
#diablo4 #season4 #diablo
My Builds:
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Gathered the most OP and broken PTR Builds. I think it’s not okay to one-shot the new Level 200 Bosses. When Season 4 starts, we all want a balanced and fair game. Did you find any other OP builds? Let me know in the comments.

Minion Necro:
Shadowblight Necro:
Firebolt Sorc:
Frosty Stride Sorc:
Frozen Orb Sorc:
Hurricane/Boulder Druid:
Werenado Druid:
Dust Devil Barb:
Most Elemental Surge / Generator focused Builds:
My Feedback Sheet:

00:00 Intro Broken Builds
00:31 Broken Necro Builds
04:29 Broken Sorc Builds
11:58 Broken Druid Builds
15:36 Broken Generator Builds & Rogue
16:30 Broken Barb Builds
17:40 PTR – Balance for Season 4

All my Builds for Season 3 (I always try to keep it up to date):

My Diablo 4 Playlists (Guides & more)
Barb Playlist:
Sorc Playlist:
Necro Playlist:
Rogue Playlist:
Druid Playlist:
General Playlist:
Fun Playlist:
Season 3 Builds & Videos
Tier list Season 3:
Class Balance Updates:


Fire Chain Meteor:

Lightning Storm:
Watch live on TWITCH:
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Video edited by:

Taqs:Diablo,Games,Diablo 4,Rob,Rob2628,Diablo IV,Diablo4,Season,Barbarian,Druid,Necro,Build,Guides,Best Build,Best Guide,D4,BuildGuides,LevelStrategy,BestClass,BestGuides,Necromancer,Diablo 4 Guides,Diablo4Build,D4Build,Gear,100,NMD,Nightmare,Speed,Leveling,BestBuild,Duriel,Uber,Unique,Farming,Grandfather,Shako,DPS,Endgame,Season3,S3,season 3,Leaderboards,Construct,Stones,New,Diablo 4 druid build,barbarian guide,broken,bugs,one-shot,op,ptr,season 4,d4 s4,broken build,op build


  • コメント (117)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @basxhor
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Its not fun at all it kills the vibe of builds and fun from killing. TUBERS should be very difficult to kill and done only in groups.

    • @_irson7616
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I cant wait to go into helltide and not see my screen because two barbarians pretend to be druids.

    • @ThisIsMikeHobbies
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Not show your 3 builds broken barbarian?? LOL not fair , do you want all class getting nerf except barbarian? This is diablo 4, not barbarian 4

    • @farmas7786
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Don’t up Bosses because of too strong builds, because others builds are gonna struggle, like a grenade rogue is never gonna kill a uber Uber boss, i like that all builds can do the all game, just nerf the overpowers ones

    • @BrainAido
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    this is why people should never have pre-access to content. I don`t care what you think and why we shouldn`t delete boss in one shot. Play the game and stop giving these info, the barbarian was nerfed multiple times because YOU and other streamers who just can`t hold things for them and must give their oppinion. f u and what you think

    • @jackbea4243
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Man let them know the drop rate for Ubers is ridiculous did duriel 50 times and got one Uber that’s just crazy asf

    • @cfrancis4910
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Rogue is pretty balanced if you take elemental surge out bc that’s all classes.

    • @devk12345
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Not a single non-generator rogue broken build

    Rob in next video: “bosses need to be buffed… And these barb stuff as well”

    • @vest0levs
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Glass cannon softcore mentality right there… No. Thanks! 😉

    • @boristhebulletdgr
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    @3:38 Except if its a Barb, then let HOTA Barb be HOTA Barb.

    • @glitchy8429
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    No more nerfing..Outside of fixing clearly broken and unintended mechanics, just buff bosses and other builds, and add world tier 5! Stop taking the fun away.. it’s making me sad

    • @lexide9432
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    All these idiots in the comment section are acting like Rob IS a Barbarian IRL or some shit. There is only FIVE FUCKING classes in D4 and Rob plays ALL of them. Just because his favorite is Barb doesnt mean he has some sneaky hidden agenda… And this game is NOT competitive or balanced by any stretch so why would he? WILLFULL ignorance…

    Holy shit the negativity around this game is coming from the dumbest gamers i have ever seen. I can see why blizz historically has been resistant to feedback. Their player base is absolute brain dead monkeys that just spew negative shit with no substance into the void. Imagine stepping in dog shit then complaining about how bad it smelled for a year instead of just moving on. Actually cost me IQ responding to this foolery.

    • @hazihorst2912
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    oh backe

    • @redkelly8113
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    One shotting should be a super min maxxed reward. Like you fully 100% know everything about how the games damage math works, your class etc. It shouldn’t be a thing that anyone can just easily do otherwise it removes the reward for playing like a mad fucking cunt. Making it so everyone does dooky damage removes skill gaps and gameplay satisfaction. Again all I recommend. Make it still possible to one shot, but you absolutely need to be a fucking DNG (Dork Nerd Geek)

    • @claytonrachalla8782
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Bro people like you the big YouTubers ruin the fuking game let them be so what if it does a lot of damage and then y’all wonder why no one plays

    • @kinjo-ossan
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Will Eternal Realm be updated at the same time as Season 4?

    • @wiwhwiwh1241
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I agree with rob, barbs non-used weapons should simply be disabled entirely. No more stat sticks is the key for better balance.

    • @MrDeltadragonalf
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    forget about the number that is easy to fix, i just hope they will not change the interactions cuz all builds looks amazing and fun to play

    • @travisshannon9040
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    That’s good that you are doing this. I would imagine Blizz has their sights on you, you are the voice of D4. Thanks Rob!

    • @QiBreaker
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    This would only happen to those players who have time to tune and test though. So for casuals most of these are fairy tale.

    • @yo-its-death
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I’m okay with one shotting bosses if it takes a lot of game time to get there. But if you can do that day one of the season that is not fun.

    • @Coolethan27
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Personally I think fix the bugs but the new tiers are in my opinion very weak. Not wanting d3 but a gr 150 is the hardest activity in the game. The best build would do trillions of damage and not even dent the gr boss but in this game half that damage will one shot the highest content. So I think they need to make the highest level content much harder. When you think of tier 200 you should be nervous to go in there but that’s just my thoughts. Leave the power fantasy but make high end content exactly that high end.

    • @duckispve5283
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Your idea of fun is farming endless hours and breaking barbarian builds. Now you are upset with other builds. I can’t with you 😂

    • @reaper5454
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I think it’s totally fine if you’ve maxed out your character and you can’t upgrade them anymore

    • @lughor9938
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    When you buff the bosses such that broken OP builds need a minute to kill the boss, all normal builds will have no chance to kill the boss at all.

    • @euldarath
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    means Blizz devs are so lazy to check their own work, they have to get players to audit builds in PTR

    • @CutYourLoser
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    #DustDevil Must Be Patched #Invisible Party Play Impossible😂

    • @user-mj4kq2hn6k
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Yeah, please nerf barbs

    • @matthewcollins801
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Personally some builds will have to be strong to take on level 200 Uber bosses/ 254 levels in pit. But some things still need buffed while others may need a bit of a nerf. It just depends what’s considered “balanced”

    • @michaelderouen8144
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Says the fucking dude who has one shot bosses for the last 2 seasons lol. GTFO necros backs. They need to nerf Barb into the ground this season lol.

    • @aandisegregate5208
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    finally our classes have come on par with the barb and now all of a sudden you dont want classes like this in the game, but for the last 3 seasons its been perfectly fine when youve being doing billions of damage with the barb and saying how fun broken classes are, hmmmm strange how youre calling out these classes now, its like youre salty about the other classes doing well.

    • @KingDirtyThunderblade-hi4yf
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    And you didnt even mentioned the whirlwind barbs you were one shotting everything in the game with. Youre so transparent

    • @Nothingnesslol
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    this doesnt even looks fun to play

    • @nulee661
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Where is broken rogue?😢

    • @aname.whatdidyouexpect1877
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The Problem with Werenado and the 5 second kill is that it is a perfectly damage minmaxed build. Werenado lacks crowd control (compared to other classes or builds), and you forfeit survivability to do the 5 second kill. So overall, Werenado is pretty balanced.

    • @paweljablonski7063
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The level of objectivity is striking here. Equally insane DD barb is just “overpowered” (thank you for not adding “slightly”) 🙂 Most of others mentioned are purely broken…

    • @manfredhoudek2385
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    We haven’t touched on what’s possible. This system will change so many build mechanics. Notice very little Rogue PTR builds online. Only one was grenade build. Yet testing it out in last couple of days I found out maxxing out duration of invigorating strike, I had infinite resource with minimal use.

    • @michelm9095
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Now we get what we deserve… Necro Minion build being trash, just as promised.. they should just take out everything minion and call the class BoneLancer or BloodMister or something

    • @Fred-ug2vz
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    lol best commentary by rob “yeah its pretty good, it one shots everything in the game” Just pretty

    • @ccsstorm
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    let’s throw every non-barb builds under the bus and showcase the least broken barb build.

    • @Trapinnewyork44
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    They’re gonna patch it 😒

    • @droid5785
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    “this build is not bugged, its just very very very strong. yep.”

    bro barb has had 2 seasons of dominance now, chill the fuck out, respectfully.

    you can report bugged builds or oversights (ebonpiercer, flame shield) but stop complaining about werenado, golem, frozen orb. shits actually too funny

    • @synysterx83
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Leave the necro and rogue alone! They got screwed last season!!

    • @UltracoreUltraUranium
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I feel like my Sorc Ice Shards build is already about to get nerfed😢

    • @mikeevola3801
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Maybe Blizzard should think about geting @Rob2628 on their payroll! How is it possible he continues to put together game breaking builds in just a few hours of gameplay that apparently none of the devs or games testers at Blizzard ever catch??

    • @ShadowSong88
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    they won’t have time to fix everything. the season will either be postponed to another date. or again two days after the release of the season it will be possible to make a character who kills everything in two hits

    • @OwenBroadwell-ll3fq
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    One thing people should understand is that people will always find a way so blizzard should really buff the bosses and stop nerfing the good builds

    • @dfillio8993
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    That Barb build is not overpowered that clip is like a 20-30 second boss kill with 4 people doing dmg

    • @MrMak2121
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Hot take: Rob is preparing us for the Barb nerfs.

    I think things are about to get weaker, and no think that’s a good thing.

    • @kaetha1
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I wish k could do the dusk devil barbarian build that looks like a good time!

    • @cjasmr8625
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    How can you say that when your barb has the same thing. Ironic lol

    • @Aslan_57
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Bruder blizzard hat das spiel ganz falsch angegangen in jeder insicht alles wieder zu beseitigen und fixen wird ne lange zeit in anspruch nehmen.. Ich zock es seit mitte 3 season nicht mehr und seit dem hab ich nich grad gute änderungen gesehn

    • @mindezz
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    That only proves that blizz not testing anything just setting shit up

    • @hashimrahman51
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Not the least bit shocking considering the scope of the changes to mechanics/systems.

    Once they have an actual mechanical/systems foundation in place for a bit, we shouldn’t see such widespread imbalances. At least that’s what one would hope.

    I’m not a fan of intentionally shifting the meta using class changes. Rather, ideally, a developer should introduce environmental changes (new mobs, activities etc). Those type of changes are almost guaranteed to shift the meta without having to mess with classes. I personally like character/gear persistence in RPGs.

    • @jokermwx–4140
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Hahaha…broken Barb stuff is so short. We all know Barb is never overtuned /s

    • @mpetrie
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Does Rob get special perks or something? Rob admitted in the video that he was able to create a Barb and clear a level 200 Pit dungeon within a couple of hours of the PTR going live. Does Blizzard give him special access that levels up his gear that allows him to create these uber builds within a couple of hours of the PTR going live???

    • @Bran.man24
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm


    • @DenisTRUFFAUT
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    multiple firewalls means x4 projectiles for every firewall passthrough

    • @Catpicker
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    rogue seems pretty darn normal compared to others

    • @Mika_Cai
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Hi Rob, This is Mika. I provide several Necro、Druid and Sorc links yesterday on your LIVE, I don’t know whether you remember me. I also want to share more with you here. First about the Minion Necro, I am a Necro player, I know how to get one hit over 20 billon, 60 billon or more, you need find all the “Golem Mastey”Level in your Helm/Chest/Gloves/Pants/boots, and find all the Golem Damage from the tempering, my “Golem Mastey”Level in the PTR is Level 20, but the Max level we can reach is Level 28, and you also need find all the intelligence in your equipment, the most important aspect is “Unyielding Commander” and “Blighted”, there are still so many details if I want to say, but I just want you know that The Minion Necro Didn’t Use Any BUG!! The Blizzard Buffed minion so many times, it is just very very strong now, this the result Blizzard made it. Second, I didn’t provide the video link of Barb yesterday because my friend he hadn’t upload his video. But I just want you know, Dust Devil Barb’s every hit can over 80 Million, on your vedio your hit is just around 18-20 Million, so Dust Devil Barb could also kill all the Boss in 3 second. Third, about the Huge DPS with Shadowblight Necro, my Barb friend use the Bleeding Build, they could also make a very Huge DPS similar with Shadowblight Necro, the bleeding DOT over 15 Billon, I have the evidence to show how Barb is insane in the PTR. I do hope Blizzard can reach correct information about every build in PTR, our Necro showed our results, but we didn’t use any bug. Thanks!

    • @TheeMurderuss
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Embodiment piercer shadow blight necro!😂😂😭😭

    • @felipemolina7472
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I wonder why blizzard does not put a protection in the code to avoid doing more than x damage for any ability in case it breaks the game. They would have access to the logs to see the real number but the player would see something like 999 999 and it would not break the game.

    • @user-ps6ns1sb4f
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    ROB 为暴雪操碎了心~~

    • @n1com_
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Threshold, not shredhold

    • @zacmunroe5534
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    It’s the spider man pointing meme.

    • @Matt-gf4gd
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Rob actively trying to nerf his own content.

    • @Otisdic
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I had so much fun playing these builds but if they put them in the game people will be done with the game in 2 weeks…The DD barb was strong but couldn’t kill torment bosses but the druid killed them so easy and i did it 20 minutes after building him…

    • @_Super_Dad_
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Rob dont forget that you farmed for 500h. its ok to one shoot after that;)
    Like us mortals will never ever see that much dmg ..

    • @mokim1791
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Frozen orb sorc doesn’t look like op, compared to other builds.

    • @IamMonikaDLC
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    From the looks I’d say priority of tune downs priority goes to Necro and Druid, then Barb and last Sorc. I’d say that Sorc Firebolt one is verging balanced tbh.

    • @ivanrosseto9494
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    thank god to the PTR haha, now they just have to listen. one thing, dont thing the fozen orb is broken, just need a tune.

    • @calvingoh9321
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Ebonpiercer is bugged. Macroboi confirmed it.

    • @IanKingMusic
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Exactly why you do a PTR 👍🏼 thanks for the summary… no we’ll see how much of this they actually address

    • @jonathanowen999
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The amount of people trying to contradict you haven’t really been listening to what you say in a lot of your videos. That you’ve expressed the issues of being too overpowered.

    • @wilsonjp23
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Disingenuous about rogue been strong. That build look weak af in comparison to the rest and it completely relies on a generic mechnic that we know will be nerfed because is trully broken for necro and sorc as they can generate insane numbers of lucky hit. I would argue that for rogue elemental surge is balanced. Anyways, I am sure no one will play Rogue if they remain in their current state, so blizz will be forced to throw them a bone.

    • @VasudevaTheFerryman
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Do you usually do a tier list builds similar to what maxroll does? I would like to see one from you once the patch notes for live server comes.

    • @dylankelley7335
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I don’t think they can really balance around these types of players. Most average players dont play like that or build like that.

    • @kinjo-ossan
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    This game has too many bugs. They won’t be able to fix it.

    • @JeromeCourty
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Double procs are not a bug its a tempering affix which have a chance to proc à second firebolt, with 100 % attack speed breackpoint its like à machinegun yes

    • @ZachLDB
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The entire point of these games is to get as strong as possible with min maxing as much as possible. Thats the fun! During a normal season where players need to grind and not click 1 button to get maxed out in PTR, most of the player base won’t even be able to get a build that 1 shots the new bosses. Nerfing powerful builds that top players get in a few hours only hurts the community for the (benefit?) of a select few.

    • @rikachiu
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    I mean isn’t this what we always wanted? Every class is amazing and stupidly powerful so everyone doesn’t just make the same class? It won’t be easy to get that kind of gear when season starts for the vast majority of people and to destroy lvl 200 uber bosses should be the reward if you put in the effort to get that kind of gear.

    • @Cris0815
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    They should all multiplication dmg to additive dmg. This will fix most of the dmg calculations. For long there remains x multiplier, there will be x* dmg numbers. After that, you can balance the chars better and balance the enemies

    • @derekdrozdzak
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    so after watching this, my question then is what spec is going to be fun and powerful to play without these bugs they need to fix? sounds like dust devil barb and werewolf tornado druid? maybe minion necro? I want to be powerful and have fun but kill stuff legit and not with a bugged out spec.

    • @kiksta3325
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Its fine that super rare insanely hard to make builds can one shot with a unique combo. Rogue showcased builds looks weak af vs the others

    • @rachitr856
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Bro, you are gonna get them all nerfed next season. Please let us have some fun.

    • @randomhobby4310
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Naw…. it’s finally the time for other classes to be OP. 
    NERF BARB more!

    • @invincaspartan
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The game is built for casuals, is it a bad thing giving casuals the power fantasy of what is D4?

    • @godbrand3052
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Posts every broken build he could find, except for the one he has in pocket for league start lol

    • @whateverfloatsyourboat4586
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    you mention 2 builds that are not bugged but very powerful but forget to mention the screenclearing HOTA… Typical…

    • @gerginyotsev
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    So every other build is broken and overpowerd but not the Barb one ofc. From 20 min long video 19 min of that video you speak for every other build how is broken and overpowered but the barb one is not broken its fine just need some tuning. Got ya

    • @BlackDaiquiri
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Fix the bugged builds and dust devil and elemental surge need nerfs but werenado, frozen orb, golem etc are all fine. With greater affixes and masterworking you’re going to see builds reach absurd power levels and each season showcases a couple over-performing builds that then come back down to earth. I don’t think many casual players will be able to beat uber bosses that quickly.

    • @mihaildanielbahor8486
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    and? what’s the problem? why didn’t you say “they should look at these builds” when you were one shoting with barb? 🙂

    • @dind20078
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Rob brings his usual self. Top 2 strongest build in ptr, just “op” if it is a barb. 10th strongest build broken if it is not a barb. xD….. This guy.

    • @helberr
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    yeah well, finally necros have an opportunity to shine and people are crying for it? wtf

    • @Araturion
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    We shouldn’t be able to oneshot any elites or boss in the game that is level 110-200. Especially uber bosses and tormented bosses. Uber Lilith should be a 5 minute fight. Whirlwind without uber uniques is one of the few builds that actually play the game because it’s to weak compared to everything else.
    They need to balance the game better. Some skills are doing 500k and others trillions of damage. Bosses can’t be bosses as long as there is such a big difference between skill damage.

    • @danzfloor1
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    This power level makes the game super boring. 🥱

    Thanks for all the testing Rob. 🙂

    • @ilmstreams
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Minions need a nerf. Should be only 50% of player stats, not 100%…

    Being able to afk and ur pets kill for u is pathetic and takes no skill.

    • @alexgeer352
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Your going to get our new builds nerfed befor we even get to see them on platform.

    • @michaellancaster7092
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Its all fine. There will be like 3 people who get this far into the endgame after grinding. 99% of the rest of the players will never seen the power

    • @christopherreid2295
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Fix the bugs, but don’t nerf before s4. We have had broken builds every season. Every build showcased is new and fresh. Why kill something before the majority of the player base has even had fun with it. Otherwise everyone is a hota barb or ball lightning sorcerer again. I’m looking forward to the new crazy builds! ( didn’t play ptr)

    • @jasonbonadio8870
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Yes but 1 shoting Duriel is no longer and accomplishment

    • @ovadismartinezamador79
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Stop destruction d4 ty rob,play poe and destruction this game ty

    • @darrenwoods9990
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    that blight build is with the ebonpiercer and using dmge over time right?

    • @kastordif
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    ty for doing this compilation for blizzard, lets hope they get it fixed

    • @DonkeyTeeth7
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Nerf bonespear again!

    • @renzoescobar5
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    The must powerfull ROB!!!… Build xD

    • @PerfectSuperCell
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Noooooo don’t nerf necro stop showing broken build from him….

    They will nerf him to the ground

    • @Mindofthequill
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Lads i think we’re gonna need at *least* one more ptr lmao

    • @erickp4781
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Thank you!

    • @StefanP012
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    It’s only ok if barb for 2 seasons straight 1 shots boses and deals dmg, other clases must be nerfed before season starts.

    • @chrisw4672
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    It’s simple, just add a hard cap of 90% DR for all lv200 bosses

    • @user-uk3cf4cn5g
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    but one shotting everything on barb is cool tho, lame

    • @notjack6926
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Hope Blizz looks at this as it could be the best type of feedback. Would be a huge win if they can make it where 200 Ubers can’t be killed instantly by any build

    • @YM-ex8hh
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    great job finding out these broken builds.
    Let blizz know

    • @Mediumdoo
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    We love dipping!!!!

    • @Throned1781
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Of course blizzard has no idea what they are doing

    • @Rob2628
    • 2024年 4月 13日 8:28pm

    Gathered the most OP and broken PTR Builds. I think it’s not okay to one-shot the new Level 200 Bosses. When Season 4 starts, we all want a balanced and fair game. Did you find any other OP builds?

    00:00 Intro Broken Builds
    00:31 Broken Necro Builds
    04:29 Broken Sorc Builds
    11:58 Broken Druid Builds
    15:36 Broken Generator Builds & Rogue
    16:30 Broken Barb Builds
    17:40 PTR – Balance for Season 4