Diablo 4 Massive Drama


Taqs:asmongold,asmongold clips


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    • Brittany Elizabeth
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean the Druid has abs… idk why she even said that. Sure there are women built like that Druid that have abs. It ain’t her.

    • Dark Visage
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Not about you” Alrighty then don’t use the person’s tweet as a meme template then. Go get another character screen shot and then meme it that way then. By memeing her tweet is not about her then? Asmon get a reality check.

    • SuperKinahead
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Hes roasting himself. Hes calling himself a clown lol

    But we all know who the real 🤡 🤡 are

    • Vitaliy Red
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Women ☕️

    • Tzunny
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Just another fat offended karen if she went rampage banning peeps like that over a game screenshot edited. Anyway, had to watch this 3 times was LOL at that clown pic =)) & then the circus created around it.

    • P Lac
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you can’t take being made fun of, the internet may not be for you.

    • glock master
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    you know inflation is bad when Asmons content is FAT GIRL MAD, DRUID BAD

    • KarroteZombie
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I dont see why she is upset. but people does like attention for no reason.

    • S. R.
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean that kinda counts as bullying doesnt it?

    • Rezadyn
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    the fact she got 20k likes ugh, what the fuck is wrong with people, she is clearly desperate for attention lmao

    • Sneaper
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s offended over quin using her post, to call himself a clown? That’s wild

    • Nihilisms
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I think Carly Simon would have a few things to say about the post XD

    • 2 bags a hot fuhyun
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Clarence Gutsy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat girls have the worst attitudes of any people in the world. Hopefully female rogues/sorceress’/necromancers mog her IRL by just standing next to.

    • Mike
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Maybe its her first time on the internet

    • Friendly Merc
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    oh I get “massive” drama

    • Christoph Luger
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Why be offended, wasn’t she happy that the druid had this body type? It would need different Types though cause a lot of people don’t find it appealing. I’d probably be closest to the necromancer 😂

    • Joe Brady
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Question? Why did they make some characters super fat and mega wide? Looks terrible but it might actually be an underhanded virtue signal from blizztard to fattys

    • FolonRNG
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i love quin. he’s fun 🙂

    • Not Illuminati
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Druid is such a disappointment… fat, and 17 damage.

    • JynnTheFox
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I could see it if Quin and this lady had some prior beef, and it could be construed as him calling her a clown, but I highly doubt that.

    • Joe Brady
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Pure narcissism right there. Can’t even 😂

    • Gudwin
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin actually makes a great self-deprecating joke (saying that he himself is a clown) and it just totally goes over the heads of these people.

    • duCK
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Most sane Twitter user

    • Steve Zirngible
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I never understand the, “I’m so happy that the character looks like me,” people. I’m a fatass nerd, and I don’t want my character to look like a fatass nerd; I want them to look like either a giant slab of muscle, a super hot chick, or an earth-shattering demon.

    • Sir Weed
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Left wing omg woe is me kids

    • Falkarios
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m not a fan of Quin in general, but I also think it’s stupid to try to normalize being overweight. Nothing wrong with being chubby or big boned, but you should never tell others it’s good to be obese and unhealthy. I don’t know the full situation, but this is my overall stance on this topic.

    • Chippaization
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I thought it was a joke about him sucking at games thus a low dps and well….we all know druid is pretty trash at that unless you get those legendary drops

    • chousan1024
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    just gonna go ahead and call this person a sensitive fatty

    • Cpt. Flamer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Let people enjoy games”, saying that she calls to cancel the dude who’s having fun xD

    • Lance
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She might be happy the female druid looks like her, but virtually no one else is.

    • Ethan
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It came across to me as Quinn mocking her post, idk if that is what he meant but it seems a reasonable conclusion. I dont get Asmon and this comment section being a bunch of pussies and acting like she’s just being “oversensitive.” Own up to your shit it looks like quinn took a dig at her happiness and some people found it funny (real high quality comedy def), stop being a bitch if you are mean and hiding behind bad faith.

    • Leo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That’s what social media has created, a bunch of self-entitled hypersensitive people who think everything is about them and take offense at literally every single thing.

    • DM
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If we simply looked at it through the lens of: she has created a new meme template, by saying “x character looks like me”, then people insert their own thing.
    None of it having anything to do with weight or herself. Such as, Quinn showing a clown, cause hes calling himself a clown.
    Someone could use this template to meme about themselves being short, tall, bald, hairy, skinny, muscular etc…
    She shoulda just took credit for creating a funny meme.

    • William Grand
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Main character syndrome.

    • Matthew Leflar
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she wants the spot light so bad man

    • spawnova
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m a bit fat, but I’d rather play strong buff dudes in my phantasy game, I wouldn’t want to devs to create big fat models for me to feel better about my poor choices lol… also that quin meme was funny

    • Obi the BEEF
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What a dumbass snowflake.

    • VenomSoda
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    They should have put a body size slide bar on the customization options, so that every class can be fat, thin or ripped, if anything imagine how many fat barbs, mage, rogue and necros mains are not represented

    • Delta
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Me, a man 5’11 and 110 pounds. People laughting from me looking pathetic.
    Me laughting with them.

    • Theuglyones
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Old Grendel
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    wow, this generation man, the joke is that HE is a clown. incredible. narcissism and hypersensitivity are the new meta.

    • Herr Wahnsinn
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The drama is trying to get 6 primal ancients to drop in the last season of d3… 😅

    • Leven Thumps
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I wish there was a fat Necromancer model so I could call myself Neck-roll-mancer.

    • Rob P
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I named my Druid, Miss Piggy.

    • mmacardcollector
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    this is simple, one is a woman and one is a man. if 2 girls were involved with this, its a non issue.

    • DiabloiiResurrected
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Maybe quin was making a joke about him self lookin like the clown he put on the druid lol.

    • Jacob Andersen
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    When I saw that meme I thought it was for druid players being sad and copium fueled

    • Marb’s Music
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m a big guy, not as big as I used to be but still, I made my druid and he kind of looked like me… then watching the into I felt really bad for that horse! 😉

    • mr-irishlad
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i bet she is fun at xmas around the table who wants to pull a cracker dead silence lol

    • Enrico Friske
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin is referring to the female Clown as “He”. I can understand that this woman didnt think its funny to see her body referred to as “He”.

    I think the appearance of the female Druids are totally fine. Afterall they are a Barbarian Tribe..

    • Lolzking
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    is it nice that she found a character that represents her? sure! is it appropriate of quin to meme about somebodys happiness? probably not. was it funny? Hell yes

    • Dennis Chen
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So quin made a joke and basically indirectly called HIMSELF a clown, and this bitch got upset, turned it around and made this all about herself? lmaooooo

    • The420kingchronic
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Just play d2r, balancing actually exists. They just need to go all in on d2r.

    • Link9919191 Smith
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The druid really does look like that girl, she’s the one who brought it up anyways. Some people just suck

    • Chetumal
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you feel offended, it doesn’t mean you are right

    • Ring Last
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    bro literally called himself a clown and she thinks this is about her.

    • supermelonbread
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So now we can’t even have self deprecating humor? Lord

    • Pedro Pedro
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It’s amazing, some person makes fun of themselves, and then someone else gets angry about it
    Truly a circus show

    • Noah McCurry
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m happy for her right but when she starts taking offence to the jokes she’s just shooting herself in the foot I guess she felt like she’s being called a clown for caring but that’s just the thing… she’s a clown for caring about Quinn’s tweet

    • John
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Of course it’s about them, it’s always about people like her, we’re all just extras in her personal RPG.

    Man, the world has just gotten dumber and dumber huh?

    • Matt Simpson
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Damn quin is horrible.. Asmongold has always been a misogynist and an incel but damn man this is so random to jump on to further shit on someone. She never made fun of herself asmoron.

    • SC2Prototype
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    imagine getting offended by words on the internet

    • Aqua Ventus
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Huh, so she found out about Quin’s meme tweet from a retweet by someone she followed. Still funny that she thought it was for her when he did not even tag her. Quin is known to clown around but maybe she was in another side of twitter that is sheltered.

    • Random BleachFan
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What game wouldn’t have drama at this point?

    • damianb
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Mama bear got hurt 😂

    • Kim Jung
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    You gotta call a spade a spade, she’s morbidly obese and going to shave 20-30 years off her life if she continue over eating.

    • Chaz Fernandes
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’d agree who cares if your toon looks like you in game, but god damm are ya’ll dense if you think he wasn’t calling her a clown 😂

    • hi. im gonner
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    People are pussy these days Mr Asmongold. Comedians cant say jokes, or point stupid shit out that should make us all laugh. Everyone is offended by everyone. wait till they enforce the son is evil and we need to live behind black curtains forever, eating honey buns.

    • Ascended Sleeper
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    *Fat Chick* – “I’m fat”
    *Quin* – “I’m a clown”
    *Fat Chick* – “I’m offended”

    • Todd Taylor
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine if you walked into a store, did a loop around the floor and went up to the store manager to complain you didn’t see anyone that looked like you. The store manager would think you were a lunatic. STOP THINKING YOU NEED TO SEE YOURSELF IN MEDIA. IT’S INSANITY.

    • Hannoy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He called him self a clown with that picture, there is no way somebody mad about this LMAO

    • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin wasn’t even making fun of her he was making fun of himself. That corpulent clown should get off Twitter before she hurts herself.

    • Alejandro Moreno Moya
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    the song is called “He said She said” from Chvrches…it fits well with this non sense drama xD

    • Mauri QHD – Memes
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    as a fat person myself, we dont claim her

    • -Crixus Dingess
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    True and real

    • neonxrunner
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Lose Weight and its over. Ppl these days are so weak. Spacially young ppl. Modern women like her is sad to watch, playing the victim when it benefits them. They think everything out there are always about themselves, this generation is doomed….

    • Dark Death
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Where’s the option for average, skinny white boy for druid? I feel discriminated against. I should tweet this 🤡🤡

    • Hobothesis
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    To be fair, Quin69 copied her wording verbatim. Why was it a clown and not a sheep though

    • dissect
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    1. Why would there be any pushback to call fat people fat? If you are fat, being called fat is an accurate description. For the record: She is fat af.
    2. People like her WANT to be offended, it is their only way of receiving attention and validation in their lifes.

    • daghetnie
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • GrassHopper
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    why would anyone want to look like themselves in a fantasy concept

    • Omega8Trigun
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Let people enjoy games and enjoy character creation ass-hat.”
    How does him making a joke tweet keep you from enjoying the game? tf?

    • bostwiek
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    self deprecating humor is great until other people join in on the fun

    • coinneach
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    There was no character that looked like me and everytime i tried a new class i had a mental breakdown

    • Omega8Trigun
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He was literally making fun of himself and druids. My god lol.

    • Mike B
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    They want it to be about them…

    • RealTalk
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    How is it that those internet dudes never understand that it is okay for me to make jokes about myself but not for others to make jokes about me?
    Don’t you have just a little bit of common sense?
    Kinda feels like you literally never have any kind of human interaction outside of the internet.

    • MycroSparks
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So sad that developers are catering to the needs of lazy idiots and promoting being fat. I remember when both male and female characters actually looked the part in video games, but nah, lets just make a chonky, immovable lady and make her fight. That explains why Druids suck hard i guess.

    • ☭ Товарищ Юрий ☭
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine seeing a diabolycal druid and being like “yeah…that’s me”

    • AdamLW71
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she should lose some fucking weight and get fit insted of sitting on games all day then. Fuck me, world has gone mad.

    • TheDiscipleOfHell
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    just this womans patheitc attempt to get attention.

    • uncertainty principle
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    quins an ahole

    • Hekate Trivia
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I cannot…. even begin… to take melodramatic pauses seriously.

    • Anthony Hiscock
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Jeckkz
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Some people just shouldn’t have social media. They’re too delicate

    • Big Burrito
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I swear to god fat women always tryna bring up that they are fat then blame you for their self consciousness. Any advice to help fix it is met with ” why do you say workout? are you a fat shamer” .

    • Russell Lapua
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    But she is fat. It’s not a derogatory term, it’s descriptive. Asmon is skinny. Lady Druid is fat. For all the fat around their hearts they sure have weak ones.

    • WOLF Bushcraft
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    he didnt adress her tf

    • Ciphon
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Massive” drama. I see what you did there.

    • Wolf
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I do not like the druids! I love wolves to! But man the look of them and then the damage output is just so sad. But the clown post was funny xD People have to learn how to take jokes! She put that out there. How could she not expect the jokes?

    • Soric
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean I kinda get it. Your happy you feel represented in a game. Then some dude just comes in with a clown photoshop.

    • Midnight Pausch
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Aint gonna lie, I can’t process how she assumed he was making fun of her.

    • Whiskey Locker
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    its amazing how this went over so many of yalls head about why what quin did was dumb. none of yall get it and its sad

    • Just Moody
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    if you are comparing yourself to an ingame character you need help.

    • yahublooddrunkeness
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Y’all want to discuss younger adults inventing argumentation to hate you? There’s plenty of internet history to see illiteracy and conflict from the poor and unfucked

    • ImDoku
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    friendly fire but then shes offended that someone made it a meme.
    get over urself

    • Irregular Pineapples
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    true and real

    • Fillik
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    CHARCHES top

    • Dvoa
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Natural selection is not doing shit, the joke literally had nothing to do with her.

    • RDKRL
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    These fat females who claim they are so happy with their body and they dont want to work out because of that are always the first ones to get enranged at the smallest joke about their looks.

    • Adam_bbing
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    obesity isnt anything to be proud of, you should never want to be obese.

    • I Am Explosion
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This is “Massive” drama? Does this channel belong to pyro?

    • Char Pad
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Endless content haha

    • Prominence87
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So if she blocks everyone who finds it funny, is she effectively canceling herself?

    • 👑 KING DAVID 👑
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Good job giving this attention seeker more attention.


    • Audrius Kliukas
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Wow, the stupidest of stupid drama on Twitter. Unheard of.

    • Felix Berdeja
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It would be funny because it looks just like the ones Disney made inciting the new live action little mermaid movie crap. 🤣🤣🤣

    • Jeremy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    All the male druids look like fat Pakistani dudes to me lol

    • BetaKrogoth
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Media has stopped being about seeing the potential in people and starting being about self-insertion. Which is why people want representation. I don’t agree with it myself.

    • Oscar oogabooga
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i think shes offended because he still used her character in his post so she felt like he was caling her a clown

    • highjim
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    quin gives zero fucks lol

    • portablelyric 14
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    People get offended on the dumbest things that wont matter in the next 5 minutes

    • Firewynn TV
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Her post had so many people telling her she was wrong and that the Druid wasn’t obese it was more like a powerlifter… watching the comment and banning of everyone WAS HILLARIOUS

    • chad22345
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Never underestimate cancel culture

    • Nick Whiskey
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “im fat”
    “im a clown”
    “how dare you”

    • Aqua Puppy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Hate to see how many mutuals follow such a person…
    Clearly, they should only agree with me, and be psychic enough to know I would never accept they can follow him. Also that this situation would occur.”

    • bigfootisreal
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That’s some next level self-obsession, yikes.

    • The Wind & Road
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    God wokium gets old.

    • Alekz
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She probably relates to female barbarian as well

    • Jordan Jansco
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Nice sweater!

    • Helton Soares
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean, just asking: was the point of that joke? Call her a clown because she made a post about how happy she was about seeing someone like her on the videogame?
    Considering that 90% of Diablo community are a bunch of conservative, liberals, edgelord silly boys, I would think a million times before posting it.

    • sergio rodriguez
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    BASED literal GOD, common W!

    • North1Isley
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    can’t say I’m happy about an overweight druid character tho, unless you can modify it to your will, then its fine

    • Wesley Williams
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’d rather follow that lady that Quin.

    • Freikugel
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Says more about her dishonesty about feeling comfortable on her looks tbf, lmao.

    • MojoBoingo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    honestly I get how this could get to someone. It’s not so much the image but the way he copied her tweet. From an outside perspective it read as mocking to me. She overreacted for sure. It can be hard to swallow indignation sometimes because modern society has trained indignation into us. Quin was obviously just trying to make a joke at his own expense, not hers, but I can see how one could take it that way. Assuming you know someone’s intent usually ends with egg on your face.

    • Tommy Eden
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Global warming my ass, I see snowflakes everywhere now.

    • ThatsaDogshitTheory
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “it’s not nice but it’s funny.” is such a dumb fucking line. Comedy is slowly dying because “oh God we have to think about other people’s feelings before we make a joke”

    • chiller
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Humans need attention

    • Icecube88
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I can see why she took offense to it.

    • Sephlock
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Oh Asmon, to some people EVERYTHING is about them.

    • SynthLizard8
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I think “it’s not nice but it’s funny” is a pretty fair statement.

    • No One
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    1st world problems lol

    • Alexander A
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I refuse to even admit the female Druid even exists.

    • Gad Dag
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Holy shit … ive seen 6 year olds take punches better….

    • shiver
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    he literally joked about HE being a clown irl, only copied the format of the picture and make it a meme. ppl get angry about anything

    • 311 lvl Grand Wizard
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Victim mentality. He called himself a clown. And she got offended by it LOLOL

    • TastyScotch
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I find this whole drama offensive to clowns. Putting a clown face over someones body and then claiming to be offended by it is clownal appropriation and you should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you assume that a clown face is demeaning? Did you ever stop to consider how the clown might feel having this unjust stereotype thrust upon them? No. And why? Because the clown is WHITE. Wake up people!

    • L J
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    to be fair, I would like to see more character customization options for all the classes

    • Daniel Fuller
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Christ I can’t even come home from work without some one playing the victim.

    • Rafael Santti
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    to be fair it wasnt funny, but , when was the last time quin was funny? xD I just think is amazing how ppl on twitter live in a different planet, I guess gettin offended by everything show be the twitter slogan.

    • PosMatic
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    But why even bring that up? Some random girl said something. Bruh… why tf cares?!

    • Sanguiris
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I wanted to play a druid but seeing the character models instantly made me go back to Sorceress or Necro, i atleast wish there was like a second body type of something

    • Callamastia
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    it’s rude tho

    • Mech Eagle
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat have nothing do with the meme…
    Anyone with a brain know was clown class…

    • X Y Z
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Of all 5 D4 beta classes, I hid the armor except on the druid…. then did not play her after escorting Lorath.
    It was that bad.

    • C1_Jester
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s saying he looks like a clown and it’s a parody off her meme. Chill out

    • Xander Rey
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    not a fan of the clickbait on this one tbh… i feel shafted.

    • – Felix
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If she didn’t have any traction to begin with no one would’ve cared.

    • Reaper
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That pony looks nice af

    • Raion
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Mad cuz fat

    • Moh
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Of course the ogress gets offended

    • Urzu
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    All he did was make a self deprecating joke that HE looks like a clown, I would get it if he used her pic in the bottom left and made the joke but he didn’t. It was himself.

    • thorer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She just needs blue hair

    • Big D
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The people offended by this need to get help…

    • tinystego
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The female druid isn’t fat in the usual sense of “eat McDonald’s and watch TV all day.” She’s built strongwoman thick. Some fat on top of muscles.

    • W.H.
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I got clocked boted

    • Zubair Bastra
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Its as if people doent realise you need a 2nd skin when using social media or being a youtuber. Getting laughed at/ snide remarks or death threats is part of the package! EMBRACE the positive IGNORE the negative trolls if you cant follow this basic concept then DONT USE SOCIAL MEDIA but stop wining like a little babe soOo easily offended.

    • Twistereek
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This drama was oversold to me

    • Zeka Peka
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Its not even about her, he literally made a joke about himself being a clown

    • TheMikeADN
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i was kinda hyped for druid before the beta then i realised i gotta play as an obese dude with a hairy back..

    • Perfect Zero Music
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    There are so many hoops you have to go through in order to even understand why someone might get offended by this

    • Mavis Beacon
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I guarantee you that someone that big doesn’t have abs.

    • Johnny 94
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine having Twitter

    • Kurofire
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Massive indeed

    • 🟠B4LT1M0RON🟣
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Click 🦇 🦇 bat

    • SkivvyTV
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Seemed like a purely wholesome post by her, I dont really understans whats the joke in calling her a clown for it? This stuff is nothing new from quinn he constantly has to shit on other ppl to make himself feel better but I didnt expect this from asmon tbh, maybe im missing something?

    • Emelenzia
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I think problem is someone who burst into tears because a video game character looks similar to themselves has severe mental issues.

    So the question becomes “Is it morally justifiable to make a joke and mock someone who is severely mentally unstable”.

    • Golden Grin
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Sure she way overreacted but if you don’t see this as an obvious parody of the “I finally felt seen because they created a character who looks like me” tweet she made, thereby it being sort of an insult towards her then you are probably a DNF on the SAT test.

    • Morrigan Lovely
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m built like the female necromancer like i love the representation of skin n bone bitches 🤣

    • Aether 776
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    North americans live in perpetual victimhood

    • Deni
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i mean , the response of her maybe wasn’t the best , like making a thing about following someone on social media , but don’t act like it’s not about her , the guy make a meme of her being happy with something, but only because of what she looks like , your making fun of fat people and don’t act like you are not

    • RuthlessTony
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s fat. It’s that simple

    • Jplanas98
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I remember seeing that post and thinking it was stupid because is this the first game that she’s played that allowed her to create a custom character? It’s not the first game that allows you to create a character that is overweight, so I didn’t understand what she was so excited about.

    • know1 nose
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    *Travolta looking around GIF*

    • Matthew Glover
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    You could give someone oxygen to breathe while theyre dying from no oxygen,and they would get offended because you didnt ask them first

    • Johnny Dough
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    People like her, sorry to say, and of course no ill wishes against her, are one of the problems in this world. They somehow think it’s OK to be morbidly obese and when called out or hinted at in any way. They are up in arms and quick to be offended. Let’s not forget she literally set herself up for this kind of attention.

    The level of shamelessness is insane as well as the stupidity exhibited through her lack of thinking that post through…

    Oh well, genuinely hope she gets her self in a better situation and starts to realize she only gets one body and one chance at life. Treat it well. Treat it well…

    • A J
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    diablo 4 make me try lost ark where man are man and woman are beautiful

    • E Ryan
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    didn’t she just incorrectly assume he was calling her a clown? pretty simple misunderstanding and if he had done that she would be in the right for being upset about it. anyway time to move along

    • Mike G
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Wanna know what I’ve never done in my life? Worried if the video game characters do or do not look like me. Reason number one, I’m not a f___ing narcissist. Reason number two, I’m not a f___ing video game character.

    • D1rk D1ggler X
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Sometimes I think about if we would be better off without the internet. Far too many people are far too soft now n days. I mean, there are a lot of people that it would do good for them to take a break from social media.

    • InanimateSum
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She really spent more time being offended looking through her mutuals to see who liked the tweet rather than just enjoy the game. Terminally online losers really can’t put the phone down.

    • ConcealedSol
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The sheer size of this drama.

    • Carby
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s making fun of himself more than anything

    • Michael 777
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    To be honest, the Druids aren’t even fat lol. They’re not skinny Necromancers or Muscle-Mommy Barbarians, but they’re really not that fat. However, I would argue that they need that extra girth to fuel their animal transformations and stuff lol.

    • Ivan Bažulić
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He made it to ridicule her. And no, it was not funny.

    • Senpai ASMR
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Owning a twitter account is an offense

    • Sri Harsha
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Honestly the character looks buff not fat..I’m offended she compared herself to a fit and healthy body

    • Gil
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Tbh don’t see how that’s massive drama.. or maybe we were referring to her?
    (For any purposes this is probably a sarcastic comment)

    • Blask Bulwark
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If people weren’t offended, we wouldn’t need to speak.

    • Jokerwolf
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I joke not the bald male druid with a beard looks exactly like me and the same body type. I’m 6 ft tall 250 lb and I’m built like a strongman, the body hair is even accurate. Maybe I should sue blizzard for using my likeness LOL

    • Equitine
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    For starters that druid female isn’t overweight. She is fucking JACKED power lifter goddess right there.

    • None of my Business
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He wasn’t even joking about the fat part, just parodying that the clown is just like him fr fr

    • Saravasha
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I don’t understand the clown post though… xD

    • StraightupGamer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    HAHAHHAHA omg i love you!

    • TheGreatKingChiba
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you don’t get why his joke is offensive, let me start making little dick and virgin jokes and see how quiet it gets in here. If you’re offended, it “says more about you than it does me”…. right? 😂

    He is an edgy dude and he is reaping the benefits of that edge. I would unfortunately expect Asmon to be a bit more understanding of shit like this given his issues over the years. Sometimes it’s the fact you even opened your mouth to begin with that is the problem. Sometimes your mama was right and you just shut up if you ain’t got anything nice to say.

    • NotedNuance
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Still probably a bit a overblown, but I could see taking the follow up as essentially saying if the character looks bad you shouldn’t be happy it looks like you… like it would be silly if I looked like a clown and the character also looks like a clown cause being a clown is bad… I don’t know Quinn so I don’t know what he meant by it and I think there is a more generous interpretation that he is just taking a viral post and meming on himself being a clown. But for a little bit of empathy I could see how if you were feeling yourself that day cause of this connection with a character and thats not your norm to be hyped on yourself… that response may have ruined the mood… and also probably sent internet brained andies over to her side of the internet to cause a bit of ruckus.

    • Luke Kane
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    God dammit, here we go…

    • Dr. Svedka
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Of course blizzard adds a clown class and everyone rages. Probably mad cause it’s has more DPS than a druid

    • mhc706
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    man calls himself a clown.
    woman most effected.

    • TJ Rage
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It just felt like her moment was ruined by some other big name streamer who decided to meme it for clicks

    • Jahn Symon Rivera
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Wow…. offended by a series of codes and numbers. Its like being offended at a cloud formation because it looks like you. At least clouds are real. 😏

    • Marlon Cebo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Not our fault she only exists on Twitter.

    • The Broken Mask
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat “pride” only goes one way. They can request and praise this kind of character body type but if a “non fat” person goes like “hey this druid girl kinda remind me of X that pretty cool” you are instantly fatphobic.. Dont question their logic it is what it is.

    • @riotdrone
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    lost what little respect i had left for asmongold when he started doing so much political rage bait

    • Silver Prime
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    To be fair, it wasnt even close to be funny! It was super unnecessary, like what was the train of though that lead to that meme? Sry Asmon but you’re wrong this time. She took it a bit too far, but that quin dude, who ever he is, wasnt funny at all

    • Paulius Sipavičius
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He was clowning on her for no reason just to be malicious.

    • Praxis_Streams
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She invoked the victimhood contingency. That’s the meta play in our current social climate.

    • Olav Randem
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Too be honest the joke was kinda bad, she was just glad she got some she could play that feels like her. Not saying that Quinn was trying to mock her but it is not a stretch to see it that way.

    • L
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This hurt me, im going to complain until no one likes me anymore.

    • Lyrand
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Good for her, but she’s still just gonna do 17 damage.

    • furyleozito
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    With so much travelling and fighting, that druid should be on a caloric deficit. What is she eating, uranium?

    • Jeren Steffen
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He even has a red nose. Pretty sure he was making fun of himself.

    • William Augustinus
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I was on the steam when that quin meme was made and you could rly see quin thinking it was a bad idea to post it because he knew the possible implications/interpretations he could get lol

    • ReiGnJuste
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    We want a fat slider fat Druid and female is bad.

    • Abdelrahman Esam
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The fact that this shitty looking class in diablo 4 has nothing to do with the word “druid” either in real life or in the gaming universe makes this whole diablo thing 100x more stupid. Idk why people keep playing this shit and giving them more money

    • aurelian cristea
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Make no mistake, Diablo 4 is a woke game. 😀

    • Lost Club
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The human race needs a natural predator. We’ve been at the top too long. Were finding the dumbest shit to get mad at and focus our energy on, instead of a problem everyone can get behind.

    • ReiGnJuste
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I hope blizzard nerf sorceress to the ground so asmon gold cries like baby.

    • Ascender Prime
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The tides are turning, even the normies are sick of it.

    • Joseph S
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    mannn that meme had nothing to do with her 😂

    • zomgbbqsauce12345
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    doesn’t look like her though, look at the guns on that lady druid

    • Generalkillaman
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I need a slim Druid woman

    • deathfromace
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “it’s not even about you” is all that is ever needed

    • Zair Umbras
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quinn calls himself a clown and other people get mad.

    • serpodrickpayne
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    L take

    • tutorial boss
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    im a fat chonkers and when i saw that druid models are only fat chonkers i was fuming.
    it’s hardly my fantasy to play a video game character that’s as thicc and obese as me gtfo with this shit and give us body type sliders you woke knobs

    • rebirth mode
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s too soft to be a streamer. It’s time to realize the world isn’t here to baby you and cheer you on for being fat.

    • Keaton Campbell
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “I am a clown” “how dare you call me fat!” ??????

    • eldheimm
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Was born in the eighties. Best generation ever. We gave zero f**s about what people said. Stick and stones was still relevant.
    The mental gymnastics these millienials go through to either be offended themselves -or worse, on behalf of people they do not know makes me lose hope for the future.
    What a spoilt generation. The world will hit them HARD in 10-15 years.

    • frostmourne1986
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean, Quin isn’t wrong though. He is a clown.

    • Andrew Meyer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It’s a funny joke and some people have egos the size of Texas that they can’t think for one minute that a innocent joke isn’t about them, why does it have to be about them? Do they know that it was? I mean, she’s assuming as much, people like her are good at making an ass of themselves, especially on social media for the whole world to see, maybe she hopes that people will feel sorry for her and take her side. There’s no side to choose on this, it’s a freaking joke, if you want to make it about you, fine, but don’t slander anyone else who doesn’t share in your offensiveness.

    • Eddy Ram
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine seeing something online and making it about you😂

    • Knights of the Nine
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Was he implying that her original sweet was her being stupid for relieving herself to be fat or something?

    I don’t really understand the joke.

    • Edible Analbead
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m a helicopter, were is my representation in diablo 4.

    • Ungegurkt
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Anon Ymous
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I love Asmon, but he’s such a simple man. She wasn’t calling herself fat and she doesn’t look fat. Some people just naturally have bigger bodies not including body fat.

    • akhs denlew
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Not really relevant with diablo but yea… whatever.

    • DrToker
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Its weird how thick girls dont also have thick skin

    • big cheese
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Druids are fat? I thought they were built

    • Durianic
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Glass hearts & snowflakes.

    • Jeff C
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Can these Woke all go to the same separate place already away from the rest.

    • Totemion
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    and the druids arent even fat, the model is extremely muscular, no way she looks like her character xD

    • Moth Crab
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He wasn’t even calling her fat, the joke was that he was calling himself a clown. This is just an evolution of the “he’s just like me fr” and “He’s just like me” and “god I wish that were me” etc. There’s no offense intended at the original source of said meme.

    • Matt DeLuca
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I pretty sure she got upset because it was her character that he put the clown face on. He could of made a male character and put the clown face on. She’s allowed to be upset but getting all the negative hate is pretty messed up. People needed to start acting like adults. This is why people stop playing video games or doing things they like.

    • Brandon Holcomb
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He literally was making fun of himself… what tf is there to be offended about

    • Unknown
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    We need a school that teaches vvomen how to behave and treat men, maybe they should learn how to cook and take care of a family instead of playing victim on social media.

    • BabyTacPrimo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She wants attention.. she got the attention..

    • Evil Tim
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m sry but this obsessive need to find “representation” of oneself in video games or other forms of media is absolutely insane and narcissistic and before I get “well that’s ez for some one whos a straight white man to say.” I am not just a straight white man.

    I am an out of shape straight white man with tiny arms and a gut who wears glasses and believe it or not there isn’t much representation of that and thank god for that because why would anyone want or need that? We’re playing video games people, it’s all fiction, AN ESCAPE from reality you should be able to find representation with whatever the game provides even if it’s not the same gender or race or in this case frikin body proportions. Why the hell does one go into a fantasy world wanting to look EXACTLY like themselves? 😛 sheesh

    • ShaboPaasa
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i have met a lot of people in life that look similar to me and most the time i dont connect with them and/or hate them because things are deeper than looks

    • Marcos Danilo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    the irony is, the character she is saying looks like her, isnt even fat, she is bulky, but has a muscular build.

    • Hololive forever
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    lol she called herself fat 😆

    • Mike
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Alfonso R. G.G.
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    it must be hard to be offended about everything lol

    • Dylan Farris
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean you could tell she was insane just based on her first tweet lol

    • ShizooMÖP
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i cant believe how buttfucked the women is about something that clearly is a joke, shes not even involved, shes not that important, jeez, everyone thinks their oppinion has worth nowadays

    • Bodom
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The only person that can laugh about the fatties are the fat ones. LuL

    • NecroBabe
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Maybe D4 should have just added a body slider so fat ppls could make fat characters rather than having them fixed size.

    • DerGraue
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Her: “i look like a fat chick… funny”
    Him: “i look like a clown… funny”
    Her: *wait, that’s illegal* 😠

    • Europa
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    whats the song?

    • STR8L8CED
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Druids are fat af and I have no idea why.

    • prime creator
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Yeah I’m sorry but no. That’s just not right.
    … Just like how this clickbait isn’t right. Do you guys not get that it’s short term gains for long term losses? I’m gonna think twice about clicking on anything from this channel now.

    • Dan M
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She thinks he’s saying she is a clown, but he’s making fun of himself copying her meme, saying that HE looks like a clown. That girl is so self centered and insecure she got it completely wrong thinking it was about her.

    • reka10
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The roast wasn’t even about her.

    • Fiffelito
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That explains why druids does so low damage…

    • Cerenduil
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    npcs in Twitter getting ofended? no way!

    • Goblin Twink
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Look at my Hurricane it does like 17 dmg

    • Sirhc
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The female Druid looks like it lifts more than mars bars.

    • UniQue
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    People are always offended by something these days.

    • Marcus Kane
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Lemme take a guess… she is a “transformer”, right?

    • Matheus
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine being so entitled that you complain about how she uses HER Twitter… Lol

    • daleth
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Miraclemaker
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He literally calls himself a clown

    • For Comment Purposes
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She doesn’t look overweight….

    • traktorn
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I will never play druid, not because hurricane does 17 damage but because they are so unpleasing to look at, genuinely awful choice and I cannot fathom why they did it. if it was Strongman/strongwoman muscle type that’d be one thing but it’s just straight up obese and very unattractive people.

    • Kelevelin
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Chvrches in the background. Love it!

    • Belenor
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If she can take an extra 100 lb she can take a joke.

    • JenThisSux Is A bi7ch
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He quite literally made a joke making fun off himself and she got offended by that. Only Twitter 💀

    • Reaven Tesolovsky
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    i mean she was just sharing a fun moment and he is being mad weird about it

    • Abel
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The only massive about this drama is that lady.

    • Junior Juniorr
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Isn’t the druid’s body more like that of a powerlifter? i am pretty sure there is a big difference between then and the average mcdonald enjoyer

    • thedarkemissary
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Twitter Massive Drama….. Using Diablo 4 Images

    There. Fixed it for you.

    • Brandon Kruse
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you take anything Quinn says seriously, you’re already losing at the internet.

    • AltOf LiMb
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What do you mean “It’s not even about you”?! EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ME!!

    • Childe Lee
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This is why girls, not all of them, can’t hang with the boys.

    • Ronald Hodgson
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Let’s normalize making fat jokes again. F people, we are all eligible to be made fun of. Everyone is a rturd somehow.

    • Silver Blade
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She had a genuine interaction and shared it and people made jokes and called her a clown(by association of the meme). How is that not a personal offense? Don’t defend her negative experience as something that should be a norm.

    • Midori
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    so insecure

    • harrald schmitt
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin is calling himself a clown.
    Its litterally not about the bich

    • matt v
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    These clickbait titles are getting out of hand lol

    • Bird Watcher
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Druid isnt even obese … its got that strongman, powerlifter body.

    • Zum Seelenverkäufer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Asmon.. i love you dude, but people like you will never understand this. You eat what ever the hell you want.. abd wont get fat. Imagine you would have my metabolism.. i watch a fckin pizza from a mile away, and my left tit grows. My brother and i lived in my mums house for 19 years.. We ate the exact same food every day.. he was always anorexic and i was chubby.. And no, i haven’t eaten somewhere else.. there were no school meals in those years.. People like me have to work pretty damn hard to stay in shape.. if i would eat what you eat.. dude i would be dead by now. If i stop working out and runnin all day, i would be fat again by september.. The sad thing is, its not even the jokes.. they know they’re fat. Its the fact that no matter where they go, people only talk about that. You may think.. oh yeah its just a snowflake than, and i’m okay with that.. but try to deal with that for 30 years every fckin day. And the only way out is.. work out more than everyone else. For my part, i love how the druid looks.. finally a real fckin man, and not some flimsy arse androgyne guy in skinny jeans.

    • akse
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    F*king normies in the internet.. wish it was pre 2010 again

    • C V
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The joke has a couple layers.

    The game is extremely unbalanced, so him saying that he looks like a clown is probably because he picked one of the weaker classes.

    It’s funny and it’s only offensive towards the person that published it (himself)

    Somehow other people took it personally.

    Welcome to 2023

    • Living Phantom
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Only Twitter can get offended over someone else making fun of themselves.

    • Shaun Milfler
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    wanted to say that druid women looks like world champion in powerlifter, twitter user on other hand is just big and fat and never lifted ! Druid mommy looks thiccc

    • LaserPenguinGames
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Blizzard making the characters look like complete ass to sell us cosmetics to cover that shit up lol

    • White Witch
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What’s up with the music, Asmond? 😂😂😂

    • Hurbieo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Cute title “massive” drama about the fat lady

    • The Unknown
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    haha fat turd

    • Erio Arubino
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What’s the ass music coming from

    • Salmagros
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I understand that is a joke but it’s not a funny one. People saying that Quinn is making fun of himself but it’s clearly making fun of her original tweet. Just can’t understand why can’t people just kept it to themselves. I can’t understand the point of poking fun of others people and calling them to F off the website when the the person got mad because they’re baby snowflake that can’t take it.

    • Talinthis
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    idk i dont think it is offensive or funny, it it is just plain stupid. Copying her comment basically word for word kinda seems condescending and directed at her, which apparently people here say it was not. Back in my day jokes were funny i guess.

    • Skruff
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Man, women have it so hard…

    • Captain Zaibatsu
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Well she is Fat and he is an Ass Hat

    • Suicidality
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    lmfaoooo holy god so stupid

    • 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖀𝖓𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖓
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What a karen

    • *o*
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she didn’t understand his joke and got offended. that’s what makes her a pig. not her weight. her attitude towards something she didn’t understand

    • obey
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Leave it to Quin to stir the pot, I love it

    • MercPlays
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That fucking druid looks NOTHING like her lol

    • andorifjohn
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Kinda unnecessary of Quinn. Idk

    • VlAlexx
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s calling himself a clown shes clearly never watched his stream he has a donation they lets you overlay a clown face on him lmao

    • zaeta
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Any truers?

    • Jon hoge
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I mean, its pretty obvious to me that he was jokingly calling himself a clown and mocking her style of posting (and not her), but i can see how she might think hes calling her a clown.

    • Mahvimcoo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Pretty sure Quin was just calling himself a Clown, which he totally is, but he’s got such a nice, large, hard deck, it’s difficult to dislike him haha

    • MyN0N4M3
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you cry because you encounter another fat person in a video game and you post that on twitter, then I am sorry but you need to get some help because that is showing you have mental health issues.

    And of course the “follow up” is just making these issues more obvious to everyone.

    Sad thing is that the gaming media celebrated these kinds of people and that behavior.
    It’s not empowering, there’s nothing brave or strong about it.

    This is just sad and pathetic on every level.

    • Ahej Leira
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “You can’t make fun of someone you don’t know personally” – Asmongold

    • Nigh Darke
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Always gotta play the victim!

    • Mark Witt
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Thats not fat tho thats Burly there is a difference are you saying power lifters are far cause i jate to tell you they arent

    • Brandon Hawkins
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m fat
    I’m pissed

    • the Revanchist
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This is on the same level of stupidity with that “news” from these days where CNN and BBC and other woke media, want to censure people for “digital blackface”, nobody should use memes or emojis with black people. Not about. With!!!

    • Creative ways To throw games
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she woke af

    • Guus van Voorst
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He didn’t even say anything insulting about her… in fact, he made fun of himself… are we really at this level of stupidity?

    • Mister Lee
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Yep, huge lol

    • fattony75
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What is this music in the background? wtf is this

    • LytesOut
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The real crime is the music in the background of this video

    • Nicholas Picorelli
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Female druid was a mistake.

    • Goodkat
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Whoever in chat said “it’s not nice” is an idiot. It’s why we constantly have these stupid dramas every day. A lot of people are just not very bright. And those seem to be the ones that spend the most time expressing their views on the internet. It’s beyond obvious he used her template to make fun of himself. She should have just laughed. Every post these people make online, in the back of their head they are trying to think how they can gain some sympathy and play the victim. It’s the easiest and laziest way to get attention. And it’s pretty plain to see that she is lazy… Some people just need to keep their heads down, do their own thing and not worry about internet clout. Most people actually. Somehow along the way, the ability to recognize when you are such a person has disappeared.

    • Azalea Rose
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    They really need body options for all the classes druid is unplayable looking like that (even if the class wasn’t weak). It is also bad for business hardly anyone will spend money to play dress up Rosie O’Donnell even if they can tolerate playing as her.

    • The Other Jared
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She looked at a self-depricating joke and twisted it to be about her.

    • Jimbo b
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s offended? Hope she doesn’t binge eat to cope….oh wait.

    • MChaseC5
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Maybe she felt like he was calling her a clown by using the meme? Just a thought. Either way, probably wasn’t worth posting.

    • Druga Strona Medalu
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s not fat! She’ll be just playing with her wallet when microtransactions will come out…

    • Big Joe
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Being offended is a full time job for some people.

    • Pat PlaysWell
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    shorts have not covered

    • Nicholas Picorelli
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The druid looks like one of those strong gay guys, especially because he turn into a “bear”, if you know what I mean.

    • Aaron Dimoff
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    My wife, who’s 5’5 and 125 pounds took one look at the female druid and said, verbatim, “Look at this fucking cow, I’m not playing druid until they add body sliders.”

    • Inksday
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    All he did was call himself a clown. Why are people so mad? Also that druid looks nothing like the chick. The druid chick is big but shes muscular. That chick is just fat.

    • Doctor Gears
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Everybody things every little thing is about them rofl

    • _Ellibre_
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Shes never seen or played OG Diablo 1 or D2. Shes getting flamed hard right now as we speak.. sucks to feel offended about everything, even at the blades of grass being too green..

    • CodeCrush11
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I am already playing as a fatass irl why would I want to play one in a fantasy game LUL

    • Skandh Reddy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    These people just can’t meme

    • Ninja Dog
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It doesn’t work that way. She’s offended, so she’s going to delete your social media accounts.

    • Grim
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    classic Twitter

    • xabun
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    worst part of these kinda women is they think theyre a 10 and entitled to everything but when confronted with reality they cant deal with it and resort to cancel culture

    • Alwayz Fresh
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The confusion here is that he is calling her a clown, when he is actually making fun of himself using her outline. I chalk this one down to miscommunication.

    • Gelatos
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Tbf I can see how the twit can be seen as a joke towards her, but yeah the reaction is a lil bit too much

    • Jade Salazard
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Ofc she’s offended she’s making a deal out of being “represented” as a fattie lmao. If that’s not the biggest red flag in existence idk what to tell you

    • Catfish Bradley
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Who gives a flying fuck about representation in video games lmao. My characters are often the exact opposite of me IRL, or at least “themed” in a way that has nothing to do with my features/morality/thoughts etc… many would argue that’s kind of the point lol.

    • nicklakle
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Funny part is, I think he was more using her tweet as a template to create a meme making fun of himself. It wasn’t even directed at her. At least that’s how I interpret it

    • Dunk is cool
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    the musics too loud

    • urs0
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Bro its a joke bc you need to be a clwon to play druid in its current state.

    • Magoka31
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    When people from America will stop acting as a victim

    • HappyDawg
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Victim complex 101

    • Beowulf
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Is she American? would make sense

    • Optimus Rob
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Apparently, she thinks that the female Druid only looks like her and that she has exclusive use of the character model. Psychosis is characterised by some sense of distorted reality. Delusions: believing in false realities. No one directed insults at her personally in the meme.

    • Cam
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So a guy that has 0 relevance to her called himself a clown and shes upset about him doing that?

    • LepmaFunky
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I wanted to play Druid but they look ugly so I made a Female Barb which is peak character design

    • Darkhorse
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    You look like a character doesnt it you, delusional af this gurl.

    • ATI
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That female druid is actually more jacked than fat

    • Gellért Luka
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Ngl I hate how druids are fat. Id rather take the necro body as the druid.

    • dirt falconi
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    doesnt offend me but if he was calling her a clown for that, it’s a douchey thing to post

    • Hans Dampf
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    When people don’t get the joke…

    • martin
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I wont make a druid because it looks bad, male or female, both.

    • Skrittles
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    this is what happens when u give every1 a voice on the internet. your gunna get alot of idiots and insane mentaly ill people who cant fit in society.

    • Katze Czolg
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat shaming is not ofensive huh.

    • Clipse D
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Women should stay off social media. Y’all ruin everything ❤

    • Zavonofcats
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Wow an offended fat girl, never seen that before.

    • Richard Anthony
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    to her, qunn is calling her a clown. Idk, i cant blame her, but shes overreacting. If you make a joke about a specific person who you dont know, not a whole group, it reasonable to expect to bother them.

    • frostyliciousmayne
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It came off as a self-deprecating joke to me *shrug*

    • duderpeace
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she deleted her post about him lmaoooooo

    • NotReallyABlessing
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She gets offended because quin made fun of himself. Dear lord, these times are egotistical

    • GetOutOfMyLobbY
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Damn and here i am getting pissed that i have to play a “meaty” person if i wanna go druid.

    • MeoithTheSecond
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s indirectly saying she’s a clown for saying what she said, and she’s walked right into it proving she is. It was about her he just did it in a sneaky way that provides some denyablity

    • PassThePurp945
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Come on guys! She just has an enlarged heart. You’d be sensitive too if there was a high possibility of going into diabetic shock just by walking down a set of stairs. 😅

    • Arisu Rec
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I find it very arrogant and narcissistic that she gives off the impression that she owns her mutuals and they shouldn’t be following the guy that made the joke.

    • Willfully Informed
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This is why we don’t use Twit-er. The way I take it is this guy is making fun of himself and the entirety of “feeling the need to post about this”. This blatantly has nothing to do with her being fat and no one cares.

    • Milko Topaloff
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    People get offended by anything these days….

    • Elban19
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat woman offended? Must be a day ending in y.

    • Recusant
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Average fat useless Twitter user gets offended
    No surprise

    • Mark Haseltine
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Twitter Fits are so 😂😂😂😂

    • TheAngryITNerd
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    they need to change the npc voices.. its god aweful…

    • JadenNeedsAName
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The funny thing is, if someone is truly comfortable and happy with their appearance, they wouldn’t get this defensive this quickly lmao

    • CornPop
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    It’s going to be hilarious when everyone is foaming at the mouth because Diablo 4 is subpar and then Blizzards adds a bunch of P2W monetization into the game 4 months after launch. 😂

    • Brandon Sky
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Honestly, I think Quin’s post was simply low effort, you can do that to literally any picture.
    Almost like he skipped the process of learning comedy. :3

    • Jugetti
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Getting offended by someone ridiculing themselves is the pinnacle of Twitter lunacy.

    • beanz burriton
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Confetylol
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    ingame druid: runs for hours, has 1k kg of equipped gear and bags, jumps and kills demons, 17 hurricane damage
    some delusional people irl heavy breathing after going to the kitchen to grab a donut: yeah it looks like me thanks blizzard pog, 17 cholesterol damage

    • gffg
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The real drama is how Druid is unbanlaced. Millions of Druids dies everyday because the class is a f-ing piece of garbage. Let’s not forget the real thing here, please.

    • Ace A
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Asmongold looks like the male druid from diablo 2.

    • Araghast
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The druid model just looks ridiculous tbh, like its just straight up “fat” and tbh, that is far from what would be imagining when thinking of a druid…
    And why the no-breasts necromancer o:

    • Dante F
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So I think they did the Druids dirty….not only did they make them larger than the rest of the characters which is fine (though I did wish I could have made a skinnier female Druid like keylith from Critical Role)…But the face options are comically bad.

    • Ace A
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I dont like the ugly fat druid. It is unhealthy. Druid should look like Amouranth and other popular streamer chicks

    • Mussh Wins
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She is handling it like a well adjusted adult.

    • John Smith
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin is actually giga-based and has to hide it for Twitch, he’s so funny when he lets it out 😂

    • Damp Macaroni
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    You’d think fat people on the internet had thicker skin in regards to this sort of thing.

    • Peanut Fiends
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s a legendary victim.

    • Rinrin Fran
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Twittards doing twitter things, nothing new.

    • audiogarden21
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    This video should be retitled: “Diablo 4: Zero drama, just Quin making jokes”.

    • Lenny
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That Druid does kinda look like she’s tryna find the manager… 0:12

    • chris kline
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s just like me fr

    • HgM3rk
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Dusty Wizard
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    c’mon bro why people care so much about a fucking female character and their boob size no one said shit about the bulge in your pants or how ugly their male character was but I guess they felt the flat action man gap between their legs represented them quite well 🙂

    • Just Some Guy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    imagine needing to find a personality or physical trait in a video game to feel fulfilment in real life. terminally online to the max.

    • heroickitten
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Oh my goodness! The male druid literally looks like me. I was in tears and visibly shaking because of the news. My wife’s boyfriend came in and checked to see if I was okay. Hes such a cool dude. Anyway after I calmed down (it took me about 30 minutes of hyperventilating) I went back to my day job of moderating a couple of subreddits and discord channels. Sure I don’t get paid to do this but it’s so rewarding.

    • Ryotbh
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    NGL I hope they add a skinny version on launch, being a chungus put me off playing the class.

    • Adam Arzo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    As an obese person I find it pathetic to represent obese people in video games. It’s not healthy or something to be proud of. Enabling obesity is a huge problem. Woke Blizzard needs to just stop.

    • Youdont needthat
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • LordFrz
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The best part is a redditor made that first and sent it to quin, then he debated for like an hour to send it as an actual tweet. He argued all the points people would make agaist it, then pointed out that hes also making fun of himself. Then he sat on it for a while before sending it out, lol.

    • Billy D
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Special snowflakes get offended by everything

    • SephirothSpirit
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Her whole persona seems to be based on being a victim.

    • RAM
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Lol like she’s going to walk around 😂😂😂😂

    • Jumbleman5
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That is more of a self-deprecating joke than a mockery of her.

    • D C O
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Its funny

    • BlehBlah
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Doesn’t offend me but I can see why she was offended

    • murderbits
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I’m a huge fat dude and I wish more games let me crank the slider up to “ridiculously obese” or something. I kinda hate that every game’s slider only goes from “scrawny anorexic” to “relatively buff” or, at most, “slightly mildly overweight”. Lame.

    • Nightcups Ncups
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    a self burn that she never notice it, that is just Sadge

    • Roy Visser
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Gotta give her some credit tho. Its really amazing how people like her constantly find new ways to feel offended.

    • Art Djesus
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Put some white makeup on Asmondgold and that’s the Necro right there

    • Kugai
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The whole “I want to be represented” is just a load of horseshit.

    How narcissist are those people that they demand, or just want that kind of vanity???

    • Miguel Costa
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Why truth hurts?

    • TheRealXartaX
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Giant landwhale finds humor offensive.

    Next story coming up, water is wet.

    • CrimsonFlame
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I remember seeing that tweet. She was being all giddy about representation or whatever and in the comments someone posting saying why isn’t there a slider option for barbarians size

    • DuffyStrings
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She just wants to be a victim

    • SnowShow
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She’s probably miserable and mentally ill. It’s probably for the best that she blocks everyone.

    • Dimas Fazlur
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    quinn rex lmao

    • Phillip Storey
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I never was an asmongold fan because I never really followed him or wow, but the more I hear him speak, he genuinely is rational and his opinions are pretty good.

    • Hamfists Man
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    He’s calling her a clown. It’s unnecessarily mean. He was trying to be a d*ck.

    • sgonged
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I am fat. How dare you agree with me!

    • thaz fff
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    worst part is… this could get you banned from twitch asmon

    • Crosswalk
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you’re getting offended and don’t want to hear people’s opinions then don’t post a picture of you crying on the internet.

    • Alonescape
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quinn at it again with the fire memes

    • fatknacker46
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Stop consuming the animals and save them instead, u rotund drama Druid…

    • Kayareswon
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Yall hating on snu snu females

    • Jason
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    she made a stupid post
    he made a dick post
    no one really did great here…

    • Haschwell
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Quin literally making fun of himself and she turned it into an attack against her.

    • Arkcantoscreampsn:pc
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Fat people are delusional,
    they say they are proud of their body but then fly into a rage at the slightest perceived comment on it

    Are you “proud and unashamed” or not?

    • Rasma Chris
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If someone else had tagged her with an image of a druid and said it was her we’d have an argument for it being harassment and being unfair because no one deserves to have people go out of their way to harass them. But this was entirely a self inflicted.

    • Akza444
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    wtf, who donated new cloths to asom

    • Melkirth
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    What she should have done is photoshop quins face on the character and have a clown saying that it looks just like him🎉

    • DimePwnz
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    it’s weird because I have been able to adjust the weight with the slide of a bar since like n64 wcw wrestling character creation.. but blizzard didn’t manage to get that slider into d4 somehow.. yet somehow this is diversity/representation? What if I want to be a skinny druid? or a fat assassin? Surely you aren’t saying ALL Druids are fat :O :O :O
    can’t figure out for the life of me why people be clowning… xD

    • Atreides Pendragon
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So Asmon trying to real-life cosplay Varian Wrynn at some point?

    • Zono lith
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imma go full degenerate on this one and say that the female druid isn’t fat…

    She thicc.

    • Flexa s příklepem
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    A few years ago, all female characters would have been hot…

    • Jay Gatsby
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    song in video?

    • Charlie  Thompson
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Video game addiction is pathetic

    • Henry
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If she had one donut for every joke that offended her she’d be..
    oh wait.

    • chill tom speaking facts
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Asmongold this offends me I bet you’ve done digital blackface 😡

    • Dmitrijs Mironovs
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    imagine being happy about being built like a druid

    • Samantha
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Massive drama” eh?…

    • Rick
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    why couldnt we just have a good looking nordic woman sadge

    • Veiregor O’ Real
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    To be fair, female druid is not one sandwich away from clogged arteries

    • Jay1nca
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    dam ok

    • Thizlam
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She goes on to say: You know what? This is only the beginning.

    While I LOVE seeing myself in the Druid, I’d love to have this character customization as a sorcerer (my true favorite class) & all others

    This option is a start, & that’s what I’m celebrating here. There’s still a way to go

    How about you lose weight, and then you can identify more with the sorcerer which you like more? What is the obsession with people in needing a character in a game to look exactly like them?

    • Kim Lee
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So, regular day on Twitter? Ok.

    • Mili
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She got offended because he called himself a clown.

    • Yarko
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Druid looks lik she eats protein with a table spoon and that women looks like she eat sugar. Buff af = fat like me. holy delusional.

    • InconnuGlitterBoy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    “Built like me” – passive as shit. And, that druid has some kind of muscles at least.

    • Filo
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Cropsey741
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Average Twitter moment

    • twin_tailsz
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Chvrches bgm??

    • WolveWick
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    but make it seem like quin was calling her a clown for say thks to blizzard for make a fat character.
    and btw this fat phobia/shaming needs to stop aswell. am 1.81 tall and 78kg am not overweight. really didnt like asmongold take on this and i dont even know and follow none of this persons hes talking about.

    • Tatrandillia
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    You see, that girl, she called herself fat and noone cared about thaat, but me? I called myself a clown and what did society do?

    • George
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That “fat druid” female body can tov a truck if this two is same than I have thor body in God of war

    • Phil M
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    There’s also an enemy in-game that was based on this woman’s appearance. They’re known as ‘The Butcher’

    • cdave2006
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Christoph Stangl
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    hey, nice soundtrack on this video 🙂

    • Team Speak
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    twitter was a mistake for sure

    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    finally for once, asmongold hops off the woke bandwagon.

    • Silversurfer
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    She needs to learn how to take jokes, learn from the best. If anyone of us received a penny, for each time someone made fun of asmons baldness – we would all be billionaires.

    • Rangi Sawaiki
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Some people just can’t help but make everything about them.

    • Eskaroots
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    The woman can’t seem to understand that Quinn just tried to jump onto a trend she created to stay relevant xD

    • Akira Masashi
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Oh my god! A Twitter user is offended by something? Quick, call the national news!

    • Riggi G
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Well, at least she found a character she likes, I guess.

    • BM844
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine showing this to someone in 2010 and imagine their reaction

    • Pointless Creativity
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    I will not agree on that one. She made a joke, he made a political statement…

    • Actual
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    There was a lady trying to sue Capcom for using her likeness in Street Fighter 6. Only thing they had in common was the skin tone.

    • Katar Hall
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If you need to find personification in a digital character, that speaks to your problems beyond compare.

    • Bocchi The GuitarHero
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Dude will you pls make videos on other stuff too. This channel has been only Diablo 4 for a while now.

    • Falonefal
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    That person is not comfortable with their body, that’s why they’re lashing out despite broadcasting ‘body positivity’.

    • MRTwizyfizzy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    So he made a gag about himself and it offended her.

    • yeah
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Preaplanes
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Imagine the ego of thinking a character represents you. That’s called a self-insert, and it’s cringe. If you aren’t even the writer, not only are you cringe, you’re delusional to boot: it doesn’t represent you, it’s a character that has some things that resemble you. And if the resemblance is that “she’s fat”, that’s not only cringe, it’s ridiculous to boot.

    • Leaf
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Of course she gets offended. It’s Twitter.

    • Panda Angy
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    that shts halarious

    • Mystic LGD
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am


    • Patric Herrera
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    If your entire complex is that of a victim, you likely shouldn’t be on the internet.
    She made a meme, someone used the template, and she took immediate offense to it.

    Like all that did for her was self report that she is anticipating to be perceived as a clown. Time to log off or go private, the public is not for you.

    • Commisioner Q
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Ofc its twitter everyone is soft asf

    • NMRIH is a great Source mod – blessed by Cory’s lip
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Average Twitter user getting offended by dumbest stuff imaginable

    • Chromatic Luna
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Thank you Blizzard.

    • Facterino Commenterino
    • 2023年 3月 29日 8:29am

    Today’s Fact: The world’s largest single structure made by living organisms is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.