Apex Legends Veiled Collection Event
Embrace the mystique of the Veiled Collection Event with the new limited-time mode: TDM Unshielded Deadeye. It’s a true test of skill with limited loadouts that rotate each match, no shields, and no helmets. Caustic’s Prestige Skin – Apex Contagion – will be yours if you collect all 24 time-limited cosmetic items. Nobody is quite what they seem at a masquerade, so be ready for anything.
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/playapex.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Taqs:apex legends,apex,veiled collection event apex,エーペックス,apex トレーラー,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex veiled event,apex legends veiled event,caustic apex legends,prestige skin,electronic arts,ea,battle royale,battle royale game
コメント (1060)
Mad my ps4 not working
I freakin wish I had money! I’m a buffalo bill of this game, literally hate when I can collect. This looks sic!!! Caustic isn’t a main, but that finisher has me STOKED!!!
Not enough Wraith. Clearly.
❤😂The video is very nice, I’m visiting TAIWAN on my channel, I’m waiting, Plato; Don’t Judge Someone By The Stories Others Tell
Yep now they are trying to get money like always
1:17 dissapointed, I thought that caustic will break the door
You deserve it enjoy it caustic mains
They could’ve made it much better it just looks like another necrosis skin 🤦🏻♂️
it looked better on leaks, what are that shaders at party bruh 😀
No me salían videos de apex legends ayer y hoy juego y ya me salen
I wish I didn’t have this whole event spoiled for me by leaks :/
First of all, you have to deal with the tons of bugs and cheaters.
This is not the time for a money-raising event.
Vantage never gets skins 💔
Man , it’s really getting stale with what they’re doing.
So this is the caustic simulacrum that they talked about in those comics
Are we just not going talk about how rampart and Sheila has auto aim? No just me ok then
Bro tell me that is going to be a new Caustic finisher
Any one else get joker vibes from this? NO? JUST ME!?
Sad that I don’t feel exited. same thing we’ve seen just new skins:/
Fire caustic prestige skin! 🤯🎉
Wattson skin finally, its been nearly a year since a new skin
프레스티지 스킨 파는건 좋은데. 아무런 능력도.
배너. 프레임. 모션 등등 아무런 기능도 없는게 웃기다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 정가로는 55만원인데. 저게 아미.메종키츠네, 꼼데가르숑 가디건보다 비싸다고?
1:06 bro Mozart be boppin rn ngl
So no mirage 🙁
as usual the cooler look not at lvl 3 prestige skin
Man they fin😅ally giving caustic his much deserved time to shine!
Bring back arenas please
so we can get another prestige skin BUT WE CANT GET HORIZONS HEIRLOOM
Caustic skin is the best heirloom skin we’ve gotten by far. Hopefully mirage next👀
Caustic just straight up a terrorist now 😭
Amazing skins for all the legends. This is what we’ve been wanting. Let’s go.
I just want heirloom finishers and a heirloom loading screen😂😂but knowing respawn we gonna have to spend 1000$ on 1 of each
i miss when this game was fun
you know its a good trailer when no one at the top of the comments section says “…truly and Apex experience”
Caustic is looking🥵
for the cheaters
Caustic and Wattson’s skins are the only ones that look good, the other ones are ok
This like them old apex days
This w
Im not wasting anymore money on this now dead to me game
Buff Revenant
Most of these are actually looking great!! In need of that mode. Sometimes I do not want to deal with the ttk in this game. I am excited!
Apex Legends is Really Cool
Caustic kinda pops off in this
Caustic splattering out Venom like the Dinosaur in that Jeep from Jurassic Park
Please just fix the match making,i m getting masters and preds in my gold lobby,i just reached gold and it’s impossible to rank up
My man Caustic is getting love😭😭 YESSSSSSSS!!
Naw bro i won’t be buying anything until the game is fixed. Nice try though….
Dark Knight reference in the beginning??
Hope octane skin is free
Welp I know where my second set of Heirloom shards are going to 😂
Now can you please bring back the blinding effect for his gas. No one gives af about his gas anymore. It’s useless.
W sentinel skin
Still no fire vantage skin😕
Shi fireee
Events events events… Money Money Money… Time for CROSS-PROGRESSION? Next life…
Esa Skin de Wattson no deja de mirarme
Am I the only one to notice that caustic voice actor sounds like the voice actor for optimus prime🤯
Caustic always dropping deep lines ☢️
caustic has the best prestige skin so far
OMFG THAT WATTSON SKIN. Take my money Respawn. TAKE IT
Yea we is not buying that, go ahead and fix the Ash heirloom before you make us spend more money
finally a good event , now please put some fancy skins in battlepass like first seasons
A Wattson skin… its been 800 years, it’s beautiful
Criiiinge money sinking event
is this celebration for shutting down the 80% aim assist mobile version??
Que elegancia la de Francia
Looks dope
Weird how they have no problem dropping new cosmetics but haven’t fixed server stability, or made next gen consoles higher FPS .
Amazing skin… I don’t want to pay 500 bucks for it…
This trailer is so well done is insane
I loved the part where caustic said “I feel most alive when rapidly approaching bankruptcy!”. Truly a apex moment
Among us ahh music
caustic finishing gave me chills
Alien vs predator mask
First trailer in Apex history where Caustic doesn’t die… Change is coming Legends!
I was hoping that the octane skin would be in the reward track cause it looks really cool but it’s not 😢
That’s cold 🥶
I can’t wait to put my hands on those skins… and then all of you all 🤤
You guys truly out did yourself for once rare apex w
This is what I want prestige skins to look like, this is the best one yet and it’s not even close
… That’s why I wear Balenciaga
Another way of saying toxicity 😂
Yet ANOTHER event worth $100+… not everyone is a no life who can afford almost $1,000 or would WANT to spend that much per season on a game riddled with issues and awful matchmaking btw… ( also caustic BETTER get buffs to get this skin bruh💀 )
Cool so where’s cross progression
Cant wait for the gibraltar skin it look so sick
Caustic’s best finisher
still watson gibby and octane skins🙄
Oh! And Also guys if you saw the iron sights for the sentinel, and love them…….just becareful before you run and spend TWENTY dollars on a skin because of something specific about it…..because they might just go an do what they just did with the flatline skin, that the majority of the player base bought specifically because of the sight just for them to then a week or more after the fact announce that they are going to be nerfing and changing the sight because they “made a mistake ” and then leave us all that have made this game stay around just have their hard earned money STOLEN from them essentially.
@Apex Ledgends
Never played Caustic, but I will now! His prestige skin looks 🔥
anyone else think it’s weird how every time it says “limited time cosmetics” only to come back a season or two later?
why is blisk doing the caustic thing? why is caustic doing joker thing?
That for real just looks like Emile from Halo Reach and I love it so much
2nd best prestige skin, best finisher though.
Pore octan
Bro this trailer is so cool. I love caustic in this one!
Great new costumes have arrived. 🤣But the server errors and cheats continue. 🤣
Rampart casually having aimbot in the trailer 0:52
Wattson skin fire
Anyone know the music for this?
SKIN top do Caustic😮
The finisher toxic af
Wattson wins best legendary event skin this time for sure.
This too fire
Another great Wattson skin for my collection 😎
that loba skin fire though
work on cross progression and not collection events
But nothing for horizon
fix the game!
So tone deaf please give me the same ltm thats already part of mixtape cant forget what else to have to offer “limited time” cosmetics…
Peak apex is coming back <3
Can’t wait for more reskins a finally decent skin. But not worth 500 and still no cross plat progression. Because when was the last time apex cared about your account?
Estamos esperando la reliquia de Horizon 🌝.
Espero que cumpla con nuestras expectativas 🤨🫶🏽
Seems like apex is calling some of us broke,so they giving people free items 😂
No bloodhound skins yet 😪
I’m still sitting on my first set of heirloom shards and ill be one of the first to cop
1:27 speed 0.25 small details 📈
My favorite part was when the server lagged and started rubber banding so hard. Truly an Apex moment.
No packs this time?
Caustic become the antagonist
Bissssh I don’t even play Watson and they about to receive my money!
Wow, you all must enjoy wasting money on a live service game that’ll eventually be taken down…
The cosmetics crew. Needs to be fired. Little Timmy in 9th grade is making better looking Outfits. Don’t you want the best? Go get Timmy.
Is it just me or are the people making the trailers installing hacks for better gameplay?
Get on Titanfall 3
Mortal Kombat😅
Skins look amazing. Too bad it’s apex though.
NOW this is how you do a prestige skin
I’ve been a caustic main sense season 1. I love seeing my man get some love he really goes under the radar. Does my heart good hearing some real lines from his voice actor truly a 💎
Original skins? Never thought I’d see the day.
Best prestige skin 1000%
Caustic is about to have the easiest mythic skin to level up 💀
i hate how they know they can just put abunch of garbage in the collection cuz people want the heirloom/prestige.
The fact that They aren’t giving free event packs and caustic g to a preistage skin
Wattson gets a legendary skin and is still barely in the trailers for us to even see a split second of what her skin looks like
This game is dying
Good thing I just got those spare 20 euros for the collection
as a gibby main dat gibby skin is crazy
Oh yeah, gas daddy!
reward the pro teams
Why Caustic where is lifeline
Anyone notice that watty looks like Vommy mommy in dead by daylight and caustic has the vommy mommy ability as his prestige finisher is him puking on someone 😂
Am I the only one here gonna say: Loba’s skin is badass
Toujours plus de cosmétiques et toujours autant de bug et d’inégalités de perso,j’aime Apex il comprennent leur communauté 😒.Qui n’a pas eu sont Heirloom malgré 500 coffre ouvert pfffff…Jeux de merde
When does it come out
Yo you guys really gotta stop making epics and rares if its not legenday its not worth the coins
me looking for horizon skin
Never been so excited about anything in apex since this prestige skin for caustic. Can a good samaritan please sponsor me this apex skin. I have never asked a stranger for anything in my life. Please someone anyone. I’m sincerely asking. Those voice lines are toxic as the gas daddy.😂😂
Can’t wait for that wattson R-99 combo 😊
That was heat ngl. Maybe its the fact that I just watched 30 minutes of crazy csgo edits, but the music and then new caustic skin was great.
literally buying a xbox tomorrow so I can get the rampart skin since you dont have cross progression. I hate you
Love the Caustic skin but I hope they buff him when this event drops. He really needs some love
alice asylum ea
Caustic in trailers >>> everyone else.
Caustic is something else with his lines
Showing all this getting me tight cas lastnight i keep daying man why them kids up so early ain’t they got skl🤷♂️💀
It Looks So Good! Still Cant Bring Myself To Buy A Prestige Skin Though 😭
Ive been saying this for years… Octane + Sentinel is the best loadout in the game!
Caustic’s prestige skin🥹
Revenant barely gets skins or gets put in a battle pass revevant deserves some love fr
Not worth it caustic needs a buff
Nezuko Wraith skin was the best part and you took it out smh
Wonder if anyone got The Joker reference with the Caustic’s “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen”.
Well, im waiting till i can finally use my heirloom shards to purchase that amazing caustic skin, being waiting so much…🔥
Does Kraft Baku still fix?
Can you’ll PLEASE put these VoiceLines in the game for Caustic!
Looks good and all, but I’m not spending another dime on apex until we get next gen console support and cross progression. I’ve got every battle pass since season 3.
To much money for the caustic skin
I want that wattson skin so baaad
same old wack content
I missed the part where bugs where fixed, truly an apex experience
Mythic caustic skin!!
Why CSGO skins keep rising in price, but my Wraith kunai still worth 0.00 America dolla?
I’m SO glad I held onto my free shards. That Caustic skin will be mine!!!
would be nice if ranked worked…
Caustic’s crashing the party was a nice nod to the Joker’s scene in The Dark Knight.
It’s going to be fire
Is that Caustics Heirloom skin
I don’t use caustic but that skin is sickkk
By far one of the greatest cosmetics ever. Well done!
nah this skin is amazing!
How about we fix the problems before you sell us more stuff? @everyone Plz don’t spend money on these skins just to get killed by cheater, ddos, no audio, lag, or other bugs!
Stop banning my accounts then allow players who actively cheat and call me the n word then when I report nothing happens
What a surprise. Another collection event for the 50th time this season. Can’t play Apex if I buy these skins instead of paying my electric bill! At least I’ll have the Switch version when I’m homeless. Gonna clutch some TDM wins on Wendy’s WiFi.
That new Caustic finisher is the best thing I’ve seen in Apex yet!!
They actually made a Rampart skin? This makes me happy!
Made In Heaven??? Is that a JoJo’s reference?!
Apex does such a good job on their trailers. better than any other game
They did caustic good 👍
Pleassssse Donttttt Shut Down Apex Mobileee Weee Lovvve The Gamesw 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢Develepors Plsss Hear Us We Actuallly Love The Gameeeee😢😢
0:11 heath ledger joker party scene
Great voice actor!!!!
Bro the wraith and valk skins both look like their legendary!!! This looks GREAT!!!! 👍
Am I the only one that thinks the Valk skin is INSANE? Overall y’all did a great job!!!!!
We better get this song in game
0:03 I can’t hear this instrument without thinking of among us. Someone help me 😨
Yeah cool skin for Watson 🥹
🤮 🤮🤮🤮 party time
Yep! Gotta drop $100 on them Apex coins next week!
My girl Wattson looking 🔥 can’t wait for that skin
one more event and one more bug with boxes.
Fix the game!
Not pathfinder being petty 😂
Rampart is aimbotting
Bro looking like iron man
my wallets dry bro dont know what to tell you
Bro said his piece and left homelander to do the rest ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
When is the rev rework and prestige skin?
Bro my game still lags too much on Xbox one X but instead they realise a collection event
Why they mention no armor then show a crypto ult
You guys need to stop saying limited time skins it’s complete bs
Still no horizon heriloom pain
That actor tho
What an amazing finisher for Caustic
Okay but the caustic prestige is actually sick
Hello Caustic, my new main.
What is that music?!?! Someone please find me a link so I can listen on repeat
These skins in total are pretty fire. I’m not a Caustic player, but I definitely like his prestige skin. I’m a Watty player though, so I’m wanting that skin most.
Вы за*бали делать ивент раз в полгода с безвкусными наградами.
Caustic mains are so hyped and tbh it’s nice to see a positive reaction in the Apex comments
Prestige skins look so good and have such good fisheries sadly that all they have 😢
Love the Wattson skin
The people in the trailers are always on one hp tho
Yay more challenging LTM;s filled with frustration elements and devoid of any fun. lets goo!
If I don’t get that Watson skin I. Might. Die.
Acid go brrrrrrrr
a lot of nerve, respawn, to give maggie the ugliest skin ive ever seen last collection and then no maggie in this one
I wish my aim is like ramparts 😂
They finna nerf caustic ain’t they
Awesome job on the prestige skin.
1000th comment on the dot baby
0:56 accurate to the future of the game mode, just ramparts disregarding sniping and full autoing everyone with a minigun
Nunca nos dejes Apex legends 😢😢😢😢 me han ayudado mucho con mi depresión y mi ansiedad gracias por darle sentido a mi vida
wattson bby
Man u guys couldn’t get Lindsey Sterling to do the music? This sounds awful
ah yes it feels good to be a caustic main 🙏🏻🙏🏻
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, apologies for disrupting your little PARTIE” 🤣
No horizon for another event this is insane I’m not playing this game until she gets her heirloom idc they won’t get gameplay or a dime outta me
I miss Arenas 🫠
too bright color scheme. looks like a clown/halo plastic toy, not a fan
But when game will be fixed?
That Caustic skin and finisher is wild! Mortal Kombat vibes.
I love the part where rampart said “We’re all just having a good time, spending 160 dollars on the new collection event” truly an apex moment.
Caustic Skins are the best before and since …
I keep getting stuck in the crafter and dying
Fix the crafter bug!
We don’t have audio
Caustic mains must be smiling ear to ear
That’s how you do a trailer
Jokers line ? Really 👍🖤🫡 i will enjoy this
gonna get that wattson skin daym
caustic looks amazing, every other skin looks tasteless rushed skins
No free stuf
0:50 aimbot
easily best prestige, there is no debate
Caustic’s finisher is INSANE
can you guys please come out with some better skins. They are all starting to look the same now and definitely not worth our hard earned money.
1:28 🤮
Valk 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 horrible skinnnnn
You guys should do an apex pack subscription for 25 dollars a month with a feature character with a legendary or epic skin a t-shirt and a charm
Gas Daddy 😈
Almost 3 months since mixtape was launched and yet we only have 3 modes
i can’t wait for new caustic’s finisher
man vomited as a finisher so good
lol an aim bot
Legendary skin for Octain, again… like every single event.
Ayo they got good aim!!
Концовка , я надеюсь , это намек на каньон кингс?
스킨 시바 ㅋㅋ 존나한결같네
So far I’ve been kinda MEH on the Heirloom skins, but you guys KILLED it with Caustics. I get MAD DOOM slayer vibes and I love it. Gonna have to switch back to maining him.
Apex is actually running out of ideas for a LTM/TDM
If we could get an replay or camera mod in apex legends it would be EPIC🔥🔥🔥
Is anyone thinking there’s been too many collection events 😂😂
When are the following happening?
– audio fixed
– cross progression
– 120 fps on console
I don’t care about limited time game modes and expensive cosmetics.
Ohh my wattson!!!!
No matter how much money we spend on this game it don’t get fixed 😒
wattson is so cute
Now it is time for mechanic skills showdown !
Time to spend $50 on both Wattson legendaries.
Wish i could buy just the prestige skins i don’t want any of this other stuff
All it shows us skins….
Titanfall 2 dmg 😮 and wall run
Rip revenant again 😢
Where is my Bangalore skin?
Finaly smtn for wattson 😅
Will arenas ever return ?
Dude, these new skins are on fire. I don’t open my wallet often, but I think I will be for this event!
Rampart! 😀
💘💝❤❤🔥SHIP CAUSTIC AND WATSON !!!<3 💌💗💓💞💕
we need 128 tickservers
Very nice trailer
I pray the the revenant reborn event is next 🙏🙏🙏
Literally 2 new skins and the rest are re-colors lol
Fix ping !!!!!!!!!
This looks so cool
As a Caustic main, I am so HAPPY!
I m a simple man . I see cool skin I buy cool skin
Man they could have done such dope mad maggie skin :/ missed opportunities
Ahh man not a puke..
Best trailer yet
This looks like a movie trailer 🎥
Finally an event where there’s no re-colors. Haha.
Rampart, Caustic and Octane skins are amazing
That music reminds me of Crystallize by Lindsey Stirling.
That Caustic skin goes hard. Too bad its a Prestige Skin 😢
I just want horizon to get an heirloom
so poor caustic prestige skin…
Naaah still the same nothing new and poor cosmetics
APEX pls do beter
where is my rampart feet emote? i want those feet!
Even the characters in the trailers are hacking now, Respawn have no shame
The music is🔥🔥🔥
Is it out now?
apex why did you give rampart aimbot
Real TDM finally. But those arena maps are terrible.
Where is the hammond lab in control???? We need more maps.
That’s cool, looking forward for sounds bug fix events
Cool where is cross progression or 120 fps on console
They should add a gamemode like Super Fiesta from Halo, where you just spawn in with random weapons each time you respawn.
This looks awesome🎉
When is the “Iron Man” Mirage skin coming back?!😢
I cried when Ariel got her legs 😭😭
mende same je bodo…aq bosan dh main game ni
Yo, the last few Wattson skins have been sick. Looking forward to seeing this new one.
Thought this game was a battle royale 😂 jk but seriously battle royale part barely gets updates anymore
Caustic 🔥🔥🔥
They want to sell skins, but won’t fix their game from cheaters & fix their servers, WHAT A MISERABLE MARKETING tactic !
Baff rampa?
it’s partin’ time
This looks sick!!!
Wow love seeing rampart cheating in apex legends she locked onto everyone!!!
Stop making new maps unless you’re going to make something ACTUALLY cooler than the old ones. And spend that time improving the old ones. Stop removing areas people love and expand them instead 👏
Wattson has a dope looking skin but is only shown for 0.1 seconds of this entire trailer.. What are we doing here?
Anyone notice the dark night joker reference?
Caustic’s voice sounds less “gravelly” than before 🤔
Good Evening ladies and gentleman, apologies for the big fard momen
Bro the caustic finisher is real 👁️👄👁️
Great more skins
hello other wattson main
I love the octaine and caustic skin very moist
This is epic! I can’t wait. Love it!!
Pls bring arena back
u Bangalore skin again
Can’t wait to spend 20$ on a single skin😂
What is this, the 5th collection event in 4 months?
Опять ничего толкового
That finisher was dope
0:59 oh my gosh😍
Caustic heirloom skin is 🔥
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Apologies for disrupting your little.. party. But, you have all been selected to participate in an exciting, new experiment!
Best music choice for a trailer so far yet
My favorite part was when caustic projectile vomited on octane 🤮
It’s me seems like Caustic voice at the end sounds like Optimus Prime
Ah, there it is – the sweet scent of inquisitiveness in the air.
Caustic: “I frew up”
Hmm didn’t see mirage in the ltm mode could this mean he would be good in this and they didn’t want to show him in it🤔🤔
This looks amazing
Caustic singlehandedly dropping some of the coldest lines I’ve heard all year
Please don’t shut down apex legends mobile
Loved it when Octane coordinated with his team, truly an apex experience.
give revenant fortified
Whats it gonna cost?
Caustic getting some nice voice acting
that wattson skin only thing we here for
bro hit him with the fnaf jump scare 1:28
ez mar unalmas
Music is slapping 100%
so caustic got a buff now cuz he gets a skin hmmm like horizon did cuz she soon getting a herlioom
I’m a Wattson main and that skin is hideous.
Caustic Prestige Skin is kinda underwhelming 😕
Limited time😂😂😂
That Caustic skin is just lit. Especially the execution!
did i just spot a clean iron sight sentinel?
EA invest in ur ip you greedy sob’s still no audio and it’s getting worse by the season since season 6 still packet loss still no regs still low tickrate servers ur greed is insane
Crypto mains become useless fr fr
I don’t know what caustic has turned into. But I want it 😂😮
Its the walk in for me , loba , gas man & wraith but that wattson skin 😩 them blue eyes ❤️
0:51 The cheaters
Yay more skins while the rank, sound, servers and anticheat is dogshit let’s go EA and Respawn. 🎉
Another useless event, where we have to spend money on recolor skins? I mean, the game is dying I guess…
They got Wattson and rampart looking like royalty
Man, its so nice being a Bangalore main and never getting a legendary skin.
Is rampart using ainbot?
Can’t wait
fix the servers
How are they not embarrassed to release the third collection event of the season with the game in the state it’s in?
new skins but old event
We need new quips
Those who know something about the Lore that has caustic from the loading screens know that this is a what if type caustic
give bloodhound’s heirloom new animations
I Hate this game yet i manage to play for hours wasted my money broke so many controllers so many mics i just bought a controller today I will be getting on in a few mins
Ahhhh yes. A good rampart skin at last!
Fix xbox fps problems
This is the first trailer where Caustic hasn’t been bullied. And i love it.
Instant Cope
No revenant AGAIN
Best trailer in last few years
Its nice that caustic had 27 seconds of fame to be the main charecter for once 😊
Still no rev buff 👺
Can we have 120 fps on next gen console or just some communiction, its been a while😐
such a cool vibe, makes me scared of all of them
can’t wait to see what bugs this tdm will have
As a caustic main, this makes me glee with joy
good event
bro best trailer ive seen yet
All I see when I see his mythic skin is “now shlarp it in reverse”
trailer, skins and music = boom
Finally Caustic Skin ❤❤❤❤
Finally my man Caustic getting some love and did not die a single time in a trailer.
No skins for my man revenant?
Stop doing these cash grab events and make the game better
Yawn… fix Titanfall |1&2!
This trailer🔥
Do something for india🙏
Now I’m even more excited for the Caustic Prestige Skin! Can’t wait for the event to be over so I can spend my shards!!
the skins are crazy this time!
Apex is busy making caustic more villainous.
It comes out on my birthday 🎉 let gooo
That’s why apex is best every event music sound sotry
Вот и говнишко подвезли
Can’t wait to pay 160 dollars to play with this Caustic skin with 200 ping and lags and stuttering on my screen. the game got updated twice and the Prowler SMG is still bugged when ADSing.
The servers are in shambles right now. It really hurts to see the devs put all this effort into “Limited-Time” Cosmetics that will eventually return to the store and not focusing on what the game really needs right now.
Apex Legends x Gucci? 🤔
LTM with limited loadouts and two legends has built-in weapon to bypass it. Great design, once again. You really should bring back the Dummies for these modes.
And what a time to be a Loba main! ❤❤❤❤
That Wattson skin?! Fire 🔥🔥
You should make good News instead New bads skins
That rampart aim was crazy
Hope this is good event than the sun tide event ( I think that’s what it’s called) because the game mode was basically a the same thing as the battle royal but you cant stand in sun for too long and it just got boring very quickly for me.
Caustic gonna get a door kick animation for his heirloom yet?
Wattson con esa skin parese una diosa
I just came
This event is cool but that prize tracker is garbage
Perfect time to bring back caustic treatment
W event
This event looks great.
Well done.
Kandy, get in here! You know what you have to do!
Bring back the caustic main videos!!
New punch animation?
bro tf are these AI generated goofy ahh npc comments
bruh Venusaur from Pokemon
Please tell me Caustic is the gonna be the announcer for the special event
0:52 Is that a Borderland 2 Axton ref?
I need a prestige skin trailer like this evwrytime!!
ocd kicking in on the charged sentinel but it firing sound is uncharged..cool music tho
“We lost the veil…”
Ah yess only a 160 dollars
No one gonna talk about how Rampart had aimbot with shiela? 0:55
Wattson’s outfit is gorgeous ! 😮
Caustic had no business being this 🥶 man dropping some crazy lines.😳 The soundtrack as well👌🏾
It’s a collection event
Octane punches the AFK player. 😂
the skins are beauiful
This has to be one of the best event trailers, it feels like OG Apex and I love it
Nice LTM, not many skins tho ? Still waiting for a descent horizon skin.
The watson one is great !
mid skins tbh, also weird how filtered the comments are
All this for only 3 good skins
I don’t play caustic but that skin is next level 😳😮
Got to say, love the new trailer and the music is truly a masterpiece, looking forward for the more experience in the game. Keep up the good work.
thanks for the newcastle skin
Just here for the Watson skin ❤❤
They really hate vantage in these events, no new skins
0:05 They knew exactly what they were doing with that valk emote
I really hope EA/Respawn include exclusive banners, badges or other content for the prestige skins they seem lackluster for $160
Caustic สกีนนี้คือที่สุด
Another rampart skin 🤮
wow gee thanks for the free mozambique skin from the rewards track. Surely none of us wanted at least 1 free event pack thanks a lot respawn.
Can’t believe it, after 100 years finally nice skins!! Finally someone has thought and made an effort. And a nice finisher too! Congratulations, i’m finally looking forward to apex again. This Wattson and Loba skin is gold!
So basically: Collection Event
Andi pues
Spend 160 to get a vomiting skin
vintage EA moment
W event finally.
Impossible to launch ANY event without a new legendary Octane skin
ya’ll gonna pay to fix the servers with the proceeds from this event?
No me gusta Caustic incluso lo odio pero su skin prestigio esta muy buena yo creo que la mejor que han metido en el juego
The drip and the voice lines, absolutely fantastic!
Trash skins , caustics is fire tho
This trailer is fire, geez
апекс стал ужасным нет выбора режима сложнео убить , долгие задания для бп
Well… EA sure knows how to make trailers 🔥
Ove to see it.
Can you give us an option to turn off the crosshair or?! Like how hard is it to make that an option? …
Also I’m bout to tear through with the Sentenal during that new game mode can’t wait
0:51 yo that’s an aimbot
Who else waiting for the xlr8 octane skin to come back the the shop
Okay but why are the cosmetics and even the trailer itself so fire? Where’s the old Respawn we used to know and didn’t love
Ficou top demais essa roupa caustic
Wow, you’re giving us the ability to spend MORE money on your game?!?!?! SURELY it’s to invest in 60 hertz servers and cross progression!
The only one I actually might buy
One of the best trailers imo
So what’s new
НУ Каустик вообще отвал башки!)
Why is most of your character roster gay? And why does the only straight white male in the game have to be toxic?
Esta presiosa la skin de caustic ❤❤❤
If i could remove just one legend from this game forever it would be caustic
Wait where was the life line fire fighter skin? 😢
Please fix ping bugs
Not again
Please buff caustic then
hold on the music for this is insane, I got chills!
caustic going MK
is it me or the song sounds a lot like lindsey stirling?
Caustic is so badass ❤️🔥 this trailer is fire 🔥
fs_checkasyncrequest returned error for model
Yay finally a valk skin hope i have enough
Oh, this is seriously a badass treatment to my main Caustic.
Really good SKINS
Why does octane has to be the one puked on, he just had that new skin
they used aimbot for rampart’s segment ?! XDDd
Caustic looks so menacing
I need to know who does the shooting portions in these trailers because that Rampart’s Aim and tracking was 👌🏾
The intro of this video just sounded like one of those obama-joe-trump minecraft videos
Caustic hazme un bebé
How many of y’all know Caustic’s voice artist played Gus’ doctor in Breaking Bad?
Oh wow
Caustics voice actor is so cool. We love JB Blanc!
Where is mommy horizons heirloom respawn??!!
Definitely one the better trailers.
What buff y’all giving caustic to sell more heirlooms? Perhaps season 3 level of blur in his gas?
Que ricooo causaaaaa 🥵
Nice… more skins 🙂
Sick skins, sick prestige skin, sick mode, sick event. Keep this way Respawn <3
Never been happier since quiting this game.
Finally 120fps on console 🙏🏿
The 4th collection event in 4 months… 😑 they really just care about the money don’t they?
Finally, a prestige skin that looks worth getting
How about a fix to stop strike packs and chronus and maybe fix the game ?
Please add a Wattson town takeover skin! This skin for her looks great too
Welp, if you a caustic main your obligated to buy this skin….. looks like I’m going broke.
The new LTM looks interesting.
Totally worth it
This pleases the caustic main
this skin going insane :O
0:52 mnk dev WAT?!
Trash rewards again 😂
i want the musiccc soo baddd
Looking loba acting so cool 😎 with him
Happy 420 🌿
good trailers!!
Caustic is scary I love it
I love the part where Loba’s dancing emote that’s in the PREVIOUS collection event trailer is actually collectable in THIS collection event over a month later…. truly an apex experience
This has to be one of the best seasons yet. Still has bugs, of course, but the balancing and legend changes are great. I’m excited to hit 50k kills on Caustic.
As usual Nothing will change
Cosmetic Simulator.. That’s Why I Stopped Playing… & Because They Nerfed The Wheels Off Caustic 🤦🏿♂️
The way Caustic’s mask opens up for the finisher reminds me of the Predator’s face/mandibles, nice to see his mains get something good for once… even if it is absurdly expensive
Whoever was playing rampart is lucky this a trailer would’ve spam reported tf outa him if that happened to me 😭😭😂
The music, animation, skins…. it’s all so good
where my mirage prestige waiters at 😩
Triple G
I loved the part where octane no scopes two players and punches another thats stood still instead of getting rushed by the whole team with Volt SMGs. Truly the experience in the whole of apex.
Another apex trailer where everyones 1 shot😂
🔥🔥🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉🎉 this is gonna be NUTTS
They gave my boi the best mythic skin ever. Now we just need thise legend reworks they promised to give to most of the less played legends
Octrain 😂😂😅
surprisingly theres audio in this video
Ok that was actually awesome. Also the music was stellar.
Oh man! I can’t wait to play the TDM and be teamed up with cheaters/bots!
Wattson’s and Loba’s skins are amazing!
Apex give us a free event pack
It would be nice to see other legends get a skin not the same people/meta only legends
But the skins I don’t care about I just want a disable cross play button or something to prevent cross play.
I’ll pay for it because I know your not capable of human understanding
Cool 🎉❤
Noiiiiice skin caustic, but where is horizon heirloom??????????
finnally a tdm where my kills don’t get stoled
Nothing for vantage again 🙄
The transitions for this are insane
Caustic tho
This prestige skin is worth 160
Still waiting for that horizon Heirloom. I know it’ll be the best in the game
Did they just use a script whilst using a ramparts ult 💀
Still waiting for 120 fps
Still no 120
Breaking news: rampart has an aimbot
Me pretending I didn’t see the skins 3 weeks ago:🥶🥶🥶🥶🤯😻
no blood hound skin 😐
ok this caustic skin actually looks completely insane, sadly im never gonna this much money for it
Caustic is the first one who does the Prestige skins justice
🛢🛢🛢 my boy
What a shittie skins
He a caustic Predator🔥
FIXXXX THE SERVERS, TICK… AND THE SOUND AT LEAST!!!! Skins for bots, make the game REAL e-sports ready!
those sentinel irons look pretty good 🤔
Maybe you should put more effort in your game and give the players what they want instead of a mid $150 skin for a virtual character.
Apex better whip em selves into shape considering how behind they are in game modes and updates compared to literally all other BR’s
Love the caustic and Wattson skins!
wattson skin is so good
At a Rampart main, her new skin is fire!!! +u+
I’m copping that r9
Why is that rampart aimboting?
😢Why no lifeline skin😢
how much does caustc puke cost?(scientific purposes)
When do we get CrossProgg ? Atlest when can we pay for it to come rather then these collection stuff
“Victory is delicious”
Finally got goosebumps again from an Apex trailer!!
That caustic skin hard asf🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This time. I’m not missing this.
Caustic daddy❤💦
Trailer is awesome
This is one of my favorite trailer, it’s so cool!!
Caustic such a suicidal legend
fix audio pls i am begging
Boooooooooooring. Events in this game involve your wallet, if not, nothing to it . Game is dying slowly
Disco time 😂
Apex has gone bad i don’t really play it anymore but now I might play mighttt
My girl wattson looking amazing😍😍
↓↓↓↓Cross progression 🤞🏻
Watt skin less goo
when the mind is enough to polish the game to the normal state, and not so that every 2 games there were losses
Caustic, literally completely vomited all previous prestige skins
Rampart using aim bot 💀
Well i sell my pc soo I don’t care about this update 🌝
Can I have my skins fro. Ps4 to xbox please.
here we are again
Ok this actually looks sick to see the costumes dope.prestige skin is phenomenal and that new mode looks fun👏👏👏
The skins are terrible besides caustics mythic
Imagine other legends doing this finisher.💀
Looks pretty cool. Excited for this
Awesome trailer! To the editing, the music, pacing, great amount of information. Well done Apex editing Team!
The Loba skin💀 THE WRAITH SKIN☠☠💀💀
caustic voice actor really out done his voice
Hyped for this 🎉
Man the rampart mini clip actually kinda crazy 😆
i really think dead eye should be more than 50 kills
Was waiting for a horizon’s heirloom
i love the last part when caustic chaged into reptile from mortal kombat truely fatalitly experience.
This man walked in like he the Joker🎉
bruh its Caustic Mythic cosmetic skin!
when is lifeline gonna get a skin
Сервера когда почините? Перестал играть только из-за потерь пакетов. Пинг стабильный.
treeree is gonna have a blast
That Rampart had some straight aim bot 😂
That Caustic finisher was a mortal combat fatality.
Очередное событие параши, за исключением скина на каустика, и то, который стоит как ваша почка и два яичка
that Wattson skin
Bro dropped the hardest apex edit and thought we wouldn’t notice
Caustic just became a Mortal Kombat character with this trailer
Low – Mid event showcase skins.
Сегодня патч в доте, какое ещё коллекционное событие
apex…. trying so hard to survive… a free game loved by everyone, unconditionally! and yet the devs chose to listen only to the pro’s! cheaters, bad servers, audio issues etc… nothing got fixed!!! as a day 1 player I feel sad for you. a huge amount of known friends stopped playing cuz of broken moon and storm point. i wish u good luck. it will be really bad to see such a beautiful game(if not the best fps ever) to fade away…! 🙂
Wattson skin looking sick
How about less cosmetics and new character and DEFINITELY new maps ! Stop trying to make so much money and give us something new please!
– New skins
– New bugs
– New cheaters for Balance
– Add more DDOS
– New Mod with 4 bot for each team
Horizon main wallet lives to fight another day
Can’t wait for them to release the audio and anti-cheat collection event next season🔥
probably the best trailer for an event you have dropped in a hot minute!
“New LTM! Limited guns! No armor!” *Immediately cuts to Rampart 1-shotting everyone with Sheila*
How are you going to release a mode and then put exactly what’s going to be the main issue in the promotion of it? Classic respawn.
So we getting recolors again?
As caustic Main i need that skin and the voicelines ufff but i need My hammer first
So no town takeover yikes
Wattson skin is love. But I jut don’t care anymore about these 200 buck moneygrabs
As a caustic main, I approve of this and will also drop 160$ just for that skin.
that valk skin is so sick
Wait! Have they always used aim using aim bot?💀
where me gundam skin????
As Caustic main, Now, I’m not sure if my wallet is “safe” !
I love how developers put new Caustic prestige skin but yet they didn’t add his heirloom door punch animation. Truly respawn moment
Cant wait😢
caustics voice got me shaking and creamign
Money money money
Mortal Kombat fatality finisher
😮😮😮😮😮 que es esto!!!
iam waiting for blizzard to sue apex over the Mercy-Watson skin lol
I loved the part when Caustic took my wallet and puked in my face, truly an Apex experience
Hmmm wattson
nice green viper suit caustic
No lie the skin goes fire for caustic
reptile caustic
Please 120 fps for next gen consoles 🙏🏻
I am 80% sure they made this really cool game mode so they can finally have an excuse as to why everyone is being 1-shot 😂
Gyro aiming when?
Maggie left out on a skin once again smh
Man I was hoping the mythic would be the ash heirloom and the heirloom is just her rat
Me still waiting for a decent Mad Maggie skin…😢
new event, same problems. get your money out, boys, dad ea needs that golden toilet
This was so dope
Wow, a trailer where Caustic didn’t die! Does the event come with another Caustic nerf?
This trailer is one of the smoothest gameplay trailers ive seen in a *while*
How is that in every trailer they never missed their shots
Am just happy to see my boi pop off and be a menace again
Lol crypto useless in this tdm
That rampart shooting was the first time I seen someone having aim in these trailers
Caustics mains probably still camp in the corner of a 4 by 4 room.
I love it when the matchmaking is still garbage, ranked is stale & cheaters are rampant BUT all we get are loads of cosmetics & events at ridiculous prices
No catalyst skin ??? What the heck 😠 😡
Don’t get me wrong I think the event looks garbage but like this trailer was sick, definitely one of their most well made gameplay trailers
Caustic can’t be more toxic already
Caustic: 😈
0:50 best part
Cuastic prestige skin On H*tlers birthday too
first trailer where caustic isn’t a punching ball
As a rampart main that skin is easily one of her best
0:41 Octane was so excited even his punch became bass boosted
That rampart aimbot is strong
Who let the intern make the trailer?
𝕐𝕦𝕡..Caustic definitely has the best Heirloom finisher & Prestige Skin
Fix the game, stop releasing skins… jesus christ
What happen to the Apex story line videos. Those things were epic.
apex moment
When do switch players finally get their progress back its not already almost 2 months
0:52 チーター視点w
“No, I don’t think I will.”
That’s not wattson wth
aim assist with the sheila go CRAAAAAZY 🤣🤣🤣
You guys are only realising that the loadouts are boring/too few and repetitive now and you are making hopefully interesting loadouts limited
Was that a rampart buff ?? She was never able to snap between targets that fast 😮
Why you hate fuse??? Where are the beautiful skins?
Best trailer promo ever
The Wattson Sun goddess skin looks dope af and it barely got any screen time
Best execution In the game
Man, I wish the devs would put the same amount of effort into their game as they put into their trailers for cosmetics.
take my money
Ngl this trailer is actually fire and better quality than previous trailers🔥
Ironic how they’ve “unveiled” my credit card information 💀
People still play mid legends?
This music is wonderful! 11/10
There’s seriously running out of ideas😭
As a *caustic enjoyer* this looks pretty cool
fix audio
isn’t caustic voice looks like blisk ?
I just got my job, c’mon Respawn 😅
Glad to see some sort of effort being made, still not enough to warrant the Prestige skin price tag though. I would be more willing to spend if enemy audio wasn’t still bugged and MM was fixed to actually be fair. Until then I keep my money.
if these are new voice lines, does that mean the voice actor the back to provide special voicelines for the heirloom?
god the apex trailer players can aim suddenly what changed????
I love the trailers are getting more and more creative and getting Sebastian on the track is insane a new fav instrumental for sure
fix your trash audio and 0 rp bug
looks better on rev
I want trailer music in game
Looks great, hears to hoping we actually get our rewards this time! *cough cough*
geiler trailer!
Still no horizon heirloom
more skins than actual content
Skins are not content🚮. 80% of all events are just market sales now. Seriously, let the cosmetics be secondary to actual gameplay content. Sell us the game if you have to.
Reptile ah finisher
Cool trailer
Cool trailer but the tdm mode looks like all the tryhards brainless sweaty players will play this and ruin the fun for others
These skins don’t give me a Fancy/Veil party feel
Holy cow caustic got drip now?
I love when apex releases new skins that’ll bring more bugs and make the game even more broken
Team SWAT in Apex, Let’s gooooo
Cool but could you remove gun run while you’re at it?
Finally some lower TTK mode
I can’t wait for mirages prestige skin 😢
Where is my Town take over😠
The dark knigth reference was amazing
We need BALANCE changes and MAP changes!
Ight so apex managed to give almost everyone an hierloom, prestige skins for Bangalore, wraith, bloodhound and caustic, and even give wraith a ‘second’ hierloom before giving horizon an hierloom…. Hektik
I am here before all the cool verified creators show up, yay I guess?
We don’t have audio in APEX since the beginning , we have skins. Sometimes you can hear you teammates footsteps so loud and zero audio on a full team near you. Yeah ,give us some more skins !!!
Only one legendary skin has been given to vantage since her release, i think they forgot she exist at this point.
Can I get more likes than this video ,🤔
wattson una diosa y caustic un cyberdemonio
My girl wattson finally getting a good skin🙏🙏🙏🙏
L to Revenant for not getting a skin once again💀
Ed Boon has entered the chat
Once again, nothing for bloodhound
I love that rampart skin
Can I get my old event rewards? I’m still waiting
Uh, came in 25 April? I thought the game going to sunset?
Is it true that the fire selector returns?
Lo compraría pero estan caras , ojalá bajen de precios las cosas que sacan
Best prestige skin
Yo this beat in the start is fiyaaaaaaa🔥🔥
This was probably one of my favourite trailers so far. Great job!!!
That’s what I’m talking about !!!! Caustic prestige beats them all !!!! 😈
best prestige skin
Now we can’t really make the “classic Apex trailer starring armor-less enemies” cause they literally don’t have armor or helmets in that game mode.
Respawn I will say this for everyone. Releasing new skins is NOT content
Ahora sí van a dar packs dorados de a gratis o que madres? 🥵🥵
we deserved some map change i think
The skin of rampart X Bleach
Calidad extrema
Hmmmm I don’t see nothing about Cross Progression….BIG L
Love the caustic prestige skin it looks really cool can’t wait to get 👍💯👍💯👍💯.
I never thought that I would want caustic to be the joker😂
I like the way this was shot and that music too
what is the price of the full event to get the skin?
This one looks really good
watson skin tho<3
I love when caustic says “Yummy Yummy Yummy I love those dollars from your wallets” 🔥
Were is the ANTI CHEAT System ?! Every MAtch Chinese HACKERS !
Wow I loved it when Caustic said “your wallets are now part of my experiment” truly an Apex Legends moment
Polish your Wallets, it’s money spending time!
Is that a HisWattson no armor challenge inspired game mode?
I love this
EA decides to bring out another one 😂
Skins is so beautiful
0:53 how mk players see ain assist:
I love when they say collect instead of buy
Controller legends money hungry company
Кайф 😍💥💥💥
Besides the fact this is like the 22nd collection event, it’s actually pretty cool with the the new TDM and the caustic prestige skin is sick even if I hate the concept of prestige skins in general
Some of the ugliest skins I’ve ever seen.
The new mode is gonna be so unfun on skull town
You gotta love the “limited time cosmetic’s” 😂
We all know they will be in the shop rotation
Caustic main Approved! Only thing is that I have to wait 5 Days! Noooo!!!
Genuinely can’t wait to get Wattson’s skin. Every skin is cool as heck in this event. Well done.
Caustic be spittin some coold bars
Let’s Goooooooo the best prestige skin in the game
Caustics finisher be
Iike the predator
Skins do not = Content
Caustics evoskin 😩🔥🔥🔥
I wonder if Octane will get a prestige skin
The wattson skin ❤️👀
1:26-1:20 Caustic Just pulled a Reptile from Mortal Kombat
Buff revenant
120hz cross progression spam inbound
Only if your servers actually worked
Amazingly awesome video editing. great job.
when are they going to fix the lack of fps in the game? the replicator bug? the character selection bug? and the sound of the game?
So, deadeye… it’s halo swat right? No shields, no sensors, just you, your dmr and a whole lotta headshots?
Buff bloodhound prestige
I guess you could say this trailer is UNVEILED now
This trailer is actually so cool😭
This is the scariest finisher in the game so far 1:28
How about fix ranked, cheaters, and audio issues? Crazy idea.
Never gives Bangalore love
Caustic main: I’m here for a new experience 😈
We want Titanfall 3
I love it when respawn says “It’s respawnin time” And pumps out the 72nd collection event of the year before doing anything about the servers. Truly an Apex Legends Moment
that caustic finisher is fantastic
Who plays this game anymore
Please give rampart some trackers
i thought they were getting rid of prestige skins….
Still don’t understand why they sell a lot of cosmetics for a FPS 🥱
Skins Skins Skins Skins. That’s Apex Legends
Bout time wattson gets a skin….
so all the content this season is just skins and cosmetics for 200 dollars, cool respawn, more reasons im glad i dont play this game anymore
Oh lord this wattson skin gonna took my money again
W event
Is that a new weapon?
Caustic got the villain entrance
I’m be been waiting for this for so long!
Lindo lindo lindo lindooo
All about the money!!!!!
Like how rampart just straight up be cheating 😂 0:52
Dónde está mi skin evolutiva de octane ????
They don’t be showing Lifeline no love for real. 😢
Ta bien 👍🏻
Best prestige skin and finisher imo and I don’t even play as caustic
finally one of these skins where the middle form isnt the best one
Wow. The caustic skin goes hard……
You can tell Caustic’s voice actor had a blast doing this
Cross progression update? No? Ight bet🫡🥶🥶🥶
I can’t unhear the among us tune 💀
This was SICK ASF!
Fix the audio
All prestige skin should look like this one (but pls 140€ for à skin…. It should have spécial abilite animation and not juste a finisher)
why do you guys make the most boring ltms they get old fast because they feel like the regular mode
Only thing worthit is caustics finisher.
That rampart skin 🔥🔥
Hope that deathmatch variant stays
The LTMs are the best part of these events, right?
Fix the game and release content. Does this make me popular now? Can I get likes?
That Caustic goes HARD
Caustic 🤢🤮
I don’t think I’m gonna be the first or last to say this is gonna be a sick collection event
As a caustic main, it’s got the stamp of approval from me. Great job Respawn!
That caustic finisher is a real fnaf Jumpscare lol
EA moment
I like how they made caustic a mix of the predator and reptile from mortal kombat into this skin
I am genuinely excited for the no shield and helmet death match. May the movements improve to stay alive.
Can we please get less skins and more content?
Sick skin bruh
YESSS! The caustic skin is HERE!!!!
What a surprise…octane is getting a new skin in the upcoming event…
Why does it sound like caustic gonna drop some bars
This was a much better trailer for the event. Well done! I’m actually looking forward to the event.
Octane bullied in every trailer😂
bro that caustic skin is firee
If you like being spit on, this is the event for you!
Caustic looked liked he vomited on octane at the end. 😂
But like fix the game
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content❤️
nahhhh bro vomited in him
Okay but that mozam skin isnt bad
octane skin goes hard tho
А каустик получит бафф?
A game that wins millions and cannot arm servers and detect boosters 😂😂
Favorite part was when Octane said “You all ready for the Oct-train”
caustic prestige actually looks insane
Fix the game first!!
Audio fix?
Make it cheaper.
trust Apex to release skins before fixing the game
Caustic skin makes all the other mythic skins look meh
I like it 🙂
Ltm looks fun and hopefully this comes with some more bug fixes 😀
I think I might get overdose from all these limited-time modes
That wattson skin😩
Man Caustic be dropping some very cold lines in this trailer🥶
The music tho 🤌
Skins are pretty weak. Caustic looks dope tho
Caustic really out here looking like a power rangers villain
Best skin caustic
Yeah more skins. Not crossprogression. Cuz that’s what we have all been waiting for…😒
Nice skin… if u Wana pay $200 😂
Can FFA be permanent?
Был тут, в выход трейлера
Pathfinder is my favorite character in Apex Legends
We need to spread the word.
Cosmetics are NOT content.
No recolors?! A selling point these days!
Yay … more of this shity gamemode i dont care about
Cool so when are you gonna make the game fun again?
Bestest skin for the badest legend 😢
this wattson skin >>>>
No way gas man gotta skin before lifeline
Is this the cross progression event?
This is the second event that I’m planning to buy everything from, because that prestige skin WITH the finisher is brutal and spectacular!
Nerf genji
My bad
fix the game
Worst skin worst event and finally worst game
Honestly, I hate that finisher.
are we going back to kings canyon? to caustics takeover
Caustic is cool and all but did anyone pep that Watson skin 👀👀
Stop working on apex go back to work back on Titanfall 2
Oh? 😮
Spooky 😂
Let’s go caustic acid breath
First heirloom skin that’s actually worth it
Apex is mid now😭
finally I’ve been waiting so long to spend more of my hard earned money
The best heirloom skin
Early 😮
Make the game better
this is going to be fire
Need that Wattson skin 🖤
It is party time
Caustic so fye🙃
Valk got grilz ☠️
FINALLY. Way to make us wait. Got me worried for a second.
The skins reminds me of Season 7 event
apex legens
Can’t believe Caustic is getting a skin before Maggie gets an heirloom😢
Thanks bro I need ed this wowooo
1:17 was my favorite part of the trailer… That walking out of the gas was so cool.