HIGHEST DPS Twisting Blade Rogue Build For Sever SLAM! | Diablo 4


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Intro: 0:00

For business inquires – veiledshot@amg.gg

Taqs:diablo 4,diablo 4 gameplay,diablo 4 necromancer,diablo 4 rogue,diablo 4 sorceress,diablo 4 barbarian,diablo 4 druid,diablo 4 necromancer build,diablo 4 rogue build,diablo 4 sorceress build,diablo 4 barbarian build,diablo 4 druid build,diablo 4 review


  • コメント (16)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • etur0
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    yeah I already got my druid planned out for the server slam and maybe even the full game

    • Daniel Newman
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    just stay close to ashavas back feet in the boss fight and you will be fine.

    • Gio Garcia
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Why did you take MSI from SI? TB is Physical Damage. Wouldn’t a point into weapon mastery be better?

    • Steven
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Let’s get these stupid trophy boys.

    • tabin
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Do we knoe if doungeons are in the same places as in previous beta and they give the same aspects? I’d rather go ranged rogue with max poison trap but I am not sure if there is an aspect buffing poison trap.

    • Smurffies
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    In the last two betas I purely ran a rogue ice build with ice caltrops and boosted ice elemental damage and I had a whole bunch of every time you dash or dogde you’ll throw down a stun grenade and I have mods that would throw down a stun grenade when I throw down a stun grenade so I was spamming like three stun grenades every time I dash dodged or teleported we’re pretty damn well didn’t die a single time against the world boss.

    • Generalkillaman
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    We all ready for level 20 Ashava!

    • Patatmetmayo
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Bladedancer’s are really nice but edgemaster’s actually is better in terms of how much your dps increases against a single target. Edgemaster can give up to a 68% dmg buff on all your skills, while Bladedancer’s does 40-80% of only the returning blades’ damage when put in a 2handed slot. Against a single target you have to stay in melee range most of the time to keep your DPS uptime high, so the distance of the returning blades will be minimal most of the time which means a perfect Bladedancer’s does only 40% of the returning blades dmg per hit. I think Bladedancer produces 2 hits with the revolving blades per TB hit so that would be 80% total of the returning blades. Against a single target this translates to around a 54% increase of your dmg when using only TB. Not sure how it works with imbuements though, does each separate hit produced by TB (return blades + revolving blades) each apply the imbue effect as well? Then it would be pretty huge with TB applying 4 times the imbue effect per hit.

    You can also use concealment and snapshot the guaranteed critical hit on your entire TB sequence, so you crit on the initial TB hit when coming out of concealment, and the returning blades and the revolving blades will then automatically also become crits. 🙂

    • Teany Monster
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    dark shroud instead of poison trap if you go for a sub skill. everything else is pretty good and explained in my opinion.

    • Jax69
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Thanks for the video but I’m not understanding these aspects could you do a video on finding, getting and using them, do they drop on a piece of gear and you just wear them I didn’t think we could extract them at level 20. If they drop in a dungeon I see people say put this 1 on your weapon or boots ect . Or do you just farm and hope that aspects is on the weapon or boots ect? I hope I explained enough so you can see where I’m confused. Thanks

    • Nano
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    You got to a Lv. 21 build but that would be 20 skill points right? Lv. 1 doesn’t give you 1 skill point. You should get to Lv.22 build to be realistic (2 extra points with renown)

    • Kyzer
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    Blade shift is better than puncture imo, it helps TB when moving through mobs unhindered. You’ll proc vulnerable easy enough with shadow imbument.

    • Gregory Anastas
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    What is your reason for picking Exploit over Weapon Mastery?

    • Tom Gailey
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    To add to this, with the legendary drops nerfed, it is likely that gambling will be the go to for a lot of of the legendary aspects we will be looking for. For Blade Dancer’s you will want to be gamble gloves. They are the cheapest thing that you can gamble for Weapon legos, and can only roll weapon and utility. For Ravager’s you will want to gamble boots, also pretty cost effective and can only roll 2 different types of Legos I want to say Movement and Utility on Boots (could be movement and armor, i don’t remember 100% for sure). As always great work Veiled, you have become my favorite D4 content creator 🙂

    • OreoShakeBuddy
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm

    I’m about to send you a massive thesaurus so you can massively change up your vocabulary. It’s gonna be massive!!!

    • Nothingman5
    • 2023年 5月 10日 8:41pm
