Faide’s Best Apex Match Of All Time?
my best game of apex?
Apex Legends Season 23 From The Rift
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#Faide #Apex #Movement
Taqs:faide,apex,legends,apex legends,apex legends new season,apex legends early gameplay,rookie to apex predator,killing ttv,killing twitch streamers,streamer reactions,streamer reaction,ttv reactions,apex legends season 23,apex legends from the rift season 23,og apex legends,new apex season,lifeline buff,lifeline apex,lifeline movement,hacking,accused of hacking,ranked,rank 1 pred,rank #1 pred,rank 1 pred pc,rank 1 apex predator,rank 1,apex predator
コメント (326)
Yeeeeah best game… top1 world against silver lobby, best game really!
Dude you can only rez your teammates so many times I hate solo q , but none of my friends even play anymore and there just as bad as randoms anyway 😢 ggz thoooo as always
literally the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard him say.. 14:31
12:55 what was that moan?😭
Bro is this games life support atp💀
Rank > Pubs watching you take on stacks is more entertaining then randos ❤
Which legend he play with
I knows hes faide but my silver lobbies DO NOT look like this. Not in the absolute slightest
You need to teach me that movement man please 🙂
Silver lobby?… come on dood
Yo faide i js switched over to pc can u teach me the ways
14:33 why he think he’s the only guy can do it
Огонь первая катка =)
lmfao i love the section names in the video🤣
I hate PC movement. So fake and confusing to watch. Yet watching this is incredible!
No cap might be the best in the world
“I’ve never seen a team so focused on trying to kill me”…Ah yes, how dare they try play the game! They should NOT have tried to kill another player in their game. OUTRAGEOUS
Faide is Apex to me… I like itzTimmy, Aceu is a great guy and an absolute demon, Imperial Hal is an Autismo but nobody can deny his skill but Faide… My man!
17:05 dude his teammates poofed immediately
youre best game of apex, was against silvers… yeah that tracks
This match was even better on twitch faide is a demon🙌🏾
Bro turned into a lil ahh puppy 17:51
Just watching this makes my butthole squeeze. so sweaty!!
but its smurfing?
Hmm new account , 0 skins, easy lobbies. I got 20 bomb with 5k in silver the other day in controller lobbies, nothing really interesting here
Dont even play the game anymore but still cant miss faides vids
respawns teammates
cut skip*
teammates dead again
I want to start playing Apex but community says its really in a bad situation right now, idk what to do
You aren’t silver ranked use your normal account and play with your pairs
No matter how many time I rewind at 19:04 . It makes me wonder how he makes 88 pump shot with all that cluster and know exactly where he’s healing ( yes I know the drone). that reaction time is something else
This man put a diamond, masters, and pred badge in the thumbnail for a silver ranked game 🤦
17:41 help this guy! 😂 every kid that feels followed on the way back home from a friend 😜
13:52 is killing me idk why
faide 🔝
I am hype for the game cause of this crazy man
2 really insane games ^^
how does bro do this
how is bro on e district?
I really liked his movement. Especially playing in PC. This was definitely the best movement he has done. I really liked it a lot. I wish I could do that movement but I play on xbox controller. ):
GG in silver lobby.
Do that in predator lobby
And GG Smurf lol
Damn faide viewers higher than apex player rn
9:35 is the most funniest part he jump and screams lmaooo
I can smell the sweat almost
Anyone else grabbing shields and it happens a second later? For shield swapping
What grown man makes screaming noises like that.
Why is a pred going against silvers 😭
Chris griffin is actually good at this game!
Gz🔥 Happy 2025!
Faide watches too much narnia nowadays, someoje stop him
I’m the first one to watch a faide video in 2025. LFGGGG
lore accurate wraith
Faide single handedly carrying apex on his back lol
Thanks for the awe inspiring games Faide. Amazing work man. My goat, livin up to the name fr.
Also it was pretty shiny ye.
apex is dying but this channel isn’t. Wild!!
to be honest when predator play silver rankt its smurf like this one …
Faide moans are just the best 🔥
the movement in the end in that first match was chefs kiss
Faide’s view count if getting pretty low, he used to be massive, he should really taper down his content
faide lock in and grind uploads u popular rn more cause apex is mid and your him W glaze mad money
Bro outlived roaches
Does anyome know if you can mantle jump the lotus zips on console? Every time i try on a zip with a ceiling above it i always bonk my head 😆
wdym, this the silver loby bro, you had better ones for sure
but nice game, for suure
23:59 [Using Macro to get the armor] my question is, Does keyboard Macros concidered cheating?, Let me answer you my own questions “IT IS NOT!” since gaming industries Legaly sell us MOUSE and KEYBOARDS with software and Extra Buttons to Make our life easier. ANYWAYS, Apex is dead but we still here cuz of this MAN “Faide” , watching this guy play is bunker’s.
typical game on silver
Apex doesn’t create content. So the game is dying. Yet, the movement king is still thriving. Love it!
Ill be real. In playing rivals tbh.
Only clicked so you got a view, can’t support apex rn.
Can’t believe your ranked teammates left that’s free rp and a show
lmao. 17:09, reviving teammates. 17:11, looking at two banners.
I used to play Apex legends mobile then it got banned,I really miss playing that game.
This is what you call fighting for your country. o7
Faide made me to comment my first 2025 comment on YouTube ever and I think this gonna be the last one
He nailed the sweatiest gameplay ever seen in Apex🔥
Definitely this video should be called the worst Faide’s teammates of all time.
12:55 yoo
10:39 🙏🏻😂
Holy fuck
“Shoot me around the wall, yes” *plays on asian servers* 😂
Crazy server lol
faide is the only reason i question smurfs in my lobbies. trying to rank up with professional career and family to handle.
What we supposed to do on zips 😂
Faide. U are literally keeping this game alive keep it up bro u always make my day with your movement and content
your movement is nuts bro
Attention is a drug amigo
Why are you still smurfing in silver lobbies
I really hate apex right now because no way are you playing in silver lobbies with 6 other squads left and one squad can literally chase you around in round 4 without getting shot at like why are people treating ranked like a 100k ALGS tournament
look like 100-200 ms for ping
My congratulations on your new car. Corvette is fire
Faide makes apex I’m entertaining
Meeting faide in a Silver lobby must be fun xD
Tuto how u do 100% times superglide pls?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 말이 안나오네
If I see a solo Wraith running around like you do then yeah I am gonna chase you down lol
Bro bout to get both a panic attack and a heart attack while playing pubbs. Love it
I was there in the stream for this 👌🏿
Faide I love your videos
Silver lobby ??? Men , really its a shame upload this , on predator i get it but SILVER !!! No fucking way 🤮🤮🤮
Did Faide make a new account for this stream? No kunai on wraith.
Why smurfin?
The jump cut between you ressing the lofeline and bangalore to them being banners again was comical
You make me feel Apex is so fun to play, love you Faide❤
Imagine being in silver and having to face faide
That first game was insane. Your actually the goat
Faide rezing his teammates and not saying “why are you here” marks a new era.
How can you hate on this guy😂😂
Apex is dead time to switch bro
You can just hear that this sweaty kid hasn’t gotten past puberty yet xD
You very good
There should be 1 character per class on a team PERIOD
12:49 thats silver game become algs qualification
No shot your teammates LEFT
amazing but in silver?
Faide literally is the best, watching his videos puts tears in my eyes
God its silver😢
E district is my favorite ranked map
Loba an path missing out on the free xp
Sweatiest man out there
4:24 no way the teammates left the ranked match
Faide is ❤
hes playing in bot elo like why are we glazing somebody playing well in low elo
Fade imortal
how does it feel to be a pro in a dying game💔
Apex is fucked
17:50 wtf
“Goes into a building that’s in zone on silver lobby ranked “
wHY ARe tHeY thERe?(making obnoxious noises that makes him sound like a manatee with a butt plug ) 🤦🏻♂️
The Predator hunter gets hunted in silver lobbies
10:38 edit button glitch????
I love apex
14:33 complains about path smurfing. *is currently smurfing* lol I can relate
Wtf why is an console player on your ranked is that your premade?
faide ngl im a big fan if yours and i just wanna say id watch you play any game
Do you enjoy killin noobs ?
god of apex movement @faide
havent played apex in over a year, still watch faide 😁
My biggest motivator
“you are now listening to a bobby johnson beat” 🎉🥇
“i love the rechall’s w/ no health, it’s so cute” 💀
9:41 EVIL LAUGH escaping by his chinny chin-chin
NAHHH 17:41 -18:12 had me CRYING i had to pause and comment again that shit took me out 😂 RUFF!! RUFF!! 🐶
Apex is gone
How to have your best match of all time, ft. Faide
1. Load up in silver
2. Profit
How are you still playing this game!?
17:11 tf happened 😂
Bro that moan at 12:56 is sus af
8:13 “stop ratting zip straight up” lmao the only reason you win half of your fights is abusing the zip mechs😂 you sir are the biggest zip line rat in apex, you play around them like they’re your lifeline & it looks like you forgot to crop out the silver badge up there too.
Bruh you shit on the lobby so much it broke my YouTube
Dude is always just complaining, random person just standing there, random grenade, how’s he still alive. Just mute yourself and play the game crybaby.
How many accounts this dude got?
Your delivery is the reason I continue with APEX
This skill level isn’t healthy for us bronze and silver plauers😢
these bots ?
Love the content!! Hey can you ping the enemies for your randoms so they have a chance of survival I’m starting to feel bad for them 😂
Yo can you teach me some movements
My boy carrying this game 😭🫶🏼
If i see someone move like this, probably will stop resisting and going to spectate him.
I mean this is the problem with apex really, one pro standard player, stomping on 59 casual players, fun to watch but killing the game.
faide and lemonhead posting at the same time?!! What a day to be alive!
Faide would be cold at The Finals
Damn best match on a silver lobby?
Man, every game aside from Fortnite is dead or dying according to the internet, lmfao. You can search YT and you’ll find videos saying Apex is dying, COD/Warzone/Black Ops is dying, The Finals is dying. I’ve never seen so much whiny ass doom and gloom. All of these games are “dead” yet hella people are still playing them. Weird.
Faide is a skilled player and one of the best. But playing in silver lobbies and trash-talking about those players are not cool. Some of the players are standing still while faide moving like the flash.
17:50 bro has speed brain
love your videos faide, I think I’ve watched every single one of them for the past 3 years. also congrats on your new car, the red looks great🔥
“yeah that guys bronzer hitting superglides for sure” bro you are 1v3 ing the whole lobby
Silvers out here getting sturdy
G.O.A.T! 🤙🏻
This virgin still playing Apex?🤣🤣🤣
hahaha new sound from faide @ 9:51 wtff haha
Фэйд как Джеки Чан. Только тому нужна табуретка для победы, а тут зиплайн…
i cant aim… i cant aiim, I CANT AIM!!….”MONKEY NOISE”
Silver rank🫵😊
So satisfying that he killed the Pathy team
We all know faide is the best apex player, but after that first game, there is noooo doubt left in my mind
I get ptsd from this bro how he screams and those fights that tension. l feel it right through my phone
Faide ILY but did i just hear u chirp a bronze for supergliding when ur the #1 wraith of all time in silver🤔🤔
Corvette buff??
The pathy from 1st game is the definition of controller brain:D Riding zips straight up, but hitting a 90 pump every single shot. Gotta love games that play themselves…
Ayy uploadin at goblin hours respect
what is bro doing in japan 😭
14:25 thats superglide death😂😂😂
Suprrised faide is smurfing for a guy his skill level
This silver or ALGS tf
faide your a nerd
Outstanding video omg 🥶👏🏻
“They didn’t get to see me shine, man” best line I’ve heard him say. 13:17
That deserves a like 😀
Crazy solooooo game
5:08 team dealt 2 bullets 😭
Happy new year Faide!!! Much love.
Faide is the Apex movement goat
smurfing, yea no wonder why this games dying
The best ever
Happy New Year Faide. See you next year.
@14:15 “this guy should walk in” why does faide think he can see the future lol?
He fights lower rank player and complains about them.
What does he want?
4:45 fastest squad wipe i’ve seen
Faide should migrate to The Finals
GROSS 4:46
That first win was possibly the craziest end game I’ve seen you pull off.
Oh my goodness gracious. I didn’t realize the first match was ranked and then I was like 😮
“Sweatiest silver game of my career” 😂
cant say i didnt chuckle when at 17:05 you rez and then frame skip into “recover banner” quality editing 😂
watched it live <3
The shit you do is beyond unbelievable. Mind blowing kind of stuff lol.
No heirloomed Wraith is wild
i’ve never seen a team so focus to killing me. Me, welcome to APEX LEGENDS
I was clinched the whole time
16:30 aim is crisp
Noti gang noti gang
Faide is the new ceo now frfr
I love apex
the moan is so relatable
That was truly incredible that first game. Stressful just to watch haha
I agree w everyone in the comments , the kid faide is holding apex on his back & congrats on the new vette G 🫡
Horizon players are the worst players in the game cause they think that they’re the best players in the game until they meet faide in a game😂😂😂
Bro😂😂🔥swear, Me, Faide, and a few others are the only ppl who has faith in apex😂
Love your vids faide. Been watching you for awhile. Honestly I just watch you play instead of actually playing the game lol. Much love broski ❤
is this jp sever?
They didn’t get to see me shine man
What happened to the r99?
If I’m ever on death row I’ll take one last faide video over my last meal
I like Faide but I like playing Apex too.
silver lobbies content? disappointing
I am so stiff rn
that team that was chasing you had my ass clenched the whole time
Apex is a dead game bro time to take your talents elsewhere.
Apex dead bro you gotta move on you’re too good 4 this game
I saw u r car on insta soooo cool❤❤❤
What did i just watch? Guy just impregnated em all with fingers o_0
My glorious king faide, You’re aura just fills me up in every single spot, The way you move so fluidly and gape straight through reallity with your phase my oh my its such a wonde. My glorious king. So mechanical and talented always coping and making excuses when its not even his fault. He’s just better. You send shivers down my spine every time you talk faide please continue to grant us these amazing wonderful, special, glorious videos My king. My sir. My everything.
this is why i quit moving. too many sweats.
that guys silver by the way hitting superglides the irony
It’s a good game and a clickbait but I think I saw much more impressive games from you. Someone might think that this is the best you’ve got :/
Pls post a settings vid
Faide fights for the. Contry
3:11 bro? “Cute”?
oh mah gosh bro is cracked.
17:50 bro thinks is him 💀💀
Almighty faide casually playing apex like it’s not on it’s death bed. We can only hope…
Even Faide knows Apex is dead.
Apex is alive.
Faide is the only reason I watch any Apex content
Imagine spending 200 on the skins do get 💩 on lol
Fucken finally u post
Love you bro and your content but APEX IS DEAD .
Faide’s yelps getting more and more incoherent by the video
Faide saying: “i cant move”
Me chilling with my 1:1 sens 🗿
Only person on this platform that keeps apex alive, ✊🏿
Congrats on da new car 🎉
These payed for the c8, anything is possible
Faides not dead, but Apex is.
Congrats on getting that corvette 🤙🤙
bro you are the god of this game
Yo ur the best keepup the great work
Faide are you eventually quit apex like everyone else.
bật phụ đề được không bạn
Happy new year!!
Let me build you a computer desk.
This is definitely one of the matches of this month I mean season
faide carrying apex rn
Why doesn’t bro use wraiths kunai anymore
1.4K views in 11 minutes bro fell off
Single handling keeping apex alive🙏😊
Before 1 k likes and views
That poor Fuse🤣
Movement be clean
Early gang wya
Do you actually read the comments?
3 views faide fell off
Apex is dead
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Faide! ♥
Love you!
This game boring asf now. Havent watched an apex video in its entirety for like 3 months now.
15 minutes and only 40 views? Account in decline 🗣🗣🗣
Happy new year fade
Hasn’t even been a minute since the video dropped, and I’m not even close to being first
1 minute ago wow
Damn, never clicked so fast for a video. 23 secs after posting 😂😂
me asf
Love you bro
You have to make a one hour clip of rank plzzzz
First ahhaha
Lonestar is first♥️
1st like and comment ❤
“It’s Gonna Be Biblical”
Omg is so huge!!!
Let’s go! Congrats on the new car my man 🙌
First like no way🙏🙏🙏
First i guess
Nice bro
Apex is dead