Diablo IV | Inside the Game: Your Class Your Way


Your look. Your build. Your class.

Learn how you can play your way in #DiabloIV.

Pre-purchase and get up to 4 days Early Launch Access: https://diablo4.com

Taqs:Diablo,Diablo III,D3,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment


  • コメント (518)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • SlashMedia
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    2023; ”I wanna play as a toaster.”

    • JakubP
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The closer june 6th comes the more i want to buy this game

    • Obscenity
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Character creation was extremely underwhelming. There’s no body type customization so you’re stuck with a fat druid or emaciated necromancer.

    • Ferrite
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Let us give whatever drops to someone else as long as it’s given to someone who was in your party and it’s the same session.

    • Tornacense de futuro
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    3:04 What are you speaking about??? If you are Black you can find a character that looks like you. If you’re a European, no way you will be able to customize your character to remind you 😂

    You’re delusional Americans… Wondering what a backlash you will get when people find later how WOKE this game is.

    • genesisSOC
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    But I want to play a sword and shield plate armor wearing knight

    • Telezma
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Seems that Elden Ring had a strong influence on this game.

    • Liby Kim
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So, legendary affixes are random and can be found in more than one item slot, whereas unique affixes are tied to that unique item. Just a thought, but what if all affixes were like legendary affixes. Meaning there would be no uniques and just more powerful legendaries.

    Pro: This may alleviate the issue with the game eventually ending up with that one best build everyone aims for. (e.g. Windforce for bow, Jordan for ring, etc.) Promote bulid diversity.
    Con: No Grandfather Sword, no Windforce… uniques won’t be uniques anymore. Hmm… this doesn’t sound all that good now that I’ve said it haha.

    I don’t know, any thoughts or opinions?

    • Dark_Embers
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can we make a skinny druid?

    • darrell larue
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    can’t wait to play been waiting so long

    • Ragnarok
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I got one question though.

    Am I going to need a Phone? 🤔

    • Annihilator27
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Create a character wasn’t even that deep.

    • IronWolfV
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So ready. Beta got me hooked. Very excited for this now. 👍🏽🔥🔥

    • Gerome Cruz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is literally the best of both worlds (D2 and D3). D3s customization options/transmogs, and some combat systems, D2s skill tree, loot system, “gloomy gothic scenery” plus they added new things. Hopefully their execution is a bit better this time.

    • Pontus
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    why is the graphics so gimped in the gameplay?

    • imcartermatic
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    my class my way . such a complex paragon board! im so different than the other druids. i have an extra 0.25% crit chance, see, im different

    • Lexicon Prime
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “If you’ve played a previous Diablo game and you enjoyed a certain play style, you can bring that into Diablo 4.”
    RIP Monk, my play style. 🙁

    • Will Ronin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I really hope all of this will matter until the end game and beyond.

    • Sebolonius
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The only thing holding me back from playing this 7 days a week is family and work LOL. otherwise……. 🙂

    • Oliver Seaman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So half way through the story line we find out she has been giving us the ability to be the …..chosen one lol or that the bigger picture was to finally end the repeat in exchange for being the ruler lol idk just thought soon as I Hurd him say hail Lilith our blessed mother

    • Daneve Obero
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This might be my first buy.

    • Oliver Seaman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So we going D3 transmog hidden stuff or we going a different way

    • JDTW
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Regardless of what people think of the game , they’ve created something that’s addictive to play. I have so many games i can play but i keep thinking about this game.

    • Oliver Seaman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So yes oskill confirmed but through glyphs and confirmed they were not truly specific about gear but I am almost positive they also will be able to carry or create oskill

    • Sjont
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Sir Gor
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Gonna be amazing!!!!!

    • carminemg
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Beta was meh, really hope I’m wrong when the full game drops.

    • Laundru Patton
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Ohh No. I saw the old vs new font. Uggh! I wear glasses with progressive lenses. I loved the old font. I’m on a couch 6 to 8 feet away that’s going to be a little viewing difficulty. Please do a Facebook page vote. That new font will eye stain some people.

    • SomethingBoss
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Would of been great if the campfire was more than just a create a new character screen you hardly ever see. Like being able to choose your fave created character to sit around it and that befomes the selection screen instead.

    • Devin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    the paragon board is such a wasted opportunity. you say that you can completely change an ability yet all i’m seeing is stat increases. that’s hardly “completely changing an ability”. i was expecting it to be more like runes in D3.

    • HalfA loafAjudo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Definitely hyped! But I can’t agree with the notion that the character customization is deep… 4 preset face structures and 1 body type that’s defined by class is actually really poor. Why do I have to be a fat druid? What if I want to be a tall muscular rogue? There isn’t much of an excuse to not have sliders for body types/ shapes in this day and age. And if we can’t customise our faces manually then have more than 4 presets please. Armour transmog is decent though, but even still I’d liked to have seen more colours options and maybe even material finishes.

    • envy.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    They are lying about the character customization, it was extremely limited. Immortal has a better character customization, which is sad. I was really disappointed.

    • Tzunny
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t zoom in to character & have a poor cheap character creation than other F2P games… a shame for a 50-100$ game in 2023 !

    • David Correia
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    All this videos are copy paste , nothjng new to show or are the game that limited…?

    • Sebastien Le
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Are weapons class specific? Can any class use a bow, sword or shield? Are they only cosmetic like for the Witch Doctor in D3?

    • jago juice
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “everyone will have different builds” i doubt that its a arpg something has to be meta cause no1 knows how to balance

    • Dark LORE Dash
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Stunned that you can extract aspects of different armor/weapons to imbue into new gear 😍

    • Michael Hall
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    really good video. In customisation i really hope future updates add alot more options to the looks.

    • random user
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Ok but how about making an actual good or real game? this is the most fake looking and feeling game ever. i really need ggg to go out of business and you’re failing us on that

    • Sebastien Le
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    It would be mind-blowing if D5 as the last of the serie has no class specific skills. So you can be anything you want from a Rogue shape-shifter to a Caster Barbarian even a Necrodruid master summoner of deads and alives.

    • Pingu43
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Saying the same stuff still

    • Mister Nobody
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Add more legendary and unique effects for hurricane and lightning storm. Let me play as a tall built less heavy ginger Druid man like myself.

    • silentwarriore99
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So rough math, 150 to 180 hours to reach max level, let’s use 150. A new season every 3 months, this means I need to play 50 hours a month or break down to about 10 to 12 hours a week to hit max level before I have to create a new character for the seasonal grind. Well, I think this will turn casuals away from playing IMO.

    • Mugen Shinryu
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Sonny Ankau
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i’m tired of hearing about the game. been hearing the same stuff for 2 years now and we still don’t know a lot. i just wanna play the game already

    • Halloween
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Next should be “Inside the Game: Your movement Your Way,” showcasing WASD movement as an option.

    • Balding Clown
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Its like theyre telling me that the grass is green and the sky is blue

    • nomercy8989
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Funny that not even the developers talking about the Necromancer in this video know that he also has skeleton priests lol

    • boney2k
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Get in my belly!!!!!

    • Slosh Money
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait to look like every other druid when I transform. 👍

    • Lord Shrub
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is a blatant lie… you can’t even choose to equip a shield because it’s restricted to only 1 class. And barbarian can’t even use most weapon types.

    • Sebastian Martin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Release the gameee

    • Perempt
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    4 face variations…. lmao pathetic

    • Igor Mankatsu
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    💩💩💩 WHY you just can’t use DIABLO FONT from previous DIABLO games ??? 💩💩💩

    • Zero Obstacles
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Pretty sure ChatGPT is 90% of the comments.

    • James Smith
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    @Blizzard. A Diablo Anime Series would just complete the Diablo😈 Franchise.
    Pretty please 🙏😇

    • Brobi V2
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    so dissapointing once again…

    • ollido iswin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    looks super bland and average tbh, hope im wrong!

    • Zero Obstacles
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    They are waaaaay over selling character customization. Its not deep at all.

    • Dave Price
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    No crusader / paladin I don’t think I’m going to play D4

    • Adri Khan Kant
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Those card where we can allocate our parangon level are farmed or all th character have the same by default? someone knows?

    • Klaus
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The only thing that feels bad is for the PC users, wich should have more graphic options is just caped by console overall poor quality, a clear downgrade. The blood, and bodies could at least last longer on the ground, to fill the immersions, you finishing dozens of enemies and look around and all clear and clean. Makes this piece of game arcadish just to cape settings for console, at least leave an option for high end users on PC, and PLEASE set an option to remove the outline around enemies, that’s annoying.

    • D. Z.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    druids can do up to 17 damage!

    • Abaddon
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    There are a lot of places where this game looks 10/10 and then there are things that make me wonder whose idea was it… I really wish D4 had mod support for custom non-ladder players who would rather play their modded versions, I would build my own and probably play this game for 10,000 hours, and then die in peace.

    • David Le
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Really appreciate how much work has been put into building this game

    • ManOzzY
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please, don’t punish experimentation with re-build costs. It will take away the fun. At least let us know the game. It will only drive everyone to META and youtube premade builds.

    • Ern
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The male pattern baldness is really giving it away Melissa…….

    • BIueharvest
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    theyre talking like they invented character creation just this year, there are better customization options in games from much smaller teams that came out years ago

    • Ákos Tamás Nováki
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Imagine if the gameplay of the base D4 game looks so amazing then how it will look like after future seasons, updates and expansions in the following years. I really hope we get more face choices, more background stories, more skills, maybe class related campaigns. New classes would be also great (like the gossiped Templar / Inquisitor or Bard), but if they make more skill choices for the existing five classes then every player will be satisfied without adding more.

    Something like
    Barbarian : different tribes, more combat move, maybe some shaman type of magic specialization, warcries, tattoos
    Druid : other animal forms, new pets, calling air or earth elementals , master of jewells, sound magic
    Sorceress : design your own elemental spells, create scrolls, read spell books, rune magic, rune circles
    Necromancer : new minion types, dark rituals, ghost minions, familiars, vampire route, more curses, more type of golems
    Rogue : more variety of traps, crossbow related skills, sneaking skills, different poisons

    * * *

    Druid related ideas

    I also don’t understand how can a bear attack a Druid in the first act. Such class related events should influence the main story. Some wild animals or plants (like wargs, bears, attacking trees should be controlled by Druids.

    It would be cool to see different type of bears in WereBear form (like black bear, brown bear, polar bear, maybe even a panda bear) which could be bought as cosmetics.

    It would be nice to have a class related quests in every regions to place these playable classes within the world of Santuary. Like the Druid would get a ring which would grant him temporary werewolf form then the player must infiltrate a den to stop some corrupted Druid order to spread the werewolves illness amongst the humans etc.

    Maybe a heretic idea, but I always expected to more animal form for the Druid. I really hope every class get more skill options in future expansions.

    Phoenix / Thunderbird / Eagle / Griffin – a floating bird which push away enemies with wings and can create additional fire damage / electric damage with more skills. I believe the wind magic would fit more into the Druid gameplay.
    Viper / Lizard – a poisonous viper (like the vipers in Valley os Snakes from D2)
    Mole – Druid goes underground to escape from the battle or he/she could initiate earth based spells like landslide when shows up from the groun and turns back to human
    Hedgehog / Porcupine / Armadillo – protects itself in sphere form, player can’t move, but after certain damage it would shoot spikes in every direction

    * * *

    When you imagine a new class you have to consider what special class related weapon, spell or gameplay mechanic would you give to them.

    We had spells (skills) in the following cathegories in the past: blood, bone, poison, air, earth, fire, ice, lighting, shadow/smoke plus auras, warcries, curses.

    Which weapon types are not covered currently in Diablo IV and which new class should get them? Shields for Paladins? Javelins for Amazons? Claws for Assassins? etc.

    And all new classes should have 3-3 areas where a skill tree could be extended to give enough variety for players.

    So here are my class related ideas :

    1. Bard / Illusionist
    – using holy musical instruments (like drum, harp, flute or ukulele ) to control humans or to hurt demons (similar to warcries or curses, but some monsters must be immune for audio spells)
    – creating confusing and deadly illusions with air/shadow magic projectiles (like disappearing in smokes, duplicate himself, project his voice or instrument’s music somewhere else on battlefield)
    – reanimate wooden muppets or harlequins which can serve him as pet
    – can create / program musical boxes which melody can influence humans and monsters
    -can use a magical dice (luck related skills like critical strike or to get better prices at trading) or cards (like air magic shield) or maybe a rabbit/dove for some other tricks (like at chest opening)
    -master of throwing weapons

    2. Jewellrist / Alchemist
    – create jewellries (like amulets, rings, tiaras) with class specific new gems which resonance can release trapped magical energies or spell charges
    – can trap souls into gems / spheres which will serve him as familiars
    – master of chrystal resonancy and magnetic vibrations which can influence metal weapons and armors (enemies will drop them as they heated up, melted, turned into some other material)
    – transform materials (like weapon types, armours)
    – glass / mirror projectiles (earth magic)
    – uses the combined gem energies of his items as weapons

    3. Runeologist / Rune Mage (like the Occultist NPC)
    – can use class specific rare runes as this class can create new rune words on magic scrolls which serves as charges – rune order influences the spells (like charge number, form, elemental type)
    – master of larger rune circles (defensive or offensive zone effects for party) which can be written on the ground as long as he/she holds a class specific item (like a runestone collection as shield)
    – can place explosive rune seals on doors
    – uses a floating necklance around his neck as a weapon which got rune words elements (creates setuped rune word circle around him)
    – can summon elementals in rune circles (fire, ice, lighting, gas/air, earth, blood)

    4. Herbalist / Potion master / Shaman / Witch doctor
    – can collect class specific herbal ingredients which can be used to create different type of poisons (can be added or traded as weapon charges or like gas potions (like shadow magic of Rogue) or healing potions
    – can create acid potions and acid clouds
    – fabricating totems from body part of enemies (bone magic)
    – inhaling collected flower / dried mushroom powders as spells
    – merging with roots trees as bracelets (water them with own blood as house plants) which symbiosis will grant additional effects
    – using poisonous darts , tribal boomerangs, swarming insects

    • ChaosTyrant
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    6:13 Unique items are very similiar to legendaries but they are unique.
    Please guys, put atleast some effort in the script.

    • Fabricio Z
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    barbarian its enable to pick any weapon? ANY WEAPON?

    • Taiylim
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Except looking and playing how you want contradicts the whole “character choice consequences” when it comes to respects being freely available. There is a lack of diversity on the characters despite their hype building here, and we certainly need more inventory space.

    • TheUrratha
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Game is probably ok but these diversity equity bs hire whamen are so cringe

    • Saimeren
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The Barbarian 1 shots things in his highlight.

    2:02 Look how long it takes the Druid to take down a random skeleton trash mob. (And even then they cut away.)

    • Cursed Oni
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    she said stealthly gameplay lol has she ever played diablo before? there is no stealth.

    • Nerm
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The skill and paragon menus look incredibly intimidating

    • Kraglord
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    2:56 – Orly. So I dont have to be a fat druid?

    • Shon Gueesha
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    5 classes? They spent 5+ years for 5 classes!?

    • Tyler Larrew
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Near endless character customization” Bruh there were like 7 hairstyles LOL. Now the transmog, that was another story. Absolutely phenomenal.

    • Evgeniy Ivanchin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Judo! 🙂 Sprot! 🙂

    • David Tuitt
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Everybody is going to look completely different in Diablo 4”. Until the battle pass drops 😂

    • Vygal Nix
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is why I still play D2. It is the only Diablo of the franchise that lets you play it your way. D3 is too much how the Devs want you to play for that specific season with only two viable builds. Frankly, they need to stop their nerf gun.

    • Robdoggierob
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    One thing I REALLY hope they address is the lack of inventory space/stash space. I know you can obtain more. It was in the beta. But it needs to be at least 10X that. A loot based game needs A LOT of inventory space.

    • Mr.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The people talking look like they are secretly vampires 🧛‍♂️

    • Domenico Coscia
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    pls give us more cam option the zoom out is ok, but we lose lot of details, it looks like in a movie. while playing with zoom in is too close, unplayable

    • Melissa Velasco
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m excited to play! I hope there is a class change feature like in Diablo immortal so I can try different classes instead of making a bunch of alts and having to build each alt. I’m torn between rogue and druid.

    • Badger
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Anyone wanna squad up on release day? I wanna run with some randoms!

    • Debora A
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i love the art style in thi game <3 guys, please make it so that I can have a female voice on a male body... as a masc of center cis woman, I feel like the rogue male bodytype is perfect but the voice really throws my immersion off

    • Fallenangel 85
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Kinda funny that they only say on Sorcerer that it’s “a little bit more fragile”, while in reality it’s the most tanky class of all 5 lol

    • Cleber21xp
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • ChadlySue
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Gonna make my Barb look like Junker Queen…or maybe Holga from the D&D movie.

    • Badger
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The armor & weapons look so good!

    • keep tellin🤡
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Felt like Diablo 3 with better graphics was hoping they would do alot more different stuff with characters but seem like a reskin

    • Jonathan Rodriguez
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can we get more in the character creator? Atleast a couple body types

    • Badger
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Barbarian gang!

    • Joekate121609
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I hope people can stop copying each other’s builds and be original.

    • Michael Darling
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i dont care about character customization, just give me a random button.

    • Paul Brown
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is 100 percent getting game of the year !! Rogue all the way 👊

    • Michael Darling
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    what if i wanted to change into a gopher or unicorn as a druid…. i dont feel the ability to play my own playstyle 🙁

    • Andy Bansleben
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    close your eyes and tell me she does not sound like emiru

    • M.T.R.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • MM304
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Unique items are…unique.” 😂😂😂

    • Memphis Raines
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please give us Paladin in the future…

    • Zbigniew Iksinski
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    guys. why on earth your material isnt avaliable in 4k and/or hdr on youtube? its 2023. also yt compression sucks even in full hd and it simply makes d4 look like 50% less sharper than in real game.

    • Trevor Cook
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    When you first log into Diablo 4 the first thing you’re going to do is wait in a queue

    • Nick
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Love the game. Played both betas. Not sure I would really rate the customization for character creation; the hair and face options were severely limited, with no sliders. Noting this is an isometric game, the limited ways in which you see your character in third-person makes the exercise questionable. I think more depth should have been added to this creation system if the intent was to allow players to create a character representative of them or place of origin. It’s trying to evoke the action-RPG experience similar to Elden Ring, Dragon’s Dogma, etc.

    It’s not at that level. Street Fighter 6 demo is out now and the character creator is exhaustively detailed.

    • Everton Barbon
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i can’t understand why there is no auction house or even a trade system like Path of Exile, the game has almost everything that a mmorpg has, but no, we can’t put a auction house or good trade system so we become a mmorpg and we don’t want that, wtf

    • fanathym
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I spotted wind force.

    • Ulfhednar
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I really like the fluidity of classes 🔥

    • Deathjoker30
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Despite all the Blizzard controversy over the years, I will say I appreciate this recent transparency from the developers of the game. This game is sure shaping up to be GOTY material. PLEASE DON’T PROVE ME WRONG BLIZZARD!

    • Lachezar Stamatov
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Where are the RUNE WORDS?!?

    • Николай Кочубей
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • M. H
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Endless combinations.. I felt it very limited with like 6 template faces? :S Then i could change the hair, beard and so on, but nothing near endless. Endless is something like a slider based char creator like Lost Ark, right? What did i do wrong?

    • MasakoAkashiTTV
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Class monk plz ❤😢

    • Neemzor
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    It would be nice to have a little more control over the character’s physique. Why does my necromancer need to look like an emaciated meth addict and not have a little more heft to him? Why can’t my druid be slimmer, you know, like someone that actually looks like they live off nature and not pizza and cake? Please give us more flexibility in body type customization and break the traditional Diablo mold a little.

    • MrTeXican830
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I knew in D3 what class I wanted to play, but this time…I have no idea lol.

    • Stephan Jones
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Looks cool but I’m assuming that blizzard will require a subscription and massive $ to buy customization options…there’s always something…sticky and dirty about blizzard.

    • Just Saiyan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I wanna play as a tarutaru 🥲

    • Nibelung Valesti
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    What a hot mess of a dumpsterfire D4 is

    • Laurent
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I know exactly who and what to choose
    there’s no doubt in my mind

    • gaming_on_a_dime
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait to play, how can I sleep till June 🙂

    • fatalradius
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The art style and gameplay are amazing. So glad you all put so much detail in this game. I feel like most Blizzard games felt very bland on the graphics side, but this though…You all outdid yourselves. I look forward to June 6th!

    • nogz01
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    WASD as an option please.

    • Jack Kenway
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    They really did an amazing job with the game! The more I see, the more I get excited!

    • ScottyG503
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    you class
    your way
    until you get to nightmare then good luck finding meta items

    • Not Applicable
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Wait did y’all make the character customization better? So many answers to asked changes so quickly. Crazy.

    • SurF1nyt
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can I side with Lilith? ❤ 👍

    • Hagalaz Rune
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Ok, but the game need some party finder/matchmaking system. There’s no way it can rely only on LFG in chat, come on lol

    • Chonktown
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The hype for this game is off the charts

    • Everything Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I would rather have Barbarian which is more focused towards one weapon sort rather than 4, like DW Master, Great Axe, Great sword or War mace, having it all just seems very messy, I would also prefer them to be able to have Sword and board.

    Also, please bring them Light users in asap Paladin/Crusader.

    The Character creation was rather limited compared to Diablo Immortal which also have sliders for the facial features, now I do understand it was Beta and that you don’t see your char that much as in WoW or other MMO’s.

    I really hope Druid/Shaman picks up the pace in higher levels because I was overwhelmingly disappointed in that class, it had good potential but did not meet the expectations,
    Their abilities had very little impact compared to the other classes.

    Druids Resource should be like energy as in WoW, them having to earn their resource like Barb and rage is very unsatisfying as Barb actually packs a punch when spending rage, druids does NOT pack a punch.

    Sorcs needs to be taken down a notch even though I found it funny to play.

    Rogues well I had a good middle ground but all them try hards made OP builds as per usual

    Necro, nerf the Corpse explotion 😀

    Keep up the good work.

    • Billy Myers
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Sorc is fragile? They have permanent shields lol

    • Darktician
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Burger king?

    • Mihara
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    at 3:10 make a character that looks like me: why lying?! i want to have a druid that looks like me but there are no slim looking druids! 🙁

    • Qzzz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    barb is a hp pot drinker
    sorc is the tank
    druid is mr 17 dps
    ranger is actually balanced class
    necro is for handicap lowers

    • BotEasy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Raiden youtube
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    你知道你們的女角色作的很醜嗎? 又沒奶 可以學一下DOA嗎?

    • Eleven06
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “You can customize your gameplay in more ways than ever before”. Also, “The rogue has 2 styles of gameplay”. You’re lucky that there’s so much D4 hype because your PR campaign is no so good.

    • Alex Monette
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    TRANSMOG let’s goooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Brandon Reda
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Looks great and props to everyone working on this game, should be proud!

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    5:46 why does the item drop so far from the monster?

    • Be Mindful
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    For the love of God, please don’t enable barely visible environments in rifts/challenge rooms under the guise of ‘added difficulty’: *This just punishes people with poor eyesight*
    Especially since we won’t have a transparant map overlay in the near future.

    • MrDigitop
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I know it’s nitpicking and probably irrelevant once we actually start digging in min-max’ing, but that necro armor at 6:18 is really weak sauce considering it’s a unique and a weird choice of stats to boost, I mean when I think necro, I picture minions, curses, CEs… not some bone spirit. the other hand, the Rogue piece at 6:35, now THAT’s some godly rogue item worthy of the title Unique Item.

    • Dean Song
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I love how Diablo Immortal, a mobile game has more character creator customization.

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    4:13 what’s this lady in about? It’s not “all ice or all fire”. Also the barb quote of using any weapon at 1:03 , does she even play the game? 😅

    • Lukas Lyngsø
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can you play D4 without Playstation+ on Playstation?

    • Ben Solo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The fact that the campfire has always been featured in the games’ character creation screen but never implemented in game some way bothers me.

    • Damon Harvey
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Thank you for this update, so looking forward to playing it on release. I can’t frigging wait. All hail Diablo.

    • Dangerzone Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Why didn’t y’all tell everyone about the server slam 12-14 at the end of video feels like a missed opportunity?

    • Aivarioha
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i really need females to tell me about the games and how they work. NOT

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1:03 “The barbarian can pick up any weapon”, really?
    I’m pretty sure they can’t use bows, crossbows, daggers, scythes, staffs and probably a few more..

    • LeeLoo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can I customize my werwolf? like with skins ?

    • Dok 2K
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Pls stop teasing us!! We can’t bear it anymore 😅

    • Admiral Bosch
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    ffx sphere grid ? 🤔
    ffxii gambit board? 🤔

    • Jordan Oahu
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “D4 offers more choice than ever before”
    *also limits player choice to 6 skills slots

    • KarlosMomoa GFL
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Most of the Powers graphics looks cheap i think You gonna sell us animations for Powers and skills You sucks

    • Mrnumbers101
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    more hair styles in the future 😀 like a barber shop

    • si lafuyang
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Facial structures etc. cosmetics is the least importrant feature of an ARPG.

    • KarlosMomoa GFL
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I liked more when You lvl up and the Powers unluck them selfs less stress

    • Brian Castrichini
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The only portion of the video that had anything of value for anyone who plays D2, 6:12 in. Great idea. Would be better if legendary items could not get the same unique power/ability. Would make them far more sought after and would help with the chase.

    • Skepsys D
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is sounding better and better, bring it!

    • Perfect Code
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Make Diablo IV a Play Anywhere title. 😵‍💫

    • tnykuuh
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Play your way, except we cut back on all the basic skills and they are only good once you find the corresponding legendary, happy grinding! /s

    • FailedPixel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Where’s Ash Sweetring

    • StormtheBard
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I would love to see the throwing axes come back from Diablo 2 for the Barbarian class, maybe something to look forward to in the paragon system?

    • Footbucket
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Sorry, I’m a bit confused. Do you want us to be able to play our own way?

    • Mrs-Death
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Your class, blizzards way. not my way.. as necromancer player when you nerf necromancer because of his minion and reduce their life to make another type of corpse gameplay. i don’t see whatever is my way? when you destroy what make necromancer a minion master. why blizzard always bring elements from D3 in future games? because everyone saw D3 as a success which on a contrary was a failure. D2 gameplay or gamestyle the feeling wont be bought or sell by future improvements adding elements mostly from an epic Failure.

    • qwicxs
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hopefully so. Suck having gear that is unplayable like in Diablo 3, which was horrible. Blizzard rarely buffed weak gear in Diablo 3, and you were forced to roll another class..

    • Sì No
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The last sentence was kinda of cringe, but good video overall

    • Mister Mestizo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    unless youre a summoning necro then youre getting nerfed into oblivion because even though we put it into the game we dont like it 🙂

    • XxVonsoulxX
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My only issue is they are really trying to sell the idea that their character creator is this big thing but in reality it’s really limited. There are only a handful of hair styles and facial features and zero body options

    • Notfallhamster
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This video title and video is missing a BIG disclaimer like “Everything said and shown applyable to the microcosmos of Diablo 4. If we say “Your way!” we talk about your wa in the given restrictive ingame system or if we say noone will look the same we are overexaggerating for satiric purpoouse to offer people some content to make memes of.” Something arround these lines. This is just a marketing video an for that instance it’s made realy well but if you take all of them by their word they lie into your face. I realy like D4 and I look forward to play it and I’m hyped but such overpromising PR videos are a joke that’ll not age well.

    • Hoang Bui
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    did that guy just stated barb are stupid in an indirect way? lol

    • ryan hall
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Funny I don’t see all the complaints about the board. “O +5 five dex +5 str etc” acting like y’all actually knew about the game before it’s even come out. Guess they proved y’all wrong with the rare and legendary ones 😂. This game looks like it’s gonna be fun. Wait to play it before bashing it into the ground

    • mykel banda
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Crafting a way for them to make money.

    • Christopher
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My class, my way? I want my Barb to have Breath of The Dying Ethereal Berserker Axe and Stormshield Monarch Shield, but I can’t..

    6:46 no, no they won’t. Meta will be figured out before first ladder starts.

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can we fight for Lilith to slaughter Angels?

    • Strangingness
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hey, Maul looks really good in this it seems like they improved the animation alot. He’s really throwing his weight into it and it’s leaving swipe marks if I’m not mistaken then great job

    • Bilal Khan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I am NOT spending $70 on this game! 😅😂 sorry! Maybe one day when I’m 🤑💰 rich

    • Geert Matthys
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Your class our scripted MMO nerf/buff hamster wheel battle pass way”

    • cxg
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    just started playing the diablo series so I will be very busy till this is released. D2R and D3 are pretty different from each other but love both.

    • Ancestor Empire
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    When you look like Kratos
    Sound like Kratos
    But you’re not Kratos

    • Big Boi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Honestly – this is what i love most about diablo 4 so far – the fact that you can play whatever you want and that its all viable. In poe for example,this isnt the case at all,because the devs have no idea on how to balance the game – this leads to the class/build that you want to play,feeling too weak in comparison to other classes/builds in the endgame – meaning that,if you want to enjoy all of the endgame,you have to either play what’s “meta” or invest A LOT of time into the game (for the average player,obviously there are people that farm lots of currency quickly). So you often can’t just play what you want or “your way”, but have to play what is strong currently – essentially completely taking out the “rp” out of “arpg” – because you can’t role-play as the archetype that you prefer.

    The endgame-content in poe is great,like really good – but that becomes useless,if i can’t enjoy it with the character i like,wich other arpgs let me do. I mean most arpgs just take the “rp”-part serious and it looks like d4 will do the same – so,even though i think none of the d4-guys will see this – thank you for actually trying to make all classes viable.

    Balance doesn’t have to be perfect,just roughly withint the same ballpark – something like wow maybe,where the dps difference between the worst and best class is,at worst,something like 2-3 times,but still playable(i say that as someone,who played warrior during 9.0 lol). Compare that to poe,where you easily have builds that are 10+ times stronger,than the weakest builds and then the devs balance the endgame around those strong builds,making people playing the weaker builds – because they prefer them – feel bad,like jesus christ.

    • Azazel Zel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    £60 is just a total CASH GRAB, even more on Consoles, I’m not paying that.

    • Bob Motster
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Somewhere out there, Brandy is smiling.

    • Simpeasy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    No interest in other games at all😂

    • Guilherme
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “near endless customization” 4 faces and 8 hair options, and a fat druid none wants to play with.

    • Faint
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Im sorry i love this game and im 100% gonna play it, but this “inside” trailer is making everything sound way better than it is,
    “nearly endless character customization, facial structures from all over the world” — Shows 4 Facial structures.
    The character customization is really shallow,

    • TheAshMan42
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Open the body types for every class.

    • Greg McFadden
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Yea I think y’all are lying about only 5 classes 🧐

    • vobic13
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    legendary items really rare 🤣

    • James Lane
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    so no Paladin/Crusader type character?

    • Ismir Dochegal
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Playing the way you like sound awesome. But please down make the same mistake as in Diablo3 were your “forced” specific playstyles that were not fun but simply 32.000% stronger because set-piece said so.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    why would you want to make a character in a video game that looks like yourself? I never got that urge of some ppl, apparently to need to do that. I think thats a bit creepy, actually.

    • tucci06
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I kept wondering why the spells looked so lackluster. At first I thought maybe it was just to reduce visual clutter. Then, after playing PoE, I realized that there is probably going to be spell transmog in the Battle Passes, and making the vanilla versions look kinda meh is strategic, lol.

    • WhateverFloatsYourBoat
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Play your own way? Not completely true Blizzard. I want to play a minionless melee necro with the very cool sever skill but there is a powerful node in the skilltree for sever that bases your damage on the number of minions you have. It;s basically mandatory to pick that node and probably equip +minion skills… This excludes nice other skills. I know you are busy with the launch but maybe chance that node later on?

    • RockandGameUSA
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Look how you want with character hair that is locked depending on the character you choose.

    • Perone Daniel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I want to play this game and pay 70 USD in LATAM but you are charging over 100 USD for the base game. Why are you scamming us?

    • ixbx
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I want to play with an overlay map, can you make that happen for me?

    • Joe Shanks
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I think the Diablo 4 team will actually deliver. Sounds good 😀

    • S1nwar
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    when you say sorcerers are more fragile than other classes, how does that matter when their range has no downside and makes everything super easy?

    • Aamir Aslam
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    my ears got cancer hearing how you explaning each classes that this game is launch for the first time and we have never palyed any mage character before

    • Jansen
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    paid and premium battlepasses? That’s just the start, I see what they did to OW2, nah I will keep my money and pass this by thanks.

    • HamadaKindness
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    How much $$$ will Respec token cost?

    • JP_DireWolf
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    If you really want to advertise this, “Play your way” motto. Then you should allow players to be able to infinitely respec. Still have a cost for that respec, but at a fair and reasonable price that doesn’t make it difficult to do a full respec. This would truely allow all players to be able to play each class their own way. Instead of being forced to start a character over (could be 50 hours into this character) and have to lose all that progress because the devs think it’s a good idea.

    • Al Junaibi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Run from me… and I will tear apart the mountains to find you! ” Conan The Barbarian”

    • Timothy Allen
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i haven’t been this excited for a game since Diablo 3!

    • Andrea Salvatore
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    As a player that never plays click to move games and rpgs I can say that Force movement on W saved me life ahahah

    • Solaries
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You can look how you want! As long you’re good with being a walking refrigerator as a druid.

    • S.P.ᐰ.S Mλdness
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Missed opportunity to have the druid change into a horse instead of riding one.

    • Don Dodo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You better not fk this up blizzard.

    • Jonathan Poirier
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    play your way but you need to be fat to play a druid… body choice would be nice

    • André Martins
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Wheres my belt shoulders and bracers?

    • Elusivedirty
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    3:44 I want to look like a stock broker from the 1930’s

    • Edward Rueter
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    It’s so wild that this is only the starting point. I would imagine as time goes on, more areas of the map, more classes, more uniques, more paragon boards, set items, etc. will be added. It is so awesome that they are embracing the release of more content after launch right from the get-go! I cant wait!!

    • Zox
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    She say everyone will look different in diablo IV….

    In Game Shop Skins- AM I JOKE TO YOU!!! 😂

    • Darq
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Best diablo game is coming. I already bought and ready to play.

    • empty
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Your class your way… except single player offline. That’s a no-no……

    • ihearcolor
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I am pretty excited to play this for real on release, i will be slamming servers in may! 😊

    • Gordo Del Bosque
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Yea, own way, own choice…. just wait until the game comes and ppl do guides and realize there is only faking way to do more dmg and began talking about core builds. Yea, a lot of “diferent” ways to play….

    • Elusivedirty
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “near endless character creation”

    By lvl 5 you have gear covering up your entire character.

    • Rosend
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I would agree to a certain extend that we can pick our playstyle. BUT there are MASSIVE difference in the power of the skills and builds, I think Blizzard needs to put in ALOT more work on balancing before they should use it as a sellingpoint.
    Balancing is going to be a nightmare for them with so many different affixes and very powerfull item buffs + the paragon tree. It is going to be alot of fun, I am excited to see the giganerds go nuts with theorycrafting and math BUT there will be so many broken builds and therefore also alot of very underpowered builds, that I don’t think they should be bragging about picking playstyle just yet. That remains to be seen, and I think it will be quite a few seasons untill they get to that point. Wich is fine btw!
    But balance this MASSIVE project first – then reap the praise.

    • Andy Paris
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    @6:39 I thought you guys were going to add a gem tab? All the other changes are great tho! Even the skill tree looks updated, with the cryptic red explosion upon unlocking a new skill!

    • Brady Partain
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I thought Rod was the gears guy, never knew he went to blizzard

    • imlost19
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “We want you to have a choice in how you build your character, that way, when you find an item that gives you +3000% damage to a certain skill, we can rip that choice away from you and make you play what we want you to play.” fixed it

    • Clint Cook
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    All I know is I’m dumping most of my off time into this game. Especially since I’m getting my first actually pc build this weekend. It’ll be a spicy time🤌🏻🤌🏻

    • Pulse154
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Why Druid is fatty 🙁

    • DeathofSeasons1
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Bring back the hammerdin

    • krio
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    3:06 but not body type

    • Shayed _666
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Y does she move like a robot

    • KoPLLlyH
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Convinced! I’m convinced already so give me the game. Now 😅 🙏

    • Ty Weedop
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    at 2:15 when the druid casts tornado and it essentially says “Nope! F this!” and runs the opposite direction of all the enemies pretty much sums up my experience playing druid during the last beta 🤣

    • Zach Hamilton
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    We’ll see about this “play your way” goes when things can’t be done unless you are meta built and then have to spend an arm and a leg to respec or create a whole new class since you can’t afford it. We already know they don’t plan on making it cheaper to respec so hopefully it isn’t unreasonable.

    • Azalea Rose
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I love the classes and progression system, but saying I can look the way I want feels extremely disingenuous. There should be at least double the current 4 face options and probably the same with hair styles and especially some sort body type options. I was super excited to look the way I want then I played the beta and the character creator is probably the most limited creator I’ve seen in the last 15 years. I wasn’t expecting Wo Long level customization, but I was certainly expecting something that was at least better than Diablo Immortal.

    • Hiram Miller
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Definitely one the Blizzard games of all time.

    • Necreon021
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I loved how flexible D3 was. Now it feels like with this lategame system I need a new character for every build within the same class. I get that it appeals to seasonal board players and D2 fans, but i was a D2 fan as a kid and now I’m 30 and ai have no time for this anymore. I wish I could just experiment like in D3.

    • John Person
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My way of playing is with WASD support. Where is that option?

    • Jonathan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    But we don’t have a way to make a “custom” character. We can only pick what’s on the tree, which is predetermined

    • Bjorn 497
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    what is the actual point in the paragon board when new seasons are every 3 month and require you to start a new character, just seems like a lot of effort for an utter waaste of time.

    • Paul D
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is the way

    • legi0n47x
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Not a single new info drop lol.

    • Zordiak17
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    sorc is the most tanky class, theres no shame in saying it in those trailers 😉

    • GavinBelson
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Love how they keep bragging about character customization BUT YOU CAN ONLY BE A FAT DRUID. I DONT WANT GREEN SKIN I WANT TO BE SKINNY

    • Atmosfe4r
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    3:04 yeahhh not really that many facial structures when you got 4 different facestyles to choose from…

    • Moth1077
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    All this talk of customization. I still can’t help but notice that if I want to play a druid, which I do, I’m still stuck playing as a big fat guy. I already am stuck playing as a big fat guy IRL I don’t really wanna do that in my fantasy game but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • lokopytana
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I love how the female models look like males even their faces. LOL

    • Phill
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Wow 4 face variations… SO MUCH OPTIONS

    • ElectricDreamer
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    No, we can’t play the game our way. The game forces us to pick some useless skills just to unlock the other skills later on the tree.

    • LE rekt
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    this is the perfect example of how enslaved employees are forced to read a script written by a team of psychiatrics with the only purpose to milk money and create a korean trap like diablo immortal.

    • usedfuzzbox
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can not wait, all the classes were fun, except for the Druid sadly, but hopefully that will improve at later levels. Necro for main though…..

    • Heatwave
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Diablo4 releases on 06.06.23, right? And 2 times 3 is 6, right? So … Its release is 666?

    Is it … with purpose or just a nice coincidence?

    Btw, i’m still hyped. 💚

    • d00mscr01ler
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My favorite lie was when they said, in regards to character customization, ‘Any way you can think of, you can do it.’

    • Juan Pablo Castillo Cornejo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    What about body shape? Nothing?

    • rebjorn79
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Do not wreck this game with over the top microtransactions, please. – We get that you need to make money and keep the machine churning, but there’s a fine line and you know that – which is why Diablo Immoral was such a surprising move. Please just do this one right.

    • Fernando Huertas
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m ready!!!! 🤩🤩🤩

    • Moogle
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    kinda wish druid had fire options like d2

    • Revi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “We are doubling down on this idea that you can look the way you want”…So much BS, I don’t want look like an obese Druid, let us choose the body shape!!!

    • mystic865
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You can choose how you look? That pathetic creator is a joke.

    • Wolfie eifloW
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Blizzard: “So many ways to make your character”
    Your character: *only using orange gear, no blue/yellow/white*

    Yawn.. itemization is boring af.

    • Godsslave777
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m looking for tryhard sweaty pvp gankers add me psn Godsslave7

    • Puremadness
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • SwagOnMax
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    We need Dreadlocs asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Rotacioskapa
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    so you say i can now create a thin druid?

    • Hi there Ho there
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “My way” would to a have a physical copy of the game.

    • Marverico
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “You can make any character from any part of the Wolrd”
    Nice, but its mine World. Not Sanctuary.

    • Rat Bot
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I am hoping you can actually play on your own, like the good old days. WE DON’ WANT STRANGERS FORCED IN OUR GAME, is that too hard to understand?
    During the first beta I jumped in and got the final kill in one of those events that someone else was doing, without even fighting for more than 3 seconds. It doesn’t work, and I don’t want other people in my path.
    Single player game. Fix it please.

    • Anubirai
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please give us access to change our hair and hair color after the initial character creation.

    Would be nice if all classes had access to all hair styles and body shapes. Some people want scrawny Druids, some want built Necros. To truly play it “our way”, it would be better if cosmetics weren’t limited to each class.

    • Nahuel Sepúlveda
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Bring back the old werebear design Adam. I get the new one has the fur color of you character, but the old one looks way better

    • GreenShadow
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hyped for the game, but this video is just marketing fluff.

    • Bengal Brown
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • chris Bamo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    6th class in expansion then

    • Bommbi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Near endless character creation”
    Joe…. Dont start to lie about the game now. We played the beta. Character creation is closer to lame than endless.

    • Ris bl00dlord
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Erick Jenkins
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Rod if you create Gears of War and turn around my second favorite franchise I will get D4 tattooed on my body.

    • Revi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Really can’t see how we evolved into a obese hunter as a Druid. I guess you can just draw anything into a fantasy. Let us choose the body shape!!!

    • ShadowMorg
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Great vid, psyched 😎

    • XaKeR
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You spent more money on promotion than on an actual game.

    • Gheorghe Vasile
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My expectations were in the negative scale from the diablo immortal 🤮…and after playing the beta i swear me and my friends were amazed about everything especially the grim esthetics..

    • Chyros NX
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Very painful to watch in this video that all classes kills mobs in 1-2 hits while the Druid happily building up SmokingSickStyle stylish points on single enemy. Dante would be proud.

    • DrFredBob
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The recreated the Maghda boss arena from D3, at 1:55

    • Halobravo JJ
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Making respecs cost alot at end game that directly goes against player freedom. Let me play what I want when I want and don’t punish me for trying new builds with the gear I find.

    Making a new character for every end game build I want to play is terrible.

    • madavau
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Will a Paladin/Crusader type class be coming as DLC? I think that the cast of characters would be incomplete without one.

    • Dvalin
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The elephant danced gracefully in a tutu, while juggling pineapples with his trunk. Meanwhile, a group of penguins played jazz music on their saxophones, wearing top hats and monocles. A flying unicorn soared overhead, leaving a trail of rainbow-colored glitter in its wake. Suddenly, a giant marshmallow fell from the sky and landed with a soft thud on a nearby palm tree. The palm tree promptly sprouted legs and began to dance the tango with a passing giraffe. In the distance, a volcano erupted with a burst of confetti, and a chorus of singing bumblebees emerged from its depths. The world was a strange and wondrous place, full of surprises and endless possibilities.

    • kruzd
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    4 face variations xD

    • The Bjorn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    can you stop putting bIack characters in these videos? it’s disgusting enough to see them in real life

    • Andre Lemos
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Grandmascreampie
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Who let women onto this development team? That lady looks like Gary Oldman in The Fifth Element with that haircut lmao

    • SquirrelTeamSix
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The character creation tools are incredibly mediocre. It bothers me they are acting like it’s amazing. Games from 2004 have better customization

    • vstrolis
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    3:03 but you CAN’T customize Sorceress to look like D2R character model… I didn’t tried to do Barb or Necro, but I’m sure that you can’t customize them like D2R models either!

    • Yanci Perla
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    When are we getting the 6th class reveal (if that’s even a real thing)?

    • Gustavo Henrique
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The girl talking sounds like Emiru… Lmao!!!

    • AxonMediaSeattle
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m on the fence about Diablo 4. Aspects of it look really cool, but I’m afraid the complexity of the skill system is going to be like doing taxes. Also, I feel like this might be an enemy meat grinder versus something that’s actually challenging. In Diablo 1, you felt the limitations of your class and had to strategize accordingly. Diablo 2 pretty much gave everyone magic, but it was still challenging. But playing Diablo 3 felt like you were an OP demigod, so it wasn’t much fun, and when I see Diablo 4 gameplay of a character defeating a 40-ft tall demon with 2 hits, it feels like this will be more of the same. For these games to be fun, you have to feel like you’re a mere mortal fighting against overwhelming odds.

    • SVisionary
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The marketing in this was honestly kinda cringe.

    • The Bacon Life
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait

    • Bogart
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Thats BS there is not even a face slider!

    • nightyonetwothree
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    D4: barbarian is the weapon master, being able to pick up any weapon…
    crossbows, bows, staffs, wands…: exist…
    shields: ??? dosnt exist?

    while D2 barbarian: wand? Ok, i’ll hit them with it to death. Bow? I’ll shot em.
    True master of all weapons.

    even D2 sorc can go with 2Hander to slice some demons or shoot them with a bow or xbow. D4 is such a console mmo-like arcade with some fine graphics.

    • KierroYuy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Hey, that looks like me!”

    Exact words I said when I saw my druid with a bald head and reddish goatee 😆 Same fuzzy-wuzzy body type too.

    • Victor Hugo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Too few classes. Game looks awesome though

    • instabile1984
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • River Lynn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    So are you letting us choose a druid body type that isn’t overweight now? That would be great so I can play her! Since you said it is representing our customization – I just cannot see myself ever spending money on looks or cosmetics if my druid is unhealthy looking.

    • heftyfunseeker
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’ve never been so hyped for a game! Looks incredible!

    • Jake Young
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Stop acting like it’s a different game… it’s just like all the others

    • Flynnigan 98
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    wish there was a paladin or atleast sword and board knight kinda class:(

    • StylizedStudio
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Druid can shapeshift into 17 damage.

    • Sabine Wren
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The beta has very limited choices for appearance. Wonder if the game will offer more options?

    • Edgiest Edgelord
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • v1n5
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    17 🙂

    • Max Lucansky
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Must.. resist… extra price inflated pre order earl access

    • Grant Sites
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Just not body size apparently

    • Voyager
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    i don’t know why, but i love blizzard. they are at the stage when technology won’t win over brain.

    • Short Span Attractions
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Yeah, dear blizzard employees, none of the things you said here will work and everything you though is gonna be that ultra cool way to customize your game and character will be neglected and ignored. It will be best in slot, with everyone meta running the same character as always.

    • Casey Gobel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I am so thrilled about this and was hoping for this, I’m actually doing a happy dance over this as I’m so excited. To everyone involved in making Diablo 4, thank you so much for this.

    • SaysSim0n
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • DR. Funny
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    all the CUSTUMIZATIONS OF THE CHARACTER… LOL, you can change the color of your armour. this game is gonna be such a flop.

    • Jan Černín
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Boy thinks that “put two sockets and upgrade item 4 times” is “all kind of different ways of crafting” :))

    • The GameSensei
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait for all the great armor transmog options. I feel like I will be spending quite some time on looks alone 😅

    • Exo tix
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Fk the first 5 classes!!! GIVE ME A PALADIN!

    • Jeff
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Looks awesome!

    • Setsuna
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’ve been wanting to play poe again but don’t have enough time to spare. Diablo 4 would be perfect as a weekend gamer.

    • Ubiratan Lucchini
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    A bit misleading with the “you can make your character look like you” but it’s understandable

    • Ryan Chu
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Why are the Druid so fat? I don’t want to know the logic; I just want to know what makes you think when this shows on the screen to the players, they will buy it? Haven’t you seen the latest D&D movie? People went there for Sophia Lillis.

    • TheAirak
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    quit the PR talk, just speak like normal humans. ChatGPT feels more humanlink than your script

    • Brian Dragon
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    They keep saying “you can play the way you want” but guaranteed there will be a meta and in order to get into the best of end game stuff, you will have to be just another cloned character.

    • Aaron
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Loved the beta and looking forward to live, but you can’t make a skinny character. You can make someone more buff than is possible in the real world without using steroids, but you can’t make someone even as thin as a dancer. The sorcerer and necromancers look like professional athletes even on the skinniest setting. Is it the end of the world? Not at all. I’d just prefer to be able to make a slender caster. After all, huge portions of the world are skinny, but only a tiny minority who abuse drugs and who are dedicated weight lifters look like the larger versions of these characters. If the idea is to let people put themselves into the game, Blizzard has given the middle-finger to the 33% of us who are ectomorphs.

    • Falador321
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    6:27 YES! MULTIPLE EQUIPABLE UNIQUES CONFIRMED! before it was only 1 wearable unique per kit

    • phreak
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    cool diablo 3.5 – immortal simulator

    • Suman Roy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “barbarian’s are weapon master, can use anyweapons”..

    rogues and sorcs : are you sure?

    • PizzaTime
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Give us a dedicated ultimate button and we will have more choice 🙂

    • luQ89
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Improve ragdoll, physics and make additional mobs. Still ghosts, skeletons, people and ents…. Combat in D4 was supposed to be better than in D3, which it is not in my opinion.

    • Brod
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Paragon points look so convoluted

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    As a solo player – Can’t freakin wait!

    • A Rey
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait! R.I.P games in my library lol 🪦 💀 🌹

    • Djargo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Crafting is a big part of Diablo 4” > Talks about it for 20seconds. Mobilegame like upgrade gear and adding gems is not crafting lmao.

    • Chris G.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    4:55 5th stat confirmed!: Intellect – not to be confused with Intelligence

    • Tragoudistros.MPH
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The armor system was 🔥 I was very pleased with the options and customization.

    Some of us packrats get attached to a certain piece of armor 😅

    • ZaimGamePlay
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    the druid is struggling with dmg just a normal mob LOL!

    • AnzBozBel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    the game is so basic that an indi developer could do it better in just a year

    • Patosaurio
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I mean, the game looks incredible, but for the price it has, I think that the game needs a bit more improvements.

    • MattiasTheGamer
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m scared for how many hours my future self will spend on this game 😅

    • Jeffrey Sendall
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Play your way, 3 possible builds per class

    • Tragoudistros.MPH
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I hope the Druid skills can be revamped a bit.

    Some skills were highly specific (do increased damage to vulnerable enemies with wind spells while fortified)

    Boulder (crit chance increases by 20% OR crit chance increases 6% for each boulder hit)
    Those are such similar options 😕
    D3 runes changed skills a lot, and I like difference.

    Ironically, tommy surprise, I had a ton of fun with the Rogue (a class I didn’t expect to like. D2 I loved the Druid)

    • Luke A
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Adel Void
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Where’s our PALADIN??????

    • Seminko
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    In 2023 it seems funny to me they are pushing the “play YOUR way” message. They surely must realize that the vast majority of players will just google the optimal build for their class / uniques. In this day and age you must account for meta-gaming, if you don’t, your game will go stale – even seasons will not save it.

    • Ghostface 7
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Joe Shelly is disturbing

    • SpookyOhs LL
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please do not nerf necro minions into dirt.. My worry is this will be just like D3 where you had to play bone to progress in harder content.

    • Eddiero
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Look the way you want?
    but locking body types to specific classes 🙁

    Any chance those get unlocked?

    • Saretz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My way is not 17 damage though

    • Azuremythd
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m cautiously optimistic about the game, hope it comes out good. Nonetheless couldn’t hold a chukle at the statement: “Crafting is a very important part of D4, you can upgrade an item and add sockets to them” XD

    • oraora33
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    There’s no new information in this video. 😐

    • jd shi
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Choose how you play until we drop a legendary that tells you what skill you’ll be using for the next 10 hours because it increases your damage by 300%.

    • TonyStufo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m gonna play this game all day

    • Manituan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I guess they don´t know what “Meta” is

    • Blaktorne
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    no overlay map , and you have the audacity to tell us that we can play the way we want. lol

    • Medina Gaming Box
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Best of the saga!?

    • Dwimerytguy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Happy to see new font.
    Previous one was terrible

    • Bluemiles
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Pls give us option to turn off all the ui stuff

    • Krucible
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m new to Diablo coming into D4. Am I just able to stick it out with 1 main character like an MMO? Or do I need to start a new character from scratch each season

    • Kenzo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Been waiting for this game for a decade now lol

    • Scott Dunn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Salvaging to unlock a transmog is still a big L

    • jared chappell
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I want blue skin, green skin, red skin why isn’t this a thing? 🥺

    • juraj vasko
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    love it 🙂

    • Lunchbox
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Literally spewing liquid diarrhoea out of their mouths

    • TheCe1ticZombie
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait to play it. Will you be able to reset the paragon boards ?

    • Pelado365
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “non linear story”, i can’t wait to see the second type of ending on youtube, and who knows, maybe a couple of npcs changing dialogs from time to time

    • Booty McNasteez
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    6:11 can you guys make it so the item and stats do not block the character?

    • KniteGraffiti
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1/4 faces. such diversity.

    • 135Jaeger531
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Druids magic abilities are so under emphasized no wonder they aren’t any good in game

    • Alex
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “from how you look” shows fat druids that can’t be customized to not be fat

    • Joshua K.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    so freakin hyped ufff, just cant play something else to make my waitingtime feel less long

    • Fernando M
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    End-game build customization system: +5 Dexterity

    • NoMight
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    the sorc is a little more fragile? lol its the tankiest class in the game

    • Vignesh Mohan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    bought the deluxe ed cant wait tbh so pumped for BARB

    • Faolan Grey
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “endless character customization” bro the game is great but don’t lie, there are literally 4 faces 😭

    • Johan Vd Merwe
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Jumbleman5
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    They want to let you play the way that you want to… unless you want to experience the seasonal content, in which case they make you re-roll a new character instead of being able to experience it with your main.

    • Vignesh Mohan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    can you guys stop with the druid meme he deals 18 damage now 😛

    • Chris Noctskie
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • XJ9
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    you cant choose a purple skin color or have midnight sparkle or twilight sparkle hair. even as the necro which was the closest thing I could do to look like twilight sparkle from equestria girls.

    • BudroTheFox
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You should have released this video a month ago. There’s barely amy new info from the beta. Come on blizzard get it together

    • Ak_getright
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Why do all the game developers look trans

    • PostprandialTorpor
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Druids are Masters of nature magic, able to unleash nature’s fury, such as 17 damage

    • Pawel Zebrowski
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My way is Paladin

    • Leon S. Kennedy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Been playing Diablo 2 resurrected lately, it’s a masterpiece.

    I can tell Blizzard finally knows what the customer wants.

    Unless you play Druid of course 😂

    • Black Cloud
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Bro this is straight up agony, i find no meaning in other games except this.

    • Faolan Grey
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I wanna live in this game, only thing I don’t like are seasons since restarting everytime having no real progress is annoying. But at least each season will be fun with new stuff. Just hope the perma characters in D4 are better than in D3… There was really no reason to play out of a season in D3.

    • YukiMa88
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Unless you count changing class as away to “represent your self”, i feel like the video is very missleading, the option in the betas was very minimal, body type is locked to class and gender, i hope there are more options at relese, most likely, but i think bodybtype is har locked so skinny necro is gonna look very simmelar to the next skinny necro with sighty diffrent armor. i can live with it being that limited, but when they boast how great it is it just makes me sad.

    • Steven Bitecofer
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    To play the way that I really want to, I need a shield and a throwing spear. I cannot do that now but I hope that will come with DLC or expansion. For now, I guess I will have to use a Sorc. Do not really care for the Barb, Druid, Necro or Rogue play styles.

    • Steven Loerlein
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Let us do full solo play, *toggle open world option*. Sometimes you want to test your skills doing events in the world solo. Also add a skill / paragon tree Apply button where we can place the points without applying them instantly so we can see if a node is even reachable before locking them in.

    • RedBloodReaver
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Of course they had to open the video with the werebear aoe slamming and failing to kill a single skeleton

    • Hououin Kyouma
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Unfortunately, I can’t create a Druid that looks like me, because I’m not a morbidly obese chronic fast food eater

    • Manuel Morales
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The problem with Diablo 4 is that the paragon system has nothing exciting, they should have included powers like those of the unique or legendary items in their nodes. On the other hand, the number of skills per character is extremely low, I expected to see at least 4 times more than what they have shown in terms of the number of skills, I hope they do something more with the game regarding this, and regarding the pvp as well and the worldbosses

    • zion dominus
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    What is that warrior skill at 2:37?

    • Come Fast To Get Into My Body
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I like it very much. But sometimes, when They speak about particular things… they sound like, “Hey we have monster in this game, You can kill them. And It is special”

    • LetmebeFRANKwithyou!
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Sorc is fragile …..laughs in barrier and death saves

    • Alam Martinez
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Took 3 days off work for early release. Anyone else??

    • tor esmeris
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    17 damage

    • NeOmega
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m beyond hyped! Already got Ultimate edition on standby and now the waiting game begins… ❤

    *HAIL LILITH. Blessed Mother* 🙏

    • TheNeonArcade
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    every single armor piece is incredible. Nailed that for sure

    • Booty McNasteez
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can you guys please make it so that when you’re putting gear on your character, the item doesn’t block your character. Sometimes I’ll highlight an item and I can’t see what it looks like on the character.
    Please and thank you.

    • 𝕶𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍80
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Lets go! May 12th, we head back to sanctuary. This game is BIG! BIG! A Diablo MMO. But keeping to the true nature of Diablo gameplay updated to modern gameplay. Talk about serious hype! June 6th can not get here quick enough too.

    • I Test Stuff
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I appreciate that blizzard is spending stupid amounts of money on marketing for generic ads about the game so that it’ll capture as big an audience as possible, but these aren’t very good. Did people on the team complain about not getting any screentime? Their deliveries are so dry and it’s a jarring amount of cuts to B footage and having both people talk about the same thing, jumping back and forth between their sound bites… It’s just jarring.

    There’s a lot of really cool stuff in this game, but these presentation videos could be a lot better. I say this as someone who will play a crazy amount of this game and loved the beta, maxed each class, etc.

    • 1xRacer
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    But is it on mobile? 😂

    • DigitalSyn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Choose whatever class setup you want, even if it means not being able to kill bosses, because we’re Blizzard and we’re going to only balance a few key builds.

    • Daniel Newman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Game of the year

    • 🔻Jay🔺
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Saying the character customization is endless when it’s some of the most basic customization I’ve seen. A few faces and tattoos with no sliders whatsoever. It’s weak asf.
    This is where the battle pass comes in though, huh? 🙄

    • Knice
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t WAIT

    • Ridku13
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    2:20 didn’t they said that they lowered the Necro under army’s glow? I hope that’s not the final build cuz they look the same as the last beta

    • Senator Marius
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I miss the days when it was all about the game and not about the devs being pushed in the spotlight. In the end nobody cares about them, people come for the game not some wannabe rockstar.

    • JoshMc420
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Let’s go!

    • XShadow737X
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “How and when you share the open world”. Cool show me how to never share the open world so I can play solo. =D

    • Hell Naw
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This game isn’t ready at all

    • CrimsonFlame
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I hope they add more multiplayer elements.

    Yeah I know there are those who are against it but clearly Blizzard isn’t walking back on this so they might aswell allow us to have more fun with it.

    • JE H
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1 month is waaay to long…

    • Vodziak
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    In terms of diversity, it ended only with cosmetics and builds, as usual, one or two “the best ones” per class with specific skills, “best in slot” items and that’s it. Such is the charm of this type of games, there is no need to pretend otherwise.

    • pwkim21
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Is it just me or do the speakers seem cgi?

    • Jonathan DeBruyn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Play YOUR way! But if you want a map overlay, gtfo! 👍

    • Brian Dusel
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Oooh. Skip Campaign button noticed @ 2:53.

    • istván fábián
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “your class your way” no, its the way you guys made the builds for because there is 0 room for creativity

    • Sqwash Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I wish there was more variability for base character customisation

    • Lex Braxman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Gaming has been dead for years. Please let this be my forever game!

    • Psions
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    boob slider for necro when?

    • xabun
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    confused that she says “mage” to the sorcerer … hey Blizzard, a Mage and a Sorcerer are two different things …

    • Mark Yaman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please can we have the option to make Druid skinny 😐, I want him to look like me lol

    • Ryan Cooper
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Every player will have a different build” <- Except 80% of the playerbase will all be playing exact copies of whatever the strongest build the community is talking about at any given time. ;)

    • Greg
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Every video get me more hyped

    • CptBlack
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can you customize your hair, skincolor, etc later on in the game?

    • Lola Vanenburg
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can you play this on the iPad now..I’ve only ever played it on the PC.

    • Phantomblade
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I tried to play my way, but there was no single player option so I couldn’t.

    • R Mart
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    6th Class being the Triune!!

    • Chad
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can you have the option to use the first font used instead of the new one? Rather have a font more readable sifting through thousands of items instead of a font that is flashy and annoying after the first week.

    • Free Falling
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    imagine having to listen to that voice all day while trying to work on the game …..

    • Serpher
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Mixed fonts, THE SAME ARENA FOR PVP from Diablo 3 (lol)

    • seiops
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I took 2 weeks vacation for release just to grind tf out of my brain

    • 12lippylucy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m not a season player, but i cant wait to dabble in a bit of pvp.

    • YYYugo
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    This is the way.

    • Joanna Petrova
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait to buy this game. Love u guys.

    • ℂ𝕠𝕒𝕔𝕙
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Kash1mz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Wow, even in this trailer Druid didn’t kill anything. Probably made before the patch.

    • Ryan Cooper
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Near endless characfter customization optons”, “however you can picture your character you can make it that way”

    Meanwhile each class is locked into a specific body type, faces super limited, hairstyles are missing extremely common and obvious ones, etc.

    Character customization reminded me of ESO but with less options. You don’t craft a toon to look good, you try to find a mix that just doesn’t look as bad as the others…

    • Vexiusx
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hail Lilith!

    • Raivazz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hope you guys dont buff certain classes to oblivion because people were memeing about it

    • Damir Turk
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    what happend to glowing eyes that sorceres had in the diablo trailers , i didnt see them in the beta?

    • drivinginsane
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The druid cyclone will always move in the opposite direction to the enemies and do 0-17 dmg (averaged of course).

    • Prodigy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    But can you customize Druid’s body type so he’s not looking overweight?

    • Bomby Browary Bebechy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I like it very much. But sometimes, when They speak about particular things… they sound like, “Hey we have monster in this game, You can kill them. And It is special”

    • Lex Braxman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    All the facial structures are pre-set.

    • JustinSaiyan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Gonna live in this game. Hopeful seasons are fun and engaging for a long time. Excited to see the BP and cautiously optimistic how they’ll monetize

    • Justin S
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Excited for this game! I wish the Paladin was back but, hopefully it will come in a DLC or content update.

    • Tamás Zatykó
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    please bring more hair style, face and tattoos, marks we want more option for that becaus in beta is very limited………..

    • Wooli Slime
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Druid, the way of the 17 dmg aspect

    • TheUlf
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I am so enamored with how bad these promo videos are. There is a magical art to making something so vapid and uninformative like this.

    • Juan Jurado
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hail Diablo 4 entire team!

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Having to salvage an item to get the transmog is dumb Blizzard.

    • JeraOra
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    plis god let this game be good even though the name of the game is DIABLO 😅

    • Achtland44
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Wake me up when monk comes.

    • Kobus Grotman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Ooo looking forward to the 12th! Btw It’s funny you guys keep mentioning “playing your way,” but with the map overlay funtion, for example,you say that is not how you want players to play…. Was just funny to hear that. Really looking forward to the launch, you boosted my hype meter a lot when you mentioned you can add and improve skills, new skills are so few, i get it, there must be “iconic” class skills, but it wouldve been nice if you balanced it more with some new stuff. Well done on being more in line with the community. It’s great to see that you guys are so open. Being a live service, im certain you guys are going to make it epic. Server slam hype, cya soon!

    • Flying Scorpion
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can’t wait to play. Hopefully there will be a paladin or something similar in the future in d4

    • Jonathan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Amazing! Hopefully we can see more hairstyle options! Especially longer hairstyles for necromancer!

    • The Survivor
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    looking forward to the game a lot

    • 1doki
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    off off 17 DMG …

    • Sinshine
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My class? I wanna be a Squirreldragon!

    • MRkazzai1
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Love it! let’s goo

    • Dallas Foster
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The Barbarian can pick up any weapon! Wow can’t wait to use shields and swords!

    • Andreas Rounds
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “You can look the way you want, you can play the way you want…” except we can’t! Can’t be a fat necro or a thin druid. We get to choose one or the other. They need to say “OR” between those statements cause that is just flat false advertisement.

    • Sun Shower
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    If only I could have a slim Druid or a slightly beefier Necromancer.

    • Young Bane
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Over sold that player creation lol but nice video can’t way to play

    • Ryan Miller
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    After Immortal, this franchise was dead to me. I didn’t follow any announcements or development news at all and considered D4 a lost cause. I have to say, after the beta and doing some research now that release is close, I’m ready to be let down again. See you all in Sanctuary

    • xVxXPrinceXxVx
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can we customize the original look of our character (like hair, etc) afterwards in the game?

    • M P
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    we need paladin!!!!

    • koinzell San
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Some people need to understand that not everyone can/want play the game for 12 hours a day everyday . Want to show off how good of a player you are? Go HC only and stop busting everyone’s balls lul.

    • B. C. Beaumont
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Diablo 4 is the game that’s been made.

    • Sorin Moisa
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    offers everything for 70 euro …. then you gonna buy season pass

    • Allostasis
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Looking good! Please dont destroy your game by introducing Set items. If you are gonna include them, you have to make them weak or the game is done for.

    • jon rich
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You can customize the character you want? LIES! i see no booba slider!

    • Erik Boudreault
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Please gib me game now thanks blizzard 🙂

    • Mighty Murph
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Ive been buying diablo lore and art books to read and delve into to hold me off. At least we get another beta for the final stretch

    • Ayas
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    The most awaited game for me

    • Open World Games
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Counting down the days over here…I need to hibernate until June 1st.

    • NoName
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Only thing i dont like about D4 is how the Druid looks. He looks like fat hobo! For me its gamebraking and i cant find myself playing the Druid until we get some more character customs

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Have you heard? The latest Diablo 4 META is Wild Screen! And I’m not even joking.

    • Ofect
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My way of playing is whatever highest on maxroll

    • William Cooper
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I hope Druid body type can be adjusted eventually… that was the most disappointing aspect of the character creation.

    • Krzysiek STZAŁA Kowalczyk
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m excited for D4 but those marketing catchphrases make me cringe. “Endless customisation options” or something about “branching out in a completely different direction” on a skill tree that is pretty much linear xD Guys just be real, its not 2010, gamers can see through bull**** like that nowadays. Being honest will be much better for you.

    • Mads
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Hail Lilith.

    • The Lawyer from Mars
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Are we still gonna be stuck as a fat female druid? Please let us choose to play as a lean one.

    • Generalkillaman
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Early access guys are going to have a blast

    • Alexander A
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I haven’t been playing any other video game since I got a taste of D4 beta.

    • drifterxexe
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    praying they buff the druid

    • mediocresumo1
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    going barb all day

    • Seluhir
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    If only I could respec freely to explore the different builds to find the right way to play. Respec costs really go against the ‘play your way’ pillar you keep talking about.

    • John Lund
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1:38 Ranged crossbow type ? lol

    • Xenocrysth
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1:54 17 damage

    • Red Sonja
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    im gonna be a Barb!! i will bath in Liliths blood!

    • Mystic TR1
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I just can’t wait to play! Im not even interested in playing anything else right now.

    • Purok
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I really like how armor look in D4, it’s dark fantasy armor, not power rangers armor type like in D3

    • Piotr
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can u make battlepass into eternal realm not only in seasonl mode? I really dont want to start over and over again…

    • Fawzi Menkhour
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Another Diablo IV promotional video that yet again limits to 1080p output, to really push that grainy youtube low-bitrate look.

    Don’t get why they’d go further and also letterbox the video to give even less view. They could have at least uploaded it in the original aspect ratio to not have black bars on displays like UW PC Monitor or Phones in landscape mode

    • Siphr0dias
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • koZmo .seVen
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • WhispyWoods.
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    My way is to play is offline. Help me out here. Do something about this.

    • Aurelias
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    You can’t make a class that looks like you. The character customization is poor, and you have to play a fat druid or anorectic Necro.

    • Prophet Slayer
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Lets GO!

    • Evil Tazz
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    “Play the way you want to” aka… find the most OP build a streamer that has hours upon hours of gameplay time with, and copy them 😀 i hope there is balance to all the skills, highly doubtful on launch but hopefully something they can tweak continuously.

    • Alex K
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Druid, horror! I don’t want to play for such a freak at all!

    • Wijione
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    ffs just let us play it already

    • Mix Box
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    1:55 that Magda arena reference is nice detail.

    • Mikey Flynn
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    you already nerfed my class

    • Nightfang
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I cannot wait

    • Psynergy
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    I’m really happy they buffed the Druid. That’s the class I plan to play the most at release.

    • Mandatory Fun
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Haha. That is funny!
    23 Days late, but still good! 😂

    • Nicolás Blanco
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Me voy a pegar tremenda viciada a partir del 6 de junio

    • subzerodark
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Awesome. Awesome epic

    • Vidar
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Lets goooo!

    • Eugene Kuan
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    is druid going to suck though?

    • Professor Shadow
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Do you love me ??

    • Professor Shadow
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • Perk
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am


    • YouLube
    • 2023年 4月 25日 8:27am

    Can I pick male or female instead of body type 1 and 2… that would be nice.