Testing YOUR BEST Weapon Loadouts! (Apex Legends Season 16) 2
I tested YOUR BEST Weapon Loadouts in Apex Legends Season 16, including the Nemesis, Volt, R301 and many other OP weapons, on my way to find out the strongest and best guns to use in apex legends!
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Taqs:simply ashton,simply ashton youtube,youtube simply ashton,simplyashton,simplyashton youtube,youtube simplyashton,simplyashtin,apex testing,apex legends season 16,apex best guns,apex best weapons,apex best guns to use in ranked,apex best guns for ranked,apex best ranked weapon loadouts,xbox,ps4,pc,console,apex season 16,apex loadouts,apex pro loadouts,aoex legends,aprx legends,apex funny,apex r301,apex 4k damage,apex damage badge,apex r99
コメント (249)
Sorry for the long wait on the upload this week – i’m a little sick right now :/ Trying my best to keep making as much as I can so I can keep the content flowing for you guys! That being said… (spoilers)
Congrats to BDLive69 for winning this week:)
R301 3030 or the the 3 30’s
Spitfire + L-star = dub
A 2k is legit the only thing I want in the hall of apex and this jit sits here and without even trying gets one every game dude please play a game with me 😂😂😂
i think you shoud use p2020 and mozam
Long bow and mozam ka blammmm
Nemesis with r-99 are both really op together with the speed and strength. i hope u try this loadout Ashton.
R-99 with Sentinel is pretty great
volt and longbox hurt good
Can you do r301 and peacekeeper
(Video #2 of asking)
Go on a Rampage with the Rampage and R9. You’ll be hearing the cracks of armor the whole match. The enemies or yours is for you to find out…
Can you do the L-star and the spitfire
r99 2x and pk
you should try p2020 and peacekeeper
Try p20 and Mozambique trust me
R-301 and R99 your welcome
i would say r-301 and peacekeeper combo destroys everyone
Get better Ashton, And try the r-99 and mastiff
G7 and prowler
Hi Ashton just wanted to say that you are my favoret content creator btw my favoret load out is r99 and the wingman sorry for the spelling mistakes I have dyslexia
Flatline and wingman
Next you should use car +r-99
R9 volt goes hard
R99 and pk
Flatline and r99 Is probably the most shi – I mean, best close range combo ever.
Rampage/Prowler for heavy ammo supremacy
Here till the day Ashton hits a million
Chargerifle + prowler
R-301 and R-99 are good.
My favourite (Charge Rifle & and the car ( not the trident, how silly of me))
My personal loadout, PK and 30 30, it’s always best to keep a long distance with this loadout
Rampage and volt smg 🗣️💯🔥
r99 with wingman and try playing octane with it its fun
Sentinel and Peacekeeper… try not to miss.
mastiff with the good old p2020 (: i mean you are insane so this should be easy
If you’re reading this, my favorite loadout is peacekeeper and volt
volt and flatline go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
R-99 and flatty with 3x is really good in my opinion
the people who love rampage are the same who don’t love Loba’s big big ahhhh big…. heart
I like nemesis and r-99
Double Mozam with nothing on it
Great video! Also you should use the rampage spitfire loadout. (It’s a goated loadout I swear)
double pk for maximum rizz
My Favorit combo is Nemesis and R99 and of you find a kraber Tagen take it and the Same with the bow and and other care package gun
the rampage and spit fire is the best loadout 😉
Wingman after hitting a vantage shot with ult . Best combo in game for me
R99 and volt
Hear me out, Mozambique + p2020 👌
Nemisis and r99
u should try the nemesis and r99, you’ll shred trust me
I dare u
Ur a great YouTuber so u should use the flatline mastiff
double wingman babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Eva 8 and mastiff, thanks Ash daddy
the real best combo is the wingman volt 🫦
r99 and g7 best loadout out there
Try the sentinel and the r99 its a power combo
R-99 Eva-8 reva-107
use wraiths dads combo, wingman + r99 with both guns with 2x and use wraith so you can truley embrace the loadout.
Sentinel PK, the trickshot loadout
Fun vid , I love using R99 with a sentinel (sometimes using the sentinel with a 1x or 2x ) 😅
Bruh I suggested the r301 and the volt to 🙁
I kind want you to do nemesis and wingman 0:22
Do a settings vid
Lstar r99 is the best you can do in close range ngl
Mastiff and car is good
R99 wig
Comment 2 of asking for the double devotion loadout. I call it, Devoted For The Win
Use the flatine and pk
peacekeeper and Eva 8 is going yeeeeeeeeeet. Trust me
Great video Ashton, for the next video I would suggest the G7-Scout and CAR-Smg. It’s my main loadout and great for long, middle and short distance
The car and the mastiff go brrrrrrr
The wingman and mozam got me a 4k
r301 mozam it’s very nice😉
Best Loadout is the double charge rifle
You should do the wingman+havoc+turbocharger+Skullpierecer with vantage. 100% win rate
Use the spitfire and flatline day 1 I guess
My favorite loadout is Wingman Flatline insane combo
Easily flatline and volt because you can make enemy’s a flat line and volt is just volt idk😂
Thats so cringe i don’t even want to send the coment but if you reading i decided to send it😳
idk why im even typing a this😩
Your videos make my day way better after a day full of tournaments
nice videos bro keep going
R9 flatline or r301 pk prowler r9 also good
Sentinal+R99 is the best for me
Plz Take the rampage and r30-30 repeater Combo in the next Video and keep in making such cool videos
viAbLE jk luv ur vids
Prowler and wingman is my combo. Love to see you try it!
Use a senital and a volt
Just saying I really like the flatline and alternator combo 😅
Use the bow and the Mozam with NO attachments please
U gotta Rampage on that 99 best combo out there
Ur editing and jokes are emakulant(pro and really good)
I love havoc and mastiff (yes i’m different and i prefer mastiff over pk)
Wingman and Volt is so good
sentinel with 3x and r99 is a monster combo for sure
Another great upload! You are a great ytber just for listing to your community and using their ideas!
Double charge rifle no attachments
rampage wingman blam spam clam yam man
100% Pk, R301 – 301 bullets
Try the devo tripletake combo it’s surprisingly not that bad
I can’t remember if you’ve tried it or not, but my personal favorite loadout is wingman r99
How bout rampage havoc
My combo is class P20-20 and Charge Riffle.
Who do you think is the most Jack of all trades legend Ashton?
Wingman/Sentinel. High risk, high reward loadout
G7 + Flatline🤷🏻
Amazing video and also just a load out suggestion, one of my favorites is volt wingman.
U should use the r99 and the nemesis. Love the videos Ashton keep it up!!!!!
Volt + R99 is crazy as of recently
My go to loadout is g7 and r-99 it beams through someone’s health faster than the speed of light
Next time you need to do Nemisis Prowler ❤
try wingman kraber
Soo i might sound like a crazy person but P2020 and PK for some reason i had 13 kills with this duo and over 2 k dmg
flatline with a 3x and r-99 with a holo has won me quite a few games recently, use revenant for extra style points (or extra depression)
R99 and the Mastiff is a good combo. Not much long range unless u can control the r9 well tho
I absolutely love the Nemesis and R99/CAR rn
Great content as always, I love to watch your videos
Wingman and havoc go crazy
Pk and wingman got my first 4k on it
So… Ash w/ r-99 and pk… Have fun
r3 and r9 combo garenteed 20 bomb
The good old wingman pk never let’s me down
Rampage (car light )
Love this series ☝️
Try triple take and Car plsss
R99 and mastiff
The double pk the ppk
Video idea: You should ask ChatGPT for loadouts(chatgpt is a really smart ai)
I had a really good game yesterday, with the Re + Mozambique with Hammerpoint it makes sense because of the extra shielded damage then the mozam just blasts their health away 😂
P2020 and P2020 if you are a MAN😮
Letss goo! Everything is better when Ashton posts 😀 Also how are you so good
I love the volt and the c.a.r smg its a godly loadout
you should run the r-99 and the pk unstoppable have a good day
Rampart turret ONLY
Re-45 and mozam personally my favorite combo lol
rampage and volt can destroy, just like my parents marriage
Try r-301 and pk. Its pretty good💀
G7 prowler is pretty good tbh
I’m just saying, sentinel/p2020 isn’t completely horse shit. And I’m definitely not a gold player. Totally.
30-30 prowler cleans any lobby, use it for a win, thanks!!
you could do a cheeky p2020 mastiff works every time
R-99 and sentinel is really good 👍
Just listen L Star and the r 99
Mozam & Triple Take I got my first 4k game with that combo soo…
Amazing load out… double PKs
You should try Sentinel peacekeeper, its crazy underrated
the havoc and p2020 is better than it seems
the best loadout is the longbow and the spitfire.
you will win 100% of your games. if not, you have to subscribe to simply ashtons yt channel 🤠
nemesis + volt (energy ammo= good vibes)
R99 and peacekeeper
R-99 and volt please
Love the vids, can you use r99 flatline?
r301 and mastif
Just saying, flatline with the 1-2x and either an r99 ironsight or pk 2x is a godly loadout 😏
best loadout is clearly the p2020 and the sentinel while using the best legend which you already know is crypto… hahahaha SUFFERRRR, love you tho and your apex banner LMAO
Mastiff and nemesis
Sentinel havoc absolutely SLAPS
Vid 1 of asking simply for playng with the
Volt and sentenal (sorry if a miss spelled)
r99 and kraber ( i know where you live )
My loadout is R-301 + Peacekeeper
Get better Ashton! Keep up the good work!
Good game !!!
Got quite a weird one but the nemesis and p2020 are pretty good
Prowler and r99 are good
I think Flatline and car smg is really good friends
Try the 30-30 repeater and Alternator, long and short range
Nemesis and r-99
R-99 mastiff is the best pls use it
r-99, peacekeeper
30-30 and triple take 😂😂
R-301 and flatline slaps
try the r-99 wingman been playing it in ranked and it is a blast to play
do nemesis and tripletake
Ya know R-99 and pk are really good with octane
Sentinel and wingman combo, it’s like redbull with out the red
are you a skill ish you
hammerpointy p20202002020 and the eva 8 eva 2020 ahahahauauwhwhahhhhhhhh
next time tho you should totally do R-99 and sentinel
i love your content keep up the great work! your prolly my fav apex youtuber
I think volt and pk
Just saying. The Havoc with the turbocharger and R99 is a good loadout for me
My go to loadout is The Car (vroom vroom) and the 9 inch longbow
Charge rifle and r99
flatline r9 is def my fav, u should try it 🙂
My favorite load out is r-99 flatline or r–99 longbow
Charge rifle and R99 Goat
I heard that a devostion and a p2020 while wearing rev is the meta
I DARE you to use sentinel/r99 😉
I have a loadout it r-301 and peackeeper
You should try for this season the r-301and the nemesis, easy 4k badge
You should try the havoc and the wingman
Flatline and peacekeeper do it🤬. thanks 👍
Triple take and r-99 its what I use it ranked
r 400
volt nemisis
The p2020 peacekeeper goes hard ngl
Car and sentinel
please keep making videos. This channel is literally better than any other apex youtuber
Can you try eva8 and wingman with Maggie I use it myself
Alternator and rampage u just dont stop shooting
Also marie gave u imo the two worst guns in the game
PK and Rampage (The Peaceage)
#savethebirds and r301+hemlock
You should try the G7 flatline trust me
r301 and alternator
i personally think that pk and c.a.r smg is kinda good combo so give it a try
Try peacekeeper and R-301 that’s what I use
Hi Ashton love your vids keep up the great vids can u try the flatline/301 and pk it’s very tasty mmmmmm swey 😋🤤
301 and sniper
Wingman R-99
just saying, rampage and pk are pretty good together
I have beeb creeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaammmmmmmiiiin with the r99 & pk combo
Could you use the charge rifle Devo cause that would be funny 🥶
pk plus altenator
Flatline and havoc is my shredder combo 🔥
Yay ashton uploaded❤
R301 peacekeeper
Can you try a Sentinel and a Longbow
Hey If u don’t mind can I get a shout out I am trying to grow my channel please and thank u
please notice me! btw rampage r99 Love all your vids! <3
r99 flatline 😫
I am watching this while in school love your videos
I love ur content
Good vid
u should try the sentinel and sentinel not gonna lie…
I know the video is great before i watched it🤝
PK and R-99 (2x)
R – 99 and wingman
Ashton please use the sentinel and the flat its a good loadout
A sequel to this
Can you test flatline and r99
Poggers, early gang.
hey great video I can see why my brother likes u
Could you try mastiff and devo??
Could is send you some clips and have you review them and tell me how i could get better?