Apex Legends: From the Rift Battle Pass Split 2 Trailer
Get cozy with chaos! Purchase the Premium From the Rift Battle Pass Split 2 for 950 Apex Coins and earn Wattson’s “Nighttime Nessie” Legendary Skin at level 40. Then rip and tear with the Reactive “Ol’ Nessie” Mozambique at Level 60. Along the way, make your enemies feel the bite of Pathfinder’s Legendary “Paw Patroller” Skin and the Legendary “Legend’s Best Friend” C.A.R. SMG.
Climb your Battle Pass to unlock 10 Legendary Exotic Shards and ferociously cuddly Skins, Banners, Emotes, Weapon Charms, and more!
Upgrade to the Ultimate+ Battle Pass Split 2 and get all Ultimate Battle Pass Content, including the Instant Rewards: 1200 Crafting Metals, 8 Apex Packs†, an additional 10 Battle Pass Levels, and all Legends playable during the duration of the Battle Pass Split 2 for Ultimate+ owners. Plus, earn 10 more Exotic Shards and 2 Ultimate+ Legendary Skin Variants for Wattson and Pathfinder.
Requires Apex Legends (available separately), all game updates and gameplay to unlock battle pass content.
†Not available in all territories.
Want to learn more?: http://x.ea.com/apxl/battle-pass
Apex Legends™ is a free-to-play* battle royale game where legendary characters battle for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Play for free now on PlayStation® 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via EA App, Epic Games Store and Steam: http://x.ea.com/57366.
Check out our YouTube channel: http://x.ea.com/56710.
Follow us on X: https://twitter.com/playapex.
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Production Company: Electronic Arts & Dark Burn Creative
Sound Design and Mix: Respawn Entertainment & Mass Audio
All other categories: Electronic Arts & Respawn Entertainment
*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. Persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. This game includes optional in-game purchases of virtual currency that can be used to acquire virtual in-game items, including a random selection of virtual in-game items.”
Taqs:apex legends,apex legends season 23,apex legends trailer,apex legends from the rift trailer,apex battle pass,apex legends split 2,battle pass,battle pass split 2,ultimate,ultimate+,Wattson,Pathfinder,CAR SMG,Reactive Mozambique,apex legends skins,battle royale,apex legends ps5,apex legends ps4,apex legends xbox,apex legends switch,apex legends pc,respawn entertainment,electronic arts,titanfall 2
コメント (561)
As the saying goes”Only God can help us now”😢
oh no the furries have taken over
It took them five years to finally give Wattson a Nessie skin… and that’s it…?
Remove the grenade launcher
oh my god cringe
Are we stuck with this map rotation for another ranked split??? Absolutely egregious. So dumb. No inspiration to play at all
Esa skin hace años hubiera sido una mina de oro, ahora solo no importa
What happened to releasing actual trailers….Let me guess Big Boss EA not giving y’all the budget anymore?
Let’s make sick skins but 30sec to promote + buy 2 battle pass + force people to play more in order for them to unlock the skins
idk why but at this stage of apex as a whole it just feels like a game made by a smaller lesser known gaming studio lol. the fall off has been absolutely brutal
Hey EA, please sell Apex Legends to normal company, your just bad
Apex превращается в какой-то детский Фортнайт….. вы серьезно?!
Extraño el pase anterior que duraba toda la temporada 🥺 con este nuevo sistema no me agrada ahi poco margen para completarlo y otro ahi que pagar para mejores cosmeticos 😒 ya el juego me esta decepcionado
This trailer has the same amount of time as the time that they invested in to improve the game
Where’s the update?
Вы, таки, решили похоронить игру?
what this game really needs is yet another currency! That I would come back for
you win MOY parra xd
that VA strike got them FIENDIN for some voice lines
Got more excited about the Destiny Dawning ornaments than this, and that’s terribly sad ngl. 😭🙏
Nerf lifeline and Newcastle
They just teased only the 2 skins that are hidden behind the payment wall IN the battlepass. EA doing EA stuff I guess…
how we went from town takeovers to this?
# E-district Mode solo , Control + New Game Mode pls.
Can’t wait for the catch, cuz EA decided to make battle pass skins 20 USD
# E-district frei für alle überleben, jeder gegen jeden.
So you guys have TWO battle passes now?… are they high?
once again, a battle pass i will not buy !
# Solo Control Mode pls
That’s it Jesus we just got a Watson skin last season for Halloween
I haven’t been able to hear anyone in the pregame lobby for weeks but I’m glad to see we’re getting more skins
the last 5 apex players are gonna love this
Furry season
He needs a game that returns the squad mode, really, they will continue to lose players due to their poor content management. We don’t want more Nesis or strange game modes. We want more realism and to do something with the players who use Cronus Zen until the use of Hackers and things. rare on console they don’t do anything everything talks about PC and consoles they never do anything your anti cheat is the worst on the market they don’t ban and remove anyone it is declining and you will be left without players because of this.
By the way, they are only interested in monetizing, take out the relics of the missing legends, get serious
How far Apex has fallen , fitting for a legend I suppose, you DISAPPOINTMENT
The game Need Squad no Nessis🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😤😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬
No more Nessis 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😤😤😤😤😤😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😠
bp for digging money so bad
Too late for a Nessie skin and I’m a huge Wattson main since season 2
These splits are still one of the worst things you guys have done and something that kept me from returning when I took a break. I thought after backlash you got rid of them for subsequent seasons but i saw this in my feed so apparently not. Shame. Really destroyed this game by putting too much emphasis on monetisation and artificially lengthened BP grind and not enough on fixing up and adding to the fantastic core mechanics and gameplay.
Just look at this video. Of the over 7.5K that engaged enough to like or dislike, almost half are negative. Most of the 700+ comments are too. And they’re by far the most upvoted. Sure you may be making profits still, but sentiment remains at a low.
And it’s not just Apex, it’s an industry wide trend emerging with multiple live service games. People are getting fed up. You might want to get ahead of the curve now to stay relevant…
говно, переделывайте
Are they proud for releasing this?
30 Seconds trailer now? Wild… APEX USED TO BE DSO GOATED especially mid 2021
this trailer is actually so crazy when you think about it
and i mean crazy crazy
Oh look more skins for a game that can’t be bothered to fix their MMS on ranked and pubs or hit registration or any other their other thousands of glitches
I’ve been playing apex consistently since the beginning shame to see where it is right now
Ouch that hurt to watch
Thanks for sharing such valuable information! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
is it even possible to put less effort?
Bro wait this game is still on steam ? Im surprised they still even release content for it, game is more dead than my grandma who’s been dead for 50 years and she’s pretty dead
So glad I quit this game 😊❤️
Is this apex legends or kiddie shi
when player becomes more valuable than money then I will return to Apex.
Lol this game still exists 😂
Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh white noise.
Apex community is so ungrateful. Only toxicity here in comments. Crazy.
My estimated time: 0.5 nanoseconds and I’m not pulling out
just release titanfall 3 already, nobody cares about apex anymore
Im afraid next season is really going to be make or break for this game……..
literally only going to play this split for that Wattson skin, after that, bye Apex
I genuinely don’t see why people are leaving the game. I’m barely plat and I am having the time of my life playing ranked on Apex. Do people just not understand how to play games anymore?
Wha t
I love every second of this
crazy how it took your game dying to finally give players what they asked for SEASONS ago
I was giving myself flak for moving to BO6, but honestly I can’t bring myself to even launch this game anymore. What is going on?
Well I be super duper darned 🤘🤘🏾🤘🏻
that pathfinder skin is too cute to pass!!
This is….bad…
I really don’t want this game to die, so please Respawn do something worthy and revive the game. I genuinely love this game :c
Fix matchmaking and audio and MAYBE more us will spend money on the game again like we did 3 years ago
Boycott EA!
Even if you buy that skin, you will never be able to touch Nessie. Get a Nessie doll instead. It’s cheaper and touchable.😊😊
anyone know when will the relic event end? it’s way too annoying not earning badges
Just bring back arenas so those players can enjoy and come back to the game EA
настолько отвратительно, что захотелось веруться в Варфейс Карл!
One side of me really wants that pathy skins but the sendible side slapped me and mad me realize, this game dosnt deserve anything anymore.
Aw the Watson skins adorable, shame I gotta pay next months rent for it
Game is trash now
You know the game is dying when not even their usual top streamers are playing the game
I loved the part when Pathfinder said “I wish all of you could pay up tomorrow too, but youll be broke” and when Wattson said “Papa always said ‘take their money, they are useless peasants’ Im sorry you didn’t but I did”, truly an Apex moment
We dont care
I’m not playin this season 😕they going worst
looks dumb
Make something to apex dude
I used to atleast complete the BattlePass but looking at the new BattlePass 🤢🤮 I dnt think I’m going to complete it
30 seconds to showcase 2 skins
Having seen this my first thought is I can’t help but think this is purposely aimed at a younger audience, as in time it’s to get rid of the OG players maybe? I know I’m not too old for games in general anyone can play what they like in this day an age just that this has probably ran its course. Oh well.
They don’t even show you gameplay they just show you the skins they are going to sale
Apex fell off look at the views
I guess Apex has now became Fortnite?
My biggest problem with these battle passes is that they are not tied to any lore, probably cuz there is little to no story anymore…
when can i get these?!!!!!
I am honestly baffled as to how Respawn are either clueless or purposely ignoring their entire community. Amongst all the issues with their game’s position RN they chose to gave us Pajamas battlepass getting more and more closer to Fortnite b*llshittery
We need a new Christmas music pack
Those r just cool skins
Wattson pokemon face never disspointed
Yall still mad about a free game?😂
Um where tf is the new character 🤣🤣
What in the UwU is going on
its always nice to see the remaining 650 players in the comments
Awesome pathfinder and wattson skin, but something tells me this split battlepass thing isnt a very good idea. The artists for the skins will be unable to keep up with their ideas, and they will start releasing recolours in the battlepass.
Perhaps we judged Minecraft devs too harshly…
0:25 as they say to there game lol 😂
The game is on its way out Fortnite took there movement and has a first person Valerint like game I can only hope it finds a better company for the betterment of the game
read your comments and fix the game please
skins are so cute, but the game is dying.
this is embarassing
Where is the winter expres
as my friend from mha all might would say I AM HERE to complete this splits battle pass and wait for a more interesting update
Is this an out of season April Fools joke?
everyone shoulda got a dang onesie
When is the last time I’ve seen someone use a path skin?
We’re Cooked.
Why tf are we getting more Mozambique skins we got one last battle pass this battle pass and now another do something else guys
we better get that many nessies
Black Ops 6 & Fortnite it is. At least playing solo there isn’t mind breaking
A new legend?????
Que pedorro va estar el nuevo pase 😢
They don’t even care anymore… I still play Apex, I still love this game.. and I really don’t want it to die. The game is still fun, what you did when Alter released was amazing. There is people so talented working there… You have the power to make this game great once more. Yes, “fans” always complain about everything but some things are consistent and should be heard. Stop looking at it as a dying game from which you try to take the las drops of juice off.
We want a titanfall themed battlepass. Been a day 1 player and stopped playing because of all the cheating going on. I love the game but this isn’t it.
All things considered, the Nessie onesie is absolutely adorable
We are so back!
– Nobody
I loved this game season 1-12. I’m sure the actual gameplay wins out for most people as the core draw of the game but I feel lore and strong characters is equally important. For a while this universe seemed headed in a specific direction and now is aimless. I think with no Titanfall 3 coming and the changing of multiple hands, it has suffered tremendously.
Game so dead that no one even cares about the nessie skin
I’ll start playing again when a new legend releases and actual content is added.
Those skins are trash.
Does anyone still get excited for this game 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Half a battle pass for full price. Still. Classy, apex, classy.
I’m pretty sure respawn forgot what STOP ASKING FOR MONEY is like bro I could full out use this game as an example to teach my kids what the definition of greed is this game has more ways to buy things then to actually play the game now that’s sad
I told myself I was t gonna force myself to play next split. I might just bcuz of these skins. 30% chance I’ll get on tho
Porque en ves de sacar skins, mejoran el motor grafico y meten el modo de Arenas Rankeds de nuevo, pero con nuevos mapas y mejoras!!! Con eso Apex tendrá un respiro por un tiempo.
Epek is ruined.
30 seconds?!
The octane that drops solo can def last longer than this!
ngl, one of the greatest battlepass themes ever
There has to be another Titanfall planned by how much the Devs are showing they really don’t care about the death of apex
Wattson Nessie skin 4 years too late and no prestige skin with her lacklustre town take over. No Dive trails for older prestige skins either.😒
This game is for people who collects skins 😅
Apex casually dropping the worst trailer I’ve ever seen XDD
We saw 2 character skins and 2 weapon skins, and that was all the new stuff.
Also, aren’t there still like 40 days left in the current pass?
This ain’t the route you want to go. You were probably my favorite game at some point, now you’re choking like Nox victims.
2.2k dislikes and 3k likes
Apex is the best example of how to dig your own grave .
I absolutely HATE the new battle pass format. Hate it! Was vocal about it during the surveys.
Come on guys 😭 these are not Battlepass worthy!!!! Where are all the cool skins that you have locked away? Bring out the badass skins! 😂
Apex really dose live in the haters heads rent free 😂
aviadaRAM o pathifider
Ranked matchmaking fix????
no more cool octane skins ?
It’s Bad Trailer Apex legends so bad game
A good game getting hate for no reason? No seriously why all the hate
Bruh I can’t and they be seeing our comments of EA don’t stop being money hungry listen to people maybe this game come back to like I got over 6000hrs in this game back then use be on it heavy now like when I look at it all I think about is cheater’s and money 💀
What’s that background music
i wish apex took it self seriously like it did at launch. Now its a clown show like call of duty. And still has no gyro control. Pathetic.
so what happend to releasing new legends? yall just gave up on apex??
What’s the H E double hockey sticks is this??? you’re wasting money on creating a video of 30 seconds detailing two “ cozy “ outfits which they are not attractive and you don’t list
what’s coming on the battle pass? Gurl bye 👋🏻
Add solo ranked pleeeeeeeaseeeee
Same company that made Titanfall 2
Out of all the legends you could give a onesie to, pathfinder? Seriously? Looks so trash
Can we get an actual rework of the game. This is my favorite fps to play and you keep going like this it’s going to die before 2025 🤦♂️
Unsubscribing, too bad I can’t get the hours I’ve sank into this game
apex will go bankrupt when gta6 comes out
They finally did it, they make the Nessy skin real
this might actually be the worst season yet
I won’t lie, these are good skins, but it doesn’t fix anything
I love this
Aye can yall bring back the reactive skin for the wingman please and thanks <3
Juego muertoooooo…
But no costume for mirage 😤
People still playing this game?😂
You know your game dead when the only thing you have to offer every new season is JUST SKINS. Mind you skins are a small part of the games core concept. This is just sad and pathetic.
Apex legends, we need to talk.
Until they go back to letting us use our saved up micro transactions to buy the battle passes, this game is still DEAD to me😤😡
Please bring back quadssss 😭😭
30 secs? 2 skins shown and barely a look at the recolored mozambique reactive?
F skins
Let it go respawn and give us titanfall 3
Y’all need a new game mode. BR and mixtape gets boring.
Also, add trackers to other game modes. There is like no reward for playing the game whatsoever.
A whole trailer for 2 skins is crazy
Oh cool, 35 seconds of two skins! I definitely feel like I should invest in the Battlepass now…not
That’s it? We getting lazy at showcase videos now? Money that tight?
Yea I think I’m staying on marvel rivals , I’m not even thinking about playing rank next split will be playing rank in marvel rivals
Rest in peace may marvel rivals force u to properly upgrade or shut down
overwatch and apex legends are having a tough time indeed lol
R I.P.
Nah EA trolling at this point 😭
Its so annoying that the BP is split. Feels like season pass way to quick. I dont have motivation to play anymore or level the BP. Please use the old system.
It still exists?
What is apex now😢
More proof than skins are the main focus point
Everyone saying that they’re done with this game, yet here they are watching the trailer hahaha
I don’t even blame EA or Respawn for this slop anymore. There’s over 130k of you still playing this trash on steam alone. The longer u keep playing, the less ur gonna get out of it🤷🏽
They finally gave us the Nessie onesie that we’ve literally been asking for for years lol
I’m made that they think 2 legendary skins are an acceptable ammount for a battle pass
Bla Bla…but the people still play it. More or less but they do
“Split 2” hahaha come on EA 💰
Apex “fans” are so annoying. Seriously. Like shut up please. Yall non stop complain about everything, I mean my god get a hobby or play a different game. You don’t see me on Madden or 2K trailers commenting how trash the game is, cause I don’t care to play it. Literally move on if you’re gonna move on.
Soo crazy that all the same ppl come back to watch apex content just to trash it, those same players still play it
Without wraith😂 If she coming then without cute skin
The game is fun. Im just tired of the shop man Ive moved on
Rivals got everyone tryna stay relevant 😭🙏
Laziest dev timeline.
Well atleast the skins were good sorry the 2 skins were good good job apex goodboys
Guys please, get rid of these OG guns that you quote got rid off because it made the game too unhealthy and nerf lifeline. She did not need a rework.
I forgot they have split battle passes now… I still don’t know why though.
Worst servers, useless matchmaking, No reg bullets, No Audio
Seriously they couldn’t make something better. This look like if they based pathfinder skin on the kupo skin from final fantasy event.
We will ask them to make a Titanfall 3, the worst thing they could do is say no…
**Publisher driving our last hope into the ground**
Great…even the music is great…
0 out of 10
This looks like a trailer fo 2 skins, not a battle pass 😂
😢 how they did my boy path
That’s it? Nothing else??
Man I’m tired of pathfinder constantly getting skins 😭😭😭😭😭
Oh cool…anyways marvel rivals announced their Holliday event ☺️🥳
as a wattson player, this skin is a let down compared to what it could have been
Skipping this one. Smh
Is Vantage actually that unpopular for not getting any good skins?
If only they added winter express, Arenas, and flashpoint as a permanent mode. Not having enough modes, along with cheaters is apex downfall.
If only you did this 10 seasons ago.
This game used to be good.
Now I’m having the most fun on The Finals.
Wait the season is already over?
Yall tryin to hard to make Wattson just kawaii that’s literally her whole personality 😭
Bitte um
Eigenen spielmodus auf der Karte E-district mit verschiedenen neue Spielmodi & ohne Zuschauer Modus .
Beispiele :
E-district frei für alle überleben, jeder gegen jeden.
Beispiele :
3 oder 4 Squad wo mehrere Teams sich bekämpfen TDM , & so weiter.
Beispiele :
Arena Modus .
Beispiele :
E-district Zufällige Zonen einnehmen & halten Oder sprengen
30 second trailer and ten dollars for two battle pass skins??? 💀
Apex has like 4 game modes and wonder why they are doing bad.
Straight shot and Arenas as a permanent mode would make this game alive again.
The new Cosmic Abyss vibes are unreal—those skins and weapon designs feel like they’re straight out of a sci-fi epic. What’s everyone’s favorite so far?
Would rather have arenas then this. Time to delete🤦♂️
Wait the battle pass trailer before the battle pass comes out? Apex is really going to the oldways 😱
Jesus loves us all ❤️🙏🏼.
Why does Watson look like Marie from Breaking Bad
Bro I loved this game so much now I am embarrassed to even to talk abt it. Look what u did EA. Give this game back to respawn let them run it.
Stop splitting the season pass. Bring back the full 110-level pass so you have more time to get everything without losing anything!!! 😠😡
Not Even Reach 1 Minutes of Trailer??? Bro Thinks He’s Rock* Games.
At first I thought the two split pass would mean I could easily complete both, but I havent played this game since it started with this 2 pass per season model and before that I was playing almost daily since launch. They really know how to do it dont they
Just fix the game.
This game is dead
atleast the last 3 players will be happy 👍
More like teaser lol
Bring back season 3 Worlds edge
Please stop ruining your game I want to see apex make it past 2024
This was probably the worst battle pass announcement to date, holy cow
ToonCraft ….. they finally gave us the wattson skin from your animation video …
@apex i m askink to game director Ferreira , when old prestige skins will be updated with sky dive trails?
could at least use the same green as nessie
They need to really make everything in this game legit 50% off. Nothing is worth what they sell it for. And the store sales they have now are FAKE prices are higher than before.
I miss when I used to love this game man
What was that
Still nothing for Conduit 🙁
Apex has to realize not everyone is a pro. Casuals bring in way more income than pros as thaere are way more regular gamers.
I personally dont like that they brought Mixtape and removed one of the best modes. They made all the casuals quit.
😂😂😂😂😂 Nice
Bro just stop cheaters and get more new characters…even the ones from mobile. Y’all keep doing everything but what we ask because yall only wanna have a money grab. You can both get paid and have a great game we enjoy correct? Like we spend money on games we enjoy….
Nah I can’t defend this game anymore after playing Strinova.
А брутальный сезон когда наступит ?! Где серьёзные скины ! Агрессивные! Кровавые! Хватит этих милых, под анимешников делать !
Ok so wt is this about nothing good to see
This game has become a joke.
как мило))
I love that wattson ❤❤❤❤
Would be cool if YouTube allowed us to see dislikes. I know apex has so many dislikes😂
Trash Game
Theme is off but it’s wattson main Christmas gift
I swear make a trailer of 1 min and ill spend 160$ on the recolor of the recolor
This is sad. 🙁
No Arenas 👎 not joining back
Yeah Apex is officially dead boys, F in the chat.
This trailer is so bad might as well ratio them
Скины топ!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ до сих пор лучшая игра в мире !!!
Imagine if apex released a legend specific heirloom, arenas, cheaper skins. That could easily bring some casuals back. Too much damage has been done it seems though.
Watson the things you’re doing to me in that suit. Someone get the lights, this Vaseline bout to diminish
Always have fun hopping on Apex and loving the changes, both objectively and subjectively. Keep up the good work, Respawn, and try not to drown in the ill-conceived negativity!
Now imagine if you had released this 2 years ago when people actually cared about this game. Rest in pepperoni
Это стыд какой-то 😢
Watsson is the best ❤
remember to dislike!
I guess at least they published it on time this time, instead of a week late
At this rate, I hope they give us a cinematic or animation
30 seconds ?
That one solo wraith that drops solo lasts longer than this
@Apex Legends have you played Marvel Rivals😮 TRY IT if you haven’t! It’s FTP and it isn’t recycled and cut like 90s coke!
Zzzzzz apex😂
You know on one hand it’s sad uninstalling this game as I put a lot of hours and money because I enjoyed the game. But on the other hand it feels so liberating not playing this anymore after seeing what it’s become. Thank you apex legends, you were my favorite battle royale for a long time
Finally for Watson! Yeiii
This game has dropped by 300k players since February on steam. 2 skins ain’t gonna fix it
So 💩
Keep doing what you guys want to. Don’t listen to the costumers 😂😂😂
Sooooo…….. how about a Titanfall 3 ?
Give apex to respawn ea
Gang I’m bout to get my Watty skin then uninstall again💀
What are we doing here guys.. make game fun. Gamers will play it…
That’ll be $50
wow thanks for releasing skins instead of fixing the game 🔥🔥🔥
“Coziest battlepass” more like shortest and lackluster seasons 1-9 respawn really captured gold in a bottle with their cinematic trailers and the cinematic playable events now there is only corporate greed. Like opening pandoras box and treating it like a gojo figure smh
Le temps de vie de votre jeu sera déterminé à la fin des Championship.
You know it is EA when u see only 950 Apex Coins for Premium hahahahaha
wth is that
I’m reaching the point, where I have a favourite skin for every character. So I’m kinda not exited anymore about new skins
Gotta love the losers who come to every apex trailer complaining about the game despite saying they don’t play anymore. If you guys don’t play anymore then why watch the trailer at all? Why waste your time? Oh wait it’s because you do still play the game. How silly of me for not realizing sooner 🤭
Ours favourite is here Nessie
There’s so little content that the trailer only lasts 30 seconds… What a shame… And doing that when your competitors release content in spades… Just shut down already.
games dead titanfall 3 now
Idk what everyone says, cus they are stoopid.. i’m definetly need that wattson skin
Skin advertising Ad , see ? It’s not about the game anymore , they are trying to milk what’s left from those unsuspecting players who are still playing 😂
Use this comment as a Dislike button …..
this might actually be the beginning of the end of the end 🙏
Puh, ein Spiel wie Marvel Rivals bekommt von Tag 1 gute Skins hin. Ja, die jetzt kommen, haben auch Ihre Berechtigung, aber toll ist anders. Aber Schönheit liegt ja immer im Auge des Betrachters.
2 skins, a bunch of emotes already in the game, all at the same general spot on a singular map.
EA give up on this game like you do so many others, hand it off to someone who cares about the game and will pay to run high quality care.
As soon as rockstar gets done GTA6 I’m done with EA forever
Where Is titanfall 3
At this point I’m giving R5 Reloaded my money I rather support them at least they listen to the community
Fortnite ?
Thats was cute. Now where is the W A L L Running?
what is this nonsense?
That’s all? 💀
As a pathfinder main, I’ll put this skin an F tier
Cute 35 seconds I guess…, it kinda looks like they ran out of themes from the amount of cosmetics they kept pushing throughout the years.
I never though I would say that one day but this game is so finish…
That’s all? What a let down
The devs have officially phoned it in.
I’m happy to say a new game like titan fall is being made by a small creator if you have steam it’s in very early access look up diesel knights if you don’t just look up the name on YouTube
Oh cool. I’ll be on fortnite and marvel rivals. You have fun over there
I’m so glad I dropped this game
10000% obvious cheaters on console with xims and zens have never been banned once in their life. Maybe show you care a little and the game wouldnt be dropping
notice how they don’t walk in this trailer, this is subtle foreshadowing that respawn is going to remove walking for being too overpowered and difficult for controller players
Yeah more store update…
0:08 pathfinder laughing knowing I’m an to spend another 10 bucks on a game 💀
yea games dead
no lifeline cool skin ? pff…. and loba.. i want loba and lifeline cool skin like this
Please fix this game now
Tone deaf ea
I still love apex but until some changes are made that will bring players back I will be on marvels rivals in the meantime
Exactly why I don’t play this anymore. At least had a new weapon
Just release titanfall 3💔💔💔
Nice try diddy
Officially done with this game now for the 4th time in 5 years
Nah wth is this😪💔
Game fell off ngl
In Summer I had que times of 2-3 seconds
Now I’m waiting 2 minutes for a lobby with masters and ppl who have over 100000 kills.
If there is no fair lobby pls tell me and I don’t need to play.
Making it easy to skip the battle pass, nice
I’ve been playing this game, since it’s launch. The game is free, I don’t understand why people are complaining about spending money on it. It doesn’t even ask you to buy anything if you don’t want.
When do we get to know the new map rotations? Or are we in the dark for that as well.
Apex Legends 2019-2023 RIP
Ngl this dose feel like a desperate attempt at fan serves
Make Titanfall 3
I just took a huge dump
This game js having an identity crisis.
Not even Nessie Wattson can save you Apex.
The 5 whole fans are excited
so are those 2 skins the only skins in the battlepass? why only show 2 for 35 seconds? im just gonna ignore everyone and assume you pay 950 apex coins to only get a skin for wattson and pathfinder lol
there’s no hope for this game, like at all
Bring back mobile version
Well, I’ll keep sleeping.
They are really cute
i like it but be more creative on trailers
Juego muert0
imagine a nessie army game mode
I miss the old Apex.
El Fan Service si vende 🤙🏻
Patch notes 🐧
Only good thing about the second split is once I’m done with the first BP I don’t have to touch the game at all during the second split! I’ll just play other games
*ANYONE IN 2057 ?!!?💖✨*
I will not be playing this split of apex…
COD and Marvel Rivals looking even juicer rn after this trailer
Oh look more skins no fixes cant wait 🙂 (havent played in since the start of the season got so bored so easily l, new skins arent content)
I liked the part where loba says, Prepare to line your pockets. And people lined up all over the places 😂
Judy Skip
Not a dime!
Ngl i thought the split 2 trailer would release at the end of the season
0:04 страшно, очень страно
what a fruity battlepass
Okay frame 1 I needed this pass. Nessie Wattson is too cute.
The only BP i will finish this year.
That pass looks corny 😅 but oh well I just have to see the rest😊😂😂
they just had to release the nessie skin after I stop playing the game
Us: so what’s in the battle pass?
Apex: Nessie, oh and pathfinder
I’m sorry that people will be happy to take it.
Se van a forrar solo con la skin de watson😂😂
I would’ve appreciate if ya’ll kept the same seasonal cohesiveness for the entire season when it comes to skins, banners and overall cosmetics. This looks like a discarded event being put into the seasonal pass on the last minute. STICK TO THE THEME!!
please, bring back old battlepass system – you already saw that its not working.
who said you that you cant make changes every season or even in every day you want to
So apex went furry?
Pathfinder and Wattson jumping around the entire trailer sells this somehow?😅
Here’s a proposal for you Apex fans that are giving up on the game and are looking for something new: Marvel Rivals, the better Overwatch
No one thinks this split is a good idea. But sure go off and push out trailers.
This is sad man,tf3 did not get sacrificed for this
Cada vez skin peores
Tf I just watch?
At this point, I’m starting to believe it’s not just ea killing this game but respawn is just letting it happen. No new content, just over priced skins. Go play marvel rivals or fornite. Fortnite actually has better movement than apex right now. Fornite has wall running before apex even 😂
I would love to come back to this game but all the cheaters are out of control. Staying with Marvel Rivals 🤷
Wish Apex properly localized prices in non-USA countries relative to our cost of living here in Brazil but ig they don’t like money
One day this game will be great again.
this two season battlepass system is part of the reason why i stopped playing please switch it back or have permanent battlepasses please
here we go again…
games dying if they dont meet revenue goal this game will shut down they are desperate. they are doing everything they can to milk it while there are still players around
Airship Assassin needs to come back 😭
more colors more about woman good job guys keep digging
Woww almost made me think about considering buying this split pass.
Apex: 🏳️🌈
Titanfall: 😎
soooooo is pubs still gonna be an LTM? we still gonna experience more rubber bands than T.I. ? coooooool
Gusy remember season 3 third person mode 😭😭😭😭
No Nessie overload is gonna convince me to come back to this cash grab
What a fall from grace this game has become. Used to be one of my favorites to now falling to corpa greed. Saw this trailer and instantly went back to Marvel Rivals.
Wattson Nessie skin, 4 years too late. That’s a no for me since I’m done playing this game.
SKINS ARENT CONTENT! Stop the BS and do something new.
is so over
finally worth getting the battle pass havmet got it in over a year lol
Bull $hit 👍
Welp there goes my wallet screaming again
ban strike packs
Anyone know what the background music is? It sounds rlly nice
cu te😊
What was the point of this ? Just showed two skins 😢
Yall still playing this? 😅😅😅
long time apex player here and yeah just go play Rivals
Yo guys which way does the rank splits work this season cause I hit masters this split but if I don’t split 2 would I still get the master badge honestly dunno if they’ve changed it
pajama party from league concept
Guys wdym when u say apex needs more content like what else could they possibly add
I may be wrong, but this started as an Apextoon video, right?
Les bandes annonces c’est quand même de pire en pire il y a plus rien 😢
When will the return happen for Apex Mobile?
Im far from broke, respawn continues do do the same thing and expect better results. Unfortunately this game is in a downward spiral and they are milking as much money as they can.
coziest battlepass, shorties trailer ever lul
Man, 2 years too late
Still fun to be had imho
Do you buy one battle pass for the two splits or 2 battle passes?
Wattson looks so cute
People are still falling into EA and Respawns trap time after time again..
cringg but…
Hopefully the meta doesn’t stay what it is. It’s been not fun
> Bloodsport
> constantly getting shot at
> Wears pajamas into combat
you miss out on some money if you dont make the wattson onsie IRL 😀
I’m playing Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s sooo good
Oh no, now we get furries in apex…🤦🏻♂️
apex doing the bare minimun and players are leaving this game is amazing❤❤❤
Ugh I wish this game was good again so could actually have a reason to buy that wattson skin…. 😔
чёт гейский слишком
ah, pure cringesium
Watching your channel is like diving into a world of amazing discoveries and new knowledge. Keep inspiring us with your videos!🐨☃️🥂
I love the hair.. but really… the costume is kinda.. i XD
Game still has a special place in my heart but PLEASE get rid of the cheaters.
Did they really just show us only two skins from the battle pass o-o?
rare respawn W
ابكس ليجند موبايل
What kind of soy bomb did they drop on the game?
So sweet❤
Get new servers and a new game engine! Fix matchmaking!!!
Going to give myself a heart attack from this AHHHHHHHHH LETS GO!
Can’t wait to not buy anything 😁
Skins are not new content EA
FINALLY a Wattson onsie skin and a kawaii battlepass!
Cool BP, everything else is big poo poo.
Game is so down the drain they don’t even release proper 2-3 minute trailers anymore, just 30 seconds of whatever this bs is.
Skins = not content.
переделывайте мне не нравится
Can we have titanfall 3?
AS a as a Wattson main, instabuy.
The bloodhound heirloom looked really cool. Then I remembered it would eat half my paycheck and went back to marvel rivals.
Finally, The nessie skin 🛐🛐🛐
Release date in India
Remember everyone, there was only 12K people playing this game a couple days ago, it’s literally dying and respawn and EA know this and continue to end it, just cancel the game at this point
Please bring arena back😭
No acabe ni el primero por la chamba me faltaban 10 niveles vale vrg
That’s gotta be the best BP trailer
Can’t Wait to buy it ngl
Czekam na takiego samego skina do revenanta ❤
Yeah not my piece of pie.
What is is Duo Ranked! Anyone else up for it?
500 años una skin así para wattson
Added these skins a lil TOO late 😭😭
Can we have lifeline wearing a onesie 😍
Your game has the lowest playercount it has ever seen, I suggest working on the actual game and core mechanics instead of releasing skin after skin after skin because apparently you guys are just trying to milk as much money from it before the game is dead and gone.
God i love boycotting EA. Dogshit company. Dogshit executives. Dogshit investors.
When will you realize nobody cares about skins
We fixing the map rotation or what?
Wow. 😂. That was pretty lame. They need to step up the trailer and games and all the events are not doing well fix the service and the ranks system maybe you’ll make more money 😊😂
Bills cannot be this high
Now that I start playing Wattson
delete the game 🗣️🔥‼️
Nessie skin yesss
Cute now bring back arenas and the boeck
Best battle pass ever
Looks good, won’t be buying or playing this split, but looks good
Finally getting the Nessie skin…. But while the game is in probably it’s worse spot in history
Where’s customs at apex
Fell off
Is the weapon for the battle pass the car or the mozzam
I’m main wattson now!
Wait a pajama party?!?!
Can use players join in?!😊
Dope skins
wow !!!!!!!!!
Hopefully new content besides just the bp and new skins to buy
Thank you Moy for the Nessie onesie idea ❤
Im good 👍
People looking forward to this event good Mark
Split 2: Nessies🐍 and even more Nessies🐍🐍🐍
Ok I might need to play this next split…
Do i have to buy this with 950 again?
Just let this game die already man…
Finally…after so long she has a Nessie skin 😫
Wattson skin ❤❤❤❤
Old battle pass was better
add new good content to the game ❌ add new skins 🤑🤑🤑
This game is so dead just give us free battlepass at this point
Stop with the splits and go back to one whole battle pass bruh 🤦🏾
Love it!
Fix the Game 🥷🏾
Kenny wants this Watson skin, he’s a little too invovlved with Watson if you ask me 😏
yeah game is done
bring back arena permanently and im back on
W skins so far ngl
Gonna love not playing this split 😍