Diablo 4 Official Endgame Overview Gameplay Trailer


The end is only the beginning. Learn more about the end game in Diablo 4 from Capstone and Nightmare dungeons, Paragon Boards and the Codex of Power, Overworld experiences, and Fields of Hatred.

Countless new challenges await in the massive #DiabloIV endgame.

0:00 Intro
1:19 Growing your Power
2:14 Nightmare Dungeons
3:21 Endgame Exploration
4:45 Fields of Hatred
5:39 Outro

Taqs:diablo 4,diablo,diablo iv,diablo endgame,diablo 4 endgame,diablo 4 gear,diablo 4 upgrades,diablo 4 skills,diablo 4 activities,what is diablo 4 endgame,post game,end game,diablo 4 post game,diablo 4 gameplay,gameplay,diablo iv gameplay,diablo 4 beta,diablo 4 early access,xbox series x,playstation 5,pc,battle net,blizzard,arpg,action role playing game


  • コメント (521)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Tim Ullits
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The information and content is interesting, but I really find it cringeworthy that we have to look at these developers. Im unsure if its a way to try to personalize the devs or show off that everyone is included in the new blizzard…
    I dont know, and it removes focus from whats important, the game. It annoys me when devs do this… We care about the game, not your internal policies.

    • Amberleaf
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    are the speakers being held at gunpoint or something?

    • Daniel Jurišević
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I wasn’t playing Diablo after Diablo II, but I’m definitely comming back for this

    • VintageFruitLoops
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ded game after 2 weeks, meanwhile in other news preach is somewhere still whining like a baby

    • Narcosis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    how long until the announcement that these shards will be purchasable via an in game store?

    • Gavin Flynn
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    soooooooo… They copy the entire design of D3 and pasted it into D4?

    • Heathen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    so end game is…. getting to end game again. yikes

    • venom shake
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They really just saying so much but so little at the same time

    • Daniel Jurišević
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    affixes? I see wow and diablo staff are talking 😉

    • Topshelf Bully’s
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So a nightmare dungeon is just a Greater Rift

    • Topshelf Bully’s
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So down the codex, a power is a maybe?

    • DrSnooze
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ‘just the beginning’ is not a great flag to people when they have to spend 50quid on the base game, plus a season pass, plus cosmetic shop, plus paid expansions later. This has to be the best ‘just the beginning’ every to make it worth it and not be ANOTHER no-mans-sky, cyberpunk, insert AAA failure of a launch.

    • ink Senpai
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How will PVP be balanced ? Whoever plays the most wins ? Whoever has the stronger class ? Do we get shards outside of PVP if we don’t want to engage in unbalanced pvp ?

    • Matty Bizz
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    That cut of the girl yelling ‘IT’S REALLY SPECIAL’ at 2:07 then the dialogue that followed after was just slightly off-putting.

    • Julian Mayer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I can’t see a 2023 release – It is just way 2 much left to fix and improve ….. hopefully D4 will revive the franchises after D3 killed it

    • Doujinshi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sweetring 🤮

    • Alice Typhon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    D4 is gonna be gas, anyone who says otherwise is capping

    • Chas Murphy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These people look completely psycotic, but hopefully, through the power of market monopolization, will still make this a good game.

    • Zarkar Lekkimo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    this hit me right in the sweetring

    • Scoopiddy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The most elaborate way to say “Rinse and Repeat” in YouTube history

    • Hersh Mergersh
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • yabu_Renge
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Red hair girl got arms of a powerlifter

    • Dwarvenlord
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These people talk like they’re reading off of a script, instead of genuinely being passionate about the game and that’s always a red flag. I might play D4 for the story when I can get it on a discount, but the game just seems like it has no real depth or complexity.

    • KlubsyBear Tutorials
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    andariel 😮

    • drewcons
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    why so many dislikes

    • Lisa Parker
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I dont get why this video has nearly just as much dislikes as it does likes. The endgame modes look fun to play and just have fun.

    • REC
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I love Diablo but am gonna wait for a couple of years for this to come to Game Pass

    • Kristian Madsen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    it would be awesome if world bosses spawn in a time that also makes sence for people in europe, i never saw them in the two betas

    • Andrási Gyula
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I already hated the skill tree in the beta. Now that I saw the rotating paragon boards, I hate it even more…

    • John Ligon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m suspicious

    • Gamedevcorner
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Most of this honestly does not seem interesting to me at all. Like, 90% of this sounds like just the same dungeons/content but with some affixes added or making the monsters a little stronger. The fact that a lot of it is also just dungeon content doesn’t impress me either. And the only “good” parts are basically things from other games in a new dress.

    • blueskiedanclear
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I thought class mechanics would provide much more of customization options… like I was quite disappointed with the necro’s book of the dead… thought I’d be able to choose different types of minions and mix and match or even equip them. It’s similar to rogue which is basically pick one of 3 choices for each tier.

    • Daily Blender
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    that doesnt sound fun

    • HeavenlyJunichi1
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    anyone feel like this is D3 all over again? or at least the gameplay is leaning towards D3.

    • Brian Madden
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    When a game producer looks like a character 😮

    • Nick
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So Lost Ark still has better end game I see

    • Syzygy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “people who still want to gain power while pvp’ing” OH and here’s our cash shop where you can buy items that increase your power for the pvp players. WINK WINK GUYS Not pay to win. it’ll happen, it’s not a matter of if, but when.

    • EnCey2
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    But can’t I just enter my mom’s credit card number to get shards and stuff?

    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Endgame looks like the beta they provide to us

    • deuxjohn1
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    +5 anything is pointless. We need to modify skills and learn new ones.

    • Ishmael Dant
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    And don’t forget all the monetization

    • Level 99
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    the beta convinced me not to buy this game

    • scott a
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Somehow looks worse than d3 gameplay impressive blizzard

    • Alexander Diederix
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They never learn do they?

    • dy/dx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Them necromancers better be like D2 where you can summon 20-30 skeletons with a golem, instead of just 4 skeletons and actually called that necromancer, because that’s just a disgrace if that’s all necromancer can summon.

    • EverydayIsDayOne
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How to play blizzard games in 2023… Watch all the cutscenes, go play something else

    • Bloodcola
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “it’s a place for people who really love PvP […], if that’s the way they want to play, they can”
    Okay, and if that’s NOT the way I want to play? I’m not a big fan of PvP, so I’m wondering. Will there be another way to get shards or will pure PvE players just not get the chance to make use of that mechanic?

    • Goshko hubaveca
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “dark” as in gore content. not dark as . i am a 400 pound female with a mustache trying to hide in the shadows. i cant see much of this game

    • WhoFan95
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Wouldn’t bother. Just play the story and experience the campaign. Why bother grinding for no reason?

    • ss
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    woman developing games is ruining the industry and games themselves

    • guest
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo is like Fusion Power, always 30 years away 😂

    • Digibluez
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    thanks for this, I highly reconsider buying this at all, if +- 5 stats and world tiers is endgame for you, and same dungeons with portals popping out wow amazing innovations

    • Altiar253
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks crud

    • Mass-1
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The question is how much of a “money machine” Diablo IV is going to be.

    • Zkogg
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I really dislike these kind of videos where developers trying to make basic stuff, ‘players can collect shards’, sound like something new and exclusive. Stop it!

    • Marshal
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    17 damage

    • TheNewtimesnow kom
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    idk am not sure at all here. but i hope lets see!

    • Marius Hellervik
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I look forward to this game. The only thing I am afraid of, is that the colors in the game is too grey. I hope we will se more variety of colors some places while still making the atmosphere dark.

    • BEAVER
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    i think ill stay with diablo 2

    • woah dude
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This gives me 0 confidence about this game. So glad I didn’t pre order.

    • Mike B
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Would be cool to have an end game like WOW. Special dungeons for max level.

    • Antonin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    where’s the +17 damage on the Druid board?

    • Kaiju Kaiju
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Soooo what will be the average price to play for one character? I rly hope they keep it under 300k

    • michał poręba
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I couldn’t even play the beta. First, the 2h queue. Then OUT OF MEMORY ERROR. No, thanks guys

    • Eamonn Holland
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m really excited for current version of product. I plan to consume it, and get excited for next product! I’m a good consumer!

    • King kevo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Man the UI just looks very unfinished and lacking.

    • David Hoag
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The game may have developed a bit, but their sound bites/script sure is as stale as 20-day old bread. Seriously… what these people are saying is canned, trite, cliche, and insincere all wrapped up together.

    • Killercoldice22
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    the red head Ash she is quite the hotty dammmm Kreygasm !!

    • Miag Vip
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So same button smashing as diablo 3 with slightly upgraded visuals? 😴😴

    • The Unfazed
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The way you can rotate the paragon board is kinda like how you rotate your character upgrade wheel in Wolcen. I like it

    • Max Eisenhardt Lensherr
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    What made the first two Diablo games was the campaign, story and atmosphere. Never the endgame. They should have focused and expanded on the actual strengths of the game, instead of on its weakness.

    • Denny Wall
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “we’re going to have an entire world of sanctuary for our players to offer”…. Huh?

    “there’s going to never be an absence of something to do”… Uhh

    • Fullmetal Alkami
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Those tiers at end game better not be the skippable tiers that can be purchased with the ultimate edition.

    • Kevin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Fix the performance issues first, then we can talk features 😀 I’m running a RTX 3080, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X and 32GB RAM and experienced lags/freezes regularly… On a side note, I played in the morning with 0 queues, so I guess it can’t be an issue with server load.

    • Oli
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    We can only find out what the engame content will look like in reality after the release.
    At the moment it’s just promises, like one with ‘No Man’s Sky’ or ‘Warcraft III Reforged’. 🤫

    • Aralolol
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ngl this was pretty underwhelming… but hey, we all gonna check it out anyways, huh.

    • Rapportus
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Nosering: Check
    Choker: Check
    Little Girly UwU Voice: Check
    Dyed Hair: Check

    She seems fun 😀

    • Slappy Senpai
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Great video! Thanks for not making it 30 minutes long or clickbait!!

    • Nordlenning
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Fix the fking DRUID!!

    • Roberto
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Dungeons are like maps in Poe :), sounds promising.

    • tomathome77
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Everything here sounds like it’s just doing the same thing over and over again. Campaign then done by the looks of it

    • J.D.
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Who TF are you?
    And what makes you think you know what players want?
    Your awkward interviews where you sound like a bunch of candy crush gamers trying to appear cool to the kids? Or the fact that you work for a disgusting, soulless, ruthless, criminally convicted company?

    • Critx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    wait for sale game for sure

    • Fubs McBubs
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My character has +5 willpower. It feels so uniquely mine!

    • Knivesmatter
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    wow metahuman is scary real now. For a sec i thought those are real humans’ doing presentation

    • Moss Wurm
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    oh no no no no. at least 2 females are working on this project. It is doomed fellas.

    • Dark Energy Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks like more of the beta lululululululul

    • Oinyx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    end game dungeons are just greater rifts… make no mistake.

    • China man
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    path of exile..?

    • Alpha Male
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Is the skill tree the size it was In the beta? Or will there be more skills .

    • Kyle
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hopefully they end up getting acquired by Microsoft. Maybe get back on track..

    • anon4234
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Wow they really just straight up ripped off Path of Exile

    • galaxxy09
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    It just feels like its lacking substance.

    • galaxxy09
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    17 damage..

    • Brewtank
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My biggest concern is that there are 120 dungeons and I hope all of them aren’t the same 2 objectives we had in beta. I.e, get 2 books to put on altar or get the keys w/e. Either wise, gameplay is smooth and fun. Game looks great. Hope endgame slams

    • BombleChaos
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Welp, now I know where they got the model for the female druid.

    • Mr. Smiley
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    11+ Million Gold To Respec Paragon lol

    • Talofa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why is the first guy in CGI?

    • Gábor Budinszki
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I bet people laughing at the +5 dex paragon progression will also put 300 hours in the game and make videos about how “This Necro build is BROKEN!” 😂

    • Nicholas Young
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ok but rifts?

    • Blake Glasure
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Bro is so monotone when he’s reading the script.

    • R
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ‘Play your way’ – Unless you want to respec! Then you need to start over! Blizzard woowoo!~

    • Zach
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Weedknight
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    If only they made it an over top wow clone. Instead it’s Diablo immortal +.. what a flop

    • Wolrok
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    remember when you used to be able to beat video games?

    • Online Crisp
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Yo asmon

    When washing hands stream

    • John Matthews
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Bunch of sheep in the comments I see

    • barfbangboom
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This sounds like Diablo immortal

    • TheTickyTickyTicky
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    When producers and directors look like they don’t play videogames, you should be worried.

    • Electro Spud
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I really like the look and feel of Diablo IV unfortunately they dont contain characters I enjoy playing, I’ve always liked playing the Paladin or the Monk Character in Diablo, seeing the previews and playthroughs by YTbers I’d probably start off with the Sorceress, the Barbarians seems totally generic like it was with all the Diablo iterations and the Necromancer probably a second playthrough for the absurd power that it has like it always is in other Diablo iterations.

    • Nieoh Zen’no
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    For those complaining about the +5 generic stat paragon board, if you slow/pause the video, at around 1:32 you can see a Legendary Node that has actual depth. 5% increased damage for each nearby enemy that is crowd controlled, up to 25%.

    Not saying that the game has solved the issue, but it isn’t a complete L yet.

    • BallsDeeep
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This just looks and sounds like a PC version of Diablo Immortal with them trying to use fancy words to check boxes …

    • Advarious
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    10 years of waiting to literally be the same as your competition.
    *Back to Torchlight Infinite for me, then.*

    • myslead
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Kaloi Fortich
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    tried the beta. it was very fun. however, my character was always rubber banding in the open world due to either my bad ISP or abysmal servers in my region.

    • Tagoshi PC
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hope it won’t get delayed.

    • V M
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    PVP Arenas yes?

    • Kosai
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t they have just shown gameplay with them talking over the gameplay? I don’t really want to see the interviews of them talking

    • Shadow325
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The aspects make legendaries basically pointless especially since they all can share the same passives, they really need to rethink the end game loot before release

    • kyle dexter
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So Diablo 3?

    • yerp
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    5:18 I really hope they are not forcing PVP. That these cosmetics and rewards are available via PVE as well. I have ZERO interest in PVP.

    • iComeAtNecks
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    What’s with the dislikes? Is it just poor people mad about early access?

    • Leontorres13
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    BUT will there be matchmaking for dungeons and coop content? I do not want to be LFG on chat…

    • 💰 Make $749 Per Day
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” –Winston Churchill

    • watts_up
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Joe Shely looks as though he was created by ChatGPT

    • SakuragiSan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Still no Holy Representative…

    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    BLIZZARD = 💩

    • Vivid
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Wait you can rotate the Paragon Board?????? How “Revolutionary” right??

    • Ghost
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    If you don’t partake in the PVP but want to collect shards by killing mobs, can you still get attacked by other players?

    • Justin Harvie
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Dungeons need matchmaking. It’s not fun to be running around a world with other people, then have to do dungeons alone unless you chat to set up a group, which takes longer than actually running the dungeon. Click dungeon, select yes for matchmaking, thrown into group for it, and go. That’s the best kind of dungeon grinder, imo.

    • Joe Vu Comedy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    there goes productivity for me. 🤣

    • colton curtis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Looks like another money grab

    • JNesis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This seems less scripted than that entire Dragonflight feature announcement. Impressive!

    • Stovetopicus
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You should have just brought back runes and the Horadric cube like we all wanted.

    • B0uff0s
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    whenever i hear “we offer the players experiences” and the sort my stomach turns… Doublespeak is in play here.

    • imlost19
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:16 “play your way” aka ‘play the build we tell you to. we literally write it on the gear that you’ll drop and you’ll be forced to switch from the build you were doing to the build we gave you bc it has +400% damage.’

    • Michael Campbell
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The nightmare dungeon is when a random portal opens that spews monsters? That won’t get annoying….

    • Christopher Oyster
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Doesn’t look better than 3

    • Scott B
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Who’s the chick at 1:55 eh?

    • ExtraShifty
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t wait to always be playing online… Am i right play your way

    • D S
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Anyone else catch Ash Sweetring’s voice changing between normal and then that high squeeky voice/pitch?

    • NoSh1tSherlock
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sooo, torments (increasing difficulty) whispers (basically bounties), and nightmare dungeons (essentially rifts) and world bosses. So explain to me how we have more variety of things to do in end game? It’s literally the same two things but wrapped in different names + world bosses. How is this different than d3 end game if you remove the new “systems” for class customization. Still isn’t enough to actually do except run dungeons/bosses and bounties and repeat

    • Gamepeon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This is more like World of Diablo so maybe when it’s at rental prices or ends up on Game Pass I’ll check it out.

    • TehPickle
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    A lot of this *sounds* really great in concept. Hopefully it pans out into something meaningful long term, beyond bland core stat increment power creep.

    • Kien Nguyen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    im sorry but i dont have faith in these 2 girl in developing end game system. They don’t have the look and feel.

    • Terminator8112
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    this game is dry asf

    • Hemloc
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Azmodan be looking alright in that red dress.

    • Manuelomar2001
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ugh. Lots of talking heads and not much actually showing us stuff. Show us the game, don’t tell us about the game.

    • Miksershow
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hol up was that Andariel??? 😳

    • Greg Krilov
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Trying to copy PoE lol…

    • Shadowchao121
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m really excited about Diablo 4. I loved the Beta as well. can’t wait to see endgame.

    • Dan Drev
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    so sad even diablo immortal has a better endgame… so many things they could do to fix it too… like.. they have the formula.. idk why hold back. It was NOT a pleasure at all after even such a short time.. dealing with the inventorying too…. on 1 toon… 1 class… 1 spec… gunna be such a hassle with more toons. Just hope they added something to make group finding easier.. was begging in chat trying to find groups… nothing…SO FUN!…. like… the ability to just jump right into the action is a huge selling point… but nah. take that away too.

    • Papaw Shane
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Dear God, listening to them reading this script off of a cue card, was the most annoying thing ever. Like when there was the video before the release of The Division, that had actors, with rehearsed lines, pretending very poorly, like they were playing the game. I quit watching before it was over.

    • iThrowtantrums
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The biggest reveal You see is who they made the female druid after

    • AusMemes
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Game is cool but so expensive…

    • TheBic4
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    you all know it wont be playable at launch because of their bad servers.

    • Umbasa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ain’t gonna lie that name sweetring had me 😂 more entertaining then this scripted buzzword mess

    • Matt Hall
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    By biggest takeaway from the beta is that I just can’t stand having the camera zoomed in so far. It feels intensely claustrophobic. I can’t enjoy the “world” itself as you’re only seeing it a postage stamp at a time. It never, at any moment, stopped feeling like a game.

    • johnny john
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    first speaker looks AI generated

    • dddddddd
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    dont care doesnt have a griddy emote

    • CK l
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So exited for this, can’t believe they hired an actual necromancer as the game director (0:16)…😂

    • Bum
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    forced pvp is annoying af…

    • iguanaATTACK
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ouch i guest i will continue play poe and last epoch

    • Brandon Reda
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I can’t wait for this game

    • b1gsea
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Buzzwords. Buzzwords. Buzzwords. I’m not convinced.

    • Berj Bedrosian
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So they copied PoE?

    • Virgo Bro
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Paid actors

    • Momo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks like a mobile game

    • Peter Nguyen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Refunding a point in Paragon in an affix costs 53k gold concerns me deeply. Is it going to be a repeat of the original D3 where gold is really scarce because of this?

    • SmokeyRider
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    17 damage

    • LifeTourist
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Lon Measley
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m excited for the end-of-season-journey/maximum world tier boss!

    • Ignacio Cáceres
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    do not worth the price anyway

    • Toqeto Malik
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I need to know the mob density in the endgame.

    • Murilo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Brandon Sky
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Calling that effect Nightmare and having it drop enemies not native to that area gives me horrible flashbacks to Mega Man X6, not gonna lie.

    • Dasalsim
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Welp there goes the next 10 years of my life.

    • Nick Cashmore
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    nightmare sigils, sooo greater rift keystones again lol

    • Alkesaur
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Elden Ring and Baldur’s Gate 3 are both cheaper than Diablo IV. They both have much less monetization – no predatory cash shop, no battle pass. They can both be played offline if you want.

    Diablo IV price is not justified for what it is. This game is worth about £30 full price.

    • jasin butler
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    All I heard was dungeon dungeon dungeon dungeon..

    • Veryuta
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You played the same beta i did right ^^ …….

    • Pariden
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Nightmare dungeons sound like nightmare missions in Warframe.

    • Northern Canuck
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They keep talking about “more difficulty”, “so much harder”, etc… and yet, there’s scaling… so you’re never, ever, more powerful… like, at all… Click, click, click, click, click, click……

    • Dantist 3
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Make single player campaigns offline you clowns!

    • James Jo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    TAKE A SHOT , every time they say u can play ur own playstyle hahahha , woooo cant wait for this game to drop

    • Dan W
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I was more hyped before I watched this video. These people have deflated my hype..

    • Alex Elf Wizard
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Blizzard better upgrade their servers

    • Lunático
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    boards are dumb

    • Joshua Hale
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This video is brought to you by Low T

    • Gunnar Stensrud
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Apart from GFX and SFX, this game is underwhelming.

    • UsefulIdiots
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    To the people complaining about the game or who have to go online to tell others, they hate Diablo. Don’t play the game, then. Why spend so much time on a game you hate? That’s anathema to the whole point of games.

    • Shaw
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    It’s sad that they got further and further away from the original Diablo game which is actually scary.
    Now it resembles a pinball machine.

    • Galactis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    A list of my demands since 2001 that were not fulfilled in D3. Runewards upgraded, larger skill tree and skill sets, more monsters, pvp, full crafting ability.

    • LemonSkunk
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks meh

    • WaaDjooNoBoutDa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So the end game is the early game we played during the beta except we get to put +5 stats nodes repeatedly….? Really !?

    • MrSunday Morning
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    120 dungeons… Which is most of them is almost the same, just different layout

    • Valhalliant
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Anyone notice that the PvP currency only gave a blue…. thats concerning.

    • Guandalar Zapato
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Shipley002
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Hunter Kerns
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Man… the potential this game has and this is what we are getting as an endgame. The beta was alright.. but the entire time I kept pondering what the endgame would be like, hoping it would be just a little more than what I was expecting coming from the massive letdown of Diablo 3. Looks like it could waste some time for a few weeks at best before it becomes stale.

    • Plagueth the Necromancer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    PvP will be nothing but sorceress and necro

    • WaaDjooNoBoutDa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Oh no they said the thing i didn’t want them to say…

    “You can continue your adventure long after hitting max level”

    Rip was really hoping it would be like D2 or PoE where you just don’t hit max level or if you do it takes a really really long time to grind the last levels.

    • boiii
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Huh surprise there are still females working in blizzard lol

    • Gummie Bear
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Not throwing any shade, but that one woman has a huge mouth. Like it takes up almost half her face.

    • Smooth Truth
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    No game has ever replaced D2 loot, and D4 is no exception

    • Smooth Truth
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    sorry D4 was pretty sheet and im gutted

    • FlayvaFritz
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So…. just repeating previous content with bumped up numbers, and a few extra minor events that randomly generate on the map. Seems just as horribly repetitive as Diablo 3. And the paragon system looks extremely underwhelming, imo. Hard pass for me.

    • SomeGuyNamedMelvin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Look at who is explaining this to you, it is easy to see this isn’t built for those who enjoyed Diablo 2. They duped a lot of us into preordering this. They are doing to Diablo what they did to WoW. This will be the jack of all trades master of none action RPG. Blizzard has no soul left. They seem to only know how to use the framework already laid by previous generations of games without improving upon it. The end game as they describe it will be the same dungeons over and over with higher numbers. Wow such innovative gameplay. Can’t wait to see what they learned from monetizes immortal implemented here. 2 out of 10

    • Addison Steinagel
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Make it playable offline/single-player and I’ll buy it. Otherwise, no thanks.

    • Ashley Mc Namara
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This game was 12 years in development btw 🤣

    • AltAccount
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I hate the cinematics in this game. The old games never showed your character.

    • Trying2B
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    so endgame skill tree do you want to add +5 or +5 or+5 or+5 or +5 ?????

    • Marcos Vinicius Maximiano
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    And What about those players who dont like pvp at all ? has a way to purify the shards without fight agains other players ?

    • Bryan Griffith
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Minimize the video and just listen to the devs read their script, then rate how lack luster you feel by the end of the video.

    • Noah Burkett
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Who is that red head I need for school project

    • SunblockD Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    5 agi 5 str 5 agi 5 str 5 intellect, i hate this.

    • TeamExtreme
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • The truth
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Play your way! Always online with tons of micro-transactions!

    • Fernando Baez
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Please ppl, if you like this kind of games, make yourself a favor and play Last Epoch, it’s great.

    • Chris Thomas
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    100+ repetitive dungeons

    • Kijikush
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    17 damage

    • Kevin C
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Day 1 purchase.

    • Nicholas Cotardo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    add housing ! i think it would be cool dont u think so?

    • Amariel
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Having your GPU bricked is truly a revolutionary experience in gaming. Very very few games have managed such a feat, but Diablo IV really tried hard to brick even 4090s.

    • Friendly Metroid
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why does it looks like both product leads barely reach my age combined? Diablo came out in 1996. I wish people who grew up with it were the ones making it.

    • Роман Вихляев
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Усатая жирная баба, кринж ахаъаъаа

    • GambitOW
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The pvp actually sounds really interesting, just hoping the classes are gonna be properly balanced

    • thefriend
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hi Asmon

    • Melami Apaydın
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I don’t believe these guys. I’ll decide based on the comments after the game comes out, but I’m not hopeful at all.

    • CYKRO
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I get next level anxiety when hearing that I will recognize old dungeons in the late game. I dont want that please 😂😂🐒

    • Tyler Moon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How is this an endgame overview…..what a joke

    • Skelzore
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My only problem was the fact that the main story dungeons weren’t randomly generated. Got real tedious. Especially having to run the whole way out for the one.

    • WPN-X
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So nothing in endgame….just repeat stuff you did at higher difficulty lol

    • Protogonas Poimandres
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Joe Shely is actually an NPC in the game not an actual person in real life. just to clear up the confusion guys.

    • Tyler Moon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    hahahaha what about the worst trading system of all time!? no auction house…..no lobbies…..no private games…..ahaahahah what incompetence!

    • TheDarknessIsWaiting
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Kind of looks like what happens when players and artistic creativity dominate a game design vs sales people and politicians.

    • Turbo Radman
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I feel like anytime these games mention “Play your way” it really means “Play your way, as long as you’re playing multiplayer in a group.” Hopefully that doesn’t happen here, and I can play completely solo only occasionally running into someone in the overworld, or when fighting the overworld event bosses.

    • Big Ronnie D
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Real Americans prefer Path of Exile

    • Fred Jonest
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m going to wait awhile for this one. Maybe when i can get it on sale. The game looks good, but I just don’t trust this company.

    • whoopsie321
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    No idea why everyone is hate disliking it but sure whatever

    • jayhub
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The tree – like that one quest in the Witcher!

    • aflowerispower
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    lol looks like a lot of stuff they took from POE because Path of Exile was the real diablo 3 everyone wanted. Funny how they act like they are bringing all this new stuff to the game… no you’re not, youre just trying to make POE 2 at this point.

    • Grombrindal
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Carpazzo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    m+ on diablo , not bad 🙂

    • J P
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These Female game developers should be monsters in game themselves

    • Scott Lanton
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I don’t know about others, but in my opinion, many players will ended up with the same build/s just to maximised the dmg output. Kinda pointless with that many options at some point. Love this game though, enjoined the beta a lot.

    • HypeT
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    its really special i swear!

    • SpiceMilk
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Objectively i like that theres a dungeon to do after the story but just reusing world tiers… after that is just a spit in our face basically said the end the game is playing the game again x2 same thing with the nightmare dungeon just with extra steps

    • PixWiz
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “Paragon, a lot more depth, a lot more customitation.”

    +5 to main stats.

    Truly, worth 70 dollars, plust battle pass, plus cash shop and knowing Blizzard. Paid expansions and DLC’s.

    • BlackIce
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Shallow, compared to Path of Exile… maybe after a few years, but we all know Blizzard abandons their games.

    • Nitti Stark
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    If you trust these guys enough to buy on day 1 or preorder, you’re a dummykins

    • Alexander Pushkin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Looks like this people are very far from game development despite being inside it.

    • Navigator
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Blizzard is the best promoter for Path of Exile and GGG. Can’t believe what these shameless devs did to the Diablo series. Corporate slime.

    • Bottleflask
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So POE Maps instead of D3 Rifts.

    • Noctis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:09 Could it be HER? 🤩

    • Isidore22
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    At 3:00, is that a barbarian? What ability is that where he swings the weapons around in a wide arc? It looks really cool!

    • Arthur 200984
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I won’t buy this game without an offline mode! 😊

    • K. Thisdale
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How exciting! +5 stat, +5 stat, +5 stat, +50 armor! Oh yeah, don’t forget Rifts. Amazing innovation, Blizzard.
    Edit: I almost forgot the $90CAD price tag. This doesn’t feel like a triple-A game, why does it have the price of one?

    • Theplayerofx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So…. Redo dungeon and no new content. Nice

    • シュウェイ
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Throne of Liberty is better, sorry. GL Diablo 4.

    • McLovin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “Is this an out-of-season April’s Fool joke.”

    • bam bam
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    stop lying

    • ProGramm4R
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo 4 versus Path of Exile 2

    Hmmm. I’m going with POE 2

    • OsvaldoSFM
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Firearms expert reacts to Garden Warfare weapons

    • loudnoises111
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Wow, the paragon upgrades are so basic, it’s almost as if they put zero effort into it lol. Embarrassing to even showcase it in such a state. +5 to a stat? How is that meaningful at all? Haha, c’mon

    • LegacyLew
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hello Ash..

    • ChocolateCoveredGummyBears
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • VonB
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Remember war3refunded. So anything of this Will be in the game?

    • Heath Gullery
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sooo, poe maps and D3 bounties for end game.

    • Jigz phunk
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My comment was too much for YouTube to handle so I couldn’t post what I wanted to say… error..😅

    • Teany Monster
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    1:40 – all glyphs are +5 attribute, but the commentator says “make the character comepletely yours” i dont know how +5 attribute stat will make the character “completely yours”

    • Nick Silva
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can someone who has also played Lost Ark tell me how Diablo 4 is going to possibly be better? Lost Ark felt like an alive world with lots of fun group content on top of solo content, and the abilities have ever better animations. What does Diablo 4 have that makes it stand above Lost Ark? Cause I would rather get back on Lost Ark instead of dropping $60 on this. I would go back to Lost Ark even if this was free to play as well. (I don’t actively play Lost Ark, played it when it came out and then stopped when my friends went back to WoW)

    • Teany Monster
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    1 paragon point refund is 53k??? is this number right?

    • kodzak89kodzak
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m so glad I refunded the game after first beta weekend.

    • at0mic109
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m going to be really torn, do I rotate the tree for +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 dex or +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 int ? To many choices

    • MnQ
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Just remember

    You can only play this game online, even if you play solo

    • Blue Diamond
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So excited! Cant wait for PVP n Nightmare Dungeons

    • 匚尺卂匚Ҝ卄乇卂ᗪ
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    that first dude AI ?

    • Bart Henderson
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    When is the Blizzard marketing team going to catch up and notice their dev videos are so out of tune?

    • a v
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    sounds overly complicated

    • Kevin Lewis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    When loot isn’t even mentioned in a Diablo game… I remember when they started developing and they said how they knew loot was the core of the experience… What happened?

    • NukeDaHippies
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    A new diablo trailer? what did Activision/Blizzard do this time?

    • Marlon Fortes
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Not a single footage of endgame on a video titled “Endgame Overview Gameplay”.

    • Nujabes
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    What’s the redheads IG tho?

    • Dooms
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    pls buff druid

    • Daniel Karlsson
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    12k hours in D3 will be enough I think the game looks good shame I can barely see the hero.

    • Jonatan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Sean Wolf
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why is it so hard to just hire like one person just to create new dungeons? Have like 40 different dungeons, and you’ll literally corner the market. Use your brain.

    • Damingo54
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    +5 dex + 5 dex +5 dex. 🙁

    • Blubs
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Devs need to figure out ways to deal with hackers specially in console ! Them folks going to ruin PvP

    • Kaptain Kappa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I get to play as Marilyn Manson? Sign me up

    • TheIonBull
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So its just rifts but worded differently

    • andre232323
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My PC can run any AAA game without crashing BUT Diablo 4. And it happens several times.

    • Kraglord
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Mustache lady got all the inside information

    • VeroX
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo 3 seems to have more spectacular and enjoyable combat than this. Where are the explosions and flying guts and limbs? 🙁

    • Blubs
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo devs needs to figure out a way to deal with hackers on console

    • Celestix
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:36 that character just had a kratos moment. reminded me so much of the original god of war series

    • gloferj
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    No pay to win elements please!

    • hoozle
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Pitbull Gamer81
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I cant wait

    • maxeneo shield
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ram killer …

    • CMDR Pingus
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Jeremy Radke
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t say the developers are adding to the hype. The open beta was great, the game looks awesome, sadly the developers are letting out the stream.

    • SunSon29
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    just release the game, too many trailers for years 🙁

    • Dominik
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    this looks great. hope you will upgrade the game with time.

    • baer008
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Somehow the artstile just doesnt look gritty enough. Those blood effects and particles look out of place, like they dont fit into the environment. Atleast better than D3.
    D2:R looks leagues better IMO.

    • user-or55kd8tu7gb
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ash is so beautiful

    • Makcraft
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You can do anything in Diablo 4 but only if you are not playing Druid.

    • Petr Miros
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My personal and unqualified, yet possibly deceptively accurate opinion – this game was fast-cooked in 12 months after D: Immoral Blizzcon incident. There is nothing in this universe that would convince me that any kind of extra effort or brain power went into this ridiculously overpriced product.

    Except for the redhead in the video…

    …shes kinda hot…

    …. but still not worth hunderd bucks.

    • Offdutyninja
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why they didn’t announced this before the beta? Was POE too much pressure for them? This video smells fear all over it.

    • Zunayet H.
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Storage space better be limitless.

    • The Enygma
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “we want meaningful progression for the player with the paragon board”
    +5 to Strength
    woooooow, so much powah!

    • Mithra_SSB
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • zip2kx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    destiny tried this and it didnt work. focus on pve dungeons only

    • shane87smith
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    read it off the script a little harder

    • JustinSaiyan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So far with what they have for an endgame and things to do look very cool to me. Can’t wait for launch. Now all I wanna see is how they’re gonna monetize..

    • jannej
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    What does end game even mean? I only played a bit of diablo 2 so Im kinda new

    • Michael Rivette
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I loved what I played in the beta and this looks great to me as well. Pretty excited for the launch!

    • Silver Prime
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This diablo has potential for raids. Hopefully they consider it

    • TOON NiCC
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “its really special” im rollin

    • Dreggy 9
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Ash Sweetring was best part of the video

    • osimate
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The second I saw affixes in this, all hype I had died for this game. These are the same tired bad game development crutches WoW used, lazy.

    • Gökhan K
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Did they say PvP? hmmm if they have PvP I’ll let you guys play the beta for first 6 months then join you guys 😀

    • CaliHime
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You can truly feel Joe Shely’s excitement! /s

    • Jikal
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Oh no, bros. Not like this.

    • Tomi K
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:30 big woman! representation overload

    • david diaz
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Druid is not going to stand a chance in PVP in the condition they’re in right now.

    • Sultan Goreyshi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo 4 needs even Set Items like Drakensong online

    • Sevekor1
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I wish what the creators were reading wasn’t so scripted and robotic. Just doesn’t feel genuine with what they are saying.

    • Further Back
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Wow does this look bad

    • DD
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    NO D4 for Winnie….oh well, that’s…..TOO BAD!

    • Sultan Goreyshi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I am hyped for pvp

    • Robert White
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I will place my Diablo 2 expansion disk into my off-line computer and continue playing it.
    Not going to pay a monthly fee to play on line, EVER.
    Quite content to play Lord of Destruction.

    • Cryogenx37
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m excited because the atmosphere of the game looks and feels darker again. D3 at times felt like there was too much WoW influence, probably even borrowing some of the developers from the next department over.

    • Wang Chung
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t wait to watch wings of redemption play

    • Rex
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Guys! Dont buy this early, wait a month and it will be on 50% sale! You dont need to hurry playing this game, its not “that” kind of game, you wont miss anything!

    • 5chl3cht
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:17 WOAH… these black eyes… he probably became a game director to bring his homies into a video game

    • Aaron Humphrey
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’ll never understand why game developers do videos like this. Just show us gameplay and explain mechanics without all the shots of developers talking about it.

    • Dr Wolfenstein
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m more concerned about the carbon-copy dungeons that you find since act one, waaaay before we reach the endgame.

    • Saraiva
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You can fight monsters to gain things, that unlock new things, so that you can get more things that allow you buy other things

    • Xcrack
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can we play the main game first?

    • Antonio Betzu
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How many LIES in such a short video…

    • Aaron Martinez
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These people all seem like they’re being held hostage.

    • Jaymerge
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    cant wait for the 5 hour kripp video zzzzzzz

    • Freelancer604
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    5:26 spends 2/3 of shards on hand, gets blue gloves. Thats so diablo.

    • eschmitt89
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    blizzard is dead

    • Mike Ekim
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    If I hear another corporate drone say “experience” I’m gonna delete my youtube account

    • frostshinobi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The big question that is still on the air is that if the PS Plus and Xbox Live will be required to play online solo on consoles or if you can play online but with no subscriptions and multiplayer features, just your character alone on the whole map with no other players at all, but connected to the internet like on D3 and D2R

    • Remco Heijnen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Great, thats a big turn off, to be forced to play PVP…. Big Fail…

    • Rally Monster
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Is this a late april fools joke?! The Paragon system that is suppose to keep us players invested after completing the game is just a more convoluted stat boost system?

    • MrNiceGuy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I can’t stand these scripted interviews by developers. No passion, no excitement, just buzzwords and corporate speech.

    • Daniel Grovo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Björn Brunstorp
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Seems like the camera was 2x out zoomed then I could do in beta hmmm…

    • Paladin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Dayum, give me Ash’s Only Fans details

    • Urmo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    it wouldn’t be a blizzard game without bloated, complicated systems! still excited tho!

    • Joe jojo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “a lot more depth and choice” shows 6 nodes of stats XD cmon bro….

    • Kd
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t wait for this game to be ruined by excessive monetization and PTW mechanics.

    • Richard Krasky
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why didn’t they cover that one system where you’re paying real money to buy the in game crafting material?

    • Jordan Oahu
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “Play your way”
    ***limits the way you play behind 6 skill bars

    • Haigen R. Hawkins
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    was feeling good about this.. until i saw how many women are working on the game. they seriously do nothing but detract from the industry.

    • zach dial
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Blizzard LOL

    • mangoman93
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The more I see about Diablo 4 the less excited I get. It just looks like a bunch of half baked ideas that have the potential to be interesting but need quite a lot of work to get anywhere close. The skill twig is super basic, a lot of the legendary aspects seem to boil down to “X skill does 200% more damage and is actually playable now”, paragon boards are apparently just a bunch of attributes and one maybe interersting stat, and the “120 different dungeons” are all just go left and right to collect thingies to open boss door with essentially the same layout, if the beta is anything to go by.

    I was hoping that d4 might at least redeem itself with the story as they seem to have put a lot of effort into that, but judging by what was in the beta it seems to be a sack of tropes dressed with ghosts/hallucinations/holograms talking you through some backstory and forgettable side quests that only serve to make the world completion number go up held together by the hopes and dreams of the (as always) excellent blizzard cinematics team.

    • StahliBoi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Does the fact they didn’t mention world bosses mean those piece of content mean nothing at max level.

    • Zen Plays
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I still think they missed the mark. they think never ending gameplay is the answer. they never look at Diablo 2 as the masterpiece that it is. A game that we’ve smashed the campaign thousands of times over. IT’S THE LOOT. ethereal items+socketed items+runewords÷trade= never ending game play. it’s not about how many stores i can buy a lotto ticket from, it’s about buying the lotto ticket and maybe you win a yacht, but you don’t need a yacht. so you trade that for a mansion. being able to TRADE your found loot is essential for the diablo experience because you’re not going to always find the perfect item for you but you can trade that to someone that it is perfect for and get an equally good item for your self. (or not, you devilish people out there) but that’s the glory behind Diablo 2 itemization.
    Blizzard… you really need to study your golden child.

    • ioWooka
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    My first Diablo and I really enjoyed the beta. Idk how this one is compared to the other ones but everything sounds cool to me

    • Victor Hugo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    That game producer girl Ash is like the perfect goth gf. Very attractive and the fact she is a producer in this game makes it even better.

    • Skul_Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Woof that paragon board is bad. +5 Stat, +5 Stat, +7 Stat(!!!), +25% Damage to crowd controlled enemies (WOW!). Truly cutting edge innovation from the diablo team. I sure hope people can figure out the game with this crushing level of depth.

    • Andreas Nordgård
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    As always, looks promising. And the potential for expansions (classes, areas, seasons, paragon, adding to the skilltree, new world bosses, PvP-arenas etc) is almost endless. For me, this game lives or dies on seasons, so hopefully they do them seriously.

    • Gerutzu
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    fully lost interest now that i saw the paragon. i hated how simple the skill tree was in the beta and i thought paragons will compensate but nah, i’m good. i want in depth character skills, i’ll stick to last epoch

    • StahliBoi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    That one guy looks about as souless and i’d expect a blizzard employee to look.

    • Kevin Sargent
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How about future pay walls, loot boxes, and NFTs?

    • Mithun Nivas
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    when will companies realise , live service will get them loss

    • bZt †
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Y’all know this gonna be a flop

    • Eric S
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Another pointless system. May as well have made the stats like d2…at least then we’ve got a choice, where as with d4 system we’re picking the next tile over and over till you get to the unique, which is bad. Even d3 paragons were better, also they never talk about how you need to farm legoes for the aspects you need that is a one time use, most of the dungeon aspects are meh.

    • Scotty Ward Sports Shorts
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Strike Force Alpha
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    God I hope this isn’t invested with micro transactions.

    • Niimsy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They are really a way to continue to expand your character and add diversirty +5 dex +5 dex +5 dex +5 dex

    • 101adamdrummer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They should open a school for this game

    • Johannes Saliba
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So that lvl 30 skill ‘twig’ is all there is and the rest is a few modifiers?
    God that sounds so disappointing

    • Edward Embrey
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So nothing new that we dont already know. Sad.

    • 101adamdrummer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    It sounds like a hart attack

    • Tj Legend
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sounds like Diablo immortals end game. Especially with the tree quests. And after playing both betas I lost all interest in the game as it totally feels like a mix of Diablo 3 and Diablo immortal.

    • Jack Bauer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    `…paragon system will have a lot more options, a lot more depth….` +5 strenght +5 strenght +5 strength +5 strength +50 armour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Alan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This game is going to be full of micro transactions during week one of launch

    • z b
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ok so…theres no endgame?

    • Vinícius Negrão
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Druid endgame = wiz early game

    • tenryuta
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    so its just division 2 style(or whoever made the bad idea behind world tiers) with iso’blo looks<_<

    • Jeff W
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They hit every buzzword in the book

    • Warsmith Marnius
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    LOL “meaningful progression” by level 3 you have OP abilities. Necro lv 1 you have 4 OP skeles. No feel of gear progression when the first helm found is a crazy plate helm with horns on it. Start me with 1 skeleton and a leather cap…

    • chromeshellking
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So Andy I see, And Leoric though he should have remained dead the prophecy regarding his said a 3rd and final death.

    • zuldo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • GrNen
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Are these humans or puppets?

    • Abyssedmyself
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sounds like a lot of ways for them to monetize… Again.

    • Capah City
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why do I get uncanny valley vibes from these people?

    • M S
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The UI still looks like its from 1998

    • mgkpraesi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I dont care what they say. AAA is filled with liars. What they delivere can be something completly different.

    • Dylan Wrench
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They are trying to make not much look like heaps especially with the paragon system

    • PS4Ljaska
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    походу говной воняет

    • Chris
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Skill board rotation a la Wolcen. Dope.

    • UnityFusion
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Well guess now that they’ve got their millions with immortal now they can make an actual game

    • Marksman
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    this game is so good, my pullout game is weak.

    • RandomMishaps
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    SICK! I’m pumped for the PvP

    • Germo Dante
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So there’s essentially nephalem rifts with a twist for endgame.

    • Jesse Marmol
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I spy Andariel

    • FlaWimmi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    It just looks amazing, I’m really excited about it

    • Shaun Wilson
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I want public matchmaking for these dungeons

    • Drew Martin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Instead of making a game with so much “end game” why don’t they try making games where you don’t reach said max level while sleeping in a coma.

    • rotting corpse
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Not really interested in engaging with all this. A game doesn’t have to last forever. Looking forward to playing though for what looks to be a great story and presentation and then being done with it.

    • Jani Van Landschoot
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Surely they didn’t put these guys on set and filmed it like this to hide that their endgame is bland.

    • Christoph Pentzek
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Oh look at that! “Greed” made it to Lead Game Pruducer!

    • Jean Pierre
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Had no hype for this game. Played the beta, now D4 is the only game i’m excited for in 2023. It was a really well done beta. I don’t usually fold to games but Diablo 4 changed my mind.

    • Cully
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Last Epoch with a fraction of the budget is vastly superior game

    • Vanadyan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So they’re doing maps from PoE.

    • Rasta Payne
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Still waiting for them micro transactions

    • ross gardiner
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    is it just me are comment paid actors right now

    • Michael Hyde
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    let me guess these sigils you are so excited about probably only drop from world bosses that are on a timer and only have a chance to drop.

    • B. C. Eckhoff
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Mostly happy by the Endgame Exploration section, but yeah, all-in-all this sounds like a great start. Wanna PvP endgame you can, wanna explore/PvE endgame you can, wanna grind dungeons you can. Sounds good!

    • The Other Dude
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Have never played a Diablo game but this looks really good. Might have to pick it up when it releases. Do I have to play the other Diablo’s to understand the story?

    • LaterHarmony
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They dont want people to wait for reviews but if enough of us do they have No choice but to make better products

    • Wesley Dutton
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m sure the game will be good but this does t give me the faith in endgame I was hoping it would.

    • Maxzer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Only thing i don’t see is massive monster density ! they haven’t shown a single time a clip of a huge mess of massive monster density, and i think this should be there ! not all the time of course, but we need to know that this is gonna happen, D3 style, or Poe style, when the whole screen is filled with 200 mobs

    • Cain Abel
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Oh look, Diablo 3, but with better graphics.

    • Pet Kov
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Oh boy, I’m gonna call in sick at work…

    • Klaas
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Now they only have to reveal what of this endgame content is pay to win

    • Trap IsWack
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Honestly, guys, these scripted promo videos are horrible.

    • LaterHarmony
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Voting with your wallet does work we’ve seen it work! Please no pre- orders so we can get better games in the future

    • Nivel1988
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    mmmm better wait a few months

    • Wood Imp
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “play your way” so long as your way isn’t playing a druid and actually doing damage 👀

    • MrPikawa
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Noooo! 0:09 is that ANDARIEL?!

    • DaRudeBoyGaming
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why do they all look and sound like AI generated folks?

    • Oqro Gudavadze
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    im actually really hyped lets go i pad 100$ make it worth it

    • LaterHarmony
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Dinamo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I really liked the variety of endgame content and just not to be a “re-run a map or dungeon”

    • Yucci
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Happy to see that the beta was well recieved, other than the queue times I had a blast. Cannot wait, Diablo has always been the peak in gaming for me personally.

    • Vlad Voliansky
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    That looks very promising!

    • dvxAznxvb
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Here we go guys; nightmare sigils are just legendary crests from diablo immortal

    More tokens to limit us YAY!

    • Adam Mckeithan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t wait to see the bald man respond to this video.

    • marcuss
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    “The paragon system will have a lot more depth, a lot more customization…”

    +5 Dex, +5 Dex, +5 Dex, +5 Intelligence

    “gather different rewards, different items and bring them back to the tree in hopes it exchanges you something really meaningful…”

    ☐ Collection of 1h weapons
    ☐ Collection of boots
    ☐ Collection of gauntlets

    “once they’ve got the purified shards they can take these, go back to nearby towns to sell them and then use that to buy a whole bunch of interesting rewards…”

    ☐ Random cap
    ☐ Random tunic
    ☐ Random gloves
    ☐ Random boots
    ☐ Random pants

    • Tobias Lindström
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    17 damage

    • Aclulaid Annuvera
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Pat called it.

    • Leyhlantrax
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Did she said at 2:00, the Dungeons have a chance of dropping the aspect at the end ? What do you mean “Chance” ?

    • kei jo
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    not a trailer btw.. just so you know

    • Greg Johnson
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These things would have been great for an ARPG released 10 years ago. I have a feeling these things won’t hook players into playing the game past the story completion.

    • drifterxexe
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Really hoping the buff druid cuz in the beta he was awful lol on that note the end game looks lots of fun :3

    • Roger H
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Joe Shely reading off a script had me dyin’ 😂😂😂

    • Moon Cloud
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Let me zoom out and I will play it

    • wolfNflux
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Hire the orange haired lady as your spokesperson or marketing lead or something. Stat!

    • The Broken Mask
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    While I honestly believe the game needed another year of developement focusing on specific flaws I do think that the foundation is here to make a great game.

    • D1M1
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo 3.5 trailer more like it

    • Matt Baker
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    That generic white dude reading off some card is literally a robot.

    • Brian H
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo: We’re in the end game now

    • jeremysvideovault
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Still not worth $70

    • JAWD
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Naah you need to revisit Paragon skills before launch some how 😴😴😴😴

    • IIlIIll
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They had this long to figure out endgame and the best they could do is rifts with walking time and less variety.

    • P M
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Seems…fine. Dungeon re-runs, higher level bounties, nothing world-shattering. Very similar to other endgames.

    • bask kev
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I really dislike the amount of other players I see in this and gameplay videos. Pvp and world boss areas J get. But I see other players everywhere. I really dislike that

    • Dakota
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Any time I hear “there’s over 120+” all I can think is there’s probably 6 unique tiles and its the same thing every time.

    • visicircle
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Orange hair was the only one who had an engaging stage presence. The D4 team should make her their official spokesperson.

    • Sam Obi
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I bet Asmon is gonna make a 1-hour video out of a 6-minute video

    • Steven Dias
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    can’t wait to purchase this product for $120!

    • Zankheal
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Speechless… can’t wait!

    • Oscar Andres
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I played the beta for 20 minutes and I deleted it, more of the same but with better graphics and worst UI/UX than before, shame.

    • Safety Briefer
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    You that red head is a dude.

    • Alan Herrera
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Had a blast with the beta. Playing D2 until launch of D4.

    • seth kremis
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Game spot is a racist company

    • Blast Fiend
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Nice, Diablo Immortal console/PC edition

    • Nate Rollin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Just sounds like the mobile game.

    • Ludger Kresnik
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    +5 mainstat! Whoohoooo!

    • Dastan Salibekov
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    0:37 what class is this? That move looked sick

    • BENJIx
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m excited to play with my friends on other consoles! I am glad it is cross platform play!

    • DrAgNZRX
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    The biggest thing I hope they fix are how you exit a dungeon. It would be great to have a warp to the dungeon entrance instead of just back to the hub town or walking all the way back through the dungeon.

    Edit: well I feel silly for complaining now. I never noticed during the beta playing on console, neither did any of the friends I was playing with.

    • Hubbleton
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    These shards better be shaped like ears.

    • Umbra’s Mercy
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Pat P
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    are they still realising erorr 404 simulator on the 6th of june ?

    • Violet Orchid
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Play your way?

    Sorry, but I want to play solo, you know, what used to be called singleplayer?

    I have no interest in always online, especially for sp games. Or this MMO lite nonsense.

    • Some One
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Sorry I dont have a phone😅

    • Kitava
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Nice mobile game dudes. I’ll see you on Path of Exile

    • KarlosMomoa GFL
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Also i hated the try to copy poe skill system i mean scroll and scroll and scroll serching for upgrade new skill evert level oh man so poe stresing man i miss diablo unluck lvl Sistem easy and fun now is stresing

    • LeonCephal
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks the same

    • Chris Cate
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why are the people who made the game, reviewing the game for me? I’m sure they think the game they made is dope, ofcourse they would. This is a bad sign…

    • NuckChorris47
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    It bothers me that they talk about how great the dungeons are. Played all of the available ones in the beta and only saw about 2 or 3 unique things, apart from different coats of paint

    • Marc Roelofs
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    They not really selling the game and their faces are not real

    • Qbop
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    When I was actually able to play, I had a great time playing the beta for both weekends. I really hope they solve the crashing and queues, I tried to complete the world boss on three occasions and crashed/ got disconnected each time. I’m really hoping the druid and barb are better in late game, or that they make some changes to their movement or dps. Can’t wait for the full release!

    • Funk
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’d love to see raids at one point.

    • KarlosMomoa GFL
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Where arte the sets dude’s where arte they thats the only thing i love on diablo games we are casual players, sets are the easy way to gear up My characters i don’t like to serch between tousands of item to gear up, 5 greens or 6 and thats it 😢

    • MY K-Popper
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So the Paragon system people were hoping would add customization.. is just +5 stat boosts? lol

    • Rossco P.Coltrane
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Why are they talking about endgame when we ain’t even seen anything decent yet

    • DeludoSui
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This video has me worried about D4… hopefully those “managers” have nothing to actually do with the game and are just reading a script they were given.

    • Odie Gaudin
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I hope one day this comes out to the Nintendo Switch

    • sharebear421
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    None of these people seem to know what the actual players want lol is this a completely new team from d2/3?

    • A C
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Im really excited for this game.

    • Jonah Falcon
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This is the Diablo II I remember.

    • Parzival
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This will be my very first Diablo experience and I have been struggling finding a game that has been able to capture my will to grind and playing the Beta has been like eating a fine steak. I can definitely tell they were holding back on a lot of features and I am super excited to play the full game.

    • Kreality
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Please improve the character customization too.

    • Akaki Tsulukidze
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Diablo Immortal Pc port version

    • r0ubrt
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Michael Dongor
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I was ready to preorder. Then I saw a paid battle pass. Now I’m waiting

    • neo Zoid
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Looking cool

    • Antonis Lab
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    D4 true Endgame is going back to Diablo II

    • GBuster
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I want to see what content creators like Llama and wudijo think about the endgame content.

    • NotBatFleck
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    So need the PC version’s camera to be zoomed out a bit.

    • Vincent Hos
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Can’t wait to see Asmon react to this!

    • Ryan Wall
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I just wish the skills looked flashier because after playing the beta I was a little underwhelmed. I’ve played every Diablo game so I was just excited to see something amazing for this one and it was just ok

    • Yinzer Makes
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    This game is gonna launch in such a a bad state that it will be review bombed to 0.2 meta

    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    I’m preordering the ultimate edition and will have to spite all the endless complainers. Can’t wait!!!!

    • ParadoxInRaindrops
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Had an absolute blast playing the beta with my bro. I cannot wait to jump back into D4! This endgame looks insanely expansive

    • livejapan
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Don’t love that the paragon boards are so heavily passive. That said I do see some thicker white bordered cells that might be more dynamic. Here’s hoping!

    • Chris B.
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Am I only one who thinks Joe shely looks like cgi/video game character in this video? Hes made with unreal 5 for sure

    • Twilleh
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Game feels pretty mid, and for such a high price that isn’t good enough.

    • Yuma Gibson
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    DID I SEE THE CYCLONE OF CHAOS AT 0:38!?! AWESOME! Also. This game is looking Phenomenal.

    • Chimera Empire
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Pls be on gamepass

    • the one who seeks
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    looks great !

    • A. Romero
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Remember folks, NO PRE-ORDERS!

    • LightOfSkyFalling
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    Warhammer chaosbane is on sale for 6 bucks… Brought it… AND it’s exactly like diablo 4!!!🤦🏻‍♂️. You guys copied them😂

    • twahly
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    yay, another game reuising content by making it slightly harder or impossible that I can do 234234898 times for 9 years. gotta love live service.

    • Mr Murder
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    How much will it cost to beat the game?

    • 𝕋ℍ𝕚ℕ𝕜 𝕒𝔹𝕠𝕌𝕥 𝕚𝕋.
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • DiegoVegaTec
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm


    • Richard The Lion Hearted
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm

    ME LIKEY ❤😅

    • Accompany Trudge
    • 2023年 4月 06日 8:31pm
