POV: You Miss The Old Apex Legends 😢
POV: You Miss The Old Apex Legends. Apex Legends Funny. Apex Nostalgia. Apex OG.
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コメント (38)
When did you start playing Apex Legends? 🤔
Times flies …
GAME OVER…. this game is been done since S7
New players would never understand 😂 mfrs coming at season 7 and be like “yea im a og”
I do miss it❤
You have to be a OG to remember this ❤😢
My bro and i used to play arenas together. I really started to lose traction with this game when they removed it. At least i made memories while i still could
Who remembers the 3x on the 99
I am a og season 0 player
Thx this take me back when play apex was fun now it just hoping and pray the game work and does not have a cheater in your lobby
Nostalgia =s Tears 😭. I’ve been playing since season 1 month 1. Best short all day. Thanks Ross! 🙏
F for Bridges and Cascades
Do u gotta play this gay ass song 😂
I came back for shadow fall 🙁
Why can’t this stuff come back
Bruh bring back arenas mixtape is buns
Apex is sad
So true
Chat I think he got guns in his head 🗣️🔥
You don’t say
Season 12 i started playing apex ever i wish I would of played Sooner
So much good memories
The lack of content makes me mad. My grandma could’ve added better than Respwn.
I’ve played apex since it released and it made my heart fill with nostalgia. I miss Sorting Factory so much 🥲
This make a old player cry to all the changes
No one misses fuel depot tho
Fun Fact I have played all this in Mobile and have enjoyed it all, although I miss it too much
unfortunately all the old devs left or got kicked from respawn and the new ones don’t understand what made the game unique to begin with
Lost my mind listening to the audio
i will do anything for apex to bring back Sorting factory 🙏
I started playing in season 8 on my Nintendo switch
Bring that map back
I been playing the game since release but with last seasons i quited to much cheating and aim asist is crazy
Good times they need to bring back arenas
I remember shadowfall cuz im one of the few people who got the mythic devition skin one year
They should do a LTM of the old seasons a 24 day long event where every day is a season with all the old map’s characters guns etc
Sorting factory is the best POI change my mind