Blizzard upset the Diablo 4 community… 😳


The ‘Into The Endgame’ D4 video created some concern amongst Diablo players today… Are you excited or disappointed about the Endgame?

The Paragon system doesn’t seem as bad to me as most people seem to think.

#diablo4 #diablo4news #diablo

0:07 D4 Endgame Summary
1:49 Things I missed
2:28 Paragon System
3:28 Only the beginning…

Taqs:D4,Diablo IV


  • コメント (487)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Scriptura
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    They are out of touch and think their ideas are great and will be loved by the player base.

    • Canned Sandwich
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    How can people being into a RNG for a dungeon aspect when it’s the first reason you would do the dungeon? It’s frankly ridiculous.
    RNG for the sake of RNG is unhealthy, it’s just to gain more replayability on your game instead of doing more contents for the devs, its just lazy devlopment, even if drop rate is 33-50%.
    If there’s one thing I’m ok, is for RNG on item drops.
    But c’mon, the WHOLE purpose of the dungeon is the aspect it’s not like a bonus drop like those mounts from WoW instances/dungeons.

    • Paulo Capelo
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    This amount of content at launch and still people complaining… I had fun both in the endgame closed beta and both beta weekends last month thats all that I require for a game. Is it perfect no yet tell of a project that launched perfectly or wasnt worked on over time to improve. lets just hope they dont abandon the ship like d3 or launch predatory p2w down the road cause those are the real issues.

    • Rawsawn
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    what endgame?
    – Signed sincerely all other ARPGs that has come into existance after Diablo 2

    • Kindred Malise
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Bait click topic

    • Shadowkey392
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Yeah, this community has NOTHING to complain about.

    • Earl Clark
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I LOVE IT!!!!!

    • Skiidzman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    People are just babies in 2023, as a player of the beta, this game looks great. By the time you guys all get to end game and think you are the ultimate pooderschnitzel, they will likely have new things coming. That’s why they have development teams….

    • G_ Webb21
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Diablo 4 is fine, people have ridiculous expectations for everything now

    • B. C. Eckhoff
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Whatever. The majority of players are just going to play it and enjoy it. People complaining are just a vocal minority. I think endgame sounds like a lot of fun.

    • MrFirecam
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    70$ to be a beta tester for an early access is a big nono.

    • AsuraDandy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    my problem with the paragon board is simply that it looks boring. kind of a dull design overall in the paragon board screen. Other than that, I think the end game looks rather interesting.

    • Abs
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Remember in the other video when you said, “What’s up with all the higher %scaling on abilities?” to over inflate numbers? That’s all the Paragon board is.

    Just like how you perfectly described that they took the D3 town and just split it up and spread it all over the world. They took all of D3’s bad itemization, and split it across ‘Legendarys’ and a ‘Paragon Board’ instead of on set items. 5 items with 100% multiplicative modifiers is absolutely no different that giving a character 3200% increased damage, throw on 4 more from Paragon and we are up to 51200%. There really is no choice or diversity in these ‘end-game’ systems, only the illusion of choice. Something Blizzard is supremely good at, creating the illusion of choice.

    M+ Dungeons in d4? There was already huge problems with the design/layout of the dungeons we were exposed to. All that simply making them M+ is doing is increasing numbers and scaling, it doesn’t fundamentally change any of the underlying systems or problems.

    Am I excited to play d4 and will I play the living hell out of it? Hell yes.

    But no one should delude themselves that this game is nothing more than simply just a re-skinned version of D3.

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    D4 is shit.

    • Batrick Pateman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    The fact that people complain about the endgame (that we dont know much about yet) is very telling that 99% iof the complains havent even played an ARPG before. PoE, the most liked ARPG ever is literally about running the same 115 layouts you ran in the campaign, over and over again, most of your endgame, in fact, is picking the map/layout you like the most and spamming it over and over.

    • Juris
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    dis a pointed… a lot

    • UKChub
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    they make a mess on Heroes of the Storm in-store greed greed greed, i left instant i’m not stupid! Immortal Diablo nah i avoid at all cost!?! now Diablo 4 if they make a mess on tree level ofcos its going to upset lots of old fan including me. i also heard there is a normal, premium and super on battle pass . really BLizzard? greed on top of the greed? havent you learn yet? i will never touch any of BLizzard game or any other baby company you call it different we not STUPID?!? bye block!

    • Grim Echoa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    did i miss something? how did blizzard upset fans …?

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    And just wait for them to put adds for their games in the game you don’t think they will 🤣 ow sorry buzzard would never do that.

    • Grim Reaper
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Diablo community is so TOXIC

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Mian while in the real world. We all know what this game will be right. If not I don’t mo what to tell you. As long as I can play with randos and listen to my music I’m good. The devil’s we no sadly am I right.

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Yeah it will a night mare to play it.

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I won’t be. Plus why have an online all the time crap.

    • Cryptoman 5000
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Why is it good to charge to reset stat points? It’s infuriating. Jay Wilson got rid of the cost of stat point allocation, and made it so d2 allowed it. It was intended to make exploring builds easy, not a pain in the “i need this to do this but before I can do that I need to do that crap”.

    • Tiago Alves
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    people that are mad because “dungeons are repetitive” are the same people that run Summit 1000x in D2…

    after playing the beta, I’M HYPED!! Game’s solid and fun

    • Kashad
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    people don´t know how to make games, so they should mostly shut up. Only experts could give a constructive feedback, the rest are just children crying, while the game is for millions of players, not just for them.

    • Old Revolver
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Don’t know why anyone would buy this game at launch. Why even trust Blizzard even just a little bit? And for $70?? Yeah no thanks, I’ll at the very least wait a few months for more content. Looks very repetitive and basic af currently. PoE 1 and 2 are and will be, respectively, much deeper and allow the players layers and layers of near unlimited freedom.

    • GuruChaz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am


    • Abzeus
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Love the MMO feel to this game

    • mmacardcollector
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    These things are like 1 end game feature in poe lol! the “end” game is the same as d3 just run the same stuff over n over.

    • marc carter
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Looking forward to seeing the game release

    • Tereso Tajonera
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    +1 stats is better. +5 stats is too much.

    These will lead again to 1 million damage, unbalanced.

    • Tereso Tajonera
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    1:53 Andariel
    Diablo 2 – Act 1 Boss – One of the 7 Demons in Burning Hells.

    Lilith does not belong to the 7 Great Demons in Diablo Lore.

    • NUMIO
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    2:15 It is a modification for dungeon (one of nightmare dungeons curses) if it catch you and you will stay in it you get heavily stunned. 😊

    • The Wild Sasquatch
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I’m happy with it:)

    • XxT-RenxX
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Anyone not happy with the end game go back to re running grs in diablo 3..

    • Red and soulles 13
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    My only hope is that we don’t end up doing the exact same thing over and over and over again. I know in games like this it’s somewhat unavoidable but what i mean is like doing bounties that are always “run to level 2 of a dungeon for no reason and kill all monsters there”. Or only doing portal for 99% of the time like in d3.

    • Galactis
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I actually really excited about the paragon system. It’s kinda the POE idea that Blizz is implementing which is exactly what I wanted. I like the huge complexity of builds between pve players. I don’t like cookie cutter builds. So this looks interesting indeed. I wanted more…..

    • Patryk
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    @Microsoft seperate @Activision from @Blizzard 😀

    • zar ombiste
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Uber lilith xD

    • Jon R
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Are youtubers required by law to hang those hideous hexagon shaped hunks of plastic on their walls?

    • nodlimax
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Can someone explain to me why so many Diablo “content creators” have such a boner for changing specializations costing a lot of gold? How the hell is it even remotely positive that people will be locked into a specific specialization because they can’t afford to change skills? What advantage does it provide?

    “So you have to level a new character if you want to try something new” – How is this a good thing?

    Diablo 3 specifically implemented a system so you can quickly change your skill sets and try out different things. They even made this stuff part of a seasonal journey so you could finish multiple set dungeons for rewards. Why is good to step back from this? No average player will be happy when they placed skill points incorrectly and have to invest tons of gold to correct this. Seriously some content creators need a reality check…

    • Fulgerion
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    1:52 That is Andariel. Uber Lilith wasn’t actually Lilith. But Andariel renamed for whatever edgy reason. I am actually surprised you said Lilith instead of Andariel -.- This dragon is revoking your Diablo card.

    • LKR_ LKR_
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    wb just remember me raid shadow legend lul

    • SC2Prototype
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Leaks already said the sigils you need to open up a nightmare dungen, will be obtained via dailys.
    So the endgame is timegated on top of everything

    • Lioner Gerand
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    That snowflake represents the strongest sorcerer in its true form after nerfs from the beta tests.

    • Frostbyte
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    sets? saving multiple builds?? … not at launch.. so my payment of $70 will be.. not at launch…..

    • Justin Hall
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    D3 has terrible End game. D4 looks refreshing if you ask me.

    • Cole
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Thank you for not taking 30 mins to explain this.

    • Gemcor
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Once a greedy corporation always a greedy corperation

    • Agneum
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Big middle finger to the simps who defend this embarrassment in its current state. The gameplay is lazy. The game does not feel polished or well thought out for the hundreds of hours you expect to put into it. It lacks meaningful rewards and treats you like a moron with two fingers and no brain. If this gets anything past a 75 on metacritic feel free to come back to this post and ridicule it.

    • ShinodaPrime
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    1:53 Lilith looking? You mean Andariel?

    • Colby R
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Does everyone just forget how bad blizzard has been the past several years? I’m a huge fan of Diablo, but the beta really didn’t show anything amazing. Don’t get your hopes up people.

    • TheMonkeyBiscuits
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Jesus the game hasn’t even launched yet… and there are TON of content. Just compare d3 with it’s launch to what it became years later. Fucking chill….

    • Kevin Eisenlord
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    no end game? and they are destroying diablo 3 seasons meh game is dead to me i want my refund still.

    • Mush Mmm
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Online only is the dumbest idea ever… that’s a total no buy for me and I am done with blizzard forever… play stupid games win stupid prizes blizzard, I hope your game flops hard cause of your online only horseshit🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

    • Vasil Atanasov
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    At this point I am sure people just enjoy complaining and criticizing.

    • MrMintyfreshsmell
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    “The launch is only the beginning.” D3 got a single expansion, so ya

    • Dennis Cybenko
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Did this guy completely miss that you can fast travel to towns? You don’t have to traverse back and forth.

    • Nosfeast
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    The “Clickbait” Is strong within this one.

    • Søren Markov
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am


    • lakku
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I’m actually more hyped because I’m just a casual gamer now. I don’t like PoE, D3 endgame is boring and most games I play are simulators and single player. This current endgame is enough for me to keep me grinding and playing with my friends and girlfriend. I know they are gonna expand it in the future and add new twists. I liked both betas and still excited as hell. Counting the weeks till release.

    • Relih Schneider
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    i dont like the new system, but the beta game was really fun to play.
    Instead of making a refund I’ll give it a try.

    • chad ntm
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    1:55 negga that’s andariel

    • chad ntm
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    god yall need to stfu ..D4 is not D3.. stop expecting the same fucking trash of a game as d3… we wanted something new…they gave us new…now stop bitching !! and let the 99% enjoy the fucking game. go back to d3 or d2 if you don’t like it.

    • Bill Ketchersid
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    god I’m tired of all the unhappy people that’re bitching and moaning about the endgame they’d can shut the f*ck up and all too.

    • Lucas D
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    That is not Lilith, that’s Andariel.

    • Haraldur P Gudmundsson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Great graphics in diablo 4 , fun gameplay , goblin is even more fun in diablo 4 , love running after him 😅 , yah yah they need depths but they offer fun multiplayer and goblin runs! I think diablo 4 will be fine , fun alot

    • jake p.
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    So… It’s like they turned diablo into destiny 2 from few years back. Mehhh

    • Eddie Nash
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    The fuckin gameplay looks just like D3…

    • ApexLegend1867
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    The best combat and visuals of any ARPG wasted on character progression and end game as deep as a puddle.

    • Barzarel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    1:53 Think they said Andarial would be back, so it is likely her.

    • HavoKalypto
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    i am totaly dissapointed in the gameplay with generator/spender skills and i don’t give a single crap about the lackluster paragon board. The skill tree doesn’t have enough impact because of legendary powers on items, your choice doesn’t matter, you have to follow the legendary powers you have to be able to climb the stairs. also, fuck spells with cooldowns, overall going to stick to D2R.

    • Fernando M
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I think blizzard is gonna use the game launch as a “beta” to test all this system, in order to tunning it when the seasons start to drop every 3 month

    • Tracy Hanson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Yeah, this thing is what happens when you take diablo and make it a service game.alot of games got lost, they’re not around or dying.

    • Shiba Inu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Stop make diablo videos if you don’t even know the difference between and Andariel and lilith .

    • Johnnie
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I think, for the Field of Hatred, I hope there will NOT be a clan or warband camped there and kill off player to prevent them come so they can collect loots… this smell to me is trouble… Bliz need to fix this before launch..

    • Echo Doctrine
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Respec costing that much IS NOT good for casuals and that will be the largest player numbers (sorry hardcore) and they will leave & game will suffer.

    Blizzard needs to sell microtransactions and cosmetics, season pass so they MUST keep casuals happy, they need to make respec easy so players can try new builds and have fun.

    • ThriftybyNature
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    The Boss that looks like Lillith is actually Andariel.

    • Brice
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Sounds fun, whos actually upset about this?

    • Monado6
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Gogo gacha immortal

    • appv12
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Nice clickbait man. I’ll make sure not to watch any of your videos in the future.

    • robert mancuso
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    i see it as the end game stuff would last a few months before people start playing the same stuff over and over and if they bring out new content that changes up the thing people will get bored fast its happen to a lot of diablo games where they bring out something few months after that is either minor changes or big changes but not big enough to be played hours on end yea the casual players might play longer because of there life outside but when they do reach end game like the rest and get through all the dungeons if nothing new happens the casuals would get bored also

    • Bruce Kookli
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Before you buy this game remember that it’s an mmo game unlike previous diablo games. There will be no single player online mode. So if used to play solo and you don’t want unknown players to join your game when you play online then don’t buy it. I will not. It’s R.I.P. diablo series for me

    • Teesum
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Terrible game gonna be DOA. Glad at least last epoch is trying to compete and push a good, solid arpg these days

    • Wolff Quam
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Well, honestly, I don’t get why people are upset about the endgame of D4. The only thing I agree is that it should be free to refound your skill points at least. But for the rest, I’m pretty happy and excited!
    I had a really great time playing the beta and I just can’t wait to play again at this game

    • wxmyjnsn
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I won’t mind repsec costs as long as ALL builds are powerful. SO then it becomes a choice to respec and play something different. If there is one build to rule them all then respec should be nearly free.

    • Espntheocho
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I feel like these haters are a small minority of d4 but either way idc. I liked the video and i think I’m going to have a blast playing it

    • Drew S
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I’m really am sorry if it hurts your enjoyment, I just really hope they cave and get rid of respec costs. Personally that was one of the coolest parts of Diablo 3. It’s one of those “games that respect people’s time” features as I just don’t have time between work and family to reroll a whole character to try a slightly different rework of my skill tree.

    • Brad the Bard
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Great video! I played in the Beta and all in all I think the core of the game is pretty good. I’m more of a solo player do I’m glad I’ll have a solo mode to complete everything on my own. I Really think the end game options are a great way to keep endgame alive. You can focus on what you like and work on the other stuff at your leisure. I was on the fence about pre-ordering it, but I think I will (mostly because of your summery of the new features). Thanks!

    • Gábor Budinszki
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Diablo community is fine. Whining is always louder and most streamers think they are more relevant if they say shit about games. Every single whiner will put 300 hours in the game anyways😂.

    • Chavdar
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    I’m super excited for D4! Can’t wait!

    • RepsUp100
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Last Epoch is better than D4

    • SG4tw
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    when player reaches lvl 100 => make clearage of monsters to 95% to open door and when key needed, drop it to 1 key fragment only. (at lvl100).

    • InfestedChris
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    2:15 looks like a quest in that dungeon, maybe escort the spirit thing to something. Looks more like a quest specific thing. Or it could be a shrine we haven’t seen

    • Demonwater Demonwater
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Don’t ask me I’m they competitir lol

    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    give it a FUCKING REST with the cynical/negative attitude. you want the game of your dreams? put yourself IN A COMA!
    the game’s gonna be friggin great

    • Piotr Jeske
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    Blizzard Shouldn’t have used chatGP to write the script. Also diablo without paladins? Meh.

    • Gerard Minor
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    wtf was this click bait damn trying to make carriers out of the beta .let the game come out before people start crying .it was beta that blizzard or any other company doesn’t have to do which i wish they would stop so we don’t have to hear all the negative garbage before we even play the actual game .that’s all people have done for a month already .let it get here then cry about it and leave so the ones who have waited for over 8 years can play it like we want .not how blizzard thought they had to to sale it.

    • TheGolferguy71
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:30am

    There’s basically no point to the end game, just like D2. Why do I want to grind for gear when there’s absolutely no reason other than to look fancy in the lobby or sitting in town. It needs something along the lines of Grifts where people can test their builds and gear. This end game system is like building a race car piece by piece just to put it on a semi truck and drive it around, never to see the actual track.

    • Gary
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This is good for diablo, we have had the same structure for so very long. Have been playing Diablo since it was a demo on warcraft 2 cd and i am excited for D4 and its endgame

    • Gyula László
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Why are they releaseing a “foundation”? Why dont they just wait and actually develop a proper endgame, and an aoverall well rounded game? Why do we have to wait for expansions(that will cost another 50$ probably) to make the game more fun? This doesnt look like a game thats worth the 70$ price tag on it. Just my opinion tho.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    02:18 – i dont know for sure but it can only be 2 things. 1. A mapmechanic from nightmare dungeons or 2. (which would be my guess) the 3rd class-mechanic the rogue has that we couldnt unlock in the beta.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    01:58 – you start with 4 potionslots. Getting another slot can be given through the renownsystem. Shattered peaks gave 1 slot. If the other 4 maps also reward you with 1 slot each you end up having 9.

    • Loki 76
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    105,000 gold for ONE skill point is good in your opinion? Realize that is $5,565,000 coins for a full respec. How is it fun playing a game being locked into a build, it’s going to get super boring real quick. And then starting a new character of the same class. Running through a game LARGER than D1-3 again to just be locked into that new build. I mean do you have a life at all? Is it fun literally wasting 100 hours at a time? Why not have ONE class and being able to switch it around and STILL grind in end game because new “gear/legendary/unique” still aimed at certain skill builds.

    If this applies to playing the game up until end game as well with exorbitant costs, the game is quickly going to die. It removes all fun. Literally HALF the fun for me in the beta was that I was able to change out my skills to how I wanted to play as I was levelling up and just exploring/doing combat. If I was stuck at the exact build I made and I messed up. I would put away the game and move on to something else.

    In D3 I could get all the skills and just drop them in and out of my Action skill bar if I felt like I wanted to play with “Shakra blades” on my Demon Hunter instead of bla bla.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    01:52 – ehhhh. Thats Andariel

    • Erk Duman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Dissappointed. They didn’t make any progress from D3 in terms of gameplay. Repackaging the existing boring systems as a shiny object for £60. I chose Last Epoch for now.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The chance of getting an aspect for a dungeon was probably just badly worded.

    There are apparently dungeons which dont give aspects and some which do. Hence if you do a dungeon you get the chance for an aspect. Its probably like in the beta.

    I hope it is. Because what i wanna do first is explore the map and grab the skillpoints and bonuses from the altars of lilith. Thats going to be a bunch of XP and to progress to wt3 you have to complete the campaign. So if i have to farm dozens of dungeons to get the aspects unlocked that i want to have i wont be ready to progress to wt3 when hitting 50. And nothing keeps you from farming a particular dungeon over and over if you like it. Me personally i dont plan to do them a lot in wt2. Dont see the point besides grabbing the aspects i want. Wt3 and 4 will be plenty of dungeons anyways.

    edit: She has tweeted that it was badly worded. It will be like in the beta where you get the dungeons aspect when completing it 100% of times.

    • Aorakis
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Stop crying like little bitc**s, you’ll play it anyway !

    • Noiz Dark
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I understand critisism and valid points do exists, but just flat out being ironic is not really nice.

    • Nestroit
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    only the purest and finest copium

    • kevin sims
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People probably arent gona go for every legendary aspect on the paragon boards cause some probably wont fit your build so i assume going for the glyph sockets after them would provide the most boosts to your character. If any points left then go for rare nodes.

    • Pet Kov
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    2:27 the floating stuff has the color theme of a shrine buff

    • Pet Kov
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:54 have you meant Andariel?

    • TheAerosol718
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    And then there are the end game activities which they did not present.

    • ManthaaHD
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    We will have more than 200 paragon points actually, since leveling up isnt the only way to get them.

    • Derek S
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m worried and dissapointed. I was hoping for something more special, maybe a special area unlocked, but what is going to be bad is fixed dungeons. It’s not big enough to have locked zone layouts without random generation.

    • Panagiotis Voutselas
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Iam a fun of diablo games. D3 pushed me away with the broken 1B dmg speccs , cartoony epileptic unfriendly explosive graphics and repeatetive gameplay. D4 beta i liked alot cause there was diversity in builds, the graphics are darker,gorier and some fights to some extend remind of mmorpg rather than typical diablo game. Add open world on top that…. iam excited to see if the recipe they cooked will deliver but to be fair the first taste is encouraging to say the least

    • SirMeecro
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The beta seemed pretty fun but 1 thing I really don’t care for is the cost associated with respecing your build. I suppose if it is anything like D3 where you never really run out of money that’s fine but any system that punishes you for experimenting with different builds is bad. It forces people to just refer to online guides and play whatever is meta rather than trying different builds out for themselves.

    • Erik
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Im okay with having to go through +5 stats before claiming a legendary aspect, otherwise it would be overkill to unlock something special and powerful on every single paragon level.

    • kasey jennings
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The snowflake looking symbol that follows you around is powerful debuff. It will always follow you in the nightmare dungeon and explode roughly every 10 seconds doing significant aoe damage. By far one of the most annoying nightmare affixes to get as a melee character.

    • mangohunter
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the woke freeloader female staffs who are hired for diversity quota are causing all of these mediocre if not trash game direction

    • Justin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excited. I just want the game to be a fun adventure with friends. I love open world PvP so FoH sounds AWESOME. The paragon system doesn’t seem as awful as people are making it out to be.

    I feel like this’ll be more “MMO” than our previous titles so I expect a lot of changes and tweaks down the road. Open world/events/bosses/player encounters/side quests/open world PvP

    • Notfallhamster
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The doubble standard of the “+5” crowd is such a joke. PoE passive tree is the best thing there ever was! paragon boards in D4 are trash because of the +5 attribute fillers. You know what the most nodes of the PoE passive clusterF are? Yeah right.

    • James
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I just want WASD

    • Mechinal
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    And that PoE thing copies wow by putting skills in weapons and that is a omg got play it and no complaining, You people need to give people a break and stop being a bunch of childish expecting children.

    • David T
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I think Bl izzacan make the endgame interesting. Thanks for the vid, great content!

    • Joshua Zemanek
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    do these “upset” players even listen to the Devs???? we were told b4, during, and after the Beta that they took away point allocation from lvl ups to make it simpler for new players and that stat increases would be part of the Paragon board… if you all are truely mad about this, you’ve had months to say something, so WHY only now after you see it in an update video do you claim to be upset about things???? Do some of you play Twitter more than real life??

    • Aly D
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Everyone is excited!! Come on people be appreciative of how much they are trying ❤

    • Jade
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    i feel like that paragon system is gonna better than diablo 3 paragon

    • Joshua
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    What are people complaining about. There’s literally more end game content than literally every other arpg on market combined

    • Intrix
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    diablo 4 community is not happy, alright im’ma head out.

    another typical blizzard L.
    CS2 as well..

    legit – these games and their “tests” are some of the most toxic things happening right now.


    • Henbot
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It sounds like an awful lot of busy work they putting for players and seems very Vulnerable to micro transactions

    • Parko
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    God I love watching the blizzard fan boys melt down at any negative news on this game

    • fbu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Endgame looks dope, can’t wait to play!

    • Gref ranger
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m not upset, I’m excited!

    • Gustavo Segovia
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the diablo 4 community or you?

    • Tyler Darling
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’ll never buy another blizzard game again. I refunded d4 and they sent back a partial refund, blamed it on my bank and said sorry. SO FULL BOYCOTT NOW.

    • Z Z
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Hype was low, and this video did nothing to increase the hype. It’s a very generic boring arpg with amazing visuals and sound, if that art/sound team could just flee blizzard we could have some really sweet indie games. For a big company i find it mindblowing that they pick these gamedesigners and it’s such a shame this could have been something epic.

    The dream would have been to have something more newbie friendly like Last Epoch but with the art and sound from Blizz, instead we get this… like what? I know everyone will get it anyway but it’s shameful.

    • deked
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    you do know the paragon board has alot more than stats ? lol. do your research. ask some people that know / played the end game beta. this is why you have 2.5k subs

    • Bota NFT and Crypto
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    i dont belive we will see pvp at launch of game, even so it’s just diablo 3 with a d2 twist.

    • Victor Cabecinha
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    im feeling kinda weird but i dont see this as a negative thing, perso i kinda like it.. hope it works

    • Mathew
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    No worries, someone will drop the compiled code into gpt4-5, have it translate to source code and then there will be 10000 forks of D4 clones, and every other game.

    • BaH
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This object in dungeon is affix which make this dungeon harder, it can stun u or do some others negative effects.

    • OldTimeBenchmarks
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That sounds really boring gameplay loop but we will see hopefully it won’t be as boring as it sound and looks

    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People will complain about anything.

    • bruta
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    “diablo community” also hated Diablo Immortal and that game still prints money, mobile majority sure but a lot are on pc as well. no such thing as perfect game
    Diablo 4 will break record sales much more than Diablo 3 did

    • Sandro Munoz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m super-excited. I think the many issues people believe they have with the game will go away upon launch and upon the first major patch. Diablo 4 is a huge release for Blizzard and they need to make sure this game is viable for a long time. So they’re going to do what they need to make sure this game is stable and SATISFYING for the majority of players, a decade into the future. I can’t wait to rebuild my Rogue, Necromancer and Sorceress.

    • Itz- -Monday
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m hyped to play idc I just wanna play it

    • Zydaking
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Seems like everyone is complaining about everything.

    • Danny Price
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That snowflake looks more like a crosshair, considering it is a Rogue it is probably one of their bow skills or some kind of buff.

    • Iiro Kaattari
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Uper Lilith 😅lol Have you play Diablo 2 thats and anderial and tip for all just play Diablo 2 this game IS Gona flop all this Paragon shit IS just place to but stats point yeah good blizard that you remow stats points and but them on parragon points 😅 yeah thanks for The beta i think meny players did learn that this game isint worth off geting its just to Simple and you just whana horry this game show you get money for loyal Diablo players Ho Will get this game begose they are to despret for good Diablo game but sad truuht IS you dount Care gualaty you just talk shit and take stupid players money Ho crying what a massive game breiker IS that they get 4 day earlier Access to game this IS sad all what i Have Sean and experiment on this game i see that this IS just avrage shit and player Will forget this after they reallyze that damet blizard didint agein they take My money and now My ASS IS hert begose you fuck us all

    • Hector DS
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    2:17 that might be the actual nightmare sigil.

    • Alpha Male
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Not impressed by the skill tree either. Hopefully there’s more than what we saw in the beta.

    • Laina Sewell
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The endgame video was rather lackluster, and pretty disappointing… so I’ll probably wait to pick it up.

    • Filuś
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People do underestimate paragon system. It’s way more complex and rewarding than any of you imagine. Someone is going to have rude awakening when they unlock it and suddenly they piss their pants

    • dark legion
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Guys play the game free until d4 comes and move on.

    • Okan Byilmaz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Clickbait title for Google algo, nicely done

    • Antonin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    No gear sets either 🙁

    • james anderson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Can’t wait, looks like a great time. Had fun during the beta and I’m sure this will be a awesome game even end game and expansions.

    • chillenBigE123
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Lol poe has flat stats all over its tree, no complaints there. Ppl just wanna hate the game

    • TheNotLearning Channel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Path of exile: wow theres tons of nodes with + 5 stats thats awesome!
    Diablo : WTF theres tons of nodes with +5 stats, it sucks!

    • Thomas Moore
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    so at what point in this video is the “upset the d4 community” part? still looks and sounds pretty awesome to me

    • steven cunniff
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Can’t say I’m not happy looking forward to playing it when it launches

    • WoodOxen
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The potions can be upgraded by quantity and quality every 5 levels or so. I had 5 in beta. My bet is it caps at 10 at 100. I also ran out of gold in beta. I levelled each class to 10-25 ish, but only upgraded/spent gold on my necro. I was trying to boost my capabilities before attempting Ashava but literally didn’t see how much upgrades and gems and respecs were costing me. I had 100g and couldn’t repair lol. Still went for it though =P. Makes me a little worried about the cost of things, though I don’t foresee myself upgrading anything/gemming properly until late game which will save me some coin. I’m a little worried about dailies being spread apart as it’s a bit cumbersome to teleport 3 times, but it is what it is. Also not super excited about the paragon system myself. I am still very excited about gameplay though.

    • Jeremy Hlavenka
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People complaining about the Paragon boards but turn around and go play PoE

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Nice clickbait title

    • Angel Lorente
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    No..i’m fine

    • Maxime Gagnon
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m happy since it’s taking good point from lost ark, path of exile, diablo 3 and other game and trying to integrade that in diablo 4.

    I believe this is a good move

    • Vlad’s Travel Guide
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m exciteeeeed can’t wait for it to come out!!!!

    • Jay D
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Game will be fine and so will the end game as long as they stick to the statement of it “being the start”. Too many game companies don’t put through with their statements and release half baked games. Let’s hope it as good or better than the beta.

    • Robert184e
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    @1:54 Andariel from Diablo 2 100%

    • Brotato
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • BigBadBaye
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Fucking stoked! 🎉

    • Michael Mora
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Where are the Raids?!?!

    • LoneShinobi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    All the resources blizzard has and time to make this game good, this is what we get. A paragon system with +5 strength. I’m sorry but the skill system is crap too.

    • Andreas Öberg
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • Sean Kiong
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    no one really care about whether like or not. i suggest dont play if you dont like it, otherwise it is stupid for someone to spend money just to complain about it. there is a lot of other entertainments out there

    • TJ Lee
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the community hasn’t even ran 700 hours of testing end game yet, how the hell would know anything!?!?! any one who launches a concept or theory without testing it, cant make it perfect lol. – also.. alot of people who grew up with the franchise doesnt have time to sit on a computer or tv all day to play this game anymore. has to be simple enough to jump in and out for a few hours and thats it. i wanna say diablo 2 worked, because all we did was teleport around got our loot, and logged for the day. and if you wanted more loot you just continued. cant get simpler than that.

    • Lynxkil Xp
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    D Immortal 2.0

    • Toppy Boy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    boring game

    • LowCarbCountyTV
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Some are mad because they have to put some time investment into D4 to be good. Some are so lazy…

    • Shayne B
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Endgame thrives with DLC. New skilltrees, additional skillpoints, and takedown raids.

    • 135Jaeger531
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Why is a high repec cost good?

    • Boneflesh
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People just like to hate Blizzard and to some extent is warranted.

    That said POE has the same kind of pointless points in their tree pathing to Keystones and no one bats an eye.

    Hate all you want but all the shit they are showing looks amazing. Also as avid POE played for 10 years, with over 4k euro spent in supporter packs, I can tell you right now that D4 even in a beta state felt a lot smoother to play.

    • Francisco Ramirez Gallego
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m glad people are complaining about Diablo, that way Blizzard may change some things.

    • LeedEX
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That’s why they got D2R. But they are still hating on Blizzard 😂
    D4 will attract a lot of new Diablo players.

    • SpicyHam
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    paragone board should have some portals to special dungeons?

    • janamb88
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m excited for all the systems. I’d argue it’s launching in a better state than any other rpg’s launch state. It’s going to be a good baseline to start.

    They can’t completely pander to no lifers because judging from other rpg’s recurring player numbers that would be like 100-200k players at best. I think they’re aiming for a good middle ground.

    It’s a sad expectation but if diablo 4 only has the same amount of recurring players as lost ark or poe it would be considered a failure, meanwhile those are considered successes

    • Janro Botes
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Big copeiam

    • Moonpark Gamers
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Respec shouldn´t be completely free, so the decisions are meaningful. Paragon seems simple enough. It´s better to add simpler things instead of making even complicated layers on top of each other. It will take to balance even the content they have created so far. Runewords would be cool, if they implemented them in the paragon tree: you could buy “sockets” similar to PoE and then create runewords in the tree. Something like frozen orb turns into arcane orb and whatnot! So far nothing was disastrous or even horrifying. If I am honest it was pretty mature keeping Blizzard in mind.

    • Charles MacDonald
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If you don’t like it don’t buy it or play it.

    • Chris Rose
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    More excited for Ravenswatch, personally.

    • Mishkobt
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    A “vocal minority” of the community. There I fixed the title for you

    • What Is VR?
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the “snowflake” is a mechanic in one of the nightmare dungeons.. periodically it will form a dome and you have to stand in it or its insta death

    • JeraOra
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    i hope the dungeon not nightmare “nightmare” 😬

    • Kevin Bahrami
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    blizzard make a game for casuals but to reskill 1 point over 100k gold and you say its good?

    • DArklin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo fandom are never happy about anything and I think some have just decided to hate it no matter what Blizzard does just because it’s Blizzard. But doesn’t really matter the haters are goin to play it anyway so they can continue to complain and the rest of us will play and be entertained and Blizzard will make its $ .

    • Íssblödh
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    As a strictly solo player, I’m kinda disappointed that certain things are (currently?) only available through group play (world events) or pvp. But, I will hold any judgment on these issues (as I currently see them as issues) untill I actually played through them. It’s of no use to theorize on how things will play untill I play them myself.
    As for now, the hardest thing to do is wait.

    • Tommy Godwin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Mannnn people just hate on every thing now lol

    • Erdbeerenserver
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Pretty unfair to compare as we only tested D4 early game but I love PoEs fats paced maps more then D4s slow dungeons with lots of backtracking.
    Not sure how log it will be fun given the amount of skills is very limited. Same problem with PoE where you have in theory hundreds of skills but in reality only a few can be played unless you grind like a psychopath to make them work by overgearing.

    • Hissho
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    video is missleading.

    • dupeydog
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Andarial? It looked like andarial from D2 not Lilith

    • Vujkanos
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    which community you and 5 other poeple?!cmon….after release we can talk about this game and say what is bad and what is good in game!

    • Gheorghe Vasile
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:55 that’s Andariel

    • Leonydus
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Respecing shouldn’t cost anything , literally gate keeping various builds

    • Person X
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Did they basically just look at path of exile and say how much of this can we rip off?

    • Seal of Approval
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m disappointed. It’s a D3 clone but “open world”. I wish they went back to the roots of D2/D1, where legendary/rare drops are actually rare. I recently played D2R and I got to level 40 with my necro and had a total of 2 legendaries drop, both of which were just “OK” for my class. I like that, because it makes it special to hunt loot and get rewarded to farm. D4 is obviously heading towards a similar end game as D3 where you are not hunting for specific unique legendaries, but just min/max a forever ending grind for paragon points and “clear times” of dungeons. D2 was special because it had so many extremely rare and perfectly unique drops.

    It felt like an actual treasure hunt. In D3 (and seemingly D4) it’s just a grind fest where you can get fully kitted out within a short time span.
    In addition to that, D1 and D2 were based on general stats, things like cast rate, resistance, MF, hit recovery. that were universally used, as was the mana system. And the use of skill points. D3/D4 just pigeonholes you into pre-determined paths where you only focus on your primary resource and primary stat.

    • SmOkeWeED
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • Tomáš Bartoš
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Omg you are noob, Diablo 2 had no Lilith, it was Andariel.

    • Yan Diego Wilson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • Roshi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m a Destiny player since day 1, and although the game is far from perfect it does some really great things regarding co-op and single-player activities and experiences, so I can only hope that Blizzard can learn a bit from them. Regarding dungeons-specific drops, it would be great to have the aspect drop every time in the end but I think its not the best course of action, but the drop rate should be at least 40%. For endgame activities and ways to keep leveling up both PvE and PVP, focus players should have options that benefit both play styles. I hope this game is a success and just keeps improving along the years to come.

    • AcidGlow
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Repeating Dungeons to Farm alot of Gold I see.. just in case. So the End Game is… Nightmare Dungeons. ok.

    • Clara Johnson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    False. I’m very happy with the teaser i saw in the trailer. Can’t wait to play and actually get deep into it. I can see the complexity of it and how each character will be unique depending on what route they go in the paragon boards. Confirmed, Diablo fans are not upset. We are excited. Click bait video.

    • Daniel Lange
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Tbh a big part of it was the video presentation. It had a taste of trying to convince us we need to like it. Too much try hard making investors happy. No confidence. The beta was awesome, but whoever is in charge of these videos has zero connection to what the player base wants. Same with the bludd gameplay trailer right before beta. It made the game look like a horrible diablo3 clone, while it’s actually super dark and plays great.

    • Tristan Harriss
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    no rifts and greater rifts?

    • Down_Pat
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Andariel not Lilith. Mother fuckers gonna hate on a game they know Jack shit about 😂

    • Steve
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    idk why everybody is complaining about the endgame
    D3 has literally less to offer and noone complained
    for the start it has a lot to grind and all the content is not ” easy” like in d3 so st*u guys

    • Sp3ak3asy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    they had the summer interns design the end game

    • Adam VanCleave
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Looking a little like the license board from FF12 probably isn’t helping.

    Another game with bottle collecting maybe? Though last time I saw bottle collecting was for buffs not healing (restaurants, snacks, and energy drinks around every corner had healing covered).

    • Ongky IceRoc
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    open BETA Its Not FINAL BETA, thats it if u dont like just give feedback ao they can do like u want done…

    • Remek
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Dir good, they said this is only a BEGINING what part of this these idiots dont understand about this?

    • ASAFYY
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I dont like bllizard

    • fleezy, baby
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    forcing players to pay to respec is NOT good. don’t perpetuate this. give players freedom to customize and experiment.

    • fleezy, baby
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    there are only 120 dungeons but there are HUNDREDS of aspects. we’ll likely see some aspect rewards for first completion, but they simply have to be random drops as well just to satisfy the numbers.

    • Teany Monster
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    how is 100k gold cost per point to respec objectivly good for the majority of players? it just isnt and for people who play 2-4h a day its fucked up to believe that they will make a new char every time a new patch comes out and your build gets nerfed. it will probably be even higher than 100k i thought 50k was the max on respec per point… haha guess it doubled now… thx for this idk waste of time and connection to the one char you want to play (if you dont want to spend all your gold on RESPECING)

    • Ongky IceRoc
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    im EXCITED it will be lot of patch and many2 expansion, love the gameplay, but if u disagree quit The game bro…

    • Zeldoriis
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    its more like everyone jumps on the trend of hating cause it gets more views none of these youtubers have original opinions they all repeat the same things they heard in an echo chamber

    • Luciano Romano
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excited, man, people really like to complain..

    • Julius
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    after playind d4 beta and now getting to lvl 80 in last epoch i can say blizzard has a lot of competition.

    • Andrei Chetan
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    They whine than they buy; non taken opinion:)

    Forget to take ownership on decisions; i”ll buy it play it; i”ll see if i like it all or just the story or the end game.

    If not its fine, i already made a decision to try it

    • Mire
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It’s easier to bring bad system to game and then improve them than bring great system to game and upkeep that quality.

    • j j
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Blizzard died when Blizzard North died…

    • Andy Howard
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The upset community are just the players who didnt participate in the clsed end-game beta last year where all these worries/questions would have been answered. Have faith, they aren’t dumping us with a better gfx version of Immortal 🙂

    • Knights of the Nine
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Why would anyone be upset?

    • Aber’ Ration
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Man said uber lilith from d2 lmao

    • Yes
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:53 bro completely missed the Andariel appearance. How do you have a Diablo channel and not know that?

    • Mateusz Sidorski
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Ngl if that all there is this game will get boring really fast. Coming from PoE this amount of content seems rly low. No interesting endgame capstone content to strive for. No interesting endgame bosses. What are we grinding the nightmare dungeons for? To do more dungeons?

    • Unah P.
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m excited and can’t wait to play.

    • Guilherme Mondo
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m actually pretty happy, it looks like diablo and not poe and I think it will be awesome

    • ReznoV Vazileski
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Idk what doesn’t outrage anymore to be honest xD Seems like people today are just fundamentally unhappy with their lives and waiting for things to happen that they can potentially blame it on so they don’t have to fix the real problem which is them sitting at home in front of a screen all day with no excercise or real social contact. Trust me I’ve been there, but then I fixed it and I’m a million times less angry about freaking everything around me all the time because my happiness doesn’t rely on what game or netflix series comes out this year anymore.

    That being said, nothing is perfect that’s for sure. While diablo endgame has never been a great selling point, I would love to see not only horizontal content like we’ve got now, but also a parallel progression system for the endgame I think is what people really hope to see. PoE has the atlas completion with big bosses at the end. Last Epoch has the Monolith of Faith with big bosses at the end. Even Wolcen has the city upgrades now with a big boss at the end. Now I’m not saying every game should be the same recipe with run a bunch of rifts/maps until you fight a big boss at the end, but it would be fun to gradually unlock more content for some time after the campaign.

    I’m just gonna throw my personal idea out there no idea if it’s good or actually doable, but can’t harm to share some thoughts on the topic. What if by Nightmare dungeons you can collect some kind of puzzle pieces and then if you collect all pieces and solve the puzzle you get to unlock a new sectioned off area of the map with an exclusive world boss that spawns dungeon key effects during thee fight only for NM dungeon fanatics? Imagine doing the same for PvP fanatics where everytime they sucessully extract a minimum amount of resource they got a chance to get a puzzle key that unlocks a boss area in the PvP zone so now you can slay a world boss while competing for the lasthit like you got in BDO with the desert dragon thingy that was a lot of fun imo. Now do the same for bounties where rarely you can get an incredibly difficult bounty that gives you a puzzle piece and the boss spawns world events during the fight and becomes immune until they’re resolved.

    Now all of a sudden you have people farming for a month or so after the launch of a new season to unlock the final activity in their favorite content and lets say that boss drops a cool seasonal cosmetic so there’s always a purpose to strive for one of three endgame bosses. If you’re an absolute madlad with too much time on your hands you could even try for all three.

    • Rodrigo Garcia
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    “Blizzard upset the Diablo 4 community” – because the CoMmUnItY is in fact a bunch of annoying people that complains about everything without even having access to the endgame itself to have a real opinion.

    Do I think the endgame will be good? No. Do I think it will be bad? No. The reason: I DON’T KNOW SHIT BECAUSE I DIDN’T PLAY THIS SHIT YET.

    • Oaken
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo 2 boomers that can’t get over their nostalgia ruining next gen blizzard games

    • Frédéric Desjardins
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The fact that respect cost increases each and every single time you respect anything is proposterous it penalise you for experimenting and growing out your character if you respect to much you better be ready to start a new character XD this is the worst for a new game like diablo 4 eh bro chek out this new barb build … sorry i cant it cost me 10000000 to respect this is basicaly it in a nutshell blizzard please stop fuckin around and stop implamenting stupid mechanic that penalise the player progression for not having enough experience its not fuckin poe were getting its diablo

    • Talofa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    What the heck ppl complaining about? This is good!

    • ReznoV Vazileski
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:52 strike Lilith for Andariel there

    • DragoMango
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Respec’ing your entire skill tree looks like it’ll be very expensive…

    • Vidar
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Good summary

    • George
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I will judge for myself when the game comes out, too early to tell. Not pre-ordering for sure. Costly respecing will mean power leveling will be boss, that’s the part I’m interested in.

    • senpapi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    They will sell nightmare keys in the cash shop

    • Alex Kirov
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I love the game and cant wait…..but people will complain about anything at this stage…..We should shit on Blizzard when they are doing a bad job, but….when they do good and design a good game, just support them damn it

    • Bubbles XD
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Yeah your just milking diablo 4 for views atm

    • james reid-lourie
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Fields of hatred looks good

    • Q Nmt
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If they improve on this barebone paragon system, then ya, should be great.

    • Ermagherd
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Yet there’s vids praising it with tons of comments from fans hyped for release. The internet is so fun.

    • Nazareth Rift
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Guaranteed aspect is far better than random drop, especially when the odds turn against you and you are on your hundredth one with out a single drop.

    • NellyJelly
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    There are always good and bad things to a game. I honestly had a lot of fun playing beta and excited about the final product. It is not as cartoony as D3, has a darker tone, good action.

    • Julian Roa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Where there is pvp, there can always be pay to win

    • Cucumiso
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    engame = rfts rifts rifts 😀 i mean dungeons – bored…

    • Dupdopy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Did you an ear in the inventory in that video? =)

    • Michael 777
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    As soon as he said ‘Affixes’ I got triggered lol.

    • James Ervin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Looking good to me. Not certain what people are complaining about.

    • 89burni
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That paragon shit with the Glyphe is so fucking stupid imo. High refund Costs are also shiat. The rest i find pretty good.

    • Kenneth Jensen
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I like it so far, wtf are u talking about, collect neat and rare gear, be power, be a pvp god with your new findings, perfect?

    • DCzech
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    100k respec when you have 2,6 mil gold is not that much.

    • Bush 308
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Lilith? Thats andariel ya dunce

    • Tanner Lynn
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The only thing I’m not happy with right now is the paragon board being 98% just plain “+5 to X stat”. It’s lazy

    • Prawy Frytkowy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Just remember, this is AT LAUNCH only. This might be wishful thinking, but I hope Blizzard will ACTUALLY stick to what they have been saying since D4 seen daylight, meaning MORE endgame every season, MORE content every season. Also, every development update, they said (regarding certain aspects), that “not at launch”, meaning we just have to wait (which is perfectly understandable, we don’t want EVERYTHING be thrown at us at launch, because there would be NO REPLAYABILITY whatsoever later) to see what every other season has to offer.

    As for me, I loved the beta, got all classes to 25, 2HC chars to 25, and I couldn’t get enough, and I’m looking forward to the game content. I also undertand the fears and anxiety of other players, but to see, we’ll just have to wait. Personally, what I fear the most is monetization, and I strongly HOPE this will be cosmetics only, just PLEASE.

    • The Skorpiqn
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That is Andariel & they didn’t make her titties super small to align with modern woke feminism which is great 👍. It looks to me that all the Diablo bosses even Diablo will be acuring in D4.

    • Areons
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    what people don’t understand is if they add everything we ask for straight at launch then there is nothing for them to add in the long term, no content we want or look forward to and basic replay the same stuff for ages, unless yall want another d3 with just seasonal I would let them add stuff at a time

    • Suman Roy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:54 that’s andariel, maiden of anguish

    • raky76
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I think the paragon system seems amazing

    • Pedro de Almeida
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Omg Queen ANDARIEL is back

    • Alan Wang #36
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:50 come on, that’s Andariel …

    • Ivan Lopes
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Too much repetition.

    • NoisR
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The real question is: is there going to be a secret cow level?

    • NoisR
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Fields of hatred going to be fun

    • Provenly_Smarter_than_99%
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • emil norberg
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Very good video dude!

    • mgkpraesi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    P2W incomming.

    • RaveTurkey
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    D4 is currently looking like the most casual iteration of an ARPG/MMO/ARPG MMO out there…
    I think this game is trying to appeal to EVERYBODY and make it as accessible as humanly possible, and it’s going to hurt the game in many aspects. One can already notice issues in the act one beta, there will be maaaany more later on as you progress through the game and everything becomes more complex in design.
    It’s going to take alot of patches to truly mature into something great.

    Almost no ARPG out there has been amazing on launch, I don’t see D4 going any differently especially hearing rumors of what’s going on in the studio to try make the official deadline.

    • Razvan Florentin Popescu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    hate to see so many people with such low standards ( sigh.. well waste your time on this game.. and fuel the corporation to make another turd

    • RobeRonin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Ubrr lilith lol nope yhats andariel from diablo 2 act 1 boss

    • RobeRonin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The diablo community needs to sthu lol i dont even think end game should be the focus yet lets focus on the actual game experience lol lets work om sesseions and paragon after thebase game is bwlanced and fleshed out lol

    • Buran01
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Beta was boring. The game has roughly the same end game systems as Daiblo III, but with worse dungeon mechanics and no Crusader. Is a no buy for me.

    • Kalipolis
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excited I was worried about endgame progression but not now.

    • The Yondak
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    How is having super expensive respec a ”good” thing? especially when your build revolve around legendaries, and therefore you wont be able to use a couple of juicy new legendaries because you’ll have to spend millions to use them. Dogshit.
    Then every single activity looks just like ”more mobs, more mobs, a portal to..guess what? more mobs!” wow so innovative and mindblowing.
    Last but not least, the talent twig is the most barebone and sad one out there. And let’s talk about paragon boards real quick. A bunch of +2 strengh and %2 shadow resist into a legendary power. Rinse and repeat. WoW.
    Wasn’t better to boot the paragon boards and have a nice and rich and juicy talent tree that would branch out into different skill masteries? NOPE

    • Arefear
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the extra 4 days for those that pay out for the game is going to have a big impact on those that can farm in the pvp area and those that become the farmed, this area will be dead except for the hardcore pvp’er within 6 months

    • PizzaTime
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Seems like it’s being blown out of proportion by a voval minority. I don’t see what’s to be upset about with the endgame showcase. Compared to D3’s Rift Factory? That’s a whole lot of good stuff.

    • Fabi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo’s endgame has always sucked…the way I see it, it’s a step forward, even if it’s not a particularly big step.

    • Caniso
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The Rogue Thing is the 3 Specialization that for sure reduce Cooldowns

    • Nico Dica
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    When I think to PoE’s “endgame” at it’s release it’s quite promising tbh. I duno why people keep comparing D4 to the endgame of games that are literally 5-10 years old and got dozens of content updates.

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    130 dungeons to start is really impressive especially considering you can add modifiers to them. As long as they continue to add new content and even come up with some cool new ways to play I think this game will be a smash hit in the arpg community.

    • Francisco Bordi
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excellent video. I agree with your conclusion.

    • yusukenl01
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    So.. U didnt even exlpain what kind of disaster it is

    • Chester F
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    PLEASE how can I refund d4`??

    • RadDad
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    They Should bring Ubers as this was a big challenge in D2 for example killing Lilith when you have low gear items or getting to Izual without Enigma or doing Three Brother at once when you not fully geared.

    • Tersas
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I think it’s funny how many D4 “experts” and “pros” we already have after two beta weekends and some videos….

    • Omni TheWolf
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’M EXCITED!!! I get to play it with my best friend and that’s all that matters!!!

    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • Sweyn Nelson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I personally hate pvp and find it super toxic. Especially open world pvp where clans can grief solo players. If it was a ranked arena system, I would prefer it. When they said you can lose purified shards and items, that just increases the toxic behavior. Hopefully the pvp rewards are just badass looking skins to show off, and not actually top tier gear source.

    • Observyr
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I can’t like the video cause you said 100k cost for a skill reset is good. Huge L take. You can’t swap between 2 builds that are optimized for 2 different contents. Builds built for speed clears, builds for world bosses, for pvp. You wanna make different characters for each content? What a load of crap.

    • XEN MK
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Lilith?? That’s Andriel sweety!! Seeing that you can’t indentify Andariel says enough about your review.

    • Grim Reaper
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    There was not lilith in d2 that boss looked like andariel not lilith

    • ShaddyzZz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Im super happy with this

    • MadaoAU
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m definitely not as hopeful as I was. This is just skinned d3 on most systems. I will play it regardless and judge

    • MrPikawa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    +5 to intelligence -> Community proceeds to loose their shit.


    • Go Shu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo 3 + Guardians of Ember = Diablo 4.

    • e c
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the ui and colors is poop. graphics are too muddy.

    • Super Nova
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    im looking forward to d4, the snow flake is probs a nightmere dungeon mechinc maybe it chill you or somthing

    • T3CHFX
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The spreading of things to do on the map just seems like they want people out and about in the world engaging with events, World Bosses, other players etc. instead of just sitting in the town. I’m sure it also helps reduce a specific area needing to create so many new shards/layers as they fill up which was a problem in the beta and was likely the cause of the whole rubberbanding/invisible wall thing that would happen basically everytime in the town when trying to leave or enter it.

    • maxelito
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    so much crying from diablo community. stfu and play something else then

    • Tim Velighzanin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If u look at POE on launch the game wasn’t anything special. We will only know the extent of diablo 4 after roughly 3-4 seasons so we can see what updates ans things they ad to the game

    • gg
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    OMG i can’t wait for d4 its gonna be so good

    • MrRoninzg
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People always forget that Diablo community always was and always will be 2 completely opposite side of the same coin. Some of the nicest, friendly people and some of the most toxic individuals. Nothing in the middle.

    • Sean Howson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It looks like they have made most of your core attributes useful, so just spend the points in a stat that gets you what you need? +20 stats a level (4 nodes at +5) so A Barb could get +2% Skill Damage and 20 points in armour from Str.
    +2% Resource Gen, +2% Healing Received and +5% Overpower Dmg from Willpower.
    0.4% Crit Chance and 0.5% Dodge from Dex. Seems better than just clicking a + to get 0.2% Crit Chance a level until it’s 10%. Or are they mad the can’t spam hundreds of hours to get an extra +1 stat a level after Paragon 800? My only annoyance so far is it costs to respec skills and paragon???? Just one random drop can completely chance how you play, it’s mental to punish players for wanting to get the most out of the legendary they just found, especially now paragon isn’t just a blanket buff and will need to be changed

    • Daniel Stavroff
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Locking items to an account AND forcing respec payments is NOT fun. Choose one, not both.
    If your character wants to do multiple things, good luck finding the gold to run with your friends.
    I’m too old with too many real life responsibilities to “remake” a character 3 times a season.

    Everything else is fine.

    • Manifesto
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Is this click bait? Who’s upset?

    • Potato Vision
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If the Diablo community isn’t happy after the most recent dev video, then the Diablo community is made up of some real cry babies 🙄People finding all sorts of things to complain about, while the gameplay felt so good even for a beta. Looking forward to trying out pvp.

    • Deathstars
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    more “advanced” systems would end up like poe garbage. no thank you, there is already countless ways you can make builds.
    the pve carebears are so entitled its crazy, they seething at the fact we have open zone pvp when they have 95% of the “content” and yet they still complain about not enough content! LMAO

    • typtyp7
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Let me guess, you’re a D2 fan boy?😊

    • typtyp7
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Andariel is Lilith?

    • zax
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    You need to go watch the video you missed and misunderstood alot of information bruh. Very small amount of community is even dissatisfied about the end game.

    • kissthenoise
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It’s true.
    But they eventually will add more things, like was in diablo3.
    Do you remember diablo3 at the start? There was nothing exept farming acts.
    Here at least we have smth to do

    • Claus Larsen
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I feel like people didn’t read what the primary stats actually do. It’s not just 0.1% damage per point or 0.1% mana regen. Depending on your class, some primary stats are REALLY strong. Like Willpower for druid boosting skill damage AND overpower damage and one more thing, that I’m forgetting atm, but stats can also boost resource generation. I have a feeling that primary stats will be very primary in how you build your character.

    • X Karasu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The only idiots mad about D4’s endgame is the tryhards who are just gonna skip through everything anyways. Glad to see them take a more casual but diversified approach to the game. I can’t wait til 6/1!

    • Clint Kofoed
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If the paragon system is mainly just +5 to a stat leading to more interesting choices I’ll be quite disappointed with that. Each one should be meaningful not just a stat increase.

    • Eddy Mywood
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That thing is probably a nightmare dungeon debuff or someething similar to the lightning strikes

    • Protoss Online
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It’s not the comunity, it’s just some separate lols)

    • Edvin Olofsson
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    “D4 launch is just the beginning” is I think the key.
    Games evolve so much over time, so as long as the launch isn’t catastrophic, it should all be fine…. yes? 🙂

    • Jesse
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Small vocal minority at play here, gamers behave like political activists and Blizzard is an alt-right icon.

    • Britrate
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This guy called andariel lilith

    • Vashe Luca
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    WHY gold cost for respec is a good thing ? It’s useless and just a pain, i want to EXPERIENCE, just make respec in town free…

    • rotony1
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m not disspointed, I have very low expectations, it’s blizzard who are talking about so.

    • Michael Wenhold
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    High respec cost so they can sell us respec gems at 9.99 usd 😂

    • TyTy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I dont see how this upset the community, good click bait though as it was a concise and good summary. End game looks fun as!

    • Nick Whitehead
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    They will never please everyone. I couldn’t care less about the haters and miserable nerds. I am going to enjoy the game.

    • Chronikz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Hi @MattiasTheGamer (no clue how to tag you lol). Insane videos, really great content with lots of success! I would love to get in contact with you to talk about YouTube stuff between two young creators. Please let me know if you want to get together and share thoughts and ideas about YouTube to improve and learn together 🙂

    • galaxxy09
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    So you want expensive options to respec do you? Why? how is there any downside into making this cheaper??

    • Toofumed
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Brah can’t we just be hyped?! I’m hyped!

    • Aaron Wichers
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People are upset because we don’t get interesting choices, there’s an illusion of choice however. Every single decision you make with be paragon system can be simplified to “deal more damage when ‘X'”. Dunno about you but watching a number increase by 5% or even 200% after making a ton of micro “decisions” isn’t particularly exciting to me.

    • Christoph Luger
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Idk, even the hardcore players are optimistic, in some case realistic (Kripparian because of the balancing, which he’s right, but it’s a good foundation). So the average Joe won’t be done in a week. Or 2 days like in D3 but you have to play all day (yeah I’m also guilty).

    • Geert Matthys
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    D3 way better, more mob density, more loot spedocious leveling

    • BeardPvP
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the floating thing if i were to guess is from a shrine, maybe XP shrine? idk lol

    • Shugyosha
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I really dont understand why so many people are bitching about everything. Idont like paragon i dont like dungeons i dont like classes i dont like inventory , this and that. I mean probably i am an old gamer. But i remember playing diablo 1 and diablo 2 without streamers and guides and could discover stuff and play the game slowly and beautifully. Now you now everything before you even buy the game. Whats the point? So you can copy the ultimate build and grind forever to do it and then do it all over again? Sry i just dont get it. Trust me. stop watching guides and streamers. Play the game.

    • REAP
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This is the dumbest end game I have ever seen in an aRPG…wow, was it disappointing…

    • NANDDIIt
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I hope all the haters out there dont preorder the game, so the people that really want to enjoy the game dont have to suffer the freaking queues…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • EStreamGames
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Idk who are these unhappy nerds, can’t wait for D4 to be released

    • Natacha Martins
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    D4 is already dead

    • Flyak
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    “A Lilith looking boss…”

    • Paweł Włoszek
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Joe Shelly looks like he barely sleeps during post beta crunch 😉

    • GonthorianDX
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    PoE shits all over this game in terms of endgame….

    • TkrafT
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    99% of the qqers arent even hardcore enough that they took down butcher in beta.

    • Walid Nasser
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Title too clickbaity, how is d4 an endgame disaster? If anything the end game looks epic. Downvote from me.

    • Jar Spiral
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Path of Diablo

    • zHngzy Stream Reuploads
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    For me D4 looks great

    • disconnect
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This is actually more end-game activity than wow or diablo 3. What are you people talking about…oh and people upset about the paragon system, but they love the exact same thing in PoE. Haters gonna hate.

    • Burning Battsu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    the 1st bata was really good theres alot to do with the paragon system and u can reach lvl 100 prob in 3 days well its lvl 50 then 50 paragon which makes it lvl 100 pvp area is the best place to lvl up btw to do it within 3 days that is at least thats how it was when i tried it out it was like a month of early bata we had.

    • king kazuma
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I am excited for the game to realise

    • king kazuma
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I think the beta played vary well

    • Fishy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Anyone that plays this game and gives blizzard money deserves the sh*t show that is coming. Stop giving these companies reasons to not get better.

    • OlFilthy1
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People saying there’s no end game are just cry babies. D4 launches with much more end game than a lot of other titles released in recent years. This is only the foundation and the game will get even more stuff after launch.

    • Jericosha
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    OMG Holmbom? I was wondering where you went! I loved your Halo videos from years ago. Hope you are well!

    • Icecreamassassin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Jfc… if they jack the skill point buyback to 100x what it was at beta I’m gonna be pissed. It’s basically forcing you to grind with a crap setup just because you are trying out different things. So you penalize the player by making them have to play a shit character to get gold to try again? That’s not in the least bit fun. They better keep it reasonable like less than 1000 per point.

    • Deniz
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Okay. They’re trying to make character progression interesting and unique for every player with all these system, but they fail to realize that stat increases (including %dmg etc.) are just a boring way of power progression. No one wants to be a simple stat stick.
    Look at the Path of Exile skill tree. While it is overwhelming at first… it offers a great variety of interesting passive abilities that can sometimes even interact with each other or with items you use. And that’s just the skill tree.

    So far Diablo 4 feels very linear and plain when it comes to character progression.

    And no, I’m not a “PoE fanboy”. I don’t even play Path of Exile anymore.
    I want to play Diablo 4, but I’ll have to wait for the official release to see how the game turns out before I buy it.

    • Juan Figueroa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Thank you for explaining sometime the community are too sensitive and overreact too the simplest of things

    • Elfdragon4life
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m excited about Diablo IV’s endgame. I think there will be a ton of things to do to keep me busy, plus there’s the seasonal content.

    • MisterFlagg
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People complaining? Wow , an absolutely new concept of… ah… “peopleness” 😂

    • Bradley E
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The inventory in the video had an ear. Diablo II PvP.

    • Bradley E
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    No follower-Merc… big L for solo players and potential builds.

    • Bradley E
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    A Tuesday release date is horrible.

    • Keith Ancajas
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    You know the one thing they’re not telling everyone for now? That’s there going to be a pay to win micro, no scratch that, macro transaction!

    • frankenpope
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    you cant compare diablo 4 to path of exile that has been out for 10 years.

    • SuperCoolNothing
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It costs over 100K per point to respec… and you think this is good… wtf are you smoking!?

    • Richard
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • Connor Kenney
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Great take on the whole situation. Looking forward to playing this game. Diablo has always been more about the story and campaign then end game grind, but Diablo 4 seems more intuitive than past versions with that in mind.

    • Matthew Madden
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I hope they do piss off all the purists. It’ll keep server wait times low for people like me who don’t give a damn about nitpicky things like this.

    • NoFux
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The snowflake graphic is an altar effect.

    • Pao Pao
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I guess many “players” want a full course served straight away once the game launch.. just like wow when it first launched.. UBRS is the “end dungeon” .. until next patch, molten core releases… I’m sure D4 will be quite the same.. since this is arpg with random loot drops and endless dungeon runs, so the “end game” would be… make multiple alts with different builds… just like D2.. Unless they decide to make a “raid” party like Lost Ark’s endgame content…

    • Red Dragon
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    0:25 Kratos!!!
    PVP is gonna be so Broken.
    IMO I think anyone that enters a PVP zone should be set to Level Cap Everyone would have the same level of power so you don’t have someone at level 50 with a Paragon of 100 vs a level 50 with a Paragon of 2.
    it would make the fight pure skill not who is more powerful.
    I ran into a lot of hackers in Diablo 3 who were just Bull shit powerful with 4 slot weapons and crazy gems.
    hope they don’t make it into D4.

    • Slick Perspective
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Blizzard community today is always on devastated mood. Lol

    • Siphr0dias
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Please do not assume, that what you read, is every member of the people playing diablo games. Please do not make such badly biased clickbait – titles. Thank you.

    • deuxjohn1
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo is all about changing spec and testing builds. If the cost to do that is too high, casual players like me will stop playing.

    • Link9090
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    How about we just get a game with like really interesting and cool shit when it comes out instead of barebones “we threw this together it looks cool, huh, it was in another game! dont worry we’re releasing the game but in a couple years it will be a good game”

    • BenzoBernd
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The endgame looks hella boring.

    • FlockofSmeagles
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Personally, I don’t mind going in the direction D3 decided to go. Just give us more to work with. 3 falls apart because of the fact that all you can do is farm the same 6 gear sets over x amount of hours, and build up to an arbitrary tier number that stops giving any benefit after tier 100. That’s it, that’s literally all there is to do outside of cosmetic farming. Which in effect, is literally doing the same thing. There’s nothing wrong with d3’s paragon. Nothing wrong with the primal system. It’s all in the lack of variety that the game offers up.

    I don’t mind farming. Just give us more routes to farm than gear and cosmetics. Make clan running unique to itself. Make solo a unique space. PvP, events, seasons, new class sets yearly, etc… Make this game the game that everyone wants to go back to.

    • MoikHorst
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    diablo 4 sucks on paper and sucks more in real

    • TheAMVsyclone
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    in the future i want to see something that goes beyond the paragon system everything seems kinda simple

    • Jasko jasko
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Ppl complain about endgame but in D4 all we’d got was a GR rush?

    • MarkaN
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Don’t care to be honest. I’m only interested in good NG1 experience.

    • Trey Gentleman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This was the most “to the point” summary video I’ve seen in a long time. Thanks for no fluff and straight to the point. 👏

    • Icy Touched
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I fail to see what was upsetting…

    • yG KeKe
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That “Lilith looking boss” is Andariel.

    As for Paragon boards…I think people underestimate how important base stats are to builds, and that these nodes will make or break things like dodge related builds, or crit related builds, thorns builds, and all sorts of other things. Too many people are used to Diablo 2 where the only stat that mattered was Vitality, I don’t think that will be the case for Diablo 4. Also, with the glyphs and aiming for specific legendary nodes…These boards are going to open up a lot of build diversity for people who aren’t min/maxing a “perfect” build that calls for specific affixes etc.

    And like you said, they are going to add a lot to the game. Just look at where D3 started and all of the things they added to it. I mean seriously, we’re still supposed to get a runeword system too, that alone is a massive change to how the game will be played sometime after launch.

    Not to mention the fact that this is an MMO that is going to be supported for a long time leaves a lot of open space for expansion and more story, or even retelling old lore through a new lens. There’s still ~75% of Sanctuary that can be added to the game and plenty of lore from the other games + books that can be utilized.

    • Samoon
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    What are ppl mad about? Lol. The game looks great and I’m looking forward to release

    • martin
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    yeah, all this stuff was in closed beta too, nothing new

    • Meerkatx5
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Honestly, all of the end game and complexity is way more than any other Diablo game has and it will only get better with time. Can’t wait!

    • Shane Buchman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excited looks great

    • ionos
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Excited for the game.

    • Tiger Divison
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’m pretty sure I will enjoy a lot the campaign, but the endgame, I’m still not convinced 🙄

    • Greg Hodges
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    very excited!

    • NinTanDao64
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    That twirling relic/circle thing is one of the affixes of the dungeon. On a set interval a lethal thunderstorm willl strike and likely one shot you if you’re exposed. That spinning thing will create a safe dome at it’s current location for you to hide beneath

    • Nicholas Young
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    blows my mind that they’d leave out rifts

    • cynthia hembree
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This convinced me that none of Bizzard’s communities are capable of being happy about anything

    • Thirtysilver
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Snowflake is aggro signal. He has aggro .

    • Mark Adams
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I had a lot of fun playing the beta and think things are looking good going forward. Great video by the way, direct and concise without all the filler and fluff. Subbed. 👍

    • bubu mic
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I-m a Diablo fan since it`s inception , so yes i-m very excited and i KNOW they will improve the game in the years to come !

    • Ahmad Faridzul Babu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    i think the floating thing is the sigil that make dungeon more difficult

    • Dominik B
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    One can only hope that isnt all. Cause I didnt see any real endgame in the video. Dungeon were lame af and a nightmare version wont change that. Bounties are just that.
    Helltide events might be a cool feature depending on how much actually changes. I for one wanna see the demons taking over entire area, which has consequences for the player.
    PvP ….

    Everything seems very watered down. If I compare this to the upcoming poe league, even though I think poe in general is a bit to complicated and convoluted after all the season themes, its just sad. Even though poe might have other issues.

    • Jimmy Russell Uher
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Why is there at least 20 channels just like yours seem to sprout out of nowhere and have always positive way to spin things of Diablo 4? You have 10 videos since D4 beta and all are positive its almost like its fake wtf

    • AjninDoC
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Game looks like a pretty soulless turd to me. Besides the ui I mean that just looks like a turd, not even pretty. I’ve seen alphas in better shape.

    • Alphascrub
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:56 that boss gives me Andariel vibes. I know Uber lilith from d2 was grey Andy but she do seem pretty large to be the same Lilith? Idk could be Lilith. It do seem like her claw things are a little big from what we’ve seen of cutscene lilith but maybe that is just that. Cutscenes. Anyway my largest issue with Paragon board is not being able to respec it. Thats pretty much it.

    • the wolf 01x
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo fans cry alot I see

    • michael nastasie
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    What is up with this clickbait title and entitled sarcastic condescending voice that is half laughing at the game throughout the whole video??? It doesn’t align with what you’re saying at all. And then you conclude that everything is actually good. What a strange way to go about a positive review, you must be super fun at parties 🥳

    • Oskar Kowlaczuk
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I count on helltide events the most, dungeons probably will be less interesting I guess. From what I know this circling icon above enemies means that you need to kill them and avoid as they one shot you or something like that.

    • Filthy Rando
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Gameplay was top shelf. This all looks great to me.

    • Skulls Skullsskulls
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Question is: what part of this endgame is affected by the micro transactions?

    • Francisco
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    when a video well informed comes out gotta pause and wait for asmon to react looking forward to it😁

    • grimmlinn
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I am guessing that the aspects are the skill changing additions, not from your skill tree. Everyone gets the skill tree so their effects are tame. If you want more powerful changes, go hunt for it In randomized drops.

    • Muppet Arms
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Hopefully some of the seasons will not be just a simple, say more or less Skill Points than the current 53, as well as more or less than the 200 Paragon Points.

    • Brennan Deutsch
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This isn’t poe. Everybody needs to shut the fuck up and wait. It’s barely even 2 months away.

    • Apollo
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I didnt realize we could connect the paragon boards to get 5 legendary nodes… but sheesh this is either really good or just eh depending on the class. Necro/Sorcerer seem to have really great paragon legendary tiles compared to say Druid/Barb whose are a bit too split unless you do hybrid builds on them.

    • Obscurside
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    can’t wait to play the game. i don’t have a lot of time to play tho. Hope they had a ton of p2w mechanics so i don’t have to grind. Otherwise i might have to stick to immortal.

    • John Goh Chuan Heng
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Thats Andariel not Lilith lol

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Gona be a hard no for mw

    • Vaughn Pawlak
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    2:27 It’s Iron Rose it’s a legendary item effect it’s also in Diablo 3

    • kenken2k2 plays
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    better to play path of exile
    and its fucking FREE

    • Jacob Blair
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’ve heard way too much complaining from a “trailer” video. The bigger endgame detail download will be the April 20th dev stream. People are too shortsided so far when the game is huge compared to what we saw in the beta and other details we’ve seen.

    • Based Lord
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Adding a cost to Respec in every game is lame af. It shouldn’t have any barriers.

    • My Inbox
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    making re specing that expenbsive is fucking stupid it gets to the point wheres its faster to make a new character then to farm that gold and thats just braindead

    • Emp6ft10in
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    So are Paragon points account wide? Also, why only 50 core skill points when I thought max level was 100?

    • The Slithering Peanut
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    What end game?

    • Racoon pie
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It blows my mind that people dont get this is a base game and it will grow as well as POE has. Its just a starting game to build on top of it. Its just pathetic to hear people cry online. Like thats what the internet does all the time.

    • Vash
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Game sucks took my 150 lol

    • Vash
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    ESSENTIALLY THEY HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO MAKE A GAME REPLAYABLE LIKE D2R, just play d2r it’s amazing now looks great the reskin does more justice and looks actually better than this new game… so it’s just sad lol

    • Moose Moose
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    POE 2 and The Haunted Chocolatier are the only two games I’m looking forward to. I wish I could refund my Diablo IV purchase. I am not going to play it.

    • Slappy Senpai
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    If only Blizzard could figure out a way to continually add content to the game or adjust game features that are unpopular?!?! Oh wait, is that what updates do?1 OMG!!!

    • James_ Tiberius_Kirk
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Sounds like a bunch of petulent children who have never been told “no”. Play Diablo IV, don’t play Diablo IV – nobody could give two f*cks. Your opinion won’t affect whether I do or don’t. “Diablo IV Community” doesn’t include those who are quite looking forward to the game so stop generalising with your Clickbait BS title.

    • Chris Lachapelle
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    This just seems like clickbait and being nitpicky. Judging by the comments here, unless you miraculously attracted only a small percentage of the D4 community that happens to love this, no one seems to be upset by this at all.


    UberLilith lol

    That’s Andariel

    Edit #2:

    That “snowflake” is from a shrine. When you activate one, its effect icon appears over your head.

    • Wafer
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    All designed to slow down the progression to keep you in the game longer, move here, move there, ride instead of teleport to the entry. world trash mobs are useless at end game no one wants to ride through them all the time slowing down progression. it think most people will stop after the story.

    • nR Bartez
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Tell me you are not a diablo vet without telling me… Lilith boss looking like D2 version of Lilith… She’s called Andariel and was last boss of act 1 in D2.

    • Thien Nguyen
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    people will cry about anything smh

    • James
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Not big on the high cost to change things.

    Part of the fun is the different flavour of class builds you can experience, with the gear you have at the time, without having to break the bank or reroll the same class entirely.

    In addition, it’s not hard to lock builds while in a dungeon or in open world combat to counter downsides

    • PepsToCool
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am


    • musicx xa
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    It looks solid. Can’t wait.

    • whoopsie321
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    People gonna complain about any little thing even before playing it. Ima wait until I experience before I give my opinion

    • Andres Rodriguez
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Diablo 4 has not released yet officially and it already fulfilled most of the expectations even though only letting us to play a Beta, this would not be the official endgame most of the people are waiting for since there are many of them who are tryhard players but c´mon guys enjoying is part of the life and story and other things in the game would be fair enough, clearly they will launch more content to have a happy community, so let´s support developers and game as well as really Dfans we are!!!

    • Darkthrone111
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    When is the community ever happy? I mean at this point it’s just endless entitlement that you get to read here or Reddit. if you’re that worried about a game wait until the reviews drop and then some to make sure the end game meets your expectations. No one putting a gun to your head to buy it at launch.

    • Mathew Zauher
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    rational video. no click bait. Strait to the point without extra fluff to push video to ten+ minutes. Subscribed. Good Job.

    • Dani Lempke
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I mean, it’s much better than d3 and I’ve spent a shit ton of hours there, so, it’s looking good for me. They will certainly release more systems as the game evolves though.

    • Gandreg75
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Another doom and gloom content creator for Diablo 4. How original. 🙄

    • András Salfay
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    what now? what’s with the clickbait titles in the last 3 days? after beta analysis now comes the hate train to create content for channels? what the f*ck is wrong with people today? 😀
    ah I get it….everything for the views and money. 🙂

    • Neo Ze
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Fcking disappointed

    • xeckuc
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    …thats a new level of clickbait title.

    • Chubby_Stubby
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    The biggest whiners basically want D2 2.0 instead of D4. They’ll never be happy. Hopefully Blizzard won’t listen to them.

    • Boon
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Bet my arse that these idiots who keeps complaining on character builds is also the ones watching youtube video for build. Sheeps

    • DoomZstrafe
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Can’t wait to hear all the regurgitating after Asmon drops his opinion.

    I think it looks good for a base that they can expand on for sure. I only wish they would have shown like 2-3 legendary nodes as a teaser to get more of an idea of what we’ll see. I know people are going to complain about the +5 stat bonus but I think what they don’t get is that’s very similar to what we were doing on our character sheets in D2, but more impactful because your stats directly effect your character now. It’s just on a board instead of on the character sheet. Those points will add up and make an impact on your character.

    • TheTrueHappy
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    “endgame” is a ridiculous concept anyway, sorry not sorry.

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    My question is they said only cosmetics for real money. Sow what do they consider cosmetics Boot’s helmets armor weapons. Me I think all of them are cosmetics my be not weapons. Not sure someone tell me.

    • Zoh87
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Path of exile has this issue with its big skill tree that they’ve been slowly reworking by replacing boring passives like +5 int, with interesting choices ala mastery and “keystone” passives so its kind of funny to see diablo 4 jump right into the same pitfall just to appease people who want big branching trees. Nevertheless I’m interested in seeing how endgame goes and if its only fun for a month, well its just a videogame and you move on to the next thing/come back after an update or two.

    • issacjr01
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I like it also, the problem is clickbait yutubers creating drama for every title

    • brokenbracket
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    There will be plenty after launch. I’m sure they had a threshold in mind when establishing the base for what’s to come. I’m just excited to get in at launch!

    • Trailman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Wtf are they mad about?? This is great!!

    • Ian Horne
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    We really will need to see how much seasons add to the end game loop. This is really just the base experience before season 1 starts Oo

    • KyngSlyme
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I personally like this because I know I have a lot to look forward too. I loved the paragon point system in Reapers of Souls but it was lacking a little bit. I see more variety with this paragon system. Being able to add more aspects to my build will definitely have me on the edge of my seat. This is just the foundation(start) of diablo 4. More will be added you can’t tell me that doesn’t hype you up.

    • Giano
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    its gonna be fine, people are just needlessly upset. also POE-tards

    • pascualbad
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Still better than lost ark😊

    • Hakaii14
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I don’t even need to go to Reddit to assume they are already taking this b-roll footage from probably 6 months ago as gospel. Make your judgements after 04/20

    • YoshiRed
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Endgame looks fine to me, liek its not Crazy but its nice and Easy to understand, unlike some other Games c:

    • Voridus
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    nothing wrong with this, it looks like it’s going to be a fun time! and they do a great job to give us a good game, as we all know diablo is amazing.. nothing is perfect. but we can make it good together

    • Daniel Newman
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Game of the year.

    • Gamer D
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    A bunch of nerds complaining, nothing to see there

    • manilowgamer
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Its not the community it’s some very vocal crybabies. Most of the community is fine with how the game is.

    • Radu Wornicu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    so you basicly go + 5 +5 +5 +5 until the monster scaling stops becouse your level keeps goin while monster lvl stops…. And yet again whe will be seeing diablo 3 damage numbers. Kool game bra…

    • Scott C.
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I dont need super complex 800000 different ways to build a character. As long as the gameplay is fun thats all I care about. People all scream for POE level of skill trees and most of those people just copy/paste someone else’s build anyhow.

    • Xi Jinpig
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Carbot animations incoming lol

    • Sebrent
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I’d be far more excited if the respecs were free instead of those seemingly high costs. I want to fully explore all the options in building a character without having to worry about bankrupting my character.

    • ITX Motherboard
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I personally, think the game will be great at launch.

    • Ridku13
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:58 5 potions in the beginning of the game? In the beta I started with 4… Did they increase it or is there an extra quest to get another potion?

    • Dilbert LeadBetter
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    I think its all going to be awesome, but your always going to have the whinners and complainers. Pathetic.

    • K Maguire
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    There is nothing as alarmist, entitled, and whiny as a gamer. I don’t know how anyone can look at what was presented and be dead certain they are going to hate it. What exactly where they expecting end game to be?

    • Alex B
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Nope, game looks boring after a single play through if you even make it that far, I’m just hold out maybe in another 10 years they’ll try again

    • Patrick
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Clickbait bs.

    • Sonny Ankau
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    i don’t mind getting +X stat nodes, but there needs to be more interesting nodes that aren’t just “X% increased damage”. it all begins to feel samey otherwise. like, give me fundamentally build changing nodes like “your cold skills cost X% less mana but you can no longer use lightning or fire skills” or “your max companions/summons are doubled but you lose X% of your life.” these might sound stupid, but they’re the kind of things that keep builds interesting and add variety to the game. just giving flat stat increases and X% increased damage just starts to make every build feel the same.

    i don’t think it’s a huge deal because this is a live service game that they will continually add & expand upon, but it is something to pay attention to. the devs have at least shown that they’re listening to player feedback and are open to adding things that the community wants to see, and that’s a very good thing. i just feel like Paragon Boards have a lot more potential and if they just turn them into glorified stat sticks, they will rapidly lose their appeal for a lot of players.

    • Broc walton
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Definitely Andariel. Shes one of the lesser evils. Earlier videos have shown her twin brother Duriel as well.

    • Netu
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    Thank you for a rational review! I was taken aback by how everyone is being so negative. I think for *at launch* it will be more than enough, and plenty fun, as long as they are fully prepared to start rolling out more in the first few months, all the while ensuring balance and such, as we know Blizzard will.

    • xSpeaker
    • 2023年 4月 15日 8:31am

    1:52 That’s Andariel, not Lilith