Apex Legends: Lunar Rebirth Collection Event Trailer
Celebrate Lunar New Year with a cosmic twist, as Materia from the FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH Event returns via Rift Relics. Wield the devastating Buster Sword and equip Hop-Ups to summon a SOLDIER Nessie, boost your critical rate, and much more.
Pull from the returning 36 FINAL FANTASY™ VII REBIRTH-themed cosmetics, with your owned items counting toward Loot progress. Earn rewards in the new Lunar Rebirth Reward Track and collect from 24 Lunar Rebirth Event cosmetics as you work toward Alter’s Prestige Skin, complete with 3 Tiers, a unique Skydive Trail, and a unique finisher.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/lunar-rebirth-event
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App, Epic Games Store and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 23,apex legends trailer,apex legends from the rift trailer,lunar rebirth anomaly event,apex legends split 2,rewards track,horizon,alter,wattson,launch royale,final fantasy,materia,buster sword,LTM,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (653)
Came here just to leave a dislike
Alright EA pack it up games cooked you can stop trying to push for the games death now
Alter getting a mythic skin before other legends is a brainrot decision
They need to let us use the red apex cash we stocked up on. Ik alot of people probably have 400k something stashed up so what are they going to do for us. So we can use them
This game is such a joke my god
So what if they already have the heirloom
make sure not to buy anything from this event guys, no matter how temping it is. EA only communicates through money. once they realize churning out lifeless collection events brings in negative or very little profit, they just MIGHT realize something has to change.
APEX is going down the drain man
And I’m here still waiting for my dive trail for Caustic, don’t worry though, I’ve already moved on to better things (Marvel Rivals).
So glad I uninstalled
Please release a vantage heirloom 🙁 i’ve waited a long time and the fact u guys are just doing random heirlooms is crazy
Woohoo, just what we needed. More skins -_-
Alter before horizon????????
Players what do you meen
>3months in
>no map change
>no fun mechanic to play with
>all reskins
Wow, its literally added nothing.
yeah im sticking to marvel rivals.
Money again?
Oh your bringing back the game breaking content?? Looks like it’s time for another little break then…
thumbs down
Better servers and new content bro. Is that so hard.
Delete aim assistant and fire without aiming
nobody cares about skinssssss i have 10k hours in apex fix game once in lifetimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
where tf is maggies heirloom
Apex is on steroid unplayable
if youre never going to ACTUALLY LISTEN to your players turn comments off on everything, there are legends that have been waiting a very long time for their heirloom. Extended the time period of the collections being available isn’t going to be enough, you have to LISTEN!! I don’t even play anymore but I’m still seeing constant disappointment from what’s left of the player base.
No thanks.
Alter doesn’t deserve a prestige skin before the OGs
you know the milestone event problem is bad when ppl are like “i hope its a collection event”
Time to tell my brother because he cannot get more than 5 kills in this game without that Final Fantasy sword
As much as we love complaining, all this stuff was planned, it’s gonna be a second before we get proper change, hopefully next season we can get some improvements with that GOD AWFUL MYTHIC GRENADE and WEAPON
70k views, 3k likes, did someone get ratio’d?
I love how Respawn said the Buster sword is never coming back, and they proceed to take the playerbase for morons by bringing it back to pocket more cash! Truly Epic!
Yeah cool
Anyway I hit plat on marvel rivals
I just heard “I need money money money”
give me the normal NG!!!
You have got to be kidding me… are you guys even paying attention to what the world thinks of your game anymore?
Why don’t weapons sound like this in-game???
Oh no not another 300$ thing that takes up most your screen putting you at disadvantage
The game is dead fr and this is coming from a “veteran” I played it from day 1, but about 1 month ago i uninstalled it and I’m so happy, i swear
lol EA done bumped there heads 😂😂 your games dying
Oh god..not again
Apex reminds me of hot girls…. Just constantly breaking my heart.
Honestly forget game “content” you might as well just exclusively produce stories from the outlands at this point
I like to think that the devs are the last one playing this game and thats the reason why they don’t work on the game anymore, they are the sweaty predators playing here and there, and the last boss are the devs… waiting for us…
Reciclando eventos
Fix Apex
The buster sword is back!!!!
PLEASE rotate the buster sword heirloom 90 degree’s. it blocks half the screen. i feel so cheated having gotten it, and i never use it cause its straight up a disadvantage. all you need to do is turn it slightly so it appears more flat, then facing the widest side right at the screen
once upon a time, I was really waiting for a video from Alex… But now you can come here, like to an alcoholic club, to be sad.
Hated this event last year I’m sure i will this year too
So this is what this long ahh update is for
Ea i hate you
Next week they will try to sell us bloodhound as the new legend
I love that EA keeps reminding me frequently that I shouldn’t give in and Download this game again. Thanks!
EA loves killin da fans
How they bring back ff7 but not even have a new skin?
They faces killing me why no one gaf 💀
Oh look more boring and even reused cosmetics. How original EA
I hate that respawn is catching flak for how bad the games state is when it’s EA execs that are shutting down the devs ideas and pumping out a collection event for yet another cash grab…
Its so infuriating seeing them operate this way when the fans are begging for better.. I’ll give t game till the August
instead of fixing the issues that currently plague the game they really expect people to buy this BS come on EA get it together.
Just money hungry we don’t need skins we need game fixing changes. Sound, legend balance and new maps not skins and same old pocket grabbing tactics.
Do you really think the game is going to be revived 💀
Hey EA can you work on actual content for the game that isn’t just monetary? Thanks! Also we had this exact event on the past 🙂
Again with cloud strife’s BUSTER SWORD
EAxSquare enix=money😊
Mama this is garbage
What about a free heirloom shards to people over level 300 or something to people that haven’t gotten one like me after years of playing. All you guys do is add more collection events and more heirlooms THAT PEOPLE ARE BARELY GETTING
I wouldn’t be surprised if they started charging apex players to join a game. Every game at least $2.
I like that some of the skins are showing… skin.
How about new content instead of transparent money grab
Love how lifeline isn’t helping the person who’s downed in the trailer. Truly an apex experience.
I just wish anniversary will be a nice refresh like i dont know maybe a new weapon? A new 2x scope? Make the game a bit versatile 💀
Is this supposed to be a joke? A collection event hot off the heels of a milestone collection event (which everyone agrees is the worst), that’s just a repeat of a past event with old skins?
5 events in a row is crazy work
W colab imo
The FF event attracted the most players, I think we should do it again! lol
Day one of asking for solos, quads, and launch royal to come back permanently
Everyone dislike!!!!
There’s no way this game doesn’t die this year
Guys this game is DEAD
“one time only, will not cooming back in the future” part 2
I hate Apex as much as the next guy, but that sword was fun AF to play with. Ill be noobing it up during the event.
Another collection…. That probably cost hundreds of dollars, and let me guess… There’s no actual content, just a cash grab for cosmetics. No thanks.
La cagada va en la taza
Any map updates yet?
they really pushing alter
why not do this when she released?
“Hello, I Like Money!”
– EA probably
Nah I’m Good
Okay, but can we get the red variant of the buster sword? The blue is cool and all but having it red as well would be nice.
No amount of events will save you apex…
The only reason they are doing this because that was their most successful cosmetic event. Guess what. Wont work EA
Fix the audio that every Season is worst ❌
Fix hundreds of bugs ❌
Fix the broken matchmaking ❌
Introduce new content ❌
Recycle content and overlap a new collection event $$ ✅
Espero este sea el ultimo año de este juego
Wow this is weak. I’m a day one gamer and still play… only have time to play one game a few times a week and this is it but I totally get why so many people are so bored.
i love the loba skin
And this is still in the Titanfall universe? I’ll say it’s in an alternate universe.
No new map no new legend no new lore but a new money grab.
So new skins vs old ones nice great job..!
IF there was a go fund me page setup by the devs themselves i would support that rather than any shares going to ea, maybe that will send a cllear message to ea about the communities priorites
At least some of us are getting the skins from the last time they made this type of event. That most of us didn’t even get yet so that’s the bright side
Perché quando lo convertite in Coin non me li ha dati
Just sell the franchise please
absolutely love that the ff7 collab is back tbh, i loved it when it first came out. I came back recently to the game missing it and now it’s back!! 😵💫😵💫
I could’ve made this trailer in my free time. EA is literally paying *nothing* and expecting *billions*.
We need to find a way to stand up against this corporate greed, once and for all.
when the wrong people lead a company
Just put apex out of its misery at this point
Yall cant be serious 😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉
double store event with only being able to earn 50 crafting metals and no apex packs. truly a Greedspawn W of its time
I’m not giving EA another penny. When the buster sword was introduced, EA used specific language to make it seem like it was a limited time event that would not come back. I took pride in having an heirloom that you couldn’t get with shards, so reintroducing it like this feels disingenuous and greedy based on what was said.
EA, Respawn, can yall just STOP showing us so much skin of the female characters and FIX the game? cause we’ve already got R34 doing that stuff much better than yall ever would. Do yall even know what ‘fix’ even means? Do yall even know when to STOP doing the wrong thing? Do yall even know what ‘shame’ means and when to be ashamed of yourselves?
There’s absolutely nobody on this planet likes what you guys are doing with this game
I’m convinced EA is ok with this game dying as long as they can squeeze every last penny until the end.
Еще больше скинов для умирающей игры, покупайте и дальше их хомячки, будет что вспоминить когда сервера отключат
Has Watson always held her gun like that…?
0:36 “I love a dying world”
I hope I could use crafting materials on this event 🥲🥲
I hope itll be a seperate playlist 😅
Didnt we just have a collection event last week or so.
I used to be excited for these
Banned Cronos users on all platforms yet??
NO…. then literally no point returning to the busted game
Since half a year there is a bug that in the game CPU load 100%, so many posts with the problem but not 1 fix – but every month events feed… why ?
Duplicate and similar skins 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢
Bring back quads
Wait i have some of these skins already
You guys genuinely have to be joking
10 days after the last event starting we announcing a new one? For real? The events since the new universal has been insane. The microtransactions are horrible. Since then we got a new universal heirloom, a event, a 2nd event, a overhauled store, rereleases of prior Battle pass “exclusives” 2 more pack pages and 1 patch. NICE EA YOU ARE HORRIBLE
Alter mahoraga 🗣️
Apex is dying
We want prestige holosprays!
I play this game to feel something now i feel nothing
Hopefully i can buy the buster sword with exotic shards!
i came for the comments
NAH! I’m OUT. I am done with you, Apex Legends. I never play this been last 9 month ago. it waste your time guys. no point this game. I play different game on steam really much better. be honestly. if you new player this game that fine. do you whatever you like. also Pro player apex. IT up to you. i don’t care. I hope you enjoy the GAME. that is just game. sign out and out.
Such a sad way for a game to die..
Never really liked FF
This looks lame AF
Who play apex 2025…???
Wow I hate it
Why is everything purple? I’m tired of seeing it?
apex by far has one of the worst communities
Glad i don’t play anymore 😂🎉🎉🎉
I think you will not be allowed to be trusted by any players if you make another game one day.
Skin are not content !
so alot off us payed almost 300+ for this pack just for them to bring it back?? oof
People complain bout the event, (just dont buy anything )
People say fix the game ( only pros) (and for the looks of it , everybody here is a pro apparently) 😂
Y’all act like every event in fornite comes out its free 😂
Call of duty you get a different complete game every year and yall tards buy every event that comes out 😂
Ame este juego, cuando se estreno. Pero ahora… Solo es una decepción y esta muriendo lentamente
So… the game it’s dying soooo fast, but we get another COLLECTION EVENT + recolor LTM ? Lol… that’s just another GREEDY LEVEL from EA.
cool, materia mode is back
Game is dead
Triple A game trailer btw
Wow this means i can spend more money yaaay
lets be honest.. this ltm was fun last time around.. 🔥🔥 and they cooked with this trailer too..
Wow! Can’t believe people are still playing this broken cash grab. Why? Did you miss the opportunity to buy the 60th reskin last season. Kick rocks Apex, ya done.
Lol prestige skin to the last legend come out 😂😂😂😂 only apex developers can do this S… T
Do they not understand the game has to be good in order for me to spend money?
“i love a dying world”
me when my friends ask me about the titanfall universe
Ironically they can’t rebirth their playerbase
“Hey this thing will never come back!”
Thing: *comes back*
“Hey they did that thing where they say something isn’t coming back and then it does”
It’s like they want us to stop playing apex…
So u give ur brand new legend a mythic skin but not all the og’s……..got ya. Guess u don’t want ppl playing ur game
Money grab
The hate comments got me 😂
Well at least the best weapon next to the flatline is coming back
Question:is there any new content in this update or is it all just new skins?
When is this coming out? And ea fix ur game so you have more players
no EA anymore
I’m just here to down vote.
Finally the listend to us we all wanted a collection event for soooooooooooooo long
This is actaully so lame and sad this is literally my favorite game and we’re all just watching it fall apart I feel bad for the developers that actually care but don’t have a say in the makes of it all
We need Heirloom Shard event with same 24-item price
Wow this is awful
They digging their own grave
Oh look guys a new “update”
Bro Alter is the most usless legend, and u guys are making a PRESTIGE SKIN FOR HER before THE OTHERS LEGEND??? Like wth, mad maggie heirloom? Newcastle? Catalyst? Vantage?. Stop with this events, ban the cheaters. Make a better mathcmaking, i’m diamond i’ve died to Nourryy, number 2 pred on console
Anyway the game is dead
lol another re color event (minus the typical mythical)
When was the last time a Stories from the Outlands video came out?
don’t care. fix the game.
Bring back linux support if tou want me to play
i have nothing to say
EA just stop already.
It don’t matter If a past season didn’t bring in enough revenue. We’ll just throw out mkre collection events
As the game will not decay, if they recycle the same events every year, skins and relics?
Besides the drama and all the negative stuff, did anyone notice the sound quality on this one I think it’s pretty impressive
Anyone that can not see they are phasing this game out on purpose just doesn’t want to see it. It’s blatant from where i am standing.
Same exact event as last year woaaaahhhhh, sorry this is not gonna bring me back💀
Wheres the new weapons, new chars, new map?
Another re skin and re re used bs
I have about a year without playing and I see this. Everything still the same, nothing new :/
Another dislike video 😊
I play for 6 years at apex and I have spend too money. now is soo bad is boring ad pretend much much money for items 💀
Wait so they bring final fantasy back crazy instead of doing something else you guys recycle something we already had come on respawn we can do better than that.
Again?……oh my God this game Is dead ahahahahahahha
Mmmmmm yummy us apex fans are eating good thank you Mr EA I love more slop on my plate I know it’s already filled with trash a few days ago but more wouldn’t hurt
Thats literally all I want. I have zero complaints otherwise.
The other game modes just dont hit the same.
EA greed is getting out of hand
dogshit, as usual
Well it’s a shame yall ruined this Game cause I definitely would have got that loba skin but alas
A dying world indeed ya ain’t wrong there 😂
Those who are the decision makers are incompetent, even if they’re still making money.
Didn’t Apex just drop a trailer for a completely different event less than 2 weeks ago?
Apex Legends Devs, get your act together. We need more heroes, and we need them now. This has been overdue for far too long. Seriously, what are you waiting for?
Alter really things shes a basilisk from Dark souls 😭
I love a dying world. Pretty subliminal 😂
Why didn’t they do a Cloud skin on Catalyst? 💀
so they are bringing it back 😂 ea really knows how to market their game
My EA account got banned (bc of my brother) and it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me!!!
prestige skin before hairloom 💀
Trash …….just pure trash
Sooooo when are we getting content? You’re telling me ya didn’t make enough money to use some to invest in the game ?
Can we get mythic loading screens next?
I miss feeling something for Apex.
I remember setting timers and finding ways to watch when apex released new videos now I forget they exist.
i work at cruise ship, my financial is not really that bad but not really that good either, when i saw people playing apex on twitch i kinda like the way they played, it’s like just fresh game, so i bought ps5 (yes i bought ps5 just for apex) when i play apex on this console sadly i have to play constantly 150-240 ping. i play this game when my contract is up, now my console is broken, i really don’t have reason anymore to fix my console. if they just add more playable server, i probably coming back, but i don’t think they care about the game. i think this is it guys, the game slowly going down heading to lowest point. excuse my english 🙂
I had 500h+ in that game and never got a single heirloom shard. Stoped playing long time ago.
Collect this collect that
I dont even play the game anymore i just come for the comments
Just skins… Literally
And that will be 900 dollars for a sword!
…a recycled final fantasy collection? That we have basically already had… is WILD…
I’ll see you guys on rivals.
The whole past 2 months have just been filled with 36 skins to buy every 2 weeks.
If anything you have to commend their insistence on being dirtbags
Alter: I love a dying world 🤣🤣 Apex legit a dying game
So are Lifeline and Newcastle going to get nerfs at some point?
Loba 🤤
The trailer is the only good thing about this event
Man everytime I see an Apex trailer it’s a freaking collection event like why
301が14ダメージなのはポップアップの影響?強化? どっち?
Everyone thumbs down this video
trash trailer..
this is what i like :
1. that Joker smile is cool af
2. Loba skin
3. Gibraltar Skin
You’re cooked bruh, just make titanfall 3 already
exited for the returning of orbs! kinda sad though that ff skins will become less exclusive
Just change ‘Patch Notes’ to ‘Store Notes’ at this point
I’m gonna replay this game again
Easy dislike
Their so desperate that they are attempting to revive a collaborative event to lure players back. EA needs to face the reality: Fortnite and especially Marvel Rivals have decisively won this battle.
Deja vu
I think they don’t add new weapons anymore is because it would be too expensive for a billion dollar game to pay artists to design skins for it.
Alter prestige skin before catalyst heirloom. Yall are crazy for that.
Another collection event.
Final fantasy AGAIN? 🙄 this is why I uninstall this game
Bring heriloom back
Alter: I love a dying world.
Apex Fans: You’re in the right place!
I’ll be in Rivals enjoying a game that the devs have full autonomy with and a company that supports that staff and cares for the gamer’s experience over what pros and CEOs say. Let me know how it goes.
just shut the servers for this game down already.
i remember: 100k watching apex daily on twicht. today, just 13k. this game is dying.
this game is so good. *loads up marvel rivals
This isn’t marvel rivals 😅
money event 5000 this year.
“I love a dying world”
So true Alter, so true.
Borren el juego ya 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
Did they really think they can Men in Black us?
Apex Devs, if you see this, please start communicating with your community about how you’re fixing bugs and adding new content. Any roadmap, just something that shows you care.
Not the sword that gave me ptsd ☠️
aaand that’s why we got an alter buff
Thanks for reminding me Apex! You are just taking precious storage on my pc! I need to uninstall! Great reminder!
I would like to see what happens when EA doesn’t make skins, and see what the devs actually want to do for a while season at least.
Fix this buggy game first EA, cheating, scripts, etc can’t count!
Apex still does updates? I thought apex died! Player count is as low as it’s ever been! Free heirlooms can’t bring players back!!!!!😢
The only thing dead here kids… is your social lives 🤣 game still gets millions of players on a weekly basis 🗞️
its buster sword time 🙂
EA really try to get the last money from pur pockets just like ow devs, shameless devs
Yo, can I get my mad Maggie heirloom already please with her prestige skin
Nothing more hype than seeing a trailer for skins we’ve already had, on a map we’ve played for 5 years. Very inspiring.
Why are there so many likes for this BS? Seriously….another collection/milestone event….?🤦♂️ for the love of god stop! I’d be absolutely ashamed to work at EA. You’ve got to be the most ignorant company ever to let the best fps game ever made die like this.
Edit: love the buster sword & ff7 ltm but hate the events they do now. They just scream corporate greed!
Cant wait to not buy the buster sword or any of those cosmetics that would “never be purchasable agian” 😮
Big L… everytime same sh*t.
Great trailer ngl
The Buster sword is one of the worst things they ever had in the game AND THEY BRING IT BACK?!?! WTH?! 😢
Have you fixed the sound yet?
Alter prestige skin is random af.
This game isn’t making it to 2026😂😂🙏
I love the part when she says “dying game” truly an Apex experience EXACTLY CINEMA CHOICE EA
It genuinely impresses me how nobody is making these classic apex moment jokes anymore.
Everyone is just so done with apex.
Heartbreaking how such a good game can go down, just bc of EA
1:04 asian 1v1
Not again
EA: I’m once again asking for your financial support
I’m excited for the return😊 but plz I would love for the older prestige skins to have there dive trails been waiting for bloodhounds 😢
Я нахрен сейчас удалю эту игру
Finisher Looks actually fire, but i don’t think prestieges should cost more than 50€. I think they should actually be given for free after every lvl prestiege
……….good to know. Now, back to Marvel Rivals.
When is that bustersword going to be Ash new ultimate? Where is Swordcore for Ash?
EA suits have once again shown they think they know better than the game developers.
Wow the greed is serious! Thanks EA/Respawn for another skin nobody is asking for!
I’m gonna keep saying this but please do something new and interesting. Like add Flippin titans to the game anything is better than this slow death of a once great game
I love how theese skins make it impossible to differentiate between characters by looking at them for 0.5 sec
please save apex, its the only game i play and it is dying
Y’all are so toxic and whiny, and are never happy even when they have great news. The game ain’t dead yet, but its decline is just as much the community’s fault as it is EA’s…
Yoooo new event!
Wait a minute 🧐
Let the game die with dignity.
So as this is EA post 2022, i assume you can’t buy any of these with crafting metals?
Hehe another skins event , no content update at all. Same old contents, cheaters, potato servers .
EA is cooked
They’ve really messed up this game huh?
Y siguen sacando puro evento de colección con modos de juegos reutilizado 🤬
the A in “EA” stands for Alzheimer
This update better not be 90GB
Is there even a break between these Collection Events?
Apex season 0 : 50 million players
Apex season 22 : 50 million skins
But the players left. No one to buy the skins
I quieted for about a year now…
If you would invest in better servers and life ban the cheaters I would still play the game !
The relic mastiff was strong enough, not 20 people walking around with relic swords…. it was so bad, every game was sword spam……
Great! So another impossible weapon to get unless you’re youtuber/streamer.
Thats crazy bro but could you please just put the fries in the bag
Please EA relaunche apex legend mobile 📲 🙏🏻😢 please 🥺
15K views in an hour is nuts
are you f* serious? another event without free rewards, without free packs, without skins that you can craft it with metals
Loda skin looks cool
And that finisher at end was 🔥
Clicked on the notification just to down vote
Only new thing is skins
Guys ive been defending this game long enough all these copy and paste we’ve all had enough of. Nobody in the community asked for this. And you wonder why the player count drops daily.
Et les cheaters ??????
Cant wait for the sword mode to be back, pla bring it back more often
I feel like they are purposley killing the game and trying to get as much money as they can before they release a new titanfall or apex 2 fr
TTF 3 please
ya got me. i’m coming back just for this.
Please bring quads back with more game modes
“i love a dying world”
you did right to choose apex then 😂
E.A mejor vende a respawn 🗣️🗣️🗣️
We want them to listen but yall still buy these skins events until we stop they will never listen
i loved this event and im glad its back, recent updates have been quite good, the cosmetics are cool but ive learned not to buy them cause this game is sadly declining
cant wait till the 21st (:
Brother, this video has more dislikes than likes
Imagine wasting mythic shards on a skin.
How does a character that has an even been in the game for one year get a prestige skin😂 and I’ve seen her get more buffs than some character characters. This is bizarre.
Gimme a free heirloom and I’ll think about playing again
Jesus Christ, this game is going down the drain. And how can you manage to make so many awful skins? It only seems to get worse.
How many times do we have to ask for the servers to be upgraded
So what’s in the event I didn’t see anything
Ong i will be playing a
Marvel rivals….
Literalmente el mismo evento del año pasado con la skins que dijieron que eran exclusivas,los mismos hop ups de hace un año sin nada mas que una skin que es probablemente la mejor de las prestigio o del juego pero un skin no salva que sea el mismo evento del año pasado 🥲
Why do I feel like I’ve had this experience before, oh wait I have.
🌹If you buy anything from this event, you’re an IDIOT!🌹
How lazy do they have to be to recycle an entire event? 🤮🤮
All they need to do is Make a new map like Kings canyon & we’ll be good
Another recycled event…
*pretends to be shocked*
But is the Buster sword heirloom back?
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This skin for Loba is very beautiful, but please wake up respawn and ea save Apex legends pls 😢
General Mahoraga reference🎉
This game is feeling off… where is lore where are cool events cool seasons, new legends…
I truly feel bad for the people keeping hope that this game will somehow get better. Myself included 🥲
Im usually the biggest sucker for ANYTHING you guys add or do, but at this point…. Collection, Collection, Sale, Sale, Store Offer, Store Offer….
Bro… I watched this trailer with 0 emotions in my eyes, wanting to cry by the end, because all I’m seeing is recycled and looks like just another moneygrab.
Nothing special
They actually added nothing new or balance changes
Huh, No Free Heirloom Skin?
giving alter (newest character) a mythic skin before maggie (4 year old character) gets an heirloom is criminal
Sux I’m not a fan of Final Fantasy at all.
The fact that EA got access to final fantasy content we got a recycled event is totally and apex moment. Truly, if the sword comes back, why not give us sephiroths sword or one of the other melee weapons. There’s so much that could’ve been done. This is furthers my argue that the current devs need to be fired / replaced and that EA needs to ruin this game so I can be purchased by a developer that’ll give us content and what we need for it.
Way to go EA! Thank you for Killing the best BR out there. You really know how to ruin a company and games
Apex going out with a wimper. Everyone is playing Marvel Rivals now.
Buff crypto, I’m tired of my drone blowing up to ring
Also caustic he’s not as good as he used to be.
5 monthos without this garbage game, this video reminds me why.
EA is being delulu right now
Pathfinder died for this
nothing new, neither in the “story” that they are throwing away nor in the game itself like modes and other features
Thank you so much EA and Respawn I really needed more skins!
Oh wait I stopped playing this game seasons ago because they continue going down the money spinner route
Alters prestige skin is 💩💩💩💩
Yall are so tone deaf
Atleast put Revival permanent for public matches.
Every pub match is a reminder how fast this game is dying.
Another collection event just what the game needs 😅😅😅😅😅
I know this event
They’ve begun recycling crossovers 😂😂
Bring arena back please
‘Buy the thing we sold you last year.’ – respawn & ea without a single original idea between them.
Online casino
Man what an L collection event no mirage skins
I’ve already seen this twin💔
I like this event since the sword is actually fun to play with until it isn’t and it becomes like the winter express where nothing EVER changes
Apex Legends was one of the top earning games AGAIN in 2024, so i guess all the crying u people are doing aint working
le retour de la pire de la pire méta du jeu, l’épée, le jeu est définitivement mort
Dude how come Alter gets a prestige skin? Brah I feel like they’re not give my boy gibby and prestige skin
Looner Reberf
Apex is actually one of the best game, but few things needs to get fixed…
I just can’t. They gave the newest character who literally no one likes a mythic skin!? If you guys are gonna have garbage 100 dollar microtransactions at least make something cool! Just make titanfall 3 already!
Man the buster sword was really fun, im happy we can mess around with it and the materia again!
Im gonna appreciate the fun content and not pay any attention to the cosmetics because they do not matter and i am so tired having to hear screams of anger over skins when its not even content.
Last patch was great fun, OG returning, wild new relics, and insane patches. While i hope some buffs gets toned down soon, its really fun how experimental it is!
looks at dislike bar from the past 5 videos:
Respawn when people say Content, they mean: New Game Modes and New/Updated Maps. Its ok to recycle but bring something new to the table ever so often. Please.
ah yes.. last one didnt do well huh?
Now they evolved to re-eventing. This is insane. I stopped playing a year ago and it just seems to get worse and worse. How is this game still relevant.
Im an onlooker but apex is burning and warzone is burning? What is happening with FPS games now
0:43 Hey respawn, how bout stop making Loba finish octane and make it the other way around next time😡
Why the lobby full of bot
Where’s titanfall 3? Many people have been waiting for it, it would be more successful compared to apex current state, please take this in mind and consider it
Bro you know what I truly miss about this game the dialogue between the characters what happened to that
Ea is absolutely destroying this game. NO ONE CARES ABOUT COSMETICS until you give us FRESH and NEW content to go with it. This game made over a billion dollars! There is no excuse other than greed to not reinvest that in this game for more content…..
Looking forward to using the FF powers.
so the game now is just cosmetis and trash event, no thanks .
We need Titanfall 2 update
they be trolling at this point lol theres no way
Revive my crypto
this game new content legit just expensive skins im crying 😭
wooow just what this season needed another skin focused event THE GAME IS SAVED! 😀
EA bring back apex mobile it’s the only way to bring back apex
EA . You guys are just the worse man .
The game is dying u guys are doing nothing 😂
EA’s higher-ups ruined the game. Also, they should have done FF16 collaboration instead of FF7 again. What a waste.
Can you like actually fix the matchmaking, servers and add more content that isn’t reused dogshit
Your game is dying
at least its not a milestone event🙏🙏
We get loads of content and game changing updates in different games, most notably Fortnite, while this joke of a BR game only focuses on skins and overpriced garbage and Recycled trash, well done Respawn, not even Titanfall 3 could save you at this point
Alter; a 2 season old legend, gets a prestige before Maggie, a like 11 season old legend, gets her heirloom???
Cool trailer and its not 30 seconds so thats good wish this game had more players (and please stop yapping about the collection event its al i see in the comments)
The only way to save this game is to delete all skins and new legends and start back season 0 😂 stop adding slop
Esse evento é uma bosta, essa espada é uma merda de roubada e chata
Some devs probably came up with an amazing idea to revive the game and the executive said : Collection event it is
Love the part where alter says “I love a dying game” and Then Alters around everywhere
Only reason why I’m okay with this is that buster sword was my favorite weapon in apex history, and that Gibby skin is fire. BUT COME ON EA STOP RUNNING APEX INTO THE GROUND! HAVE MERCY!
They use the POV of a knocked crypto to symbolize how dead the game truly is. Sad 😔
Nice another recolor event lol. Apex is so done for. Be creative and add new stuff, yall are a billion dollar company
Deleting comments that tells truth is not a smart move EA…
-and the new legends? Lore? Or maybe a pve mode?
Crypto has fallen
Good try.
Otro juego bueno que va a morir por culpa de EA
Exisde no fix Game 🎉
Apex really gotta start releasing NEW UNIQUE GAME MODE trailers if they want to revive their game.
7000 views in 15 minutes this game is dead 😭
Good trailer.
😂😂😂😂 skins skins skins skins and trash mode. Brother 🥹 no more brains there in department? What a shame…
This is like the ninth collection event this split
Can we have collection events back?
More Capitalist Slop. Apex became what it set out to destroy.
the best realistic plot with Alter, she is destroying the game in our timeline
Loved this game so much i got so many hrs in this game so sad to watch the devs not care and only promote and dish out money grabbing opportunities and not improving the game itself such a waste of a franchise
Wow a collection event, haven’t had those a million times im pretty sure everyone is excited for it ea 🙂
Oh another collection event
Never knew that Apex stop being a videogame, but an online clothing shop instead.
This….this is where they’re putting their effort.
U will believe skins are content. U will believe skins are content. U will believe skins are content.
Respawn is just as out of touch as EA now. Why would you give the newest legend a prestige skin before other legends have got one or an heirloom?
Mierdón apoteósico
so we bringing out like 5 collection events in a season now
Your channel is a true oasis for the mind and soul. Thank you for your warmth and light that you bring into our lives!♀️🌃🥎
More of the same. And not being able to earn dmg badges in normal trios after so long still. 😂
1 legend a year is crazy work
Can we get content
Looks nice, but when is Conduit or Mad Maggie getting anything? Like, c’mon 😒
as someone who’s mainly using loba and alter, I really like the changes that they made recently.
So I don’t get why people are complaining
rebirth will release on the 23rd of january!
Another apex event, truly an apex moment
Essa mina ela é louca….
Ngl I EA I think it’s time to take this game around back of the barn and do what has to be done.its just sad now
3rd event of the season hopefully they’ll use the money from these events to fix the game, right
ma che senso ha farla di alter?
A new awesome Loba skin,yikes
Never to return again btw
Sigan sacando los eventos que a la gente les gusta que les va a ir cada vez peor. Los servidores en Brasil ya no sirven. No hay NADIE jugando. No puede ser posible que no pueda jugar con mi amigo a Apex porque no hay nadie. Ni en ranked, ni en publicasC ni en eventos. Si cambio de servidor me va lag y son todos pro players jugando. Ya no disfruto jugando a Apex. Literalmente es un juego MUERTO.
Collection events aren’t helping, glad I stopped playing this game. Been playing this game since release I’m sad that it got this way, is this game worth playing?
Can you PLEASE make this LTM its OWN MODE?!? I really just want regular pubs back man 😩😭
Why am I still subscribed to this channel?
Oh boy, I can’t wa—— 😴💤💤💤
I SWEAR TO GOD, if they brought back the Buster Sword Universal Heirloom that they PROMISED was a one time release, im crashing out. This better be just the event ability one!
No More skisns please fix the game Is dead
Wow recycling ltms good job guys that’s what we wanted!!!!!!!!!
0:37 “i love a dying game” 😂
Ah yes the sword agian for 360€ amazing
Insert meme of kid getting a avocado as a Christmas gift here
This game is dead since season 19
Seems they are just have had a bath of GREEED!
Wthell apex !
new collection event dropped YAY…..🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Alter: I love a dying world
EA: I love a dying game
dumbest event ever alter with a prestige skin what about maggie castle etc heirloom only dumb people will like this video
애네들 스킨으로만 돈 벌 생각하고
유저 빠져서 겜 망하는건 생각 못하네
Braboooo 😮😮😮😮
The game is dying. Will we get any new quality of life changes or new features to anything? EA: More microtransactions!
Imagine playing this game after seeing how Marvel Rivals treats the gamers
Ya cierren esta mamada
Cool skin. Not buying it. Ill be on Marvel Rivals
Más de lo mismo
Don’t let the game die 😭
Wow colection event its exacly what we needed lol. Thats really what we want you think? 😢
Man, I remember when I loved this game. But while other BR games are constantly evolving and adding new content, Apex feels the same way it did years ago
At least release good skins😭
Rip Apex
Resalling a old collection event ??? seriously ???
Uninstalled already 🤡🤡🤡
Can you just add things we actually need like tourneys and fun updates
At least the trailer is longer than 30 seconds😂😂😂
yeah just keep pushing out leftovers 😂
Sad to see where the game is now
If this is a gamble event, I’m out. I wanna be able to buy the skins individually like you used to be able to do 😭
Esses caras tao de marola n e possível 😒
. . .i hate that sword so much. 😂
Really havent been playing this game for a while, first time since the launch, been replaying borderlands 3 and having more fun 😂
I didn’t even know a collection event was coming out
Here come all the hate comments
Idc what anyone says! I missed the ff event! IM GLAD I GET ANOTHER CHANCE AT IT! 😭
I missed when the content wasnt a lame money grab event with skins, i missed when apex was fun.
R.E.A.D T.H.E R.O.O.M!
Where are the tales from the outlands?
I’m deleting the game
aint no way apex is this slow about their dying game
got my heirlom shards for the prestige skin les gooo
From the shock droped game that noone even EA would hope be successful to the most monetized and greedy in every way possible game. Thanks EA for making it a sad reality and ruining everyones joy.
Ah yes, more microtransactions, that’s just what this dying game needs right now!
We literally just had an event where alter got a skin
I’m so done with this money, hungry company
I do not care
Eh apex, tell those money hungry scumbags at ea you guys will all quit if they dont let yall start making this game good again.. not hard to get another job..
why does alter get a prestige skin when not even all the legends have an heirloom
It hurts so bad to see EA poison another franchise through its insatiable greed.
Somebody said “EA thinks we have dementia”😂😂😂
Haaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! La espalda!!!!!! Como amo esa armaaaa!!!!!!
Didn’t we literally just finish a collection event?
I think apex dev should be a stylist because instead of bringing new content they design new skins
0:36 “i love a dying world” …they’re accepting it 💀
Bringing back the Buster Sword?
Bad move.
How new
Presenten un evento gratuito o algo nuevo, arreglen servers, bugs, desvalances, este juego está a nada de ser olvidado, no creo que sobreviva 2025
Yes I’m playing it for the sword only, no I’m not buying anything in this event
2 collection events in less than 2 weeks is wild
Im sorry respawn for what EA did to you 😔
The devs realy think that skins are consiedered as content
Oh, look what they’ve done to you…
At this point just shut the servers down💯 y’all made well enough profit from the past 2 years
🐕 💩 😂😂😂
More skins what a suprise
Game started being trash years ago
No tendras mi dinero EA
Bro we just got a collection event! WTH is this?? Apex is really dying and they keep killing it more with these events
Just let it go lil bro😩
Your channel is a source of joy and inspiration. Thank you for your creativity!⛹️✊🤑
Apex is blind to the comments 😂😂
So original
Still no cosmetic for Caustic that isnt just a recolor?
Pathfinder better get a buff. Then I will come back to the game.
This game is dead 💀💀 EA only want money
Goodbye apex
recycled event and more skins 🔥🔥
0:30 The aim-snapping is crazy
Yayyyy more collection events🎉🎉🎉🎉
Copy and paste event
I would have been happy with just an audio update
Pay your voice actors right so you can actually have a trailer and not just reuse in-game voice lines
Oh, an excellent trailer with a colorful, completely unrelated anime theme to the game! Thank you for releasing this trailer; it’s really good and amazing, and I will definitely play it.
P.S. EA, please let my family go.
Yayyyyy another money grab!!!!
Yea I’m done spending money on this game
Reminds me of juri from street fighter
Nice, i hope all the cry babies go back 2 fortnite where they belong
It doesn’t even look like a prestige skin ngl, and why for alter? No one really plays her, or the game in general.
These 4 players would be happy for getting prestige for their main
The last nail on the coffin! Grear job EA! 😂
They can’t keep getting away with this
when will yall finally listen and actually bring this game back to life
Just shut the server down
Again? Seriously?
Yeah nobody playing this
Hello respawn❤ GAME DIED🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
More transactions but nothing is fixed or made better no on wants to play this anymore
“I love a dying game” – alter
Please down vote it
Delete the game 🔥
Give me a free heirloom then i will play 5-10 games thats my best offer
Has Titanfall 3 been released yet?
I think it’s time to make a new heirloom and stop repeating events!
The sword is back…money grab time again 🤣
Woo i liked the FF colab mode. This should be fun
wake up ea your game is dying
Glazing the new character with a prestige skin
Nah the downfall is real
L event. TF|3 would’ve lasted longer than this game
No way this is serious
Dude really expect us to buy two heirlooms in one event when their game is in its worst state 😂😂
The only good thing I saw is bringing back the final fantasy event and the new loba skin.
I ain’t played this game in a year or more but these comments tell
Me all I need to know about how the game is doing 🤣
If they were gonna make crypto into cloud thry should changed his hair blonde
man i remember when thousands would be waiting for a trailer now it’s only hundreds sad way to go out man
Can we stop doing collection events and ACTUALLY make the game better
We need apex legends 2
EA thinks we have dementia
Oh yeah still game still exists
One day we’ll get actual content in this game instead of the same skins getting resold for 40 bucks every week
more skins to buy!!! this saves everything!!
I don’t know how they did it but they somehow figured that two collection events must be better than one
Listen to community you said no
You ain’t gettin my money but I’ll be playing
Good lord, even the events are being reskinned now 😭
Wow another collection event? Just what we need.
Fans: this game needs content it’s dying!
Give us a Witcher or Mass Effect colab!
Newest character that’s not even played gets a prestige skin yayyyy
oh this game is dead dead they re-releasing 300$ cosmetics bruh 😭
Just pull the plug 😭🙏
Nice another Recycled LTM with Hella over priced cosmetics 😢
When will they add more content?
ah yes when we’ll get content?
wow i will NOT be spending my money on this
안 그래도 시즌 망했는데 재탕하면 어떡하니
Yayy another collection event😐
who cares
Pero regalame una reliquia o que mi apex
🎉 yay
this game is dead lol
El diavlo