Apex Legends: Revelry Gameplay Trailer
R.S.V.P. to the wildest party in Outlands history. It’s time to drop in and get legendary in Apex Legends: Revelry! New Team Deathmatch mode joins the Apex Games, and remastered Legend classes means everyone has a role to play. And with the new Nemesis rifle joining the Loadout, the big guns have officially arrived. The party don’t start till you drop in!
Apex Legends is a free-to-play hero shooter game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.
#ApexLegendsRevelry #ApexRevelry #ApexLegends
Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
Learn more about Apex Legends: Revelry http://x.ea.com/76084
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Taqs:apex legends,apex,apex legends season 16,apex legends revelry,apex legends trailer,apex trailer,apex トレーラー,エーペックス,apex season 16,apex revelry,apex season 16 trailer,apex legends season 16 trailer,apex gameplay trailer,revelry trailer,revelry apex legends,revelry gameplay trailer,apex legends tdm,apex legends team deathmatch,gameplay apex legends,remastered legend classes,gameplay trailer apex legends,respawn apex legends,battle royale game
コメント (2548)
you’re 8 players will love this!
Thank you very much 🙏
This is actually worth coming back too
good job, net positive.
im also sad that I unlocked crypto a few weeks ago for no reason
CROSS. PROGRESSION. Where is it?! Been years already. No excuse.
Seer nerf is way too much. 4-6 nerfs in one patch that’s crazy
I took a break from Apex last season, this might bring me back into it.
Thank you Respawn
yo wait buy back teammates WHAT
With the recent leaks that the Titanfall game is canceled, this cheers me up a bit.
This looks amazing! Apex is back people!!
After years, we finally get a definitive way to earn heirlooms?!?! Meh bruh meh 🫤
Everytime I think I’m out, they pull me back in
Glad to see this game finally getting the care it needed. Me and my brother are veterans of this game. Playing first day/week of the game’s release.
For the longest of times, it felt so boring. Only getting one new legend per season, constant use of reskins and LTMs. Now seeing this, I cannot wait to get back to it.
Just what the game needed and addresses nearly all of the complaints
New bugs & glitches are coming ❤️ will take ages to fix ❤️ best devs ever only care about skins
Respawn W
whats the name of the song
I love how all the Legends have 5% health in these trailers 🤣🤣
W 👌🔥
Wish you could still rez in tdm and control
Estaría bueno que las skins sean para cambiar apariencia con todas ellas y no solo el color de la básica.
1:00 Bt’s eye was in the care package
Song name ?
Definitely will be the best season in a long time I love the devs are trying to change the game rather than add a new legend big W
Finally a step in the right direction, hope this season saves apex
Why do they have to put the worst 3 maps in :/
I guess the Apex Games Couldn’t find anyone who wanted to Join This Season!
Loving all the positivity here, new season looks dope!
I think this season will be a fun one for sure, breath of fresh air hopefully
Did anyone else have the Danny phantom theme come to mind at 0:13?
Did newcastle just craft a team mate’s banner card in the fabricator?
I love apex since launch, I love the weapon system, the looting,abilities and legends, But Cross Progression is the one thing they need to do to bring millions back
6 v 6 sounds intresting
I think it’s really sad we’re not getting a new legend. The legends are what make apex stand out from other battle royals and are the main reason I feel a lot of us play this game.
Idc that there not bringing at new legend I’m so happy for team death match
I still wanted a legend but this will do for me
Since all of the pros are leaving, mind reverting everything back to season 0. Wraith’s instant Q, Lifeline’s rez shield, infinite zipline jumping. All of the things that made Apex fun.
Did I hear Heirloom shards?
did i smell free heirlooms?
Bruh wheres the new legend
If this is the new route respawn is going I’ll gladly get this collection event
Those skins are sick, but I refuse to keep paying 160 USD for these events. Hopefully can get some stuff just playing.
Tdm is gonna be one of the best features apex will add yet. More oppurtunities for chaos= more fun!
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” _Pablo Picasso
This track gives serious Diamond is Unbreakable vibes
Too Late 🙁
Community created reward track?! Hang on now 👀
The entire thing I was like, that’s pretty cool I’ll start playing again, then I saw the 150 heirloom shards and my jaw dropped
that iron sight for the nemesis😬
I love spending hundreds of pounds on shotgun skins! WOOHOO!
Area Controller stays the same while every other class gets a buff
(Still love this though.)
I did not play much this season… was at 16 battle pass as of 2 days ago. But seeing this video made me want to jump right in again! Can’t wait
This. Looks. Absolutely. LIT. 🔥
And heirlooms shard at compleation of battlepass to
Man, I was extremely disappointed with apex these last few seasons, but it looks this one will bring a big breath of fresh air to the game. This is exactly what it needed, can’t wait
I remember them saying something about the nemesis not coming to the game, but here it is. Maybe that means the fanatic has a chance too?
Oh man i have waited for tdm for so long!
Love the gunplay and movemnt of apex, but not the biggest fan of BR.
Is the 150 heirloom shards a real thing????
So… I don’t see anything new to the game. 🤷 I doubt they’ll fix the major bugs
wait, we wil get a free heirloom?
i love you! apex !
Please explain me a part with “150 heirloom shard completion reward”. Means when you complete event (buy all cosmetics), you got shards ?
It would be cool to have a full community created event. This is actually kinda cool tho.
Wow they are actually doing an Operation Health-esque season
It’s actually refreshing to see people excited for a new season ☺️
Fix MMR , rework rank, stop deranking for plat +, increase FPS for next gen. Rework damage stats on some weapons. Take weapons out of crafting, seems pointless to put away 2 weapons that most wont go out of their way to craft anyways. Fix audio issuses, change points gained in rank based on enemy. Make it flat across the board. Players 3/4 ranks below me shouldnt be rewarded because they 3rd party me. Bigest issue is facing low levels and playing a 20min game for +25 points with 3 kills + 1 assist @ top 4 all because my enemies are weak. Add more frames/poses to those who have way less in comparison. EX: Wattson has bery few compared to others. Most players dont have 4k/20bombs. Find a way to balance MMR so that its possible no matter the skill level tp encourage more gameplay. Stop chargibg $150 for a recolor of a skin that was claimed to never be rereleased again (shotgun). Prestiege skins uses because we dont see em; make a LTM with 3rd person view.
guys am i dumb or something, but who is the new legend?
Game still looks trash after all dese years
Day one apex player here. I haven’t been this hype since like the release of wattson. Let’s go respawn!
Same old same old
This game is very entertaining and competitive. It’s better than Fortnite, Call of Duty, PUBG, Halo Infinite and every multiplayer game out there. If you want something harder, Apex is the best game to get play (so excited for the the new season and updates!).
This is what I want to see. Gameplay improvements and balance. Now if we can only get some updated servers.
Management should deal with cheats and ddos first.
1:23 best part of the video kekw
Still no Cross Save? 😪
Did they say shards for completion of battle pass
I love the part where the chat stops the typical Respawn moment copypasta because Respawn is actually making changes to better the game. Truly an Apex Legends rollercoaster moment.
Hella disappointed on the battle pass skins🤦♂️
i am hyped
I thought the video seemed off.. So I muted the video making it vastly better!
Nobody is talking how good is the montage
The only thing I saw was free heirloom shards
I’m really hoping this makes adapted better because the past few seasons have been really bad
Finally i might get a hairloom
Ive been playing since day one and nothing yet, level 200+ in the second prestige.
still No cross progression still or next gen console gameplay update sad😂
Low-key I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong a couple skins here and there are cool but idk I’m just not feeling it on this one
Valkyrie not being in the recon class is a huge meta change in the pro scene! That’s for survey beacon access.
Does that mean Kings Canyon is coming back
Free heirloom?
We all getting a free heirloom holy quacamole
I could barely see how the new skins looked?
Were tf is are legened
Bro what if we had an anime series of this on Netflix
This is so much better I just love this, I have really high hopes this season will be a good season
Cross progression?
You know this is a good trailer when the comments aren’t filled with “truly an apex legends moment”
I still don’t understand what the controller passive is
I can’t wait finny respawn listened to the community ❤
Cross progression
Yessir been playin since the game dropped very excited. Hopefully the next thing they do is get their own servers
Jolly Good Show!!
please fix ur sea server
I didn’t see any changes, just more skins and random boxes. I assumed they get nee abilities, how lame
like the music
Much needed, but I’m afraid the game will never escape the greedy hands of EA…
i was huge apex legends fan before they adding lgbt characters back to back and making game competitive
Ladies and gentlemen, Apex is back. Thank God!
Looks boring lol my break will be extended😂😂
What. Is. That. Song?
It bangs
The new respawn becon feature where your able to get banners is awesome
This looks amazing ❤❤
Video ends at 1:48
game dead af 💀
No new next gen update? Bruh
Biggest mistake of this community? Counting the eggs before they hatch, best to wait and see what new bugs are also hiding in wait before we start smiling.
Actually listened to some community feedback thank you
They need to give these characters different outfits it’s literally just reskins every season other than that everything looks great
Same ol Apex. Not bringing a legend in is outrageous. It’s the only thing I look forward to.
I need crosssave now! I spend 2k or more on playstation and now i have nothing on pc..
Apex Legends is better than Fortnite. Does anyone else agrees?
Absolutely love this update!!! Thank goodness they focused on the game more than getting a new legend out
Please delete SKIRMISHER class. There are no reason for this class, I see airdrop in 1 out of 10 games.
I think i’m gonna love this season 😈
Are they adding a new legend?
I’m not gonna hold you, you need to REMOVE HABITAT 4 because I actually hate when that map is on. If I was playing arenas, and habitat 4 was the next map, I would either play Battle Royale, or just get off of Apex.
Aimassist GG
Potential to be the best season ever. Still consider revenant rework, Loba portal tweakage, Mirage tweak and your prett much slidin. Also a good one would be for ramparts wall to not block teamates from doors like how catalyst wall works, wall shrinks down when teammates enter door then pops back up when they enter
the fact they had to do a hard reset like fortnite did a couple years ago shows that this game is starting to fall off which is sad cause this was one of my favorite games
this is good…… very good
biggest update in apex
So basically Valorant ggs
Where is the fuse heirloom people
Can we get some decent servers now ?!?
lifeline should already come with a respawn beacon in her slot
.. change my mind
So no ranked duos? No solos? No 120hz for next gen? No change to the worst tic rate servers of all time?
урааа хорошие скины :’)
Now that respawn is listening to the community, how’s about fixing titanfall 2?
no new legend
LOOKS GREAT!!!! I hope the new anticheat works well.
Can’t wait to get them Mirage skin and Emote 🔥
Why would you ruin TDM by making it round based. Nobody wants to play the same team 3 times in a row. Make TDM normal. You’re welcome.
Anyone know the name of the soundtrack!? It’s a bop!! 🔥🔥🔥
Is nobody going to talk about how lifeline or newcastle crafted their teammates respawn card
Free heirloom?????
Absolutely love this!!
Can’t wait ❤️
The quality of life updates are amazing
literally the most hyped season in 4 years incoming. Looks like respawn is trying to make up for a very lackluster couple of seasons.
I miss titanfall
Def looks like the changes Apex needed! Keep listening to your customers EA/Respawn!
I was feeling like Apex was starting to die so this is going to be a big change in the right direction and I think all these changes are going to make the game much more fun to play! I know that I like to play for fun and im excited for all the new tactics and strategies that can be used.
nice trailer cant wait
Listen carefully now @Respawn!
You can be the next CSGO!!!
Do something about it!
Meh asf
This is amazing changes. I’m so hype for this new game style.
Since this season had no new legend does that mean that there is going to be no more legends
Say it with me! “Rhapsody! Rhapsody! Rhapsody!”
Atleast it’s not a new legend… cuz if they released a new one forsure this season woulda been a flop
Love how every single trailer they put out is a bop😂
bring back apex Mobile
do we get a free heirloom? or is it just like every other collection event except that this time you get to chose witch one you get?
Please tell me the character select screen is gonna be reorganized so it’s easier to find your legend.
always nice knowing some games listen to their players C:
The Nemesis has zero recoil😳
Ramparts skins always look absolutely HORRIBLE, I swear they go out of their way to make hers look so bad
Season and a half since I last played.. I had lost faith, but this has peeked my curiosity. I will be redownloading apex ❤
Looks much better then what we been getting past few seasons
i wanted a new legand
Thank you so much respawn for listening to the player base!! I think this will be a really good season
I need time to process all of that, wow, what a trailer
Respawn & Bungie are the only developers who have any right to be doing live service games. They’re the only developers I know of that actually listen and try to make meaningful changes to their game that the player base wants.
All I want it’s the jester skin for octane man
Did Newcastle crafted a respawn banner ?
Apex redemption arc
Having a support legend in your comp is gonna be crazy necessary now crafting teammates banner an a respawn beacon sheesh this season is gonna be a start to a really good new chapter of Apex an in very excited
If apex keeps doing these types of changes the game would be restored to its glory
Cross progression when…??
Oh my God! New battle pass, new weapon, a new map update, a legend class, new event and a brand new anniversary event of the game!?
Man. Season 16 of apex legends is going to be awesome!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
All I ask is please, please, PLEASE bring a Horizon Heirloom. PLEASE!!
Look closely at the supply drop at 1:00
Notice anything familiar?
I think this season has a lot of potential.
Truly a respawn moment by canceling titanfall 3 and then adding a collection event that nobody asked for, and not reworking the guns
where new legend????????? L ea
cant wait to start hacking again
In the 2022 was the 3 heroes and the 3 heroes apex pack, now 2 and 1 pack :/
عاشت ايدج وتسلمين على هذا الطبخ
No legend. Why even make a new season
Give me back my bloodhound
This looks to be a great season! They’ve finally started listening and taking action! Thank you respawn!!
I hope this season is great
Apex is so advanced this season they could add proximity chat💀
Nemesis = Hemlock 😂
Where my cross progression???
Looks good… but lets be honest guys, seriously… lets be honest that its more or less going to be the same s**t…
Im kinda disappointed but also optimistic about this, maybe it will improve or at least refreshen the current state of apex gameplay.
So TDM is just Arenas but with 6 players instead of 3? Usually TDM is based on first team to X Kills, Not last team standing wins the round… Guess they felt like Copying Valorant in some form.
At least Apex has more charm to it compared to Valo XD.
That being said, I’m willing to try out this new mode~
I love how far this game has come, I played it when it first came out having over thousands of matches, hundreds of wins, I knew it would be special when I played the base game on launch.
Will it be fun?
I’m happy finally it’s coming soon I hype for tdm
Rip apex mobile😭
Did anyone notice Newcastle grabbing a banner from a Crafter im takeing a wild guess here and saying supports will be able to craft banners
Mabye this is the season that I come back to apex
Let’s go mirage didn’t die this time
Now if only they could work on titan fall 3 being a reality 😁
Just got my first heirloom last week after almost 4 years of playing looks like I’ll be owning 2 soon enough
Nooo wayyy!!!
The 123 and g7 sync was pure heat 🥵
to much hacks in this game… :((
If only they didn’t cancel the next Titanfall
So what does the heirloom part referring to? Any ideas?
Eh nice change of pace I guess, might play for a month or so.
*Heirloom shards upon completion*
new path passive since he isn’t recon is going to be really good for path
Bro nemesis looks so op
Thank you for the effort you put into the season!
finally some content
Lets not just forget skins still cost a ridiculous, finding air looms is like gambling, and these mythic skins are just legendary skins with a colorful paint on every milestone….Stay Greedy EA/Respawn
Fans: “Respawn give us already a 120fps update for PS5”
Respawn: “Wait another year and please buy me expensive $kin$”
Ayyyy, Maggie buffs, love to see it.
Oh fun heirloom shards all for the small price of buying all that stuff for the event 🫤
Let’s goooooo!!!!!
reminds me of season 4
Yeah this is the beginning of the death of apex unfortunately
Team Control all day!
song name?
THIS IS ALL WE’VE WANTED!! I’m tearing up because this season is the revival that we all have been begging for for seasons!!! 😭😭❤️
The trailer team is doing a really great job
Can skirmishers get an actual passive my only gripe contains some of the best characters for the passive to be useless especially since path hasn’t had a real passive season what season 5
Adding TDM to Apex will definitely make this one of the best seasons ever.
Ah yes another season of playing at 200ms minimum and getting beamed by euro preds cause apparently Africans don’t game 😢
now this is interestign
oooooooooooooooooooooh, so this is what they were doing
All this positivity in the comment section is crazy. Where’s the hate! Thats what im here for. With all this positivity i just hope the new season isn’t a disappointment.
Now we rush back to the server. The life and passion for this game is back
Some changes look cool but it’s pretty hilarious they are trying to be like cod for some reason? Adding basically a UAV with the beacons it seems and now you can buy your teammates banner back in the crafter 😂
Day 1 player, 1k+ hours, and haven’t been active in a couple of seasons…congratulations Apex you’ve piqued my interest on returning!
Took too long
I’m excited for the next season 🙂
feature request: preset legend queue – in case team mate takes players pre-selected legend you still get what you want, not some random legend.
Now this, this is how you do a Gameplay tailer, actually hyped for this new season.
add cross platform saves. will save your game. why is aren’t you smart enough to realize no one is playing on the same system and don’t want to reset ALLL PROGRESS.
Make or break season here, looks really well done! Very excited to play
Will console ever get 120fps
my bank is calling
you guys made me pay
Rare W
pk 160
thanks double it and give it to the next person. i’ll drop out
cancer game
This is not a new season of Apex…
It’s a rebirth
“completion reward” is that what they call buy outs now days?
no server after daimond lobby in india
no rank changes then its gg @apexlegends
First good apex trailer I have ever seen GOOD JOB DEVS AND EDITORS❤️❤️❤️
How could u make system where u can redeem your heirloom for a different one think that would be really cool
finaly the death match
Next step. Unlock 120FPS for consol….. We’ve been patiently waiting
I plead for cross progression next
If I knew everybody was gonna get ash for free I wouldn’t have bought her
I love it
we get to see what itmes are in the care package or u can just search it up whilst assaults get a bin full of epic item loot more ammo ..
The game will takes another dimension with this Update
0:53 even in the trailers they no-reg item pickups lul
Sad we are only getting one new weapon 😞😞. We should of gotten at least 3, 1 energy based pistol, that nemesis, and then we really need more bows and arrows like a cross bow or something new 🤤. Oh well this is awesome.
Apex Legends Mobile no lo dejen plis 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
this is hella positive for the game, thank you devs for trying this time and making the game better. just dont mess up this time now
Nice job respawn. New season and collection event look awesome
Wow I guess this is the Operation Health for Apex Legends
Awe man it’s 6v6?
Free shards???????
I see crypto balling that’s all I needed
I swear if the servers bug out day 1……
Never been this excited to play the game!
I love the part where you lose packets and get an error during fights… Truly an Apex experience.
The Allfather has finally gifted us a rework of the game, I sincerely hope it’ll be as good as this trailer. That song was insane
i loved the part when apex listened
I think for one game mode it would be fun to add a couple bugs back specifically the bug where you could launch tridents using a jump pad and a supply crate
Can I create a squad of 6 to play TDM? This would be an awesome feature for Mixtape.
so tdm is just arenas with more squads
I love how apex is doing better and caring about the gameplay. Truest an apex moment.
love for the heirloom shard
I honestly really like what they’re doing with this game for the most part. High quality
I’m so excited!!!!
hopefully cross progression this season
Ps5 120 fps after 2 years plz
am i reading that correctly?? free heirloom??
Got banned before SMBB patch because of being toxic towards SMBB.. can’t be helped.
Okey this is actually really cool
Yeah they added a lot but I’ play this game for the battle Royale … all these modes will not be played by me
Apex fix my Game i cant Play cause its freeses
THIS is what replaces a TITANFALL game? Unacceptable… they just want money
1:00 wth is that
I took a long break from this game because it got repetitive and stale, but this looks to be the update that will bring me back. Good stuff Respawn!
Some of the comments on this video seem very bot-ish to me….
The most hype I’ve been for this game in a long long time
Really happy with the way the game is being directed towards……
However, Apex is one of the last battle royals to release a proper next gen update….
Respawn can we please have news on the proper next gen update …..?
Did anybody else notice that mirages ship is at fish farms on stormpoint.. yes please
Permanent other than BR modes please and battlepass progression from those modes also bitte
Wow, this game was so bad and boring that everyone dropped it, but now they’re actually making good changes
looks amazing , last things is cross-skins & i’d maybe consider potentially getting another cosmetic far down the line
Players: Add solos
Respawn: no
I don’t get why there’s so much praise like they’ve created a new game, everyone follows whatever narrative they write
if i dont have to pay for the 24 cosmetics i might actually get an heirloom after 4 years of playing this game 👀
big w but no new legend i havent been up to date with game updtes so idk whats happening rn but im redownloading this cuz it seems fire
A yes, by continuing titanfall they meant putting tdm in apex
I am so excited with the direction Apex is going. I have been playing since Season 2 and we NEEDED THIS
I hate to be that guy who complains and im truly hyped for the incoming season but this season has been the worst in terms to servers for me. I was getting constant packet loses (70% of the played games) and ocassual ddos. It makes it really hard to enjoy and properly play the game. Frankfurt servers but switching doesnt fix issues and also have gigabit connection
I’m glad I can finally say, that for the first time in too long: I am excited for the next season.
I feel so bad and disappointed as they’re closing down the mobile game. 😔
next season. Adding the legends from the mobile game.
But they are sunsetting the app so why add more updates?
Drop patch notes already
S16 just saved the best BR 🙂 glad you took a season off of a legend and focused on making this even better! Bravo!❤
Still won’t fix the 160 dollar daylight robbery every season smh
Fix the transitions and music random feature… I have alot of them but it plays the same thing over and over or shows two transitions on repeat… Better still put in a Feature that allows each to be played or showed once until all are done and it repeats.
thank god for people being positive this time. I genuinely think that Respawn need a break and it’s great to see that people are at least being somewhat nicer to them.
Classes: get new skills and utility
Controllers: o__o
Fix everything but the matchmaking. Every pubs game feels like im playing with npc’s
Round based team death match? Why
This is good, support 120 fps on consoles and I’ll redownload
Super excited for a TDM version! 😀 very much looking forward to this season! NOW WHERE IS MY CROSS PROGRESSION! T_T
This could be the season that saves the game. Myself and likely many others were gonna hang it up if this season was gonna be another bust. I’m cautiously optomistic, but I like what I see. Hopefully it will live up to the hype.
these sarcastic comments is killing me rn
Super stoked on everything don’t get me wrong here but I’d like an update on cross play. You seem to have forgotten you promised us we’d receive that in 2022.
I’m wondering about the wraith re color heirloom, I’m hoping it ain’t gonna be 160 because I already have the old heirloom. Or if it’s even real to begin with
Wait… so we get heirloom shards for completing the battle pass?!?!? Or did I read that wrong?!?!?!?!
Eh whats there to bring ppl back tho
I think this is the first time I’ve been hyped for a new apex season since season 4
Why is everything pink in this game?
Did I just see someone craft a players badge from a crafter?
Mirage classified with wraith is😂
Loking forward for refreshing this legendary game
I am so hyped for this upcoming season. These changes are amazing
So no rev buff again ??
I’m hypeddddd
plz buff mirage
oh no new legend ok
Que te baneen la cuenta permanentemente por un error. Gracias EA
Hopefully crossprogession is coming that season
Fingers crossed for cross progression
Looks like it might be the best season since season 5
amazing stuff. being able to see if its a kraber or not is massive…. being a pathfinder main is always interestnig
I’m glad they are actually changing it up for once instead of doing the same boring things for the last 16 season.
First season in a while where I like every single change.
Haven’t played in a long time cause it’s been so frustrating, but I feel so happy that they are doing the right things to keep it alive, looking forward to starting the grind again in s16
lets take the maps no one played in arenas and use em for team death match
This seems like a whole new really good change for Apex Legends, but I will not be satisfied until my boy Path gets a new Passive.
It would be super cool if we got some new achievements/trophies. This would be the perfect season to implement them.
Will the audio be fixed though?
Wow good changes getting good feedback? It’s almost like it’s not that difficult to please your player base if you just listen to them and make good moves.
All positive, let’s just hope servers LAG won’t ruin the fun.🤞
Seems like season 16 could be the best season in a long time
Haha strom point back😂 apex legends again boring
Is it me or did I see a new item in the care package on the right of the Kramer when the skirmisher class was shown
We shall see
Wow. An actual W . We haven’t seen that in a while from Apex.
I don’t care about a new legend becuase every legend for the last year was mediocre and not good
Wow they experimented with powerup in apex mobile to see if they break the game .. and since it didn’t they added it to the main game .. killing the mobile version..
Eg. Is the new recon legend perk to see enemies near by when scanning the next map. Wow EA
I loved the mobile version
This Trailer Sems to be very good maybe I will play this Game again
Thanks apex for taking mobile down and basically putting everything that was on mobile in the main game you guys are awesome
I heard that gun run and control might be coming back in the rotation permanently sometime this season
i loved the part where respawn said, lets listen the fans, trully a uncommon apex experience.
Finally they add. ACTUALLY unique stuff and changes
As many said, this really could be the best season in a while.
Any word on cross-progression? I spent to much money on PS4 to start fresh on PC
Que deleite
Otra pase con skin recolores, skin repetidas. en ese caso si quiero una skin de color mejor las compro con fragmentos xd a ver si le echan mas ganas en los personajes
When is that 120fps support for next gen coming? They spoke about it just hasn’t happened over a year now
Here’s to the only season where Respawn actually tries to make apex different and fun
Now we just need cross progression
Can’t wait to play it
Heirloom shards for battle pass completion?! Mmkay mkay
This is exactly what we needed, much love to respawn and the entire team thats making this a memorable season.
The passive ability of classes are actually so useful and fitting. and the comments are not “truly one of the apex moments” looking forward to this season!
Im so excited dude, this season sounds amazing!!!
Ah yes… let’s remove Pathys original passive, and give him… NOTHIIIIIIIIIIIIIING
Oh, while we’re at it, let’s also give 6 legends Lobas passive for carepacks. That sounds graaaaaaaaaand
Finally y’all changed the game now fix the performance and it will be better for sure
This looks more like a collection event than a full season. It’d just tweaks to the system and a gun there’s nothing new. So much for being announced as something new and amazing 🤣
It’s all dope except the return of storm point you guys could just scrap that bad boy.
No new legend 😬
Defo coming back this season finally their doing LTM’s as people asked for
I can smell the servers burning now
Wait so does this mean we can have a squad of 6 now?
that wraith skin is horrible, when tf will we get a good wraith skin in the bp again?
My baby Mirage back *^*
Love the energy in this one!
Great, i’ll skip Feb 14-21 so that my crypto still get locked
I loved the scene where everybody is crawling on the floor except mirage 😂
Another burst weapon.. aghh
I’m loving the looks of this jus what we need rn thx respawn 😊
The first time In 2 years i feel excited for apex
I haven’t seen real hype for Apex in a while, and it’s looking like this new season is gunna be exactly what we need to get people playing again.
this was a rly good trailer
I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited for a new season. A lot of changes to the game as a whole that look to break up the current meta. The only thing that would make me more excited would be if you told me that the matchmaking changes are coming with the new season. However, these patch notes are going to be absolutely stacked with information. Even more than past patches.
This new season seems very good I might try it ,but there’s a lot of competition right now for this game , they should have released this season later imo
RIP to all the dudes who spent 500 unlocking their heirlooms lol I’ll have 2 free now if I complete event 😎
skull town ❤🥹
Next gen update pls
Talk about how it’s gonna be to the mobile version! Y’all can’t just betray a whole community like y’all did.
Looks trash.. l.. will never touch this game again…
This actually looks bad
im actually so happy there isn’t a new legend this season. for ever, it has been new legend every season, 2 events in a season to waste more money, a map change, and some recycled ltm, repeat. I’m glad they’re listening to the community and focusing on the legends and game we have instead of trying to add new things and forget about the old. the game has been getting very stale so im glad they’re taking this season for the longtime players and making long overdue changes. I can tell this season will be great
cross platform progression yet? all my unlocks stuck on xbox want to get back in on pc
I got some extra fries over here
Time to waste some money 🥰🥰
If you want tdm just go play titanfall
Any one know the name of the music/song used for this trailer?
They are bringing the heat this is awesome very exciting stuff coming to Apex Legends
Insane edit one of the best
If all the collection event can be earned for free, then it’s a W.
Season 16: Revelry, and revival of the game
No one’s talking about it but Mirage actually survived a trailer
when TDM?
WOW I bet it’s gonna be a whole new game
thank god this game is coming out of alpha, cant wait for beta
i mean getting 150 shards wowwowowowoowowooww my first heirloom coming soon <3
as a mirage main this is huge news but something else id want would just for respawn to fix all the weirdness with mirage’s clones like how they just die if they walk off some cliffs and that they dont switch weapons with the main body at the same time
Let’s hope this next season brings apex back
Still hoping we get squads in future seasons
hahahahahaha no new legend = no point in playing dev downs
so pathfinder officially doesn’t have a passive now
Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
Dang craft able banners
Amazing 😊
I am once again requesting Titan Fall 3
Lookin like a destiny trailer “be legendary”.
ty looks great. pls bring back twitch prime skins and heat sync 🙂
RIP Apex Mobile 😔
Que ganas de jugar
I’m coming back to the game. I SWEAR if i get matched up wth lvl 40s ONE MORE TIME im done, forever. probably not but ill be done for awhile
Wait a minute…This isn’t Titanfall 3 at all
They pan me for harassment
After 16k kills in one legends
More than 10 million damage
Sad cuz my account got hacked😢
Now the 6v6, I have to ask, Will two squads have to form the 6 man team each time? Because I’d want to be able to pair with my friends, which make up 6 people. Or do I have to pair randomly with another squad?
Damm anyone else straight up chilling with the song it smacks
What all is left to add is cross progression
south african servers please
Can we please get cross progression. All this is great but people have skins they paid for for nothing
finally A decent like to dislike ratio
Nerf aimassist
So the nemesis is a hemlock with energy ok
apex mobile
W for respawn I can’t wait to see what other Ws they pull out for these upcoming seasons :>
Thank you for mirage voyage! 🙌
This is exactly what Apex needed. Rainbow Six Siege had operation health just to focus on the full game and make sure there was actual content and bug fixes. Apex got really dry this season and I hope that this will make it seem more fun again.
This is where the devs of Apex Mobile Join the main Apex and we get this nice changes
You guys smashed this next season as a avid apex player it’s nice to see the devs taking fans views concerns and ideas into account
I love how in 1:46 Ash says No Mercy witch might mean No Mercy to Players who are trying to afford heirloom.
Who else left apex for overwatch
This seasons going to be amazing
Wait, a free heirloom? Or is it like a collection event thing that u get shards for the 24 packs
Cross progression.??
So wait correct me if I’m wrong but Was there a part we’re you are able to receive heirloom shards by completing challenges? Or by completing the battle pass? Anyone?
wow… ive never seen a trailer going so good for mirage
i hope the nemesis is good because y’all know how they showcased the mozambique
What that with the Heirloom Shard? I didnt get that
So team death match = Arena but 6v6
Nice job Respawn
To fight and fall is a good life.
Bruh the copium in the comments, its respawn for gods sake. Its gonna under deliver and go back to the same old problems
This is probably the most hyped I’ve been for a new season since season 7
Recon can’t recon anymore. Kinda dumb but hey other legens that already have passives can’t now scan n have their other passive still. Then tdm is just arena maps with 3 more people on each team. What a joke
Now that’s how you sell a mf battlepass!!!
hmmm did i see them get teammates banners from the replicator???!!!
Im incredibly excited to play this new season. Its looks like its gona be soo fun.
You can craft your teammates in this season that’s sick and also I hope people don’t leave when respawn time runs out and lastly what thereactive battle pass gun going to be
Finally actual content and not political propaganda
Love that they are focusing on the health of the game we needed this ❤
Has anyone thought how many hours and how many attempts and times they failed to do this?
Wow they are giving us heirlooms for finishing the events nice
this is a fresh thing after everything last year. actually good job
150 heirloom shards 😩
this actually looks REALLY good
Apex comeback season?
Can you do a buff to mirages decoy.mirages decoy could do damage.pls pls pls
Saw nothing about rev 🙁 no rev love again
So we all get a free hairloom?
I was actually about to lose hope in this game, but after seeing this trailer I’m glad to see that there is possibly light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s go Respawn!!!! Show us what you got!!!!
ive only got 600 crafting matrials….
where is mastiff=???
I have a small question, those heirloom shards are for what? (I mean how can you obtain them in this event)
Game still will never be as good as it was in season 7
You guys make every trailer so hyping up i love ya’ll
Now Just hoping the servers work at launch
wait whats that armor thing for in CP?
Does this mean pathfinder can get a passive now
it looks good but still no solos
Season gonna be empty af without a legend
Very cool but I wont forgive what you did to mobile version
mirage being skirmisher is like that clown in raid meme
Year f a Valentine’s Day!😂
This is just for show, come back to this comment and prove me wrong but I can guarantee that even with this supposed season’s based on polishing that:
1. Crypto still won’t have a passive
2. Pathfinder still won’t have a passive.
3. Wraith’s passive is still going to be broken (not being warned properly)
4. Rampart’s passive will still bug out on occasion, causing her to not reload quicker even though she has separate animations.
5. Newcastle’s ultimate will still vanish when used in close quarters despite the UI stating it was in an appropriate location.
6. Servers are gonna be still on fire on day 1.
7. No audio bug is still going to be in the game
This is what we wanted!💯🔥
TDM… Let’s go.
a revive this game needed. cross play progression and this game has been risen again
Heeeeck yes 😭😭😭 Finally. Thank you respawn!!
Really hoping this season brings in lots of new players and makes the game feel fresh!
1:17 did Newcastle craft a banner?
Did anyone else notice right at the end that it looks like wraith got a new heirloom animation? Both Ash and Wraith were about to punch at the end and the third person animation for wraith looks new to me.
Very optimistic about this season
1:49 When I found out paths anni skin was using the cute emoji for his chest thing, it automatically became my favorite skin from the event 😭
new content at last 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Wow okay next season looks a good one after many of bad ones! I hope it will be good!!
Free heirloom shards!? That’s tough
Why did it show all the new classes passives except controllers?
Haven’t played Apex in a hot minute. Can’t wait to not play it on launch week either because of their terrible servers but I’m excited to play it a week after!!
This trailer looks different than the others. I was tired to see the same exact frames in every trailer. Even the music was refreshing, im so pumped about it. Apex Legends revivió cabrones!
Smart pistol? Realy?
And then it’s time to fix the servers 👏👏👏
Now all I’m waiting for is (updated old Heirloom)
Now That’s what I’m taking about good job respawn this looks promising
No 120 fps
Me alegro por ustedes Respawn en tomarse un tiempo para mejorar a detalle el juego en lugar de meter un personaje. Además esto es un gran respiro para Respawn, por lo que en la siguiente season se vienen con mejores ideas con la mente fresca.
Se que para muchos es lo peor, pero créanme, los juegos que nada más están metiendo personajes y/o armas a lo loco, con el tiempo se desbalancea el juego y es injugable.
Look, I’m glad you guys are actually working on the game, but when are we getting Jack Cooper
Everything looks good as far as i cann see it but i have 2 Questions:
– Is Arena gonna be reaplaced for the new mode?
– will there be any changes about the ranked System?
Dumb game
I wanna say only one thing I love apex legends ♥️
Thank you, this about to be so refreshing
Is that a JumpKit from Titanfall 2 at 0:50 in the supply drop
No way mirage boat is on storm point(nohate)
Wait is the collection heirloom free after challenges? That would be dope
Glad that there was no new character
Mobile is gonna get banned…well I guess it’s back to pubg
The fact that this video has so many more likes than dislikes shows that this is a good direction for the game to go.
“The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.” _Henry F
Aye free heirloom I’ll take it looking forward to this season tbh seems refreshing again
Okay but what’s that bag in the care package that mirage opened up.??? What is Respawn still hiding.???
This is getting me really excited for the new season. Lots of changes to legends and how the game will flow plus a new weapon too. So much new content to digest, I love it
Yooo i’ve been wanting them to redo the class system because it almost seemed random, and i’m glad they’re finally doing it. This makes much more sense
Excited my boy Path finally got a passive
I’ve been saving for this mirage love
A bit confusing why people are annoyed there’s no new legend when most people play their same character for ages anyway
Please add competitive 2v2 ❤️
wait wait wait EA DID SOMETHING GOOD?
song name : full power – baby knoxx
letsssssss goooooooo! I havent been this hyoe for apex in months. (I still play prenty much everyday anyway tho, lol)
Controller players shoot magnetic bullets how about we nerf that???
1:00 respawn 🙂 dont try to hide SERE kit
I loved the part where they actually fixed the audio issue. A truly Apex experience.
This will definitely get me back into apex thanks devs!
I was kinda hoping for a new legend but the trailer made it obvious that a new legend wasn’t needed
No way free heirloom
Awesome update but I’m gonna miss arenas. They might also lose some players who played strictly arenas only
Looks good but how is Gibraltar a support legend and not a protect/Tank Legend
Remember when we used to get a legend and a gun? Lazy ngl
1:17 look at the pill on the right 💀 somethings never change
how about server sir?
Heirloom reward track!!!! That’s incredible!
Can’t wait to see how all these changes affect gameplay! Super pumped for this season!
really expecting this to be the best season apex has had so far. looking forward to it!
This trailer did its job cuz i am hyped now for the new season
this new game looks cool.
They will fix the game ? I doubt it but also hope so
Wow those are some good changes and content
I’m really glad this season has reworked some fundamental but lacking parts of the game like survey beacons (now detect enemies in the area which is amazing) and rebalancing the class system (mobility is separate from dps) as well as adding something similar to support bins for dps characters to make sure they get weapons. I’m really glad that gibby and newcastle are now support, as well as the fact that they can get the extra supplies.
The dev’s did amazing
It’s slowly turning into titanfall
Honestly if you think about it, buying out the whole event for an heirloom COULD be cheaper than just getting apex packs straight up, but I still don’t think it’s that good of a deal..
anyways, I’m honestly excited for this season and can’t wait to get my hands on it, if the servers are solid at season launch, this could be the most profitable season yet for them
Im one of those people that have been wishing gun run and control were permanent game modes and even better TDM as well. Very excited for this update!
are they going to drop heirloom shards for free ??
This was much needed, thank you, respawn team 💕
They need to fix their connections
Skins for Apex Mobile 😂
Great new stuff and all, not a fan of the map rotations this season. Can we add olympus to this season once it’s finished being repaired?
Nemisis is like hemlock with energy bullets
Watched this about 5 times now! 😅 So excited!
Ah yes another collection event with more reskins
RIP arenas
I read the patch notes and it doesn’t mention 120fps anywhere i own ps5 and my console supports 120hz but the game doesn’t.. we play warzone fortnite we play exactly because it supports 120fps. I have to put money in apex for 3 years for this reason.. and I will continue not to put money until the 120 is not there fps
i think we dont have new legend huh?
Is this a season or a event im confused
oh, in the wrong battle pass, they introduced an accrual for levels 100 and 110 …. oh, in the wrong one…
Халявные осколки?
Did they add 120fps on next gen consoles yet?
Looks great actually, fantastic job. Adding cross progression is all this game needs to make me 100% happy with it
make me go back to apex legends again
Best season it’s looks like. Not a coincidence that it’s when they don’t add a new legend 🎉
at 0:54 why dois the 3x disappear from the bin but the dude is still using a 1.2x?
I’m in retested in the name of the song
Finally it seems like people understand what not having a new legend means. I couldn’t understand why ppl were hating on it. This is absolutely the best decision. 😅
Now THIS is what we want to see! I haven’t looked forward to any Apex content in many seasons. Time to hop back in and see what’s up! I hope I’m not disappointed!
now im actually excited for apex
got me installing the game
The class system… not sure about it, there already is with each icons legends have, they’re giving some extras to confine them closer in classes, though adds extra disparity between legends in a way too. I get they wanted to refresh it up, but it shouldn’t go the way of legends becoming much more situational vs standard gunplay all I’m saying. Really what I’d rather is that they just change some core stuff in general, game needs some life/shield steal on takedowns to combat third partying, some shield regen would be nice along. No scroll deathbox. De-clutter loot, new weapon added, can be cool, still loot should be more simplified, especially weapon side. Really so far I’m mainly interested in just TDM in general though.
thank you guys so much imma love this update 🎉
The collection event skins are the best ones yet out of the past 5 seasons, wish I saved my crafting metals
Which Legend is getting an heirloom????
This is wack , they are not even trying anymore e
Love it. Deathmatch is long overdue and should the other dedicated ranked modes along with Battle Royale. Now just remove Arenas and maybe a pvepvp mode for the soloist out there
I always thought if I’d leave for a year the whole game would be completely different with new legends and stuff I’m not familiar with. Feel like the devs are actually playing their game now and realize that’s not the way 👏🏾
All the comments..
“Best season ever!!”
Until you play it and cry because there’s something you don’t like.
wait.. EA gives us a free Heirloom?
Buying a banner back from the replicator is something we’ve been wanting forever. Good looks
Haven’t cried tears of joy from an Apex trailer ina long time 🥲💙🌬⚡️
Idk why but I can’t think of a single bad anniversary season, they’ve all been bangers so far.
Did they add yet another black gay female character with cringy voice-acting?
Best skins ever!
This is all well and good but more importantly RESPAWN PLEASE TAKE NOTE of this and see the effect that focusing on the community has for your game. This is what people want. This is how you keep your game alive
Cant wait for skull town hoping for king canyon reboot !
looks amazing
Loading apex coins now, thank you respawn for listening to the apex community! Look I pay for quality in the product, not going to ever just buy garbage…..
I like Arenas
Where is Cross Progression ?
Nice a sorta good looking wattson skin to bad its not a legendary
Remember, Apex Mobile did Team Deathmatch first
Wait are yall not removing arena
Skull town!!!!! & party 🎉 the!!!! Yes!!!!
Respawn thanks a lot for trailer 🔥🔥🔥 One of the best trailers of all seasons 👑👑👑
dont know if this is intensional bc it seems like a unlikely mistake but why is there a sere kit from titanfall 2 in the care package
did bro just craft a banner?
man i miss this game:(the nostalgia is insane even tho it has only been 2 years
Anyone Else feel that this kind of underwhelming?? All of this should of been done in season 15.
yall never fail to make good content
I dislike Habital so much.
Excited for this!
I hope this mode stays!
First W since a while and i think we all agree this is a really huge W
This will have me back to apex
Funny how at the end of the video there’s a tile for “APEX LEGENDS MOBILE” RIP
I loved the part where Respawn hypes us up for another Season only to deliver disappointment. Truly a Respawn Experience.
(This trailer got my hyped bro !!! Respawn’s media team is 10/10)
This is legitimately gonna be one of the best seasons as from the trailers so far. I’m hoping it’s actually a good season and not just one content dump at the beginning and nothing. Good on ya Respawn for listening to the community!!!❤
No cross progression
No thank you once more
we are still waiting for crossprogression
Looks like a nerf to all “combat legends” only can see whats in care packs? seems hella pointless. if its the same match making it will feel 100% the same with different options, this goes for pubs and ranked…
La gente ya no sabe de qué quejarse
Free heirloom???
Fix the server plz
No CrossPlay Like Always. Till we meet again Apex LOL.
The communication especially in the blog post is AMAZING. I really hope this is the norm going forward.
Wait.. so I can finally get a heirloom this season? 🥳🎉🎊
Only think I ever need in life is cross progression in apex legends
RIP servers
Wraith’s new ability will be amazing. She will not be able to leave the game after she land solo and get downed
plisss Cross save .-.
OK I’m excited about Apex again. Let’s go!
Lets goooo!! Thank you respawn 🔥🔥
is the free heirloom shards after we pay a low price of 160?
The Newcastle replicator scene has me asking so many questions
1:56 reliquias gratis?
Lets goooooooo🔥🔥💪
i havent played in a year and i can say im excited to try apex next szn
you can buy back players ooooooyaaaa
amazing season. please add cross progression
Still no changes for Revenant. still getting shafted
everything is soo goofy and cringe sadly
Just be nice and fix the game we do not want anything more
Thank god they gave up on Apex mobile and came home! ❤️
Todo esta bien excepto el pase de batalla ya q son las mismas skin especales de evento malo q dan gratis
DDOS sever will stay or cancel ?! Hope no more sever get DDOS 😕😢
new gun looks sickkkk
Finally launching after beta testing and listening to players for 4 years. This is gonna be a phenomenal launch
I’m waiting for Titanfall 3, not for this cringe.
them apex new season vids are always lit
Great season to come back to
tdm?! great addition guys cant wait!!!
what song is this??
Any map changes?
1:15 Did he craft a banner card??
I want to see if the new season can change my mind. I was about to drop the game but we’ll see how it goes
Still no cross progression
Skirmisher is an extremely OP class, completely imbalanced.
W Devs
Great job!
Heirloom shards?!?!!! Looks like I’m definitely grinding this season
Am I… happy with the devs????
Now I can say that I’m properly hyped for this season
2023 is your year, trust me
Loved Lifeline’s look.
Yo the devs a finally fixing the game. This season should’ve been call redemption not revelry
looks like fortnite
Did they remove Arenas?
I’m so glad they removed arenas.
This season will be amazing!
please fix ur servers then sell ur cosmetics !
glad i happened to reinstall the game so i can get a couple more legends for free then never play again
I wish we had a Story Mode in this game….. I don’t mind if it’s a single player.
This looks great, hope they keep this momentum going in the right direction.
The audacity to put the apex legends mobile playlist at the end screen after announcing it’s being shut down 💀
POV: Every Apex Update YouTuber has Spoiled all this Leaked Content over a Year Ago.
I hope we can like talk with all 6 members in team rather than 3 players in this way it will be more fun to play tdm.
Finally, they put some budget and big effort into the trailer
My chance to finally get a Heirloom. Cant wait
Next gen 120fps coming soon ? How many seasons left to come ?
Ok fine, I will start playing again.
Por fin revivió 😿💗
how to get the shards? u need a credit card pass. truly an apex legends experience.
I was hoping for some map changes…
How do y’all mess up team death match 🤦♂️🤦♂️
I recently started playing Apex again and this trailer got me excited. Let’s GOOOOO
Bro pathfinder is a skirmisher, which means his passive doesn’t work anymore because he can’t scan beacons. that must mean he’s FINALLY GETTING AN ACTUAL PASSIVE! I’m so excited for this season
where tf is horizons heirloom
Looks like Apex got the jump on Valorant adding Team Deathmatch
Tnx for new legend , shame on you
bring crossprogression already I want my 22k pathfinder back
Glad to see they made a class for the legends that shoot at you then run back to their team once they start losing the 1v1, truly an apex moment of all time
looks great, only thing missing is 120fps support on current gen consoles!
RIP to my girl valk. I’m excited about the heirloom shards but I don’t know if I’m gonna be playing her after the nerf
OK this looks good
Operation health moment💀 watch the disappointment unfold
trailer in 4k gameplay in 1080p smh wheres our 4k update already
Not impressed, sorry but all this stuff doesn’t give me 120fps
I feel like the gun box could be a bit of an issue
Remove broken moon already
New gun seems fun, cant wait for it to be nerfed to the ground just because it has a high pick rate and thats only cus people are having fun using it then it gets nerfed and nobody uses it anymore and noones having any fun anymore yay 😀
So nothing new just tdm like every other game and on arena maps too?😂 yea I’m good
Am I the only person or does mirage seem strange in the gameplay trailer and story trailer
150 recompensa de conclusão de fragmento de herança
There’s a recolour of the Octane edition at 0:16
can you do something about the servers?
your servers cant keep up with all the fast paced input
Overwatch 3?
New finishers or bust
Da 150 heirloom completion is for the battle pass or how can get it
SOLO MODE???????????????????????????
Si ya van a cerrar la versión de Móviles, almenos pongan las leyendas que no están en la versión de consolas y PC
Bruh why do they always add rounds to modes that don’t need them? Just add normal team deathmatch, score limit to 50-100. Everybody has fun.
when will u remove ur spyware anticheat?
Lowkey happpy
You can see new item in care package at 1:00 any ideas what is it?
I feel like this is gonna be a good season
I hope they make TDM a permanent mode. I hate Gun n Run and not a fan of Control
When you guys will add brutal finisher animation for legends like they are available in Titanfall & Titanfall 2
Yay skull town is back! Also a new outfit for catalyst!
Herança grátis ?
I like how just a couple of days ago everyone HATED respawn after the peacekeeper reskin and now we love them again. Keep up the love-hate relationship guys. 👍
What’s in the care package with the kraber?
Thats why we love respawn
I guess they have to rework ashes passive
There we go apex keep this up ill probably give you money
Noooooooooo. Why is it round based? Just give us a standard tdm with quick respawns and auto recharge health and shields. This is just going to be arenas with 12 people.
Is it me or is Loba’s hand clipping through the gun at 1:24?
New season but bad server🙂
Hmm. Seems interesting. Hopefully it’s as good as it sounds
And it only took 4 years…oh yeah
Why can’t we see that they give us a good season than a bad then a good then a bad etc
So what if path finder, what is his passive? Can he not scan beacons anymore?
Why do you want to keep seers heal cancel so badly it ruined the game. Give every legend tac the ability to cancel heals if it’s staying in the game. Like how is still in the game most op thing you could ever give to a legend no matter how small you make the scan, how long it’s cool down is. Just except your mistake and remove it.
This made me happy. Shows yall care, and excited to try new game mode! Definitely login in tonight
Titan fall 3
No new legends.
Looks like the beginning of the end.
Love how they made it look like u will get free heirloom shards instead of $160 for event
Meh decent
Cross-Progression ? Devs ?
Season looks dope I may come back…
Cross-progression would be nice too tho.
Already in Love. Dude they just know how to tease. Such a great Game. Props to the devs.
i wish they could get reliable cheat engine..
Being able to see what’s in the care package is the most useless thing ever 🤦♂️ everything else is dope.
Will olympus be at the rotation this season?
Finally a reason to play the game again. So long as servers are stable & there isn’t a bunch of bugs from the changes, I’ll be on it for more than an hour every few months lol.
Rip Apex mobile you’ll never see this s*** lol
as always best thing in apex updates the trailer songs
Cool, but where is New legend?
Ain’t no way they put a bloodhound battle pass reskin in this battle pass
everything is amazing and then there is the skirmisher passive, like bruh what
I’m really excited for this new game
W respawn after a loong time
Wait free heirloom?
filled with joy to see so many new changes and added content!
Next season feels like playing a brand new game! Love the changes
te amo apex
Is it just me or that nemesis looks like it has little to no recoil?
Music : Baby Knoxx – Full Power
Wish it wasn’t a Burts weapon 😭
If the TDM is round based does that mean there won’t be Unlimited Respawns like on Mobile? Cause I think that’s one of the reasons that made it fun🌊
Didnt we already have a team deathmatch
am I right, we are getting free heilbroom???
the best trailer i have seen yet for apex legends 😚🤩🤩
Thanks a lot devs for polishing the game finally Apex will become as enjoyable as before
Let’s hope these changes makes the game feel more alive and fun again! And that it doesn’t get ruined by cheaters and exploit abusers.
Nothing special and the worst maps in rotation GG
I might play apex again, going to try out TDM first
probably the lamest looking season yet
new item in the care package 1:00
at the end of the day no free heirloom shards and more paid skins
Feels like it’s finally out of beta phase
Respawn doing w things 🎉
Y la pistola de energía para cuándo
All right might I’ll apologize! MAYBEEE! let’s see.
heirloom completion reward??????
Oh what’s this. Actually good skins
and still no cross progression
the music is truly something else but cross-progression when ?
Like si hablás Español
thank god the game was about to die if they did another copy and paste season
wait so completing the battle pass gets you an heirloom???
Looking fresh! Cant wait.
Looks like some of us will actually have a chance for heirloom shards😭
For the first time a season without a new legend. And i already have like 2k gameplay but i don’t still have any heirlooms yet but this season just giving free heirloom shards? definitely the best season.
FINALE!!! I’ve been waiting on TDM for this game for years!!!! Thank you Apex legends!
what’s in the care package at 1:00
Tdm is literally arenas with 3 extra players on each side
Scan legends being able to use beacon as a UAV is a huge L. Everything else looks awesome
thats a lot of new game modes
I’m actually surprised how decent this looks
Anyone know who the next legend is?
this looks good but i CANNOT be excited to play any apex because they still haven’t given us cross progression it’s ridiculous at this point
iam good with all the new stuff and changes … but they took my groundloot Longbow for it 😭😭
looks mid ngl
Might return to the for the 5th time after this trailer 💀😂 haven’t played it for 2 seasons 💀
1:00 new item in the care package.
It looks like they are bringing new focus to making the game FUN.
Nothing is more important than that. Love to see it.
Apex is back and therefore I am back!!! Yes
thicc loba review
How about improving them servers? Oh wait they can’t do that….
MIRAGE VOYAGE BABY!!!!! Let’s go!!
Let me see if this gonna be a truly APEX Legends experience.
ngl that octane skin looks SICK
Sound still trash
What was that at then end of the trailer?
Game became utter trash. The moment they removed Kings Canyon permantly
I really appreciate the break from a new legend. Most of the existing players would get the new legend just to try them out, but would then quickly return to their existing mains. That would mean that most people wouldn’t really enjoy all of the new content. With content that isn’t legend-focused, we can finally get some meatier content.
No new character this season?
Ash heirloom 👀
The best one is the completion reward.👌🏻
I swear respawn just forgott that vantage exists, doesnt look like she will be getting anything new this update either.
Yawn game is dead anyways
Finally lovely new content and tdm and another decent money grab im ok with it this time since it’s shards but plz give horizon her heirloom soon plz. Truly an apex experience.
This is looking to be an amazing year for apex… lets hope it is.
Now take my money, TAKE IT AALLL!!! XDXDXDXDXD
Well, that looks promising. Thanks.
I hate to get my hopes up
So they getting rid of mobile and adding stuff that was in mobile to consoles?
Please un-cancel the new *TitanFall* 🥲
wait im so excited
I can’t wait!
Haven’t been this excited since S6!
Tu pu.ta madr..e apex igual lo eliminarás de ios y android
@Apex Legends , Is anyone know name of the song in Trailer ?
Be a lot cooler if they followed through with the promise of 120fps on next gen
I love the part where it was the same game
I would like crypto skins idoles not Daft punk 😔
Actually looks nice. I’m coming back for sure
This feels like a good breath of fresh air for the game, bit of a wait but I’m glad we finally got to that stage. Let’s hope this season goes down as one of the best!
You made my day Respawn ❤
The music in the trailer is *Full Power by Baby Knoxx* for those who want to know
So do u come back when you die?
This has me crying for some reason! Im excited!
Is it just me or does wraith have a darker skin tone than usual?
Rare respawn W
Okay this season is looking pretty dope not gonna lie, you can now use a replicator to grab teammates banners, it looks like everyone will be able to get Heirloom shards which is awesome!! Then we have lots of Quality of life changes I think were long overdue… 🔥
Pls let there be new badges to achieve. Plssssss
I love the part where respawn gave us what we asked for… truly a surprising apex experience
Miss my apex mobile :”
Which platform it will be compatible with?
I won’t be home when it drops but dang this makes me want to go back
0:57 who’s voice line is that?
Doesn’t sound like Mirage
I just want that mirage buff. Been playing him again recently in anticipation
SHEEESSSHHHHH they finally listened and now they’re focusing on what’s gunna make the game better. Thank god . I’ve barely played this entire season. Now there’s a reason for people to return
Honestly I’m glad this season is being used to help fix and refresh the game. If I had to guess they probably haven’t been able to do this because EA wants a set amount of content made. I’m sure they had to do some convincing to be able to use this season as a refresher.
So hyped for this new season! If this lives up to the expectations this is going to be the best season in a long time.
What was that in the care package
Can fuse please get an heirloom mate.
Biggest comeback of the year myb???.
Hope for good ranked and SERVERS PLEASE
Song is “Full Power” by Baby Knoxx. For those who were wondering!!
Knocked it out of the park completely!
by completion reward does that mean completing buying the whole collection or does it mean completing the challenges because i would really like my hierloom after playing the game since launch
Nemesis = energy hemlock ?
i love how newcastle crafted a teamates banner.Truly an apex legends expierence
Finally!! You guys adding a UAV. This is needed to counter third party rats. But your team, Respawn is doing a good thing making this season more on focusing on bugs and fixes.
Mirage should be a supporter in my opinion and hurry up and bring shield compacitors……
If the season is as good as this trailer, it’s gonna be a 10/10
Played apex since day one deleted it 2 years ago. They came to late with that update 🙁
Yeah I’ll re-download it next season
So heirloom shards is lvl 100 battle pass? Or do we have to pay $160 again?
Is there reward for completing the season heirloom shards!?
Did anyone realize that all characters have cool and awsome skins but like wraith has the most basic skin -_- like why Apex
Why does It feel like Rhapsody would be amazing in this season trailer?
APEX IS BACK BAABY! I had given up the game after last season but now it’s back!!
Feels like Christmas morning in February! I love it and can’t wait to experience this! Good job to the devs at Respawn!!
Respawn really turning this game around and I’m definitely here for it
Uninteresting. How about you fix the actual issues, like nerfing aim assist on PC?
Now this is a trailer
Song sauce?
If the BR you can only chose different types of classes than your teammates it would be huge balance for the teams, and having to choose different classes would make sense anyway because of the abilities to open the bins..
I wonder if loba will keep her ult as it is thou.. will it lose the capability of buying weapons ? and just buy heals ?
Can`t wait to find out ! GGs
Please do not let this game die, we love it a lot. Thank you.
it really looks good, but what is with you guys and burst weapons? the ones that are already in the game are p trash, no need to add another one
So if Apex mobile is shutting down, What will happen to Fade and Rhapsody? Are they gonna be added to PC Apex?
No cross progression? Man once again i have been let down
Only 3 maps in team desthmatch??? Huge L
what is this😂
Now this remastered legends classes is a game changer!
Big sad, no cross progression
Looks really good but I gotta ask, why did you cancel titanfall legends?
CROSS PROGRESSION CMON DEVS! Can’t even play the dang game on my Xbox anymore but don’t have my account on pc
Oh man this is exciting!
i really hope this is fun. im tired of depressing matches. missed the last few end of season events this season because i just couldnt handle the horrible lobbies
Si Wraith no tiene su insta Q pues no va hacer una buena temporada para mi y supongo que tendré que cambiar a personajes que si valgan la pena como Valkyrie, Seer, Bloodhound, Bagalore, Ash, Horizon y una larga lista de leyendas que pueden sustituir a Wraith 🙁
Bring solos back
I also can’t wait for seers nerf😏
Nice trailer 👍
This is their last chance they better not disappoint
Awesome now where’s the 120 fps cross progression or a new anti cheat system?
So you get Shards for free?
oh the chills, gonna be a great season!
Cross progression please I’m praying for it
I truly do hope this season is the turn-around for apex
Overall big W. Looking at the details on the main Apex page the only down side I see is that the skirmisher sounds nearly useless compared to the other classes. it’s got a majority of the roster in it too.
Actually hype trailer for once
Most excited I’ve been for a season yet!
Can’t wait for all tbe bugs and server crashes 🙃
This giving me fortnite season X vibes ngl
I think this is gonna be one of the best seasons we’ve had in a while, huge W from Respawn.
CHARGE ME UP‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I was immediately considering playing this game again when they decide to add team deathmatch. This is looking to be one of the best updates ever!
120 fps!?!?!?!?!!
Apex is dead
Does not look that good
This looks really promising
Не закрывайте апех мобайл
Not a single negative comment! Next season gonna be awesome. I just hope bugs doesn’t ruin it
Pathy has been shifted for some reason… 🙁
Apex legends season 16 yes please yes leaks please February 14 please
And still no cross-progression
These legends got godly core strength, they be crawling hunched over on the ground without using their hands
I’m so fckn hyped for the next season :DDDDD
we have hope once again
new playlist looks amazing
The defense legends get nothing 😭😭😭
Apex mobile is closing and pc getting mobile stuff what a game
Actually super hyped for this season
Gonna be best season to date
This actually looks promising
I knew from the trailer a few days ago that scanning beacons would ping enemies 🙇🏽♂️
Finally a Trailer where everyone isn’t disappointed
Who didn’t download tf_source
new legend is rhapsody coming fom mobile 🎉🎉
Props to respawn for listening to the community. Looking forward to a brighter future for apex
pa cuando el crosssafe
I am a small Apex Content creator hope you guys love my content 🥰
You can CRAFT teammates banners?
Huh, isn’t there usually a new character every season?
They literally showed what each class did besides the defending class or controller class
dear god they did it, this looks amazing
Okay those new skins????? LOVEEEEEEEE THEMMMMMMMM
It’s so refreshing to see positivity again in the apex comment sections
This is very important… Can lifeline toss her drone?
No free heirloom shards? >..<
I’m absolutely loving the positivity this is what apex has needed. This next season will be awesome
What is this with the shards i dont get it
Why isn’t Pathfhinder in recon is beyond me tho
This season looks awesome. I just wish I remembered my password so I can sign back into my account.
Can’t wait!
Chefs Kiss they finally got me excited again after god knows how many seasons
awesome trailer! i was bopping my head the entire time to the fantastic track and the new content is looking really promising! can anyone name the song please? its so cool.
Yaaaay 😃😃😃
I’m going to miss areas
new wraith heirloom animations ayo???
Well, they r finally giving the game the attention it deserves and not giving u another useless/overused legend for the season
This felt really pointless and didn’t see a new character
Wait, where’s the bloodhound road warrior recolour at?
Im Looking forward for the event of free heirloom shards reward🎉❤❤❤
Zylbrad better be back
120 fps on next gen?
i’ve found myself playing less and less the last few seasons, excited for all the changes
Finally… some good fricking food.
Respawn coming back strong with this season hopefully it’s one of the best yet
Console getting 120fps?
I’m really looking forward to coming back and playing… hopefully they continue to focus on improving the game itself instead of adding new/old stuff over and over again
TDM was great fun on mobile. Hopefully it plays similarly on the main game. Heirloom shards are a nice incentive too.
R.I.P VALK. There’s a reason they don’t show nerfed-to-oblivion VALK.
The positivity in the comments is truly refreshing, cant wait to try this new season !
Insane job ! Congrats 🔥🔥
Time will tell whether this pays off.
I was NOT expecting the heirloom shard reward, does this suggest more opportunities to get them later on?
ey yo we can craft teammates now
Finally they have focused on the game instead of the characters and there heirlooms but let’s see what other shocking or boring surprises they have for us in this new season
Very good direction Apex, we needed this!
What kind of music is this
So no new maps for team deatmatch, just paste it on to maps from arenas
crafting banners from the Crafter? this is gonna be a PLAY!
That’s exciting! I might be coming back for this <3
This is looking to be one of the best seasons of Apex imo.
sorry did i just read free heirloom??
16 seasons later adds TDM. Good job. Keep it forever. Not as an LTM.
If they can deliver on these promises and they actually hold up and redeem faith in the community they can can have my money
can i have my account on xbox on pc yet? no? guess im not playing it then
I’m getting Season 8 Part 2vibes, how fitting for Season 16.
Free heirloom shards?
Icing on the cake would be third person so we can finally see our skins in-game, and since I have to clarify before anyone starts coming at me for even muttering these words, no I don’t mean a togglable feature. It would be its own SEPERATE mode for BR, arenas, and mixtape like how it was on mobile. Ik the devs said that they’re going to add more to mixtape in the feature (assuming third person being one them) but it would also be nice if we could also have a third person mode for BR and arenas. AGAIN I DON’T MEAN A TOGGLABLE FEATURE!
Nemesis is going to be nerfed in like three weeks 😅
I wanna see Apex back on track again, mained it from when it came out until Valorant released. The cheating problem is so rampant that my friends and I just got tired of playing this game. Still the best Br imo.
So many QoL, them listening to the community. And free heirloom shards?
Finally Respawn wakes up
Cross progression please?
What do music play in video?
did i just see that support legends will be able to craft the dead teammates banner?? Holy molly
Es raro que hoy si respawn incluya lo que la comunidad pide desde hace mucho tiempo justo en la decadencia del juego… (se durmieron en sus laureles)
🙏please no server issues
please no server issues
please no server issues…
Can we get cross progression so i can have all my skins 😢😢😢
Apex is BACK!
This is one awesome trailer, holy smokes! Well done. Looking forward to playing the season.
finally something good.
this is truly an apex legends experience
So still no kings canyon?
Good Job Respawn. This is good quality update and season 👍 Looking forward to experience all these new and cool changes.
delete worlds edge
Will definitely be returning for this 😊
Banner craft?
the role passives are way too lame.
On behalf of all wattson mains were angry baguettes because we get no new skin and would take wattson skins over all this qol updates, haha jk
Why it hit so hard tho
You know the community is happy when the comments section isn’t 80% copy pasta memes
Ok those skins like pretty lit but when are we getting those legend reworks like caustic and crypto and some others
Looks like i will come back on this game
when i see in patchnote – Apex Legends now have a stabil good servers?
Now this is how you make a community happy ❤❤
Thank you for healing the game!! Please keep it up!!!!
At the end is wraith new Kunai and Ash heirloom swinging at each other?
was that mirage voyage ??
When the apex legend videos get positive feed back instead of memes
do not close apex legends mobile
W Apex
Wrll pathfinder is out of recon which could mean he gets his passive back.
Edit: or likely a new one
The added things and many more proves why Apex Legends Mobile got shut down because the PC and Console players wanted these but they should have kept the Mobile version running. 👍 To PC and Console 👎 for Mobile for shutting it down EA and Respawn.
Was there not a single mad maggie skin 🙁
Take my credit card !
Log in rewards … After all this time?
In a couple of seasons they will introduce instant respawns and wallrunning and far into the future they will introduce the notorious titans
Isn’t that Raphsody’s party ship? 🤔
Titanfall 3
120fps? Respawn??
Apex trailers peaked at season 5 everything else trash
Anyone know if you’re going to be able to queue into TDM with more than 3 people?
actually hyped for this new direction there taking
Looks like a good bit o fun
0:27 i love how they don’t show rampart absolutely obliterating fuse with shiela in 0.0001 seconds
might get back into the game
They needed this badly to sort the game out instead of a new legend much appreciated I like the look of all these changes I hope they have a scoreboard of your teams damage u can view aswell I been waiting this for ages.
I was waiting more.
Death match? Вы серьёзно ? Я так этого ждал. Я люблю вас. Наконец то. ❤❤❤
“unlockable skins” sound more like fancy way to say payment
This is where the fun begins.
Mirage’s ship is back! Lets party🤍🤍😁😁🎉🎉🪅🪅🎈🎈🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Wow, only thing we probably need is buffs and nerfs like crazy. Crypto and rev buff please.
Fix optimization and servers thats all we are asking for please
This is going to be one of the best seasons in Apex history… It’s definitely brought me back.
It might have even revived the game…
Bro the wraith and hound skins are fire
So many W’s rn it’s insane
I think I’m going to remove the dust from the game
Does anyone know whats the name of this sound track?
Vamos tio que reviva el juego ya llevaba tiempo perdiendo jugadores es ahora mi rey Respawn para mejorar uno de mis juegos favoritos el Apex.
Is that an Ash heirloom she’s swinging at the end?
I hate to say it but mw2s battle pass is far superior.
That 6 days is gonna be like a month for me!!! Thank you Respawn, I hope it will be great!
Hopefully a huge comeback season
Apex doesn’t know this but we all left apex hoping it get better. We want to come back. We just needed something to come back to!
Skulltown 🎉
Could have tried cross progression…with apex mobile
Use me as a Titan Fall 3 request button.
the devs must hate horizon. they dont come out with any skins for her in the item shop its sad to be real
Great, as if seer and BH weren’t still op now that can directly scan you through beacon 😂
is there a new legend this season???
Let’s go!!! I need that crypto skin for sure. Reminds me of the front man from squid games lol
finally some fresh air * pathy pretending to breath *
Still making heirlooms tough to get spending over $100 naw keep it
looks good , but kinda dissapointed. Looks like a big change but when it comes out u will see nothig rlly changed.
except the perks.
6 vs 6? You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
14 season in. I’m just thankful the devs have not banned me yet. I’ve been through some highs and lows with this game. 9 seasons in I became very toxic and frustrated with the player base of this game. I’m happy I was allowed to detox and now am using my skills and experience to help players instead of yelling and being mean to people. Happy for some new changes and looking forward showing off my extensive legendary collection. ❤
nothing for valk, useless class, and a big nerf, im done
Nemesis firing sound is crispy let’s go
Honestly this is bringing me back to the game fr
If we can queue a team of 6 for TDM id weep with joy
Now this is what we all wanted to see!! Great job
“24 unlockable cosmetics”
You mean, 160$ on epic/rare skins.
There I fixed for u.
Not gonna lie, they won me back with permanent rotating game modes. Day 1 player here. Apex was getting stale. We needed this so badly. Thank you Respawn!
So this is where all the money from Apex mobile went.
Season 16 is gonna be the beste season ever! So many changes, it was defenetely the right choice to release no legend this season and concentrate on many different tings instead!
so we are expecting a 200gb update 😀 😛 ?
also any maps changes to prevent the 20 man drop on a single building or spot as well ?
and will the heirloom shards be accessible to f2p players ?
My favorite part of this was when mirage said “it’s miraging time”
Let’s goooo
Another strong start that will become stale after one month then we’ll get a soulless cash grab collection event mid season to reinvigorate the playerbase, rinse and repeat. They’ve been fooling everyone with this same strategy for years now. Until you see a season roadmap of actual content(not a cosmetic event roadmap) don’t get too excited
As long as EA doesn’t shut down the game because lack of funds, keep content coming like this and the money will roll in more than you think
poor caustic hes not even in any skin showcase 🙁
What happen to the statistc in arenas?
This is gonna be one of the best season in a king time, new fresh modes, decent skins, fixed classes, and a new weapon. Good job respawn.
This trailer is very rewatchable. A lot of new information and the music and editing are so in sync it makes it delightful. Great job!
first time in awhile im hyped for a apex season
This is good but Respawn couldn’t be more innovative with skins. So bland and uninteresting
Giving the game what it needs
The game was starting to feel a bit stagnant and I gotta say taking a season to focus on polishing the game’s content and performance was DEFINITELY the right move to breathe new life into this game. Can’t wait to see what else you surprise us with Respawn! Keep up the good work! 😀
Crypto is Daft Punk bro
I’m so excited about the class changes but the battlepass/collection comsetics are so dog awful
It makes me so happy to see everyone so excited for an apex update considering it’s past.
I’m not touching battle royale this season. 😎
They need to improve matchmaking. The game is unplayable for people who don’t play every day
Nice looks like banner grab thru a care package
Looks awesome! Can’t wait to get my hands on this update, I just wish they had kept the mobile version ongoing so that those guys could also may have gotten to play in the future.
This might be the season to return…
W devs ❤🎉
Mirage is still standing at the end of a trailer?? Truly we have entered a new era…
Can’t wait for this season, the only bad thing are my rank matches bc are full of smurfs and masters but this is a truly apex experience
So I assume the heirloom shard aren’t actually free
Truly an apex experience
Nothing special
they actually giving us TDM? what’s the catch
Good comments on a apex video..huh
А почему я всегда в последний момент (за неделю) узнаю, что что-то убирают/реворкают? Конечно мало что поменяло бы, поскольку у меня всё равно нет тиммейтов на Арех. Но так я бы может хоть в соло успел побегать перед тем, как оно окончательно сдохнет. Короче, коротко о предстоящем сезоне: ОХРЕНИТЕЛЬНО!!1!1
Love a legend rework. Hopefully shifts the meta and can go so anyone is meta
i need more military skins
actual skins looks like circus people to many colors
Mirage got BT’s head from the care package at 1:00 lol
I’m glad they made a new weapon and not a new legend
so sum legends are gonna need new passives so which ones got changed?
So they’re nerfing Valk again? So lame.
Wait these changes actually look great??? Wow this made me excited for Apex again!
Ain’t this just Overwatch with Apex sparkles on it???
I called it back in S6, no joke, I told my friends this too! Everything I said came true. A whole season dedicated to overhauling the game and add more quality than quantity. Now just gotta get EA to contact me about a character legend 😂😂
I can’t wait
I love seeing new legends but these changes are even more exciting. Thank you Respawn!
what a refreshing comment section. excited for apex again!
Took a break apex last season. This looks so promising respawn DONT MESS THIS UP!
Poor pathfinder losing his girlfriend again 🙁 why take survey beacon away from me…
Lets goooo, team deathmatch sounds so perfect! Been wanting a casual grab my controller and enjoy
Ya’ll betta not take off APEX mobile!!!!
Fix Titanfall 2
Rampartttt 😂🐐 but looks great so far !
This was a much needed rework. Seems like every legend now will have some use
Adding 6v6, removing arena, and making controls permanent would be the best update for many. A lot of people were really looking forward to the deathmatch and control that can be enjoyed casually without the wasteful effort of collecting items and dying like battle royale. Especially when it comes to control, even those who are not good at aiming have many roles, so it is very popular as a mode that everyone from beginners to advanced players can enjoy in a festive mood. It will be a very good change for Apex to incorporate user feedback and make a big update this time. Also, the changes that break the rut, such as updating the entire character and rotating the map, are wonderful. Above all, the addition of 6v6 and controls will be an update that will bring in many light users. I think that holding game events like this in the future will lead to the evolution of Apex. This update is really good! I can’t wait.
wait so we’re getting a free heirloom or?
Where titanfall 3
Is its me or does the Graphics looks improved?
You better not be able to craft timed out teammate banners coz that is just simply broken, worse than pre-nerf gold knockdown in my opinion.
is team deathmatch replacing arenas, thats the only part of this that I dislike
btw i already hate it
Y’all crying in the comments get good
And pls atleast mid season add a new Apex Legend
woaw amazinggg
So hyped!!
THE SONG NAME IS: “Full Power” by Baby Knoxx.
no new legend?
look at respawns for the number of likes – compare with the previous event and draw the right conclusions
So pathys no longer recon? Nice.
Song name?
we do I get my Twitch drops? I claimed them but they didn’t show up in my inventory
Will this update make my crypto dance?
Thank you Respawn for finally listening to the community and making what looks to be the best season in a long while
From the second i saw the skins I loved them then when I saw they are fan made I was like “well that makes sense”
The gameplay trailer is so much better than the launch trailer, it actually got me hyped
Im so exited
Finally after 12 Seasons a Decent Crypto skin
Looks good! Maybe I’ll try the game again after a break this season
Crazy to see this much positivity on apex trailer
I left Apex at the conclusion of Season 14. But, I think this will bring me back. I’m excited 😊
Maybe I missed it but … are the shards in the same collection as the PK skin ? I ve to buy 24 packs and than I get the shards ? Or is it free for everyone ?
finally materials
we’ve been waiting for them for so long
13 seasons for some crypto love in the bp finally😭😭
Ayy this could low-key be a great season
“150 heirloom shard completion reward” how it work?
using a permanent gamemode as an excuse for this years anniversary event is weird apex… lazy but wierd
A great time to come back!!
Woah no haters! Can’t wait to see them again next patch!
I hope yall are ready for hella server issues from day one!
trash server soon they will launch this and it will crash. This game is no doubt the best BR but it is trash at the same time. TRASH!!!
Respawn, please, for god sake, stop making acid overcoloured skins….my eyes are bleeding
please fix the server…
price of us coming back to apex is 150 heirloom shards……..XD
I loved!! GOOD job
this looks fun af
it says on the website for the people that are confused about the craftable banners. YOU CAN CRAFT TEAMATES BANNERS EVEN AFTER THEY EXPIRE
Is cross progression still on the table?🥲
Was a blast working on this 🙂
You should remaster all the gay characters so they are normal 🔥🔥🔥🔥
bro this is the most hype trailer yet!
no map changes?
Looks great but let me guess, since TDM is 6v6 that means 2 random groups of 3, and I’m still not able to play together when there’s 4 of us friends online…can we let a group of 4 play SOMETHING in apex?
Wow they really do love us. <3
Sigh another 160$ heirloom
New server ?
Keep it forever please! I don’t care about other people say “it a Overwatch ripoff”
Bruuh ..
That’s nice but still no cross progression
Still no mirage buff
Woooo 🎉🎉🎉🎉
…Was that “back bling”?
Crimson queen better make a come back
Wee need Cross Progression😉
Song is “Full Power” by Baby Knoxx for anyone else who was wondering 🎵
I’m happy
Now take Bocek out of care package k thx 🙂
We need Kings Canyon, the best map
0:40 ayoooo nessie
Will i finally be getting heirloom shards? After 1000 hours playtime
Mirgae party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same maps again 🤦.
finally, a good update, can’t wait for S16!!
Is the mirage voyage actually coming back?
this is the type of update mega conglomerates like EA need to be putting out!
Looks fun, this next season might bring me back
shame they gonna close down mobile version
Great trailer great changes
I hope you can make a 4man squad for TDM and not 3+rando
This was the probably the best trailer in a while
To bad those 150 heirlooms shards aren’t from the anniversary rewards to show us they love us lol
last chance for this game
Thank you.
Solo mode pls
Is this going to reset your heirloom percentage chance? I still haven’t gotten the 150 heirloom shards from an Apex pack….
At 1:16 was that Newcastle crafting a respawn card?
YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! APex please keep growing this game is amazing been playing straight for 3 years now
glad the arena maps aren’t getting scrapped
So… are the servers finally getting optimized for both pubs and ranked to run smooth with no lag?
2:04 reliquia de horizon?
Game actually looks fun and different.
say it with me now
big W
Something new is coming
For anyone wondering, Revenant doesn’t participate in Revelries 👹
Still waiting for updates on cheating / DDoS fixes. My pred grind was ruined this split by aimbots and server crashes
Respawn HAZLO ✨🔥🪐🥶
am i seeing it wrong or classes under the controller got nothing ???? no over all passive or anything ????
What is ganna happened to octane passive 🙁
What am I supposed to do with all my Legend Tokens?
All good…but 120fps console? No eh?😂
Alright it seems like things are going good their finally actually focusing on the game and not a new legend
This might be the best season yet
This looks so fun!!!!
Not a single mention of revenant .. looks like rev mains gotta wait for buff 😔
im still confused abt the heirloom completion reward, Like do you get the heirloom shards for free by doing challanges or do you have to pay money like in collection events? if someone could please reply it would be helpful
This is looking promising, hopefully they don’t mess it up
Man Apex’s cosmetic department is awful
This is incridible
That’s another way to not talk about ranked.
Now this is good, thank you Apex for actually changing!
Ngl this is an improvement
Did bro just buy a respawn card?
what is this feeling i’m getting?… is this…… HOPE!?
At least I won’t have to stick my neck out for my smoke-hungry teammates who throw caution into the wind & get themselves killed.
so movement legends get to see whats in airdrops while scanners can see where everyone is on the map? seems fair
Can’t wait!!!
Whats.the perk for movement legends can see inside packages thats it? Seem lacking
wait, are they giving free 150 heirloom hards?
Oh yeah TDM, great mode for 15 kills training
I have never been more excited for a new season!
So recolors in the event to unlock heirloom shards??
Finally heirloom for completion thank goodness
Okay, finally a good move. I’m suprisingly hyped for this.
Excited to play Apex for the first time in a long time, but also kinda confused after watching the trailer. Please tell me y’all haven’t been advertising a 6v6 Arena mode as TDM.
A minute of silence for Arenas 💔
to be honest i was expecting a classic TDM mode. a timed match, team with most kills after the time’s up wins.
but i’ll have to try this kind of tdm to see if it’s still fun or not.
Ok wow am I excited now. I really miss Olympus and KC but I love to see the rewards and TDM finally. Seems like the devs are having fun again
New funky doodad in the carepackage at 1:00, or is my brain having a brain’t moment?
So hype 🎉
So wait everyone gets a perk but then control is just welp you guessed it control 😂 no wattson love
Who this?
Okay, this definitely got me back to play Apex. I skipped playing the entire current season right now. Being able to craft banners is what the game needed to help stop the toxic behavior of banner camping
Those battle pass rewards look pretty awful
If i understand right if you collect all 24 rewards you will get free heirloom?
This is very interesting, hope for more forward movement like this in the future.
Haha, mesma coisa toda vez, modo solo nunca kk, morrendo cada vez ➕️
HYPEE. Ya know what even though the heirloom shards are going to be locked behind the cosmetics again at least you get to choose your heirloom if you missed one in the past. Not to mention a lot of the skins look sick as heck making it almost worth the amount of money you’d drop on it. Can’t wait, super excited for the future of Apex.
So what is the skirmishers passive like ability?
I’ve become so much better on mouse and key y’all needa add cross progression 🙃
Hate upon u.From the mobile side.😭
Crypto mains finally eating 🥹
Aight so this might get me back into the game, You’ve outdone yourself for once now Respawn Hats off to you
0:30 If you guys made 6v6 earlier (and make it permanent), I wouldn’t have to install this game again
So what is pathfinder passive? 3 years later does he finally get one?
So were finally getting TDM? I want a solos playlist for BR. This will do for now <3
Oh yeaaaa
The biggest problems that I have are: getting info on fights just makes this game 3rd party legends, and the updates make this game too big for my system. (If I had a personal solution, I would have done it already) 3rd party ruins this game, and having more participant teams than 2 will make 3rd party the standard, and when solo queuing it just forces players to abandon teammates or die trying to help at the lower skill levels, and I don’t think just forcing “gitgud” on everyone is the solution either, battle royals are just build flawed like that.
So TDM is arena with 6v6
You people killed mobile for these 😶😐
This is awesome! Hooray! 🎉
No new legend ???
Was titanfall just a means to end to bring back medal of honor but future tech Vince
As a semi-professional player, I see this as the best set of updates in years. There is still a lot to do, especially bridging the gap that has widened between MnK and Controller and with the Ranked system, but man is this refreshing to see. I love the transparency and explanations from the devs, and am so excited to play the new season and see where things go from here.
Devs finally a win in a while
why not rework rev ult to make it lore accurate
Hey que bien, no hay leyenda nueva pero si van hacer cambios a lo que tenemos, eso es bueno.
Esperemos que le metan mas amor al juego.
Still no cross progression/next gen update, Massive L
This is going to be fun!
Like sooo many others I was close to giving up and uninstalling. Team Deathmatch, Arenas deleted, new weapon, redesigned legend classes, and 150 HEIRLOOM Shards?!?! I’m back and so will many 🔥
Check the care package when it first drops there some weird bag looking item on the side
Yo! Party crasher here which is part of rhapsody???
Yes this is a wholesome developer-gamer moment
i love this but could you add tapstrafing on console but lower the aim assist
Never seen so much positivity from apex kinda cool
Mirage voyage is baaaaaack !!!! 😍😍😍
Loved the part where the devs actually listened to the community , truly a wholesome apex moment
Definitely gonna try to get that octane recolor skin
I am coming back APEX
Day one of asking for a free hierloom
im j excited for the ranked badges fr, sad arenas is gone tho
Khi nào có tiếng việt vậy :3
Wait, does this mean battlers going to have only 1 legendary legend skin?
This season is gonna be great!!!!
wow new mode is arena with 3 more players for both sides smh
I like the way they’re focusing on LTMS and bug fixes.
Still lots of recolours and same arenas maps
Titanfall 3 when?
I swear to god I’d they removed pathfinders ability to scan survey beacons I dont know what I’ll do
first biggest W last 8 seasons past
Imagine they added 120fps for console players.We wouldn’t be able to log in for days with how many people would be on trying to play.This trailer is insane and I’m mad hype to play S16.Great job
Apex legends > fortnite 👍
150 heirloom completion award? 🥳
Also… 1:24 for the beautiful scenery.
They should implement a way to pick up any crafting materials enemy’s had when they died
Still no cross-progresion :(, i dont play this game anymore cuz i used to play on ps4 and all my cosmetics and hirelooms are there…
Most exciting it’s been in a while but I hope we get a new legend even if it’s Fade but it’s not looking so good for the people who want that.. >.>
Wow I actually went a whole year without playing this game once. Perhaps this is finally the time to re-install?
This season is looking great.
as an OG apex player i feel this will be a W season
Are you getting rid of Arenas? It’s the only thing I play
After looking at the patch notes, TDM looks like a great solution to the rut a lot of people are experiencing when it comes to battle royales. I’m glad that red and blue bins are not exclusive to the classes, but only the hidden compartments are. I was worried that I’d drop on a red bin as another and be unable to open it because of that so I’m glad they thought of that. Overall I’m really looking forward to the new season
You guys just release an ENTIRE SEASON only for a new game mode and one weapon? Apex is officially dead
Wait hold up this season is looking juiced up
Been here since Season 9 and this looks great excited to see how this season shakes up the game and ranked especially, looking forward to it
When you playing in apex with 500-700 lvl nerds, unbalanced game or non playable game with lagging or crashing: Where fun or good update Ea
We just got nothing or more trash like emote, stickers, spray, gray or blue voice lines and skins and more donate
I must be tye only one still jot interested in playing. These all just seem like quality of life changes, alongside the usual collection of cosmetics. Nothing game changing
So they nerfed lifeline by giving one of her passives to other legends and also nerfed said passive by making it that it no longer gives potential attachements and only heals ? wow
Also the new defense legends buff is neat but again its not what they need , they need to be buffed overall and be better at their job of defending locations
did they Remove arenas or add 3 players to arenas and call it TDM?
I haven’t played apex in awhile, and honestly still not ready to come back to it but these look like great changes to eventually come back to
So I’ve been out for the last two seasons definitely coming back for this season
The fact that I was recommended the Apex mobile playlist was foul play
i just want m&k support for consoles 🙁
This is amazing the devs did everything they were asked for cross-progression, fewer recolors, finally fixed the audio and bugs in the game and finally added 120fps to the game on consoles, thank you, thank you this is a wonderful job, well done
20 subtitles but no Turkish. thank you apex
W apex
they really want my money.. but this time they got me
What’s round based TDM? Are they just giving us 6v6 Arenas and calling it TDM?
They did nothing to change control legends. They just showed what support legends always do..
I stopped playing apex after season 11 or 10 or something but this :’) this is going to bring me back to apex one more time W devs W respawn
i dont play on ps4 anymore so all my stuff is still on console while i play on pc now, this looks fun but i still cant wait until cross play comes
I literally quit last season because the game was boring AF for three seasons in a row. But this could be different 🤔
Wake up titanfall 2
Tdm and a remastered class changing that didn’t change anything practically 1:00 trackers they can do what they’ve been doing since season 0👏 and not including a new gun, that’s been data minded for about a year and a half
This looks fun 😁 Anyone know the name of the song?
Hats off to the DEVS!!
Wait they’re actually doing something good to the game! The devs have finally heard our feedback!
Im gonna say if this season not good . the end of apex i gues
Cross progression ??????????????
now this is a BIG gamer moment
Did anyone notice that there’s a new item in the care package when mirage opens it?
W all the way through, brb cleaning my hard drive space for apex
No way? Apex doing something right?
So pretty much the same game full of 3rd, 4th, and 5th partying
Is there another trailer coming out?
I only want solos out of this game, please.
any news on DDOS infested unplayable state of ranked? would be nice to have a playable state of ranked next season.
0:01 Wait is that sample from Spicy Trap House Drums sample pack?
Art geek in me is screaming over these colors! Gamer is loving everything 💜
Will that crypto battle pass skin be lvl 25 or 50 because I’m a crypto main.
SOMEONE EXPLAIN about the heirloom shards, like do you have to buy the collection
This game is finally playable again
All we need is cross save and apex is gonna be perfect!
Team Deathmatch best of 3 sounds like not a real DM Mode, just extended Arenas somehow
Wait this airloom shards arent free right?
is the heirloom for free reward
new pathfinder passive then?
And…….tap strafe not remove. LoL. Abuse glitch call movement god hahahha
Thank you Apex Team, thank you for saving my favorite game
finally we got full game after 4 years beta test
That moment when Apex actually listens to their community and instead of throwing down a new legend and then leaving the game in chaos actually Focus fully on a season dedicated fully too Player quality of life and new LTMs
Hopefully, I am not excited for a broken game with new broken features. Please do A LOT of testing, you still have time. 😊
The hype is real!!! can not wait to play this mode and I love all the small changes they’ve made too. Feels good to be an Apex player again.
Absolute boring . Cuz its going to be the same over and over again for another 3 months. Ea will never care about you guys . The sooner you accept it the better
Gonna be a great SZN 🔥
In 1:58 explain me plzzzz
Team deathmatch, that’s what I was waiting for 🙂
That’s all we expected, finally a season that will be good🤯🤯❤️❤️❤️
This is so exciting and refreshing
So excited for this season!
Love how the “positive” comments are like over a thousand likes while the “realistic” ones are just over a hundred, hmmmm bot comments maybe? Lol
nice 🔥
Titanfall 3 :'(
Wowowowowowowowowow!!!!!! We all get heirloom shards guys !!!!!
maybe we must keep the stock price low so they actually hear what fans trully need
Anyone know what that last part was about completion meant heirloom shards?
was that MIA singing the song?
sounded a lot like what they typically do/did.
Hey apex, Are the heirloom shards free? I would love to get heirlooms without paying before my playtime is 5000 hours.
It’s still really cool and I bet the community really appreciates these updates. But still no cross progression
Titan fall -> Users fall
Wow apex legends mobile looks fantastic… Oh wait is this Apex HD?
Where is cross progression
Love the fact that there is still no estimate of cross progression, just more “it’s coming soon”. It was coming soon 2 years ago!!!!!
Nice. Reskins in the Anniversary Collection Event! Truely an Apex Legends moment!🎉😂
Why am I actually excited for this season?
This game still alive? Looks like nothing had changed from a year ago
This is the reborn of Apex Legends! I am so hyped, I can’t wait.
Final scene have wraith heirloom animations reworked?
Right about time huh
Looks disappointing…
I was debating to go back to this game or not, and well you convinced me respawn, tdm and 6v6 round based best of 3? Count me in
I loved the part when they actually gave us a good season ❤
No new legends ?
this season is LIT
So does the control class not have a passive? It looked like they were just using their tacticals when shown
Apex always pulls me back in.
im still not gonna come back until you add cross progression. its ridiculous that im stuck playing on an xbox one s when im typing this out on a gaming pc.
buff p2020
Apex Revivió
Actually looking great 👍
WHAT A Gameplay Trailer piece of art good job Respawn
Wait did he just grab the banner from the replicator at 1:16 or I’m tripping
Here before everyone overuses “Truly an apex experience 🤓”
Skirmisher class has the weakest perk IMO
Just saw the rest of what it does, it is pretty decent
My faith in apex is rocketing back. Keep it up guys, I havent been this hyped for apex since launch. Really excited!!!
AH YEAH ITS PARTY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im actually hyped
L to remove Arena
soooo… cross save when? 💀
Can’t wait!!!
YES. mirage voyagde!
Bruh I played like 2 games of season 16
As someone who only plays the BR mode and won’t be using the new gun… It’ll pretty much be exactly the same as this season so it’s hard to be hyped lol 😅
This is what I was waiting for Apex was super stale now it’s sounding promising and refreshing to come back in and play
Mirage ship is back 😢🎉
free heirloom?
Opening comments and not seeing copypastas is actually really cool seeing that the devs gave something the whole community enjoys
So what controlers do ?
This is the first time in a while that I’ve been truly excited for a new season. Can’t wait to try it all out
This is looking to be a very good season !
ahahahhahahah new season without new legend ahahahhahahah
I feel that Collection events and weird community management (with popular LTMs being canned) spoiled this game! Battle pass after balltepass my friends lost interest in pushing numbers and eventually I was the last one to leave the game. Even if the meta changes, the game will still expect you to sell your kidney in order to have the heirloom. Too little too late for me, but I will hop in to check what’s the fuss is about. RIP TF3 though.
So… Path isn’t recon anymore?
so skirmisher passive is being able to ping what’s inside a supply drop? wow that’s a letdown compared to the other classes passives.. now pathy has a even worse passive than he previously had
Crafting Respawn banners for the health class? Actually amazing ❤😮
i’m hoping for new inspect animations too!
and crossave????
What Overwatch 2 should’ve been
Like, half a year ago
I’m playing it over 1000+ hours. Thank you Respawn and EA!
Im new at this, do i have to pay 160 for these things?
That’s it?
Um new legend where he at?😊
Is TDM permanent?
So arenas became 6v6 in best of 3s, instead of 9possible rounds
Amazing!! So excited to play again!! Feels refreshing yet familiar and I’m so excited for the legend revamp and TDM! Titanfall was always my favourite shooter and we get a little more of that now while keeping what we love about Apex!
How many can que up together for this team death match?? Still just 3?
But still no cross save huh? 🙁
You know Respawn and EA did good when the comment section is not filled with “truly an Apex experience” comments.
I’m ready for another great season boys!! CHEERS YALL! To the GAMES!!
Wait no new legend
Siiiiiiiiiii esta temporada va a estar chingona
I’m soo lucking forward to this season now, my bank balance cud be getting a hammering with so many good skins
Yall literally nothing has changed other then a game mode bring added even the classes are nothing new all they did was organize the legends
No perks for controller class??????
They just won’t show what they did to mirage lol
Free heirloom?!?!?
Actually looks good
i hope cross proggression is still going to be coming this season
Now we need cross platform save to transfer Xbox account on pc
A nice fundamental change to the game that’s dope I hope they still haven’t a big wave a legend changes yet to be revealed
Finally some changes, thank you, hope the servers are OK this time
So when are we expecting the mobile exclusive legends to be available?
This looks great, only if they quit aim Assist on Pc will be perfection.
Finally a w trailer
After 4 years of being in BETA testing, it’s finally launched! Can’t wait!
Cool, heirloom shards.
Something that I never got before
This might be the best apex seasons after 5 years
SOOOOOOO excited for team deathmatch! There’s now more to this than respawn-free battle royals!
How many shards is a weapon cost?
Might stop playing Val and get back on Apex next season 😅
This revamp of the game was much needed. I was actually excited for this season It has now been a while since I feel this way for Apex
Crafting teammates banners😱🔥🔥
Free herilom!? Best game right here 10/10 epic POG
Steps in the right directions but ain’t going to forget about the deletion of the mobile game just so you can drag its “exclusive” content over to the main game to avoid admitting you were wrong cause if you don’t then you will make the same mistakes again.
Is that free heirloom??
sure, about 5 new features, 2 new game modes and 4827 new skins and recolors. I’m super hyped…
Catalyst on Stormpoint should be interesting. Glad Mirage got his boat back!
Where is the cross-progresion ?
Announcer: Team Deathmatch, We got enemy inbound lock n load!
Okayyy nearly left apex but imma see what the new season holds
Claps….. Beautiful
Hairloom shards!!! Nice!
Where’s 120 FPS that’s all I want to know f*** all this
Are y’all skipping over the fact that we get free Heirloom shards in for completing the login challenges 👌🏾👌🏾
120 FPS next gen plssssss !!!!
The classes they had were so bad and inaccurate 😂😂
No comments about apex experiences? Apex really played well in Season 16. Truly a Season 16 Apex Experience
As a day one player who has recently lost interest in this game I’m actually pretty hype for this. I hope it all pays off but rn it’s looks like a good start in the right direction. Feels like the old days of Apex again with this trailer, feels good.
Love everything about this minus the music
Dope, dope… so can y’all put Ash in the game?
horizon yet again gets another horrible legendary event skin 😔
This actually legit, hoping u guys can always be better
Apex 2.0
Why did they make TDM round based, so this is just arenas but more people in your squad…lol
Ash heirloom ? 🙄
Apex 4ever
Still no 120fps
They fixed the game somewhat
Still no Titanfall 3
I only care about the original game mode BR. Please let us play on kings canyon and the island map ( forget it’s name ) and no more of brokn moon and horizon map and most importantly world edge I had enough with this map it literally made me leave the game 6 seasons
All these changes and additions are so gooooooood got me hyped for apex again
Giving high hopes, if it’s really this good then it might be a great comeback!
120FPS on console or bust.
I think this might be one of the few trailers that mirage doesn’t die 😮
So it looks like the Supply Class can craft teammates banners. Pay attention to what Newcastle is doing during the Supply Class Showcase. At least, what it looks like to me
Esto se ve mas y mejor!!! Creo que se viene una nueva época para Apex! Un nuevo resurgimiento! Ojala!
Anyone know the song used?
Trailer was good loved everything also loved skulltown map wanted to play skulltown for a while KINGS CANYON BEST MAP EVER
This all looks amazing and cannot wait for it, but are we ever going to get an update in regards to cross-platform progression?
So, Titanfall 3 without Titans?
Ah yes, it would be called Fall 3
What is on the care package there 1:00? It looks like a jump jet kit to me. Possible new item tease respawn? hmmmmmmmmm
I’ve hardly played since season 13 I got burned out of this game this is definitely refreshing 👏good job Apex devs
I hope they put Fate from the Mobile version to the console and PC version
Is there a reactive skin in the pass? Confused on that part or I just missed the mark?
TDM is Arenas recolored 🤢
I love all the hard work they r doing on apex and leaving behind console 120 fps bcs console have enough aa
can control legends dictate where the next zone will be?
My wallet isn’t gonna last stop respawn!
I’m not mad about no new legend. I’m really not, but I feel like there should be a random option. Just for fun
These trailers are EPIC!
gg !
Wait if skirmisher got red weapon detection what will happen to loba passive?
Apex legends
I only care about the new gun.
Big GG to the devs
People still play this game lol
Yeah no wonder games is dead. Keep featuring skins and keep ignoring the game. You get what you deserve Respawn.
I like how they took the time to evaluate the last event we had for the shotgun, didn’t go off to a good start at all so they decided to focus on the game rather then throw a bunch of cosmetics
Is that mean heirloom shards going to be more common this season ?
fix your trash server before publishing trash mode ok?
Yall think yellow slick with that bangalore recolor think I don’t have an eye lol ain’t that nice apex is giving us three recolor with new skins again gotta love the apex experience 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Destruction AllStars’ revamp but better lol
Just give me Titanfall movement. Deathmatch is the perfect opportunity to port in the maps from TF2 that were found in the files.
so no new legend
Apex bringing it back this year?
I can’t wait to play the new season!
Is it possible to get those heirlooms for free or do you need to buy packs
Now that’s how epic skins should look like!
Can’t wait for this season
Thank u for finally listening
FREEEEEEEE HEIRLOOOOOOOOOOOM ❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤😂❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉❤
why it gotta come out valentines day, my girls just gonna have to watch me play for a bit
1:58 POV: you lost it
free heirloom lezgoo
Still no cross-progression is such a disappointment. I have switched primarily to PC gaming and I have to leave Apex behind since I don’t have any after-launch legends unlocked there. Updates do look very nice though, hope the game keeps getting better.
I really enjoyed the part where they said specifically “Titanfall is never coming back. Buy collection packs instead for $20 each.” A truly next generation game that listens to their fans
i like TDM mode.
so can controller legends see the next circle or?..
I’m looking forward to the support class banner retrieval upgrade.
Wait does this mean storm point will be back next season? LOL everybody will be either super happy or upset
u can craft banner?
Alright I’m coming back this season
no arenas no new hero old maps advertised as new ones nice
Sooo are they giving away free heirlooms, no way
Love how in the beginning clip pathfinder goes flying with his grapple hook, but doesn’t go anywhere near that far in game… R.I.P Pathfinder, 2020.
I love this upadte.
Definately will be a fresh new start for apex legends itself and players. Ready to roll in. 😘❤️🔥🎉
Wait, can Loba open the new red loot boxes?
Wait free heirloom or am i dumb
lets gooooooooooooooooooooooo, but i don’t have money for but all 24 skins to get the heirloom u.u
Add capitol city to deathmatch
Obv devs never been to a real Carnival lolol
the Songs name is Full power by Baby knoxx
Are we going to keep our old skins ???
wheres cross progression?!?! its been a year and im still waiting…
I can’t wait y’all ❤❤
so the 3 maps in rotation this season are: Worlds edge, storm point, and broken moon?
What’s the reactive gun ?
So tdm is just a reskin of arenas now?
Ok, but who knows the song they used??? 🔥
Honestly I didn’t quite get everything, but seeing so many game life updates gives me thrills, thanks to the Devs, good job❤️
Maybe Vantage will get a skin one day
i haven’t been a fan of the past few seasons but this looks amazing can’t wait to play
Money updare is here !
150 heirloom shards FREE!?!? I gonna die of shock
Thanks God my game is finally fixed 🙏❤️❤️
For all the single out here
letz EnJoY ThIs UpDaTe !!!
Say what you will but I’m excited let’s gooooooooooo
So now not just afew can scan for ring but now more can scan ring and see where you are. Brilliant lol
Wait so one heirloom per season now
Cool I can finally get my first heirloom
1:24 to 1:33 – THE BEST OF THE BEST!
Console 120 FPS?
now this is going to be an awesome season
Alright honestly, this is the best Apex Legends Season Trailer ever and I mean that wholeheartedly. Great Job Respawn! Can’t wait for TDM, this’ll be my first time actually buying a Battle Pass, those rewards were awesome looking and a bunch of freebies for everyone? The Respawn W we’ve been looking for!
Why is it called a “gameplay trailer” when we didnt even really see them play the game?
All they did was explain (vaguely) some of the changes….
Much needed QoL updates! Thanks Devs!!
Ok this update was much needed, hats off to dev team, s16 looking insanely good, cant wait to play!!
miss the old days though
thank goodness i was waiting until they wouldn’t release a legend..
Looks good.
Rip apex legends mobile
I want to see if the developers can win first place in the game with only care package items. lol
So much content coming next season this is what we like to see respawn, thank you.
Is this operation health???
Daft Punk Crypto
Если смотреть объективно, всё что они добавили нового: крафтить банеры; сундук, перекрасив его из синего в красный, также поменяв в нём лут. Всё остальное было в игре. Видеть вещи в припасах ещё, но это день работы, а у них их было 120+. А ещё 1 новый режим, который буквально арены, но 6×6, ну и 1 новое оружие, но прошу заметить БЕЗ нового персонажа. У них было 120+ дней, а они сделали это… Я ожидал намного большего, а получилось как всегда.
1:12 a support formation!
R.I.P. Pathfinder, still no passive
Did he just… BUY a banner??
@0:05 – which legend is the far right one? I can not tell
Mannn these trailers would be so much longer if they actually used the TTK that was in the game.
did they forgot to show us the reactive skin for the season’s battle pass?
Song name pls?
looks pretty good
Quieren volverse overwatch
Are they giving an heirloom ?
I believe
Wow. This looks interesting and even the skins are look decent this time around, if not good in my opinion. Color me impressed after this trailer. I’m looking forward to this. Only thing that I think could impress me more is hearing about huge server improvements.
Thank you 🥹🥹 this is going to be the best season yet!! 🎉 thank you for listening ❤
I literally just uninstalled Apex 3 days ago. I was so over playing the exact same game for 2 years in a row. This made me reinstall the game. What a breath of fresh air for Apex Legends.
No new legend?
We want 120fps on next gen console! COME ON GUYSSS!!
Walahi that Wraith BP skin is offff😭😭
With this revamp, I hope cross progression is on the table as well. Everything looks nice so far.
Wow 😍, pero ni una info del cross progre… 🙁
I don’t think I have ever been more excited for a new season (maybe Legacy because of the major Titanfall 2 ties). All of these changes sound great and I can’t wait to play next week!
why can’t we have an update like this is MW2? This game looks so much more fun.
The control class is the only one that doesn’t get a special passive? Poor Wattson 🙁
the only thing that’s underwhelming in this is the passive that the skirmishers get. why would a character like Octane be able to know what’s in a care package coming down? how is that helpful?
U can’t be real with the skirmisher passives. So useless
Hello, based dept?
Everyone was hype for season 14 with Vantage and the new META changes. That lasted about a week…..
Skirmisher passive is so weak
any idea on what the song is?
Ok ok! Been strolling through the comments and not one negative! Good job respawn!
Can’t wait to see 6 stacked Apex Predators in TDM
mobile still was better
Yay heirloom shards!!!
Ill finish these packs I have
and get those event shards
I’m from apex mobile and now I don’t have any words. I’m so sad 😣
I like the part where tdm will 6v6 my wallet
why is TDM round based? does that mean it won’t have instant respawn?
Welcome to Apex Legends 2.0 ,…LESS GOOOOO BABBYY
Let’s goooo first season in awhile I can be pumped for✊️
4 round burst ar? They added the M8A1 to Apex 😂
Una completa basura de evento, otra vez reciclados , decepción completa a dejar mi no like , F por Apex que se está muriendo.
class setup ist really unbalanced. skirmisher class perk is a joke compare to the other.
*Overwatch 1 PTSD intensifies…
So music themed battlepass and..no rapshody? Why?
Wait…. Recon class nerfed Crypto 💀. I’m looking forward to the patch notes i really hope he gets a zone scan passive cause I’m so confused…
Love this Game 👍🏻
Mirage Voyager on Stonepoint
remember, we lost a new Titanfall game for this
This is the first season I’ve been exited for. (Other then season 9)
they got pathfinder mains on suicide watch
This outfit could use some high caliber accessories ❤️
Mirage with the low grade skins as usual
Is anybody else wondering who the 3rd is next to Newcastle and Bangalore at 0:04..?? I thought It was Ash at first but now Im just puzzled
nice music
Its a shame they had to cancel titanfall 3 for this
main watson aniversary skin : “¿que le hicieron a mi chico? lo mataron”
By 24 “unlockable” cosmetics they mean money or u can actually earn them?
Respawn finally heard there consumers 😂😂😂
Hopefully Worlds Edge is reworked or something…i can only take so much of Frag Hot Drops..randoms thinking they Hal or HISWATTSON just to die within 5 seconds of landing lol 🤦♂️
They made a controller class for the bots lol
Cross progression… FINALLY!
good job !
Man I’m reinstalling apex for sure
Why tf are they not bringing Olympus back? im tired of playing in the garbage worlds edge, another trash season
The supply bin reminds me of those crates from borderlands
Everyone will still use the 301
Stop using the term “unlockable” when it comes to paid content. It’s just disingenuous.
Next legend: Jack cooper: passive: smart lock-only with pistol’s. Tactical: cloak. Ultimate: BT7274
this game is actually no longer exciting
the music man
Slick! The cross progression?
Uhn nice! It was time.
i hope they optimize the game and the server this season
I wonder if this means Pathfinder’s passive is gooing to change or if it’ll stay the same…
EA doing things right without getting something wrong? nah i don’t think so
Bring kings canyon back
I’m fully back on this game
Will we be able to squad up as teams of 6 for TDM? Or will it be 2 sets of 3?
Why does this look so bad
Free heirloom shards? Does my eyes deceive me?
And it will no doubt still have broken matchmaking.
What song is this ?
Wait… Free heirloom?
Anyone know what the song’s called?
Give Loba more legendary skins!!
Controller class shafted per usual lol 😂 😂 😂
What about Pathfinder’s Passive ?
wow. a burst gun with no recoil. amazing apex!
Actually interested in all the new game stuff. Quite the opposite when it comes to cosmetics. Most of them are “meh”.
All this good looking stuff, but you just couldn’t resist tacking another collection event on. Disappointing.
If crafting metal prices were half priced again this would have been a slam dunk
Doesn’t make the game fun unfortunately
TDM will be a nice switch up and the legend classes seem like they will make people use more unique comps especially in competitive 👌🏽
Server issues and cheater issue? what abt them?
amazing apex legends game good skins music
Now they remember to add new weapons 🤦
Have the changed matchmaking yet ?
Just want to know if you can revive teamates or perform finishers on TDM just like in arenas. The trailer barely showed any gameplay 😢
Bring Fade in apex legends since no more apex mobile Fade is a good legend don’t waste him
So sad for apex legends mobile well end
YO! YOooooo! BRO! YES! LETS FKING GO! 🥳🥳🥳🎉🙏💯
Please fix the rampart bug
Picked up 3x scope and and it still used a 1-2x scope. Is that bug showcase or something?
Honestly been a day one and today after this trailer I feel like a day one again super excited 🎉🎉🎉
Soooooo Rhapsody soon :>?
What about cross progression ?
Y’all better bring Kings Canyon back
Ooooh, fancy supply bins
The way the trailer was going with the music and colors, I felt like rhapsody was going to make an appearance. 😉
so who can tell me what is the 16th reactive skin
They changed the backpack look no way
Finally a good season is coming
If matchmaking is fixed so I’m not getting destroyed by Masters 6 out of 7 games, i will come back.
rare w
Drop in
Get drop
Leave game
Is the 150 heirloom shards will be available to get for f2p players as well?
TDM become On PC LOL
So basically gonna be even more third parties .. with all beacons being used to scan people with Seer….. Like come on he’s gonna know where you are at even before he gets in his heartbeat range just because of this. This new chapter season is a flop already
What was that in the drop next to the gun that Mirage opened? A jet pack to fly away? 🤔🤔
Me seeing that support legends can make banners at the crafting machine: 😳😳😳
Looks amazing reminds me of the hype I felt when I first downloaded the game
I’m finally excited for another season! Let’s hope this is a comeback now
Even though the ability of the skirmisher class should be specialized for movement, it only gives the deteriorated loba passive ability… honestly, it’s really ridiculous.
Looks dope!
Fortnite Legends🤮
Looks like it’s just a 6v6 arenas to me 🤷. Hope I’m wrong and it’s a proper TDM.
Imagine if they give us these red essences for completing event missions instead of buying everything from the event
This looks fire. I’m actually excited to play
as dissappointing as ever
time to redownload apex
they better do something about wattson/caustic in TDM cuz they’re going to destroy the flow of every single game just like with control
So they close down mobile so they can steal the TDM idea lol
Everything is good but the Skirmish class has to be the most useless thing in the game
Excited for this update. Does anybody know when Xbox Series and PS5 will be getting next gen update, 120fps specifically?
I’m impressed
I’m in awe right now i was here when apex was made great!
Haven’t been this excited for a season of apex since season 4.
Yo this is what i wanted
im actually excited, good job
free heirloom for everybody???
Finally I can actually play instead of doing a Walking Simulator if I didn’t want to drop fragment.
fix Titanfall |1&2
Wow, support legends will be meta in Ranked!
Apex vs warzone, who will win the title for these next 5 months until we get bored😂😂
This is cool, now work on your servers.
respawn not making not titanfall 3:
Very cool
🤖 “i love how apex said “its apexing time” and apexed all over the place, truly an apex experience”
TDM is just 6 v 6 arenas. Absolute trash.
в кои-то веки начальная заставка с ea и respawn выглядит офигенно, и её даже не хочется пропускать 😄
Is this real? Is apex going to be… fun again?
Waiting for long time for permanant TDM and enhanced firing range.thx u ❤️
i never was so hyped for a new season
delete lgbt from ur game lol
Is it just me or did new castle just craft a revive card 🤔 😳
everyone gets an heirloom now! Woooohooo…
Cuando siento que abandonaré el juego, salen con esto, que gran potencial tienen para retener a los jugadores, A darle!!!!
Seria bueno que en algún futuro colocaran algún modo donde se enfrente cada legenda con su titan para recordar viejos tiempos de titanfall
nothing new except some small changes.
Of course, you can add a whole new deathmatch mode and change the classification of characters in the game and a million colaction event, but you cannot add 120 fps. A reayle Apex Legends experance
Heirloom shards!!!
Except for the season 16 crypto skin, the quality of the rest of the season 16 battle pass skins and 4th anniversary skins are really low to the point of sighing.
I love what it’s on the video but Im confused about what does the skirmish class?
You’re going to make me homophobic because of those “Mirage” costumes!
For real, completion rewards are heirloom shards???!!!
Meanwhile still waiting on 120 fps on console….
There’s only one place we’re dropping boiis!!!
Not NewLegend?
but i WANT control zone it more fun , and what round base Best of 3 mean ? no unlimited revive when dead ?
whats up with the 2nd item in the care package at 1:00. It doesnt look like a backpack
Is apex back 😮
This is the first time ive been excited for a season since s10. tHEY ARE FINALLY IMPLEMEING CHANGEs the community has asked for.
I’m in love with Bloodhound. And I love Apex.
I got goosebumps watching the trailer.. So excited to welcome many new players to the community!
This is the most excited I’ve been for apex legends in a VERY long time
im a Newbie how does the event thing works guys? anyone kind to explain? do we have a limited time to collect the 24 cosmetics or its just there for the whole season? thank you.
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO let’s keep the changes flowing respawn
That Nemesis footage was bad, stop with the one tap kills. Let me see how that thing actually melts people. lol.
They should have let anyone buy back a teammate from the replicator. Not just Newcastle, loba, gibby, and lifeline 🤦🏻♂️ the buyback is awesome. But why only a certain group
Low ttk and improve ur servers ty
*Shut up*
So refreshing
Pathfinder should know by now that theres no fun to be had on Storm Point
The fact that we are getting another burst weapon that no one will use is cool!
The controller class doesnt have any passives?
Finally a well deserved Thumbs Up 👍
why is tdm round based?
Cool ‘Cool Cool Cool No Doubt
bro just give a free heirloom
Cross Progression????
180 bucks to get an Heirloom. Really great reward bro 😑
Huge W! Let’s go!
Mit Ansage nach 2 Wochen wird es böse langweilig
Free heirloom shards?!!
Although I’m looking forward to TDM mode since they killed off the Mobile version, I am disappointed that they got rid of Arenas, which was the only mode I have been playing on Console.
Where is cross-progression? 🙁
pad player why dont nerf
Lets Camp on Replicator in Rank
ayyy yes apex I love this 😄
I want to see if the development team can win first place with only the items in the care package while playing only as skirmisher legends. You will be able to see what level the developer’s understanding of the game is.
How come i knew that theres gon be a new class but it wasnt called skirmisher (i predicted this since last year)
Is there any firing range charges I want some new stuff added to firing range
Ranked changes ? Hello !? BRING BACK S13 RANKED PLZ
If Pathfinder isnt a recon anymore what is his passive?! i am so confused i need answers D:
Stop being nerds and play the game. This is gonna be a great season 🤘🏽
Finally a good update. I’m excited!
no reactive skin?
This is a incredible launch. I cannot wait
Can’t wait. Looks good!
Battlepass L 🤮
Nice pair of *cough* 1:23 gun,looks dope.
What is that thing on the care package in minute 1:00
server can be fixed?
Just put Titans in. Come on.
FINALLY a reason for actually completing the season pass other than shoddy cosmetics which rarely ever get used.
Ok fine I’m downloading it again I’m too excited
Finally respawn is focusing on the game and the community a little bit rather than just lining their pockets. I might actually spend a little money this season to show my support for the direction its headed. THIS deserves a little cash from me
Lol they know people are getting income tax so they whiped out the heirloom shards. What a Respond move right there
vamoooooooooooos ctm, por fin TDM
Wow, finally they listened
I’m so looking forward to season 16, fantastic trailer!
i think apex for me is bad now because they remove Apex Legends Mobile :< im just saying truthfully
something tells me this is gonna be the best season in a long time
I took a break this season, but TDM is def gonna bring me back. LFG
I think the free heirloom shards was a filler for the new legend
Is there gonna be new maps in battle royale
About time…
We now know mirage have 1000iq to knock each players now :)XD
TDM was really fun in Apex Mobile. Should be the same for the real thing.
Unfucking matched this is insane!
No new legend!!!!😭😭😭 But hey its ok because we get 150 free shards😑😑😛
Okay hats off to the devs for making big changes but no cross progression STILL! CMON!
The fact controllers can get ring data (caustic watttson rampart and catalyst ) will be interesting what ALGS team comp will be. More caustic/wattson I think
Seeing that Skirmisher’s passive is only a degraded loba passive ability, I wonder if the devs are really playing and understanding the game.
At frickin last we can have the Ultra Rare Heirloom Shards in the Battle Pass…About time!
Am i the only one that thinks loba is in a weird spot
6 V 6 Round Based TDM???? Lifeline finally more useful.
Wow! No cross progression! Like you promised two years ago now
молодцы, спасибо за такое обновление
Man, DEVS nailed it. Finally new class reworks and more on the line for us apex fans. Keep Up Respawn
No new legend
Wraith getting several skins in a new season and event…truly an apex experience!
W update coming
члены добавят?
Patch notes when?
Maybe its time to give apex another chance?
When will you release the rat update
ok this trailer is WAY better than the last one
スーパーレジェンドシャードついに来た…т т
Cross progression when. ?
Should add map selection let you choose
Looks very promising👍👍👍👍
Finally out of the alpha, this is gonna be good
No Cross-Progression or 120fps on Console???… YAWN
Wheres cross progression?
4 Year for TDM
About time you made this game more accessible EA. Heirlooms should be earned as completions, not bought by 500 apex packs.
Nothing like 4 collection events basically in a row.
Mixed signals bro. Not sure what is free and what isn’t 😂 so we getting 150 Heirloom shards for free?
This looks exactly like what apex needs imo 💯, for me apex always was this bright fast flashy shooter and this fits my expectations perfectly. This.. and better servers. Plssss
The gameplay trailer is actually cooler than the launch trailer
TDM should not be roundbased!
Juhu new controller legends season lets gooooo!
free heirloom ?
As someone who’s started playing Apex since season 12. This would be the first time I’m excited to experience the game shifting to be better!
Recolores 😞😞
Prepare your money to finally be able to purchase heirloom shards(when you buy all 24 event packs)
The come back of Apex Legends. Good job respawn keep suprising us you guys did an incredible job!
I know loads of people been saying it but gona say it again; the devs have SMASHED this! Haven’t been this hyped for a season for ages 💪 loving the new permanent modes, the general game polishing and just the whole vibe. This is gona bring me back to Apex full time I think 🔥🔥🔥
They killed battlefield mobile and apex mobile to launch this💀💀
24 buyable skins not unlockable
Don’t mislead people
With all the upcoming changes I’m actually excited for a season again, truely NOT an apex experience.
haven’t played in 2 seasons but this looks like a big dub
Quero da
I’m 1k rp from masters, but keep getting into pred lobbies and getting destroyed, please respawn help haha!
Totally Hype for this, but i failed to notice what changed on Controller class ?
Wait. Now you can CRAFT a Respawn Beacon???
Thank you respawn so much. You are finally doing things that the community has always wanted. The skins look great. And infinitely Sharps at the end. I’m really happy 😊
pathfinder passive finally?
I can’t understand why the class system, let’s say I play Loba, and should only receive batteries? I also want to open containers with scopes and ammo. dislike for the innovation, it would be better if the servers and the system of rating games were fixed
finally i can collect tokens. and unlock rest of legends
Scan meta is over party
free heirloom for f2p casual NICE
Can someone ask me please so in february players will get a Crypto and Ash for free?
120fps console?
This looks great, good job respawn! 💯
who were the blue guys in the anniversary collection event?!?!
Looks sweet!
Believe a Mobile player
TDM will be the GOAT
RIP Legends mobile
It will be one of the best season
free heirloom?
Welcome to the support meta
Is apex back?
150 heirloom shard. Completion reward huh. Maybe I can finally get one
If the heirloom shards anniversary events is at 160$ not like the first Year anniversary events where the heirlooms shards where half price so 80$ ( which is already out market price) it’s would be the still a scam from respawn . An item whatever it is shouldn’t cost more than 30$ ! Any games don’t sell Melee weapon or prestige skins at 160$
Fix the audio issue EA!!
The team setup and control is amazing!
$120 for skins tho 🤣🤣
What are you doing about cheating? most players use cheats even streamers
Haven’t been excited for a new season in a long time, this one is goin to be DOPE!!
Please us rampart mains need some skins all the skins released are trash
So um where are the patch notes
we should be able to squad up with your group/clan in tdm not just two teams of 3
I might redownload apex now
🚮 what’s really new? TDM is basically glorified 2v2 (2teamsV2teams) on an arena map laughable login rewards because who doesn’t own those e legends already besides new starting players (that’ll no doubt net 80% of people it’s all Blue stuff or epic if your lucky) more event to spend money on after a laughable recolor weapon bare minimum legends changes besides the training area and new weapon this is the same as every other season 🤷🏽♂️
Do the controllers not get a class ability like the others? Each other class got one showcased in the trailer except them…
Well, time to be back
Wow, team deathmatch looks so cool, I can’t wait to-
“Round based”
oh no
“Best of three”
HOW DID THEY MESS UP TDM?!??!?!?! IT’S TDM!! IT’S SO SIMPLE… DON’T FIX WHAT ISN’T BROKEN… it’s just 6v6 arenas without money…
Game Dzab
Great trailer!
I love Apex thank you for making it better and it seems more fun than ever
Long live Apex legends
Mirage buff?
I miss gaming 😢
They finally gave Crypto a legendary battle pass skin😭
Apex 2 looking great!
So no new legend????
Imagine free Heirlooms
Did he just craft someone’s revive banner 😮
any kind of dm was desperately needed
What is that a thing in CarePackage,its look like mini jetpack.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
am i sensing a comeback ?
Isn’t Team Deathmatch just a 6v6 Arena??
and no cross progression again…
Lettts gooow I wanted this Season !
I literally can’t complain of being bored this season
cross-save????? meeeeh… i pass
No better servers huh?
where valk skin
Still no cross data ?! Well I guess I’ll be back when they mention it at this point never 👎🏻
Are we getting 120FPS on console or is that 2026 when the new Xbox and PlayStation are out?
Are they giving a heirloom that would be awesome!
This is the first season in a looooong while that made me genuinly hyped! I cannot wait!
Oh this is going to be a fun season! Thank you devs for listening to the community ❤️
Free hairloom?
1:08 is Catalyst saying “i’ve defined the rings next location”?
Fix the game and I’ll be hyped
this season is going to be a bit boring
Lady’s and gentlemen, Apex actually has hope for next season.
Reminds me of titan fall 2 a bit now
whats the song ?
120 fps
Hyped for the Rotating LTM Playlist. As a Loba main I’m happy with Banner Crafting!
Ok Respawn, this might get interesting
Class: Roller
I’m glad that they were willing to skip a legend to fix the game again. Thank you. Music is a bop in tho trailer too.
Looks interesting.
The classes system is useless lol. Mirage mobility?
One of the most hype trailers ever. Thanks respawn ❤️
you cant just hype me up like that!! that was AWESOME !! the music is always so on point and on fire??? dang I wanna be a composer like this. Anyway, the visuals are fantastic too and the skins (especially the shiny neon ones) look so cool!!!!
Looks amazing!
It’s basically arenas but add three more people in each squad
i wonder if the recon beacon scan is on a cooldown or once per beacon
No delete apex legnd mobail 🥺
Finly 6vs 6 ok here tak3 my money 💰
Again with the recolors? Did you learn nothing?
Buy level 400
Well, I’m back now
Melhor Battle Royale sem duvidas!!
Apex fans be eating good this season
Skins are hilariously bad, but other than that it looks awesome!
I didn’t get any heirlooms
What was that other thing in the care package, it didn’t look like a weapon
ima buy that path skin its so cool 😍
This looks so sick
So what is the level 100 battle pass skin?
Free heirloom shards
This is what Apex needed, actually looking forward to the future of this game now
” Apex Mobile is now on PC”
Heirloom shards for completing the battle pass. Alright, i like it. Let’s see if it stays 🤪
Console still locked to 60 fps.
Ok… Ok… Maybe this season will redeem shutting down AL Mobile and that cancelled single player Titanfall Legends game…
I can’t wait for good banilens patch and tdm and hopefully a map update
Its good to see that finally it’s gonna be some changes!!!!
This is the BIGGEST W from respawn in a while great job I’m actually excited to play again
I need that heirloom. This would be #5
Banners can craft in crafting station?
I miss titanfall so much
Wow. Great new skins. And will make a better matchmaking system too?
This season is bringing so much fun. I am getting exicted finally. I love it. APEX LEGENDS W !
Thank God they didn’t reveal a new legend. I was so tired to see a new legend every season. So refreshing and would probably come back once the update is released.
Crafting expired banners is a HUGE W
I haven’t been this excited since season 9
2:05 is just a 3d animation or can we actually use ash‘s sword as a melee weapon?
Выглядит очень сочно
Y la nueva leyenda de todas las temporadas? Xd
Mirage just dancing in the middle is so real
Honestly liking the positivity from the fans and the work that the dev’s are doing
Support class is going to be carry
love the crafting mobile rez thing
Revenant needs a buff
Did he just craft an expired Respawn card???
this season looks to be like the best season in all of apex
Letssss GOOOOO
0:27 That’s rich, coming from you, Rampart.
(Paperbag Rampart Skin when?)
Oooo this is gonna be interesting 🎮🎧🔫😎😎😎
I hope they actually make the game fun, and me not getting bodied by wraiths with 1000s of kills lol
No new legend ??
Are we there yet?
wait so what is the ability wattson caustic catalyst and rampart got out of this ?
You can craft teammate banners😳
10/10 Trailer
I already has all legend now 🙂
W rework cause I was about to rework me a new game to play on 💀
Wouldn’t be an Apex trailer without a one shot peacekeeper clip 😂
All aboard the mirage voyage
I hope that’s not it for the skirmisher class, looks pretty useless. Mirage could use more
Th horizon skin 😮
I can’t wait
just fix the servers to handle the game launch for this new season
I’m curious now if they keep the 15% damage reduction still with the bulkier legends or will it get scrapped next season? 🤔
Let’s get this party started !!! 🥳🥳🥳
NO.. new legends ??
You get a Heirloom!, You get a Heirloom! EVERYBODY GETS A HEIRLOOM!!!!! 🎊🎊
Apex legends cartoons season
No Mobile stuff? nooo
FINALLY TEAM DEATHMATCH . tired of losing every battle royale with randoms
I was losing hope in apex and now I think I will redownload it this season
Sounds like another good year for Apex. I am ready.
1:00 new stuff in carepackage?
man i hate that gun already…
Mirage not dying for once and getting everyone? That’s a once in a lifetime moment
Finally nemesis has come the titan gunnnn!!!
Yea titanfallllll!!
W SEASON, great job respawn!!!!
Banner buy backs? WOAH
I love when they didn’t give Horizon an heirloom so fun and amazing!
But seriously, considering I stopped with last season, I think this season will be mega fun especially with the new TDM mode.
i wouldnt mind if rhapsody joins in randomly after all the skins were musicy
Just deleted this game a day before season 15 dropped and seem no reason to download it back😂
where the announcer chan
Love the new EA intro!!
Big W
Zzz zzz
0:48 can I has this emote already plz
Free hairloom??!!
Mirage Voyage is back 🥹
This may have just saved the apex community
It feels nice when I can say I’m looking forward to this season ❤😊
Now I know why there is not TITANFALL 3. Because the Source Engine is CURSED xD Every game ever made with Source never had 3rd title 😂
Respond finally did it a good season!!!
This looks good
aughh helmok >>> new gun im quite sure
wow beautiful 😍😍
Wished my Xbox didn’t break😢
With all the upcoming changes im actually excited for a season again i cant wait to play it after school.
Yes.i like it
Game going in the right direction now 👍
Finally i can get myself a heirloom
Bro they did not disappoint with this trailer
I really REALLY hope that this collection event will have the price half off like the 2nd Anniversary Collection (from what I remember).
I bought the packs I couldn’t craft because it was quite the deal then.
Don’t tell me tdm is just 6v6 arenas
New legend?
Sounds like nemesis is 3 burst
So no cross prog yet… L
ЛГБТ gоvнo
Why valk bp skin not reveal?
ok its been a long time but im hyped!
Well that was good.
Time to test out my Marvelous gas!
Time to get this party started
New agent?
Alright COD, I had fun for a while but I’m back to Apex now! 🥳
Bobz where are you?
This is truly incredible and I think it’s going to be one of the best seasons in a long time
Let’s go finally the confirmation of the shards
This left me speechles :09
Oh my god I am so excited. An apex trailer has not given me such a huge smile in such a long time
L game without Cross Progression
huge w
No 120 fps:(
Common respawn L
150 shards. Dreamland
This season is giving me so high hopes of the game, literally can not wait for tuesday!
Time to destroy
Looks fun.
The game play trailer is awesome
Mirage voyage is back that’s about the only good thing about this new season
3:42 thematics are back
That’s it?
Not bad
Recon OP 🤦🏽♂
bring back apex mobile please
Best trailer in a long time
Grande apex lo malo es que no tengo pc
Bruh, Apex Mobile…
nice rising
Trust me, y’all are gonna love Team Deathmatch
Basically Arena 2.0
Hopp lets goo
Cross progression plz
So hyped and excited.!!! can’t wait to play TDM
Congratulations respawn and the whole team you all deserve a huge 🥳🎉🍻
New recolors more money Ok, no new era 😂
I’ve been playing since season 3. This season and the updates are the most excited I’ve been. Super stoked. Apex is its own phenomenon
The changes aren’t hype. But they are so important and better than anything else in the long run.
btw private TDM matches please…. with just a few players.
they resue charm as balloon so orignal
Came for the new valk skin
Hi daddy is here
Attention horrable memention
Let’s go
I can’t wait for this new permanent mode that they’ll remove in 2 years because everyone said they would like it but they actually just whinge and complain about it 😊
I really cannot wait to get in a ga-
*Retrieving Matchmaking List*
Rega buongiorno
When all hope was lost… they pulled through!!
This vid will decide if the devs are going to need to lock all the doors of their houses tonight
Премьера говна начинается
tsm winnig has revived apex
Fix the servers Please
Whoop whoop bring on the hype train
This season is going to be a great refresh qith the game, with all the new classes, and how they are focusing on bettering the experience for the players is just great 👍
When will wattson gets some love man
Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeeeee!!!!!
Sin City wasn’t made for you🥶
Angels like you😇
Sin City wasn’t made for you😱
Angels like you😶🌫
I need solo mode
Mirage buff PLS
Let’s go season 16
I hope roadhog gets nerfed again, he’s still so broken on godd
Нам пиздец.
Let’s go
7 more minutes. Hope this trailer is good.
Bloodhound > seer
Better nerf Seer
Have a wonderful day legends, from 🇨🇦 to the world !
This season gonna be GREAT
We can all agree that he never disappoints us with his content :D.
Glad to see the meta changes. R301 nerf is hugely needed. I know people will hate that their crutch is taken away though 🙄😂
Js waiting for the biggest let down
With all the upcoming changes I’m actually excited for a season again, last time I was excited was season 4
what the f*** respon
do you think Mirage is a joke
the skin is f*****ing joking
look like a joker
what the f*** you guys made Hu?
New season time let’s go!
I Finnair bust
Let’s go!!!!
More dev videos would be welcome! There is a lack of interaction between the community, the playerbase and the developers…
Everyone else has something other than Mirage
This is going to be 👍
No matter how long I wait, I can’t find a game in the new modes, I waited for 1 hour and nothing
That Crypto Skin is mine😈😈😈
넋이 나갔군 얘 좀봐
Buff ash
i love the sheep tho. once one wally comment comes up, they flood. lol. thats our people now a daysl.
This has been the best Br for years. out here doing big things now. lets make it the best shooter
Seeing mirage gives me buff hopes
My friend and her boyfriend
I really hope that this season manages to help the Brazilian servers that practically died, and that above all it doesn’t make the matchmaking worse, if everything is right as it is said on their page, I’m sure that the season will be great for all players old and new that will appear
better be good
Can y’all release the next-gen patch…
The Devs worrying more about gameplay and less about what is between the legend’s legs is a good sign.
lets gooooo
everyone is saying this is going to be the best season… like they said it was going to be 5 seasons ago
Possible leak on incoming Pathfinder buff: He can still scan beacon but will become shorter with each scan, upon reaching minimum size (Wraith kneecap height) you can piggyback on teammates with a pistol equipped
Please don’t touch my mommy horizon ( make her better)
BUFF FUSE, he have 1-2% pick rate, buff Q and ultimate and passive, to carry more nades maybe
Lifeline buff please 🥺
I love how mirage is pointing into our wallets
That mirage skin in the thumbnail is gawd awful 🙈
I love that they didn’t give us a new legend this season. To focus on the game I was so close to giving up on apex but the news is so refreshing, rotating LTMS, revamped firing range, bots for new players, legend changes, ranked changes. I appreciate them taking this season to polish the game hats off to the devs 💯
I have had the battle pass done for like 4 months and I just can’t wait for this season to see what new prizes we have awaiting us
Ждëте Мабои?
Been a while since i played this
We need more rev
Mirage on the cover 👀
All nighter
Console players hoping for that sweet 120Hz mode 👏
Starting fresh again
i hope they give back octane his jump pad buff and cross progression soon please
I’m excited for all of this. I just wish they could add african servers too. It’s really a struggle to play with high ping every match and theres nothing much you can do about it even if you have the best internet your country has to afford.
Hope they updated the net code, the delay in this game is ruining it
Nemesis will be absolutely busted.
We need a gifting system update. Being able to gift current event items and event stores, battle passes, packs
Playing apex legends give me cancer.
Cross save, please! 🥹
Let’s gooo!
Hopefully there will be alot of content this season. i really want to play more apex but it has been falling down
lately, hopefully this season will have a new start
Can’t wait ❤
we are getting new servers and better audio in season 16 right
Lemme see that RN
Mirage always gets the ugliest skins 🙁
Lets go
Man I can’t wait
Praying everything comes out smoothly and Devs I wish you the best of luck AND I LOVE Y’ALL AND Y’ALL DESERVE A MASSIVE KISS😚😚💕💕
Lets goo another apex legends season i will not play under 1 week i hope they reduce the amount of space the game comsumes
Apex when no legend in new season:
Funni mirage preview mp.4
I wish I was never bored of apex 🙁 but we players gotta move on
Really disappointed that your shutting mobile version down and not even really caring☹️☹️☹️☹️
Also show us that wallet running this time we’re ready for that stuff! Just like octane.
I want the battle pass skin, so bad😵😫
love the part where bloodhound said I’m on the hunt and directly started to hunt for our wallets
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life died on the cross rose from the three days later so that you can have eternal life you just have to accept his gift of salvation and repent from your sins and surrender your life to him Jesus Christ for eternal life. God Bless Everyone
can’t wait!?
mirage buff?
Bruh, is this season not having a new legend? If so, that’s extremely disappointing
This game is my Therapy, helped me in so many ways and i have bonded with some legends that i dont see myself committing to anyother game , i’m decent at the game , master every season, but these last two seasons i have felt like the game just doesn’t love its players, there’s been this dryness and it seems like there’s no effort to make people stay in love with the game, there’s no need to focus on “money”, please the players and they’ll spend way more!!, I saw the trailer and the Dev deep dive and i have my hopes up again, please dont let us down again, dont throw this treasure away please.. that being said i hope this new season will be a positive turn around for both the players and the Devs, cheers guys ❤️❤️
I just saw a leaked Newcastle skin where he looks like ms marvel or a similar design to it lowkey should of made him look like captain America
Mirage is pointing at our pockets, “you just got bamboozled”
Truly an apex experience. I dropped a 4K on my main in the new duos mode and it apparently doesn’t count. A heads up would of been nice.
Please be good season
i’m gonna be mad if they don’t buff mirage
I haven’t completed a battle pass since meltdown. Eclipse hooked me enough to complete it, and I really hope Revelry is fun and refreshing so I can complete Revelry too.
Oh I can’t wait!
Mejoren los pases de batalla ❤️
Can’t wait to go broke 😂
My xbox got stolen so I haven’t been able to play since I can’t get a new one so I hope I won’t lag too far behind
No premiere
I love the part when Rhapsody came out of nowhere and said “Catch the hype” after respawn announced end of Apex Mobile. Truly an Apex moment.
Does catalyst die in the new trailer? I hope he does 😳 😳
Let’s hope EA steps it up
Pq siguen sacando videos si ya va a cerrar el juego, como nos quieren sacar plata hasta el último momento
Revenant on Top
I hope it is worth not disappointing
Rip Titanfall 3
meow chain
Some idiots bouta get mad but… I liked the bit gibby made you pay apex coins to enter his dome shield… TRUELY A APEX EXPERIENCE
I promise if this new season is still mid..
Loved the moment when octane placed his jumpad and jumped to our wallets
Hype! 🔥
I hope they deliver on more content instead of cosmetics. Please respawn, I’m giving you another chance!
Another gay trailer coming…
Who is the next legend going to be
Mirage buff or im overthrowing the government
Finally, some good f-ing food. 😌
Make or break season looks to be a maker!
Return of the Mirage Voyage 😮💨
Please remove vantage voicelines in this update
Is it going to be lit or no🤔
Comentario 200 saludos apex son los mejores🙏🏻👍🏻
Let’s Get it Started 😎
I love the part where_Truly an Apex Legends experience
Looking good but will find out in 18 hours … wow ok well W Gameplay Tralier! 👍✨️❤️
I liked the part where Mirage bamboozled the whole enemy team. Truly an Apex experience
I love how mirage is pointing at the 1000 dollars in my hand
Colorful Mirage is going to light this party up like a disco ball of awesomeness!
I don’t have a wallet but I have a bank account
Hi friends
I’m so excited about this update, and I hope it’s not too buggy and does not break the game. I’m rooting for everyone here. Also, I am hoping for some major adjustments in the public skill based matchmaking and can we change it from ranked all together it feels like the same game too much all the games retention is no based on skill based matchmaking we play the game because we love it and want to get better. Remember when you can pick the game mode easy, medium, hard? I don’t wanna play hard level all the time please help. Isn’t that what ranked is for when you want to do the hard level?
My favourite part is when loba said ” a company knows what it wants and what EA wants is down there ” And pointed down at our wallets
Confetti skin guys? Really that’s the best you can do?
The dev video was so good and has me excited! I hope this trailer highlights those changes.
Mirrage nerfs incoming?
New legend when?
May this game die! 🙏
It’s finally here
Cross progression
The positivity that is filling the community right now is refreshing to see. Now to see if it all comes together. WE ARE ROOTING FOR YOU DEVS!!!!
Who is the new legend
I love the part where Respawn teased a season full of fixes the community has been begging for a while right when they reveal the game has underperformed, truly a Respawn moment!!
Мираж соло
Bring Back Old Lifeline pls!!!!!!!
buff ash pls 🙂
Love the part where I got blam boozled and all my money way gone
Imagine a match full of Mirages
Mirage is pointing at our Cashapp cards
I love the part where Gibby destroyed the arena upon landing (similar to the asteroids wiping out the dinosaurs), truly an apex experience
Love the part where half the comment section says “love the part where.” An apex experience indeed.
Боже я уже так сильно хочу этот апдейт
I loved the part where Respawn added yet another legend, Truly an Apex Legends Moment.
There’s no new legend?
Truly an Apex Legends Moment.
120fps please.
ight who wants head in here
I love how mirage is pointing at our wallets signalling that he wants our money
My favorite part is when Wattson says “My adversaries are in for a shock” when they show massively overpriced skins. Truly an Apex moment
We wanted new stuff, they’re giving us new stuff. I’m satisfied.
Mirage just pointing to our wallets
I’m so hyped for this season
I love the part where duardo silva conducting apex games to steal money from my wallets.
My favorite part was when loba said “My favorite kind of loot – the kind that’s all mine” and she started stealing people’s wallets with her staff
Apex mobile revenge
I love the part where Mirage used his decoy to bamboozle me so he could steal my wallet.
I wonder what they have in store let’s see the surprise
your game has been down since yesterday
Finally ! It feels like Apex is putting all their cards on the table in season 16. Hope to get cross progression soon.😊
I’m just waiting for a better battle royale that gets released and, EA loses its dishonest income source.
Cant wait to see a full three stack pred team with charged up nemesis YIPPEEE!!!
Love the part where Fuse said “dropping the motherlode” and sent a team of EA employees to my house to steal my wallet. Truly an apex legends moment
can’t wait for those new expensive recolored skins.
Hey to y’all repeating the same haha “wallet joke apex” just give them a rest and let’s hope this season is a fresh start.
Love the part where revenant climbs deep into our wallets
Hate that mirage skin👎🏼
Vantage: “Prey there with a Level 1 wallet.”
Its good that situation with apex legends not so bad like warzone 2 or overwatch 2.
only when everybody thinking that they are dying, they are just made big changes and new plan for future for surprise everybody.
Apex experience
Mirage looks like he has his Fortnite suit on
Charge rifle hype for Storm Point ayyy!!!! Gotta see 30 charge in a game☠💀
Can somebody explain to me why it doesn’t say season 16?!?!?! Is apex restarting or something im cojfi2
Hey APEX ! Please add mirage skydive emotes in battle pass or event or store.
Yes, Pinata Fortinate Mirage skin
Pls put charge rifle in crate 4ever
Please add 120 fps for New season
With great power, comes great responsibilities
Hey, Dont fight with The storm point map Enjoyers!!! They’re only three and probably would gonna argue you >:(
Wow, More charge rifle spam? Yeah nothing to get surprise considering how Respawn “balance pretty well” this gun.
Cross progressing when? I‘m waiting like 2 years now
oh no mirage skin? nah i want wattson skins pls🙏🏻😭
Mirage points straight at my wallet 👉
time to get the party started 😎
Yes, Pinata Fortinate Mirage skin
please tell me cross save will be available
Tomorrow my birthday 😳
Wow I am so hyped for this new game called Apex Legends!!!!!
Yes, Pinata Fortinate Mirage skin
My favorite part is when Respawn released the “next-gen” update with no 120hz and had the audacity to call it a next-gen update. Truly an Apex moment
Happy 4 years of Apex 🎂
With great power, comes great responsibilities
time to get the party started 😎
Ash just made a one way portal to our wallets
Edit: luckily I was proven wrong
This is truly and apex moment !
Guess I’ll wait 🤷♂️
RESPAWN, why didn’t you guys add Rhapsody 🙁
Apex Legends Chapter 2 Season 1 Vibes 😊
why no new legend?
RESPAWN, why didn’t you guys add Rhapsody 🙁
Charge rifle hype for Storm Point ayyy!!!! Gotta see 30 charge in a game☠💀
new apex wow
Yes, Pinata Fortinate Mirage skin
Can’t wait!
I’m only here for the birthday cake
Mirage is poiting right at our wallets
My Favorite Part is when wraith said setting a portal and made a portal to our bank account
Wow I am so hyped for this new game called Apex Legends!!!!!
Storm Point is back?
oh no
why no new legend?
not bad
Storm point is back!
Yes I love storm point
please tell me cross save will be available
new apex wow