The Last Solo Apex Player…
solo vs squads return
Apex Legends Season 23 From The Rift
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,legends,apex legends,apex legends new season,apex legends early gameplay,rookie to apex predator,killing ttv,killing twitch streamers,streamer reactions,streamer reaction,ttv reactions,apex legends season 23,apex legends from the rift season 23,og apex legends,new apex season,lifeline apex,accused of hacking,rank 1 pred,rank #1 pred,rank 1 pred pc,rank 1 apex predator,apex predator,LOBA,loba,loba apex,loba apex legends,loba movement
コメント (207)
can we get a video of your settings?
Don’t stop releasing apex vids bro
what rez are you on?
bro is carrying the whole game by his own
that lstar recoil control is too good
Bro still playing this 🤣🤣
Apex is the shit and so are you for the dedication 🤘
bruh what are those bot lobbys
Craziest shit i‘ve ever seen… GG🫡
Hey, the best player in the world, are you planning to make a video again? ON MOUVMENT
The last apex player*
11:52 ???????
First 15 seconds landed on a mastiff and a l star? Its done
Faide check out LeBron James by Montana of 300
the EPGis originally from Titan Fall
i deadass consume no other apex legends content anymore other than faide
Apex legends the master of all five senses brings peace and harmony but when the players needed audio the most she vanished
Faide used to be the best controller player. Now he’s an average PC player
I use to love faide until this video. God bless.
People don’t see how epic this movement is 10:52
1:44 ❤
Hhhhh Apex ganna die
10:52 so smooth
As a new player I’m getting deep into this game. Shits dope movements dope guns are dope. We doin dope shit out here
havent watched apex for years, damn this guy solo keeps the game alive lol
3:25 It’s 2025 and audio still doesn’t work 🔥🔥🔥🔥
CHEAT … hacker trash!
Boys keep liking
Pk is so much more fun to watch than the stiff!
Almost sad to kno that the goat doesn’t use iron sights on the mastiff
i watch faide and then i say damn apex looks so fun i cant wait to play, so i play the game and get shit on
Can u do handcam gameplay video pls
Bro is absolutely nasty with it today
Legends never die
wow 2:03 WT … How did you see what was there? I didn’t see anything, hmmm.
Why am I there
Out here like the last jedi
It blows my mind how many old features canned for no reason. Barrel stabilizers on smgs were dope
Ngl you should go for 1# pred
Save the game please
You couldn’t see shit at 2:03, yet you knew exactly where he was and beamed him. Okie
10:01, turning around to an arc snare is crazy 😂😂 and getting downed by it is even crazier 😂😂 that was just unfortunate
The last but still the GOAT
Simple man, watch Faide vid hop on apex. Terrible experience, hop off apex. Repeat
The last avenger
Why last solo?
7:30 Poor guy sliding on the wall like a bug🤣
Once you go it’s all over
why no rank
when it comes to overall skills, you are literally the best apex player alive
Just downloaded marvel rivals 😭😭😭😭
I wanna know if wraith is still good because I have so many kills on her
Bro is wraith really still that good?
Nice vid, but isnt It better if you deactivate fill Squad with teammates?
11:31 nice door kick animation
3:25 where did he come from 😂
Imagining apex without tapstrafe😢
I was in platinum 3 and i Had no team mates got 2nd place 😅
daddy faide how do i get better at apex?
Thanks again for sending the money so I can buy this e’slow cooker
2:55 not getting the red mastiff hurts
The comments always feel botted
Loved how in the middle of that mess he was petty enough to change the mastiff skin lol 14:36
wait i just realized faide is one of very few players ive seen like myself that puts their main gun in the left slot lol
Bro is the shroud of apex
@11:52 Clip just nasty and smooth reason why i still play
Faide is my hunny bunny boo boo baby bear
I solo q a lot too, difference is that I am terrible
dare u to land on a mastiff and not pick it up 😏
Bro your amazing I’ll be the fade if Farlight 84 honestly by Gods grace
Ayex Noti Gang
12:07 like bro your skill/iq is eccentric
the Sbmm doesn’t work for him cause he can’t find players with the same skill level
Hate that if play any character that’s not support you at super disadvantage
4:30 poor lifeline minding her own business
5:13 That was textbook. Little things like this are what separate players like this from 99% of the player base.
Faide single handedly saved apex
Faide like 2016 Lebron the way he carrying apex rn 😭
What yall think I’m a wraith main should I get wraith heirloom or a universal one
Bro is keeping apex alive love this man always
No need to put “solo” you’re the last player in general 💔💔
Hope season 24 gonna be really good with the new champ 🙏
My lord, I will never stop playing apex until you quit. 😊
Hanging on to this game by its last thread. U gotta only play this for the fans at this point
Every time i watch your video, It cant stop being like”whhhhhhhhhat”
the *last* apex player
My goat
Getting kidnapped has to be so annoying 😂😂
Love the vid
what does faide use to turn mnk into roller for the aim assist?
Is Faide Like the super glide master now holy smokes?!
Nobody gets the reference to Last Samurai lol
Still playing everyday!! Lol mostly by myself 🤣🤣🤣
thank you faide for another banger of a vid!!!! only reason why i play apex
Bro is single-handedly keeping a whole game alive 💀
Don’t quit bro, for your boy b
Ty faide ❤if im. It watching old videos im waiting for you to stream it
I keep playing cuz of Faide fr
No “with movement “ in the title , i think they kidnapped faide
I wanted a video to watch before I gts and faide pops up!!! Bless fr
Bros single handedly keeping apex alive
The audio In this game got worse, it’s like all I hear is abilities being spammed, grenades, and gun shots when all I wanna hear is footsteps
If faide drops a face cam he’d break YouTube
11:52 Top most satisfying wall jumps in earth 💯
Thank you faide for this amazing game you CREATED
what do i do when i get no hoes and are still bad at games
Faide gets boxed in on bumper cars by other kids his age and yells can’t move!
milky milkyyyyy
I wanna see you play Bangalore daddy
3:50 “i got stuck on nothing”, yeah let’s ignore the fat perfectly visible ledge that you landed on, like 15-20cm of ledge
You’re not “the last solo player” you’re the only one still slamming adderall in between matches.
bro needs money upload schedule is goated now
nah im the real last solo player. masters/diamond every season. never had friends and never cared. 17k hours and counting, still no twitch or youtube channel. just a nobody casual who could
I bet you’d be insane at fortnite. I do not watch that game but you bet I would watch you play it. Spider monkey man.
11:15 was nasty 🫡
at 10:53 what did he do there? I mean, how can he superjump while looking down
Bro please convince this man to master rev, I wanna see some crazy movement on him
Telling you, an all MnK ALGS would be the most fun thing to watch. Wish they would do that for ya Faide!
please don’t ever leave
the day faide stops uploading is the day i’ll die a lil inside
Cause which harloom is your fav? For warith
Game is alive with or without faide.
Wonder what’s the next game Faide would play and excel at?
faide 🐐
Apex is sadly getting old for me but i never get tired of these vids. Especially the ranked ones.
Let me dm for some tips lol
Foreal the last legit player and only apex creator I always watch bc he has fun
Aoex is so much better than R6, people just auck and blame hackers and having better people than them in their lobbies
So fucking annoying, they can’t just admit they’re dog shit, and can’t win their 1’s…
Under 1 hour gang
Thank you faide, like always : you’re the best !
5:14 wall bounce was so clean.
That mad maggie came out of no where. absolutely bonkers. No audio at all.
but why was bro on crypto
Wasn’t tap-strafing removed? How is he still doing it? Was this match before the update?
I still enjoy apex it’s a still a fun game for me especially after learning from faide just from watching him 🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️
alideki şansa bak 🙂
Just got done re-watching old faide vids lets goo!
Who saw this in 562 BC?
The goat
Giving everyone tapstrafe mnk, pc controller, and console players will boost the game so high
The only one who stayed – Faide
He got kick the sidewalk that’s y he got stuck😂 love you faide man
3:26 might be one of the worst “no audio” ive ever seen. Glad you got him though, great stuff Faide
Soon as I was bored…he delivered…Faide 2025🔥
waitin for “last apex player”
Bro uploads everytime I need to go to bed
dnhsaudnhsauda this is the fastest i could beee
Only just watched the loba vid great timing
Ayex and his brother the other last solos as well bro it’s sad man
I think they are purposefully doing it to try and make the player base migrate to titan fall 3 when it releases
Buddy, you might be
Only 500 views in 4 mins’ bro fell off
faide movement in apex ✔
switch to val
Y’all are feins the video just released less than 200 seconds and already has 300 views
2:15am Gang where you at
Mastiff still kinda crazy even after the nerf
Holy shit a post not at 3am?!?! Love you and everything you do faide 🫶🏻
Under 1 hour gang
My king
2 views in 1 minute, Bro fell off…
keep keeping apex alive
crazy movemnt bro
First min 30 comments 30 views is wild
❤ your vids
the only player rip apex 😭
Who’s here in 30 seconds ?
ex is sitting back scratching his head rn
W vid
Nothing better than watching faide at work 😎
being this early feels weird
my goat
Ur the best keep up the great work
Also love you bro
The last apex player
W video bro i love you ur soo good
Hi Faide
Me first
you are the best bro
Pain of Truth
No views bro fell off