last chance to save diablo 4


by @dmdiablo4
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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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  • コメント (413)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @TomLarsen74
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Some of these hiccups would be acceptable if and only if this game was cheap or free-to-play. Instead D4 is a full priced game where they are asking for even more.
    Everyone who hates the state of the game needs to stop playing and giving them money and metrics. The game isn’t complete and they are going to slowly “sell back” the fixes to us expecting players to be “thank you, may I please have more?” Just stop playing. Just stop watching.

    • @michelhickey5765
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    no chance of savior for blizzard

    • @raphaelsouza5302
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This is the last last last chance. For real!

    • @gregv.8564
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I just don’t get it, if people want A but you keep delivering B … I truly don’t get it how a team of 1000 individuals can’t get it right.

    • @asmopop_op
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Bought game, played 2 hrs cant refund as 16 days has passed. I hope this game gets saved. So that I can start playing this game to get 100$ worth.

    • @nomdreg
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon sure has some consol dad takes

    • @ethreix800
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    “Everyone disliked the D3 AH, but I’m telling you, I think AH is better!” Dude. It’s not better by the definition of what “better” means. If people are unhappy, it’s worse. If people are happier with its gone, it’s better.

    • @Lerol888
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This is true 😂❤

    • @theTrueOverlord
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Leveling alts is fucking terrible also. They also need to smooth out the leveling…it’s smooth until after lvl 50 then it’s a fucking long grind.

    • @RajathBhatta
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The issue with Blizzard is not just that they are too big to fail, they are also too big to be saved.

    • @istvanjuhasz210
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Yes, PTR wouldn’t be neccessary, if Blizz would know what they are doing, with out player feedback. But they don’t , so I welcome the PTR. They either get feedback before season start, or they will fuck up another season.

    • @AnnoyingSwedishGuy
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It took Blizzard 18 months so shut down the RMAH in D3, which vastly improved the game, this is the timeframe working with people 😀
    I’m cautiously optimistic that the game will be enjoyable ~2 years after release, one can dream anyway 🙂

    • @asadalya8188
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last chance is make free this sheet

    • @BeefGeneral
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I now get to play it for the first time on gamepass having watched barely anything on it. Another opportunity to make it good for new people.

    • @Bob-jv4yf
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’ve been playing modded diablo 2 for years. The mods people come up with are just insane.

    • @RushedPhenom
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Krip once said this game could be a 9/10 in a year. We are now giving up on the game prior. That’s how bad the team has done

    • @Lichor2369
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Biggest difference between GGG and Blizzard is GGG NEEDS their games to succeed, they don’t have a billion dollar shareholder to give them money. Blizzard is basically a trust fund baby at this point. “Dad, I failed again those gamers don’t like me, I need some more money to try again”.

    • @georgeristo
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 did a great job pushing me to get back into POE

    • @FireCrack83
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last chance 100%😂😂😂😂

    • @Bigsurprise74
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    d4 is dead to me until they fix the stats on gear as a minimum (fix as in remove the useless stats on gear and make it easier to determine upgrades). There are other faults but that is the barrier for me.

    • @koora8
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I just cant see how i can play d4 for years like poe or last epoch now, mainly coz i love creating many characters with differant builds, now i almost did try all builds in d4 i dont see anything else to do except new major content just to play the story then qui again

    • @clouds5
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Not buying diablo 4 Was one of the best decisions of my life 😀

    • @Chippydip
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard made their money back hand over fist with their 90 dollar early access pre order

    It’s sad but blizzard and Diablo won’t improve

    • @OverlordParadox
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Just go play Last Epoch, PoE or Grim Dawn.
    Don’t waste your life waiting for shit to smell like roses

    • @supremelebowski2712
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why bother playing when Last Epoch and PoE exist?

    • @Wicked_Goblin
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 was dead on delivery and I still refuse to play it smh

    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    After playing 3 characters to level 60-80 and not being able to play one of the builds I wanted to, because the gatekeeping uniques just won’t drop…I am excited for itemization changes. It’s been my number one negative point since release. Now the average player will be able to get to lategame, which is great for a start.

    • @jh_lolz
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Zack is always winning

    • @atraxian5881
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    At what point optimism becomes just delusion?

    • @ShenBinhao
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The assets isn’t the company name Blizzard but the people who worked there which ware gone. No saving. Blizzard might make a comeback but not anytime soon. Great people are hard to come by not like buying selling company.

    • @bonerpants2102
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    nah its rotting already let it rest

    • @M1gh7y8u77
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    im still waiting diablo 4 to come out of beta mode

    • @TheFi1thyCasual
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’d rather buy tabs in POE than give blizzard any more of my money.

    • @OscuraDamien
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    «tHiS iS tHe LaSt ChAnE»
    Guys, you’ve been saying that for a year now. Move on.

    • @echtelion
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard has the behaviour of a 7yo child, they cant comprehend the concept of “last chance”. People need to stop giving them last chances. STOP playing the fucking game and STOP buying the fucking $70 expansions…

    • @isac9448
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    yow azmond,, hawg react to this video its so hilarious 😄😄😄😄

    • @mrzeviel324
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Gamepass best they put it there to atleast get a few players to delay it’s death. It’s blizzards owner Bobby he takes blame for company’s collapse when it happens not devs and rest they have some but not the majority. Realistically

    • @nikoladzhurov1800
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    after dr2 and how horrible that was handled never gave it a chance.

    • @lonewolf1868
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    To be honest, the best way to save any game is to make sure darth microtransactions doesn’t play it. I’ve watched him off and on since he started, any game he starts is doomed to failure.

    • @jeffafa3096
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I really loved Blizzard games in the past, and I’ve played D2, Warcraft 3, Hearthstone and WoW a lot. But I’m never going back to Blizzard again. They keep failing to deliver the top quality games they used to. I’m not pouring a single cent into that company anymore, until they get a complete 180 degree overhaul as a company…

    • @panamera0607
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    There are still guys making videos bout d4? Dude move on

    • @_modiX
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    this dude, the trend is downwards and he draws a straight line to the moon xD

    • @docmike8601
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The paragon system in d4 is laughable…It is essentially a piece of graph paper that adds x to your already existing handful of skills. Whether it is PoE or Grim Dawn your paragon-style stuff like ascended gems actually change your skills and animations. And grinding sigils in d4? really? They would have been better off just saying “we don’t have an endgame but we will…”

    • @ViolenceCity
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t think anything will make me reinstall at this point. Last Epoch is here and POE2 coming.

    • @edreenpasang7537
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Only God can save Blizzard now.

    God : Why would I want to do that ??

    • @trippy4150
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Bruh just chalk this game up honestly chalk blizzard up lets get rid of these idiots.

    • @blessanabey5575
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why, just let it die…

    • @Fauxmadd
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Sorry but its beyond saving with how Blizzard is now.

    • @mrsatan2229
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Scratch the game, it cant be fixed, the whole game sucks. Move onto diablo 5..

    • @dustybeaver6823
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Everyone has been doing a paid beta test since June of 2023. D4 is a scam!

    • @yzwme586
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Go play a real game, like Ghost of Tsushima…

    • @LaLegendeBhs
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    they ruinned their last chance to me i closed my 15k members diablo community and moved on

    • @steveskeet1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The same Diablo 4 creators making the same content about the game they hate.

    • @cakeknight6269
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Lmao I’ve be uninstalled Diablo. made room for Dragons Dogma 2

    • @lucidvn6589
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i’ll come back and play it if they make it fun

    • @user-li8mm5ru8s
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Not this goblin again

    • @cesarpreto1093
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They never cared if the game is garbage , or care about trying to fix it.. they already got people’s money from initial purchase , and microtransactions .. my guess they gonna release d5 sometime next year

    • @YnnY_1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    .. the only people playing this game are content creators and the people that follow them.
    Move on everyone.
    There are so many other games to play.

    • @bubblytunaa9516
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    You don’t save shit, you flush it.

    • @GaiasWunderkind
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 fans are perhaps the most pittyful, masochistic and over all copium addictive people out there, it’s just beyond rediculous at this point….

    • @00ABBITT00
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    There isn’t a great ARPG available…

    • @HC-ji9oe
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why the fuck is no one ever talking about the God AWFUL story!? There was such potential, and then we got this piece of shit.
    For example,
    Imagine how they could have built up to the Duriel encounter… How you’re walking in this catacomb, and the all of a sudden the ground starts shaking above you. Then it stops, so you continue, only for it so resume again. They could have created such awesome sense of fear in the player. Instead we got some shit story about Leah 2.0.

    • @daben7145
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    you’ll give them another next chance, we all know it, season 5 WILL BE THE LASTEST OF LAST CHANCES, until season 6 comes around. With fans like this, its just not economical to spent too many ressources on providing actually good products, the sheeps will consume anyways.

    • @quantumleap3511
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Well, i think it’s important to understand that the Blizzard we grew up with does not exist anymore. All the people who made Blizzard Blizzard has moved on to other companies.

    Blizzard is atm just weekend at bernies.

    • @Wolfsaak
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    spoiler:It won’t happen until 6 more years

    • @frikabg
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    guys…. the last chance was 4 chances ago. At this point you are acting liek a crazy person… get a freaking hint! 😀 IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK!

    • @KensenLp
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4, that charming little distraction that’s all fun and games until you decide to strap on your “serious” gamer hat. Oh, and Asmon’s deep dive into what “seriously” means in the context of gaming? Let’s not even go there. Basically, a game is meant to entertain you, until, well, it doesn’t. When the magic fades, and hopefully, it takes its sweet time, you’re supposed to find something new to play. Not every title is going to be a World of Warcraft, gripping us for decades. But here’s the real kicker: eventually, it stops being about fun. It’s about that little burst of achievement you feel, kind of like when you actually do something worthwhile at work. Except here, you’re not really achieving much besides giving yourself the illusion of productivity. So, maybe let’s not take our games too seriously. If it’s not fun anymore, it’s time to move on. And maybe, just maybe, stop expecting a computer game to fill that void for a sense of accomplishment. Peace out.

    • @OvenMonkeyGaming
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    blizzards one and only chance was release anything and everyone else is a cope

    • @fenrir7129
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Bought D4 two days ago, on 4080 it looks amazing, currently around 50 lvl and I’m blasting, how they tuned performance it’s outstanding, what a great game!

    • @skollsaros9241
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I never bought Diablo 4 🙂

    • @shortfatdude3406
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Move along. Nothing to see here

    • @rhys5958
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Don’t people visibly cringe when they hear the D4 devs (at least I think they’re the devs) talk about the game? They come out with some of the CRINGIEST sh*t like the horse thing… where are the hardcore, head banging, greasy stereotypical passionate rocker types working on this game? The majority of the people I’ve seen talking strike me as green interns more concerned about their morning decaffeinated latte and which pronouns they should be addressing one another by 💀

    • @mrburritoslayerRSL
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I remember DM from Raid Shadow Legends. Cool to see him again, years later, in a different capacity

    • @jrwrobl
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Yeah I lost respect for this YouTuber lol. I like him as he comes across as a cool person but man does he stick in abusive relationships lol

    • @yasai101
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    how bout lack of skills? lack of fun skills.. Skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiils man

    • @Ermji
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    15:08 but PoE and Last Epoch are good games why is Diablo 4 still a bad game? Seems not even competition can improve some games

    • @edmundkempin3170
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Fuck off Diablo 4, nothing they could do would reverse my regret of spending nearly £60 on advanced edition. The game is fundamentally boring and it can’t be fixed

    • @kwonderland89
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I canceled all my subscriptions related to Blizzard. Uninstalled all their games and deleted the bliizard app. Its been 2months now. Best decision I made.

    • @user-od9ki3np1k
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    why does the phrase D4 get turned into a cat emote when i watch youtube videos but when i watch the stream it says D4?? is there a emote addon i dont have or are his editors censoring D4?

    • @xblackwindhowls5476
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i would play it if i didnt have to remake my character every season its just something i dont want to do i feel its a waste of my time to remake a character that i like again and again and again every time a new season comes out i like my character the way i made him the first time and its a pain in the ass to remake him the exact same way every season its a waste of my time

    • @wakeupyall
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 is dead I got all toons to lvl 70 plus no fun what so ever Diablo 3 was my favorite game

    • @poatrykdas
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    diablo 4 can be easily saved! all it needs is a complete itemization rework, complete skill tree rework, complete dungeon rework, complete uber bosses rework and just complete endgame rework in general

    • @grimtm666
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Some things need to die…. RIP

    • @I_SuperHiro_I
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Someone make a D3 clone.

    Tbf tho, PTR was always so much fun.

    • @MaTtRoSiTy
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I would probably play it if they allowed me to actually play a single player game offline. But being always online so I cant pause is a real pain for me as I have to AFK a lot

    • @bdlamini9002
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    If i had the money, Id pay someone to level my barbarian. I dont think anyone would take the money though🤣

    • @matthewshaw3641
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t think Diablo 4 being good will help Path of Exile. Its all about worth ethic with POE. Bli$$ard is about doing the least and making excuses for it.

    • @anoriolkoyt
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The fact that the entire D4 is being compared to a simple LEAGUE in POE says so much ….

    • @brianbunker5057
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I uninstalled d4. Installed last epoch. Shit is dope. Fuck blizzard. Fuck diablo 4.

    • @iongoineanu7882
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    lol im not gonna pay blizard a thing

    • @SmexerP
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Please, please dont even think about buying the expansion.

    • @recur9245
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Meh I never even completed the game and uninstalled I CBf I wouldn’t even give it an 8 it’s a 5 for me as mediocre

    • @willquinndeb
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    23.32 ooooorrrrrrrr some may watch to see if the game is worth their time… money is tight.. I cannot keep throwing money away on crap games… I watch video’s on games so I can see if this is worth my time… I wait until the dust settles and then see how people like it see the video’s on game play then can decide from there… I am looking for good investments of my time not that the game is ok and playable

    • @G6…
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Nah i play necro with both controller and kb&m and controller is worse. Auto aim for corpses is shit specially for corpse explosion build. A lot of times i want to ramp up consuming corpses far away (for cadaverous aspect or for the paragon node) but keeping close ones for tendrills and i can’t do that on controller, it’s very annoying and much worse than kb&m. I play controller when i want do rest my hands but when i want to really do stuff kb&m is way better.

    Also, at least in diablo II (fck diablo 3), best necro builds were never minion builds. Necro was always a monster using poison and bone skills and that’s very much fine. I mean, sure make minion build viable and put a decent AI on them, i’m all in for that, but poison and bone necro was always a staple for diablo necro builds as much – probably more than – as minion builds.

    • @sourhaggis1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I will be sticking to POE, POE2, LE and even Grim Dawn Expansion or Titan Quest2 when they get released. If I had known then what I know now, (I kinda of did at the time…) I wouldn’t have bought D4. Blizzard was once trusted, the only thing I trust it capable of now is underperforming a mediocre expectations.

    • @GoLaSPOWAH
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last chance!

    • @ocean44432
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This entire video is saying D4 bad.

    • @adraniumcaelum8142
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    So wait it’s a pre-season? lmao

    • @druuudruuu6804
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I mean, its blizzard, of course they will kill Diablo xD

    • @BryanAlesRealEstate
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Omg that graph is so pathetic 😂😂

    • @XXXFotyleggaXXX
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I do no see a reason to buy diablo 4. However, i do not see anything wrong with getting the gamepass and playing it for a month or two and move on

    • @zanx8010
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    fuck i have over 9000h of diablo 1-2-3 and less than 90h of diablo 4 -.-‘ there ain’t no saving them if they won’t bring map rng to dungeons and they had systems to power gear but nope they failed in the end. they need full scale expansion not a dlc an expansion that would fix systems.

    • @Sjady
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i get that d4 is his job/career atm, but damn man, it amazes me everytime i see him talking about it. the amount of copium and the way he keeps pushing himself to keep talking about it is just mindblowing.
    must be the most frustrating job.
    i’m waiting for the expansion, ill play that for 100 hours and be satisfied most likely, kinda like d4 launch ^^

    • @AverageYTcomment
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    d4 good

    • @FortbloxNET
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Season 4 is „just“ itemization, it’s nothing the game will save…. We need more stash space. Item filter. Actual endgame. Gauntlet is a joke! There is to much that need to be fixed.

    • @brodieb5066
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why work on D4 when u can work on D5 and sell millions again – no incentive!

    • @petrlazar5240
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    2 last 2 chances: One last chance.

    • @hawaiicarl9854
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    we beta tested warcraft for 20 years

    • @LezArtist5iG
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    DM microtransactions sounds like he’s in denial. D4 will be good after all the expansions and season 20. Smh.

    • @dusty3194
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    All they gonna announce is that d4 is gonna be free on gamepass

    • @warlockofbluecheesesmither2517
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm


    • @zimbu_
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This is like performing CPR after rigor mortis has set in.

    • @Reyz-ym7op
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t think the developers team for Diablo is prioritize wow still blizzard biggest game and revenue.

    • @Midg-td3ty
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    blizzard and diablo are dead its too late

    • @goosebump69
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    noo title of the video changed 🙁

    • @Satanascomeumeucu
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Another last chance…before the next last chance.

    • @peterlustig282
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Cant understand how anybody then a content creator will pay to Do their work on the ptr.

    • @user-cr8wv4es2f
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The fact that Asmongold think they have another chance.
    He advertised for D4 more then anyone else. He still is.

    And you weirdo’s wonder if streamers are bought out? Use your intelligence for 2 seconds.
    It’s pathetic to see people take their opinion seriously when they’re blatantly paid out by the company’s to simp for them.

    And why should YOU be offended by this? If anyone of you donated or even spendt time in he’s streams… you made him.
    He turned on YOU, to advertise for a company that paid him. He lied to you, told you it was a good game etc… for money.

    I know.. people don’t think like me. I’m a special one right…
    Think about the actions of other people. Actually think about it.

    • @italianspiderman5012
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    You know what’s really the problem blizzard has? The same as every big publisher owned studio? Inexperience. How many years ago blizzard made their last arpg? How many people working on it back then are still at the company? Yeah. When you compare them to ccg, you have a team of people, experts that worked with the genere for years, decades, you can’t just grab some devs and expect them to innovate or improve a game in a genere that they have absolute zero experience with, that’s what AAA is suffering from, and of course greedy executives, incompetent leaders etc. but first and foremost, people make games, not logos, and you can’t replace a vet with decades of experience with blue haired lady named Kristina, they/them, that will report you to the HR for “mansplaining” to her what an affix is, you literally can’t do it.

    • @TheTatekei
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    what blizzard needs to do is hire the people who refused to buy the game to come in as consultants to undo their fuckups. Call me blizzard, i’ll fix this shit for ya ;3

    • @peterlustig282
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Its all about devs which dont Play&know ARPG or their own game.

    D4 is a good game for low intense playing.

    • @dark666shredder
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    probable they are spending all money on expansion

    • @ekuerpo
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Season 3 was boring enough that i hit 34 and felt bored shit gear

    • @Joris0815
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    PoE is to the ARPG genre as WoW is (used to be when MMOs were relevant anyway) to the MMO genre. Blizz likes trying to make their other games the defining game of the genre but theyll eventually give up like they did with HotS when they couldnt beat LoL

    • @vladgheneli
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t think Blizzard consumers are smart enough to let this company die… Blizzard will release the next product and everyone will get hyped AF and they’ll get another 10+ million sales on it. Then, people will continue to complain on social media about how bad the next product is. It is what it is, people are just that dumb, they get pissed today and forget about everything tomorrow, that’s why we’re still talking about Blizzard.

    • @fearedbeard7710
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Anyone defending D4 really must like playing the same 2 hours of content on repeat. The game has NO depth and there was no good reason it needed to release in that state. If they REALLY thought it was fine on release, that is the whole problem with the game and Blizzard as a whole. They should have taken their time and released a fully fleshed out arpg. If it gets significantly better, I’ll play it again, but I couldn’t care less anymore. I won’t be buying anything else related to D4 until I feel like I got my money’s worth relative to other available arpg’s though… whether that is fair or not.

    • @darkgaia8360
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I am 45 years old, have two children and one wife. I have 1.5 hours a day to play games. I’ve been playing PoE for a week. I love Diablo.

    • @martinstraka4258
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    what is diablo 4 ? is it food ?
    now for real..diablo 4 was lost in first week, im surprised they are still investing to that dead game…
    It seems to me they are trying to battle uocoming PoE league…well…gl to them xD

    • @Nhawk316
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    70 bucks and i still have to be their playtester ? What do they do with my money then?
    Theyre so incapable of knowing whats good or bad that they need players to tell them? Its insane…

    • @rhys5958
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    YES finally someone’s saying it. So tired of hearing how these layoffs are terrible and how much they feel for the people affected. Sorry but if you’re good at your job or if your job was necessary chances are you kept it.

    • @Teldra2022
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Do we want to save Diablo 4?

    • @Arnyh0ld
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The irony when hardcore gamers (like Asmon in this case) keep claiming that D4 is for gamer dads hits me hard every time. 😀 I’m a gamer dad and I think D4 is an absolute utter shit a scam and a garbage. I finished its campaign and never touched it shortly after. Why? The game play loop is bad. I will not sacrifice the daily ~2 hours I can get on gaming to play mediocre thrash. There are much better options. Ironically if this game is for anyone then it is for bored no-lifers. Which became apparent again, when Asmon now said he enjoyed season 2. Who would find the time to play with this shit for just one more season. Pretty fun. Just my 2 cents, moving on.

    • @jackalope7372
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    No they dont get anymore chances

    • @Pulsed101
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Wow, what a graph! I’m chilling with smart people. Asmon is trolling so hard, making $$$
    Reminds me of a politician.

    • @qdlaty23
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon is wrong about the layoffs. The culprits behind the state of the game are still with Blizzard. They are the executives. If he thinks devs have any say in design decisions he’s just naive.

    • @melloncollie2487
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Most ppl that bought d4 will buy d5 and blizz will continue the sequel until the end of times

    • @phatbeats3382
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Imagine Blizzard will just fix and… nvm

    • @FrostlikeReign
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Sorry, but no. No season made D4 fun. The only fun was season 0. Discovery of the game. They fucked up with no end game, no push to the story’s narrative, and boring fucking stats. Dont jusitfy that bs.

    • @KnotsOfWonders
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People forget that the normies thought D4 was going to be an MMO like Lost Ark, could be another reason that contributed to lost of the playerbase.

    • @MrNaptyme
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How to fix Diablo:
    1. Microsoft purchase 11th Hour games
    2. Put the Last Epoch team in charge of Diablo
    3. Scrap D4 and have them immediately begin working on D5

    That team with Blizzards resources and the Diablo franchise would be amazing.

    • @TheKainord
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The game was dead when they decided that there is no DIABLO in it.

    • @NeoN-PeoN
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    What was Metamorphosis League in PoE? I don’t even know how leagues work in that game. I don’t even know how maps work in that game.

    • @LordJordan91
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    What they need to do is make it social again. At a LFG button. At a way to communicate in game with strangers.

    • @jorgmethfessel5774
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They dont know what to do and hoping for players to guide them – i expect multiple major changes before they implement them into season 4

    • @nemlol
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I had more fun playing D2 resurrected than D4….

    • @NeoN-PeoN
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why make a Diablo game where you can only equip 4 skills……….?

    Why make a Diablo game where the enemies, no matter where you are, are always your level………?

    Why make a Diablo game that isn’t better than Diablo 3………?

    • @deemegaming9170
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    guys did they finally add backpack spaces?

    • @sticky3108
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    9000 employees not 1 play tester

    • @war3723
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’m not sure what the problem is. They said this game is going to mirror Diablo 2 so make it look how it does fantastic, model the loot similar to Diablo 2 .
    this isn’t fucking brain surgery here people it’s a fucking ARPG

    • @widchaponjearaphunt5452
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How about put some waifu like JP😂

    • @Eclipseternally
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    9:21 Holy copium 😂

    • @namelessking6705
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    For me this is truly the breakpoint. I skipped season 1 had fun in season 2 and season 3 is boring but if its because season 4 takes all their development time its ok.

    • @gzaf187
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Personally, I couldn’t disagree more. I now want D4 to be as bad as possible. I want the entertainment of watching a new batch of d4 videos.

    • @Zetsumeii
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Anthem has a cozy spot in the graveyard reserved for Diablo.

    • @gslang3489
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Im chillin on Skull and Bones aside from my Friday ICC RS H clear. And replaying Valhalla bc im bored. Your most popular videos are Amber getting smoked and Dennison the Arch Wizard Slayer.

    • @gabi-saint
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    As a big Diablo fan this game is dead and will only be merely revived a bit when the expansion drops but I have absolutely no hopes for it for the next 5+ seasons.

    • @regntonne
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    At what point does a game developer “go wrong” in its decision making?
    Who is making the games “bad” ?

    • @GoGuardians
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I still want a full refund for Diablo 4. Im not kissing game developers butt in hopes of being flown out to test the game out.

    • @counterbull9057
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Is this their 3rd, 2nd or last last chance?

    It’s like Ozzfest “We swear guys! This time it’s the last!!!”

    I remember going to the last ozzfest in 2000…I am not joking.

    • @ducks4yquack
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They will not save it again but you people will still be playing this game, and there will be another videos like this “127372 chance to save the game”

    • @Musashi42069
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4000 players on Steam 💀

    • @frstflvr7327
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard is just operating with the principle of optimal performance and its kinda funny how americans are upset about this. Like your entire country and capitalistic philosophy is based on this principle.

    • @ObnoxiousData
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This is the last chance, this year. lol

    • @melvinfeenstra7037
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    the will add a new pack in the store for a 60 dollar horse, that is blizzard way to fix diablo 4

    • @alexstreet9470
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    There is some overthinking that goes into content. You could make the best 6 minute video of all time, but I like longform. So I won’t click it. Has nothing to do with being positive or negative.

    • @SkillRampage
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    poe 2 Livestream is gonna be too insane. everyone will delete D4 from their brains

    • @F4ml4y
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Oh THIS is Blizzard’s last chance? Can’t wait for the next last chance, because the last few last chances didn’t really do the trick! I don’t know what there is to save, the game was a massive commercial success and that’s all that matters, like it or not. D4 is not for “gamers” because it isn’t developed by “gamers”

    • @CCSplinters
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I think DM just made that copium chart so that people will look forward in watching his another D4 Bad videos once D4 S4 starts.

    He already aeen the itemization but under NDA. Bluffing or not, the itemizations fix will just be streamlining their itemization to PoE or LE default item affixes and not really that impressive.

    Already at S4 and they’re just starting.

    And again, they like to collide their events with PoE events. It’s either before, close to, or exactly when PoE is having an announcement.

    • @johnamcclintock1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Season 11? Nahh, too soon! What they really need to do is move the game from the dev platform it’s on (the same platform D3 was developed on I believe) to a more modern one and then really start pushing the game. Oh and get rid of the stupid thing where you load everyone else’s stash when you zone into an area; how they even thought that was a good idea is beyond me. The next step would be to employ some people to actually play test the fecking game since the devs clearly don’t!

    Points of interest for me for S4 would be:
    1. If they go with the “obtain this, then improve it” for the 3rd season in a row will they listen to the feedback that levelling this stuff for every single character is a complete pain and a sure fire way to lose players much quicker in a season. I.E. the blasters won’t hang around to level alts for another week or two; they’ll just go off and do other things
    2. Will there actually be an interesting end-game activity that isn’t mindlessly repeating the exact same stuff over and over? Will they streamline access to Duriel? Again, probably the current biggest complaints. no endgame and farming Duriel is boring and, honestly, largely pointless as you can “complete the game” without any Ubers anyway.
    3. Will they fix the damned consumables tab or will S4 introduce yet more crap that just fills up that space?

    As we stand today I won’t be bothering with S4, it will have to be damned spectacular to drag me away from Last Epoch. Even though the monolith system in LE isn’t perfect it’s way better than anything in D4 and at least has some variety to the dungeons and has a point to doing it. They are quick and painless with a simple “complete the monolith” objective, not 2 pointless objectives to just go kill Tomb Lord, drop a load of crap you don’t want and isn’t likely to be much use to you but you have to spend forever checking, just in case.

    • @Khqra
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The game has had its chance..the reality is that its just fkn boring. Its a senseless timesink for shit loot killing the sqme bosses 200000x

    • @via_negativa6183
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t agree with Zack often but he s right about reaper of souls it is worse. The loot system is garbage and its a mindless game now with no trading.

    • @ragingninja4292
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Just add 100-200 uniques similar to LE, make a progressively harder endgame, which rewards higher chances for ubers, and a better crafting system. Add a gvariety to change how skills function or act with paragon or skill tree. E

    • @PowerfulSkeleton
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I wonder why he talks like that.

    • @MGoogle3146
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I didn’t even buy Diablo IV, too many red flags initially and it turns out to be the correct choice.

    • @Kross415
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People at GGG know elementary school lvl mathematics, D4 devs don’t. And that’s only one of many…many problems.

    • @leehughes7747
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last Epoch is so much more enjoyable.. im loving it. Played 8 straight hrs first sitting… it is what D4 should have been .. just IMO

    • @lunason2001
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The problem is the ham fisted devs have lost their focus. This is a result of the loss of leadership.

    • @davloe
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo IV and Blizzard in general at this point are a perfect demonstration of the sunken cost fallacy. They’re like the stock of a company that keeps falling, yet people keep “seeing” patterns in the chart that it’ll turn around and eventually rise to new record heights.
    People keep losing and even investing more money screaming “Buy the dip!!!!11!eleven!1!!” instead of finally getting the f**k out, all while it just keeps falling and falling…
    It’s just crazy how delusional some people are. It’s like people bought the freaking GameStop/GME stock at the peak of the short squeeze and now are still holding it, telling themselves how it might still go up to that point again😂

    • @Startrance666
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    5 years later, this is Blizzards last chance to save Diablo 4.

    • @jackofblades6736
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Having fun building a mosaic assassin in D2R.

    • @Therea1Stig
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon and Hawg need to do a podcast just shitting on blizzard

    • @jamesfrye5387
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Some new dynamics to the battles like Legion events would be nice. It beats failing to damage a totem pole that can cc and one shot even though the stupid thing can’t even move… Sorry

    • @bewilder210
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The only thing that will save D4 is to lower the price, and make an offline mode.

    • @simbro1981
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People need to stop trying to sort blizzard it’s over for blizzard and diablo is what killed the company but over 95% of the original company staff have left including all management. This is a completely different company that do not care about the customer and never will. Move on. So wasting air, oxygen on them.

    • @marangoni097
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Im waiting with my popcorn to watch this fiasco PepeLaugh

    • @TheNece17
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    how can they do it without PTR ? POE has actually former good ARPG players in their stuff- they know what to do. Diablo stuff doesn’t even play their own game

    • @cyrus05w
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Anyone else having issues with this video playing? It keeps telling me it cannot play in the background. I don’t want to play this video in the background I want to just simply play the video so I can watch it.

    • @7thRonin
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    For me, the only thing that would make me come back to D4 are 2 things. 1. Clan system with bonuses, ranks, clan wars, clan dungeons and challenges. 2. PVP system with ranks, bonuses, and tournaments. If you are competing in PVP, you have a real reason to farm gear, to learn combos, to work on your builds. 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 4 vs 4 and clan wars.
    Right now, the endgame sucks so much as it was in D3!

    • @jeremyhenry9063
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I left a message on this video when he made it as well. 😂
    “Move on mate”

    • @raxzar
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard has more last chances than my EX!

    • @Pulptenks
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Nah no last chance. It’s over.

    • @neopa06
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm


    • @PoppaKrunch
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They aint getting anymore money from me, the expansion could be amazing…I’d rather buy last epoch or stash tabs in poe

    • @BlackMetalxW1N
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    As if Blizzard cares

    • @timmoses1772
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon the yes man?

    • @Helder_Abreu
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The difference is that GGG devs understand the genre , their game , what it needs and improve the game swiftly based on user’s feedback. D4 is not even close of the level of POE. You cant use the “POE was bad at the start as well” , POE started around 14 years ago. Blizzard should’ve learned from the others mistakes as GGG did with theirs and come with a complete game for its genre, which didn’t happen. To be honest Diablo Immortal might have more content than D4.

    • @SonOfLum
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    What happened to the last, last chance… oh right…

    • @JohnSmith42374
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    @12:40 “I think that skill trees are too simple and paragon boards are too complex”.
    I said from the first beta that Blizzard need to take some of the paragon powers and put it into the skill tree, and I got shat on by everyone. Well now we see how it is……………

    • @NarutoOnlineGermany
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    After all those years people still think blizzard can do something good especially to a dead game ?

    • @Jahbulon85
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    look guys you just neeed to buy the 3 expansions
    and it will be fine

    • @zenny724
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This games still talked about?

    • @benn1778
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    3 legged doggy 😂

    • @lazytopaz
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I guess tomorrow we’ll see how much fire is in that camp. Or rather how much firing will happen afterwards.

    • @scopedbambi2382
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Don’t worry it’s coming to xbox pass so 13 ish people can just get it and play it for free boosting player counts

    • @BranScottMusic
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    this diablo game died the second it didnt include pvp battlegrounds or ranked arenas, simple as that

    • @jaysondevine1474
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why does no one ever bring up how good Diablo 2’s skill trees+synergies/build creation were?

    What happened, guys??

    • @chrisberbo8939
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 steam charts 🙁
    playing an hour ago
    24-hour peak

    • @hail_2_u321
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4’s “Last chance” is 21 March 2024. GGG Live LOGIN

    • @AgustMago
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I truly think there’s a lot of hate the game don’t deserve, is a good game

    • @nickthepinkcarebear7590
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    theres a d4 development?

    • @dazzauk8334
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard “don’t do” entertainment.

    • @YuJay
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I knew diablo 4 was going to fail when all the dev video showed all the Devs main in controller and I personally believe console gamers will never understand Pc gamers. Console games and their interfaces are very over simplified which doesn’t translate on PC..

    • @khmer5o3
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    lol the only reason i know d4 still exist and think about it is when someone like asmon or DM releases a diablo video lmao

    • @Heltipyre
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Im pretty sure Blizzard devs just dont listen to feedback out of spite

    • @bakemonosieghel5670
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I play only once then never touch that game again.

    • @Macncheesee
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    last chance? like the other last chance?

    • @theupperechelon7634
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 isn’t even in the top 5 of ARPGs currently on the market. It’s not even the best Blizzard ARPG. D2R is a much better game.

    • @todorsamardzhiev144
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I think most games nowadays are less fun the more serious you take them.

    Regarding D3: Reaper of Souls is broken and incomplete on so many levels, but… come on, man! At least it’s playable and you have something to work towards.

    Regarding D4: It hurts even more, because unlike D3, it could have been good. The life service aspirations are what ruins this game. Sadly, I don’t think there’s a way out of this mess. As Asmon said, “too big to succeed”.

    • @marcusjones1399
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Dude just add a 3rd skill bonus to each skill on each characters skill tree. The fireball crit damage vs more damage is boring enough they should have 3 options. This would literally light up the fucking game. We need a ton of small QOL stuff that’s permanent like this to add variety to the content they are trying to make. The 3rd skill could be a bridge between the 2 options.

    Adding a bit new content then slightly changing the skills we have is done. Or changing the numbers. Let a class have 2 amulets since Barb/rogue get extra aspect slots. Or 3 rings for one class but maybe lower only the resistance of each to balance. So many little things that could bring life to characters outside of seasonal content.

    Just adding aspects, slightly changing numbers and reskinned enemies isn’t going to do it.

    • @Not_Kiz
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    If s4 is good than s5 is gonna suck cuz its the bad devs turn again

    • @liquidtruth7954
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How are people still playing this garbage

    • @Sistik123
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Should have just made a new diablo 2 lol

    • @Natzawa
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Bro is delusional. I know he likes Diablo but he’s gotta move on lol

    • @synoxify
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    love the fact they do this one day before poe annoucment stream just so it doesnt get burried

    • @krez4268
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Bro reacting to the same video every week

    • @TheLulz2
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    2. sezon da kötüydü kanka oyun komple kötü

    • @Labnarb
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Another last chance? Let’s go!

    • @Stalkingwolf
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    JessiRocks, Austrian Diablo Content Creator, says that next CampFire is going to blast us away. Something big is waiting for us.

    • @doctorsatan4260
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I really want my $99 back still lol. I’ve wasted so much money on hype and broken messes these last few years. Sure some games are gems and blow through all expectations, but man… I’ve been taken for too many rides. Gamepass is the way, and only buy confirmed gems forward. Fool me for thousands of dollars over the last few years and I finally learned.

    • @OrangeFreeman
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This guy said he’s so tired of making D4 videos about 17 D4 videos ago.

    • @yawnyjawny
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 pre-order was the worst financial decision I ever made. This game is trash. Doesn’t matter what they do, I’ll never come back to this game.

    • @benjaminvdvyt
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    So much talk is about getting players to enjoy the game again. But this is flatout forgetting that they need to pull in more players. I loved D1, I was addicted to D2, D3 was disappointing in general for me, and with D4 I just decided not to buy it until I know it’s good. I know there have been some positive moments, but unless they get it right for like at least 6 months straight, then I’m not gonna buy it. Existing players will play it if it’s good for a few months, but they need to convince new players to get it.

    • @losmoney82
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Just take Diablo out of its misery already. It’s over…..

    • @ianblackburn75
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Wouldn’t be surprised if Microsoft just buys Grinding Gear and gets them to make Diablo 5 at this point.

    • @Aaron-jo4vs
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The community asked to be free beta testers…so blizzard delivers 😂

    • @CheeseGadzooks
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How many last chances has Blizzard gotten?

    • @Rakstawr
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last Epoch has an Epoch in it. Path of exile has an Exile. Still no Diablo in Diablo 4….

    • @nopputhihk848
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How many more?

    • @MysticalGamer365
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Just wait guys season 10 will be a banger lmao

    • @beckroics
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I started D4 at the begining of season 2 and couldnt even finish the main campain it was so boring. The story and character are sweet baby level. The skill tree is generic and boring once yoy have unlocked everything. Worst off all the world looks and feel the same all over the map. Technicly is pretty but artisticly it sux. Brown grasslands, brown rocks, brown snowland , brown ruins everywhere looks the same.. Its like great technitian created a great tool/ tile set and then gave it to the worst most unimaginitive artists to create the level..
    Couldnt even finish the season I paid for..
    Grim Damn is way more appealing and beutiful.

    • @solomani5959
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    No more chances for me. Games foundations are broken. I think they will need something like an expansion to fix the deeper problems. And that’s a maybe. I’ll comeback in season 23.

    • @C-Jaay
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This red haired guy does nothing than talk about Diablo and he is just freaking boring!

    Who recommends these to Asmon lol?!?!

    • @catwhite7754
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It will be good, 1 good 1 bad update = keep the job.
    If this is bad then whoever work with this project is stupid.

    • @KaisXenaree
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I payed 99$ for that shite and played for 5h. Of course i want it to be good 😂

    • @borrow4654
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 isnt getting revived

    • @ManGrieves
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People were talking about how good Diablo 4 was during season 2, season 3 comes out and people start calling it shit again. The game seems to be as good as the current season

    • @joshdothage8773
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 combat is genuinely fun..everytime the battle pass menu opens up, it bums me out.

    • @IvecoFrom2006
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last last last last last chance. More COPIUM please! D4 dead.

    • @Fikuzi
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    there is nothing d4 can do to improve poe or any competition, they’re catering to diffrent people, blizzard want stupid people with no time who likes to swipe their card more than to press buttons on keyboard.

    • @ricky4673
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Time for them to turn to ai, their games dont have a soul anyway.

    • @MultiMassimus
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i spent 15 years playing diablo 2… i have zero interest in d4 since i played it for a week on release, there is no going back if people like me dont care

    • @haisibanaag1563
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Even if S4 gets well received, the idiots behind the odd number seasons would definitely fuck up again. Until they replace those bums, the cycle will just continue. Also, for the love of god stop with the overpriced cosmetics. The base game cosmetics are serviceable at best and there is no other way to get those cool cosmetics outside of giving them more money. The value proposition is already fucked up. The battle pass cost $10 and has more cosmetics to it (even though they only look ok) versus a $25 cool cosmetic that is only locked to one class.

    • @HatiKeseorangan
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    For me i keep play diablo for fun 😂

    • @Machino
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    What if a Diablo 4 finally adds Diablo as a boss???

    • @triyue
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I can’t see myself coming back with the destiny like expansion system

    • @ryancoleman8482
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 1. Only real diablo

    • @Theodisc
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    He *has* to get up, alarmless, at 12 of the clock. 🙄

    • @kril859
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This time for sure guys copium 😂

    • @poopnukem4079
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    To be fair D4 would be a decent game if it wasn’t completely dogshit.

    • @DastealthyPablo
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    So the PTR is just a distraction and something they can point to when people ask for content/fixes. In no way is this going to expedite updates it’s just a fidget spinner to make the time seem faster.

    • @Casstax
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The cow is dead. Stop milking it.

    • @fersuremaybek756
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    blizzard is just an abusive partner, they keep beating us and we keep giving them chances lol

    • @ddyang9172
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    New world/ d4

    • @davidtom6503
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Reality is, they force players to play the game blizzards way… it’s linear and trashy the items are garbage, the systems are garbage.

    They don’t understand why d2 works, the items are rare and things have to be traded, neither of those exist in d3/d4 and it really brings the game down

    • @DarkWish98
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    bro i really just want d4 to be good because i cant… i just cant, i login from time to time and all i do is spam tornado for like 10 minutes and thats it im done with it im bored

    • @UgaagatheCaveGnome
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i dont think there is anyway to rehype this game. people like me shittin so much on it after been a blizz fan for years. i just cant play it anymore even if they make something better

    • @zazoreal5536
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They need to absolutely remove broken builds or else. every event is dead. Fighting a world boss is like just standing there and doing nothing. Broken build player comes and destroys world boss in 3 seconds. Then there is the lack of sexy character designs. They have outfits with some cleavage but have to cover it up with 600 jewels. I like looking at a sexy character while playing a game.

    • @MFPF
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The truth is that it’s never too late to save a game.

    • @kevinsenekal1786
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Does anyone really think D4 can compete with POE 2? Im sorry but there is a clear winner and looser here and the losers will pay for another 3 expansions 🤣

    • @backslapped2851
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 is a PTR for Diablo 5

    • @georgistoyanov3470
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Blizzard already saved me from giving them money when they announced that we needed to buy their new expansion for d4.

    P.S. Can’t wait for the videos Asmon will make when they release the 100$ expansion one-week early access and the new 150 $ horse skin.

    • @aztraeuz
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I only played season 2. I didn’t like it at all. If that was the best season…

    • @AkameGaKen
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    when core gameplay mechanics are bad its impossible to improve the game without changing the core mechanics. the game is still too boring for me to finish the game. i dont see the hype its still a yawn fest. if they ever fix the skill tree/skills to be less boring and more engaging ill come back and try again. if not then rip ill wait for poe2. say what u want about d3. the skill choices were build defining and enjoyable.

    i want to enjoy d4 because its a beautiful game and its a diablo game but at the end of the day the illusion of choice in the skill tree either needs to be deleted or fixed to be useful. i would rather have impactful choices like d3. extra proj, change element, larger aoe, u know.. something that actually changes the skill..

    end game content doesnt matter if players dont make it to end game.

    hey.. u read my mind d4 bad.

    • @joe_ferreira
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Isn’t the most requested feature to fix the inventory?

    • @cadillacblunt
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon stil laughing all the way to the bank. Diablo 4 is the YouTube content generating machine dreams are made of. Sadly I think it has ran it’s course and no one gives a crap anymore.

    • @mfntonberry
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Stoooop. It’s dead already.

    • @atikurrahman9304
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It’s way beyond dead now lol

    • @Apelgrandure
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Asmon has been so boring lately. Hopefully Dragons Dogma will be more entertaining.

    • @coleo5428
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 doesn’t need anymore videos

    • @brotherelf
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Ptr is a scam its just a way for them to release then fix without getting the negative response of going fully live.

    • @kornishpasty
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Make it fun and make a survival horde mode where you go in bare and level up stats and abilities for that one game mode….Why is that so difficult???

    • @CB-qg3yh
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Darth Microtransaction is the best thing to come from D4. No joke

    • @egyptiancotton9489
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Best $70 I never spent.

    • @adampomeroy9463
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I deleted that game long time ago. It sucked. I never felt powerful. The enemies were always hard. Plus level progression was messed up took way too long

    • @Arouxayis
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Lol “Blizzard’s last chance to..” do anything is a joke. Their commited players are way too lost in the sauce to admit they have a problem.

    • @REAP.0831
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Yet again another video from DM as he whines about another game 😂😂 official whine content creator. Blizzard doesn’t give a fuck buddy 😂

    • @ipman3249
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t get why people say Diablo 4 doesn’t have enough content. There’s quality content right here.

    • @4amstuckonearth
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    San Dimas High School Football Rules!!!!!

    • @willyword3413
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I wouldn’t touch Diablo 4 even for the exspantion the same way I’d never play a game accociated with Sweet baby Inc

    • @steinerdrei
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    last epoch makes path of exile a better game not diabolo IV

    • @martinbrule6873
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 is in reality diablo 3.5. Its a copyright of diablo3 on every aspect of the game. 10 years to get this d4 bad 😢

    • @Zanbatoss
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    We’re on 27472748th last chance

    • @bradhipsher3600
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I personally would still be playing if I didn’t have to play the seasons and create new characters…I wanted to play the eternal realm and have new and interesting things added to that in balance with seasons…

    • @snailrancher
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    For context, SteamDB reports that theHunter: Call of the Wild (a fairly niche hunting game released in 2017) currently has more daily players on average than Diablo IV. Of course this is just Steam, but this is no way good for Diablo.

    • @willyword3413
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 was dead at season 1 to 80% of the players. It’s crap an boring.

    • @arsarq
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    it’s like a toxic relationship with a girl who constantly cheats on you but returns because you have money and you forgive her. what a fool

    • @atracy771
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 is so good and isn’t being kept on life support by Diablo fans who are coping

    • @gapeto0770
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Here we go again with the BS PoE crap, You people need to get off the thinking process that PoE is the end all be all of the A R P G genre, Really sick to death of hearing about that trash game.

    • @robm78
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Unlimited stashtabs would be most requested no?

    • @thenomad2311
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Never bought it.
    Played 2 for 11 years…
    Was done when 3 came out.
    Leave the dead buried.

    • @steinerdrei
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This is their final last lastest chance

    • @MortSalazar
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Critical point in development?
    Last chance to save Diablo 4?

    People need to learn to move on

    • @JJEMTT
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    If you didn’t know that Diablo 4 was going to be, frankly, abhorrent, you were never a dedicated Diablo fan. Know how it was obvious this was going to suck? Maybe the complete neglect of Diablo 3? Maybe their absolute refusal to increase stash space? Maybe the fact that they have about 3 interns working on so called “expansions” that take 5 years? Maybe the fact that even with the “so-called” success of D2 remastered, they didn’t implement proper teleporting so that your mobs landed on top of yourself (and proceeded to never fix it, not for like 5 months at least, despite constant forum posts) and also removed any fun and completely balanced game bugs like the additional ethereal armour bug but left the 1-shot bug to viper poison when you try and farm the Act 3 key? Maybe because the colour palette looks bland and universal af, the bosses have the exact same movesets on a platform? Like, how many clues do you fucking need to know this was going to be dogshit? Nevermind that they haven’t be able to make original games since SC2. But you bought the game because you’re a Blizzard NPC.

    • @parko246
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    More like blizzards last chance to save his streaming career.

    • @zodiarkful
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    “just fix the game” means go into a shopping spree, the corpos want to devs to make miracles with the least amount to no money at all. Its impossible

    • @SaraiTrevino-ii3zy
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    This comment won’t get over 12 likes…

    • @SeikuukenR1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    bro lays down facts, yes what people and me including want to hear is the thing we already thinking, xD xD

    • @DaEvilShaman
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    As long as there are fools with money, blizzard will continue to have more last chances

    • @Fordybag
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It died a few weeks after launch for me. Haven’t been back and have absolutely no want to come back

    • @OneMeanDragon
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It only took D3 20 seasons to become playable, that should give you a timeline for D4

    • @koenvanderrijt5244
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    how in the world is that good news.. that we get a pts…

    @12:43 the paragon board just bores me

    • @tomasskala4405
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why are people still on about this sh*t excuse of a Diablo sequel? They’re obviously not going to fix the issues the player-base is telling them about and if they are, they’ll just invent another issue they will use as an excuse to not work on the game anytime in the near future.

    At this point, Who is dumb enough to expect a company that asked an audience of PC players if they have phones to play a f*cking mobile port instead of announcing what was CLEARLY the game everyone wanted and yet they STILL f*cked it up to the degree that no rationally thinking person is still believing in “blizzard”‘s ability to turn things around?

    The good games that you loved were made by devs 99% of whom have long since left the company. It’s time to move on, for better or worse.

    • @DefiRules
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    the only chance to revive D4 is to give out refunds for the Top3 of the Leaderboards, the game woud be bussy again.

    • @CarsonSmith93
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    2 mins into the original vid, 8 mins on asmons vid. I like his opinions, but woof

    • @arevingdkp8920
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    A few months laters… “Blizzard’s Last LAST chance To Save Diablo 4 | Asmongold Reacts” Oh boy, I can’t wait!

    • @JanPapiezGaming
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    d4 bad

    • @summaryjudgment
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I can literally tell when someone is making a video for you to react to. Just about every other day now, someone posts a video, I watch it for 10 seconds, and its obvious they’re doing it hoping you will make a reaction video.

    • @Seb_Falkor
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    There is no saving diablo 4, especially with games like PoE and Last Epoch competing. I’m also fairly confident that if D4 was the only ARPG available to play it would still be deader than my grandma

    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Ptr aint gonna save the game

    • @Texansfan59
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Never bought d4 never will d1 and d2 is where its at.

    • @offworlder461
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I forgot about this game until this video came up. Can’t believe this game’s still kicking.

    • @anonymouslyanonymous3168
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I preordered. And stopped playing within 3 weeks

    • @KoarTCN
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Blizzard is a shell of a company feeding off of the nostalgia for what it once was, and people just gobble that shit up because they see “Blizzard.” Blizzard hasn’t made a good game in over ten years. When you sell out to a corporation, all creative innovation goes out the window and the primary innovation is profit. Blizzard died the day they sold out to Activision. It was a slow death, but eventually all of the ideal’s that made Blizzard revolutionary game creators slowly died as the core management and staff phased out of existence. Blizzard is preying on your nostalgia, when will enough be enough?

    • @firstnamelastname9725
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Why don’t blizzard listen to these two wise sages.

    • @Nuggetmonk
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    no judgement here but be honest: who of you guys still palys and enjoys that game?
    for me it waws kinda DOA, season 2 was kinda okay-ish 4/10 but there is way to less way to late. for me this game is over. i really enjoy last epoch atm

    • @gstvntt
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People who want a better diablo game, come to D2R, best item system, awesome pvp, awesome progression, build creation, atmosphere

    D2R is where it’s at

    • @k2In1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Not gonna give another away that easy.

    • @Garambo
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Giving Blizzard/Diablo 4 another chance is like going back to their Cheating Wife/Gf… think about it for whoever thinks about to return to blizzard or diablo…. just stop wasting ur f time ! and stop brainwashing ppl to belive that this game is going to be great or anything close to it…. its enough…. lets just stop talking about scaming bs like this please….

    • @waveydude
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 could have been one of the biggest games ever for Blizzard. They dropped the f’in bar so bad.

    • @gbyronpowell
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    In my mind the only way to save the franchise is to retcon away 3 and 4 and figure out how to make the spiritual successor to PoE. D3 was a sequel to D2 in name only, and they’ve been completely off track ever since. For all its problems, Path figured out how to be challenging, fun, and addictive. Blizzard has forgotten how to make anything that isn’t frustrating and explotaitive.

    • @zhaf
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I too want to cope. Because if this turns out to be good then I didn’t waste the money I spent buying D4. But really, what are the chances of them fixing enough problems so D4 is a fun game again?

    • @arsarq
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm


    • @maxwilson9730
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    If there’s one thing that I’ve learned about these gaming companies, it’s that not only they are so greedy but also so prideful that they would burn themselves before yielding to their own audience.

    • @remvilliers
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’ll try to give Path of Exile another go…

    • @AnimationsN1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Because they’ve already sold the D4 copies

    • @melvinanndy
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The blizzard players have been giving last chances since 2018. DI, DIIR, DIV, and WIIIR, Shadowlands, the list goes on.

    Fact is they’ll still continue playing the shit blizzard throws at them because they still cling on to the nonexistent hope that somehow, blizzard would go back to pre 2018.

    Heres just hoping enough players besides them leave blizzard so that their games will die out hopefully by 2030

    • @MrGrzegorzD
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Tried beta, and nothing more. Is the Last Epoch good guys?

    • @TheMoulie
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I have played diablo games since they first came out on the pc. Except immortal, we don’t talk about immortal.
    I never even finished the storyline of D4. I got to the start of ch5 on a Barbarian and gave up out of utter boredom. The “skill tree” was too simple and just crap, the quests repetitive and boring, the main story was full, the lack of inventory space frustrating, the loot so uninspiring you’d wonder it the debs had ever played an arpg. It reeked of a massive grind fest with eventual pay to skip the boredom mechanics in the pipeline.
    I couldn’t try season one when it appeared because I hadn’t finished the main story so I just deleted it from my pc at that point.

    • @heronoverdose
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Every Blizzard IP is on a down turn, they really need new leadership.

    • @zhaf
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Yeah I also did not like Reaper of Souls. That really kicked off the trend of going to billions and billions of damage and the whole screen became is christmas light vomit. And I think, at this time, I’d much more likely to play a classic vanilla D3 server than picking up D4 again.

    • @TheGreatTake
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The last chance will be the expansion. I bet most of us buy it.

    • @ziroskillsgaming7786
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    the fact that being allowed to beta test their trash updates is being sold as the best thing in diablo 4 is horrifying

    • @tylerjkb9611
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    imagine having Diablo 4 still installed lol cringe

    • @riddz8601
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Developer’s are way out of touch, must of them don’t even play the game

    • @ThePainqT
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Deja vu .

    • @TheDragonLegacy
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I still want my money back for d4. They aren’t saving that game. Just like justice league is beyond saving. Their problem was releasing d4 the way it was. There should’ve been enough storage space, offline mode, working enchantments. This list could go on and on.

    • @bluerivian3399
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    bro this stream hasn’t even ended yet who is out here posting this 🤣

    • @jujulipz1365
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last last last of the last chance 😂

    • @YaaSalty…0_o
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Don’t let it slip blizzard. Shit who we kiddin. D4 is done and I can’t wait to see them put the axe in it

    • @CCash1986
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    There is no saving Diablo. In fact, there is no saving Blizzard.

    • @kristenrobinson7189
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    No LGBTQRSTA9846783687362 flag in the diablo 4 shop for $2500?…..then i’m not interested in playing, sorry!….

    • @Rarazan
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    people give way too many last chances to blizzard

    • @Doppier
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Seems this game is some kind of Stockholm syndrome for some people; No matter how many times it fails; they just can’t stop huffing copium (next patch will fix it for sure etc).

    • @ELdASenSei
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    lol by this point it has become a sunk cost fallacy

    • @afcansf5996
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Honestly Im surprised still so many people play Blizzard games, not matter how many light years Blizzard games are away of the magical pilar they once were; people seem to love the abuse.

    • @user-uh9cb2jt1r
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Even chest compressions cant bring back diablo 4

    • @michaelmacarthur8322
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I’ll role a new class I haven’t played before, games fun enough to keep me engaged but I play it fairly casually.

    • @hannahloumen2241
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Allready forgot the game even existed 💀

    • @argo7155
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    How many times did i see this titlw 😂

    • @Takato2527
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo “fans”: this is your last chance, Blizzard!
    Also Diablo “fans”: [get back to play the game]

    • @erikschuster4293
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Its dead, at this point its just content

    • @captaincrossplay
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The last time to save Diablo 4 was in Beta…

    • @CallemanYO
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    rating d4 an 8 is crazy. Just shows that u shouldnt listen to him xD

    • @Danceofmasks
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They already had their last chance.
    The actual last chance, was when they failed to cancel Diablo Immortal immediately after its announcement.
    The very existence of Diablo 4 is already post last chance.

    • @ZeD69420
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Honestly the nerfs are when I was like f this shit I’m out.

    • @RyukoMeows
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 has been dead for months.

    • @koudjo4127
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They are adding it to gamepass in 9 days

    • @gamrage
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last chance? I forgot Diablo 4 even existed..

    • @danboyd6180
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Played through once and am angry I spent as much as I did

    • @MimiMimi-yj4kl
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Time to bury diablo in hell forever

    • @dmitryhookins4654
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It will live. Until POE2

    • @jackweatherhead8171
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Someone needs to turn off Blizzard’s life support

    • @Swiunkorea_mapping5937
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Live and let die. Let that crappy game be lost with blizzard 😂

    • @NPClownumber81googolplex
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Ayy DM is the man

    • @virtualbunksie5117
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    People need to understand, oncebthe games done alot of layoffs will happen.

    Why would you hire people for a job that’s done.

    Construction workers aren’t building hospitals, then after the hospital is built they are kept on as what triage specialists.

    Cmon, jobs done, staff goes.

    Ypu keep a maintainance crew.

    • @Seedream475
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    I don’t care

    • @yggdreaus
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm


    • @Ne0ConKiller
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Darth Mct needs to find a new niche

    • @alexdurain3753
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    They treated Diablo 4 like a mmo and not Diablo

    • @PwandaWanda
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo 4 is forever dead 💀🫡

    • @alextalionis4845
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The pace of D4 content makes no sense. As rax just said, they must be scrapping so many half-baked projects within the game.

    • @ZeroFX1
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Diablo had its chance, PoE will just take over now, with other games eclipsing it. Blizzard are just self sabotaging to such an extent it’s fucking crazy.

    • @leowilliam5578
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    4 minutes 1 thousand views bruh

    • @kennstnicht3936
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    lol this game is still a topic to talk about?

    • @1kbmahan
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Another last chance to save this game again? How many chances do you need to give this greedy assault hiding corrupt company lol.

    • @hedition9346
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Don’t worry its not the last chance. Blizzard is always given one more chance.

    • @Low_Quality_Bait
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    i just want the game playable offline…

    • @muumuumu
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    it’s dead 💀

    • @alienembryo618
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    The game needs ranked PvP

    • @rahn45
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Maybe another 4000 developers will fix Diablo 4!

    • @Dietah131
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Last chance or last epoch? I know what I’m playing!

    • @jayd8091
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Too late for me. I was so disgusted by the state of D4 on release, I almost expect the next xpac free as an apology. That’s the only thing that could make me give D4 a second look. I know that won’t happen so I guess I don’t need to worry about it.

    • @addvance6626
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    1 minute of being posted and only 62 views. Asmons falling off XD

    • @raydstacked
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Yea… the changes everyone wants you’re better off just playing a different game 😂

    • @bonbarmandrink
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Anyone who plays d4 has severe issues. And tbh anyone who gives blizzard money

    • @osama9501
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Can we start working on d5 now?

    • @monsoonv314
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Weird upload time for asmon but it is welcomed

    • @jacklyonheart
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    It’s so over Diablo bros

    • @Romeo30301
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    Always want to Go back but just have no real desire 😢

    • @jonb6564
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:21pm

    D4 bad

    • @dxmillz6331
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    In the first minute gang

    • @Christopher-or6pr
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    Fuck Diablo 4

    • @felixallistar
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    but is it their last, last chance.

    • @denzelyeess
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    like if you’re alive

    • @eno_on5732
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    uploaded 40 second before

    • @zomb25
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    Diablo 4 is forever dead, there is no saving it

    • @Niggazbeviolent
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm


    • @johnbloodypace
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    Do yall think Kotick likes mayonnaise or is he a strictly mustard kinda guy?

    • @user-hw5zq9gi2t
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    Lu Asmonnn

    • @Necronossoss
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm


    Anyways probably 10 more videos and they’ll have some realization hopefully

    • @itsnotme57
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm


    • @optimus_antt
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm


    • @petersuriner918
    • 2024年 3月 19日 8:22pm

    Just what I needed Asmon 🔥