People are REALLY MAD at Diablo 4 right now.


Zizaran discusses the current Twitter thread of people just finding out that Diablo IV will have seasonal resets.

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#diablo #diablo4

Taqs:Zizaran,Ziz,ziz crucible,ziz poe,ziz diablo 4,diablo,diablo 4,diablo 4 campaign,diablo 4 review,diablo 4 world first,world first level 100 diablo 4,diablo iv,diablo 4 issues,diablo 4 lag,diablo 4 build,diablo 4 best build


  • コメント (1967)

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    • Mr.69
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t mind to grind again you had to do it in d2 and d3 too but the problem is levelling takes ages in this diablo

    • Adam Attrash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is my first Diablo game as well but at least I did my research on it and knew what I’m signing up for lol! I’m planning to create a class for each season, so in season 5 I will be out of content unless they add new classes 😅

    • Frank Zhu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The real issue is that the vast majority of player’s aren’t even going to be done with the campaign by the time season 1 hits, and starting over at that point is going to feel terrible, esp for more casual players that only play an hour or so a day. THat and not progressing the battlepass with eternal characters, it is not going to be great for casual player retention…

    • Marqvez Diaz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    thats what you get for trying to appeal to all the normies

    • Wizard of LoLz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    its funny to see people falling for AAA scams, surely a greedy company doesn’t ship a game with the sole purpose to milk its cows, S U R E L Y

    • Kaan Aktan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i just hate reopen map and altars is just waste of time imo

    • P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Problem for me currently at level 73 Sorc are really, really boring stats on items. Also another thing, im getting same drops over and over again… I already have like 5 pair of same „unique” boots, staffs etc. Like wtf…. Only stats are a bit different on each. Also the fact, that you cant change the aspect on your unique is like totally wierd. Just to mention, you actually dont get anything special for salvaging unique item, its just better to sell it. Who tf designed this game?!

    • BoomTag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Time for a standard league implementation?

    • Duskworker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    battle pass costs money. they never said in the ultimate edition that you would have to reroll to access the content you paid for.

    • Alias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I dunno this was all ridiculously easy to see coming.

    I refer you to Aztecross’s (Destiny 2 youtuber) video about how your average D4 player is feeling right now. He’s certainly no casual dad gamer. Probably takes the casual player anywhere from 1-3 months to even hit 100 versus D3 seasons where you get to max level in a matter of hours and start acquiring gear and paragon points right away.

    They’ve designed the game to *feel* like getting your class build online and capable is a much longer journey especially with having to do ~80% of all zone content for renown, only to reset it in less than 2 months from launch. They’ve also been told that all new content and battle passes etc. comes via seasonal characters *exclusively*, so have fun playing your irrelevant launch character?

    On what planet does your average gamer not see that as a slap in the face and an immediate quit moment?

    • J B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It is a terrible idea. Finding this out im prob gonna just quit.

    • Charly Thai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i just want them to fix the item drop for druids. unless it is fix and im unaware but right now i hate D4 cause investing hours into gear hunting and getting other classes unique sometimes legendaries makes me not wanna even try.

    • american-hairlines
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The fact that u have to get into a 4 man party and spam xp dungeons to reach lvl100 is kinda pathetic. As solo u can literally play foe weeks and never reach 100 while the group reached 100 in 48 hours… wtf

    • thornburg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Which games are these people playing that have battle passes without some kind of reset? I wasn’t aware that was a thing.

    • KIESER Sose
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I got to world tier 4 and if youre telling me I’m supposed to just repeat nightmare dungeons and helltide…i kinda see where they are coming from. Im bored now and only thing I can do is make new build and repeat. Yea no… gonna make a new build for season 1 and try but honestly I’m struggling to see the point in going 75 to 100. Literally just to see numbers get slightly bigger.

    • Lustin lis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I am already bored with the game (100 lv barb) and just sitting there waiting for the season to start.. So i can get fresh start 😀

    • Vaportheke
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The Entitlement of people will kill off every game, sooner or later.
    The outrage is unreal. People really should get a grip and ask themselves why they even play games in the first place.

    Everyone seems like they play games for a job and every inch not making progress is a waste of time.

    It’s infuriating.

    • Markus Johansson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think an easy solution is to only reset the ladder and have people create new characters if they want to take part of that.
    Casuals are not close to level 100 when new season drops yet so let them decide on their own if they want to keep playing or create new.
    Hardcore players that want to race can play ladder.

    • Kumoii
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These are 100% casuals who touch aRPGs with like 1-2 hours of gameplay each time they play. The CORE thing about aRPGs is the repetitiveness that they have. Is it for everyone? Absolutely not. But…. EVERY aRPG has it in some way shape or form… D2R/D2 has Magic Find runs, Chaos + Baal runs, Uber level farming, Cow farming. Diablo 3 had Rifts, Bounties & Greater Rifts. POE, while having a FAR bigger end game, still has that repetitiveness that all the others have. Do the story, get to maps, farm maps, farm the 20 different league mechanics or so in the maps & repeat. People who think that like.. The leveling via dungeon resetting was a bug/exploit. Are people who 100000000000% never touched aRPGs. Diablo 2 had: Cow level, Uber level leveling WAY back in the day, Chaos runs, Baal runs, Tristram runs. Diablo 3, while you would just use Rifts to hit level 70 & then boom end game. They’re still farmable 🤣 Path of Exile, while not as elaborate as say D2. We do have resetting Blood Aquaducts for some early levels/Innocence Chambers & then end game we have Coward’s Trial ROTA/Chalupa ROTAs/Legion 5 ways etc. EVERY aRPG has had/has some way to power level someone/people. Never been a bug/exploit. It’s purposely intended. Not having non-seasonal characters not be able to progress a SEASONAL battle pass 100% makes sense and is fair. Don’t buy the 90$ version if you didn’t pay attention to that. Granted, Blizz should’ve elaborated a bit better. But use some common sense people.

    • Adopted by Bitcoin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    So basically youre explaining that there is lack of knowledge in the diablo community about battle passes and seasons. Here the problem, easy to solve 🎉

    • user
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    How did so many people buy a $70 game and apparently not look anything into it besides that it exists

    • Realm Chat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m really liking the game, and who the hell still uses twitter, lolz.

    • Einfach ich
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    seasons and fresh starts are what makes arpgs interesting. Only thing thats probably gonna make me stop playing is farming renown every season.

    • Koos De Beer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Hi Zizaran. First of, solid content. Only recently started watching your stuff (Poe league) and really enjoying your mature and informed insight into D4. I think the concern about seasons may stem from that last part where you spoke about “enjoying the time you spend playing the game”. The current gameplay in D4 during certain sections of leveling is deeply boring and just something that I try to push past for the next part. The 70 – 80 grind, the 60 – 70 breaking into tier 4 etc etc. All of these are really not fun but something I try to push through to get to the next power spike where things are awesome again. Playing with friends does help a lot in this case. For me the concern comes in when I have to do the 1 – 100 again (still dont have a 100 char yet) in the new season and it plays similar to now I probably wont stick it out. Just my 5 cents. Keep up the good content!

    • Shidiwen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    these tweets hurt my brain, people are really this stupid? Not understanding a new season is essentially a RACE, there would be no point in a race if everyone started at the finish line its that simple. Dont want to race, Dont play the season. SIMPLE AS THAT.

    • Martin Zyka
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I wonder why those people have this problem… could it be becuase the first hours and hours are just boring meaningless grind when your build doesn’t work and the activities you do are at best tolerable and at worst outright asinine? the extremely polished and fantastic cinematics are not gonna be as interesting for the second, or third time. They become irrelevant.
    So when you decide to overproduce the parts for 1st playthrough ad underproduce repeatable content, this is what you get.

    I dunno I am majorly disappointed with d4 and th complete lack of innvation. I am bored to death with it.

    • Xenolithal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i was hoping for a “next chapter” feel to the season reset

    • damagus90
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is what happens when you make a confusing game and bring people from different genres 🙂 Is this an MMO or is this an ARPG? The game doesn’t know and people don’t know what to expect either 🙂

    • Halcyon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is exactly why I haven’t started playing yet, knowing that after doing Beta Weekends 1 and 2, then the Server Slam, playing pre-season then starting ‘for real’ was going to be one start in as many months too many.

    Ultimately while it is incumbent on the D4 team to make this clearer in-game, this has been repeated on their website, tweets, videos, etc.. etc… and are really complaints coming through from gamers unfamiliar with contemporrary arpg’s AND haven’t bothered to look at any paraphernalia (aking to not reading the instruction manual).

    I can sympathise, but the lack of awareness is not something anyone can prevent – especially in a culture that absolves personal responsibilty. Yes it’s a game, yes it’s a leisure activity, but you hit the point on the head Ziz – either you enjoy playing it for the sake of what it is, or you stop playing it because you simply don’t find it fun. I think there’s a FOMO crowd these days that are fast becoming as toxic and detrimental to the industry as the locusts that swarm from game to game (and ultimately had such a ruinous effect on mmo’s).

    • Heckulous
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    this game will maybe be ok-ish after a year of patching, but is incredibly boring in its current state. No motivation at all to go on a season “journey”

    • squid4016
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These are crybabies of the worst kind. Their comments are written like they have tremendous insight, but they probably didnt have that big an interest in D4 or the ARPG genre to begin with, or they would have found out about how seasons are done before the game even released. I really feel the disconnect too, Ziz is on spot with that. Personally I can’t say its a big loss if the season pass of all things is the make or break point and these people go back to playing Fortnite or whatever game they played before.

    • Seth Burleigh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    yeah ive been seeing people that finish the campaign and theyre like “ok, ive finished the game! time for a new one!” diablo 4 has definitely hit a mainstream audience and many of these people dont get or see the appeal of a seasonal game.

    • Taylor Torres
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I understand seasons but don’t like them at all

    • Tamatini
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    you only see noobs complaining on twitter because those who enjoy the game are busy playing it

    • Wes Weeblez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    thats like saying we didnt loose our chr if we died in hc in d2 lol

    • TheIronTenth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 4 is bad ass Diablo 2 was one of my favorite games when it came out.

    • Wes Weeblez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    the renown grind is the only part that pisses me off

    • tabin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Weeeeeell, you can say you are a diablo2/3 veteran and you don’t know seasons because at the beginning D2 and D3 didn’t have seasons. I played shit tone of D2 in the year 2000 and concept of seasons didn’t even exist back then. Same with D3 – no seasons for hundreds of hours at the beginning.

    • Charles Hill
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played D2 extremely casually when I was a kid. Never had a solid build never beat hardest difficulty. Absolutely loved the game though…had a blast in my own way. I tried D3 and I couldn’t get into it.

    Got D4 and am blown away. Easily the best in the series. I’m takin it in strides, farming at my leisure. I’d love to be able to defeat Uber lilith and a t100 dungeon just for LoLs. But I’m not competitive with this game and don’t plan on it.

    I’m gonna play my druid pulverisor, and rebuild a new druid during the first season.

    I will say though I’m a tad put off by having to farm everything. I guess my goal will have to be with each new season play a different class and build for each one. I’ll do a Werewolf Druid next, or a ranged rogue after. Maybe do a summons necro!

    Anyway…my only hope is that it doesn’t turn into wow, where you only can get the best gear if you’re lifeless and play 12 hours a day. It’s time for a Renaissance in RPGs, some people like to get the best gear early and enjoy it rather than always having the false sense of progression through always having a piece a of gear to grind. I play ESO for ten years. You can get your top gear early and just enjoy the challenging content afterword. I want that for this game…

    • Restomize
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Why tf would I care about a live service Diablo im playing it like it’s single player so fk the battle pass ill just hit 100 and quit easy. Don’t buy anything unless you accept companies won’t let you refund after 2hrs of gameplay rather than how games used to be were you have 15 days. They do this on purpose cause they know they are gonna fk u in the ass.

    • Martin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    4:18 Well. You make a good point my friend. As an ARPG player. However I empathize with this tweet as a non-ARPG player, I’ve played a lot – of games in basically every other genre though. I think the core issue here is actually that WHILE playing the game you want to keep building on your work. It is like if in Minecraft, or Sons of the Forest, or frankly most games where you build something it is suddenly removed by someone else then you – or – almost as bad – the game’s new content enforces you to restart, essentially removing your content or at least a huge chunk of it. If you build a character, or whatever – most would naturally want to keep on building without redoing any crumble of it – this is the fantasy most games building something holds on to – building to the infinity – unless that is what you set off to do – like replaying a campaign on ur fav. games.

    • lol
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Season pass/reset in an an MMO masked as an arpg. Laughable.

    • colt shanks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is why you check out a product before you buy it. I watched a decent bit of videos and have experience playing d2, d3 and POE. I have a friend who doesnt even wanna touch this UNTIL the first season hits and then begin hardcore playing because of seasonal rewards. But you know, somehow D3 magically did not have seasons ? best comment ever.

    • GandalfTheBAE
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    New seasons/leagues have always been my favorite part of playing ARPGs. I hope the newer players can give the system a chance and see how fun it can be to have regular resets.

    • Sam Merkle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I will preface this comment by saying I’m a long time POE player and I’ve played a lot of Last Epoch as well. I’ve participated in a lot of POE seasons, during many of which I made multiple characters. I’ve made a lot of different characters in Last Epoch since the multiplayer came out as well.

    Honestly, removing the need to go through the campaign in Diablo 4 was a mistake. There’s no “map” system or “echo” system like Path of Exile or Last Epoch so there’s nothing to do to level up efficiently in the same manner for everyone. Running through the map doing random stuff just to level up is not fun.

    When I started a new character last week and found that the map was completely fogged and NOTHING mapwise carried over, I immediately got off the game for that night. It did not make me want to play. Thank God they are changing some of that, because I honestly would have never touched the game again. But as it is, I still have no interest in playing any of the seasons.

    Making a new character in Diablo 4, even after they update the map progression to carry over, does not and will not feel as good as it does in Path of Exile or Last Epoch. In those ARPG’s, you make a new character and go through the story again. Sure it sucks, but you know what to do and you know you’ll be at roughly the same level as always when you are done with it. But making a new character in D4 and just going out into the world sucks. It isn’t fun for me AT ALL.

    I honestly don’t know if I’ll play any of the seasons unless they make some big changes, even if I did buy the $100 edition. The biggest thing is the endgame is just not fun for me. The nightmare dungeons SUCK. The mods are so annoying. They don’t introduce fun challenges, it just introduces a lot of ways to piss you off. I just spent the last 6 hours before watching the video doing nightmare dungeons and helltide stuff with two buddies, and I didn’t have much fun doing any of it. But I can do maps or echos for 10 hours straight without even taking a break. I’m know there’s plenty of POE vets that feel the same way, but I know there are some that got sucked in by D4 and I don’t understand how. I wish i enjoyed it but I just don’t.

    • INevaFreeze
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s not Blizzards fault nolifers destroyed the content first week missing sleep then complain about a game that was made more for casuals. If you don’t like this game go to Path of Exile, it’s a great game made for players like you. Blizzard has been listening to our complaints and i’m confident they will make the end game more fun.

    • Harry Gray-blest
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’d be annoyed too if I hadn’t even finished campaign before the new season coming out, however this is not a fault with game design 🤣

    • TheTickyTickyTicky
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    *Games being moderately difficult*

    “I’m dad with 2 jobs and 3 kids, the game’s too time consuming, you need to make the game easier because dads that should be given a higher priority over everyone else”

    • Nick Jordan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Very stupid to exclude normal players from battlepass progress unless they make a season character. I too hate that…almost as much as the dumb decision to not include a global chat.

    • Aljoscha Rudawski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    AFAIK D4 wasnt really marketed as an ARPG – more like an MMO. So players in ‘our’ bubble always were certain about characteristic ARPG features but the general audience not.

    I still remember that I started PoE in ~2018 after falling out of love with WoW and I was 100% sure that I would never play seasonal because… what a dumb concept that would be :>
    Some things you only understand once you have experienced them.

    • Gungrave123
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s what Blizzard get for aiming for the casualest possible audience but still trying to cater the game towards the 0,1% top players. Same mistake as WoW.

    • DoItDifferent
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Asmongold makes the worst people famous

    • Gungrave123
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I am not mad. I am just insanely gleeful because i was confirmed right – the game is shallow, hollow f2p quality garbage for 99$ box price. And it died in 2 weeks.

    • Joostin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    All games technically a waste of time..key word..entertainment..

    • Fayahfly
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If Diablo IV is like old and greedy pervert dragon who’s balls are starting to rot then Path of Exile II will be self sure and good looking middle aged knight who can actually satisfy your needs lol

    • Nino Brown
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    why people f*ing crying so much these days? jeez… people want to have everything, but don’t want to do anything for it. this mentality is getting more and more annoying…

    • Banzinar Banzinar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m baffled. When I was new to ARPGs (Diablo 2) I was obsessed with making new characters. It would have been surprising for me to get through act 3 before rerolling to a new idea or class fantasy. The opportunity to switch it up with a new class for the season while experiencing new systems seems like it would have been fun even to newbie me.

    I think this reaction could have to do with a mentality that reaching lvl 100 is the goal to shoot for, and I believe that is a misguided approach for a new player. There are many ways to squeeze the fun out of an ARPG, so I won’t go around telling anyone how to have fun. But I also think the genre fundamentally is a fun found in the grind. Embrace it, or don’t and stay sane (although a lot less fun).

    • Wot Wot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Could be those Diablo veterans played when internet was not good. I played D2 without internet and enjoyed thoroughly having to discover all things myself or local friends. Even during Dota 1, we did not have internet but we had LAN cafe’s where the meta was local. Of course we were bad at the game but we had extreme fun because everyone was pretty much at the same amount of knowledge of the game and your creativity pays off a lot.

    • Ephesian Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    You people have to realize how narcisstic you sound, its literally just the souls fanbase all over again. Company markets to a bigger audience, new audience comes in and has new ideas, old audience gets mad and tries to gatekeep everything well been condecending, new audience gets tired and gives up on game. Stop this whole “I played Diablo 2 I’m a veteran”, your the one creating a disconnect just to stroke yourself off instead of having progressive conversation.

    • TidalCliff
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    When people hear “seasons” they think like Destiny 2 where it’s new content to do with the characters you’ve been progressing.

    • Charles’s Outdoor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played Diablo 1 when it came out years ago. I’m more into first person games, but decided to give D4 a try because I just love finding cool loot. The story line is amazing and the side quest are too. I bought the edition that included the battle pass because I’m use to COD battle passes. I figured the battle pass must be something after hitting max level. I’m clueless to seasons in D4 and the battle pass. I also don’t rush to level a character and play a lot of Alts. I figure why rush to 100. Now I’m kinda confused. I didn’t do a lot of research on Youtube because I wanted to just play the game and discover everything as I go. Now I’m a bit confused as to why you start a new character each season unless you get something different to do each season rather than just do the same map and quests over and over. I really didn’t expect to play after completing the campaign anyhow. So if it’s fun I’ll play, otherwise I’ll play till I’m bored and move on.

    • krizigu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have levelled several characters in D3 to over 1k para and I have never considered myself a “veteran” player. Guess compared to these guys, I am a veteran or even a hardcore gamer. Unbelievable.

    • Alex Oliveira
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 2 didnt have “seasons” and it was the best game ever… that’s what old players want imo 😀

    • matthew almond
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The thing that makes me feel out of touch is that I thought seasons and character reset is the best part of ARPGs. It doesn’t exactly force me to try other characters but would push ne to not use the same character again all season

    • Tim Brown
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The backlash is because Diablo 4 is particularly poorly designed as a replayable game. Very shallow, very boring. Played D2 and POE for decades. Will not make another char in d4.

    • Tyco Pazifist
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Oh noez… I have to play season to progress the “seasonal battlepass”….. really?

    • Alex Oliveira
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm


    • Haise Own
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    So fun to listen to cries of the non arpg players being confused haha, “I wanna have fun like any other arpg player but I dont want to put the work in when new season comes out” the classic mmo/destiny boomers thinking its about being max level doing daily tasks like its a job, pathethic.

    • XeroDeus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’d be down for Blizzard to do both… separate ladders or whatever… if people want to play the new season on their permanent characters … go for it! Then start a new ladder for the more hardcore ARPG players, to race to the top in the new season.

    I totally get where more casual players are coming from, or if they’re coming from something more like a traditional MMO where you don’t start over from level 1. And if they don’t have the time to play for more than 1 or 2 hours a week, starting over would suck – and they wouldn’t even get back to where they started by the time the season reset again… that would feel so defeating.

    • M K
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The grind to lvl 100 is alot easier then the grind to lvl 99 in d2 and unless u played pvp it was kinda pointless anyway here u have uber lilith as a goal.
    The problem what makes d4 feel more grindy is that u dont have trading like in d2!
    Trading would make this game so much better and rewarding but since blizzard is to stupid and greedy to to monitor an ingame ah thats what happens to the casual audience

    • Khai Do
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    the dev could’ve done something interesting like when you hit level 100, you have the option to reset that character or roll another class for the new season, and doing so allows you to keep “level points”, which you can use to allocate into stats or into something similar to the paragon tree. This not only solve the issue of “wtf is the point of grinding this character” but also give seasonal characters purpose. And if you’re a late player you get massive exp boost to catch up to the seasonal players.

    • Puri Fied
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Well, this is what happens when you acquire your audience through KFC.

    • LuKe Lucky nBlue
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    😀 i’m also mad why? because the game should use it’s competition and it’s own predecessors to release with more content…
    I would personally forgive them for end game being boring that is what i can live with..
    But what i can’t live with is that they launch a Game with a 5 classes that have like 2-3 good build to clear the end game
    meanwhile diablo 3 is having so much more..and even POE is having much much more character building
    Diablo 4 is too restrictive when it comes to building a character…and paragon boards are boring as hell…
    Crafting is terrible…MMO aspect of diablo 4 is ruining my experience because somehow my internet is having 20 ms on wow or lol and 17ms on POE
    meanwhile in d4 i’m in 120-160 range with sttuters everytime i go into different map my horse is stuck everytime i go into different map…
    and no it’s not my internet

    • Keyes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They ruin everything and complain about everything. Cant wait until they are flushed out and burnt out, so Blizzard can focus on hardcore contents for the hardcores. 🖕casuals.

    • Trevor Shingler
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think if they didnt make the grind to 100 so bad in the preseason then people wouldnt care about releveling. But its brutal to get to 100 right now which i understand is part of the game but for new comers to arpgs and have a life im only 62 and theres no way id even make it to 100 by season 1 im not even half way there. If they dumbed the lvling down a bit pre season and let us try out more then just 1 class too see which we like ( im an altaholic i wont say sorry ) then i think that would of helped. Or have a “test” sever for u can make a class to lvl idk 60 to test skills and aspects and stuff bcus before then hell even then ur build is not good yet and doesnt feel clean to play its still very clunky. ive played other games that have done that but its very far and few between.

    • Rathernot Disclose
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m an ARPG veteran but still kinda on the fence about the way they’re doing seasons with Diablo 4 because while it is an ARPG they are clearly kinda trying to be an mmo-lite type game. There is WAY more to re-acquire in diablo 4 than any other diablo or path of exile or any other ARPG and re-leveling is going to feel like way more of a slog than it does in those other games. With that in mind, something different might be more appropriate. Maybe carry over ALL our renown instead of just 1/3 of it because honestly the leveling is so slow in this game that its still gonna be a huge chore.

    • Michael Foster
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I hate that the default response to the criticisms is “that’s just core to ARPGS”, maybe blizzard should look to innovate on the ARPG genre. I have about 750 hours in POE and this whole seasonal events model is old and redundant. I think it would be a cool ADDITION to the game but not the core design moving forward. I think if they modeled the game more towards the Lost Ark side of things (without pay to win) Blizzard would see much more long term success.

    • Kradarak
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah, I’m good not playing a Blizzard game ever again.

    • J
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    When I first started PoE in 2014, I quit before finishing the campaign because I had the same sentiment as well but as a MMORPG player.
    Once I found out the appeal of seasonal content and new updates in PoE, I got hooked to it. IMO, D4 has to offer exciting seasonal contents to make people hop into it first.

    • Vemix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I find it fascinating how people apply “meaning” to different things. “What is the point of even playing if you must make more characters etc.” As if the things you are doing on a lvl 99 character are more “meaningful” than on a lvl 10. ARPG’s are very much so games for people that enjoy the journey more than the destination.

    • Emeriss
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ur 2 slow to comprehend .. period.

    • RonnyOmelettes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is my first ARPG and I’m loving the game and I have to confess I had no idea that’s how they worked lol. I think this actually probably helps to keep the game fresh, I’ll play my Druid in the Eternal Realm and try out new classes in the seasons.

    • Geers Tyresoil
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    its D1,D2 vs D3, D4. legacy gaming vs modern. old timers also don’t want to roll new characters too.

    • Vorbeck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’ve seen a lot of this on the D4 reddit, pretty surprising

    • Aksel Olsson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    But your playing the game! Thats whats suposed to be fun right?! xD I think ppl will come around soon.

    • Vibhu Rishi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    In PoE I don’t need to pay for seasons. With the game pass does it mean I need to pay over and above the cost of the game ?

    • Gijontin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Man, I just get annoyed by people like this, this is why I try to avoid forums around any things and/or concepts that I like

    • Jamie Anderson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It takes like 60-80 hours to hit level 100 with a character. A huge amount of people are nowhere near maxing even their main character, lots haven’t even cleared the msq yet. Now they HAVE to make a whole new character every 3 months to access a battle pass which we can be pretty sure, will be hella grindy in itself. This is great for the hardcore fans who are ready and willing to drop 1000+ hours into the game. But for anyone else, this seems very intense and most probably won’t bother unless there’s an exp boost or level skip with the campaign skip or something.

    • JAGE ttv
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 2 and 3 were not released with seasons in mind, they had to add them in after they tried to “fix” their games and broke them but still wanted some cash, so now they just want some cash

    • Kirill Zrazhevskiy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    issue with seasons in D4 is progression TOO SLOW. 20-30 hrs in POE i can get to endgame, 20-30 hrs in D4 is barely lvl55. D4 have very bad dopamine(upgrades to character/goals reached) to time spent value. im talking Solo here. Solo d4 is BORING and SLOW. Maybe you have fun playing with friends but you can play anything with friends and have fun. 99.99% of arpg players are solo

    • 바보Queen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    what bothers me most is all these god dam “game journalist” hopping on the bandwagon , and having zero integrity , its almost as if they have no idea what an arpg is.. when its literally their job

    • shadowshape100
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    All I hope is you can do the season without max lvl but as a d3 player sence the start I know how most of the season stuff is going to work lol .

    • DamienGTH
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    From the look of it, its not really the seasons that are the big issue. It’s them making battle pass tied to seasonal characters only. Majority of these complaints would probably leave if they could still get and progress battle pass content on existing characters. It’s a blatant cash grab via FOMO, can’t skip a season without also losing a battle pass if it had something you wanted.

    • Beg4 Mercy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Creating a game from scratch is dumb for each season. Just get rid of seasons.

    • A K
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Bring on the seasons! I’ll have a 100 necro by then, and will be ready to make a Rogue for season 1 🙂

    • A K
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If they are complaining about the fact that they have to play a new character, and were only planning to play a single character in the game, then the game is maybe not for them.

    • Heinz S
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The devs could always make a ‘standard mode’ just like POE.

    This way the Veterans get their ‘seasonal grind’ and everyone who disagrees can keep slowly progressing.

    • Cap’n Moby
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The game cannot cater to every nuances of audience because it’s an arpg game that is all about the gear chase and grind or whatnot, people who don’t have time for that core gameplay that makes an arpg, shouldn’t be playing the game to begin with.

    No I ain’t gatekeeping and I’m probably coming off as an asshole but if you are a busy person with a lot of stuff in their lives, y’all should just probably back off and take things at your own pace, you don’t have to grind for the bis gear, you don’t have to go for higher tiers just enjoy the game as is and take things at a bite size pace, because what will happen is it will become a tug of war for people who are in line with the arpg gameplay loop vs the more casual people that works 8 to 9 and it’ll do more harm than good and confuse the devs.

    • Flo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    There are two main problems I think: 1st leveling to 100 takes to long as it includes paragon, and not being 100 before the reset feels unfinished. 2nd in t4 mobs should also start scaling from 50 because t3 just feels like a waste of time for the most part

    • mick pratt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Why is anybody concerned what the casuals think? Most of them will be gone playing Spiderman 2 or Starfield in a couple of months.

    • Danny Bauman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Sigh, I guess Blizzard really needs to explain stuff to folks.

    • G00R00
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    You’ve been trolled my man, all reddit posts are like this now. The ones roleplaying dads/casuals vs the hardcore fans (or trolls)

    • 1337 Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I stopped playing a week after release because the real game doesn’t start until season 1. It’s basically like we’ve been playing the extended beta until season 1 starts. Games still not finished

    • javismix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I really hope Bliz does seasons like POE, most of D3 seasons were horrible

    • Tommy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Currently the end game is extremely dull and lackluster. I feel sorry for the people who didn’t understand how arpg’s don’t innovate and stick to the same stale seasonal design philosophy beliving it’s okay rather than adding more horizontal and vertical progression by raising a level cap and adding more gear. It’s an old design that should be changed. Just because all Arpg’s have this design doesn’t mean it’s a good design, it’s lazy by every metric and defines a studio as incapable of furthering a genre beyond what it is already. Just happens this is very profitable for the companies so why bother when people are paying for mediocrity.

    • Guybrush Threepwood
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    haha wait. there are people who actually think that repeating a dungeon is a bannable offense? LMAO. shut the $$$$$ UPPPPPPPPPPP

    • Jymbo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The BP should be accessable to Eternal players. Since it isn’t they are forcing players into seasonal who don;t want to play that way. I never played the seasons. Always the perma servers in all Diablo and POE. I don’t enjoy re-leveling over and over. There are people who do, nothing wrong with that, just as there is nothing wrong with Eternal/perma players.

    • Izanagi Orochi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I wouldn’t call myself a hardcore player even though I often play 3 days straight,my only problem was the renown but I’m already over that and no longer mind it, starting over is just par for the course for ARPG’S.Can’t wait to start season 1 with my Blighted CE Necro with all the knowledge I’ve gained up until this point

    • Amber Room
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    didnt seasons come because of the duped sojs and the diablo clone? 😀

    • Saturn MoonRocks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    oh well weeds out the none diablo players seen this coming XD

    • Almighty Pull
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The main thing I want for this game is the ability to skip to lvl40 on an alt after beating the campaign. I hit lvl 75 on my rogue and want to try the other classes out but i just feel like I’m trapped. I just really don’t want to dump another 6 plus hours into another character just to get them to lvl 50.

    • Lucid D
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons came later in the arpg history, at the beginning the diablo franchise started what we called back then graphical roguelike or whatever it was called back then, roguelike have a very long history before diablo came and was already “set in stone”. The point here is that they just slapped in graphic into an already existing game design. And it was done more because of this new technical ability than anything else (its not like they invented it at all). Seasons aren’t really key feature, might be for you because you are a younger audience than me and always played arpg with seasons, wasn’t always like this. The repetitive aspect was a core feature in roguelike, your character wasn’t supposed to live eternally but die, and then you’d have to rerun the game with an other character, which is why those features are still core in arpg. Modern Arpg is not all of the gender. It’s a bit like some of the WOW fan that seam to think Wow is all about mmorpg, when in fact it’s only a specific subgenre of it. In any case D4 isn’t really an Arpg in my book, it’s more of a mix and tbh more a themepark mmo for me at least. Gating their micro transaction behind their season is lowkey, sorry, one more reason those modern game designed as cash cow aren’t cutting it for many people.

    • TheLegendBroly SS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Only thing I don’t like is leveling is way too slow for seasonal, for eternal sure whatever. But heck I feel like I’ve played a lot and still not 70.

    • Jimi Hendrix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It amazes me how streamers can interact with twitch chat and youtube comments every day, and not realize how dumb most people are.

    • Crixis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    S1 starts we do it as intended.
    S2 starts and now s1 bp and content moves to eternal realm for people not wanting to regrind.
    S3 begins and s1 is removed from eternal and S2 bp and content moves to eternal realm.
    Keeping both player bases fresh and happy.

    • Kevin Senekal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D2 to D3 – big shift, lots of new features and mechanics
    D3 to D4 – copy and paste with new graphics, new features boring and a waste of time. Story was terrible, I think only one cinematic was half decent.

    • Aaron Tylee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Having the battlepass tied to a season is definitely a bit strange. Like, there’s nothing wrong with having on an eternal realm char at all. The grind for S1 will suck and to be honest I’m a little worried that levelling a second character without the campaign for S1 might get stale. I have 1 level 62 rogue and am saving levelling a new class for the season.

    • Steel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is why gatekeeping is a good thing. The ARPG genre is not large, but it is unique, with unique progression and a faster pace of character development. Meanwhile, every other “live” game has for years been slowly but surely turning into the same homogenous blob of mechanics bastardized from the MMO genre and progression that is meant to keep you on a vertical treadmill until the end of time. This leads to power creep, it leads to content obsolescence (often as soon as a new patch comes out), it leads to an insane reliance on FOMO to keep players logging in every day, it leads to things such as time gated and time locked content so people don’t consume the “current content” too fast. ARPGs avoid all of these issues, they have fast paced progression, all the content in the game is always relevant, there is no endless treadmill as your character always has an endpoint… seasonal resets enable these things.

    Then you have people who know absolutely NOTHING about ARPGs coming and demanding that D4, literally one of maybe 3 current active ARPGs that are pretty good and shows future promise, turns into one of their Destiny esque abominations, there are PLENTY of those, but only a few ARPGs… excuse me for telling them to get the hell out, to either educate themselves on what this genre is, or to go play something else more to their tastes. I’m not gonna be quiet as clueless twitter users attempt to ruin a genre I enjoy.

    • Keddy Fruger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The loot sucks. Players wouldn’t have all these other gripes right now if they were preoccupied with a fun and engaging item chase, but there isn’t because this loot system is total ass.

    • ThundeRZ Lundorff
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If you only have one hour to play a video game today you chose to prioritize your like like that? You have responsabilities ? Your day as a gamer is just done and you have other things to do , let the game be for gamers and dont invest hours into a game that takes 1000s of hours to get the best gear anyway..

    • Roovio
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think the main issue is how crazy long it takes to level in d4. I dont wanna have to level another character when it takes me 100+ of super hard grinding to even get close to levelcap

    • Lovire
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is the biggest example of consumer stupidity, like if you dropped 70usd (or 110 aud) and didnt even do a little bit of research im sorry thats on you. As far as I can tell blizzard never hid this, and most arpg players fully expected this, so the only people who are surprised or confused are those who didnt do their research.

    From a more sympathetic perspective i also dont know if i can be fucked re-grinding renown, but beyond that idm.

    • Sir Didimus23
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played a few seasons in D3, but D4 is so much more tedious in terms of leveling and grind. I don’t know if I will have the time to really take part in seasons and make the most of it

    • Crystallized Soul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These people. It’s like they’re downloading Counter Strike and expect a beat em up game like Tekken. lol

    • AscendantGaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t see the appeal of playing eternal realms when season 1 hits, I don’t understand these people. Starting fresh with everyone else is the excitement of the game, it’s what brings us veteran players back. Why would anyone want to literally grind the same character eternally never finding upgrades because eventually you will hit your cap and you’ll get bored and quit.

    • aivenho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have a friend who “burnt out” at level 25 barb. He got bored and I understand him – playing the most boring class in world 1/2 in act 1-2 is as boring as it gets. Now I know that it gets more fun when your build is zooming and there are a bit more (still no enough) mobs on the screen, though honestly the gameplay doesn’t change that much as only new thing are helltides after campaign.
    But people like him are so many and they haven’t seen anything from the game yet!
    Another thing – I don’t get the unhealthy obsession of getting to level 100.. why do you want that? why? For uber lilith? don’t think there is any incentive to kill her both for casuals and hardcore players. Yet there seems to be the logic from these people that thats the goal.

    • tjparkour24
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I play PoE every league, when I stop having fun that league I stop playing until the next. I thought this was the standard for all arpgs. Highly confused. The game itself is so fun (PoE) that the league progression just means I get to re-experience that fun every new league from scratch, instead of feeling like I need to grind dozens of divines for my next upgrade on an endgame build. These people seem to be playing for the extrinsic reward of getting levels and loot but forgetting that they are playing a game who’s sole purpose is fun.

    • Luthor Kadamur
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i don’t really care for seasons, I don’t plan on doing any of that mess I was just waiting to see if season uniques and such were going to come to eternal. My current problem with the game is the constant and unending tide of items that are 20 levels below my character. I’m level 61, doing T15-18 nightmare dungeons and all I get is unusable level 40-50 gear and it honestly have not gotten an upgrade to any of my items since level 45 probably.

    • ROPO
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t necessarily think it’s weird that people didn’t realise, like you said if you hadn’t played an arpg why would you. But on that one comment, as a new dad that also has little time to play that’s why I love diablo.

    With seasons if you don’t get a chance to constantly play you can just dip into the ones that work for you for as long as you want👌🏻

    • Boots On!
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah, same boat as you Ziz, that dude who said D3 didn’t have seasons really make me do a double take. I’ve been playing since D1, played heaps of PoE, last epoch and now D4. It boggles the mind they CBF doing a little research to see how seasons are normally implimented. Also crazy to just say “hell no, this wont work, fix…” without even giving an idea of what they would prefer.

    • ashurbanipal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    That ‘journalist’ just makes clickbaits, basically a spam generator, it should be disregarded as a human being, it’s just an ad views generator

    • Nick
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I like the gameplay but the story threw me. Each act seems like it was written by a different person who didn’t know what was in the other acts.. the narrative as a whole doesn’t seem consistent or even cohorent to me. At the start in act’s 1 and 2 lilith is clearly a bad person especially with donans son but then when she comes back into the story at the end now she’s been displayed more sympathetically and there is no connective tissue explaining the stark change from the start to the end of the game. The epilogue really threw me too.. the brotherhood penitent showing up and attacking just seem to make no sense at all.. we spent act 1 side by side brother in arms with them and now out of no where litterally after the game is finished there is a 10 second scene were we kill them and are now enemies and i feel like im the bad guy in that scene.. like wait what? the story really seems fragmented and confusing to me. Each act on its own is a decent sub story but it honestly feels like 6 seperate stories glued together after the fact.

    • impose Wun
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    so i feel like it wont matter.. look at seasons in d2 that shit was always played so i mean like we all knew that it was gonna be like this. its only the new players that are crying but apart of seasons is literally doing the race and leaderboard
    people need to understand that , the whole game is based on finding new metas and being the fastest through, and melting dungeons, the game is literally based off moving forward if htat makes sense . its rinse and repeat, the point of seasons is dont get attached cuz a your seasonal character moves to eternal for starters at the end of season and b it keeps it fresh so your not just on one type of game play as the game doesnt really change as its a dungeon farming game with the whole purpose of gear and time flex. the games have always been a 10 yr game, dm made a great point, people watch shit and want it now, dont wanna grind etc cuz they already know instead of going in blind. the point of releasing season later is so they can do balances in the first moment of release , see how everyone plays how the game handles etc like further past the beta literally. so like we seen of course there has been updates to play around and there will be a major one before season release for the season, the pass and any balances and bug fixes as now its an online thing with pvp areas, id not be surprised if eventually they add a arena mode like immortal so we can all fight in arenas and find games, there will be group finders to lets be real, it will all come.
    firs thing think about this, they release the game season comes, so the first characters you make dont get attached to, use them as a lesson then bang speed through game keeping the best gear for later when you merge seasonal and non seasonal.
    but really people just need to understand its like a sport season yeah, you start fresh with zero points, at the end of the season you start again, but you get to keep your old jersey and play with it in an exhibition type setting (eternal) and understand seasonal characters have a major chance to gain better gear and at the end transfer into eternal and access that gear between character’s.., they will most likely introduce sets again like they do every game as its the same game just now in the future. people just need to ask them self , what they want out of the game for starters, b its a 10 year game this shit wont be over night and if you followed over to play due to hype of others and clout expecting something else, possibly your own fault if you didnt do the research .ALSO by making the pass only available to season characters makes sense to in a way, it keeps it fresh and its like the competitive part of the game , again no one is holding a gun to your face going buy it, screaming unfair that i cant pay for it and think i can let it sit is silly, look at all games with a pass its the season, this is the time period you have to do it, again you can still do the season and not even buy the pass, its just cosmetics? idk why people are crying lmao who cares about them literally if you dont like the game dont play it and or dont comment ahha its that simple cuz for the people that actually want to play the game its their opinion that matter as they will play it for the next 10 years or for how ever long until the next title in the series if there is another . i wont pretend there isnt some cons to the game in my opinion but again its just an opinion and apart from that the game is great, fuck what these idiots that hate on it say. half of them want to play offline with shit boosted so they can seem like they are good anyway XD and anyone that reckons

    • CommanderDog
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Twitter was a mistake.

    • Mr. Anderson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    the problem with diablo 4 is that there’s no point to level past 70 for the time it takes.

    • Drokar LDMM
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    going to finish out grinding out my rogue for now an dplay the first season with the first battle pass, ill reserve judgement after but so far the more i play this the more i just miss how poe plays lol

    • Teeleh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The game is just not in a good state for seasons right now. It’s slow, grindy in a bad way, and lacks an overwhelming number of QoL necessities. Leveling scaling is an atrocious mess. Player power fantasy of feeling their character get strong is basically entirely absent–at least as far as I can tell. I got to around level 60 and quit. Insanely boring, and that’s from a guy who played 1000s of hours of D2 and D3. The foundation of D4 is pretty solid, but it has a long way to go. Maybe in a few seasons we will have something worth talking about.

    • Kyokuji FGC
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The unfortunate truth is that there’s very few ways to make both the “1 hour a day dad” and “8+ hour a day no lifer” happy at the same time.
    The problem is if you design the game around either, it’ll make it incredibly unappealing for the opposite archetype, and the middle ground tends to make both unhappy.

    • Drokar LDMM
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    holy shit ziz name dropped gaia online lol. i should go back and see how much my account is worth XD

    • ArnoldsK
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    People don’t read, what a surprise!
    Blind hype and advertisement andies in a nutshell.

    • BRUNO Marques
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D3 allowed you to rebirth your main. It’s a a bit more palatable than making new characters.

    • Icezapp1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They basically thought D4 will be the new WOW 2.0? The game needs a lot of change certainly in leveling and the time you spend on it to 100, since if this is a seasonal process it should be a bit faster especially in NM dungeons, but they did adress it already and we have to wait the changes in the next patch and season 1 theme as well. I think a healthy way to level would be max. 50 hours and not like 100 or 150 hours grinding like it is right now, at least when seasons are starting.

    • Atlas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As an ARPG newbie with an MMO background I think I’m mostly sad because there’s so many elements of an incredible mmo style game here with Diablo 4 and even though I vaguely understood there was seasonal content in D3, I was also pretty startled to hear that all my work is essentially erased every 3 months. I realized I was projecting MMO ideas on the game, which is my fault, but I was hoping there would be large amount of endgame group content and pvp at 100 that lent itself to long periods of character building and completionist content similar to how WoW/Runescape works.

    Hearing that the game is essentially just about permanently leveling and the “fun” of killing 100,000 monsters to eventually get a bis gear drop that will become a meaningless waste of time like 30 days later – it just doesn’t mesh with why I would want to invest time in a game like this.

    (I’m really just mad because I’m realizing a Diablo 4 MMO would be an incredible game that I wish I could have now.)

    • Jan Crijns
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 could have been so awesome, if someone at Blizz just cared enough….so much time since D3, so much time to look at the competition in the genre, learn, take what works, experiment,…..But no, 70 dollar reskin of D3 it is. And even then, it just look lazy on the part of the devs, how many seemingly small QoL bugs still arent fixed.

    • Bizarro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    2:17 “Diablo 2 and 3 didn’t have seasons”…. when I heard that, I twisted my head allot more sideway then you did Zizaran. Diablo 2 basically INVENTED Bnet Seasons. The whole point was to start a new character when the new season came around…

    • Andrei Andrei
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    About seasons, as Diablo and other Arpg “players” we understand to make new character each season, but for me the problem is that each time you change class the progress is not global, like D3 paragon, fells such a waste of time if you want to try new class. Not all of us are making money out of gaming so the point of view is totally diferent from a 10k+ earner a month and a “regular” human.
    The game has many other biger problems than this though, things of wich many of us pointed since day 1 but it seems that they will be fixed from season 2 and not even all of them…. Part of the reason I stoped playing a game I spent 90eu on. So I rather trow the money to the bin than being part of a statistic which shows “ah they still play so we are doing a good job”.
    Few understand ( certainly not the devs) that criticism we bring is preciselly that we are first of all gamers who want’s to see the games (which we pay for, not geting it for free like those who only praise milk and honey about their product) to be great, to see their potential beyond greed.
    If Diablo 4 wont make radical changes and addition, similar to the season 28 in D3 at least, more people will migrare or occasionally play it.
    Ive read some of the changes that POE2 will make, especially to the “link system” , with the gems making it easier to understand, so new or casual players (aka most of D4 player base) would be really happy about.

    • Justin Harris
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As long as it doesn’t reset battle pass cosmetics or have me start over with my characters appearance I’m fine with the reset I guess

    • Dave Vaughan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Lol. love that quick “oh shit what is it that I say again ? Oh yeah, ‘Try to die…’ … phew, nailed it.”

    • remixex369
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It has been really eye opening for sure. I have 500hrs in PoE, 4 characters and have played 2 seasons (Sentinel and Crucible). 3 days ago I literally killed The Maven for the first time.

    In many ways, you and I are closer as player type and target audience than me and the casuals in that thread. And you are literally 30K hours ahead of me. How much time do they wanna dedicate to this game?!

    • Cody Casper
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is what happens when a gaming company wants to appeal to “all audiences”. You can only make a game for a percentage of gamers. The rest of those gamers are going to feel deceived into having purchased a product that isn’t truly intended for them despite what they were told through marketing.

    • TheSeth256
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As the dad of 69 kids that plays 15 minutes a year, it’s outragous that I’d have my progress reset just like in literally every other Hack&Slash game!! /s

    • seapeajones
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    A loud, abrasive minority? Say it ain’t so.

    • andy agato
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I stopped playing for a while after my lvl 90+ character. A lot of stuff are just product of lazy designs for a premium game that I paid for. What’s makes it more awful is, the game has a well laid off monetization system so you spend more $ on cosmetics and battle passes, which cannot be seen on other aspects of the game. Game doesn’t even have a crafting system. Imprinting aspects and rerolling a single affix is not crafting guys. Again, lazy design.

    • LockedOnTarget Show
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s because of the generation gap between ARPG players and modern gaming. Gaming used to be about fun and enjoying your time doing what you want. Now, it has shifted to accomplishment based gameplay. If your not making progress in a game, your not having fun…. if your younger. This is just conditioning over time.

    • xPDoG
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    New season new character

    • John R
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Leave it to blizzard fans to complain about literally everything and anything. It’s getting exhausting being a gamer in 2023 having to listen to all this bullshit drama.

    • Christopher Whitfield
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by the anger. There are many valid complaints about the game, but it having seasons is not one of them. It’s basically the point of an ARPG.

    • Nick williams
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    the whole point of seasons is to keep the game fresh. if you only have an hour every couple days dont expect to be catered to. people are so fucking entitled its insane

    • funkyfish1026
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As a d2 vet of 20 years…. while im less excited for d4 seasons, new ladders were and still are my favorite parts of d2. Hopefully some of these folks see the light 😉

    • DeluxeTwo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I understand how everything works. But my question is why? Like why does it have to be the same as every game previously? Give the players options. If I personally would rather play my original character within the new seasonal content why should I not be allowed to? If you would rather start fresh on a new character so be it.

    • Alex B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Why is this crazy to you? The only people stupid enough to want to play Diablo 4 are just casuals, the real D2 veterans know this game was dead on arrival

    • Milo Kadamus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Really? Ok I am also amazed.

    • TreesPlease42
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    it increases player retention and engagement across longer periods of time while allowing the devs to keep content fresh/varied, makes sense to me

    • Michael Bienick
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think if they buff xp for nightmare dungeons, hell tides and tree of whispers, this would make leveling more enjoyable. Seasons are the best part of arpgs.

    • Re
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The game is fucking boring

    • GameRaven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The games core mechanics just aren’t very fun man.

    • Tiny T-Rex
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Its literally the best ARPG out. 👌 the one gripe I have, along with like 90% ober everyone else is the damn renown grind. 😂 if you wanna cry about leveling in a game go play DCUO where you can just buy your levels 😂 a bit more balancing and this game has the potential for the best ARPG ever. And I love me some diablo 2, Astonia 3, Warhammer 40k chaos bane, Sacred 2. 🤌❤️‍🔥💯

    • mcg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    tbh this game is pretty boring. I’m at 82 and gave up. Get zero loot and the exp gain is too slow. You reach level 60 or so and that’s the endgame. Complete failure. All these years and this is the best they could come up with? No matchmaking, missing a billion QoL changes, didn’t steal any good features from their competitor (PoE)

    • UV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have no idea what the problem really is. You have the game, you play the campaign, you play whatever content you want, you level whatever character you want. If you are bored you drop it and move on, if not, keep playing. If it has Seasons or not doesn’t have anything to do with this at all. And I have no idea why does it even matter, if this casual player have no intention on keeping on playing the game after the initial campaign and stuff.

    • Mr idiot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    U playing a game for casuals what do u expect?

    • Xevrin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They are not necessarily casual players. D4 was sold/marketed as a sudo MMO with ARPG elements. The progression pace feels more like an MMO than a typical ARPG. Parts of it do play as an MMO and I think many players can see the makings of a great persistent Diablo game. Unfortunately, the developers haven’t followed through fully on making that type of game as of yet, and might never do so. Many of the systems are pretty simple and who knows what the release cadance is going to be for expansions.

    The ARPG seasons are there to promote player retention and engagement while also bringing in fans of the previous ARPG games, but because of the new audience the game has attracted this development plan may backfire for a few reasons.

    Won’t know for sure till season 1 starts and we all get to see what Blizzard has planned to keep the folks not interested in just grinding engaged with seasonal content. I expect they will have to do something for folks on the eternal realm who are only interested in leveling a character once if they want to keep them around.

    • dago
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t even mind them being so stupidly entitled to go blindly into a genre they have no experience in, but I do mind that they “express themselves freely” and spread misinformation. People like this are supposed to be looked at as equals, when the amount of research they’ve done equates to their playtime per week/30 microseconds

    • No one
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm


    • rob mac
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    IMO they should have released with season 1 ready or let our first characters be transferred since it’ll will be coming so soon playing a charter for like a month and a half before having to reset is kinda lame

    • The Daniel Droege Show
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think this is not addressing the real issue of seasons.
    Seasons were created on Diable 2 to prevent the sale of items going for thousands of dollars.
    It had nothing to do with keeping gameplay fresh or exciting by resetting player progress.
    Maybe this did create an aspect of the game that some of the playbase enjoyed more than others, but this was not to enhance gameplay in any way other than to devalue the influence whales had using RMT.
    Players are getting punished to combat RMT and some players have grown to love that punishment.

    • SacredEwok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I love ARPGs and I loved POE. I will say though the reason I stopped playing POE was the reset every 3 months, it gets old and annoying seeing the same story. I can play endgame content with a main over and over, but Blizzard trying to implement resets with new seasons is silly. Blizzard has proven creativeness so why couldn’t they use that creativity to have seasons without resets and keep the players engaged and make the game harder/more interesting. I can understand if they release a new class then you would have to restart in new content, eventually leading back to the same game where everyone else would be. I just see them using this as a way to try and hype players in to monetize. I don’t know about you but when a new season is released in POE I don’t play my old characters. I want to be where everyone else is at. It sounds like this will be another POE and I’d rather play POE if I had NO CHOICE. POE has an average player base of 30k a month which is great, but they are true ARPG players and POE has MUCH more to offer with builds. With Diablo, it’s mostly casual to general hardcore gamers. It just won’t fly especially with the lack of micromanaging and complexity, with only 6 skills and tons of clicking…

    Also as a side note TELL BLIZZARD TO ADD A MAP OVERLAY!!!

    • blacktaco
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    d4 is basically a refined version of d3 RoS. also the music is really weak.

    • Honest Pineapple
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The game is a big pile of shit imo, seasons is the only thing that can save it.

    • Fodner Piqwit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This game is missing something or some people*

    • N3rdworld Problemz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 fucking sucks.

    • Brendon Reynolds
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    cant just mention Gaia Online like that and not expect us to remember being pre-teens, dressing our avatars as naruto characters, doing big puzzles for in game currency to trick out our cars and buy cloths while we explored online dating with what maybe were other kids our age (hopefully).

    • That Pruitt Guy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I do find it surprising that you can’t progress the battle pass on an eternal realm character. I think it would be fine to allow that. I think the people complaining about having to start over are ones who haven’t made it very far to begin with.. I’m almost 92 and let me tell you.. fresh start sounds great.. I’m only going for 100 bc I said I would when I was like level 60.. regrets.. Honestly anything beyond 80ish when you’re basically full BiS (minus perfect rolls ofc), you’re basically only playing to get to level 100. It is what it is tho. Filthy casuals.

    • Kish
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    remember being excited for seasons back when I was 12 playing diablo 2, still excited for seasons. How are some of these ‘d2 vets’ so confused by the idea?

    • Bobby Long
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    a mom or dad gamer that only has an hour to play per day, could literally say 90% of any video games waste their time lol some of these threads are brain dead af

    • Daniel Craciun
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo Immortal did a lot of stuff wrong, but they nailed seasons. You keep your character and all the time and effort put into it and are able to play it through new and challanging content every new season. They should have made it like this

    Edit: what the actual f did u say!?! “You are not making permanent progress into your like unless you are turning in into a job”? My dude, everything you do in life is permanent and stays with you, every scar, memory and experience. You don’t just respawn as a toddler and get to re-experience life from scratch with all you know. Stupidest comparrison in the history of the world lol

    • Gwynbleidd
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The best part is that this ISN’T NEW… D2R and D3 do this already….. There are just too many new people who don’t understand and that is their problem.

    Headline: Water is Wet.

    • W EEE
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    So you seemed pretty non helpful and I don’t even get the point of the video, was it new players don’t understand how Diablo works?…last time I played Diablo was more than a decade ago, I don’t remember there being seasons. You definitely aren’t an ambassador for the game genre you seem to like, more like a gatekeeper. Let me clue you in to those not willing to spend 35k hours of our life on a game, this means you might play a few hours a week, so how can you fully enjoy a racing seasons with twits that play 10 hours a day? The answer is seasons make that aspect of the game unenjoyable for your average married working adult, or really anyone looking for a casual play a few hours a week game. That’s okay, I’m guessing that isn’t your demographic, just don’t belittle those who have more going on in their life than racing to the top of the next season.

    • Treehouse Singletown
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I was excited that D4 seems to be catering towards the ARPG enthusiast audience more than D3, but conversation threads like this scare me. I guess it’s not a big deal though, if D4 turns into casual heaven like D3 I guess it’s just more free time for me to play PoE.

    • Omni
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seaons worked so well for POE because of the economy though, which D4 dont have yet. But yea all this tone deaf drama could have been avoided if Blizz just made it very clear the “base game” is Eternal realm, and the seasons are temp “race like” realms.

    • Nyxbane
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These people are the reason we can’t have anything good anymore. They think they are entitled to everything and they keep whining until either they get what they want or you get canceled. You can’t make them happy ever even if you give em whatever they want. They’ll just find something else to ruin for those who enjoy it.

    • Evilislife
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Shit i can care less about a stupid battle pass 🤣.

    I care about how boring diablo 4 really is when other diablo clones are doing so much more for their games while blizzard is all about copy and paste cause they never can come up with good ideas when it comes to diablo 🤦🏼‍♂️.

    But if people wanna get mad over a dumb battle pass then so be it even though its dumb as fuck 🤣

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They freaking baited and got everyone who who paid-90-100$ for the inclusion of season 1..if weren’t for the extra cash spend,you’d see a MASSIVE drop off already…bad take idc if its an ARPG..nobody takes the character we like the least to start with…we all take the one we wanna main and turns out that’s the one that progresses nothing come season 1

    • Basca
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I thought they said you have to do the Lillith statues again but this time they will be marked on the map, that is if you collected them all befor.
    Did i missunderstand them?

    • p_did_it
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Heavens know why Blizzard even catered/pandered to the casuals in the first place. Every facet of the game has been dumbed down to appease them yet they can’t conceptually grasp the fundamentals of the Diablo genre 😂. This game wasn’t made for us D2 fanboys who’ve been playing D2 for the past 20 years and consequently the Dads with 11 kids and hour long intervals to play the game are outraged… let them stew

    • Jano Chacha
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    seasons = boredom

    • Peter Ford
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Give eternal realm players their own season experience, independent of ladder players who want to make a fresh start.

    • Tohur
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I do NOT get the controversy other then maybe these are folks that have NEVER played a Diablo game.. always been this way even before they called them Seasons we had ladders and had to make a new toon every time the ladder restarted

    • M S I
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Makes me think of games like diablo 2 where I know the game well enough to grind to lvl 80+ in a season start on day 1… or diablo 3 where I’ll get max level and just grind for gear. D4 the leveling is much much slower unless you exploited the dungeon system with a party… single players with limited time to play are feeling fomo when they see others reaching max level and bis gear while they struggle to break level 60-70 and get mediocre gear solo. I wish d4 had a party lfg system to help bridge the gap

    • Shayne
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I didnt play a lot of D2, and even less D3, but I was never aware they had seasons like PoE.

    • cycloneofsouls
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    arpg’s dont HAVE to have seasonal resets though. 😐

    • MopedMike
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Idk, I played D3 and I think the Destiny Structure is way better, you get a yearly expansion with multiple seasons a year, and everything carries over

    • george mcdaniel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The funny thing is you think about it destiny 2 is technically a arpg just in a different way. And you can use the same character. And it’s a live service game. And before it wasn’t free to play destiny 2 that is you had to pay for some thing don’t ask me i got destiny 2 when it went free to play. Sow again why not do the same thing in Diablo 4 you can use the same character. It can’t be that hard to do or can it. Im not a programmer.

    • Dohoar Hagalas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    So, the idea was: mix up 2 generes to make playerbase wider; make a GIANT marketing company to have much more playerbase; ignore fact that new playerbase is actualy new; ignore previous problem(?).
    I realy interesting to see what happens in season 1. Looks like all the plan was in take money on preorders and realise day.
    Anyway, diablo 4 have SO MUCH potential to realise. And yet many unrealised potential. If only Lilith would stay alive after bosfight and lead us to the endgame as mentor.

    • Richard Fowler
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m a veteran. And I’ve got bored of it. They could have done something different with D4. Could have.

    • idoneitatem lusus naturae
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ITT: people pretending that Path of Exile players don’t hate going through the campaign again. Intentional obtusity is unbecoming.

    • Marcelo Henrique Chaves
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The only thing for seasons though, is how much time it takes to 100. If you don’t spam farm the best dungeons( who got nerfed). So when they release the season, it’s going to be even worse, cause by then, all good dungeons are nerfed to hell.
    I hope when they announce the season, there’s something about more exp in it. Maybe a new world tier with double the exp of tier4.

    • Broc walton
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Im having a blast. As a diablo 2 player, seasonal resets are a great way to keep everything fresh. Not looking forward to the renown reset but other than that im excited for it

    • Hackerspawn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    There is absolutely NO downside to letting people use their Eternal Realm Characters for Season. You want them to buy your stupid Battlepass and at the same time you are telling the guy that has 2 children and a mortgage to cover that he should get unemployed to play your game 8-12 hours a day so he can grind out the stuff he just payed for. Thats absolutely insane to me. The people i am talking about are those who made the Diablo Franchise the success it is today by being such avid fans back in the day. Guess what time kept going and those people are in their early 40s now and have a life besides videogames, unlike Streamers, schoolkids and unemployed people. Give us the option to Clone a Eternal Realm Character for Season and/or make a fresh one. If a character is cloned that character is excluded from the leaderboards, which is the only “competitive” aspect of a Season. What difference does it make to anyone what character i use to grind out paid for but timegated content on a treadmill? You loose nothing if i get my shit the way i want with the character i made and enjoy playing, instead of rolling a new toon that i have no attachment to and will mostlikely delete after season ends. And if you are not willing to let us participate in the season then at least let us grind the Battlepass in the Eternal Realm. You want our money and we are probably willing to give it, but i and many others are not willing to jump through hoops for you just because you think you have to adhere to some weird assumption that its an ARPG and a season has to work like this.

    • cyberbird88
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Huge PR campaign attracted lots of plebs to this game. This is normal stuff except these people will whine much on social networks (i sometimes think some “veteran gamers” spend more time on twitter than in actual games) and there is a possibility blizzard will listen to them and change some aspects of game. After some time this mass of temporary random people will get bored and move on to other stuff, and actual d4 players will be left with all that crap to play with. I’m not talking about exactly this “battle pass complain”, though it can hurt a game too in a long way, it’s unpredictable right now.

    • Bishi Bosh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    so ive paid for a battle pass i may not get? i may not be able to fully take part this first season due to irl crap…. and now im being told i cant progress that battle pass with my existing character? thats a bad design…

    • Robert Skinner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Many of us sitting here are exactly like you i.e. “huh”. I’m guessing most of the people complaining have never played an ARPG before? – or never played a game before?
    Obviously they don’t like it, but there you go.

    • TimeFunHappy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t think its really a ‘disconnect’. A lot of these people just seem to think that games need to be tailored to them and how they want to play. Somehow they have lost sight of the simple fact that if you don’t like what a game offers then don’t play it. It’s almost like cancel culture is spreading into video games. “If it makes me unhappy then it has to be deleted from existence”. It’s such an entitled mentality, holy beans.

    • cafepwnage
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The fact that people were mad at farming xp is ridiculous, but this situation where people are mad because they didn’t know that diablo seasons is fresh start is hilarious.

    • zandiskoul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ARPGs do not have “resets”. Games you can own. Games are complete. These are deceivers who want you to pay for NOW content they plan to delete later. They host a service instead of a stable product. Its why ARPG retention rate is so generic and the games are always in beta for a decade…

    If POE would make a Standard game with options for league content on a checklist… ppl be playin alot more. Ppl would be needing more tabs like a crack addict.

    POE needs new ownership ASAP but it isnt something specific to GGG. Almost nobody is providing gamers what they actually want, it is almost insane this number of programmers must be F tier gamers and the staffs dont listen. We are in an era wherr Runescape players got more from their creators than poe/D4…. Sad how the tables turned.

    • Amir Afaunov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    why is everyone saying battle pass is a content…

    • Andrew Gundlach
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I thought it was complete bullshit to level a new character each league (circa 2015) until i played it and each new league start character was a breath of fresh air. Unless they make it a chore casual players might start to get the fun of it.

    • jneal713
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These ppl have to be some of the dumbest on the planet. The only major problem with the game is it takes way too long to level. Poe is so much faster to get to 90. I’ve played quite a bit and only have an 80 SC and a 46 on HC.

    • Nathan Fisher
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played a lot of diablo 3 and loved the seasons. This is just missing the season journey rewards and sets and I’ll feel right at home.

    • Krayte
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Long term poe player here, I can’t wait to play a new character and build for season, I might even run druid again and do a different build this time. People be crazy, it’s an arpg

    • Astro Noodles
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Starting new characters is the whole point, the game is designed around it. But……….giving somesort of Battlepass to Eternal players is not a bad idea. Some people play so little that Seasonal characters wouldnt make sense for them to invest time into.

    • Knoble02
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Take out the battle pass

    • Selvin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I mean I’ve spent years complaining how frustrating and irritating that leveling through POE’s campaign is, but d4 also isn’t forcing people to play the campaign, so I’m cool…

    That said, getting new players in the genre is also hopefully health for the overall genre of games. I think GGG’s ideal turnout is that d4 turns into a gateway drug for POE.

    • Ripthejack3r
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    What they should have done is let the new players know their plans of content aside from seasons. before seasons existed diablo players looked forward to the expansion. let them know there is content, idk its a weird situation.

    • huldu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’ve played since 6.6 and I’m level 87 right now. I’ve been doing the campaign, altars and side quests while leveling up to around 50-60. It was tedious and felt very unrewarding and time consuming. Which is “fine”, it’s just one of those reasons where I dislike doing this content like in poe where you do the campaign every season. It’s not fun at all so when I see a new season I think of how horrible the campaign is and just nope out. After 60 I started doing nightmare sigils and they’ve been pretty fun. That’s more in line what I expected out of an arpg in the first place so this I like. Now the problem is as I’ve spent a lot of hours in the game so far I feel like I want to maybe play another class. If I started doing that then I’d never hit level 100. It’s going to take me a LONG time to reach level 100. Probably several weeks more at the very least.

    • Trlblzrs4life22
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    my biggest concern about the season is the T0 uniques like harlequin crest and grandfather. The game doesn’t have a player driven economy so people will literally go entire seasons without getting their bis item. Also trading is not a thing. There is literally no reason for a trade button because you cant trade anything of importance.

    • Glenwald
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Quin made a good point – these normies are focusing on the end-point instead of the journey when it’s the journey of building a character that makes arpgs great. Maxing out a character is generally when you stop playing but these people are acting like that’s when you begin… where’s the fun in starting a season like that???

    As others have said though, the MMO style side-quest dominant nature of the lvl up is daunting

    • Benzi J
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    WHAT, D2 LOD had ladder.. I feel like this has to be a joke.

    • WillCheck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I love the season resets, just like older titles. It puts everyone on an even playing field again to see who can reach the pinnacle levels fastest; and it’s a BLAST.

    • Corusame Occasum
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ARPG’s are based on the ‘carrot on a stick’ gameplay model. D4’s carrot is on a stick that is a thousand miles long.

    • Establishment
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    im just confused on why people put in so much work and hours into mmo levels of grinding for it to be reset and do it again every season? Don’t you want to see all those hours you spent go into something long term instead of wasting it and resetting? It’s like building a house and adding more and more on to it until you have a castle vs building a house and tearing it down to rebuild it again.

    • Hoigwai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    What can I tell ya Ziz, there are a lot of stupid people. People don’t read they go blindly into a game because it looks shiny. I’m not a hardcore player and even I knew about seasons, I did play a few seasons of D3 and PoE but when it stopped being fun I stopped playing it is not a big deal.

    • Gutshot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The fact you think loosing your progression means you don’t get gaming seems short sighted and one sided. There’s also a thing about doing the same thing over and over again like a rat in a maze. Repetitive and not experiencing anything new.

    • Wyrmheart
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I know that ARPGs have relied on seasons to recycle content and extend their lifetime; I also don’t find it compelling to reset characters just to participate on the new content. In D2, I NEVER did seasons. In D3 I did seasons only because they gave you stash space, and because it takes 30 mins to get to max level.

    • CivicCritical
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Blizz will just have to put some effort into keeping the eternal realm fresh

    • oLaudix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I often catch myself, when i talk with my less game savvy friends, that there are A LOT of things that i take for granted that they would never even think about. The freshiest example from D4 is that i instinctively right click on the map in games to put a marker on it because its basically a “standard” for many years now. If game has a map there is 99% chance right click/middle click will put a marker on it, maybe even plot a proper path to it. Many people didnt know its a thing in D4 and to be honest i dont think there is any indicator that you can do that?

    • Schizm1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Most of the, not so smart, comments and opinions are from players who never played loot based aRPG.
    For the past 9 months you could see Diablo forums being FLOODED by MMO players (LA/Destiny/FF etc) complaining, demanding, critisizing etc.
    Give it a month of two and they’ll move to complain about something else

    • Ace A
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Idiot devs. SMH.

    • Roy Duncan Ackhurst
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 is mainly geared towards console. A lot of the design choices are for that audience. D4 actually has a pretty decent rating on console as well. I just don’t think those audiences overlap much though. I personally think they have tried to have the best of both worlds and ended up with something in the middle. Great story and world. However a gameplay loop that not really for either audience.

    • Jorge Ramirez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasonal or ladder resets are a very affordable way for game companies to extend the life of a game. Just because ARPGs have them doesn’t mean it’s a must-have feature. Diablo 4 isn’t your average ARPG. It wants to mix MMO and ARPG along with Live Service, so it shouldn’t have Seasonal “resets.”

    We shouldn’t accept the cheapest way to extend the life of a game.

    • chill0141414
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Plain and simple, D4 needs more aspirational content between lvl 60 and lilith at lvl 100, and they NEED to drop great and exciting loot. Usually this is playing the campaign bosses at higher difficulties to unlock better gear and stronger enemies/bosses, but lol in D4 you only can fight the main bosses once on easy difficulties.

    • Cody Ratcliffe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have 2000 hours in poe and was playing d2r until d4 came up. I find D4 boring and poorly developed. I deeply regret paying $90 for it. I don’t think D4 hits the core mechanics of ARPGs the way a lot of other games in the genre do. I was even playing Last Epoch recently and enjoying that. Honestly, I think designing an ARPG with level scaling is a horrible idea and takes away from a key experience. Each level and item found should create further contrast between your power and the monsters you are currently farming with the ultimate goal to be able to farm the best parts of the end game. Currently, the level scaling dampens that experience and I find myself dragging my feet knowing that getting +5 Willpower at level 52 has only hurt me and my ability to clear dungeons.. Now that I’m trying to level a second character and give the game the benefit of the doubt I find the grind from level 30 to 50 brutal. I’m just not having fun but I’m trying to justify to myself the $90 expense. Further seasons encouraging me to do all this shit again does not sound fun.

    • Dagon Yevrag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Peronally, I love the season reset. The journey is fun and acquiring new gear for the “first” time is noice.

    • Adam Biagioni
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Eternal realm exists.

    • fuck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Lol no wonder they keep dumbing their games down so much if this is their player base

    • Malik Hoggard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Those people on Twitter have donkey brain

    • M Z
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    seasons make the game feel fresh again, and usually have some sort of mechanic that helps the grind move along faster or get you up to par faster. d2 had ladder only ruinwords, d3 had some crazy mechanics, poe has things you instantly experience when you start playing. all these make the play through more exciting and not so tedious as it once was.

    • Timmy Tech
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I really dont feel like doing all missions again. So boring.

    • nylaan_ps
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I can see people played D2 without ladder and burned out on D3 ROS well before seasons and equate a couple hundred hours of gameplay in those games as a lot. Maybe I’m off here, but I don’t think what Blizzard did with those games help show how seasonal content can be fun – it was mostly ignored if it wasn’t for you.

    Based on other things I’ve already seen, I think these debates are good for D4’s team to see and give some opportunity to act as they’ve shown they are open to suggestion. Dropping the renown grind (or making something like events and helltide progress it) and giving eternal characters battlepass access seem like obvious wins here. They have the full stats on how much people are really playing and I think there’s just too huge of a playerbase – and therefore dollars – if they don’t simply alienate eternal. But it sounds like S1 is too close to the initial release and it is making the whole situation awkward.

    And really, if a guy is playing <1hr a day and level 11, I can assure this man personally he has no need for seasons and will be heavily entertained for months.

    • Nikolai 1776
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I dont understand why they cant just increase level cap each season. if the difficulty scales with your level anyway i dont understand why they dont do it that way.

    • WraithX23
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m a Diablo 3 vet that bought Reaper of Souls, finished it then uninstalled months before seasons were a thing! 🤣 My one wish in PoE2 is for a casual 12 month league that lasts from 1 expansion to the next. Are league updates that destroy builds in standard league a topic that PoE players even talk about?

    • dustin bennett
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    A bunch of MMO players think it’s an MMO and not an ARPG

    • Senternine
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    guys, this is how diablo has always been, and this is part of the fun, dont get attatched to your characters, and when a season comes, take pleasure and joy in creating a new character to play new seasonal content, unlock new seasonal gear, and then you get too keep that character at the end and all of the items too, its all good no downside, only if you get hyper attached to your non seasonal character.

    • Probably Kixx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Tourists are dumb. Water is wet.

    • Tristan J
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Advertising and marketing is a powerful tool… The irony about this game is that at this point, level 11 dads that can only play a hour every other day are just as disappointed with this game as the most arpg enthusiasts, albeit for different reasons.

    • rgarrett15
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I reached to level 93 but stopped playing after I figured it’s pointless to play because of the battle pass restart now I don’t see the point in even playing

    • Ted Xiong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The issue lies in the fact that new Seasons introduce some unique game mechanic or item type (or end-of-season rewards). So in order to experience that, they’ll have to start a fresh character each Season. [New/Casual] Players want to experience that all without having to start from Level 1. 

    If the end-of-season rewards don’t have a universal effect or impact on the player’s account, then Seasons are a waste of time. In that case, sticking to the Standard game would be in their (casual players) best interest. And the problem with this would be that a significant update of the game (Seasons) would not be accessed by them since it would be a waste of time. This is especially true if the rewards are trash or “meh”.

    If the unique game mechanic/items don’t transfer to Standard, then it’s also seen as a waste of time. They are sinking their time into Seasons only to experience it temporarily. It then becomes a perpetual cycle of starting from scratch to experience something that may or may not be enjoyable (Seasons).

    Of course, this is just how Seasons work. There is always a major initial time investment with the release of a new Season, and it’s just naturally anti-casual since that’s how grinding works. And it feels especially so if you have major non-Seasonal progress.

    Everything will depend on how enjoyable and unique the Seasons are. I hope Diablo 4 will inherit some of PoE’s design philosophy and implement Seasonal content into the Core Game.

    Of course, Diablo 3’s Seasons had a history of introducing some INSANELY powerful items. I hope D4 doesn’t stick to just that, so that players can have a good balance of gameplay and power. If they stick to D3’s Season design philosophy, then I think the game will feel stale real quick.

    • Michael Wheeler
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s the idea of not utilizing the character you’ve invested a lot of your time into. I started playing arpgs with D3 when it came out and never played a season. Everytime I started i quit 10 lvls in. In all my time with D3 I leveled two characters and got to paragon 220 then quit playing.

    The seasonal model is lazy imo. Devs should think outside of the box and create new end-game material. I understand it’s about the journey and not the destination, and that’s what arpgs are, but that isn’t what they have to be.

    • Uffda Pal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    My god what are these people expecting to do in the game, surely they have not even played!?!?!? With no campaign , renown, and achievements the game has literally 0 content left beyond running nightmare dungeons (rifts) for eternity…. Even WITH seasons this is going to be stale AF. Considering everything is level scaled, and therefore not unique in and of itself, this will exasperate the staleness. It is also what made d3 such a shit ARPG.
    This is how you create a game with NO PLAYER CHOICE. No choice in the content you want to do (as there literally is none). No choice in your build, as it has been predefined by legendary powers and unbalanced affixes. And lets be honest, if you call that skill tree or paragon board “choice” I would put into question your level of critical thinking….
    This new age of gamers is just yikes. I swear people these days want to buy a game and automatically have a max level character, with BiS gear, with 100% completion already done, without ever having to think about any sort of build customization, or ever even having to play the game.

    • SearingDarkness
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s kinda weird to me because it’s like playing a Battle Royale for the first time and being like “What do you MEAN I have to restart every time I enter a match? Why can’t I keep my guns?”. Before I start any genre or game I have no idea about I look into it a little bit to figure out what I am getting into. But I guess I just interact with games way more deeply than someone who is the actual definition of a casual gamer?

    • chemicals
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I imagine a lot of these players are like me and a bit older.

    They likely played Diablo 1 when it came out, got hooked, and played D2 for a few years. Might have played D3 when it first came out and didn’t have seasons, and then maybe didn’t play a lot of ARPGs since then. Diablo fans who aren’t super online may not have realized that ARPGs in general started doing the seasons thing.

    • Alan Leonardo Piovesan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Actually Seasons “only exist” for those who play Path of Exile kkkkkkkk

    • Luke B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Asmongold often talks about how the games need to cater to the casual demographic and he is grossly wrong on this point.There is something that most streamers or people in general don’t consider when it comes to the topic of casuals VS “hardcore” players. The point that you should do what the majority of the player base wants is actually incorrect. The choices the game should make should not be based on what the majority of players want but what the majority of the “in game experience” player base wants. For instance – 1000 dads who play 1 hour per week vs 100 players who play 40 hours per week. The second group even, tho it is 1/10th the size, is actually playing the game 4X as much. Meaning they are effected 4X as much even AFTER you factor in the casual player numbers. It is ridiculous to allow a large group of player who turn the game on for 10 minutes a day decide the direction of that video game. it is not even part of their life. This doesn’t mean they have no say it just means it needs to be factored into the equation I shared above. In an instance where the casual base should be heard would be where 1000 dads play 1 hour per week and 4 casuals play 40 per week disagree. In this case you have 1000 hours for the casual player and 160 for the hardcore players so in this instance the casual player base should be heard. But – for the most part (especially in a game that has no subscription) the actual PLAYER base should decide the direction of the game not the “I play once a month” player base!

    • Gregory Brazell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    One of the largest reasons you didn’t touch on is the change in leadership for the game development, and the effects that brought about. Originally, D4 was supposed to be shaped for seasonal content that worked WITH longterm character progression. It was basically going to be more like D2’s ladders that could take more than a year, but would be on the main server, so EVERYONE could be involved. But, this was also back when they said mercenaries would be in the game at launch, and they had busted their asses to make them really cool. Most players knew these things, and that was that.

    However, there were long periods of silence afterwards. This was when they changed leadership, put someone else in charge. They went back to D3 style seasons… which, btw, was when PoE saw a HUGE increase in numbers, as D3 seasons were boring AF. They lost track of WHY people play Diablo games: story and lore. Players play PoE because it is all about the competition. Sure, there’s a story there, but no one really cares. It’s pretty generic, and thin as can be. But, that works to PoE’s benefit, as it is ALL about the builds, the mechanics, gameplay, etc. They could gut what story there is, and no one would notice OR care.

    But, Diablo… I’ve played ever since 1997 when I was bedridden from surgery in the Army. I fell in love with the story and the world. Seasons aren’t about those things. AND, we were promised THIS one wouldn’t be like D3, that they learned their lesson from how few people actually DID play the seasons in D3, and the complaints people made about them. So, sure, have seasons, cool… but, do it on the main server. Include that making a NEW character actually boosts you up the battle pass FASTER due to certain challenges that only lower level characters could complete.

    That would also help out the people who are the ‘I have kids, job, etc – so I’m still only lvl 12’ types. There are definite WIN solutions, but the D3 seasonal players don’t want to hear that. The more I try and talk to them, the more I am convinced that 90%+ of them are dedicated to forcing the game to be THEIR way, and every other player can either be forced to play that way, or they’re ‘snowflakes’ and worse. The rest of us just want to play Diablo, have waited a decade to continue the story, and don’t want to wait another decade. We want to have MORE of what Diablo is all about: story, lore, plot, dialogue.

    The others want PoE, but not on PoE. I play PoE, too… but, if I want that, I go THERE. Diablo is a poor representation of that, and should do something different than PoE does… maybe like they promised they’d be doing? That promise that roped so many into giving them another shot after Immortal’s disaster?

    • Vero
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    well it is never easy making a game and its end game for the audience. u cannot cater to everyone

    • Jelle Deconinck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Ziz you were on Gaiaonline? What side of the forums did you hang out? xD

    • Sage Hagan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Most of this is poor communication and last minute changes due to backlash also being poorly communicated. Renown not carrying over and then only some carrying over is a recent change and not what was originally planned. NO ONE wants to redo renown. Period. Full stop. Also, what I’m curious to see is retention over season 1. You can level up quite quickly in D2, even faster in D3. D4 is a grind if you don’t have power leveling so it feels like your season is going to progress much more slowly, but perhaps that is intended?

    • Karasuza_sora
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ARPG’s are more than D4 and PoE. So saying that this is a “genre standard” is just out of touch with reality.

    • Bruno
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    only negative of D4 season is the 3 months i’d say. Casuals won”t be able to do all the nice builds they can think of when (for druid) you need at least 2 uniques to play something else than pulverize and a barely functioning lightning storm build.

    you’ll just see a bunch of rogues because all the other classes are a F hassle to grind on. Either they buff the drop rates for mandatory uniques that make builds function ( like tempest roar or crone staff, if you don’ have that or don’t play pulverize until you do, Druid is one of the fucking worse experience ever) or they make some classes more casual friendly because i see Druids and Barbs being mostly played by hardcore gamers in a 3 months seasons. Casual will play them a bit, find them harder and harder as they level up and just abandon them when they can’t find uniques (which cannot be trade…..) and drop the season because, who want to start a new toon mid season because of a shitty experience with the first character? Yeah no one. The length is gonna be a problem for casuals who want to try strong and fun builds on certain classes, no doubt.

    • Higgs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If I would know at the Start of buying D4 (New Player here ) that you need for every season a new char. I would not buy the game so I go on my main and wait for 3 month for the content to come to Main Servers every season. Sucks for me (ultimate Edition) but I dont give my time for another Char

    • GooGoneAdhesiveRemover
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah I’m not trying to make a new charactwr every season.

    • C5炸藥
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    jesus. how casual are d4 players.

    • Darth_Bauman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think it would be really cool if you could keep a character or make a new character

    • Judge Hellboy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Because other ARPGs did seasons this way this means D4 should do it this way too! Not. Certainly we’ve come up with a better way of doing things in the past decade no?

    • DesireDeath89
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    in other arpgs i generally only keep my first max level character or if i truly hated it the one class i gelled with and it becomes for example the eternal BANK . i try to test something differnt every season a new class new abilities etc to keep the game fresh and to expand my knoledge base i rarely have time to max level mulitple charcters so i generally make do with 1. and maybe a bank if its poe because we know the bank alt is a thing probably in d4 2 tbh…

    • Priapismx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    With how desperate blizzard is to retain what audience they have, it’s disappointing to see them potentially stray from the core foundation of the genre just to appease the people who don’t understand how it works. And to flat out say you are a D2 and D3 veteran, and those games never had a seasonal reset is hilariously embarrassing.

    • Oaknowledged
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Even in ARPG’s that don’t have seasons, I never played the same character forever, and would so often start over with new classes to play through the game again. I don’t get why people are losing their mind over this

    • k f
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Kinda funny how same streamers whenever people talk about stuff that diablo 4 lacks for core gamers always goes back to blizzard made the game for casuals as reason that its okay. Yet whenever casuals complain they go and say its arpg of course it is like that. Ziz and other streamers also said diablo 4 is okay to be differenf from othed arpg yet here we are using that as defence. Stick to one pls

    • Marius Wallentinsen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think the issue is that season 1 was not ready for the games release. Now it feels like a sort of open beta test, making us free bug finders.

    In PoE terms, it feels like starting a fresh SSF character, in the timeframe that there is no active league. You know a new league is starting soon, so why bother progressing?

    Feels like im wasting my time playing D4, when i know i need to start fresh in a couple of weeks. Would be nice with some sort of reward, like exclusive cosmetics/titles for all players who unlocked wt4 before season 1.

    • Death Scavenger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Sunken Cost Fallacy?

    • yeahright
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I love Diablo 4 it’s a great game my only problem is as a solo player exp is so horrendous it shouldn’t take me an hour and a half level from 67 to 68

    • chronobeard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I thought the seasonal reset was a PoE thing, not an ARPG thing. Having to replay the story every season is one of the reasons I don’t play PoE. Honestly, this sours me on D4 a bit.

    But I guess I should have done some research in ARPGs. So thats on me.

    D4 is still fun tho. I guess I’m just gonna come and go every few seasons, or when I have the itch.

    • marcux83
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    People should just sftu. Stop qqing like some spoiled brats. 1 hour dad van continue level in eternal realm. lots of stuff todo for him. it like everyone thinks just because they bought the game they are entitled to have the entire game designed around THEM.

    • Stephen Tranter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Currently level 29 and playing when I get a chance and think it’s awesome. I do feel that the professional players streaming completing the game by day 2 or 3 before I even had the standard game version, made me feel like I’d progress through the game a lot faster, but turns out streamers are just insane and play 20 hours a day at a crazy pace which actually made the game look less fun and potentially my character less powerful.
    I looked around the shop and found it rather lacking but bought some clothes, maybe it should say “Clothes shop”
    At times I’ve found myself running faster than someone on a horse.

    • LoonyDoll
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is just a product of the marketing. This stuff is getting so expensive to put out that it’s not shocking they have to pretty much con people who would typically not play those games into buying it to help pay for everything. The same people complaining about the idea of seasonal characters are the same people who will buy an MMO special ultra deluxe pack that helps them out getting to max level , and then once all the explosive reward popups and obvious spurs are over, they uninstall and jump onto the next hype train

    It’s funny to imagine because the original D2 was something I was peer pressured into getting, and the difference is I didn’t go in expecting it to be the equivalent of Among Us, etc at the time. I mean, I loved Nox, but it’s like we were more open to new ideas then. IDK

    • TheRabidDeer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    EVERY game has seasons now. FPS games, RTS games, ARPG games, hell even WoW arena has seasons. These people are delusional.

    • Dutchy DownUnder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The issue here, is time invested. Some people can’t play this game for 4 hours a day and unlocking renown specifically is a stupid grind locked to specific tasks and areas that are just not enjoyable. The fun (for me) is seeing how far you can get in a season, but if you are going to handicap me by doing stupid boring shit like the renown grind for the first week of a season, yea no thanks. Effectively blocking me from seasons. D2 didn’t do this, you can level up and gain experience/skill points in whatever part of the game you wanted.

    • Jp 297
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    My problem is that it takes a ton of time to level characters, and I don’t want to do that every single season just to play new content. I don’t have the time to treat this game like a job. I have an actual job, and other games I want to play. There are too many games these days that expect you to only play that game and I’m kinda fucking sick of it. I haven’t even beaten the campaign yet and I feel like I’ve only just wasted my own time. I probably won’t be getting the battle pass, or playing the game again if my existing character is locked out of new content.

    What’s the point of hitting max and getting the best gear if you just have to restart?

    • Frank Noriega
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think these people want more of a destiny style where you keep the characters and add on to it with subsequent updates

    • Isac
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    totally waste of time since day 1 dont know why people craving for this, i got high hopes for POE 2

    • Kusariyaro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    >People expecting a good game from Blizzard today afterr everything they did to playerbase and their IPs

    • Eric Huckaby
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If the game was designed more in line with other ARPGs that utilize seasons, I would be just as confused, but the reality is we have no trade economy, leveling is a massive slog, and the item hunt is generally pretty shallow (mostly uniques), to name a few things.

    I’m a season lover, but they’ve made design choices that just don’t mesh well with expectations of the genre. The ridiculous time investment to level and barrier to entry of the pinnacle boss alone makes resets more tedious than they are in other ARPGs.

    Again, I will always prefer seasons over the alternative, but unless they address some foundational issues the game has, resets are going to feel kind of bad, even for an ARPG Andy like myself.

    • Big_Gibby
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played up to about lv 60 Demon Hunter and ~lv30 with a other classes back in Diablo 3 prior to seasons really starting and never went back. Honestly didnt know they had character resets. Leading up to playing D4 myself and some friends started playing PoE and didnt realize until partly through the campaign that seasons meant a reset. We all slowly stopped playing that.
    I like everything about these ARPGs except for the character reset. BUT I also see how the reset adds valuable content time to the people who enjoy it. About two-three weeks into D4 and I have three characters in the 50-60 range. Thats playing essentially only D4, and only because im on Summer break from college. I feel like this model will lose/leave behind a lot of the super casual audience that its trying to capture by being an ARPG middle ground compared to how intimidating something like PoE is. Starting a character over every season (3-4months?) before I feel the power hype and see the “Big Numbo” would be discouraging. Not to mention if they drop a new class every few seasons? If I buy it I have no reason to NOT pick them, seeing tons of that class everywhere that season feeling less unique, and potentially never even seen or feeling that class flesh out. Itll be difficult to feel attached to “I main necro etc” and investing into that playstyle long term. Maybe thats the idea/drawing point, is making yourself try a lot of different playstyles.

    I can see myself getting to level 50-60 every so often season-to-season but feel theres going to be a huge amount of content I never see. Im banking on my idea that the expansions will be content direct-to the Eternal Realm and I’ll be caught in the “casual” audience that basically only plays for the major expansions when they come, and see the seasonal content if its added to the Eternal realm.

    The battlepass issue being added on top of this is probably an extremely surface layer issue that will wane off even more people. With so many good games coming out I’d hate to buy a battlepass and be under the impression that (1) I must complete it otherwise I lose the value of my $, (2) playing this time doesnt matter anyways because most of what I earn will be obsolete, (3) the player (probably) already has so many other responsibilities and other hobbies, games, interests to put their time into. I think its not difficult to understand how people might come to the conclusion that D4 might not be for them in the future if they believe something along these lines.

    • Voytek Jarnot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I remember that my first season was a bit of a mental hurdle to get over (but muh character). However, the seasonal bonuses lured me in, and the seasonal gameplay concept convinced me very quickly. I really don’t get what Tassi thinks he’s going to do with those eternal realm characters when they’re “done” – put them on a shelf and look at them?

    • knappieboy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah, i just dont find D4 to be anything new/innovative. Im happy that i didnt cave in and buy this especially at $70 but ill still be on the lookout for a new ARPG that innovates or brings some sort of grind like POE. Bouncing between POE2 and another game that operates similarly would be perfect for me.

    • RevX703 Savage703
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m just as lost as you are Ziz. Blows my mind that people are like D2 and D3 didn’t have seasons. Uhh… Yes they did…D2 were Ladders and they reset for fresh races to 100, but not all of them had new content until we got the synergy update and rune word update otherwise it was pretty minor. And D3 didnt start with seasons but eventually went that way as well. I’m so confused how these players don’t know this. I would burn out of this game even faster if season’s or ladders didn’t exist. I wouldn’t of played 3 years of my childhood in Diablo 2 if it didn’t have ladder resets.

    I play PoE for the Ladder resets because of the new content and refreshing way to play the game, new builds new gems, makes it great. These people literally have no clue. And in D2 a majority of players never hit 100 ever. D3 you could hit Cap in literally a couple of hours or less then start paragon farming on ladder reset, but thats what made the game boring. Was the same season after season. Burst to cap, get your free overtuned gear, get ancestral gear, do rifts, quit the game. And that wasn’t fun for me at all.

    But yeah I hit 100 in D4 one of the 6000 softcore guys that did. Why did I hit 100? I enjoyed playing my barb, it was alot of fun despite what people were saying and made it work since level 1, I didn’t do 4 man parties I just played at a chill pace. I had 2 struggles in my 50’s and mid 60’s and I quickly flipped my gear around and it was smooth sailing.

    • Zomious
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    All these casual andys crying about seasons being bad, will tune in every year for the new NBA, NFL, MLB, ect. season not realizing that its exactly the same thing happening over there.

    • Taintedgoose
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    So I’m confused, at the start of a season. You have to restart again? From scratch? That’s bonkers, took me forever to get to level 70.

    • Kryori
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If you don’t have the experience with other ARPGs seasonal mechanics to expect a whole new way to play the game, I can understand the anger. If you think Season 1 means a second grind through a bad story with worse side quests followed by a miserable collect-a-thon on the world map, anger is an appropriate response. Hopefully Blizzard will justify the $70 price tag with their seasonal content by adding interesting gameplay, but that remains to be seen – they haven’t announced specifics, and if you have no genre experience to compare it to that reset is gonna sound harsh.

    • The Real Rinkashime
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    thanks rob from the block

    • Matt P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    My favorite genre is arpgs but I have always disliked the idea of seasons and having to restart characters and have to replay literally the same character progression over and over. When I was younger I used to just spend the time and do it but as I get older it becomes more of a chore. Lets put it this way…if the new game content was placed on both a season server and the regular server which one would you play? Nobody would start new characters. Incentive has to be created in the form of the content thats locked behind that wall in order for people to replay the same character over and over

    • Lambda Function
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Honestly the leveling and paragon system in D3 was much more conducive to seasons in casual play. Scrap renown or make it permanent across seasons, lower the level cap, and focus the game more on doing end-game content and start adding things to that list instead of just a very watered down map system and they’ll have resolved most of the issue. Getting to max level in a D3 season took all of 4 hours being fairly inefficient. Then you were working on your seasonal set achievements while hunting for gear, and after that you were working on paragon and getting a good build off the ground. That flowed much more nicely than 50-60 hours of grinding up front.

    • robert Zimmerle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have said this for months now lol

    • Azidonis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is an ARPG, but it’s built like an mmo. Even seasons in D2 made you create a new character, but an old school rush took 10 minutes. With Diablo 4, having to grind to get to tier 4 will destroy the point of this game, which is to farm end game loot. Some people will spend an entire season not getting to tier 4. Many people will stay in the eternal realm or just stop playing. As for the ones who are used to this, they also get the shaft. Because Diablo has always been a game of runs, and they have made our ability to do runs into more of a chore in as many ways as possible. When players have to do things such as clear a dungeon except for the last boss, log out, and repeat, to get ahead, that is very poor design. At least let me kill the damn boss. I must’ve killed Mephisto in D2 millions of times over the years. Diablo and Baal too. And that was the point of the game. To continually dominate those guys and get better and better at it as we went. Now in D4 we are just… grinding trash mobs over and over again to get better xp and loot to grind more trash mobs. They have to find a true way to mix the runs feel of D2 with the current mmo layout. Currently, what they have is not it.

    • Ineffable_Aeon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    After the unforgivable bullcrap that Diablo Immortal was, I decided I wouldn’t get Diablo 4…

    And with every new thing I learn about D4, I’m increasingly glad I didn’t.

    • Jon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    season based content and starting a fresh character is the thing I love most about arpg’s

    • Garic B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    That moment when min/maxers realize they are only a very small % of the playerbase.

    • Seth C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons are fine, but levelling is way too slow. I feel like 1-20 is a good pace, then the slog begins. I don’t mind the pace dropping dramatically post 70 or something, but just getting to WT4 on an alt feels like a chore without a boost. For those of us who don’t play for a living, and who have familial responsibilities in addition to our work, it’s just annoying. I had hoped D4 would respect my time more than POE, but so far that doesn’t seem to be the case.

    • BAlexzander
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    And unfortunately Blizzard has paid bukoo bucks to streamers to pump up the game.

    • Jose Rivarola
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have played D2, D3 and POE. D4 feels different, the mindless grind required to reach full lvl is insane. Each character requires such a high time investment that creating a new one feels like insanity.

    • Mark Blissett
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think it just really depends what the new season content is. If it is some fun new mechanics then it’s worth a reroll. Also opens up some potential for races. Having a maxed op geared character is great but how will that keep you interested long term.

    • Mix Way
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Blizzard audience has always had a ridiculous amount of extremely ignorant, but also entitled casual players spamming any discussion forums with their confident braindead takes. That’s the reason every Blizzard game just turns into shit eventually. They just keep asking Blizzard to make the game, or even the whole genre cater to their playstyle/playtime because they only ever think about the surface level of any potential changes. It’s definitely the worst, most infuriating fanbase of any company – but that’s what happens when you heavily market your games to people who actually have no fucking interest in these types of games, they just don’t know it themselves. They like the idea of playing an actual MMORPG/ARPG etc., but don’t actually enjoy it in reality. So they will just whine until every game is turned into a shallow fast-food type experience without any depth, but they will also be the same bootlickers that defend their greedy cash grabs, because swiping requires absolutely no investment/knowledge/effort/time in the actual games.

    • Latham
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 is just kinda boring. Feels like a $40 game, not a $70-$100 game.

    • Clay Porter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Eternal characters should be able to progress the BP. Also, the quests for the season should also be available for eternal characters

    • Donovan Greenwood
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s a Blizzard game dude.. Built on the foundation of “The time you put in here, will exist as long as we do” WoW -> Overwatch -> Diablo. All different genres yet share the same value at (some) level. The open world MMO style of D4 is also baiting them into unsustainable expectations from this genre.

    PoE does it with its MTX and i don’t know if you noticed but Blizzard now sell MTX in WOW. That’s.. trippple dipping.

    • Enigma1336
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Kinda expected I think. Blizzard has a wider audience now than ever before. ARPG’s are definitely not for everyone, and I think the people that will only play through the story once and call it a day is a bit mad about paying ~$100 for it.

    • Ivo Bonev
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons are for players that are ready to put a bit more time in short amount of time. In I have a friend who plays PoE in standard SSF. He plays on console. The rest of us play Leagues, but I don’t play each and every one. If they make the game without Seasons, it would be dead pretty fast. They need Seasons and they need to add content each Season or PoE/PoE2 will destroy them. They can make Standard or whatever the permanent form of the game is fun, perhaps they can add the Season content to it, I never understood why PoE does not do that, but I don’t play Standard, so I don’t care much.

    • jack mac
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    is this like DOTA2?

    • BandarHillsfar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The main reason I hate seasons in an arpg (especially POE) is having to redo the campaign. The story is very weak in most arpgs and thus having to replay all that boring content with my limited availability. I rarely even get a chance to get to t10 maps before the season is over. Getting to play maybe an hour every other day makes the season grind feel like mostly repeating the least enjoyable parts to get to the fun stuff and most people are like me. We enjoy the games but we don’t have to time to stay on the treadmill as much. We just want a way to skip to the fun stuff instead of having to dredge through shit to get to it every season. Renown, way points, etc. Those all took lots of time for people to fully unlock and nobody wants to unlock all the waypoints every season or grind renown. For seasons you should be able to focus on the “new ” content not simply play the old shit with a twist
    Currently the way to reset dungeons in d4 feels like a glitch because it’s not “built in” like POE. D4 devs need to make dungeon resets faster and easier. It’s almost like they knew there wasn’t enough content so they make you waste time in other ways like loading screens.

    Helltides are terrible in d4. They are ok until you realize the 1 hour you have to play doesn’t fit into the window for helltide so you can’t progress your gear. Have been stuck with same shitty non upgraded gear because the resource I need is scarce and locked behind time gated content.

    Overall I don’t see this game being successful long term without some tweaks for the more casual players. When hopping on feels like a waste of your 1 hour of free time, people start looking for other things to do instead.

    • Jason proctor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Has any one played Torchlight2? It’s my 2nd fav game.

    • MigV _
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As a casual gamer, I had more fun with destiny 2. ARPGs are just not meant for casual gamers with little time.

    • Mats F.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Just accidentally sold my Ancestral chest piece because everything looks all the fucking same when yellow and Unique epics are about the same color wish they could make them red instead, and it was a perfect chest, and the buyback is fucking shit since it only lets you buyback the last 8 items or something when you clear out your inventory.

    • GMScorpio
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think you should be able to progress the season pass without having to make a new character for the people who don’t want to make a new character. I will be making new characters for sure but I can understand why people are upset when theyve never played a game like this.

    • That Guy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’ve been seeing so much negativity and backlash about seasons over the past week or so and I was genuinely confused why so many people were upset. This is nothing new for an ARPG and I feel as though people who are upset about seasons either never listened to what was being said or just wanted to throw money at something to join a hype train. Unfortunate for them but I’m excited to start seasons already

    • Heron Vitor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    yeah, im not a arpg player, start playing poe and when i found out that i could not play that character i was leveling up in a new season, i abandoned the game. I know that is a core mechanic for an arpg, but is not for me.

    • David
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I was assuming it was a season based because i played a ton of diablo alikes, including poe and they said as much. I do think that the current diablo IV is too grindy to be season based though. We’re going to have to see if the grind is easier to stomach in the season. Renown in particular is hell on earth. I know they’re making it easier supposedly but i want to see what they do.

    • Sqwash Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Imagine putting all your time and effort into a character, thinking you’re about to get some sweet cosmetics for said character, then this.

    • Mike C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Imagine only being level 11 at this point. It takes 30 minutes to hit level 11.

    If you can only get level 11 in 2 weeks just don’t bother playing. How is that even fun. Either learn time management skills or accept everything else in your life is way more important.

    • Pureblood Steve SayNo2mRNAjAB
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    To be fair ladder resets morphed into seasons/leagues (Thanks GGG) and the dev’s decided to monetize the game sometime around the 2010’s -2015 the moneychangers capitalized on what was simply a fresh start reset.What people are pissed off about is that some people put a lot into their characters to the level of cosplay after all it is a roll playing game but are forced to abandon that character for the carrot of new features and as Blizario has already stated the new features WILL NOT go to eternal at the end of the seasons.

    • Dad of War
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The problem isn’t seasonal reset, the problem is that the way D4 is now, the first 2 weeks will consist of boring grinding. At least in D3, even a casual could be pumping greater rifts after the first weekend

    • Vathone
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Blizzard made a casual ARPG with a hardcore focused seasonal model. Starting over is not something many want to do even if they are more on the hardcore side. The people who are ok with it will likely end up doing back to PoE for the insane build diversity and thoss who aren’t ok with it will just quit, leaving Diablo not in a great place

    • oGBeginner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s just that gameplay is not really fun at all until you level up. Then once you have enough perks and paragon points, you can finally start to use your class to the fullest, aaand then there is no more content

    • Jeffery Blake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    There’s going to be a significant drop in players when season 1 starts and you have to start over to access it.

    • A. G.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The entire reason I’ve been going at d4 kinda chill after the initial launch week rush is I didn’t want to get burnt out prior to season one as I’m super psyched to see what is coming and to main something else for it….(I started Sorc at launch) so I’m finding the misunderstanding of seasons as strange as you are…this is exactly what I bought into D4 expecting…quarterly seasons & fresh starts. Same reason I like PoE new seasons…always interesting to see the latest twist.

    • Miles Briggs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I completely agree that lettiing eternal do battle pass would fix most of this.

    • Mortius Shrek
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have to say that so far I love Diablo 4 but it does need a little work. I have played since the 1st and because of my work schedule and everything I am only like like level 62 (I have to work six days). I pretty much pop an XP potion everytime I do anything now and I am trying to farm all the renown (almost done!). I think it wouldn’t hurt to just punch up the XP gain a bit more, maybe for nightmare dungeons, helltides, or anything endgame. I really loved how in D3 you could level quickly, I don’t think it needs to be that quick, but not as grindy as it is now.

    • Nelo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Its manly that doing all the side quest and dungeons is boring.

    • doug Feith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They probably should have played the other diablo games to see if they liked the arpg games before getting the 4th of the game. So many people jumped on it because they saw so many people playing it that they didn’t want to feel left out.

    • Memes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Destiny 2 players need to go back into the hole they crawled out of. What a horrible community

    • Jeiymz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I get not liking the season system, it’s not for everyone, but what I don’t get is that people are spending upwards of 100 hours playing the game and THEN proceeding to be like “So all my time was wasted because I have to start a new character for the season?” No. You’re time was wasted if you weren’t having fun to begin with and you continued to play for 150 hours anyway. You can hate the system, but don’t be mad if you already had fun with the game the way you expected to in the first place.

    The reason I think people lean toward disliking the season system is that the game doesn’t feel full-fledged on release. It feels like the base game is half-baked with the intention to IMPROVE upon systems in the seasons – This should NEVER be the intention. The ideal version of this game would feel full and satisfying enough without the seasonal content. THEN, a season would add nuances to the game to provide players with a fresh experience as an incentive to return to the game. In other words, seasons should be a reason to return to a game, not a reason to play to begin with, and I can understand how the base game on its own might not feel like a game worth playing to begin with to some.

    • Jeffery Blake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is my first Diablo I’ve bought. I’m with the 70%. Having to restart every season is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen in a video game. Every single other game with a battle pass doesn’t make you restart to play it. Doesn’t matter if that’s what D3 did, it’s beyond stupid.

    • noizy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yea. If you never played Diablo 3 seasons and come from an MMO or any other GaaS game where you don’t just create new characters on the regular this might feel kinda counter intuitive. When I originally played D3, I played it until I beat Inferno (post nerf) and kinda bounced until years later when I bought the expac and a friend of mine got me into seasonal content. I suspect most people just never played seasons before.

    Blizz’s decision to make characters go to level 100 is sending mixed signals. If we compare D4 to D3, getting to 50 in D4 is like getting to max level in D3 (70), and level 50-100 in D4 is like doing end game in D3 where you get your paragon points (and it’s a long road). In D3 I would grind rifts to get gear and paragon pts. My goal was to push as high as I felt like it until i hit too much diminishing returns. But in D4 I set my mind on getting to lvl 100, and my motivation started to peter out around 78. There’s a part of me that feel like I “failed” my goal to get to 100. If this was D3, I would be like “yea this was a fun, see you next season”.So I understand if people feel they still have unfinished business with their main character to some degree.

    If people aren’t up for seasons, I think these are the same people that bounced off original D3 after beating Infero (or just once). It’s fine. It’s up to Blizz to make it compelling to players. That’s their job.

    • T. Baker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Your exactly right D4 drew a whole new demographic of people who don’t really understand the restarting of seasons.

    • Michael
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think by virtue of your status as a streamer, playtime with a variety of ARPG’s and so on, you are on the minority side here Ziz, not in a bad way, it’s just your view is a lot more lax in terms of whats acceptable than others who A: are new to ARPG’s or gaming, COVID saw like 400% increase in home gaming or something like that, B: most people don’t have several hours (speaking loosely here, several meaning more than 2) a day or a week to play, current economy means people are working more and their gaming passion/ hobbies are begin time farmed instead of being meaningful, lastly C: I think that mostly people don’t like meaningless repetitive loops, sure blizzard wants not only daily logins but also concurrent playtime so this is a win for them but its going to drive away a lot of the casual homely players, the dads/ moms, the workers, the 30s+.

    People using D2 and D3 as clout are using it as a badge of “hey look at me I know what I’m talking about”, most of them dont and they haven’t played an ARPG SINCE D2 or D3.

    Modern gamers or veteran gamers have been conditioned by modern gaming tactics in marketing and game design. Think of it this way, someone who played D2 who hasn’t played an ARPG comes to play D4, put yourself in their shoes.

    As a casual player, D4 looks very unwelcoming.

    Keep it real Ziz, “try to RIP, less than you do” 😜

    • Bavy35
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Im a dad of 2 nd probably play 2-3 hours max most days. Im level 68 nd used to play poe nd d2r. Seasons will be great, they are always fun starting the grind again arpgs should stay this way to be uber strong you gotta grind. I dont want d4 to turn out like d3 where everything was handed to you. The one big change i think is needed is map to be unlocked on alts but you still have to do the strongholds for those certain waypoints.

    • Poe Speedz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Let’s face facts. D4 has already accomplished its end game. And will be in damage control for a good long while

    • Zachary Heiner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As someone that has casually played PoE for years now (make one character each league, maybe reach red maps, maybe not), I feel like PoE has the advantage of both a decade of content additions on top of having way more versatility in character builds from the passive tree to support gems to cluster jewels and uniques, both gear and jewels, and what content you want to do and spec into via the atlas passive tree means you can even specialize that skill into a type of gameplay; all of these things create such a vast web that I’ve been making a variation on the same character with the same few skills each league for years now and it’s always a blast and new, from CoC to ailments to using combo’ing skills, to totem, trap and brand variants to a more aura or curse version, adding in battle cries or damage conversion, all without even really thinking about uniques.

    The reality is that I want to make some lightning and earth druid builds: to be frank, while there’s a few I can think of, if I take any one skill, there’s not much I can do with it. If I’m going lightning and earth, well, I pick up all the lightning and earth passives every time, I’d be dumb not to. There are a couple keystone passives I can use, which is something to choose, but only between two options. How can I alter skills? There’s a few legendaries, usually just one for each skill that you will use if you are using that skill, so, again, not really a choice, and otherwise, the skill functions how it functions. Is there another lightning and earth druid I can make for season 1? Sure, but not much past that tbh, especially with how limiting vulnerability is to get.

    I’m not saying it won’t be a good seasonal game in the future, but it feels very limiting when it comes to making a new character every 3 months, unless you just make an entirely different character each time, which as a casual player who likes a certain selection of skills and am attached to this character, is not going to want to remake if there isn’t something new for them. I have a character I like to play, and in PoE, I make a different variant each league, which just doesn’t seem very possible here.

    This is part of why I kind of wish GGG would add even a minor amount of character customization to each class in PoE2 because that shit does matter to a casual audience. We are the kind of people that get attached and invested to a character like in an MMO, and customizing both the spells and look matters to me. I remake in PoE because it’s technically me making the same character that does a slighty different thing with a similar skill each time, and doing that in D4 is going to be me primarily leveling up doing the same thing with the same spells every league. It really isn’t very appealing. We kind of have to see what they add/change each season before any of this is very definitive.

    • Wak
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    aarpg core is to grind. this whole lets make it easier for the common player just dosn’t make sense behind an AARPG. the hardcore ppl that would keep it alive are loosing interest such as myself with their choices. and the people they want to keep the casuals don’t give a fuck cause its not an MMO

    • Old Driver
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I just want to get it refund.

    • Khorne Flakes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m surprised this thread caught you off guard Zizaran, as you very well know alts are a problem on D4, it takes way too much time to reach 100.
    You’ve spoken on the concessions the devs already made as far as what would be transferred from your main to your alts so as to lighten the grind.
    WHat these people are mad about isn’t necessarily the concept of creating a new character for a season it’s the idea of creating a new character on Diablo 4 and having to get that characterto 100 under a season, no matter if the map is revealed and the altar buffs transferred.

    Seriously on my lvl 80 it takes like at the very least 10 nightmare dungeons 20 lvls higher than me to gain a lvl you can’t expect that kind of time sink from regular people that’s hundreds of hours per character for anyone who’s not group rushing or chain resetting and no-one wants to do that.
    Diablo 4 showed a weakness as far as replayability i think when compared to Diablo 3 when it comes to it’s campaign and how it brought you to high lvls.
    I wish we could compare how much time it took a normal player to complete a D3 season compared to what’s coming with D4.

    • T3mp0
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I definitely think this is a case of seasoned arpg players having an extremely different mindset than most new/casual players. I have several friends who dont play arpgs at all who are always surprised to find out that we dont just tolerate the resets, but actively enjoy doing everything (or mostly everything) over again. I can see where this may have been exasperated by D4’s mmorpg & arpg hybrid system, since in most mmorpg’s that ive played, your character does not get reset for each content release, and you just play through the new content from where you left off. if you came from one of those styles of games, especially as a casual player, only to be told that your current character wont be viable for the next bit of content, i can 100% see that being frustrating

    • Pureblood Steve SayNo2mRNAjAB
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    What I’m hearing and seeing is that people are just as mad at streamers as they are Blizzard.

    • Thomas Grimm
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    People just want to unlock the cosmetics they payed for, big deal. Change the battle pass to work on eternal realm and everything is fine.

    • acadianalien
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    What’s even more jarring for me is not being to get the perfect gear for your build. I just assumed that if you played 500 hours in an ARPG you would have the perfect gear with the perfect stats. Apparently it’s impossible in POE or D2 to do that lol. It took me a few days to get over my perfectionist mindset and just have fun without optimizing.

    • Kalipolis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Who cares – the casuals are not going to financially support the game long term. For a 1st month of a launch I’m in awe at what a great job them have done. Fix enchanting; cost of respecting; add an armory; increase rewards of xp and loot in nightmare dungeons; and a few other things and it would be near perfect for a brand new game. Oh and balance leveling. Druids are near unplayable while leveling. If I hadn’t helped my friend level his Druid to lvl 70 it would have been impossible. Crazy that my rogue would do 90% of the damage up until around lvl 70. He is a wow mythic raider so don’t tell me he is bad. No Druids are absolutely terrible for leveling. I was laughing non stop at his damage. But endgame they look sooo fun.

    • J.D.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Has Blizz ever made it explicitly clear how seasons work? I could understand as someone who never played a Diablo/clone wondering what exactly is going on regarding seasons. Now, having said that…All those posts are from completely new players? Like how many new players did D4 bring in? D3 sold 30 million copies, so I assumed most players would be hold overs from that, or from D2, where seasons most certainly existed, although they were implemented well after the games were released.

    • xJaMonGix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Dude, shout-out to Gaia Online. My brother and I spent a ton of time on there when we were kids.

    • Nick Crispino
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think alot of a players are mistaken d4 as an mmo instead of arpg

    • Christopher Champion
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Ziz is 100% right here. It’s interesting to see these takes. I feel like there are casuals who think they aren’t after hearing this….. is the xp a tad stingy, sure… but they said this will be addressed. You aren’t supposed to make 100 in a week dude. Pros who play 8-10 hours a day weren’t all doing this in group play.

    • Convergence
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    definitely a mix of entitlement and miscommunication. When you think MMOs it’s about growing a single character or a roster of characters over many years. When you think ARPG, it’s about growing a character for a week or two and then moving on. These games are structured this way, they all are.

    But D4 sits in this weird category where you have lots of blizzard fans coming from stuff like heartstone and WoW which don’t have seasonal resets, and D4 was loosely advertised as this open world mmo-lite game. And all those players came into the game expecting an isometric MMO-lite, more than a traditional arpg. Even though Blizzard said many times that it will have seasonal resets like ARPGs do.

    So people can’t read I guess

    • George N
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t actually blame the players on this one, at least not entirely. This is what happens when you make a game like D4 that has, in my opinion, a bit of an identity problem. Appealing to more than one type of gamer with your base game is not a bad thing; it’s good, and it means you did something right. But you also have to know that there are a lot of people who do not do the kinds of research even a middle casual player will do. They have a friend that wants to play, they are bored, and so they try it. And now you get mobile gamers since Immortal, MMO fans, ARPG fans…all of them. And that’s great. But the game lacks a real identity that can resonate with all these different types at once. There is something for everyone in the base game, but beyond that is where it becomes really muddy in my opinion. Super casuals are not going to want to start over, but then FOMO kicks in and they do. Make it to level 27 and quit because they are bored and there is a new CoD season starting. The game is like a jack of all trades and master of none since it has so many elements at once. I just think the game as it is designed and played today does not fit nearly as well with a four season a year schedule as D3 did. I have put probably 3500 hours into D3 and I am struggling to even get to level 60 right now, let alone the thought of a new season in 4-5 weeks like it’s planned. I’m glad people like D4, but something about it just isn’t grabbing me and feels….weird. Like a lot of features were stripped initially to go into the shop(I’m looking at you mysteriously missing gem bag and vacuum pickup)and what we have is just not complete. I say this game will be really good in 2-3 years, maybe more, especially since their update schedule has a “when we get around to it” vibe. But their nerf schedule is on call 24 hours a day. Something just feels off and I can’t quite place it.

    • JDog
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Ive been enjoying D4. Im a casual player and still on my first character lvl67 so i have been burnt out by powering through the game yet. I do wish there were more things to do at endgame but im patient and can wait for season one before i start complaining 😂

    • Peter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Paul Tassi is just simple clueless and out of touch

    • Miko
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m so fed up these brain dead people who straight up have no idea how this shit works buying into the hype train from marketing, buying the game, then not liking what it is. at this point they just need to fuck all the way off

    • David
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    game is a hollow soulless shell of pretty graphics. no need to trade, no need to interact, no chance to find something valuable, leveling up makes game harder – level 100 finds only items for level 100. its endless bad decsions they can never fix. STILL kinda fun? but one playthrough for me and I’m done. like reading a bad book.

    • Yavuz Belur
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s simple they are not ARPG players, they will only come for the new expansions and etc. between the expansions seasons rule

    • M Z
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    man, that forbes guys takes are so off. it only has weight because of his title with Forbes

    • Psyjinx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The world feels like Guild Wars 2. It just does. I can see how people feel that disconnect from ARPGs.

    • Anglada Frank
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Way back when on Diablo 2 I was not interested in Ladder. I, of course, made dozens of new characters and builds.

    When I started Path of Exile I spent a good 800 hours in Standard, failing at understanding the point of seasons.

    Until one day where I jumped in! Never looked back, starting fresh is the best feeling there is and we are talking about PoE here with its boring 10 acts you have to repeat not only every season but for every single character. I don’t know what these people are complaining about at that point, they seriously don’t want to play more of the game and try new classes / buiolds? Then why the hell are they complaining? Just don’t play the game, simple as that.

    • maawstagarwar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Enjoy eating my popcorn watching people who have never played leagues in games before complaining in ignorance.

    • Jeffrey Hill
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m an ARPG veteran but I actually lean towards agreeing with casuals on this topic. I’ve never been a big fan of season resets. Seasonal content? Great. Just add it to the game. But what about the people who take a break or don’t have as much time to grind? (Especially in a game as slow to grind as D4). Or maybe you’ve got your character about 2/3 of how far you wanted to take them, but then the new season drops? In order to experience the new content you’re FORCED to change characters rather than CHOOSING to change. That is not fun.

    I think seasonal content is good, but it shouldn’t be exclusively for new characters. Realllly not a fan of that system. Its too forced. I don’t really care if its “a norm” in the genre. Change the norm then. Seasons should be additive, not exclusive. It makes old characters feel obsolete, too.

    • Kriston Anderson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Pretty careless to buy a game like Diablo 4 and do little to no research on how it will work. No sympathy from me.

    • albertakitesurfer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    You do have to explore the map, do alters again because only half the renown is account wide. It annoyed me that map exploration wasn’t shared between characters.

    Hopefully they fix this. If I started two seasonal characters I should be able to split up the renown grind between them.

    • Meerkatx5
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If you said this I missed it, there is always non-season for people who don’t want to take part in character wipes. This is indeed shocking though from so called “veteran” ARPG players.

    • François Lebel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Renown grind is the real dealbreaker for me, I can grind dungeons all day. Fetch quests and oatmeal for a camel are another matter entirely.

    • Ramyam
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is NOT “standard” for ARPGs, 2 games introduced it later on, been playing since D1.

    Diablo 2 never had “seasons” I could spend how ever long I wanted leveling up a character.

    Diablo 3 had Seasons later on, but by then 75% or more of the playerbase had already stopped playing D3.
    PLUS! Diablo 3 always offered their seasonal stuff to normal after season was finnished (except some frames or wierd stuff), all new uniqe items got added to main game after season.

    Diablo 3 and Path of Exile aren’t the only ARPGs either, there’s been MANY and none of the other ones ever had season like this from my knowledge.

    I’v played Diablo 1-2-3 and Season bullshit they introduced with D3 later on was what made me quit D3.
    I still play original D2 sometimes offline.

    I leveled up many characters in D2, but that was to try new builds! new classes, THAT would have been a better approach to it! remove the respecc or limited it to a 2 times per character or X ammount of respecc placements you can do, or make it MORE expesive, so you don’t ever want to jump back and forth between builds, but maybe try to change once sure.

    Thats a FAR better way to have someone want to level up a new character.

    Seasonal stuff is also just dumb because so much time is invested in temporary shit, instead work on adding new permanent content for a game.

    Another aspect, yes I have very limited gaming time now adays, and I still want to occationally play FPS / Strategy games at times, so maybe I’ll play 1-2 hours of D4 every other day.
    Include a holiday with family away for a week here or there.

    I don’t enjoy the grind to level, and constantly swapping out my gear, I look forward to beeing close to lvl 100 and fiddeling with perfecting my gear! thats the part I always love spending most time on, getting 1-2 % better here and there, and this BS seasonal stuff will have me constantly grinding up levels only, never actully trying to perfect a build.

    Options they could do to fix this for many atleast:
    Make leveling up 3-4x faster.
    Make you able to access MOST but not all of the seasonal stuff on Eternal characters too, it’s fine to have a few stuff uniqe to New character.
    FEWER seasons with 6+ months inbetween, 3 months is WAY to tight.

    LOTS of people will be at maybe lvl 50-70 at 1-2 characters when season start, and get bummed out like me when they kinda have to start from start AGAIN to access new fresh content.

    • HonestlyBad
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Allow eternal players access to battlepass, more money for blizzard and a happier community

    • Inksplosion Games
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It srsly felt to me that until wearing Sacred gear everything sucked. I do play druid so that may have been part of it. I’m at 51 now and its Diablo. I was wrong. However I do think they messed up early game but idk.

    • gzaf187
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m kinda shocked about this 😂😂😂 Welcome to the world of ARPG, welcome to the grind.

    • FaeraGaelwyn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They structured the game a lot more like an mmorpg, so people probably came into the game expecting a more Lost Ark experience.

    My only gripe with the game currently is that the account wide renown progress isn’t split between the account unlocks and the negligible exp/gold gains.
    To clarify, the issue for me is that the renown objectives don’t contribute points uniquely to the account wide progress.
    If I play my 2nd character and complete new renown objectives that I have not done yet, I effectively gain no progress on my renown completion until i’ve made up the ‘negative’ points created in the wake of the first character.
    So instead of farming nightmare dungeons or playing alternate character classes I end up feeling pigeonholed into forcing myself to spend my game time with an objective map on my other screen and do map completion. An activity which in any mmo-style game I play is usually a final ‘what else am I going to do’ objective, but blizzard went and tied player power to it so I ‘have’ to do it.
    Just makes me feel regret whenever I play my 2nd character for even just a half hour because nothing that character does, even quests/dungeons/altars i haven’t completed count, because they set it up so that you have to fill the void left by the first character before anything makes progress again.
    They could have simply made the account unlocks and per-character exp/gold unlocks separate bars.
    Also don’t understand why I can’t see altar locations that I’ve already picked up when I change characters. Just seems silly to make me switch characters to check the other character’s map. One more reason to use 3rd party maps 👍🏻
    All in all, having fun, but some QoL changes would be nice. Also lost an enchant roll because it force closed all my windows when i opened my skill menu to see if the +2 to X passive it rolled for amulet was something I wanted. Not cool bliz

    • Arrogance222
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m an ARPG veteran and knew the score. However, the leveling experience is more tedious than I had anticipated which you can’t know until you experience the game. D3 seasons were generally pretty content-light compared to a Path of Exile season, but leveling in D3 took just a couple days at max and so the season was quite accessible. Compared to that leveling experience I have concerns about what will be required to get seasonal rewards in D4 and how worthwhile they will be overall.

    • Paulo Neves
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I dont mind the whole season thing because I used to play D3 a lot, so I know how it goes and I’m used to it. I just dont understand why eternal characters cant progress the battle pass as well since it is for cosmetics only (I think)…

    • JooshMate
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The seasonal restart is literally what I live for with games like this. Playing the same characters etc forever sounds dogshit. I appreciate that’s just my opinion and everyone’s got their scenarios but I don’t think the game would keep me if it went for that approach.

    • Nick Maruca
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Fuck em, who cares. These are the same type of people to bitch about a game being too hard. I legit could not care less about their opinions or feelings on the game. Fuck em.

    • evan tabor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    also lets be real this is just fluff anyway for ziz ghazzytv ben havoc all those poe main people as soon as the new poe league comes out an especially poe 2 none of them will even be playing d4 much at all these pastr couple of vidoes is just to make enough money an have some kind of vidoes an content lets be real here u can hate all u want an argue an say im wrong or whatever bs u wanna reply with but it wont change the fact its the truth u will see 90 percent poe an 10 maybe even 5 d4 soon as they come out ebd of story period

    • Eternal1371
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Reading the comment’s shows the difference between those that played only d3. A game that literally gave everything to the players. Then those that played d/d2 and felt the struggle of a ladder rush. It’s the same concept as d2 Nd the ladder reset. If you’re not enjoying the battle pass enjoy the regular game and wait for reset. Normally those changes drop down to the normal game after a ladder/season. If you want to be competitive and not a casual play the season. Thats the point of a season… to be for those non casual players. If you’re going to cry because the game doesn’t hand you everything. My suggestion would be go play hello kitty island adventure. Or just go kick rocks….

    It’s a sign of generation gap of players. Yes I’m older now and have alot more responsibilities. But even i know this concept of the arpg platform.

    ~Getgud kids

    • f4q ebutuoy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is what happens when you try and turn an ARPG into an MMO ARPG. You get MMO players who don’t like to re-level characters, being all entitled. People who are not Diablo fans who don’t know how Diablo has always worked in some aspects. We are up to Season 28? in D3, all of which requires you to start from level 1. It’s just the way it is and always has been. Welcome to the game. This is not PoE. Acually saying that, isn’t it a fact that you have to start a new character in PoE seasons too?

    • Totally not Trademarked
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If you have not played Lost Ark, you won’t understand. They are in the MMO lite space like D4 is trying to be. Until you have that comparison it is really hard to analyze their decisions as just an ARPG player. Resets work in ARPGs, not ARPG-MMOs. The disconnect is also the marketing and dev interviews saying they want this to be the casual game. Yet the XP grind is worse than POE. It just makes no sense.

    Even the remaining 900 renown you will need each season, after the carry over, strongholds and remaing waypoints. On average is going to take 30 hours. Now imagine a casual gamer not getting their 20 paragon points until 3 weeks into a season or longer. IF they hard focus it. It just makes zero sense in a standard ARPG.

    It works in Lost Ark because its account bound and permenant. Lost Ark’s only downfall was the gear upgrade system. Which was way too grindy for a slim chance every couple of days. Aesthetics are subjective so I won’t hold that against them.

    • jan kristian mari Dia
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Idiots. Idiots everywhere…

    • ckerca2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The size of the world and ammount of unlocks/quests levels is direct opposition to season/league mechanics. It’s like with WoW wrong content for the game/business model type.

    • Swad 1000
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Anyone not a streamer or “influencer” would have dodged this game and waited a year or two before it became decent. D2 and D3 were trash on launch and nothing Blizzards done in 10 years have been worth playing outside of classic WoW on launch. Very good to see people bashing on the company again after they were tricked into buying another $70 load of trash from Blizzard.

    • Andrew Hoskins
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Baffling how stupid casuals are 😂

    • jzm
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This thread is surprising to me. But i’m not surprised that there are so many clueless people on twitter. Also i hate the ‘im a dad, so i have limited time’ crap. I am a dad, 40+, i like arpg’s and i make time for it. The whole dad/parent argument is just complete farce. Looking forward to seasons starting.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I have played plenty ARPG’s but I still agree. I dont like starting a new character over at all. I’ll take new items, themes, sets, runewords, etc as season content. I agree, f*ck making new characters every season.

    • Tommy Sténs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    how long is 1 season gonna be?

    • SlakOffs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I feel like since this game had more of an MMO direction, they should release new content for eternal characters as well, in mmo fashion. Seems like a waste of potential for players who aren’t looking to grind from scratch but still want something to chase. Even if it’s just new items to upgrade your current character.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    if this was diablo 1 maybe. but this is diablo 4. there has been season since 2 and u keep ur silly toons. seasons are for the no lifers.

    • djhyperduckman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Makes me wonder if my love of ARPGs is a mental illness 😂

    • Seth Ven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I gave up on the game last week. Not enough content to keep me playing. I’m happy to wait. There’s plenty of other games to play. The receptiveness from D3 Seasons always had my attention for 3 weeks, and that’s how I feel about D4.

    • Killer99215
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    News about seasons coming to diablo 4, sucker punched a lot of casual karen’s apparently

    • I_Is _Patrisha
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Twitter often makes me feel out of touch. So much so that I can never tell if I am or not anymore

    • That Guy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    all you “seasoned” players are too young to remember diablo 2, you started your character, played through to the end then restarted the game with that character on the next difficulty tier, over and over getting stronger gear at each playthrough. this is the problem. by trying to copy poe theyve destroyed the traditional diablo way of building and loving a really cool character. i loved diablo 4, had a blast, but in just two weeks im done with it and moving on. i think they stuffed up and the game will be very short lived

    • I Make The Sites
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Enter the angry Twitter voices. This is where Hollywood gets instructions for movies too

    • PrivateSyaz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m thinking the battle pass is probably season locked because Blizzard want to be able to have season mechanics as part of the battle pass goals. If they allow it for eternal too theyd have to make all of the objectives in the pass general (Or add the season content to eternal).

    • stefan pills
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Waste of money if u start new character just for cosmetics

    • J.o.e Official
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Bruhh. I thought they would not f up diablo and do some good things with it. This is just the first step to make us buy things on the shop. D4 will become diablo immortal in time just slowly and trying to lie their way to it. A shame…. a real shame. Anyone who likes to play the game all over with the new season is just 0 iq and not seeing what they are doing.😊

    • Tiana Harn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    As a casual diablo only player for arpg games I agree with your comments. I do notice a lot of miscommunication on what and how seasons work. Hopefully when Season 1 rolls out it will be smoothed out a bit because i loves seasons in D3.

    • Scrubzor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I didnt realise you had to create a new character and do the seasons to level the battle pass. That is pretty shit. I like just focusing on one character.

    • KevWox
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    even as a new diablo/ARPG gamer, i dont mind new characters for new seasons because i love the game and want to make a new character for every class! i understand being a casual and not having much time. maybe original characters could get allowed into the Seasonal stuff with whatever gear but everything scales back? idk entirely what the solution would be and im glad to not be in blizzard’s position right now. but i am personally excited for season 1 and will be making a new character despite not really having the time to be doing this lol

    • Scrambled Flan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Knowing blizzard monetization, I bet they will eventually let Eternal players play the new mechanic but have to pay for the mtx unlocks or season unlock benefits that a person who started new for the season can unlock for free. Basically some sort of hybrid to pay to win but the ability to farm for it. And they are going to screw up the fine balance but blizzard won’t care since they will get more money this way. They will probably say something like it’s not paying for power since these mtx/achievements don’t provide more power.

    • X1mX
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    im definitely a vet, at least 5k on d3 and as much on poe and i think D4 has huge issues, chat, LFG, Loot scaling, non interactive interface, Thats what gonna kill longevity, if not fixed. Seasons are irrelevant. if the loot is motivating and we have social, we rinse and repeat unlimited times.

    • Miguel Cuevas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is the reason I only play Standard on PoE. I love the game, but no way I’m doing everything from scratch every three months. Why put the effort in the first place?

    • DarthFalcon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think one of the big problems isn’t that the season resets, but that players HAVE to play a new season pass to progress the battle pass. Personally I’m prepared for resets through years of ARPGs (Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Path of Exile) but like you said in the video, the mainstream marketing for this game with celeb and brand endorsements definitely seems to have brought in a lot of new people who had no idea what they were getting into.

    • Joe Curry
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    When Diablo 3 seasons came out I had the same mindset. I was like I don’t want to have wasted all my time. A few seasons in I tried it and it was so much fun starting over and hitting all the milestones and taking a character from garbage to god tier. It came to the point where the reset was the whole reason I’d get excited to come back and play

    • Doktor Bunsenbrenner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Well i love running juicy maps over an over again in POE. Back in the days I also loved bossruns in D2 in groups for hours. But in D4 the dungeons are just boring. Almost No Monsters. Go there, find this, kill that. I Just wanna kill stuff and the pacing is so slow. Then no socials, not even a chat. Just *@#! emotes. Well, okay, the campaign was fun. But wasnt worth the money imo.

    • Ben Taylor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    People hear the legendary status of a game and buy, without knowing if they like it or not. I’ve done it before with other genres and only played 4-10 hours of said game that I bought for full price. I wouldn’t play this game twice and I’m a hardcore poe player. It’s just fucking boring. But these folks probably just don’t get arpg life.

    • King Of Brands
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I love how you have poe music in the backround and talking about diablo😂

    • LowCarbCountyTV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Not everyone was meant to play everything.

    • kilermekov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I would guess that there’s a disconnect between the ARPG version of seasons and the seasons people are used to in CoD, Destiny, etc, even Blizzard’s own WoW.

    ARPG fans are for the most part familiar with the idea of having to start new characters often and the gameplay loop being that 0-max loop over and over. People from the wider audience might be used to seasons being something tacked on to the end content of the current game, new things to continue to build upon with the same character/account. I could understand confusion over getting a battle pass because there’s that awesome cosmetic you want for your Druid only to realize that you’ll have to create a new character to even be able to unlock it. Asking, will that mean I have to use it on the new one and not the one I really wanted it for?

    To veteran ARPG players we had an assumption of how things would go. A player that’s never played one, or maybe played D2 back in the day and remembers “Ladders” and not “Seasons”, might have needed that explicit upfront explanation of “Listen, you can play the same character forever, and that’s awesome if that’s fun for you. Our plan for future content though is different and relies upon you making a new character every few months. You don’t have to in order to play at all, but if you want the new stuff you will.”

    • Noah hammons
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I was dumbfounded by some of these takes most of these people clearly havent played a diablo game before d2 and d3 both had seasons with the same mechanics. My thought is maybe you should research a game what its about before purchasing and complaining about it when you dont know what your talking about. This is coming from someone who has cleared gr 150 on a couple of seasons of d3 and am currently lvl 100 on druid and almost 70 on rouge knowing that once the season starts that I start fresh and will be there for it

    • Loki_354
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I am an old 09 d2 player. No seasons. I tried to play seasons in d3. Didn’t catch me. I play poe on PS4 and only do seasons for a week or 2… Always hoping. Honestly. The grind isn’t the statues.. it’s the game. I used to run MEPH repeatedly for hours.. when I was 20. I’m 49 now. Priorities. Bliz is in trouble cuz they have mad a game that appeals to my age group but have refused to understand that group. My prediction is season 1 will start good cuz lots have bought the pass.. but it will fizzle. The only players left will be the hardcore’s who do arpgs. And even they will be lost when poe2 launches as it has the complexity that that crowd desires.

    D4 is a pathetic place. They had a chance to keep the old d2 players. But messed that up. They don’t have a chance to keep the modern players.. and they are messing that up. It will be an interesting ride. And I hope I’m wrong. I doubt that I am.. but I can hope

    • PrivateSyaz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    One thing i was surprised at while reading through threads on twitter and reddit is how many people assumed they would be able to just play one character forever and expected the level cap for their character to get increased past 100 a little bit each season as the main form of progression. Essentially the same way that WoW increases the level cap by 10 every expansion. Blizzard really did market D4 well, theres a lot of people playing it that clearly havent ever played an arpg before.

    • Pavel Celba
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I quit at like lvl 82. Atm I do think the problem is not maybe the grind itself, but the fact that they made it past like lvl 75 totally meaningless. There is not much better loot, there are no targets to really strive for (experience is not better beyond +3 lvl dungs of nightmare sigil dungs). There is no exp loss for dying. There is only endless mindless grind of levels to endure. And I personally don’t find that task – to just endure this mindless grind – enticing enough to play more.

    • spork
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    You and I had the exact same reaction Ziz. I was like “oh you think THATS grindy?!” Obviously I didn’t say that to anyone as it was pretty clear most of these commenters were very casual, at least compared to the average PoE enjoyer. I do think casuals need a place in the ARPG ecosystem and Diablo has been many peoples first steps into ARPGs. My hope is that some of those who are initially critical of this system give it a shot when seasons come out and find they actually do enjoy the grind and payoff.

    • HeiLong24
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i personally stopped playing d3 seasons because leveling to endgame was a slog. i went back the first few times because i wanted to try PLAYING a new class or whatever at endgame…not because i wanted to LEVEL a new character. it’s the same with d4 for me now.

    • Harveydanger545
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I love how people whine about this if you have never played a duablo before get over yourself not every game is easy mode. They are being very flexible with this if you dont like it dont buy the battle passes. Its ment to be there to keep new smaller content to keep others playing. Instead of the people that will level 1 character then quit the game, or hell even just do the storyline and quit. There is always a small grind to do things during stuff stop complaining every time something isnt perfect. This is better in a lot of ways then D3 was at the start so give them props instead of hounding them for every litle small thing that just isn’t your way.

    • Cata Ex
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i’m definitely very biased towards Ziz

    • 亮諸葛
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Classics degenerated into semi-finished products and used for commercial fraud

    • Chyrnobyl66
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    ive been playing these for a long time, and i understand how it all works, but tbh, i have almost no interest in playing seasons. I love playing through once or twice, but i honestly dont see how people keep coming back to new chars every season in ARPGs.

    • Shaquile Oatmeal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m just glad I didn’t buy this game lol

    • evan tabor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i also think d4 is a waste of space horrible trash

    • HeroicLarvy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    “I’m level 11, but spent more time on twitter whinging about game updates then I have playing the game”

    Opinion ignored.

    • Jumpman Lee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Filthy causals lol

    • Marc Reid
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Just the vocal minority. It’s their own fault for not looking into how seasons in arpgs work.

    • Jaxipup
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Kinda anticipated this response, though I was expecting it to occur on or during the S1 launch. Having had this conversation with some of my casual friends, they truly didn’t understand that this has been the standard in the genre for beyond a decade, some outright refused to believe me when I told them this was on the horizon. I do think, however, an accelerated XP curve for seasonal characters is going to be a must to maintain these casual players, I can already see how fatigued my friends are only just hitting 50, offering to power level them each season is only going to work for so long.

    • Brett Cloud
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    “I played d2 and d3 and they didn’t have seasons”

    Lol okay.

    • John Ferrell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    All of my decisions around how I play D4 has revolved around how relatively close the Season 1 launch is from when the game launched. I never expected D4 to syphon as much as my time as POE manages. I suspect a large amount of the issues are a lack of managing expectations and being overly invested before the first season.

    • Dominik Thoma
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 4 aims to occupy an allcomers mainstream position for casuals in the great big context of ARPGs. Seasonal Resets is anathema to this casual mainstream approach.

    • Fungus Lad
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    My first arpg was poe and I started making a standard character cuz I didn’t understand why anyone would make a character for one league only. Made a friend through trading who convinced my to play the next league start. So glad I did. I understand where these people are coming from since that was me but I hope they play the first season and realize how much fun it can be.

    • driiifter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’ve been trying to tell people how out of touch the top is with the bottom for a very long time now and I get laughed out of all the streams. A lot of people just think everyone automatically is supposed to know all this ARPG stuff. They also think their brain is gonna instantly remember every nuance of the game after they play it 1 week. That’s not how casuals or new gamers brains work; they have a lot of other things going on in their head and aren’t just gonna decide to CRAM for a video game, especially people studying. They’re going to remember parts of the game gradually as they go back to it.
    Imo, these games could use Note Progression systems that give you key notes when you progress, “You have uncovered 100% of the map, it is now unlocked for all characters”. Notes like that inside of a self contained in game notebook.

    • Skhunter42
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 will lose a ton of players and that’s a fact. These players didn’t realize what they were signing up for.

    • コンバラリアコンチェルト
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Twittard always Twittard
    Their head are so higggggggggggh above the ground and so disconnected with reality for some reason.
    Eventho ppl will try to talk sense with them they still ignoring it because their EGO is as thicc as Lilith’s horns.

    For me, season 1 is what I’m interest.
    Don’t know how it will turn out, how much reward for normal ppl, Is there any new interesting Mechanic put in ?
    They have stuff up their sleeves I’m sure of that.

    • Sinndrone
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo2 had ladder, ladder is season with a different name

    • Insanitypepper
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If my existing characters can’t participate in the battle pass, they’re basically pointless then. Nothing I am doing right now matters. I will likely participate in season 1 and then that will be the last one for me.

    • Rekt4Guud
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    prob cause its a rushed out unpolished piece of shit. Nobody tgat likes the game can even say why, and streamers getting 20-100x usual viewers makes them insanely bias (ziz included)

    • DragonCaller1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The majority that Read Paul T. Are destiny players, People talking how they were a vet of D2-D3 and say that they didn’t have seasonal content never played the game at all. I had one person say other ARPG’s have where you can continue to level in seasonal content, I answer what Grim Dawn? He was surprised because his answer was of course grim dawn but i had to point out that grim dawn was not what we meaning community of ARPG players would consider seasons. They had a melt down, and i could only laugh.

    • bred nbudr
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Despite enjoying ARPG’s I’ve always despised the seasonal refresh struxture and really hoped D4, in their attempt to reach a wider audience, would branch out from this. Despite what ARPG veterans want, D4 is going to have to adapt to a more MMO structure. Like almost a Destiny style. You keep your character, new things are unlocked with each expansion, etc.

    • Firewynn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I feel most people have even forgot D2 and D2R did the same thing mainly. All new content was only on ladder, until ladder was over, then the offline/normal game got an update for those new sets and rune words and uniques.

    • KitCatXIV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah It’s a bit weird how people are so clueless. I’ve had at least 30-40 PoE characters because of seasons. Over 30 Diablo 3 characters because of seasons. At least a couple dozen in D2..

    That’s literally what a season is. This is normal.

    I don’t even really know what people want to do with a level 100 character anyway. You can’t farm for alt gear because things drop at your level (I dislike this). Once you get to 100 and kill uber lilith you may as well delete your character and start over, since there’s no point playing that character any more. I guess you could use them to farm materials quickly in helltide zones and use the materials on alts.. Or boost your friends.

    • Fhaarkas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This whole Twitter ruckus really opened my eyes. I mean, I get that Diablo 4 has issues, and there’s the elephant in the room called Battle Pass and whatnot, but seeing people outright talking down something that’s beloved by most ARPG fans… it’s just insane. It’s like some new guy shows up at a hobby club and just suddenly scream “I don’t like this! Let’s turn everything upside down!”. The fuck you will.

    There really are all kinds of people out there.

    • Dorgrident Lel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The question asked is not what the thumbnail tells…. who is making this, step on a lego.. you are a part of the problem of our current online situation.. the people who keep up the hate and agression on the titles of articles/videos… good for you getting a few more bucks by clickbaiting people / angry people by reading only the thumbnail Clap Clap

    • Retief Boshoff
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yk ik poe leagues and ye im used to it, however, I have always felt like it is the wrong methodology, I feel like they can implement leagues like poe but then “seasons” and what I mean with that is every 3 months mix up the bosses and some of the game mechanics for the main game, seasonal uniques, those uniques can only be farmed during that season, iow if you miss it you have to wait for the summer season to farm it again, this seasonal system combined with new leagues for players and then an events system too, events can happen through the year, through leagues and through seasons and no not poe methodology of event but much more like Diablo Immortal events, added maybe even more like drakensang online events system with their own bosses unique drops from bosses and maybe even unique or legendary gems from the progress bars, the duration of said events can be Looong with short and insane progress bars to fit both casual players and veterans, and yes any arpg that implements all 3 systems will have the highest imaginable player base of any game this goes for both poe, and d4

    • bullitt411
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Crux of the entire issue is that casuals players don’t want their time “wasted”. The term “wasted time” is vastly different between a hardcore veteran arpg player and a casual player. If you don’t recognize that distinction, then we (the hardcore players) are the ones out of touch. Blizzard is attempting the make this game appeal to a more casual player base. I’m totally ok with that and am begrudgingly fine with some of the more casual aspects being implemented into the game. Most of their current player base is not willing or unable to commit 3-500 hours every 3 months into re-establishing their characters into the end game of this franchise regardless of how “fun” the game is. And don’t tell me it won’t take that many hours for a casual player to get thru all the renown system, get to 85+ and start end game farming. Only arpg vets and streamers can effectively accomplish that kind of progression in a timely manner for seasonal resets. I have probably over 10k hours in PoE and would never recommend that game to a casual player. Diablo 4 is not trying to be PoE, so maybe we need to accept some changes that cater to a more laid back playstyle. My thought would be increases to experience in dungeon/nightmare dungeons during seasonal play, or simply a 1.5x multiplier for xp during seasons. There simply no need to make this game an insane grindfest for casual players during seasons. These are disposable characters anyway once the season ends.

    • Biff Masterson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s not casual players per se it’s players like you said that are ignorant because they are new.

    • Erik Mayfield
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think D4 is currently suffering a bit of a identity crisis, D4 isn’t a amazing game for causuals to play, but its also not a great hardcore game considering how far it falls behind its competition. D4 is just in a state of mediocrity right now, and badly need to pick a direction to improve, or it will likely fail over time.

    • Wild West
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I do think how future content is done should not just be well all arpgs repeat the same repetitive grind with seasons so D4 must too! It should always be looked at with fresh eyes and not just following old trends just because they did it too

    • Carlos Trevisan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Im having a lot of fun.
    Ive 3 chars at 20-30’s levels
    One at 50s
    But i really wish for:

    -better monster scalling vs item scalling (i feel like Skyrim when monsters level with me, except i cant forge some superpowered items on D4)

    -item target farm. Ive seen a lot of builds that i wanna do, but they relly on uniques and ppl on coments aways say that didint receive the drops. On other games i can trade, as in poe, it makes building way better, since i can farm money on one char and buy items for another one!

    -better stash management

    • Amzu Lesa
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Ha.. filthy casuals… anyway, what are seasons?

    • Chris Lewerer CALCAPONE
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    LVL 100 is NOT the end game! world tire 4 is!…..for now! there is no reason to even get to lvl 100. there is no reword and addition content for getting to lvl 100!. so don’t wary about getting to lvl 100 just play the game and have fun! lvl 100 is just for the no lifers that play like 12+ hrs a day! there is nothing you cant do at lvl 100 that you cant do at lvl 70!. even in the seasons you wont have to get to 100, you will complete all the content LONG be for you get to lvl 100!
    i am looking forward to playing a new character! to be honest i am getting tiered of the one i am playing now cuz i have been playing it a LOT! and i am only lvl 76. i doubt i will get to lvl 100 before season 1 comes out and that is OK. i will play a new character at season 1 maybe a different class or a different build! do all the season 1 stuff. and then i will probably. spend the rest of the season playing my first character on the eternal realm. then season 2 i will again start a new character do all the season 2 stuff and then maybe i will go and play the rest of season 2 on my first character or my character from season 1. this switches things up and keep the game exiting and new/different!

    • zeyphr0505
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think the Internet needs to start limiting who can and cant post opinions lol… People are so off base with this.

    • Troy Muni
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Aaahhaha! That giant sucking sound you’re hearing are all of the casuals fleeing D4 for FF16’s cut scenes and Mickey Mouse combat LOL. This must’ve been hysterical to read as it unfolded on twitter. And what makes it truly, truly priceless is that Blizzard was the recipient of all of this casual rage. You reap what you sow LOL.

    In all seriousness though, I think this isn’t just coming from the fact that you have to start a new character each season. I think it has more to do with the cumulative effect of being an early adopter of a Blizzard game. It seems like everyday these poor people wake up, Blizzard was reeking havoc with nerfs and changes that should’ve been ironed out ahead of time.

    One of the major premises they brought to the table when the game was first announced was build diversity. However, they’ve proven yet again that you have to play their games the way they want them played. Things like world boss engagements take place on their schedule, which makes zero sense from any practical perspective. No one has clear visibility into damage calculations because of scaling and hidden stats. And the biggest issue of all is that the minute the player base out-smarts the devs by discovering more efficient ways to design a build or to level-up, Blizzard wastes no time in dropping the nerf hammer. They meddle with their games far more than GGG does with POE, especially mid-season.

    This all must be exhausting for a casual player. If you’re going to be spending that much time in a game, you should be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment. We keep hearing how Blizzard built this game for casuals, but they really have proven how out of touch they are with this group of players.

    • RavenRpg38
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    one thing is for sure with new character every season, you won’t find many druids if they level like the experience of them in current state. I am a level 62 druid and can only take this mental abuse once in d4.

    • Manuel Cavallo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Instead of what most of the thread says, I’m hoping that season 1 saves diablo 4. I don’t mind start from scratch as I did in diablo 3 or PoE MANY times if they add some endgame objectives.
    Now feels like the devs added a bunch of ways to improve your character after the campaign and mob level autoscalling to make you feel weaker than before if you don’t upgrade your gear.
    But beside that, there is no reason to play over lvl ~55. Other than the lvl 100 uber boss there is no challenge or reason to grind an extra 130hs.

    • Dr Zen Winyatta
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Playing Diablo 4 has made me want to play lost ark again oddly enough. I barely reached tier 3 so plenty of game left to play.

    • Jonathan Fennhagen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This is what happens when you market to your average hillbilly that has access to Twitter and kfc, more = better right? Well no and why, this isnt sims, this isnt league all these non arpgs players that will either quit or push their agenda will with both ways change the development of the game and make the game less appealing to actual arpg players. *This is obvs speculation from my part*

    • RuxUnderscore
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Path of Exile, D3, and D2 are all more or less traditional ARPGs, D4 is built more like an MMO with ARPG core gameplay. I can understand why one person would enjoy the restart at Season start in a game like PoE, since there is essentially a different game every season with the mechanics, but in an MMO-like game, such as D4, it feels like there could be different ways to reset at the start of a new Season. A good many people, of course, enjoy leveling characters to max level from scratch, but some people would love to continue new quest lines and new mechanics with their existing characters, without feeling like the time they play those characters is wasted.

    TLDR; I think it comes down to the style of game that D4 presents itself as vs more traditional ARPGs like PoE and D2.

    • Die Hard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Honestly, I know there are a lot of veteran ARPG players who actually feel the same way, not out of confusion or misunderstanding, but because that is the standard way of doing it in every other APRG, which makes it totally un-unique and quite honestly, rather boring. I know you have made videos in the past regarding how many PoE veterans hate having to redo the campaign every season, which is ultimately why I only play it once every couple years now, as grinding through the exact same campaign with only slight changes based on the season mod is so boring, when endgame content is where the actual game really begins. (I can’t imagine how it would be for a casual gamer…) Diablo 3 worked slightly different, where you didn’t have to redo the entire campaign and could just do things at your own leisure, but you could also level a character from 1 to max (70) in roughly 3 hours, which I personally don’t see happening with Diablo 4, especially for casual players, which means it will feel like a time-sink. It’s one of those issues where if a casual gamer feels they can’t get to where they want their character before they have to essentially start a new character for a new season, it will feel like they haven’t accomplished anything. I played PoE and all the Diablo games for years, and eventually stopped them, mostly because every season you just kept repeating the exact same thing over and over, instead of it feeling like a continuous gaming experience. It is one of the biggest downside to the entire ‘season’ concept, especially with games such as these. I think the biggest question is: what’s the best way to fix it, so that you can create a game where people can continue to use and build the character they want, without having to restart every few months, while still making it fun and interesting to both want to create a new character, or keep playing. I don’t have a solid answer to that unfortunately, but I do understand and sympathize with other new, casual, and veteran players that were hoping for something new and interesting.

    • alberico
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t understand why you have to constraint yourself to what a ARPG is supposed to be. Just make a fun game for the most people to enjoy. If the core ARPG audience doesn’t like it then you can call it something else and they can go play POE.

    • Ry
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I grew up with d2 and still play it today. I spent at least 1000 hour into d3. I got to 86 in d4 and already uninstalled the game. The end game is non existent. Poe is all about end game. I would have assumed Blizzard would have took a few ideas from poe that’s not the case.

    • Gypsy Viking
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I remember hearing before the game came out that non seasonal char’s where going to be able to complete the seasonal journey

    • Ashley Carnine
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It hasnt been explained well to them that a season is literally just a leaderboard wipe

    • Jason Burt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Always remember: Twitter is not real life. Lot of vocal idiots and trolls.

    • Rimulus Elzeih
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    well, i guess its only so negativ becaus its “blizzard”….. becaus they had a bad past with bad members in their team all are hating blizzard now but they already swapped them out…. i guess idk would make sense only know about the Overwatch things but yea… i saw many ppl now in d4 speaking bad about Seassons etc but saying PoE is much better, so idk they say the ARPG system is nice but why hating D4 for beeing the same???? in the end the Negativ hate is irrelevant becaus it dont change the system i guess so just play it or not ?

    • Michael Barselow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I figured this would be the case as well, but D4 may actually feel a sting from the user base dropping a non-trivial % when the first season hits. I would not be surprised if the drop actually hits 10%. The battle pass requiring a new character could be painful for Blizz

    • Tariq ramadan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yeah its bullshit

    • ATXAdventure
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I enjoy D4 but its too grindy. I’ll be missing season 1 since 3.22 will be out at around the same time. D4 really needs a trade economy, thats the best part of a new season for me.

    • Peter G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    One of the problems is that D4 doesn’t have that much customization or ways to play and things to do (yet). No trading or auction house system and no reason to make money is also disappointing. Starting a new character is way more fun if you could buy items you need and sell ones others need. As it stands, there is no incentive get to late game and min/max a character other than maybe PVP or try and kill uber lilith but even that is very lack-luster with no good rewards in doing so.

    • DrathanKhan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m getting tired of these Diablo player dads lol

    • Joshua Sanders
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think this is just what happens when your audience becomes too broad. Seems like they were able to reach far beyond what D3 or any other ARPG has reached. I will say though, I beat the campaign and then stopped playing. Cause.. I agree, there’s no point in playing on the eternal realm and burning myself out and then not being able to enjoy the season.

    • puddlez96
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These idiots don’t even understand the genre of game they spent over $100 on.

    • soccerboysteve37
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    For me the issue is that season 1 is starting so soon after release, and on top of that it takes infinitely longer to level to max in Diablo 4. Im also more of a casual gamer now since I’m older and have a family. So it feels like I won’t be able to level max my character before we split the player base with season 1. Also this Diablo was touted as an MMO, so I feel they should treat it a little differently. At the very least wait another 6 to 8 months before starting seasons. Diablo 3 waited 2 years (2012-2014).

    • Vyathaen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The backlash is happening because there are 2 camps of players playing the game.

    The first one is made up of ex PoE players who are used to seasonal content and starting a new character every few months.. The system in D4 is pretty much a copy-paste from that so they are all familiar with it and have no issues with it.

    The second one is made up of people who played D2 decades ago, or are coming from an mmorpg like WoW or others and when they looked at D4 they just thought oh, thats just a top-down mmorpg. Neither of those players have any idea what seasons are. And the last type of gamers in this camp are the ones who simply dislike the seasonal mechanic(I am one of those)

    The whole reason seasons exist and force you to start a new character is very simple and it is entirely driven by company profits, profit margins and return of investment. Unfortunately gamers of today are extremely easy to fall for anything that robs them of their money and time so it is no suprising at all this is a successfull mechanic.

    It is significantly easier to make a small amount of repeatable and repetitive content and force people to play it over and over and over until they die from brain damage, rather than create a game with dynamic and ever-changing content that is not a repeat as its always different, and no seasonal mechanics dont mean shit. Very very few games have managed to do what is needed here, and long time ago too, hint -procedurally generated content, player-changing landscape, dynamic events.

    • RocknRolla
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Can’t believe Diablo 4 has no end game with the added bonus of absurdly slow leveling. Now Blizzard expects players to do this over and over again every few months for every new season.

    • GGriz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    don’t make excuses. I also think that restarting the dungeon through a party is not what I wanted to see when competing to level 100. they didn’t fix it, well, whatever. but this is so to say a dishonest game)) how speedrans with bugs)))
    and it’s not worth saying that this is the essence of arpg. in these realities, this is a strong omission of blizzard. well, did you really like that the game after the company from diablo 4 turns into Сairn Downfall IV? xD

    • Withering HS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    what the hell did expect releasing this pile of crap without a leaderboard and at least calling it season 1…. dumbest thing they could’ve possibly done and now they’re surprised people feel like they wasted time? we should be playing this release for 3-6 months and THEN release season 2…. they screwed up big time

    • CrLostArt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Grim Dawn much better than this thing.

    • iamplay
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I agree season sucks its why i barely play poe anymore its just a waste of time
    I’m disappointed that d4 is gonna do this its only good for no life gamers and streamers

    • kiki 6666
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They should Adress what potentionally could be a theme for a season without spilling too much so ppl can get an idea what to expect. Right now the casuals think they have to do everything at the same pace which never will be the case

    • Steven Hanson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Eternal characters not contributing to battle pass experience is a huge misstep for the broad audience, and that will hurt battle pass sales overall. It is funny seeing people complaining about ‘wasted time’ when playing a video game. Should I regret my time playing Champions of Norrath or Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance? I mean, I can’t even play those characters anymore. Modern audiences are obsessed with progression in a game over actually enjoying it.

    • Psydewall
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Would be great if they created a battle pass and seasonal battle pass with the same exact or similar rewards (maybe some additional portrait frame for seasonal players). Problem solved.

    • Malic Wilson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Love the stupid people they make me happy the grind is the game the grind and loot hunt is why we play

    • Simple Geometry
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m excited for seasons personally, they’re what kept me coming back to Diablo 3 over and over again. However I wouldn’t mind if they made Eternal play count toward Battlepass progress, that would probably actually be a good move on their part.

    • Daniel Zaiser
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    seasons where you reset, is actually not that common as you think, you are very biased in this opinion, because of d3 and path of exile

    • cBrnnn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Few things to note about D2: The base game released June 2000, LoD a year later but the first season reset wasn’t introduced until October 2003 (3+ years after the original release). Season 2 was 8 months later, season 3 over a year later. By D3 release date, there had been 10 seasons in 12 years and the consistency of those came later in life. With PoE release, D2 began 6 month seasons. For D2 vets, seasonal ladders (especially quick, 3 month resets) weren’t all that much of the experience. Also, early in D2, there was practically no way to reset your skills more than like 1 time, so people had reasons to continually level sorcs if they wanted fireball, blizzard, etc.

    • Caio C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    these people probably unironically think The Big Bang Theory is funny

    • Alex B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    45 year old dad gamer here. I was honestly shocked when I found out this is how arpgs work. I havent played one since Diablo 1 on launch. I’ve been stuck in mmos and fps games since then. Plenty of them had seasons and battle passes, none of them ever made me reroll. Maybe you should reconsider who’s “out of touch” here. Most (non-arpg) gamers would never even consider the possibility that “seasons” means starting over every few months. 🙂

    • Timur
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Isn’t Twitter just bad takes and misinformed people anyway?

    • Theory Crafter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons will have to be entertaining enough to provide replayability for casual players. It’s a different caliber of challenge than a path of exile season, where you’re appealing mainly to a loyal veteran audience.

    • RetroMonger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I can see both sides. However, if I see a game I’m buying and it’s advertising a “season pass” you’d better believe I’m doing my homework on what exactly that is and what I am spending my money on. In the end, I think it’s the fault of the people who bought it without doing due diligence. They have zero reason to be upset with anyone but themselves.

    • Phoenix Spirit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Im full on Last epoch now.

    • gesto211
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Once anything AT ALL becomes full-on wal-mart mainstream, it’s all over. It was fun while it lasted. Just look at the internet.

    • Swamp Goblin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Why people who never played ARPGs/RPGs are talking? They’re clueless about EVERYTHING.

    Edit: I may add that I hate when blizzard is listening to these people. You just simply can’t please everyone. And diablo is one of those games where YOU SHOULD focus on the “nerds” and not “dads with children who have no time to grind”. But unfortunately. Nerds don’t use twitter I guess lol.

    • Jean-Paul Jordaan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Always find it funny when people find out games in multiple genres have wipes and freak out about it. Like surely they have at least played ranked in something before because even that has season resets. Maybe its the console players that have lived under their couches

    • Sub Zero
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasonal characters r the dumbest thing ever in diablo… Only thing i hate about diablo games.. Other then thatI love diablo games… But theres no reason u cant bring ur eternal character to seasons.. Dont force people to make new characters if players wanna make a new character fine but dont force people to do it.. Just because its been around in ARPGs since forever doesnt make it a good feature.

    • Mandra
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D3 seasons brought a little twist everytime, a new feature or unexpected random events, that was kinda fun. Also bragging rights with frames and pets and such.
    If D4 has all that or even better, I’ll totally be into it. Otherwise I’ll skip.

    And it’s not because “it’s always been like this” that it’s always been a good idea. What exactly is the point of seasons in general? What do they bring that is sooooo interesting and novel and fun, that it warrants a full releveling of a character to access it?
    This is a real debate, and shouldn’t be discarded by “arpg veterans” (of which I’m part btw)

    • Kyle Robinson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t even care about the battle pass. How they released this game with Barbarian feeling like a complete joke character is infuriating. I’m literally playing a wet noodle getting one shot by mobs. The “balance” is a fucking joke.

    • roxorsoxor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    so you are just dunking on new players? wow, how do you have that many subs

    • Sammysapphire
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    There are a lot of problems with d4. What’s weird to me is how the mainstream doesn’t complain about any of them, they actually complain about the things that diablo 4 get right. Complaining that lvl 100 takes too long to get (when it’s not even mandatory), or complaining that seasons exist when seasons are the lifeblood of ARPGs, they’re in fact the game genre that INVENTED seasons.

    • Korkel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Maybe some people are unsure of what exactly you get to skip at the start of a new season? I was unsure myself until you mentioned it in passing in the video.

    To clarify, If i had to redo all the shrines and renown bullshit every season I would also boycott the game – but since that’s all skippable it’s all good.

    • CrazedBanana
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If you only have 1 hour of free time a day. You’re time management is dogshit.

    • Jake Smith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I never took part in Seasons in Diablo 3 for this reason. Great idea in the boardroom to just re-use old content over and over and repackage it as “new”, but I never bought into that as a player. And what’s worse is after the Season, I can’t do anything with the character, all the fancy Seasonal boosts and buffs are gone.

    • Uplinkpr0
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I knew seasons reset but was lead to believe that seasons would be different for this game. Resetting characters IS NOT FUN in D3 and POE is not so bad it only takes a few hours or so to max level a toon, but , this games takes 150+ for most people and thats just too much time and grind to reasonably say it should just work the same.

    • Justin Clark
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m curious; how many of the confused are coming from consoles? My guess would be a lot.

    • Theragamin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    2023. i will complain about anything and swear it’s just wrong


    • crbrearley
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’ll say this: I’ve been playing since the game went live (not the pre-start) and I’m 57. I did not do the most efficient Shrine of Lilith grinding (safety tip, for newbies: make sure you do ALL the shrines in an area before moving on). But I’m still not done with all 4 levels of all 5 zones. I’m not even going to get it done this week. Even if you give me shrines, way points, and the entire map cleared it is still going to be extremely brutal to start over. They need to minimum switch the maximum obols cap (which I think most people don’t care about) with the 4 paragon points (which is twenty total paragon points).

    This is extremely grindy. I’m grateful everything is so big but that becomes an extreme problem with seasons unless you amp the rep off the charts.

    Linking battle passes to seasons is so weird to me, I don’t even understand it. I can’t see doing the first season, it’s way too soon. They’d need to make something incredibly special for me to even consider it.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    telling ppl gaming isnt for them because they dont like the idea of seasonal content is a bit of a dismissive hyperbole dont u think? ppl know wat they like and what they dont – u dont know wat they like cause u dont know them, and u also dont know why, i wouldnt risk sounding like an idiot deconstructing them (or anyone) based on a twitter post…they dont like seasonal content in arpg’s – if uve gone to the D2R forums whenever they announce new game systems for seasonal characters only – there’s ALWAYS a lot of ppl that hate that…why are yuo actually surprised? i mean i watch your vids, im pretty hardcore but even i know there’s ppl who arent who just play story mode and then want some dlc or expansion content…not seasonal reset – thats not content to some ppl, its a gimmick. I hate seasons and I love D2 and D2R and fighting games but ive always hated progression resets that are forced to induce fomo

    • MadMeta Matt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 4 is going to flop. Sorry. Yes i understand that veteran players knew about this but a larger majority of casual players bought this game and are not happy with this. If they do not change it will be a disaster. According to current trends in the gaming industry and frankly the world atm, the devs will be forced to fold or lose their jobs.

    • Sir Bonobo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i will play the one battlepass included in my purchase of d4 than iam done with this shit. either they get eternal shit going good or iam out. seasons are fking bad. i get that arpg bs season shit but i can understand players that want an mmo experience where you build your char and go do stuff. Blizzard marketed this game so wrong and its their fault. They said it is an mmo but it really isnt.

    • Kevin Miller
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I played Diablo 1 & 2 skipped 3 so I don’t really have good idea of arpg seasons.

    Man this such a hot topic right now… I’m not sure the ratio of new players vs returning. I think most everyone is enjoying the game currently it’s a fear of unknown people are having problems with. I think most new players idea of seasons is small expansions such as raising level caps. New story quest or missions, new bosses and or dungeons and other endgame content that they can play with existing characters. I kinda already had an idea of how seasons work in d4 so I knew what I was getting into. . Im also coming from playing destiny like many of these other players so I get the confusion. But I also returned to destiny after a long break and can tell you playing catch up in a game like that is not fun. I think this is kinda blizzards point in reset so that their is never a catch up aspect to the game for new players or players who take a break. I personally think it would be cool if blizzard found a middle ground her but honestly think people should give it time and try it out before you start being so critical.

    • Sam Bryant
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    One big complaint I’m having is the trade system. It’s extremely hard to grind for specific stats(especially with the lack of crafting) and the trade channel is a ghost town. Is there anywhere to actually trade here? I’ve tried discord channels, in game, and other websites. I don’t want to spend $20 on a weapon haha

    • Michael 777
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think a huge difference between D3 and D4 is just the sheer amount of time and effort you have to spend to get to max level. The Season Journey in D3 was usually just rush to max real fast, then most of the time was getting gear and doing some kinda class-related dungeon. If I remember correctly, it’s been a long time since the last season I played lol. In D4, if you have to get to 100, 99% of people will never complete the Season Journey, because that’s just an unrealistic goal for most of us.

    • iamdopeasfcuk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    once these people get to end game and get bored with a maxed out character (if they even get there) they’ll understand why seasons are good. They just don’t have experience with it so they’re ignorant to why people like starting over with new characters.

    • Allen DeForest
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    the amount of single dads of 15 kids with 1 hour a week is astonishing

    • Jyunnhei Kusada
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D2 and D3 had a pretty long time before the first season came out. Especially D2 stayed static for years. Those veterans may be those who played and quited before the first season.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    There’s a WORLD of difference between having enjoyed your time spent in a game and looking back on it fondly/proudly vs spending time in a game and “giving it a chance” for MANY hours and not hating it until you reach a certain point (frustration or maybe a time limit such as your 50th, 100th, 1000th hour) where you REALIZE you’re doing it because you feel compelled (fomo, sunk cost fallacy, etc) not because you actually CONTINUE to enjoy it – and that creates Buyer’s Remorse where you regret WASTING that time…Diablo 3 had this BIG TIME. But games like D2 and Elden Ring did not mainly cause they are not “easy to get into”, you know near the 1st few hours if you are going to like this or not so there isnt AS MUCH hate towards wasted time which is MUCH more contentious than wasted money (~$50 range which is like an expensive restaurant you didnt like)

    • manilowgamer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They’re mad but they won’t go away. Its like they just want people to know they’re mad. I wish they’d fuck off.

    • Gaucho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Lot o people coming from WoW and games like that, never played arpgs, people don’t know what they buy I guess.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    diablo 4 – proving once again that you can’t please everyone and trying to do so is always a huge disaster. will be interesting to see how this develops and if blizzard feels forced to develop some kind of “eternal battle pass” system so their entire business model doesn’t get blindsided by the extremely casual playerbase they have lured in thanks to their forty trillion dollar marketing campaign

    • Aeit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Arpg should be free of battlepass period
    Blizzard has no idea how to manage Diablo, still no roadmap

    • Miguel Angel Roldan Ramirez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The problem with D4 is that mechanically I don’t feel very integrated with my character, practically every time you level up you are weaker, since you have to get better weapons, I would say that just raising 1 point to your main skill is enough because The scaling with levels is very low and it scales more with weapons, crafting practically does not exist and it is something that makes me feel little integrated with d4

    • Kronos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think just make it so you can progress the battle-pass via standard. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scope of things. Hopefully, as these new players become better ARPG players they can venture out of Standard and into seasons when they feel more comfortable with the ARPG loop.

    -ALSO: Maybe put out an official PSA for these new players on how League/Seasons work. How Standard differs from Seasons, etc.

    • Ryan Thompson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The real casuals are starting to show their colors lol.

    • pprocacci
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I’m done with Diablo, but not for the reasons in the video. Short explanation: There is no carrot.

    • Andrew
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    They are going to lose alot of people because they wont allow any character to do seasonal content. Personally, I’m fine with that but most people dont want to do that shit. IMO allow people to use whatever character they want and just exclude them from the ladder.

    • Goal To Troll
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i think they’re all a bunch of fricken filthy casuals

    • Limited Skye
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I imagine that seasons for ARPG should be, new story, map, 2 or 3 abilities per class. Like a mini expansions.

    • Geldai013
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Unless I’m mistaken (and I hope I am), but Diablo 2 used to have the ladder seasons where players would race to reach level cap, but there weren’t exclusive rewards you could only obtain by playing the ladder.

    I know Diablo 3 and PoE had/have rotating seasons with exclusive rewards, but you don’t have to buy into them with real money to get rewards like you do a battle pass. I can sympathize with new players being upset by this rotating reward scheme because it can make your previous season’s work feel like a waste of time if you didn’t get the rewards you wanted, but this isn’t anything new to the game genre either. I still log in to PoE from time to time just to see what the new mechanic is and if I’ll like playing it for a while.

    • The Drewchebag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Filthy casuals. What else is new? Just do your one campaign playthrough and move on to another game. Nobody cares.

    • hargarlar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Tbh seasons isn’t a good design. I’m a hardcore D2 and arpg fan and while seasons artificially creates freshness, it’s simply a bandaid and ultimately makes all your efforts less meaningful. It was a system created back in D2 era and is outdated by all measures, just that all arpg players have been force fed it so long that they don’t even question it anymore.

    I think warframe did really well without seasons, there are still constant updates but doesn’t make what you’ve earned outdated or obsolete

    • Belice Caole
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Interesting. We as arpg veterans THINK in a new season you have to level from scratch but is that a requirement?

    • The headless one
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s my fault for not researching it. However, the game is boring and underwhelming enough the one time you beat it. Why would I pay monthly to do it again? I 100% don’t get the appeal of this. The mobs are boring, the dungeons are boring, the class rotations are okay for a short while but too brainless for long-term. There’s only the 5 classes. The builds are largely cosmetic because the play styles (when they matter because you could also just mash the buttons and clear everything) are so similar. Knowing now that this is what the this is supposed to be I am even more baffled with how boring the base game is…they didn’t try at all.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons are a hardcore dedicated playerbase thing – the exception, not the norm. Console players and steam games that show achievements such as % completed really reveal this in abundance. Seriously, booth up your achievements and compare even the most basic ones and see if its even over 50%

    • K Dog
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasonal shenanigans is Blizzard attempting to monetise the fact people want to keep playing beyond the end of the game. To be clear, i’m not suggesting people should not be able to do that. Just be under no illusions about what this is. Original D + D2 were not ‘live’ service games. Never played D3 so cannot speak to that.

    • Packet
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Does this work like PoE where season content makes it to eternal? I only play standard in PoE and usually rely on getting updates in the form of league mechanics making it to standard. Maybe that’s whats causing the misunderstanding?

    • cat6th
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Just don’t.
    On Twitter everybody is an expert

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    there’s nothing confusing about this – and its not just arpg’s…a LOT of genres that have seasons but CASUALS never play them – THAT’S what makes them casuals…i think ppl who live breath eat sleep gaming like myself and everyone here forget they have family and friends that have no clue – THOSE are casuals. World of Warcraft learned their lesson VERY early on around Wrath of the Lich King when the devs started to constantly say that they’re player base is TOO diverse (there’s wow players who ONLY pet battle or only play to RP with community etc).

    • Ketsu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    At some point people need to realize that catering to a demographic that barely plays the game is a stupid fucking idea.

    • mekadeth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think the biggest issue isn’t the Seasonal reset, it’s the Battle Pass being tied to it. Diablo 2 and 3 had Seasonal Resets, however to hit max level and have decent power it took only about a week or so, after that you’re just min/maxing, exploring the unique stuff in that Season, and getting cosmetics.

    Diablo 4 has some cosmetics on the free pass, but if you want all the cosmetics you can getting you’ll need to fork out about $10 US. Now you have a problem, imagine telling people that you’re giving them the chance to reset their progress and renown grind for a low price of 10 bucks if you want all the cosmetics, because most of the cosmetics are behind that paywall. And if you don’t have that much time, well you can buy like 20 tier skips or and extra 15 bucks.

    Yeah, no. I’ll try the first season of Diablo 4, but if it doesn’t do something amazing to justify the reset and the renown grind, I’ll probably just get my characters up on the eternal realm and move on until the next expansion.

    • Nonnative
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Not being able to progress on battlepass with your current character is dumb af tbh.

    • Skyler Van Sluys
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Like you said, people worried about seasons just don’t know about ARPGs. But don’t let that distract you from the fact that this is a horrible game. D3 expansion at best. Horrible campaign story. No endgame. This is an early access beta game at most. Blizzard is going under for sure after this one

    • Steven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Everyone I’ve ever introduced to PoE had the same gut reaction – some get past it and other don’t. Those that don’t tend to be the same people that feel like they have nothing to do after the campaign. For the most part, I think these are just people who really enjoy long story driven campaigns and quest systems. Unfortunately, even if they like the gameplay, aRPGs probably aren’t a great fit.

    • Reverend Kush
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Its funny how all these D4 haters are literal POE players. Trying to put an arpg that was designed to be casual with an arpg that was designed for arpg fanboys

    • Anthony Lowe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Ziz I’m 10000 hours into POE. I have leveled one character in D4 and already I was thinking “God I’d hate to do this again” idk I think this is a bigger issue. The grind is soooo tedious and long to get to where you want to be. In Poe bro minus 10 hours I’m powered up so seasons work great it’s not the same in D4. It’s mmo style leveling with a Arpg loop.

    • Fallen133
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I dont have as much time to play these days but I enjoy seasons as a aspect. I can play the game through the story put the controller down, and come back to it during a new season to shake the rust off and enjoy the new challenges and have new goals to complete.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i dont think u understand that casuals dont devour gaming news like hardcore gamers do, look at your sub and viewer numbers (and even Blizzard’s channels)…and then compare than TINY # to how many ppl actually buy not just arpg’s but any genre…ppl who keep up w/ gaming news on the internet (Twitch, youtube, gaming news sites) – ARE the minority, always have been.

    • Lizard Leonard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    It’s about the Journey not the Destination.

    • Volkan Kucukemre
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I was thinking that the renown grind was going to be pretty terrible. But oh boy, the disconnect is real…

    • Vigilante Live
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    These people dont understand games in general

    • Chriscras2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Diablo 4 is a bad game. Blizzard is a bad company. I’d rather just play Path of Exile.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Hardcore ARPG fanatic is out of touch with casuals…in other news water is wet…

    • TheRza86
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    who ever said d2 has never had any sesasons is lying to you or have no idea what they’re talking about I have been playing diablo 2 for many many years 20? and as far as I can remember this was about 20 years ago the first ladder “season” 1 was in somewhere around id say 2008ish or later and still to this day they have ladder seasons and resets where u have to start over from lvl 1 and race to 99 again so who ever is saying diablo 2 has never had any seasons is completely retarded lmfao I can’t say anything about diablo 3 though I played and beat it then uninstalled it and never touched again because I hated diablo 3 with a passion, its funny I am actually enjoying d4 right now as a vivid d2 player I just wish the pvp wasn’t just put together and just a 1shot fest who can stun who first

    • Tim Johnson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Many POE lovers and arpg fans in general are completely comfortable with the concept of timed leagues/seasons/etc as it’s been the staple monetization and refresh mechanic for about a decade. But, as others have mentioned.. cross genre or even “old school” players were or are used to similar setups whether called expansions, dlc’s where new content didn’t require a fresh beginning but rather integrated into the core of the game.. often giving the player/ or even gating the player to be a certain level before the fresh adventure is unlocked. In this way you could still play your invested characters and enjoy new content. Sometimes its free, often it isn’t. I think it’s important to understand you will not lose your invested characters on Diablo 4 just because a new season rolls around. They will always be available in “standard” realm, however, the new activities, races, events inclusive in a seasonal content requires a fresh start. I would be open to compromise along the lines of a hybrid “dlc/season” where “act 5” for example is simply added to the core of the game giving the eternal realm a fresh population from time to time.. because hey.. fresh content for all without always refreshing is icing on the cake.

    • S7R4
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    People just want to throw out the entire thing that makes diablo, diablo. Diablo 2 did have seasons. the season is the most fun part of diablo because everyone is even and rushes to get ahead of the curve, literally the first week of diablo 2 seasons is the absolute most fun the game ever is.

    • DoggiE88Boi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    think the biggest issues when i comes to having seasons in this game compared to others is the amount of time it takes. PoE and D3 you can start smashing the end game after a day or 2. D4 leveling is slower and the gear drops are lower. Removing crafting and trading completely is a bit weird aswell.

    • Jersey Bound
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    i don;t make seasonal characters so they missed out on my battle pass sub.

    • NotoriousCactus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Does Last epoch do this??? No it doesnt

    • The Zigister
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The Arpg formula has to evolve beyond its niech audience if it wishes to get bigger. Arpgs are repetitive by design which is (in my opinion) quite archeic for our time, I LOVED 2d when I was in 9th grade, POE as a game is still considered an indie game in both population and reach despite its great systems, even D4 (I know considered to be on the casual side) is still holds a lot of the core principles that evolve around repetitivness, I don’t trust blizzard to ever invent anything original with their corpa-never-take-risk mindset but I do see where the casual audience come from with these kind of threads.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Yup i was laughing at my friends my barb is 87 why would I want to play the same content again its boring now lol back to rocket cars

    • Deehayable
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    To be fair it is quite long to get to endgame. I am still lvl 48 after like more than 20 hours.

    • mayday303
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    After playing Lost Ark, which had INCREDIBLE dungeons and horizontal content, but also GAME BREAKING progression and P2W, i think there’s definitely room for an ARPG “MMO” that does not include seasonal character restarts.
    But D4 does not have that kind of content yet, maybe in a few years, they would be able to do this, but i doubt they ever will!
    Personally, i intend to play 1-2 classes every season, hopefully this last me until the first DLC and another class. but eventually, would love to see D4 pivot into a reset-less game, but i am not sure how they would fund it, Lost Ark required A LOT of constant content.

    • Ninakoru
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Probably most of these people are not ARPG players. ARPGs have grinds, and season are a standard in Diablo games and PoE. Twitter usually have people that DON’T play games, but they love to comment. Beware of that.

    • Mikesfungame
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Never seen your videos before, just clicking across Diablo 4 content. Your audio and cam video at the start of this does not match up, but it does match later in the video. Bothered the heck out of me.

    I have a feeling many didn’t know that the Diablo 3 format with infinite scaling, along side optional seasonal content, was not going to be present.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    arpg’s induce fomo via seasons to inflate cashflow and MAU’s – its always been a shit system, and arpg players do deserve better. seasons are for those that play fast – a couple weeks and then back out, or like restarting everything from scratch or racers…not the “normal” playerbase that just plugs along at progression at their own slow pace w/o wanting it to be erased ever. I mean ill make an alt if i want to start over.

    • Bainks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    You dont want bitchy normies like them in your games anyways. Its all about them, its their world. We just live in it.

    • k moods
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    D4 is a boring slog. Seasons or not.
    A big part of the backlash is the vast quantity of BS busywork/fetchquests/sidequests/walking/traveling, etc… It’s a lot compared to other Diablo games. I don’t find any of that fun and overall the gameplay IMO is no better than D3.
    There are a lot of game mechanics that are counterintuitive, or contradictory to the devs stated design philosophy, and feel like a step backwards to me. For example… they stated a goal to make many builds viable and balanced, yet designed the game in a way that intentionally makes it difficult to and punishes you for changing builds. Many of the QOL features have gone backwards/ are worse. etc.
    Also, you have the “community” initially praising the stated design decision for fewer enemies, slower pace, etc etc… then suddenly when they play the game and realize that is boring they rage about it sreaming and crying that they just want to click on the rift obelisk and repeat the same thing over and over again, they want more density, etc… Basically, they just want D3.

    • MolochZ
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I can’t wait for new PoE content to drop and things get back to normal lol.

    • Peter Nixon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Fuck me I forgot about Gaia Online entirely

    • McHonkler
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Can’t please casuals unless you hold their hand every step of the way. This is why devs should make their games for the core audience and not try and bring in every Tom, Dick and Harry that will leave at the slightest inconvenience. Everyone is conditioned nowadays for instant gratification and if they don’t get it, they take it personally.

    • Tony Kastaneda
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    This shit opened my eyes too this shits wild lmao

    • Generals & Dragons
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Seasons exists because Blizzard was to lazy to create new content for D2. D2 should have had 500X the amount of content it has now.

    • Just a Rat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The seasonal model has been a staple for ARPGs, but I was expecting something… more.

    The mass appeal they were going for had me hoping that we would be seeking a way forward for both kinds of players (those who like traditionally restarting and those who like consistent progress on the same characters) to enjoy the new content; innovation, not iteration. I feel that not having at least some form of engagement with the seasonal activities for Eternal players does no one any favors. Maybe slow the progress on the Eternal Realm? Taking a hardline stance is just going to completely drive off those who could otherwise be potential customers.

    So personally, if the seasons for D4 are going to be the same practice we have seen before, I think this will be my cut-off point for the foreseeable future; there are too many new games and updates in the next few months for me to consider leveling and gearing another character into the endgame.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    im a D2 veteran for years and i NEVER liked when D2 went over to the seasonal approach in D2 or D2R – and ive always bitched about it on the forums whenever new game systems like cube recipes or runewords would come to seasonal characters 1st – i hated starting my economy over from scratch cause it takes me 6 months to a year to get what hardcore players get in 2-3 months due to time investment and not wanting to use 3rd party sites like d2jsp (eventually u bite the bullet cause its too lucrative) but hated everytime i felt compelled to do it that way cause its more efficient. Economy reset and special features coming to seasonal characters only (or even 1st) is such a shit system and arpg’s incl PoE have had these shit systems to induce fomo for money

    • 원덕이
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I think that Blizzard was hasty because its stock price plummeted and problems arose internally.
    They threw unfinished food to the customers and said, “Eat it first. I’ll give you the improved ingredients next season. or Maybe season2?”
    What a joke LOL. They seem to have a strategy to time for developed games and DLC selling.

    • SlowBoy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    just play the standard mode? any good seasonal content will be added to standard mode after the season. Also game time will be sped up after a couple seasons i would imagine

    • Koda Voss
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    @Ziz I’ve played Diablo in the past and hated the old grind of doing the same thing over and over. I then experienced D3’s seasons and thought that was a lot better than OG Diablo … then I played PoE and thought Diablo really was a waste of time. I always hit this roadblock in games where I question why I am grinding (usually better gear but to do what content) in PoE seasons (leagues) are amazing because you can play different builds and do different atlas content (and change it up) or delve one league and map another just endless options BUT when I get to the point where I can’t make my PoE character stronger I roll a new one or take a break until next league. D4 doesn’t have that variety of end game content, and most classes have one meta build. So seasons will suck because it will be the same build AND I haven’t gotten my launch character to 100 (so I am not done with it yet) that isn’t a thing in PoE (although I got a character in PoE to 100 for the first time in 3.21) the grind in D4 isn’t really a power grind like at 77 I can solo nightmare dungeons and do all the content. Pinnacle Lilith? Does she drop anything and it looks like a one shot annoyance. Idk it feels like the grind is for the sake of grinding and doesn’t make me stronger and the dopamine hit you get at lower levels disappear when you have your uniques and ancient items. So I stopped playing… I hop on now and then but going to play FF16 … which is fine. But other than already having paid for it… what is the motivation to do seasonal content? I will just have two unfinished characters lower than 100 … (In PoE I always learn a ton each season and get better and make more currency and get better at crafting etc etc… so I walk away having accomplished a ton and grown as a player. I leave D4 feeling like I gave up or something or just got tired of the grind… which was far less time than any PoE league I’ve played) I saved another class to try in D4 for the league but in my head the expectation will be to get to 60-80 and hopefully finish the battle pass or seasonal content. Idk it is just really weird and interesting how D4 and PoE are … PoE is winning easily I hope PoE 2.0 comes out this year!

    • Blake Holt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I am a veteran arpg player and I haven’t been playing D4 because I am not a Blizzard QA employee xD

    • Derek Martin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Sooo self found anyhow…so to all those leaving all I got for ya is….see ya dinks

    • loki loki
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    If they fixed the level scaling it would go alone way to hc people wanting to push more. Got to 64 and nearly got ptsd from the boring chore that is leveling in d4. This is coming from someone that only plays hc in poe d2 d3

    • CuteSpooky Plays
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm


    • BinaryReaper
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t get it, none of the stupid mad people ever played any arpg, fps, or survival game? That was the point of all seasons to start over again from 0. It was never a secret, everyone can read about it if somehow you are new to gaming. And with the seasonal battle pass name it is obvious that you only can do that in a season. And you don’t have to play seasons, you can stay non season, and finish your first character, get to lvl 100, kill uber lilith or even try to push until you finish a tier100 dungeon. And you can do it with 5 different class. If you say for 1 euro/dollar you need to get 1 hour of playtime, so the game is pretty worth it if you never play seasons. (but why not? try new builds, new mechanics)

    • hexthank
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    The idea of re-rolling every season wouldn’t seem so annoying if there was some real build diversity. In PoE I found that dying in HC didn’t really bother me that much, because by the time it happened I was ready to play another build that seemed fun. In D4 I have little motivation to do anything other than re-roll another Arc Lash or Ice Shards Sorc for max clear speed lol.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    people are stupid, most of them dont even play the game. they have never played it ever they just jump in to troll or to join in on the on going hot shit in the market. i am a world of warcraft, dota2 , csgo, poe veteran and when i am browsing through shit apart from reddit threads. and on twitter, facebook, or Instagram posts it just blows my mind how much the people lie and have no clue what they are talking about. specially on facebook and instagram groups and pages. there should be some policy or a verification thing in place so that you know if people are complaining about something they are actually playing or owner of the said games.

    • ZzippyPony
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    How are people surprised with as much content and testing that happened before launch? It’s been said from the beginning what this game is and who it was targeted for. Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one and they usually stink.

    • foolsjoker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    I don’t think the issue that it is simply that people don’t want to grind to get a new character up, BUT that Blizzard has made it quite clear they want to make the journey to endgame to be painful and slow. Time is an investment, and the company as a whole has shown nothing since launch that they are prioritizing experience over their ‘grind how we want you too design’. So, this leaves players who have already invested their time to learn that D4 is not only failing to meet expectations, but also simply becoming less fun as you play by design. Then, we are being asked to pay to relive the experience again with season passes.

    Blizzard has stated themselves that D4 isn’t D3 because it had 10 years to get where it was, but they are also choosing to not learn from those 10 years. So, by their own admission, maybe Diablo 4 will be worth playing through again…in 10 years.

    • H F
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Can we cause a stink about not being able to disable combat text please

    • Gamegurlz Newb
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:18pm

    Sad people don’t even understand how these type of game work.

    • Bot101
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    after I played the campaign I stop playing the game, sooooo boring, I dont know but D3 feel more playable than D4 on the end game.

    • TeslaShadow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    From my experience during the few weeks after launch the grind seems a bit slow compared to what I had hoped for. I didn’t play ladder in D2 in part because of how long the xp grind is. In PoE I tend to burn out at around lvl 95 and I think that’s usually a good spot.
    Hopefully the changes to NM dungeons will speed up the leveling post lvl70/75 and seasons will feel just fine.

    Also can someone explain why shako is so rare if you can’t even trade it…

    • Validate
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i spent the 100+ $ for diablo early access ect. i played 4 hrs and 3 days later 3 hrs. had a bit of fun. but it truely made me want to re-try path of exiles. and i’ve now played over 100 hrs past week in POE. having a blast. I never had a character above lvl 50 there. and now have 2. diablo 4 may pull me back later on. but i got bored to fast. feel hug regret on the money i spent. vs POE spending 50$ on all the stash tabs maybe less i forget. but poe doesnt charge for seasons. i hope the battle pass diablo 4 is free. if not then i doubt i’ll play it much at all

    • Heinz Erhardt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not surprised by this at all. The number of players who bought this game is way bigger than the core ARPG player base. And I am kinda in the same boat as these casual players. The endless grind is not for me and I will likely play this game for <100 hours overall. But I am fine with that since I knew what I was signing up for. And yes there will be a huge player drop.

    • Life Alchemy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve been reading various comments for a while and I’ve realised that most people have assumed they would be keeping everything. It’s made me feel like I WAS taking crazy pills by believing that things WOULD reset. This is strangely validating.

    Imagine how boring the game would be if you played the same BiS unkillable ZDps character for multiple seasons in a row smh

    • Ashton Smith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be honest I think the issue is how long leveling takes in D4. It is painfully slow compared to other ARPGS.

    • Aleksei P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is some kind of joke, right? Every aRPG had seasons where you start a new character .. d2 has it, d3 has it, poe has it , last epoch will have it. How come everyone thought d4 was different? 😂 This is just plain stupid

    • Ironbound Souls
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It is truly difficult to tell anymore what is genuine feedback/concern and what is just bandwagon people jumping onboard for the sake of internet points, especially on Reddit and Twitter. Anyone familiar at all with any ARPG within the last 15 years is familiar with seasons.

    • StaggsTV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You’ve got people out here saying they’re D3 vets because they played it for a few days a decade ago and got through the campaign once or twice. Saying D3 never had seasons is just braindead. Seriously, to understand how seasons were going to work, all they had to do was look at how d3 seasons worked. If anything d4 is supposed to be an improvement on that since they claim that mechanics added in one season will port over to the following seasons.

    That being said, it is indeed partially Blizzard’s fault for how they marketed the game, and the fact that they are going straight from release into season 1 without even giving a reason to players to want to start over so fast in the first place. Most people won’t be “burnt out” by the time season 1 hits as much as they’ll be bored out and have moved on. The main reason for this is lack of diversified content, and lack of diversity in the little content available, but also a mistaken impression that the actual end game should start at max level as it does in most games, and has for a very long time, when it really starts at lvl 70, and is just more of what you’ve been doing from 50 to 70 but with higher numbers. The game having been advertised and somewhat built as an MMO partially conflicts with the seasonal concept, which is why they’ve already had to revise their positions on things like alters of lilith and partial renown rewards.

    I think it’s important to remember that most people have not completed all renown objectivs still after 2 weeks, and that of those who have, most never wish to have to do it again, given how tiresome it was. Some are comparing it to having to farm reps in WoW on loop, which as someone who has done a lot of rep grinds in WoW I can garantee is not something fun.

    I really think the right thing to do after launch is not to go right into seasons, as the game feels unfinished, and historically this has always been the case for Diablo games. D2 at launch had no end game. D3 at launch had no end game. D4 is a bit odd in this aspect. It’s clearly not as bad as the other 2 which just had a campaign and then the same thing on a higher difficulty with low drop rates, and in D3’s case an actual real life money grind, but D4 is tricking people into not understanding what the end game is, which was not helped by putting people in competition to reach level 100 first in Hardcore to get their names on a statue. If there is a race to reach level 100 most people understand that to mean everyone should be aiming to get to 100 as fast as possible. Thus, they obviously burn out playing the game that way instead of treating that grind as the end game. So of course when they then learn that in about a month they’re gonna have to start again from scratch, they get upset because they don’t think they’ll even be done with their current characters by then, and can’t imagine having to start over already. The huge price tag of the game doesn’t help, since it feels like they’ve spent money to get a second job that costs them more time than they can give.

    Meanwhile, to ARPG players, this is just business as usual. Every few weeks a new season starts for a game we play, we rush through the levels and get some optimization done to run end game content on the highest difficulty we can handle until we either get fed up and go play something else, or a new season starts on another game and we go start over from scratch there. To people who only played Lost Ark as an ARPG because it got hyped up by streamers, these are foreign concepts and may seem irrational. I think the closest thing to it are Battle Royals and MOBAs in which you are continuously starting over with very little porting from one game to the next other than your understanding of the game and how to optimize your play through.

    • Wafelkowiec
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a casual Diablo player (go through campaign, fool around a little with different classes) I don’t get the necessity of creating a new character. I was hoping that I’ll be able to main one character and go through the whole game just with him. So far the only answer I see is: “because that’s how it is”. Blizzard got themselves a lot of casuals who won’t be happy to discover that their character is going to warm the bench.

    • lex_laksi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a 37 years old gamers that played through diablo 1-3, I just want to enjoy playing diablo 4. I dont push level or dungeon, playing 1-2 hours a day after work and house chores.

    • Immortal Vaash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Imagine buying StarCraft. Playing thru it then complaining why it isn’t and FPS.

    • Syncope
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i believe the main problem is that they advertised diablo4 as an mmo.
    In an MMO keeping increasing power level and playing all the game on one caracter is the main gameplay loop.
    new diffrent caracters is one of the gameplay loops of arpgs.
    They are kinda “anti-thesis” to each other.

    • Ash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    wtf? people are discovering how season work in diablo just now?….. after 20+ of diablo season?!

    • C zzz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what blizzard gets pandering to casuals

    • Marko Dobrijevic
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was really confused when I saw this. I agree with Ziz 100%. It is a playstyle of an ARPG. It’s like you play a MOBA and complain that it is spending 95% of the resources on ranked matches. At the and of the day try it and if it is not for you play on the eternal real or quit.

    • TheInstinctWithin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m assuming “doing everything over again ” means the story, bosses, and farming good loot. If I am correct, that’s literally the best parts, and I assume there will be new gear per season with new abilities maybe. Sounds good to me, and I don’t even play D4

    • Truthbetold
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Just let people progress the Battlepass on any realm. And also they probably don’t know that the Eternal realm is always going to stay the same. Some probably think they will lose their characters.. The new arpg players will figure it out when the new season drops. I think what it is, is that there are more content creators on this type of game then ever before and the fact that we live in a time when media has exploded and everyone and their brother has seen a D4 video on youtube. So new players are coming in droves and they think this is like an MMO.. They think is like World of Warcraft..

    • Michael Gromyko
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Simple. goodbye D4 if I can use my character.

    • Michael Rapisardi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i will never touch this game again if i get reset nor will i ever buy another diablo game for that matter

    • Mike
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It seems to me most people don’t want to re level characters 3 times a year with how long it takes to level. As someone with a lvl 100 I can say I don’t blame them. If they don’t speed that process up significantly for seasons they will loose a lot of players. I’m not sayin it needs to be d3 fast. I think PoE has a good system where it doesn’t slog it’s ass off until 85-90.

    • wraithryder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    shocker…who didnt see this coming during the open betas when ppl were critiquing the skill tree and unimaginative UI of both the Paragon Board, Skill Tree, and Character Stat screens (alongside Fonts), and Itemization that is almost completely % modifiers alongside Rob Furgusen saying on stream that he considered only Seasonal players the “once who support the game” due to battlepass enforcing the idea that temp seasons with erased progression is where the focus for D4 should be…who didnt see this coming? It feels like D3, interesting at the start because its different, and then realizing that it is boring and uninteresting once a week or 2 goes buy…D3 had a LOT of buyer’s remorse where ppl regretted putting in 100’s of hours as opposed to games that people LOVE (like D2 or PoE) where ppl think fondly on their 100’s or 1000’s of hours and are almost proud of it.

    • SpaWn_h20 Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    if i have start over from lvl1 ill stop playing period

    • Bryan Stanford
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t usually enjoy being mean but after hearing most people haven’t completed the story, yesterday I made one post on those forums about how in Diablo 3 a lot of the story was told through your follow as you played the game and that I feel this would of been a more popular way of story telling instead of the hours upon hours of cinematics as a possible change for the expansion and also expressed that I know you can skip the cinematics and the thread belew up with these exact same people, every single one of them saying the story is fine, they haven’t completed it cuz they are playing one hour a week and enioying it, and to just skip the cinematics if you don’t like them. These people have brainrot, spend more time on the forums then actually playing the game, and only read what they wanna read. Yes you should have to start over for S1, and if they wanna give the battle pass to non season players then cool.

    • Antonio Zubia
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a seasoned seasonal type of player

    • DarkMaeko
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Huh indeed.

    • cubandarknez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    given that appealing to a more casual audience is part of the D4 mission, I wouldn’t be surprised if they change something to be able to earn progression through eternal characters, even if less optimal.

    • Wonkoification
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some people are new to arpg games. They will learn. Looking forward to blast in season one.

    • Joseph Sta
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    people are crying like babies nowadays its insane, Gaming is a hobbies like fishing,hunting, collecting things, painting miniaturesm just be quiet and enjoy or dont but dont come complain . And if you really about it then keep it between your friends for a topic conversation

    • David Fall
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think that people who generally don’t like replaying games will not participate in Diablo IV seasons.

    I like isometric ARPGs. I’ve played Torchlight 1 & 3, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, POE, The Ascent, WH40K: Inquisitor Martyr, Exiled Kingdoms, and 9th Dawn 3. What I don’t like is replaying games unless I’m playing with a friend. Or I’m so hooked that I’m willing to try other classes.

    As of now in Diablo IV, I have a Barbarian, Sorcerer, Rogue, and Necromancer all level 30+. I did this because I wanted to try them all and find the one I liked the best. Which thus far is the Barbarian. However I don’t want to re-level these classes again for Seasons. That’s just not appealing to me.

    So I’ll be saving the Druid for Season 1 and see how it goes. Maybe I’ll change my mind and keep starting a new character every season moving forward.

    • ohnoitsmalicus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The general stupidity of the average human being should *never* be underestimated.

    • Snarbalax !
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am completely burnt out on path of exile seasons and don’t want any more of them until POE2 comes out. It would be fine if it was a completely new story and campaign but I don’t expect them to actually deliver that.

    • Tincu Stefan Lucian
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Too many players have no idea what they write about but still posting. Are their messages generated by ChatGPT or they are simply to dumb/lazy to search and think?

    • SinRiddenSoul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This sort of casual reaction is what you get when you don’t research a product before buying it. You’re taking a gamble if you’re going in blind and just purchasing a game. If you have a summary understanding of the game without full knowledge then of course your assumption may be off. In an age of poor products and shady business practices, I personally feel it’s setting yourself up for failure to not look into a product beforehand. I’m not sure what information Blizzard has put out, but even if there exists a breakdown of every aspect of the game, you can’t really ensure every buyer necessarily have access to the information, understands or even cares to listen/read. You are well within your rights to not look into your purchase before doing so, but understand you need to take accountability for making a bad purchase or decision (personal accountability). When there is false advertisement or blatant lies then I understand an outcry. The information you were told is accurate, is not; versus the information you perceived to be fact was far from reality because there were imposed assumptions about the game.

    This is just a knee jerk reaction because people have to vent just, do so (I’m aware this response is not some sorta exception, so refrain from the ‘gotcha’ hypocrisy default argument please). Just have the maturity to enjoy what you enjoy and if you felt like it was a waste of time or money, it is what it is. There is no rewind DLC to get your time back. Learn a lesson… or not. I’m sure this will be a perpetual cycle with many games and gamers to come.

    TLDR tik-tok attention span: Oh well. Look into your product before you buy next time, or it’s on you.

    • Travis K
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have mixed feeling about seasons, but the response from people who have experienced this in D3 or PoE is rather annoying. “It’s an ARPG bro that’s just how it works.”, “D3 has been doing this for years”. Whatever happened to innovation? Why keep repeating the same formula from a decade-old game? I can think of a handful of ways just off the top of my head to allow your Eternal character to at the very least progress the battle pass. It’s really not that hard.

    • Otas Klocperk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I really wonder what this type of player expects to happen in a season. A shitton of new content I guess? I cannot imagine that someone who says they don’t want to do it all over again would be happy just grinding their way to 100 doing the same thing over and over.

    • mst3kfan13
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A lot of WoW players are like this too. They are completely clueless about playing an MMO, and then play it, and complain the whole time. People are just f*cking stupid and lazy. Like in WoW they expect the game to give them everything they want/need without having to put in effort. This is an Role Playing Game. People don’t understand what that means.

    • TheAdvis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I still prefer offline content option… Can level up at your own pace, not worry about temporary power cuts or other annoyances.
    I like how D1 and D2 starts. It always felt like adventure to start and move forward in acts, as you always have to look for some quest things, and those stay mostly optional.
    Best thing was how you can skip content in multiplayer, just drop a portal and kill the boss.
    Sometimes you find the required item, but there was some faster ways found or exploited later…

    D3 has too straight forward questing so it doesn’t feel like adventure, as the progress is locked by quests, and you dont really skip areas that much.
    PoE has a bit same with D3, but you dont want to lose in skills or passives while doing the quests, so it’s a chore for me.

    • Van Damage
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    And here I thought they were mad because of no endgame.

    • Rodney Hogan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wow. Just wow! What kept Diablo 3 alive for so long was the seasons. Will be playing D4 for years to come.

    • MR T
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Are the seasons in d4 not like d2 were you can keep playing your non ladder char???

    • FlyingOctopus11
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ziz is an ex gaia online player 😮

    • Pointless Creativity
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo Immortal does not have any character resets…

    • Ricky is my uncle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 is lagging more than the whole lightshow of effects on POE. Thats CRAZY! Usualy this is where Blizzard excells.

    • ALLD 65
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    paid by poe for destroy d4

    • Elijah Polachek
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This forbes guy is why gaming journalists cant be taken seriously.

    • Ben Fontaine
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lol this is

    • TeraHammer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love seasons, they give a nice incentive to start over and try a different character/ build. Always have enjoyed the journey and experimentation, both in hack and slash as well as mmorpgs.

    • Eternus179
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Everything after the main story is a complete waste of time. Spreadsheet watching numbers go up and upgrade passives. No active abilities. Garbage simplistic repetitive gameplay. Diablo 4 is mind numbingly boring and uninspiring to play. This is just what you do in ARPGs, and that is why most of them are bad and a waste of time. I played the first Diablo at launch when I was a teenager and I enjoyed Diablo 2 when I was in college. Battle passes did not exist back then. Diablo 3 was horrible and I regret playing it.

    • yeeisme
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am just curious about seasons for D4 because in D3 with the set items you could get to end game super fast and then enjoy all the end game content for the season.
    Because D3 was super fast this absolutely worked.
    Since D4 is a little more meticulous in putting the character together with all the skills, paragon points and equipment I am curious to see if I will enjoy D4’s endgame as much as D3.
    I mean for D3’s failings it really did deliver on the “Action” part of the ARPG genre.

    • lotrcdefender
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You guys should stop using the argument, “this is just what ARPGs do” if you don’t see the issue with that then there’s no point in arguing with you. The whole point is innovation and getting people to come back, especially in a live service game. Some people don’t want to restart from scratch every season to experience new content.

    I will personally play the season if I feel like going through the whole mundane process again and if I don’t then I won’t. And yes I’ve played ARPG’s my whole life. I know you guys think diablo and poe are the only ones that exist but they aren’t. Especially now that they’ve thrown in all the mmo aspects it’s fucking crazy you guys are surprised people are upset over this. Diablo isn’t niche anymore, time to start innovating more, especially if you want to keep your game alive. I remember having hundred, maybe even thousands, of hours in D2 without even touching ladder. People simply have different interests and preferences.

    • Eric Lane
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve never had a max level character in Diablo 2 or Poe but I still play every season.

    • David Thompson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like I hear myself saying the same thing until the new season rolls around, something very interesting is included and I find myself really enjoying it.

    • Ben Gayfer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s mind blowing to me that people don’t understand ARPGs.

    • hinzir82
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This first ever Battlepass should not force us for seasonal character. If i remember correctly when they opened pre-purchase i dont remember it saying season 1 comes later and battlepass is only for this season 1 char. Later close to release they revealed this stuff. Its just there to force people play again July . There was no logical answer for not starting season 1 and battlepass with game launch and forcing people to level again for that battlepass comes with deluxe and ultimate editions. They can do whatever they want for next battlepasses because those will be sold seperated.

    • Jbassguy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am glad we are finally seeing some pushback against seasons.

    I have always felt that gating new content to seasons was a lazy way of delivering content. It also has a strong FOMO smell, because failing to play the new season meant you didn’t get the new stuff, and in the case of D3, they were literally giving away stash tabs each season and it was the only way to get them.

    So yeah, i welcome this debate and i challenge the idea that seasons are the “only” way to deliver content in a ARPG; especially one like D4 with no trade economy to speak of that you would arguably want to reset via seasons.

    It doesn’t help that a lot of d4’s basic mechanics are anti-alt, so even rolling a second or third toon in the current realm is meh for many people, let alone doing it every 3 months for your entire roster…

    • Buran01
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I disagree about the notion that Diablo III was a popular game. For selling over 30 million units the “friend list” felt for me like a graveyard, with almost no one of my 40+ “friends” playing seasons, and the game being almost dead in Twitch for over a decade. And D IV currently has way less content than D III RoS…

    • Wulph Jay
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    -buys arpg- -complains about an arpg being an arpg- what

    • Azalea Rose
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think they also misunderstand how ARPGs work. They don’t really comprehend there is an end. Many have this MMO mindset that new content = endgame = more power. I’m all for eternal realm getting the content, but I would bet 90% of these players don’t understand what the content is. They have more in mind like it is a new tier basically with higher level gear so more power and they think level 100 is a must get to thing. At level 100 doing seasonal content wouldn’t be very exciting at all they don’t understand there might be new 5 legendries and 1 new unique if we’re lucky? Also they’ve said you’ll be doing new content within the first hour AND it isn’t a grind to level 100 it is playing the game.

    I don’t see level 100 as something I’ll probably ever attain and that’s ok. I get to T4 get my gear and get good enough to enjoy a nice power fantasy and I’m good. They are the same saying “I’m level 100 and the game is exactly the same as it was at 80!” Yes, it is endgame started at 50, you’ve been doing it forever. Congrats you grinded the game to completion.


    • Camolot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I do think having the eternal characters being able to progress the bp is a good idea since this game is targeting a more casual and wide audience, But you make seasonal characters just progress the bp a little faster (idk a 10% exp amp to bp alone) to still incentivize the seasonal characters.

    • Jhust Myles
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I can kinda see the confusion, especially if players are coming from games with different progression systems (like Destiny 2, MMO’s, Fortnite/Royale Games, etc.). But coming into a new game or genre and expecting or demanding changes to fit with what you’re used to is just…wrong? Especially when you can set your expectations by doing a little research.

    Resets are how ARPG’s keep things fresh. And they’ve already covered the tedious bits (statues, story, renown [sort of], etc).

    On that note though, I’m probably going to approach Diablo 4 similarly to Paul Tassi. PoE is my main ARPG, so I just won’t have time for Diablo unless it’s something major.

    • k c
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is actually baffling to me lol. poor guys

    • Michael
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This whole game is a click bait get you to pay the one time 70 bucks and jebaited you. Look at all previous Diablo games all dead that is the future or d4

    • Apolyon, the Soul-Render
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I fuсking wish those people buy a car the same way they buy their games.
    No, i actually wish they do everything in their life the same way they buy their games.

    • chase johnson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love seasons brings a nice game play loop to arpg’s in my opinion. However with have such limited time my self I kinda see their frustration. I think the grind to 50 at least for solo should be shorter only play 5-6 hours weekly basically means I won’t experience the end hame or be able to try new classes and it put me off the game entirely

    • TheOlyboy123
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I had no idea about this, I played d2 a shit ton, but not online I only played single player and LAN due to my bad internet at the time. I hate the idea of restarting to play the new content and do kinda feel tricked by this that I bought the battle pass. I really hope they add a way to progress it without restarting, or make it so it doesn’t go away similar to halo infinite battle pass.

    • ad3z10
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Whilst I’m very much on the side of a season like to reset progress, I can sympathise a bit with people over the timing of Season 1.

    I knew that I wouldn’t have much time to play in June so that left me to not purchase or play the game yet as potentially only having a couple of weeks before the seasonal reset would have been a bit of a bummer.

    • blaine devie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hit 100 last night and I have no desire to log back on

    • Gamer Veks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “This is just what happens in ARPG’s” It doesn’t have to be though. They made a choice not to innovate, the game can literally be whatever they want it to be. Short seasonal resets and affixes are just the least work they can do for the most content and it’s how the genre has expanded upon the the bare bones of their games to create longevity. D4 could be so much more, but it probably won’t be. Just the same old lazy re-treaded ground.

    • Morinmeth First to Fall
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My guess is that these people are WoW/Blizzard fanbase. That’s the clout talking. There is no way you cannot fathom seasons in an arpg unless you’re at the very first step of it, or if you have completely ignored/forgotten about them in past diablo games. And now they’re making a ton of noise in hopes that Blizzard won’t ignore them. How big of a percentage these players actually mean what they say, and how impactful those actions will be, is up to the future to tell.

    • Purutzil
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly the season pass should work on the eternal realm. It’s fine if there are parts that only work on the season severs with season related bits, but I don’t see why other parts can’t work on both seasonal and the eternal realm.

    • Hernan Lafuente
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Poe and Diablo educated “bad” not understanding the importance of our time, and so they use a lot of resources that newcomers and casual gamers dont even think of. this is a good example. there are also other “dont give a s**t about your time” like stash management and no ingame trade system, no auto pickup of currency, the same 10 acts even with second character of the league. i have like 3000+ hours in PoE and every time i get to level a new character i do it as a duty, without enjoying the time till i get my build to function, and thats not only acts (i do them in 4-5 hs) but getting the atlas set up and a starter t16 farmer. whenever you have to go work, after you come home looking for some poe / diablo action, then you have like 3 or 4 hours max. the set up that should be 2 days at most, becomes 10 days at minimum. thats why also the majority of player base just quits before act 10.
    im not asking for migrating my character for season or so, just make me do something else like less acts, or skip acts and level in heist or w/e, at a fast pace. Race is not important for 90% of ppl, i just wish to have fun with my flicker or my CoC, geting to that point is not funny at all, cause its always repeating the same sequence.
    diablo 3 after some seasons got a set up time of 4 hours playing in party, that is good enough, like starting to have rift fun early on.
    what bothers me more in diablo IV is having a open world game without people. the instances should have a lot more players simultaneously

    • J W
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Very interesting to see this, its a blessing and a curse seeing the reach of D4 and the expectations. Perhaps for a certain demographic, seasons are perceived like raids where character progression is compiled onto the character you’ve poured hours into.

    As a vet of ARPG’s I find ladders/seasons part of the fun. I just don’t have as much time to play due work and family etc.

    Playing at launch certainly isn’t a waste of time, this is time for knowledge building and that’s something that you carry over into the season when it starts.

    • bobby johnes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    yo ziz , D4 is actually boring af. I love POE and gave it a chance , kv 62 atm , but its hella boring atm. I see nothing exciting cuz im missing the trading part and items have value thingy.

    • Reagindo e Rindo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ok one thing that may clarify all this mist for many:
    Season is a SIDE thing. Nothing changes in the normal world.
    You DON’T need to restart all again. Nothing will change and you will not loose anything.
    If you’re not happy with seasons thing, its simple: do nothing. Just continue playing as always. Nothing will change.
    But now, IF you want to win the season’s prizes and play the possible new mechanics, THEN you need to enter the season, which means begin from lvl 1. It may seem much frustrating, and may be a little bit. But believe me. This keeps the game alive for a decade at least. It’s fun to begin again after you did ALL the things you had to do. (Lets say after one year or more of gameplay).

    • Morgoth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Why are people getting angry? Diablo has probably one of the biggest player pools of all time it was always going to be a bit scratchy server wise 🤣🤣🤣

    • nrcsean
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I do wish it was more like Lost Ark rather than Diablo seasons. And ive played diablo since d1

    • SAFBLight
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I watched this vid and immediately went “skill issue” with twitter people complaining

    • BladeBloodreaver
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Considering 95% of players are likely new to the genre, it doesnt surprise me that much.
    A lot of players come in from an MMO perspective with persistent characters, not from the ARPG side.
    It is partly on Blizzard too for poor communication on this i guess. But hey, all those fools bought the 70+ euro/dollar game, so blizzard probably made their money there. If even 10 to 20% return for season 1, it will be great for D4. The new crowd simply needs to adjust that this way of playing an ARPG is normal, and if you dont like it, that is fine, you dont HAVE to play.

    • thasungod
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t they are expressing their point well or you getting what they are saying I have played every season of d3 and it was fun because you could get to max lvl fairly quickly then focus on season progression in d4 what I have noticed is the amount of time you have to put in to get to max lvl and start doing end end game content and min maxing your toon what I feel they are talking about is since it takes forever to max in d4 80hrs+ with no exploits for someone that can only play maybe a few hours a week by the time they get maxed out or maybe not even that season will be over and have to start again.

    • oaks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    3:35 Wait I thought you do have to re-do the statues of Lilith each season?

    • Wierzbix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons should be once every six months maybe, enough time to leveling new character.

    • Ben K
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m more discouraged by the fact that we won’t get gem storage until season 2.. as well as some of the other major quality of life improvements. cause I guess everything is kind of locked down already for season 1.

    • Josef Plaček
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its surprising how stupid can people be 😀 Everyone had to know, they will do new characters every season… It takes like a day to get to “endgame” anyway

    • Mark King
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    yeah, I’m not leveling to 100 again every 3 months especially with games on horizon like starfield in a couple of months? the battle pass and three months reset are a bad idea. yes earlier diablo’s had ladders, but the ladders didn’t have new mechanics and new gear? I’ve honestly already stop playing lol. the game actually sucks and the hopium is going to wear off when the romance phase ends

    • Hunu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The “reset” is the head scratcher for most people (myself included).

    There’s nothing OBVIOUS to someone who doesn’t play games like D4 normally that a season in that game means a whole new character every 3 months.

    I was blowing smoke up the game’s butt till now, I don’t think it’s going to go over well largely.

    • BalkepsDomain
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These people are definitely very new to ARPGs, so they have no clue how it works typically with seasons. It also doesn’t help that D4 incorporated some MMO-like elements – resets are not super common in MMOs, so it adds to the confusion. For myself, I can’t imagine an ARPG without seasons anymore, or some kind of resets at least. Without them it would be like playing a roguelike game only once.

    • Unixtreme
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m pretty surprised of this gulf between us and the more casual audience…
    But I sympathize with them. I’m really NOT looking forward to grinding renown again, in fact this may be the reason why I don’t play S1 at all, even having a battle pass included with the game.

    • Misterscout
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Reason I don’t like seasonal in this way is that you seperate the player base.

    • Andrew Bako
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Makes you wonder how many of these players are madden, call of duty, or any other game players where in the big scheme of things none of it really mattered and ends up being replaced by the next iteration of that game or genre

    • Rev’s Crib
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    too many andys in the twittwr

    • UHHH PvP
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That is their fault for looking up youtube guides killing their own content

    • Ioannis Lazaridis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I would prefer a Lost Ark approach, rather than seasons tbf. Since they went for an (M)MO approach, they should release content expansions twice per year and everyone’s happy.

    • Elias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    eh .. indeed i do’nt remember any “seasons” with diablo 2. Expansions, yes. there was the ladders tho, if you mean this.

    • KJ Wong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m also new to arpg, so do I lose my level 55 character at this so called season 1 reset ? IE my characters gets reset to level 1 ??

    • Dave Johson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s crazy to you that most people are not fat losers that don’t have the time to sit in a chair for 12+ hrs a days and repeat the same shit over and over again until you get that 0.5% higher still on a stat and people are complaining about it? It’s crazy to you that people are frustrated because even if they do repeat the same content you and your kind who do anything g else but play games all day will wreck them in PVP and they will have no one to play with at the same lv in PVE because of the limited time they have to play a day? It’s crazy to you that people who paid $70.00 for a game are complains about the fact of paying more money just so they can unplug and have a good time when they come back home from a long days? You’re right bro… is crazy.

    • keeferssi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They are doing what I expected with seasons, but I had hoped they would try something new and interesting.

    • Aitch
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not interested in a re-roll.
    That’s a simple concept too.

    • Nathan Lewis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yes ARPG’s are repetetive grind fests but d4 released with NOTHING to do. get a piece of gear? wait for helltide. thats fucking boring bro. Nightmare dungeons are worthless beside glyphs? considering they reward the same xp to a Normal dungeon lol or actually less/perhour. who at blizz thought that this is enough content to keep the community happy and positive until seasons begin.
    Only 1 or 2 decent drops to ‘farm’ but no clear way to farm them. just get lucky. — BORING —
    item power on items means next to nothing. which means most of your gear is very anti climactic outside of the 1 or 2 decent drops (shako being the big chase item)
    I also hate how most of your “ap – attack power” comes from your paragon board… it just feels like u get punished until u level up which rewards you with a brief dopamine hit but then you realise everything scales with or above you and then that matters nothing.

    it just really feels like we dont get to play for ‘fun’ atm. I enjoyed d4 for the first like 5 days but then you realise that there is nothing meaningful about the current state of the game. i’ve opted to stop playing until seasons bc there ain’t much point.

    On a side note, the campaign was fun – the blood petal lilith cutsceens were AMAZING – The most fun i’ve had in d4 so far is just completing the strongholds.
    I’m level 85 and just cbf continuing with the pointless grind to 100.

    • Itsmymillertime Itsmymillertime
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Blizzard marketed this game like an MMO and people assumed this live service game has resets. Also, getting level 100 is really hard, just like POE without the death penalty. But many people know Blizzard than PoE so its a whole new group of players that got sucked into the genre who don’t know the rules.

    • B A N A N A
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    All I gotta say is take a swing by the main Diablo 4 subreddit and you’ll be shocked by the disparity between casuals and vets

    • Computer Gaming Yesterday
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If people do no want to level a character again, they are not going to. It doesn’t matter if *this is just what you do* in the genre, or not. The question is, do most people playing the game enjoy it?

    I personally feel that the seasonal meta is on the cusp, or maybe already beginning to, fall out of favor in general. It goes hand-in-hand with displeasure over seasonal battle pass content. Many players who don’t commit to one game are unhappy with the FOMO feeling that accompanies limited-time content and this is becoming a barrier to their re-entry into a game when they take a break.

    It will be very interesting to see how this shakes out. Personally, I think live service game design is about to shift in some way. And this could be a risk to Diablo 4, because its approach to seasonal content seems to lack innovation and is out of touch with mainstream views on limited time content.

    • Andrei Pek
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a super casual arpg guy, a dad, and have like 1 or 2 hours to play at the end of the day, replaying the whole game I like is part of the fun, same was with Hellfire when I was young, then poe, martyr, epoch, wolcen and now with diablo 4.
    Like it’s part of arpg culture to replay the game 100+ times and make 100+ characters with silly names. :)))
    tho I think that people think it’s an mmo and not an arpg that triggers the fear.

    • ultrageekdom
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    there are levels to ‘casual’ xD these dudes are veterans of playing the campaign

    • Doormat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love seasons! Gives you a reason to come back! Every game I play I wish had seasons. Bf2042 has really neat seasons! If the sims had seasons that’d be great lmao

    • T Kelly
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons make straight up no sense for the average player. Especially for the average blizzard player who are mmo fans.

    • Sébastien
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have played most seasons of Diablo 3. I have played 3 seasons of PoE. I knew the characters would be reset, so I am not surprised. To me the question is more about how much time it will take to reach end game and complete the season objectives.

    On Diablo 3, it usually took me a couple of hours to reach level 70 and a week to unlock everything playing SSF. Then the only thing left was grinding greater rifts which did not interest me that much. So I was happy to play for a week, then I forgot about the game until the next season.

    On PoE, it usually took me at least a week to reach end game SSF. And I would curse all the way through these 5 acts you have to go through twice. Then I would give up after 3 weeks of mapping and not touch the game for a few years.

    IMO, if I am able to finish the battle pass in a week or two with a build I know, I am interested. If I have to spend a week farming renown and leveling to 50, I am probably out after first season. The thing is, most builds I have tried feel pretty bad to play until you reach end game and you can solve their issues with the paragon board. I just don’t picture myself going through a week or more of clunky gameplay due to ressource management or cooldown issues. Maybe if they put better stuff in the codex, but I am not optimistic about this.

    • Pickupsticks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    All they gotta do is make leveling from 1-50 insane fast, like 4-8 hours if you have already done the campaign. Make the time investment buy in as minimal as possible for the new players

    • David Nordstrom
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are idiots

    • Daetros
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    At the beginning of the game you smash monsters and grab loot. At the end of the game you smash a lot more monsters faster and grab loot. The fun of an ARPG is in the journey, not the destination. Once the campaign is completed the first time you’re just trying different builds, different characters, and tinkering. A new season just means a fresh start with some new elements to spice it up. Diablo is mechanically repetitive and becomes boring once you’ve perfected your build.

    MMOs suck in later life because the endgame just keeps bloating and becoming more complicated. Diablo stays (relatively) simple by giving you little changes that affect the whole experience rather than just stacking a million time syncs, a million different endgame currencies, and a thousand overcooked mechanics all at the tail end of the content.

    I love MMOs but these days i usually quit at endgame because it just isnt worth the time it takes to understand, prioritize, and daily grind all that bloated bullshit once you hit cap level. Give me a new season and that familiar, repetitive experience with a couple shiny new elements! I can miss a season or 2 and still hop in when i want to have fun without the impossible burden of a top heavy endgame experience I will never fully enjoy.

    • MiCHU
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Oh no few random dads with 50 likes cry’s on twitter lol such a treat

    • TraxisOnTheLines
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I explained to someone that D4 seasons would work like every other ARPG, but because “Eternal Realm” has the world “realm”, and “Hardcore” did not, he started going off about “Blizzard has never used realms before, we don’t know how this system will work, I need a source and if you can’t link me one I won’t listen to you.”

    It’s just like D2, or D3, or PoE, and if you’re a veteran to Diablo and surprised, that’s 100% on you for living under a rock. If you’ve never heard of Diablo and you’re confused, that’s fair, but give it a shot and if you like it, stick with it. If not, move on, that’s okay.

    • irrelevant
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i was 13 years old when d2 launched and then i started playing diablo, i played for 5 years actively and “seasons” were a somewhat foreign concept for me. I knew some crazy people started all over raced to 100 then went back to playing the main servers. I would say that 90% of the community in diablo II played the permanent league. And there was no new content for this so called “seasons”, everyone played the exact same game at all times. So I expect new players to the arpg genre to have a similar experience. If you told me back then that all your progress playing 2+- hours a day after school would get wiped and in order to play the new content you had to start all over i would also have being outraged. So i understand were they are coming from. Seasons are not friendly for casual players. D4 wanted to appeal to casuals? well reap what you sow now but don´t tell me now that they expect people who play 1 hour a day to start again every 3 months while holding a carrot on a stick saying “o but if you want to experience the new content just trash everything you have done”.

    • istouder226
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly seasons and battle passes make most games just an unplayable confusing mess anymore. I played 2 nights of a season of D3 and just thought it was a pointless game style.

    • Flashover
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    im not exactly an a(?)rpg veteran, but i know the reset from poe , and also every competitive game i ever played, i feel like a lot of games now a day have season with resets( mostly ranked ladders and stuff) , so i wonder where are this players coming from being surprised by that?

    • Ernest C.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem isnt this is an arpg, the real issue is they sold D4 as an mmo-arpg like Lost Ark.

    • Jason
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve been holding back for s1 I got to 70 got my 820 weapons no need to get to 100

    • FatalisReigns
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    oh shit lol you bringing up Gaiaonline like that caught me off guard haha i dont know anyone who used to play it but it was my game for so many years

    • Markus S.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yes, you are very out of touch. And I don’t mean this as an insult, it’s just a fact and result of your job and passion.

    I played a ton of MMO’s but also love ARPG’s and played many if not most since they were invented, including several seasons in PoE and D3.
    But I never really liked how seasons were done.
    The format was, at least partially, invented as a cheap gameplay loop with a few extras to keep people playing and it became the defacto core loop and standard while never really being improved upon. And there was never any need to do so: You were happy and you were paying. Perfect for any company.

    But now Blizzard wants to open the game / genre to make even more money and this old seasonal system, that you love, is just not compatible.
    Also, seasons come in many different variations in different games, so even if some of the new players heard that term in a D4 context, which didn’t automatically mean that they understood what it means in this game, which now only adds to Blizzard’s dilemma. Many of my friends actually didn’t know how seasons are going to work and are pretty pissed. And they should have known because I predicted this mess during the beta already.

    I fully agree with Paul Tassi that Blizzard must make a decision, and sooner than later. They want players to stay in order to get more money to keep the team big to make better season, the obvious profit margin increase aside. So, keeping those players around is also in the interest of the ARPG community. Unless you don’t want that.
    And I don’t see how they could explain to their board and shareholders that they decided not to keep millions of players.

    Whatever Blizzard is going to do, it obviously must be done in a way which does not compromise your fun in the game and the only way that I see is if battlepass and seasonal content will be changed to be relevant for fully geared characters in the Eternal realm. They can even put some additional specials in the seasonal realm.

    Just my opinion and if anyone thinks that this negatively impacts the gaming experience and joy of players in the seasonal realm, please enlighten me.
    I’ve already heard the argument that seasons need an incentive for players to play them. To that I say that if people don’t play something for genuine joy and need and incentive, the underlying activity and design might be questionable.

    I hope they can fix this mess in a way that we get a game that we can all enjoy. Casuals and Hardcore players alike. That would be a refreshing change.

    • Luis Dias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    well… to some extent that is true about D2 , I played D2 exclusively with offline characters that you could also play in the unranked online servers, never played D2 seasons.

    • teecee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wait, so that Paul Tassi guy writes about games for a living and gets paid to do so (yes, it’s Forbes but still), but doesn’t know how D4 and Seasons work?

    • chestermayfire
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Most of these people, including the creator of the thread (he’s a writer for Forbes) are Destiny 2 players and they came into Diablo cause a lot of Destiny streamers went with the hype wave and they thought ARPGs worked the same way as looter shooters do where you have you characters constantly leveling up and grinding forever

    • Delta Jonn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is the result of giving everyone the platform to offer their opinions. Seasons with a full reset are why I would play.
    Edit: Seasons with a leaderboard.

    • Kurt King
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The only issue that matters is storage. In a game where you indefinitely collect loot you’re given the smallest finite space to store it. In addition with no trading legendary’s and up on a game predicated on always online always interacting. Counter intuitive dosent even come close.

    • Chawa233
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    POE is criticized by bloated content. But well then , as a player who only level one character per season. That’s the BLOATED game I can keep exploring and never get tired. I’m not a guy waiting the game to evolve, instead, I jump in at season 2,6,15 or 21, POE gave me all with stuffed content & endless fun now. Yup, blight next season maybe. Return to D4 until it provides meaningul game plays I suppose. That’s called causal, campaign is not a casual player, it’s called noobies.

    • EvoCyberNation
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It sounds like you’re defending Diablo 4 when many Twitter users make sense. It also sounds like you’re having an issue analyzing things from different perspectives because your mind is stuck on your adventures with some ARPGs. POE isn’t a releveling fest. That game makes sense. You can relevel if you want to in Path of Exile, but you’re not forced to relevel to get skins, armor, weapons, etc.

    • Doormat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Paul tassi doesn’t know what he is talking about. D2 had seasons only called ladders. Lmao

    • Jesus Salazar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I do hope the battle pass have xp boost, I don’t want to spend 2 weeks trying to get to max level in the start of every season.

    • lee0219
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think this is reason what majority AAA game become more simple and light more and more.

    • TheTreydogg27
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I knew what I was signing up for but even still now having played it, it’s an unreasonable amount of content just to level. I’m only lvl 36 and Ive had the game since launch. Some of us work to provide and can only play a bit here and there and yeah it feels like theres no point to leveling if in a month everyone has moved on the the seasonal stuff. Just not worth it, that’s why I’m just gonna finish the campaign and move on to a game that values my time and not my wallet.

    • Sneaky
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    with this essentially being an mmo that takes hundreds of hours to hit level cap and make numbers go up just for 1 character it is not at all surprising to me seeing all this negative response to mandatory seasons

    this is the most fomo it has ever felt and people arent levelling a character in a day theyre levelling it still 3 weeks later and they nowhere near max level on 1 character

    this game bit of WAY more than it could chew and forced millions of casuals to get strong attachment to their 1 main character and before they can get close to feeling their biuild is complete the season is around the corner

    if they want to get the battle pass that they already paid for and all the new content they need to throw away something theyve not even had for a single month

    • chadbuddha
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    normies get out of my game RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    • Jord Rakhorst
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I dont get it why so many people are content with this cheap way of doing seasons.

    Doing the same exact thing over and over again every 90 days.

    It is a arpg yet they want us to not bond with the character.

    I understand it was nececery in the past with all the cheats and bots etc but man, it is 2023. Get a grip of yourself and understand they are giving you almost nothing contend wise and in the mean time trying to squeze every penny out of you.

    And dont get me started on the time to level 😂

    • shankS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are mad at diablo 4? GOOD

    • Luis Dias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    honnestly I really just want more stash space.

    • Flame Forged Soul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So let’s see if We have this correct; you’re confused that a game whose _target audience_ is casuals, has upset said audience by focusing on a game mode tailor made for no-lifing degenerates(read: streamers)? Intriguing.

    • ronuss
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i played POE for years, d3 as well. but i wouldn’t call myself a hardcore arpg player as i enjoy to many different types of games. But tying all the new content and BP to seasons, is just awful. Seasons are nice when you just want to start a new character you can jump in a season and ur not miles behind the curve. But i dont always want to do a season every 3 months, its way to short a time in my opinion. I have a 72 sorc and i really dont want to start all over again in s1 just to grind the bp. I think if nothing changes i’ll probably just quit the game for awhile and come back when there is actually new content. Make bp just part of the entire game, having it only in seasons really will push away a lot of new and casual players tbh.

    • Kianwan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its crazy how many people bought an ARPG without knowing what they bought?!

    • Ernst Traag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not a fan of Diablo 4, but this is clearly how seaons/leagues should be. What are these people expecting for a season? To just start in the endgame and let the endless repetitive content that is Diablo do it’s thing?

    • Marcelo Lima
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    IMO D4 is where POE was when endgame was Act4 farming in terms of endgame

    • Major X93
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My first ARPG is D3, i have played it probably around 1000 hours, more or less. Though i just been a casual player, i didn’t even know people play season, i saw it once and when i tried it and found out that i had to start over i just quit and returned to my eternal characters 😅

    • Indural Frosthelm
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am by no means an ARPG veteran. While I have played PoE, Diablo 2, 3, and now 4, Wolcen, as well as Last Epoch (a little I haven’t finished the story yet). I doubt I have put 10K hours in them total. And I am as lost as Zizaran on this one. I would admit that I feel like Re-Starting a toon for Diablo 3’s seasons is a bit of a waste of time since there isn’t much to be gained from the leveling process in that particular case. As well as it being so quick that it really doesn’t matter. But with PoE and now Diablo 4 there is so much in the leveling that it only makes sense that you start new. At least with Diablo 4 you can skip the Story unlike with PoE. If you could skip the story in PoE’s new Seasons I probably would play it more.

    • tito lovely
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    arpgs are time sinks. most ppl new to the genre dont understand that. if you cant play at least 4-5 hours a week, arpgs are a total waste of time. the point is to be on the treadmill, and restarting the journey from 0 to hero has always been a core part of arpgs. as a d2 and poe veteran, the reaction to d4 seasons and battle pass confuses me. what game did these ppl think they were buying? it’s like playing an RTS and getting mad that after you win or lose a game you have to start all over and rebuild your base….. uhh yea it’s been that way since the inception of the genre.

    • skurk gbg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it has to do with leveling to 100 being very slow.

    • wtfwasthat16
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Are casual gamers this entitled? or is this more twitter hivemind stuff?
    “The game doesn’t respect MY time”. What? If your time is self valued so highly, then dont play games, especially an ARPG

    • Kamran Kazemi-Far
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The main thing I enjoyed about my playthrough of the game was the story, im not really a fan of the endgame.

    • Dwayne Matheson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Maybe some content creator could make a brief history of ARPGs and see how they evolved over the years. The reason we have seasons is to refresh the game, right? I remember playing the hell out of Diablo. Made each char class, finished the story, and moved on to Divine Divinity. Finished the story, made new chars, finish the story again, on Titan Quest. The beat goes on. Diablo 2 had their ladder, with a whole fresh start every time. And D2 you played the same campaign over and over!

    POE was one of the first ARPGs with the gigantic (in my opinion) season with a theme. They started out like D2, play the story, play it again harder, and again harder. Then they found their niche with the season, and brought in new ideas and new things to do, even with a reset. They evolved their end game, they created bosses, uber bosses, pinnacle bosses, etc.

    Please, someone script this up and show the new ARPG folks why the games are being developed the way they are, and why the player bases are so different in their opinions!

    • Petras Jonauskas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ARPGs need to be reinvented. The combat in d4 is lame, needs to be much more complex, challenging and less repetitive. The combat in d4 feels the same as early d3.

    • LordNerfherder
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is blizzard. An MMO audience just got into a game where all their progression and sense of immersed rp character is deleted. Boom all gone.

    • Enigma
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    KFC gamers

    • Jimmysjohn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not a waste of time. The game is just incomplete but sold as a completed game.

    • Showny
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I can see where a lot of people are upset about the battle pass not working for eternal characters. People enjoy blasting new content with their maxed out characters.

    • Stefan Bohm
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you look at all diablo has seasons also poe every game has seasons to give you a fresh 3 months lol its the fun of every arpg with poe2 coming out even poe right now you get bored of one season if mechanics are not good you can jump to poe or last epoch

    • KingOfBlades27
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Read the same feed and couldn’t believe my eyes. Got good laughs from that 😂

    In general a lot of people are just clueless. Many think you literally lose your character when new season hits. Also a lot don’t know that you won’t start from scratch totally. Then there is this ridiculous logic that you have to no life the game to reach end game and experience content. In PoE if you play regularly and are some what competent at the game you will experience everything new easily in one league’s time. D4 is and will be even easier.

    Also combining season battle pass to standard doesn’t sound a good idea. Like how does that work in a way that they aren’t ruining the actual season battle pass content?

    • Profundis Confutatis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You have to factor in that the people that are actually interested in playing seasons also don’t really have anything to b**** about, so that’s going to skew your perception of how many people are actually upset with it.

    I mean what do you say about something you expect that you will like but isn’t going to be available for some months

    • Carno
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see myself from few years back when I started playing PoE in them. Had the same reactions when i learned what leagues are, decided fuck it im just gonna play standard, but then as I learned more about the game i managed to evolve past that and now I enjoy every league and have over 2,5k hours

    • CremeDeLaNut
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I do agree however that leveling is too slow after 50. Most casual players play solo. I’m ok with it taking me more time than most to hit max level but it shouldn’t take over 60 hrs.

    • Henona
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The fun is derived from playing the game itself, not completing it as a one and done thing.

    • Kino
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wish someone with a bigger voice than my own would advocate for 4/6 month seasonal content for
    A) more robust features
    B) more QA time

    • Dalton Palmer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People who don’t know what they are talking about should probably just sit back, watch, and listen…

    • Hentaicho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    In fairness, PoE has standard league. Is there an equivalent in Diablo IV?

    • Anthony Yelchibekov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m literally waiting for the new season to make a new character. My biggest problem right now is figuring out which class to go with for the first season lol

    • Vedthrfolnir
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a long time PoE player, I was very surprised by this reaction. But after thinking about it for a while, what actually is the point of forcing everyone to make new characters for the season if the game doesn’t have a player economy? Outside of the race events at the start of a new season, which only a small percentage of players participate in, what actually is the point of a reset without an economy? Seems to me that D4 is missing a lot of the mechanics that make seasons work in other ARPGs. It seems like they probably could allow existing characters to experience seasonal content, and only allow new characters to race? There’s probably some more nuance that needs to be taken care of to avoid cheating in the race in this case, but those are all details that could be ironed out. I’m all for seasons and think they are great for the longevity of these games, but the lack of an economy to reset made me start to question if it’s really necessary.

    • Torulf Vapensmed
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Getting money is always most important. If they will earn more money making battle pass progress in eternal realm then it will happen.
    It will come to a store near you really fast.

    • David J Lavoie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It would be wise for blizzard to explain to their new player base that seasons may be optional and that it shouldn’t interfere with the core game play or the campaign. I highly doubt new dlc content will be only seasonal specific, if so having to make a new toon, while redoing all Lilith alters and all renown side quests would def become redundant and dull.
    We can only speculate, the game is fresh and as a veteran poe player I do wonder how they’ll deploy content every 3 months.

    • Try This
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    oh are the blizzard shills finally arriving at endgame? lol

    • Jess Johnson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Just because AARPGs are notorious for seasons does not mean it is the best approach. I understand that AARPGs are known for having to do the same content over and over and over and over, but it doesn’t have to be this way. I believe it is time to be innovative in the AARPG space. I for one think the battle pass system is good start because if the developers can continue to make money on a game, then they will need to continue to add content and keep things fresh. As a lifelong Diablo player, I was hoping seasons would die or become less important and the enteral realm is still where most of the content takes place.

    • Misa Pheonix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Star Citizen players all laughing at this (we reset all/some/most progress like monthly lol)

    • Ryan Griffin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The only thing that comes to mind is people just dont know something, even a little, before they throw money at it.
    Imagine you buy “Soccer”/Footy. You’ve spent some money because it sounded fun, you try it for the first time and you’re like “wow devs, if you think people are going to run, like actually run, all the time, to try and play a game, you’re out of your minds, soccer is dead, rip soccer, devs out of touch”. And yet anyone that actually plays footy is like, dude, wat? Theres 1 ball, 2 goals, and running… Theres literally nothing else in this, why did you buy it?

    Thats what this arguement sounds like. Radically out of scope marketing is bringing in everyone to play and when they do they want things more traditional to games that arent even in the genre of game they are playing. Diablo 4 has done a good job of making it super accessable to both first timers and hardcore gamers and streamers alike but the future looks so all over the place with blizzard making design choices around both, they really need to pull one way or the other to make a more cohesive game because you really feel the split with so many things the longer you play

    • Krazy Kamikazeee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think people are more there because it’s a “diablo” over it’s an “arpg”. personally, I understand as I don’t really enjoy the seasons system. I don’t recall D3 launching with a season system either. It’s how company are milking more time and attention from players, more or less filler content. I wish I could stick with my eternal character forever. I want to create a new character because I want to, no because I need to in order to play in the next season.

    • Madlax
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    one think that bothers me is that in D2 i can level new character to level 80+ basicly in one day, in D4 there are no Baal runs etc.. and i somehow dont like it. leveling in D4 feels more annoying i would say.

    • Norbert
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Someone buys a game with repeateable content and then complains about doing repeatably same thing in a season (which is designed to have same content but maybe different gear).
    “I don’t want to do side quests again, I don’t want to do lvling again, I don’t want to do paragons again…I just want to play the game” (which is what? WFT you want to do? you already excluded 90% of the game that is progressing through the content)

    I have over 1 thousand hours in D3 and I’m casual player who played it for 10 years…doing same thing YES…I do understand that doing same thing in ARPG is normal and game requires patience & dedication to reach a goal doing rifts, doing adventure mode or doing party runs and farming paragons. There’s also seasons that let you farm paragons…4 ways to progress.

    • RedBearNAaron
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah. No. Hey look. You (and folks like you) like to have your time wasted, a carrot dangled, for whatever reason. But I (and folks like myself) like to waste our own time. There’s a difference. I’ll accept my share of ignorance. I never even did any research into Diablo. I know it never appealed to me until now. I liked what I heard in dev interviews. Mostly that it wasn’t like D: Immortal.

    So lemme clarify my own opinion. I’m a NEW DIABLO player. But I’m a seasoned RPG player. And I play on the hardest difficulties. So rn… As a NEW. HARDCORE. PLAYER. This game IS in fact wasting my time (with unstable servers) VS it doing what **I** actually paid for. Which is for ME to use it to waste time, enjoyably. On MY terms. NOT for the Server and Devs to steal/waste my time. IF these things were explained in detail PRIOR to launch. I wouldn’t have bought the game. I’m certain a good grip of New Players would’ve also stayed away. Your tone isn’t condescending. It’s dismissive. I’m not offended but I wholly disagree for the reasons I stated above. Hopefully this is coherent. Lol.

    • Ensomniac
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see both sides of this argument, and I don’t know the right answer for D4, but I do know one thing:

    It seems to me like pretty much every “ARPG vet” who has an opinion on these things typically have one go-to argument of “this is how ARPGs are, how they’ve always been”.

    These players are typically are never willing to take the discussion past that point; very few of them are willing to ask why some of these things are the way they are, or even why it would be bad if things were different.

    In my mind any time you defend a position or game mechanic with “This is how _______ has always been”, that’s a really poor argument to make. There’s no reason that we can’t re-evaluate things and evolve in order to make the genre different and hopefully better, and I certainly don’t blame people for feeling this way about a game that Blizzard has very clearly intentionally made more “mmo-like”

    • Jorge NG
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Path of exile subreddit is not looking so bad after this hahaha

    • Two Door
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have not got the game yet and I’m still deliberating if I should do so or not. Please some let me know can you do seasons whit out a battle pass or not?

    • jonnytherebel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It should cost 40 not 70

    • Fulmork
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Main issue is that there’s no way to inform 95-99% of the playerbase of typical ARPG things like seasons. Most people just see “Oh, D4 dropped? Let’s go, log in duuude!” But they don’t watch D4 videos, or dev live-streams, the people that do are a small minority of highly invested “core” players.
    I don’t know how, but Blizz should’ve advertised and explain this more directly instead of in just dev-streams and socials if they wanted to avoid this issue (which likely wasn’t a priority, let’s be real)

    I saw this for myself with D4 (and D3) when I played with my GF, who is a super casual gamer – No idea what seasons are, doesn’t care for them, nor for any real “end-game” content. It’s just a way of spending time together on something for her – which is totally fine, and doing the campaign together was a blast, but the game kinda ends for her there.
    Thankfully, that was her expectation, so no drama there, but I know a few other people who are just as “clueless” in this aspect, who expected D4 to be more like Destiny 2 – 1 character that does all the new content as it comes out.
    Having to reset for a season is so foreign to them, it’s hard to even explain…

    • stenspeed1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Season i. D3 were fast fun

    • KingHeenok Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ive done extreme grind in many game. D4 is not grindy at all for the genre.

    • Puls
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    its so odd to me, like i understand people liking the characters theyve made and grinded on for the last few weeks, but also its like. My FAVORITE part of seasons is making a new character and grinding for a new build with all the new seasonal stuff. It has always been the most fun ive had with ARPGS. I get that other genre’s of games dont do this, but this is how ARPGS have always been. The battlepass being locked to seasonal characters is a bit odd, i do agree with that, but having seasonal characters is just, how the genre works

    • Emo Emu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    When an ARPG meets generation whiny B-word cancel CULTure.

    • Chris Smith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I just dont understand the appeal to redoing the same stuff every three months… just to lose it all again. Can someone explain that to me or better yet why play the game at all if seasons are all that matter. Why not just wait until season 1 to play?

    • John
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s simple, those people who say they played D2 and D3 and are surprised by the seasons are liars. They played neither for more than a few levels if they played them at all

    • redfish337
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wish PoE used a middle ground where they only dumped everything back into standard once a year. Leagues could be run separately for racing and economy reset, but then rolled back down into this year-long league after a month or so, after which it would start rolling the new league content.

    Standard has been dumped into for far too long at this point.

    • Fictitious Nightmares
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Whatever, they turned a single player game into a live service for profit. That is the facts. Some like that, some hate it.

    • EnjoyGengar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i hear twitter im out. Also its twatter been out of touch.

    • Vomk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “gaming as a whole isnt for you” because people dont have the same opinions as you? lmao

    • TheD1rtyRider
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Obviously excited about the seasons. That is the whole purpose of an ARPG. Would like if there was more trading to take advantage of an economy reset.

    • Fridayyy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Also, my take is that it would be cool if we had a nightmare dungeon rating feature, something like an ELO, or RIO in WoW M+ seasons, that way we could have an addtional goal to push for in seasons.
    PS: I, as many other disagree, I DO NOT want to redo the side missions every season, flip the rewards for the last 2 ranks, and give a cosmetic reward for the people who want to finish it completely.

    • yasuchika
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is the other side of dragging in a bigger, new audience. They might not like the typical tropes that come with the genre. Seasonal resets is the opposite of casual, and casual is what Diablo 4 is targetting.

    • Mr. WasGehtSieDasAn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My issue is how boring and slow the game felt during early-mid game.

    I’m new to seasons like that and I already lose interest thinking about going through the same leveling process to 50.

    If they had some kind of compromise like starting at 50 I’d be down but doing it from scratch every season, nah man

    • Twice Gravity
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The disconnect is a huge discussion but ultimately I think it would be a great idea for battle passes to be progressable on eternal realms

    • Steve Walton
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Here’s my issue, I have no drive right now to push 100 because the season is dropping soon enough to which all that time would have been wasted. Once the seasonal rotations start happening you’re basically never going to touch your original characters. You’ll play a seasonal character until the next season launches and do it over again and again. They should have pushed seasonal many months out and focused on launching new content for your character to do with the battle pass. I’ve played Diablo 3 since launch and played every season since it started, the way they’re doing this feels off. People are going to be pissed when they find that all the new content is available on seasonal characters only (if they follow the same concept as d3).

    • David T.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Meaning, Wait until a season start to create a new character. So play only 1 during a season.

    • Dodge Chance
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These people fr just didn’t understand the genre they were buying. If they don’t like seasons then it’s simply that they do not like this kind of game, rather than an inherent flaw in the game itself. Blizzard went for mass appeal, got it, and now all these oblivious players that bought the game on pure hype are being hit with the reality of the game they purchased all at once. Honestly, it’s almost as much Blizzard’s fault for going for such an overly broad appeal, as it is these users’ fault for not doing proper research before buying.

    I predict that player numbers will see a sharp decline after season 1, and from then on a more solid core fanbase will form. I expect the biggest loss in players will come from the so-called casual, family-having, sex-enjoying, grass-touching dads (bit of a meme from the D4 reddit in case this confused you) who can only play an hour a day that we so commonly see on Reddit. These kinds of casual players simply aren’t usually the kind to enjoy an ARPG for long periods of time. At such a time the devs may find it to have been a mistake to have focused on this demographic in the long term, although it certainly greatly boosted launch sales. Then again, once they’ve gotten the money, perhaps they do not care that much about the longevity of the game, as long as these players return for the expansion pack?

    • Cheng Chiu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when you stop developing your game and dumb it down to cash grab, making it a diverse casual friendly genre and then try to make seasons to contain a hardcore player base to milk money. It is a train wreck, where they are not trying to satisfy customers in any way shape or form.

    • Titter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ive been playing ARPG’s longer than most ppl here have even been alive. i expected this in D4. what i didnt expect was how long the leveling process to 100 actually takes. in games like POE and D3, you reach the end game in about a day or two of playing. in D4, it takes your average player weeks to get there. this is where the frustration comes in. if it was alot (and i mean ALOT) quicker to get to end game like in other ARPGs, i dont think people would complain as much.

    • Roo Seph
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    60-70 has been some of the most boring monotonous shit I have ever experienced. Minimal progression and a bland, repetitive gameplay loop that gives you literally ZERO incentive to keep going. Still only level 68 and the urge to turn the Xbox on to keep going to non existent.

    • Darrel Madden
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    At almost 55 yo, when video games first arrived they were always from the beginning with every play. I think D4 put out the first season too early. If it play’s like D3 you still need to do the entire campaign to unlock everything for seasons. The fact that Blizzard hasn’t explained anything is just Blizzard and their half ass everything. Look no further than Overwatch 2 and the carrot on the stick PVE that ended up just the stick. I’m only shocked that Blizzard hasn’t declared all of the characters LGBTQ+ at this point.

    • Darc Raven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Rinse and repeat till higher stages are feasible duh, see where you can get each season and the new builds and equipment in that season, other rewards as well, or even try HC, once the campaign is done then it’s done forever, or not. I usually solo a lot and just love the grind and new things to get, and see how deep I can get.

    • Björn Brunstorp
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If they boost the xp u get level 1-70 then I think the problem will go away. It take way to long to get above 60 and get your build working properly. The power between the dig classes and builds are realy huge.

    • Zerofucksgiven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ” People are REALLY MAD at Diablo 4 right now ” Translation people are really stupid right now.

    • dpossberg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 3 seasons are outdated. In the meantime other games showed how an updated more innovative season could look like. I don’t need a season to do or try out other classes. I want to play with my eternal char the season if I choose to. They still could make out of the seasons a total grind fest. They could put in more creative stuff like 6-Player real raids with various mile stones and a somewhat worldboss at the end, additional paragon boards, levels, classes, growing map with new regions, new uniques, set items, unlock multiple world tiers instead one-by-one like in Diablo 3, reduce costs for re-skilling, possibility to save different builds..etc. to be honest blizzards could go crazy with the seasons…there are plenty of options to make it more interesting instead of keeping the old outdated season-system. And don’t care about casuals or hard-core gamer. I am a looter by heart and love grinding and finding better stuff…but I want to do this with excitement and not with some lazy outdated system. I am pretty sure they will address it soon and make changes.

    • Purple Dart
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    At best it’s unoptimized dogshit with only a story worth playing one time and not even a long one. At worst its an unplayable DC and crashfest with terrible gameplay for a multi billion dollar company and it’s dragging the name of a beloved franchise through the dirt.

    • sainoq351
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ummm, this is not even a knew concept? D2 ladder was reset often, how many years ago? lot of them may not of been born then I guess.

    • David Gast
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not mad at all. I’ve had a lot of fun playing. People just like to cry.

    • Krucible
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it’s mainly the timing of season 1. The VAST majority of people will be nowhere near level cap when season 1 launches and then it’s time to start right back at square 1. Im currently lvl 73 and losing motivation to log in each day because I’m wondering if I’m just better off waiting for the season

    • Brandon Perry
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The dev team didn’t really help themselves by marketing this game as a semi MMO. and with MMO’s the purpose is to lvl to cap and then grind endgame. and if they had seasons every 3 months where i had to relevel then people would be pissed. Ill try the seasons out but I don’t see casual people who already find the game grindy and don’t have 12 hours to play a day playing long-term.
    I don’t see the problem with just having the option of doing the season on a eternal character. please tell me the downside

    • Jason Ebenstein
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That’s what you get making a game for casuals!

    • Atomlad
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What’s with the crying over starting again ? In D2/D2R every time a new ladder starts , everyone starts from 0 with no previous bonuses and essentially I always find it amazing to arms and level race against everyone and you can show off how much you know and it’s always been an amazing journey to do it from 0 to 90+ on D2R. In D4 people will have it easier and yet still complain… I don’t get that..

    • Pal Paladin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its because most casual players have lives and don’t speak gamer. Many read ‘reset’ and think ‘gets deleted’ ; they’re not clear on, or aware about what happens to season characters when the season ends. They’re new to this, they don’t know those characters get converted into eternal characters, you can decide to keep, or delete. – This is to get people to try different characters.

    With PvP and clans in the game. Seasons is a good way to get new characters built, and pick up a few freebee’s along the way. – on the flip side, just offering cosmetics isn’t gonna jive anymore. Blizzard need to consider rewarding actual gear in some way. Maybe a progression system where players can custom build a set, from a range of options, or something.

    • Jr PeP
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Daddyablo IV

    • Guillaume Alarie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I must say that I didn’t buy D4 for many reasons

    First the price, I won’t pay 90 $ for a game today I prefer the way of POE or I play game at 30$ like factorio. I mean I will probably buy ark ascended and ark 2 for anyprice, but I’ve play a lot over the years.

    But when I look at my play time with D3 I never touched it after leveling and playing the first month and I don’t see how I will explain the price of D4 if I play casually for maybe 100 hours it’s a lot of money for me.

    So yeah I’m pro POE and other “free” game that you can buy little things over time to help the company with a game that I enjoy returning over and over.

    • syntaxed2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 isnt really a PC ARPG – Its more of a console adventure game.

    • Maxime Caron
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the problem is that it takes 150H+ if you know what you are doing to lvl a character to lvl 100. It’s to damn long to do it every 3 months. fk that

    • Uy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have 7 kids, 3 wives, work 200 hours a week, only get 1 minute of gameplay a year and the game should cater to me and I should achieve the same as people who play 8 hours a day.

    • Bon Jovi783
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There’s a reason Arpgs are dead. D4 has the chance to become a great mmoarpg but seasons will ruin that.
    I guess it’s a way to make blizzard battle pass money every season, they seem to be one of the only company’s that will sacrifice virtue and the integrity of the game for excess amounts of money.

    • Rick
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    How do people not know that in a new season you have to create a new character? Sweet summer children..

    • Troy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You are missing one very important point Mr ARPG. Diablo 4 doesn’t have a multitude of classes or skills to pull off a season. POE has billions of combinations to make you want to create a new hero. This game has nothing of the kind. Each of these crap classes has 2-3 paths and that’s it. The engine they used doesn’t look able to support much at all, much less new mechanics. This is 100% a cash grab that will most likely add more cut scenes, fetch quests, and the same boring drivel but now with cosmetics!!! This game is shallow and your going to see it in Season 1 because after that most everyone will be gone……..

    • ShayNightshade
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think twitter should be shut down

    • Werbrot vom Stamme der Brote
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Up to Diablo 3 I didn´t knew about seasons either and thought it would be boring. Then I tryed it and it was fun, not the leveling part but the lategame and this again and again and again.

    It seems that I just like slaying hordes of monsters.

    • Andre Biedermann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    For me, as a guy raised by diablo, diablo 2, diablo 3, grim dawn and so on, i first thought this was a joke. I am so shocked about this Twitter thread.

    • M. R. R.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I really wish you wouldn’t make conjecture that ARPGs by default have seasonal wipes. It’s correct that many modern ARPGs utilize seasonal wipes with seasonal mechanics, but the mere fact that Diablo 4 is an ARPG should not have people automatically assume there will be seasonal wipes. Please keep the two separated.

    As for people who are confused or frustrated learning that Diablo 4 has seasonal wipes, I’m fairly certain we have heard this beforehand and is nothing new. So that’s on them for not being informed on the game they bought into.
    That being said, I am pleased that the Diablo Dev team have decided to keep altar and map progression between seasons, and I expect them to also keep renown permanent per account as seasonal carry over achievements.

    • Marko Lukić
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A veteran of the genre since D1 but super casual and the prospect of starting from scratch every couple of months if I want to enjoy new content does not appeal to me. I played only one season in PoE for a couple of weeks and that was by accident. I was looking to start a new character after initially playing the Marauder for a couple of months and ended up playing in a league.

    Ever since leaving high school gaming has been rather limited and is primarily a way to blow some steam for half an hour or an hour once every few days. It took me almost half a year to finish PoE story acts and since then I have played a few maps when I was not exploring a new ARPG. I was really excited about D4 and dedicated on the release probably more time than I should have and it still took me 10 days to complete the story with no sidequests or looking for dungeons with specific legendaries. In the 10 days since I played another character because it appears I cannot salvage class-specific equipment account-wide and have managed to reach Lvl52.

    Progressing through the game hunting for items is a terrible slog with very few moments that feel satisfactory. As I said I am mainly playing the game to unwind and to collect transmogs to make the characters cool looking. I keep reading the game becomes much more enjoyable past level 50 or more but I doubt I will have the time or the will to go through that every 3 months just to collect more cool-looking equipment.

    So while I was aware of the concept of seasons I can understand why many may not like them or were even unaware of them.

    • Chris Jones
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Am I the only person on earth who plays Diablo because I enjoy the story, lore, cut scenes/ cinamatics and just mindlessly killing waves of enemies and collecting the loot.

    • FellowTarnished
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Reading some of those Tweets is so funny, they have no idea what they’re talking about.

    • K Maguire
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The anti season people have been annoying AF on the forums.

    • Apa
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 not being seasonal is a great way to make me not want to ever touch it. One of the reasons PoE is so successful is because it resets every time. You get a fresh new start and never feel like you are “late.” It adds an incredible amount of replayability. Given how the game currently is – Diablo 4 not having resets would kill it so quickly. It was still a complete disaster of a decision to make this game an MMO. Good job higher ups!

    • Malex
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Ziz sounds a little disconnected from the casual playerbase we all knew this would attract a ton of new players and casuals and people that dont play 12 hours a day or casuals in general Want a main character something they can progress forever I kinda thought they would do something new aswell for seasons for challenges for main characters not expecting everyone to just redo the same content on another class/build yes that’s how alot of arpgs work it dooesnt mean diablo 4 had to be that way necessarily.

    • Albert Nonymous
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    PoE was the first diablo-clone I got into for real. I always liked Diablo 1 and 2, Titan Quest and whatnot, but never played any of them more than casually before PoE.
    I get the feeling these people are having, “abandoning” a character to start a new league feels really off at first, and I played Standard PoE league for quite a while back in the day before I dared make the jump, and then never look back. It is something unique to a diablo-clone you need to experience to realize works.

    In that sense I think selling D4 with the battle pass bundled in is a really clever marketing move. They’ve pre-sold a lot of people an incentive to make that jump and try making a new character in the new league, people who otherwise would have only played their same old character in the Eternal league and not interacted with new leagues.

    • Aleksandr Senchenko
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    welcome to the world where dads of 15 children with 0.5hrs/month playtime should be able to do every single piece of content in the game otherwise claiming that devs are oriented for top 0.1% of playerbase

    • Joelhodoborgas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ziz youre an awesome dude. keep at it.

    • Sol
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not a fan of your misinformed approach of using “arpg players” and “hardcore players” interchangeably. Nor should you view Diablo 4 as strictly an arpg in the traditional sense. This one is clearly an mmo fusion. If we only had Path of Exile players, Diablo 4 would not have the massive player base that it currently does. I’m glad you at least understand you are out of touch with not only the average ARPG player, but Diablo 4 players at large. As an mmo player myself, we generally tend to enjoy the idea of taking our main character and progressing it ad infinitum. We enjoy living in a world that is constantly breathing and evolving. The traditional concept of seasons is a bit different to this core principle. These are reset buttons where the starting points are dragged back to the beginning every couple of months.

    Rather than just having resets every three months, I believe it would be much more enjoyable to add that extra content to the original game so that players can take their main and progress further and further into the game throughout the years.

    • Tombstone
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you played several dozen hours in a game levelling up as you went, then surely you did so while having fun? If so then it wasnt a waste of time because you had several dozen hours of fun and having fun isnt a waste of time. If you didnt have fun during those hours then the fault is yours, why on earth would anyone spend time doing something voluntarily that they dont enjoy. Its the sort of “game x is all about the endgame and doesnt get good until endgame” logic that I just never understand. If I am not enjoying a journey I dont do the journey.

    • minus randloev
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Got to lvl 22, and i have no desire to start up the game to spam my basic skills, ill think i wait to see what seasons bring

    • Univenon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean, I guess this is what they get for reaching out into the MMO market? As for the vets of D2 and D3, I can’t say much for D2 because I simply never played it until very recently, but from what I can see, D2 seasons don’t really add that much? For D3, if I recall correctly, seasons weren’t added to D3 until quite far into the game’s life, after the removal of the auction house and such. I don’t remember there being any seasons before that, but I also didn’t have a computer to play it on for most of that time. On top of that, D3 seasons didn’t really a lot of stuff to the game either. Just some seasonal pets and skins and such. If you skipped doing them, you weren’t missing out on much if you weren’t interested in that kind of thing.

    I think the big problem people are having is that SO MUCH of the game is locked behind the season wall now. Before, doing seasons was a lot more optional than it is now and I think that’s the problem people are having here.

    • SmoothSentient
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D2 has had seasons since early 2000s. New players need to understand that seasons reset in D4 and it keeps content fresh and engaging this way

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the problem is they won’t be adding new content to the standard version of the game like Path of Exile does

    • Astra Lunara
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think “seasons” as a new player to that type of genre seem a little bit too time confusing, but what everyone forgets is that: You can play the game in your own pace. If you need like 3 weeks to go to the “End-Game” like in PoE its fine. People (thats how i see it) compare themselves to people, who play like 12hours a day of that game, see their progress and want to be like them too. Just enjoy the game for urself and have fun for urself.

    • Joelhodoborgas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This mike guy, less self centered person on twitter

    • MortiferGnome
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This does sound like (inadvertent?) gatekeeping to me. I’ve played a lot of action rpgs, and this is the first one for me that had a battle pass or seasonal content that I can recall. I played PoE when it was new, and maybe I just can’t remember that it had something like that. I’ve played a lot of non-arpgs that have battle passes and seasonal content, and none of them required me to start a new character or redo anything (other than maybe PVP ranking reset). I didn’t play Diablo between the og LoD and 4, so I didn’t know they had any of this. I wouldn’t have liked it then, and I don’t like it now. In general, it’s never a good take to say “don’t ask for better than status quo”.

    • marmitasemcarne
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Really shines a new light on the 3.15 and Archnemesis wars.

    Now looking at these complaints we can kind of feel the same thing GGG felt towards us back then… And they weren’t all that wrong…

    • Cristian Bernhard Curti
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Sorry … this isn’t gatekeeping … you CANNOT call yourself a Diablo Series Veteran if you are less than 25 years of age. Diablo 2 came out year 2000 … which means you were around 12 years old when Diablo 3 … THREE … came out in 2012 … and those two have the SAME or very similar game loop … kill stronger stuff, to get stronger stuff to kill the strongest stuff and get the best stuff.
    You are talking out of your rear if you are underage and saying “i am a Diablo Veteran, i’ve experienced tralalala” … no, you’re not, there’s literally not enough time in your living body for you to be that. You were literally NOT PRESENT when things happened the way they happened.

    • SpaceWolf
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    First playthrought is pretty much for the story. Following playtroughts are mostly about gameplay. I believe the purpose of seasons is to shake thing up. Fresh start with some bonus content, optional rewards, competetion, etc. I don’t see Blizzard doing anything so drastically wrong.

    Saying that I’d also like to see more love for permanenet league because sessons always makes you feel like you’re being left out. No goodies for you. The whole concept with the time limited battle pass or exclusive content kind of forces you to play a new character even though you don’t have time for that or simply don’t want to. It turns optional fun into some mandatory work. And there is simple solution to that – let seasonal content be permanently available since its introduction and let players choose which battle pass they want to progress at their pace. But that would probably work agains the marketing.

    • Exilium2090
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I would not consider 200 tweet users as representative… the game sold millions. this is 2% of the player base.

    • Martii Ryven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    But like if a casual player base has so much issues with diablo 4, did the game do a good job of accomodating for both types of players?

    • Gerd Henn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly the most annoying thing to redo in every season will be the renown bar, a problem diablo IV could easily adress by adding additonal ways to earn renown without increasing the neccessary 2000 renown to get all the benefits. I can see new players be confused but the season mechanic has been discussed in games like poe and diablo 2 and 3 for ages and its just the same old arguments. Since nobody actually looses the progress they made in the season with the characters ending up in the eternal realm anyways after the season ends its a moot point.

    • Katie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have to admit, even as someone who is pretty experienced with ARPGs and puts about 300-1000 hours into them depending on what game it is, Diablo 4 feels a bit more weighty like an MMO compared to the previous Diablo games – especially Diablo 3. While I 100% knew I would have to restart, I do sort of feel like my time with the game was just learning the game so that I could progress more efficiently in Season 1. Nothing I did so far honestly matters. Pretty much the altar grinding and exploring the map were the only things. It’s not difficult for me to empathize with people here – the game is very long. I fully expect my grind to level 100 to be about 150-200 hours before Season 1 starts as I wasn’t using meta builds. The 80-hour timeline they gave doesn’t seem right to me at all. There are too many builds not performing like the meta builds.

    • Extraordinary Rendition
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These dudes never played D3 with seasons. I get it that this game has ALOT more grinding, level 85 being the half way point to max level, but come on. Play the game or don’t.
    I DO think that they need to lower either the xp needed for max level or increase exp gains to make some of these less grindy.

    • Ma Jed
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I bought diablo 4 not knowing what an ARPG is I saw the gameplay and great reviews and gave it a try. I love it however To me a if its a reset and a few extra items thats not enough to keep me playing. I still dont get the point of a reset. For poe people say its for the economy but in d4 there is no trading and economy is basically nonexistent

    • SoWhoDecidedThat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah, we older players have less time and season pass reset alongside ‘Standard’ players being second class players is not something we’re used to. To be fair, this season pass thing for ARPG has only come in the last 10 years or so. Even with Path of Exile you know that it’s in infancy and Standard players are treated second class, not always getting content because league analysis didn’t like it. You said yourself that people that did not have much time would want to simply respec one of their existing builds and play around. All this could have been factored in, but it’s not because its designed for people like yourself.

    • Chance Wright
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I remember playing D3 a lot but it wasn’t tuned to seasons like this. Just occasional challenges that started you with pre built toons.

    • CurseOfDeath
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This remind me of the backlash from a decade ago from Diablo 3 where a streamer was farming a specific cave in Act 1 and everyone was complaining until blizzard reduced the mobs density.

    Even after a decade the community is still the that level.

    • SausageLoose
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are fine. These new players might just be confused. The bigger issue is the lack of a meaningful endgame and the renown grind being terrible. It would be fine if it didn’t gate the build making paragon points because it would become more optional. They should absolutely make it an optional thing to do instead of a required thing because for a lot of people it is straight up tedious work that is not fun.

    • Deragai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Probably have similar hours in arpg’s, been playing them since d1. Kinda surprised this many people are angry/unaware arpg’s work this way, but then again, most people don’t do any research on the game their playing until after many hours in. I’m not mad at all. But i did stop playing after unlocking most stuff, knowing that any time i spent was going to be wiped soon’ish, i want to avoid burn out and save myself until the season starts.

    • Ant
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah I’m confused with their replies in that thread. My brain is leaking again.

    • Fat Bubba
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    LOL Diablo 2 didn’t have “Seasons” …. It was called “Ladder” back then. Now Get OFF MY LAWN!! KEKW

    • Nicolas Humbert
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve read this thread Yesterday and litterally thought I was in another dimension. So many delusional takes. Twitter really is something…

    • DaweSMF
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its like to play heavy metal on r&b festival. Sure, Diablo is and always was ARPG. But the audience is very different. This is what you get if you try to hit too wide audience, you are setting yourself for headache. Expectations of different audiences have are different, who would guess right? The design of D4 is not a cat and not a dog either. Its dogocat, it should hit cat people and dog people at the same time, profit. Sadly, cat people expect cat behaviour and dog people dog behaviour, this have characteristics of both and people are confused, some even angry. Such is life.

    • kestenyi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    what happens when you expand the market to more casual players lol, it’s not an mmo! and I mostly play mmos, but always assumed seasons would work this way because…it’s an arpg? non issue? okay

    • hassan bayomy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I dont get it. Is playing the same content over and over again a good thing? How about more content(story) how hard can that be? I play the campain a couple of times with different charachters, thats all, then it gets way to booring. Repeating the same thing over and over again for years? Baffels me that you have the patience to do that with all the games that come out today.

    For me Seasons dont ad a thing. Playing with another jobb does. But when its done, its done. my two cents :).

    Dont you know what ARPG is? Ive been playing games for 40 years and no ive never looked at Arpg as infinite repeat over and over again. Ive been playing the for story and gameplay, bad or good. Then im done. I cant understand why after all the main programing and tweaking is done in Diablo, why not try to put in story in the seasons, make it intressting. I mean there are millons of books out there, why not grab a couple of writers from the beginning and make a 5 year plan. I would pay for that kind of content.

    Im trying to be constructiv here not just complaining. But im a bit corious why they dont do that. Theres money to earn here when i others play the game longer, bying seasons (with story) and also probably bye stuff from the store if its intressting enough. I think it would be a win, win situation for both players and creators.

    • rightofdeath
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see shotslol being shotslol in the thread LMAO

    • AstonMartinStig
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lol seasons are a part of arpg for a long time now. This is like going to a pizza parlor and getting upset that they put cheese on the pizzas.

    • Topher
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i bet a million dollars blizzard caters to these crybabies and ruins the ARPG franchise like they catered to the cry babies in WOW …. that really well for wow considering its a pile of steaming trash. that is what gaming has become. devs catering to the cry baby minority instead of listening to the informed majority

    • grabsackturmencough
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Personally I only got into ARPG because of the seasons. I played D3 at launch then didn’t touch it until Reaper of Souls, and even then I didn’t play much until season 10 (first season on console). Now it’s just my cycle, play at season (/league/ladder/etc.) start of an ARPG until I get board.

    • butterfly 🦋
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If it’s a new character every season guess it was fun wile it lasted

    • fogpatrol
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think alot of them just dont understand the concept of seasons. You can fully enjoy the entire game without ever entering a season. This is just a way to have an extented replayability of the game. I bet you the 100% of players that even finish the campaign is not that high and the amount of players that play multiple seasons is even lower.

    • Graham Turner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    progressing a battlepass with your eternal character should be an option. Watch the population tank if it doesnt happen.

    • françois martiquet
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    idk why you look surprise, people buying the game because its diablo not because they have an Arpg to farm 24/24, its not because d4 is out that everyone knows how Arpg works and how endlessly they need to grind the game ? xD and the grind is so fking dumb and annyoing on this game tbh i dont see any difference in late game with d3 which is dead since many years. Just wait for our First season smth like ” get twice the reward for helltide chest ” KEK and we can all wait for next poe league

    • CloudVaris
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should really just let people progress the battle pass on eternal characters – that part was really weird to me.

    • Slimi Jimi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Sounds like a WoW mindset, quite the disconnect.

    • Novi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Simple math. Don’t like the game, don’t play the game, and find a game that you enjoy.

    • Shawn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They need to come up with something better than seasons that shit gets old so fast

    • Daniel Hong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Players do not have to play Seasons. It is an optional content with fresh gears, dungeons, and etc. If you have set goals to get certain items in the Battle Pass, you can play up to that point or max level same/new class for the new builds to try. Players usually do not stick with one class, they make multiple classes. You can use Seasons to your advantage or excuse to make a new class to try. Only thing I am not a huge fan this time around is certain Renown will be reset. It just looks like Devs try to extend the gameplay time by resetting the Renown 😅

    • Derek Eklund
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is blurring the line between the classic ARPG and MMOs. It is pretty clear that they need to add an eternal realm track for the battlepasses for the people not interested in seasons/ leagues.

    • Rekirin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Even as someone who grinded the heck out of diablo 3, if Diablo 4 does not offer some nice changes between seasons (and I’m thinking a destiny 2 seasons worth of content) I would have ZERO interest in grinding this game once I’ve completed all the main objectives. While I definitely see ARPG veterans POV, I think casuals are offering very fair criticism. Attention economy is everything and if the D4 team doesn’t deliver, they kinda aren’t deserving of my gaming time.

    • R S
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    about 80-90% of ppl are dumb thats all i have to say LUL

    • Josh Allen needs an o-line
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Shouldn’t “this game is a waste of time” be a compliment for video games, since for the vast majority of us they are just used as a time waster?

    • Love Tronner
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Between d2 d3 poe and torchlight I’ve spend at least 500hours. I’ve never played a season. I may well okay the d4 season. But it’s a pretty hard sell. I’d rather just start a completely new game…

    • X
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A better model would be to eliminate seasons and just have an eternal realm with new content periodically rolled out to keep the game growing and interesting.

    • TheToramir1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If we want to not lose our minds doing renown again we absolutely will have to do statues again etc. That’s the biggest downside to seasons right now is renown

    • Shawn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I will say having seasons happen so fast has soured me

    • Emperor Ehryn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People waited over a decade for Diablo 4. It’s clearly an unfinished, uninspired game and basically Diablo 3 all over again already. Seasons need to fucking stop.

    • Dayan Son
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    @4:17 i think you miss interpret what the person was saying. I think they meant with the new season coming up and all the features that it will bring, why play now when im just going to have to restart to get the new features. Like why dont i quit now and start then. I have heard a few people saying the same thing and it does kinda make sense. Its like why dont you Ziz ever play your non season character on Poe except for the few hours to do inventory management.

    • Avenging Bathtub
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Season pass in eternal needs to be added before the season starts

    • circaen 00
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I watched Quin’s video about this dude. I’m still trippin that this is real. Lmao.

    • Karol Lenart
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see a problem though. I play solo self found. In PoE I played 40h and got 75 lvl and could do some tier 3-4 maps. In diablo 4 I played 55h and got 63 lvl and I am not even in torment difficulty… And PoE is considered more hardcore game… I think progression is a little bit too slow, or at least, exp progression. Raxx said that too. It would be fine if seasons last 6 month or longer. But if they happen every 3 month, that is too fast, even for a player like me, who can play 10 or 20h a week.
    At 63 I can earn 1 lvl per day. Its like it was for me in WoW. So… I guess I would prefer to get to 100 lvl in 3-4 months and then get, like in MMO, new content every 3 month. If gaining exp is sooo slow, I see no other option. They have to change something. I bet they will speed up lvling process.

    • SK
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Of course nobody likes Diablo 4… because it’s a soulless cash grab and goofy, soytubers like yourself are promoting the game.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So, in fairness, Blizz really didn’t spell out seasons to the extent they should have in the lead up to the game. Obviously anyone with experience with PoE, D3, D2R etc is familiar with what an ARPG season is. But, like you said, Blizz was hitting the mass appeal hard with their marketing and brought in people with very little or no experience. It should have been very clear when buying the game, especially the versions that included a season pass etc, what seasonal gameplay meant. I think they knew it would sound bad to the broad, casual audience, so didn’t explain it well. They didn’t lie, as they said there would be seasons every 3-4 months, but I can definitely see how it could be confusing.

    • Coldcutcombo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I like this guy, and the way he explains D4 stuff.

    • Qrius
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem is that they could choose to implement changes in normal mode simultaneiously with season start, instead of need to wait until the season ends before normal mode gets the features and gear. This would make everyone happy, but they don’t see it because they’re stuck in their bubble, unfortunately.

    • Rasmus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think this is good example about Casuals, they really dont know what they are talking about or trying to change

    • Mr Helltz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is the most amount of people that will be playing D4. A lot of people dont really know how seasons work for diablo But after season one is done and people see the way the game handles season it will drop by at least 60% of people playing until the next xpac comes out

    • Boanergese
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I understand there are seasons, however the original Diablo 2, not Diablo 2 Remastered didn’t have seasons. It was an ARPG. You have to understand at some point seasons were added to make it a full service game. Before that there was just yearly expansions.

    • J Lopez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well it’s seems that Poe and other games will not get any new gamers since the most casual ARPG is having this debate with them.

    • Weak2Peak
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I genuinely hated d3 and was probably the biggest critic. I’m having a good time with D4 as a casual dad who only gets to put in 5-10 hours a week.

    • Matthew Whitt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As an Arpg veteran, I expect this. However with how long the grind is just to level 50, with it not feeling very great unless you do damage, I don’t feel keen on doing it again, but I’d probably run it. I’ve been playing Barbarian and wow. It’s incredible how much worse Barbarian feels leveling up in this game with whirlwind compared to LITERALLY any other Diablo-like game. D2 feels better, simply because you actually feel like you do more damage. I get there is more scaling, but the FEELING is there.

    • Pho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the D4 audience has a lot of older gamers returning who simply don’t have the same capacity as they did before to put in the time to a game that will have seasonal wipes. Even if you enjoy the game, it is exhausting to think about having to repeat certain things again. It sucks for those casual folks since they don’t get to experience that new additions since they have to essentially do a soft-restart for a game that already probably takes them a long time to get through compared to those of us who have much more free time to pump into modern game systems.
    Many of the older gamers also probably grew out of the big MMORPG scene where you really invested time to feel like you got a reasonable return on enjoyment (whatever it may be). That feeling may not be achievable even in the Eternal Realm of this game until many seasons have passed.

    Additionally, the growing attachment to content creators and the need to emulate their style and approach to gaming warps people’s basic understanding of what is enjoyable about a game. Instead of asking yourself if a game matches your wants and expectations and trying to research, people ask a streamer “should I play X” or “is X good” which are questions that provides very little help to whether or not they (not the streamer) will enjoy something as the question is not for the person, but the streamer. Many people will use the streamer’s strategies and min-max the fun out of the game and often lose sight of why they enjoyed the game in the first place.

    I have this feeling at the pit of my stomach telling me that there will be some kind of “WoW Token” added to prey on those older gen gamers to pay to accelerate them to the same point others can do with time investment.

    • Ignas Smirinėnka
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I guess this is what happens then you mix a lot of things. You have game development team which creates game, creates story and mechanics. You have “PRO” gamers/streamers/etc who PLAYS GAMES AS A JOB, like having a job which you like. And then there are us, casuals, “old school” gamers, who plays games to relax/to enjoy/to escape reality/for the campaing or story of the game and so on. And in current times everyone gives/or try to give feedback to game devs. You should do that or that in your game and etc. Game devs make big events, includes big streamers into those events, asks streamers feedback and so on. The confusion starts at the moment where game devs thinks that streamers or some group of gamers represents all of gamers. Game devs should feel really confused in situations like this, where they receive one kind of feedback from streamers and then entirely different feedback from other gamers which is by far majority.
    I hope that in the future something maybe like this will happen:
    — game devs will stop caring about feedback from streamers/community. Will just create whatever game they want to create in whatever way they want. And the feedback will be that people buy it and find it enjoyable or not.
    — a good “reality check” will happen. Over time people get detached from reality especially if they get stuck in work/life routine. I and my friends experience/catch each other on this often. So you may think you know what a good ARPG should be. You think you know what gamers want in new Diablo game. You think what this game lacks or this game needs or how games should work and etc etc. BUT reality is that maybe you don’t know a lot of things. Like I don’t know a lot of about games. I just love playing them.

    • Zipkan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    THe thing that really gets me are the people calling themselves “vets” of D2 and D3 and saying they never did seasons or whatever, and I’m like…. what do you mean? D2 had latter resets and D3 had 28 some odd seasons

    • lebanc571
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I didn’t know what the seasons would entail coming into this game amd once I learned I thought it was a good way to encourage me to try different classes. I’m not going to hit 100 on any character, so the seasons will be a good way for me to keep the game fresh and not worry about grinding one class to perfection and getting bored.

    • Michael
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I played Diablo 2 as a teen and there was no seasons, if I remember it right. They came later after LoD I believe. I enjoyed D4 right now and it’s worth the $70, but for those of us who have lives outside of games, seasons are not interesting. Will come back for the expansions and move in with life, and wait for Diablo 5 to continue the story. Tldr- played and loved D2 and D3 and not interested in seasons either. Sorry my hamster wheel is life, video games are a nice distraction but in no way would I ever consider a hamster wheel game, unless I turned into a pro streamer and got paid for it. Then at least it’s a job that’s fun and rewarding.

    • Butters
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i have put plenty of time into path and diablo in the past (not as much as you)… long as i dont have to restart the story and all the aspects and things like taht possibly carry into season it wont be bad… biggest hate is how long it takes to get 1 level after you hit 50… 62 with limited time to play and low exp from almost everything i do it feels like the grind just isnt worth it….to top that off the class i choose to play was a minion necro which is one of the slowest around

    • elite reptilian
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wouldn’t if they upped the out of aspect dungeon xp gains in wt4 for quite a bit.. I’ve been in wt4 since lvl66 and it has been a good few days and I’m only 72 now ffs.. I just can’t run the dungeons so damn much, they are so annoying.. it would make the season leveling much more beareable..

    • Thomas Borowski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is garbage. 70€ triple A title where dungeon bosses get reused over and over. Mechanics are trash, balancing is trash, game is not even finished (why are for example World Tiers are locked into seasons or gems behind WT Wall?), Mount System is garbage. We payed 70€ to play an open beta and that gets me mad. So many shit could have been prevented if they did at least one END GAME beta. But how could they because then ppl had seen that the endgame are trash. Season system is trash, skill system has zero depth because you have to play certain skills or the stupididly overtuned mobs just one shot you.

    How can it be that a game like D2 LOD is still the better game? Its very simple it was made by people who loved this genre and loved their game. I was so happy that Druid made his comeback only to find out he is trash with out his mechanic, without uniques and until you hit lvl 50. Ive played Diablo since D1 and i can say that Last Epoch and POE2 are the only games worth your time and money. F*** D4 and Blizzard Trash Scam Company

    • gimmefries
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I played D2 D3 and poe and none of them had seasons. This is ridiculous im out! 🫠

    • DaLün
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I believe its all a troll, my god casual gamers are going to try and ruin gaming.

    • zar ombiste
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    We will have XP BOOSTS with free tier battlepass, funny how no one is talking about it!!! Even blizzard guys don’t remind that, it could help to convince some of the new players… Lvling will get much faster with time…
    But ye I’m very out of touch with those players too… I played every diablo since 1,even immortal 1 year long. I played Poe like since metamorhp to archnemesis. It was clear for me that d4 will be seasonal game and there is no better solution for longevity for this arpg at the time. People thought it will be mmorpg or something, I don’t know how it come that so many players are raging about that right now and are ruining meta scores of the game, when real veteran players score the game very gods or at least way higher then 4.5

    • Nownadda
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A tale as old as time on any and every game. The casuals complain and leave and the hardcore stay and continue playing. Paul Tassi will make these comments, but continue to do the same treadmill content on destiny 2? Lol 😂

    • John Valentine
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who never played diablo I’ve enjoyed the game so far although I was a little bummed out the way Inarus went out but I’ve enjoyed the gameplay and the grind I think I only ran to one major bug and that was a story mission descent into the flame where my whole game freezes when I press x on the door to enter. I don’t know if I’ll enjoy grinding season after season on a new character but so far it’s been fun 8/10

    • rebjorn79
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This time around they should at least make sure that there’s a reason to keep playing ‘non ladder’ characters. Me, I’ll probably do that regardless but they could up the ante a little in comparison to say how they do things with D3. There are ways to do this and STILL keep seasonal play relevant for those interested.

    • Lithdren
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean…its an ARPG. If you dont know what you’re getting into, that’s fine, but to get ‘mad’ about it sorta clueless.

    • heqitao
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    When I first came to an ARPG I was willing to put a lot of time into (PoE), I was also super put off by the idea that I would have to start again when a new League/Season began. So I ran around in Standard (Eternal for D4) for a bit until something in a new League caught my eye and the rest as they say is history. I look forward to every new League PoE does (even when it’s not that fun for me, like Crucible for instance). D4 is a much more casual experience, and imho gets really samey and boring quickly. I have never done a D3 Season. From time to time I would play D3 for a bit to try out a new set bonus/playstyle, but as these became largely recycled over time, even that lost it’s appeal pretty quickly.
    That said, there is a fairly large learning curve to any ARPG you play and I am not as surprised as Ziz that people are losing their minds over miss information. Generally the dumbest things I have said in print and in life came from me thinking I knew something, but inevitably, I was totally wrong. There are some really big issues with D4 and naive player base complaining about problems that don’t actually exist is just one of them.
    Nice work Ziz. I don’t find you condescending at all. If anything, exactly the opposite.

    • GreenAnchor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What else is new, people hating a new game because it’s not EXACTLY THE GAME I WAS PLAYING BEFORE!

    • Shad Shirk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think the main issue is the rate of progression/leveling vs poe. Sure i still have to level in poe, but getting 70 day one isnt hard, im not a great poe player and get to maps day one. diablo it took me three days just to hit 50. I dont have the time, or the STASH SPACE to even play more than a single character. I am 93 and already feel like i grinded insanely to get here and now i have to redo it again, and when i redo it im also limited to one character cuz the 4 stash tabs which is insane to me. One another note i play a barb so re-leveling doesnt sound fun when my class cant even generate enough rage to be playable till like level 60 with certain aspects, and ik other classes have similar issues like druid. Totally open to re-leveling but they need to address some things first as personally im not going through that to just push high nm dungs or farm the same shit normal dung thats basically a running simulator with no mob density.

    • Tyler Flowers
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Their marketing campaign was so successful that they picked up a lot of casual and non ARPG players who don’t fully understand how these types of games work. I’ve read a lot of negative comments that seem to originate from a lack of understanding of mechanics or lack of experience with other ARPGs in general.
    That being said, D4 is definitely appealing to a wide audience, especially in the early game, but there are definitely barriers that players will have to navigate and overcome to progress in the late game. This will be difficult for players with little to no experience in the genre. Casual players might not realise why the game suddenly got so difficult or how to fix it.

    • jubelio
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    1. Seasons have not ALWAYS existed in ARPGs, just in modern ARPGS.
    2. Claiming its “core” to be a seasonal player is pretty narrow minded there are a lot of people that play non-seasonal characters. Just because someone doesn’t play the same mode as you doesn’t make them casual.
    3. Your framing of this topic as a “lol casuals” take from the veteran is ridiculous. The obvious move is for them to make the rewards available to all player types. Taking a shot at people for wanting to play a different game mode than you and still benefit from the pass is beneath you.

    • Alpha-087
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A lot of D4’s popularity is coming from people who are not hardcore ARPG fans. A quick look at SteamDB or Steamcharts will show that games like Path of Exile haven’t had a significant change in trends so they’re clearly not pulling the “hardcore” audience from there (nor do I think they ever intended to). What gets me is the people who have played D3 claiming that seasons weren’t a thing. Maybe they mean a paid battlepass for an already overpriced game wasn’t a thing.

    • Moises Zermeño
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    One thing that D4 can definitely improve is the dungeons, right now the only thing that I enjoy more in D3 and lost ark is the theme of the dungeons, well D3 doesn’t have specifically dungeons but the whole game might as well be consider a collection of dungeons.

    • Epifanio Guerrero
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well the casuals will be casual and that’s ok. In ARPGs only I have around 15k hours which is nothing compared to dudes like you, Mathil, Captain Lance, Ghazzy, etc… I don’t even understand how it would feel to play D4 as my first ARPG.

    • iScreamyy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The pure idiocy from the people saying resets are bad is baffling to me, like do these people do zero research into games before buying them???

    • Sam Carroll
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    why do you play fps game maps over and over etc? wierdos

    • Dex R
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m an experience D2 RPG’s the way the battle pass is setup, I personally don’t like it. I would be open to it working for season and eternal characters. The seasons itself not bother me no surprise the battle pass portion being lot simply two seasons doesn’t make a lot of sense from my perspective.

    • GTSavvy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem is really exacerbated by the fact that your first character isn’t in “season 1” and season 1 starts really early for most casuals at roughly 6-8 weeks after launch. A large amount of the player base that take their time with the story and play at a slower pace will be no where near “done” with their current characters by the time season 1 launches and they are “forced” to re-roll to keep the FOMO reward progress going. So to be enjoying the game for 6-8 weeks only to have to “start again” from level 1 in order to feel like you are not wasting your battle pass purchase is just going to leave them feeling frustrated and annoyed. Perhaps Blizzard will make an exception for season 1 as the launch window was very short and the battle pass was sold in the deluxe pre-orders, but it probably would set a precedent they would rather not have to continue to entertain.

    Granted, unless the battle pass is SUPER easy to complete each season, the entire concept is not really casual friendly anyway (most true casuals aren’t going to want to spend the time replaying the game over and over every 3 months. They will want time to enjoy other games or life events without feeling like they signed up for a second job) and as such the Expansions are really the content drops that will bring the casual audience back. Battle passes are more intended to give the dedicated core audience a reason to look forward to new seasons and support the content roadmap monetarily.

    • Jayson Bird
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when you mass market something. So many L takes out there rn.

    • CrabJuice
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lmao these people are braindead.

    • ZeOnexify
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    6/10 game

    • corbtv
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    He is like 1 step away from realizing that d4 is just really fucking boring – at least for majority of people from this thread.

    • Faceroller
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you’re confused about people not liking seasons, clearly you have no idea what you’re doing lol. And D2 had no fuckin seasons in his golden days. What the fuck are you talking about?

    • Rob n/a
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    2 things, This is why they should’ve launched with season 1, and you could try to do something like Lost Ark, where your character continues the journey, new content, paragon cap, new items, new bosses. Its not traditional to Diablos, but modern gaming is shifting from traditional mmos, and arpgs

    • Wizardxeze
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Path of Exile has normal mode …. you can grind that if you want … You can start doing Seasons once you get bored OR any time you make a new character to try a build make it a season character it will go back to normal mode and you can keep it … Only reason I got back to PoE is the Seasons but only reason why I’m not playing it is that I’m waiting for PoE Mobile… amd I only one exited about Path of Exile Mobile?

    • drsnuggles
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    weird takes on twitter as usual, this has been a thing for ages

    • Moglin Moogle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    WTS G Blade

    • Krawll
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Drama queen

    • Difficulty Level
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s not confusing. It’s about expectations. So many people remember the lore, the story, they forget the game loop. The endless grind and lack of narrative post endgame.

    Many people simply believed that they’d get to see the game expand via seasons, not reroll from scratch. Blame MMO’s and Destiny for fostering this misconception. 

    Worse, the devs have laboured the tone and lore, the story. But they are just the runway to the final game which is devoid of narrative and focused on the grind/loop/flow state. Most sensible people get this and so play the game for the story and will just naturally roll off the game until an expansion hits or will be comfortable with the seasonal resets.

    Played since D1 over PC and then Console/PC. I have no issue with it but I do get why others might be confused or feel robbed. Content creators haven’t helped, nor have the devs.

    • Stock Focus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the issue here is not to reset the leveling back to lvl 1 just for the season 1 , ridiculous amount of time is being wasted if you just reset a character again, what they should do is to increase the level cap like 20 above on max level per season and give us some power creeps! lol

    • Borked TV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have about 4000 hours in Path of Exile. I enjoy every season because you get to choose the level of your maps. I only played to level 40 in D4 and lost the will to live because of constant mob level scaling. You never feel like you’re getting stronger. Even when you get some cool gear. A waste of £80 in my opinion. If I wanted to play WoW I’d play WoW.

    • makker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This makes me think it was smart for PoE to use the name “league” instead of “season” just because as far as I can tell it wasn’t used before in many other games and just having a completely different name for the same thing changes people’s expectations, especially the sea of casuals that don’t usually play this style of arpg. Season is a pretty common name in other games, like Destiny, and carries certain expectations for the modern casual gamer.

    Also the grind in D4 is brutal for most of people, asking them to do it again is a tall order. Levelling a new character in PoE feels much easier, both in terms of speed and being able to buy the items you need, and people still constantly ask the devs to allow them to skip the campaign, to give you an idea.

    Of course they’ll probably “fix” this by offering paid level skips and boosts as is modern Blizzard’s way.

    • Faceroller
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 3 had seasons because it was a dead game and they were trying to bring it back to life. Seasons are trash, it’s another new way of fuckin the player up the ass: “let’s give them old content to play over and over again, who cares, they’re a a mass of retards, they’ll do it nonetheless”. This is what happen when you mix console shitkids and mature PC players. This is the new era of trash gaming. What a fuckin joke.

    • Chris o
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Why would he want to wait for expansion? He needs to look at seasons as mini expansions

    • Nathan Twomey
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I like the idea of seasons but, D4 compared to previous titles feels like so much more of a grind. I’ve been playing since June 1st and haven’t even hit 85 yet so the issue for me isn’t that you need to make a new character, it’s that I might not get any seasonal character to 100, ever. Make levelling easier so I can try more than one character or build per season.

    Battle Pass progressing across both realms also just makes sense. There is literally 0 reasons not to have that function.

    • Dustyn Weaver
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not trying to be an asshole, but the amount of people that this is confusing is baffling to me. Diablo has been this way since I started playing it back in 2005. I feel like the new players are looking at the game like a RuneScape type grind, and are now very disappointed once they found out how Diablo operates.

    • Fred Fox
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They’ll be fine, apparently some of them think their main characters will be deleted. Once the season starts and they start playing, they’ll understand they can switch between seasonal characters and non-seasonal characters at will.

    • Xevan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People expect miracles from just released game which expects more stuff added over time
    Spoiled players, nothing more.
    Iam taking this game easy, playing other games as well and cant wait for the first season to hit

    • Braves820
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    honestly man, i guarantee you (ESPECIALLY) in this thread with Paul these are all Destiny 2 players. (i’m one of them) they’ve never played ARPG’s before but they make sure everyone knows how whiny and bitchy they are.

    • Keldrath
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is a discourse I didn’t see coming but it is fascinating. I suppose it’s not unexpected if you’re unfamiliar with the genre in general and have been conditioned by mmos to expect something different and struggle to escape that mindset.

    • Sinultros Edward
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    this has me thinking resetting every 3-4 months may be a bit too much for most casual players. Many of them won’t even reach level 50 within that timeframe, let alone build and progress their character even further in the game.

    • IYbborI
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Price of game is worth the time you’ll spend on 1 character alone. Any extra content thru seasons or alt characters is just icing on the cake. First time Diablo player here, and excited to see what’s next.

    • Matt Reynolds
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Obviously Blizzard has done a poor job communicating how seasons work to the casual player base. They probably assumed, like everyone who’s played seasons before, that it was just an understood part of the genre. Hopefully when the season actually drops there will be better communication around it.

    • legi0n47x
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hope someone told him diablo is not destiny

    • Mandrews
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Edit. I’ll preface this with the fact that I am brand new to the Diablo IP. I signed on to play Diablo. Not for Diablo to change to suit me.

    This is similar to Elden Ring where new players came in and complained that things fundamental to the genre needed to be changed, with the reason being ‘to accommodate new and casual players’. Diablo 4 is the most casual friendly yet, and that’s great. But people signed on to play a Diablo game. This would be like a player picking up Elden Ring and asking for an easy mode, or saying they need unlimited heals, or some other fundamentally game changing thing. Or Paul, a Destiny player. If a Diablo player came into Destiny complaining that they feel
    behind because they’re new so Destiny needs a system where players start from zero every season to make it fair. Destiny players would revolt because that’s not Destiny. Or a horror franchise toning down the horror because a lot of new players have jumped in and they don’t want to be scared.

    The Eternal Realm is for people who just want to play Diablo as is and level up. And they’ll get expansions as well. Also, I don’t get Paul’s argument that people ‘paid for the season so they should get to experience it’. The season is free, and if you don’t know what you’re getting in a season maybe you shouldn’t be buying it even if it was paid. The battle pass is paid but that’s separate. New or casual players can certainly play at their own pace in Eternal and then jump in at a later season. Which is actually more new and casual player friendly then, say, getting ro Season 10 and everyone else is a Season 10 lvl player and you’re starting out brand new to the game. This is why POE and Destiny have issues onboarding new players ro begin with. The argument that ‘the game needs to fundamentally change simply because there are more new players, and if we don’t get it then we just won’t play the game and it will fail’ is such a shit argument that would never fly for any other game. But anyone used to the souls genre is already used to this as well. I saw one guy claim Elden Ring needs to be made an MMO by Fromsoft because ‘it’s what fans want’. This will always be an inherent issue as gaming gets larger though. You have legacy players and new players that clash. And hopefully it evens out, but fundamentally changing the game is not the answer here. And having Eternals in Seasonal realms creates a slew of other problems that would need to be addressed. Answer is simple. You signed on to check out a Diablo game. This is Diablo. If you dialike seasonal aspecta, you can ignore them (although Blizzard does try and push fomo to get people in there), and you’ll have expansions later as well. That’s it. Anyone arguing changes to any other game or genre to accommodate new players at rhe expense of the game itself, would never fly with fans of that game or genre. So it’s no different here.

    • Lord Negative
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am only mad about turkish economy I can’t even make bad decisions because 70 dollars is far from affordable now

    • Jinjer Junkie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the main issue here for blizzard is going to be the battlepass being tied to seasons. I don’t know if they have enough time on this first season but they should start making eternal battlepasses for the people who don’t want to play season so they can also get the cosmetics.

    • Jonathan G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The important thing to remember here is that the folks on socials like Twitter and Reddit are a tiny tiny percentage if not a percent of a percent of total D4 players. Majority of players are just lurkers and just regular players who accept the model

    • Øystein A.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have been playing Grim Dawn since it launched, only paused to play Diablo 2 re-release, but I got bored because I had played that game for … what? 15 years before Grim Dawn? At any rate, Grim Dawn will probably last for another 10 years and by that point Ill probably die from old age. All this wanting new shiny things is just basic marketing playing on your FOMO. I get it, but it is pretty silly since you could probably be much better of financially if you managed your psychology better, and instead of FOMO controlled what your brain is allowed to enjoy. Its pretty easy, once you get started.

    • Harbio 4
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I find extremly boring. I wont be playing S1 if they wont fix QoL things – like stash – and In my opinion proper endgame. This one feels shalow and grindy with no real progression – especially that there is no real trade.

    • Andrew Chiuchiolo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ziz I’m with you sir. A lot of people on this twitter thread low-key admitting they don’t even really enjoy playing video games, I find the entire thing very odd. On one hand, I’m happy to see there’s so many new and first timers stepping into the world of Sanctuary. Aaaaaaand…on the other hand it’s very frustrating seeing people complain about a mechanic they know nothing about. But I’ve spent over 1000 hours in Diablo 3, so I can’t assume everyone understands the way a season works and I have to show grace, but it’s hard. People need to understand that Diablo is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. It’s a game not meant to be “mained”, but to be dove into at each season with the draw not being the new content, but a FRESH START – the new content and battle passes are just gravy. Everyone complaining that they just wanna take one character and focus on them is in for a rude awakening when they find out that after completing the story and hitting 50, it’s rinse and repeat and grind better gear and fight harder monsters. I really hope Blizzard doesn’t cave to any of this nonsense.

    • Verigo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    dat POE theme at the background 😀

    • Mulukkis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I understand why we need seasons, but the main thing is, you can’t have new seasons every couple of months just because the casual players have no time to ever go deep with any char unless you just ignore a season.

    • Nightstalker314
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A Thread of statements with 10s of likes. How representative are these perceptions?

    • Danny
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Idk if D3 had seasons as i didnt play it, but D2 did not have actual seasons. PD2 sure but not Diablo 2 itself.

    • Toka Gero
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    @Zizaran How does this differ from POE? You level new character every season? What is the time difference in time needed to level to 100 in POE compared to D4?

    • Flinch 91
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Played D3 at multiple points of time, a season every now and then for context.

    The level grind is too much when we don’t have access to the level of bonus difficulty, modifiers and bonus multipliers to xp gold and drops that we had before.

    It feels like they should have made actual level cap around 70-80 with some staying power and paragons implemented after that level reach for pushing power into the nightmare dungeon system.

    They never should have decreased mob densities, elite spawns or anything like that. The arpg genre is just more fun when you’re mass mobbing or sustaining through some ridiculous pulls.

    Just feels like we’re playing a neutered arpg

    • GavinBelson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    • Kylandria
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Comon sense, thats the whole idea of seasons… feel very natural to me (and fun to start over tbh)

    • Fruit-Punch Samurai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is “confidently wrong” on a level I haven’t seen before. All of them are absolutely clueless, and would mortified if they knew

    • Drona99
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love the idea that casuals think that games are made for them. The whale’s aren’t playing 1 hour a night. If you’re not a whale, your perspective is less than irrelevant (see Diablo Immortal)

    • GavinBelson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Very interesting video, thank you.

    • gibahcanada
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Oh NO Paul Tassi – Please dont give this dude attention. He cries all day about Destiny gamecontent and now doing the same thing with Diablo. Lord.

    • Darth Darth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think its starting to become very clear from a blizzard standpoint the disconnect they have with the casual player base and the information they give out as a whole. Im a vet ARPG player so i know how this all works but when you are looking to bring in new players there needs to be more information floating around straight from blizzard not only on their website but through social sites like twitter, reddit, heck even facebook! And even from a veteran standpoint there is still alot of information on how things work IN the game that is not explained enough or deep enough to be understood like how stats mesh with your character or how the transition to season will feel with reputation etc. I had to go through youtubers, twitch streamers etc to find the specific information i needed for some of this stuff and alot of that came from building their own spreadsheets and just testing the live game to see how everything worked AND its STILL not entirely clear.

    • Raymond Williams
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I knew this was going to have seasons, and I payed attention and knew the Battlepass was tied to Seasons as well. Personally I’m still fairly casual in the game and would have preferred that they offered other ways outside of just resetting and running a Season character to go through the battlepass. There is a good number of folks who don’t like the idea of restarting or making a new character and in the past would dip out of Diablo and only return for major content updates. Some folks just don’t have/want the time investment to start a new character. I just think there should be options to proceed through the battlepass through more game modes then just Seasonal characters.

    • Przemek Suchan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I know the ARPG structure but lets be honest there are some non ARPG stuff in the game already (like world boss) so maybe its time for Diablo as ARPG to evolve and maybe take some new approach to seasons?

    • TheGerm24
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    At one point I started playing Destiny 2 knowing there were seasons/expansions. I just played solo for a while and ignored the seasonal stuff. I didn’t feel ripped off because I enjoyed the base experience. People have an interesting perspective on games.

    • Olofome
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    didn’t watch vid, saw the thumbnail and i agree. game is just a waste of time lol

    mainly because its just spam and die. we already played league of legends for almost 20 years we wants VALUE not META.

    • ThanosCraft
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t mind but I DEFINITELY have some friends who played D2/3 that are shocked about this and are quitting after season starts…

    • Maikel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I honestly find it shocking that so many people have accepted the lazy Diablo and PoE approach to monetizing the game. It’s a min max situation. A little expansion and the most rehashing of old content. The only thing that really happens is that someone changes a few numbers in the back and they add one or two things and a small campaign, maybe. If you look at Lost Ark it doesn’t need to be this way. Lost Ark has it’s bads but it knows how to handle content upgrades. Even though my purchase came with a battle pass I will be uninstalling the game as soon as I reach 100.

    • Ivan Couto
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    For path of exile i actually dont mind and i love it because u can play around but for diablo i like to do all the content with my only character just like the other diablos. If this is the case i wont play diablo 4 anymore.

    • ivan wong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    can’t stop laughing at the clip…..just how new are they….
    well the only good i can say is :
    its a win for everyone in the ARPG ,Bliz has suc to bring new blood into this old game style.

    • Bien Piola
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it’s a disconection between d2, d3, poe and MMO players. They can’t deal with veterans and new players. The player base it’s fucked up and for the same reason I didn’t get D4. As a d2 player I don’t think this game it’s for me. D3 sucks and I don’t think D4 it’s better.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Love seasons to keep things fresh although I kind of think the battle pass only being accessible with a season character is kind of annoying. Basically means I’ll have to put my main lvl 64 and 2nd character lvl 20, on hold when the battle-pass comes out unless I get them to 100 before.

    • Jeb
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hit 50 and saw the upcoming grind and said “Maybe I’ll avoid burning out on this now and come back for season 1”

    • d1mez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It was pretty clear, that its gonna be dungeons after dungeons… And didnt feel like paying for the game honestly

    • Jordan Angell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My whole thing is I’m fine with playing the WHOLE game though from start to finish, it’s a HUGE time investment but the game is new and for a first time experience this is perfectly fine…. but I dont want to invest my entire life every season to re-aquire and re-spend the same amount of time every season… for hardcore ARPG players this is fine, they invest 1000’s of hours replaying the same thing, but for anyone less hardcore, we will never make any progress, each season we will progress less and less and less and less… and im not casual, but the older I get the less time I invest in games in general.

    • North South
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    But Diablo 4 is so archaic. Why are we still struggling with the same issues we were dealing with 25 years ago? Why do I still have to make mule characters to expand my storage. Not enough fresh ideas

    • Neven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If the game was good then the seasons wouldn’t be a problem.

    • Mike
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    But why do seasons need to be a reset in an arpg? Why not just new content with your character? It does make this preseason completely pointless.

    • sugarhighwhoo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think they don’t realize that seasonal characters get transitioned into the main primary game afterwards. Characters do not get “Reset”, but if you choose to play the season, you will have to start fresh. Maybe Blizzard needs to put something out explaining it for the new ARPG players to ease their stress about it

    • Daniel Detloff
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People complaining about the eternal realm not carrying over arm to think the game is unplayable if they cannot do the seasonal stuff. The eternal realm will at least let people play and get updates to the game just not seasonal content.

    • Malik the Barbarian
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m an arpg veteran but I’m actually gonna side with the casuals on this one. Why? Because Diablo 4 is a casual game. I’m down the relevel every season on POE. I WANT a new character on POE. Why? Because there’s a lot of interesting possibilities for POE characters. And that’ll be even more true when POE 2 drops. In Diablo 4 though, meh. I don’t want to spend that much time playing it. I’d rather casually experience the story then casually experience the new content while boosting my 1 character to God tier over a few years of playing. That just sounds way cooler. It’s actually far more reflective of my original Diablo 1 experience. Which was by far my favorite Diablo game. And I get all the ladder arguments people wanna make but you could easily make a non ladder server and allow casuals to transfer 1 eternal character to it every season. Bam. Everyone’s happy. I know people are gonna disagree but I don’t actually care to hear your arguments because this is about what I want. And that’s what I’d like to have if that were possible.

    • James Hallett
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should’ve just launched this game into season 1. Why did they not launch it with a season. This part between the release date and season 1 does feel a little like more beta testing. I’m personally not playing until season 1 launches.

    The part with d2 players saying there was no seasons is hilarious too. What were ladders then?

    • Jake Martin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D2 ladder resets weren’t really on a set schedule.. and it wasnt something that was advertised in-game back in the day.. and D3 season 1 didnt drop until over 2 years after release.. so I could see how casual fans of Diablo would be caught off guard by seasonal resets being the focus of D4..

    They just shouldve waited a bit longer for the first seasonal reset than a few weeks after launch.. like even I find myself in an awkward spot where theres a lot I want to do in the game, but it feels pointless with season 1 right around the corner.. I mean Im excited for the new content etc, but its just really awkward timing.

    • fleetingfinch
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i just find the game to be a slog atm, hopefully seasonal mechanics and changes will make the game more fun

    • Mangotime
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If i’m being honest, I genuinely think Diablo 3 and 4 would have been infinitely better if nothing was catered to console players.

    • Brennan Orr
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The fact that people are calling themselves og diablo players and didn’t know a season was a thing is kinda crazy but u dont have to restart if ur casual ur probably going to live in the eternal relm anyways inless u feel bold and wana make a new guy to play in the season with everyone

    • Erick A.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The weird thing is that Diablo isn’t considering a “past leagues” league like PoE, casual players could enjoy their 1-time character grind there.
    But also, considering the casual audience they are targeting (console players), I feel like those complaints, I totally see them trying something like what WoW does with selling boosts to get people into end-game content directly (something PoE devs have been refusing to do since the start of the game). I would put restrictions like you could only purchase the boost if you already maxed a character and finished the campaign. The only problem would be the scaling nature of the game.
    And again, I’m all against these practices but I’m really seeing it happen.

    • RUmad-_-BRO
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is the biggest deterrent for me to buy and play this game with my friends. All of them are playing and are around level 40-60ish, some having completed the campaign. None of them realize their characters won’t be relevant for Season 1. The only reason I want to play this game is to play with my friends for the social aspect; they’re just going to bail on this game with the Season 1 launch and then I’d just be out 70$ for 1/10th of the ARPG experience that inherently comes with reaching endgame. Once my friends realize they have to restart, they’re going to move on to another game. I think they should find or create a medium that allows casuals to keep their characters and seasonal players to reset on leaderboards. D4 will only be a campaign to the casual audience and they’re be elbowed out of seasonal play (which they might enjoy if they didn’t have to restart!!).

    • MightyBone
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they should just enable the seasonal mechanics on the eternal realm also. If ppl wanna push for seasonal achivments that’s fine – gatekeeping it behind a new character is not helping anybody.

    • Oaken
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m really more frustrated with level scaling, lack of build diversity, NM dungeon mechanics and all the CC mechanics against players. (F_(k#$+ spider webs) these gamers just didn’t know what they where getting into.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There would need to be some big changes to keep me coming back as i feel like i have done everything the game has to offer right now, that im world tier 4 anyway…

    • Fluctuator9
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Kids these days would rather have someone play the game for them while they attend the appropriate social protest or sit around making fucking tik tok videos.

    • Freya Cetae
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Too me its just baffeling that people didnt know this was gonna happen when they’ve said we were gonna get seasons before the game got released and considering D3 had seasons you’d imagine that people would know what that entails. I can understand the point about people wanting to do the battlepass outside of their seasonal characters but that would also probably mean you just log onto your decked out character and one tap the challenges and then not much to it I guess.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    • Pharos EDM
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “It’s the way we’ve always done it” he s the worst phrase in the English language.

    • LordCola –
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have played ARPGs before. I played Diablo 1 and loved Diablo 2.
    The reason that you have to create new characters for each season is literally the reason why I am not playing any of the other ARPGs. I am very happy I haven’t bought diabol 4 so far because now there is literally no way I am every buing that game.

    • Keith Ball
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Find it hard to believe people didn’t know this stuff before purchasing. Diablo as a franchise has been around for DECADES. This being the 4th iteration of this title and witb 3 and 2 both having seasons its hard to believe people will slap 70-100$ on the table for a game without doing minimal research on what at least the genre or previous vs. Of the game was like. And even their biggest complaint about current characters being a waste of time is factually inaccurate. Ziz u and other content creators need to get the word out to them with a psa vid explaining diff.

    • Asilentobserver
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People getting mad at this is like me going to a Chinese restaurant and getting pissed that they don’t have pizza.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blizzard just needs to spell everything out on an advert to save the franchise losing players unnecessarily!!!

    • Zelkable
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean I play POE for a few weeks every new league and I’m still not sure I’ll play diablo 4 seasons because levelling alts solo is a horribly boring experience as it stands and evey dungeon xp nerf just makes it even longer.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    XD this is what happens when you focus on mass-market appeal but those markets are opposing genres/demographics ; trying to please everyone always fails ; ignorance is truly a heavy burden

    • James Hacker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think some of these peoples comments are even getting people who have played ARPGs before to start saying things that dont make sense. Like I have a friend that plays PoE start saying that the scaling in D4 is fine and not a problem at all, and the the only reason people like you were saying it was was because you were leveling via an exploit. When I asked them to elaborate the only response I had to everything they said was, “you mean like it should be in an ARPG?”

    • Gustavo Baladão
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The seasonal model reset make sense, but grinding to 100 doesn’t because that is typically not the seasonal gameplay loop (mostly what will change is the paragon board in that journey). I feel like D4 found the best leveling in ARPGs I’ve played so far, but I am not willing to do it every season for 150h because I don’t have that time anymore and I already did it a couple times. I rather enjoy the season then regrind levels.

    • Yousef Alkhumairi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I told my friend that he should maybe finish the campaign b4 the season comes out and he asked me what are seasons so I explained it to him.
    He doesnt play the game anymore lol.

    • Rivnat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think that the greatest confusion in this aspect is the fact that in order to progress the Battlepass you need to have a Seasonal Character. Take Destiny 2 for example, it has Battlepasses, and in order to progress them, you can do it with your main character, without needing to create a new one. That makes sense for the structure that Destiny 2 has, but Diablo IV being a ARPG, even though we’re accostumed to Seasons, we’re not accostumed to Battlepasses. The easiest way to fix this in my opinion would be to just allow people to progress the battlepass with their Eternal Realm characters.

    • Ki11er Six
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have no extra time to make multiple character and I’m only level 60 on my Rogue. I just don’t understand why my Rogue cannot enjoy seasonal content.

    • Blan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s been this way forever. Just because people didn’t know this, isn’t a big deal. They learned the hard way, it is what it is; please don’t fucking change shit because these people dont know wtf an arpg is and how it works.

    • SleepTooLong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    get these boomers away from games

    • Jokin Plays Games
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I won’t be playing seasons period. Waste of time in not making a new character every 3 months to grind only for it to be irrelevant in 3 months. No thanks. I’ll play something else.

    • Astral Dreamer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some sane people finally made a valid thread. Caue those games are just farming for better items to kill stuff faster. Kinda overgloryfided cookie clicker, but with better effects.

    • Raikh Daemon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Don’t think it was a particularly smart move to make the first season so early or rather not start with one right away.

    Sure makes for a practical beta testing session in effect, but the vast majority of players won’t feel “finished” with their initial playthrough/character and will have to choose to be either left out or start anew before they feel ready for it.
    For players that really got to sink time into the game the seasion is probably quite well timed, but that also means its way too soon for the vast majority of the playerbase. And that just causes additional friction and will probably be a rather bad experience for a lot of players unless the season really freshens up the experience levelling a new char, which I doubt will be the case for the first season.

    • John Collins
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I expect every character I make in arpgs to reach an endpoint. whether thats when im done with it or just die in hc. So a fresh start from seasons is what I look forward to. Maybe those people will just find that arpgs aren’t for them and that’s fine, the base game is pretty amazing experience for people that treat it like a single player or co-op campaign story game. I feel like this game has something for everyone and I don’t understand the season hate.

    • Valmar123123
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Somme people dont notice is when D3 or PoE or Diab lo 2 released, there were not ladders/seasons. They come later. 1 month into the release is waaaaaay to soon for majority of people.Seasons in an ARPG? Yeah of course! But wait at least 5-6 months. Its waaay to soon for that. People gonna be nuts, I dont understand wht they didnt imagine this will happen in the community it, was pretty obvious that people were gonna be crazy about it.

    • Claudia Helmer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    omg you just dont get it, people are not mad, people are sane, objectively d4 is just bad.

    • W3reWolfWizard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like people would be far more receptive if the rep/side quest stuff was account wide. The Main story isn’t too bad to have to replay but having to clear the rep grind in every zone EVERY season will be a slog that serves no purpose.

    • eXo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is like a wine, need time to ferment and becoming very tasty

    • Eddie Nash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There’s so many short-comings with this game…Item scaling, smart loot, item affixes, level scaling, etc…

    • Black Zen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is why I’m not a fan of arpgs like this. I don’t get the fun in continuously running the same content over and over again from scratch. And this one tried to market itself as an mmorpg, which is also questionable.

    I play games to get powerful and kick ass (also something I haven’t experienced in this game). That’s it. Full stop. MMORPGs do that. RPGs do that. FPS do that. Hell Mortal Kombat does that.

    Can you imagine if you got an MK season pass and with every new character, you had to play the entire story mode again? Prob wouldn’t go over well.

    • Dmytro Gorobets
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I almost bought Diablo 4 but when researching about Diablos series I learned about how Diablo seasons work and ended up not getting the game.

    • TheGerm24
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is pretty confusing to me. It’s supposed to be a game not a job. I don’t expect a game to give me unlimited playtime, I expect it to be interesting and fun while I am playing. I have a level 61 character in D4, and I still have much more to do. I’m enjoying the time I spend. When it stops being enjoyable, I’ll move on. For people that aren’t playing 6+ hours a day, Diablo 4 offers plenty of content already.

    • Markus Sevcik
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be honest, in a certain way i understand these people. With close to 6k Hours into PoE and my fair share of Seasons these days i only play the “main game” in PoE. I dont run seasons anymore myself and enjoy the “endless” way to improve, minmax my char and when i decide to level up another one i gear him up with the stuff i collect and buy with my main.
    The reason behind this is that when a new season in PoE starts it takes me about 4 to 5 days to reach maps and then until the end of the season i am happy if i can alch and run yellow maps.
    I am for sure no top player, i dont have insane PoE skills and still need to hire some Boss-Killer every now and then, but i dont mind i have fun playing the game the way i do and i think this is whats most important.

    • GatorSixCharlie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is a great take/video/perspective – I always find it fascinating people who search for permanence in the games they play vs people who enjoy purely the ‘journey’

    • smithiWerben
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lmao those casuals are delusional. They clearly dont know what they want and are talking out of their asses without putting another thought into it.

    • Alex Reiz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Maybe unpopular opinion: but don’t get what people seeing in D4 aside of initial feeling of novelty. It’s definitely better than expected, but is it worth it’s price? So far not sure, and if season 1 will be just new world level + dungeon + cosmetics and nothing to accelerate pace and variety – it will be sure pass for next 2-3 years for me. Want to give them benefit of the doubt and hope that they aiming for long run with exciting updates full of content or new takes on usual arpg content, but it’s modern Blizzard

    • Renato Vieira
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Maybe the new players thought that Diablo 4 would be like Lost Ark, a top-down isometric MMORPG

    • Odyssey
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Game sucks no wonder people are mad 😂

    • Braveemink H H R
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is a perfect exemple of why twitter is a piss poor plataform to comunicate news, i understand it has better reach but put a link with a click bait title and let people read the actual news on the forums. Awful job by the communication people.

    • J.H. W.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    lets be honest the casual d4 player is like any other casual player…dumb af^^ dont know sht about the genre….its the same with people complaining about no endgame in gacha games like genshin…i know its harsh but if u make the game for the casuals u get a casual game that the casuals dont like in the end lol^^

    • Peter S
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem is that you get the battlepass when you buy the game even if you don’t want to play seasons. And players that only play a few hours every week will not play seasons. And because there’s so many dungeons and side quest casuals will be busy in the eternal realm until the first expansion. Season are for players that yas alot of time to play every day. Diablo 2 has had season for over 20 years. But offline players probably don’t know that.

    • Greg Marquardt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Trying again… not sure if my original comment posted… much shorter version:

    – people are either feeling left in the dust because it’s a time sink and aren’t ready for season 1 yet like the hardcore base that is ready like this week
    – others are just not finding it fun when they get to the “end game”

    For me I hopped back on D3 before D4 to try my first season ever which happened to be season 28. Not having played the game in years I LOVED the season but I LOVED all the things this game won’t have.

    – trying to get full primal ancient perfect roll gear for my eternal characters to use
    – having multiple different builds I could swap between
    – knowing all my xp would transfer to my main
    – the alter progression
    – pushing GRs for the first time
    – augments

    I’m currently level 75 and playing like an hour a day of nightmares and getting off cause I’m bored and don’t feel like I’m progressing towards significant improvement. If it was fun I’d keep doing it, GRs as fast as I could to max loot was fun and then trying to find how high I could push to max xp was fun for much longer before it got stale to me

    • 7DragonEyes7
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Do people like that play Fortnite or ever bought a battle pass? If you don’t complete you literally lose money but with season you lose nothing. I hate battle pass and I don’t play Fortnite, I also don’t plan on playing D4 seasons. I did play D2 many ladders and PoE many leagues. I’m not on Twitter, I know the community is toxic and that’s one reason I’m not on it. It’s weird that Twitter is full of casual that complain about something that isn’t even out yet. That’s also why you don’t preorder and buy into the hype, you don’t know what you paid for.

    • sidraket
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    d2 really doesnt have seasons. the first like, 4 or 5 ladders ran for like 1-2+ years each, and were more like clean realms that showed up after patches or fixes to closed bnet to get the cheated items out of the enviornment. I bet if they made the non ladder uniques/runewords/etc available people would not even have bothered with sticking to d2 ladder after the first reset. It was more like opening a fresh mmo server than what has become seasons. The whole season trend is from newer arpgs. I knew about seasons, but d4 is so monotonous compared to other arpgs ive played i really dont even feel like bothering with it now. It has nothing to do with the time it takes, it has to do that im not having fun during that time since the game feels like crap. People upset about this are simply not understanding their feelings right. They are thinking “hmm, well if i only had to do this once, it wouldnt be so bad, then maybe i could have fun” because they are not actually having fun right now, but playing/grinding for the expectation of fun. The reality that playing d4 at level 5, level 30, level 60, etc, is not fun, is the issue. People want to like d4, but actually dont. They could maybe maintain the illusion they were enjoying it if the game did not require them to actually play it, but a season is a huge ‘you must play the game!’, and so poof.

    • Kendall Jones
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Stash will always be transferable between characters. That means you can retrieve season content drops through your stash to the eternal realm. Useless to retrieve level 1 drops for a level 100 character but unique glyphs, elixirs or incense, and even going back and forth for gems is useful.

    The questions is whether you want to spend 150 hours going from level 100 to level 110, in essence or from level 1 to 100.

    • Jeremy King
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Weirdest thing is that Destiny players who seem to be the biggest audience complaining are 1000% used to this. Every season their “power level” gets reset, they need to grind out the same strikes and activities from several years past EVERY WEEK in order to get gear upgrades, often times it’s NEEDED just to try out the new Raid release or endgame content. There’s usually 1 new seasonal activity, 1 major story quest (that is time-gated release by week), and then about every 3 or 4 seasons a single new endgame raid releases. Other than that they are literally just playing old content over and over. I guess the disconnect is them assuming that somehow a fresh character on Diablo 4 and a power-reset guardian are completely different just because you retain your gear.

    • Voidwork
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is kinda what i thought would happen. Diablo as a name is way bigger then other A-RPGs and therefor brings alot more people from outside the genre that probably expect more of the RPG than the A.

    • TheSilentScreamX
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t mind seasons and as an ARPG vet I totally knew this would be a thing. What I don’t want is having to do the story over and over again like in PoE. It takes a really tasty looking league in PoE to tempt me back purely because I’ve done the campaign literally about 50-60 times by now and I just can’t be bothered with it anymore.

    • Wilwayco Holland
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think that yes, while these peoples expectations weren’t in the right place given the Genre of the game, Blizzard turned their focus from “ARPG Enjoyers” to the more Casual Player Base, with a large influx of Casual Players being their Ideal Outcome, so they should adjust the scope of the game accordingly, or it’s just disingenuous.

    I honestly think it’s refreshing. Diablo IV can’t compete with POE so don’t. POE is for Enthusiasts, Diablo can be for Casuals. Change the scope of the game, stop trying to make everyone happy. Find a lane and stay in it.

    If Diablo IV tries to double park it’s going to die.

    • Eric Brown
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t see why people who only get to play an hour or 2 a night cant get on board with seasons, you are still going to progress. I only played D4 tonight for around an hour or so, progressed from 75 to 76, the seasons last for 3 months I think, you will gain plenty, then when the season is over your eternal realm character will get the benefits from what you did in the season.

    Also its bizarre people saying D2 and D3 didn’t have seasons, those people must have played at the very beginning and the left. In which case I’m not sure their opinions hold much weight.

    It would be like me making statements on PoE even though I only played a small amount of it(compared to what I put in to D1-D4).

    I also think Blizzard have been a bit lacklustre in communication, you saw in the last live stream the way they tried to skirt around certain things knowing it would annoy the playerbase.

    • Bueno Loco
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I suppose it’s this next gen complaining ”We gonna do grinding?” LoL! That’s so hilarious XD XD XD
    Dudes from 80′ to 90’s, no complaints. We used to play one fricking game for years, grinding and doing it over again. You know, just for fun

    • Nyfot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There are casuals but then there are dumb casuals

    • Allax
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Before expressing your opinion, you have to state that you are an alpha before alpha player of a game released 20 years ago so your opinion has more validation. Too much self entitlement on these discussions. The main topic is, the release of seasonal content is to basically get more money out of players, if they support or are drawn into the game they will go for it, if this is not your cup of tea, just don’t play and try something else, there are plenty of other options.

    • Agav
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I liked Diablo 4 for idk like 40 hours i got the enjoyment out of the game i paid for in my eyes but besides that right now it feels repetitve and extremly boring to me

    • Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s just sad that you end up having a boatload of characters you’ll never play again… BUT I ALWAYS COME BACK FOR MORE PAIN 😂😂😂

    • Adaś
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The seasonal mechanic in Diablo is quite disappointing. Instead of having to create a new character every three months, it would be better if we could earn points through our activity and use them to purchase new transmogs and other rewards. Unfortunately, it seems that this system was designed more for the benefit of the developers rather than the players. It’s much easier for them to force a reset of our progress every few months rather than providing substantial content updates on a regular basis, such as every three months or even every six months.

    • Mr. Love
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Grim Dawn doesn’t have seasons. Still awesome ARPG.

    Seasons has appeared when the greedy shareholders wanted MOOOORRRREEE .. fun :p

    • Ejun
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is a problem I couldn’t even have imagined new players would have. I’m as suprised as you are Zizaran.

    • nightwish15
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t want to level a new char, I want my one and only char to progress and get stronger. Dont tell me arpgs are about having 100 characters, I played Diablo 2 on one char only as well

    • rustyvinyl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a mmo player… but I’ve played PoE and BDO also has seasons, where you have to level a class from lvl1 the point of season is to unlock and get all the items for each level, so, I get it. But with BDO, you other classes are still there and all you progression is still in tacked. For D4, Grinding from level one us the standard, unlocking all the items is the prize…but, I should still be able to see all my progression I’ve made on my current character. Unless I’m mistaken and the seasonal character is separate…but if seasons wipes all my renowned my current character has progressed, thats dumb.

    • Greg Parks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m using this time in game to learn it and get better FOR the upcoming season… and d4 is a lot easier than a lot of arpg’s in the fact it’s not a total fresh start… the new season characters will start off so strong it will be fun 👍

    • Rosend
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons is part of an arpg, it would quickly become boring without them. I dont think any kind of gameplay mechanics should be created around the players that only play 1 hour a day and currently is level 11.
    That said I think the whole renown thing in seasons is really dumb. They should just let all the renown carry over but force us to play through the story again to unlock the first capstone dungeon. That will make for more streamlined speedrunstrats from the pro players, wich is more fun to watch. And the rest of us can get through that quite fast aswell – and get back to grinding.
    I dont want to do sidequests again…..

    • Fingolfin3423
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A compromise is to make the seasons last longer. That gives the average Diablo player enough time to “max out” their character. Most people don’t have the same amount of time to play as you do, Zizaran. This is especially true when you account for logging in a lot of hours every season. Most people don’t play every season since it’s repetitive, takes too much time, and involves no breaks to refresh yourself and come back to the game. It’s boring. D4 is a more casual and repetitive game compared to D2. D2 had a much greater sense of finality to it once you were able to farm up your best runewords, rares, uniques, sets, and/or crafted items to min-max your character. This process took time through both grinding and trading, which is more involved than D4. There is a real sense of “I did it” with those kinds of grinds relative to the “check off the box” grinds in D4, such as repeating quests, renown, shrines, traveling, dungeon backtracking, etc. If they introduce the runeword system back into D4, and have season-only runewords, that will help D4 in many ways. As previously stated, they also need to increase the duration of a season, too. D2 did indeed have seasons, although they’re called ladders since they’re more about the race to level 99 for a small subset of people. Ladders are also designed to reset the economy. D3 and D4 don’t have free economies and trade, which really sucks for multiple reasons, such as working with friends to build up towards rare items, as well as learn the economy and trade up towards better items.

    • brad bradley
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Who cares the game is trash in it’s current form.

    • Isaac hill
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the problem is with the battle pass and the fact that Blizzard tried to bridge the gap of MMO and ARPG. Battle passes have become such a core part of so many games that they are viewed as big part of progression and content. I believe people are viewing this as “If I can’t progress the battle pass than why am I doing this?” But this is standard issue Blizzard creating a forcing function to artificially make content. “We force you to make a new char to progress the battle pass so you will always have something to do.” Normal ARPG players don’t need to be told any of that because it was part of their plan to start a new char every season anyways..

    • Martin Lucaj
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be honest I kind of get the point they are making. Since they made D4 LIKE an MMO they probably think and/or want it to work more like seasonal content in an MMO. If I had to level a new character to experience new content in WoW every content patch I would quit too…
    They need to look at it from the ARPG perspective and not an MMO

    • darren chamness
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What’s confusing, is yeah you still have your eternal characters, but with seasons being back to back, what is even the point in going back to your eternal characters.

    • Folroth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think people are just jumping the gun after reading the first line of what a season actually is

    • Tsunami415
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a somewhat new casual player to Diablo, can anybody tell me why it’s always been this way? I understand that’s the way it’s always been, but that really doesn’t explain why you should HAVE to roll a new character every season. What is it that’s so bad about continuing with a character that you have already created? Not trolling, just genuinely curious if there is any legitimate reason for it being this way.

    • Scyths1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wait, THIS is what they are mad about ? Goddamn, I thought it was about the complete lack of real endgame lmao.

    • Cz A
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The thing is: as poe players we think about the casual poe player. The “casual” player is probably… me. Or maybe even worse. I have thounds of hours on poe, usually play at most 2h/d on league starts and have a history of others rpgs or arpgs.
    Most of these comments made my mind blow too…

    • VirusTech
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love how all of them are clueless. This is a standard to Diablo and it was meant to happen. The thing is though that each new season, supposedly gives new features and makes the game more interesting to actually lure you to start fresh to experience this. If they actually can manage to make each season good enough, this itself will make players to drop in with a new char no matter what they say. Let’s see what Mike gonna do if maybe he finds out that on the next season they gonna add 10 different super items that he can farm and skyrocket his gaming experience (well that was a little too optimistic for Blizzard but let’s just say….lol)

    I see people having 3-4 different characters created for no reason at all. Just play one class you like for now. The game is still new. Reach to the level you’re gonna reach before season and if you want to play another class, wait for the season and start the new class as a seasonal char. Congratulations, you’re an ARPG player.

    • Tewlip
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m honestly baffled there’s this many people who paid anywhere between 70 bucks and whatever the deluxe edition costs and didn’t do enough research to realize what they’re getting themself into. That’s honestly my biggest confusion with this. I just can’t get into the mindset of not making an informed purchase, especially when it’s a AAA game at this price point, absolute insanity to me.

    • Bob
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Great points and I think there are also alot of returning Diablo 1 players who are looking for nostalgia but who haven’t played a modern ARPG. I might have missed it, but is D4 planning to add seasonal content to the eternal campaign after the season is over, sort of like how PoE has added some parts of seasons to the core game?

    • Asag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Blizzard just should do what they planned for D4 and ignore all those complainers that did not know what they are buying. The worst thing would be changing the game just to try meet their expectations. I don’t even know if its possible because they want completely different type of game.

    • Daniel Pirez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So a lot of not so clever people ranting online, Where’s the news?

    • hi im meez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s interesting that this is the reaction to seasons since I really didn’t expect this at all. Been playing ARPGs for ages, and while there are things that I’m not looking forward to with D4 seasons (renown) it’s not like my main rogue is just.. vanishing. If I wanna do seasonal content I expect to do it on my seasonal character, and then have that retired seasonal character as something of a legacy once the season ends.

    Goes to show that there was a disconnect with the advertising and the actuality of the game, which is something you could potentially fault blizzard for, or you could just as easily fault the consumer base for lack of research into how seasonal mechanics work.

    • Uruloki Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think there’s definitely a good discussion about ways to improve the season system common in ARPGs and not just rely on “this is the norm” or “this is the way it’s always been”. There’s no real economy in D4, so the economy reset as a big incentive lost. But seasons usually involve new content, but if you spend most of those 3 months reaching that content and then it’s gone, that’s a huge miss for the player and the company.

    It’d be interesting to see what would happen if POE leagues were playable in standard (boosted season mechanic rates, not every mechanic goes core) and how many people who can’t dedicate time to a season would dabble in the league mechanic there for at least a little while.

    Think about Deep Rock Galactic. Imagine if that game’s season required leveling characters from scratch. It would probably not be received well.

    • veew efewfew
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yep nothing new, what we know of seasons now is the same as a Diablo 2 ladder reset. All progress is sent to non-ladder and you would need to make a new character.

    • Timo M
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem with d4 and level every season again that it takes too long and its way to boring. The time you need to get your aspects which enable your build and make the game actually playable takes way too long. I can understand why they wont begin all over again every season i wouldnt do it either, rather playing the next poe season again

    • Nviwraith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    you can tell who hasnt played PoE by the amount of research they were willing to do before buying D4.

    Honestly if they didnt know what seasons were, thats on them, blizzard had explained what seasons were well before the launch of the game. You can only hand hold people so much before they need to think for themselves.

    • fatpig977
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casual scrubs are gonna scrub casually…

    • Dandy Jandon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Game is boring they need to fix that… no trading and no real chase items. I have no reason to log in or even play a new season waste of time unless they fix trading and chase items.

    • Yim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Obviously most in this thread are just ill-informed or possibly trolling. HOWEVER. My brother and I, both whom are avid long time fans of D3, POE, Wolcen, Last Epoch, etc are struggling already to retain interest, despite being seasonal players in D3 and POE for years. The idea of re-grinding characters is just painful to even think about. I think it is the way D4 approaches leveling. There is no “Maps” or “Greater Rift” system that provides that constant feedback loop of increasing power. Chasing 100 feels purposeless after doing it once, and the grind to get there is LONG.

    • Nemirit Nemi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I filed a Diablo 4 compensation letter and was reffered to a doctor

    • chris dellinger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i wish like poe where they have stander league. you get to keep them.

    • KingJason13
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are lame ngl

    • OperationHighAsKite
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    News flash people are stupid,and lazy,and the game is not good.

    • ANS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Most of my friends play MMO or fps and have been confused about how seasons will work. I’ve tried explaining it will feel different leveling in a season but it is hard to understand or explain a feeling other people haven’t had yet. It has devolved to me just saying “trust me, when you try it will feel different, good different!” Hopefully s1 is gonna be a banger or I look like a fool…

    • Kerekes Jozsef
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This will be a big issue since the confused people are the target audience for this game.
    Also the game is not fun, that’s why they don’t want to play it again after the reset.

    • Ddok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like there’s nothing to do after you’ve maxed out. The seasons are basically the main gameplay loop that mixes up the meta and gives you a fresh experience once again.

    • Andrew Williams
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A worse version of Poe?

    • cody michaels
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    But they are right d2 didnt have seasons (it has ladders)😂😂😂

    Diablo 3 doesnt have 28 seasons? I think after they try it out they will love it because you get to experience the game all over with fresh new content every few months. It is like getting a new game but you only paid for it once lol

    • Ghan04
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    At first I thought this was something about the Battle Pass (I’ve never played a Battle Pass game before so I have no experience here) but it sounds like it’s more just around how the seasonal resets work. I suppose this needs to be better explained to new players, and part of what needs to be explained is the new content itself and the fact that any existing characters won’t be able to access that content. This is kind of problematic because they can’t talk about the new content directly yet, so they have to speak in somewhat nebulous terms about what’s coming with no specifics.

    • Josh Harrison
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have played every diablo game and expansion on release date. I am SSF and look up no builds on first play through. And i have loved diablo 4 thus far playing that way. When i make an alt i will look up builds and items and the such. But a tip to all people looking at playing it. Play it like you used to play SNES games when info on them was not there and you just played and learned as you went. So sick of people being mad the game is not good or long enough because they looked up the best everything from the start. Slow down and work thru it and soak in the look and feel and mechanics. Great video as always.

    • Damon Jarecki
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not all arpgs have seasons?? Weird to say. Boomer gamers dont understand that people dont want to throw away their characters. When people onvest in a character, they want to continue usong that character. Its not that deep. Arpgs need to adapt to the times or die on the past

    • vaughn wonenberg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i feel like they should make it faster to level and itwill fix alot of problems. right now the grind is real especially if you’re casual. takes like 2+ hours each lvl if you’re above lvl90.

    • Olos Eldarion
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So tired of reading “don’t people know this is how it has worked all along!?”. Yes. We know. Many folks are suggesting that there should be a re-examination of how this is executed a decade after D3 and PoE first hit the scene. ARPGs can have seasons, but there are things about the traditional model that are the reason this genre is a niche where other live service offerings are concerned. They should have gone more Lost Ark and less PoE with end game where they are selling premium BPs.

    • Marcos Y
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You are right indeed, but in D2 vanilla and D3 vanilla, seasons were not important or didn’t exist at all. I can understand what those people are saying, even though they are wrong if you consider the current version of D2 and D3, which are not similiar to the vanilla version. I did play D2 and D3 way more at 1.0 version than at the current version, and I can see why those people might think seasons are bad. But I’m looking forward to play seasons myself to check all new stuff they will add

    • memestockmarket
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Also had a colleague of mine complain about the repetitive skill rotation and said that Elder Scrolls Online has way more skills in comparison. Apparently he was unawere that D4 is an arpg and not a mmorpg

    • sambo585
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think these people were expecting a destiny 2 style season where maybe the level cap was raised. But you stayed with the same hero for the entire time. Based on the idea that paul tassi is a destiny guy and i can only assume most comments on his twitter post would be “mostly” followers of his.

    Second thought following on from this is that power level in destiny 2 means alot more than items do so they place more weight on reaching level 100

    • Tom3wars
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im a casual player to some extent even if I do have hundreds of hours in all the worthwhile arpgs mainly of course Diablo 2 and 3 and Path of Exile, and even if I get why most arpg players do like the concept of seasons which personally I don’t mind, I do mind when it is like in Path of exiles, I think a lot of the people want to have their one character for each class and play around with it forever creating builds and such, which goes for me as well. (and that’s why i also do like loadouts like we had in diablo 3). Personally i think the most demotivating factor for these people is what always makes me sad when it comes to PoE as example, and that’s the fact that once the season end and a new one start right after, whats really the point of a non seasonal character? you don’t really gain anything, like even if you do grind a season to get the new stuff, and then you wait to get them on your main non seasonal characters, there is not really a reason to play them considering you would want to play the new season again, the new season that comes after the one you just grinded ends. When it comes to PoE I can take that, leveling is fast, and you get to maps quick, but in Diablo 4 and without boosting? id prefer to have a reason to play my standard character along the seasonal one. Story short the Journey through the seasons i don’t mind, but i do dislike that the destination does not really feel that worth it, I guess ill just withdraw the new stuff from stash, upgrade my standard character and go do new content on it that I already would have done on the seasonal… (Imo best way to fix this for casuals while keeping it still okay for experienced players would be so all the new content added in the seasons goes to non seasonal characters as well as expansions, and the seasonal characters would grind the battlepasses and such, cosmetics, and maybe get some bonuses for in the seasons like more xp and such for those people that would love to make a new character to test out new builds and get to the new content faster than the non seasonal people, again, I’m not a game dev I’m a dumbass on the internet so I have no idea and I’m sure I’m lacking some info most likely, I just wanted to share my look at it as someone whos at neither side but more in the middle, anyhow I hope ya all are enjoying the game and lets lurk around to see how things go once the season starts, personally, cant wait. 😊)

    • Brent
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There are a lot of uninformed people out there, I’m in favour of thinning the herd. These types of players will ruin a good game.

    • Blakoute
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s always the dad of 12 kids with 7 jobs that complain about the most stupid stuff

    • BasicData
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They have no idea…

    • Passive
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    From what i understand at least it seems people are worrying about the fun factor in seasons in D4, i think most realize they would have to start grinding from scratch but if the game’s current major issues wont be resolved they will be not motivated to go through all that “journey” again
    for example what i think bothers people the most:
    end game content that u have to “spam dungeons” in a manner where as Ziz mentioned people start questioning the integrity of this method (grinding from 80 to 100 right now is not really enjoyable xp for players from what i’ve seen)
    start of the game experience on alts – not even talking about the fact we won’t have our paragon points over in the new season just no codex that we collected means no aspects and no mats like leveling in scuffed builds handling all resources issues wont be fun for anyone and idk how Blizz’s spokesperson talks about skipping the campaign as if its some great advantage to the player to start spamming dungeons/events at level 1 feeling bad about his class performance idk if they actually play their game when they express themselves this way
    ofc there are many other criticism thrown at the devs from the players but those are the ones i resonate with (having reached 100 and playing alts atm)

    • Tx Mits
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casual d4 player. Won’t be remotely close to playing multiple seasons if I have to grind renown and there isn’t anything transformative to the game play loop.

    • DarsusD
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it will all come down to what the seasonal content actually is. if its somewhat enjoyable some people will stick around for more. also i dont think D4 will ever have as many players as there are now ever again and i hope blizzard knows that and doesnt abandon the game because they do not understand how games work 😀

    • Brian Shin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Mentioning Gaia online made me subscribe to you.

    • Igor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think you are mistaken a little Ziz…. no real casual player will follow devs posts on twitter, sorry, most of those people in this thread is wannabe casual players that don’t try to understand what they are getting into before typing…

    • Preston Nicodemus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Maybe it needs to be made clear to folks that there will be non seasonal and seasonal game play… Once those that are very casual make their way they may become interested in seasonal but are not forced to go in that direction…

    • Oxeca
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i mean look, if you don’t know how games like this work, that isn’t on D4 to train you. They can play other games that don’t have seasons but to argue that D2 and D3 didn’t have seasons is without question the most laughable comment I have ever seen LOL

    • Allycat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Personally, as a PoE player and a Destiny 2 player, I can see and understand both sides of the argument. Blizzard advertised Diablo 4 as an MMO take on an ARPG classic; the open world, the timed events, world bosses with weekly caches, repeatable Whispers (world quests), nightmare sigils (mythic keystones) are all part of that MMOification of Diablo.

    Honestly, I think it’s a mistake to make the battle pass ONLY progressable on the seasonal realm, I think people who want to play one character 2 hours a day and take weeks to months to hit level 100 should be able to play that character and still progress the battle pass, it’s how it works in Destiny 2, each new season we lose our artifact, but our characters don’t get reset to 0.

    Seasonal storyline, seasonal mechanics, season journey? All of that should be restricted to seasonal characters for those that want that content, and like PoE, migrate it all to the Eternal Realm on a 1 season delay so those forever Eternal players still get new content every few months without losing their characters. I see no reason why they shouldn’t be able to earn the cosmetics on the battle pass that they paid for while also playing the game how they enjoy playing it.

    • Out of Service
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve played POE since there were only 3 acts. I still play but never in the leagues. I play boring standard on my handful of leveled characters. I just don’t have time to do the full 10 acts each league these days. By the time I get to maps, league is nearly over. I’m fine with it and still enjoy it. I still get to experience some of the content if it rolls over to standard, so that works for me. Maybe the issue here is that they brought in all these new players, but they didn’t do a great job explaining the format. I mean, POE is known for throwing you in the deep end headfirst with a boat anchor necklace, especially if you’ve never played an ARPG.

    • Mike Donaghue
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I plan to check out seasons… But I have other MMO’s and games to play, so I will check out this first season since I have already paid for the pass…. But I can’t see a lot of people sticking around and buying battle pass’ every few months and re-starting chars.

    Not that they don’t want to, but we have other games to play. I bought the edition with early access and the pass thinking, well im gonna buy the pass anyways… But now I will have maxed out my char when it comes out, and not really feel like starting a new character right away, I fear my pass may never get completed. By the time it comes out, I will be playing another game probably.

    • Anthony G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wish I knew the refund limitation was 2hours played. My bad for not reading before enjoying constant disconnects xD

    • Chris Apolzon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The missing piece lies in blizzard communicating how/if seasonal content will get ported to eternal. If they come out and tell people “you’ll get this content on a 3-month delay in eternal” these non-arpg vets would still be miffed, but at least they’d know that okay, so i can keep a forever character and i’ll still get new content, it’ll just be slower

    I have seen this disconnect on seasons a lot with d4 tho, and i’ve tried to explain to people that eternal exists and it’s okay to play slowly if you can’t keep up with 3-4 month leagues/seasons. definitely been interesting to see the question pop-up as much as it has

    • RoBoZeO
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hope that they up the experience gained from everything. The amount of time it takes to level to 100 each season pass will takes ages for most.

    • RagetasticGaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    OMG they are going to make me play a game that I paid for!?!? 😭

    • S Patrk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    seems like lots of new players to DIablo series that dont understand how the game works.

    • WackaNerd
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im not even playong D4 but I knew from the beta it was not for me. However anyone thats mad jumped on the hype for d4. This is what you get for being a sheeple! 😂 I love d2 still luckily we have last epoch. Poe 2 hopefully might encourage grouping one day.

    • Samsquatch
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Looking forward to the huge player drop-off for season 1! Should improve my latency… Also ziz, you actually do have to explore 90%of the map again. Only the main way points are unlocked 😉

    • RW
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The fun part in ARPGs is the journey of getting a highend character. Starting a fresh character, getting your build working, being able to complete the hardest content again or reaching whatever goal you give yourself is satisfying. Especially when you choose to play a new class or a new build. But once you reach your goal, the game immediately gets less interesting especially if you dont care about any kind of leaderboards.

    It sounds like the people complaining were looking for an MMO or they just never replay any games. RPGs in particular offer great replayability. D4 provides a good baseline with systems that allows the devs to easily add content in the future. The biggest problems are the lack of things you can do or things you can target in the endgame, but it also needs more build defining mechanics/systems to keep the game fresh.
    People also dont realise that the grind will take less long in seasons due to Season Blessings and the devs can always adjust XP numbers. You also dont have to play every single season. Its an incentive to bring people back, which is always more fun with a bunch of people on an even playing field.

    The weirdest part about this whole conversation is when people complain “I wasted my time”. Its like them going back in time saying they didnt have fun playing the game. Why would you put hours and hours into something you dont enjoy? Or did it really took you this long to figure out that the game is not for you?

    • Sas Krisztian-Patrik
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The real problem is that the Battle Pass can only be progressed by playing a Seasonal character.

    The other problem is that I have to re-farm renown (by doing dungeons, side-quests and strongholds). While on a non-seasonal character I don’t.

    So am I going to pay for the Battle Pass and waste time to re-farm renown while I could just play on the Eternal Realm? Yeah they will introduce some new items and a mechanic or two but is that worth my time and money? (I know that buying the Battle Pass is not necessary but if I commit to playing a season and see the tiers going up on the free track, I’ll have FOMO and just buy it anyway, I can avoid all this BS by deciding to save my time and money at the same time)

    • Carlos Reyes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    10 years of development for 1 week of game, GG

    • TheOriginalVaj
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People paid for a game and didn’t look farther than their KFC double down. This was bound to happen unfortunately. Seasons only keep the game relevant. Why else would people keep playing their characters once their maxed out and geared to the teeth?

    • Jim Karlotski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they just want the battle pass to apply to what they already got. which it obviously should. i bought that upgrade not knowing it only applied to season 1 and i researched the shit out of it.

    • A2B
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It is kinda waste of time tbh 🤣
    I even stopped playing the game since 4 days ago, because I will just play seasonal later.
    Well to be fair, it’s not entirely waste of time, you became knowledgeable when you start season later on, all will progress faster because of that.

    • The Soul Kitchen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This honestly is the audience Blizzard has built over the years with WoW. They are expecting a new mmo type experience with modern permanence.

    Also related that Forbes writer who kept bringing up destiny

    • heftyfunseeker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be fair – most of the player base isn’t engaging with this thread – they’re busy grinding D4

    • SnazzzY
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This was me with Tarkov, the thought of grinding to endgame in Tarkov and having to do it again after wipe was a pretty harsh idea. But after actually reaching endgame in that game, I wanted wipe to come sooner.

    • Willyzyx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have a right to have the game be what I want it to be. I must buy it. Right?

    • jewbacca
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    In Diablo 3 the speed of progression that was possible in seasonal mode was MUCH faster than campaign mode. I could reach max level in D3 in an hour or two with a challenge cache, I certainly don’t expect that level of speed in D4 seasons… But if it’s ANYTHING like D3 then there will be some mechanics in seasonal play that allow you to get your level up, gear up and get your character/build online MUCH faster. As long as those mechanics exist I think most people will have a blast and be fine when they realize they don’t need to pump 100+ hours in every season just to have a decent character.

    • David Moore
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t understand the complaints if you’re going to level an alt you might as well do it during the season you’ll get rewards for all your characters and that character will become eternal at the end of the season

    • Brandon Meyer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think most people thought they would spend a lot of time on a character, max it out, get BiS, and then do content with that powerful character. They are surprised to find out getting BiS is the game. That’s the mistake I made with the genre at least.

    • rurounikenshin1878
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    it doesn’t surprise me because this is the casual mindset but all arpg fans knew this although it would be cool it was expected and they never hid it

    • Saurlok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think another major disconnect is just looking at this from a design perspective. The renown grind, the lilith statues, the map discovery, there are so many long term goal systems that would be an absolute nightmare to do again if that was the case. Most non-ARPG players think a new seasonal character is a complete wipe and restart, when in a lot of cases its a partial wipe, or the systems are streamlined enough to get you back to a base line, like lvl 70 Post Story in POE.

    • TheArnoldification
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They just need to play seasons and experience the game more to understand why seasons are healthy for an arpg

    • E Z
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    pretty impressive that d4 brung that many ppl into the arp genre with no arp knowledge.

    • Weasel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    it’s just another game that got pretty popular and the players who don’t like how ARPG’s work will get filtered out. the same thing happened with elden ring.

    • MichaelEpi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The battle pass aspect kinda ruins seasonal play imo. Battle passes don’t make sense with rerolling an account.

    • Glenn R.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So all of these players bought the game with ZERO knowledge of what they were purchasing? All of this was covered extensively for many months prior to the game ever going on sale. And if people are this ignorant (or stupid) then the company should not feel bad that they are unhappy.

    • Paweł Pluta
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The biggest issue i got with the season is the amount of time you need to get 100 lvl.. Its crazy

    • ReeverFalls
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve seen yet with new D4 players. Blizzard said from day one that there will be seasons. It’s an ARPG. All of them have this seasonal concept. They literally could’ve typed in “seasons, D3” on google and it would’ve told them what seasons are about. Maybe look up what genre of game you’re getting before buying it for $70-$100 lmao.

    • Kevin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not gonna lie, season invalidating my character and having to start all over again just so I don’t miss out on seasonal benefits does not have a great appeal. Imo people had more fun in Diablo 2 when you did not have seasons and you could could continue to tune and add to a character that you have spent so many hours perfecting. Season is like saying you played Mario and you are on world 6 of 10, and told stop playing and start over because only then will you get this “seasonal prize”. That would make playing the game feel pointless in the last few weeks as you are ultimately just going to need to start all over.. so why play if your goal is to beat the game.

    • Mr. Buns
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Farming and resetting the same area is an exploit? Oh boy.

    • Jamey Sotelo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Naturally for me poe was my first arpg ever so i have no clue on any other game in the genre but from ive seen unless potentially you are playing like d1 or something however long ago all modern arps are literally the seasonal model where they have a new season and you can decide to reset yourself for the season with a new character. Im also laughing at these people complaining about d4 when arguably d4s replayability is a lot simpler than poes at least currently who knows about poe2 quite yet

    • Hexagar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love how most ppl in here that defend Blizzard, don’t want to accept that blizzard made Diablo an MMO with content like mmo games… It isn’t the “do the campaign and then do it again in harder difficulty” game anymore.. That why it’s a stupid decision to play seasonal content only with new character.. Tbh there are only 5 classes and I dislike all of the except barbarian.. Do you really want me to play from scratch again and do everything I literally did 15 days ago?

    • SusYangYang
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think people should look at arpgs as a longform roguelike (roguelite?). The reset is the best part and each run is different based on RNG. The permanent upgrades are your skills and knowledge and each season brings more toys to play with.

    • Jonathan Herrera
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are stupid af

    • Aggelos Koskinas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Most importantly YOU DONT HAVE TO PLAY THE SEASON, if you dont wont to start over, just dont play season, you can still play your non-seasonal characters

    • SLED leohja
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Isn’t the real problem that the content is too boring or grindy to the point that people don’t want to redo it?

    POE had new content each season that felt straight forward to redo. Tbh I haven’t even bought D4 because I’m waiting for a better time to jump in when Blizzard has fixed some of these problems.

    • Cablev94
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The point of seasons is that the devs make sweeping updates to stats, gear, skills, paragon, maybe add a new game mode. etc. and then you try out new builds and see what you can come up with. ARPGs are about creating builds and killing monsters. If you don’t enjoy doing that and are just some completionist looking to check boxes and advance a character then this genre isn’t for you (Unless you just want to play Eternal realm and max your character out, some people do that as well). I do think you should be able to advance the battle-pass on eternal realm, it shouldn’t really matter if people are playing on season or eternal or hardcore realms as long as people are playing. I also think that after Season 1, all the renown should carry over to future seasons. Eventually I’d like to just reroll a character and kill monsters and look for gear and create builds and not refarm all the RP stuff again.

    • Midkraft
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i must say i am am pretty confused about that thread XD
    and you take it alot more nice than what my mind spun up while you read them XD and i am not trying to be a jerk either, but that way of thinking is just very far from where i stood, but damn, that have changed now XD

    • Lenny
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Dear Ziz, I haven’t bought D4 and I haven’t been playing ARPGs in general for a while – but I still sub and watch lots of your videos because you’re genuinely nice and just want everyone to have fun. Good man, good man.

    • Kidnoff
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I stopped PoE because of that streamer season crap. But PoE is a F2p game, its not the same. That kind of crap when you bought the game 90$, its unacceptable

    • Kirathian
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t like the renown system as it currently exists. I think it could work if they added more variety of tasks to do instead of side quests and side dungeons (which account for 70+% of it), but people complaining about seasons straight up do not understand what these games are. This is why some of Asmongold’s takes (and I’m a fan of his) about the “casual” players doesn’t make sense to me. Unless they literally turn D4 into D3, which they very well might, D4 is NOT going to facilitate that sort of audience at a fundamental level. That’s not how Diablo and it’s clones play.

    I know how extremely gatekeepery and elitist this take is. Trust me, I do lol. I just fundamentally do not believe you can go both ways on this particular issue (seasons) but hey, maybe Blizzard will somehow figure it out. Copium and all that.

    • BayonneJoe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am feeling the same way you are feeling Zizaran. Is Arpg players LOVE THE GRIND OF LEVELING A NEW CHARACTER.

    • Vendicta Whitford
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I bet that your “eternal” character wont reset at all, you just make a seasonal character to gain new rewards and transfer new stuff over to your “eternal” character. How do they expect people to complete Level 100 Nightmare Dungeons when enemies are over LVL 150 lol ??

    • Firelose Games
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get their point and to me the issue is having to play and do a boring quest system over and over every 3 months or whatever the season time frame will be, that is why i quit diablo 3, PoE and went looking for games where my character which i invested so much time will be “useless” because i can only play the new content if i create a new seasonal character. yes, i can still play my eternal character but it won’t be playing with new features.
    i am playing diablo 4 for the pre season and season one, but after that i will be looking for a new game but that is me.

    • PawPaw M
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have always thought of myself as a casual player. When I play PoE (played off and on since about 2014) I go through the campaign and then do maps for a few days for instance. and these aren’t casual players these are new to ARPG players who did no research prior to getting the game. again they aren’t doing any research and assuming the worse.

    • karan solanki
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    For People who are confused why some of the older player say that ARPG didnt have season was because D2 orginally did not have season. Diablo 2’s seasons started due to a need to reset the ladder. They didn’t really introduce new content, although some runewords were ladder-exclusive, keep in mind this is not exactly the concept of seasons we have today. D3 itself never started with season after the game died because of the IRL money auction house they adapted the seasons concept from PoE. So techincally in the current time arpg games PoE was the first game to introduce Seasons & as everyone who has played PoE knows the game is literally made for min-maxers so the concept of Seasons does not sit well in general with casual players.

    On the topic of how Casual players Vs all the hardcore Arpg player we can do some napkin maths on the numbers of players that play D3 or PoE. Generally players active at a time in PoE are like 50-60k people after the first 2 weeks of the Season and d3 is literally has 20k players at best (Note – i speak of these two games only as i have played them the most in the arpg genre as well as a d2 as a young boy). i digress , so right now d4 has a exponentially large number of players playing compared to the usual 60k – 20k die hard ARPG players who are used to the seasons concept.

    So instead of gate keeping this beautiful game by the elitist we should atleast be understanding of the players who are not used to the seasonal concept. i personally dont care if there is season or not i have a lvl 100 barb in D4, played ton of d3 even when the player base was dead ive & played PoE, farmed a mage blood in like 2 weeks and then quit the game. im worried that if the number of players we have now the majority being casual players leaving after the seasons start and how it would affect the ecosystem of the game and are the people who are seasoned arpg players who no life the game in todays time just gate keeping so that it can be a repeat of D3 or we are making D4 into PoE 1.5.

    And if the player Base Dwindles be wary as this is blizzard we are talking about it will definitely be like D3 where the Devs barely cared about the game doing a lvl 150 GR had so much lag because of the Area damage it was unplayable unlike GGG if the player base goes away rest assured blizzard will stop giving a fuck about the game all the elitists will be left crying again to the devs to make changes, when they themselves did this to the game.

    • Voidcultdesign
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A big “issue” I feel and judging by the comments I am not the only thinking this, is that there are a lot of people playing this for the first time. The concept of making a new seasonal character every season is certainly not new.

    • Vincelot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Bro i’m so mad after reading that thread. They are basically demanding to change how seasonal arpgs work just because they play one for the first time. Well don’t play seasons. Stick to eternal realm, max all your classes and wait for an expansion like that destiny dude. Why do you have to ruin the fun for the rest of us? Man, people nowadays are such crybabies.

    • Carter Rogers
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t like having to completely reset and regrind progress on a new character to get new content. I think it’s dumb and ruins the game for me. I got my one druid to level 50 and now I have nothing to do for the next however many months until season 1 content gets added to the main game. I don’t have the time or care to grind that much. I understand the appeal, but being forced to just sucks. Didn’t like it in D3 and especially don’t like it here.

    • riplaekic
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My girlfriend and I are taking our time and enjoying the content. No reason to rush. No reason to bitch or obsess. No reason to spend money. People really really have to chill.

    • Thomas Wozniak
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think people get to the point realising diablo 4 is not d3 oder d2r in any way. Its more mmo, means, linear character developing(except some misscalculated op stuff which gets nerfed eached time 😀 ).

    So in other words, if you cant afford playing more then 1 hour a day, you are right saying this game is not meant for the casual gamer or you need to get some intense players which boost you in t4 in just 30-60 minutes up to 50 and then you can still progress slowly on nm dungeons, paragons and glyphs.
    I get the point why some people get mad about a game, they have to do some mmo typicall home work like collecting this and that and yeah, its pretty annoying riding half a day with your horse clicking on lillith statues for example or exploring a static map you still know from other characters. The Problem is, the content is just stretching your game play time instead rewarding you. I guess people cant connect to the game, cause it takes more time to achieve some goals people excpect from a diablo franchise.

    Some things i always get angry about is only four stashes, too long ways for any npc(no own hideout where you can really get short ways). This game is a pro in stretching life time with low brain tasks 😀 thats for sure.

    • 911
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    to play devil’s advocate, it does feel stupid to grind a character for hundreds of hours over the course of the season just to have it transferred to the “eternal realm” at the end of it and let it collect dust because guess what, nobody’s playing non-seasonal. it’s not even like you could play non-seasonal on d3 for example, i mean yeah you could, but you would miss out on insane QoL / great new additions that would make even non-seasonal play much better. i’ve always wanted to keep improving a character, but then you had people with 20k paragon levels in d3, so i’m not sure there’s a correct choice here. maybe some middle ground but blizz is going to have to figure it out. perhaps delay the start of season 1, for starters?

    • Marsala Rocknlol CHANNEL
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    oh my gooood!!! I am 47 and I am soooo upset about the million hours I spent on videogames since I was 6!!!! 41 years are less than irrelevant, @Zizaran help me please…ok Sarcasm off… most of those comments are from players that played D2, D3 and stopped way before seasons were even a reality. They literally jumped up to 10 years of gaming. They are more afraid of the “idea of the time wasted” and focusing on that instead of the enjoyment of the time spent playing.

    • Michael Otto
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think a lot of ppl are afraid of the time playing now to get to level 100/get a running endgame char and the time they need as casual players with maybe 2h a day to get something done during a season/with seasonal-character. so its not like they can play hours a day to get to level 70+ in 2 or 3 days, they will need maybe weeks to get their. really hope d4 gets a solution for that. or i think they will lose a lot of players to this

    • Starconus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons were a foreign concept to me in diablo 3 and at first I was completely against the idea but once a friend talked me into playing a seasonal character I never played non-seasonal characters again. Seasons help keep the game feeling fresh and while it remains to be seen how they will feel in diablo 4 I think people are just used to being attached to the things they invest time into.

    • ViiRal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t have as much time as i use to to play games since i have kids now, however the seasonal model for diablo is fine. It’s a normal arpg thing and these casuals who bought the game purely out of hype are just retarded. They did no research on a new game genre they’ve never even played before and just bought the game. Like what? And now they want the devs to cater to them because they made a bad purchase decision

    • Helemora
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think a good compromise would be leaderboards only for those who choose to start a new character. Season objectives and other stuff and rewards can be completed and acquired in eternal but can’t be transferred to season (you should be denied duplicate rewards if you change mind and decide to keep completing the pass on season). Also, the season pass completion should be restricted to that season but not only to season realm. That way the MMORPGs fans would be happy by getting the stuff with our mains and the ARPG people will have their leaderboard races. Why can’t we all be happy and have the game retain more players, more money, more content.

    • Matt R.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are weird. Also not smart

    • Lenny
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “I don’t like repetitive gameplay. All I do is kill things and get items, max out a character, then start over on a new one.”
    Bruh, where and when are you from?
    “I’m a Diablo 1 *veteran*. Played it a lot back when I got divorced for maybe 60 hours. Had a level 32 paladin (I think that’s what the class was called).”

    • DisabledCable
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think if they understood how easy it is to powerlvl a new char to basically where they are now, they could get behind the seasonal concept a lot easier.

    • wiefdiwbofdbw
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    95% of the complaints are complete bullshit tho and can be ignored.

    • STD Skin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    diablo 2 had season? i dont remember that. diablo 3 had season and it blew ass. I hated restarting a new character over and over. i am staying away form diablo 4 because it is setup just like diablo 3 and poe

    • Scoodicus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are generally good, refresh the content, explore new mechanics, change the way you play at the baseline (new character, new skill line, generally a new build). But my concern is that there isn’t going to be a significant enough incentive to revisit D4 due to it’s crazy lack of content from the start. I’m only playing casual and even I can see there isn’t a particularly glowing light at the end of the tunnel, there aren’t nice milestones along the way. Get to 100 and beat the uber lilly is a pretty large gap from the start, especially for a casual player, or someone with less time than usual to invest.

    • Odotawa Issaku
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    God damnit. Every single time I see something about people complaining about Diablo 4, its NEVER my problems with the game. It’s always these dumbass complaints that don’t even make sense. This isn’t a problem. The problem with the game is there’s barely any skills, there isn’t enough things to massively change the skills (like D3’s runes), and resource generation sucks. I am out of mana in just 3 fireballs, and the plain ol’ white enemy is only half hp after my full burst. BORING!!!!

    • MartyMcFly
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Final Fantasy 16 comes out tonight the dads will be gone soon enough.

    • gunz300
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A whole lot of people breaking their ARPG cherry apparently.

    • Selcuk Yenertürk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    im mad cause it should be another 3 months or so cooking. S1 is just testing and fixing the Game. S2 is how the game should be on release i guess

    • J F
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is just not a game for the guy who has 2 kids and only 45 mins a day to play. Sorry man, but the structure of your life is at odds with a game like D4. It’s not personal, it’s just how life goes.

    • grrre87
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who loves D2 seasons, I’m having a difficult time picturing the fun in making a new D4 character every season. D2 doesn’t even need seasonal uniques/runewords or anything and I’d still enjoy the process of starting from scratch and making my way through Hell doing SSF. I simply don’t see the structure of D4 as providing the same fulfillment for me. Like, there’s a reason they let you skip the campaign. Because it wouldn’t be fun repeating. But then what does that leave you with? Going straight to grinding dungeons? Level scaling means you’re not gonna feel much different than your first character’s playthrough, and itemization doesn’t really matter until endgame anyway. It’s not like the game will feel that much different. Unless they have some incredibly interesting uniques or seasonal mechanic, I don’t know. I’m almost hoping they let Eternal characters make progress on the battle pass at least. We’ll see though, I guess.

    • Potheker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    4:18 really hits the point. The fact that seasons are a thing changes nothing about the progress anyone made in the eternal realm. People feeling like their progress is being devalued just realized the ultimate reality of gaming: You’re always feeling like you’re chasing some ultimate goal. But there is no goal that has any meaning. The meaning is the fun you have chasing the goal of which you didn’t realize that it’s meaningless, which in fact should be the most meaningful thing to you.

    • Azile
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It is wild how so many of these people think that the point of playing is to progress the character to level 100 etc.

    The point of playing Diablo and ARPGs is the journey, not the destination. I have enjoyed playing my character from level 1 all the way to 85 and will enjoy playing it higher. And when Season 1 drops, I will enjoy playing it all over again from level 1 and upwards…likely playing Sorcerer AGAIN, because I love Sorcerer and the gameplay of that class.

    If I get to 100 with max glyphs before Season 1, I will make a new character, maybe Sorc and try a different build, maybe a Necro, not sure, but I will have fun with that level 1 and up. I am even going to play the campaign again, I enjoyed it a lot and want to go through it once again for the cut scenes and boss fights.

    Because if the game was NOT fun leveling to 100 and the “real” game started to be fun at max level (like WoW has been forever), then I WOULD NOT PLAY THIS GAME!

    The main problem I think with Diablo 4 is that it launched at a time in history where the Gen Zs and Tik Tok tweens are old enough to play a game like Diablo and they are WAY too hooked on dopamine and instant gratification.

    • Treavor Diehl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Just casuals

    • GoodBadMedium
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m in the ARPG vet camp, and would prefer being able to progress the battlepass with my “eternal” character. I’m sorry to say it, but its because the game isn’t fun enough (to me) to reroll another character. The point is kind of moot though, because I’m not sure my interest will hold past the first season anyway.

    • Geri Attric
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t think it is casual audience as much as audience from other games. Tassi plays or played a lot of Destiny 2. NOT a ARPG but similar activities and grind involved without “ladder” The D2 community shits a brick every time Bungie makes content changes.

    • Demarcus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Listen the problem isn’t the seasons, the problem is that it takes WAY TOO MUCH TIME to roll a character on D4. You can comfortably level a POE character to 60 or 70 in the same day. Seriously. They made the game too grindy at the beginning versus making it grindy at the end like POE.

    • Dugalu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So both d2/d3 didnt start with seasons they were integrated after but that aside the D4 campaign is reaaaaaaaaaaally long to the extent where the 1 hour a day dad probably will finish it near end of season so truly what is the point of all the progress just to be forced to reset if the player doesnt want to but wants to experience the seasonal content, I would guess they may be longer now but that definitely needs to be considered.

    • Jean Pierre
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t mind seasons but the least they can do is allow you to unlock HALF the BP with your main character and not a seasonal character. In D3 i maybe did seasons 5 times just for the cosmetics. In D4 I think ill probably only play Seasons maybe 2-3 times, but it’s basically saying i need to wait for seasonal reset before I make a new alt if i wanna gain any benefits via the passes.

    • Chemii
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The game will die without content reset, there is already very little to do never mind adding perpetual power creep from retaining gear + levels every season.

    • Iliya.V
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Redoing the side quests is the only negative about the season. That and Blizzard will probably have unplayable classes, like Sorc in preseason 1.

    • Tsetso
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That’s what you get when you make a console oriented game for the masses!

    • Paul Schubert
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Too be fair, Diablo 2 didn’t have seasons for a long time

    • Psoewish
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A lot of my friend group are the kind of people that will absolutely just not participate in seasonal content and stuff, so this isn’t really surprising to me. I think that’s a super valid take, sometimes you just get attached to your character and wanna keep playing just that one or whatever. It probably would be a very good idea to have some the battle pass available to these players, but I’m not sure how hard that would be as I expect a lot of the pass will involve doing specific seasonal content and whatnot.

    But personally? Yeah I’m definitely with you, I’m just coasting through on my necro right now, taking it kinda easy on the game because I’m excited to get into some seasonal content. Especially the first few seasons are the most interesting to me, because I tend to do one new class per season, keeps things even more fresh, yknow?

    tldr: I get where they’re coming from, and I think it should be possible to do something to alleviate the worries of these more casual players. Better communication as to what a season actually is and isn’t is a good start.

    • Jason
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I played the original releases of Diablo 1,2, and 3. I didn’t play diablo after that 1st year with Diablo 3. I didn’t come back to diablo until the release of 4. I didn’t really know about seasons until after I bought Diablo 4. I don’t have a problem with them. But it doesn’t shock me that so many people didn’t know about seasons. Seasons were started 2 years after the original release of Diablo 3.

    • tye69
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    it’s nice that diablo 4 is getting a wide range of people playing it, but its clear that some complaining have never touched an arpg in their life. even diablo 2 could be considered seasonal with the ladder. i cant think of many games besides maybe grim dawn that doesn’t reset you with seasons but i never played it much so i could be wrong there. i feel like gamers are getting more and more disconnected with reality with the years that pass.

    • MagpieMcGraw
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a single player Diablo 2 player. Yes, we exist. In single player, you build up a roster of characters over years. You quit the game and then come back years later, and your characters are still there, and you can continue playing them.

    In D3 and PoE I was making seasonal characters, but I was slightly annoyed by it. In D3 especially, I didn’t want to level 1-70 AGAIN.

    I think a really big problem with Diablo 4 is that there are only 10 characters slots. By season 3 people will have to be deleting their characters with hundreds of hours of grind on them to make room for new seasonal characters.

    • Ty Pod
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    We are on our 5th iteration of Diablo now. Three of which had seasons while the 4th had ladders which are virtually the same. If they bought this game without doing any thought or research of what the game is I have zero sympathy for them. Better that they just stop playing it now before they ruin it for the rest trying to make it something it isn’t. Catering to casuals is fine. Catering to lazy idiots is not.

    • mcslob the third
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you go into the season with a level 100, what would you be grinding and to what end? If they do like in d3 and give you a whole armor set for completing the quests, then you don’t have to level that character to 100, you can just give the armor to your main when the season ends. You get level 100, meta build, good gear, why play? SEASONS

    • Fredrik Tjust
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think blizzard will change it just to sell more battle passes. =) I wonder where all these new players are from? i can only maybe think of a handful of games that doesn’t do season resets if you can play it more then 100 hours.

    • Reaper 1337
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My concern is that, while Diablo has always traditionally been about rerolling new characters every season, this model is not conducive for a lives service game like D4. Nobody is going to want to spend money on the cash shop to deck out their favorite character when they find out that character is going to get dumped come the next season. I think when the 1st season comes around the game is going to suffer a considerable drop in population when the new players find out this is the case.

    • Caim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    normies being normies I guess?

    • M
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the problem is that you won’t be able to play new content with a character you’re already invested in. And that takes away alot of satisfaction from the player base – to see your character continue to grow.

    Does anyone know if new content will be added that we can play on our “main” characters? Expansions etc. that won’t require a new character

    • kārlis gertmanis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    my brain read title as – 4 people are mad at diablo now 😂😂😂

    • sander1isde
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think this is due to the huge player base where, although a small percentage, the amount of people that are like this on twitter seem like a lot. Just imagine 99% of players actually enjoying the game :). By the way i am also a casual player, no reason to complain about the game.

    • Mukk TB
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not having fun playing Diablo 4 right now. I may play season 1 to do things with my friends. But I don’t think they’re having as much fun as they could either. I can’t put a finger on what’s wrong. I am not an ARPG player. I do know that the full ARPG experience involves seasons and starting over.

    I have found myself and my friends thinking we can get to “The fun part” somewhere deeper down the process. I don’t think that attitude necessarily helps. But that attitude is an admission that we are not at “the fun part” right now.

    • ma m
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The way D4 hyped up before launch was great at getting people in. If the hype for the new season is big, people will keep playing.

    • TheSpazKaz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah, I’m in the camp of “Whaaaa?” at all these complaints, I don’t understand how SO MANY people don’t understand what seasons are…? It’s so… weird. I get the feeling Blizzard (accidentally?) lured in a bunch of MMO players to this game who have no idea what a Diablo game even is, and now those players are getting a bit of a shock…

    • Mohamed Khalid
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Feeling happy I didn’t buy it and feeling sad another mmorpg fails to deliver

    • Swift Bow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is fascinating and a good opportunity for Blizzard to do a case study on their marketing, customer expectations and experience with the game. GGG should watch this closely as well, as they surely expect to expand their new player base with POE 2.

    • bernie lee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m actually already bored… Using the same item level at 75 as i am at 85 seems odd… Maybe they add end game gear at some point?….

    • iGovernment
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D3 and RMAH was a thing then it got booted. D4 and keeping people happy and with new players understanding battle pass seems like the new thing. Not only is inflation a thing that happens in all markets, paying for games in the past that used to be 30, 40 , 50 but now more is a turn off for some casual players to then spend more for passes. It is hard to find the sweet spot while keeping everyone all happy and excited.

    • DeceitfulNinja
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I will say this. Leveling a new character in a new D2 or PoE season is a lot less painful than the idea of doing it in D4. They need to cut the renown grind out completely, or substitute it with something less tedious in seasons.

    • Charles Bryson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People need to understand that nobody is forced to DO seasons.

    • Roman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    all this shows me is that ARPGs are coming to a time where they need to evolve.

    • Hip Bar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i see all the action rpg content creators defending the endless grind, and i see you. you do this for a living. if the game won’t offer anything that can be overdone, you lose your edge. but the truth is that you are defending bad game design for your own sake. and you what you get when you defend bad gameplay…. you get bad gameplay. change my mind

    • Frozenanime skelett
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Chris beeing stubborn as hell sometimes is both a blessing and a curse. Poe would not be the game it is today if it was made for the The dad with 5 kids and 4 wifes or the giga casual that will get lost without autowalk or a questtraker.

    • Tookster
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It always was this way with D3… Sheesh

    • PlayinWithGhosts
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have struggled to even get through the campaign. I feel like the class diversity just sucks. The combat doesn’t feel fun and/or engaging. The lack of any kind of paladin or crusader type class just baffles me. The dungeon assets are reused over and over. Repeated voice lines, repeated world events. The fact that level 86 is the middle of the road to 100 is absurd. Even with potion boosting XP, I’m so fucking disappointed with this game. Unpopular opinion, but whatever. It is what it is. Back to PoE or Last Epoch.

    • Ryan Palmer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think you are out of touch. The games grind is made towards people who play 80 hours a day. Most people play a few hours a day. Most people are not full time streamers. You think just because it is an ARPG that people should accept time commitment however, this is not the issue. You can have seasons/ladders reset but keep your current progression for your character in a standard league and still progress “year 1” battle pass. This is not a bad idea and the community is right. I play roughly 1 and half hours or less a day in POE. I am lucky to have a ton of hours to understand how to maximum my time. Others don’t but they can play standard and progress in POE if they want.

    You instantly complete everything being a streamer. People who stream don’t realize what an advantage they have. Your items sell faster and for more currency because people want to play that same build or want to support your next build. You get hand outs you don’t realize as well. Items on discount.

    In D4 you get to blast all day constantly when the grind should take months to complete for a normal person you do it in 2 days. This COMPLETELY ruins the experience for an average player because the game company needs to release constant content to keep up with “No Lifers” leaving casual players behind. ARPG are a casual game type compared to other competitive game genre so the fact it has become less of that is hard for those with less time.

    You and other big streamers will quit the game until the next season or ladder after a month forcing the game to release it sooner. If everyone played less it would benefit the game more. Matter of fact this is the same issues with POE. Streamer builds and POB made the game go into a direction it wasn’t intended and left casual players behind.

    Sad to see so many “elite” players so out of touch of the struggles of a casual player and live on the pedestal not realizing how lucky they are to have the ability to sit in a gaming chair for 38 hours over 2 days and do nothing else. And yes I have streamed in the past and I have played 30+ hours straight so I know it is hard to do but let’s be real….nothing compared to going to a Job daily.

    • blacksparkss21
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i`l play either way,i love Druid and currently i`m lvl 60 ^^

    • JD82
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are mad on Twitter? No chance.

    • Zaoshi Kung
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So what the guy meant by wasting his time is that starting a new season from scratch is the same concept as playing witcher 3 for 100hrs and then poof save file disappears and you have to start all over. It just feels bad seeing all the cool stuff you got and all the time you spent disappear(its also not acceptable in any other game and gets fixed super fast). Now I played most if not all diablo 3 seasons so I’m not saying this is how I feel personally but I can understand that point of view.

    • Jimbozinya
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The idiots who say D3 doesn’t/never had seasons, is obviously the same jerkoffs who say that D3 sucks and they base that opinion from 10 years ago when D3 was bad.

    • steinerdrei
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Astonishing that they do a game purely for the casuals and then get it so hard wrong for them

    • Russ Williams
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    From my understanding you do have to get the lillith statues again. They will be on your map but you still have to go and click them all

    • Ollie Beast
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 3 had the problem of HAVING to do the season or else you’re playing old, weak characters. I never played Path that much but from what I understand it’s sort of the same thing. In Diablo 2 it was opposite. Seasons were to grind “ladder only” items and runewords, to gear your non ladder characters and push to 99 on non ladder. I really hope Diablo 4 Seasons end up being ‘fun’ or ‘unique’ content or mechanics but without making eternal realm characters obsolete or weak. I want to perfect an account full of eternal realm characters like in Diablo 2. I don’t want my account of eternal realm characters worse than whatever the new season is.

    • Daniel J
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A few years ago a friend of mine tried to convince me to play D3. He explained to me that you start over fresh every season. So I was surprised to see a bunch of people on Reddit saying that D3 didn’t have seasons because that’s how it was described to me 3+ years ago. I’m down to do Season 1 and see how it goes. It’s an opportunity to try new things.

    • Matthew Cox
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think they would have more people on board if they had started at launch with season 1. Show people how the battle pass/season works and then in a couple of months do the first reset and start season 2. Instead the game has been out for only a couple weeks and the first reset is only a month away.

    • Flare
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Most of my friend group is like this sadly. They would always play PoE with me and hit maps and basically quit the game immediately. Same story for D4, hit level 70 and they’re out.

    • Nyxs1s
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Can’t speak for everyone else but for me if its a new character just to progress a storyline then I understand as designing a campaign around maxed characters is essentially impossible. BUT I play a main and I do so almost 100% in the assumption/hope that there will be more future focus on the PVP aspect of the game and expect the VAST majority of my time to be spent like that. The grind is ONLY to prep my main for that. If that does not come then I will be gone like many others when it becomes clear that it will not be part of the game.

    • dogheadint
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Too many people with that MMO-mindset that everything needs to be permanent observable progress.

    • Tak S
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should just add all new content to the eternal realm wouldn’t that solve all this? Then you could play your old character or take part in seasons

    • phreakmode
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    4:19 your comments were a bit off, that user was talking about Diablo 4, not gaming as a whole.

    • NewSpin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is also my first ARPG that I plan playing long term, I’m mostly an MMO/D2 player…however, I knew going into it that this was how it worked. Like you said… I’m playing to enjoy the thing right now. Yeah, I got a little worn out grinding the last 10 levels or so to 100 because it was ALL via nightmare dungeons and I already had all my glyphs maxed etc. but even at 100 I’m now realizing I need a lot more work optimizing my build, so if I want to take my druid even further I’d be grinding again, but for gear instead of xp. I decided to reroll a new class for now because leveling is actually really fun, especially starting weak and growing into a monster.
    I my issue with my druid atm is that I’m low armor even though I have really high DR. I think I need em both, or I need to change my spec completely with ranged storm wolf etc. to break into 70+ nightmares successfully. Either way the grind at 100 isn’t as fun as the grind to 100. I hope people will catch onto that during season 1 and stick around.

    • Maxim Westman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D2/3/POE vet. Seasons are the FUN part. Though have to say, this d4 pre season only being 6 weeks is rough. Should have been maybe 3 months (like seasons) and when the first season comes up maybe it would have been received better.

    • King Katura
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    2:25 Lol clearly they are talking about D2 Remastered lmao yeah thatxs funny. 2:17 Core for ARPGS if your talking about SEASON CHALLENGES Which is not a BATTLE PASS Which is Pay For ONLY. They are 2 Different things & 2 Different. Lets say this again though SEASONS is NOT Battle PASS One is free & is the ONLY Way they can get you to play the game, The Other is P2P Only & usualy gives little to nothing to a free person who does it. But i knew they would be doing thing because well Its built Off MOBILE for MOBIE. Its Essentialy Immortal with a new skin & a few perk increases.

    • Ken Rump
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Amusing as an ARPG vet but I can see where they are coming from, Blizzard needs to clearly explain all of this to clear up some of the confusion. I do think this first battle pass should be available in standard at least though. Of course casual players are going to fall off just like every other ARPG as “Ladder” and “Seasons” are just not designed to cater to them and that is OKAY.

    • Never Knows Best
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ll be honest. This game is “Hype” atm moment, but I feel like majority of its players will fall off due to this being a lot of people’s first ARPG and the fact that unless they opt into each season, than their other character or their “main” characters in their mind are useless. There’s not as much diversity in the game without putting hundreds of hours into one class/build/characters, for most casual players they won’t even reach level 100 on one character and it ultimately feels like a waste of time to start over when all the progress you make is being sunset. This is sorta like FOMO and a lot of people just choose to miss out in scenarios like so. This is my first ARPG, was interested solely due to playing LoL a couple of times, but earnestly think that this will be a one and done, casual type thing for me unless seasons change power progression substantially.

    • JCab87
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons is the only thing that keeps the game fresh.
    Battle pass is boring if you don’t want to reset just play your characters to lvl 100 without playing the season.

    • Brandon Estep
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I just really hope d4 devs don’t listen to all of these complainers. I think the majority of people will actually like it if they give it a shot. Im also tired of people complaining about their class not being as strong or as fast as other on bosses or clearing. That’s not what these games are about. You will be competing against others in your class on the leaderboards and each character has their own place in pushing higher content with groups. Boss/elite killer, mob killer, support etc

    • Raycheetah
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blurred game identity seems to be a growing issue with D4. ='[.]’=

    • Grimnar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They don’t HAVE to play seasons! They still own exactly the game they paid for. They can play 1 character forever casually if they really want. Seasons are EXTRA! I don’t understand the casuals freaking out like it’s all wasted. No one making them reroll or “lose” their character.

    • Dueling Dragon Adventures
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Normally I like seasons, but Diablo 4 seems so much slower than D2 or PoE. It’s been almost 3 weeks and I just hit level 70. So, the season seems a lot more tedious to me than with other games. In PoE with a new season I can get to 70 in a few days and get to the end-game. Leveling in D4 just seems like a slog (especially with a druid who feels utterly terrible for a long time).

    • GROUNdED
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who has played PoE and Diablo games before and turning into a casual due to having to work long hours and just simply having a life and other hobbies. It’s always been expected to have a character restart so it’s nothing I can be mad at I actually like the game and at least I won’t have to reduce the acts and clear map and everything so that’s good enough to make me happy . But as a PoE enjoyer I can see how dreadful it can make someone having to redue all the acts and grind everything you’ve gotten back and make currency back and then finding out I f it’s even a good league or not . But that’s the game and unless you’re and streamer or somehow making money gaming . Every game is a waste of time LOL the gaming community as a whole now is just always got some complaints to make

    • MyBad
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think a lot, if not most of these people are console players, not PC players.

    • Ravtec
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It is easy to fix so mmorpg players can stay as max level. But that won’t solve anything. They expect a totaly different endgame loop for their max character.

    • Γιαννης Κ.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Do you have anything good to say for the game? XD

    • Midnitecloud
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I felt the same way when I started PoE. If you remember PoE had trouble getting the player base to accept the seasons in the beginning. This is something that will fix itself in time like it did in PoE.

    • Excaliber158
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like the biggest thing here is that “casual” in Diablo 4 has a completely different meaning than PoE. “Casual” in PoE means they likely finish the campaign and never reach red maps. This is probably 1/2 (or slightly less) of the player base. Because of the mass appeal of D4, “Casual” is probably 99% of the playerbase (remember, we are talking 25x + the players as PoE at peak).

    • just kidding mate
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am very disappointed in the current state of the game. They basically sent out a 60% finished game there is so little content that im in awe for the hundreds of thousands of work hours put into the game. If they dont have a massive expansion of the endgame or rework of the endgame in the first season i dont see the game lasting long. Also these ppl that hasnt even reached 100 on a single character should not be able to leave a review like these, I see so many cooked takes all over the place and as a person that has hit 100 in hc and soon 100 on my second character i can without a doubt say that the game is in a really bad like really bad state for a launch. And i honestly think blizzard might look at those comments of the casual dad gamers and take it to heart like they always do. But this is nothing new im used to the players asking for a cake but blizzard takes it as an insult and instead of delivering a nice cake they just put together something and throws it in our face.

    • ShadowAndPain
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D2 and D3 don’t have seasons XD And imagine that, those are the people who review bomb the game on Metacritic. And yet there are other people who dare to say that review bombing serves a bigger purpose, to let devs know the game sucks or that players are unhappy with the game’s state. Well, I always said that’s a bs and review bombing is fundamentally evil. Now we have confirmation: people who have no idea how aRPGs work, are review bombing the game. There’s no possibility to justify it in any way.
    4:10 – this… Ziz, you made a very clear point there. It’s astonishing to see the logic behind the player base.
    This whole video is a sad summary of gaming community…

    • Ryan Haynes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People don’t get it. Blizzard made this game for the gamer dad… this is the most casual arpg I’ve ever seen.

    • PoisonRemedy89
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “people” who are them? why would we care about them

    • Black Piratis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I just hate Casual Players. They always cry because they dont get anything in like 15 Hours and want to finish a Game in like 50 Hours.. so why play MMO or ARPG then ?? Go play Tetris and let the Game evolve.

    • Pedro Vianna
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is the first time I play a diablo game and I am too worried about this, because in a MMO, which is supposed to be filled with much more content than an ARPG, you can progress your character and keep your progression. With this type of game, its just all for nothing. I get it they said there was going to be seasons, but a battle pass that you paid for and you can only use if you start over again doesnt seem reasonable to me… I dont want to level another character, Im not even lvl 100 yet. So yeah, so far the experience has been with pretty shitty with Diablo IV. Rather play lost ark or any other grindy MMO than being forced to lvl up another character from scratch every 3 months. Thats not fun at all… maybe for streamers or people who live to play this game.

    • Kaiwen Yu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think altars should be one time thing, or there should be more action and reward to activate an altar. Because I only need to click it, all the mobs prevent me from clicking it is just a chore (they dont drop anything mostly). I just feel wasting time compared to doing other types of content.

    • Logan C.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like D4 could follow POE in a way here… I like seasons, new builds, new skills, etc, etc and at the end of the season we move on and do it all again. POE and D4 basically have their own standard realms so when Season 1 will be live all our other characters go to the eternal realm. They can play those characters still but won’t get the new goodies. But when season 2 goes live, season 1 goes to standard/eternal. They still have their OP characters (assuming changes didn’t gut their builds) but then they can do the season 1 stuff.

    • Okachobe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The community is definitely over reacting, this looks like its going to be at least a halfway decent ARPG and will provide a second modern seasonal ARPG to play alongside POE2.

    It’s super nice knowing i wont have to do the campaign, statues, or exploration again that has always been my gripe.

    • Knightwolf_RC
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are common place these days in an Arpg, it brings new life to a base game in my opinion. The key in my opinion is to make getting to the end game fairly quick however. Personally d3 it was to quick to get to end game, and POE is right on the boarder of being acceptable and unacceptable. My hope for d4 is it takes approximately 4 hours to get through the first capstone then approximately 2 hrs to finish the capstone to enter wt4. I think if that is the case then seasons would feel worthwhile.

    • Lei Yoh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    silly casuals 🤣💀

    • Ye Ole Baz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Should ARPGs adopt similar seasonal content that RPGs like Destiny have to appeal to more players?

    • Matt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It doesn’t matter how common or routine it is for “ARPG” players to restart characters every time a new season drops. It doesn’t matter how tightly knit they are, the majority of people who came to Diablo 4 as new players expect their time not to be wasted with forced character resets. Diablo 4 will die because if this, even if it is a routine thing for the genre, that doesn’t matter to the people who are upset by it.

    • logan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It feels like the avg player has the memory of a goldfish and expects way too much out of early games and seasons. Then quickly flocks to complain on a forum before waiting to see what its actually going to be like.

    • NoHoeMode 1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I swear to gode some of these people don’t have a brain

    • Ghoul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    what idiot said d3 didn’t have seasons their currently on season 28 and season 29 to come in aug lol

    • Cyberbugs 2077
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    this is how casuals destroy most games hehe.

    • Skyshatter
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “Unfortunately, very clear that many did not know what they were signing up for her it seems, Welcome to Diablo/PoE seasons….” i think that comment sums up everything. Ive seen tons of comments across a lot of Twitch channels those days like “if they don`t add this the game will die in few months” or “if we have to do this the game will die fast” which only shows again people that have no idea what they signed for

    • Swift_Arrow_6225
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I come from Destiny, so when I hear the word “season” it means new gear, new meta, new activities, new story content, and a new dungeon/raid. I think most people who are upset are used to having a main character that they can constantly progress and do the new things with. They aren’t used to the new things being in the re-leveling process. It’s why people keep talking about just waiting to do a new class in season 1, because they want to level the class once, and they expect that the season will raise the level cap/item cap and that’s where the upgrades come from.
    Another thing I think is throwing people off is that a lot of people don’t like doing the same thing 500 times in a row to level up, they want new and different activities in a season.

    I played D3 but I didn’t pay attention to it they way I’m following D4. I don’t think the way D4 season will be are bad, I’ll wait to play it to see, and guess what, the game might not be for me. The developers shouldn’t cater to someone who isn’t sure if they will play it long term. They got me in, and I got my moneys worth. It’s okay to set a game down once you’ve done everything you want to do.

    • Andrew Carey
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The real problem is that your game disconnects and crashs all the damn time. At least on PS4 anyway.

    • Anikthias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    More baffling than the casual response to me is the actual veteran ARPG players whining about the idea of having to redo content. You’ve played thousands of hours of d2/d3/poe and the concept of having to redo the campaign or renown or Lilith statues is too much for you??

    • Hoskera
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ARPG’s would be so boring without seasonal resets. The process of leveling your character and gearing up is the fun part. It’s pretty boring once you max everything and run out of gear to chase.

    • B Nielsen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So its just like Poe and D3, there is a constant realm for non sessional characters, and a non constant realm for the current season. As a Arpg gamer you should know this.!

    • GamingQuickie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve lost a lot of brain cells dealing with casuals in the D4 audience over the last few weeks. None of them have a clue how Arpgs work

    • Chris Greer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Times sure have changed.

    • TheBrianPiano
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have played a lot of D2/D3/PoE, but i have never liked the seasonal aspect of any of those games, im a gamer and i dont see my self as a “casual” that doesn’t know how the games work. So i was not surprised about seasons in general, i just thought i would keep to the eternal realm as i have done in other games.
    What i was surprised about, is that the battlepass is useless in the eternal realm, and i cant wrap my head around why this has been the choice.
    Eventhough i dont see my self as a casual gamer, i am an adult. And i cant sit and play a game for 12 hours a day. So i tend to not need seasons to keep me interested, i just set my own goals for what i want to do in the game.
    Which i had fully intended to do with D4 aswell, but i had had the battlepass part of that equation. So that leaves me to rethink what i want to spend my time with.

    I am not one of the “scream of the top of my lungs” type of guy, so if i end up feeling that the eternal realm becomes too stale. I will basically just silently slip away for something else.
    My first Diablo game was D2, which i played A LOT, and i loved that game. I enjoyed grinding to try and find all the unique items. But D4 just doesn’t have the feel, where i want to just endlessly grind.

    To each their own i guess, but i do hope there will be something for the long term in the game for me.

    • Hayden Heinz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think some sort of ability to migrate your character and transmogs from ladder to new season would help alleviate this?

    • Island_Souljha
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They rather buy a game and hate on it before they do there own research on it first

    • Michael Parker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Gaia Online! Oh wow, what a memory.

    • hagg3r1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It honestly isn’t a lot of people. It is basically just a handful of people.

    • Anderson Almeida Zobel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Twitter, the best place to see healthy opinions

    • Jakub Neumann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They really need to make leveling way faster. In every single saesonal ARPG going through the “leveling” phase feels just bad.

    Also… seasons come way too fast. A lot of people won’t even get to T4 before saeson.

    • Lord HandsomeSwag
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    bro even if u only play an hour a night thats more than enough time to get a lvl 100 char in THREE MONTHS – what are these ppl upset about lol

    • Peter Gross
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The main thing we will find out when the season launches is what level you need to get to in the season to get the main objectives. In D4 going over level 80 is basically pointless and if this is a far as you need to go then fine, and the rest of the levels are for the harder core D4 fans aiming at leaderboards etc… D3 was too fast to level to max even as a casual player, but D4 is the other extreme and feels like playing an old time mmo grind, but we cannt judge until the season actually launches.

    • Dereliction2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The complaints are from casual gamers new to ARPGs, and they’re just showing their ignorance. They’ll figure it out. I don’t see this as a controversy, just general cluelessness from low-IQ gamers. Don’t get offended. You know they exist.

    • Ahtuno
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People need to stop letting twitter form the basis of what they think a general consensus is around a topic, Most twitter users arent the majority of people, they’re generally ‘normies’ for lack of a better term and arent the sort of people I’d expect to still be playing this game a year from now.

    • L A
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 – Bad, POE- Bad, Get a life people .

    • Business Cat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Doesn’t bother me at all. It’s just new players don’t understand how aRPG works and it’s painfully hilarious.

    • ADM J
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My plan was to do the season on a new alt, completing everything i like, collecting cosmetics and than go back to my main, and continue playing that using the skins etc.. but the leveling is so dreadful that im not sure anymore. I played all diablos, but i never had this leveling problem, maybe it is just me but i hate leveling here it is way to slow

    • Bosston62
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly let all these cry babies leave, free up some server space so I don’t get lag entering towns lol

    • David S
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Developing a way to do the battle pass on standard league, or even be able to do past battle passes will allow them to make more money.

    • Fon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What is so fascinating about this? There are new players to the genre and not all of them would know what they are getting into until they have tried it. And, maybe it’s not your intention, but when you answer all of the questions/concerns with “Huh!? But this is arpg!” like all of them are invalid and stupid even, makes you sound condescending.

    • Anthony Panozzo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Without seasons and a reset every so often this would be the most boring grind fest imaginable. I’m shocked that people don’t realize that it takes 100’s of hours to build godly characters. If they are coming from WOW they should definitely understand that concept. This takes the concept of casual to a whole new level. They will either figure it out and get with the program or review bomb the game. Not to be harsh but if you only have less than an hour a couple times a week it will be years before you finish the campaign and unlock world tier 3 so you won’t need to worry about needing seasonal content to keep it fresh.

    • Mr.Renken
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the problem is this game is marketed as a MMO not a arpg.

    • Necro Neko
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    tbh that was the biggest let down with the battle pass is starting over. that and getting the 100 usd version of the game and not getting what u payed for until a month latter or did really feel like a let down.

    • Melanin Man
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I got into the arpg genre about 2-3 years and im used to season resets and enjoy them actually.

    However! I feel the games progression and the content your doing does infact feel quite sluggish and im a little concerned how D4 will pull this off. Im not sure how I feel yet, I guess i will have to find out.

    An example actually! All of the soulsbourne games, I had multiple playthroughs, over 10 on darksouls 3. But with elden ring I didnt last long on my second playthrough because i felt the game was just too big to start over. But thats just me I guess 😏

    • kevin sims
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its crazy how much misinformation is out there. People are used to playing MMORPGs or action/adventure games so they rag on the story of d4, or they say whats the point of this or that. They also think that they have to create a new character every season, or they have to get a character to level 100, or the battlepass is a paid. In actuality they dont have to do any of those things, you dont have to play a season, you dont have to take a character to lv100, the battlepass is free unless you want the paid track which is only cosmetics. This misinformation is creating a negative feeling towards the game. Just have fun people and play the game. Some of the seasonal content is added to the eternal realm once the season is over.
    Part of the problem is from the content creators. They say rush to the endgame, get to character level 100, past level 80 its starts to go downhill. The vast majority of players probably wont even go for that but they take it into consideration and it creates negativity.

    • Maar Ten (Psion)
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I really dont get it why people are complaining about this. If you are going to reroll anyway why then not just reroll a seasonal character and play the season? I can’t imagine people playing the same char for 10 years lol.

    • ave krso
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the biggest problem is that the grind in this game is much more extensive in d4 in terms of leveling up than in other arpgs. D4 levels like an mmo and after 50 is incredibly slow

    • Mr.D L
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Actually, Diablo 2 didn’t have seasons on release in 2000. Seasons only became a thing in 2014 when they patched it in.

    • Dczero50
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The response to d4 since its launch has honestly made me reconsider dead internet theory. These takes just dont even sound real anymore

    Edit: im not even an arpg player btw and these takes still sound utterly ridiculous. Maybe im just used to tarkov or like league of legends seasons but still the bad reviews and now this confuse the hell out of me

    • bertoow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I just think that streamers dont realize that “casual” players are the one keeping the game kinda alive in the long run i would say. Most of the streamers just play the seasons and once they are done with all the content.. they are gone. they just quit the game. The same way they are doing on poe.

    • Nomore
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    even if they give players the season pass in the eternal realm, there will not be much left to do apart from grinding out nightmare dungeons. Blizzard has to explain the purpose of the season reset and what will be the theme of the 1st Season so people can better understand it, also indeed the new stream of “casual” players could be accomodated on the battlepass until they get bored and move on.

    • Macs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m going to complete every part of the “reputation” system (Altars, dungeons, side quests, … ) and I will NEVER do that again. If the progress doesn’t carry into seasons I’ll never touch the game again.

    • A L F A [ST6]
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It feels like is a dumb idea i dont wanna make a new character im lvl 80 and still haven’t got the things i need for my build but im enjoying my druid. I wanna enjoy the game i paid for it and be able to do everything within the game and not get restricted cuz of a season pass

    • Antonio Carta
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The critics that are about “you do the same thing all over the place” is just so sterile. That’s what you do on every game, not just videogames. Imagine saying Football is a bad sport cuz you always do the same thing. This is the same reason why companies used “Open World” to bait those normies. The Open World gives you the illusion you’re doing different stuff. So the critics ppl are doing is “We prefer playing videogames that trick us on making us thinking we don’t do the same thing all’over the place than just present the stuff as it is”. If that’s your critic, you shouldn’t play at all. I’ve heard such critic on every game. From Warframe, to Path of Exile, to World of Warcraft to League of Legends to Clash of Clans to Magic The Gathering. Just go play Single Player game and change your environment every week if you can’t deal with Online games

    • Javier Kiman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If people have facts of reason to hate a game or love a game. Then players can get somewhere. opinions are just shared that don’t do much to solve anything.

    • ZanDatsu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I remember the reason I never got into MOBA games was because the idea of starting from scratch every match seemed so off-putting to me. I never felt that way about ARPG games, but I get the feeling the people making these comments are feeling the same way I did about MOBA games. They just want to keep levelling their same character forever, but haven’t put in the hours to realize how boring that would ultimately be and that the novelty of playing different classes and new builds is where ARPGs shine.

    • FreezyPenguin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m confused, who is this game made for then if casuals aren’t enjoying it? As an Arpg fan I much rather play Grim Dawn, Last Epoch or PoE than playing Diablo 4 but maybe some people love doing world quests all day with no challenge or end goal.

    • Ange Obscurite
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The major thing is people are paying for stuff before they know what they are getting. Most hear battle pass and think it means just play the game how you want and you will get rewards. Blizz definition is… we will wait to tell you what our battle pass will look like later… then wait for us to tell you that “oh yeh you will only get credit on seasonal characters”… now it’s wait and see what resets and don’t resets with seasonal changes.

    • Jotu The Gaming Guru
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Soo many dumb decisions. I was a fool to expect anything more from Blizzard. Spider Webs are HORRIBLY coded! Worst mechanic in the game, by far. If they don’t do something different with spider webs, I will Uninstall and wait for PoE2. You’re the man, Ziz!

    • Yegs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Clearly a lot of people haven’t played ARPGs before. This is not new to diablo 4. The only thing I wish they would change is the amount of exp that it takes to get to lvl 100. As a dad and husband, I don’t have much time to play anymore so cutting the exp requirements a bit would help that aspect a lot. Other than that, I don’t see a problem with season restarts.

    • Reno Raines the BH
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Being dev trying to satisfy all these keeds must be one of most stressful jobs nowadays.

    • Yummeosbada
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Must be brand new people. Arpgs would be terrible if there were no seasonal wipes.

    • HadesXY
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I would consider myself casual and would ask people kindly if everything is alright with their head if they told me that it sucks that they have to level up again after a ladder reset
    What is the point of the game? Getting stronger, finding comparing upgrading gear. Or maybe you have two functioning brain cells, need a auto walk button and should probably watch a movie and not play a game

    • TheUlf
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ah, a lot of those comments are Twitter Blue subscribers, so that’s the problem there.

    • Fernando de Medeiros Nascimento
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 Should split difculty like this: casual / casual (hardcore) / no life / no life (hardcore)
    Just like PoE ruthless

    • omegaredduck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    expansions would of been cooler than seasons

    • dirt poor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    but PoE has its free battlepass with each new season and players love it. But then again im for campaign skip and going straight to maps from level 1.

    • Julia
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Y’know, when D3 started doing seasons I thought I’d hate it (D3 was my first ARPG that I really got into). I figured I’d just not play them at all. Turns out, seasons are basically the only way these games stay fun – new content, a fresh start, tons of excuses to try new builds. In a game like Path it’s a natural place to step back and try to learn a new mechanic you didn’t already know, and in a simpler game like D4 it seems like a great chance to try out another class or muck around with a funny build. I guess what I’m getting at is yeah, these people are having the natural MMO player reaction (although…it’s not like there aren’t seasonal resets in MMOs, it’s just to your PvP ranks. Also, didn’t everyone love WoW Classic when it came out? That was a full reset), but I think a lot of them will change their minds when the seasons actually start up.

    • ImmortalJim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think this comes down to more the player power to time spent gap. I’m not 87 and don’t feel any stronger than I was at say 60. The scaling is terrible and is why people are feeling like they are walking through mud. Every time you ding and get a juicy new skill or paragon point, it almost feels negated.

    I played every season of D3 and loved it, I know thats a moot point for some, but I knew what my goal was, I knew the new builds and the set items, I could gear share with my friend.. I knew if I pushed GR’s I would 100% get the items I need to push further.

    As I mentioned I am 87 and have yet to get my final build set up, I am still missing insanely rare items and the buggy system has diluted my pool with Barbarian loot.

    • vladoportos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not gonna lie, I leveled all classes to 60+ and kind of not sure what to do…. there is one dungeon at 70 and after that ? …. nothing, already discovered every zone, every dungeon and statue… it was fun and I do not regret my time, got my money worth, but I will level one character to 100 and probably quit… nothing to do….

    • KScrono
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As an arpg player, if d4 would not have seasonal resets im out, thats the fun imo

    • Banished BR
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They discovered what i knew 10years ago, WOOOOOW

    • IronBrutzler
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i can just explain this by totally new player that never played a big ARPG like D3 or POE or people that just played D2 offline or in Lan mode back then.

    • shaggy214
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I came over from Destiny because that game has just gown way down hill and I’m looking for something new. I’m excited for seasons and starting a new character but also concerned that my current character is just going to collect dust with nothing really to do. If I was to guess I would say they made the game live service to make the game more MMO like so I expect them to add in more MMO features in the future.

    • 3amBlues
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Normies presume what a whole game genre is. All they need a is a quick google search. Normie meta at their best, I think therefore it’s true, nvm the comments trying to explain to them they are incorrect.

    • Hezmund
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Literally had this conversation with someone in the main Discord I interacts with, and it really feels like D4 has attracted a HUGE number of people with 0 concept of what an arpg is and what makes and arpg, and arpg. Also is it just me or is there a sense of entitlement with some of these people, expecting blizzard to cater to them and their schedule, rather than an arpg being what is essential a time sink?

    • Kailani Rhys
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    3 month season is kind of harsh I think for most people. Maybe a 4 month or 6 month would be better for the “casuals”

    • Jonasan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Expecting a Twitter thread from TWITTER of all places to not be a dumpster fire of bad takes is like dousing your hands in flammable liquid and lighting them on fire and wondering why it’s beginning to burn. What did you actually expect?

    Also, this is the audience Bli$$ard went for. The game was simplified to cater to people like these and they’re STILL not satisfied, because not everything is designed around their capriciousness.

    • sL – Corp
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Am i wrong but …. poe might have resets during the leagues but they are optional and it doesnt costs anything to play but in diablo you pay the box price nad then you pay the season pass and now if you wanna play the season pass you must start a new character ….

    that is their issue . there is no choice and they already payed

    • Watzisname
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some people need to learn how to spend their money. I feel like the people that are complaining are the same people that would buy the battle pass for a game like COD/Destiny/etc. and be upset when they can’t complete it because they aren’t online enough. Games like this aren’t necessarily that grindy if you stick to one character and know what you’re doing vs a game that requires a certain amount of time to achieve x thing. Other games are far more bloated and I think the people who are inexperienced are getting on here and saying that it’s taking them forever to do anything but that’s really because we only have a few pieces of core endgame content. This game is supposed to overshadow D3 progressively as a live service and it already has an arguably better start than D3 did. The only thing I’m dreading is if all the challenges in the challenge system for D4 are just titles and the battle pass comes out and is 90% of the unlockable cosmetics. Battle passes shouldn’t be a significant portion of the price of the base game EVER. Battle passes are the laziest and greediest thing to exist in gaming. Do events that unlock the goodies like an MMO or how online games used to be back in the day.

    • TheNikowhat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Or just have people play for 3 to 4 days straight then dc death them im sure they will still love diablo

    • S.H.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    4real: if its just leveling its fine. But no way im repeating the tedious parts like statues, dungeon firsts, sidequests…thats fine for a first playthrough but hell no never again…. If its just fighting and leveling up from start thats fine…but nothing more

    • BeazyFaSho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    We forget that like 60% of the new players are completely new to ARPG seasons. Blizz said the other day that a “vast majority” of players havent even completed the campaign. Most of us ARPG vets completed the campaign within the first 5 days.

    • TheHollowBlade
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    One thing im noticing and feeling like its going to scare away lots of casuals is the impact and addicting factor of the paragon board.
    So as you level you get these moments of excitement when you start to fill out rare nodes or if you get a legendary node or a glyph socket. But if your traveling between these more valuable fun nodes it gets so tedious. So if you just got a nice node that gave that dopamine hit, then go ok next stop is 8 dings away.. those 8 levels of traveling gathering +5 random stats feels so dead and boring. And as the grind gets longer and longer it feels like your not getting your times worth in power even tho your working towards that next power spike. They will likely need to adjust it somehow to not make us stronger per say but to make earning a paragon point inbetween those exciting moments more fun. I think this will over time kill the fun for casual players since its like you spend 2 hours to get 1 paragon point to get +5 str… then after 10 hours you get a nice juicy bonus makes the +5 feel bad.

    • Asenkraft
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Condescending? I was watching you at that time and was honestly astonished on how well you handled those situations. I never even once got the feeling that you were condescending. Believe me, because I was condescending. I didn’t bother anyone with my thoughts, because they wouldn’t help anyone, but I still was.
    edit: while watching the rest of your video I have to admit again – you are handeling this great.

    • Champuru
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Oh are they REALLY MAD, omg they are really mad

    • LɅST
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hahaha! Casuals, never change.

    • Philippe Mello
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    PoE was also helped this league as a collateral effect with many new players to ARPG genre and OH BOY I imagine their feeling when 3.22 comes 🤣

    • doman5500
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think those people used to play games like WoW, something along those lines. There, when a new dlc or season comes out, you get to continue your story as a character you first started playing as. I think they expected a similar thing was going to happen here. I think they thought that once you play as 1 character lets say till lvl 100 the following added content will expand what you know now and let you continue as that 1 character – maybe they thought the max lvl would just be increased. Certainly they didn’t expect that in order to experience the new added content it’s as if the game premieres all anew again and everything is “erased”. And that’s fair. Blizzard wanted to earn more money by expanding the playerbase so they have to deal with that problem themselves. It appears to me they expected players new to ARPGs to just accept it and go with it as if nothing happened. Some will but again, not everyone has played these type of games and to lose so much progress is a waste for some people.

    • Wisdom Andy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasonal makes sense. Though I’m concerned about replayability. The main reason why D2 had such replayability was because of how fun it was to repeat specific content that we enjoyed for drops. Two obvious examples are Meph and cow runs. And unfortunately theres just nothing like that in this game. I understand they want us to be able to adventure and go anywhere at any level but I’d be willing to bet people would much prefer if certain areas that were repeatable had either higher item drop rates or extreme mob density. They could always switch this up of course making a specific dungeon special every day with a modifier like 3x moneters or 2x drop rates. Because I’ve played all the content and I’m really bored and just waiting for season 1 right now.

    • Jason Darbe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    For these first time AARPGs players there experience is lostark

    • TheNikowhat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should really fix disconnects and lag spikes it doesnt make hardcore enjoyable when you die every 3 days due to dc or bug

    • Soul Weaver
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Bro if you can only play ONE hour a day. This game might not be for you
    And no I do not subscribe to the idea that games should be accessible to ‘everyone’
    ARPGs by DESIGN have huge time sinks and grinds.
    Go play a few rounds of a MOBA or BR game instead

    • nfefx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If they change the battle pass to accommodate the people who never want to play seasonal, it will be nothing but bad for the game. It’s not an MMO. Seasons are not expansions. You aren’t going to come back for a new season and pick up your max level character you made the day the game came out and go enjoy the new season for 60 hours while you grind the battle pass. It’s going to be just like POE, it will be shit like Harvest. Maybe a new little area with a side quest that you can finish in 30 mins. And you’ll leave the game and then not buy the next battle pass. Seasons are designed to be experienced from level 1, mechanics that you experience and use while *leveling*.. and *gearing*.. you know the whole point of an ARPG. Why are you even worried about “muh battlepass” for some shit you won’t be playing for any length of time? If you don’t like ARPGs as a genre and how they work, then don’t play them?

    If they make rampant changes to how the genre as a whole *functions* you’re just going to lose the majority of your core base that made all your previous games gigantic successes. We’re the ones who were playing D3 and D2 in 2022. Not the Destiny players you dragged over to check the game out. They’ll be gone next month.

    • Jay
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some of the concerns don’t just stem from the existence of seasons; it’s also the hyper-focus on seasons. It seems like Blizzard really wants more seasonal players than non-seasonal ones (which is understandable). However, this new hyper-focus on seasons creates a scenario where, in Diablo 2 & 3, you didn’t feel like you were missing out on that much. But now, with a battle pass and new side quests, it creates the biggest fear of missing out scenario that the franchise has ever seen.

    Personally, I have played every version of Diablo, including D1 and Path of Diablo. I never felt like I was missing out on that much by skipping seasons. Now, in D4, I almost feel like I’m not playing the game if I’m not participating in seasons. The D4 Eternal Realm/non-seasonal might feel like the most irrelevant non-seasonal version of Diablo, and this is the real issue (at least for me).

    • Yammytime427
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Idc if a dungeon gives more experience than another, I would rather do different dungeons and content, than try to race to 100. That is how you burn yourself out.

    • Pedro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    these comments are off because D franchise have seasons since very very long time and of course is not the only one ARPG that do that. By the other hand D4 is a waste of time, not fun at the end if you want something different from D3 in quatity of endgame experience, but also is true that if you look the same experience of D3 in another new game D4 is your game and enjoy it. The clear point here is : if you don’t have fun don’t play it use your wallet smarter.

    • Ce2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The casual playerbase of this game is going to be the death of it unfortunately. Devs are gunna start catering updates based on the “new to diablo” playerbase and ruin the game

    • Drago
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think for me it’s more of the fact that the game was being sold as complete product but seasons are being used to fix the complete product until it’s in a good state. That’s acceptable in PoE with it being free to play but isn’t in a 70$ p2p that’s also doing cosmetics and seasons. It’s literally d3 all over again d3 wasn’t good until RoS and even then not for awhile after.

    • Jungsuk Lee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I never liked the idea of seasons since their original implementation. It’s a lazy way for devs to create content obsolescence. With that said, an easy fix would be to create content only available during the off-seasons that you could engage with seasonal gear.

    • Elgarr Dobbi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blizzard attracted huge numbers who never played arpg players, half of those new people might end up stopping once they realise it’s a new league and reset, but they will retain players and from those they retain it will increase arpg gamers as a whole meaning a win for Diablo and also POE. It was to be expected. Blizzard do that very well they did it with WOW and made MMO’s more main stream and not just for the “Geeks” as we were referred to back in the day when we told people we played EQ etc.

    • Nate L
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who played Diablo 3 Seasons 8+ I don’t want to redo everything on d4, lol. I have stopped playing now, at l56 because why. Renown will have to be redone. D3 isn’t bad you zip to L70 do seasonal stuff to get a set and then run rifts and GR’s. D4 is a slog.

    • Premier024
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a Poe player all I’m upset about is how many of the side quests I’m going to have to redo every season. I don’t mind doing the Poe campaign on every character since once it’s done your mapping but D4 I’m going to be running all over doing fetch quests. The easy solution in my mind is to just swap the rewards for the last 2 ranks and it would pretty much fix the issue to me

    • Tim Brakefield
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    IMO… Seasonal characters should not gatekeep the new content as they have in the past. Losing progress feels bad for casual players. ARPG is a defined genre… but that doesn’t mean it can’t evolve. D4 is semi casual ARPG and There is a toggle for Hardcore, why not a toggle for Seasonal vs Eternal. The biggest issue with Seasons is FOMO, and the fear that if you don’t play 10 hours a day your not going to complete the battlepass… Its a fucking toxic feedback loop.

    There is nothing wrong with seasons or seasonal characters to encourage players to have a new experience. Its valid to take issue with that being the ONLY way to experience the new content. Just because it has been doesn’t mean it need always be.

    • Colo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ziz, any update on your penetrating shot character? Wanna know if it can push high nightmare levels because it looks so satisfying

    • lee allday
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am a veteran arpg player, I have 1000s of hours in arpgs. On the same hand I am a father and work full time. For me the biggest issue is that the preseason is only a month long, I have no problems with traditional arpg seasons as I get 3 month’s minimum to have my fill of the content, get bored and move on to other games whilst I wait for the next season. With only a month between release and reset it just feels really bad as there is no way I can get to level 100 and kill Uber Lilith. So now I’ve finished campaign, collected all statues of Lilith and levelled all 5 classes a decent amount I’m done. Pre season should have been 3 months the same as a season so the casual players can have there fill before reset.

    • tryintosurvive88
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What’s the point on starting a new character if all the rewards goes to your main/original character? People can see right through this and if blizzard does this then it won’t be a shot in the foot, it will be the final nail in the coffin. Everyone has been grinding their original characters for the seasons.

    • WarMonkeyPlays
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel here. To be clear: yeah, the people whining about the concept of a season and saying other games and entries didn’t have them are full of shit. That outta the way, I think requiring a new seasonal character to take advantage of season features/bonuses is totally reasonable. On the other hand and unlike D3 and PoE though, we’re talking about a _paid_ battle pass, and it’s a bit silly to me to lock something that you can pay for behind a seasonal character. 🤷‍♂

    • Rando
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My friends are all casual and have been playing arpgs for years. They understand seasons. These complainers are most likely mmo players. The wow community does nothing but complain. They love to complain about things they don’t even understand. They are also obsessed with “forever games.”

    • luQ89
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 boring game.

    • pmHidden
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think there are two points you have to take into account here.
    Firstly, seasons in other types of games can mean all sorts of things. E.g., a season could just be a defined time span during which you can complete certain content on your permanent account/characters. Knowing that there are seasons doesn’t mean much to players who haven’t actually experienced what seasons in ARPGs typically entail.

    Secondly, the game undeniably has a lot of MMO elements, so it’s a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison to just act as if it was normal to reset everything for seasonal characters. The open world progress (specifically Renown) is a hot topic here because that’s not a traditional ARPG mechanic, and a lot of players would look at it as something they’d do once but not once every few months. As good as they may be (and I personally don’t consider D4’s side quests as anything special compared to any other mainstream games in the past two decades), side quests in particular just don’t work particularly well for replayable content, and without doing statues or side quests there’s currently no way you can cap your renown.

    Ultimately, completely ignoring genres, a lot of players probably just looked at the game and how many account-wide “chores” they had to do to unlock their character power and never even considered that the developers would expect them to redo those chores in regular intervals. Some people may compare this to unlocking the atlas in PoE but that’s not really a fair comparison because 1) you’re literally doing the primary endgame activity (equivalent to nightmare rifts in D4) to unlock the atlas and 2) PoE’s target audience is predominantly hardcore (not the game mode) players, not “casuals”.

    • Zraebiel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem with THIS Arpg vs D2/D3 or POE is that D4 has an especially boring endgame. POE for example just has so many more interesting things you can do. It’s not as linear. I realized this with D4 after the campaign. While there are some interesting things like hell tide, and the paragon board, the end game is overall excruciatingly boring. I’m not even sure I want to play season one even though I’ve paid for it.

    • No Name
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m having a great time, for 70$ to a game with endless content and updates in future totally worth it..
    I mean what better option do you have right now?
    What Last Epoc?! a game with mediocre graphics, gameplay..I lost interest after a couple of hours..
    So yeah for now D4 is definitely the best option right now..

    • Shadow86
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Imagine playing a ARPG and not liking grinding/finding the best gear for your build. What…that’s literally the end game for the genre, what are you hoping for?

    • Lolcohol
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was shocked at the responses to this as if this was some new concept for ARPGs. I do feel they need to massively increase XP that monsters grant, or at least make it much easier to get from 1-70 and then “backload” the XP to the later levels, similar to D2 or PoE. It really does feel super grindy from the get go so I can understand why rerolling seems so daunting to less hardcore players. Even I feel slightly daunted by restarting that grind because it took me two and a half weeks to reach level 75 and I’ve probably been playing a bit more than your average casual

    • Serju
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I will also play just season 1, and then i am done. I can’t see the fun or repeating the exact same thing all over again, every season, just for it to be useless next season. Why make progress in the game if the next season it is useless?

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    Instant sub.

    (Comment too.)

    • Sam Green
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People just dumb

    • Ryoki92
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I like ARPGs without seasons a lot more than those with seasons. Still love the genre and seasons working like they do in D4 is not a suprise if you know your way around the genre.

    The first time I encountered a game with seasons (PoE) I hated it. I honestly still do even though the game is fun. I absolutely despise the progress reset aspect of it. And the choice between being able to use the progress you already have made (standard) or being able to play with new cool shiny stuff (seasons) is aweful. I honestly still don’t understand – even after 1k hours in PoE – why people like it. For me personally there is not single good reason for why seasons make an ARPG better. And quite a few for making the game strictly worse.

    The feeling of “loss” is also a thing. Of course seasons don’t really make you lose anything. But you still invest time into the game knowing it won’t benefit yourself a few months down the line when the next seasons starts while other games respect your time a lot more enabling you to tackle the new content with what you earned within the game already.

    Add limited character slots into the picture and it gets even worse. Though this probably only applies to those who are not “casual” anymore. The game forces you to delete your progress to play new stuff. Well or pay for an additional char slot. Either way there is nothing good about this. Well and it’s actively punishing my playstyle. But I think I have a pretty extreme habit of playing a lot of characters at the same time so that’s probably more of a me issue than a general one.

    Then there is the time gate. Probably fine for those that play a lot. Completely abysmal for those that don’t. I don’t know how often I didn’t end up playing PoE even though the league mechanic sounded exciting just cause it was midway in the season and I had no realistic chance of achieving anything within the last month and a half or so. I also absolutely hate the feeling of being “locked into” playing the game because of this weird feeling of having to do YYY within ZZZ weeks to arrive at a point of ingame progress that satisfies me. It’s a weird kind of committment when deciding to start a season and I don’t find that fun.

    • Jvan Parma
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lol i’m w8ing for season 1 for remake a brand new char…another druid with different build…and well…i’m a double DAD with normal work and family quite few playtime but…old school player drom d1 d2 up to Poe…ppl are so strange…

    • Wormweed
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are so extreme these days. Seasons are good, and would be 100% pointless if you kept your char..

    • Bladen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think allowing the battlepass to be progressed on non season characters is a good idea and a perfectly fine option that could be implemented easily enough. Would solve the issue that most of the casual playerbase seemingly have with being scared of having to reprogress. That being said, seasons are a core feature of ARPGs and are the reason I have sunk so much time into them, it’s a lot of fun to start again and experience the replayability aspect, so I really hope they don’t compromise them because of this kind of outcry.

    • Pablo Rodriguez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    so basically people don’t know what they bought and now they are angry that the game is an ARPG?

    • Toucam
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a semi-casual player of ARPGs (more casual than most people who follow this channel, I’m sure, with “only” 300 hours in PoE) and I loved seasons in PoE but I always felt like the early levels of grinding were tedious for me. I often wished I could create “new” characters at level 30 or something, so they would already come functional, but not powerful. It would make it a lot more fun for me to explore different builds without being like “I guess I have to sink 5-6 hours to see if I even enjoy the playstyle”. And yes, I could “get good” and learn how to speed level, but I’m not going to because that’s a whole other level of studying the game, and this is not my job.

    • Jason Shamblin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They’re going to really lose their minds when they learn that seasonal characters are only valid for ONE season before they too become eternal

    Guarantee people are out there thinking “Fine. I’ll just make a seasonal alt for all future seasons”

    • Aleksandar Fotev
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hey, I am what you would call a casual ARPG player (with 30 years of gaming in-general behind me).
    Now just to be clear, I did play a lot of ARPGs (there were periods when i was serious about it, but most of the time it wasn’t).

    But now I am a little bit older and a bit different than what I was.

    I don’t have time anymore to replay 90%-95% of the same content to experience 5-10% of new content. Or looking at it from I different angle, I don’t enjoy it, thus I don’t have time for it.
    I have limited time and I try to spend it on stuff I enjoy the most.

    Diablo 4, at it’s core, isn’t fun enough (it’s a whole can of worms why it is not fun and it’s subjective) to ask us to replay 90-95% of the existing content to experience 5-10% of the new content per season.

    PoE didn’t ask for any money directly, but it did ask as for time. It had enough of depth and width for us to experiment and try different things in exciting ways. So when it asks us to redo something that we have done before, we can do it in a different way.

    Diablo 4 doesn’t have that depth and width (not even close progression wise), asks us for time, money and asks us to do almost the same way we already did it.

    • Keyser Soze
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There are 4 groups which doesn’t like the seasons you really have to look at….

    1) The none ARPGS players, which are not use to it. I know
    2) Gamers who have a limited time to play now.
    3) Gamers who thought they were going to change the way seasons work
    4) Gamers who think the way seasons are old wine in new bottles

    As a gamer who has been playing alot of different games over the years I think Blizzard did a lousy and dishonest marketing. They never said they would change the way seasons works, but I have been talking to several other players who think it was actually more or less what Blizzard promised without saying it directly… Personally I think they have a point. There was an unsaid theme in the marketing actually hinted there would be some huge changing in the way ARPG games were viewed….and so far I haven’t seen anything new I haven’t seen in other games myself..

    With so many players have an issue the right question would be “what the hell in the marketing actually made so many players think D4 would be a new take on ARPG and the season consept”. There is not much Casual in making seasons…hell they say 90% of the gamers has not even gone though the campaign yet. So what did Blizzard do to make so many people think this….or maybe rather “Why did they do nothing to prevent it” because I am not surprised people being surprised… I am actually more surprised why other ARPG players didn’t adress this.. Almost like we all were Blizzard small puppets (myself included)

    So don’t point at “true casuals” and ask “what they did expect??”…. Ask why no ARPG fans actually did take this serious before release because I saw these 4 types of gamers before the game released. If all ARPG gamers and content creators knew WHY didn’t they correct the new players before buying?

    • Lee Cook
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If there was an economy I would be down for seasons, but playing ssf every season isn’t for me.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when you have all these people who just consume the next big thing blindly. Would take a 10 second google search to find out how diablo games in the past have worked.

    • ZaneofAustin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think some of these comments, not all
    but possibly 5-30% (guarantee a small portion, but up to a large portion)
    are bots,
    not real humans
    I can agree that 2/3 of comments are real.
    but there are some seriously delusional comments, after what blizzard stated openly, about how the game will operate

    it’s like trying to tell someone they have to take a plane, and they agree, they get to the airport, pass through security, get through the gate, they get on the plane.
    and then they realize omg, “im on a plane”

    it’s not blizzards fault that people wasted their money on this sad memorial to the franchise (I actually downloaded D2R recently D4 made D2R better, hell it made TORCHLIGHT 2 BETTER)

    I just can’t bring myself to believe that some people are this uninformed, what i would believe.
    Is blizzard would hire bots (just like runescape) to make the game seem populated when in reality half the players are bots (not all)

    I have no evidence to support this theory other than “common” sense and marketing from previous games.
    I would not doubt Blizzard to copy the strategies of other games.

    I did not buy D4
    I saw what kind of crapfest it was gonna be.
    I do not support battle passes.
    I wanted a full game.
    Blizzard is capable of making a true heir to D2
    They just refuse to do so.

    • JayBigDadyCy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is so foreign to me lol. As an ARPG vet I was kind of laughing. Hopefully people will see the excitement in starting a new season every so often. It’s really one of the best things about ARPGs. Especially PoE. PoE seasons are one of my favorite things in existence.

    • Jeff Chen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Tho I tried D2, POE and D4 ladders doesn’t mean I like leveling from fresh again… big part of ARPG is about grinding indeed, so i ended up playing these games less and less.

    D4 is a lot of fun, but the idea of leveling up to 100 while having a full time job and family duties makes me feel exhausted already. I still would play season 1 for sure, maybe very casually tho. Maybe I’m too old for this shit.

    • TehGoat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is why they charge 70$+ for the game because if you quit they don’t care they already got your money.

    • UT Mastuh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Season 1 needed to launch with the game or all renown earned needs to carryover to seasons. We also need to be able to skip campaign for seasonal characters

    • Nuck Chorris
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was fully aware of how seasons work, that being said with how slow the progression and grind is in D4 it is a bit daunting to have to redo all of it every 3 months

    • Uridet
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 2 veteran says Diablo 2 didn’t have seasons…. What were ladders bro?

    • Tyler Witte
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    New season, new content.
    This makes the play through different.

    • Zanido
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Every day I’m reminded how stupid people are.

    • Rene WR
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Played a lot of diablo 1-2 and some 3 and ‘stuck’ at 70 in 4, but i cant to the same thing over and over again ad infinitum. Id rather play a game with a story and move on.
    Might be that im older, less time, different values etc

    • CasualPhilosopher
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wasn’t expecting it to get this philosophical. I think a lot of people can’t wait for heaven because they aren’t enjoying life. If something doesn’t last why invest in it applies to anything you do not just a season in a video game.

    • Jon Manson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I made a joke that we should start taking bets on how many season before ABK runs the game into the ground….

    • DarthRaziel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have nothing against seasons but I have one question. Will the new armors and aspects be obtainable after the end of the season on my first character?

    • Steel*Faith
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Come on Zizaran, are you being serious!?

    It blows my mind more, that there’s people who play ARPGs and DON’T understand why people wouldn’t play seasons, especially in games like D2 and PoE, where a lot of people are SSF players.

    It takes months, even years to find some items to perfectly complete builds without trading. That’s the best part of the game for many people,and that’s what keeps the game interesting and fun long-term – continually making progress toward your goals of building your characters perfectly, completing your holy grail collection etc.

    MANY people do not want to start from scratch every three months, because wtf is the point of that? If a game needs to be started from scratch that often, then how meaningful and in-depth is the loot hunt honestly? Because I played D2, D2R, D3, PoE and other ARPGs for a very long time and never bothered with seasons in decades.

    • Myles H
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was fully expecting season’s and the restarting but skipping campaign Lilith statues ect. But at the current state not many classes are keeping my attention to even get max level. I’ll check season 1 out but I’m already over they way the classes play and it’s all too similar to previous classes.

    • Mark B.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The great thing about seasons in arpgs is they are optional. The guy who was quoted in the video saying he plays an hour a day, and is at lev 11, should just have fun playing at his own pace. Being a casual player plus having FOMO is a bad combo. There will always be another new season on the horizon, jumping into it when you are ready for a fresh start is the way.

    • skyesfury
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I made a comment on a video recently (might have been one of Ziz’s) pointing out that streamers and content creators don’t see games the same way as most gamers. This is exactly what I’m referring to. This detachment from the rest of the community is why streamers and creators can’t understand why D4 is getting all the negative reviews it rightfully deserves. Most gamers think D4 is a bad game. Most gamers, while they may not be able to put into words why it’s bad, see that it has major flaws. And when people who can put into words the flaws they see, they’re belittled, dogpiled, and shouted down.

    • Gustav Moritz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    fuck casuals period.

    • LevelAsia
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    • Dennis Vogel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think there is 3 main reasons for this uproar. First the modern game demographic, almost all games at the moment are build with permanent progress in mind – even the playstation throphie system and stuff like that. Almost no game gives you an incentive to “start over” these days (much more common in the old days where you playerd through your favorite NES game countless of times). So the concept of creating a new character and playing basically the same game again is very foreign and almost no genre does this outside of rougelikes and ARPG’s (at least for games that have a story). Almost all games have progression systems and loot these days so its very easy to put D4 into a drawer it does not want to be in.

    2. No game (that i know of) yet needed you to start a new character to use a battle pass

    3. Many casual D2 players from the past play single player to this day – if you where never in the battlenet, you would not know about ladder and ladder resets, and the concept itself is ofputting for casuals – remember you needed to log into your battlenet account every month or so or it would get deleted. If you do not participate in the online community there was no reason to check out ladder. Also ladder was very optional for the most part – outside of some runewords the only incentive to play was the race (something that is off limits to compete for casuals regardless).

    For d3, i dont know – i think the only players left in the end where hardcore ARPG players or casuals who put the game into their console once a year and played through the story with their wife, kids or friends. In that game you also did not miss anything if you did not play seasons, multiple characters of the same class where even discouraged in that game because of the skill system.

    With such a big playerbase as D4 it is a given that you have many players that did not understand the concept of the genre or the seasons – some of them would never had enough time to play any game more than a few hours in their life and could not even imagine getting a char to lvl 100 in their lifetime and get told “we thought you would do that every three month”.

    On blizzards side i would try to make them understand that they do not have to play seasons, its fine to play eternal and emphasize that the coolest content from seasons will be in the main game at some point. Maybe add the season cosmetics into the shop at a later point so everyone can buy them seperatly later. Also try to emphasize that leveling a character, and the journey is the actual game – there is nothing to do at level 100 so there is no need to rush and you should not have FOMO by being only lvl 11 at this point or something. I have the feeling that many players check out streamers who brag to be lvl 100 but do not understand, that this means you have to start over too – there is no MMO endgame or something like that – leveling characters is the ARPG gameplay loop

    • Gabriel Ocampo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think playing hardcore will be even better than playing seasons

    • Hovi to the rescue!
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I fear the devs will cater to that audience of dads with 500 kids and 2 minutes to play each day and scratch season resets. if they get rid of seasons I want my money back.

    • Subtextkt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    that dad comment has to be bait. lvl 11?

    • Razahoo7
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Whats the deal with such love for D4 especially coming from a top poe player. Poe is just better in every way but visuals (for now).

    • Twitchy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    yoo shout out to gaia online i also played that trash LOL

    • ArcDragoon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    1) $70 game. And then a seasonal battle pass on top of it. If you don’t finish the pass that you paid for, it is wasted.
    2) Let’s look at the most common battle pass, COD. You don’t start over. At no point do you start over, no matter what the season is. You don’t get told that you have to start over with the basic guns, level them up again, etc… The D4 battle pass applying for only seasonal characters is a terrible idea for Blizzard. Even if it became meta to finish the battle pass for all the perks with an eternal character and then climb with a seasonal character, that would make no difference except for racers. Allowing casuals to play with their eternal characters to complete a battle pass means nothing. These people still paid for a battle pass, they gave Blizzard money already.
    3) D2 did have ladder. But remember that came from an era where people can play offline. There are lots of players who never played ladder seasons. They played with an eternal character and invested into that character forever.
    4) D3 having seasons. There is way less to do in D3 to reach endgame than what D4 is asking players to do. You run the acts, and that is it. D4 on the other hand, those Devs tried really hard to avoid answering that players will have to farm renown again for seasonal characters. It is almost like they know saying those words is a major turn off for lots of players.
    5) I’d argue that playing PoE and having seasonal grind is different, but… I’ll be honest in that I’ve not touched PoE in a couple of years ever since they’ve made it more difficult to get through the campaign. I’m not saying I don’t understand GGG’s reasoning behind it. I just got really tired of playing the campaign again and again. And then making it harder when all I wanted to do was get to endgame, made it a slog to get through.
    6) The idea of having perks tied to the battle pass. That’s an awful idea. Blizzard is saying that if a person wants to get extra stash tabs, they have to roll a new character. Whereas with PoE, a free to play game, you get the option to just buy those perks regardless if you’re a seasonal player or eternal player.

    How to fix?
    I’d argue that you already paid $70 for an incomplete game, so, whatever there. Besides that, maybe just allow eternal players to complete the battle pass. And allow the battle passes to be completed by whenever. I mean, these people are giving Blizzard money regardless. Why should players be punished for having already paid for a product?

    • willo chan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s not very surprising to discover that some people are dum.

    • Kevin Lewis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This has got a bit of an echo chamber vibe to me. It’s a bit like how if you only looked at Reddit you’d assume everyone hates the game, or you only looked at D2JSP you’d assume every game that isn’t Diablo 2 is awful.

    I feel like Twitter is a hub for people that don’t really play games, I don’t know any veteran games that use Twitter.

    • [wilb]
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Idiocracy 🙂

    • MzuN-_-ChenD eso
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is by far the least grindy game i ever played(exept d3 lol) sounds like ppl just want to hit lvl 100 and stay on that character and rp😂

    • Necro Sanket
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Mostly depends on how interesting seasons are, if they are like diablo 3, than I will play season 1 and than stop playing the game plus I think progressing your battle pass with your eternal player will be a good season as diablo 4 was also marketed as a mmorpg and that element is present in MMOs. Lets see what they go for, I think season 1 needs to be super interesting or they will lose so many players including me. I would like them to include seasonal content for eternal realm players so they keep their feeling of progression and if someone wants to create a new character they can do so. But lets see season 1 shuld be reset in my opinion.

    • Nico
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    people are so stupid fml

    • sandantis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im beyond excited to start again in S1. I’m a hardcore arpg fan so I’m biased, but I’m still surprised so many people had no idea how seasons worked before buying the game.

    • Rere GFYS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i feel the same Ziz… wtf is that tread 🤨🤯

    • Ben ベンジャミン Robinson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There’s wind in a hurricane??😮😂

    • MrTimmyGT
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think you are right about people thinking that their eternal character is going to get wiped when the season starts 😂. As for the battlepass…yea I don’t think it’s a terrible idea to have at least some version of it you can do on eternal, but as it stands right now if you don’t want to plays seasons then don’t buy the battlepass!?!? Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything here lol

    • Jung Lee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    According to playercounter diablo 3 has 15,000 players for seasons. The vast majority of blizzard customers aren’t down for seasonal resets. 50 million people bought the game and some few thousands still play. compare to wow which has long term progression. Most of the customer base is not here for PoE 2. we are here for a mass audience game

    • Mike Litz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They got rid of trading which was a huge reason why d2 was successful

    • SuperHello44
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hello new frogs: Diablo, since even Diablo 2, has had a “seasonal hype” like this. D2, pre-remaster, had the “ladder,” lasted a year, and had “ladder-only” runewords which were OP. You had to make a new ladder, online-only character every new ladder to benefit from these OP runewords. This isn’t new. This is how Diablo, minus the first game which is an artifact at this point, has always worked. You don’t compare this to Call of Duty. You compare this with how it’s always been within its own franchise. They’re not trying to make a Call of Duty style battlepass, they’re trying to make a battlepass *for Diablo* !

    • Kongge
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These are the type of comments you expect from idiots that pre order and pre order season pass etc. No idea what they are talking about or why they are buying a game, they are just sheep jumping on the hype train. I personally haven’t bought it, and will never understand why anyone bothered to pay for this turd of a game, with incoming p2w stuff.

    • Hexen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Zizz you are a Path of Exile veteran, back in Diablo 2 there was no endgame outside of grinding for loot. Same with Diablo 3 early on, Adventure Mode only came in with the expansion, even then Diablo 3 players have never been fond of having to reset every few months. Enjoying gaming is one thing, but having to reset every few months gets annoying.

    • TheZeug
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    WTF are they planning to do if not a new character ?
    Not to mention, the season start rush is the most exciting part of it, even more so for casual players who’ll not push nightmare dungeons.

    • Elijah McEachin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I had no idea this many people thought this. Like you, I saw this and was completely mind blown lol

    • My butts been wiped
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 3 had seasons and many of them. I never really played diablo 2 so I’m not sure about that one. The thing I don’t like is having to pay for seasons instead of using the product to sale itself. If the game was worth it people would buy MTX to cover the cost of doing seasons like POE is doing. Diablo MTX are not only overpriced but really aren’t that appealing to me but for a few items that I won’t purchase due to the cost alone.

    • kiragi17
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Quin had the right take on this. There is a very large group of gamers with the destination mindset, but I think it’s fine if compromises are made to engage this crowd, none of their requests will end up in PoE. Blizzard is the middle ground in stuff like this, it always has been.

    • Lonigus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I will wait for the Season 1 info stream in july before i make my decision. There still can be changes made to make the progression abit faster with season pass exp boosters. There cant be changes regarding a more targeted unique item farming, the nightmare dungeon changes and many other QOL changes that will make us exp maybe 30, 40 or 50% faster. I think people are taking out the pitchforks abit too fast.

    • Akitorbenov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think these people play the fool. I have always played arpg, not as a streamer, but surely above 4/5000 hours (considering Poe, the various Diablo, Grim Dawn, Wolcen, Last Epoch, Titan Quest, etc). I’m just the average player and i know about most of these titles have seasons…

    • Too Hundred
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get the argument that “ALL ARPGs DO THIS!!!!” But they made D4 an MMO light…and with the open world it FEELS like an MMO and stands out from the previous Diablo games because of it. If I have to reroll every season…why am I playing? Just to min max? The entire reason I play MMO STYLE games is to get to end game and play the end game content. But D4s endgame is what? Just getting gear over and over again? If I am min maxing my gear as much as possible, there must be a reason to have spend so much time do that to my gear. But then I can’t take that same toon that I have poured all this time into, through NEW content and am FORCED to make a new toon…it makes the entire game feel pointless. ARPG fans can say “all ARPGs do this” till they are blue in the face…but replaying the same game over and over and over and over again just to get some cosmetics is LAME. And it will kill this game for the mass audience, as most people aren’t even going to put in the time to get to lvl 100 ONCE, let alone multiple times for multiple seasons.

    • Mr Nice
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Too be fair them putting the battle pass and the 4 days early access together is a scummy move because yes there are lots of ppl that don’t like season but that want to play early so they feel bad now. I personally don’t understand why you would play a ARPG that hate seasons but also also have more time then 1h to play (I would not even start to play for 1h would feel like shit for me)

    • Abeltensor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a POE veteran and I’m on the side of the people who are pissed off. I love seasons in path of exile, but those are completely different than the seasons that they’re proposing in D4. In path of exile you have a player driven economy, the idea is that when they create a new season it resets the economy and the meta and allows people to start fresh. The amount of time It takes to get from the beach all the way to the end of act 10 is only about 4 to 5 hours (depending on how efficiently you play), and many builds come online earlier than that. It gives you an opportunity to get involved in the trading scene and to work on building your character in such a way where they can beat the entire game or get the items for an alt which will beat the entire game.

    In D4, there is so much more content that you have to cover when the game is reset. The renown system on its own is just such a huge daunting and boring task to complete. I don’t care if they let us carry over the altars of Lilith or completion of the map, it’s really just not enough. You still have to do every single side quest and basically every single dungeon just to unlock the extra 25 Paragon points and those points are a big deal for a character at level 50. They’re also is no player economy, there’s no trade channel or global chat. There’s no trade website or auction house, what does it matter if everybody has to reset to be involved in seasons or not. In fact when people are higher level, they actually can’t trade the items they find with people who are lower level because of the way that items are restricted. So it’s not like you can even level up a character to help your alt really, the best you can do is get some gems, get some mats, and get some gold but when it comes to giving gear to your alts it’s just not really viable.

    And then there really isn’t player interaction in this game despite it having a MMO style interconnected world. The only time when you really interact with strangers is in legion events and the world boss. Occasionally you’re also encounter people during a hell tide but it doesn’t matter if they are level 100 or level 20, it’s not going to affect how you approach the game because the mob scale to you. And then there is the fact that many of the builds that people want to play require at the bare minimum that you are level 50. Many of the classes if not all of the classes do not come online until they gain access to their Paragon board and a lot of those builds don’t really work until you’ve got a full set of legendaries and are at least two Paragon boards deep.

    To me it’s just a waste of time and a system that forces me to play suboptimal versions of the characters that I want to play. I don’t want to level a sorcerer, druid or rogue again. The way that these classes work at those lower levels is just so painful when compared to how they work at the higher levels. Druid especially is just such a slow to start class. Until you get some of the legendary aspects, most of the skills just feel so awkward. Not to mention unlocking the spirit bones requires that you beat a stronghold whereas almost every other class quest just requires that you go talk to some NPC. I don’t mind putting in 4 to 5 hours to be an entire campaign to get to end game in path of exile but I do mind putting in 10 to 20 hours to complete renown in D4. And actually I hate side quests so much that I haven’t completed my renowned in most of the zones. I’ve gotten every single altar, every single waypoint, and I’ve beaten every single stronghold but I still have to complete all of the side quests and the dungeons. That they’re asking me to do it yet again another month from now is just too much.

    • majorshepard2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it would be better received when the game would not be such a slog to play until level 55-65 for most characters. I believe that the weight on having your different aspects for a build to even reach level 50 without pain and suffering is the main problem most player don’t want to regrind. They just start to get into the fun zone or have not even reached it and then they should do it all over again. Just my thoughts.

    • lilpain97
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This happens all the time. A game goes massive and the casual audience do not understand it nor bothered to do any research. They just got it due to hype. They will leave and the actual fans will stay and play the game.

    • Ruji Game
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Another casual vocal minority who never ever played ARPG trying to puff chest and pretend to be majority. I’m glad they will be filtered out with seasons

    • Athreous
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not.

    • DevNadoTV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a former POE player, I welcome the use of new characters to level thru each season. I’ll just make new builds or use different classes. 😂 people are dumb sometimes

    • Caseo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    if you think about the “battle pass” concept,..that shows you how stupid people really are. you are paying money to commit yourself to play the game for a long time to get the content you paid for.
    and if you somehow cant invest enough time, you wont get the stuff you paid for. we people are really stupid,lol

    • Kn Dtn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ya since you have nothing else to do, playing all day come naturally.

    • Abel Gonzalez
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I never touched seasons still played d3 and never touching battle pass BS

    • Red Guerrero
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These people came from Destiny 2, that’s who’s that guy’s following is, hes a Destiny player rofl. They apperantly didn’t know what they bought lol.

    • Kosten07
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see both sides. If your a super casual you don’t want to miss out on the new stuff. Blizzard sorta put themselves in this spot though going for that casual $$. I think the bigger issue is there isn’t a ton of build diversity (looking at all th subpar builds) which PoE has in abundance.

    • richintech
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casuals dont know what ARPG genre is thats the disconnect. They think its an MMORPG when its clearly not. There arent even really any social components to it. You dont even need to say anything to join groups.

    • Dragon 211
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People who are getting into arpgs for the first time are more annoyed they spent £70 and are stuck with the game they do not like because of the seasons, especially casual players.

    • Atlas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Sounds like a personal problem. Why don’t they find they’re safe space and cry about it

    • Jerry Lu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am a d2/PoE veteran with Demigods and 20k++ hours played in the genre over 25 years. I generally avoid new seasons and ladders in d2 and PoE and stick with Standard/non-ladder instead, though I have participated in a few before. This is the first aRPG with a battle pass. Eternal Realm players should absolutely be able to progress the battle pass. I don’t care if ladder/league has new content, I’ve been happy on Standard/SSF to wait for the good ones to go core. If I have to play a new character to progress the battle pass, I’m out.

    • Peanut Fiends
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like the players they cater to in more recent expansions of wow is a very different playerbase than they catered to in classic wow or diablo 2. The “everyone gets a participation trophy” crowd essentially. Which are the people that are angry about seasons. There are no seasoned ARPG players who are complaining about seasons.

    • tripl3try
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some people learned nothing from Diablo 3 and Immortal. I knew D4 was going to be a shallow and boring game from the jump. It was even more obvious in the beta periods. And knowing Blizzard and how much people are complaining, they’ll be selling experience boosts and level skips in no time.

    • Greg Golden
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone whos first arpg was Diablo 3 and having played many hours of arpgs now, I completely understand the feelings here. I had no idea what a season was when they were introduced in D3 and I never engaged. They were not well explained at the start and i even had some of the same reservations you are reading.

    By now the term “season” has become ingrained in gaming and many people take that for granted. With a massive marketing campaign and the aim of reaching a larger, unfamiliar player base, they should have defined exactly what a season was all about IN THE GAME. Most of the larger audience will be those who maybe have 10hrs a week to even think about video games. This means they likely have only seen some ads and recommendations. They are not engaging in content like this, or blog posts from devs, or watching explanation videos, or even taking the time to look up what a season in gaming is (possibly dont even understand how to look it up).

    The prospect of having to restart to gain access to some content, even without losing anything previous or post, is not likely something that someone with so little time would want to engage with.

    • Pawel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    yeah when i saw the thread i was super confused also, but then again I also feel like seasons in d4 might be a lot less appealing for me personally without trading or crafting because the economy reset is one of the biggest points for me in poe

    • Ruben Fugate
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Like as a casual. Most people dont play dont play every new season/update. At least in other arpgs ive played leveling isnt a chore and is for the most part inconsequentially where as in D4 I have 40ish hours and im not even level 70. It feels

    • Marcel Schulz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the story was super boring gameplay. Lilith altars and exploring the map is hopefully a one time thing

    • Darkbrandonn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Been active on the forums since launch. There are two people complaining right now.

    The first thinks they like AARPGS, they don’t, they think they do but they don’t.

    The second are people that are clearly afraid that D4 will kill the game they like more.

    • Heavy Claw
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They must stop that need to be published everywhere. Yea all publicity is good, but precisely because you don’t care where you advertise and to whom, you lose potential buyers because seems like the only thing about seasons is “character is deleted once season ends” “if you have less than 1 hour day for play then don’t play it but anything else” etc, etc.

    One of the biggest proofs is precisely that twitter thread, where most of them are people who know mmorpgs or video games for the first time in their life, and precisely because of these people, other people can get a bad impression of Diablo 4 and spread that false information outside of that closed circle of twitter thread

    • Hinao
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s not so much ‘losing our char’ that has people up in arms. It’s knowing the char we spent 100s of hours with, will pretty much collect cobwebs. Sure there might be a crumb of content we can do but it’s not the same as doing the season with our chars we have an attachment with. I put 100s of hours into d4 with my barb, and did enjoy it quite a bit. The grind to just get a char up to collect seasonal rewards just to shelf that char as well come next season, does not sound fun.

    • Lc Chantre
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Sir, you (as many streamers out there) are missing the fact that 3 month seasons means that you need 2h per day to grind level 100.

    With “scaling” it make old players (maybe veterans but who now have family responsibilities or less time) experience a game where you never feel your character gaining power towards leveling before hi levels of parangon. This is a bad game design and that’s why people are quite pissed about the idea of putting 150+ hours before having a good gaming experience to chill after work.

    • Ian Ashmore
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What is the point of the base game seems like a valid criticism.
    D3 started seasons 2 years after launch when everyone had exhausted the games launch content.

    • hose dragger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Last epoch ruined me… give me loot filters. I’ll grind reknown til I’m dead.

    • daniel ruiz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get this is how arpgs used to be but it doesn’t mean they were good ideas, making someone play the game all over again will not work in todays world people are just gonna pick a different game to play and blizzard won’t keep D4 alive for a small dedicated player base.

    • Deleted User
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think they’re confused because of how seasons work in fortnite for example

    People saying they will lose their characters are just misinformed

    • Krybo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There’s not really much to comment here, its just folks not knowing how and why it works. As long as it doesn’t affect long term players.

    • OMNIKING09
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when you bring in newbies

    • Dormammu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Is there any reason to play d4 b4 seasons?

    • Frosch23
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casuals do Casual Stuff kekw

    • Hasy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is kind of what happens when you design and market your game to people who don’t consider themselves ARPG players.

    • Rick Eightyfive
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I came over from Destiny 2 and Diablo 4 is definitely my first ARPG. That said, Bungie has done way worse things than give me another reason to make an alt and do it better this time. I’m happy to delete one of my alts that I honestly also made whilst knowing javk crap about Diablo. I dont see a reason to complain, when I know that fully half of the experiences and weapons/armor I’ve experienced or had in the past are things I’ll never see again, thanks to Bungie.

    • KSpartan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am not your audience.

    I played Diablo 3 a lot. Vanilla and extension.
    Most time playing hardcore crusader.

    Never had to start a new character, except when I lost one of them because of permadeath.

    My performance was around rift 23-25.

    Your point doesn’t make sense.

    If battle passes are detrimental to the experience, then just say it’s bad. Instead of saying it’s something normal.

    Since when it’s normal in “action rpgs”.

    Diablo is an hack & slash. It has nothing to do with BPs and being forced to restart new characters over and over.

    It’s has to be a choice.

    It’s like I am talking to a kid right now.

    Yes, Blizzard need to make BP relevant.
    Doesnt mean the way they choose to do it is or normal for an “action RPG”.


    Next, this dude is gonna be condescending and say a 100$ F2P action RPG is something normal since forever.


    • Janine
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I play POE since 2013 (still got my account from beta till today). Now i play D4 and I would every Season do Lilith, Campaign and Stuff again. Dont get those lazy ppl …. PS: Also played WOW and other MMO Games =) Enjoy a Game as it is!

    • Dansplaining
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 is pretty darn disappointing to me. I HATE level scaling. Makes the game feel cheap. And items feel like they’re from a mobile game. The whole reason Diablo 2 was the most replayable game ever and Diablo 3 kinda sucked is because you were inspired to keep making new characters to hunt for items for trading. Both of those aspects have been destroyed.

    • Zach Dahl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Video games are fundamentally a time sink. If you don’t want to spend the time to relevel in a new season because it isn’t worth it for you then D4, and arpgs in general, are not in your wheelhouse. The experience of leveling a new character and the progression you go through until the end _IS_ the arpg experience.

    • Raoranelite
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t mind restarting for seasons so long as the rewards are interesting. I think there may be a disconnect between whether or not seasons are the only way to progress the “battle-pass.” That’s where I’m a little confused, but I also plan on playing seasons regardless.

    • NoelClover89
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    With regards to your mention of the “D2 and D3 veteran”, I’d like to point out that quite a lot of players ((from conversations and that I grew up with)) didn’t play Ladder.

    Our “online” experience of D2 was over TCP/IP or LAN and that’s it. There was the knowledge that there was a Battlenet server but none of us engaged with it due to various reasons. On D3, it could be that the person spent a lot of time on D3 pre RoS, as far as I recall, Seasons only began after the expansion came out. In fact, when D3 was announced to be online only quite a lot of people ((not an indicator of majority or minority of course)) said they were disappointed or wouldn’t be able to play the game due to spotty Internet and were surprised that D3 would be “online only, considering that D2 was playable offline and they spent most of their time playing offline”.

    Not playing Devil’s Advocate, just pointing out that even people who play a lot of ARPGs may not realize that it’s a “norm”. After all, there are games like Grim Dawn, Titan Quest, TL2 that don’t have Seasons and not a lot of people actually catch up on gaming news.

    • JETT4TH gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am super new to arpgs. After the open beta I was sold. Tried Poe then immediately uninstalled it lmao. Watched a few of your vids and some others and quickly understood what it was about and reinstalled it. Grind it out reset go again. But yeah initially I had no idea. However in D4 the grind from 0-100 is obnoxiously long for us noobs and 11% longer for us solo players. I think if we could blast through characters like you pros do. The reset wouldn’t be such a slap in the face. Idk just my 2 cents. Oh and renown is the worst.

    • J Vivi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    How do you buy a 70$ game and not know wtf genre you’re buying and it’s mechanics. It’s like buying a Call of Duty/FPS game and not knowing that you have to get a lot of kills to get higher ranks. This is baffling.

    • Lord Mordecai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    New Diablo player here, my only experience was playing diablo 1 back in the day so wasn’t aware of how the seasonal system worked, however I have played a few other ARPGs and MMOs with similar seasonal or gotta make all classes type mechanics, I’m enjoying the game and will be more than happy to run through it all over and over on a seasonal character. However I do know a lot of the new players are from the destiny community where there is continuity throughout seasons with the same characters. So that’s what’s probably causing this massive culture shock.

    • whoopsie321
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    100% the people who are saying this have never participated in a seasonal Arpg. Even if the majority of them played d2r or d3 but they probably quit before they came out and just beat the game once.

    • rdthrdh rdthrdthrd
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm


    • TaiidaniBlues
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a d2 and d3 vet. I expected this setup, but there is something about the leveling in d4 that I just don’t like. It feels off, or slow, and I am not looking forward to leveling new characters. This is just a personal feeling of mine rather than any objective analysis of the game. I can’t put my finger on it, but I have not been greatly engaged by d4’s systems. I don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with them; They just haven’t grabbed me.

    I’m not giving up though. I’m sure I’ll be digging into the seasons when they launch. But, as of now, I’m not super excited about it.

    • ArcticWP
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The reset is what makes it exciting! In PoE there are a small proportion of players who only play standard and mix-max every part of their characters….however that is super grindy and the fresh economy rest with new content is far more interesting to play imo

    • TRIP
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s funny to me that you guys use this Diablo 4 veteran word so much. I think it’s more like Diablo for no life’s people have demanding jobs family’s girlfriends kids we all can’t play 100 hrs a week. Life changes over the years and the real world should be taken in to consideration video games as a 5th option not as the D4 veterans think 😂

    • Mark o.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I can not believe how meaningless and empty all these diablo 4 videos are.

    • Peter Pan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Or is this maybe some hack spam bot shit?! To get the hype down?! Don’t know

    • Nimroc
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To some degree I can see where they are coming from, if you are a more casual player that isn’t playing particularly efficiently or in longer sessions then seasons can be intimidating.
    I largely avoided playing new leagues in poe up until 3.0 because of this as I didn’t play often enough for 3 months to feel enough to make me satisfied with my progress.
    But at the same time now that I do play it more having that clean reset is a large part of the motivation to play.

    • Joe Gimblett
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think there’s another side that you might be missing, the D4 grind is not fun, even with skipping campaign or having Lilith Altars completed, it’s a slog; and facing that grind every 3 months is not appealing. The D3/PoE season resets worked because the leveling to end-game process isn’t bad (yes, PoE can get frustrating but feels significantly better than D4). A lot of it comes down to bad QoL design that makes progress feel padded and stretched out; so you’re more drained by the time you get to end-game. If they could smooth out 1-70 and have things more focused on endgame, I think that would reduce the negative impressions of the reset.

    • james
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i love this <3

    • 123joshpearce
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hate that modern gaming is making people so focused on progressing battle passes. I swear people forget that fun should generally be the priority when playing games!

    • Bipolar Express
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m sick of this whole “I’m a dad” whinging. That’s not my problem, and this game wasn’t catered to people who play less than an hour a day. Go play a mobile game.

    • Swope
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are fucking lame. I do not want to re-level my character every 4 months. I played seasons in D3…. I didn’t really have much fun. It’s not really interesting. I liked D2 verson of seasons… Sure there was some bonuses for playing seasons but there was like what, A couple items and rune words maybe? It didn’t change the game a whole lot if you didn’t play the seasons. I’ll play season 1. But I won’t be restarting every 4 months lol.. I’m not a fucking streamer. I’ve got other things to do with my life other then re leveling a character. THERE ISN’T EVEN A FUCKING PALADIN.

    If blizzard locks NEW content to seasons only people are going to fucking lose their shit.

    • Pfara
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    More people need to watch this. D4 is really fun and I hope they don’t make it like D3 because of all these uneducated complaints.

    • KaiusIII
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Starting fresh is what makes the game exciting. I couldn’t imagine just sitting on the same level 100 forever that just sounds super boring. I mean if poe didn’t have seasons I probably would of played the game for 4 months instead of 10 years

    • Neoseeker97
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hate modern gamers.

    • Flam3crash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Us playing ARPG with seasons and resets and making new characters all the time : Totally what i was expecting .

    Casual players : What do you mean i need to start over ?

    • Kiran Ramesh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I dont understand how people spend 70$ to buy a game and not know what an ARPG is ….not know about diablo 2 or 3 or Path of exile…then go and complain as if thats going to change anything….it is not an MMO…never was…never will be…

    • Brandon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As an ARPG player, I think you’re conflating issues here to hype D4;
    1. D3 level cap was hit in a few hours and you spent the entire time farming/improving gear, and renown/quests didn’t matter
    2. The ‘other’ ARPG (ie. PoE) does have a high level cap, but you can complete all of the game without being capped (remind me how many people are killing Lilith pre 99/100?),
    3. Blizz made D4 [badly] to pander to a more casual ARPG player, then put a huge grind to hit cap and farm renown… both of which are boring and unengaging.
    4. D3 was a much better game in many ways than D4; even the GR farming was more engaging than this instant-dungeon-resetting-to-cap-nonsense.
    5. Apart from D4s graphics, what about this game is good/better? crafting? forming groups/multiplayer in game (without twitch followers/friends/etc.)? paragon farming? dungeon unique-ness?

    It’s ok to admit that the game is bad, most people already know this

    • Wulfred
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i did 2400 cemetery T16 this season.
    so diablo is joke for me

    • Knicklichtjedi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I did not know about this and honestly I am very surprised as well.
    Diablo 3 was my baseline of expectation and I thought it or similar games like PoE, LE etc. were for other people as well.
    But today I learned a lot more people play Diablo 4 than I would have ever thought. Maybe it is a bit like Overwatch, where even non-fps gamers gave it a try when it released.

    • NnnnnnnnnnChang
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a PoE “Veteran” I have a lot of mix feelings and guessing with D4, while it lack so many QoL features and a lot of people complain about lack of contents, it reminds me of PoE pre forsaken masters, and I don’t know if the Diablo team

    1. Doesn’t want to “copy” PoE so they trying to come up with they own stuff while having that type of “expansion seasons”

    2. Hold on to the traditional D2 D3 “maintenance mode seasons” again and the only meaningful new content we gon get is expansion pack Lord of destruction Reaper of Soul style

    Any thoughts?

    • nin114
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    these are the morons that are going to control the fate of the game/ series going forward. Blizz always bends to the pressure of mass casuals, and we are big time outnumbered on this one.

    • Ivan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should just let eternal characters do battlepass, because 1 WHO CARES if some people do, 2 more money, since those people will actually buy it.

    • NuclearSaltLord
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This reminds me of when people got Elden Ring and then got upset that there was no easy mode. Most likely this is just a very small portion of the playerbase doing what twitter does best, whining.

    • Ed Rutherford
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    While we didn’t have seasons per-se in D2 I 100% remember ladder vs. non-ladder characters and seeing how far up the US East leaderboards we could get our HC characters before we inevitably fell off the ladders due to one thing or another.

    • Bacon Muffin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Back in the day I never played D2 on the ladder, I thought the entire idea sounded stupid. Why would I ever want to lose my character and all that? Especially since I was already losing my characters repeatedly by not logging in for 90 days when I’d take a break from the game. I was maybe a preteen at the time. I could very easily see people who did similar to me not realizing that ladder play was seasons which is where that’s coming from.

    If you NEED to play seasons to progress the battle pass that’s pretty scumbaggy on blizzards part because I don’t believe that’s mentioned anywhere or at the very least isn’t obvious. I already feel its sketch that I don’t have a battle pass I paid for right away and its coming in a month.. forcing people who may be the kind of person who just wants to invest in the eternal realm all the time to play seasons to progress it doesn’t help anyone. Let people play how they want and give blizz money if they want for the thing.

    • Kah Bellakyra
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I see myself as an alien when I play with new players and the things they complain about, but at the same time even though I know that’s how these games behaved I can understand that it’s not something that many of the new players want, maybe It’s time to think of a new way of doing seasons, I’ve been thinking a lot about it in the last few games I’ve played, which don’t have seasons and the ones that do, how renewing content that makes it interesting for people wanna play this game again.

    a big part of this problem is the hype, people want to play the game everyone else is playing, have a 100% character and leave the game, and when extra content comes out, enter the game and 1 hit kil on everything, they are not very interested in the game in general in large part. level up is something they don’t care about, in fact it’s like a problem they want to get out of the way. part of the problem is that the games have become too easy, in my opinion, to evolve. but if it’s hard people cry all day about.

    but I myself didn’t come up with an idea that could satisfy everyone, or at least a large majority, it’s not that simple, and I don’t even know if anyone in the games industry is interested in solving it, this guys just want to sell games and work on the next content to capitalize more. it is what it is.

    • McNasty O
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Love seasons, keeps the game fresh and I love the idea of a better start or a new gimmick to play during a new season.

    • That’s it
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am only scratching my head when I look at the D4 playerbase, it feels like everyone is 35+ years old and have 3 kids, what even is this playerbase, they need to play Wii Sports or something idk. There are also almost NO women playing this game. I am not even joking. This is the most fucked demographic for a videogame i have seen.

    • Henry
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think part of this is likely down to the fact that most of Paul Tassi’s followers are Destiny players, which has a seasonal model with no resetting.

    • doomshaman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Dude, leave your diablo and path of exiled cave… You a dinosaur lol. ARPG stands for Action role-playing game, nothing to do with seasonal character resets. That’s only a hamster wheel created in Diablo and path of exile, lazy way to create artificial gameplay. Most other ARPG’s out there are using seasons to build on your characters, you can start new ones or keep playing old ones, characters are capable of playing all seasons content/expansions. Please get off the kool aid Its all about the end game not the chores to get there, quality of life gaming and not a job.

    • deadlyeye666
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As an ARPG player i do get your confusion. But d4 is clearly heading in the mmo direction, so i do get the upset people.
    While a reset for the new season in an ARPG is normal, maybe even enjoyable, in an MMOrpg your character, progress and gear persists. While an ARPG player enjoys the class and the thrill of the first few days in a new season, MMOrpg players enjoy the sense of acomplishment that bonds them not with a “Barbarian” but with the individual Char they created. D3 tried to narrow that gap with the rebirth feature where you could just reset a char to lev1 in season.

    • Brian Hanson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People……. buy your battle passes after you have proven you are playing enough to justify it. If you are unsure of how much you plan to play and accomplish of it hold off until you feel it justifies the purchase.

    • Replay81
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not Going to lie, Diablo 4 is my first ARPG but im really enjoying the game and when i heard about the way they are doing seasons it was a huge cause for concern for me. Rolling a new Character every 3 months sounds stupid. But i will give it a try and see how it goes.

    • subtlefps
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That Tossi from Forbes always has some interesting takes. Seen some of his destiny stuff. A lot of these folks come from shooters and are completely new to “wipe” mechanics like arpgs and Escape from Tarkov have. It’s not for everyone, but I think 90% of the people that try it, learn to love it.

    Eternal realm should get a battle pass too honestly. A lot of people just like to get a deal and progress/earn seasonal cosmetics to then show off later down the line.

    • benjamin cl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Those casual gamer dad have too much free time at work to cry on internet.

    • Daniel Bigfudge
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I guess these are the same people that downvoted all the criticism in week 1 from hardcore arpg players.

    • tdreamgmail
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Blizzard will have to come to some sort of compromise. As a game this large has to cater to a wider audience. For example Cyberpunk was supposed to be this almost new type of game where choices matter, nope. It’s GTA with a cyberpunk skin, just like every open world is GTA with a themed skin. To not lose the huge audience they’ve created, I think they will have to add a lot more to the eternal realm, like housing or raids or some end game content that isn’t arpg related.

    • Asocial Optimist
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Those are not casual players they are dumb people who play what’s new.

    • Gabriel French
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lol every arpg player is like “huh? We are used to replaying the same shit every season to get to the 10 to 20 hours of new content each season.”

    • wacojitsu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It seems like these are mmo players. But it’s worse then that. These are mobile gamers.

    • Glitch Bomb
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have many old and new friends in my battlenet friends list which are all of them coming from OW, WoW, CoD.. And non of them played any Diablo before except me. They’re online ingame more than me and really love the game and most of them doesn’t really browse any infos or vids daily about D4, they just play and grind.
    But the seasons reset and Battle pass subject made them feel the same way as those ppl in twitter. It opened my eyes as well cause i didn’t expect it to be that deep for them.

    • Liz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So uh, Diablo 4 is a pretty fucking big game huh. I didn’t realize that many people didn’t know what they bought lol

    • Ionuț Dorobanțu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Bro there are sooo many casuals on reddit with the weirdest complaints ever, surreal

    • ZeXexe
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People need to research the genre of a game they are uneducated about.

    It’s like going into a jrpg and hating how expansive and long the game is feeling like you’ll never finish it.

    • KontrolStyle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So damn funny.. people didn’t get seasons. clueless gamers (laughs)

    • Manly Man
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Feels like that D4 is hitting a whole new group of people, which is great! – but it’s also a bit scary to see that people don’t know how seasons work and that most if not all popular ARPG’s run it like this.

    • Bdog
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who is very new to ARPG (started Diablo 3 2 months before d4 played 60 hours in that game) I have mixed thoughts. While i don’t think season are bad, I do think having to re do the open world, some renown and not having access to battle pass on external characters are going to drive a lot of casuals away. The thing is Ik this stuff is normal in arpg and I’m ok with it except for renown,but if Blizzard is smart they have to keep the casual player base playing because it has more people than the veterans. While that doesn’t mean getting rid of arpg aspects, they need to make the non fun grinds super easy.

    Leveling is fun and fine. Gearing is fun and fine. Unlocking new world tiers is good
    Unlocking new dungeons good

    But redoing renown, wavepoints are just not going to be fun and a lot of players just aren’t going to want to do it again. On top of that a good middle ground may be to have a battle pass for external as well so players who don’t want to re level can still put money into the game.

    Season 1 will determine everything for all kinds of players. So far I’m having fun but no way am I going to do renoun more than twice personally

    • Zod580
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    my worst nightmare comes true 🙁 i really hope the devs just ignore this shit… that´s brutal to read.

    • GhostFS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My two cents. And do not take it as an attach as it’s not.
    Most of player ar casual. But even between the “expericenced” ARPG player… the Hardcore-Grinder-Seasonal-Build Follower… and a minority of a minority.
    That is clearly ed repeatedly confirmed by data on any ARPG and still the ARPG grind comunity don’t get it.
    People that have reached 100 are not even 0.01% of player up to now. Not even 1% have finished the story.
    Because most of ARPG veteran are playing differently. “horizontally”.

    For example. I do not like grind. I do not do Seasonal content.
    But I probably have for sure far far more hours in ARPG than you.
    Well… I have played a lot of ARPG.
    If They are good I play them till the end if not I stop.
    If they have good variaty and remain fun i make mutiple character. 1 per class sometime more then 1 if there are different way to build it.
    When the game become boring and grindy. I play for fun. And optimize only when this is not damagin the fun.

    And tos tress out… with a lot of ARPG I mean a lot.
    POE,. Titan Quest, The sacred serie, the Torchlite series, Undecember, Wolcen, Last Epoch, Grim Down,All the serie of diablo from 1, Nox, the Baldurs Gate Dark alliance, Lost Ark, Minecraft Dungeon, Mu Lengend, Nine PArchment, Noubody saves the world, Sanctum serie, Shadows Series, Va Helsing, Wrhammer 40 inquisitor and chaosbane, Victor Vran, Children of Morta, Cane Magico Zero, Moonlighter and many many more also several Hybrids games…

    Diablo 4 is not even making to the top 10 for now… strugling to finish even the story that is nice but the gameplay too boring and repetitive…

    • Ives
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The main difference at least from what I can remember is that Paragon levels in Diablo 3 carried over if you created a new character, and you were able to start at harder difficulties meaning faster leveling. Paragon levels in Diablo 4 unlock at level 50, and I haven’t reached a second level 50 character so I don’t know if those points are cross character or not.

    Diablo 4 you are forced to beat the specific dungeons in order to unlock the harder difficulties on all characters from what I can tell. You can’t just make a level 1 character and have it run on T3 or T4 difficulty.

    • Proto Bodo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yes elania youre on point.

    • Rattlez Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m sorry, but my god some people are ridiculous… I’ve literally stayed off places like Reddit and other forums because the loudest voices seem to be the ones with least understanding off how to make D4 great.

    • TheEgalisator
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It always confuses me how Path of Exile players keep whining about “having” to replay the campaign when standard league and regret orbs exist and most of the time they just want to try a new build, not even anything league-specific. It’s like that community has an unspoken rule that if you don’t pretend your progress is gone every three months, you aren’t a “real” player.

    • eNemy UAV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casuals: “yes we just got here, yes this is our first time in the genre….I’ve now provided you with a list of changes we want or we quit”

    • Cuddle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    tbh i just think they need to change the leveling xp gained stuff.. in Poe i come out of the story at a level and until 85 its basicly free.– i dont see a point in D4 making the grind start at lvl 60 already.
    i got to 75 and just stopped since Season 1 will be out and i had lost of stress in uni but i dont realy think i missed out on much and will play much more in S1

    also i get 1 char to 100 or even 2 every league in PoE so yea idk i like D4. its just missing the seasonal content that PoE has been adding over the past 15 years but we will get there

    • AeSkone
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be honest and to their Defence, the DIV Endgame is currently what? A 5 out of 10? Main story is good, but you dont play it with a seasonal character again, what you try is to get 100 as fast as possible again and grind for the new items and uniques they try to introduce but all mechanics are so lame and boring and all the same, there is no really good random matchmaking mechanic, if you grind solo its even more worse.
    Plus builds are so limited to 1-2 builds, to 1-2 unique items per slot, to 1-3 glyphs you have to use and so on, its not versatile enough to give people pleasure again to do it all again.
    Yes, all players right now will probably and hopefully increase their level time by 5 hopefully , still 60 hours for one hundred and maybe just 3 month time?
    With maybe 2 hours daily and 4 hours per day on the weekend?
    I can see and relate why some are annoyed by what Blizzard is giving us currently and what they may try to do.
    To make the season work they need to give us way more way to play and enjoy the game.

    • SiCh Chilli
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    what people? I and my friends are having a blast lol

    • MrSudomacho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Getting into PoE now – coming from Runescape 3. The grind doesn’t put me off and the seasons look like it will be a fun refresh of the game.

    Forcing Dev’s to stick to the same mold year over year is going to get stale. From new tech capabilities, evolving player’s and puzzles that get solved – games need to adapt.

    What type of games never change and are still popular? Chess, Go, Mahjong

    D4 without seasons is like building a 100 000 piece puzzle – it has an end and some people will finish it faster than others. A lot of people want to know what the final picture is themselves, some enjoy the race to be the first, some just enjoy putting the puzzle together, and then there’s people who just look at the box see 100k pieces then complain they don’t like the picture.

    I had fun typing this comment – hope you enjoyed reading it.

    • Not going to put my name in this box google
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you are still complaining blizzard games in 2023 you are the problem…

    • Melissa Kampers™
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The actual hardcore ARPG player base is relatively small for D4, in my humble opinion. Diablo 4 has attracted a large ‘casual’ group of people who all have jobs, kids and other responsibilities that will detract from D4 after finding out they can’t progress their eternal toons any further once Seasons start. This will hurt the IP in my opinion. They need to do both. Give seasonal players their season system and battle pass and give Eternal players also access to the battle pass and latest any updated content, new dungeons, new open world events etc.

    The sole focus on seasons is a big design mistake in my opinion.

    • jcal20
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think the main problem is the mundane gameplay. theres not much build diversity, theres like 5 dungeon bosses, the game is super slow, the drops suck, and it takes forever to level. that, to me, is a recipe for disaster. personally im uninstalling d4 today and just eat the money loss.

    • Rias C.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    lmao the ignorance from the outraging people is hilarious. None of this is new hahahahaha

    • Vera Ferm
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    All this tells me is that D4 is fucking huge. I didn’t realize how many normies picked up this gerne for the first time lmao

    • Astro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I can understand the frustration of resetting, years ago when i first started playing arpgs i was FURIOUS at the concept of leagues/seasons basically resetting you.
    But over time got used to them and understood why they can be fun and/or even preferred.
    I have no issue with the concept of resetting and expected it so this is no surprise.
    My biggest issue is that with the current state of the game, resetting is going to feel HORRIBLE. Primarily due to the insane grind for specific drop only aspects or looking for a good roll on a codex aspect(umbral aspect which ive only dropped once. rolled a 2.. im level 80 btw)
    On top of uniques being even worse. Some people getting to level 95 without seeing a single tempest roar is just insane.
    Its fine for the start of a season but WEEKS into a season? no.
    But if they fix those 2 things with either being able to target farm specific gear slots with a higher drop rate for uniques(helltides suck) and then adding all aspects to the codex or at the very least letting us infinitely imprint/extract the same aspect.
    Then i can deal with the rest of the issues till they get to addressing them.

    • R G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Holy crap i never thought of that lol. Dang u Ziz, for having some common sense lol. But seriously im taking a PoE break and taking my sweet time. I was wondering why i seen so many complaints about running end game dungeons. Didnt realize there was that many new players. Despite PoE having much more end game choices, ur littlerally doing the same thing over and over. Deep delvers are delving over and over. Alternate gem abd gear farmers are running heist.

    • Eleo Harka
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think this is a good thing. While I have no qualm starting over each season of an ARPG since it’s the expected norm. D4 is in a unique spot to branch that design a bit given how many players seem to not bein in favor of that being the only way. In a perfect world this would lead the D4 devs to iterate on how to move forward and maybe come up with a unique solution we don’t see in other ARPGs.

    • 1armisdarker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    These people were me when diablo 3 seasons came out. That’s insane to me people didn’t realize but I understand.

    • Reptar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I wouldn’t say that seasons define ARPGs because so many people can enjoy them as a single player or story campaign experience, but I personally love seasons in ARPGs and it definitely transforms them into an endlessly replayable game similar to what many genres of live service games try to achieve. For my taste D4 could improve something about its formula for XP gain and/or world level scaling. For me the XP grind after 50 or so has felt like a significant drag compared to my relative experience of midgame leveling in D2 and D3. Having trouble looking forward to a reset for that reason, but not because seasons in general.

    • PenguinzFtMFW
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    diablo 3 did have seasons though…..

    • urghertable
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The only thing I regret is paying for early access, there’s only about 30 hours of content, I probably would wasted my 20 bucks on that one but that’s on me

    • Gordon Hamsay
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is why I have no interest in Blizzard games anymore, this is exactly what happends when you try to make a game that appeals to everyone, you end up making a game that appeals to no one

    • Corey Brooks
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s like the people blaming McDonalds for becoming overweight, so McDonalds makes a salad and loses a ton of money trying to satisfy customer demands. It’s not on a game team to change their product on the whim of some casuals because then it will probably be a worse game for the people thay actually play it

    • Kurtis Meldrum
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons is fine, but I think releasing a game, and then making a season 1 month later was a really dumb idea though.
    I guess Release to Season1 was just another beta test?

    • Alan Herrera
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    We should ban people like this to play a video game but then how the game will make money if we don’t include stupid people ):

    • Sol
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My main thing is how unfun lower level characters are in this game. They designed the game progression around resource scarcity. So instead of getting more powerful as you progress, you’re able to use your abilities more often. This makes the early game absolutely clunky and boring. Thinking of doing it all over again for a season just doesn’t appeal to me personally

    • Kevin Chappell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I understand them. I am somewhere between a causal and hardcore ARPG enjoyer myself. I really liked D3, and POE, but I never played it to an extreme degree and grinded out the endgame for days on end. But to me D4 is kinda boring. After you hit lvl 25 you have seen all the game has to show you, and the remaining 75 levels are all about incremental upgrades to your numbers. Your game mechanics and visuals barely shift as you lock in a single build and just pray to get decent drops. Even I dont see myself going past season 1, so someone who doesnt expect the monotony and grind would probably feel very blind sided by the game.

    • Rubow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think its partially on blizzard, they made people expect an MMOARPG so the casuals expected the game to be like lost ark

    • PairOfSocks Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    is the Season and Battle Pass 2 different things? Cuz thats what im thinking. Battle Pass for some cosmetics and Season for content experience. Its actually weird to me that Battle Pass will be a Season exclusive deal

    • hesham8
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am confused about this backlash.

    • RobeRonin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the game is stuck in a shitty middle ground it docent know if it wants to be a mmo or a single player game ! and im sick and tired of hearing this casual gamer bullshit i have probably played more diablo 4 then 80 percent of people lol i am so far from a casual gamer and i freaking hate seasonal dumb bullshit that holds games back by making shit content that is made as throw away experience`s diablo deserves better !

    • Dustin Wilson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Great vid Ziz! Couple of notes I’d love to hear your thoughts on in a video or even feedback to Bliz. Disclaimer, I currently don’t mind the upcoming setup for their seasons aside from it feels much longer than most other true aRPGs to get to ~80+. I also like the idea of being able to progress Battle Pass with Eternal realm character, if you were to get a late start to a season and not want to level fresh but go back and play one of your other characters you’ve invested in to get something out of it.

    1) I’m not surprised on the number of people who don’t realize how the seasons in true aRPGs work because like you mentioned, lots of new players engaged for D4
    2) With D4 pushing to be more of an “MMO”, pretty much all MMOs the goal is to hit max level and then end-game officially opens up. WoW, ESO, Destiny, etc.
    2.a) Expanding on #2, thats never been the case with typical aRPGs, D2, PoE, etc. with the exception of D3 which max level was basically the requirement to do anything or be a real character.
    2.b) Along with the typical aRPGs, hitting max level never really did anything other than give you a few more stats or skills, but I don’t think people fully understand that right now
    3 Most of those games, getting to ~85 and starting a new char/playing multiple chars seemed to go relatively quick. I think the big downfall with D4 so far is that getting to 85 seems daunting, especially since thats only halfway to 100, so the shock of having to do that every 4 months is hitting people.

    I’d personally love to see a reduction in XP requirements for each level up to like 90 or an acceleration in XP in general for Seasonal chars along with all the other carry-over stuff they mentioned in the fireside char, so it doesn’t feel so grindy to get a higher / end-game type character, without the massive time investment. I’ve always enjoyed played 2-3 characters per season in PoE/D2/D3 previously, I’ve gone decently hard the past few weeks and currently have a 69 and 32, the idea of taking a month to get both of them to 80+ feels bad. In D3 you could hit max level 60 in a few hours from the start, and ~30minutes if you’re power-leveled by a buddy on your alt so I’d like to find a middle-ground on that.

    • Zack Rieger
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Never played a season in an arpg but always understood how it worked. After getting my barb to 100 in D4 I’m looking forward to starting a new class each season. Some people don’t seem to understand that is the literal point of an arpg, to start from your feeble lvl 1 character and progress them to a super powerful build and clear the endgame content. I’d get bored running my max lvl character melting everything after doing all endgame content in other arpgs and would start a new character because it was fun to play the other class mechanics or even try a completely different build on the same class. Maybe allowing battle pass pgrogession on the eternal realm would appease some of the more causal audience. Getting your character to max lvl should not be a quick and easy task. It should be a feeling of “yes, I finally did it! Time for that pinnacle challange”.

    • Fuzzywinkle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Man, no matter what any gaming company does, everyone is mad lol.

    • Cuddle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    just let them hate. i dont realy get how some idiots are so stupid.. i wanna have some fps ppl play tower defence games and rage bc you dont get to aim-.– ?!?!?!??! wtf are these people talking about??

    • Digital Savior
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The Lost Ark model has its merits and people may have been expecting that.

    • nibulux
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This morning I watched asmon reaction vid the vid was titled your gearing wrong and the whole vid was read the affixes. Asmon was just like omg they need to be told.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s just a vocal minority of people that aren’t in the know

    • bernini
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Playing PoE we dont have to interact with civilians anymore, let D4 be “have 3.56s a day to play game”.

    • Vivi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its like going on a cruiser and complaning that your’re surrounded by water. What the actual hell is happening lmao. If ARPG players are confused i can’t imagine how confused a dev would be reading that thread

    • Dragon Dyce
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D2 ladders (seasonal resets) were about a year long, but didnt have a specific date sometimes they were longer then a year

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Video games are quickly becoming more and more accessible/normalized, people with no gaming background or just smart phone games experience got caught in this because of the big name and the hype of D4. Something that would have not happened 10years ago.
    And, well, they just expect fast foods but they’re in a restaurant this time around….

    • Etro’s Knight
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I feel like this is a problem you get when you try to cast too wide a net in terms of player base. On the one hand you have blasters complaining about endgame content, that you have to run around to dungeons too much, or that there isn’t enough different activities to do at max level. Then there’s these guys who play an hour a week and will take months just to beat the campaign. The orders of magnitude of difference in the amount people play is going to make it so they can’t make either side truly happy

    • Lux Invictus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Take this as an example: imagine a person who has never played FPS games before. They buy an FPS game and then complain that, in order to play ranked, competitive matches they have to be a certain level and perform at a very high level. Would that be fair? No. FPS, by its very nature, usually has an unranked category for casual players, and a ranked category for people who play a lot.

    • teo sandev
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They are right to be annoyed, lvling a char to 100 only to have it be useless next season is an insult to the players time. Even in poe solid league mechanics make it to standard, as do the new bosses and uniques. When they dont people are rightfully pissed.

    • Jordy020
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    bruh… i feel its the same as if i would play call of duty but i keep complaining about the game that its fast pace… They didnt know what they signed up for but they dont agree with the specific “grinding play style” of ARPG.

    Casual gamers should accept that there has to be content for the hardcore gamers…

    • Super N0iS3
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    these people dont even know what a season is, imagine what they know about the paragon board for example. The level of stupidity is insane

    • Power Level
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    doesn’t take a Good gamer to realize d4 is a bad game

    • Yoda-y
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    d4 has just a large playerbase. there are casuals, arpg veterans, people that think they are arpg veterans, and people that dont have any plans of arpg. i think its very hard for blizz with this large playerbase at game designing decisions. but i think blizz does a good job for acting that quickly and listen to every kind of player

    • David Howell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My biggest problem is that the game lags way too much

    • Giblix
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    normies shouting about things they dont understand. what’s new?
    those normies show why we should be more aggressive in gatekeeping our hobbies. before we know it they’ll ruin our fun.

    • FreeZ
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the worst think is since over 2 weeks they now the druid loottable its bugged and they do nothing about it 😀 they just say ” we work on “

    • Steineru-kun
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think rolling out a season so shortly after launch is a very strange decision. Imo they either should have released with a season or just release a battle pass for standart/eternal realm or whatever it’s called. This way this stink from a new/casual audience wouldn’t have risen as much

    • Alan Phelan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get their point. I’m sort of medium experienced (2k hours?) in POE and D2 to D4 and I still struggle with seasons and end game jargon.

    • Silvan Geissmann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “Season 0” is only 1.5 months long. Season 1 will start in July, the game came out in June. This is rather fast.
    For casuals its game released, they are half way through the campaign, everybody talks about reset / season1, WTF?

    They should start Season 1 3 months after the game released.

    • Miguelito
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    im mainly an mmorpg player, first time playing diablo not casually and not gonna lie i was expecting that you could do all of the content, including seasonal stuff, with just my main. Being kinda forced to make alts is a dealbreaker, something i really didnt enjoy in mmos. Different type of game i guess, but i wonder if they couldnt make it work with another type of seasonal progression

    • rotony1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Starting over again in a new season is the best part of the game.

    • Andaro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the big problem here is that people seem to think that they HAVE to play the season, or, that if you do play the season to complete the battle pass, you can always make a new class, play the season, and at the end, all of your gold and items and character progress you made, will be transfered to the eternal realm with their other characters.

    I personally never play non- season or standard league, but a lot of people do and it’s perfectly fine to do that…

    Hopefully, they deliver on deep seasonal mechanics to entice people to want to play it anyway… 🤷‍♂️

    I will say though, for anyone who hasn’t been playing for streamer level hours, I will say that the start of the first season is very rushed. I am a single dad, work long hours, limited time to play. I’ve made it to lvl 66 on my sorc, and I already feel like the only things worth doing at this point, are collecting statues and finishing exploring the map. I have vacation plans for July, so my playtime left before season start is very limited.

    I personally think the time between launch and season 1 should have been the same length of time as a typical season will be, around 3 months. This would have given more time to get all of the bugs worked out, for more casual people to fully experience the game, and to get a feel for what level of progression they can expect for a full season.

    Now I realize you probably won’t necessarily agree with this, as you’re probably ready for a new season already with multiple lvl 100s, but from the perspective of a casual, it’s pretty rushed.

    • Andrew Dowd
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i never messed with the concept of seasons until D3, then in POE. It always seemed lame to relevel but then POE showed me how awesome it can be to progress a different build.

    Leveling a sorc or barb again like it was in D3 was always a chore i disliked since theres far fewer choices and interesting things going on while leveling

    • Der Albatrossmann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is a symptom of drawing in the MMO crowd by marketing this game as some sort of semi-MMO. They all think “seasons” are the same thing as “expansions” in MMORPG’s.

    • Zinqo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    On danish FBs diablo groups ppl also complain alot about the game being to hard, take too long to level, grind as endgame etc etc.. People have no clue what ARPG is.. Holy crap.. Seems like most ppl just want to spend 20 mins to max level and get a cache with bis gear…………………………………

    • Tony Gunk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im thinking its the leveling progression taking too long that players are not interested in starting all over again. Maybe increasing the speed of leveling characters faster to end game with more content to do and loot to collect might be enough incentive to come back fresh.

    • harry ross
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is underwhelming

    • DerBengel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean… i played a lot of D3 Season’s and after that PoE Season’s…. That reset is the whole reason why I am still playing ARPG’s until now.

    To think that this is unexpected for some people is just mindblowing for me…

    • wiwh wiwh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Imho the paid battle pass should be possible to complete by playing no more than 7 hours a week.

    • Tom Tomkowski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I decided to not jump into a hype train and wait for a while what people will say after 2-3 weeks of playing.
    And looks like I did a smart move because this game is just a nothing burger with 10-15 hours of story and then boring slow grinding for nothing with copy-paste bosses.
    Not to mention the stupid level scaling so you have to play this game in a very specific way to not level too fast and to get a very specific gear and forgot about respecting because you will be nerfed to the ground. Endgame? What endgame? PvP? What PvP? But you can always pay for extra visuals in a $70 game or go through the same game for the 4th time to get better gear. LOL.

    • Bogdan Alex
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Probably half the d4 playerbase wasn’t even alive when diablo 2 was out .And the guy with the” y am
    playing this then ?” … say you take dancing lessons, y the hell are you even dancing?… the song is about to end and a new one will start … and you have to dance all over again !

    • Oxygene
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I baught it and it was as bad as in the beta for me. Played it, did not like some parts of it (which weight higher for me than the fun parts), hated others (damn, leveling up feels so bad for me still, this scaling is the worst shit I ever had in any game) and liked some other parts. I can’t login any more due to the bad parts. I am done and just look at the counter for exilecon to go down. Oh and I beated supreme calamitas the first time on master mode. softcore. anyway, great success for me after plenty of deaths. much, much more fun playing terraria for the 20th time than playing a week of D4. Just for me. You may like it.

    • Tamer AKSOY
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ty ziz. im watching u since 2013 i think when im playin poe main. i like ur content u re a good player for sure but u r missing the point ” casual players are more then %70 of game ” im at 40 now and my friend list has over 200 players and no1 is 100lv now 😀 im working 6 days a week and blasted at weekends and im still at 91lv. as blizzard said at campfire talk most of the players not finished even campain. i ll play first season for sure because i bought ultimate edition but next season im not sure. maybe full skip of renown can work for me.

    • Clyde
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think that the new players are thinking about seasons similar to expansions in WOW where they can still use the same current level characters in to the new seasons. but as a ARPG vet too, this is a really surprising take since i’m also used to new league characters in POE

    • Clow Reed
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I really do believe a whole lot of people think they’re going to lose their non-seasonal characters.

    • SirBob1932
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The issue is blizzard marketed and used their end game content budget to market the game to casuals and new fans who want to play the same character and not miss out on content. A majority of these new fans are used to battlepasses in battle royals and fps games that let you just play the game for the rewards and you don’t have to make a new “character”. Have seasonal rewards for seasonal characters is fine with me but putting a paid battlepass in the seasonal content is a really bad move in my opinion. They went half in supporting hardcore fans of ARPGS and half into supporting casuals and were left with this weird game

    • Matt Jindra
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blizzard is a victim of their own success… or maybe not even that. A victim of their own marketing. This is 100% a core part of what gives games in the genre longevity anyone arguing the contrary just doesn’t understand and that’s fine. Not every game has to be for everyone – play the campaign and get to 100 if you want and move on until the expansion if that’s how you feel. Some of the casual audience will be won over and some of them will bounce off the game. That’s fine and I don’t think the answer here is to try and make everyone happy because then you will kill what makes the game good a majority of the people that would have been long term players/veterans. You also can’t keep throwing seasonal mechanics into eternal realm. You just literally can’t. There’s no guarantee ANY of those features stick around beyond the season…they plan on removing them or reworking and re-incorporating them into the base game on a case by case basis depending on popularity. If your eternal character just lost a bunch of progress on a feature that they added and removed in a 3 month span… that’s not going to be any better for you. You will also feel like you wasted your time. If you don’t have the mindset about the fun being the journey and the chase with these games then NO MATTER WHAT – you will bounce off this game eventually. You are disagreeing with the formula. People don’t try and force basketball to be football. You like basketball play basketball you like football play football. Not every game has to be homogenized to be like Destiny or completely mmo-ified. It’s an ARPG. If it’s your first one then experience it for what it is and decide if it’s or you, if it’s not move on.

    • OneButton Dash
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they should consider letting players use the battlepass with eternal characters. However the fact that they really seem to be wanting players to play seasons might be because they have something big planned for them. But if they are mediocre and it’s like 1 new activity, they should consider the casual player that doesn’t want to

    • Myndfields
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Could you imagine the insane inflation from just printing currency all the time WITHOUT a reset?

    so, how much you guys spending on groceries these days?

    • Sutra Stevens
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get so incredibly easily bored when playing Diablo 4.

    Perhaps it’s because I’m not following some guide.

    • Shift AC
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s an ARPGs. Creating a new character and test new stuff from scratch is the joy. The endgame is just a cherry on top

    • Baby Yoda
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Maybe my games bugged but my side characters have to explore the map again, no waypoints other then the main cities for the regions

    • satanttin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Been playing poe since early 2013 and i’m fine doing the campaign every league/season ig and with every character since it’s only like what 7 hours? comparing to the 25/30 hour campaign of D4? so only thing i hope is that they let us skip the campaign and just go in D3 style really. like making an alt in D4 after u completed the campaign.

    • Stéphane Marais
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Not gonna lie, I did not enjoy my time in PoE. I have played Diablo 3 for many years here and there. But if the grind in seasons is like it is right now, I’m not gonna do it. The grind is exhausting and it already burned me out. I will not do it for each seasons.

    • Brak Pseudonimu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The truth is the characters are destined to be abandoned and the eternal realm is more like dumpster, however some pvp enthusiast may find its purpose. That’s why I didn’t even bother to buy the game before season and apparently I’m not buying it for the season either because of crucial fixes to be expected in s2, which is a joke. Amd in a way the seasons kinda sux, but after years of playing MMO I don’t think a truly persistent progress makes much sense either.

    • nowandlaterkid
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think its mostly because ARPGs are the only game type with hard resets on character progession. While that’s certainly just how they work, you have to account for what portion of the player base has never played a name like this before. Its been 10 years since D3, and there hasn’t been a big multiplatform ARPG from a major developer probably since then. Overall, the outrage will die but I don’t think its strange that so many people are confused

    • ___Meph___
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are nuts lol. I’ll happily create a new character for each season, looking forward to it!!

    • LUL
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    yeah… Megan Fox and KFC really convinced people to pay $70 for the game…. L O L

    • Dogood
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    |Your average KFC injoyer 🤡

    • Viscrid
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    not my first ARPG, i dont have issues with seasons, but i did uninstall the day after the dev fireside chat. a few things put me off really, knowing they keep referring to number of hours played as their key metric makes me view every single backtrack in an empty corridor, forced rep grind or whatnot as a personal F you from the team to get their metrics up – and makes me think of D3 expansion which had plenty of this stuff before they removed it over time to sell it as new content.

    the fact they are doing updates very infrequently- i.e. only with console updates, means there will not be quick meaningful fixes- i can just wait a few years or when others playing it mention certain aspects have been addressed, but i shouldnt expect quick turnaround.

    the lack of storage is frustrating, if i’m playing an ARPG without an easy way to trade, at least let me hoard all the different stuff for different builds so i can later mess around with them. already not a fan of the scaling levels and gear you find 10 levels ago no longer being really good later on…. and anything not ancestral feels pointless to invest in.

    additionally, totally my bad but the UI didnt help… if you right click stuff in your inventory at weapon seller, it sells the item. if you do it at the blacksmith 1 npc over, it equips it. rushing around with a group led to some painful item loss i didnt realize until it was too late. helped me make the decision i had been considering since hearing the talk. feels like the issue i had with wow, where the game is made to make you spend time and get you hooked onto doing so (only 30min for world boss, oo helltide, this zone just needs 5 more bits for the tree, etc) but not necessarily that fun- i already had used 5 of my 10 slots making 1 char and 4 mules to try save up gear for different specs, but the space is just so limited it’s painful. i miss my dump tabs.

    but yeah, no issue with the idea of seasons, full wipes, and dont really care about the shop prices.

    • Mjölkolisten
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m not sure what they’re hoping to do by playing their lvl 100 character for eternity with. Leveling, finding new gear and becoming more powerful is like the core of these games and even when I played D2 back in the day mostly offline I was creating new characters all the time cause that’s fun. Seasons are a perfect oppurtunity to try out a new class or build with some change along the way.

    • Michael Tihon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    How would you define a casual, that’s the question.
    I’m late 40s, played D1 since release, and every arpg in between D4. D2, titan quest, D3, grim dawn, torch, D2R, LE, PoE,… I have thousands of hours in those games and still consider myself as a casual player.

    I’m surprised actually that people nowadays cannot READ anymore. They cannot read the description of a game, they cannot read the description of a skill or an item, of a difficulty level… And then they complain.
    I call it stupidity, not being casual.

    • PwnyRampage
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the open world adds little to the game for me, i just want to teleport to the dungeon and grind.

    • modrn_
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My whole thing is I do NOT want to redo ANY of my renown. I don’t. It isn’t fun, and it’s super time-consuming. The entire time I’m doing it, I would rather be doing anything other than it. Sigils, Helltides, Tree, literally anything otherwise. I love Seasons, but even in PoE, the main reason I stopped playing (after like 900 hours) is just that I got SO tired of doing the fucking campaign over and over and over and over.

    • Grula Bola
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Games pointless with lvl scaling. Never feel more powerful

    Worse case you get weaker as you lvl.

    No cool lvl 80 zones you work towards. Just bland same stuff. Over and over

    • WeTheWounded
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A few weeks ago I saw someone claiming that the renown regrind would kill the game. I remember thinking “that’s kinda what people signed up for.”. Just wait until Blizzard does the standard ‘seasonal only’ mechanics and items.

    • Sjeg84
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Litterally waht is going on? Its like people booking a ship cruise then complaining that there’s water everywhere.

    • wiwh wiwh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it takes way too long to level up / get our build going. They should divide the time by 2 in the season.

    • Barbos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the main issue is a paid battlepass. Many ppl don’t want to participated in season, yet they want the rewards they’ve paid for.

    As for Paul Tassi, he’s a seasoned destiny player, who grinds almost every season. However, starting from scratch each season in a looter game is baffling, unlike arpg where it’s the norm. No wonder him and many newcomers have issues with d4 seasonal model.

    • TeeBeeOhh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m as confused as you, I had to think when people get angry in poe because their super broken builds they have been playing for years in standard get broken by updates, like I absolutely don’t connect with how they play games.

    • Michael Adams
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the difference for diablo vs other arpg is simply time it take to get to end game. 10 hours screwing off in POE gets you to maps, at which point you are progressing through the end game. I am at 220 hours of solo play and just about to ding 100. No groups or resetting dungeons, just playing how it was made because I was curious about how long it would take playing it how blizzard wanted it played. Feel like the leveling experince should be bumped to what you would get if you were in a group of 4. I think that is what the disconnect is with the new player base. Most are not going to put in 150 hours just to get to max level every season. While I expected it as an ARPG fan boy, I can see why 1 hour dad is not down to do it.

    • rageburst
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is why you just need to play hardcore. You’d be a lot more invested in the character rather than repeating the grind. Best thing I’ve ever done, and it’s fun from level 1+.

    • Spottiedogman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blizzard could fix this game by only doing one thing and that is make the leveling experience fun for the average or as the pro’s call it “casual player”. I am fairly new to arpg’s and stopped playing due to the constant nerfs and just not having a good time leveling through the campaign with the limited time I have to play. Many content creators have expressed this in their reviews and have stated that this is due to most builds being item reliant and that is rng which in my opinion just bad design, I have fun with games that you feel more powerful as you level and this game seems the total opposite of that. Roast me if you want this is just my opinion.

    • FeelsGouda
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I find that really weird, but I guess it shows how many new players they hooked.

    For me it’s the other way round, I reached level 70, and now I kinda lost interest because there is not much else to do, so I wait for a season to actually have a reason to play again. And this usually goes in a circle each season – playing for a month or two and then stopping and taking a break until the next one, which is probably what a lot of ARPG players (that know how season works) do.

    • Armed_but_Blind
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was abit deflated when i found out about resetting my character. But when you reminded me you dont need to unlock the map or lilith statues it kinda eased my worries. Its a big time sink for a casual though

    • CoL_Drake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    people who wont play the game alot trying to destroy the game for all teh true fans … taht what i see and i hope blizzard aint klisteling 1% they already listen to much to these idiots

    • Schandri
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i think exp needed is still too great. and should be reduced.. lots of people dont want to 4 player hardcore grind 1 instance for optimal exp. we just want to play and chill and dont worry about speed. but unfortunately thats taking too long atm

    • Shravan Shetty
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they should have something like standard league from poe in diablo 4

    • GrimmJohn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I stopped playing D4 after a week into the game.

    • Torresgaming
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I blame game journalist lowering skill levels for ten years now.

    • Chris Lastname
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People need to accept that not every game is for you. Also, blizzard doesn’t care because they already got your money bro. Kind of hard to be a giga chad and walk away after you already gave them your wallet.

    • buffsheeri
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    OK let me get this straight, you have the main story campaign (which you must complete ) you are saying when this season thing drops whatever progression you have made will reset to zero? WTF?

    • Chen Gong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    all games are a waste of time….

    • Hellcore
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when Blizzard tells averyone it’s an MMO.

    • Justin
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i mean… i’m not an arpg main; i played a ton of mmorpg and then just completely random genres in addition to that one. When i tried d3 and didnt like it enough to continue after campaign and years later tried poe which i “only” have 1k hours in at this point. But I knew before even trying D3 what seasons were and understood them… i feel like you just very naturally pick that up. This is one of the few times I have to take blizzards back after years of being frustrated with them and say this is a community issue. They’ve communicated more than ever and not only is this a typical arpg system.. they have communicated this many times and explained it.

    Obviously people with 1hr a day at most to play dont consume much content and dont research the game etc prior to purchasing but that really seems like a consumer issue and not an issue with the product or company providing it.

    With that said.. the best middle ground is to adjust the battlepass for standard so they can get these cosmetics as well and after seasons rotate seasonal story content(that’s a thing right?) into standard. If they’re still unhappy then fuck them honestly bc that’s just complaining to complain at that point

    • Michu
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I was quite mad as well after the announcement of S1 middle July. However, as long as Lilith Statues are being transferred through seasons, it is all fine. Game is a bit repetitive right now even for Arpg standards so hopefully it will get at least slightly better in S1 in this aspect.

    • Jesse
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im not that surprised becauuse I know a lot of casual gamers and this is how they uusuallu react to poe too. ARPGs aren’t what most people consider to be fun as it’s built around replayavility when most people can barelu watch a movie twice thiking it’s a waist of time let alone a new season after reset. I have 3k hours in skyrim, have played it over 30 playthroughs and most people don’t get how this is even possible. They can’t stand playing a gamer for over 30 hours combined let alone 100 hours it takes to beat skyrim for the first time. ARPGs take this to 11 with seasonal resets.

    • Josep aldosa
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Most ppl play only because they have the feeling the end goal is achieving something. Seasons makes them realise they should not be playing in the first place

    • Deadraque
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t get it that most of people want everything to carry over, so no stories, no Lilith, no strongholds and so on, just do dungeons? wow, no thx for me the game is done then, I am not interested anymore. In any other ARPG, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, POE, Wolcen, Last Epoch and so on you start from scratch with every new character or season! If everything is revealed.
    For me Ideal is random places for each player on lilths, random dungeon places, random dungeons WITH FLOORS, not just 1 floor, the promised story things they would add (pretty sure it is not gone happen), changes in the main map everywhere, so you have exploring! that is the point of an ARPG, those only rift players are destroying the what once was great ARPG’s like doing the story 3 times, nightmare and hell not this Torment crap that popped up in D3 and carried over to D4. D4 is a boring hell after the story.

    • moctzal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What Paul said is honestly closer to the way that every single person I know IRL plays Diablo 1-3. Some played through the campaign and stopped. Some played to level cap and stopped. Some didn’t make it out of act 1.

    I think it’s interesting to see here what I saw while playing competitive Magic the Gathering: the way the vast majority of the playerbase plays the game is not how the most entrenched players play the game.

    I think the type of player who follows your content is already a part of a very small minority of people who play ARPGs. Casual players vastly outnumber people who play through season/ladder resets in Diablo.

    I think this sets up seasons to need to have some damned good content, or else people will fall off playing the game in massive numbers. Now that’s quite probably not a gamebreaking issue, as that tends to happen with high quality, successful games, but with even people like Asmongold saying that the renown re-farm might be enough for him to skip future seasons after the first, I think the developer is walking a fine line between making a game for everyone, and making a game for no one.

    • quitwastinmytime
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s all largely due to experienced streamers spreading disinfo. Hawg was actually correct that they don’t understand the damage they are causing because they don’t understand that other people don’t realize they are just joking around making meme joke rumors

    • burdenking
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    One of the reasons I occasionally comeback to PoE are the seasons/expansions.

    • Ryan O
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I guess my takeaway from all of this is humor. Like, have these people never played an ARPG? “I bought this new FPS release and cannot believe that im supposed to aim myself! What kind of garbage is this! I expected turn based menu attacks!”

    • Andrew Jones
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D3 was a new toon every season…wtf did all these reddit people come from that just skipped d3 ?

    • ashvalkyrie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    thats what you get when you try to appeal to literally everybody in the world, placing kfc adds and shit. now go and explain to gamer dads why they cant be the immortal king in the 45 minutes every 3 days they get to play.

    • Mathias Jacobsen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I get it if people don’t want to collect lillith altars (i don’t know if you actually will need to in a new season) and other horizontal stuff, all over again. But seasons are one of the things that keep ARPGs fresh and exciting. I guess this is the downside of attracting a wide, main stream audience.

    • bigpod
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    for me it was a big shock (even with smallish history i have with ARPGs) but becuase i was in a missaligned mindset. main ARPG i played was marvel heroes(or what it was called) back in the day while that didnt have seasions and soft resets that come with it like that it had million and one premade character(think marvel comics characters you could play) and it had prestige, pets(that fought beside you) you could level and so on so it had a lot of new experiances and XP sinks, so you had lots of stuff to do. Once i made that connection it made ton of sense

    • Brentwood
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I read some of this thread, and I was absolutely baffled. It seems like a lot of these new players just looked at the trailer and thought “Looks cool, I’ll get that!” – without putting any effort into figuring out what type of game they’re getting into. People complaining about the game being a grind – Yeah, hello?

    • Suwoh.C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Only thing that bothers me in all this mess is battle pass that I paid for not progressing when I play standard character. I paid for BP and I should be able to advance it just by playing daily without any targeted restrictions. They can give bonus rewards for Season players if they want to incentivise poeple to play Seasons but base BP rewards should be accessible to everyone.

    • Hangman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I doubt i will ever grind to level 100 because there is no point to do that , after level 70 you dont need to level up more … nothing interesting there , gear is only thing that make you stronger

    • Rydio Rodrigues
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    “People discovering D4 is not a MMO” the thread

    • Motive
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wont be playing seasons. What’s the reason for seasons is it the race to 100 again? No thanks I’m only lvl 54 atm and I rarely see anyone in game as it is so I see no reason to play seasons. There’s no trade incentive so new items aren’t exciting. At least I believe there isn’t a trade option at least not in game. Where’s the trade chat?

    • xlKhaled
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    thats poe mindset its “normal” thing to have reset, most other games are not having that so players not used to it

    • Jeremy Simpson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    @2:28 Not everyone has HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS. IE The Dad with one hour a day. But you know what you could do with 1 hour a day in Diablo 2 & 3? Play the fucking game. In diablo 2 you could get to 80-85 in under an hour with Ubers, or play OFFLINE MODE IMAGINE THAT, in Diablo 3 they sped it up even further, I could level you to max in 5 minutes, I could get you 500 paragon levels in like 30 or less. It didn’t WASTE your life away. Seasons are fine, the grind to 100 EVERYTIME and them nerfing exp over and over so it takes LONGER is not how Diablo 2 or Diablo 3 has ever been.

    Edit: @4:46 “You’re not making permanent progress on your life unless you turn it into a job” Honestly one of the best takes I’ve ever heard, a lot of people probably need to hear this lol

    • Sela
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That thread is so bizarre, and hopefully a vocal minority, these supposed Diablo vets who contradict it within a sentence are insane

    A lot of fun about ARPGs is getting a freshened up new experience every 3 months, that’s the core idea
    I do believe good additions should be introduced to the base game after some tuning past season’s end, like PoE does it, so we can have a more and more robust base game that is easier to iterate on, but we will see where Blizzard takes this.

    As for the season pass being progressable in Standard… eh? It.. shouldn’t matter in general, but the free pass has temporary power attached to it, which would mean your standard character will just fluctuate in power every 3 months.. and then apparently that would feel bad?

    Lot to unpack for sure.

    • OffMyMeds
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are fine. But the way they are implementing these seasons is trash and I don’t see how anyone can defend it. You can start a new character anytime you want. Why should seasons have anything to do with starting a new character. Sounds to me like they just don’t have any new content to roll out with each season that can help you earn seasonal xp so they just said “fuck it, let’s just make them start a new character to progress the season.” People will stop playing the game because of this and it doesn’t incentivize anyone to play. It does the opposite actually. Anyone bored of playing on their non seasonal character isn’t going to want to make a new one until a season comes out. Therefore, they’ll just stop playing until a new season.

    • Bee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the whole point of seasons reset every 3 months is the fuckin economy and leaderboards this game has 0 then of course people would wonder why they have to delete my character it would have been pain in the ass its worse than any mmo ever existed the leveling grind to 100 is insane they jebaited most of you with some statue bullshit and force you to test the hardcore side of the game

    • N T
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    chimps saw 9/10 reviews and a Halsey video and bought the game

    • Eric R
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Tried to explain seasons to my roommate and gave up after 10 minutes. Guy still hasn’t completed the campaign.

    • Vertigo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Nuts, as a ARPG veteran this is literally the opposite for me, without seasons/leagues etc. this game and all other ARPGs would be so much less appealing.
    Really hope Blizzard doesn’t change their stance on this.

    • Ninjano the Wise
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hell I’d consider myself a casual, my friends wouldn’t but whatever, and this is just normal. About 4k hours in ARPG games like D3 and PoE and this is just normal. At least I don’t have to do the campain anymore.

    • Troy Harris
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Their issue is the grind to 100 is way to long and they don’t make it easy to roll alts or swap builds. I think all that needs to be addressed for D4 to work with this casual audience. I also don’t plan on spending 100s of hours building toons to reach max level just to compete in NM dungeons and PVP.

    • Herbert Neumann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    @zizaran: Funniest part are the people that call themsleves D2 Veterans but probably never even did ubers or owned some expensive runewords. However this is what happens when you make a game for the casual people. They do not want to grind and they regard doing the same content over and over as a chore rather than fun. On the other hand to cater to the actual ARPG gamers that come back to POE every league and are super hyped for a reset, the game is way too casual and simple and needs to get way more complex.

    • yazilliclick
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Did d2 have seasons originally? Didn’t that come a while later?

    • Kelsey Maitland
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think we take internet reactions as being the reactions of “everyone”. This isn’t true.

    • Egyed Mike
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If the seasons mechanics are like on POE I do not mind “restarting” for the season and I am super happy that I do not need to do the campaign+map+lilith statues. If the season mechanics are anyting like the D3 seasons then I am never buying a new blizzard game every again probably.

    • Oğuz Can Oğuz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is just how it is in an ARPG? The whole point of an ARPG was to get progressively stronger, but you get weaker with the scaling D4 has, taken from MMORPG’s. You also unlock all your skills early and do not get a progression.

    The whole grind/reward curve of D4, which is the crux of ARPG’s is compromised and that is why people are not fundamentally happy, so they complain about anything they find. Not everyone is knowledgeable enough to figure out what is really frustrating them, but they all get frustrated still.

    • F T
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well.. you are also reading from the cesspool that is Twitter. Twitter makes you feel like there is a majority of people who have a certain opinion, but it’s really just a small fragment of society that has forgotten how to function in real-life. Most people are not typing these comments on Twitter, so the % of the thread really means nothing.

    • CoL_Drake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    its hard for me not to flame these people xD
    if THATS the writer base for FORBES it explains why its so shitty of a magazine xD
    i mean come on this the only reason to play a diablo are the seasons wtf

    • Stalkingwolf
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i played a lot at the start and my sorc is 70 with full renown.
    the game is ok but everything takes longer as it should. its the same blizzard formular to get you as long in the game as possible with making stuff more tedious as it should be.
    and thats imo not respect my time and i dont want to waste my time for that.
    D3 did this not. at least not after they add Loot 2.0.

    • Stefan Kostov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Paul tassi is a destiny 2 BOT with no comprehension about diablo. I have watched most of his videos and can’t believe how low he went from one of my favourite YouTubers to one of the most BS spewing ones.

    • SilkForCalde
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I know I don’t actually lose my characters, but I’ve also always looked at it as such, when playing POE or D3. When your toon is moved to the irrelevant eternal realm, you might as well delete that waste of space, after all. As a player who’s had to play more and more casually because of real life constraints and responsibilities, and as somebody who never ever will make it onto a leader board, I do wish I could enjoy the shiny new stuff without putting into the game hundreds of hours that I don’t have, only to re-re-re-slug through content I’ve played and replayed a dozen times. Think about it – the more casually you play the more time, as a percentage, you spend with the leveling phase and doing the campaign.
    In my opinion they should think about adding the seasonal stuff to the eternal realm at the start of the season, and offering a leaderboard/fresh start seasonal experience for the players that can spend that amount of time. Honestly, Ziz, most people in your sphere will have overtaken the casuals in a day or two of grinding, anyway, even five seasons from now.

    • Rick Lewis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    One of the problems is the fact that D4 is more of a grind than D3 was/is. Some classes might not even get the gear for a build in 3 months. Ive been playing way since beta and never seen some of the drops that are supposed to finish up my build.

    • Glowchi Mochi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 took a few steps into the “direction” of being more MMO-like or MMO-ARPG hybrid. I feel like that is where is the confusion comes from where new players expect some form of MMO-like end game cycle, like raiding tiers and what not. Even world bosses could construe new players to what end game content might be like long term; grouping up with 8-12 others to beat difficult encounters. The constant comparison to Lost Ark also sets up the wrong expectations too

    • Dustin Spencer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This person is so out of touch in many areas. It’s LITERALLY what happens when you play 1 game or 1 kind of game for too long. If you don’t vary you’re games, you’ll think that resetting is ‘ok’ when you have seasonal content. It’s not, even if Diablo 1,2 and 3 did it. That model is ANTIQUATED and no one ‘asked’ to have it, that’s the developers choice on how to implement seasonal content from 10 years ago.
    The year is 2023 and there have been multiple games that have implemented ‘seasonal content’ as a model and didn’t have to reset their player base to implement it. That’s the problem here. This model came out a decade ago and it was for a less than popular game. Back then, the few players that did buy into this system didn’t have a reference point as to what seasonal content COULD be, so they put up with it. You can see it with the ‘kind’ of player these games had before. They would play Diablo for 12 hours a day for weeks on end and think that’s fine, so leveling a new character wasn’t a chore for them.
    Diablo 4 is the first ARPG that penetrated this many gamers. Call them ‘casual’ if you want, but the fact is that’s the point of selling a video game. Growing your audience is the primary function of a business and Diablo 4 worked. Now, the old model is being exposed for what it is: a complete waste of time. New players aren’t going to go through what the previous audience went through because it’s convenient for Blizzard, which works directly against what Blizzard set out to do with Diablo 4. D4 was made with the express purpose of growing the audience and if they don’t change the old business model into something those players will actually play, this game will go down as the biggest flop in Blizzard history and that is not exaggerating.

    • netulven
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yea people that are complaining on Twitter, got no valid reason for being surprised,
    the Season and the way it works are not new, it has never been a surprise you have to “start over” even when people were unsure if you needed to do the Alters and map again

    All the “new Diablo players” forgot to do the ONE thing, you should do if you do not have a lot of time to play because you are “A new parent / working full time, Casual ect”

    and that one thing was: to do a Google search / watch a gameplay video about Diablo 4 before buying, you know common research about the game
    and this goes for every single game out there, I mean, is there anyone who buys a game without checking if it’s a game that fits the play style first?

    A guy that was Lvl 11 complained about the game? dude, you haven’t even played the game yet, and somehow you got the audacity to tell the Devs that there are wrong?

    and honestly, if all the time you got for gaming is 1 hour….why even bother tbh?

    • Misfit Monkey
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The biggest issue and reason why people feel like this is…. Leveling takes too long. It’s a needlessly grindy game, in D3 you could max LVL in less than a day and you didn’t have to grind renown. The grind is also just… more boring… the events often feel the same, there is a handful of good events, but some feel badly balanced, taking too long or failing too often. Dungeons also feel the same, they often have the same layout with only a few of the themes being fun to look at.

    The content is just not even fun and good like it should be, moving through the over-world is way too sluggish with how laggy it is on horseback due to bad coding and monsters/obstacles getting in the way of a horse that controls like utter crap with M/KB. The classes also don’t feel as good as they used to in D3 or even D2(relative to it’s release), the overall “feel” of the game needs a lot of improvements. It has a great foundation to work from so I do see a positive future.

    • Pasquale Rappa
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Bunch of Destiny 2 players.

    • Leonardo Fantinel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As a hardcore player myself, sometimes I kind of wish I die so I can start over. 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • Andrew U
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I thought d4 would have a season and non season so play either?

    • thatepicwizardguy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think seasons as-is are actually fucking trash personally and ive played a lot of seasons of poe and some d3 stuff.

    I think making the eternal realm being basically worthless lowers the appeal to d4. Honestly making eternal realms basically worthless is always a feelsbad.

    Its not gonna affect me really personally but i do think they should design battlepasses to also be progressable in the eternal realm or youre hard fucking a bunch of people. The battlepasses should also not expire since youre buying a product youre already required to work for the “full value” of.

    Ppl been brainwashed as fuck into thinking any of this shit is okay lol

    • HumanBeing
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wait how mad these people will get when they realize that season in diablo = 1-2 hours new content, 3-4 new uniques and if we are lucky 1 new mechanic. The game is build around constant character resets and wouldnt work without

    • Nope Isntme
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Part of me wants to not skip the campaign because I did on my 2nd character and I did miss a few things because I rushed the campaign the first time and skipped it the second time, but the other part of me doesn’t want to have to finish the whole campaign to unlock world tier 3 then later 4

    • John Wong
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The current confusion that I had is the purpose of battle pass. Do we have to pay battle pass every season to get seasonal content?
    Tbf, even though I knew what a season is in ARPG, I actually think that a huge expansion DLC like what FF14 did, suit D4 more.

    • Tagtraumbärchi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ofc RPG Games are Farming Games but d4 its like u neeed some items to make good and fast progress but , and some point u have to do nightmare sigil to get progress later but u can not choose a dungeon u like if i can craft sigil with a dungeon i like not random it would make more fun to run but sometime u have stupid layouts or these stupid waves things they are way to long and not realy rewarding i started with barbar and its like if u dont have enough paragon and not good legendary that u need it feels like garbage and another point is if i compare it with d3 u lvl 70 and u build works fast to get paragon and not like yeah now u are lvl 50 have fun to farm paragon just to get ur build work to make the game fun to play. in Poe i can choose the map i want to farm and not have to run a shit map just becouse they are random. and some points they nerf and nerf xp spots but change the sigil to get more xp and than nerf the normal dungeon and not say u can wait for next season and than we have balanced or buffed that shit . In Poe yeah u need lvl for some legendarys or to min max the build but u dont have to be lvl 100 to make ur build work and its like u can get lvl 90 in poe fast and then i need more time in d4 u lvl 50 and it feels like it need 2 hours just for 1 lvl to progress. And we need definitly a Loot filter just something i need on my gloves not to look on every single shit item !!!!

    • Diggsworth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If you think that thread is bad you should swing by the reddit.
    These people are mental.
    If you aren’t a sex-having dad with 142 kids who can only play for 13 seconds a week then you need to go out an touch grass/are unemployed/a degenerate no-lifer.

    It’s honestly like this is the first time any of them have played a video game, let alone an ARPG.

    • IllustriousTV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i have zero sympathy for ppl who dont look into what they buy… like legit i mean i do get that ppl are frustrated that they cant do the battlepas on there eternal chars , but going full ballastic over seasons is just beyond me…

    • WasabiCannon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Part of the reason why people are so against the season concept is because of how painful D4 is to level in.

    Another part is that in PoE you have thousands different build options to run where as D4 it is the same classes that all have a set builds that you work towards.

    Finally seasonal resets in PoE (Assuming D2 as well?) is the economy reset. D4 does not have a meaningful trade system so with no economy to reset thats basically another group of ARPG players who see no point in a season wipe.

    If it was not for the battle pass most people would be chill with the seasons being there for the folks who enjoy the idea of doing the exact same stuff every 3 months.

    • Ivo Lopes
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I just don’t wanna to re-farm renown, pls have mercy blizzard

    • DerFo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    once again in a twitter thread most of the bad takes stop when scrolling through the first 20 twitter blue replies. i swear someone needs to do a study on average intelligence for twitter blue users vs. non twitter blue users.

    • Celron_Miles
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone that experienced seasons for the first time in POE I’ve got to admit that I get where they are coming from? But at the same time as someone who put a lot of time into POE I can see why seasons in ARPGs are a good mechanic. Still seeing people going through the same stuff I went through years ago is pretty interesting.

    • Ravics
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Almost all of the people not ok with restarting for season to complete the battle pass are people who don’t complete the battlepass in other games lol. I think if they enjoy the start of the game at all they will enjoy seasons. I just recently did my first HC character and since they are separate from softcore the only thing I had extra was skip campaign had to do the full renown farm again and had zero gold nothing in the stash. It felt like what I figure a new season will feel like and it was a ton of fun and that wasn’t even with new content lol.

    • Dan F
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That Forbes writer is everything wrong with main stream media. He’s a bitch that wants every game to be destiny 2…

    • Jesper Lassesen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    aRPGs have always had seasons. But not always Battle pass… That’s a fairly new concept, my good sir. Even PoE only added that to their game a few leagues back… But seasons ? They’ve always been there…

    I think that’s what causes most of the confusion for most new, or casual players. But yea, if you CAN’T progress your battle pass, on your non-seasonal character, then i do understand the outrage… That would be a low blow for Blizzard…

    • thedarkblitz
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they are mad and they are right to be mad! its an awful game and definitely not worth your money nor time!
    its a very cute piece of shiat turd and a very expensive one period

    • ERCI
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Those casual people bought game just bcs it’s popular and they expect something that’s not even arpg content type.

    • Bee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    wow you streamers might be having still split running the solo experience is different nothing works atm you either solo ruins of eridu or iron hold or something all day 24/7 untill 100 the nightmare dungeons being so stupid also you will never find keys reasonable to your level it was fun playing with my friends at least 3 of us but they literally quit the game after 62 or something tbh what do you do in this game helltides? unless im streaming i dont have any reason to play the game right now trading is dead i would love to grind some dungeons on my main find some stuff trade gear for my rogue but trading is literally dead everywhere or maybe its the game dead also

    • Morphl1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    lol noobs

    • Marek K.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it’s the MMO feel to D4 that leads to people being more attached to their chars, much like in WoW, for example.

    • Darrothan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I recently met a PoE newbie that had these exact same thoughts. It kinda opened my eyes to the fact that most people donmt know how ARPGs work in general.

    • Zamuroy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I fucking hate casuals!

    • mor3idscream
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    im almsot over it with D4 as well, tired of buying a game and having to wait months to play all of it due to slow releases, updates later on, and cheeky tricks to slow you down to stall for timeas blizz releases content

    • William Owen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s just the marketing campaign bringing in people who havnt gamed for a decade who think this game isometric Skyrim

    • Petten Veevo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i guess many of these vocal ones are from the WoW or general mmorpg crowd and expect characters in arpgs to work the same way..

    • Charlie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The problem is that this game feels pointless. Why do you do all the grind ? All the content can be done solo or in a very small group. There is no PVP tournament or battle field. What is the reason to level up and grind ? It doesn’t feel really fun and there is no prestige in doing it.

    • John Jones
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    35k hours…4 full years of clocked game time. Expert status achieved.

    • Grim Hood
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 has 99 problems but season systems ain’t one.

    • Federico Leites
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    wtf with that twitter thread, it’s like being surprised the game has an isometric camera… “How come no one told me I had to look at may char from such a distance… how do they still make games like this…”
    Also how come they buy the game and now they realize that???

    • Panxoa Villa
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    can i just smash the like button 1000 times ? cause you are so relevant or so many levels

    • Dennis F.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    poe players, casual or not are built different YEP

    • dixiekongfan1
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be fair. D3 has a much friendlier Season formatt right now. You can level up to 70 in like an hour which allows people to jump into the endgame. This game does not have thaat.

    • Chris Wilson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Honestly I think there’s too many super casuals infringing on our established ip and area on general, trying to implement silly things and crying about old set In stone ways the way arpg’s are like wahh wahhh wahhh if ur a noob just quit seriously go play fortnite I’m over this sheeeiiit! Stop trying to make everything for everyone blizzard and strictly cater to the audience that has made you rich all this time dating back to diablo inception

    • Curtis Brockman
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t see D4 having nearly the same amount of players in season as it does now. Not only is it start from scratch, but even alts start with nothing. In D3 paragon levels are account wide. Paragon levels gained in season improve your non-season characters. Just changing to a new build in D4 is cumbersome. Enchanting is too expensive. Quality of life features are missing. There’s nothing to hook you to play after level cap. The game has problems. Problems D3 solved nearly a decade ago. Its strange that the same mistakes are repeated. The loot sucks and is barely customizable, and the level caps are a quick turn off. Oh well, I won’t be playing S1D4. I will be playing next season of D3.

    • Jonathan G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Truthfully, I don’t want the majority of the new players to stick around. This game has attracted so many toxic players. The subreddit and other forums are insanely toxic.

    I am happy to have another strong ARPG game to play and if only 20% of the “new” players stick around, that’s a win in my books.

    • THePunisher Xxx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You’re focusing on the wrong thing completely here Ziz. Its not about seasonal ignorance, its about the battle pass not being earn-able with non-season play. Even in POE you have a playerbase exclusively for non-season. Not everyone is down with seasonal characters or resets which is completely fine. Its not mandatory you must do a 3 month character if you play an ARPG, non-season exists. The simple answer here is the cosmetic battle pass should be progressable through nonseason characters, at an unlock pace that matches seasonal.

    • Athamos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yes, seasons have always existed in ARPG, the problem is that the concept is in fact outdated.

    Saying that the fun is just in the journey is a fallacy, it’s like putting together a puzzle for 1 month and when you finish someone kicks the puzzle and disassembles it completely and tells you to do it again because the fun is the journey and not the result .

    • B Kirk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think part of it is also that it takes way way way way way way longer to level to max than in Diablo 3. Even as a player in ARPGs I think Diablo’s leveling to 100 is really bad because the game is barren with things to do and it only gets worse later levels. Point is even though there is an influx of new players to this type of game i too do not want to create another character to again level if it is this slow. it needs to at least be 200% xp bonus or more. you cant ask someone to level to 100 in a season with a time limit when a person only can play 2-3 hours a day or even week. since this is a big push to grab non-ARGP gamers it needs to be listed out how it works. but also sometime new people allow for better alternatives to these things we are all use too.

    • Imbaslap
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    when a game company develops a game, and then markets that said game for the casual player. its not farfetched to expect this type of response from said casual playerbase.

    • XBluDiamondX
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think most people do not pay attention to what is going on with games. They see some ad, get interested, and buy it. Then they go “wtf?” when they don’t know what was going on. This is kind happening, to an extent, to the latest alpha release in 7 Days to Die. There have been some sentiments complaining about changing game systems and how it was unfair to change things in such ways. It’s like they pretended to gloss over what they were signing up for with early access, but they complain all the same.

    • ChaoticCreations
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I dont think many of these people understand that all there is to do in this game, after the story, is grind.

    • Klarth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    In PoE, I wish challenge league content went directly to Standard instead of always being gated behind the new economy. Challenge league content is almost always best during the launch league and is heavily watered down afterwards, so you never get the full mechanic scope in Standard. Sometimes, I only want to play 20-30 hours of PoE in a league and that’s not quite enough for me to have a good time from a fresh start. Especially if you want to do any experimentation.

    I’d like to see challenge leagues having exclusive content for about 2-4 weeks with fresh economy, then merge league content as-is into standard. Of course, that’d be bad business-wise for GGG, but I’d love the choice between playing 20 hours or playing 100-200 hours depending on the league and current life demands.

    • Michael H
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who enjoys seasonal playing, I can understand why people are upset about the Battle Pass only applying to seasonal characters. Not everyone wants to restart, some people just want to hop on and be as powerful as they always were. Plus, it just seems like they’re limiting themselves in Battle Pass sales that way.

    • Maelus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This just makes me think that these people complaining have not played an online video game outside of a FPS in the past 10 years. Every online genre has some sort of season nowadays. Mobas, card games like hearthstone, auto battlers like TFT, even RTS games like SC2 all had seasons where you essentially had to start over from scratch.

    • Don Grub
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s funny

    • Michael Whiteley
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 just sucks, I did play seasons in D2 and D3 and don’t see myself playing season 1. Something is just off with D4 and I am already bored of it and haven’t logged in in over 4 days.

    • Jonathon McMurray
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    When I played Diablo 2, there were no seasons. When I played Diablo 3, there were no seasons. I played these games for hundreds of hours too, so it’s not outside the realm of possibility that people who made the post didn’t play late in the life cycle of the games, like me. I’d also rather not have progress deleted, just give new stuff to do.

    • Romulo Moreschi Filho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Those people who don’t like the game are because they’ve never played or been a fan of diablo, they’re going with the wave, diablo games have always been in that style and the fan community really likes it, I don’t see any problem with the game.

    • Mad Hatten512
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    All I see in these posts is wah wah wah I’m a dirty noob. XD

    • john boobton
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    these are the same people who called anyone who spend more then 4 hours on launch weekend “no lifers”

    • OgCipher
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s not about “having fun or enjoying your time”, it’s about progress. A lot of people (myself included) find “progress” satisfying, I don’t feel like spending time if I’m not progressing, and having to reset your character, especially without having even the “account progression” you’d get from a roguelite/like is gonna be a turnoff for a lot of people, especially if the seasonal content ain’t different enough to make it worth investing the time to experience it.

    • Brian Nickerson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They complain about the grind, I ran trav in d2 doing chest runs for roughly 50 hrs and never got the drop I was looking for. Can’t tell you how many time I killed Andy, never found a shako. So far d4 is anything but a grind.

    • Dan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That twitter thread is hard to read. Their ideas and opinions could literally kill my favourite genre of game. Go back to Fortnite or where ever you came from.

    • Learnway
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casual gamers are the reason that most AAA games have turned to shit. And i am not talking about people that have not much time to game. I talk about people that think that games HAVE to be tailored towards them. Maybe just dont play a game that needs a lot of gaming time? Ever thought about that? No? Too bad.

    • Mr. Mammuthus Africanavus
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    LOL When you talk about D4 while wearing a POE shirt= FLEX 😛

    • sheri cope
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i thought diablo 4 was going to be like diablo3 so im disapointed 2 especially about the renown bullshit i just want to kill hoards of demons not run all over the place picking up side quest.

    • xXMrShinoXx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    these ppl who thought srsly there wont be a new season I CANT HAHA

    • SeteProject
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is hilarious ngl hahahaha

    • nowhow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i am blown away by this stupididy. what are they asking for? a battle pass that is completed on level 11 in non-season? i dont get it…
    but to be fair, if the seasons dont bring something that gives a reason to start from scratch the whole concept fails. and since there is basicly no trading or ladders.. i am worried its gonna be boring af

    • Vivi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Usually it’s good to hear out people, but not this time, nope. These people migrated from shit like Destiny 2 and had no idea what an ARPG was. Hopefully the devs block out this noise in particular.

    • Muddy Pigeon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m gonna only do 1 toon for now. Im gonna do statues, grind to level 100 and do my rep grind, But that’s it. As side quests are going to reset I’m not gonna do too many till season 1. They have been very open on the seasons. All of this isn’t a suprise. I definitely die more then you do 🙁

    • John
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think with the amount of advertisement blizzard has made and the amount of copies D4 has already sold, then there a bound to be a segment of players which plays games a lot differently than the average gamer.
    I think this is a thing for most games… and has always been a thing.
    What i’m surprised about is that we actually see these people voice their opinions online on Diablo 4.. i think that comes down to the anticipation people have towards blizzard and diablo 4.. then people will get triggered if the game takes a turn they don’t like.
    Whereas on many smaller games, people will simply say “Damn, that sucks, guess i’ll quit and find another game”.. but with diablo 4… people have soo much hype build up that they gotta voice their concerns.
    Which is fair.

    That also leaves a huge amount of chances for their being disagreements between the community, depending on what kind of gamer you are.

    • Ryan Irl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I got 200 hours in, An I can say that the game has great bones. 0 meat no reason to actually play there isn’t any incentive. Cosmetics to hunt are lacking, no pinnacle event besides lilith an gl. There isn’t a way to hunt or build wealth. No trading alone is a huge impact.

    • Ndza
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think new players are greatly overestimating what the season is gonna actually contain.

    • Nikolaos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Gotta give kudos to the community member going to war with twitter

    • Graba PL
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Actually had the same feeling when I started playing PoE, why would I start new chars every season if having one busted char that you spend thousands of hours on is better, right? Then I played metamorhp league and understood why people play seasons and why it’s actually healthy for a game, never played any game on “standard” since then.

    • ML Compton
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be fair I played a lot of Diablo 2 when it was fairly new and it didn’t have seasons for at least years, right? Diablo 3 seasons were also added after release unless I’m just making up memories in my head.

    • Derael
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well, it’s just not very fun to play through the same campaigns over and over again, I had the same issue with PoE. Many people like raising chatacters slowly, and gradually improving their gear, like you would do in MMORPG, so this kind of playstyle where you havr to rush doesn’t appeal to them.

    • Nathaniel H
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im not suprised and was actually more suprised when talking to a friend who thought it would be more like destiny 2 where they have “seasons” but its just new end game content for that season. I do wish the first season maybe wouldnt start until sept so there was more time to level base characters before jumping right into a season

    • KonserwowaPuszka
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    ARPGs must have a seasons.

    • Chris Arets
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t play every league in PoE because i don’t like every mechanic. So i end up playing standard since i still enjoy playing those characters. What bums me out is that i cant complete the battlepass then and am forced to do content i don’t like if i do want those skins. So i kinda get a bit where these people are coming from.
    That being said it was very clear that the battlepass started in S1 and had to be completed in the season so there shouldn’t be any confusion imo.

    • babyphish
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    imo for the first season, new mechanics MUST change the levelling experience. PoE managed to do this for a handful of leagues, I hope D4 doesn’t drop the ball.

    • dRuNkGoOsE
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Fuck all these casual complainers

    • chaosandcoffee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I know it was mass marketed to a a casual audience but I just don’t get how people don’t do any research, read anything, or seemingly do any due diligence before spending their money, or before popping off and getting mad (if they think their characters are being deleted or some such)

    If all they want is the campaign, and don’t want to grind, then they have that? They’ve done it? Why do they feel entitled to a battlepass? If you’re happy with just playing story then play the story (which with all side content at a casual pace is many hours and worth the price as long as you enjoy that) and be done, good for you, like the guy who is only level 11 – why is he upset? He has the product he paid for, and still has hundreds of hours of content that he will likely never run out of anyway, because of his time constraints even in just the base game

    • Stuart McCandlish
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think people would like to play seasonal content without having to start from scratch.
    I myself like starting over but I do get their point.

    • Attila
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t mind having to create a new character to play the season. This is how ARPGs have always done it so for me it was expected. What was not expected and a real let down was that the battle pass I bought can only be progressed by making a seasonal character. It does not give me the option to progress it with my permanent character.

    • Between Names
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Imagine paying 70 euros or whatever and have no idea what you’re buying. Honestly baffling.

    It’s like playing a Battle Royale game and thinking you’re gonna keep the item you pick up between sessions.

    • F a T J a Y
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Paul Tassi .. is a moron

    • KiteoHatto
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im more annoyed at blizzard because the way they are handling things. Nerfing fun comes with a hotfix within days, but actual quality of life improvements, xp buffs to make NMs useful to run, stash space are all being put aside for “season 1 patch”. If thats the case then i’ll put this game aside and play when this season 1 comes. Screw this season 0 paid beta with slow ass xp and broken loot tables for classes.

    • Wolfie eifloW
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I understand ladders and seasons. I don’t agree however that you should only be able to complete the battle pass on a Seasonal character.

    • marpode
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the battle pass should not be limited to seasons characters. Not everyone wants play season. They might want to build 1 character lvl 100 before starting a new one and they don’t play enough to succeed in 4 months. But the reset of the character in season is normal and the players should know they will not have access to everything new like new equipment.

    • Jamie Walker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So people hate battle passes but are mad they can’t get it?

    The internet never stops amazing me.

    • TurkBrah
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m ok with “casuals” leaving the game, this way, Blizzard won’t have to cater to them.

    • Bostonia
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Never seen such a larger group of whiny, screaming people than the D4 forums. No matter what is done, they will cry and scream forever. You could give them a million dollars free, and they’d reply “THATS IT?!?! I DEMAND 10M!!”

    • OG
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I knew these noobs existed, but holy shit, I never realized how clueless casual players are.

    • 2Bear
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As someone who’s first action rpg was Poe, 3.18, I really enjoy leveling a character and don’t mind having my progress reset. However in Diablo 4 idk I’m just not having as much fun leveling. Maybe it’s because I can’t come up with as many ideas because of how linear each class feels (mind you I just got to lvl 50 and I haven’t gotten to play since). Maybe paragon board will change my view on that but just taking a quick look at it. It seems to be mostly just stats which is still kinda boring idk.

    • eendenlip
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Poe music lmao

    • Jan Pesek
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That 1-hour a day dad was a Twitter troll. Even if you only has 1 hour a day since launch, you should be way higher level than just lvl11.

    However, considering how long it takes to gear and level a character, im not sure if im up for 3-month long seasons. Im about to hit lvl90, playing since early access, and while I took my time to explore the world, do side quests, it will still take considerable amount of time to level up. My main gripe with the game right now is that at mid to late endgame, upgrades are rare and the game turns into monotonous grinding. Loot is plentiful but most of it is crap that is vendored after first look. Just tiny fraction of items warrants second look and even less of those are ever crafted further. I hit material cap on many materials but gold is always in high demand due to ridiculous pricing of enchanting.
    I hope Season 1 will bring new activities and changes to leveling and gearing pace to keep the game fresh. Otherwise I might level up new class in first season and be done with seasons and just play normal perma league.

    • RedWill42
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Why is it that everyone should just accept this is the archaic arpg design of very little gameplay/content (it’s so sad that this is the bar that the arpg community accepts as how the games should work) run 2 min dungeons reset game repeat. Seasons would be fine if D4 base wasn’t such a content lite, boring experience for most.

    Why are the veterans of ARPGS defending this horrible system to begin with in a brand new ARPG in 2023… This is 2010 content. Innovate or expect that most of your players aren’t going to accept Seasonal content a couple months out of the gate before most of the players never even got close to finishing a first character. You can have the grind, you can have the min/max, you can have all the core elements of an ARPG without having to resort to resetting a dungeon 9000 times a day to do so, the actual game is the problem and the source of the complaints, not the arpg elements or seasons in general.

    If D4 core content loop was an experience that lasted months+ and was more enjoyable overall then seasons bring fresh life to the game, sure that’s fine.. But ffs D4 content got stale 3 days after release, the grind is not really all that fun especially when you hit the 60+ mark and now you expect people to just be ok with resetting already? Of course the majority, stuck in the middle of mind numbing grinding xp right now isn’t going to take favorability to that.

    • FeelsGouda
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You know that those would be the same people complaining, if they did it like MMORPGS or Lost Ark and just constantly up the max level/gear score. In those cases, people would complain “i am a dad of 27 and only have 1 minute of playtime each day, how I am supposed to keep up with the levels/gear”.

    But yeah, lets also remember that Twitter users are barely the majority. They are just the loudest.The mike guy shows that pretty well – no clue but thinks he knows what “90% of player base wants”.

    • Ewan Anderson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Tbh I’m a new player and I didn’t know this was gonna happen . Not particularly bothered , but I’ll definitely be trying to get my current character to 100 before doing any new season stuff.

    • Ralph Rocard
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Personally for me the deal breaker is having to re-farm renown/paragon points. Even if they allow you to keep statues of lilith and map exploration. I spent 1+day per region completing to get full points completion (granted i’m 95% a solo player; but I believe the majority of other casual players also are). I will not do that again.
    Even without playing seasons i’ve gotten my expected $/hr game played (these days my hope for a game is unfortunately low); hopefully they can make patches that address both veteran arpg and casual players.

    • Ownyx
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t understand the big deal on not providing battle pass for eternal characters is odd. Let everyone pay and progress it however they want. Let season server have it’s special modification and challenges etc.

    • David Noreika
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    If the story wasn’t so incredibly boring (10x worse than poe) then people won’t be as annoyed. like 1/2 of the game is walking around doing nothing, exploring a pointlessly big map for no other reason than to waste your time and bloat the play hours

    • Alexander Sannikov
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    pretty sure most people believing that D2 did not have seasons, simply played it in single player, where indeed there were no seasons and their progress never got reset.

    • Dranzell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ll say it time and time again: people in general are idiots.

    • X-101
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should’ve did the battlepass for free AND had it from release, I disagree unlike POE levelling is way is a pain in D4 compared to POE cos in POE even the average player can get into maps in a few days-week at most

    • usermuser
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    He right, this game feels useless after story mode

    • Kit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I do think not being able to progress the battle pass in standard is a mistake, but yeah… this is the genre, and a lot of the MMO pilgrims and Destiny players that were attracted to D4 just didn’t comprehend what they were signing up for.

    • BaZh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    its not about getting to lvl 100 its the journey to that point. its not like that if u dont reach lvl 100 u cant play the game.

    • InfoRanker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So many facepalm takes in that thread

    • JK Trader
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    tbh I know the Diablo franchise since the late 90’s and I followed Diablo’s 3 launch. After that I stopped following ARPGs. Only recently that I started to follow more closely that I found out about seasons, that’s really something new to me. I believe that, maybe I just forgot, even when PoE launched there wasn’t seasons.

    • CoL_Drake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    nah mate i am casual i only know casuals ,these arent casuals these are idiots xD

    • Bee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    you kripp wudijo etc really defending and advertising the game so much bro its bad though i will never ever support you people blizzard and streamers they think we are some stupid donkeys or something people are mad because they paid their 90$ Im just super dissapointed after so many years we get diablo immortal like game they must be laughing at us

    • blackstormer
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am someone who honestly feels like the comments shown do (but at least understands thats not how the genre works), the reason I feel this way is that I treat ARPGs like WOW that isn’t massively multiplayer and has satisfying combat. it has a lot of the same bones too (at least on softcore), permanent character progression, character customization (through builds and gear) and a class/subclass system. Basically I treat the game as one long path that I will one day reach the end of, regardless of time spent (usually a level 100 character or the perfect version of all the items for a specific build) even if I will never reasistically reach the goal it is important for the goal to be there for me. what I think these people are runing into is that seasons kinda turn it from one long path into a treadmill and are displeased at the displeased reversal of progress even if they where never going to reach, which combined with a misunderstanding of the genre and the game specific news, an outrage of this subgroup. TLDR people like me treat this a bit like wow except they don’t understand your part of the audience exists so they get confused about parts of the game that either aren’t meant for them or actively subtract from the goal they set (even if they never reach it)

    • Zachary Huntington-Meath
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the season should have been going day one, rolling it out a month and a half after release is going to be really jarring for new players. I think in general, the backlash is a little wild, being forced to start over and try something new is one of the best aspects of seasonal play. An easy compromise would be to let eternal characters get points on the battle pass, they can just keep grinding the characters they started with.

    • DovahChicken12
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Paul is such a clown, he plays destiny 2 that is build around 80% destiny 1 recycled content. and they even removed Power grind from the game so you dont even need to grind players power any more… he is so used to play a casual game that literly holding your hand and have P2W boosts. no wonder he is complaning over Diablo 4

    • C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Wtf is this bait content

    • Da Coach
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It makes perfect sense that casuals don’t want to level a new character every 3 months, hopefully Blizzard will implement a solution for them.

    • GoodSheetMusic
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I don’t really get it, they tried to make the game more accessible for casuals. Who has the time to play an ARPG and the mental strength it takes to reset mostly everything and go from 0 with another season? Hardcore players, and mental people. They won millions of new players that never played ARPG before. Make yourself a favor and make the eternal realm mean something. Seasons are amazing also but don’t let that be the most important aspect of d4.(remember you tried to include more players) Yes if that means transforming the game to ARPG/MMO, do it. This game can be huge. And can incorporate in time so many new players. And after you made so many people addicted, you can fulfill your evil mastermind plan and make Diablo 5 PTW. Perfect scenario.

    • DeckCannons
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Blizz is plastering Reddit (and likely other places) with ads for D: IV with all the game review scores of 9/10, 100/100, a masterpiece, etc. etc. to try and counterbalance some of the negative reactions to the reality of ARPGs you shared with us. I wonder if Blizz will release some kind of language/”for beginners” content on their site to help prepare people for what they are actually purchasing.

    Thanks for the great content Ziz

    • aoe tje
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    why are you defending this horrid company and their mediocre unfinished product , they charge idiotic amounts of money for cosmetics in a full price game

    • RealTalk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s kinda wild that those people apparently just bought the game and didn’t bother into looking what the game is about lol.
    Imagine someone buying the football game fifa 23 and then be outraged about the fact that every single year a new fifa is coming out.
    Like dude, at least look into it just a little bit lol

    • Cody Hauk
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My only fear is that devs make poor decisions based off of casual player feedback. Not that they shouldn’t be heard, but a fear nonetheless.

    • Stef Vanbust
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Truth is, all games are a waste of time! Being able to waste time is a luxury not many people can afford. Some people need to work 12h a day 7 days a week to survive….

    • Grim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This makes me realize how big of a nerd poe players are

    • Seweryn Kwaśniewski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yea, props for twitter guys not doing any research on the game b4 buying it, shocker.

    • alexclaton
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    its really simple, let people enjoy seasonal content with their eternal characters and leave fresh start realms for people who want to start from scratch over and over.

    • Retro1989
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Oh Paul Tassi of Forbes. Didn’t he purchase a boost for FF Online then complain about the end game.

    • Mathieu Lefebvre
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    wait diablo aint a shooter ? wahhhhhhh ..damm seriously i know u can be new but you cant be that stoopid

    • Codfish
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There is literally no endgame right now. Everything can be capped…. so dumb

    • Boogie Nights Mark Wahlberg
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You know tho, D4 and D3 are almost day and night so far as season potential go.

    In D3, you rush to 70, then you get to play. You could literally get a GG piece 1 second after 70 and you will never have to replace it.

    In D4, you have to “rush” to level cap lol. Thats the issue right there. D4 spends so much more time in the leveling process that its almost an entirely different game(lol yes I know what I said). You could find a piece with all the right stats at 40 then have to replace it by 60 simply due to scaling.

    Not sure how well seasons will fly in D4. There would have to be a pretty good new mechanic to entice me to put this many hours into another character. I do get they will add set items in S1, but the same principle applies, what if I get a set item early and have to replace it with something just to continue playing? Also, do they plan on sets being similar to unique drop rates or regular leggo rates?

    • VatoRob
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I deleted PoE, with the intent to focus on Diablo 4 . I will miss the Zizaran videos and theory-crafting feeling of PoE. Its a good game but i dont have time for everything. Make more D4 Content please, so i dont lose PoE AND Zizaran. Good job man.

    • Imnot me
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The seasonal battle pass not progressing on eternal is annoying af. Seasons are to be expected, but I get why some of them are annoyed.

    • invader rim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    sounds like the people on twitter are just trolls

    • Marek Zielinski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    so so simple … if you want to play ranked all the power to you and those players usually keep the game going… for effin 70 bucks enyone should have an ability to just play offline and chill out… there is no issue here … i spent my money… will i drop anaother dime? Nott likely

    • Veliona
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s amazing to me how people will shell out 70 dollars for a game that they have zero clue about. Like guys, come on seasons are literally a staple to the genre that D4 belongs to, how did so many people not know this?

    • Bee
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You are biased because you are making content out of it also streaming the game im an argp enjoyer but the game sucks you know example would be
    No trading, Unfinished release like we are literally testing the game right now, The endgame conent sucks in lvl 82 but have all my glyphs maxed there is no point doing nightmare dungeons more than 3 lvls above you, the stupid level restriction on items literally locked my main out of my alts there is no interaction in between those characters now also even more dead trading

    • SgtPenguinToaster
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s people hopping on the trend of D4 who were unaware of what seasons entailed because they didn’t care to know and now like 80% of those people are also jumping on the trend of hating diablo seasons, with a significant portion of people complaining despite the fact that they should have known better.

    People who play other games with seasons are complaining about D4 but don’t about their other game. It’s just a strange herd mentality.

    There are some outliers of people who it would never have worked for, obviously, but those were people who never would have had the ability to play seasons, let alone the desire.

    • MadMike
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I really curious how many people will hit level 100 on a seasonal toon. Leveling 1-50 doesn’t take too long but the grind from 50-100 is crazy. I hope that they adjust the xp scaling and enemy scaling to make leveling a more enjoyable experience/ rewarding experience. Also, for the love of all things Diablo please add a map overlay or give us the option to zoom the mini map out of increase our fov….the game looks so much better when it’s zoomed out like it is at the tree of whispers. It would make moving through the world so much more enjoyable and would likely take away the need for a map overlay.

    • Ole skou
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well i’ve commented on a few forum posts on d4/forums and i felt the exact same way, also people calling them self “veterans” but didn’t even know the core game mechanic of Diablo 2… Tbh i think you are right, perhaps blizzard stretched to far to gain these casual players, because most of them aren’t gonna play anyway, they will do 1 season maybe log on to their eternal char once a month.
    What i am afraid tho since buzzard has done it before, is that they will start listening to some of these people, they should not in any way then they will end up with 90% of the actual people putting hours into the game leaving.

    • Zenbaker
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the first season is coming far too early. Casual player just have the time to finish the campaign and you ask them to restart? It’s ridiculous and their reaction seems normal to me. Even a lot of seasoned players will probably skip the first season to chill out from the game (and to let time to Blizzard to fix the numerous issues of D4) . In PoE, we had like a year of open beta then first league came out with official release.

    • VGLit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’ve played D2 ladder, D3 seasons, and PoE for a few years. I think there is a mental disconnect with D4 that I was talking about with my friends. D4 feels more like an MMO with a Diablo theme, than a sequel. I’m making my way to 100 (currently 86) without using any infinite Nightmare exploit and I’m not excited to do it all again so soon, primarily because there is very little progression in the game. Since I don’t need to do the campaign again, I will make a level 1 character and continue doing exactly what I’m already doing without any difference. The season content will have to be extensive to distract me from that.

    • Bear Buttnaked
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    at that level of reaction, this is not being casual, it is being ignorant and whining when you realize the kind of game you are actually playing. it is a thing of “fame” D4 is the game of the moment lot’s of new players just bought it because there is a trend around it.
    Seasons are coming, ready or not, D4 is already “very” gentil with new comers with all the stuff we can get from the main game to new seasons.

    • EasyCake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Gotta be said, I am quite into games, and have always been. I also am one of the people who never understood this “new season, new char, do it all over again” thing. I wish the new season came with new Dungeons and stuff to do + gear/mechanics etc. But lvling your character from the start again and trying to get all the same gear + new gear on top now ? Lol, Diablo 4 is GIGA grindy to lvl. Not to mention I played and liked the Druid, tho the lvling was horrible. Me doing it again ? VERY slim chances.

    Hard to see how people find it fun to run the same content over and over and still have fun just because “its a new season” and you have like… a few more items you can swap around and make new builds.

    Also, just to be clear. I knew 100% that there will be seasons, and what would happen. Same stuff happened in d3, just no battle pass. And same thing, I played only 1 season in d3, had a blast. But when it was time to do it all again ? I never could. Invested too time into the character. I had fun, and I wanted to carry on. That was not possible in the same sense.

    • Vitor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I didn’t buy Diablo4 yet because it’s a huge investment for me (I live in Brazil so it’s 350$ the standard version here).
    I was waiting to see how the game would develop and how seasons would work. Locking rewards behind a seasonal battlepass pushes me away from the game even more, not because of the seasons but because you have to invest too much money in a game that is not even F2P to continue playing.

    I don’t know what the game market has become and being 33 yo makes me think that in the past games were not only better, but also you paid way less to have a great experience.

    • Hector DS
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 never felt like an ARPG to me in terms of the world layout.

    Yea it’s cool it’s an open world but to me it seems like it may be way harder to balance the seasonal content because the game felt more like an MMO.
    It feels a lot like current wow leveling tbh.

    • gampie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    frankly, only renown is why i’m still on the fence playing d4 seasons, even with how much i hate the poe campain, i can get that donne WAY faster and over with, than how trash the renown grind is, especialy, since it forces you to take part in d4 weakest systems, mounting and sidequests and just traveling buissywork

    • mali mali
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Blizzard is fostering this kind of behavior. All of the complaints about things in the game, so on and so on. So now they’re angry that their character wont be available for the season. People are going to complain and complain so much that Blizzard is going to cave. I predict Blizzard will cave and turn this game into some kind of dog crap.

    • S P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Also to be crystal clear Paul Tassi comes from the destiny community where bungie has trained there players to happy to dump hundreds of dollars into there broken ass game on there dog shit halo servers were they log in every week for 15 minutes and get there free hand outs so yea there is that

    • Nick Daglis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Been grinding seasons since d2LOD but FWIW i do indeed think it was somewhat shortsighted for blizzard to change up so much of the diablo formula so that it now resembles a lost ark style mmo with around 100 side quests and pseudo rep grinds andthen just slap traditional ARPG seasons on it and expect it to just work the same way it always has.

    Seasons really work well in d3 and PoE for a reason, but theres also a reason lost ark doesnt have them.

    • arcc4
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People just now realizing the absurdity of catering a live service game to people who barely play games, hate the idea of resetting/replaying more than once, and just want to finish the game so they can move on to something else.

    I fully suspect Blizzard to cave and alienate the actual ARPG player base more all so they can appease the flakiest demographic that is going to leave anyway the moment another hyped game launches.

    • D R
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    playing d3 for 3 hours does not, a diablo veteran make

    • Shiro
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The target audience is always missed with these kinds of games. Did they make Diablo 4 for the 24/7 no life gamer or for the casual dad gamer and my guess is it was made for no lifers. The people that grew up playing diablo 1 and 2 are all old dads now and their style of playing is completely different.

    • ShawDou
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    To be fair i dont think they ever mentioned that you will have to restart char with season like really openly. Mainly because they expected ppl will know, but it was still their fault.

    • Mani Mustermann
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I kind of understand them. surely they have no clue what an arpg is and how this works. but the levelscaling, xp scaling and itemization are just not working right now and feel for most players like a chore. so leveling again and having that in mind looks like a punishment.
    in d2 i was always hyped af when a new ladder started. start from new with so many uniques to find and so many cool gamechangeing loot to farm. I would be excited to just think about farming mephi for 2 months straight.
    in d4 the whole 60 to 100 experience just doesnt vibe currently. if items would scale with monsterlevel this would be nice. but there is basically no point in playing when you get to mid 70s and have all 800+ gear. grinding for single digit improvement, maybe?
    unqiues are in a terrible state and build diversity is down the drain currently. so many aweful things that give new players the sentiment that some kind of season with new chars is bad gamedesign if they arent used to it.

    • Nils Ockenfels
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There are also so many players who are upset that it would take them too long to get to level 100.
    Guys…the game doesn’t start at max level, like in D3 for example. You should stop looking at max level as the goal…the journey is the goal.
    I myself have never reached max level in D2 or PoE and I’ve had a blast every season.
    I’m starting to get the feeling that a lot of players here don’t understand what genre they’re playing at all.

    • Ray
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I played diablo 3 till i reached paragon 1000, i only tried season once but didnt even bother to finish it cause i just didnt see the point in leveling a new character from scratch. Its so annoying and just cause its an arpg and seasons usually are like this in arpg, doesnt mean that they have 2 make seasons like this.

    • Benjamin Schmitt
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Just in general you bought a game from Blizzard in 2023 so you should have gone in ready to be disappointed.

    -A 2023 D4 Gamer

    • Phillip Styles
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are stupid, this just pulls back the curtain on how stupid people really are.

    • EnzordTV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its actually the worst game ever. FOR REAL. Just because it has good graphics and nice cutscenes doesnt mean its good. After the campaign is done, all you do is farm 1 single dungeon all day long to get 1 level after 3 hours of farming it. There is no other way to level up. Nightmare dungeons are pathetic, non rewarding AT ALL. There is zero dopamine in this game, i dont even know how people still play it to get to 100. After 40-45 level it feels like you do nothing at all but running the same boring dungeon. That’s it.

    • Wyltsi FIN
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Your average twitter using “diablo 2 veteran” is very likely someone who once watched their older cousing play diablo 2 while they had to sit by their side silently.

    • K A
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons are find, but having to get the altars again, the renown again, fuck right off with that

    • faku gidderidi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m slowly starting to get why A1 Mudflats.

    • JakeNotJake
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I love it how people don’t realise how arpg seasons work lol. To be fair though, I much prefer Poe grind to Diablo 4 grind atm

    • Dirtypawz__
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    When COD players pick up a ARPG 🙄

    • self
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s cool to see someone trying to understand people with different perspective. So props to you on that. Having said that, I think a lot of you guys ( veterans of PoE with thousands of hours in games like this) are a bit blindsided.

    There’s so much weird stuff in ARPGs that is so foreign to people playing it first time. Like, for real? I just finished the campaign and I’m nowhere near the level cap? What do you want me to do now? Grind the same dungeon for the next 100 hours or I won’t even have access to all the systems of the game?

    And in most classes don’t have a lot build variety before you “finish” the game.

    It shouldn’t be hard to get into this mind space, right? There are leagues of fortnights or whatever kids these days playing and no one is bitching that they are a waste of time cause you need to grind them endlessly.

    • shigekamai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    everything is cool but if I have to redo side quests I am done

    • Matthias
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They should have either release season 1 with the start of the game or not have it so close to release.

    • Petit Beurre
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am not a big season enjoyer. However I knew the game was gonna have it and still plan on playing some of the season as long as season 1 new content are decent enough. Also yes the leveling is slow but I find the grind from lvl 1-70 very enjoyable(just not on my druid stuck at 63).

    • Rodrigo Valentim
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i got mad at your thumbnail, 4minutes in and I feel for the first time i need to thank you for your attitude Ziz! much respect for you! awesome podcast with kripp wudi and asmon! I really hope ppl get a sense to what they buy and start just enjoying the game and put their expectations in their place. The Devs are actually listening and most of us we DO know that! <3

    • S P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is what happens when u welcome casuals to ur game sooooooooo happy

    • Rock
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Heres the honest truth, its not an MMO, WITHOUT seasons Diablo 4 is dead…

    • Evildarke Evildark
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think most ppl who bought the game dident played d3 and they had think oh its going to be open world RPG game meanwhile not even close and now they are just confused .. so ye let it cook 😀
    many ppl dont like games like poe where you praticly lose your char every 3 month or so and you have to re do all the things ? im 100% sure its the problem
    Maybe they confused of the company side? its not a wow where your char keep going and going every xpack its comming just refarm your gear.. 😀

    • Hellus Diablovsky
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    So you tell me Im supposed to eat butter with a bread?! WTF

    • Mampfie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i stay on the eternal realm, no reason to play seasons tbh

    • ᄼPERIODT
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    But season 1 didn’t even start yet . game is like didn’t fully launch
    yet they mad for what?

    • Nick rocket
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Streamers were begging for a casual player base for D4 and now y’all are shocked that they feel this way LML

    • Magical Hermit Crab
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Haha, shoutout to Gaia Online.

    • dj suth
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    As an ARPG veteran I gotta say I don’t like seasonal play as a core part of the gameplay. Or I should say, the “modern” version of seasonal play, where content is gated behind a paywalll and unavailable to those who bought the base game. Never used to be like this in old D2 … you could participate in seasonal ladders if you wanted to but it wasn’t essential.

    • Peter Karstens
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The original concept of the Ladder for D2 was for an economy reset. POE’s leagues stay more true to D2 Ladder’s original concept but added the flavor of regular content releases running alongside the new leagues which adds really great layers to a reset, but the root of the fun of a new league is built around the Econ reset for many.

    D3 took the idea and focused on the fresh start and seasonal themes and a focus on GR board race. Since D3’s character building doesn’t take more than a couple days the fun of a reset there is rebuilding your character and competing against others in the community, but it’s shortlived compared to POE’s strategy.

    It’s still too early to know what D4’s identity is going to look like with Seasons. It’s pretty clear that the fun isn’t really built around any kind of economy reset since trading in D4 is just non-existent (which I’m still quite sad about tbh). I know for me, I enjoy starting over with the rest of the community with a sort of competitive nature to the game. I just don’t know how that’s going to fit in for D4 yet. I enjoy the reset, but ultimately there does have to be some sort of purpose behind the resets other than ‘resetting just because’.

    POE has truly mastered a seasonal reset with their model, but the way itemization and crafting works in that game is a big key to why people can get 4-6 weeks or more of fun out of a new league start. If there aren’t more layers to D4 seasons then it’s going to be an awful lot like D3 where people play the new season for a weekend and maybe a little longer then just wait for the next one.

    • Panamera060
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Idk, its a good game but, for me it just feels mediocore. Its fine for one or two playtroughs but it just feels boring.

    • DeejayTwentyTwo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They’re talking as if the battle pass is the core of the game and you have to do it. I realy don’t get this, you shoudn’t realy care about a optional battle pass.

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    A friend of mine for whom D4 was the first ARPG had the same reaction. I guess it’s a bit of a weird concept when you come from other RPGs or MMOs. Hopefully they will understand when they actually see what comes with every new season.

    • Quantum Dot
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yes veteran ARPG players are ok with seasons. it is the norm. But also veteran ARPG players will want to play poe over diablo. This is expected. normies hop from game to game and they never stick with something for too long. This is the audience diablo chose to appeal to. GL keeping them.

    • Dizkonekted
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hype makes people run out and just buy things. Same thing happened with Elden Ring a lot of people just saw review scores and went for the instabuy. Then they regret it and act like they were duped, when in reality they didn’t care to investigate what they were buying.

    • Pozytywnie Zakrecony
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The bad part is the skills for some classes. Baba always 3 shouts just 1 skill different and we don’t swap weapons, I mean not manually. Most classes will have 1-2 top builds maybe 1-2 less useful ones and then re gearing can be an issue as well while you need to progress. But also game wants you also make one build usually and click the same set of skills all day long so imo for me I need to create ALTs otherwise it is boring indeed.

    • Skitzum
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think Blizz just needs to clarify for the newbies that they aren’t losing their nonseasonal character. That’s probably the biggest misunderstanding here

    • Weecka2007
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    lemme put in my 2 cents. I played every season in d3, getting somewhere between 2500-4000 paragon on average. The problem is not the seasons, but the time to level a character. Unless the seasonal character gets a 1000% xp boost, this is a horrible model for d4 as leveling is like 100x longer than in d3 while the season will last the same amount of time. re-leveling a character is fine, but if it will take the same as the non-seasonal d4 characters i can guarantee you 95% of community will bail at day 2, or in worst case will not even touch seasons. I definitely know ALL of my friends i play with will do that. re-doing the same mandatory activities every season for weeks is not fun. I will take d3 as an example, even though it had a lot of issues of it’s own, there was never an issue with the seasons as far as leveling is concerned. Ok if you knew what you were doing and you lost your cube power gambl, the leveling experience will take longer. But even then we are talking going from 1 hr to about 2-3 hrs. But replaying the same story and the same activities for 60-80 hrs is just ludicrous.

    • Veck
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Classic, this happens with every game nowadays. People no-life the shit out of it and then the flaws become apparent and they complain.

    • pokemon42 jodeldodel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There is a simple solution in my opinion for games like this. There are a lot of players (like myself) that at most have around 20hours a week time to play this games. For us to enjoy it and mostly “finish” the game there should be a SSF mode (no trading, no multi-player and so on) where you can rise drop rate, leveling speed. Playtime somewhere between 200 to 500 hours? Idk. But it would make it more fun for dad’s I guess😅

    • Chidori011
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah I am used to playing new chars for a season in POE or other arpgs…. but I also got to say I am not looking forward to leveling new seasonal chars in D4 since the leveling is honestly not that great an pretty boring. In POE I always play builds that you can play while leveling since I want to build into my char the whole time while playing … but in D4 everything you do or collect before tier 3 or even tier 4 is completely pointless and build variety during leveling is not that great since many builds require uniques form T4 to function. I mean how many builds can you really play per class during leveling in D4? Maybe 2 and any other build is just clearly worse and you might be playing it for fun but well if you want to level fast there are not that many. IN POE at least you are gathering your gems and your links and working on your resistances and if you find a good 4 link glove or boots with right colors even in early levels its a great find that you will use for a long time. This also means at any point something can drop that would be useful be it a good link, a low level unique thats still great (quill rain for certain builds) or just currenc or a divination card. NOTHING that drops in D3 before min T3 is usefull exept for crunching for materials.

    I have less time to play these days and getting somewhere where I feel the “fun” begins in D4 takes in my opinon considerably longer than in POE for example (if you dont boost). So to be honest I first will have to take a look what the season actually contains before I play a new char maybe I will just stop in general and play something else instead.

    • TheFawe26
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I only think the battle pass is way to early. I mean most peaple arent lvl 100 yet and i personally see no point in leveling my char to 100 atm. It would be much better, if the battle pass came out in september or something like that. Give casual players the opportunity to level out their character and then start over again.

    • wSlayere M
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    it will be interesting how blizz handles this. new people coming to arpg’s is a good thing, even if 2/3 finds its not the genre for them. good to expose it to a lot of new people

    • Agnolini
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There are all these tryhard/sweaty players in this thread who are so disconnected from reality of a normal person lmao

    • Ix10n70
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am as shocked as you are to be honest. I cant believe how many noobs are complaining about the core feature of D4. Seasons are besides the story the only thing Im looking forward to playing. I played almost all Seasons in D3 and it was always fun to develop your new character each season with the season themes giving some extra spice. They said they will have awesome seasonal themes, so I cant wait for S1 to hit the servers. Everyone who literally doesnt get the idea of an ARPG, should just try it out and if they dont like it they wont be missed. As easy as that. The super ultra casual noob is not the playerbase the game should be catered for. I still am kinda dumfounded by all those tweets. This cant be real. lol

    • Velho
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It was really fun to read this thread. Enjoying the huge disconnect. I assume the disconnect is because mismatch of expectations. People have played something like Lost ark and thought D4 is going to be something like that when never even touched an ARPG before.

    • 19Andii92
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean the d4 reddit is filled with “look at my cute red hat” posts rather then best xp/hour strats or something.
    Not that surprised about their rage

    • Youtube User
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    americans have only the worst takes. this shit is fucking hilarious and exactly why i deleted twitter and reddit and all this garbo

    • Daemok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    being insightful can be taken as condescending when someone doesn’t want to hear anything, but I also noticed that speaking from common sense has a legit way or rubbing against people’s skin for some reason.

    Also d2 and d3 didn’t have ladder reset from the get-go so depending on when someone played it could alter what they know. I think the main issue is that season 1 is starting 1 month after release which is unheard of in ARPGs.

    Also, one reason why you have so many people complaining is that d4 is advertising as an hybrid which is why they end up not satisfying so many. Games don’t mix the core streams for a reason because you cannot please everyone and by trying to do so you end up pleasing nobody. But then why D4 is so popular ? because gamers have been starved, especially MMO gamers, for so long that they will pounce on anything.

    Also, even if you want to say ARPGs have resets every 3 months, if your target audience are casual players then adjust the fuck on, 6 months would be a way more logical decision at that time but “battlepass money” is all they seem to think about.

    • PokéDad Sam
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im pretty confused on their confusion. It was stated in multiple dev interviews that you would need a new seasonal character to participate in seasonal content.

    • Nicolas Van Keuren
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Such a weird thing to be mad about. Guess us Poe fans are used to it. Letting people progress the battle pass on eternal is reasonable just depends what you get for the pass. Looking forward to season 1. I am just getting the map and Lilith alters done before season one then that’s it. Playing Necro 100% for season 1. That’s all the eternal pre season was to figure out which class I would play

    • Leon Junior
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m a Dad *and* a mid-level casual, I knew what I was getting into when I bought the game. Of course, I’ve played all of the Diablo games, including seasons in D3, so there’s that I guess…..

    • The Dabera IV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    there is no ‘standard’ in d4?

    • doombfg2k
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the only way for the devs to satisfay all D4 players base once and for all is to add some PORN to the game … i am wondering how none has already asked for when you see all the complaints coming from these players …

    • EpicAdventureTurtle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Lets be brutally honest here, if youre one of those people who only have 30 seconds per day to play because youre a 50 year old dad with a tech job and volunteer work, you suck at time management. No one is impressed, no one cares, I see it for the thinly vailed bragging that it is. Next time, spend those 30 seconds to read what seasons are before making silly twitter posts.

    • David Bailyn
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think that renown should carry over through seasons. I know altars are carrying over but I don’t want to redo waypoints, side quests, first time dungeons. I’m fine with new characters and leveling but it would be nice if we could level the way we want.

    • Motley Flux
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think those people complaining need to find a different game, unfortunately. And yes, it’s unfortunate, I would prefer that most of them go back to the childhood proverb:” How do you know you don’t like it if you have never tried it.” I was like that a long time ago with D3, then one day I decided to try a season and I was pleasantly surprised at how much fun I was having. Also, the dude who started the thread Mr Forbes has never tried it. If he says he has I would think he was lying because in a video he said that moving seasonal characters to the eternal realm was some sort of new change. We all know that is BS.

    • GhostAeonWolf
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im both veteran and casual player and i am bamboozled by the stupidity of those people.
    LADDER in d2 is equal to seasons.
    Path of Exile have Leagues, which are equal to seasons.
    D3 had sometimes seasons that took not one season, but two, but because it was considered dead game by blizzard.

    • Dropaduski
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This whole conversation feels like a meme. How the fuck do you not know about seasons? Ladders have been a thing for twenty years 😂

    • Floar
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I bought the legendary what ever edition with the battle pass and everything. Went in blind. Saw that the battle pass wasn’t even active before season 1. Looked out the window and decided to enjoy the summer and sweat in D4 when it’s raining and cold and shit again. I literally lose nothing for not playing this beta period.

    • Gizdalord
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    In the spirit of modern liberalism and capitalsim, let’s water down something that is loved so everyone who doesnt have time to care, play (and love) it can join the thing and participate…lol
    Where is the line?

    I’d say yes to the guy who has 1 hour a day to play, that if you realistically want to achieveeverything in let’s say poe…you shouldnt play it. And i dont see a problem with that. Or is the solution is that everything has to be possible by anyone…thus deleting the meaning of achievement? Let’s all be inclusive because it is always good no matter what….f off!

    Also filtering “community feedback” on an already very filtered and biased sample (i.e. twitter) is very very poor science and idea.

    • Stefan Schrätzenstaller
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am still enjoying d4 right now. And i think if they do little emprovements, a new league start wont be much longer than the poe league start when you know what you are doing. For example getting the freaking mount in act 1 when you do the quest where you have to go to the stables, would help a lot. Even the already confirmed dungeon port will help a lot to farm renown faster. Just leaves the lilith statues hassle. It takes what about 4-6 hours? Still doable but no fun at all

    • CreamSickel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Seasons and starting new characters actually lengthens the lifespan and replay-ability. Capping at 100 and waiting for expansions is more likely to kill the players rather than seasons. Season with season mechanics and new things is what DIABLO does!!

    • Murilo Bats
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m pretty sure those are the same people ho were defending the game, saying “it was amazing and complete”, “didn’t need any fixes”, “I’m having a blast” and so on when the player base was complaining about obvious flawed mechanics…

    • Tywnis
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They’ll come around, eventually – provided the seasonal content is advertised & interesting enough. All comes down to communication, like you said.

    • kreginzen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It was also very wild for me to see how many people had no idea what the seasons would be. But having played wow and other MMO’s for many many hours as well I guess maybe much of that playerbase thought it was going to be more MMO like where they just keep adding content at the endgame and upping the level of the gear but that just wouldn’t work well in an ARPG style game. They would have to make all gear just much slower to obtain to make that work. Wouldn’t fit the ARPG genre really. I hope people figure it out and at least try a season and if it isn’t for them then play the eternal realm and play more when expansions come out.

    • Lucyller
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    10 millions copy sold and D4 targeted the casuals a lot. I’m not surprised so many *uncultured swines* are not aware of what seasons are.
    There’s a reason why the D4 subreddit is covered with dad who have sex and touch grass with their many wives and childrens. (good for them tho I guess. I just hope they could stop bringing it in every conversation about D4.)

    • deathm00n2
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    That is like buying a battle royale game and being mad that every match you start from scratch. Having to start over in an arpg is what makes the genre so interesting, being forced to restart and pick a new character you didn’t build before is the main drive to me

    • bop owl
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    to be fair when they added ladders to diablo ii the game was already ancient

    • Graplesyrup
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Then just play non season… they don’t understand there’s 2 things going on here. Fix the battle pass… ez. Casuals can play non season.

    • Shark
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I am usually the one who shits on Blizzard but I gotta shit on the casuals on this one. I know it will be strange to start over again for the casuals, but the game itself is predicated on repetition and gets stagnant fast. If you can’t swallow this fact, this game aint for you.

    • Boothy P
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I would be looking forward to seasons, but I have trepidation at the moment, because it’s just grindy af, with a very low feeling of rewards to time spent. Also, the gameplay is very slow until much higher level, which just makes the grind feel even worse…..

    • Boomer Mcboom
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I have 10 wives, 30 children, 5 jobs and only 5min to play every 8 weeks

    • Hdumont Stokkan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    diablo rn feels like a game for this kind of people. my mind is also blown to pieces after reading so many .. idiotic .. yeah plain stupid comments from 1 hour gamers.

    • FishcalledPhil
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the diablo 4 playerbase disgust me: both sides. all complaints, no joy. Hardcore Arpg players are mad the game isnt for them, hyper casuals mad that its an arpg??

    • Brian Kay
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    They did mix too many mmo grind into this game. One thing MMO like is that characters like barb and druid feel like dogshit out of the box. Going back there again for a new season seems like a curse where as in an MMO like classic wow, you never go back to being a warrior who has to eat consumables every 5 minutes. Characters in ARPGs are all supposed to be fun out of the box and even better twists and just feel like they break all the rules of the game towards the end of the power curve.

    • Marcin Kobos
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 4 is a perfect example of why I absolutely despise American companies. In America, even if you fail, you still get paid in the end. For example, when a doctor misdiagnoses and makes you do the run-around, he/she still gets paid even though they did nothing. When banks fail, those at the top still get a payout as if nothing ever happened. This applies to all sectors, both public and private, and is utterly despicable behavior.

    Activision Blizzard has been on a massive losing streak since Activision bought the company back in 2007. They have made failure after failure, starting with Starcraft 2, a beloved franchise that deserved a better fate than it received. While Starcraft was a huge loss, it paled in comparison to the loss that was to come with Diablo 3. Diablo 3 was an absolute dumpster fire that insulted the intelligence of however many of us there are still left who can critically think. Activision knew that Diablo 3 was a bad game, but they also knew that simply calling it ‘Diablo’ would make the game a financial success. They did not care if the game was a success on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level, they only cared about how many copies were sold. And sell it did. Diablo 3 was a financial success because of it’s predecessor, Diablo 2. Diablo 3 went on to sell over 8 million copies (according to them) on the first week of release. What they didn’t tell you, however, is how many people requested refunds and how many people quit within the first three months of release. Out of those 8 million copies that sold, only 1 million stayed around for the first six months, and then those number dropped even further to the point that Diablo2 had more of a population than Diablo 3. That is not a success; that is an absolute failure.

    Fast forward to the present, and Activision has still not learned any of its lessons from past failures. This is evident with Diablo 4, which has copied the entire UI and everything that was bad about Diablo 3 into its code. Diablo 4 is simply the Diablo 3 that they wanted to make a decade ago, but didn’t. They even used the same untalented/worthless Diablo 3 dev team. Diablo 4 is simply Diablo 3 with a new coat of paint. To illustrate how unimaginative these worthless devs are, and how ignorant they are of their own past failures, they fashioned Lilith after Kerrigan from the Starcraft Universe down to almost every detail. Yes, this is true and quite pathetic, and yet they are proud of their plagiarism and lack of innovation anyway. It’s almost like they made the game bad on purpose, just to get a negative reaction out of people. I guess they succeeded on that front, because I would not be writing this if it wasn’t the case.

    Diablo 4 is soulless and empty, and no amount of patches/expansions is ever going to fix that. It is a game made for the braindead masses, very similar to how Star Wars, and anything made by Disney or Netflix, are aimed at those who will never have the capacity for higher reasoning or thought. This game was made for them; it was never meant for those of who can still think.

    Diablo 4 is one of the biggest piles of trash I have ever played and I do not recommend it. If you are wanting the Diablo 2 experience, then Path of Exile is the only game in town. Granted, it also has its flaws, but at least it doesn’t treat you like an idiot or insult your intelligence like Diablo 4 does.

    We need to stop rewarding failure, so that games like Diablo 4, Lost Ark, and all the other crap out there, are never made.

    • James Pietracatella
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    they’re just parroting what they think people like Asmongold mean when he said he doesn’t want to have to farm all the statues again. they have no idea what they’re upset about and just want to sound relevant and in line with what they think the sentiments of their favorite streamers are.

    • kebb0
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Someone compared it to Fortnite seasons lmao, but I think it brings a great point, because in any other games with battle passes you don’t have to start from scratch like we do in ARPGS, it’s just not possible cause no other game using battlepasses have mats like gold or smithing materials etc. Diablo 4 will even not be as hardcore as PoE as you can apparently skip the campaign once you have finished it and that will also be available in the seasons? I don’t really understand the implications, but I assume it will be like D3 the bounty-system. So, people simply have gotten spoiled by other games and we’ll see what happens when season 1 comes around I guess.

    I also really want to know how far everyone questioning this has gotten in the game, cause eventually, making the 10th+ character isn’t as fun anymore without a twist or a reset (the threshold is different for everyone and may even be lower generally).

    • Emilio Marchant
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People saying D3 had no seasons is hilarious lmao. Though I used to feel like that, arpgs with seasons are meant to be played sporadically, not like 2 months in then you drop for a whole month and go back in again expecting to be relevant still

    • iBakemono
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Apart from OST and Graphics the game offers nothing. While you can waist some time on it the more you play the more you realise is horse shit. The streamers usually have a better view on the games because in a way they are force to otherwise they don’t make that fat cash and no food on the table. If you played D4 and you cosiderate it bad or if you plan to play it and you are afraid cuz is bad then you are right and on top of that is worse than you think.

    • Dani Hate
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think something to remember is Blizzard games brings in a whole other level of casual to different genres they normally don’t play at all. The Subreddit is even disconnected on what a quality ARPG should be and it ain’t D4.

    • MrFuggleGuggle
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Zoomers, am I right?…

    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Simple, the battlepass needs to be part of the eternal servers also.

    When you switch to new season it’s fine it’s full map and Lilith alters only but on the eternal server when you done it all it should be account server bound and the same with season server. I’m not building an alt without that happening. I understand it’s only map and lilith alters in a new seasons but when you done with everything one character then it needs to be done on all Alts you build and that is for seasons and eternal servers.

    This is the way

    • Berk ertuğrul
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What were they expecting? Character progression is extremely fast in this game. It is very hard to find a good upgrade after some point and they are going to play the same character for years? They clearly have no idea what an ARPG is and had completely wrong expectations while purchasing the game. I can’t blame the devs cuz they have been communicating this seasonal structure loud and clear in every opportunity they have. At the end of the day Blizzard made a ton of money and doesnt have to do anything. Even if these people dont play any seasons after this Blizzard still made 90 bucks from each of them. People appaerently don’t look into what they are buying huh…

    Also 1 hour a day gamers should not voice their opinions and no one should listen to them cuz they dont matter in these online multiplayer RPGs. Whatever you do you cant make them happy and they will always be left out, fall behind. They should just go play offline games or if they still want to play diablo or something just enjoy whats given to them.

    • Bruce D.
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I would have made the actual battle pass (the one you need to pay) able to progress in any style of play. But the actual season (like D3 or POE) would be limited to the seasonal character. I think that way they would have been able to reach everyone and not have the backlash they are having. Because I know there are a good player base that don’t play season and just play with the character they already have without having the time limitation.

    • Pozytywnie Zakrecony
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hmm I mean I stopped playing rogue as it was tedious a bit, but on barb I am just fine most of the time. There are so many dungeons, although not t. But i quite enjoy the game.

    • Rafa Kal
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Im a poe player. While im loving D4 for the moment, I dont think seasons will make the game better. Its just a way to spend the minimum in development until expansion hits

    • DirtyThunderblade
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Ehhhh not sure about this one

    • Ravenok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo 2 didn’t have seasons until 2003, deep into lord of destruction, and one of the primary selling points of seasons was the fact they were going to help mitigate item duping and hacking.
    They were also promoted as having other benefits, but hacking and duping were major “motivators” for that system.

    One has to wonder – are we now stuck with these seasons purely because at one time item duplication was a thing in D2?
    Would they have implemented it if not for the hacking problems in the game?

    Seasons are a huge reason why I lost interest in ARPGs, and I was a very hardcore D2 player until hacking became prevalent, with seasons finally “killing it” for me. Since then, I enjoyed ARPGs as a one-season treat, leaving all of them after that single season I participated it.

    It just turns the game into a race of EXP and loot, instead of a game about crafting a character to ridiculous levels of efficiency, which was all the fun for me in D2.

    • joe blow
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    now if blizzard was transparent at the begining, we wouldnt be here now.

    • 5×3
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is hard to believe to the point where I don’t understand what these players are even asking for. Are they asking not to have to make new characters, repeat content, are they asking for additional levels every season (100+, 200+, etc.), or are they asking for something akin to other MMOs where progression never really ends like in EVE Online? I’m just lost as to how a thing that’s been in ARPGs from day one could be so surprising to them as a concept. Like, when you buy a new game, do you or do you not start over every single time? Seasons are just a restart for new content, just like with any other game but not through the lens of buying a new one. I don’t get what the complaint is even supposed to be. I can get it, like I don’t think the complaints sound unreasonable, but what is even the source of the problem if not having never played a video game at all before?

    • Casey G
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The idea that people can’t be bothered to level a new character for a season is insane. What were they expecting, to get enough content for yoru max level character every 3 months? that’s insane

    • Hi I’m Rev
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There is a lot of destiny players (like Paul Tassi) who are complaining about seasons. The thing that gets me is destiny has seasons.. and up until this season you needed to gain 30+ levels a season. Plus you needed to farm to upgrade your gear 30+ levels and farm new gear etc. it’s the same thing lol.. I don’t get why they are upset.

    • Metamon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My ‘balanced’ view on this is that the twitter posters have a point, D4 is meant to be a casual game and is very easy and simple (compared to PoE) and with the whole focus on MMO-like features (again more casual oriented) I’m not sure how seasons will work out for the target audience.

    Personally I have no issue with starting a new PoE character every season but D4 just seems like such a chore compared to PoE since D4 just doesn’t feel very rewarding to play in comparison.

    • HereticFOREVER17
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Its crazy how my ARPG and Destiny worlds have collided over this game lol As for this topic, I’ve followed Paul Tassi for a while for his Destiny news coverage and I don’t always agree with him but he’s well spoken and I’m sure up for a discussion on the topic Ziz. Simply being able to progress the battle pass via the Eternal Realm (Standard League) would solve most of the issue. Level 100 already, well XP gains still go to BP if you wanna spam Nightmare dungeons on Eternal.

    • T 0 a d T ☋ b 3
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    no lol

    • Jeremy Goularte
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Tbh, maybe all the negativity will finally force ARPGs as a genre to adapt/evolve. It’s kind of been a dying game genre for the past 20-25 years, so it might be good to see a little change. Just trying to put a positive spin on it all.

    • Effi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This seems to stem from both the way D4 has attracted a more casual player base and also that it appeals to mmo players, where your main char will often be with you for years.

    I feel like these are the same players who keep saying that everyone who complains about endgame is ‘rushing the game’, and that they’re ‘enjoying the campaign’. There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding in their perception of ARPGs and can’t understand what it is that appeals to more traditional ARPG players. This more casual audience might enjoy the story/lore, etc. but I don’t see them are sticking around long term.

    • Soundwave
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it’s hilarious, I even had one of my buddies complain like this. It’s just the nature of the genre, how would this game have longevity without seasons lmao

    • Dakotahray
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Diablo Andy’s are my favorite.

    • simrock
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean, it’s clear for ARPG players I suppose, most of the audience might’ve come over from other Blizz games, namely WoW, or might’ve played Lost Ark before, both games with sort of “perpetual” progression on a single character. Even then I guess they were expecting more Lost Ark than anything else.

    • Rafael Cantillo
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You can’t fix stupid. Its ok when that player base leaves.

    • TheDoubleDoor
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think it’s pretty crazy, but the biggest thing is the amount of people thinking they will lose their characters.

    • FoxyRaven-TV
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    TBH i never enjoyed seasons in PoE and i am not seeing my self doing more than one or two seasons of D4 in a year or so.

    I like ARPG’s though but not when i have to start all over again, maybe that is why Lost Ark spoke more to me in a longer time period, sure the game is p2w but you dont hace to start all over once every 3 month.

    Imo i would rather them put more end game into the game each season and end game side quests instead of a restart from 0 kinda thing.

    • DEL
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    There wouldn’t be a “problem” if Blizzard wasn’t just stealing shit from the genre. They made it openworld-esque and MMO-lite just to regurgitate PoE’s seasons ad nauseum anyway.

    I enjoyed the game for what it is, don’t regret buying it, but there is nothing new so far under the sun and PoE trained their players to expect and want those resets.

    Not surprised at all when the casual gates opened this would be one of the contention points.

    • L·ᐄṾᐄṆↁ3Ʀ
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    D4 is a shit game. If you didn’t see it coming, you probably STILL play blizzard games. Those are the only fools that would fall for such a shallow game.

    • Literallyeveryone Alive
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m here for season
    No season I probably won’t play as much
    I don’t have an opinion on the season pass thing. I don’t care if they exist or not. If the first season pass is good I’ll keep getting them. If not I’ll just ignore them. As long as actual gameplay is not locked behind season pass I don’t think it matters

    • TwujStary420
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Got baited on some twitter drama again, unlucky

    • Rpgambit
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    How dare you take a day off, content monkey

    • QuantomStrange
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    its crazy how many ppl don’t know this is how you play arpgs. especially when it comes to new seasons. my only issue with diablo is there is virtually ZERO end game. and as a wow player i NEED end game shit to do lol

    • Gabriel Self
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It really does suck at the moment, but once the dungeon keys warp you to the dungeon, and the season is started, it should be much better…. I hope.
    Right now it’s just painfully slow.

    • Charles Myers
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I think the disconnect is that the majority of these players are players of MMORPG’s and are looking at Diablo as such and expected to race to 100 then play a perpetual seasonal added content rather than a seasonal restart with added content. Us ARPG vets see this as a non issue, but to them they look at each character as their permanent “main”

    • Jules
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I’m starting to think if these people leave the game it will be good for everybody. On the other hand a lot of us non Uber players are just getting on with playing it. I prefer to think we are the silent majority.

    • GunvorPlays
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    What I personally find really annoying is the reset of a lot of renown stuff such as side quests. I mean, I spent an ungodly amount of time doing side quests to get those shiny paragons, so not very thrilled on doing that again. I heard that lilith statues carry over though.

    • diggs
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    the game sucks – terrible drops, terrible density, terrible feeling skills, grind for no reason, waste of your life

    • BigBoi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Casual plebs letting everyone know they’ve got no clue

    • Drehzahlorgel
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Well, in D2 the seasons were not exactly called “seasons” and there was – of course – no battle pass behind it.
    The “seasons” were called “ladder”. A ladder character is basically – in today’s terms – a season character.

    So, I do not know why a D2 veteran would say, that D2 did not have seasons…

    • MikonDab
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    LUL this is par for the course when you try to appeal to casuals hahahahahaha hope they find a PR guy who can explain to them as clear as possible that D4 is an ARPG or better yet design the game to cater to these casuals who were suppose to have played D2 and D3(2:12) ahahahaha it’s gonna suck but it’s gonna be fascinating what kind of Frankenstein they’ll end up making

    • Bruno Varela
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I can’t believe this is happening, no wonder I heard about review bombing, people don’t even understand the genre they are playing

    • NODEN
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Hahahahahahahahahahah i seriously hate this world everyone just lives to complain and they dont realize they are to blame most of the time like why did you decide to buy a certain genre of game you have never played before and do zero research before to see if its something you would enjoy😂

    • The Jols
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    You’re never really condescending, you’re straightforward.

    • reverie
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i never thought i’d feel bad for blizzard but holy shit is it depressing that they have to deal with people like this

    • bigmack70
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hate seasons in ARPGs. I play standard in PoE and I will play eternal in D4. The seasonal model is hot flaming garbage when it is used to gate content from permanent league players

    • TheCrimsonFckr
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The classes are boring, the endgame is bullshit. Graphics and art is phenomenal, but everything else is complete shit. How do you make a sorc so fucking boring?! HOW!!?

    • Turok
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    My main problem with seasons isn’t the reset, its more that there is a lot locked behind having to play it. For example the season mechanic, why isn’t it available at the time for the normal game mode to enjoy ? And even that I can understand as incentive for players to try the season, but locking the battle pass thing behind the seasons just doesn’t sound logical to me to be honest, maybe they are trying to slow down its progress so players don’t just blitz through it with their already geared characters ?

    • Amatsuichi
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    lvl 74 at the moment and realizing I have to force myself to log in and play the VERY very boring endgame, which basically is just nightmare dungeons over and over again, levelling glyphs at an ultra slow rate.. and thats it, nothing else in the endgame… its a nice and good looking game especially during levelling, but endgame is just disappointing.,. not even speaking about the missing QoL in terms of bag/stash space, missing search option in inventory and a lot of small things which are simply not there

    • Hakej
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This is something I saw coming from the launch day. Everybody keeps saying that Diablo 4 is dialed down to make it more appealing to casuals, and while game is definitely simpler and easier everybody forgets no casual has patience for ARPGs. Casuals DON’T understand ARPGs because it is not a genre for dad folks, unless such folks have played an ARPG in their youth when they had more time. They will complain about repetitive encounters, same maps and same enemies because variety and flashy battles is something they look forward to, they don’t have the patience nor the time to kill the same enemy 1k times to get a new item, hell they probably don’t even understand itemization is one of the prime reasons anybody plays these games, they just want to smash stuff in a cool way, not really think about how to approach the smash aspect of it.

    I don’t have anything against casual players, not everybody has to have time and will to spend hours daily to play a videogame, but I’m mindblown how everybody, including you Ziz, keep saying this game is way more casual friendly where in reality casuals won’t make it past Act 1. I don’t know what did they expect. This game will benefit from Torchlight enjoyers, but dad players, unless having some massive nostalgia to D2/D3, won’t like it one bit.

    When I saw what they did with marketing it felt like a massive waste of money, did they really think Megan Fox would draw people that actually have the patience to go through the campaign once? Let alone make new character every season? Especially considering how slow early game can be? (looking at you barb/druid)

    I’m absolutely not surprised these reviews and tweets finally keep coming out, I’m surprised it took them so long tbh

    • Alexander Ericson
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Thank you for trying out Diablo. Now kindly take the left door to your happy World of Warcraft. Thank you for flying

    • Lee Fretwell
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I mean…i am a dad, i dont get much time to play, but i still understand the concept of gaming 🤷‍♂️😂

    • Phil C
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Battlepass needs to be completable in eternal realm. This is a SCAM.

    • Manthas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I hope Blizzard don’t listen to these people. Casuals will kill the game.

    • vmx42
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Dude I am so surprised that this is how the community was reacting, lol. I swear how did they think people played d3 for so long without seasons?

    • dokanyon
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I read some metacritic reviews “best game ever by Blizzard”, “best game of the decade” and much more nonsense lmao

    • Siddharth Venkatesh
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The most interesting thing to come out of this is realizing how wide the audience of D4 is compared to other ARPG’s, even including past Diablo games.

    • OldBurnzy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    people in that thread were so fucking stupid. leveling new characters and trying new builds every season in both PoE and D3 were the most fun i’ve had. And leveling new characters in D3 and D4 isnt even that annoying since you can skip the main story unlike PoE.

    • limeypam
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    This game is extremely destroying Minion Necros. Minions should not take up ,1 skill slots not be destroyed by dungeon bosses with zero corpses to resummon. We are a doomed class.

    • seniorita
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yea people are mad, and still playing in game without endgame content;d Already i dont know which streamer is paid, cause this game has nothing to offer nowadays and people still playing in this game;d If this game could be called different than diablo then none wouldnt play this game. Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, these games are way better for now. Maybe after one year this game will improve, but already d4 is not competitor to regular poe and what about poe 2 soon..

    • Deeby
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    People are so stupid lol

    • Ivan
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Is this madness?

    No this is Diablo!

    • Kasper Martensen
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Why ? If you don’t like it move on to the next game. Plenty to choose from 🙂

    • DD
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    The “im a dad” guys were so memed on on the d4 reddit KEKW

    • Mr Proto
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    It’s just a BAD game.

    • synoxify
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    i gave them 6 months, it took what 14 days?

    • M_Peesy
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Damn im one of the first to this video

    • Boss Nat
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    aww not twitter people again

    • Jan-Erik
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    I played for 15 hours trying desperately to have fun. But damn this game felt like a waste of time. Next poe league please.

    • Sevrmark
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Some people are always mad about something sometime..

    • Toomas
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm

    Yeah ;_;

    • Zettai
    • 2023年 6月 22日 5:19pm
