Diablo IV | Legendaries and Uniques


Ready for the top tier? Legendary and Unique Items give the skills and stats you need to survive in Sanctuary.

#Diablo #Diablo4 #Gaming

Taqs:Diablo,Diablo III,D3,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment


  • コメント (10)

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    • Daevon Garabedian
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Staff of herding or nah? Lol

    • Myndlus Gaming
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    I need D4 now…

    • gotaplanstan
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Lookit all the casuals referencing d3, like they haven’t been paying any attention to this game until now 🤦‍♂️

    • TonyStufo
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    If your just waiting like I am then 👍my comment to show Diablo we are ready

    • doop00
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Like others have said, I hope they are rarer to find than in D3, makes you feel more excited once they do drop.

    • Zasz
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Sounds like diablo immortal. Which of them is the original and which is the clone?

    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Hopefully more rare than in D3

    • OneButton Dash
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    I’m lookin forward to D4 but not gonna lie I’ve heard the same information about legendaries, imprinting, uniques for MONTHS now. Always the same sort of information

    • KiNG jAWBo
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Is it June yet?

    • Boris Galov
    • 2023年 5月 04日 8:32pm

    Rare like D3?