Diablo 4 – DONT DO IT! BIGGEST Mistake POSSIBLE Wastes 100 Hours


Diablo 4 – Do NOT DO THIS! BIGGEST Mistake POSSIBLE Wastes 100 Hours

Taqs:diablo 4


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    • DM: Diablo 4
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

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    • Splitloop Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    For something pretty obvious in game;
    1, how did you not notice this until level 71?
    2, a couple percent isnt a big deal in the grand scheme, not perfect rolls are fine.
    3, how could this “waste” 100s of hours?

    dumb video

    • Garrett Leao
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Love the content, keep it up 🙂

    • Skars
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Diablo 4 – Do NOT DO THIS! BIGGEST Mistake POSSIBLE Wastes 100 Hours

    • MyCrazyFamilysChannel
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you

    • brian jarvis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You gotta hit up a speech class my dude! It’s pronounced ROLL-uh now ROW.

    • 22louki
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Doing pointless things, sometimes is something you can not control, let me give you an example.
    for example in D3 i remember myself farming hours and hours for a very long time in order to get the best ancient pieces, including a yang recurve bow(if i recall the name correctly).
    after 2 months i found an excellent one(recrafts did not make the job for me) and i was happy and excited.

    then after a while they release primal ancient legenderies….which are legendaries that have maximum stats…
    so what can i say, should i feel bad for wasting months for items, while you can get even better within a “day” after a patch?
    i am not comparing the situation, i just wanted to say everyone does mistakes simply because either we lack knowledge of presence,future or past..
    i dont know about extraction yet but maybe they will make it easier in the short future, or implement something else that may make it irrelevant.

    It is good though when you can get knowledge without the fault of the personal experience,or inexperience if u prefer, so i assume every new player here, including me should be grateful for the help

    • Lava1 Rain
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I started a Rogue character and now I have to create a new character to do each Season. This is BS! Why I never did the D3 seasons. This is Blizzard being lazy! Basically trying to extend the game via pointless grind where you do old content over and over instead of them actually developing new content.

    Each Season should be playable by all characters without creating a new one. Each Season should open up a part of the map you have never been to before. So, everytime a new Season Starts you end up in a completely new area you have never been to with a different map, dungeons, monsters, setting, all new main Mission and side quests Anything less than this is unacceptable. I Will complete the game on my Rogue and uninstall it. FU Blizzard.

    • Stephen B
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Somebody didn’t play diablo 2 lol

    • K J
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How do you know when you’ve found the “last” item you’ll need? Is there a maximum level on items? I saw your 2H weapon was lvl 61. Is that the highest?

    • Mollelarsson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I was under the impression that the numbers don’t scale. I guess with some items it’s a % chance or % boost and that number will never change with item lvl, but others have dmg numbers, and they get bigger the highler lvl the item is. So extracting one of those on a low lvl item will not scale up when you later apply it to a higher lvl item.

    Correct or not?

    • Tom Lajeunesse
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The game warns you before you attach an aspect from your inventory onto an item that you won’t be able to extract it ever

    • Woe97
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hi there, So I just went and tried to imprint a rare 2h staff I had with an Aspect from the codex of power that said 20%, and it gave me 40% instead. So maybe they changed this? or maybe the tooltip is simply misleading and doesn’t show the range it’s capable of giving?

    • marconihimself
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I usually play the game casually saving the aspects I like the most and when I have 2 or 3 of the same type I imprint the lesser roll since I know I have another saved for 10 levels down the line. You will eventually come across several iterations of the same aspect and you are bound to find armors and weapons with better base stats, so it is not that big of a deal if you imprint stuff every 10 levels or so.

    • Novocaine
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you, great explanation for a semi-noob casual like myself

    • Calvin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I mean lets be honest. If you’ve got 100+ hours already, may want to consider whats important 😂

    • MiksteR_RdY
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    People are really that simplistic? People actually NEED to hear this? What a world we live in.

    • Ron
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Seems like common sense that when you use a CONSUMABLE then you CANNOT GET IT BACK. lol wow dude

    • Pierre
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Should I get Diablo 4 or just hold off until bg3 releases

    • Fr4gg4h
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How do y’all see the roll range of abilities?

    • Roger [DK]
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The soulless thing is complaining XD

    • Zephirin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Here I am, around 100 hours in and still haven’t even seen that damn pulverize shockwave roll. D= Feels really bad in this game how without aspects, you’re completely useless. I haven’t even seen an aspect that can be used for other builds, I’ve literally only gotten 100s of fucking barrier related aspects and lightning strike shit.

    • Sombra Cheeks
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This is the most goofy sounding guy ever

    • EarlGrey
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The biggest mistake in D4 is.. playing D4 xD

    It’s a pile of garbage. There are soooo many better games out there.

    • Morfik
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Why cant we just extract off imprints? Make it cost a lot of gold or items or something, so annoying just holding onto aspects indefinitely

    • Madknox
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Eeeeeeeeehhhh DuuuuH, If this isent self explanatory idk what, So you really expected that when you find a perfect rolled aspect you got to keep it for all your wepons from now on ? And end the aspect grind as we speak. wakey wakey bakey bakey LoL bro go hit the bong once more then pass it to me pls 😀

    • Cyrus_Shokan
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hello . Thank you this is very helpful.

    • BB 412
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I can’t figure out how to extract… I’ve just been turning my old stuff to junk and giving it to the blacksmith 😳

    • MrOhShit
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    are people really that overwhelmed by this barebone “crafting” system? i mean it makes so much sense, its a fucking rpg: you upgrade your shit constantly lol

    • Vince Zampella
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Appreciate the tip! Would love to see some content on upgrades and aspects, when to upgrade, when to skip it, etc. Rare, legendary, ancestral at different levels / tiers. It’s something I struggle with as a new player!

    • MrAchsas
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wait what i always thought you could extract the imprinted ones again

    • Troy Bird
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I noticed this at level 50 and learned that weapon drops or armor drops do not always occur. After 11 days, I have not found better gear, and it was 12 days before I found anything over 1k dmg for sorc.
    Stupid that aspects do not stack from imprints in armor, weapons, etc.

    • music jail
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wow, this is actually a very good tip because it isn’t intuitive at all that you couldn’t do that. I assumed you could extract like normal but it might just cost more or something.

    • TastyScotch
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Ive made it to lvl 60 so far without imprinting anything 😂 everytime i find something that looks good i find something better like an hour later. I definitely agree and suggest u save perfect or near perfect rolls on aspects for gear much later down the line, like wt4 or somethin

    • KorayTR
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    D4 such a disappointment

    • Joseph Graham
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Well I fucked up

    • A Dubious Task
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I cant believe 2 weeks ago you had a 71. Feel like ive been playing a good amount and only 78!

    • I am Big G
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    My experience from playing any RPG says that I must hoard and never use any good item until endgame 😂😂😂

    • Tad Donaghe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    But… aren’t you ALWAYS going to be replacing gear? Is there every an end to it? There’s always a higher gear score, right? Or do we just hold onto any perfect roll for the final gear level?

    • Invalid420
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    personally…while leveling i will imprint aspects from the codex or use items that drop with it till i replace it then extract the aspect for use later….i think im doing it correct by saving higher rolled aspects till later on in the game….

    • Joe Dickinson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Can another weapon not drop a matching legendary aspect (be it better or worse) while using a lower roll?

    • Rick Grimes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wtf is a row

    • Eggi Flottastur
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    When imprinted my “when minions deal damage they gain attack speed etc” from the base one, it actually upgraded to be quite a bit better. It did not retain the base one, so I’m not sure what you’re talking about. It seemingly scaled with either my level or the items level. So I’m a little confused. I’ve also seen so many variations on the same imprints with the advanced tooltp that do not have the same information at all. They seem to scale with item level also. So one says 14%(9-14) attack speed… but another says 17%(15-20).(same imprints) I’m a little confused on how this works.

    • Timothy Kuehn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    It’s just a game budd😅 Stuff happens all the time. There’s always something better out there😊

    • FPS Man
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    yea i got the 30% twisting blades ive been holding them all campaign

    • RepoMan 160980
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Very good information thank you 🧠🖤

    • TWITCHIE224
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i assumed this is how it works. luckily i have just been using my aspects from the codex until im completely sure im ready to use my max aspects.

    • Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I tried to stop playing ESO, but the Perfect Roe keeps following me.

    • Leroy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    They should implement something to let you re extract an already imprinted aspect. Even if its very rare at least theres a chance, it gives a players a chance to rectify there mistake. Maybe even purchase at the cost of max Obols… As long as they don’t do microtransactions idk.

    • Dobyns Media
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thx for the info!

    • Oittz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    no shit lol!

    • soulure
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    god i hate that this is true

    • Ashton Smith
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So if you have a minimum roll already, can it be re-extracted as a minimum roll?

    • Henry Clark
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    If I could go by to my former self I would do everything I can to hinder as many sales of this shit as I can. I fought for their right to develop this fucking game, and I fought for your right to buy this fucking game; and as a thank you, I was told I wasn’t allowed to play it, and if I wanted to, I should go back in time and not serve in the military so my left arm and the right side of my right hand, and my right leg would never have been blown off with an ied. “It’s my own fault, not theirs” is what I was told.

    • Geoff Rayner
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I made this mistake at level 28 with a perfect roll dire whirlwind. And my barb is now level 68 and still beating myself up over it still haven’t seen another

    • Gheorghe Vasile
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I cannot agree more ive used a perfect weapon legendary aspect from a onehand to the first shitty 2hand i found in early game..i was blasting everything for like 5 lvls then it started to wear off. This video should be watched by anyone who is just starting the game

    • mugen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    great content as always, keep it up! got a question, how do you see the (20-40) roll gap part on legendary effects?

    • Scrap
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I just got an ancestrial rare sword and I levelled it up and enchanted a sub roll on it but when I went to place my aspect it told me it can not be done, does anyone have an answer for me?

    • ShazbotDesign
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Almost 100k man! There’s no way you wont get it, the amount you’ve been growing wont suddenly stop. Early Congrats man.

    • Flood
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The horror 100 hours of enjoyment “wasted”

    Why do ya’ll even play? lmao

    • Alex Rodriguez
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Whoa, didn’t you use to make raid shadow legends content ages ago??

    • Skirus Kronos
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wow I must have 200iq because I thought this was obvious the first time I extracted something.

    On a side note for something more obscure (playing a rogue) aspects that you place on your bow/amulet have like DOUBLE base roll %s than if you were to place a aspect on say your weapon.

    • Rogue-Spear
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Diablo 4 is my first experience with the Diablo world and the learning curve is quite high. Aspects, percentages, extracting, salvaging. So much information.

    • PjStarTV
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    2:26 You are wrong about the Aspects from the Codex always rolling the minimum stat. When you imprint an aspect from your Codex it gives you a random roll from the possible range for that stat. I have personally proven this. I have imprinted the Aspect Of The Protector from my Codex onto the Amulet that I’m currently wearing and it gave me the max barrier stat from the possible range shown. For those unaware, you can see the possible range for stats if you turn on Advanced Tool Tips in the setttings. I don’t know why this isn’t on by default but it’s not.

    • Trenton R.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Quick question, if say perfect roll is extracted then imprinted on a item. From there on out, that item can be reimprinted but that item can’t be used to imprint that perfect roll on say a better item?

    • Mikael A
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So many rows

    • matthew paddock
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Huge help ! And a big save for many

    • gaming for dad and kid
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Oo damn….

    • KingDennisJensen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    oh my god, good to know… that would be realllllly frustrating.

    • Eric In SF
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I’m sure this is a great video but now I have to go back and Google whatever the hell an aspect and imprinting is. Casuals for the win

    • Joshua Hakakian
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Get that plaque, bro!

    • poison7512
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Yeah. Thats the gamble of using anything..

    • Among the stars
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Save 200 hours by not even playing ;-D

    • Spanky Jeffro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I mean, not really, dude. The whole idea of the Diablo games IS to grind.
    While this is sound advice, nobody is wasting hours. This is a game.

    • Matthew Lower
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Played 73 hours…says the mistake wastes 100 hours. Just thought it was funny, no hate.

    • Cioper
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I’m suprised you didn’t know this after open beta.

    • knøwbødy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I accidentally salvaged a legendary that had a perfect rolled aspect for my build today. I’m a little sad about it lol. Luckily I found a second one today that was close to a perfect roll, but not quite there.. lesson learned!

    • RAMZA
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i didn’t need to watch this. my ocd ass wont let me use any until I collect ever type so im stacking good, meh, and badass extracts

    • TommyDubz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    are you saying roll or row, deadass I don’t know. I assume roll

    • Chance Morse
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    great job I’ve been wondering this 👍

    • Sweet
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Go outside

    • Miroslav Chmelík
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hmm, typical stupid Blizzard logic 🙂 why not random aspect rolls in the codex :facepalm: Same as the Server slam event, why only one weekend? So I lost the trophy (I didn’t miss the technical and beta, I killed ashava already…. but not at the slam because I was abroad), very stupid and unfair, I can’t reach it anymore. So I don’t feel like playing Diablo 4 as much anymore even though I pre-ordered the Ultimate version 🙁

    • Marcel Styles
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks for the tip

    • Ninosykes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Oh cool, so dungeon aspects are meaningless?

    • lukasgaming82
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you for not taking 15 minutes to say what can be said in three. Informative and to the point is how I like my videos, and yours is that!

    • CyberLex
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you, very crystal clear explanation and thanks for the tip

    • Nemesis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Ahhhh well that sucks…

    • Aleb
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The codex needs to be updated with the best roll of that power you have extracted. Full stop.

    • Booja Swaggy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Yeah they explained this… did people just skip everything? Or not read? How did you not find this out earlier?
    I thought everyone knew this 🤣😂 jesus

    • cardanbosch
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Monster Hunter players would find your frustration very amusing lol

    • HnS Kyo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    just ignore anything under 50 and pay attention after.
    under 50 all the aspects are crap, have never get 1 that is like the one you got there.

    • Spencer Chua
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hi I have a question. If I have an extracted aspect from a low level item, does the extracted aspect scale? Can I use the low aspect on high legendaries?😊

    • PULAG
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So extract always gives minimum roll stats?

    • Zachary Brannon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Kermit the frog

    • Matthew Rodgers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    The first mistake you made was buying a fraud product that’s right you paid $70 up to $100 for a brick Games as a service live service games are fraud

    • Donnie Maing
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    ty sir

    • Gigaheart
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So if I find a perfect roll legendary, don’t aspect it and instead stash it.

    • Michael EL M
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks, I avoided upgrading anything till I reached lvl 50 to save on tons of gold and equipment.

    • AdoreYouInAshXI
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    *Today, we learn about aspects in PLAYING DIABLO 4 – WITH YOUR HOST, DAVE MUSTAINE*

    • Set-Tes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    On a two handed weapon the effect can be so tremendous that i would not worry that much.
    If you find a high ilvl 2Hweapon with good modifiers imprint without thinking too much, it will last you forever and make your damage so juicy. I had one sacred weapon with perfect stats and an almost perfect corpse tendril aspect on my necro from 50 to 75 and I only felt the damage was getting a bit weaker around level 73.
    And now I have a 80/100 aspect but on a much better weapon that is gona carry me to the next one

    • Jim Zaras
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I understood 0% of what you said but it doesn’t matter because this game it ridiculously easy and you need nothing of those things to beat it and also so laggy it’s a joke.

    • Mojo Jojo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    One thing I don’t understand is when do we even upgrade gear and use our good aspects ? If we will get better gear in 5 levels anyway….? At level 100 ?? I’m so lost

    • Brandon Zanzig
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks captain obvious…

    • yvonne samantha
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    any one playing this game or buying it you are coming into convenant with the devil. open your eyes people open your eyes.

    • steeve ho
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i really dont want to be mean, i understand u earn youtube points, but here’s a two second video : u can only imprint once. done

    • No Delay For Days
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Isn’t that affix range relative to your level?

    • Nathan Saraceno
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • philldo Jensen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How are you able to see the ranges of the buffs, mine doesn’t show that. Also, where can I get shockwave?

    • Onyi David
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Great tip – unfortunately I am not seeing the % ranges in parenthesis in-game. Is there a setting I have to toggle?

    I can ofc google the aspect but would love to see it in-game as it is in the video.

    • Burner
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I’ve subscribed purely due to the fact that you have no intro, no asking for likes and subs, you just get right in to the video and the useful information! Thank you 👍

    • Bhany 8
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Clickbait title.

    • Shawn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So this isn’t going to help my problem of hoarding all my aspects only to never use them because I’m too afraid of making the mistake of using them on an item that may be replaced.

    • Louis Buss
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    On the other hand, it could end up rotting in your collection waiting for the perfect item to be placed on that never drops.
    That would be an even bigger waste

    • Elizabeth Buttler
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Please boycott this game, if you research the history you’ll understand. RIP Blizzard North Entertainment.

    • bayareacertified
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    But what about the sword of a thousand truths

    • Man Made Toast
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    love the drama 😂

    • Nino
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    losers buy diablo 4 and support blizzard. You losers should all feel bad

    • Sleepy1992
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    It’s a 10 out of 11 in that analogy. 20 itself also counts 🙂

    • wow classic + / hc
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    yes and no. everything will be trashed in a month when season starts. 3 month seasons are a joke. why even start 🙁

    • DavidPastern
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    well that’s stupid game design on Blizzard’s part. Once you extract an item, you should be able to use that aspect forever, on any future item(s). D4 is turning out to be a really shitty game.

    • Ryan R.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks man. I hope you found what you needed.

    • David
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    so if you literally get the best imprint, save it for literally the best weapon or armor you’ll ever get?

    • Waters
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks man!

    • Kacey McCay
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    row row row row row row row

    • Miguel Bartolomeo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • JayTheFlip
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    When I understood what you did & what you explained, I screamed OMG!

    • George Hunda
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • minty
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    imprint these nuts, how about that

    • heddagarbage
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    yeah i’ve been hoarding my orange colored better aspects but I did actually blow one of them and realize i should have waited

    • Stardrifter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I would say its good advice here since imprinting early left side equipment is a waste since you’ll definitely upgrade to better gear.
    Its probably ok to imprint on accessories because the power increases from those aren’t nearly as high as left side gear though this depends on how many aspects you need for a build.

    • ShouVertica
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Sounds like blizzard just wants you to straight waste time.

    • Shadow IV
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I found out early… thankfully. I was like “oh… you can’t just keep imprinting” and I stopped doing it all together unless I had a second one.

    • Beach Roasted
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Bro please touch grass and wash your face

    • Quickloaded
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    They should just let you re-extract aspects. It’s such a pain to get something good and not being able to enjoy it right away.

    • Clem Fandango
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i don’t understand what any of this means because i just started. so basically when you find aspects don’t use them until you’re sure about the item?

    • Martin R
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Now do a video on not needing a perfect roll. Advice for anyone watching, don’t worry about a perfect roll for posting on social media and play the game, or take some time to learn more math. If you waste hundreds of hours thinking there’s a difference between 259 and 260 out of 260 there are better things you need to be doing with your time. TL;DR you can’t re-use aspects, don’t stress about perfect rolls, play the game.

    • Dontay Sandwich
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Did this yesterday and did not know I couldn’t pull it back out DAMN

    • Hristiyan Hristov
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    But then when you get another drop like that it will be even sweeter

    • Cryognaut
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Of course, Game looks lame as Shit and Boring as Fuck, Even more reason not to get it

    • Kamil Szymanski
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Your videos are great, you make my small brain understand everything

    • M O V I E B A D
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Did this with a perfect bone spear imprint and really regret it cause I haven’t found another since. Luckily, I swapped to a shadowblight summoner so it’s not a huge deal, but still, having the option would have been nice.

    • Nikoloz Shaburishvili
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I dunno man, you speak Diablo language my character is 7 levels and I cant understand what youre saying. I dont even know what an aspect is. So if you’re making this video for new players to understand and don’t repeat the same thing.. you’re not explaining it good enough. you mention aspects, legendary aspects, imprinting from another aspects… and I dont even know the basics yet.

    • Ulkmuff
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So just to make sure I understood this right.. You are saying that an Aspect that I extracted from an item and then imprinted that very Aspekt to whatever item, I can not extract this Aspect again to put it on the next item, yes!? An extracted aspect can only once be imprinted into an item by me and never extracted again from the item I imprinted it in to use it further on and again and again?

    • Jason
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you

    • MitchGonePro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You content creators and your non stop click bait for D4 has been way over the top this week. Nothing but a damn echo chamber.

    • Devin Murphy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wow. thanks for the heads up. Just got my 2nd legendary and it rolled perfect necro sacrifice buff. Hanging on to that until late game

    • redkiteross
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Honestly, this is why I think that imprinting only once is disappointing, because the time you will likely play with your max roll aspect will be short. The fun in these games is mostly on the way to becoming your best self, rather than when you have everything at the end. So encouraging us not to use aspects because they’re best rolls seems unnecessarily unfun.

    My preference would be max rolls being super rare but aspects being permanently available for imprint.

    • Jason Leon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Are you saying row?

    • ReSpawN
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    There comes a point of deminishing returns when you keep waiting for that ‘next big thing’. (basically cruisin’ a 1060 and waiting for the RTX 6090Ti to drop, and then the 7090 Ti and so forth).
    When you realise you’re missing out on tons of damage and progression, especially time-wise, imprint that weapon and never look back. Or keep farming for something similar along the lines and imprint that.

    Keeping it on the shelve for 2 weeks is useless. Still, solid tips here, thanks!

    • Morgan Sutherland
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hope they add crazy corrupt items or something touched by the corruption of Lilith.

    WW cost health instead of fury at a percentage of your physical dmg but ignores all defences of the enemy.

    Your minions deal 50% more dmg but you also life linked to your minions and receive a portion of the damage.

    Teleport teleports enemys to you instead of you teleporting.

    Meteor now becomes a comet shower dealing cold dmg instead of fire.

    Blizzard now deals fire damage and becomes a fire storm.

    Basic skills have a chance to reset your core skills but core skills cost twice the resource but do double damage when they reset.

    Skeletons have a chance to split into smaller skeletons with half hp.

    Wraiths now possessed an enemy when they die until the possessed enemy is dead.

    Werebear is stronger at night than day.

    Your Blood Golems now siphon blood from enemys and form into another coagulated blood golem and that golem can also split up to X amount.

    Enemys killed by your Corpse Explosion now crest a chain reaction with subsequent kills the chain reaction continues

    Could go on all day with stupid ideas.

    • Gordon Liddy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    the game is boring as whale shit

    • wiefdiwbofdbw
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I like it that way. keeps loot exciting for find the good aspect rolls. also keeps the demand high

    • wiefdiwbofdbw
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    man just finished the campagn, and i fucking LOVED it. For an arpg, this story and cutscenes are fucking amazing <3

    • Andy Idea
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    What do you mean by a “row” or “perfect row”? (Beginner here)

    • Keyboard Warrior
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    100% correc!
    Use the free minimum rolls of the Codex powers on your subpar gear to get your build working and save the max rolled effects for real endgame gear with next to perfect stat rolls.
    Or at least until you have a duplicate legendary effect you can extract so you never waste your imprint and then have to sit and wait for the good stuff to drop again if you find an upgrade.

    • Charles May
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    what are rows in diablo???

    • We The People
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This tip saved my marriage.

    • Baba Yaga
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So when do we actually use a God tier roll exactly, when we are at max level? Because by your own logic, it sounds that way, it’s the only way we would be able to keep that imprint indefinitely, because it’s on an item we’ll never replace.

    • Townes Prescot
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    thanks bro, a little hard to track since i just started but will forsure keep in mind onward

    • Imalizard Dawg
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    What’s a perfect row? I don’t understand

    • None’ya
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You may not be the flashiest person, but tbh youve explain things a lot better than most of the youtube videos ive found on d4

    • Micepad
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I started doing this today because I watched your other video about advanced tooltips and my life is changed forever thank you 😭❤

    • CurD
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Can u explain where the 100 hours wasted comes from? Can anyone say clickbait?

    • GavinBelson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    what is a row? are you trying to say roLL?

    • Sky Blanket
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I was literally just questioning everything you just explained. Came to the bathroom to poop and this video was on the top of my feed. Thank you. I’m pooping

    • R F
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Diablo 2 lives on! Played D4 for 10 mnutes and was bored to death. Refunded and uninstalled.

    • exr
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    feel like they made this clear around level 25

    • Swee
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I can’t see the min-max stats next to the aspect stat roll. odd

    • David Boschi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Now the big question is knowing when exactly you do go ahead and imprint it…

    • Floor Daoc
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    *Played 73 hours. Saved 100 hours. Now, played negative 27 hours. Time Machine. Boom.*

    • NHL Highlights
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So what’s the point of having them in the codex

    • NHL Highlights
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So you can’t imprint found aspects from the codex on anything multiple times ?

    • Edwin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This happened to me on a Necromancer summoner item that gave me 3 extra skelton warriors. Now all that’s been dropping are uniques that only provide ‘2’ skeleton warriors…May be one day i’ll come across a ‘3’ skeleton warrior addage one day.

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Some legiondary’s are far more rare than others and it’s not immediately clear which ones are. This is problematic I think.

    • ShadowStormTCWC
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Does this even matter to someone who just wants to play through the game start to finish or is this for endgame mmo nerds

    • oGTainui
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I was thinking about extracting my legendaries, but thought theres no point cause id be changing gear anyways, so i jus stored them away, but didnt know about this till now, can say im glad i didnt extract them, thanks bro 🙏

    • Cup of Sadge
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So if you removed that Imprinted Pulverize aspect, it would destroy your weapon right? Thats what you mean by you can only use an extracted aspect once?

    • L75RD
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This guy looks like Dave Mustaine’s cousin

    • Teknology Guy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Great info

    • James Mello
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Over a week late to the party here. Thank you for this!! But wow, that sucks! When I’m so early in the game how would I know if this would be “the last 2- handed weapon” I’ll ever use. Your point is = I wouldn’t know. So keep the perfectly rolled aspects on the legendary you find until the end of the campaign or even well after the campaign when the rest of the game opens up – cuz by this point I would have a way better idea of what builds I want to use and what aspects I need on specific items to maximize the power of the build. Got it! Thank you again!!

    • Mad Marduk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wait, are the legendary traits we pull off single use?! So it’s not like crushing items in the cube? I haven’t started pulling traits off yet myself.

    • Wayne Fletcher
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you, I almost waste mine

    • the_hollow gentleman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • Mini 83
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    already did, got attack speed an basic attacks for barbarian almost max %, i used it al lvl 26 , as today now lvl 62 , stil didnt forget the moment that i find out that you only can use it once ! daaaaamn game 😉

    • Michael Mai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    wish I watched this video earlier 🙁

    • Sebastjanusz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So in simple words “you cannot reaplly aspects” instead of watching that whole movie.

    • LordNerfherder
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This is a little clickbaity for me. I am dissapointed in you. Please headline shit so we can sort tgrough the rubbish and not feel scammed and dissapointed.

    • Cactus Man
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wow, knowing that you cant re-use an aspect again doesn’t make me want to hold on to it, it just makes me realize I will never bother grinding that shit later on.
    Zero respect for systems that ultimately just waste your time.

    • mufasa
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    ..🤣 if this is youre first playthrough chill youre not gonna be mlg big brain pro. You just learned something an now u know better for the next run. Nothing beats the mistake of eating a fire keeper soul on the first playthrough NOTHING

    • Joe aquilino
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Started out broke constantly on the roll
    Rah digga

    • Matt Frith
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Dude you are a AH for waiting this long to figure this out!!!! 😂 no fr ty though. That’s some really great tips

    • Matt Frith
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Omg I just found this out… shit hell n Fck!!!😢

    • Dylan Mullins
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You just hate the game

    • Scientific_Glassblowing
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Great channel, you have [almost] convinced me to waste 100s of hours on Diablo!

    • everchanger
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    ty and grats for your growth! easy sub

    • Mugiwara
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I’m a newer player, could someone try explaining this to me in simple terms please

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This guy is the best d4 content creator on YouTube

    • Timmahh Jimmahh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    If only I found this video 2 days ago 😅

    • Jay Viktor
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I appreciate the time you took to make this video, but I’m brand new to this game. I have not played the older Diablo games. I’m clueless. Could you explain this stuff like you’re talking to a 5 year old, please?

    • Joseph Meyer
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I think a bigger mistake is to do optional content before getting your horse. The travel speed is so incredibly higher you can clear that content at least twice as fast when on horse. I know many people will argue that spending the time how you want isn’t a mistake, like sure play how you want… but if you are efficient with your time up front like I suggest, you will have more time to spend doing that other stuff later. A LOT more time. TL;DR, do main quest, get horse, then do what you want.

    • buffmozz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    What a clutch tip, just bought this game having never played a Diablo game before, these videos are super helpful 👍

    • Wat Dew
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I used to watch Workaholics back in the day- I am really happy to see Blake has started a good gaming channel

    • Mark Blaze
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Biggest mistake. Playing non hardcore then realizing later you wasted your time

    • Soul Reaver
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    this is why you keep 2 or mor3e of each that you need

    • mark beach
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Imma just play it to play it ,kill shii and giggle . I thought that was the point mainly

    • tanner sharp
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    sitting here with a 555 minute queue fuck blizzard buying the game is a mistake..its literally criminal, been able to login once since monday…

    • Jean-baptiste Mayeux
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Too late I used all my best and struggle to get good ones again now..

    • Gary Long
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • Blxck Gxmbit
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Please explain what imprinting means in the game. I’m very new to it

    • Maniac
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i forgot this was even a thing, ngl

    • Edensia Kudo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    but dont you always get better items until you are level 100? I mean if my char is lv 90 and i drop a weapon , it will always be worse than the same item as a lv100 drop, right? because the base damage on the lv100 item will be higher, right?

    • Gunner West
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Got a perfect roll of twisting blades, used it around level 25, realized I screwed myself around level 35 and haven’t seen another twisting blades of any kind since 🙂

    • Андрей Туровский
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Aspects can NOT be re-imprinted twice. End of storytelling.

    • Vince Valentine
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i assumed any perfect roll should be hold on to till im max level. so i might never use it xD P.S. glad you started playing d4. i saw some of your diablo immortal videos but i just didnt like the game, but i enjoyed your videos. glad to see you here. (first video i saw of yours was a more heartfelt “dear diary” kind of video. im glad to see you doing better)

    • Cincinnati Miller
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Man I appreciate this. I really had the feeling that this was the case, but you just confirmed it.

    • Josh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks for this info brother have a blood necro build 16 level here you have saved my arse countless hours!

    • Terry Hopp
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Hes just mad he can pay to win

    • lunchboxs197
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Biggest mistake about D4 was purchasing it. If I could refund I would but I have far exceeded my 2 hours (2 hours isn’t enough to even get a sense of this game) allowed for a refund.

    • freethinker
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    But then you reach lvl 100 and complete everything now you just have the perfect pvp build. Rather make a good weapon I can carry through 5 lvls and get those 5 lvls quick. Chances are I’ll get better gear and tweak some things. I’m only lvl 53 and I have about 100 gems. There’s always something to work towards. I don’t wanna hold an aspect for 100 hours of gameplay just so I can make a pvp one shot build that loses all its fun in an hour

    • wlanphar0208
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I learned this early in the beta tests. Good info for those who have not made this mistake.

    • Matt K
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You just saved my life bro.

    • Aaron Vincent
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I feel like it’s a roll of the dice either way. Let’s assume you have an aspect that you’ve been babysitting for a while and you’re ready to apply it to a powerful legendary weapon, then let’s say a week later, you get a drop for an even more powerful weapon. You are stuck with the same problem again. I guess what I mean is — don’t sit on an aspect forever hoping to find the perfect piece of legendary gear because there may always be something better out there.

    • Zoltan Kerekes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You made a mistake mate not the developers. 🎉

    • BZS BZS
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I understand, I understand. Can you please also explain to me how to have sex with a woman? I’m going out on a limb and saying NO, right away.

    • Chris Chow
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Sounds like common sense applicable to most games.

    • ernest smith
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Im so cottt damn glad i just watched this lmao. I was fittin to imprint galore😂😂🎉 not now ill save them for later. Currently a lv 33

    • andyfibb
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I could have told you that it’s common sense lmao

    • RP
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Nice video thanks! Doesn’t matter to me either way as I’m HC so my character will likely die haha. Need to just make sure I do all I can to stave off when that happens.

    • Dorian Antonkiewicz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    That’s how I lost “up to 6 enemies homing tornado” aspect

    • Jacob Nobody
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So only imprint best in slot for your build

    • CornDOG
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Lol chill bro

    • Atom korbe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • Devin Anderson 1
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I’m new to Diablo I’m level 9. I am confused and don’t understand what you are talking bout..but I want to understand so I don’t waste 100s of hours

    • Anthony Bonstead
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Im confused, so are we just supposed to hold onto these perfect extracted aspects until waaaaay later in the game when you have the perfect gear then imprint it cause after you imprint an extracted aspect its a one and done?

    • Jeremy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This screwed me, because in the beta you could just keep moving the aspect to another item, so I thought that would work here as well… nope.

    • Trần Gia Bảo Hồ
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Just play normally until u reach world tier 4. The other world tiers are easy with a dedicated build. Dont bother min maxing aspects until you reach world tier 4

    • Ritch Carcass
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I don’t get it. Please explain this to me as a newbie

    • Mojo Jojo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Life saver, thank you!

    • Moops Man
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Excellent advice I’m not hearing anywhere else. Thanks!

    • Odyssey
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Typical blizzard itemization. Game is so trash when it comes to items and crafting.

    • Havie
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Are you saying “row” or “roll” ?

    • Aaron Reynolds
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I know I have never played the game, but holy crap. Did that not make sense 😂

    • Brandon Price
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    This is a bad system. Now I’m just gonna hang on to high rolls forever and probably never use them. Cause I’m never gonna be convinced that the piece I want to imprint is going to be a piece worth of using my perfect roll on.

    • Cubed07
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I made this mistake with lower level item, I will not make the same mistake twice.

    • Just Sayin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    All I can say is I wish I saw this 2 days ago 💀💀

    • Camilo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    diablo is one of those games where you need an excel spreadsheet runing on a second monitor

    • BigSmkn420
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I might be dumb or dont have as much experience in the diablo franchise but i have no idea what your talking about lol seems like you do and everyone else any one else can dumb it down for me?😅

    • kevin chin gold coast
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thx for the Gem 💎 of knowledge 🤠 73 hours for a perfect … Oh wow 😲

    • Bob
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I got Diablo 4 free with a RTX 4070 and boy am I glad it was free. No other game I play has any issues with connections but blizzard is always working on the game which kicks you out of the battle-net connection which kicks you out of the game because they wont allow offline mode like they did in the past (D2) Online only is a money grab and is not needed. Tons of steam games can be played offline and use to be the norm (land mode) required no internet just a lan. They can’t keep their servers running for more than a few hours without booting people. Offline mode would solve this. I would pass on Diablo 4 and any other game blizzard makes. The company is more about greed that making common sense software.

    • Bartlett Mayo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I wasted time watching this video. Since I am far from comfortable playing the highest World Tier available this has no applicability for me and there was nothing either in the title or the video itself saying this was only applicable to the Highest World Tier. What confuses me about the title of this video is the wasting of 100 hours when the game hasn’t been out for 100 hours even if you were the first to download it during Prerelease.

    • Kyle W
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Are you trying to say the word roll, because it is a different than row?

    • Darklightning 2k
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Yep, wasted a perfect 60% weapon speed. Why wasnt there a tutorial telling me this!

    • TheKurtLocker
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Can you not just extract the aspect from that weapon? Like how you extracted it from a looted legendary weapon to get that aspect in the first place?

    • Shawn Connery
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So hoard your loot like a dragon?

    • iyzie jane
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I appreciate this tip about my item “rows”

    • Val Kohir
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    if anything playing MMO tought was, never enchant anything UNLESS you hit max level, cus it just becomes pointless later down the line.

    • Blue Ghost
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    As one who’s just getting into the game I thank you.

    • Kevin Kostyk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    tl;dr: Save your max-roll extracted legendary aspects only for the ABSOLUTE BEST items that you will likely almost never replace.

    • YepItsBill
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am


    • Mac An Nathair Ghrian
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I died in hardcore with a perfect role on the character.
    Luckily it was for an ability I don’t think I’ll want to use in the future.

    I’ve since rolled one usable perfect and now hope to see another 8+ roll before I complete the open world content so I can use it lol
    That one is staying vaulted until max lvl gear

    • XEdible AutopsyX
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    You don’t say

    • Balgore8
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    RoLLLLlllllllllllLLL. Not row

    • itsJerLy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So say I got a roll of 29%(20%-30%), youre saying do not imprint that on an item unless I plan on using THAT item indefinitely UNLESS I happen to find a 30%(20%-30%) in which case I can use the 29% on any item but keep that 30% until I find the item I’m going to be using indefinitely.

    • Cesar m. cruz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks bro 🎉

    • keshavrajam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Can you imprint a legendary item that already has an aspect (to change the aspect)?

    • keshavrajam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    So you can’t extract an aspect from an item that you’ve imprinted an aspect on, but you can extract from an item that naturally has that aspect? Have I understood it right?

    • Riley Meade
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Yeah man I learned this the hard way lol. Im not end tier like you or anyone els, but i got a legendary that gave my barbarian a 60% attack speed and i thought i could take the aspect and keep re-applying it to other stronger weapons to keep it to help me lvl but nope. Its a one and done kinda deal. Once you take it off a old weapon and put it on a new weapon its stuck on that new weapon permanently:(

    • Mike G
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Wasting 100 hours is probably a good description of my first plan with this game to be honest. But I get your point, good advice 🙂

    • DeVon Mathieu
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Very informative I’m sorry you made that mistake tho I treat every game like dark souls things are 1 time use

    • Jay
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Oh good fn grief 😊

    • Mark Sutherland, Jr.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Can we re-extract the legendary imprint joints we get from dungeons endlessly? So that we can keep those onnour gear until we have found the better unique versionsnofnthem?

    • Pimenta Rules
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Lol just re-farm

    • Phoenix Strong
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    No idea what the fuck I’m doing 🤣

    • R1po
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I think I understood it… I think… but I’ll probably watch it again… 2-10 times, to be sure… when I get my first… or second legendary ^^ but thx! : )

    • Handjob handsome
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i mean this only really super applies once your playing on the highest world tier

    • stifflerz1
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Is he trying to say roll?

    • Matt Ball
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Sending lucky vibes to get another perfect🤞🏻

    • Vicia
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thank you so much, im 100% sure you just saved me from a great frustration

    • Struwah
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Thanks bro. Straight to the point as usual

    • Jonathon Gherghetta
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I didn’t even think about extracting essence I’m going to start doing that before scrapping lol

    • zipmiX
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    At least you seem to be able to play the game. My game crashes in EVERY DUNGEON IN THE GAME. Thieves at blizzard.

    • Miles G
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Yea i was so mad when i realized i couldnt re imprint. I felt like the devs mislead me during an interview saying you could keep bringing legendary power with you to each item so i didnt think twice. Thanks for explaining!

    • Wes Notestine
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How do you show the roll range on your items? mine does not have that

    • vantablack
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Forgive me, are you saying ‘row’ or ‘roll’?

    • Terry Fredrick
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    I did this one time and learned I couldn’t imprint it again. Goof thing I figured it out before the campaign ended.

    • Robert
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    lol this guy i a fool. sorry the game is good. just beasue you have to LEARN how to play a differnt way . see the way they are going to be heading and just play is pissing poeple off. well then uninstall and stop making videos

    • MOGS – Everything Gaming
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Bro how can I pm you a human druid build that’s wild.. you get 12 skills including 2 ultimate and crazy synergy ( also it has passive legendary skills that proc off your proc’d skills) so basically you use a skill that procs a diff skill that then procs another skill while your using other skills sooo the damage means i kill bosses in seconds
    It’s a earth/storm with poison thats had massive area damage and single target damage while being basically imortal
    Add on – tendrils 1 shot elites while stacking debuffs alongside your auto attack debuffs that inturn adds more damage and you get extra damage even against far enemies that you havent made valuable
    I know a banged on but its wild… ive been tweeking and trying all kinds and this build absolutely smashes content and also is leveling up friendly

    • tibo lcb64
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    aparently reading what happen when you imprint / extract before crafting is very good and very meta

    • proto7
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Poe players be like “shrug”

    • ollie milward
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How do you know if it is a perfect roll?

    • NightOrchid
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Do you mean.. dont just use the socket on the first weapon or armour you find

    • Diggityfresh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Roll. Roll… roLL

    • kikigomewmew
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    i mean…im new…but the whole time im thinking…what the f*** is a “roe” ?

    • LingOfEarth
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    How could I ever know when to use it then.. I might hold on to one forever and never use it.. or I might use it and immediately find something that would have been better…

    • Dillion durango
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Appreciate you

    • Hoark
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    It gets worse because sacred legendary can have sacred legendäre rolls which are greater then the regular legendary aspect rolls so yes you can get a natural roll that is higher then that 260 you were showing

    • Lamile
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    thank you this is valuable information.

    • Doot Doot
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    When you say roll, it sounds like row. I really want a rowing minigame now in the game.

    • Ty Landry
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:29am

    Kinda obvious no?🤔 I see these items as if they are “Runes” from D2. You need to place them in order or you are screwed. If you drop it in, you ain’t getting it back. BUT, who knows, keep the item if you mess up people! They may add a feature at a later date. Many people will make this mistake.

    • Blake T
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great info and video thanks.

    • Josh Hanson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do you see time played on Pc?

    • Ziteseve
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this is a stupid system lol

    • Hamzah Danish
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Sorry this sounds dumb but I just don’t get what this means, can someone explain in dumb terms for me :/

    • Alejandro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So basically while I’m leveling, if I come across something with a perfect roll. Save it for the end-end game?

    • Aaron Green
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I still don’t understand but I’m sure I’ll know what you’re talking about when I come across it.
    (Proceeds to imprint)

    • Airemon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yea they didn’t explain this part well. Just call them a 1 shot item.

    • Ryan Rivera
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Been Jammin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They tell you this in game do they not?

    • Nick C
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Man, I’m so glad I saw this. I’m super new to Diablo and I wouldn’t have thought to look up whether or not you can remove these upgrades before I applied one.

    Can the RNG be manipulated at all?

    • Hammerhands
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m still level 24-ish. Meanwhile my friends have three characters over 50. Feels good to be middle-aged with kids but damn I miss gamin’.

    • Ezzy Eske
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    No shit Batman?

    • NPC 2749
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks – i was looking up “how does poison work” and here I am learning something ELSE that I NEEDED to know 😆
    Damn it’s amazing how much critical info is left our of games

    • Datasiankid
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lol luckly I tested it out really early when I had 3 of same one I extracted the lowest to see if I could re-extract which you couldn’t. I mean you should’ve known DM lol

    • oriondx72
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They will probably come up with something you can buy in store to remove it maybe in the future. Would be a good seller. Also hear in the future you can buy some resurrection item for HC people.

    • Dan Buckig
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I feel bad, I’ve had a dozen perfect drops before even beating the campaign

    • Primon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Might be a dumb question, but does that mean that those thingies you get from dungeons for a certain class, may it be some passives and such, is wasted the first time you use it??

    • DrGashingtons
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Instructions unclear. I’m now E-rping with lillith

    • Mr Jammers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I would have liked if it would unlock permanantly but to increase the percentages you need mutiple copies.

    • Michael Norman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Ll ≠ w

    • Nimoot
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hopefully they fix this …

    • Primal
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Why is it when I extract an aspect, the percentage of the aspect goes down and doesn’t stay the same as the one I extracted from the original legendary

    • Yunsha
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This guy is dumb, because by that logic, you would never imprint your best rolls ever. As as long as diablo 4 gets more updates, new items will come in and become better with balance and other buffs/nerfs. Then he will keep dying inside everytime he sees his “BiS” is no longer “BiS” and he wasted his imprints.
    Rule of thumb is to only apply that principle when levelling, when you are already maxed level endgame, you can no longer decide like that because of what I wrote above.

    • DreamScape
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    long story short, if you find an amazing perfect aspect, DONT use it until lvl90 etc.
    you can use aspects that are the same but weaker is fine.

    • R Greene
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I pray you get the help you need. One step at a time. You can do it.

    • Damnimdead
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Except for having to do something for a quest I try to keep a general rule of not wasting time upgrading gear til at max level

    • Thineubaut
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This mechanic is the only thing I actively hate about the game.

    • TheKnightHawkk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You are top of it brother!!!! You have been helping me and my two friends out a lot. You da man!!!!

    • manajerr
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Glad I haven’t used any of my aspects that I have pulled off legendaries.

    • Nilly Nil
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Basically he saying the aspects you take off an item and put it on another it’s now used and not reusable. It’s a one time use. Until you find another to extract save it for a piece of gear your going to keep for a long time

    • Severn Fyre
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Don’t worry influencers, guide writers, after they clean up financially from this couch fire, in 5 years they’ll either find new influencers or put in their own or use AI to prop up the corpse.

    • Mattis Hrzmn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    non ancestral aspects on ancestral items. What dream u living in

    • J.A. FTW
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Best hack to saving time is to buy a better game. This one sucks.

    • jhoffberger
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Michael Tejeda
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you sir. Learning something new everyday appreciate it

    • Muahahaha234
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for this. It’s exactly the kind of Specialized min-max info I need. Well done!

    • Andreas Gerum
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    At which level should I place it on an item? Endgame lvl 100?

    • Spacek Rebel
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you make another video explaining this video please

    • Rafael Magnani
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Quick question that I always ask myself when it comes to Diablo, how do I know I have a good item numbers wise to make sure I don’t waste my legendary aspect on a item that will be replaceable by another item with higher stat numbers like chest piece with armour?

    • Sphynx
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is super basic knowledge, I’m surprised that this video is even neccesary, how do people not know this.

    • D Flowers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • PokéDad Sam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Stares at his perfect pulverize aspect. Yep not using that thing anytime soon lol

    • Terry Spalding
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I also paid round about 100 bucks to play early KNOWING and EXPECTING to be let down. I also regretted it by the time I had two characters at level 15. The monster scaling is SHIT. Monster scaling like it is in D4 is WRONG. People say D2 didn’t have this? D2 had monster scaling, just instead of it being bound to your level, it was dependent on what area your in, and what difficulty your on.

    These people using this dumbass excuse of not players avoiding starting areas because they’re too easy are fucking MORONS. Ill explain why. See, these people they seem to be the type of people who either never played D2 at all, or they didn’t play it ENOUGH. Because had you played it enough you would’ve eventually made it to Hell difficulty. And in hell difficulty, ALL the monsters are maximum level monsters in all the different areas in all the acts.

    I mean, HELLO does nobody remember farming the PIT in D2 for HOURS and then hitting the Countess on the way out. This is where EVERYONE spent most their time, the starting areas farming high runes. It wasn’t until BOTS came around when people started farming the end areas only. And that was simply because the final areas of D2 was loaded with enemies and they gave you ridiculous XP. And all you had to do was stand there while a team of 2-3 bots wiped all the minions for you. But before that, people stayed in the starting areas wither dueling, or farming high runes for high level rune-words so they could 100% finish they’re max power build. This entire excuse of WHY we need monster scaling is hot dog shit and is not valid at all as an excuse. These new age diablo fans are just groupies for Blizzard and dare you say ANYTHING even perceivably negative at all, they just freak out. Start saying dumbass shit that cant hold any water. and because MOST of em think with this level of retardation and ignorance it MUST be right, right? lol. Its just a big mob of dumbasses, cant tell em shit, don’t matter how right you are and how wrong they are these bastards live to be stupid it seems.

    • Gary The Milkman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    “Perfect row”

    • Mick Mulders
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Knew this already and warned most of my friends about this.
    I keep 10 out of 10 aspects until max level gear.

    • Jeremy Timm
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    oh wow … i managed to conclude this after max 1 hour. how did you get 100 on the clock?

    • The moral of the story.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • TheZeug
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The real question is, where is the limit ? will you keep those until level 100 and only use it several weeks ?

    • cclevel45
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great video

    • Assimpaler Assimpaler
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    No idea wtf he is talking about

    • 0BlaiddDrwg0
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    And today long hair pumuckl explains to us to not waste good rolled aspects

    • Kyle S
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good thing item drop rate is insane -_- I don’t see how you’re unable to find multiple of the same item well rolled – I’ve found 3 FULL sets of perfectly rolled gear at this point -_-

    • Padzki Padayao
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    TBH I’d be happy right now if I got a min roll of the shockwave aspect. It’s being pretty elusive from me

    • Anonymous
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    rogue is so strong i dont even care about upgrading my items 🤣

    • Samantha Kelly
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is super good info, thanks for sharing.

    • Nicholas Canlas
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you life saver

    • Pine Tree
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Havent got the game yet so you can only use it once so save it for the right end game moment, i think i gotcha.

    • 🇦🇺BRO659
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yyoooo, this’ll save you when playing hardcore bro.

    • meganclare7
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I really appreciate all these tips i haven’t gotten pass 30 yet but it saves my time, so thank you

    • SkeLexTor
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the info!!!

    • Sh1ob
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is only relevant to the extremely small percentage of player base that is going to be playing for hundreds/thousands of hours trying to perfect a build though

    • BlackhawkVenom
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So you should basically never use perfect rolls? They’re will always be better gear out there and when seasons comes out, you only have a few months to play a character. Seems kinda pointless to me. I’ve been wrong before though.

    • MobileDecay
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Another important one is don’t lose the internet because you will be disconnected and force to play with yourself in the shower. 🤔

    • Typical Airhead
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’ve made this mistake on one item and now I am just so fucking scared about this extracting system. Thanks for this crucial tip. This is literal godsend.

    • Johan Müller
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you Dave Mustaine

    • Justin Case
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    There was 666 comments 💀

    • Pedro Oliveira
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I didnt understand a shit about what he said

    • LadungsBlitz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    haveing perfect rolls is overrated anyways the game is not hard enough even in world t4 for you to need the absolute best. its a rly good tip to keep the higher rolls for later thats true but you dont absolutly need the 100% rolls on most of your stuff.

    • Jesus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They really need to fix this.

    • Steven Kelly
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is he saying ‘row’, or roll?

    • Corn Ball
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i have absolutely no idea what your talking about cause i’ve never played a single Diablo game. D4 will be my first game in the series i’m excited

    • Wxone
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What about wild ancestry gear with higher rolls

    • ChiTownBossFJB
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Fart. There no more 666 🙂

    • Cristian Orellana
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The biggest mistake is to play this instead of POE lol

    • Kana Plays
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Noticed this a bit too late when I wanted to go remove an aspect I had already placed on a weapon, le cri

    • James Ferguson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Lance Mobley
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What’s a row?

    • Hank Reynolds
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    its diablo son, there will always be a better item drop in time

    • Nicholas Rogers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I realized this last night and all I could think was what have I done you fool

    • Grondebarbe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    and you can’t influence the roll I presume ? lol that’s fucked.

    • Gym Junkie
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So you’re basically saying extracted legendary aspects are one time use only…

    3mins saved, you’re welcome all 😂

    • Mr. Cool
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Im not buying this boring game

    • Bernard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hey, I think I remember you from raids shadow? Hope you are well buddy

    • Tobias Sherman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What is a Row? I’m so confused… is a row a druid thing?

    • Travis Clark
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is what gambling is going to turn into

    • MarcusDolby
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Very well explained, thank you.

    • Michael Pacheco
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • dragonflame4990
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wait y’all didn’t know that????

    • Kuja
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lmao thank you for the tip I actually did this one time only I’m still only low level 30

    • Long Leg Ching
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • DdoubleU
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is this possible to explain this to me in English terms and a new d4 player so I don’t run into this. Seems like a big deal but no clue what’s being said lol

    • Big Blue Frontend
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    that’s incredibly stupid. you should just unlock the best affix that’s dropped for you. bad game.

    • Barça airsoft
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Daaamn …im in tier 1 and i imprited them all aspects on low lvl yellows …

    • Tim Gibson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So basically, ONLY use perfect rolls on the endgame gear you’re committed to using forever? That’s a horrible mechanic, especially considering you’re never even told about this upfront. Rolls are essentially gambling, and “fair” gambling should guarantee “independent chance”. Having the outcome influenced by a previous outcome in ANY way (especially when it’s not even stated) is essentially rigged.

    • 2112
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great to know perfect rolls are still rare.

    • Pauly V
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I have a few max rolls that I’m sitting on. I want to use them to boost me now, but I know I will want them later 😂

    • anengineerandacat
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Sounds like a huge waste of everyone’s time… why aren’t these just stored somewhere to be collected an re-applied when needed?

    • Einfach Erik
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I made the same mistake with my necro in the beta, i had the (back then op) perk that would make my corpse explosions trigger more corpse explosions or something

    • scott timbrell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Imagine playing for 100 hours and not realising this is exactly how the mechanic is meant to work.

    • TH
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Bro this is… common sense. Like are people this dumb? What on earth.

    • James Zezulinski
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yeah get bored with a single build so once a day I switch up my build to have more fun, like I’m only necro so far, so one day I’ll run minion less bone, and another time I’ll have a golem while using blood and then for maybe a weekend I’ll roll with full 10 minion build using darkness to kill everything over time. With gear I get general stats, crit, crit damage, close damage, damage to impaired. Skills to core, and I run with gear that comes with a good ability already equipped. I’m only 53 on world 3 and haven’t struggled once or looked at a build and actually used it, I just look at em and be like yeah mine is better and move on.

    • Ty Preston
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    “You gotta, you gotta, you gotta be fresh!” You’re too hard of a Workaholic

    • Question 3v3ryth1ng
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    lol it took you until late game to understand the value of rolls on an item, even when the min/max is displayed right next to the number? My god… this game is going to need to hold people’s hands more than normal if you couldn’t piece together something that basic for an ARPG to do. Legit not even unique to this game…. wow…

    • Nathan Painter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do I make it to where aspects show me what the best percentage roll is?

    • Rinzler D
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good to know. Thanks

    • Goatmeal
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thanks for this vid, I was unaware of some of these systems. your sacrafice was not in vain 😛

    • APSAV
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • AllFanboiZmustDie
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    main takeaway. dont buy this console game

    • Samer Saeed
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I don’t understand am new in Diablo and am lost I don’t understand anything

    • Edward Kargbo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i actually just encountered this while playing rouge. i imprinted the skill where the twisting blades circulates around you to an amulet but have now found better amulets to add it on and i cant take it back which sucks, but i never new that going in. wish i saw this sooner

    • KGhaleon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thought this was going to be clickbait, but was actually very informative. Had no idea.

    • Edin Pandzic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    HE LIED!….he only wasted 73 hours and NOT 100 hours…..

    • Abb
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Haha, this was already found out and discussed playing the beta. Yes, hang on to your good legs with good rolls and extract them into a good base later on.

    • Drabo7
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    also important: scrap your non needed legenderies, never sell them. i scrapped one and didnt get anything special so i sold my next 7 or so until i saw i need materials from scrapped ones for imprinting. wasted 7 legenderies for some gold.

    • Drabo7
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i thought this is clickbait but now im sure it will really safe me many hours of farming, ty!

    • NichoLad
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You mean save items when when you’re maxed and have the best weapon? No shit. Use runes from d2? Can’t get those back either. Happy farming

    • SuperNoemata
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I wish I had know this from the start XD all the waist…

    • ExcellentSword
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Been playing over the weekend and have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • Michael Kurzewski
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This vid made me realise…. That I don’t want to play this game.

    • JayLee-956
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the heads up

    • Recline
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’ve got a worse mistake. I didnt know about imprinting until this morning. I’ve been just outright breaking legendaries down at the blacksmith. Oops. Lol

    • Hectic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How did you bring up the % ranges for the rolls? Is there a button to press or is it a setting in codex or something?

    • Anonymous
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thx dad

    • rumtata
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hundreds of legendarys in 73 hours😂
    Nice Story bro

    • Palastar VII
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    My question is, how do you know it’s a perfect roll or not? Where are you getting the numbers?

    • Zachary Brown
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How did this take 5 minutes to explain?

    • Hacks and Facts for Busy Parents
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Perfect Roll or Row?

    • A Closer Look At Life
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Mr clickbait

    • Geoffrey Coonfield
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They really should have added a way to improve the aspect system, cuz it’s pretty trash. lol Great concept but executed poorly.

    • nyk73
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    There is no meta build in D4 just to be clear

    • Squishy Dew
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I actually think this is one of the worst systems in the game.. I’ve literally not used any extracted aspect while leveling, completely ruining my ability to experiment because i don’t want to use it til i level cap and get amazing yellows to put them on…

    • Star Lux Studio
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So… Once you use it you use it. Like every game ever?

    • ScottGaming
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This tip saved me 1.2 Billion hours

    • Mucknuggle
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    and the fix would be so easy … have a rare drop that allows the occultist to overwrite codex with the dropped aspect imprint.

    • barbald21
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    row row row yur bowt…

    • Raikah
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Just try it on a earlier level instead of a perfect version of a later weapon. it’s not hard to figure out it just takes testing if you don’t know what it does, it’s common sense.

    • Giuseppe Vinci
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So i take the Aspekt a lv 20 item wita 260% and put it later on a lv 70 weapon.

    Or is this level capped ?

    • Steve Mann
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    didnt cant even say “roll” why does he talk like a grown baby

    • Resonating
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    when i look at ym gear it doesnt give me a scale of what %- what % it just shows the % the effect rolled with

    • Luke No
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    is he just saying dont use it ever?

    • Kylo B
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is my first diablo game, and I’m only level 17 ay the moment so I absolutely have no idea what any of this means.

    • PrezidentTrump
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Haven’t played Diablo since the 3rd, haven’t played that much of it. He’s speaking French to me.

    • Cooper
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I AM SO CONFUSED!?!?! DOES THIS ONLY APPLY TO WORLD TIER 4!?!? What about tier 1-3? I dont understand what he is saying b/c I thought you could always just pull out the aspect then re-imprint then when you are done with that weapon, pull out the aspect again and put it in something else. You cant just keep pulling out the aspect? What am I missing!!?! Someone please help me and explain this to me.

    • Heaven vs Hell: The Trading Card Game “HVHTCG”
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I love you’re content man, but like asmongold said you keep taking L’s one day arpg gods will shine ✨ for you with a good game.

    • Nam Nguyen Vinh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I found a leggo with damn good aspect at lv 30 and I waited all the way til I got to 50, went to WT3 and only then I extract it and put iton the latest sacred item ; )

    • Gnome
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Sounds like a horrible system already.

    • k1 blitz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Damnn, thanks for the heads up. It’s probably the best tip iv seen on YouTube for Diablo.

    • NoG Inc
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Right!! I figured this out early game. Was so thankful.

    • Anzaial Games
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Oh I f*cked up…

    • DumbXboxName61
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is the first Diablo game I’ve played and I have no idea what this stuff is but thank you…

    • Chi Chi’s World
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Talking about perfect knowledge & info to provide your viewers. As a total Diablo noob sir you are expanding my knowledge & enjoyment of this game.

    • King Cobra
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good to know, thanks. I understand your frustration but this is probably intentional to keep hardcore players on the game.

    • Toneoko
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Trial by error is how I learned this hard fact oof

    • Munami
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Too late for me, got a perfect roll at 20ish slammed that badboy on a 24ish ring 0 thought behind it lol.

    • Jayden
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Are you saying row or roll?

    • Audiology Music
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is one of those things that are easy to understand but at the same time easy to look past and not notice right away. so thanks for this! 🙌

    • Xxstephenx1x
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    When do you learn how to do this i cant extract anything from my weapons other than salvage tho i am like level 23

    • SleazyUnicorn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    He must be good at rowing a boat…

    • Shiftty YT
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I realized this about 60 hours in hardcapped at tier 3 wondering why I couldn’t kill capstone lmfao

    • LebenHarvest
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The mistake is that you are playing Diablo 4. Throw it away, its trash. Blizzard has killed Diablo that gameplay and the systems within are trash. It doesn’t look fun. Best favor you can do the world and yourself is to not buy, if you did throw it away.

    • Strai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thought this was going to be a meme about not buying the game to begin with.
    Guess it basically still was…

    • Sir Arthur King of bobland
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Diablo 4 Immortal is fantastic, im early access , totally worth it,

    • Linz Stre
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Bro I’m a first time d4 player. What have i gotten myself into 💀

    • Ben Blanchard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    That was some next level nerdery.
    Should I not play this fuckin game? I just want to kill some demons. Wtf does any of this shit even mean?

    • Wolf_ Skywolf
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I allready know this but thanks

    • SKO713
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thanks for sharing

    • Victor Yang
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    some folks arent snart enough to understand what youre saying just say save your best “legendary” aspects for end game

    • shhhhh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Its been out for almost 3 days. There are 24 hours in a day. 24×3(days)=72 hours. Therefor it will not save you 100 hours.even if you pulled the new Zealand trick, it would STILL be short of a 100 hours.

    • Zero Cool
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wow nothing was said

    • GreatBigRedTank
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Garry Arthur
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Heh wish I would have seen this video before I did this running around with level 20 gloves with the absolute best legendary for my build imprinted on it because I got it real early and put it on my first rare upgrade

    • Chick Magnet Wompa One
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    “It’s like it’s trying to speak to us” 😅

    • Fuzzy Banana
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    😂😂😂. Sucks for you. Most of us know consumables are a 1 time use. 😂😂😂.

    • GriffinG223
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    God I wish they just let us start level 50, this is so dumb I literally am trashing everything that’s not needed, which kills the whole point of playing an rpg, build crafting sucks until your at endgame.

    • K Griz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So you can only re-aspect it once?

    • Chris Mayo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Don’t buy for hardcore. It is very broken. I want my $100 back.

    • Showroom
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    And no open trading to help.

    • phillip eulee
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is so good to know. Thank u so much!!!

    • chazzbass
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I am confused, i get don’t use these aspects on yellows or low lvl legendaries. but when you reach end game, are you not always going to get upgrades? when will you know it is the right time to use that consumable?

    • fengarii
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you. I’m a pretty stingy player when it comes to using mats on sub-50 gear, but I’ve come close to using some good extracts as I’m leveling.

    • Osvaldas Luk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    That was good one!! Thanks!!

    • Денис Малышок
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Do not play this game)
    Srsly. I just do not understand it.
    The whole world just automatically leveling and scaling up immediately with the character. But your weapons and armors are not.
    So you are playing against yourself.
    Yes, you open new skills and different mechanics, but if you are leveling up too quickly, because your build and skills, and staff were nice… +8 levels without an update of your things – you suck. You did not grind your things for 8 levels – pay with blood.

    So what is the point? For the player, it is a feeling of joy when you beat the game. For example, diablo 2 always had zones with easy-to-kill mobs, and the whole world did not level up automatically. So you feel that progression and still being challenged all of the time.
    So you actually had this feeling that you beat the game, you overcame it.
    Or take Legend of Zelda for example. They have a pretty interesting system for how mobs are leveling up and it is amazing – it does not happen with ALL mobs, and it does not happen automatically and immediately with WHOLE WORLD and it is happening when you killed some amount of badasses – and it is super nice mechanic I should say.

    So it is just gambling. When you stay and click the mouse button to see what stuff will drop. There is no progress. You play against yourself. That is not exciting. This is what makes this game so bad.

    • SiN
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    To get this right (English ist not my native): Extracted Aspects with high rolls can only use one time? You can’t extract from printed items?

    • T_Dub33
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Pretty sure my “fucked up already” percent is a perfect roll 😢

    • Warlock-6127
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Appreciate this video. Good to know before i purchase and start playing.

    • get_lucky♧
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    To be honest the aspect system is all confusing. But im only 12 hours in

    • Joshua
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Game hasn’t even been out 100 hours…

    • KnightMare Media
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Honestly I think you should be able to re-extract powers after imprint. For a cost of course but seriously why not?

    • Joshua Verser
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I haven’t watched one your vids in a minute glade see you playing d4

    • phantom gamer
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do you make your game looks so vibrant?

    • Doc Kotoga
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Maybe It’s because I’m fucking old, and I have dumped tens of thousands of hours in ARPG since D1, but isn’t in absolutely logical what you say here? I’ve only played a little bit of open beta yet, but I would save a perfect roll from levelling for an absolute perfect yellow item in the endgame …

    • Jonathan Ernst
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Row….or roll?

    • E K
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What the heck is a “row”? Why does he keep saying that?

    • AvidBeachGoer
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So in other words never imprint because you’re always going to be upgrading your weapons at some point as new content continues to roll out? Lol

    • J NO
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Gonna name my next cat Darth bc of this video

    • James Koval
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks this is super useful to know!

    • Александр Пушкин
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    try barber. they cut hair

    • Lewis Holland
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Why do you guys have a right to bad talk a game when it not out yet and everybody not going to play you. So wait until the game come out

    • Max Hunter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Row row row ya boat

    • adastoy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Rolling rolling rolling

    • llIlIlIllIllIIllI
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    260% row

    • encryptor
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What about Sacred weapons? Arent those better than Legendaries?

    • Jeremy Murdoch
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What’s a perfect row

    • Vujkanos
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    how did you get this weapon or where?!

    • Terrible Gamers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is why I am too dumb to play games like this. I couldn’t understand one single thing he was talking about.

    • Szymon Bieńczak
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Damn, short and atraight to the point. Great video!

    • PCPro-ish
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the warning. You undoubtedly saved me some time.

    • Adnan
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great vid ❤, why it doesn’t show me the percentage range 😢

    • Juan Starnotip
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this just saved me, i have a perfect roll and my dumb ass didn’t know you can’t extract a aspect twice so now I’m gunna hold onto it. thank you.

    • P00kyLikesFoxies
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great video, which I had seen it before I commited that mistake

    • Phoenix Playground
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • L11ghtman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The UI is pretty bad, that’s my big complaint so far. Especially on console. I’m guessing vast majority of players have no idea you can change your preferred weapon in the arsenal system for example.

    • liam stark
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yeah look don’t watch this with captions on I was baffled 💀

    • Michael R
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Been watching you since future revolution (RIP). I do not have the game until Monday, can you clarify one thing… If you take off the legendary perfect roll can you store the item you extract in storage or something and save it for when you get the perfect item for that power? Or does the extraction and imprint happen in one go meaning i need to store a perfect item and not an extracted aspect? (i hope that makes sense)

    • Skrilla Killa63
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Are you saying perfect “roll”? Sounds like your saying ‘row’

    • Budge
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Its simple!
    Whoa mumma! Big super stat aspect, extract it and dont slap it on anything till you’re in the late game

    • Stevo Lam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m sorry I’m trying to follow but it’s also been a really long day for me….

    So if I’m in early game and I find a perfect roll are you just advising to save the extracted aspect until I find something a lot stronger and satisfied with its power then imbue it?

    • Post n’ Ghost
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Herr Wahnsinn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I don’t want or perhaps have this kind of time to devote to another one…

    • Shevai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They should literally fix this, and make it so that when you put something in your collection; it’s based on the highest roll you’ve ever gotten. This would promote more farming, and not make you feel like you fucked yourself in the long run.

    Speak up about this issue so they can fix the mechanic; the game is grindy enough, we don’t need these extra little quibbles getting in our way.

    • petllama
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m not sure I’m fully understanding… You thought that extracting a perfect roll would result in a multi use item that you can use over and over?

    • Unbiased Magic Reviews
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Seriously- you need to unplug dude

    • Rhomus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Enjoy your vids, hope you blow up in d4.

    • Poogles
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Subbed, I just discovered your channel and it is now my favourite Diablo channel 🎉 Thanks for the great videos!

    • Havokjb
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you (x100hrs loop)
    Well explained.

    • Ivor
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Not gonna lie…im confused haha

    • Tortuga PH
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Many many thanks

    • Kegaran 0311
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    the key is playing druid and not watching clips of every other class playing or else your self esteem drops to zero

    • Josh Milner
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I like it and hate it. keeps me from enjoying that game and being excited about what i got. But i understand why they did it.

    • JenovaDoll
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    But it doesn’t really matter because you will keep getting better gear anyway. It won’t be long before we look back at the old gear and consider it pretty much useless.

    • Francisco Castro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Why is nobody asking how the fun he is level 71?????

    • Hisako
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thank you so much DM i was just about to start imprinting hoooly s*** lol

    • craig
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this kind of seems.. obvious? right? like of course you aren’t going to keep pulling the same aspect out of an item and switch it to a better item, over and over.

    • Robert Goodell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I still don’t get it

    • Nah Bro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lmao game isnt even out yet and the guy is closing on max level. Nerd

    • ED
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So meaning just SAVE YOUR STUFF! lol

    • Will spill
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lvl 71?! Whoa dude. You are hardcore

    • Lucid9021
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do you get it to show the min and max roll a aspect could have ?

    • Doggo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you sir

    • k moods
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I could have sworn i’ve extracted the legendary power again after I put it on an item…. could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I did that in the beta

    • Joshua Gardner
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is this really going to matter in a seasonal model whereby we’re (forced to be) creating new character every couple of months..?

    • Kulodrak
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    then this is bullshit from blizz and you cannot owervrite bad roll wsith better roll ? probably not ——–

    • artnerd
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Your biggest mistake is buying this garbage that is just a reskin of Diablo 3 😂 literally a waste of life

    • Joe_w_28
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Dave mustaine?

    • Newbsandwich
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How can i see the percentage range on my aspects? Currently i only see the rolled value, i don’t have the range next to it so i have no clue if i rolled a good aspect or not.
    If it matters, I’m playing on PS5. So idk if they maybe omitted it on consoles

    • Heavymetell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    “Row” or “roll” ??

    • John Wayne
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    tldw: don’t play this boring game

    • Pb34r
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Dope vids man, glad I found your channel. Thank you!

    • Ry .L
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Pretty sure aspects with damage multipliers scale with the item level…. so yea… no.

    • John Doe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Glad I saw this early. Thank you

    • Solitude Guard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you bro

    • Teany Monster
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    commen sence?

    • ALLIN2012
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    hang on im having a brain fart….so basically dont extract the perfect stuff for like mid game stuff only extract it for end game items cause if you do you wont get that aspect back like ever and can only do it once??? im i getting that right or did i miss something sorry im not trying to troll if its obvious i really just dont understand

    • Tim Laning
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So what you’re saying is “Don’t waste your ROH’s”. You got it buddy, I’ll make sure to use my ROH’s as efficiently as humanly possible. Thanks for the heads up ROH, err bro lol.

    • Mattiedamacdaddy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Did not realize you were say roll lol

    • eerohughes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you very much for the tip!!! Earned my subscribe!

    • CCKManofSteel 23
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Bind on Craft

    • Ferducar
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    After watching your imprint video I was able to understand this one, thank you!

    • Dale Estep
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thats common sense bro, do you even diablo

    • hoonz97
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I actually did not know this and I was in every beta. Ty soooo much. Keeping god rolls for endgame

    • SequinBrain
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I never saw tht b4, thx! though considering the fact that I didn’t get even one legendary drop during server slam, this all may be a moot point.

    • df71091
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    As a former poe player, this sounds like a minor grind😅
    I wasted currency that i farmed for 300+h on a single item just to get it 6linked

    • Daniel Campbell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    THANK YOU for the heads-up! Saved my dumb ass… 😅

    • Jeff Gutierrez
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What is a row?

    • MrGeorge102
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Its so cool watching Dave Mustaine playing DIablo 4

    • NobunagaGG
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wow this is the dampest developer move ever its like WTF

    • FuriousDevi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    its human common sense dude XDDD What did you expect – that you can carry the extracted values from item to item? XDDDD

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    good comms

    • Brendan Ortiz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hey can you confirm that normal legendary item aspects cannot be imprinted on ancestral or sacred items? I’m reading that normal aspects can only be imprinted on normal rares, and same so with sacred and ancestral items.

    • Zelene
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The fact you have to explain this is sad i figured people knew this.

    • Triton h
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Triton h
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you sir!!!

    • TheWolf Beast
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Well DONT BUY the game. I preordered the ultimate and I only got the game but maybe less and not even the add-ons

    • Angelo Andrea
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yo dw about it..when the new season starts you gotta make a new character and you can’t transfer your gear or aspects. So don’t farm for everything there’s zero point.

    • Fryzz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’ve read the Title as: „Diablo 4 – DON’T BUY IT! BIGGEST Mistake POSSIBLE Wasted 100 Hours (of my Life)”

    • i2avi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Roll roll roll your boat gently down the stream

    • Fred Rodriguez
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the info and the warning. I sure hope D4 is different than D3 was when it comes to the game choosing who gets loot and who doesnt. I remember when D3 dropped. I literally no lifed the game. I remember a period of time where i didnt sleep from friday to sunday. And in that time i got a total of 5 or 6 legendary items. Meanwhile, i’m watching streamers and content creators farm far slower than me, and less difficult activities, yet they get 7 to 8 per hour. So, when you say you’ve gotten “hundreds and hundreds” of legendaries inside of 70 hours gameplay, i sure hope the rest of us get that. But we probably wont. So..the warning to conserve extracting good rolls is a really good one. Because “normal” accounts by nobodies such as myself will never see hundreds and hundreds of legendaries.

    • Crayzyy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This seems like common sense for anyone that has spent any amount of time in a diablo game? What am I missing here?

    • G K
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is like gear fear in tarkov

    • 8654 Zulu Foxtrot
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    And this is something I’m glad I don’t stress about….. I’ve never been a min/maxer and could care less about a few percentage points here and there. This game is so easy, I don’t really care if someone else can kill a mob .01% faster than I can.

    • Hip Bar
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    u mad

    • Kevin Day
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You said it yourself “Consumable”

    • susulemons
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i like this perspective, thanks man

    • Jk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Row=roll apparently

    • Random GT
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks made clear to me

    • Dzung Nguyen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can someone help to summarize this one? I don’t think I get it right though …

    • Chandel Ballard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I only have time to play 10 hours a week. I have a feeling I am going to progress super slow. Took you 73 hours to get this. That would take me 2 months.

    • KyngSlyme
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you explain in another video the stats? I’m playing druid and I want a good understanding for my build.

    • KyngSlyme
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What does overpower damage mean?

    • itsjustCam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    DM dropping the real gems 💎

    • Pureblood Steve SayNo2mRNAjAB
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    or you can get off the min/max train and keep your sanity.

    • Juvelira
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Why don’t you play Immortal ???? Don’t you wanna waste another 5000 hours on it?

    • Jonathan B
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Love the video, still not clear on if tier 1 and 2 aspects can be imprinted on to tier 3 or 4 gear, but like you said, we will see very shortly. Another video I highly recommend talks about why you should also not imprint unto a weapon while leveling, but instead if you do imprint, do it on the amulet slot, because you change your weapon so often. Here is that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGHZ5SsAtqw

    • Highlander
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Briggs
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Appreciate the notice!

    • Scott
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m confused. Let’s say I get a legendary with max roll. I thought we could extract that power and it is now added to the codex of power being the max roll that I can now imprint anytime I want assuming I have materials. Is that not how it works?

    • justin sabadash
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    good to know

    • Nicholas Lara
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Where do i check if the iten i got is a perfect roll ? Thanks!

    • OneButton Dash
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    bro no offense but this is kinda a big mistake. you can’t imprint normal quality aspects onto sacred or ancestral quality

    • Gramps Tries
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Very nice tip- Thanks and Subbed.

    • Whilhelm Tell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Not playing this game can save you a lifetime.

    • mr who cares
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Dam calm down u take your 1% way too seriousl 😂😂😂😂😂

    • Роман
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    В двух словах скажите че не надо делать?

    • Puntacana
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is false mistake. Use your legendaries. Higher difficulties drop better quality loots hence saving best quality legendaries serves no purpose unless you are in real end game

    • GoodSheetMusic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Holy…, first time that i will play diablo and all these new terms for me seem so confusing:)))Is scary cause people seem to know so much about the game that is not even released:))))

    • Muppet Arms
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So if you get a max roll item at level 45-50 just before you move to WT3 should you use it then?
    If so the same would go for level 65-70 before WT4.

    • HighLanderPony
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Crap clickbait. Lol

    I know what that mistake is: buying and playing Diablo IV. That does waste hundreds of hours. L+ratio

    • Anomaly Evolution
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    One thing he fails to mention here is normal legendary aspects can only be applied to normal legendarys. W1-2 normal lego W3 sacred. w4 ancestral lego. So only a sacred aspect could be imprinted on sacred gear. So def dont hoard your good rolls starting out. You will out grow that gear entirely.

    • W C
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good advice. Ty.

    • Benedict Ng-Wai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Dude, there is no need for you to have a time machine, just make a new character, lol. Its a game and not real life

    • Joshua Moore
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for that tip. So imma keep my god rolls or near to god rolls for late/r game! <3

    • Squattingtiger9
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hey listen Dave Mustaine, you need to reconsider your YT titles….I was about to revoke my purchase because I thought this was an “Anti Diablo 4 vid”.

    • DustandBones
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    If you imprint an aspect on rare item (with 3 affixes), does game add aditional affix? If you could answer o would appreciate it.

    • teddy williams
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you for letting us know truly

    • roshun eppenger
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is a bug if what devs originally said is true. Extracted legendary aspects are supposed to extract at the minimum role. So, if it’s a range of 20-30% and you get a 30% and extract it you keep it at 20%. What is happening to you right now is preferable but I hope it doesn’t get fixed later.

    • Win Yen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    great tip mate thx

    • Xaero Gravity
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Honestly, i expected some click bait bullshit but I was completely wrong. This is actually extremely helpful

    • Chen Jun
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    good point!

    • Risen Nephalem
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Not being a dick, but wtf is a row? Is it an acronym? The maximum row he keeps talking about

    • Mitza Godsmack
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    holy smokes calm down billy we heard you the first time :))

    • Sickien
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So you cannot extract from imprinted items, only items which haven’t been imprinted?

    • Lloyd Dupont
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great tip! 🙂

    • Red Dragon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Well, thank you for this information. I’ll be sure to pass it on.

    • DjZephy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I hope I get all the best rows on all my gear

    • Bobby Rozay
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I can’t wait to play

    • MadMatikus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You are very well spoken. Message received and thank you for the information. Very insightful.

    • Mos Craciun
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is there a limit to how many aspects I have extracted in my inventory ?

    • go follow ttv REWKLEY
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks buddy!!! We are buddies wearing huggies for life

    • Liur
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How are you able to play the game early??

    • JC
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    True but also do not hold onto aspects too long since normal aspects cannot be imprinted onto sacred items (and also normal/sacred cannot be imprinted onto ancestral). Everyone has to make a judgment call at some point. I would say its typically better to use it early game, than not to.

    • Insert Name Here
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is he saying row instead of roll?

    • Eric
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This vid is poorly titled and missing important details as others have pointed out already. DO NOT hold on to legendary aspects from tiers 1-3. You can’t take an aspect from a regular legendary and imprint it on a sacred or ancestral item.

    • Ed21
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Seems commonsense to me. I never impusively use an upgrade without consideration.

    • Garf412
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    huh… just watched anotehr video stating that legendaries from WT1 & 2 cannot be used on Sacred & ancestral items…. then I watch this… who is correct? i dont want to wast my aspects or time

    • Deathlight
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I don’t care i’m still getting the game

    • Doobie Snacks
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    73 hours playing and you had hundreds and hundreds of legendary items drop That is depressing to hear. I was hoping they would be more rare then that

    • DeludoSui
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Umm waht? did this change from beta because it was not like this in beta. Your aspects are locked to the highest level your extract.

    • HughMungus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    There’s an easier way to explain this
    – When you extract an aspect from a Legendary Item, it is a one time use
    You cannot re-use extracted aspects. So don’t waste perfectly rolled aspects on low level gear. –

    • S R
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    great advice

    • 1duubbz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great info, thanks, brother!

    • Crit
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    False because those aspects can only be used with that rarity of legendary item. Once you raise world tier and start getting higher rarity legendary drops, the previous rarity aspects will not work on the gear you are trying to put it one. DonTheCrown covers this in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCsZ64aSBOA

    • Ryan FitzAlan
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thanks broski, keep that in mind for sure.

    • Kodeir
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You just seem like a real good dude who makes great content. Thanks for the useful insights!

    • GrimmReefer
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    From what I’m hearing, you can’t use wt1/2 aspects on wt3/4 gear… Likewise with using wt3 on wt4 gear…. so…. Not using your aspects is a total waste of power while leveling….

    Who knows though, I’m just hearing conflicting things on this… 🤷‍♂️

    • Jon Sweat
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This video is super misleading. If you have a perfect roll on a legendary from world tier 1 or world tier 2, you can’t imprint it on a sacred legendary (world tier 3) or ancestral legendary (world tier 4). If you have to find them all over again anyways. So if you just hold onto them, they’ll just sit in your bags forever or until you realize you made a mistake by keeping them. I’m not sure if this was something you experienced way back in Alpha, but your advice appears to be out dated. I’m really confused as to how you played 70 hours but did not come across this.

    • Keiichi81
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So if I’m understanding correctly, an extracted roll is a one-time use imprint and doesn’t get permanently stored in like a “roll library”? Kinda sucks. I can see myself never imprinting anything with a system like that, because I’ll always feel like there’ll be a better drop to use it on. Can you at least re-imprint items?

    • mfdblasted
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    how do i see the roll % .. im on xbox if that matters

    • TOEHOE
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Im so glad i clicked, ty this will be good to keep in mind going in 🙂

    • jootai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Spoiler: the mistake is buying the game.

    • Jayden
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    yall i think im dumb as shit or maybe im too high idk but i dont udnerstand someone dumb it down and explain it like im 5

    • xSayPleasex
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    1:03 It’s actually a 10/11 roll 🙂 So even worse to waste lol. Thanks for this useful video bro, didn’t know this!

    • Lucas kepler
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks man that is very helpful advise.

    • Teedeedatd
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so tldr: save good aspect rolls for max level goodies?

    • Alcore
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    sir, your vid’s confused a community. now you’re gonna have a bunch of people holding onto aspects that they won’t even be able to use when they think they are supposed to use them.

    • Luciano Romano
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I have subscribed just for this one short video you have made my man….I have been watching what not to do, 10 tips, etc videos all day and this one could have been a crappy mistake to have made… THANK YOU..

    • TitanREW
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I wanna mention something VERY important. If you do get perfect roll in world Tier 1 then use it as soon as you can after getting a fairly decent rare drop. You cannot imprint normal legendaries even if they are perfect on later tier items like ancestral!

    • 67awesomekid
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i love the mechanics video without spoiling anything ty

    • not Fufu
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    explaining the obvious…

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Omg i think you just saved my life right here your a life saver thanks 🙏🏽

    • SillySpongebob
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so wait im just a little confused if someone can help me understand this a bit more clearly… is he saying that you need 2 of those pieces to really imprint the max roll, because the first one just unlocks it at bare minimum and then the follow up (max roll) WILL be the one that imprints? Thanks in advance for the help in clearing this up

    • Ibrahim Demirörs
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks buddy appreciate it!

    • Brandon Spiesman
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So if that aspect was extracted from a low level item and got a perfect roll when you use it on a higher item level it will gett the perfect roll on higher tier numbers or is it stuck being the lower tier ?

    • Shawn Moore
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I joined because of this tip. Huge man thank you

    • Ruthless Viking
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This has been known since the first beta! Pick up your game dude!

    • Derek
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so do you just sit on the item the entire time you are leveling? When do you know “yep, thats my end game weapon”

    • z m
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    trouble with your L’s huh?

    • Joshua Noble
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How the f.. did you not know that and can play review?

    • shadowspyes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    @DM: Diablo 4

    can you confirm or deny whether it is possible to imprint an aspect extracted from say a tier 1 legendary, onto a sacred or ancestral rare item? There is conflicting information, and it sounds like you tested it during your review playthrough?

    • Ed Edward
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do you know if it’s a perfect roll?

    • Dark Saint
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    It does tell you this when you imprint btw

    • Dan Boyd
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This guy is a genius

    That’s a sub, well named video, didn’t jerk me around for 15 min. Good stuff, subscribed!

    • Timber Wolf
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good looking out

    • Skoobzx
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Was sure this had be click bait to stand out amongst the flood of D4 content on YT today. Unless the tip was to not die in hardcore or never have kids or something. But no, a genuinely amazing tip, that will save loads of time. I played the beta’s and have seen a fair whack of content, and there’s still a very good chance I would have made this mistake. Thanks for the heads up.

    • Filthy Rando
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for that! Ok this is officially the last YouTube vid I watch on Diablo IV until I max out my first toon. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll catch ya in a week or so.

    • StateOfShock
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    wtf, i noticed this on day 1 of the beta back in march… if someone didnt know im sorry

    • Psaumes
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Sorry i’m not totally sure of what you explain because i’m not so fluent in english but…what i understand is if you destroy a leg for have the print of capacity, that need to be a perfect roll because if not, you can’t have a best one like you had destroy? Or i miss something about upgrading stuff?
    Thx by advance if you have time to answer me here

    • Carrick23 Snap
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m sorry for you bro, but for that was the beta I did it and find out that. Also this strongly confirms that you should not be imprinting your weapon in the early early game and it seems that you need to be really mindfull about that on the later stages of the game.


    • Nazareth Rift
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    sounds like perfect rolls get banked until level 100

    • DeciXmus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you for your service.

    • ReefMimic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You’re going to put in another 100 hours once the game launches. You got time

    • Mr.Deathly
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    appreciate the advice!

    • /NBK/ Chaos Seph
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    When u imprinted the aspect, u cannot extract the imprint by going to the same NPC (the one who u imprinted) to destroy the gear and get back the aspect into ur library?

    • Krovven
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Are you saying Row or Roll?

    • Kreshaun
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lmao the last few words contained an undertone of pure emptiness

    • Maxi Vera
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Ty Peterson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wat is a row?

    • Joshua Neoh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Aegon Targaryen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What is a row you inept grifter.

    • Werther’s
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Did you pose for the photo after or during the accident?

    • Bee
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    1st one is obv to me but clearly you thought its beta who cares

    • Bon Vivant
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So, do you wait until you find the perfect boat before you row it, or do you just do it over and over, say like, gently down the youtube stream?

    • – Arikukatoありかと
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The only thing I do not understand is when I will get an item that I will never get better. For example, he says “this better be the last two-handed item I will ever need”. When you’re level 70+ will you just get maxed power level gear or smth?

    • TheDiscipleOfHell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so basicallly save ur perfect rolled legendary powers for lvl 100 to extract

    • Chris
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I learned this the hard way in the server slam. Good reminder.

    • Jason
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Or just enjoy playing the game and use the damn thing. That’s like hoarding super weapons in games, for the perfect moment, and you end up never using it. Just use it.

    • Earmuffs
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Huge info, good video.

    • Phil
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Just.. Thank you!

    • Lucas Barros
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you confirm if legendary aspects extracted from normal or ancient items cannot be imprinted into sacred rare items?

    • Aaron Warren
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Only applies once you’re in the highest world tier because you’ll always be getting better bases and better rolls on the same aspect from sacred/ancestral. Along the way it doesn’t matter as much.

    • Stefan Stanev
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So in early and mid game its gonna be better to search for the aspects from the codex of power to collect because we will use them temporary in order to get us to the end game and if we find a perfect roll aspect on an item to save it till we find our lets say end item to put it on in the end game?

    • Jack Strife
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Easily the worst D4 channel on YT. Take everything this dude says with a grain of salt.

    • xiao sho
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    How do you know thats the best imprint ? What if you’re sitting on imprints and feel the need to use it for a tough area

    • Colored fart
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thx for the confirmation, i kinda niticed that but i wasn’t sure.

    • Ben
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    sounds like a Quin -25k moment

    • Leon Sprague
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Your hair is luxurious. Your ancestors cleary have blessed you.

    • Juan Jurado
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Bro didn’t you learn this lesson in the beta?

    • BeastGamingHD
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This was something I hope people learned and figured out during the beta.

    • Joshua P
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Alot of us knew this before seeing your video. Get gud noob lol

    • Stock Focus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    whatever it is i will still use it for early game does not matter to me if I can’t get the same.. since I’m going to play this forever 😀

    • Michael McDonald
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Took such a huge L extracting aspects he wont even say the letter anymore in his words when he talks.

    • iPhail
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    fantastic video

    • KiLLaCaM607
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I would’ve 100% botched this and flipped the hell out at some point if I had not seen your video. Thank you for this, out here saving lives man lmaoo

    • mike shinoda
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • teamhelperjr
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great tip, have a sub.

    • justice
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    are aspects rerolled with the other stats when you reach an item power break point on upgrades?

    • Ganji
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The most deservable sub of deservable subs, right here.

    • Goal To Troll
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i fortunately found this out in the beta. very important to know cause it doesnt really tell you. good video dude

    • Mikavelli
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    everything to get subs huh

    • JP Daleus
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You are a saint 🙏

    • KingOfAquilonia
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hope he didn’t actually find hundreds of legendaries in 70ish hours of gameplay as he stated.

    • nih sa
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I just blinked and DM: Diablo 4 channel is almost already on 10k

    • Calle
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    It took you 100 hours to realize? Well deserved.

    • Rob
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i really think they messed up with how they did aspects in this regard….they should definitely be able to be imprinted infinitely, because when they’re not it’s honestly never a good idea to put them on anything cause you never know if you’re going to get a better piece of gear.

    • Kas K
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good info short & sweet. GG❤

    • JayJ
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yea don’t buy this game that will be dead in 6 months after the devs fail to deliver on promised features

    • Dale Hollingsworth
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Right on man! Huge tip perfectly explained. You’re thr best out here

    • Luke
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    does the range on the aspect depend on your level or could you get a max roll BIS at like level 20 for example? or can the % get higher as you progress?

    • Anton Kryzhanovskiy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    On the other hand, don’t the extracted aspect retain item power level? So perfect roll from lvl 1 is not the same as perfect roll from lvl 100???

    • Daniel Jackson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So just like in Diablo 3? Ok you must be new to Diablo..

    • Passed
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yes you explained it well, I’ll save all of mine and hope that the legendary items i get will be the last ones ill need. With updates and content coming out im just going to save all of mine for a while and see how it plays out.

    • Montanx HS
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Save your perfect rolls for the best weapon in your tier (reg, ancient, ancestral etc).

    • Mindrot
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I could have been really high but I could swear that when I salvaged an imprinted item I got the aspect back. I didn’t do much sleeping during beta’s so could be wrong

    • Sexual Chocolate
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Its good information for min-maxing, but saves zero time if you dont care 😀

    • Avenexful
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is me from the future… omg thank you it saved me 42069 hours!!!

    • George Geo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lol. Complaining about getting 100 hours of entertainment

    • Allan Pena
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    your character will be wiped before launch?

    • Yoann
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    basicaly, we have to drop 2 same items and extract the worst one, to keep the best one when we lvling

    • I steal Wifi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What’s a perfect row?

    • assange wikileaks
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Slade Wilson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you! So basically just use the codex of power until lvl 100 got it

    • Shoop
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    If you extract a perfect aspect that you’ll want at endgame, you have to pocket-watch it, Pulp Fiction style, and move on with a straight face.
    Got it.

    • Halo Hunter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Is he saying row? Think he means roll

    • maverick aranas
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    best tip i have watched

    • hashtag
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this is a gamer moment

    • Billy D
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So does that mean that by mid Tier 3 you should consider using your great aspects since by Tier 4 you will be looking for Ancestral Aspects instead?

    • Mark Jakims
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    No way play Bnet, or Blizzard , not worth the $ or time !

    • Lizard Leonard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Better Solution. Implement a Diablo 2 style loot system. You say you have looted 100’s and 100’s of legendary items. That makes me terribly worried for the success of the game.

    • Gubert
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you for this video!

    • V S
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They will patch that in a quality of life patch. They always do lol

    • Shoop
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Don’t Do It! Biggest Mistake Possible Wastes 100 Hours. If you play early access you will waste 4 entire days of your life, approximately 100 hours of mindless lil debbie snacking, monster drink chugging slaughter, and you’ll pay $20 to the inner earth lizard peeple that own Blizzard to boot.
    Don’t throw your life away like a try-hard, wait 100 hours for the late release and be a cry-hard!

    My video would have been better, just saying…

    • synthesis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great tip my red haired brother from another mother ima personally run Sorc I think ughhh so hard to pick a class!!!!

    • Nippo
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This one is a good tip 😂

    • Troy Harris
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Are paragon points shared between alts or just renown?

    • Rasmus Lange
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can someone ELI5 what the heck he just said, please?

    • Eric Hammer
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wait….can Alaskans not say “roll”?

    • CptBlack
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Question. If im level 20 and i find a perfect legendary aspect. Could i safe it untill im level 100 for my perfect weapon or armor piece. It my level 20 aspect still viable when im level 100??

    • Andrew
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    is the mistake playing this abhorrent fucking game? Imagine lapping up this dogshit when POE or D2R exists. people who like this game have single digit IQ and would be entertained by paint drying.

    • Harry Andrews
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What is a row

    • Ekim M
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    good to kno! will keep this in mind for sure!!! thanks

    • Mccool Files
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    anyone else having problem with preload? its saying its have problems transfering data but its literlaly the only game that wont download. hearthstone, wow, everything else works. internet is fine and drivers up to date. i meet all pc req. is this just day 1 issues?

    • JoJo James
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This isn’t news, they have been saying this even before the beta

    • kjn311
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Idk wtf you are talking about since game is not out yet

    • Darkendragon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    …. but could you not just extract it again? or can you not extract aspects if was imprinted?

    • Kaiju
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Im so baked right now and i have no idea what you just said. Can someone please write something as if i was 5

    • ultrageekdom
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • X
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you apply the property from a low level legendary with a perfect roll to a legendary that is much higher like Sacred or Ancestral?

    • Wesley-0252
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks genius!

    • Heather Deep
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    As a new player, I don’t understand this at all…

    • Adam C.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Perfectly understood, thanks for the heads up as i had no idea.

    • doom night
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so its just a game a game is a game

    • Alex Schneider
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great tip. Probably the best I’ve seen so far.

    • Luca Orué
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good tip

    • Aaron
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Channels that talk about making “big mistakes” in games are annoying as fuk.

    There are no mistakes you can make in how you play. If youre a min/maxer then sure there are definitly sub optimal chouces, but again no mistakes.

    • Blidaru Mihai
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    well that sucks…. maybe on the future a quality of life update 2 re-extract the legendary aspect will be so good

    • Percy Lex
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is actually really good advice i think its best to bank the perfect rolls until your max lvl

    • xJIN86x
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You are doing gods work

    • ferevon
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    why is dave mustaine playing diablo dude work on the next album wtf

    • Nobodys Business
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    ya i found this out during the betas but still a good tip

    • abacuz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I think people need to do this atleast once, to understand this.
    I mean, it’s not rocket science.. it’s pretty logical if you know that you cannot use them multiple times….

    • SmurFFTastiCc
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you, a like and subscribe from me. Great advice.

    • Scott
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So once you imprint that value doesn’t go to your codex of power as a max roll?

    • Solomon Gunn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks, now I’ll never imprint a max roll on ANYTHING out of fear of finding something slightly better to use it on right after.

    • Kelooch
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You are the goat

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You save me

    • Asac Schrader
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You’re killin it bro, love the vids!

    • Anuran Thi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    One question does it not always roll max if you put the aspect on a 2 hand weapon

    • Jack
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you sir

    • Golf8ict
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thx 4 that Info!

    • Duel I
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i hope if u explain what is the extract is or what does it do or how can i do it or why should i do it , becuase as a new diablo player i didnt understand anything about what u r talking
    for example what are aspects

    • Steven Su
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    i thought its a common sense

    • C Lanza
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Little confused but probably mostly tired.
    So he found an ancestral rare and imprinted the unique aspect onto it with a “good roll”, is he saying save the “good aspect rolls” for “GOOD” items?

    • Smokestyd
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    on softcore yes….but on hardcore, thats a whole diferent story.

    • Gary Criswell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you store 2 of the same aspects but with different rolls? Say 1 with a 19 roll and 1 with a perfect 20 roll?

    • SpeedeyFreaks
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Holy fuck … so many mind-boggling decisions in design. Mind-boggling to a point of borderline stupity. Why would they do this …. I am going to be honest, I wasn’t going to play that much the game, just a character per season perhaps, but this is borderline making me want a refund. I have been one of the proponents that this is not just a D3 reskin, well … having played a bit, it feels more and more like a D3 reskin. For fucks sake….

    • smen sir
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • MarcOfDeath
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The key is try avoid imprinting weapons as they are upgraded the most while you’re leveling.

    • Joe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Does someone care to summarize this up for me in easy words? My English is not good enough to understand all of what he is saying 😞
    I’d highly appreciate it!

    • Joey Ferrell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Hey bro I respect the grind! I hope all is well man and you’re in a good spot! Take care of yourself much love <3

    • Supreme
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Lol. My plan has been from the first open beta same – never imprint max rolled aspects on items that are below level 95. Even if i dont get that same aspect drop i wont be using it until end-game.

    • Jaylen Washington
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I just subscribed to this channel an hour ago and I’m not disappointed

    • BloodSynthetic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Waste 100 hours ? Videogames is wasting of time anyway ,if you doing something wrong or right is irrelevant because you PLAY .Lets see what PLAY means “Play is a range of intrinsically motivated activities done for recreational pleasure and enjoyment.” We waste time for enjoyment anyway,theres no right or wrong.Theres only titles to sell your videos

    • E Hous
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I keep feeling like you’re saying row

    • max desi
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    but how can i know it will be my last item ill ever use?! the fact legendary power are consumable is rly bad in my opinion. maybe they made it so you will have to farm like a nolifer to find it (for the second time), but for a casual player it feels depressing since i’ll tend to never use it becouse i’ll be scared to waste it.

    • RandoorRandolfs
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the explanation and demo. Good advice!

    • Francis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for that tips.

    • Dane H
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    No idea wtf you just said.

    Can someone explain like I’m stupid?

    • N G
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I keep hearing the word ‘row’…what does that mean?

    • Blake Merrithew
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    the problem with this system is it makes you not want to use things you find. Gonna be an invintory of save for laters, that never get used.

    • panda007
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Interesting. Thx for the head’s up. So any imprints from drops can only be used once but imprints found in dungeons be used as much as one wants? The drop imprints must be a lot more useful.

    • Patrick Candora
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    They should reset every account by tomorrow

    • Anik Alam
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I have done that in the beta as a newbie and learned it the hard way. Thanks for pointing this out. One more thing, what is a perfect row in game? I don’t get it.

    • Mitchell Hunter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m understanding the not to waste it on an item early on but a good higher lvl item but got a question. You get that perfect roll but you’re on wt1 or maybe did the first capstone. There still more difficulty ahead with better gear to be dropped. Could a general rule be use it in the difficulty you’re currently on? Or should we save it for the last wt we are able to get?

    • qNa
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for this one!

    • BubasparksAB
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Huge mistake is to watch all this guides before game even came out.

    • Make Gohan Great Again
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    so essentially never extract a perfect roll until endgame? lol

    • richard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Item row? or item roll?

    • Dan Cunningham
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    DAMN! amazing heads up. thanks

    • DoragonL
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    D4 needs a collab with PoE so we have divine orbs in both games 😀

    • Yamahko Gribbis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The mistake was purchasing any product from EA.

    • ThereisNOpandemicWAKEUP
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    The biggest waste is playing this game where you on a infinite hamster threadwheel wheres the new content drops every 3 months and then your charachter is basically deleted to a mode no one plays. Yeah… i dont know who thought of this or who though it would be fun but no thanks. I played D3 at launch and completed it at higher difficulties when the AH was still there. ill remember Diablo for what it was. This is just a waste of your time.

    • Josh Luke
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You aren’t the hero we deserve, but you’re the hero we needed ❤

    • name undefined
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this just makes me realize they are going to sell aspect storage and how cancer the storage is for this game including gems aside from that good tip

    • Aeghul Mora
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    why wouldnt you be able to reextract that?

    • Zdeněk Krajíček
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So how do you know what weapon is the “last one”, i guess generally speaking its probably not worth to use it on weapon you got on level 70? Or is it possible get some BIS combination of stats on such level?

    • dolphinX
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    big big help thank you! i would have done the same

    • Cal Depen
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thx man, very good tip. Save your perfect legendaries for endgame gear.

    • cbrpnk
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Muffin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    d3 had it right..this is just masochistic farming now

    • Frank C.
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Do we like this system? I mean, it wouldn’t be terrible if EVERY aspect was available in the codex. That way, I can always have the aspect I need for a build to work, but I have to wait to get a better roll for it. But with the current system, I may NEVER want to use a perfectly rolled aspect because there is always another upgrade coming. Right?

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Also the game is ever changing..there will be buff/nerfs…YOU WILL need to change..u imprinted something on a piece that works well on ur build,now u need to change..this might potentially be one of those pain in the ass problems

    • Psi Low
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Holy shit, glad I saw this before launch. Nice advice!

    • sentinelzer0
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Mistake if your super anal on stats, this won’t effect the majority. Honestly your probably wasting more time trying to get a perfect role that’s a minimal bonus compared to having that basic 20%

    • Darkadia
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I did that during the server slam so yeah lesson learn lol

    • Sasha Alex
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    In short.
    Use all high/max rolls at level 100.

    • Ronin Precision
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    That systems seems completely counter intuitive and really shitty in terms of a game that you are almost always upgrading to a new piece of gear. This is effectively locking into either not using the extracted stat ever because you might pick up a better weapon later down the road. Am i understanding that correctly?

    • FrickinBrian
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Actually helpful PSA. Thank you!

    • GuruChaz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So, essentially what you are saying is to save the perfect and near perfect rolls to imbue on your next weapon upgrade from what you already have? At what level should you horde this till? 100?

    • Aaron Bobby
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thank you sooooo much for this insight! This makes total sense if the aspect is consumable. In your opinion though, when would you add x aspect? I know you mentioned after getting an EXCELLENT drop, but any pointers on how you’d decide if you’d want to imprint the aspect or not? I guess it’s just preference at that point?

    • Alvis
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Ngl I thought he was going to say my major mistake was Druid

    • K Fiander
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I’m sorry are you saying row?

    • Paolini
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So basically if u get a max roll on a bis aspect for your endgame build NEVER use it xD ?

    • Shawn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I don’t know if the system changed since I played the first closed beta, but the legendary roll ranges are dependent on the item level.

    For example: At level 10 a legendary stat has a range of 5-10%, but at level 30 that exact same stat can have a range of 8-13%.

    This means that it doesn’t necessarily make sense to keep perfect legendary rolls at low levels.

    • András Salfay
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Okey, okey, chill 😀 Simply put, you don’t wanna rush consuming good rolls on “aspects”.
    On the other hand I think it’s safe to say that saving up a roll forever to get it on the next-next-next-next upgrade also wastes potential power. If you have spent 70 hours farming, you could have spent that 70 hours farming WITH a good legendary aspect. 😀
    As someone who won’t be farming 40 hours on day one, I think i’ll just take it easy and if something drops I’ll use it on a decent item to boost my power.
    Min/maxing builds could come after a week or so I think…. the game is -1 days old. 😀

    • wed ergege
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yeth thank you gingther boy. I apprethiathe the intho

    • Neoconker
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the tip 👍

    • mosindesire
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Very interesting how that works. Definitely keep an eye out for great percentage rolls.

    • GenericName007
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good tip, I probably would have done the same thing and not thought about it until late game

    • David
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great video! Thanks for the tip!

    • Matt Jaeger
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I was so confused by people saying legendaries don’t matter and it’s all about rare rolls. You still combine the two.

    • Redologist
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Whose ear is that in yo inventory? Do the ears have the names of players you kill? They did in Diablo 2.

    • Mateusz Grzyb
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    1:03 actually its 10 out of 11

    • Zraekor
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    that is unfortunate; maybe one day kanai cube will come back

    • macman90
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You wasted 3 minutes explaining something that 1 minutes was enough to understand… but saved thousands of hours of frustration.
    I will not play because I have not time but thank you from behalf of all the others=D

    • Peter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    For Tier 1-3 it actually doesnt matter. There you can use a perfect aspect directly as those aspects are not usable anymore once you reach T4 and start getting Ancestral Items. But once arrived there every perfect or nearly perfect roll should be deposit on your stash for the real endgame weapon.

    • Kate Ortiz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Great info really. Truth be told I actually thought everyone realized this that played the betas. I know I realized what I had done pretty quick ruining a few higher aspects on a lesser item lol.

    • Drew A
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    true ty

    • qMezero
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Может кто по-русски перевести,в чем прикол? знаю английский,но нефига не понял,про что он имел ввиду)

    • Cootz51
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This system is kind of shit? Just hoard good rolls forever never using them worrying about having a better useable drop, even in endgame.

    • Paolini
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is the type of videos i’ve been looking for but everyone keeps posting build videos

    • Erik1up
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good tip, i was curious about this

    • m3lito
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So, when should the perfect roll be used?

    • Sim Simma UK
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the heads up mate 👍👍

    • tabin
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    My dude, this is the most valuable info I’ve seen in any D4 video I actually didn’t know legendary power can be inprinted only once. I thought when you extract it from legendary item it can be inprinted on item, then you sell or salvage this item when you find better one and inprint legendary power on new item.

    • Bryden
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Who cares? Why are you trying to min-max this shit. Just throw aspects on weapons, do whatever builds you want, kill shit. It all resets next season/3 months anyways. All this min-max tryharding is so fucking cringe.

    • Josh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So patience is key! Thanks for this video!!

    • jigzyonline
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks. Subscribed. I skipped the beta so I’m going in completely fresh apart from a few videos I have watched.

    • Ghostlykillah Wu
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • Almorema
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    but you will always get better gear until late late late game

    • Paul Kim
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Can you recycle imprinted items? As in, can you extract and imprinted item?

    • Shadez
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Isn’t this really only consequential once you get up to Ancestrals? You get a perfect sacred aspect and hold onto it forever waiting for the perfect item then you start getting Ancestrals and your aspect is now unusable lol? Seems like good info but no reason to turn yourself into a hoarder unless you’re farming Ancestrals already unless I’m misunderstanding.

    • Zakeru
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Also you could say don’t upgrade your gear until end game is a waste of gold and resources.

    • Jc123
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So once we extract the perfect roll we get access to the aspect in the codex just the minimum roll?

    • Fropsy
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    great advice and explanation. tyty

    • Dany Desmarais
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Streamers are way too serious with this game. 98% of all the players will play casual and take their times. There is no mistake at all to be made, just enjoy the fucking game.

    • ReLapse
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    As a complete noob-like, This is exactly what scares me to complete inefficiency.

    • Billy Myers
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for the info. So basically I’m better off using that item as is and then holding into the aspect until endgame.

    • Derek Drouillard
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Diablo 4 public service announcement 10/10. He’s doing God’s work over here. You know there are going to be many people who do not know this and are going to dissolve their perfect roles onto some crap they found at lvl 16 that “looked cool”. Then once they realize what they did later on you will hear their screams from outer space. 😅😅😅

    • AncientSeed
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Wow thanks a ton for the tip

    • Nerfunkal
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Would this be something to consider for trading too? Saving God rolls even if they’re on low level stuff and not for your character or build?

    • bonk brazool
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Damn… who knew putting a perfect roll on a lvl 20 item was a waste…

    • Light Seeder
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Yeah that’s major, and you’re one of the first I see mention this.

    Thanks a lot!

    • Vic C
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I actually had just assumed you could keep re-extracting, so thanks a lot for this video dude, huge tip!

    • Quick Stepz
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So Ima have a shit toon of say (260) of 180-260 gears in my bag. Just waiting for better gear to put it on.
    Fantastic just what I love holding onto lots of gear.

    • MR. J
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    5/5, thanks.

    • Pix Punxel
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I dont get it

    • Bagboy Brown
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    He dropped more legs in 3 minutes than I seen drop during the entire server slam! :O

    • Lynchpin00
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good info

    • C V
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This may save you an entire life actually

    • MikeFoSho
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I see, so instead of extracting high roll right away and pepega imprinting probably just use that item for the aspect roll and extract when i find a better replacement for that slot and save extraction for late game and instead use the codex lower rolled version for early/mid game. Thinking ahead for late game great video thank you.

    • sfz diet
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good looking out, Nephalem.

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What’s the point of buying this game now if players already beat the game

    • bubu mic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    True this … got fooled in beta by this and i cried a lot 😀

    • Qarcass
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Thanks for explaining. Diablo 4 will be my first game of its’ type and i’m super hyped

    • Monch ito
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I was afraid that the title was a bait but it was actually useful

    • Knospe
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Biggest mistake is buying this game.

    • NeCoN
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    TLDW: = Become a hoarder of items. NO fun before perfect Roll!

    • Ksiazyk Grégoire
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    OK, i get it. Don’t waste your time and money on D4. Thanks.

    • Daheadsmiter
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    you can avoid everything by not playing too

    • Charlouf
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    what about extracting a low lvl imprint, and use it on lvl 100 ? does the low lvl imprint gain in tier or not ?
    and if u upgrade that lvl 30 thing at lvl 70+, does it gain multiple tier at once ?

    • Jamie Walker
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    This is one of the few tips that really matter and is not clear. Tired of seeing videos explaining all the “mistakes” like not upgrading your potion or something trivial. 👍🏻 good job

    • JustAnObserver
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    yoo , the way u explains this makes it easy for people to understand that otherwise aren’t that into the mechanics of this game , keep it up !

    • dissya1
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    any chance to link your build and paragon point kinda curious to see the build in details !

    • Alcore
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    experienced this once in the 25 cap beta. thanks for the reminder.

    • ej ro
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    There are better ways to explain this

    • Hans Dampf
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • De1usionsofGrandeur
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Personally think the current system is far too restrictive to truly enjoy at the moment…

    • Unrelenting Rogue
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So save god rolls for end game gear?

    • Dead Horse
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I started watching your channel for the comprehensive Druid video. You have a lot of useful and to the point videos. Great stuff!

    • Shinigami
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good one.
    Are you on twitch?

    • L J
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    don’t waste 100 or more hours doing subpar dps!
    what you are going to want to do is, press the escape key, log out to the character screen, delete your druid, then create a whirlwind barbarian

    • Iago López Güell
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    but if you get a perfect roll early, that aspect can not be imprinted on ancestral or sacred items right? it has to be applied on normal rare items. You can not save them for endgame

    • ReefMimic
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    What a headache

    • Anar
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Just to clarify – can you imprint lower power lvl aspect into higher power lvl weapon? Also – can I imprint sacred aspect onto ancestral aspect?

    • Yashvardhan Singh
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    this will help me for sure, thanks for this bro

    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    It crawled so I could Run!!!

    • Alex Berube
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    • Cognito Tan Khaii Hui
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So how should we even do it at all exactly since instantly imprinting is a huge mistake? Using on the next item can also be a mistake as you can easily change it out real soon too

    • Jack Frost
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    So you can’t keep extracting and imprinting on new items? 😢

    • Sherry Downs
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am


    • I Test Stuff
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Good reminder. I wonder if they put any weighting on the rolls, i.e. less likelihood for perfect rolls. Don’t think so or the dataminers would have said so. Just RNG

    • Yanus 3D
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    You have very nice channel….there on Youtube a lot off bullshit crap click-bytes contents. Your channel goes straight to subject and contain clean info!

    • BCashWorld
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Just look at those subs steadily rise. Keep your foot on the pedal!

    • Petr Pavel
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Did you really “waste” it? It is an acestral item lvl 790 (which is extremely lucky for lvl 61 requirement weapon). Isn´t the max ilvl of items something around 820?

    • CaDaVeRgirl85
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    Nice. Thanks for the tip!!!!

    • Barmonn
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    thanks for the tip

    • Andrew Johnson
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am

    I finally min/maxed all of my Division 2 builds… only took my 2930 hours but it’s done

    • Simplephil
    • 2023年 6月 21日 8:30am
