Day in the Life of a Wraith Main
pov: wraith main
Apex Legends Season 16 Revelry
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,apexlegends,apex legends,apex legends season 16,apex legends wraith,wraith buff,wraith animations,wraith animation,apex legends revelry,heirloom,heirloom shards,movement,nemesis apex legends,wraith,buff,animations,kunai recolor,apex legends new event,apex legends season 16 revelry,aceu,iitztimmy,wraith heirloom,Wraith heirloom,new heirloom,Apex Legends Imperial Guard Collection Event,wraith recolor heirloom,ash,ash heirloom,ash collection event
コメント (215)
12:27 was that a quick reaction or you already saw the jump pad there?
faide please answer this, u made a movement guide one year ago, u said u won’t explain how to super glide jumb as ur keybinds don’t help you to do so, so u’re not using it, but u’re actually using it right now so how are u doing it?
the clickbait is so cool
Beautiful thumbnail Mr. Wick.
hey the acc names icedbreeze-53 1v1 me
You good
My channel lLegency
dude your insane!! I gotta ask though i know its likely to happen.. since you yell at everyone like “WHY ARE YOU HERE” “WHAT THE” AND “WHAT WAS THAT” you should make a video of worthy opponents killing you! hahaha otherise great video man as always. your fucking insane.
you forgot to put the part when you were eating tacos HAHAHA, I loved the live, it was the first one that I see complete
Can’t sleep without watching faides videos first lol ong 💯
“Day in the life of aceus son”
spitfire is trash tbh
That thumbnail looks so clean
dope ass thumbnail bruv 🔥🔥🔥
Lit vid
I thought maybe we’d see him snort gfuel, walk the opposite way of any shower and order a case of mountain dew on uber eats
4:47 that Mirage scared the shit out of me
that thumbnail man… sick af
Anybody check the name when they have the same skin to see if they died to the one and only wraith god.
John wick vibes thumbnail
Absolute menace
last part was so good
Faide you need to be a mf mentor at this game one day
luv u😊
Faide is so noob
The thumbnail is tuff 🔥🔥
Thumbnail go hard
I’m a wraith main and this is nothing like a day in my life looks like 😂
Real war machine
spitfire op
4:07 how did spin the heirloom without taking it and then brings back the heirloom??
15:26 wheres ur hand? 😳
ceo of wraith and octane
syndrome is down but the movement is up
omg i realize i watc this guy i literally got better no joke i start using cover so much now lol is like i wasn’t playing wraith till now
Question: Do you ever queue in a game by yourself(on purpose) with no teammates to challenge yourself or is pubs difficult enough that it makes no difference? I see a lot of good players in videos like this one in 1v3 situations late game and wonder if it makes a difference to them
Wraith mainer Faide, excommunicado announced
Thumbnail is wild 🔥
he’s him
I kinda creamed a little watching this
love the vids homie, keep it up. also rip the zip building content 😭
Bro too good🐐
Bro just violated 2 whole servers without sweating 💀
Ayoo it took the cake with dude in the open when he had advantage.
Love the content. keep it up!
0:30 who else noticed that he killed a dev if you see the wingman charm
Thought it was gonna be 10 straight mins of hot drops and instant deaths
Almost at 900k also close to 1mil keep up the grind
“We’re in pubs you know that?” do YOU know that?????😮💨🔥💯
The ending was elite movement nice video 🖤
Bro I would die to have you coach me cause I wanna learn how to use her better but I kinda have nothing going for me but aim
faide when apex die next year —–> 💔💔💔💔💔💔
I waited all for this.
i choked a 4k by 75 damage guys ain’t nun funny
Faid drops a new video first I like and then I enjoy the video
Where can We submit names for faide?
Road to 1 Milli
Bro i swear random tm8 in random always push when is not needed, get knocked and instaquit 😂😂
Reminds me of the new cypher spay in valorant, clean thumbnail!
Take a shot every time you hear the word “cringe”.
Inaccurate thumbnail. Everyone knows no one can land a wingman shot on Faide.
Any one having terrible ping issue and server shutdown thingy?
Day 2 of calling faide “faide Mc naderson” till he approves ❤
Real talk: if the only good dmg u do is with ur Q, if u push 1 person with ur little “3 ranky stacky”, if the kills u get are from shooting people in the back and 3rd partying, u r pretty bad.
Not even gonna talk abt controller players.
here comes the cringe replies to this comment from 13yo: “jUst gEt gOod brO” & “u r mAd haha”
fastest 15 min of my life wtf
Fadie how are you so good any tips😅
Give me likes boys
faide i love you bro… greatest apex player to ever live…. but you need to stop complaining about being shot through walls…. you played this game for years almost every day and never shot someone through a wall, that should already give yourself enough evidence that it isn’t possible, just accept that it seems like you get shot through walls when in fact your body was simply exposed in situations that didn’t seem like it was… i know you were smart to calculate that by yourself but for some reason you never stop complaining about it lol
finallyyyyyyyyyyyy *erica andre screaming*
Bruh if in some scenarios if people had balls to push he wouldn’t be pub stomping as much. It’s like the people he plays against just let him pop bats 5 feet from him.
Faides aim just keeps on getting better every vid not gonna lie! INSANE Vid man
Your movement is at the best level man
God of Apex
1 mili faide soonnn
4am here we go again
Or scrims
Why don’t u play ranked
that quick squad wipe at 2:58 was disgusting even though they were completely lost
7:57 YOO that was insane 😂
So sweaty, so lovely, don’t change . . .
Your videos give me this epiphany of just how utterly TERRIBLE I am at Apex Legends. I cry a bit each time, but then again . . I scream in triumph each time you yell “What the f**” as you lay waste to commoners and royalty alike.
Bets apex player to watch
Kill at 3:12 was clean Asf
🐐 on top of the game of course 🎉
ima jus leave my comment here
How many hours have you’ve played in total Xd
Love you vids bro keep up the amazing work
Best wraith player
Idk bout you but this guy reminds me of saitama or goku but for apex😂 and bro has been asked about his sens 46000 times😂
Daily goat vids is the best. Thanks, Faide!
Loving the fresh content! #RoadTo1Mil
Continues to be the best apex streamer/yt
Respect from Egypt🇪🇬✌️
that thumbnail is 🔥🔥🔥
Love the Olympus movement you don’t even need worlds edge
so much talent on these players 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Great vid man keep it up👍👍
love you Faide From pakistan <3
The thumbnail is a revamped version of an old thumbnail, video titled “when the whole lobby targets the movement player” I think
Y’all can’t lie that thumbnail is fire 😤
God damnit man you just keep tricking and killing them while solo that’s what I call (pure solo game )🔥🔥
Next video title: wraith main nighttime routine 🥰
I love it when these people say ohh he’s on a roller he has aim assist. Good luck doing what this guy does on a controller. Only a robot can make a controller do this.
2:33 That wraith thought she could ult and go up zip, happened to me when I was a noob.
I feel inspired
What I learned from this video: great movement > good aim
John Wraith 🫡
mans pulled off a wall bounce while looting 🔥0:35
faide is goated
I don’t know what’s better, his movement or his sleep schedule
Inspired by Faide https://youtu.be/0nLWhqlFzN0
Keep doing what your doing your the reason I still enjoy apex
Hey faide, just a heads up – you can only slide jump 4 seconds after a superglide instead of the usual 2 seconds.
I Just came on and saw no new vids😂😂 and check again and see this
Broo if u pin this i will go and tell 20 people to sub to you😂
been waiting and its finally here.
Guess I can go another 15 minutes before I go too bed 😮
I just knew there would be a new video just before i go to sleep…
Oh hell whats sleep. Why are you hereeeee?
❤ Thank You
Always bangers Faide keep them coming 👑
me thinking he’s gonna show us his irl routine
been waiting gang !❤️💰
Best content out there.😊
Love you baby
Faide keep going I’m almost finished
Faide is my dad and no one elses
For a sec I thought this was gonna be an irl video
Can I play with u ? Im a rookie player but I wanna play with Faide
burger king foot lettuce
I watch just to hear Faide question his opponents decisions outloud
love you faide keep up the good content
Faide is always on top 👳🏿♂️
So this is the life of pro players? 💀
wake up babe new faide video just dropped
Faide is a 🐐;
I wish I was like you Faide
hi faideeeee
Sleep schedule? No. Faide video
I was hoping it was a day in the life of Faide.
I was thinking in a blog of faide’s life before clicking this video
Bro your so good😭😭 ilysm btw❤️
It’s not really something of you to post different games, but seeing an XDefiant video would be pretty awesome it you were ever up for it.
His movement its so nasty that outplays my sleep schedule Lol
Love u faide ❤❤
always first here. Love your vids faide
faide what do u think about respawn taking out worlds edge?
Im i the only one that doesn’t have a main and just plays any legend?
Except mirage
When you can’t sleep because you now that Is coming a Faide video
Sleep says to me Go to bed. Faide’s upload notification says to me, who needs sleep, come watch a master slay a whole lobby.
Thought it was gonna be a irl vid or sus lol
hi faide
Les go he uploaded
Noti gang
Day in the life of Daddy
i’m kinda early ig
im on that
i love you faide
Best player ever 😍😍❤️
Luvs Faide, You GOAT
Daddys working
Your the goat man
W video Faide wsg
Dude I’m so sad the removed worlds edge😭
Faide always uploads when it’s 2 am for me lmao
Im naked
One day I will be playing real life and living Apex.
First but also can I play w you love your content congrats on 100k
yurrrrr fade daddy fr
Am I first
Yess the goat
Hoho first
First less go
I love the vids daddy faide
Wild bro
Love u got so happy when I got this notification
Best movement ever
When you wake up at 3am to watch Faide
1st even though who cares
Clicked so fast
W mans
noti gang