Diablo IV | Into the Endgame


The end is only the beginning.

Countless new challenges await in the massive #DiabloIV endgame.

Pre-purchase and get up to 4 days Early Launch Access.

Taqs:Diablo,Blizzard,Blizzard Entertainment,Diablo 4,Diablo IV,d4,Diablo 4 endgame,diablo 4 into the endgame


  • コメント (2231)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Sir Bonobo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    hm ok i wait till this gets some addons. this looks nothing like i want to play

    • Kunreys [83]
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lost Ark 2.0🤮🤮🤮

    • Come Fast To Get Into My Body
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait.. was this the endgame elaboration video that was promised a while back? I thought we would get much more info than this..

    • Sam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The video was great! super exited for pvp and dynamic world.

    • assange wikileaks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I tried druide rock build and Bear build , gameplay was pour , very few variability in gameplay ,and not enaugh interaction / displacement of Monsters

    • DarkownerMinimalist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    never forget:
    Blizzard: you guys no phone?
    Me: You blizzard no customers?
    + the Price tag
    +extra costs for battlepass and battlepass plus
    +FOMO pre order
    +ingame shop, don`t care about cosmetics or p2w, you need to spend money to get everything.

    • Mark Wolfe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can see why female druids are the way that they are …

    • John Carabetta
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6 minutes of all potatoes and no meat.

    • Radical Reviews
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love Diablo. It’s been one of my favorite franchises since I 1st played Diablo 1 way back in 1997. But I’m starting to realize that when I say “I love Diablo”, what I really mean is I love Diablo 1 and 2. I still go back and play through D1 every few years, and D2R has been a mainstay for me since its release. I was excited about D4 when I 1st heard what they were planning, but the excitement has waned with each new dev video along with feedback from the beta. At this point I might wait to get it like I did with D3. Speaking of D3, I honestly don’t see myself ever playing that game ever again, and that kind of makes me sad as a Diablo fan. I often wonder what the game would’ve been like if they had stuck to what we were shown with that original gameplay footage that basically looked like D2 with better graphics.

    I want D4 to be good; I really do. I just think the franchise needs to go back to its roots. For almost a decade now I have pined for a prequel to the original Diablo that takes place just before the events of Diablo 1 and then the eventual expansion would be a total remake of D1, making Tristram and its original 16 dungeons Act 5.

    At some point I might finally break down and try PoE, as everyone tells me it’s the Diablo 2 sequel fans deserved.

    • LazyLeftHand
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why are all of my favorite franchises being taken over by fat and fake haired girls who obviously dont care.

    • Algahiem
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah, Think I’ll go back to playing Last Epoch.

    • Schwango
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God these developers are so cringe. It just sounds like they are pitching to investors who don’t even play video games. I loathe it

    • Mire Mirra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not gonna lie, I do not have high hopes for D4. Looking at these creators, seems like some of them weren’t even born when Diablo 2 came out.. I just hope they figured out their mistakes made with D3. You CANNOT target all ages with a Diablo game. If you do, it will suck, for everyone. And those 120 dungeons? Realistically a copy/paste of 5-10 dungeons, from what I saw in beta access. I bought D4, just for the story, because I am Diablo DNA all the way, beginning with D1. I just hope I stay for more than just a story.

    • Nicolas Girard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m glad blizz made this video. At first i was pissed about the 4 day headstart they gave to the premium version… but now i’m totally uninterested in the game. I won’t be playing D4 as they focused on trying to make console D3 with darker tone and they show their greediness and no love for their craft with that headstart bonus

    Thanks blizzard for killing the franchise just in time before i was thinking of wasting 80 bucks. Ill wait for poe2.

    • DJM 76
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Path of Diablo? sounded like they were just mixing D2 and PoE together

    • Elliott Reed
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The comments over here reeeing about the paragon tree when it’s just a more easily accessible and simpler version of the poe skill tree lol, 5 stat common nodes and all. Stop malding yall, you’re embarrassing yourselves. Helltides are improved nightmare zones from d2. Tree missions are d3 bounties. Nightmare dungeons are mythic+ from wow. Fields of hatred are wow world pvp areas with cosmetic rewards. All in all pretty good I’m happy with this, much more content than poe had on release that’s for sure. Can’t wait to see them come up with new cool systems of their own over the seasons.

    • Kappa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lead producer is a woman lmao, this game’s so dead.

    • Ajnos Acht
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    next step, refund

    • Muppet Arms
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just one thing about the Tree of Whispers, and the caches that we can pick from will they be anything like the bounty caches where some items are only available from them like the Ring of Royal Grandeur in act1?
    Yes I expect to get say five or so items of random value, but if some items only drop from these caches it could be another thing to farm.

    • Shawn Haning
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Something tells me I’ll still be playing this 20 years from now.

    • Reprogram Your Life
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not feeling enough wokeness from this PR

    • Ghuirm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 to wehatever sure, but what are the little special nodes in the paragon tree? the golden and red ones?

    • Face921o
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PSA: If you’re discouraged by the lack of endgame, you can still get a full refund even though you played the beta(s)

    • TheDiscipleOfHell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:09 that looks like andy is that her lol

    • jack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe stick to cinematics

    • Havel The Rock
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can`t wait to see those agressive mtx they will put in, AFTER, the people are finished reviewing the game.

    • Logic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine charging 70, 80, 100$ for a farming simulator without depth.
    Blizzard is not what we’re used to.
    I’m convinced I’ll be let down so I’m waiting a week or two before purchasing.

    • Murat Öztürk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i think the beta version which were 25lvl capped and increased loot seems better then the origin game with this end game paragon system

    • Jah Boody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    enjoy that deck in your salad with a side order of shiet sticks 😀

    • Bishop Christodoulos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sad day when both wolcen and POE have a better skill system and talent system…….

    • Vansit Codarring
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t remember when i fell asleep, when this video started or when it ended? 😕

    • Alfonso D. Martín
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im really missing way more skills. Having ur active skills ready at lvl 30 seems pretty poor to me.

    • snowpig007
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Makes me feel there will be some broken op builds hope the devs can maintain balance

    • Dootdoot Dodoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I clocked the AI/effect immediately, but my bf thinks the people have no effect on them. Who else knows this is a demonstration of their tech?? We bet $30 on this.

    • nycion x
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    too long i cant watch this all, boring

    • RD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where can I refound??

    • UnknownUnknownoB
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    кое кому не помешало бы половину веса сбросить и усы сбрить.

    • Kos aka Kosm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give us offline mode FFS!

    • Kos aka Kosm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Maybe it is the lighting, but those devs’ faces look like AI generated and animated 3d models

    • Phaeer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great, another diversity campaign. The world is becoming a sad place.

    • Keyvan Zalaki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We all knew this stuff, what is the true end-game here ??

    • Gudwin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Came here to like the video.

    • David Buša
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was it Andariel???

    • Dunn Gyllite
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Guys, we HAVE to support the D4 team – they can’t even afford electricity and have to work with nothing but candlelights…

    • Shatzi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have a bad feeling about this 🙁

    • KaiserOwO TFT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i can’t wait for “living in australia simulator 4”!!

    • Logan Flores
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Veye excited for some endgame content can’t wait

    • RetroBoyVHS
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    when he said region become pvp anywhere in the world, i hope its just a small area like event, i dont want to be interrupt in my gameplay by idiots, you can’t force players to participate in pvp that is very bad design if it is.

    • Cozynuss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    still hyped, but please dont put in timewastes that just artficially delay progress….. like farm 50 of that and then you can enter that… but i feel like this is a good base game that we can build on in the coming months and years.

    • deathr0ll
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 had a nice feel as early beta, but is Completely missing the mark here, it should be more like diablo 2 alike instead of that b.s pay to play and so on. removed tcp/ip play too… :LAME LAME LAME. whats next ? has to log in every 30 days to keep account active or it will vanish ? even offline? these pets thing too are ridiculous. bring back the diablo 2 feel for diablo 4 and it will be awesome. blizzard look like they just wanna milk the cow AGAIN; to add to their millions….

    • Nuno Gomes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is this real?? This is the idea of “Endgame”?? Hummmm it is possible to have a refound??

    • Dani Hate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does it seem so apparent that you hate PoE?

    Wow. Paragon board! 17 armor! Whew…

    • 0Lameran0
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    After all these complaints and feedbacks in both betas who came up with idea of a video, reading past quarterly updates with ZERO new info ? I am having hard time to understand of these utterly mockingly out of touch, tone deaf “promotions”. Are Devs trying to Lower the stock price Activision-Blizzard because you hate your boss and hate working under a no moral weasel, and aiming to achieve that by sabotaging the game and sales ? Because even since BEFORE the announcement of Diablo 4, whole project unbelievably amateurly handled it was almost purpose fully done wrong. And it clicks now whose idea was the Halsey performance is, definitely not the mustache lady, but other chemical hair paint poisoning one’s. where was the refund button again ?

    • Z Z
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Generic arpg with tedious tasks here we go! yay! 🙁

    • Sami Yağcı
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cant wait torment 48 difficulty keep up the good work 😉

    • Walking Introvert
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So… Diablo 4 is like a Path of Exile lite?

    • Chicken and Pizza
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks more like a cinematic scripted trailer rather than just a discussion about endgame. I wonder how many takes this took and what the old rough drafts said. Was this meant to be an actual discussion or just some uninspiring “hype” trailer.

    • Matheus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Is this an out of season april fools joke?”

    • Jautaube
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really hate these PR/DEV/whatever videos. I always feel i am being lied to. Just let your game speak for itself. We don’t need some random ppl talk over things that are probly gone with 1.1

    • Hexensohn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more options, more diversity – forced to create Kayleigh Calder as druid 10/10

    • Guts
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just waiting for the other foot to drop and the p2w bullshit ruin the game

    • Jonas Erik Barreto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As I see some of this producers talking, I only can’t see half of them playing and enjoying ARPGs… It seems artificial to me. Or just that they are not the kind that would understand this genre enough to make good decisions

    • Brock Whiting
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So we already experienced the endgame loop by the end of leveling our characters to 25

    • Trompok 13
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • BeardPvP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how can u bomb so badly lol

    • nicknicksiren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This seems so forced and fake.

    • Freddy R
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I will spend exactly 0 seconds on PvP in this game.

    • FallenActual
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So this is just D3 endgame watered down with extra steps…. Cause thats what it look like, renameing things doesn’t change the gameplay loop.

    • Ion P
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why are people complaining about this video? I am a huge Path of Exile hardcore player, and I think Diablo 4 endgame at launch will be fun and offer at least 300 hours (per character) of fun. In these hours they will launch new seasons and content, so, why are people complaining again?

    • Namloc85
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So we get way less skills with way less build options and gear dictates how we play rather than gearing around our desired skill tree build. Then when we reach end game we get +5 stats on the little nodes and +5 to 4 stats on the big nodes? How did we get here?

    • Wild West
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was really hoping for an infinity scaling grind! looks like we getting it! endless hours of fun

    • Defmor d
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard you are clowns

    • Bas de Wolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please make a looking for group available! 🙂

    • Icey Matt Home
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My biggest issue is the wording of “you’ll loose some stuff” when dying in the PvP areas, and this is only a concern if the PvP areas aren’t out of the way, if you have to make a concentrated effort to get to a PVP area I think it’s fine, I don’t wanna be traveling to a dungeon tho and have some no life farming loot off of people because he can just hang around the PVP area and people have to walk through it to get to a dungeon or some event or such. If the PVP areas are designed to where you have to walk through them, it will turn a lot of people away from the game I feel

    • Chris Hamilton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    pumped for june. Release is going to be nuts.

    • Loresmith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    12K dislikes

    • Ádám Karl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think an UFO is hiding in Joe Shelby.
    He seems always off.

    • André Martins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wheres my belt shoulders and bracers? 😢

    • Jade
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    everyone just disliking because its blizzard

    • thesatsui
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board = Final Fantasy X sphere grid.

    I know D3 gets some flack, but I loved it. I liked being able to change my build to compliment the legendary items I picked up. I feel like I’m kind of hindered with the ability system in D4 because if I keep getting good items, but they don’t help my build, it’s quite depressing. Switching abilities makes the game more fun and more interesting because with new weapons I try new abilities. Now, if I’m just stuck with my set abilities and if I don’t get weapons to compliment them, then it makes the game less interesting and I’d probably not be interested in this “cool things” that you’ve done for end game.

    • Manuel Morales
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    unfortunately the number of skills per character is extremely low

    • icetooth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is this the endgame boss in the preview?

    • Roger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:23 is Lilith taking over this guy?

    • Aboo Backrr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    biggest flop already. very very bad work

    • Floorix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So basicly what we saw 1-25 in act 1, bruh?

    • Daniel Șamata
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Into the endgame? More like into the dumpster

    • shima pan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just remove PVP from the Game. I know already that 10 people who play PVP will complain about a skill thats to OP in PVP but fine in PVE will get nerfed.

    • itsame_TH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe looks completely broken lol. I feel sorry for these people

    • Krog
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can we get a bag for collecting ears? and in that bag can we have ears from the same character stack?

    • John Ryan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why do these devs think the paragon board is some massive customization system? It’s just a math equation with a single correct solution for a given build, and that is all it could ever be.

    • Wedge Antilles
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    00:50: How excited she is, that there are different difficulty settings which will unlock more and new loot. Seriously? They are hyped about a feature that EVERY Hack+Slay has since what, 30 years? Which was established with DIABLO 1!!!???

    Paragon: You can rotate your board.
    You can choose if you want to get +5 int + 5int, +5int or if you want +5dex, +5dex, +5dex.
    I guess Blizzard screwed up its calendar and this video should have been released on April Fools Day.

    Personally I already thought D4 kind of boring – the world did offer nothing. It was huge, yes. Huge and empty. No Lore, no stories (remember in the hated D3, how you learned about e.g. King Leoric via scrolls you found in the world?), boring music (who of you remembers Diablo 1 and the awesome music? Or Diablo 2?), no soul.
    The fifth dungeon already felt like you had done this countless times and you didn’t feel any excitement about doing it.
    I played tons of D1, D2, D3 and D2 Resurrected. Hundred upon hundreds of hours, maybe thousand – and I felt bored with D4 after 10 hours.
    After this video my expectations dropped from “meh” a considerable amount.

    However, the combat system of D4 is great (Sorc, no idea about the other chars), I’ll give them that.
    And maaaybe that is just enough, it is the most important part of the game.

    • Sometimes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no respec cost plox

    • XenothDragon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nope. I’m out.

    • TheRaiN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Jonawa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What does this even mean

    • king cam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds alot like Diablo Immortal

    • R C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game sucks. Basically a clone of 3…. did they not understand why d2 was so loved? IT WAS THE CHARACTER BUILD DIVERSITY!!!! From someone who has played since the og d1 days probably never gonna buy another diablo game again.

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • inuart30
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    oh boy i can´t wait for the aggressive monetization

    • Aaron Mettke
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the endgame is the same exact endgame there is in WoW… PvP, Dungeons, Mythic(Nightmare) Dungeons, Raids, World Bosses, Daily Quests (Tree of Whispers)…

    • Connor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    repec cost of nodes and skills horrendously expensive how are you supposed to test builds…

    • Biggus Dickus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The real question is will there be a Cow level.

    • Amine Zahid
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol why those people look like rendered by an engine 🤔

    • most average athlete
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so are they going to remove the intentionally created backtracking in all dungeons or releasing with that “get box 1/2/3 and walk back to the door in empty dungeon, then clear all mobs in the second part to go the boss”

    • Lukasz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does everyone talk like they are presenting a power point? There is no passion or personality displayed by any of these people in key positions of development. Huge red flag.

    • radek emmerich
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    11 years of development. What were you developing exactly? LEt me guess. Ingame shop will be top notch.

    • John Abraham
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah… this didn’t convince me the game is worth $70. Come up with something new, Blizz.

    • Diego
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Seriously, this endgame looks amazing! Several different and relevant activities for all tastes! I thought it was cool that these activities encourage us to explore the open world instead of just repeating the same dungeon several times, a cool pvp system for those who enjoy pvp, bounties, exploration, etc. It looks like it’s going to be very dynamic and full of things to do rather than just one endgame activity that’s the best and you have to keep repeating. Looks like diablo 4 is going to have a beautiful future and live for a long time!

    • morphodox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cancelled preorder after seeing this.

    • Master Droid
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    70$ diablo 3 reforged with microtransactions and season passes (and paid expansions, probably).. no, thanks.

    • Shady Bliss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is just not enough density of monsters. I want to run through hordes of enemies and just feel powerful. Fighting small groups now and then is very boring.

    • Johannes Nagengast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow so much potential for Blizzards pay to win tactics. Can’t wait for it to come real. 🤣

    • BlazingWolf TV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    dislike button amount disabled lol :,))) We know it’s more than likes.

    • Joseph C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So THATS who they modeled the druid after!

    • Phillip Burnette
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Me: Can’t wait to see the paragon grid…..
    Diablo 4: +5 intel… +5 intel….+5intel

    • Borabell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everyone mentioning how paragons are boring with +5 stats, they miss one important thing. You can actually rotate the paragon board and get +5 stats from other angles.

    • AwesomeGuy772
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This will be my first Diablo game. Which looks like to be a great start

    • Mush Mmm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just found out this is online only to play even when playing single player?!? Way to ruin a game morons. Definitely WILL NOT BUY…. online only games are retarded. What a joke🤦‍♂️👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

    • chocha
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That guy seems so depressed talking about the game that makes me not wanna buy it, gg

    • M G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stat, +5 stat, +5 stat, +5 stat. Wow such depth, these characters truely will be different and unique!
    And about 3-5 Minions on screen the entire time also hits home the Action of the game

    • EutecHydra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzards idea…lets copy Path of exile ,but not to obvious

    • the-ugly, the-ugly-and-the-ugly
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let´s see Paul Allen´s Endgame

    • Markosz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it really is just dungeons and dungeons and more dungeons… Good to know.

    • PT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh, so there IS an actual game director working on this? :O
    Why does the game suck so bad then so far?

    • Xaeward_Streams
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash Sweetring eh….🤔

    • Lennart Meyer Østenfjeld
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine going to a PoE forum and saying: “I just saw that on the passive board that there are some nodes that are just basic stat boosts. I have looked at no other nodes and done no research. I can conclude you guys have no build diversity.”

    • mhopfenbeck
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    not sure why all these negative comments. I see ppl complaining about +str +dex on the paragon system. I bet these are POE fanboys and guess what, they have the same thing on their skill tree. Funny that when Blizzard comes out with a similar thing, haters will always hate.

    • Themgoroth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    they hide the dislike button XD

    • Dimas Bentim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh no! Poe andys in the comments speaking ill of the game who would imagine.

    • Johnny 94
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I would have bought the game if it was a ritch table top action rpg instead of an MMO. I also don’t buy games that require online as a requirement as I don’t care about multiplayer elements. I just wanna chill and play my campaign with the different classes trying different builds without caring about world events and seasons. Hard pass. Divinity Original Sin 2 will remain the best tabletop crpg for me it seems

    • mario1982
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    105k to respec 1Skill….. WDF WDF WDF WDF !!!!!!!

    • Why So Serious
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol they gave map mods to dungeons from poe. I’m through

    • Wogel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Booooooo, really? a bilion company make this endgame? it seems that the developers and producers of diablo 4, do not play Action RPG. They don’t even try to find out what it’s like and what the community really likes in an Action RPG END GAME. Sad… Good luck.

    • Eduardo FA
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Zero news, congratulations

    • Reznya
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So how do you get nightmare sigil

    • gemini rox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i really hope these gameplay clips aren’t what they consider endgame.

    • J
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game director doesn’t sound like a robot speaking from a prompt at all. Jesus, learn to talk naturally.

    • Midna2k7
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2 month after the release, people will figure out the best builds, and everyone will have the same gear, same aspect, same paragon board…..

    • Love Tronner
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should name this comment section “The fields of hatred”.

    • Zalton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What is the difference between just getting stats every level like d2 and the paragon board to give you the same stats? lol. I choose the easier to use d2 UI.

    • FrazTHG
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    POE and Last Epoch players are the type of dudes that try to make eye contact with you between the crack of the bathroom stall door.

    • nacujo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board looks like it has the depth of a puddle.

    • Triumph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thats what happens when you let women design videogames.
    Nothing gets done, what a shame, there is 0 endgame.

    • squall l
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it was clear that, after the internal scandal, blizzard was now presenting an overweight woman with a lady’s beard as a thumbnail in order to feign equal rights in any case. unfortunately that was too obviously blizzard, now we know which people you find really repulsive.

    • WakeForAMate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m glad people who are crying about this game wont be playing. Less queue time.

    • Maksymilian Zając
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    blizzard officialy terminated all conctracts with black empoyees
    dont buy this subproduct 🤡🤡

    • Soren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Truly one of the games of all time!

    • DonMakaveli Thuglife
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hmm.. this game lost the diablo feeling.. it should be named immortal 2 instead.. so much mobile feeling.. gonna stick to d2+d3

    • yonkodjo monk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So no node like area damage ? , % damage , % aoe zone , +1projectile , etc….. pfff

    • GBurnYa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not a fan of the UI at all. It’s giving mobile ui

    • TheDreamingMan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think we need more skill slots. An ultimate ability should be entirely its own thing, you shouldnt have to pick between having an ultimate or a skill that is cruical to your build.

    • Jack Morton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People are big mad about the postgame for a game they haven’t played… god forbid a game get released with a multi-hour campaign and any sort of post-campaign at all. And the developers said they’re going to CONTINUE WORKING ON IT?? How DARE THEY?!
    Y’all need some real issues in your life if this is what you’re so mad about.

    • johnnydracu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank god you copied some stuff from Poe 👍 ppl might actually play the game more than they did with D3.

    • Pyrius HC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “There are 128 dungeons…”

    No, there are maybe 5 dungeons. All the others are copy-pasted with rotated layouts and the 5 “unique” dungeons there are, will never be remembered because they are so bland they make tapwater seem interesting.

    • RayTheSwift
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This will be my first pvp Diablo experience I hope it goes well but if I suck I’ll stick to pve

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank god fat women are getting work. Games are so much better now that fat women and troons get preferential hiring.

    • Furel Kwatzky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so it’s lards like this that are responsible for forcing online play

    • Guillermo Cejas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    omg wtf what are you doing with this game

    • ASAFYY
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

    • Buglands
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    400k views. 10k likes. Yikes

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The fact that shard items cost 2000+ is so disappointing. Thank god D3 made it so you could spam armor for 25 shards, in D4 it looks like one trip (and hoping you win PVP battles) is only going to get you an item or two. This is not the endgame i was looking for in D4.

    • S B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE/Quin andys in comments KEKERS trying to talk bad about the system but PoE has the same, omfg. Best comment section in years….. you know all those crybabys in the section will still buy the game. Haters gonna play thousand of hours and still say its a bad game, just watch the steam reviews of PoE. The whole online ARPG community is full of sweaty tryhards that want to look at spreadsheets 99,9% of the time and play for 0,1%. If they get to the real Endgame they insta log if they are about to die or camp the hubs/watch videos and tell everyone how good they are.

    • huo shenfeng
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wish there more class coming, pretty bored this few class reappeared over and over new expansion or new episodes, like to see some death knights , shaman, gunner, enchanter or even warlocks

    • MJGaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please blizzard go more in depth with announcements, you create more dislikes with these kind of videos. Just go in depth with paragon boards. dont just show +5 dex extra. Show the community what your doing. Something to consider for your PR department.

    • Steven Grabbert
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So many stupid comments. Just google and read more than 5 mins….

    • tlrelement
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    11 years and the end game is +5 dex

    • Karmolo85
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lose some stuffs in PvP ??? meaning what I might lose ….my gear??

    • ZeFFir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why 70% of this video is about two women, one fat, one redhead toxic, who know nothing about gaming? You can see it right away that they were put there just because its political decision. Old Blizzard was making great games because men did them.

    • Attrowoods Woods
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    WTF play are way! Bullshit blizzard has been play our way since wrath.

    Ok blizzard remove timers from world bosses let us summon it when we want to kill it!

    • Osvaldo Landi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it is diablo 3 but now we actually get pvp.

    • Morgaith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The combat alone makes this ARPG the best.

    • Stormsong
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s looking like I will enjoy the story, but will probably play 2 days per season and go back to other games, just like I do with Diablo 3.

    • Rainbowdog
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why no raids?? Something specific to endgame? Cause all I see is reused content just harder.

    • nikkitikkitavi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ummm as excited for the game as I am… this doesn’t sounds like a fun end game experience. It was 6 minutes of repeating the same thing basically – u get more powerful, you get more powerful mobs to destroy… oh boy… I got deluxe and will play through couple characters and first season. But you better have something more fun and ton of great pvp for people to be coming back to the game

    • Trinity
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more dislikes than likes, yikes

    • ZeFFir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everything great but Im waiting for Blizzard to remove option for black skin for characters. Its a medieval fantasy like RPG. No negros were there.

    • K.T Ch.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6 min video convey no information. what a pr

    • Jarl Balgruuf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame talents look extremely lazy and should be waaaaaay more creative, like “minions deal more dmg/bows fire additional arrows/spells fire additional projectiles/+1 minion” etc. What I’m seeing here is basically paragon system from diablo3, but in disguise with maybe some of the power from unique gems from diablo3.
    Fields of misery in addition to 4 days early access for $20 looks like a p2w element, since other players will have more time to level up, make clans/groups, refine gear, get more altars and paragon

    • sporegnosis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The endgame is to create a new character for next season and click all shrines.

    • 㠪乂
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i like having a level cap so i can make multiple characters

    • Bruno Bento
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, no Raids then…

    • Yes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine having to watch this video on loop for eternity.

    • Marin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I didnt watch the video I just down-voted automatically because we all know D4 is gonna suck

    • MrStrange
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does Joe Shely look like an AI generated human though..?

    • Mehdi Draou
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    to slow

    • Stahma Tarr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Good to see that blizzard have no clue what their player base and community want time and time again.

    • Hamsterr WRLD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God the amount of people that are having trouble rubbing their only 2 brain cells try figure out this paragon table is amazing. It’s not that hard to realize all those +% nodes are leading into better ones. Sad world we live in when stupid people think they’re smart.

    • Hemske
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why are you making these like History Channel documentaries, I don’t want to listen to Devs reading from a document… show me gameplay, and skill trees, not random devs talking

    • redmanticore
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Is this an out of season April Fool’s joke?”
    – red shirt guy

    • Rawaf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Don’t worry guys, it’s just a late April fools joke haha… right?

    • TrevMizer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The whale has a mustache lmao

    • istván fábián
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your own way” (the 3-4 builds that the devs made legendaries around)

    • HS HC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • eriknoworries
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This team needs media training. And based on the experience with the beta, probably training in game design as well. I just pray this will turn out ok.

    • Tyson K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can tell there were too many cooks in the kitchen here. Ugh..

    • pigeon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow those developers loving games so much

    • Michael Saller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wtf guys, what did you Think? If every Paragaon point give you a new skill?!? Its okay to become +5 on int or strength. The Important thing on the paragon board are the glyhes.

    • Sam Smith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard is confusing a wide game for a deep game.

    • JeraOra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    god pliss let this be good game, i will slay all the demon pliss 😳

    • Fiblas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    April fools guys

    • Deus Ameno
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Mistral F
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game looks great. Didn’t want the Beta to end. Excited for June!

    • Hamster Smash
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    great more trash

    • Monsieur Breakdown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, where’s the endgame content ? 6 minutes of video I didn’t seen anything, did I miss something ?
    Well done Cringezzard.

    • HKD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 ended up being the kid friendly version of a Diablo game.

    • wildinthestreets86
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    she looks like she ate all the loot.

    • Drfreaky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should rename this game to “+5 main stat the game”. Seems like it’s D3 all over again where people with a few thousand paragon have essentially a few extra items worth of stats on their character. Guess I’m gonna need to fire up the bot to be able to compete.

    • YouLube
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks like an out of season April fools joke.

    • Zombot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds way too complicated and not much like Diablo. Did women design this? Sure sounds like it.

    • Fred
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    SO mythic+ but with different name? What are you going to add? Timed runs and gate the loot too? Oh right you done that before… So many people with producer/designer in the name but you just nicked designs from previous games. It’s like your afraid of innovating. The skill trees are boring, paragon is a snooze fest and the legendary affixes are just damage modifiers. Hard pass on this game.

    • MrMcHammergeil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You know its bad, when the interview has 10 diffrent camera angles for dramatic effect and the devs have to act super exited about literally nothing.

    • Peter Z.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the whole game is basically the Division 2’s system

    • Sam Gerland
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Excited for launch, Can’t wait 😀

    • Никола Терзиев
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Use me as a dislike button!

    • Petr Lazar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does Joe Shely look like a Bond villain in this video?

    • Jesse
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    endgame = M+ affixes added to dungeons. no thanks from me.
    Also paragon nodes look more boring than the itemization

    also I would have appreciated mroe depth in the explanation of these systems, this is too surface level and players can’t really give valid criticism with this

    • Snagprophet
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1st of April was five days ago ….

    • *Avz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, basically… no endgame

    • Cédric Sft
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow all these fun nodes, and so much build diversity here, so hyped!

    • Brian Quint
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it’s Diablo Immortal with a fresh coat of paint.

    • I. G.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Isn’t this the same like Diablo III LOL.

    • 1bonebreaker1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    okay… so basicly no news? still look awsome… but doing the same dungeons over and over is gonna get boring real quick (got bored of them in the first beta weekend)

    • Josh Mark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This has Rod Ferguson “design” written all over it.

    • Poe K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    looks like her endgame is hamburgers

    • Perkele Normally
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    blizzard not the best graphics but great depth.. Neo Blizz, not the best graphics.. I give you that you have improved.. But omg.. The depth?? Where is it?? Candy Crush has more depth than any game released after the burning crusade.. I played all of your old games.. And I am speaking for deaf ears cause NONE of that staff is still left at Blizzard.. Why didnt you use David Brevik as a consultant for Diablo 4?? The game looks shallow from the start and with no soul of it’s own.. Did Diablo 2 reflect of the world of early 2000s? Nahh don’t think so.. It had a style of it’s own contained into it’s own universe.. Stop hiring activists.. The industry needs passionate people that burn for a genre.. Should you have done it as D2? NO! You should have gone for D1 and D2 developers and consulted them. But foremost.. It is a seperate world.. Play with the idea.. The necromancer does not have to look like Skrillex… Blizzard.. I am never buying any more of your games.. Ever.. Never never… We are completely done.. Thanks god for Indie

    • In
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not convincing at all, your endgame seems to be very poor and repetitive.

    • zHngzy Stream Reuploads
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dont care if so many people hate it. POE did the same and for me, my subjektive point of view is very positive towards D4! It looks awesome, after 46h in beta it felt amazing and the only thing that bothers me is the wait time till release!!!

    • Wuhan Batman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This video currently has 10k Likes and 10k Dislikes

    • YouTube Sucks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lady in the thumbnail looking like she ate the endgame

    • Guilherme Dalzochio
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wish we could see the dislikes, but almost 400k view and just 10k positive likes haha.

    • Agustin Rizzo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the lady in the thumbnail Diablo?

    • Perkele Normally
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    such utter trash.. Blizzard fell from the heavens and became Diablo themself.. Good work.. You are the new EA

    • Clarevoyant_Coder
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh boy, all youre going to collect the fields of hatred is salt and tears.

    • Xi Jinpig
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Rosbot needs to get this going !
    We need to farm faster

    • Clogmonger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This sounds like one of the games of all time.

    • truthseekeryouri
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Needs more cooler things

    • Victoria
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please add more AI variance to Bosses. Make thing more unique ! dare to innovate ! I feel you play it all very safe

    • Iliya.V
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Depth”. These people don’t know ARPGs. They are the same developers of WoW and OW2. How can you have the same team developing 3 different games and expect them to be detiled and deep? You open Last Epoch’s skill trees and you won’t find a generic “+5 dex” node. There is always something attached to it. Actual game mechanics in the passive and skill trees…

    • Deac
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Alot of change needs to happen. What a joke.

    • Seyfullah
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Druid model 0:30

    • Andrzej Kułakowski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A lure to the END game when the START game sux. The journey is lacklustre at best.

    • DingFooking Dong
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Even the presenters of this look as bored as I was after 3 hours into the beta.. they probably want to uninstall it just as I did… Just another cash shop waiting for the whales and suckers! ..moo milking time!

    • Gnsistyle Musik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just like i imagine thats why i dont buy this garbage game.

    • Ish Mod
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just gonna wait for bunch of youtube guids out there. 🤣🤣🤣

    • Raccoon Snitch
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    LMAO no way

    • Paweł 33
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Women in game = crash game

    • OrchinX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Whoever is mixing the audio is on something, this sounds like Gordan Ramsey reality TV.

    • Jakub Karmowski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When I saw first game playes I still was not sure…

    When I played open beta I still wasn’t sure…

    But now… now I’m sure, that they are going to do the same bullshit action rpg with little to no depth and changes…

    It’s gonna be sick still to play while stoned

    • Roy Kavre
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give us housing, a pet leveling system and fishing. Thanks 🙂

    • Mark V
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Excited for the game but this video wasnt it guys y’all really need to hire a creative media director who knows what people want to see in the video and showing random +5 stat increases and massive respec costs isnt the way to go.

    • Flame Forged Soul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The World Building We like, but the Character Systems…people you can do better; PoE, Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, _Wolcen_ Have you looked at nothing going on in this space beyond the superficiality of a branching skill system? *Sigh*

    • AcidGlow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the end game is.. *Nightmare Dungeons* ..?

    • Vanity
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They didn’t talk about the lvl 100 grind. In PoE and D2 it takes a lot of time/effort to get to 100/99. I really hope it’s equally hard to achieve in Diablo 4. That would really add a challenge to overcome and in turn make the endgame longer for those who are willing to put in the work.

    • brett robbins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So instead of clicking a simple plus sign under strength I now have to look at 60 boxes that say plus strength. Ground breaking paragon. Game looks casual and probably feels mobile

    • BeastGamingHD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    if you can lose your hardcore character in the shards purifying zone, every hardcore player is going to either A) not participate unless they’re super decked out or B) complain about how poorly designed it is and have the D4 team restructure the outcome by making hardcore players who die simply get teleported back to town or a waypoint and not lose their character but their shards instead.

    • Mara Hitano
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 : with me you have paragorn, world bosses, nightmare dungeons, what else do you need?

    Players: everything else

    • BeastGamingHD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the primary difficulty I experience with this game is the it consuming over 20GB of ram because of a memory leak bug. I hope this is fixed because that’s a huge setback in progression

    • Dean Ellis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish you would focus more on delivering information and less on trying to tell me how superduperexciting it is. When everything is superlative, nothing is superlative. I’m really excited that you massively understand this meaningful expression in a really visceral and super engaging way.

    • Peter S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game looks great.

    • WindChimes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ergh was expecting something different entirely but this is like D3.5

    – paragon system is like D3 – stats bonuses
    – 120 dungeons, capstone dungeon completion to gain new world tier (but we only do them once to unlock the next tier)
    – sigil dungeon is basically Greater Rift in D3 – instead of legendary gems we get aspects drops
    – tree of Whispers – do a ton of side quests to exchange for a gift (basically bounties in D3)
    – Fields of Hatred – TomClancy Division DarkZone + D3 blood shards

    Game still looks fun, but was expecting something different

    • NaixZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how are hardcore players able to play in pvp? still delete on death?

    • Hudcat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    iM nOt ReAdInG aNyThInG

    • ghostAgent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks terrible

    • Desarth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is Joe Shely made in CGI ??????

    • Jesse Kidder
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice! I’m glad they copied off the path of exile map system.

    • Alain Van Ellewee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is this a joke?

    • Mouse B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hopefully the servers will be A LOT more stable than you had for the beta (& other game opening day releases). I am going to be sorely disappointed to see a 130min queue to get into a game. Again. That number is not exaggerated.

    • oknarphian exkraveduccial
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Who’s the phat bish bleuch

    • Bennyxz 94
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank u for letting us know the jist of what the endgame entails and not ruin anything at all I really welcome this! Bring on June!

    • Aureon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I liked the gameplay, however, I don’t like what you did to legendary items, they supposed to be a unique experience, I played for 3 days and got 10 legendaries… Its great that you get stuff, but the milestone of finding one wasn’t that great. I found my first legendary, took a picture and sent it to all my friends very happy, 2 minutes later I realized it wasn’t that rare at all

    • Aradebil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow this is supposed to be a hype video? This is a super letdown lol. And the battle pass is not revealed yet.

    • Vlasihinn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really hope there’ll still be rifts like in D3 where you just go and chop hordes of mobs!

    • Gaby Michel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    At 0:37, is that the Barb class using some kind of chain weapon? Reminds me of Kratos’ Blades of Chaos.

    • Ian0 Pryor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not sure what people want on the boards…. +1000 to each stat? Be realistic the legendary nodes are nice and the socket spots offer some versatility.

    • Boris
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hmm, i think in Wolcen there was end game tiers as well that you could climb for better or stronger rewards.

    • Izzy Furiouswow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So you decided to just Copy WoW’s Dungeon Affixes system and then put into the next Diablo game. God man… not every single idea in all your games are good, but you never get that Blizz. You never do…

    • Mihailo Rajicic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m going to pre-order game just couse of the lady with mustache is PR of this amazing new game !

    • Rezadyn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it’s at times like this i'”m sad we can’t see dislikes anymore

    • Octavian Goicea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yey, same game, again and again. Blizzard prob. doesn’t have a budget to actually come up with something different, lol

    • Foxhound able
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    these three guys don’t seem very confident in their presentation.

    • NyctoLumino
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love theory crafting, but going the PoE route is not the answer.

    • Reynardt Cloete
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Really feels like nothing new

    • Argonaut
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice mustache

    • Jimbo Lee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The English Lead Dev lady is hawt show booba for Lilith

    • BkBlindside
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How was so little said with so many words? What is all this “your unique playstyle” nonsense? You either kill the monsters or you lose. There’s nothing unique happening here. No choices are being made. Paragon looks underwhelming. Skill tree only paths down so lots of choices there! PvP dust is just for another gamble vendor? Might wanna start working on take #2 where you actually explain the endgame. Been playing ARPGs basically my whole life and all I heard was “Go to dungeon, kill monsters. Make harder dungeon, kill monsters. Increase world tier, kill harder monsters”

    • xStormvoidx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I find people complain, just to complain about games nowadays. You need to realize that no game is perfect. If you don’t like it…don’t buy it. Plain and simple. Alot of people say “Nope, I’m not buying this game” just to sound cool when they go out and buy it day 1 and actually like it. The game will be fun at launch and only get better as time goes on.

    • JiWiK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Get ready for more of the same with the difficulty slider moved a bit more to the right each time you decide to do more of the same again. Wow… 😀

    • N. K.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice copy paste from PoE.

    • Tom Riggs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Beta was amazing. Can’t wait for release. This game will be a lot of fun.

    • Walter Iacomacci
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I mean it’s alright you know overrated af in my opinion

    • SK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think we can agree that Diablo IV has ZERO soul.

    • TechWares
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Path of Exile & Last Epoch better

    • anti/HUMAN Designs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nothing we didn’t already know. :/

    • Kacho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love how generically excited they are about my player experience. Really gets me hyped!

    • David Desgagné
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    World tier just like in PoE. I thought it was a Path of Exile video, sorry about that😅. The endgame seems boring. This video just confirmed me that I won’t be throwing my money on this reheated repeating “new” bs game.

    • SrAxi Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Reading the comments I’m starting to lose faith in humanity. How did the “internet folk” get so negative and pessimistic?

    • Axellis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it seems like a tall ask, but I really feel like there should’ve been a PVP focused beta test pre-launch to stress test the servers and see how it affects things like latency and balance.

    • The Captain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    looks like boring generic 5+ 10+ 15+ upgrades with no real effort put into it.

    • Pao K.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Now I know why they design the female druid like this

    • Kazadartheone
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I identify with people who talk with their hands so much lol.

    • SaysSim0n
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I cringe whenever I hear the word Sanctuary

    • JAdHum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder when corporate America is going to realize it isn’t 1985 anymore and PR departments do more harm than good? This just feels so overproduced and inauthentic. Why can’t the devs just talk like real people?

    • LordBaneGaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    After playing the beta seeing the skill twig , the boring paragon system i cant imagine the end game being that enjoyable i do not see much point playing d4 over all the great ARPGS coming out soon poe2 and last epoch look and play amazing. i had more time playing diablo immortal a mobile game than d4 its sad af

    • 5686darryl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I honestly feel bad for the developer s it feels like they may get shot if they say the wrong things

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    oh my gosh, this skill tree make me cry, this mobile DuNgEoNs with tiers after complete like in mobiles – make me cry even more

    • Athreat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    trash game

    • springmorning
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Living breathing set of updates” wtf does that even mean

    • Paulo Mei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I liked the round design of the paragon board better, the one that was showed last year

    • ZandyGaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    And wait first -30% sale is better;

    • Memphis Reines
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Red flags.

    • IIFireMissionII
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fields of Hatred = Diablo Dark Zone.

    • Ou Sha
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    affixes sounds good to bring some diversity in monster challenge. but World Tier worries me, Hope it’s not like Lost Arc thing where they just Copy-Past the same Dungeons by increasing monsters life and damage

    • Mikael Andersson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Necromancer will be godlike and druid will be weaksauce.

    • Mackinstyle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Watching devs read from scripts always feels weird and uncomfortable. Maybe just use some voice actors and give us some of those delicious long-form dev discussion videos! =D

    • G WK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great, complete this dungeon to unlock slightly higher enemies that drop otherwise identical gear with just slightly higher stats, rinse and repeat. YAWN. Devs these days have lost sight… take a look at old school final fantasy XI to see how online play and progression should be done. That game had a real sense of purpose, of progression, of goals and of team play. How boring games have become.

    • The Floating Kiwi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just hear WoW characteristics that was done YEARS ago minus the paragon

    • Ranmak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ничего не понял, но очень интересно.

    • 乇匚卄ㄖ ㄖ千 丂丨ㄥ乇几匚乇
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it like late April Fools joke?

    • Tea Vice
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Female druid has a mustache, and i dont mean the one ingame.

    • Cheplin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your own way”, could the necromancer have a mobility skill? Especially when you mentioned that speedrunning could be part of your area of competetion. Reduce the damage and tankiness and bring the possibility for a speedrun build.

    • james reid-lourie
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder if they will be able to stop bots

    • Valontris Jones
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love the carefully curated comments section. This game looks like dog water.

    • tmanook
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sooo dislike boards. There are other games that have this, makes things un-fun. Note, willing to give it a shot when it comes out, but I dislike it in every other game that I’ve played that has it. I don’t get why something more like D3 couldn’t be done.

    • dendendenx3
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    fix the lord of lag. its not your first mmo yet lord of lag exist.

    • Kristoffer Nyqvist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s the point of the rotation feature of the Paragon system? 😶 Is that Blizzard trying a little to hard or does it actually provide some level of fun or excitement for the player?

    • Anar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People really do wanna hate this game.

    Just go back to Poe or D2 or LE. It’s your gain because you just saved 70-90$

    • Derek Jones
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So this is POE and Wolcen. Gotchya.

    • Kristoffer Nyqvist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did I hear bounties? 😵‍💫 Diablo 3 ruined me ..

    • Aldra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That didnt really tell me anything new, now i have even more questions.

    • Cucumiso
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    buhahaha are we stupid? 😀 engame: rifts, rifts , rifts i mean dungeons – thats all- have you ever been playin poe blizzard guys?

    • Monde Sineke
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stat is the most boring 😴 skill tree mechanic.

    • Doomzx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5:16 = 17 life Druid

    • Rally2603
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait for this game!

    • Pyronix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ffs just buff the druids. they were so lackluster and awful during the beta

    • Wacław Przybylski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It doesnt really matter if you call it a rift or a dungeon. Still the same thing.

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    120 dungeons dont matter if the layout is the same lol

    • Phalanxia Theroan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way”

    *without respecs if you don’t like your Character later on.

    • hdckdsadd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    soulless corporate talk.

    • NightOne Beats
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I expected my character to be able to expand like in Wolcen. that you can develop your skills in a unique way & really have an individual build. what is shown to me there just smells like the least thing you can do.

    • L evi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If they never showed how paragon board is gonna change your style of fighting other than **gaining stats**, then this shows lack of gameplay creativity and its mediocre at best, so no thanks. I will wait for Armored Core.

    • CellarPhantom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:17 “Growing your powers” 50+ skill tree points. Rotational paragon boards with different tiers of nodes ranging from Normal to Legendary. Glyph sockets on the board.

    1:51 Codex of Power holds legendary aspects (that can be put on weapons/gear) unlocked through completing dungeons.

    2:14 “Nightmare Dungeons” Sigils alters dungeons and make them more difficult. There are over 120 dungeons that can be turned into nightmare dungeons.

    3:20 “Endgame Exploration” Fighting through Helltide Areas drop special shards which can unlock caches with big rewards.

    3:54 “Whispers of the Dead” Serve bounties and collect different things for the Tree of Whispers which in exchange will give you some reward.

    4:42 “The Fields of Hatred” Parts of sanctuary will be PvP areas. In those areas; collect shards, purify them and bring them back to town to buy cosmetic items and rewards.

    5:38 “Only the Beginning” After launch they will try to give the game updates that keep the world alive and fresh.

    • Wissle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But is there a dating Lilith option? Endgame dating sim pls

    • Jordan Oahu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Would love the paragon board to have a skill slot unlock! Totally baffled why we’re only allowed 6 skills. “Play your way” means nothing when you limit the amount of skills you can use for no reason other than maybe balancing (which is lack of effort)

    • Mike Lambrecht
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You should just released the game sooner

    • Brandon Ralston
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    120+ dungeons??? Here we goooooo!

    • Richard McGowan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords. Nothing else.

    • Cosmin Apavaloaei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Dex +5 Dex +5 Dex +5 Dex
    A true endgame experience!

    • Mariusz Plusa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks boring AF.

    • petar valchanov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    do dungeons to level up and finish game , endgame , do more dungeons

    • D’ Notorious
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • KuroKazuma
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    trash marketing video
    where is the in depth video

    • clint buster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks good to me, just hope the endgame isn’t too repetetive and doesn’t restrict me in any way to do what I want to do

    • Matt L
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love the fact that there are werewolves in the diablo series. They have always been my favorite monster and they get very little love from hollywood.

    • Justin Nash
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They said bounties, I don’t wanna do bounties again….

    • Joe M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Are there any raids in this game?

    • Butterlegs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait for this to come out.

    • latoucheF7
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat.

    • Javi Vazquez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People constantly begging for Diablo 4 to be a good game but is constantly shiting on the game and Dev. Give them a freaking break.

    • Feanturo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When you see what poe realeses every 3-4 months this seems kinda cheap.

    • Daniel Eichsteller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Building a unique character – all nice and fine, but how does that tie in with seasons? Building a unique character every 3 months?

    • sturenorth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Christ almighty, I have to play the campaign 5 times to unlock the last difficulty….. Geez Louise!

    • Zhivko Bogdanov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Such an investment and the candles are fake. Nice.

    • Sinebeast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Too much PR talk, not enough real gameplay and unfiltered talk and nothing new showed.
    What is the time lost on travel for each activities, and do you want me to waste my time ?
    Is the fighting going to be a bit faster than on beta ?
    How much will cost a respec once we’re max level and paragon ?
    Is it really “play it your way” when your paragon board is almost only stat boost. You realize this will be solved and there will be a meta established in no time ?

    • Adam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is the UI so damned ugly though? That paragon board looks hideous! Where’s the style? It’s just a gray, uninteresting grid of similar icons.

    • sunk dank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “+5 stats to gryffindor!”

    • Honey Badger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay so for fields of misery, you wait for others to collect the shards and then when they purify them you wipe them out if they are weaker than you. They really have made this game enjoyable for any playstyle, even for psychopaths who favour others doing all the work for them.

    • Tribal2029
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A scripted event called Joe.

    • StylizedStudio
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give us another beta soon please. 🙂

    • Mango Juice
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    as a casual 120 dungeons feels like too much but who knows how different they actually end up being. its my first diablo afterall.

    • Daniel Quek
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Its really special to discover what kind of playstyle really means to you” Nah Ill just copy whatever build that gives me big pp damage…

    • Megan Reed
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I though it’s a game boss on the video preview.

    • Rogue Duelist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will I be able to play this on GeForce now? I’m a mobile streamer who loves Diablo Immortal & I’ve played all the Diablo games, it would be amazing being able to play Diablo 4 with all my friends off my phone.

    • Matthew Dudda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Rins K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The obese chick is straight up growing a mustache…bro

    • Mark Mauk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard listen: It is not important how much Endgame Options there are, its important that the Endgame is fun to play and rewarding.
    D2 Endgame is fun and rewarding without D2 even having an endgame.

    Example: I dont wanna collect 3 dungeons keys, put them on a pedestal for 5 seconds and then wait for a door to open.
    What I wanna do is killing monsters. Thats about it.

    • PocketD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Excited!!!!!!!!!!! Also, they should do a video looking at the set. That was quite impressive for such a short video. Is that the employee lounge or something? That’d be so badass.

    • Mark Mauk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6 minutes of propaganda without telling us a single new thing.

    • F Schaumann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yuck, after the boring drag the dungeons turned out to be in the beta I can`t say I expect this game to have legs in the endgame if variations of that exact generic content is such big part of it…..

    • Smi Gami
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Nightmare Dungeons” is a weird way to spell mythic+

    • Der Test
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Which Class at 0:36? With this whip

    • Denizcan123
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just Marketing blabla no Real Talk nothing new. Disappointed speech and Video

    • Styx Hellmouth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    just do what grim dawn did

    • Naxos2606
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board is charakter development and cant be counted towards things to do in endgame, it seems like taking risks and developing something groundbreaking new inst the ambition in modern game design anymore, but it should not surprise since these low risks systems still generate a decent amount of money…. and its all about that. Try to de – capitalize some of your decisions , u will see u can get back to a legendary Blizzard level of development of the old time where people knew a blizzard game would be good.

    • Wunlee Smith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PVP and Hardcore monkaS

    • Edmund Mondo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love how they say meaningful progression when basically all Diablo has ever been is just grindinding for meaningless gear! Now they keep adding this paragon BS like it makes it any better!

    • HamadaKindness
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Endgame is the skill reset coin/token from the cash shop.

    • inksiety
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @diablo IV the paragon board seems nothing special, just maxing your base stats, why not add special stuff on each end, like 3% crit chance, you would have something as a goal on the board then. Plus 5 strenght doesn’t seem something to look forward to in the end game, grim dawn has an interesting system with constelations, it’s not end game, but it’s something that you tailor towards your build.
    also, do you have 120 different dungeon bosses, or are we fighting same 4 bosses 30 times, you could create 120 different bosses, if MMOs can have a different boss in every dungeon, so can live service Diablo IV with microtransactiona, and $70 price tag, I don’t expect it on launch, since it’s too late for that, but in a span of year or two, I expect it to be reworked in that way, to keep it fresh, and new. How can Elden Ring have different mobs, and different bosses in every cave/dungeon.
    beta was cool, but end game feels like diablo iii all over again, and diablo ii was for some reason better than that.

    • Norbert
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what is the end game?

    • Boalol lal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was expecting abit more wow-ish instance/boss stuff like in Lost Ark. World bosses is fine and all but it’s for random people, meaning it’s not going to be very difficult. Would be nice with some challenging content that requires a group that knows what they’re doing.
    And hopefully the respecc cost isn’t insane.

    • JakeNotJake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game got to pull out all the stops to beat the level of endgame path of exile has

    • Магомед Магомедов
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ля какие женщины, я бы подомагался.

    • JakeNotJake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why they keep showing ign level gameplay where the player just basic attacks everything lmao, do something cooler

    • Azarri
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So endgame is just…repeating what you’ve already done, just with a harder difficulty?

    • David Mann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why does this look seriously outdated? And why does it look like the game play is worse than PoE from 5+ years ago? This looks like they are trying to release D2 revamped… lazy and sad

    • Daniel R.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Matthew Furnival
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s not to late to remove the pvp, it’s the only thing ruining an otherwise brilliant sounding game right now

    • James G.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where are the mobs??

    • TrevMizer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Crazy how they managed to fit a literal whale into the office.

    • artsev
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will fullscreen be an option in the graphics settings? Cause in open beta only windowed modes were available.

    • MerlinW
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No, ty.

    • Tempius
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What a dogshit is

    • Random Tales
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s all a whole heap of nothing, the video is just all waffle no substance.

    • joey gang
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All these sigils, shards and glyphs and whatever else bullshit they invented will be buyable in a real money store.

    • Tattooz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    10 seconds in “play your way” okay bud dont you mean the pre created builds you guys have put into the game

    • NickGamingMusic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cool! I’m still not buying the game.

    How did they manage to take Diablo 3’s paragon and think Yes This is Great and implement that into D4 only visually different.

    • AM-2201 a
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Somehow i have the feeling the fame will flop , never had less interest in a Diablo game . Not even played the beta longer than 2 hours

    • FartBox_BeatBox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gamers don’t want to run the same dungeons over and over while grinding for epic equipment, they want season passes and micro transactions.

    • TeryakiBukaki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe will be end game boss by the looks of him

    • Dan Reeves
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    everything is great and i can’t wait to play it..the only dissapointment is that the deluxe edition is 100 Euro in ps store and that the phisical one is 65 Euro…the store price is simply too big…it would be amazing to have a phisical deluxe edition or to have a fair price on the ps store.

    • Marco Vanali
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Player: How is the end game?
    DEV: You will have TONS of things to do!
    Player: Yeah but, like what? tell me everything
    DEV: TONS!

    • ForRealms
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Alex Kuznetsov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You will have 200+ points for paragon board. Some nodes will provide bonuses like “your dmg is increased for % for every dex point you have around” so getting stats nodes in some cases will be mandatory.

    Stats have their own passive bonuses AND also they are a source of additional % to different stuff. So basically you need every +5 to dex that you can get for minmaxing or just to get stronger.
    This and the previous one are linked.

    Main question is if there will be something for people that want challenge. Difficulties or bosses or mechanics or etc.

    • Deividas Andriunas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    amazing customization of paragon +3 intelligence wow

    • KiraNis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks incredibly boring. 🙁

    • Soldomus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So no endgame. This actually looks worse than i feared, and that is saying something.

    • Tige Kala
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Half of these “devs” look like they haven’t played a video game in their life outside of maybe mobile gaming

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hey, Blizzard! Is this an out of season April’s Fool joke?!

    • Njord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it available on mobile? 🙃

    • FueL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i genuinely think pvp is just a joke to draw more people in, this ain’t ever going to work

    • Marien Huijssoon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Brandon J Larry
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please give us mouse and keyboard support on the consoles. Also for chat in the game would be allot easier with a keyboard.

    • Gábor Tóth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game can’t come soon enough. 🔥

    • Simon Nom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As a young guys when I played D2, thinking about D3/D4 made me crazy excited about whats to come. And we get….this?
    We should boycott this game so hard until they finally make a worthy sequel to D2.

    • Houli
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Idk man..I feel like there’s more thought in this interview’s camera angles and scenery than the game. Looks too unsaturated…bland interface and legendary system from D3? No thanks

    • Noed22
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pretty cool that the endgame just looks like a harder version of the beta we played!

    • Khadann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    still hesitating on buying this. Influencers will tell me what to do lol 😀

    • TheUltradad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ah i can see why the druid is so obese and does not hit for much, thank you Kayleigh Calder 🙁

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Well, this shaping out to be the shittiest Diablo game to date. Even worse than Diablo Immortal.

    • raahkaa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Really, is that it ? Lame.

    • gg
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    OMG can’t wait for d4 looks so good

    • Krisztián Tóth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is going to be the best Diablo experience by far ! Can’t wait !

    • XoidAce
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am excited for this game!

    Blizzard’s Mission Statement to keep the gameplay new and improved over time through shifting gameplay states, interesting gimmicks, challenging difficulty spikes, environmental effects, etc.

    The challenge, educating the player on how the stat bonuses work and interact with each based on character classes, multiplayers, redundancy, order of stats effectiveness, build theory.

    Positive that the game will meet expectations throughout the first 12 months to push it ahead years down the line.

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Your skill trees are super boring and unimaginative. Please give it to a competent producer, so it can be completely redesigned to something cool by the release date. It is a HUGE setback from Diablo 3. Nobody likes it.

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash, your hair telegraphs: “I have unnaturally colored fur, I am poisonous, don’t eat me.”
    Wash your hair.

    • FrequentSee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash Sweetring sounds like a Blizzard character lol
    What a likeable person.

    • d3st88
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kayleigh, EAT A SALAD!

    • Негроэльф 80 лвл
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow, just wow. Blizz did a great job, another masterpiece is comming! Endgame grinds looks great and paragon system was unique! (To obtain +5 stats to your start character – please delete last part of message).

    • squatbenchdeadlift
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kaylegih could use some paragons to reduce her unhealthy obesity level

    • EasyKeto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no hud, no healthbars and damage numbers and the gameplay
    looks way better

    • Mico Mico Mii
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wutchu mean play your way but rogue can’t swap from melee to range with a button

    • Palessan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    paragon is cursed. you think +5+5+5+5+5+5 strength is interesting or impactful? 🤮

    • Андрей Кондырев
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pudge on the preview looks soooo photorealistic! Can’t wait to try that boss!

    • Noah McCurry
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board doesn’t seem far off from PoE passive tree besides that the connecting nodes aren’t percentage increases…

    For example in PoE a lot of the attribute nodes would be like 4% attack speed, or 10% elemental damage or whatever but many are just attribute increases. They’re just the connecting nodes you path through…

    The magic and rare nodes add unique effects to incentivize certain pathing, like masteries in PoE, and the legendaries/glyphs are the notable passive skills like Eldritch battery or whispers of doom in PoE…

    Considering how glyphs interact with the attribute nodes by gaining power there is actually more depth to the choices than it may appear, at least if you are using glyphs in your build…

    Do people not like the PoE passive tree? Make it make sense.

    • kam grus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paladin? Monk? Holy something?

    • basetretart
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 mainstat dude LOGIN

    • GmStoryTeller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The producers seem like nerds. Diablo 4 will be awesome.

    • spreyz 236
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ah yes more buzzwords

    • Bori
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    June can’t get here fast enough 😢

    • Kareem Azariel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board is linear, so, it’s not much of a “unique” decision to make every character different, or is there more to it? How about you explain how diverse it could be and how it could make every character different, rather than showing a rotating square with pathed nodes.
    Also, make pvp a choice not mandatory.

    • Emrah Mehmedov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    great stuff!

    • BosS MaC xx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Forced pvp?! If you’re forcing people to play pvp to purify shards this game will tank.

    • AXM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is amazing! im sure there will be much more! Very good job! I like people “crying” like always and then everybody will play <3
    The world is a beautifull place ^^

    • Peter Z.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    with this you can’t beat Path of Exile’s endgame map systems

    • Exsecror
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Druid is dogshit. fix it

    • Maui Arellano
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honestly I’m disappointed… Gameplay wasn’t good. Graphics was sub par.

    • Seipher _
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I only have one question…….Where in the he!! Is the paladin class!!!????

    • XENON3120
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2 things I never wanna hear in any upcoming game mentions.

    1. This game really opens up ways for you to experience the game your own way.

    Dude diablo Is not an RPG Maker game, it’s an action rpg game with a linear story and open world.

    2. All dungeons are fun.
    Another lie, no game on this planet has that. Even people favorites have some bad places.

    Please be genuine with us while you market your game. I really appreciate those that speak from the heart as in no bs.

    Outside of that game looks great, honestly, I’ll get it because I love d1 and d2, one of my favorite games right up there with Gothic 1 and 2. Diablo 3 was meh lack atmosphere of older diablo games, and diablo immortal is junk on blizzard site but hey money talks. I would be ashamed of myself if I had so many great titles on one site and there was diablo immortal there.

    • Palimm Palimm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As good as the beta and the first impression through the beta are. The video of the endgame didn’t really convince me.

    It doesn’t really look varied.

    The fact that you now encounter even stronger enemies and have to beat up a boss for 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes is not variety but even more monotony.

    Where are the creative minds at Blizzard?

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Rifts. You remade Rifts.. k..

    • Benny Benny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    KrinGe 4 70$ edition

    • Christopher Hitchens
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have a feeling, after playing both games on beta, that Last Epoch will be 10X better than D4. It’s sad. Diablo franchise had a special place for me…but those times are gone.

    • Lil’ Rae
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so paragon boards are just like d3 paragons, +5 stats?

    • Machinesdreams
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its amazing how Blizzard can sell something as basic as a passive stats board as a cutting edge new end game system, when in fact it really is what it is: a boring passive stats board.

    I swear these guys would try selling a frozen pizza as the cutting edge pioneer ancestral epic of Napolitan pizza.

    • Christopher Hitchens
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where is the endgame? Dungeons? That’s it? Aside from world bosses who are on a CD, I’ll be traveling from dungeon to dungeon and doing some small events on the way? That’s the endgame? If that’s the case I’ll be done with this game in a week.

    • Denis Kublitsky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    After watching this I think there’s even less endgame content than there’s in Diablo 3 upon its release.

    6 minute video and there’s nothing new or engaging (except maybe pvp extraction mode).

    • Zurcarak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Евгений Боровой
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Such a cute mustache on 0:30

    • Derpy McDerp
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 3 Resurrected. No thanks.

    • Nio Motion
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stat endgame! wow! amazing!

    • S L
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    joe shelly with the blackest eyes in human history, dude lookin like liliths summoner with hair

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard sucks now.

    • PetrAlt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Isn’t that too complicated? 😕

    • Christiane Klosbach
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    where is the trans or black person? ok one is fat but where is the black or trans??

    • Jaffa Taurri
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All this seems cool but please slow down those many marketing talks. Just what is in the game will be fine .

    • TheMannPlays
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why can’t you just do set arena pvp.

    • Medjed1337
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When I saw those women I immediately pressed the refund button

    • Winter2k23
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kitch & dripfeed. The sudden ‘straight out weak melee classes’ during beta out of the blue too. (tsk tsk.)

    • Jazzman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it just me or does that fire snake animation just look too big and awful?

    • WildWestNeko
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Are the PvP cosmetic rewards obtainable by PvE means? Or is this yet another PvP exclusive reward to artificially increase its popularity?
    Because I’ll do PvP for the cosmetics, but I will hate every nanosecond doing it, and i will attempt every way to exploit/cheat/bot/AFK my way through it.

    • Rik Mukherjee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we do the nightmare dungeons without playing seasons?

    • Rik Mukherjee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hopefully the nightmare dungeon modifiers are really inventive. That will be really interesting.

    • uberalex90
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kayleigh Calder ate the endgame

    • Jonathan Walensi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:30 🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔🍔

    • BadLuck C 6
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love u Ash You are beautyfull

    • SG4tw
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Play your way ! “get 2-3 keyfragments to open a door to kill a boss, repeat” … lol and thats what we do for 10 years to come. . . even bigger lol

    • Daniel Gabriel Secară
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:08 — that’s Andariel

    • Merlin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why are there so many dislikes?

    • Maar Ten (Psion)
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon be like:

    +1 intellect
    + 2 willpower
    +1 stamina

    Seems boring.

    • Buttawraps
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So my 4 available skills get +5 main stat primarily through the end game. I can’t think any other arpg with a deeper end game

    • Tayu Blackwolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks like it will be a game that a lot of people enjoy, and I really hope that Blizzard puts effort into keeping content fresh and exciting for the player base.
    For me, though, it has just moved too far from the aspects of ARPGs that I enjoyed, and some of the cornerstone things that define an ARPG.
    This doesn’t really feel like an ARPG anymore, but something more like an MMO+ARPG Hybrid. Which is fine! I really, truly hope that people love it and have fun. I’m just a little sad that the path Diablo took didn’t go back more towards Diablo 2, and try to improve on the ideas that games like Path of Exile has done (which was their idealized and improved-upon version of Diablo 2).

    • BigH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love how everyone is just dissing the game.
    Also love the fact that everyone dissing the game will be playing it nonstop.
    Find a better way to waste your time, D4 rULeZ bRaH

    • KahranRamsus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t think they actually know what “End game” is.

    ‘Continuing your power’ describes the skill tree, the thing you do from level 1-50. Then talks about the Paragon system, which starts at 50 and goes at least until 100, no idea you keep getting points after that, but I doubt it. Either way, most of it isn’t exactly transformative since it’s basically a Path of Exile Passive Tree or Final Fantasy 10 Sphere Grid. Both of these are not ‘end game.”

    The Codex of Power is available starting at the very first dungeon you do. Again, this starts basically at level 1. Not ‘end game.’

    Nightmare Dungeons. First thing that actually sounds ‘end game.’ This doesn’t sound half bad. Basically a cross between Path of Exile maps and D3’s Nephalem Rifts. We’ll see what it’s like at launch.

    Helltide zones, open world zone changes. This seems interesting. Second ‘end game’ funtion they’ve listed.

    Fields of Hatred. PvP isn’t an endgame activity, not with Blizzard’s track record of being unable to balance PvE and PvP along side one another. At best, PvP is a compromise. “We ran out of ideas to make our PvE game good, so here’s PvP.” At best, this will just ruin PvE.

    Some of the other things sound sort of like D3 activities with a new coat of paint. A tree that gives you tasks for rewards? So.. bounties? They literally use the word ‘bounties’ in this video to describe it too.

    Ironically the one other thing they didn’t mention, despite having it on their other media regarding the game, was World Bosses. Either this stopped being a focus, or they don’t consider World Bosses to be end game content. Hopefully it’s option C, they somehow just completely forgot. Seeing as the beta had a boss at level 25, this also isn’t exactly ‘end game’ content either.

    I’m very interested in seeing what this game is like at release, but they’re not giving me a lot of reason to be excited for it.

    • Jakub Łapanowski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6 min length video tells everyth about how D4 endgame gonna looks like… Disaster customers tritment Blizz pls

    • Karalius
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How about you let people who care speak, instead of people just reading off a script of some robotic PR statement someone else wrote…

    • creepy crawler
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks pretty boring to me 💤💤

    • Black ops guy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Obese woman shouldn’t work and looks disgusting

    • Glish
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    they turned the bounty board into a tree hoping we wouldnt notice

    • Tursmo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:14 What was that edit? Couldn’t do a second take?

    • Beau Peterson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t understand their marketing and timeline. Why let us play in March for a couple days to then wait four months for the release.

    • krucafuks123
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    moghtmare dungeon = m+

    • zzkpeaceufo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wait did he really mean buy nightmare sigils? he said find… but this sounds awfully reminiscent of a certain material you needed to increase difficulty of dungeons in diablo immortal… in order to up your highest tier loot chance…. am i just being paranoid? lol

    • Leinhou
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The first lady was probably the model for the female druid

    Can’t wait to play this game!

    • WatcherOfTheSkies
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking good, looking REAL good…. <3

    • Mobile Infantry Entertainment
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just the first minute is such a pain to hear .. so many lies and oversell on basic things, mechanics, nothing special.
    1:38 LOL .. i know this from last year but .. i love this. 98% of the nodes are just “add stats” .. as shown in this video. And you can rotate the board .. sure there are some benefits like some rare node is closer but going to the right .. add 5 stats .. now rotate it, going to the left, add 5 stats 😀 just LOL .. oversell

    2:00 CHANCE for a drop? So now its not guaranteed? Wow .. shame on you

    2:07 just color reskin .. wont add any extra power except for the the aspect, pathetic.

    2:38 more lies .. same objectives, affixes were there before too

    3:01 120 dungeons, 3 layouts, 3 objectives .. good job

    3:14 no it isnt, lights are broken, light radius is broken .. past 2 years you keep showing how glitching it is .. the only twist is that you are showing BROKEN PRODUCT!!!

    4:22 RNG is not meaningful

    4:33 ehm .. 5 different bounties all over again .. where is the variety? Was the area around the tree fixed? FPS drops insanely when near the tree. Game was running 120FPS and tree 20fps.

    • svezanovac2
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:50 this is the endgame boss

    • Kongge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 is already a huge fail. Get your refunds while you can.
    Spend that money on something more entertaining, like paint, then watch it dry.

    • FJLoki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Frank Gallagur
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    quite disappointed with seeing +5 nodes plaguing the “paragon board”

    • Aaron Wichers
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Between the hand-holding Skill “twig” and the +5 to attributes paragon board, I don’t think that there’s too many meaningful choices to be made. The combat feels really nice though

    • Matthew Chase
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Those paragon boards are everything I feared.

    • Den Ben
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Зачем делать что то новое , а давайте продадим Диабло 3 второй раз. Кого вы хотите обмануть? Это будет провал, а разработчикам должно быть стыдно за такой низкокакчественный продукт😂

    • Battlejoke
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This video feels giga fake.
    The paragon-system looks pointless with +5 stat increases… “making your Character unique” well if the uniqueness of my character is the amount of different +5 stats.. Clowning of its highest order.

    The video makes me not like d4, its feels hollow and fake

    • Răzvan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its funny, how in this video, blizzard employees are all females!! Incredibile, i wonder what happened

    • Lughs_Revenge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ugh, a year ago they said there are +150 dungeons. Now it’s 120. Guess them adding small quest-related non-repeatable dungeons is what tried to weasel into that number…

    • Felipe Camargo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Shoe Jelly looks deadge

    • Churro Dust
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Too fat

    • Ijz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 mainstat

    • Andrei Jedidiah
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please stop dropping non playing class aspects

    • Unrealized Gainz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give us new content, not repetitive content.

    • Shoveit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Buff druid leveling…

    • You tube
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great update, thank for for no social justice in the videos

    • Sharon Oliveira
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t be a druid the characters are too ugly I wish we could be able to decide how we want our characters like in other games short,tall,fat,skinny that way your not leaving out anyone.

    • Gref ranger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am so excited for Diablo 4! Lilith is the good mother sanctuary needs.

    • Deluxo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really hope there is more than just +5 main stat lol

    • Yavuz Selim Dincer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    but is there a cow level?

    • Brap Pitt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Dex +5 Dex +5 Dex +5 Dex
    A true endgame experience!

    • Zero Resistance
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The way you guys are talking about this game Are we really sure we are playing the same game?

    • cem
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    diablo 4 will make 2023 great again

    • David Reilly
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Could they not just speak like regular devs instead of being handed a sheet of generic buzz worded hype?

    • D Jacob
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ve pre ordered the pc and console version ok

    • wenom12345
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this is exactly what i was afraid of… looks like there is not nearly enough to do at endgame.. blizz have really lost their magic in making games it seems

    • Background Sound & Music
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love diablo dont get me wrong, but if his most excited affix is a portal that spawns some more enemies, then I’m truly worried. Just pray to god the leagues are much more exciting <3

    • Francisc Csaba Herpai
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so, in essence, Nightmare Dungeons will work in a somewhat similar way to maps in PoE(which, imho is great). My question than would be: can sigils or affixes on them be upgraded, crafted, rerolled?

    • Boomzy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I saw a woman in the thumbnail and came to check the downvotes.

    • carllinyangy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This can’t be the real endgame video right?
    Kinda like an out-of-season April’s Fool joke

    • 10hitscombo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Do all classes share the same paragon board? If they are people who end up opened all the paragon board end up have a very similiarity with other characters/classes

    • Demetrius900000
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Only thing that I disliked in beta is how dungeon bosses repeated. Can’t you make each dungeon boss unique, at least for the first playthrough? And then randomize them on later ones?

    • Smart games +
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This woman is like a fat demon)

    • Ivan Stefanov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You know how our dungeons are boring? Well, we have 120 of them and you can make them even more boring by adding more enemies to them and making them darker.

    • vstrolis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m not happy what I saw in this video. Seems that D4 players will FARM level/paragon/aspects to become more powerful. But many of us like to FARM ITEMS to get stronger!

    • Legend27
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    man the environment and games designers / effects did an insane job!

    • Daniel Diaconu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should import the runes and the combinations from D2… And make it uber hard to find them… And maybe set items. That was the joy and despair of d2, the difficulty of finding good items. In D4, in one hour of playing, i had legendaries by the bushels. D3 all over again 🙄

    • SolSammo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play your way. Except offline, that’s not allowed.”

    • Nimrod Travis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow, druid died first in PvP fight.

    • Nimrod Travis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh my..I wonder what other objectives would they put into “clear 100%” dungeons

    • ShaddyzZz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks good. Hope to see some class balance before launch.

    • Piotr Adamczuk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    World will be full with new content but they don’t show anything new that we can see in beta. Boring video. Its just shows new zones

    • Hagogs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I guess that Kayleigh woman was the one behind the Druid design. Good thing she will not live too much.

    • Bdon55 X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Would you like to use Hardcore Revive Potion? Buy more in the store for only $9.99. 3 a month included in battlepass. (max storage of 3 unless you buy more storage, $19.99)

    • Chris Bryden
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it going to truly be “play your way”? Or will it be like every other aRPG, where you have 5-6 builds that are viable for end-game. And a bunch that are next to useless?

    • Grig Cosmin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    if you guys can stop making ur game after lostark it would be cool

    • Artur73r
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    moim największym przeciwnikiem podczas obydwu bet były wycieki pamięci i ciągłe zawieszanie się gry. Tak to jest beta ale premiera w za DWA miesiące…

    • John Edge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honest question, playing ofcourse the beta these past weeks. Will the final game version ultimately boast the effects of spells and graphic effects as in Diablo Two? Me and other players are hoping the that it is the latter. I mean we know its Beta but, we just hope these encounters have fluidity that does the game justice. Making it so addicting to see finishing moves and spells in general with such artistic genius is the total game itself IMO.

    • Ardorian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So apart from the Paragon board which we already knew, there was no discussion of endgame at all? They just talked about Dailies (bounties), forced group content and some PvP.

    • i don’t buy from amazon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can you just let them talk casual. in your office. no need to smile. just let them be themselves. the story was epic and the graphic beautiful enough to justify the money even for people who only play it once. but there are some elephants in the room you tiptoe around. not so cool.

    • Mark Ward
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ive senn real Lilith from blizzard in this vid and s,,,, its scary

    • You Odyssee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Am I crazy or is this just recycled info and there’s nothing new revealed?

    • Kromaswow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nothing about random dungeon layouts. I am worried.

    • J.D.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    WTF makes you think you know what players want?
    Your awkward interviews where you sound like a bunch of candy crush gamers trying to appear cool to the kids? Or the fact that you work for a disgusting, soulless, ruthless, criminally convicted company?

    • SFbeatdown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is the WORST diablo IV video you’ve released. Everything mentioned here sounds like a joke and totally disconnected from what the players want to see from the end game.

    • Грачев Сергей
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fat and vulgar women-devs – is it a new trand?

    • Eli
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did anyone else feel like this 6 minute video showed nothing new or informative? I don’t get it.

    • Star of Eden
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    8.6k likes vs 8.6k dislikes
    this is worry-some

    • Zipps Boy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Anyone else gettin destiny 2 vibes…

    • Geo Kan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    New class ideas: 1. Martyr (playing with whips and chains) 2. Exorcist/Prophet (summons magic of light and Angelic Entities). 3. Templar (Uses shield, you all know).

    • JuroM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Many more options +5 dex +5dex +5dex

    • cigarass
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Trash game stop it and hop on poe

    • El Fiino
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Tiene pinta

    • Altogolik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Я надеюсь в конце игры мы не будем такими же жырными, как та девка с первью

    • Jeremy Yenser
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    She said dungeons have a “chance” to drop an aspect. I thought it was just the static guaranteed reward for first completion of that dungeon? 1:58

    • Pepechi84
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • MrHoliday
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Them respec costs, look terrible… why is that even a thing in game?

    • Adrian L
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon looks really disappointing, and where there be a cap or can you increase it to infinity like in D3 making your character more powerful over time because if that’s not the case then it’s all trash and you just made a second tier tree.

    • zHngzy Stream Reuploads
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It looks awesome!

    • Sexist Spaghettios
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So is there “content” in this that I HAVE TO have a clan or group or guild or strike team or whatever to complete? How fartowards MMO are you really going? Or can I do everything solo if I wanted?

    • psiklops71
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    thanks for making it pay to win .. you pay 69 start lvl 1 i pay 99.99 i get 20 level bump up
    GG Microsuck

    • CodeCmdr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Adventure mode when?

    Season 1 when?

    • Shakesy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Boy. Whoever put together this “high production” video need to be fired immediately. How out of touch are you with your audience if think that this quick cut, shallow depth of field, corporate feeling bullshit is what players want these days. Just give us simple, honest direct communication. Shove the marketing BS up your hole.

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did she say you lose your items in PvP when you die?

    • LimitNZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The UI is so ugly. That colour scheme…..

    • 냐하하
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Diablo 4 skill system is a joke in itself. Most of the legendary abilities on the paragon board are simple types that increase skill damage. This game just looks like a Diablo 3.5 mod with a good graphic skin, or an added content version of Diablo: Immortal.

    • Neo Ze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why cant we hav a raid boss to play with friends and get good rewards

    • random user
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    omg… i only played immortal for a week or 2 but i remember that too having some daily quest tree…. i already thought this was an immortal clone and they just keep proving me right

    • Jay7ona
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    expand your character to make it uniquely yours..+5 dex…+5 dex…+5 dex…+5 dex

    • Spartan P
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:32 we know who modeled for thr female druid.

    • random user
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 int +25% damage = customization PainChamp

    • Longtimer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the tree of preston garvey

    • Pibby
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can I buy the cosmetics without doing PVP? I hate being forced to PVP. This isn’t a pvp game imo

    • Mac Gusway
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Sexist Spaghettios
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    See you guys figured out how to spell sanctuary finally. Took a couple days to fix your ad on Xbox. Hope you guys are better at releasing a finished and not broken prod………..oh wait.

    • Connor Ackerley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:57 couldnt have done another take?

    • Filip Ranogajec
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    First, nothing new. 👎
    Second, you first said that the Fields of Hatred were Mephisto’s doing, and now you’re switching that too to Lilith!? So, another lie to add to the pile. 🤮
    Lame, devils, LAME!!!

    • AjninDoC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol wow that paragon board has some interesting choices.

    • Paul Nicusor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For all of you who complain about the game….i play Diablo for the first time now in BETA, i play some POE , alot of Titan Quest that was his main competitor in 2006 , some Torchlight….. bro…it a f*king game play the video game, enjoy the video game, to many complains….have fun in the way they make it, they cant make a 100% for every one….

    • Jacob S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Incredibly underwhelming. Why can’t you guys just copy the PoE formula?

    • J L
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    …did they seriously release an almost four minute video of them saying, “When you play the game, game play happens.”

    Am I losing my mind here?

    • Ant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Get this pig woman out of the camera

    • psionic viper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There’s a druid woman on the thumbnail. Or is it Azmodan?!

    • TheMindfulOne
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why do people think that talent forests are necessarily a great thing in and of itself? I’m more interested in slaying monsters than spending half my play session looking at a talent forest. Go back to POE and stfu.

    • I have no name
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    8.3k likes 8.1 dislikes
    Yep Blizzard’s community in a nutshell.
    When I hear Affixes I think of mythic+ and a rage bubbles inside me.
    I’ll never understand the appeal of PVP in a ARPG.

    • Vamper11
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I want is molten core level raids.. Big end game raids you can do once a week or something.. detailed with awesome unique imprints..

    • mordecai bu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Easy refund

    • James Band
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The city has lack of features like they didnt have a bars which may your character relax and enjoy drinking and laughing that can temporarily forgot the horror of the demons,since it is city maybe it is become lively like more people walking and talking and noisy that u will feel it is a city,and also didnt have a library which may good source of researching when looking answers your quests and knowledge about the eternal conflict and the existence of sanctuary,since it is open world maybe he can buy or rent a house to deposit your golds and your valuable items and shelter of your ride,and hope they will add a companion just like in diablo 2 that can acccompany him in his journey,

    • Aldron Sky Walker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe looks tired and his hair turning into grey 😢

    • Kortak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wait what? At release I need to unlock Veteran tier first? it was already to easy..

    • Jonathan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Whenever I hear “play your own way”, I assume there’s not a single game mode that is remarkable.

    • Leo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Corey Havok
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    well, I’m glad I cancelled my pre-order. This game is going to be just another diablo 3, shallow, simple, and boring.

    • EL Drago
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fat woman in this video represent typical American woman. Ugly and fat 😬😂 Less hamburgers girl 😅

    • Juse
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Any sorc fans 🪄

    • Peter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ricarda Lang

    • Paranoid Jack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Does anyone know if going into the Fields Of Hatred auto flags you for PvP…
    or will people not wanting to PvP be able to run these areas for the shards?

    • Adrián
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Time to get back behind the table and start it from scratch

    • AoEnwyr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great update! Really looking forward to getting into the paragon system and playing with builds

    • Matt B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why did this video not reassure me of d4 endgame…

    • Ben Faunce
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Going out of their way to represent women in gaming but instead having them propose rehashed mostly bland ideas as unprecedented milestones in the genre undermines that very purpose. I guess Blizzard just can’t stop abusing women.

    • Arturo Cruz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Instead of just building the game tall, they should ALSO incentivize people to roll multiple characters and classes, and give them advantages/rewards for doing so.

    • John Nukem
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please tell me we are getting the crusader class back

    • Denka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Johnny2shoes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Lucas !
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please drop all the filler “this is special” “this is fulfilling” give us specifics, not all these vague nothing burgers. Im being slightly hyperbolic vague comments about mechanics are ofc alright, but all the attributions of the game that will be entirely subjective on the player side are entirely unnecessary

    • Felipe Pérez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hardcore character will permanently die in PVP too right?

    • tehkitchy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash RL Lilith?

    • NoxDeluc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope that using the same skills over and over doesn’t get old. I chose my first skill and that skill will never change throughout the whole game. I guess I could change class to get more variety…

    • Yu Narukami
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just make this game F2P or get ready for a rude awakening Blizzard , putting a price tag on a F2P mmo is not cool yall

    • Matheus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @5:25 ah yes the classic spend all my materials to get blue items, how I’ve missed you Kadala

    • Gmail User
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cant wait for the battle passes to give you +50% of drop rate chance to get them nightmare sigils

    • Sebastian Whatever
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i dont trust those ladies. nah

    • oldkingcoal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish I could see the dislike ratio

    • g00dnewb
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    World tiers.. These guys were fans of The division or something?

    • El Rocky Raccoon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What I’m currently mostly worried about is the issues regarding GPUs. Hoping you guys are investigating what is causing that. At first it was just Gigabyte 3080ti but during the open beta there were players with different models and series experiencing crashes and broken GPUs.

    • CensorTube
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    OMG there’s affixes in dungeons?? They say it like it’s some brand new mechanic to ARPGS lmao

    • Dante Coal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Whelp, we can see who influenced the character models for the druids. lmao

    • Mentl Torment
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Increase your character’s power by doing PVP… Looks like any ranged class with an ultra wide monitor is going to have an advantage at end game.

    • Paul Liu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Finally, my fat druid going insane.

    • Kevin Carpenter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think D4 should be in early access now until release. The ea weekends weren’t long enough, so I predict the launch being far more fraught with issues than people might think.

    • Aaron Dimoff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard, even the people that trust you think your paragon board looks like utter trash, BASED ON WHAT WE SEE IN THIS VID. If you want to impress us with how great the Paragon system is, don’t show us 10 nodes of +5 Willpower, for 5 seconds in a video about endgame. It’s not remotely convincing.

    This just tells me you’re either lying, and you know the Paragon board is pathetic, or you don’t realize the Paragon board is pathetic. I’m not sure which is worse.

    • strawBarry
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This all looks really fun. I do hope they resolve the massive performance issues during beta. I was driven nearly mad by the stuttering video and audio. Most times I had to take my headphones off, because stuttering audio is like torture.

    • Von Visuals
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just give us everything Diablo Immortal has minus the p2w.

    Clan vs Clan. 10v10. Immortals.

    • thomas rivard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m failing to understand the purpose of this video, this is all information we already knew about ??

    • Eric
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks boring already.

    • Jon Asgaeroth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why can’t Wyatt have a “play your way” mentality? Diablo Immortal is such a dumpster fire because of the warband and clan size restrictions. It is criminal to have so many features cut off from solo players. It is a stain on this franchise.

    • Никита Еременко
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We need pvp arenas like a wow in a diablo, do it.

    • Jamie Rocks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    April fools was 5 days ago… has to be a joke

    • EStreamGames
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish to have a job in the gaming industry.

    • Joshua Levy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m only going to play as the Rogue as the other classes have ugly faces and I don’t like their body types.

    • Theo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They have gotta stop with the soulless corporate speech patterns. It’s such a pain to listen a bunch of worthless fluff.

    • EStreamGames
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We need another beta or something, 2 more months of waiting seems like too long 😁

    • Mr. Love
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is nothing unique in games.. nice try to sell us.

    • Zenon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    if you want to progress in the endgame you have to visit the online store and spend $10,000 o.O

    • tran jung
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    already refund.bad endgame loop.its like d3.after 1 year maybe it will be a better game

    • zen wo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    their eyes can’t watch camera cause some reasons.

    • luckabuse
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lilith ate them all!

    • Mauricio Viggiano Neto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    now i get it, the KFC markering.

    • Nope
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Those paragon boards look so boring. Even if there’s cool nodes that they don’t show, most of the tree is still the same mindless filler that everybody always hates.

    • noneko oneil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1 “true” endgame
    +1 on difficulties on dungeons
    The other stuff are just public events..
    That’s it??

    • Ha KL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    None of them in the video have proper skill to present anything in interesting way. All looks bored and bland af. Bad choice of presenters for the promotional video. Personally, dungeons suck even before release.

    • ic3b3rt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think the build customization is limitless on this version mu ghad 😮

    • jake melmore
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow this looks like dogshit

    So glad you retards had the marketing team in charge for the last 10 years to crater every single one of your IPs! Looking forward to seeing you guys finally fail and die soon

    • Velimirius
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give me this beautiful game now!

    • Big Blue Frontend
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game is going to be such a disaster.

    • Kevin Eisenlord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3 mins in, i’m bored. money back perchance?

    • hangender
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Who is the chubby lady?

    • deep sp ce
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    launch is just the beta. elden ring.

    • Cidermill
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ah yes, mediocre, well done blizzard

    • Corey Rachar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The shoddy dubbing is odd and off-putting. I don’t know why people do this in editing… They couldn’t sound less excited or more disingenuous.. except for that one chick, she seemed pretty into it.

    • NeoThanos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Even the Devs seem bored talking about it.

    • Deathstars
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I cant wait to PVP!!!! thank you diablo for giving us a pvp zone and meaningful ways to have fun while pvping!!!

    • jonathan 11b
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    would be cool if they added raid dungeons that require more then 4 people like 2 groups would be dope. i know there are world bosses which is awesome just saying if they wanted to add more content.

    • David Bunnell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can see the pvp meta being Sorcerer/ess forever and any melee build being nonviable and unplayed.

    • M G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    She looks like a Druid…

    • ElectricDreamer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board is a HORRIBLE design! And that skill tree? You just took d3’s skills, remove 3 out of 5 runes, and put it onto the tree. It looks complicated but lacks substance.

    • b3nderman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In case anyone missed the legendary node 1:33:
    You deal 5% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to 25%.

    • Andrew Ahigian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “A lot more depth”

    +5 strength

    +5 intelligence

    +5 dexterity


    • Justin Allen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So like what are we really going to be doing bc I’m sure we capped bc there’s so much they saying is being in endgame

    • Ahriman The Dark Fallen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks promising but :
    1: Bosses in the dungeons are the same, same ability, same skin, different names. some dungeon layouts are annoying and too big.
    2: Paragons need to be changed, they arent meaningful and feels generic.
    3: Better end game itemaziation because many of the stats on gears in beta felt dull.
    4: More events or make existing ones a little bit faster to respawn.

    • Adam H
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is Diablo 3.5 a D3 reskin. The items give you multiplayers again and everything gets out of control with power and damage. Shame they copied D3 instead of D2 with how items work.

    • David Bunnell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board is so gimmicky it hurts. Fix the poor skill “tree” before implementing another terrible gameplay mechanism.

    • Dylan Richardson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hate PVP so I will never play D4 that way!

    • LD 50
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeaaaaaah… I ain’t spending $70 on this.

    • Game Daddy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the red head gives me vampire vibes

    • fly fin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this could of been 1000x better without idiots talking bullshit marketing speach on top of game play

    • tucci06
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Paragon system is WAY bigger and more in depth than they’re showing here. I suggest looking up a video about it, like the one from Mattjestic MultiGaming or just look up the calculator online.

    • e c
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    was hoping endgame would have a ‘CRUSADER’….oh well

    • Zachary Amachee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just wanna be able to fight other players in the open world and steal their loot tbh lol

    • Leehanz Alonalon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    buff book of the dead sacrifice option haha!

    • Senseirain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there gonna be a Monk?,..

    • Max Bernard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    with all the features they have taken from wolcen they should have at least had the decency of name it anything else than the last wolcen update called endgame and has most of the feature they talked about

    • Alan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A triple A title game for $70 with an in
    -game cash shop is ridiculous.

    • Alex Miller
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, is the capstone dungeon to unlock world tier 3, or are they saying they’re gonna lock wt2 at launch so everyone has to play on easy mode?

    • 199122vincent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So can we talk about the monetization?

    • Rid Z
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The female Devs Looks like they got hired out of a LGBTQ convention…

    • BatteryLow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    C’mon, devs. You had a ton of time brainstorming yet you’ve only come up with this bland paragon thingy. At least add some layer of diversity and customization – inventing interesting builds, perhaps. The skill tree is just a vertical version of D3, utterly simplistic that it’s bland. If Last Epoch were funded by a large company I’m sure they would leave you in the dust in terms of skill tree progression and crafting. Sadly, LE isn’t polished enough as expected of an indie group.

    Basically, you just re-skinned previous iterations of other diablo’s mechanics. Nothing new. You guys are lucky diablo’s IP is established with enormous popularity.

    • Nimbus55
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The only reason this dumb limited ability bar even exists in D3/D4 is for console players and it can’t change because the entire game is balanced around only having a limited set of abilities at once. I see no reason to play this game on when there are other much better ARPGS that aren’t specifically designed around using a gamepad and thus have far more character builds and depth..

    • Yani
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love the fact that it’s slower and less “mob melting”. Also, hope there’s actual procedural generation of dungeons (not like D3).

    • 💰 Make $749 Per Day
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” –Eleanor Roosevelt

    • hi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat omg !! endgame looks so empty 🤣

    • Golden Plectrum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The thing I don’t get is if we die does our character die permanently?

    • Nick Sun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why is the druid so fat? anyway to adjust bodysize ? bigger hitbox = easier to hit in pvp!

    • kek google
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    playing my way is never touching a blizzard game again, awful company with even worse games.

    • Logan_Wolverino
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wtf… so many dislikes 🤔

    • Everton Barbon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Templar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is really cool.

    • KS Kang
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The reason why Diablo 2 was so good and never gets bored was mainly because of itemization.

    • culex69
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Women aren’t good at anything this will be terrible.

    • Tom Goh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imo the dungeon modifiers, extra portals and stuff all came from PoE..

    • Ace Upchurch
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will we have more buttons for skills like POE?

    • Bush 308
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe shely looks like he could be one of the end of act bosses

    • Anthony Clark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks great. Beta was fun. Still not worth $70 to me though.

    • Jimreyn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • JB Ghuman, Jr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how dope would it be if Diablo IV just kept getting STORY updates like Destiny and we’d be playing for years!!!!

    • archfalcun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All sounds like Diablo immortal with bounties and affixes and such. Just done right and not pay to win

    • Jae Hahn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the Moo Moo Farm in Endgame??

    • Marcus Go
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The end game will be like getting 85 keys for the dungeon door to open.

    • Jeff Flogerzi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Red head is hot 🙂

    • RuTwitch
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Толстуху обязательно было засовывать на превью?

    • Derreck
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Too bad the Diablo® IV Limited Collector’s Box doesn’t include any exclusive digital content 😕

    • Miodrag Petrovic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please consider doing ranked pvp dota for gvg/clanvclan or whatever you want to call it.

    • Nick Manzo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love the PVP aspect of the game should be fun

    • Stuart Clinton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was that Mephisto at the end…?

    • Ben Benji
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So customizing character’s stats has become a privilege for those who max their characters and advance to paragon status…ok…..

    • Arobee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not sure what I was expecting, but I was hoping it was more than this. Not surprised, but disappointed.

    • Mr Skibs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this is all just standard stuff we already knew about… would have been better off not saying anything until launch about end game

    • Jon R
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yall somehow managed to make it look lame, does everything have to be diversity quota’d?

    • Sanguine Yume
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This sounds soo uninspired

    • Jyaen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Literally 90% of the board is just minor stats. 😭

    • jake A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s with all the dislikes?

    • Anon Maga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sad… nothing here made me say, “Wow, that looks fun.” Nothing… breaks my heart.

    • Krum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This doesn’t seem exciting and feels off for some reason

    • Nibelung Valesti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Every feature they show feels more disappointing than the previous. How do you mess up this bad?

    • Wayne Gosson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Stop with the teasing… just release already!!

    • Nibelung Valesti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Most basic progression system I’ve seen in a long time. This may be the most uninspired Diablo game yet

    • Trevor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bring the horadric cube and runewords back..

    • Nibelung Valesti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board looks completely meaningless. +5 to stat where you need at least 1000 of that stat to notice a difference. Oof

    • darrinEH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Omg the new boss looks huge and disgusting!

    • A K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    *_”We’re going to have an entire world of Sanctuary for our players to offer.”_*

    • Devildoginvu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    WTF is wrong with the paragon board. Just main stats and armor?

    • zakarda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Remove refund skill point ccost… like wtf. 100k for refund skill.. why? what is the point?

    • jzm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just started playing Last Epoch last week and the itemisation, crafting, talents were way more engaging, interesting (and IMO far superior) than what we saw in the d4 beta (i played both weeks). Besides the visual fidelity of D4 (not including the garbage UI – particularly the character/inventory screen + tooltips), it’s lacking in every other way. D4’s talent tree is just D3’s talents screen rearranged to look like a tree. Paragon board again is just D3’s screen rearranged to look different. Where’s the innovation?

    • gtiiiiiiii
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’d rather see a tree of the whispering eye 👀
    But I’m sure the tree of whispers is just the elden tree after everyone died over and over again

    • Qlimax
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Luckily you said “pvp” or id be bored

    • Omar Hughes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dunno guys. I played this game and experienced 0.5 FPS skeleton minions, invisible walls, rubberbanding, and exiting a dungeon failed to load the map causing me to quit out.

    • Randy Myers
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What does “Into the Endgame” mean? This video is confusing because I thought we were getting Endgame information here.

    • Sirtaj Samra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why so many dislikes the PVP thing looks sick

    • Bone Epidemic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the PvP cosmetics are exclusivly tied to the PvP…? So, PvE people are just f’ed?

    • Daich Bautista
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We need mobile diablo 4

    • Freight Train
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So, in other words, every last thing you have to say about endgame content, could have been said about endgame content, in Diablo 3.

    Literally NOTHING new even being promised, much less delivered, here.

    • Phaxey
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m glad to see that it seems that the PvP rewards are similar to the PvE-event rewards (obols) in that you gain a currency that you can use to gamble for gear. If I understand it correctly, it means that whether people prefer PvP or PvE, they are not losing out on any exclusive items.

    • oligreendot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope you can get the shard in another way than pvp.

    • Orhan Burak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice end game level up and pick +5 strenght.

    • Cynical Cake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:18 bro is this CGI or something?

    • Chase Oswald
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Couple of new things. A lot of self serving buzz words. If I hadn’t already played the beta I’d be nervous. You guys just need to chill. You make a good game, no need to over sell in a fake way.

    • Sean Castillo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Saying “every part of Sanctuary is fulfilling and satisfying” just feels like such cheap marketing language. There’s no way thats true. Not saying game will be bad, but like just tell us what specific aspects are fulfilling and satisfying about it.

    • Bernát Gyovai
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 /10 STATS??? on the paragon board?? 😂😂😂 srsly? So it’s literally a glorified and overcomplicated plus button. GGs Blizz, I’ll go buy Last Epoch instead …

    • Benster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’ll be the same as diablo 3 endgame: just paragon grinding

    • Christhralls
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did i see Andariel from D2 at 00:09 ?

    • Alex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:18 i trust this man with my life. get this game to be god tier plz

    • Cordova Lark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Any chance we will have an updated UI….? Also noticed you aren’t showing the dmg numbers…

    • Ty Gir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This feels like a decent start for a fresh release of a game. I hope its enough/balanced well to hold players on for the inevitable additional content to expand those end game options. Preferably updates and events well before we get to larger expansions.

    (Also, add SOME kind paladin/crusader/holy character!)

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love how the saysayers and anti-fanboys for this game are worse than the Starfield variety.

    Go touch some grass, you f@cking babies. (you DO realize you can play D4 AND Poe AND LE, right?) Also, saying you can buy this game, enjoy it for dozens of hours and then move one, is not actually the dig you think it is. Games holding onto you for the long hail is not actually a feature. Play more games, not more time with fewer games. else you just a CoD baby but with a different addicting skinner box.

    • Warlord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How can i enjoy the game when i just 1shot kill every fkn monster and boss.

    • Krobelux
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honestly, the activities aren’t why many of us play ARPGs, but the itemization has got to be good. If upgrades are fun to find then we don’t mind running the same dungeon a million times.

    • HelloWorld
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t like the bounties in d3, perhaps this time make it more rewarding or more fun experience

    • Warlord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please rename this project to World of Diablo….Not Diablo 4….This is not a part of the diablo franchise 1,2 and 3.
    World tiers? please, fking console casual xbox andys that play 15hours . rate it 10/10 and never play again.

    • Andi_S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    One of the things I enjoy about Path of Exile’s presentation videos is that the producers just talk like normal people and less with a fake PR voice.

    • Camco
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Now, if there could just be a STABLE launch unlike any other major AAA publisher or developer has put out in the last few years with the exception of Hogwarts Legacy, then this would actually be better. While it is possible that this can be achieved by Blizzard & friends, I highly doubt it.
    “He who has no expectations is never disappointed.”

    • RDS
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These kind of videos are weird — they have people talking about the game to make it feel personal and genuine, but it just comes off scripted and inauthentic.

    • crizzonet
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV beta felt like a mobile/console game. Get back to focusing on PC, we need more PC features. I get that console has a lot more players, but the hardcore players will be on PC.

    • Wall Time
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you preordered this know 2 things :
    1. You are a part of the problem
    2. You’re gullible

    That being said, LOL

    • Aegon Targaryen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shelly aka “old deadeyes” needs to stay the heck away from me. Clearly he’s a robot/alien hybrid.

    • FractalPrism
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more willpower
    OR i could have taken armor and dex!

    wow…amazing customization, my character will feel entirely unique

    • Joshua Johnsgaard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It might just be me but I don’t want harder enemies I want to feel like my character is getting super strong.

    • Sparktite
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Play your way huh… I wonder where i heard that before. Oh right, theres no way yall said the same about D3 while within a month or 2 you were forcing us to play your way by making it too expensive for any rational thinkers to even dare consider their own.

    • Atikur Rahman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks underwhelming

    • Caio Faria
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • llanowar4
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fat ladies should lose some weight – dont promote not healthy life damaging lifestyle Blizzard

    • Death Networks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So…. ‘Nightmare Dungeons’ are just the normal dungeons on hard mode? Erm… If it still has the stupid pick up A,B and C one by one while returning them to their platform… Yeah, no… I’ll wait til D4 Adventure mode gets released, it feels a little too much like ad/baal/cow runs from D2 which got old really fast. Also, no idea if you just said it incorrectly… but, it sounded like you have to complete the game per difficulty to progress up the world tiers?

    Think I’m gonna hold off and stick with some mindless fun in D3

    • J.D.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So we’re just gonna powercreep to billions of damage like D3 again huh? lol

    • Archimedus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Really not a fan of the mmo esq forced multi-player experience.

    • Water Water
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I also think the big rift in D3 is very boring, and I don’t recommend using it again in D4, it’s better to abolish it!
    Even increasing the difficulty of affixes to set off is boring!

    Although it is already known that the design of the Nightmare Dungeon during the closed test is no different from the big rift, and some players have confirmed that there is not much difference between the two, and they also said that it is very boring!

    There should be a better proposal than the sleep-inducing and tedious Big Rift 2.0(Nightmare Dungeon?)!

    • Katharine K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • J
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m officially hyped.

    • Jay Agusto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Redhair’s fire.

    • Ghostlight_exe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have completely forgotten what they said because all I heard was marketing speech which I’ve heard a thousand times 😂

    • adrenaline
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol @ all the dislikes. I played beta of D4 and it was fantastic. Cant wait til june

    • Otagraf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m just excited for May when all the fotm streamers and negative people leave since they completed the campaign and the people who really love Diablo can actually progress through the endgame and build a community even better than we have for D3.

    • Cody Foley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Still convinced they took end game and monetization from bungies time at blizzard

    • Draz Kor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Still not preordering till i see how much microtransaction, pay to win bullshit they’re gonna surprise us with on launch day

    • WarZone
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    El juego va a ir evolucionando conforme pasen los años . A la larga se va a justificar el valor .

    • Morzanith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the fat girl a new boss?

    • Tim A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yes! Make it harder! More monster density! More customization!

    • K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If the english lady could ease off the burgers. Hideous.

    • Donax313
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The question about paragon nodes is why should I care about +stats when during the first 50 first levels there is nothing telling us it matters much ? Without gear requirements, stats nodes are just a bland way to add some dps and also paragon points sinkholes.

    Also, no special bosses to fight/unlock throughout the endgame ? Where are the checkpoints to make us feel that our character has progressed ? Relying on difficulty only is quite a bland approach, especially if you take into account that the leveling of monsters scale on your for all the game.

    • TheAnesthetics
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For $70 this better not be it. Because you don’t deserve this money. This is a $20 game so far.

    • Kori Jenkins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s the female druid!

    • Richard Holiday
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Alot of false staments and it hasnt even hit the 30 sec marker, play your way, LOOOOOOOOOL!!!! Well I guess we know who the office troll is, “play your way” lol.

    • Freecss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wtf 7.2k likes vs 7.5k dislikes 😱

    • Matt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cool but did you fix poor VRAM utilization?

    • LetoZeth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “There is never going to be an absence of something to do”
    The fact that they had to say this, and the fact that the video is sped up by 20%, means that there is a lack of things to do and they want you to feel overwhelmed with the quick talking.

    And anyone who played the NDA beta knows there is.
    “The paragon board is going to have a lot more depth” = +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5% more damage > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength > +5 strength etc

    There’s a +5% more damage in there, see if you can find it in this extremely in-depth paragon board experience.

    • shouty_shout
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so in hardcore if someone kill us in pvp its a gg ?

    • TheGoodSamaritan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    will there be seasons? if so, then there is no really end game

    • MetalNbonez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please put in socketable items and runewords

    • Wypee O
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    that paragon tree is so ugly … the ui … wtf guys.Also , they better not sell those nightmare sigil in the shop … the game gonna turn like immortal if they do that 🙁 i really want a good diablo experience but these developpers scare me with that super long grinding tree bounties , that pvp part that look ALOT like immortal and the sigil for nightmare dungeons …

    • Golden Grin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shely: Hey everyone I have an idea, lets show solidarity in a cute way and all dress like Diablo!
    Everyone: Yay!
    *they all go to the filming of the video*
    Joe: so what did y’all do?
    Ash: I colored my hair red hehe
    “I wore a red shirt!”
    “See my goth eyeshadow! haha I love goth stuff”
    What did you do Joe?

    • Cole Azevedo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks great, can’t wait for June to kick around!

    • William Bell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When is the real Endgame video coming?

    • Kings Gambit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I enjoy increasing my power as an individual character to find that balance that keeps mechanics of the game alive, but after playing the open beta I can’t help think of synergizing my build to other players characters to have an overwhelming effect in pvp.

    • Michael C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking forward to playing the game

    • William Bell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PVP *yawn*

    • oponomo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why are 2 game producers talking about the game in the video? It’s the director and designers that actually make the game and it’s details. It’s like getting your accountant to talk about the shampoo of your shampoo company.

    • King cold
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok i saw the video but where is the end Game ? +5 stat 😅 Max your build + parangons, then…. play harder for what ???
    i feel isnt much to do besides farming rifts(dungeons) for better stats and why no have a group Finder jesus

    • Hrabia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Project Zero
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Immediately lost interest when affixes were mentioned for nightmare dungeons. I do not want to spend eternity in what ever this games version of rifts is just to chase +1 gear. And any time i see a ‘talent’ that is just a + or % increase to the character, it makes me frustrated. Just bake it in with the levels and give me the good stuff.

    • TheMadSentinel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “We’re going to give you hundreds of different art styles with which we will lock you in a tiny box, turn the floor to lava, and restrict your mobility. And we’ve TOTALLY learned our lesson about gaming on phones. Did we mention how good this game looks on your tablet?”

    • Redman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Asmongold will react to this for sure

    • Sy-Ky_Buddy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh wow look at all that depth on the paragon board…it’s all +5 to a stat. It’s a glorified stat stick board and it’s absolutely pathetic you guys have hailed this paragon system as something that’ll back up the absolutely dismal skill trees. This is it? You guys think adding +5 wisdom to my necro is gonna be some build changing thing? This is trash

    • THWL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there going be a LFG tool for dungeons that is easy to access and use in-game in time for release?

    • philldo Jensen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Who the baddie with the orange hair?

    • Clownmaster69
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “endgame”‘ seems like d3 +5 +5 +5 mainstat. maybe seasons will save the game ? 😐 disappointing video

    • NEKRO
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People always have something to complain about smh.

    • Oliver Seaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Firstly can I please have an healing class priest character who can pray to buff and or heal and hots, but also curse enemies and debuff. You already have churches and people loosing guidance also your conducting exorcist so a priest would work out so well. Or if you bring later the paly out holy paly in the tree, or hey there’s a druid let it rain healing or implement healing into druid or again just make a priest would fit in perfectly to storey and map wouldn’t have to add much people loosing faith you are here to help cure this evil plague, not only does this meet the mmo catagory like able to help your team, but also as a rpg player if I can’t role play a healer I cry😂

    • UltimegaSeven
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No boosted mob density, boring paragon board, relying on affixes to carry the copy paste dungeons…

    • ronuss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    don’t worry guys poe2 will be out soon

    • Luke Masters
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This isn’t gonna last at all.. The end game is balls.

    • oniokami13
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV Into the Endgame, and why nobody cares any more🤣😂

    • Rafael Mendonça
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    too much marketing and too little content, I will wait for the release, wait for actual players to play it and see if its worth buying

    • Cooltrain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You guys did the paragon board dirty by only showing those normal nodes and not the rest of them

    • ronuss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so let me get this straight. paragon boards are boring flat stat boosts lol. dungeons we have already played we can reply with afixs to make them harder, let me guess 10% more dmg from monsters ext lol. the tree is just dailys, ok right. then just overworld pvp stuf where people won’t pvp and work together to farm mobs to hand in without issues, right. lol. end game really doesn’t sound anything new really. game still looks fun though, but lets not delude ourselves that this is reinventing itsself into something fresh and amazing.

    • Layanor’s Mind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All of the Diablo games say you can “play your own way” but that normally is not the case. What happens is, players find builds that max out the damage and then Diablo will adjusts the game to handle those high-damage builds. So make sure you look up guides. it sucks, but at least you won’t hit a wall.

    • Silvertaken
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard feels safe thanks to Youtube not showing dislikes. +7300 dislikes and counting

    • Ryv
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A bit less scripted from game director would be appreciated, though any coverage from primary source is appreciated~

    • AMV Labs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    suddenly diablo 3 is looking really good again..
    you’ve got soulless corp speak guy, fake enthusiasm corp speak guy, over-enthusiastic genz overhyping features that D3 already has and Ship of the Line top deck heavy lady to balance out the equation

    • Patrick Emond-Sioufi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6 minutes to show absolutely nothing about end game. What a disappointing video.

    • Brick Through Time
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like when people move their hands while talking and trying to figure out what it’s meaning is. I think there was a comedy sketch all about that once.

    • mordu617
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • The Hybrid Sapling Tako
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so many buzz words….

    • Christopher Bronson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So… I want the devs to say they’re “inspired” by PoE without outright saying they’re ripping it off

    • Sean B.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game sucks. Obvious Runescape ripoff if I’ve ever seen one

    • SurF1nyt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Keep up the great work! Loved the beta 👍

    • Joey iNFiLTRAiTiON
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just want Lost Ark but with rare loot drops like diablo, perfect game.

    • @riotdrone
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i’m gonna be the mostest bestest summoner necro of all time ^-^ kawaii desu ne???

    • Dr. Drake Ramoray
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    okay are those fake devs or literally fake people?

    i dont know anymore

    • audiogarden21
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hey Diablo team. Get real. The release date is 6/2/23. Just because you put it behind a paywall doesn’t change that fact.

    • Mason Daniel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the endgame will just be filling out paragon boards for legendary nodes that will actually change the efficiency of my gameplay, hunting down legendary aspects that effects the skills I wanna use, and then running nightmare dungeons, helltides, and world bosses for endgame loot. Everything else is just rng lootboxes that I have to go out of my way to obtain. This is just worse PoE.

    • DediK8ed Slaya
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What about those of us who have ‘Phones’?! 🙄

    jk jk 🤣👍

    • KildalSC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This didn’t give me any more faith in the end game systems/loops of the game, but I at least look forward to the first playthrough and cinematics.

    After a few seasons maybe they’ll realise running errands for a tree isn’t exciting content.

    Didn’t play barb to lvl 25 because it felt clunky and bad in the beta. I Thought the spin at 2:58 looked cool and was maybe something I overlooked and maybe barb could have a cool build around it, but nope, just a 60 second cd ultimate…

    • PikiP1ki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way” meanwhile spend over 400 hours looking for just 1 item in d3 that i could play “my way” I hope i dont need to experience this in D4 because we dont have trade.

    • Perish
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6, 6, 2×3

    • Jacob Dimick
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Literally night and day difference coming from the Poe livestream to this.

    This is just a bunch of people who know nothing about good game design trying to impress us with boring nonsense

    • Daniel Wood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    …and we just witnessed the death of Diablo…as a franchise, and Blizzard as a company.

    • Lon Measley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hmm, the Fields of Hatred were originally said to be zones under Mephisto’s influence. Has that changed? 😳

    • cerT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    9 years of development OMEGALUL

    • Justin Zyff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Lord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Cory C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i really think you should change the font of items that drop, it clashes with rest of the game IMO

    • Cheeky Potty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6,9 / 7,2

    • Chrioni Sta Ana
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • roy_raider
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Well done video, but so far… This bring us no informations we already knew. Ok there will be “varied” activities late game… But why ? I mean, why do we need to be stronger once level 100 ? Will we have a ranking system like in Diablo 3 ? Is there something to grind ? does the Nightmare Dungeon can scale infinitly ? Without these informations, late game is just wandering activities without any real objective to me. 😅I hope we will get more perspective from you 💪

    • Arturo González
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol at people crying about endgame when diablo 3 was a wasteland with just bounties and greater rift. Yet peeps grinded that for 8 years+.

    • Max Cabrera
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    man, im so glad i decided not to buy it until they showed the endgame…

    • makker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Considering the objectives were one of the more obnoxious part of dungeons in the beta, often forcing you to backtrack through it, having even more of them appear in the Nightmare versions just makes me dread having to do them.

    Everything else seems ‘okay’ but not super interesting. The paragon board nodes all seem like simple stat upgrades, even the legendary node they showed was just more damage, though I can understand it if it’s some kind of endless progression. There are a couple activities in the endgame but it’s hard to tell how they work as a system of progression outside of your character’s power. If the game lacks meaningful challenge that you need to build your character towards, making it stronger can get mind-numbingly boring. Greater rifts were yawn-inducing so this has to be better.

    I’m sure PvP is good enough for many people but I’m concerned for PvE-focused players.

    • Bob Mishima
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not mindblowing but decent for base game. I do anticipate the endgame to evolve quite a bit over the lifecycle of the game like most titles in this genre.

    • KellionBane
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There’s nothing innovative or interesting in their “end game” content. Just a bunch of new red bars to turn empty.

    • Ace A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sell character models. I dont want to play as a fat druid and will gladly pay an extra $20 for a thin female look.

    • J W
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kind of disappointed they didn’t come up with something new. I was hoping for some endgame group content.

    • Archaon The Everchosen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3:48 asmodan is that you?

    • Jet
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Guys very well done, i think it is the best since D2, never liked D3. However the story i think needs to be more ‘mystery’ like D1,D2. Also if each dungeons has some secret or surprises makes player to clear it, then this game would almost perfect

    • utubesuckbad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this is Still not worth 70-100$ lol, i will never give another dime to blizzard. I’ve learned my lesson.

    • WhopperCheeseDota
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is the D3 Rift system removed? It’s a great system the problem with it was it was the ONLY thing you could do. Diablo Immortal expanded on it well with the challenge mode rifts which were a fixed difficulty. No idea why this system would be removed entirely

    • Ace A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash Sweetring is gorgeous! Beautiful voice.

    • Randy7777
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Big Dumb Lion
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is the least charismatic team I’ve ever seen. Sure you couldn’t find some D2 formers to help lead this?

    • blake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Needs to be way more monsters on screen

    • PvP Darwinism
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait so what’s the end game content?

    • The Fox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game need good procedural map generation for the dungeons, rather than just a few layouts. There should be iconic things that are randomly inserted x% of the time. Make better randomized dungeon layouts please!!!

    • Barton File
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You know it’s bad when the people creating the game get turned into actual actors reading terribly written lines instead of passionately talking about what they made. They are not proud of this lol.

    • Dylan Rutledge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nothing new and exciting. My expectations for this game has significantly plummeted since the beta weekend(s). PoE and LE seem better still in my opinion.

    • Canni Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    100K golds to refund a single talent point ! That means 5.3M golds for a full refund…… wow !
    And dont even talk about the paragon points……..

    • Athena
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @Diablo PLEASE add WASD movement for god’s shake. Make it so it is an option so people that want to use their mouse to move can still do so.

    • Nalo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I still hold that the game will ‘die’ in 3 weeks after people realize there’s nothing to trade…

    • drifterxexe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    god bro im praying theres some buffs there gonna do for the druid cuz the beta bad for the druid mains out there

    • HarrowingAbyss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everyone concerned about the druid being weak so blizzard shows one getting nuked in PvP….. Talk about being in a bubble.

    Makes the community feel real good that their concerns and beta feedback is being taken seriously….

    • Valdrex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat. Looks like no interesting endgame at launch. Bounties and NM dungeons are going to get old pretty quick.

    • CoRecreation
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Very cool D4 team, looking forward to the game!

    • Infernal Kiwi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Still not worth 70-100 lol scumbags want a battle pass in a full price game.

    • Nicholas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    soo dungeons. and more difficult dungeons. Thats it? 120+ dungeons that all follow the same basic concept. Thats the end game?

    • dxxj
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In future advertisements, can you please focus on genuinely exciting inclusions, rather than trying to make content look like more than it is, or how fluid movement will feel etc. This buzzword bonanza was disingenuine and disappointing.

    • Peter Ryczek
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How is this any different than World of Warcraft? Im so upset.

    • Lucas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did they really think most (if not all) of this was exciting? :/
    Nightmare dungeon affixes, sure. But how is +5 dexterity on 95% of the paragon board exciting?

    I really hope they listen to player feedback after release!

    • david Arbour
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow give us +5 stats I’m feeling amazing by that.

    • The Toxic Avenger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You did a pretty poor job at displaying the paragon board. The +5 to mainstat mechanic is what people hated about D3 paragon.

    • True Neese
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D3 ruined the franchise, too bad there isn’t any creativity left in the world Blizzard could create their own IP instead of riding on IP created by people who left the company many many years ago and whose knowledge either wasn’t handed down or utilized.

    • Mohannad Al-Shareef
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Weird take, but I think having an end game degrades the experience of the actual game. It becomes about the destination rather than the journey. I think if games are designed with end game in mind, then the actual game content should be the end game content from the get go.

    • Nicolas2465
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Overproduced, unnatural, cringe as always.

    • hoRsinator
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    looks thin, like the tree and the paragon Board

    • Daniel Newman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nobody panic Max Roll will save us.

    • Who Knows
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there any kind of leaderboard system? No reason to play without a leaderboard. D3 had greater rifts… I think this game will need something similar to survive long term. Just saying.

    • Tru
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Baby Yoda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Grow your power (but never feel any of it because enemies scale and you become weaker)

    • CaptainDarianFrey
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Disapointing video. Was very superficial and we barely learned anything new or in more detail. 🙁

    • StikkieBandito
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE Crucible trees are gonna destroy D4’s launch.

    Blizz keeps saying “play your way” but literally every necro is gonna be playing corpse explosion..

    • Baby Yoda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Play your way (using up to 3 1/2 different builds)

    • Ra Skillyo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m EXCITED!

    • Scotty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is a dev team I can get behind, they look passionate af, let’s get it !!

    • Kyle Stafford
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Currently sitting at 6.5K 👍 and 6.8K 👎. Nice!

    • Julian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “We are waiting on the full release of the game so we can use your advice to improve the paragon boards” – Completed game release January 2024…

    • Malarkey 094
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m glad they’re not catering to streamers. I’m so hyped for this!

    • J Neff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If your focus, as a dev, is ‘end game’, you’re doing it wrong.

    • Napfkuchen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So after seeing images and posts about pretty impactful paragon nodes, you really didnt do the game a favor by only showing “stats +” on the board… I mean when its there, why dont show the one thing many people are hoping to get more depth to the building of your character?
    That was a strange decision…

    • Uwe Roclawski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ricarda Lang is doing Diablo? Now I’m really scared!

    • TheImmortalSoul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way” meanwhile I can’t put a shield on my barbarian

    • J.D.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No wonder this game looks terrible and takes itself so serious with cutscenes and lore. lol.

    • TheImmortalSoul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    those paragon boards looks a lot generic tbh

    • Spencer Kaufman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But d3 immortal mccry, POE is So GoOd

    • J Neff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Endgame?” Here, I’ll sum it up for you: You pay $70 for the privilege to pay more for the end-game experience we should have given you with your $70. Done.

    • Luis Giordano
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    should have a rift system similar to diablo immortal

    • jason curley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    is it true that people GPU’s are dying?

    • Tubbaluvin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Could you remove all the “+5 Stat” form the paragon board so we can actually make interesting decisions?

    • Uwe Roclawski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The endgame is to start every few months from the beginning (seasons), because there is no endgame!

    • The other Dave
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I loved the beta, Ill be trying to take a few days off of work when this launches haha.

    • Bl B.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play your way!” also long as you spend money to do it! I was so excited for this game but you know they are just going to be scummy and turn it into diablo immortal. Blizz will never just give you a good game it will need to nickle and dime you to death but instead of nickle and dimes it will be hundreds of thousands.

    • Caustic Crisis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can I play now 😛

    • Tubbaluvin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play your way” with the required Legendary affixes we made for you. 😀

    • Wormweed
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Seems to be a lot of filler nodes on this paragon board

    • XethJacky Shade
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will there be more character?

    • Nicholas Jochems
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These paragons have even less variety than the ones in Diablo 3, Bounties are an extra objectives in a dgn or cellar you already cleared 20 times. PVP will be a meme like in every ARPG. 90$ by the way.

    • Charles Stibbs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The purification of shards during PvP sounds horrific 😂 I imagine so many rage quits of players SOOOO CLOSE to purifiying, and then BOOP, get wrecked in half a second and lose your stuff 😢😅

    • Amur Ika
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish I can play however I like instead of following what Blizzard want us to use.

    • Tormmac
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    when the people who make your games havent spent 10 hours playing a game themselves in their entire life

    • Grandmascreampie
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 strength?!?! – REVOLUTIONARY! and OMG +5% damage? I. CANT. BELIVE. IT.
    also if you look at the women in this video, you can see why the females in D4 are so ugly

    • REAP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This was all bullsh*t; there is nothing in the end-game! They described basic things that exist in any other game, not just aRPG ones! WTF did I just watch?

    • Lee Bode
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All people keep asking me when I’m trying to get them into D4 is if there will be tea-bagging. Is that part of the SuperMegaSonicTurboHyperlisticAwesome++ Package?

    • Notfallhamster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it’s funny how Blizz advertises their worldtier system that is nothing but a loot reset and people like it :D. This will get funny.

    • Low Econ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait, is their “things to do” innovation that you can play the game over in harder difficulties as well as modifiable “map” content?

    Unique stuff! 😅

    Wait, let’s not forget dailies!

    • Geofer Ochotorena
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Question: Does the campaign reset (like in D2) when you move up in World Tiers?

    • chokinghazard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why the 6.6K dislikes?

    • Rustém Akhmet
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That thumbnail is really confusing – I thought it would be some kind of Blizzard’s opera music video. 👍🏻

    • Will X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    please remove refund cost of your game will kill the player base
    looks like is better to create a new character instead of refund stuff

    • John Smith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay so definitely not going to be a several week game with ladders/leagues/seasons that last weeks or months. $100 for a single player story game is steep.

    • Mark Lester Navarro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Preorder done. Ready for June!

    • FatherJr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks bland… will have to wait and see.

    • Username
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay, this all sounds wonderful and all. But, after all the millions of dollars spent on making this and the hundreds of thousands of hours put into creating it… can we zoom the camera out?

    • Andy B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In this episode:

    CGI Joe Shely
    Ash has guns
    The Devision Dark Zone mechanics in pvp

    • Dalton v
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Think I’m just going to keep playing d2r. This doesn’t feel like Diablo. This feels like other arpgs.

    • Cooltrain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Makes it back from PVP with shards > Has to gamba them > Gets a blue

    • Majestic Gardens
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    just seeing KAYLEIGH CALDER involved is such a…cringe moment for any original Diablo player. Leave it to blizzard to make girls who hardly previous ever played lead roles in this. DO US ALL A FAVOR AND DON’T FU K THIS UP LIKE DRAGONFLIGHTS WOKE BULL

    • gizzad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Our game has a game in it.

    • HulkHogansGiantTaint
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame sounds bad

    • Will X
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    remove this refund price bro wtf 53k for refund LOL

    • Андрей Дорошенко
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No information about trade system. Disappointed by not having a possibility to trade Uniques, sounds really dumb actually, for example if I find GF or windforce BOW as a sorcerer I need to level up a new character to wear it? The only thing that needs to be tradeable is Uniques

    • ZEZA
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God I hope PVP isn’t a required part of the progression… Also, I hope everything obtainable in PVP is available in PVE… Ash Sweetring please give it to me straight! Show me the light Ash

    • Andrew McCune
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 is really revolutionizing the APRG genre, thank you so much! Not having the ability to have a map overlay and click to move also is revolutionary!!

    • Penguin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t trust women in the gaming industry, especially not when it comes to Diablo.

    • Raivazz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Idk im getting more and more disappointed with D4. It has 0 complexity, you removed set bonuses and slammed them on uniques. Every grey and blue item is completely useless and you’re skipping straight to yellows and legendaries. Paragon board adds nothing but more mainstat/resistances and you guessed it, more set bonuses. I don’t get it, how is this game 90$ worth when a game like last epoch doesn’t come close to the budget blizzard has and still manages to make a better game for a third of the price.

    • Ja2so4
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope that a game will have more soul than this video

    • Itwas Luck
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks promising! As long as micro-transactions are limited to cosmetics only, D4 will be a huge success!

    • Oplix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will likely be the greatest game of this generation.

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The thumbnail is into the endgame of McDonalds

    • Dom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    nah the real question is why does one of the woman devs have a mustache

    • Mały Koń’s Band
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah, yeah. Zelda is coming guys.

    • Ekter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Truly made this character my own.

    • TokubetsuYT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Main Stat / 17 Damage…..

    • maniacal1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You all should have stuck with what made Diablo the best, and not tried to cross-breed it with Lost Ark and MMOs.
    This is the first Diablo title I won’t be buying.

    • Karrde
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hmmm.. so engame is nothing but dark cave rocks and blood, and the obtuse ui is a tangible feature of builds? I get that edgy does wonders to distract from endless, meaningless, pointless, easy activity (see vermintide) but i think d4 has fallen into overcompensating. Also vermintide is interesting because of the depth, and you actually need it.. not exactly diablo lost ark mainstream arpg. Will be watching closely for the right time to jump in anyway.. i can’t imagine its going to be launch.

    • Mark John
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like how the first class to die was Druid lmao. Totally accurate since they felt the weakest in the beta

    • leog
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These guys look like they’ve been sucked dry by Diablo and his bros already, as if dead husks speak with regurgitated words.

    • 13rush37
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks like hot dogshit, time to refund. Thank you blizzard.

    • Oplix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Less than 2 months away boys.

    • Daniel Lange
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I cant watch this vid to the end, its horrible. I absolutely loved the beta and can’t wait to play again. But these presentations are unwatchable

    • The Video Game Show
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please change that skill tree ui.

    • Emodestroyer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If the final release is hot garbage, this video will be plenty of meme fuel

    • Kazuya Yuza
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’d love to play another beta for the endgame. As the early game (the actual beta we had) I found rather boring.

    • CGR D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pretty sure that’s Andariel at the start of the trailer being fought by a group of players.

    • Daniel Lange
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this style of presentation is so distracting. please more of the game, less of the presenters.

    • Muppet Arms
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is a mixed bag of New and Old content here, mostly new video but one odd thing was the way that, at the 1:51 mark, Aspects of Power only having a chance to be dropped? Is that going to be the case after X level/tier?
    I just hope that items or aspects don’t become the new Sets kind of locking us in to a predetermined play style.
    All in all I’m so looking forward to 6.6.23

    • Unhappy Cat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no rifts?:( no tier sets?:( bruh

    • NightRaven
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wish there will be more PVP modes

    • VpR
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The fact that they’re reading a text makes this video so awkward

    • A C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So they basically copied path of exiles Map system and passive board badly. Amazing progress

    • Professor Of Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I haven’t been this excited for a blizzard game in a long time. It looks like it took the best parts about D2 and D3, and merged them for d4

    • Hivemind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This video is bad and you should feel bad.

    • Brett K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What did I just watch 😆

    • Mario R
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Arial font doesn’t match with a Diablo game.

    • Luke Van Epen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board looks exceptionally uninteresting

    • HarrowingAbyss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hopefully melee druid isn’t completely useless end game like it seems it is from the beta

    • Nikolai Jakovlev
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Use me as dislike button !

    • Audrius G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait for launch………………………..

    • Xavier Cruz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hopefully you guys get rid of the failed Diablo 3 skill slots, all these granted skills and customization you guys are providing, yet were stuck with only 6 slots. Another thing is requiring skill points to before unlocking the next set of skills, this becomes a big waste of points in certain builds that dont need anything allotted in certain trees. Also hope you guys take a page out of Path of exiles book and let us get unlimited amounts of stashes. Nothing more annoying than running out of space when you play multiple classes.

    • Inzania Telcontar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Feels a bit without substance similar to the paragon level and some of the skills. Also the “multiple objectives” for the dungeon just invites trouble if you have to backtrack a lot.

    • anchuto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I remember when I played Diablo 2 back in the day with my cousin. I really enjoyed it, but I wasn’t a hardcore fan as he was. After we killed Baal, I was like “ok, we shall we play next”. To which he responds “what do you mean, now we have to start over in the next difficulty, it’s a lot more fun”.

    That’s when I realized that Diablo wasn’t a game for me. As much as I enjoyed the core gameplay, I didn’t like the idea of having to complete the game a first time to unlock the better difficulty. I thought it was a very lazy way of keeping people playing and I didn’t want to go through the entire campaign again.

    Now, he has convinced me to give Diablo another chance, by saying it is a lot more like an mmo now. And the thing that really sold it for me is the pvp, which I think is by far the best endgame any game can have. Dungeons and bosses get old eventually, but pvp and competing against other players is always fun.

    Anyway, this is my long way of saying that I really hope they expand on the pvp a lot more. Maybe by adding arena and battlegrounds like WoW had.

    • JediKilla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok but can I play through the campaign again using the same character on the new difficulty? This just looks like a toggle on and off and not going back to play the story again.

    • Ashley Smith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks extremely boring, glad I refunded. D4 does not have its own identity. Just d3 part 2

    • jacobvig0
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I liked playing the beta and look forward to June!

    But. I hope you are adding some of the D2 music into areas or towns in D4.

    I also wish that gambling the items you look for will not be as fast as in D3. Legendaries in general.

    Did not like the stats and ingredients tap. Ofc im used to the stats/resist/dmg tap in D2 so im biased, but it feels to tight in D4. I would prefer a separate window.
    Also the skill tree is a bit “big”, I would like if it was more tight and you don’t had to scroll around that much.

    In D2 we created or joined games, that people named to do different tasks (Baal runs, act 1 etc.). Is there a new way of grouping up with / searching other players for the tasks you wanna do, dungeons, quests etc. if you want a social gameplay?

    • cjtnegrete
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Land whale aho!

    • Blingchachink
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank you so much for remastering Diablo 2

    • The Codebreak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can’t wait!

    • MorroWolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The word legendary is really misplaced here…

    • Faize Wolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I only clicked cuz she looked good 😂 then the doods started and closed it

    • Limmel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The amount of PoE fan boys trying to leave negative comments is glorious. Game isn’t even out yet 😂

    • Nathan Revilla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Show the cow level

    • karlmarcs31
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Every time I find out more about this game the more disappointed I become.

    • Just2mad4u
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So this is where all the money from immortal did go

    • ZelasD3
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Man, I am waiting for this game. But this trailer just was bad service, IMO. You show paragon system and all you show is just the worst +stat nodes, when you could have showed one of many more interesting ones. Come on. It’s like you’re trying to make it look bad.

    • Universal Khaos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I legit can’t wait! I’m super stoked to get to play in June. This all looks really good and the beta was so fun and addictive that I’m legit excited for the release. Just no pay to win and I’ll play for as long as the game gets updated.

    • Der Coomer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is actually a good idea

    • Projekt Hoss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How does Hardcore participate in PVP?

    • Patrick Doyon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I expected so much after playing Diablo 3 🙁 the fact that they’re barley any skills. Even Diablo 3 had a better story.

    • Powder
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yeah i totally understood the glyphs and codex thing

    • Will B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Are nightmare affixes seasonal like WoW M+, or itemized like POE maps?

    • Lights
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    even devs play sorc reason why she is op 🤣

    • sallee132
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im mostly hyped for PVP here.

    • Albuz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait a second…

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I bought last epoch after being disappointed with the boring skill trees and legendary aspects in diablo 4 during the early and open beta. The druid in last epoch is night and day when compared to druid as a whole in D4. I really hope D4 characters get some kind of skill tree expansion or just stop hiding all of the cool skill modifiers behind lengedary gear.

    • Mike Ireland
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is basically d3 with a crappier UI lol

    • Zolf28
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait to add +10 to willpower in this amazing tree and farm over add over my favourite linear dungeon, thanks blizzDogliniar

    • Gareth Brown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    mmmm, it’s just a shame the endgame is boring AF.

    • Kristoffer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Have fun playing the click 3 item dungeons. I got a refund..

    • tad casper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    at anytime can i put closed video out?

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ah man, looking forward to the game but that paragon board… really hoping you guys just happened to pick the most bland route possible to show here.

    I’m hoping we won’t need a “Gamers, we hear you” video within the first year of the game. Just make a good game.

    • HANA_
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat

    • Dragosani
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i believed the British one.

    • Szymon Krukowski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why are you talking to a tree instead of an anctual npc, one that has an interesting backstory and a quest?

    • Tracy Cox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Remove respec costs. It’s not needed and or wanted. We are already paying for the game. It’s so stupid to incorporate that “mechanic” into the game. The community doesn’t want it, yet here you are showing 100kg + cost for ONE point, ONE point….Handcuffing paying customers into a system that is redundant and not requested or liked is beyond my comprehension.

    • Caromarger
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yoo when did they add kratos i want the blades of chaos

    • Zarfelt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The land whale at 1:38 looks like she ate the rest of the development team 😅

    • Nate Piza
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow, absolutely nothing but ideas recycled from other games that let you take a small amount of content and recycle it over and over to pretend like you have a bigger game. This must be the greenest game ever made!

    • Falcon82
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice Andariel Confirmation at 0:09

    • Slowpoke
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If only they were this passionate about class balance and not release beta without testing it at all.

    • whoopsie321
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so many dislikes yall are unhingedddd 😈

    • ManuscriptRaze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This made me refund the game.

    • Rikki Allinson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Play the open beta 24th -26th March… baked into the end of a video released 5th April… DOH!

    • Nate Puterbaugh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So it’s literally the Division’s endgame……

    • Duli Kon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish i could have also so much screen space as shown in the dungeons without that clumsy UI – give us at least a slider or so. And yes 120 Dungeons where you can activate more objectives…which forces you to find special locations and backtrack through emptiness. Will be all good i guess. Still not clear about Endgame and still vague though. So this is a teaser only yeah?

    • Barton File
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Welp Blizzard is done lol. Had a good run.

    • chadbuddha
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    miss diabetes devourer of bacon

    • Vander D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bring back Blizzard North for God’s sake! They at least know how to make a game that’s lasted over 2 decades and has infinite replayability

    • Ettan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh look the female barbarian

    • Foogley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nobody wants to see your faces.

    • Dodgethis CZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash is cute

    • PWARGaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ngl that paragon board seemed pretty wack. I know 4/20 is the bigger “deep” dive but they should have shown some legendary board or interesting effects you “could” get on a board instead of just spamming +5 nodes…like 1:25 to 1:50 is all just showing and ticking +5 nodes…helltide areas seem cool tho I guess. also poor druid 5:16

    • Daniel Brandes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Years of development and they came up with the idea to bring the mainstat back again? Imagine grinding 40h from 95 to 96 for 7 dexterity. Sorry but I cant understand how this happened. How can they not think of something more interesting with a little more complexity.

    • Daveed Cramber
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • cetusipy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Guys trust us there is more here. Like what? Oh you know, the normal things people in ARPG’s like! Could you be more specific? I am sorry, this chat has reached its end, please click the brush to start a new conversation.

    • Bloody Pirate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dont believe blizzard . DIV =D Immo

    • bob ballard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    look fun guess time will tell iv tryed the beta alot of invisible wall n bug like that hope it wont by like that

    • pascal van vlaardingen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i rather have 60 well designed dungeons then 120. it did not get me excited hopefully overtime they will make them better. less backtracking, less interaction object and more intresting layouts. would be great with that said cant wait for the game to come out .

    • Thiago Lucken
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They put a lot o luck factors in the end game and forgot to put fun in the game at all… again the paragon system… forced pvp… a waek loot system with generic items that rarely reward the players that have limited time to play the game at all… i really expected more of the final product as a fan of the series.

    • SilentShadeShua
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im making my character like the red head Ash, thanks for being alive

    • DiabloiiResurrected
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 to a stat or +50 armor isnt exactly exciting stuff to see on a paragon board lol.

    • Drew P. Cox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    has there ever been a successful game with women in such high positions in the dev team?

    • Dan Garcia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m looking forward to t4ying diablo 4 but this video does absolutely nothing to help😂

    • mr pink
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i thought the girl in the pic for the video was a final boss.

    • ZzolllozZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    cant wait no more

    • Murlino Noo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If only the UI looked half as good as the set this was filmed on. So mismanaged.

    • Patryk Underhill
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it too much to shave a moustache when you know you’ll be filming a video for millions of fans? The obese woman does not care at all.

    • Navigator
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s breathtaking that blizzard devs had 10 years to fix their mistakes from D3 and this is what they’ve done. Truly stunning levels of incompetence.

    • Benefits
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My excitement level just dropped from around 100 to a 3 after watching this. These endgame systems look like they’ll be incredibly frustrating and needlessly drawn out. Such a bummer.

    • Gaymer Cody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am SO ready.

    • Something Cook
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Teddy Macdonald – snow fall 3:33

    • François
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard is really shooting themselves in the foot with these overproduced, fake sounding corporate videos in my opinion. It’s a shame, because based on what I’ve played in the beta, D4 looks like it will be a great game.

    • LoyalRo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t know what chances are for me that my message to be read by someone from DEVS team, but here are my thoughts until now :

    Would be perfect if we can have an option to enable or disable people around our map. I know, it’s not single player anymore but let me choose if i want to interact with someone or not. I mean to not see them on the map.
    Textures are loading in realtime from low quality to good quality in like in the Need for Speed series games and it’s not cool. If i downloaded a 80gb+ game, i want my textures to be perfect all the time with highest quality. Not loading them from a server. Not cool.
    Animals that are on the map, should be slayed by monsters when are around them. It’s not realistic when a deer it’s near a monster and that monster does nothing. It’s a monster, they kill everything.
    As someone said, background music is good but you need to add some fade or something because it’s stop instantly from time to time.
    Biggest wish is to make something changed to the background map to have an acknowledge where i’ve been on different location. Now all the map around me it’s visible but i don’t know where i’ve been. In D1,D2 and D3 map it’s being visible while you walk. Make something to know with marks or something.
    Hope that UI menu of the game will be more creative in terms of design on full release. Hope that now is only for beta, but needs a proper DIABLO work of art.
    Another great future that can be implemented for perfection, would be some EPIC choral orchestra with strong voices that songs battles of Angels with Devils and when you fight with a BOSS, to have an epic song with trumpets and bass like a shake of earth something like that. Violin and stuff are great now when you are on the map but when things get serious, would be nice to have something really EPIC.
    Presets for graphic textures would be so AWESOME to choose from GORE/DARK lighting/colors to something LESS. Please consider that.
    I repeat, from thousands of feedbacks, i don’t know what are the chances but… i tried.

    • Duckzilla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gib cow level pls ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    • zickiz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board is omega concerning if its legit +5 stats here and there

    • Templar Crow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 str +5 dex +5 int HO BOI

    • Bartheus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Before u get hyped with that endgame just prepare for early game with servers problems 😂

    • Teo Ćimić
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How dumb some people are is unbelievable, so much so that honestly you don’t deserve to play the live game. One thing is to give feedback on beta, the other is to for starters not know what a beta really means, and lastly not have an increment of imagination to guess yeah most likely when I play the completed game and up the difficulty things will also go up and scale etc.

    • Scott
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The way they are passsionately-less describing the game (with maybe 1 exception of guy with beard) is, to me, a clear indicator of how this game is going to be.


    Made at the lowest possible price.

    To intentionally and maliciously , and I use this word very deliberately, EXPLOIT, those who play the IP.

    Blizzard and most of if not all game companies have a zero tolerance exploitation policy. Find and exploit and use it? Banned. How dare you find some infinitely small way to negatively affect their profit. Instead of patching it and just saying we should do better. But doing better means more money in development. Huge nono.

    However, they hire teams of people from a vast array of fields to learn and implement ways to exploit their player base at every possible avenue to essentially rob you of your money but what’s even worse is its robbing us of our time. They are making games more and more just daily rinse and repeat events that no longer are fun and driven by ones personal desire to play and more so driven by addiction and natural human flaws. Now as it sits now this isn’t a pay to win game as we tell but even if it’s not it’s designed to maximize player retention which the methods they use will make people play for sure and keep coming back but not for fun. Only out of the fact they feel they have to.

    And by the time players finally quit they have either realized the massive amount of money they wasted (battle passes in this case) for a game that was designed to exploit. Or they have moved on to the next IP to rinse and repeat.

    Blizzard used to higher gamers who were passionate. they seem to have highered to fill diversity roles. Which isn’t necessarily bad but if they fill the diversity quota but not the passionate quota ,they should have gone with passionate person everytime. They seem to have filled it with passionateless “yes”men (or women) just doing the job for a paycheck.

    And the serious lack of passion shows exactly that.

    The employees are there without passion because it is, well work.

    Sadly, their players will be too.

    • TooHigh2Die
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Definetly seems to the best Endgame in any Diablo game considering D2 was running bosses over and over and D3 was rifts. Very excited for this and should be a GOTY contender (RE4 prob wins)

    • Blackjax137
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I leave this video with less confidence in Diablo’s endgame than I had when playing the beta for the first time.

    +5 stat nodes for a Paragon system? How do you take from PoE and every other aRPG and somehow make it even more uninspired than what you ripped?

    • Frank A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PSA: for those without a “Youtube Dislike” extension.
    Video has been out for about 4 hours now.
    5.7K likes and 5.9K dislikes *(dislikes are technically estimated, though I’ve never seen them far off).

    So about 49% likes to 51% dislikes… not great.
    Seems likes a lot of people are not impressed by the Paragon system and/or the endgame being very interesting.

    • JOKE485
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i wanted to run away of wow because of affixes and now again.. sadge

    • César Domínguez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    More, more, gimme moe

    • sciemk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Marketing endgame.

    • D C O
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame like Diablo Immortal? Hum…

    • Shohai Ku
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The wait is almost over!!

    • Mike Cooke
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Grzegorz S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope PVP areas are not mandatory

    • Peepo Poo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how will redditors who wanted to scapegoat criticism as a vocal minority react to the dislikes here? That beta was trash and it’s sickening to see people praise it.

    • Chad Vincent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Mostly females designing a game for a 90% male player base.

    • Jack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That’s Numberwang! Let’s rotate the board!

    • madmac773
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You guys should make it MORE OPEN WORLD. SEE MORE AND INTERACT MORE WITH OTHER PEOPLE. Party size should be more than 4, bring back the old 8. Or 6 at the very least

    • Lasha Xoperia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Don’t wanna be rude but after all people say that Diablo 4 will be better game than Diablo immortal. LOL not even close ok? not even close!

    • Zasz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Many more option as you go”
    *’shows paragon system thats just +5 mainstat in every field’*

    • Lakus Pakus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blablabla the game is going to be great blablabla players will love it blablabla buy our game blablabla pls buy our game blablabla

    • Meme Bro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    More like Blizzard is in the endgame LOL

    • Ashmaker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks so bad wtf

    • GuruChaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think they need to fix Aspects where if you put it on an item, you should be able to extract it out of that item and put it in another item instead of having to find it all over again. That was so useless in the beta beyond boosting 1 yellow item. Also, making things almost impossibly hard for the players with portals popping up and so forth shouldn’t be the main game mechanic. How about throwing some puzzles in there…stuff to figure out. That’s more fun than “here’s a random portal popping up that sends another 100 creatures to beat you down all at once”. Forcing players to group will kill the game. PVP will be interesting.

    • Allostasis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2:02 Girl, they didnt prep you properly. Its not a chance for codex aspects to drop, they are literally added to your codex upon finishing the dungeon. Unless they completely changed it since beta?

    • Maglor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All the focus on player choice in playstyle. From what I’ve seen and given blizzards track record, I’m very skeptical of that claim.

    • Ty Gorton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The worst part is knowing I’ll hear all this again when Asmon reacts.

    • Peepo Poo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This whole thing feels like a joke compared to Path of Exile. The devs just seem hollow and soulless, too. I don’t have faith in these people especially women who would’ve belittled me for playing these games growing up

    • Jack J0n3s
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there any chance this can be uploaded in 2k/4k please? Thank you <3

    • Onyxicca
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cool to see endgame footage, but honestly I have been having a hard time keeping my eyes off the set design. Love the gothic setting all throughout!!!

    • Soulhunter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2:41 soo Path of Exile maps, but without the depth? got it. and bounties? really? lol

    • Krzychu GhosT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    pvp exclusive rewards? In a Diablo game? WTF I have no words on how disappointing this is especially considering how inherently toxic and griefy the design of this pvp system is. Awful. I didn’t think I’ll actually get mad at D4 devs but it happened.

    • Snusen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I had high hopes for diablo 4 then i saw the two female troll leads on this title.. Now we all know its going to be shait.

    • GuruChaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please don’t string us along with BS. This game needs to continually be added to, not just one expansion and done like the other Diablos. Diablo 3 could have had so many more expansions instead of grinding seasons over and over ad nauseum. I don’t trust anyone on the Diablo team just yet after Diablo Immortal was shilled on us as the greatest thing ever. Don’t ripoff your customers.

    • Xenomorph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Beta was awesome. Can’t wait for the full release. Fu.. off to all the haters

    • Ramschasar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Love how involved everyone is. You got a great game here and lots of people who want to play. Please dont disappoint us with your ingame store (wish only emotes are there and stuff like armor is depending on the things you find)
    See you on 6.6.

    • SLED leohja
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That first guy is smart enough to know that D4 isn’t ready for launch yet and this video will come back and haunt him.

    Sorry bro…

    • Julius June
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:17 of course hes working on D4. When not hes sucks blood from his victims. Just joking but in these scence hes actually look like a vampire! 😀

    • Saimeren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just hope you find a way to make it so we don’t have to completely backline our characters each season. In D3 there’s nothing worse than starting a brand new character and leaving your old one behind to never get touched again. We grow attached to them, and having to abandon them in order to progress through new content feels really bad.

    • chris james
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You know all the hype is what kills these games before they even come out. Just stfu and wait for the game.

    • Ákos Tamás Nováki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I would like to see
    – class related quests like a mini campaign in every major areas
    – a “bestiary” function could be added to have a closer look on the 3d models to appreciate the artwork
    – “arena” mode where you can fight against captured / resurrected monsters as practice with different conditions
    – corrupted players could create their own dungeon which must be defended from other players (like a built-in Dungeon Keeper mini game)
    – more varieties of the monster models (different body shapes, outfits, death animations) to not see the same things multiply times on the screen
    – temporary spell scrolls could be found or spell charges could be bought from vendors
    – maybe some elite monsters could have the stats of the weapon / armor what will be dropped
    – dungeons could have more levels and more complex shape designs
    – solve the zoom in-out questions, but keep it balanced (like ranged attacks or teleports would have advantage on bigger screens too)
    – maybe some part of the gameplay could be rotated in 3d if the corridor models are done anyway

    • TrypelZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i smell time gated content… ” You can do this amount of dungeons/bounties per day/week before you stop getting stuff ” etc… this will KILL the game after 2 months

    • Eric Huckaby
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play your way, the way WE decided via legendary powers”

    Can’t wait for D3 sets 2.0

    • KizzaGaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This feels a bit hollow guys, too scripted 🙁 Show your passion don’t fake it.

    • Jens Bonheure
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im worried how “finite” the endgame will be compared to D3, even considering how repetitive and arbitrary it was. Felt like you could always keep on improving. In D4 I believe it comes to a full stop at a certajn point. Max paragon, gear isnt that variable so get the best stats pretty easy and done.

    • Nicola Servo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    cant wait.. the king is back

    • J*nxyCast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    First of all, Ash looks thicc af.
    Second…..I have no second.

    • Arkon111
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks amazing, thanks for sharing!

    • Saimeren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 has M+ now?

    • christopher holmes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game lead producer is hella
    fine! Does anybody know if she’s single?

    • [TPM]Elbanana
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    sounds like the same scalable bullshit as per usual, “dungeons are really close to ma heart” the same room 54 times means a lot to someone, huh.
    At least there seems to be some focus on PVP event.

    • AlienShine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Glad to see they met their diversity quota, lol.

    • wilosony
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The thumbnail choice is so odd here

    • Paul P.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imagine hitting endgame, focusing one specific build because “this is the marvelous world of D4 where everyone can have a unic build”, and it turns out into a sh1tty build BUT you CAN’T respec.
    How fun!!! 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂 🤣

    • Aciz’
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why is the camera not zoomed in like in the beta?

    • SirPolygon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is looking like my next obsession.

    • Mitu George Madalin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where is the paladin or crusader ?????????????????????????????????????????????

    • Skygoneinc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lead diversity hire, lul.

    • Saimeren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What about them Druids though? Working on buffing them up a bit?

    • Etienne De Durocher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just want to play

    • Zucco
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    don’t know bout these red shards… in the video the guy wasted 2000 of then to get a blue glove lmao

    • Adri Khan Kant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    which approach are you gonna use to balance PVP?

    • sacco47
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im optimistic but this was such a missed opportunity =/

    • Dave
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All this sounds very.. basic? A single PoE league seems to have more depth than diablos endgame from what was shown in the video.

    • Alfre Vasquez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please add dificulty, i think we all want a challenge. At least from beta, i didnt catch that.

    • dendode ofd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    World of Diablo-craft 4 with battle pass disguised as pseudo wow subscription service

    • Turmio1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We don’t need fancy sets and lighting. We don’t even need to see the devs. You could have just talked about the paragon board, itemization, dungeons and gameplay systems in more depth instead of wasting time on the theatrics. Or is there nothing to talk about?

    • Danix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dont like how similar to Diablo Immortal is, I am not impressed

    • Dale Phillips
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I was hoping D4 would atleast try and compete with path of exile.

    • Tzunny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    60% dislikes and counting, you better fix the game, release more beta’s and delay it !

    • Lucky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t think they understand why people liked diablo 2 endgame, it wasn’t because it had all these systems for keeping you grinding forever. It was because it was fun and you could mix and match and create new things. The diablo 4 itemization and endgame seems like it’s all on rails and that doesn’t feel like exploring a system more having your hand held.

    • Dennis Klussmann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon Board is such a pain when i played the closed Beta. Feels like a cheap ripoff from PoE 🙁 And Scroll Dungeons for +Level X is a ripoff from, guess what? PoE 🙂

    • Moises Zermeño
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice, looks like a really cool game

    • Nemitri
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Fields of Hatred, also known as Blizzcon!

    • David Cardimen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Are… these people being held at gunpoint? Why are they talking like that?

    • Geoff Cacho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did you just spoil Andariel? 0:08😅

    • Trappramlarn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder how Fields of Hatred works on hardcore. Might become messy 😀

    • Bear
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Endgame Looks Utterly Terrible.

    • Antonin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Are we getting armor sets like in D3? I like that system because it changes some of the skills completely

    • Beerody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow so genuine, totally not reading off a script

    • Harvey Kent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Aww man this is going to suck isn’t it?

    • Raffael Pehla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The shard purifying thing feels a lot like dark zone in division

    • conqueeftador
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    some actual new information would have been nice

    • Lcifer Jameson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    for the sake of HC players that PVP bs better not be required farming end game gear or everyone still playing D2 over D3 will still be playing D2 instead of D3/4

    • maka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2:19 ah yes, repetitive gameplay in already repetitive dungeons. thank you

    • Brain Damage
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat lets go

    • Gremlenz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Too many systems, affixes, currencies, shards, etc? Will this distract from the game play?

    • jef
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks great!! Can’t wait!!

    • Leo52
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So this is all amazing but what happened to the cow realm? Does the Queen and King make a comeback here or does their children raid the mortal world to crown a new King and Queen?
    How large is the cow army? I would like to know how many cows I can kill in this game.

    • Kraglord
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “There will be no way to buy power in the game”
    Just a way to buy items that can be used to buy power.

    • Matej Hurta
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow ..

    • jjamison470
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol @ kayleigh’s mustache. she cudda at least waxed it for the video…

    • Paul Masters
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Balance is going to be a problem in PvP with how insanely powerful the sorc and necro where in the betas, I will be playing a druid and i don’t want to be the whipping boy to the caster classes like they can insta nuke me from 2 maps away with hydras and corpse explosions…

    • John Sekirouls
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    LIKE : DISLIKE RATIO: 48% : 52%
    5.2K to 5.6K
    (Transparency is important imo)

    • SonofNostromo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dungeon system looks abysmally boring

    • Rins K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Well…this explains things now that we got to see more of the team, I sure wonder who came up with the obese Druids idea 🙂
    Straight up, 0 hype from this, you showed nothing interesting, I didn’t want to refund the game because we only got to see up to lvl25 in the Beta, but if this is the end game, then there’s nothing to do at max level, you just earned yourself another refund

    • Krizzmin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah, if the druid doesn’t get different body types and major buffs by end game, I’m not wasting my money on this. Don’t like the other 4 classes, necromancer in particular is boring due to appearing too strong. None of my other main classes have made it to D4. No Amazon, no Crusader, and no Witch Doctor(since you were expecting to still be able to sell to China and their racism said no thanks).

    • Kairos’ Mysteries
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    120 dungeons! Cool. But how many of them are copy-pasted with the same layout and mechanics? :/

    • Daniel M.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Am I the only one seeing Mephisto at 5:58? At least from the “clavicles” down…

    • Galvin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow this video got ratio’d. Wonder if it’s because there’s nothing new in this video?

    • Kustosh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We still need Greater Rifts blizzard !…With leaderboards! Don’t abandon them, idea was great! Just make them better and not the only endgame mechanic that you can choose…

    • Robbson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is joe Shely reading of a prompter? He sounds and looks like a bored robot here.

    • Kodesuper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    soo codex of power is the replacement for kanai’s cube?

    • quentin bodivit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i want to believe but i’m just sick of hearing the same buzz words for the last past 3 years.

    • Hardcore Bunny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    …I’d like to know why of these people actually programmed the game, and the rest are just there for diversity.

    • nick C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I want to play my way, but your PC UI sucks giant devil balls and lacks any and all customization that isn’t accessibility related.

    • Lacplesis Lielais
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Refunded. Will buy on sale for 30$. This shallow engame is not worth more. D3 has more depth.

    • Netspyer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more thought went into the interview set design than this endgame

    • Maxwell Tomé
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I cant play anything after the d4 beta weekend… D2 and d3 is Destroyed.

    • Kustosh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds meh for now…

    • Frogm72
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So that was the same thing you said in your last breakdown of the game just give us some real meat to dig into I’m hungry for D4 steaks 😊

    • Zublits
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is looking great.

    • It’s high noon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pvp looks fun

    • pastuh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5.0k likes and 5.4k dislikes… lol

    • Michael mion
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    game looks great

    • Weluv Muzik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    After this my urge to buy D4 is getting lower again. Now i will wait at least 2 months after release with the purchase for the first doods giving feedback about the endgame!

    • Daydream
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5.1k Likes vs 5.4k dislikes… nice

    • Emanuel K.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so running the same “120” dungeons that are “randomly” generated tiles over and over?
    and releasing a 70dollar game with holding back stuff for seasons? why not put it all in at launch, my guess: they’re not done…

    • Th3Hammer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This sucks

    • MagicShroom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how sad your life must be to dislike something that you haven’t try yet lmao

    • Scyths1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I’m hearing is hopes and dreams, and all I’m seeing is Diablo 3.5. There is a disconnect here between the footage shown and the developpers talking and the more they make videos the more it really feels like the endgame was nowhere near ready yet they decided that they were going to release the game.

    • Xeriox01
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    New to Diablo but this looks interesting.

    • Dr. Love
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yes! Yes!!! YESSSS!!!!! I cant wait anymore!!!!111

    Thank you team diablo ❤❤❤❤❤

    • VanI Luis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gameplay looks cheap , grafics are good . And nothing was says what will be endgame

    • UKChub
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The biggest question are you going to include illegal microtransaction and lootboxes? If yes I’m out

    • Midkraft
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ufff :/ that paragon board was really not a good showcase of it..

    • SC2Prototype
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sigils , that you need to open Nightmare dungeons, will be dailygated. And we can earn more through seasonpass , wait for it

    • Bullion
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    FFS…I wanna play the game already not in 2 months

    • imploLive
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Andariel is very good Milf 🙂

    • Groovy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The dungeon which unlocks world tiers is a good idea tbh. But it needs to be a different experience each time, not the same dungeon with the same monsters that do bigger numbers.

    The player needs an objective to work on. So if the world tier Dungeon is really interesting, I think the gameplay loop has a strong basis. Adding new dungeons, new affixes, new dungeon events, new world tiers, new gears, new quests, could add more flavour to the game.

    The ideas are cool, but I’ll wait and see how they look like in practice. I’m scared that only one activity is meta and the other ones suck really hard

    • Caramel Conundrum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I need a better character creator. A “meaningful” creator.
    Why are certain classes locked to a particular body type?
    Seriously, why is that a thing?

    • Nate the Great
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have full faith that I will enjoy the ever living s*** out of the game. I also have full faith that the developers will be extremely receptive to players to keep this game populated and live for years to come. Call me a fanboy idc. I loved everything about the beta and can’t wait for more and to play the full game co op with my son.

    • DavidSzam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    *The drop of itens need to be more hard.
    *Builds… we need more builds… sorry but the problem is not only the balance… need more styles of gameplay… more builds to do… diferent ways to play.
    *Dungeons need to be more creative… more activits… more ways to do…. more dificulty… not just monsters difficulty, difficulty of puzzles, traps, difficulty to create the key to enter in the dungeon… where we need to broken mind to enter and to get out.
    *Craft of itens… something to farm to create itens.. and to enchant itens too… chance to broken itens trying to up this iten… something who make the itens more usefull even if u will not use… u can broken to take an specific part … the craft of D3 its very obsolete plz dont bring this to D4.
    Well this is what i feel playing the Beta… i know that is just a beta… so plz surprise me with good changes… D4… not D3 2.0

    • The Average Gamer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no thx beat game once is enuf thankyou

    • Limrasson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This actually answers a lot of my questions and the presentation was not too overdone either.
    > One of my favourite things in Path of Exile is how ridicolous maps can get. It’s like a ton of modifiers. So I’m happy to see that something like that is being added.
    > The Paragon systems seems interesting, but as others pointed out, it has to really do something for your character’s build, otherwise it’s just +5% damage with extra steps.
    > This is true for items as well. Over the years wow had simplified items down and we almost got into an area where items just have “POWER” on them and nothing else. That’s boring.
    > The skill tree shown in the beta is…lean at best. It either has be be enhanced or the Paragon system to add to what you can have and do.
    > Endgame needs to enticing. Just running dungeons for the dungeons sake isn’t going to cut it on the long run. Again, maybe it’s a plagarisation of a good idea, but the fact that PoE expands the story and keeps adding endgame plot with endgame bosses that have no easymode (like a storymode that’s designed for everyone to complete) the prospect of reaching that boss is a strong incentive to play the game.
    That is all for now.

    • Maximilian Blaubär
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why do the charakters look like cringey emo-kids though? Is that what “embrace the darkness” means to you? 🙃
    Also the Necro-Skeletons still have that weird light blue-green color… also not dark and griddy at all.
    Was reall disappointed by those Design choices in the beta.

    • StaySic4Ever
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Excited to see and mess around with skill tree and paragon boards, so how it all breathes. Something that definitely, hopefully, will be nailed and improved too over time is how you shape your character with skill tree and gear. Also. in time runewords too. We’ve yet to see what can be done at endgame combat wise with abilities, though would be awesome to have modifiers on some at lest or few more at hand though.
    Also need PvP arena too.

    • James Sawyer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • LostToPixels
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I guess Path of Exile remains the king of ARPGs…

    • Jam Man
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    66, 2 3’s = 666

    • Seth Lenko
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Honestly this looks amazing to me 👌

    • Jon Boon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there going to be any randomizations in the dungeons at all? Is there going to be a lot more variety to the actual dungeon mechanics and size at all? Are there going to be any skill choices that can actually let you differentiate your playstyle from others of the same class? There seems to be a lot missing from what is needed in a Diablo title…

    • Deadward
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That dude looks like a real life necromancer.. definitely an energy vampire at least..

    • Glyph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You got all that blizzard money why don’t you hire a few Voice coaches so they learn how to read cue cards.

    • MrTweaks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Man that paragon board looks disappointing. Guess it matches the disappointing skill trees pretty well.

    • Derek Z
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why did they get the most depressed guy in the company to read a script like that

    • De Nome
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am very excited to get +5 dexterity on my end game character that will challenge the highest difficulty

    • Raptor Jesus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This actually looks like shit.I guess I’ll have to stick with POE and wait for POE2 to actually get an ARPG with proper end game.

    • Game ArtZ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I Hope this Paragon bord ist Not final 😮 Looks hard to master D4 is a Masterpiece for me ❤

    • Ionys the rogue
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to play, ignore all the crybabies and keep up the good work

    • gorremrox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame looks like beta gameplay

    • bob bob
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hypeeee!!!!!!!

    • Radik T
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The worst game ever return the money back to those players whose video card burned out The graphics of the game are very weak, shame on you to deceive us, there will be no pre-orders for Diablo 4

    • 滿咲
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon system is nonsense. It literally means that how you build your character is almost the same after lv 25. Enjoy +5 stats bois

    • Michael McDonald
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If there was something so groundbreaking it would have already been shown. They have no reason to keep anything up their sleeve at this point. I hope I’m wrong id like to have another arpg I play regularly but I don’t think it’s going to be the case.

    • serji4ok
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it realy that hard to actually SHOW US the end game blizzard? I just saw the same b roll footage I’ve seen a year ago. Show us what it looks like as close to max lvl character power with number/abilities and monster density. No the same thing we’ve already seen for years

    • GameNest
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame looks like a MMO in disguise.

    • Felipe de Campos Carpintéro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Best Game EVER!

    • Tuc Lance
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    *why am i hearing a rumor that Diablo Will not be in a Diablo game!?!?!?!?!??!!wtf!*

    • Starbreeze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    120 unique dungeons that can be alternate versions of themselves, or 120 dungeons where 100 are similar to the first 2? I’m not really digging the complete lack of mob density, and I don’t think player power should be put into forced statue collection. People should want to explore, but surely as game designers you would understand 99% of people are just gonna open a guide that tells them where to go.

    • z m
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game is made for the lowest common denominator casual. Green arrow gooder smooth brain aarpg

    • Jonathan Rodríguez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m still playing a druid at release. All these meta-nerds here seem to prefer following the crowd instead of actually playing a class they enjoy.

    • Gweentea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Last Epoch is better than D4. Buy that instead. Half the price too

    • MrCrySky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is a fem version of druid?

    • Clint Cook
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not ever playing PvP. Don’t want to go up against two shot builds that aren’t fun to use.

    • Muhammad Sualeh Umer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Eh.. i’ll wait for the quin review..

    • Bob Bobby
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board looks Sleeper af 😴

    • KnightMare Media
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m just happy these pvp shards aren’t tied to unique items you can only get with them.

    Did I understand that correctly?

    • Giannis Krithinakis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh boy this paragon looks awful. I think i’m gonna refund no cap

    • Artlu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • jwo011
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What a strange delivery that was, my god. All scripted, nothing genuine about it.

    • Bruno Scotto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PVP in a nutshell : play mage , put hydra offscreen thanks to double or triple monitor, I effectivly put hydra so far that I cannot see it with 2 screen set up (and it was confirmed that It dps the boss and I still got loot for it). So Mage Range nerf when?

    • Green Blossom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Played both betas and had allot of fun. Looking forward to release

    • Mrlilbuddhaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I see where the mocap for the barbs came from, brave and stunning.

    • Joe Hou
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You remastered d2 and everyone was happy. Besides the Chinese censorship and all that stuff. Why does it have to be aimed more as an arcade? You have the formula just use it.

    • Dustin wind A.i.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    do u no how many games tried to keep players playing after max lvl it never works. u may wanna look at games with endless growth loops like planetside2 or DDO or mount&blade2..in M&B2 u get old die and your kids take over. & DDO u reincarnate but with extra points to spend & planetside2 u just keep lvling & its the only game i never uninstal and bin playing for 20+years consistently they must be doing something right:) & im just trying to help u with player retechen & less alt spamming & less max lvl OP PVP trolls witch r like the only people that like siting at max lvl because griefing. like 20%ish of players will be fine with sitting at max lvl. most people will get bored zzZzz & play a alt or play some other game.. so u might wanna ask your self do u want people to play a class thay love long term or uninstall after a few months.?. & thaer is study’s on player phycology that back me up ..but will see i guess…& game looks good sofaer 🙂 iv seen way worse Betas that’s for shure if u ask me its ready :)nothing big i seen to fix that u cant fix on the fly with some patches 🙂 vary polished 4 a beta :)🖖🤓👍

    • JustinSaiyan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game looks seriously awesome to me. Now don’t mess up monetization and seasons..

    • Halley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    make the game more darker… d3 still haunting us

    • seussiii
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I think its important that you guys find a solution to the statue collection dilema. No one wants to have that as a chore going into every season and it will only get worse as you inevitably add additional statues with new zones. Joe Shely didn’t answer the question directly but said it was important that leagues started off fairly. Which makes some sense but doesn’t resolve the problem of players going back to having mandatory chores that aren’t at all fun beyond the first time you’ve done it. This will be a big misstep.

    • Xela
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Druids are gonna need that +5 Str I tell ya

    • Brezzer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D3 is still good.

    • Jordan Owen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Unbelievably hyped for this game

    • Pyrate Potter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dungeons were the most blah part of the beta. Was able to level to 25 without completing more than five of them. I fell asleep while running one of them, literally passed out at my computer.

    • Unmasked
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In no way, shape or form does this seem like an attractive game. What do you mean you need to use items to “make it darker”? Diablo should be grimdark from the start, it’s literally how the series started and what made it so fun. I played the PTR and honestly, it looked like a more clear and more fluid POE clone. The only thing it seems to have in common with Diablo was the name of the game and the name of the classes, that’s literally IT. At least Diablo 3 had rifts that were fairly long and challenging, I noticed the definition of Dungeons for Diablo 4 (at least in the PTR) was a 3-5 minute event… If that’s the end goal content + farming cosmetics/paragon points or just farming so I can get to play the oh-so-special harder level just so I can farm more items you literally have never played this kind of game… More devs should actually PLAY the game they make (I know for a fact that most do not) and it seems this is the case in this instance…a decent Diablo game keeps you hooked for dozens of hours and keeps you wanting to do more, this video is underwhelming to say the least…

    • Meme Wizard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    THE SIDEBURNS!!!!!!!!!! Jow Chelly bro you gotta figure yourself out FR

    • Coffee Fuelled Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My God, you lot need to learn how to talk naturally and not just off of cue cards 😂Luckily the game is already sold to me as you lot aren’t really selling it!

    • Hermann von Salza
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Interesting that you call the game mechanics you stole from Hellgate: London Hellgate.

    • Gladius_Here
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not convinced about the endgame, and it’s not the only thing im worried about..
    May just stick to D2 or PoE XD

    • pewpew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame content: endless grinding caves with same elites and same dangeons with door and 2 keys for it

    • MsMoeb
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s crazy to see how much money they put into those interviews whilst having a totally unexciting soulless end game.
    Only the cinematics are up to the expectation it feels like…

    • TheDazarth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There is nothing I loathe more than Blizzard’s new way of relaying information. At this point I’d rather read a blue post then this cringe marketing talk

    • Burstahh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame already looks better than running rifts 24/7 😍

    • Bastian Stieg
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Basically the following will happen: streamers will be level 100, gathered all relevant uniques and checked out all „endgame“ dungeons within 1-2 weeks and then move on to another ARPG. You spent 10 years to „make“ a game for casual console players who will just buy it for the franchise name and anyways dont care about endgame.

    • Chase
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What a letdown video. This isn’t in depth at all.

    • Munrack Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Amazing! I love it Ty blizz. Can’t wait to play. Keep posting videos and updates.

    • dubbel fris
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i know yall saw andariel!!

    • Jimmy Memez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You should be able to tag certain nodes on the paragon board that you have not unlocked yet, that you’re targeting. So that you don’t have to keep going back to the board forgetting about your previous plan.

    • Sleety
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For lvling dungeons seem to be the way to go so once the dungeon is found with the fastest clear time with the optimum number of elites it will be rince and repeated and the other 100 something dungeons are moot unless you need the legendary aspect
    But look at the ones you could see in beta these will not be needed after a point

    • Mark Yaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we have a diet pill mod for the Druid on launch ! Pretty please !

    • Malaclypse
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “it’s really special” sounds so freaking desperate 😀 “no really, IT IS”

    • Антон Куликов
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    endgame is – last cinematic in game 😀

    • Mr. M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please put the Witch Doctor in it. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    • Антон Куликов
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +1% to dmg! wow! endgame!

    seems like there noe endgame, or blizz just don’t know what endgame is.

    • Cloud
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    On every interview i saw this lead game director Joe Shely looks bored out of his mind.

    • Slob Rat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was that mephisto?!

    • TriniXjin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way” Well I’d like to play with 1ms ping preferably or at least 80ms or lower if I am forced to be in online mode 24/7. No way I’d pay $70 for a game and be forced to play with above 80ms ping just because of where I live.

    • Payden Nordlund
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks like D4 might become just another closet ARPG like D3 that people only care about as a last resort. Blizzard is going to have some trouble with the gaming community on this one folks!

    • Games4Everybody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is Joe Shely AI generated?

    • Pijany Rycerz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I got “+5 chance to not buy a pre-order”, 11 years of waiting for this… GG 😀

    • XaKeR
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    endgame looks kind of sad tbh.

    • Warrax
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Objectives in Dungeons are boring and not fun at all, if you want to add back pedaling, just make dungeons non linear.

    • ManMeat12
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    after watching this everything now makes sense.

    • Attillee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait for this game to be out, but I can notice already a massive flaw in the end game.
    In reality the only thing people will be spamming are nightmare dungeons. Pick the best instance, and ram through it on repeat.
    I hope that there will be more interesting end game features eventually.

    • John McCarthy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bring back Crusader, you cowards.

    • G Kon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking at the lady I knew why we have fat druid xD

    • Chaika Gaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where is the pay 2 win auction house? Remember d3 launch on pc? Made $1000 real money from selling a blue gear lol

    • rebjorn79
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please, no systems that favor bots who can farm endless power ..

    • Nimoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What’s that? Stranger of Paradise is coming to Steam and will be discounted forever?

    I don’t much care for the pre-order FOMO you have going on to be honest … so I will play other things… wait to see the reviews…. Games should be $60, not $70. 😉

    (Also picking it up on Sale)

    • APurpleSpy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Was this announcement to cover up the illegal surveillance of enployees or the new antitrust lawsuit for suppressing peoples pay? There’s too many at this point i can’t keep track.

    • Water Water
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PVP is very fun, but the problem is that once a certain profession is too strong in PVP during the live broadcast, Blizzard’s traditional culture has not always had the option of buffing other professions!
    It’s just that they will take a lazy approach, hot-fix the currently strong items, nerf to the point that even the PVE experience will become worse!

    When the official uses weakening skills, deleting skills, weakening the original quality and special effects of equipment, and reducing damage data, these negative ways to balance are all hurting the PVE experience, but they have no supporting measures!

    There is another question, they have not responded positively, how does PVP work well with the season mode (character reset)?

    Unless Season mode only can have exclusive achievements to obtain party icon borders, titles, even armor sets kit parts(equipment for shaping) as rewards…

    But new content and others elements(including new drops, etc…) should not be part of the “rewards” for playing seasons, or delayed by 3~6 months before being placed in the non-season mode, must be synchronized to solve the problem!

    • dan cristescu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it me or do i keep seeing a mustache?

    • 1719tomek
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Its like watching lgbtq++. It gives such strong vibe. And i even listened to all those “new” options presented, and they are not convincint at all. For one i “hope” that this next stage as harder difficulty will require player to go through the whole campaign to unlock the next one – to make the game more challenging.

    • GhostChemical
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m curious what happens if you play hardcore pvp?? Do you die and comeback or that’s the end?

    • EnthrallingBass140
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking forward to the next 10 years

    • Kerath
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard has to be just mocking us at this point. They know we vomit from that wokeness, yet they keep pushing. What a spiteful bunch…

    • klepus89
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Played, for me its seems more like D3+Immortal+Wow with better graphic. Less D2 🙁

    • Bombucci
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel like D4 endgame will be very shallow and not interesting for long at all.

    • Jaba
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you want people to cancel their preorders, you’re doing good.

    • Wessley Coleman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just give a variety of dungeons. I understand beta is not full game. Heard dungeons were lame and repetitive. Didn’t have much gameplay time sadly. Did enjoy action effects. FIRE was very nice visuals.

    • Johnny Sand
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Awesome. Great job devs, a lot of people sure are excited, me included.

    • abed al razzak alaywi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this Endgame = claimng refund. Bye Bye

    • Pharaun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope we will have a better mob density in the dungeons and above all better class balancing, I clearly had fun on the beta but these two things quickly made me disillusioned

    • S1nwar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can we see examples of unique items please?

    • Brennan Marquette
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV’s dungeon design was doomed the moment the designers chose to turn them into an Aspect-collecting mechanism. I wish everyone working on Diablo IV had been forced to play through Lost Ark to see what an isometric ARPG dungeon COULD be. Instead of fun scripted dungeon events and unique mechanics (e.g., defending a traveling elevator lift or water raft, riding a unique mount past a special corridor, scaling defensive battlements before popping out onto the usual main concourse)… Diablo dungeons are just our standard hallways and corridors with mobs to kill. Seriously, guys, the design thinking behind dungeons is so last generation, as if none of you have played any modern APRGs. You want us to get excited because you can change monster affixes in dungeons? Whatever. Even Diablo Immortal’s dungeons had more scripted dynamic sequences.

    • dmsephiroth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Grinding Seals so i can grind other items in other dungeons? No thanks..what a lame system.

    Im happy i did not purchased it ^^

    • Sandraptor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Everyone is so pessimistic. The beta was crazy fun to play, just buy it, play it, and have fun. Such a weird trend to complain, drag your feet, and then proceed to play just hoping to have a bad time

    • Marius T
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Smells like soy in here

    • JustinSaiyan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks awesome to me!! Can’t wait to start playing

    • Daniel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Now THAT was pure marketing BS. 🙄

    • Cocojambo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Найс усы

    • Tomi K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • daniel holtermann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Atleast make leaderboards for each dungeon so people have something to compete for

    • Swift Nimblefoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I saw the Tree of Whispers in the closed beta but it did not do anything. So I guess that is all it does, give randomized loot for bounties? Just what we need, more lootboxes.

    • Petar Petrov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Fat chick had bigger moustache than my DAD..

    • Cimerea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let me put it this way – halfway through the “missing mother” story dungeon during beta, I got dropped from the server. And immediately a thought hit me – will I have to run this whole thing again? And right after – I don’t think I really want to. Luckily (?) for me, there is a checkpoint system in place, so I did eventually finish it, but I’ve been avoiding all the dungeons on the map since then. Didn’t feel like running them.
    So for the sake of the endgame, long term replayability and general health of the game, I do hope nightmare dungeons are gonna be… exciting for the lack of better word.
    Oh and I hope new regions have new tile pool to build dungeons from. For the sake of variety. Seeing the exact same L-turn tile (and I mean to the last pixel same) for the 3rd time in a span of 1 minute in a dungeon, didn’t do wonders for my… morale.

    • Tage Nasty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I only occasionally play games, mostly to unwind from the stress of real life. I’m not concerned about min/maxing all my toons 3 days after buying the game, so i think I’ll get enough game time out of this for a couple years at my rate of play.

    • Leericly
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should be using the console version for these ads. It looks so much worse than what they’re showing here. Also, no offense to anyone that likes the game but I found it to be boring in comparison to D3. D3 literally has all of this without the constant need for an internet connection. I wish D4 was just a D3 DLC….

    • Matthew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game isn’t worth the price point

    • Sway55
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    please stop copying diablo immortal, the game feels so similar to it in many ways

    • Eldriken
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game director couldn’t have made it any more obvious that he’s reading his lines. Good lord. At least the other people actually showed some sort of emotion. This dude was bland and boring af when he talked.

    • Penny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just hope drop ratio will be like in D2.

    • Guardian07
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah… all those main stat attribute nodes in the Paragon tree SUREEE look INTERESTING..

    • Swift Nimblefoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    03:20 – See that werewolf? Why can’t we have THAT instead of the bald ratlike portly thing as our Druid’s werewolf form??? There are several werewolf monsters in the game that all look better than our real werewolf form. Just… sad.

    • Warrax
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:09 Hi Andariel

    • Manzana1C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You were suppoused to give GGG a run for their money… you were the chosen one to finally step up and be a worthy rival.
    You could have been something great that people loved for years and made the genre evolve and improve by the innate factor of being a big name game where your competitors would want to better themselves in order not to fall behind you…


    I guess it’s back to Oritath for me.

    • Ricardo de Freitas Branco
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lança antes de junho por favor !!! Seus lindos !!!

    • Julian Roa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Arian Emampour
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just make World of Diablo like wow 😂

    • Swift Nimblefoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I noticed I did not hear anything about randomized dungeons… D3 had them and this is just a reskin of that game, so hopefully they will still have them.

    • IceColdLycan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    4:29 is that a level 100 character?

    • thedarkemissary
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gotta love that these devs go on and on about building a thought out world and lore and diversity and engagement.

    And all the comments complain about is lack of mechanics to min/max.

    Devs = artistic choices
    Players = spreadsheet calculators

    • Vertigo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This anorganic corporate speak drives me insane. “We are so excited….we can’t wait…my favourite so and so” stop pretending, you are literally reading a script. Soul is sucked out of games and development. Everything is sterile and bland. Corpses despawn after miliseconds? Diablo 1 is more grim than this by far.

    People will lose interest pretty quick, mark my words.

    • Lukas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You call THAT endgame? Might be an endgame for a bunch of kindergarteners.

    • Maximus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the redhead looks like a real female barbarian

    • Swift Nimblefoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the paragon system is just the Path of Exile passive skill system but simplified. All I saw were + dexterity and + strenght and such which ain’t terribly interesting – nor was it in PoE. Compare that with the smaller but more unique devotions in Grim Dawn. And then Nightmare dungeons having affixes and buffs and debuffs… again this is something GD has been doing for many years now.

    • Marc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait, thanks for everything!!

    • samah
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I could never see these people making a good endgame they all look and sound like casuals

    • Ownyx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But my lvl 25 barb is so weak reeeeeeee – all D4 community

    • Maxximus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The way they talk about the game feels so pretentious it’s unbearable

    • Video on Location
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I know games look good in 60fps+, but filming in 60p does not.

    • PepsToCool
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope in d4 you have the ability to challenge someone to a duel

    • C. H.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    CGI has destroyed my brain so much that I swear that one guy isn’t real and it’s a 3D model being shown too us

    • jneal713
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wish they wouldn’t waste their time on pvp. If you want actual competition out of a game play a fps or moba. MMO and arpg pvp is terrible.

    • DoomFerno
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “The paragon board will make your character uniquely yours” – meanwhile on screen , +5 Dexterity , +5 Dexterity, +5 Willpower… Game looks good tho :: )

    • Kawaiilolrofl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not sure about the endgame.

    Loved rifting in D3.
    Hated outdoor stuff like bounties. D4 feels like it’s all around the world. Yuck.

    • James Stewart
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What if your a fan of trading and building wealth that way? The fact you can sell something to a vendor but can’t to a play is stupid.

    • Russell Thomason
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So there’s basically no endgame. You just run harder versions of the same campaign dungeons. That might have been ok 12 years ago, but it’s super shallow compared to everything else available today.

    • LKR_ LKR_
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5 monster on screen or its me?

    • Kikijiki Jenkins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m excited for release but this video seems pointless and redundant.

    You’re just telling us the same info about the systems that we’ve known for quite awhile.

    This gives us no greater depth or detail that we’re asking for in regards to what we have to look forward to at endgame….

    • PepsToCool
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    is that andariel omg lets go d2 in diablo 4

    • Skul_Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Stat, +5 Stat, +5 Stat, +7 Stat (!!!), +25% Dmg with Crowd Controlled mobs. I hope people can figure the game out with this crushing depth of paragon customization!

    • Ryan Chu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Useless video, full of old information that has been shared. And sadly, no cool clips. Just continuing the bar’s ult..

    • Quantum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lilith is coming PepegaPhone

    • Trey Proper
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Spoiler alert with showing Andariel at the very beginning

    • LFP Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    looks like they’re keeping the details about the Cash Shop and the Battle Pass secret until as late as possible. scummy, but that’s blizz for ya

    • Bill Lam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ” We have 150,000 dungeons” but 95% of them are the dens of evil! Farjrkeneejkkk!

    • Kurtis Meldrum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh ok so there is no endgame? Gotcha.

    • eloi x2
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No, thank you👍

    • unremarkable
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame is just Blizzard’s naming convention for helping Activision pickpocket your wallet.

    • Clarence Gutsy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The women on this team carry the sin of Gluttony.

    • Mister T
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is nonsense. We all know there’s gonna be metas, lol

    • BusyBozz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The legendary thing means for everyone: That we have to be able to find all legendaries, so we can be able to try the build we want or switch it. We can’t trade legendaries, so if were not able to find all legendaries, we can’t use the skills effectively enough, that we might want. Also it shows how the term “legendary” is not legendary anymore. In fact, it’s something you litterally have to salvage and you will find planty of it. It’s a weird and not so cool system to me. Although it offers you the option to make rares more fitting, it also takes away some things from the game for you to enjoy. I’m still not convinced by it, I already wasn’t in the beta.

    • nogz01
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    W A S D option please.

    • A.K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    With all the feud going on with Blizzard for many years now, I wanted to personally give a big shoutout to the development team! The game looks and feels amazing! Of course, not everything is perfect, but you know what? It’s a live service game, which means this game will get better and better every year, like a good bottle of wine. To all the people working on this project, I want to thank you, congratulate you, and encourage you to keep moving forward!

    • tH3_dOuG
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    While the endgame doesn’t look like its going to be particularly crazy, I’ll still have great fun running through the game on each class and getting all the PlayStation trophies, like i’ve done on both D2R and D3.

    • musicx xa
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel like pvp will be way better than expected and will be massive attraction with massive community.

    • Robert Mateescu-Andrei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game’s gone.

    • Jesper Lassesen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have no words to describe how badly i wanna start playing… I have a really bad ITCH, that seriously needs to be “scratched”…

    And i do wish you’d do more tatoo competitions… I did sign up, alas… I wasn’t drawn… I would love to have a Diablo ‘too… xD

    Oh, and the PvP… Yea, you have got to make it “policed”… I guarantee you, there is going to be MANY MANY MANY troll doing there damndest to annoy people who does do much PvP, or even dislike it…

    • Theonevidz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    give us d3 numbers Lots of str lots of damage lots of crazy set items/ leggo powers

    • Shattering The Matrix
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    any mention of fixing the game itself? The beta was literally frying some peoples graphic cards.. Yes, people actually had to buy new gpu’s.. The beta actually killed their gpu’s…. Mine almost conked out completely from playing the beta but managed to recover itself somehow. If you avoided this problem, you’re lucky.

    • Michael Foster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Complicated. Confusing, 90% of players won’t engage.

    Why do blizzard always do this.

    Just make a decent game, don’t make system on system and farm this system to unlock another system.

    • Povis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We dont need PVP in ENDGAME

    • Nishiki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “The monsters get harder” …*pictures a fallen with an erection* why…

    • tommell bommell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bzw is There mf in D4 ? 😮😮😮

    • Messiah David
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dungeons look like boring work. Not like fun.

    • Relentless Nights
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Keep the updates coming, love it!!!

    • bar snack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what a joke

    • Samuel Vera
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 is gone kill Poe XD

    • Gramps Reef World
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I still say there should have been a paladin or crusader instead of the crappy druid

    • HellaSteve
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    best part of this video is when the druid walked in and got 1shot

    • BuRaTiLo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    how much xp/loot for Kayleigh Calder would you give?

    • PVXX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Zudane
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Missed opportunity to bridge the new dungeon system to familiar (and improved) rift system.

    Could have reintroduced rifts and the ability to juice them up with modifiers for more challenge/loot. Maybe finding rift modification aspects through first-time dungeon/capstone completions.

    • Seth Regman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we get a video on the paragon board itself? Watching +5 node clicking just have me ptsd

    • Froghead Cowpeep
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shely looking like he got hit with an old man filter. We appreciate your dedication to making this game good 🙂

    • ShadowMorg
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking great! Had a ton of fun in beta. Can’t wait for 666 😈

    • Wilhelm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What is going on? Why so much dislikes?

    • Mazgun Raynor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The whole blizzard circus has lost respect and good word.

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV | Into the Fridge

    • Eduardo Sabino
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Producers: you can do anything you want.

    Season pass: you have to do everything I want.

    • G M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Making it uniquely yours” lololol. These games always end up with only one or two competitive meta builds and then it’s usually only one or two classes which are even feasible. I look forward to this supposed “uniquely yours” complexity that is actually competitive and feasible in end game.

    • Walker Talker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope I can side with Lilith and make some new Nephalem

    • Alan Rizkallah
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I mulled it over for a bit the last week or so and after now seeing this video, I went ahead and refunded my pre-order.

    The beta was okay but I ultimately can’t justify those asking prices to see this franchise mishandled yet again by such a tone deaf development team and a publisher that insists on it being a live service with no offline single player. Sorry folks, the real Blizzard died a looooong time ago.

    • emdoen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Omg, total disaster, endgame copied from D3. 70-100$ for nice graphics and skill tree – making fools of fans and players! Sounds like coming back to D2R after campaign.

    • Mr Coldshiver Jr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Denis TRUFFAUT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The World Boss “Avatar of Death” seen at the end of the video is quite fun, but beware its bone prison, once you’re in, you’re dead meat 🙂

    • Lex Braxman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So basically there’s no end game. Bringing stuff to a tree isn’t enough.

    • Scr3amPuff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m not really understanding the purpose of needing +str, int, and dex when NONE of your abilities for that class are locked behind stat points. Or even gear for that matter. What wizard is going to need str for??? A weapon? They have some explaining to do because none of this makes any sense

    • IzThat it
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Field of Hatred = The Division – Dark Zone.

    You have to extract your “Contaminated Gear” while “Rogue” players attack you.

    • Zaku Zeon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This almost makes it look like the ‘Veteran’ world tier difficulty isn’t going to be unlocked on launch like it was in the beta?

    • OwO Thus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am waiting for the DLC. This game is not ready yet.

    • Christoffer Hoff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    very concerned with the depth of the endgame, we really don’t need a diablo 3 / diablo immortal in fancy graphics, where is the innovation, new mechanics etc.

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As long as ALL endgame content will ALWAYS be soloable – Fantastic! Just like in PoE – A true test of each build!

    • Chris James
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So farmers will just build out the most powerful everything…post where and how…I’m sure will be amazing…

    • MarBri90
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait.. was this the endgame elaboration video that was promised a while back? I thought we would get much more info than this..

    • InSorteDiaboli
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    BRUUUH no1 is talking about the fat lady and her MUSTACHE…. wth … come on… i need some entertaiment

    • BusierChief
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Na everyone is sleeping on chaos blades rougue

    • Aatje21
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That redhead is gorgeous, i’d love to discuss her daddy issues over tea and biscuits…..

    • Senko S.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game is whack

    • Aleksa Dmitrovic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks so much like D3… I dont want to spend money on game that I already have 🙂

    • Cain RIP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    you guys need a better pr and social media team because if they arent cinematics you guys are bombing on these videos

    • Roemon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I know Diablo Immortal isn’t great, but I was really hoping if there was anything that could be taken from it for D4 in a considerably better way was the raid function. I truly wanted to have some kind of cool raid experience for this game outside of those world bosses in the endgame …. but without that … this feels really unfortunate.

    • Just Drew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame is looking trash

    • Gabriel Cunha da Silva
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They either delay the launch to fix the endgame systems and customization or this game will see the same levels of disaster that Diablo 3 had when people get to the later levels. It’s what you get for designing a game around a deeply flawed game that was Diablo 3, they could have literally gone with any other itemization and they decided to go with a Legendary system that dictates what your build is going to be. With a paragon system that doesn’t give any control to the player over their playstyle if they don’t have the right legendaries.

    Well done, Blizzard, well done.

    • Minimo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Isn’t that tree simply a daily hub?.

    • PytPow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So wait, paragon tree is going to be like +5 main stats and that’s it? Pretty boring

    • Scr3amPuff
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love how he said the paragon board will have more depth and customization and then proceeds to pick +5 str and then into +5 int. 👀 like what classes utilize BOTH str and int? And where’s the DEPTH???

    • Sonny Ankau
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i sure hope they fix the UI before launch because even in these videos it looks really awful.

    • GlassOfWater87
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like Ash.

    • Lu9HappyValley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If Paragon system cannot drastically evolve your build/ change your playstyle along with your legendries , it’s kinda meaningless and boring…
    Like, if my level 40 character have all the legendries needed and playstyle is locked-in at the moment, the gameplay remains the same with bigger numbers in Paragon, what’s the point for leveling up then?

    • Insight Facts
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just 2 more months.

    • Mirage
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wokes killed Blizzard, its now a game for blue and red hair, by degen for degen

    • AllBecomesGood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:26 pov youre dead inside about the game but still gotta go do the trailer

    • Slayer Seraph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Also Immersive Dynamic Fade-Out HUD.
    Fix HDR Raised Black Levels.

    • Vimpari
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah. no. I’ve seen enough of these nongamer blizzard staff Hype vidoes past 15 years. Most of the time they have 0 idea what they’re talking about, or what we the players want from the game.

    Good example: ”Do you guys have not phones?” I watched the whole thing live…. it was embarrassing. They tried to hype D:immortal hard as they could, but the crowd was dead silent…

    Not making same mistake with Diablo 4 as i did with Diablo 3, pre-order and get dissapointed.

    • Kilian Prieto Peral
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why are the devs rendered??

    • ggmrox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This deepdive of the Endgame was as deep as the Endgame itself..

    • IrrelevantHero
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon board reminds me of D3’s but arranged differently. I’m sure the main campaign will be a lot of fun but a little skeptical about end game. Hope it’s fun.

    • xXxGUZxXx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe looking like he been working so hard on d4 he turned into a demon.

    • Alan Smith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If they wanted to go full MMO, they should have just added some end game raids.

    • Alex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope they make restarting on seasons optional. Would be good for the market to have PoE for the hardcore and Diablo for casual.

    • TMDragon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:58 dungeons have a CHANCE to drop an aspect???? Wasnt it when u finish a dungeon for the first time you get dungeon specific aspect?

    • mat tisdale
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope you’ll have the Stronghold’s be replayable, have like a weekly rest where random Stronghold’s get over run by monsters and have to be recaptured for a reward.

    • spacebaged
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The fact that PvP has finally made it back into Diablo more or less solves the end-game problem for me personally. MMO-like features plus PvP sounds like there’s a lot of fun to be had. From what I can see so far, their claim that there’s something for everyone appears to hold up.

    • Cyberbugs 2077
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lets face it ONLY endgame will be ingame shop also GG for stuttering even in this video LMAO.

    • Joshua K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 2 stats and skills felt so good man.

    • veew efewfew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s ok guys, only 62 days, 7 hours to go…

    • Azimut
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok. Now when we saw what diablo 4 endgame looks like we can officialy agree that diablo 4 is a dead game.

    • Clambo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    hope i can get the cosmetic without doing the PVP

    • Buffalo Titan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Bricktop
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For the love of Diablo, I don’t think blizzard can make a Diablo game similar to d2 even if their lives was dependent on it.

    • Breakawayveins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    am i understanding this right? are we gonna have to complete the story several times before unlocking nightmare difficulty?

    • Darth Jynx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will there be any Rifts/Greater Rifts?

    • EndSage21
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fields of Hatred is cool and all, but….where is the Arena? I know this game can’t ever be balanced, but some level of competitive pvp would be great.

    • TheCynicalJay
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice of them to put Azmodan on the thumbnail.

    • eXo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sound like Diablo&Dungeons

    • Joshua Pruski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Clueless company

    • Gammsta
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to add +5 stats with paragon to make my druid stronger and get out of the 17 damage range it has.

    • Scarecr0wn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It may not swallow my life whole for years to come and I am absoulte fine with that. What I am sure of is that I will no-life it for 2-3 months and then, if ongoing support is solid, I will gladly come back when new season starts.

    • Gooseneck Gestapo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Aye Shely! My Man! Look a little more enthusiastic yea?? And maybe not so much like you’re reading from a teleprompter 😂.

    • mario
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Buffalo Titan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • DoFFNuT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just ask your devs questions about topics they know and care about that you’re wanting to share with the public. This is over produced with a complete lack of soul because you’re not letting these people be people on camera and clearly not setting them up for success. Chopping up a genuine answer comes across much better than chopping up 3 takes of a performance by someone that isn’t a paid actor. It’s a tragedy to see a video like this when I know how much passion could come across that isn’t being portrayed because whoever produced the video doesn’t value real interviews.

    • Naomi Webber
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That was hard to watch.

    • ARS3NIC3
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You guys understand that paragon is end game levels right. They are not going to give you a whole piece of gear worth of stats with one node. You will keep leveling and getting stronger. Of course itself is not game breaking and changing it should still be enough to tweek builds and lean one way or another if needed.

    • Alex Deva
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks extremely repetitive and the only thing i enjoyed in the beta was the story, definitely not picking this at launch

    • Metal Machine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    End game. We have a problem.

    • MrEgally
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I just hope that the affixes for the nightmare dungeons wont be annoying. Its not fun having to move ever second because of 100 different enviromental effects around you from these affixes

    • yuno bro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hey blizz min you can do plz add an option to remove all the ui key bind tips… Waste of ui space. example the 1, 2, 3, 4 at the bottom of my screen 24/7

    • Bob50520
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh nice! They used the druid as a thumbnail.. very thematic of them 🙂

    • dscarmo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel like the scripts on the intro of those videos could be read for almost any releasing game. Its so generic. “We have lots of things to do!”, “There is a lot of player choice!”, “You will progress through the story”, yeah, thats one of the games ever made! I think those generic intros just make everything feel robotic and scripted and immediately breaks the suspension of desbelief from the viewer that the devs are talking naturally. These kind of videos should go directly to game specific things in my opnion.

    • Johnnyxp64
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game director is reading the script without a soul. Without knowing what he is talking about. Just plain marketing materials. Like he was not actually deeply involved into the game it self but was a distant supervisor. The rest of the members knew very well what they were talking about.

    • Benrage321
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    While I bet this will be a way better Diablo (for a long term game) than 3 was, I’m pretty convinced now that the first months if not year will struggle with that. I does make sense as the Development has had quite big hiccups, but I hope we see sick stuff in the future.

    • Vegan Ice Cream
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m skeptical. Paragon feels like it’s too much “bag of stats” and not enough “game-changing, different playstyle”

    • Sensei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Consumables to activate specialty nightmare dungeons? Gross. Should just be random.

    • Phi Lighten Tist
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For the love of god, let the Necromancer switch out it’s skeletons with any of the enemies at endgame somehow.

    • Ceepex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    redhead is cute that’s all i have to say ..

    • Marquise D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame: take out some werewolves that are rampaing in the town…

    • Dániel Molnár
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this sounds and looks boring. Sad

    • SumDumGoi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board would be entirely unnecessary if you just had stat allocation upon leveling up like in D2. Not to say im not hype about this game but telling us we dont know what we are doing until level 50 is kind of crazy…

    • Christopher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I keep saying it first, Diablo 4 is going to surprise and amaze everyone

    • Piotr Karp
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Meh, so Diablo3. I played this game already. Puzzle dungeon? It’s just Rifts. Aspects? It’s cube. Dungeons with better loot? Set dungeons. Paragon table? E… paragon table.
    Are they really just tweak design and build world for all these years? Jesus…

    • 타레사
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope June 6th comes sooner.
    If I have one wish…
    I hope there will be a huge boss raid content for a 4-person party like Lost Ark.
    The World Boss was also a thrilling experience, but…
    It just feels like it’s not enough..
    If dreams really come true… 😀
    I will love Diablo 4 more than I do now ♡

    • TOLGA D.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am really worried about the depth of paragon board (+5 dex +5 dex +5 dex… ahh +50 armour..) and skill tree. I hope i am wrong !

    • DotaCandies
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there a possibility, to sleep for 2 months straight???

    • Swift Nimblefoot
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash Sweetring seems like a game you give to an anime character, not a real name… 😛

    • Elijah Polachek
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Uhm , you are supposed to increase hype around the game with those type of vids not put ppl to sleep , it was a mistake to release this video , reconsider your life choices blizzard , this is just 0 info 0 hype 0 energy type of vids u should avoid . Even ppl in the vid are bored of what they are saying . Like u ligit succeeded at making game sound more boring than it is . impressive.

    • bofeity
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Legendary Node: Cheap Shot
    You deal 5% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to 25%.

    • Mikke NewR
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 moustache

    • The Cybersecurity Experience
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sorry for the rant and honestly im not as mad as im gonna sound lol, im mostly just confused.

    1. I wanna get this out of the way first; props to the design, visual and arts team. you guys did wonderful- amazing in fact. the return to the dark gothic themes was extremely well executed and i am truly happy with the way the game looks.
    everything else however…
    2. so we went from 5 runes per skill, kanai cube, nephalem and greater rifts, same paragon system to basically 2 runes per skill, worse kanai cube (aspects), more convoluted take on nephalem rifts (you have to walk to a dungeon now instead of opening it in base) and …same paragon system? with a dash of scheduled world bosses like this is world of warcraft? (time to set an alarm at exacty 8 am, 2pm etc etc to get my daily fun out of the way! woot!)
    3. another worrisome thing is what we played in the beta was the ENTIRETY of act 1. i think we all finished it in like what, 5 hours? and following diablo trends its gonna be 4 acts? isnt this just a repeat of diablo 3’s release? where we all just played the campaign 4 times to reach max level? instead of difficulty they called it world tiers? then after hitting cap the next goal is to just level your paragon board? where are the class sets? i hope those are still coming.

    how come it feels like were taking a huge step back? how is a f2p game which honestly i regret JUST getting into in the last year (PoE) able to pump out new stuff this frequently while a revered and high budget game like diablo 4’s systems feel like a mobile game?
    i played the entire beta of diablo 4 and had a blast dont get me wrong, but i also redownloaded diablo 3 so i can go for some greater rift runs and that end game design seemed way more thought out than this one. i dont know if the seasons in d4 are gonna be like d3 seasons but im hoping it will be.

    for now, i await the crucible league in PoE, and come mid july hopefully we get a release date for PoE 2 and im hoping the competition will help improve both games.

    • V Y
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Dear blizzard, stop catering towards casual players and instead build a game with actual depth and challenge that will keep players participating in your game, streaming & advertising, and consistently buying your useless cosmetics to feed you more money. Casuals aren’t going to be playing D4 after their first couple run throughs and they won’t be spending more money to buy your skins if they’re not still playing.

    • YomaBlood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love that you can progress by PvP, as long as they keep that balance with the PvE side, so the carebears crybabies dont start with their chants about it.

    • WetaNewZealand
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why this dude eyes at 0:18 looks like deamon eyes? 😀

    • evovolvo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to backtrack with keys for the pedestals the entire endgame!

    • GentleCrank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I bet Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum from Dark Souls is the one in the Tree of of Whispers that gives you loot

    • Davivd2
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Last week. “Endgame won’t have bounties like D3”
    4:15 “So you’re going to go serve these bounties…”

    • Kain Reave
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the druid at 5:07 less… wide or have I started hallucinating?

    • Phil Theriault
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    cant wait for it to drop. please do another beta weekend for the next world tier an make clans have 500 as a max

    • Jesper Mynchau
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Shiiiite.. Just stick to the D1/D2 formula

    Graphics, is the aesthetics of D2. So that i look forward too, but remove the highlight and dmg on enemies.

    • D FENS
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I need to know about the state of blizz and gaming i saw in the thumbnail

    • Philippe Mello
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the endgame is basically what we already saw on the beta with +5 stats on paragon board. I already expected this but in me there was a 1% hope. Sadge.

    • taih69
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hello Asmonbald. I am excited for your reaction video about this.

    • Jordan Kerr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God these comments are a bunch of crybabies

    • Ashaxyn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    is it just me or the one with red hair sounds like AI generated speech

    • Ali Ural
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    There will be ray tracing, dlss and fsr support?

    • Bianca
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i do not mind testing some more there Blizzard xD.

    • zingy1914
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    seems a little hollow, i guess after 2-3 seasons of new content it will pick up. thats what happened for the free2play game poe i guess

    • Carlos Machado
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    LEAD GAME PRODUCER, blizzard refund me!

    • Trap Gems
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can tell the people who didnt play any of the closed betas and didnt look at any of the datamined info. “zomg paragon is 5 main stat” lol

    • Son of Tristram
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    People see +5 stats and instantly start crying 😂👍

    Imagine there’s tiles from common over magic, rare up to legendary + glyphs 😱

    Omg not every single tile gives huge innovative boosts 😭

    Chill boys, you know nothing 😉

    • Myffi_
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give paladin plz

    • Chiyori Nakanishi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    the talents felt so boring, like no choices really mattered and you weren’t doing anything on any of the classes

    • songs of the death
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Strange smiles they have during talk about this content

    • Chris K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    More objectives in dungeons, just makes me feel like we go back to the door, and it’s like 2 more keys have spawned at the entrance and way over there, go get them and come back.

    • Ap
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Andy looked amazing and the pvp feature is insane great work look forward to playing!

    • usedfuzzbox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Just please don’t constantly nerf PVE for the sake of the few who PVP like most developers mistakenly do……..Otherwise cannot wait for this game……

    • Manikal 99
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is the big endgame reveal? The same 120+ dungeons played in the normal game that can be upgraded to “nightmare”?

    I played these dungeons. There’s nothing fun about them. They have the same tile sets, mapping, and objectives. And now they are my endgame. Wonderful.

    • Hi Five !
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The pvp event with the bloodshards is very intriguing, but feels like sorc and necro will heavily dominate it.
    Even so, cant wait to make people lose their mind over it 😅

    • Keiichi81
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:23 Why does this man look like he’s CGI?

    • Brandon Douglas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s do this! Thank you blizzard team for making another Diablo game and I’m excited to jump into the full game. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to play the beta access. It was awesome and I’m so excited for June!

    • Antares Maelstrom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hearing about portals that monster ‘invade’ your dungeons from and ‘influenced’ world areas made me smirk a bit.

    • Rolandas Rudys
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Red hair lady seems cute. I feel the passion there. Good stuff ^^

    • no name
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I selected points in the barabarian paragon build calculator. You actually have to choose between raw dmg, defensive stats, bleed, or a combination of them. It provides a lot of character depth more so then you realize. It also adds stats to your character that you don’t necessarily want on items. In Diablo 2, you can select stats when leveling. If you’re memeing or mad, that’s your problem.

    • qwicxs
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Worried that all of this will always end up focusing on one specific build meta like D3. I really hope D4 does this better than D3. It gets so boring where the only way to advance you only can advance is copy and paste builds — This gets unbelievably stale, I always leave the game, then have too wait months to come back to the game hoping its something new buff added to other gear. Hope the game also be always live and updated, adding new and exciting Bosses, gear and events. My hopes for D4.

    • Era
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am so glad I cancelled my preorder… devs reading a script with a gun to their heads

    • apathyne
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    anyone mad over this should stick to PoE and cope harder.

    • The Nute
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there going to be a longer discussion about this, cause right now I’m just more confused

    • Sì No
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like the druid female in the video preview

    • Hamad Yahya
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Refunded, Still gonna keep an eye on streamers once its released!

    • Jake Courtney
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Trash console game that has no itemization, no builds, and apparently no end game.

    • Pablo Rivas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Awesome! I’ve paid 100us for +5 strength ❤

    • Cosmiq
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    WHOA look at all that player choice! I can either go with +5 strength or +5 intelligence on my Barbarian! What a choice to have to make!

    • Michal Marčišin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let players trade.

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is what happens when companies go from small passionate studios to giant megacorporations with ESG quotas.

    • Nik P
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Make sure to come back next season where we launch all new paragon boards, this time with +5 instead of +4 int.

    • permad5
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Have the game producers ever played the game? They dont seem fit for the job.

    • David パンダ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon is such a letdown…

    • The Rene
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    those dungeons all look the same… 120 of em, urgh

    • Falador321
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If you actually think +5 to stats is customization you’re terribly misguided. There better be more interesting things later on. So far it looks like the D3 paragon system redone as a checkerboard with a splash of legendary bonuses

    • EOHRyan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Super pumped for +5 STR bonuses, that’s 0.5% additive damage

    • Parzival
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When I was actually able to play, I had a great time playing the beta for both weekends. I really hope they solve the crashing and queues, I tried to complete the world boss on three occasions and crashed/ got disconnected each time. I’m really hoping the druid and barb are better in late game, or that they make some changes to their movement or dps. Can’t wait for the full release!

    • Jon Henry
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So paragon board will just be more mindless stats lol omg thought there was going to be depth to it but I guess not

    • cdave2006
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t care about all the comments here, I just wanna play the game already

    • Dustin wind A.i.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    F end game id rather not sit at max lvl & do nothing zzZzzz they should add a reincarnation system loop like in DDO u can basically get sent back to lvl 1 but u get a Extra stat & skill points to spend :)endless growth;)..

    • Austin Palmer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We know who they modeled female druid off of.

    • slyblood
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Really hope this isn’t the endgame deep dive they were talking about

    • Steven Armstrong
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t know why folk are so salty. I’m stoked.

    • Gijs Klanker
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It remains PoE for me! d4 has potential thought, maybe in a year with a expansion it be fun!

    • Hakej
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this video made me consider the refund of the preorder lol

    • KerSPLAK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m jonesin for more Diablo IV. Pre ordered ultimate version for both PC and Xbox series X. Looking forward to spending many years playing this awesome game! Thank you Blizzard!

    • GGZII
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more pronouns and diversity hiring than innovation

    • Alberto Buj
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can do better. Try to put +5 in intelligence for next patch!

    • Mr. Diz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish people would stop hating on all the content. Give the developers a break. I seem them really trying to be engaging and deliver a content loaded start to build upon

    • Sato Onizuka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is that the only thing for pvp?, no arenas?, no 1v1? no party pvp?, no open world pk?

    • Grand Joël
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As a long-time fan and player of Diablo 2, I am super excited for this game to come out. Here’s to another 20+ years !

    • roadblok 🦊
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s alright, boys, don’t worry; Whirlwind Barb is coming to take the pain away

    • Eric Swanson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let me get this straight. Max lv is 100, but you stop getting skill points and start getting paragon points instead. Will that even be enough skill/paragon points to actually have a different build for your character than anyone else and still be able to handle endgame? Yes, I am considering the skill/paragon points your get from exploring the world and finding everything that will give them. I don’t think it will be enough, but hey if I am wrong then I am wrong.

    • Elijah Holford
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo is one of the reasons I’m getting into game audio, thank you guys for continuing to elevate Diablo to higher levels!

    • TheManfromThefarGalaxy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can see at 2:06 an aspect with more than 8k dmg and this with a game with no still additionals (expansions/seasons). Me personally think that this is too much for this early stage on the game.. Why is blizzard so obsessed with huge numbers.. By the time expansions comes probably will end again with billions of dmg!

    • mundsburg83
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You know it will be very bad when obese fat girl is in the thumbnail

    • Mighty Murph
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder if they’ll do a battle pass showcase

    • SUSHl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ash! ❤

    • Lord Arthur LP
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not gonna leave D2 for this

    • The Cybersecurity Experience
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    character skill customization somehow took a step back from d3

    • John Spartan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Plz make pvp balanced: remove imba immunity builds ! Keep listening to the community.

    • peripheralbloodsmear
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m…underwhelmed..I had high hopes after the beta, actually pre-ordered a PS5 physical copy. Might just cancel it if this is all there is.

    • Amok
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • seth marlow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh great forced pvp 🙄

    • Terrence Moch
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame Content looks solid; The paragon board is not overly complex but looks to add depth to individual character customization. Allowing you to alter core stats to create the build you want while remaining viable is a understated feature. The extent to how many boards you can have and the abilities within are still a mystery but that could provided significant changes. Additionally the capstone dungeons and difficulty tiering that provides additional content, gear rarity, paragon boards, and nodes at different times means a lesser barrier to entry with character progress scaling with personal understanding of the game and features. This is how games should be designed and I am excited.

    • ElvenGodFromHell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My god the negativity in these comments is baffling.

    Of course they won’t show what the paragon system truly will do.

    Of course there will be more end game content as the game grows.

    Y’all need to stop comparing a brand new title to a 10-20 year old game.

    • Nibi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so I still learned nothing new from this video :

    • Bob Blob
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So just like PoE, but with better graphics. Sigh

    • Frank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like how they took the maps system from POE and call it dungeons with affixes, and use the delirium effect and call it Nightmare Sigil. They are not innovative but I hope they can perfect it. We will be playing D4 a lot that’s for sure 😉

    • kondinator
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    just as expected, keep throwing the sentence “meaningful progression” guys, maybe you will understand what it means eventually…

    • Disslikeinator 1000
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bullshit !

    • ChiefinASmith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo fans try not to cry about every single game mechanic challenge

    • Jean-Sebastien Pigeon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    10 years later we still get +5 main stats and bounties as endgame. What’s going on? No one likes it. You expect us to pay 100$ for this garbage?

    • HearthstoneisLove
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nightmare Dungeons = Greater Rifts. 2023 XD

    • Delbert
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it some sort of law that these game companies have to use these landwhales to shill their games?

    • Art Vandelay
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I played the beta and this game is not ready to go prime time unless the version of the beta I played is like 2 years old already.

    • sjafi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thoughts of this video:

    Putting stat attributes into the paragon board just seems overly unnecessary. Why not just give stats on the character and keep the board less cluttered? Also, what about added attributes and % damage based on crowd control, close range, far range, and all these GENERIC statuses makes my character more customized and interesting, let alone changing my playstyle?

    Dungeons: I don’t wanna be a Debby Downer but dungeons sucked in the beta. They weren’t interesting, and just felt like Diablo 3 Rifts that are take more time to get to and have annoying objectives rather than fun objectives.

    Overall, it seems like they haven’t listened to the feedback since beta and are marching forward, without addressing all the major concerns of the player base. I do hope that they do another Dev blog that addresses all the major issues most of us saw in the beta. Be transparent with us about these subjects. Even if you launch the game as-is with terrible UI, boring dungeons, and weak class balance, if you’re communicating to us that these are priorities to improve, we’d be good with that. Communication with us shows that this will be more than just the next Blizzard cash-grab.

    See you all in Sanctuary!

    • Brandon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    With POE2 and The Last Epoch having much more variety and fleshed out skills, plus a better end game. I enjoyed the beta, but I’m considering passing based on what they have shown here regarding the end game.

    • Cyber
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m pretty sure I will enjoy a lot the campaign, but the endgame, I’m still not convinced

    • AoRxStealth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So whats the endgame? Farming nightmare dungeons to make them easier?

    • Sparks3D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Still not sold on D4, to me this is still D3 with a new wrapper. The beta was so basic and completely lacking gameplay mechanics compared to something like PoE from like 5 years ago. I do have a request though, please pay Vicarious Visions more money to handle the remasters of Starcraft, Warcraft and WoW, since you guys can’t be bothered to make anything decent on your own these days.

    • ReptilianRob
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Into the buffet

    • Firzj
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    3.4K dislikes 60% ratio – keep up No phones indie company 💪💪🤣

    • Thomas Ruge Obelitz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lol, a lot of negativity in the comments. I don’t mind the travel nodes just being main stat. There are 200+ paragon levels to be earned and you can’t expect each of them to do something unique/meaningful. Alternatively, they could reduce the amount of points massively, but then your end game progression would also end way sooner.

    • Metriel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play your way” Translation: “Play your way but don’t choose the wrong talents, you can’t change that”

    • Robert G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    IF PLAY YOUR WAY WAS YOUR GOAL WHY WILL THERE BE ANY CLASS SETS which lock you into certain builds in D3 as well?

    • Mike
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay but what’s the point of the clans ? Diablo immortal you do raids, battle other clans. What do you do here ?

    • Glitche333
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish that one guy could act like he wasn’t reading directly from a prompter

    • HearthstoneisLove
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 looks like D:I .. no thx guys. Not my Game anymore.

    • Теодор К.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks awesome! Have to upgrade the PC first, tho.

    • Ricardo Delgado
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im very Fan of DIablo Genre, i bought the deluxe and i feel scammed this is worst endgame than diablo 3 im going POE again i guess

    • Graham
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That disappointing …… how + 5 intel will change my gameplay, and more than that, inclusivity is good, creating an exceptionnal game is better.

    • Afura33
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    nice nice

    • Terran
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank you now I know to save my money and watch the story on youtube. There is nothing of note for endgame or progression, RIP.

    • Urobolos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cant wait to enjoy playing Diablo IV, the new exciting game by revolutionary video games developer Blizzard Entertainment™

    • Lukáš Fait
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ppl be like: +5 stats
    Diablo 2 players after spending all 5 points into one stat: OH CMON D2 is way better than D4! D4 is trash!

    • Ryan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh this does not look good

    • PaperiLiidokki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:19 play your way, right… and not the way which brings out the optimal amount of dmg

    • Mike Rappold
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Video Summary:

    Capstone Dungeon – World Tier
    Complete a special dungeon to unlock the next difficulty. Probably like D3 Greater Rifts but the reward unlocks the next difficulty.

    Paragon Board
    A checkerboard skilltree instead of 4 stats with a (+) next to each. Simply a new visual representation of D3’s paragon system. Unlikely for paragon points to drastically change how you play, since in theory you can unlock every point all at once by getting a high enough paragon level.

    Codex of Power
    Every dungeon drops an “affix” you can attach to your items to create them into Legendary. You figure out what affixes you want for your gear and farm the specific dungeon for your drop, attach the dropped affix to your gear and then move on

    Nightmare Dungeons
    A “key” you can use on any dungeon in the game, turning it into a “hard mode” dungeon with some random affixes. This feels like a WoW m+ version of the dungeons. This might be replacing D3 Rift system of “random dungeon” and now you go to the dungeon you want to do.

    Tree of Whispers
    D3 Bounty system equivalent

    Fields of Hatred
    PVP feature. It looks similar to WoW Warmode World Quests – you have an objective to complete but people can kill you.

    D3 Bounty Equivalent: check
    D3 Rift Equivalent: check
    D3 Greater Rift Equivalent: sort of check (unlocks difficulties, probably not endlessly scaling)
    Target Farm legendary affixes: check
    Target Farm cosmetics: check

    • Krizzah47
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the paragon board an out of season april fools joke?

    • DecoyCaliber
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I thought this would be a livestream and answer more questions about the endgame. Looking forward to more info tho

    • meankillermachine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so basically diablo 3.5

    • Hugo Carvalho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This trend to put vibrant green glow in every undead in games are making the mood really cartoony… I understand league of legends cause it’s cartoon, but this one, please at least tone down (a lot) the glow (and necro never had green glow, he had blue for magic like the tooth’s and bone spike, but not very vibrant , and green was for poison), and take out the inside glow from necro skeletons (just make then skeletons)and please take out the barbarian fire from hands and body when he hits and gets fury, you start to not see the character, and don’t fit with the class (wizard makes sense the fire out from the hands)

    • Orin Gyre
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shely looking like the Outsider from Dishonored

    • DizzneyTV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “You won’t be running out of things to do.” I miss the feeling of achieving something like reaching a point in an MMO-like game where I really don’t have anything to do. A feeling of completion/fulfillment. Had that once in WoW classic/BC, it was epic.

    • HeavyDPS
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I might be alone on this but … I want an arena for pvp. it could be 1v1 or 2v2 with a ladder board. I want to grind gear for a purpose not just to keep fighting more monsters. I know I know ” that’s diablo bro its just a loot grind” I said I fckn know I would just like an arenas mode for pvp calm down ffs

    • MKP2W
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is that the woman they based the druid body type on in the thumbnail?

    • blumps
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Here I thought we would get new news in this video….why did they even make this. We already have this info…

    • Al Cohonez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice to see the gameplay without damage numbers floating around, couldn’t switch it off in the beta (at least didn’t figure it out) I hope this is an option in the main game

    • BeefTeeth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    YT comment section is absolute poison these days. So many unhappy people. And I’m not just talking about this vid.

    • Flørr
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How about fixing the HDR issues… this trailer still looks like HDR is broken..

    • Zankheal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Speechless… can’t wait! Hands down, D4 will be the game I will be playing years to come.

    • Narius_Jaden
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I get why people aren’t excited about a bunch of stats, but I still think D4 nails the more important part of the puzzle, which to me is the actual gameplay. Now if Blizzard can ever bring some creativity to the skill system and improve gearing, we will have a truly special game on our hands but that remains to be seen. However, I still think the core game will overall be a great one. I just hope they listen to their customers in the future.

    • Teachmehowtodoge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m sure Druid players will have the best experience.. 😆 🤣

    • Joey Horemans
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:08 wait was that Andariel?


    • Grimm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Enril
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cant wait , Ash is awesome btw .

    • DDevil Jin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Tbh, that’s much more than I expected from the launch endgame. Comparing to D3 on launch (and, tbh, even now it’s running to the portal and grinding the same 5 floors over and over), this gives so much more.
    Hopefully it will be at least as half as good as it is presented.

    • TheDarkNut
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is it just me or the dungeons (supposedly the end game dungeons) monster density is totally sparse???

    • Ungegurkt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    do you believe the pr lies you tell?

    • Bobby Hawk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah none of that sounds fun to me it more like okay so jump on beat the game and then maybe end game

    • radek emmerich
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzards are masters at stealing from other games, yet they failed big time with this one. Grim dawn, titan quest, last epoch..man you could steal so much.

    • fabia andoom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game is like overwatch 2 right?

    • Niphrentil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All of you guys nit picking the video for reasons to down-play the game…. You’re all like “this branch of the tree is broken, OMG THE FOREST IS DYING!!!”

    Yep, that’s you guys.

    • Ana Spencer Cartwright Pistachio
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That all sounds way to exciting for me, can i also just do 10k pindle runs?

    • Rayne
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dunno, man. The more I see of this game, the more I’m underwhelmed.

    • itzLCD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That’s it? THe paragon board is just +5 to stats? LMAO

    • Yolanda Down
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2 tons of fun has a bit of a stache there. Should’ve taken care of that before going on camera

    • Solar Soul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    every time she is looking left, it is a lie she is telling

    • Ungegurkt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Cody
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why in D3 now D4 do we have to follow around a frail woman who leads the story line….I’m sorry but ever since women started making up a bigger percentage in game development the stories are just so unrealistic and pandering it ruins the immersion just knowing in the real world fantasy or not that wouldn’t be the case. You following a battle hardened barbarian or some young chick who couldn’t lift 50 lbs and has no experience. Small things like that make a huge tone change. Make diablo badass again

    • Bota NFT and Crypto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why would you put girls leaders on a boys majority game. i have refunded this garbage after 2 days, i still play diablo 2.

    • Michael
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You take Diablo 2 and its systems, and improve it. That is diablo 4 for me. But you didnt do that.

    • Tuc Lance
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • RedRaccoon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    you had me at sweetring

    • NeOmega
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    One of the best games ever created❤

    • Rodney Horsley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Having raid type content for end-game would be amazing too. These raids can be done with 1 person but of course the more you have the better the rewards. Can easily put 2-4 bosses in them and can takes anywhere from 30 mins to an hour.

    • Adam Smasher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ok im not preordering anymore lol

    • camarade pierre
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:43 trans ?

    • Apo Babook
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Now i know where the KFC double down idea came from

    • AloneInTheLark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That’s Andariel at 0:08, isn’t it?

    Apart from that… this vid is concerning.

    • Kryptik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon baord looks amazing, I can’t wait to swap from 5 strength to 5 willpower. such a revolutionary game changing experience!

    • Kar Rak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    And… that’s all? No meaningful progression? Like… I don’t know, big Raids? Cooperative stuff like in other games (see Lost Ark for instance)? Feels… empty to me :/

    • camarade pierre
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:31 maybe that’s why.

    • Travis Skeans
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Or wow same dungeons over and over, just harder mobs.

    • equ170
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    multiplier upon multiplier upon multiplier… cmon guys you can do better than that

    • Steven carlson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I’m hearing is dungeons = more dungeons. Trying to stay optimistic that this won’t get stale fast.

    • PH03NIX96
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game somehow managed to be worse than D3 and Diablo Immortal 😬

    • trey randall
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Found around 32 bugs & glitches in my first hour in the beta.
    There are many other spaghetti code exploits and U.I. problems, on old gen.
    My experience was on the Ps4.

    Suggest you delay 6-8 months the Polish your product on consoles.

    1 thing that bugged me, the functions you choose for subtitles do not apply to opening cinematic.

    • Øbi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this will be my first diablo game and i cant wait!

    • LeaguePlays
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How about more skills? Theres hardly any lol

    • Jyaen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wait we have to actually run to each dungeon to do it?

    • Lechuga Artificial
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Make a rogue like version of the game where you can enter dungeons to actually test your skill instead of the amount of time you spent looking for gear like a monkey, please just learn to make games to help people have a better time not a dragging one

    • Sybren Deryckere
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0 mention of end game character development, tiniest skill tree in history, paragon is all flat stats again. Escape from tarkov diablo version. God it’s so shite.

    • Isaac Brown
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i see where they got the female model for the druid…..

    • KainGerc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I’m hearing is: “you get to repeat the same dungeons over and over with minor variations and rewarded with marginal stats increases”

    • Oxeca
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This has to be one of the most non authentic readings I’ve ever seen for a game of this size. The smiles, the reading off a screen, giving literally 0 new content reveal tan what everyone was already told lol. We all know everyone is going to play on launch but how many will stick around to play doing a daily quest simulator running that same dungeon layouts season after season? D3 V2 incoming…

    • Bedrosian Baol
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This 6 minutes and 12 second video is:
    -2 minutes and 45 seconds with people talking
    -45 seconds with some cinematics, Pegi 17 and the duration of feature titles (“Endgame exploration”, “Nightmare Dungeons”, “The Fields of Hatred”, “Only the beginning”)
    -5 seconds with a big tree

    I can’t wait to see live on Twitch, with 3 hours of people talking and 5 minutes of gameplay!

    • Manteca86
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope you fix lighting (shadows and reflections of spells and world) and remake some poorly designed enemies (like ghosts) upon release.

    • BJI82a
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope we get more DLC characters to play with and they better be brand new to the series not just ones that have been in past games.

    • IdLikeToRant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    deep dive?
    blizzard : 6 min video

    • cdave2006
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • T
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Do we need 1 sigil per party or every member needs to have a sigil? If we only need one than doing them solo will be pretty bad since you can do rotations in a party.

    • playless Namer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As if enemys in Diablo are more than a healthbar and a timetokill factor.

    • Xarko
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So.. no endgame at launch. Got it.

    • sOngo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ive got a question, whats wrong with monster density? Thats the endgame and there are like 5 monsters on the screen.

    • Sofa King
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Id rather go back doing chaos dungeons

    • ZackNoctisCloud
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This endgame is worse then d3 wtf. Almost everything “new” in this game was in d3 its just worse now.

    • Pr0m3teus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    it looks like dia 3.2. it looks like its bullshit.

    • Krisztián Környei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nothings about itemization. I am getting about to worry now.

    • hardstylahTV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more videos – more cringe

    • Arez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Add more skills ?
    Paragon for Int Dex and Str ?
    We have poor Skills system
    Now we have poor Paragon system too

    • StillSolo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That’s it?

    • BootlegedBatman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cant frigging WAIT!!!!

    • Oli Belus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Game Director looks the least excited for this game, lol. Otherwise, looking good!

    • TheDeadb3ar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m still really worried about the endgame 🙁

    • Nilin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 beta was so disappointing and this sounds disappointing too.

    • GGZII
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    doesn’t change how you play at all, just amplifies the damage of your existing playstyle.

    • 9target1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:30 we know where they got the druid character model from now

    • Espe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gg. You once again put all of the useful skill stats on legendary gear pieces (exactly like you did with set pieces in D3), and created an almost identically pointless paragon system which is mostly just small upgrades to basic stats.

    The legendary gear powers should have been nodes on the skill branch. The paragon system should have had more than two interesting nodes per board.

    D4 is shaping up to be just as boring as D3 in terms of unique builds for each class. We will once again be grinding repetitive dungeons waiting for specific legendary gear drops to complete a build. Now we get the added bonus of dungeon layouts and mechanics being even more repetitive and boring than any previous Diablo games.

    This game needs to go back into the oven. It is not ready for release. The beta was not fun to play at all. The endgame looks just as boring as act one in the beta. It was the worst Diablo gaming experience I’ve ever had, although the graphics were undeniably beautiful.

    • Wiz Bornstrong
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game is more diablo 3 than diablo 3.

    • Miroslav Suchy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They should take exemple from GGG – play some game vid and SHUT UP!!!!

    • Playful Fruit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why nobody tell red shirt lady to shave her mustache?

    • Immanuel Calunod
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    I like D4 and will definitely play it. But as long as I can’t play melee, attack-type builds on a mage, no one can claim that D4 is “diverse”. We can do this in D2 with the sorc’s added fire buff.

    My brother and I will be alternating D4 and poe 2 mid leagues. D4 is really really good but no game can beat poe’s diversity.

    • Klamm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Btw the PoE 2 gameplay preview only had a narrator. They only showed improved gameplay. Why are you showing us endgame content with talking heads?

    • Generalkillaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4>. Period. PVP is capped so don’t worry about getting one shot

    • Kacper Mojeścik
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Comment section is full of trolls in denial about how they will spend hundreds of hours in D4

    • Dom4z
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They said we had less than half of legendary aspects in beta. Which was 114. In their preview here for endgame, I see exactly 114 legendary aspects. Why you fkin lying? Why you always lying? 😂

    • Ferazu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So in other words, endgame is pretty much Diablo 3 but somehow even worse. Blizzard collecting another L. Let the game cook for another 1-2 years and maybe then we’ll have content that will last past the first few days of release.

    • Sacred Grove Bros
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Fulfilling and satisfying is the new, safe, and effective.

    • Anonimo Sincero
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joke , ty i dont gonna buy this . Waiting poe 2 .

    • davgee
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Thundercles
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s never a good sign when the game devs are fat middle aged Karens.

    • Sam Hyde
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stat 🤣

    • DLMike19
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yay more grind, more fomo more af the same stuff, so its like you took diablo immortal and diablo 3 and added some salt and pepper a new story boom diablo 4, man oh man, I`m starting to regret buying this game already

    • Founding Father
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:37 imagine the goods this creature could haul to market

    • A M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we get a non-obese female druid please thanks.

    • Cristian Hanu
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I would add one more thing to all this: BRING THE GAME OUT ALREADY!!!! Thank you for your consideration 😀

    • Pepito
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The best thing about D4 is that it only took me 1 minute to refund it, +5 to Blizzard support !

    • ViciousJo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If it was really “play your way” you wouldn’t be pre-creating all those builds through the legendaries and instead you’d have put all of those skills/skill modifiers from legendary gears into the skill twig you had during beta and make a real skill tree where we could really play our way.

    • Darkholow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It’s really awesome to see that I will earn +5 Str when I ding level 51..very useful.

    • Cata Catalin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • vfvs11a
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Post a video when you get rid of your obnoxious respec system designed for monetization and to appease the unpleaseible D2 cultist. Then I might reinstate my preorder.

    • David Horváth
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thats sad lol

    • coderNerd
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Well this not looks fun at all, skipping this game…

    • Solaufein
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Major D3 vibes (not that in itself it’s a bad or good thing). If you liked D3 endgame, seems like D4 will be your thing. If you didn’t, seems like it won’t.

    • Wayne Groll
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wish you could circumvent the world tiers. I don’t want to beat the game several times before I can get into an actually decent endgame.

    • hrl3qn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The barbarian who should be raw power feels like the most nerfed out of the box :))))

    • Will Paynter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    paragon board looks incredibly boring and lame. this video is bad. What is the D4 marketing team thinking?

    • DoragonL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is horrible.

    • Yuri Andreev
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Свинота усатая и шлюха теперь продюсеры диабло, до чего докатились.

    • David Correia
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Do guild vs guild based pvp

    • butts mcgillicutty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PLEASE don’t cater nerfs and buffs around PvP — right now my biggest concern is revolving core gameplay around a small portion of the player base running around doing PvP

    • Alex Méndez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So much hate in the coments. i just gona say Im gonna enjoy this Game a lot…if u guys wanna super complex vgame go play PoE aka Path of Excel.

    • Marcus Ziadé
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh boy
    Gotta start avoiding diablo comments… these gremlins will ruin it for everyone engaging.
    The gaming community acts like politically engaged people .

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 is not even close to being finished yet…

    • Darokar Tevir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So….essentially the paragon board is the most boring progression you can think of? just basic +stats…..i was hoping for something more interesting with the paragon board.

    • Michael 777
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard: “Affixes”
    Literally Everyone: “Please, no.”

    • James Henderson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame looks about as filling as cotton candy

    • mrazenzi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Female druid herself in the video, love it!

    • Teachmehowtodoge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “My favorite number is 17..” – Druid 😆 🤣

    • Mc Wotty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Am I going to get a bill from Blizzard for watching this?

    • ZAribeniq21
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    5:16 The poor DRUID 🙁

    • Gaming Robioto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is the gameplay still as mind numbingly boring in the end game?

    • Hell Naw
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV is basically a DII non expansion + LoD clone which is grrat

    • Aura
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t be the only one whos concerned with end game at launch, this seems so barebones it’s kind of sad…

    Watching the person get a blue for their efforts in the dark zo- I mean fields of hatred, was almost on par with destiny’s “most rewarding public event ever”

    • ReznoV Vazileski
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For PvP please make a hostile zone only loadout so we don’t have to pay millions to respec into a PvP build or create a second character especially for PvP. I understand we want a respec cost so the meta doesn’t drift towards respeccing into an entirely new build for every different piece of content, but PvP and PvE have such vastly different needs that an entirely different build is unlikely to be avoidable and I don’t think I wanna deal with leveling a separate character for each class I want to be able to enjoy PvP on every season so I’d likely just drop it entirely at that point.

    • RynoKenny
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon Board: +5 Dexterity, +5 Dexterity, +5 Dexterity…

    • Asdfseh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    More work was put in the camera work in the video than in the game itself.

    • TheGreat BLT
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the thumbnail is a main druid right?

    • 12345bomber
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh god this is gona be such a woke shitshow…Can we at least create male or female Characters or will it still be “bodytypes 1 and 2″………………

    • Ryter
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m curious to see what these glyphs are in the paragon board

    • N N
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shely is Bester from Babylon 5 incarnate.

    • Karthis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sad it was information we already new but still, thanks for the video. I’m happy with what we are getting at the start of the game, I just hope with seasons and expansions adding to the game that we have more and more options like what happened to PoE over the years.I get you can’t expect too much from a new game as it takes time to add to the game, one of the advantages WoW has as an example, but I’m hoping we get something closer to PoE seaons vs D3 seasons.

    • Seneschal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Game isn’t going to replace PoE for me, but the beta was promising enough and the PVP looks interesting. If that’s fun, should be good enough for me with that.

    • Nawrly17
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I don’t know what I was expecting with the paragon board. But it just looks like a PoE skill tree.

    • Matthew Topping
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Remember Europeans. You have the right of withdrawal if you want a refund. After seeing the endgame I’m not excited anymore.

    • Emm W
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is this video being Downvoted, this is awesome.

    • Sofa Supastar Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gonna be the longest 2 months ever😂 Cannot wait to play the full release it’s looking great

    • Anunak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    на 30 сек уже какого то жирного босса диабло 4 показали!)

    • Next-Gen Leap
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So endgame is basically to rerun the dungeons you’ve already completed with some slight modifications just you can can slightly increase your base stats… Oh boy…

    • Alucard
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Give us more customization, the druid looked horrible.

    • Aykut Bozkurt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds amazing!Totally loving it. Please do not make the mistakes of Diablo Immortal along the path. You know your audience. I am also expecting a pc gamer exclusive UI update in the future.Simplified or advanced UI to choose from.

    • J0utsen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Подумал это Мясник на превью

    • Matthew Nguyen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there coop teams in the fields of hatred? If there is, whats the balance for those who decide to tackle the fields by themselves? If there is no team based pvp, is there already any plans to implement them soon after launch?

    • Matt Morriss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I feel very skeptical about the shard vendor that takes PVP currency. That vendor doesn’t seem any different than the Opals vendor. You’re gambling. Why not make it more of a Xur vendor where they have a rotating stock of awesome gear who’s stats roll upon buying that specific piece of gear you want?? That’s far less predatory than gambling. PVP sounds like it will be very punishing for what could possibly be for nothing since you’re just gambling with incredibly hard won currency. What’s the point of PVP and going through that hassle instead of just speed running nightmare dungeons to farm for better gear?

    Also, I don’t understand the hate around the paragon board. It’s a paragon board. It’s meant for minor stat bumps. On the other hand, the dev staff make it sound like you’re creating your own unique character. We don’t know what the glyphs are and we were given a taste of the legendary spots on the board but come on…. There’s a minor amount of customization. It’s not some ground-breaking way to create a unique character.

    • Migge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why’s there like max 10 enemies on the screen at once even in the end game?

    • Peter Lind
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please, sit on your hands next time 👐🙏

    • androsh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Andariel = buy Blizzard stock.

    • Makunouchi Ippo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How is it that indie devs with 1/10 of the budget actually make better ARPGs, than these bafoons

    • Nico Robin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i really hope you add more options and variants for making own builds insstead of just giving skills +50000% more dmg. Please dont just remake D3. you can do better.
    I also hope there is more depth then just spending points on the Paragon Table just to gain +5 Mainstat +5% Skillpower and so on.

    • user
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yeah this looks like trash. It’s basically D3 with a darker skin. Where is the innovation? Looks still the same

    • Kärppä
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Also whats up with the marketing having an idea that players care about every single dev and their take on the game? We just want the info delivered and dont care about corporate PR.

    • zomgbbqsauce12345
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks awesome!

    • Sepheul
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A very good base for the game! I am excited to play D4 and see how seasons bring more and more content and please never bring P2W in the game, take my money on cosmetics not on power!

    • Môrtirn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I am open minded… but still spectical and not convinced by videos like these.
    Give us another Beta to show that you hear our concerns.

    • Neverlucky
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    new PoE League on Friday boys, LOGIN

    • RavensWolves
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Grinding followed by more grinding. Wonderful.

    Does the leveling narrative have a conclusion? Because this endgame stuff is not a selling point to me.

    • zilvis11
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE 2 will be D4 killer

    • Nick
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo players just want to spam dungeons and farm good loots. Now we have to spend hours of your play time traveling around the world for random BS. yay..

    • BrighterThanYours
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    POE is based on D2 and this is based on POE…….

    • Christopher
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow, this game’s end game is such dogshit, not only are they trying to talk around it rather than show any of it, the little they do show is a wall of ‘+5 base stat’ and an ultra-exciting dungeon affix that’s literally just a routine monster-spawning mechanic. Jesus Christ Blizzard, lmfao.

    • Klamm
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why not show us a paragon board node that actually change a player’s playstyle? Or is it because they don’t exist? Also, we are more interested in the gameplay than in people’s personalities.

    • y0rge
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    and this cost me 100 euro ?

    • omensoffate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is a Druid in the thumbnail ?

    • [오시온] 디아블로4 피파23 종합게임
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    디아블로4를 기다리는 대한민국 유저분들이라면 좋아요 꾸욱~!

    • Sigmafocus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i’l l be honest, i haven’t stopped thinking about D4 since the beta. i can’t wait to play the game again

    • Ernest Scribner
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As a casual player, I’d be interested to know what I can do. Maybe that isn’t an ARPG thing.

    • Eldo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This looks good as they talk about it . We will wait and see .

    • Buds
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please next time let one person do the talking, we get that it’s a team work but changing character reading the script every 10s is too distracting, i stopped watching after 1mn

    • IceT2220
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board is beyond revolutionary. So much depth with all the different 3 notes.

    • LazySage
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    У жирухи усы под носом.

    • Krae McCullough
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh joy legendary Paragon for more damage to CC’d enemies, just what i always wanted! Gotta wonder if the dev’s truly play there own game thinking these Affixes are interesting rather then just tedious.

    • Chrome Magnum Productions
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Kayleigh looks like the Fire Prelate from Elden Ring.

    • Korzor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i would love if they add BG’s for pvp too

    • mtma
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How is PvP in Hardcore going to be?

    • Martín cpt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s see some pvp gear please…

    • Fadepro56
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is there an actual dev talk/stream about all this info? or is this it?

    • Tinc AwesomePro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    well, this just proves to show you bricked it 😀 we’ll see on launch but as far as your “endgame content” goes, i feel like it won’t take more than 5,6 days in order to play through the whole game and finish a proper character.. sadge.. at least poe launches in a couple of days 🙂

    • Mandra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What was shown of the paragon board looks absolutely boring.

    • Султан Зейналов
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Mr Outcast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m sorry but this look lame and boring AF…

    • J4Y D34D
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    D4 endgame: you can “go take out some werewolves” and talk to a tree. xD

    • Jimmy Sjöström
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Already bought the game, can’t wait for this game to be released.

    • jcorb
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great video. I enjoyed the beta well enough, but definitely had some major concerns, which this video addresses many of them.

    Part of me is still worried that a major part of D2, and even D3’s rifts, are randomization of maps. I worry that with D4 having a static overworld, which is sounds like we’ll be spending almost all of our time in, that running around the world is quickly going to lose its luster once you become familiar with areas. Most of the “dungeons” I experienced in the beta also seemed to be nearly identical each time I loaded in, which I worry will lead to just having a particular “route” you run over and over again (which was also evident in the beta).

    The two other concerns I have are that monster-density seems incredibly low (I felt like I spent more time “running around” than actually fighting enemies), and also that I felt like my character scaled much slower than enemies, where I felt like I was becoming *weaker* the more that I played (starting out powerful, but enemies growing more powerful with each level than I was).

    The final concern I have, is since my friends and I all experience the “story” at different paces, it felt quite difficult for us to just “all play together”, since we almost never had the same quests. I’d definitely like some kind of system available very early on, where we can easily find something to do together, even if we’re at different points of the main story. Not a deal-breaker by any means, but it would definitely be nice to immediately be able to say “hey, let’s all run these bounties, or this dungeon”, without anyone feeling like they need to speed through the story or skip all the cutscenes, just to “catch up” so they can play with us.

    I definitely feel like there’s a solid foundation here. Those are just my most major concerns.

    • Deniz Cem Kaya
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE players: PoE skill tree is so deep and meaningful. You can endlessly grind procedurely generated maps with different affixes it’s so cool.
    also PoE players: +5 stat on paragon board is so boring and it’s not deep. Having different affixes slapped on 120+ dungeons to change gameplay is so boring.

    • somsortotikiman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did anyone else think the thumbnail was the end game boss…?

    • TrueNebiross
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    More dislikes than likes. Something went wrong guys… but +5 dex lets gooo

    • slyzodiac10
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the endgame is the same as D3 rifts but not procedural? This will get old pretty quick. I was hoping for some more boss encounters to test your character against. Not ever growing modes of infernal dificulty repainted as world tiers doing the same content.

    • Kärppä
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    With all best intentions if Paragon Board offers only +5 to one stat it’s not unique in anyway. You will just build on your main stat depending on your class and thats… absolutely boring. I hope this isnt the case but people are not gonna like that.

    • irina lucaci
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    120 dungeons, and all fell the same.

    • Genji
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is that a bearded female druid? Nice!

    • elSOSA
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I was excited for this game, I am not so anymore after the beta. I am still unsure to refund.
    The game looks cool plays very well nice well written story.
    Its the game mechanics itself the simplicity in skills more dynamic skills in diablo3, like they have gone backwards..?
    All the dungeons are pretty much the same you run through them till you get to the end and you kill a boss but you have quests to do while you run through the dungeon and if you don’t kill every single monster you have to go back and kill that one monster to open a door, (they said this was made by gamers) not very gamer friendly. (basically Elden Ring dungeons)
    This is probably the base game you will receive on release, they might do some tweaks and changes here but what you got in the beta is the final product, the fact they did not have pvp in the beta says that its probably going to be very unbalanced, Wiz/Rogue/Necro are probably the meta and that’s all you will experience.
    Level based meaning your always trying to play catch-up (not with the skills and items you want) unless your a necro and with 1 low level legendary item carry you to level 25 in 30mins. RNG.

    I want to refund as the cost for what they are delivering are not matched.

    • Dreadina
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The dungeon/ nightmare stuff instills concern to me that they took aspects of M+ (affixes) but also New World dungeon type affixes etc needing special items in order to experience them.

    We shall see, I love Diablo, gonna have to try it out and find out if my worries are accurate at all

    • Joakim Dam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    was this the promised deep-dive, or did I miss something?

    • Matheus Coelho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Curtis Brockman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So paragon boards just offer more stats, mainly? Okay, why not uncap that like in D3? Gonna be a dead game after 100.

    • Draga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok, so nothing new we haven’t known about since before the first Beta event.
    Everyone was waiting for more information about what “EndGame” would entail because what we currently knew just was no where near enough.
    I guess we’ll just hope they start dumping content post-release in the first Season??

    • w84boost bk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game consistently looks like someone cooking a stew, putting in every ingredient they can get their hands on, and hoping it somehow turns out cohesive..

    • WhhhhhhjuuuuuH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • 2 Otters or something
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard has a creative drought, likely linked to the frat culture scaring all the actually good devs away

    • Luis Otero
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why the hate? Endgame looks pretty good to me.

    • dist0rt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4: Battlepass and microtransaction simulator. I mean, I’m probably picking up the base version but that is it. Even at that, I feel like I’m getting fkd somehow and not even getting a reach around in the process either.

    • Leonardo Berneira
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ooo nice I will not leave the fields of hate haha

    • Simen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What I heard: do dungeons then keep running circles around the map to “explore” forever.

    • Deywata Neighbor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Played the beta, and seems not that system demanding. should consider release on Nintendo switch too like the other diablo games

    • Deivil007
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game will be so fun for 2-3 weeks then it will become just painful to login

    • Radeon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    03:58 these planles fat women will give us our dream?? really??…i will refund

    • mistywww
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So instead of taking notes from path of exile or even your own game diablo 2, you just copied the endgame from diablo 3 that about 4 people liked. Hey atleast you are selling us an overpriced battlepass and an ingame item shop woooo

    • 44swagnum
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Power underwhelming 😢

    • Klaus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    Just set an option for ppl who have a decent Rig can use such feature… Stop making consoles as the minimum bar for the final quality do jogo, Diablo was BORN in PC.
    Thank You.

    • polterghost
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the endgame is doing the same dungeons over and over and hunting for random events on the map until you get bored? Thats it?

    • i2Shea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Absolutely love the entire vibe of this video. To the lighting of the people talking about the game to the vibe of the music, very well done.

    • elektrosake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Expecting to see 75% people playing as Sorc and Necro at launch. Would like to play as melee classes but until they are stonger I will hold of with pre ordering the game.

    • Otso
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The only legendary paragon node shown doesn’t change how you play at all, just amplifies the damage of your existing playstyle.

    • Sigmafocus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    omg, is that wizard armor at 2:02 ? looks sick!!!

    • Андрей Щетинин
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    In aRPG, I can’t even create a build – a basic warrior with a maximum shield block and HP regeneration. the variety of building construction is definitely not about D4

    • DocRobin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What about raids? Boss rush? or anything different than doing the same dungeon but harder?
    If this game wants to succeed in the long run, it definitely needs some different hardcore end game activities

    • Chob_
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m not interested to play a reskined D3 again. “Only the beginning” yeah no… not going to fall for it again.

    • Drakarious
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im loving all so far i do wonder about the cosmestics in pvp though i see some envy for pve players who want these cool cosmetics but dislike pvp

    • Rodrigo Bernardo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow… so much creativity and innovation

    • Apoc
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5dex +5int +5willpower +5strength… oh my god can’t wait!

    • Негроэльф 80 лвл
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As a PoE player just say : bwahahahha

    • mac novo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That’s it? Oh boy , our fears are getting real. Common Blizzard , didn’t you hear all of feedback from top Diablo players, Youtubers , Streamers ?! I really hope this is outdated video, but since launch is so near…..Why can’t you just see what works in other top RPG games… Have you ever tried Path of Exile’s endgame? Game needs’ some complexity and long term goals, real challenges, multiple endgame systems.

    • FrankieFresh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 str from paragon board but remember we can turn it to +5 int!!!!!

    • Zazume
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s not judge the Paragon system too early guys. Yes, we’ve only seen +5 main stats from the nodes in this super short clip and yes, it would suck big time if there won’t be more than that, but that absolutely does not mean, that there won’t be a lot more complexity and creativity in the final version. In the PoE tree, there are also a lot (and I mean *A LOT)* of main stat nodes. We haven’t seen nearly enough yet.

    • Stony
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Show me some true endgame.

    • JP M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gotta love people wanting to hear about the systemic side of end game and you have a bunch of producers doing the majority of the talking. I don’t know why companies put producers at the front to explain systems instead of system designers. In my experience, producers only know the broad stroke details. Also, a little concerning that every node the paragon board showed was just +stat.

    • LEGO Apocalypse
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The gaming is lazy mechanics. Repetitive dungeons. Fake useless ”skill tree”. Shallow game with good graphics and cinematics. You still have a few months to unfuck this. But I doubt it.

    • Horatiu Pantea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “not paid actors”

    • 𝑫𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I had fun playing the beta and wish the game a great success. Hopefully, the team will continue to work on the game after its release and experiment with new features and meaningful content for late-game. I am quite curious about the paragon board and what it will bring. In my ideal world, it would allow you to boost builds your character has, to broaden the range of useful late-game builds.

    • andrew meynell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Doing the same dungeons again and again just a little harder difficulty is so lazy from the Devs for endgame.

    • Maciek Rabizo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    1:37 The Butcher in real life 😂

    • Cody N
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That red haired girl can’t talk about this game without a smile on her face. That’s good, so long as it’s genuine

    • Paranoia Agent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +1 mainstat

    • BM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    POE makes this game looks like a lobotomy.

    • Waseem Sirat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Congratulations Blizzard yet again you going to turn dailies, events and so called “End game farm” into a part time job.

    • Be Mo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game seems perfect for the average american citizen

    • lukasgaming82
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the vaunted paragon board is mostly just flat stat increases?….
    Well this is underwhelming :/

    • Scourgeborne
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    @1:48 … now I see where they are hiding all the microtransactions for after release

    • WastedCarnage
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m telling you this video is gonna back fire. If this game is not what they say it is. People are gonna hard roast blizzard like normal.

    • Bruce Ludlow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    looks great, might get the 4 day early access now

    • Awsone Grindcoremen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Главное что теперь, в Активижн Близард много небинарных, трансгендерных, геев, лисбиянок, пансексуал, асексуалы. Но не работники, выполняющие свои задачи в срок и качественно. А главное творчески развитых. 👍

    • Sigmafocus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    holy hate watchers

    • KpopNoodle
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Good video.

    • Mert Aktas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stats and no actual endgame? meh

    • 1stVariant
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is this Diablo Immortal for poor people ?

    • r0ubrt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Daniel Shelley
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The passion in Joe Shely’s voice is only matched by that displayed in his eyes. You can see exactly how much he cares about this game. So genuine.

    • Drakhe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    more like deadgame

    • Maksim Buligyn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    7 years of developing and they come up with +5 main stats. No wonder Donald Trump got arrested.

    • Lets See
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Basically the days of games being released with 100 percent fully functional and deep mechanics are gone, now they want to release games that are bare bones and expand on them only if they make money and lots of money.

    • Parzival
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yes, Diablo3 is like watching an out of control fireworks show.

    But I mean to be fair people asked for it to be darker and less colorful to be true to Diablo 2.

    • Iceberg 233
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Am I the only one who thinks the wraith and ghost enemies in D4 look very bad and out of place? Every other mob is so detailed, but these guys look very cartoonish and silly.

    • Daniel Terrell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon tree of stats…. and an “end game” video that /showed/ basically nothing about end game except what we saw in the first 25 levels.

    • WhiteGlovePC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cue the reddit threads of people endlessly nitpicking and criticizing endgame content which they haven’t even come close to experiencing themselves yet.

    • Otso
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I thought there was going to be news

    • NEKIO
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 a Illusion of choice, you never had one from the beginning 😛

    • Brootus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat… “making the character uniquely yours”

    Jesus christ.

    • Another Fancyuser
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    That is no endgame.

    Man… Even the likes/dislikes ratio are telling you that.

    Oh well, to wait until POE 2.

    • Владимир
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Лучшее что Близы придумали для endgame-системы это дерево с нодами +5 интаагиласила. Это просто позорище какое-то.

    • empty
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Waiting for the “into the SinglePlayerOffline” video…..

    • DelermainSports
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s gooooo!!!! 😬😬😬

    • Ardeof
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My main concern is being limited to the 6 skills for the entire game, I hit level 25 and i’m not even sure what i’d spend another 25 points into (other than spending like 7 or 8 to unlock the final tree part). The build already felt finished, and the Paragon system looks like it’ll mainly be a way to polish your build slightly more (like generate more fury, do more crits, flat stats, etc.).

    One suggestion, and it’s been one that quite a few people have requested, is allowing for a 5th/6th slot for teleport/ultimate skills (this could be only for those, or simply allow for 1-2 more skills on the hotbar). This would expand players’ builds quite a bit and allow for much more interesting gameplay. This would open up a lot of possibilities. I think even at level 25 some players were pondering or considering unlocking another skill that was already taking up a slot and using both. I know as barbarian I was wanting rend and upheaval for different situations, but only had room for one so I chose upheaval.

    • Michael Martinez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’d like to sweet ring her ash.

    • Novack
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game look’s like amazing!I can’t waitI! like the collector edition is so great.I just saw a video of the game of the year !Y E S !!

    • Mathieu Raquepas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope D4 add more skills overtime, i absolutely loved the beta but man the lack of skills hurt the game so much

    • MadCat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I had fun playing the beta and wish the game a great success. Hopefully, the team will continue to work on the game after its release and experiment with new features and meaningful content for late-game. I am quite curious about the paragon board and what it will bring. In my ideal world, it would allow you to boost builds your character has, to broaden the range of useful late-game builds.

    • Dat Balanar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So basically endgame is non existant

    • Tomáš Bartoš
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks unfinished, and shallow. x points to the attribute stat is like you didnt even try to do somehing interesting with those nodes.

    • James Rennie
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So we can’t start as veteran world tier like in the beta?

    • Sirkillmore2
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Some of you in the comments never played Diablo 2 and it shows.

    • Toppy Boy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    most boring game i have ever played…

    • Taylor Kernea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to get back in. People hating on the game are still going to buy it and play it. People just like to complain and think they are important.

    • evovolvo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 mainstat OR +5% damage “legendary node”, truly a most interesting way to completely change how you play the game!

    • Lord Shrub
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to repeat the same crappy copy-pasted dungeon hundreds of times.

    • MTG Unpacked
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Beta was awesome. Hoping the full game lives up to its promise!

    • Victor Contreras
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Waiting for Asmongold’s reaction video to this

    • Андрей Гришин
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard shows us talking people for 7 minutes with 1 minute of gameplay, speaking about D4 endgame.
    GGG shows us talking people for 1 minute with 25 minutes of gameplay, speaking about only one new league.

    • Johnny Awesome
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It isn’t just that the game director looks like Elliot Page..it’s that he presents as an out of touch, out of genre dweeb that doesn’t understand the franchise or it’s fans…. Another charity hire.

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard, PLEASE make a “Plain” edition with NO PETS/PERKS/MOUNTS. Zero. Nothing – JUST THE GAME and I’ll pre-order this today!

    • xabun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    hmm, dunno … as much as I cant wait to play D4 again, the endgame is what worries me most … I’m not really sold on the endgame systems tbh. I fear the dungeon grinding will just be like in D3 with rifts end mobs just having more health.

    • Eddie Munster
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “There’s over 120 dungeons to play through and find”. Sure, but when 80% of them are identical, that really only means around 25 or so. And yes, I understand each zone will have its own flavor, but if each zone is pallet swapped dungeons like act 1, then the math stays the same.

    • Idodmg
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Mike Nieradko
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Here’s a good endgame idea: no limit trading. TOO BAD WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.

    • Kaim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im sorry but this would be better as mobile game. That paragon is absolute dog

    • C. S.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So endgame = power creep + more power creep + even more power creep + mtx cosmetics….. sigh

    • Hans Vader
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can not only select strength in the Paragon boards, but also intelligence? Wow so much choice I am impressed

    • Chad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Definitely not worth the $90 price tag yet alone the $120 edition to play 4 days early and paying for a seasonal battle pass on top of it all, back to PoE 2

    • Josue
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice miniature!! I like the last boss of the game

    • Urugian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hi Blizzard please add Paladin hero 🎉

    • v44n
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ok, I praise one thing, and that is that they dared to add pvp zones, which is good. Even if ended up as a flip

    • Blas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The people interviewed often sound fake or emotionless.

    • Name Surname
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I do not know how to live until June … I need a release in May! 🙂

    • AlphaZeno
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can I play this game offline though? Thats playing my way

    • Joachim Dunér
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You can really hear the enthusiasm and passion in Joe Shely’s voice

    • Bert Rodgers
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh brother, this stinks!

    • Avatar of Hate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Spoiler alert : farm, farm, farm, than farm some more.

    • Kaos IKris
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Stay Awhile and Listen

    • Roger H
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Joe Shely reading off a script. Looks like they’re short staffed.

    • Branco Freitas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is how to make a video to explain the endgame without saying almost anything. Cmon guys, we need to know more for real, make a gameplay doing the stuff and talk about the idea behind it. It’s an expensive game, make our money worth it. I’m not buying it until you guys realy show something real about everything (I’m looking at you season pass and store).

    • Jordan Earl
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    man them saying this trope of 120 dungeons…. like yeah maybe but how many FEEL different? 10? 15?

    • Agitationhohnlohn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    well, the PoE endgame is more appealing to me – it’s just too lost ark-y

    • Skeletth1
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why 5 years old mmorpg like Lost Ark has 10000000x better combat than this?

    • Hector Tabarez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice, just like Lost Ark!

    • Scaw
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why do all of these talking heads look like they have a shotgun aimed at them offscreen

    • Tagoshi PC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Caster classes will kite enemies in Nightmare Dungeons never being hit once but as barb or druid it will be near impossible without grinding best gear and spending 100s of hours. Balance.

    • Ming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This sounds terrible. Does even a single person on the design team actually play ARPGs?

    • CityBelowtheSea
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat is back boys! 🤣 What a joke.

    • Max Mach
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A pile of stinking “hype” nonsense.

    • Akasha DxD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Dex +5Dex +5 Dex

    • StaggsTV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can already tell over half the affixes will be things we hate, just as they have been in WoW’s M+. There’s a difference between challenging and arbitrarily punishing. The former can be fun but the latter is usually just frustrating, with no added sense of achievement. In other words it feels bad when punished by it, and doesn’t feel particularly special when succeeding despite it.

    • Rob Wagnon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They still need to add some more options in the first skill twig~I mean ‘skill tree’ so there are more options for each class. Add about 25 % more options. That would sprout it into a tree!

    • Heaven93TV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 MAIN STATAGON tree..

    • chase peterson
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Geert Matthys
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game is succeeding at selling 5 million more copies of Diablo 3

    • kory
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice video! This has provided no new meaningul information, keep up the good work.

    • Marcos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay, can we skip May and go straight to June?

    • Remus88Romulus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please make the corpses stay A LOT longer. I wanna see the massacre, the mayhem and the slaughter after a battle!

    • MK1929
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is as genuine as those 9/10 dentist recommend tooth paste.

    • Parzival
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like how higher world tiers unlock new actual playable content, not just buff mobs and get you better loot drop chance.

    • Electro Duck
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    TLTW: Grind

    • fzaoo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    paragon board seems LIT!

    • Sgttenore
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ‘Play your way.’ Not at its current state. If I wanted to make a companion build as a Druid, I would need affixes and wait for items that would allow me to do so. I don’t want this game to be revolved around items creating your character but more focus on the skill trees and the ability to create a character you envisioned and find items to enhance those builds. Similar to D2.

    • Daniel Swgoh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Havi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For those who disliked, why?

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    As someone who has been a Diablo fan since the beginning I am really excited for Diablo 4. People mentioning that the paragon board is full of + stats clearly didn’t see the Legendary nodes as you can easily see that the + stats are the pathway to the legendary nodes like the one shown here ‘ Cheap Shot – You deal 5% increased damage for each enemy that is crows Controlled, up to 25%’

    • Lesba Zyra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope they add PvP arenas, battlegrounds, and ratings.

    • Dr.Dolzur
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Imma meaningfully progress with +5 main stat as far as I can, +10 even. +15 main stat if you are so inclined.

    • Zorkey12
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    While this sounds okay, it will all depend on if things are somewhat equally rewarding and game play flow.

    I really hope its not like daily rewards “do this quest, get your nightmare sigil”

    More time poured in should be more rewards gained, not “play 35 minutes per day to get all efficient rewards, and rest of playing is like time wasting compared to these rewards”

    • zoe4AM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Huh. Would’ve thought they would show something we haven’t seen/heard, guess that’s it lmao

    • Lux Jarsey
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    PoE better 🥱

    • Big Brother
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Meh, I for one will be waiting at least 6 months before buying the game. Blizzard needs to prove to me that there is an actual endgame that’s actually deep and enjoyable before they will get my money. Also, I need to see that they are listening to the community by adding basic QOL updates like an overlay map etc.

    • Cloud
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Come on, The Paragon system should have way more depth than that….

    • HowToLeague
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ok but can I not get a 1 minute loading screen whenever I town portal thx

    • TheNumberTrenton
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    man the paragon systems rotation mechanic is kinda useless looking when all of the nodes are just tiny stat differences.

    • Michael Mitchell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow’s mythic + in diablo looks fun

    • Anik Alam
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I have never played a Diablo game before and honestly really enjoyed Diablo 4. It runs really well too and looks good, will play on release and till max level.

    • John Newnham
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Don’t get hipe don’t get hipe ….. don’t get hipe… s..t 😂

    • Parzival
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Had an absolute blast playing the beta with my bro. I cannot wait to jump back into D4! This endgame looks insanely expansive!

    • Zero
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The lighting setup on Joe Shely at 0:17 makes him look like some kind of Hemo-Vampiric Necrolord, good job Diablo team and whoever did the lighting setup and color grading needs a raise!

    • Grace Arabella
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 4 is my first diablo game (tho i just got the 2nd and 3rd and working on them now till release) and it completely sold me on running dungeons and stuff i made a druid named Storm with the powers of Storm from the x-men so lots of customizable stuff can’t wait to try other builds

    • xanasago
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Not a fan of the presentation. Would have been more happy watching them actually play the game and show some things.

    • skar696
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I didn’t understand all the negative feedback after the two beta weekends. I think Blizzard did a fantastic job with this game and i personally can’t wait for it to be released.

    • TheAirak
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Whoever designed this paragon tree is creatively bankrupt. Whoever approved it is braindead.

    • Adventsol
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The early access and open beta was a blast .
    Hope you listened to the feedback and get a fantastic good game .

    • fyeahaaron
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So Andariel was there. I hope Azmodan, Duriel and Belial are present too.

    • The Midnight Aristocrat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo 3 Barbarian had 23 skills with 5 runes per skill… Diablo 4 has 23 with 2 runes per skill.

    The skill “tree” is just an illusion.

    • radek emmerich
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    never trust a constantly smiling devs

    • Josquin Langlois
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Expected the paragon board to look like this, just s bunch of + stats. Even the legendary nodes are just +% damage.

    • SlashingMike
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Loved the beta, was a ton of fun to play. Here’s hoping I can wear some arch angel wings and kill all the demons with an angelic spear!

    • Liquid Guns
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I know it’s monetization ( atleast for the first month till Xbox takes the control) will be torturous so I’ll wait till it enters GamePass.

    • Ryan Polk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The whole production crew did Kayleigh Calder wrong for not letting her know how visible that mustache was

    • S S
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So endgame is just dungeons?

    • PlayStation Talks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wait s u have to beat each tier the whole game??? or sut the final boss to go to the next wtf?? does that even mean OL

    • carlos ocampo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will the weapons change the animation of the characters or will it be like the asinine system in D3 where the monk equips a staff and yet attacks with fist?

    • TGFTH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    If they want to sell this game really well, they need hire both Kripp and Ben B to represent this game.

    • Curt
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    hmmmm seems grindy for nothing…i want runewords….trading?

    • Chris Paquette
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Will we be able to put legendary affixes onto Runewords?

    • Sam Boissonneault
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I wonder how PVP will work in HC. Will your character be deleted if killed by another player?

    • jonathan pantin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    At this point I’m just gonna play for the story.

    • Tornado The Brit
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    reading the comments section tells me one thing and one thing only..
    some of yall REALLY need to touch grass

    • Paul Hemyst
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did she eat the whole endgame?

    • Botond Sueto
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The bald man cometh.

    • Dgtlshark
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The way they describe Paragon, and show it literally just being stat boosts lolol

    • repair
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    barb 500K+ damage fixed? and druid one punch man fixed too? and op rogue ?

    • HughMungus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Holydefeat
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    already blocked you+ refunded

    • voidox
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ya, as expected the paragon board is mostly all boring +stat

    • lk1407
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Those hype-up trailers will age like milk. 6.06 my popcorn will be ready

    • Alan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Bosses? I guess the casuals cant handle it

    • ꧁꧂ Lileep
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Im curious if gems will be purchasable with money so i know to cancel my preorder

    • QiireX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    i wanted game that fills space between POE and chess but sadly this is too simple for average male to enjoy.

    • Vidar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s gooooooo!

    • Ignas Pocius
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I love how the best of the best game designers are able to come up with……. +5 main stat! jesus

    • Christopher Miedema
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    All I really got from this is everything scales to you no matter what. A level 50 and level 10 can fight the same enemy at the same time . This is dumb

    • PittMan Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I freaking loved playing the open beta. Can’t wait for the full release.

    • R J
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    What is the reason behind 1k Likes vs 1.5k dislikes on this video. I liked the video to be honest.
    Sounds like they are honoring the OG diablo 2 gameplay except with a mild added tint of their own.

    Or is the dislike reason something more company related?

    • reecetreadwell / Swivvy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    2:45 “POUR OUT DIFFERENT MONSTERS” Video literally shows 3 MONSTERS COMING OUT!!!!! I have cancelled my preorder and will wait for endgame reviews. Looks honestly quite weak compare to competitors. But I hope for the best.

    • Necip A.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wow what a interesting paragon tree. 5 str 5 str 5 dex making a choice between them is quite challenging.

    • Bogdan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    An actual endgame system would be nice, like a proper mapping/rift system. Every arpg has that nowadays, even mobile games.

    • hil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat letsgoooo

    • crispyexcal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Running the exact same story dungeons for endgame OMEGALUL.

    • He who Is who he Is
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Ah yes, the skill bush 🙂 Side note, It made me want to play Diablo 3, thats something I guess

    • whopper jr.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yooooo +5 dexterity that sounds crazy

    • Pixel Ranger Studio
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im skeptical. i prepayed for the 100 dollar version…. and now i have a feeling that the game is so basic that we might have to wait 1-2 years to have a great experience. I mean Diablo 3, in some aspects is more complex.

    • Babayaga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So in diablo 3 the endgame paragon grind main complaint of +5 mainstat. Now, with the paragon board, you will be farming +5 mainstat again. How wonderful

    • BigSM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Aspects changed from completing a dungeon you get it into have a chance to get it?

    • あれBanana
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why are you guys show casing the paragon board by focusing on those +5 nodes and only 1.5secs on a unique one. Who cares about those lmao.
    Time to go reddit and official forums and read more roasting

    • noksukow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    stop buying this trash from a woke company

    • PapPap
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lol why was this shot in 60fps? Everyone looks so strange and it feels so inorganic… You can show 60fps footage without shooting that in camera for interviews, like easily.

    • Mehmet Yilmaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The woman in the Thumbnail looks like the chairwoman of the german Green Party Ricarda Lang lol

    • Areons
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:37 didnt know we can play kratos lol

    • savagedonut
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please don’t make fun of the mood of the game, makes it feel like you hate the game you are making :))). We like darker games, its no problem.

    • dembro
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It looks like what’ll make or break the experience for me is the number of Legendary nodes on the Paragon Board and how creative/game-changing they are. I will go in with mild expectations and wait until they improve or replace the Board over time.

    • deCode666
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice 6 minutes of marketing talk. Maybe (and I’m generous) 50% will be true. Diablo is dead. Both character and the franchise died at the end of the 2nd game. Whatever this fan fiction is, I wish it all the best. Hope it’s the last one.

    • Mrnumbers101
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope they wont remove 21:9 but rather change the ability range for teleport to the same as an 16:9 player and maybe like fog of war in pvp zones…

    • H377ON3ARTH
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m just kinda sad their is no Monk.

    • TheeGoDLikes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Did they run out of ideas so quick? +5 ?

    • Gian Pacayra
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m excited about the pvp

    • Ningishzida
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks like D2R is back on the menu, boys!

    • Jacsad
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo IV – Intro the Endgame
    You Play 3 Month , spent ton of time , not going to work , not see your wife .
    Then Your character go un-Sesaonel
    And you start again new character with same dungeon , same boring pvp , same mobs
    And Then Again
    And Again
    And Again
    I hate Seasons Games just spent your time for nothing only farm pixels over and over again .

    • Heda Hex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no matter what blizzard does, you will never be satisfied

    • Acid Fuzz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Starting to see where they got the inspiration for the Fat druids.

    • Drilla
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The paragon system is sooo boring

    • The_Ulkalar
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    mythic+ dungeons diablo style XD

    • Royale Crafts
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    we already had close endgame beta reviews about the endgame, yeah, endgame is bland was the general review

    • Clovhis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please don’t nerf the Necro =P

    • Logan Ross
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    On the dungeons: This feels a lot like when that lady tried to sell us on the idea of Riddlers race tracks being cool, in Arkham Knight.

    I loved the D4 beta and want to play game, just saying….

    • Anti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why is it so disliked?

    • Dorgrident Lel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Okay fine. +5 placeholder stuff. where are some build defining stats like choose projectiles chain or +1 projectile? or something like that?
    do thing, get lootbox.
    get shards from dailys or whatever, buy randomized items for it.
    Upgrade dungeon, so it has +500% hp. run that one with better gear
    To be real, thats what i expected.

    • Mike James
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “meaningful progression” lol

    • fr0d0b0ls0n
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Showing mostly the normal nodes of Paragon was a mistake, the Paragon system is really interesting, specially with glyphs.

    • Wittol Wanderer
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m jonsing for some more Diablo 4! The suspense is killing me! 🙂

    • someguy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Bartosz Wierzbicki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I want another open beta week so HARD!

    • nightyonetwothree
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:01:38 wow, a druid herself talking (not eating)!!!

    • Adonis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    ‘Ash Sweetring?’ Really lol

    • JAXEN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For all that” +5 main stat lul” guys here : there are blue, yellow and glyph slots and some legendary ones. It is not on poe lvl sure but it adds nice stuff to customise

    • owneddiagonal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I always question the (real) gender when I see a blizzard employee

    • Czecher86
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    a mustache lady LOL

    • MrB00ni
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is this so low effort 2 months away from release.
    Just make a decked out max paragon lvl char and showcase 1 single build in a 10 – 15 min gameplay trailer to give people an idea whats possible… just as example.

    Who came to the idea to finally showcasing the long awaited paragon board with a bunch of 5 stat notes.

    Unbelievable incompetent. Fire the responsible person asap and make a real showcase.

    • Douglas McGrew
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This will be my very first Diablo experience and I have been struggling finding a game that has been able to capture my will to grind and playing the Beta has been like eating a fine steak. I can definitely tell they were holding back on a lot of features and I am super excited to play the full game. Cheers to the devs!

    • Max Mustermann
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    6minutes and 80% of that time is used for useless trashtalk… we already newed what you say here!

    D4 is a big backstep of diablo 3 and a really really bad game…..

    • Zethron 117
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This gane doesn’t feel as gritty or scary without nudity like the other titles.

    • Youssef Zaki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The Fields of Hatred sounds awesome!!

    • Baba Bui
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    They just confirmed this game is made by AI

    • FailedPixel
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sweetring is a really unfortunate last name for such a pretty woman.

    • Marvin N
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “meaningfull progression”

    such as +5 main stat?

    • Frank Liga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My question or concern is this. If I don’t ever want to engage in PVP or only want PVP and never do a nightmare dungeon, will I have access to the same rewards?
    For example, would there be a case where I would get title words or an armor set transmog that you can get for killing 25 players, but you can’t get them any other way?

    • deanodeano37
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Blizzard: “Paragon Board will allow you to have a lot of more depth, a lot more customization ….”
    Also Blizzard: proceeds to show off all the +5 main stats slots…………………..


    • Kean Vale
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank you Quin69 for downvotes. His community is the dregs of humanity

    • Justin Wingate
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m interested to know how the story ends in d4 with it having expansions in the future and these dungeons being afterward.. are the activities still linked to lore or is it just filler until expansion?

    • Gnomo Victor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    has someone said something about fields of hatred on hardcore mode? i guess people are going to skip this content on hardcore.. i mean, i don’t want to lose all my progress to another players’s hit kill.

    • IamWicked
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So in terms of endgame, there’s no endgame .. why not just go for a system similar to PoE’s maps? Or even Last epoch’s monoliths.

    • Chronikz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Very hyped! Looking forward to exploring and gigapumping all that juicy stuff 🚀

    • Patrick ONeil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game doesn’t even have stat requirements for items or skills so why is it 95% of the paragon customization? 🤔

    • Morgaith
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gamers when D4 endgame doesn’t cure their depressed sad lives…REEEEEEEEEEE DISLIKE!!

    • Jose Enrique Fernandez Lopez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    look really bad this end game

    • realhope
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I dont feel diablo this time sadly. But if the game is good and gets better after season 1 or 2 i will join the battle for sure. If i find out that the game gets pay2win basically then i rather not play honestly.

    • KU LIK
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    God dammit. Spoilers…

    • Damian Stypka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    My refund trigger finger is itching.

    • O’neil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    its gonna be FAT 😀

    • ArtOf52
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    almost as bad as the mustache

    • Andre Johansen
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • thatepicwizardguy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Rofl sick +5 stat levels guys… god i mean i know theres some other stuff on the paragon boards but when most of every board is boring d3 style garbage just giving +5 to a stat it obviously feels kinda bad. Hopefully the gameplay and gearing makes up for it at endgame cuz that kinda sucks.

    (Also hope we get more interesting updated boards in the future.)

    • Mate Ovidiu – Tex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Women leading game content for a world of men. Right… I’m not trying to be misogynistic but these games are in men domain, we see things differently than women. Diablo is a men dominated game.

    • Paolo Maria Spina
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    add raids to play with friends!

    • SlaYer Ex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hello Outriders.

    • Zethron 117
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    + 5 main stat

    • イーダル (Yidaru)
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cutthroat server would be great.

    • Dominic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    that new world boss is awesome

    • Delgar42
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope they decide to add WASD support as that was the only thing I really didn’t enjoy about the open beta (i.e. on the fence if I’ll buy it without WASD).
    The end-game content looks really promising for a long life-cycle and lots of ability for player character customization.

    • Chris McDonald
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Put 👋Diablo👋 IV👋 on 👋Steam! 👋

    • Chromeskull90
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    *i NEED more spirits*

    • radek emmerich
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    this game needs bigger skillbars, come on, 6 active skills? in 2023? nah

    • AbbasrauL
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 Dreams shattered

    • Vincent
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Literally nothing we didn’t already know. Trash game, i’d be surprised if it out sold D3.

    • Furus
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    can’t imagine diablo devs team can still be this suck after the legendary start of d2.

    • Patrick Cetin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    When I see a bunch of women hired to work on the game i worry

    • JDTW
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thats not Mephisto at the end.. it’s the other World boss.

    • KniteGraffiti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so… no head? *slams phone on the ground*

    • Martin Ivanov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    yep, that dropped the price of the game from 70 to 30-40 euro for me. on top of the cash shop and battle pass…

    • JustDuh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    uh…53k per paragon node refund? wtf?

    • Ivo Ivanov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Sounds good to me.

    • Kaffetorsk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    please tell me you will not use the D3 paragon system in this game

    • S K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I smell all the salty poe fans

    • Kingsley Royal
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So endgame is essentially the same as D3. Progress nightmare dungeons (GR’s), Tree of whisper missions (bounties) and grind +5 main stat in the paragon.
    Hopefully seasons will add hard mode bosses or unique dungeons that can only be accessed with high level characters.

    • WallWallaby
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like her dress

    • luQ89
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Mobs in this game seem so boring and repetitive.

    • logan edwards
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice 👍

    • Aric Haast
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The druid paragon board should have +17 damage

    • Wozzmatic
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can we get an “endgame” more like Diablo3 so we don’t have to play the campaign to get there? not everyone wants to play the story and just wants to hit the real game

    • susulemons
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “play your way” has never been true for meta — but it is true for casual play, D3 was a lot of fun in that regards

    • Christoph Wolf
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so that’s the person they got the druid model from… even the beard…

    • Grim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Being able to play your way is the cornerstone of d4” ok then why are you heavily restricting me from trying out new builds with a talent refund cost?

    • No No
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Who is holdiong that guy at the start hostage ? He looks SOO HAPPY ….

    • keetsune
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Cmon guys it’s not that bad there is +7 node as well!

    • RocketJuan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 dex endgame still with almost no lighting effects or physics and I am totally not just reading from a script behind the camera you are holding right now on a tripod

    • ANiCKiN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Niccolò Campese
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Datafiend
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wake me up in June please.

    • M G
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I was hoping the +5 stat was just a placeholder for more interesting paragon design… now I am not so sure….

    • Red Sonja
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    im SO hyped for this game

    • Rock&Stone
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

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    • Typho
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:23 wtf.. that dude looks like bad CGI. Is he real?

    • Pim Dieks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks like nightmare sigils are like Elder influenced in POE, sounds like someone at blizzard plays a lot of POE.

    • Carlos Gomez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    David Brevik be like “…Hellgate you say?”

    • Tafareas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:09 for the people with culture

    • BonerStars
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Marketing more important than gameplay

    • Lee Hammell
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    These people reading off a teleprompter? they seem very out of touch.

    • Eurides Amaral
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I disliked because i need the paragon changing more skills for more builds!!! I dont wanna see str or dex +5 eleven times

    • Fail Collins
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Andrew K
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    whoever is in charge of diablo 4 marketing needs to be fired, each trailer just completely turns me off from being excited for the game. it was only the beta that made me excited. the gameplay is absolutely amazing and is really fun. however, this marketing, these trailers… man…they are just tempting me to cancel my preorder

    • としみつ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    make so hard dungeons please. Everything should be hard.

    • yhamil
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So curious what the devs have cooked up all those years, can’t wait to finally no life this game!

    • Agostini
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is going to be a long grind… and I’m not even worried.

    • Jay lay
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Unique characters” *clicks on +5dex points* bruh… The endgame seems so basic, idk I’m not a fan

    • Oldschool Nick
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lmao nightmare dungeons are basically POEs maps

    • Violet Bliss
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I like a lot that I see, but there is some concern when the paragon board nodes show are just +5 stat things mainly. I know it is somewhat similiar in PoE or other arpgs with similiar, but the balance seems slanted more… boring? if that’s the word. I wanna be more excited about those boards. 🙂

    • PsyQoBoy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Add mouse and Keyboard controls for consoles!!!!

    • M P
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    is she female barbarian ?

    • The Saga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This game is gonna be so fun. 2 months is a long time!

    • Coty N
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 truly genre defining

    • Not Yourbuisness
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No Monk, no Crusader, no Paladin, no Witch Doctor, no NEW CLASSES. NO BUY. Zero excuse for one of the biggest AAA developers to leave out half of the series’ iconic classes to sell later on as $20 DLC. Could’ve gone without Sorc or Necro you know.

    • HuginAndMunin
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    To everyone complaining that this doesn’t have the complexity of a game like PoE … chill out, guys.
    PoE has been out for a decade now and back in the day, it had NO ENDGAME at all!
    What they are showing here is a great foundation to build upon, I already love this a lot and if they introduce pinnacle endgame bosses
    at some point that are really hard to deafeat, I’m sold! 🙂

    • B M
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    these people look creepy

    • N T
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • DZ Games
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Yay, putting items behind a pvp wall in Diablo. It took Blizz a bit of time to unbork D3 I am hoping for the same here.

    • Rudolf Kardos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    bruh… that Paragon system gives just +5 to a specific skill or main stat… at least make some Tripod system where skill are gonna feel different because right now we dont have a choice everybody is gonna use the same 3 skills… there wont be any variety of builds

    • jokotv
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    to be honest, this doenst sound amazing at all, since the dungeons felt way too similiar in the beta and just adding a few more objectives and effects wont change the base experience, the world level was to ez in the beta so i hope i dont oneshot every enemy on the higher ones. from what ive just seen of the paragon system, it was mostly just more base stats and a few 5-10% damage boni to specific skills and stats didnt feel relevant in the beta. As it is right now i will probably only play the story and sometimes a season, if i feel like it.

    • g000dn
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    lmao they were so worried about inclusive hiring that they forgot to make a good game

    • Renato Ramos
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    bedge zzzzzz

    • Joel Thurston
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat paragon board on top of skills with 2 passive nodes for insane character build customization. This is the evolution of Diablo……well done Blizzard.

    • jago juice
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    pvp better be somewhat balanced or playable at least. considering d3’s “pvp” was a complete bait and joke

    • Иван Д
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Че за жируха на видео

    • Edgars Petriks
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so there is no endgame at all its just new passive skills wich gives you +5 attributes and you gonna be doing dungeon/world boss map for the next 10 years WOW IM SO EXCITED!

    • XtremeNugget
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I was 16 when Diablo III released, I know blizzard and activision don’t have the best name with MTX but I hope this will be also a gem that would last 12 years aswell.

    • giggity woo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    people who are going to compare this game to path of exile and is expecting it to be path of exile’s competition is going to be dissapointed im afraid. this is a game that is going in a completely diffrent direction. play poe for a little while then play d4 for a little and be happy

    • SnickersSM
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat +5 main stat +5 main stat , wow that’s so exiting

    • Solid Snake
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You actualy dont have any endgame content?

    • pat dore
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Cellardoor
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    For those complaining about server stability during open beta, they warned you guys ahead of time that it was gonna be a stress test. Welcome to gaming! Stress tests have been happening since probably before you were born if you don’t know what it is. It’s meant to overload the servers and break them. And again, you were warned ahead of time, so I have no idea why so many people were complaining about something you were warned of ahead of time. New gamers smh.. and just a reminder next time, if you play an online game that has an open beta for EVERYONE, just assume it’s a stress test.

    • XArticSpartanX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    holy terrible. Play d2 or poe instead

    • Ionys the rogue
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Came to the comment section to lose even more faith in humanity. Mission accomplished

    • Daiba And The Ghost Machine
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Quin69 sent me here to dislike this video PepegaChungus

    • toomadtoplay
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    seems kind of lacking

    • Toyhouze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Truly, the greatest game of our lifetimes

    • Jorge Ramirez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So the Nightmare Dungeons have even more objectives. Can’t wait to deliver boxes or balls one at a time, backtracking to deposit them, killing all monsters and then fight a boss that drops nothing.

    • Breno Bazzanella
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Endgame is just repeating the beta experience… shallowness.
    Paragon boards are just paragon from D3! Just stats to multiply…. Are we gonna reach 100000% dmg before D3?

    • Alex
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • FoxDie
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The wait is agonizing

    • Toyhouze
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Can’t wait to play this game

    • The Beanz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Really wish we had raids and what not, but maybe in the future

    • – Hunt –
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The game is fun I enjoyed every minute of the beta BUT…

    Let’s be real this is NOT enough for end game and they need to add Ubers like POE and/or raids like Lost Ark. We will get bored very fast!!!

    • XxHrallundeadrogueXx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    “Play it your way” this better mean I can Jail Inarius and Marry Lilith!

    • P C
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’m here from Quin’s chat to downvote as my glorious leader requires. We hate watch around these here parts.

    • Doomzx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Why is 99% of the stuff generic dmg increase??????? And where is the ENDGAME? Only ENDGAME I see here is in the title??

    • Andres Diaz
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    poe better

    • Datanon
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pretty sad when Grim Dawn still has a better endgame than this.

    • Niko Maggots
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    + 5 main stat…LET’S GOOOOOOOOO!

    • SchtekarnFU
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Here to downvote on Quin69 behalf!

    • Trying2B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    HAAAAA the paragon board is dogshit omg soooo baddd did they just copy paste +5 ??? pay peanuts you get monkeys WHAT GENERIC BS AND THATS ENDGAME REFUNDED BROOOO BRING ON POE 2

    • JonBoyTheMagnanimous
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat XD

    • James Thurlow
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 stats, so excited!

    • brudjk
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 +5 +5 +5

    • inkumario
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    if asmongol streams this video too like quin just did making the dislikes instnatly, it will have thousands more dislikes, from his chat army 🙁

    • Tornadoeight
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    nothing new at all, this will be boring before the season drops. Really sad to see.

    • Thaydrian
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Greg
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    refunding was the best decision of 2023. shill69

    • xx xx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Quin69 just brigaded the video .

    • Lady McCormick
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Please tell me that was Mephisto in the end!?

    • senpapi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nice moustache

    • Guilherme Drummond
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    seems generic as expected

    • 🔻Jay🔺
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Oh yay…. basic stats in the Paragon board. Holy f*cking laziness.
    I already kind of have buyers regret. Should I get a hundred dollar refund?

    • Valentin Fors
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Paragon board could use some love. Not really exited to get +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 and so on. Same with the layout. Very dull

    • Jongi
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat, useless developers.

    • Mikoto Suoh
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Gem Inventory where? 👀

    • 〈SoA〉Horseman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Something they didn’t seem to say when they covered it… was that the aspects aren’t the same power level compared to if you got the DROP with the same power that you can extract.

    • frutch
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so a new video that brings 0 new information about the endgame. NICE!

    • inkumario
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    only casuals with low iq hit dislike obviously

    • J
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Very disappointing

    • Billy Myers
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I really hope pvp is good

    • sabel5209
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Aber’ Ration
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Lazy just like the whale in the chair

    • Default Name
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    why is there a fat woman in the thumbnail? thats not very diablo

    • Stepan
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Bruns Str
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Wolcen that was made by an indie company has more variety and creativity in the builds and skill tree than a multi-billion dollar company… how pathetic at blizzard?

    • Adila
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    No Boss, repeatable dungeon, NO ENDGAME. And on nightmare dungeons you need to find and return 6 box . Nice job Blizz!

    • Kondziu Rybka
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    95% of paragon boards is +5 main stat. Super excited about that. Login boys!

    • Solaris Rising
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    This is going to be the longest 2 months of my life waiting for this game. 😅

    • Otherwise
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Pai Mei
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The developers are even bigger 🤡 than Quin69

    • Cookie Dough Dynamo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The question remains, what endgame? The number of dungeons is an illusion since they pretty much repeat themselves, you are not going to be aspect farming more than the necessary either. +5 main stat Paragon board not looking particularly interesting.

    • Take it Easy
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    >You can play you’re way
    >oh btw this raid gives BiS gear lol, everything else is worthless

    • Tyler Koziki
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    How will the fields of hatred work for HC players, will deaths by another player result in a perma death?

    • Deathclaim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    if quin sees this vi von zulul

    • TryNoX4FuN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so basically u use 1 point to get +5 of a choosen attribute tbh its a downgrade from D3 where every paragon gave u +5 +3 and +2×2

    People are so blinded by hype train nowadays….

    • Terminal7Life
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 main stat
    +5 main stat
    +5 main stat
    +5 main stat
    +5 main stat
    +5 main stat

    • Aces
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Taher Abdelazim
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    So nothing new? the endgame is daily bounties and copy pasted dungeons? and the paragon board is just +5 attribute nodes, amazing really.

    • Edson Sira Og
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Currently, I am so obsessed and in love with this game, my first DIABLO 🥰

    • Mrfiufaufou
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Loved it, can’t wait for summer to come.

    • exile
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    so endgame in this “game” = only paragon system ?
    rofl, last epoch 0.2

    • Vaskov
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Good_Joe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    But is paragon giving just stats? Like +5 dex +5 int or will we have in paragon also some upgrades of exsisting skills/spells? I feel like adding to indefinitly dex int str is pointless if there is no some add to everything we already know..At least like, in POE every few nods give us one big node that says “All stuns have half effect on your character, and you cant be feard” or something…

    • Sometimes
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Woot ~

    • Nils from Germany
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    wow that is embarassing

    Dressed up bounties and dungeons are the entire endgame basically?

    • Mandatory Fun
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    You all said alot of pointless words but “dungeons, PvP and roaming around the world” is basically what the endgame is gonna be, right?
    So we just do the campaign over and over, untill we get bored enough to enable pvp. Which will be one hour before we log off to play a different game, one with an actual endgame.

    Very creative of you guys! I am suprised no one came up with this before! 😂

    • Tom A
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I used the Plugy mod for years for the infinite stash. That would be awesome for single player.

    • Mezosi Tamas
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Unofortunatelly lackluster. Poe was much more refined in 2011. They have no chance to catch up anymore.

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    We should be able to choose sides. Some want to stand with our Mother, including me, to slaughter those hypocrites

    • gamez With sully
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ve not doubt you guys are working on some great stuff, but my concern is server stability.
    The beta was barley playable, so I really hope that is a focus. Oh and that absolutely absurd 75$ US price tag.

    • Tom
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    While I still can’t wait to play again cuz I know I’ll have fun for a good while, this ‘end game’ stuff overall as I feared looks very lacking. Also if this is an accurate preview of the paragon system, it’s a bit lacking. I hope between what we haven’t seen of it(some interesting/cool options) and the seasons themselves, that I can be pleasantly surprised.

    • HandeMC
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hard to find a place holder, PoE is so boring, Season is over, June so far away, i hope the endgame features kill my real life

    • Mimir
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looking forward to the PvP, please do not give up on PvPers and continue to expand it.

    • SEYKRID666
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    they gonna do a livestream too or just this?

    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Gotlyfe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    World of Diablo looking like it is designed to make Activision-Blizzard money for a long time.

    • Nightstalker314
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The sudden spike in dislikes once the video has been shared on Quin69s stream.

    • yousif4
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    0:09 Andariel?

    • Emil Elander
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    pay 20 dollars to get a head start :^)

    • 下尺凡ア レのマウ
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is that druid in the thumbnail?

    • Önder TAŞDELEN
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    An exciting pvp system for hardcore gamers.

    • Capricorn Sister
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Marcelo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Is that Mephisto at the end?

    • Michael Tenbroeck
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Great video guys! Super pumped for the game and i appreciate all of your efforts. @AshSweetring your hair and outfit are exquisite.

    • FlameMage2
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Looks phenomenal!

    • Jonathan Hernandez
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Holy hero class? 🥺To properly smite evil?😢

    • Deggy19
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    no druid footage 🙁 ?

    • darkwoodmovies
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It looks like Diablo 3.

    • Aaron
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Pinnacle bosses?

    • Konador
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Kasper Vink
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    +5 dex, +5 dex, +5 dex, +5 dex, +5 dex, +5 dex, meaningful

    • Evgaman
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Nothing really new as far as end game in this video. But I am still excited for the release, the game looks good!

    • Aoimaru
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Hype, now just correct the bugs and let’s go!

    • Nogank
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    what if we get to start fighting angels…..

    • Siphr0dias
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    <3 <3 <3

    • Котик Подвальный
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Where are the bosses to kill? Hello?

    • Niko las
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I hope PC Will not have advantage because they have much more fps

    • Don Promillo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • AniHVX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    please don’t tell me the paragon board is nothing but a glorified stat stick… oh no.
    if so, see ya in Path of Exile 2

    • Stone Legion – Let’s Play
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    LET’S DO THIS! Anyone else bored out their mind since the Beta? I can’t find any games I can enjoy right now haha. Silly Blizzard they ruined my tastebuds and now I have to wait till D4!

    • The Saga
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I’ve been waiting for some more updates! I’m excited for the end game and all the build possiblites, Thanks for the update guys!

    • Chris B
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I look forward to stream scammers making 45 min react videos to this 6 min video. Also, please ban Quin, for obvious reasons.

    • Miguel Ângelo
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    I can’t wait no more😭

    • AnorakRPO_TTV
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    It:d long time 2 months… Long time 😢

    • Blake Davis
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    The thrilling beta weekends left me hungry for more! Very excited to get back into Sanctuary this summer.

    • WhispyWoods.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    A lot of people won’t see the end game with a constant internet connection being required. Fix this.

    • Fabian B.
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Release physical version for pc

    • 々ム7๛๓ค๔〆
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Linus Lundgren
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Thank you for posting information about the game. It is relevant.

    • Ṃępꞕḭstø
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    where’s Warcraft IV and Diablo 1 REMAKE

    • Bigolpanda
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Diablo!!! 😀

    • DenMCX
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Jacob Brownhill
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Endorsememe
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • 々ム7๛๓ค๔〆
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Dylan Spain
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Let’s go!!!!!!

    • Struck TLF
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    nice! 🙂

    • xAbruptionx
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • adrian42061
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am

    Here. We. Go.

    • The Drone Experiment
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am


    • Zonti
    • 2023年 4月 07日 8:32am
