
Here Is Our Latest Diablo 4 Guide! Its Time To Push For 90 For The Ultra Rare Unique Drops Guys!
Our 500k Exp Per Min Cave Farming Guide
I Will Try To Stream On Twitch Daily! Come & Say Hi Guys!

The CN Post

*If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Diablo 4 and would like to Donate and Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation & Patreon Link!

*Join Us On Our Mattjestic D4 Discord! For MORE Diablo 4 Tips, Guides & Builds!*

0:00 Intro
0:09 Overview
0:45 World First Drop & How
4:29 New Farming Spot!
5:29 Fun Legion Runs!

Subscribe To Our New YT Channel For Behind The Scene & Fun Clips Of Mattjestic & Yunie!

Our Latest Guides & Tricks For D4!
Late Game Barb Thorn Is GG Build
W4 Endgame Helltide Farming Method & Tips!
Legion MUST DO Countdown Method
How To Skip To W4 & Giveaways!
Get 30-40% Bonus Exp
Unique & Exp & Gold Farm Spot
Gamble For Uniques This Way
WIP Affix & Reroll Excel Tool!
The Diablo 4 Ring That Sold For $1000 USD!

Please don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!


Taqs:diablo 4,diablo,guide,d4,diablo4,barbarian,barb,leveling,best,diablo iv,rogue,sorcerer,sorceress,necromancer,diablo 4 legendary farm,diablo 4 farming,diablo 4 unique farming,gamble,diablo 4 farm route,diablo 4 farm spot,farm,unique,legendary,d4 farming spot,d4 farm guide,d4 endgame,endgame,diablo 4 farming guide,diablo 4 unqiue,diablo 4 harlequin crest drop,harlequin,crest,diablo 4 harlequin crest,diablo 4 grandfather drop,diablo 4 grandfather,harlequin crest


  • コメント (75)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • Mattjestic MultiGaming
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I’m NOW Rushing To Level 90 For It! Haha I want the grandfather too!!!
    Our 500k Exp Per Min Cave Farming Guide
    I Will Try To Stream On Twitch Daily! Come & Say Hi Guys!

    The CN Post

    *If you would like to support me in my passion to bring a brighter and more informative videos on Diablo 4 and would like to Donate and Support me Financially, please use my Twitch Donation & Patreon Link!

    *Join Us On Our Mattjestic D4 Discord! For MORE Diablo 4 Tips, Guides & Builds!*

    0:00 Intro
    0:09 Overview
    0:45 World First Drop & How
    4:29 New Farming Spot!
    5:29 Fun Legion Runs!

    Subscribe To Our New YT Channel For Behind The Scene & Fun Clips Of Mattjestic & Yunie!

    Our Latest Guides & Tricks For D4!
    Late Game Barb Thorn Is GG Build
    W4 Endgame Helltide Farming Method & Tips!
    Legion MUST DO Countdown Method
    How To Skip To W4 & Giveaways!
    Get 30-40% Bonus Exp
    Unique & Exp & Gold Farm Spot
    Gamble For Uniques This Way
    WIP Affix & Reroll Excel Tool!
    The Diablo 4 Ring That Sold For $1000 USD!

    Please don’t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!


    • Green Blossom
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Change title to “hear is my assumption”

    • DireDier
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    good job!

    • Jason Chow LIVE
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    u call that fast? ive been in 5 man legion event and some of them level 80 and 90. every boss get 1 hit

    • Driscol_
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    i got one and I salvaged it cuz i though it was trash

    • kyle manno
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Are the boots rare? I got those today.

    • Zeemis
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I just had to pause this video to take to the comments for a synopsis of this. Jeez, just say where and how, no need for fluff content, just explain in like a paragraph.

    • Reznya
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I mean I got mine like 6 or 7 days ago…. Also… My friend got the grandfather 3 days ago……. What with this made up stuff no one has one lol…..

    • Damian
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Req 90+ ppl speculating only drops in nightmare and lilith

    • Italian Rager
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    hes asian so that makes sense that he has it 🙂

    • Sodaoczy
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Or gated by lvl 95 when mobs stop scaling in open wrld

    • RawrShark
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    How rare is the butcher’s cleaver?

    • Steven Ashford
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I want to know if the 4 to “all” skills includes passives

    • Titus Pullo
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I got that last week. It’s pretty nice.

    • Nathiir Blacktongue
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Glad to see you moved from wolcen to d4 bro. Rip wolcen, coulda been so damn good.

    • Joe B
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    So there is still no other proof that this item is in the game, besides this korean phone screenshot. Literally no other person can confirm a drop? No streamer that plays 18 hours a day has gotten it? I still have a hard time believing its actually in the game.

    • Romeo Zhang
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm


    • YujiKaisen
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Is the griffon’s eye aswell In the Game?

    • fred asd
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    how do you know only 1 person got the item? could be tons of ppl. me for one woudnt post it anywhere if i got one.

    • Broken Gamer
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Kind of neat you can get extra players in there but you don’t need them. It’s an absolute annihilation every way look at it

    • asdfowns
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    lol its not gated behind level, its just rare, all this fake news is just annoying

    • Marcus Lindberg
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Well if items is stuck on a specific nightmare tier then like 1 percent of the people will actually get them…

    • Brandon Tyson
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    You have a bad habit of saying the same thing over and over and over.

    • The Rabbit Hole
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Nice Shako!

    • Crypto forFuture
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    imho u have better chances at higher tier of nightmare dungeons .. where mobs are 130++

    • Rotacioskapa
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    can you give a tutorial on how to go uber lilith?

    • Sieg
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    This guys videos are legit drawn out as hell and shit quality, let me save you like twenty minutes, play t4 and focus on elite pack hunting, the items drop rate is almost non-existent so good luck

    • Zombiez2go
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Another big streamer that was invited to play 7 days early and is showing how to bug and cheat the game…

    • Soulfalis
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    that’s only for one class?

    • michael lancaster
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Why even have that item in the game if its that rare, so stupid

    • dirtaylulu
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    There was never any definitive proof that was the world first drop it was simply the first streamed/posted on forums, could easily be some high level players who aren’t streamers or forum posters that have dropped it already before him.

    • Juse
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm


    • JD
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Does the dungeon really matter can’t everything drop anywhere

    • Mr Domino’s
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    What are the most rare gear

    • C S
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Is it really world’s first to get it or world’s first to get it AND to show it off?

    • Suicidalizm
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Schiss 👎

    • Key
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Still struggling with my whirlwind thorn barb

    • Mads Lentoft
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Until I see the 3D model on a character, it is fake.

    • David Benc
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Twitch is dead. At least with YouTube we can play and watch YouTube on our phones more easily.

    • Stephano
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    how did he drop helmet that is not relised to game yet?

    • Yolo Bruh
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Polite clear concise yeah you earned a sub for sure great content man

    • JohnnyNonny218
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    If they keep these drop rates, at least it gives me something to do.

    I’m sure they’ll inc drop rates though, then everyone will be getting one.

    Can’t just weed out the nubs, gotta feed em.

    • RedR
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    World first? My brother has this item lol, got it days ago.

    I like your content, but this isn’t the world first drop of this item.

    How would anyone even know what the world first of an item is? The majority of players don’t advertise their drops.

    • Alric Otar
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Man I’d love to join your clan to run some dungeons and stuff with you, but your clan officers and mods are so power hungry and pricky that I’ll just join a more local clan and take it easy for now, lol.

    • MORGATH99
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    could be over level 95

    • Chris Evans
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    This isn’t world first 😂

    • Egroj Lig
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I would love to know from where and what kinda of mob it droped from since they did say some class of mobs are more likely to drop certain items

    • Jax69
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Man I’m having such a problem keeping my fury up. What 3 glyphs would you say are the most important for fury problems. (Yes i have the gear your showing and almost the same stats)

    • andri andri123
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    during the closed beeta i got shako from world boss ashava,i was lvl75 ,there was special chest spawn after killing the boss but i think its no longer the case because drop rates been changed 😀

    • Hybrinity
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Biggest click bait bro getting bored of this now. It’s RNG. That’s it.

    • Shoka409
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    someone make this man a new intro.

    • muh kuh
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Imagine dropping shako with 4% CDR only …. that would be sth. That roll range is crazy.

    • Jakey boy
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Yes thank you so much for uploading. This completely matches my mob level theory, after getting my gore gloves at sacred from level 70+ mobs in nightmare dungeons a few days ago while still in world t3. This means the grandfather is available too, let’s go

    • Bill Cranston
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    A new record – 9 exclamation marks.

    • CZAilonCZ
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    There is another game breaking bug in Citadel of light, the end boss is despawning, making transition to higher difficulties impossible.

    • Chance Coffey
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Those unique items seem pointless if they’re only dropping wren close to 100

    • Robert-Andrei Solomon
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Enjoy it for 2 days, it’s gonna get nerfed

    • Annunaki
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    which dungeon please?

    • 艸化艸云
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    So these items HARLEQUIN”S CREST can drop normally?

    • Razahoo7
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    As soon as devs say they exist it drops. hmmm

    • iExpanseYT
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    highly doubt it was even close to top50,
    like how would you know?, you could say the first public posted shako drop or something alike

    • ChozenKrytic
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    does it work with any class or only druid?

    • michał nie powiem
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    How to reset dangeon when u do first half and want to start new one? Plis help❤️

    • nambo rambo
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    that is so sick

    • Sweetdeal
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    You can have 32 Players per Map Hardcap. Just in case you want to test things out.

    • Paij
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Why did you just started streaming again? What was the reason you stopped?

    • iMarcism
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Another click bait title. I have seen a few people having this aspect on their gear already.

    • Havi
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I can guarantee you that there are a lot of people out there with this item and they have no clue how rare it is

    • Earl
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    A 9mins video on a 25second news 😅😅😅

    • Mike Bailey
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I got this 3 days ago.. and I was not 90

    • Jan
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Nightmare 90+, no problem friend

    • Banandez
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    I love all of you videos <3

    • Jacob Brown
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    love you thanks for the content

    • Moon Boy
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    No way

    • ArchGeek
    • 2023年 6月 17日 8:28pm

    Let’s see what we have here!