Apex Legends Gameplay Trailer
Conquer with character in Apex Legends™, a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary challengers fight for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Choose from a roster of unique characters and experience the next evolution of battle royale.
Play for free now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Origin for PC: http://x.ea.com/55914
Music: Legend (ft. Backchat) – Performed by Jaroslav Beck and Generdyn
Taqs:Apex Legends,Apex Legends trailer,Apex Legends gameplay trailer,Apex Legends gameplay,Apex Legends launch,Apex Legends game,battle royale game,battle royale,battle royale shooter,battle royale gameplay,Apex Games,Apex,squad play,multiplayer shooter,ps4,Xbox,PC,Origin,Respawn Entertainment,Electronic Arts,Titanfall,Titanfall 2,EA,Respawn,fun battle royale
コメント (1576)
I miss
I miss the old apex.
0:54 that little Apex Legends leitmotif riff is so minimal, but the added touch is just so perfect is makes the song better, makes me wish there was a version of it with the mixed in riff
When times use to be simple
it’s back
Today we back with OG apex for season 23 !
Чудесно ❤
2024 OCT ANYONE???
Streamed apex today, player since season 1, not as fun as it used to be (s22), no longer worthy of all nighters 😭
First seasons were 🔥
One of the only real times I liked this game.
Whao y pensar que EA ahora lo esta dejando morir por la plata
I miss this
Coming back after season 20 apex decided to be good again
lowkey miss the first few seasons
little did they know, they’d have cosmetics that cost $700, and then reskin them over and over 😔😭
Back when they cared about this game 😢
Season 20 lol miss the old days
Man, this game has gone so far downhill.
man youtube recommended this cool looking new game, can’t wait until it drops!
Man i sure hope theres no 500 dollar item that I have a strange addiction too and want them all.
Oh it feels like it has been ages its so NOSTALGIC <3
Who else watching this going into season 20
We lost it.
honestly would go back to this in a heartbeat.Current apex is pretty much in the dumpster and nothing but a cashcow
I have nostalgic tears flowing red through my veins right now. I remember back when I was with the go along get along gang and we essential used the same word in our comment as the one we saw beneath it. Our niche was hey lets just be deadweight lazy copycat thought criminals and go full plain jane in the comment sections.
hola mi nombre es diego quiero pedirles si pueden agregar el modo arenas a apex porfavor gracias now in English: Hello, my name is Diego, I want to ask you if you can add arena mode to Apex, please, thank you.
Apex Legends saved my life
0:23 finding no weapon on hot drop is truly an Apex experience
por isso e que o jogo ta morto fds
Wow can’t believe it’s been 4 years already, still love that background tune
They need to give lifeline her shield back
Game Apex requires night and RPG .
pliz ea spartsz give maj frend herlom he need it heews name is jr laza give it to himű
I remember playing this during my Sophomore year
I miss the game when it was like this
Going on season 18 with revenant reborn they should totally do a season zero or 1 limited time event. Where it’s a separate mode to the right of mix tape where we have the original map in the original legend roster, and all of the original weapons and stuff.
Simplemente hermoso
Here from season 17! We made it!!!
Watching this and can’t believe we’re 17 seasons into Apex Legends, what a game🥲🥲🥲
“Sorry you died!”
-Every new player
This gives me a lot of nostalgia when I started playing when it came out
when release? pls
This game be like a call of duty and fortnite
Back then it was cool. But now too much changed.+ I want them to fix titanfall 2
Beat Saber OST?
Apex is still alive and kicking after 3+ years
I miss this
I’m watching all the trailers especially the new season that is dropping soon 🔜
I remember wanting to give this a try on ps4 but I didnt have ps plus and didnt think I could play it. It was 2 weeks after release I found out it didnt require ps plus, downloaded it and now I think I can count with one hand the days ive gone without playing it since release.
This game is amazing I’ve played since the pre-season nostalgia to the next level
This game is like 3 years old but feels like it came out 10 years ago.
I have been playing this since season zero and after seeing this after ages, I feel like this game has evolved so much… so nostalgic…
Watching this again makes me want to try out Apex Legends, but I’m scared it’s not gonna be even close to as good as it was at the time of this video 😔
man can’t wait for this game to come out
I love this game
OG’s: this, this was when the great land was untouched, when all wars were fought by the mightiest of warriors, this was king’s Canyon!
Name of the Song : Legend – Jaroslav Beck
So hype
3 years since the trailer came out, when is the game coming out?
2022 still love this, watch it to hype myself up to play sometimes.
The best version of lifeline right there, I hope the give her the old kit
Thnx for the best song @Jaroslav Beck
The nostalgia is insane
Rewatching this trailer and we in season 12 🔥
Too bad lifelines medic bot doesn’t put up a shield while reviving people 🤷🏾♂️👎
It’s been three years since I first play this game and I’m really glad that day I discover it I had so much fun with it also I’ll be playing it for a while
I never played apex legends don’t hate on me
I Am watching this in season 12 I remember when this first came out
I like how they hint at the sweat Wraith idea at 1:26
3 years now🥲 I am so old😅
This trailer is fantastic – Can’t believe its been 3 years, so many good memories
Back when it was Fortnite vs Apex Legends
3 years later and I’m finally finding which trailer had “the beat saber song”
3 years ago this game changed history and made so many memories over that time Happy 3rd Birthday Apex.
the good old days… can’t believe we’re already at season 12
can’t wait for the launch, Youtube Algorithm
we need this remix of the song
The anniversary event just started , this game grew up well
this game out, when?
here we are after 3 years 🙂
WOW, look at that pristine map with no blemishes. All the locations are hand crafted to actually work well in a battle royale environment. The only thing that could possibly mess this up or any future maps they create is massive explosions and random destructive events that turn the maps into rubble! No way they end up doing that…right?
Woah pathfinders voice is so diferent
My God the nostalgia
Thank you apex
Where are my Season 12 players?😎
Anyone else getting this in their recommended 3 years later
Watching this on sesson 12….. I miss this
This game looks so fire! 👪
we came a long way boys
its really been 3 years, time flies by quick when you are having fun in this game
Nostalgia….3 years ago i didnt know that i would fall in love with this game so much🥰
Im getting chills from this bro
Game looks promising..
Hello season 12!
I still miss skull town..
can’t wait for the game
Watching this from season 12 and oh my god it is so nostalgic. Look how far we have come with so many new legends and brand new guns. Keep it up respawn😁😁😁
Ur telling me this games 3 years old
This trailer have so much memories
3 years and we still have potatoes connected to the grid instead of servers…
Every time I hear that chime at the very end. Where Wraith does her finisher I feel a nostalgia feeling. Strange
3 year’s ago…
This game is perfect.
This game looks fun when does it come out????
Valla como a cambiado apex
Watching this after season 12 and still hitting my nerves.
Who’s just now getting this on there recommended? Just me? Ok.
1 day after season 12 launched on the 3 year anniversary oh how the game has evolved this was a sweet trailer as all them ussally are would love to see a anniversary event trailer with a throwback to this with the song
Season 12 look how far we come. Beautiful
Ahhhh the nostalgia I miss season 0
I can’t believe that we’re now in season 12 now, it’s been 3 good years of apex man the people at respawn have come so far who can believe it
Watching this on season 12 drop day so nostalgic I’m crying
I miss these days 😪 I used to play with my mom on here.
whos here after this game’s 3 years old
Watching this again after 3 years 12 seasons is something else
Watching this while Season 12s 70gb update is finishing! I love this game, hopefully they do something with VR!
In honor of 3 years. Thanks YouTube
This is still and will always be the best gameplay trailer apex has dropped
Everybody need to see this in season 12, these were the good old days
I’m watching this before season12 I miss naruto run wraith Happy birthday Apex🎉🎉🎉
Who else came back for nostalgia
Almost Season 12 & Youtube recommends me some nostalgia. I love it!
today’s the day season 12 releases, pure nostalgia
Why does this make me more excites than any new season.
3 years later I return for watch this legendary trailer 😔
who is here b4 season 12 launch
2 more days to season 13 and this bring soooo much memories
Hello from 2 days to season 12!!!😱😂
Beat saber
Hello there
It’s already 3rd anniversary!
I’m so happy
Happy Birthday Apex Legends!
3 years and still masterpiece
almost 3 years and we still going strong!
Happy birthdayApex!!!
Happy 3 anniversary apex legends
Valorant should also come for mobile
It’s the beat saber song
Here it is season 11 is gonna be wrapping up and season 12 comes out so nostalgic lifelines drone shield wraiths Naruto run please bring me back
they should do an april fools where apex goes like it’s been when it released
I like how they used a beat saber track
Watching during season 11 😭 this brings back so many memories. Back when we were all apex noobs
Ahhh I see where battlefield 2042 got their cringy one liners from 😂
I remember first playing this and it was sooo good without all these newer legends but I mean hey new legends keeps the game fresh but u can’t beat first day launch
Beatsaber hits hard.
I miss the old apex
Who’s watching in season 11????
Ah. Memories.
Can’t wait for it to release1!!!!!1
Watching in season 11 👀
paths voice sounds a bit different
Season 11 time’s passing so fast…
bro it’s season 11 and this is on my recommended
Watching this in season 11 this brings back memories
Who’s here after season 11 dropped?
Aww man, sure this game looks great!
Can’t wait to play it!
I get nostalgic then I remember, the servers we play on today are in the same state as launch day .
Shoutout to season 0 wingman you aren’t with us, but we made it.
That lifeline revive doe was amazing
Season 11 is the closest to this we have had…thank you for saving the last 2 years respawn
Who’s here in Season 11? This is so nostalgic
Why did i get this now, when season 11 is 1 day old
Watching this the day that season 11 dropped. Let’s go boiis
Who else got recommended this in season 11 haha 😂
Who here after season 11 for some reason?
The nostalgia
Wow a throwback
Ah nostalgia
I hread their will bring a new legend
Yo cant wait to play this Game!
After 2 years
Man those were the days
Season 11 today and it feel like every single season since season 0 has just lowered the amount of fun I have.
The beginning of the legend
I wonder if they already had season 11 planned out when this trailer release
Watching before season 11 🙂 can’t wait to play ash!
Anyone watching this right when season 11 boutta drop?
Watching this before season 11! crazy how far thia game has come
0:45 miss this lifeline
The day before season 11 launches this masterpiece still brings the nostalgia from back then. I hope Apex will return to it’s glory days as now the server problems and hackers ruin the gameplay for a bunch of people
1:08 i never hear those “fun screams” before
watching this before season 11 and now i feel like an old man.
Season 11 drops tomorrow and I’m still here!!
Officially 1000 days. GG gamers
11 seasons after only 2 years makes this game feel old but it really isn’t.
Wow, this is in my recommendation 1 day before season 11
Who else is watching this in season 10
Just got recommended this 2 years later
why is this on my youtube 2 years later ☠️
This was in my recommended still kinda fire
Please take me back to this version of apex… the current one is fcking DOGSHIT
RIP Apex legends
Crazy how far and popular this game has become
I have spent thousand of dollars on virtual cosmetics, smashing my monitor after dying from the 1,000,000th game breaking bug, and wasting time grinding ranked for a trail that gets taken away from you after a couple seasons.
But I have so many great memories playing this game and made so many great friends through it. Apex Legends is and will always be the greatest game ever made.
my lungs are filled with blood
The Nostalgia
Out of nowhere, one of the best video game trailers I have EVER seen, and you can play NOW????
Now I know why after 2 1/2 years, there are still millions of people playing this game every day!
Been gaming for 20 years and I’ve never played a game more than this one. Season 0 player, 1800 hours. Best fps ever made imo
In my recommendations before Season 11 drops, who else?
They should make a ltm bringing back s1
Man it has been 2 years and it has come a very long way for the better. I am watching this just before season 11 is coming out I am still playing and having fun with everything in the game. I am excited for more to come.
Man this new game looks cool
This game has a lot of potential
I have been playing since launch and have never heard this announcement 🙁
0:46 Tf is this?
Season 11 👋
I was one of those 10 mill people who played when it came out
A new season is just around the corner, which means the algorithm will give us a trip down memory line, digging up every Apex trailer ever made for us! Here we go 😀
I’m watching this after season 10 im from the FUTURE
Hi from the end of Season 10 👋🏽
fallen from grace
Season 10 is almost over and it’s insane how much this game has changed and grown.
Season 10 is trash i think?
Going into season 11 in 5 days 😎
I cant wait to play this game i’ve heard it was pretty good
Season 11 now….
A better take on battle Royale
I wonder if we are gonna get a legend that is a robot assassin that was human but died but he’s a robot now that be cool oh also he should be red and ruthless
Anyone here before Season 11?
Good job YT algorithm.. Wow we really came a looong way!!
0:51 this should be the bloodhound scan, not the current one
So much disrespect to Bangalore they only showed her once
ah the nostalgia
0:41 Lifeline was DaBaby all along
Youtube algs knows where it’s at!
Dude it’s a week till season 11 and I clicked this video because I saw the lyrics for ledgend in beat saber
I can’t believe this game is already 2 years old
How many hours you guys got on apex? i started in season 7 and didn’t play s9 so I’ve got 540ish
Wow, can’t wait for this game to come out, Looks fun!
playing apex from week 1 straight and this made me cry
Watching this a few days before season 11 what happened to ROAD MAPS?
There are 7 days left till season 11 drops and i m watching this
Pov : This shows up in your recommendation
Today is 26/10/2021
Respawn: S11 is coming soon
Youtube: Do you wanna watch pre season trailer?
pathfinder sounds way more robotic in this trailer i quite like it
Oh boy, we got some beat saber OST here dude
Fix the servers
Crazy how there are 18 legends now and 19th comming so soon
best game ever
Season 11 soon. I miss Lifeline’s shield so bad!
great game
I was here FeelsStrongMan
Apex, please bring this back as a LTM!
Ah yes the wonders on YouTube
S11 is one week away and YT algorithm couldn’t have timed it any better! We’ve come so far, yet we have only just begun! Here’s to so many more great seasons
little did we know..besides the audio and stuff like that. this was the best version and we took that for granted
It’s just fitting that wraith has a wingman
Started in Season 7 so i’m just wondering—did Pathfinder sound like season 0 or was it just a beta/trailer voice? He sounds different here
why is this in my recommended two years later?!?!?
Yeah man it’s season 11 and yt recommenden this
This is so nostalgic
It’s already almost season 11
when will this game be out?
This game looks fun. I think I’ll spend hundreds of dollars on it sink endless hours into it for the next 2 years.
Old Kings Canyon was the best.
Cant wait play apex legend . Hope play soon
I felt something good playing, I don’t feel anymore… 🙁
Everyone gangsta til wraith comes out of a portal 1:25
was path’s voice really so distorted at first?
My favorite thing is the “approaching drop zone” that just booms over the rest of the audio, I wish it sounded like this in game.
if they just we’re to bring back the old map and places it would FEEL SO GOOD
youtube be like: lets reccomend this 2 years later
I have this song in beat saver also I’m tering up
Shortly before season 11, this is still great
Season 11 in 2 weeks and I’m still thinking about the good old season 1-3 days 😔
best game with trash servers🖤
Прекрасное было время
I miss season zero
im watching this at season 10 so much things has changed
The beginning of an era
Ah, memories
Very helpful recommended thanks YouTube
wow it’s already been 2 years
Been playing this game since release good times man
I am crying watching this 😭
This is Nostalgic & It Was 2019,That’s How Much This Game has A Place In My Heart after I played The Moblie Final Beta
Remember that time when Bloodhound scan looks like an enemy freezing and short range
Back when lifeline had a Rez shield. *sniff* I’m not crying it’s the *sniff* it’s the rain
I miss when they put passion into this game. Makes me tear up a little bit, my friends used to have so much fun playing it, now they consider a couple $20 cosmetics an event. Sad
Back when they cared
2 years and 10 season later, the game still broken like season 0
we are in Season 10 and the servers are broken
You’re as beautiful as the day I found you :,)
Watching this and we are in season 10. Miss seeing everything here and it was fun. I’m still playing apex and loving it. My focus on characters depends on the map, but I love wraith, octane and loba.
I intalled that game week after it came out
I dont regret it for today
Wow it looks like the servers were working at some point in this games history
It’s season 10, and I got this in my recommended. You know, I should’ve played more back then.
Imagine if seer was in season 0
Tip lifeline shield
Why is it in my recommendations?
why does pathy sound like that
2 years later: YT recommended.
Nostalgia feeling amigos!
I miss lifeline’s res shield and the alternator on the ground, rip
Looking forward to this game can’t wait
Why does pathfinder sound more mrvn like
why youtube recommend me in 2021
Checking in on all the people here in s10
Anyone watching this in season 10 ?
2 years later I’m still playing this game 😍
this game looks awesome! When does it come out?
Yeah its already 2 year
I got this in my recommend, middle of season 10… it’s not the same
Rip alternator
The fricking song is a banget
I remember when apex killed all battle royal games that was cool
No more naruto run, no more Lifeline rez shield, no more alternator on the ground, no more mastiff on care package, etc
The game that cost titanfall 3 and make respawn abandon its better ip for a profitable battle royale sad to see but at least its the best of the best
Any Legend still here from S10?
Give pathfinder a good passive!
when times where simpler
Im watching this in Season 11 and crying. Now everybody is good.
Gotta be honest I kinda started playing this game when it came out but only on my dads ps4 cuz was a day1 player but is actually took an interest in it in season4 the downloaded it on my ps mid season4
Rip lifeline shield
Okay, 3rd anniversary in 5 months. 2 weeks after, Horizon Forbidden West releases
RIP Health drone
Also Where Loba? I don’t see Loba
The wonderful world of trailers where everyone has 10 health.
0:48 hits different
Beat saber
Remember the good old days. So much nostalgia.
this is where it all began 🙂
Fortnite is so much better apex legends you will be reported for copywriter you can’t copy another game also apex is dying so yeah
Nostalgic :'(
I can not wait to play this game
why is pathy’s voice like that
i want to get the background song same as this trailer song…can someone give me the link (only apex version plz)
im watching this fr season 10….
Looking at this from season 10.
here in season 10
Nothing but chills down my spine
already 3 day of season 10. Legendary game.
anyone here 10 seasons later
0:53 love how they snuck in the main theme here. Whoever edited this trailer, you freaking killed it.
So umm Season 10 just came out today
This game looks fun!!
Revisiting this trailer on the launch day of Season 10 with just over an hour to go until I try Seer.
who would have though we’d be staying strong in season 10
Amazing game, can’t wait for it to come out
Watching this 12 seasons later. Keep going strong Apex.
The time when the hype was built but turns out it’s a doo doo game 2 years later.
When apex was fun and playable
Ngl i prefered pathfinders og voice
Such a good time I got this game when it was only 2 days old
Hey the song is on beat saber
Anyone before season10?
Why are some people in this comment section so salty
Apex mobile Op
Too bad this game never came out on switch, would’ve loved play it at the time of the release. 2019 was an amazing year for me,, Unfortunately never had a PC, Xbox, or ps4. But playing this now is still fun, looking forward for season 10.
I remember playing apex a few weeks after it launched on PS4 with the homies, mind that I was addicted to fortnite back then so I didn’t really play much
Finally got a graphics card last March and the first thing I thought of playing was Apex cus fortnite is irrelevant
So I played from around the end of season 8 and been playing everyday for season 9, prolly not gonna play much for s10 cus of school but it is what it is, lvl 115 as of now
I miss this so much Apex doesn’t feel the same anymore 😢
I want thunderdome and skulltown.
The nostalgia is amazing this is right before season 10 btw
Wish I played this instead of fortnite 😭
Watching this a week before s10, very sad
Season 10 it’s been almost 2 years but it still kinda nostalgic
Good times
Oh lifeline that required skill nice nostalgia
Season 10 starts in a little over a week and its so awesome to see how far this game has come in 2 years
Wow the map and everything looks good can’t wait to play it!
Oh wait….
I’m just gonna say it, Team Fortress 2 and Apex Legends are the King and Queen of reveal trailers
path sounds so different!
I’m a big beat saber fan and the song in the trailer was made for the beat saber ost
So nostalgic in 9 season watching this and crying about old kings canyon 😭
2 years later and this is still my morning alarm it was so hype 🤟
Сейчас смотрю это видио и понимаю , что игра так сильна скатилась …
Man I sure wish I had my PC all the way back when.
Already event “Genesis”, season 9, hi everybody
I remember watching this when the game came out
Anyone who came here after new event trailer?)
i miss kings canyon
This trailer will forever get my hype
imagine newcomer watch this trailer then when he use lifeline, “wait, where’s the shield ?”
Nice to see it in my recomendation
Wow ya dos años desde qué pasó eso x’d
Bro why does path sound so robotic it’s so weird
This is where IT ALL BEGAN 🔥
ᴠᴇʀy ɴɪᴄᴇ
The fights back then were so much fun. And now everything is nerfed. Characters weapons it doesn’t matter. There was no 10 minutes fight. There was no 20 mins running around looking for people you fought, you won or died. It was quick or you were on a rampage. It was amazing. Every character was op in what they did. You adapted and survived. Now is such a different time and there’s nothing
I’m watching this during season 9 and looking back at this I miss kings kanyon
That “Sorry, new guy” makes the game appear very unsympathetic
There could NOT be a more perfect song for this trailer.
I played since the Valentine’s Day before season 1 now it is season 9 that is crazy
Watching dis in season 9 I miss kings canyon
is this game released?
The good old days
Bangalore, Bloodhound, Caustic, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Mirage, Pathfinder, Wraith
I wish i was here earlier- 😭 season2-5 player here
I remember when I first saw this and as a TF2 veteran I was like “I can’t wait to bully everyone with my movement skills” then realized movement got nerfed into the ground turned into crouch spamming lol
press like if you still remember this quake 3 arena
Came back here to see how much this game has evolved since S9 (which in my opinion is the best season yet!)
It’s so weird seeing stuff like the Old KC, more than half of the current legends missing, BH’s old scan, and Gibby before he ascended to Godhood
I remember being a fortnite kid and then watching this trailer a day after release installed it and never looked back i still play this amazing game till this day
0:44 *cries in season 9*
Im in season 9 waiting
Oh the nostalgia
But I love this gameplay trailer then apex legends 😁
I love apex legends but I don’t have pc🙄
This game isn’t even 2 years old but it feels like it after 2020 has been like 500 years
What is this song ?
Can I use this trailer for my youtube video
Anyone here after the season 9 gameplay trailer ??
is this real
Pathfinders early voice lines were so much more distorted
Cant wait to play
Idk why they removed “Mirage” from Apex Legends Mobile… ☹️☹️☹️
I feel bad for the people who haven’t played since the beginning cause they missed stuff like this
I can’t wait anymore for the launch.
Apex legends is god
Season 9 is knocking at the door
le YouTube: Recommend this 2years old trailer!
Skull town
Never gonna forget how this game appeared out of nowhere and became my favorite battle royale game
Looking back at it all.. seeing how far we’ve come, from blood hounds short scan, to pathfinders grapple nerfed into the dirt- we had highs and lows, and sometimes- the game completely blows- but with enough time- it can be just what titanfall was- the most underrated, yet fast paced and advanced shooter of all time- here’s to new heights and beyond with Valk!
Fun fact this song is from beat saber
0:00 a legend was born
Why is the mobile trailer the exact same?
S9 is coming and I’m still watching thiss
Who is hype for mobile.
Vere levsl
just saying theres an account called “Apex Legends Mobile” and it took this video and just copy pasted it and now is getting lots of subs and views
Beat saber ost go brrrrr
Beat Saber haha
Very cool
Dababy’s favourite character- lifeline cuz she says less goo
Watching this in season 9
This game looks cool! Can’t wait for it to come out!
ayo what why does it say mirage in subtitles 1:28 that’s wraith
I like how the song playing is a beat saber song lol
These gun fights look way cooler than the fights in the normal game 😀😂
love that they used Legend from Beat Saber OST 1
I like that they used a beat saber song for the trailer.
1:22 hi
Lol beat saber music
Who else came here from bandoot???
Apex I love the music u play LETS GO BOYS
the game felt so freacking fresh, I miss that
Me: wins one ranked game
Predator players: 1:22
Too awesome two years ago and brilliant today. Keep going, Respawn!
Can we go back to S1 pleeeaaaassee!
i so love game apex legends i so pro and i not cheater
Phewww nostalgia (from season 8)
I can’t believe it’s only been 2 years
0:42 that wingman shot is what got me into apex
I like how the song is actually taken from the Beat Saber OST
We live in the ruins of simpler times
still one of my favorite game trailers.
whos where in season 8 for the nostalgia?
Coming here to stare how fun skull town is. Best place to learn the game
This makes me remember the 1st time I play apex felt exactly like the trailer
0:52 First glitch and nobody realized lol
Music name ?
I started the day came out and this is the most nostalgic
I miss THIS game. ;-;
Dang it’s already been 2 years, and it felt like a decade ago 🤧
Anyone notice how they changed Pathfinders voice?
Omg the music
People who knew the background song from beatsaber
Man 2 years and they still get absolute bangers for their trailers
Damn I’ve seen you grow and fucking destroy Apex
Watching season 8 ik man
I just came here for the vibes
Its been 2 years now. Happy birthday apex
uuuhh.. did anyone else notice how scuffed path’s voice used to sound..? xD
Pffft, this will never get popular.
2 years, How I Love This Game.
Love apex
Two years, thanks apex, thanks for give me fortnite season 8 battle pass free. I love you
I hope that when this game comes out on switch that you don’t need a online member ship to play
Who’s here after season 8 came out
Damn That was Good times! I miss old times where pathy still 15 cooldown and wraith is still the queen of sweaty
Only true legends play this song in Beat Saber
Still the best music of all Apex trailer
Watching this during the 2nd anniversary event…I miss when lifeline wasn’t super annoying.
bruh its been 7 yrs
“good times”
I’m watching this two years later when we got octane,watts on,crypto,revenant,loba,rampart,horizon, and fuse
Recommended the day after the 2 year anniversary 😳
I’m back for the anniversary 2nd
can’t wait
I’m in season 8 now this feels so nostalgic
trailer:season 0
me:season 8 ;-;
Whose watching in 2021 of these OG times
2 years ago,
bestgame ever
Rip fortnite
Omg the memories im acutaly cried
Whos watching season 8?
Damn, its been a minute….
This looks so cool When does it come out
I m a living legend!
2 years later and this game is still better than Fortnite
Its been 2 years dam
This game looks cool! cant wait for it to come out!
Happy 2 year anniversary! exactly 2 years after Apex came out
2 years
Happy 2 year anniversary everyone!
And officially 2 years old holyyyyyyy
Omg the god ol days before people get 1000 kills in one day
Loving Season 8
Damn the hype. Wish I had watched this nd played as it released. Unlucky. Jeez the nostalgia wud hv hit different. Congo on 2 years Apex.
It’s really brings all the memories back… How it was my first br game and the Best..
Happy 2 years Apex
Wow its been 2 years and this trailer still gives me chills
anyone else watching this in season 8?
Happy birthday:)
1:10 that’s season 0 Pathfinder voice
i miss you season 0 S2
almost 2 years…
I miss these days
2 god damn years. Jesus time flies.
I remember when everyone in your friendlist used to play Apex in Season 0.
when does the nintendo version drop
Almost 2 years
Good old days
The way they incorporated the apex theme into the song…… Jesus the music is beautiful. 0:53 is my favorite part. I miss this Apex, bringing back some great memories
Watching this in 2021. Still gives me chills. <3
0:49 the. Best. Part.
Remember the old times when the peacekeeper wasn’t a red rarity gun
I’m watching this before season 8 and it really is nostalgic to me to see all the changes and the og things I miss
Everything has changed… wraith has changed… it’s just so nice watching this after it all fell apart and it reminds me of when it came together💜
Wow I still can’t believe this has so little dislikes not even 1000 surprising
Season 8 has so much hype that they recommending this 😂 🔥🔥🔥
Watching this after s8 gameplay trailer
Like if you are too
Man feels so nostalgic its almost 2 years
I want a day where everything including buffs/glitches/ map just goes back to day 1
They need to make Apex Legends Classic.
This is so nostalgic I’m watching this before season 8
Oh god it is about to be the 2 year anniversary this game brought so much fun.
Ah I miss the moments when you could pop Bloodhound’s ult then gun down an enemy squad one by one with the PK
Wanna back this times
Where it all began.
Apex legends= 1 top games
Year 2 is quickly approaching
I’m watching this before season 8. Nostalgic. RIP King’s Canyon for what? the 3rd time?
Everybody: The trailer is soo nostalgic
Me an intellectual: Playing this game for years and didn’t even know the trailer exist
Path sounded like an actual robot
I have to admit that I really hated this game. I felt too stupid for it as each character has their own set of skills. I gave it a try at the beginning of season 4 again and now I can’t stop playing it 😅
I can’t get out of this video
watching this in s7 still gives me goosebumps
The best game ever
After 2 monts this game becomes 2 years old 👀
1:26 in subs “Mirage: This is where it ends” xD
This brings me back memories
Wie heisst der Song🤗
NOSTALGIC. I want the old apex season 1 and 2 back
Almost 2 years bro, the days go by…
This is what got me to play apex
i wanna gooo backkkk
Who’s watching in 2021
Pleas make the annoncer say how many kills the chmapin has and if they made a doubel kill. That would be acutally nice
1:21 pathfinder really thought that mozambeke was gonna be one shot
Whenever I watch this trailer it just hypes me up to play some apex it’s a masterpiece
It reminds me of cod warfare… can’t wait for it on switch 😍
did bloodhound see mirage send out his decoy?
This is already nostalgic
Dear fortnite devs and players…..
2000th comment
Watching this in the beginning of season 7 and the nostalgia makes me feel sick. I miss pre season 😝
Apex is still hands down my favourite game and I gotta give it up to respawn for keeping it up. I’m amazed that it’s almost been 2 years now though all the ups and downs but yeah, I still think this game is a masterpiece
This come in my recommendations How?
Watching this after so long i noticed that the announcer says “Champion double kill” at 0:58
That’s not in the game
I’m not feeling nostalgic but I have that feeling of how far we’ve come since launch….
I really want that voice quip of pathfinder saying “woohoo” on the zip
about apex online on pc is free ,ps4 is free but xbox one gold need to play online still? wtf thats why i quit it and having a ps4 and pc but xbox one collecting dust
So nostalgic feeling get by seeing this second time
El mejor Battle royale del mundo.
Wtf was pathfinders voice lol
Верните старую карту апекс!
How did I just now realize after 1.5 years that the music in this video is from beat saber?
I wish I could go back in time and just play this game in its early stages rather than going “UgH ItS PoPulAr So ItS PrObAbLy ShIt”
This has no right to be as nostalgic as it is, at least not yet
1:22 5 shield damage
Who is here after season 7? Oh god how massively this game has changed as time passes.
Tbh this game is garbage now. Back when this came out, it was my life, I loved the shit out of it and played it whenever I could. Now it’s just sweaty, unbalanced and toxic. Titanfall 2 out does it by miles, in almost every way. Feels bad
Who coming from season 7
soo OG
This gets me so pumped to sit in my basement and play a videogame
are we not gonna talk about when wraith says this is where it ends with cc on it says “Mirage: This is where it ends.”
When does this game come out?
0:48 is why i launch this trailer up
Like for season 7
Whenever i watch this i get PTSD from playing this in beatsaber
Ready for Season 7 ???
Que buenos recuerdos
This game is BEST BATTLE ROYALE game
Now we in season 7
Watching this when season 7 about to drop… how time flies
Who’s here a year later?
Here we are where it all begins funny how far we have come
Anyone notice the flanger on Pathfinders voice at 1:06? Sounds SO much better here. This is coming from a week one player. I wish they’d get back to that style of his voice.
Bit late to the one year but just wanted to say… you’re doin great respawn
This game isn’t even 2 years old but it feels like it after 2020 has been like 500 years
Saudades de quando o mapa defiladeiro do rei era assim original 😞
The best season ever is weeks ago and im seriously so nostalgic while watching this, we’ve come so far, ily respawn and apex community ❤
It’s season 7 y’all.
Mozabique here
im watching this before season 7 and crying. so nostalgic. rip naruto run wraith
I know it’s only been one year but man this reminds me of the good old days of gaming for some reason
Also does anyone notice that pathfinders voice is more robotic here than in the game and the announcer said “champion double kill”
0:41 came for cool wingman animation… stayed for cool wingman animation
You can be proud of what you created. This game has grown so much. I’ve been here since season 1 and ain’t stopping any time soon!
only day one gamers can like
This literally gave me goosebumps ngl
Did anyone else notice that pathfinder sounded different or is it just me?
This right here crushed my hopes and dreams for a titanfall 3
Fix the damn servers
Im so glad that the game took off.
Dis game fr blew up
Mostly sweaty try hards but I still enjoy da game
The good old days…
Anyone remember
“Champion double kill”
1:39 mins of Gibraltar and Bloodhound flexing their skills.
I don’t have to say “here for 2020”
Because you’re here for the past times of gameplay.
The game is shit af now was great back then
this game used to be better
Good game till this day
Spoiler of future legends:
Take me back 🙁
Came back to watch it again
Only OGs remember this map
Tan rápido pasa el tiempo
Damn I started season one because a Freind introduced me to it… I’m still playing, how far this game has come is absolutely insane❤
I miss the days before season 1 and my ps4 account was not band
R.I.P Naruto Wraith
The fact that this game is almost 2 years old already really is heartwarming and nostalgic. Such a great game EA and respawn made
damn this new game looks dope
In season 6 there will be rampart true future
The good old days
damn boi this song and editing … almost tears
Here I am again. It feels so nostalgic
This for mobile?
This is cool I can’t wait when it drops
Who are in here after season 6 ✋
This game look sick, whens the release?
Only Respaen can hype a game this much and deliver more.
i remember i was in class when my friend showed me this trailer
i miss the old days when apex was actually fun to play and not a sweat fest
back when people having fun in apex legends
I miss the old days
Shit Fortnite the best Apex legends
shit fortnite
i like this game but with the state of the game im swaying away
Wait did she just say CHAMPION DOUBLE KILL
I came here because I want everyone to know i’m a living legend
Bruh in the end where pathfinder pulled a mozambique on bloodhound I almost cringed
Recommended :>
Did anyone Saw a the Masstiff NANI
New map pleasse and rotativo please x2
Subtitles mirage- this is were it ends
Humm… I prefer Hyper Scape
0:57 What are u doing step Hound?
1:21 Who still remembers pathfinders old voice?
This brings back memories
Champion double kill is something I never heard in this game yet
You’re the only reason why quarantine is bearable
Hi when are you releasing mobile
Remember when everybody said this would kill Fortnite… ya… The game is not doing so well
Titanfall battle royal
As a supportive friend I have nothing valuable to add in the comments section.
Season 6 check
Pathfinder sounds so weird in this trailer.
Ērtu gruvešiem biju u9ib sintoisms
Rare Titanfall Xbox One For Sale on eBay, 1 of 300 made for the Respawn Development Team.
Fun fact : pathfinder didn’t kill bloodhound, bloodhound killed pathfinder, coz path had a MoZaMbIqUe
This is the best BR, change my mind
Best game ever
There’s so much nostalgia now
이때가 이맵이 그립다
Buff Pathfinder please 😔
this game isnt good fortnite forever
S0 and S1 was the og days, now there are try hards everywhere
Anyone here from season 6?!
Damn we’ve come so far.Look at how much apex have changed
Season 6 now!
2019: best multiplayer game
2020: Best multiplayer game
If you watching this right now you are true Legend.
Who here is still playing from season 0
Man its been a year since season 0
I was here
Trailer: Lifeline revives bloodhound
Reality: lifeline leaves bloodhound to die and continues to loot up.
This is what nostalgia feels like
The music in all of these trailers is so good
Rest In Peace. (skull town) Let’s have a moment of silence for when Skull Town was a thing and for when the wingman was OP…………
Is that what Beta Pathy sounded like? Ew.
Back after season 6 got announced?
Only the real ones know where this song is from
Ngl this song kinda banger
Pls don’t let this game die
1:21 it was at this moment he knew he fucked up
It’s weird to see how far this game has come
It’s been a year
When is this song getting realised
“Build your Squad”
I love playing trios with two players
I love playing Duos Alone
i love playing with people basically just playing for only looting.
I love playing with people who cant even hit enemys once.
i love playing with Toxic Wraith Players.
i love playing with Ragequitting TTV Wraiths.
i love playing with people who ahouldnt be in my matchmaking.
i love playing with people disconnecing before the round even starts.
i love playing with people who steal dibsed Loot.
i love playing with people who think they are John Rambo and attack 1vs3 alone, just to die
i love playing with people being AFK in Queue and then later after the drop.
I love playing with people which drop solo and play their own game, just to complain when they down.
I love playing with people who jump late or basically cant decide in flight where to go.
I love playing with people who Int on Purpose and then rage.
i love playing with Ocatnes who run away and die fighting a full squad alone.
I love playing against Special Forces Squads who yeet you in 1 second.
I love playing against a Squad of three John Wicks.
I love playing against Apex Predators.
I love playing Against a Hunter-Killer Squad which chases you all across the map.
i love playing against Delta Force, Spteznas,Navy Seals Squads which wipe the floor with you.
I love playing Against Full Squads while im Solo.
I love playing Against my Own Squad which is literally Griefing me.
i love playing Against Myself since my rage sabotages my gameplay.(Dont say i wouldnt self reflect.)
I love playing Against a Kraber Squad.
Wished i could Build my Squad, really wish i could.
And yeah i got better in the game.
Went from 0.60 KDA to 1.13 KDA and still continuing.
But man this game gives rage i never thought ive ever had.
0:59 who wishes that voice line to be in the game?
Best Battle Royale till date in my opinion. PUBG looks cheap to me, I don’t like Fortnite either. Where, Apex Legends looks way too polished with nice story and enjoyable gameplay!
Anyone who dislikes this are just toxic fortnite kids
1:24 captions on
0:04 🙂
Who’s ready for season 6
Whose here with a few days before season 6
1:25 go into captions, it says “Mirage: This is where it ends” when wraith actually says it
Please ask me the name of background song…..
Who’s watching in 2020 at the end of S5
Why did playing Legend during PVP made me better
Who is watching this video after Apex legend mobile launch hit a like
Wtf was up with pathfinders voice
After a year, I’m still shocked at how they can make Apex Legends have the same energy as a Dude Perfect video
What soundtrack it is
I Need this Song
I miss bridges….
Oh…. Nostalgia
Still waiting to here CHAMPION DOUBLE KILL
*you shoot him… it was fake all along… you could say you got ‘bamboozled’. The man of metal points the worst gun in the game at you. It speaks. You know your time is over.*
pathfinder shoots bloodhound for 1 damage because mozambique
This is like overwatch and battle royale combined
(1:26) Subtitles: Mirage: this is where it ends.
I remember when the game was so good and fun. Now it’s just kinda shit and depressing
Eh, if it ain’t my favourite game of all time. Look at those oh legends
Paths voice wtf
Apex proved that fortnite was only popular because it was free
Who else gets chills each time the see this trailer
One of my favourite songs, synced with the main Apex theme and a sick trailer, absolutely rocks, even after more than a year.
I just remembered this trailer late at night and got the song stuck in my head so I came back to this video
thid was when apex was at its finest
1 like 1 buff for path
Sniper:Ah shit, were he go again
No one:
Me: watching this because apex is coming to the switch
This game still sweet till this day
When pathfinder was good
One of the rarer occasions where trailer is actual representation of the real game.
Gameplay definitely not from switch. I can’t believe in these fps and graphics.
Who came here after watching Facttechz’s Free fire Vs PUBG video
Hit likes
I came here cause I heard it’s coming on the switch
Только что играл эту песню в beat saber!
Apex saber
Is this coming to mobile?
…Read more
My viewers want me to play this so here I am lol
Who is Sharon 2020 washing
“Standby for legendfall”
Song is amazing!
happy to see how much this game has grown.
Beat saber anyone?
pathfinder is just a happy sociopath
1:30 yeetus the fetus
Who here in 2020
Mozambique here
Best battle royale ever
*This is when a Legend was born*
The song please?
Know someone this song? 😅
Put solos in
Skull town:(
Who’s watching in season 5
Edit: Well I guess season 6 is here now so who is watching in season 6
Alright guys now Who Watching In Season 7
0:49 when the music matches up
1:30 poor mirage
Can’t wait for this to release
Can’t believe that this game is only one year old
Back when gibby wasn’t op
We gonna talk about how lucky wraith was 0:25
This has everything I dislike about modern having. EA, Battle Royale, microtransactions…Yet…I absolutely love this game
Who’s watching this even at season 5?
i play this song on beat saber
Beat saber
game is epic!!!!!!!
I miss when you could put more kind of scopes on smgs
Can’t wait
Over a year later and I still remember that 0:48 was the moment I became a Bloodhound main.
They grow up fast look how big this game is now LOL
I already loved this song, but now I know it was in Apex it’s even better.
Why is pathfinder nerved?!?!?!?
what’s the song’s name
bruh why does pathfinder actually sound like a robot
Haha. Still the best BR if you like action packed dynamic games.
Mozanbiq Strikes again
Oi apex ur match making time too low im waited 1 hour and more for league match and duo too😡😡
Who is here when season 5 is about to start
I only know the song in this from beat saber
Ss 5 now
This trailer is epic, had to rewatch it
Pathfinder: exist
Ever kid: hehe
1:06 and 1:22 Path sounds like he’s on helium…
Playing in March dude season 5 is right around the corner
Ghhaah The Nostalgia.
Like a chi la visto nel 2020
Now season 5 :3
0:48 This entire bit makes me ruin a pair of pants every time I watch it. Clearly someone on the marketing team knows sound design *well*
Buff wraith😡😡😡😡
Why path voice sound so demonics here?
Pathfinder’s voice sounds different
I just fell in love with BloodHound after this 0:48
This is exactly how the gameplay is lol. They did not lie.
We all know damn well that Bloodhound saying “The Hunt Begins..” at sync with the beat, so badass. 👍🏾
What’s the name of this Song
I’m just gonna ignore the fact that Lifeline looks so ugly.
Can’t watch this without thinking o beat saber
Fortnite 2
Im still playing this game since first week
The dislikes r fortnite 6 yr olds
I’ve never heard Announcer saying “Champion Double Kill”
1:28 first recorded squad wipe by a wraith with a wingman
Is it online
I’ve been playing this game for months, why the hell i get hyped seeing this?
It’s so weird hearing the music after too many hours playing beat saber
What music?
The begin of a legend
2020 baby!
April 2020 ?
Why path have here so demon voice
Who else noticed this is a song in beat saber
I have the game from 3 months till now and I still don’t have a single kill… But good game!
Pathfinder’s voice lines are so weird
music is the best reminds me of beatsaber
Yeah we really need that CHAMPION DOUBLE KILL rn
Best game ever played at some point you can beat fortnite
A song from beat saber
This game has the worst sound system and a stupid “Abandon match” penalty. My teammate only has 2 health and if I leave match, apparently i am to be penalized for leaving, like wtf? Fix it
Damn. It’s been over a year since this game came out. Time flies by fast😢
Wraith was op back then, and then she got nerfed for a countless amount of times the seasons passed by.
Unpopular opinion:
*Wraith needs more love in this game*
I’ve heard this song on beat saber
And I call myself an apex addict
Pathfinder’s old voice tho
Que se pueda jugar pantalla dividida en apex porfa 🙂
I want to know who are the TWO FUCKING PERCENT that DIDN’T GIVE MRVN a high five
I like apex legends
Paths voice was so weird
bruh path sounded so different!
That’s Awesome 😍😍😍
lm waite for Apex Legends game in mobile
Season 4?
Wish I played during season one, I even played before there was a season one
And from ea
Where’s the beat saber squad?
Congrats! 1m subs!☺🎉🎉🎉
i am cry for canyon kings
Remember when people thought that this game was the fortnite killer?
What’s wrong with the pathfinder audio
Is it like Paragon? (I miss that one 😭)
The game gives me the Atlantida The Lost Empire vibe.
Best game 💝
That pathfinder voice?!
Titanfall fans: this is gonna suck!
Apex: *hits 50 million in a month*
Titanfall fans: it’ll probably die as fast as it lived
Apex: *lasts 1 year and 4 seasons long*
Titanfall fans: *surprised pikachu face*
เล่นมาเกือบปี ไม่ดีขึ้นเลย 555+
1 year ago today!!!
Happy birthday and the day they got 1M subscribers
Happy one year 🥳
Happy Birthday Apex!
Any body here before season 4?
God damn almost a Year… Season 4 IS FUCKIN LITT!!!
Almost the 1 year anniversary
I wasn’t a fan of BR games until Apex Legends came along. With season 4 launching tomorrow, I’m glad to say I’ve been a fan of this game since day one.
El juego es muy bueno,en mi opinión es el mejor Battle Royale,tiene su dificultad y cada partida es muy distinta a la anterior,no como en Fornite que siempre es lo mismo,caes,recoges materiales te creas tus hoteles 5 estrellas y ganas o pierdes,hasta Minecraft es mejor en sus modalidades que encontramos en servers,tiene egg wars,sky wars,hunger games,escapa de la bestia,demasiadas modalidades donde la habilidad de combate es lo más importante,no como en Fortnite donde gana el que contruye a lo pendejo cada vez que recibe un disparó
Almost 1 year!!!
1:20 *MoZaMbIqUe HeRe!!*
I just realized how unclear pathfinder’s voice was , it was more MRVN styled
Watching the trailer 1 year after the release, still not feeling fooled by the creators.
Thanks for the best game.
0:59 just realized they never used the “double kill”
what is this
“champion double kill”?
i love Beat saber song
I remember the day, new battle royale, I laughed at, I thought it was gonna be garbage. Then I play it and I stopped laughing, I thought it was really good, then I got pretty good at it. Now I got 2000 kills with wattson, thank u respawn for creating a MASTERPEICE
“11 months ago”
This game is almost a year old…
And i still suck.. damn.
Im watching all of the old videos and I think they have something against caustic 😂
What about that gold prowler when are we getting that
i can’t believe they destroyed a master piece like this…. oh wait it’s EA nvm.
0:59 is that voice line in game? Pretty sure after 500+ hours on the game it’s not…
how the mighty have fallen.
I love you response but no we don’t want this we want titanfall 3 please
Playing Titanfall I’m amazing, playing this game it just feel so slow and a lot of Titanfall players just can’t seem to be any good. That being said I’ve never met an apex player that’s any good at Titanfall
This Game Sucks , its Never Gonna Make it
I miss Kings Canyon
oh how i miss THIS Apex.
can you put the old map on as a permanent game mode
Was pathfinder originally gonna be just a MRVN
Nostalgic already
Seeing this in 2020 for the first time. This is so hype
I miss kings canyon
I miss you❤️
Why’s pathfinder’s voice so weird here?
Let’s all agree, If you know
Wall jump
Flick skill
Running jump skill
And all your skills in season 4
What happends you go back to the past when kingd canyon is all there is and no worlds edge or season 1,2,3,4
2020 anyone ?
I was here right before 1 year anniversary
1:22 Pathfinder when someone kills his creator
just watching again this trailer waiting for season 4 trailer :v
Did anybody notice that the announcer said somthing never heard in game before: “champion double kill” (0:59)
Edit: it is now season 7 and i look back on this only to have war flashbacks😂
The mozambiek does not do a 100 damage or more so pathfinder could nmot have killed bloodhound with one shot
This music goes a lot with the video!😰😱 Very cool video … I want to play now!😅
Fuck i miss Kings Canyon
Season 3 by the way
El mejor Battle Royal
Holy fuck this game has no business being as good as it is. And made by EA? This is redeeming EA everyday
Dejauvo I saw this in teaxas
When first I saw Pathfinder I said “Wow he looks so cool!”
When I played the game He was my Favorite!
Daaaaammm that’s Apwosm I am gana download it today
I miss King’s Canyon
this is a battle royale game
Pathfinders voice sound so different now
bring kings canyon back
That peacekeeper kill at 0:55 was straight up disrespectful
2019 ? map …😧😧
Fav parts are 0:39 and 0:36 the team work is wavy
Imagine actually having team mates that work so well together like that
How much BR games will keep coming
Already has fortnite copying it, not even a year old
what sis the song name plase can any one help me out plz
Apex legends: *exists*
where r others
I still love how they remixed Apex’s theme song into the Legend song in the background
This game isn’t even old and watching this trailer has me all nostalgic lol.
Titanfall meets br and overwatch
I want to go back to the days people though you could sneak behind people as wraith when phasing and not to people spraying you down with a r99 its sad
Whos playing from February?
Is Wraith…
Narito dashing!
So……. Let me guess. But I already know that THE CHAMPION DOUBLE KILL ANOUNCEMENT IS NOT IN THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i alredy miss muh skull town ; – ;
poor pathfinder…he thought he could kill that guy with mozambique
Can’t handle the hype for season 3. Just came to see where it all began
Look how far we’ve come legends…I know my creator is smiling…somewhere
Guys i’m trying so desperately to find the apex legends remix of legend, can anyone help me find it
0:24 show me this graphic in game, hahaah
F pug free fire & fornite
THE SONG: Jaroslav Beck & Generdyn – Legend ft. Backchat (Beat Saber Soundtrack)
Best game ever
Amazing music
15 wins with pathfinder
Apex is beautiful epic amazing.but fortnite is à poop
Fuck fortnite apex is à best battle royal ever
Complète thé entire quiz (20 questions )
Ya me defraudo fortnite no hagas lo mismo apex
Dissapointed by the expensive Iron Crown Skins
It makes me want to play Gibraltar
1:27: turn on the subtitles. Just do that. Look at it. XD
I remember for the first 2 weeks of launch I couldn’t play the game so I just constantly watched this
This is shit ain’t a good game at all and beat saber displays that song better
0:59 double kill
Why we have to have fucking female characters??? War is for men only
Wattson:Gibraltar,I Got A question..
Wattson;How Do You Put an Elephant Into A Fridge?
Gibraltar:Thats Not Even Posible..
Wattson:No,You Just Ipen the fridge and put it in.
Wattson:Another Question..
Wattson:If All Animal Goes to Lion’s Birthday Party,Who Would be The animal whos not in the party?
Gibraltar:The Turtle cause is to SlOw
Wattson;No,Sir,The Elephant He Still In The Fridge.
Gibraltar:You Kiddin Me Boy?
Wattson;Actually Im Ma’am,1 mo Question..
Wattson;If Theres a river full of crocodiles how would you cross it?
Gibraltar;Easy, You just Cross It Because all animals are at lion’s birthday party!
Wattson;No,Sir,Lion’s Birthday Party Is Ova,U Dead Boy.
😅,Ma Grammer Suckss,Im Actually Making apex Videos..,If Some One ,Would Like to see i would be happy
Como hago para poder jugar apex pero para el Android me pide una verificación
Haha, i am OG!
I love how much Pathfinders voice changed
1:19 the angle the decoy is running at changes for some reason
Pathfinder: sorry you died
Lol I was surprised when the beat saber song came on
new model of shooting game
When I heard the music my head went straight tooooo BEATTTTT SABBBBBBERRRR
1:08 it says gung-ho
I don’t care for this game as battle royals isn’t my cup of tea but the syncing of the audio is insane!
*Like this game only because I hate fortnite*
0:14 when i escape school
To think this game become more popular than Anthem with little to know marketing and no announcement!
judul back sound nya apa [bahasa indonesia]
Champion Double Jill 0:56
Wait the Wingman here has the Tf2 sounds….
This game looks way too good to be free 2 play!
Titanfall 1 and 2 battle Royale….. and free.
Mobile version launch
Who else did this, when they r showing awesome skill with ur best character
Me: that’s my boy/girl/unkown
Love this game
1:22, then immediately after, Bloodhound calmly stood up and killed Pathfinder because the Mozambique can’t kill anything
0:26 Alternator
0:43 Wingman
0:55 Peacekeeper
1:03 Mastiff
1:09 Flatline
1:22 Mozambique
1:28 Wingman again
Apex legends is better than fortnite
After playing titanfall 2 for do long I remember seeing this on launch and I was amazed and I was so puzzled how different this game was
I hate apex fortnite is better and no it is not taking over
Guys I’m from the future………
this game is ded
To bad respawn let it die slowly
Apex legends PS4 no game start
Beat Saber music lol
Man electronic arts are very hard working but this game is made in 2019 and usually at a start of the game it will be bad till there are several updates but this game has good graphics and good abilities without several updates impressive!
Avengers Power Copied
Solo mode plis
When is apex legends on Nintendo switch?
pupg died from fortnite and fortnite from APEX
One 👍=Apex>Fartknife
better than pubg and fortnite
Hey Apex you want to know something dumb? people are already making those stupid fake ads where THIS GAME, YES APEX is on mobile
Нет такого в игре.
what music?
I think that fortnite and apex legends will BOTH be the best.
Name of Song in The Background ?
Song off beat saber alright
Apex Legends is my fbrt game
1:22 MoZaMbiQuE hErE
God damn pathfinders so nice he said hi and waved and killed him
I know why They’re is 560 unlike because it is the Fortnite people
Someone wishpering to developer : mobile
I want to buy titanfall 2 but when apex come I get a titanfall battleroyale fusion with overwatch this is a good stuff
Mozambique can take some serious damage when it comes to really close range
Apex Legends For Pro Player
What abaut cross platform
What song ???
(Please tell me)
我觉得我会说我很喜欢Apex legends是一个很好的游戏。
I think yes
alguien mas que les guste APEX LEGENDS ? :v
1:16 emotes?
wraith: this is where it ends
she was clearly referring to apex ending fortnite.
honestly the best gameplay trailer I’ve seen to date!
Turn on captions 1:25 lol respawn, when was mirage able to create portals?
And here was the moment where the war between PUBG and Fortnite ended
EA please make a china server , china is too much hacker😢
0:48 the only reason i play Bloodhound xD
High five for sucess! No?
beat saber – legends ????
It would be competitive to pubg if they realise mobile version
Quiero apostar por este juego, tiene un futuro increíble y prometedor…
Saying how the dislikes are players of “X” just proves to me how fickle you all really are, I’ve played none of these games because they’re all the new hot shit and like good little consumers you eat that shit up, enjoy.
Not gonna lie , the music catches me.
Release date in android?
Pls release a mobile version that would be appreciated
listen if you want me to play this go over to nintendo and put it on nintendo switch
This trailer is just as lit as the game!
Song please? ill sub
I love This game sooooo much but my friends stopped playing so i have no one to play with😥
What?is Br or EUA?
This video is what made me main bloodhound
Music i wanna know if you know plz help me
This is much better than fortnite
1:22 Mozambique???
Respawn: Fortnite, PUBG, Blackout, they’re all just spokes on a wheel. This ones on top then that ones on top and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground
EA: it’s a beautiful dream, stopping the wheel. You’re not the first person who’s ever dreamt it.
Respawn: I’m not going to stop the wheel…[launches Apex Legends]…I’m going to break the wheel.
Enemy UAV online
Badass trailer!
0:48 BloodHound : The Hunt Begin
With that song are very coollllllllll
this game is Baller AF. well done respawn.
this game, is possible to trigger snowflakes and gurlgamers? I want a good game to be a toxic player.
Everyone talking about the weapons being from titanfall, but I definitely saw at least one weapon from an older Halo game. This looks like a Halo-esque BR which is kinda cool
Listo para tu retiro (fornaik) :u
Mañana se va a morir Apex legends
Lmao, this is OP.
Titanfall 2 grapple mains UNITE
How can Pathfinder kill BloodHound with that Mozambique lol
>puts music in description
not all heroes wear capes
music ???
528 Fortnite Kid Found in Skull Town
Bangalore ♥️ Love from India it seems
My computer has 1gb ram
Who is the character that said “The hunt begins”?
For anriond plx
This game is holy smoke 👍🏻👍🏻
Wraith is like the Ramirez from Fortnite of the game
I may biased because apex is made by respawn but it’s the best battle royale I’ve ever played
Bye bye fortnite
0:49 omg
Bloodhount actually the best
APEX legend for real gamer
Fortinite for real chiken gamer
respawn game trailer with beat saber music sign me up! Lots of memories with this song LUL
Titanfall 3
This game is so much fun.
Song name plz? It’s so cool
Wow so this is where virgins hang out.
@Apex Legends make a mode with bigger party size limit for example 4 there are tons of people who have premades and would love to enjoy it together
Games dead, I’m level 70 now and f-in bored of it. Needs more modes ASAP or this game will fall as quickly as it arose.
hi 🙂
Mobile version please APEX LEGENDS MOBILE
1:07 Woo Hoo!
The new popular battle royale game that will be trash soon just like pubg
And fortnite
So… Fortnite and Overwatch, but not consumed by 6 year olds…
Ive played the game, really enjoy it, just making a joke. My favourite person is Mirage. Also Fortnite is trash.
Ápex vs fortnite the best Battle Royal
Such a great game i even played
Gibraltar using Bangalores power. Seems legit :/
the gameplay looks like Warframe if it was first person and also a battle royale.
Its first game battleroyale very good 😉
25 million players in one week, is this compatition for fortnite?
Apex Legends…
the dopest trailer ive ever seen
This game is going to be #1 on the charts
and thus a new game will take over the battle royale genre!!
This game will not overtake fortnite
EA Games
I watched this while stoned and it gave me goosebumps
P l e a s e bring this game for mac too 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
i am not feeling so good…………..
I am not able see the game in my origin library what to do anyone knows the solution
Nice Game …but…battle…battle Royale.. WHY!? I can’t hear anymore about battle royale ..”it sucks”
Nintendo switch?
Mrvn is my favourite
Those one shot pistol/revolver kills are impressive.
It breaks all battle royal games incuding pubg
Nice!! I have some upcoming xbox gameplay on my channel as well 🤙🏾 feel free to sub ahead of time lol
Apex Legends: A beautiful PUBG, Halo, Destiny and COD mix.
Wait EA is part of this..
If apex wasn’t free to download I swear no one would play this game
Also Fortnite is king of all games
Fortnite gang
much better then fortnite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This Trailer is epic Dude…!!!
Kudos to this promo creator.. very well done.
This looks kinda like halo, the good old days people played halo
Please make a normal mode for this game. Cause i will not play an nother BR. We want TDM , S and D , Hardpoint…… Titans???
Bye bye fornite 🙂
Basically three games’ system made to a game in one:
PUBG: No building system, finding scopes/parts to make gun better. Battle royale
Fortnite: Ziplines and etc. Battle royale, Free to play
Overwatch: Choose heroes and go to battle. Can use special ability after time.
PS: I can see some similar stuff from TF2 as well
1:22 we know he didn’t die because he got shot by a mozambique
talking blue bastion seems cool
Apex legends is good still
1:20 pathfinder r.i.p Mozambique to head, Mozambique is bad btw
When is it coming on Mobile ?
EDIT : I’m not a mobile noob , I have PC too
this game needs a lite version.. Devs please keep the low end PC guys in mind which don’t have a decent pc to run this game. Please hear me out devs.
Whoooo!!!!!!This is a lengend game cool EA keep it up 🤘🤘 and realese this game for android devices no patience for waiting
En ese momento fornite sintio el verdadero terror
Adiós fornite hola Apex legends
And this i call comeback
왜 이게임에서 타이탄폴2가보이는겄같지?
I want this game on mobile,this is the real game
PLEASE DON’T BRING BACK SKINS & DON’T VAULT ANY WEAPONS *most importantly don’t make this game like fortnite*
That song is catchy what is it
I like both fortnite and apex legends but this was one of the most exciting trailer
we have problems in ps4 when finishing the game you can’t play again you most close the game fix that problem
Not sure why we can’t like 2 games at the same time but ok
Apex for Nintendo switch pleas
What about tf3 😔 😔
Pc 4gb ram 😥😥
Respawn will always be my favorite devs been with ya’ll since tf1 This is only the
br i like
Please Respawn! Hire someone with a real carribean accent to do the voice over for Lifeline. The current voice sounds forced and unnatural. Perhaps in a future update your team can correct this. Otherwise great game. P.S. I have carribean friends and they laugh at the Lifeline voice over because it sounds fake. Otherwise great game!
Will Apex Legends take over ??
Like – Yes
Comment – No
Best game ever loved it
Ok is this game free on ps4 please tell me I need it and if it’s not is it free with ps plus?
I played this all weekend and 10/10 best battle Royale game so much unique detail into the design and characters and the ping or communication system is insane you could ask for literally any specific item in the game such as a LMG scope.The characters are very unique and none of them seem broken but very well balanced. The idea of having stuff like a supply ship and hot zones are genius and makes the game really enjoyable for those who like a fight
Finally the autism community and their lord and savior fortnite will fall and a new king will arise and take the throne for best battle Royale
I can’t believe this is free.
Pathfinder is funny legend XD
People before playing the game: it’s just animated! The actual game doesn’t look like that!
People after they play: holy sh*t.
I can’t use the mobile version. You say on the official website, that its better Than that. 2 two apps that I need tó download is not twom its one, and something weird with fortnite season 7. What is that weird thing? How can I play this on my phone without making contact with fortnite?
Is everyone enjoying Gaypex Lesbians?
Fix the god damn fps drops
Apex for IOS please
Well Done Respawn! I fell in love with Titanfall 2 and killed hours in that. Thank you for this amazing game. I already killed 8hours from the moment i downloaded it😍😍😍
Titanfalo 2 vatlerolale lml =)
a new battle royale game??
i swear to god who play this game SHROUD is gonna get ya
Nintendo switch???
Music ?
More legends please…
If only the game would run that smooth, and servers would not crash would be amazing.
We did it boys. We made Fortnite and Halo combined.
game gratis tapi mahal
this is the best game.
This is a really good game and I’m proud of respawn for pulling this off but at the same time it truly makes me sad that this game has happened I know that if some people ever read this their just gonna say that TitanFall sucked and things like that. But I truly enjoyed titanfall 2 and all of its content and it broke my heart to see that titanfall 3 was scrapped to make this. I’m just hoping that the huge success of this game allows them to keep going with the titanfall games but I seriously doubt that will happen. Well that’s my opinion on this game if you actually to the time to read this and haven’t played Apex Legends go download it. It truly is a fantastic game and I do want it to keep being successful I just hope that respawn doesn’t completely give up on titanfall.
Damn this game was on one week and fifty milion are playing it
Fack apex legend
best battle royale game i’ve ever played
God damn it, this game is too good
I can’t get sleep because of adlenaline pumping and It’s 3am here.
Not good for after dinner game.
Wtf is fortnite
Por favor, pongan el Modo Solitario!!
we just need gta:battle Royale
Beat Saber Legends ?
apex legends has to be more colourfull the players are camouflaging in the map
Best game ever
This is the most savage trailer I’ve ever seen
Time to wait for the 10 year olds to blame op guns for their death, but they are actually shit
They probably won’t even download this game cause it’s first person lmao and has no building 😂
This is one hell of a fun game
What is the music?
I can’t Wait for the Battle Pass S1 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🎮
Fornite? Quién juega eso? Xd
Best than fortnite
“Play free now”
I wonder if it has any micro transactions…
Like the music
Es como si Overwatch y un battle Royale hubieran cogido
This song instant reminds me of beatsaber
Fix the loot issues or i wont play this game again. its annoying to play 15 min only with a pistol with 8 ammo…
The song please ?
En ese momento fortnite sintio el verdadero terror
When you like the video only for the song crossover
sakura thank you SO much🤣🤣👍👍❤🌸
What the hell…
This is like Blackout + Titanfall. I love it so mutch that i quit playing Fortnite.
Is it just me or BloodHound sounds similar from “You’re the last one”?
APEX lgbt :facepalm: Titanfall much better
Ladies and gentlemen. They said it *COULDN’T be done.*
I present you the thing we’ve *ALL* been waiting for: *APEX LEGENDS* AKA. *THE FORTNITE KILLER*
So, without further ado…..
This game is going to be the fall of fortnite
1:22 getting the drop on someone isn’t much help if you’re using a mozambique
For Android version
Lets play the game of the year 😀
Is this on SWITCH?
Pow pow beng beng ! 😈
EA keep giving full control of the games to their developers like this and you’ll be back at top
thank you so much for this game!! keep up the good work. keep content coming
Jaroslav Beck – Legend (ft. Backchat)
Black ops + overwatch = Apex legends
This is supposed to be like Fortnite or what ?because this looks different but great
rip fortnite
playerunknown’s call of overwatch
I hate Battle Royale but this game.. Just makes you want to play more and more. They combined something I love (Class- Based Shooter) and something I hate(Battle Royale) then they made this beautiful baby.
EA enter the chat
whats the name of the song ?
I feel a successful future in this game
DL this today didnt go well
This coming Android
Maybe ill be widowmaker
We need duo and squad
A 437 rats of fornite didn’t like apex
Phenomenal game! Massive respect to the creators. To expand on this genre with such originality is breathtaking. Most refreshing experience in a long time 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Anyone know the song
Ist das Spiel nur Battle Royale?
Looks good shame that I get a shitty error every time I try to install
PUBG and Blackout killer 100%
Oh yeah yeah
mirage should have sent the illusion from cover and away. you can see how the illusion changes direction in the next scene. otherwise amazing
Bye Bye Fortnite 😀
I got this ad and thought it was beat saber
I just can’t play this. After EA doomed Titanfall 2 with their idiotic release decision. Then ruins Battlefront and Battlefield. And you are having the Titanfall guys, your best fps devs it would seem, making a BR game instead of Titanfall? 😦
I just can’t even! 😟 I had emotions after what happened to 7274. Everyone betray me! I fed up with this wurld!
Hola v:
What’s with the best saber music
I didn’t like battle royale games, but than I found this game is amazing!!!
The Game That Will Kill Fortnite and PUBG 🙂
Looks like COD Infinity, and it actually is like it
I have not played this but as a season 3 fortnite player who isn’t liking new fortnite I CAN NOT WAIT TO PLAY THIS GAME IT LOOKS SO COOL AND WILL DEFINITELY KILL FORTNITE
finally you. killed fortnite
I love it
Fortnite + Overwatch + COD?
*beatsaber music intensifies*
This makes fortnite look like child’s play lol
i love this game 😀
I wonder if there will be any more maps coming soon? Like a u defeated map idk 🙂
please add a keybind for console players without triggers for jump to be L3. I know you have the L1 setting for jump but L3 works much better for jumping and aiming at the same time. Please and thank you 🙏 Great job on the game though its amazing! ❤️ @playapex
Looks good sounds good but
too bad its nonething really original
Will it release on Nintendo Switch later?🧐
Fortnite kids dislike this video 😂👆😎
rip fortnite
Will there be solos?
the last finisher was throwing away fortnite kids in to another dark dimension 😀
too real….
Hope this comes to Nintendo switch soon
When release that game on mobile india
Wow! Nice
The TITANFALL Universe is Perfect!
Looks great but I’m sad for titanfall 3 😪
dude i would buy this game… but its free :c
TITANFALL 2 gameplay guns and tactics too.
Please release apex legend mobile
Finally someone who can beat fortnite!
*MRVN is A N G E R E Y*
thanks for making it free fam! the only BR game i wanna play lol.
This game maded by Titanfall ashes.
Is it available on mobile.
this game is fucking awesome . this how battle royal should be . very balanced you can get skins anything without paying nothing but people should support them and we must show some love
Pls answer….does it have a mobile game
Best battle royal game
Im also surprised EA let it to be free
Cod and fortnite kids will play blackout and fortnite instead of this
While the real gamer kids play this
Just what we need more pay to wins
Why YouTube showing this game as titanfall
Mobile please
Take notes activision
Song name please
To the Devs.
We need minimum trigger bumper flip option on consoles.
It is standard these days for FPS.
Of course full custom mapping would be appreciated.
this game is actually pretty fun, give it a chance 🙂
7GB already downloaded…now I have huge expectation from this game. Counting seconds by seconds ……
Is it on Nintendo switch??
The game was lunch secretly so he couldn’t ruin it.
*Press F*
Please add Solo, Duo, Squads
This looks so incredibly cringy and generic. Woo it’s yet another battle Royale that looks like Fortnite but with abilities.
So teleportation and scouting out enemy’s well let’s hope this isn’t infinite warfare
I keep finding that I’ll drain an entire mag into an enemy only to be killed myself. Is this supposed to happen? Also, I would prefer a slightly reduced time to kill but that just my personal preference.
*Fortnite has left the chat*
Bett3r than fortnite
It’s all in the hands of devs now. If they can keep the game fresh then it’s going to be what I call AN EXPERIENCE
this looks like a trailer for a call of duty game. This is an awesome trailer though. Plus LOVE the game. so much fun.
Basically, this is how Blackout should be and… ITS FREE! Great work!
like si ya te descargaste apex
Brb uninstalling fortnite
Good game but in getting issues, being booted from the menu (able to reconnect second time no prob). It stutters only in menu. Also ever so often the game just close itself.
I know it’s new and I love the moments I could play. I want this game to succeed.
I NEED to know, guys!
I want to get Titanfall 2 on PC, but I’m worried that the multiplayer community will be nearly dead, ESPECIALLY with this coming out free!
I’m worried about ending up waiting over 5 minutes every match for it to even fill up with enough players.
What’s the community like for Titanfall 2, currently?
I play Titanfall because it is unique. I never played Fortnite!! I tried the BO4 black out and hated it!!!
Where is TF3???
Doors are able to be broken? Kicked Down?! 1:00
The new call of duty game looks spot on
Actually I haven’t the ram on pc but I’m waiting the new pack, I want to play this awful game, just resist a couple day ❤️ good job guys I love you soo mutch you deserve Moore greetings from Italy
This game by itself won’t kill Fortnite…
But it will be a rally point for real gamers
We will rally and prepare to destroy Fortnite once and for all
New Class- Pilot; Ultimate-jump pack ….you know you want to 😉
Ok, now that’s epic
The good part is this isn’t misleading at all, the game is just how they show it
People who think this is the next titanfall are autistic. It is a spinoff
can you make this work for Mac please I wanna play it
who thinks this will be a banger and will beat fortnite?
High Five?
*kills fortnite*
Here before 1m subs! Yup I think it’s gonna be huge I freaking love this, this is what br SHOULD be 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Good game is fantastic
R.I.P fortniet and PUBG
Fortnite killer. Jb well dnee. Great game.
The music and video was edited so in time and perfectly I think I fell in love
Это просто великолепная игра , она насилует фортнайт и пабг
Calling it now, Wraith gets nerfed asap.
Titanfall 2 battle royale
The beat drops are sick! Specially the one at 0:50
2 questions, 1) when the medic is reviving what is that have circle shield? 2) how do you kick open doors?
The new fortnite
Wanted to give it a try (since no other game could get me on the BR train). After 2 game crashes and 2 ingame disconnects, I dropped it.
Plus they’re working on more Titanfall. I love Respawn so much
Adios fortine
I dont blame devs, i blame stupid community for liking battleroyale games so they have no choice but to make battleroyale games..
EA, thanks, but no thanks…every game that has EA in it i’ll pass
FORTNITE is soo dead
I think it will be better than fortnite
Pretty enjoyable game! I take back my comment about unoriginality, it feels fairly fresh and interesting. Although personally the shooting mechanics and respawn systems are things I’d change. I think once you are actually killed (after being downed) that should be it, and no bring your squad mates back to life through the respawn ship. Barely anyone ends up picking up your tag/beacon anyway.
This is a good game I approve
Oh yeah yeah
RIP Anthem.
Huh… Thought I was done with battle royales
This is like fortnite meets Overwatch
Holy shit a trailer that has cool visuals and a non cancer track? Give that man a raise
*The fact that this game is better than fortnite and most fortnite fan base isn’t allowed to play this.*
N add more people
I want mirage
good bye fortnite & PUBG 🙂
i think people forgot about the upcoming battle royale mode of BFV lol
In launch this trailer ppl saying its bad but in this trailer they saying its good
Don’t understand why they would take away the mobility. That was without argument the best feature of the Titanfall games and I think it would’ve made for an even more interesting take on Battle Royale.
“Battle royale” is shit game-mode.
(PUBG, Fortnite, Ring of Elysium. All are sh/t.)
EA why you dig into sh/t too?
Не понимаю как за полторы минуты игра уже успела надоесть.
Se Ve Muy Interesante 😉
Great Game guys already won 3 games 😁
Thanks Respawn its Awesome 🙌🏻😍
какая то хуйня постная про независимых женщин негров феминисток
Please EA for the love of all things holy do not ruin this
das sick yo
Respawn’s silence gave Activision and Treyarch the confidence to take the piss and ruin their game
Titan Royale
Lawbreakers we deserve?
“the hunt begins”
Does it work on pc or mobile??
Sta para celulares ?
What about mobile
time to put away the rehash old Overwatch whereas Blizzard doesn’t want to make anything new in terms of game mode apart from making new skins and maps all the time
This game has been so much fun so far. Download it! It’s free and fun!
My gldnes
absolutely didnt need another br game….. but….. This one is good.
Chappie!!! Hi! Apex is the new age!
It will be on switch??
Coming out of nowhere with a release and no hype because of EA’s track record was the best decision Respawn could have made. Not a big fan of this new battle royale trend but ill give it a try.
great game
IDK man, i played TF1 when it came out religiously and i got TF2 when it was on sale about 1 year ago, i loved both of them and i hope TF3 will at some point be developed because i just loved both the multiplayer and the singleplayer story of it.
Everything that’s wrong with current game industry is represented in this stillborn garbage. The game will be dead a half-year.
Twisted metal was the original battle royal!
this looks epic omg downloading now battle begins soon
When I heard about this game I was interested, after watching this trailer, I’m not. Too cartoony and too gimmicky. Good luck with the game though!
That game is amazing great job guys fortnite killer indeed! I’m having a blast with this game
How original game!
”A new take on battle royale” looks like a mix between Fortnite and Call of Duty with Overwatch graphics, nothing new here folks, just cashing in on the hype
Just start a new IP for this, you don’t need to drag Titanfall into this
EA has such phenomenal developers and it just makes me sad cause I see shit in their games recently that just tears them down. Either they’re being rushed out the door (every battlefield ever), horribly implemented microtransactions that interfere with gameplay (Battlefield V), poor advertising (Titanfall 2), or canning shit because they don’t make “EA numbers” (we just learned Mirrors Edge sold a LOT more than we were led to believe).
Yooooo goodbye social life 😂 this looks sick af (I have no standards lol)
This could be the Fortnite killer we have been waiting for
Wraith is love
Wraith is life
Owowatch Battle Royale
A new take but we’ve already seen classes with different abilities. So nothing new. Just done better with a bigger budget.
Hope the online playerbase lasts longer than LawBreakers
Looks sick, various characters are really well designed but I’m VERY shit at BR games otherwise I’d give this a whirl! 🙁 Wish you the best with this game (not that you need it, so far it’s been a strong launch and seems to continue that upwards trend)
This actually looks ok
So no Titans, wall-running or Double Jump? Is it even Titanfall at that point?
Ебота какая-то
this is actually pretty fun. respawn knows how to make an excellent game – give it a whirl
tbh it looks really good, i’ll give it a try
I’m getting an Overwatch/Fortnight vibe from this game. Looks like it’ll end up being fun. Another game to put on the list
This is what Titanfall died for? Another shitty battle royale game?
Can i build walls here?
this is like a 100x better version of black out
Sane people: “Wow. Cool. A new game from the makers of Titanfall. It’s free to play and looks kind of fun. I’ll give it a try and see if it’s any good. What’s to lose?
No this great series is becoming like cod. Like what’s up with these fortnite and Black ops 4 cross breed characters, where’s the Titans where’s the amazing wall running. And what with the microtransactions. This isn’t a Titanfall game. It’s a EA battle royal filled with microtransactions to go with the battle royal trend that is supposed to look like Titanfall, and it failed at that. I’m honestly upset with you respawn I’m a big fan and I will give this game a chance but I hope Titanfall 3 is nothing like this game
I new fortnite wont be popular any more
Brace yourself fortnite kids are coming……
I have to admit, this looks really fun, but i was also expecting to see Titans.
Siege meets cod meets battle royale
Fortnite X Lawbreakers X CoD Blackout X Rainbow 6 Siege
So, it’s not Titanfall? Just a new battle royale ip within the Titanfall universe with no big ass mech’s which, was why a mu fugger liked Titanfall? Cool…
I rate this game 0 out of 7 titans.
I couldn’t play past 10 matches. Having NO MUTE BUTTON on a game for toxic whiners is the worst decision you made.
Gj Respawn. Best of luck with this game.
Meh….. Looks Boring.
Titanfall without titans is just a fall
I was gonna give it a shot but then it asked me to download Origin so I changed my mind.
I hate to be a downer here. But this seems like Titanfall minus all the parts of the game that’s good; No Titans, No Wallrunning, and No loadout selection. I mean hey I could be wrong but based on this trailer alone that’s what it seems like.
It’s a shame because I really loved both Full Titanfall titles but so far this seems more like a cash grab than a game. But knowing Respawn they may prove me wrong, we’ll see.
A game died for this, but I’ve got a good feeling this is gonna be good. Maybe not Titanfall 3 good, but knowing Respawn it’ll be good. EA wants money, Respawn wants cool gun games. Looks like a win win.
This game does look great until you find out that they ditched Titanfall 3 to solely focus on this game.
EA: we need a live service, make a battle royale
Respawn: * makes the greatest battle royale *
It looks amazing
Where’s the nope rope?
Black Out BR has always been laggy af for me even with a beefy system. GTX 1070 getting 2 fps stutters on lowest settings. This looks good. I’m hoping it puts Black Out to shame once I get it downloaded.
Can’t believe they used the saber’s legend
this looks like it’d be cool if it wasn’t BR
I hate battle royale but I’m Pumped about this game. And I haven’t even played Titanfall 2.
Ну и параша, где мои титаны?
Зачем мне ещё один баттлрояль на компустере?
Зачем еще одна игра про “титанопад” первая месяц продержалась с момента релиза
Вторая не больше да и онлайн весьма скудный
а тут решили хайпануть на трендах батлроялей?
Ну зачем?
The next Fortnite. Every game comes and goes.
another battle royale
*i sleep*
R.I.P. Titanfall
Another unoriginal, uncreative cash-in on a previous game and concept. Will give it a chance, but please can we have some originality back in the game-industry….
TBF, note that they don’t use the word “Titanfall” anywhere. I think they’re aware of what this game *isn’t*, but they’re still gonna hype it for what it is.
Oh wow, EA Battle Royale, not there’s a combo of words that make me vomit
If this runs as smoothly as titan fall 2, I’ll be happy!
All the best respawn. Battle Royale is not my cup of tea, but I sure wish this game will be your money making endeavor to fuel development for Titanfall 3 (which I will definitely buy).
lifeline mains rolecall
another origin game seeya 😀
What does this have to do with Titanfall?? It looks more like “Borderlands Royal”
I get timesplitters vibes
Why so many dislikes? This shit looks solid!
Finally something that can kill Fortnite..
Just played it, its actually super fin. And that comes from a dude who hates BR. But it doesn’t feel like a BR. And the ping system, oh God. It’s genius
Wtf did you do to Titanfall?
awful music. awful artstyle. and a shitty hero based system on clunky maps. this will be dead 1 month from now.
too late?
Good job Respawn! Have fun all!
Looks alright – PUBG and Overwatch had a baby … yea, yea not bad …. I would have considered playing it if EA wasn’t involved.
Half a year and THIS will die
Damnnnn the soundtrack is sick and gameplay I’ll be getting it for sure
All I can say is Lawbreakers 2.
Weird flex but ok
No, thanks.
Way to ruin a good franchise
Never got into BR, but this actually has me fucking hyped.
1:11 that kinda looks like the assault rifle from halo :0
Thats what happened to our titanfall #FUCKEA
Who else is here before 10000 views
A sad death for a once great series. Good night, sweet prince.
The fan base is really split on this. As for me, I like it regardless of the lack of titans. I’ll just look at it as a more intense version of Pilots vs. Pilots. Or just it’s own game in general. But really matters is if I can have fun. Just got to get through my school work first.
My question is will this game beat fortnite?
All I can hear is Beat Saber with this music.
The 100 dislikes are fortnite kids
How is this Titanfall?
Reminds me somewhat of unreal
Whats the bet 95% comments are paid to get some kinda hype going. Even though. Looks pretty fun.
Yo Ya Lo Voy A Jugar desde Ahora
Like Si Esta Chido el Juego
Is no one going to mention the fact that this reuses a lot of the same animations, weapons and abilities from Titanfall 2, a game that’s now three years old?
What? No Titans?
Give us Titans, you cowards.
“Titan Fall 3 is not in development”
EA is going to kill this studio when this bombs… 🙁
Looks fun
Looks awesome. If it had a deathmatch/team deathmatch that would be even better.
not sure if porn worthy
Woooooo more battle royale games
Wait this actually looks amazing
Download finished 😂
Another BR…. Yay…..
Titanfall 2 is the best shooter ever made. I’m going to give this a shot.
Great another game with a brain dead game mode yeye -_-
OMMGG 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 TITANFALL + APEX OOOOMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGG 😍😍🤩🤩👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
literally everything in this looks worse than Titanfall 2
Every day we stray further from God…..
What about the Battle Pass, Take my money!?
OMG that trailer is so good, I must watch, again 3 time. That is Black Ops killer
Boring and awful settings.
Oh yeah yeah
Titanfall 3 didn’t just die, it was murdered.
Bye Fortnite for me 👋
Titanfall died for this
Another battleroyale game meh…
It’s like boarderlands BR
Another titanfall game, yay, oh wait, nothing that made Titanfall stand out is in the game anymore………….
شكلها لعبة حريقة 🔥🔥
nah this looks complete dogshit lmao
I mean this looks pretty cool but..
why? Im gonna try it out anyways but this is just something I really did not expect
I love this song in Beat Saber!
I’m kinda bummed we’re not getting a Titanfall 3 because of this, but it’s a pretty-decent looking consolation prize @ least.
This is sad…
Really beautiful trailer, definitely gonna download the game and give it a try!
Слишком годно что бы быть правдой !!!
This looks fine. I was never big on MMO’s or Battle Royale games to begin with. More importantly, when are we getting the reveal of Respawn’s Star Wars: Fallen Jedi Order game? Or gameplay footage? Hopefully soon since it’s slated to release this fall. Also, does anyone know if this game will have loot boxes or MTX?
Okay but, 😂
Are we just going to ignore the fact that Wraith looks like Speed-O’-Sound Sonic from One Punch Man? 💀
TF3 died for Overwatch BR. Yawn, thanks EA.
Came here expecting that 95% of the comments were going to be complaining about how the world doesn’t need another Battle Royale game (cause that trend/market is WAY over-saturated) or complaining about no mechs when they were half the fun of Titanfall. I’m seriously confused why they’re marketing this as a Titanfall spin-off when A)It has no mechs (basically the one thing that separated TF from the rest of the many futuristic sc-fy FPS’s) and B) Otherwise doesn’t look much like Titanfall (it’s reminding me more of Borderlands especially with Wraith power seeming similar to Lilith’s siren power from the 1st game and Overwatch with set of different heroes instead of just one generic no-name/personality character.) I mean, it looks like it could be fun but comes off misleading in advertising. Like they had to tie it back to Respawn’s most famous IP, even when it feels contrived, just bc they thought launching it as a new IP would cause it to flop.
“Im not sure about this”
Hears favorite beat saber song*
“Im sold!!”
Having played Beat Saber every day, I just can’t unhear the song
What we need is a Beat Saber Battle Royal
looks kinda fun
Even though this is “another Battle Royale game” it still looks like Respawn is really innovating!
Gotta admit.. this looks sick.. Downloading right now
Im getting overwatch vibes
Respawn with the surprise reveal on the day of release this is the way to launch a game that’s amazing pr
So where am I gonna get kick ass giant mechs now? Titanfall was one of the few games where you got to pilot a mech in a modern game that wasn’t ass.
Yeah this game has a few cools things here, and there but it’s just another fracking BR game. They took the key concept of their franchise then put it in the trash leaving us with just another BR game with a different art style.
ayee. getting this rn!
Damn thanks for taking me back respawn
There had better be wallrunning I swear to god.
Wow! A Hero based BR shooter! Such a fresh idea for 2016
Looks fantastic!
Damn this looks sick
Also give whoever did the sound editing on this a raise, they did a phenomenal job
Came for the Titans. Left with disappointment
At the end, she sends the poor guy to the shadow realm.
Why is a purple Halo AR in a Titanfall spinoff?
Titanfall is pretty much dead now, but at least it’s free.
This actually looks really… new. I’m genuinely excited to play.
Characters have some personality to them, looks fast and fluid and definitely seems like the developers have actually taken some time to think about how they’ll make their BR feel different to the rest of the market instead of producing a generic title.
Excited to try it.
EA. We need some salt here!
Not a single caucasian character? must make kotaku and polygon happy but it’s the opposite of diverse
I love MARVN !
No wallrunning?
Edit: I played 3 hours of it and it’s still extremely fun and fast paced even without the wallrunning. I still recommend it.
So it’s not enough for EA to kill dead space, need for speed, mass effect, dragon age, star wars and burnout. Now it’s time for Titanfall to be a f2p shit
Not bad
Why does this remind me of a better version of Lawbreakers?
I love the song and gameplay looks fun
Dis look good! Have fun everyone!
Is this the Marshmello concert?
This actually seems great.
If this gets enough press I definitely think this could stick around as a popular BR. That’s what I’m hoping for at least
¿Nintendo switch?
Respawn/old infinity ward never made a bad shooter, lets try
Hey, that’s a Beat Saber song! Nice!
Looks like a blast!
Jaroslav Beck & Generdyn – Legend
Came for the reveal, stayed for the Beat Saber.
Titanfall x Overwatch x Fortnite?! I’m IN!!!
Is this Beat Saber?