Apex legends season 20 is different
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67 – Waps (HOUSE REMIX) | CarlosTN
LEZ & SASSY MIX – Seshlehem
SXID – Funk of the Damned
Shadows of Evil Game Over Song
Business contact: Revetekbusiness@outlook.com
#apex #apexlegends #season20
Taqs:revetek,apex,apex legends,epex exe,apex legends exe,apex.exe,apex season 20,apex season 20 meta,season 20exe,apex season 20.exe,apex legends.exe,season 20 apex legends,season 20 apex,apex upgrade system,apex upgrade,apex new season,season 20,apex season 20 patch notes,apex season 20 patch,season 20.exe,apex memes,apex meme,apex meme edit,apexmemes,apex new update,apex season 20 all perks,apex season 20 all changes,apex season 20 all legend perks
コメント (195)
Can anyone tell me the song used in 5:26 please
music is bangin as always
bring on the finals- why is it not playstation tho!!!!
i missed the apex content mate
Cool video but don’t be toxic
1:33 name of song pls
Cool vid, unsubscribing!
Who is the bald screaming guy at the beginning
I watched this vid cause i knew doc was in it
So apex added fortnite augments?
fesbak me enseño esta maravilla
Ayyy, hearing Sassy’s voice at 4:18 was so unexpected, but fits perfectly
thumbnail is Stier
4:25 had me dead XDDDD
Damn man 😂😂
Song at 5:28?
Wait. Season 20!? Already!?
song ID at @2:48 ?
This is hilarious AF dude. You’re talented.
As usual, Revetek. Immaculate edits. I especially appreciate the P2020-Triple Take gameplay at 5:45. I’m not a Lifeline player, but her self rez can be quite clutch, especially last game. I had a game last night where we placed second because we completely forget about that perk, and she ended up rezzing herself and her knocked teammate while my teammates were finishing the last one 😭 Hard lesson learned.
i don’t understand the revive thingy , what’s with that lol
lol , i’m hardly able to play ov2 with great effort cause of toxicity , i though close my mic and chat lol since i loved the game i’m trying my best but i literally one day said let’s try apex looks cool so i tried it and hell no brother , it’s hard yes since i’m noob but the ppl are okay no comment thank u ! i don’t mean to be rude but that’s my opinion lmao
5:49 song?
Like, te lo manda fesbak!
5:27 pls song
Snoozer u fell off
Funny af
Definitely have been enjoying this season
I HATE how every legend this season got pretty good perks yet fuses are assssssssss (fuse main here)
Is that the shadows of evil
Great edit brother!!💪
i swear i played with preatel3 ad bro was yappin on about giving me a test with a 2v3 and proceeded to do nothing in the entire game
suscrible for you, dude!!
Song at 5:28?
Maybe by season 30, they will fix solo queue
still bored
5:21 The Japanese:Help
Maybe if they got servers for. Oh I don’t know, the whole of Africa?
yah that guy account definitely getting banned 5:11
That was funny hehehe. 😀
The king has blessed us once again
Now the 17.2% of subscribed being to 17.200000003%
banger vid as always bro, this season is pretty good FOR ONCE
Another W Videooooo🔥
bro how are you not at 1 mil sub, you deserve it my man
how the hell does reve only have 270k subs he is underrated as hell , those edits are just so good
U deserved my sub shi is hilarious af😹😹😭😭😭😭😭
how tf you got ONLY 270k sub
yooooo finallyyyy. i was waiting for an edit
Where are all the cheaters bro ? 😀 have you even played this game recently ? 😀
That jump pad perk is for us console mfs 😭the struggle is real
Seer is trash
ладно подписался
omg such perfectness makes me cry
Your editing feels like i just out from barber shop. Feel Fresh indeed.
Big Lez enjoyer i hear
lets gooooooooooooo legend!
5:27 track?
Thank god for this content 😩
that making the edit part killed me
Song at 2:49? It’s like the only song not listed in the description and no one else is asking about it-
God-tier content
Stopped playing this game due to Respawn allowing autohotkey scripts, macros, etc. This game doesn’t care about those issues. Fighting an octane moving around like a looney toon character on crack is no fun.
Don’t think i didn’t notice those Aussie memes
Killer video! Nice edits! That lifeline part at 1:38, killed me!! 😂😂
Any casual matchmaking fixes?? No? Fuck you and don’t call me back!
I watched all your Apex videos. They are all awesome. You never fail to amaze.Keep up brooo 🙂
As a og gamer i see this thumbnail as a W
Do people still play the finals?
I subscribed
Apex isn’t doing good for views..
it took an entire game overhauled and core gameplay loop change to make Seer playable again
5:27 what song is that?
i know its mgee, but is it unreleased perhaps?
hey rev plz dont stoped posting videos we love ur work
Lol lifeline
Prepare the plates because bro is cooking
quality edits
What’s the bass house song? 3:20
Real talent
Thank you Revetek, i was waiting for this !
1:43 what song name?
Hey Rev, what song at 5:28?
Its not boring 4 me just someone explain y im getting 3 to 4 types of lag when i have good wifi.audio,setback, regular lag,freeze frame while others are still moving💀💀💀
i’ve missed you man
Salam Alaykum, by the way.
What is the name of sfx or video at the brain meme scene?
W video
Someone’s been listening to sounds of pure uk bassline
Still asking for a Revetek youtube music playlist. Sake man.
Most anticipated Apex video! Thanks for the great job… at pissing people off and making us laugh, hahaha!
When the world needed him most…He returned.
I report Lifline Player for that
song name at 5:28?
I’m a simple man. I see a new Revtek video, I click it
Revetek uploaded, I can now stop only eating sour cream
Your edits are god tier 😂.
Great video
We loveeeee new content 👌🏼
my man still on the grind. Keap it up!
using heavy bass house was a fire move sounded so good
Bro only criticism is make it longer! Love these bro
using that red seer skin gives you a high chance of getting stuck by an arc star
fire video as always. had some good laughs
Liked you’re channel 😂❤
bro whats the song that plays at 5:28?
Revetek is too hilarious 😂
whats the name of the song 0:44
You need to make more vids bruv your hilarious
Your editing is good but your gameplay and sense of humor is dog …
Your edits are Legendary man cant stop laugh 🤣🤣🤣
Missed his voice ngl
Just comedy gold these videos
The new inventory system is garbage
Guys I finally got some heirloom shards
Ravetek Bri’ish accent reveal went crazy
2:55 faide 😂😂😂😂
your edit are absolutely fire every time!
What a legend ❤
I quit Apex for a while to improve my mental health and, well, to also stop wasting money, and im happy to say it’s been working. Unfortunately, they just released the anniversary event. Oh boy, here we go again.
With mirage and every time someone hits the clone hit the sound effect “stupid” by 69 since you can spam them if someone gets bamboozled 😂
Truly the best video I’ve seen this month
your last minute always sends me
Я подписан Ыыыы
W vid
Ravetek the god of apex editing
I don’t know how I didn’t subscribe you Thank for the reminder
that was a dam master peice
2:55 Faide pov
I was waiting this one all days
lol 😂 Eva-8 with the hammer point this is gonna be good 😅😅😅
Hahahah shadows of evil end match song gives me bo3 nostalgia 😫😫😫
я фанат этого бро
Brutal 🎉 ❤
2:15 Bangalore: Boy if you don’t Rez yourself……..!
My favorite you tuber has arisen from the dead
Song @ 05:30?
3:02 greatest edit in a apex vid had me crying
I’m so glad that I have left this retard game!
The goat did it again
5:18 is crazy ngl
classic on arrival
Whoooowie 🎉🥵🔥
yoooo bro, new vid! fire!
Rebtek meking vidio i clickiing vidio. Absolute banger!!
I still have all your videos downloaded… But I stopped watching you, my loyalty left with my passion for Apex.. This season Is different though. I’ve neglected you for too long…. I’m back Revetaddy. I’m back for good.
Apex legends is boring. and i have 760 hours
The legend ReveTek is back 🙏🏾
1:00 what channel originated?
Won me over
2:16 I literally died 🤣
Im enjoying the burst meta
😱😱😱😱 5:25
I was doing good this season until I got railed by a solo wraith with that goddamn eva 8. Everything else is great but what the actual fuck were they thinking buffing the shit out of the eva and then sticking it in the care package
Top tier, as always
fucking the big lez show song 2:27 :))) i love it
faide be like 2:55
did movement get patched is super gliding all of that shit not possible anymore cuz ea said they wanna delet all of these advantsed movement technices
I hate the stupid features they’re putting in the game, seriously. I used to LOVE this game in the past, now, it’s just completely ruined to me… nothing is fun about it anymore, except maybe that revetek keeps uploading about it, it’s painful to see a game that i used to play and enjoy 4 years ago just go to waste😢
What the song name of the outro
Shadows of evil game over song is your best outro, hands down.
im gonna smesh ur boy guys
I kid you not, my YouTube app crashed at 0:09 as all the “ads” started popping up
I suddenly feel that apex is funny, am i crazy?(i was play r6s before)
I love the music you always blend and gameplay. It’s so perfect.
The main thing that caught my eye is that they put EVA-8 in the care package. I am both happy and upset.
Finaly an apex video
banger as always ❤
revetek posts, youtube is happy
FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Way you bullyingme
finally its here
bro content is 🔥🔥🔥🔥
bro edging self revive 2:10
It’s about fvcking time😡
Eva 8 go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
The best legend perk is Revetek videos
i havent play apex for like 2 years yet im binging apex content
Babe wake up, new revtek just dropped
I was here
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