The Hidden Truth Of Apex’s Worst Legend


The Hidden Truth Of Apex’s Worst Legend

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Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex,Play Apex


  • コメント (151)

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    • Lovcl Lambert
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Everyone wants to be there favorite YouTubers main to think they are them

    • Bxnyca
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Tbh I feel like Newcastle is picked so little because he’s not bad but other legends outshine him, he’s a bigger legend so bigger hitboxes, and also the fact he has a slower visual walking speed and some people believe that means he’s actually slower (Every legend runs the same speed)

    • Jeppan
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I love Newcastle, the worst part about him for me is that u block ur own and ur teams bullets with your Shield and sometimes ur ult puts ur teammate on the front of it and it just screws them insta.

    • Ash Ketchum
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Stormpoint is the map I had biggest succes with Newcastle. There is alot of open endzones where his ult is really useful. Plus alot of open spaces to get your walls purpose.

    • CowLiqour
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    When you said “Mixtape has made everyone aimlords, but they’ve forgotten how to play the actual game” thats right there is the sentiment I’ve been having for a year or so about Apex. It has slowly become an arena shooter where everyone just drops in a hotzone and 5 minutes into the game there are 3-5 squads left. The battleroyale factor is completely gone. When I watch ALGS I see all the squads dropping spread out and it’s incredibly enjoyable to watch (obviously) but those games truly still have the Battle Royale factor about them. Pub & even Ranked games not anymore lately. Maybe they should add multiple zones with that blue high loot area circle thing or I dunno, something to incentivize the spread out dropping, but honestly the game has lost a lot of fun for me because of this. I like playing it slow and drop not so hot which nowdays result in looting for a bit, walking for 10 minutes to find the last squads and dying in 3 seconds because all of them super hyped and full red armors. Sad noises..

    • TGC Ace
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Howay the toon

    • Chris Isakson
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Honestly surprised Newcastle is at the bottom of the pick rate. And I’m not sure why. I figured his pick rate would be a bit higher, maybe tied with Rampart.

    I main Lifeline as my support character. I do play Newcastle every now and then, and yeah, he’s much harder to play. Honestly, I find more success playing Rampart than him. Rampart’s walls are just easier for me to use than his shield.

    That said, I do think he’s fun to play. And walking towards your opponent with the shield up makes me feel like some kinda boss lol

    • SkiesYYC
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I have almost 6k kills on castle and is by far in my opinion the strongest character in the game in the right hands. Playing his Q properly and using his alt to take alternate positions rather than just to save your teammates is massive.

    • Shinitakunai
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    6:32 my faide wannabe when i play in gold lobbies

    • Tanjoong H
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    i main him in this season
    especially of your solo q`ing
    you can just ult to your octane to save him

    • Mccoll666
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a lifeline main, he deserves the lowest pick rate, give me back my Rezshield

    • Alex Wawers
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    People just don’t understand new castle yet… its like seer. When he first came out no one played until watson or someone played him in tournaments. Then he became an absolute menace that got 4-5 nerfs. Once people understand just how broken new castle actually is ESPECIALLY with a gold knock. he will get nerfed. Personally i think as of right now the fact that there is a spot on every single map where you get a gold knock down 100-30% of the time so you can almost promise you’ll get one every game makes him incredibly strong. You’ll see in time. Taxi2g already showed in multiple clips just how broken he can be.

    • Stephen McGinty
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’m a huge fan of Newcastle especially late game he becomes much more powerful

    • FernlikeFoxy
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Was that a bug with the digi threat ?

    • William Gourlay
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle with a gold shield is unbelievable op the fact you can you the knockdown shield while moving and when you revive the teamate they have half health on their shields and white health to turn a fight is ridiculous

    • Fulguro Baboon
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    There are only 2 reasons for calling Newcastle “the worse” (or even “a bad”) legends : being clueless at Apex, or having an addiction to clickbait

    • Antolio Parker-James Supreme
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    He’s got one of the best kits for ranked in the game

    • Levels Beatbox
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Can we just comment on how Bang was on TGM the entire match? What a teammate.

    • Mr. Sniffles
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    just hate his ult that bugs quite often. I usually get stuck flying when using his ult

    • JP RONAN
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a semi Newcastle main I can say with experience that you need to be selfish with your mobile shield, it’s the perfect way to push a team without taking damage and if your teammates are smart they’ll run behind you.
    I only use Newcastle’s wall at the edge of the ring to pick off enemies that are trying to get into the safe zone or when we’re out in the open and you desperately need some cover.
    Other then that having a cooperative team works wonders, you’ll be surprised how easy a Newcastle win can be if your not afraid of taking on the leader role.

    • NovaeXx
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    The worst thing about Newcastle is his tactical for me.. It’s slower than a turtle and I always seem to get it out too early or too late, plus when I do, i somehow throw it at the wrong angle.. 🥲

    • NeonXXP
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I absolutely LOVE Newcastle’s kit, but Robo-Mall-Cop looks terrible, feels slow and his voice lines are annoying.

    • Water
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    When I watched Taxi play Newcastle that’s when I understood Newcastle’s true potential.

    • Nicolas Nouel
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Oh my god those bangalore smokes. Three times in the same game did she almost kill you, (she succeded once)

    • MakoTrevelyan
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Rez passive is good for saving allies downed out in the open. Mobile shield is good for pushing through doors and shielding in a corners. Castle wall is amazing for end rings that usually have zero cover. He is a good character.

    • RogueNarwall
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I like Newcastle but I always keep going back to Bloodhound. Although, I have been playing Ash for quite a while at the moment.

    • UtopianShitposter
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    If the comp has no anchor character NewCastle is great. But if he’s doubled with other Archor legends he needs to be played completely different. if he’s not played by a passive person willing to give up a kill to support another fight or target switch then the player kills the team viability just by bad placement,over extension from the role of the team or just having the tac or ult on cooldown for team use because it’s always being used to personal reset an unnecessary damage exchange. There’s way more team proximity checks that need to happen when playing NewCastle and the egos in apex Just don’t allow that many of the player base to engrain NewCastle into the meta like the other anchor choices

    • ItzScrxpz
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle+Lifeline+Movement legend (I use valkyrie) that’s my team and it’s op

    • Bluebeary
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Brooooo shhhhhhhhhh your blowing my cover 😭😭 I’ve been grinding in Diamond but now they gonna nerf my boy

    • Booker
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    New castle is actually S tier. This meta is just so terrible. I hate that it alienates characters should have a place in any meta

    • r tay
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    He’s good. I just don’t want to play him

    • TJ Henry
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Hows your run speed so fast😂

    • Zack
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is balanced and given the current state of power creep in this game that leads to people thinking he’s bad. He needs no buffs or nerfs. Overpowered characters just need to be nerfed to facilitate more diversity in legend selection. People choose characters based on what is the most effective overall and not based on their personal preferences or playstyle.

    Why would I choose Newcastle when I’m going up against Seer/Cat/Valk all the time? Just not viable as a result of excessively strong legends with overloaded kits.

    • bagelbeams
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    pretty sure you killed me while recording for this vid <3 happy to help lol

    • Chevy
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Its not the hitbox that bothers me. They just *feel* so slow. Like walking feels like a slug (i know theres no difference but it feels like it for sure).

    • Ethan Johnson
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    It’s funny because as much as I’m a movement nerd and mainly hop movement legends, I really enjoy the playstyle of Newcastle whenever you get really good at using his kit. The ability to flip the switch between Mega Aggression and Holding Down A Fort is very helpful is the land of 3rd parties. Also very helpful because it’s easy to peek w/o taking damage when you get the hang of using guns like shotguns or snipers/wingy, leading to wild ways you can win an outnumbered fight if you can shield dance better than your opp.

    Biggest gripe I’ve had with playing him is getting shot on the other side of my shield because my hitbox is so large, moments when you ult and literally no wall is made, and how long it takes for him to pull his ult shield out so you can jump. It doesn’t seem like long, but when split seconds matter and the delay on ulting is as long as it is (around a half-second), I would prefer a little less delay. But that’s just me, it royally grinds my gears when my shotguns have trigger delay when firing (separate to the speed of a slow-bolt attachment).

    • DavesDOHNUTS
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • Beanzeani
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    how was that a gold game, it felt like a control or something lmao

    • All Of The Boost
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I honestly think it’s because we all have our original favourite legends. So unless the new legend has incredible movement or just awesome abilities, we will always go back to the original fav legend.

    • Vinze Medina
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    That was one chaotic ranked match, it was not even a final ring and in the open like that XD

    • Terry Mcmillan
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a casual he is just boring. His kit feels slow, he is big so it feels like you get hit more, and overall just not fun. Can he be good? Yes, but I’d rather take octane and have fun in a video game

    • Gamer Cat
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    He is good, I feel like they should just make his shield a little faster

    • dravxn
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    His shield needs to be big enough for a full team to walk with

    • ProfessorParker
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is in my top 3 favorite legends along with Rampart and Pathfinder.

    • D K
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    You can always count on the merchant to support underused legends!

    • Josh P
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    No one gonna talk about how he sauced them up @2:13?

    • Joe Blow
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I disagree. Playing aggressive with Caustic can definitely make you feel like the star of the show. Learn to use him offensively and he starts feeling different

    • ToshiDaRobber
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is actually a really good legend.

    • A.M.D
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Imo vantage is the most useless

    • WaxedEarth
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Ive been maining Newcastle since S16. I think the problem is the way Respawn arranged the new classes. Lifeline and Loba are easier and more enticing support legends to play.

    So you end up getting teamed up with Loba’s and Lifeline’s, so if I pick Newcastle, it brings the overall team proficiency and synergy down i think because now we’re running two support characters.

    His hit box makes him a target, gets singled out and focus fired. His footsteps are also loud too. Definitely needs some tuning imo.

    • I’m Hope
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    The no. 1 newcastle on MnK suggests that he should have an arm shield. Splotchybug is his name. I personally agree. Newcastle only uses his armshield when reviving. Why not have it for 1.5 seconds after reviving someone fully (not getting the arm shield by rez cancelling)?

    And then his ult. He should not have a pause when he uses his ult. Whats the point of you leaping to a downed teammate and then you have to wait until the animation is over to revive or use the wall. It just gets you killed. And increase the electricity on the wall to 40 dmg for crying out loud. It only lasts 30 seconds, you have to wait 2 seconds for the wall to fully build and it can be destroyed with two punches. One missile from gibby does 40 dmg. If in a bad spot you get hit by two three of them. Newcastle has potential but needs a little more spazazz.

    • Bryan
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    the only reason you pick him is the revive passive, rampart or gibby shield easily beats all of his kit. and his hitbox are far too huge.

    • Courtney rock
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Highly recommend running wingman prowler with him

    • PMP 97
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Love styling on people with newcastle

    • HorizonTide
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle isn’t bad. Sheep can’t help but follow and the Shepard’s aren’t picking Castle…that’s why he’s low.

    • Reveur Lucide
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    How to fix Newcastle:

    Shield drone should deploy its shield the second you let off the button, that way it will immediately protect you and will keep the shield up all the way to its destination, then behave like normal from there. It could also stand to be a good 50% more durable, at least 25% minimum, and raise the lower portion slightly so that when the top portion breaks, it is a little more viable to crouch behind.

    Ultimate needs to not demand Newcastle make physical contact with the ground before deploying the wall. The jump needs to start immediately, and reaching the target location needs to be faster and more direct. Too many times I’ve seen people (by people I mean me) get downed while launching the ultimate, even when activating at full health. If not speed up the jump, then give him a 50% damage resistance while jumping to help ensure he can at least hit the ground when under fire. I’ve also seen him get stuck in the air directly above the target spot multiple times, leaving the player soft locked and wide open to being attacked. This can probably be fixed by adding a small collision zone in which, as long as a standable surface is detected, the animation finishes and the wall deploys.

    His passive is fine, most everything else about him is fine, but his actual abilities are kinda janky and end up backfiring or just straight up not working way too often. I think it should still be possible to down him mid-jump, but it should require multiple people firing on him to do, because one of the Ultimate’s main purposes is to block active fire. Therefore, if you try to block active fire, but get downed before your ability even finishes activating, then it’s functionally worthless. Yeah it’s fine for use when not being shot at, but that’s not my point. He is persistently advertised as the character designed to provide fast, mobile cover while actively under fire, and his abilities just fall too far short of being actually useful in those very scenarios.

    • The Magnum Group
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Every character is underrated in your palms. You’re battle sense is pretty awesome and you deal way more damage than you take.

    • JayOwnzGames
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I genuinely believe Newcastle is the best support in the game. The only reason I don’t main him is because I’m stubborn and I’ve already committed to being a Lifeline main.

    • The Anime Shack
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’ve always wondered how he wasnt a meta pick he is just so op

    • G1nger_
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    something that always miffs me is when you do well in a ranked game and then don’t show us the final rp gain, feels kinda unsatisfying

    • its not vegeta its gid vegeta
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I honestly like to play new castle in ranked

    • 4killer
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    NewCastle used to be my main, If I was close enough I would ult into a group of 2 or 3 enemies and the castle would stun them.

    • Michelle Rahe
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    It’s weird but I see no one playing mad Maggie. Her abilities are underwhelming

    • Mistyche
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle isn’t the worst legend in apex, he’s just the least played. Maybe it’s because it feels like he has to baby sit his teammates at times. He’s honestly pretty okay to play, just not as exciting as the others perhaps

    • Oscarrr
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    how long does newcastle sheild last

    • De epic sheep
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a newcastle main i can confirm he is underrated

    • Nova Panda Gamer898
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    What I do with newcastles tactical is just load it up with arc stars amd Send it at enemies. Works in certain situations.

    • Hayden Bell
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    AND he cracked that guy at 13:25 with the Newcastle shield and idt he noticed that I saw it on a myth channel once but I never seen it in gameplay before

    • Hayden Bell
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    GM missed the purple and kept going to fight with his team. What a gigachad

    • Evers CS
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    If you’ve seen taxi play Newcastle you already know.. but I guess his abilities still dont hold that competitive edge in pro games

    • Fiendish
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    im from the stream

    • Homeless Man
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’ve seen a few teams play him in algs after the introduction of Maggie and the big gabby nerf.

    • Tevin Webster
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Taxi2g plays an amazing high rank Newcastle if you want another great example of how great Newcastle can be.

    • RussellPlays Mods
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Wonder if you’ll talk about Revenant pick rate dropping like crazy it’d probably be interesting video

    • Bootz Mcgîllîcuty
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I love Newcastle

    • AxeAfrika242
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is the most underrated legend in the history of Apex!

    • Nxghtmare3605
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I played only arenas and new castle was my main but now I don’t use him because he’s trash at br compared to other legends

    • SoyBeanis
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’ve been maining him a little this season and when they new little dance emote came out in the event something snapped inside of me

    • El Ratton
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    new castle is underrated asl just need good teamates and know when to use his tacticals and ult

    • hioxd
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    His ulti is strong af

    • shane mcinnerny
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a new player my aim was garbage after a month of playing mix tape you improve really fast

    • Dropped Testicle
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    that r-301 skin is absolutely horrible

    • Lyserberg
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is a lot like Crypto (which he used to trade bottom pick rate with a lot) in that even the tiniest buff to his kit could absolutely make him omega OP, but they reign him in by making his util the skillgap. Bloodhound is someone who I think gets a lot of play solely because of how easy their abilities are, the polar opposite of Newcastle. (And yes I know conceptually NC isn’t hard to grasp, but using his abilities *effectively* is an entirely different matter)

    • Soya
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    He’s now in the position where Rampart used to sit on, hopefully he gets more appreciation on his playstyle like she has

    • shtupurgnamakit
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Aww, I like playing as Newcastle.

    • Erick Owen
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    To be honest he is one of my favorite legends to play and as soon he came out I had my highest kd and the most amount of wins in one season so yeah I feel like he is underrated

    • luffy5699
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Bangalore at 0.42 is peak solo q🤦‍♂️

    • Kai llou
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle Buff Idea: make the tactical larger and more beefier

    • ToastedTater420
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’m a Newcastle main in ranked, if you have ever seen taxi2g play him you would know why he is so underrated.

    • ZLiC3
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    i gonna show you how the worst legend is the best in a ranked GOLD game…..

    • thunder
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • thunder
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle op

    • Dan Z
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I regret unlocking newcastle, I could barely get a single kill on the guy but getting a kill with him is as rare as an heirloom.

    • Wesley Qumuatuq
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    i simple don’t like him as he took lifeline shield

    • Isaac Roman
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I really want to play supports like newcastle but the problem is that i just cannot rely on most random players to play with me, its impossible to support players that can’t sup[port themselves

    • J P
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I actually like Newcastle a lot, he’s probably my 2nd most played character. I’ve been playing more in ranked because without vc teammates are always dumb as hell

    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    This had to be one of the most chaotic gold 3 match i’ve ever seen, its crazy
    Newcastle definitely seems like he is not that bad after all

    • kyuu09
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is actually so good, but I solo queue soo

    • RottenFish1234
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Lesss go great vid I’ve seen a ton of low level players use new castle it’s either him or every other legend that kit is amazing and doesn’t get used to its full power even I used him when I just started running apex again I’ve gotten way better but remember running him 😂 it comes full circle and makes sense where he’s in currently..

    • Crystal Helder
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I tend to play legends with the same view height and similar hitbox. So i like pathy but i have to play multiple games till I’m adjusted to being so tall, or remember that as Newcastle i stick out more because he buff.

    • ShiversApex
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    newcastle is fckn busted people will understand that soon

    • Nightsever
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is a black guy, written by a bunch of white people who have never met or talked to a black guy.
    The character’s a parody.
    That’s why I’ll never pick him again

    I’m black, btw
    Before anyone acts up

    • Viaticcascade
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    At the end of your games can you show the game summery I would like to see how good you did

    • Neil Beaumont
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I have started playing him a lot more lately and had some great games. One problem seems to be that it feels like he goes down quicker than other characters.

    • I Gonna Be Neenja
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Lul! Im maining him BUT his crafting teamates is OP…. Take The hate and run if u can if its a bad situ, don’t ne a hero run, craft the banners…. Set up his ULT a bunch… He gets med extra stuff in crates

    • Haelstorm
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Octane is the worst and most useless legend. Octane is a detriment to my team

    • Alpocchio
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    6:43 True gold lobbies

    • Exe
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    pick rate inst about being good or bad character. it just people like to play more with easy characters to play. Like wraith, path or octane

    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Bro I got to Apex Predator for the first time ever this season with this guy 😅, super underrated. But yeah his abilities I do agree take a alot of skill I’m still working on it.

    • Alec Ryder
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is great in Control, but he somehow feels even slower than the other heavies. Their movement is so incredibly clunky that I moved over. I’m now in a very nice sweetspot between Mags, Vantage and rampy

    • G – Dawg
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Hey TGM! Just wanted to say thank you for congratulating me on my first heirloom today in your stream and gifting me a free membership for being one of the lucky 10 people at the end of your match! I’ve never had a membership like this before so super excited!! Love your videos your a beast at this game keep it up! All aboard the OCTRAIN!!❤

    • DragonKnightMaux DKM
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Because he’s low. Ima start maining him now. Now I have Wattson, Crypto, Lifeline and now Newcastle. Tbh I hate the Meta I hate the pros. And because I’m stubborn I use the worst Guns and Legends just to make a statement but nobody cares lol

    • ImSoConfucius
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    People want mommies>daddies. I for one love his dad humor/personality.
    He also plays Macaron in Hi Fi Rush so that’s a plus too.

    • Jon jonsson
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    The problem with newcastle is that it as with wraith dont contribute so much for the team effort and is more of a single action player. You cant use his stuff because If all are near , fuse will barbecue the whole team. What I mean with wraith is that almost every player bolts away when the team face issues. Catalyst and pathfinder, octane etc have block, movement as well as wattsson who as revenant actually makes the team stronger.

    • My Giga Academia
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    What a buncha racists

    • Edward Jones
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I used to main Newcastle but I’ll tell u why I don’t now. He is way to easily countered. There’s 3 main reasons why. Get ready, it’s gonna be long 😂
    1) your tac shield is way too easily destroyed. All you have to do is get a team to focus fire on that wall and u only need like 2/3 R3 clips to destroy it.
    2) His ult can easily be countered by grenades. All u have to do is throw grenades behind or to the side of the ult wall and Newcastle and his team can’t play on it. I know u could use a wattson gen but u don’t always have a wattson on Ur team.
    3) His hitbox is so big. He can get easily get beamed in the open and even if Ur tac giggle peak fighting with a shotgun, if Ur fighting like a wraith with a small hitbox, she will I’d say 7-8/10 win even tho Ur prob more skilled giggle peaking but just because u can get beamed so easily.

    Trust me I played this guy alot and have experienced these issues way too many times 😭

    Not to mention the bugs and jankeness of the tac movement and ult placement. He is overall in my opinion countered in too many ways to make him viable. At least with Gibby his ult is invincible but Newcastles can get destroyed in like 3 sec 😂 Not to mention how hard it is to use his abilities effectively or to a High standard. However his passive is very good with a purple or gold knockdown, I’ll give him that.

    • Oleg Dusov
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    No one plays Newcastle coz teammates always leave if u r playing solo, therefore 0 value from ur passive

    • Arnoldas Bučys
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle’s ulti and passive is just amazing, but tactical.. oh boi

    • I draw
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • KingKai
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Nah i was listening to bro until that bang was body blocking that door in the beginning that was funny af

    • AzSeal
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I still enjoy playing Newcastle when I do actually play Apex. He’s my go-to fortified, feels way less clunky than Gibby or Caustic. I will say that I think the biggest turnoff for people is that Gibraltar exists. Gibraltar’s armshield is OP and can make you win 1v1s that no other legend can. That being said, Newcastle’s viability is in micro-ing his abilities to get maximum value, which is also a turnoff for most players. He’s not just a “press button and win” character, there’s a lot more micro needed to outplay opponents and in stress filled situations it’s very easy to underperform as him. I’m saying he has a higher skill ceiling than most other legends but that only discourages people from playing him. He doesn’t need buffs or anything, he’s just *good* if you’re willing to learn how to play him, especially under pressure.

    • Ty Downing
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I think he’s great but like you said he is really boring. He’s great in rank but useless in pubs cause people leave instantly after being downed.

    • Octane2 High
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a newcastle main I’m offended

    • Mr Migs
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I’ve been playing Newcastle for ranked last two seasons now he’s very underrated and a great asset to a team..I prefer him to Gibby and I used to love playing Gibby but newcastle just has that added movement

    • DeadEye
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    You’re video perfectly displays why ppl say Olympus shouldn’t be a ranked map. “What is this, TDM?!”.

    Nice job with Newcastle though, I think you’re dead on about him. He’s underrated but b/c his role and abilities are harder to master, ppl move on to easier legends.

    • Westonator2005
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is one of my favourite legends in the entire game!

    • SilverCenturion
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle is literally the Axel in Harlem 💀

    • JJoh4040
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Im really sick of the pros gaslighting the community when a legend is weak and needs a buff to either their ultimate or tactical or both, they’ll say they’re underrated and not really trash. These guys just need to TELL THE eff your feelings objective truth or the legends in Apex will NEVER be properly balanced

    • Sati
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    One of my favorite things to do is throw an arc star on my mobile shield and send it towards enemies 😂

    • possession
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    unless the pro scene starts using him, he wont go anywhere. just like recently pros messed with rampart, well now u see alot more ramparts.

    • Karakzanskruff
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    the “fortified” trait giving 15% damage resistance has never been anything noteworthy, even though these legends look armored like gibbie, they’re just walking piniata’s
    as a wraith main I can’t twist my head around why people would WANT to be hit more in a fight, as getting hit means more dying or more healing, and healing is doing nothing, just play a small legend like lifeline or wraith, better to dodge bullets than make everyone farm damage on you
    I’d go as far and say they should go back and delete some of these large legends, its a waste of skins and developper time, all legends under a 2% pickrate should just be deleted honestly, they makes wastes of a collection event skins

    • Legacy
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    It’s rare that a Newcastle using his tact doesn’t get himself killed because of how hard it is to use lol.

    • Broad Scarf #XBox
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    hey i mentioned about this on stream, idc if anyone cares

    • Jellys Share
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    As a Newcastle main. I believe he is easily in the top 3 legends. Unbiased opinion btw.

    • Enrique
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I don’t care what anyone says, as a gaming dad I relate to Newcastle. He’s one dad joke away from being me 😂

    • The Gaming Pastor
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Bro he is SOOOO underrated, my channel is 100% dedicated to being Newcastle. He is niceeeee I promise. He is much more mobile than people think.

    • Marco Tibayan Malone
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Remember when everyone said NewCastle was gonna replace LifeLine? They were very wrong 😅 Also, I’m surprised NewCastle has a lower pickrate than Crypto

    • CyberRonin
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Really? I love playing New Castle. Some of the most epic moments in Apex was when i used him.

    • Raptor999
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    his Q is so hard to control takes so much micro

    • Jman1020
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I love apex

    • OGDOAD Gaming
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I like Newcastle. I like his quips, his vibe, the occasional revive epic clip where you also wipe a squad.. Yeah, he’s alright.

    • Vlad Gabriel Matei
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Simple why: apex players don’t have the concept of supportiveness. He’s meant to be a big brother not some quick or aggressive hothead

    • Terminator
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    I just want some likes (–__–)

    • Miles Harris
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Banana 🍌

    • Filipe Pereira
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    He’s good I just feel like he’s boring

    • CoolDylan1216
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Newcastle underated

    • Raffaelx10
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm

    Love your vids

    • Michael Murray
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • Peary
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • ceiling fan
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm


    • Hamza Kamal
    • 2023年 4月 17日 8:45pm
