Diablo 4 Devs Share The Truth About Endgame


Original video by @Diablo devs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGDizGfd5KQ
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  • コメント (570)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • George Tirikos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You got to remember that there’s some people that are out there sweaty as fuk at anything that they do they’re going to look up a book guide no doubt about it even if they’re not struggling

    • Carrington
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its just gonna be Lost Ark

    • Sweetie Squad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    K let’s not forget unlocking the harder game mode type thing was also in the 3rd game which isn’t NEW I keep hearing the BS without seeing what they’re promising as being interesting and new. DUDE LMFAO the Diablo game at its CORE was about an open world where you could pvp someone or just kill them and loot. It’s not a game for everyone like yall always go on about. Now Diablo is some MEH mid kind of boring exp with no real difficulty like other online players. To add insult to injury on top of wifi fees monthly and Xbox gold fee they are forcing a $70 charge for just a single player WHILE THEIR PRODUCTION FEES are ON ROCK BOTTOM smaller than they ever were. The cope for this is real lol.

    • Radical Reviews
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I haven’t PVP’ed anyone in a Diablo game since that one time in 1998 when that one guy challenged me and he basically one-shotted me. I didn’t realize at the time that cheating was prevalent in the game.

    • Richard Jones
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12:10 because in PoE there’s AT LEAST deviation between +5, +10, +20, and you’re going toward things that DO something and is relevant to your class… D4 stats are largely irrelevant and most people will just grab dex or willpower; in D4 the “get excited for it” node they showed was a 5-25% dmg increase conditional… compare this to chaos inoculation or blood magic or ANY ascendancy tree… it’s a joke. you don’t need complexity to just not have dogshit “number go higher” as 99% of the board.

    • Sandal Bombadil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    MMO and ARPGs stop being fun when it comes to endgame…. Just forced busywork. Lazy Devs should add more content instead of just adding more stupid currencies and incremental stat gain to eeeek out the same repetitive content.

    • Spencer Brown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish some of the other popular ARPGs were on console.

    • Xennori
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im sorry Blizzard but nobody cares if you like the tree being beautifull or mystically haunting. I dont care if the sky turns darker.
    Who does these PR presentations? Who is this for?
    The only thing that went thru my mind was straight up just a wish for them to shut the fk up and talk about the mechanics for more than 5 seconds.
    This is Dragon Isles all over again. The garbage Trailers and even worse presentation finnaly failed to hype me or get exited for the expansion and now im free of WOW.
    Great job Blizzard!! At this point im not even surprised.

    • Lex Luthor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D2 had limited respecs, and they adds more respec chances(3 free+ drop items).
    D3 which was the game after D2 and we got free respec.
    Even WOW had high respec cost, and they changed it, twice.
    What possible reasons or logics did Blizzard had for them to insist that we must go through this huge respec cost experiment again in D4?
    Leave room and test the water for real money respecing? Through season pass or cashshop?

    • Big Diyuk McGee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What an absolute beta figgot crying about people making jokes on how the diablo dev looks souless, its ironic. What a complete clown, EAD.

    • Paul Hemyst
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmond being a cuck about people making fun of the soulLess devs in the video

    • Don Garippo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So world tier is like D3’s Torment levels then? They start with 4 levels, and a couple of years we have 10 levels again? 😛

    • Norman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t want to do pvp because of the way its packaged. People load up their character with gear and expendable items like they’re going on an overlanding trip and can’t afford to forget or miss anything.
    Pvp should feel like catching eyes at a stoplight and full sending whatever you have at the moment all out. It should be over fast and all you should think is I’ll get them next time, or better luck next time sucker.

    • Richard Jones
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “if people who pvp want to still get loot and play that way they can”
    no… because just about no one but noobs will interface with this bullshit forced pvp dogshit as they literally get ganked and lose their shit they just farmed.
    it’s just the “pvp player” who simply enjoys bullying others and at the first notion of them losing their stuff or a fair fight they’re gone.
    it’s 2023… not 2003. this has basically killed any hype for thousands of players and it’s going to be a wildfire of anti hype for the game if it wasn’t bad already. seriously you can’t be fucking serious with +5 main stat paragon 2.0 and the “legendary node” is a conditional 25% as the thing they want to show people to be excited for… christ how do these people have jobs working for billion dollar companies?

    • Kaldon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I saw for this trailer was that all the content they introduced in this was what was in the endgame beta. Get ready to do nonstop nightmare dungeons, broken up with a short travel to averice world boss and Somtimes if you feel like it the other world bosses. Ashava or I forget the third world boss( they showed it as the new trailer.) otherwise you are just not being efficient. And nightmare dungeons are basically maps of the same extremely repetitive dungeons.

    • Shawn Carpenter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honestly at launch I just want a good looking game that plays relatively smooth with decent systems that are complex enough to add specialization but simple enough to understand.

    So long as there is enough meat for players to dig into and grow the player base that will be enough until the game is grown in future expansions. Clearly they are trying to appeal to a much wider audience and they have people’s attention now. Let’s hope they follow through on the hype with a solid delivery when it counts.

    • Squeezy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold is such a snowflake when it comes to pvp.

    • Sam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    dont play the game if u dont want to pvp, simple rule. its not poe, its pvp and group activities and events,
    its more mmo side.

    • Norman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As a kid I looked at guys like John Carmack, and I thought. This guy is more hard-core than me, he has better ideas tries harder, and there’s no way I could do a better job. I look at the people they get to talk to us nowadays and I see someone that took a course I can’t afford, telling me this is the best thing yet like I can’t remember the past. Are these hard working developers and idea people? I can’t tell. They look like the marketing department and they work like McDonald’s employees. “I don’t t know how to make burgers, I just do ketchup and wrappers, and I’m good at what I do”

    • blkwng
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its not a good indication when everything exciting about diablo we have seen always leaves us with “we are gonna have to see the things that come after that to truly know”
    Melee are underwhelming in beta; we have to wait for late game to see them get better.
    Talents seem boring during beta; we have to wait till endgame to see if they get better.
    Dungeons seem repetitive and boring; we also have to wait till endgame to see if they get better.
    I swear the fanboys that blindly defend games are out of control. Theyre the real reason we keep getting cheap half finished games.

    • Cocaine & Cringe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Man.. these devs really suck at this.
    No excitement, no enthusiasm.
    Dead soulless gazing into the camera whilst reading a premade script written by someone else is tough.
    Redhead at the very least had SOME enthusiasm but still very robotic.

    Comparing this to the ViDocs Bungie put out and it’s no competition.
    Pity, endgame they showed so far is a good base/starter looking/hoping to see good and meaningful innovations on them as the seasons roll around.

    • Mckaiser Dragon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im just going to turn my brain off and play the game, if i like good, if i dont like i go back to poe and finish out that league.

    • aimrobot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So same as Diablo 3, just another way of picking the points.

    • Josh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wolcen Lords of Mayhem still has the best board I’ve played in an arpg. Flawed rpg, but I definitely enjoyed it and think Diablo IV’s Paragon board looks like a more simplified version of it, despite Wolcen’s already being fairly simple.

    • horrorking1000
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow it’s not an entire hour long way to go asmon

    • Skill Cosby
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the red head is pretty. 😀

    • Ernesto Ratsel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can only resume the Diablo expirience of the last released games as: “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…” At this point, only braindead would preorder something regarding this franshise. Just wait and see how they will f*** this up. Cause they will.

    • Aric Haast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It seems like anyone who played beta can’t wait to play, and people who didn’t play are concerned and hating on something they haven’t played yet

    From my point of view

    • osimate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A bit sad to see them doing this for hard mode with just slapping affixes into them. There are other much better methods for creating hard mode dungeons that actually add to the experience not just slapping brainless affixes on them. FFXIV has some great hard mode content redoing the dungeons with harder mobs and new boss fights in it as an example. Still hopeful this game can be good and not feel like a malaise grind.

    • daniel C.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    omg its a fucking tree

    • Wozo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Reminder Last Epoch is only 35 dollars and is much better than D4

    • B. C. Eckhoff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This video got me excited for endgame. But yeah, I’m kinda glad I’m not some hardcore player that takes everything so seriously and critical, because I’m able to simply look forward to the game and plan on having fun. For me, I just look at it like: Will I get my money’s worth? And I know I will.

    • MycroSparks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lmao, these are the same things they were saying about Dragonflight, and it ended up being trash. Also pretty fascinating how they can make a 10min video of them claiming bold shit like “You’ll always have stuff to do, we have many people designing different paths bla bla”, and then not giving us any real info as to how they’re gonna manage doing that, but instead, they give us a preview of “world tiers” which is a system that’s existed in these types of games since forever. I can play D2 forever, doesn’t mean it has good systems in place for replayability, same goes for literally any other game ever made.

    • Craig Withee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What do people want the end game to be? Everyone complains but I haven’t heard any suggestions. People still grind diablo 2, I think it’s fine.

    • bigbizzhc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The problem with unlimited respec/no respec cost is no weight to decisions

    • Lion zod
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nobody wants objectives in dungeons.. come on devs

    • hoRsinator
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    elder Portals xD

    • Shatro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The features they showed are a very solid foundation that will be enhanced with the subsequent seasons. I’m also sure that reaching 100 will take some time just like in PoE or D2 and 100% clear the map is also a nice time sink, leveling alts will be easier and will encourage more than one char per season so there’s lots to do. Will it get boring after a while? I don’t know.
    Excited for the livestream with Rhykker on the 20th about beta feedback and more endgame questions. Rhykker will definitely bring up the concerns of the community.

    • Seliet
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just rip off POEs endgame and we’ll be happy

    • Jer Fler
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ok, but nobody’s asking… WHAT’S THE ENDGAME?! They just talked about everything we already had in D3, but almost nothing new for the endgame.

    • Veldh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    killing same stuff over and over. welcome to diablo my guy, its been like that for 10+ years

    • Macuyiko
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ‘create new expeiences’ Narrator: Sadly, not any of the experiences were new.

    • Brian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That red head tho

    • You
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I want Gladiator gear, but I do not want to do pvp. What do I do?

    • Dgtlshark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait did Asmond just do a 180 and talk bad about PoE for once? That’s incredible, he just said it’s overly complicated and doesn’t want Diablo that way? Said the skill tree also has +5 stat in PoE? What a difference that is because all you’ve done so far is talk about how much better PoE is and how only smart people play it 😂

    • Jethro Dark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let me save everyone 50-100usd, you find and kill Lilith, Diablo is Resurrected and then u fight and kill him. Then maybe another angel turns bad and u kill them ect..the end. 😂🤣😂🤣

    • Bobby Kuhn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmon’s alliance crybaby stance against pvp and people making fun of fatties in the videos he watches is just hilarious. He’s overwhelmingly hypocritical and soft.

    • Damien Papson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pvp can become a design limitation for pve. I hope they don’t balance too aggressively for pvp.

    • D3V1L4NC3
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did I see le unique and legendary system

    • Kara Kaaa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    100k refund cost lmao

    • Algahiem
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe it just me, but whenever I see these in-depth developer videos online were they talk about the upcoming features of unfinished/unreleased product, it’s almost never a good sign. It just seems like the selling wine before it’s time. I just hope Diablo 4 does suffer from the “Peter Molyneux effect”.

    • Ephemis Priest
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    She is morbidly obese.

    • Tellis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, you’ll have to chase pve progression in pvp areas !?!

    • Oliver Seaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 2 we grinded a lot, wow the game, I thought you grinded, farm areas

    • Pavel Vaganov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My intuition tells me that its not gonna be a happy ride on the release.

    • CynicalSpheres
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    honestly after talking to a few of my turbo casual gamer friends they loved the D4 beta. I think the game will be a success among people who don’t really give a shit or even know about POE or other ARPG games. It’s the moms spaghetti boys that are going to nit pick every little aspect of the game to death.

    • Juanma Posada
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i really hope blizzard pull it off before release, because i played trough act 1-6 on the closed beta for friends and family and i must say… it was hella boring, endgame ofc.

    • Klavicus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i am honestly surprised you or your editor didn’t put that THICK woman in the thumbnail like you normally do what happened? cause she has not only boobs but a belly too? and don’t come withe the superficial card since your thumbnails, content clips and youtube/insta/tiktok are THE prime example of superficalty

    • Thirtysilver
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People ARE complaining pansies these days. Just ignore everything and judge it yourself.

    • Kpaxlol
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:35 But it does say about them (not all of them ofc) when you look at the game.

    • Nate Puterbaugh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So they literally just copied The Division’s endgame and called it a day

    • Joshua Russell Bull
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I never understood why people held different people to different standards based on those peoples actions and historical decisions or their individual capabilities either. Especially if one person or group does something that people don’t like and the following person or group has an opportunity to not repeat the same mistake but chooses not to, big deal, they are just doing what others are doing. Everyone should be treated the same no matter what, everyone should frankly be treated like Nazi’s regardless of who they are. I am 100% with Asmon on this.

    • Equitine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i like the way PVP is talked about here. i might actually give it a little looksee when game releases.

    • Kasa361
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i do believe a lot of the negativity surrounding diablo 4 is not really the game itself but rather because it’s blizzard, as for the stat paragons, they feel bad because everyone i’ve seen talk about attributes based on the betas have said that they feel like the attributes contributes to next to nothing

    the comparison between the two games dont make sense since poe actually has builds that are built around scaling a main stat to gain massive amounts of damage which is something there has been no indication of in d4

    as a last personal note, the beta pretty much just thaught me that i wont play rogue because it doesnt feel good, the basic skills feel worthless and the core skills barely feels any better as well as also the combo points to me at least were hard to even feel a difference between using a core skill with 0 combo points and using the same skill with 3 combo points, also visually rogue for sure got the short end of the stick with pretty much nothing being flashy or cool, bow feels like i shoot an arrow and there is nothing special about it while melee feels like i stab with a dagger or throw said dagger and thats all there is to it, like it doesnt look visually pleasing in my opinion at least, but with pretty much any other class, they have cool visuals to their skills most of the time, thats at least my take on rogue and i didnt really have enough time to thoroughly test the other classes so i cant say too much about them.

    • Javan Allen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People on you stream complaining about respec cost, dude I was getting 50k+ doing 1 dungeon run in under 5 min at level 25 on beta. Like come on guys

    • Tony Gunk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We need an offline mode

    • Oh Dang Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is always some pointless farming.

    • Jay Agusto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All the game really has to be is… fun and rewarding. All the rest will fall into place. Idgaf what anyone says… the beta was fun for me.

    • Porkins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ah yes the revolutionary world tiers that you unlock by beating the previous tier. Never existed in Diablo before. Very exciting.

    • Tooft
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You need to realize, D4 only started production after Diablo Immortal was torched at Blizcon. The fact that its a copy paste mix of D2 and D3, albeit with good looking graphics, it took them 6 months to change a few skills from already implemented character designs, reface the rune slots into a skill tree, add a paragon board (that can be tilted) and slapped you with a $70 shut up price tag. Had they started this game with good intentions, and took the time to think about new ideas, approaches, and new classes we’d have something new. It’s back to Paragons, spin to wins, with the addition of monetized battle passes.

    • l i
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12:33 yeah +5 stats were a thing over 10 yrs ago, its not that they are hating on Diablo and ignoring Poe its just one was made ages ago during that time and the other is trying to make a new game with new things but sounding not so different.

    • T Doug
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A lot of iffy things with D4 but honestly we won’t know until release exactly how it will be. I see a lot of people always comparing D4 to POE which is totally fine but remember POE has 10 years of development, D4 isn’t even out yet so they surely have a lot of room to grow……right? 😅

    • Joe Brittin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it blows my mind the nitpicking going on with this game. It’s a great game.

    • Oh Dang Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon skill tree looks slightly complex.

    • john hilt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    AsMcgay is an insecure whiny Pansy. I used to like your content but I can’t believe you would ban somebody for name calling.. insecurities look bad on you.

    • Cole Stonebraker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The beta was fine and I’ll still buy it, but I’m sick of the games that people are just gonna use a website to look the elitist build

    • Paul Enfield
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Spot on with comments on forced participation in PvP. If I’m rail-roaded into PvP, I will toss the game. Full-stop.

    • gragrim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The cost of respec I would assume is to make you have to wait until a little bit higher level to switch around your stuff.

    • Tallborn Stev
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t watch asmongolds videos anymore they are too long. Can someone crop Subway Surfers or smth on the bottom so I don’t get bored?

    • Wraithflaire
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It seems to me the whole respec cost going so high you have to make a new character was hyperbole that people were taking way too literally. I expect even at end game a day of grinding will last you a week of respecs.

    • Canadian Edition
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold threatening to ban people for calling the fat lady fat lmao

    is this the same guy that calls people retards?

    • The Zelph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Does anyone normal work at blizzard? I feel like everytime i see devs talk at blizzard it’s all fake, dressed up, and super stale…

    • Seanmilli
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Literally looks like new world endgame

    • Zutang777
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is why mobs scaling to players is awful. it makes doing inferior context slow, grindy, and boring.

    • Naps
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I been playing last epoch for 1 day and holy crap is that game so much fun, I had more fun playing last epoch than d4 beta. I haven’t hit end game yet but man everything about that game from the skills to each skill having its own skill tree is so good. I love it. I’ll play d4 until i get tired of doing those same dungeons then prolly go back to last epoch tbh but time will tell

    • Yan Levasseur
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmodan is a dev?

    • Bastispark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t get why blizzard neeeds to show those butteer golems on theiir videos it was the samee with the wow roundtable thinggy about dragonflight. it’s just diisgusting and disreespectfull to the viewers to exposee them to that
    and yes I know that the ununited states of North america have a 60% obesity rate, but that’s not normal in the rest of the world

    • Rym
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Dexterity


    • Smiller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    that redhead is so hot

    • Valdrex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should probably stop releasing these videos because they’re not doing the game any favors.

    • Alex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I refunded the game mid beta and this video has convinced me it was the right decision
    D4 is going to be garbage at the beginning I can just feel it

    • Nick Bradford
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like diablo, but it will die off after 2 weeks.

    • Pire Aí
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I genuine hate dungeon objectives

    • Spice Factory
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s with the neck beards hating on the +5 node system? A huge majority of D4 players are just playing it for the story as we’ve been playing since D1, we don’t want some wildly complicated reinvented wheel shit, I don’t even care about PVP, just make the core gameplay /fun/.

    • The Drop Bear
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That felt like 4 car salesmen trying to sell me something

    • wykydytron
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Uh oh asmon protecting poor woke people and murican sensibilities…

    • Tak S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmons I don’t wanna run dungeons over and over they add a ton of other things and asmons well I don’t wanna keep doing all these different things over and over lol wtf are you talking about?

    • Hiroman Smogikan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Poe is free, blizzard is 90 pounds and +more in the future

    • Photo Adventures
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    From my understanding to do harder content you need to run regular dungeons. Farming dungeon drops to unlock Nightmare and hell? This will make the endgame lack luster. Honestly not excited at all about this and will probably flop if this is the mechanic.

    • Onbored
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If the systems work together in any meaningful or direct way, it necessitates interacting with them, which goes against their idea of letting you do only 1 thing if you want, like pure pvp without feeling like you need to do other stuff. We all know that if meaningful items exist in these separate systems, people will feel obligated. I don’t think there really is a good solution here, other than to acknowledge this and say we can’t do it. On a logic level, it’s not possible. Pretending you can will just disappoint players. They are telling gamers what they want to hear, instead of what they need to hear.

    • ScreaminScott
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @asmongold you should know as someone who played PoE that it may have a huge tree and tons of skills but to get into the deep end game your limited to a small amount of builds… not to mention very specific gear and min/max

    • Germo Dante
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Elden Ring isn’t supposed to have an endgame and seasons. Sure you can choose how to “play your own way” but the game starts and ends. It’s not made with a live service mmo crap mindset.

    • Al C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s the difference between Blizzard and POE? Bc POE has proven to be a good game and Blizzard has proven that their best is “pretty good”, that’s the difference.

    • Critical Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame is just that. Farm Nightmare keys, do nightmare dungeons until your strong enough for the next world tier. Rinse and Repeat. If they had more to show, they would have. Get ready for a repetitive endgame. At least until they add all the seasonal content they’ve promised. D4 will probably be really awesome in season 7.

    • DeludoSui
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dont want to waste time on content to do the content you want to do…. like grinding for maps and labs in poe

    • P3RP NZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    when he says “aparently it came out 15 hours ago he is referencing the person who got fired for not letting him know about it sooner ;D

    • Wizard of LoLz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    who actually gets bought by these telemarketing corpo fake “devs. explain” they really so full of sh.

    • Chad Hynes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Longevity in ARPGs comes from replayability. Not the end-game. Look at D2 – almost no end-game, infinitely replayable because re-rolling a new character is where the fun is. ARPGs are not the same as MMOs, so “free respec” is akin to killing the game. Period. ARPG characters are short-lived experiences of building something that works, enjoying it for a bit, then doing it all over again with something else. So many people compare 1 game to another, when you need to compare the genre of game to itself, and look at what works. D2, PoE, legend status. D3 = free respec = shit tier.

    • Nick Prest
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Lol Diablo stats are toooooooo simple”

    _Boots up PoE_

    “Time to follow a build guide verbatim so I don’t have to engage with the complexity”

    • Dog On Dog Action
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold: “I don’t understand why people are being so negative towards Activision Blizzard? What have they done wrong besides a) sexually harassing a woman to a point, where she committed suicide, b) sexually harassed a bunch of other female employees, c) left women and minorities out of promotions and pay raises, d) released a shitty ass immoral abomination of a “game” named Diablo Immortal, e) gave away OW 1.2 “for free”, a completely dead game otherwise, while selling skins for 26 fucking dollars (to people with low impulse control), f) leaked a diversity chart, which pretty much confirms that they will never ever release a straight white male character again …

    Do I need to continue? Because I can. I’m pretty sure I can complete the entire alphabet with bullet points.

    • Breeze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m gonna buy the game on a decent discount, play it for the story and the vibe and I’m done . Next one …

    • LemuresXL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s that ladies fault druids look how they do huh…

    • Sir Dernos of Tides
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That woman looks the big exploder mobs in Diablo

    • Mr. L
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s be real no matter how complex the game is there’s only one build

    • Sebastian johansson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    imagen using a log out macro cuz you failed so hard thats not hardcore thats pussy core

    • GPS08
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m still very concerned about the concepts of this game. As a D1 and D2 player back in the day, these end game systems don’t really want to make me spend 70 USD on this game, especially so when there are competing aRPG’s that are way better (imo)… Also, when devs force you to remake a character from scratch because the avenues to respec your existing character is either non-existent or in the case of D4 very costly while making an emphasis on that concept of ‘you’ll have to make a new char if you wanna try another build’ is telling me that there isn’t much content and the devs are relying on replaying campaign as a form of pseudo content.

    I know this video doesn’t really show much, but so far, the way they spoke and what they’ve shown for end game doesn’t really breed innovation or anything interesting. I can already tell, PvP is gonna be broken asf, where it will be gated by Paragon, where CC heavy and massive AOE builds with high paragon will always faceroll other players. I can already tell, majority of end game is gonna be farming for nightmare keys en masse so you can do a particular dungeon that is faster to run compared to the others back to back to back to back.

    Sounds boring. I’m still not gonna buy this game from all I’ve experienced and seen so far. I used to say imma wait for the game to release then decide, but as time goes by, and I play other shit like Last Epoch etc, my will to buy D4 is decreasing day after day.

    • ReznoV Vazileski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My problem with infinitely swapping back and forth without restriction is that ARPG players are absolute spergs. Look at the D3 builds. There’s a bounty build, a speedrift build, and a rift pushing build for every single build out there. Now imagine because of no respec costs the optimal thing to do is to respec 200 paragon points and all your skillpoints and swap half your gearpieces because you go do a bounty. Now you wanna run a NM rift so do it again. Oh World Boss comming up better get back to ton 10 minutes ahead so I got time to respec to my World Boss build. Oh let’s PvP time to respect to my PvP build.

    Nobody is going to want to play like that but top tier D4 will look exactly like that when you make respeccing unlimited and free because that’s what people already are doing in D3 right at this time except D3 doesn’t have even 20% of the build complexity D4 has so you can suffer through it for longer. Not to mention because people will do this on the top end every piece of content is going to have to be balanced not around the average general purpose build with a few convenience respecs say an AoE node to an extra atk speed node for a World Boss, but around the optimal builds around that piece of content at all times. So now if you wanna do bounties you better believe you’re gonna respec cus they’re going to feel dogshit on your dungeon build. Wanna do world boss? Well better respec buddy because we just buffed them all for the people that have world boss builds. Are you fine with not respeccing and having a bad time? Alright then you have fun on your own buddy cus you know damn well nobody’s going to carry your ass on the internet if you refuse to spec into the optimal build :’) Been through that pain personally in Classic WoW wanting to have some frost mage fun but nobody will have you for any content that matters if you don’t spec into perfection as long as it’s viable to expect a respec.

    • Samuel Vera
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What people don’t understand is there are no games with unlimited activities, there will never be one, I got bored playing poe very fast as well.

    • Saxon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    He’s worried about doing the same thing over and over again in endgame in an ARPG? All endgame in ARPGs are just various ways to give you an excuse to kill a bunch of shit and get loot. What does this even mean?

    • SadDingus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    blah blah blah, this isnt what you think (it is), blah blah blah, more of the same, marketing, blah. on a side note, Blizz art team continues to not suck.

    • Jay K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You literally never have to PVP, unless you really care about the cosmetics – but the same goes for the Battle Pass. You never have to buy the BP if you don’t want to.

    • LegacyUntouched
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    please blizzard add in micro transactions and pay to win elements. Please please please. don’t listen to all the naysayers, immortal was a huge cash cow. Don’t you want that sweet green again?? PLEASE ADD IN P2W!!

    • MilfNCookiess
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bro give the devs a break, Not everyone is super charismatic, and not everyone is camera material.

    • D C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you do anything over and over again it’s going to get tiring. All you can do is smoke weed and try to enjoy what we have now, or wait until not too long from now when AI is generating new content faster than we can complete them.

    • White Beard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Poe has those nodes but they are a secondary choice that nobody takes typically. It’s all about noteable’s if all you have is 100 bonus points and 60 of them are bonus stats whats the point. Just give us 40 points at that point and remove stats like that.

    • Da Vince
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i hope blizzard copy legion raid mechanics (LoA) and implement them on certain bosses in diablo’s future expansions.

    • Darth Vader
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it’s gonna be dog?

    • robert Zimmerle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ll tell you why this game sucks…its path of exiles with a diablo skin… most diablo players I know don’t play poe… notice you’re constantly comparing.. that’s why this game sucks…we want diablo back…d2r will still remain the only good playable diablo game

    • Pedro Silva
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    bad potrail of the paragon system. Showed on the shallowest way.
    It’s much more interesting in reality.
    Don’t want to scare casuals?

    • Jah Boody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    enjoy that huge deck in your salad with a side of shiet sandwhich LMAO D4 dead on arrival

    • Try This
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    paragon board is basically just the same as we have in d3 lol just with a couple keystones thrown in, literally copy&paste xD even a retard could have done that, they probably recycled effects from old legendarys and baked them into the board as well and the only main difference is that it has a actual max level which d3 had too in the beginning, so it can change in d4 too.

    for my taste its a little too shallow, i didnt expected main stats, i expected uniqueness, this is inspirational copy&paste dogfood.

    • Freddy wat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They kinda look ai generated 😀

    • JustDaTip
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds sexist but wtf do these women know bout deep end game gameplay mechanics? i feel they put them there for “”gender equality “” …. Such fake force emotions and persona ,

    • Name of The Game
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I find it funny how that one chick is explaining dungeon affixes as if they invented them – as if POE hasn’t been doing it for a decade and other games even longer.

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    despite me enjoying the beta and being superexcited for the launch of D4 i was and still am pretty critical about a couple of design-descisions they made. But the hate towards this vid is hard to understand. Ppl are bitching because there are attribute points in there? What did they expect? I mean we knew we where going to get 4ish points to spend per levelup. What did they think they would spend all those points on? “Oh.. imma grab 25% dmg here and then i grab +50% max life over there and… oh i really would like this 15% chance to stun on hit over there and… yeah i’ ll take those 20% allress aswell. Few. Lvl 51 was a nice levelup. Cant wait to get to 52.” – Lol

    • KroozCtrl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m telling you D4 is a worse D3. It is already implementing everything D3 has done or already has in the game.
    1) nightmare dungeon: so normal versus T16 dungeons. or lets go back to vanilla. You do Alkaizer run to get 5 stacks and then go to Fields of Misery and hope Decaying Crypt spawned.
    2) open world activities for caches: Oh you mean Bounties for Material caches from D3
    3) skill tree is non existent. 2 runes / skill = D4. 5 runes / skill = D3
    4) if you think D4 is slower, people forgot how slow D3 was on launch. That was until someone figured out break points for Critical mass for wizard and Thrive on Chaos. 100% the game is zoom zoom.

    D4 is a lesser D3 in an open world setting.

    • Tenebras
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    18:00 – 18:35 100% agree, probably the smartest thing that ever left his mouth. Its pretty much PoEs main problem.

    • Hk7762Tube
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You demons think you getting harder at Nightmare? Fool, it’s I who is rock hard just thinking of a possibility of getting better loot!

    • Scrub Five
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    -$100 KEKW

    • Zubr Bydle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it is Warhammer Chaosbane + Inquisitor + PoE in the world of sanctuary.

    They revealed that the main idea behind end game is just multiply mob DMG i health but also your dmg xd.

    70usd kept in the pocket

    • Pathos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I will say that there is not a double standard for blizzard vs POE. Stats like strength and intelligence mean different things and affect the games differently

    • Ulti KFA
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No forced PvP please.

    • Scrub Five
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I still find it hilarious that everyone always complains about repetitive gameplay in arpgs. That’s literally what they’ve always been. Kill shit and get loot. That’s the whole game loop lol.

    • ReznoV Vazileski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I mean fair enough that there’s a line as to how much grind you have to do to be able to get to the fun stuff again, though the inferior content argument can also get a bit dangerous in a way.
    We all wanna farm the highest tier content possible and everything below it is going to feel inferior right. But then we’re done doing the highest tier of content and we say hey 4ssholes give us more content this game is boring now cus we could limitlessly farm the top tier content for a few days and get everything we wanted. So they add a new tier and now the tier you’ve farmed becomes inferior content so you don’t wanna do that to slow down the new top tier. Problem is because there’s no throttle you’re just going to run out of content again in a week and you’re back complaining that there’s not enough content.

    I think the job of a game director is to find the goldilocks zone here. How much grind can we artificially put in between the fun top tier content to slow you down enough that the new content can actually keep up with the player’s need for new content, but not have it be slow enough that players feel like they hardly get to enjoy the top tier content? You can’t do without but too much is also going to be bad so I think instead of whether to gate endgame content or not we should rather have a debate on how much is too much and how can we spice up the inferior content in ways that makes it still fun to do, even though it’s not the most rewarding content in the game as of this time.

    • Lenrriic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i have a feeling that this game will disappoint most ppl

    • robert Zimmerle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everybody needs to remember these horrible people are paid to tell us the game will be great…I personally don’t see it at all… secondly every single person who worked on this game looks like the exact person I wouldn’t trust to make a good game…

    • rackodakoo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo devs creativity for items and talents = %dmg and base stats. Like cmon give us crazy shit.

    • 0Lameran0
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmon literally showing signs of getting old, last couple years you can visibly see his passion is lost, and all he does is trying react “logically” to whatever comes up, and behave in set of rules so not the bother dealing with all the “clout” might bring. before i though it was blizzard thing they let down so many times of his “passion” he felt alienated to “safe zone” of Blizzard universe and more and more distanced himself to video games. but i guess it wasn’t only just that. “i dont care, what ever spins your wheel” attitude is kind of feels not genuine. it might be time to retire, if you are that much not interested.

    like for example old asmond could easily come up with argument that ,
    depth does not equals to confusing.
    even why “+ stat” points important in PoE but not in Diablo 3+ because there are no items/gear/gems has stat points requirements or tresholds you have to meet.
    but instead of arguing he just goes with what majority a “average andy” would say.

    • LeePalmer95
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I mean someones gonna do the maths for each build and people are going to copy and paste them.

    • Banana Sandwich
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People have double standards for Blizzard? Huh, I wonder what caused that ^^

    • Resouler
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ohno the wolcen spinny thingy oh no fuk me not again

    • Don T. Panic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not sure why but I had this feeling while each Dev was talking. The feeling that… each one was full of shit. Not sure what about but something behind the eyes said “I’m not telling you the truth.”

    • T K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This just made me not want to play D4. Sounds like endgame is just like fucking work. Grinding stuff to do stuff to kill mobs to get loot. Greater rifts are back in the form of nightmare dungeons.

    Hard pass at this point

    • SightBear
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Uh oh they forgot to add a handicap midget to their developer panel

    • Dootdoot Dodoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My bf was watching this and I clocked the AI/effect immediately. He doesn’t think the people speaking are AI or a filter, who else knows they’re not real people in a prop dungeon and this is a demonstration of their tech?? We bet $30 on this.

    • Luan Nguyen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    played beta.. .was super boring for me.. made it to 25 and there was nothing fun for me.. took about 18 boring lvl to finish act 1 boss… skills tree was soo basic it didn’t matter what you choose.

    • David Correia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Only interesting thing in this endgame is the pvp….

    • thatepicwizardguy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what a fucking shit video the devs put out and jesus christ they made the paragon board look so awful (the fact that its got that many +stat nodes is fucking boring and sad regardless of what else is on there). I’m excited to play D4 more and everything but christ do this game and team have a long way to go.

    highest production say-nothing video from blizzard in a while. hate these.

    • Sion Eris
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its funny they have this presentation with gameplay more boring than what was happening in the demo, nearly fell asleep 2 times in their presentation, clearly the inverse of hype.

    • puddlez96
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Why, are there no gamers with phones here waiting for D-4? Am I so out of touch? No.. It’s the players who are wrong.” – Blizzard B o b b y s w o r l d

    • Jeremy Gill
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honest question… does any Dev working on Diablo 4 actually hardcore Diablo fans?

    The thing about us hardcore diablo fans… we can see a fellow fan a mile away. I can tell None of those Devs ever played a meaningful hour of any diablo game.

    Requirement for future diablo game developers… at least 100+ hours on each diablo game.

    • Selynar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pvp = Extraction.

    • Furious321
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel like no one who played the beta actually bothered to read the tooltips associated with Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, and Willpower. They do not function the same as they did in D3. While your base damage is amplified by a “primary” stat, the other three provide bonuses that shouldn’t simply be ignored. Whether it’s Overpower damage/chance, Critical Strikes, etc. There could very well be a reason for a Barb to be walking around with a bunch of Dexterity.

    This isn’t “I’m an Int class so I stack Int in every place I can” simulator anymore.

    • W. Schulz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold payed by Bxxxxxx

    • Stendaal Cartography
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay, now release the bloopers from reading off the prompter.

    • Jesse Travens
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why’re people hating on this game so much? The trailer looked good to me

    • The Hurricane
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does Blizzard think
    Affix = Hard
    In all of their games?

    • nop nop
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its a 6 minute video he turned it in to 20+ minutes video damn 😂

    • Harry Cee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmon made respect for keeping the keyboard a-holes in check.

    • Anon3000
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
    me when it comes to hoping games have a different outcome…other then pvp endgame

    • FractalPrism
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “normal node” is boring af. just remove them. nobody cares abt +5 stat.

    • whoopsie321
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I agree I prefer the normal talking not just reading off a prompt and sure some of the dislikes are legit but feels like a lot are just bandwagoning on the dislikes. Ima wait to play it and see if its really shitty or not.

    • Memphis Raines
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Preordered the game – check, secured my days off work when the game launches – check, built brand new PC for the game – check. Staring at the Play button – check. See you in Sanctuary fellow warriors…

    • Bryan C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    DAE think the Hellgate looks like a GOATSE?

    • Tolgay Atamtürk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this looks boring af

    • Theonepug Onepug
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Epic life time ban comment at start subscriber because of that. Hope game is good already pre purchased. I feel will be good for a few hours then onto next game.

    • Dylan G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I disagree with the premise that Diablo games should be infinitely playable. Let’s just create a game that has 70 levels and call it a day. You’re allowed a max XP or max hours at Max level and then it dies. When you beat it your name is added to a champions list and your character retires forever.

    • 냐하하
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When you look at the people that developed the game, you start understanding the look of the characters.

    • dupeydog
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m more excited for the last epoch game. Every single video on last epoch looks amazing and is being pressed and trimmed properly. Looking at d3/D4 looks like a sculpture of diarrhea with some diamonds in there. It’s fun but you have to sift through the poo first lol

    • visicircle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe they’ll do what Bungie does with Destiny 2. Releasing a little bit of new content every season, including new levels and quests. Then releasing large expansions once a year, with a full new map zone and campaign.

    • Channeling extraterrestrials and spirits
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I got a very good idea for end game Diablo 4 and expansions for the game. Where this idea came from and why, I dont know. There is a lot of strangeness going on in my life. But the idea was to build a world under sanctuary for the next expansion pack, which is unlocked by finding keys and runes, and even can be unlocked by strange artifacts. This world is the staging area for demons and foes before entering sanctuary, and also places where treasures from heaven and the angels are hold by powerful monsters and demons. You can say they are being carried downwards towards catacombs and hell for storage and hiding. In this idea is also the ability to visit closed of areas in elite dungeons. There are sealed doors and portals which cant be activated before you find a rare or unique key in sanctuary or the staging area to open up these sealed doors inside the dungeons. The ideas and methods to open these doors or portals are endless. The only limit is your own fantasy or creativity. These dungeons inside dungeons may contain even more powerful dungeons longer down and can have several steps down. And the longer you venture down the harder it will be and the less light there will be. So you have to find light sources which can light up the dungeons before you venture down, and often you cant enter the dungeon before you are at a specefic strength or place on the Paragorn board. There can also be items needed for the specific dungeon. Like a sword from heaven or an angel to defeat some of the foes inside. And the ultimate rewards inside these super dungeons is super loot and glyphs. Etheral angel weapons and armor just pieces of art and some of them shine with beautiful auras. These weapons has been dragged down to be stored and hidden, and it needs a real hero to claim them. Another idea is to have clues on the map to hidden dungeons and end game content in the art and scenery below sanctuary. Ive seen some places windows and structure which lays underneth the main level. Why not open up these for players to climb down in new content expansions. If you see something on the map, you can be sure you can go there at some time in the verse. So to sum this up: Dungeons inside dungeons going further down towards hell, the staging area, which serves to hide powerful items stolen from heaven and sanctuary being guarded as they are dragged downwards, the necesity for unique keys, different light sources and items to enter these darker dungeons and create the staging area as a level under sanctuary to go further down towards the depts of hell. And portals which need rituals and pergaments to be opened. What do you think about these ideas?

    • World Through The Lens
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Saying them dots +5 exist in PoE as well is an absolute disgrace. They do exist in PoE for a REASON. You HAVE to build around them in order to achieve desired target for your build, to meet the REQUIREMENTS of gem or item which is for your DESIRED build. THEY ARE NOT JUST CONNECTORS FOR A BIGGER DOT A BIT FURTHER FFS

    • Espheros
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Damn it looks boring even before coming out..
    I tested to lv 25 .. I wanted to make a full frost mage and I was SUPER DISAPPOINTED..
    I barely have any skills…most enhancements are SUPER boring… like 15% chance of chilling enemy.. WTF?
    What’s your guys experience? I mean I don’t need to be PoE level but F#$$…

    • SDZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine trying to pvp as a Barb in this game. You get kited the fuck out by sorcs, necros, and rogues.

    • – Xextreem
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The +5 shows us NOTHING about what the passive is. So it’s still a mystery and I like that. They keep letting us guess what it is.

    Force PVP is a no-no. Force Bounty is a NO-NO. I just don’t want to PVP in a DIABLO game.

    • CraftyF0X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like how the MMO new comers are genuinly confused about the endgame like “what are we even do in the endgame ?” than they proceed to push ahead with this endless respec thing so they make one character, they lvl it up, copy a build from a guide, and they never ever have to do it again. Well then, of course you’ll have nothing to do in the game after like 1-2 months 😀

    Consider it: Diablo 2 had no endgame whatsoever, but huge replayability, and it’s widely regarded as a classi after 2 decades. Diablo 3 had an infinatelly scaling endgame but zero replayability, and it’s considered inferior in he community.

    • Kalcour
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Glad to see I still have no reason to buy the game.

    Thanks Asmon

    • Darkshadow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo is the poe tutorial

    • joe the sheep
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    06:05 – Yeah. Back in that day regular Nephalem portals (grifts wherent a thing back then) required a key to open. You would obtain those keys from bounties which is the (only) other endgameactivity (that noone ever enjoyed doing). Eventually they made Nephalem portals free of charge.

    • Iron Wolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Main reason am getting Diablo 4 is PvP. I was second best barbarianwhirlwind barbarian on US West. The Barbarian GSD was best but he had perfect health charms and used fade procs from treacheryaround 10k life!! haha. Whirlwind Berserkers. SPIN TO WIN :).

    • HowlsOmega
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Guess what else gets harder…

    • Jer Kit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So in other words, Chaos Dungeons from lost ark…. lol

    • SinisterNL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    god, in the video they just talk in emotion and imaginary and not straight nerd facts. Way to much hearthstone woke vibe.

    • a_catfish
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5:20 let’s go they added beyond to Diablo 4

    • TeddyMcTedsters
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People are gonna be upset because they want this instead of +5 strength:
    – Chance on hit for lightning bolt to strike all enemies.
    – Chance on lightning bolt to spawn army of demons that explode
    – chance on demon explode for earthquake to appear at explosion
    – earthquakes pull in enemies from 80 yards, enemies take 500% more dmg
    -enemies struck while affected by earthquake bleed.
    -bleeding enemies aoe spread bleed when death.
    – if 10 enemies are bleeding, spawn a blood golem
    – blood golem chance on hit to spawn smaller blood golems

    people won’t be pleased until they hit an enemy and their PC hovers from their GPUs fans

    • Zackrificed
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Agreed about PvP. I like occasional PvP when I CHOOSE to do so, not so much when it’s forced on me.

    • dankduelz peruvian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Reminder that it isn’t a Diablo game..

    • Queen Asteria
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I want to know what secret lvl we getting I just hope it’s not a acid trip of one like diablo 3

    • Heathensauce
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im already falling asleep in the first 5 mins. Diablo 4 at this point just makes me wanna sleep. Fuck that game. Bored. The most entertaining part of the whole video was Asmon saying “Say one fucking stupid thing about these humans and I perma ban you dumbass.” Good take. Fuck those jackals. Some people get a hard on at hating on people just to hate. Someone needs to teach them how dirt tastes.

    • Hazamax
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dunno what people are on about the “do it again” as if in PoE maps aren’t just going through zones again and again. Running through harder and harder ones as you progress. Isn’t that the whole point?

    • Andreas X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    there will be 3 meta builds, an endless grind of the same 3 dungeons, the paragon board is bloated and boring

    • Kenneth Kingdon-korab
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Your one strike rule is funny lol. Imagine being a 30 something dude always talking crap behind a screen than 1 day, your favorite streamer is like, “Welp, your Gone…No fat jokes today bud”. Being spanked by someone you look up to is probably more humiliating than someone you look down on.

    • GubDM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i think the +5 / +10 nodes feel worse when they’re the same size on the board as the legendary nodes. Literally I think it’s a visual issue. In the PoE skill tree, the big ticket nodes are visually larger, more impactful on the screen.

    • Strategy First
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like pvp but I don’t want to lose my good gear or hardcore characters.

    • sporegnosis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have no problem with huge respec costs. What I have problem with is constant patches that invalidate stuff that lead you to throw characters away, because you don’t have the time to respec and find new items. This was the reason why I also quit POE.

    • Inkki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    asmon should go look at the paragon board leak so he can see why people are complaining about +5 stats

    • Sephiroso
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel like people are negative about that video because they didn’t really tells us anything new about the endgame. We got pretty much 0 details, absolutely nothing about seasons, hence why people are negative about it. I think if they did a 15 minute truncated playthrough video of the activities you’ll be doing at endgame, and showing more of an indepth look at the paragon board than showing 7 +5 stat nodes and 1 interesting node, the video would have been received a lot more positively.

    • angron666
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol now everyone has realized, just how ripped off they have been. No doubt it will be worth it 12 months after the initial release but that doesn’t make the price point of this game fair or worth it.

    • iSLiCK_
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we wait to bitch till it’s released…. Holy shit.

    • Justin Nash
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They said bounties, I don’t wanna run bounties again…

    • Skrilbodankins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But why are giga chad barbarians super lame 😩

    • Munushew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think the issue people have the paragon board isn’t the fact that we saw stat nodes but the fact that they hardly showed any non stat nodes. PoE for example hardly ever talks about the small stat nodes we usually get shown the actual nodes. Personally I think the paragon board will be fine, may take them a season or so to get it right though.

    • Colby Dunlop
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Uberkull
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:16 As it should be. Glad Zack does this, cause honestly some people need a reality check.

    • Michael Tihon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People can be so toxic.
    This is just a base that we will get in june, a good one I think which will become better and better with seasons and new mechanics going core, just like PoE does.
    Devs will experiment and if players like it, it will become core. I don’t understand why people can be so negative. What I saw in the beta (for what a beta is) was extremely good.

    • Lord Chippydip
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1 minute and thirty seconds in and blizzard already systemlands on Diablo
    “So here’s the system guys”
    Bro can I just play the game straight through and choose to do it with my friends? Sprinkle pvp on that
    Why do we need these weird systems

    • vance640
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dont like when they say that “every part of sanctuary is fullfilling and satisfying” (quote)…Isint it for us to decide if we’re satisfied or not?

    • Humble Giant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    EVERY arpg looter player wants to grind something for loot and power. The seasons will add new stuff and items to keep things fresh. Asmon keeps harping on not wanting to do the same thing over and over. Thats what a looter is. Yes seasons will add more variety but you will still be grinding the same activities. Thats what a looter is. It’s not WoW.

    • Dragon 211
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait for my set pieces that give my main ability 10,000% more damage lol

    • Draehl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can both agree and disagree with Asmon. You don’t want to make respeccing ridiculously difficult, but I don’t like encouraging constantly changing builds, meta hopping, etc. Or swapping between a well-rounded solo build to a max DPS glass cannon based on the content you’re doing. That removes a large part of the decision tree associated with actually making choices. “Have your cake and eat it too” mentality feels lame.

    Maybe the better solution is to have respeccing be free/cheap, but adding a game mechanic with a small benefit to players who are more decisive with their builds and willing to accept situational drawbacks rather than constantly metagaming.

    • Aisaaax
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way”
    *Unless your way includes completely solo without shared world and mmorpg features. Then no.

    • Gage Grogan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s just be real, we’re all buying this game and we’re all grinding end game content even if it’s not that great 😊😅

    • Alanio gank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    diablo 4 end game is gona be shit 100%

    • Robert Septim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s the point of saying the pros are a vocal minority when they have influence and act as our guides because they know the most? Thats like saying don’t listen to asmongold because he’s in the vocal minority: big streamers. Which is pretty much an irrelevant statement when you consider the influence you have. So it’s the same case here for the pros.

    • usmcpound
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    7:09 wow nice mustache.

    • Eckology
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Agreed on the +5 nodes on the tree not being a negative thing, but I also think it’s strange that they didn’t edit those out of the trailer, because like you said, PoE has them too, but during trailers and updates and stuff, they don’t show the travel nodes, they show the nodes with cool stuff. That’s not a flaw in the game, that’s just a flaw in trailer editing.

    • Sephiroso
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I 100% disagree with Asmon on comparing people’s feelings of the +stat nodes in D4 to how people feel about them in PoE. For one simple reason, +stat nodes in PoE has depth and uses to them. Namely being able to actually use skill gems, getting enough defense/evasion or damage, and there’s a ton of things that empower what stats will do. That’s why stat nodes in PoE aren’t bad but in D4 they are boring because main stat feels like a filler stat.

    I think if Asmon wasn’t on the spot and given a moment to think about this, he would come to the same conclusion.

    • jack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    seems extra beneficial to have no respec cost in an arpg, that has us repeating dungeons and content in general so much. Let us mess around with builds as we grind a few dungeons. I want gear and skill sets I can switch between for world bosses, and dungeons, and etc.

    • 1990erre
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can buy that Blizzard has alot more planed for the endgame with content and build variety, but where is it then?! Surely they would show us atleast a few more examples than this?

    • H1storix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “I hope we don’t have to do the same thing over and over”

    *Me who’s almost maxed an OSRS account where I’ve spent hundreds of hours doing the same skills over and over*

    …. Interesting

    • Decidedly Uncouth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So Diablo 4 end game play is “taking care of werewolves that are rampaging through town”, wow. I can’t wait for the $70 game, plus battle pass and seasonal pass! This is AAA gaming!

    • Jake osborn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is so frustrating. It’s like the devs don’t even play games or know what fun is.

    • luke shank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Well Andariel is making a return for sure. She was at 20 seconds in. Sick!!!!

    • Cody Jinnette
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I know the end game isn’t super fleshed out, but Last Epoch has 100s of viable end game builds right now and people STILL demand guides and only want to do the most meta builds.

    Ultimately, both being able to change easily based on finding awesome gear AND forcing people to grind for the gear needed to fit a set in stone build are viable game design.

    • Cadrieldur
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Liked: 10884
    Disliked: 12000

    • DrDeadlyPsycho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s talk p2w, Is buying a skill reset with real $$ p2w? Free respecting if you pay monthly sub 😂

    • shznn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    David Brevik must be dying of cringe rn

    • paranidherc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Damn, you can see how pretty she would be if she wasn’t so fat…

    • gfavatar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    is it me or does all videos from diablo 4 looks like diablo 3 grafik and quality … so low and boring

    • Taylor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    9:37 Spends 2k red PvP crystals for a pair of blue rarity gloves….. 10/10

    • Matthew Fallon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Stop comparing this to any other game. Diablo stands alone. I’m a Diablo player and I’ve never played Poe or any other garbage rpg.

    • Phasending
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The end game is what’s going to define this game and unfortunately it seems like we are going to re live what happened to Diablo 3 and it will be 8 years after release until the endgame is good. I miss Champions of Norrath.

    • Lenrriic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t get why ppl are so butthurt about costing respec. Mmo and arpg games are suppose to be long and hard, requiring strategy.
    Free respec removes replayability. Makes the game just shorter and boss fights easier.

    If you want free respec, then why not just make it possible to change your class aswell at highest lvl to something else? Because you got no time to start a char over, or you just found an item perfect for that class.

    • Demonic Gaming, Inc.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hate this argument where ppl keep comparing + str int dex in Diablo 4 to + str int dex in PoE.

    Some builds do damage based on stacking Str Int and/or Dex in PoE. Zero builds do that in Diablo 4.
    Every piece of armour in PoE has a required Str Dex and/or Int cost. Zero items in Diablo 4 has that.
    Str Int & Dex in PoE serves a noticeable purpose in PoE as far as Damage, Damage reduction, and Mana. Str Int & Dex serves literally no purpose in Diablo 4.
    Str Int & Dex on a PoE tree means you do not need Str Int or Dex on any item. Therefore making items far more customizable and far more impactful. Diablo 4 Str Int & Dex on the tree does literally nothing.

    This is a stupid argument, a stupid comparison, and it’s an intellectually dishonest one at that.

    • Samyaza
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Woke lol

    • B Mc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Token diversity hires in full effect

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These paragon points just seem like boring filler “oh lets just pump some more points into my main stat”

    • Radical Individual
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    17:42 How fucking delusional do you have to be, to somehow pull anything other than their direct statement?
    How unfathomably fucking braindead do you have to be to attempt to skew this? This isn’t “misspoke”.

    • TravisKelce69go
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love that I’m a YouTube viewer and not a twitch viewer. If I wanna call the girl in the video an orc, then I’m free to do so.

    • WackaNerd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol play our way? I call bullshit!

    • Stimpacks Required
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PVP Shard Purification is just going to be a massive Gank fest. Super OP players, in groups, just WAITING for people to start purifying.

    • wolows
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    everything that they are saying at the beginning is just bs buzz words, like they arent even really saying anything

    • Tzunny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That video is so bad & cringe in so many ways that didn’t deserve not even a react…

    • reallygoodseth.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God this game is awful for a $70-$100 price tag. If it was F2P, totally different story. But they’re charging that price tag because they know people will pay that much for the “Diablo” name brand. Not because they genuinely believe they have a $70-$100 quality product. Lol

    • Jo92Sm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In short, Diablo 3 yet agian but torment leves have been renamed world tiers and greater rift stones have been renamed nightmare sigils. Aside from that, you do the same shit over and over and over and over again. Still will be worth a buy when november sales come next year i guess.

    • M K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Why does PoE get a pass and Blizzard doesn’t.” Really? Because they are fucking Blizzard. Blizzard/Blizzard North made D1/2/3. They’ve made expansions, Diablo Immortal and now D4. That’s almost 30 years of ARPG knowledge. This game feels like a huge step backwards in terms of balance and QOL (UI, dungeon design, severe imbalance between classes, imprinting, monster density) and outsourced to a company that have a couple months of experience with the idea to rip off other ARPG ideas. This game looks entirely mediocre, especially for the price.

    • its private
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:38 I think systems like that are bullshit, you just forcing your players to do the same content and waste their time 4 times, let people go directly into the max difficulty if they feel like. if they getting killed, well maybe they shoulnt be there and thats on them

    • Ian Victorine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Games were better before female devs.

    • DrDeadlyPsycho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s talk about the real stuff we wanna see, Is there a 🐄 and 🦄 level, I wanna see both!

    • F9Devil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why they use such low level gameplay to showcase endgame is a mystery to me

    • Short
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The lighting in the blizz vid is horrid…

    • SurF1nyt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Devs are ai avatars? Idk 🤷‍♂️

    • So What
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why are two girls telling me about video games? Like female football commentators.

    • Midori
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    saw is beta there is world tier up to 99

    • Thor The God Of Thunder
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    doing the same things over and over that’s diablo 3 look at how many seasons it’s had since launch and still brings people back every season. i don’t mind replayability.

    • Mr. Volinski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    POE is boring. And the characters are ugly.

    • Scotty Ward Sports Shorts
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You guys kill me with your respec cost lmfao – go kill more monsters and find greed shrines – and make a gat damn decision and stick with it

    • OESSH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Omg people will always look up guide with or with respec cost.

    • Carnack Ketral
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There are only 2 end game things you can do; kill things, or collect things. Everything boils down to those 2 options. The trick is keeping people from realizing that.

    • Adel Void
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    we can’t be what we want if respacing is extremely expensive (will they make us pay real money for “quality of life” exp boosts??). I think they should put an endless hell dungeon as the ultimate endgame, it would be truly diabolical.

    • Mr kery
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    didnt expect asmongold to be anti free speech.

    • Rahsaan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really hope they create better skill synergy like they did in d2. Also, running bosses are fun. There should be higher drop rates for unique and legendary items from bosses

    • Phish Mike
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    when asmon talked about the begigining of d3 he was talking about you needed to do bounties to get something like a regular rift key to do a neph rift then have a chance to get a gr key. something like that. it was so horrible.

    i hope there is no forced pvp

    • M J
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love the affirmative action hires

    • Dreggy 9
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Agreed with respec. I dont want to make a new character to make another barbarian if i make a jew character its for a new class

    • Scott Jones
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I agreed with most of what you said. And what I disagree with isn’t nasty or anything mean so don’t take it that way please.

    I do slightly disagree with the complaint about having to do things you don’t want to do in order to accomplish things you do want to do. This aspect is absolutely necessary in games to make the task you want to accomplish more fulfilling.

    However, if doing the unwanted task becomes more necessary than any of the other tasks to accomplish said goal and those unwanted tasks are tediously repeated it can become more of a game killer than part of the reason why the end goal is so worth doing. For example, if I have to farm for hours to receive one “token” that allows me to access to desired goal for a simple 2 minute dungeon and this is the only content left to do, I’ll find another game at that point. Know what I mean? That unwanted task should be part of the path to the desired goal but it shouldn’t dominate the entire path to that goal

    EverQuest had the perfect balance of this, sometimes you would farm for days for one key item and not get it, but those instances were very seldom and the end reward was beyond worth the frustration of the unwanted parts of the quest however those unwanted parts were always only a fraction of what needed to be done.

    It’s a necessity having those unwanted parts but if that’s what the majority of the content is then the end goal isn’t worth it and the game becomes boring.

    • Shadowslave604
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    forced pvp makes more ppl engage in pvp so they can say ppl play pvp and it is viable etc etc. no forced pvp in my pve games thx. same with open pvp areas on the map. these areas suck when you are questing and then suddenly get gankedd lol.

    • DailyTimeAttack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I enjoy the story building and how some zones have special events or npc’s because of the location. That’s more exciting the DB3 where it’s just new enemies and a new background.

    • Burnwulf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The nightmare sigils remind me of the keys you needed to craft to access New Worlds dungeons. wouldn’t surprise me if they walk back this feature and make it a toggle instead.

    • highjim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    dude you banned me for saying “look at his stream” about 8 months ago….

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My question is what is considered a cosmetic boots helmets armor weapon’s Jem’s sgeals. Because they said the only thing you can play real money is cosmetics. Sow can some one tell me sow what’s the point of playing the game if you can just pay real money for. I’m just curious.

    • Radical Individual
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:15 Yeah, ban everyone calling out the fact that out of hundreds of employees, the only people they could get are soulsucking void creatures reading off a script without a smile at all, or the largest fucking fake one you can find. Well, I suppose walletsucking creatures. Because this breaks your psychotic schizophrenic delusional world view that everything is fine, and Diablo 4 is going to be great and nothing is wrong with it.

    • Matthew Sneep
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great commentary as always, but big thumbs up for permaban reasoning as well.

    • Kes Sauman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m actually so happy about those Hatred zones, going to keep me in the game for a longer time for sure. The game otherwise will become so dry in end game. W Blizzard

    • Cory Lorett
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Something I enjoyed about Diablo 3 was being to change through my abilities and runes constantly trying new things

    • Cobra Quotes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 sucks

    • bfrfoxtrot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Good to see zach obeying Disney.

    • SystemOrox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this paragon system is unnacceptable compared to PoE, because 99% of what is in this one are +5 stats, in PoE the +10sats are like 20% of the tree

    • wdadw dwdwadw
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what diablo needs is super hard raids/dungeons like Lost ark with mechanics instead of the usual hack and slash.

    • Cracked TV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When penis rocket video game?

    • Hruthgard Ahne
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In poe every stat increase actually matters, for skill usage, for gear usage and to increase the character in a way that makes a difference..in d4 its just why have it at all? for some % increase in dmg wooow

    • Sleety
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    have to agree with Asmondgold on the spenders, Just give every one pots to resort the Mana/energy ect. and allow you to pot to spend as well as a general regen for it

    • Cosmic Panduh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A perma ban over something so small is so stupid! Especially when there have been many times when Asmon himself has talked shit about the way someone looks in videos! You can hear it in his voice saying “yeah just look at him” followed by him talking some shot about how a person looked on said day! Yet he perma bans someone else for it as no excuse! I love you Asmongold but today I gotta say eff you bro!

    • Lone Wolf’s Game Den
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nightmare dungeons i’m concerned are just going to be the same as the normal dungeon, they jump bump the hp and damage and add some of those portals… I’m also very concerned about the pvp area, but i’m hoping the pvp will just be for cosmetics, but with games like final fantasy and even WoW, there are pvp only gear and cosmetics that look amazing and force people to do it anyway to get those items, and i’m hoping that’s not the case because you know there’s going to be 1 or 2 builds you just can’t kill in pvp areas.

    • Blob Blab
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12:02 You are comparing a skill tree with 1200nodes against a skilltree with like how much 50 to maximum 100 nodes? and still d4 manages to have more “+generic stat” nodes than PoE. How on earth is that even possible. And i agree its mind blowing to me, how people can still have these double standards. U have a small indie kickstarter company that was able to create a better game than the Multibillion dollar Goliath Blizzard. When blizzard changes smth people always dickride the copium train to the fullest and activating all their coping mechanisms “We havent seen endgame yet” “This is only level 25 beta” “They are going to fix those issues” “Next game or addon, is going to be better, trust me bro” How on earth do people still have faith in this shitshow called blizzard, QUIT ur abusive relationship with this company immediatly. On the other hand u have GGG, which always listen to feedback, have a clearcut vision how the game supposed to feel and play like, they have a strong presence(forums,reddit,twitter), they dont work against their prinicples, and the most important, they made the best arpg there is. So The double standard is present i agree asmon, but Blizzard is the one benefiting from this double standard, cuz people have it backwards, they shit on ggg constantly, and praise everything blizzard does, so yes u are right, but not in the way u thinking. Peace out everyone <3

    • Antti Kärkkäinen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They really need to add the overlay map to D4. Even the original diablo had it, how come D4 doesn’t?
    Also the option for WASD movement would be nice for the people that want it. I don’t personally mind click to move but I know a lot of people prefer WASD so it would be better to have it as an option.

    • Tea Vice
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does she have a mustache.

    • Bengal Brown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They’ve walked back the respec coat.

    • David Hujik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I see red flags already! We can’t wait to get this into your hands and play it your way lol

    • Bleezii
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • zengara11
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so……literally 100% CM in guild wars 2? Blizzard seems to have found the student to copy/paste from 😂😂

    • Cloud Xeno
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My problem with POE’s Skill tree is that “10% dmg” isn’t 10% increased dmg and +10 Stats mean almost nothing compared to Diablo where 10 vs 20 Dex is the difference of 50% dmg

    • Jason Murphy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please asmon, and his minions, PLEASE don’t play D4. Please keep playing POE or WoW or whatever it is you kids play, and let me and the other adults have D4.

    • compass
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think a lot of people don’t understand, complexity != depth. Casual games can have depth that appeals to hardcore players, but complexity will always make your game more niche.

    • TheAjmos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 2 did not have respec at all at first, and that’s becouse it was a real RPG. Building your character in true Rpgs like D&d means it’s permanent. I guess we are past those days lol.

    • ShootTheHostage
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All Arpgs are doing the same thing over and over? No? Poe, Diablo 2, torchlight… you literally do the same things OVER and OVER. That’s why we play them hahah

    • joshua bowen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 will be geat for the casual player… which is what blizzard is aiming at… Your right about alot of the dungeons it should be more than just getting keys and the respec cost needs to be minimal.

    They will make more updates for more money and they will make the game better each time, its a great business model and thats how games are these days… at the end of the day they make the game for money… ex: battlepass and early access, if you dont like it dont pay for it, It is what it is.

    • Jose Aleman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s going to be like destiny 2

    • SG4tw
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    endgame that you will face more than anything else is…. OPEN DOOR with 3 keys. gather them and kill 100% all enemies. BYE

    • René Albrechtsen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    One thing I don’t like is that they don’t advertise d4 as an mmo, which it basically is.

    • wholetyouinhere
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The entire concept of “end game” is incredibly bizarre and incoherent. In order for a video game to not end, there have to be repetitive mechanics stretching out finite content into theoretical infinity. These repetitive mechanics are invariably tedious and inevitably boring, but the players act like these shortcomings are somehow the fault of the devs and not inherent to the very idea of an “end game”. It’s like people want games to last forever but don’t want them to have any of the features that allow them to last forever. In reality, well designed games END.

    • Free Water
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Over 10 years since D3 was released and the skill tree is just the D3 rune system copy + pasted into a tree with some bland passive nodes added to it. Dungeons are copy + paste. The endgame with what I’ve seen of the paragon board, doesn’t seem like something that will keep me engaged throughout multiple seasons. All the criticism Blizzard receives is justified.

    • Hexu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wait… more damage per cc-ed enemy? soo reversed parthan defenders is not a paragon thing? ..great design… former skills become items… runes become skills enhancements.. that’s just renaming things..

    • Andrew Adams
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ive been waiting for this video for like 2 days now since this diablo video came out. No reason to watch it when I know I’m going to watch the Asmon version

    • Marrionmoo Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The only endgame Blizzard has is money.

    • masalano
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:45 WHAT IS THAT THING?!?

    • jon reist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Name one game ever where you’re not doing the same thing over and over.

    • 1Lyc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    sooo…reach level 50 to unlock the poe skilltree?

    • Brandon Reda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait 😀

    • Arsenlona4
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder if the paragon map can be traded. If not then it will become a huge problem because with randomization there will be always undesired stats/traits or people will feel its not having enough of impact on their characters.

    • benj1b
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m excited for d4. I’ve been a big fan of the series since d1 and still get nostalgic about my first play through of d2. While I’ll probably never have that feeling of excitement and joy again, I’m still excited for it. Maybe I have high hopes and will be let down, but I have a feeling that even if it’s not when it first drops, eventually this will be a great game and I’ll most likely continue playing it for years to come. Say what you will about me, idgaf. You do you and I’ll keep living my life lol

    • Sebastian Ortiz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine a refill paragon board that shuffles all the stats and has a possibility of a demonic board that’s like legendary stats . Costs item like the altar in d3 and actually resets the paragon progression when you shuffle board.

    • kei jo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    people also dont realize you get 4-6 extra legendary effects from paragonboard.. add all legendary items to that and think about it.. thats alot

    • Adam Henrickson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the builder and spender analogy is great, and blizzard has a hard-on for that style of content… for example when they gave paladins holy power… aka combo points… because EVERYTHING needed builders and spenders… whereas before everything paladin had felt like a spender.

    • The Rotten💯
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why they don’t simply add WASD movement into the game is beyond me. Unlike some things where people think adding something is easy and it isn’t, this literally is an easy add (they already essentially have it mapped for the Dpad on controllers). They’d probably have to change one line of code to have the WASD keys mirror the Dpad on a controller….

    • Odin Slayer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Last epoch is boring as hell. Monolith all day all day every day. Kill me now lol

    • Arsenlona4
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We have more tolerant to POE on “+ stat” type of mechanic is because the game itself kept trying to do breakthrough in the arpg genre even though they have failed couple times.
    Whereas you have D3 for many years adding cosmetics and zeros behind to keep their population up is why we have a different standard on judging the game.

    • Allen DeForest
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People really want more than go kill get better loot, repeat. Smash or be smashed in pvp…. I don’t understand, you get loot to get more loot

    • Blob Blab
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    02:44 No, In PoE u have travel nodes (stats) and than u have clusters, clusters consist of small nodes and a “notable” . Usually u wanna hit the Notable to be able to spec further into the masteries there, BUT and hear me out, BUT theres tons of builds where the small nodes inside a cluster, offer a stat that u very very rarely see anywhere else ingame. For example, The AoE cluster directly infront of inquisitor, has 2small nodes and a notable, But the small 2 nodes, offer a bigger bonus to Area of Effect than the “notable”. So no, very much not even in the same category as PoE sorry to dissappoint some ppl here.

    • Si1entG@mer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Probably because there are lots of people who only played diablo and never touched POE? Where is the double standard here?

    • Erik Ciel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    pvp is fuking only reason why ppl should play online games

    • Sailor Venus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold: “if u comment on someones appearance in the gam-movie- video whatever, you’re just gonna get permabanned”

    xqc (reacting to You are not the father): man she is so big

    • BumsTakingOver
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe this game will finally get me to stop playing Skyrim

    • krylesangerbeaver
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fancy paragon board system, still people will almost all use wtv maximizes damage.

    Section of map turns red for corrupt loot, good luck with 80 other ppl already there killing everything in one shot.

    • Steel Monk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t expect too much for the endgame because obviously they want to stall out a bit for more content in patches and later expansions. But hey I just want to murk hoards of demons that’s all ask for. If combat is fun that’s all that matters to me

    • Jakey Boy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope each tier completely changes my life. Hope my expectations aren’t too high 😂😂

    • Nick Neller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Treat ARPG same way you treat MMO – do not make people re-do same content at higher difficulty over and over- simply add new set of zones, island, continent etc every 6-12 months. Do not make the end game about farming 5 different systems of randomly generated dungeons with generic content

    • Trying2B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 +5 +5 lmao

    • Deano
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I believe the different end game mode is just a pathway on how someone wants to spend their time to farm/obtain gear, giving you a choice to pick a path with activities you like . You like PvP you can farm some gear doing “fields of Hatred”, you like roaming the map exploration/ open world / side quests, toss in some “tree of whispers” quests” or “hell tides”, you like dungeons, have the sigils to make them harder for better gear. Its a nice approach maybe tie in an achievement, boss and/or hardcore cosmetic at the end of each pathway to give a player a goal for each thing.
    Don’t wall rewards behind seasonal only or any other mode, not everyone likes seasonals, the hard reset, don’t create fomo situations… make playtime rewarding for each situation seasonal/non-seasonal, make the game challenging for the good rewards.

    • Kevin Bahrami
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Poehave like 2k shit to choose from the paragon have like 10 things to choose from and 100 +5 stats… poe have jewels they got minor skills major skill… honestly d4 looks decent but i think it failed when they said its for casual and half the things aint no casual gonna play or understand

    • FallenActual
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    alot of the players choices are based on whats meta and what max roll says is meta and the paragons will have an optimal path… hahaha
    End game is literally looks like a watered down d3 with extra steps 🤣🤣🤣

    • JAN N
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So if you comment on how they all look like SJW WOKE fat losers it’s a permanent ban? Okay got it.

    • Nick Ferdinande
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But I just paid $100 for the early access. Lol

    • Jason
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the problem with diablo pvp is that they are going to rebalance things based on pvp and ruin pve stuff in the process… just watch.

    • Thatonejokr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    And why can’t someone say something about the big excited girl..?

    • Fly
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    by having respecc cost blizzard proved they do not understand, especially if it increases in cost every time. i dont play diablo games, but i find it very dumb to actively hinder an discourage players to try out new and different builds

    • Leech
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Funny how huge the difference is between the presentation of Diablos endgame and Chris Wilsons voiceover about the next seasons content. PoE goes indepth about actual content and Diablo tries to tell us how epic the endgame is gonna be.

    Never liked Blizzards typical “going to be epic”-speeches. Feels so empty.

    • BulkersRuleZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like when they talk about all end-game features zack is saying “I hope I dont have to do bounties”, “I hope I dont have to spam dungeons” or ” I hope pvp is not mandatory”. Dude thats all features of this game XD

    • Val D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ll say it again im salty as fuck to have to spend 70$, always pre-ordered all Diablo titles before, took vacation from work on launch … now (puke). POE is simply a sandbox tool at this point which has like 30 leagues of different mechanics in it, they take any genre and make it in a POE wrap. Diablo4 , being a new game … only thing they worried if this bitch runs atleast without memory dumps and new engine looks good. Endgame … 1 system … grind dungen = u having fun … nothing else , barebones crafting. To be fair all ARPGs at core are the same thing … running clicking buttons to kill shit … the creative ways to kill shit is separated into expansions … so POE having like 39 at this points … nothing can fuk with it. So D4 basically boils down to if u like the arcady zoom zoom for a month and -70$ .. make Blizz a shitton of $ and they will stroke themselves like they made a fkn geniune classic ;///

    • Steve Fairweather
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The keep mentioning overworld I wonder how big the hell and heavens maps are gonna be

    • Clifford Cox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Anybody else seeing that refund cost or just me

    • Thomas Blake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The problem with this video, at least to me, is that we were told we would discover more about the endgame, where they are going with it and how they intent to retain players after the initial launch and we got squat, we litteraly learn nothing that wasn’t known for months if not years and we don’t even got any new footage of the game or those systems.
    It’s not the deep dive onto what to expect from the game that was first announced and more a quick recap of what little we actually know about it.

    • Rah beat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i’m waiting for the day Asmon will finally play Diablo 2

    • Poochymama
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is no such thing as “gaining power” in this game as you level up and choose new skills. The leveling up choices are about trying to lose as little power as possible, due to the level scaling. At least there will be progression at max level.

    • Pregnant Lilly
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the fact is cost 53,000g to refund a node of 5 str is absolutely shit LOL

    • dahabs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so i have to purify a thing and people attack me when im doing it?
    yeaaa dont like that.

    • fzaoo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i just hope D4 dont become poe, which is a complete dogshit game. 160k player peak is not good at all… It’s actually the most overrated game ever.

    • HFTD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ye idk bout this. Wouldn’t buy it until i see some improvements.

    • Liquid GH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the division 2’s Dark zones…
    This game is a Knockoff of all the other games…

    • Jerba Ancap
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    just get good, I dont know why so many people struggle with pvp ASMON

    • mokokoandy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Poe Andy’s just follow a guide someone else made to build their character. Get off your poe high horse because the reality is it’s too complex for you.

    • tehjamez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold is such a snowflake

    • Chandler Stlouis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the thing with having forced nodes that are +5 to a stat is that it is actually good for the game. forcing someone to pick these nodes to get to a much more powerful one is a good thing, assuming they balance the game around that fact. if every node was just juiced as fuck it would indeed be really complicated to do anything because there would be too many things to consider. +5 stat nodes are lame, but if they lead to something interesting and powerful then i dont believe its a bad thing to have them.

    an example of a bad implementation is diablo 3s paragons, being forced to take +5 stats when it doesnt lead to anything at ALL is just bad design.

    • MrBalrogos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope they wont introduce seasons it will be nail to a coffin and future updates

    • KrigHammar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why people trying to compare this game with Poe. Its already said they not trying to kill it. Guys, stop crying plz

    • Aisu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks like a worse version of poe so far xD

    • Liquid GH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These games live or die on the ability to build builds and the availability of the parts that make them, the condition they’re in, and what you have to do to get them there.

    • tehjamez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As soon as I saw that woman I knew the game would be trash

    • Kevin Mannix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is a glorified twin stick shooter and about as complicated as picking up new guns
    clever people are not lucrative
    Hence why the staff are sounding dumb

    • Celantus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just like dragonflight nothing here is new, just taken from other games or their own old games. Also the paragon system looks terrible it’s just D3 paragon but put as a talent tree with a few nodes being somewhat decent for a certain build.

    • GEC GoodPasi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I honestly think the 4 world tiers are just not gonna be enough … currently it seems they have a static endgame at torment with nightmare being a intermediate step at 50 essentially everyone will play at torment and i feel many “challenges” will quickly be not challenging at all 😅

    • sonderchild
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1-strike rule is perfect. I have a 2-strike rule for restaurants. Depending on the level of fuckup(s), they may receive 1-3 strikes on one occasion. That works out perfectly for me.

    • JakubP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Because PoE and Diablo are 2 different games thats why people have 2 different standards.

    • Calvin Pollard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Mythic dungeons. I like m+ so that’s cool lol

    • Super Fluous
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People treat Blizzard differently than POE because POE hasn’t been billing their entire player base for the past 2 decades.

    • Joey Ketelaars
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    With all respect, the replayable content which you say may get boring are the same as in WoW. Just farming dailies and doing mythic dungeons. I will wait with my opinion until the game is there.

    • REAP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    POE is overly complex and bloated with systems/mechanics/stats etc. D4 is simplified and dumbed down for kids or something; non-existent endgame and rotating boards with most original +stats nodes. Oh, and you have to play the campaign 4 TIMES ON A SINGLE CHARACTER?!?!?!?!

    • rageburst
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Personally I like the paragon system and aspects for the end game. They can simply add more aspects to give ultimate customizability.

    • Triston
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We need clarification on the aspect thing because the normal dungeons guarantee the aspect..?? So why is it random chance for harder dungeon?

    • Hi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE +stat nodes are only ~10-15% of the nodes you click out of 100. Diablo has 1/4 of the nodes and 50%+ are +5 Dex. Not a good ratio. And now it’s overcomplicated trying to add complexity later since they’d have to squish more nodes in the middle.

    Why not just have you start from the center and work outward? Start from center, add more nodes on edges, simple, easy, intuitive. Rotating seems cool at first, but when you think about it it’s really just over-engineered and dissuades from adding more nodes. It’s a reinventing the wheel situation. …and it’s literally a square wheel 🤣🤣🤣

    • mokokoandy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmon has never played Diablo 2 he doesn’t get it..

    • denitrifi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok cool, so anyway, when you guys gonna say it’s P2W?

    • The Ginger One
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 is going to be the waiting room for PoE2, Ima say it

    • Mike Susalka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    a lot of the simple +stat nodes could be placeholders (BTW, kudos on perma-banning folks for inappropriate comments!!)

    • BPR IronCurtain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nobody gonna mention that refund 1 point cost of 53k gold? Good luck trying to redo your board if you want to try different nodes/builds. Dang.

    • BadWolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    7:40 pepega moment. i get what he meant but that’s a bad way of putting it, cuz the best ARPG endgame will always consist of repeating the same things. it’s all about designing it in such a way as to make it have the most longevity.

    • J M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    an ad video for endgame didn’t delve into complex endgame systems before the game actually releases? i can’t believe it. also weird how there are complaints about the + x stat paragon nodes. you can literally see the “major” nodes that will likely modify some game mechanic/skill function in the video. it won’t be more complex than poe–it’s not a good or bad thing, it’s just a thing

    • Fender178
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe with the codex of power they amped up the drop rate of the aspects to 100% just for the beta.

    • Potocki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    she takes half the screen lelelel

    • Oh my fuk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can buy a 70$ turd or a 100$ shiny turd. In the end…

    • Toza Isusovac
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ARPG fans complaining about “doing the same thing over again” is just wow. Somehow when you kill the exact same boss in Diablo 2 hundreds and thousands of times with literally nothing changing except for the drops, it´s ok, but doing it in Diablo 4 is somehow sacrilege

    • Lucent Aurora
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The builds will be uniquely yours… until someone figures out the 3 builds that melt mobs, bosses, and a bit less powerful but works with both; and everyone just plays those instead of trying different things.

    • Salim Saad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ”refund cost 53,666” gold ?? !!

    • BrimstoneVomit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Regarding skill respec cost, I’m straddling a fence. Yeah, it kind of sucks to feel stuck in a sub-optimal build if it gets too expensive. But it also felt cheap in D3 to be able to switch skills freely without any sense of investment and let my equipment pull my play style by the nose.

    Perhaps there should be a system where free respec is the baseline, and a cost-prohibitive option that acts as an additional “world tier,” giving better drops/resources, or at least cosmetic/convenience rewards for opting into a deeper build commitment.

    • rakuwaru
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    do you remember when games had more game instead of just the same crap over and over again? paragon and prestige are the dumbest systems in games. why would i want to do the same thing again and again?
    i remember being so excited for diablo 3 and then beat the whole story and realize that the game isnt anywhere near as long or good as diablo 1 or 2 and that you have to just play the same short acts over and over again. blizzard is trash. their games are trash. idk how anyone expects this game will be any good at all. enjoy your silly curated dopamine pixel drip losers.

    • Dániel Molnár
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I kinda disagree with the last point. Just cuz the game is catered towards a more casual player base, doesn´t mean that the serious 5-10%´s opinion is less important. the issues that the serious gamers point out are the issues the casuals will encounter aswell, just much later on.

    • Umbrella Corp Security
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    With that attitude, I hope asmon gets perma banned from Wendy’s for any slightly agesive remark

    • DrumPunk100
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you want cancer, you’ve come to the right place. Holy fuck these comments are atrocious.

    • mokokoandy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you think about d4 the same way you think about d2….. D4 has WAY more content. THE PROBLEM is the player base thinking diablo is WoW

    • Piotr Jeske
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What is the sense of having a diablo without a paladin class? It is like not having diablo at all

    • TNTspaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board purely exists to compete with PoE and it’s kind of crap. No one who actually plays PoE is gonna be impressed by it. On the contrary, unless they actually plan to do more with it in the future. The game would be better served with a more streamlined interface. Something like what they did in the recent D3 season. I would be fine with the paragon boards if I thought it was gonna actually become something more than just surface level power progression in the future

    • Dead inside
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ai generated devs

    • Steph Ponsi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Doing inferior content for things is fun sometimes because its easier and you can take it easy for a little, and it does sometimes yield other rewards apart from the objective you are there for. If you can get more out of it than just farming 1 thing and its fun do play your character, I dont see a problem. So nitpicky

    • Futurewillow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im still excited for this 😊

    • TwoFaceHeavy lol
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    instead of making a good diablo 2 continuation, wich made the franchise what it is, they make it a d3 continuation, wich was a joke and killed the franchise. Nothing expected, nothing to miss out on. like every franchise that blizzard touches, it gets casualized and dies. But i guess it reeks in the money from people who buy the franchise name, not the games gameplay expirience.

    • Yu Se
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12:20 it’s not the same in poe these stats are used for items/gems requirements not just a flat health/damage buff.

    • Lockmaster g
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Doing the same thing over and over is literally every aarpg .

    • Bernd Bernd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how someone looks, can reflect on who that person is.

    • JakubP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t understand how people are drawn to to this gameplay where the only endgame is that instead of doing 1k damage you do 1 trillion damage. Its like the mentality of a dog getting a treat

    • Dmen05
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m playing through the story of this game messing around with a, couple builds and that’s it not looking for a huge time sink, sf6 and ff16 come out in the same month

    • Justin Erickson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PvP will be a dead zone within a week because of grifter groups. Just like the PVP zones in wow.

    Teams will just wait for you to come cleanse your bullshit then kill you over and over and over to steal all your shards.

    • Fuckd Youd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    its so sad to see you endlessly make videos about stuff that doesnt matter. Where are the daily nexon bashing vids? Do you give a shit that the best game in 10 years is getting sued by a big bully company? No, probably not, because you think nexon will probably cut you a better streamer deal on a game than a small studio like ironmace. Do you even care about representing gamers anymore? obviously not as you accept blizzards corporate shillings like a good little peasant and keep shuffling out more shitty blizaard opinion pieces.

    • manuel cacho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    they have +stats because glyphs have breakthrough points so they will activate different effects based on if you reach certain stat requerirements which allows for different builds, seems fine but ultimately depends on what is on the larger nodes and if it is really build defining

    • Justin Hildebrand
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like what they did with diablo 2 when it comes to respec’s. U get 3 free ones for completing the game all the way through and then u can gather 4 essence, 1 from each boss and transmute them in the cube to get a respec token. Sometimes they can be kind of rare to find but i think its a better system than making us spend gold

    • SOULKING93
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait… This sounds like *DIABLO IMMORTAL* all over again 🙀

    • Harvey Flippers
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The claims made by devs in these videos without any actual examples or context makes the cap just…so uniquely palpable.

    I know the saying is there’s no such thing as bad publicity but yeesh.

    • knifemind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am clearly in the minority, but I don’t like when games have infinite respec. Completely kills character individuality and development. I guess I have a single player mindset.

    • Chaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait for them to add the _NEW_ Real Money Auction House™ to Diablo IV.

    • SgtAlpha
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2:54 – it’s blizzard. OF COURSE there will only be one actually viable way of doing it. Expecting Blizzard to get a games balance (or a game in any form) right is like expecting Jeff Bezos to redistribute all his money to the poor. It’s never going to happen.

    • Katzh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t know why people are mad at +5 stat on small node, what do they want? +3000% dmg on each? wtf.

    • Tiberius X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this is exactly why i didnt pre order this game. blizzard always find a way to mess things up. hopefully it gets better as time goes on

    • cheyyen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im just gonna say one thing – dont compare a live service game on release with games, that are years on the market and had the chance to grow. Pretty much live service game is bare bones at release.

    • Thaeron
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really don’t understand why people are hating the Paragon Board so much. You get filler nodes like in PoE, some better nodes with a little variety and the big nodes wich are the meat of the build. And there’s also the Glyphs to add some flavor.

    People are expecting Diablo to have a level of complexity it never had. People who think Diablo 2 is complex is because they played it 20 years ago. It’s was never really complex because only a handful of builds and gear really mattered, everything else was trash tier that people ignored. In fact in D2 was even worse because many classes used similar itens, so once you build one class you’re half-way of building another, wich defeats the entire purpouse of Diablo, wich is hunting for loot. And don’t came telling me it’s about getting perfect rolls, the regular Joe won’t farm for 1000 hours just to get a slightly better roll on Int or something.

    And Blizzard learned that with WoW and applied in Diablo 3 and now on Diablo 4. There’s no use having a ton of options is 99% of them are absolute crap. If people will just gravitated to 3 or 4 builds better create 3 or 4 builds and make them interesting and meaningful.

    I think the problem with Diablo is that Diablo 1 and 2 were absolutely mindblowing when they released. They were genre defining games, they did things that pretty much didn’t existed and we were blown away back then. Specially D2. And people came to expect that a new Diablo game must always blow their minds, if it’s anything less, it’s trash. But when you’re expecting that, you’re always going to be disappointed.

    In fact D3 did try to blow our minds with the RMAH and we all know what happened. I, personally, think the only real problem it had was that it switched to focus of the game too much to farming gold instead of farming gear, and that was the real issue. People could argue about P2W, but it doesn’t bother me so much when you’re buying directly from other players. Some people actually made a living for a while with the RMAH and I kinda liked that.

    • shima pan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How can you compare this Tree with the PoE Tree? Srsly Asmon does the same what he did with dragonflight addon. Try to get hyped for a game who he knows already its gonna get boring fast

    • Bottle 12
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yawn. Ideas done a million times before.

    • Bobby Lite
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This dev video did nothing to get me hyped for endgame. I’m going to play and enjoy the story but after that, who knows.

    • Cullenprime
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everybody seems to think that what Xbox does is bad too but if you see PlayStation do the same thing then it’s good.

    • The1RandomFool
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t have a problem with a respec cost, but I do have a problem with the cost increasing as a punishment for respeccing too much.

    • No One
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks aight, but expected more to be honest.

    • JDTW
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Grim Dawn constellation tree is the best design.

    • osi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Watched the video twice, still don’t know what exactly the end game is but none of that made me go “wow. so cool, can’t wait”.

    • Jokery
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    and i would make it if you follow the guides you fail even more 🙂 so people would stop looking for guides 🙂

    • Fourside
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    having experienced the last WoW addons and their PR speak in those exact same style videos, i aint got much hope here

    • Wes Lawrence
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “No reason for it to not be a 1 strike rule” LMFAO okay. Theres no reason for it to be a rule at all.

    • Quantum Dot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The problem with the paragon boards is that they are bloated with these stat nodes so it looks more complicated than it actually is. An entire piece of the board has the equivalent of 5 poe skill wheels . in poe to get the equivalent of one board you have to take 2 travel nodes. it is not smothered among 50 travel nodes that gives stats. They know that if they give players less paragon points to spend and removed all that bloat from the boards people would make fun of how simplistic the paragon system really is.

    • Khaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @9:00 i hope this wont be a destiny2 again, where you are forced to do pvp to get certain items. but so far it looked okay-ish the person in the video got a blue item from the blood shards, so i think its the same system as the gambler with his special currency, at least i hope so.

    • HySense
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank you for defending the paragon nodes its the exact same in diablo 3 only better just looks different

    • Sigmafocus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i always find it funny when people on the internet critique energy levels of ppl in a video. as if some of these ppl probably havent had any time off in months or are just seriously bored out of their mind working on diablo 4. in the end, i’d rather take a comatose patient trying to describe a badass game than some fake energized influencer/personality trained to feed the masses the same BS all these companies feed us

    • Señor Cheap
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I guess devs did only show how base game endgame will be, they didn’t tell about seasons endgame, that’s the part I hope is going to make every season different from others

    • NorthWestClass PNW
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We don’t have the same energy for PoE as D4 because PoE came out 10 years ago. Now if the nodes in PoE 2 are also bad that’s something to complain about.
    But the matter of fact is, D4 is repeating mistakes of a 10 year old game and that’s worth saying something about

    • lmtsuper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Perhaps instead of +5 stats, they can change them to +5% attack speed, +5% regen, something like that, make the board more interesting.

    • xabun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The wokeness and feminism in this video is bigger then the endgame in d4

    • Mr. Smiley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is a 11+ million gold respec cost for paragon (not counting the other tree skill respec costs). The video shows it costs 53,666 gold to refund a single tile for paragon lol.

    • Brekner Catalin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Paragon “tree” looks SO AWFUL!!! My god!!!

    • NiKoder
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Stop comparing the criticism of Diablo 4 to a lack of criticism for POE. You are comparing a player base of 1.3 ish million to a player base of nearly 2 million (based on the beta launch info available). I don’t play POE, and I don’t necessarily think that the stat nodes are dumb, but the people upset about it have a more than a 50% chance to potentially not play POE…. So it’s not a real comparison at all. They are similar games conceptually, but the amount of people that play BOTH games is very different.

    • 21PreEnd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Now I know why KFC had a Diablo 4 promotion with the double down.

    • RicJangles
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    as a new diablo player, seeing that respec cost makes me not wanna get the game at launch, but rather wait till all the builds are out, get it on sale, then just copy paste the most powerful builds

    • Claudia Helmer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol do you still deal with the diablo 4 garbage? Do they actually say something intelligent at some point?

    • Lynchpin00
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t understand the complaints about repetitive gamplay, doing the same task over and over. That’s literally the cornerstone of every ARPG is just grinding for gear.

    • Calvin Ginn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way”
    unless you pick druid

    • John Lewis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I will say raid is bad about making you do PvP to form your great hall. There is missions that you have to do as well to progress further. So annoying 🙄

    • Vinny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think they should scrap the paragon system. I’d rather see a larger skill tree with more worthwhile choices and abilities.

    • Zeromus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The PVP is pointless and useless as fuck.

    • Seth Wood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I absolutely hate forced pvp I hope that it isn’t that. I’m not keeping my hopes up tho cause that sounds awful honestly.

    • Richard Gibson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can have 15,000,000 dungeons in the endgame but that will only count as ONE. Why? Because people will only find one dungeon that is optimized for their class/build and grind the fuck out of it.

    • holyguacomole
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bro why is everyone sitting on this I’m not a poe nerd or anything but this game looks fun and looks like I’m gonna put hundreds of hours into, it doesn’t seem that repetitive and boring yeah sure the ones in the beta were boring but I highly doubt the entire game, all regions, all 120 dungeons will all be the same shit over and over I just doubt it lmao

    • lucax tshotting
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    something I always feel when watching these type of videos is you try to define patterns of stuff you like and you don’t like and there is some fairness to them but that’s it, some, you could make a huge list of shit you don’t like and it could still be the best game in the wrold for you, or so I feel. Like if killing is satisfying or if when you die or get stuck it is a drag to come back is shit that is hard to put into worded patterns, so we end up saying shit like “the ambience is top notch” and I think xd Ok but is killing stuff fun though

    • Bawster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I miss when blizzard was just a bunch of nerdy dudes.

    • Elias Santiesteban
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ll pass on D4 and keep the red head

    • highdesertbiker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PvP usually sucks, i hate when pvp is the endgame

    • Enso _
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The main issue is that there is nothing to strive for here, its all the same middling content that they expect you to play without any goal in mind, There is no boss/benchmark to reach and beat to justify the dungeon grind and dailies, this is content that has been outdated for decades

    • Mateusz Sidorski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    To people saying the paragon tree is the same as PoE are beyond fucking delusional.

    1. Stats actually have use in PoE (gear req/ stat stacking builds)
    2. PoE has multiple types of wheels (mana/attack/bow/aura etc…)
    3. Jewel sockets
    4. Cluster Jewels
    5. Masteries
    6. Ascendancy Points

    The tree has depth and is complicated. You can make a lot of builds with it and it constantly changes. What we will get in D4 is basic af. Literally get some stats that prob dont even matter and get maybe like 5 of those bigger nodes like the one shown here. Seems pretty bad tbh, was expecting a bit more here.

    • Klawd – AKA AinsOolGawn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    After playing the Beta for D4, I went back and played D3 again. It was fun, until I completed the story… and then I remembered why I dropped it initially. I hope D4 is not made the same way, where u get a couple of commissions each day, and you do them to get the resource to MAYBE drop the mats you need to craft the items you want. Having to do this same thing every day is boring.

    • zoolzoo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    soy boy devs

    • Mr_Pregnant_ 3D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That respec cost man.. They going to allow free respecs with new seasons or patches? It’s gonna be annoying if you have a beast build that gets nerfed and they you have to pay 11m gold to respec…. Or you have to start a new character. That’s insane.

    • Giblix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    its funny how people throw around the phrase DEPTH, but have no clue what it actually means in the context of these Isometric Hack and Slash ARPG’s. which makes those comments and discussions pretty pointless.

    • asdfbeau
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    DiabloIV: Pissing on the corpse of our last interesting IP before Microsoft buys and fires us all.

    • Dan Fox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Who you starting with????????

    • Nok
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The legendary glyphs are just Diablo 3 passives… But now you have to just plus main stat to get them unlocked 😂

    • Youtube Emperor of Mankind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Remember when Blizzard had people truly passionate about their games like Chris Metzen and Jeff Kaplan? Good times for gamers.

    • RooTcas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    man this woman looks like she’s hardworking

    • For_real
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    DIablo Immortal II’s looking sick for a phone game

    • Dr. Doom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    *Notices ear in inventory*

    I am prepared.

    • Kelgan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People always complain. Well “some” people I mean… For the rest of us it is totally fine.

    • Gnubbiersh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what cause is there to think that d4 will be any better, or even different, from lost ark or other modern games???

    • Mega3Days
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ll buy and play tons of D4 as I did in D3, however, for new players and those who expect more I’m pretty sure this is the future of D4.
    1-6 good seasons, 2-4 “New characters” Monk, Paladin or Witch doctor. And after that Activision Blizzard will move 90% of the team to a new department and work on a new project, and we will have tons of bad seasons.

    • TheRaiN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 endgame sounds terrible. I hope they show what end game actually is.

    • sam hardwell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I save u time: work same as diablo 3

    • Mogalixir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why make a YouTube video no one but hardcore players are going to see and then disappoint them? Seems like a huge waste of messaging dollars to make a video for normies that no normie is going to see – even if you do put it in the launcher.

    • Pam Toesh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I disagree about the pvp thing. The only reason I had fun leveling up in WoW was because (at least on a pvp server) it was so much fun to get ganked, but turn the tables on them. If this wasn’t part of WoW, I would not have continued to play WoW nearly as long as I did. My best memories are random pvp encounters. Of course, you have pve servers if you didn’t like this, but the pvp rewards still required you to actually pvp regardless.

    • Wild West
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol your going to be doing the same things over and over. What else could an end game? AI generated endless content? Someone has to make it.

    • Kapisi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I finally picked up D2R for 13 bucks. It is definitely scratching the itch that I had from D2 years ago. The demo for D4 was just not that fun. It isn’t the same. I put in some time with D3 but it really wasn’t the same as D2.

    • The1RandomFool
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It looks like this paragon tree just +5, +5, +5, to random stats until you finally get to a rare node that does something else. At least in the beta at lower level, the stats didn’t seem to contribute much. Plus 5 seems very small at high level.

    • Sylv [ホモ]
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The sigils are just greater rift keys

    • lucax tshotting
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    well the problem with 3 strikes rules is that people play around them. I definitely had a couple of thoughts comming my head, specifically a nice thought about the hair of one of the people in the vid, but if it is a written rule fair enough.

    • UBK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You’ll be able to craft sigil so it’s not hard to get some, and there is no restriction on crafting them if you want to make the highest level one you can

    • blabla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12:05 what a bad take poe +5 stats are needed for some gear or gems….

    • Senor Driller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    8:13 Yep. Tired of farming rando items just to run rifts like D3

    • Anakin Skywalker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    its pretty much what i expected, not sure what people thought would happen

    • ZackZPs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I guess I’ll say people down talk blizzard because there money hungry plus you have to pay for a copy of PoE (Diablo 4). When you look at it Diablo 4 has bad rating because the community wanted alot of NEW things or functions. Even if not thats the case people dont want to pay 4 game thats makes you run 2 keys around a dungeon like we we’re in 2016.

    • Danny Rhym3z
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Man, hate to say it, being a big diablo fan, but even POE’s new expansion update seems more interesting than these entire endgame systems

    • mrbedford
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It looks boring as fuck, I only ever played D2 and still now I can think back and go wow that was close, and where the fuck am i and all sorts

    • Maras
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope you can skip all the PvE and just PvP to get strong

    • DSS – Homemade Stuff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If they have not removed the never ending increasing re-specc costs… then it will not matter how cool their end game is… people will stop playing.

    • Zk Motivation
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “If plan A fails don’t worry there are 25 other letters left.”

    51-1. There’s nothing you can’t achieve in life if you’re willing to work for it
    2. Take responsibility for your life
    3. There’s always something to be grateful for
    4. Follow your own path
    5. Never stop learning and working on yourself
    6. Live with integrity
    7. Give your all!
    8. You can change the way you feel at any moment by changing your focus
    9. Don’t chase money. Follow your purpose
    10. There’s no such thing as a failure, unless you fail to learn the lesson
    11. The end result will be worth the sacrifise
    12. Patience is power
    13. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy
    14. Nothing that has happened in the past can stop you from creating a better future
    15. It’s never too late to be great
    16. Not everyone will be happy for you
    17. Habits make or break you
    18. Fear is an illusion
    19. Without direction, you’ll end up in wrong section
    20. No one will believe in you until you do

    • Nick S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is why i love Zack. He pulls no strings with bullying or anything negative. Well played man.

    • Ahmed A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV is going to be a great game because there is a fat girl and a dyed hair twitter professional 👍

    • 25th Night
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I mean it looks fine. Definitely not as varied as POE, but its a new game, they can still make it better over time (lul, its blizzard, so I don’t have faith in that last part). If it gives you at least 50 to 100 hours of fun, I would say its worth the money.

    • turon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Isn’t the sigil system the same with maps in poe?
    I dont see anything wrong with the sigil system…

    • Youtube Emperor of Mankind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I‘m just glad I no longer preorder any games whatsoever. Blizzard killed any hype I ever might have for any game every

    • mick pratt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everybody is really overreacting to what’s going on with Diablo 4. The Devs probably don’t even fully know what their endgame is going to look like when it’s a finished product. This is just a framework for what it’s going to evolve into.

    • Mighty_Kul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks ai generated

    • Sephrinx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    LMAO 9:40 It’s just Gamba lol holy fuck no way

    • Mark Klopper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so happy poe exists

    • irina lucaci
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They have only one purpose, to sell as much copys before release.

    • potatoIsVeryCool
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should already nerf that 17+ damage for druid

    • UnorthodoxResident
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:19 is that Andariel?

    • Nicholai Denholm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’d love to play d4 but 70$ for a top down game is just outside of my budget. It genuinely looks interesting to me and I benefit from being too lazy and stupid to give a shit if the game is complex or not (even if it was, I’d just Google a build).

    • Krazy Kamikazeee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    from a math perspective, rotating a grid achieves NOTHING. it’s just a gimmick. You don’t need to rotate at all if the next grid could have been rotated/moved to begin with. Rotating only make sense if there’s a constraint… like only being able to rotate the initial board and having prior knowledge of what’s on the next boards.

    • Mahoney Snaps
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t even understand how this game is any different than diablo 3 hahah or diablo 2. I have a soft spot cause of nostalgia but these games are boring

    • CodiakLBJfan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Utkarsh Sharma
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    70 bucks for a prototype endgame version inside a rushed game
    Oh blizzy

    • Verphix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The “I don’t want to do builders” make sense to me but I disagree with the change of removing them, I’d personally prefer to builders having modifiers inversely with rage. example: frenzy attacks 20% faster below 20 rage and 10% faster 21-40. Things that encourage using and maintaining alternation between skills.

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The fact that they choose to prominently display a fat chick like that is absolutely linked to the drop in quality of these games so if you criticize people for pointing out the one you cannot pretend like you care about the other.

    • Cyberbugs 2077
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    WTB perma ban

    • Perennial Lurker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ehh give it about 2 weeks and then buy it if it still seems fun.

    • Fam P
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They better add a 17 percent dmg buff for druid

    • Christopher G Man
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Senor Driller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:20 CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP. Yes chick is plus sized. Yes red hair is hot. Get over yourself and calm down.

    • Richard Fowler
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just want to know if I can build my own character and it will be really viable. I don’t want to play this and everyone just grinds the same build guides.

    • iiTz Dementia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m pretty excited for all this, coming from someone who never dumped a bunch of time into PoE or other Diablos besides 3.

    • Sean Crocker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:28 this guy sounds unenthusiastic like he was only doing 17 damage or something.

    • Never Aware
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pineapple goes on pizza

    • Auxius
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Man, the genuine enthusiasm of the devs is on full display here. You can really feel it by the blank expressions, monotone dialog, and script they are reading off of a teleprompter.

    • vampirekid14
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    GGG was a tiny shitty company and they did great with what they had, but I can understand why GGG did it. I absolutely do not have any patience with this shit from blizzard 😊

    • Sephrinx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please do not spread misinformation.

    The paragon boards have 3-5 Legendary Glyphs per character. There are 220 points. That means that 180 of your points will be “+5 stat” “+8 Fire resist” type shit, with a handful being “+5 maximum ragex” type stuff.

    There is nothing that is game changing or build defining at all. Unless you call “25% increased damage to cc enemies” as game changing lol.

    Stop deluding yourself. It’s nothing more than mediocrity.

    Also, since when are the Aspects a “chance” to drop? That shit needs to be 100%.

    • joseph cobb
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Idk what’s going on but the devs look like CGI to me 😂

    • Cofcos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ooh, it’s the license board from FFXII… Travel nodes in PoE’s skill tree are just that; they essentially make it so that Major nodes cost more than 1 skill point. Travel nodes also, often, are more than just +X to main stats and force you to weigh different routes through to tree to major nodes. Plus! The major nodes often literally define a character and completely change how they play; not just equate to a travel node node but bigger.

    That’s why there’s a “double standard” between D4’s license board and PoEs sphere grid.

    • bhec7715
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “There’s a double standard between Blizzard and POE.”

    Most people who play Diablo probably don’t even play POE.

    • Maxime Caron
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Look at the refund cost of paragon nodes at the start, look at the number of points available and imagine how many are already applied, multiply that and look at the gold they have… they can’t even afford to refund the whole thing.
    I don’t understand why they feel the need to just lock people so hard on respeccing.

    • Oza Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lmao what’s up with that red hair chick. She looks like a TROLL IRL!! 😂😂😂😂😂

    Don’t lie Asmon! You know you agree!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 @asmongoldtv

    • Shaun Greenwood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Same thing with Wonderlands. After story do chaos levels till board. Did not take long.

    • d00mscr01ler
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Do not try and explain the endgame – That’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth… There is no endgame.

    • kilner79
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    d2 pvp was good jump into a pvp server get smashed then leave thats enough pvp for me today but was still fun

    • Harvey
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope pvp turns out like Diablo immortal. Pvp was great for whales.

    • Casey Harrington
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 end game just looks worse every time they reveal more of it.

    • Alan Robertson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Still looking really iffy to me. I’ll see how the preseason plays out then pick it up if it’s looking promising when live. The rubik’s cube boards are probably just a trivial layer of calculation unless it’s randomised on character creation. I view what they’ve shown as false depth in the same way I view the sphere grid in PoE as false depth in that they’re comprised largely of boring base stats where your goal is to dodge as many as possible while obfuscated by a novel UI. Truly lame stuff unless they’ve got serious curve balls in there.

    • ShockMonkey
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You cant joke on peoples looks anymore zeig hail!

    • Mezer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Sigils are going to be like D3’s Rift keys but instead of doing rifts like it is now, it’ll be back when rifts came out and you had to farm bounties lmao

    • Azgueila
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    as someone who has played the endgame beta there was a lot of interesting things with the world changing but I don’t know how much the content changes as you go further in the difficulty

    • BrownBearTV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    someones a lil sensitive for others lol

    • nacujo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Endgame has the depth of a puddle… this is definitely one of the games coming out this year!

    • 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    One of the things I enjoy about Path of Exile’s presentation videos is that the producers just talk like normal people and less with a fake PR voice.

    • UI Stepbro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The amount of dislikes is wild

    • Foenix 80
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This tells me they didn’t get as many pre-orders as they would have hoped.

    • Hurbieo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everyone is ugly to someone

    • FearDotComm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bro why do the devs look like really good CGI?

    • zoekwon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    now i know why druid is so fat.

    • Doomi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    diablo is a grind. idk why people think thats gonna change lol. Looks dope

    • TergoLive
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The endgame looks good overall with all the classes and different stuff to do should be busy for a few months until the next update

    • Imortality
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D@mn dude, thanks for cranking out this reaction/video so fast. I would have missed this in the ‘Tube rabbit hole if it were not for you

    • Foenix 80
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does blizzard have so many overweight women working for them?

    • phoenix7289
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat oh boyyyy

    • biomechanism1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Druid 17 Damage across all experiences

    • kilner79
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    nothing to worry about when you are paragon 999999999999999 you can have it all

    • Mark Lorant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ll grind for that +17 str on that paragon on my druid just for the memes.

    • Zysoring
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Permaban people on YouTube too

    • TheSirAshton90
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    doesn’t matter the game will be dead the moment poe 2 drops.

    • Rafael Santti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmon is losing his touch, only 21 minutes from a 6 minute video? I was expecting at least 2 hours of content.

    • Patrick Baklava
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The devs look like real life animated characters when they talk…

    What a trip.

    • SiNz Spades
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sometimes i dont even wash my hands after using the bathroom because im just that much of a bad boy

    • Neverwinter27
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Keahahah foist

    • Anthony Fronis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    First somehow. Edit: the problem is other people wanted to say first at the same time:(

    • ThePigKnight
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope each tier has different content and isn’t just bigger numbers.

    • Thomas Schneider
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just the default youtube drama with all the hate and BS of the peoples.

    • TBslapshot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Diego
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Seriously, this endgame looks amazing! Several different and relevant activities for all tastes! I thought it was cool that these activities encourage us to explore the open world instead of just repeating the same dungeon several times, a cool pvp system for those who enjoy pvp, bounties, exploration, treasure hunt, etc. It looks like it’s going to be very dynamic and full of things to do rather than just one endgame activity that’s the best and you have to keep repeating. Looks like diablo 4 is going to have a beautiful future and live for a long time!

    • Sinjin Merritt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    First love u asmon

    • Tabasco Sauce
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 dude

    • Nic George
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am
