and alpha.
Blizzard should’ve made Starcraft 3 and/or Warcraft 4 and more people would’ve cared.
Diablo 4 is still my go to. POE 2 is just too sweaty for me. I work all week and want a game I can enjoy that is not a chore. POE is not for casual gamers at all. In fact I won’t even compare it to Diablo 4. They are targeting different audiences imo. POE 2 actually drove me to D4 even more after playing through to the end of act 2. I realized I was more stressed than anything. Also the bag management in POE is rotten. To each their own. The idea that the game is dying is laughable though. If I had a dime for the amount I heard this. At the end I had more fun playing D4 than POE. If I didn’t work that may be different. Most of us don’t have all day to sit in front of their PC’s. Yes that has a lot to do with it. I learned to NEVER let streamers decide what is good or bad. They are coming from a completely alternate reality than everyday folks that punch a clock.
Blizzard does this free thing with there games all the time. They were doing it long before d4 came out. Wow did it all the time
D4 is on game pass, that’s where I have been playing it…..I just looked on Steam and its not free? its £25 for the base game and £38 for the base game and DLC.
i still give my buddy shit for making me waste money on d4 LOL
Where can I DL it for free?
POE2 is so good. I’m in love, and it’s not even fully out yet.
Didn’t Blizzard make a billion dollars on D4 overall? I’d say that’s a win in my book. POE 2 is by far the better game, but it will always be the stepchild of Blizzard.
You mean i payed 80bucks for a free to play???
We had scripted ads on online news articles before GTA 6.
It took some to play poe 2 to see that d4 was just a d3 2.0
Diablo became F2P before WOW is insane i guess botting still giving them money
The game just isn’t good , we have games like Elden ring ; lies of P , god of war that have set a standard that we have become accustomed to
Can you all just stop paying for Blizzard products? I’ve stopped 4 years ago and still sober from blizzard’s nonsense. Honestly you players are to blame for still buying blizzards shit garbage products
This is one move if BLIZZARD were to do they would win out the gate. Blizzard needs to back off their own IPs and concentrate on picking up a license franchise product outside their own.
If BLIZZARD would take the W🌎RLD of WARCRAFT game engine and mechanics and apply it to TRANSFORMERS creating a G1 TRANSFORMERS MMO it would instantly pull the company out of its nose dive, both nose dives.
every day I wake up and remind myself that I paid 350 brazilian reais for this crap.
Poe2 act 1 endgame boss is true cinema. Been playing since 90s and it was the first time in a long time I said holy shit this is truly a masterpiece.
Wait till the Wolcen comes back…..it will be glorious. Watch..
Diablo 4 was a wasted purchase for me. I never even beat the main campaign.
I like Diablo 4, but it seriously lacks vision. The way it was advertised pre launch was that it would be this massive expansive world to explore like POE2. The world is big and explorative, but it’s shallow, and not intereting. To me, D3 had a more interesting world. More importantly, the LACKS ENDGAME.
Then we make suggestions to them, like making The Citadel solo-able and they deny to do it. The Citadel is a good start to excellent end game, but they lock it behind multiplayer. If they make more dungeons like The Citadel, make the bosses more meaningful, and make them solo-able, then they will be more like POE2.
I think price is a barrier, just a way smaller one than people think
Activision or Blizzard or microsoft or whoever is responsible please stop getting so many Ls, my foreheads hurts from all the facepalms because of your stupid desicions🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
POE 2, like Elden Ring was my intro to Souls, was my introduction to the ARPGS. This side of the culture war (I’m Black) has saved me hundreds of dollars throughout the last three years. I became interested in GamerGate because I was duped into thinking Gotham Knights was a continuation of the Arkham series as a normie…. Now I play POE 2 pretty much daily. The game is awesome.
btw Diablo 1 and 2 devs are starting to make new arpg
free to play? what about Pay me to play cause at this point thats what it would take.
D4 to D3 “I’m you now” 💀
Wait WoW is still around? If Asmon does not talk about a game, it does not exist I thought
20:37 I came back for War Within. and i don’t regret paying for the expansions since i had a few weeks of fun.
But then the next major patch was announced, and i saw the list of stuff you had to do to get the better gear, the next shiny ring, the next currency… and i just figured that it was now a good time to stop playing again.
I mean D4 is 2yrs old, POE just came out do we expect a different outcome. These videos won’t age well in a few months when D4 has its numbers back in line after the POE hype falls. This is literally every single hyped up game. XDefiant was massive when it released, COD numbers dropped, XDefiant had insane amt of concurrent players, COD did Double XP for a week straight a then a couple of months later COD is where it always was and XDefiant is a month away from being completely dead. Look at The Finals too, look at where Helldivers 2 is compared to what it was the first few months. How many more examples of live service games do we need for ppl to finally get it
Active users on a brand new game are not telling of where the game will be in a few month, it’s a terrible metric.
Game pass killed Diablo 4
One dollar is a fair price.
D4 is not fun or power fantasy. It is grind rng to grind more rng, to have a .0000001% chance to get the gear you need to make the one build that works work.
Also when some fun is discovered, it is immediately patched out.
Remember that deckard cain was killed by a butterfly. Once i realized this, the game lost its magic.
Sure glad I spent $70. Refund me blizzard
funny how POE2 ended up being same thing as POE1 in two weeks. I literally couldn’t tell the difference between them atm. Same pros and cons
19:20 to be fair i like to buy swords in real life and they definitely make me happy… i like shiny things… just different from what normal people think of when people say “shiny things”
0:35 Wukong was 60€ as well and had the most Players on Steam ever if you don’t count PUGB which only has the Top due to that one Event they did but Wukong had *triple* that of Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate III in player-count and it still has almost 100k active Players daily
The retention is most likely cause the hard-core ppl are in maps and not leaving and th casuals haven’t made it there yet. The releasing endgame in early access was smart
GGG was making poe2 to compete with D4, but looks like D5 and D6 are going to struggle to compete with poe2.
RIP Tomb Lord. Lol.
the diablo4 launcher junk is a hard sell
Yes, PoE2 is Free to play for $30. Early access, until they milk everyone till the end of 2025. Scammed by Blizzard or Tencent – same difference. Pay for what you enjoy more. Just don’t BS me with PoE2 being F2P until it is.
Oh wow, it’s time to play PoE 2.
I stopped playing D4 because it had a sweat smell everything is wayy tooo dark feels forced and not to mention the sotry. Now im playing POE 2 and i feel like this should have been d4. POE 2 is more like D3 and D4 is anything in thier franchise its a forced boring amalgation of previous ideas and its sad…
Im new to ARPGs and id rather play Poe2 then d4
people who complain he hates wow why the fuck do you like it, how can you support the same rat race over and over while seasonally getting shit on balancing and disrespecting your time, theirs a reason half the player base sticks to just playing some flavor of classic now
This game was Dead on Arrival.
If Microsoft cut 90% of blizzard’s staff, including 90% of the leadership. I’ll resub to WoW
Shouldve just left the game alone and start making D5 better
Whoever said “thats every mmo” clearly doesnt play other mmos haha
When path of exile2/marvel rival makes overwatch or Diablo 4 panic
They could give it to me for free and I’d still not want to play it again…
Been saying this since D4 launched. Diablo game with no Diablo is a joke. Go call it Lilith and friends or something and make it a different game.
Pfffftt, the genre has been so stale and boring, and is yet to split into sub genres. Baldur’s Gate 3, Hades and V Rising show how much better the mechanics can be. Going back to a straight up pixel spammer game, esp a sequel, is like going back to old gen :/
I hate “limited free”
Either make it free, or make it paid. Wtf is “limited free”?
I would feel bad for the bandwith and SSD space wasted if i even downloaded D4 for free.
Diablo what?
D4, made the right call. They didn’t have the team to make a game to compete with PoE. They chose the route of making an accessible more player friendly ARPG, and they are doing fine. Their numbers are still in the green, by a lot. ARPGS are seasonal games anyways when they release the next season they will look just like normal. PoE2 by the end of EA will have 10% of the players it has right now, it’s just the nature of the genre.
Out of all the things asmon says about D4. I disagree with what he says about D4’s story. I thought it was good. The giant snake thing was cool to.
But I still prefer poe2. Even in it’s early access and dealing with crashing issues.
17:09 I’ll play Diablo 4 when they put Diablo in the game
Diablo 4 is cringe joke.
Yeeeeaaahhhh…Still a HARD pass, to hell with Blizzard and everything they’ve become.
its only uptp lv 25, its a promo thats all. a limited trail, absolutely not the same as free, NOR is it un-understandable, its to get you hooked, and then the sale to finish the deal. Its not stupid to do this Asmond, prob works quite well if people like the new char for the first 25 levels.
I kind of liked D4, but seasons were not “new” enough to justify rerolling for me, and the paid expansion finalized it. I’m not going to pay you 40 bucks for that, but not having it keeps me even further from reinstalling.
Diablo is GOAT
you’re all forgetting that blizzard has a cookbook. so. it’s an even field in my view.
Iv been getting so many ads for diablo lately😂
oh it’s that exile type game
Grim Dawn enjoyer here … hehe
Diablo 4 has 4 players 😂😂😂
Money is not a barrier… For first world countries…
diablo 4 was made to be an mmo and they tried to change it all to be something else without starting over
The real question is: Will they give me my money back for that sorry excuse of a game?
I personally Refunded the Game after their first big Nerf patch in Early Access and it was the bet $100 I ever got back🙏
oh no, what happened?
oh no, poor Blizzard oh nooooooo
If the game is a good enough quality, people will buy itnat whatever price you ask. If the game is trash, even if free people will not care to play it
They need to reduce cost of entry. At least 50% discount. We’re talking about planned “yearly” expansions…like come on, every year $80? It’s insane.
Holy shit, it’s free for a month? Sweet! I can play the expansion campaign to see Mephisto and don’t touch D4 again untill the next story expansion 🙂
Now I know why I didn’t buy this dlc 🙂
If this shit will continue I won’t buy next dlc even for the story :)))
Bg3 did have 1mil+ if you combine platforms
According to gpt POE 2, has over 14.5 mil cross platform players. It is safe to say that they got well over a billion for an early acces. Makes me happy
imagine paying $70 for this pile of garbage and then watching blizzard start giving it away lmfao.
bro im having so much trouble getting over my loss of 70$ to this bs, its been years now and it still stings, the sting is self hate for being so stupid, i knew what they were doing but i didnt wanna believe it cuz d3 was so good, i rationlized it by saying to myself ” theres no way they could ruin diablo” and lo and behold im here regretting $70 because of the dollar to shame ratio not really the amount so much, im not gonna act like i dont miss $70 but its more about how shameful it is to spend that many dollars to help some greedy bastard and not get ANYTHING out of it.
Diablo 4 was made just to make money, nothing else. They were not even intended to make good game and that shows. PoE2 was made people who are passionate about gaming. I dont even know why we are even talking about Diablo 4
I thought the title was saying D4 was just completely free now. I’m not paying for that shitty expansion.
I try playing it again but I got tired. Grim dawn and 40k Inquisitor martyr are better games.
My wife and I are big Diablo couch co-op players, not for ranking just fun. Played 3 forever, used to play 2 on LAN. I would be so angry if I had payed money for 4. I have had my Characters reset, my inventory stripped and my items nerfed. They crashed my active game the other day with an update, lost over an our of quest progression. That’s just the “Game as a service” gripe, how about level design? How is it that my daemon killing badass can’t step around a stool, or gets caught on every rock adjacent to a wall in sanctuary? why in gods name is every fetch quest a continent spanning slog of back and forth? Where is the lore? Where are the gap filling tomes and the conversation paths that fill in history and flavor the world? Dose every aspect of the game need to be hollow and arbitrary? Glad this shit was free…
hot take….D3ros wasnt as bad as ppl claim…..it wasnt the same as d2 but for sure wasnt that bad
I wouldn’t of played D4 if it wasn’t free on GamePass. I can’t lie, I enjoyed it, until the DLC came out.
That’s when our clan split into 2 groups: The people willing to pay for it, and those who weren’t.
Nerfing every class to promote the new one didn’t help.
PoE2 great game never like ARPG tried PoE1 for a couple hours then a friend gifted it to me and I’ve done the first act 3 times already just trying builds great game
My decision not to buy games on release has paid off yet again.
I wish i didnt have anything to do today so I can keep playing poe2.
Listen to Thor talk about working at Blizzard and what is what like to transition when he left them explains alot about blizzard. Like Blizzard essentially sucked the passion out of being a dev. Lack of passion equals subpar product.
Vessel of hatred is such a scam. How they nerfed every other character and made only the spirit borne actually playable was ridiculous. And having to do all these additional nonsense side quests and hunt down more fking renown and alters or whatever they decided to call the alters was sooooo dumb. People who don’t buy vessel of hatred automatically nerfed too
Folks might be upset about how shallow and hastily put together the PoE 2 endgame is in early access but they really need to take a step back and realize that it could be much worse.
At the pace GGG are going with using the early access period for the intended purpose of patching and fixing, the 1.0 release is going to be insane.
D4 bad
I love the Diablo franchise and actually played MANY seasons of D3. But man, D4 has a much bigger loot problem than PoE2…. You get WAY TOO MUCH! I shouldn’t be getting 3 legendaries from a mini boss or 4 on a single dungeon run. It makes running the game feel meaningless. I’ll take the PoE2 approach over D4. Make me excited to hear that sought after legendary drop noise
RIP Blizzard, RIP Ubisoft, RIP Naughty Dog, RIP Bethesda
D4 Bad
What Blizzard needs to do is kick all the trash out and try to bring back all the talent that they lost because of dumb choices they made along the way.
I feel that Kotick out and Metzen back in could really help with this.
I recently went back to WoW after taking 12 years off. Played most of solo Dragonflight and found it mid. However, I am enjoying The War Within so far.
Making a game free to play after the fact rarely works out.
Free to play lowers the barrier of entry, but people will pay if the game beyond that barrier is amazing.
If the game beyond the barrier isn’t enticing, removing it won’t suddenly cause massive surges of players – most of them could’ve bought it if it looked good enough.
This goes double for big new entries of established franchises. Anyone who loved Diablo and ARPGs will likely have bought Diablo 4 or looked at it and said “looks meh” and left. What’s the percentage of players that would’ve bought Diablo 4 if they could, couldn’t afford it and will now play it?
Probably not huge.
They had most of the ARPG market and people left to play something else (potentially until more content arrives). Unless that F2P update comes with a big content drop, those people won’t return.
I almost want to install it just to see if the campaign is free – I payed for D4, but refuse to pay more than $5-10 for the expansion. Even then I’m not sure it’s worth my time. The story was awful – and I wasn’t expecting much. All I really remember from it was them getting high a few times. Maybe the writers just spent too much time high themselves.
POE2 really made the boss fights well. That said, I don’t know that I like the loot system nearly as much and I wish the character would get a bit stronger earlier on (still just in act2 as I don’t play much), but I’ve enjoyed my time playing it much more than I did my time playing D4.
Blizzards next last chance: Starcraft 3, Warcraft IV, or WoW2 ?
Until it goes fully free to play I will never download it.
Po2 needs changing while Diablo 4 needs rebuilding.
I think the fact that D4 released with that inventory bug that loaded everyone’s inventory in your game or whatever it was, was the biggest blunder and overlooked bug I’ve ever seen.
Its free until January… so what?
Blizzard: NO! Stop! It’s already dead asmon!
*proceeds to die more*
Despite the love I have for their older games, they should go down before they completely ruin their name.
I bought Diablo 4 when it came out and played it about an hour. I now have 190hours in POE2 .
it is free just like Dead By Daylight.. after a month it is pay to play
To be fair, Asmon complains about re-doing renown, but then in POE 2 you have to re-do the campaign every time you start a character. Currently you have to play the same campaign twice in a row, every time…. Just saying.
Can’t spell blizzard without an L
I’ve said this before, this is what happens when the company lobotomises themselves by getting rid of their experts. It seems like that there isn’t a dev team still working on an IP that they help elevate to “triple A” status. There may be individuals but not a whole team experienced in that particular world that they created. It shouldn’t be an exception.
On another note PlayStation is in 30th anniversary. 💀
WoW is a shit game. Just of old 40 and 50 year olds who never grew up who are bald and are malding at everything.
If it’s free I don’t see why not trying it out… but it better be really great for me to pay for it after the trial period…
reinstalled d4 a week ago and my computer which never has bsod before but did twice. Looked it up online worrying my gpu was gone, turns out its a common issue lol
Diablo 2 LOD is the last good one.
If you are homeless, just buy a house…
If you are Blizzard, just make a good game…
I paid 90€ for D4 is one of my worst decisions in Last decade. I decided i will never get sammed by Blizzard again.
4:00 — “Diablo IV feels like A Diablo game made by a bunch of people that never actually played Diablo.”
Yeah. One tell before they even launched was when they were talking about “bringing ears back”… and referenced Diablo 2.. when there were ears in Diablo 1. The people who would know that Diablo 1 had an ear system would be those who actually played Diablo 1 when it was originally on BattleNet. They did not play it, and worse: they didn’t even bother knowing the details/history.
And yeah, “You can’t see what’s happening” (9-minutes into vid).
In Diablo 1 and 2, the focus was on the actual visuals (e.g., the demons, the spells, identifying enemies on sight, figuring out enemy vulnerabilities from audio queues), whereas Diablo IV uses that World of Warcraft style of making the text and notifications the visual focus (e.g., gold-drop notifications, text boxes on the screen, demon health status, hit points). It’s casino slot-machine logic: addiction-based flashing numbers that drown out the actual world. In Diablo IV you can literally not care about any of the visuals and just look at numbers. That’s the kind of format used in those ridiculous cell-phone games. And from a developer perspective, why even bother paying all of those artists to make interesting demons if they’re just covered in numbers? Why would artists want to sell their work to a company that treats their work like that?
They added the ability to turn some of these things off, but the gameplay was clearly built around needing them. POE definitely did this better, though that game is not perfect either.
Poe2 took over my fucking life, diablo 4 did not.
19:06 it’s all gold cause you’re only gonna get rare items on your drop
i might consider trying it now
500k on steam and a couple hundred k on ps.
Poe is smashing d4.
Actually very nice timing, my GF and I are planning to buy POE2 access after new years and we need to see how bad it could have been before we experience the glory, thanks Blizzard
I don’t know what I was expecting from d4 but I instantly regretted buying it never finished it … wasn’t fun at all
When everything about a game, including the story, IP, characters, gameplay, progression, and graphics, is better than Diablo games, how does it keep getting compared to Diablo games?
Its Diablo 6? Bro that is an insult. PoE is SUPERIOR to Diablo IN. EVERY. WAY.
theres things i like and dislike about both. unfortunately for diablo, its popular to hate their products right now.
I’d played a little Diablo 3. Bought Diablo 4 on day one as it was interesting. Within hours I couldn’t for the life of me understand what was meant to be fun. There was absolutely zero skill involved. I just mashed buttons and that was it. On top of that it took ages to get a mount and was beyond boring walking about the map bumping into enemies that just needed me to press the same buttons to beat. I haven’t played since then.
POE2 I have enjoyed working out which build works best or just feels good. Having to strategically choose my weapons and numerous different enemies has been great……fun. Y’know the thing we play games for.
Gamers design games to be fun to play
Blizzard designs games to make money from micro bollocls etc. To have even a slight degree of initial design out of balance can change a whole games identity.
Oh and the story/atmosphere of POE2 is adult and interesting rather than a world you know has had many plastic corporate cools throwing any latest trendy ingredient into
Blizzard is scam winner company. I deleted whole account, goodbye.
I feel like game studios don’t have unbiased testers and/or doesn’t listen to how its received.
Man exactly right Diablo 4 wasnt made by Diablo players thats why we have such experience
I played D4. It was total Garbage! I played for exactly 10 hours over the course of 3 days. After the third day, deleted it.
feels like d4 going f2p just made it more accessible to bots account
Blizzard is dead when they killed OW 1 and released OW 2. Like wtf are they thinking
free to play where? it’s still paid on Steam
I’ve been playing Hitman and having a blast TBH. There are so other games from recent yrs that deserve more attention than newer crappy games with larger marketing budget.
I just don’t have time to play these kind of games and competitive Shooters and Fighters
Free to play…I mean what was the point in charging in the first place…oh…money…not game’s worth selling price for a consumer purchase, which legalizes a sale btw👏💡 I liked this video funny Asmongold TV yes!!!!👍😅
It’s possible that Diablo never will appear in D4 because Blizzard will cancel planned expansions because to few players are playing the game. It happened to D3. D3 was going to have multiple expansions, but almost everybody quit after Reaper of souls so Blizzard cancelled the expansions and started working on D4.
I quit Wow because they removed pvp servers and the final straw was cross-faction raids.
They removed war from warcraft.
And I bought a new PC and couldn’t be bothered to install 20 addons to be able to play the game.
In the beginning you could play without a single addon. Now you have to have addons and that’s bad game design.
Poe 2 is more diablo than diablo is 😂😂😂
gamepas cost 4usd from where i come from so practically, D4 costs nothing and i am still not playing.
Garbage game. Story was lame asf.
Blizzard is so pathetic. RIP
World of warcraft is actually in a good state. I returned to BFA and it gets better every expansion tbh.
and now they need to make the Mac client of D4 they were too lazy to do
Is Diablo even in the game?
If the game has a cash shop, it has to be free to play.
People need to keep this in mind every time they talk about PoE2. It’s Early Access (This doesn’t mean early access to a completed game – we’re playing a beta build). It’s not the full game by any stretch. A lot of models, art assets, gameplay elements, and even whole ass classes and acts (acts 4-6 ) are not even in the game.
Your weapon with the same model and texture? YEah, that’s because the others ones aren’t in the game yet. They will be.
PoE2 is a little over 6 months away from its official release and is still a much more varied, exciting, and interesting game to play than Diablo 4 has ever been. And Diablo4 is on it’s first expansion pack.
Let that sink in.
Free gachas require less money than this dogshit game.
I wouldn’t even play for free
A lot has been said why D4 is bad. But mostly because its not fun to play. Base abilities are no fun to use, for other ones you constantly wait for the cooldowns to finish, world feels weird closed off not really open (map literally looks like ant colony), scaling of the monsters robs you of any sense of progression, a lot of spells feels the same across different classes, boring dungeons where all the matters is the drop at the end, personalized loot for group fights feels cheap there is no feel of group accomplishment when every players gets something else. Over all game does not look very nice whole art direction feels off. If this didn’t have Diablo label on it no one would play it.
Diablo was my favorite game. Will stick to d1 and d2. Deleted all other garbage cuz no plans to buy expansion for 100 bucks lol
Speaking as a lifelong Diablo fan since I was a kid. Immortal, the cash shop, gem system, and modern audience stuff killed it for me. Not even interested in trying f2p.
The only Diablo game i still play is D2
Am I getting a refund for buying the game?
I never even played diablo, but been enjoying the fuck out of PoE2
i hit the like button when he said “i might not ever play D4 again.” because i agree with that.
“You hear guys D4 bad i repeat for the 100 time its bad pls dont play it” what a clown.
Asmongold don’t talk about Blizzard challenge (Nightmare)
PoE2 community don’t talk about D4 challenge (Impossible)
I’m a newbie when it comes to POE and my god is it night and day to diablo 4. I like the simplicity of diablo 4 but goddam is the game stale and boring. POE 2 is just so much more fun, engaging, and complex. It can be a lot to take in but playing on my own pace and learning things slowly just makes the experience so worth the time. Best 30 bucks I’ve spent in a while
Spent over a thousand on PoE over the years. Still think D4 ripped me off.
until corporations put leashes on the stupid woke shit , low quality games, and the absurd monetization attempts they will continue to see losses while smaller studios release quality products that rake in money.
d4’s campaign, act 1-4, i thought was great. act 5 campaign was meh. tbh i was hoping for a big fight with mephisto, who could have given power to diablo as a possible 3rd expansion. i was really hoping for mephisto to just say haha f u and fully consume Neyrelle.
the diablo 4 endgame is pit. ok. basically one thing. imagine an endgame where mephisto turns the map infernal, and the dungeons become sources of power for the infernal wake. even more content. defeating these infernal dungeons give some resource that can make these dungeons even more powerful, increasing drop rates, allowing you to target farm item types. with new pinnacle bosses in random dungeons. and infernal items can drop, random drop items with random infernal affixes that can only be found on drops.
idk. i want d4 to be awesome.
I’ve been playing Blizzard games since I was little and seeing the decline that Blizzard has taken lately makes me sad.
They have lost their way.
I agree that both retail wow and diablo 4 are dieing if not dead already. They’re being ran into the ground by blind devs who only fix things that they broke after giant uproars from the community. The new DEI people they hired are trash devs who dont know anything about an mmorpg or an arrpg
grinding gears buying the diablo ip next 😀
Steve Jobs knew that the product was far more important than sales and marketing.
Google this: ‘Designer’s Digest – Steve Jobs on the role of product and marketing people’
I didn’t buy d4. You know why? Cuz I remember the game director quit a couple month before launch. If that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is.
Idiots let their marketing team direct the dev team. Now they pay off “gaming” journalism to advertise with bait articles. This trash “hate your player base” mentality was stupid from jump. Bite the hand that feeds was never smart idea, let alone brush us off like mindless consumers.
RIP blizzard and good riddance.
the Eisenhorn omnibus book on the left shows a person with great interests
Imagine when the POE2 devs were playing Diablo IV for the first time.
“This is our competition?”
I don’t know anyone who plays Overwatch on Steam
D1 I’ve beaten dozens of times D2 I’ve been playing off and on for like 20 years D3 I played for a couple years D4 I didn’t even finish it on normal….
I played 1 character in D4 for season 1 after spending $100.
Never played it again.
12k hrs in POE1. Already played more time POE2.
I would still be playing poe2 if I didn’t catch the freeze and crash on loading screen bug. Got all the way deep into act 3 before it started showing up, now I can’t even load into the game.
IMO those D4 numbers are not even 1/8th the player base. Overwhelming majority using bnet launcher to play
why does asmongold use his eyebrows so much
Uniques in D4 > Uniques in POE 2
Other Blizzard Games have trials this was just going to happen anyways .. i dont See why this is a big discussion Point let it die in peace lol D4 gave me 200 h of fun im satisfied
Any meme-maker here in the comments?
I need you to make a picture with the Starship Troopers end-scene, where Neil Patrick Harris puts his Hand on the Brain-Bug and says: “It’s afraid!”.
Put the D4 Logo on the Brain-Bug and the PoE2 Logo on Harris.
You are welcome. 😄
Thanks for POE2, didn’t look back at D4, was bummed that it was such a disappointment, however POE brought me joy and I can’t get enough. It’s a game that won’t let me ever go back to D4.
if i had known D4 had “free weeks” i’d have NEVER bought it. i genuinely only play for about a week at a time before i get bored. 2 weeks into PoE2 and i’m itching to get back in as i write this message and sip my morning coffee. which i woke up early today… for the first time in like 5 years JUST to play PoE 2 for a few extra hours before work. NOTHING GETS ME OUT OF BED. sorry for shouting.
They should refund my 80 bucks since theyre making it free 🙄
Playing PoE2 on Steam.
I kinda disagree with the renown problem, but only because it was something else to do. After they removed renown and the sidequests, D4 has become a Helltide simulator.
Diablo ? Isn’t it that pathlike game?
I keep getting ads about how diablo 4 has reached its “final form” 😅
I might be the only one but… have Blizz ever said “You know what? We f*cked up”
It’s like I have never heard it.
I wouldn’t lie, but I enjoyed d4 more than poe2 😅
i enjoy d4 can chill watch video on other monitor
*Make DIABLO Great Again*
I came here wanting to Buy D4, bought PoE 2 instead.
D4 is just boring AF. I’ve tried several classes and literally dozed off while playing it. Brainless mechanics and a tag a trash story
$70 gane goes f2p lol. To bad people are to stupid to figure out what that means
D4 pricing on Steam is BS… I feel cheated. I paid way more…
Playing POE2 as we speak, this is what D3 should have been.
TSRM: There was a time, between Hearthstone, Diablo, SC/WC, HotS, and WoW that Bnet was my ‘Steam’ .
Now it has been 2 weeks since I’ve logged on at all, and probably won’t be back.
Minor Spoiler Head:
About the differences between d4 an poe2 narrative, the moment the executioner cut the head of the rebel, its wife cry the hell out of her and my merc say just one line “now this is personal” it’s more meaningful, vibrating and pumping than the whole D4 story.
I’m here to point out that Grim Dawn is $2.49 on Steam and is the most underrated ARPG of the last 10 years.
Free to play ? No thanks 😖
lol, if blizzard payed me to play d4 i’d beat it in like an hour, and then spend my money on poe haha.
Open world and mount. I want more of that in other arpg
At this point I don’t think people would play D4 even if it was completely free, expansion included.
next time watch a video from someone understandable
I own the game/rarely consider playing it, but I remember how D3 was complete trash until like 8 years later. One day D4 will be solid. They need to stop making games that take a decade to cook into a decent product.
Diablo 4 had way too many chances. The player base stayed waiting for them to do something and they never did. Therefore, people do what they naturally do and move on to better things. Diablo 4 is done and all they can do is tag along now
70% and i will consider buying it.
$30 to play early access on a FREE TO PLAY game is absurd
Diablo 4 is my favorite PoE-Like
D4 was fun but like.. i could be playing anything else bc itd be better😂
D4 bad
I was hoping d4 would have been better in the end. I think I’m in the minority of arpg gamers that likes good looking gear, non gender locked characters with customization and transmog. Poe2 is so much more fun, but all the gear looks the same and is all boring as fuck.
19:22 I thought this was the exact reason Asmon was swinging a sword around in his yard😂
If Blizzard would pay me to play it I’d be game.
Love bg3. I’d easily pay 100$ again for that game 😂
17:22 I would definitely disagree with that. I have previous PoE experience (just a couple hours in the first game, got to level 70 or so, with some help from a friend) and my build absolutely sucked. I struggled against everything the entire way to cruel. I THOUGHT I had made a good build – survivability perks, then lots and lots of damage, but I was doing tickle damage to everything. My friend was like “Get more damage passives” and I was like “HOW?!” and showed him my talent tree. He shrugged. I had taken almost all accessible damage nodes I could have. My gear wasn’t too bad either (I didnt die that often, the problem was my own damage) and I was doing everything I could skill-wise to maximize my damage potential.
Then I look at other builds and they press 2 buttons with multiple uniques and specific talents and gems that all interact in a specific way for a bajillion damage and I’m just like ???? how is a beginner supposed to figure this out?!
Does this mean i can get some of my $70 back? Btw, this means nothing for them. Their MTX sucks overall, even if it looks better than the dropped items.
I think its word of mouth. So many people say d4 bad so people don’t bother.
even free to play is to expensive, make it Single player without forcing me to be online, and i’ll consider playing this Path of exile wanna be game
Hilarious the only good thing they’ve got going on is a 20 year old Anniversary Edition of their Classic MMO.
Lieblo 4 😢
No one wants to play vs cheating millionaires.
Now where is the overwatch version of this video. Blizzard getting dog walked in 2 genres lmao
The instant I got on the game after a new season launch to see my ETERNAL character’s gear score reset to zero, that sealed the game’s fate in my book. I will NOT be re-grinding for my legendary and unique items every few months.
It’s free and I still don’t want to play it
13:15 it’s already monetized like a FTP game, though. The skins are so overpriced it’s ridiculous. Those aren’t discounted. Neither is the battle pass. I wouldn’t even confidently say that they’re losing money by making it FTP, and the regularity with which they do so would indicate something similar.
Blizzzard is failing on almost every front. Now we just need that 1 mmo they’d going to destroy wow and the company will file for bankruptcy
Its only free in ‘Merica
All I wanted was a Paladin warrior or holy warrior!
PoE 2 is not all that great either, I straight up left D4 in the endgame but the campaign wasn’t that bad… I would say the story is better than PoE 2. Overall PoE 2 is a way better game and represents the genre better, but the endgame is boring as well so far… at least it’s not broken like D4. People will scream is a early access and that was really smart by GGG, the perfect excuse, because it’s true.
Blizzard. Make an expansion for d2 with no woke bullshit. It will sell.
So when do I get my $79.99 back then???
I wouldve tried if it was free. Path of Exile 2 was a first for me, but after hearing so much positive things about it i deceided to try my first ARPG, I love it so much atm, currently 75 hours in 😀
2:34 10000% what i wanted too. but we got D3.5 :/
Meanwhile, I keep playing single player games because I don’t really care about online games or games that never actually end.
I played and finished Mad Max which I bought for like $2 and finished it. It was very entertaining,, but a little repetitive. Now I’m playing the first Ori game and I’m enjoying it quite a lot.
I’m still not interested.
Idk why ppl say its free on gamepass. Gamepass cost money so the games aren’t free. Cheeper yes. Free no!
Using steam charts to indicate player count on games primarily played through other launchers is not really useful information at all tbh
18 months of us testing this crap d4 is dead
Everyone hating diablo 4 for no reason… have plenty of fun leveling my necromancer so far, great visuals and cool campaign with cutscenes which PoE 2 don’t has
Yeah me and my brother co-op’ed poe2 normal and cruel diffuculty for like 80+ hours while i wasnt at work… its a good game. Cant wait for the rest fr
just curious. apart from player count are there revenue numbers? maybe D4 is targeting the whales and they are making more money via microtransactions.
ooh it went free to play, i cant wait to not play it.
Go for it Saffa!!
I remember when i played D4 and realized that 5 hours into the game how they were wasting my time by adding so much filler monsters in the story mode. They were making it take so long just to get through the first dungeon.
A lot of games these days are made by people who should be making movies not games. They focus on the story, which is great, but entirely ignore the gameplay.
It’s only for like 22 spirt born lvls
D2 ladder HC is still only way I’ll play an ARPG unless it’s something like Divine Divinity.
Crazy, Diablo 4 has been a blast to play this season! But the first 3 seasons were such a disaster they had to get anyone re-interested in this
I just read that you are only allowed to level up to 25 and then you get booted out of the game.
Here’s a great example that just because a game a is “free” doesn’t mean it’ll do well. Throne and Liberty.
It’s dead. It’s Free 2 Play. It’s Dead.
Free to pay
Blizzard promised us Diablo 2 with Diablo 3 combat. They didn’t give us that. Itemization sucks, bosses suck, no Paladin, an endgame that is just repetitive and boring, D4 was a game made by people that have heard about Diablo 2 being one of the greatest games ever made. Yet they have no idea why it was so good.
I gotta say, I love how you watch smaller YouTubers and by proxy promote their channel but watching their videos in their entirety.
Fan fact, when I see D4 is free there wasnt even idea about possibility of trying it out in my head.
I have found comment under this vid about they wont try this sh*t even for free and wont waste disk space for it, and than I realise first part of this comment…
It is not d4 dead… It is blizzard dead.For me they dies with d3 release.
I still remember hype about this game and frustration one mounth later. I was preordered this game for myself and my little brother, these time this money wasnt something I can easy earn. No job(i was yong) and poor family
And mounth later I return to PoE. I give my acc with sc, wc and diablo 2 and 3 to some friend of my brother and never played blizzard games again.
For me d3 was a true betrayal.
Path of Exile 2 is modern day Diablo 2 in regards to how fucking good and addicting it is. It still boggles my mind how good PoE2 is.
They should allow Mac players to play and maybe theyd have more subs
People are on vacation
Don’t forget the cookbook! 😉
Price doesn’t matter up to certain point. Ashes of creation for example is priced so high, even if it’ll be a good game I’ll never buy it & I have spent over $1500 in POE alone (and other games like LOL, Last Epoch etc). Diablo on the other hand isn’t worth the price, even at free its too expensive since i’ll have to give it space in my mind & time.
Thanks for showcasing my fellow South African streamer (AccolonnTV) on your stream Zack! He’s a really nice guy and the sound of reason where we come from.
Devs nowadays are just fuckin dumb no passion limited to cash grab planning.
Great now their selling the game at its true value. A game with auto scaling has no value.
I already paid well over $80 for this game, why should I have to pay $50 to $100 for DLC, after a year. Screw them
D4 Bad
Im actually gonna go play it now
I mean, I wouldn’t put much thought to the game doing badly. Blizzard made a huge profit with the game, around a billion dollar, so it’s not necessarily because of the game doing bad that they are letting people try the game out.
Even during WoW’s peak it wasn’t uncommon for certain periods like during christmas to try out the game.
hehehe path of exile 2 is awesome , so much wonderful team there in new zeeland !! this Jonatan is a GENIUS and his team ! i did support them 200 us , just for fun so they keep going !! and i did buy the game 2 times for fun 😀 i give them 2 times the cost of the crappy diablo 4 at least !!!
Blizzard is a money maker thinking team , diablo 4 is a joke , they have no hope to fix anything , poe2 already buried the game
Ff 7 rebirth is gonna annihilate these numbers for about month and show square to stop give the corrupted American “sony” year exclusives
1$ game
D4 story was the only thing I liked lol. People stop playing because there is nothing to do be start over every season.
My issue with D4 as a non seasonal player was having to regear, particularly reacquire uniques, three times that I spent hundreds of hours to obtain.
The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference. Hearing him say he doesn’t really hate WoW, it’s just weird is what that says to me.
It’s free to play only until 3 of January
This is good because competition is necessary or you get lazy products. Dice have the same problem with Battlefield.
I bought D2R when it came out for the nostalgia since I played it as a kid. None of the newer diablos interest me because I see constant negative reviews. I had not even heard of POE until the hype for 2. I started playing POE1 a week or two before early access and I’m still playing it because it’s a blast. When I saw the EA passes include equivalent coins to the amount spent as of I just bought coins in the store I signed up for one of the packages so I could get extra tabs and things in POE1 since your purchases go to both games. I have 2 downloaded but I haven’t even launched it yet while they do their major EA reworks and I don’t want to waste my time playing a build that will get nerfed. Besides I’m having a blast playing through the campaign on each character as it is. I’ve played 80 hours in 3 weeks in POE1 with 3 characters at the start of part 2 so I still have plenty of content to work through until full launch. I just saw it as a no-brainer to buy the EA pass since they give free cosmetics and equivalent points to what you paid anyway and the EA for 2 is just a cherry on top.
I love POE2, but this current endgame is just not good imo. I’ve been locked out of maps since Saturday because I cant get waystones to drop and even the maps I did run were not exciting at all.
I’ve never liked the ARPG grind but i’ve played d2 and d3 for the story and liked it.
When d4 had the free test i tried it and even there you could tell how trash the story was going to be, where they force you to feel stupid about how the story is progressing by making you feel as if its you who decided its direction.
I didnt buy D4.
It’s funny that diablo 2 ressurected is more played than diablo 4. 😀
Free to play?! Glad I didnt buy it for 80 freaking dollars.
poe 2’s retaining it’s players cause they’re all still in act 2 lol
D4 needs to be shutdown until it drops a very³ BIG Overhaul, a remake even ! for a year , two year ! idgaf , and then maybe it has a chance , other than that ? GL with the 1% newbies who’ll only buy the game play it a little in secluded fucking servers then bore out untill the game dies then comes d5 and they ask us to pay again and guess what ? WE FUCKING WONT 🙂
I think the other guy saying they released it on steam because of Battle-net is correct. That website is absolutely terrible. Tried buying my wife credits so she could purchase an outfit in diablo she liked and they never sent over a redeem code, and the money didn’t show up for her to use until a month later. Steam is way better.
Overwatch 2 Vs Marvel Rivals on the previous days and now Diablo 4 Vs Path of Exile 2? Literally Blizzard is melting fast and cooked hardly. Also someone get the World of Warcraft killer.
Ignagduk, The Bog Witch makes even WoW boss look like piss, also i’ll never go and play D4 again it already wasted my 80$ on nothing and now if i want to play a ” it’s fine i guess ” game i have to buy it’s DLC ( just the day 1 patch that should’ve existed before the games launch with a new class on it )
I was playing this, among other things, on game pass.
I would say never played video games
23:50 thing is, we are coming full circle. the gaming industry began as gamers making games for other gamers, simply because it was a niche activity some 3 decades ago for an adult and no one else got interested into it once they grew up. people who learnt how to make games were people who loved them. then the industry grew and became literally the most profitable media in the world, surpassing even cinema. which means we then got the attention of investors, and publishers either became or were bought by corporations. and they used every behavioural psychology trick in the book to ever cut production costs and raise profits. games became purely products, and not a form of art too anymore, for these corporations. people began to study and graduate on game development without having any particular passion or exceptionality. they were taught how to develp products, not games. they weren’t taught to make gameplay that people loves, they were taught how to tap into addictive triggers and maximize player retention. not aesthetics that impresses and inspires, but that fits the current discourse and that never provokes, that has no “edge” (have you ever wondered why horror elements has simply been slowly vanishing since gaming became mainstream???). no maturity and critical thinking, for it would reduce product accessibility and reduce potential market. have you seen ubi devs saying that elden ring had bad gaming design? UBISOFT DEVS??? yes, I know it sounds terrible. but all of this worked. it worked outstandingly well for them, for a looong time. but thing is, you can only strong arm your domestic market with marketing and media brainwashing, buying and corrupting promising studios and etc. eventually, other markets would develop their gaming industry and also reach a “gaming golden age”, too. and in a globalized world, you can’t impede them just obliterating your sandcastle, forced market. this time is coming. but I don’t think it will be the end of blizzards and ubis. they’ll just get competition, but it’s not the end of the world for them… sadly.
Diablo 4 was a great tutorial for POE 2
How can they do that lol.ppl bought that shit until now
i cant find the free to paly D4 anylnks???
After playing for 400 hours diablo 4 , I an say it sucks ass
Blizzard devs have been producing slop in ALL of their games for a while. The company is honestly a joke these days, and doesn’t at all resemble OG Blizzard. I’m happy to see the market reject their garbage. They need to either clean house and gather some actual talent or GTFO.
Elden ring destroys p.o.e don’t waste your money
Diablo 4 started being assembled from Diablo Imoral and D3 and D2R assets the next day after “Is this an out of season April Fools joke?” at the Diablo imoral’s reveal.
Within the first couple hours of playing PoE2 I remember telling myself this feels so much like D2… the excitement to get drops, the adventure in exploring and finding the little side quest bosses, looking in every corner of the map and destroying all the destroyable environment. PoE2 truly is what I hoped D4 would have been.
Put Druid in Poe 1 pls.
bruhh eventually they will pay you to play it. that shit had me rolling like a mofo……🤣😂
Blizzard really having a hard time with marvel rivals and poe2 dethroning ow2 and Diablo
stop checking all games on steam.
Bruv, you’ve been a blizzard boy since you were in diapers and you should know that 99% plays the shit on their own launcher. And it doesn’t count for consoles
ps. D4 crap
Blizz games used to be artistic, edgy, and well-written, thus creating a very immersive environment, but that was a long time ago, and now their games feel like games. You don’t immersed playing a Blizz game, you feel like you’re playing a video game – it’s always gamey. D4 feels gamey because there’s nothing immersive about it. POE 2 feels completely the opposite.
Biggest problem with Diablo 4 is the expansion cost. They’ve basically alienated every player that quit the game before the expansion, they’re never coming back, because who would spend $40 on an expansion after how they got burned before. Giving free access to the expansion for a limited time is a nice start, but having to pay for the expansion to continue still sucks.
The cinematics and story (best part of d4 for me) being bad take, made me think our boy had a moment of retardation, hope it passes.
id play d4 any day over the slog that is poe2, and I say that as a poe1 grim dawn player
D4 is so underwhelming compared to PoE2. I have 6 classes to try out, on top of multiple builds per class. I have been having way more fun on other than any other games. Its my go to now.
D4 sucks.
Even if it’s free why play it?
Wild take here maybe, but I never thought D4 itself was a terrible game. Nothing to get excited about, but not that bad. I never played Diablo before the D4 beta though. I stopped considering it when they decided to do the “on time access premium” and thought I might check it out again in a long time as something to get at a discount for use on my steam deck. With PoE 2 here now though, I really don’t need it. Not even for free. Might try it though, we’ll see.
so what happens to the players that paid 70 euros for the game? haha 🤣
Lets remember, this game didnt even have Diablo in it, total failure IMO.
I dont get why gamers are so focused on the amount of players playing the game they like. I got POE2, I didnt get D4. Am I rooting for Blizzo downfall … No. I just play and have fun..GG Stay positive, karma is a beast ☮
Diablo 4 collector’s edition didn’t even include the game…. and now it’s free.
If you sank a single dollar into blizzard in the last 10 years, you’re dumb.
Diablo bad
Still pissed I wasted money on this. Did it for a friend who stopped before level 25.
Blizzard making a Diablo game but keeping Diablo out of it is just such a big step in the wrong direction I don’t even know where to begin.
Did they even know what they were making?
Was the title of the game decided AFTER the game was “Finished”(or planned for release anyway, game feels unfinished to this day)?
I stopped buying games at launch years ago.
Got tired of day one updates and bugs.
Plus those 70+ dollar games are much more affordable and usually physical versions are released.
I understand FOMO on online only games but i don’t play any multiplayer online games much anymore.
I also steer clear of any games that requires online to play.
The POE2 and D4 audience isn’t really the same. They differ greatly in complexity and time involvement.
Bro this is so funny
What’s a Diablo???🤣🤣🤣
Of course new games are going to be more popular. Diablo will see numbers drive back up when the new season comes out. 🙄
Oh I paid full price…this is just awesome 😑
Rare to get 1 let alone 2 games that come out at the same time with those numbers. In poe 2 I have 3 characters ascended and 1 in cruel. Would be more but my main I wait to play with friends. And I got them into the game and they have never played poe before and even they can’t put it down. I just have more time off work than them
Well as someone who got tricked into buying the game AND Overwatch back in 2016, I am never buying a Blizzard game ever again.
I feel terrible for anyone who bought this. They just wasted $70 or more
Your content is becoming so incredibly stale 😢
problem with diablo 4 is that is too casual.
I’d rather just pay for POE2
Blizzard games making games free isn’t new. Overwatch 2 used to cost money, and Starcraft II used to cost money and is now free too.
Blizzard turned from “from the producers of Shrek” to “from the producers who saw Shrek”
I don’t follow the media in my enjoyment and how many views. I’m now old, hearing today’s videos are only good based on Twitch views. I love diablo from the core and will keep playing….
Now give me a world of Warcraft 2. I’ll lose 10 more years again. 😮
original Diablo devs = George Lucas + Steven Spielberg
now day Diablo devs = Kathleen Kennedy
At this point, you can safely refer to POE 1 as the actual Diablo 3, and POE 2 Diablo 4.
I have bought Diablo 4, I have played DIablo 4, I have uninstalled Diablo 4, I will never install it again.
The $30 discounted price I paid for Diablo 4 is the worst money I have ever spent in any game, ever.
I would rather buy a $60 supporter pack in PoE for the 14th time.
I have played the class trial for Diablo IV, from what I played, its okay, not worth the price tag though
Now just imagine when they announce the next paid expansion 💀
every cut scene with lilith is boring af…
asmondog: d4 bad
also asmondog: d4 is 9/10
I’m obsessed with rivals I have Poe 2 And I only am in act 2 because of how into rivals I am lol
It’s obvious why d4 sucked. Old blizzard was nerds. Now it’s people in it for the money. The new ones were never going to go deep.
Chill. Though I honestly believe this, I’m talking put my ass. But I’m hoping the japanese nerds aren’t the only continuing authentic ones.
This dude is south african and we have a HUGE diablo community there but blizzard has really let us down.
POE II Is overrated/overhyped. Sure it’s fun, but it is not a game experience that I haven’t had a thousand times before. Nothing special in my opinion. I probably wont be going back very much
The biggest rug pull ever was Overwatch 2 replacing Overwatch 1.
D4 bad folks. D4 bad. Play that pirate ai song!
POE didn’t kill diablo 4, diablo 4 killed diablo 4. The game is just not enjoyable to play. I’ve been playing Diablo for as long as Diablo has existed, Diablo 2 is my favorite game of all time, if they release a Diablo 5, i won’t even bother trying it.
It’s almost like people are looking for good/fun games to play
Man, the older I get, the less I care about This game vs That game. I’m tired.
Diablo immortal is a better game
Blizz misunderstood the concept of making an actual arpg with a mobile game. And the devoted Diablo fans paid for it.
Is there a single soul out there , that cares about blizzard and diablo 4? Couldnt be me.
Diablo is dated.
I just watched an ad for two minutes on learning how to crochet what the ****
Blizzard has officially been D.E.I.-fied
You see what I did there??
Blizzard is nothing anymore, just a bunch of activists now
The only hope for D4 is if they opened it up to multiplayer modding at let the community fix it. They made a great engine but a shit game for it.
No, thx!
I knew Diablo 4 was trash when it came out.
This would have been the a good time to release a “Battle Chest” with an art book and some other cool stuff. Can’t really re-package online only games. Until microblizzardea understand the ‘carrot’ to keep us playing has to be way better than an effing carrot They will continue to pump out simple and pretty games.
I’d rather play Tetris. Oh yeah, I play PoE2 on Steam, I played PoE from their launcher. Steam launcher has kind of become my default, some recent ‘native’ launchers have been kind of bad so… Valve just gets more love from Me.
GGG did it. They actually managed to trick every single media that POE2 is different compared to POE1.
Its not. As soon as you reach end game, its the same game as POE1, just a bit better in some ragargs and worse in others, some things are just different, sure, but fuck man, it literally plays the same, at best you need to press more buttons with more thought, which is an accomplishment on its own tbh, ye.
Grandpa Simpson sums up Asmons feelings over wow
“I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was.
Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me.
It’ll happen to you!”
PoE2 its not free2 play… or can I play it for free right now? can i? Nope. 6 or 8months until it will became available
24:01 brb, adding “intuition” to my résumé
blizzard does not care about their game or costumers they see as as cows to milk just look at that 80 euro repainted lizzard and then the lowest prices at the duchenne good cause box so they could virtue signal in their lil video im not even finishing my gametime and dont think il be returning to wow either
I’m enjoying D4, I’m not going to sink anymore time into PoE 2 until after it’s out of early access
Diablo 4 is like playing on a Fortnite map. Where the different ecosystems make no sense what so ever. POE2 feels like an actual world.
Patience is a virtue. Might play it even just for the campaign. Might. Noita is too addictive tho.
The way current gaming is headed, I’m really worried about further Elder scrolls and Fallout titles. Those were always my favorite but I’m sure the grim reaper has them in his sites next. ☹️
those numbers are on steam. my entire guild plays using the standalone launcher
POE2 vs. D4: People gladly paid to play the free game, and won’t play the paid game that’s free.
Paid $100 for D4 at launch, damn blizzard screwed me nice
It’s not exactly free. Not only it’s time limited, it’s also level capped at 25 and the game just throws you out into the game menu as soon as you reach lvl25 essentially forcing you to create a new character and start from zero. You can’t roam around with your lvl 25 character, cant respec to try new builds. You reach lvl 25 – OUT of the game.
Diablo 4 is free to die.
I think i will stick with diablo 3 on the switch. It may be brighter than the ones before, but i love the lore of it.
Between rivals and poe2. Blizzard is dead in the water 😂 I’d say rip, but they definitely deserve it
I still enjoy diablo 4. I must be the only person who does 😅
Disblo 4 is a Diablo 3 like.
POE is a D2-like.
The real key point isn’t that it’s Christmas, and f2p. It’s that random gamers never heard of who developed POE2, and it was created with 1/10th the budget. Non-ARPG gamers will know who made D4. It’s like Joe-Shmo Cola crushing Pepsi, & Coke out of nowhere. I have no clue who created Marvel Rivals either, but I bet they’re smaller than Microsoft/Activision/Blizzard, and probably a lot.
They just have to make Warcraft IV with good quality assurance and they’re good
I have no interest in experiencing how predatory games can be! Even for free lmao.
You said we cant see shit in D4 but poe2 suffers from the same thing so..
I might have to play D4 for free. My casual ass cant beat POE 2 Act 1 boss 😭
That article about d4 being free is essentially erotic fiction. Just a writer using the written word to get blizz off.
This isn’t even counting consoles eaither
Half a million I bet only a small percentage remain after discovering how unrewarding Poe 2 is. Scrooge is alive and well and working for GGG.😊 The only thing that matters with any of these games is not rewarding you to keep you in game where they can monetise you. Anyone who likes that is a idea is a dumbass. No-lifing a game for hundreds of hours to perfect a build is a masochists pastime. Blizzard actively destroys items you have spent tens of hours getting by rolling the same dogshit stat several times in a row which is statistically impossible unless their intention is to brick your hard earned work. When you realise how bad these games are and the mean spirited developers behind them most will move on. Poe 2 is niche, just like Poe 1, Diablo 4, Last Epoch and every other game cut from the exact same cloth. It’s always greed over fairness in these games.
I remember when PoE was just a shabby looking demo, and D2LoD still ruled the scene.
I did enjoy D4 but them not providing a compelling expansion with no paladin killed it for me.
Wow it took him this long for him to discover Blizzard devs don’t know what they are doing after more then a decade of safe spacing and dumbing down their games.
D2 will always be my standard for arpgs. Love poe1, titan quest, but D2 showed me what any game in the genre needs to be.
If the game becomes free I’ll come back when they refund me the 90 dollars I paid for it
when we finally get to admit POE is standard, Diablo is no longer. And that is how things work since POE 1. POE does not have to be compares to Diablo, it’s Diablo that has to look up to other arpgs, POE leading on.
Lots of games go “free” for promotional purposes. Doesn’t mean anything. Until we see how it does after PoE2 gets released, we shouldn’t be making an assumptions.
Streamer like you got paid to hype the game towards us. It’s no near it was advertised in countless interviews.
You streamer people have probably forgotten this, but here’s a friendly reminder: you’re the player’s representative, not GGG’s strategic marketing ambassadors. You’ve sold yourself to betray the same people that give you their money.
– Boring endgame
– Repetitive maps
– Tideous grinding
– Obsolete on-death XP punishment
– Cafting is just a theory; everyone just buys what they need
– Massive bugs, visual glitches, disconnects
– Lack of server performance
– Group mapping is the only way of leveling
– Missing 99.9% of MTX from PoE 1
– Game is barily playable in 1080p
– 4K 120Hz? I can offer you 2 fps
– In-game shop’s MTX are too expensive
– Copy/Paste low effort armor MTX with 2005 visuals
– Massive currency inflation
– Console experience is even worse
Was there any negative streamer feedback from pre-testing the game? Just a single one from the above?? No. Because they were told to hold on their critics after the game launched and made money.
PoE 1 Veterans get mad because it’s not even close to the original experience. Casual players get frustrated because 3 hours of grinding laggy maps is worth nothing when you just die once.
And every critic from players like myself is treated the same way: “Bro, chill. It’s early access man. What do you expect? The game will be free eventually.”
The official forums are flooded with complaints, feedback, bug reports and opinions. Instead of begging us to give you our money to see you actually enjoying the game, and in return posting the same nonsensical build showcase video, you should stand your ground and talk about the real problems.
If I invest time and money, I want something in return. In this case I can’t enjoy playing because the game lacks in performance. And I can’t progress because if I only make one mistake within two hours of grinding T15 maps and die, I’ll be put back at the start of my XP bar.
I bought a steam deck just to play poe2 over the holidays while I travel… that’s how good it is.
I’ve got something like 130 hours in 2 weeks in POE2, but stopped playing after getting stuck not getting higher tiered waystones. Started to feel like actual work. That’s a problem that I hope they iron out.
POE II, more like, Diablo II: The Lost Levels
I guess the policy of underpaying your employees doesn’t pay off creatively over the course of 20 years.
16:26 30-50 hours of Diablo per season, lol, more like 14-20 max.
With all POE2s current (early access) issues, it’s still lightyears more fun than D4. I’m not a hater, I want D4 to be good. I just don’t see it happening after what we got in the xpac.
for me Diablo 4 was immediately uncool back when grandmas who didn’t know how to play the game themselves were showcasing it. not because of the grandmas themselves, just the was they presented and what they thought cool about it, that was lame AF. then i never saw anyone actually having a good time on twitch, also didn’t know when it released and when i did it was already too late start. cause nothing worse than starting an MMO months after everyone else(even thought its not an MMO).
il buy it when its 10e, and thats too much already.
If they make it free to play, people who put up with their b.s should get a partial refund.
I’m playing poe2 on Xbox
im done with D4 from Temu
People are dropping $1000s on ships for Star Citizen.
Biggest waste of money I have ever spent.. I even refunded it pre-launch and gave into FOMO, never again.
diablo 3 wasnt that great and 4 was worse
where all the D4 fans come out! show your love. I already seen steam and reddit community and it is great hahahaha…great to read and laugh man the amount of copium and baiter baiting them hahaha
Main issue I had with D4 story was that your allies were very incompetent and some of them were even annoying. And the ending where you let a child run away with Mephisto made no sense.
Poe2 is $30 and you get $30 of free in game currency with the purchase
Blizzard is suffering the same public calcification/petrification that a lot of their competition did back in the day. But instead of being able to be called a diablo like game, it is diablo so they have to continue to double down until it gets better or until major controversy, and the cycle repeats until the money dries up.
D4 bad
Diablo 4 was fun for a bit. But then it just got boring. Almost like they were trying to force players into the high level dungeons and spend more IRL cash.
Dam is Diablo 4 that bad?
Total BS I spent $120 on this game when it first came out -_-
Banana has 100k 😀
Its just popular to hate the game right now..the game is a great game but yea its very casual
I guess it was finally their last chance
… after all.
I paid 80 dollars for this bullshit, they announced an expansion less than a year later for the same amount. I’m not buying the expansion and i feel slighted that they have made this free to play now. Fuck me i guess. I hate blizzard.
not developers, ACTIVISTS, activists can’t do anything but complain.
I just don’t get how Diablo 2 is a game I still go back and play every once in a while.but Diablo 4 which I spent over $100 bucks on total makes me sick to think about playing
Wow… I’m still not gonna play Diablo 😂😂😂 I loving PoE right now
I was considering Diablo 4, but I had already bought COD MW and MW2 and thought, do I really want the constant ads and push to buy season passes, skin packs, weapon skins and new player skins and thought naah, wasn’t that looking forward for that, it’s also a game meant to be played with friends and none come to mind who might have been interested in a game like that
Yeah so i never played d4, i tried now to play the trial, after connecting my steam to blizzard i had to play 10 puzzles with rocks to detect humanity, apparently i`m not human enough, so i had to do it again…DUCK YOU BLIZZARD, i`m not doing that again so you cant tell me i was wrong again. Duck blizzard and duck diablo 4.
Diablo 4, and Blizzard as a whole, is a microcosm for the entire gaming industry. Gaming has become so corporatized with bigger headcounts, bigger budgets and, as a result, we get games that are built by corporate drones. They do as they are told. There’s no passion in AAA game creation anymore. This is why indies have been so successful these last few years. We can see the passion and creativity these developers have.
Diablo 4 is still shit*
I saw this coming at S2 … I saw the stupid little hearts with boring affixes and instantly knew the game would be trash.
Call me weird, but I play ARPGs to get really cool items and collect stuff. In D4 this is impossible / extremely boring. No set items ? Wtf. Remove 3 gear pieces (belt shoulders and ?) ? Wtf. Every item looks the same ? Wtf. Balance fiasco ? Wtf. Only 1 stronghold type ? Wtf.
*making the pre oder wings an emote instead of a cosmetic that you can wear was also a giant red flag
Good ole bobby degenerate kotick destroyed activision.
COD is shit and blizzard games have also become shit…
Microsoft can’t save Activision.
Diablo IV was a lazy made game. they used the D3 engine, with mediocre updates if any at all. really pathetic, plus its basically still in BETA mode. I mean I STILL cant believe they have energy and NO ENERGY POTS. and they require you to use a crappy skill with no damage in order to use a better skill with better damage… its SO BAD
Turd Fergisson is raging hehe
They should’ve named it something else if it’s not a replacement title
The best thing to ever happen in diablo 4 was rod calling his colonoscopy his malignant tunnel.
After Diablo 2 came PoE2. Everything in between is just noise.
Blizzard Activisions Dead😂
Instead of fixing the game , they’re blowing the money on advertising.
Everytime I watch a poe2 video I get a diablo 4 ad, it’s hilarious
time limited, poe is free to try, if u wanna play in long term need to buy stash tabs
D4 bad
The worst part is it’s not bad… it’s just not good.
Maybe D4 devs never played Diablo, maybe they never played aRPG before, maybe they can’t write a good story, but i bet at least they’re diverse af.
But seasonal content is hard! You know hard it is to balance out goblin loot?
Honestly d4 crafting system reforging etc is better than Poe 2 but the gameplay for Poe 2 is miles better than d4! The class customization is by far better than d4 if d4 could fix their classes and actually have meaningful choices and then got the combat on par with Poe 2 like the first time you fight the vault boss in the lava! Having to beat him before it reached the end!! Or the wolf boss the mechanics to these fights are engaging and fun!! Challenging at first! Sure once your build is busted it gets super easy but you have to get to that point! And the journey feels good! Getting a drop that is rare and feels good!!
I had zero interest in Diablo 4 and have been waiting forever for PoE2
Fiablo 4 died a month after release. For obvious reasons…. game is garbage af.
It’s not free to play nice gotcha ya video fir views lolz it’s free to try limited time dumb dumb
I bet all tourists who praise PoE 2 and shits on D4 didn’t get to the Poe 2 endgame. Right now it’s just awful.
If they make it free, i want my $110 refunded for buying the original release. The base game can’t be free, or they gonna get class actioned.
What is with the 2 dots at the end, are you Asian? (I mean like location, not your racist stuff)
You’d have to pay me to play Diablo 4.
Damn. I payed 70 usd for this game that i didn’t play. Oh, wait, they tricked me into buying the highest tear, so i paid 90 usd instead. So they didn’t only scammed me with a boring game, with tricking me in the buy page, but also selling me a free game. Fool me once, shame on you, but you won’t fool me twice Blizzard. Not ever again.
I have base D4. I played the trial because my friend likes D4 more than POE2. Hey, it’s his likes. I won’t disparage him. I played spiritborn and when I hit lvl 25 it forcefully kicked me out and told me to buy to keep playing. I didn’t even see where it stated 25 lvl cap. Was disappointed. I now play a big black woman named Bertha who will Snu Snu where possible.
I’m an old guy, the whole season thing in arpgs isnt for me. I want to endlessly progress the same character in my own tempo………..does that even still exist?
Honestly going F2P does nothing for the game. People would gladly pay for a great game, and a great game D4 is not. d4bad
POE 2 is the new standart. Exile likes now is in my vocabulary
a GREAT game can have sucsess even if it costs money! Wow had a decade long reign over any free to play title with a pay to play + sub fee!!!!! but.. it simply was better then pretty much any other mmo until Tera came along i’d say, but even Tera was pay to play + sub fee at the start so..
what happens today is that they make SHITTY games that are not even really better then what is on the market already!!! and then expect people to pay for it.. and when the experience is disapointing it feels not like “its a new free to play, lets check in again in a few months! great potential!” – it feels like “i really paid 60 + Bucks for that crap??? F*** off Blizzard!!! For sure i WONT pay you a dime when you bring out and ‘update’ to your shit thats probably hidden behind a paywall again!!!!”
Blizzard does no gender politics or all that rubbish but they still manage to make such trash games. This is actually impressive
I have D4 on PC but I wanted something to play on my PS5. I went to buy D4 for PS5 and saw that the game + xpac was going to be $100. I’ve never played PoE but I was like nahhh I’ll just try PoE cause I already know D4 is kinda mid. Can’t be dropping $100 on a mid game.
game good me play good game.
I am 140 hours in poe2 and there is stuff i still want to do at level 90 get better gear unlock the endgame bosses etc.
D4 it just feels the same all the way no real chase items that change your game doing the same boss at t4 for the same loot get boring quick.
Poe2 is what we wanted diablo 3 to be after diablo 2.
Bought D4 at launch, spent $100 CAD. Fast forward through four very lack luster “seasons” and they ask their players to BUY AN EXPANSION THAT COST THE SAME AS THE BASE GAME. That’s where I hopped off. No thanks, why the fuck do I need to spend another $100 on a game that hasn’t proved to me it was worth the FIRST hundred I spent on it.
Temporary Demos for these games is horrible. Makes me play it even less. They know their game is catchy for a couple months. There is a big chance somebody will try it, get hooked and buy the game even if they’re going to play it for 2-3 months only
free is the only way ill try D4. blizzard isnt getting any more of my money. its no longer the people who made the good games that are working there.
You guys need to get it right PoE2 is busted AF don’t pretend it is the best game ever.
They still havent released the paladin class
Dang rip
time has become more valuable to gamers as the main currency than money. as many have said, with so many games out, and less and less time for many, Blizzard thinking people will still dump hundreds of mindless hours into D4 are clueless.
I don’t get the comparison for POE 2 vs D4. One is for more casual audiences and less complex, the other is more complex, and built around being complicated.
Also not to mention that D4 still has healthy numbers (ie steam dev is inaccurate as it didn’t launch in steam till months later)
In short both games are good but they are just built for different people.
Yep! Sure feeling that “season of hatred” good call Diablo.
I didn’t even know there was a launcher lol
My wife and I stopped playing after like 10hrs when it came out… it felt too much like an Ubisoft game, boring af
Do i get my money back ?
internet cafes in asia: ✅
It was given as a bonus to Nvidia cards
Um wtf. Paid 100 bucks for the base game and expansions and they just shit on us?
Diablo 4 dev team is consist of 27 people, this is confirmed, both asmon and accalon video got 27 dislikes
Even if free, isn’t worth to spend time for.
I like the slow gameplay of warior, it makes it feel more plausible that I would survive in the POE-verse.
Are they refundig original purchases?
I smell… Desperation
after around 180 hours of PoE2 without the usual gripes rising that i had with D4 ALWAYS – i uninstalled the game. I tend to play some genres in a “the best i have” way. So for MOBAS i go dota, for my Shooter PvE fix i go helldivers 2 and occasinally darktide now. I played D4 if the season looked okay but after PoE2, i just cannot go back from WASD and more action-y combat. It aint perfect now but my god i love it.
I don’t think Blizzard is incapable of making great games but they design them solely to get the max amount of players and hook those players into DLC, which is basically a subscription model. D4 is like every Netflix movie now, just good enough to look like a good game, but in the end has a mindless plot that goes no where and is empty at the core.
*not worth it*
i wish i could refund D4 so bad. made it like 30 hours and was bored to death after 15. Already sunk 100 hours into POE2 😭
Im so glad that I bough the game pass to try d4 before buying it. Buying it by its full prices its a definitely rip-off. Its just an unfinished lame and boring game. It totally feels like they rushed the devs to finish that game in a week
I learned my lesson with D3.
D4 was my introduction to ARPGs, got 1400 hrs in that game not knowing what a ARPG should be like.
D4 kinda introduced me into PoE2, which I am grateful for
ive been following how blizzard patch d4 it takes them 3season to release a good patch the 3 season of bad patches its like they dont know what they are doing for 3seasons until someone is on their shoulder testing the dev build
4:26 Maybe because that is exactly what it is, made by a new team with no experience working on the past games.
I regret spending money on d4 and ow
I’m still waiting for biablo to show up in a diablo game.
AAA Studios like Blizzard started hiring blue haired graphic artists straight out of The Art Institute who have never played a video game. That’s why you haven’t seen any innovation for a decade, rather than try new gameplay mechanics we just get a recycled video game with a different art style.
Diablo 4 is the most boring game of my life i use it to sleep faster XD
D4 isn’t free it just FTP for about a week
oh look, diablo 4 is free now. it must be a free game like poe 2 now right? pay 50+ to play it then later on its free. must be a free game
I want a refund, because I didn’t play it for a week.
Season of Hair Dressing more like..
Let’s be honest, d4 could have really been half the price it was.
I don’t think these western companies realise just how many players they lose in Russia, India, China and South East Asia with these exorbitant price tags.
The problem with diablo 4’s story, no nephelem, rathma(basically anu reincarnate) gets stabbed and dies, annoying kid complaining your gonna leave her 3-5 times then leaves you with mephistos stone and does she get possessed and killed in hatred expansion, of course not.
Microsoft at it again with the worst decisions during the best times for games? A decade after, they still not get it. Remarkable
If the game is an half-game (you have to pay for the good looking staff), its boring and no motivational to keep farming. One month and you drop. But they make money with microtransf. We lost, no game, no fun. The cosmetic are important in game that you play. I want a nice looking mithril armour, a blade with fire and bones. Nop, good cosmetic pay. If you dont, you get the sticky sword and the wood armour. Nah
at this point they could offer me money to play D4 and i’d pass!!🤣
Enjoy yours PoE2, but why u keep hating d4 ?
It’s not that the studios you mentioned (Larian, Fromsoft, GGG etc…) are more technically skilled, although you could make that argument, it’s that they’re clearly passionate about their games. It’s not just a paycheck for them. They love their products and their community and want them to be successful and fun.
The AAA’s are just soulless cash grabs at this point.
I really want to try it, but i dont want to spend so mutch money on it. Too bad im busy with poe2 so i cant try it
A dog turd you have to pay for versus a dog turd that is free is still, at the end of the day, a dog turd.
14:40 and all of those numbers don’t take into account of any player who bought early access on console
I always thought diablo 4 would be diablo 4. I never expected it to be like PoE because PoE is PoE and Diablo is Diablo. I loved diablo 2 amd diablo 3 was ok but PoE has bested Diablo for me. I havebfond memoried of D2 but its not even close to as good as PoE. Sometimes something else just comes along and blows even the classics out of the water.
Blizzard has had a huge lack of innovation across all their titles. They stick to the same shit and hope it keeps selling because they don’t want to take risks.
Agree with the Diablo 4 sentiment and agree with the Retail wow sentiment. The teams are just so far removed from the core vision of the original game designers that it feels off. It feels cheap. It feels like it lacks SOUL.
When you realize Blizzard promoted Diablo IV by painting an actual church cathedral ceiling and hiring Megan Fox to be a spokesperson only for it to flop and die harder than Kobe Bryant in his helicopter wtf
And it’s EARLY ACCESS. Wow
Must say that PoE making it so if you bought tabs and stuff in PoE 1 that gives you a early access key for PoE 2 is a massive W, feel like most AAA would have ignored previously bought items and forced you to pay again for key!
i used to play on launcher, but decided to move on steam for the steamdeck compatibility.
Honestly the seasons thing kinda is killing me there is no point continuing eternal toons and starting from zero every season brings back too much of the feeling of wow expantions.
The gameplay and bosses are just better in POE 2. 30-50 hours a season was the first week I would do on some D4 Seasons and honestly the time doing the campaign twice in POE 2 on my first character was more fun. On my second character and having an absolute blast with co-op in campaign.
For perspective, I ran a second campaign on my son’s account in D4 so he could play a season with me, good videos and that’s about it, the whole campaign felt like a slog the second run even though I was blasting the whole time.
Whoo. I love Accolon
Guys! I’ve heard that blizzard will release a game next year and this time, it will be their last chance, for real!
No way it’s free to play. They just gave up. 07 they had a good run.
Well I must be the exception to the rule then Asmon. I’m not spending $47AU (and up to $153AU) on a game that, when released in 1.0, is going to be free, no matter how fucking good it is. At the same time, I happily spent only a tiny bit less on Cyberpunk 2077 a couple of years after release, as that was the special price, and despite it’s controversial quality I still saw a game that was worth my money, as it wasn’t going to take my money then gouge more out of me later with microtransactions & gatcha mechanics once it became F2P, because it’s never going to be F2P. The cost may not have slowed down the game’s success but that doesn’t make it any less of a cheap and tawdry cash grab towards gamers yet again which we’re sucking up like the good little consumers they’re expecting us to be, when I guarantee they could go F2P now and it would barely affect their bottom line if AT ALL for FY ending 2025.
Diablo is most our Exodia game ever, the best ‘idea’ to a perfect game for us, Poe2 is what we wanted Diablo to be, is saying we LOVED DIABLO, like really freaking loved it, How badly Blizzard failed it is why players are so upset, I wish Diablo was good, but they can’t get it done. It’s like watching Superman fail, Spiderman slip, “Diablo” was a hero, many of ours.
Actively playing D2 to this day. They never made a sequel so I keep playing it.
I don’t get why people are just loooooving POE2 that much. I got a 73 monk. Maps are so boring. And that’s the only endgame you have. What even is this reality??
Finally I feel validated that I’ve left a message of why I leave blizzard games on their forums back in like 2017 and ever since then I stopped playing their games and giving them money. Best decision of my life. RIP Blizzard and thank you for the amazing childhood.
I’ve put enough time into D4 to realize I would rather buy poe2 than play D4 for free.
I blame World of Warcraft. It was more casual friendly and time friendly, and Blizzard has been trying to do that ever since. And going downhill ever since.
If all these AAA unfinished poorly designed games were free to play, I don’t think people would complain about them that much and they could still make a lot of money over time by listening to the players and fixing the game piece by piece.
Charging a full price however, that’s not OK.
I just uninstalled d4. It’s a complete waste of my time, for no positive returns at all.
blizzard let itself become “my dad’s favorite game company”…..
I said this from the beginning that eventually d4 would go free to play and they’d supliment it with extra micro transactions.
Lost ark sucked lmfao
I can’t believe I paid for Diablo and never played it
The price definitely is a barrier to entry , especially when there is free to play options, i don’t know of any free to play options of games like baldurs gate or elden ring that are of that quality
D4 was good on story (Still pissed we couldn’t follow lilith) but dogshit on gameplay.
I am huge fun of D2. I played it over and over again. When D3 came out I was super excited then I played it. Never again. Diablo is dead. Blizzard is dead. Let the dead rest.
The made Diablo IV a weird mobile game. So many random things to have to maintain and upgrade. People want to push keys and get better gear not micro manage everything. WOW is doing this and it all seems like the cheap mmos you get on mobile.
Who wants to play that?
Blizzard ran by woke and ccp
Price definitely becomes a factor when there is direct competition that is equivalent or superior quality is cheaper or free. Bg3 and Elden ring is not a good example because they have no comparisons. But why would you play concord for $30 bucks when overwatch is free, why would you play Diablo for $60+ when POE2 is $30 and will eventually be free.
Activision blizzard downfall? Sign me up ☺️
I got scammed paying 70$ early access!!
I didnt buy d4 for 70 bucks and i still not gonnq play it since its free
I was like: “Oh, I get to see the content the 40$ dlc added for a few weeks for free!” About an hour in it felt like they added just another season with a new class (that should have been present from the start) and I quit. Its boring and adds a monk/druid hybrid class that is simply uninspired and Im just waiting for PoE to go free to play and everyone who paid for early access are definitely smarter then I, who bought D4 at launch
Remember when asmon gave D4 an 8/10?
I quit playing blizzard games i now play turtle wow only free like classic should be since its a 20 year old game
What would be realy interessting – how many accounts that bought D4 also bought the expansion
in the past blizzard was so good in copying good game mechanics and put them in theyr own games, where is this skill?
my toughts was the same, i was thinking(hopeing) blizzard take the endgame mechaniks from poe to dia 4 and make them more cassual!
@Asmongold TV , try to gave all arpgs the term “poelike” 😛
Buying D4 at release and playing for about 2 months was a terrible decision on my part. I should have known. I let the rose tinted glasses sway my decision even though Blizzard has proven they no longer care about their customers. Won’t make the mistake again. They won’t get another penny of my money or another second of my time inside of one of their games. Period.
D4 is free? hahahahahahahaha I won’t try it if u don’t mind blizzard.
They should pay us to play, this is how the future works
Can someone explain to me in depth how poe2 is better than diablo 4( not a troll). Got diablo 4 for free and have been enjoying it so far been playing hardcore too. I’m still pretty new to the genre so I could be missing a lot of what’s important..that’s why I’m asking someone smarter to give an indepth explanation, so I can know what to spend my money on. Rsp
D4 bad
Poe2 killed Diablo4 in early release
Marvel Rivals killed & pissed on Overwatch in BETA😂
Wow, that is panic mode over 9.000
PoE2 is exactly how i did imagine a Diablo 2 sequel would be in todays technology
I had to get a refund for path of exile 2. The game just felt bad to play. The stuttering, passive tree, and classes didnt feel good to play.
Wtf. I paid for d4 and now it’s just free?
from steam goes through launncher
I played it for free it feels like poe 0.5 and you can only go to level 25 and the game stops you from playing
Damn imagine those who paid for an free game 😂
D4 is legit the only purchase I regret. It really was a huge scam, and Blizzard did it with full intention – they marketed it like it was a return to D2 with tons of content and things to do in the endgame. Ended up being like a spinoff of Diablo immortal which is crazy, considering how bad that game was. Yes, it worked, because it was on launched on a platform that has nothing to do with gaming, and people use when taking a shit or just casually playing, but failing to realize that has nothing to do with actual gamers that own PC’s and consoles might be the best display of how clueless and out of touch these people truly are. The thing is, I work in the industry, and it all stems from the fact that people who make games, mostly aren’t even gamers – they play those silly idle mobile games and that’s it.
Even if D4 goes f2p, I am simply not interested.
shit is dead dead
When you got the Lich King to hate WoW you should know there’s a problem
I played every season of d4 but after playing through Poe 2, I don’t even think I could ever go back to d4 again lol. Poe 2 has so much more content and it’s only in early access…
Also the boss fights in Poe 2 are so much more engaging and cool. I really loved the final boss in Act 1! That really sold it for me lol
playing on the luncher
Why is gaming community so toxic? I enjoyed D4. Now I enjoy POE2. If you didn’t like D4, you don’t need to talk about it
The best part is how blizzard devs just out right refuse to give an inch to the players. They will do everything in their power to avoid giving the players what they want
Tbf I liked the free trial. I wanted to give in and buy the game. Played the free trial and was healed from this urge. Deinstalled again and started to play Baldurs Gate 3.
I mean I felt like it was PoE just different skins at this point. It doesn’t actually have a strong urge to spend money on it unless it’s gear cosmetics, mounts, etc. I’m just tired of paying for games that are not there for story. It’s just like CoD. People are paying big money for skins. So why charge for the game at this point and bring in more people. Heck if you really want that money you could always go $5 sub a year and still get your $60 a year + more.
POE was $30 for early access, D4 was $70 for early access 🙁
I mean it shows free up to level 25 and then you have to pay. So is it really free?
time for wow to be FTP
okay – spending 8 hour of my live into Diablo 4 and been paywalled at level 20 / 25 or – push that into path of exile 2… ummmmm…. – lol Blizzard
I’ve played PoE 1 for 10 years, loving PoE 2… BUT NOT AS MUCH as my roommate who has never played PoE 1. Quote: “It’s my two favorite games, the campaign and the endgame are so different and so fun.” We both bought D4, neither bought the expansion.
im glad blizzard is getting wrecked by their competitions. they make trash games for 60 dollars and everytime they give update, they sell them for another 60 dollars. they never maintain their existing games. every GOAT games develop their existing games for years costing their own money. but blizzard just abandon their own game and end up missing big opportunities. league of legends, TFT, tower defenses, many survivor games that are successful actually motivated from user custom maps from starcraft and warcraft. if blizzard paid attention to these details and actually gave a crap about their own game.
Back in the day I never would have thought the real WOW killer would’ve been WOW itself
Poe 2 bosses are in a league of their own, the quality that each boss has is so good and unique and what’s crazy we are only playing half of the game right now in early access
Also pay for the new character. D4 is scam.
It’s only free to play on blizzard.
Playing POE2 on the pro
10:40 I’m partially surprised they haven’t moved WoW to steam yet.
is it really “going free to play” when it’s just a free trial?
Do you think they will make WoW free to play or without subscription?
Tbh wasd killed Diablo movment
I probably would have bought d4 if they didn’t ban Russia. People I know registered new accounts outside of Russia to play the game and I just thought to myself – if they don’t want my money, thay ain’t getting it.
I was still hyped for some ARPG action, so I tried to pick up POE for the third time since 2016, and I finally did it.
The amount of fun and challenge I had since then is immeasurable, having POE2 EA now is just a Christmas bonus.
I have already spent a couple hundred dollars on POE and I love it, especially considering d4 was a flop anyways.
After paying full price it seemed they made all of diablo 4 rare item skins and then pulled 90% of the cool looking ones and put them in the store. It would have been cool if after doing the season passes I had enough points to buy a skin but no just 666 points which can be used on a backpack
Never played D4. I’m sure it was fine for some d3 players, but I’m just a snobby old man still waiting for what i would consider the real d2 sequel. Poe 2 seems to be the closest to what i want. Thanks GGG
Diablo 4 was so bad. Even Diablo 3 has more soul put in the game. First time playing POE, and it feels and looks way better. Not much lag if any at all. I definitely keep coming back, Plus I love the talent tree, it feels and looks a lot better no huge buff to make me overpowered at the beginning. Still work for it
When i used to play diablo 2 back in the day i didnt play it that much yo i just played it once in a while 😂 it was still a good game tho lol
Idk im having fun rn on game pass with diablo 4. Is path of exile on console?
Imagine not having diablo in diablo game, and stating “it doesn’t feel like diablo game”
Title and thumbnail is hilarious in itself 😂
Great, blizzard ripped me off again.
Okey im just gonna say it, i enjoyed playing rogue through the campaign, i have not touched the expansion. But i didt feel like the extreme hate was warrented, its mid. In terms of gameplay, Visually i liked it, good animations, characters looks good, except druid maybe. If i wanted to play a lardass id just go back to my life lol.
6:50 – When I first started playing PoE2, it felt like I was playing Diablo 2 2.0… A modern, evolved version of Diablo 2 which is exactly what I want out of an aRPG.
Poe2 is boring as fk. Played it non stop for a WEEK and just cant be arsed to login. Hit a brick wall and boring. D4 you can nip in and out. But either way its no way going to replace classic wow which has a huge repeat factor. A 20 year repeat factor. I just cba to go through the poe2 shit again as warrior this game is shit
How do they plan to compensate players who pre ordered the dlc and bought the game?
Honest as a person that at first disliked the ARPG style of gameplay it was just not for me. But when i saw the gameplay for the Mercenary and the melee classes like monk and warrior i was willing to give PoE2 a go and man PoE2 made me love ARPGs.
14:18 me and all my homies hate launchers
Since you mention WoW, I’m just going to say that, for my money, the only good version of the game offered by Blizzard today is Hardcore.
Shii is blizzard gonna refund my wasted 50 then? The entirety of blizzard is just a massive L, apparently all the talent left the company
They should make where you fight jesus and buddah
The fuck how so you have resistances but no defense 😢😂
What ruined Diablo 4 is the DRM always online no single player crap not to mention the monetization out the f***ing wazoo.
Zero interest in playing it and I never will. If i want to interact with other people ill play some garbage like WoW.
I have both and actually really like diablo’s systems. I think it’s just massively let down by the map, end game and leveling issues. Also the aggressive monetisation. But the crafting is better than poe2’s at the moment
Blizzard just need to make Diablo IV itemization more simple and more powerful.
Make this devil guy come out on a motorcyle and he stab all this people and stuff and he permanebtly kill your character even tho your not on hardcore mode 😂
i logged into diablo 4 at launch, and resistances were in the game but gave you zero defensive benefits and still took up slots on your items while crafting, and then blizzard removed 75% of armors effect. I killed uber lilith on a 14 damage druid with no iframes and then uninstalled the game after standing in town on the lilith mount with the butchers barding for an hour so the casuals would see what they could never accomplish.
No creator was talking this shit about D4 until POE2 came out. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
I didnt play poe1, but poe2 is like Diablo 3 to me. D3 was too cartoony to be Diablo.
In a world where my backlog still has over 10 games released in the last 3 years, why would I spend time playing a clearly inferior product?
In AAA if you’re not the best you’re nobody.
Only played POE1 FOR 10 minutes because of an overwhelming UI. I’m loving POE2 because it feels like an old-school kind of hard where it’s challenging but rewarding.
it’s not free, its a trial version(“TRY for free”), lvl 20 or so(1st chapter of the campaign), took me some hours to finish, very underwhelming experience
*let me clarify a bit further, I actually liked it, but couldn’t progress any further, barely got started then got met by a “buy to continue” 🙁
Meh, if it actually went free to play instead of being a trial, I’d probably give it a shot.
POE 2 was bad.
So glad I held off wasting money on another blizzard title. Crazy all they have to hang on to is old school WOW and the reason that is doing well is the OF and soda poppin keeping it fun.
im glad im not buying the game now it free hahaha!
For those of us who played POE 1 years ago it was called the true diablo 3 – diablo 3 was so shitty that it gave poe 1 more fans and more publicity – we all wondered how GGG was able to make a better diablo 3 than blizzard itself. Now we expected D4 to be next gen… but it was not, it was a money grubbing cockup. Path of Exile 2 is simply superior.
Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 was not made for gamers but for the stock holders… wall street
Path of Exile 2 is made for gamers and is amazing.
diablo 4 after 2 and 3 feels like a car company that everytime they bring out a new model of their car starts over at reinventing the steam engine but worse.
So make diablo 4 expansion pack lol
d3 is a better game than d4
Daily reminder that d2 and titan quest are the only ARPGs that matter and anything else means you have garbage taste
10:18 game pass as well
Diablo 4 is just a Meh Path of exile like Game
I play through D4 story once and a bit of the first season… i cant remember anything besides the start and ending of the story, everything in between is a boring blur. They shouldnt have made an empty world and hundreds of pointless dungeons no one ever visits, just to try 1-uping PoE-1 and failing at it
Let’s celebrate lol 😀🎈🥳🥂
I enjoyed diablo immortal a lot and i barely even played it
I won’t play Poe because an armor cosmetic cost more than most aaa games. Not to mention it isn’t as fun as Diablo 4
all that’s left now is for someone to make the next big RTS that everyone can play that way Blizzard will have nothing to compete with
Wait when will it be free on steam
Ahhhh …. god damm it.
I needed that laugh.
Thanks Blizzard.
RIP Blizzard you wont be missed.
Maybe dont have a F-able antagonist following up enemies like Baal and Diablo.
They’re making it free during christmass to try to prevent sales for other games. All Blizzard have left is tactics like this
They just forced to hire un-experience personel to reach “diversity quota”.
it didnt help diablo immortal is premium version pay to play actively managed then you get understaffed diablo 4.
the saddest part is that D4 has already earned more money than POE2 every will
LOL it’s a free trial until January. I wonder what the numbers looked like with Diablo 4’s launch compared to POE2 now..
Hot take but I enjoy Diablo 4, could it be better, 100%. Should it have been released in its state? No, gives major cyberpunk release vibes. They have improved it a lot over the past few seasons but 1, there’s not a lot of end game content, like previous Diablo titles had, 2, nothing to make you want to explore or keep playing, like the secret cow level, and 3, the damage was too great from launch and left a sour taste in many peoples mouths. The DLC has definitely made it more enjoyable from a story, combat, and endgame standpoint, but, it’s now at a state where it should’ve been on initial launch instead of dlc 1 which is just, disappointing.
Hopefully bill gates gets exposed on the Epstein list so someone else can take Microsoft. Just think about it for a second. MICROSOFT ruined Call of Duty, Diablo, etc
It’s not “free” it’s free trial. Up to 25 lvl or to the point in campaign from beta (at which the character auto levels up to 25 and trial ends). After that you get a popup to buy the expansion to play further. I know this, because I just tried it today.
3:27 Hes not mad, just confused and disappointed^^
and my dumbass bought the biggest edition they had,, blizzard and bethesda cured my impulsive buying decease, singlehandedly, i am extremely content with poe 2. will never spend money on blizzard games again
How many times you will change this fucking title? xD
I just purchased Diablo for the base game two days ago on Xbox for £26 okay I got £5 off with the Microsoft points. I’m really enjoying it. It’s not as good as Diablo three reaper of souls as my favourite one.
I’m playing diablo 4…….plus I got bored of poe2. I just prefer the open world design of diablo 4 over the old school level by level design of poe2. I put about 60 hours in poe2 and I finally realized that I had to put it away…….diablo 4 needs some work for sure and it probably won’t ever be what poe2 is but Blizzard will continue to support diablo 4 atleast until the paladin comes out lol
I already quit POE2 so it doesn’t matter to me.
When i heard that D4 is now free for a time, i thought i will try it. Then i remembered, i would have to instal Battle Net. Thank you, but no thank you.
Kinda funny too given the expansion only came out 2 months ago
Still overpriced
Everything Activision | BLIZZARD is fading in success
14:20 There are actually a lot of people who HAVE to play through official launcher because the steam version is region locked in some countries (don’t know why they did that though). I’m one of them.
Not to mention… They said we would get the Paladin sooner than later….. They Lied and claimed that the Paladin didn’t fit their DLC….A DLC with a Jungle, Mephisto, Akarat and Zakarum….if you know Diablo lore unlike the Devs, You’d know that all of those have a direct link to the Paladin class.
40 dollar expansion for a class and cut the map in half
D4 Dead
A few months ago there was a free weekend for D4. “Play for free all weekend!”. I tried and guess what. I reached lvl 20 in a few hours and the game stops being free. So actually it should sound like this “Play for free all weekend until you reach lvl20!”
It’s only free until level 25. They couldn’t even take that much accountability of making it actually f2p.
I’ll pass. D4 burnt me on release and i haven’t played it since.😵💫
Honestly D4 wasn’t that bad. It had no end game, but for a casual wanting to put 50 hours in, explore a bit and close the campaign that was quite good. PoE 1 and 2 are juste very, very good games, made by real ARPG experts and are designed for hardcore gamers that spend time watching games reviews on YT
The real problem is no one that worked on overwatch and diablo 2 made diablo 4 and this version of overwatch we have now. Poe2 is made by the same people that made poe 1 so the literally made the game better.
Got this free with my GPU. Deleted it after playing it for 30 minutes. Trash game
I found a copy of D4 in a store (Fnac) second hand for 18€ 😂
Didn’t even buy it.
I bought D4 at release and I enjoyed the season before the expansion. However, when I now wanted to pick it back up the expansion was paid and I noped out of that. This is I am ok to buy a game but when you try to have me pay for a new expansion before I feel my purchase was justified I think it is really greedy. I felt like the direction was somewhat better but they should now the players needed a bit more TLC before asking to pay for a barebones expansion that should have been the base game 1 year ago.
i bought early access from poe2 official site. it just gave me choice of epic or steam code. no other options.
Who would’ve thought a game that is absolutely boring as shit with a terrible story that charges full price flopped a game that also forced in battle passes microtransactions & paid chopped up story expansions the game is horrible & it doesn’t surprise me one bit that rod Ferguson is working for them the guy is a complete hack & has no business in the gaming industry
I should have never paid for d4. I was such an idiot. Never give blizzard money.
D4 is better than POE 2 LOL jk isnt it just good that theres several good arpgs I think d4 is good not great. Grim Dawn is also a really good arpg but its really old.
Dude, Diablo 4 is EXTREMELY “accessible”. It couldn’t BE more accessible. The game is as easy as any game could possibly be! Kids could succeed in D4.
Diablo 4? is that a new exile-like game?
“only 30-50 hours to invest on a season” me… already at 40 hours and im playing like primarily weekends cause of work. 🤣🤣
As people get invested in PoE they will stay in that universe for a long time. It will be really hard for Blizzard to wrestle players back, unless PoE devs make a huge mistake.
I immediately stopped playing D4 when they forced me to create a new character and do it every season.
Instead of putting content they out a carrot on a stick and called us donkeys
Its so funny that during the release of D4, I am short of a few dollars due to tax conversion so I was not able to buy the game. Now I am happy my lazy ass did not go to 7 11 to add more money so I can buy the delux edition. I am knee deep in poe1 now instead. Now d4 is free… well well well.
My friend when I told him D4 is free until January, while we both playing PoE2 going through act2 : “Who do you think I ‘am? Don’t insult my intelligence!” 😂
Its sad to see Diablo 4 had potential.
Even though i stand by the fact that d4 is getting better compare to when it was first launched, i dont think i’ll be back anytime soon unless they do some massive changes. Poe2 is just far mor superior even with a lot of things that need to be fixed.
Not even for free. Blizzard do not deserve my time or attention.
The class balancing decisions in season 0 killed it for me.
Microsoft is cooking….sony better be worried.
I remember the other day some dweeb in here said sony doesnt make games….well microsoft does amd theyre all ass
Free? Still not interested. 😂
Diablo 4 is the last 70 dollar game im ever buying. Ive never regretted speading full price on a game so badly it made me never buy a full price game again.
I really don’t get the hate for D4 but I’m glad there’s more options out there for people who don’t like it, personally I absolutely hate PoE and never even made it past Act 1 in the first game because I couldn’t stand it.
To reinstall Persona 5 I had to guillotine some games (PS5). Diablo 4 was first .
everyone knows what’s wrong but no one wants to say it, there are too many women in game developement, during the golden years there were none and now its almost 50/50
in steam you have regional price to donat. in launtcher you have USA price. Its bad for small country
if that human mech with chopped off legs or that main bad stabbing adrien is not grim. Or even the opening sac animation. I dunno what grit is. I enjoyed diablo 4 campaign story more than poe 2 campaign story so far. Diablo being much more grim!
“They need to make their money back” – D4 has made over *one billion dollars* in revenue. It’s made its money back. This is just about trying to milk it as much as possible.
Diablo 4?
More like left 4 dead😂
There is a goblin event on in D4 now, they claim people have killed 25 million goblins in the last 5 days, but given I am doing world bosses and legion events with only one or two other players, I think its completely rigged, they are just releasing the tier rewards on a timer. There is no counter. If there was we’d never even hit the first tier of rewards…
its unreasonable how happy it makes me to see blizzard losing money
Overwatch and D4 are on steam because the most of the Chinese audience can’t play with them. Chinese battle net doesn’t offer it. Getting the US/Euro blizzard launcher is a much bigger hurdle for them.
This is what happens when you put your wallet first over the players making you the money..😂😂😂
To be fair. There is nothing methodical about poe2 endgame. I’ve been messing around with flicker strike and it’s very poe1
Blizzard is just your typical corporation. Out of touch leadership who only care about maximizing profit margins.
blizzard scammed us all. it’s like buying a car without seats inside.
I didnt buy d4. But instantly bought poe2 for 100 dollars never playing poe before. I have not regretted a dollar spent. I played d1, d2, d3 i was so disappointed by d3 they are almost never getting me back
I will seriously consider playing D4 again if they ever add Paladin/Crusader. Until then, the game doesn’t exist to me anymore.
19:30 calling out Raxx here. I also really dislike when people talk about dopamine hits. It’s just so weird. Love you Raxx but this one is silly.
I had more fun in poe 2
POE 2 is 15 EU
Noooo, not my favorite exile-like game😭
Ive been getting a bunch of commercials on youtube begging me to try D4. Starting to make sense after watching this.
As much as baldie man here hates it (and others), D4 will always have more players then poe 1 or 2. Facts!
Big publishers kill games.
Having never played an ARPG before, I’ve really enjoyed Diablo IV. I’m level 51 and having a lot of fun. However, I know there’s other games out there with more depth, so I’m using D4 as a nice, comfy, easy entry point into the world of ARPGs. This far, it’s working, and I’ll eventually try PoE2.
So is it safe to say Diablo is now PoE like? 😅
You can let a dead horse run freely, but it’s still a dead horse…
Even if you pay me by the minute I would still wouldn’t play Diablo 4
Say no to DEI kids, blizzard gunna learn
blizzard should pay you to make you play D4))
I don’t have many regrets in life, however, me buying D4 and the expansion just doesn’t sit right. Lesson learnt…
7:38 yes a strategic play style. That’s what I like about poe2
Po2 is overhyped right now let’s see how it’s doing in a few months. Cause the game has issues for us console players
Nope im not going to play D4 ever again. A Game with a box price for not only the base game but also expansions togheter with battle passes and skins is beyond greedy and its a mediocre game at best in the first place.
Why support that when i can get a superior game in all aspects (other then overpriced skins) in Poe 1&2 where any content releases will be 100% free and devs that are actully passionate about their game.
D4 has been free for months now on gamepass.
They saw path of Exil and went free to Play 😂
I quit as did all my friends when they made these shitty seasonal characters. Ik most arpg players like that but i didn’t.
I regret all the money I spent on Diablo 4.
They have fixed the bugged 1 shot deaths in the game now. It was related to the Chaos damage bug. You rarely get one shot now. Still can happen if the build sucks and don’t have much mitigation measures but rarely 1 shot KO.
Blizzard is having his cheeks clapped twice this month💀
Diablo 4 was dead before ROS, (i called it back then) and any other opinion lacks experience and insight. Thinking (click-to-move) is sufficient game content… btw for any wondering, i am playing poe2 on controller rn.
Idk man I’m with you on everything except the storyline. I couldn’t tell you what the story of poe2 is and I played it twice to get to the maps. A chick goes back in time to meet the Vaal and then we ask the final boss to help us do something. I honestly have no idea what the story of poe2 is
I got tricked into using my season pass and after that I was done.
I still maintain that D4 sucks for 2 main reasons.
1) level scaling. Every single area feels just like all the other areas because everything is basically EXACTLY as strong with relation to the player.
2) Only 4 skills. They actually brought back skill points (albeit, in the world’s most basic-bitch, juvenile skill tree) but then they allowed you to only use 4 skills. No matter what, 4 skills, be they passive or active, you get 4 skills.
This game was made for children.
name a good xbox game ? forza horizon 5 is the last one that comes to mind, xbox just makes crap games so dont expect them to fix anything from activision because they cant
Redoing renown was also what made me mentally quit the game. I think I played a couple days after that then I just gave up.
No I’ve been on the “D4 Bad” train ever since.
The time you spend FREE on D4…
You could be instead “GETTN GOOD on PoE 2!!”
Its free to play??? I just bought the game on Friday because it was on sale… wtf
This POE-like looks intresting.
As a casual, I actually enjoy D4. It’s not a 1000h game or perfect in any sense. I’m fine agreeing with people D2 and PoE1-2 are technically better and more impressive I guess. Just think the D4 bad meme is a bit over the top, making outsiders think it’s not even a functional game in some cases. I have fun theorycrafting and doing the simple loop each season. I fully understand why people was disappointed at launch though, it was extremely bare-bone and still could use more mechanics and content. The actual gameplay feels pretty smooth to me, but again, I’m just a casual.
Hey Blizzard and all other AAA game studios, if you develop a reputation of releasing trash games you’re going to lose customers… shocker I know.
I was telling my friend the other day how mindblowing it is that ggg understands what made diablo 1 & diablo 2 great- better than the company that made d1 & d2…
I paid $70 for this and now it’s free to play? Fck out of here, I want my money back!!
Not to hate on PoE2, I love the game, but there is no proper endgame.
There is a roguelike mechanic of “do this in one try or lose a ton of progress”.
I’m fine with spending thousands of hours in a game, I’m not fine having it wasted by regressive mechanics.
jokes on you Blizzard i got the game for free when i bought my RTX 4090 – still only played it through campaign and that’s it – don’t know i i’ll ever return at this point
I always think of the people who bought the game, worked so hard to save up in a foreign country just to see it become free a few days later lol that would be wild but is likely happening.
Love your videos.. but you didn’t need to make a 25min video on why people saw a female diablo and was just like nahhhhh… as they switched over to insurgency, or he’ll let loose.
There’s literally no other reason why the game failed.
Females in games in 2024 (no thanks)
Blackwashing (no thanks)
Nobody talks about how Path of Exile 2 is broken and it’s full of bugs
D4 bad, Poe2 still not as good as 1. So i went and installed D3 for lols. Yes its predictive, yes the only “will i make it or not” is basically fishing for good layout/mobtype/density AND boss combo on greater rift. Gearing is very simple, you can craft part of your endgame primal gear, farming for mats is fast like poe1 mapping.
Overall very different game from any other PC ARPG but solid enough for me to spend a week on it to try beating 150 on worst class of the season (currently 8 people have done so)
Blizzard only makes standardized products based on amazing old IPs. Nothing new and I’ve progressively lost interest in their products. So many good games out there to play nowadays and it’s just not worth my time for a lukewarm nostalgia-based experience.
I’m honestly fine with D4, but they excluded russian market. I “own” this game but it doesn’t even appear on my battlenet and i’m tired to jump through hoops to launch it. I think i;ve played about 40 hours in season 1 and thought “ok, i think i’m done with this game. I’ve played enough”. All of my friends who were interested in D4 simply can’t even play it and can’t be bothered.
And funny thing is – i have that itch for ARPG now and i would love to play D4, but i can’t, so i’m moving on to play POE2 i guess.
Blizzard couldn’t pay me to play Diablo IV. I’ve spent tens of thousands of hours across Starcraft, Diablo 1/2/3, World of Warcraft, Warcraft and they’ve essentially lost a customer for life with how pathetic they’ve become.
Lmao, game goes down and he calls it a slump. Dude forgot people have real jobs and some people can only game on weekends.
Whos playing solely on xbox…
As somebody who never played Diablo prior to 4 and an hour into the game I quit and uninstalled. Couldn’t be bothered to figure it all out, Gameplay was mid and it felt like a rough Diablo to be first exposed to.
Don’t even know what it is either, it just sucks ass.
PoE did a way better job at onboarding new players. I enjoyed the hell out it and so did all of my friends who also have also never played an ARPG.
Blizzard needs to employ developers that actually like and play ARPGS. And fire those that dont even play it. Same with the ones in charge of the Diablo franchise. Untill i see people talking positive about a new Diablo game im never buying one ever again.
I pre ordered Diablo 4 and i stopped playing in less then 40-60 hours. It was so grueling slow and predictable the only good thing were how it looked but it was clunky as fuck. Felt like a 20 years old game in terms of mechanics.
The absolute MAIN REASON why blizzard is failing is the location of the business headquarters.
IMO DEI of the development team is why D4 is a mediocre game
bro i asked people if i like POE 2 and i never played these games, if i should play diablo 4… 💀 bro when i tell yall EVERY SINGLE PERSON, in real life and in like 4 different discord servers said “no, do not ever touch that game” type of answer… shows how bad this game is i bet. 🤣🤣 currently on act 2 as a warrior leveling up so i can survive the baddie in ascencion qiest
Some dudes in comments cried there is no lore and then creid they didnt add pally in the same thread. Someone didnt pay attention to the lore lmao. D4 is not a bad game to sit and olay and enjoy until the story is over. The end game grind is meh we get it. The game isn’t competly horrible just because your infinite grind is as fun as other games. I just dont get how d3 and d4 have great storries and lore but people just blanket statement it like the whole enitre game is dogshit. Yea if you paid attention to the awesome lore and story youd know why there is no pallys. Clowns b. D4 is fsr from the best arpg but jesus christ. Yall are weird
I loved D4 for what it was but now trying out Path of Exile 2
People will spend money on a good game if they want to
Me having spent 120$ on GFL2
it took 9k devs for 9 years of production to create this underwhelming garbage fire. oh well back to PoE !!
I though the news was about Diablo 2, which I payed money for back in the day and again for Resurrection… But it isn’t, and quite frankly I don’t want Diablo 4, not even for free.
poe 2 got far more than 500k concurent players you are just looking at steam chart it doesnt include console and stand alone users only GGG knows the real concurent player numbers it more like close to 1 mil
Diablo 5 by Grinding Gear Games will be peak
Since I have roughly 3h weekly to play, I think the game is decent. 🤷♂️
I’m glad it’s f2p.
Limited? I’d only play it if it was free period, and only because i paid for 90 for D4.
I can’t place this guy’s accent… He sounds British… But then he occasionally slips into what sounds like a South African accent on certain words/syllables, too! 🤔
Pay me to play it then i might consider it
It’s a disgrace compared to D1 & D2
D4 has problems but, these videos are so far off. D4 is a massive success for Blizzard. PoE2 and D4 have entirely different audiences. Both games are good in their own ways.
It’s impossible for Blizzard to return to form, the company’s been practically been dead for over a decade now. It’s just a zombie company kept alive by Activision, and now Microsoft
Dude, dont buy the expansion just because they made an expansion. Money is your vote, and if you buy it, you show them that you approve.
Well… at least Lilith is hot
Nah, that’s just false. Saying price isn’t a barrier to entry is just moronic. I would have played Diablo if it was free. Some of us can just resist urges to spend money on things we want but don’t need. I’d also have played Baldurs Gate 3 if it was free. But I haven’t yet and would like to. In fact a lot of people don’t ever pay full price for games. In almost all cases I don’t. Because I can just wait X amount of time and get the same product for 50-80% off. It’s called discipline, patience, and logic. Get some.
They’ve done this before I got baited thinking it was actually ftp now I think a lot of people like to hate for the sake of hate at this point yeah it’s not the best but it’s decent yeah yeah I can’t justify keeping it instants to ever finish the campaign lol
A huuuge part of Diablo’s problem, and a lot of AAA games’ problem is refusing to reuse assets. It makes the games bigger and adds years of work hours to create an area, and it adds very little to play value, to the benefit of mostly the most picky art-nerds. There’s clearly other problems, but the budget that’s basically set on fire for his could be used to help a AAA game all around. Would allow for smaller teams, which would potentially give people passionate about the project a chance to have their say, assuming they restructured properly. They can still turn their giant ship around, but they have to shrink. They have to act like an indy team, which is what made them good over a decade ago.
But I suspect they’re going to try to appeal to more people for D4 by putting a trans person as a new class, or something.
I played D12&3 I loved 3 RMAH was the best loved making money playing, they got rid of RMAH i stopped playing. I tried D4 on a free weekend and was like what the difference from D3? seemed like the same game. never played D4 again
Tried playing D4 while giving PoE2 some time to progress, but it’s so BORING, and any new class is “finished” at level 10, skills are set and won’t change, and gear will just be giving higher numbers and you’ll just spend the rest of your time trying to reduce the amount of times you need to use the first skill to generate resources for the actual “fun” skills.
Good thing I’m not remedial enough to join in with the tribalism. Both games are good imo.
D6D4 Rip
elon livesteaming playing poe2, literally is the final nail that blizzard realizes that their game is on the downward road. they lost their biggest free advertisement.
Game price doesn’t matter if it’s a good game, I’ve bought my friends remnant just cause they said they’d play with me
I can’t go on YouTube without being bombarded by Diablo 4 ads 😂
those IRL – based events in diablo like the christmas event are the definition of toxic positivity. I dont want happy christmas in a self proclaimed dark arpg. The same reason i dont want identity politics on wh40k series.
Blizzard puts just enough effort into any game/expansion to not have it flop on release, betting on sunk cost fallacy and nostalgia to keep people playing. So far it has worked well enough
I really should unsub from WoW, I dunno why I keep paying them, I barely play like 20 hours in a month.
Somone is late to the party
Lilith 1 bad
Till this day, I’m still playing D3 until they make a better Diablo😂. Im a Necromancer main so i prefer that instead of D4 that isnt what i was expecting lol
I don’t have much experience with ARPGs or even Diablo in general so I can’t comment on a lot of these points. But personally, the story and atmosphere in D4 was a humongous step up from whatever shit we were peddled with D3.
POE2 did not kill diablo4. Diablo 4 kill diablo 4.
Diablo 4 sold over 10 mil.. It may not be what the fans wanted or very popular, but it wasnt a financial flop.
The problem with D4 is retention.
Diablo fans will still show up for a Diablo game but their patients for sticking around for 3 years until Blizzard get it together is getting thin…
Remember how people shit on D3 and think and say D4 will be much better ij every sense but u know what ? At this point D3 has much more respect from me and D3 has less content, just think about it but if i has a chance to choose between what i just want to have fun with it and chill i boot D3 right now, i know, its crazy for someone, but really.. because i feel like even from D3 they miss someone, dunno, myabe some feel, just this diablo addictive flow, and D3 was so single player almost, don’t forget about it, last Blizzard game with more focus to single player. Maybe D4 not dead, but if people want Diablo they go back to Resurrection and D3 like me (Res is great, i just completed it more times that needed) and PoE2 and grim dawn, last epoch, etc. D4 is.. not feeling good. Maybe f2p the way.
You wanna know why people stopped playing WoW? It’s because it’s lame and gay. And it’s been that way since the fall of the Lich King. I was there in 2010 for the launch of Cata and that was not it, man.
I’m super tired of all these D4 discussions; everyone with a brain knew where this game was headed before launch. We’d seen what happened with D3, they barely finished the end-game before they dropped the ball and moved on to Diablo 4. Do people have no memory or what ? Diablo 4 Will never have a completed end-game, Blizzard is too busy working on Diablo 5 already.
Diablo skins are a robbery
The moment I heard of seasons in D4 I quit the game and never looked back, it’s funny to hear it is doing so well now xD
Blizzard owes me money if this is free to play now.
Have you seen the d4 dev team? lol
MSFT pays for articles like that.
I played D4 for 30minutes after I realized you only have like 4 or 5 attacks total….what the fuck?
Launcher player here. Literally everyone I know plays on the launcher. lol So those numbers probably double.
Diablo 4 buy no free🤔🤔🤔
F2P only till Jan 3rd… Fkin USELESS man it should be atleast a month, if not FOREVER. Look I will be honest here NOBODY is gonna buy D4 the game is one year old and most “pros” have already cleared it, and all their potential customers are gone making it free won’t bring them any new player, that haven’t bought the game already tbh.
Unpopular Opinion.
I love D4. I loved D3. I loved D2. I didn’t enjoy PoE or PoE2.
Different games suit different people.
Diablo team didnt kook at any of their old competition.
Even torchlight 1-2 had better QoL features like the ability to store loot on your pets and send them out mid dungeon run to sell their inventory and buy potions.
-loot filter
– static leveled zones with level scaling side areas and dungeons within them.
-target farmable loot
-loot filters
Ample stash tabs
-cheap and easy skill reset
Dual class system (choose a first class at lvl 2 and a second class at level 10)
-The ability to add skills from devotions onto class skills (some work on summons)
-viable pet builds
Not to mention all the inspiration they could have gotten from path of exile.
Looking forward to moon beast’s new project though.
Doesn’t even count the people who doesn’t go thru steam
It’s boring. I’m sorry. It’s literally the same story…with the same characters…with the same enemies…FOR THE 4TH TIME.
Yeah I’m not buying D4 even at 40% off. Maybe I will buy it just for giggles if it’s a 90% sale.
Diablo been dead ever since d3 came out. Thabk god GGG made poe
what’s diablo, some generic mobile phone game?
I think people’s cost/quality instincts have been honed by being constantly dicked on by poorly designed slop at ever higher costs, from the big dev/publishers.
This kind of thing was an inevitability, given the prevailing conditions.
I still remember people praising the D4 campaign for being the best aspect of the game. Considering how incredibly shit that story is you can imagine the state of the game.
How they dumped on Lilith and Inarius (both fucking useless morons in the end), how they killed Donnan for thrills and nothing else, how Lorath is fucking useless and everything rests in the hands of a no name disney princess, how Mephisto’s reincarnated form is the fucking zombie dog from Resiednt Evil, how the fucking saint Akarath that built an entire religion places all his trust in the same fucking mental disney princess, and how there is nothing exciting in the entire game.
Nothing like Daiblo’s visit at the tavern, Tal’rasha (Baal) escaping, Diablo entering the hell portal (god the screams, the screams), shattering the soul stones after you learn that everyone was duped by Izual (you felt that hammer strike the anvil in your soul – I punched the fucking table in unison with that hammer), Baal getting his soul stone and killing poor Marius (poor bastard), Baal’s assault on Harragath (that godly music when the demons charge still haunts me) and Arreat Mountain, Tyrael shattering the fucking corrupted World Stone (the reason for the entire Eternal War), his prayers and the music, the sound of the explosion are still stuck in my brain. Nothing in D4 comes even close. Nothing in that entire fucking game gave me one single chill. The trailer was the only “diablo like” thing about that game.
Not even gonna talk about the actual game. The useless showers of “legendary” items. The clutter. The inventory management hell until recently. The meta being only buggy builds. The horrendous lack of balance (some classes dealing just 100x time more dmg than the rest). The “uber uniques” that never existed for 99% of the player base for 1 year, then became mandatory for any build. The brain dead one button gameplay. The fucking real money shop that always shows you what your character could be looking like if Blizzard weren’t a bunch of greedy goblins.
Greed made d4 fail. They want you to pay to play an unfinished game and pay more to know whats next.
Free trial lol, not gonna cut it if its only temporarly hekk even if it was fully free why would i want d4 over PoE2 kek, deserved to blizzard to get cucked by marvel rivals and PoE2
Free my ass yeah can play but lock you level 20 then kick you out waste time dowload and play .
This is what happens when you treat your audience as an adversary, and not listen to them. Activision and Blizzard both need a serious attitude adjustment and i think they are gonna get it. Activision is still able to ignore everything, because no one has wrecked CoD yet.
Blizzard still can make it right – go back to H2R and make it look like a POE2 or better.
Wtf i paid full price lol
In life there are some times where you just have to make a decision. I moved to POE2 after benig a big dissapointed diablo fan for years. I DON’T REGRET ANYTHING
I believed that the first downfall was before season 1 came out i stopped after that since they messed everything up… So i came back at mid S4 i think that was the best with my Bash barb cause the game was almost dead by that time so they finally listened and implemented everything we said so they started picking up the old players back, but right before season 4 ended they decided to make the game how they like it… which i cant really say anything about since are those creators really gamers?? what are their accolades with games?? where they ever the best at any categories or classes?? pvp?? and is the game they play even worth discussing due to low player count… So with those simple questions you can actually find out if they are just casuals who thinks the game is good when they havent even reached the end game yet lolz
Bro if that shit went free to play I want my money back lol wtf
My dad died last yr and growing up we use to play Diablo 2 together.good times. Rip…
My mistake he was just dead tired.
And nobody was surprised.
It’s like all blizzard could do is get rid of the rainbows, and butterflies they did to the scenery on #3 then put the actual scenery a diablo game should look like, but have nothing in the gameplay, or endgame for diablo 4. Microsoft owns this lame studio.
Halo Infinite multiplayer is free and it’s awesome. It made me want to buy the campaign. Paid games doesn’t mean they are good. Free games are just as good.
It’s not about the price, for me, it is about the monitization model. I didn’t buy D4 as I refuse to pay fullprice for a game, and still have an ingame shop, battle pass, etc.
Why would anyone still use the poe launcher, unless you just want to support them more?
Steam has background downloads, 2FA, you can use steam wallet funds in the poe shop, and a whole load of other useful features, totally worth the extra cut in my opinion.
PoE 2 Act 2 is so freaking awesome. I like how different and diverse environment in PoE2. Unlike D4, always a dungeon.
The funny thing to me, is that the reason I quit playing D4 was because I didn’t have enough bag space and I hated doing inventory management every 5 minutes… and that is basically POE2’s entire monetization structure.
I have a friend that multiple times offered to buy d4 for me and i always tell him “dude save your money i just dont want to play it”
So it being f2p especially now when i have poe2 why would i try it now
I can not see myself logging in to D4 again unless Blizzard does something huge. Blizzard stumbled for too long, D4 launched with no vision. They spent the first 6 seasons overhauling all the game systems.
Spitting in the face for people who bought the game lmao
Path of exile 2 been fun, but ngl if I got to replay story every season I’m done lmao
Oh! 🤭
Reminder that POE2 still hasn’t released 24 subclasses, half the campaign, and over half of the skills. This is just the 1.0 content. Look at the ENORMOUS amount of crap they have released for POE1.
Where is it free? I’d try it for free.
They need to call it Diablo 4 2
I played D4 on launch and I bought the expansion now seeing that it’s free to play is quite poetic
Same with Tekken Tag Tournament 2 that game is everything that Tekken 6 was supposed to be🪬
F blizzard lmao
Ahahah. Free or not.
Diablo 4 is trash.
Just a reminder in case anyone didn’t know; you can get Grim Dawn and both of its major DLC for less than you can buy a cosmetic for your horse in Diablo 4. Ponder that, an entire game and it’s expansions would set you back the same amount as a single skin for a fake horse in another game.
Deserved for triple A
You wanna get Diablo players excited about Diablo? Then put Diablo in the game. We want the lord of terror.
Also don’t insult my intelligence by putting in bosses that die in 4 seconds.
Well, as an exile-like game it makes sense for them to incorporate f2p.
If they make it free to play forever then ill play it! +expension
D3 wasnt the best but still playable.
Immortal was the nail in the coffin.
D4 is just opening the coffin and playing with the dead body at this point
Dude, you keep bad mouthing poe 2 warriors, it’s not their fault, you can’t build one..I made one and it’s easy mode the trials were a joke…. Arm/Arm break, and i face tank bosses. Warrior is the most survivable class in the whole game.
Asmon is so happy that his favorite game is doing well! Its kawaii
Waiting to see WoW go free-2-play at some point.. LOL
Alright.I want my 100$ back Blizzard this is not even fair.
So basically we paid to get this game but they’re not gonna give our money back xdd
Jesus Christ HOW Dumb Can I be sometimes
Are you kidding me 😀 The amount of letters/tickets Blizz must be receiving right now asking for some sort of refund must be off the charts haha
“Stop it, a sword won’t fix your hair”
-Signed Future Asmon
The fact that D4 still did not add any additional stash tabs since launch is beyond words to describe how bad the game is.
Can’t believe I even bought the stupid spirit born expansion , f me
Ubisoft? Activision? Who’s next. Oh boy I’m hyped up
Queue up those layoffs.
Diablo 3 spent years with basically one guy running the entire game. Anybody who played D3 in the years up to D4’s release could have told you exactly how much effort goes into the franchise.
Ive wanted to play diablo since it came out originally back when i was younger. I bought an xbox with d4 included and started playing season 4. I was so excited to finally play diablo and I loved it. Absolutely played the hell outta season of construct and season 5. I preordered the expansion and started counting diwn the days to its launch. I loved the new class and managed to get my spiritborne crushsing hands guy to lvl 265 before giving up. The expansion let me down big time. Idk if ill play very much next season.😢
Want my diablo money back
I have no problem with them trying this, maybe the next expansion will be free? who knows. The main problem with D4 is that it’s just a better looking D3. THAT IS the problem with the game. The loot system is virtually the same, just tweaked a bit. Look I’ll play the next season for a week or 2 but as far as the future of the game. If they want to make a comeback the next expansion needs to be free and they need to do something TOTALLY NEW with loot. Break away from D3. It astounds me a AAA company can’t come up with new loot ideas.
I once remember Blizzard has the audacity to sell color teleports for $30. The ship has sailed. Blizzard, go get stuff.
D4 has nothing to worry about from POE2
Blizzard is all dei hired, that’s why is going down hill..
They should start fresh . Make a wow 2 with a new engine
16:23 This! I’ve always played the Diablo games casually, and that’s why i prefer them over PoE. PoE might be better overall than 4, but I’m gonna get more out of my time with Diablo mainly because it’s easier, and everything is more simplified for casuals 🤷♂️
Free to pay: You and your data or your ‘activism’ are the product they profit on. No privacy
D4 bad. And not cause they got my 70 dollars ☠️
Poe 2 is the first game in almost a decade that i have thought about it multiple times while not playing. Like eagerly thinkin out builds and stuff
The whole online only bs is why i never had any interest in the game. Diablo 2 is my favorite game of all time.
I guess blessed mother didn’t save them after all.
Not f2p is like free trial capped at lvl25
Wait IGN used a number other than 7 to rate anything?
D4 bad
Bro I spent like 100 bucks on this pos game, now it’s free? I’ve given blizzard so much money over my lifetime and not a single game is even playable at this point imo
Just stop giving blizzard money
This could be interesting imagine turning it into free but still nobody playing it, thats gotta mean something to diablo 4 team 😂
I am very casual with PoE2 I have about 23 hours in the game now, I am nearly finished Act 3, no where near like others are at end game and I am enjoying it I never purchased D4 its a shame really. As for asmongolds take on wow, god for bid having character growth on NPCs in a game to build a story regardless of what they do and or say, if you enjoy the playstyle of the game then that is all that matters in the end, its not like you ever really cared about lore anyways, lets be real here.
Its completely fine that Blizzard failed. Gamers are still lucky, hail to the new King of the genre, poe2. 😀
Stopping by to say that Blizzard had content creators like Rhykker claiming that Diablo 4 was going to revolutionize the ARPG genre right before Diablo 4 launched.
POE1 one content season Settlers had more in that then the entire d4 game had at the time to do. I hope this is the end of blizzard as a company. They get rid of all these morons in there that dont understand players
😂 was stuck on a mission in d4 and never touched it since. its been at least a year since
Dropping $160 on POE2 just cuz
8:50 didn’t Asmon said after beating D4 that one of the good things about D4 is the story? lol
I’m not a blizzard fanboy by any means but I guarantee that 99.9% of the terminally online gamers, whining about any and everything every single developer does, couldn’t make a better game if their life depended on it.
0:34 Thats not true because if a game costs 100.000 then people won´t buy that game because they don´t have the money to buy it (and yes there was a game that costed 100.000)
diablo 6 is blizzards last chance….
D2:R the last good game blizzard made
They didn’t just charge you $30 for early access; they also gave you $30 worth of in-game currency. Big W GGG
There’s nothing to play marvel, counter strike and tons of games have the same or better retention lol
Diablo 4 is fine, but after a while you’re just burned out on it. It is one of the many games where the live service model is not a good fit i think
The game is out for 1,5 years, at some point the people move on and for the Diablo lovers PoE2 is the perfect game to move to now
I paid for it. I cannot play that shit because my account is blcoked because of the 2FA issies Blizzard caused and now they tell me the money I paid for that crap was a total waste brcause it is free now.
Path of Exile 1 has more players than Diablo IV…
can we please stop the copium off poe 1 being continued to be worked on? it has already been in maintenance mode for the past year 2025 is not gonna be any different for poe1 we get 1 maybe 2 leagues that’s it
MMOs are weak and outdated in general.
D4 should have been released for smartphones.
Diablo died when they nerfed Diablo 3 a month after release
its only free tell end of the year
Diablo, Diablo 2: Resurrected, snd Diablo 3 are superior experiences to Diablo 4 and Diablo: Immortal.
for the west it isnt a barrier but for 90% of people on the planet it is since they only make a few dollar a day.
Love D4 for its arcade like gameplay and POE2 for the methodical gameplay. Don’t understand gamers who only play one game when so many have there good and bad points.
Diablo 4 was made by DEI hires
They abandon every game after the initial sale bank the 100 mil and stop development and save a few expansions prepare, just most people are to stupid to realise
I had an itch to try D4 + expansion again(didn’t touch it since like a week after launch). But nah POE2 is good enough.
Can d4 stop time and drop a big fckin hammer multiple time? I’m gonna stick with the paid poe 2 early access..thanks no thanks
Father of 5, work 50 hour weeks, put almost 160 hours into PoE2 since launch 😂 that tells you all you need to know about how good it is 🔥
One thing I don’t get is the hate towards D4. Sure we can meme about it, but we should really champion for it to be good. More good ARPG games the better, the hell with tribalism.
PoE2 is still too complex for a majority of people, although it’s much easier to start than PoE1.
D4 will remain popular for casuals no matter what.
Diablo 4 is on steam, Battlenet, consoles, and game pass.
I’m sure it’s money maker is the dlc not buying the game
Diablo IV: ¿Dónde está Diablo?
You only redid renown if you’re gay
Wait. So do I get a refund for paying like 90 bucks??? D4 ain’t bad by the way. It’s just some parts get repetitive to do every season… I went in and out of D3 too. I’m hoping D4 will be fine though.
D4 shouldn’t have been an online game.
Capitalism ruins everything
I used 100 bucks and now it’s free? what a scam
It just isn’t fun.
Every time it looks like it is about to get fun it does an immediate 180 and faceplants.
That is true of both the story and the gameplay.
On the other hand PoE 1/2 are all about nickle and diming the player just to have basic functional gameplay that doesn’t suck ass.
Lose lose.
It’s not free I just checked…. It’s on sell for $30
Can someone cut out the character creator and release it as a standalone? I liked that bit…my barbarian dude looked gnarly! 😂
I’ve seen it and it still didn’t make me want to play this.
What kind of monopoly does blizzard have? Making bad games?
Every PoE2 video I watch, there is a D4 ad.. 😂
I’m sorry, but i just deleted poe2 and installed d4.
Poe2 it’s a greate game, it’s not even a question, but i like d4 more… Open world, mounts, customisation, overall style, classes and gearing is much better for me in d4.
I have not that much time to figure it out how to make a strong character on poe/poe2, but it feels pretty natural and more simple in d4. Casual? – who knows… 😀
Also this cringe thing about stat requirements on your gear and skills, i’m getting so mad when i swap some piece of gear with stat buffs, and my other stuff becomes red, gear and skills, that’s so stupid in my opinion.
Greate thing about poe2 it’s roll dodge, it feels much better that the same thing in d4. Also, i love that WASD movement, it doesn’t exist in d4, here’s the only reason why poe2 really better then d4, lol
Play what you want to play and have a nice day!:D
I’m not gonna waste my internet data on this poe like game when I can play poe2
Blizzard problem isn’t missing enough creatives, is that the monetizarion and marketing run the development, and pre release, remembered that after making the store and system to milk players, somebody has to make a game were fit those systems.
Ubisoft is going bankrupt!?!?!
i paid 60$ for D4, then i couldnt complete the campaign. It’s even worse than the time i was scammed to buy Outrider. At least i reached the endgame with that game.
POE has been free for years , lil bro blizzard
Just rebuild Diablo North and let them have full control of the narrative, gameplay mechanics, and pay the heck out of them.
Gotta get those krill to feed those hungry whales
When will these big game companies just do their damn job. If you make a good game people will play the game. If you make garbage people will set it on fire. Pretty easy concept considering multi billion dollar companies can screw it up.
D4 literally has followed copy paste the Destiny 2 live service blueprint. Absolute garbage. Empty husk of a game.
I mean if it’s free i’m gonna play it
diablo was made into this anyone can get into it type of game. It was made for the casual “modern audience”
Buying d4 îs the worst game purchase în my life…
D4 bad
balders gate was 30 quid for delux version in the uk at launch…
Done 4
The reknown thing was exactly why I didn‘t even bother to use my already paid for season pass and quit right after the announcement… Blizzard is just dead. We should all have realized when they announced Diablo Immortal honestly.
Big companies attract people who are not very passionate about the games, they just go there for money. I bet that today the only truly passionate people in blizzard are some random developers at low level who have nothing to say how the games are being developed.
Blizzard just simply isn’t capable of making good games anymore. Their devs are garbage top to bottom.
Blizzard is rotten, it’s not even good for compost.
I actually really liked Diablo 3 after the RoS expansion and loved the original Diablo 2. But I completely skipped D4, despite the little voice in my head “But it’s a Diablo!” and a good friend wanting to play it with me. Because, as much as it saddened me, I decided it is not what I wanted. The story and Lilith as a villain didn’t interest me at all, I absolutely hated the idea of MMO and mobile game / ingame shop elements in a premium-priced title. I tried it back at the open beta and lost interest / uninstalled after an hour. Tried it with the same result at a free week event after some patches later. It’s shallow, boring and hugely overpriced. It really saddens me to see how utterly incompetent and misguided D4 turned out to be. Luckily PoE 2 delivers what I hoped D4 should have been. Not sure if I ever play D4, that depends on future improvements and price drops.
I didn’t know!
I’ll go give it a go know, I would never play a game that’s 50 quid after it’s been out awhile? … player count will go up now coz you r there add ! I would’ve bought it if it had dropped to 20 quid by now, the company is ran by people outa touch with gamers!!!
In a way it offends me a bit that blizz made D4 F2P, a bit because it was pretty expensive AND not really worth the money. Now they basicly acknowledge that their game sucks and say they’re glad they could make money of me and others before the cat got out of the bag proper…
Obviously i like many others, i was a dumb fool who should have listened to the content creators…
Also “return to form” is just corporate speak for “we share zero of the original IP’s dev team, so we’re gonna try to copy the work of the giant’s who’s shoulders we stand on, but we have no idea how and also want it to be different cuz we know what you want more than you do yourself.”
People out here complaining about regrinding renown, I am out here complaining of needing to do it in the first place lol
Okay D4 is bad for many people but WHY?
It’s a newly released early access game. It still has a lot of problems that need solved. And it’s still so good that I uninstalled Battlenet, because D4 immediately became irrelevant.
Poe2 is what Diablo 4 should have been. Marvel Rivals is what OW2 should have been. Double kill for Blizzard rip
All Blizzard did was make a new landscape, copy pasta all the gear(the Uniques are all the same as the first 3 games), and changed it to Lilith instead of Diablo.😂 and they still fucked it up.
All they had to do was make d4 exactly like d2 and they would have saved the franchise. The second they got rid of rune words was the second they became a dead game 😂😂😂
The blizzard art team has been carrying the company for a decade, every other aspect of the dev team isn’t up to par
even the sounds of D4 sucks i cant.. gives me cellphone game vibes.
That’s what xbox studios do. They lose just like that shitty console.
The whole point of Diablo used to be the grind, now you can swipe your way to rank 1 literally
You would have to pay me to play this slop.
Diablo 3 was the end of Blizzard for me, but if they pay me to stream it for 2 hr I might accept $2k USD for my time.
Maybe if they had said “please”.
Im sticking with Diablo 3 for now. Diablo 4 looked cool but it seems like its half just a cash shop. And not interested in POE2, tried the first out and wasnt impressed. Looked at the cast for poe2 and I dont want to play as any of those characters.
I bought diablo 4 on steam 70$. then wanted to play it on Xbox but u have to buy it there too means another 70$ gone. I was normaly used to play Blizzard games on Battlenet but that would cost another 70$ im already at 140$ bro fuck Blizzard what else can i say
Acco 🙂 Dude’s making his own research, love him 🙂
*”**0:01**”* 🤣🤣🤣
the reality is,…….. all who like diablo play it in bnet and it doesnt matter wahts up in steam und give a shit on peo.
I still love D4, but i don’t play it 18 hours a day and get done i 3 days either. Will never stop playing D4, i love the world and i want to see where they take the game in the coming years.
Will try PoE2 when it’s free, not paying for early access for a game i don’t know how to play properly while hearing that the bosses are annoying but satisfying to beat.
It’s funny how people are going nuts about this. A lot of games have had free weekends or now even offer stripped down versions in order to pump numbers.
D4 is a mediocre POE clone.
To be fair D4 has ran free trials many times before and this time is no different. Though I agree they will have to go f2p eventually due to the changing competitive landscape in the space.
Edit: You are allowed to exceed the level 20 cap for the first time, so this time is definitely different. But it looks like the level cap is now just 5 more at 25.
Boulders gate 3 is free to play on PSN right now too. bet its purely cause they made their money back in no time 😂
Get ready for Blizzard to have layoffs that the media will want us to be all weepy about.
I was just thinking yesterday d4 might go free. But the people that bought d4 must feel like shit right about now 😂
The Diablo II we got was not the version that the original Developers made. The Developers that made Diablo 1&2 were shafted by Vivendi when they presented their version of Diablo III, and eventually left the company. Two or the founders of Condor Games (Blizzard North) went on to make Torchlight 1&2, and the third founder went on to work on Path of Exile!
Well Diablo 4 is already riddled with micro-transactions which almost all cost more than the base game.
Its free to play till the 3rd of January
When you had to restart a character per new season I quit. I put so much time and care into my character and now I have to make a new one? No thanks
Less clams and more actual gamers at these companies would help too.
It’s crazy Poe has those numbers just pc alone wonder how much it is with consoles included
My ex-wifes brother works for Blizzard, I should send her a text inviting him to the PoE server im on 🤣
i didn’t know what d4 was until when it came out on xbox game-pass installed it and uninstalled within 2 hours now 1k hours in poe 2
He says that people seem to have amnesia and he’s right. When D4 came out, every content creators said it was the best game ever and that they played non-stop for hours, every one! And now they act like this never happened. Will it be the same with PoE2? It really feels like deja vue. When people stop being interested in the content, start making negative reviews, it always works for views.
I was suspicous about D4 when Diablo Immoral released. They would pull the same sleazy shit, and to certain degree they did. Open beta was fun and i lnew it wouldn’t stay that way. And they did make it grindier as soon as they released. Saved a lot of money on that one!
bought diablo 4 at half price cuz i said i would do that to my friend
and played till the end of campaign and never touched it again
If you hoped anything coming out of blizzard was going to come close to even PoE1, I’m sorry, but you’re delusional, and have not been paying attention for at least a decade now.
D4 was a great placeholder while I waited for poe
Only played diablo 3 for a bit before.
Just bought poe 2 the $100 pack and wow I am hooked.
Screw osrs, for now..
They should have left it at Diablo 2, the pinnacle of gaming.
Don’t forget the 300 shop gold with 29.99 for new player 😂😂😂
Saying poe 2 is like diablo 5 or 6 is insult to poe.
I didn’t find diablo 4 challenging at all.
Blizz: Making the game playable and fun? No! Put everyone working on microtransations!
thats literally spitting into anyones face who bought the game.
Diablo is pay to own , pay to battle pass , pay to in game store , pay for new class , pay for new story content updates
It’s almost like one company tries to make a good game so they can sell it
Where as blizzard wants to make money so they make a game to sell …
Man that POE-Like game went free? Good for them, I’m gonna stick to POE tho.
Same backwards logic Intel recently used to get GPU market share. Launch a card at a price ppl can’t look away from, cuz you know the industry will just settle the price back to market value as soon as the hype ends. You can’t revolutionize a market by undercutting it, likewise, you can’t buy customers by not letting them spend money.
Free table on the street…stays on the street for weeks
Put a fake $50 sign in front of it and it gets stolen in 10 minutes.
I went back and played D4 for about 30 minutes last night and it’s insane how much better POE 2 is. I’m a casual gamer and get to play maybe 5 or 6 hours a week and I enjoyed my time with D4 but the obvious quality difference between D4 and POE2 is insane. The bosses alone are far superior in POE2.
my play time on undecember is 242.1 hrs on steam
Gave up on D4 when their community whined and got easy loot and simple minded boss loot tables
My take: gamers used to be devs. So they knew what to produce as they wanted the same things as their consumers wanted. Now, devs are primarily activists and/or DEI hire, and I’ll add in corporate slaves as well. The passion is lost when when the wrong people are in positions they shouldn’t be in 🤷♂️🤷♂️
Let’s be real diablo 4 doesn’t even have diablo in it 😅
Is Path of Exil 2 will be available on SerieX ?
Everytime they go free, its on family Holidays. So as adult with family, i still cant play it. And normally i would be the main audience in casual gamers.
People’s opinion ” *insert game here* is Blizzard’s last chance”.
Blizzard “Hold my beer”.
F2P permanently?
PoE? More like PoS
The game price doesn’t matter if the game is shit. Make a good gameplay, get rid of woke shit and you’ll sell millions of copies.
You don’t need to pay 30$ for POE 2 if you already played it back in the day and made an account on the “POE” website. I found that out too late. lol
Bro people payed 70$+ for this shit at launch 😭😭😭
They’re doing the same exact thing Destiny 2 did…maybe we don’t buy games anymore if they’ll just be free. Funny it’s going F2P tho, how about you refund players who bought the disc copies eh blizzard? I expect that 70$ in my bank account on Christmas Eve or else~ 😋
D4 was grindy in all the wrong ways. “Go fetch” quests. Pointless running around. Wildly imbalanced intra-class as well as inter-class builds. Insane they even thought PvP would be a thing with how wildly imbalanced everything is. Boss fights that go wildly different depending on class/build. Boring story…
Diablo 4 cinematics are the only thing that holds up to anything from Diablo 2. Asmon is incorrect on this one.
PoE is what D4 should’ve been. Just like how PoE is what D3 should’ve been.
OK, not gonna lie. I was a big fan of Diablo, until D3. Never bought D4 and not paying to beta test an EA PoE2 for later be finished and be f2p.
So no money invested, and I can play D4 for free? I am interested on the campaign only… not gonna invest tons of hours on online services so they remove my progress later.
This is good news… zero money investment. I will install it now.
A Skyrim style storytelling with an ARPG would be sick, you get to combine the loot and exploration motivations with storytelling being largely elective, people who don’t care aren’t overly bothered with it and those that do, feel rewarded for finding answers to questions they have about the world.
Diablo 4 showing up on Game Pass in a few months showed how few people were still paying and playing for it. Even then, I doubt it moved the needle much, because a bad game is not worth anyone’s time, even when it’s free.
I so called this. about the 4th or 5th season, the game will go Immortal.
Diablo 4:
“Diablo 4 is free to play until January, after which you need to pay to continue playing.”
Path of Exile 2:
“Path of Exile 2 takes the opposite approach. You need to pay for early access after the game’s release, but it will be free to play forever once the full version is available.”
“With Diablo 4, you can play for free until January, then decide whether to pay to continue.”
“For Path of Exile 2, you can pay for early access or wait for the full release to play it for free.”
“In this case, Path of Exile 2 wins.”
I regret ever buying Diablo 4 on launch, it felt like i got scammed
D4 isn’t bad, PoE 2 is just better. When you have the choice to play either there is no reason to play D4.
They just want to share the love because it is doing so well!
Wait its free to play now? So why the fuck did i pay for it?
Hey he’s a South African 🙂
I just bought Diablo 4 on the GameStop sale (new copy for 9.99) and started playing. Put a couple hours in. The game is good. Idk maybe it’ll turn awful once I reach the end game stuff but as of now, it’s good.
Diablo 3.5 with updated graphics
The fact that PoE2 and Marvel Rivals came out the same day will never not be funny. Blizzard truly died on December 6th
I found the initial asking price for D4 (base game + season pass) WAY too steep, so I didn’t bother.
No regrets.
If a video game was made at Starbucks by a bunch of leftie non-gamer developers – D4
What’s funny is yea sure u get to play the new class but u are only able to get it to level 25 😂😂
Oh yeah, i saw the part with the renoun… uninstalled and moved on
Just recently I spent money to buy those stash stabs..even tho itz supposed to be features but its worth it..
So, the campaign of Diablo 4 is amazing imo, the best they ever had by far and they really did a great job with the base game.
Vessel of Hatred campaign is dogshit though and the rest is not that great, either.
Good time, to play it for the story and never touch it again, for free.
A sad day in history…. I had never played a Diablo game before. I preordered D4. I then proceeded to play the game for 2 hours. I’ve never played it again since
My gf and i are having a good time with diablo 4. With lath of exile, it creates competition. This is a good thing. I know hardcore people aren’t happy, i understand that. But, for the casual top-down player, i’m happy things are spicy to make a better product in the future. However… if diablo 5 isn’t great, then…nah.
Mark of a good ARPG? When loot falls on the ground in PoE2, I get excited about it. When loot drops on the ground in Project Diablo 2, I get excited about it. When loot drops on the ground in Diablo 4, I barely can be bothered to pick it up even if it makes the number go up.
Play Grim Dawn, pay to play and avoid the stupid price grabbing, penny pinching FOMO
It’s not free to play though
if diablo 4 is going free to play ; no wonder why it was only 19.99 when i bough it
D4 bad
Play undecember much more content and best shop not alot of monetization best rpg ever.
Oh snap im under an hour
POE 2 is PoE like, Diablo 4 is Diablo Immortal like.
Idk why I’m so annoyed by this, but please, pause the damn video when you’re talking.
I’ve played the game. Finished it. Didn’t like it that much. Uninstalled. Moved on.
the one content creator who uses that word dopamine the most is DM
everytime i hear that word from content creators mouth its cringe as fk
PoE2 numbers finna skyrocket once d4 goes off f2p
I think my opinion, Blizzard had too much focus on profits and money, even if Blizz team had great ideas and fun to implement for Diablo 4, they will not setup everything for players to enjoy. They want to make money for IP or nostalgia first foremost, then sell piecemeal little bits as content upgrades and constant monetization. It’s no longer about push everything out, then let players and market acknowledge them later with tiers of cosmetics or subscription.
baldie should atleast play d2 some
They fail for their own success
This is Diablo 4 last chance!
If this means the expansion is free i might try it just to check out the new class.
Since PoE2 is a disaster right now. Needs lots of fixing.
d4 bad
Yes, let me throw away all that time I put in PoE to go play another PoE-like game.
I don`t want to play it even for free. I play it if THEY pay me to play it. Free is not good enough offer.
D4 just couldn’t be the PoE-Like that we all needed
It was really funny when they can’t even make resistances work haha how long did it took them to fix it? a month later? I don’t remember but it was funny cause it’s more than a decade old mechanic hahahaha
Hot take, Elon is only “the best D4 player” cause…. Well… He’s like the only D4 player.
Don’t you guys have phones?
Elon did it! 🎉🎉🎉
Setting a bar so high that regular whales aren’t able to touch that #1 place.
Rod is the problem because he is the head of IP.
D4 aint dead they still have 8k players online… xD
It’s just a free trial.
I still play Diablo 2…. Its always fun to start a new ladder grinding up from zero occassionally. I only played D4 for a short time and never switched it on again. I could make a better Diablo game than Blizzard. Much better. Probably most long time players could make a better Diablo than Blizzard. Blizzard has no idea about Diablo. They dont understand the game at all.
Free trials of blizzard games are nothing new…
1. Buying D4 was the worst financial decision that I made in my entire life.
2. Diablo franchise already died with d3. D4 further cemented its death. D2r is an exception though.
I tried it for free. This game is so boring, one-dimensional and repetitive, I uninstalled it after 2-3 hours. The story and voice acting are just annoying.
Diablo’s the only way now is to pray that guys from GGG would accept with loads of money from Blizz and fix this sh…
11:30 pretty sure BDO takes the cake for being free every few months Lol
When playing PoE originally it was what Diablo 3 should have been. It was colloquially called ‘Diablo 2.5’ for the longest time.
GGG has still got it.
Yea you would know about BALDurs gate, baldy
if poe2 makes the intro 10 levels drop enough loot to hook people it can easily end d4. but not getting any drops for hours sucks.
What D4 have is the story and cinematics, but that all. POE2 out perform it in every single things. Trading in POE2 is just awesome
Poe2 is out, and our time is finite. Why spend it on a worse game?
It took them one year and ONE PAID EXPANSION, to get the base game in a good state and if you dont buy the expansions, well you are out of luck. I feel like the best move for blizzard going forward would be to make expansion free for everybody. It would bring a ton of players back to the game and generate ton of hype. blizzard should be able to fund further development of the game with season passes + in-game store revenue.
But its just free trial, you can only hit level 20??
I am amazed you guys are coping hard. It’s not really good. Its just the best thats out because we have been getting dogshit games for years. I get I am in the minority here. But this is 2016 gaming. We should be in 2024 gaming. We are so far behind, a company making a 2016 game is somehow “peak”
Now people can go between poe1and poe2 for different seasons Diablo is in more trouble.
Can’t only immortal
Still never going back to D4
I watch this even though I don’t play Blizzard games😅.
Limited time F2P for Overwatch made me never buy the game.
its a dead game even the cry babies on reddit do their best to tell you else
Nope its not free to play. Still have to pay for $29.99
I bought the GD premium pack for $170 CAD. I bought the expansion full price as well for $100 CAD. Not to mention that I’m a console user and bought my very first PC just for D4. To say I’m completely disappointed is an understatement. I don’t want to give up because one day something might change…
I’m going to need my money back if D4 goes free to play. Also, add it to the never again pile.
Can I refund Diablo 4 now?
Now you can play it for free and still feel ripped off.
bruh pause vids when you talk, getting lazy again, hard to heard 2 people over talking each other.
still playing grim dawn and waiting for Titan quest 2 (praying they don’t ruin it)
Free? Paid 100 bucks for trash.
PoE 2 = 40 dollars skin
Diablo 4 DLC = 40 dollars
Make redo renown is BAD but redo whole campaign each season / league is OK. YEA. logic…
Over at blizzafd they made one build for each class that is so OP that noone would play anything else. The exact thing that POE2 deveopers said is the clearest sign of something OP thst needs to be balanced. On top of that, remember 4 stat items with no crafting? Remember how resistances didn’t work at all?
Diablo 4 was blizzards last chance. Blizzard is dead ☠️
blizzard got dropkicked not once but twice Path of exile 2 against Diablo 4 and Marvel rivals against Dookiewatch 2
can’t believe I bought the 100 euro pre release, and only played for like 3 weeks
I never pre order usually, and this only cemented that sentiment
oh boy those people who buy Diablo 4 must be happy when see this announcement.
That’s why you follow developers, not IPs and companies.
People forget rivals has console, and is on epic games too. This number is wrong
Hey Blizzard, why don’t you do us all a solid and just sell the Diablo IP to GGG? Been a couple of years since we had a good time playing Diablo..
It’s definitely a barrier to entry. Just not for people living in the first world.
12:45 My Christmas gift to myself was some stash tabs in Poe1 after getting back into the game after a long time (whenever the boat character screen was new). So I went on the shop and saw that there was a deal to get early access Poe2 and the equivalent $ in shop currency. A couple hours later I go to try out Poe2 only to discover the shop is shared between the two games! This reminds me of something that old pc developers like Blizzard would do years ago. Its a pity the games are so different because my hard drive is nearly maxxed out on Spirit.
The only thing Diablo 4 has going for it is the brilliant art department. Love PoE2 but Diablo 4 is still unconquered when it comes to visuals.
this video made me buy poe2 early access 🙂
hmm, well I would play it for free tbh
As Quin’s minions claim: “D4 Bad. D4 D$gSh%&!”
But im playing poe2 right now, blizz, perhaps make it free forever?
Diablo 4 the streets.
I wish I would buy the game and buy a fuckin dlc when the game is boring as hell , and you only tried to make the game better when the dlc was coming out
This is so desperate lol jezz
I don’t know where Diablo 4 is free to play, but I see it’s only temporarily until the end of January 2025, and on Steam it still costs money in Europe.
Diablo Edgy Garbage.
Every single issue with D4 was pointed out in the Beta. It was obvious to everyone and they didn’t listen.
D4 my first and last blizzard game. D4 dead
Asmongold, Palworld update dropped, time to dive in bro.
137gb of download, no thanks.
I haven’t bought this game. I will not give blizzard more money.
Paid full price for d4 at launch, I’ve never felt so ripped off by a game.
love the channel, but the title is a bit misleading.
I installed D4 a couple of days ago and wanted to give it a shot again, but seeing they released an expansion and I had to buy the game a second time after paying 100 once already, I figured to say F that and I bought Poe EA instead and I’m having a great time.
Why D2/D2R has a longer lifetime compared to D4 ? Because even the game mechanics are simple, loot table and crafting is so rich and filled with many different options. D4 keeps the simple game but also stripped away %90 of crafting and has NONE of the unique drop hype. It doesn’t have the loot chase which kept D2 alive for so long.
Thanks for reacting to this vid! Great video by the creator 😁
Diablos gonna need to pull of a reborn
I might even try path of exile 1 after putting in 80 hours of path of exile 2
I rather read the newspaper than play d4
I’m just gonna try it cause free and nothing to lose I have a long holiday where’d I’m basically home for a month so have nothing but time to lose so guess I’ll challenge myself how far can I get before say fuck it and go back to poe2 😂
Not only is poe1 not a replacement for poe2 but all MTX’s in both are crossplay everywhere but PS5 and that’s because of Sony not GGG. Blizzard can take a hike.
They couldn’t pay me to play this
😂😂 no shot
They paid Rhyyker to do commercials on YouTube. They pop up on POE2 videos all the time. lol
They need to compete with Poe 2. They already lost this battle just like D3/poe1
Give me back my money Blizzard. DIV turned out to be extremely boring game.
I didn’t think it’s possible that I’d say this, but: Playing D4 feels less rewarding than D3. Meanwhile D3 is a 10 hour gameplay per season tops.
“I’ve seen ads for Raid:Shadow Legends that glaze the game less” is truly a testament to just how far they’ve fallen
D4 or D4 expansion? cuz I already felt scammed with the price of the original game, no way I was going to spend money on that expansion, bye d4
D4 doesn’t even have elemental damage on weapons
Now im fully pissed i paid for diablo at launch 😑
Poe2 is more diablo like than diablo 4
for me it got to the point I have Bnet removed from my pc. They have 0 games that appeal to me except for D2:Resurrection which I’ll play once a year or so for nostalgia sake. Blizzard needs to make a decision. Are they going to do what they used to – take other companies ideas and concepts then distill it to the bare minimum with super smooth input/reactivity which makes it super accessible to casual/low entry new gamers. Or try to reach everyone and miss out on everything.
IMO the PoE and Blizzard audience is NOT the same. There is some small overlap, but that’s about it. D4 still sucks regardless.
yall should be asleep
I think hearthstone is blizzard’s best game rn
D4 was my last purchase from Blizzard, not that i dont like the company. i just find their last game boring.. i spent over 150$ for diablo 4 ultimate and i played the first season and deleted it from my pc because i didnt play it and took space for nothing. in other words waste of money and space..
If cost was a barrier to entry, then people wouldn’t be buying next gen consoles, just to play the next grand theft, auto or the next red dead redemption or the next insert upcoming game
I left it after the first season. Was hoping it would get better. But i don’t think it’s there yet
legit the worst money i`ve spent in my life.
I have gamepass but I buy games I like and price depends on game.😊
tried it for a bit, witnessed that build diversity is a lie (each class having 4 different builds or so possible because thats how many core skills they have), left. spent more time downloading than playing
Trial of a nearly 2 year old game with such bad reception? Not interested, just a waste of time at this point
Played 1 hour and immediately uninstalled.
Poe 2 is garbage. Im not even trolling. I cant wait for new season Diablo.
seeing my friend who only played D2/D2R before tryout PoE2 and having a blast with it sure is something
d4 bad
Diablo 4 on Steam? It’s not on Steam. You buy it on Steam but you play it on Battlenet.
Bye Doll Nate
Blizzard got caught with their pants down.
Overwatch is dying and got a gun pointing to its head, Diablo 4 is gasping for air and GGG just sat on their wind pipe, WoW is… there…
the only diablo i played is diablo + hellfire, i think it’s the best of any latest diablo game, idc about the graphic being outdated or whatnot in my opinion those two are the greatest diablo game i ever played
I don’t consider myself a hardcore arpg fan but I was so close to buy Diablo 4 because it has gone on discount so many times… im just so glad I waited for POE 2. It’s hard and irritating especially as an evasion monk but the gameplay, mechanics, and boss fights makes me want to keep playing it and its just early access! $30 is inexpensive for a game like this, I can’t even believe that the game will be free in a few months. Its an amazing game and I recommend it to anyone. I generally don’t enjoy single player games but this game is incredible and fun without other players so if you have friends to play with, its going to be an absolute blast.
It says a lot when they’re making the game FREE for a short and people STILL aren’t tuning in to play it lol
They already caught countless People buying early access.
Shame PoE2 is so shitty balanced that Hardcore mode is unplayable..
I never got too into Poe1 but i absolutely loving Poe2 doing maps Lv80 atm and have 4 other classes around lv 30
But… I am not speaking about what i want, i am only looking at the data and evidence…. are people unaware that there will be Leagues in Poe2?
which will almost certainly include league specific mechanics, translating to insane power scaling mechanics.
i am not delusional enough to believe that Poe2 endgame is NOT gonna be similar to Poe1/d3/d4 in terms of power scaling and the zooming, even if not to the same degree the CORE loyal ARPG player base want to powerup and move faster, to “zoom” post campaign for the endgame grind.
thats why D4 submited to to the player demands and made the game zoom when that is not how it was at the start, on release D3 started out much more similar to Poe2 in terms of loot and power, but look at it now its what the majority of the playerbase actually wants, unfortunately.
This millionare keep saying money isnt a barrier to entry. That is totally not true. I’m currently not buying Stellar Blade because it costs $70, I am waiting for it to drop to $20 in 2 years.
Blizzard stopped advertising their upcoming seasons when ggg released poe2 😂😂
No thanks.
It’s so hard to make something you’d like yourself!
If you do it for anything else
but for that goal 😀
I still don’t wanna play lol
D4 bad
RNG.. that’s what killed blizzard games. Too much RNG. No skill required, just luck required. Players have 0 control over their actions. Luck to have this drop, To have this hand, to level up this mini, card etc. It removes player skill. Traditional game I die 10 times but I learned and I got better. I killed the boss because I as a player I improved. Make the game hard but it gives you the opportunity to get better. But blizzard games is not based on skill or experience, it’s based on RNG/luck. Diablo 4 have way to much RNG. Blizzard games waste your time. Just keeping you hooked for the hope of the God of RNG rewards you, when other games reward you the more you improve, the better you get. That’s more rewarding.
i’d rather play D2 resurrected than D4 for free
I played D2 (and still play D2R a lot), even D3 a TON, PoE1, and now full time PoE2. Never clicked with D4. Game is just uninteresting, nothing to be captivated about. Everything in D4 is garbage, items, fights, bosses, campaign, whatever. D4 genuinely repels me and I don’t think anything can be done about it lol.
Funny how no life hardcore Players think they know the world 😂
God forbid people like actually playing games and not building a piece of gear for 3 days🤦🏻♂️
Diablo 4 free to play? It’s still too expensive.
I’d play Diablo 4 if it’s actually free, while waiting for POE2.
i just logged back into my necro to see it was bastardized and i had to redo my entire paragon board/skill tree. who thought this was a good idea lol
Its only downhill from here too, Microsoft mismanagement tanks nearly every creative company they aquire.
$30 bucks for foxhole, loved it so much I played 50 hours in the first week 😂
Blizzard is in full panic mode across the board. Overwatch is throwing out free stuff after marvel rivals came out and now Diablo 4 is having a heart attack over path of exile 2
What does he mean when he says ‘cope’? I keep hearing that word used in a weird way.
Got it at discount, enjoying it for what it is, not what it should have been. Now that I’m off for the Holidays, time to get POE 2 😂
Micro transaction doesn’t sound like a bad idea
you can buy D2R for 10 bucks. and you will have a good time. or jus buy poe 2 ea.
The only move for d4 is to buff all other classes to match SB in the next season or they’re done, if they aren’t already..
If blizzard made a good game it would sell, if I could get a refund on d4 I would. Can’t wait for Poe full release.
D4 collector edition is more scammy than honey
I spent $100 for Diablo 4 was so hyped for it, right before season 1 I had already put in 439 hours…. Then the patch right before season 1 happened, haven’t played it since. NEVER EVER will buy anything BLIZZARD again.
I only bought D4 for $25 because it came with a steelbook. Also, I LOVE werewolves.
Im gona play D4 until GGG finaly fix the crashing issue. Poe2 freezelocks my Pc every now and then, forcing me to hardreboot it.
we on steam so we can track the hours now unlike before in poe some regions (our region), doesn’t have poe in steam for the longest time. finally its here now from day 1.
I’m still not playing it. It’s too boring. Not Exile-like.
Path of Exile like.
Diablo 4 character models put me right off, they are all either femboys or muscle mommies, ABSOLUTELY NO THANKS!. So utterly tired of the uglification, anf feminization of characters, because the devs are in the cult of gender ideology. Didn’t buy D4, won’t buy D4.
PoE 2 is a unique combination of D1, D2, boss fights challenging from the beginning, enjoyable play, great story, difficult but amazing. All you missed in previous games this game gives you. Hard, but awesome. D4 is just a circus. Running around only.
Just put my first 15h straight into POE 2 ehile playing diablo i fell asleep after playing for 30 mins
Price is a barrier to entry. Maybe not for you and most people in US or some parts of europe, but for 90% of other countries it is
Blizzard is hitting the alarm
*D4 and WoW – BAD.*
*Path of Exile and Final Fantasy 14 – GOOD.* 😎💯
They made it f2p for game pass. Still felt robbed
praise christ jesus and pivot to something G rated with no sinfulness, elaborate love tag instead of fps
Base game should be free then they make some money when someone likes it enough to buy dlc
Mmm too much hate around Diablo, i loved the expansion, the later changes are very good, pretty happy with the game
POE 2 is amazing I really love it could be a little bit harder but still experience is massive compared to everything I’ve played before
2025 going bankrupt bingo be like:
D4 is not a bad game its just boring and greedy poe2 has twice the content for a third of the price
I feel like i got my $60 worth of the game..I enjoyed the first month.. then it slowly fell off for me
Even if was 100% I would not touch that thing
I just bought a new copy for PS5 from GameStop for 10 dollars last week. This now makes sense
everyone hates on diabo 4 but i really enjoy it
All my Poe Supporter Packs I had bought because I want to support GGG. I even do not need the Shop Points.
I can never imaging doing this for Blizzard.
If i had a 700 to blow id buy a pc or a steam deck just to play bmx streets and id be happy
So D4 cucked everybody who bought it for $100 + expansions LMAO !
Edit: Apparently it’s only a free trial up to level 25. You still have to pay for the game and expansions.
Financial cost is not the barrier to entry, quality of game is.
People have a limited amount of time, and they want to spend it with the best games.
Thank god I never bought this game
a game costing money is the reason it succeeds- Holocure.
I got baited into buying the highest price edition of d4 at the release. I still regret it today.
i stop playing poe because of the online when diablo 4 is on the switch 2 without online like diablo 3 them I play it
Then why is it F2P? It’s good, they should charge for it instead of making any good skin to never drop in the game.
PoE2 early access has at least 5 times as much content as D4 plus Expansion plus all 6-7 seasons combined IMO. There is no way back for D4 now.
D4 got curbstomped by PoE2
Overwatch got curbstomped by Marvel Rivals
Whew, what a month for Blizzard!
I still havent bought elden ring because money
D4 FAIL !!!
Irrelevant video.
money is a barrier to entry when your game is mid or just plain sucks.
Competition is awesome for us, customers
Blizzard could have made a diablo 2 with better graphics and a few new classes with new runes words. Diablo 3 would still be going now with expansions. They made diablo 3 LGBTQ with loot goblins and a rainbow world. Diablo 3 ruined the franchise because it was rainbows and unicorns’ real fans wanted nothing to do with diablo 4 after diablo 3.
Marvel rivals is the game rn to play
Yep. I wasnt even done with the story, then having to redo it, made me quit.
What are we kidding ourselves, the article is probably written entirely with ChatGPT, with Rod writing the command prompt to the AI.
What means D4?
– Dumb for.
Free to play? HAHA no. I wont go back
oh hey it’s accolon!
It’s been 3 years since I’ve given blizzard any money and I don’t regret my decision at all.
I haven’t played the first PoE or most of the Pablo’s.. but seeing that retention kind of made me want to
I was done with Blizzard as soon as they turned Diablo into a girl. No money from my wallet went towards their way since.
I’ll keep playing Diablo II: LOD and Dtarcraft: Brood War. I haven’t touched Blizzard since Diablo III made me throw up in my mouth.
Bought it and was done about 4 days in. Hard to go back
As a casual gamer old enough to have played the original Diablo when it was released, this is a huge win for me; as much as I love the series, theres no way I was paying for it.
I don’t get the Diablo IV hate. I’m playing it right now. I’ve never played a single ARPG before and have Game Pass, so I tried it mainly because of the POE2 hype to see if I like these types of games. I think it’s a ton of fun. I’m looking forward to playing POE2 when the full game is released, but I just don’t get what is so “bad” about Diablo IV. Seems like everyone just had major groupthink about it and says they hate it because it’s the cool thing to say and saying you like it means you’re a dummy.
Feel free to dunk on me haha.
I got it with a steam giftcard, on a discount, and i still want my money back
I wish PoE 2 had a Paladin just to piss on Diablo more
that crazy blizzard overwatch start giving lot free epic/legendary skin maybe because of marvel rival?
now diablo is free cause of path of exile??
Decided to buy POE 2, no regrets way better then D4
Giving shit away for free. After we get ripped off and no happy endin. Blizzard is dead to me never play anything by them again.
Who’s Blizzard?
D4 + expansion £45 on PlayStation! I brought Aetenum I don’t feel these top down games
Diablo 4 was first released directly at Blizzard – so the numbers are probably not accurate because most of the people bought it before it was released on steam
D4 bad Poe2 reigns
It’s not free. Cheaper but not free.
I just bought the game and it goes free to play… FML… the problem isn’t even that, but the fact that I can’t actually play it because it crashes on average every 2-15minutes, and you get sent back to the nearest settlement every time that happens…
Blizzard didn’t make Diablo what it was, so it was never a surprise that they couldn’t mimic it’s success once the people who made the game left the company. I don’t know why consumers have a hard time realizing this. 1 man at Blizzard saved Diablo 3 and I’m not even sure if he still even works there.
Blizzard got spit on the face twice on this month, Overwatch got splattered by Marvel Rivals, and now Diablo IV, by POE II. Microsoft is going to have to clean house soon.
I didn’t get D4 because it has no offline only mode and requires the internet to play 1 player. 1 player mode should never require internet.
Its sad when im more excited for a diablo 2 season than a diablo 4 season.. and that says a lot
People still play D4? I thought everyone realised when they made SpiritBorn so OP and money gated that Blizzard will never change
Diablo 4 opted to be the Honey plugin of games?
It will always be funny to me when content creators complain of being tired from making videos… lol… it is SO hard to talk in front of a camera and sit in your chair and edit
Path of Exile 2 is a better successor to Diablo 2 and PoE1 than Diablo 3 and 4 >_>
havent watched just already know the expansion isnt included in the f2p and blizzard stays pathetic
Just like it’s titular character, the game has been long dead.
Worst game rewards 2024 please
Diablo 4 was a $70 game, with micro transactions. How do you ruin a game’s reputation before it is judged?
Path of Exile 2 was free and better than Diablo 4.
Shouldnt have even been a full feature game should have just been a d3 expansion
Is it free on PC? Don’t see anything on Steam… that means it’s not for PC
I was already complaining about certain features during the early beta, they did fix one of my concerns which was nice but the rest of the design flaws that me and many others had been posting on the official forums got drown out by idiotic shills and fanboys. The game deserves the kind of developers and community, dead game that is.
The issue with D3 and D4 really is, gameplay identity. They kinda lost it because other games like PoE and Grim Dawn popped out and could delivery a similar experience. Heck even the now dead Wolcen had a more interesting skill system than D3 and 4. When D4 first announced runes are coming back, big hype. Then for some reason it got scrapped.. literally why? Because the coders can’t fix a bug or something? A billion dollar company with some of the best in the industry can’t make it work?
Then they originally had the system where players get to decide to build their character leaning more towards demonic or angelic powers which in turn applies different attributes to the classes’ skills. WHY THE FUCK WAS IT REMOVED!? It could and CAN be the new identity of Diablo4 gameplay, instead of having it play so generic and turned out even worse than other ARPGs that simply copy the bread and butter of the genre.
As a D2 fanboy, who was sick of D3’s bad direction. Had hope for D4 when they announced and revealed more details. I am extremely pissed really. And I blame it on blizzard management for hiring a bunch of “don’t know, don’t ask, don’t learn” developers.
New world order begins 😂😂
Diablo game without a Diablo.
I don’t know why they didn’t add a Paladin/Crusader to diablo 4 lol. It wouldn’t have saved the game but they are a staple of the diablo universe. They had them in the d4 cinematics lol
this exile-like game sucks
I know people 60k deep in march of empires or rise of kingdoms. They even buy resources from players who stack and sell
I don’t think i would play d4 even if Blizzard paid players to do it. Sorry im just that disgusted by modern blizzard.
D4 -> POE/2
OW -> Marvel Rivals
Heartstone – basically dead
Heroes of the storm – shutdown already? idek, dead
WoW – long past its glory (released 2004 – 20 years ago)
I know that Blizzard got acquired by Activision but it seems to me theyre running low on just like games or playerbase… if this was a restaurant this would be a horrible menu to chose from
Man this POE2-like game is REALLY trying hard to be a POE clone. Too bad the company suffers from mismanagement.
Where’s my $70 back
hey asmon try guild wars 2 please
they neeed to pay raxx, asmon, rob, wwudi, ryker, dm, sammy caps at least 1.5m usd to get in a room and design D4 2.0 or D5
7k views 7minutes Zack is falling😂
Why waste your time on D4 when you can play actual fun Action RPGs like PoE2, Grim Dawn or Last Epoch?
My life has been Poe2 for the first half of my day and rivals for the second half.
Is there something that modern Blizzard DIDN’T screwed up?
D4 was doomed the day POE2 came out. No, it was doomed when it released.
they are just begging for money atp.
Shout out to the 160 000 helldivers still defending freedom
Diablo 4? Is that that the PoE-like that sucked really bad?
it’s really crazy how nobody is talking about the book the hidden path to manifesting financial power
Why pay for a game more than once.
D4 bad
I was so sick and tired of D4, I ran D2 Resurrected and started a new game with a new character. I had more fun with that game in 15 mins than I’d been having with D4 in months.
I won’t even play that shit for free.
Just make all blizzard games free to play
I bought the collector’s edition of D4, felt scammed ngl.
Not exile like.
Let’s face it, D4 should have been titled Diablo Immortal 2
Poe2 > diablo 4
Rivals > ow2
What next?
True, just make a good game, duhh. There’s no money if the game is bad, that easy
This video will send 5 k more ppl to play it
Wrong move by blizzard is paid dlc if it’s free I’ll play it
Blizzard I already have access to Path of Exile, why would I downgrade?
I really don’t understand where the massive “D4 bad” thing comes from. I have been enjoying D4 a lot.
People who had gamepass never had to buy it 😂
No fucking way.
Diablo IV..return to form…kiss of death.
Almost 2025 any I’d prefer to play Diablo 2 than IV
Since Elon Musk ranked number 1 on diablo maybe he should bye blizzard and Make Games Great Again. Lol
Not on steam? Dont care😂
I knew I was right about “waiting for a discount.” Still not playing it though.
POE like game
D4 bad
D4/10 POE2/10 Baseg
Its not even funny anymore, just sad
Who or what is Blizzard? And what the heck is Diablo 4?
Full Panic at the Disco. Sorry at the Blizzard.😂😂😂😂
The hatred rising is true in Blizzard’s case.
I’m the CEO of DEI, asmongold I will sue u for defamation
diablo 4 across all platforms have about 1million avtive players. This just a quick google i did the other day and i need to do more research into it. But its not as dire as steam would make it out to be.
Well – free is too pricey when POE2 is early access now 😀
I spent a couple hundred hours on D4 and on pace to do the same with PoE2. Recency bias aside I don’t regret my time playing PoE2.
Not just 30 dollars most of us bought packs over 100 dollars absolutely insane numbers they made on early access
Peak content
Diablo series is what keeping this game alive, because in the presence of PoE2 people still playing diablo are just og
Play for free and buy our special offer chest for ONLY 99,99$ instead of 999,99$! If you buy 2 you get one for free!
Peak content
If you want to be on the nice list I know how to get you on it 😜
No views? 😢
Diablo 4 is dead
How many diablo 4 video do we need
Hail nurgle
Lol d4 is still around?